
Ward1983can somebody please check why Jack_Sparrow banned me gfrom ubuntu because its not clear to me and it seems he has a personal problem with me00:07
Jack_SparrowYOu refused to listen..00:07
Jack_Sparrowyou tell me to stop annoying you when all we are trying to do is help you00:07
Ward1983i replied to the person helping me, now thats all i have to say to you00:08
PriceChildJack_Sparrow: What Ward1983 just not listenning?00:09
Jack_SparrowPriceChild not a bit..00:09
Jack_Sparrowwe asked him to form a better question 00:09
Jack_Sparrowall we got was chatter00:09
Jack_Sparrow<Ward1983> can you now stop annoying me please?00:10
Jack_Sparrow<Ward1983> do find another victem00:10
Ward1983i have the FULL log if needed00:10
Jack_SparrowSo do all of us00:10
PriceChildWard1983: I'm reviewing it now.00:10
Ward1983full log of private chat00:10
Ward1983PriceChild: what Jack_Sparrow pastes is from private chat00:11
ompaulWard1983, you were here before iirc00:13
PriceChildLooking at the logs, I see Ward1983 asking his question once, then getting factoids sent at him. He then claims he wasn't bad things that the factoids he was sent suggested, so he was sent more factoids and it span out of control.00:13
ompaulGary, you never sent me a tee for this year :-(00:13
Ward1983ompaul: i didnt know that mathers, i've also been in holland before, and in germany00:13
ompaulWard1983, i.e. you have been in ubuntu channels before00:14
Garyompaul, i'm in germany00:14
ompaulWard1983, therefore the continued use of f*s00:14
Ward1983ompaul: ok i thought you meant here as in this channel lol00:14
ompaulwould be 00:14
ompaulkind of known as not on - so you knew you were pushing it from the off00:14
ompaulI think 00:14
ompaulor is that an unreasonable inference00:15
Ward1983ompaul: nah i try to watch my language only i say ffs sometimes without realising what it stands for00:15
ompaulGary, you is far away00:15
ompaulWard1983, get a client that auto changes it, to something like strawberry, or better yet actually work on not using it00:16
Ward1983ompaul: offcourse i try not to use it but sometimes i fail, its like a habit00:17
Ward1983and there are a ton of channels where its all no problem so sometimes its ok sometimes not...00:18
Ward1983PriceChild: thats kindof how i felt it went too00:18
ompaulPriceChild, Gary happy saturday!00:19
ompaulmy talk is in 11 hours or so00:20
ompaulhave fun00:20
Jack_Sparrowget some sleep00:20
PriceChildA short while ago there was an issue between gnomefreak and hobbsee in #ubuntu+1. It ended with Hobbsee kickbanning gnomefreak. I believe I made it quite clear that opwars were unacceptable. After all if we can't resolve internal disputes, how can we be expected to manage the channels and the disputes that arise from them.00:43
Jack_SparrowPriceChild Ne went to bed00:45
PriceChildJack_Sparrow: pardon?00:46
Jack_Sparrowompaul went to bed I do believe00:47
PriceChild#ubuntu+1 is owned by the IRC Council, and hobbsee has taken a step back from general opping of user channels. I've started discussing things with Jack_Sparrow, yes the ops call was silly. Either way I am not happy at all with Hobbsee kickbanning operators again and I'm proposing we remove her access there pending discussion. (LjL nalioth elky elky_work)00:49
PriceChild(Btw I have left her a message but timezones and all she's afk atm)00:57
_Zeus_what do you think of this username?01:26
_Zeus_(08:25:51 PM) IntuitiveNipple: skylar: a few bytes a day01:26
PiciI have no problem with it01:29
bazhanglinuxidiot in -ot with the attacks.03:17
bazhang(not commentary, actual nickname)03:18
elkyPriceChild, removing her from there *pending* discussion will not go down well03:41
elkyi suggest at least emailing her first, but expect it to be taken badly and for it to cause her to drop what little userspace opping she is doing in protest.03:42
elkyasus-tek is female now? when did this happen?03:46
PiciI dont think thats what he said03:47
elkyah, the turtle. my eyes skipped that line03:47
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: dog is cat03:55
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: forum is topic03:58
bazhang[badfish] (n=logan@12-201-8-6.client.mchsi.com): Quepasa Pendejo seems familiar04:01
mneptokthat realname is ... not so CoC04:02
bazhangand he is directing folks to google and forums first04:02
elkywhat does that realname mean?04:05
bazhangwhat's up (very bad word)04:08
mneptok"what's up, dumbass?" (or "asshole" or $epithet)04:08
bazhangquit message from orifice04:16
bazhanggo_beep_yourself, how may we help you04:53
bazhangRobotCow, how may we help you05:17
Flannelbazhang: check the backtracker05:17
Flannelignore my spelling.05:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.05:20
ubottuvocx called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:29
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: formode is virus06:15
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: foremode is virus06:15
bazhangbadfish in -ot06:43
FlannelSigh.  He's moved there?06:43
bazhangargh. yes06:44
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: Jack_sparrow is a bot06:57
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: Flannel is a bot06:57
FlannelHey, I'm a bot!06:57
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: bots is evil06:59
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: robot is death06:59
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: robot is end of man06:59
naliothubottu: tell badfish about botabuse07:00
Flannelthat'll go over well.07:01
FlannelNow he'll have to try and determine if ubottu is a bot again07:01
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: you is the suckzorz07:05
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: ubottu is the suckzorz07:05
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: ubottu is the need hardwarez, softwarez, common inquiries07:05
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: inquiries is what and how07:06
Garythats annoying :-)07:06
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: Flannel is bitchy07:34
ubottuIn ubottu, badfish said: cigarettes is bad07:34
jdongwhy isn't he nixed yet?07:34
Flanneljdong: I have no ops in -ot07:35
naliothjdong: it doesn't matter.  you can /msg the bot from anywhere07:36
jdongnalioth: oh we don't have an ignore feature on the bots?07:37
naliothnot that i know of07:37
Flannelbut it would at least stop him from annoying everyone else.07:37
nalioththere _is_ but i suspect the owner would have to instigate it07:38
elkynalioth, there very much is. remember how yipe was ignored by the bot for the longest time07:38
elkylinux_user400354, can we help?07:38
Flannelelky: can we get +b in -ot?07:39
elkylinux_user400354, i direct you to read the /topic of this channel07:40
Flannelelky: He and RobotCow are banforwarded here, so theyre likely idle.07:41
elkyoh yes, i note the hostmask now07:41
naliothFlannel: why are they forwarded?07:41
elkynalioth, i did not note robotcow's ident, but this is our F U ident friend07:42
Flannelnalioth: Um....07:42
Flannelnalioth: theres an entry in bantracker about them.  Was doing a beep something or other, and I seem to remember some other issues form him too, but they don't show up in bt with his hostname at least.07:42
elkywe can demonstrate the individual if you like. when we cease the forwarding, that random string ident will change to an expletitive in a matter of less than a week07:42
elkyFlannel, i dont know if this is what he did in -kde4 which iirc is the last place he's forwarded from07:43
Flannelelky: He wsa doing a while 1 beep thing.07:44
Flannelor at least, thats what I saw.07:44
Flannelelky: but, the question then becomes, why are we forwarding and not just banning?07:44
elkyFlannel, because certain people like to try catalyse07:45
Flannelelky: I'm not sure this is the same guy.07:45
elkysometimes those people try in vain07:45
elkyFlannel, we only ever forward here to monitor and catalyse07:46
elkydo you understand why you're muted?07:49
elkynago, you are to talk if you're here, not just idle07:51
nagoam here07:51
nagopreparing statement07:51
elkyyes, and i asked you a question07:51
nagoplease allow time07:51
nagoi speak english07:51
nagoas the man07:52
elkyyou also abuse your enter key.07:52
nagowho has posted as both badfish and nago07:52
nagofrom 9:00 pm to 2:00 am 07:52
nagoon freenode.nte07:52
elkyuse the enter key less, please.07:52
nagoon freenote.net*07:52
nagoyou keep demanding responses07:52
nagoi've been typing; i tell you no lies07:53
nagoawaiting response07:53
nagoas the ip you all currently know07:54
nagoi've been offending various people in this room07:54
nagoi make no excuses for any of my actions07:54
nagoi make no promises but to try to help07:54
nagoi type before the committe07:54
nagoi offer only apology07:55
nagoin the name of a man who i am not07:55
elkynago, your inability to heed to my request of using the enter key less makes me not trust what you're saying.07:55
nagoi am not nago07:55
nagoi am NOT NAGO07:55
nagoi am logjon07:56
elkywell i insist to talk to the real nago then.07:56
nagogoogle it07:56
nago#/server irc.trimex.us07:56
elkywe regret to inform you that you have been unsuccessful in your bid.07:56
nagoi regret to inform you you can kiss my ass cuz i know about windows and bnce07:57
elkykiss, kick, same diff.07:57
Flannelompaul: I already did that ;)08:02
ompaulhappy software freedom day08:02
Flannelompaul: Wow, we went from TLAPD to SFD.08:02
ompaulFlannel, ;-)08:05
jussi01linux_user400354: can we help you?08:37
jussi01!idle | linux_user40035408:44
ubottulinux_user400354: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.08:44
elkyi know i havent been paying a whole deal of attention lately, but wth is with third?08:52
badfishcan we make stuff stop bein silly?08:53
elkydepends, are you going to be sensible?08:54
elkyand when requested to change your behaviour, will you actually change it?08:54
badfishi've changed it 08:54
Flannelbadfish: How have you done that?08:54
elkyno more advertising other irc servers?08:54
badfishi've been dubbed onworthy08:55
elkyi've got no clue what you mean08:55
badfishthe only think i've advertised has ben ubuntu forums afaik08:55
elkybadfish, you are the person who was here as nago. you advertised another irc server before you parted08:56
badfishwhat server did i advertise?08:56
badfishquit msg?08:56
elkyyou also used a very nasty nickname a bit ago08:57
badfishno nasty nicks08:57
badfishwhat was my nick?08:57
badfishi'll plead guilty to the plagues if you want me to08:57
badfishi used nago08:58
elkythere was a nick that was a very obvious allusion to non-consentual anal intercourse08:58
badfishanalrape made it in?08:58
elkyyou're still being dishonest by omission08:58
elkywhat do you mean 'made it in'?08:59
badfishi mean08:59
elkyyou mean these are bots?08:59
badfishwindows eats dick08:59
badfishanalrape made it in?08:59
elkyyou have not changed. the restrictions on you remain in place.08:59
badfishso be it09:00
badfishi am the stone that the builder refused09:00
badfishi will remain a soldier til the war is woh09:00
badfishwon even09:00
badfishjudge my past09:01
elkydont make me mute you here09:01
badfishwhere else can i talk? no one listens. no one can hear me speak. either way, i'll watch# ubuntu, and if i can help, i will09:02
badfishthose who can benefit will hear me09:02
elkybadfish, use your client to peruse channel lists for the server.09:02
elkythere is no need for you to remain in this channel09:06
badfishis it too late to plead insanity?09:07
badfishcuz i'm out09:07
Flannelelky: He's +b in #u now too09:26
elkyplease tell me it's a full moon.09:41
FlannelI think its too much latent pirate09:42
elkyugh, i just got hit on in #wikipedia :(09:44
jussi01Guest367: whats the problem?09:46
Guest367why have i been banned?09:46
jussi01Guest367: one moment please09:46
Flanneljussi01: Don't bother.09:46
FlannelGuest367: You know why you've been banned.09:46
jussi01Flannel: err?09:46
Guest367just got hooked up to the internet an hour ago09:48
elkyif he's lying like that, it's time for a ban09:54
Guest852who lyint what?09:54
elkyjussi01, read the past hour of scrollback09:56
Guest852./whois scrollback09:57
jussi01elky: got it. :)09:57
Guest852irc applet09:57
Guest852no such nick/channel09:57
elkyit's clear he has no other ips09:58
FlannelHe also thinks we're banning all of verizon09:59
Flannel(I guess mchsi is verizon?)09:59
elkyhe's not even on verizon09:59
Guest852look, i don't wanna be that guy; windows users and aol users are pains in the ass10:00
Guest852but i can be10:00
Guest852i can be that guy real quick here10:01
elkyand i can ban you the second you start10:01
ubottuIn ubottu, snyh said: !foo is bar10:01
Guest852and i can come back over and over10:01
Guest852tomorrow and next week10:02
* elky ignores PMs10:03
FlannelOh fun.  Hes making the rounds.10:08
wgrantHe is.10:11
wgrantHe was in #kubuntu and #ubuntu-motu just now.10:11
wgrantWith different nicks.10:12
wgrantBoth of them have ceased to exist, however.10:12
FlannelI suppose it reaffirms the fact that he only has one ip10:12
jpdsSomeone needs to banforward _max in #ubuntu-devel to ##fix_your_connection.10:12
ubottuIn ubottu, sfer3 said: !foo is foo !foo is also bar10:36
jpds< ~creamdawg>?join #meat10:53
jpdsin #u, #u-meeting and #k.10:53
bazhangin many channels10:53
bazhangand -ot10:53
bazhangit is sfer310:54
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (djhash spamming)11:30
PriceyElky: hobbsee claims jack wasn't using that nick or something. Will check when home.11:46
jussi01hello Pricey!!11:47
PriceyElky; i'm not worried about someone threatening to withhold contributions if i'm unhappy with then anyway.11:48
elkyPricey, im not sure what's going on. jack wasnt using what nick when?11:48
PriceyHi jussi01, did it last night.11:48
jussi01Pricey: oooh. great!11:48
elkyelky, im not talking about threats of withholding. i'm talking about public tantrums.11:48
jussi01Pricey: so whats the next step?11:49
PriceyElky supposedly he wasn't using his standard nick when he was banned11:49
PriceyJussi up to cc11:49
elkyPriceChild, uh... jack was banned?11:49
jussi01Pricey: ok. thnaks.11:49
elkyi'm totally confused. i've had a shocking week in terms of keeping up to date11:49
PriceyElky: i will double check logs when i get back but really.. Tantrums are the least of our worries11:51
elkyPriceChild, depends who the tantrumer is, and how it manifests11:52
PriceyBtw i believe that ubottu has an ignore function.11:52
gnomefreaki think it does or it was ubotu that had it11:53
Tm_TRobotCow: hi how can we help you?11:54
PriceyI think we need to freshen up.11:56
jussi01its does12:00
jussi01stdin: fixed it even better this morning12:00
jussi01@ignore gnomefreak12:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:00
gnomefreakjussi01: the ignore function?12:00
jussi01@unignore gnomefreak12:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:01
gnomefreakwhy me !12:01
gnomefreakirssi is about to get on my nerves12:01
PriceyThat is a lot easier to remember.12:01
Tm_TRobotCow: hi how can we help you?12:02
gnomefreakremind me to look for another text client12:12
jussi01meh... text clients... use quassel!! :D12:13
jribgnomefreak: try weechat12:13
gnomefreakjrib: i did, i didnt like it too much12:14
gnomefreakbe back need to see if this setup works12:14
jribgnomefreak: what didn't you like about it?12:14
gnomefreaki found it harder to use than irssi12:15
gnomefreakbe back12:15
Tm_Tirssi <312:15
gnomefreakjrib: harder == to configure than irssi12:20
gnomefreakand the it didnt work :(12:21
jrib"the it didn't work"? :)12:21
gnomefreakoh changing themes in irssi12:22
Tm_Twho is this go_beep_yourself 12:22
gnomefreaki remember he had a "real name" set to f*** or something like that as i recall12:23
gnomefreakor hostmask started with it12:23
Tm_Tand thats why he's idling here?12:23
gnomefreakthat i dont know12:24
gnomefreakhe did change it12:24
gnomefreakif that is the reason, but i didnt ban he or remove him12:24
stdinthere's a ban-forward to here12:25
Tm_Tand because he refuses to answer, he's removed12:25
Tm_Tall happy?12:25
gnomefreakwith that yes12:25
gnomefreaktrying to get info out of #irssi is like pulling teeth sometimes12:26
gnomefreakjrib: is there good docs on weechat to customize it and set it up12:26
jribgnomefreak: http://weechat.flashtux.org/doc/en/weechat.en.html I don't think it's themable yet, but you can change the colors of everything through settings12:28
gnomefreakjrib: thanks12:28
tuxiceHello, what is ubottu's factoids plugin named?12:40
jussi01tuxice: further questions in #ubuntu-bots please :)12:48
tuxiceoh, sorry about that12:48
gnomefreakohhhhhh pretty colors12:55
* Mez headdesks12:57
jussi01Mez: ?12:57
Mezjussi01, my PC has started to be annoying... when I boot... it won't start gnome-panel on login. I have to start it myself12:58
jussi01Mez: you use gnome....12:58
* jussi01 sighs at mlikos12:58
Mezjussi01, yes, cause I dont believe that KDE 4 is usable at the moment.12:58
jussi01Mez: I use iit every day at work and home...12:59
Mezand there doesnt seem to be a way to get it back in intrepid...12:59
Mezjussi01, I dont *personally* think it is.12:59
MezI cant use it in the way I want to. 12:59
Mez1) knetworkmanager sucks 12:59
Mezand then there's other things.12:59
MezSo, I'm using gnome for now...12:59
jussi01Mez: use hardy...13:00
Mezwhich means downgrading ...13:00
Mezno chance13:00
jussi01Mez: I have one word for you... EXCUSES!!13:01
gnomefreakis it just me or does everyone see [08:00] <> which means downgrading ...13:02
jussi01gnomefreak: just you13:02
gnomefreakcool now to figure out what it means thanks13:03
* Mez sighs @ the "support" in +113:06
wgrantI've not seen that before.13:14
Mezsorry - I just like messing with people's minds :D13:14
gnomefreakim testing themes and wanted to see what it looked like ;)13:14
jussi01gnomefreak: oh stop spamming :P13:15
jribhrmm irc on ipod touch13:16
jussi01jrib: how do you find it...13:16
* jussi01 has it also13:16
jribi just sshed into my machine but i beloeve theres a native client too13:17
jribi don't know how to detach screen now13:18
jribin ippd touch i don't know how to do ctrl :)13:18
jussi01jrib: using issh?13:19
wgrantThe solution is to not have crap devices, I suspect.13:19
jussi01jrib: issh has a button on the top of the screen...13:20
jussi01mind, ive not learnt to pg up yet13:20
jribjussi01: heh, I just used 'ssh foo' in the terminal though.  I assume that's different?13:21
jussi01jrib: yeah, you have to buy it, but it helps no end to make it functional13:21
* jussi01 hugs his job for the free ipod touch, nokia n800 and nokia n95 :D13:21
jribjussi01: someone pointed me to http://code.google.com/p/mobileterminal/wiki/TipsAndTricks .  Apparently there are a bunch of gestures that I didn't know about13:23
jussi01oh cool13:24
Mez@mark Pretto Had a quite word about "stab in the dark" help giving in +113:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:27
Mez@mark Pretto Had a quite word about "stab in the dark" help giving in +113:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:27
Mezso, discovered failblog.org... now another day goes down the drain13:36
elkyyou're only now discovering that?14:30
Mezyeah. I'm behind with the times14:32
MezI dont really go anywhere near the cheezburger network.14:32
elky@mark wobblywu is currently muted in -ot for failing to heed a request to cease a topic, then for arguing, and then for mocking. the topic has little to do with it. he is to apologise before the mute is lifted.14:43
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.14:43
stdinelky: @login?14:47
stdinand @mark can take a channel too fyi14:47
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.14:47
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.14:47
stdinooh, bad14:48
elkyah, it's -read-topic preventing me from changing my nick14:48
=== elky is now known as elkbuntu
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:48
stdinit should work with elky anyway14:48
stdinit even has a hostmask for you set14:49
elkbuntu@mark wobblywu is currently muted in -ot for failing to heed a request to cease a topic, then for arguing, and then for mocking. the topic has little to do with it. he is to apologise before the mute is lifted. he is refusing to repent even privately.14:49
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:49
elkbuntui'm sick to death of regulars thinking that being regulars allows them to ignore us14:50
elkbuntuanyone who likes wobblywu's antics may wish to explain this to him as he's using the 'personal attack' and 'no consistancy' cards at me.14:51
elkbuntuin PM14:52
elkbuntuhes also using the 'if you dont unban me, i'll run away'14:52
Tm_Tdirect him here if it's even vaguely related to us14:52
elkbuntuhe refuses on the basis he'll lose14:52
Tm_The's lost anyway then I guess14:53
elkbuntubecause he knows he was in the wrong by ignoring my directive.14:53
PriceChildelkbuntu: just checked logs. Jack was using j_smirnoff, however he was cloaked as jacksparrow, which was shown on his 3 joins, 2 removes, 1 kick and ban mask.17:37
Mezjack sparrow was banned?17:50
PriceChildMez: called ops in +1 and didn't respond afterwards.17:51
Mezwhen ?17:51
PriceChildCheck the bantracker. 0100 yday I believe.17:52
naliothjussi01: you can click the pennergame link and report him, you know18:36
jussi01nalioth: no, I didnt know. thanks!18:36
naliothjussi01: at the bottom of the page, there will be a link marked "diese ist spam gemalden" (sp)18:37
Flanneleh, but you have to send an email19:11
FlannelHmm, Floodbot119:12
Flannel!find sfv19:33
ubottuFile sfv found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)19:33
ubottuIn ubottu, magnetron said: !godwin is <reply> Someone made a Nazi analogy! According to Godwin's Law, you just lost. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law19:44
Piciuh.. no.19:45
Flanneljussi01: looks like find is broken21:05
wobblywui'm banned from -offtopic, anyone care to take a look at that?23:44
jribwobblywu: why were you banned?23:58

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