
cjwatsonin that case I'm confused00:01
persiaIt's rather that the location pull-down defaults to the "nearby" places for a given language, and so one fiddles with the map for a bit when one isn't there.  I thought r2836 miht have instead defaulted to the open world map.00:01
cjwatson(the change above fixes half of the problems with an incorrect keyboard default in ubiquity, the other half being fixed in casper)00:01
persiaOh.  Completely unrelated then.00:02
cjwatsonoh, no, I haven't touched the map lately, although I do agree it's problematic00:02
persiaI'm not sure it's not generally correct to default to a nearby location, but it's perhaps a little tricky when the guess isn't close.00:02
cjwatsonEnglish, Spanish, and Portuguese are the hardest cases. The defaults are much better for just about anything else.00:03
persiaI would have expected French to be in that list as well00:05
cjwatsonoh, Canada. Yes. The population distribution is *much* more heavily skewed towards the default of France there, though.00:06
cjwatsonactually Portuguese isn't hard because pt and pt_BR are treated as different languages.00:06
cjwatsonthere are lots of American-continent Spanish speakers though.00:07
persiaActually, I was thinking of West Africa more than Canada.  I'd expect Canada to have the same ease as for Brasil.00:07
cjwatsonnobody seems to have created any locales for West African French speakers00:08
cjwatsonfr_CA isn't a different language to quite the same extent as pt_BR, and we don't treat it as such00:08
cjwatsonthere's a slightly different vocabulary of course, but pt_BR is totally divergent00:08
persiaIt's colonial French, and it's the same timezone anyway.  Most people in West Africa are at least trilingual.00:08
cjwatsonoh, sure, not arguing, it just isn't reflected in the locale data and I don't want to get into maintaining that :)00:09
cjwatsonrealistically my job is a heck of a lot easier if I can pretend that locale data reflects reality and punt to them when it doesn't ;-)00:09
persiaheh.  You must not be that much in favour of the move to have only a single translation for all Arabic then.00:10
cjwatsonas far as the installer's concerned, there already is00:11
cjwatsonwe only have ar.po, not ar_EVERYTHING00:11
persiaWasn't that recent?  I thought that the various Arabic translation teams only organised to a single .po file in the last year or so.00:11
persiaOr is the single file installer-specific?00:12
cjwatsonthe latter00:12
cjwatsoninstaller translations are mostly done in Debian00:12
cjwatsonfor ubiquity, we only import the translations that match what Debian has, since otherwise we get a crappy mixture00:12
persiaYeah.  Translations are tricky, and it's best to have a single authoritative source (whatever happens to be right for a given project).00:13
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CIA-50partman-ext3: cjwatson * r740 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 52ubuntu202:34
CIA-50partman-reiserfs: cjwatson * r805 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 41ubuntu202:35
CIA-50yaboot-installer: cjwatson * r262 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.1.12ubuntu202:38
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2837 ubiquity/bin/ubiquity-dm: make sure to only start gconfd for GTK-based frontends02:48
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2838 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.9.1802:50
CIA-50partman-base: TheMuso * r105 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog lib/base.sh lib/commit.sh):04:52
CIA-50partman-base: * Merge some updated dmraid partitioning changes, thanks to Frans Pop04:52
CIA-50partman-base:  <fjp@debian.org>.04:52
CIA-50partman-base:  - base.sh: new function is_multipath_dev.04:52
CIA-50partman-base:  - commit.sh: display correct dmraid partition info when confirming04:52
CIA-50partman-base:  changes.04:52
CIA-50partman-base: TheMuso * r106 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 121ubuntu604:53
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CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2839 ubiquity/ (82 files in 3 dirs):14:22
CIA-50ubiquity: Make "Before:" and "After:" strings (displayed next to partition bars)14:22
CIA-50ubiquity: translatable.14:22
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nebuchadnezzaris this the good place to ask about partman recipes ?18:03
cjwatsonnebuchadnezzar: yes18:04
nebuchadnezzarOk, I have some problem defining a recipe for hardy: http://pastebin.com/m5dc29b5818:05
nebuchadnezzarthis works but: I have 2 extended LVM partition instead of one primary sda4 LVM18:05
nebuchadnezzarand the volume groupe name is the host name, not testvg :-/18:06
nebuchadnezzarany hints ?18:06
cjwatsonyou're using Debian documentation rather than Ubuntu documentation18:06
cjwatsondon't do that :-)18:06
cjwatsonthe documentation you're reading describes a feature of LVM preseeding that is very new and isn't present in Ubuntu yet (not even intrepid, let alone hardy)18:06
cjwatsonspecifically, in_vg and lv_name aren't supported yet18:07
cjwatsonhowever, it doesn't look like you're doing anything complicated enough to require the new syntax, unless you really care about the LV names18:09
cjwatsonwhat you should do is the following:18:10
cjwatson * drop all vg_name{ ... }, in_lv{ ... }, and method{ lvm } instructions18:10
cjwatson * make sure all the partitions you want to be on LVM have $lvmok{ }18:10
cjwatson * preseed 'd-i partman-auto-lvm/new_vg_name string testvg' to set the VG name18:11
cjwatsonand that should be enough18:11
cjwatsonoh, and one other thing18:12
cjwatson * entirely drop the stanza that defines the LVM wrapper partition (the one that just has method{ lvm } and vg_name{ testvg })18:12
cjwatsonthe installer will create one of those automatically for you18:13
nebuchadnezzarI think it's the reason why I have 2 extended partitions18:13
cjwatsonI would also advise you to drop $primary{ } from everything except the /boot partition; nothing else needs to be primary, and it's better to have fewer primaries18:13
nebuchadnezzarwell, logicall partition are harder to find with gpart after a crash ;-)18:15
cjwatsonreally? gosh, that's lame :-)18:15
cjwatson(of gpart)18:15
nebuchadnezzarwhen the partition table goes away18:15
nebuchadnezzarthat the reason I always have /boot / and swap on primary, it's easyear when recovering to have /etc easylly accessible ;-)18:16
nebuchadnezzarok, thanks for you advices cjwatson18:16
nebuchadnezzarI pass a long time trying to guess what the problem18:17
cjwatsoneven with this gpart problem, there's no need to recover swap that way; two primary partitions leaves you a lot more flexible than three18:18
cjwatsonbut really, gpart ought to be able to recover logical partitions too; the only thing that's different about logical partitions is that their partition table lives in a non-fixed position on the disk, and the whole point of gpart is for when you can't rely on the partition table :-)18:19
cjwatsonjust means you might have to create an extended partition table in order to put them back18:20
cjwatsonsorry to harp on about it, but the four-primary-partitions limit drives me nuts, because I've had to write code that deals with it and it's a pain in the neck18:20
nebuchadnezzarextended partition are chained, so if you miss one you can have some problems18:20
cjwatsonso I like to do my bit for advocacy18:20
cjwatsonif you only have four partitions to start with, there's no reason to have a chain of extended partition tables18:21
nebuchadnezzarcjwatson: yes, I think having only LVM could be cool18:21
cjwatsonI believe we support /-on-LVM18:21
nebuchadnezzaryes yes yes18:22
cjwatsonanyway; you might find my general advice to use Ubuntu documentation rather than Debian documentation useful in other areas too. Partitioning isn't the only place where we're a little different for one reason or another18:22
nebuchadnezzaryes, but googleing partman recipe give near only debian references18:23
cjwatsonhttps://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/ - the only problem I know of there is that that where it says partman-auto/purge_lvm_from_device you need to use partman-lvm/device_remove_lvm instead18:23
cjwatsongoogling for "partman recipe Ubuntu" gives some but I agree they aren't as well-linked and the proper link is on the second page. I'll have to do something about that18:24
nebuchadnezzarok, I found only this recipe reference: http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/svn/debian-installer/installer/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt18:24
nebuchadnezzarwhich is, I think, far from being complete to understand the partman process18:24
cjwatsonthat's the detailed recipe reference from Debian18:25
cjwatsonand for unstable at that, not etch18:25
nebuchadnezzarok, it works better now, thanks, but the LVM partition is still a logicall one, not a big issue in fact ;-)18:30
cjwatsonyeah, it will be. It seems unlikely that you will be able to use gpart to recover an LV ;-)18:30
cjwatson(and, seriously, backups if it's that much of a problem.)18:31
cjwatsonor UPS, or ...18:31
nebuchadnezzaryes I know, I just dislike logical partition in fact ;-)18:32
nebuchadnezzarthanks a lot18:32
cjwatsonI've just made http://people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/d-i/doc/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt available, which is the Ubuntu equivalent of the URL you mentioned above18:34
cjwatson(note that it is for intrepid but I don't believe there's a significant difference at this point)18:34
nebuchadnezzarok, I'll put my example on a web page with a good name to be indexed by search engine :-)18:39
nebuchadnezzarone question I found no answer, is it possible to concatenate 2 recipes ? for example a base recipe, for /boot / and the LVM, an extended conditionnal recpie ? I have different "flavor" I can choose when booting the CD18:42
nebuchadnezzarall could use the base recipe and it's own extended one18:42
nebuchadnezzarnot sure to make my point18:42
cjwatsonnebuchadnezzar: you can generate a recipe using a preseed/early_command script, write it to a file, and then use partman-auto/expert_recipe_file to point to it18:49
nebuchadnezzarok thanks18:49
nebuchadnezzarI'll play with all of this for now18:50
nebuchadnezzarsee you18:50
Zelutis there a way to specify a mirror location for the netinstall within PXE?20:36
Zelutor do I need to point it to a ks/preseed with that defined?20:36
cjwatsonZelut: mirror/country=manual mirror/http/hostname=archive.ubuntu.com mirror/http/directory=/ubuntu20:46
Zelutcjwatson: you're the man20:49
hardwireanybody used wubi to boot an initrd and kernel prepared for remote rescue?21:14
hardwireand does it just use ntldr?21:17
bdmurrayevand: somebody has commented on bug 38442 regarding alpha 6 and the new partioner dialog23:13
cjwatsonI'll ask him to file a new bug23:14
kirklandcjwatson: working on bug bdmurray just filed, http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/tmp/cryptmount-message.png23:17
kirklandcjwatson: the log_*_msg is easy to solve in cryptroot, needs a ". /scripts/functions"23:17
kirklandcjwatson: the other one, /sbin/udevsettle ....23:18
kirklandcjwatson: i'm looking at initramfs-tools and I see in TODO:  udevsettle timeouts handling23:18
cjwatsonyou want Keybuk for that23:18
kirklandcjwatson: is adding /sbin/udevsettle to initramfs complicated?23:18
kirklandcjwatson: k23:18
cjwatsonI have never quite got my head around the exact correct situations to use udevsettle; all I know is that it isn't obvious and I tend to guess wrong23:19
kirklandcjwatson: and simply silencing that /sbin/udevsettle in 2>/dev/null is not correctly, probably?23:19
cjwatsonabsolutely not!23:19
cjwatsonnever throw away errors23:19
cjwatson(well, not usually, anyway)23:19
cjwatsonerr, are you sure you don't just need to change it to /sbin/udevadm settle?23:20
cjwatsonudev<lots> got replaced by a single binary23:20
cjwatsonudevsettle is just transitional to that, and it may be that it's not in the initramfs any more because the initramfs ought to be easy to get everything up to date23:21
bdmurraycjwatson: great, thanks!23:39
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