[00:00] I see... [00:00] You could resize your windows 95 partition and put the swap on the other hd. also. to simpilify things [00:01] I avoided that because the other hd is a bit old and slower [00:01] for swap it proberly wont matter much [00:02] om [00:02] ok* [00:02] i tend to put a small swap partiion on every hard drive i put in a system [00:02] Just in case. :) [00:02] ok, but can I reorder the partitions or not? [00:03] I'm not formatting everything right now (I just did that) [00:03] you mean move the location of a partition, totally ahead of a different partition? Hmm.... [00:03] I tried this: http://phlogma.com/linux/?p=4 [00:03] not much success, though [00:05] brb - wife is yelling [00:13] * Danu is back. [00:37] i cant kde4 work on my ubuntu 8.04 [00:38] the problem is with screen resolution that wont get settled at 1024x768 [00:38] !kde4 [00:38] KDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [00:38] and the place where i change system settings crash when i try to change the screen resolution [00:38] really screen res shouldnt depend on the desktop either. :) if kde3, or any other desktops work . kde4 should also. [00:39] dr_willis, i never tried kde before i used gnome always [00:39] but now i think gnome is becoming too simple for me i want something glossy [00:39] i tried kde on opensuse too but it didnt work there aswell [00:40] so how do i find out whats wrong and how do i report it? [00:40] not sure what you are doing exactly. and the exact problem. You are saying that gnome works properly - but kde4 dosent? [00:40] dr_willis, yes [00:40] dr_willis, gnome works like a charm no matter what i do it never gets broken [00:40] kde4 shouldent be affecting the system res at all. [00:41] dr_willis, then what could be wrong? [00:41] kde4 however is still very much a work in progress [00:41] dr_willis, when it will be stable? in next decade? [00:41] I would say do what the !kde4 factoid says and ask in #kubuntu-kde4 for starters. [00:42] ok [00:42] I just play with kde4 every so often.. i tend to use kde3 [00:42] kde3 is no good for nothing seriously [00:42] and the differances btweeen kde3 and kde4 are - vast. [00:42] I find no real problems wth kde3 [00:42] its all a matter of personal oponion. I get more work done with kde3 then i do with gnome [00:42] dr_willis, the applications are nice though like akregator kmail and kopete [00:42] they are the nicest applications [00:43] I dont use those at all. [00:43] :) [00:43] but the over all desktop is difficult to use [00:43] me neither i like to do all my work on the web [00:43] i dont find it difficult. ya click on icons.. i perfer the konqueror file manager over others. [00:43] dr_willis, yeah konq is better too [00:44] dr_willis, the new filemanager dolphin is not that good though [00:44] I do not like the new dolphin very much at all. and some things in the gnome filemanager are just annoying to do. vs how konq does it. [00:44] it looks a bit gnomeish [00:44] I have gotten where i perfer the rox-filer file manager [00:45] dr_willis, roxfiler never heard of it [00:45] i am heading to kde4 chatroom lets see what they tell [00:45] i guess they will just tell me that i am a noob and i should get lost [00:47] do you guys still regard midnight commander as a nice tool or are there better ones? [01:01] MC is one of the best, in my opinion. [01:03] good to hear. somebody gave me the tip like 4 yrs ago but i never did much with linux [01:16] * chalcedony waves to Politics [01:16] Hello hello. [01:16] people seem to be asleep in here.. try pasting your question, Politics ? [01:17] So I encountered a bug with ndiswrapper+knetworkmanager last night that froze my connection at configuration (28%), and so decided to give kwlan a try [01:17] Adept removed knetworkmanager as it was in conflict, but kwlan was painfully slow and impossible to work with [01:17] So I attempted to switch back, but knetworkmanager failed to install and kwlan was removed [01:18] Now I have no connection, and can't even ping [01:18] Now I need a way to recover my connection, so I can at-least apt-get my way out of this [01:18] sounds yucchy [01:18] eh yeah [01:19] and its wireless? you can't change that even temporarily? [01:19] I have both a wired and wireless connection [01:19] both eth1 and wlan0 devices exist [01:19] However, they don't work [01:19] it seems [01:19] ouch [01:20] try sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [01:21] favro: nice to see you [01:21] Politics: :) === ronnie_ is now known as Intrepid_Ron [01:22] It gave me two errors: Both saying it couldn't read /etc/network/interfaces [01:22] hey all < =) just trying out alpha6, will let ya know if i find new amazing packages hehe [01:22] what's in /etc/network interfaces then? [01:23] What's the command to read a file? [01:23] I can't remember [01:23] less [01:24] cat /etc/network/interfaces [01:24] ah [01:25] I commented out a bunch of stuff a week ago, at the advice of a topic I read while trying to set up the driver for the wlan0 device [01:25] Maybe I should undo the //'s? [01:26] I'd get it back to default if I could then start again [01:26] kk [01:26] It's gedit /etc/network/interfaces still, right? Or does KDE use a different editor? [01:27] :) [01:27] use kate [01:27] I like kate :) [01:27] lol [01:28] kdesu kate /etc/network/interfaces [01:29] k, restarting... [01:30] luck [01:30] tyty [01:30] Do I get 64bit support here too? [01:30] indeed :) [01:30] XVampireX: is it kubuntu ? [01:30] So [01:30] Yeah [01:30] then here is good [01:30] Kubuntu 8.04 KDE4 remix [01:31] Anyway, I don't get sound, if I unmute mic I can hear myself but there's no sound coming from either juk or flash or anything [01:31] try in #kubuntu-kde4 XVampireX [01:31] probably somehow installed the codecs poorly [01:31] they know about kde4 [01:32] hi everyone, after a sudden powers shortage, kubuntu won't boot in my main pc [01:32] :} [01:32] :| [01:32] i tried knoppix too [01:32] ahhh! [01:32] it freezes at "Starting udev hot-plug hardware detection" [01:32] Pinged successfully [01:32] :D [01:32] Politics: kewl! [01:32] congratulations :) [01:33] :) [01:33] thank you VERY much [01:33] does that mean my mobo is dead? [01:33] digistyl3: does a live cd boot? [01:33] nope [01:33] knoppix freezes at the event i wrote a few lines before [01:33] does the bios screen come up? [01:33] yes [01:33] ive a disk in the cdrom drive -- from working on a virtualbox machine - it was showing on the desktop - (kde) its not now -- nor in dolphin -- how do i get it to eject? [01:34] knoppix is on a hard drive is it? [01:34] nope [01:34] it's on live cd [01:34] digistyl3: ^^ [01:34] kubuntu was on hard rive [01:35] digistyl3: how far into boot does the hard drive go? - do you get to see grub? [01:35] favro: yes [01:36] favro: i removed the hard drive now [01:36] and tried to boot knoppix [01:36] but it freezes at starting udev [01:37] digistyl3: that might be the sort of thing the good folk in #hardware will know about [01:37] or is it ##hardware... [01:38] favro: thanks [01:38] np - I wasn't much help :) [01:42] is 440 MB ram ok to use for kubuntu ? [01:43] I find it gets really slow when using firefox (3 or 4 tabs open), and kopete at the same time just wondering if its a lack of memory problem ? [01:43] its a p4 2.8 ghz CPU [01:53] Is there any way to make my system quit making backup files that are filename~? === FuriousGeorge is now known as Guest78381 [01:58] mn: in Kate: Settings > Configure Kate... > Open/Save [01:59] aziz: thnx! [01:59] can someone tell me how to enter in server italian of kubuntu? thanks [02:00] !it [02:00] Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) [02:15] how do i get a cd-rom to remount -- or eject? [02:16] KDE_USR: sudo mount cdrom0 ? [02:16] just a guess [02:17] How do I create shortcuts on my desktop? [02:17] KDE_USR: $ eject [02:18] mn says -- cant find cdrom0 in fstab or mtab [02:18] aziz: says command not found [02:19] is there a cd in the drive? [02:19] yes -- i was using it to build a virtual box VM -- the session failed -- the disk disapeared off the desktop and i cant get it out [02:20] KDE_USR: sudo apt-get install eject [02:20] says its the newest version [02:22] $ /usr/bin/eject [02:25] i set hdparm -B 255 on my dell studio 15, is 39-40C a safe temperature for my hdd? [02:26] aziz no response [02:26] KDE_USR: does it return to the console? [02:26] yes - -no error message [02:27] hm, there might be a process still blocking it... don't know why it doesn't react [02:27] How can I change the user agent in Firefox or Konqueror? I was tryign to apply for something, but it said I needed Internet Explorer and Windows, and the User Agent Switcher plugin in Firefox dosnt work anymore. [02:28] ok -- thanks guys === kurumin is now known as ph4rker [02:55] how can i find out what version my KDE is? [02:58] mn: kdesktop --version [03:00] mtoroyarzo: It says 3.5.9, but I know I have 4.1.* installed. [03:03] mn: don't you have to choose kde4 as the session at login? [03:05] no [03:05] it defaults [03:07] mn: dpkg -l | grep kde4 should check if it is installed [03:08] shows all KDE packages and then -KDE4 after them so I guess I have it [03:08] k [03:08] mn- check what you have selected on the login screen [03:08] seems it's not defaulting tho... [03:09] Dragnslcr:last session [03:12] Oops, I think I may have mispoken. All of the things on the list have -KDE4 after them [03:12] the first line: "ii ark-kde4 4:4.1.1-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa3 archive utility for KDE 4" [03:15] mn- well, the first problem is that kdesktop is a KDE3 program, since it shows 3.5.10 for me [03:15] so sudo apt-get remove kdesktop? [03:16] I wouldn't bother [03:16] It isn't hurting anything, but "kdesktop --version" won't tell you what version of KDE is currently running [03:17] I just checked KMenu -> Help -> Help -> About, and it gives me 4.1.1 [03:17] Well, I think I will uninstall it because it's taking up disk space [03:17] Help -> About in any KDE app (Konqueror, Kopete, Konversation, etc.) should work [03:17] Okay, Konversation still says 3 [03:19] What items are in the context menu if you right-click on the desktop? [03:20] run command add widgets add panel desktop settings lock widgets lock screen leave [03:20] I know I have 4.1.* [03:21] but I want to know if I have 4.1.2 and if not how to get it [03:21] the first line: "ii ark-kde4 4:4.1.1-0ubuntu1~hardy1~ppa3 - says it is 4.1.1 [03:22] ah, unobservant me. How can I upgrade it? [03:23] ask in #kubuntu-kde4 ? [03:28] I don't think 4.1.2 is available [03:28] At least I haven't seen anything about it [03:29] Yeah, nothing on the KDE or Kubuntu sites about 4.1.2 being released [03:30] !kismet [03:30] Sorry, I don't know anything about kismet [03:32] !info kismet [03:32] kismet (source: kismet): Wireless 802.11b monitoring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2007-10-R1-2build1 (hardy), package size 946 kB, installed size 2480 kB [03:34] Kubuntu / Ubuntu has been much slicker than any other distro i've used - but why dosen't it detect a windows partition at install and make a grub entry for it? [03:37] Walzmyn: it normally does... [03:37] favro, hasn't for me twice [03:38] Walzmyn: is it vista that it is missing [03:38] nope, XP [03:38] Walzmyn: I can paste the entry you need if it helps [03:38] it would, i'm trying to google it [03:39] thanks [03:39] Walzmyn: kdesu kate /boot/grub/menu/lst while I paste it :) [03:39] favro, already there [03:40] Walzmyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/48771/ [03:41] favro, thankyouverymuch === chris______ is now known as sumo_su [03:41] np :) [03:42] Why did it take so long to show what was on this CD? It took like 5 minutes. (It's an old Xubuntu by the way) [03:44] what CD? [03:44] are you running on the live CD or one you just put in your drive? [03:54] Oh sorry [03:54] I just put the cd in, im not running it [03:55] Im on Kubuntu from HDD, I was just checking to see what this CD had on it [03:57] favro, that menu entry is not working [03:57] invalid device [03:58] Walzmyn: sorry - I should have pointed out you need to change it to suit your setup [03:58] I did [03:58] Walzmyn: where's the xp install? [03:58] I thought [03:58] second partition [03:58] on the first hard drive? [03:59] changed it to hd0, 1 [03:59] only HDD [03:59] (hd0,1) then [03:59] hmmm [04:00] Walzmyn: sudo fdisk -l to check please [04:00] hmm, [04:00] i just fired up gparted [04:01] this thing did weird [04:01] k that'll do [04:01] i've got 2 primary partitions - swap is one and everything else is logical [04:01] why'd it do that? [04:01] damn i hate windows [04:01] nothing wrong with that [04:01] no reason for it, 4 partitions, just use primary [04:02] this is calling windows sda5 [04:02] so (sd0,4) [04:03] sorry, got distracted, my team just lost it's football game [04:03] hehe [04:04] aight, gonna reboot. Thanks favro [04:04] np :) [04:12] ? is there a application like amarok for video? I want to be able to see like shoutcast has live streems Video programming [04:12] no love === lissy is now known as lissy_ [04:13] and if not why dont one of you make one :-) [04:14] is there anywya to kick in whatever is supposed to auto-detect winders at install and make it do it now? [04:14] winders? [04:15] hello.. im using the new kubuntu with kde4. Can someone please tell me how to change the clock to AM/PM mode instead of the 24 hour mode? [04:15] Winders == windows XP [04:15] Walzmyn: what yah trying to so [04:15] do [04:15] !kde4 [04:15] KDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde4 [04:16] ty [04:16] vinnie3,try #kubuntu-kde4 [04:16] ty [04:16] Kovert, i've installed dual boot, or at least I'm trying to, but i can't get winders to boot up now. It was not auto detected when i installed [04:16] ah !grub [04:17] !grub [04:17] grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto [04:17] :-) [04:17] i havent' lost it, it's just the windows enry i've put in isn't working [04:17] read the docs [04:18] how do you pause upload in filezilla? [04:19] didn't know that had a linux filezilla [04:22] What command can I use to see what version I got? [04:22] ,m you have a gui? [04:25] I was wondering if theirs a way i can lock my network cards so it quits changing [04:25] I use dhcp for ip/subnet/gateway [04:25] and on windows you can do this, i want a static ip for my dns [04:25] use a dhcp reservation [04:25] the one my dhcp server currently is serving and i cant change that is invalid [04:26] and im new to ubuntu, i just installed it last night [04:26] but i have some linux knowledge, i own a dedicated server and im on a mac right now [04:27] you want a static or a dhcp addy? [04:27] hi all [04:27] i want a dhcp ip, and a static dns [04:27] my ips are all real ips [04:27] DrDigital- do you control the DHCP server? [04:28] so you can set static with ifconfig [04:28] no my modem does and i have no way to fix that [04:28] modem, to a 24 port switch [04:29] modem gives me 20 dhcp ips [04:29] Can't remember if it's the same in KDE3, but if you right-click the network icon in the systray and go to the settings, there should be a tab to specify addresses for DNS servers [04:29] and the dns is messed up, i can access ips fine but no nameservers [04:29] this is pissing me off. I wonder if installing Kubuntu screwed up the winders install? [04:29] i have [04:29] modems dont give IP's [04:29] and it keeps deleting and going back [04:30] Odd [04:30] routers do [04:30] okay, well i have no router [04:30] its a cable modem to a switch [04:30] ? [04:30] your router is in your I guess cable modem [04:30] and all my systems have real ips [04:30] what's in /etc/resolv.conf? [04:30] okay, well i have no way to modify the dns its giving out [04:30] help, i speak espanish [04:30] Kovert- most cable and DSL modems also serve as routers [04:31] ty favro [04:31] !es [04:31] En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [04:31] !es | jonathan_ [04:31] jonathan_: please see above [04:31] oh [04:31] ok [04:31] Dragnslcr: yeah but yu can shut them off :-) [04:31] thanks [04:31] favro, the bad dns [04:32] all my other systems i have and and everything is all good [04:32] DrDigital: you can edit that and restart networking [04:32] i have kde setup with multiple virtual desktops via the pager applet. however, whenever i load an url from xchat, it always brings the firefox window over to this desktop. how do i get it to load urls without leaving its own desktop? [04:33] kdesu kate /etc/resolv.conf [04:33] sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [04:33] thinks you should install esxi and pfsence [04:33] alright, i edited it [04:34] so the system cant change that on its own again? [04:34] and don tyou a stupid cable / router /modem /diskwasher [04:34] joseph: seems you have firefox setup to open links in a new window [04:34] DrDigital: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart [04:35] yeah i done that already... just waiting [04:35] k [04:36] done [04:36] and resolv.conf is the same again [04:36] bad dns's are back [04:36] DrDigital: are you using dhcp ? change it to static [04:37] favro: in a new tab, not window [04:37] DrDigital: in /etc/network/interfaces what is the nameserver? [04:37] DrDigital: what are these bad dns servers? [04:37] joseph: you might need to ask in firefox chat then - that's all I know about that [04:38] if i switch my ip to static it changes, windows allows you to do the top part in dhcp and assign a static dns, so does my mac... ubuntu cant do this? [04:38] favro: ok [04:38] Kovert, invalid ips [04:39] DrDigital: I belive that practice is technically illegal [04:39] ive got like 15 computers here that all work perfectly fine doing what i been doing, just this one is different and i cant seem to figure out how to make it perform like the others [04:39] DrDigital: any other linux? [04:40] so both Mac OS X and Windows XP and Vista break laws? [04:40] DrDigital: yes [04:40] no, just the one system is [04:40] DrDigital: in /etc/network/interfaces what is the nameserver? - youi may have to change two files [04:40] s/youi/you/ [04:40] the issue is what it is resolvong to? [04:41] i dont see a name server [04:41] a dns of isnt a valid dns now is it? [04:42] DrDigital: I would add one and rechange resolv.conf and restart networking [04:42] k [04:42] DrDigital: I wouldn't think that was valid [04:43] DrDigital: my nameserver in interfaces is the nameserver in resolv.conf [04:43] DrDigital: what do your lines look like " [04:43] # The primary network interface [04:43] auto eth0 [04:43] #iface eth0 inet dhcp [04:43] " [04:43] says it cant load the interfaces file [04:43] why do I get this error when trying to update? [04:43] Failed to fetch cdrom:[Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080702)]/dists/hardy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs [04:43] auto lo [04:43] Failed to fetch cdrom:[Kubuntu-KDE4 8.04.1 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080702)]/dists/hardy/restricted/binary-i386/Packages.gz Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs [04:43] Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. [04:43] xface lo inet loopback [04:44] iface eth0 inet dhcp [04:44] auto eth0 [04:44] ifac eth1 inet dhcp [04:44] auto eth1 [04:44] is there a # infount of either [04:44] no [04:44] that be commented out [04:44] the system actually has 4 nics [04:44] put that infrount of iface eth0 inet dhcp [04:45] mn: look at the packages your selecting you have the cd rom selected [04:45] and where should i put a nameserver at [04:45] i need to give that system an internal ip as an alias [04:45] so i can ssh in and not have to keep walking back and forth [04:45] I would try what I said first [04:46] Kovert: so it's trying to download a .iso or a .img from the repos? [04:46] i done it [04:46] mn: no it is trying to find a cd rom thats isnt incerted [04:46] just waiting on it now [04:46] restart [04:47] Kovert: restarting will fix it? [04:47] no that was for drd [04:47] mn: you knwo how to edit the repos? [04:48] The sources? [04:48] yes [04:48] yeah [04:48] sources.list [04:48] mn comment out the cd rom [04:48] then open a console windows [04:48] sudo apt-get update [04:49] resolve changed the entire look of it [04:49] but the ips i assigned are sticking [04:49] :-) [04:50] still stupid DNS? [04:50] Kovert: done [04:50] mn: apt-get done? [04:50] no [04:51] sudo apt-get update [04:51] I mean I have edited the sources [04:51] no it seems to be fixed for now [04:51] so it was just a # [04:51] yes you had confilicting settings [04:51] well the system has several nics, i dont get why only 2 are working, 3 are the same card [04:52] im using this system to test out network devices [04:52] remotely [04:52] all the other nics neet static local ips [04:53] so assign them? [04:53] Kovert: Ok i finished apt-get updating [04:53] the plan is to eventually make it a router/load balancer and ip-pbx system [04:53] well thanks for the help [04:53] mn did that work [04:53] drdigital asterisx? [04:54] yeah, a buddy owns a sip provider [04:54] hes going to help me do it all [04:54] Well, it looks like it did but I was using update-manager when i got that error and it says Fetched 1B in 1min4s on apt-get [04:54] mn: sudo apt-get upgrade [04:54] let me know how it ends [04:54] nothing new to install or anything [04:55] i only installed kubuntu to play with ktorrent [04:55] for rss feeds on tv shows [04:55] my tivo cant keep up with the woman [04:55] mn: ok... heres how i got it.