
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
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jml$ bzr push sftp://<hostname>/<path>02:04
jmlNo revisions to pull.02:04
Spaz_did you specify trunk/ perhaps?02:06
jmlIt's the "pull" bit that weirds me out.02:07
lifelessjml: using  loom?02:14
lifelessbug xxxxx02:14
lifeless(its open)02:15
jmlit took me a while to figure out it was a loomified branch02:15
jmlexport-loom ftw02:15
libwilliamI'm working on parsing the bzr error messages in my program. I can't seem to find if there is a standard way of doing error messages in bzr. Do all error messages start with "bzr: ERROR: "?02:24
jmllifeless: can you merge my testresources branch please?02:25
spivlibwilliam: pretty much.  See bzrlib.trace.report_exception02:28
libwilliamspiv: thanks02:28
* emmajane waves.03:22
emmajaneI wanted to give the bzr_upload plugin a try, but it doesn't seem to want to load.03:22
emmajaneI've downloaded it from launchpad and run the setup.py script, but I'm still getting:03:23
emmajaneUnable to load plugin 'bzr_upload' from '/home/emmajane/.bazaar/plugins'03:23
alecwhHello, can bazaar commit to a repository through the FTP protocol?03:57
alecwhAnd is it possible to grab the latest working version of a repository - not the entire history?04:00
emmajanealecwh: yes you can use FTP.04:00
alecwhemmajane: how would the command look, with a username and password, and can I get bzr to save the location, so I don't need to type it each time I want to push?04:00
emmajaneI believe it's just: bzr push ftp://username@ftpserver04:01
alecwhemmajane: yes, but I have a password too.04:01
emmajanedoes it not prompt you for a password?04:01
alecwhemmajane: I haven't tried yet, I just assumed there was another variable to set.04:02
emmajaneI think it should just work.04:04
emmajanealecwh: try also: bzr help04:15
emmajaneand bzr help <command name>04:15
alecwhemmajane: thanks04:21
emmajanedid it work?04:21
alecwhemmajane: really sorry, haven't tried yet (not at my computer), I'll get back to you later though04:31
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Kamping_Kaisercan someone suggest a tool to keep track of bzr branches? (other then LP...)07:49
mwhudsonKamping_Kaiser: keeping track in what sense?07:54
Kamping_Kaisermwhudson, via a web interface, as i recall (sorry, i wasnt clear)07:55
mwhudsonKamping_Kaiser: there's loggerhead07:56
noskloI am having trouble using bzr-svn plugin. Tried both ubuntu hardy package and trunk version. Ubuntu hardy package segfaults on bzr selftest svn.07:56
mwhudsonit can browse directories now, so you can just point it at the directory containing all your repos, for example07:56
Kamping_Kaisermwhudson, thanks, i'll go and check it out07:56
fdvnosklo: have you tried installing the most recent bzr-svn locally (in ~/.bazaar/plugins)?09:00
fdvthat bit me yesterday09:00
nosklofdv, using ubuntu package bzr + recent bzr-svn?09:01
fdvnosklo: what was the question?09:01
nosklofdv, getting bzr-svn to work somehow09:01
fdvnosklo: yes, but what did you just ask me?09:02
fdvwhether I use "ubuntu's" bzr and not ubuntu bzr-svn?09:02
nosklofdv, I can't make it work. I have tried: installing bzr and bzr-svn packages, and installing bzr.dev and bzr-svn trunks09:02
nosklofdv, I am asking if maybe combining the package with the trunk09:03
fdvwhich bzr version?09:03
fdvnosklo: if you get your packages from http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ubuntu it seems to me you _should_ be fine09:09
nosklofdv, I will try.09:10
fdvnosklo: otherwise, check which bzr version you have and compare to http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrForeignBranches/Subversion#releases09:11
fdvI have bzr 1.6.1 and bzr-svn 0.4.12, which at least to me seems to be a combination that works09:12
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fdvuhm.. pqm depends on config-manager, which in turn depends on pybaz. the latter is no longer in use, is it?09:39
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Leonidascould someone take a look at the changes between aaron.bentley@utoronto.ca-20070517163555-3i7jamitmffdg85l and aaron.bentley@utoronto.ca-20070611021058-7mqy4fsayv27zper13:47
Odd_BlokeLeonidas: Umm, in what context?13:48
LeonidasOdd_Bloke: there is a change with the fileid TREE_ROOT and I'd like to ask someone what that means.13:50
Odd_BlokeLeonidas: In what branch?13:51
LeonidasOdd_Bloke: bzr.dev13:51
Odd_BlokeRight, that's all I was looking for. :)13:51
Leonidasiter_changes gives me ('TREE_ROOT', (None, u''), True, (False, True), (None, None), (None, u''), (None, 'directory'), (None, False))13:52
Odd_BlokeLeonidas: It'd be more normal to use revnos for a branch like bzr.dev.13:52
LeonidasOdd_Bloke: right, but I don't have the revno.13:53
Leonidaswhen working with bzrlib, one almost never gets any revnos13:54
Leonidasabentley: do you have a moment and can take a look on that changeset?13:57
abentleyLeonidas: That looks like it's creating the root directory.13:59
Leonidasabentley: how is this possible? The root directory must have existed earlier.14:00
abentleyThere may have been a different root directory14:00
abentleyYes, the root directory for aaron.bentley@utoronto.ca-20070517163555-3i7jamitmffdg85l was "tree_root-20070410133226-3795pjcs6oz73ncz-1"14:01
Leonidasabentley: how can something like this be reproduced? TREE_ROOT looks like it is something special, whereas tree_root-2007... is not.14:02
abentleyLeonidas: Using bzrlib, you should be able to set whatever tree root you want.14:03
Leonidasabentley: how? By modifiying a revision tree's inventory?14:07
abentleyLeonidas: By calling set_root_id on a WorkingTree.14:08
abentleyI should point out that released versions of bzr will always select TREE_ROOT if the repo format isn't a rich root format.14:09
Leonidasbut, erm, what use does it have to be able to change the TREE_ROOT? I'm trying to understand this, but somehow a the root directory cannot track any changes like setting it +x or something.14:11
abentleyThe root directory can do anything any other directory can do.  Especially, it can be moved and renamed.14:12
abentleyOr deleted, even.  This tends to happen when splitting one tree into two.14:14
LeonidasI see, didn't know that. I always thought about the root directory to be just a container for the content.14:14
Leonidasabentley: ok, thanks a lot. Now that I can reproduce this in simple repositories, I can figure out that to do.14:16
abentleyyou're welcome.14:16
Leonidasabentley: I suppose there needs to be a file/directory with that fileid already created to set_root_id, right? But the ``bzr`` program seems not to have any problems with nonexistent root_ids15:34
ZelgadisHi! Does bzr supports nested trees?15:41
TeddyZelgadis: Apparently, yes.15:58
ZelgadisTeddy: how?15:59
TeddyZelgadis: http://bazaar-vcs.org/NestedTrees15:59
LarstiQI might need to update that soon16:00
LarstiQZelgadis: I guess the answer is: it's not where we want it yet, but you can do a number of things already16:00
Zelgadiswow, thank you16:01
LarstiQZelgadis: if you can desribe your use case more clearly I can give more detailed directions.16:01
Zelgadisok. I have a directory with a lib, doc, layouts and episodes16:03
Zelgadisevery person, who works on particular episode will need lib folder16:04
Zelgadisbut some person don't need lib folder, he just wants the doc folder16:04
Zelgadisthat's the complex case. But I can simplify it.16:06
LarstiQZelgadis: I see, nested trees would ease working like that16:08
Zelgadisyep. The main purpose is to reduce bandwidth usage16:09
Zelgadisevery episode is extremely huge16:09
LarstiQZelgadis: right, I would recommend keeping each episode in its own branch.16:09
LarstiQZelgadis: but you can work with multiple branches like that without having nested-trees, it will be more manual work that way16:10
ZelgadisLarstiQ: If I'll do it without ConfigManager then everytime user do a checkout a whole repository history will be retrieved, right?16:11
LarstiQZelgadis: cm doesn't impact that aspect, it just takes away some of the manual aspect of checking out different trees into a hierarchy16:13
LarstiQZelgadis: so, you have a couple of seperate problems to be solved16:13
LarstiQZelgadis: one thing you mentioned is breaking up into multiple branches because each individual episode is very big16:14
LarstiQZelgadis: another thing might be that you don't want all history for one specific episode when you're working on it16:14
LarstiQZelgadis: options to help there are stacked branches or lightweight checkouts16:15
ZelgadisLarstiQ: yes, lightweight checkouts - is a option because I've choosed the bazaar among others VCS16:15
LarstiQZelgadis: what is the workflow like on an episode? Do people need to work against the history often?16:15
ZelgadisLarstiQ: what is a stacked branches?16:16
ZelgadisYes we doing commits often16:16
LarstiQZelgadis: stacked branches allow you to have only some of the historical data yourself, and for older revisions to talk to the branch they are stacked upon16:17
LarstiQZelgadis: it's a feature introduced in 1.6, see --stacked in `bzr help branch` for instance16:17
LarstiQZelgadis: for committing you don't need to access history, diff and log are cases where you need older revisions16:18
ZelgadisLarstiQ: But if I want to commit locally?16:20
Zelgadis(with a lightweight checkout that's seems impossible)16:20
ZelgadisBut that's not a big problem.16:20
LarstiQZelgadis: correct, a lightweight checkout needs to contact it's master for everything16:21
LarstiQZelgadis: a stacked branch doesn't need to, it can operate locally16:21
LarstiQZelgadis: http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.1.6/en/user-guide/index.html#using-stacked-branches16:22
LarstiQZelgadis: out of curiousity, what is an episode?16:23
Zelgadiscartoon episode - source files (.blend, .sif, .xcf, .kra)16:23
LarstiQooh, cool16:24
ZelgadisLarstiQ: You may find more at http://morevnaproject.org/16:25
Zelgadisalthrough, not much there yet16:25
ZelgadisLarstiQ: So, back to the NestedTrees problem - all I need, is just organize folders in branches16:27
LarstiQZelgadis: yeah16:28
LarstiQZelgadis: it sounds to me like most people will only have one or two branches (lib/episodeX or doc) at a time16:29
LarstiQZelgadis: in that case it isn't too much overhead to just get them by hand16:31
Zelgadisthe problem is what I need some files (like Makefile and README) at the root of branches16:33
Zelgadisoutside the branches16:33
LarstiQZelgadis: you could do something like: cd morevna; bzr branch http://host/environment; cd environment; bzr branch http://host/episodeX16:34
ZelgadisLarstiQ: ...and tell to .bzrignore in environment to ignore the subdirectories?16:35
LarstiQwhere environment has the Makefile, README and all other things you need for all of them16:35
LarstiQZelgadis: bzr will do that automatically16:35
LarstiQor well, I should rephrase that16:36
LarstiQZelgadis: if you have a bzr branch in another bzr branch, bzr status will not list all the files in that inner branch as unknown16:37
LarstiQZelgadis: it will see that the directory is a bzr branch, and not recurse into it16:37
Zelgadisdidn't know that - that simplifies things!16:37
LarstiQZelgadis: it will show up only once as an unknown dir16:37
Zelgadisbut we could still add that unknown dir?16:38
ZelgadisLarstiQ: it will help people to figure out what branches they could need16:38
LarstiQZelgadis: not `bzr add`16:39
LarstiQZelgadis: what do you mean, figure out what branches they need?16:39
ZelgadisLarstiQ: so, they appear as unknown, but 'bzr add' won't add them?16:40
LarstiQ(and not recursing into unknown directories is something bzr does for all unknown dirs btw)16:40
LarstiQZelgadis: correct16:40
LarstiQZelgadis: try: cd /tmp; bzr init foo; cd foo; bzr init bar; bzr st; bzr add bar; bzr st;16:41
ZelgadisLarstiQ: Ah, understand. That's ok.16:42
ZelgadisLarstiQ: Thanks alot!16:43
LarstiQZelgadis: np :)16:44
Zelgadisback to work ^___^16:44
Leonidasbzrlib.errors.InconsistentDelta: An inconsistent delta was supplied involving 'newdir/secondfile', 'secondfile-20080921155404-xxpouw03i8s29crx-3'16:55
Leonidasreason: This was marked as a real delete, but the WT state claims that it still exists and is versioned.16:55
Leonidashmm, this is strange.16:56
LeonidasI just tried to change the root_id to the id of the subdirectory newdir, but that does not seem to work.16:56
LarstiQLeonidas: that would give two paths with the same file_id, no?16:57
stewartlifeless: ping?17:12
ronnyhow can i convert a branch with rich root support into one without rich root support?17:13
stewartronny: bzr upgrade (has parameters)17:13
stewartanybody know if you can combine two bzr trees for separate projects (i.e. no common history) into one?17:14
LarstiQstewart: bzr merge -r 0..-1 otherbranch17:14
ronnystewart: it goes only in one direction17:14
LarstiQstewart: you may want to move the contents of one of them into a subdir to reduce conflicts17:15
ronnystewart: i can convert from non-rich to rich, but not back17:15
stewartronny: okay - not 100% of that.17:15
stewartLarstiQ: that's what we'd do. it's adding a storage engine into the mysql tree that's been maintained externally.17:15
LarstiQronny: that would be because a non-rich root format can not represent all of the information in a rich root format17:15
LarstiQronny: so by default that isn't possible. May I ask why you'd want to do so?17:16
LarstiQstewart: ah, I see.17:16
ronnycause the remote is not a rich repo17:16
ronnyand i want to push17:16
ronnyhowever bzr doesnt let me to17:17
LarstiQright, for the reason I just mentioned.17:18
LarstiQronny: upgrading remote isn't feasible?17:18
ronnyi could do that, but its just my branch of another project, i dont want to enforce anything and i dont want to redo the cahnges i did17:19
LarstiQronny: right.17:19
ronnywhat kind of metadata does the rich-root hold, cause im pretty sure i dont use any of it17:19
stewartLarstiQ: just tested the merge command above, worked great. thanks!17:19
LarstiQronny: the root path gets to have a real file_id, which enables you to move it and such.17:21
LarstiQronny: I'm looking for ways to help you deal with this, without having to exercise bzrib directly.17:22
LarstiQnext up, rebase17:23
LarstiQronny: I looked at creating a bundle and applying that, didn't work. Now I'm looking at rebase.17:24
ronnyhmm, the __dozenz__ of partially incompatible repo formats are a pain :/17:25
ronnywell, i count at least 6 of them17:26
ronnywell, more like 1317:26
LarstiQah, dozens, not a python __attribute17:27
LeonidasLarstiQ: no, not really, since the newdir has a different fileid than '' which has the fileid TREE_ROOT.17:31
LarstiQLeonidas: but you said you dit set_root_id(newdir_id)?17:32
LarstiQronny: I can't really think straight right now17:33
LarstiQronny: but I'd try the list next17:34
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LeonidasLarstiQ: yeah, I had a working tree with the root id set to TREE_ROOT and then I tried changing it to the file-id of my subdirectory18:30
fdvanybody around who might have a hint or two on how to get pqm working?18:58
fdvor are there alternatives?18:58
Odd_Blokefdv: What are you struggling with?19:42
fdvOdd_Bloke: pqm requires config-manager, which requires pybaz19:54
Odd_Blokefdv: Yes.19:55
fdvafaik, baz, and therefore pybaz, is discontinued19:55
Odd_BlokeIt's a bug in CM, rather than PQM.19:55
fdvyes, I presumed as much19:55
fdvbut I don't really know neither pybaz, nor bzrlib very well, so migrating is a rather tough option :)19:56
Odd_Blokefdv: PQM doesn't require you to use baz.19:56
Odd_BlokeIt just required libraries for using baz to be installed.19:57
Odd_BlokeWhich is why it's such an irritating bug.19:57
fdvright, so pybaz is enough?19:57
Odd_Blokefdv: Enough for what?19:57
Odd_BlokeIf you want to use PQM for bzr, you only need what's in PQM.  Unfortunately, PQM currently requires config-manager which requires pybaz, but that's orthogonal to what you really need.19:58
Odd_Blokefdv: What platform are you on?19:58
fdvOdd_Bloke: ubuntu19:59
fdvsorry, was distracted a moment19:59
Odd_Blokefdv: 'apt-get install config-manager' should be enough for PQM to not complain about it. :)20:00
fdvthe config-manager package is broken, as it depends on pybaz, but that one doesn't exist20:00
Odd_Bloke*shakes fist at Ubuntu*20:01
fdvstill, when trying to use config-manager from source, there are lots of 'import pybaz' statements in there20:01
fdvso I can't really see how it'd work20:01
fdvoh, right20:01
Odd_BlokeTry using https://code.launchpad.net/~daniel-thewatkins/pqm/config-manager20:01
fdvmaybe that code is only called when one uses baz20:02
Odd_Blokefdv: That code _should_ only be called when one uses baz.20:02
fdvright, I see20:02
Odd_BlokeUnfortunately, it is not.20:02
Odd_BlokeHence the whole issue. :p20:02
fdvsounds like it should be fairly easy to fix20:02
fdvI see20:03
Odd_Blokefdv: Patches welcome. ;)20:03
fdvhehe :)20:03
Odd_BlokeI've spent a little while looking at it (I worked on PQM over the summer), but didn't get very far.20:03
fdvso config-manager is only needed by pqm when used with baz, is it so?20:03
Odd_Blokefdv: Nope, CM isn't _needed_ even then.20:03
fdvok, but it _can_ be used20:03
Odd_BlokeYeah, but it also _can_ be used when you're using PQM with bzr.20:04
fdvbut it might also be nice to have with bzr?20:04
Odd_BlokeIt should be completely independent of baz.20:04
Odd_BlokeBut it's not.20:04
fdvI see20:04
Odd_Blokefdv: Actually, that's not the branch you should use.20:05
Odd_Blokefdv: It depends on a lot of other unmerged work.20:05
Odd_Blokefdv: If you don't want to use config-manager, ISTR that just removing the imports works.20:06
Odd_BlokeWhich is nasty, but will let you get on with things.20:06
fdv(another issue, btw, is that config-manager won't build without the dir ./libgetopt, which is not there, but I nicked it from the .deb)20:07
fdvOdd_Bloke: what would I need config-manager for anoway?20:07
Odd_Blokefdv: If your build required you to pull in a few branches.20:08
Odd_BlokeIt's _kinda_ like svn:externals.20:08
fdvmakes sense20:08
fdvkind of hard to put the pieces together without prior knowledge :)20:08
fdv(this channel, of course, is _very_ helpful in that respect :))20:09
Odd_Blokefdv: Yeah, PQM is still fairly obtuse.20:09
fdvconfig-manager seems to be a bit out of date, actually20:11
fdvthough maybe I just don't understand it20:11
Odd_BlokeWell, it depends on pybaz, which is a reasonable indicator. :p20:11
fdvunder implementations, there is only arch_vcs.py and fake_vcs.py20:12
Odd_BlokeYeah, that's where the baz and bzr stuff should be.20:12
fdvonly baz, afaics20:13
Odd_BlokeWhereas currently it's intermingled with the core code.20:13
fdvI see20:13
fdvdoesn't sound like a very pleasing place to start :)20:14
fdvOdd_Bloke: thanks a lot, at least I know part of the rationale now and I might be able to get it together20:14
Odd_Blokefdv: No worries. :)20:14
fdvOdd_Bloke: wouldn't it make sense in pqm to import config_manager only inside the two methods using it?21:34
fdvI'm not sure if I see why that is ugly21:34
Odd_Blokefdv: It would make sense, I think.22:01
lifelessstewart: yo22:14
libwilliamI was doing some messing around with the different commands to see what they did and now my tag revnos are listed as ?.. My guess is because I uncommitted the revisions that had tags. So if this is the case I was wondering if those tags should even exist?22:37
Odd_Blokelibwilliam: Those tags will point at the old revisions.  The '?' just means that those revisions don't have a revision number in this branch (as they are not part of the history).22:40
libwilliamAlright, well I am trying to do a bzr log -r tag:<tag with ?> and I am getting a crash22:42
libwilliamIs this worthy of a bug report?22:42
jelmerlibwilliam, please22:43
libwilliamjelmer, k22:43
rsc-Is there a way for me to use "meld" to resolve conflicts when merging?22:44
beunojml, hi22:48
beunoI've given your lp stacked branch experiment a spin22:48
beunoand I get this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49082/22:48
beunoI have a shared repo22:49
jmlbeuno: oh, the branch called 'experiment' is broken.22:52
jmlbeuno: but even if it was ok, if you branch it locally, it should work, and won't be stacked unless you say --stacked22:53
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rsc--Is there a way for me to use "meld" to resolve conflicts when merging?22:56
beunojml, that explais it, thanks23:00
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