
thorwilgood morning!08:50
andreasnwtf, I just scanned the ubuntu art mailing list and there is another Andreas Nilsson10:10
andreasnhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-art/2008-September/007895.html <- not me :)10:11
thorwilwould the real andreasn please stand up, please stand up ^^10:13
thorwilif you search for my name, you get results that imply that there are 2 or 3 people of the same name, all likely in germany. luckily i havn't seen any sign of them being active in the free software realm10:15
andreasnNilsson is a pretty common family name in Sweden10:20
andreasnmy brother had a dude in his class who were also named Peter Nilsson, the teachers had to name them by the place where they lived10:21
andreasnand then they moved into a apartment together with another friend of them....10:21
elkybefore i dominated my name in google searches, there was a couple of american journos and a south african UN person with my name who showed up10:22
elkythe journos still do, not seen any mention of the un person for ages10:22
thorwilhe went missing. where have you been when that happened, elky? ;)10:23
elkyholy crap, there's 4 other melissa draper's in my linkedin network10:24
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
* thorwil notices that the canonical graphic designer job posting disappeared. after only a few months ...16:18
thorwilis there a way to get text flow to the left of images in the wiki?17:11
kwwiithorwil: a table is the only way I guess19:23
thorwilkwwii: seems so. moinmoin knows other ways, but they are not installed, it seems19:23
kwwiiyeah, the limiting factor of installed modules seems to be the biggest problem with out wiki19:24
thorwilno big deal, just a bit much white space :)19:24
kwwiiI gave up trying to make it look any different than the default as it seems impossible :-(19:27
kwwiiand rather ugly if you ask me19:27
thorwiloh yes! :)19:28
thorwili saw there are other themes to choose in user settings, but decided not to, as i need to see what most will see19:34
kwwiiwell, the other "themes" are mainly just the header graphic and colors19:38
* kwwii watches a film19:39
jacksonhydeevening all! anyone active?19:47
thorwilactive in what way? scuffle through the streets, seeking fresh brains to devour?19:49
jacksonhydewell, that sounds like fun right there, but not really what I was looking for.19:50
jacksonhydeI was wondering if anyone had any time to talk about the Ubuntu artwork team.19:50
jacksonhydeI'm a graphic designer and I'd love to get involved in the project.19:50
thorwiljacksonhyde: we just recently had a discussion about the definition of the artwork team19:51
jacksonhydeended in tears? :)19:51
thorwilheh, no19:51
thorwiljacksonhyde: first of all, join the mailing list if you havn't already19:52
jacksonhydeyes, doing so now.19:52
thorwiljacksonhyde: said discussion was to some degree about the common misconception that the artwork team gets to work on the default theme19:52
jacksonhydeI see.19:53
thorwilwhat is happening right now is that we have a few small teams working on community themes19:53
thorwilthese will offered alongside19:53
jacksonhydeBasically, I'm currently working for a global cosmetics brand and down to my contract I can't do any other commercial work.19:54
thorwilbut only Mark Shuttleworth and to some degree Kenneth Wimer decide on the default theme and wallpaper19:54
jacksonhydeUnfortunately for me, I really want to expand my portfolio, especially in the realm of interface and user-experience.19:54
thorwiljacksonhyde: we have high demand for professionals19:54
jacksonhydewell, I've been designing since I could hold a pencil. My mum is a pro designer, my grandad was a pro-illustrator.19:55
jacksonhydeI guess you can say it's in my blood. :)19:55
thorwildon't make me jealous ^^19:55
thorwilit is theoretically possible to create a theme or wallpaper and have it picked as default19:56
Cimidesigning an UI does not require artistic skills19:56
thorwilthis more or less happened with the hardy heron wallpaper19:56
thorwildesigning anything doesn't require any skills. the result will talk for itself, though19:57
jacksonhydeCimi: that's a bit of a contradiction in terms.19:58
jacksonhydeI'm not an artist in the sense of oils and canvases, but I do see user-interface design as an art form.19:58
jacksonhydesorry, I should say *good* design is an artform19:58
Cimiyeah, it is19:58
Cimibut I meant19:58
Cimidespite walls and some icons19:59
thorwiljacksonhyde: do you have a portfolio up somewhere?19:59
dilomoUI is very sophisticated form of design19:59
Cimithe GUI doesn't require any artistic skills19:59
jacksonhydeI can show you some of the stuff I've worked on at past agencies.19:59
thorwilyes, please19:59
jacksonhydethat was at the last agency20:00
dilomoCimi: it requires if you are going to use pixmap enginme20:00
Cimino one is going to use that engine, and I really hope it will be removed in GTK+ 320:01
thorwiljacksonhyde: what has been your responsibiliyt on those sites exacty?20:01
jacksonhydeat the agency before that I did clientside development and worked on some pretty big sites http://www.fujifilm.co.uk20:01
jacksonhydeon celotex and totally home I worked with a senior designer. He basically set the theme and I was responsible for page layouts and user-interaction.20:02
jacksonhydeso yeah, I spend most of my time in CS suites, but I love to get my hands dirty with XHTML, CSS, JS etc etc.20:03
thorwiljacksonhyde: so your things is interface and graphic design? not so much information architecture or illustration?20:03
jacksonhydeI'd be the first to admit my portfolio is pretty slim, which is why I'm trying to expand it by working on stuff like this.20:03
jacksonhydethorwil: yes, exactly.20:03
jacksonhydeis there much call for such skills in this project?20:04
thorwiljacksonhyde: seems you would be better off with a website effort, not a desktop theme, what is what we concentarte on here20:04
jacksonhydeyeah, I guess.20:04
jacksonhydeIs there a similar web-orientated team?20:04
thorwiljacksonhyde: kinda. there's #ubuntu-website20:05
thorwiljacksonhyde: they don't think so much in a ... design way20:05
jacksonhydehehe...mostly developers?20:05
thorwilpretty much20:05
kwwiibut if you think you have little say in the artwork for the desktop I bet that there is even less on the websites20:05
PRGUY85jacksonhyde: would you be interested in helping out some community theme teams?20:06
jacksonhydeyeah, I want to help anybody really.20:06
thorwiljacksonhyde: you should join that channel and talk with newz2000 for official site and maybe qense for a communiyt project20:06
jacksonhydeI fully support the OpenSource movement so I'd like to contribute my skills wherever I can.20:06
PRGUY85jacksonhyde: well do you know the New Wave theme? We are looking for aid20:07
thorwiljacksonhyde: contributing to one of the theme teams isn't a bad idea20:07
Cimijacksonhyde, I could offer you something better20:08
dilomoimage of New Wave20:08
PRGUY85I'm no designer but I'm helping dilomo with ideas and testing the theme out20:08
Cimifeel free to query me20:08
thorwiljacksonhyde: if you want more freedom, it's better to target the next-next release, though, as we are late in the cycle20:08
jacksonhydehere's the embarrassing thing, I'm not actually running Ubuntu at the moment, but I've set up a VM on my Mac and I'm download 8.04LTS as we speak.20:08
jacksonhydeI should be picking up a MacBook in October sometime, Ubuntu is going to be the primary OS on it as well.20:09
PRGUY85jacksonhyde: no shame there hehe20:09
* jacksonhyde blushes20:09
jacksonhydediplo: that's a nice theme, I'd be happy to help you out.20:09
thorwiljacksonhyde: most here prefer to have stuff done with free tools, but most here are no fanatics ;)20:10
thorwiljacksonhyde: plus apple is kinda our official goal-post, so it's good to know it first hand ^^20:11
jacksonhydeI'd much prefer to use open source tools (and I'm not trying to start a GIMP vs PS debate here), but I can work most efficiently in PS>20:11
dilomojacksonhyde: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NewWave20:11
dilomoif you are interested20:12
rsc_hey guys.20:25
thorwilhi Rico20:25
rsc_i need a little advice here.20:25
rsc_someone edited the wiki page for the Dust Theme, and uploaded their own edits of the GTK theme.20:25
aantnrsc_: what was changed?20:26
rsc_I'm not sure I'm in the position to be, but I'm kinda upset that changes like these don't go through me (I understand things have to be democratic, but as someone who created the concept and the vision for it, I think it might be best if I know about changes.)20:26
rsc_I think it was just the GTK color scheme20:27
rsc_I'm not very familiar with the whole open source idea. is my concern valid? should I start seeking other venues of publishing/collaborating/updating the theme?20:27
thorwilrsc_: your are likely right to be upset20:27
aantnrsc_: yeah20:27
rsc_(other than the wiki)20:27
aantnrsc_: you could always do it via launchpad20:27
thorwilrsc_: you should find it who did it and why20:28
aantnrsc_: that would also make it easier for people to file bugs on the bug tracker20:28
rsc_actually, for now, i edited the page to mention that it was edited. (I didn't revert it or anything yet)20:29
aantnrsc_: people would be able to submit patches that could then go through you're review20:29
jacksonhydebye guys, thanks for all the info. I'll be back! (you've been warned).20:29
aantner, *your20:29
jacksonhyde*and gals20:29
jacksonhydeif there are any...20:29
thorwiljacksonhyde: heh, np20:29
rsc_haha. I ought to learn bazaar soon.20:30
rsc_(or is there an option for git or svn? :P)20:30
aantnrsc_: it's _really_ easy20:30
thorwillaunchpad might have import options, bit is all about bzr20:30
aantnread the five minute guide and you'll be up and using it20:30
thorwilrsc_: bzr is sure worth it. i still think that it's a good idea to talk with the one doing the edit, though20:31
aantnrsc__: I'm not sure what the last comment you saw was...20:32
PRGUY85anyone that wants to help me with New Wave please contact me20:35
dilomo PRGUY85 is responsible for the theme20:36
dilomowhile I'm absant20:36
dilomoand that might be a long time ;)20:36
thorwildilomo: best of luck on your way!20:37
dilomothanks man20:37
thorwildilomo: a city we know? what are you studying?20:40
dilomowell it is in my country Bulgaria, the city is its capital Sofia20:40
dilomoI'm going to study Architecture and Urbanism20:41
PRGUY85wow nice20:41
thorwilnever heard of that Sofia ;p20:41
PRGUY85hehe its the capital!20:42
dilomonow you have20:42
thorwildilomo: so, when will we here of revolutionary open-source city-architecture out of sofia?20:43
dilomoI hope its soon20:43
thorwilcould be one of my former professors studied there20:44
thorwilno wait, mixed that up20:44
thorwilwith bucharest, shame on me20:46
dilomothey are right next door20:47
dilomoright now I'm in this city20:49
rsc_sorry bout that20:49
rsc_is there a log i can check? I got disconnected after "<thorwil> rsc_: bzr is sure worth it. ...".20:50
thorwilrsc_: one moment20:50
rsc_https://launchpad.net/+tour/branch-hosting-tracking is the closest to a "bazaar guide" i can find there :)20:51
thorwilrsc_: http://rafb.net/p/hgUk2w42.html20:51
rsc_thanks :)20:51
thorwildilomo: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Plovdiv&ie=UTF8&ll=42.145237,24.75106&spn=0.005377,0.009656&t=h&z=1720:52
thorwildilomo: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Plovdiv&ie=UTF8&ll=42.145237,24.75106&spn=0.005377,0.009656&t=h&z=1720:52
dilomowhat about this place?20:53
thorwildilomo: that where i live :)20:53
dilomoyou have to be kidding me man20:54
thorwildilomo: or did you mean the first link?20:54
dilomo(22,52,36) thorwil: dilomo: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Plovdiv&ie=UTF8&ll=42.145237,24.75106&spn=0.005377,0.009656&t=h&z=1720:55
thorwildilomo: oh, the link doesn'T carry enough info20:56
thorwildilomo: i actually did a "From here"20:56
thorwilsory bout that20:56
dilomoI used the Link20:57
dilomolink button to copy it20:57
aantnrsc_: I just saw the update to the wiki page20:57
aantnrsc_: you handled that very nicely20:57
thorwildilomo: aha! http://maps.google.com/maps?saddr=Plovdiv,+Bulgaria&geocode=&dirflg=&daddr=moenchengladbach,+germany&f=d&hl=en&sll=42.145237,24.75106&sspn=0.004757,0.009538&ie=UTF8&ll=44.418088,20.34668&spn=9.38456,19.533691&t=h&z=620:58
dilomonice :)21:00
dilomobye everyone21:05
thorwildilomo: good bye!21:05
thorwiland good night! :)21:05
rsc__rargh. launchpad/bzr is a little frustrating. :)21:25
rsc__(trying to figure out how to put somethign in the project's "downloads" page)21:25
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=== aantn|away is now known as aantn
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
kwwiirsc_: just reading back... I think that as the leader of the team you should be consulted about changes...putting things in bzr would solve these problems as you would have the only official archive and others could branch from that to show their ideas without changing your ideas23:18
kwwiiand with that, I am off to bed23:19

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