
tseliottjaalton: why can't I find the source code of xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (the one in Intrepid) here? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics10:20
tjaaltontseliot: because it's xfree86-input-synaptics10:21
jcristaus/input/driver/, even10:21
tseliottjaalton: xfree86???10:22
tjaaltonit's just a name10:22
tseliotyes, I know10:22
tjaaltonthat's what the tarball name used to be10:23
tseliotI'll have a look at the code since my touchpad is not very responsive with the latest release of the driver10:23
tseliottjaalton: I have tracked down and fixed the problems with my touchpad11:58
tseliotI had to change the values of only 3 variables in synaptic.c11:58
tseliotwhat shall I do now? Send a patch to upstream?11:59
tjaaltontseliot: you changed some defaults?12:05
tseliottjaalton: yes, RTCornerButton RBCornerButton and MaxTapMove12:08
tseliotI set them back as they were in the last version which worked for me12:08
tjaaltonyou should check git master then12:09
tjaaltonsorry, cgit.fd.o :)12:11
tjaaltonor http://gitweb.freedesktop.org/?p=xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics.git;a=summary12:13
tjaaltongit clone git://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/xorg/driver/xf86-input-synaptics12:13
tseliotthanks a lot12:14
tjaalton*CornerButton are off by default?12:14
tjaaltonthat probably won't change12:14
tjaaltonanyway, you can change it with xinput12:15
tjaaltonif the gui doesn't support it yet12:15
tseliotwhich package?12:16
tseliotmaybe I can fix it myself12:16
tjaaltonthe gnome mouse capplet12:16
tjaaltongnome-control-center probably12:16
tseliotI'll have a look at it12:17
tseliotBTW when building the package it complained about the lack of a README and of a TODO file12:19
tseliothmm... synaptic.c has changed a bit12:24
tseliottjaalton: I had a look at the gnome-control-center (the one in trunk in the gnome svn) and they removed the touchpad tab from the gnome-mouse capplet12:36
tjaaltontseliot: no, look at the ubuntu package12:38
tjaaltonwgrant made a new patch for it12:38
tseliottjaalton: ok, I didn't know. Let me have a look12:39
* wgrant is fairly sure it works.12:41
tseliotwgrant: what does it do exactly?12:42
wgranttseliot: What do you mean?12:42
tseliotwhat does the patch do?12:42
tseliotyour patch12:43
wgrantIt gives us a Touchpad tab that uses XInput properties to control the touchpad.12:43
wgrantActually, the g-c-c one just sets gconf stuff.12:43
wgrantg-s-d does the dirty work.12:43
tseliotah, sorry I should have read patch 2612:44
tseliotwgrant: I would like to make it possible to enable right click by tapping on the right side of the touchpad12:45
tseliotit should be just additional line of code12:45
wgranttseliot: One can do that for corners.12:45
wgrantBut I'm not sure about sides.12:45
wgrantIt's easy enough to add.12:46
tseliotyes, for corners12:46
wgrantThey just removed that from the defaults upstream, right?12:46
wgrantAre you able to work out how to hack it into both? It's fairly obvious, I think.12:46
tseliotyes, it is12:47
wgrantI already deal with a multi-value one somewhere.12:47
tseliotat first I modified the driver but then, after talking to tjaalton, we came to the conclusion that I should edit the ui12:47
tseliotthe maxtapmove should still be fixed in the driver though12:48
tjaaltonmaster uses autoscale for maxtapmove12:48
tseliotand what would kde users do?12:48
tjaaltonswitch the desktop?12:48
wgrantKDE users would get their own solution.12:48
wgrantAs they don't use g-s-d, I suppose.12:48
tseliottjaalton: yes, I noticed the change. What do you suggest that we do?12:48
tseliotwgrant: I'm asking since I use both desktops12:49
tseliotI'll talk to Riddell about that12:49
tjaaltontseliot: I suggested that you tried the master version of synaptics to see how it works for you :)12:49
tseliottjaalton: is there a script to update the source of the deb package from git or shall I do a make && make install?12:50
tjaaltonjust copy the debian dir on the git clone'd dir12:50
* tseliot > lunch. Bbl12:53
wgrantInteresting autodetection changes upstream.12:53
wgrantEdge scroll being on by default if double-tapping can't be detected, and off if it can.12:53
wgrantAnd two-finger tapping the opposite.12:54
wgrantEr, two-finger scrolling.12:57
wgrantPerhaps a good idea, but it is going to confuse a lot of people.12:57
tseliottjaalton: tapping is completely disabled with the driver from git13:52
tseliotand the cursor moves more quickly13:52
tseliottjaalton: can't we just change the maxtapmove in the driver we have in Intrepid and make users modify the right clicking through a GUI?13:54
tseliotrather than pulling the latest driver from git13:54
tjaaltonI just wanted to know how it behaves13:55
tseliotah, ok13:55
tjaaltonsetting maxtapmove back to 200 probably should be done13:55
jcristautap to click is teh evil13:57
tseliottjaalton: 220 please13:57
tjaaltontseliot: is it such a big deal?-)13:59
tseliotthat was the value which was previously used13:59
* tseliot considers blackmailing tjaalton...13:59
tjaaltonhmm ok, according to the ml discussions it was said to be 200, but git should know14:00
tjaaltonsend a crate of beer and I'll deliver the new driver on a velvet cushion ;)14:02
pwnguincanonical - 10 patches to x.org 0.0466%14:19
pwnguini wonder if that includes the time during which daniel stone was employed14:20
tjaaltonthat was quite an attack from gregkh..14:22
pwnguinand hardly constructive14:22
jcristauit was also quite true, from what i can tell, so..14:24
pwnguinI wonder where progeny falls on that list ;)14:26
jcristauprogeny doesn't exist anymore14:27
jcristauso it's not relevant?14:28
pwnguini think it might be representative of a different model than say SuSE or RedHat14:30
tseliotwgrant: I have never dealt with gconf before and I was wondering how keys such as /desktop/gnome/peripherals/mouse/tap_to_click are connected to real properties14:38
tseliotor how/where do I find names such as "vert_scroll_toggle", etc.?14:40
tseliotah, they are in libgnome...14:57
tseliotthis still doesn't tell me how a new gconf key can be connected to, say, RTCornerButton15:05
* tseliot looks in the gnome-settings-daemon15:06
Ng_jcristau: so I just got an X server running -intel in the infinite loop state15:15
Ng_gdb is mostly refusing to attach to it though15:15
Ng_the first time, it said: /build/buildd/gdb-6.8/gdb/linux-nat.c:988: internal-error: linux_nat_attach: Assertion `pid == GET_PID (inferior_ptid) && WIFSTOPPED (status) && WSTOPSIG (status) == SIGSTOP' failed.15:16
Ng_and now it's just hanging when it tries to attach15:16
Ng_so I'm not sure I can be any more useful than I was when this happened and I didn't attach gdb ;/15:17
Ng_and it looks like I have to reboot now, X will respond to a -9, but segfaults thereafter15:20
tseliotwgrant: ok, I understood how it works. Ignore my previous questions15:22
jcristauNg_: maybe disabling dri helps15:22
Ng_jcristau: it might help it not crash on me I suppose, but it won't help me find the bugs :)15:23
jcristauNg_: it might help narrow down the bug, too, if gdb doesn't want to cooperate15:24
Ng_argh, now X crashed right after the desktop finished loading15:25
Ng_I really appreciate all the work Intel are doing, but their drivers seem to be a bit.... interesting15:25
Ng_what the deuce, it segfaulted again after reboot15:34
Ng_I'm really starting to wonder if there is something wrong with this hardware15:34
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
NgWindows seems to be entirely stable on it though15:35
Ngand now it's looping again. This was never entirely stable, but it's never completely broken on multiple successive boots before15:46
tseliot1tjaalton: I can implement top-right bottom-right tapping for the right click in the gnome-control-center, however it would be too much work to do in for KDE 4 too (at least for Intrepid). Can't we restore hardy's behaviour in this regard, so that if users enable tapping they get automatically the right click too? If they disable tapping my changes to the driver won't affect them. What do you think?15:55
tseliot1tjaalton: this would mean that we keep wgrant's patch as it is and modify only the driver so that it behaves as it used to do in Hardy15:56
tseliot1federico1: I have updated screen-resolution-extra in addition to what I wrote in the email which I sent you16:01
tseliottjaalton, federico1: I might have missed your replies because of problems with my Internet connection16:54
jcristauyou didn't miss anything16:55
tseliotjcristau: ok, thanks16:56
tjaaltontseliot: you don't need to care about kde17:08
federico1tseliot: oh, I hope to start checking it out today or tomorrow (been fixing other stuff)17:09
federico1tseliot: I haven't replied yet :)17:09
tseliottjaalton: I do care about it because I use gnome on the desktop and kde 4 on my laptop17:09
tseliotfederico1: ok, no problem17:10
tseliottjaalton: I hope to fix this by adding the support for input to X-Kit in Ubuntu 9.04, however I would like the right click to work on 8.10 too17:11
tseliottjaalton: would it be a problem to restore Hardy's behaviour?17:12
tseliottjaalton: I could write a patch which we could use only in Intrepid17:13
tjaaltontseliot: please do17:18
tseliottjaalton: ok, great, I'll do it17:19
tjaaltonstill no xserver 1.5 support in fglrx 8.917:31
tseliotyes, I know...17:42
tseliotan SRU will be required after Intrepid is released17:42
tseliottjaalton, bryce: I have prepared a patch for the touchpad and I have also the source with the changelog, etc. ready. Shall I file a bugreport and post the links to the files there?18:22
brycetseliot: yep18:22
tseliotbryce, tjaalton: here's the link (and yes, I know that main is frozen): https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfree86-driver-synaptics/+bug/27182318:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 271823 in xfree86-driver-synaptics "[intrepid] touchpad less responsive and top/bottom-right corner tapping disabled" [Undecided,New] 18:35
tjaaltonfrozen for alpha618:41
tjaaltontseliot: please attach just the patch18:41
tjaaltonsince the driver is maintained in git18:41
tseliottjaalton: ok18:41
tseliottjaalton: ok, I posted the link to the patch18:45
bryceshould that patch also go upstream?18:45
tseliotbryce: no, since upstream code has changed too much18:45
tseliotbryce: this is just a temporary fix to restore Hardy's behaviour in Intrepid18:45
* tseliot > dinner. Bbl18:47
brycetjaalton: btw have you put in for sponsorship for the uds?19:23
tjaaltonbryce: nope, not yet anyway. I'll ask my boss first if he's ready to send me there like before ;) (to get the daily allowance etc)19:25
brycecool.  looks like the procedure is a bit different this time around19:26
bryceinstead of me putting in names directly, there's a form to fill out and you pick a brainstorm idea to champion.  the due date for that is the 25th19:27
tjaaltonyep, I even poked brainstorm.u.c a bit.. what a mess :)19:27
pwnguinjust pick something that's already done ;)19:28
tjaaltonand I even commented on the one that demanded widescreen resolutions for failsafe19:28
brycetjaalton: btw, I'm getting to understand acpi-support quite a bit better19:31
tjaaltonbryce: so, should we purge it?-)19:31
bryceno, but it needs some serious work19:31
bryceI definitely agree we need to close the gap with debian on this19:31
bryceunfortunately it's not so simple as to re-use their package 19:32
pwnguinacpi-support was mjg's brainchild, no?19:32
brycelike 80-95% we can probably use as is; there's some bits that are there to delete stuff from the ubuntu package, which would need to be redone19:32
brycealso debian and us have very different debian/ directories, that would need to be sorted out19:33
brycepwnguin: it started life as some scripts from him, but as I gather, it was mainly put together and maintained by another gyuuuuuuy19:33
brycedah, damn keyboard repeats ;-)19:34
pwnguinwell, i saw that it was orphaned in debian19:34
pwnguinand someone picked it up from mjg, but i havent paid much attention to it otherwise19:34
bryceThom May19:34
brycepwnguin: in Debian Bart Samwel has been extremely active on maintaining it19:35
pwnguinit kinda seems like a competitor to HAL19:35
bryceaiui, it wrappers HAL19:36
bryceor at least the debian version does19:36
bryceour version lacks this (which I think possibly might be the source of some of our recent hotkey/acpi issues)19:36
pwnguinwell, i just looked enough at it to see if the toshiba scripts did anything relevant to me, and it didnt =/19:36
pwnguin(ages ago)19:37
pwnguinhmm. tab works, and alt works. wonder what alt+tab doesn't19:37
bdmurraybryce: shoud bug 248521 not be an issue anymore?21:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 248521 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "vmmouse seems to register incorrect x,y values for mouseclick" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24852121:10
* wgrant wonders what ATI thinks they're playing at.22:23
jcristauwgrant: they want to see everyone switch to radeon22:26
jcristauor buy nvidia hw22:26
wgrantjcristau: Heh.22:30
brycebdmurray: regarding 248521, talk to timo to be sure22:57
bdmurraybryce: okay, I noticed an install I was testing today had no mouse section22:59
brycebdmurray: right, it now uses evdev automatically23:04
Ngis anyone else seeing the intel driver getting wedged when they unlock their screen sometimes?23:54
bryceyou're on i855 still yes?23:56
bryceis it hanging or crashing?23:56
NgI get the background and a cursor, but everything else is wedged, and the log has messages about the server looping23:58
NgI've had it a few times on G45, but not in the same circumstance, that was more logging in related23:59

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