
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh|away
=== hggdh|away is now known as hggdh
=== asac_ is now known as asac
nullackping persia05:52
* persia much prefers contentful pings05:53
nullackpersia : do you know about debian packaging?05:53
persianullack: Yes.  Why?05:54
=== asac_ is now known as asac
salty-horsehi. I can't seem to turn on restricted drivers in intrepid. after clicking "install and turn on", a progress bar appears with a message that it's downloading the driver, and when the focus returns to the main dialog the driver still has a red circle near it12:35
salty-horseis there a command line tool for restricted drivers management, so I could see any errors that pop up?12:35
tgm4883_laptopslangasek, can mythbuntu get a 20-sep-2008 daily alt build21:42

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