
NCommandersoren, I resume my packaging work :-)00:17
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csilkIf a package I'm putting together has delendencies (e.g. latest jre) is there a way to make the package manager aware of this so users arent installing things without the required dependencies?02:15
jdongah fsck did I really just put hardy in that?02:17
jdong(don't worry guys, in a PPA)02:17
jdongsigh; cd jdong && ./configure --enable-more-sleep02:22
NCommanderslangasek, er, you use a Dvorak keyboard?03:45
Elbrusapachelogger: ping04:11
Elbrus I filled bug 260464 a month ago, but nobody has acknowledge that one, what can I do?04:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260464 in fpc "fp-units-gtk2 has undefined references due to GtkFileSystemError removal from GTK" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26046404:42
Elbrus I provided a patch and linked to the solution at upstream04:42
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jdongElbrus: hi, let me take a look at the patch05:13
Elbrusjdong: thanks... I didn't make it, but I checked that it worked05:14
jdongElbrus: patch looks good; let me just send it through a test build and then upload. Thanks for your patience05:30
Elbrusjdong: thanks for your time. When this works I have a package ready for Ubuntu which packages software with more than 1 million downloads: winff05:31
jdongElbrus: ah that's the ffmpeg GUI, correct?05:32
jdong<-- amateur video encoding nerd05:32
Elbrusjdong: yup05:33
Elbrusjdong: its already several weeks in NEW in Debian05:34
nullackHi, would someone please help me with some dev problems Im having on building a package to help xbox 360 users stream media on Ubuntu?05:41
jdongElbrus: uploaded :005:58
Elbrusjdong: thank you05:59
jdongsure thing05:59
nelleryHi, I was attempting to upgrade the glom package, and I got this error building it06:17
nelleryany ideas?06:17
persianellery: Looks like you've specified some oddities in your build-depends.  For example, there is no bakery-2.6 package (or even a bakery package)06:20
nellerypersia, I hadn't changed anything06:21
persiaThere is a libbakery-2.4-dev package, which might be a sensible build-dependency, but it's not 2.6.06:21
persianellery: Does the current glom build cleanly?06:22
fabrice_spfta: Hi. Some news about the package icedove-dispmua?06:22
nellerypersia, I'll try that now06:22
persianellery: It looks to me like ./configure wants newer versions than you are providing (or perhaps than may be available).  It may be that the version of glom you want is not compatible with the set of libraries in intrepid.06:23
nellerypersia, that's probably the case.. the older version is so far building fine06:35
nellerywould it be best to give up on it and mark the bug as won't fix?06:36
persianellery: So, the choices are 1) give up for now, 2) track down all the things that need an upgrade, test all the rdepends, and beg, 3) backport glom to work with the older versions, test, and hope there are no problems, 4) cherrypick the things you really wanted and apply them as patches to current glom.06:36
persiaNah.  Won't Fix is fairly firm.  I'd just leave it "confirmed" with a note saying it's probably a jaunty target due to the freeze.06:37
persiaThen come jaunty, you can do the dependencies dance and get it updated.06:37
nellerypersia: ok, 1 seems best.. most of the others are still too advanced for me :)06:39
nellerythanks a lot for your help06:39
persianellery: I'd recommend giving option 4 a look.  There may be some useful patches in upstream that we want.06:39
persiaFurther, with option 4, you can probably not break FF, which may be easier.06:40
nellerypersia: hmm, perhaps I will give that a try06:41
nullackHi. Im trying to teach myself packaging so I can get some bugs fixed in a package I use.06:50
nullackIm doing the getting started guide06:50
nullackAnd Im having a problem with gpg. It says:06:50
nullackgpg: can't open `/home/nullack/.gnupg/pubring.gpg'06:50
nullackgpg: keydb_search_first failed: file open error06:51
nullackI need to import my private key from a backup after rebuilding my test machine06:52
persianullack: Check the permissions of the files in ~/.gnupg06:53
nullackpersia : Ah! Thanks, Ive chowned the problem06:56
* Hobbsee waves07:04
highvoltagehey hobbs07:05
RAOFHowdie Hobbsee.07:06
fabrice_spHi Hobbsee07:07
nullackDo I have to have a ~./pbuilderrc like what DH shows on youtube? Its not in the pbuilder howto07:33
jdongonly if you need to overrride pbuilder's defaults.07:34
nullackjdong If Im on Intrepid, I dont need to overwrite? right?07:35
jdongnullack: I wouldn't expect so07:35
nullackjdong : BTW, thanks alot for your work VLC its top stuff07:35
jdongnullack: not a prob :)07:36
siretartjdong: did you notice that I moved the bzr branch to ~motumedia?07:57
siretartI didn't get to tell you yesterday07:57
jdongsiretart: yeah I caught a quick glimpse of it; I meant to add that last ppa9 change to that branch but got sidetracked08:00
siretartjdong: because xtophe already notfied me about that problem, so I committed it to the branch already ;)08:00
siretartno problem, I merge your changes in08:01
jdongsiretart: ah, cool :)08:01
nullackDoes this sound like an Ol changelog entry : Apply NeToU patch http://netou.co.uk?08:07
siretartjdong: err, you have been using a different orig.tar.gz for uploading..08:07
* siretart confused08:07
wgrantsiretart, jdong: Is vlc missing a depends on vlc-nox?08:08
wgrantI think it needs it:08:08
wgrantexec: 2: /usr/bin/vlc: not found08:08
wgrantErm, I missed the error that said that in the other terminal. Oops.08:09
jdongwgrant: I could've sworn the dependency was in there08:12
jdongsiretart: I grabbed it from upstream, 0.9.2's tar.bz2 and repacked it to tar.gz. I did not know of any other place with an orig.tar.gz?08:12
wgrantjdong: It is, yes, but I'm blind.08:12
siretartjdong: the ppa?08:13
wgrantGrr, ugly Qt.08:13
siretartjdong: I took it from xtophe, he has used it for uploading 0.9.2 to debian, which is currently in the NEW queue there08:13
jdongsiretart: oh; at the time I was unaware that xtophe had an orig.tar.gz or package made08:14
jdongthe only package I could find on the VLC site was a native debianized tarball of some 1.0.0 git snapshot08:14
siretartbut I wonder how you managed to upload it with a different orig.tar.gz. soyuz should have rejected your upload08:14
jdongsiretart: I uploaded the initial one to the PPA08:15
jdongwhere I spliced debian/ from your bzr branch onto the orig.tar.gz I had from when I was working on the package08:15
jdongare their contents equivalent?08:16
siretartaah, right, we should have copied the package from my ppa to motumedia.. damn08:16
siretartlet's check08:16
siretartjdong: yes, the contents are identical08:18
jdongwhew; ok :) when we do the real upload then let's switch back to the Debian orig.tar.gz :D08:19
siretartsure thing, no worries08:19
siretartwe still need to bribe motu-release to accept this upload, though08:20
jdongindeed we do, though I don't expect it to be difficult provided testing continues to go smoothly08:21
jdongare they subscribed yet?08:22
nullackOk I have a backup of my private key, but not my public key due to data loss.debuild -S -sa complains about not public key. Can I just regen, or do I need to revoke both?08:28
nullackOr can I get my public key off launchpad?08:28
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gesernullack: yes, you can pull your public key from every keyserver you want09:20
iulianGood morning09:20
nullackgeser : thanks :)09:20
nullackEvening :)09:20
gesergood $timeofday :)09:21
iulianHeh, hi nullack, geser.09:21
* wgrant agrees with nullack.09:22
iulianIf I have a lot of files that are copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, Inc but the years differs from file to file, can I just write the first and the last year? For example: 'Copyright (C) 1995-2003 FSF, Inc' instead of 'Copyright (C) 1995-1997, 2000-2003 FSF, Inc'?09:24
RAOFI'm pretty sure the answer there is "no".09:25
iulianAhh crap. Then the debian/copyright file is going to be full of (C)'s09:27
iulianRAOF: Thanks09:27
RAOFI like the machine-parsable copyright proposal for that; at least then the (C)s are all nicely arranged!09:28
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nullackOK! I have the debdiff09:47
nullackNow what do I do? Apologies to any revu people in advance, this is my first one09:48
gesernullack: what are you trying to do?09:50
nullackNo one felt like fixing a package I really needed fixed and rather than just fix it for myself by compiling it with the patch myself Im trying to fix this in Ubuntu09:51
nullackgeser : So, Ive applied the patch, done the changelog and have the debdiff09:52
geserif there is a bug open for it already attach your debdiff there (else open a bug before attaching) and subscribe the correct sponsoring team09:53
geserubuntu-universe-sponsors for universe/multiverse or ubuntu-main-sponsors for main/restricted09:54
nullackgeser : who would be the correct sponsoring team for a multimedia package in universe?09:54
geserwhich package is it exactly?09:54
nullackgeser ushare09:54
nullackgeser so ubuntu-universe-sponsors09:54
nullackgeser : thanks :)09:55
nullackgeser : one last question please09:55
nullackgeser : is it considered sufficient to do a configure make install to test or should I somehow compile it into a package and test it before posting the debdiff?09:56
gesernullack: it's better if you check it (= the patched package) if it builds in a pbuilder before submitting09:59
nullackgeser : ty10:02
nullackDammit, how do I remove pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy? build-dep works fine on my install10:05
udunnoand here i am10:06
udunnoyou can't get rid of me10:06
udunnoi'm worse than a god damn cockroach10:06
* Hobbsee eyes #kubuntu10:08
gesernullack: this usually shows a problem with build-depends. I guess it's from a intrepid pbuilder.10:08
gesernullack: have you universe enabled in your pbuilder?10:09
nullackgeser - mate it works fine in my real environment on Intrepid, its just pbuilder10:09
nullackgeser - it doesnt default to universe enable?10:09
Hobbseenullack: correct.10:09
jpdsfta: Ping.10:09
Hobbsee(last i checked, anyway)10:09
nullackgeser : roger, thanks Ill do a pbuilderrc10:09
Relaedhi all12:42
RelaedWhy there is no distrubution of VBOX for Feisty Fawn ?12:42
wgrantRelaed: Feisty is rather old.12:44
gnomefreakEOL is next month for feisty isnt it?12:46
wgrantgnomefreak: It is.12:47
gnomefreakyep rather old is right ;)12:48
directhexfeisty was 7.04?12:51
wgrantIt is.12:51
directhexRelaed, "stable" means, in debianland (and mostly in ubuntuland too) "doesn't change". something you can rely on to be the same day after day. there was no virtualbox package back in april 2007 (or in the months before april when packages are first prepared for a distro), it released without it - so it doesn't get added post-release12:52
Relaedwgrant, It's on my dad's notebook, so...12:58
wgrantRelaed: You want to upgrade it within a month.12:58
wgrantAs security updates cease soon.12:59
IntuitiveNippleI've just come across a strange situation. The linux headers packages fro Hardy aren't listed (http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux-headers-2.6.24-21) and neither is the meta package. Am I missing something?13:39
orly_owlI find your nick odd.13:40
IntuitiveNippleThe packages show up if a link from another package that depends on them is used, e.g. dkms13:41
DktrKranzIntuitiveNipple, does http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/hardy-updates/linux-meta help?13:42
IntuitiveNippleSort of. The reason I ask is I'm trying to support a user using a DKMS package, and their Hardy system apparently has no linux-headers installed, so I was tracking back via dkms' depends to figure out why13:44
IntuitiveNippleNot showing up on the search confused me13:44
IntuitiveNippleIf you search on "dapper" for "linux-headers" in package names only it shows results. If doing that for "hardy" it reports the search term as too generic, and provides a link "Some results have not been displayed due to the search parameters", and the only entries in that list are for dapper, not hardy13:47
lagahello. i'd like to request a merge from debian. FF aside, there's a problem: the package hasnt been uploaded to debian yet because debian is frozen, according to the package maintainer. however, he has uploaded a package into his personal repository. what can i do now? simply take his package and base my merge on that?14:23
directhexlaga, if it's not from the main archive i don't think it counts as a merge, that's a 0ubuntu1 situation14:29
lagaokay, then i'll just mention the debian maintainer's changes in debian/changelog, too14:30
lagaand i'm so glad that the first answer i got wasn't "do you have a FFe?!?!" ;)14:30
directhexpfft, even with a FFE you'll be lucky to get things uploaded ;)14:31
lagaoh, i've got my personal sponsor ;)14:31
directhexreally? can they sponsor things in main? 'cos monodoc still needs an upload14:32
lagano, they can't :(14:32
* laga is exceptionally cranky due to having to work on the kernel14:33
lagaalso, my laptop is burning my leg :)14:33
directhexubuntu. where documentation is 5300 svn commits older than software. \o/14:35
directhexwait, wrong tag...14:35
directhex20000 commits. ¬_¬14:36
lagadocumentation? i'm jealous ;)14:36
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directhexand it's only the 15th most recent Confirmed bug on the u-m-s list. any time now... ;)14:41
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geserdirecthex: for getting something sponsored in main you need sometimes pester a core-dev a little :/14:45
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directhexgeser, apparently so.14:49
directhexgeser, i wonder who i can beat with a stick14:52
* Hobbsee beats directhex with the Long Pointy Stick of DOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!™14:54
Hobbseeand before you ask, no :)14:54
lagaheh, i was going to suggest that..14:54
* Hobbsee suspects most people won't touch something containing 'mono'.14:56
directhexHobbsee, yes, i think that's the case14:57
directhexi blame roy 'tinfoil hat' scheistowitz. his FUD campaign has been pretty spectacular14:58
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slytherinpersia: you pasted ScottK's ack on bug #268914, was this intended?16:22
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/268914/+text)16:22
persiaslytherin: Yes.  My procedure was to open all the bugs listed on JavaTeam/MovetoUniverse, and paste that to all for which MOTU Release was subscribed.16:24
persiaslytherin: They all need a second ACK, and I trust you'll be able to either sort them or decide to defer them pre-beta freeze.16:24
slytherinpersia: Ok. Because last discussion we had with norsetto I said I would patch current source instead. So I was not sure what I should do.16:25
persiaslytherin: Please continue to fix all the broken bits: I was just pasting based on ScottK's request: he'd like to see these done, if they can be done right, but he's on holiday, so can't ACK later.16:29
slytherinpersia: so what do you suggest? patch the current version in Ubuntu or wait for second ack? I have free time today so I could probably add patches to all the pending bugs.16:35
persiaslytherin: You know better than I.  I think that if a member of MR has asked you to look at the current version, you'll need to provide some evidence you've done so in order to get your second ACK anyway.16:42
persiaSo, if you can get the current version to work, use that.  If you can't, then report this, and see where you can go.16:43
persiaslytherin: On an unrelated note: if you have time to test http://ppa.launchpad.net/bmillemathias/ubuntu/pool/main/b/bluez-gnome/bluez-gnome_0.28-0ubuntu1~ppa2.dsc it's nearly ready (just a couple cosmetic changes to changelog and control plus a lot of testing needed)16:44
ftajpds, pong17:11
gregoris a program like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiled_printing included in ubuntu or maybe soon?17:16
persiagregor: The answer is yes, and you'll want to ask in #ubuntu about how to do it (this isn't a support channel)17:22
gregorokay, sorry for wasting your time17:23
persiaBah.  Too fast.  It's not a waste: it's just selecting the appropriate forum.17:23
directhexHobbsee, it's taken me 2 and a half hours to write, but you might want to read http://www2.apebox.org/wordpress/linux/51/ ;)17:29
slytherinCan any motu who is not too busy please verify the fix on bug #105963 and upload it?17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 105963 in libdvdread "libdvdread3 on 7.04 64bit requires build-essential. " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10596317:39
slytherinpersia: I will patch current versions to build with openjdk. I will also edit bugs accordingly. And I will also test bluez-gnome. :-)17:41
* slytherin going to see a movie. Will be back after 2 hours.17:42
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NCommanderemgent, ping20:28
LaneyHow frozen is the freeze? I'd like to update the dirac codec to 1.020:46
pochuLaney: it's Feature Freeze, if it isn't bug-fix only, it needs a freeze exception from motu-release20:59
Laneypochu: Yes, I was enquiring as to the likeliness of such an exception21:07
pochuLaney: depends on many things: size of the changes, number and importance of bug fixes, how much testing it has received...21:22
cody-somervilleLaney, do you have a changelog?21:22
Laneycody-somerville: http://diracvideo.org/node/1821:23
LaneyI've not done any prep for it, didn't want to waste my time if it has no chance21:23
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TomJaegerWhat format should the update be submitted in if I want to get a new upstream bugfix release sponsored?  The wiki isn't very clear on this.22:26
TomJaeger"If your revision is a new upstream version, not derived from Debian, the newly generated diff.gz file is the best format of the patch."22:27
LaneyHow is that not clear?22:27
TomJaegerDoes that mean the new diff.gz plus the upstream tarball?22:27
LaneyI've always just uploaded the diff22:27
TomJaegerokay, just seemed a little weird to me since in REVU, the I uploaded the whole thing22:29
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directhexthere's no point angling for another FFe with "mono" in the name, is there :/23:19
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cbx33hey hey peeps23:22
cbx33guys, anyone aware of a way to make a virtual network device? like a real routeable network port, but that it's virtual23:24
cody-somervilleWho runs the hug type days?23:48
directhexhug an ubuntu dev?23:49
nhandlercody-somerville: I would ask bdmurray. He would know23:50

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