
carlhakoi am testing alpha6 now, 8.04 would not even boot on this machine, e8500 p5qc01:52
nullackARG - I cant only get xchat-gnome working but running it in valgrind03:30
nullackI might do a clean reinstall03:30
_Zeus_how can i be a tester for intrepid?06:08
_Zeus_or can i not06:08
persia_Zeus_: Well, at a base level, just download it, install, and use.06:09
_Zeus_i don't see any line for intrepid06:09
_Zeus_anyway, i'll just dl it, that's fine06:09
_Zeus_it's probably better that i keep the testing versions seperately, anyway06:09
persiaThere's no special use-case based testing for intrepid mozilla.  Might make sense for there to be, but I think that the presumption is that most of the bugs will be found by general intrepid testing, rather than targeted testing.06:10
persiaI could be mistaken, but I believe the mozilla team is usually hunting for regressions for stable updates.06:10
sbeattie_Zeus_: we'll be doing a specific day of testing for Intrepid generally this coming monday http://ubuntutesting.wordpress.com/2008/09/17/announcing-ubuntu-testing-day/06:13
persiaOf course, if you've more time today, or this weekend, that's good too :)06:17
aramorning all :)07:19
aradid anyone tested alpha-6 installation in a virtualbox client?07:19
sbeattiehmm, I didn't and I don'tthink bdmurray did07:23
persia_MMA_ tested Ubuntu Studio Alpha-6 in a virtualbox client.  Given the similarity to Ubuntu Destkop, I would expect similar results.07:39
persiaNote that this was the alternate installer, so it may be there is some undiscovered interaction with ubiquity.07:40
arapersia, sbeattie: i am installing now alternate alpha 6 in vbox. it seems to go smoothly :-)08:17
nullacksbeattie: The new multimedia test case page looks good, thanks08:18
nullackEvening ara :)08:18
persiaara: Have you tried live?  I'm sure alternate works, but I've not heard of a live test.08:18
aramorning nullack ;-)08:18
nullackpersia : I built live current this morning no problems - AMD6408:18
arapersia: not yet, will do afterwords08:18
persianullack: In virtualbox?08:19
nullackpersia : No mate, sorry, it was direct08:19
persianullack: That got a fair bit of testing :)  It was just realised ~1 hr ago that the only reported virtualbox installs were Ubuntu Studio alternate 32-bit, which is a fairly small sample.08:20
arapersia: trying now live under virtualbox. will let you know08:20
persiaara: No need to let me know.  I'm just adding data in hopes of reducing the number of tests you feel obliged to perform :)08:21
arapersia: sure. thanks ;-)08:21
persiaI wonder if we oughtn't add something to the test report system though: to differentiate HW installs, KVM installs, virtualbox installs, etc.08:21
nullackpersia I was making the point to Heno how important input data and prerequisite conditions are - I think what your saying is a very valid point along those lines08:22
arapersia: yes, I think that would be helpful08:22
nullackpersia : Also being able to see the "map" of coverage too to easily spot gaps08:22
nullackpersia : One of the problems in testing is getting lost in the test cases and when you dont have numbered requirements it gets trickier to do test traceability08:23
persianullack: While I don't disagree with you, I'm fond of the gradual approach.  We have significantly greater organisation to our test coverage now than we once did, but it's far too easy to get lost in looking at some future point, and not make the small improvements that can get us there.08:23
nullackId figure that any effort to number requirements for Ubuntu would be very very large :)08:24
nullackpersia : chipping away at it has my full support :)08:24
persiaAlong the lines you mention, one suggestion that was presented to me previously would be to better track and associate a path from brainstorm ideas -> specifications -> test cases.  Unfortunately, this is incredibly tricky because of the relatively small influence that Ubuntu developers have on the overall product (which I consider a good thing: upstream work belongs upstream).08:25
persia(and yes, there are a fair number of Ubuntu developers who are also upstreams of one sort or another)08:26
nullackpersia : good insight there, I think youre dead right.08:27
nullackDo you know Kent Beck? His approach on the famous GM project was that the spec was the source code! LOL But it worked08:28
nullackA kinda new twist to agile development methods08:28
persiaThat sort of model can work for targeted development, but it's less ideal for distro coordination.  Anyway, I think we're drifting away from the -testing topic.  Feel free to follow up on -quality.08:29
davmor2Morning Everybody :)08:30
aramorning davmor2 :-)08:30
araFYI: live i386 works fine in virtualbox08:30
nullackEllo davmor208:30
davmor2slangasek: You still about?08:33
starkmjolkalpha 6 i see :) have no x access for another hour08:41
starkmjolkwhat would be equivalent to update-manager -d from a terminal or should I just wait? :)08:42
nullackI dunno what -d does but I use sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade08:43
nullackNoting to hit main instead of a mirror so Im not left behind08:43
starkmjolkthat's what the ubuntu wiki recommends i think. but if it runs samee repos that should work08:44
persiastarkmjolk: `do-release-upgrade -d`08:44
persiastarkmjolk: You may want `do-release-upgrade -d -m desktop` if you're only temporarily without X.08:45
nullackAre you actually trying to move from hardy to intrepid instead of just a repo synch?08:45
starkmjolkah, thanks. that was the one i was looking for08:45
starkmjolki'm just not at a client with x, the computer itself runs x just fine08:46
starkmjolkand i'm at alpha 5, thought i needed to upgrade like this to get alpha 6. but perhaps I don't?08:46
starkmjolkwithout x* :)08:47
starkmjolkearly morning double negation. my bad, just ignore my spelling and gammar :)08:47
persiastarkmjolk: No.  Just a simple apt-get update && apt-get upgrade ought work for you.08:50
davmor2if you're already on alpha 5 then persia is right just sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade08:51
davmor2in fact && apt-get dist-upgrade might be better08:52
starkmjolkI do the equivalent through aptitude every day, so I'm set then :)08:52
starkmjolkwill the same be true for beta, or will i have to go for the do-release-upgrade then?08:53
persiastarkmjolk: do-release-upgrade is only required when shifting from one release to another, and only if you don't shift right around the time the archives open.  It has hint handlers to help work around problems you might encounter with apt-get or aptitude.08:54
persiaIf you use aptitude to update every day, you're already running the Alpha-6 code.08:54
starkmjolkpersia: got it that far, i guess my question was if the beta will be as a new release from my point of view?08:57
persiastarkmjolk: Not so much.  Each candidate release (alphas, beta, rc) is really just a specific daily build that was tested to be sure that it can be installed as a fresh system, and isn't too painfully broken.08:58
davmor2persia: I like the optimism at the end of your last line didn't you mean to say that is stable ;)09:03
persiadavmor2: Actually, specifically not.  It's guaranteed not to be stable as there will be uploads the next day, which may include all sorts of changes.09:05
persiaThe candidate snapshots are known to work, but they are inherently ephermal.09:06
davmor2persia: I was pulling your leg :)  I know really :D  uploads are just put on hold until the next respin I know :)09:06
persiaActually, even only some uploads are put off until the alpha is released, and we don't always do a good job of knowing which uploads might affect a given flavour (especially for the universe flavours).  The goal is to put off uploads long enough to test the candidates, but that's about it.09:08
=== starkmjolk is now known as capn-starkmjolk
davmor2ara: all the images are now up :)11:50
aradavmor2: cool :-)11:50
davmor2just need to copy across the text to display the image on screenshot page :)11:51
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-away
salty-horsehi. error in page? http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/ -- "Alpha 6 - Released September 518h, 2008" -- 518h?12:23
henosalty-horse: thanks, reported to the webmaster12:51
asacnow that alpha 6 is out, qa must be quite idle and bored, right? :-P13:38
asacheno: ^^13:39
henoasac: what needs testing? :)13:40
asaci just wonder if we could do a bit of firefox testing today ... i am a bit slow and dont have all bits and branches together, but there are a few builds in my PPA that QA could help me on13:40
henoasac: is it urgent? (is it SRU?)We have a major testing day on Monday where this would fit nicely13:41
asacheno: well. its security update13:41
asacrelease will happen next week13:41
asacbetween Tue or Thu ... but its always risky because some regressions might take more then an hour to fix13:42
henoara, schwuk: do either of you have a dapper VM set up?13:43
asacheno: yes. dapper would be good enough for today. i would get a better feeling then ;)13:48
asacheno: for the testing day we should try to get a good coverage for hardy update of 3.013:49
asacmost likely people helping out can run hardy better anyway13:49
henodavmor2: do you have a dapper setup; could you look at asac's testing request above?13:50
heno(a firefox security update)13:50
henoI guess not :)13:51
schwukheno: no, sorry.13:51
davmor2-awayheno: yes I'll have a look now13:56
=== davmor2-away is now known as davmor2
henodavmor2: rock!13:56
davmor2Yes dapper I got.13:59
davmor2about half hour-ish is that okay :)13:59
davmor2asac: dapper image doesn't want to play so I'm installing fresh should take too long14:31
asacthanks for the update14:33
henoara, davmor2: do we really need an Attachments sub-page for each App page on the testcase wiki? Can we not simply put all the screenshots on the app page itself?14:35
henoThat would be many fewer pages in searches and listings and shorter links14:35
davmor2heno: I just followed ara's request but I'm easy I can swap it round to a single page easy enough14:36
henodavmor2: just asking - when we're setting this up we should try to make the structure as clean as possible14:37
henoI'm happy to move them to new locations FWIW14:38
davmor2heno: I got np's setting up a single screenshot page as we had with Ubuntu.  I've already got all the shots still so it's easy to upload them again.14:39
henook, cool. I'll noodle a bit more on the structure and wait for ara's input too14:40
davmor2it'll take a little while to run through them all if I can have about an hour or so to upload them all14:43
davmor2I think that should be enough14:43
davmor2asac: Right dapper up updating do I need to enable anything repo wise?14:45
asacdavmor2: my archive14:46
asacdavmor2: and since thats aa PPA you most likely need dapper-updates too14:46
asacand -securiy14:46
davmor2okay no probs14:47
asacdavmor2: actually the final security builds will be build without -updates ... which is a bit unfortunate, but we dont have infrastructure to provide such public bits for now14:47
davmor2asac:  I enabled everything I could think of :) I'm guessing it's the 1.5dfsg+
davmor2asac: http://www.davmor2.co.uk/Screenshot.png  is there anything else I should be looking at it for?15:06
_Zeus_If i add this to my sources.list :  deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/asac/ubuntu hardy main universe15:09
_Zeus_will i get all the testing updates?15:09
_Zeus_i'm in intrepid15:09
davmor2_Zeus_: Intrepid should already be on the most up-to-date version15:10
_Zeus_um yeah, about that15:11
_Zeus_mozilla wants testing for 3.0.1 and i'm already running 3.0.215:11
_Zeus_can i still submit a test review?  or not15:12
_Zeus_got it15:12
henodavmor2: see my mail. I'm going to play with the page structure a bit more before we settle on a template15:34
davmor2heno: have you spoken to ara at all?  Sound good mail just arrived :)15:35
davmor2heno: I like the resize on the fly :)15:40
henodavmor2: the quality is not perfect but I'm sure we can adjust that in moin somewhere15:41
davmor2heno: but then it wasn't great on the thumbnails either :015:42
davmor2:) even15:42
asacdavmor2: no ... does opening urls from command line work while ffox is running?16:37
asacdavmor2: like firefox http://www.google.com16:37
davmor2asac 2 ticks16:37
davmor2asac: adds a google tab to the already open firefox16:47
asacdavmor2: great16:49
asacwell ... not so great. its broken in my development tree when i build that on intrepid16:49
asacbut maybe i should try to build rotten old code on modern software ;)16:50
asacor maybe we have a patch in the package i didnt spot yet and thats just always broken for 1.5 (in checkouts)16:50
* PrivateVoid_Ghos kicks PrivateVoid16:51
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davmor2GoodBye Everybody16:58
=== asac_ is now known as asac
slangasekdavmor2: no18:46
brokenHeya, I have a strange problem... I powered on my computer today and it failed to load any graphic interaface, I hit a key on the keyboard and the Xserver poppped up with an error saying "module ABI major version(0) doesn't match servers version(1)" "Failed to load module "dri"(module requirement mismatch, 0)"20:26
salty-horsehi. at the end of an upgrade to intrepid I get a printout of the packages which had errors during processing, followed by:20:27
salty-horseand now the upgrade says: A recovery will run now (dpkg --configure -a) -- is there any way to not recover, and try to fix the errors, if fatal, myself?20:29
brokenI don't understand how this xorg file works now, I have only three sections "configured video device" how am I supposed to change the device?20:33
salty-horsethis bug seems to break upgrades. should it really be marked as Low priority? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rarian/+bug/25613120:49
ubot5Launchpad bug 256131 in rarian "package update-manager 1:0.93.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Low,New]20:49
Rocket2DMnhas anybody had an issue for Intrepid not letting itself go idle?  On my test laptop, the screen will start to dim, and as soon as the screen is about to go into standby, something happens and the screen rebrightens and doesnt idle22:43

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