
* Lns gives the unsolicited advice to add URL http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/ to topic ;)00:01
ubottuThe Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/handbook/C/04:22
LaserJockhmm, I think that's a 404 isn't it?04:23
sbalneavurl needs to be redone04:23
sbalneavCan anyone train ubottu ?04:23
sbalneavubottu: handbook is The Edubuntu Handbook is currently work-in-progress and can be browsed via  http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/04:24
sbalneavMy edit request has been forwarded :)04:24
LaserJockwe really should get the Handbook off of doc.ubuntu.com04:25
LaserJockI knew having a seperate, WorkInProgess server was gonna be trouble04:25
sbalneavWe should?04:25
sbalneavWhere should we put it?04:25
LaserJockyeah, doc.ubuntu.com is supposed to be temporary04:25
LaserJockjust docs in development04:26
LaserJockit *should* end up either on help.ubuntu.com or edubuntu.org04:26
LaserJockthe problem with doc.ubuntu.com is that people start linking there and then it becomes permanent04:28
LaserJocksbalneav: dude, did you ever use that XML book you bought for that chemistry website project we were looking at?04:35
LaserJockproject seabass :-)04:35
sbalneavYeah, I did.04:36
sbalneavWhen did we want to pick that up again?04:36
LaserJocknot sure04:38
LaserJockI think they got their SOAP interface fixed maybe though04:38
LaserJockoh wow, they actually released the official version today: http://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pug_soap/pug_soap_help.html04:39
sbalneavMorning all15:06
GJI am having a problem finishing the upgrade of Edubuntu. I'm at the point of updating the LTSP chroot following the directions at http://doc.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/edubuntu/handbook/C/ltsp-updates.html18:51
GJWhen I gave the apt-get update command, I got errors saying us.archive.ubuntu.com could not be resolved. Also, it told me to use apt-cdrom to make the cd-rom recognized by APT. That didn't work.18:54
GJI don't know whether I can continue to the next command: apt-get upgrade18:54
HedgeMageGJ:  it sounds like it couldn't find the repo server's IP address -- the update DID NOT run, so you should keep trying18:59
HedgeMageperils of satellite, I'm afraid18:59
GJUsing a web browser on the server, I can open that web page consistently. And I've tried to run apt-get update several times.19:00
GJThis is very frustrating. If two days ago, I had not clicked on that stupid update button, this computer lab would still be working.19:11
GJHow is possible that Firefox can resolve the URL but apt-get cannot?19:12
HedgeMageGJ:  ffx may have it cached from earlier?19:14
HedgeMageGJ:  you could take the IP that you can reach it on and stick it in your hosts file for now19:15
HedgeMagetotally cheating, but it may work19:15
GJ Firefox is resolving URLs that have never been entered into it on the server so DNS is working OK19:17
HedgeMageoh... hmm19:17
HedgeMagethat's not supposed to happen19:17
HedgeMagehave you tried apt again?  It may have been a momentary problem?19:17
GJYes, I've tried many times over the last hour.19:18
HedgeMageit could be that the us rotation is sending you to the server closest to you, which is having issues (the web site isn't mirrored all over IIRC)  not sure what to do about it, though... perhaps put a specific server in your settings instead of a rotation server?19:19
GJKeep in mind, I had never seen Ubuntu or Edubuntu prior to two days ago so I don't know what you mean19:20
GJSettings? Rotation server?19:21
HedgeMagerotation servers are really just signpoints... you go to one and it sends you to the mirror it thinks will be fastest for you19:22
HedgeMageYou can specify an individual mirror in sources.list (or via synaptic) rather than using a rotation server19:22
HedgeMageosuosl is a very reliable one, you might try that19:23
HedgeMageSorry I can't be more help, I must get back to work.19:23
GJThanks. Anyone else available?19:24

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