
mralexandrocould it be "cairo dock" or compiz or something that makes the system goes slower or could it be virus?00:00
_Zeus_that's cause kde is weird00:00
_Zeus_compiz could definately slow down your syustem00:00
BsimsNor wmaker smartypants00:00
mralexandrobut a 3gbram 2,4ghz core duo, nvidia 8400m gs, it should handle it right?00:00
lasaryusis there a command for rebooting the router?00:01
cyphasedoes anyone know how to set the title of a VLC window from the command line?00:02
=== FrozenFire_ is now known as FrozenFire
farvai need help with my ipw and connecting to a wpa network00:04
roukouni just installed flash and java in opera and everything is ok but there is a weird font with the greek language00:06
roukounany ideas?00:06
EvilDaemonUh, install firefox?00:06
lasaryusis there a command for rebooting the router?00:07
tyler_Im having a bit of trouble, its like someone changed my passed i tryed a sudo command and it says my password is incorrect00:08
genii!es | sergi00:08
ubottusergi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:08
wolisergi: #ubuntu-es00:08
amt2hi, I am having problems with my sound/video. When I use the comptuer after a while, for no apparent reason my videos/sound stop working. It has also happened to me that, say, a firefox active window turns gray, and then it kind of freezes, like if the graphics card were having an issue. Any help? THanks00:09
woliamt2: totally grey or just in gray sclae?00:10
sergixip xap................................00:10
woligrey scale: the application is not responding00:10
tyler_Whats the command to create a new user00:10
geniisergi: Lengua inglesa aquí. Español adentro #ubuntu-es #kubuntu-es00:10
wolityler_: like a console command?00:11
tyler_woli: yes00:11
amt2woli: in gray scale00:11
woliamt2: that means that the application is not responding... nevertheless, most of the time the application will respond again after a short while00:11
farvahey i need a little help with my wireless00:12
^Phantom^- what the world needs is Windows software to snoop on sysadmins00:12
badfishwindows is shitty enough as it is00:12
wolityler_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:12
amt2woli: ok... but after that happened, other things kind of went wrong too... after a while other windwos were not responsive, and in the end i couldnt open any windows, as if the 'desktop' just wasnt responding00:12
geniibadfish: Agreed00:12
amt2if i opened a terminal, it was all black and I couldn't see what i typed00:12
badfishthat's why i switched to ubuntu00:12
woliamt2: like you couldn't drag or anything? not even select icons?00:13
Prez00i apologize for asking this here, but maybe someone can point me in right direction.. is there a #windowshelp channel somewhere?00:13
amt2im not sure if dragging, but if i clicked on a window that was minimized, it wouldnt come back00:13
phantomcircuitim using transmission and i set it to put torrents in the Video folder00:13
BsimsHelp, I don't have any toolbars in gnome how do I show them00:13
mib_upbly9ikneed help with updating ubuntu.  can I upgrade to a current derivative (like gOS) from 6.06LTS?00:13
PiciPrez00: ##windows00:13
phantomcircuitbut now it's putting them on my desktop00:13
no-soundneed help with my sound00:13
myles7897`When ever I am typing my scrollwheel gets activated. How do I fix this?00:13
no-soundno sound, that is00:13
wolibadfish: and do not expect to rubb that on ##windows without getting contradicted... is like those dudes were brain-washed to love windows or something...00:13
IndyGunFreakBsims: disable desktop effects and see if htey come back.00:13
Picimib_upbly9ik: gOS is not a derivative of Ubuntu that we support.00:14
amt2woli: although that doensn't usually happen, it has happened two times now, but the main problem is that video/sound stop working after a while00:14
=== myles7897` is now known as myles7897
Prez00Pici: thanks00:14
IndyGunFreakfarva: whats your wireless device00:14
mib_upbly9ikPici ok.  what derivatives are supported?00:14
woliamt2: what do you mean with video? the whole screen or impossibility to play videos (like youtube) ?00:14
Bsimsthey do if I disable desktop effects00:14
Picimib_upbly9ik: Ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, gobuntu, edubuntu.00:14
woliamt2: what are you using to route audio? PC speakers, a stereo in aux mode.... ?00:15
Bsimsbut I thought I'd try a blank gnome like a new user would00:15
arc_why is Linux better than Vista?00:15
Jack_Sparrowmib_upbly9ik Ubuntu  not derivatives00:15
amt2woli: for instnace in youtube, if i click play, the video runs for like maybe less than a second, then it doesnt keep playing, as if it were paused00:15
Jack_Sparrowarc_ offtopic00:15
woliarc_: in every way....00:15
Piciarc_: Try #ubuntu-offtopic for something like that.00:15
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!00:15
Bsimsnot being able to minimize or maximize things suck00:15
amt2woli: im in a laptop00:15
IndyGunFreakBsims: i just told you something to try..00:15
Bsimswhere do I go to do that...00:15
woliamt2: goto system > preferences > sound00:15
mib_upbly9ikPici gotcha.  and can one go to something like gobuntu 8.04 from ubuntu 6.06?00:15
Bsimsnot famillar with gnome00:15
woliand tell me which mixer are you using...00:16
IndyGunFreakBsims: system/pref/appearance/visual effects tab.. set it to none, and see if the toolbars comeback.00:16
amt2woli: it says HDA Intel (Alsa mixer)00:16
Picimib_upbly9ik: I suppose, I don't think there is a gobuntu 6.06 though.00:16
woliamt2: in every slot?00:16
IndyGunFreakBsims: using nvidia?00:16
woliamt2: sorry. not only the mixer, but every other chooser/slot00:17
amt2woli: no, i have Autodetect, Autodetect, Autodetect, CONEXANT Analog, HDA intel00:17
BsimsYeah IndyGunFreak00:17
woliamt2: set everything to alsa00:17
mib_upbly9ikPici ok, thanks00:17
woliamt2: and test it afterwards00:17
IndyGunFreakBsims: try asking in #compiz-fusion   I know that "used" to be a problem w/ Nvidia/Compiz.. but honestly, i thought it was resolved..00:17
amt2woli: what abotu the 'Device' slot? several say Alsa00:18
woliamt2: leave it as it is (alsa mixer)00:18
BsimsI had to make a selection in the visual settings to get it to take00:18
BsimsNow it works00:18
amt2woli: ok... done00:18
woliamt2: it is already in alsa00:18
sexcopterhi, does anyone know of any packages for transcribing handwriting to text? I just got a wacom tablet working :)00:18
woliamt2: did the tests work fine?00:18
BsimsI should probably report a bug because thats reallly annoying00:18
IndyGunFreakBsims: its not a bug.00:19
^Phantom^do i even need a software firewall for ubuntu if i already have a hardware one?00:19
phantomcircuitTransmission Is putting all of my downloads on my Desktop, but I told it to put them in the Videos folder, how do i fix this?00:19
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:19
amt2woli: no, they dont. I get: audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.00:19
BsimsIndyGunFreak: well I'd file it under wishlist00:19
IndyGunFreakBsims: whatever...00:19
woliamt2: i used to get that error....00:19
amt2woli: how did you fix it?00:20
^Phantom^k thx00:20
BsimsHrm while I am thinking about it... I can play videos full screen in vlc under gnome, but can not under kde, or wmaker00:20
woliamt2: trying to remember...00:20
axeusWhen I put my system into standby, upon resume compiz doesn't function properly under KDE. My shadows become messed up.00:20
hasanibrahimis there anyone??00:20
woliamt2: are you in hardy (8.04) ?00:21
phantomcircuitTransmission Is putting all of my downloads on my Desktop, but I told it to put them in the Videos folder, how do i fix this?00:21
amt2woli: chances are if i rebooted and did the tests, they would work with the new settings...00:21
amt2woli: yes00:21
hasanibrahimi added a domain in plesk panel and i want to see this in my local computer00:21
woliamt2: do that...00:21
hasanibrahimi hope i couldn explain00:21
lawnninjaDoes anyone have experience with dmraid?00:21
amt2woli: but i think ive done that and i got a different error after a while, so i just switched back. i don't remember what the error was tho00:21
IndyGunFreakfarva: do you kno what wireless device you have00:21
hasanibrahim There is a folder in Windows/system32 called hosts and i was adding domain name and ip adress than it was working00:21
hasanibrahim but now, i am using ubuntu and don't know how to do this00:22
hmlhow do you cleanly shut down a machine when "# halt" just returns (as root)00:22
BsimsI can play videos full screen in vlc under gnome, but can not under kde, or wmaker, any ideas00:22
woliamt2: nvm, do it to see what happens... those settings work right away, but maybe it can do a change in your case...00:22
kindofabuzzhml, shutdown -h now00:22
_Zeus_hml: sudo shutdown -h now00:22
amt2woli: ok... let me try it... brb00:22
kindofabuzzman shutdown00:22
hmlkindofabuzz , _Zeus_ that also just returns00:22
AlienXanyone know of a strange issue where an extra interface shows up after a reboot?00:22
lawnninjaI'm having issues loading my raid 5 array on ich9r,  ran dmraid to install using live cd but once rebooted won't mount anything or load the kernel00:22
kindofabuzzhml, shutdown -P now00:23
phantomcircuitTransmission Is putting all of my downloads on my Desktop, but I told it to put them in the Videos folder, how do i fix this?00:23
AlienXerrr extra network interface00:23
hmllogged in as root, both "halt" and "shutdown -h now" do nothing -- they just return; is there a way I can tell the linux kernel to flush all disks + shut down?00:23
Macrosofthml, shutdown -P now will power off the machine after it halts00:23
kindofabuzzhml, sudo shutdown -P now, and read over man shutdown00:23
hmlkindofabuzz Macrosoft : shutdown -P now <-- also just returns00:23
hasanibrahimmaysomebody help me00:23
dr3mrohelp ubuntu dont start and give me "ubuntu is running in low resolution and it cant detect my dispaly " if i chose a dispaly is hang "00:23
kindofabuzzhml, something is wrong then00:24
Macrosofthml, may be an acpi thing00:24
outbrihml: try init 6, should restart00:24
dr3mroso what to do>00:24
Macrosofthml, is the system already halted?00:24
DCPompull out the power cord?00:25
dr3mrono i get the terminal00:25
hmlno, i'm talking to you over irssi on it00:25
hmlroot@x:~# halt; shutdown -H now; shutdown -P now;00:25
amt2woli: ok.. im back00:25
Macrosofthml, dont run halt00:25
woliamt2: run the tests again...00:25
dr3mrohelp ubuntu dont start and give me "ubuntu is running in low resolution and it cant detect my dispaly " if i chose a dispaly is hang "00:25
Macrosofthml, its just one command: sudo shutdown -P now00:25
amt2woli: i get the same error with the tests, yet im able to hear sound if say i watch a video on youtbube00:26
aeolienHey! I'm trying to write to an external NTFS drive, but it is apparently read-only. I don't have write-access to the files or folders, but chmod isn't working. Any ideas?00:26
amt2woli: actually if i close the youtube vidoe, now the tests are working00:27
danielm_mcaeolien: mybook ?00:27
Macrosoftaeolien, ntfs usually mounts with root being the owner, so you need to use sudo00:27
ianqhey guys, my system has 512mb of ram and i've got about 5mb free. i'm just noticing that my 1gb swap is using only around 15mb - is that normal?00:27
Brendaim thinkin bout changin my os from windows to ubuntu... wot do u some people think about this??? worth it or not?00:28
danielm_mcianq yes00:28
ianqdanielm_mc: what's the point of swap if the system's using all my ram and running slow? :wonder:00:28
thiebaudebrenda:it sure is00:29
aeolienMacrosoft: No, sudo simply tells me "chmod: changing permissions of `dcpp': Read-only file system"00:29
woliamt2: only if you close it?00:29
ianqBrenda: it depends on what you plan on using ubuntu for00:29
aeoliendanielm_mc: No, Lacie00:29
amt2woli: yes, seems like it00:29
thiebaudebrenda:i only have ubuntu on my computer00:29
broken_Hey I have a qucik question, is it possible to remove the little icon on the top left of the screen, the one beside "Applications", its the orange foot in this screenshot http://i34.tinypic.com/eh0qyd.png00:29
Macrosoftaeolien, you'll have to umount, then mount it as rw00:29
chris____is it a known bug that freshly installed programs dont show up in their applications folder although editing the main menu shows all tickboxes correctly?00:30
wolidr3mro: you have to restore/fix your xorg.conf00:30
Brendaianq:watchin films, writing code and various other things00:30
* genii wonders why you'd want to remove the Gnome logo from Gnome00:30
aeolienMacrosoft: When I try to umount it, the device is busy. I'm having trouble finding whatever is using it00:30
wolidr3mro: do this: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:30
broken_genii: well cause it doesn't fit ^^00:30
ianqBrenda: films and writing code is pretty platform independent. you'd be fine switching00:30
wolidr3mro: either fix it, or use the restoration comand provided in the file00:31
Macrosoftaeolien, does the drive have a led that flashes when it is busy? is it flashing?00:31
woliamt2: if you open it again it stops working?00:31
lacyjust a question how do you  make the 3d cube  change your desktop ?00:31
Brendaianq: evrything and anything i can really and i have seen the support u get from wineapp as well and i am quite impressed by it all00:31
aeolienMacrosoft: No led, but I can hear it when it's being used. It's very idle right now00:31
ianqBrenda: go ahead and switch then ;)00:31
wolilacy: go to System > Preferences > Advance Desktop....00:31
thiebaudebrenda:i could do anything in ubuntu that i could do in windows00:31
clint_hey folks, how can i convert a .3gp to mpg00:31
wolilacy: then look for the cube and its settings00:32
Macrosoftaeolien, then you should be able to force it to unmount by adding "-o force" to the end of your umount command00:32
amt2woli: the sound is working if i watch a youtube vidoe, but the tests throw the error if i do them while playing the vidfeo. if i close the video, then the tests work.00:32
woliamt2: all of them?00:32
ianqhow do i check what graphic card my system is running?00:32
Brendathieblude: that sounds great i think i might do it now!:P00:32
Macrosoftaeolien, without the quotation marks, that is00:32
amt2woli: actually, i just opened and close the video again, and now the tests dont work, none of them00:32
thiebaudebrenda:i run ubuntu with fluxbox00:32
amt2woli: oh, but it may be becuase i need to close and open again the sound preferences window00:33
amt2woli: now they're all wokring again00:33
woliamt2: you either reask or search for solutions online, because i'm not an expert, and do not remember how i fixed that...00:33
datapoliticalI'm trying to find a way to monitor my bandwidth within two dynamic periods of time, and ideally, to kill my internet connection when I come close to either limit00:33
aeolienMacrosoft, Still, I'm getting umount: /media/Lacie: device is busy00:33
woliamt2: your browser is firefox?00:33
=== circs is now known as Circs
amt2woli: yes00:34
aeolienMacrosoft: I might have to kill nautilus and do it from the tty00:34
datapoliticali know there are a few pieces of software to do the former, are there any easy ways to do the latter?00:34
lacywoli when i click on  ctrl+alt and  right mouse button i can flip the screen but  no 3d cube appears00:34
amt2woli: someone directed me to a forum that had the same solution as you have, swithc eveyrhtign to ALSA00:34
woliamt2: if you have not modified your xorg.conf for anything, i would suggest you to reset it00:34
amt2woli: i dont think i have00:34
bill_billhey guys my friend gave me a ubuntu 5.10 cd today but i ntice its terrible wout date00:34
wolilacy: thats in the Advanced Desktop Settings00:34
CircsI'm not sure what I did wrong but I can't make Emerald theme manager work any help?00:34
Macrosoftaeolien, try -f instead of -o force00:35
amt2woli: where is that file located?00:35
woliamt2: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:35
dr3mrowoli, can i send you the file so you can figure it out00:35
wolilook for the last line with # (or a close one) that tells how to reset the xorg.conf00:35
amt2woli: ok....00:35
KetrelWhat do I need to install to get a wireless connection GUI for Gnome?00:35
aeolienOdd... I get this: "umount2: Device or resource busy" followed by that same line00:35
wolidr3mro: which file?00:35
dr3mrowoli, u did reset it but nothing -xorg.conf00:35
woliKetrel: there is already a connection settings thing... under System00:36
aeolienMacrosoft (sorry): Odd... I get this: "umount2: Device or resource busy" followed by that same line00:36
amt2woli: so should i do 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' ?00:36
Macrosoftaeolien, what device is it?00:36
aeolienMacrosoft; Should be /dev/sdc200:36
phantomcircuitTransmission Is putting all of my downloads on my Desktop, but I told it to put them in the Videos folder, how do i fix this?00:36
wolidr3mro: just run the reseting command in the file (like in the last line with #)00:36
woliamt2: do it00:36
dr3mrowoli, i did and its the same00:36
wolidr3mro: the same as amt2's ?00:37
geniiYou can't un-mount when you are for instance looking at the contents of the mount in a file browser or have the command prompt sitting in the directory you want to un-mount00:37
wolidr3mro: ah.. you already did it?00:37
* Metal ::: Now Playing: Seether - Fuck It ::: Album: Disclaimer II ::: Playing @ 256kbps ::: 00:00/02:5600:37
aeolienMacrosoft: Which is mounted at /media/Lacie00:37
pk1122i want to mount cue image in ubuntu is it possible ?00:37
bill_billis 70 killobytes a second slow00:37
amt2woli: done00:37
woliamt2: reset00:37
geniiompaul: Heh, I wondered if he would get away with it. But looks like not00:37
woliamt2: i mean, reboot00:37
Macrosoftaeolien, and what did the line you typed to unmount it look like?00:37
pvl1bill_bill, depends, for what?00:37
ianqbill_bill: it's decent. it depends on your connection and what you're used to00:37
ethana2where is my apt index?00:38
bill_billpvll my download speed00:38
Circsompaul: Ty00:38
aeolienMacrosoft: sudo umount -f /dev/sdc200:38
bill_billthanks i was just woundering that00:38
desaintscan i move my ubuntu install from a partition on a different harddrive to a blank harddrive (2nd harddrive)00:38
pk1122i want to mount cue image in ubuntu is it possible ?00:38
Macrosoftaeolien, looks right00:38
Ketrelwoli: I installed it within kubuntu, so I'm not sure if there is, as there's certainly nothing running00:38
wolidr3mro: send again00:38
aeolienHmmm.... I think the -l option worked00:39
lacy thanks woli i figured it out  :)00:39
Macrosoftaeolien, run gnome-system-monitor, and click the file systems tab00:39
geniiaeolien: Um, you umount the mountpoint and not the dev00:39
bill_billwhats the best way to clean a cd00:39
Macrosoftgenii, you can unmount the dev00:39
_Zeus_bill_bill: with cd cleaner stuff?00:39
aeoliengenii: I've been trying it both ways... it normally has been working both ways00:39
wolidr3mro: it failed... i dont know why00:39
_Zeus_if you have it00:39
bill_billwich i dont00:39
myles7897When ever I am typing my scrollwheel gets activated. How do I fix this?00:39
aeolienMacrosoft: Yeah, I tried the -l option, and that works. Hopefully that doesn't cause lasting damage00:39
woliKetrel: System > Administration > Network ??00:40
dr3mro# xorg.conf (X.Org X Window System server configuration file)00:40
dr3mro# This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using00:40
dr3mro# values from the debconf database.00:40
dr3mro# Edit this file with caution, and see the xorg.conf manual page.00:40
dr3mro# (Type "man xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)00:40
dr3mro# This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*00:40
dr3mro# if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg00:40
dr3mro# package.00:40
dr3mro# If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated00:40
dr3mro# again, run the following command:00:40
ianquse pastebin00:40
dr3mro#   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:40
Macrosoftaeolien, just dont unplug it yet00:40
dr3mroSection "InputDevice"00:40
dr3mroIdentifier"Generic Keyboard"00:40
Infinite88Can someone tell me how to use screenlets, i installed it but cant seem to find it anywere?00:40
wolidr3mro: do not spam that much lol00:40
dr3mroSection "InputDevice"00:40
ianqdr3mro: USE PASTEBIN please00:40
aeolienubottu !pastebin > dr3mro00:40
dr3mroIdentifier"Configured Mouse"00:40
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message00:40
wolidr3mro: use pastebin!00:40
_Zeus_!flood | drm3ro00:40
ubottudrm3ro: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:40
=== IndyGunFreak_ is now known as IndyGunFreak
Macrosoftdr3mro, please pastebin00:40
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!00:41
dr3mroSection "InputDevice"00:41
dr3mroIdentifier"Synaptics Touchpad"00:41
ompaulc/s kb dr3mro00:41
wolidamn boy!00:41
ianqcan someone kick dr3mro please?00:41
bill_billany one heard of the gamer versoin of ubuntu00:41
Macrosoftdr3mro, quit flooding the channel00:41
_Zeus_phew.  ty Pici00:41
Pici!paste > dr3mro00:41
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message00:41
Infinite88Can someone tell me how to use screenlets, i installed it but cant seem to find it anywere?00:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:41
jessidhello. I am trying to recompile the kernel, and i am in the realtime clock section. is this module absolutely necesary for x86 systems to workl correctly? ?????????00:41
jessid!rtc | jessid00:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rtc00:41
kelderInfinite88: Accessoirces > Screenlets00:41
Picidr3mro: are you done?00:41
_Zeus_Infinite88: press alt+fs and type screenlets, i think there's either screenlets-manager or screenlets-daemon or something00:42
Infinite88kelder,  nope00:42
Picidr3mro: Please paste the file in the pastebin and give us the url00:42
aeolienMacrosoft: Alright, so it's unmounted. Should I remount with rw? What command should I use there?00:42
ianqanyone know how to activate direct rendering for Intel 82845G?00:42
Infinite88_Zeus_, k thanks00:42
myles7897When ever I am typing my scrollwheel gets activated. How do I fix this?00:42
SlokunshialgoAnybody know where I could get a .deb file for Java Media Framework (JMF)?00:42
* Macrosoft looks it up00:42
Infinite88_Zeus_, whats alt+fs?00:42
bill_billis there any way i could do some partioning and put boot files in the other partoin and excpect the other os to boot?00:43
IndyGunFreakSlokunshialgo: a deb?.. dunno.. can you download and compile the source code?00:43
DCPommyles7897, what do you mean gets activated?00:43
Macrosoftaeolien, what path where you mounting it to?00:43
_Zeus_Infinite88: alt+f200:43
aeolienMacrosoft: I have the pkg ntfs-config00:43
aeolienMacrosoft: /media/Lacie00:43
Infinite88_Zeus_, :)00:43
ianqanyone know how to activate direct rendering for Intel 82845G?00:43
=== miki_ is now known as miki_x
KetrelHow do I get to the control center, I do not have it under System00:43
myles7897like, when I scroll, using the middle button while on the desktop I switch workspaces, same thing happens when typing. or on a website it'll scroll to the top.00:44
dr3mrowoli, http://paste.ubuntu.com/47915/plain/00:44
SlokunshialgoIndyGunFreak: Somehow never thought of that, but it's old enough it's hard to find any downloads on their official site00:44
_Zeus_Ketrel: are you using x/k/ubuntu?00:44
yuri_Q: how do i stop EVMS?00:44
Macrosoftaeolien, then try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Lacie rw00:44
IndyGunFreakSlokunshialgo: i dion't know, you'll rpobably have better luck compiling it from source, rather than finding a .deb file00:44
bill_billcan xubuntui run on a mac with a power pc cpu00:44
_Zeus_bill_bill: i think so, if you get the right cd image00:44
Ketrel_Zeus_ kubuntu, but I installed ubuntu-desktop00:44
Ketrelso I am in gnome00:44
myles7897DCPom, like, when I scroll, using the middle button while on the desktop I switch workspaces, same thing happens when typing. or on a website it'll scroll to the top.00:45
DCPommyles7897, have you tried another mouse to see if it's a mouse problem or a system problem?00:45
DCPomi saw your message00:45
Slokunshialgobill_bill: just make sure it as "ppc" in place if "i386"00:45
IndyGunFreakbill_bill: if you get the right image, but Ubuntu stopped support for the PPC after 7.10, might be better to loook at Debian Etch00:45
bill_billcool now i have a use for my old G300:45
* myles7897 was making sure00:45
dr3mrowoli, i want to add that i cant do retsart or shutdown there is no options to do that when i restrtx00:45
Slokunshialgoa G3/00:45
Slokunshialgobill_bill: You still have a G3?  How old is that thing?00:45
myles7897DCPom, I have not, I figured it was the system, cause it has not always happened, it started recently.00:45
wolidr3mro: did you run the sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg00:45
woli yet?00:45
_Zeus_Ketrel: what are you trying to change?00:45
bill_billidk i bought it for 50 bucks00:45
bill_billhad a dvd drive00:45
aeolienMacrosoft: Oh wow. Lemme paste this...00:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:46
IndyGunFreakbill_bill: you might want to look at Debian Etch.. it still has a current and fully supported PPC Version.00:46
DCPommyles7897, if it's started recently it could be the mouse getting old, though it may be system00:46
Ketrel_Zeus_ ultimately I want to autostart something, but I do wish to get to the control center00:46
DCPommyles7897, try another mouse to see if it still happens00:46
Macrosoftaeolien, dont worry about it, the command i gave was wrong00:46
_Zeus_Ketrel: there is no control center in GNOME00:46
desaintscan i move an ubuntu install from one harddrive to another?00:46
_Zeus_it's all in Preferences or Administration00:47
aeolien_Zeus_ : Thanks, I've used it before00:47
Slokunshialgobill_bill: is it running OS X or OS9?  (Just for personal interest)00:47
dr3mroyes nothing happened same00:47
_Zeus_desaints: you will need to change /etc/fstab, but yet00:47
bill_billos 900:47
_Zeus_aeolien: just making sure we don't have a repeat of last time :P00:47
ompauldesaints, it won't work without several fixes00:47
dr3mrowoli , i have no shutdown or restart buttons00:47
jothamhi, i'm looking for a tool to 'react' to log events (from apache for instance) in real time, in python, i'm not really sure about the ideal strategy for this kind of thing, logwatch doesn't look like realtime00:47
Macrosoftaeolien, try sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Lacie -o force rw00:47
wolidr3mro: do you have terminal available ?00:47
ompauldesaints, mostly to do with /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst00:47
DCPomOS9, lol00:47
Ketrel_Zeus_: then 1. what the heck is the gnome-control-center program, and 2 what's this: http://lunapark6.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/01/gnomecontrolcenter-00.jpg00:48
bill_billall thow i do have a os x cd i use for hacking my high school root pass word still havent done it but one day00:48
desaintsompaul: would it be easier to just start over with ubuntu on fresh install?00:48
wolidr3mro: you can also shutdown from the system menu00:48
aeolienMacrosoft: Still...00:48
Slokunshialgobill_bill: Well, if you can get a PPC image, you may have some fun trying to install it00:48
_Zeus_Ketrel: no idea, some bustom installed thing00:48
_Zeus_is that what yours looks like?00:48
aeolienMacrosoft: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47917/00:48
wolidr3mro: sudo reboot00:48
ompauldesaints, almost, depends on how much your stuff has been changed00:48
bill_billi wish they had linux pre installed on more computers00:49
ompauldesaints, if you have not done a lot then I would say yes, if you have nothing of value there00:49
datapoliticalcan anyone help with finding bandwidth monitors that provide alerts or simply cut off internet connections00:49
Slokunshialgobill_bill: I'm thinking BootCamp, but realized that doesn't exist on the PPCs anyways00:49
bill_billya i know00:49
dr3mrowoli, the option is not there00:49
thiebaudeme too, bill_bill00:49
desaintsompaul: nothing much but im new to linux and i hate to redo things ;)00:49
wolidr3mro: sudo reboot00:49
dr3mrowoli ,i have suspend and logg off swirchuser but no shutdown or restart00:49
amt2woli, im back00:50
Macrosoftaeolien, try it with a comma between force and rw00:50
_Zeus_desaints: yeah, just you will need to definately change /etc/fstab, probably /boot/grub/menu.lst00:50
DCPomsudo reboot is my favorite command00:50
aeolienMacrosoft: Nope...00:50
ompauldesaints, you get more familiar with the install process and become more comfortable with the whole lot - an interesting experience if nothing else00:50
wolidr3mro: reboot!00:50
amt2woli: something weird happened with this reboot, it seems like my display in general looks different... ie, some effects are not showing up... say when i close a terminal, before it has like some 'fade out' effect, now it's not there00:50
Macrosoftaeolien, whats it say now?00:50
aeolienSame Message00:50
wolidr3mro: open the terminal and enter: sudo reboot00:51
lacyquestion how do you change the background of the cube ?00:51
bill_billhehe can i put ubuntu on a mac se/30 i have00:51
desaintsompaul: im dumping vista off of my 200gb ide drive and using UBUNTU 8 as my new main OS00:51
woliamt2: thats normal... compiz is not enabled by default...00:51
desaintsompaul: trying to get used to linux more, im too much of a ms whore if you know what i mean lol00:51
woliamt2: configure that again00:51
onxtrying to get my screensaver to activate while on battery power, but can't find a gconf key for it. apparently it is an intended feature to just blank on battery, but how do i turn it off?00:51
woliamt2: does the sound work?00:51
amt2woli: compiz? how do i do that00:51
Ketrel_Zeus_: then why do I have the gnome-control-panel PROGRAM present?00:51
woliamt2: System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects00:52
_Zeus_Ketrel: no idea00:52
IndyGunFreakdesaints: most of us ahve been ms whore's at some point.00:52
amt2woli: sound works the same as before... youtube video work, but if i do the tests at the same time, they dont work00:52
Ketrel_Zeus_ you probably have it too00:52
_Zeus_Ketrel: have you done something custom?00:52
_Zeus_Ketrel: i do not.00:52
Ketrel_Zeus_ can you check?00:52
_Zeus_just did00:52
ianqanyone know how to activate direct rendering for Intel 82845G?00:52
Ketrelall I did was install ubuntu-desktop.00:53
aeolienMacrosoft: Nothing new00:53
amt2woli: i dont see 'advanced desktop effects' under preferences... also, i just noticed my graphics card driver (which is external) is not enabled, should i enable it again?00:54
bill_billwould i be able to install mac os x on my pentium pc with out moding the kernel00:54
_Zeus_amt2: type sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager00:54
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:55
aeolienMacrosoft: Got it. Here's the code: mike@mike-laptop:/media$ mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Lacie -o force00:55
aeolienmount: only root can do that00:55
aeolienmike@mike-laptop:/media$ sudo !!00:55
aeoliensudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdc2 /media/Lacie -o force00:55
aeolienWARNING: Dirty volume mount was forced by the 'force' mount option.00:55
aeolienMacrosoft: Could've sworn I copied the pastebin url instead00:55
bill_billmac osx is based off bsd right00:55
woliamt2: yes. enable it... and go to System > Preferences > Appearance.. then select Extra Visual effects on the last tab00:56
ldiamondI need help setting up ubuntu00:56
aeolienAnyways, here's the pastebin I thought I copied: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47919/00:56
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:56
chris____hmm no sound in youtube but everywhere else, what can i do?00:56
Macrosoftaeolien, from what it says, it should be mounted now00:56
aeolienMacrosoft: But not with rw access00:57
ldiamondI have a RAID card and I need to setup the drivers to install ubuntu. Can anyone help out with this?00:57
amt2woli: ok... i think i need to reboot again to see the video effects... but what about the sound/00:57
Macrosoftaeolien, run the same command but with ', rw' added after force00:57
bill_billrestart x ctrl alt bacspace00:57
damascenodamasceno@damascenoubuntu:/etc/dhcp3$ /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart00:57
damascenodhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.00:57
damascenoThe error was:00:57
woliamt2: yes00:58
damascenoWhats the problem?00:58
bill_billamt2 just restart x00:58
damascenoMy file dhcpd.conf have:00:58
DeniseI thought RAID was a system of classing datas00:58
damascenodamasceno@damascenoubuntu:/etc/dhcp3$ /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart00:58
woliamt2: if the sound does not work still, then you better ask in the ubuntuforums00:58
damascenodhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.00:58
damascenoThe error was:00:58
damascenoOnly this!00:58
FloodBot3damasceno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
FloodBot2damasceno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
FloodBot1damasceno: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:58
damascenoSorry :/00:58
aeolienMacrosoft: Got it! Thanks!00:58
ianqanyone know how to activate direct rendering for Intel 82845G?00:58
Macrosoftaeolien, it works?00:58
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyHat|off
damascenoPlease, i need help with DHCP :/, i use /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart00:59
damascenoand return:00:59
ChazZzanyone here know java?00:59
damascenodhcpd self-test failed. Please fix the config file.00:59
damascenoThe error was:00:59
ChazZzat all?00:59
ChazZzI have homework :P00:59
Ketrel_Zeus_: when I went to edit the menu, there was already a option (unchecked) to add the control panel00:59
amt2bill_bill, how can i restart x?01:00
bill_billCtrl alt bacspace at the same time01:00
badfishsomebody who knows about installing hardware01:02
damascenoPlease, i need help :/01:02
badfishi'm workin on a brother 465-cn01:02
bill_billcan i install mac osx on a pc with a intel cpu without modding the kernel01:02
badfishthere's a linux solution on their website with 8 prerequired steps01:03
ChazZzbill_bill, that's not legal is it?01:03
amt2bill_bill, thanks, that worked great01:03
_Zeus_!o4o | bill_bill01:03
ubottubill_bill: Some things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)01:03
bill_billwhat did i do01:04
bill_billamt2 no prob01:04
ChazZzi think it was the illegal-ness...01:04
zburnsRunning Trinity Rescue Kit at a remote host and cannot connect to it (it is running SSHD) and I've verified password is ok.  how can i check why it fails01:04
bill_billi dont think its illegal i own a mac01:04
_Zeus_(08:02:56 PM) bill_bill: can i install mac osx on a pc with a intel cpu without modding the kernel01:04
_Zeus_sounds illegal to me01:04
onxi don't think it's illegal if you /don't/ mod it01:05
ChazZzi think you have to modify some things...01:05
badfishcan you legally buy mac osx?01:05
badfishwithout it comin on a pc?01:05
badfishhow do i do commands that start with #?01:05
reportingsjrTo rip DVDs what would you guys reccomend?01:05
amt2woli, so with regards to the sound, do you think it is a bad sign that the tests still fail if i try them at the same time?01:05
ianqanyone know how to turn on direct rendering?01:05
_Zeus_badfish: i think you can01:05
badfishrequired step: # mkdir /usr/share/cups/model01:05
Deniseand here too01:05
woliamt2: yes. my tests work unconditionally01:06
CalJohn_reportingsjr: acidrip if you just want to do it quickly, but learning the codecs and mencoder if you want to really understand it01:06
reportingsjrI would like to rip and burn dvds, but I don't know how to burn them. (ripping is easy enough)01:06
_Zeus_ianq: pastebin the output of glxinfo (if you have a nVidia card) or fglrxinfo (for ATi)01:06
bill_billwell mac osx is based off bsd so it should run on i pc i never said i was to do it just asking my freind said he did it but i dint belive him01:06
CalJohn_reportingsjr: if you want to burn, k3b is nice01:06
phantomcircuitTransmission Is putting all of my downloads on my Desktop, but I told it to put them in the Videos folder, how do i fix this?01:06
badfishhow do i: # mkdir /usr/share/cups/model01:06
badfishwhere does the # symbol fit into it all?01:06
CalJohn_bill_bill: see osx86 and hackintosh etc01:06
reportingsjrbadfish: (hash) is a comment01:06
_Zeus_badfish: that means run it as root (with sudo)01:06
Macrosoftbill_bill, it wont run on a pc because it checks for a certain piece of hardware only macs have01:06
badfishi see01:07
reportingsjrMacrosoft: dongle :)01:07
_Zeus_reportingsjr: that means run as sudo when on a command like that01:07
reportingsjr_Zeus_: ah, really?01:07
ldiamondI need help to install Ubuntu on a Raid card. I have compiled the driver (a .ko), but I dont know how to use it or include it in the install...01:07
CalJohn_Macrosoft: that can be subverted, in case you aren't aware01:07
KenBWanyone know of a plugin for Deskbar for running terminal commands?01:07
reportingsjrbadfish: nevermind then, run as sudo when you see a hash!01:07
_Zeus_reportingsjr: generally, yes.  assuming he was supposed to run that01:07
_Zeus_if it was in a script, that would be a comment.  but I'm guessing he's following a poorly-written guide01:08
MacrosoftCalJohn_, he was talking about it working out of the box, without any extra work01:08
ianq_Zeus_: i've got an intel card01:08
amt2woli, sorry, did you get my previous msg? interestingly enough, out of nowhere a black screen covered my monitor and i haad to reboot..01:08
badfishnow i have to create a symbolic link01:08
_Zeus_ianq: oh... i don't know what to do then01:08
ianq_Zeus_: thanks anyways. i found plenty of stuff on ATI and nvidia, but older intel cards seem to be tricky ;)01:09
Deniseu just have to copy chats01:09
Denisein other rooms01:09
badfishpoorly written01:09
Deniseand ad ur dialogs in it01:09
badfishthat's what i'm following01:09
danbh_intrepidianq: have you checked the help..ubuntu.com wiki?01:10
badfishif i get it to work i'll update the bot01:10
solomehI was following the instructions on the MacBook wiki page to get right-click working with xmodmap, but it didn't work and now my down arrow key is broken.  How can I get my down arrow back?01:10
woliamt2: nope01:10
Denisethe point is01:10
danbh_intrepidsolomeh: I assume you could delete your xmodmap, right?01:10
SebNaitsabesok  I am going to need some help here, otherwise this guy that I am remote connecting  probably wil just wipe  Ubuntu, and go back to Windows in the end01:10
Macrosoftsolomeh, this isnt a mac os x channel01:10
Denisehow many you need to be01:10
ianqdanbh_intrepid: i'm just reading on ubuntu forums. someone had a suggestion there01:10
amt2woli, so do you think the sound tests not working simultaneously is a bad sign?01:10
solomehMacrosoft: No, it's a damn ubuntu channel and I have an Ubuntu question.01:11
badfishia32libs or lib32stdrc is required to be installed.01:11
badfishhow do i check for this?01:11
Macrosoftsolomeh, its also a no profanity channel01:11
danbh_intrepidianq: still, you should check the help.ubuntu.com wiki.  If the answer is there, great.  If not, suck.  If you find it later, please update help.ubuntu.com, for future reference01:11
solomehdanbh_intrepid: Okay I deleted the .xmodmap file, so how can I get the down arrow working again?01:12
solomehMacrosoft: shut up01:12
CalJohn_Macrosoft: stop being rude01:12
badfishia32libs or lib32stdrc is required to be installed.01:12
badfishhow do i check for this?01:12
danbh_intrepidsolomeh: try restarting X01:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:12
dr3mrowoli , i found the solution01:12
ldiamondI need help installing ubuntu. I need to include a driver that I compiled in the install (for my RAID card)01:12
MacrosoftCalJohn_, im not the one using language and telling people to shut up01:12
dr3mrosudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf01:12
woliamt2: yes. definitly. My tests work unconditioanlly01:12
wolidr3mro: what did you do/01:12
dr3mrostandard server reconfig it amd all willl work01:13
Jack_SparrowMacrosoft  and the rest.. DROP IT01:13
onxldiamond, you wanna boot off a raid?01:13
dr3mroremoves dpi=86 in sudo gedit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf and made it 9601:13
dr3mroit worked fine01:13
badfishia32libs or lib32stdrc is required to be installed.01:13
ldiamondonx, Ideally, but its not necessary01:13
badfishhow do i do this?01:13
Jack_Sparrowdr3mro Dont sudo a gui app. it is dangerous01:14
dr3mroand shutdown and restart came nack :)01:14
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo > dr3mro01:14
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message01:14
dr3mroits gedit01:14
_Zeus_dr3mro: use gksu instaead of sudo01:14
FloodBot3dr3mro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:14
dr3mrofor tip01:14
solomehdanbh_intrepid: I'm a bit worried about it not working because I never ran xmodmap when I started X1101:14
amt2Does Desktop Wall only allow you to have 2 desktops at a time?01:14
solomehSo I don't think simply deleting the xmodmap file and restarting X11 will work01:14
dr3mroany on here tried slackware01:14
amt2ie, switching between only 2 desktops?01:14
Jack_Sparrowdr3mro Offtopic01:15
onxldiamond, if it's just about loading the driver at startup and you ran the usual make && make install routine, just put a line in /etc/modules01:15
badfishia32-libs - ia32 shared libraries for use on amd64 and ia64 systems01:15
badfishlogan@logan-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install ia32-libs01:15
badfishE: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.01:15
danbh_intrepidsolomeh: well, don't look to me for answers.  Restarting X will take you 30 seconds, so the easiest way to find out is...01:15
danbh_intrepidbadfish: run the suggested command!01:16
_Zeus_badfish: run sudo dpkg --configure -a01:16
DrXwhat's the safest & easiest way to do a bare-metal backup Linux to an external USB disk drive or DAT tape drive for restore to a different SAS hard drive (controllers overwrite new drives with a different, unique ID)?01:16
danbh_intrepidsolomeh: oh, and by delete, maybe I should have said, rename.  That way, you can go back...01:16
Cheekyhey i am trying to check wat version of java iam running and i when i typed this in the terminal  "java -version" gave me a bash error ..; i knowi installedit through the ubuntu restricted extra stuff package01:16
dr3mroi installed ubuntu by wubi01:16
ldiamondonx, all I did is compile the driver, and I have a .ko out of it.01:16
badfishjesus i shoulda got that when it came up01:16
dr3mrohow to resize the image and move it to other partiton01:17
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:17
myles7897I'm sharing a printer connected to Ubuntu with two windows computers, one has trouble connecting and all I have to do is reinstall it and it is fine for a day, is this ubuntu problem, and how can I solve it?01:17
badfishmyles7897: more info01:17
_Zeus_myles7897: if reinstalling fixes it, then i think it's windows01:17
myles7897badifsh: which info do you need?01:17
_Zeus_esp if the other one works fine01:17
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > dr3mro01:18
ubottudr3mro, please see my private message01:18
dr3mroi installed ubuntu by wubi how to resize root image and move it toother partiton01:18
badfishdoes csh or tcsh come with ubuntu?01:18
myles7897yeah, I was afarid of that, but before I jump to ##windows, could it be my network, the one that has trouble is wireless laptop?01:18
Jack_Sparrowdr3mro see the link for wubi help01:18
dr3mrowhere is that01:18
Cheekystupid mistake01:18
Jack_Sparrowdr3mro see pm from the bot01:18
_Zeus_myles7897: i doubt it.....01:19
myles7897_Zeus_, thanks for the info01:19
jedimindtrickim attempting to set a shortcut key to open up a terminal, i want to use SUPER + T; but every time i hit super, it just assigns it as super ... how do i work around this ?01:19
badfishwhat is csh/tcsh in terms of linux?01:19
_Zeus_badfish: what is csh?01:19
CalJohn_badfish: shells01:20
CalJohn_badfish: old ones, really01:20
_Zeus_badfish: use xterm or gnome-terminal?01:20
danbh_intrepidjedimindtrick: have you tried gnome-do?  I've never tried it myself, but I heard a positive remark about it01:20
badfishone of the 2 is required for this printer01:20
jedimindtrickdanbh_intrepid: not sure how that applies ?01:20
badfishstep 6/8 for the linux solution01:20
CalJohn_badfish: so install tcsh01:21
arrrghhhhas anyone installed rtorrent and rtgui before?01:21
danbh_intrepidjedimindtrick: its more advanced shortcut thing for gnome, which I assumed you were using01:21
mralexandrowhen i deactivate window decoration i get no titlebar, any suggetions?01:21
arrrghhhmralexandro, i think that happened to me, i turned off compiz and it was OK.01:21
_Zeus_mralexandro: run metacity --replace to turn off decorations01:21
badfishi was searching apt-cache for tsch instead of tcsh01:22
mralexandrook thanks01:22
CalJohn_badfish: be aware, you would do better following an distro-specific guide than a generic "linux" or "unix" one released by and third party like brother01:22
mralexandrobut will that deactivate cube as well?01:22
spiritssightis there a program to use Plaxo in ubuntu01:22
CalJohn_badfish: unless you already know one doesn't exisst01:22
badfishi checked the ubuntu forum and the bot01:22
_Zeus_mralexandro: it will...01:22
badfishthe forum sent me to this site01:22
danbh_intrepidjedimindtrick: nvm, im testing now, and I think Im wrong...01:23
badfishthe bot told me nothin01:23
CalJohn_badfish: fair enough01:23
badfishif this works, i'm gonna send something to the ops so they can update the bot and post on the forum01:23
amt2how can i increase the number of workspaces i can use with Desktop Wall? Right now I can only use two.01:23
Jack_Sparrowbadfish and I told you it was doubtful you would get that scanner working on that printer01:23
badfishi just got linux working like 5 hours ago01:23
Ketrelwhat's the name of the program that's launched from gnome's network configuration where you configure wireless01:23
kitchebadfish: csh and tcsh are shells it doesn't matter about them really since they have nothing to do with your printer01:23
_Zeus_Ketrel: nm-applet?01:23
spiritssightDoes any one know of a prgram that would allow plaxo to sycn with evolution01:24
_Zeus_what is plaxo?01:24
arrrghhhi'm getting a compiler segfault when i try to compile the newest rtorrent (libtorrent specifically).  are there precompiled binaries with xmlrpc wrapped into it?01:24
onxldiamond, did you test if it works yet? i.e. insmod /path/to/module01:24
spiritssightonline address book01:24
badfishi still use gnome quite a bit01:24
Ketrel_Zeus_, not that one, and not gnome-network-preferences either01:24
_Zeus_then i dunno...01:24
badfishi'm not worried so much about scanner01:25
jedimindtrickdanbh_intrepid: apparently compiz lets me assign it like that no problem01:25
badfishi barely use it i can go back to windows for that01:26
myles7897is there a guide to switching from cups to samba?01:26
danbh_intrepidjedimindtrick: compiz?01:26
badfishbut out of curiousity, why wouldn't i get the scanner to work?01:26
Jack_Sparrowbadfish Poor drivers01:26
badfishi see01:26
CalJohn_badfish: imo, because most printers have terrible drivers01:26
badfishwell vista is at least bearable in any event01:27
badfishi'm already liking linux though01:27
badfishhaven't had ubuntu freeze or hang or give me a hard time once01:27
SRJanit0rwellI'll be damned01:27
badfishand i'll agree that shit is sloppy01:27
badfishall made for windows01:27
radamis there a channel here for apple ubuntu users?01:27
badfishwhich is also sloppy01:27
radamanyone know?01:27
FloodBot3badfish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
badfishmy bad01:27
_Zeus_radam: no i don't01:27
Jack_Sparrow!enter > badfish01:28
ubottubadfish, please see my private message01:28
badfishdamn, i'm apologizing to a bot01:28
=== radam is now known as hyrlvl
badfishgot it, old habits die hard, i do use enter for punctuation too01:28
badfishthat's ms-dos comin through01:28
dirjenpajakwhat's the matter with my ubuntu01:29
_Zeus_!ask | dirjenpajak01:29
ubottudirjenpajak: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:29
badfishwhat's the matter with my face?01:30
arrrghhhbadfish, it's ugly.01:30
dirjenpajakit is dumb , but when i can hear wtih my earphone01:30
Jack_Sparrow!lol > badfish01:30
ubottubadfish, please see my private message01:30
arrrghhhwait what?01:30
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.01:30
DCPomwhat about lawl?01:30
Jack_Sparrowany of then DCPom01:30
badfishor lmaozorz?01:31
_Zeus_DCPom: NO01:31
amt2how can i increase the number of workspaces i can use with Desktop Wall? Right now I can only use two. Also, how can i scale down all the windows/workspaces? is there any tutorial on this?01:31
_Zeus_come on01:31
evilGUIif I ran wow under wine would I get banned?01:31
arrrghhhevilGUI, uh no.01:31
Jack_Sparrowenough is enough01:31
dirjenpajakit is dumb , but i can hear wtih my earphone01:31
asmo[B]how do you force numlock on?01:31
_Zeus_amt2: in compiz preferences, general options, desktop size, horizontal desktop size01:31
badfishapparently that one's out too01:31
badfishin any event01:31
onxtrying to get my screensaver to activate while on battery power, but can't find a gconf key for it. apparently it is an intended feature to just blank on battery, but how do i turn it off?01:31
badfishstep 7/8 which is sane-utils has just been found01:31
danbh_intrepidbadfish: try to keep your banter to questions and answers...01:32
amt2_Zeus_, thanks01:32
badfishi'm just in here asking questions and getting answers01:32
badfishit's my nature to try to socialize a bit01:32
Jack_Sparrowbadfish Please note.. we have asked nicely a few times now...01:32
_Zeus_don't make me call in the ops01:32
tuxywhat is openoffice.org's channel?01:33
_Zeus_tuxy: can't find one01:33
badfishhow do i open UDP Port 5492501:33
amt2_Zeus_, how about scaling down all windows/workspaces, do you know?01:33
=== dirjenpajak is now known as b4b3
danbh_intrepidbadfish: you probably need to check your router01:34
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_ Ops are here.. no need to call01:34
tuxywrong channel but can i get info on how to create a simple basic database?01:34
Jack_Sparrowtuxy No01:34
_Zeus_oh, didn't know you were an op, sry01:34
_Zeus_!google | tuxy01:34
ubottutuxy: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux01:34
badfishdo i really have to run this thing on a network instead of usb?01:34
asmo[B]is there a command to force numlock?01:34
b4b3help me somebody, ican hear sound via speaker on pc , but i can hear sound via my earphone pluged01:34
b4b3help me somebody, i can't hear sound via speaker on pc , but i can hear sound via my earphone pluged01:34
Jack_Sparrowb4b3 /j #alsa01:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:35
=== Thi3f is now known as sil3nc
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:38
Daft_Punkwhats up01:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:38
EvilDaemonHow do I change my hostname again?01:38
EvilDaemonright now, it's EvilDaemon@hitachi-toshibaiooooooooooooooooooooooii:~!01:39
TornadoChas3ri dont know what i did but i help run a irc server and i was join to run a command such as cd /home/ircd/unreal put i accidently put a & and now the command for it wont run ./unreal01:39
_Zeus_EvilDaemon: change /etc/hosts01:39
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r  did you type a command someone gave you that said server in it?01:40
EvilDaemon_Zeus_: Reboot?01:40
danbh_intrepid_Zeus_: I dont think thats everything01:40
DxCAnyone here want to help me with troubleshooting a wifi connection with 8.04?01:40
_Zeus_EvilDaemon: yes, i think you do01:40
_Zeus_danbh_intrepid: I did it and it worked01:40
EvilDaemonokay, thanks.01:40
TornadoChas3rwhat i did was put cd /home/ircd/unreal& ./unreal and i got + a number then done01:40
TornadoChas3rnow the command wont excute01:40
tempest_join #pam_usb01:40
_Zeus_TornadoChas3r: you can't put an & after the cd01:41
Jack_Sparrow!who > tempest_01:41
ubottutempest_, please see my private message01:41
_Zeus_press ctrl+d and start a new terminal01:41
TornadoChas3rthis is what i did Hodl on01:41
* Kolma waves01:41
* DxC pokes Kolma with a stick01:41
Daft_PunkDaft_Punk, yay01:41
YEMgetting my wireless to work on ubuntu makes me want to jump off a cliff01:41
danbh_intrepid_Zeus_: /etc/hosts is just a dns file.  I think the correct file is /etc/hostname      and both need to be changed for sudo to work...01:41
DxCYEM - So far, I agree.01:41
Daft_PunkYEM, dont do it!01:41
Kolmawell i just got ubuntu last night so im a newb D:01:41
_Zeus_danbh_intrepid: oh crap, you're right01:41
Kolmaconverting from windows01:42
Daft_PunkKolma, congrats01:42
DxCI've been working on it for three days, and I've only just got the card to connect01:42
_Zeus_i knew it was one of those01:42
Kolmaanyways i got a problem01:42
DxCand it won't let me browse ;/01:42
Kolmawell 1 prob and 1 question01:42
Daft_Punkask ur question01:42
YEMi've been working at it today like a total of 4 hours01:42
Kolmamy question is about nintendo wifi usb adapter and being able to use it on linux01:42
YEMsince i'm a complete newb to linux and my card isn't supported its been a pain in the ass01:42
brolly81how do i fix my volume on my panel so it can adjust volume01:42
Daft_PunkYEM, what wireless adapter are you using> and is it prebuilt?01:42
TornadoChas3r[4]+  Done                    cd /home/ircd/unreal01:43
Kolmaits a buffalo one01:43
Kolmai wanna use it to connect wii and ds online01:43
Daft_PunkKolma, i have no idea about that sorry, just ask your question, maybe someone can answer01:43
_Zeus_!ask | Kolma01:43
ubottuKolma: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:43
tempest_anybody here use pamusb?01:43
danbh_intrepidYEM: whats the card?01:43
_Zeus_!ask | tempest_01:43
ubottutempest_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:43
brolly81how do i fix my volume on my panel so it can adjust volume01:43
hiptobecubichow do you get euler's constant (e^1) in open office?01:43
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:44
=== christoph is now known as christoph312
Kolmai have a nintendo wifi usb adapter (used to connect wii and ds online thru the computer) was just wondering if there was a way to make this work on a linux computer01:44
_Zeus_!offtopic | brolly8101:44
ubottubrolly81: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:44
_Zeus_!google | brolly8101:44
ubottubrolly81: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux01:44
YEMHow do i make sure that i have total permissions in the terminal?01:44
danbh_intrepidYEM: sudo01:44
_Zeus_YEM: sudo -i01:44
TornadoChas3rI reay dont know what did01:44
jribYEM: what does that mean?  What are you trying to do?01:44
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_ what is offtopic about him wanting to fix his ubuntu volume applet01:44
Daft_Punkzeus, how was his question off topic?01:44
TornadoChas3rbut i can use th paste bin to show what command i used and what happend01:44
_Zeus_(08:43:55 PM) hiptobecubic: how do you get euler's constant (e^1) in open office?01:44
_Zeus_wrong person01:45
Daft_Punk_Zeus_, how was his question off topic?01:45
_Zeus_!offtopic | hiptobecubic01:45
ubottuhiptobecubic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:45
Daft_Punkoh lol01:45
YEMi'm trying to get ndiswrapper installed01:45
hiptobecubic_Zeus_, is there an open office channel?01:45
YEMits been a pretty big pain01:45
_Zeus_hiptobecubic: i couldn't find one01:45
hiptobecubicme either01:45
_Zeus_hiptobecubic: best bet is google?01:45
danbh_intrepidYEM: I can help with that,, do you know how to use pastebin?01:45
RawSushiquestion... how do I turn my bass down?  my speakers don't have a bass volume on them01:46
brolly81!offtopic | _Zeus_01:46
RawSushiand the bass and treble in the mixer are dead01:46
Kolmaand my problem is... i hate firefox, cant stand the thing and so i downloaded opera, however the problem is that flash wont work on opera and im not sure how to fix it, i have flash installed and it works on firefox just not opera :(01:46
YEMnice thx guys01:46
Jack_Sparrowbrolly81 Please dont, he knew it was a mistake01:46
_Zeus_brolly81: what?  i said it was an accident01:46
_Zeus_i guess ubottu doesn't like to yell at me :P01:46
Jack_SparrowKolma ask the people that made it01:47
Daft_Punklulz what the?01:47
amon_i need to know how to uninstall backports please01:47
bobertdosIn an attempt to aid people's aid of brolly81, I will restate from earlier that alsamixer lists no chip for his sound device. Also, apparently, none of the volume bars have values.01:47
_Zeus_amon_: oh, i'm not sure.01:47
Jack_Sparrowbobertdos which is why I sent him to   /j #alsa01:48
danbh_intrepidamon_: use synaptic.  I think its the easiest way01:48
YEMif you don't mind me asking what does the "sudo" command actully mean?01:48
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)01:48
danbh_intrepidwhat does the k in gksu stand for?01:48
Jack_Sparrow!gksudo > YEM01:49
ubottuYEM, please see my private message01:49
amon_danbh_intrepid: what do do in synaptic?01:49
brolly81ive tried everything01:49
danbh_intrepidamon_: do you know the package(s) you are trying to downgrade?01:49
TornadoChas3rok i figured out the command i used to mess this up i type cd /home/ircd/unreal& ./unreal start01:49
YEMhey jack01:49
brolly81went to recommended website followed everything step by step and nothing seems to work01:49
TornadoChas3rand now it wont exectue01:49
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:50
YEMhow do i log off the regular sudo then?01:50
brolly81my volume on my panel wont adjust volume but i can hear sound01:50
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: You know, the ops here are always so on top of things. I've told Flannel you guys deserve more credit than you get.01:50
danbh_intrepidTornadoChas3r: what does the command jobs say?01:50
amon_danbh_intrepid: now, i enabled the whole backports repository and then accidentially upgraded01:50
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r try cd /home/ircd/unreal & ./unreal start01:50
Jack_Sparrowbobertdos we try01:51
TornadoChas3rBut after i typed that first command i got this01:51
Jack_SparrowYEM close the terminal window01:51
danbh_intrepidamon_: hmmm, well, it might be a pain in the but.    Are you sure you want to do that?   backports is usually pretty safe..01:51
TornadoChas3rroot@Server2:/home/ircd/unreal#  cd /home/ircd/unreal& ./unreal start01:51
TornadoChas3r[1] 712401:51
TornadoChas3r[1]+  Done                    cd /home/ircd/unreal01:51
FloodBot3TornadoChas3r: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:51
bobertdosbrolly81: Truth be told, given the value of card in Alsamixer, I'd almost suggest buying a separate card, perhaps one that's more of a mainstream brand.01:51
YEMits wierd, i double click an exe file, thinking that it'll open up the gui just like windows but nothing happens.01:51
Daft_PunkI can't get virtualbox to work it says its missing some modules or something01:51
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r the first part changes folders/directories01:52
danbh_intrepidTornadoChas3r: you need to have 2 &, not 1.      so   &&01:52
EvilDaemon_Zeus_: Uh, my hostname didn't change, and here's the output from 'sudo gedit hosts'01:52
Jack_SparrowDaft_Punk Did you get it from repos or install it yourself01:52
RawSushianyone have any idea how to turn the bass volume down in ubuntu?01:52
jribDaft_Punk: you're more likely to get help if you pastebin exact error messages01:52
RawSushithe bass and treble switches do not work in the mixer01:52
EvilDaemonmax@hitachi-toshibaiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooii:/etc$ sudo gedit hosts01:52
EvilDaemonsudo: unable to resolve host hitachi-toshibaiooooooooooooooooooooooooooooii01:52
TornadoChas3rI just need it to go back to normal i was just seeing waht command i couse to for start up and i etered a &01:52
amon_danbh_intrepid: just tell me how, i'm curious and my system feels a bit unstable01:52
TornadoChas3rnot it wont exectue i will try what u said01:52
danbh_intrepidEvilDaemon: ok, I can help you01:52
Jack_Sparrowdanbh_intrepid two makes it wait for the first to complete before going on to the next command01:52
Jack_SparrowTornadoChas3r try just   ./unreal start01:53
EvilDaemonokay, because it's also taking a minute or two to load anything.01:53
danbh_intrepidJack_Sparrow: isnt that what he wants?  change folder, the run the executable.  At least, thats what I thought01:53
TornadoChas3rJack_sparrow It wont work anymore01:54
brolly81bobertdos:  i just installed ubuntu a week ago and reinstalled it. when i came on to this chat room someone gave me the solution in matter of mins. i just dont rememeber all the steps the dude gave me01:54
TornadoChas3rit wont execute the program01:54
Jack_Sparrowdanbh_intrepid agreed but a single should work as it is only changing a directory and not performing any real task or op01:54
YEMI'm so newb at this, sucks ):01:54
brolly81bobertdos: its not the soundcard its a soundblaster which apparently ubuntu supports01:55
TornadoChas3rI just dont know what i did01:55
bobertdosEvilDaemon: First of all, always run graphical applications with gksudo when you need root privileges. Second, you might just want to fix that graphically via System->Adminstration->Network->Hosts if you can open it.01:55
TornadoChas3rso i dont know how to explain it01:56
ForestBearguys I have arbitrary ports opening in the unregistered ports01:56
danbh_intrepidJack_Sparrow: I don't know for sure, but if he is changing directory to get to the desired executable, then I don't think it will work.  Because it will try to execute before the cd actually happens, and result in a command not found01:56
ForestBearand port 15000 is open01:56
danbh_intrepidEvilDaemon: you ready?01:56
Jack_Sparrowdanbh_intrepid He ran the first command and got the folder so running the second should find the ap01:57
bobertdosbrolly81: That IS a soundcard in my vocabulary. So, it's a soundblaster, what model?01:57
EvilDaemonwell wtf?  in Network > hosts, it says is hitachi-toshiba, but terminal doesn't register it at all01:57
EvilDaemonafter reboot too01:57
Jack_SparrowEvilDaemon lose the rude shorthand.. thanks01:57
Daft_Punkwhat is a good program to mount .iso files01:58
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:59
bobertdosEvilDaemon: I imagine it's case sensitive. Do you have the case right?01:59
Daft_PunkJack_Sparrow, i want a gui one, not command line01:59
brolly81bobertdos: soundblaster xtreme fidelity01:59
danbh_intrepidEvilDaemon: well, ready or not, here is how to fix it.  Reboot in rescue mode.   Edit /etc/hostname to your desired hostname         next, edit /etc/hosts so there is a line for your hostname, like this: hostname           Everything should then work.   Good luck02:00
EvilDaemonthis was a fresh install, too.02:00
ForestBearguys why are random ports opening at greater than 49000?02:00
Kolmahow can i change a wireless adpater into master mode so i can broadcast a SSID and such?02:00
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:00
Supercarteluoneed help with a fresh ubuntu installation i'm doing right now...02:01
Jack_SparrowForestBear it isnt normal...  which ubuntu are you running02:01
ForestBearjack_sparrow: hardy heron02:01
zaidAnyone know if a Windows apps running in WINE (in this case, Windows Media Player) can access the ext3 file system it is inside of?02:02
Jack_SparrowForestBear go to grc.com and do the shields up test02:02
Kolma8.04 i had prob with ;-;, my wifi worked b4 it and thn afterwards it wouldnt :/ so i stuck with 7.102:02
Jack_Sparrowzaid Really bad idea to do that02:02
brolly81bobertdos its not the soundcard, at least i dont think it is, its more of the program and the settings of the volume panel. what i need to configure to make it work so it can adjust volume02:02
ForestBearjack_sparrow it doesn't really scan above 4500002:02
zaidJack Howso?02:02
Jack_SparrowForestBear I thought it used to let you set a range02:02
ForestBearjack_sparrow: I was wrong, some ports are opening at 45000>02:02
Daft_Punkwould it be a good idea to install a firewall like firestarter or antivirus like avast? what are some other options for firewall?02:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:03
danbh_intrepidForestBear: is it a single port?  I know transmission uses something like 5375402:03
Jack_Sparrowzaid It would let windows viri and trojans corrup[t your ext3..02:03
ForestBearjack_sparrow above 1024 it is only 64 at a time max02:03
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:03
ForestBeardanbh_intrepid: no, random ports open and close02:03
zaidOh, so I would have to go to the trouble of installing antivirus software.02:03
Jack_Sparrowbrolly81 please /msg ubottu privately02:04
bobertdosbrolly81: true enough02:04
SupercarteluoI been loading ubuntu for a while now i'n stock, say, ubuntu@ubuntu:~$... the installation didn't start at all...02:04
Jack_SparrowSupercarteluo # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"02:04
zaidThing is, Amarok corrupted by MTP music player's firmware last time I tried to sync music to it, and my music collection is on my ext3 partition.02:05
bobertdosbrolly81: Are you on a 32 or 64-bit system?02:05
airtonixJack_Sparrow, if you look inside the winecfg you can see the gui for associating a windows drive with a ext3 folder...02:05
brolly81bobertdos 64, i think02:05
ForestBearwhy are my ports open??02:05
Jack_Sparrowairtonix It does not make it safe to do so..02:05
Jack_SparrowForestBear where are you seeing the ports open and close02:06
carandraugDaft_Punk: I do fine without both of them. Ubuntu already comes with a firewall called iptables02:06
bobertdosbrolly81: There is a blog post that says there are alsa compatible drivers for your line on 64-bit........02:06
ForestBearjack_sparrow when I portscan myself using network tools02:06
SupercarteluoJack_sparrow, if i load the live cd it doesn't do anything, the screen goes white... so i'm trying the install option and get up to there, i gonna try that anyway...02:06
airtonixJack_Sparrow, have you wiped the ones in your list?02:06
Jack_Sparrowairtonix what?02:07
bbyeverhow do you modify the Places menu?02:07
Jack_SparrowSupercarteluo if you dont get a first screen that says start or install youy have a badcd or a bad burn or bad download02:07
danbh_intrepidForestBear: try netstat -l02:07
airtonixJack_Sparrow, you said you dont think its safe to associate drives inside wine with folders on your ext3 drive...i wonder have you removed all the associations lists in the winecfg on your setup?02:07
Jack_Sparrowairtonix I wont even use wine..02:08
hyrlvlwould anyone have any idea why xmodmap just flat out wouldnt work?02:08
carandraugbbyever: I think System > Preferences > Main menu02:08
hyrlvlthe command goes through02:08
hyrlvlit was working for a while02:08
hyrlvlthen just stopped02:08
hyrlvlthe keys I assigned just do nothing02:08
zaidJack: I need wine for gaming anyway, it's one of the main reasons I owna computer02:08
hyrlvlthis is a fresh install of the latest ubuntu on a macbook pro02:08
ForestBeardanbh_intrepid: what do you want to see from that command?02:08
bbyevercarandraug: i tried that already but it only allows you to edit Application and System menus :(02:09
StorrgieIs anyone using Xinerama with 3 monitors?02:09
jribhyrlvl: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying02:09
airtonixzaid, i wouldnt worry about virus using wine....most if not all win32 virus require other libs that wont be present02:09
hyrlvli want to see the keys i assigned performing the function i've assigned them to02:09
danbh_intrepidForestBear: I actually don't understand its output, but I believe its supposed to show what programs are listening on what ports, ie open ports02:09
damascenoI configure my dhcpd.conf, The basic: http://pastebin.com/m5d678e0e, what i need make, for my network be UP? I have 4 computers here, my computer is the server with dhcp.02:09
_Zeus_hyrlvl: do you have it set to do it on startup?02:09
danbh_intrepidForestBear: but its a bit jiberrishh to me02:09
ForestBeardanbh_intrepid lol02:10
Jack_Sparrowairtonix there are lots of things to worry about when you run wine.. is Z mapped etc. are you running wine as regular user/root02:10
Kolmais there a site that explains how to compile source files? like including all the info like making .config files and such?02:10
zaidairtonix: ok, sounds good, anything I have to configure to let WMP use the ext3 partition?02:10
ForestBearjack_sparrow, danbh_intrepid could it be my modem?02:10
carandraugbbyever: then I don't know. Never tried to change it02:10
bbyevercarandraug: ok, well thanks anyway02:11
airtonixzaid, you need mediaplayer?02:11
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:11
zaidJack: I'm only going to tunr wine on to sync my music, then turn it back off, I use Amarok to listen at all other times.02:11
airtonixzaid, or does a game just require the audio codecs?02:11
onthefence928hey does anybody have any comments on pidgin vs empathy?02:11
SRJanit0rpidgin has worked well for me02:11
Storrgieis anyone using xinerama with 3 monitors? I am having issues with my panel bars and setting a primary monitor. I have an nvidia GTX260 with a 7950GT02:11
SRJanit0rall in one solution really02:11
SRJanit0rI've never used empathy02:12
zaidAirtonix: I need to sync my player with WMP, amarok corrupts it's firmware when I try to sync02:12
bobertdosKolma: in general or are you looking for GTK (this is slightly offtopic, but.....)02:12
airtonixzaid, what player?02:12
Kolmaim looking to install hostap02:12
Kolmaso i can turn a wifi adapter into master mode02:12
pcorrI am new to Ubuntu and tried to connect to a wireless connection at my local library.  I right clicked the network manager and I did not see the connection listed.  I tried to connect to by clicking "connect to other wireless network" by typing in the network name and that did not work either.  Any ideas?02:12
Daft_Punk!wireless | pcorr02:12
ubottupcorr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:12
zaidairtonix Insignia Sport 4GB, It's a PlaysForSure/MTP or simply USB mass storage, you can switch it as needed02:12
bbyeverHow do you change the Places menu?02:13
carandraugpcorr: "iwlist scan"02:13
Daft_Punkbbyever, you can't but you can make it into a single icon (like windows start menu)02:13
BsimsSolved my problem with vlc... compiz has to be running to go full screen02:13
pcorrsorry, I am completely clueless, what does  "iwlist scan" stand for?02:13
obf213hmm i remember in the old distro there was an menu app under system that showed you all your system hardware where is that now?02:13
bobertdos!compile > Kolma02:13
ubottuKolma, please see my private message02:13
bbyeverDaft_Punk: how into a single icon?02:13
carandraugpcorr: it's a command to run in the terminal. Applications > Acessories > Terminal02:14
airtonixzaid, if you are really worried about virus, i would be running that sync operation inside virtual machine.02:14
pcorrah, excellent.  do i simply do that when I am in the library next carandraug?02:14
Daft_Punkbbyever, you have to right click on the applications/system/places menu and REMOVE from panel, then on some blank panel space, right click and go to add to panel. Then choose "main menu"02:15
carandraugpcorr: it will only scan for wireless networks, nothing more. Does your wireless work in other places?02:15
zaidairtonix Honestly I'm not too worried about viruses, NoScript + common sense browsing goes a long way02:15
bbyeverDaft_Punk: ah, but that would just move the menu?02:15
YEMDo i need to get a an anti-virus and spy-ware detector like i do with windows?02:15
kitcheYEM not really02:16
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2102:16
Jack_Sparrow!info clamav02:16
pcorrcarandraug, yes it does.  At home (though I use a wired connection) I can see other wireless networks.  At the library, nothing shows up.  When I did use vista (shudder) I could see and connect to the library wireless network.02:16
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1ubuntu0.2 (hardy), package size 873 kB, installed size 1336 kB02:16
carandraugbbyever: there's a difference between main and ubuntu menus. Also, have you tried right on click on Places and select "Edit menu"?02:16
Daft_Punkbbyever, it will put everything under 1 menu like the windows start menu, but you cant edit the icons on places like you can on the applications menu (as far as i know)02:16
wooboy77hey guys!02:16
DxCHeh...Me again...The wireless saga continues, I *think* I've got it working, I just need to know how to tell ubuntu to prefer my wifi connection over my ethernet02:17
DxCif that's possible02:17
zaidYEM AV software is useful ffor disinfecting files before they are sent to Windows machines, however02:17
wooboy77i'd like to have a higher resolution than 1280x102402:17
DxCI'd rather not unplug the ethernet, heh.02:17
wooboy77but i can't why?02:17
bbyevercarandraug: yeah, that just takes you to the Main Menu application02:17
carandraugpcorr: is the network in the library completely open?02:17
Supercarteluoi'm bach at ubuntu@ubuntu:~$...     also say that STARTING DEFERRED EXECUTION SCHEDULER ATD [fail]02:17
pcorrcarandraug: I think so, as everyone else has no problem seeing and accessing it.02:18
bbyeverDaft_Punk: ah ok. Well, what i wanted to do was remove a bookmark from the places menu itself. Im fine with the way the menus are arranged though... Maybe a bug should be filled about this...02:18
carandraugbbyever: ok. I had to ask 'cos I get an error when I try that (because I'm using Intrepid and have loads of problems)02:18
Daft_Punkbbyever, oh just edit your bookmarks by opening a folder, going to bookmarks and edit them02:18
Storrgieis anyone using xinerama with 3 monitors? I am having issues with my panel bars and setting a primary monitor. I have an nvidia GTX260 with a 7950GT02:19
YEMwierd, I manually configured my IP, mask and gateway, It seems to recognize the DNS server on the outside of my network yet still can't ping the gateway router02:19
Jack_Sparrowcarandraug /j #ubuntu+102:19
bbyeverDaft_Punk: ah, i see. thanks!02:19
YEMany clue as to why this would happen?02:19
bbyevercarandraug: :)02:19
carandraugpcorr: so, in a normal day, you would just turn the computer on, connect to that wireless network without entering any kind of password ever (not even in the first attempt) and you'ld be ready to freely surf the web?02:20
ForestBearwhy are my ports opening?02:20
ForestBearseriously, help02:20
Supercarteluoi'm bach at ubuntu@ubuntu:~$...     also say that STARTING DEFERRED EXECUTION SCHEDULER ATD [fail]02:20
Jack_Sparrow!helpme > ForestBear02:20
ubottuForestBear, please see my private message02:20
pcorrcarandraug: Correct, though today when I failed, it was the first time I tried with Ubuntu.  Previously I'd simply view wireless connection and connect.  There was never any sort of password or security.02:20
carandraugJack_Sparrow: I know. I have the problems but I'll fix them with time. I was just pointing bbyever the menu and telling why I couldn't guide him further through the menu02:21
Jack_SparrowForestBear it isnt normal and it almost has to be something you installed yourself or ran02:21
ForestBearlol how do I figure out what it is, jack_sparrow?02:21
prologicHI all. I can't get the NFS server on Ubuntu 8.04 working: See http://paste.lisp.org/display/67043 and http://paste.lisp.org/display/67043#1 (Note: the nfs-kernel-server takes a while to startup). Trying to connect just results in a timeout even on localhost!02:21
DxChm, I think I got it working, at least.02:22
badfishhow do i change printcap to printcap.local?02:22
Jack_SparrowForestBear Only you know what all you did outside of the original install and supported repos02:22
=== chris4585-2 is now known as chris4585
carandraugpcorr: hmm, ok. Then next time try that command "iwlist scan". Actually try it now so you see what the output usually looks like02:22
ForestBearjack_sparrow I did a lot ...02:22
Jack_SparrowForestBear It will be something you did..02:22
Xcercabanned from wow ?02:23
Jack_Sparrow!who > Xcerca02:23
ubottuXcerca, please see my private message02:23
wooboy77HELLO!!!! why can't i go to higher resolution than 1280x1024 on my 18 inch screen???02:23
badfishhow do i rename /etc/printcap to /etc/printcap.local?02:23
ForestBearwell that wasn't very helpful :(02:23
ForestBearwell cya later.02:23
pcorrcarandraug: I ran it and got this:  lo        Interface doesn't support scanning. eth0      Interface doesn't support scanning. wmaster0  Interface doesn't support scanning. wlan0     No scan results02:24
carandraugbadfish: you move it "mv /original_name /new_name"02:24
Jack_Sparrowbadfish gksudo nautilus is one way, but it can be dangerous, use it then close it immediately02:24
carandraugpcorr: next time pastebin that. Is it supposed to have a wireless network right now?02:25
iFvwm!wireless | pcorr02:25
=== BrianFox_ is now known as BrianFox
ubottupcorr: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:25
anas-21hello eveybody02:26
anas-21_does any body know how to mute the sound of a dial-up modem02:26
=== NiaGhost is now known as Niamor
meoblast001does anyone here use fuoco02:26
DxCOkay...That's weird....I got my wifi working...but then I rebooted, (with the network card in place) and it wouldn't show the panel things at the bottom and top.. (Have them set to auto-hide), I removed my wifi card, and they showed up02:27
bizkitChousuke: x = -3 :D02:27
meoblast001i need help asap so i can get this job done, go to bed, and wake up early tommorro02:27
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 We  understand your urgency. but urgent for you is not necessarilly urgent for us02:27
meoblast001then im screwed02:28
meoblast001either i look like an ass or i feel like shit tommorro02:28
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 everyones problems are an emergency to them02:28
BrianFoxi'm having an issue with grub and i'm sure it's a noob thing. I have a system with 4 disks, 3 as software raid: md0 = /, md1=swap, md2=data /sdd1 = /boot. To experiment with disaster recovery, i removed sdd1 and replaced with a new disk. I installed ubuntu fresh on here and didn't touch the raid disks. I was about to mount the data dir in the new ubuntu. Now when i put the original boot disk back, on boot i get grub stage 1.5, err02:28
BrianFoxor 15. Any ideas what could be trashed?02:28
badfishmeoblast001: it gets solved quicker if you spit out the problem02:28
pcorrcarandraug:  I dont think any wireless connections are set upwhere I am now, so I didn't expect to find any.  I'll try next time I am at the library.  Thanks for your help!02:29
meoblast001well i highly doubt anyone uses this program02:29
meoblast001i found it on the forums02:29
bizkitwhat program is it02:29
Jack_Sparrow!find fuoco02:29
bizkitand whats the problem your having?02:29
ubottuFile fuoco found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)02:29
badfish!find brother02:30
ubottuFound: balazarbrothers, brother-cups-wrapper-ac, brother-cups-wrapper-bh7, brother-cups-wrapper-common, brother-cups-wrapper-extra (and 10 others)02:30
meoblast001bizkit: i opened it up... did something stupid on it... uninstalled, reinstalled.... and now every option is gone02:30
badfish!brother -others02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brother -others02:30
meoblast001its not recognizing what packages i have installed so it can convert stuff02:30
Jack_Sparrowbadfish PM the bot please.  so you dont spam the channel02:30
YEMhow do i make sure i have the latest packages, is there an all in one update option for synaptic package manager?02:31
meoblast001the only way i can fix this problem is sudo rm -rf /02:31
=== tacticalcron is now known as temporalcron
Jordan_UYEM: System -> Adminstration -> Update Manager02:31
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 Dont even do that in fun02:31
kereswhen someone has a moment, i need help with a vid card prob. nvidia drivers lol.02:31
Junkeeman i cant wait for a sun java 64bit plugin =/02:31
meoblast001well what else can i do02:31
Junkeekeres, what do you need?02:32
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 save /home to usb for one02:32
meoblast001i obviously fucked it up pretty bad if sudo ./uninstall and sudo ./install doesnt fix it02:32
meoblast001the problem is probably in /home02:32
Jack_Sparrowmeoblast001 Stop with the profanity thanks02:32
Junkeekk I will take a look02:32
keresty :)02:32
zaidUpdate on the MTP player thing: Aparrently, if I DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING after starting the sync, Amarok won't cprrupt the firmware, as long as it is set to USB mass storage mode.02:32
bizkitmeoblast001: find out what dependances the program has, then remove, and reinstall them02:33
Junkeekeres, hmm never experienced that, let me do some digging02:33
bizkitthen reinstall the program02:33
Jordan_Umeoblast001: You can run that command if you want to destroy your system but please don't paste it in this channel, for any reason. I know you meant no harm but someone might run it out of curiosity.02:33
meoblast001fixed it02:33
keresjunkee: the ubuntu loading screen still appears. it is just when it actually boots up the colors appear.02:33
meoblast001this program has a bunch of fixme boxes you click if something doesnt work02:33
temporalcronKeres: Are you trying to compile the Nvidia binary, or use what is in the repo?02:33
BenBis there a way to run the torrent client as client/server pair, i.e. the actual download/upload happens on one machine (some server), and the GUI is one another machine, and the GUI dows nothing other than controlling the other part?,02:34
keresi used the auto-install with the drivers02:34
BenBonly thing I found is rtorrent, but I want a GUI02:34
keresand wolfen said to try dissabling/renabling and rebooting the drivers.02:34
BenB(well, even rtorrent is local only)02:34
kereswhich totally fucked me up lol02:34
iFvwmBenB: search benliud02:35
bizkitBenB: there is a PHP webserver baised program that you run from a remote system and accuse the gui thru your browser02:35
iFvwmneed web one?02:35
Jack_Sparrowkeres Please stop the profanity02:35
GamingXCan someone suggest an application for opening xml files in ubuntu?02:35
dundelGamingX: texteditor?02:35
christoph3307_GamingX: gedit should do it02:36
iFvwmotherwise, mldonkey can download bt02:36
BenBiFvwm, bizkit: yes, that would kind-of work, but I'd prefer a full GUI, so that I can click on a torrent link in the browser and have it opened, and nicer UI etc.02:36
ansichartI sense a soul in search for answers...02:36
bobertdos*vent* Somehow people really need to get the hang of looking for things in the repos before they start trying to compile source code :p02:36
ansichartmany souls02:36
meoblast001how do i get mplayer with libfaac from the repos02:36
meoblast001im not compiling crap today02:36
meoblast001no time02:36
iFvwmBenB: if you do not need dht, then transmission is a good gui.02:36
Jack_Sparrow!enter > meoblast00102:37
ubottumeoblast001, please see my private message02:37
bizkitBenB: check out http://www.torrentflux.com/02:37
BenBiFvwm: the website to benliud doesn't say much, but it seems to be a normal GUi program. you're sure it can split the networking part to another machine?02:37
iFvwmBenB: no need click, but the transmission can auto check your torrent direcotry02:37
badfishobottu, please tell badfish about brother02:37
Jack_Sparrowbadfish /msg ubottu brother02:37
elexodusneed some help allowing full read/write/view priviledges to my sda4 partitian and all subsequent directories. chmod -R 777 just isn't cutting it.02:38
Jordan_U!brother | badfish02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brother02:38
iFvwmBenB: i use benliud, it faster than rtorrent02:38
kereshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=922883 can anyone figure this out?02:38
elexodusiFvwm: almost anything is faster than rtorrent02:38
zaidkeres: I had that on my laptop after a fresh install of 8.04 from an updated CD02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about resoultion02:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto02:39
iFvwmelexodus: no, rtorrent is second fast one here. hehe02:39
kereszaid: howd u fix it?02:39
badfishit found stuff ealier02:39
BenBBTW: is it normal that my torrent download speeds are only as fast as my upload speeds?02:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brother02:39
zaidkeres, I'm trying to remember02:39
elexodusiFvwm: hmm.02:39
temporalcronKeres: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia02:39
badfish!find brother02:39
elexodusneed some help allowing full read/write/view priviledges to my sda4 partitian and all subsequent directories. chmod -R 777 just isn't cutting it.02:39
ubottuFound: balazarbrothers, brother-cups-wrapper-ac, brother-cups-wrapper-bh7, brother-cups-wrapper-common, brother-cups-wrapper-extra (and 10 others)02:39
jasuushello.  my question is such:  I would like to make it so that "shred" is an option available when i right click on a file.  Is this possible?02:39
iFvwmelexodus: i test those bt soft many many times.02:39
DDTПривет Всем!!! =)02:39
badfish!find brother02:39
Jordan_Ujasuus: Yes02:39
FluxD!ru | DDT02:40
ubottuDDT: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke02:40
zaidkeres: I think it started working afeter I ran the update manager02:40
pawanhow to install microsoft live meeting02:40
keresi can't access the computer at all02:40
damianelexodus - for the mount, take a look at your fstab - in particular mode= option02:40
BenBthat's my problem: I have 20MBit/s down, but only 1MBit/s up. On another location, I have much more upspeed, thus my question.02:40
keresonly boot options02:40
pawanto attend online sessions02:40
kereshow do u run it in like safe mode or something?02:40
iFvwmBenB: oo. so try more soft02:40
Jordan_UBenB: Do you seed often?02:41
iFvwmand limit upload speed BenB02:41
FluxD!wine | pawan02:41
jasuushow would i do such a thing?02:41
ubottupawan: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.02:41
temporalcronIs it in a shell prompt?02:41
badfishubottu, tell Seveas about brother02:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about brother02:41
BenBJordan_U: not sure what "often" means. ratio 1.0? 2.0?02:41
keresah maybe i fund it02:41
elexodusdamian: all I have is "# /dev/sda4" "UUID=486E-733B  /media/sda4     vfat    defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0       1"02:42
badfishon a !find i get "Found: balazarbrothers, brother-cups-wrapper-ac, brother-cups-wrapper-bh7, brother-cups-wrapper-common, brother-cups-wrapper-extra (and 10 others). how do i view the 10 others?02:42
BenBJordan_U: right now, my ratio is > 1.0, but I run the client only since 1-2h02:42
bsusahello all02:42
BenBJordan_U: I don't know whether I need to have it running several days to get good download rates02:42
iFvwmBenB: not need02:43
iFvwmthat' ed2k02:43
bill_billany body know if there is a virtual box that will run on older ubuntu versoins02:43
kereswhen i use the root recovery menu and try to fix xorg.conf it says bash:access denied02:43
bsusacould someone please tell me if its possible to add multiple video files at a time in DeVeDe or is their another DVD Creator program that is better that can do it?02:43
Jordan_Ukeres: What happens if you try to open a root shell?02:44
badfish!find usb02:44
ubottuFound: libusb++-0.1-4c2, libusb++-dev, libusb-0.1-4, libusb-dev, usbutils (and 14 others)02:44
iFvwmbsusa: avidmeu ?02:44
badfish!find usb printer02:44
ubottu'printer' is not a valid distribution02:44
badfish!find printer02:44
iFvwmbsusa: but devede is good one02:44
ubottuFound: system-config-printer-common, system-config-printer-gnome, system-config-printer-kde, ebox-printers, gnome-photo-printer (and 2 others)02:44
carandraugbadfish: pm ubottu02:44
bill_billany body know if theres a virtual box for ubuntu 5.1002:44
_Zeus_bill_bill: why?02:44
bill_billwhy not02:45
iFvwmmultiple files if you need. you might try bash, excute mencoder in a batch. bsusa02:45
bsusathing is it only lets me add 1 video file at a time which is not very efficient02:45
badfishcarandraug: he tells me he's a bot and not to think he's intelligent02:45
_Zeus_bill_bill: i guess so...02:45
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Because 5.10 is long since unsupported02:45
_Zeus_i guess you could install it02:45
damianelexodus: not following you 100% on the 10 others - you can view /etc/fstab to see what's there as far as being mounted - I'm new to ubuntu, previously slackware so there may be some nifty ubuntu interface that could be used but as far as the mode for files, you -should- be able to modify your mode= entry to create the correct file mask02:45
Claw6anybody know how to share gprs connection from a windows mobile to ubuntu ?02:45
zaidIf I wish to resize my Ubuntu partition, I must do that from a Gparted LiveCD, correct?02:45
bill_billwell i chill old school with 5.1002:45
kereshow do i open a root shell? sorry, linux noob02:45
_Zeus_zaid: quite right02:45
GamingXIs there any way to sync mail in thunderbird from both XP and Ubuntu?02:46
wooboyhi! i can't go higher than 1280x1024 resolution why?02:46
kitchekeres: with sudo -i02:46
zaidThought so. Thanks!02:46
jrib!sudo > keres02:46
ubottukeres, please see my private message02:46
carandraugbadfish: you can pm him and use those commands in private. I do it all the time02:46
Jordan_Ubill_bill: As long as you never connect to the internet that's fine...02:46
Jordan_U!msgthebot | badfish02:46
ubottubadfish: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.02:46
iFvwmGamingX: share the inbox/outbox directory?02:46
jasuusAH for those interested in doing what i needed done: http://maketecheasier.com/ubuntu-how-to-delete-your-files-or-wipe-your-hard-drive-beyond-recovery/2008/02/1402:46
zaidwooboy: Have you installed hardware graphics drivers?02:46
christoph3307_GamingX: it shouldn't be a problem with imap02:46
bill_billwhat do you mean by that02:46
kevinOis there a way to view the list of recent commands in terminal?, like when you hit up for the last command, is there an actual list02:46
carandraugbill_bill: it should work but you'll have to compile it yourself and compile a lot of its dependencies that would be also out of date02:46
temporalcronTry: ctrl-alt-f102:47
wooboywell i jsut installed ubuntu... not additional drivers02:47
keresi instaled them and wolfen told me to disable them so i did02:47
elexodusdamian: http://i35.tinypic.com/2chmeck.png02:47
iFvwmkevinO: history02:47
keresthen try to reenabvle02:47
Jordan_Ubill_bill: It doesn't get security updates, hasn't for a long time now02:47
zaidwooboy: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers>Check "use third-party dirvers" next to your graphics card02:47
kevinOiFvwm, awesome thanks02:47
GamingXiFvwm: Yes, all the mail is right now in my XP thunderbird. I want it in such a way that no matter if I access it from Ubuntu or Windows, they are synched automatically.02:47
keresi cant access my comp only recovery mode02:47
kitcheGamingX: the server would need to support imap02:48
_Zeus_GamingX: i don't know if that;s possible02:48
zaidwooboy, er it might now be something exactly phrashed like that but you get the idea02:48
bill_billwell my 8.10 cd got broke and my pc died with vector linux than that cd broke so i dug threw all my old pc parts and was loucky to find 5.10 other wise i would have 8.0402:48
GamingXchristoph3307_: Thats an idea. But I dunno if gmail offers that service and the other thing is I also have a lot of mail stored on Windows.02:48
bill_billi ment 8.0402:48
iFvwmGamingX: i am not use thunderbird, but someone else use it, and seems can share infor by make some directory shared.02:48
keresok im in the root shell prompt02:48
kereswhat do it do02:48
kitcheGamingX: gmail supports imap look it up in the settings since it's what you want02:49
iFvwmGamingX: just try02:49
jribkeres: what do you want to do exactly?02:49
christoph3307_GamingX: gmail supports imap02:49
bsusaiFvwm: sorry i didnt quite understand what u meant by using multiple files02:49
keresreset my graphics driver02:49
FloodBot3keres: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:49
zaidGamingX: Gmail can enable imap in acount settings from web browser02:49
wooboyzaid! i just have my wifi card on third party drivers... I indeed have my motherboard card on02:49
iFvwmkitche: imap is only for gmail. hehe02:49
seria-maudoes firefox have a shortcut for it's context menu?02:49
iFvwmand i hate imap.02:49
GamingXiFvwm: Yes, I remember reading something liket that. A common location for both Windows and Ubuntu.02:49
kitcheiFvwm: umm imap is for a lot of stuff I have it setup myself02:49
iFvwmGamingX: yes02:49
kitcheiFvwm: on my own mail server02:49
jribkeres: have you restarted since you enabled the drivers?02:49
zaidwooboy: what is your graphics card?02:49
keresi havnt enabled them02:50
Jordan_Ubill_bill: If you upgrade to 6.06 you will get security updates for a few more years, or you can go directly from 6.06 ( not from 5.10 ) to the current version, 8.04, which is also a long term support release02:50
temporalcronkeres: try - dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg02:50
wooboyzaid: wait two secs02:50
bill_billi cant burn iso images and im not gonna wait 10 weeks to get a cd02:50
iFvwmkitche: so perhaps fit you. but not fit me.02:50
Saikianyone know what happened to the Intrepid seeds?02:50
jribkeres: what video card do you have?02:50
jribSaiki: #ubuntu+1 for help with intrepid02:50
christoph3307_GamingX: if you use imap all your folders (or labels) on gmail will be folders in thunderbird, in xp as in ubuntu02:50
bsusaiFvwm: sorry i didnt quite understand what u meant by using multiple files02:51
Jordan_Ubill_bill: You can upgrade02:51
keresand that u posted doesnt work02:51
bill_billfor some reson ubuntu wontz let me burn cd's02:51
Saikijrib: I'm there already02:51
kitcheiFvwm: well for what GamingX wants it's what is have to be used02:51
phantomcircuitiFvwm, imap supports server side searching, it was essentially intended for mobile email where the client doesnt have the ability to search all of the emails locally02:51
Saikijrib: but does that cover xubuntu as well?02:51
jribSaiki: yes, that's the right channel for intrepid questions, not this one02:51
bill_billif i can do this without cd's youll be my hero02:51
wooboyzaid: it's an intel VGA card on the motherboard02:51
GamingXchristoph3307_: What about the mail that has already been downloaded through POP3 in Windows?02:51
iFvwmbsusa: devede is only deal one file one time. but if you just want convert multiple files' format, then can use a bash script do it.02:52
carandraugbill_bill: I don't know if there's such menu in 5.10 but if you go updates, search for a box talking about new version02:52
zaidwooboy: Are you sure that card supports resolutions higer than 1280? Do you know the model?02:52
bsusaok cool, do you know any?02:52
jribkeres: that card is too new.  Did you follow the wiki instructions on how to install the drivers manually?02:52
datacrusherguys, im managing an bakcup script, but the cd thats burned needs to be read by windows02:52
datacrusheriv done this far: http://pastebin.com/dd50ac5f02:52
keresi havent02:52
iFvwmphantomcircuit: yes, but my gmail has thousands mail. to trouble for me. i do not need those mail appeared in my inbox.02:53
keresi just used the auto-drivers02:53
datacrusherbut anyhow, the characters are all messed up02:53
keresnone the less, how do u reset them02:53
IndyGunFreakbill_bill: are you trying to upgrade 5.10?02:53
carandraugbill_bill: the command in the latest versions is "update-manager"02:53
bill_billit says my sytem is out date02:53
jribkeres: it's up to you if you want to revert back to nv or go to nvidia manually .  What do you want to do?02:53
phantomcircuitiFvwm, um right02:53
keresrevert it back02:53
phantomcircuitiFvwm, and not using imap helps you how there?02:53
hugI just started to use #ubuntu02:54
iFvwmphantomcircuit: .02:54
christoph3307_GamingX: sorry, i don't know how to synch them, but i think its possible, but imap will work for all new mails02:54
keresjrib: revert it back, please :)02:54
wooboyzaid: i can get higher resolution with windows02:54
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
IndyGunFreakbill_bill: 5.10 is over a year past its EOL, the chances of you being able to upgrade it, are slim to none(you'll run into server connections, etc..)02:54
IndyGunFreak!eol | bill_bill02:54
ubottubill_bill: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases02:54
SchmittyDoesIthow do i reset my fonts back to default? I seem to have repleaced my Arial font with something i downloaded. My original Arial is now gone can someone help me02:54
jribkeres: alright, I'm assuming unclicking in the GUI doesn't work, right?  Pastebin the output of: aptitude search '~i~nnvidia'02:54
carandraugbill_bill: then update it. Can you run your update manager? Do you get a button talking about 5.10 there?02:55
phantomcircuitiFvwm, it's not like POP3 is any better02:55
keresi can only run recovery mode02:55
carandraugIndyGunFreak: he's trying to upgrade from 5.0502:55
IndyGunFreakcarandraug: even worse02:55
SupavisahFedora or Ubuntu, so hard.02:55
iFvwmbill_bill: you can update to 6.04. and then update to 8.04 by one times.02:55
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak: Shouldn't it still work since dapper is still supported?02:55
IndyGunFreakiFvwm: i would say that is HIGHLY unlikely02:55
zaidwooboy: Have you seen this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto#Intel%20Graphics%20driver%20(i810)%20won%27t%20use%20high%20screen%20resolutions02:55
_Zeus_bill_bill: just reinstall02:56
iFvwmphantomcircuit: i just use a POP.02:56
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: goign from 5.04 to dapper?02:56
IndyGunFreaki'd like to see that02:56
devinwhen i ran the following command from PHP using  web interface i get02:56
iFvwmIndyGunFreak: what02:56
bill_billreinstall what02:56
keresis there a way to revert a vid card from recovery mode?02:56
Jordan_UIndyGunFreak: *5.10*02:56
devinetc/init.d/hotspot: 120: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied02:56
IndyGunFreakJordan_U: he just told me 5.0402:56
devinpls help02:56
bill_billi have 5.1002:56
jribkeres: can you pastebin the information I asked for?02:56
phantomcircuitiFvwm, but POP downloads all your messages also...02:56
devinim uisng ubuntu 10.002:56
kereswhat info?02:56
jribdevin: there's no such thing02:56
devinand runnig chilispots02:56
IndyGunFreakwell, 5.10 might work, but... i'd make sure you have a backup and a disk to reinstall.02:56
iFvwmphantomcircuit: yes,first time only.02:57
christoph3307_GamingX: there is a tutorial to set up imap with thunderbird on the gmail website, just klick help > imap > thunderbild02:57
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Can you pastebin the result of "apt-cache policy update-manager" ?02:57
jribkeres:  Pastebin the output of: aptitude search '~i~nnvidia'02:57
jribdevin: there's no such thing as ubuntu 10.002:57
GamingXchristoph3307_: Thanks.02:57
carandraugbill_bill: can't you kas someone to burn it for you?02:57
devinim using Ubuntu02:57
iFvwmphantomcircuit: then every day now, few mails now. so clear.02:57
SurfnKidi have ubuntu dapper and i have a firefox problem02:57
christoph3307_GamingX: np02:57
devini have a php script on a web to restart chilispot02:57
ZnuffHi. Does ntpdate run automatically or do I have to install ntp?02:57
Jordan_USurfnKid: What problem?02:57
devini get the error02:57
SurfnKidi would like to see if iupgrading can fix this, its about javascript under hotmail.com where fwd reply do not work02:57
devinetc/init.d/hotspot: 120: cannot create /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward: Permission denied02:58
phantomcircuitiFvwm, um you do realize right that imap doesnt download all your emails everytime it runs right? it just checks their status as a unique id02:58
iFvwmjrib: only ~invidia is enough. i think02:58
devinit says permission denied02:58
wooboyzaid: thx02:58
keresit gives me nothing02:58
badfishi get to the last step02:58
zaidwooboy: It worked?02:58
carandraugbill_bill: then I'm guessing your only chance is to wait 10 weeks or try to fix your burner problem02:58
bill_billwhats the easyest way i can update from 5.10 to what evber the next step up would be02:58
jribkeres: pastebin your command and the output anyway02:58
SurfnKidJordan_U: 1.5.0 firefox02:58
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Can you pastebin the result of "apt-cache policy update-manager" ?02:58
bill_billill try02:58
keresit outputs absolutely nothing.02:58
keresit just goes to a new line02:59
iFvwmphantomcircuit: i know this. and imap' search is good. but i do not need those function(advanced ).02:59
jribkeres: I can't help you if you just ignore my requests02:59
badfishin the last step where it tells me to do an lpr or an lprng restart, either syntax tells me "command not found"02:59
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:59
iFvwmphantomcircuit: many spam here02:59
gnomenameAnyone know what I need to download so that I can stream video02:59
GamingXWhats the default directory where the "Application Data" equivalent of Windows is stored in Ubuntu?02:59
keresgomename: adobe flash plugin02:59
gnomenameI did02:59
gnomenameit doesnt work for streaming02:59
zaidgnomename: Like Youtube? Adobe Flash.02:59
keresit should02:59
outbriGamingX: pretty sure /bin and /sbin have most of it02:59
usserGamingX, its your home directory03:00
carandraugGamingX: your own home directory (I think. DOn't know much about Windows)03:00
gnomenameno for other things, youtube does work03:00
temporalcronkeres: try - dpkg -l | grep nvidia03:00
usserGamingX, look for hidden files/folders starting with .03:00
gnomenameCan I post a website with a video that I can't view?03:00
bill_billa bunch of weird stuff pops up03:00
zaidgnomename: can you give an example of a site?03:00
GamingXusser: Yeah, I found them as hidden files03:00
keresit says03:00
EvilDaemon_Zeus_: From the hostname problem: Recovery mode didn't solve it, so I have to do a hard re-install.03:00
=== tante-ok is now known as trii
gnomenameAlright the following is a website with a video that I cannot view <http://www.halogrid.com/psmedia.php?do=showmovie&id=82>03:01
keresdo i type it all up?!03:01
_Zeus_EvilDaemon: WHAT?!?03:01
=== trii is now known as yuli
_Zeus_why not just restore it to what it was?03:01
zaidgnomename: I'm viewing it just fine, one sec while I check what is playing it03:01
carandraugbill_bill: you should put the nick of whoever you're answering to in the message so they are warned of your message. Also, pastebin it03:01
carandraug!pastebin > bill_bill03:01
ubottubill_bill, please see my private message03:01
badfishi'm on the last step of printer installation. where it tells me to do an either lpr or an lprng restart, whichever i choose  tells me "command not found"03:01
SchmittyDoesItmy Arial font among others have been replaced with others that i have downloaded my accident. how do i put back the original fonts that came with my distribution03:01
temporalcronIs it listing packages?03:01
gnomenamealright awesome thanks03:01
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy update-manager" ?03:02
jribgnomename: for what it's worth, it works fine for me with mozilla-mplayer03:02
EvilDaemonBecause it didn't work... the hostname was still ;lskdjfooooooooooooooooooooooooiii, and wouldn't go back...03:02
gnomenamealright, how do I get that?03:02
jribgnomename: mozilla-mplayer is a package in the repositories03:02
zaidgnomename: Uh, I jsut noticed that it's playing the video fine, but the sound is no coming through O.o03:02
gnomenameYour speaking latin03:02
iFvwmEvilDaemon: so good nick. just keep it. :D03:02
elexodus"'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share sda4. Error was Operation not permitted" HELP.03:02
wooboyzaid: busy with it03:02
GamingXHow do I automatically mount my windows NTFS drives on boot up?03:02
gnomenamenot you zaid03:03
bill_billJordan_U i dont know what you want me to do with that update manager thing03:03
gnomenameHow do I find these repositories?03:03
elexodusneed some help allowing full read/write/view priviledges to my sda4 partitian and all subsequent directories. chmod -R 777 just isn't cutting it. I tried to open up sharing manually, and now I get "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share sda4. Error was Operation not permitted"03:03
keresno progress uninstalling the driver03:03
EvilDaemoniFvwm: What? Rephrase please.03:03
YEMwhat does "E: coudn't find package ndiswrapper-common" mean?03:03
jribkeres: if you want to get my attention, please prefix what you say with my nick.  Highlight the entire line with what you typed and the next line.  Then copy that and paste it on  http://paste.ubuntu.com.  Then give us the url03:03
badfishi'm on the last step of printer installation. where it tells me to do an either lpr or an lprng restart, whichever i choose  tells me "command not found"03:04
kitcheYEM could not find that package03:04
iFvwmEvilDaemon: ;lskdjfooooooooooooooooooooooooiii is a good hostname03:04
bill_billhow would i burtn a iso from my desktop to cd if the iso were named 123.iso03:04
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Open a terminal, run that command then use pastebin to show us the output03:04
Jordan_U!pastebin | bill_bill03:04
ubottubill_bill: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:04
jribbill_bill: right click on it, burn image03:04
SchmittyDoesIthow do i replace the fonts on my system with the ones that came with my distribution03:04
gnomenamejrib, what are the repositories and how do I access them to get the multiplayer?03:04
EvilDaemoniFvwm: It was an example, it actually was hitachi-toshibaoiooooooooooooooooooooooooii, to the exact.03:04
jrib!software > gnomename03:04
ubottugnomename, please see my private message03:04
elexodusneed some help allowing full read/write/view priviledges to my sda4 partitian and all subsequent directories. chmod -R 777 just isn't cutting it. I tried to open up sharing manually, and now I get "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share sda4. Error was Operation not permitted"03:04
jribgnomename: system -> administration -> synaptic  is one way03:04
YEMhow do i install ndiswrapper than? i've tried a bunch of stuff and i still havn't gotten it to install, going crazy :P03:04
jribelexodus: using samba?03:05
gnomenamejrib, thanks03:05
iFvwmEvilDaemon: o, a long long hostname is hard to be hacked. :D03:05
IndyGunFreakYEM: whats your wireless device?03:05
temporalcronkeres: did that "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" give you any results?03:05
elexodusjrib: yup03:05
casaoguys, which is likely to be more accurate - powertop or gnome-power-manager?03:05
jribelexodus: log out and log back in03:05
casaofor battery life remaining, i mean03:05
YEM Dell Wireless 1505 Draft 802.11n WLAN Mini-card03:05
keresjrib: it gives me the same result as if i just type "dpkg"03:05
IndyGunFreakYEM: whats the chipset?03:05
elexodusjrib: what was the terminal code for that?03:05
DxCThose use broadcom, IIRC.03:05
YEMi believe its 14e4:4328 (rev 03)03:05
SchmittyDoesItYEM: has broadcom03:05
BoltClockhi, starting last night, my ubuntu hardy freaks out at random when i navigate text word-by-word using ctrl+left or ctrl+right, in any app (gnome-terminal, gedit, firefox etc). it keeps thinking my ctrl key is being held down when it's not, whatever i click it responds as if i were ctrl+clicking. i have to do ctrl+alt+backspace to get it back to sanity. windows has never acted like this whenever i use ctrl03:06
badfishall i have is lpd, no lpr or lprng03:06
jribkeres: why aren't you just showing me what it says.... don't describe it to me.  Just copy and paste03:06
keresi cant copy/paste03:06
YEMso what do i do now though? i can't get ndiswrapper to install.03:06
IndyGunFreakYEM: thats not a chipset.. if you have broadcom, you likely need to do a firmware upgrade also03:06
devinpls take a look03:06
jribelexodus: no terminal code, just got to system -> quit  log out03:06
keresubuntu is on this laptop and im typing on this other pec03:06
IndyGunFreakYEM: well what error do you get when you install ndiswrapper?03:06
temporalcronI think his Xserver isn't running - he has no GUI.03:06
elexodusjrib: ctrl+alt+backspace?03:06
iFvwmBoltClock: you can use "xev" to check your keyboard.03:07
jribkeres: the other computer does not have an internet connection?03:07
YEMthe error is always the same "couln't find package ndiswrapper"03:07
SchmittyDoesIthow do i replace the fonts on my system with the ones that came with my distribution03:07
jribelexodus: logging out is better03:07
YEMeven though i've tried a quite a few thing03:07
zaidkeres: I'm guessing that reinstalling form the cd is not a viable option?03:07
jrib!wifi > YEM03:07
ubottuYEM, please see my private message03:07
jigpguys i cant see all my icons in the desktop and even the menus like Accessories , Menu , System etc. after installing awn eye candy thru console :(03:07
IndyGunFreakYEM: well first, run "lspci" in a terminal, and check your wireless chipset.... so you know what direction to go for sure03:07
iFvwmYEM: why need ndiswrapper03:07
keresi just spent a really long time installing it03:07
keresis there any chance of popping in the cd and running in like safe mode or somehting03:08
jribYEM: make sure you need ndiswrapper first. That wiki page also tells you the actual name03:08
kevinO!wtf | keres03:08
ubottukeres: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:08
jrib!pm | YEM03:08
ubottuYEM: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.03:08
bill_billso is there any way i upgrade to ububntu 6.0603:08
zaidkeres: I know the feeling, I had ahard drive crash soon after installing ubuntu for the first time (unrelated to ubuntu, used computers suck)03:08
jrib!xconfig > keres03:08
ubottukeres, please see my private message03:08
jribkeres: choose 'nv' as you driver03:08
SchmittyDoesIthow do i replace the fonts on my system with the ones that came with my distribution03:08
palhello every103:08
iFvwmjrib: bot controller. :D03:09
Jordan_Ubill_bill: Please open a terminal: Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ( thought it may be different in 5.10 ), in the terminal type "apt-cache policy update-manager" and hit enter, then copy and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com and then tell me the link that it gives03:09
ToddEDMheyeveryone, im having a problem burning a CD iso, i get an error http://pastebin.com/m292b5b5b03:09
YEMok i did that Indy and it says BCM4328 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 03)03:09
YEMis my wireless card03:09
IndyGunFreakYEM: ok, so its a broadcomm03:09
IndyGunFreak!broadcomm | YEM03:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about broadcomm03:09
IndyGunFreak!broadcom | YEM03:10
ubottuYEM: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx03:10
palI am using Ubuntu Ibex Alpha 5, and since Alpha 3 I have a retarted bug going on.  I have a Toshiba Satellite and the volume wheel does'nt work right on the Ubuntu.  Yet the volume control is fine.  What can be done to correct this?03:10
jribpal: check the last entry in the /topic03:10
YEMok thx for the lead, i'm gonna check this out and see if it helps03:10
BoltClockiFvwm: what symptoms of any problems should i look for in xev's output?03:10
elexodusWhoever just helped me: THANKS!!! IT WORKED!!!03:10
ToddEDMcan someone help me to get this iso burnt?03:10
SchmittyDoesIthow do i replace the fonts on my system with the ones that came with my distribution03:10
palthank u jrib03:10
jribelexodus: no problem.  It's a known bug that's being worked on03:10
elexodusToddEDM: rightclick>burn image03:10
IndyGunFreakYEM: but im almost sure you'll have to do a firmware upgrade for that device to woork03:10
elexodusjrib: Awsome, thanks03:11
steg_anybody here using/used sound juicer?03:11
ToddEDMelexodus:  i get an error http://pastebin.com/m292b5b5b03:11
iFvwmBoltClock: xev is just show keyname when you press any key. just a test soft03:11
YEMso theres a chance i might have to flash the firmware on my wireless card to get this working?03:11
YEMisn't that pretty risky?03:11
iFvwmBoltClock: so can check if the keyname is right one.03:12
IndyGunFreakYEM: read the broadcom wiki, it will explain it.03:12
elexodusToddEDM: you are going to have to re-install the driver to your CD-ROM drive.03:12
_hp_anyone got experience with the xps 420 ?03:12
ToddEDMok... how is that done03:12
elexodusToddEDM: google the make and model with "Ubuntu" and "driver". I'm sure you'll find a step-by-step suited to your model.03:13
ToddEDMi never had to install drivers for my drive before03:13
steg_any knows how to choose mp3 in sound juicer?03:13
ToddEDMim on a Acer laptop03:13
elexodusToddEDM: so, this just happened out of the blue?03:13
rockyrockWhen i try to mute the sound using the mute key in the keyboard, it doesn't work! Even though i see the mute indicator in the screen and on the Sound volume. Why???03:14
jigpguys i cant see all my icons in the desktop and even the menus like Accessories , Menu , System etc. after installing awn eye candy thru console :(03:14
ToddEDMwell i havent used this laptop in about 6 months03:14
elexodusToddEDM: all I can say is that that is what it looks like to me.03:14
ToddEDMok thx03:14
jribkeres: no problem03:15
=== elexodus is now known as elexodus_napping
Gneabrock081: uh, yes?03:16
redvamp128question is there a room for ubuntu developers? I have a question about using fluxbox on ubuntu---after opening nautilus the menu right click disappears-- I am in gnome now- I had to use the shortcut to the log off to end the session.03:16
spiritssightis there a way to rename all files to capital letters03:16
SchmittyDoesIthow to i navigate to a folder in nautilus when it says it's ~/.fonts03:16
SchmittyDoesItwhere is that?03:16
Gneaspiritssight: yes.03:16
spiritssightGnea: how do you do this?03:16
pawanhow to track irc chat history for a particular user03:16
SchmittyDoesIthow to i navigate to a folder in nautilus when it says it's ~/.fonts03:17
outbripawan: what irc client are you using?03:17
javiergWould anyone know why my ubuntu freezes randomly (usually when opening a video with VLC, or Movie player) the screen stays frozen I can move the mouse but I can't do anything else. Can't even Control+ALT+Backspace. I hear the video but I don't see it. I have to manually power off the computer.03:17
Gneaspiritssight: the commandline doubles as a very powerful scripting language - http://bash.cyberciti.biz/file-management/rename-given-file-names/03:17
_Zeus_SchmittyDoesIt: from the top menu, set it to show hidden files03:17
iFvwmSchmittyDoesIt: ctrl-L, and input ~/.fonts03:17
_Zeus_or just press alt+f2 and type .fonts03:18
iFvwmyou do not need access this directory. SchmittyDoesIt03:18
iFvwmin nautilus, also you can input as "font:///"03:18
SchmittyDoesItthanks guys03:18
rockyrockthe file manager in my Ubuntu disappeared!03:19
phpcurioushi, im already clueless on how to make my screen resolution to 1024*768 or something more than 800*600 . I already did everything on /etc/X11/xorg.conf but still nothing. anyone help?03:19
rockyrockI have hardy03:19
rockyrockhow to run it again?03:19
pauljrjavierg: do you have direct rendering enabled?03:19
CorbinFoxphpcurious: do you have the most updated video card drivers?03:19
rockyrockall the system now is unstable!03:19
javiergpauljr, how can i check to make sure?03:19
phpcuriousCorbinFox: I am using a laptop03:20
pauljrJavierg, go to the terminal and type: glxinfo | grep direct03:20
phpcuriousCorbinFox: i don't know if I have updated video card drivers03:20
iFvwmrockyrock: open and closed immediatelly?03:20
dsnydersphpcurious, Have you tried System>Preferences>Screen resolution?03:20
=== TK_276 is now known as UncleTimmy
phpcuriousdsnyders: yes03:20
javiergpauljr, Yes.03:20
outbripawan: in a terminal cd to your .xchat2 directory, and then enter ls03:20
dsnydersphpcurious, Well, I'm out of ideas :-)03:20
rockyrockiFvwm: no03:21
nickrudphpcurious, could you put a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log on paste.ubunt.com?03:21
CorbinFoxphpcurious: what version are you using? 8.04?03:21
phpcuriousdsnyders: no prob03:21
pauljrOk.. you don't happen to have an onboard intergrated graphics card, do you?03:21
nickrudphpcurious, that's paste.ubuntu.com by the way03:21
phpcuriousnickrud: ok03:21
outbripawan: in that there should be a folder named scrollback you can also cd to, and from there you go to the directory of the channel/user you want a log from03:21
iFvwmrockyrock: so,,, open a terminal, and type nautilus,03:21
phpcuriousCorbinFox: 8.0403:21
CorbinFoxphpcurious: then isnt there a Restricted Drivers option under System > Administration?  try that, maybe it will offer the newest drivers.  if that fails, maybe check out synaptic, i dunno after that03:22
javiergpauljr, its a laptop03:22
pauljrjavierg, I have a similar problem with opengl functions on a nvidia 6150, glxgears freezes my system for example03:22
phpcuriousCorbinFox:  k will check03:23
pauljryou could try activating the framebuffer in xorg, that's the only thing I can't think of, it didn't solve my problem but it might solve yours03:23
pawanwhere is xchat directory03:23
nickrudpawan, ~/.xchat203:23
iFvwmpauljr: had installed nvidia-glx-new package?03:23
iFvwmframebuffer also a good choose. :D03:24
phpcuriousnickrud: what part of the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log do you want me to paste? it's very lengthy03:24
javiergpauljr, so what do you do? Just turn off the computer and turn it back on?03:24
ZeroSerenityAnd I'm back to ask something else.03:24
nickrudphpcurious, all of it :)  open it in gedit , and copy & paste03:24
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ cd ~/.xchat03:24
pawanbash: cd: /home/pawan/.xchat: No such file or directory03:24
iFvwmcat /var/log/Xorg.0.log|grep EE03:25
OrangeKyohow do you change the icon for an executable/launcher?03:25
nickrudpawan, xchat203:25
=== ^Phantom^ is now known as ^Phantom
pauljrjavierg try in terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:25
ZeroSerenityHas anyone attempted to install or run Ubuntu on Microsoft Virtual PC?03:25
nickrudiFvwm, not helpful, if it's falling back to failsafe mode.03:25
Razerthere's something wrong with my GUI, I can't see the close button anymore03:25
phpcuriousnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47943/03:26
nickrudiFvwm, it won't show much in the way of errors03:26
outbriZeroSerenity: just so you can try and see if things work through WINE? :P Just kidding, and no, I haven't.03:26
Alek_86( Operating System ) Linux Ubuntu 8.04 - hardy Kernel: 2.6.24-21-generic, GNU/Linux | Xorg: | IRC CLient: X-Chat v.2.8.403:26
ZeroSerenityI found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToConfigureUbuntuForMicrosoftVirtualPC2004 but it doesn't seem to be working.03:26
Razernautilus is the what shows you the maximize minimize close things right?03:26
rockyrockiFvwm: i did, but doesn't work03:26
=== ^Phantom is now known as ^Phantom^
ZeroSerenityI can't replace my main OS on this computer.03:26
iFvwmrockyrock: any error line?03:26
dsnydersZeroSerenity, Have you had a look at Wubi?03:27
mn_When i run oomath, it says "javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!"  What should I do about this?03:27
ZeroSerenityMostly because I play a lot of high end games that would never work through Wine.03:27
phpcuriousnickrud: what next?03:27
javiergpauljr, Well i hope that helps ><03:27
nickrudphpcurious, ok, you have an sis chip, and X is using the vesa driver. Do you have xserver-xorg-video-sis installed?03:27
rockyrockiFvwm: wait cuz whenever i try to open a thing, the system gets frozen03:27
phpcuriousnickrud: i think i don't have that03:28
javiergpauljr, Thanks.03:28
pauljrjavierg, to activate your changes restart or restart x03:28
rockyrockiFvwm: actually the terminal is frozen now!03:28
dsnydersZeroSerenity, Wubi installs an ubuntu environment into a single file on a windows machine, then uses the windows boot menu to dual boot03:28
redvamp128question is there a room for ubuntu developers? I have a question about using fluxbox on ubuntu---after opening nautilus the menu right click disappears-- I am in gnome now- I had to use the shortcut to the log off to end the session.03:28
nickrudphpcurious, dpkg -l xserver-xorg-video-sis will say03:28
iFvwmrockyrock: sad03:28
phpcuriousnickrud: k will do that03:28
rockyrockiFvwm: i don't want to reboot03:28
rockyrockiFvwm: Linux should be stable!03:29
ZeroSerenityI do not want to dual boot. I'd rather just VM the damned thing.03:29
phpcuriousnickrud: oh, i already have it. what next?03:29
iFvwmrockyrock: you can press ctrl-alt-f1, login, and use "top" to see what occupied your cpu03:29
zubwolfdh_make doesn't seem to work correctly, i dl'd a program, moved a copy to /var/cache/pbuilder, renamed it like the name-convention says (eggdrop-1.6.19 in this case), when i cd to that directory and execute 'sudo dh_make', it says "The directory name must be <package>-<version> for dh_make to work!"03:29
iFvwmthen killall xxxx03:29
iFvwmkillall -9 xxx03:29
zubwolfi wonder if this is a bad joke or smth03:30
phpcuriousnickrud: it said Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold03:30
phpcurious| Status=Not/Installed/Config-f/Unpacked/Failed-cfg/Half-inst/t-aWait/T-pend03:30
phpcurious|/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)03:30
phpcurious||/ Name           Version        Description03:30
phpcuriousii  xserver-xorg-v 1:0.9.3-6      X.Org X server -- SiS display driver03:30
FloodBot3phpcurious: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:30
nickrudphpcurious, ok, are you on 64bit?03:30
iFvwm5 lines is flood03:30
nickrud3 lines should be flood ;p03:30
phpcurioussorry about the flood it was unintentional03:30
iFvwmnext time, i try 3lines. hehe03:30
nickrudphpcurious, no problem. Do you have the 64bit install?03:31
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:31
phpcuriousnickrud: how do I determine that? sorry newbie here.03:31
lgbrhow do I auto start wpa_supplicant in dapper?03:31
phpcuriousnickrud: i think 32bit03:32
Razeranyone notice that nautilus is gone?03:32
nickrudphpcurious, uname -a , you get one line backyou can paste here ;)03:32
Decepticonwhat is /etc/motd.tail03:32
lawnninjaanyone familiar with the device-mapper target type "raid45" not in kernel message during boot?03:32
phpcuriousnickrud: Linux jojo-siao 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux03:32
nickrudphpcurious, 32bit -> i68603:33
phpcuriousnickrud: ahh okay now i know my install is 32bit03:33
zubwolfhttp://rafb.net/p/Rw6CzC17.html here's the output of dh_make, any ideas about whats going wrong would be really apreciated03:33
phpcuriouswow information overload!03:33
phpcuriousnickrud: what next?03:33
phpcuriousim 32bit install03:33
Decepticonhow do i wget a mms://url.com03:34
nickrudphpcurious, looking over a few posts right now03:34
phpcuriousnickrud: oh okay. will wait03:34
nickrudphpcurious, one more bit of info:   lspci | grep -i vga , that will give back one line also03:35
tsai_roxhello everyone, i installed pc-bsd and i can ssh from my pc-bsd box to my linux box, but not the opposite. when I try to ssh into my pcbsd box i get:  http://pastebin.com/m46ecdfd8 Any ideas?03:35
sproctorhi, I'm trying to debug a problem with nautilus using strace as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Strace My problem is that every time the log file is updated, nautilus reads it, which causes the log file to be updated again. and so on.03:35
SchmittyDoesItso files inside of /proc/ are constantly changing and being written to?03:35
shadowhywindhay all I have a file, that i change frequently, and everytime i change it it loses the execute flag, any ideas on how to keep it from losing it?03:35
redvamp128sproctor you could try to change permissions to read only03:35
phpcuriousnickrud: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)03:35
redvamp128that should stop that loop..03:35
Oneworddoes ubuntu have vnc server by default?03:35
tsai_roxi'm running ubuntu 8.04 on my linux box03:36
shadowhywindoh wait, never mind03:36
dsnydersHi all.  I want to do some simple programming, maybe with some 2D graphics and sound, like I used to on my Atari.  What's a good language for "quick and dirty" programming these days?03:36
sproctorredvamp128: but I want the log file to be updated... the whole point of this exercise is to create the log file.03:36
onek1llanyone know the intercom code at wal-mart?03:36
redvamp128though you should look into doing that one in xterm (or your favorite prompt)03:36
nickrudphpcurious, then http://ncc-1701a.homelinux.net/WikiBerd/index.php?page=LinuxSis67x should have the info you need, it's a condensation of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61509403:36
SebNaitsabesdsynders:  2d animation?03:36
DxChey guys, I want to use ssh from my ubuntu machine to access my remote server, where would I put the ssh key file? (I don't have keyboard interactive login enabled, I just use a SSH key)03:37
phpcuriousnickrud: hmm ok let me check that out. thanks for the help03:37
dsnydersSebNaitsabes, not necessarily.  Just Plot(x,y,color) kind of stuff.03:37
jobeversi think I'm going to go crazy trying to set-up dual monitors.03:38
jribDxC: you're asking where you would put it on the server?03:38
jobeversI have a new Dell Inspiron 530 with ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO.  Out of the box, I get cloned displays.03:38
SebNaitsabesdsynders:  well I know of a good 2d  animation program for Linux and Windows et03:38
AaronMTHey, how can I edit the bookmarks made by Nautilus in the Places menu?03:38
DxCjrib - no where I would put it on my laptop..03:38
DxCI'm kinda used to windows/putty03:38
DxCwhere you have a file stored locally03:38
DxCand then something on the server-side as well.03:38
DxCWondering if it's the same on ubuntu03:39
rigelhi, i'm having problems playing dvds03:39
jribDxC: the ssh client looks at  ~/.ssh/id_rsa by default.  But you can configure more with ~/.ssh/config03:39
DxCthanks :D03:39
jribDxC: on the server you put it in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys03:39
tengulreI have already LiveCD ISO file, I want modify something and remake this ISO file, How to do?03:39
redvamp128I think you have to open up nautilus with sudo03:39
rigeli swapped out the drive and didnt do a reinstall because ubuntu worked with my new hw03:39
ljsoftnetrigel: what kind of problem?03:39
DxCYep, I know that much03:39
redvamp128then it will ungrey the rename for the folder in the menu03:39
jribAaronMT: bookmarks -> edit  in a nautilus window03:39
rigelthe hd, i mean03:39
Jordan_Udsnyders: python most likely, don't personally know how to do GUI programming with python thouch03:39
rigelso now i cant play dvds03:40
SebNaitsabesdsynders: well I know fo a good  2d animation program03:40
rigelwhere before i could03:40
pawanpawan@pawan-desktop:~$ ~/.xchat203:40
pawanbash: /home/pawan/.xchat2: is a directory03:40
rigeli can read dvd-r's03:40
rigelbut not play video dvds03:40
rigeli dont really want to reinstall03:40
dsnydersSebNaitsabes, what is the 2d animation program?03:40
SebNaitsabesdsynders:  synfig and I suggest getting it  from the site since Ubuntu repo  is probably quite a lot out of date for it03:40
Jordan_Utengulre: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization03:41
rigelit just hangs and the drive keeps spinning when i try and play a dvd in totem or vlc03:41
nickrudpawan, cd ~/.xchat2 , that'll put you in the dir. Then any logs would be in the xchatlogs dir there03:41
SebNaitsabesdsnyders:  I put your name werong look above if you did not alreay read03:42
dsnydersJordan_U, I was thinking of possibly python, but I know almost nothing about it.  Does it come in an interpreted environment, or is it compiled?03:42
rigelpython can be pseudocompiled03:42
rigelbut its interpreted too03:42
rigelits script-ish03:42
dsnydersSebNaitsabes, synfig.  Got it.  I'll take a look at it later.03:42
rigelcan someone help me get my dvd working plzkthx03:43
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs03:43
rigelyes, i've got all the appropriate libraries installed03:43
rigelit's hanging for some reason tho03:43
SebNaitsabeswith what program?03:44
hdevalence|awaydoes anyone know of the compose key shortcut for pi?03:44
Jordan_Udsnyders: Interpreted ( it uses a JIT )03:44
redvamp128rigel--- just asking-- you got any dvd rippers installed- I saw on a computer where an early form of -- Dcss encription of a DVD would cause some to spin...03:45
redvamp128under windows... that is03:45
de_tox1984hi all03:46
redvamp128or is it just totem with the libraries installed.?03:46
jvargasthunderbird starts and while is trying to get mail, it hangs, and cpu consumption is around 48%03:46
jvargasi have to kill thunderbird and start again03:46
jvargasany idea¿03:46
SebNaitsabesde_tox1984: hello03:47
de_tox1984has anybody else got weak download speeds under transmission 1.33?03:47
gooseI'm having an x/gnome error03:47
redvamp128I had to use this page to get mine to run DVD's ...http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2006/12/14/how-to-enable-dvd-playback-ubuntu-510-6061-610/03:48
redvamp128I used the sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread3/./install-css.sh03:48
gooseany experts on getting xorg working?03:48
emhsHey.  Im having trouble with wireless in hardy.  I've got a bcm4311, and I can't connect to any WPA connections, nor some WEP connections.03:49
AdEbTahey good n.03:49
AaronMTHey, how can I edit the bookmarks made by Nautilus in the Places menu?03:49
AdEbTahey can someone help me to format my pen drive?03:49
Cheekyhow can i kill all files that are using.. my sound so i can test my skype? i know to this part but i dunno wat i need to bring it up "ps aux | grep ...." i dunnowat to type there to bring wat iam looking for03:50
nickrudAaronH, in a nautilus, window, bookmarks -> edit03:50
emhsAaronMT, drag and drop folders to it in a nautilus window.03:50
gooseany experts on getting gnome working working, I can't get to the login it flashes a few times then kicks back to a console login03:51
KiR_6667i'm trying to use the "su" command in terminal and getting an "authentication failure" message, can anybody help?03:51
goosetry sudo instead03:52
bobertdos!noroot | KiR_666703:52
ubottuKiR_6667: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)03:52
spiritssightwhat is the fast and easy way to get rid of duobic file in a folder / subfolders (talking about pic that are same even if names are not03:52
nickrudgoose, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pcritical xserver-xorg will reconfig X to defaults, without asking questions03:52
KiR_6667im following a tutorial and it just says to type "su", I tried "sudo" but it requires peramiters (sp)03:53
bobertdosKiR_6667: Which is to say, root is dangerous, and we would rather people not take the risk.03:53
nickrudKiR_6667, use sudo -i then03:53
AdEbTahey, what's the best way to format a pen drive on Ubuntu?03:54
bobertdosKiR_6667: sudo uses your usual user password, any other parameter belongs to the command you're invoking.03:54
sed8meAdEbTa: if you have the gui going i'd use partition editor from the system/administration menu03:54
KiR_6667how do i create a folder in a protected area once ive used sudo -i?03:54
nickrudAdEbTa, and if you don't see it there, install gparted (it'll be there then)03:54
gooseI dont think that will work because sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  and xfix cause a black screen to come up instead of the flashing login/console which doesn't accept any keyboard input03:54
nickrudKiR_6667, if you do sudo -i, you have a root terminal. then mkdir /path/to/folder03:55
AdEbTaiĺl try03:55
KiR_6667thanks nickrud03:55
duderinowhat's the best video editing software for linux? think final cut for linux?03:55
dsnydersJordan_U, Python looks promising.  There is a turtle-like graphics library/module/whatever-its-called available.03:56
nickrudgoose, after a failed X start, show a copy of /var/log/Xorg.0.log . Don't try any X stuff until you've saved that file for upload to paste.ubuntu.com03:56
Cheekycould any one give me hand with this command trying pull all files that are running sound...03:56
DragondefHello, could someone tell me how to install, or move applications onto separate drives03:56
nickrudooh, turtle graphics?03:56
goosewell does the console output of startx work?03:56
bobertdosduderino: Well, there's always ubuntustudio :)03:57
nickrudgoose, no, I need the actual log file of X's start.03:57
dsnydersnickrud, Yes, see http://docs.python.org/lib/module-turtle.html03:57
phpcuriousnickrud: i successfully changed my screen resolution well!03:57
nickrudgoose, to be honest, it's been so long since I used startx I've forgotten what it's output looks like03:57
nickrudphpcurious, good!03:57
duderinoo i have those apps in hardy heron now03:57
duderinomaybe i should check those out03:57
phpcuriousnickrud: i have 1024 * 76803:57
duderinoi thought that was for audio03:57
duderinoi'll take a gander03:58
nickruddsnyders, ah, I wrote an implementation of it in forth with integer math once. Very enlightening ;)03:58
{Matteo}hi, I'm having issues with Ubuntu and my sound. I get crackling in my left channel only when I turn the sound up on my speakers.03:58
spiritssightwhat is the fast and easy way to get rid of duobic file in a folder / subfolders (talking about pic that are same even if names are not03:58
phpcuriousnickrud: im a little bit embarrased to ask you another question03:58
gooseok, how do i get xorg.o.log out of ubuntu into my xp partition from the root console03:58
nickruddsnyders, that is, I took pseudo code from some mit book and wrote it in forth03:58
phpcuriousnickrud: can you help me set up my wireless?03:58
nickrudphpcurious, probably not ;)03:58
phpcuriousnickrud: oh come on!03:58
bobertdosDragondef: That's not really something Linux is designed to do.03:58
renaewhat command can i use to check a hard drive?03:58
phpcuriousnickrud: hehehe03:58
phpcuriousnickrud: well it's ok03:59
dsnydersnickrud, I bow to your superior forth knowledge.  I barely got past doing basic math on it.  Interesting language though.03:59
nickrudgoose, you can copy it to a thumb drive, or install http://www.fs-driver.org/ and read it directly from xp03:59
waterfoulswitching computers, i'm goose03:59
KiR_6667how do i move files into protected areas now nickrud? is there a gui way of doing any of this?03:59
gooseand i'm waterfoul03:59
phpcuriousnickrud: i appreciate all the help anyway for helping me on my screen resolution03:59
renaewhat command can i use to check a hard drive? i also want to recover data03:59
maxtor211I can't get my headset working03:59
maxtor211With my Logitech Headset03:59
nickruddsnyders, it was the only high level language that made a 6502 fly.03:59
maxtor211The Headphone portion works but not the Mic03:59
Dragondefbobertdos: Well, I have been able to move a java development onto another drive, and I was hoping that I could do the same. I am just running out of hard drive (2g) and have a 250g External04:00
oswadorenae--> what do you want to check?04:00
nickrudKiR_6667, if you do  gksu nautilus, you'll get a admin mode file window. Use with care04:00
emhsanyone care to hazard a guess as to why network manager would have trouble connecting to WPA enabled wireless networks over ndiswrapper and a bcm4311?04:00
=== waterfoul is now known as goose
nickrudphpcurious, what wireless chip?04:00
KiR_6667thanks nickrud04:00
dontchokewheni try to run locate on ubuntu i get this04:00
maxtor211I have a Logitech Headset but the Mic Portion does not work04:00
{Matteo}i'm having this exact problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/75906 but on my dell XPS04:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75906 in linux-source-2.6.20 "left-channel distortion on intel-hda" [Medium,Confirmed]04:01
dsnydersnickrud, When I eventually get my PIC running I might put some sort of forth on it.04:01
dontchokelocate: can not open `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory04:01
renaeoswado: says that i have an unconnected directory inode 32709, and it failed the disk check at boot. i want to double check that my hdd failed before i go out and buy a new HDD04:01
oswadoemhs--> bcm43xx is infamous for being difficult to get working04:01
phpcuriousnickrud: uhm , let me check what i have done so far...04:01
redvamp128renae try this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-find-out-if-harddisk-failing.html04:01
nickruddsnyders, it's a fun language. Be careful though, it's even worse than perl for write once read never04:01
sp00anyone tried to get Snare working under Hardy?04:01
oswadorenae--> see that paste from redvamp12804:01
duderinono but video editing software is not in ubuntu studio04:01
duderinoso is cino the best or any other options like final cut?04:02
bobertdosDragondef: Well, if you did it with the JDK, I guess you already know how careful you have to be. Just know that not all programs (and more importantly, they're dependencies) are as easily relocated.04:02
nickrudemhs, I use a bcm4311 and the native b43 driver works like a charm. I used the one from restricted driver manager04:02
renaeoswado: redvamp128 thanks guys04:02
redvamp128the only other thing maybe a e2fsck04:02
dsnydersnickrud, Nothing beats APL for write only-ness except possibly whitespace.04:02
renaeoswado: redvamp128: i was just reading that actually.04:02
Crashedatadoes anyone know what the default htdocs directory is for a new install of Ubuntu Server (Ubuntu 8)?04:02
redvamp128you should logg off and run it from prompt though04:03
nickruddsnyders, I'll take your word on that :) I haven't done much of anything but very light php and html for a long time04:03
spiritssightIs there a easy way to get rid of doublics files with out having to pick which on to keep it just picks on and keeps it04:03
CrashedataThank you.04:03
arooni-ppcdoes intel p43 mobo have good linux compatibility?04:03
hoskrow row fight the powah04:03
goosewhere is  xorg.0.log agian?04:03
{Matteo}hi, I'm having issues with Ubuntu and my sound. I get crackling in my left channel only when I turn the sound up on my speakers.04:04
{Matteo}i'm having this exact problem: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/75906 but on my dell XPS04:04
chubsgoose, /var/log04:04
redvamp128also forgot this one to get the tools04:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75906 in linux-source-2.6.20 "left-channel distortion on intel-hda" [Medium,Confirmed]04:04
{Matteo}anyone have any fixes?04:04
redvamp128apt-get install smartmontools04:04
hyrlvldoes anyone have a favorite cpu, hdd, network, ram, monitor for use in ubuntu gnome?04:04
jrgphyrlvl, gkrellm*04:04
x3onhey, I am having trouble using my webcam with kopete. the webcam works and is appearing in kopete but i cant get it to send or receive webcam in a chat??04:06
hosstestWhen ever I boot system, I have to disconnect my wireless USB mouse several times before the it works.  Anyone know of any known probs with this?04:06
=== awked is now known as Gun_Smoke
hosstest*the mouse works04:06
redvamp128though I think they are in the repository...04:06
nickrudhosstest, I have to do that with my logitech mx620 in vista; works every time in ubuntu. Wierd stuff wireless04:06
dsnydersnickrud, (∼R∈R°.×R)/R←1↓ιR  is an APL program to find all of the prime numbers between 1 and R.04:07
redvamp128control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.04:07
redvamp128The smartmontools package contains two utility programs (smartctl and smartd)04:07
redvamp128to control and monitor storage systems using the Self-Monitoring, Analysis and04:07
redvamp128Reporting Technology System (S.M.A.R.T.) built into most modern ATA and SCSI04:07
redvamp128hard disks. It is derived from the smartsuite package, and includes support04:07
FloodBot3redvamp128: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:07
redvamp128for ATA/ATAPI-5 disks. It should run on any modern Linux system.04:07
* nickrud faints04:07
renaeoswado: redvamp128: smartctl is not in my repositories. i am complte cli guys and working from root recovery option here04:07
renaeany other apps that can do this diagnosis?04:07
renaethat EVERY linux distro would have?04:07
ZeroSerenityCripes. This is hard.04:07
redvamp128You have to get the tools first04:08
redvamp128goto the package manger---04:08
{Matteo}do it from a knoppix session04:08
redvamp128lookfor smart tolls04:08
redvamp128oops tools04:08
ZeroSerenityStill no luck for me getting Linux to work in Virtual PC.04:08
bobertdosrenae: I generally trigger the disk diagnostic by using tune2fs to control the maximal and current mount counts.04:08
nickrudrenae, it would be in smartmontools (smartctl)04:08
redvamp128it is smartmontools04:08
bsusadoes anyone know of any program that converts any video or mpeg files to vob format?04:08
redvamp128renea open up the synaptic package manger-- type password04:09
hosstestFinally, I have one other pending prob.  I am running audio through my USB Headset.  I can listen to mp3s, streaming music, and game play but ONLY flash videos yield no audio.  I have installed libflashsupport, any suggestions?04:09
redvamp128then download the smartmontools package-- then try that command04:09
Cheekycould som one please help me set up SKype . i really need to use toi have been here for along time  and tried ..to figure it out .. but i have no luck l.. could some one give me a hand?04:09
phpcuriousnickrud: i have SiS wireless just builtin. I remember i installed SiS driver for wireless but realized it was wrong driver04:09
goosenickrud heres my xorg.0.log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47950/04:09
renaediagi think'll just boot a puppy linux cd04:09
Dragonde1Okay, problem is that I'm running out of hard drive space. How can I utilize an external hard drive  to store application. I can't save that much space by moving my home folder over, but it still will also be helpful.04:09
nickrudphpcurious, try lspci . You'll get a bunch of stuff, if you can determine which line describes the wireless, post that. Otherwise, put it all on the pastebin04:10
redvamp128It even says to download the package---04:10
hosstestalso, can someone PM me the code needed to write an executable script to run a prg in a new X session?04:10
phpcuriousnickrud: yes sir!04:10
gooseany idea why corg is failing"?"04:10
redvamp128I forgot that it doesn't default install the tools... My folly...04:10
spiritssightCan someone tell me how to del double files04:10
oswadospiritssight--> what do you mean double files?04:11
{Matteo}you could md5 all the files and delete duplicate md5 hashes X-D04:11
spiritssightI have pictures and some ok alot are doubles, I want a easy way to just keep one copy only04:11
KiR_6667does anybody know mozilla (firefox's) default installation directory in ubuntu? off-hand?04:12
spiritssightI want to check the my home folder and its subfolders and get rid of the doubles04:12
iFvwmspiritssight: gqview04:12
dsnydersDragondel,  Are your drives partitioned using LVM?04:12
{Matteo}the binary is usually in /usr/bin04:12
{Matteo}for firefox04:12
phpcuriousnickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47951/04:12
nickrudgoose, what I see that gets my attention is lines 439-549, the monitor setup.04:13
arooni-ppcdoes intel p43 mobo have good linux compatibility?04:13
bobertdosKiR_6667: and the library files, including the plugins are usually in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.104:13
nickrudgoose, this is a laptop?04:13
gooseyea, a tablet04:13
spiritssightthis gqview will allow me to automatic get rid of doubles04:14
Dragonde1No, I don't believe that it did. But, I could be wrong.04:14
goosethe monitor is a Samsung ltn140w2-l02 but i cant find the vsync or horizrange04:14
iFvwmspiritssight: can compare those pic, and select to delete.04:15
nickrudphpcurious, huh. I don't even see a wireless device there (or don't recognize one). Is it usb?  (lsusb shows usb devices)04:15
bsusahello, is their a way of adding multiple video files at once with DeVeDe? If so how?04:15
StylesHey, I need to have libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2 be installed, yet I can't find the lib that works. It saids another one is already in there.04:15
spiritssightso does this mean I would see the two pic and just del one myself or can it do it for me04:15
phpcuriousnickrud: really? that's weird04:15
cmatheso1does totem-gstreamer not support subtitles in hardy?04:16
KiR_6667thanks bobertdos04:16
phpcuriousnickrud: when I boot on windows it has wireless04:16
SchmittyDoesItwhat is a good webdesign application for gnome?04:16
Onewordhow do I use gnome desktop in vnc?04:16
solomehpulseaudio is screwing up my Ubuntu MacBook's sound (Sigmatel STAC9221)  and I kill the process and Amarok can actually play a song finally04:16
iFvwmspiritssight: install it. and try. look at the menu items. duplicate pic can be found.04:16
nickrudgoose, I'm not sure then. But I'd say getting some resolution info would be a start.04:16
LSD|NinjaOneword: you enable the Vino server in System -> Admin -> Remote Desktop04:17
solomehBut I still can't hear it from my speakers with everything in alsamixer unmuted and turned up04:17
dsnydersDragonde1, does the df command mention anything about lvm?04:17
redvamp128styles_ you could try adding04:17
bsusahmm probly not04:17
nickrudphpcurious, that's not the question :)04:17
goosei cant find it :( i've tried for hours04:17
iFvwmSchmittyDoesIt: blusefish / nvu04:17
gooseis there a program that can detect it04:17
OnewordLSD|Ninja, I am using tightvnc04:17
nickrudgoose, and to be honest, I know little to nothing about the vga driver (libxf4bpp.so)04:17
redvamp128archive.canical.com/ubuntu hardy partner to you third party software in your sources..04:17
redvamp128they have a much larger library then the main04:17
nickrudphpcurious, in order to get it working in ubuntu, we need to identify exactly what we're working with04:18
bsusadoes anyone know of any recommended programs for creating dvds using mpeg files?04:18
LSD|NinjaOneword: No idea then, I've only really messed with what's provided in GNOME04:18
bobertdossolomeh: Only one application can have control of the sound resources at a time under Pulse -- an unfortunate bug. You can switch everything over to ALSA an try it that way if you wish.04:18
Dragonde1dsnyders: No, I don't see any evidence of that04:18
solomehbobertdos: How do I switch it all over to ALSA?04:19
SchmittyDoesItthanx iFvwm04:19
spiritssightI have installed it and what I see so far is I have to drop the pic into a window and then it compares am I missing the ability for it to search04:19
tengulrehi,all ! how to auto running a app when I login in gamin desktop ?04:19
dsnydersDragonde1,   LVM would have allowed you to span from one hard drive to the other.04:20
SerdasTeclasI, can someone help me? I'm trying to make my tablet screen work, I tried a lot of tutorials on the forum and from google but so far I can't make it work04:20
bobertdossolomeh: System->Preferences->Sound (and sometimes if you have to), gksudo gstreamer-properties (from the terminal).04:20
dsnydersDragonde1, but, since you don't have it installed, we'll have to look at other options.04:20
phpcuriousnickrud: just for clarification. why is it that it cannot detect my wireless builtin . I did this laptop dual-boot so when i boot on windows it can detect wireless networks. so I cannot say there is no wireless in my laptop.04:20
hosstestcan someone please help me with nano and executable scripts?04:20
LSD|Ninjaphpcurious: what wifi chip?04:21
LSD|NinjaWhat's the bet it's Broadcom?04:21
mrynitI can see networks and briefly connected to them but I always get disconnected. this happens to all types of access points.04:21
phpcuriousLSD|Ninja : SiS04:21
LSD|Ninjabah, house loses :(04:21
Dragonde1I could get it reinstalled, but I would rather wait.04:21
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nickrudphpcurious, wireless setup in ubuntu is it's achilles heel, still. It may be much better than before, but still.04:21
Onewordhow do I stop X04:22
bsusahello, is their a way of adding multiple video files at once with DeVeDe? If so how?04:22
mrynitmy wired networking is having the same issue. the spining thing is spinning in the network monitor04:22
hosstestyeah, how can I stop X on display 3?04:22
nickrudOneword, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop    (start to start it again)04:22
phpcuriousnickrud: so you mean to say wireless in ubuntu is still... gasp!04:22
SerdasTeclaswacom tablet, hp tx2510... anyone wanna try?04:22
nickrudphpcurious, heh.04:22
nickrudphpcurious, feisty took a bit of work for me, gutsy just a bit, and hardy worked out of the box. bcm431104:23
LSD|Ninjanickrud: Ubuntu is better than a lot of distros wrt wireless. Wireless troubles aren't a problem unique to Ubuntu, it affects Linux as a whole04:23
_Zeus_Oneword: press Ctrl+Alt+Bksp04:23
carandraughosstest: what's exactly your problem?04:23
nickrudLSD|Ninja, yeah, I should have said linux instead of ubuntu.04:23
LSD|Ninjanickrud: With the right chip, It's install and go with wireless on Ubuntu04:23
nickrudLSD|Ninja, yep. Read back for my experience ;)04:23
spiritssightPlease help I am not finding how to search the folders using gqview, I need to get ride of like 300ish doubles (pictures)04:23
_Zeus_I have installed on many laptops and wireless always was out-of-the-box04:23
nickrud_Zeus_, right chipset for you04:24
dsnydersDragonde1, Basically what you have to do is create a mount point for the external, move a folder onto it, then remount the external as that folder.04:24
chubs_Zeus_, not everyone is so lucky04:24
LSD|Ninja_Zeus_: What wifi chip/s? Intel and Atheros are the big two for OOB success04:24
_Zeus_LSD|Ninja: Thinkpads (i think atheros or intel) and toshibas with external proxin cards04:24
nickrudatheros 5007 anyone?04:25
carandraugspiritssight: you copied them by accident and they are in the same folder, you can order them by date and erase the bottom04:25
Dragonde1I thought about that, I was looking into it, but the issue is how to remount as a different folder. [sorry, lazy]04:25
LSD|Ninjanickrud: 5007 is a newer one, it's not entirely Ubuntu's fault for the trouble there04:25
dsnydersDragondel, You edit your /etc/fstab file.04:25
YEMok so i follwed the route of updating my firmware, i installed the packages and such that the website told me to, yet my card still isn't being recognized in network settings or "edit wireless networks"04:25
YEMwhere should i go from here?04:26
LSD|Ninjanickrud: b/g Atheros are usually fine04:26
nickrudLSD|Ninja, no, it's not anyone's fault, but we see the problem here. (or if anyone's, the manufacturer for releasing out of ubuntu schedule ;)04:26
YEMI had a broadcom card btw04:26
devinhi how do i set the sudo to allow root to run restart chilli from PHP04:27
bsusahello, is their a way of adding multiple video files at once with DeVeDe? If so how?04:27
LSD|Ninjanickrud: I said not entirely Ubuntu's fault. ubuntu didn't bump madwifi between Gutsy and Hardy so a few Atheros chips that should have been supported weren't. The drivers are also going through a change upstream. Hopefully though, it'll be mostly sorted out by Intrepid04:27
phpcuriousnickrud: how do know i have wireless in lspci? what do i need to look out for?04:28
hosstesthttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-402089.html to run wine wow.exe in a seperate X session04:28
Kolmaguys i downloaded a driver and un packaged the file, how do i install the driver (its a driver for a webcam)04:28
hosstestbut it isnt working.04:28
nickrudLSD|Ninja, could you look at his lspci, http://paste.ubuntu.com/47951/ , I don't recognize a wireless chipset there04:28
mahadeva_i have a this problem i have a asrock 775i65 and hd wester digital 40gb and install ubuntu reboot the pc and give this error grub loading stage 1.5 read error04:28
mahadeva_and i try with the other distribution any can install04:29
mahadeva_install other so and function ok04:29
mahadeva_what happend04:29
carandraughosstest: please start the message with the nick of whom you're talking to. That way they'll be warned about your message04:29
Kolmaany1 can help me with installing this driver?04:29
chubshaha warned04:30
hosstestI was referencing the link that I was reading from, to me.04:30
hosstestall I want to know is if someone knows how to run an app in a new X session, via execuatable script.04:30
Oxygenfa1Hey guys I want to burn an avi to dvd to watch on my dvd player. What ubuntu program will do all the conversions etc need to do this ?04:30
nickrudLSD|Ninja, I see that as just a normal problem of the release cycle. stable releases have strong pluses, and some annoying drawbacks regarding recent software. Since I'm here, you know what I find more important04:30
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phpcuriousnickrud: i want to tell you, i installed fedora here before it can detect wireless networks but connection to wireless is not good.04:31
phpcuriousnickrud: that means i really have wireless on my laptop04:31
spiritssighthow can I tell fdupes to keep on copie and del all the rest04:31
nickrudphpcurious, wireless is not really my strong suit. That's why I'm trying to drag someone else in. And I never disagreed about you having it, I just don't recognize the chip :)04:31
LSD|NinjaI can't say I see anything that looks like a wireless chip jump out at me04:32
LSD|NinjaIt looks like a cheap laptop though, maybe it's a USB device?04:32
nickrudphpcurious, does  lsusb  return anything? You may have an internal usb wireless04:32
Dragondefdsnyder: This is where I get stuck. /media/WD Passport is the original mount point, so I unmount it. Then, what do I write in my fstab file04:32
phpcuriouslsusb says something04:33
phpcuriousnickrud: im so sorry. i didn't mean to say that. i meant to say just to inform you.04:33
carandraughosstest: so what's exactly your problem? I can tell how to make the script executable if that's your problem04:33
hosstestI know how to do that, as far as making the script and what to put in it I dont know about.04:33
nickrudphpcurious, put the output of the lsusb on the pastebin04:34
lawnninjawhen I run lsmod after apt-get install dmraid when booting from live cd I see dm_raid45 listed at the top,  how can I get this included when I run update-initramfs?04:34
hosstestthe tut references nano, but the code they give isnt working.04:34
dsnydersDragondef, what does df say04:34
Oxygenfa1What do you guys use to put an AVI onto a dvd ?04:34
Oxygenfa1Not as data04:34
daklan_clslawnninja: add dm_raid45 to /etc/modules04:35
=== daklan_cls is now known as daklan
phpcuriousnickrud, LSD|Ninja http://paste.ubuntu.com/47952/04:35
YEMwhen i try to update i get this error "w: GPG error: http://ubuntu.cafueo.net hardy-cafuego Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"04:35
dsnydersDragonde1, df should tell you the mount point and the filesystem (eg /dev/sda1)04:36
Cheekyman....could some on help me with skype i need to speak with my family04:36
DragondefForgot about that /media is just like a shortcut04:36
carandraughosstest: well, I can't help you in changing the script. When you asked about nano and executable scripts I thought your problem was in that04:37
Oxygenfa1Hey guys I want to burn an avi to dvd to watch on my dvd player. What ubuntu program will do all the conversions etc need to do this ?04:37
AaronMTIt's command line driven, plenty of tutorials around04:37
hosstestcarandraug: have you worked with nano before?04:38
PRGUY85is there any way to get dolby digital/dts 5.1 sound using snd-hda-intel and analog 5.1 speaker connections? built in dd5.1/dts decoder in ubuntu?04:38
carandraughosstest: you mean nano the text editor? Yes04:38
nickrudphpcurious, what laptop do you have?04:39
dsnydersDragondef,   assuming it's ext3, you would add a line like:  /dev/sdc1 /mymountpoint ext3 defaults 0 2 to your /etc/fstab04:39
Dragondefwow, i can't get my point across. I meant I forgot that /media is a mount point, not the dev location04:39
phpcuriousnickrud : B2165N neo04:39
YEMIts really not worth the effort it takes to get these broadcom wireless cards working04:39
YEMthis is pretty insane04:39
hosstestcarandraug: have you ever written a script in it?  If you have information on syntax or if you could look at my 4 line script you might be able to help.04:39
gnutoit2what is best for writing cd/dvd  ?04:40
Dragondefso the defaults 0 2, what do they stand for?04:40
gnutoit2k3b or other04:40
vampirefroggnutoit2, i wrote a lot of dvd's with k3b, worked fine most of the time04:41
chubsDragondef, man fstab04:41
carandraughosstest: ok, I'll take a look. Gimme me one minute04:42
dsnydersDragondef, best check the man page, but as I recall defaults means mount as read/write, the first 0 has something to do with crash dumps, and the 2 has something to do with fsck04:42
chubshe's right you know^04:42
dsnydersDragondef, I think.04:42
Dragondef Thanks, I hate the man. it mean, ahhhh, that I have to read and think04:43
legend2440Dragondef: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab04:43
nickrudphpcurious, I"ve found a long thread about the rtl8187 usb device, and it requires compiling https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571046&page=13 . I'd suggest either waiting for intrepid (may work) or getting a cheap dongle after checking for supported devices04:43
YEMHow do i add a GPG to my keyring, and where do i get the key i need?04:43
dsnydersDragondef, you could always just go to Dell and get a machine with a bigger hd and linux pre-installed.  No readie no thinkie04:43
chubsthe man page is probably shorter than the wiki article04:44
MTecknologyYEM: seahorse04:44
DragondefThanks for that dsnyders, and thanks for not making me feel like an idiot. And thanks to you all.04:44
DragondefOh, that's funny04:44
MTecknologyYEM: You're looking for PGP04:44
phpcuriousnickrud: ok let me check that out. thanks again!04:44
* nickrud finds it hilarious, dsnyders gets kudo's for new-friendly, then blows it :)04:44
YEMI'm getting an error when i try to update because it says i'm missing the key, but tbh i don't know where to begin as far as getting that goes04:45
carandraughosstest: I think I may have seen some errors04:45
YEMwhats penguin?04:45
DragondefI just got a eee pc, so when it breaks [intention or not] I will upgrade to the bigger and better version. And I do have a computer with alot more space, just I can't carry it around04:45
YEMi mean seahorse04:45
DragondefWell, didn't just get04:45
hosstestokay, I am all ears04:45
nickrudYEM, seahorse is the security key handling software04:45
hosstestI get the error, .wine is not owned by you.04:45
hosstestand its a grey X session wtih an X for mouse.  just sits there.04:46
MTecknologyYEM: Seahorse is a nice tool to handle PGP and SSH keys, it'll create them for you too04:46
hosstestam I missing a sudo at the end of the script?04:46
MTecknologyYEM: It also let's you upload them to a public key server04:46
carandraughosstest: try this http://paste.ubuntu.com/47954/04:46
dsnydersDragondef, you were asking this for your eeePc?04:47
BenBquestion about |find| command: how do I find files with size smaller than or larger than a certain size?04:47
YEMi think i just made my own, i'll see if this works04:47
phpcuriousnickrud: it's a very long process but when I made it well, i will inform you what i have done.04:47
YEMdo i need their key or can i make my own?04:47
Dragondefoh, I do have another problem04:48
MTecknologyYEM: whose key?04:48
dsnydersDragondef, Ah.  Then the solution I gave may not be the best, as you would have to have the external mounted at all times.04:48
YEMthe place i'm trying to get this package from04:48
hosstestcarandraug:  Same symptoms, grey screen and the error in the terminal "wine: /home/--username--/.wine is not owned by you04:48
MTecknologyYEM: you don't use PGP keys to get packages04:49
Killeroidanyone know how to make my system recognize .bdf/.pcf.gz fonts?04:50
MTecknologyYEM: Go into synaptic, settings, software sources, (third party software and authentication)04:50
dsnydersDragondef, ... and I'm going to assume there will be times you don't have the external with you.04:50
bsusahello need a bit of assistance with the cat command please. I used it to merge mpeg files which is ok, this is im typing each one individually eg. cat 1.MPG 2.MPG 3.MPG etc... is their a way of setting it from eg: cat 1.MPG to 100.MPG? Can someone please tell me the command for this?04:50
Dragondefdsnyders, may we switch to a private room04:51
YEMok i did04:51
dsnydersDragondef, sure.04:51
YEMtheres two keys listed04:51
YEMi dont think either are the key i need04:52
DragondefDsnyder, should have already been sent04:52
MTecknologyYEM: sorry, I misunderstood04:53
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YEMthis is the error i get when i'm trying to update my firmware from http://us.ubuntu.cafuego.net04:53
Guest1354i need some help here in Ubuntu04:53
carandraughosstest: I don't know. Try looking for that wiki about WoW04:53
YEMW: GPG error: http://us.ubuntu.cafuego.net gutsy-cafuego Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY (public key)04:53
Killeroid!ask | Guest135404:54
ubottuGuest1354: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:54
Guest1354i want to start my wireless04:54
dr3mrohelp.. my hibernate option disappeared04:54
taonariHi I have a laptop with a PCMCIA Ethernet card using the Realtek 8139 chipset and I can't get ubuntu to recognize the card or even provide power to it.  Is there some kind of kill switch I need to turn off in a configuration file for PCMCIA?04:54
MTecknologyYEM: download this file, http://us.ubuntu.cafuego.net/cafuego.gpg , then go to the authentication tab, choose import key file, then find the file you downloaded and import04:54
YEMok ill try that, thx04:55
bsusahello need a bit of assistance with the cat command please. I used it to merge mpeg files which is ok, this is im typing each one individually eg. cat 1.MPG 2.MPG 3.MPG etc... is their a way of setting it from eg: cat 1.MPG to 100.MPG? Can someone please tell me the command for this?04:55
Onewordhow do I enable remote remote desktop on xubuntu?04:55
MTecknologyYEM: lemme know how it works04:55
Killeroidbsusa: i am guessing you can write  a tiny bash script to do that04:55
MTecknologyOneword: I just use ssh -X04:56
jigphello how to disable this kde password protected wallet?its annoying...everytime i logon to my account desktop it appear always04:56
jigpkdewallet service04:56
Killeroidbsusa: * i meant, i thikn the only way you can accomlish that is to write  a bash script to do that04:56
bsusacant u do something like cat 1.MPG - 100.MPG > Video.MPG04:56
Killeroid!hello | novel_04:56
ubottunovel_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:56
OnewordMTecknology, there is no such option04:57
MTecknologybsusa: you wanna cat 100 mpg files>04:57
bsusatheir small files though04:57
MTecknologyOneword: Heh? You install openssh-server on the host, then do ssh -X IP from the client, then when you're in just execute the commands from cli and they'll pop up04:58
MTecknologybsusa: give me a second04:58
carandraughosstest: I've searched the WoW wiki and found nothing about it http://www.wowwiki.com/Linux/Wine04:58
bsusak no probs04:58
OnewordMTecknology, I want access to GUI04:59
Onewordthere is ssh command but it doesn't have -X option04:59
LimCorehi, how to save/restore entire session (with several tabs in it) to save each tabs profile,work dir,name etc04:59
MTecknologyOneword: I don't do that, i was just throwing out an option04:59
Onewordhow can I access the desktop on network?05:00
MTecknologyfor i in `seq 1 10`;05:00
MTecknologybsusa: rm out.mpg; for i in `seq 1 100`; do cat "$i.mpg" >> out.mpg; done05:01
MTecknologysup maco05:02
MTecknologyYEM: working out for ya?05:02
macoMTecknology: just realized ive been logged out since the modem cut out 2 hours ago05:02
bsusawhats the rm for05:02
MTecknologybsusa: to make sure you're outputting to a blank file05:03
macobsusa: rm = ReMove05:03
^Phantom^i lol @ http://www.scroogle.org/mozilla.html05:03
jaycan anybody help me?  I can't load pdf's in firefox.05:05
_Zeus_jay: sure.  does it say anything?05:06
MTecknologyjay: little more detail please?05:06
jayit just shows a blank page in the browser window.05:06
jayMaybe I don't have the right stuff installed to view pdfs.05:07
MTecknologyjay: or something extra05:07
MTecknologyjay: I had the problem before and i t went away after i uninstalled something, but that was about a year ago05:08
Crashedatahow do I change the permissions to a folder so Wordpress can write the wp-config.php file, and process uploads? I know it is chmod something, but I don't know what.05:08
macojay: it doesnt ask you if you want to save or open it?05:08
Nallephow do I get an applet in AWN to display? I downloaded and installed the Cairo Clock applet, and put it in the Active applets, but I don't see it on the main AWN bar05:08
jayMTecknology: it used to, but after I tried to fix it by installing/uninstalling some things, it just shows up blank.05:09
dsnydersCrashedata, man chmod05:09
MTecknologyCrashedata: chmod xxx file 1=execute, 2=read, 4=write - pick the permissions for the file, and add them up - order is user group other05:09
CrashedataI just want to give read, write and execute permissions to EVERY thing in the /var/www/ directory. I know there is a way to do it with chmod, but this is the first time I have used linux in about 7 years.05:11
MTecknologyCrashedata: give user full permission, and group/other read only is chmod 744 file05:11
jayWhat do you have installed to view pdf's?05:11
_Zeus_MTecknology: you reversed write and read.  2=write, 4=read05:11
MTecknologyCrashedata: ^^ what _Zeus_ said05:11
ambrose_hey guys what is a good irc for apache205:12
CrashedataI am still confused.05:12
MTecknologyjay: I'm not really sure what you need to install to read inside of firefox05:12
_Zeus_ambrose_: what do you mean, irc for apache?05:12
MTecknology_Zeus_: irc server?05:13
ambrose_freenode and such05:13
iFvwmCrashedata: add youself to www-data group?05:13
ambrose_so i can ask a couple of questions05:13
ambrose_irc channel i mean05:13
CrashedataI will try, but again, i have not done that stuff in a long time. Not sure I can remember the commands.05:13
MTecknologyCrashedata: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chmod05:13
iFvwmambrose_: #apache05:14
ambrose_lol u can use chown05:14
ambrose_chow user.user /fileyourname05:14
ambrose_ohh thank iFvwn05:15
MTecknologyjay: haven't tried it - http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-adobe-pdf-reader-with-plug-in-for-mozilla-firefox-in-feisty-fawn.html05:15
jayThank you MTecknology!05:15
=== MOAR-f00li5h is now known as f00li5h
CrashedataGot it. Thanks for the help. Thanks for the link MTecknology.05:16
MTecknologyCrashedata: pretty easy once you read the whole picture05:16
YEMmy laptops wifi light is lit yet it still isn't recieving the signal ):05:16
dr3mrohelp i dont have hubernate option05:16
MTecknologydr3mro: launchpad.net05:17
YEMbut MT i tried that and it still didn't work out for me05:17
YEMi think i'm about ready to conceed defeat and get a new wifi card thats easily compatable05:17
jessidhello. i need to speed the boot precess. i think that recompiling the kernel without the unnecesary drivers would be a good starting point. Do you have any other suggestions?????05:17
YEMall of the guides i'm finding are out of date or don't work so i think i'm pretty much sol05:18
MTecknologydr3mro: It's a common issue - it'll be fixed someday - improvement has been substantial05:18
MTecknologyYEM: what exactly is the problem?05:18
ambrose_always check on the distro websites for clues05:18
jessid!boot | jessid05:18
ubottujessid, please see my private message05:18
MTecknologyjessid: disable extra services05:18
YEMI have a broadcom wireless card and its not supported, i have to get it to run on windows drivers which has been really complicated to get working, so far i've failed05:19
=== sean is now known as Guest7916
MTecknologyndiswrapper then05:19
RenzoreKWhy do mencoder, and acid-rip packages say "BREAK" if I request to have them installed?05:19
jessidMTecknology i can do that using system > adminstration > services , right???05:19
MTecknologyI remember that05:19
dr3mrono i dont have the option is disappeared today after system crash05:19
MTecknologyjessid: bum05:19
dr3mroMTecknology, It was working but disappeared today05:19
MTecknologydr3mro: odd...05:20
ambrose_hey does any one know how to get an apache2 webserver to be viewed but outsides?05:20
ambrose_not just locally05:20
ambrose_any one05:20
YEMi tried using ndiswrapper but since i'm a newb to ubuntu its really me playing a guessing game and blindly follwing different guides that don't seem to work05:20
jessidMTecknology  mmm perfect! thanks!05:21
dr3mroi did modify gdm.conf to enable shutdown that was not working and it was fixed but system freeze and restart it dont have hibernate05:21
MTecknologyjessid: there's another one, but it's pretty advanced and could kill you're system pretty easily05:21
lawnninjaSo I resolved my dmraid problem by including dm-raid45 in the hook folder of initramfs, but when I boot the kernel is seems to only mount my root partition and not my /usr, /home/, /var, or /boot which are each on their own partition05:22
lawnninjaI checked fstab and it looks correct05:22
dr3mrois there option in ubuntu to enable and disable it05:22
lawnninjasudo isn't working from the commandline05:22
MTecknologydr3mro: inside gconf-editor05:22
bsusaMTecknology: I just tried out: "cat M2U00229.MPG * M2U00236.MPG > Video.MPG" and it join all the file together. But im just wondering when the final file is created it is 50 mb larger, is this normal?05:22
lawnninjaI can login to my user account but that's it05:22
MTecknologybsusa: what did you do * for?05:23
jessidMTecknology which one you reffer to???05:23
bsusaits simpler05:23
bsusais * bad?05:23
MTecknologybsusa: * takes everything in the current workinf directory05:23
bsusayeh thats fine05:23
bsusai put only those files in it05:24
MTecknologybsusa: that more than likely includes part of the file you're pushing too05:24
bsusaahh ok05:24
lawnninjaAny ideas?05:24
MTecknologylawnninja: error?05:25
lawnninjait's not mounting my other partitions05:25
lawnninjaso most of the commands on the commandline aren't recognized05:25
bsusai mean their has to be another way instead of creating a script every time you want to join files05:25
MTecknologyYEM: I've had issues with ndiswrapper before. Try with the latest 8.10 alpha cd. See if it works better05:25
lawnninjamount is only listed my root partition05:25
dr3mroMTecknology, It is enabled05:26
jessidMTecknology whick option you said it was very dangerous for the system????05:26
lawnninjaI need to mount like 4 more partitions05:26
lawnninjabut I can't use sudo since it's currently not recognized05:26
MTecknologyjessid: if you disable or alter the wrong service, your system won't boot05:26
MTecknologylawnninja: do you have which working?05:26
MTecknologylawnninja: which sudo05:26
lawnninjajust sudo mount05:27
lawnninjasays sudo is not recognized05:27
jessidMTecknology mmm I understand. So i better test in VirtualBox. Thanks man!05:27
MTecknologylawnninja: do "sudo mount"05:27
jessidgood bye05:27
lawnninjaI can login to the user account I created during install05:27
MTecknologyjessid: good idea ;)05:27
lawnninjasudo: command not found05:27
MTecknologylawnninja: do "sudo mount" and tell me the output05:27
MTecknologylawnninja: "which sudo" sorry05:27
jessidMTecknology thanks a lot!!! good bye!05:27
iFvwmlawnninja: excute "id" now05:28
lawnninjamy other partitions aren't mounted05:28
iFvwmif your account is id=1000?05:28
lawnninjaI need to be root to mount them05:28
lawnninjaifvwm: that command didn't work05:28
iFvwmbe sure you are in admin group.05:29
MTecknologylawnninja: execute "which sudo"05:29
bsusaMTecknology: I used a different output folder for the final file, still the same size, does it add extra space on it when it converts the files?05:29
MTecknologybsusa: convert?05:29
iFvwmwhich commands you can excute? most can not? lawnninja05:29
MTecknologybsusa: cat doesn't convert anything05:29
rams666lawnninja: what is the problem?05:29
bsusasorry joins05:29
lawnninjamtecknology: which sudo returns blank results05:30
YEMMtecknology I believe i installed the driver, should i try a restart now to see if the wireless connection comes up?05:30
lawnninjawhy didn't my other partitions get mounted from /etc/fstab when I booted05:30
MTecknologylawnninja: what about if you execute "/usr/bin/sudo"05:30
MTecknologylawnninja: wanna give us a minute to figure out some other thigns05:30
rams666lawnninja: whed did u created them?05:31
lawnninjamtecknology /usr is on another partition in my raid array which isn't mounted for some reason05:31
MTecknologyYEM: good luck05:31
iFvwmlawnninja: wrong fstab line, perhaps05:31
dn4are we just oscillating in a sea of positive and negative energy?05:31
dn4 Riders on the Storm05:31
lawnninjaI think that's why none of the commands work05:31
lawnninjaso I need to figure out why it didn't mount them05:31
lawnninjaI noticed uuid lines in fstab05:31
lawnninjado I need those?05:31
iFvwmMTecknology: if he got a error PATH, i think some error would be shown.05:32
MTecknologylawnninja: pastebin your fstab file05:32
DevlonHello, I was trying to get my sound to start working and did a alsa force-unload.  Now I can't reload them.  What should I do?05:32
dn4./xwax: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:32
YEMWill my wireless card still show up in the networking app even if i'm connected to that network via wired network already?05:32
YEMi think05:32
lawnninjamtecknology:  that's on my other machine, not sure I can do that05:32
FloodBot3YEM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
MTecknologyYEM: congrats05:32
YEMthx to a bunch of help from everyone in here :P05:33
MTecknologylawnninja: cat /etc/fstab ??05:33
Cheekyi have a problem with skype recodnizing my mic has anyone in here got skype to work with their mic in ubuntu?05:33
MTecknologyCheeky: do other apps recognize it?05:33
lawnninjawell of course that works05:34
MTecknologylawnninja: can you give us the output in pastebin?05:34
lawnninjado I need the UUID= lines?05:34
MTecknologylawnninja: please, pastebin05:34
lawnninjait's on my other machine05:34
iFvwmCheeky: skype is works here. maybe your mic problem or sound driver error. or just mute mic channel?05:34
lawnninjahow am I going to do that if nothing on the commandline works05:35
Onewordlawnninja, manually =)05:35
CheekyMTecknology: yeah man .. but .. like i recorded my voice but it was real "soft" like .. barely hermyself !05:35
lawnninjasigh, good times05:35
MTecknologyCheeky: sorry, it's beyond me then05:35
MTecknologylawnninja: how did you do a cat on the system then?05:35
strAlanwhat are some advantages of asterisk instead of cisco voip besides its free ?05:36
DevlonHow can I reload alsa modules automatically?05:36
CheekyMTecknology: thnx man .. been here asking this question for a long time .. no one seems to help !05:36
MTecknologyCheeky: wish i could help05:36
CheekyMTecknology: i guess imight have to go back to windows to use skype05:36
MTecknologyCheeky: you could also try virtualbox05:37
MTecknologyCheeky: vbox2 non open source version supports usb too05:37
MTecknology!pastebin > lawnninja05:37
ubottulawnninja, please see my private message05:37
CheekyMTecknology: thnx man ;could i install windows as a partition even though i installed ubuntu first and have / on a different partion from /home?05:37
MTecknologyCheeky: i used to do that05:37
Onewordhow can I see currentlt open DISPLAYs?05:38
Templar_XionAnyone ever came across a program that will take a screenshot of several client systems and place the screenshot as a thumbnail on a webpage?05:38
AlliebeanI have a hopefully quick question.  Could anyone point me in the right direction to resolve why I can't connect to the Internet with gnome-ppp as a normal user, but I can as root?  I made sure my user was in the dip group, /usr/sbin/pppd is g+x (and the group is dip), etc.  But I get error code = 2 from pppd when I try to connect.05:39
CheekyMTecknology: hey .. iam new and i just learnt .. about binary counting and stuff and i really would like to get into programming; i was taught by a very good senior programmer about how computers think in 1 and 2 .. and know some stuff about binary counting; i would like to further explore .. and i was thinking i should take up C .. have you ever used C?05:39
bluejay|T61Hey guys, I'm using Ubuntu Hardy on my Lenovo ThinkPad T61, and X sometimes automatically restarts itself (and I lose all the work).  I found another person who was experiencing same problem at http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-685168.html.  Does anyone have any idea?05:39
MTecknologyCheeky: 0 and 1, not 1 and 2 ;)05:40
iFvwmOneword: xrandr?05:40
AlliebeanI just can't figure out what's wrong, especially since it appears to be connecting using the same files05:40
MTecknologyCheeky: I've used it some, aptitude install build-essential to get all the tools you need. I haven't used it enough to help you much more05:40
jellulaboWhere can I get help with Intrepid05:41
CheekyMTecknology: sorry man when i was typing ..i was think 1 .. and 2.. computers only think in base 2 .. my mind is everywhere with all these taughts so need something to keep my mind thinkin05:41
Onewordhow can I make gnome, the taskbar and everything else start on display 1?05:41
iFvwmjellulabo: perhaps #ubuntu+105:41
mltdwnhey all05:41
CheekyMTecknology: yeah before i install that i need to a good tutorial for beggening programmers05:41
Onewordon which is tightvnc05:41
MTecknologyjellulabo: here05:41
=== Tassis is now known as zz_Tassis
iFvwmOneword: Xnest?05:42
ZeroSerenityhttp://helpdeskgeek.com/index.php/installing-ubuntu-804-on-microsoft-virtual-pc-2007 Damn I need to learn to google better.05:42
iFvwmman Xnest05:42
iFvwmmust use vnc? Oneword05:42
OnewordiFvwm, yes, how do I start gnome there05:43
Onewordwhat's xnest?05:43
smm289I installed ubuntu ontop of vista, Im looking at gparted and I see SDA1 ntfs 117Gb, this is my vista partion.  sda2 extended then sda5 ext3, this is my ubuntu partition.  Can I delete the vista partion and add it the space to the sda2 extended partition?05:43
=== zz_Tassis is now known as Tassis
iFvwmOneword: you see manpages first.05:43
iFvwmmake sure it fit you. then ask question. Oneword05:43
MTecknologysmm289: no reason why not - you'll love all of vista05:43
smm289DIE vista05:44
OnewordiFvwm, what do you mean? I need gnome in vnc session05:44
MTecknologysmm289: high five ;)05:44
iFvwmOneword: so just vnc you need. but vnc is simple. what matter with your vnc05:45
smm289the ntfs partition had flag that says boot, if i delete the ntfs partition nothings going to blow-up?05:45
DevlonWhat program allows middle-click on terminal?05:45
MTecknologysmm289: nope, grub is stored on MBR so windows won't affect it05:45
OnewordiFvwm, in vnc session I only see windows, no desktop, taskbar(panel) no menu buttons05:45
iFvwmOneword: man vncviewer, just 2 kind command.05:45
bluejay|T61My X server sometimes restarts itself without any reason and this is what shows up in the terminal:  Starting anac(h)ronistic cron anacron --- Done / Starting deferred execution scheduler ATD ---Done / Starting Periodic Command Scheduler --- Done / Checking battery state --- Done / Running local boot scripts /etc/r.local --- Done05:46
iFvwmOneword: o, i see05:46
iFvwmif Xforwarding.. just wait a moment05:46
rizzo_how do I boot into single-user mode so I can tell xorg not to use 3D05:46
bluejay|T61Does anyone know what could possible cause the problem?05:46
rizzo_!#@$ ati radeon 2400 pro05:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:46
MTecknologybluejay|T61: what's in .Xsession-errors?05:46
MTecknologysome file like that05:47
bluejay|T61MTecknology// it's pretty long05:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:47
bluejay|T61which part do you need?05:47
lawnninjamtecknology: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47961/05:47
iFvwmOneword: i have no idea about this problem.05:47
MTecknologybluejay|T61: all05:47
DevlonHow do I redirect output from the command line to a pastebin?05:47
smm289so even though the ntft partition is flagged as boot I can still kill it and give it to ubuntu05:47
MTecknologylawnninja: I need the actual fstab file05:48
MTecknologylawnninja: that's not a random string05:48
iFvwmOneword: if you want open another X.05:48
MTecknologylawnninja: can you ssh into the box?05:48
bluejay|T61MTecknology// hold on, lemme pastebin it ;)05:48
lawnninjaoh jeez05:48
danbh_intrepidDevlon: pastebinit05:48
MTecknologylawnninja: here.......05:48
DevlonGod I cant wait till i get a linux class i'm such a newb05:49
MTecknologylawnninja: look at that file, and compare it to ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid05:49
WarHerohey guys. I have a major problem. I used to run a dual boot with windows xp and ubuntu, but when I was repartitioning everything from the XP side, I accidentally overwrote my ubuntu partition. Now when I boot, GRUB 1.5 has error 17 and I can't boot into windows to fix my partitions.05:49
MTecknologyDevlon: you're not going to learn much more than likely - just gotta play05:50
danbh_intrepidDevlon: show me the command, and I will adjust it for you, the way you want05:50
lawnninjaok, I see where your going with that05:50
danbh_intrepidWarHero: can you reinstall ubuntu?05:50
OnewordiFvwm, how?05:50
smm289lol no one wants to commit to a yes hu, well screw it, im deleting it05:50
WarHeronot if I want most of my gfiles05:50
Devlonsudo alsa force-reload05:50
bluejay|T61MTecknology// http://pastebin.com/d61aa98c905:51
WarHeroI'm using the install CD right now05:51
danbh_intrepidWarHero: other option is to boot with the windows cd, into a recovery mode?   and run fixmbr05:51
iFvwmOneword: if you just want open another X, then gdmflexiserver is simple one. and Xnest also can get it.05:51
WarHeroDamn, I was hoping I would not have to go searching for that cd05:51
WarHerothanks :D05:51
danbh_intrepidDevlon: was that the command?05:51
Jack_SparrowWarHero boot a livecd05:52
tom_hi all05:53
danbh_intrepidDevlon: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo alsa force-reload | pastebinit05:53
Jack_SparrowWarHero if you are running live you should be able to just reinstall grub05:53
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto05:53
MTecknologybluejay|T61: is there anything specific you do in kopete when it crashes?05:53
bluejay|T61oh now that i think of it...05:54
WarHeronice bot05:54
bluejay|T61i think i've been getting this error since i started usingi Kopete..05:54
danbh_intrepidJack_Sparrow: fyi, WarHero said he overwrote his ubuntu partition.  If thats true, I'm guessing he cant repair grub without reinstalling05:54
Jack_SparrowWarHero use the part about after reinstalling windows05:54
bluejay|T61MTecknology//  im not really sure though05:54
droopsta915hello, my window doesnt show the minimize tabs, i cant get out of the page. how can i close it?05:54
MTecknologybluejay|T61: keep track of it05:54
WarHerofuck it, I'm overwriting one of my partitions05:54
bluejay|T61it just randomly dies when i'm not even talking with someone on Kopete05:54
Jack_Sparrowdanbh_intrepid he should be able to stamp grub as boot manager even if win is only os05:55
MTecknology!language > WarHero05:55
ubottuWarHero, please see my private message05:55
bluejay|T61MTecknology// what does the log say about Kopete and X dying?05:55
=== Macrosoft is now known as Macro_Zzz
WarHerosorry :o05:55
bluejay|T61i don't know how to interpret the log :O05:55
tom_someone know how to mount other hdd with ubuntu ?05:55
MTecknologybluejay|T61: I'm looking at it still05:55
danbh_intrepidJack_Sparrow: but where will it find a menu.lst file? or however it runs?05:55
bluejay|T61oh i see05:55
MTecknologytom_: man mount05:55
Guest_780my bootloader has been blown by windows can anyone help05:55
MTecknology!grub > Guest_78005:56
ubottuGuest_780, please see my private message05:56
latWhen commit a file using version control you are asked to make a log entry. What is the key combo to save the log entry?05:56
MTecknologylat: depends on your text editor05:56
WarHerolol, how often do people come here with questions about grub?05:57
latMTecknology, Emacs. Sorry I thought I was in the Emacs group.05:57
danbh_intrepidlat: I THINK its ctrl+x then ctrl+s05:57
MTecknologybluejay|T61: my best guess is something about encryption05:57
matthewyaxgot a lil problem here wonderin if somone might be able to helo out05:57
MTecknology!ask > matthewyax05:58
ubottumatthewyax, please see my private message05:58
bluejay|T61MTecknology// encryption?05:58
latdanbh_intrepid, ok. Thanks!05:58
bluejay|T61lol that's what people always ask when they first use IRC05:58
MTecknologybluejay|T61: not sure - try remaking your kopete profile - if it keeps happening, file a bug report in launchpad about it05:58
bluejay|T61asking if they can ask a question05:58
Guest_780 i have tried to repair it but it failed05:59
jack-desktophow do i edit a partition im currently using?05:59
WarHeroI just went ahead and asked05:59
KazaLiteanyone having knowledge about different compression algorithms? i need some loss-less data compression schemes05:59
MTecknologyjack-desktop: unmount it05:59
smm289I deleted the ntfs partition, now i have a ext3 new partition but it wont let me add it to the sda2 extended ubuntu partition, whats up with that05:59
bluejay|T61MTecknology// what do you mean by "remaking a kopete profile?"05:59
jack-desktopMTecknology: unmount a partition im using?05:59
lawnninjamtecknology: the uuid's match05:59
matthewyaxtrying to install XAMPP I folloed the instructions exactly and re downloaded the file 3x, each time its the same... tar: lampp/bin/enc2xs: Cannot open: No such file or directory05:59
MTecknologyjack-desktop: you can't modify an active partition05:59
MTecknologylawnninja: any errors show up on boot?05:59
jack-desktopMTecknology: how should i do it then?06:00
matthewyaxwonderin is that  a package error, or a user error06:00
MTecknologyjack-desktop: umount /dev/sdx06:00
WarHerolol, I am installing ubuntu on the same machine that I am currently using06:00
jack-desktopMTecknology: i need to edit the partition im using06:00
=== gnomename is now known as Coheed
MTecknologyjack-desktop: can't do it06:00
Guest_780can any one plese help06:00
chetnickMTecknology: he should go to recovery mode i believe06:00
MTecknologyjack-desktop: you could try booting to a live cd06:00
HaSHugh. ubuntu has the worst load balancing ive seen....every freaking time i goto install something or do updates...it starts out fast then stops for a second and only goes 5kb/s......i have to interupt the process and restart it06:00
WarHeroThis is quite a crowded room06:01
CoheedDoes anyone know how I can look for specific types of channels?06:01
shaun_  /list06:01
lawnninjamtecknology: not sure as my /var is on another partition that doesn't get mounted for some reason06:01
Coheedbut by type of group06:01
chetnickCoheed: /list06:01
Guest_780i have booted the live cd but the repair failed06:01
CoheedI can get the list, thats easy but to look for a specific type of nonsence group is difficult06:02
Alliebeanso, nobody has any ideas about my gnome-ppp problem? :(06:02
WarHerowhat does "pantat" even mean?06:02
bluejay|T61oh geez, shouldn't have typed /list06:02
favroCoheed: I'd try google for that06:02
HaSHgod dammit...is there anything i can do?06:02
FloodBot3Avp: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
FloodBot3legesi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
FloodBot3hoiuek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
chetnickAlliebean: what is the problem, i am using it right now... it works fine?06:02
FloodBot3polong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
FloodBot3Holigen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:02
iFvwmbot flood war...06:02
HaSHlooks like FloodBot3 itself needs a limit06:02
zedsterhi, I'm going nutz if I try to full size a window in transmission my x-org reboots and anytime I try google "transmission ubuntu crash" my browser crashes (opera, firefox 2/3, etc...)06:03
matthewyaxso yeah.... anyone here ever worked with XAMPP?06:03
bderrlylooks like whoever owns the bot knows that floodbot will fire after 3 posts in less a second...06:03
Alliebeanchetnick: I can't run it as my normal user.  At first it was telling me that I didn't have permission to run /usr/sbin/pppd.  But, I fixed that (added execute permissions for the dip group) ... and now if I run it as a normal user, it gives me error code 2 from pppd06:03
Alliebeanchetnick: but if I run it as root, it works fine06:03
MTecknologymatthewyax: i haven't06:03
smm289the swap partition and the root partition are inside the sda2 extended partition, were should I flag boot06:03
FABIAN-MAXhola, alguien que hable en español por aqui?06:04
tom_i made sudo mount -t   /dev/sdb7 /media/pz but maybe forgoten something ?06:04
MTecknologycan somebody just bad the ip?06:04
HaSHsomeone ban that ip06:04
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!06:04
HaSHban *!*@
physically_fitFABIAN-MAX, #ubuntu-es06:04
MadpilotHaSH, yes?06:04
iFvwmstronger bot -> FloodBot306:04
HaSHthose flood bots keep joining from the same ip06:04
dontchokei want to copy a cron file from centos to ubuntu, is it ok to just copy/paste?06:05
FABIAN-MAXphisic, como voy para alla?06:05
dontchokeor does it need to be 'installed'06:05
dontchokecrontab -e06:05
physically_fitescribe /join #ubuntu-es06:05
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FABIAN-MAXok, gracias psicall06:05
stdinMadpilot: looks like staff took care of it06:06
MTecknologyMadpilot: ty :)06:06
MadpilotHaSH, thanks for the heads up06:06
chetnickdontchoke: you should change permissions and ownership too.06:06
HaSHnp =)06:06
Madpilotstdin, if it's floodbots, it probably did get staff attention.06:06
lawnninjaMtecknology: anything else you can think of before I reboot06:06
HaSHlooks like lame clonesx or something06:06
dontchokechetnick: ok thank you06:06
bluejay|T61MTecknology// according to this guy who was experiencing the same problem (http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-685168.html) the error message that restarts X issyl0 gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :006:06
lawnninjaI have all the partitions mounted right now running off the live cd06:06
bluejay|T61restarts X is "gdm_slave_xioerror_handler: Fatal X error - Restarting :0"06:06
stdinMadpilot: [06:05]* Armani has quit (K-lined) etc06:06
roothey would i beable to install flash player on ubuntu 5.1006:06
bluejay|T61MTecknology// and i found the same error in /var/log/daemon.log on my system as well06:07
=== root is now known as Guest55673
MTecknology!lamp > matthewyax06:07
ubottumatthewyax, please see my private message06:07
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: why dont you upgrade?06:07
bluejay|T61that looks very suspicious06:07
HaSHis there anything i can do to not have the ubuntu repositorys crap out on me?06:07
Guest55673its a long story but i caant right now i did have a 8.04 cd it broke06:07
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HaSHim on package 3 of 18 and its been 10 mins.......06:07
=== Pr|nC is now known as Pr|nCI
MTecknologybluejay|T61: you're beyond me being able to help ya...06:08
bluejay|T61MTecknology// lol x_x alright thanks anyway :)06:08
matthewyaxok I am new too all this, linux, and web design.... I read up and herd xampp is good for beginners, but i cannot install06:08
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: well, you can always just download the flash file, and put it into your plugins directory, wherever that is06:08
=== Kabaka is now known as Kabaka[A]
MTecknologybluejay|T61: if you need some part of something explained, i can try to help again - but i don't use kde and i never have06:09
Guest55673would i want the tar.gz file then?06:09
bluejay|T61MTecknology// i see, but i don't think it's a KDE problem..06:09
lawnninjamtecknology:  what's the default run level?06:09
zedsterAnyone know a fix for this?? everytime I try to open some pages in firefox/opera the browser re-sizes and the compiz toolbar (x, full screen, min, etc...) goes away till I open a new tab06:09
bluejay|T61some people using Firefox and Gnome had same problem06:09
Templar_XionAnyone ever came across a program that will take a screenshot of several client systems and place the screenshot as a thumbnail on a webpage?06:09
MTecknologylawnninja: hu?06:09
jameswf-hometo redirect ufw logs do i add like ufw.* or iptables.* to syslog,cinf06:10
zedsterhere an example url of one that crashes my browsers http://badgerherald.com/oped/2008/09/17/sarah_palin_transpar.php06:11
Guest55673were would i put the flash player file im kinda new to ubuntu06:11
tarelerulzI have been having problems with movies encoded in h264 video and aac sound .   They have all so been in .mkv  and .mp4 containers .  Is there any re-encoding program that can handle this kind of stuff ?06:12
MTecknologyzedster: works ok here06:12
lawnninjamtecknology: it's a whole lot of stuff not found06:12
MTecknologyzedster: try noscript06:12
strAlanis there a way to convert pdf to text ?06:12
lawnninjamainly because that stuff hasn't mounted yet I believe06:12
MTecknologylawnninja: you lost me there06:12
smm289hey, what ya know, ubuntu rebooted after killing that ntfs partition,  POINT UBUNTU!!06:12
zedsterMTecknology: hmmm.. I tried running firefox with nothing, but since it happens in both firefox and opera its something else on my system06:12
Guest55673were do i put the flash player file06:13
MTecknologyzedster: maybe file a bug report in about it06:13
danbh_intrepidzedster: nice article, btw06:14
zedsterjust looking for a link I had tried that failed06:14
ubottuPlease take political discussion to ##politics. Thank you!06:14
ledenbyguest55673: you will find the install directions on the adobe flash player site06:14
Guest55673on ubuntu 5.1006:15
zedsterMTecknology: the other thing thats happening is I tried to make a transmission window full screen and x-org rebooted06:15
MTecknologyGuest55673: why 5.10?06:15
lawnninjamtecknology:  back to where I was.  Appears the kernel boots but doesn't mount anything else and nothing works06:15
zedsterI assume its linked somehow06:15
Guest55673couse i cant upgrade right now06:15
Onewordwhat doest startkde do?06:15
danbh_intrepidzedster: maybe your install is bad06:15
MTecknologyzedster: tried disabling compiz?06:16
Onewordand what is the equivalent for gnome?06:16
zedsterhmmm... going to go try meta06:16
chubsstartgdm maybe06:16
ledenbyguest55673:  i think flash player is same on all versions of ubuntu06:16
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MTecknologylawnninja: can you try a fresh install?06:17
Guest55673ill check it out06:17
C0L7I would really like the AWN Applets. does anyone know how i can get them.06:17
Onewordchubs, nope06:17
CoheedCan someone tell me how I switch to a different network, such as DALnet or UniBG06:17
zedsterMTecknology: works, I like my eye-candy so I'll have to figure out what compiz part is going ape :-(06:17
danbh_intrepid /server ?06:17
Mello_hola alguin me puede ayudar...porfavor06:17
EmmettCoheed: No. ONE OF US.06:17
doctehCoheed: in what? probably /server irc.dal.net06:17
chubsOneword, if it's your default de than startx will do it06:18
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chubsotherwise it's probably an init script06:18
MTecknologyzedster: try disabling all of them and re-enable one at a time06:18
chubs/etc/init.d/gdm start i think Oneword06:18
CoheedIt says unknown command06:18
MTecknologyzedster: when you pin that down, go into it and figure out exactly which one is dying there06:18
C0L7I have looked on google and its not straight foward how i can get them. Avant window manager applets. Ubuntu 8.0406:19
lawnninjamtecknology:  my rc2.d scripts won't run in /usr isn't mounted when it tries..... that's part of the problem06:19
nick[]Whenever I boot from my Ubuntu (8.04) CD, it gives me the menu where I select my language and choose what I want to do. I choose to install Ubuntu, and it goes to the Ubuntu progress bar/bouncy thing. Stays there a while, then it loads some basic shell (TinyBox I think was the name) and sticks there without progressing. I looked through the command list for this shell and none of the provided commands seemed to allow me 06:19
desaintshow do i install themes for ubuntu06:19
nick[]sorry for the long question ;) thanks in advance06:20
C0L7you need to go to www.gnome-look.org06:20
desaintsi know the websites06:20
CoheedAlright sorry to ask the same question again but what's the command to change to a different network?06:20
C0L7what are you having an issue with?06:20
desaintsi need to know how to install them once i download them06:20
C0L7ok go to system>preferences>appearance06:20
MTecknology!changethemes > desaints06:20
ubottudesaints, please see my private message06:20
MTecknology!themes > desaints06:20
=== rizzo_ is now known as rizzo
physically_fitCoheed, try /connect if /server doesn't work06:21
C0L7okay. see his06:21
Coheed!themes > Coheed06:21
ubottuCoheed, please see my private message06:21
desaintsahh i figured it out06:21
desaintsi didnt see the install button before06:21
MTecknologyPyth_: that's only if you have a network setup though06:21
C0L7so back to avant window manager applets. anyone anyone. i do not know how to get them06:21
MTecknologyphysically_fit: ^^ **06:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about networks06:21
nick[]i can't get ubuntu installed ;/06:21
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ - The #ubuntu-server channel provides specific support06:22
physically_fitMTecknology, eh?06:22
MTecknologyphysically_fit: /connect only works if you have that network configured...06:22
MTecknologyafaik :S06:22
nick[]plz help me to install ubuntu06:23
MTecknologylawnninja: I'm really not sure what to tell you06:23
SuperQnick[]: what have you tried so far?06:23
MTecknology!ask nick[]06:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask nick[]06:23
Guest55673ok im installing flsh play and were would the mozilla derectory be?06:23
MTecknology!ask > nick[]06:23
ubottunick[], please see my private message06:23
nick[]I described my problem above06:23
nick[]should I repaste my question?06:24
nick[]It's mammoth06:24
MTecknologysorry, found it06:24
WarHeroDevice /dev/sdb has a logical sector size of 2048. Not all parts of GNU Parted support this at the moment, and the working code is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL.06:24
nick[]MTecknology: no problem, thanks buddy06:24
=== daklan is now known as daklan_zZz
chubsnick[], paste it again in 2 minutes and 37 seconds06:24
MTecknologynick[]: what happens if you do Alt+F106:24
WarHerothat sounds bad06:24
nick[]MTecknology: nothing06:25
CoheedWhen you're an OP how do you boot people06:25
nick[]MTecknology: you mean ctrl+alt+f1?06:25
SuperQnick[]: Where did you get your 8.04 CD?06:25
nick[]SuperQ: ebay06:25
chubsCoheed, /quit06:25
WarHero./kiuck person06:25
MTecknologynick[]: from cli that'll do the same thing06:25
SuperQnick[]: It sounds like the CD was damaged06:25
chetnickdoes anybody play any games trough wine? you think i should disable compiz before i play game?06:25
nick[]i did the media check, says it's ok06:25
MTecknologychetnick: i don't, and yes06:26
CheekyHas anyone setup C in ubuntu .. iam new and i wana set up C so i can start programming can anyone help me06:26
chubschetnick, try it06:26
SuperQnick[]: You can get a free CD from here: https://shipit.ubuntu.com/06:26
Guest55673ok i have flash player installing in terminal but every time i enter the mozilla directory it says it aint a directory06:26
dignancheeky: install gcc.06:26
hmlwhat's a good webcam that works under linux? i'd prefer something higher than 640x480 at 30fps06:26
chubsCheeky, apt-get build-essential will get you gcc and friends06:26
dignanCheeky: and a text editor.06:26
chubsCheeky, I like geany as an IDE06:26
nick[]SuperQ: cool, thanks06:26
]K[^Omegadoomchetnick I play WoW all the time and I do not turn iut off06:26
chetnickhml: i have logitech quick cam express, it works fine06:27
SuperQnick[]: have you tried the CD in any other computers?06:27
ShoopufHow do I change Windows to be the default loading OS in GRUB when I start the computer up?06:27
WarHerocodeblocks is a good compiler for c++ that I use06:27
Cheekywhoa ..guys .. can i do step .. one.. get compiler .. step 2 .. editor .. step 3 .. tutorial step 4 cofee /ciggs step 5 stress ball ..06:27
chetnick]K[^Omegadoom: thanks06:27
danbh_intrepid!webcam > hml   check out the fsf.org website06:27
ubottuhml, please see my private message06:27
nick[]SuperQ: no, none of my other computers have floppy drives06:27
SuperQnick[]: floppy?06:28
chubsCheeky, no. You must do them all at once :)06:28
nick[]Yeah, to put in the cd06:28
Guest55673please i realy need help06:28
SuperQnick[]: You don't use floppy drives for Ubuntu :)06:28
Cheekychubs: oks let me get apt-get build-essential  first06:28
nick[]SuperQ: well where do I put the CD then?06:28
SuperQnick[]: You need a CD/DVD drive06:28
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: locate plugin06:28
chubsCheeky, alright. you can save time and do sudo apt-get build-essential geany06:29
nick[]SuperQ: ohh.. I thought it was called a floppy drive06:29
WarHerothe ubuntu installer disk is stalled at 50% on the "checking drives section06:29
Guest55673locate plugin06:29
nick[]can I buy a computer somewhere with ubuntu installed already?06:29
SuperQnick[]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Floppy_drive06:29
WarHeroI doubt it06:29
Cheekythat gets me compiler and editor?06:29
chubsnick[], dell sells them06:29
lawnninjaMtecknology: I take it you've given up?06:29
rtan6hi, i am searching for vpn client software for ubuntu. any body has use one?06:30
nick[]is there a store i can buy dell at?06:30
sarmisaknick[]: you can install from a 1GB usb flash disk also06:30
chubsnick[], http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs06:30
zedsterrtan6: which type of vpn?06:30
MTecknologylawnninja: I don't really know what to tell ya06:30
Cheekychubs: that gets me the compiler and editor at once?06:30
nick[]sarmisak cool06:30
chubsCheeky, yep06:30
WarHerohow do I use IRC on ubuntu?06:30
MTecknologylawnninja: short of trying to reinstall part of the system06:30
nick[]chubs: only a store i can go to, not on internet06:30
rtan6zedster: i use checkpoint vpn for xp. looking similar one for ubuntu06:30
MTecknologyWarHero: xchat or irssi06:31
nick[]chubs: i have no credit card or bank account or identification06:31
]K[^Omegadoomnick[] Also sicne best buy is now selling Ubuntu they will also install it for you and update it to how you want06:31
Guest55673sory i thought i was in terminal06:31
physically_fitShoopuf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=195689206:31
nick[]wow best buy sells ubuntu?06:31
chubsnick[], ahh. Well I know some stores sell dell, but I'm not sure if many sell the ubuntu variants. Also, the store will depend on where you are in the world/country/state06:31
zedsterrtan6: no as in of the 3 type of vpn, cisco, open,etc06:31
Cheekychubs: can i pm id you dont mind?06:31
Shoopufphysically_fit: Thank you06:31
chubsnick[], but I don't know any off the top of my head06:31
chubssure Cheeky06:31
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: do they have version, hoary hedgehog?06:32
Cheekychubs: thnx06:32
sarmisakchubs: exactly, no one sells pre installed ubuntu in Turkey.06:32
Guest55673can some one help me install flash player06:32
]K[^Omegadoomnick[]: No it would be the latest06:32
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: version, gutsy gibbon?06:32
WarHeroGuest55673: there is a terminal command to install all proprietary stuff, but I don't remember it06:33
]K[^Omegadoomnick[] Hardy Heron06:33
Guest55673ya it installs in terminal what ever ellse you said i dont know06:33
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: ah, what about dirty dingo?06:34
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: if you use the update-manager, you can go to dapper, then to hardy.  I think thats your best bet06:34
Guest55673witch im not06:34
gooseI cannot get X to start successfully and I think ti has something to do with most of my video modes showing the error (insufficient memory for mode)06:34
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: dirty dingo is ubuntu's new experimental version06:34
Guest55673im in ubuntu 5.1006:34
]K[^Omegadoomnick[] since they sell it for $20 you really do not pay for the disk you pay for like 60 days of tech surpport06:34
Guest55673i dont get updates06:34
jim_pGuest55673: 5.10?!?!?06:35
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: why dont you get updates?06:35
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: support even for dirty dingo?06:35
carutsuhi, I'm trying to install Apache+PHP+MySQL, everything was fine except for MySQL which didn't create the socket or something, If i try to use MySQL in any way it yields that '"Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock'"06:35
Guest55673not supported like 2 years ago06:35
jim_pGuest55673: why dont you upgrade to something more recent, like 7+?06:35
nick[]carutsu: is mysql running?06:35
Guest55673i cant burn iso's right now and i dont wnna wait 10 weeks to get s cd06:35
carutsunick[]: it doesn't seem to... and I'm not sure how to start it06:36
gooseI cannot get X to start successfully and I think ti has something to do with most of my video modes showing the error (insufficient memory for mode)06:36
nick[]carutsu: /etc/init.d/mysql start06:36
nick[]carutsu: using dirty dingo?06:36
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: why dont you upgrade over the net?06:36
]K[^Omegadoomnick[]: they will help you with almost anything from what I have seen06:36
nick[]]K[^Omegadoom: amazing06:36
carutsunick[]: i don't know what's that so, no :P06:36
Guest55673i cant directly up date from 5.10 to x.xx06:37
]K[^Omegadoomnick[]: Although they will charge you ;)06:37
nick[]carutsu: /etc/init.d/mysq (hit tab) either mysql or mysqld06:37
nick[]and "start"06:37
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: go too 6.06, then you can go straight to hardy.  So its just 2 upgrades06:37
favromy ~/.serverauth.#### files aren't getting deleted...06:37
carutsunick[]: mysqld did it06:37
owen1when i insert a dvd i see two folders - video_ts and audio_ts.  how do i play this?06:37
jim_pwhy can't you update to x.xx directly?06:37
nick[]favro: are you on dirty dingo?06:37
nick[]carutsu: excellent, now try your mysqladmin program to configure06:38
Guest55673uh.. i cant burn iso's06:38
favronick[]: nope06:38
nick[]Guest55673: which version?06:38
carutsunick[]: YAY! works! just one more question, will it start automatically from now on?06:38
Guest55673i have 5.1006:38
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: again, why cant you upgrade over the net?06:38
Guest55673well how do i upgrade over the net06:38
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: update-manager -d06:39
danbh_intrepidi think06:39
desaintswhy when i open my NTFS 500gb internal sata drive does it freeze every time, but i can browse for a iso with a program on it and nothing happens06:39
gooseI cannot get X to start successfully and I think it has something to do with most of my video modes showing the error (insufficient memory for mode)06:39
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: if that doesn't work, there are other options06:39
zedsterMTecknology: it was the window decoration in compiz06:39
nick[]carutsu: update-rc.d mysqld defaults06:39
zedsterjust reset it and everything is a-ok06:39
=== gnomename is now known as Coheed
MTecknologyzedster: all better>06:39
nick[]goose: are you on dirty dingo version?06:39
CoheedAnyone know what changing ports does?06:39
gooseno whats dirty dingo06:39
MTecknologyzedster: come everything stays good for ya06:39
nick[]goose: new experimental06:40
danbh_intrepidGuest55673: is it working?06:40
desaintswhy when i open my NTFS 500gb internal sata drive does it freeze every time, but i can browse for a iso with a program on it and nothing happens06:40
rebel_kidim a probramming newb, so im jsut expementing and f-ing everything up till i learn something :), is there a way to track memory usage with ubuntu, prefereably per application memory usage, if possible i would like it to log and show peaks, ect.06:40
gooseoh no06:40
goosei'm on 8.1006:40
pa1-cheruany one knows how to open a .lit format file06:40
danbh_intrepidrebel_kid: try top06:40
rebel_kidgoose, i thought 8.10 wasnt out06:40
nick[]pa1-cheru: r u on dirty dingo?06:40
nick[]pa1-cheru: it's not supported then06:40
nick[]pa1-cheru: you should upgrade06:40
Flannelgoose: #ubuntu+1 for Hardy Intrepid support, thanks.06:41
pa1-cherui think mine is hardy heron06:41
nick[]pa1-cheru: go download dirty dingo iso from  ubuntu site06:41
Flanneler, not Hardy.  Intrepid.06:41
Flannelnick[]: Plase be helpful.06:41
hotmonkeyluvI was wondering if anyone has a windows xp pro key laying about that they are not using. I swear to god, allah, buddah, ghandi, mother theresa, cthuluhu, and the flying spagetti monster that I have a valid key, but it's about 1,200 miles away from my dorm room.06:41
* aga^_^ is away Makan Siang Duluww....06:41
pa1-cheruhow to download it06:41
desaintsxp sucks06:41
nick[]Flannel: ok, you win. I won't confuse newbs anymore.06:41
Flannelhotmonkeyluv: That's not appropriate for this channel.06:41
nick[]pa1-cheru: run file on the .lit file and paste the output into a pastebin06:42
zedsterhotmonkeyluv: class home06:42
Flannel!away > aga^_^06:42
ubottuaga^_^, please see my private message06:42
nick[]$ file <file.lit>06:42
zedsterhotmonkeyluv: call*06:42
rebel_kiddanbh_intrepid, cant find tpop, is htop good06:42
pa1-cherumine is 8.04 lts06:42
danbh_intrepidrebel_kid: its top06:42
nick[]pa1-cheru: doesn't matter. just open a terminal and run "file" on your .lit file06:42
zedsterpa1-cheru: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4923206:42
rebel_kiddanbh_intrepid, cant find it in add/remove or terminal06:42
Saikiwhat does "invalid CD" mean?06:42
=== ownlinux is now known as chattan
danbh_intrepidrebel_kid: its a terminal command06:43
Flannelrebel_kid: "top" is already available on your install06:43
SaikiI popped a intrepid cd that I just downloaded and burned into my PC to open umenu.exe and that error occurs06:43
desaintsits an invalid cd :)06:43
WarHerois it ok if my installer has been stalled here for an hour? Device /dev/sdb has a logical sector size of 2048. Not all parts of GNU Parted support this at the moment, and the working code is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL.06:43
WarHerowhoops, wrong paste06:43
sparrAre there any client-server-client desktop remote control applications for linux?  Something like gotomypc or logmein06:44
=== Coheed is now known as twags
gooseI got my version # wrong i'm on 8.0406:45
nick[]hotmonkeyluv: u need xp pro key?06:45
nick[]hotmonkeyluv: instead, i think u should try ubuntu06:45
goosehere my question agian I cannot get X to start successfully and I think it has something to do with most of my video modes showing the error (insufficient memory for mode) <8.04>06:45
zedstersparr: http://www.howtoforge.com/configure-remote-access-to-your-ubuntu-desktop06:45
sparrzedster: i think you misread my question06:45
nick[]goose: /var/log/Xorg.0.log check it06:45
zedstersparr: I know of no such service06:46
goosethats where i'm finding the error06:46
sparrnor do I, hence the question06:46
desaintsdoes anyone know why my internal sata 500gb hd is freezing when i click to open it in ubuntu, internal sata 500gb ntfs06:46
nick[]goose: oh. what mode did you specify?06:46
hotmonkeyluvnick[]:  yeah, ubuntu is the shizzle, but it just won't play counterstrike and halflife2 and crysis and whatnot06:46
zedstersparr: you can point vnc at a url and then go in that way, I know people that do it, but the url has to be one you own06:46
rebel_kidflannel, ok great is there a way i can sift out just one program, cuz gnome-terminal doesnt tell me much when im running 30+ terminals (script hosting server, just runs bots all day)06:46
nick[]goose: you can try using the VideoRam parameter06:46
goosethats for all the more normal default ones06:46
nick[]goose: to use your regular ram for graphics06:47
Flannelrebel_kid: What information are you trying to get?06:47
davidw89xchat is awesoem06:47
nick[]goose: how much vram do you have on that card?06:47
zedsterhotmonkeyluv: I think their is a site with something about pirates and bays that might help you06:47
gooseleme boot into xp to check but i'm pretty sure 12806:47
rebel_kidflannel, not much just memory usage (% or mb is fine) cpu usage would be helpful but not neccesary06:47
nick[]goose: don't bother06:47
chetnickchubs: is there a way to go full screen or to get this a little bigger, it like in a 6x6in sqare, very hard to play.06:47
hotmonkeyluvzedster:  *wink* *wink* Thanks!06:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:47
nick[]goose: something is very wrong06:47
chubsperhaps he's hunting iso's zedster06:47
FlannelPlease stop the piracy discussion now.06:47
desaintsdoes anyone know why my internal sata 500gb hd is freezing when i click to open it in ubuntu, internal sata 500gb ntfs06:47
nick[]goose: if oyu can't get it to work on that card06:47
chubschetnick, what?06:48
nick[]goose: that's more than enough video ram for any mode on X06:48
thunderdancan i use samba to make a network with just a simple ethernet cord between two computers?06:48
nick[]goose: paste the actual piece of log to a pastebin06:48
goosewhich is why i came here06:48
Flannelrebel_kid: try ps aux instead of top.06:48
nick[]goose: paste xorg.conf even06:48
chetnickchubs: i installed CS in wine, when i start game, it is in very small window. can i get it bigger somehow?06:48
rebel_kiddesaints, possible power supply, when i tried to access my ntfs partitions with a bad ps it froze06:48
Flannelrebel_kid: You can grep that (ps aux | grep foo) to just return lines with foo in it.06:48
zedsterhotmonkeyluv: wait, who did you get the xp cd from, Microsoft, dell. etc..?06:49
rebel_kidflannel, that went over my head06:49
goosei'll post the entire log 1 sec06:49
Flannelrebel_kid: what process are you looking for?06:49
desaintsrebel_kid: if i accidently changed the mount point when i installed ubuntu again would that affect me opening it06:49
hotmonkeyluvzedster:  dell06:49
chubschetnick, I don't know. did you tab-complete to the wrong name?06:49
zedsterhotmonkeyluv: if you call dell they should actually have the key for you on file06:49
desaintsrebel_kid: even though it shows everything inside it freezes when i open it06:49
zedsterit might even be in the ticket report when you put in your service code06:49
chetnickchubs: didn't you tell me that you play WoW online?06:49
thunderdancan i share files between two computers using samba and just an ethernet cord between them?06:49
rebel_kidflannel, one of many gnome-terminals06:50
chetnickchubs: over win06:50
hotmonkeyluvzedster:  huh, didn't even think about that06:50
chubschetnick, no. that was someone else06:50
chetnickchubs: lol sorry06:50
Junkeehello again chubs06:50
chubshi Junkee06:50
rebel_kiddesaints, the guys here are much better than me, but if you can swap out ur power supply, bad ps06:50
danbh_intrepidzedster: for dell computers, the cd  key is on a sticker on the side of the computer...06:50
rebel_kiddesaints can freeze ur comp all day, does it just freeze the app or the whole computer06:50
Elive_user39anyone know how to youtube download as MP3?06:50
zedsterdanbh_intrepid: crap, forgot about that06:50
desaintsrebel_kid the psu is perfectly fine06:51
desaintsrebel_kid it worked until i installed ubuntu again06:51
desaintsrebel_kid and it only freezes that window06:51
zedsterElive_user39: just use a recored program, play the video and recored the audio off of it06:51
chubsElive_user39, there's probably a firefox extension for it06:51
desaintsrebel_kid and i can force the window to close06:51
Elive_user39youtube2mp3 - i found it . http://youtube.43.gs06:51
chetnick]K[^Omegadoom: i installed CS in wine, when i start game, it is in very small window. can i get it bigger somehow?06:51
chetnick:) it was him06:51
desaintschetnick you can change the settings in wine to force a bigger window06:51
Elive_user39is there any tool for ubuntu? like on windows the realplayer can download any flashvideo06:51
rebel_kiddesaints, hmmm then the guys here r ur best bet, if u can force quit it its not ps, maybe some stupid setting, forums and someone else here are ur best bet06:51
desaintsgo to applications, wine, configure wine06:52
desaintsand set it there06:52
Elive_user39fiddling with live-http-headers is nothing for my dad06:52
]K[^Omegadoomchetnick: Which game?06:52
danbh_intrepidElive_user39: try a firefox extension06:52
chetnick]K[^Omegadoom: counter strike06:52
chetnickcondition zero06:52
rebel_kidflannel, so how do i do it?06:52
danbh_intrepidchetnick: thats a wine question, either check the appdb or ask in #winehq06:52
desaintsanyone know if you change the mount point on an ntfs partitioned hd will it affect your ability to open the drive??06:52
]K[^Omegadoomchetnick: Look in the game options to get it to full screen06:52
thunderdanthanks anyway06:52
Elive_user39<danbh_intrepid> gonna look06:52
gooseheres my xorg http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47968/06:53
desaintsanyone know if you change the mount point on an ntfs partitioned hd will it affect your ability to open the drive??06:53
chubsdesaints, ntfs support is not at the kernel level, it's in userspace with ntfs-3g. you'll need that installed before you can do much with an ntfs drive06:53
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE06:54
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions06:54
desaintschubs it worked before i re-installed ubuntu?06:54
nick[]goose: what kind of monitor are you using?06:54
gooseits on a laptop, i found the version number a little while back 1 sec06:55
gooseSamsung ltn140w2-l0206:55
Flannelrebel_kid: ps aux | grep gnome-terminal | less06:55
Flannelrebel_kid: That'll give you all of your gnome-terminals, in a pager, so you can scroll through them06:55
rebel_kidok, how do i tell which is which, is there a command i can use to set one apart, or is it best guess06:56
goosei couldn't find the hsync or vrefresh for it06:56
goosebeen looking for quite a while06:56
nick[]goose: where's the conf file06:56
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chubsdesaints, then you had it installed before06:56
nick[]goose: you should be able to guess them06:56
rebel_kidflannel, that and its static06:57
nick[]but usually it will still start if you don't get the exact values...06:57
goosegetting the conf file 1 sec06:57
goosewell its grabbing the defaults06:57
desaintschubs no i didnt, i had ubuntu installed on a seperate partition of that same hd, now its on a different hd and im using 10gb slot on that hd as swap now06:58
goosesee lines 428-906:58
nick[]I don't know where the conf file is..06:58
chubsdesaints, I'm not sure what your point is but why on earth do you have a 10gb swap?07:00
goosenick[] heres my conf file http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/47969/07:00
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion07:00
desaintschubs because thats what the free space on that partition was07:00
desaintschubs i didnt know how to re-merge my 490gb with that07:01
chubsdesaints, alright07:01
desaintschubs i just checked it with GParted and it said unable to read filesystem contents07:01
chubsdesaints, did you run it off of a livecd?07:01
nick[]goose: DefaultDepth 1  ? 1 bit depth?07:01
nick[]goose: at least pick 2407:01
psypher246hey guys, i'm desperate. since i applied the changes suiggested on ubuntu geeks site to make pulseaudi play nice with your system i CONSTANLY get segfaults when firefox goes to a most flash sites07:02
goosei put that in to see if the color depth was the problem07:02
desaintschubs no i installed the full ubuntu onto the 10gb partition on the 500gb sata07:02
nick[]goose: i figuerd07:02
goosei'll set it to 24 and see what happens07:02
nick[]i was wondering if it wasn't expecting that ;)07:02
chubsdesaints, you can't partition a drive that you're using07:02
desaintswell it worked on the first ubuntu which was installed on the partition i made on the drive07:03
desaintsnow that i have installed ubuntu on the first hd, the 200gb drive and removed ubuntu from the 500gb hd partition it wont access the 500gb hd files area anymore07:03
gooseapparently the vga driver can't support 24 :O07:03
gooseVGA(0): Driver can't support depth 2407:04
nick[]goose: ;-o07:06
goosei removed the line and i chose dept of 407:06
nick[]goose: Driver      "vga" ?07:06
nick[]why "vga"07:06
nick[]goose: what card do you have07:06
gooseits the only thing i've gotten to workr so far07:06
nick[]goose: if you want it to just work, try "vesa"07:06
gooseATI Mobility™ Radeon® X1400 64MB Graphics featuring Avivo™ display technology\07:07
nick[]yeah, you can look up which driver is appropriate on google07:07
nick[]vesa will work for most cards, afaik07:07
goldmetalanyone know how msn works?  when i am on msn, i can talk to people on yahoo and hotmail.  but on pidgin i can only talk to hotmail people.07:08
goose:O now i feel stupid07:08
nick[]don't ;(07:08
goosevesa works...... you guys should put that in a sticky in the forums07:08
goosethe xorg config stuff wasn't working for me so i started going on my own, acually cfix caused my computer to lock at a black screen instead of x failing07:09
legend2440goose: can you enable the ati drivers in  system>administration>hardware drivers?07:09
goosei couldn't get to gnome till now07:09
gooselemme reboot into normal mode, i've been working in recovery07:10
chubsgoldmetal, amsn is probably better for msn than pidgin is07:11
owen1i try to play vod files with vlc but get: access_file access error: read failed07:11
owen1do i need some codecs?07:11
jarcoi am installing simcity over wine.... he asks for cd 2 ... that weird becaus ei have only one dvd ...07:11
palomerflash keeps crashing07:12
palomerI remember there's a package that solves this07:12
palomersomething about sound07:12
Sladeanyone have problems running the eve client on ubuntu?07:12
gooseYEAY! THANKYOU!!!!!!!!!!07:12
goldmetalchubs, ok thx. i will try that.  i think the msn server pipes the protocal to yahoo messenger07:12
legend2440palomer: sudo apt-get install libflashsupport07:12
atm0sphanyone here know anything about making a ubuntu boot usbkey from within windows?\07:13
owen1how to play vod files?07:13
sakohey guys, anyone get a permission error with k3b? not sure how to resolve it, do I have to chmod something? or add a group??07:13
neggeatm0sph: google it up, I think there's a GUI that automtates the process for you. Can't remember if it was Linux-only though07:14
gooseinstalling ati driver! WAHOO! thanks agian07:14
psypher246hey guys, i'm desperate. since i applied the changes suiggested on ubuntu geeks site to make pulseaudio play nice with your system i CONSTANLY get segfaults when firefox goes to most flash sites. tried re-installing flash, tied the latest flash 10, nothing, segfault segfault segfault07:14
Syirrusne1 know how the 4870 x2 runs in ubuntu with compiz ?07:15
palomerlegend2440, already apt-got07:15
goldmetalchubs, i still don't see yahoo messenger people in 'amsn'07:15
psypher246atm0sph: there are quite e few howto's on the net, google for it07:15
SlartI've just installed ubuntu jeos in virtualbox and during the install I had networking disabled for some stupid reason.. when I enable networking in virtualbox I don't get any interfaces in my virtual ubuntu.. can I somehow do what the installer usually does? (automatically setup my interfaces and such).. or do I have to do it by hand?07:16
chubsgoldmetal, I honestly don't know, i've just heard amsn works better with msn than pidgin07:16
chubsgoldmetal, that could be an msn thing07:16
psypher246atm0sph: www.pendrivelinux.com has a lot of stuff07:16
goldmetalchubs, yes. it's two different protocals.07:16
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ActionParsnipSlart: if you run lspci do you not get a network card listed?07:17
atm0sphthanks psypher246 \07:17
SlartActionParsnip: yes, I get an ethernet controller there07:17
legend2440palomer: well libflashsupport is a fix for sound problems with flash. ie no sound on youtube. is that the problem your having?07:17
SlartActionParsnip: and dmesg mentions a network card.. and udev renames it from eth0 to eth2.. but I still can't see this eth2 anywhere.. not eth0 either for that matter07:18
ActionParsnipSlart: then its fine, just set it up with your favourite network tool or edit /etc/network/interfaces file07:18
goldmetalchubs, if it does not work... i will have to wine it07:18
SlartActionParsnip: did that.. didn't do anything.. I just added two lines to the interfaces file.. "auto eth0" and "iface eth0 inet dhcp", that ought to be enough, or?07:19
chubsgoldmetal, some people who have trouble with msn fix it by logging onto msn in windows once07:19
chubsand that'll fix it for some reason07:19
ActionParsnipSlart: didnt you say it was eth207:19
bbryanthey, I'm having trouble getting office to run because of this error "javaldx: Could not find a Java Runtime Environment!"07:20
bbryantI've ran update-java-alternatives with no success07:20
marlunWhat is it I need if I want to change the window borders theme?07:20
bbryantI have two JRE's installed07:20
SlartActionParsnip: that thought just crossed my mind.. I'll give it a try07:20
gregor2004uaanyone knows how to install realplayer11 on Ubundu 8.04 64 bit07:20
bbryantgregor2004ua: probably can't07:21
marlunIs it metacity?07:21
ActionParsnipSlart: you are defining it for the interface, you dont have an eth0 interface, you have an eth2. eth0 wont work07:21
legend2440gregor2004ua: http://www.simonives.info/blog/2008/april/real_player_11_ubuntu_64_bit07:22
jim_pmarlun: it depends. Are you using gnome? If so, are you using compiz too? If your answers are yes and no respactively, then metacity is what you need07:22
desaintshow do i add deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ edgy main main-all to my sources list?07:22
gregor2004uabbryant: i read online that i can install a 32 bit version but when i enter sudo ./real.bin it says that the file not found07:22
desaintshow do i add "deb http://flomertens.keo.in/ubuntu/ edgy main main-all" to my sources list?07:22
jim_pdesaints: are you using ubuntu 6.10?07:22
desaintshardy heron07:23
APCan somebody tell how can i add KDE environment in ubuntu?07:23
jim_pdesaints: then dont add it. its packges are for ubuntu 6.1007:23
APver 7.1007:23
SlartActionParsnip: ok, let's see if that did it.. rebooting07:23
ActionParsnipAP: sudo apt-get install kde-desktop07:23
ActionParsnipSlart: no need to reboot, just restart the network07:23
ActionParsnipSlart: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart07:24
jim_pAP: or kde-core if you dont need all kde's stuff07:24
dontchokecrontab is looking alot fdifferent in ubuntu07:24
dontchokewhat does ^X mean07:24
APThanks, ActionParsnip07:24
dontchokehow do i do that comand07:24
SlartActionParsnip: I changed some udev-rules too.. might as well reboot.. takes almost as long as restarting the network in a vm =)07:24
desaintsjim_p im trying to open up an ntfs drive on my ubuntu, for some odd reason when i share it via samba it can be opened, and when i open the found through programs i can view the folders and find files, but when i open it to look for a file it crashes that window07:24
legend2440gregor2004ua: the command should be    sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin07:24
jim_pdesaints: samba has issues with ntfs07:24
gregor2004ualegend2440: i follow the steps but when i do this comand: sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin, it says that file not found, but the file is right there07:24
desaintsjim_p samba isnt the problem07:24
palomerlegend2440, no, flash is crashing my computer07:25
jim_pdesaints: move the files you want to share in ext307:25
SlartActionParsnip: and now it works.. thanks, sometimes you just need someone to beat you up with a clue-stick =)07:25
desaintsjim_p through samba it is fine on a windows pc07:25
desaintsjim_p on my ubuntu machine which it is on i cant open the window07:25
chubspalomer, flash is crashing your /computer/?07:25
ActionParsnipdesaints: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst and add the line at the bottom. make sure you press enter on the end of the line. you will need to run sudo apt-get update07:25
gregor2004ua legend2440: still says file not found07:25
legend2440gregor2004ua: did you make it executable first?     chmod a+x RealPlayer11GOLD.bin07:25
NathanWhat is the best itunes replica for ubuntu07:25
chubsNathan, amarok07:25
gregor2004ua legend2440: yeah done that07:26
Nathanwhat is songbird like?07:26
chubs!poll | nathan07:26
ubottunathan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:26
ActionParsnip!best | Nathan07:26
ubottuNathan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.07:26
ActionParsnip!itunes | Nathan07:26
ubottuNathan: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee07:26
dontchokehow do i ^X07:26
chubsi've heard songbird doesn't work very well nathan07:26
SlartNathan: songbird is .. well.. like amarok.. but more beta07:26
palomerchubs, flash is crashing firefox07:26
legend2440gregor2004ua: you sure your in the right folder?  if you type ls it shows the file?07:26
chubspalomer, flash does that sometimes07:26
ActionParsnippalomer: you on 64bit linux?07:27
Nathanokay i shall give amarok a shot07:27
SlartNathan: it works.. but searching songs takes forever.. it can't watch folders for changes.. no audio settings etc etc07:27
marlunjim_p: Ok, metacity it is, but I'm using compiz on my laptop, is there something else I should get then?07:27
gregor2004uagregor@gregor-desktop:~/Desktop$ ls07:27
gregor2004uagregor@gregor-desktop:~/Desktop$ sudo ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin07:27
gregor2004uasudo: unable to execute ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin: No such file or directory07:27
FloodBot3gregor2004ua: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
Nathani like the itunes factor that when i start typing artist name it goes to it07:27
Nathananything with that feat. would be the best07:27
SlartNathan: but it's still being developed.. so all those things are coming in the future07:27
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jim_pmarlun: if you use compiz, you need to get other types of themes for it07:28
O-MIRINDA=) hy all07:28
ActionParsniphi O-MIRINDA07:28
legend2440gregor2004ua: right click the file and choose properties and make sure permissions are right07:28
ActionParsnipSlart: hows your virtual nic?07:29
palomerActionParsnip, 32 bit07:29
gregor2004ualegend2440: permissions set to read and write for everyone07:29
bbryantdoes anyone have any experience with JRE's not working on OOo?07:29
SlartActionParsnip: working nicely07:29
legend2440gregor2004ua: have to be set to execute also07:29
gregor2004ualegend2440: yeah it is07:30
ActionParsnipSlart: you gotta change stuff you find online to suit your system man07:30
x3onwhat do you guys use for webcam on msn?07:30
legend2440gregor2004ua: strange   are user and group set to root? or your username?07:30
SlartActionParsnip: I didn't find anything online.. I just assumed that my only nic would be eth0.. not used to udev07:31
gregor2004ualegend2440: what does that mean and how do i change that07:31
ActionParsnippalomer: id uninstall whatever flash you have and get the tar.gz from adobe.com and copy the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins07:31
ActionParsnipSlart: well you learned something today :)07:32
bakarati have a massive .rar file that needs to be unzipped, unfortunately the default archiver seems to unzip to /tmp first, which does not have enough space to hold it, any ideas how i can unzip it directly to the specified location?07:32
ganumy ethernet card is not detected in ubuntu i am using r8168 card07:32
legend2440gregor2004ua: when you right click file and check permissions there are two boxes on top? that say owner and group?07:32
SlartActionParsnip: udev rules has bit me in the behind before.. didn't learn anything then =) but let's hope it sticks this time07:32
jim_pganu: is it realtek's?07:32
ganujim_p, yeah07:33
gregor2004ualegend2440: yes two boxes that say owner and group07:33
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palluhello all of you07:33
ganujim_p, what package i have to install07:33
ActionParsnipganu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75500207:33
legend2440gregor2004ua: does it say root in there? or your username?07:33
palluhow can i get the source for the kernel to install and nvidia driver?07:33
gregor2004ualegend2440: my username07:34
jim_pganu: realtek's drivers are most likely to be included in the kernel, so you just have to load the module07:34
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psypher246PLEASE could someone help me. My ff crashes every 1 minute of almost every site with flash07:34
legend2440gregor2004ua: ok try   ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin   without sudo in front07:34
ganujim_p, which module i have to insert07:34
speedhunt3rhey what program can i use to capture my desktop as a video? As in.. I want to make a video tutorial for a presentation07:35
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psypher246speedhunt3r: i use recordmy desktop07:35
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owen1how to play vod files?07:35
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ubottuSome programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.07:35
gregor2004ualegend2440: says: bash; ./RealPlayer11GOLD.bin: No such file or directory07:35
=== one is now known as oneIeaf
legend2440gregor2004ua: try   ./Real<Tab key>  so it auto completes the file name07:37
gregor2004ualegend2440: autocompleted and sill says no such file or directory07:37
legend2440gregor2004ua: very strange07:38
gregor2004ualegend2440: can u remote control my pc and look at it yourself somehow?07:38
bakarati have a massive .rar file that needs to be unzipped, unfortunately the default archiver seems to unzip to /tmp first, which does not have enough space to hold it, any ideas how i can unzip it directly to the specified location?07:38
hateballbakarat: unrar from commandline07:39
clarenc1How to download and install the languages pack?07:39
bakarathateball: would you know the proper command? :p07:39
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hateballbakarat: man unrar ;)07:39
palluhow can i get a copy of my curent kenrnel?07:39
bakarathateball: ah k :>07:39
hateballbakarat: I much prefer commandline anyhow, because of recursive switches etc07:40
clarenc1I want to install Traditional Chinese language packs, but I don't know how to install another languages pack in Ubuntu 8.0407:40
bakarathateball: well this is the first time i've run into trouble with the archiver tool :>07:40
hateballbakarat: ok :)07:41
Virca6696хай алл07:41
legend2440gregor2004ua:   read this   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8703107:41
legend2440gregor2004ua: maybe try downloading again07:41
Virca6696че че че ?07:41
bakarathateball: btw, you are sure the commandline one doesn't write to /tmp first right? :p07:42
Virca6696Я не пойму?07:42
sakowhat a nightmare07:42
sakoi cant get any burner to work in ubuntu07:42
Virca6696ебаный день :~(07:42
gregor2004ualegend2440: ok im gona try that now07:42
ryg9IVirca6696: другого места нет?07:42
sakotrying to burn 2 mp3s with brasero and i keep getting an error: a write error occured which was likely due to overburning the disc (brasero_burn_record burn.c:2270)07:42
legend2440gregor2004ua: ok  good luck   almost 3 am here have to go07:42
hateballbakarat: Hmmm no... I just assumed it doesnt, since it feels faster than using a gui archiver. Try? :p07:43
legend2440gregor2004ua: here are instructions if you need them   http://www.simonives.info/blog/2008/april/real_player_11_ubuntu_64_bit07:43
bakarathateball: still looking up an example command hehe07:43
gregor2004ualegend2440: thanks07:43
bakarathateball: not sure which parameters to use from the man only07:44
legend2440gregor2004ua: ok07:44
ryg9Isako: привет-привет07:44
sakocan someone help me out with this brasero error? i even tried installing k3b and that errors as well (permission error)07:44
sakoryg i dont speak too much but i know privet07:44
hateballbakarat: unrar e -r /path/to/files/*.rar will extract recursively in the current directory07:44
sakoand bashol07:44
bakarathateball: how do i enter the password?07:44
bakarathateball: -p<pass> it says in man07:45
bakarathateball: does the password actually have to be right against the -p? or a space in between?07:45
hateballbakarat: Dont know, havent unrar'd anything passwordprotected. Try... if it fails, you did it wrong ;)07:45
chubsbakarat, space in between07:46
bakaratchubs: k07:46
palluhow can i get a copy of the kernel that is runing on my system?07:46
sakoanyone know a solution to brasero failing due to overburning??07:47
bakaratk that won't work07:47
nathanielneallwhere can i get a bootable partitioner to partition my free space?07:47
* delcoyote hi07:48
bakaratchubs: when i do -p <password> it asks me for a password then quits before i can type one in07:48
chubsnathanielneall, gparted07:48
bakaratchubs: if i just do -p (without <password>) it queries for a password, then i have to reenter it, then i just get a list of commands07:48
chubsbakarat, i've never used unrar, sorry07:48
ryg9Ibakarat: without space07:48
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nathanielneallchubs, is that better than gnome partitionor?07:48
bakaratryg9I: tried that as well, doesn't seem to work either07:49
sakoanyone here savvy with brasero???07:49
gaminggeekhello, I'm having problems with the intel driver. Its crashing X07:49
chubsnathanielneall, afaik that is gnome partitioner07:49
nathanielneallchubs, so gparted is still better?07:50
clarenc1how to avoid the ubuntu 8.04 to lock the root account?07:50
Flannelclarenc1: Why do you want to avoid it?07:50
chubsnathanielneall, well it's a livecd. it's always worked perfectly for me07:50
bakaratchubs: ryg9I hateball ah seems to be working now hehe, thank you :>07:50
nathanielneallclarenc1, boot from live cd07:50
tanathanyone else find facebook is very slow in firefox?07:51
clarenc1because I want  to edit blacklist07:51
wangI have an error when I try to run perldoc as mysql07:51
wangas myself.. when I run as root its fine... the error starts with: perl: warning: Setting locale failed.07:51
clarenc1BTW, I find out the ubuntu system of the problem07:51
wanggoogle isn't much help.. can anyone advise?07:51
sakocan someone tell me why brasero is "overburning" and failing to burn mp3 files??07:52
Flannelclarenc1: You use sudo for that.07:52
Nathanwell i downloaded songbird. its freakin awesome. i like this much better than amarok07:52
tanathfor the past couple months i've found facebook is very slow in firefox. i just figured out that i can switch to a non-facebook tab to get it to load as normal, but shouldn't have to do this.07:52
Flannelclarenc1: alt-f2, then type gksu gedit /path/to/file and you'll open file07:52
nathanielneallchubs, which release should i go for?07:53
chubsnathanielneall, the newest one07:53
Flannelclarenc1: What?07:53
clarenc1must close the gdm07:53
chubsmake sure you're browsing the livecd07:54
Flannelclarenc1: If you want to use an editor in the terminal: sudo nano /path/to/file07:54
nathanielneallchubs, so a testing release, or stay stable?07:54
clarenc1what's nano07:54
chubsnathanielneall, .3.7-707:54
chubsstay stable07:54
Flannelclarenc1: its a text editor07:54
wangtcan anyone help?07:54
wangand my perldoc output is screwed up07:54
eccentricityhowso, wang?07:55
eccentricitymeanwhile: I'm having network issues07:55
wangeccentricity: is there a no paste around here that I can show you the er07:55
wangits a 5-6 line error07:55
Flannel!paste | wang07:55
ubottuwang: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:55
hateball!info paste07:56
ubottuPackage paste does not exist in hardy07:56
hateball!info pastebinit07:56
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB07:56
eccentricityso I'm connecting to my wireless network07:56
wangeccentricity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/47977/ is the error I'm getting07:56
eccentricitybut programs like pidgin and firefox seem to think I'm not connected07:57
wangit doesn't happen as root, only as myself.. and the formatting of the perldoc is screwed up when I try to read it07:57
wanghttp://paste.ubuntu.com/47978/ is an example of the weirdness with perldoc I see07:57
wangthe weridness is that it works as root, but not as myself07:59
ryg9Iwang: try to set LC_ALL .. export LC_ALL='en_US.UTF-8'07:59
eccentricityI connect with the following commands, sudo'd: dhclient -r eth1 & wpa_supplicant -w  -D wext -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf & dhclient eth107:59
eccentricitythat connects me to my network,  but many programs say I'm offline08:00
kevin__what type of archive program works with gzip types?08:00
wangryg9I: thanks, that works now.. now I can do perl without being root.. thanks... I'll drop it in my .bashrc08:00
clarenc1Do you think Ubuntu will be the main OS?08:00
Flannelclarenc1: #ubuntu-offtopic is the channel for questions like that.  We try and keep this one to support only08:00
clarenc1like windows xp08:00
Flannel!br | fabiobmoraes08:00
ubottufabiobmoraes: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.08:00
ryg9Ikevin__: gunzip ?:)08:01
kevin__ryg9I, i'll try that08:01
kevin__ryg9I, you know if it comes with the initial install of ubuntu hardy?08:01
jim_pguys, do you know any alternative to pastebin? it wont let me in!!!08:01
chubskevin__, yes08:01
ryg9Ikevin__: yep08:01
Flannel!paste | jim_p08:02
ubottujim_p: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:02
eccentricityso does anybody know why, say, pidgin, would say its waiting for a network connection despite that I'm clearly connected?08:04
Roy_MHi I am using ubuntu server and I am wondering if it is possible to enable certain kernel options post install. Or, am I going to have to reinstall my system?08:04
Roy_MI want to enable CONFIG_TCP_CONG_ADVANCED08:04
eccentricityRoy_AM: probably reinstall, but which?08:04
chubsRoy_M, you can pass options to your kernel in grub08:04
nate__another question. i got songbird, imported everything but its all screwed up (no artists, etc..) i have my original itunes folder with everything in order so is there a way i can import that whole folder so it doesnt get all messed up?08:05
chubsRoy_M, otherwise you can recompile your kernel if that's what you're asking08:05
kevin__okay for whatever reason, (and I think im not doing it right) but i have 2 .gzip files on my desktop..and im trying to extract with the command: gzip filename_location/filename -d08:05
kevin__where am i wrong?08:06
Roy_Mchubs, hmm I might try recompiling my kernel if it is not too hard08:06
nate__i also have the .xml file if that helps08:06
chubsRoy_M, it's not too hard, just time consuming. I think there's an ubuntu guide08:06
Roy_Mtaking a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile thanks guys :)08:07
eccentricityI'm guessing nobody has any ideas?08:07
chubsRoy_M, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile08:07
chubsyou got it heh08:07
Roy_Mhaha thanks chubs08:07
eccentricityso does anybody know why, say, pidgin, would say its waiting for a network connection despite that I'm clearly connected?08:09
eccentricityit might be worth noting I'm connecting to a wireless network and don't use network-manager or anything like it08:09
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logixoulHello. I run Ubuntu 8.04 and I'm trying to change the resolution from 1280x1024 to 1024x768. It's not working out though. Here's my corrected xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/27479708:11
logixoulCan anyone help?08:11
Sektor_hey, I have a (newb) question concerning file permissions: if I allow any user to execute a program in ~/test for example, but I don't allow users to create files in that dir, will the program be able to create files here?08:11
kevin__grrr okay - i have (1) .gzip file on desktop .. im in desktop dir in terminal.... objective: decompress .gzip file. question: why doesn't gzip -d filename work?08:11
logixoulSektor_: no it won't08:12
Sektor_logixoul, thanks :-)08:12
Begin_LinuxComo eu me registro pra entrar no ubunto-br?08:12
sakoi have yet to successfully burn a CD with ubuntu this is ridiculous08:12
sako15 cds wasted and counting08:13
chubsBegin_Linux, ubuntu-br08:13
ekowis anyone knowledgable with x11vnc? i'm just having trouble setting my password08:13
Begin_LinuxComo eu me registro pra entrar no ubuntu-br?08:13
logixoulsako, you might want to check your cd drive. just sayin.08:13
clarenc1Why ubuntu doesn't have net install?08:13
FlannelBegin_Linux: /join #ubuntu-br08:14
Flannelclarenc1: It does.08:14
sakocd drive works perfectly in windows08:14
sakofirst thing i checked ;)08:14
sakothanks though08:14
clarenc1It does?08:14
Flannel!minimal | clarenc108:14
logixoulsako: try a lower burn speed08:14
ubottuclarenc1: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:14
clarenc1how to make ubuntu for net install?08:14
JoshooaCan I get any help getting Wine to open up under it's own X Server? I have a script file but it just gives me a blank screen08:15
sakoBrasero gives me an "overburning" error, gnomebaker just gave me some random error, k3b gives me a permission error08:15
Begin_LinuxComo eu me registro pra entrar no ubuntu-br?08:15
kevin__To anyone: i have (1) .gzip file on desktop .. im in desktop dir in terminal.... objective: decompress .gzip file. question: why doesn't gzip -d filename work?08:15
clarenc1I see08:15
kahrytanFlannel»  Does that mean I can skip OpenOffice?08:15
Sektor_logixoul, so I would like to put an apache server in /opt (I'm building it myself and want to keep it grouped under /opt/apache, not spread out in /usr/local or something) but I don't want to be running apache as root, right?08:15
chubsBegin_Linux, we speak english08:15
FlannelBegin_Linux: /join #ubuntu-br08:16
logixoulSektor_: not my area. as far as i know apache is usually ran as user wwwrun. and the files/dirs apache needs to write should be owned by wwwrun.08:17
O-MIRINDABegin_Linux brazil ???08:17
Flannellogixoul, Sektor_: www-data08:17
clarenc1Why the DVD edtion of the ubuntu copy to CD won't have text install?08:17
kahrytanSektor_»  May i suggest you check out lighttpd?08:17
ekowis anyone knowledgable with x11vnc? i'm just having trouble setting my password, it tells me it's set but when i run the program it say it isn't...08:17
Flannelclarenc1: what?08:17
logixoulFlannel: ah ok.08:17
FD_Fis it possible sync Sunbird with Exchange calender ? , thanks08:17
Begin_LinuxHow can I record myself in ubuntu-br?08:17
eccentricitynobody seems interested in answering a question about wireless networks. I'll ask tomorrow.08:17
clarenc1Isn't ubuntu have text install?08:17
FlannelBegin_Linux: /join #ubuntu-br  to get there.  What do you mean record?08:18
chubsFlannel, he means register08:18
Flannelclarenc1: It does have one, but you don't have to do text install.08:18
chubsor speak08:18
BoltClockkevin__: try tar -xzf [your file]08:18
clarenc1it was faster than livecd08:18
aroonihow well supported is the dp43tf (intel p43 chipset).... is it for ubuntu hardy?08:18
BoltClockkevin__ oh whoops ignore me08:18
roxahrismy internet keeps going down08:19
roxahrisnotworking at all08:19
CostaRicanQuakeri can't find afterstep with sudo aptitude install, how do i go about downloading the tar file form their website? i don't know anything about compiling08:19
Flannel!enter | roxahris08:19
FloodBot3roxahris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:19
ubotturoxahris: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:19
roxahrisI really need help08:19
kevin__BoltClock, no..that did the trick...but it didn't extract into its own file..which woulda been nicer. thanks08:19
Flannel!info afterstep | CostaRicanQuaker08:20
ubottucostaricanquaker: afterstep (source: afterstep): window manager with the NEXTSTEP look and feel. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.7-2 (hardy), package size 3494 kB, installed size 9468 kB08:20
roxahrisIt's stopped. For the moment.08:20
BoltClockkevin__ if you were trying to decompress .tar.gz archive then use tar :)08:20
roxahrisAnyway, my internet connection stops working a few seconds after I connect.08:20
roxahrisThis doesn08:20
Brainy|phpBBAnyone mind helping me with some USB headset sound issues?08:20
Begin_LinuxWhen you connect the server, he asks me my record. How can I make this record?08:20
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roxahrisI have to continuously reconnect to stay online... This doesn't happen in Windows, though...08:20
sander__ ive set up share folders on two ubuntu systems but as yet all they see is the windows computer.08:21
logixoulHey, on Ubuntu 8.04 I'm trying to make my res 1024x768 but it stays 1280x1024. Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/274797 Can anyone please help?08:21
physically_fitBegin_Linux, it says: [##por_favor_registre-se] Para melhor controle de qualidade do IRC alguns canais necessitam de registro do nick. se voce caiu aqui e porque nao esta identificado. Leia como se registrar em http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup, se identifique e entre novamente no canal. Obrigado.08:21
joshuxis there any gui program to edit .iso files08:21
desaintswhats the sudo command to uninstall that pulse audio program in terminal?08:21
desaintsthe drivers08:21
roxahrisAaaaa, it's happening again08:21
danbh_intrepiddesaints: if you want to just use a different audio, there is an easier way08:22
kevin__BoltClock, somehow it worked for gzip when gunzip didn't...weird eh?08:22
BoltClockkevin__ guess so, ha08:22
Begin_LinuxThis is the message: Begin_Linux, it says: [# # por_favor_registre Up] To better control the quality of some IRC channels need to register the nickname. if you dropped here and because this not identified. Read how to register in http://freenode.net/faq.shtml # nicksetup, is identifying and again between the channel. Thank you.08:22
clarenc1how to make the ubuntu more fast in the booting speed?08:23
sakoanyone know how to fix a k3b permission error? i dont want to keep running gksudo k3b to burn stuff08:23
Joshooaclarenc1: edit your session08:23
desaintsdanbh_intrepid it conflicts with my music program and wine running warcraft 3 tft at the same time, and last time i uninstalled it it worked out fine08:23
FlannelBegin_Linux: /msg nickserv help register08:23
physically_fitBegin_Linux, " Leia como se registrar em http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup "08:23
Joshooadesaints: you can do sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio*08:23
clarenc1the ubuntu 8.04 of the booting speed is still too slow08:23
desaintsjoshooa thank you08:24
sakoanyone here using k3b?08:24
danbh_intrepiddesaints: well, my idea was to try changing it in gstreamer-properties to alsa08:24
danbh_intrepidclarenc1: how is it too slow?08:24
Joshooadesaints: Should have 3 things to remove I think, but you may also have to edit/remove your ~/.asoundrc and /etc/asoundrc.conf08:24
clarenc1Joshooa,how do I edit the  session?08:24
Joshooaclarenc1: System -> Preferences -> Session08:24
desaintsJoshooa im going to test and see if they conflict anymore quick08:25
Joshooaclarenc1: That will change some of your boot up programs.08:25
Joshooadesaints: Good luck feel free to IM me incase I don't see you talking in the room08:25
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me a good cli torrent client?08:25
FlannelPirate_Hunter: btlaunchmanycurses08:25
logixoulPirate_Hunter: rtorrent i think08:25
iFvwmPirate_Hunter: rtorrent08:25
Pirate_HunterFlannel: huh?08:26
iFvwmwake up now08:26
stodanif i install ubuntu on hdd via virtual machine (from windows) will it be able to boot standalone?08:26
chubssubtle Pirate_Hunter08:26
Pirate_Hunterlogixoul, iFvwm: ty08:26
snoozehello! :-) is there a way to apt-get vmware server on ubuntu 8.04?08:26
JoshooaPirate_Hunter: Yeah rtorrent is awesome use that one08:26
Kartagishow do I apt-get mod_rewrite for apache?08:27
Pirate_HunterJoshooa: will do so thanx08:27
logixoulPirate_Hunter: apparently there _is_ an app called btlaunchmanycurses, btw.08:27
kahrytanKartagis» eever heard of lighttpd?08:27
BrainyiscoolMy USB headset has sound when I do System>Preferences>Sound>tests, but with actual sounds I get nothing08:27
BrainyiscoolAny ideas?08:27
Kartagissnooze: no, vmvare.com08:27
FlannelKartagis: You don't.  It's aleady installed.  You may have to enable it though, but I don't believe so.08:27
snoozeKartagis: vmware any to any patches website seems to be down, including mirror - any help? :)08:27
stodanKartagis, you alredy have it (mostly) sudo a2enmod rewrite08:27
KartagisFlannel: it's not enabled or available08:27
Jordan_UBrainyiscool: Probably the "actual" sounds are not going through pulseaudio, try playing something in totem as it most likely will use pulse08:28
Brainyiscoolpulseaudio?  May I ask what that is?08:28
kahrytan!minimal > kahrytan08:29
ubottukahrytan, please see my private message08:29
Pirate_Hunterdang at this moments i wish i knew how to use screen :(08:29
chubsPirate_Hunter, type screen in08:29
chubsbam. using it08:29
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chubsbut if you're really confused man screen08:30
BrainyiscoolJordan_U: You were right it's playing now08:30
=== Leenuks is now known as Rotel
Jordan_UBrainyiscool: It is a layer above the basic sound drivers that allows many extra features with audio, like sending audio from applications across the network and per-application volume control08:30
BrainyiscoolHowever, how can i get all sounds to play?08:30
FlannelKartagis: Are you sure its not already enabled?  Have you tried?08:30
Jordan_UBrainyiscool: You can get almost all applications to use pulseaudio with "asoundconf set-pulseaudio"08:31
KartagisFlannel: it's not in mods-available or mod-enabled directories08:31
adacseems that my hard disk is under heavy load all the time...how can I find out which program causes that?08:31
FlannelKartagis: correct.  But there are modules compiled in already.08:32
BrainyiscoolHrm, ran that command and nothing happened :(08:32
BrainyiscoolStill can't get stuff to play outside of totem08:32
Jordan_UBrainyiscool: What app are you trying to play from?08:32
logixoulHey, on Ubuntu 8.04 I'm trying to make my res 1024x768 but it stays 1280x1024. Here's my xorg.conf: http://pastie.org/274797 Can anyone please help?08:33
BrainyiscoolI was trying System>Preferences>Sound>Sounds>Logout>Play08:33
BrainyiscoolFigure if it plays there, is should play everywhere08:33
Jordan_UBrainyiscool: I don't know if there is a logout sound by default. But yes, it should play from there, it's odd that it doesn't08:34
Brainyiscoollogin doesn't play either08:34
roxahrisLike I said before, my internet keeps connecting and disconnecting08:34
Jordan_Ulogixoul: Have you tried System -> Administration -> Hardware?08:35
logixoulJordan_U: I haven't installed GNOME on this machine, would like to keep it that way if possible08:36
Kartagismy permalinks are working now08:36
Jordan_Ulogixoul: Have you tried fglrx, or do you know that open source driver should work?08:36
* O-MIRINDA #h4ck3rsbr08:36
ActionParsnipyo yo yo08:37
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto08:37
logixoulJordan_U: I'm using the "ati" driver. If you think fglrx may let me decrease the resolution, I'll try that instead08:38
Pirate_Hunterthe mozilla-vlc-plugin is that better than just using the default FF embedded decoder?08:38
chuy_maxhey guys, I'm wondering if free command is reliable, as it says I only have 24MB available, and in gnome-system-monitor it says I'm only using 43% of 1.2GB of my RAM, that would be ~684MB free08:38
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: i dont think mozilla has video decoders installed by default08:39
logixoulPirate_Hunter: the default what? Firefox has no "embedded decoder"08:39
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: you may have installed the mplayer plugin08:39
danbh_intrepidActionParsnip: logixoul: I think he is talking about totem08:40
BrainyiscoolJordan_U: Thanks for your help, I need to get to bed08:40
Brainyiscoolit's too late to try working on this08:40
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: and with regards to "better" and "best"...try both to see which you prefer...that one is the "best"08:40
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip, logixoul:  ok cause im installing mplayer and just saw it, i guess im confusing it for embedded java when streaming clips, no problem will install it and see if it is better when streaming08:40
logixoulmore likely you're confusing it with flash video players like youtube08:41
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: i like the mplayer one but i like mplayer in general over vlc so i use it08:41
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: will try mplayer first than for a week or so than try vlc i doubt i can have both installed and choose which i want to choose08:42
Pirate_Hunterlogixoul: yah you're right i was confusing myself, yah its flash not java :'(08:42
ActionParsnipyouo can have both installed, just not the mozilla plugin for both08:42
ghaleb hello, how can I print a list of directories and the size of each one ?08:43
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: yah that is what i meant dang too early in the morning for me08:43
ActionParsnip8:45am here ;)08:43
binarymutantdoes anyone know if the fibonacci patch for DWM works in the new 5.2 release?08:44
=== powertoo108 is now known as powertool08
ActionParsnipbinarymutant: whats dwm?08:44
binarymutantActionParsnip: dynamic window manager08:44
ActionParsnipfibonacci sequences are cool08:45
binarymutantyeah it would be cool if I could get this patch to work :)08:45
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clarenc1Where can buy the OS is Ubuntu by default of the computer?08:49
ActionParsnipbinarymutant: id have a look at how to add extensions to it. ive never used it, looks ok08:49
IndyGunFreakclarenc1: dell is the only one i know of thats a major distributor... why cant you just try downloading and installing it?08:49
ActionParsnipclarenc1: what country?08:50
ActionParsnipclarenc1: dell do some but its quite hidden08:50
clarenc1U.S.A, Europe....08:50
ActionParsnipclarenc1: www.efficientpc.co.uk if you are uk based08:50
clarenc1in Taiwan, no computer is insatlled Ubuntu Linux08:51
ActionParsnipclarenc1: doubt it heavily08:51
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=== Mariah is now known as Glug
Kartagishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/47984/ <--- is this an informational thing or an error/warning?08:52
=== Glug is now known as PLL02a
IndyGunFreakclarenc1: so why not download and install it yourself and dual boot your PC to try it?08:52
prince_jammyslooks like a url08:52
logixoulha ha08:52
PLL02a can someone direct me to the correct channel for samba shares/ files shares between two ubuntu hardy systems08:53
prince_jammysKartagis: looks like a shell script running with the -x (execution trace) option08:53
ActionParsnipPLL02a: you are here, ask away08:53
ActionParsnip!samba | PLL02a08:53
ubottuPLL02a: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209808:53
prince_jammysKartagis: after every + it shows the command currently being run08:54
clarenc1IndyGunFreak, what meaning?08:54
Kartagisso it's not error huh?08:54
IndyGunFreakclarenc1: meaning, download Ubuntu, and install it on the PC you have now, or use the live CD, if you want to try Ubuntu, no real need to buy a new computer with it pre-installed.. unless you just want a new PC08:54
prince_jammysKartagis: no08:54
IndyGunFreak!live | clarenc108:55
PLL02aok ive set one folder on each system as a shared folder. then ubuntu wanted to download samba and it installed. I rebooted my system (stupid huh) but i dont see the folders in the network08:55
ubottuclarenc1: The Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.08:55
PLL02ai did that on both systems.08:55
Kartagisthanks prince_jammys08:55
clarenc1I'm ShipIt the ubuntu CD, and got it today08:55
ActionParsnipPLL02a: did you share the folders?08:56
clarenc1get it08:56
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PLL02ayes when i clicked the share button it installed samba. nothing else was asked so im not sure to be honest08:56
clarenc1How to install Office 2003 in Ubuntu 8.04?08:57
ActionParsnipPLL02a: you need to set allowed users and access rights08:57
ActionParsnipPLL02a: this isnt windows by the way. the only time you need to reboot is to use a different kernel08:57
clarenc1My school is teaching Office2003 of the Excel 2003, Word 2003,VB 200508:57
ActionParsnipclarenc1: try it through wine08:58
PLL02athere are 3 boxes to tick. they are all ticked.08:58
Swilkyhi guys i have a dell laptop08:58
ActionParsnipclarenc1: if you have the cash get cedega or crossover office08:58
Swilkyand i have read all the howtos and tryed the ndiswrapper and i cant get my wireless working08:58
clarenc1I was try Wine, but it was failed08:58
ActionParsnipPLL02a: id do a bit of digging and read the samba tutorial08:58
Swilkycan someone help me08:58
ActionParsnip!ask | Swilky08:58
ubottuSwilky: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:58
PLL02ai have. this is usually my last resort08:58
PLL02athing is my windows xp system is showing up but not the other ubuntu system08:59
clarenc1When I run Office2003, it say need to retart the office2003 for problem08:59
ActionParsnipPLL02a: http://www.simplehelp.net/2007/05/19/how-to-share-files-and-folders-in-ubuntu/08:59
clarenc1VB2005,as well!08:59
PLL02aok thanks ill check it out.08:59
newbb hi guys, my ubuntu doesn't automount my hdusb anymore (usually it pops it on the desktop)... i can't access to it, can someone help?08:59
ActionParsnipPLL02a: ar both systems in the same workgroup or domain?09:00
SwilkyHI guys i have a DELL D610 laptop and i can not get the wireless working i have tryed all the ndiswrapper howtos with no luck can some one plz help09:00
PLL02aahh yeah ive already been through that page09:00
ActionParsnipSwilky: run lspci, what wireless adapter does it have inside09:00
Swilkyyes it is09:00
ActionParsnipPLL02a: are both systems in the same workgroup?09:01
newbb hi guys, my ubuntu doesn't automount my hdusb anymore (usually it pops it on the desktop)... i can't access to it, can someone help?09:01
ActionParsnipSwilky: http://forum.notebookreview.com/showthread.php?t=27728209:01
clarenc1Before I 'm try to use VirtualBox, but it use My RAM so much, ubuntu applications were no responsing09:01
ActionParsnip!mount | newbb09:01
ubottunewbb: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap09:01
PLL02ahmmm i wouldnt know.. most likely not i guess09:01
Swilkyfwcutter dosent work i have tried09:02
ActionParsnipPLL02a: id check a lot of your samba config dude09:02
ActionParsnipSwilky: then use ndiswrapper09:02
newbbActionParsnip: i already manually mounted it, and i can do it again if i need it, but i want it to automount it and put the icon on the desktop as it used to... can u help?09:02
Swilkyit detects the card and i can see the wireless networks but it will not connect09:02
ActionParsnipnewbb: then you got me there, i dont use automount09:02
Swilkythe ndiswrapper will not work after setting it up correctly09:02
ActionParsnipnewbb: you could add it to fstab09:03
ActionParsnipSwilky: maybe you are doing it wrong as ndiswrapper is great for broadcom09:03
newbbbut i dont understand why it was auto-doing it before and now without i modified anything it just doesn't do it any more...???09:03
Swilkyndiswraper -i path/to/inffile09:03
Swilkyndiswraper -m09:04
ActionParsnipSwilky: you need to cd to the inf file so the system will find the .sys file09:04
Swilkymodprobe ndiswraper09:04
Swilkyit findes the sys file09:04
ActionParsnipSwilky: you'll need sudo for that lot09:04
halyconis anyone familiar with how to convert cursorxp themes to work as an X11 mouse theme?09:04
Swilkyit made the config09:04
brandonmpaceSwilky: does it show when you do ndiswrapper -l09:05
ActionParsnipSwilky: ok with sudo ndiswrapper -l does it say hardware present driver present?09:05
Swilkyi have set the RadioStats to 1 in each .conf file in /etc/ndiswraper/bcmwl5/09:05
ActionParsnipSwilky: ok did you add ndiswrapper to /etc/modules?09:06
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | Swilky09:06
ubottuSwilky: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:06
Swilkyread and understood them09:06
ActionParsnipSwilky: ok so after you rebooted, and ran ifconfig did you see wifi009:07
ActionParsnipor wlan009:07
Swilkyyep and there is nothing09:07
brandonmpaceSwilky: what is the model of the card?09:07
Swilkysudo ifconfig wlan0 up09:07
Swilkydevice can not be found09:07
ActionParsnipSwilky: just run ifconfig on its own, do you see any wireless devices09:08
* ActionParsnip hates broadcom with a firey burning passion09:08
PLL02awhy did they have to mess up hardy when it all worked in gutsy.. gah09:08
Begin_LinuxBom dia09:09
ActionParsnip!br | Begin_Linux09:09
ubottuBegin_Linux: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:09
ActionParsnipPLL02a: both are fine for me :D09:09
PLL02aim happy for you but that does not fix my problem by pointing that out09:10
Swilkynot sure of the chip set but i downloaded the drive drom the dell website and its for my wireless card Broadcom bcmwl509:10
ActionParsnipPLL02a: do it the simpler way, edit /etc/samba/smb.conf09:10
PLL02ai have that open now09:10
ActionParsnipPLL02a: undo the sharing you ave done with the gui, then edit the file09:10
ActionParsnipPLL02a: you'll need gksu gedit or sudo nano09:10
debasysi am on hardy 8.04 , many times pidgin takes around 280-300 MB of memory out of my total 512 MB RAM, so i have to close all applications and kill pidgin09:10
ActionParsnipand modify the shares there, so much easier09:11
PLL02ayeah i did that or it wont save09:11
ActionParsnipPLL02a: you need gksu or sudo as its not user editable09:11
debasyswhat that happens? Is my processor a celeron 1.7 GHz [lenovo laptop] the culprit09:11
clarenc1how to install the software download from internet?09:11
brandonmpaceSwilky: so it´s not a bcm43xx09:11
ActionParsnipclarenc1: depends what it is09:12
CircsIs there a way to download the updates and burn them to cd to put on a computer that has no net access?09:12
clarenc1ActionParsnip,is "mol(mac on linux"09:12
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | Circs09:12
ubottuCircs: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers09:12
PLL02aI use APTonCD but it needs tweaking09:13
debasysanyone noticed pidgin taking excess memory usage?09:13
debasyseven way far than firefox09:13
CircsActionParsnip: Ty, sorry for stupid question I guess I just didn't ask google the right way.09:14
ActionParsnipclarenc1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacOnLinuxHowto09:14
ActionParsnipCircs: no worries duder09:14
Swilkydose it matter if BCM43xx is black listed in the /etc/monprobe.d/blacklist file?09:14
ActionParsnipdebasys: you got the latest pidgin?09:14
debasysActionParsnip: yes my system is upto date09:14
debasysi update every week09:15
dn4./xwax: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL_ttf-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:15
dn4what is this file I need in my libraries?09:15
debasysActionParsnip: that happens sometimes, but it is horrible, i have to force quite all other programs when this happens09:15
ActionParsnipdebasys: try this09:15
ActionParsnipdebasys: cd ~/; ls -a09:16
nathanielneallhello #ubuntu09:16
ActionParsnipdebasys: close all pidgins, do you see a folder called .purple09:16
nathanielnealli am ashamed to say09:16
nathanielneallim going back to windows09:16
ActionParsnipdn4: you need to install the package that provodes that file09:16
clarenc1 ActionParsnip, it said cannot found the "mol"  package09:16
ActionParsnipclarenc1: do you have the repositories?09:16
debasysActionParsnip: cd ~/; ls -a ?09:16
brandonmpaceSwilky: the bcm43 driver is the linux driver09:17
dn4sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev09:17
ActionParsnipdebasys: in terminal, gui is to hard to walkthrough, and cli is faster09:17
nathanielneallbut i need help for the changover09:17
debasysActionParsnip: yes i see .purple09:17
ActionParsnipdebasys: mv ./.purple ./.purple_old09:17
carreramy laptop and mobile phone see each other through Bluetooth, but transferring files fails. Can someone help please?09:18
Swilkybrandonmpace : so use ndiswraper with bcm43?09:18
clarenc1ActionParsnip, yes I did09:18
nathanielneallis anyone willing to give me advice on backing up my data?09:18
ActionParsnipdebasys: then launch pidgin09:18
debasysActionParsnip: ok done, shows like the first time i launched it09:18
ActionParsnipdebasys: that folder contains the config for your pidgin, add a few of your accounts to see if it bloats09:19
debasysActionParsnip: i just have to re-add my accounts09:19
danbh_intrepidnathanielneall: whats the problem?  have you seen the factoid?09:19
ActionParsnipif it does we can rename back but we have your previos config backedup09:19
ActionParsnipdebasys: as we did not rm, only mv to rename09:19
brandonmpaceSwilky: I´m researching this right now. I´ve never had to deal with broadcom before so all I´ve ever had to do was plug in and get all the latest updates and then the wifi worked for me. I´m looking around09:19
debasysActionParsnip: ah right, i have done this for Firefox profile in .mozilla few times, will check and revert back if i face same problem09:19
ActionParsnipSwilky: do you have full updates?09:20
ActionParsnipdebasys: its the same with ALL apps09:20
nathanielnealldanbh_intrepid, what is the factoid?09:20
debasysActionParsnip: neat :)09:20
danbh_intrepid!backup > nathanielneall09:20
ubottunathanielneall, please see my private message09:20
ActionParsnipdebasys: indeed, its kinda like windows profiles but you gotta do the whole deal there09:21
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: you should have a backup system anyways09:21
nathanielneallwhat i want to know is will the data be readable if the file system on the drive that im backing up to is not ntfs09:21
debasysActionParsnip: where does Windows stores its Software profiles btw?09:22
ActionParsnipyou can get tools in windows to read ext309:22
carreraI can't send files to my laptop with Bluetooth. Any ideas as to why?09:22
ActionParsnipdebasys: documents and settings09:22
ActionParsnipdebasys: if you run %profile% it willappear09:22
OICEMANO\join ubuntu/de09:22
robojiannis does anyone know which is the gnome-evolution support channel?09:23
ActionParsnipOICEMANO:  try /j #ubuntu-de09:23
debasysActionParsnip: i guess the problem might be the some plugins i enabled in Pidgin, will run without any this time to see check09:23
ActionParsnipdebasys: is it bloating?09:23
debasysActionParsnip: no, not now09:23
nathanielnealli have a 500gig drive thats ntfs with files i need to keep, and an 80gig hard drive thats all linux stuff(i think the fs is ext) also with files i need to keep09:23
Roy_MHi I am just looking at a ubuntu kernel config file. Does a "m" mean yes. It seems that this configuration file is full of variables with yes no answers but what does m mean09:23
OICEMANOthx i know the channel but with mz kezbord is anything wrong09:24
ActionParsnipm == module09:24
ActionParsnipOICEMANO: no worries, copy and paste :D09:24
Timberwolf5578Finally after distro hopping for 3 weeks, and trying 10 different distros, I have decided Mint is my favorite one.09:24
Roy_MThanks ActionParsnip09:24
danbh_intrepidnathanielneall: just install windows, and get the ext2 driver09:24
* O-MIRINDA bjim Esquilo sonhe com o tio em ....09:24
jim_pTimberwolf5578: what did you try?09:24
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: you can write to ntfs with ntfs-3g09:25
nick[]anyone using dirty dingo?09:25
nathanielnealldanbh_intrepid, to install windows however i need to format one of the drives09:25
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: so you could wipe it, format ntfs then write to it then09:25
clarenc1but I find out that file have  autogen.sh09:25
danbh_intrepidnathanielneall: not true, just install to the 500g09:25
nick[]nathanielneall: on dirty dingo, it works OOTB09:25
nathanielneallthe 500g is all one partition, its a stupid part of windows installation that it will ask you to format the partition youre installing windows on anyway, like a surgeon scrubbing up09:26
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danbh_intrepidnathanielneall: at least, Ive installed windows without reformating.  See, linux has a whole directory structure where settings are placed.  Windows puts everything into the windows folder, so as long as you have no windows folder, you should be able to install09:27
brandonmpaceSwilky: I think this is one way to get it working http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#firmwareinstallation09:27
nick[]that's out dated09:27
nick[]Swilky: just install dirty dingo09:28
ActionParsnipor just dont buy broadcom09:28
nathanielnealli have an old windows folder in the 500 that ive just bypassed since ive had linux (cant go back to that installation, its corrupted somehow i believe, wouldnt boot before09:28
Swilkythe thing is i can get it finding networks09:28
Swilkybut it just wont connect09:28
nick[]Swilky: did you upgrade yet?09:28
nick[]Swilky: what version?09:28
ActionParsnipSwilky: if its finding networks then its working09:28
Swilkyit wont connect09:29
nick[]Swilky: upgrade to dirty dingo, there is a fix09:29
ActionParsnipSwilky: either get wifi-radar or manually edit /etc/network/interfaces09:29
Swilkyi have dissabled security09:29
Swilkyi have tryed both09:29
nick[]harddy herron09:29
ActionParsnipdid you specify the ESSID in the interfaces file?09:30
nick[]whhhooooreeey hedgehog09:30
Swilkywhen i use fwcutter if i use ifconfig i get wlan0 AND wmaster009:30
ActionParsnipSwilky: ignore wmaster009:30
Swilkywhat is it?09:30
nick[]D I R T Y, DINGO09:30
Swilkynick can i apt ge it?09:31
ActionParsnipSwilky: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69780709:31
nathanielnealldanbh_intrepid, will it work if i just delete the old windows folder then? even if before when i formatted to ntfs i used quick format?09:32
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: you might not be able to in linux, i guess you could rename it if you wanted to keep it09:34
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: depends if you gots enough space09:34
nathanielneallActionParsnip, i think i just want to move all my data to one HD so i can install windows on the free one, so i guess my question is which hard drive to move everything to09:34
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: your choice, think about how much space you need for the system OS09:35
nathanielneallActionParsnip, well id like to put the OS on the 80 gig and primarily use the 500 for everything else execept a few other things09:37
balrogwhere do i go to view the source code for a particular project?  specifically, the workspace-switcher deskbar applet?09:37
nathanielneallActionParsnip, i was also wondering which folders if not all from the current filesystem drive (containg bin, boot, home, media, etc.) needed to be kept to keep everything but linux09:38
Minty95anyone know where sounds are stord in Xchat ?09:38
sh4lindevhi, anyone here tried installing 8.04 on an Alix platform? (has AMD Geode processor (500MHz) and 256MB RAM). I've been trying for few days now, but all the installers fail to start (they freeze without any message after loading vmlinuz) ...09:39
kiekoMinty95, undersound in prefeence/09:39
Pirate_Hunteri wish to make a quick proxy connection to youtube, which package would allow me to do this on the fly?09:39
brandonmpacesh4lindev: did you try the alternate install disc?09:39
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: you could parttion the 500 1 for OS and 1 for data then use a small partition for temp stuff and swap file to make your system faster09:40
Minty95kieko, looking thanks09:40
Swilkyis TKIP or ASE (wpa2 personal) in knome?09:40
ActionParsnip!wpa | Swilky09:40
ubottuSwilky: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:40
sh4lindevbrandonmpace: yep, even the server version ... neither worked. But 7.10 works fine ...09:41
ActionParsnipsh4lindev: did you md5 check your image and burned disk?09:41
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brandonmpacesh4lindev: well I would stick with 7.10 because on machines slower than 1.2Ghz it runs a lot faster. I mean a lot!09:42
Pirate_Hunteri wish to make a quick proxy connection to youtube, which package would allow me to do this on the fly?09:42
Minty95kieko, where is the pref folder found can you give me the path please09:42
sh4lindevmd5 is ok09:43
bellekemy nvidea 9600 gt grafical card can't be detected.....help pls...09:43
nathanielneallActionParsnip, ok but right now that filesystem drive is all that takes up that 80 gig hard drive so i now know that most of that drive is to go to the 500 as data and im just gonna install the OS on the 80. what i ultimately want to know is which folders are important to save from the 80 and which i can just let go in the formatting of it09:43
nathanielneallActionParsnip, does that make sense?09:43
drumline_So what should I do with my 1.0 Celeron box?  8.04 and upgrade to 8.10?   Is it going to be that bad?09:43
drumline_I run server on it BTW...09:44
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sh4lindevwell, 7.10 would be ok, but i'd like to try 8.04 preformance09:44
Pirate_Hunterseriously can someone help me run a proxy for youtube it is seriously getting annoying not being able to view music clips09:44
ActionParsnip!nvidia | belleke09:44
ubottubelleke: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:45
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: id just backup what you need and remove it all but if theres stuff you need, then harvest that too09:45
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: no idea how, why do you want a proxy?09:45
brandonmpacesh4lindev: well I promise it´s nothing special on a slower machine, I have a 733Mhz and I actually switched back to 7.10 after about two weeks of 8.0409:45
mohadibany of you guys hot/warm plug sata/esata? got a script i wanted to share if so09:46
nathanielneallActionParsnip, right i think im trying to shortcut the process of looking for what i need by asking what folders the OS files for ubuntu live in09:46
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: need proxy for youtube, they've implemented country ban on music videos :/09:46
sh4lindevbrandonmpace: what desktop manager do you use?09:46
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Pirate_Hunteri wish to make a quick proxy connection to youtube, which package would allow me to do this on the fly?09:46
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: if you do you might miss something. I wouldnt scrimp in any way on a project like that09:46
tyso1anyone know about problems with synaptic packet manager?09:46
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: try www.ninja-proxy.com09:46
ActionParsnipPirate_Hunter: or www.hidemyass.com09:47
brandonmpacesh4lindev: I use gnome and xfce, depends on the machine09:47
ActionParsniptyso1: millions, whats yours?09:47
nathanielneallActionParsnip, my question is what is the linux equvilent of the WINDOWS folder i guess09:47
tyso1its saying an error occured action09:47
Jordan_UPirate_Hunter: privoxy FF plugin09:47
tyso1its telling me to manually run something to solve problem09:48
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: /etc i guess but there are files all over the place, you should just copy your home folder and you should be fine09:48
ActionParsniptyso1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install09:48
Pirate_HunterJordan_U, ActionParsnip: will try09:48
Daft_Punkwhat is a good program to mount .iso files (gui based)09:48
tyso1ok cool thanks09:48
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ActionParsniptyso1: run what its saying in terminal09:48
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sh4lindevbrandonmpace: all right, guess i'll just stick with 7.10 as well :) have you experienced any dependecy problems in 7.10 so far? (i mean because of older kernel / older version of packages or so?)09:49
ActionParsniptyso1: its telling you what to do09:49
stefan__hey , is there anybody knows something about to create you tv-card on ubuntu?09:49
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: giso i believe09:49
mohadibDaft_Punk: why gui? its a very small command to run09:49
atulcan we lock folders in ubuntu09:49
tyso1in the command line?09:49
nathanielneallActionParsnip, like are the lib and usr folders just programs installed by synaptic and is home the rough equivalent to documents and settings?09:49
ActionParsniptyso1: yes, run whatever it said in terminal09:49
Daft_Punkmohadib, because i said so09:49
mohadibok :)09:49
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: yes09:49
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Daft_PunkActionParsnip, thank you09:49
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ckyleWhere do I find the sha1sum or md5sum for the CD I'm downloading from ubuntu.com?09:49
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: its a ludicrously simple mount command09:49
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, i realize that... but that is not what i require09:50
ActionParsnipckyle: its in the same place you got the iso09:50
Pirate_HunterActionParsnip: hidemyass.com did the trick :(09:50
brandonmpacesh4lindev: no I don´t recall any. the kernel used is not so old as to be terribly outdated lol. I don´t think it´s a dinosaur yet09:50
mohadibmount -o loop /data/foo.iso /mnt/iso09:50
stefan__hey , is there anybody knows something about to create you tv-card on ubuntu?09:50
ActionParsnipstefan__: define "create"09:50
tyso1action parsnip its telling me in order to run the command it requires super user privelages09:51
ActionParsniptyso1: put sudo at the beginning of it09:52
bellekethat was great help f**k you all09:52
nathanielneallActionParsnip, thanks for all the help it seems to be working seamlessly. feel a bit like a Judas for going back to windows. but im not paying microsoft for it so thats something09:53
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: piracy sucks09:53
reel_hi, is there a library for reading cd-text from audio CDs ?09:54
mohadibso does price gouging09:54
nathanielneallActionParsnip, it isnt piracy, my friend works for an ISP so hes giving me a copy of their coporate09:54
sh4lindevbrandonmpace: all right :)09:54
ActionParsnipwhatever, its your system09:54
pythonichi.. is there a developers channel?09:55
Junkeei think maybe #ubuntu-dev09:56
ActionParsnippythonic: /j #ubuntu-devel09:56
pythonick, thanks :-)09:56
nathanielneallthats true. i find linux and all unix variations to be brilliant for developers, but as for the functionality as a personal computer, some companies just do a better job at owning the world and thus controlling program distribution09:56
nathanielneallbut i dont think thats the intended topic of this channel09:57
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: it doesnt work for everybody, but if you wanna use an OS you must pay in some way09:57
Timberwolf5578What is the name of that game for Linux that everyone says is really good?  I think it's a turn-based strategy game.09:57
tyso1action parsnip i thank you for your patience sir and appreciate the advice it worked09:57
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: openciv :D09:58
ActionParsniptyso1: np man09:58
brandonmpaceTimberwolf5578: freeciv, wesnoth, there´s a few09:59
nathanielneallagreed. it all went to shit when UI's got further along than DOS lol09:59
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: a great game is urban terror if you like fps09:59
Vezirwait what in hell? i was supposed to go to sleep, not bring irc up again10:00
nathanielneallalright well its time for me to knock off. you all have a nice life10:01
aroonii'm getting:  Exclamation  (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)  ... even after disabling the restricted modules "nv nvidia_new" in /etc/default/linux-restricted-modules .... and even after swapping out everything into a new motherboard .... what to do now?10:01
Timberwolf5578battle for wesnoth10:01
Timberwolf5578that's the one10:01
ActionParsniparooni: you tried envyng-gtk?10:01
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: also try frets on fire :D10:02
nathanielneallTimberwolf5578, if you like that you should try stratego: i think it can be run on wine10:02
tyso1hey parsnip you know ho to get limewire working once its been downloaded?10:02
ActionParsnip!limewire | tyso110:03
ubottutyso1: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install /msg ubotu java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider /msg ubotu FrostWire as an alternative.10:03
nathanielneallits like chess meets CTF meets risk meets some other shit with bombs and secrets10:03
sh4lindevarooni: what's your graphics card and Ubuntu version?10:03
nathanielnealltyso1, never use limewire, never10:03
aroonish4lindev, nvidia geforce 8600gts / ubuntu 8.0410:03
tyso1wha to use then nathaniel?10:04
nathanielneallubuntu comes with an amazing torrent client, its called transmission, best i ever used10:04
nathanielneallbetter than utorrent10:04
ActionParsniparooni: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new10:04
brandonmpacetyso1: instead of using limewire just go download frostwire        www.frostwire.com10:04
nathanielneallActionParsnip, thats another thing10:04
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: i use ktorrent, its got a php web interface too10:04
tyso1they have easy to use interfaces?10:04
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: its only better to you, millions would disagree10:05
nathanielneallActionParsnip, i have a ratio of 3.0 right now10:05
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: thats nothing to do with your client10:05
nathanielneallActionParsnip, i find it great just cos its the fastest ive used thats what i base it on10:05
ActionParsnipnathanielneall: thats you seeding10:05
brandonmpacetyso1: I would recommend not using the limewire network anyways but you can also do torrents with frostwire10:05
tyso1nathaniel does transmission have a easy to use interface?10:05
ActionParsnip!torrent | tyso10:06
ubottutyso: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P10:06
brandonmpacetyso1: and it´s open source, frostwire is10:06
PhloamHey, I want to install ubuntu on my laptop. I think the system detects my temperatures wrong, as it shuts down with a warning about temperature when I try to install. The temperature is not that high... about 60c. I'm using the alternate disc.10:06
nathanielneallid say so. you double click the torrent and it downloads10:06
blackkattany staff members around?10:06
nathanielneallthen you open ur download folder and enjow10:06
ActionParsniptyso1: just set .torrent files to open with the client and it'll be fine10:06
sh4lindevarooni: guess ActionParsnip is right :)10:06
honkytonkWeird remote terminal problem after changing my remote server from debian to ubuntu. When I open up a text file in an editor and scroll down the screen does not refresh its self. So I have to continuously press Ctrl-L to update the screen. Has anybody seen this before? I have no idea what's wrong.10:07
tyso1ok so then how do i get rid of limewire now that ive downloaded it?10:07
ActionParsnipPhloam: what laptop make and model?10:07
PhloamHP Tx250010:07
ActionParsniptyso1: is it installed?10:07
tyso1i think so?10:07
nathanielneallActionParsnip, i know, but i want to keep a that ratio after i install window to so i get better DL's from my trackers10:07
PhloamActionParsnip HP TX250010:07
arooniActionParsnip, same error as before10:07
tyso1i downloaded it then it said it was done10:07
tyso1i dont see it anywhere10:07
blackkattJonathanD u there?10:07
nathanielneallActionParsnip, ive heard something about using some sort of ratio list10:07
ActionParsnipPhloam: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87318810:08
ActionParsnipblackkatt: dude, wassup?10:08
ActionParsniptyso1: its possibly on your desktop, or in home10:08
ActionParsnip!cloak | blackkatt10:08
ubottublackkatt: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as !TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks10:08
nathanielneallor when i get rid of linux will it all go back to zero like with leahman bros and AIG10:08
PhloamActionParsnip, when I mark the acpi=off it gives me a "kernel panic not syncing" errror.10:08
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ActionParsnipPhloam: did you md5 check the iso as well as the cd you burned?10:09
Phloamyea it's not a CD issue. Done both checks.10:09
tyso1cool its not there so im good. thanks again parsnip10:09
blackkattActionParsnip well hehe thats why i ask10:09
Phloamnot memory either10:09
blackkattfor a staff =)10:09
PhloamActionParsnip, I did both checks, and I checked the memory too.10:10
ActionParsnipPhloam: does the live cd run ok?10:10
PhloamActionParsnip the live CD doesen't work either. Just shuts down same as alt, but without a warning.10:11
Timberwolf5578What is good to download with a new Mint installation?10:11
ActionParsnipPhloam: check your bios settings then dude10:12
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: depends what you wanna use your pc for10:12
PhloamActionParsnip, what should I look for? I've not actually touched bios. it's a pretty new laptop...10:12
Timberwolf5578What is the default image viewer on mint?10:12
ActionParsnipPhloam: load failsafe settings and disable all unnecessary devices10:13
Timberwolf5578Does Mint come with a photo album program?10:13
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: does mint use gnome or kde?10:13
PhloamActionParsnip, ok thanks man.10:13
jussi01!mint | Timberwolf557810:13
theflyingfoolhey i have a stupid question no sound any idea where to look for a fix10:14
carreraI can't send files to my laptop with Bluetooth. Any ideas as to why?10:14
Timberwolf5578what is the best photo album program for gnome??10:14
Joshooatheflyingfool: I have a stupid answer, volume?10:15
Willie813hi all, i have a realtek wireless card rtl 8185, and it does not detect any wireless signal, anyone have a solution? Thanks10:15
nathanielneallActionParsnip, is adun folder something i can do away with?10:15
CostaRicanQuakerhas anyone tried minibuntu here?10:15
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: there is no "best" or thats all that Ubuntu would come with10:15
zxxd anyone familiar with this error in domU Attempt to allocate order 5 skbuff. Increase MAX_SKBUFF_ORDER.10:15
Timberwolf5578ok, what a good one?10:16
CostaRicanQuakeri tried installing ubuntu on my GF's laptop and it wouldn't let me, i've been looking through small distros but most don't seem to be able to install debpackages on their own, right now i'm downloading xubuntu but i heard of minibuntu10:16
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: theres gwenview or eye of gnome10:16
CostaRicanQuakeri tried installing ubuntu on my GF's laptop and it wouldn't let me, i've been looking through small distros but most don't seem to be able to install debpackages on their own, right now i'm downloading xubuntu but i heard of minibuntu10:16
Timberwolf5578which is better?10:16
CostaRicanQuakerand i thought i'd come here and ask10:16
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: neither10:16
CostaRicanQuakeras it is an unofficial10:16
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: try them to see which you prefer10:17
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: did you md5 check the image you downloaded as well as the disk10:17
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: Do you mean the 10MB one?10:17
nathanielneallActionParsnip, is it safe to get rid of the adun folder in <username> in home?10:18
CostaRicanQuakeryes, they were the original ubuntu hardy cd's from canonical10:18
CostaRicanQuakergot them from shipit10:18
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> have you been nice to your GF so she would let you ?10:18
CostaRicanQuakertried both the ubuntu and the kubuntu version10:18
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: http://en.linuxreviews.org/Image-viewers10:18
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: I am actually just about to try to install that to my sister in laws laptop.10:18
CostaRicanQuakeramenado: yes i have and yes she will10:18
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: yes10:19
CostaRicanQuakerwell my problem is, a) it's an unofficial release so i don't know if i should trust it10:19
CostaRicanQuakerb) it apparently doens't have a GUI10:19
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: But I th ink it'll pretty much be command line only, will that be enough?10:19
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: Yeah10:19
CostaRicanQuakerand i don't know how to install it from command line10:19
CostaRicanQuakeri mean will sudo aptitude install work on any shell?10:19
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: should do as long as you have valid repos10:20
JoshooaCostaRicanQuaker: Well, simply because I don't think it'll have the featurs you want, you shouldn't install it anyway. I am either doing that or building my own Linux from scratch, so, i have different reasons.10:20
CostaRicanQuakerright now i'm downloading a gutsy version of xubuntu, but i'm not sure if i should do that10:20
tyso1hey actionparsnip i just downloaded frostwire but i cant seem to be able to get it to run. or install. im such a noob10:20
kosnicki want to insall darkice through synaptic but when i do it installs it without lame support. I read in some darkice site that all i need to do is include --with-lame-prefix=/usr/local/lib . Is there any way to add this option to synaptic?10:21
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ActionParsniptyso1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWirhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire10:21
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip: if i start installing this miniubuntu and have the computer plugged to a cable modem10:21
CostaRicanQuakeri willbe bale to sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop right?10:21
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: as long as the modem works10:21
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: if you connect to it with ethernet it should be ok10:22
Timberwolf5578What is eye of gnome called in the repos?10:22
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, can you hceck that link and tell me what it means...10:22
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> what happened to the regular ubuntu liveCD ?10:23
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire10:23
Timberwolf5578apparently eye of gnome is already installed, how to I run the program??10:23
CostaRicanQuakerit wouldn't install10:23
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: the top section tells all10:23
angiehallo guys...whatz up...!!!10:23
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> does it even run on liveCD mode?10:23
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, huh? frostwire?10:24
ActionParsnipsorry, wrong target10:24
zr0geeHi everyone. I was wondering if there exists a list of popular chipsets and their compatibility with Ubuntu. I'm asking, since I'm in the business of upgrading my motherboard, and I want to make sure I will still be able to run Ubuntu :)10:24
CostaRicanQuakeramenado, it wouldn't install10:24
angieanyway...anyone from indonesiaa???10:24
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: it basically means "if it breaks, you get both halves"10:24
CostaRicanQuakerit ran a couple times really really slow from the kubuntu canonical cd10:25
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> does it even run on liveCD mode? not install but just run from the cdrom10:25
arunvkumarhow can i list the wifi network in terminal?10:25
ActionParsniparunvkumar: sudo iwlist10:25
CostaRicanQuakerit ran really slow from the cd rom amenado, but the screen was smaller like it was smaller than the screen10:25
CostaRicanQuakerand then it would get stuck when i'd try to install from the livecd10:25
angiehu...this room so boring...10:26
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> it should be much slower in livecd than if installed ..10:26
mtcageits a support channel, not an entertainment channel angie...10:26
CostaRicanQuakerwell it just got stuck10:26
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> then try the alternate cd10:26
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ActionParsnip!ot | angie10:26
ubottuangie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:26
zr0gee(I tried searching the forums for a post about this chipset, but nothing came up)10:27
Timberwolf5578Why do Linux Distros not like 4 primary partitions?10:27
angiewell ithink im not in the right room...10:27
CostaRicanQuakeramenado, right now i'm downloading the alternate cd for xubuntu gutsy, thinking it might be lighter and easier to run and perhaps a smaller kernel than the current hardy version10:27
amenadoTimberwolf5578-> bios limits you to about two primary10:27
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> you currently have what os on it?10:28
CostaRicanQuakerwindows xp10:28
CostaRicanQuakeron her laptop10:28
angiewhat r u guys talk abiut it...???10:28
Timberwolf5578One primary partition for my WinXP and 3 logical for the Linux distro works great.  But 3 primary for Linux causes problems sometimes.10:28
CostaRicanQuakershe has xp which i installed after not being able to install kubuntu hardy10:28
angieoohh...god...help me...10:28
ActionParsnipangie: wassup?10:28
amenadoTimberwolf5578-> bios limits you to about two primaries..10:29
angieyeah great...actionparnship...10:29
__machinei have about 25 machines on a LAN and something is sucking up way too much bandwidth... how can i listen in to all network traffic and see who is using how much?10:29
angiegreat in this room...huh...10:29
ActionParsnipangie: you can use tab to autocomplete10:29
[[thufir]]is there some way to manually "update all" from the command line?10:29
ActionParsnipangie: its a support room, not idle chatter about randomstuff10:29
talntid__machine, you could use etherape, kindof...10:30
FalsePositiveWhat do you mean "update all?10:30
__machinehow does etherape work?10:30
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:30
FalsePositivesudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade10:30
talntid__machine, google.10:30
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: thanks10:30
dassoukidoes anyone know of a free or OS collaboration website ? or application i can put on my host ?10:30
ActionParsnipdassouki: how do you mean?10:30
CWdassouki: Bitweaver10:31
Timberwolf5578This is a tip for everyone.  If you already have Windows installed and want a dual boot system, use LOGICAL partitions for Linux, NOT primary partitions.10:31
ActionParsnipdassouki: OS Collaboration?10:31
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, is it better to download an old version of xubuntu or should i download hardy¿? hers is an old toshiba sat laptop with about 248 mb ram10:31
amenado__machine-> how did you determine its taking up so much bandwidth?10:31
angieoooo...thats why this room so boring...anyway i cant stay here to long...it make me crazy...10:31
dassoukiActionParsnip: free or open source10:31
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: id get hardy10:31
dassoukiCW: thanks :D10:31
FalsePositiveYou don't want to throw dist-upgrade in there unless you actually want to upgrade version numbers.10:31
__machineamenado: our ISP told us we've used 90% of our monthly quota in 4 days...10:31
ActionParsnipdassouki: all distros of linux and bsd are collaborations of OSS10:31
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, any chance that though ubuntu and kubuntu wouldn't install xubuntu might'10:31
mtcageTimberwolf5578 and why is that?10:31
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip:  I still have lotsa old software, nothing really happened -- but it did report success.10:32
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you can sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:32
Timberwolf5578Because Linux distros DO NOT like to be on primary partitions on a dual boot (Win & Linux) system.10:32
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: are youo on hardy heron?10:32
dassoukiActionParsnip: :@ i'm looking for a tool similar to basecamp or a collaboration for applications that ican put on my linux server !! jeebuz10:32
amenado__machine-> do you have any tools to be able to dispute this claim? ie do you have like a firewall that have counters that can show your usage? its bit counter?10:32
mtcageI've had no problems as yet10:32
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, i mean, my girlfriends computer is an old laptop that wouldn't let me install ubuntu or kubuntu, is there a chance that if i download the iso for xubuntu i will be able to install it?10:33
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you could install fluxbuntu10:33
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 8.04.1 \n \l10:33
SorcererXanyone available to help me configure xchat a little bit please?  i would like to change the way it looks if at all possible10:33
__machinenope... am getting them to "investigate" but they claim their tools are almost certainly accurate... in all probability it's more likely someone or something at our end is actually using too much bandwidth... i just need to track down where/what it is...10:33
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, i have heard of it but apparently it's not the same as ubuntu or kubuntu or xubuntu in that you can't run the same apps and share repos and all10:34
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: it runs great10:34
speedhunt3rhi how do i convert a .ogg video to .mpeg? can ffmpeg do that? if so..what's the command?10:34
ActionParsnipspeedhunt3r: ogg to what?10:35
speedhunt3rActionParsnip, either .avi or .mpeg10:35
CW__machine: Have had the same issue in corporate network, had to install IPCOP with Advanced Proxy. Stopped it quickly, but never found what it was.10:35
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, but will i be able to download packages from kde, xfce and gnome on it and have those DE's as login options? if install fluxbuntu?10:35
ActionParsnipspeedhunt3r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=64412010:35
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: absolutely10:35
amenado__machine-> if you had a T-1 to your ISP, the t-1 modem (dsu) has historical bit counter10:36
__machinei just have an adsl connection10:36
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, without having to install them on a different partition, that is to say, will i be able to just log on to the terminal on fluxbuntu and type sudo apt-get xubunt-desktop and it will install and then i can log out and login on xfce?10:37
amenado!who | __machine10:37
ubottu__machine: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:37
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: yeah, just logoff and change session type10:37
Timberwolf5578Mint is so good, it's just ridiculous.10:37
__machineamenado: sorry, will do10:37
amenado__machine you adsl also have some bit counters...look into them10:38
amenadoadsl modem*10:38
FalsePositiveTimberwolf5578: That's the power of the open source model.  Rather than competing interests, everyone builds on each other's success.  Ubuntu built on Debian's success, and Debian is free to re-incorporate those innovations.  Mint built on Ubuntu's success, and Ubuntu can re-incorporate those innovations.10:39
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: Ubuntu 8.04.1, and nothing really updates.  I think I turned off apt-cache, perhaps.10:39
FalsePositiveIf they want, or not.10:39
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: try it, yuo can always re-enable10:39
FalsePositiveJust as other browsers can build on Firefox, or Google Chrome, or trade, or whatever.  That's the power of the open source model.10:39
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, has this always been true of fluxbuntu? are you sure? i went ot the fluxbuntu channel months ago and they told me that it was separate from ubuntu, that i'd have to make a partition and install ubuntu on a different partition as it's a whole different distro10:39
__machineamenado: if i were to simply setup firewall access rules inbound and outbound... what rules would be appropriate to allow general / legit access?10:40
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, if what you're saying is true i can just sudo aptitude install fluxbuntu-desktop no?10:40
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you can install kubuntu then install fluxbox ontop of it10:40
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: sudo apt-get install fluxbox10:40
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: then logout and change session type to fluxbox10:40
speedhunt3rhow to force a .deb to install on ur machine? dpkg --force package.deb ?10:41
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: id download and install Ubuntu then go from there10:41
ActionParsnipspeedhunt3r: sudo dpkg -i ./debfile.deb10:41
amenado__machine-> for one, did you do a traffic analysis before you ordered your bandwitdh from your ISP? things like how many erlangs..10:41
FalsePositivefluxbox != fluxbuntu10:41
[[thufir]]ActionParsnip: pardon, try what?  I tried those commands you gave.  they ran, but nothing updated.10:41
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, but my point is: her laptop won't let me install kubuntu/ubuntu hence i'm asking for something lighter you suggested fluxbuntu, what i'm asking is wether i can install fluxbuntu and then XFCE on top of it10:41
ActionParsnip[[thufir]]: then you are ok10:41
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: damnsmalllinux or puppy linux10:42
FalsePositiveIf the fluxbuntu people are telling you something different, go with that they say. They control their "revision" of Ubuntu.10:42
CostaRicanQuakerno,i want it to be a *buntu...so i'm thinking of installing xubuntu10:42
CostaRicanQuakerand then getting the gnome and kde packages10:42
__machineamenado: we have been using a fairly consistent amount of bandwidth for 1-2 years and now we have almost exceeded that monthly limit in 4 days... we're only a small company with no dedicated network admin and few process such as traffic analysis :)10:42
FalsePositiveSo install it.10:42
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> ok, start with damn small linux ..and then use debootstrap to install ubuntu flavor10:43
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you could always get the alternative cd and build up the distro from there10:43
platyhelminthhHi, how can I make a program launch at start ?10:43
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you can enable apt-get in puppy linux too10:43
FalsePositivesudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop10:43
kosnickis there any way in synaptic to install some app with specific options . I want to install darkice with this option --with-lame-prefix=/usr/lib/10:43
ActionParsnip!startup | platyhelminthh10:43
ubottuplatyhelminthh: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot10:44
FalsePositiveI've tried it.  It's nice.  but I like Gnome.10:44
kosnickis there any way in synaptic to install some app with specific options . I want to install darkice with this option --with-lame-prefix=/usr/lib/10:44
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, amenado, but i want to install a completely ubuntu based system that will run on low specs and willopen and compile debpackages on its own10:44
amenado__machine-> have you looked at the adsl bit counters yet see how they have been behaving lately?10:44
FalsePositivekosnick: sudo apt-get install darkice --with-lame-prefix=/usr/lib/10:45
danishActionParsnip:  i install application map frm sybaptic pakage manager now where i found this applaication to run10:45
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: then xubuntu is ideal10:45
[[thufir]]but I have tomcat 5.5 and not 6.0.   how do I update tomcat pls?10:45
CostaRicanQuakeri already downloaded puppylinux just in case and i tried the livecd on my computer andit wouldn't load xorg, so i'm not sure it will work on my GFs laptop10:45
FalsePositivekosnick: Does that work?10:45
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, xubuntu hardy alternate cd?10:45
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> do you want to get started?  debootstrap install the most basic portion of ubuntu,10:45
danishActionParsnip:  i install application map frm sybaptic pakage manager now where i found this applaication to run10:45
kosnickFalsePositive : let me try10:45
ActionParsnipdanish: run it from cli or check in your menus10:45
zr0geeAnyone here with any experience of running Ubuntu on an nvidia 790i chipset ?10:46
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__machineamenado: trying to find info on adsl bit counters didn't produce my help... lots of links to bittorrent and other stuff... my adsl modem is in bridge mode connected to a switch/router which does nat and which is connected to a bigger switch... im thinking it may be hard to gain access to the modem to check bit counters10:46
kosnickFalsePositive : unfortunately not10:46
amenado__machine-> try to look into that switch/router for historical data, it may shed some light10:47
ActionParsnipzr0gee: all i can find is people slating them man10:48
FalsePositivekosnick: Looks like a flag you would add at compile time.10:48
FalsePositivekosnick:  You might want to compile the source code with that flag.10:48
zr0geeActionParsnip: hehe, ok - thx anyway10:48
kosnickFalsePositive: i already tried this but i am not that good , something is not working as it should10:49
__machineamenado: i checked the traffic on each port of the switch but it did not help much because it includes LAN traffic, and there are many many gb traffic copies across the file server each day from most machines...10:49
ActionParsnipzr0gee: give it a go man10:49
CostaRicanQuakeramenado, in the instance that the alternate xubuntu hardy cd i'm downloading doesn't work, you tellme i should try to install damn small linux and then debootstrap to install ubuntu? is there a link you cna show me onhow to do that10:49
zr0geeActionParsnip: Yeah, I will. Might be an idea to write something up @ the forums, after I get my hands dirty :P10:50
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> i dont have an immediate access to a link, but you can google for debootstrap+ubuntu install10:50
ActionParsnipzr0gee: hands dirty is fun10:51
CostaRicanQuakeramenado: do you think xubuntu alternate install might work?10:51
[[thufir]]is tomcat 6 available?10:51
amenado__machine-> perhaps filter it for the outgoing traffic towards the ISP and not all the traffic in you local subnet10:51
zr0geeActionParsnip: i agree :)10:51
FalsePositivekosnick: yes, according to this web page: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-216790.html10:51
amenadoCostaRicanQuaker-> i will give it a try, and good luck to you my friend10:51
FalsePositiveThat is a flag for compiling.10:51
danish_sir plz tell me wat is cli10:52
danish_where i found this10:52
amenadocommand line interface10:53
danish_then wat i do10:53
amenadomeaning its your terminal10:53
danish_in this10:53
kosnickFalsePositive : yes i know it is a flag for compiling.10:53
ActionParsnip!cli | danish_10:54
ubottudanish_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal10:54
danish_ok i opened this cli now wat i do10:55
aroonican i buy a pre built system that comes with ubuntu?10:55
aroonican i buy a pre built system that comes with ubuntu? (dual mon)10:55
ActionParsnipdanish_: type the name of the program you installed10:56
amenadoask hp or dell?10:56
ActionParsniparooni: dell do it10:56
danish_ok i opened this cli now wat i do ActionParsnip10:56
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FalsePositivekosnick: Where's the source?10:56
ActionParsniparooni: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=1910:56
danish_ok i opened this cli now wat i do ActionParsnip10:57
ActionParsnipdanish_; type thename of the program you installed and hit enter10:57
amenadodanish-> first thing you should do is open the web browser, point to google and look for linux beginners tutorial10:57
DyllanHi guys, does this channel support the Alternate (LTSP) aspect of ubuntu as well or is there another channel i can be redirected to? - thanks.10:57
ActionParsnipdanish_: i literally copied and pasted what I said, why did you only do it on the second go?10:57
ActionParsnipDyllan: yeah10:58
danish_sir i found this one10:58
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, have you ever installed ubuntu from another system with debootstrap?10:58
ActionParsnipdanish_: then run it10:58
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: never, i always do a clean install of kubuntu then sling either fluxbox or compiz on it depending on if Im drunk or not10:59
FalsePositiveWell, when I tried to ./configure darkice, I got some errors about not having the lame library.  Do you have that?10:59
ActionParsnipFalsePositive: maybe sudo apt-get install liblame11:00
ActionParsnipFalsePositive: check in synaptic for lame to see what comes up11:00
kosnickFalsePositive : well i had those errors too - then i installed some libraries . The libraries you need to be ok with these errors are the lib***-dev ones11:00
kosnickwhere *** comes lame or alsa or ogg vorbis11:01
FalsePositiveIt's sudo apt-get install lame11:01
DyllanSuper. I have a couple questions regarding the Ubuntu LTSP project. I currently have 4 linux servers which my staff connect to via the XDMCP protocol which is built into their thin client, i use both IGEL & WYSE technology. What i am trying to establish is if it is better to use LTSP which my thin clients will boot via PXE or continue to use XDMCP, what are my advantages/disadvantages?11:01
kosnickif you need exactly the libraries tell me to check on them11:01
FalsePositiveconfigure: error: neither lame, Ogg Vorbis, faac nor twolame configured11:01
iGooglenewb compile media software is hard11:02
kosnickFalsePositive : you need for each one the proper library11:02
kosnickfor the lame it is the liblame-dev11:02
ActionParsnipiGoogle: if you have the deps its easy11:02
iGooglea lot of lib* you need11:02
FalsePositiveok, so I isntalled liblame-dev and ran ./configure --with-lame-prefix=/usr/lib/ and it worked.  at least no errors.11:03
amenadoDyllan-> i dont think many of us is familiar with IGEL & WYSE technology..so we can not compare11:03
FalsePositivenow I'm MAKEing11:03
kosnickFalseP. : what about make install11:03
ActionParsnipFalsePositive: you'll need sudo for make install11:05
FalsePositiveI did.11:05
FalsePositiveWhere the binary?11:05
kosnicki never used sudo , i just did use it so i have to check on it11:06
ActionParsnipFalsePositive: it'll be in /usr/bin so you can just type its name (tab complete if you want)11:06
dr_willisNormally one dose 'sudo make isntall' unless you set up ./configure to isntall to  the users home directory11:07
rubystallionTo compile alsa I need to execute ./configure --with-cards=hda-intel. How can I do that with module-assistant?11:07
abhijeetHey guys, I just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop. After I restarted i'm getting a hardware driver notification. It says that I need to install it If I want to use 3D applications and stuff.11:07
abhijeetBut when I try to install it say error11:07
Dyllanamenado: forget the tech, just think of it as a thin client, i mean LTSP all it provides as far as  ican see is a thin client to receive the desktop image from the server, which xdmcp does the same. If LTSP provided desktop management tools that would allow me to lockdown the desktop and make changes across the board that will affect all users in the same group it would be worthwhile, sort of like the kiosk tool provided by KDE.11:07
JoshooaHey, I have Microsoft Windows XP installed on a 40GB, which is my primary drive, and Ubuntu on a 200GB plugged in as my secondary drive, only because I needed to install  ubuntu in order to save files, what's the easiest way to switch them and remove XP, so my 200 GB is my main drive and just boots into ubuntu and I can format my 40GB for something besides windows11:07
ActionParsnipabhijeet: what graphics card do you have?11:07
abhijeetexatly what I don't know11:08
ActionParsnip!nvidia | abhijeet11:08
ubottuabhijeet: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto11:08
ActionParsnip!envyng-gtk | abhijeet11:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about envyng-gtk11:08
Dyllanamenado: All im really trying to do is create a locked down desktop for my staff to use, but i want to be able to maintain it easily.11:08
dr_willisJoshooa,  set the bios to boot the other hd is one easy way.11:08
abhijeetok I'll try that11:08
ActionParsnip!envyng | abhijeet11:08
ubottuabhijeet: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk11:08
dr_willisJoshooa,  you may need to install grub to the 2nd hd however.11:08
kosnickFalsePositive : how can i uninstall this now that i have MAKEd it?11:09
Joshooadr_willis: That's what I think too. Mainly, I just want to format my 40GB, but it'll erase the MBR and grub and stuff, so when I reboot, what'll happen?11:09
JoshooaI can wait til 8.10 to move the hard drives around and just format everything then11:10
dr_willisJoshooa,  formating it willnot erase the mbr.11:10
abhijeet !envyng-gtk....is that a terminal command line11:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:10
iGooglekoshari: make uninstall11:10
dr_willisJoshooa,  in fact. you coud proberly boot now, and tell it to install grub to both hd's so it wont matter what one you booted from - you would get the same menu.11:10
dr_willisabhijeet,  its a bot command tio make the bot print out a URL/info line - like it just did11:11
Joshooadr_willis: So, even though my comp looks at the 40GB for grub which tells it to boot Ubuntu on my 200GB, which I'm running now, if I use gparted to format the 40GB and partition it up and stuff, when I reboot everything will still be ok?11:11
ActionParsnipabhijeet: its a gui app to install ati and nvidia drivers, you need gksu to run it as it needs root privs11:11
iGoogleyou want uninstall soft that you make install before? kosnick11:11
dr_willisJoshooa,  should be. I do that kind of stuff all the time.11:11
Joshooadr_willis: Well i want it to be just Ubuntu on there, no more windows XP, I am dual booting and want just linux left11:11
aroonidoes dell pre built ubuntu boxes do a good job?11:11
dr_willisJoshooa,  if all else fails - you install grub to  the ubuntu hd. and tell the system to boot it instead.11:12
ActionParsnipabhijeet: the only downside is that you must switch to vesa driver if you upgrade kernel so yu can rerun envyng-gtk again11:12
amenadoDyllan-> I dont seem to see that much difference between the two, as you control the server downloads (desktop settings) to the client11:12
tyso1hey action parsnip i downloaded frostwire and opened it with gdebi package installer and it says its installed but i dont see an icon or anything about it anywhere any suggestions?11:12
dr_willisarooni ive heard mixed reviews. You gotta watch what you buy. they may have better deals on identical hardware only with 'windows'11:12
Joshooadr_willis: Yea, I'm trying to get a free partition to start doing a Linux From Scratch, should be fun11:12
craxiearooni from what I hear they are pretty good but......11:12
ActionParsniptyso1: if it runs then you can just add it to your menus11:13
craxieoh dr_willis has already said I felt the hardware isn't the best11:13
dr_willisJoshooa,  tried it.. couldent figure out why bother. :) you could  install it inside a virtualbox session/virtual machine. Mos tof the install is 'read/cut/paste/wait' repeate11:13
aroonidr_willis, but do they support it11:13
tyso1how do i run it?11:13
aroonidr_willis, and setup dual monitor and stuff11:13
craxieYou get better deals on Windows machines11:13
ActionParsniptyso1: type frost and press tab in terminal11:13
aroonithats craapppy11:13
dr_willisarooni im not sure what they actually do by 'supporting'   I can setup dual monitor on mynvidia systems in about  3 min. or less.. :)11:13
ActionParsnip!dualhead | arooni11:13
ubottuarooni: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:13
aroonidr_willis, ive been trying for 4 days11:13
aroonidr_willis, i cant get ubuntu to recognize the damn nvidia drivers and i'm sick of building my own pc11:14
craxieIt makes no sense really MS must be subsidising them or something11:14
kosharicraxie i think you get the best deal when you roll your own11:14
Joshooadr_willis: Well I want to be able to really understand how linux works so I can make it and then once I get my OS going, port it over to a low end laptop, and try to make a minimal OS that can use a lot of it's system resources for games11:14
ActionParsnipkoshari: amenn brother11:14
dr_willisarooni  Depends a lot on the exact video card. I had to use the envyng stuff the other day on one machine. the video card was too new for the ncvidia drivers in the repos.11:14
Joshooadr_willis: And I don't like having such a bloated system with all this stuff on it I don't use11:14
aroonidr_willis, i seriousliy have tried 6 grahpics cards and 2 mobos11:14
dr_willisarooni then i ran the nvidia-xconfig, and nvidia-settings tools to tweak the systems11:15
aroonidr_willis, i'm so done11:15
koshariarooni the key is to choose your hardware carefully11:15
craxieMy local computer shop will install Ubuntu on any of the boxes. He just needs a bit longer to prepare it. I don't know why Dell can't do that11:15
aroonikoshari, the hardware i did try to get working was on supported hardware list11:15
aroonikoshari, so i quit11:15
ActionParsnipshop smart...shop s-mart11:15
dr_willisarooni i have had very few issues with any of my 5+ nvidia cards.  So i cant help ya much on the info youve given.11:15
koshariarooni btw whats the prob with the video hardware? what gpu do you have? what drivers are you using?11:15
aroonikoshari, radeon hd 3650, geforce 8600gts, 7200s, 9400gt, 9500gt11:16
ActionParsniparooni: does envyng not help out?11:16
aroonii've tried them all11:16
abhijeetThat was funny....I Just tried to install the driver through the terminal11:16
abhijeetand it worked11:16
craxieHe won't install any other distros though he says they're too much trouble :)11:16
abhijeetI love LINUX11:16
koshariarooni i have a 7200 gpu working flawlessly here,11:16
ActionParsnipabhijeet: envyng s good but unofficial, if it works then great11:16
arooniActionParsnip, no;  niether does compiling drivers by unix utility, or envy, or restricted modules11:17
aroonii hate ubuntu right now :(11:17
ActionParsnipabhijeet: just remember what i said about kernel updates11:17
abhijeetI didn't install that....Linux installed it's default driver for11:17
ActionParsniparooni: tried the driver from www.nvidia.com11:17
arooniActionParsnip, yeah i did11:17
N0_Named_Guyhi guys11:17
N0_Named_GuyI need help with WTK please!11:17
craxiearooni nvidia and Linux don't seem to marry very happily11:17
koshariarooni rather than whining if you let someone know the specific problems its possable we may be able to assist?11:18
abhijeetI'll remember that11:18
N0_Named_Guyit gives me jerky sound when emulating mobile phones11:18
N0_Named_Guyplease help me, thank you :)11:18
Joshooadr_willis: So I tried it, applied, and it deleted the partition but couldn't create any new ones11:18
dr_willisIts possible somthingyou did earlier, messed up stuff so the other 'ways' dont work. Without any speficic logs/info we cant help much.11:18
ActionParsnipabhijeet: if you dont remember you can boot to cli and change your xorg.conf to nv instead of nvidia with nano11:18
aroonikoshari, i appreciate that;  but i'm very sleepy and want to go to sleep :P ... i'm going to return all these computer parts to frys tomrorrow and order from dell11:18
dr_willisActionParsnip,  ive 'heard' that envyng is supposed to see kernel updates.. but im not sure how true/good that feature is,11:19
craxieI have to say though I have amatrox card on this machine and that worked fine11:19
craxieMaybe Matrox is more hit and miss?11:19
dr_willisMatrox - is rarely even heard of these days. :)11:19
N0_Named_Guydoes anyone here develops Java MIDlets in Ubuntu??11:19
craxieIt's quite an old machine11:19
tyso1how do i add a program to my menu so i can run it without the command line/11:20
platyhelminthhHow to make that I have a sound at an hour ?11:20
craxieI upgraded most of it but I don't really have any need for fancy graphics so it has the pre 2003 graphics card still in there :)11:20
dr_willisplatyhelminthh,  check the packag4e manager for 'alarm' utilities  - and use one of them is one way.11:20
kosharityso1 right click the gnome menu started and edit, then add a menu item11:20
ActionParsnipdr_willis: ive always had issues with kernel updates but im ok with changing stuff11:21
dr_willisActionParsnip,  - i just had to use envynt on my laptop the other day..waiting for a kernel update now - to see what happens11:21
N0_Named_Guyok, seems no one can help me in the java MIDlets subject11:21
N0_Named_Guythank you anyway :S11:21
craxieActionParsnip kernel updates have worked wel for me in Deb distros - it seems to be Fedora that ties knots over kernel changes11:21
craxieWell so far any way#11:21
ActionParsnipN0_Named_Guy: try in #java maybe11:22
N0_Named_Guyok thx11:22
craxieActionParsnip you nick reminds me of an old punk group called action pact - but you've probably never heard of them :011:23
bhindiActionParsnip:  any proxy search software11:23
ActionParsnipcraxie: its a harry hill joke11:24
craxieAh right11:24
craxiebhindi there are afew one starts with net somethin11:25
craxieActually can't you do that with KDE's network tools11:25
jigphello what is meant by CBR? hehe im applying a dsl form..i dont know what CBR is...11:27
jigpim quiting dialup :(11:27
ActionParsnipbhindi: proxy in what way?11:27
craxienmap scans bhindi11:28
MelchHi, I have a question about Ubuntu installation.11:28
Christoph_vWmy ssh connection died while install a new kernel image with aptitude :/11:28
ActionParsnipMelch: ask away11:28
Christoph_vWcan anything be broken now?11:29
MelchI have 64bit Vista Ultimate, which I want to dualboot ubuntu and vista with. I used the Vista partitioning, and shrunk my primary drive to about 15GB.11:29
craxiebhindi to be honest there is agroup called local proxy on the freelist server that discusses all that in detail - they are an anti censorship group.11:29
ActionParsnipChristoph_vW: no as yuo havent rebooted yet, just rerun the command11:29
MelchThen I installed Ubuntu 8.04, and the install process went allright.11:30
robert__ /join #ubuntu-pl11:30
robert__ \join #ubuntu-pl11:30
MelchI can't get Ubuntu to boot, I don't even get the option to do so11:30
josititoalgún español¿11:30
Christoph_vWActionParsnip: doesn't do anything when I run it again11:30
MelchTried EasyBCD, but that didn't work.11:30
ActionParsnip!grub | Melch11:30
ubottuMelch: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:30
robert__ /join #ubuntu-pl11:30
Melchwill read11:31
Christoph_vWActionParsnip: and the new kernel image is in boot already11:31
ActionParsnipChristoph_vW: then uninstall what you installd then rerun11:31
Minty95am tring sound, can someone reply to me using my nick please11:31
ActionParsnipChristoph_vW: how could you e booted into a kernel you are installing, you will be booted into an older kernel11:31
=== robert__ is now known as robert_klein
ActionParsnipMinty95: yo11:31
Minty95bah didnt work11:31
Minty95and again pleae11:32
craxie Vista seems to cause issues with grub doesn't it?11:32
ActionParsnipMinty95: test11:32
=== matt__ is now known as themcman
Christoph_vWActionParsnip: the new kernel is in menu.lst already11:32
Minty95ah still not good11:32
ActionParsnipChristoph_vW: but you havent booted to it as you were in the middle of installing it11:33
Minty95should sound for my nick be in channel msg, or channel message highlight in xchat ?11:33
bhindi_ActionParsnip:  any proxy search software11:33
ActionParsnipbhindi_: what do you mean?11:34
tyso1action parsnip theres hope for us new guys yet! i finally have a working version of frost wire! thanks again11:34
ActionParsnipbhindi_: do you want a list of web proxies?11:34
bhindi_proxy finder11:34
ActionParsniptyso1: no worries bro11:34
bhindi_socks4 and 5 proxy11:34
ActionParsnipbhindi_: when someone asks yu what do yu mean, dont just retype it, it does nothing: http://www.proxyway.com/www/free-proxy-server-list.html11:35
bhindi_i need a search sofware my self11:36
ActionParsnipbhindi_: then i have no idea, sorry11:36
ActionParsnipbhindi_: maybe someone else does11:36
bhindi_oks thanxs sir11:36
kosharicraxie vista is fine with grub here11:37
leveneI want to use mail notification  with a non-standard system mailbox location. How do I set the MAIL variable so that it finds it?11:37
bhindi_ok sir tell me how i can install window software on ubuntu11:37
ActionParsnip!wine | bhindi_11:37
ubottubhindi_: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.11:38
ActionParsnip!cedega | bhindi_11:38
ubottubhindi_: cedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega11:38
ActionParsnip!crossover | bhindi_11:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about crossover11:38
levenein other words, where do I set environment variables so that programs run from the GNOME gui know about them?11:38
Minty95minty95 test11:38
ActionParsnipbhindi_: read those pages11:38
ActionParsnipMinty95: test11:38
bhindi_wat page sir11:38
ActionParsnipbhindi_: the ones ubottu gave you11:39
iGooglelevene: export xxx in your .bashrc11:39
ActionParsnipbhindi_: did you not otice he was talking at you and that the stuff he was saying was about windows apps?11:40
athleonei am new to Ubuntu.11:40
athleoneWhat should I do first?11:40
=== Trystam is now known as Tristam
leveneiGoogle: oh, i'll try that. .bash_profile didn't work11:40
Minty95minty95 test11:40
ActionParsnipathleone: get online and fully updated11:40
Minty95Minty95, test11:40
iGoogle.bash_profile just excute one time when you login. levene11:40
=== Irc is now known as Guest53543
ShinobiTeno/msg ubottu etiquette11:41
Minty95Minty95, test11:41
ActionParsniplevene: you need to close all terminals and rerun them11:41
ActionParsnipMinty95: test11:41
ActionParsnipMinty95: id spawn your own room to test11:41
Minty95it works great thansk11:41
leveneActionParsnip: that didn't work11:41
athleoneI am sorry that I accidentally quited.11:42
athleoneHow do I join another server in xchat?11:42
ActionParsniplevene: then reboot like igoogle said, it may work11:42
leveneActionParsnip: it is set in terminals, but i don't care about that. other programs run from the gnome gui don't work11:42
Minty95ActionParsnip, good idea thanks11:42
Minty95logging later11:42
athleoneand which file should I download for flash for Ubuntu's Firefox?11:42
leveneActionParsnip: hm, i'll try11:42
ActionParsnipathleone: you on 32bit or 64bit11:42
kasimonHello, since an update some days ago i cannot use subversion with client certificates anymoe11:42
kasimonit keeps asking me for the certificate file11:43
athleonehuh? I'm on x86, ActionParsnip...11:43
ActionParsnipathleone: ok then sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree11:44
abhijeethey guys, My screen seems to be flickering...I don't know really how to explain it....is it to do with the refresh rate or something else11:44
abhijeet...anyone know11:44
ShinobiTenoput here xorg.conf please11:45
levenestill no joy11:45
ApOgEE-what if ntp_gettime() returns code 5 (ERROR)?11:45
levenerebooted and mail notification still doesn't know about MAIL11:45
leveneer, $MAIL11:45
abhijeethey guys, My screen seems to be flickering...I don't know really how to explain it....is it to do with the refresh rate or something else11:45
abhijeet ...anyone know11:45
sfer2!repeat | abhijeet11:46
ubottuabhijeet: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience11:46
leveneActionParsnip: any ideas?11:46
ShinobiTenoabhijeet: PUT your etc/xorg,conf here11:46
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:46
athleoneI was downloading a game, and now I want to stop the process of it.11:46
athleoneHow do I do this?11:46
bhindi_PatrickMello:  how i can open rar file in ubuntu11:46
sfer2ShinobiTeno: reming him to paste it11:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:46
abhijeet<ShinobiTeno>: Not sure how to get that: I'm new...can you outline the path11:47
ShinobiTenoty sfer211:47
ShinobiTenoabhijeet please do: google linux change refresh rate11:47
bhindi_PatrickMello:  how i can open rar file in ubuntu11:47
athleoneHow do I stop an apt-get download mid-way?11:47
abhijeetoright I'll try that11:47
ShinobiTenodo that=)11:47
sfer2abhijeet: you can go to terminal and then type sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get the contents of your xorg.conf file11:47
sfer2Or search what Shinobi said :P11:48
Guest53543Hi. i'm new to linux, Could someone tell me why can't I play music, my sound doesn't work :/ if I make the hardware test it does play the sound, but If i want to play music I can't heard anything.11:48
ShinobiTenosfer2 i mean i had same problem, and it was 100000 times discussed and solved.11:48
athleoneHow can I stop an apt-get mid-way?11:48
ShinobiTenoGuest53543 you need to install "restricted" package in synaptic11:49
sfer2Guest53543: What program are you using tgo play music?11:49
sfer2athleone: try pressing Ctrl+C11:49
notwistGuest53543: check out the ubuntu help for sound. google for it :)11:49
abhijeetAll right I opened it...What am I looking for here: <ShinobiTeno11:49
athleoneCtrl-C cancels it, not stops it, right? I won't have any leftover file scraps?11:49
sfer2Hmm, It might just stop it, I'm not sure11:50
ShinobiTenoabhijeet look for Monitor section11:50
ShinobiTenoget you monitor name and its data11:50
ShinobiTenoand modify monitor section so it matches11:51
ShinobiTenopeople anyone using GNOME here?11:51
ShinobiTenoI got a little problem with GNOME. Whenever i start anything in it, its window come to BACKGROUND, ie no focus.11:51
ShinobiTenoanyone know how to configure GNOME so new windows get focus?11:51
ValcyonI deleted the lost+found folder on my ext3 partition. Will it be created automatically again when it is needed? (i.e. when some lost+found stuff should be going in there)11:51
ShinobiTenoValcyon, do sudo fsck /dev/yourdevice11:52
ShinobiTenounmount it before11:52
ShinobiTenoit will be recreated11:52
abhijeetYeah, it just says: Section "Monitor"11:52
abhijeetIdentifier"Configured Monitor"11:52
ValcyonShinobiTeno, okay i'll try, thanks man11:52
ShinobiTenook abhijeet whats you monitor name. Exact monitor name11:53
athleoneSo it Ctrl-C during apt-get might spoil my computer? O.O11:54
sfer2If you're only downloading a small application, I don't think so11:54
ketkkhi, i'm on the livecd and i want to umount my swap to be able to format that partition. anybody can help me pls?11:54
sfer2But if you're doing something vital, perhaps.11:54
redheathi everyone11:54
sleonredheat <_--- ??11:55
athleoneFrozen Bubble isn't vital, right?11:55
redheathi everyone11:55
sfer2athleone: What exactly is it you are doing?11:55
sfer2No, of course not :P11:55
sleonredheat: hi11:55
redheathi sleon, just a quick question, is ubuntu's root sector the same as its boot sector?11:55
redheatI mean where's teh boot sector?11:56
adactrackerd heavily loads my hard disk all of the time! What is wrong?11:57
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
ketkkhi, i'm on the livecd and i want to umount my swap to be able to format that partition. anybody know how to do that?11:57
redheatanyone folks..11:58
Slartketkk: tried swapoff?11:58
redheatwhat is the boot sector? where can I locate it?11:58
redheatis it the same as the root sector?11:58
dns53redheat block 0 on the hard disk and backups throughout11:58
ketkkredheat: i did but don't seem to happen anything11:58
Slartredheat: the boot sector is on the first track of your hard drive.. perhaps you mean sometghing else?11:58
Slartredheat: what are you trying to do? where did you read about this "root sector" ?11:59
redheatdidn't get a word of that..guys I'm not talking hardware wise11:59
redheatI mean if I don't want my bootloader to be installed to the bootsector and I want it to be installed to the root sector11:59
redheathow can I tell the difference11:59
Slartredheat: I've never heard the phrase "root sector" before.. can't help you12:00
redheatthe location where the bootloader is? that's what I mean where is it by default stored to?12:00
jheskethwhere is pidgins home folder (ie the place it stores logs and configs etc)12:00
athleoneSo what should I do first, being new to Ubuntu?12:00
redheatI'm trying to have four operating systems to run on my computer I already have two/12:00
redheatwindows xp, window vista and I want ot isntall ubuntu and opensuse12:01
Certhredheat: I bet there is not more two OSes actually12:01
ketkki've got it swapoff -a12:01
dns53redheat you can install grub on the mbr (first block on the disk) or on the first block on the partition, you can then get one grub to chainload and call the other grubs on the start of the partition12:01
redheatok thanks anyway12:02
Timberwolf5578Where are icons usually stored? what folder?12:02
dns53redheat partition the disk, install xp, then vista, then either opensuse or ubuntu12:02
Timberwolf5578can someone please tell me which folder icons are usually stored in?12:03
bbryant /usr/share/icons12:03
PhloamWhy am I getting a no installable kernel waf foun in the defined APT sources error?12:03
dns53redheat install grub on the mbr with one of the linux installs, the other on the start of a partition, look at the grub config and see how it chainloads the vista and xp and copy that for the other linux12:03
Phloamduring install that is12:03
milostrifehey could anyone tell me a p2p client for ubuntu?12:05
bastid_raZorTimberwolf5578; /usr/share/pixmaps for non-theme related icons12:05
PhloamCan i install without a kernel or is that really hard?12:05
Timberwolf5578how do I open the file browser as root in gnome??12:05
bastid_raZormilostrife; like a torrent application?12:05
Timberwolf5578like what is gnome's version of Konqueror?12:06
milostrifebastid_raZor, yeah but dont know any other that utorrent12:06
amt2my ubuntu has recently been 'crashing' for no apparent reason. a black screen appears showing some information and then i can't do anything. this had happened very few times int he past, but it just happened, i rebooted, and it happened again in less than 5 minutes. any ideas?12:06
SlartTimberwolf5578: gksudo nautilus, but be careful12:06
bastid_raZorTimberwolf5578; gksu nautilus12:06
dns53Phloam the kernel is the core of the os and handles drivers etc, you need one there working12:06
bastid_raZormilostrife; transmission, deluge, ktorrent are a few12:06
Phloamdns53 why can't I get it off the CD then?12:07
tuxiceamt2- is this just a random occurence12:07
milostrifebastid_raZor, any you'd reconmmed12:07
tuxiceamt2- and what info does it show12:07
amt2tuxice: what do you mean by random occurence? yea, it just happens with no apparent pattern12:07
dns53Phloam you using the server/alternate install cd?12:07
amt2tuxice: im not really sure, sometimes it's jsut a black screen with sort of a prompt.... if i then hit ctrl12:08
Phloamdns53 using alternate. Should I try live?12:08
ghalebhello, I want to backup 200 GB into 40G tapes using cpio, how can I make parts or multiple tapes ?12:08
bastid_raZormilostrife; for gnome based transmission is the default. ktorrent is more like uTorrent12:08
amt2if i then hit ctrl+alt+del there i can see a lot of things like related to ALSA and Gnome12:08
amt2probably them shutting down or something...12:08
dns53Phloam do you have networking setup and the internet working?12:08
tuxiceamt2- does the computer shut down or does it just stay at the prompt12:09
Phloamdns53 I didnt get network working. Is that important?12:09
amt2tuxice: it stays at the prompt. although it's not really a promt.. if i type a command or antyhing it doesnt owkr12:09
tuxicei see12:09
milostrifebastid_raZor,  could tell how to install i've unzipped it from the archive?12:09
dns53Phloam well if you had networking setup it may be getting that of the internet, or it may allow you to download one during install12:10
bastid_raZormilostrife; install what? all those are in the repo's12:10
Timberwolf5578Can someone please look at this icon theme and tell me what I need to install?  I already installed the deltagreenfull icon set.  What are the rest of those files?  http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DeltaGreen%2BDeltaFar?content=7556312:11
Phloamdns53 I think it's a hardware thing, and the installer cant find my network device. Any other way?12:11
milostrifebastid_raZor, ty got it now XD12:11
dns53Phloam perhaps the live cd may be easier, but you could potentially download this file off the internet and copy it to that computer12:12
Phloamdns53 is it possible to install it on a flash?12:12
CheticI'm trying to start Half-Life 2 with Wine. I can play hl2dm without any problems, but when I try to start hl2, nothing really happens12:13
CheticAnybody think they can help me get Half-Life 2 working?12:13
ShinobiTenoguys do you know how in GNOME make so, that new windows STEAL focus?12:14
Timberwolf5578where would my firefox icon be located?12:14
SlartTimberwolf5578: why don't you take a look at "grep".. it will help you with all these questions12:15
Timberwolf5578I just need to find firefox icon12:15
dns53Phloam well it seems like just the kernel package is messed up, you could potentially just copy this over to the computer running the install but it might be too much bother if you don't know what you are doing, your cd may have problems or your cd drive12:15
Phloamdns53 I've checked both CD, md5 and memory. Still possible it's a hardware thing? The compy is pretty new.12:16
bastid_raZorTimberwolf5578; look in ~/.mozilla12:16
migehello everyone!12:17
Daft_PunkWhen I go into preferences or start my VM on virtualbox I get the following error message (but if I click ok, it lets me continue) http://paste.ubuntu.com/48003/ What does this mean?12:17
dns53Phloam well it occasionally happens with me, it can depend on the burning speed etc so the md5 may be right but it reads different sometimes12:18
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto12:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xsystem12:19
Daft_PunkWhy isn't tux racer available in the repos on hardy?12:19
Daft_Punk!help > tuxice12:19
ubottutuxice, please see my private message12:19
Diwashello ppl12:20
Diwasanybody home?12:20
tuxice!xsystem as The X System for ubuntu is responsible for your Graphical Environment, To reconfigure XORG (the configuration file) look here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/12:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:20
tuxice!xsystem is The X System for ubuntu is responsible for your Graphical Environment, To reconfigure XORG (the configuration file) look here http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-how-to-reconfigure-x-windows-system-xorg-server/12:20
Daft_Punktuxice, do not spam main channel, do commands in private message with ubottu...12:21
Diwashey guys...idk if this is the proper place..12:21
Diwasbut i have a problem in ubuntu..12:21
Timberwolf5578well I cant find my firefox icons12:21
Daft_Punk!ask | Diwas12:21
ubottuDiwas: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:21
Diwasthank you draft punk.12:21
Diwaswell its like12:21
Diwasim using ADSL internet.12:22
Diwasthru NIC card12:22
Diwasmy problem is12:22
FloodBot2Diwas: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:22
Daft_PunkONE LINE please... do not flood or use return as punctuation12:22
Timberwolf5578Can someone please tell me where firefox icons are located?  are they in usr/bin ?12:23
Diwasthe network manager doesnt show or identify my internet connection. it says no network device found. BTW im sorry abt the return...im new to IRC and today is my first day in fact first hour12:23
Daft_Punk!wireless | Diwas12:23
ubottuDiwas: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:24
bastid_raZorTimberwolf5578; /usr/share/pixmaps is the folder12:24
tuxiceTImberwolf5578: i believe they are in /usr/bin/firefox-2.0/icons but google can help you out ;)12:24
Diwasim sorry sir..its not wireless. Im connected to ADSL router through ethernet card.12:24
Daft_PunkDiwas, how are you online right now then?12:24
ushimitsudokiTimberwolf5578: you could search your system. Try something like: "locate firefox | grep icon"12:25
Christoph_vWDiwas: post lspci output then12:25
Daft_Punkumm actually post output on pastebin please12:25
Daft_Punknot in here :)12:25
Diwasguys...idk if im allowed to do this or not...but i have a link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88994812:26
Daft_PunkWhen I go into preferences or start my VM on virtualbox I get the following error message (but if I click ok, it lets me continue) http://paste.ubuntu.com/48003/ What does this mean?\12:26
macvrhi guys... i'd like to know how to use my media keys with vlc player12:26
Daft_Punkmacvr, are you talking about media buttons on the computer itself? IE like on a laptop?12:27
tuxiceDaft_Punk: serious problem or example?12:27
Timberwolf5578thanks, they were in usr/lib12:27
Daft_Punktuxice, if you are refering to my VM issue, it is a problem I am having12:27
macvrya . laptop12:27
tuxiceDaft_Punk i see12:27
Daft_Punkmacvr, usually those buttons require a driver to function and are only for windows and supplied by manufacture, I do not know where you can get a driver for them in linux12:27
Daft_Punkmacvr, I have media buttons on my laptop too and they don't work simply because there is no driver for them for linux12:28
Diwasdid u check the link?? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88994812:28
macvri'm able to use the buttons with rhythm box12:28
kelderDiwas: I checked the link, I see you've been having the issue for a while :/ unfortunately i dont know whats causing it12:29
macvrbut didnt know how to configure them for vlc player use\12:29
Daft_Punkmacvr, rhythm box could have a built in driver for those buttons and not VLC, so again im unsure where you can obtain them, maybe instead of VLC you can try totem or another media player to see if they function in there?12:29
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
macvrdaft>it works in totem too...12:30
marnanelIs there a way in Ubuntu to list all the codepoints provided by a .ttf file?12:30
Diwaskelder: thank you, yes, its been quite a while and every distro of ubuntu has it. i even reinstalled the system and still nothng.12:30
CWDaft_Punk: Here's the solution:12:30
dns53macvr what you need to do is basically see what character the button press produces, then set that key press to be the function in the program, there are tools to get the key that was pressed12:30
CWwith root privileges, open the file /etc/init.d/mountdevsubfs.sh with a text editor and remove the following character #12:30
CWSave the file and open /etc/fstab (always while using root privileges).12:30
CWAt the eof, add this line: none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid=1000,devmode=664 0 0 Now save, reboot your machine and you should be able to use your usb devices.12:31
FloodBot2CW: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
macvrdns53> how do i do it?12:31
Daft_Punkmacvr, VLC may not have it functioning properly because it relies on it's own drivers that are built in rather than on the drivers for your system so if you are set on using VLC, it is best to contact someone that knows VLC better than I12:31
kosharimacvr you can use a console program to see what output the keys use and then map them in vlc12:31
dns53macvr i can't remember off the top of my head, let me research12:32
macvrkoshari> i'm a noob... which program is the console program?12:32
onxDaft_Punk, try xbindkeys yet?12:32
kelderDiwas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/21336812:32
Daft_Punkonx, for what?12:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 213368 in linux "please include silan ethernet drivers" [Undecided,Invalid]12:32
tuxicemacvr --> Applications -- Accesories -- Terminal12:32
macvrdaft_punk... i did get the error for virtualbox... and have solved.. it12:32
onxDaft_Punk, using your media keys :)12:32
werswhat code runs gnome's appearance dialog?12:33
Daft_Punkmacvr, what did you do12:33
acp_!bootup optimization12:33
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:33
Daft_Punkonx, oh i dont care about my media keys, it is macvr that wanted that12:33
jribwers: gnome-appearance-properties12:33
wersnice. thanks, jrib12:33
macvrdaft_> i'm a bit caught up ... in the replies for my vlc .. will try to recollect, n get back12:33
CWDaft: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-614576.html12:34
onxoh, well then - macvr, give xbindkeys a try12:34
macvrtuxie, terminal... then?12:34
kosharimacvr xev12:34
Diwaskedler: im checking it...thanks...hope it helps.12:35
roukounhi everyone12:35
Timberwolf5578_This is weird, when I minimize the firefox window, it dissapears into the quick launch icon, and I get no window tab on the bottom.  How do I fix that?12:36
macvrtrying with xbind keys.... do i have to install the conf too?12:36
CostaRicanQuakeri'm having trouble loading opera, it appears on the list of apps on the system monitor but it won't load12:36
dns53macvr run xev in a terminal, this will capture the key codes12:36
sfer2Timberwolf: Try right-clicking the bottom panel and then clicking add to panel, then drag Window List into the panel.12:36
kosharimacvr i have never used xbindkeys, with xev just note the charactor that flashes up and map it in vlc12:37
macvrok.. using xev.. trying to figure it out12:38
roukouni have a problem with flash... I use xmms like a media player, when i have a site that uses flash open and i am trying to listen to my music from xmms a message like the following appears: "Please check that:   -Your soundcard is configured properly  -You have the correct output plugin selected    -No other program is blocking the soundcard". Actually when i am trying to do the same with the ubuntu default media player everything is ok...12:40
macvri dont know what i'm looking for!12:41
dns53roukoun that's how flash works, it is written to use alsa which takes over your sound card12:41
=== iGoogle1 is now known as iGoogle
roukoundns53: so what's the solution to this?12:42
CostaRicanQuakerhelp, i'm having trouble loading opera, i get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/48010/12:42
kosharimacvr just push the key you want to map and not the charactor that flashes by12:42
kosharithats the charactor you wil map to vlc12:42
macvrFocusOut event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x3a00001,12:43
macvr    mode NotifyGrab, detail NotifyAncestor12:43
macvrFocusOut event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x3a00001,12:43
macvr    mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyPointer12:43
macvrFocusIn event, serial 31, synthetic NO, window 0x3a00001,12:43
macvr    mode NotifyUngrab, detail NotifyAncestor12:43
FloodBot2macvr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:43
plouffeSystem resources: my memory runs up, up to 2GB RAM, and about 1GB swap usage, resulting in my system almost freezing. Closing apps (like pidgin which shouldn't take that much space) frees some space, but not all. How can I free more space? When I look at processes it uses only a fraction of mem that is occupied in system monitor>resources.12:43
sfer2!paste | macvr12:43
ubottumacvr: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:43
dns53roukoun i think the lines you need to look at are: XLookupString gives12:43
ShinobiTenoguys may i ask my question again?12:44
bazhangplouffe, what does top show in terminal12:44
ShinobiTenonobody seems to know it...12:44
dns53macvr i think the lines you need to look at are: XLookupString gives12:44
roukoundns53: sorry but i didnt really understand... can you explain?12:44
tuxice!ask > SHinobiteno12:44
ubottuSHinobiteno, please see my private message12:44
tuxice!ask | shinobiteno12:45
ubottushinobiteno: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:45
macvroops..the output for the play button is so>http://paste.ubuntu.com/48011/12:45
ShinobiTenotuxice thats sweet.12:45
plouffebazhang shows gnome-system  and Xorg at top12:45
ShinobiTenoyou know i asked it twice12:45
dns53roukoun there is no solution other than not using adobe flash, gnash does not have this problem i believe, sorry for sending the wrong message to you12:45
ShinobiTenonobody answeres12:45
plouffebut mem is only 3.7 for the two12:45
bazhangplouffe, are you using compiz12:45
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:45
ShinobiTenoany pro here use GNOME?12:45
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:45
xMassi1986xI everybody12:45
plouffebazhang: yes it shows compiz.real. What is that?12:45
ActionParsnipShinobiTeno: wassup?12:45
xMassi1986xCan I ask some question?12:45
tuxiceShinobiTeno - you dont have to ask to ask, and as long as you dont flood youre welcome to post more than once12:46
ActionParsnip!ask | xMassi1986x12:46
ubottuxMassi1986x: please see above12:46
bazhangplouffe, how does memory do when compiz is shutoff12:46
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, canyou help me i'm getting this error wheni tryto load opera http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=58530712:46
xMassi1986xOk. I'm in trouble... I want to launch in GUI mode via ssh aMule on my PC. It is possbile?12:46
abhijeetIt doesn't seem to be flickering anymore...yet :/12:47
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: did you install opera from repos?12:47
CostaRicanQuakeri get the same output error12:47
plouffebazhang mem and swap are still at 1G total. But now my gnome is messed up12:47
ShinobiTenonice, abhijeet12:47
CostaRicanQuakeri sudo aptitude install opera12:47
ShinobiTenokeep watching12:47
bazhangplouffe, what do you mean messed up12:47
roukounShinobiTeno: can you ask your question again?12:47
CostaRicanQuakerso it must have been from the repos or ppa worse case scenario12:47
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: also, nevr run a web browser as root, and never run gui apps with sudo, so sudo opera is just a whole world of wrongness12:48
dns53xMassi1986x ssh user@server -X you can use putty and xming to do this under windows12:48
abhijeetYeah....I'll keep a look out....Thanks alot man....first problem with linux12:48
plouffeI had to restart compiz to be able to move windows, et5c12:48
ShinobiTenoGnome: How to make NEW windows appear and STEAL focus. ie not in the background.....??12:48
ShinobiTenoabhijeet, np man, really)12:48
plouffebazhang: but without compiz there wasn't much change in usage of mem12:48
roukounwhat's the best browser? opera or firefox?12:48
Pici!best | roukoun12:48
ubotturoukoun: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:48
ActionParsnipShinobiTeno: id figure the new app would always steal focus12:48
bazhangplouffe, you cant move windows? how did you shut off compiz and are you using emerald for themes12:48
ShinobiTenono they dont... they appear in the background by me12:49
ShinobiTenoi checked gconf12:49
ShinobiTenono way...12:49
plouffeI just killed the compiz processes, and I couldn't move windowses or even change focus12:49
xMassi1986xdns53: i know this option. But I don't want to run aMule on system I use to connecting via SSH. I want to run it directly on my PC :)12:49
bazhangplouffe, aha12:49
ShinobiTenothats really frustrating12:49
bazhangplouffe, that is not the way to do it. No wonder you are having troubles12:50
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, i didnt' run it as root12:50
ActionParsnipShinobiTeno: i use kde so im no use for gnome questions, sorry12:50
bazhangplouffe, go to appearances and set to none in effects12:50
CostaRicanQuakeri tried to run it from the terminal12:50
ShinobiTenoif i want to copy any file in Gnome Commander, copy window starts in background...12:50
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser12:50
CostaRicanQuakerand that's the output i got12:50
bazhangplouffe, then alt f2 metacity --replace12:50
plouffebazhang: ok, but still no effect in mem usage12:51
ActionParsnipShinobiTeno: why not use your terminal12:51
macvrdns> i dont get that string!!!12:51
dns53xMassi1986x use vnc to remotely login12:51
ActionParsnipplouffe: can we have a pastebin of yout top output please12:51
plouffebazhang: 471 in RAM and 650 in swap. The processes show only a fraction of that in use12:51
ShinobiTenoAction>> i have lots of stuff ...12:51
dns53macvr well it's over my head, ask again in a while or search the forums12:51
ShinobiTenobesides love NortonCommander-like things12:51
=== root is now known as Guest91716
plouffeActionParsnip: yes one sec12:51
bazhangplouffe, is it really slower with compiz or the reverse12:52
mib_w9d75zd8So I just finished installing ubuntu like 2 mins ago, it had a bunch of updates then rebooted and finally found my broadcom 43xx wifi, it asked me to auto install and enable it, but when I rebooted still was not there12:52
rodolfo_running compiz on a i915-based-nobo seems to be too heavy for my video card...does the intel driver 2.4+ get this solved or so far nothing has changed?12:52
Phloamhey can someone help me with adding some lines to boot options? its a quick and easy thing for someone who knows...12:52
ActionParsnipShinobiTeno: then ive no idea, maybe ask in #gnome12:52
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, yes, i just checked the terminal and i got it from here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser so i definetely got it from the repos12:52
ShinobiTenoactionParsnip: nice idea thanks!12:52
plouffebazhang: it's not slow now, but I had to shut down pidgin to free something like 1.5Gig in mem usage12:52
macvrdoes anyone know how to make a fonts config act only on thunderbird?12:52
ShinobiTenodidnt think bout it.12:52
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: did you make the folders in your ~/12:53
bazhangplouffe, that is one hungry pidgin; sounds like a bug12:53
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, what folders?12:53
Guest91716Need a little help securing a RAID5 (sw)  migration from one system to another. I was told that mdadm will pick up the raid automatically. However I'm a little worried about this. Is there anyway to save the metadata describing the raid and later force the OS to recognize this composition?12:53
PhloamI want to add noapic to boot, how do I do it?12:53
plouffebazhang: yes but mem usage is still too high12:53
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: when you follow a guide, read it all the way down12:53
plouffehigher than processes show12:53
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser12:53
bazhangplouffe, did you pastebin top yet12:54
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i open my sources file?12:54
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.lst12:54
plouffeWhat is the pastebin url again?12:54
ActionParsnip!paste | plouffe12:54
ubottuplouffe: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:54
phimichello all i have a problem activating desktop effects on ubuntu 8.0412:54
dns53macvr firefox and thunderbird use thair own font rendering engine, do a search for how to change this config12:54
phimici get as error "No whitelisted driver found"12:54
xMassi1986xdns53: this is good idea... But, Vino, the server VNC present in Ubuntu is not good... Another alternative?12:55
phimici have a nVidia Corporation GeForce 8600 GT  card12:55
plouffebazhang: ActionParsnip http://paste.ubuntu.com/48013/12:55
macvrdns53>>> i have this prob....could u just have a look?http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5704854#post5704854.....12:55
ActionParsnipphimic: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new12:55
=== Guest91716 is now known as jnusa
phimicActionParsnip: already installed12:56
jnusaNeed a little help securing a RAID5 (sw)  migration from one system to another. I was told that mdadm will pick up the raid automatically. However I'm a little worried about this. Is there anyway to save the metadata describing the raid and later force the OS to recognize the raid?12:56
wershow do i adjust the opacity of windows borders of inactive windows?12:56
ActionParsnipphimic: tried envyng-gtk?12:56
ActionParsnip!raid | jnusa12:56
ubottujnusa: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:56
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, what was the command to get the prompt again on the terminal? ctrl r?12:57
jnusathanks (what does !raid | mean?)12:57
phimicActionParsnip: i will try this12:57
ActionParsnip!terminal | CostaRicanQuaker12:57
ubottuCostaRicanQuaker: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:57
bazhangplouffe, looks like 1.4 gb free12:57
mib_w9d75zd8auto ndiswrapper ftw12:57
ActionParsnipphimic: one you got it you need gksu envyng-gtk to run it12:57
plouffesystem monitor>resources shows RAM 482MB and swap 650MB usage12:57
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:57
dns53macvr i know the cause but not the solution, search google for how to modify firefox/thunderbird config12:57
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, i forgot to type && at the end how do i get the prompt again without having to open a new terminal?12:57
plouffebazhang: yes there is some free space now but why is it using so much?12:58
macvrdns53> whats the cause?12:58
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: jump into your menus and run another12:58
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: you ca have more than 112:58
|unjustice|I am havig trouble with Flash, I tried both GNASH and Adobe plugins for Mozilla, and neither work12:58
|unjustice|also updated libflashsupport12:58
|unjustice|and libflash-dev12:58
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: you on 64bit or 32bit?12:58
vedanthi, i booted ubuntu 8.04 from the live cd, it doesn't recognize my usb drive12:58
|unjustice|anyone have any suggestions?12:58
plouffebazhang: it shouldn't be using that much, I barely have anything running, and if I open more, I'll run into freezing mode again12:58
|unjustice|ActionParsnip: 3212:59
|Faust|Hi, I have a problem with the opera in ubuntu 8.04, while trying to save page, regardless of the type chosen conservation, opera saves html12:59
bazhang|unjustice|, is it crashing at all12:59
vedantthere doesn't seem to be any msgs about it in syslog either12:59
dns53macvr firefox is cross platform and the font stuff is common12:59
|unjustice|bazhang: the comp? or the vids?12:59
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: uninstall all the flash stuff you have, get the tar.gz from adobe.com then copy the libflashplayer.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins (you will need to create the plugins directory)12:59
* CostaRicanQuaker purges opera 13:00
bazhang|unjustice|, firefox browser with flash13:00
macvrbut the firefox, is fine if the autohint is off... then thunderbird gets screwed up!13:01
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto13:01
|unjustice|ActionParsnip: alright, I tried once....but could not hurt to try again13:01
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: once youo done that, rerun firefox and go to something like www.rathergood.com/blode213:01
bazhang|unjustice|, installing flashblock did it for me (ff plugin); it allows you to load flash when you want, but not before.13:01
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: you dont need to run the installer, just copy the file13:01
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, i got this : GPG error: http://deb.opera.com stable Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 033431536A423791W: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems13:01
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: yes you need the gpg key, its in the guide too13:01
CostaRicanQuakeri edited the sources.list with what was on that guide13:01
nymtar1hi there, i have a problem pairing my cellphone with my computer via bluetooth-stick (multisync). /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf shows me the passkey, but when i enter it into my cellphone, it won't work13:01
amee2khi everyone13:01
=== jim_p is now known as jim_p_out-of-ord
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: go all the way through the guide then come with issues13:02
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ActionParsniphi amee2k13:02
vadimhi everyone. i have wrong resolution of ubuntu splash screen during boot (the one with ubuntu logo and progress bar). How can i fix it?13:02
vedanthi, my usb disk doesn't work in ubuntu at all, but works fine in windows. there isn't even one line in syslog about the usb drive13:02
ActionParsnipvedant: run sudo fdisk -l in terminal, is it showing up?13:03
CostaRicanQuakerActionParsnip, opera =/= FOSS?13:03
vedantActionParsnip: nope13:03
ActionParsnipCostaRicanQuaker: nope, its closed source13:03
ActionParsnipvedant: did you unplug it properly from windows or just tear it out?13:03
amee2kI was cut off from the internet for about a week. now when i do "apt-get update" to update my package database i get this error message: W: Failed to fetch http://de.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  main/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) -- what am i doing wrong?13:03
vedantActionParsnip: properly unplugged13:04
ActionParsnipvedant: using saftly remove hardware?13:04
|Faust|I someone can help solve the problem with opera?13:04
ActionParsnipvadim: edit your xorg.conf to have the desitred resolution as the leftmost value13:04
ActionParsnipvedant: try a different usb port13:04
vedantActionParsnip: it works fine right now on another machine13:05
vadim<|Faust|>:don't ask to ask - point the problem exactly13:05
vedantActionParsnip: have tried all the ports it has13:05
ActionParsnipvedant: how about having it plugged in and rebooting linux13:05
ActionParsnipvedant: have you got all the latest updates?13:05
vedantActionParsnip: hmm, booting ubuntu takes a lot of time here..13:05
vedantActionParsnip: it's a livecd13:05
ActionParsnipvedant: which release is it?13:06
vadim<ActionParsnip>: well, i'm misunderstood i think - it's allright on my desktop when i'm already booted - the problem is only during this stage of boot13:06
ActionParsnipvadim: yes you need to make the first resolution value the one yuo want to boot with13:06
ActionParsnipvedant: try updating in live environment, it may help13:07
hasanibrahimhow can i open a file with root13:07
C0p3rn1cWhy do I keep getting the NOT VARIFIED warning when I launch the update-manager?13:07
vadimi know i must add something to kernel boot options in /boot/grub/menu.list cut i don't know what13:07
vedantActionParsnip: no network, was trying to copy the firmware from the usb drive :)13:08
vadim<ActionParsnip>: i know i must add something to kernel boot options in /boot/grub/menu.list cut i don't know what13:08
KAMOZINwowan ti tut????13:08
KAMOZINti menya slishehs?13:08
KAMOZINslishesh toest13:08
KAMOZINdrug moj????13:08
FloodBot2KAMOZIN: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
ActionParsnipvadim: i think you need to add a VGA mode13:08
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:08
bazhangKAMOZIN, please stop13:08
bazhang!ko | pasteluv13:08
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: how do you want to opem it?13:08
ubottupasteluv: For Korean help, /join #ubuntu-ko13:08
KAMOZINhello eto wowan???13:08
KAMOZINeli kto???13:09
KAMOZINgi gi13:09
ShinobiTenoda hallo13:09
vadim<ActionParsnip>: so what is the VGA mode for 1024x768?13:09
bazhang!ru | KAMOZIN13:09
ubottuKAMOZIN: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:09
hasanibrahim!en | KAMOZIN13:09
ubottuKAMOZIN: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat13:09
ShinobiTenokamozin lets talk only in private :)13:09
|unjustice|ActionParsnip: does it matter where I put the new directory for the tar.gz file, (i.e. where in the home folder?)13:09
KAMOZINwown ti gde blin????13:09
|Faust|vadim, sorry, but I did not understand a bit about the problem, I repeat my question?13:09
macvrguys... i want to split my western digital 160GB drive .... want to use part of the drive for video files... which filesystem is best xfs/jfs/ext3?13:09
KAMOZINShinobi ti wowan?13:09
MrMist1I've got a problem with gnome-screensaver together with ldap... I can't unlock the screensaver. Any ideas how to fix this? I guess it's some way to configure PAM, but I don't know how13:09
hasanibrahimActionParsnip:  i want to open a filw with root13:09
vadim<|Faust|>: what's wrong with your opera exactly?13:10
bazhangKAMOZIN, /join #ubuntu-ru13:10
|Faust|vadim while trying to save page, regardless of the type chosen conservation, opera saves html13:10
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: is it a text file?13:10
vadimhm. What version do you use?13:10
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: what program do you want to use to open it, it matters13:10
abhijeetHow do u launch the cube effect...the short cut keyboard13:10
hasanibrahimActionParsnip: No, i will share a file for Vbox13:10
vadim<|Faust|>: what version?13:10
hasanibrahimActionParsnip: as media or etc.13:11
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: so you want to share a folder?13:11
|Faust|vadim  9.5, 9.6, it happens in all versions ranging from 9.513:11
hasanibrahimand so i need to open this with root13:11
vadim<|Faust|>: where did you install it from?13:11
Newmanno germany server??13:12
macvr guys... i want to split my western digital 160GB drive .... want to use part of the drive for video files... which filesystem is best xfs/jfs/ext3? and easiest way to partition the drive?13:12
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: to share folders you dont need root13:12
bazhang!de | Newman13:12
ubottuNewman: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:12
hasanibrahimActionParsnip: There was a code and when i write it i could open file with root13:12
|Faust|vadim http://www.opera.com/download/13:13
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: what sort of file is it?13:13
jim_out-of-ordermacvr: do use a ups? if you do, better go with xfs13:13
vedantActionParsnip: i'll try later, thanks13:13
hasanibrahimActionParsnip: This is a folder13:13
macvrbut ext3 seems to take a lot of setup space...no ups13:13
C0p3rn1cmacvr: here is some info about the filesystems http://paste.ubuntu.com/48014/13:13
vadim<|Faust|>i think you should have installed opera from canonical repo - i think it works good. But there is another problem with that opera - flash isn't working13:13
ActionParsniphasanibrahim: you dont only open files as root, not folders13:13
jim_out-of-ordermacd: ext3 takes 5% of the partitions zise for its own needs13:14
taviwho help me to install a software?13:14
ActionParsnipjim_out-of-order: its well worth it though13:14
ActionParsniptavi: what software13:14
bazhangtavi, which software13:14
C0p3rn1ctavi: just ask :)13:15
ncopahow can i reset the gnome-panel configuration?13:15
taviC0p3rn1c: just ask?13:15
jim_out-of-order5% out of a 160GB drive is 8GB!!!13:15
jim_out-of-orderyou can down it to 1% if you know how13:15
C0p3rn1ctavi, just ask your question, and be specific13:15
jim_out-of-orderi think the alternative installer allows that13:15
ActionParsniptavi: whats it do?13:15
tavihow can i install that software13:15
tavihe let me watch some tv programs13:16
ActionParsnipjim_out-of-order: you got 160Gb which is way enough13:16
ActionParsniptavi: unless you can find an equivelant you are going to be compiling the linux source13:16
jim_out-of-orderok then, since 8GB is a tiny amount for you13:16
ncopancopa: rm -r ~/.gconf/apps/panel13:16
taviso how thst is then?13:16
jim_out-of-orderfor me is 1 vpc more13:16
ActionParsnipjim_out-of-order: a small sacrifice of 8Gb is nothing for what ext3 gives13:16
|Faust|vadim canonical repo in the old version 9.27, I can put it on flash, but there are many holes, I need a minimum 9.513:17
jim_out-of-orderok, i resign. do it on ext313:17
macvrjim... u mean alternate cd installer?13:17
jim_out-of-ordermacvr: i dont know exacly where, but it asks you about that percentage13:18
vadim<|Faust|>: then dunno - it can be one of the holes you're talking about13:18
BrianFoxi'm having an issue with grub and i'm sure it's a noob thing. I have a system with 4 disks, 3 as software raid: md0 = /, md1=swap, md2=data /sdd1 = /boot. To experiment with disaster recovery, i removed sdd1 and replaced with a new disk. I installed ubuntu fresh on here and didn't touch the raid disks. I was about to mount the data dir in the new ubuntu. Now when i put the original boot disk back, on boot i get grub stage 1.5, err13:18
BrianFoxor 15. Any ideas what could be trashed?13:18
ActionParsnipim just saying ext3 is good, some dont like it. their is no best or all systems would use it13:18
jim_out-of-ordermacvr: it must be somewhere near the partitioning thing13:18
jim_out-of-orderi am on ext3, but this is a flaw13:18
ActionParsnipits the journal13:18
jim_out-of-ordermacvr: are you going to install ubuntu there too?13:19
macvrguys.. i'm talkin about EXTERNAL drive...13:19
macvrwant to store video files.......13:19
jim_out-of-orderoh, ok then13:19
jim_out-of-orderext3 plus a small few gb partition13:20
jim_out-of-order*few mb partition13:20
jim_out-of-orderto include a windows driver for ext313:20
macvr? i didnt understand?13:20
jim_out-of-orderin case you lend the drive to some windows gui13:20
|Faust|vadim there is an official irc channel for opera?13:21
macvrno the fewmb partition13:21
macvrwhat did u mean13:21
iloni'm having troubles using apt13:22
ilongetting update-mime-database: symbol lookup error: update-mime-database: undefined symbol: g_log_set_default_handler13:22
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ilonand when i try to start gmd i get: gdm: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_hash_table_ref13:23
=== Guest11155 is now known as serqui
ShinobiTenoilon try to install aptitude: sudo apt-get install aptitude13:24
ActionParsnipilon: just websearching13:24
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario13:24
ActionParsnip!sound | serqui13:25
ubottuserqui: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:25
ShinobiTenoand to update yr system...13:25
ilonActionParsnip: got no working xserver atm13:25
ilonShinobiTeno: got it installed already13:25
ActionParsnipilon: have you run sudo apt-gte update; sudo apt-get upgrade13:25
ShinobiTenotry to force reinstall gdm13:25
serquiAction: yes, I have NO sound :-(13:25
ilonActionParsnip: been there tried that, dosnt work13:26
serquiAction: Ubunto finds the card, the alsa-mixer levels looks ok13:26
ilonActionParsnip: same error13:26
cluebuntumorning  all13:26
cluebuntuanyone awake?13:27
=== SplinTer0616__ is now known as SplinTer0616_
ActionParsnipilon: have you got php5.213:27
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario13:27
ActionParsnipilon: sudo apt-get -f install13:27
ActionParsnipserqui: ok, run lspci, what sound card do you have13:27
ilonActionParsnip: tried that,same problem13:27
chrisbrl88how do I apply a patch to the kernel? I've never had to do it before...13:28
cluebuntuanyone know alot about setting up a postfix server to authenticate against ldap?13:28
serquiAction: Multimedia audio controller: ESS Technology ES1968 Maestro 213:28
|unjustice|~/.mozilla/pluginsActionParsnip: so that got me video (thanks a bunch), but I still have  audio when I play vids on mozilla13:28
ilon/usr/lib/xulrunner- symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libgtk-x11-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: g_hash_table_ref13:28
|unjustice|ActionParsnip: rather, I DON'T have audio13:28
TristamAnybody around have mad bluetooth skills?13:29
|unjustice|anyone know how to get audio to play for flash videos in mozilla?13:30
serquiUnjustice: not at all?13:30
serquiHi Laura13:30
|unjustice|serqui: nope13:30
chrisbrl88can anyone here help me?13:30
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402213:30
serquiAction: did you see what card I have?13:30
ActionParsnipserqui: this may help http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-sound-on-compaq-m700-laptop-with-ubuntu-6.06-544242/13:31
jrib|unjustice|: install libflashsupport (might make your browser crashy, test and see)13:31
S4R4come va???13:31
jribchrisbrl88: not if they don't know what you need help with13:31
ActionParsnipserqui: make sure you arefully updated first though13:31
S4R4I'm italian13:31
jrib!it | S4R413:31
ubottuS4R4: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:31
ShinobiTeno|unjustice|: search internet. I have pulse audio on x86 with two soundcards and flash works. its all documented13:31
ActionParsnipserqui: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/2105713:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 21057 in linux "Sound from ES1978 Maestro 2E garbled when USB CD-ROM drive plugged in" [Medium,Confirmed]13:31
ActionParsnipserqui: might give more clues13:32
chrisbrl88ah sorry - it must not have gone through13:32
chrisbrl88I need help applying a patch to the kernel13:32
chrisbrl88I've never had to do it before13:32
jribchrisbrl88: why do you need to patch your kernel?13:32
chrisbrl88to support my particular TV card to use mythtv13:32
jrib!kernel > chrisbrl8813:33
ubottuchrisbrl88, please see my private message13:33
ActionParsnipchrisbrl88: http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/suse-linux-help/28728-how-patch-kernel.html13:33
ilondamn nightmare :S13:33
jribchrisbrl88: use the guide ubottu gave you as it focuses on ubuntu13:33
ilondpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.13:34
iloni really love this13:34
ActionParsnipilon: you are doing it the hard way13:34
ilonguess i have to reinstall the computer :<13:34
serquiAction: thanx, but they didnt solve that guys problem :-)13:34
ilonActionParsnip: what would be the easy way?13:34
ActionParsnipilon: how did you get into this?13:35
serquiUnjustice: do you find any help?13:35
ilonActionParsnip: tried to get a later version of libglib, the installation broke something, tried to reinstall it, didnt work, tried to reinstall ubuntu-desktop then, and so on and so on13:35
ActionParsnipilon: nice13:36
crdlbilon: where "later" is some ridiculously old version apparently13:36
ilonActionParsnip: not really13:36
ActionParsnipilon: lemme search again13:36
iloncrdlb: seems like13:36
crdlbbased on the symbol definition errors, something newer than glib 2.613:36
chrisbrl88the guide is helpful, but do I really need to recompile the whole kernel just to apply a patch?13:36
|unjustice|https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashplugin-nonfree/+bug/29760  Does this mean that sound in Mozilla,and stability are mutually exclusive?13:37
napnaphi all13:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 29760 in flashplugin-nonfree "Sound does not work properly in Flash in firefox" [Low,Fix released]13:37
crdlbilon: for reference, hardy has glib 2.1613:37
napnapI don't know why but grub won't boot XP, i tried several things but nothing works, anyone can give me some help please ?13:37
|unjustice|and does it ONLY apply to dapper? Or gutsy, and hardy as well?13:37
chrisbrl88napnap: what did you install first - xp or ubuntu?13:38
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: no idea man, I use 64bit with nspluginwrapper + adobe flash13:38
|unjustice|ActionParsnip: dern...thanks anway13:38
jrib|unjustice|: I use nspluginwrapper.  That way if flash crashes, my browser stays working and I just lose flash13:38
napnapchrisbrl88: mmmm....ubuntu, but in fact it's ghost image13:38
ActionParsnipilon: can you sudo apt-get install libgtk-x1113:38
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napnapnot ghost but PING image :p13:39
=== LimCore_ is now known as LimCore
|unjustice|jrib: but is there one for 32-bit Hardy setup?13:39
crdlbilon: you should try reinstalling libglib2.0-0 if you can13:39
MrMist1Anyone? Unlocking the screen doesn't work for LDAP users..13:39
jrib|unjustice|: you should be able to install nspluginwrapper on 32bit afaik13:39
napnapchrisbrl88: but windows is on a partition before ubuntu , on sda213:39
LimCorehi, how to save/restore entire session (with several tabs in it) to save each tabs profile,work dir,name etc13:39
jribLimCore: in what application?13:40
ilonActionParsnip: after running apt-get a couple of times, i cant run it anymore, says i should run dpkg --configure -a, but that breaks13:40
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario13:40
LimCorejrib: in konsole13:41
mib_0stuu69pndis shows the wireless card when i do -l13:41
LimCorejrib: preferably13:41
chrisbrl88napnap: http://www.linuxmigration.com/quickref/kernel/grub.html13:41
ActionParsnipwhats the output ouf sudo dpkg --configure -a13:41
mib_0stuu69pbut I can't see any networks13:41
mib_0stuu69pwhats up?13:41
ActionParsnipmib_0stuu69p: sudo iwlist13:41
jribLimCore: k, no idea, but you need to include that in your question13:41
chrisbrl88napnap: also see http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/how-do-i-add-windows-xp-to-grub-boot-loader-375198/13:41
ActionParsnipmib_0stuu69p: is it switched on on the chassis (if its a laptop)13:41
ilonActionParsnip: can give you a snippet of it13:41
ilondpkg: f♦r m♦nga fel, avbryter13:41
ilondpkg: ../../src/packages.c:252: process_queue: Assertion `!queuelen' failed.13:41
mib_0stuu69pit is13:41
ilon""too many errors, aborting"13:42
|unjustice|jrib: http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/nspluginwrapper suggests it's only for 64bit13:42
mib_0stuu69piwlst gives me a list of "usage" commands13:42
ActionParsnipilon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87671213:42
chrisbrl88is it really necessary for me to recompile my entire kernel to add a patch?13:42
ilonActionParsnip: will read, it, thanks13:43
ActionParsnipmib_0stuu69p: sudo apt-get install wifi-radar13:44
ActionParsnipmib_0stuu69p: should hel pyou scan fo networks13:44
ActionParsnipgah my typing sucks13:45
jrib|unjustice|: that doesn't stop you from trying to compile it yourself13:45
Phloamcan someone help me connect to internet via ethernet?13:45
Phloamcan someone help me connect to internet via ethernet?13:45
ActionParsnipPhloam: should pick up dhcp automatically for you13:45
taviany help?13:46
PhloamActionParsnip I tried connecting the cable in, and did what I could. No connection.13:46
mib_0stuu69pinterface does not support scanning :: network is down13:46
mib_0stuu69pit says13:46
jrib|unjustice|: (wfm)13:46
|unjustice|jrib: true, I am not sure I am capable of compiling binary for a 64bit into 32bit, is it much different than just compiling the .c file in 32?13:46
PhloamI can only see Wired connection and point to point connection in Network Settings13:46
mib_0stuu69p ndiswrapper -l bcmwl5 : driver installed13:46
=== jim_out-of-order is now known as jim_p
jrib|unjustice|: http://gwenole.beauchesne.info//en/projects/nspluginwrapper usually dance: install dependencies, ./configure, make, make install13:46
napnapchrisbrl88: I already tried things like that "rootnoverify" then map...but nothing works...13:47
mib_0stuu69pits turned on too from the side13:47
athleone_I am new to Ubuntu.13:47
athleone_I have just installed it and is using Xchat13:47
chrisbrl88jrib: do I really need to recompile my entire kernel to apply a single patch?13:47
jribchrisbrl88: if you are applying a patch to the kernel, yeah13:47
chrisbrl88napnap: hmm... in my experience, it works best when windows xp is installed first13:47
athleone_the number of users is 1337!!13:47
chrisbrl88jrib: so id need to download the kernel source in that case?13:47
jribathleone_: I can make it 1336 if you want :)13:48
chrisbrl88jrib: or is it present already>13:48
mib_0stuu69pscreen cap13:48
napnapchrisbrl88: I will try one thing, reinstall mbr with xp, then see if it boot13:48
CaneToadcan software only provided as rpm be installed easily on ubuntu?13:48
TiredWolfCaneToad: no13:49
jribchrisbrl88: the link I gave you tells you exactly how to get the source, there is more than one option13:49
TiredWolf!alien > CaneToad13:49
ubottuCaneToad, please see my private message13:49
C0p3rn1cCaneToad: yes using alien13:49
athleone_So, I'm new to Ubuntu, what should I do first?13:49
jribCaneToad: no, avoid rpm13:49
jrib(and alien)13:49
TiredWolfCaneToad: i'd make *very* sure it's only provided as RPM before trying that. and even then, don't even think of trying it if it's a library or other important software13:49
chrisbrl88jrib: alright... thanks. I don't mean to be a pain - I just haven't had to get this deep into the OS before13:49
C0p3rn1cCaneToad: anien -i package.rpm13:49
jribchrisbrl88: just make sure you keep your old kernel around and you shouldn't have anything to worry about13:50
CaneToadanother ubuntu question.... is there a list of apt packages somewhere?  is there a package for the vpn tool "vpnc" ?13:51
TiredWolf!packages > CaneToad13:51
ubottuCaneToad, please see my private message13:51
jrib!info vpnc | CaneToad13:51
ubottucanetoad: vpnc (source: vpnc): Cisco-compatible VPN client. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.5.1r275-1 (hardy), package size 74 kB, installed size 252 kB13:51
TiredWolfCaneToad: apt-cache search "" will give you a complete list, although that's generally useless of course...13:52
CaneToadI don't have ubuntu atm13:52
C0p3rn1c!packages > C0p3rn1c13:52
ubottuC0p3rn1c, please see my private message13:52
garrettmDoes anyone here know how to turn on the FTP and SFTP servers?13:52
norbert_hi, is there a way to change sources.list to include non-free and contrib stuff, without using the console?13:52
TiredWolfCaneToad: then use http://packages.ubuntu.com13:52
athleone_So. since I'm new, what should I do first on Ubuntu?13:52
jribnorbert_: system -> administration -> software sources13:52
TiredWolfnorbert_, we don't have non-free or contrib sections in Ubuntu13:52
TiredWolfnorbert_: that's Debian terms13:52
czeriwhowas jrib13:53
|unjustice|jrib: wait, so after I dl the viewer and the plugin into mozilla-plugins folder, you are saying I need to give a terminal command, because the link says will automatically recognize it13:53
norbert_TiredWolf: ok (I'm on Debian; trying to help an Ubuntu dude)13:53
TiredWolfczeri: jrib is online13:53
ganes1how to reconfigure mouse interface?13:53
C0p3rn1c!help > C0p3rn1c13:53
ubottuC0p3rn1c, please see my private message13:53
ActionParsnipganes1: how do you mean?13:54
TiredWolfnorbert_: ok, do as he told you. you want Universe and Multiverse enabled, i guess13:54
mib_0stuu69pso if ndis says the driver is installed, what else could be wrong ? I know for certain the card is enabled but it won't scan and find any wifi networks13:54
TiredWolfnorbert_: although they might be called something different in the GUI, let me find a link for you...13:54
norbert_TiredWolf/jrib: yes, I will do as jrib said13:54
mib_0stuu69pthe hardware is good, was just working in vista 2hrs ago13:54
jrib|unjustice|: you'll need to run the terminal commands for installation I assume.  Keep in mind your a guinea pig here, I haven't done this on 32bit yet13:54
ganes1ActionParsnip, left click is not working...i tried with different mice...same problem13:55
ActionParsnipganes1: is it a generic mouse?13:55
ActionParsnipganes1: or something fancy?13:55
* |unjustice| becomes engulfed in unexpected computer flames13:55
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories13:55
TiredWolfnorbert_: see the RecommendedSources link ago, it has screenshots for the GUI13:56
norbert_TiredWolf: I found this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu13:56
CaneToadin Ubuntu, can you legally watch/play DVDs/MP3s?  Is the software easily installable via apt?13:56
TiredWolfCaneToad: "legally" depends on your country's laws13:56
TiredWolf!dvd > CaneToad13:56
jim_pCaneToad: yes13:56
ubottuCaneToad, please see my private message13:56
TiredWolf!mp3 > CaneToad13:57
ganes1ActionParsnip,generic...if i click on application it has no effect but if i click on accessories it works13:57
ActionParsnip!dvd > CaneToad13:57
ActionParsnipganes1: does a reboot fix it?13:57
jrib|unjustice|: alright, so I just did it in vbox.  After you install nspluginwrapper, you just drop the plugin somewhere (I kept it out of my plugin folder, but you can try that.  The issue is that firefox might just prefer the normal plugin then.) and then ran the nspluginwrapper -i /path/to/libflashplayer.so command13:57
ganes1ActionParsnip, no..but works fine in gnome failsafe13:58
ActionParsnipganes1: can I see your xor.conf please13:58
ActionParsnipganes1: you running compiz?13:58
ActionParsnipganes1: are you running compiz?14:00
mib_0stuu69pI can't even delete the driver14:00
CaneToadthanks guys for your help14:00
mib_0stuu69ptf m8?14:00
napnapchrisbrl88: I delete my windows partition to reformat it, I suspect a bad NTFS formating with ubuntu14:00
|unjustice|jrib: command not found14:00
napnap(to reformat it with XP cd)14:01
|unjustice||unjustice|: typed it correctly, I will try moving the dls14:01
tavihow i can see tv programs in ubuntu?14:01
jrib|unjustice|: that means you have not successfully installed nspluginwrapper (or forgot to run 'hash -r' after you did)14:01
ganes1ActionParsnip:yes compiz is running14:01
Vladimir[LV]ProFTPD: im creating user with this command: "sudo ftpasswd --uid 1000 --name cpadm --shell /bin/false --home /home --passwd", but i cant login with it ;/ it thinking and bah!! - incorrect login ;/ please, help me..!14:01
ActionParsnipganes1: guess what? yet another thing compiz breaks14:02
ActionParsnipganes1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/compiz/+bug/9091814:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 90918 in compiz "Desktop-Effects Bug. Left Mouse Click doesn't work." [Undecided,Fix released]14:02
ganes1ActionParsnip: there are three xorg.conf files..what are those?14:02
ActionParsnipganes1: compiz is completely not worth it. I tell everyone14:02
ActionParsnipganes1: old ones, only xorg.conf is used, the rest will be backups at some point14:02
|unjustice|jrib: but how do I install if my comp does not recognize 64bit.rpm files? What is the command to hash -r?14:03
ActionParsnipganes1: at the bottom theres some good advice14:03
jrib|unjustice|: you grab the source and compile it...14:03
jim_p|unjustice|: rpm files in ubuntu?14:04
Janosthere is any application like Norton Ghost available to backup Hardy 8.04 partition?14:04
jribJanos: try partimage14:04
napnapJanos: partimage14:04
manuel2salve a tutti14:05
Janoswill partimage also, backup the boot partition?14:05
ActionParsnipJanos: dd if =/dev/<partition> ~/image.iso14:05
manuel2Hi at all14:05
JanosThank you guys.!14:05
|unjustice|jrib: sorry, I have only compiled in C, how do I go about compiling these .rpms?14:05
Rajechi whats best program to taking notes on linux something line Evernote or One note 200714:05
scarfaceI'd like to run a search for files in a certain directory which do NOT contain a certain string.  What's the best way to do that?14:05
manuel2someone can help me with a mysql problem?14:05
ActionParsnip|unjustice|: you dont compile rpms, they are binarys for rpm based systems (and not ubuntu)14:05
macvrjanos try remastersys>>>the best14:06
jrib|unjustice|: you don't.  Forget about the .rpms.  The source is on the page14:06
mib_0stuu69pis it suggested to run bcmfwcutter14:06
mib_0stuu69prather than ndis?14:06
mib_0stuu69psame thing?14:06
ActionParsnipscarface: do you mean the data in the file or the name?14:07
scarfaceActionParsnip, the data in the file.14:07
macvrjanos> in remastersys http://www.remastersys.klikit-linux.com/ ... using this u can create a liveCD of ur install, from which u can backup also14:07
Vladimir[LV]ProFTPD: im creating user with this command: "sudo ftpasswd --uid 1000 --name cpadm --shell /bin/false --home /home --passwd", but i cant login with it ;/ it thinking and bah!! - incorrect login ;/ please, help me..!14:07
Ktronscarface: you might be able to do it with grep14:07
ActionParsnipscarface: http://www.unix.com/shell-programming-scripting/61941-perl-script-list-filenames-do-not-contain-given-string.html14:08
mib_0stuu69pfinally got it working14:08
ActionParsnipscarface: theres a nice shell script there14:08
mib_0stuu69pthat was an ordeal14:08
Ktronscarface: like grep -r -v [string] [dir]/*14:08
Rajechi whats best program to taking notes on linux something line Evernote or One note 200714:08
Ktronscarface: with whatever flag makes grep only show matching filenames14:08
vikkuwhat is the irc for Linux from scratch support ?14:08
ActionParsnipRajec: do you mean like lecture notes?14:08
jribvikku: try googling "linux from scratch irc support"14:09
manuel2Someone can help me with a mysql problem?14:09
tavidoes someone know? how to watch tv on internet14:09
RajecActionParsnip: for example, from books, casts etc etc14:09
tavii don't ahev ip tv or something14:09
|unjustice|jrib: nspluginwrapper -i/path/to/libflashplayer.so still not working, I compiled14:10
ltcabralhello guys.. is it possible to pass parameters to makefile like make run input_name14:10
jrib|unjustice|: show me the output14:10
ilonActionParsnip: seems it solved some problems for me, have to see if i cant get the stuff back in now :P14:10
ActionParsnipRajec: id just use a text editor14:10
ActionParsnipilon: great, good luck duder14:10
RajecActionParsnip: I am looking for something more comprehensive14:10
mib_0stuu69phow to get flash installed14:10
gnrHi, I accidentaly removed my battery and wireless icons in the menubar, how do i get them back?14:10
ilonActionParsnip: tahnks, and also thanks for the help! :)14:10
ilonActionParsnip: was really nice of you giving me the help i needed14:11
ActionParsnipRajec: open office may help14:11
ltcabralhello guys.. is it possible to pass parameters to makefile like make run input_name14:11
jribmib_0stuu69p: visit http://badgerbadgerbadger.com/ and click on the yellow bar at the top14:11
asho791gnr: you might just have to restart comp14:11
RajecActionParsnip: It doesnt have something specialy for notes14:11
Vladimir[LV]ProFTPD: im creating user with this command: "sudo ftpasswd --uid 1000 --name cpadm --shell /bin/false --home /home --passwd", but i cant login with it ;/ it thinking and bah!! - incorrect login ;/ please, help me..!14:11
ActionParsnipRajec: how is a text file different to notes?14:11
athleone_Hey, is there any tutorial for using Ubuntu? I just installed it and I am totally stumped.14:11
gnrasho791,  what if i do that, it doesn't work. and then i cant connect to the internet14:11
jribathleone_: help.ubuntu.com has a great starter guide14:12
asho791gnr: just make sure you have the notification thingy14:12
gnrnotification thingy?14:12
RajecActionParsnip: You cannot organize them. If you ever worked with One note you will know what I am talking about.14:12
athleone_And somehow, I think that Xchat isn't very good :/14:12
PizarroHello to everyone again!!!!14:13
ActionParsnipRajec: no idea14:13
asho791gnr: notification area14:13
asho791add on14:13
mib_0stuu69pso when I go to a page that needs flash, isn't there supposed to be a bar that shows missing plug-ins? lol14:13
jribmib_0stuu69p: yes, did you go to the page I suggested?14:13
RajecActionParsnip: see.. nevermind thank you anyway. You are always willing to help appreciate it14:13
Picimib_0stuu69p: Only the first time.14:13
ActionParsnipRajec: id figure it was words and pics14:13
asho791gnr: add network monitor if you are worried about getting on the net14:13
mib_0stuu69pI went to youtube jrb14:13
mib_0stuu69plet me scroll up14:13
ActionParsnipRajec: try it via wine14:13
jribmib_0stuu69p: youtube won't work.  That's why I suggested one that does14:14
gnrasho791,  most came back now, but not the internet one14:14
mib_0stuu69pworks like a charm14:14
|unjustice|jrib: I just put generic output names, but to be honest, I am not sure what to compile, the nspluginfolder has a bunch of files, what did you compile for vbox?14:14
PizarroI am trying to install adebian package into Ubuntu, but dpkg throws me an eeror saying that the package is not a debian one...however the company that offers this package says it is for debian 4.0, Can anyone help me please?14:15
asho791gnr: did you try adding the network monitor?14:15
jrib|unjustice|: I just ran './configure && make && make install'.  You probably want to run ./configure --prefix=/usr/local instead of just ./configure though14:15
gnrits not the same as i had before14:15
gnrill try reboot14:15
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ltcabralhello guys.. is it possible to pass parameters to makefile like make run input_name14:17
|unjustice|GTK+ 2.0 environment not found14:18
jribltcabral: you usually pass targets.  http://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/make.html  You can probably google for a simpler tutorial14:18
|unjustice|jrib: GTK+ 2.0 environment not found14:18
MoldymossJust bought a new pc with a mg abit ip35pro and Ubuntu will not load from CD. Any one know of a amethod to install without messing in bios?14:19
flxMoldymoss: does the cd drive spin up?14:20
jim_pMoldymoss: using the alternative cd14:20
stv_preciso de  uam ajuda  estou tentando   fazer um prox  com o squid mas  não esta  dando certo alguem pode me  ajudar14:20
=== Quarterstaff_ is now known as Trevor_C
scarfaceActionParsnip, that script worked fine for me, thanks.14:20
jrib|unjustice|: so install the proper package.  Try 'apt-cache search -n lib gtk2.0 dev' maybe14:20
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MrMist1Anyone? I need to be able to lock/unlock the screen in Ubuntu, and I can't with LDAP users..14:20
MoldymossI have not used the alternative cd, i used the main 64bit version.14:21
SigilHello. Is there a particular reason why a freshly installed 8.04 with nvidia drivers on, only recognizes a biggest resolution of 800x600?14:21
sh4lindevSigil:guess you have to enable the restricted drivers to gain higher resolutions14:22
ActionParsnip!fixres | Sigil14:22
ubottuSigil: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:22
SigilThanks for the help. :)14:23
grom358my ubuntu laptop (8.04 - hardy) has become real slow lately. When logging in it takes ages for all the panels to load. I have been copying/deleting lots of large files (300Mb+ files) on it since installing ubuntu. Is there like a disk defrag in ubuntu?14:24
stv_mas  es  as  configuração que tem que  fazer  isso  eu  não sei14:24
Pici!br | stv_14:24
ubottustv_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:24
jenniId like to get radeon HD3650 to accel my graphics14:25
grom358and it is taking like 20 seconds to just bring up gnome-terminal14:26
flxgrom358: If I remember correctly, Ubuntu should be using the ext3 filesystem which doesn't need defragmenting.14:26
jennithe problem is that when I try install drivers through ubuntu hardy's weird GUI toys, after the login my screen freezes to blaick14:26
stv_alguem ja  fez o squid que possa me ajudar14:26
jim_pjenni: need a proper xorg.conf AND a proper installation of fglrx14:27
Picistv_: This channel is english only, please /join #ubuntu-br14:27
grom358jenni: any ideas then. Maybe some kernel update or driver update?14:27
flxgrom358: If your comp's running slow it might be because a program in the background's hogging all the CPU. You could run top, and see if its coming out with anything.14:28
stv_alguem pode me  ajudar14:28
grom358yeah.. I have system monitor running.. nothing is using CPU up14:28
grom358under 8% CPU14:28
chrisbrl88whooo im making progress!14:29
grom358i just did time gnome-terminal & and it come back real 10 seconds14:29
flxgrom358: Hum. Thats an odd one. You could trrryyy looking in dmesg and seeing if there's any messages...14:30
|unjustice|jrib: http://pastebin.com/m109fe73a this is the output from ./configure14:30
flxIts hard to figure out whats going on without all the info.14:30
grom358yeah.. i know.. I don't even know where to start14:30
jrib|unjustice|: continue14:30
geniusis there a software that can check hard disk surface?14:31
grom358flx: what should I be looking for in dmesg?14:31
Vladimir[LV]HOw i can change server name?14:31
nikitisAnyone know how to recover unfinalized mini-DVD's from a camcorder using the "dd" command?14:31
flxgenius: No idea...14:31
geniusVladimir[LV]: /etc/hosts /ets/hostname14:31
stv_alguem pode falar  comigo14:31
Vladimir[LV]genius: tahnk you..! there is some lag: myhost.lv.lv myhost.lv14:32
flxgrom358: Did you install any odd programs?14:32
Vladimir[LV]genius: or its good? 2 .lv ?14:32
bazhang!br | stv_14:32
ubottustv_: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.14:32
geniusVladimir[LV]: it's ok. just aliases14:32
grom358flx: no.. nothing besides the ubuntu updates14:33
Vladimir[LV]genius, ok thanks =)14:33
ActionParsnipnikitis: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/recover-data-from-a-damaged-hard-disk-using-dd_rhelp.html14:33
geniusVladimir[LV]: /etc/hostname is the server's name how it names itself and in /etc/hosts - the hostname -> ip translations list14:33
|unjustice|gcc configure -o banana14:33
|unjustice|configure: file not recognized: File format not recognized14:33
|unjustice|collect2: ld returned 1 exit status14:33
Vladimir[LV]genius: thank you very much!14:34
|unjustice|jrib: whoops14:34
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario...14:34
Vladimir[LV]genius: maybe you know, im turning off RequireValidShells in proftpd, but it still working? this function?14:34
Vladimir[LV]genius: im restarted ftpd daemon ;/14:35
ganes1compiz --replace gconf &14:35
ganes1what does this command do?14:35
serquiI checked http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/TroubleShooting but it did not fix my problem :-(14:35
grom358yeah I am using the system monitor panel.. and nothing is using resources..14:35
|unjustice|jrib: am I compiling the configure file as "the source", and the command is just gc++ configure -o and a name, right?14:36
geniusVladimir[LV]: better stop using plain FTP. switch to ssh and SFTP. it's much better and secure14:36
grom358hey.. its not resolving domain names.. mmmm.14:37
geniusVladimir[LV]: i don't use ftp and smb for years. so i can't help with them14:37
chrisbrl88I swear to raptor jesus I will not sleep until I make this thing do what I want14:38
flxchrisbrl88: haha... oh dear. :<14:39
Kate_minsHello , I need help please , i installed apache on my server . i set my apache folder to /home/myuser/webserver , i have other folder that is outside the apache folder (/home/myuser/data) does it possible to give access to users (webpage) without transfer the folder into the apache folder?14:39
jrib|unjustice|: you don't have to invoke gcc yourself.  You just run 'make' after the './configure --prefix=/usr/local' you did14:39
flxKate_mins: Yeah, ever been to site.com/~username ?14:39
jrib!compiling > |unjustice|14:39
ubottu|unjustice|, please see my private message14:39
flxKate_mins: Lemme lookit up real quick.14:39
Alaskan_Dragoncan somone help me find skype in the packages mng lol cant seem to find it :D14:39
uimyhi I just installed ubuntu and everything was working great then I updated the system and now I don't get any sound =(14:39
pierceKate_mins: I think you can make a symlink in people's homedirs to the apache web directory14:40
jrib!skype > Alaskan_Dragon14:40
ubottuAlaskan_Dragon, please see my private message14:40
ricky2122i just installed the lkl key logging package..but cant get it to run..iv tried to run in a terminal but it still dosent work14:40
uimywhen launching the sound controls I get this No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.14:40
occhi_Does anyone happen to have a webpage bookmarked with cronjob tutorials? my scripts never seem to work in a cron job14:40
ricky2122can someone help me with this?14:41
uimyany idea how to downgrade from this update?14:41
Kate_minsflx: no, i am new to Ubuntu. someone told maybe i can create a virtual link from the folder to the apache folder ?14:41
flxKate_mins: You can do that, but you can also use something called "userdir"14:41
marshallis anybody having problems with nvidia drivers on intrepid?14:41
Kate_minsflx: what is "userdir" ?14:42
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!14:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about userdir14:42
flxKate_mins: When you set it up, if you make a folder in your home directory called "public_html"14:42
flxKate_mins: you can access it by going to yoursite/~username (this is tied to /home/username/public_html )14:43
l3dok when usiong screenlets doe sthe screenlet manager always stay open while the screenlet is active14:43
ilon /away off14:43
flxKate_mins: although it'd also work to create a symlink to the user's directory (ln -s /path/to/a /path/to/b) or modify apache's config to handle it...14:43
flxKate_mins: http://clau.sparetimegroup.net/index.php/ubuntu/enabling-apache-user-home-public_html-directory-in-ubuntu-710/ Its an old tutorial but it should still work.14:43
ErikWestrupIs there a way to check what day my system was installed? I have forgot.14:44
ganes1no title bar after enabling desktop effects14:45
piercedoes ubuntu (or gnome etc) have a special happy way to edit fstab without just using a text editor?14:45
sh4lindevganes1: check which window decorator you use ...14:45
uimyanyone know how to fix this when trying to open the sound settings No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found.14:46
uimyit was working until I ran the updates on hardy14:46
Kate_minsflx: i think u didnt understand what i would like to do . when i installed apache the current folder used by apache its : /var/www when i type in browser http://localhost i will be redirect to the apache folder, i have another folder for example : /home/myuser/data . i would like when i will type localhost i will see the folder (data) . but i dont want to change my apache folder (var/www)14:46
Kate_minsflx: and i dont want to transfer the data folder to new location14:46
jrib|unjustice|: I have to go now, I'll be back later.  Others can help you here too.  Just keep in mind once you get this working, that you'll want to remove it when you upgrade to the next release of ubuntu if flash "just works" then14:47
Yellow_StevensHi everyone!14:47
ganes1ya i enabled decorator from ccsm...its working now...but when i click window moves up and down14:47
sh4lindevganes1: it's in the compiz settings14:47
pierceKate_mins: the command would be "ln -s /var/www/~myuser /home/myuser/data/public_html"14:48
_Zeus_!hi | Yellow_Stevens14:48
ubottuYellow_Stevens: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:48
pierceKate_mins: thats the normal way to do it14:48
Yellow_Stevensthis is my second time here....last time no one spoke.....but it was late14:48
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:48
rconanYellow_Stevens, time is an illusion... late especially so14:49
patrikHi, I want to use my Ubuntu box as a phone. I just want to make calls and perhaps have an answering machine. Is there any software available for this?14:49
appart_Hi I have pinnacle  SAA7133/SAA713. I have pictures but now sound, could you help me ?14:49
pierceKate_mins: actually, more like /home/myuser/public_html  you make a symbolic link from the home directory to the apache directory.  The files stay in the apache directory, but to a user, it looks like the files are in their home directory14:49
Yellow_Stevenscan anyone help me with horizontal scrolling on my synaptics touch pad?14:50
_Zeus_i've never done horizontal scrolling14:50
|unjustice|jrib: so I ran sudo make install nspluginwrapper, and got a TON of output...should I test the file, or try to run ./configure again now that it compiled?14:51
flxKate_mins: Sorry, Looked away for a moment...14:52
ganes1sh4lindev: in ccsm main page page moves up and down on click....how to fix it?14:52
flxKate_mins: Uh, the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is making a soft link.14:53
flxKate_mins: sudo ln -s /home/user/data /var/www/data14:53
sh4lindevganes1: well, thats pretty strange ... not sure about that14:53
flxKate_mins: and then you need to make sure that apache can at least read that folder some how14:54
volandGood day to everybody. Could somebody tell me when my translation in rosetta will be aproved? I want my karma to grow :)14:54
Picivoland: Try #ubuntu-translators or #ubuntu-bugs14:56
volandPici, thank you14:56
abhijeetHey guys.....I'm trying to close down ubuntu and I don't have the shut down button in my quit dialog box14:57
ganes1ccsm main window moves up and down on click...how to fix it?14:57
zvacetabhijeet : right click on upper panel>add to panel>select shut down button14:58
flxzvacet: naw I think its a permissions error...14:58
flxabhijeet: Hold on a moment...14:58
abhijeet<zvacet: I already have that...inside the dialog after you click that Icon14:58
flxabhijeet: This might help a little bit. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=327410 But I'm not sure.14:59
|unjustice|jrib: anything else I can try, already sudo make installed nspluginwrapper, and still no sound on flash vids...should I install/configure/compile more?15:01
Myth_how set the jumping icons in kiba dock15:01
abhijeetWhere would I find this : startxgl.sh script15:01
|unjustice|anyone here know how to get npluginwrapper to install on a 32 bit machine, in order to get sound to play in flash vids in Mozilla?15:03
|unjustice|I installed, and compiled the tar.bz2 file already15:03
|unjustice|and ran sudo make install...15:03
abhijeetNo one knows...15:04
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oobeabhijeet, google15:05
nikitisAnyone know how to recover data from a mini-DVDRW from a camcorder?  The disc was unfinalized and I need to recover my videos15:05
remoteCTR1are the data in an LVM snapshot the actual data at the point of creation, or are those the data that have vchanged since its creation?15:06
Taime1_im having a problem with the livecd15:06
Taime1_it keeps dropping me back to the login screen15:07
Taime1_it will load the desktop halfway, then x crashes15:07
nnullif i wanna use a custom mouse icon set do i get it from x11 mouse themes gnome look??15:07
remoteCTR1abhijeet: sudo find / -name startxgl.sh gives you the answer15:07
Jack_SparrowTaime1_ # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"15:07
remoteCTR1nnull: of course15:08
nspyrdoes anyoe have a problem with the flash plugin?15:08
_Zeus_abhijeet: just try locate startxgl.sh15:08
remoteCTR1nspyr: yes plenty15:08
Taime1_Jack_Sparrow: i have done all of that, and the problem persists15:08
Jack_SparrowTaime1_ have you treid the cd on a diff computer15:08
Cheerysomebody who tried to help jenni: the ah3650 does not work15:08
Taime1_Jack_Sparrow: yes15:08
remoteCTR1_Zeus_: dont forget to create the index first if you plan on using locate..15:08
Taime1_Jack_Sparrow: worked fine15:09
jim_pCheery: me!15:09
_Zeus_remoteCTR1: it'll make it be default15:09
Jack_SparrowTaime1_ You should probably search our hardware page for your equipment15:09
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection15:09
remoteCTR1_Zeus_: don't you need to do that manually if you haven't ever used it?15:09
_Zeus_remoteCTR1: i've never done it, and it's always worked.15:09
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:10
_Zeus_you only need to create the index if you just made a change and want it to update15:10
rockyrockwhen i press the mute key in the keyboard, the sound doesn't stop. Even though i see the mute indicator on the screen and on the sound volume icon. The +volume and -volume keys work, only the mute key doesn't function good.15:10
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts15:10
remoteCTR1_Zeus_: highly interesting i was never able to use that without some locatedb or so15:11
jatthow do I know which shell am I using in an xterm?15:11
Jack_Sparrowjatt bash comes to mind15:11
remoteCTR1if i want to backup a LVM volume i need to create a snapshot; all of the howtos mount the snapshots to access the data afterwards, but in the explanations the snapshot is described as the changes made to a volume after taking the snap so shouldnt i be mounting the original volume and not the snapshot?15:12
Ward1983how do i use PAE? ant good howto for that?15:12
jattthe computer I have access now seems to store its shell configuration in a .benv file15:12
jattis this .benv for a particular shell? I do only know about .bashrc...15:12
ganes1ccsm window moves up and down on click...how to fix it?15:12
jattor .cshr15:12
PiciWard1983: you'd need to install a kernel that supports it, assuming that your CPU does as well.15:12
St3phwhat is the repository?15:12
Jack_Sparrowjatt I am just waking up so.. I am not up to speed15:13
PiciWard1983: the -server kernel has PAE support, but does not have many of the restricted drivers.15:13
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories15:13
Ward1983Pici, my CPU is a core2duo15:13
Ward1983Pici, so theres no way to install a regular 32bit ubuntu with PAE?15:13
St3phty Jack_Sparrow15:13
uimyafter running some updates I get No volume control GStreamer plugins and/or devices found. also when running alsamixer I get alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory15:14
PiciWard1983: If you mean the -generic kernel, no. Not without any recompiling.15:14
uimyany way to get my sound back?15:14
Ward1983Pici, and cant i instlal the restricted stuff to the server kernel?15:14
oobeuimy, try reinstalling alsa15:15
PiciWard1983: Some stuff will work, but not all.  I dont have a list of what works and what does not.15:15
ganes1ccsm problem can any one help?15:15
ganes1 ccsm window moves up and down on click15:15
rockyrockJack_Sparrow: as i said, i can see the mute indicator on the screen!15:15
Ward1983Pici, nvidia would be most important, do you know is that would work?15:15
CostaRicanQuakerwhat's better in terms of memory consumption and speed kmail thunderbird or evolution mail?15:15
rockyrockJack_Sparrow: the problem isn't from the shortcut, it's from Ubuntu i think!15:15
dreamer031hi guys15:15
Jack_SparrowWard1983 why do you want the pae.. to address all 4 gigs or something?15:15
dreamer031my pidgins always crash in ubuntu can any help?15:15
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, correct15:16
dreamer031it just hang up not responding15:16
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, 64bit ubuntu works extreely crappy so i want 32bit again15:16
Arch3Angelok i know this is ubuntu chan but anyone good with kde's theme manager15:16
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, but i have 4GB ram15:16
D3f0hi everybody15:16
D3f0how can I suplant a package by another15:16
Kate_minsHello , i used ln -s to create virtual link, how i can cancel the virtual link ?15:16
maekdreamer031, try the latest version of pidgin  http://www.getdeb.net/release.php?id=314015:16
remoteCTR1dreamer031: open it in a console and see what the error output is15:17
Jack_SparrowWard1983 you cant have it both ways 32 and ALL 4 gigs without pae or compiling15:17
D3f0take a look at this: http://paste.debian.net/17524/15:17
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, how much does it support without PAE? if you know that15:17
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Arch3Angelanyone good with kde here15:17
nnullwhere do i put mouse themes once ive downloaded them please??15:17
Jack_SparrowWard1983 3.4 or close to that15:17
section31is there anyway i can have top show human readable memory usage15:17
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, oooooooh then its fine :)15:17
section31or perhaps 'ps'15:17
Jack_SparrowWard1983 what is available for programs anyhow..15:18
remoteCTR1D3f0: now what would this be: [ Rootkit Hunter version 1.3.0 ] ?15:18
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, by that you mean the rest is still being used somehow?15:18
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=== razZz is now known as raz
Ward1983but not available for programs15:18
xbxbHey, I installed kalarm on my (gnome) ubuntu, it worked fine, but now it won't start and I only see "DCOPClient::attachInternal. Attach failed Could not open network socket". what could be the reason?15:18
Jack_SparrowWard1983 from what I understand it is used by the OS15:18
Arch3Angelso no one has used kde's theme manager15:18
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, aha ok15:18
ih2oiHey everyone.  I have a simple request today.  I need an easy to use program for graphing that you can enter values (i.e 1,5 and 2.7) and it'll plot the points.15:18
D3f0remoteCTR1, well, some kind of funny package I've found15:19
Jack_SparrowArch3Angel #kubuntu15:19
Ward1983Jack_Sparrow, sounds good then :)15:19
nnullwhere do i put mouse themes once ive downloaded them???15:19
Arch3Angelno one is answering in kubuntu so i was hoping someone in here might have the answer15:19
Jack_Sparrownnull drag and drop tar onto open theme manager15:19
remoteCTR1D3f0: rootkits are no funny packages man, and i doubt that someone will give you help on that15:19
D3f0rootkits are not my problem, but the clashing files15:20
nnullJack_Sparrow, im using emerald tho?15:20
uimywhen I do sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils15:20
D3f0I have a newer version of gdal and libgeos installed15:20
uimyI get a huge amount of warnings15:20
uimysame with install15:20
Jack_Sparrow!enter > uimy15:21
ubottuuimy, please see my private message15:21
D3f0but mapserver insists on install ubuntu versions (too old)15:21
nnullJack_Sparrow, these are only mouse pointers nothing else15:21
nnullx11 mouse pointers15:21
Jack_Sparrownnull Did you try what I suggested and got a warning?15:21
nnullit did nothing15:22
Jaco3I wrote free -s 1 -m in the terminal, now it wont stop updating, how do i end it?15:22
PiciJaco3: ctrl-c15:22
PiciD3f0: Do you mind pastebinning the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list ?15:23
Jack_Sparrownnull   system.. preferences...  appearance   did you drop the tar there15:23
Jaco3Pici: Thanks :D15:23
lucconswhen I write "nm-applet" in the pannel there isn't showed the icon of network-manager15:23
nnullJack_Sparrow, that worked but my icon didnt change15:24
Jack_Sparrownnull go in and select the new icon theme15:24
Campbe11How do you register your nick 8|15:24
Jack_Sparrownnull it adds it but not automaticallly goes into use15:24
nnullits selected, but theres no icon next to the theme even15:24
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.15:24
amanullahiiiiiiii im using yahoo messenger,gtalk  from  pidgin like  in xp i cant send mails i mean file transfers what too do any one pls15:25
Jack_Sparrownnull Go read up on the theme you just dl'd15:25
statehello world :)15:25
nnullJack_Sparrow, i downlaoded a few, i cant seem to change my mouse pointer at all :s15:25
nnulleven to stock ones15:25
amanullaany oneeee15:25
lucconswhen I write "nm-applet" on the terminal, the pannel doesn't show the icon of network-manager15:26
Jack_Sparrownnull Did you click on customize theme and see the icon page?15:26
lucconsI cannot manage network-manager with its icon15:26
nnullJack_Sparrow, yea15:26
Jack_SparrowDid you also see pointers and is the new pointer in there15:26
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D3f0Pici, my sources.list.d/* contets tripped the pastebin's spam filter :(15:27
mod_curewhen using the sudo -s command.... what does the -s do ?  does the command reference a file to see if the user can use root priveleges ?15:27
nnullit seems to dissappeared, and any others i try add come up in errors15:27
nnullJack_Sparrow, ^^15:27
PiciD3f0: use paste.ubuntu.com then, shouldnt be an issue with that.15:27
Jack_Sparrownnull then you have something else going wrong.  I dont have time to help much this am15:27
statehow can i force a kernel module to load on startup? i can load the module with modprobe -f via ... it does not work without -f ... but how can i set this -f in /etc/modules ?15:27
xbxbIs there a good alarm clock app (that plays a sound file/beeps at a given time) for gnome? kalarm doesn't work for me.15:28
nnullmeh phuckit15:28
Picimod_cure: sudo -s will use your users environment variables, not root's to create an interactive shell session15:28
flxstate: /etc/modprobe.d15:28
Jack_Sparrownnull  Obfuscated swearing is still swearing. we dont accept it of our users.. Please keep the room family friendly15:28
Campbe11How do you register a channel 8|15:29
Jack_SparrowCampbe11 Offtopic.. ask in freenode15:29
mod_curePici, what users environment variables is it looking for ?15:29
rockyrockthe suspense mode makes some problems when i run the computer again after the suspense mode15:29
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stateok i'll try it ... thx flx15:29
uimywhen I do sudo aptitude --purge reinstall linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils linux-image-`uname -r` linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` libasound2  to reinstall I get this http://pastebin.com/m4015532d15:29
uimywhy won't my sound reinstall?15:30
karoogahi , anyone familiar with setting up svn+apache2?15:30
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:30
Picimod_cure: It will use the env variables of whatever user ran the command.  sudo -i uses root's environment.15:30
rockyrockThe sound doesn't work. can't shutdown smoothly15:30
flxkarooga: There's tutorials around if you look =P15:30
rockyrockalso the system become completely unstable after the suspense mode15:30
ganes1ccsm window doesn't fit in the screen..it moves up and down on click..how do i fix it?15:31
flxkarooga: Just on my first google. http://alephzarro.com/blog/2007/01/07/installation-of-subversion-on-ubuntu-with-apache-ssl-and-basicauth/15:31
mod_curePici, when I use sudo -s ... this will lookup some environment type variable to see if its variable in some file ?15:31
Jack_Sparrowganes1 what is your current screen res?15:31
flxkarooga: So I'm actually trying to learn a little SVN, if I scratch your back would you scratch mine? :D15:31
ejersvn book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/15:32
karoogaflx: i've used the tutorials and i'm 95% there.  I've go some problem with apache and fqdn.15:32
Picimod_cure: no. It will use your user's environment variables to run your shell session.15:32
Jack_Sparrowkarooga there is an apache channel15:32
flxkarooga: Is it something about "ARRGH No fully qualified domain name, using"?15:32
karoogaflx: works when svn co but not when I svn co http://really.cool.svn/svn15:33
ganes11280 * 768  Jack_Sparrow:15:33
karoogaJack_Sparrow: thanks.15:33
karoogaflx: i'm not sure... let me ask on #apache15:33
flxkarooga: is this a box you're keeping inside15:34
=== Campbe11 is now known as Campbell
=== Campbell is now known as Campbe11
flxkarooga: Naw we can work here if ya want... We do support apache here XD15:34
flxkarooga: So is this a box in your basement or in a server colo?15:34
Jack_Sparrowflx Please take it to PM15:34
ejerkarooga: add ' really.cool.svn' to /etc/hosts on local machine15:34
hwMoDHi all, after running apt-get upgrade on a freshly installed system, I still need to run update-manager to get what it calls "important security updates" including kernel and the such15:34
hwMoDhow can I install those through the command line?15:35
ejerhwMoD: apt-get dist-upgrade15:35
flxJack_Sparrow: There's channels for ESD and Xorg and stuff... ...why don't we send them there?15:35
hwMoDdoesn't that upgrade me to intrepid or something?15:35
ejerno hwMoD just installs kernels and etc15:35
Jack_Sparrowflx Not going to argue the point15:35
karoogaflx:  machine is on local lan15:35
on5sli've tried this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5664083&postcount=5   but now my language for gdm is not set correctly anymore and i can't find how to change it?15:35
hwMoDejer: great, thank you very much!15:35
jim_phwMoD: this would upgrade you to inteprid, IF you had inteprid inside sources.list15:36
rockyrockwhat about me???? Has anybody read my problem?15:36
mod_curePici, so sudo -s will create a new interactive shell(sub-shell) and transfer all my session variables to the new sub-shell. this will give me root priveleges ? how does it know it i can do this ?15:36
flxkarooga: ejer had a good solution to that...15:36
jim_prockyrock: can you repeat?15:36
hwMoDon5sl: did you try the languages menu in settings? try F1015:36
hwMoDjim_p: got ya, thanks15:36
ejerrockyrock: what kind of system is this15:36
Picimod_cure: it checks if you or the groups you are in have entries in /etc/sudoers15:36
clownmod_cure: from /etc/sudoers15:36
rockyrockthe suspense mode makes some problems when i run the computer again after the suspense mode15:37
rockyrock also the system become completely unstable after the suspense mode15:37
on5slhwMoD: yes i tried that15:37
hwMoDrockyrock: are you on latest kernel?15:37
rockyrockThe sound doesn't work. can't shutdown smoothly15:37
BrainyiscoolWill anyone take pity on me and help with the audio of a Video capture card?15:37
jim_prockyrock: what gpu are you on?15:37
Jack_Sparrowrockyrock hibernation and suspend are real issues and the video drivers are the usual suspect15:37
clownrockyrock: plenty of help in the ubuntuforums15:37
karoogaejer: i've added this to my hosts file15:37
BrainyiscoolI am trying to set up mythTV, and am able to get video15:38
rockyrockyeah i have problems with my nvidia driver15:38
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario...15:38
rockyrocki have 8500GT15:38
serquiI checked http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/TroubleShooting but it did not fix my problem :-(15:38
ganes1Jack_Sparrow: itried to change screen resolution but it is not changing...but i used to change before..15:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sleep15:38
ejerBrainyiscool: you could try running audio through your sound card15:38
rockyrocki have Hardy15:38
jim_prockyrock: i am on ati, sorry :(15:38
Brainyiscoolejer: But I am wanting the sound from the video I am capturing15:38
ejerrockyrock: if you have intel HDA sound this is a culprit too sometimes15:38
Brainyiscoollspci shows 03:05.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)15:38
_Zeus_Brainyiscool: do you use PulseAudio?15:38
Brainyiscoolso I know it loaded at some level15:38
Brainyiscool_Zeus_: I think so15:39
hwMoDserqui: can you paste output of lspci command to http://paste.ubuntu.com please?15:39
_Zeus_!pulse | Brainyiscool15:39
ubottuBrainyiscool: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions15:39
rockyrockejer: how can i know the sound chip name?15:39
ejerBrainyiscool: yes, you take audio out from camera and put it to audio in on sound card15:39
MaxJayshello, i'm looking for a nice visualizer to ubuntu, any ideas?15:39
dorganhello everyone15:39
ejerrockyrock: what machine is it15:39
BrainyiscoolI asked last night and someone told me I did after sound played in Totem15:39
hwMoDMaxJays: define "visualizer"15:39
jim_pMaxJays: visulizer? as in desktop theme?15:39
dorganhow would i change the email that cron sends errors to?? I have already added an alias for root inside of /etc/aliases but that did not seem to do the trick15:39
ganes1not able to change resolution..how to fix it?15:39
rockyrockejer: Desktop, with Intel Core 2 due15:39
MaxJaysno, like winamp..15:39
Brainyiscoolejer: And how would I do that?15:40
MaxJaysthat moves to the music15:40
dreamnidMaxJays: for playing music?15:40
MaxJayswith nice grafics15:40
ejerBrainyiscool: what kind of ourput are you using from video cam15:40
jim_pMaxJays: what player are you using?15:40
MaxJaysdreamnid,  yes15:40
MaxJaysjim_p, last.fm15:40
mod_curePici, im not in /etc/sudoers.. so how can i use sudo -s ?15:40
BrainyiscoolI'm not sure.  Consider me a noob.  I haven't gotten any audio from the tv capture card15:40
Picimod_cure: is the admin group in there, you're probably in that group15:41
ejerrockyrock: it is really a tough thing to troubleshoot... I would just not use suspend personally, it is really moe useful on laptops15:41
hwMoDMaxJays: some of the more advanced audio players have internal last.fm support15:41
jim_pMaxJays: bmpx can connect to last.fm but i dont think it has visualizations15:41
hwMoDMaxJays: try also amarok and listen15:41
rockyrockejer: yeah, it works in my laptop15:41
mod_curePici,  %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL15:41
dreamnidMaxJays: Yeah, don't have an answer besides using Amarok, which I know isn't quite the same15:41
ejerrhythmbox has builtin visualizations15:41
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario...15:41
serquiI checked http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/TroubleShooting but it did not fix my problem :-(15:41
Jaco3Cant Rythmbox play .mp3?15:41
jim_pMaxJays: perhaps an amarok user could quide you on how to set up visualizations15:41
BrainyiscoolFrom googling, I found this: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/PCI_TV_audio15:42
MaxJaysi dont need it to play last.fm, all i want is a visualization15:42
jim_pJaco3: why not?15:42
BrainyiscoolSo I tried running "cat /proc/asound/cards15:42
rockyrockejer: but it's really cool, cuz with only one click you can reuse the pc again! I don't have to wait for a boot15:42
karoogaflx, ejer:  when i go to http://mycool.svn/snv in my browser it works.  I'm wondering if there is something behind the scenes in svn that is stopping it working.15:42
Jaco3My .mp3 files is gray15:42
Brainyiscoolbut it doesn't show up15:42
flxOo; hum.15:42
mod_curePici, u r correct. im in the admin group thanks...   so sudo -i will create a sub-shell with all the enviroment variables being root ?15:42
jim_pMaxJays: and this brings back my first question... what music player do you have?15:42
jim_plike... winamp?15:42
BrainyiscoolSo I tried loading the module mentioned and it still doesn't15:42
MaxJaysYES! like winamp!15:42
ejerMaxJays: applications>sounds and viceo>rhythmbox - then in rhythmbox go to view>visualization15:43
Picimod_cure: Yes.15:43
dorganhow would i change the email that cron sends errors to?? I have already added an alias for root inside of /etc/aliases but that did not seem to do the trick15:43
hwMoDserqui: we need to know what sound card you have15:43
Ohkiehi. im being that guy who the first thing they do is try to change the theme :) im just wondering given that the themes dont seem to be appearing completely.... how do i check i have murrine installed?15:43
ejerdorgan: some cron scripts may have their own email settings15:43
dreamnidjim_p: He already said the last.fm player15:43
dorganthis won doesnt15:43
dorganits a cronjob i created15:43
rockyrockHow can i download LAMP "PHP" using Synaptic?15:44
dorgando i have to run something after i edit /etc/aliases?15:44
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:44
flxrockyrock: The package you're looking for is probably "php5" and "php5-mysql"15:44
ejerrockyrock: sudo tasksel install lamp-server15:44
jim_pdreamnid: last.fm is a site that streams music. if he wants visualizations he must use a player15:44
flxejer: !?!15:44
Jaco3When im using rythmbox and i should import music from my music folder it says: folder** cant be shown, The action isnt supported (Translated from Swedish)15:44
MaxJaysejer, but rhytmbox only have like two to choose from..15:44
MaxJayswinamp have hundreds15:44
dreamnidjim_p: It is also a software player15:44
BrainyiscoolAny idea as to how I can get access to /dev/dsp from the TV capture card?15:44
mod_curePici, when i use sudo -i ... then do env command it seems the enviornment variables are from my regular account and not root15:44
jim_pdreamnid: is it in the repos?15:45
dreamnidjim_p:  yeah15:45
hwMoDMaxJays: try audacious, it's a winamp clone15:45
ejerdorgan: http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html go down to output from cron15:45
BrainyiscoolIt looks like that should be the audio output15:45
dreamnidjim_p: It doesn't have visuals though - hence his question15:45
Jaco3Could i use foobar2000 on ubuntu?15:45
ejerflx: ?15:45
jim_pi didnt know that, i am terribly sorry15:45
flxejer: I didn't know they had a wrapper package, its not in my repos oO;15:45
rockyrockflx: what about apache?15:45
dreamnidjim_p: just a fyi :)15:45
jim_pJaco3: foobar runs under wine, so yes15:45
Picimod_cure: try sudo -i and then echo $HOME and the same with sudo -s15:46
flxrockyrock: I thought you already had that installed =P If you want a lamp server....15:46
ejerflx: it is if you installed ubuntu-desktop15:46
MaxJayshwMoD, thnx. ill try it!15:46
ejerflx: it is another program, tasksel15:46
mod_curePici, thanks15:46
dreamnidjim_p:  sorry - I meant just trying to clear things up, and I guess so you know about it for future questions15:46
flxrockyrock: sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server-5.0 php5 php5-mysql15:46
flxrockyrock: Thats just a base, ejer possibly has a better suggestion15:47
jim_pdreamedge: ok15:47
mod_curePici, what do u recommend sudo -s or sudo - ?15:47
BrainyiscoolFrom the lack of responses, I assume nobody knows?15:47
flxBrainyiscool: Have you checked the forums?15:47
BrainyiscoolVia google, yes15:47
Picimod_cure: sudo -i, I'd rather not mix my user's env with stuff I'm doing as root.15:47
Brainyiscoolnobody else seems to have gotten it working15:47
flxBrainyiscool: Whatcha doing?15:47
ejerBrainyiscool: my old tv card I had to physically plug a cable from audio-out to audio-in on real sound card... can you hear sound with headphones out of vid card audio out15:48
on5slhwMoD : what you said didn't work..do you know another solution/possibilty? I tried this already:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5664083&postcount=515:48
AndehIs it possible to apply replay gain on a per-folder basis?15:48
navigator21can somebody help me to update my vlc player from 0.8.6 to 0.9.2 version?15:49
BrainyiscoolI'm not sure if I have an audio out15:49
ganes1not able to change the resolution...how to fix it?15:49
Sahi1hi all15:49
flxnavigator21: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html Tada =315:49
IdleOneubottu: test15:49
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.15:49
Sahi1can someone tell me how to install themes in ubuntu15:49
ejerBrainyiscool: the answer is here, you have to run a program to enable it, halfway down, post by xyzzy http://www.pchdtv.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=146615:50
Radiactivehello, i have a question about usbadslmodemmanager ... at every startup the module ask me for password and say: The application 'lsusb -vvv' lets you modify essential parts of your system  (there is a way to get rid of this annoying windows??)15:50
flxSahi1: Go System -> Prefs -> Appearances15:50
rockyrockejer: if i do this "sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server-5.0 php5 php5-mysql", is it different from LAMP??? i.e that way or tasksel will make the same result, right????15:51
ejerno rockyrock that is why I told ya how to do it right :)15:51
mod_curePici, is there a way to log what the users are doing when using the sudo command ?15:51
flxAnd then drag and drop stuff from gnome-look.org15:51
flxejer: inform me as well, I don't appear to have lamp-server in my repos15:52
ejerflx: I already did, read my command, it is a program called tasksel, not apt15:52
Sahi1it keeps telling me that the file in question is not a valid theme file15:52
rockyrockejer: actually i didn't understand you. What's better and why?? I'm a web developer who used to use Windows to develop websites.15:52
Nece228my right alt key dont works15:53
Nece228in windows everythinks fine15:53
ejerrockyrock: sudo tasksel install lamp-server <- that is command you run to install everything15:53
Brainyiscoolejer: Thanks15:53
flxrockyrock: Use ejer's method. He's right.15:53
BrainyiscoolHowever, it mentions I2C devices, which I am unsure about15:53
BrainyiscoolI have 2 listed (/dev/i2c-0 and /dev/i2c-1) but I don't know which to use15:54
ejerBrainyiscool: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/PCI_TV_audio look at step 1-6 in your card section15:54
rockyrockejer: i want to use Synaptic cuz i can generate download script. I don't have a fast internet. I will go to an internet cafe to download the packages, then install it on my pc.15:54
Radiactivei have a question about usbadslmodemmanager ... at every startup the module ask me for password and say: The application 'lsusb -vvv' lets you modify essential parts of your system  (there is a way to get rid of this annoying windows??)15:55
wyattmy pc get mistake "winbind  config....failed "when run apt-get install wine ,can someone help me15:55
ejerrockyrock: just go do that command at the cafe?15:55
rockyrockejer: i have a Desktop!!!15:55
rockyrockejer: can't bring my computer there!15:55
flxRadiactive: You could set sudo to stop asking you for a passwd, but its insecure.15:55
_Zeus_Radiactive: it's not that insecure.....15:56
ejerrockyrock: run this sudo tasksel --task-packages lamp-server15:56
Radiactivehow can i do that?15:56
BrainyiscoolGrrr, xyzzy's thing didn't work :(15:56
Sahi1@ flx : can u tell me what files are theme files in gnome-look? i am new to linux15:56
ejerBrainyiscool: you rebooted?15:57
rockyrockejer: that command will give me the packages i need, right?15:57
BrainyiscoolWhen I tried it, I got "I2C_RDWR: Bad address"15:57
flxSahi1: Oh, its a website =B http://gnome-look.org/15:57
BrainyiscoolI'll try a reboot15:57
BrainyiscoolHowever, the computer I'm on IRC with is also the one i am trying to set up15:58
Brainyiscoolbe back in a bit...15:58
OsseHow can I see all my "ln -s"'s ?15:58
Ohkiehi im having a bit of a problem getting a theme installed. it seems to modify some of the items on the screen but not all of them?15:59
Sahi1thanks flx.....but there are just so many themes there....GTK 1x, GTK 2x....which one do i install?15:59
qziois there some easy way to se if my nic is connected to 10, 100 or 1000mbit? (commandline)15:59
flxOsse: Don't know what -s does... but you could try `ln | less`15:59
ejerOsse: go to dir with ln in it and do ls -la15:59
D1sa5t3rgtk 1x is older one15:59
Brainyiscool(different computer)16:00
flxSahi1: Sahi1 You probably want GTK 2x, Metacity, Icons, and GDM Themes16:00
Osseejer - I mean to see all my shortcuts.16:00
Ward1983i install ubuntu on a IDE disk, and i end up with grub on my fakeraid disks.......16:00
_Zeus_Osse: i have no idea...16:01
Ward1983how can i fix this?16:01
ejerOsse: all your shortcuts where? the cammand I gave you will show them16:01
_Zeus_!language | Ward198316:01
ubottuWard1983: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:01
Ward1983kindof important data on there.....16:01
Sahi1but when i drag and drop it to theme manager, it gives me an error message saying that it is an invalid theme file!!!16:01
BrainyiscoolDidn't work :(16:01
Osseejer - Not a list, a link, "ln"16:01
ejer!grub | Ward198316:01
ubottuWard1983: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:01
_Zeus_Osse: yeah, i know what you mean.  you could write a little bash script16:01
ejerOsse: I understand :) ls -la shows soft links with a --> between the link and real file, please just try?16:01
Ward1983ejer: i need to do it the other way around..... i lost my windows.....16:01
rockyrockI have a laptop with xubuntu inside, but i don't like xfce desktop. How can i install the ubuntu desktop???16:02
Osseejer - I did, only shows them as a regular "ls".16:02
ejerWard1983: grub installed to wrong disk, so you need to reinstall grub to MBR, those links should say how16:02
Ward1983ejer: i had the vista bootloader i need that one...16:02
christoph3307_rockyrock: just install ubuntu-desktop16:02
ejerhuh Osse?16:02
Ward1983ejer i dont want grub on my fakeraid array....16:03
Osseejer - It doesn't work =/16:03
ejeri understand Ward1983 but it is already there apparently16:03
Osse_Zeus_ - how would that look? ^^16:03
_Zeus_Osse: working on it16:03
Ward1983i hope grub didnt screw up the array...........16:03
FlannelOsse: what are you trying to see?16:03
BrainyiscoolI guess I'll have to use DVR on windows16:03
ejerOsse: one more time: go to the directory that has your soft links in it, do a 'ls -la' all soft links will show as softlink --> realfile16:03
rockyrockFirefox always in offline mode16:03
OsseFlannel - All my symlinks.16:03
rockyrockI have ff316:03
* Brainyiscool goes to reinstall windows16:04
Ward1983ejer: correct its there but it dont want it at all16:04
mib_6xo7ac5bhi, anyone know if there is a working solution where ubuntu users can use safecom pull-print. we are using safecom pull-print on our winxp computers.16:04
Osseejer - I still just shows them as a regular file there.16:04
ejerWard1983: you can reinstall windows bootloader by using rescue console16:04
ejerOsse: then they are not links16:04
javiergWould anyone recommend a software to convert AVI to DVD? I've been reading and there is a pretty long list, trying all of these would take sometime. Can anyone recommend me a software?16:04
Osseejer - They are, I can't add files directly there. It's in "www".16:04
Ward1983ejer: thats great news, do you happen to have a link on that?16:05
drako1011Hi, I'm not sure which version of Ubuntu to download. I have a Intel Pentium Dual-Core processor T2370 Laptop. Should I download the image for an x86 architecture or for the 64amd architecture?16:05
ejerOsse: even if they were links you could add files in them as long as they are dir links16:05
_Zeus_Osse: can you PM me?16:05
BrainyiscoolWhile I'm here though, I just replaced a bunch of system components (mobo, cpu, etc) and now my network cards are eth2 and eth3.  the former eth0 and eth1 will never return, so is there any way to reset the numbering?16:05
FlannelOsse: ls -laR / | grep -e \-\>16:05
ejerWard1983: http://episteme.arstechnica.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/96509133/m/25400922883116:05
vampurhello every one16:05
christoph3307_drako1011: if you are new to linux try the x86 image16:05
vampuri need help for my webcam how can i load it and when how would i use this for yahoo16:06
ejerdrako1011: if you have more than 3GB ram, use amd64 otherwise no matter16:06
drako1011christoph3307_: would the other image ruin my laptop?16:06
OsseOh, Flannel - How do I remove one, a link that is.16:06
ejerrm link Osse16:07
serquiHi, need some help with sound on old Compaq Presario...16:07
christoph3307_drako1011: no16:07
FlannelOsse: just rm it16:07
serquiI checked http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/TroubleShooting but it did not fix my problem :-(16:07
drako1011ok thanks16:07
Osse"rm <target dir>" ?16:07
=== mib_6xo7ac5b is now known as Yakko_82
ejerserqui: check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting16:07
OsseIf I remove the folder, the link gets removed?16:07
mod_curePici, is there a way to log what the users are doing when using the sudo command ?16:08
FlannelOsse: What do you mean?16:08
serquiejer: ok16:08
rockyrockis it secure to remove Network Manager????16:08
Picimod_cure: You can check /var/log/auth.log to see when they become root16:08
javiergWould anyone recommend a software to convert AVI to DVD? I've been reading and there is a pretty long list, trying all of these would take sometime. Can anyone recommend me a software?16:08
serquiejer: thanx, I'll be back16:08
OsseFlannel - If I remove my folder that is linked to /var/www/site then that link will dissspear?16:08
navigator21well my problem is that i have already installed vlc 0.8.6 from august 2008,and now i want to update to 0.9.2 what should i do?16:08
ejermod_cure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sudo check the log part16:08
navigator21in synaptec i can't find the update for vlc16:08
ejernavigator21: why do you need to upgrade? you will have to do it man ually16:09
OsseFlannel - Am I right?16:09
navigator21can you explain me?16:09
FlannelOsse: You've got /var/www/site linked to another folder?  so you see /var/www/site -> /foo/bar?16:09
navigator21uninstall vlc 0.8.6?16:09
angeloalguem pode dar uma ajuda em servidor de arquivos ubuntu16:09
Flannel!br | angelo16:09
ubottuangelo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.16:09
ejerjavierg: http://forum.videohelp.com/topic242455.html16:10
OsseFlannel - Yeah, I got a folder linked to my /var/www/site folder. With; sudo ln -s /home/x/site /var/www/site16:10
katharina90hello can somebody help me with my internet16:10
katharina90i want to configure wpa16:10
ejer!wifi | katharina9016:11
ubottukatharina90: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:11
rockyrockejer: is it secure to remove Network Manager????16:11
FlannelOsse: you need to remove /var/www/site (the link itself), not what its linked to16:11
dr3mrohelp plz ubuntu tells me that i am not in sudoer file16:11
dr3mroi can be root16:11
OsseOkay, Thanks Flannel.16:11
Flanneldr3mro: We don' recommend you enable the root account.  What groups are you in? (type groups)16:12
goukiAnyone used Ghost to clone Ubuntu? I'm having Grub issues every time I try to boot the cloned image.16:12
ejerdr3mro: as root do gpasswd -a yourusername admin16:12
mgolischgouki: thats normal, unless the disk is in same order as before16:12
goukimgolisch, it's a machine with only one HDD.16:13
mgolischgouki: ie if it was on sata port 1 it has to be on sata port one on the new machine16:13
mgolischgouki: did the one you clone it from had one hdd only too?16:13
dr3mrobut i dont have root password16:13
dr3mroi set it empty16:13
goukimgolisch, yes, it did.16:13
_Zeus_dr3mro: the password for sudo is your user password16:14
Flanneldr3mro: You should lock your root account.  But thats not what we're talking about, we're talking about your lack of sudo.16:14
mgolischgouki: strange, what exatcly is the error you get?16:14
goukimgolisch, it outputs hundreds of 'grub'16:14
ejerdr3mro: you can boot to single user mode to get root16:14
PajkeNHi! Have anyone tested ubuntu on the HP Pavilion dv7-1080? been googling for it but no luck so far, would be nice if someone know if there is any of the hardware that isnt supported yet.16:14
goukimgolisch, I have the entire screen filled with 'grub'16:14
dr3mroejer, how16:14
ejerdr3mro: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/16:15
Flanneldr3mro: choose "recovery console" at the grub menu16:15
legend2440navigator21: http://blog.jetienne.com/2008/09/vlc-092-on-ubuntu-804.html16:15
ejeractually dr3mro that is better what Flannel said16:15
PajkeNAnyone know?16:16
mgolischgouki: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/grub-error-guide.xml maybe that helps16:17
statecan't find it :/ ... i've got a module which is for a "old" kernelversion ... so "modprobe via" does not load it ... but if i force it with "modprobe -f via" it works ... but how can i tell /etc/modules to force load it on startup?16:18
=== eltech- is now known as eltech
PajkeNAnyone know if any of the hardware in Hp Pavilion dv7-1080 is incompatible with ubuntu?16:19
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection16:19
ejerstate: you could try putting modprobe -f via in /etc/rc.local16:19
ejerPajkeN: only way is to try, seems to new for much info16:20
vikkuHi all16:20
vikkuiam trying to resize a slice of disk but iam getting following error : (parted) resize 1 6GB 10GB Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled16:20
PajkeNejer: ok ok guess im gonna have to do that then :)16:21
stateok semms that there is no option to force it in the modules list ... then i'll try this ejer  ... thx16:21
PajkeNAoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae.16:22
PiciPajkeN: Thats great, but this is a Ubuntu Support channel, try #ubuntu-offtopic for random stuff.16:22
PajkeNops had it in paste, wasnt supposed to send that :P16:22
=== Mavrik is now known as Mavrik-
vikkuiam trying to resize a slice of disk but iam getting following error : (parted) resize 1 6GB 10GB Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled16:24
shafirehi, i am looking for a good font for gedit? do you know one? it looks silly at the moment:(16:24
dfgasanyone ever had problems installing onto a sata hard drive?16:25
amenadovikku-> same type of filesystem? all ext3 or all ext2  not mixed?16:27
kruemel666hello everone16:28
kruemel666could somebody help me with a problem of pulseaudio and oss?16:28
yao_ziyuan1my hard disk space is hogged by something unknown. how do i find it out?16:30
frithi have a strange problem, all of my amd based systems have high load averages with the default kernel16:30
eje1yao_ziyuan1: zpplications>accessories>disk usage analyzer16:30
yao_ziyuan1eje1: what's its unix name? i'm in kde 4.1.116:31
Flannelyao_ziyuan1: baobob, but its a GTK app16:31
Flannelyao_ziyuan1: I'm sure KDE has something similar16:31
kruemel666anybody about the pulsaudio problem??16:31
eje1yao_ziyuan1: try installing filelight16:31
shafirehi, i am looking for a good font for gedit? do you know one? it looks silly at the moment:(16:32
=== jedimind_ is now known as jedimind
jim_pkruemel666: what exactly is it?16:32
IMaverickwhat plugin shuld i install to open pdf in firefox16:32
kruemel666i would like to run pulseaudio on a DBOX 2 but the Dbox OSS Driver divers from that what pulseaudio expect16:32
tonys_81I don't use chat rooms so I'm probably not in the right place but does anybody know if the /etc/hosts files can be used to allow access only to certain websites?  Thanks.16:33
IMaverickwhat plugin should i install to open pdf in firefox... i am using eviance16:33
jim_pkruemel666: no idea sorry16:33
yao_ziyuan1eje1: i just installed filelight, and it says my hard disk has 66.9 GB free, but my dolphin (kde4 file manager) says only 54.6 GB free16:33
eje1tonys_81: it can... add the domain name you want to block to the end of line starting with
ElectricFieldanyone here from nz16:34
esayI'm not using pardus recently16:34
eje1yao_ziyuan1: df -h at command line will give number you can trust16:34
ElectricFieldesay...how are you16:34
ElectricFieldeje1 sup16:34
esayI'm fine16:34
kruemel666for everyone who could possibly have a idea on my problem here is the thread with the discussion and the errors: http://tuxbox-forum.dreambox-fan.de/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=48207&p=36064216:34
HardDiskIMaverick, mozilla-acroread16:34
kruemel666last post16:34
PiciElectricField: This is a Support channel, not a social channel.  Ubuntu NZ users may be found in #ubuntu-nz16:35
ElectricFieldI'm going to kill myself16:35
eje1ElectricField: this is a support channle, if you don't have a question you can chat in #ubuntu-offtopic16:35
Jaco3I cant delete the icon for my floppy disc from the desktop, how do i delete it? (Ive unplugged the floppy disc)16:35
esaynot do16:35
kruemel666@ jaco3 unmount it16:35
esayno war no kill16:35
IMaverickHardDisk, is it plugin for evience16:35
HardDiskget with the social16:35
eje1!ot | esay16:35
ubottuesay: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:35
tonys_81Thanks eje1 but instead of blocking certain sites, I want to allow just a few.  Is that also possible?16:35
HardDiskIMaverick, no, it's adobe16:35
esayI like pardus and ubuntu16:36
Piciesay: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?16:36
IMaverickHardDisk, is it aviable in apt-get16:36
JampiterWhere can I download Cairo Dock?16:36
esayI'm using pardus and ubuntu16:36
eje1tonys_81: there are a few solutions here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167700 but it is not that easy to do esp if someone wants to get around the block16:36
HardDiskIMaverick, that's why I said it.16:36
_Zeus_!info cairo16:36
ubottuPackage cairo does not exist in hardy16:36
esayubuntu is very exciting16:36
_Zeus_!info cairo-dock16:37
esaynese ben kaçar16:37
HardDisk_Zeus_, install ubuntu-tweak and enable cairo from it16:37
eje1someone kick esay pls16:37
ubottuPackage cairo-dock does not exist in hardy16:37
Jaco3I cant unmount it16:37
JampiterI tried searching in Synaptic but no result :(16:37
_Zeus_HardDisk: I'm not doing it16:37
ganes1not able to change screen resolution..how to fix it?16:37
tonys_81OK, thanks.  I was hoping I could combine hosts.deny and hosts.allow but it doesn't seem easy if possible.16:37
HardDisk_Zeus_, you're not doing what?16:37
_Zeus_HardDisk: I'm helping Jampiter16:38
HardDiskthen tell him to install ubuntu-tweak :)16:38
jb_Hello please some one, I was stupid enough to delete my hole hard driver i think. I was playing around in gparted whit my fat32 partion and i think i deleted it and created a new one the problem is it made just one partion of the driver well is there any way to undo this havent restarted yet and iam afraid ti16:38
* Jampiter looks that one up16:38
occhi_jb did you hit accept?16:38
HardDiskjb_, you need recovery software if you wrote a new partition16:38
jb_HardDisk, hmm ok where can i find it you know a  good program ?16:40
Jampiter_Zeus_, HardDisk, ubuntu-tweak yeilds no results in synaptic16:40
HardDiskJampiter, use google16:40
JampiterOk, thanks :16:40
HardDiskit's not in repositories "yet"16:40
HardDiskbut there is deb available in their website16:40
HardDiskand repository if you want to add it16:40
JampiterHow do I install the deb?16:40
HardDiskjb_, hiren boot cd, system recovery cd (linux based)16:41
simNIXganes1, check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973&highlight=refresh+rate+howto16:41
HardDiskJampiter, double click on it, just like an .exe16:41
JampiterWill it install then? Or just run?16:41
zveroboywhat's an .exe?16:41
HardDiskJampiter, installs.16:41
HardDiskzveroboy, ;)16:41
edo32mbzveroboy, .exe is an executable file in Windows.16:41
JampiterExcellent :)16:41
zveroboythank you edo32mb16:41
edo32mbzveroboy, in case you didn't know :-P16:41
HardDiskedo32mb, </sarcasm>16:41
JampiterThanks for your help :D16:41
Mronohow do i get the login window to not show, just use terminal login16:42
zveroboywhat's Windows?16:42
Jaco3Which parts of openoffice should i download when using Synaptic?16:42
HardDiskJaco3, openoffice is already included..16:42
Jaco3It is? :P16:42
HardDiskJaco3, just add the medibuntu repository16:42
zveroboyJaco3 the parts that you need plus language support files that you need16:42
jb_HardDisk,  ok is there any way to back up desktop settings ? like the layout and so on want to do that if i cant get in again16:42
ivanhoeanyone can helpme with one webcam the genius eye 31216:42
HardDiskupdate, upgrade, then run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras16:43
HardDiskJaco3, restricted extras will install stuff youll want extra for openoffice16:44
HardDiskno need to select manually16:44
=== trmanco_ is now known as trmanco
dfgasi have to clone 500gig maxtor diamond drives, i tried install boot and / on first and /home and /var on second, i always get errors when installing this way, however if i just install with one hard drive plugged in i am fine. any ideas?16:45
JampiterJust for the record, what's Ubuntu's eqivalent to CTRL+ALT+DEL?16:45
ivanhoethe same jampiter16:46
dfgasin console its the same16:46
JampiterGreat :) Thanks16:46
Whitordfgas, use Clonzilla to clone your hd's16:46
eje1Jampiter: ctrl-alt-del reboots from CLI, ctrl-alt-backspace restarts graphics16:46
JampiterWhat's CLI?16:46
WhitorCommand Line Interface16:46
_Zeus_Jampiter: Ctrl|+Alt+Bksp will restart X16:47
zveroboybe careful with NTFS partitions with Clonezilla16:47
eje1Jampiter: what you see if you do ctrl-alt-f116:47
dfgasWhitor, thats not what i am looking to do, i was installing different parts on to the two hard drives16:47
zveroboyI've had problems with that16:47
HardDiskJampiter, realize the GUI is an "addon" to the linux OS16:47
_Zeus_if you want to reboot, hold down Alt+PrntScrn and press R,E,I,S,U,B16:47
HardDiskgui is separate from the main console16:47
vikkuamenado: just created some partitons on it with ext2 but dont know hoe to commit it16:47
eje1_Zeus_: that is really only for emergencies16:47
=== eje1 is now known as ejer
Whitorthe latest clonezilla works very well for me... its what we use for computer imaging for our entire corporate desktop install base16:49
vampurcan any one help in fixing the webcam on pgiden16:50
Jampiter_Right.. actually pressing CTRL+ALT+F1 was a bad idea.. :p16:50
Whitorit should be file system agnostic .... but I guess anything goes when you are changing hardware ...16:50
dfgasWhitor, i wanted to install boot and / on the first 500gig and have /home and /var on the second and it just get errors ever time when installing. but if i just install on to one drive it works fine16:50
_Zeus_ejer: isn't that what ctrl-alt-del is usually for?16:51
HardDiskvampur, pidgin doesn't use webcams16:51
ejerdfgas: grub is probably installing to wrong drive...16:51
HardDiskvampur, use aMSN if you want webcam for msn, or Skype16:51
vampuri tried many way to get skype as well as yahoo messanger16:51
dfgasejer, i can mount the drive and partition it then just copy over the stuff then change fstab to work the way i want right?16:52
vampurbt sorry to say coudln't16:52
amenadovikku-> same type of filesystem? all ext3 or all ext2  not mixed?16:52
Administratorhello, anybody here?16:52
HardDiskvampur, skype does work with webcams, what cam you got?  and yahoo messenger for linux is VERY old, it's not being developed16:52
ejerdfgas: theoretically, you may have permission errors etc... what is the actual problem you are having16:52
Administratorwhy i cant get any message?16:52
_Zeus_what do you mean?16:52
PiciAdministrator: We see you fine.16:53
HardDiskAdministrator, what sort of message do you want?16:53
vampurdear harddisk skype ??? ?i am not able to get install in my system for my linux even downloaded many respio and many ways but at last couldn't16:53
dfgasejer, when installer is coping the files over i get an i/o error. hoever when i just install to just one drive, one drive hooked up it works just fine, now i just changed the drives installed again with no errors, but if i goto install with both drives hooked up and try to put / and /boot on first one and /var and /home on the second one thats when i get the i/o error16:54
HardDiskDear frustrated vampur, You still did not tell me what webcam you have, and you can test it with an application called Cheese it is included in the repository, make sure you downloaded the latest skype, if skype doesn't see your webcam, I see it as a general issue.  Love HD16:55
ejerdfgas: is it possible your second drive has problems?16:55
dfgasejer, no, cause i have done an install on both seperately and no problems what so ever16:55
ejervampur: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype16:55
HardDiskcould be a controller issue or cable?16:55
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Cristihow can i share internet through a peer to peer connection?16:55
HardDiskejer, IDE?16:55
ejerdfgas: could be lots of stuff, you could try typing dmesg in terminal when you see the i/o error for more info16:56
magnetron!ics | Cristi16:56
ubottuCristi: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:56
HardDiskdfgas, ide cable? or both sata?16:56
vampurdear hardisk thankx for ur such precious monets and what's my problem is that i couldn't install the skype at all and i am having the cam from qhmpl group 1 mega pixels16:56
Cristimagnetron:  thank you16:56
dfgasboth sata16:56
HardDiskdfgas, your bios has them in sata/AHCI modes?16:57
ejervampur: download this http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu then double-click it once it is downloaded16:57
dfgasHardDisk, i will look16:57
unbekanntwarning: implicit declaration of function ‘kill’  (but I've included <sys/types.h> and <signal.h> as per the manpage; what else to include?)16:58
unbekannt7.10 (server)16:58
dfgasHardDisk, don't have anything like that, just extended hard drive mode and and access mode16:58
michaelwoohello, anybody here?16:59
magnetronrodserling, i've found a way for you to be able to fly again: http://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2008/09/you_can_avoid_t.html16:59
Picimichaelwoo: yes.16:59
sipiormichaelwoo: is that a trick question?16:59
michaelwoowhy i cant get any message from the server?16:59
goukimooseguy, Clonezilla worked like a charm!!16:59
Picimagnetron: wrong channel?16:59
michaelwoook, that's ok now, i can get the message.17:00
magnetronPici, yes17:00
HardDiskdfgas, ok that's fine.17:00
HardDiskdfgas, is it a via chipset board?17:00
HardDisksome via based boards have had controller issues..17:00
rodserlingmagnetron, what?17:01
beteAnyone else have problems with the Sony MP3 player a826 and ubuntu? Doesnt show up in my home folder at all, nor does amaroc / banshee 1.2.1 find it17:01
dfgasHardDisk, no, nforce17:02
dfgasHardDisk, nf7-s217:02
karayanHello all, Is there any way to listen audio from two applications simultaneously?  For me mplayer wont work if there firefox is using sound device. Please advise.17:02
dfgasis the motherboard17:02
ejer!pulse | karayan17:02
ubottukarayan: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions17:02
HardDiskhave you checked the forums for that model?17:02
dfgasHardDisk, i have to go get my kids from school, just send me a pm with any other questions or ideas please  :D  thank you17:02
karayanejer, thank you17:02
HardDiskdfgas, no problem17:03
HardDiskI will17:03
ejerkarayan: look down to known issues17:03
karayanejer, Is there any other way?17:03
ejerkarayan: system>prefs>sound make sure everything is autodetect, on second tab make sure use esd is checked17:04
anli_If I install ubuntu, do I need to upgrade the dist to upgrade a packet or the kernel?17:05
ejerthat pulseaudio page is no good on wiki17:05
anli_eh, package17:05
anli_not packet17:05
ejerno anli_ the update manager will do it17:05
anli_ejer: what is the "dist" upgrade doing?17:05
anli_what makes the difference between dist versions?17:05
karayanejer, yes every thing is autodetect and esd is checked17:06
ejeranli_: dist-upgrade installs kernels and stuff that may make you have to reboot, upgrade does not17:06
Tottiwhy does xchat fail?17:06
anli_ejer: but cant i upgrade the kernel without upgrading the dist?17:06
ejeralthough I am not sure what the question is anli_17:06
ejerwhat is upgrading the dist mean anli_17:06
anli_what is a "dist"?17:06
ejeranli_: check http://linux.die.net/man/8/apt-get17:07
malib1HI there O17:07
venomekarayan: what does the "ps -e | grep pulse" comand returns?17:07
karayanvenome, pulse is not installed. I am installing it17:08
anli_ejer: ok, a dist is something the package manager alone is knowing about?17:08
ejeranli_: there is no such thing as a dist... do you mean distribution?17:08
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venomekarayan: it should be already there if you've got the 8.0417:08
anli_of course there is something as a dist, its an abbreviation17:08
malib1I've had a flakey network connection lately and I think it's my provider but I need to prove it because the cable modem doesnt actually drop connection.  I have a ubuntu laptop attached via a switch directly on my modem.  Does anyone have an idea how I can monitor the connection?  I have some pings going but something graphical would be nice17:08
ejerfor what anli_17:08
venomekarayan: otherwise, the ESD 'should' do the job as well17:09
anli_distribution or in this case "distribution version"17:09
simNIXmalib1, maybe you could use smokeping ?17:09
=== michaelwoo is now known as michaelwooo
VirtusI want to play a streaming audio but it's not working.  I'm trying to use the movie player to play music and it appears functional but isn't functioning17:09
ejeranli_: to upgrade to next version of ubuntu you use update-manager, so no, you will not upgrade distributions using apt.. and yes, you can upgrade kernel using apt17:10
karayanvenome, yes pulse was already installed. I am using 8.0417:10
anli_thats the same as answering on the question "what is africa"? "well, you can use SAS Airlines to go to that place" :)17:10
ejerwhat is your question anli_ that the manpage does not answer?17:11
malib1ok I'll look into smokeping.. thanks17:11
lollerwhen i installed some program manually in which directory is installed17:11
lollerthe program17:12
venomekarayan: so try to check the pulseaudio preferences (system->settings->pusleaudio preferences) / check if the applications you mention are using pulseaudio as their sound output17:12
ejerloller: depends on program, most go in /usr/bin17:12
yaddleHow would I go about making the System Monitor open by a set of key presses (i.e cntl+alt+delete)?17:13
amanullaohh i cant get audio  in my ubuntu how to check17:13
amanullasome one pls17:13
Jaco2How do i change my name?17:14
ejeramanulla: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:14
michaelwoooamanulla, mute?17:14
PiciJaco2: /nick newname17:14
amanullano i havnt muted17:14
karayanvenome, I cant find pulseaudio preferences, should I install any package?17:14
michaelwoooJaco2, your system? or here?17:14
Jaco2Pici: It doesnt work17:14
amanullaits full sound17:14
amanullahow to check weather my audio is workingg r not17:14
ejeryaddle: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/30/defining-keyboard-shortcuts-for-commands/ look at comment 717:15
michaelwooojaco2, maybe you use a name that has been used here17:15
PiciJaco2: What name are yout rying to change to?17:15
yaddleejer: thanks17:15
ejeryaddle: but ctrl-alt-del i don't know if you can change17:15
Cristiafter installing about 100 updates i got these errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/48071/ . I can't install some updates now such as linux headers-2.6.24-19, because of this error. can someone give me a hand?17:15
Ward1983if i want to install ubuntu and grub on a harddisk, how do i do the grub part?17:16
Jaco2Pici: The one you see17:16
aliases123Ward1983: it is done for you.17:16
aliases123at the end of the installation grub will be installed to the mbr.17:16
Ward1983aliases123: yes correct, it is done WRONG for me, its done on the first disk17:16
venomekarayan: try installing paman and paprefs packages17:16
Ward1983aliases123: because it tries to do it for me my vista is unbootable17:17
aliases123oh you want to pick the disk. you might need the alternative install disk.17:17
aliases123or repair it after.17:17
venomekarayan: or if you prefer the gui installer write pulse in the search field and install the device chooser and manager17:17
Ward1983aliases123: no i dont need an alternative install disk at all :s17:18
mysteryhi everyone17:18
Cristiafter installing about 100 updates i got these errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/48071/ . I can't install some updates now such as linux headers-2.6.24-19, because of this error. can someone help me?17:18
karayanvenome, I have installed those17:18
aliases123Ward1983: i don't know i use debian more than ubuntu these days.17:18
venomekarayan: so there should be now the pulsaudio preferences somwhere in the menu17:18
ejerCristi: do an update of repositories, apt-get update17:18
DefunctProcesscan anyone give a recommendation for a fully functioning all-in-one printer for ubuntu?17:18
RenzoreKWard1983: Try using Super Grub Boot Disk, Ive had issues with various distros writting on my mbr, since I have 2 disks with seperate OSes it used to cause problems, http://www.supergrubdisk.org/17:18
aliases123i'm pretty sure you can pick on the alt cd...17:18
Ward1983does anyone actually know how to isntall grub on the disk of my choice?17:18
Jaco2How do i record with ubuntu?17:19
Cristiejer: i'll try one moment17:19
venomekarayan: or "pulseaudio manager"17:19
ejerWard1983: grub-install /dev/sdXX17:19
aliases123yes Ward1983. do it manually. see the man page.17:19
karayanvenome, yes its there17:19
mysteryCan someone help me figure out why i cant hear any audio from my newly installed vlc player 0.9.217:19
karayanvenome, pulse audio preferences17:19
DasEimystery: no sound at all ?  all players ?17:19
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venomekarayan: sorry, I was wrong, preferences are for network settings, you need to open the manager17:20
Cristiejer: ok i'm done now what? would u like a copy of the console?17:20
RenzoreKWard1983: I think at the end of the installation, it allows you to select where, I recently installed Kubuntu (a week ago or so) and I had to sepecify to install to my second disk, since I had a grub and if I did the normal install it caused problems.17:20
mysteryno sound just from vlc17:20
ejerCristi: retry your upgrade now17:20
mysterymy other players work17:20
venomekarayan: in the manager, it should say whether it is connected and which sinks and sources it uses17:20
ubottumystery: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:20
Ward1983RenzoreK: aha, i think im gonna do it manually then im gonna spare me the work of reinstlaling17:20
karayanvenome, yes its there17:20
DasEimystery: alsamixer installed ?17:20
Ward1983and then i jsut fix my vista mbr and everything sohuld be fine again17:21
mysteryDasEi: im not sure17:21
DasEimystery: open a terminal...17:21
michaelwoooWard1983, i dont think the vista mbr can manage the grub17:21
DasEimystery: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui17:21
michaelwoooWord1983, you should use grub to manage your vista.17:22
RenzoreKWard1983: Good luck, if you need too keep the SGD handy it can also boot straight from partitions if your MBR gets borked or fix it straight from the liveCD17:22
ejerWard1983: if you want to dual boot, grub will be loading vista, not other way around17:22
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:22
Cristiejer: it's reinstalling those updates.. i think it works. what was the problem though and what does apt-get update do?17:22
lollerif there some ettercap guys here pls write me on private a want to ask something17:23
Ward1983ejer: incorrect17:23
ejerCristi: you had old info, update gets newest info17:23
venomekarayan: so if it says its connected and the sinks are all right, i think you've got to set up your music applications to use pulsaudio... if it doesn't help I've got no more ideas ...17:23
Ward1983ejer: vista can load grub too :)17:23
ejerWard1983: then go for it17:23
DasEimystery: open a mp3 with vlc, then check apps>multimedia>alsamixegui , sliders n green icons above17:23
Ward1983ejer: i do it that way because of my fakeraid array i have windows installed on17:23
karayanvenome, okay I will setup my music applications17:24
Ward1983michaelwooo: i do it this way because i have vista installed on a fakeraid array17:24
karayanvenome, thank you17:24
venomekarayan: no problem:)17:24
mysteryDasEi: my terminal says ldconfig deferred processing now taking place17:24
Ward1983ejer, michaelwooo you can use easyBCD to get grub added to the vista bootloader :)17:24
mysteryDasEi: should I wait for anything17:24
babaklinuxis this command true? tar xwf MPlayer-1.0rc2.tar17:24
DasEimystery: k, let it finish first, then :open a mp3 with vlc, then check apps>multimedia>alsamixegui , sliders n green icons above17:24
ejerWard1983: what is your question17:25
michaelwoooWard1983, i will have a try, thank you17:25
ejerbabaklinux: tar xvf probably17:25
mysteryDaeEi: i accidentally hit the enter button twice does that stop the procces from taking place17:25
Ward1983ejer: was just informing oyu since you didnt know that, but i will shutup since you dont seem to like it17:26
ejerbabaklinux: sorry xwf should work too17:26
Ward1983sorry that i knew something you didnt17:26
cosmoshi, could anybody help me with my tvout problem?17:26
katharinahello i want to take this: http://www.plzk.de/archiv/files/docs/Linux-Firmware-Flashen-Prism2.5-Intersil-WPA-HOWTO-2006.html17:26
amanulla_have a small problem17:26
ejerWard1983: i don't mind, just not an ubuntu issue17:26
fetalewould anybody know how to modify environment variables in ubuntu?17:26
nikhilunable to access windows computer from ubuntu in a network.  Earlier i was able to.  But once, when i connected my xp laptop to ubuntu desktop, there was a virus.  after that i am unable to access each computer through network17:26
DasEimystery: nope(almost missed your mess.>nick)17:26
zoedfetale: export VARNAME="content"17:27
Gast703is world on warcraft runung on ubuntu?17:27
ejerfetale: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables17:27
Cristiejer: thanks a lot the problem's fixed! cheers and have a nice day17:27
Ward1983ejer: i don mind you act like this either :) please keep going its entertaining17:27
fetalezoed, run from terminal?17:27
amanulla_if i plug in my ear phones still i can hear sound outside too i dont want that what to do?17:27
fetaleejer, will read up, thank you.17:27
DorkyGast703: WoW runs just fine under Ubuntu17:27
Gast703then it's runing?17:28
Bingo600I have a Hardy setup (Installed via the Server CD) , with LUKS+Crypto volumes enabled , i would like to extend my 500GB disk with another 1TB disk. But i cant find any how2's17:28
katharinaand if i type make modules && make modules_install i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m1a5eca9117:28
cosmosis there anybody up to date with tvout?17:28
DorkyGast703: yes, although you have to run WoW.exe under wine17:28
DasEiamanulla_: tried alsamixer ? jacksensing often doesn't work if headjack has no mechanical speperation17:28
Dorkythere is no native linux wow binary17:28
nikhil unable to access windows computer from ubuntu in a network.  Earlier i was able to.  But once, when i connected my xp laptop to ubuntu desktop, there was a virus.  after that i am unable to access each computer through network17:28
Gast703Dorky: ok then thx i am going bb17:29
amanulla_DasEi:i cant get what u say17:29
amanulla_what to try?17:29
DasEiamanulla_: alsamixergui17:29
amanulla_alsamixe means?17:29
DasEiamanulla_: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui17:29
amanulla_how can i get it?17:29
mysteryDasEi: I guess it takes a long time because it hasnt done anything17:29
amanulla_ok i will try now17:29
sartanWow, chatty channel.  Does ubuntu support any builtin functionality to enable wireless networking before a user logs on to Gnome or any other WM?  I want wireless to start at boot, not logon.  Before I overengineer my own solution I'd like to know if tehre's something already built for this17:30
DasEimystery: hardy ? still installing ? no prompt back ?17:30
amanulla_ya im installing it17:30
ejer!wap_supplicant | sartan17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wap_supplicant17:30
ejer!wpa_supplicant | sartan17:30
sartanwpa supplicant17:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wpa_supplicant17:30
sartanso as far as a genera' here's a product that does wireless for linux' - is there anything built in to ubuntu that will initiate wpa supplication before logon?17:31
mysteryDasEi: yea its Hardy. Im not sure if it is or not the las message just says ldconfig deferred processing now taking place17:31
mystery and that was a little bit ago17:31
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:31
sartanit's a gnome application that fires up on startup today ejer17:31
cosmosis there anybody who knows about PAL and TV17:31
sartansoem crap gui for keychains17:31
DasEimystery: prompt back ?17:31
ejersartan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WPAHowTo17:31
ejersartan: that is nm-applet, wpa-supplicant is what you need17:31
howefieldcosmos, ask the question17:31
lovinglinuxHi everyone. I need help with a weird audio recording issue. Please take a look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/48077/plain/17:31
DasEicosmos: which g-card ?17:31
sartanok so it looks like i can do that. thanks ejer.17:32
mysteryDasEi: Im sorry. I dont know what "prompt back" means17:32
sartanas long as i can leverage wpa supplication rather than network manager :)17:32
Cristican someone tell me how can i make ubuntu automount a partition?17:32
cosmosi could see my desktop when i start my pc or turn off my pc on my tv. but between this i see only white and black points17:32
DasEimystery: ups, prompt=cursor in terminal17:33
DasEimystery: prompt back ?17:34
Bingo600I have a Hardy setup (Installed via the Server CD) , with LUKS+Crypto volumes enabled , i would like to extend my 500GB disk with another 1TB disk. But i cant find any how2's17:34
cosmosi have an ATI Radeon 9200 and the screen is quite well when i start or turn off my pc. i think the problem is the Modus17:34
Cristihow can i automount a volume when ubuntu starts?17:34
ejer!fstab | Cristi17:34
ubottuCristi: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:34
DasEicosmos:the standard-driver from ubuntu doesn't support tv out on that model, did you install the caralyst-suite from ati ?17:35
cosmosi have an ati driver17:35
ejerBingo600: from what i know you will need to make a new partitiona nd copy files over... don't think you can resize luks containers17:35
mysteryDasEi: the cursor is just blinking.17:35
babaklinuxi want install mplayer17:35
DasEimystery: so long back...17:36
DasEimystery: open a mp3 with vlc, then check apps>multimedia>alsamixegui , sliders n green icons above17:36
ejerbabaklinux: applications>add/remove type mplayer in search box, tick it say apply achanges17:36
DasEibabaklinux: sudo apt-get install mplayer17:36
Bingo600ejer: but wont the LVM support volume extends ?? , even if LUKS is applied after ??17:36
mysteryDasEi: ok i will try that17:36
ubottucosmos: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:37
babaklinuxejer:  i want install mplayer   but when i want ./congigure  this error appear  http://www.binpaste.com/v.php?id=f30gg17:37
ejerBingo600: sorry, even though I use luks and lvm, I am not up on resizing..17:37
cosmosubottu: ok17:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:37
DasEicosmos:apps>ati-controlcenter>display>2nd monitor/force tv-detection17:37
cosmosDasEi: i have an ati driver installed17:37
ejerwhy are you trying to comile it babaklinux17:37
cosmosDasEi: ok i try it17:38
DasEiamanulla_:can you mute main out now ?17:38
babaklinuxejer: i want install it from source code17:38
=== Vagilinux is now known as Guest21201
ejerbabaklinux: ok i won't argue, you need to install libavcodec-dev17:39
DasEibabaklinux: why that ? won't be in paketmanagement/update then17:39
blue112Hello everyone. I can't chroot, it says : cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory17:40
jmichels1nI just plugged in a smartphone to my ubuntu box, and it acted like it created a new connection to the internet using the phone. When I disconnected the phone, my email client could no longer connect to the internet. Can someone give me some insight here?17:40
SkruxI need a software for ubuntu to create songs (partitures)17:41
ejerjmichels1n: you could try logging out and back in, or restart networking manually on terminal with '/etc/init.d/networking restart'17:41
mysteryDasEi: Im getting an error message saying "alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: Connection refused"17:41
ejerSkrux: to record audio? what is partitures?17:42
Skruxejer: no, charts ?17:42
ejerblue112: what are you trying to chroot to?17:42
DasEimystery: so your driver isn't installed correctly... onboard sound ?17:42
blue112ejer: A directory into my home directory. It contains spaces.17:42
jmichels1nejer: sorry, I did all that. Rebooted the pc several times, changed my connection from static to dynamic, restarted networking, restarted the interface17:42
ejerSkrux: check this http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/17:42
mysteryDasEi: im not sure really17:43
CostaRicanQuakerwhat program do you use to format a cdrw?17:43
ejerjmichels1n: you could paste me output of ifconfig and route -n17:43
DasEimystery:terminal:apt-get install pastebinit17:43
CostaRicanQuakeri've never done that on ubuntu17:43
CostaRicanQuakeri don't see an option on brasero17:43
mysteryDasEi: Amorak works for me17:43
jmichels1nejer: my browser is getting a connection just fine, I can ssh into the box, hte only thing I can see that is no longer geting connection is thunderbird17:43
Skruxejer: ok17:43
jmichels1nejer: 1sec17:43
ejerjmichels1n: hmm ok don't need commands then17:43
DasEimystery:terminal:lspci > lspci.txt && pastebinit lspci.txt17:44
DasEimystery:url ?17:44
ejerjmichels1n: check your mail server settingsin tbird17:44
olskolircanyone know of a good gui partition tool for linux like partition magic for windows?17:45
ejergparted olskolirc17:46
ubottugparted is a !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php17:46
olskolircthats a gui ejer ?17:46
jmichels1nejer: I have 6 acconts in thunderbird, all are pointing to diff servers, one is on my some network, and none of them can connect17:46
mysteryDasEi: what url are u asking for and for some reason my terminal is not responding. I like ubuntu but im starting have as much problems as i was with Windows17:46
jmichels1nejer: some/same*17:46
babaklinuxejer: i installed that but now after ./configure --enable-gui17:46
babaklinuxthis error apear  Error: X11 support required for GUI compilation.17:46
ejerjmichels1n: ok paste me that stuff I asked :) sorry17:46
DasEimystery:terminal:                   lspci > lspci.txt  &&  pastebinit lspci.txt                                          >should give back an url in terml.17:47
olskolircok i found gparted thanks ejer17:47
DasEimystery:terminal:                   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:48
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ejerbabaklinux: this is more a question for mplayer guys, you should just install it from the ubuntu packages...17:48
mysteryDasEi: Amorak works fine besides it not responding every so often. However, it does play audio17:48
ProseI want to make my ftp (using vsftpd) secure and I'm tryinh to implement SSL on Auth (as it's said to be great for security). However, I tell my client to use SSL Auth but it can't connect. The server works otherwise17:48
DasEimystery:more a random, your driver isn't properly installed17:49
DasEimystery: url ?17:49
sipiorblue112: do you have a /bin/bash available in the chroot jail?17:49
blue112sipior: No, i haven't.17:49
OckonalHello, during Ubuntu 8.04 installing i had this problem: after taking any part of menu i saw:17:49
Ockonal[ 25.483056 ] ..MP-BIOS bug: 8254 timer not connected to IO-APIC17:49
Ockonal[ 25.661883 ] kernel panic -no syncing: IO-APIC timer doesn't work!17:49
blue112sipior: I have to ?17:50
sipiorblue112: remember, /bin/bash is interpreted with respect to the new /17:50
OckonalPlease, help17:50
blue112sipior: Ok, thanks.17:50
olskolirchow am I supposed to use gparted when everything is grayed out and won't let me click to resize and it won't let me unmont the partition which is an option but refused17:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apic17:50
olskolirchow do I move this partiton smaller please?17:50
sipiorblue112: look for a statically-compiled shell, so you don't have to worry about moving libraries there as well17:50
DasEiOckonal:first, did you use installer-option check media for defects ?17:50
jmichels1nejer: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d1a7ab84517:50
=== Aura is now known as Aura-
chamunksI'm editing my /boot/grub/menu.lst to include a windows partition is there a way to automatically generate the stanza's?17:50
OckonalDasEi: yes, after checking that menu, i saw the same text17:51
ejerolskolirc: you can't work on mounted partitions, you could use http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page17:51
DasEi olskolirc:partis to rezise mussn't be mounted, use live, if system-parti17:51
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DasEiOckonal: so cd is integer ?17:51
blue112sipior: Ok, thanks a lot !17:51
geniiolskolirc: Or burn the gparted live cd and do it from there17:51
sipiorblue112: yep, have fun17:51
olskolircohh i see genii17:52
ejerjmichels1n: did you add the part to route17:52
warriorsalve a tutti avrei bisogno di un aiuto a configurare la scheda wireless del mio pc portatile è un extensa 5620z e il comando iw config da  no wireless extension,il led e di conseguenza l'interruttore non funzionano..17:52
OckonalDasEi: CD is good17:52
ejer!it | warrior17:52
ubottuwarrior: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:52
DasEi olskolirc:can also use ubuntu-desktop-installer17:52
OckonalDasEi: i've checked hashsums17:52
DasEiOckonal:first, did you use                 installer-option check media for defects                        ?17:52
OckonalDasEi: No, only hashsum17:53
ejer!dualboot | chamunks17:53
ubottuchamunks: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:53
Slartchamunks: not that I know of17:53
jmichels1nejer: I didnt on purpose ;)17:53
Slartchamunks: but I can tell you what I use for windows xp and you can modify it to suit you17:53
DasEiOckonal:check first then .........desktop-installer?  laptop ?17:53
jabaneed help with Telnet Client17:54
jabaI need telnet client with sessions save17:54
jmichels1nejer: my gateway is also, not sure why it says .0 there , I dont really understand the route output17:54
jabaand which can save passwords17:54
chamunksSlart, that might be sufficient.17:54
Slartjaba: telnet is kind of dated.. not a lot of development there17:54
jaba<Slart> Do you know Secure CRT ?17:55
ejerjmichels1n: .0 means all addresses with the right subnet mask... it all looks ok really17:55
Slartjaba: mm.. some vague memories popping up..17:55
ejerjmichels1n: and if other things have connections, it is not networking at fault it seems... any firewall active?17:55
Aura-hello Minty9517:55
ejerjaba: i think putty can do this17:55
Minty95I deleted the network ico on the top menu bar, and replace it by the one found in add to panel window17:56
Minty95but its not the same, how do I get the original one back ?17:56
jmichels1nejer: not that I have changed, its almost a default install of xubuntu, I do have a proxy server running, but the browser will work with or without it, i put the proxy in thunderbird to test, still didnt work17:56
jmichels1nejer: and I cant ping anything by hostname, ips work17:57
jmichels1nejer: maybe dns issue?17:57
ejerMinty95: try doing ALT-F2 and type in bar 'nm-applet' without quotes and hit enter17:57
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jaba<ejer> Yes but It can't save passwords :(17:58
ejerjmichels1n: to troubleshoot, take everything down that may interfere, like proxy... then try and ping stuff17:58
jaba<Slart> think about this17:58
ejerjaba: sure it does17:58
ejerchecking jaba17:58
jaba<ejer> OK. I'm waiting17:58
Minty95ejer, doen't do anyting17:59
Aura-Minty95: you're looking for the internet configuration tool, right17:59
jmichels1nejer: another thing, I have thunderbrowse, embedded browser in thunderbird and it can pull up a webpage18:00
Slartjaba: think about what?18:00
Minty95Aura-, no just the icon that lets me use my VPN connection for exemple18:00
ejerjaba: hmm no... why not use ssh?18:00
karayanvenome, pusleaudio and libflashsupport for firefox got sound working fine for me.18:00
Minty95had the icon and delted it, now when I use tha add apps one, its not the same18:00
ejerMinty95: try logging out then back in18:00
Minty95done that18:01
Aura-okay, so you're missing the VPN tool?18:01
Minty95had it configured just don't know how to access it now that I have no icon18:01
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ejerMinty95: you can't even delete that... did you uninstall it maybe?18:02
OckonalDasEi: Sorry, no PC18:02
OckonalOckonal: not a laptop18:02
Minty95no I just did a remove frompanel18:02
zoed!hi | puffandstuff18:03
ubottupuffandstuff: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!18:03
DasEiOckonal:first verify disk-integrity with the cd-own option, most faults are bad burned cds,  if its o.k, then try to boot with option acpi=off18:03
ejerMinty95: you must have done that on something else, either way, go to add/remove and search for network manager and make sure it is ticked18:03
karayanI am using wifi in roaming mode. I deleted the entry for name-server in /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf. But still my /etc/resolv.conf is getting overwritten. Please advice18:04
jmichels1nejer: hm its fixed, not sure what it was, I was working with it late last night trying to fix it, i forgot to take out the proxy in thunderbird, thats why it wasnt getting mail today, not sure what the problem was last night. I think it was missing dns entries, it had none, I put in my gateway as dns and maybe that is what happened18:04
Askahello everybody. how are you?18:04
jmichels1nejer: maybe plugging in the smartphone wiped my dns18:04
ejerproxies are easy to mess up jmichels1n18:04
Aura-hello Aska, i'm okay18:04
ejerbut good it works jmichels1n ;)18:04
whitenexx-pc2i need some help18:05
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:05
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DasEi*** gots to reboot. brb18:05
AskaAura thats gооd18:05
Aura-Minty95: you're connecting to a Microsoft VPN server?18:05
whitenexx-pc2My debian lenny was crypted by the debian-installer. it was an crypted LVM. that is made with dm-crypt and luks.18:06
jmichels1nejer: thanks for your help~ have agood day18:06
whitenexx-pc2i never had problems but yesterday i couldn't boot my debian, because my password gets recognized as false18:07
whitenexx-pc2but its true18:07
serquiejer: hi again18:07
__PaCMaN__hello there18:07
Minty95re booting, later18:07
whitenexx-pc2Command failed: No key available with this passphrase.18:07
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: easiest first, make sure caps lock is not on18:07
serquiejer: tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting but still no sound18:07
whitenexx-pc2ejer: its not on18:07
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: then I would boot lo livecd and try to mount it manually with luksopen etc18:07
whitenexx-pc2ejer: i just did ;)18:08
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: not sounding good :(18:08
whitenexx-pc2i booted ubuntu livecd and tried to open18:08
serquiejer: everything seems to be fine, module, mixer etc but nstill NO sound18:08
whitenexx-pc2wait i will copy the bash18:08
ejerand errors serqui18:08
ejerany errors serq18:08
serquiejer: no error18:08
ejerserqui: if you test from system>prefs>sound ?18:09
Askahow are you? and your life?18:09
serquiejer: windows XP and other linux-dist give me sound18:09
Aura-I have a joypad that is detected as a mouse by HAL and Xorg, does anyone know what is best done about it?18:09
cadsaska, not doing too good18:09
whitenexx-pc2root@ubuntu:/dev/mapper# lvscan   No volume groups found, ejer18:10
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: that is error you get when key is deleted...18:10
serquiejer: that is system>prefs>sound ?18:10
whitenexx-pc2fuck, but i didn't delete anything18:10
_Zeus_!language | whitenexx-pc218:10
ubottuwhitenexx-pc2: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:10
serquiejes: I run the latest ubuntu server18:11
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: just saying it cannot find key, could be hard drive issue, could be corruption.. I would go ask luks guys18:11
cadsI was trying out a suggestion for a bugfix for my video drivers, involving setting the VideoRam and CacheLine paramaters, and I've totally FUBARed my video18:11
whitenexx-pc2http://embed.mibbit.com/pb/UCermr ejer18:12
serquiI hate soundcards!18:12
DasEicads: which card ?18:12
ejerserqui: do you have mixer elements when you try alsamixer ?18:12
cadsI can't figure out how to get direct rendering back, xvinfo says that there are no adaptors present18:12
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Aura-cads, you kept a backup of your xorg.conf, right?18:12
cadsit's a intel 855GM18:12
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: i saw it, you have lots the key somehow, or that is wrong partition18:12
DasEiserqui:wich card particular ?18:12
wizardslovakhello ubuntu friends18:12
serquiejer: yes, and none are muted18:12
whitenexx-pc2http://embed.mibbit.com/pb/85Z8WL  sorry, this is the corret one ejer18:13
serquiDasEi: ES196818:13
LuYuive got some questions about the ubuntu/debian suspend18:13
ejerdo you have more than one sound card serqui18:13
DasEicads:backup xorg.conf, then : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg18:13
LuYudoes anybody have time to help me gain a little for clarity on the subject?18:13
serquiejer: no, only one18:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about quit18:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about exit18:14
DasEiserqui:no great problem, driver installed ?18:14
ejerserqui: you could try installing alsa-utils then run alsaconf... it does some auto config stuff18:14
ejerLuYu: what is question18:15
cadsDasEi: the suggestion I was following involved using a different video card driver, and somehow now my DRI doesn't work, even though I have restored my xorg.conf and tried to modprobe the video module back, yes, I have tried the dpkg reconfigure... if it helps, the video driver I'm trying to use is   i810, and module I found was i810fb.so18:15
benzs_show do i change what is in the menu that pops up on right clicking the desktop?18:15
LuYuwell, how does one return from suspend, and why does it often wipe the MBR on SD cards?18:15
serquiDasEi: yes18:16
LuYuwhen the power is cut off (i should add)18:16
serquiejer: alsa-utils... I'll check18:16
whitenexx-pc2ejer: what would you say to my problem?18:16
ejerLuYu: to return you hit power or keyboard key depending... wiping mbr.. are you running from an SD?18:16
tctsaiAnyone know how to `clean` what EnvyNG has done to the system ?18:16
cadsDasEi: any ideas about what else I could do?18:16
LuYuthat happened to me on an OLPC and openmoko18:17
digitalheadCan anybody tell me if gThumb can print multiple images on a single page?18:17
tctsaiI try to use EnvyNG to install Nvidia driver, but it has some problem.18:17
LuYuit basically destroys the install as best as i can figure18:17
Cew27hey guys installing ubuntu on a macbook with no internet so i downloaded the ndiswrapper deb and installed it but when I type my "sudo ndiswrapper -i" command it says ndiswrapper is missing utils18:17
DasEicads: modprobe snd-es1968                    ???18:17
danbh_intrepidCew27: did you put the location of the driver?18:18
serquiDesEi: module is loaded18:18
tctsaiSo I wish to turen back to original nvidia driver.18:18
LuYureally, what i want to know is:  how can i permanently disable suspend so that this will never happen?18:18
Cew27danbh_intrepid: no how do i do that?18:18
cadsDasEi: I have loaded the module18:18
DasEicads: sry, nick messed18:18
ejerwhitenexx-pc2: this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=61116518:18
cadshehe, I will unload the module18:19
ejerLuYu: http://jeremy.visser.name/2007/02/08/how-to-disable-suspend-and-hibernate-for-all-users-in-ubuntu/18:19
tctsaiBut it seems EnvyNG doesn't cleaning what he has done18:19
danbh_intrepidCew27: well, you use ndiswrapper to install the windows drivers for a network card, you knew that, right?18:19
Aura-LuYu: what does your System>Preferences>Power Management say?18:20
serquiejer: installed alsa-utils... now?18:20
Aura-thank you ejer :)18:20
DasEiserqui: still no luck ? whats it's (not)  doing ?18:20
ejerserqui: alsaconf18:20
Cew27danbh_intrepid: ahh right, im talking on abehalf of a person on my forum, you wouldnt mind poping on their and posting this would you?!18:20
nmcbridedoes anyone have 'oracle-xe-univ-' they can make available?  The download from the oracle site finishes with a size of 0 and the .deb aparently has no page.18:20
nmcbrideand I wanna try this on my buntu box18:20
serquiDasEi: no sound, everything looks correct18:20
danbh_intrepidCew27: mk, link?18:20
DasEiserqui: see pm18:20
anirudh0serqui: what does this show lsof /dev/snd/* ?18:20
zack1403hey guys why does my sound stop working all of a sudden, and any idea how to fix it?18:20
Gnea!sound | zack140318:21
ubottuzack1403: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:21
zack1403sometimes happens when i put laptop to sleep18:21
Cew27danbh_intrepid: thanks alot, http://www.fossforums.com/viewtopic.php?id=5218:21
anirudh0zack1403: see post to serqui above18:21
anirudh0zack1403: gmail with talk gadget on firefox 3 can do that18:21
LuYui just checked that18:21
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DasEicads: it worked out of the box ?18:21
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LuYubut the two systems i was talking about are running XFCE, not gnome18:22
zack1403well i checked a good amount of troubleshooting and ive messed around with alsamixer to the nth degree but ill check those links again18:22
LuYuso, while that is a solution for the gnome desktop, its seems insufficient for XFCE users18:23
GneaCew27: or you could just post this url as a response: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3192618:23
LuYuand i cant really install gnome on the OLPC or the openmoko18:23
LuYuits just too big18:23
ejerLuYu: did you try?18:23
zack1403ahh but here is a better issue, why does my terminal fail to open when my sound turns off?18:23
GneaLuYu: then use something like fluxbox18:23
LuYuwell, XFCE is pretty slow on the OLPC18:24
DasEiserqui:I#m little busy for the next 30 min, but (if card is not broken) it should be no problem , i 'll be back in 30 min, but it isn't special, anyway18:24
LuYudoes fluxbox have good power management controls?18:24
DasEicads: ?18:24
Gneazack1403: no idea, never heard of that before18:24
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
Vladimir[LV]How i can restrict user to all directories, excepting his home dir?18:24
Vladimir[LV]System user!18:24
LuYui would rather just disable it in a file18:24
Vladimir[LV]not ftp user18:24
ejerLuYu: i have an olpc, I have tried them all... none will work flawlessly except sugar in my experience18:24
GneaLuYu: hrmm, haven't tried, but it's got a smaller memory footprint than gnome, thus it's designed for smaller systems18:24
cadsDasEi, if I remember correctly, I had to change the video driver from intel to i810, switch the modules, and add a DRI section with Mode 0666... i copied it from my debian setup which I worked on god knows how long ago.. I don't remember which exact modules I had to load at the time of geting that to work18:24
LuYuive heard that18:25
Vladimir[LV]How i can restrict user to all directories, excepting his home dir? System user, not ftp user!18:25
DasEicads:live cd handy ?18:25
GneaLuYu: send me an OLPC and i'll find out :)18:25
LuYuactually, though, XFCE doesnt seem to be the problem18:25
danbh_intrepidCew27: ok, I see the problem, would you mind posting the solution for me?18:25
LuYuas long as i avoid pressing the suspend button18:25
jedimindtrickI have a mapped FTP (Places > connect to server), and im opening a file directly through that 'map', but i cannot seem to save the file in gedit through the shorthand map. however if i goto my home folder/.gvfs/my_mapped_place and save it through there, ti works just fine ... is there a "fix" to make it so that I can just save directly through the mapped setup rather than having to navigate to that folder ?18:25
Cew27danbh_intrepid: not at all18:26
cadsDasEi, I'm downloading suse to get it's autoconfig18:26
ejerLuYu: check http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79877218:26
LuYuchoosing suspend causes an unrecoverable suspension18:26
Aura-Vladimir[LV]: i'm really not sure; you're trying to make it so the user can't see anything besides the home directory?18:26
LuYuin openmoko, its a big problem18:26
DasEicads: always backup xorg, before any ""experiments"", but quick n dirty could start with live and then copy it's xorg.conf18:26
LuYuif the power button is touched, it automagically suspends18:26
danbh_intrepidCew27: the guy downloaded ndiswrapper-common, but he needs 2 packages.  That one, and ndiswrapper-utils.  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ndiswrapper-utils-1.918:26
Vladimir[LV]Aura- yes.!18:27
ejerjedimindtrick: it is not going to be stable working like that, expect to have file problems.. best to save locally then copy over18:27
danbh_intrepidCew27: if he installs that, that should get him going18:27
Aura-Vladimir[LV]: "see" as in Nautilus, or "see" as in no access to any system-installed programs?18:27
Cew27danbh_intrepid: cheers ill post it crediting you18:27
jedimindtrickejer: its extremely inefficient considering what im doing, its just on my LAN anyway - i could use a suggestion on how to share my other computer's folders (also running ubuntu)18:27
cadsDasEi, that's the part that kills me, I have the original xorg.config here, and I've even put together one from scratch18:28
ejerjedimindtrick: share the folder and mount it on local machine, don't use fTP mapping if you can avoid it18:28
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jedimindtrickejer: is there no network sharing native to ubuntu? seems a little backwards to have to install windows sharing services to share it, then connect to it through samba from another ubuntu box18:29
NetEchoon the top panel with the 3 menus and the clock and whatnot is there a way to make the background on those panel items transparent? I've set the bar to transparent but it doesn't effect those items18:29
ejerjedimindtrick: sure there is, just they built it in, you can right click a folder and share it18:29
Aura-jedimindtrick: if you're looking for a non-samba solution, nfs is more native to linux18:29
jedimindtrickyeah i did that but it installs windows sharing services18:29
cadsoh well... it's at least working in vesa.. das, I will keep trying, and when I am done, I will come here and help someone, in return for your time; thankyou for the suggestions18:29
LuYuso, this is an X problem18:29
jedimindtrickwhen i click on 'share this folder'18:29
arooni-mobilei'm trying to hook my ubuntu hardy laptop with intel 965 integrated video up to a bigger 22" lcd.  i do system => pref => screen resolution & detect displays and it flashes for a second, but theres no output on 22" lcd.... help?18:29
ejerjedimindtrick: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html is for NFS mounts18:29
DasEicads: as onboard-intel mostly works out the box, I'm not experienced with it, but did you also look up manufacturers HP for a linux driver ?18:30
LuYuwe really need a GUI that controls even the X management of the power18:30
ejerjedimindtrick: it is ok to install samba :)18:30
cads: )18:30
jedimindtrickejer: yeah but it just seems so backwards :)18:30
ejerjedimindtrick: it works very well, it is a native linux app18:30
jedimindtrickinstalling samba on two ubuntu machines so they can share files through windows network protocols18:30
jedimindtrickalmost makes me shudder18:30
matteo_hi all, i have a problem with windows, sometimes they open with the top under the application bar, so i can't close em or resize.. I have to use Expo (compiz fusion ad-on) to move em, any tips?18:31
ejerLuYu: i posted your answer way back, edit /etc/default/acpi-support18:31
Aura-samba is a pain to configure...  and nfs keeps the proper file permissions18:31
arooni-mobile/join #compiz-fusion18:31
Aura-symlinks et al18:31
ejerjedimindtrick: there are many other ways, this is just the easy way18:31
cadsdas, this is the laptop from hell as far as *nix is concerned: it still has the little "designed for microsoft windows xp" sticker on it : )  there were no intel drivers18:31
ejerthere is no config to do for samba, it is all magically done18:31
whitenexx-pc2ejer: my problem is that the LVM isn't found18:31
cadserr, linux drivers18:31
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: i need to users can use only home dir18:31
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: /var/www/domain.com18:32
jedimindtrick"net user share: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error Pemission denied18:32
ejercads: you don't need any drivers for intel stuff, it should all work except maybe the wifi on some systems18:32
jedimindtrickhow do i run that "share folder"  thing as root? its just a right click menu18:32
DasEicads: (nick!) see, again the model for old man DasEi  ?18:32
ejerjedimindtrick: you need to add yourself to the sambashare group18:33
jedimindtricknoob question: how ?18:33
DasEiejer:worked, but he messed and can't reconfigure18:33
ejerjedimindtrick: actually you may just need to log out and back in18:33
Aura-Vladimir[LV]: if you're talking about a shell environment where nothing is accessible, you're talking about a neutered chroot, or is that not what you want?18:33
ejercads: DasEi: can we not do a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?18:34
chadeldridgeGood afternoon everyone.  I am experiencing very slow copy speed for my local drive.  14-17MB/Sec ... seems to only be in ubuntu 8.04 because its at least double in windows and suse.18:34
DasEiejer:worked, but he messed and can't reconfigure-------nope:-(18:34
jedimindtrickejer: that seemed to work (loggin out/in)18:35
DasEiejer: cads said, didn't change anything....18:35
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: i want to restrict users to all directories (/var,/home,/www,/wellsomes*hit) excepting users home dir - /var/www/example.com !18:35
jedimindtrickejer: so how do i access this from the guest computer then ? i went to network but nothing is being listed ?18:35
ejerjedimindtrick: new groups are not applied till you log back in18:35
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: every user have his home dir18:35
DasEicads: you might try to start without any xorg, to force recreation18:35
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: bob - /var/www/example.com18:36
IMaverickmy google tool bar in forefox cant download bookmarks ... what could have gone wrong18:36
ejer!samba | jedimindtrick18:36
ubottujedimindtrick: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209818:36
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: vasya - /var/www/vasya.com18:36
Vladimir[LV]Aura-: you understand me?18:36
cadsyeah, I'll see if installing from upstream will fix it18:36
DasEicads:upstream ?18:36
ubottucads: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:37
Aura-Vladimir[LV]:  i understand you're trying to make your system more secure, but i can't figure out whether or not you're trying to remove access to /bin (example) etc, or simply making it read-only18:37
ejercads: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=670645 this should work18:37
Nem[1]Hello, farily new ubuntu user here.  Problem: I am using a laptop with windows xp and ubuntu dual partitioned.  I didn't create a swap partition so I made a swap file.  before the file I had experienced random freezes and system slow ups.  Afterwards it seemed to help, last night I had a long freeze followed by a system crash and now I can't get in to the gui. Were the slowups due to no swap partition?  did I mess up the swap file and kill the OS? did hibernati18:38
cadsDasEi:  ah, sorry... I mean I will try to see if I can find a newer version of xorg than is in the repository18:38
Gnea!swap | Nem[1]18:39
ubottuNem[1]: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info18:39
Aura-Nem[1]: if you haven't rebooted since then, /var/log/dmesg.0 will give you more information18:39
DasEicads:xorg is speciall for each machine and always generated on-board, never found in any repo18:39
chadeldridgeGood afternoon everyone.  I am experiencing very slow copy speed for my local drive.  14-17MB/Sec ... seems to only be in ubuntu 8.04 because its at least double in windows and suse.18:39
mliselooking for Alpha 6 download, it's not available on cdimage.*18:39
DasEicads:a, ok, x-server18:39
ejercads: what happens when you follow instructions from post I just sent18:39
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me how i can run a proxy through my connection?18:40
Gneachadeldridge: what did you use to calculate those figures?18:40
ejerchadeldridge: that does not seem that slow... is this a large file?18:40
DasEicads:latest available <<< updtae nupgrade18:40
Aura-cads: I think your kernel has auto-configured some modules to load while you were trying to get it to work better; try removing the agp/agp-gart related modules18:40
DasEicads:latest available <<< update n upgrade18:40
Nem[1]Gnea: !swap as in not swap?  I am running 1 GB ram, and about 1.2 ghz intel...any suggestions for avoiding slowups (serious greyed out freezes of the entire system)18:40
cadsejer, I'm already in VESA, and am trying to get direct rendering working18:40
chadeldridgeGnea / ejer.   Using nautalis and also cp both show a very slow ~17MB speed ..18:41
GneaNem[1]: uh, please read what ubottu told you about swap18:41
Nem[1]oops, i didn't see all those replies, thanks guys18:41
ejercads: !nvidia18:41
cadsAura-:  hmm, you think those agp/gart drivers are really messing things up?18:41
chadeldridgeGnea / ejer :  mostly all large files above 2gb18:41
Aura-Nem[1]: are you talking about the display, or not being able to do anything at a console (ctrl-alt-F1 for example)18:41
MikeHHello there, I'm having problems compiling a kernel module, do I just need the linux-headers for doing this, or is there a -dev package or something else I will need?18:41
DasEiejer: its an onboard intel 8XX18:41
ejeroh sorry18:42
Gneachadeldridge: hrm, i wasn't aware that the cp command at the commandline had a feature to show the amount of data being transferred in realtime18:42
Aura-cads, yes, that has happened to me before while trying to get my GM965 working under Hardy18:42
ejerso cads do the dkpg-reconfigure and choose intel instead of vesa, and tell us what happens18:42
Aura-it's also happened before with my previous radeons18:42
Nem[1]Aura: I boot to ubuntu and i receive a message stating something simliar to gui failed to load and I am left at a command promp.  I loaded ubuntu recovery and received some fail messages, I can boot right now and give more info18:42
Gneachadeldridge: are you copying over the network or between partitions/disks?18:42
DasEicads:onboard graphics are never great ...18:42
chadeldridgeall on the same disk .. between folders actually18:42
Aura-Nem[1]: what were the fail messages?18:43
Nem[1]hold on let me boot up18:43
Gneachadeldridge: okay, my next question is: why copy them at all?18:43
Pirate_Huntercan someone tell me how i can run a proxy through my  connection?18:43
theshadowwhats the correct way to regenerate the .wine directory for a user?18:43
Gneachadeldridge: you could make a symbolic link in much less time and still access it just the same, unless you're trying to edit it18:44
chadeldridgegnea:  doing testing of multiple versions of VMware images ... copying off the testing defaults to another folder before we destroy the originals18:44
ejertheshadow: winecfg should do it18:44
Aura-theshadow: if you don't mind losing settings, deleting or moving the .wine directory works wonders18:44
mliseanyone know where I can download the latest alpha 6?18:44
cadslets see, the agp modules I have are intel_agp and agpart... I am scared to remove them18:44
chadeldridgegnea:  yep .. but this also affects system performance as well .. things are running pretty slow18:44
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!18:44
mliseSlimeyPete: thx18:45
Nem[1]Aura: "Could not start the X server due to some internal error." and it tells me to check syslog...suppose I should do that18:45
chadeldridgegnea:  there was a bug report about this but it was supposed to be resolved a few kernels ago ... not for me though18:45
ejerchadeldridge: check this http://opensource.apress.com/article/65/command-line-gems-hdparm and RAM has a large effect on speed18:45
Gneachadeldridge: things will always run slow at one point or another, just a fact of life to be accepted... hdparm could help you out if it's an IDE disk, though18:45
nalysHello there, I have few with my laptop and desktop computers, both running ubuntu 8.04 with latest updates (I hope so :P) : one problem I have on both is that when I'm root I can't access the trash folder... neither with nautilus nor with the terminal... I'm sure (I hope) it's something dumb I just didn't figure out or did wrong because I'm a new user :>18:45
Aura-Nem[1]: to read the syslog, try "dmesg | less" first18:46
lolmachi, nalys18:46
ejernalys: you should never run as root18:46
ejer!sudo | nalys18:46
ubottunalys: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)18:46
carandraugmlise: take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidIbex/TechnicalOverview18:46
chadeldridgegnea:  i have done quite a bit of that one already ... the hdparm command does not work well with sata still though and udma / dma is not settable through it18:47
nalysejer: I wouldn't though what I did (not on purpose) is I put a file as root in the trash folder ... and now cant erase it :P18:47
tctsaiAnyone knows how to 'clean' what EnvyNg has ever do ? I try to use EnvyNg to install newer nvidia driver, but this driver didn't work fine on my computer, so I which to go back to original nvidia driver install by jcokey-gtk, but it looks like EnvyNg has change some setting, whcih make 'nvidia-glx-new' won't work.18:47
stickfui installed ubuntu desktop on a computer that I am using as a file server now and it no longer has a monitor attached to it. What I would like to do is completly get rid of the desktop edition and use the server edition. I18:47
Gneachadeldridge: tried blktool?18:47
Gnea!info blktool18:47
ubottublktool (source: blktool): tune low-level block device parameters. In component universe, is optional. Version 4-4 (hardy), package size 14 kB, installed size 84 kB18:47
markoeComstation is future os. Better than ubuntu!!!!!!!!!!18:47
chadeldridgei have not ... i shall though18:47
Nem[1]Aura: I'm not very familiar with what I should look for.18:48
Picimarko: Please stop, this is not appropriate for a support channel.18:48
smm289Better than ubuntu!!!   LIES!!!!18:48
markoeComstation is future os!!! Better than ubuntu!18:48
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Aura-Nem[1]: if you don't see any problems from dmesg, the problem may be with xorg18:49
chadeldridgeinstalling it now .. will let you know shortly18:49
Aura-Nem[1]: try reading the file /var/log/xorg.0.log to see if it's xorg18:49
ejerstickfu: it is not that easy to do, but you can safely leave everything there, and install the server apps you need...18:50
hwildeanybody good with wpa supplicant configs?  eap-fast ?18:51
stickfuejer: ok. I have been doing that for awhile. Approximatly how much space does does the gui take up?18:51
chadeldridgeGnea:  blktool may be quite a bit out of my league .. i dont want to destroy this drive18:51
nalysubottu: thanks for your response, but I know that, as I said, I probably removed the file with root privileges and I can't access the trash folder with root privileges..so I can't completely remove that file now.. :/18:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:52
ubuntutlupsHi. i downloaded the Ubuntu 8.0.4 and im currently running up Ubuntu 7.0.4 and i want a fresh install the problem is that i burned the ISO but it wont boot. i used. Gnomebaker and once i look inside on the cd it shows up the .iso :(18:52
Nem[1]Aura: not sure if I did this right, I navigated to /var/log then vi xorg.0.log and received E303: Unable to open swap file for "xorg.0.log", recovery impossible "xorg.0.log" [New File]18:53
Piciubuntutlups: You need to burn the iso as an image, not burn the iso itself to the disc.18:53
ejerstickfu: hard to say, but maybe around 400MB18:53
Piciubuntutlups: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto for more info18:53
amenadoubuntutlups-> create a new partition, install debootstrap, and install fresh ubuntu unto new partition18:53
nalysubuntutlups: I had the same problem once and slowed the burning rate... worked fine after that.18:53
Aura-Nem[1]: try the program "less" on it18:53
stickfuif i was going to do it, do I just apt-get remove all the packages the gui uses?18:53
ejerstickfu: yup, but be aware this can have unintended consequences unless you understand what those packages do18:54
amenadoubuntutlups-> that way you dont need to burn an iso to a cdrom18:54
Aura-stickfu: i believe so, but you may want to backup first18:54
ejeramenado: that is not recommended... will not install grub for one thing18:54
amenadoubuntutlups-> you want the procedure? google for "installing ubuntu from a unix/linux system"18:55
amenadoejer who says its not recommende? by you?18:55
nalysIs it normal I can't go in my trash folder with root privileges or what ? :P18:55
amenadoejer debootstrap is not a complete install, its only  preliminary18:55
ejeramenado: we are trying to help new users, that is not the right way to install ubuntu18:55
argentodoes ubuntu have a remaster tool?18:55
amenadoejer, debootstrap is a recommende and approved ubuntu installer eh?18:55
lastmanHow can I activate the messages at system start? I would like to see more than an ubuntu logo and progress bar :-)18:56
ejerno it is not18:56
WhitorI say the right way is the way that works18:56
kitcheargento: yes18:56
amenadoejer let me find you the link..18:56
chadeldridgeAnyone else experiencing slow sata transfer speeds in 8.04 ?18:56
argentokitche, which one?18:56
kitcheargento: finding you the link18:56
amenadoejer here   https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html18:57
argentokitche, is it remastersys?18:57
ktxulirun it in single mode lastman (or failsafe)18:57
lastmanok, thanks18:57
kitcheargento: well that is one of the tools18:57
lolmachi, mahadeva_18:57
amenadoubuntutlups-> fyi..   https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/hppa/linux-upgrade.html18:58
argentokitche, tell me if you find any other... but i wanted to know if ubuntu had a remaster tool in the repos...18:58
mahadeva_how are you18:58
ejeramenado: read the note on that page18:58
javiergIf I wanted to reinstall ubuntu because im having issues on the OS would it be wise to backup all my packages? Or start from scratch (Write everything and reinstall)18:58
stickfulastman: you can try http://ubuntu-tweak.com/downloads18:59
ejerargento: http://fabrizioballiano.wordpress.com/2007/11/27/remastering-an-ubuntu-alternate-iso-with-ubuntu-customization-kit-the-complete-guide/18:59
_Zeus_javierg: just backup /home18:59
kitcheargento: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization is the main link anyways I need to go pick my mom up from work19:00
Nem[1]Aura: fglrx(0) could not detect X server version (query_status=-3), also many instances of AIGLX: 3D driver claims not support visual 0X'hex'19:00
argentocool, thanks for the link ejer kitche19:00
kitcheejer: please use ubuntu.com links if you can since 3rd party sites can not be correct19:00
Nem[1]Aura: of course this was just the statements that had WW next to them, no EE were found19:00
_Zeus_kitche: what do you mean, 3rd party sites can not be correct19:00
_Zeus_i think you mean can be incorrect19:01
ejerkitche: it is a dif process and I always check first19:01
Aura-Nem[1]: it appears that your fglrx needs updating19:01
kitche_Zeus_: yep I know incorrect but Im in a bit of a hiring to get out of the door and go pick my mom up so I didn't really type19:01
Nem[1]Aura: hmm would you suggest a reinstall? I can still access all of my files from my winxp partition...so I suppose I could insert some updated version of fglrx through there and install it in the console19:02
amenadojavierg-> its a wise idea to have a separate /home partition from / ..that way you can easily move your specific user settings..19:02
stickfu_Zeus_: don't use kitche, she can be incorrect! =]19:02
Aura-Nem[1]: you have networking working in console mode, right?19:02
_Zeus_stickfu: what do you mean, don't use her?19:03
stickfu_Zeus_: nm. was a joke. And a bad one at that19:03
RPG_AdminHow do I set up ubuntu to be an ssh server?19:04
AzizLighthi everybody19:04
Nem[1]Aura: well I suppose I should be able to, I don't have much experience with linux, I just started a week ago :-\19:04
ejerRPG_Admin: sudo apt-get install ssh19:04
javiergamenado, I think ill do that this time. Thank you19:04
RPG_Adminhow do i configure it?19:04
Aura-Nem[1]: you're doing well :)19:05
stickfuRPG_Admin: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto19:05
ejerRPG_Admin: what config do you need? it works out of box19:05
RPG_Admini was just wondering about passwords and such?19:05
CalJohn_RPG_Admin: it uses unix users and passwords19:05
AzizLightI have a noob's question: how can I see a list of all the fonts that are installed on my pc please? better, where can I find a list of all the fonts installed in by default in ubuntu (and/or any other linux distro)?19:06
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Pici!fonts | AzizLight19:06
ubottuAzizLight: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer19:06
Aura-Nem[1]: your system has the apt-get console tools for updating all packages19:06
amenadojavierg-> good luck my friend19:06
jedimindtrickis there a way to make nautilus have two panes? left/right with different locations (for click+dragging stuff around) or is there a suggested alternative to nautilus which would handle this ?19:06
RPG_Adminkk ty19:07
CalJohn_jedimindtrick: konqueror can do it, I don't think nautilus can19:07
CalJohn_jedimindtrick: kommander is even better, tbh19:07
javiergamenado, lol, thanks.19:07
AzizLightPici: thanks19:07
Aura-jedimindtrick: i find the View>Side Pane works for me, or are you looking for more than that?19:07
RPG_Adminhow do i change the port it listens on?19:08
CalJohn_Aura-: he means midnight commander style19:08
jedimindtrickAura-: need more than that, i need basically ... the equivalent of say a FTP program, where you have two locations side by side19:08
Aura-ah hehe19:08
jedimindtrickCalJohn_: will installing either of those interfere with all the built in nautilus stuff?19:08
ejerAzizLight: install specimen font viewer to be able to browse them with previews19:08
PiciRPG_Admin: modify /etc/ssh/sshd_config19:08
CalJohn_jedimindtrick: no19:08
Aura-yes, nautilus doesn't do that, jedimindtrick19:08
* Otacon22 is away: Sono Occupato.19:08
Pici!away > Otacon2219:08
ubottuOtacon22, please see my private message19:08
ejerjedimindtrick: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74171619:09
CalJohn_jedimindtrick: all the kde stuff does protocols transparently, so you can do tar.gz/ssh/ftp/etc all in the same way19:09
AzizLightejer: cool, I was searching for something like that thanks19:09
Aura-jedimindtrick: gnome-commander is a package that tries to do things midnight-commander style19:09
ejerjedimindtrick: gnome-commander http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:GCMD-screenshot.png19:09
Aura-jedimindtrick: you may also try searching synaptic for "midnight commander" to see similar/alternative packages19:10
edo32mbokay, i checked my keyboard settings - and 'key presses repeat when key is held down' is enabled.  but the key presses DON'T cause the character(s) to repeat.  Any idea why this could be?19:10
Nem[1]Aura: I entered 'sudo apt-get install fglrx-driver' is that correct?  I received W: not using locking for read only lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock, E: unable to write to /var/cahce/apt, E: the package lists or status file could not be parsed19:10
jedimindtrickcool, thanks for your help guys im gonna do a bit of research before i pick one of these19:11
ActionParsnipyo yo yo19:11
Aura-Nem[1]: it seems you have some missing files that are making it hard on apt19:12
chadeldridgeSo exactly how dangerous would it be to go to 2.6.24-21 in 8.04 ... or for that matter enable the "proposed" updates to run ?19:12
Aura-Nem[1]: are all your directories mounted?19:12
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danbh_intrepidchadeldridge: do you need that kernel?19:12
Nem[1]Aura: hmm...perhaps a complete reinstall is what I need19:12
ActionParsnipchadeldridge: is your current kernel ok?19:13
chadeldridgedanbh_intrepid:  there is talk that a fix for the sata speed issue is included in it19:13
pythoneleshi folks, i'm having this wierd behavior in nautilus, where the file string match only works for the first opened  window (not the subsequent)! i used to have some solved SCIM related problems but the methods used there are not working..has anyone expirienced such thing ?19:13
danbh_intrepidchadeldridge: usually, -proposed are pretty safe, but you can run into a few bugs19:13
Aura-Nem[1]: perhaps; and that may be easiest19:13
danbh_intrepidchadeldridge: well, you should test it out!19:13
Nem[1]Aura: btw, thanks so much for your time with my issues, I learned a pretty good deal today :)19:13
chadeldridgesafer than backports ?19:13
xxploitquestion, Supposedly on the Ubuntu Alternate CD's theres an option to install a command line only system, but I havent seen it, anyone know where it would be?19:13
Picichadeldridge: no.19:13
Picixxploit: There isnt.19:13
ejerxxploit: you want ubuntu-server19:13
kryptonite_hi all19:14
norbert_guys, how is this possible19:14
ActionParsnip!lowmemory | xxploit19:14
ubottuxxploit: For installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.19:14
chadeldridgeso backports are from the new version being developed and backported to 8.04 ?19:14
norbert_someone has installed Ubuntu and YouTube doesn't even show Flash19:14
benjicknorbert_: Ubuntu doesn't come with flash19:14
ejer!flash | norbert_19:14
ubottunorbert_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:14
ActionParsnipnorbert_: on 64bit or 32bit?19:14
norbert_Ubuntu doesn't come with Flash??19:15
xxploitActionParsnip, from that page 'To install a base system, boot from any Alternate CD and choose "Install a command-line system19:15
Nem[1]Also, could anyone tell me if there is a major disadvantage to creating a virtual swap file instead of extra unpartioned space?19:15
Aura-xxploit: i do know that intrepid has low-memory setups for say the OLPC, but that might not be what you're looking for19:15
ejerno neither does windows norbert_19:15
danbh_intrepidnorbert_: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras19:15
saintbobI'm having slow browser problems in ubuntu 8.04 but fine over on the windows side whats up?19:15
Aura-norbert_: flash is installable through Synaptic19:15
tanveerhow can you play games on ubuntu from www.shockwave.com19:15
Pici!shockwave | tanveer19:15
ogzyis there anyone who had used rtcwake at ubuntu before?19:15
ubottutanveer: Shockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave19:15
ActionParsnipnorbert_: no, id suggest adobe.com, get the tar.gz and extract the libflashplugin.so to ~/.mozilla/plugins19:16
PiciActionParsnip: Why not through the repositories?19:16
norbert_ActionParsnip: hum, that's too complicated for the person I'm trying to help19:16
ActionParsnipPici: its the way i know how to do it19:16
danbh_intrepidnorbert_: the command I gave, gets you flash, and several other codecs/goodies19:16
Boyinblue0Hello I'm getting an error after installing Ubuntu 8.04 when trying to boot up it says "port is slow to respond"19:16
ejernorbert_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash very simple 3 steps19:16
norbert_danbh_intrepid: yeah, sounds good, I've told him to install that package19:16
Boyinblue0Could you possibly help?19:17
saintbobI'm having slow browser problems in ubuntu 8.04 but fine over on the windows side whats up?19:17
norbert_ejer: yes, thanks; I've told him to install flashplugin-nonfree and ubuntu-restricted-extras19:17
GneaBoyinblue0: what port is slow to respond?19:17
xXx_UEhello to everyone19:17
YashyAfter a reboot I seem to have lost my nvidia driver, I'm stuck in 800x600. http://pastebin.com/m1194b9ce Any help is appreciated.19:17
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr19:17
Boyinblue0erm.. i don't really know shall i check and report back?19:17
Nem[1]thanks guys, later19:18
Boyinblue0ill get mirc open on my laptop :D19:18
buntuanyone know how i can sort out my vaio vgn 38m wireless problem please?19:18
saintbobI'm having slow browser problems in ubuntu 8.04 but fine over on the windows side whats up?19:18
Gneabuntu: what problem?19:18
chadeldridgeIs it possible to install the 2.6.27 kernel in 8.04?19:18
buntuGnea can't connect wireless19:19
Aura-buntu: which chipset do you have for your wireless?19:19
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Gneabuntu: no, that's the symptom. what's the *problem*? :)19:19
buntuno connection signal tried some sites downloaded some stuff but no luck19:19
orangepeelbeefwhats the intrepid channel19:19
Piciorangepeelbeef: #ubuntu+119:19
ejerYashy: try removing it from system>admin>hardware drivers... reboot then enable it again from same place19:20
orangepeelbeefthx pici19:20
saintbobI'm having slow browser problems in ubuntu 8.04 but fine over on the windows side whats up?19:20
ejerwhat is the problem saintbob what is slow, what are symptoms19:20
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buntuweird thing is i stuck a linsys usb wireless in and now i'm wireless but the build in sony one doesn't work19:21
Aura-saintbob: it's a graphics thing; if you're using compiz it can slow things down, or if you're using kde graphical effects19:21
|Spuddy|HI guys, I just created a drive in windows well a file and followed instructions on how to make an extra 50GB to your wubi, However i cannot view the extra drive i have created, Please help19:21
* Otacon22 is back (gone 00:12:51)19:21
Piciplowman: Please don't.19:22
Tux2K8how do I check what flash version do i have installed?19:22
Gneaplowman: eeeeh??19:22
|Spuddy|HI guys, I just created a drive in windows well a file and followed instructions on how to make an extra 50GB to your wubi, However i cannot view the extra drive i have created, Please help19:22
saintbobweb page come up after a long pause and some don't come up at all  one page comes up ok in konqeror but not in firefox19:22
tanveerafter minimizing  a window how do you maximize it again19:22
ActionParsnip|Spuddy|: does it show in sudo fdisk -l19:22
Boyinblue0when its trying too boot up it says "ata1: SRST fail (errno=-16)" then on the second line "Ata1: port is slow to respond, please be patient (Staus 0xfe)19:22
|Spuddy|ActionParsnip,  - Can i PM/Msg you p-lease19:22
Yashyejer: It's not listed as a driver there :(19:22
GneaTux2K8: type into your browser address field: about:plugins19:22
Tux2K8Gnea : cool , 10x19:22
tanveerafter minimizing  a window how do you maximize it again19:22
Otacon22<Otacon22> sorry19:22
GneaBoyinblue0: sounds like a bad disk or a bad sata cable19:23
CalJohn_tanveer: click on it on the taskbar19:23
ejertanveer: you click the icon for that window in taskbar19:23
Altarihi guys19:23
CalJohn_saintbob: sounds like your dns is bust.  does "wget www.google.com" work?19:23
Boyinblue0Shall I try and install it on my main hard-drive instead of my external one?19:23
Altariis anyon here available to help me with something?19:23
CalJohn_Altari: you can only be helped if you tell people how to help ;)19:23
saintboblet me check19:24
GneaBoyinblue0: you could try it - if i were you, i'd look into trying out another sata cable before something breaks19:24
Altarisorry, i'll try to describe the problem19:24
CalJohn_Altari: that's cool :)19:24
Altarii'm looking to install a wireless card (pcmcia)19:24
danbh_intrepidCalJohn_: dig is the command to test dns, fyi19:25
Boyinblue0Gnea: I don't think I have a sata cable as the cable that attaching it to my pc is one that goes into a usb port19:25
Altarihowever to be honest, i have no idea how to install drivers in linux :\19:25
GneaBoyinblue0: better to spend $2 now and nothing later, than to spend nothing now and $80 later ;)19:25
saintbobgoogle comes up after about 7 seconds19:25
Altarii've had a look at a few wikis but i think something gets lost in the translation to noob :p19:25
CalJohn_danbh_intrepid: oh yeah.  would've been better to advise that19:25
Jack_SparrowAltari So you already bought it .. Did you look in our list of supported hardware first?19:25
GneaBoyinblue0: do you have internet connectivity with the system?19:25
Boyinblue0Gnea: Yeah I suppose, I'll try and see if i can find a different sata cable lying around somewhere19:26
tanveer_click where on the task bar to maximize a window19:26
AltariJack_Sparrow; i'm dualbooting windows19:26
AltariJack_Sparrow; i already had the wireless adapter19:26
CalJohn_tanveer: on the name of the window you minimised19:26
|Spuddy|HI guys, I just created a drive in windows well a file and followed instructions on how to make an extra 50GB to your wubi, However i cannot view the extra drive i have created, Please help19:26
Jack_SparrowAltari That doesnt answer my question19:26
Boyinblue0Gnea: I'm on my laptop atm so yeah i do have connectivity with this19:26
Yashyhttp://pastebin.com/md00d3e1 I seem to have lost my nvidia driver and am stuck in VESA... help :)19:26
Jack_Sparrow!wifi > Altari19:26
ubottuAltari, please see my private message19:26
saintbobhow do I unbust dns19:26
CalJohn_Altari: he wants you the check if your hardware is supported19:26
Altarioh, my bad i thought you were saying i should have checked before buying it ;)19:26
=== Kvik_job is now known as Kvik_job_off
GneaBoyinblue0: i meant with the ubuntu system - or maybe if you have a usb flash/jump drive, could you copy the /var/log/dmesg file over and pastebin it?19:27
Aura-linux has come a long ways as far as drivers are concerned19:27
buntuhow do i check which chip my wireless have plse?19:27
tanveer_it disappears once i mini minimize it the window is not seen on the task bar19:27
Jack_SparrowAltari It works best if you check before, but since you have it , the fast way is to see if others have it working and how they did it19:27
|Spuddy|Anybody here know the Wubi well and fsutil? Or can help me please19:27
Aura-buntu: if it's a pci device, try lspci19:27
AltariJack_Sparrow; ah okay19:27
Aura-buntu: if it's a usb device, try lsusb19:28
Altariwell it says it's not supported out of the box19:28
tanveer_click where on the task bar to maximize a window19:28
nalysbuntu: lshw19:28
Gnea|Spuddy|: what's the problem?19:28
tanveer_it disappears once i mini minimize it the window is not seen on the task bar19:28
Altari(netgear wg511 v2)19:28
|Spuddy|Gnea can i PM/Msg please?19:28
Altariit's a prism chipset19:28
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > |Spuddy|19:28
Dominoesdoes anyone know what would cause sound to be distorted/crackly/missing most frequencies in games?19:28
ubottu|Spuddy|, please see my private message19:28
Aura-nalys: that works too19:28
pythoneleshi folks, i'm having this wierd behavior in nautilus, where the file string match only works for the first opened  window (not the subsequent)! i used to have some solved SCIM related problems but the methods used there are not working..has anyone expirienced such thing ?19:28
Gnea|Spuddy|: no.19:28
Altari"Made in China" version. Must use ndiswrapper and a few tweaks - Substitute the v3 drivers in the howto for the Win2000 drivers off the netgear cd.19:28
Gnea!pm | |Spuddy|19:28
ubottu|Spuddy|: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:28
Jack_SparrowDominoes volume set too high..19:28
Boyinblue0Gnea: I've booted it into windows now so ill have a look for that file in the /ubuntu/ directory19:28
Dominoesjack_sparrow, nope19:28
stv_quem pode me  ajudar?19:28
|Spuddy|I have already asked however19:28
tanveer_click where on the task bar to maximize a window19:28
tanveer_click where on the task bar to maximize a window19:28
GneaBoyinblue0: okay19:28
tanveer_it disappears once i mini minimize it the window is not seen on the task bar19:29
* Altari begins reading19:29
FloodBot2tanveer_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:29
|Spuddy|I created a FREE SPACE DISK with fsutil in windows cmd19:29
Altarii may return shortly, Jack_Sparrow19:29
benzs_sis there a way to have a keyboard shortcut open a specific application?19:29
Altaribut thankyou :)19:29
|Spuddy|put it in the ubuntu/disks and called it extra.disk19:29
|Spuddy|as it saise on the wiki of ubuntu however it does not show19:29
buntuI have a vaio vgn nr38 lap top with build in wireless..but it doesn't work with ubuntu 8 ...have a linksys ubs stucked in and it works19:29
carreraI can't send files to my laptop with Bluetooth. Any ideas as to why?19:29
sodedyo guys, anyone know how i can join quakenet server using Konversation ?19:29
=== nostferka^ is now known as nostferka
* sber bye19:30
buntuwould like the build in wiresless to work like it does with vista on the other partition...19:30
tanveer_click where on the task bar to maximize a window19:31
nalysso hi again, I tried to access to my trash folder as root in pretty much every way possible (I think and it just doesn't work... it only shows an error message wich says that it's not possible... and I have no idea why .. :P19:31
Picisoded: File>Server List   I suppose..19:31
hellcattravHi al19:31
ejertanveer_: the bottom bar on your screen should have all your programs on it19:31
CalJohn_nalys: can you paste the rror please?19:31
hellcattravam wondering if there is a way I can get my background to cycle through pictures?19:31
Jack_Sparrownalys gksudo nautilus19:31
tanveer_let me try19:32
CalJohn_hellcattrav: depends on what root-setter you're using19:32
nalysJack_Sparrow: tried already .... everytime the same ...19:32
amenadonalys can you do an ls and show that directory exist?19:33
anom01yhey guys.. is there any way I can find out what is causing my user accounts to crash ? (when I keep one user open and switch to another, the first user seems to crash once in a while)19:33
CalJohn_hellcattrav: are you using gnome?19:33
kryptonite_wallpaper tray19:33
nalysamenado: no I can't :(19:33
CalJohn_nalys: can you paste the error please?19:33
amenadonalys-> perhaps it does not exist anymore, you may have deleted it?19:33
Yashyhelp! My nvidia driver seems to have gone awol, I'm stuck using VESA in 800x600   http://pastebin.com/m1df0dbb19:33
anom01yI am using kde 3.5.919:33
amenadonalys you can not display something that dont exist19:34
nalysCalJohn: its german : Leider konnte nicht der gesamte Inhalt von »trash« angezeigt werden: Vorgang nicht unterstützt. that means the request isn't supportedd or something like that ....19:34
remoteCTRLwhat do i have to do to have my headset's volume control switch control my headset and not my speakers?19:34
nalysCalJhon: that the entire content couldn't be shown, request not suported ... I think19:35
sodedI only get this far:19:35
soded[20:34] [Info] Looking for server quakenet.org:6667...19:35
soded[20:34] [Info] Server found, connecting...19:35
=== tsai__ is now known as tsai__rox
buntuany success with wireless on sony vaio vgn please?19:35
Aura-buntu, did you identify your wireless card?19:35
nalysamenado: yeah I guess ... but I still can't access it as root but I can as a normal user ... that doesn't make sense to me ^^19:36
remoteCTRL!wireless > buntu19:36
ubottubuntu, please see my private message19:36
CalJohn_nalys: strange.19:36
CalJohn_nalys: how did this directory get made?19:36
amenadonalys it does not make sense if normal user can access it..as normal user can ls the directory?19:36
nalysCaljohn: andd even stranger .... I got the same problem on my laptop :P19:36
nalysamenado: yes19:37
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
Jack_Sparrownalys What version of ubuntu are you using19:37
=== nostferka is now known as nostferka^
=== nostferka^ is now known as nostferka
amenadonalys-> post your results please..in pastebin19:37
nalysJack_Sparrow: 8.0419:37
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:37
carreradoesn't Bluetooth work on Ubuntu?19:37
DasEihow can I see which xorg-version is running on a hardy ?19:37
_Novanet_hi all19:37
benzs_sis there a way to have a keyboard shortcut open a specific application?19:37
=== Madsy2 is now known as Madsy
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about leys19:38
Gneabuntu: http://tinyurl.com/4zzqlq19:38
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:38
_Novanet_ppls, who installed IPSEC L2TP VPN?19:38
_Novanet_on debian\ubuntu19:38
Gnea!server > _Novanet_19:38
ubottu_Novanet_, please see my private message19:38
TJ-42is there a way to use separate color profiles for different monitors?19:38
buntuwireless event not found19:39
nalysamenado: nalys@lillbro:/$ cd ~/.local/share/Trash19:39
nalysnalys@lillbro:~/.local/share/Trash$ ls19:39
nalysfiles  info19:39
nalysnalys@lillbro:~/.local/share/Trash$ sudo ~/.local/share/Trash19:39
nalys[sudo] password for nalys:19:39
FloodBot2nalys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:39
nalyssudo: /home/nalys/.local/share/Trash: command not found19:39
remoteCTRL!server > remoteCTRL19:39
ubotturemoteCTRL, please see my private message19:39
Gnea!pastebin | nalys19:39
ubottunalys: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:39
_Novanet_ubottu: about faq?19:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about about faq?19:39
_Novanet_ubottu: about faq?19:39
Jack_Sparrow_Novanet_   /msg ubottu to reduce spam in channel19:40
Pici_Novanet_: You may want to try #ubuntu-server19:40
amenadonalys thats not where the rgular .Trash is at, you changed it?19:40
virginiatigerhey so I then an see computers on my schools network, but then clicking on one of them doesn't appear to be anything there.19:40
Piciamenado: yes it is19:40
buntuGnea thanks i'll give that  link a try19:40
|Spuddy|Anybody here know the Wubi well and fsutil? Or can help me please19:40
Babblebacki created a guest account, opened firefox to a page requiring flash and thus it prompted me to install flash, i put in the guest account's password and not the root's and thus it failed to install, how do i get the prompt back as sudo apt-get install flashplayer-mozzila does not actually install flash19:40
nalysamenado: I didn't change it ... well at least I think I'd know ...19:41
amenadoPici isnt it supposed to be ~/.Trash ?19:41
Piciamenado: It used to be.19:41
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash19:41
Gneavirginiatiger: so?19:41
amenadoah okay19:41
nalysamenado: though you get my problem now ? :>19:41
remoteCTRLhow can i make my headset's volume switch control my headset instead of  my speakers(that are attached to another soundcard)?19:41
Gnea|Spuddy|: without telling us what the problem is, we can't help you.19:41
Gnea!ask > |Spuddy|19:41
ubottu|Spuddy|, please see my private message19:41
|Spuddy|i have told you twice19:41
amenadonalys-> do a  ls -la  ~/.local/share19:42
amenadonalys and use the pastebin to post19:42
|Spuddy|Ubottu - Please dont PM Without asking read the rules19:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
Gnea|Spuddy|: no you haven't.19:42
n-iCeany flash editor?? for gnome???19:42
|Spuddy|yes i have19:42
Babblebackanyone for help on my previous posting related to flash player installation on a guest account19:42
Rimenplease can someone tell me what is the best solution in ubuntu for sound editing, like soundforge19:42
Pici|Spuddy|: ubottu is our channel bot.19:42
Gnea|Spuddy|: the bot is allowed to PM.19:42
CarlFKwhat's the name of the drive imager that doesn't include unused ntfs blocks?19:42
Phantomashow can i limit the bandwith of some computers in a network?19:42
Sven_hi, I want to flash my bios but I have never done it before. I'm using flashrom for my asusmainboard. Logs: http://rafb.net/p/BweTZj41.html19:42
ejer!flash Babbleback19:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:42
carrerahas anyone configured Bluetooth on a laptop successfully?19:42
ejer!flash | Babbleback19:42
ubottuBabbleback: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash19:42
Jack_Sparrow|Spuddy|  ubotto is a bot.. we are trying to tell you something..19:43
Rimencarrera: I have19:43
carreraRimen, I can't send from my nokia mobile to my hp laptop19:43
Rimencarrera: just plug it in, I guess that is the hardest work that can be done with bluethoot19:43
nalys!pastebin insgesamt 3219:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
nalysdrwxr-xr-x 8 nalys nalys 4096 2008-08-23 22:26 .19:43
nalysdrwxr-xr-x 3 nalys nalys 4096 2008-06-08 17:31 ..19:43
nalysdrwxr-xr-x 4 nalys nalys 4096 2008-09-17 20:02 applications19:43
nalysdrwxr-xr-x 2 nalys nalys 4096 2008-08-28 20:26 desktop-directories19:43
FloodBot2nalys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
nalysdrwxr-xr-x 2 nalys nalys 4096 2008-08-06 16:36 icons19:43
nalysargh sry :P19:44
Yashyhelp! My nvidia driver seems to have gone awol, I'm stuck using VESA in 800x600   http://pastebin.com/m1df0dbb19:44
Gnea|Spuddy|: further, your attitude is not required. if you want help, you need to tell us what's wrong. we're not getting paid to do this, and you are most certainly not paying us, therefore we do not HAVE to bow to any demands you might have. if you want to recieve respectful help, please show some courtesy and some respect to begin with.19:44
carreraRimen, but booth devices see each other19:44
carreraRimen, what is the hardest work?19:44
RimenUbuntu has drivers for any bluethoot, but most of the time its hard to connect cells19:44
|Spuddy|Right here is my problem - I create a empty 50GB File through fsutil on windows CMD, I then change the format as the insturctions say to .fdisk19:44
|Spuddy|however when i log into ubuntu it dosent work19:44
Gnea|Spuddy|: okay, which instructions?19:45
ActionParsnip|Spuddy|: http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=73784819:45
Gnea|Spuddy|: from the wubi website?19:45
Rimencarrera: yes I know, that is the only problem, I had it too, but eventually, it works again19:45
Sven_hi, I want to flash my bios but I have never done it before. I'm using flashrom for my asusmainboard. Logs: http://rafb.net/p/BweTZj41.html Someone ?19:45
Jack_Sparrow|Spuddy| You installed with WUBI..   That is not a normal install..  Did you read the faq on wubi like we linked?19:45
DuKeSHey everyone, i'm a new ubuntu user and i need some help with my graphics card...i've tried ubuntu before but had to uninstall because i just couldn't get my graphics card to work right. The whole OS was perfect except that i couldn't play videos without having this weird line through the middle of them...can anyone help me get the right drivers for a desktop with an nvidia nforce 2 motherboard? according to my pc19:45
Rimencan now someone tell me what is the best solution for sound editing, like sound forge19:45
Phantomasanyone ? please help me19:46
Rimenor gold wave19:46
DuKeSsaccording to my pc's specs the graphics card is a gforce 4mx...anyone?19:46
ActionParsnipDuKeS: i use nforce2, works out of the box19:46
CarlFKRimen: rose-garden19:46
Gnea|Spuddy|: that website that ActionParsnip just posted for you seems to outline the procedure quite precisely.19:46
ejerRimen: audacity19:46
Vezirwhy won't sound work in KDE 3.5.919:46
ActionParsnipDuKeS: what graphics card do you have?19:46
Veziris it cause i use pulseaudio?19:46
DuKeSaccording to system specs its a gforce 4mx??19:46
ActionParsnipDuKeS: run lspci, it will tell you19:47
Rimenthank ejer19:47
DuKeSif u want my desktops specs it's a eMachines T3256 u can look it up19:47
ActionParsnipDuKeS: paste the line for your card in here19:47
DuKeSim actually not on linux right now19:47
ActionParsnipDuKeS: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx should do you19:47
remoteCTRLif i only knew how to put this question to get an answer..19:47
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: explain it as plainly as you can19:48
Rimento who I can send the bugreport from my laptop, since I have to save it cause sending failed, I dont know who to send a bug report, can someone give me the link or something19:48
DuKeSyes i've done that before when i tried ubuntu 7.10 but for some reason, the videos play choppy :(19:48
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: say whats happening and what you would like to happen19:48
Gnea!bug | Rimen19:48
ubottuRimen: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:48
DuKeSim talking about anything from .avi to dvd's19:48
pythoneleshi folks, i'm having this wierd behavior in nautilus, where the file string match only works for the first opened  window (not the subsequent)! i used to have some solved SCIM related problems but the methods used there are not working..has anyone expirienced such thing ?19:48
ActionParsnipDuKeS: do you have 3d accelleration?19:48
DuKeShow do i check that?19:48
DuKeSim on windows right now though :S19:49
ActionParsnipDuKeS: glxinfo | grep direct19:49
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: hi there and thanks: i have my plantronics headset attached and so far it works fine exept the volume switch doesn't turn the headset's voulme up and down but the speakers'19:49
ejerpythoneles: explain more.. you are searching for a string in one window and you want it to search that in all windows?19:49
RimenI got a bug report about my Pidgin, it doesnt work for long time now, it connects and it freezes, after what I can only Force Quit19:49
nalysamenado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/48114/19:49
Sven_hi, I want to flash my bios but I have never done it before. I'm using flashrom for my asusmainboard. Logs: http://rafb.net/p/BweTZj41.html Someone ?19:50
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: ok what model is it?19:50
GneaRimen: have you tried resetting the pidgin configuration?19:50
pythonelesejer, no, i mean focusing the other window, if its not the first opened the string match won't work19:50
ActionParsnipSven_: wrong room dude19:50
Babblebackubottu, a sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree prompts for guest's password and then it just drops back to the command prompt with non of the usual "install Y/n"19:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:50
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: it's a dsp50019:50
ejerstring match on what pythoneles19:50
DuKeSi'll be installing hardy heron in a few hours and i'll try those lines...but i believe my pc's specs do mention 3d acceleration19:50
ActionParsnipBabbleback: ubottu is a bot19:50
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: i had this working once, if i only could recall how it worked...19:50
DuKeSit's only an internal card with 64mb shared graphics :S19:50
GneaDuKeS: as long as you have more than 256megs of RAM, you should be fine19:51
BabblebackActionParsnip, ok19:51
DuKeS512mb (will upgrade to 1.5 soon)19:51
Babblebackejer, a sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree prompts for guest's password and then it just drops back to the command prompt with non of the usual "install Y/n"19:51
ActionParsnipDuKeS: thats enough for ubuntu19:51
GneaDuKeS: oh, you'll enjoy it :)19:51
ArtescIs this real? http://kr.youtube.com/watch?v=32JgSJYpL8o19:51
pythonelesejer, in nautilus when you're browsing a path, if you start typing, it will try to match that string you typed to a file in the folder you're in19:51
ArtescHe hacked traffic!19:52
ActionParsnipBabbleback: sudo apt get -f install19:52
Gnea!offtopic | Artesc19:52
ubottuArtesc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!19:52
Jack_SparrowBabbleback Are you the only user on the system?19:52
ActionParsnipBabbleback: is the user a member of the admin group?19:52
ejerBabbleback: you only need to install it once, and perhaps your new user is not member of admin group so you can't use sudo19:52
Jack_SparrowArtesc Please stop19:52
ejerpythoneles: yes, but that only works in active window from what i know19:52
anom01yis there a log file or something I can check to see why kde randomly logs off my user account when I am in anther user account ?19:52
BabblebackActionParsnip, no this is a new user i created and needed to install flash for but it failed19:52
DuKeSwell i'll give those lines a try ActionParsnip, if the drivers still work funny i guess i'll be coming back to the chat :P thanks both of u (Gnea too)19:52
kelderArtesc: it's a hoax, that guy did a ton of em19:52
Sven_ActionParsnip: which channel should I join ?19:52
ScuniziAny thought on using Webmin (http://www.linux-mag.com/id/6961) as a method for the home user managing their Ubuntu Server?19:52
anom01yI have had this problem for quite some time now, and I never see or hear of anyone else talking about it19:52
ActionParsnip!hardware | Sven_19:53
ubottuSven_: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection19:53
Babblebackejer, probley is not part of the admin group as the idea was for it to be a guest account19:53
infinite_hi folks,how do i know wich WLAN card i have in my notebook?19:53
ActionParsnipSven_: hm not useful, try checking the channel list19:53
pythonelesejer, for sure, but in my case it only works if it is the active window, *and* the first opened window19:53
ejerScunizi: it works, but is better to learn how to do it manually in my opinion, webmin is not necessarily perfect19:53
Babblebackejer, so how do you install flash on a guest account?19:53
ActionParsnipinfinite_: lspci19:53
pythonelesejer, which is the strange behavior19:53
remoteCTRLinfinite_: lspci19:53
alamatyo men19:53
SlartScunizi: webmin isn't good for some reason19:53
alamator women19:53
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:53
Slart!ebox | Scunizi19:53
ubottuScunizi: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox19:53
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47781019:54
Scuniziejer: true.. but for the casual home user.. lan only.19:54
SlartScunizi: I'm not saying ebox is good... personally I can't stand it..19:54
ejerScunizi: look at ebox19:54
ArtescJack_Sparrow// Why Call me? stop? what?19:54
ScuniziSlart: thanks.. not sure why webmin is bad but I'll look at ebox too. thanks.19:54
iroGuys if i upgrade from 7.10 to 8.04 will my graphic drivers remain untouched?19:54
Jack_SparrowArtesc offtopic19:54
* remoteCTRL reading***19:54
ArtescJack_Sparrow//Yeah I'm really sorry.19:54
Slartiro: probably not.. if they are kernel modules.. since 8.04 uses a newer kernel.. afaik19:55
ejerBabbleback: you can manually copy it in, or add him to admin group do what you need, then remove from admin19:55
alamathum sorry i'm linuxnoob p resk19:56
ActionParsnipBabbleback: if you download the tar.gz for flash from www.adobe.com you can copy it to ~/.mozilla/plugins and it'll work19:56
Jack_Sparrow!coc > alamat19:56
ubottualamat, please see my private message19:56
Jack_Sparrowthat might help19:56
alamatwhat the fich bluetouth ?19:56
alamatwhat the fuck bluetouth ?19:56
whitenexx-pc2hey ubuntu users! did there had been any LVM-Problems in the last time in ubuntu or debian?19:56
Prosehow do I shutdown an app through terminal (not kill but stop it)19:56
PiciActionParsnip: Please don't suggest that method of installing Flash.  It may break during upgrades and we cannot support it.19:56
kuruminfaça comigo19:57
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: umm... actually i hear with it and i guess the mic also works, haven't tested so far BUT it has that little volume switch on it and that one controls the wrong soundcard, i.e. intel's onboard device there's gotta be some menu or so where i can "tell" the control to manupulate a different soundcard?19:57
SlartProse: what do you mean by "stop" ? you can ask it to quit nicely19:57
ActionParsnipPici: if he doesnt have root access its a workaround until the admin installs flash19:57
ProseSlart: well, throug init.d it doesn't work19:57
PiciActionParsnip: Ah, I missed that part. Sorry.19:57
ProseI mean, I tell it to stop but it does't see it running19:57
kurumindeixa pra la19:57
Pici!br | kurumin19:57
ubottukurumin: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.19:57
ActionParsnipPici: ive been here long enough to know what's what but I know what you mean19:57
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: do you have 2 sound cards?19:58
SlartProse: doesn't work? do you get some kind of error message?19:58
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: i do, the plantronics headset has one attached to the cable19:58
Proseyeah :No /usr/sbin/vsftpd found running; none killed.19:58
SlartProse: then it isn't running19:58
ProseSlart: but when I ps aux it's clearly running19:58
SlartProse: so no need to stop it19:58
kstolltest msg19:58
alamat!english fuck19:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about english fuck19:59
ejerProse: what about just 'kill vsftpd'19:59
Slart!language | alamat19:59
ubottualamat: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:59
ProseI wish kids hung around here19:59
alamatsniff boat19:59
ActionParsnipProse: ps -ef | grep vsf19:59
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: http://www.nopaste.org/p/at0St6QSk20:00
nalysok... I solved my problem :/ it was very dumb... I want to apologize to everyone who took the time to answer ^^ thx! cu.20:00
SlartProse: that stop command doesn't just kill every process with a certain name.. it kills the process it started earlier.. so if you've run the vsftp program yourself it won't kill it for you.. afaik20:00
=== martini is now known as starbuckkkee
SlartProse: but try killing that stray vsftp process using kill, pkill or whatever method you like..20:00
ProseSlart: hum okay, but init.d won't kill processed it started himself20:00
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: you mave have to use xev to program the input like special keys on a keyboard20:01
Babblebackejer, thank you20:01
lwizardlanyone have experince with building linux cash registers? i need some help with mine20:01
BabblebackActionParsnip, thank you20:01
ActionParsnipBabbleback: you got it?20:01
SlartProse: it starts a process and saves the pID in a file.. when you stop it it kills the process with the pID from the file.. if I understand things correctly20:01
ActionParsnipi got a question, what exactly is a tty?20:01
SlartProse: so if you start vsftp by running it from a terminal you can't kill it using init.d20:01
ProseSlart: ok it works now20:02
ProseSlart: .... oh damn I see what happened!20:02
amenadoProse umm its hard to kill a daemon, it may respawn itself..20:02
ActionParsnipive seen a guide about making linux boot faster by having fewer ttys, can anyone explain this20:02
ejerActionParsnip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tty_(Unix)20:02
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: naw that actually wans't it, somehow i also got the logitech keyboard's volume control to work, someone told me howto and i really should have written it down...20:02
starbuckkkeehi, could somebody tell me the importance of the RAM speed? i want to set up a linux server, and i want to build it with a bord which has an onboard graphics card20:02
`MatirWhere can I see the list of networks NM is configured to connect to?20:02
DasEiActionParsnip:keybpad is one for example, serial comnectors are so called also20:02
Gneastarbuckkkee: well, the faster the speed, the faster the system20:02
ejersorry dumb link ActionParsnip20:03
Proseamenado, Slart : sorry for sutpidiy, what happened is that I changed the conf file and there was a bad argument.. and when I asked init.d to start the daemon, it did but the daemon partially started20:03
ejerActionParsnip: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/589620:03
Proseso it was half-started but not enough to be killed by init.d20:03
starbuckkkeeGnea: true, but is this so important for a server, i mean i dont want to play new games like crysis or something which neds extrem good performance won ram20:03
SlartProse: ah..tricky20:04
ProseSlart: yeah it reminds me of when I used Windows :(20:04
DasEistarbuckkkee: cpu and chipsatz make a max. possible fsb, which the ram must mangage20:04
ActionParsnipcheers ejer20:04
Proseanyone here SSL/vsftpd inclined ?20:04
krzysztofi've got the prolem of opengl20:04
mohadibany sata hot/warm pluggers here? i have gifts if so20:05
starbuckkkeeDasEi: onboard graphics slows down the ram speed ... is this true?20:05
BabblebackActionParsnip, temporarily adding the guest account to the admin group allowed me to install it but it failed due to md5sum mismatch20:05
ProseI can't figure out why SSL encryption won't work with my client and vsftpd20:05
krzysztofenybody help me ??20:05
Minty95I meesed up my network icons, how do I get back (install) nm-applet as I cannot find it in synaptics20:05
ActionParsnipBabbleback: what failed md5?20:05
DasEistarbuckkkee: nope, but it usually uses some ram for itself20:05
ActionParsnip!ask | krzysztof20:05
ubottukrzysztof: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:05
Gneastarbuckkkee: well, it's a server, it's meant to serve. you surely wouldn't want your waitress to trip and fall..20:05
BabblebackActionParsnip, sudoa apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree'20:05
Scunizikrzysztof: you havent asked a question.. just made a statement.20:06
chazcoHi... can anyone recommend the best way to copy an encrypted DVD (its allowed for this purpose) to a playable file type on Ubuntu, maximising quality? (filesize isnt really an issue)20:06
DasEistarbuckkkee: often u can set that in bios, and for a server little ram is enough20:06
SlartMinty95: it isn't called nm-applet in synaptic.. check for network-manager.. think that's the one20:06
ActionParsnipBabbleback: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:06
Gneastarbuckkkee: tomshardware.com usually has some good articles and information regarding the correct memory speed line-ups and how to avoid damaging your hardware20:06
ActionParsnipBabbleback: that will delete the old one you downloaded (as well as all the other temp .debs you have pulled down from erpos)20:06
Slart!info network-manager-gnome | Minty9520:07
ubottuminty95: network-manager-gnome (source: network-manager-applet): network management framework (GNOME frontend). In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.6-0ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 161 kB, installed size 1908 kB20:07
Minty95Slart, have those bot the icon is not the same and cnnot see the VPN pptp but either20:07
SlartMinty95: then I don't know what could be wrong..20:07
starbuckkkeeDasEi: i wouldn't have a problem buying 4 gb of ram, the only thing is that i was told taht onboard graphic slows down the fsb of the ram about the half... means 800mhz ram gets like 400 mhz ram if onboard graphics is going to use system-ram20:07
ActionParsnip!info wifi-radar | Minty9520:07
ubottuminty95: wifi-radar (source: wifi-radar): graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.7-0ubuntu4 (hardy), package size 38 kB, installed size 232 kB20:07
remoteCTRLActionParsnip: thanks for looking into my problem man, but i think i give up for the moment20:07
krzysztofi have start the savage 2 game, when i trying start it of command : /usr/local/games/Savage2/savage2.bin i see the error : Savage2 - Fatal Error: OpenGL 2.1 not available.20:07
krzysztofSavage2 - Fatal Error: Segmentation Fault20:08
krzysztofSegmentation fault20:08
krzysztof please help20:08
ActionParsnipremoteCTRL: np man20:08
FloodBot2krzysztof: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:08
starbuckkkeeDasEi: i was told that by a computer technican20:08
hd420my machine seems to have os its hard drive20:08
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: have you installed graphics drivers?20:08
starbuckkkeeGnea: do u have a link by accident???20:08
Gneastarbuckkkee: eeeh?!20:08
ejerstarbuckkkee: it does not slow anything down, it may just use some ram20:09
krzysztofyes i install the xserver-xorg-video-intel drivers20:09
starbuckkkeeGnea: do u have a link for the whole ram thing on toms-hardware... sorry, for bad english20:09
DasEistarbuckkkee: that would wonder me- which board ? for usual a certaint amount of ram is assigned to the graphics onboard, but that won't settle down fsb20:09
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: have you updated your xorg.conf20:09
cleveri dont seem to have an inittab on my new system, where would i add getty lines?20:09
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: run glxinfo | grep direct20:09
Gneastarbuckkkee: well what motherboard are you using?20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inittab20:09
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: does it say you have direct rendering?20:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about getty20:09
chamunksSlart, i got it working thanks20:10
IMaverickcan any one suggest a good down;load maneger for gnome20:10
krzysztofdirect rendering: Yes20:10
starbuckkkeeim going to get the GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2H20:10
ejerclever: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/03/where-can-i-find-inittab-in-ubuntu-edgy-eft-or-feisty-fawn.html20:10
soundrayclever: the SysV system, including inittab, is being replaced by upstart. Do you just need more getties? Or fewer?20:10
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: maybe your card doesnt support opengl 2.120:10
cleversoundray: i need a getty on a serial line20:11
Minty95source: network-manager-applet): network management framework  these I cannot see in synaptics20:11
ejerclever: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/20:11
Minty95am install the wifi radr now20:11
ActionParsnipIMaverick: gwget20:11
cleverejer: i know about upstart but dont know how to add a new service like this20:11
krzysztofmaybe this is the intel 945 on laptop :(20:11
soundrayclever: ah, challenge.20:11
clever#T1:23:respawn:/sbin/getty -L ttyS1 9600 vt10020:11
Minty95the thing is I had it all just fine and did a remove from panel20:11
starbuckkkeeDasEi: thats what this guy told me, and i think i read soemthing like taht on some webpage20:11
cleversoundray: thats my old inittab line from another system20:11
Daft_Punkwhat can i use to create an exact image of my hdd incase i fubar linux (like i have in the past) i can restore the image?20:11
starbuckkkeeGnea: GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2H20:11
virginiatigerwhat is the openoffice #channel?20:12
krzysztofhow check it ??20:12
Minty95now cant get / find the smae icon that gave me the possibilite to connect my vpn :(*20:12
ejerclever: http://www.linuxdynasty.org/how-to-setup-serial-console-on-linux.html look at section 220:12
Babblebacki did a sudo apt-get remove flashplayer-nonfree and then sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree and got a checkum error again20:12
soundrayclever: not sure what to suggest. It may be best to install a specialized serial getty, like mgetty, and read the docs20:12
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: which driver are you using in xorg.conf?20:12
jim_pis there anyone with an ndiswrapper problem that i didnt solve ~24hrs ago/?20:12
cleversoundray: i was able to manualy run the command in a root shell, but it wont respawn and it has other minor problems20:13
hateball!hi | Hackintosh41120:13
ubottuHackintosh411: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:13
cleverfor example it still had pts/1 as the owning tty, so ssh asked the wrong terminal for a password20:13
Hackintosh411I need help installing Global-Menu App.20:13
Gneastarbuckkkee: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/system-builder-marathon,1794-3.html  and  http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/1537/gigabyte_ga_ma78gm_s2h_780g_motherboard/index.html20:13
Hackintosh411I followed the instructions on the website but it got a little to complicated.20:13
starbuckkkeeGnea: thx!20:13
=== sean is now known as Guest43803
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: whats it say in xorg.conf...Driver "i810" or Driver "intel"20:14
soundrayclever: this page seems to have relevant info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialConsoleHowto20:14
Gneastarbuckkkee: FYI, all i did was google searched for these words:  GIGABYTE GA-MA78GM-S2H toms20:14
Altariwho here's good with wireless cards? :p20:14
ActionParsnipAltari: ask away20:14
cleversoundray: now i got 3 links to read up on and no tabs in my browser20:14
Daft_Punkwhat can i use to create an exact image of my hdd incase i fubar linux (like i have in the past) i can restore the image?20:14
Hackintosh411Altari: i can help with broadcom...20:14
cleversoundray: your link is for 6.06 which is pre-upstart20:15
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: dd is good20:15
starbuckkkeeGnea: yes, i thought thes were other links about memory speed something20:15
jim_pDaft_Punk: partimage/20:15
soundrayclever: no, it isn't. Look carefully20:15
ejerDaft_Punk: http://www.clonezilla.org/20:15
Minty95re booting, brb20:15
cleversoundray: ah, it was updated20:15
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, ejer i would need something bootable from disk20:15
Altarii'm trying to install a netgear wg511 pcmcia wireless card20:15
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: dd /dev/<partition name> /path/to/desired/output.iso20:15
Hackintosh411Can anyone assist me?20:15
Altarinow, i realise it's not supported on boot by ubuntu20:15
krzysztofhow check it ??20:15
Altaridue to the fact it runs a modified prism chipset20:15
ActionParsnipAltari: what does lspci say it is20:15
krzysztofmy eanghlish is little sorry20:16
ejerDaft_Punk: clonezilla and mondorescue both do this20:16
pctools_someone can help me configuring my router with ubuntu20:16
Slartchamunks: ah.. so which was it.. hd1, or hd2 ?20:16
ZKAT8ITi have wireless setup but when i try to set a static ip it stops working, anyone know why?20:16
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, ejer thanks20:16
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf20:16
cleverZKAT8IT: you need to set the gateway and dns also20:16
AltariActionParsnip: can't find it in lspci20:16
ActionParsnipZKAT8IT: can we see your /etc/network/interfaces file please20:16
Altariwhen i do dmesg i get;  pccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 020:16
Altarias opposed to details of the card20:16
krzysztofSection "Device"20:16
krzysztofIdentifier"Configured Video Device" this is it ??20:16
Altarithen ndiswrapper -l shows the following20:17
ActionParsnipAltari: run lspci in terminal, it will say what it is20:17
DasEi starbuckkkee: I suggest u really make shure bout this information (ask #hardware or oc-forum);ubuntu is here, but also i recommend asrock(betterperformance,less graphic,prbly cheaper)or go>20:17
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!20:17
chamunksSlart, turned out it was hd1 but i had to map (hd1) (hd0)20:17
Altari2802w: driver installed20:17
Babblebackwhy would i consistantly get a checksum error while trying to install flashplugin-nonfree20:17
Altarihowever doesn't indicate that the hardware is present20:17
ActionParsnipkrzysztof: you arent loading a driver if thats all there is in that section20:17
chamunksSlart, basically the map command just links both drives so they can discover eachother in grub.  afaik20:17
ravaloxHello all, I'm looking for a working 720p xorg.conf file.  I have one of my own creation that doesn't seem to be working.20:17
Slartchamunks: ah.. well.. glad you fixed it20:17
Gneastarbuckkkee: well, you kind of have to read through it and see what they have to say about it (Toms Hardware is a highly regraded and trusted industry site.).  BTW, which computer tech told you this? working in a store somewhere or..?20:17
ZKAT8IToh im using ndiswrapper also20:17
ravaloxSo I thought if I could just see or use a working one it may explain the problem I'm having.20:18
virginiatigerEllo, is there an open office IRC channel?20:18
DasEiravalox:paste yours20:18
chamunksSlart, yeah this experience was great ill be able to do this again now.20:18
ActionParsnipAltari: i'll ask again, what does lspci say it is?20:18
Gneastarbuckkkee: s/regraded/regarded/g20:18
ZKAT8ITauto lo20:18
ZKAT8ITiface lo inet loopback20:18
chamunksSlart, hopefully i wont have to but just sayin.20:18
ActionParsnipZKAT8IT: thats fine, give us a pastebin of the file20:18
ZKAT8ITthats all the file says20:18
Slartchamunks: hehe =)20:18
Picivirginiatiger: #openoffice.org20:18
Gnea!pm > Rimen20:18
ubottuRimen, please see my private message20:18
virginiatigerPici, thanks20:18
starbuckkkeeGnea: yes, hes a computer shop owner... for more than 15 years now... from the very beginning20:18
chamunksSlart, maybe ill image my windows partition so that if i fsk it up ill be able to recover...20:18
ejerBabbleback: try doing a apt-get update... I just tried and it installs ok20:18
ActionParsnipZKAT8IT: you can set static IP in that file20:18
ravaloxThis is my xorg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/45974/20:18
AltariActionParsnip; i can't find it in lspci20:19
Hackintosh411Can anyone help me install Global-Menu Applet?20:19
ZKAT8ITyea, havent used linux in like 4 years and i didnt have wireless then, i have no clue how to setup a static ip in that file20:19
Slartchamunks: good idea.. if you've got the hard drive space for it20:19
ActionParsnipZKAT8IT: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/setting-up-an-network-interfaces-file/20:19
ejerHackintosh411: what is that program20:19
ActionParsnipZKAT8IT: you'll need gksu gedit /etc/network/interfaces20:19
ActionParsnipAltari: is it internal?20:20
starbuckkkeeDasEi: thx, i will do that... so u say asrock has better performance and weaker onboard grafik? that would be good, which board?20:20
Hackintosh411Global-Menu Applet is a applet for ubuntu panels.20:20
chamunksSlart, I only need to backup the basic doze setup worst case i just revert back to brand new configuration day20:20
ejerHackintosh411: http://code.google.com/p/gnome2-globalmenu/wiki/InstallingonUbuntu20:20
AltariActionParsnip; no, pcmcia20:20
DasEiravalox:sry, using ati but see !nvidia, too20:20
spuddysDoes anyone know how to create virtual hard drives in ubuntu?20:20
chamunksSlart, I just hate working out of a vm and i dont know how to use xen yet but it looks the most promising.20:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto20:20
chamunksspuddys, are you looking to partition?20:21
spuddysMay i PM and exsplain?20:21
ravaloxI've tried the nvidia-settings to configure it but it won't let me choose a 720p resolution.20:21
chamunksspuddys, if you like20:21
ActionParsnipAltari: you need to find out what chip is in it and install that20:21
Yashyhelp! My nvidia driver seems to have gone awol, I'm stuck using VESA in 800x600   http://pastebin.com/m1df0dbb20:21
DasEi!ot> starbuckkkee :D20:21
ActionParsnipAltari: the fact it doesnt show in lspci aint good20:22
AltariActionParsnip; it's prism54 i believe20:22
dragon33greetings, what is the directory for the "fstab" file.. thanks20:22
AltariActionParsnip; whenever i insert/remove it from the pcmcia slot20:22
ActionParsnipAltari: did you boot with it in?20:22
TiredWolfdragon33: /etc20:22
dforsythhey guys20:22
Mattquick question - why, when I export LD_LIBRARY_PATH in /etc/profile, is it apparently unset, yet other env vars exported in /etc/profile are set20:22
AltariActionParsnip; it shows the following:20:22
dragon33thanks :-)20:22
DasEi dragon33: /etc/fstab20:22
ActionParsnipdragon33: /etc/fstab is the fstab file20:22
Altaripccard: card ejected from slot 020:22
Altaripccard: CardBus card inserted into slot 020:22
starbuckkkeeDasEi: hehe :)20:22
Mattand this has only become an issue on hardy - the gutsy boxen here, it works as intended20:22
sisyphehello guys20:22
sisypheis there any canadian chan ?20:23
TiredWolfsisyphe: #ubuntu-ca20:23
cleversomeone: semi working, the owning tty isnt setup right20:23
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:23
cleversoundray: i mean20:23
cleversoundray: i cant use ssh from the serial terminal20:23
=== someone is now known as Guest47772
Gneastarbuckkkee: ah, so he's a salesman.20:23
ActionParsnipAltari: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85255520:23
Minty95my netwok ico in top panel is 'network manager 2.12.1' is this right ??*20:23
=== funkyHat|off is now known as funkyHat
AltariActionParsnip; it makes no attempt to enable the device20:24
sisypheanother one ?20:24
sisyphewith more people ?20:24
ActionParsnipAltari: check the link20:24
TiredWolfsisyphe: not an Ubuntu one20:24
AltariActionParsnip; and there is no lspci listing20:24
TiredWolf!channels > sisyphe20:24
ubottusisyphe, please see my private message20:24
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:24
AltariActionParsnip; i have. it's a different problem :p20:24
DasEistarbuckkkee: /join #hardware  or #ubuntu-offtopic for that20:24
starbuckkkeeGnea: yep, but i think he has a lot of knowledge20:24
starbuckkkeeDasEi: ok, i'll do taht20:25
BabblebackEjer, i still get a md5sum mismatch even after updating repositories20:25
Gneastarbuckkkee: well, that's your choice to make20:25
kmpnybgnWhere can I find my menu.lst file? GRUB is pointing it to the wrong direction. Points to (hd2,4) instead of (hd0,4). Managed to boot it by directing it to the correct one in the GRUB menu, but it's not permanent. Anyone with some pointers for a newbie?20:25
ejerBabbleback: try apt-get clean then try it again20:25
TiredWolfkmpnybgn: it's in /boot/grub20:25
ValentineXAC97 hardware... No sound on my ubuntu20:25
Gneakmpnybgn: /boot/grub/menu.lst20:25
Slartkmpnybgn: edit the file.. then run "sudo update-grub" in a terminal to make your settings take effect20:26
Slartkmpnybgn: "gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst" to edit it20:27
cleverSlart: thats the bad way to edit files as root, theres a sudoedit for a reason:P20:27
YashyMy nvidia driver seems to have gone awol, I'm stuck using VESA in 800x600   http://pastebin.com/m1df0dbb ANy help or pointers is appreciated.20:28
Guest47772how do i change my background?20:28
Slartclever: I've never really understood why the sudoedit command existed.. why is it bad?20:28
cleverSlart: running the editor as root causes it to use roots config(if your lucky) or screw up who owns your own config20:28
dforsythGuest47772: are you retarded?20:28
krzysztofi can try that :  Device  "i810.ko" ??20:28
Guest47772no, i just am new to linux20:28
Slartdforsyth: not really a good way to help people20:28
cleverSlart: using sudoedit will copy the file to one you own, then run the editor as yourself, then copy it back when done20:28
lucaxYashy: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx20:28
Mattso no thoughts on this LD_LIBRARY_PATH issue?20:28
TiredWolfclever: why would it screw up?20:28
dforsythGuest47772: you cant be serious20:28
Yashylucax: Did you see my pastebin?20:28
Guest47772no i cant see the option20:29
Gneadforsyth: stop.20:29
sisyphesudo halt20:29
kmpnybgnhuh, says I don't have write-permission to menu.lst20:29
Guest47772also why is my resoultion 800x60020:29
GneaGuest47772: right-click on the desktop20:29
cleverTiredWolf: the editor runs as root, so the config it saves to your home may be owned by root, blocking access to your own config files20:29
Slartdforsyth: no reason for that kind of language.. don't answer at all if you feel that way20:29
cleverTiredWolf: (the config of the editor itself)20:29
Slartclever, TiredWolf it's kind of the same problem you get when using sudo with gui apps20:29
dforsythGuest47772: right click your desktop, the option should be there20:29
TiredWolfclever: i thought that's what gksudo reasonably guaranteed to avoid, compared to plain sudo.20:29
Guest47772its not there20:29
dforsythGuest47772: what os are you using20:30
Guest47772os x20:30
dforsythman wtf.20:30
lucaxYashy: yes... if you ever had the drivers running correctly just reinstall them... or enter in failsafe mode and do the x fix20:30
Gnea!language | dforsyth20:30
ubottudforsyth: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:30
cleverTiredWolf: gksudo just does a few special things so X11(gui) stuff works right20:30
TiredWolfSlart, right, so you use gksudo20:30
GneaGuest47772: this is an Ubuntu support channel, please try #OSX20:30
dforsythmy bad20:30
Guest47772ohhh okay20:30
Gneadforsyth: that's the last time.20:30
cleverTiredWolf: if your lucky, it will use /root/ as $HOME and youll just wind up with a totaly different set of configs(whole editor back to defaults)20:30
dforsythi said 'my bad'20:30
NutzebahnDebcreator is telling me that it is unable to detect the top source directory in my Megatunix archive, I am using Ubuntu 8.04, help?20:31
cleverTiredWolf: when you use sudoedit it will run $EDITOR on the file as your own user20:31
ValentineXintel AC97 hardware... No sound on my ubuntu20:31
Guest47772#nick newbie20:32
TiredWolfclever, well, with sudoedit don't you end up with an entirely different editor altogether, anyway? also, doesn't that imply you should never use *anything* graphical with root privileges? (if so, why does gksudo exist?)20:32
cleverTiredWolf: sudoedit will use whatever editor you set in EDITOR20:32
kmpnybgnSo, I'm trying to edit menu.lst, but it says I don't have write permission. Tried sudo edit boot/menu.lst, but that didn't work. I don't even know if it should, though. I could open it, and I saw where the errors where, but I can't change it. Any pointers?20:32
cleverTiredWolf: export EDITOR=gedit20:32
ValentineXFlips a coin: HEADS20:32
cleverTiredWolf: i have one of those lines in my .bashrc so the default editor for everything is vim which i prefer20:32
spuddysDoes anyone know how to create virtual hard drives in ubuntu?20:33
TiredWolfclever, however if i remember correctly EDITOR is not supposed to be an X11 program (i vaguely remember there's another variable, or at least a debconf setting, for that)20:33
Gneaspuddys: yes.20:33
ValentineXintel AC97 hardware... No sound on my ubuntu20:33
spuddysGnea - I need to resize my wubi drive to an extra 50GB20:33
spuddysor create another 50GB Partition20:33
cleverTiredWolf: yes theres also a VISEDITOR for the graphic ones, not shure what its called exactly20:33
danbh_intrepidkmpnybgn: what command are you using to edit it?20:33
RimenOK, Sorry: How do you reset pidgin setting20:33
kmpnybgnsudo, and just edit. should it be gedit?20:33
cleverTiredWolf: VISUAL and EDITOR20:33
Gneaspuddys: it's explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide20:34
bonez46what would make vlc NOT play a *.mov movie file correctly? do I need to add any plugin to play a .mov file?20:34
danbh_intrepidkmpnybgn: well, if you are using sudo, you SHOULD have permissions...20:34
cleverTiredWolf: im guessing the point of having 2, is so it can fall back to a 'text mode' one when the 1st fails, but it probly doesnt care if either one uses graphics20:34
ValentineXintel AC97 hardware... No sound on my ubuntu20:34
Gnea!pm > Rimen20:34
ubottuRimen, please see my private message20:34
spuddysGnea that screwed my ubuntu around last time20:35
clever!repeat | ValentineX20:35
ubottuValentineX: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:35
spuddysxwith How do i resize the virtual disks20:35
adacCan somone help me? I have no sound on my new computer and my fresh ubuntu hardy installation20:35
Gneaspuddys: you must've done something wrong then.20:35
clever!hi | jordan[]20:35
ubottujordan[]: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:35
kmpnybgnYeah, I should have permission, but it still says I don't have permission to do squat20:35
Gnea!sound | adac20:35
ubottuadac: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:35
jordan[]can anyone help me with my wireless, im on my down stairs pc and i can see it connected on my router page, but on that pc i cant go on any website or anything20:35
JerryLeeCooperso what is this linux thing20:36
danbh_intrepidjordan[]: does iwconfig show a connection?20:36
ValentineXclever: its not my first day asking the same question here :(( I don't get reply seems ubuntu have less hardware support.20:36
cleverValentineX: i think i have an ac97 card on one of my systems20:36
badfishwhat do i change the timout to in menu.lst so that grub never times out?20:36
RimenGnea, man, can you tell me how to reset pidgin settings20:36
badfishcan i just comment it?20:36
bonez46anyone, know how to make vlc play .mov files?20:36
clever00:1f.5 Multimedia audio controller: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller (rev 12)20:36
jordan[]it shows the connection20:36
cleverValentineX: yep there it is, works just fine for me, i dont remember doing anything special20:36
ejerValentineX: have you done https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting20:37
jordan[]says its like 82%20:37
JerryLeeCooperits it like a windows plugin?20:37
danbh_intrepid!who > jordan[]    it makes it easier for me20:37
ubottujordan[], please see my private message20:37
evilbugbonez46- it doesn't by default?20:37
badfishcan i just comment the timeout line in menu.lst to keep grub from automatically booting something?20:37
lucaxbadfish: thats not a good idea, if you ever have to do some fixing for some reason, you will need that time to enter in failsafe... so its better if you set 3 secs or so...20:37
virginiatigerhas anyone heard of TimeVault?20:37
badfishi see20:37
ejerJerryLeeCooper: linux is an operating system, it replaces windows20:38
badfishi want it to never pick anything though20:38
bonez46evilbug: well, not well, the video is all garbled... chopped up.. thought eh audio is just fine20:38
JerryLeeCooperhow is that possible20:38
badfishto make me choose20:38
jordan[]!tab okay20:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tab okay20:38
danbh_intrepidjordan[]: ifconfig shows no ip address?20:38
JerryLeeCooperwindows is the thing that talks to the hardware20:38
jordan[]yes danbh20:38
chamunksspuddys, i would checkout the ubuntu wiki for wubi https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide20:38
evilbugbonez46- did you install restricted extras?20:38
ejerJerryLeeCooper: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux20:38
danbh_intrepidjordan[]: use tab completion too20:38
badfishso i can reboot and walk away and not be back in ubuntu20:38
jordan[]danbh_intrepid: it shows the connection20:38
ValentineXejer: that's helpful :D20:38
bonez46evilbug: no, how do I install them?20:38
lucaxbadfish: i understand what you are tryin to do... but i say again.. its not a good idea... set 1 sec20:39
danbh_intrepidjordan[]: have you tried network-manager?20:39
JerryLeeCooperthats impossible20:39
jordan[]danbh_intrepid: wait i think it says local address unknown20:39
comput3rhi, is there a program for ubuntu that opens uif files?20:39
TiredWolfcomput3r: what's an uif file?20:39
evilbugbonez46- open up a terminal and type> sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras20:39
chamunksspuddys, inside that it says to download the 'wubi-ass-virtual-disk' package20:39
Krumarcome on JerryLeeCooper http://www.hotubuntunews.com/blog_13.shtml20:39
ejerJerryLeeCooper: if you want to chat about it, you can join #ubuntu-offtopic obviously we all run linux here, so it seems possible20:39
ValentineXWhat is shell? "Go to a shell and type"20:40
grendal_primeok im now trying to set up my treo650 to "tether" to my linux laptop so i can use it when im camping. hehehe soo can someone tell me this....20:40
evilbugbonez46- see where that gets you. i know that linux doesn't go well with apple formats, but then again i never played any .mov in linux.20:40
grendal_primein the how to it says "Obtain the user name, password and dial number from your wireless provider."20:40
evilbugValentineX- a terminal.20:40
ejerValentineX: applications>accessories>terminal20:40
plowmanJerryLeeCooper: you need to do some homework.http://www.hotubuntunews.com/blog_13.shtml20:40
JerryLeeCooperim not following20:41
plowmanJerryLeeCooper: google it!20:41
GneaRimen: yes. just mv ~/.purple/ ~/.purple-back/ and try to launch pidgin again20:41
dforsythyou guys are crazy20:42
ejerjerryleecooper is a troll obviously http://rixstep.com/1/1/20070724,00.shtml20:42
dforsythgoogle that handle20:42
dforsythobvious troll20:42
|ZKAT8IT|hmm... my other nick hasnt timed out yet :(20:42
Pirate_Hunterdforsyth: thanx very much20:42
dforsyth|ZKAT8IT|: ghost it20:42
comput3rhi, is there a program for ubuntu that opens uif files?20:42
comput3rUniversal Image Format (UIF) is a compression image file format for backing up CD/DVDs. MagicISO has a freeware program called MagicDisk that can open UIF files on Windows computers.20:42
=== |ZKAT8IT| is now known as ZKAT8IT
SebNaitsabesJerryLeeCoooper: depending on what you want to use your computer for,  and how willing you are to learn something new on the computer,  a Linux distribution may be rather ideal for you20:42
ejercomput3r: http://onubuntu.blogspot.com/2007/11/dealing-with-uif-files.html magiciso works in wine apparently20:43
SebNaitsabessuch as for example Ubuntu20:43
GneaSebNaitsabes: er, he left20:43
ali_ok wtf i finally get ubuntu workin good n now this i cant copy files to my psp it keeps sayin the file on my desktop is read only and it aint wtf anyone??20:43
comput3rsweet, thanks20:43
SebNaitsabesGnea:  oh I see no wonder I coudn't private message him then, oh well20:43
KrumarSebNaitsabes, it was a joke anyway20:43
DuKeSok in about 10mins (burning iso right now) i'll be installing hardy heron and i need to know...once i install, do i enable the restricted drivers that ubuntu shows for my nvidia card or do i do sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx  (and if i do sudo apt-get, do i want the legacy or new drivers or what?) chipset is an nvidia nforce2, graphics is an nvidia geforce 4MX integrated shared video20:43
grendal_primethat is pretty damn fuuny20:43
DasEi bonez46:shure mov is not dmaged ?other players? vlc brings all codecs own, usually20:43
RimenGnea, how can I do that is the files/folders don't exist20:43
Gnea!wtf | ali_20:43
ubottuali_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:43
SebNaitsabesKrumar: oh it was a joke20:43
ScuniziAny good resources to read up on initiating RAID on Ubuntu Server? I've got a friend running a hosting service that just switched to Ubuntu Server from Win.20:43
SebNaitsabesKrumar: well I was vagugely following the convo20:43
GneaRimen: what about ~/.pidgin/ ?20:44
ejerDuKeS: you should use the hardware drivers app in system>admin>hardware drivers20:44
grendal_primei mean..somewhere windows has to be driving something on the machine...why else would it be included on every computer sold heheheheh20:44
ZKAT8ITthis is my interfaces file when i try to set up a static IP, but it doesnt work...  http://pastebin.com/m29cb9fa620:44
bonez46DasEi: well, I think vlc is fine.. how can I check it?20:44
kmpnybgnI think I've managed to get it to work. A reboot will show that. Thanks for the help ! :)20:44
ali_ok wtf i finally get ubuntu workin good n now this i cant copy files to my psp it keeps sayin the file on my desktop is read only and it aint anyone?20:44
Rimenpidgin instead of purple20:44
spuddysGnea you around?20:44
ali_damn its still gt swear in it20:44
dforsythali_: you just said that20:44
anom01ydoes anyone know why my X server crashes on one account when I am using another ?20:44
DuKeSejer: but for some reason when i tried that in ubuntu 7.10 it gave me some problems with video playback...it played choppy20:44
Gnea!ask | spuddys20:44
JacobbsHey guys, I'm pretty new to this stuff and I had a few questions.20:44
ubottuspuddys: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:44
DasEi bonez46:shure mov-file isn't corrupt ?20:44
anom01y(I have two accounts open at the same time)20:45
JacobbsDoes Ubuntu work on NTFS?20:45
ejerDuKeS: it installs the same driver20:45
ali_ok why is it stil sayin write protected??20:45
ali_it isnt20:45
bonez46DasEi: well, I should try it on a windows box and see if it plays there..20:45
GneaJacobbs: no, but it works with NTFS.20:45
ali_listen to me ubuntu!!20:45
grendal_primedoes anyone use there treo650 or centro as a dun server for there linux laptop?20:45
spuddysI have done that create virtual disk20:45
RimenGnea, it doesn't work20:45
spuddysbut how do i mount it?20:45
holyguyver_My computer is not reading or even mounting my SD flash memory card, shouldn't it be able to?20:45
DasEi bonez46:or try with mplayer20:45
ali_bad os listen now lol20:45
JacobbsOkay, so I'd have to install it on it's own partition?20:45
plowmanhas ompaul been in tonight20:45
ScuniziJacobbs: if you mean will it read and write to it. .yes.. can you install it on a ntfs partition .. no20:45
DuKeSejer: how do i solve the choppy video problem if it happens again though?20:45
J-nali_: Proof?20:45
ejerDuKeS: it could be caused by many things.. does it happen with every video on every player?20:46
Gneaspuddys: the website given to you earlier says how.20:46
zubwolf_hi, i'm using ubuntu hardy(2.6.24-19-generic), while trying to create an ubuntu package in a pbuilder chail everything seems fine, dh_make finishes clean, "pbuilder create *.dsc" does fine, but "sudo pbuilder build *.dsc" finishes with "Tcl cannot be found on this system.", seems like "pbuilder create" doesn't care about the tcl-dependency20:46
ali_J-n:   the file says not write proteced it usually works?20:46
DuKeSejer: yep...i love VLC especifically but it also happens on mplayer and totem20:46
spuddysit dosent20:46
ogzyhow can i load rtc-cmos module to enable /sys/class/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm at hardy? when i write modprobe rtc-cmos it says FATAL: Module rtc_cmos not found20:46
ZKAT8ITcan anyone help me with my wireless? i enable roaming mode and it works, but if i try to set a static IP it stops working, this is my interfaces file..  http://pastebin.com/m29cb9fa620:46
spuddysWell if it does it dosent work20:46
zubwolf_any idea about what i can do to get this build done would be really apreciated20:46
danbh_intrepidzubwolf_: try #ubuntu-motu20:46
ScuniziJacobbs: to make it easier.. you really need 3 partitions.. one called "/" or root (8-12 gigs).. one called /swap 1 gig max.. and /home (the rest of the drive for all your data)20:46
J-nali_: i'm sorry lol, i meant that to go into a diffrent window20:46
holyguyver_My computer is not reading or even mounting my SD flash memory card, shouldn't it be able to?20:47
DuKeSejer: and it seems to happen most when i go fullscreen...when in windowed mode the choppiness doesn't seem as bad20:47
Gneaspuddys: you'll need to try it again and pastebin the error.20:47
zubwolf_danbh_intrepid, oh, i don't know ubuntu-moto, i will now read about it, thx20:47
JacobbsI come from Windows20:47
spuddysdoesnt give an error20:47
JacobbsSo that doesn't really make a ton of sense to me >.>20:47
StephenFHello, I've done something stupid. I converted my linux drive to a dynamic disk while I was in Windows. I thought I was acting on a different drive. Now GRUB is giving me error 17 and won't go to the boot menu. Is there any way to recover from this? Google search have proven unsuccessful so far20:47
ali_J-n:   lol nm20:47
_Zeus_holyguyver_: go to a terminal and type ls /dev/sd*20:47
_Zeus_pastebin the output20:47
Gneaspuddys: then how do you know that it didn't mount?20:47
danbh_intrepidzubwolf_: motu not moto20:47
spuddysbecause its not showing in computer20:47
JacobbsScunizi, is it cool if I PM you?20:47
_Zeus_spuddys: paste the output of /dev/sd*20:47
zubwolf_danbh_intrepid, my fault, thx:)20:48
_Zeus_* the output of /dev/sd*20:48
Gneaspuddys: that doesn't count, you need to check the output of the df -Th command20:48
ejerDuKeS: it is an old card, but still should work ok... try it again the way I said and we can go from there20:48
statewhen i hover over a mp3 file or something other in the filebrowser nothing happens ... i searched and found that i should install mpg321 but this didn't help ... what is needed for this?20:48
ScuniziJacobbs: well.. / (root) contains all the system files and other things.. /swap is also part of windows but not it's own partition.. a separate /home with your data is a protection so you can do a fresh reinstall when needed and not loose anything.20:48
spuddysThere you go20:48
StephenFBTW, I am able to access the drive when using a live CD, so the files are all there. I just need to fix the boot section20:48
JacobbsAhh okay20:48
DuKeSejer: alright...i'll install right now...hopefully ur still here once i'm back :P thanx for the help20:48
holyguyver__Zeus_, this is what it said /dev/sda   /dev/sda2  /dev/sda4  /dev/sda6  /dev/sdb1  /dev/sdc1  /dev/sde /dev/sda1  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb   /dev/sdc   /dev/sdd   /dev/sdf20:48
JacobbsNow for swap20:48
StephenFDasEi: I didnt get anything, possibly because I am on Mibbit20:49
Gneaspuddys: okay, you formatted it. so?20:49
JacobbsI could for-seeably make that the Windows pagefile partition too right?20:49
goukiAny idea how I can access a Virtual Machine from my Host machine, ssh-wise?20:49
DasEiStephenF: did you also reset that change from windows ? you might also check fstab fur wrong uuids...20:49
spuddysNo i just created it20:49
spuddysHow i mount it then20:49
spuddysim new to linux learning.20:49
jim_pgouki: install ssh on both of them20:49
bonez46DasEi: ok. there are two versions.. one for quicktime  .mov and other for windows medial player .wmv  the .wmv version plays...but I want to play it on my linux box20:49
jim_pgouki: and do this at a terminal20:49
StephenFStephenF: No i didnt attempt to change the drive back to a basic drive. Should I try that?20:49
StephenF^ DasEi20:50
goukijim_p, doesn't work.they're are on different networks. virtualbox uses 10.0.2.x20:50
spuddysGnea - How would i mount it then?20:50
Gneaspuddys: here, i'll give you the URL again... http://sudan.ubuntuforums.com/showthread.php?t=73784820:50
sisyphego fu prick20:50
jim_poh :(20:50
Babblebackwhy would i consistantly get a checksum error while trying to install flashplugin-nonfree20:50
holyguyver__Zeus_, it said /dev/sda   /dev/sda2  /dev/sda4  /dev/sda6  /dev/sdb1  /dev/sdc1  /dev/sde20:50
holyguyver_/dev/sda1  /dev/sda3  /dev/sda5  /dev/sdb   /dev/sdc   /dev/sdd   /dev/sdf20:50
ScuniziJacobbs: no.. it needs it's own.. you can't use the wind pagefile.. /swap isn't really accessed very much like pagefile is but it's necessary20:50
GneaBabbleback: what version of Ubuntu?20:50
BabblebackGnea, 7.0420:51
GneaBabbleback: known issue, did you run sudo apt-get update?20:51
JacobbsScunizi, I'm saying that I could use the partition for the same purpose right?20:51
BabblebackGnea, yes20:51
xxploitany1 know if there are any video players for linux which can play video in the terminal, without X?20:51
JacobbsBecause I don't wanto to be running both Ubuntu and XP at the same time20:51
GneaBabbleback: try upgrading to 8.04 then20:51
ejergouki: you can use bridged networking,, but I think you should be able to ssh into NAT as well20:51
JacobbsWouldn't that work?20:51
spuddysGnea - I dont know how to mount it i dont know the location of it20:51
BabblebackGnea, failes20:51
DasEi bonez46: for usual vlc plays both on both systems out the box, check your media-file...20:51
BabblebackGnea, failes and i have a broken system20:51
ScuniziJacobbs: they do pretty much the same thing.. but you wouldn't be able to tell windows to use the same partition because of the formatting.20:51
GneaBabbleback: fails how?20:52
cenubisI am wondering if anyone here has experience with getting Aircards to work with 8.04?20:52
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:52
JacobbsRight, I just thought of that.20:52
ejerBabbleback: enable proposed updates in software sources perhaps20:52
DasEiStephenF: did you also reset that change from windows ? you might also check fstab fur wrong uuids...20:52
DasEiStephenF: got !grub ?20:52
cenubisI am wondering if anyone here has experience with getting Aircards to work with 8.04? I have a Verizon USB Aircard and use WV dial; it initiates the connection and everything fine but it is very very slow.20:52
holyguyver_My computer is not reading or even mounting my SD flash memory card, shouldn't it be able to?20:52
Gneaspuddys: that URL tells you how to mount it. and you ran the command to format it, therefore you know the location.20:52
StephenFDasEi: No i did not try to change the disk back to basic, should I do that?20:52
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:52
faemirCan someone tell me why when I try to do sudo mysqladmin -u root password "mynewpassword" it doesn't let me?20:53
ejerxxploit: you could try mplayer -vo cac file - more funny than usable tho20:53
ejerxxploit: you could try mplayer -vo caca file - more funny than usable tho20:53
spuddysit just tells me20:53
spuddysNo found directory20:53
BabblebackGnea, i make it 7.10 then the 8.04 upgrade fails.. don't remember if there was an error message or it just hangs, but i've tried to upgrade a 7.04 many times... i've actually only been able to download 8.04 without getting checksum errors also20:53
ejerfaemir: what does it say20:53
BabblebackGnea, once that is20:53
GneaBabbleback: it was probably the localegens error - easily solved20:53
BabblebackGnea, ok20:54
faemirejer: http://rafb.net/p/8hNjuU28.html20:54
cenubisI am wondering if anyone here has experience with getting Aircards to work with 8.04? I have a Verizon USB Aircard and use WV dial; it initiates the connection and everything fine but it is very very slow.20:54
BabblebackGnea, is that with respect to my flash problem or my upgrading to 8.04 problem20:54
DasEiStephenF: yes, partitons are often marked with unique identifiers (uuids) which change if you resize/alter partis, so the pointers are wrong then20:54
Gneaspuddys: when you type what?20:54
ejerfaemir: if you have a mysql root password you need to do mysqladmin -u root -p password 'newpass'20:54
GneaBabbleback: both.20:54
spuddyssudo mount -o loop /ubuntu/disks/extra.disk /media/extra20:55
faemirejer: well this is a new install, is there one by default?20:55
StephenFDasEi: Ok i will try to repair that using Grub. Thank you20:55
ejerfaemir: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server20:55
faemirejer: done, now which command?20:55
spuddysI put wrong directory in20:56
DasEiStephenF: first undo change in windows, then try reinatlling grub, still probs, come back here20:56
spuddysthanks gena20:56
Gneaspuddys: yup20:56
Gneaspuddys: cheers20:56
ejerfaemir: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset20:56
ohgodnotanother1hi, quick question. how do I restart the xserver in ubuntu. ctrl+alt+bkspace won't work?20:56
spuddysGnea - Sorry for my attitude sometimes linux can be a pain :D but thanks you made me very happy20:56
Pirate_Hunterohgodnotanother1: you could try comamnd killx20:56
Gneaspuddys: not a problem, you stuck with it and made it work anyway - that's what we like around here. :)20:57
stefgohgodnotanother1: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart is the civilized way20:57
faemirejer: thanks, i'll take a look20:57
spuddysGnea just a quick one, To install Wine on the 50GB is it just go into the drive extra and install it there in Apt-get wine?20:57
Gneaspuddys: honestly, i've never used the extra disk - from what i can tell, wubi just automates its use, but again, i'm not sure about it. you should be able to just install wine from the add/remove menu and it'll be fine20:58
spuddysNo i mean install it onto the other drive20:59
spuddyslike to cd hop to another drive how would i get to it20:59
spuddyslike CD extra or what?20:59
Gneai'm lost now :)20:59
BabblebackGnea, so what is the localegens error20:59
spuddysI want to install Wine onto the extra drive20:59
spuddysis there like a choose what drive you want to install it on?20:59
spuddysor does it auto goto Drive Filesystem?20:59
Drk_GuyHow can i make an utility process all mp3 files keeping the same filenames as output but on different folders?21:00
Minty95 I have deleted the icon on network manager on the app panel, and am no longer available to choose my connection, any help would ne nice21:00
ubuntutlupshello everyone i burn the image CD and once i boot it on my system it gives me an error an says. Error on Boot CD. and does not install.. what it would be ?21:00
spuddysgena you get what i mean21:00
danbh_intrepidMinty95: its nm-applet21:00
spuddyslike how do i install somthing onto another drive21:00
stefgspuddys: wine needs a .wine subdir in your home-dir. The linux way would be to take that whole (hidden) dir .wine, shift it to the location you want and symlink it back into your /home21:01
faemiranyone help me on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset ? it fails on the second thing you have to do21:01
spuddysI dont understand21:01
StephenFubuntutlups: did you run the "Check CD for defects" ?21:01
ozzloywhen i plug my camera in, fspot janks it immediately.  how do i just mount it?21:01
GneaBabbleback: just ctrl-c everytime it's trying to generate the locale en_AU.UTF-8... and let the whole thing finish21:01
ubuntutlupsand gives me the same error21:01
ubuntutlupsERROR: on BOOT.21:01
ozzloyi want to use it to store some data21:01
GneaBabbleback: when you reboot, login and: sudo dpkg --configure -a21:01
GneaBabbleback: that's it :)21:01
stefgspuddys: i thought that. read about symbolic links (man ln would be a good start)21:02
Minty95danbh_intrepid, I cant find it to download :(21:02
ubuntutlupsi think the image is corrupt21:02
StephenFubuntutlups: then you probably have either a bad burn, or a bad download. Did you verify the checksum of your download?21:02
gonzaloaf_laptophi, is there a problem sending mails using thunderbird and ubuntu 8.04 though the smtp server of gmail? I cannot send emails, I got a error message21:02
spuddysstefg - I dont want that21:02
ubuntutlupschecksum ?21:02
ubuntutlupshow do i do that ?21:02
ozzloyhow do i mount a usb device?21:02
StephenFubuntutlups: did you download the image from the ubuntu website?21:02
Drk_Guyany good bash scripter here?21:03
stefgspuddys: what? wine?21:03
Gneaspuddys: it's not like windows with drive letters - partitions are mounted onto different directories, so if you do a df -Th, it'll tell you where the space is being allocated21:03
ubuntutlupsfrom the ubuntu oficial site21:03
spuddysSo i just goto the directory that the vdisk is in?21:03
Gneaspuddys: you can always move files around and remount with fstab if need be, but i'm not sure how well that jives with wubi21:04
StephenFubuntutlups: here you go: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM21:04
Minty95how can I FIND nm-applet ??21:04
stefgspuddys: first install wine and run winecfg. this will set up wine initially and create thet hidden dir ~/.wine in your home-dir21:04
ubuntutlupsthanks stephenF ill read the comment you ok.21:04
ubuntutlupscan i PM u ?21:04
ubuntutlupsafter that ?21:04
spuddysstefg i want it in my 50GB drive21:04
spuddysnot in my filesystem21:04
Gneaspuddys: wherever it's mounted to, yes21:04
sebastian_hi, i have a problem with my extern drive, i have 3 diffrent maps, im /media of the same drive, how do i remove them?21:05
stefgspuddys: we'll get there21:05
spuddysso just drag it21:05
spuddysso just install it onto filesystem now21:05
spuddysand then move it to extra?21:05
Gneaspuddys: you could tell the extra filesystem to be your /home partition21:05
spuddysbut that would not mess with my booting?21:05
Gnealinux doesn't care where /home is, as long as it exists :)21:06
spuddysCan you give me the command :D21:06
stefgspuddys: why take the hard way? just let winecfg set up the dir. take it then, put it where you want it21:06
Gneait's more than 1 command - it's a procedure ;)21:06
sebastian_hi, i have a problem with my extern drive, i have 3 diffrent maps, im /media of the same drive, how do i remove them?21:06
spuddyswell Stefg can you PM or say the easy way please :D21:06
DuKeShey guys im on the live cd for hardy heron. I wanted to dual boot xp + ubuntu but when it starts up the partitioner i'm only given two options...guided entire disk or manual. I thought that there was a third option where it let you resize the HDD and decide how much you want for each OS. BTW i already for XP installed, just wanted to resize it 40/60 XP/Linux21:06
stefgspuddys: I#M afraid that is already the easy way :-)21:07
Gneaspuddys: http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/  you'll obviously have to change some things there that are tailored to your system21:07
spuddysmkdir /mnt the mnt is the extra21:07
spuddysso i type21:07
spuddysmkdir /extra/newhome21:07
ubuntutlupsstephenF it gives me this21:07
ubuntutlupsmd5sum: ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso: No such file or directory21:07
ozzloywhen i plug my camera in, f-spot takes it over and downloads images from it.  but i don't see it mounted anywhere.  how do i find where it is mounted?  how do i use the camera as a storage device?21:08
ubuntutlupslobsang@lobsang-desktop:~$ md5sum ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso21:08
sebastian_hi, i have a problem with my extern drive, i have 3 diffrent maps, im /media of the same drive, how do i remove them?21:08
Gneaozzloy: most usb cameras don't mount, but use f-spot to talk to them through usblib - it just isn't possible to mount them21:08
Timberwolf5578Can someone tell me how to make the entire bar on the bottom of my desktop transparent?  When I choose transparent, only part of it becomes transparent.21:09
spuddysmount: /media/extra is not a block device21:09
guntbertubuntutlups: you must go to the directory where you downloaded your iso to21:09
ozzloyGnea: so is there a way i can use the camera as a storage device?21:09
Gneaozzloy: or actually, there is - you can choose the behavior21:09
stefgspuddys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions#Mounting%20partitions%20manually21:09
bobertdosDuKeS: Well, if it's not there, you could either go into manual and resize it yourself or, as long as you're in a live session anyway, install gparted and see if you can resize the partition separately before you install.21:09
ozzloyGnea: where is this choice?21:09
venomeTimberwolf5578: depents on what shortcuts, gadgets, etc. you've put on int21:09
venomeTimberwolf5578: only the bar itself becomes transparent, not the gadgets, shortcuts, etc ...21:10
spuddysstefg can i PM you please?21:10
Timberwolf5578I am using Mint default.21:10
lostogreAnyone know how to open up tcp port 6000 on ubuntu?21:10
Timberwolf5578So there is no way to make it all transparent?21:10
Gneaozzloy: when you plug the camera in21:10
ubuntutlupsgunbert i first did  sudo pwd and got the path then i did cd /home/username/Desktop and got to the desktop then i did md5sum ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso21:10
_Zeus_!info firestarter | lostogre21:10
ubottulostogre: firestarter (source: firestarter): gtk program for managing and observing your firewall. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.3-6ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 393 kB, installed size 1952 kB21:10
ubuntutlupsand says that the file does not exist21:10
DuKeSi dont feel comfortable resizing it myself because windows is already on the Hdd so i dont want to mess it up...how do i install gparted and btw will it install even though im on the live cd?21:11
sebastian_hi, i have a problem with my extern drive, i have 3 diffrent maps, im /media of the same drive, how do i remove them?21:11
spuddysstefg are you there?21:11
ozzloyGnea: i am not getting that choice21:11
ozzloyGnea: i must have said "always use f-spot" at some point.  how do i undo that?21:11
guntbertubuntutlups: try it step by step: where did you download your iso to?21:12
Minty95Go to Settings>Autostarted Applications:  where is this found ??21:12
=== Mike is now known as Guest18302
ubuntutlupsi did downloaded into de desktop21:12
anaklnHello all, can anyone tell me how to configure  the subtitles in mplayer so that different contexts in the video (esp. anime) preserves different styles?21:12
ubuntutlupscan we Private message gunbert for a few minutes..21:13
bobertdosDuKeS: Everything will install just fine in a live session as long as you have enough RAM. Just go into a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install gparted or find it in Synaptic.21:13
anaklnI don't even know what to google for in order to get that done.21:13
ubuntutlupsi wont bother you for long time.. just a quick consult.21:13
guntbert!who | ubuntutlups21:13
ubottuubuntutlups: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:13
lostogre_Zeus_, is that all there is to it? I know that gdm shuts down access by default. You have to change an option. Which I have already done.21:13
ozzloyGnea: i found it, it's in nautilus21:13
guntbertubuntutlups: I'd rather do it in the channel21:13
DuKeSbobertdos: according to synaptec gparted is already installed21:13
Gneaozzloy: i was looking it up - cool, where was it again?21:13
stefgspuddys: so what is that other drive and ist it already formatted and partitioned?21:14
ubuntutlupsi did this.21:14
spuddysIt has 50GB21:14
bobertdosDuKeS: Ah, good, then it will be under System->Administration->Partition Editor.21:14
=== Guest18302 is now known as Twilight
stefgspuddys: so does it show on the desktop or in the MY Computer view ?21:14
sebastian_hi, i noticed that in my /media directory i have 3 maps that is namned: EXTERNDISK and EXTERN DISK and EXTERN DISK_ .... and every map contains different files, why is it like this?21:14
zubwolf_danbh_intrepid, i read the informations on the motu website, but couldnt find an answer to this problem21:14
guntbertubuntutlups: please write my nick, when you talk to me, its easier for me to see your response, use gun and then <TAB>21:15
ozzloyGnea: actually never mind, it didn't work21:15
Gneaozzloy: oh wait, found it: open nautilus, click on edit->preferences->media->Photos21:15
DuKeSbobertdos: yes found it...but it looks just like the manual option from the live cd lol how do i create a partition without affecting windows through gparted?21:15
Gneaozzloy: did you change it while the camera was plugged in or not plugged in?21:15
ozzloyGnea: yeah, that's not working for me21:15
spuddysStefg - yes its in computer21:15
ozzloyi changed it, unplugged and replugged21:15
=== Twilight is now known as Mike231
stefgspuddys: so you know what device that is? Like dev/sdb1 or similar?21:16
ozzloystill opens fspot21:16
Gneatry unplug, change it back, then change it to 'open folder' again, then plug it in21:16
zubwolf_hi, i'm using ubuntu hardy(2.6.24-19-generic), while trying to create an ubuntu package in a pbuilder chail everything seems fine, dh_make finishes clean, "pbuilder create *.dsc" does fine, but "sudo pbuilder build *.dsc" finishes with "Tcl cannot be found on this system.", seems like "pbuilder create" doesn't care about the tcl-dependency21:16
guntbertubuntutlups: now please type "ls -l ubuntu*"21:16
ohgodnotanother1I am fidling around with an ATI radeon driver on ubuntu. can someone tell me how to check about "POSIX Shared Memory (/dev/shm) support" on my system?21:16
zubwolf_any idea about what i can do to get this build done would be really apreciated21:16
spuddysste-fg /media/extra21:16
stefgspuddys: that is the mount point. Does it get automounted there?21:17
spuddysstefg - I believe so yes21:17
ubuntutlupsls: ubuntu*: No such file or directory21:17
ubuntutlupssudo pwd ( result  : home/lobsang21:17
ubuntutlupsmy .iso is in desktop21:17
DuKeSbobertdos: hmm for some reason it doesn't give me any options once i right click on the hdd. It does tell me that 23% is being used and 77 is free but the options to create new partitions or resize/move are grayed out21:17
stefgspuddys: so someone helped you to prepare the drive already ? Or it came preformatted ?21:18
spuddysStefg - Sombody helped me gena helped21:18
Babblebackgnea, how can i let the thing finish if i kill it with control-C and when would i see en_AU.UTF-821:18
bobertdosDuKeS: Look for ntfsprogs in Synaptic. See if it's already installed.21:18
guntbertubuntutlups: so you are in the wrong directory, no need for sudo in this case; please type "cd ~/Desktop"21:18
spuddysstefg - Gnea sorry21:18
ubuntutlupsright im there..21:19
guntbertubuntutlups: please write my nick, when you talk to me, its easier for me to see your response, use gun and then <TAB>21:19
DarwinS-Sup-eus-hey ppl, how do I force a kernel upgrade?21:19
ubuntutlupsgun ?21:19
stefgspuddys: i see...  it would help me if you could show me your /etc/fstab and 'sudo fdisk -l' output. see /topic for a place to paste that info.21:19
DuKeSbobertdos: yeah its installed21:19
GneaBabbleback: you just press ctrl-c whenever you see the en_AU.UTF-8... (which is usually when it hangs and you won't see the HDD led blinking)21:19
guntbertubuntutlups: ok that didn't work :(, so please type my nick, or else I might overlook your response :)21:20
spuddysBRB Stefg two secs21:20
ohgodnotanother1if I enter "tmpfs       /dev/shm        tmpfs   defaults        0 0" into /etc/fstab. where does it get mounted?21:20
ubuntutlupsgunbert lobsang@lobsang-desktop:~/Desktop$ md5sum ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso21:20
ubuntutlups6b941a0d5d7e62d52d4919a0e7881536  ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso21:20
GneaBabbleback: the problem is that the new kernel version isn't actually loaded up, and to generate the locales, it's required. they can always be regenerated upon reboot21:20
ozzloyGnea: i've tried many different combos, including the one you suggested.  f-spot steals it every time21:21
ozzloyno matter what21:21
stefgspuddys:good,  so run 'cat /etc/fstab' and paste that, too21:21
bobertdosDuKeS: Go into a terminal and type: sudo mount. Make sure your ntfs partition isn't listed there, and if it is, what's the device path (/dev/<something?)21:21
ozzloyf-spot must die!21:21
ozzloyeven though it's usually what i want21:21
* stefg agrees21:21
ubuntutlupsguntbert is the right one ? how do i check is the one21:21
bin1010anyone know how to sense if a USB flash drive is plugged into the USB but not mounted yet from C program?21:21
* bobertdos also agrees21:21
didohello.how to install virtual box on Ubuntu 8.04?21:21
spuddysstefg http://pastebin.com/m19d4d2ec21:22
Timberwolf5578Can someone tell me which effect in Compiz opens all your windows at once on the screen?21:22
Gneaozzloy: try this for good measure then - make sure you've got a clean desktop with no other applications running (so you can see the icons on the desktop) - then plug the camera in - when f-spot takes it over, kill f-spot and see if there's a new icon on the desktop (you may have to clean it) and see if that connects to the camera21:22
Gnea!compiz | Timberwolf557821:22
ubottuTimberwolf5578: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:22
stefgspuddys: ok.. now i know. it won't get aoutomounted, and ntfs is a very unclever choice for a filesystem in linux21:22
J-n!virtualbox | dido21:22
guntbertubuntutlups: now you look on the ubuntu-website and compare the checksum to that of your file21:22
ubottudido: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:22
DuKeSbobertdos: the only /dev/ entry i see is "/dev/sda1 on /media/disk type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)"21:23
Mike231hi, I just installed ubuntu using WUBI this morning, and been doing well, except I can't get it to recognize my sound card. (Creative X-Fi Xtremegamer). I downloaded the beta drivers in the tar.gz form, but the package manager won't touch it. I tried extracting that, and found a tar.gz2 inside, but the package manager won't do anything with that either. Anyone have some advice/experience with this?21:23
megasquid_can anyone help me troubleshoot why xrandr doesn't detect my external monitor when im using fgxlr drivers on ubuntu 8.04?21:23
guntbert!md5sum | ubuntutlups21:23
ubottuubuntutlups: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more21:23
spuddysstefg - So i will just mount it everytime i load then?21:23
J-ndido: go for the non-free, there seems to be some usb issues in the free version... if i'm not mistaken.21:23
stefgspuddys: that 50G drive is fixed, not an external drive, is it?21:23
DarwinS-Sup-eus-hey ppl, how do I force a kernel upgrade? my screen flashes when the system beeps21:23
spuddysi have another external21:23
megasquid_can anyone help me troubleshoot why xrandr doesn't detect my external monitor when im using fgxlr drivers on ubuntu 8.04?21:23
spuddys80.0GB Media - CD-RW/DVR+RW Drive - Extra - Filesystem21:24
ubuntutlupsubottu im reading that page...21:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:24
stefgspuddys: fine... so we should reformat it to a proper filesystem and set up a proper fstab entry first21:24
bobertdosDuKeS: That's what I thought. The live session mounted your ntfs partition automatically. That's why the wizard doesn't give you the resize option. Type: sudo umount /dev/sda121:24
DarwinS-Sup-eus-also how do I load the system volume21:24
spuddysI cant format my whole pc21:24
stefgspuddys: no, just the 50 G drive (i understand that it is empty)21:24
bobertdosDuKeS: Make sure the wizard and gparted are closed first.21:24
kevinODarwinS-Sup-eus-, why is your system beeping?21:24
spuddysyes but it is a virtual drive from my main 200GB21:25
rspis there a math game but not like tuxmath21:25
ozzloyGnea: no, it doesn't create an icon on the desktop for the camera21:25
Ergo^i had to unmount cdrom with wine eject , to swap cds for game installation21:25
BabblebackGnea, you are responding to the inability to upgrade to 8.04 then right? doesn't apply to the flashplugin-nonfree problem other than I shouldn't have the problem in 8.04 correct?21:25
DuKeSbobertdos: ok did that21:25
Ergo^now a stupid question how to correctly mount the cd again ?21:25
DarwinS-Sup-eus-kevinO, it beeps as normal in every ubuntu os it just makes my screen flash21:25
jim_pgoodnight guys21:25
DuKeSbobertdos: do i try the install option again now?21:25
bobertdosDuKeS: yes :)21:26
Cosmo-sanhey guys, how do I get rid of the search highlighting in gedit?21:26
kevinODarwinS-Sup-eus-, mine only beeps in xchat cause i set it to do so, so i guess i cant help you21:26
DuKeSbobertdos: kk...give me a sec21:26
spuddysstefg - yes but it is a virtual drive from my main 200GB21:26
Cosmo-sanI searched for a few words a while back, but the highlighting just won't go away~21:26
megasquid_can anyone help me troubleshoot why xrandr doesn't detect my external monitor when im using fglrx drivers on ubuntu 8.04?21:26
ubuntutlups6b941a0d5d7e62d52d4919a0e7881536  thats my key21:26
kevinODarwinS-Sup-eus-, just ask again in a few minutes or so and someone may know how to help you then21:26
stefgspuddys: so you are running a wubi-install of ubuntu?21:27
DarwinS-Sup-eus-kevinO, that's one of the times it beeps, as well as too many bckspaces21:27
GneaBabbleback: once you have upgraded to 8.04, then the problem with the flashplugin-nonfree will simply disappear21:27
stefgspuddys: ahhhhh, now i understand21:27
ohgodnotanother1still need help with my ati driver. anyone here who could help?21:27
Gneaozzloy: ugh...21:27
guntbertubuntutlups: did you see: the checksum for you file seems to be different from that on the page - so your file is damaged, download it again and check it BEFORE burning21:27
DarwinS-Sup-eus-thanks kevinO21:27
=== udk is now known as UdontKnow
arooni-mobilequestion:  how well do dell machines (either ubuntu or windows ones) work with linux?  are they generally good?21:28
ubuntutlupsis there a way to download it from a torrent o amule...21:28
Gneaarooni-mobile: they tend to work just fine.  http://www.dell.com/linux  they have several up there that they endorse.21:28
kevinODarwinS-Sup-eus-,  i think its a setting, take a look at this thread, it doesnt offer any explanation, but now you know a bit more.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=48084421:28
DuKeSbobertdos: ahh great! that worked! now it allows me to resize! :D thanx so much21:28
J-narooni-mobile: I had no problems with ubuntu and dell.21:28
stefgspuddys: to tell you the truth: forget that with wubi. do a proper install on a separate partition. performance will be anything but stellar with wubi21:28
spuddysI cant21:28
bobertdosDuKeS: my pleasure21:28
spuddysit wont let me21:28
ozzloyGnea: alternately, you could help me get networking working on this computer?21:28
ubuntutlupsWhat is alternate desktop ?21:29
spuddysIs there anyway i can do it on this21:29
ozzloynot the one i'm typing on now, heh21:29
ubuntutlupsis a better version ? o whut ?21:29
Gneaozzloy: maybe, i only have a few minutes left. it'd help if i knew what the problem was, too. :)21:29
kevinOubuntutlups, no lice desktop21:29
ozzloyGnea: i just tried plugging the camera into a different computer, same behavior21:29
hsn-hello everyone, i'm planning to install ubuntu on my laptop (toshiba a200-1j3) - what do you suggest 64bit or 32bit?21:29
ubuntutlupslice ?21:29
ozzloyGnea: oh, well then let me thank you for your time21:29
Gnea!alternate | ubuntutlups21:29
ubottuubuntutlups: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:29
mykehow do i get emacs bindings in firefox?  editing .gtkrc-2.0 seems to have no effect21:29
kevinOubuntutlups, i think your referring to the ubuntu alternate cd which doesnt include the live desktop ability21:30
Gneaozzloy: cheers, and good luck21:30
ozzloyGnea: thanks!21:30
bobertdoshsn-: Well, do you have a 64-bit system? How much RAM?21:30
megasquid_can anyone help me troubleshoot why xrandr doesn't detect my external monitor when im using fglrx drivers on ubuntu 8.04?21:30
kevinOGnea you beat me to it :)21:30
ubuntutlupsmmmm.. i want to install my Ubuntu 8.0.4 from a torrent21:30
spuddysStefg can i still do it on this?21:30
hsn-bobertdos: yes it is a 64bit sys (intel c2duo t7500 @2.2ghz with 2gb ram)21:30
SapientI just tried to compress a 16GB text file and it turned it into a 17GB text file...  gzip -S .gz errors.log21:30
stefgspuddys: so you can't take a backup of the drive and restore to a smaller partition on the 200G drive?21:30
kevinOubuntutlups, you have a slow connection?21:30
spuddysbecause of my other OS Windblows i cant21:31
spuddysi need windows for other things21:31
DasEiohgodnotanother1: tmpfs < whats that ?? a device ???21:31
stefgspuddys: and leave  50G space free for use with ubuntu?21:31
ubuntutlupsmmm sort of21:31
spuddysi tryed that21:31
NutzebahnDebcreator is telling me that it is unable to detect the top source directory in my Megatunix archive, I am using Ubuntu 8.04, help?21:31
ubuntutlupsi need to wait like  6 hours21:31
kevinOubuntutlups, then you might prefer the torrent it will ensure you get a complete and working image file21:31
spuddysStefg - Is it possible on this though if so how?21:32
stefgspuddys: you can have dual boot. But understand that wubi is for eval. purposes only. Advanced things need a proper install21:32
bobertdoshsn-: Well, since you only have 2 gigs of RAM, I'd just make life easier and stick with 32-bit. Some software and hardware support gets really messy with 64-bit.21:32
kevinOubuntulog, and download the alternatecd if you want a smaller dl size21:32
kevinOubuntut but you wont have live desktop21:32
ubuntutlupskevinO where can i donwload the oficial torrent  ?21:32
kevinOwhich i have only used once21:32
J-nspuddys: I dual boot Ubuntu and Windows XP (don't use XP much tho) My friend can boot Vista, XP and Ubuntu.21:32
ubuntutlupsfrom the oficial ubuntu site...21:32
hsn-bobertdos: thx, i'll download it now.. i've heard that it has problem with the audio/wifi (on a toshiba laptop) is it true? if so how can i fix it21:32
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:32
kevinOat the bottom there....21:33
stefgspuddys: it is possible, but too dangerous.21:33
spuddysDAngeous in messing ubuntu21:33
spuddysor whole pc21:33
ubuntutlupsAlternate.. ?21:33
stefgspuddys: whole pc21:33
kevinOubuntutlups, youll also need a torrent manager, are you running windows or linux?21:33
ubuntutlupsif i burn the alternate CD i will just get the boot option ?21:33
DuKeSbobertdos: another question...once i install ubuntu...will i be able to access my folders from windows? i ask because i don't want to import my music again rather just play it from its current location (same with videos)21:33
ubuntutlupsim using Linux21:33
ubuntutlupsi got Azerous21:33
kevinOubuntutlups, yes that is the laternate, you can see it in the filename21:34
kevinOyou should be se then21:34
stefgspuddys: waht about that 80 G drive thatÄs in that system. is that available?21:34
bobertdoshsn-: Well, with every distro, hardware support tends to get better. Ibex is due in a month, I'd imagine even if you run into problems with Heron, they might get fixed with Ibex. Until then, we can try to help you troubleshoot audio and wifi problems if they come up.21:34
guntbertubuntutlups: there is a torrent for the standard image too, just found it21:34
spuddysso not good for gaming21:34
guntbert!torrent | ubuntutlups21:34
ubottuubuntutlups: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P21:34
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stefgspuddys: but good for a backup :-)21:35
hsn-bobertdos: so do you suggest that i wait for a month rather than install it now?21:35
spuddysStefg i cant serious because my vista has stuff21:35
spuddyswhich if i do format it wont reload it21:35
Jowianyone know why users-admin buttons are grayed out (even as root) on a server install? I have policykit installed21:35
guntbertubuntutlups: sorry, that was a mistake21:35
ubuntutlupsgunbert kevin0 i just need to install ubuntu the new 8.0.4 from a torrent. no need for live CD21:35
kevinOubuntutlups, oh i thought you wanted the alternate cd21:35
pauljrAzureus is now Vuze21:35
bobertdoshsn-: That's totally up to you.21:35
kevinOhmm lol21:35
hsn-ok :D thx alot21:36
kevinOubuntutlups, http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:36
ohgodnotanother1DasEi: tmpfs is a filesystem type. but I found out that it's already mounted21:36
qahHi. I have a question about compiling C++ code in ubuntu or linux period.21:36
eaquahy. can I have an user that is allowed to use only SSH port - forwarding but not actually login interactively ? I'm basically just trying to expose to a given person some internal website.21:36
lucaxqah: ask21:37
spuddysTHink i found away ste21:37
Mike231If I want to create a partition to do a proper install of Ubuntu (instead of the WUBI I have now), the partition manager's asking for what file type, but the only ones I can pick are ext2, ext3, linux-swap, and unformatted. What should I pick?21:37
DasEiohgodnotanother1: sudo mount shows you evrythng21:37
ubuntutlupskevin0 thats the ubuntu version that hast no live CD version21:37
ubuntutlupsand i just get the prompt to install it..21:37
stefgspuddys: if i where you i'd get a good windows backup program (i like TrueImage), do a complete image of the windows install (which will possibly fit into 80G b/c of compression), then repartition the drive with 50-60 G space unused at the end and then do a proper ubuntu-install with that space21:37
J-nMike231: ext321:37
ohgodnotanother1DasEi: yup I know21:37
bobertdosDuKeS: Yes, the partitioner SHOULD automatically take care of all that. You will need to install restricted codecs to play all your stuff though.21:38
qahI am trying to make a cross-platform software for Windows and Linux. For the windows code, I encase in with #ifdef WIN32. That tells if it is compiling and running on windows. But how about Linux. what define can I use for linux?21:38
Mike231J-n: Thanks21:38
eaquaqah: _LINUX_ ?21:38
guntbertkevinO: thx 4 the pointer, I never looked far enough to the bottom to find the torrents :)21:38
kevinOubuntutlups, you are confused. you said you have no need for the live cd. the live cd contains the live desktop. which means you can boot any computer from that disc.21:38
DuKeSbobertdos: yeah i know about the codecs...gstreamer codecs should take care of that right?21:39
ubuntutlupsyes i am confused.21:39
kevinOubuntutlups, the alternate link i sent you is still normal ubuntu21:39
qahNo. _LINUX_ doesn't work21:39
ubuntutlupsok what you mean normal ?21:39
kevinOubuntutlups, you just wont be able to run it from the cd21:39
Pirate_Hunterqah: what you mean linux dont work?21:39
qahwhen I put #else around the non windows code it works.21:39
bobertdosDuKeS: Most formats, yes, although you might need w32codecs for Microsoft formats (from the medibuntu repo).21:39
kevinOubuntutlups, do you understand now?21:39
cenubiswhy does my aircard no longer function with wvdial in 8.04?21:40
Gneaqah: we don't support programming in here, we're just a general help forum. have you tried #ubuntu-devel or #programming?21:40
qahOkay. I will go there. Thanks21:40
ubuntutlupskevin0 after i download that alternate iso and burn it up i will be able to install ubuntu without any live cd interference.. right ?21:40
DasEiohgodnotanother1: so you see where its mounted, for fstab you have to name a device,  next block is the mountpoint21:40
kevinOubuntutlups, yes21:41
kevinOubuntutlups, and it will install gnome as your desktop21:41
jarcocan i also ask open office questions here?21:41
ubuntutlupskevin0 thanks.. have a nice afternoon21:41
bobertdosDuKeS: Don't worry, if something doesn't go as perfectly as it should, we're always around to help :)21:41
lucaxjarco: sure21:42
danbh_intrepidjarco: why not in the openoffice chat?21:42
DuKeSbobertdos: ok i guess i can find further info on those if i get into problems playing some of my stuff. If it's not too much to ask i do want some help setting up my video card21:42
spuddysthanks stefg21:42
jarcowhats the channel?21:42
kevinOit could be an ubuntu issue :)21:42
kevinOso lets see :P21:42
guntbertubuntutlups: you can install from the desktop CD or from the alternate CD, but with the Desktop CD you can have a running ubuntu, even without installation - thats called "live CD"21:42
ohgodnotanother1DasEi: ok. so that point is clear. but still the graphic driver doesn't work :(21:42
bobertdosDuKeS: What do you have?21:42
DuKeSbobertdos: for some reason everytime i try ubuntu (i tried 7.04 and 7.10 before) and for some reason my video playback is choppy...which is the reason i always end up uninstalling it :(21:42
danbh_intrepidjarco: #openoffice.org21:43
unbekanntI have a strange DNS problem with Ubuntu;  If I ping blahblah.foo.local, it never does a DNS request (verified with tcpdump) and fails name resolution.  foo.local is a local domain here at work21:43
unbekanntUnder Fedora, it works fine; DHCP boot on both machines21:43
stefgunbekannt: ipv6 problems?21:43
danbh_intrepidunbekannt: dig   is a good program to test dns21:43
ubuntutlupsguntbert so after i donwload this ill get a updatE ?21:43
ubuntutlupsi dont want upgrade i want a fresh install21:43
unbekanntwe dont' run ipv621:43
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unbekanntboth dig and nslookup find the server21:43
stefgunbekannt: exactly !21:44
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ubuntutlupsformat my Hard disk21:44
DuKeSbobertdos: my pc is an emachines t3256...chipset is nvidia nforce2 and graphics nvidia geforce 4MX 64MB shared21:44
stefg!ipv6 | unbekannt21:44
ubottuunbekannt: To disable ipv6 read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv421:44
kevinOubuntutlups, no, you will get upgates though21:44
BabblebackGnea, why does it work fine when Firefox prompts for an install of flash but not via flashplugin-nonfree? that is if you put in the correct password; otherwise it believes it is installed and no longer prompts you though it failed21:44
arooni-mobileATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO 128MB [add $60 or $2/month1]21:44
arooni-mobileDell Recommended (includes Blu-ray support)21:44
arooni-mobileATI Radeon HD3650 256MB [add $100 or $3/month1]21:44
FloodBot2arooni-mobile: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:44
arooni-mobileRadeon ATI HD 2600 XT 256MB [add $150 or $5/month1]21:44
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:44
guntbertubuntutlups: both CDs will give you the option to do a fresh install21:44
ubuntutlupsmmm ok21:44
SchneeSchwarzunbekannt: avahi running?21:44
ubuntutlupsthanks also to you gunbert21:44
arooni-mobilebuying a computer from dell.  which one of these is well supported in ubuntu, and provides dual monitor support?  ATI Radeon HD 2400 PRO 128MB || ATI Radeon HD3650 256MB ||  Radeon ATI HD 2600 XT 256MB21:45
unbekanntSchneeSchwarz:  i'll check21:45
unbekanntstefg:  I'll try turning ipv6 off21:45
rkvirani_Hi all21:45
DuKeSbobertdos: i dont know why but when i install the restricted drivers (which is one of the first things ubuntu always lets me know "there are restricted drivers for your video card") 2 things happen: 1) resolution options don't go over 800x600 and 2) video playback is choppy with a very distracting line in the middle of every fullscreen video :S21:46
DasEiohgodnotanother1: which card ?21:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:46
Jowianyone know why users-admin buttons are grayed out (even as root) on a server install? I have policykit installed21:46
kevinOarooni,  ^^21:46
stefgunbekannt: even if doesn't solve that problem it's generally a good idea21:47
J-narooni-mobile: i'd end up looking them up on a website that i found through a google search to see if they are compatable with a 2 monitor setup.21:47
unbekanntgood deal21:47
bobertdosDuKeS: No offense, but uh, your video issues most likely have a lot more to do with your hardware than it does with Ubuntu. I would completely ignore the prompts to install t he restricted drivers. Also, you might want to set gstreamer-properties to use a simpler rendering device, if possible.21:47
J-nJowi: it might be eaiser to get an answer for that over at #ubuntu-server21:47
pan023how do u see wat version of an app we have?21:47
JowiJ-n, ok. thanks21:48
case^how do you hide joins/quits in pidgin?21:48
stefgpan023: apt-cache policy [nameofpackage]21:48
virginiatigerSo avant window manager is in the repo and I clicked on the icon in accessories but nothing has shown up, does anyone else had this?21:48
Sunborncase^: there is a plugin in the guifications plugin pack21:48
Prosewhat's the best way to backup a server ? as in, not just the data, the whole   /             ? as if need be, all can be restrored: network config, app config and so on21:48
reya276I keep getting this Keyring dialog coming up everytime I use Evolution or Connect through a server(GUI/SSH), so how can I disable this?21:48
case^thanks Sunborn21:48
Juje007Annyone know how to get the domain of samba?21:49
hateballProse: Clonezilla ?21:49
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jrib|unjustice|: I am back now.  Did you sort it out?21:49
abdoocan any one help21:49
abdooi'm new21:49
case^so am I21:50
SunbornSometimes I am too lazy to do the command line business, would it be bad to do "sudo nautilus" and hope that I can do root functions for awhile in a GUI? Am I missing something?21:50
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:50
DuKeSbobertdos: yeah i always thought it was something to do with my video card. Hopefully i'll be upgrading that along with the ram soon. Again, thanx for all your help. One of the reasons i'm trying to make the switch from windows is the great community ubuntu has going for it :)21:50
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abdoojust wanna kno new ppl21:50
case^this will take some time21:50
jribSunborn: well the issue is that you should never really have to do that.  What are you doing that requires you to do that?21:50
jribabdoo: /join #ubuntu-offtopic   for socializing21:50
stefgSunborn: make that gksudo nautilus (and don't tell anyone :-) )21:50
Sylphid|workIm looking to buy warhammer and was just wondering if anyone is playing it on ubuntu and if there are any issues with it21:51
abdoohow can i switch me room21:51
jribabdoo: /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:51
kevinOabdoo /j #channel21:51
case^./join #21:51
J_Phi all21:51
jribSylphid|work: is that a windows game?21:51
case^8.04 is something special21:51
Juje007Annyone know how to get the domain of samba?21:51
Sunbornjrib: I want to change a file owned by root to another file owned by me21:51
Sylphid|workjrgp, yes... but I have read beta reports that it works with wine21:51
jribSunborn: what file exactly?21:51
bobertdosDuKeS: If you ever want to peek at gstreamer-properties, type gksudo gstreamer-properties from the terminal. Thank you for the compliment, we do try!! :)21:52
jrib!appdb | Sylphid|work21:52
ubottuSylphid|work: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org21:52
J_Phey, is possible send one html message using libgmail ?21:52
Pirate_Huntercase^: that only depends on you but since it is the latest at the moment that yeah21:52
A1sunborn - chown21:52
Sunbornjrib: a jar file in /usr21:52
reya276Does anyone know how to disable the Keyring for Evolution?21:52
SunbornA1: they are separate files21:52
jribSunborn: that's still vague, try "exactly"21:52
SunbornSo I have a file that I want to swap into the place of one owned by root21:53
crdlbbobertdos: there is no reason to run gstreamer-properties with sudo/gksu21:53
jribSunborn: exact path to this file?21:53
bobertdoscrdlb: Hmm, perhaps not, I guess I just always assumed it needed root privileges, but I believe you.21:53
crdlbbobertdos: it stores your selection in gconf21:54
jonasbhi all, I tried out Intrepid Ibex live cd on my new laptop yesterday and had quite a lot of issues. e.g. couldn't run apt-get since it complained on some corrupt files. would anyone recommend installing Intrepid Ibex or should I stick with Hardy Heron?21:54
Sunborn /usr/share/jbiwatcher.jar and the one I want in its place is on my21:54
jribjonasb: wait until october when intrepid is released21:54
bobertdoscrdlb: Oh, is that where those settings go? Oh well then I guess you definitely don't want to run that with root.21:54
stefgjonasb: /j #ubuntu+1 and read the topic :-)21:54
Xcercacan i get a quick explanation about something? i have compiz installed, and when i right click the compiz fusion icon i can choose Window Decorator (and i have GTK selected) and window manager and i have Compiz selected ...  now what is the difference between the two and which one do i have to look into for changing my deskto theme ?21:55
whyameyeubuntu hardy w/ ff3: my history is not being stored. The config appears to be correct. Anybody have a guess what is going on?21:55
XcercaGTK right ?21:55
bobertdosDuKeS: Scratch what I said about gksudo with gstreamer-properties, :p21:55
jribSunborn: so this is some file you put in there yourself to begin with?21:55
danbh_intrepidwhyameye: ever run ff as root?21:55
Sunbornjrib: I mean I can do it with command lines, I am no noob, I just wanted it to be easier21:55
DuKeSbobertdos: lol why? i had already made a note of it :P21:55
Sunbornjrib: negative it was got down with synaptic21:56
whyameyedanbh_intrepid: not intensionally but it might have happened...21:56
A1sunborn - nothing wrong with using sudo nautilus every so often21:56
jribSunborn: what package?  and why do you want to replace it?21:56
PizarroI configured a VPN server into my Ubuntu Server that it is correctly working. However when clients establish the VPN connection, after some seconds (40-50) it disconnects without any explanation. Can anyone help me on this please?21:56
bobertdosDuKeS: Nah, crdlb just made a very important point about that program, and believe me, you don't want to run that as root. My mistake.......:p21:56
Sunbornit is a newer version21:56
abdoothanx ppl i got there :))21:56
Pirate_Hunter!sudo | A1, Sunborn21:56
ubottuA1, Sunborn: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)21:56
Sunbornthe repos are about a year old21:56
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Xcercahow do you choose the GTK theme in gnome? is it the same as going to System > Preferences > Appearance ?21:57
jribXcerca: yeah21:57
danbh_intrepidwhyameye: can you open a terminal?21:57
gnuskoolwillan ubuntu install from within windows still write grub into the mbr?21:57
jonasbjrib, stefg: thanks.. I'll wait until the proper release... I guess I just expected Alpha 6 to be fairly stable21:57
whyameyedanbh_intrepid: yep. it's opened.21:57
jribSunborn: I can't find jbiwatcher anywhere.  What package is it in?21:57
jribjonasb: "alpha", it's not even beta21:57
whyameyedanbh_intrepid: I found the profile directory for ff...21:58
bobertdosDuKeS: Just run it by itself.21:58
Sunbornoh, I missed a "d" the package is "JBidWatcher"21:58
DuKeSbobertdos: lol oh boy, i'll need to start gaining knowledge of all this terminology :p but ok, if you say don't do it i wont ...my instalation is just done so brb...i'll reboot into the installed os now:)21:58
PizarroAny idea?21:58
jonasbjrib: I know, but 30 oct is just around the corner :-)21:58
danbh_intrepidwhyameye: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && ls -al ~/.mozilla | pastebinit21:58
Xcercajrib so i should be able to download a gtk theme for say gnome-look , then goto  System > Preferences > Appearance , choose install on the themes tab and select the one i downloaded ?21:58
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bobertdoscrdlb: Wow, that's kind of crucial to know, thanks for correcting me.21:59
stefgjonasb: and to be honest: i'd never expect too much of the first release after an LTS one. the dev's are quite adventurous with these ....21:59
Winston_SmithVTWhen I unplug my flash drive then plug it back in without restarting the old mount point is still there. I have WD Passport, WD Passport_ and WD Passport__, how can I fix this so it won't happen?22:00
PizarroHELP PLease22:00
jribXcerca: maybe.  Depends on the theme.  It may only show up in the Controls tab when you hit Customize22:00
jonasbstefg: I see22:00
gnuskoolwillan ubuntu install from within windows still write grub into the mbr?Concerned about a dell recovery partition22:00
bobertdoscrdlb: Oh wait a second, yes of course those settings are in gconf, I've read those keys!! *trout slaps self silly*22:00
jribSunborn: it's probably fine in this case.  But it's always a better idea to install your custom stuff to /usr/local/ or /opt22:00
danbh_intrepidwhyameye: well, I really dont know.  you could always try: sudo chown -R user:user ~/.mozilla22:01
Quinn_StormI have a thinkpad X61 and I'm having trouble getting it to suspend/resume in hardy.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  Various web searches claim it should work as-is.  I haven't changed much yet.  On resume it gets stuck at a screen with a blinking cursor, and alt+f7 to return to X just hangs22:01
jribWinston_SmithVT: do you eject/unmount before unplugging it?22:01
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Winston_SmithVTjrib: I didn't, I didn't even know I had to22:01
Jack_Sparrowgnuskool If you mean using wubi.. you should read up on what wubi is and how it works.. I wont use or recommend it22:02
Sunbornjrib: I was more concerned with the security problems with using "gksu nautilus"22:02
jribWinston_SmithVT: yeah, you should.  That way you make sure the data is written to it22:02
whyameyedanbh_intrepid: thanks. That fixed it.22:02
Winston_SmithVTjrib: I see that's my problem, i'm going to look around to see if I can make it auto dismount. Thanks for the tip22:02
Sunbornand if it was a bad thing22:02
jribSunborn: there's none really.  It just gives you a graphical way to screw up your system instead of using the command line to do it22:02
Sunbornwhich I was hoping for, but wondering if it was "bad"22:03
Winston_SmithVTjrib: Used to windows just unplug it, still getting used to GNU/Linux22:03
gnuskoolJack_Sparrow: thx22:03
Ergo^can anyone tell me how do i mount my cd back again after i did wine eject ?22:03
jribWinston_SmithVT: you need to "safely remove hardware" in windows too.  It was the case in XP anyway22:03
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Winston_SmithVTjrib: I've never done that, always just unpluged the drive. Never seamed to have a problem i've been using this drive for a few years now22:05
DuKeSbobertdos: It installed fine and i got windows on the grub loader :) so the first thing i wanna do before i start messing with codecs and stuff is download all the updates right? and u said to not enable the restricted nvidia driver? because some people have said to use sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx22:06
WhitorWinston_SmithVT, You are a lucky lucky fellow ...22:06
Whitordo you like gambling ?22:06
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Jack_SparrowDuKeS a quick backup might not be a bad idea either22:06
Mark_JonesHello are there any users of APTonCD here that might be able to help with an apt source nameing issue/question?22:07
DuKeSJack_Sparrow: how do i do that?22:07
xxploitquestion, how do I change the console screen resolution, I think default is like 640x480? I'd like to use 1024x768.22:07
Winston_SmithVTWhitor: not really from what I understand, windows mounts it the drive synchronously so data is written to the disk right away instead of buffered22:07
Jack_Sparrow!backup > DuKeS22:07
ubottuDuKeS, please see my private message22:07
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Sunbornjrib: thanks for your time22:07
Slissgrr droped my laptop and now ubuntu does not startup...completly... x starts up but than it hangs... what shall i do?22:08
mrbichelHello, i am interested in getting involved with ubuntu development. Is this the right channel to ask for guidance regarding that?22:08
bobertdosDuKeS: Ditto to what Jack_Sparrow said. Yes, start with all the updates. As far as everything else is concerned, this is my general rule of thumb: Start with the most basic components first, see if they satisfy your needs, if not, slowly try other things (especially when it comes to video drivers).22:08
Aura-Sliss: check for bad sectors22:09
venomeSliss: use fsck22:09
venomeSliss: or badblocks22:09
SunbornSliss: well if you dropped it you probably damaged the hardware, now X is very picky about hardware22:09
SlissI did via gparted live cd22:09
Jack_SparrowSliss was it running when you dropped it?22:09
DuKeSbobertdos: ok...im reading on how to backup the system right now. thanks22:09
Slissno it wasnt running22:10
Mark_JonesSpecifically my issue is that I downloaded all of the main ubuntu repository and I let APTonCD filter out the old packages.I burned my 2 DVDs but there both named the same name in the sources list.How can I know what disk to insert when asked?22:10
Aura-Sliss: does X say where it stops?22:10
visik7anyone has got ubuntu running on an MSI Wind (u100) ?? I've some issues22:10
B3z3rk3rMark_Jones if you put the wron one in.. iot should let you know22:10
SlissAura-: no I do get my background img though22:10
Aura-Sliss: check the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log to look for where X stops22:11
Mark_JonesWell thats fine if all I had to deal with is just the 2 disks, but Ill have 5 or more when done backing up the entire repositories for ubuntu.22:11
Slissand then it tries to show me a small window but it t\stays white22:11
SlissOne problem how do I get into a terminal?22:11
hvgotcodesif i copy files off a partition on my encrypted lvm onto a flash drive, the file wont be encrypted on the flash drive will it?22:12
ganymedei cannot unlock the user and groups applet in gnome-control-center; the button is disabled22:12
Slissctrl-alt-f1-6 do not work22:12
venomehvgotcodes: depends on the target flash drive file system22:12
Aura-Sliss: Alt-F2 for "Run", type in gnome-terminal22:12
hvgotcodesvenome -- i guess i should just try it eh?22:13
Slissi think gnome is scruwed22:13
SlissI also have a working mouse thiugh22:13
Mark_JonesOk lets try this question then, does APTonCDs media that it creates have a file or something that I can edit to change the name lkisted in the sources list?22:14
knoppixnoobDasEi, u available by any chance to help me copy these ntfs files to usb?  i got the new disk you told me to, and have a terminal open.  the ntfs file is /dev/hda2 and the usb is /dev/sda.  i am root in the terminal.22:14
Aura-try booting into "failsafe x"22:14
mykehow do i get emacs bindings in firefox?  editing .gtkrc-2.0 seems to have no effect22:14
DragonHello I'm using ventrillo through wine22:14
DasEiknoppixnoob:you're welcome !22:15
DragonI'm getting an error another program is using input device22:15
Slissthats an other problem  grub I see from a split second22:15
DasEiknoppixnoob:ass its ubuntu here, I'll pm you again...22:15
Mark_Jonesalso does anyone know if there is an exact release date for the intrepid ibex release?22:15
DragonMy ventrillo through wine insn't letting my mic work22:16
knoppixnoobDasEi, ok i hope i can find it, i'm on xchat, and usually i use chatzilla...22:16
DasEi Mark_Jones: end of oktober is said22:16
bobertdosMark_Jones: Some people are saying the 30th of October, but I think in general, we're just saying the end of October.22:16
Aura-Sliss: booting into failsafe X is selectable at the login screen, not the GRUB screen22:16
mgolischDragon: cant you use ts? it sucks hard too but atleast they provide a linux client..22:16
Mark_Jonesok cool22:17
DasEiknoppixnoob:open now..22:17
saintbobfirefox and konqueror won't open up my mail at yahoo:(22:18
SlissAura-: if grub does wait for 0 sec. how can I select failsave? ;-)22:18
ganymedeis there a way to create a user that can't use a shell, but can be available via scp?22:18
B3z3rk3rsaintbob: have you updated your flash + java?22:18
Aura-Sliss: it's not a GRUB option22:18
Dragonmgolisch: I play world of warcraft and the group i belong to uses vent22:19
saintboband what is the command for that?22:19
xxploitSliss: theres still time to bring up the grub menu if you set it to 022:19
B3z3rk3rsaintbob: you can manually download packages with a gui and just run them from your desktop22:19
B3z3rk3rsaintbob just google, flash and java install22:20
Slissxxploit: with what key?22:20
DragonDoes anyone here use ventrillo on linux through wine22:20
xxploitSliss: hit escape as soon as u see the grub text22:20
Slissok i'll try22:20
ganymedei don't want to use scponly because i also use ssh server alongside with users that CAN log in, so i don't want another daemon unless its on the same port (22)22:20
XcercaDragon does ventrillo not have a linux version ?22:20
mgolischDragon: i see, maybe have a look  at its appdb entry if it has one22:20
mgolischXcerca: nope22:20
kizzaubuntu master22:21
mgolischventrilo = fail!22:21
DragonXcerca: No it doesn't22:21
xxploitXcerca: no it doesnt, but u can install via wine, theres a couple ventrilo scripts on the web also to make the install easier22:21
Xcercai dunno , i use skype it has a fully supported linux version22:21
kizzaventrilo= fail!22:21
Dragonmgolisch: 1 sec22:21
=== Kabaka[A] is now known as Kabaka
Sliss_xxploit: THX that worked :)  booting in failsave22:22
davidroderickI built ruby 1.9.  Things not going well22:22
Dragonmgolisch: wait how do i check the appdb entry22:22
davidroderickbuilt ok.  but rails says it doesn't know >=22:22
myk_robinsonhey, guys. Got a Gateway M-6881 laptop with Intel X3100 graphics. Kubuntu claims to be using the vesa driver, but if i run glxinfo, it shows direct rendering support. Should i be using a different driver, or is this the best one to use?22:22
mgolischhttp://appdb.winehq.com @ Dragon22:22
Boyinblue00Right. I've got Ubuntu to boot now but im having a problem with my wrieless USB dongle made by belkin how can I set it up?22:23
Aura-myk_robinson: yes, you can get direct rendering through MESA; however your driver will determine its speed at rendering.22:23
Aura-using the vesa driver can work; but it'll be slow, and things like desktop effects won't work at a happy speed22:24
myk_robinsonwhen I manually select my model of video card, VESA is the default driver. What package do i need to install22:24
arooni-mobilei've gotten: (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) when i tried to hook up ubuntu 8.04 with nvidia geforce 8600gts.  i tried: swapping out mobo (to intel p43 chipset), using envyng, downloading and compiling drivers from nvidia (compiled but same error), using the restricted modules for ubuntu (nvida-glx-new)... and everything results in same error.  what am i doing wrong, what can i do?22:24
Aura-install the Intel video xorg drivers, myk_robinson22:25
myk_robinsonBTW, i am using Kubuntu, just those guys arent talking :)22:25
Boyinblue00Right. I've got Ubuntu to boot now but im having a problem with my wrieless USB dongle made by belkin how can I set it up?22:25
Slartarooni-mobile: does the nvidia driver support the gts cards? check their site.. there's supposed to be a list somewhere22:25
xxploitarooni-mobile: you using 64bit?22:25
myk_robinsonpackage manager shows them as installed22:25
gnuskoolhow do i get a terminal like the one in backtrack distro in ubuntu?22:25
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myk_robinsonxserver-xorg-video-810 and xserver-xorg-video-intel22:25
arooni-mobilexxploit, nope22:26
Slartgnuskool: perhaps describe to us what the backtrack terminal looks like.. we.. eh.. mostly run ubuntu here.. =)22:26
xxploitSlart: it has a transparent background/wallpaper etc22:26
Khisanthganymede: you can still do that with scponly22:27
xyequestion: was installing ubuntu doing the duel boot option and where it shows the slider for the windows/ubuntu partion I can't seem to drag the slider because my mouse won't work?22:27
Slartxxploit: doesn't the gnome-terminal do transparent background? thought it did..22:27
gnuskoolSlart it's embedded, transparent22:27
ganymedeKhisanth: yeah, looks like i didn't do enough reading. i figured it out. i thought scponly was a separate ssh daemon22:27
ganymedeKhisanth: thanks22:28
xxploitSlart: hes talking about the bootsplash, not using a bootplash but using a bordered wallpaper with the boot terminal inside it etc. Best i can explain it22:28
simNIXganymede, you want to chroot cretain users that sftp ?22:28
Slartok.. my gnome-terminal also crashes if you change the profile.. hrmpf.. but it was transparent alright22:28
simNIXsshd2 can do that natively22:28
ganymedesimNIX: yeah, i already created a user with shell scponly, i can also chroot it?22:28
ciarananyone here know of an MP4 conversion app for Ubuntu?22:29
jinhow do you tell Ubuntu to reconfigure the sound card? because I changed my mainboard22:29
simNIXscponly is long time ago I used that since sshd2 has it build in - scponly has 2 shells you can set - only one chroots - scponly also needs sftp server in chroot space22:30
arooni-mobileSlart, its not onsupported hardware22:30
jinit worked already.,22:30
phantomcircuitfirefox over X doesn't work very well22:30
DragonVent still isn't working through wine, I get an error when i start it up, Failed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -1022:31
jinis there any kernel I can use to take full avantage of a core 2 duo?22:31
waterflaskHello. Does there exist any tool that can give you i/o statistics? Something like top is in regards to cpu and memory22:31
rkviraniDoes anyone know what menu gOS uses?22:31
ganymedesimNIX: i'll try with scponlyc shell instead. what server are you using that has that functionality built in? i'm using the one that ships with ubuntu by default. i skimmed the manpage of sshd_config but didn't see anything about scp only22:31
jribjin: -generic will use both cores already22:31
xyeAnyone know how I can slide the partioner thing while trying to install ubuntu without using the mouse? my lazer mouse won't turn on when i'm installing22:31
jribwaterflask: I think atop will do that22:32
Slartarooni-mobile: hmm.. then I don't know.. I would say that both envyng and nvidias own installers are pretty good.. never had them fail on me22:32
jribxye: try tab and arrow keys and maybe space I guess :/22:33
ganymedeargh my denyhosts just blocked me22:33
ciaranwaterflask: apt-get sysstat ; iostat22:33
B3z3rk3rganymede lol.. why?22:34
ganymedeB3z3rk3r: i set the shell to scponlyc but which the wrong path (/usr/bin instead of /usr/sbin) so i got too many failed log in attempts22:34
DragonI'm getting an error when i start vent through wine the error is this:      Failed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -1022:34
simNIXganymede, I use http://www.ssh.com/22:35
B3z3rk3rganymede oops.. do u know how to fix that???22:35
xyejrib i tried all of the keyboard buttons, haha22:35
ganymedeB3z3rk3r: clear the auth logs? lol...there's probaby a way to add an exception; i'm looking for that now22:35
rkviraniDoes anyone know what menu gOS uses?22:35
xyeand it won't install because the disk size is 'too small' and I can't move the slider.22:35
jimcooncathow can I tell if the server or desktop kernel got installed?22:36
rkviranitaonari: there is no difference22:36
JowiHi, I figured out the grayed out buttons in users-admin. ck-launch-session must be started. I do not want to do this manually each time (i do not use gnome). which is the best way? .xinit or something works?22:36
rkviraniyou can type uname -a to tell what version of the kernel you have22:36
forcedknoppixnoob: see pm forced22:36
jimcooncatLinux conga 2.6.24-19-server #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 18:43:06 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux22:37
ivantisif i install Ubuntu server edition, will it have a shell on its screen output, or will i need to do things from SSH on another computer?22:37
jimcooncatthat look right rkvirani?22:37
forcedknoppixnoob: see pm forced (DasEi)22:37
waterflaskjrib: Seems like what I was looking for, thanks. Do you know if it is possible to see what process is responsible for what part of the i/o?22:37
ivantismy install CD just arrived from canonical22:37
venomeivantis: it'll be on screen as well22:37
ivantisokay good22:37
ivantismy other computer is broken at the moment22:38
jribwaterflask: nope22:38
jimcooncativantis: it will prompt you for a login22:38
waterflaskciaran: Seems iostat might be useful, albeit I get the feeling I need to read the man page before I can tell.22:38
ivantisjimcooncat: like when i press Ctrl+Alt+F1 at a normal install?22:38
DragonI'm trying to run vent through wine and i'm getting an error Failed to open input device. Another program might have it open already. rc = -1022:39
ivantiswhats vent?22:39
DragonSorry, Ventrillo its a voip program22:40
ozzloyi'm trying to set my computer to request a static ip.  i'm in the eth0 properties and i've set the IP address.  what gateway address should i use?22:40
jimcooncativantis: yes. Though I do highly recommend setting up ssh as well.22:40
ozzloylike the address of the router?22:40
ivantisjimcooncat: okay thanks22:41
ozzloyactually maybe i have that part correct22:41
EvilDaemonWhat's the command to open the directory '/' as root?22:41
EvilDaemongraphically, please22:41
jribEvilDaemon: why?  What do you want to do?22:41
ozzloyi can ping my box, and i can bring up the apache server page on it from another box.  but i can't ping out from that box22:42
ozzloyping google.com says network is unreachable22:42
EvilDaemonI need to change permissions to a file in /home/EvilDaemon, which only has root permissions.22:42
ozzloyifconfig shows no ip22:42
ivantisozzloy: does your ISP allow static IPs?22:42
jribEvilDaemon: gksudo nautilus22:42
ozzloybut i can go to
ozzloyivantis: this is internal22:42
ozzloyso my "ISP" does allow static IPs.  in fact, i've been using this one for a while22:43
ivantispossibly your router is not configured for static IPs22:43
ozzloybut just this morning it stopped22:43
ozzloyand i changed some stuff around trying to get it to work22:43
ivantisozzloy: what company you get your net from?22:43
ozzloyeventually i found that something's wrong with the hardware22:43
ozzloyso i've connected using different wires22:44
ozzloyi don't know the company i get the net from in this office22:44
ciaranwaterflask - good luck22:44
ivantisozzloy: so what is the problem specifically?22:44
ozzloybut that's not important.  this is entirely within the network22:44
nigmahi all, one simple question, how do I uncompress an iso to a dir?22:44
waterflaskciaran: Thanks for the pointer22:45
bobertdosIs there anything in the wiki to answer that, nigma?22:45
ivantisnigma: is this using a command line interface or GUI?22:45
bobertdos!iso > nigma22:45
ubottunigma, please see my private message22:45
nigmais the same for me22:45
ozzloythe problem is this: on the bugzilla server box, ifconfig shows no ip, ping google.com says network is unreachable, but using other computers, i can still connect to the bugzilla web page being hosted by the bugzilla server (internally)22:45
KagimaroHello everyone22:45
nigmaok ty22:45
B3z3rk3rnigma: you need to mount iso files i think22:45
ozzloyso that's weird22:45
lesergihelp with packaging please! When I try to package my software trough rules file I install files in debian/name but dpkg-buildpackage does not take that! why??22:46
ivantisozzloy: sorry i dont think im qualified to help you22:46
ozzloyjust to be sure, i tried it again.  i can still connect to the bugzilla server, but i can't connect from the bugzilla server to anything22:46
ozzloylike i can't even ping the router22:47
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still wont' access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails22:47
ivantishow odd22:47
ozzloynow i can22:47
ozzloyhold plz22:47
ozzloypinging google doesn't work, but dns resolved the ip at least22:47
ivantisbobertdos: where did your name come from?22:47
ivantisozzloy: the IP is probably stored in a cache22:48
ozzloyok, nothing is broken, everything is fine22:48
bobertdosivantis: I just made it up, a long time ago. Why?22:48
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still won't access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails22:48
ozzloyivantis: naw, i added "?aslkdfjsjldkf" on the url to make sure it really really reloaded22:48
ivantisi was playing a game at boyscouts last night, and our team name was bobert22:49
ivantismy friend thought it up22:49
roukounhow to change language in opera 9?22:49
ozzloyivantis: but now i can ping out from the bugzilla server box to google22:49
brokenlcdwhat does "Capabilities: <access denied>" mean for a wireless card?22:49
ozzloyso for now everything is everything (tm)22:49
nigmaty bobertdos22:49
ozzloyivantis: thanks for the effort though22:49
ivantisozzloy: well, once on my ubuntu desktop, the net just stopped working. the net thing was in sleep mode or something22:50
bobertdosno problem, nigma22:50
ivantismy problem is solved22:50
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still won't access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails22:50
ozzloyivantis: i'm fairly certain this was a hardware issue and an impatience issue22:50
aminhoHi is there anyone familiar with jquery that could help me figuring some strange behavior ? :)22:50
ozzloyie i should have just waited a minute for networkyness to propagate22:51
aminhoor maybe there is some javascript channel ?22:51
saintbobaminho I hope you get an answer I think there are more questions than there are folks answering them22:51
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still won't access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails22:52
aminhodo you know some webdeveloppers channel ?22:52
arquebusaminho- there is ##javascript with about 300 people connected22:53
B3z3rk3rsaintbob: have you teide opera ?22:54
B3z3rk3rsaintbob: tried*22:54
JospehHelp! My Ubuntu computer just froze and it has a paper I've been working on that hasn't been saved in about 30 minutes. What can I do?22:54
ceil420save more often22:54
roukounhi everyone...! i have a problem with opera's fonts and i think that's it because of the language configured in opera... so, how to change language in opera 9?22:54
B3z3rk3rceil420: lol. very helpful  :P22:55
ceil420i do what i can :)22:55
Jospehceil420: thanks....   I try to save often though22:55
JospehI just.... didn't this time around.22:55
JospehIs there anything I can do?22:55
geniushow to count memory size of currently running programs?22:55
saintbobyes and no deal22:56
JacobbsI've got two sound cards on my system22:56
JacobbsAn X-Fi, which looks like a lost cause when it comes to getting it to work22:56
Jospehctrl-alt-backspace doesn't do anything, and heither does ctrl-alt-delete......   anything?  just hold the button in?22:57
Pirate_HunterJospeh: i dotn want to give you the wrong info but if the system crashed you might have lost it, you can try to kill X, login and check if the app backedup your work22:57
pianoboy3333where can I get a deb of the latest vlc22:58
B3z3rk3rlol.. jsut tried to get the man pages in win xp ... :P22:58
ceil420pianoboy3333, videolan.org ?22:58
B3z3rk3rfrom cmd prompt :(22:58
Pirate_HunterJospeh: on my system my left ctrl+alt works with delete to killx not the ones on the right side you can try it if not than kill from termianl with command killx22:58
bobertdosgenius: There's the processes tab under System->Administration->System monitor. Otherwise, I like htop, for a terminal based task manager.22:58
ssssi install Rkhunder but22:58
ssssicant find in application22:58
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still won't access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails same with opera can access account but wont open inbox22:59
Pirate_Huntercan i just ask if there was a netsplit?22:59
geniusbobertdos: i use ubuntu server22:59
pianoboy3333ceil420: I dont' see debs there, the download instructions just say get it from the ubuntu repos, which is version 0.8.622:59
bobertdosgenius: then I recommend htop.22:59
JospehAh goodness... it's due tomorow, and I'm wasting time now.  I guess I'll just have to take the loss and be mad at ubuntu22:59
saintbobfirefox works fine under windows xp on this machine:(22:59
JospehI can't get to ther terminal Pirate_Hunter.23:00
ceil420pianoboy3333, read the last section (for Dapper Drake) at http://www.videolan.org/vlc/download-ubuntu.html23:00
Pirate_HunterJospeh: be mad at yourseld always set your app to backup and save your work every 5min and never leave things for last minute23:00
bobertdossaintbob: Are you running Hardy and have you updated to Firefox 3.0.1?23:00
tony403anyone know how much milk is safe to drink in one day to avoid constipation?23:00
ceil420tony403, all of it23:00
JospehPirate_Hunter: I didn't leave it 'till the last minute I've been working on it for quite a while....   good assumption though, I normally do.23:01
saintboblet me check i'm running 8.04 whatever version that is i'll check firefox23:01
bobertdos!ot | tony40323:01
ubottutony403: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!23:01
JospehPirate_Hunter: but I still think I'll be mad at ubuntu23:01
tony403serious. i have 6 gallons and tons of dairy products i got free from a store to keep it from spoiling. only problem is constipation now23:01
tony403is there like a medical room here on freenode?23:02
aminhoarquebus > thanks23:02
geniusbobertdos: ps aux | awk '{sum +=$4}; END {print sum}'23:02
pianoboy3333ceil420: isn't adding the dapper repos bad?23:02
ceil420pianoboy3333, it's a videolan repo, not a dapper repo23:03
saintbobthe browser that works the best is konqueror and only on some sites23:03
ceil420check the URL23:03
saintbobfirefox works fine under windows xp on this machine:(23:03
ceil420oh nm, sorry23:03
pist0l-fishhi all, I am trying to burn a DVD and k3b, brasero, and nautilus have all not worked. It seems like none of the programs can get the DVD's size. Can anyone help?23:03
ceil420pianoboy3333, i doubt it would cause a problem. i'd test it, but i don't use ubuntu23:03
bobertdossaintbob: So, what exactly happens when you try to get into your Yahoo mail? Try running firefox in the terminal and reading the output as the program runs.23:04
uffocan anyone give me VLC 0.9.2 .deb file23:04
pianoboy3333uffo: lemme know if you get one23:05
Gizmo_The_GreatCan any1 tell me how to create a link from a hidden /home/ted/.cachefolder to /mnt/SCSI/ScratchFolder/cachefolder? I have tried23:05
Pirate_Hunteruffo: i bet you can probably search for it in google23:05
B3z3rk3ruffo: you should be able to get it off the net?23:05
B3z3rk3ruffo: have you tried googling for it ?23:05
ozzloyis there a program for displaying arbitrary text a la quicksilver from mac OS X?23:06
georgy_28_uffo : http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/new-vlc-player-092/ at your own risk !23:06
uffocan anyone give me VLC 0.9.2 .deb file for ubuntu 8.04, synaptic destroys whole ubuntu so i must find pack with all libs23:06
ozzloyi know i could open up a terminal and use figlet, but i'm looking for something a bit cleaner than that23:06
JacobbsIt's been three years now23:07
JacobbsAnd there still aren't X-Fi drivers O.o23:07
=== martin__ is now known as oFey3
dougskoozzloy: boxes, maybe?23:07
ozzloydougsko: link?23:08
timoany one know where the .htpasswd file is placed ?23:08
ozzloy"linux boxes" is returning a lot of noise on google23:08
Jordan_UJacobbs: Don't worry, they'll be out about one and a half months after you throw away your hardware in frustration23:08
JacobbsWell I won't throw it away23:08
JacobbsBecause it works in Windows :P23:08
JacobbsBut I guess it means I'll have to use my onboard :/23:09
JacobbsNot that i usually listen to crap when I program23:09
Jack_SparrowJacobbs Complain to the mfg .. no to us23:09
dougskoozzloy: yeah i see that. you can just apt-get it and check the man page. its really small23:09
Jordan_UJacobbs: Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us then, now there'll never be drivers23:09
JacobbsSorry guys.23:09
ozzloydougsko: oh cool.  so the package is called boxes then?23:09
bobertdosGizmo_The_Great: It's best to do it via the terminal, using sudo ln -s23:10
unikhi all...23:10
dougskoozzloy: yep. i dont know if thats exactly what youre looking for, but it is kinda neat23:10
airtonixGizmo_The_Great, you can make symlinks with nautilus by using the "ctrl+shift and dragging the object" operation23:10
Gizmo_The_Greatbobertdos, yeah - I just read up on that. My earlier attempts were failing because it was a directory and, as you say, you need the -s swithc for that23:11
unikdo i need drivers for my radeon 9000?23:11
saintbobWarning: Expected declaration but found '*'.  Skipped to next declaration.23:11
saintbobSource File: http://www.yahoo.com/23:11
saintbobLine: 22023:11
FloodBot2saintbob: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:11
unikor ubuntu installation is ok23:12
bobertdosunik: The restricted drivers should work just fine for that card if you need 3D support.23:12
bobertdosunik: Otherwise, the open-source drivers should also be just fine.23:12
timojoin #apache23:13
saintbobbrowsers still acting funny Firefox still won't access my yahoo mail account Konqueror does but only opens some emails same with opera can access account but wont open inbox23:13
saintbobthe browser that works the best is konqueror and only on some sites23:13
saintbobfirefox works fine under windows xp on this machine:(23:13
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob You running kubuntu?23:13
saintbobnope ubuntu 8.0423:14
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob so why knoq?23:14
uffocan anyone give me VLC 0.9.2 .deb file for ubuntu 8.04, synaptic destroys whole ubuntu so i must find pack with all libs23:14
strAlanis there a video editing package for Ubuntu ?23:14
saintbobwhats kong23:14
Jack_Sparrow!find vlc23:14
ubottuFound: libvlc0, libvlc0-dev, mozilla-plugin-vlc, vlc, vlc-nox (and 9 others)23:15
uffoor better withball libs23:15
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob konqueror23:15
ozzloydougsko: yeah not quite what i want23:15
airtonixusing gnome-do, how do you retrieve the stored url23:15
ozzloydougsko: neat though23:15
Jack_Sparrow!info vlc23:15
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.8.6.release.e+x264svn20071224+faad2.6.1-0ubuntu3.1 (hardy), package size 1113 kB, installed size 3228 kB23:15
vladanianstrAlan: kino is pretty sweet23:15
strAlanvladanian, I'll check it out23:15
ubuntu!info skype23:15
kindofabuzzsaintbob, try clearing your cache and all cookies for yahoo23:15
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in hardy23:15
airtonixusing gnome-do, how do you retrieve the stored url for the pastebin plugin23:15
Jack_Sparrowuffo the version in our repos is
dougskoozzloy: oh well, sorry :p23:15
jedimindi installed 3rd party drivers from nvidia's site on my pc, and every time i reboot - it seems like its trying to use some sort of default drivers instead ...23:16
Jack_Sparrow!skype > ubuntu23:16
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message23:16
saintbobwhy does konqueror run the best is beyond this ubuntu newbie and how do u clear the cache23:16
uffoi need 0.9.2 not stoneage 0.8.623:16
kindofabuzzsaintbob, in your options23:16
georgy_28_uffo : http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/new-vlc-player-092/ at your own risk !23:16
uffothere is no deb23:16
Jack_Sparrowuffo build it yourself if you must have the latest23:17
airtonixsaintbob, i think it also depends on your hardware...gecko is very much like that23:17
ceil420VLC is a pita to compile from source ;x23:17
uffono i need binary like windows has23:17
bobertdosuffo: I don't know if you're going to have much luck. Because they haven't updated the dependencies list yet, I'm doubtful Ubuntu would even have all the dependencies available for compiling it from source.23:17
ceil420uffo, why?23:17
kindofabuzzchecking his email has to do with his hardware? lol23:17
Jack_Sparrowuffo you wont find it here23:17
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ceil420bobertdos, it will in October :x23:17
airtonixsaintbob, konqueror runs quicker since it use the more efficient html renderer webkit23:18
MrDis there a new version of ubuntu comong soon?23:18
kindofabuzzairtonix, tried ff 3.1?23:18
Killeroiduffo check getdeb.net they usually have the newest verisons of a  lot of stuff(well, the important programs)23:18
bobertdosceil420: you're most likely correct :)23:18
JacobbsThis blows23:18
JacobbsI only have 650meg discs lol23:18
JacobbsCan I put the ISO on a dvd?23:19
airtonixsaintbob, not sure, but i'm just using default ff that came with 8.0423:19
roukounhi everyone...! i have a problem with opera's fonts and i think that's it because of the language configured in opera... so, how to change language in opera 9?23:19
kindofabuzzJacobbs, yes23:19
KilleroidJacobbs: there is a dvd iso23:19
Jack_SparrowJacobbs it is supposed to work, I have not tried it23:19
ceil420roukoun, no Edit > Preferences in opera?23:19
roukounhi everyone...! i have a problem with opera's fonts and i think that's it because of the language configured in opera... so, how to change the encoding to support greek and english?23:19
JacobbsWell, I downloaded the normal iso23:19
JacobbsBUt I don't have big enough CDs23:19
ceil420roukoun, also, more patience plz23:19
kindofabuzzroukoun, use FF =)23:19
Jacobbsso if a dvd works, that's cool too23:19
makson88Hi guys23:20
Jack_Sparrowroukoun opera isnt part of ubuntu... the do have a faq page23:20
makson88I Just loaded up ubuntu and the font at the logon screen is like 78 size cant even see what im typing.. any ideas/23:20
davidroderickI want ruby to be ruby18 and then I want to change something like an environment variable which will make ruby be ruby1923:20
JacobbsUsing my nVidia 8800GTS on Ubuntu is possible right?23:20
JacobbsI went to their site, they kept spitting me the XP drivers23:21
bobertdos!envy > Jacobbs23:21
ubottuJacobbs, please see my private message23:21
airtonixJacobbs, im using nvidia 8800gt right now23:21
Jack_SparrowJacobbs yes but 8k series is costing nvidia millions in recalls..23:21
airtonixJacobbs, didnt have to use envy23:21
ceil420Jack_Sparrow, oh?23:21
airtonixJacobbs, guess im the lucky one23:21
Jack_Sparrowceil420 yes23:22
ceil420i didn't know that :x23:22
JacobbsYea, but those are mostly the newer 8800GT and the laptop parts23:22
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: Interesting, I wasn't aware of that either.23:22
maxbI have a rather old xorg.conf, dating back to Dapper. How can I ask Ubuntu to generate roughly what would be put in xorg.conf in a new install?23:22
=== datacrusher`away is now known as datacrusher
Jack_Sparrowceil420 mostly the mobile chipset23:22
JacobbsI'll google this envy thing O.o23:22
ceil420laptops suck, anyway23:22
jrib!xconfig > maxb23:22
ubottumaxb, please see my private message23:22
ceil420prolly overheating23:22
Jack_Sparrowmaxb run livecd and copy the xorg23:22
saintboberror report keeps saying unexpected declaration in line 123:22
JacobbsMy laptop is Vista, no way I'm dual booting that Dell pos23:22
Jacobbswell it's not a pos23:23
jedimindvista :(23:23
jimcooncatis it possible to netboot using grub?23:23
bobertdosJacobbs: I just gave that as an option, but if airtonix says he got it to work without envy, I'd try whatever he did first :D23:23
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob what exactly does lsb_release -a give you from a terminal23:23
JacobbsWell, I'm thinking of just using their official drivers23:23
JacobbsI won't be doing anything crazy video in Ubuntu23:23
airtonixJacobbs, just use the standard steps outlined in the help.ubuntu.com site..23:23
tbwenHow do you install multiple packages? or if it's possible at all?23:23
Jack_Sparrowtbwen synaptic package manager23:24
ceil420tbwen, sudo apt-get install package1 package2 package 3 etc23:24
JacobbsThanks airtonix23:24
tbwenI have to install 50, do i have to type one by one?23:24
ceil420tbwen, Synaptic :)23:24
Jack_Sparrowtbwen YOu need to tpe the names inmanually or use synaptic23:24
OrangeKyotbwen, make a script?23:24
airtonixJacobbs, i could be vague, but i definitly did not install any exotic packages like envy23:24
tbwenso i can just type package after another and it will install them with one apt-get install command?23:25
JacobbsWell I'm reading that help thing now23:25
ceil420yeah tbwen23:25
airtonixJacobbs, you will want the nvidia-xsettings package for the similar gui control you get in windows23:25
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Jack_Sparrowsaintbob what exactly does lsb_release -a give you from a terminal23:25
tbwenceil420: thanks.23:25
szalOrangeKyo: that'd be more work than necessary, I guess ;)23:25
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saintbobubuntu 8.04 hardy23:25
Andehdoes anyone here use their iPod with Amarok?23:25
JacobbsOne step at a time23:26
OrangeKyoszal, lol i dont think i know what im talking about i guess ^^.23:26
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob Your issues might be from some of the customizing you have done to your system..  What have you changed in your sources.list23:26
tbwenOMG. i did not know you can type package after another.... i was going to do it one by one xD23:26
AndehI just updated a bunch of stuff in Amarok and want to take the changes to my iPod too, how do I do this?23:27
airtonixAndeh, when i had a working ipod...i used something called floola23:27
saintbobwhere can i go to look at it23:27
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)23:27
papaj122does anyone have acer aspire one ?23:27
JacobbsOh boy23:27
Jacobbssetting up Ubuntu should be fun23:28
jedimindi installed 3rd party drivers from nvidia's site on my pc, and every time i reboot - it seems like its trying to use some sort of default drivers instead ... so i have to contstantly reinstall the drivers each time i boot ... any ideas ?23:28
airtonixAndeh, its a one file program, so its totally portable...ends up feeling like a clone of itunes...23:28
Andehlol, i have yamipod like that23:28
Killeroidpapaj122: just state your problem, it might be a generic problem and someone can help you23:28
Andehairtonix: hmm. could i get floola to scan my iTunes folder (NOT library, Amarok updated only the folder) and compare it to the iPod, and sync only the changes?23:28
airtonixAndeh,one thing yamipod didnt do for me was...convert video and move it there23:28
Andehotherwise i have to copy over 23 GB of stuff23:28
genericdid someone ask for help?23:28
papaj122i have problem with card reader23:29
abhijeetHey guys, does anyone know how to change the font size in the logon screen23:29
Jack_Sparrowpapaj122 internal card readers are tough23:29
airtonixAndeh, test it out on a duplicated portion of your library...i think it only works against files/folders23:29
abhijeetit's not in logon preference23:29
genericpapaj122, i have a medion akoya (e1210)23:29
genericis your card reader a usb one?23:29
jedimindJack_Sparrow: got a link on how to disable nvidia-glx and glx-new drivers from trying to load ?23:29
genericlusb for us23:29
JacobbsJust to double check, burning the .iso onto a dvd should work right?23:29
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »23:29
PurityOfEssenceHello. Question: can the installer resize ntfs?23:29
papaj122I made evertything what is in instruction but when i have my card in slot when I turn on the computer evertythink is OK23:30
genericpapaj122, lsusb i meant to type23:30
Jack_SparrowPurityOfEssence yes, but defrag first23:30
jrib!away > datacrusher23:30
ubottudatacrusher, please see my private message23:30
papaj122but when I will put the card into the reade23:30
KilleroidPurityOfEssence: and dont forget to backup just incase something fuds up23:30
papaj122when I'm using the comupet it doent see23:30
bobertdosPurityOfEssence: and make sure the ntfs partition doesn't get mounted while you install -- I just helped another person with that.23:30
Jack_Sparrowpapaj122 is this internal on a laptop23:30
airtonixAndeh, http://www.floola.com/modules/wiwimod/23:30
airtonixcheck out that feature list23:31
papaj122yes its internal23:31
Jack_Sparrowpapaj122 You can get external usb ones for under $5 that will work fine23:31
PurityOfEssencebobertdos: why would it be mounted at install?23:31
papaj122in aspire One - i read the faq in ubuntu site but it doesnt wokr23:32
espaciouswhy i get this on apache23:32
Jack_Sparrowpapaj122 You can also see the laptop help page to see if anyone has got it going in the same hardware23:32
papaj122and the second problem is internal MIC23:32
espaciouscan someone point me?23:32
papaj122it doesn't work in ubuntu23:32
papaj122the external is ok23:32
Jack_Sparrowespacious /j #apache23:32
papaj122but internal not23:32
espaciousalready there23:33
papaj122the internal camer and speakers work ok23:33
Jack_Sparrowpapaj122 understood, and many many have not been able to get working23:33
Jack_Sparrow!enter > papaj12223:33
ubottupapaj122, please see my private message23:33
ozzloyis there a way of placing a window as you open it from commandline?  something like --position="right side of screen" or something?  is this program dependent?23:33
jribozzloy: two solutions.  1) You can use devilspie.  2) A lot of apps accept --geometry23:34
PurityOfEssenceozzloy: i thought windows open where you left them  for desktop apps at least23:34
PurityOfEssencegeometry will size windows23:35
ozzloyPurityOfEssence: that's not quite what i want23:35
nonewmsgskmail is pissing me off.  all in a sudden it isn't using kwallet.  i don't know why.  kwalet is still working with other passwords23:35
ozzloyoh yeah, i think geometry has xoffset and yoffset or something23:35
sahakis it possible to hibernate into a file and not into a partition?23:35
airtonixsahak, yes but it would involve setting up all your swap again.23:36
makson88on my logon window the FONT is HUGE ?? why is this ?23:36
bobertdosPurityOfEssence: Honestly, it shouldn't. I just helped a guy though who, for some reason, had that happen.23:36
Killeroid!kubuntu > nonewmsgs23:37
ubottunonewmsgs, please see my private message23:37
sahakairtonix: well that's not a problem. i would rather have a swap file instead of a swap partition23:37
nonewmsgsthis is under gnome :P23:37
yaddleHi, so after I boot my computer, if I use flash in a web browser (i.e watching a video with sound) I can no longer hear sound from audio files on my hard drive. If I open an audio file on my drive first I can't hear sound in flash. Any ideas???23:38
saintbobi'm still here download updates :)23:38
nonewmsgsso using qt apps in a gtk envirements means i should ask here or in #kubuntu23:38
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob It shouldnt take that long to post a sources.list23:38
J-nIs there a way to watch stuff from fox.com with linux?23:38
saintbobhow do I post it here?23:38
sahakairtonix: is there a howto describing how to setup a hibernation file?23:38
KilleroidJ-n: useragent switcher firefox23:38
jribnonewmsgs: either, but you're more likely to find help with kde apps in #kubuntu as there are more users who use kde apps there23:38
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob run the command I gave you23:39
zvacet!pastebin | saintbob23:39
airtonixsahak, hibernation just makes use of your swap...so in your case you need to go from using a swap partition...to using a swap file.23:39
ubottusaintbob: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:39
airtonixsahak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq23:40
jedimindare they any better (customizable) panels that can be recommended for ubuntu ?23:40
airtonixsahak, section there on how to extend or change swap23:40
Jack_Sparrowjedimind I like cairo dock.. mine looks like mac osx23:40
nonewmsgsthanks jrib23:41
Daft_Punkjedimind, i like awn, it looks just like mac osx23:41
Killeroidjedimind= tint23:42
sahakairtonix: i think there is a difference between suspend-to-disk (uses partition) and suspend-to-file(uses swap file)23:42
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airtonixsahak, what would that be?23:42
=== BM is now known as Bad_Magic
|unjustice|jrib: so I compiled the nspluginwrapper .bz2 file and ran sudo make, and ended up with a bunch of other files in the folder...what else do I do to make it run?23:42
Qstersudo make install ?23:43
Killeroidjedimind: screenshot showing tint at the bottom of the screen (http://flickr.com/photos/killeroid/2715481865/sizes/o/)23:43
jedimindim talking more about the top dock w/ the date, desktops etc23:43
FyR3eai galera alguem pode me ajudar como que eu faço pra abri uma outra sala ?23:43
Bad_Magicanyone have any idea why snes9x wouldn't allow fullscreen unless i am running a "fullscreen" mode on a ps3? =x23:43
jedimindsory shouldve been more specifc23:43
Daft_Punkjedimind, u mean the panel?23:43
FyR3primeira vez em contato com o xchat for linux23:43
jedimindyeah i said panel :)23:43
Killeroidjedimind: try pypane;23:43
flynchI'm trying to figure out whats wrong with my volume keys... when I press them I get the graphic overlay showing a speaker & a volume meter, but it isn't changing the actual volume. I have to click on the volume control applet to change volume... any ideas?23:43
jedimindthat looks nice Killeroid23:43
Jack_Sparrowjedimind you can move them anywhere you want23:43
Killeroidjedimind: thanks23:43
jedimindJack_Sparrow: i know, im looking to customize it a bit more23:44
flynchon a dell d820 with hardy if thats relevant23:44
|unjustice|anyone here know how to get npluginwrapper to install on a 32 bit machine, in order to get sound to play in flash vids in Mozilla?23:44
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box23:44
Killeroid|unjustice|: just install libflashsupport23:44
FyR3valeus ja consegui23:44
Daft_PunkKilleroid, how did u get ur panel like that (what theme)23:44
Killeroid!fr > FyR323:45
ubottuFyR3, please see my private message23:45
Jack_Sparrow!br > FyR323:45
bobertdos!pt | FyR323:45
ubottuFyR3: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.23:45
KilleroidDaft_Punk: i am using tint for my  panel and trayer for system tray23:45
KilleroidDaft_Punk: i also shutdoen gnome panel, i dont use it23:45
DuKeSi need help getting my resolution to work :S it's locked at 800x600 i tried enabling the restricted drivers but still locked23:45
plythemanwho wants to help me figure out the networking between my XP and Heron? =D23:45
|unjustice|Jack_Sparrow: yeah, I started to convert the binary and install it, but I am not sure it worked because I still have no sound in flash23:45
sarirdelta9thc1, hi23:45
sahakairtonix: for example CONFIG_HIBERNATION says that it does not have Suspend-to-swapfile support23:46
Daft_PunkKilleroid, i didnt see trayer in the repos23:46
Bad_Magicanyone have any idea why snes9x wouldn't allow fullscreen unless i am running a "fullscreen" mode on a ps3? =x23:46
brainsonfirehi, does anyone know why xorg would use xorg.conf.failsafe instead of xorg.conf?23:47
brainsonfirei have no idea23:47
brainsonfiresince ive upgraded to ibex yesterday, im in low graphics mode :(23:47
Jack_Sparrowbrainsonfire nvidia didnt detect monitor settings and available res23:47
bobertdos|unjustice|: If you're on a 32-bit machine, there is absolutely no purpose in installing, let alone compiling nspluginwrapper. Like Jack_Sparrow said, did you try installing libflashsupport (in the reopos)?23:47
plythemandoes anyone have any idea why I can't find my windows box over my network?23:47
yaddleHi, so after I boot my computer, if I use flash in a web browser (i.e watching a video with sound) I can no longer hear sound from audio files on my hard drive. If I open an audio file on my drive first I can't hear sound in flash. Any ideas???23:47
brainsonfirethanks Jack_Sparrow23:48
brainsonfirewhat can i do ?23:48
Jack_Sparrow!res > brainsonfire23:48
ubottubrainsonfire, please see my private message23:48
simNIXDuKeS, try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83973&highlight=refresh+rate+howto23:48
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP323:48
bobertdosyaddle: That is a known bug in Pulse. Switch everything over to ALSA to try and work around it.23:48
dr_willisplytheman,  miss configured samba/shares or firewall on windows box. You could try the samba smbclient command to scan for shares, or some other tools.  - also be sure you try to access it by ip, in case the hostname is not seen/in etc/hosts file23:48
yaddlebobertdos: thanks :)23:49
dr_willisplytheman,  the 'samba doc' package has several html books on samba confiuring and troubleshooting also. Worth a read. :)23:49
Khisanthplytheman: common causes of that for me has been firewall settings on the windows machine23:49
* Bad_Magic sighs23:49
plythemanmaybe a firewall, i think its definitely on the windows side of things23:49
Jack_Sparrowsee also port forwarding23:50
dr_willisplytheman,  for starters see if the 2 box's can ping each other. :)  Then perhaps try ssh/winscp see if that gets through.23:50
Jack_Sparrow!pm > brainsonfire23:50
ubottubrainsonfire, please see my private message23:50
Bad_Magicanyone have any idea why snes9x wouldn't allow fullscreen unless i am running a "fullscreen" mode on a ps3? =x23:50
plytheman2 xp boxes and I just got my laptop with ubuntu, used to be that I could share folders between the XP boxes, and initially w‎ith ubuntu, now I can still get online, but nothing between computers =S23:51
saintbobpastebin | saintbob23:51
* plytheman hates and sucks at network issues23:51
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: I am praying for progress with Pulse in Ibex. I'm getting sick of telling people how buggy it is :p23:51
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob sudo apt-get install pastebinit  && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit (Provide Pastebin link in channel)23:51
Jack_Sparrowbobertdos agreed23:51
dr_willisplytheman,  theres 'network' issues.. then theres  'services' issues. :) Your machines seem to be networked.  just not configured for samba/smb correctly23:52
KilleroidDaft_Punk: sudo apt-get install trayer23:52
=== daklan_zZz is now known as daklan
plythemanyeah, I've no idea what samba is... I'll go read up on it23:52
dr_willisplytheman,  if you are not doing a lot of file transfers, I find winscp works decently well for the occasional file transfer to/from  the linux machines23:52
Daft_PunkKilleroid, thanks i did that, i just dont see where trayer is located to run it23:52
dr_willisplytheman,  samba is what gives linux the 'network neighborhood' stuff :)23:52
eji cant change my grub menu, it wont let me save23:53
Jack_Sparrowej gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:53
dr_willisplytheman,  the samba-doc package has html books on the topic.   One of those things thats worth reading if you plan on using  it a lot.23:53
plythemanwell, even from one xp to the other I can't seem to get the network places to work23:53
makson88can someone help me out here.. -> Logon fonts are HUGE!23:53
ejtried that it wont load23:53
plythemanpinging worked from one to the other tho...23:53
makson88nothing seems to be working to fix it23:53
Bad_Magicplytheman: make sure your xp boxes are both in the same workgroup23:53
* plytheman goes to get samba-doc23:54
dr_willisplytheman,  check the workgroup names also. also try entering the  share name //machinename/share   and so on.. it can be annoying finding whats going on.23:54
plythemanboth should be on MSHOME23:54
simNIXplytheman, or windows to linux conectivty I use Samba - and for oacasionaly sftp over ssh2 with filezilla23:54
Bad_Magicplytheman: double check, that gets me from time to time23:54
Jack_Sparrowsaintbob I see nothing wrong in there, did you just make any changes to it?23:54
dr_willisplytheman,  im not sure what the default workgroup for linux box is. it may be 'workgroup' :)23:54
plythemanright oh, lemme try messing with windows a bit23:54
dr_willisplytheman,  i also tend to install the full samba packages on ubuntu, and set up the homes directory to be shared.23:54
Bad_Magicnow if i can just figure out why the hell X is bombing out with snes9x id be a happy camper23:55
plythemanlast time I just found it in Windows Network > MSHOME > Media > etc etc on ubuntu no prob23:55
KilleroidDaft_Punk: perosnally, i start trayer with this command ( trayer --edge bottom --align right --widthtype request --height 18 --expand false --transparent true --alpha 255 --margin 8 --distance 8)23:55
KilleroidDaft_Punk: withotu the parentheses of cource23:55
saintbobi just updated ubuntu and they may of helped i'm accessing my email now and some other website i couldn't before thanks23:55
bobertdosej: You don't get prompted for a password or gedit won't open?23:55
Daft_PunkKilleroid, is there a gui for it though? i was looking for the command to start that23:55
ejit opens but there is nothing there23:55
KilleroidDaft_Punk: i made an entry under sessions to run that command anytime i log in23:55
Jack_Sparrowej you have the path wrong23:55
KilleroidDaft_Punk: no gui that i know of23:56
Jack_Sparrowej gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst                  MENU.LST   in lower case23:56
plythemanon 'run' should it be: \\MSHOME\Media\folder name?23:56
plythemancus thats telling me nothing is found23:56
dr_willisplytheman,  if this is a new ubuntu isntall. you may want to update/upgrade also - be sure you are up to date.. the earlier releases had a few bugs in the samba stuff i recall23:56
bobertdosej: and yes, that first / is necessary23:57
dr_willisplytheman,  theres also other tools that browse/scan the windows-share-network  You are using the gnome-file manager to do it. :)  Theres 'smbclient'  (cli tool) and other gui tools as well23:57
plythemanfunny enough I look up and it says that there's one update, RDESKTOP, but dunno if thats related at all23:57
dr_willisrdesktop = remote desktop23:58
dr_willisi think23:58
Jack_Sparrowdr_willis yes23:58

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