
* greg-g still keeps forgeting to set some bugs to "Triaged" after he sends them upstream.01:38
greg-gDoes launchpad know if more than one LP Bug has been linked to a single upstream bug? (ie: a way to make sure there aren't duplicate bugs both pointing to the upstream bug)01:52
* greg-g asks in #launchpad01:52
pochugreg-g: there's one:02:26
pochu(04:42:41 PM) pedro_: what we are going to do is : go to https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/bugtrackers/gnome-bugs/#bugnumber02:26
pochu(04:42:53 PM) pedro_: and replace #bugnumber for the bug number of the upstream one02:27
pochu(change gnome-bugs to the upstream bug tracker you want)02:27
greg-gpochu: interesting, So the functionality is there to have a 'check if already linked' feature or something.  It probably wouldn't be that useful, actually, as I heard that LP warns you already if there is already a link to the remote bug.02:30
greg-gwould bug 263656 be a Tomboy issue or a window manager issue?02:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263656 in tomboy "tomboy doesn't bring summoned pages to active desktop" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26365602:36
charlie-tcaI'm going to suggest it is not Tomboy specific because Geany does this also02:38
greg-gcharlie-tca: yeah, definitely not tomboy specific, but I'm not sure where the fix would be applied.02:39
charlie-tcaI don't know, just thought it might be helpful information02:39
macosee now, they're reporting a bug opposite one i saw yesterday02:40
geeterit's not a wm issue.02:40
macobecause yesterday someone filed a bug because firefox summons you to its desktop when you open a link02:40
geeterit's yet another case of "conflicting user expectations"02:40
macothat person thinks the app shouldn't take over02:40
macothis one thinks it should02:40
geeteryeah, maco and I just discussed that02:40
maco-_- crimsun why are you using an odd name?02:40
greg-gmaco: that isn't it exactly02:40
greg-gmore, if I click on a note that is already opened on desktop 1 and I'm on desktop 3 it should move from 1 to 3.02:41
greg-gbut yeah, similar situation02:41
geeterthis bug is arguing that the app should migrate a child window to the focused desktop02:41
macoshould it move the note or move you?02:41
greg-gthey want it to move the note02:42
greg-gnot sure what "should" happen :)02:42
macoand currently it moves you?02:42
geeterit currently does neither02:42
greg-gcurrently it just makes it blink in the task bar02:42
geeterit updates the child windows on the "other" desktop02:42
geeterthus, it is not a wm issue but an app issue02:42
greg-gyou stay on 3, it is on 1, but it is blinking in taskbar, you click on that blinky and you are taken to desktop 102:43
charlie-tcaMy two cents, it becomes painful when you have the app open in two windows, and have to go look where it opened the02:43
charlie-tcanesxt item02:43
greg-ggeeter: ok, so the bug is staying assigned to tomboy.  I'll forward upstream with a caveat that the "correct" behavior is up to debate02:44
greg-gthanks maco / geeter / charlie-tca for the input02:44
greg-ggo team! ;)02:45
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crimsun_it would be great if 5-A-Day were to honour additional bzr command options (e.g., --local)03:25
crimsun_`commit --local' would be dandy right about now...03:25
greg-gcrimsun_: +103:27
greg-gok, 11 bugs and I'm done for tonight03:28
greg-ghelped Tomboy out a lot, honestly due to the fact that one of the devs has been a great responder upstream03:28
* wgrant got some of your bugmail.03:29
greg-gcrimsun_: 110 bugs today????03:29
greg-gwgrant: sorry about that :)03:30
wgrantgreg-g: Terrible.03:30
macocan someone mark bug 272540 a wishlist?03:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272540 in ubuntu "Notify user if a program is in use that has been removed from the repositories" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27254003:30
greg-gmaco: done03:31
macogreg-g: thanks03:31
wgrantThat should probably be against update-manager.03:31
greg-gwgrant: yeah, that would be obvious time to tell the user03:32
macogreg-g: i think he did 240 yesterday...03:32
wgrantOnly the dist-upgrader would need to do that, as we don't remove things post-release.03:32
greg-gwgrant: wanna comment on the bug your thoughts?03:32
greg-gI don't want to steal your words ;)03:32
greg-gmaco: that is CRAZY!03:33
macoand i also have to say +1 on --local as i'm sitting right next to crimsun_ in Cosi where they don't allow anything but 80 and 443, and they do deep-packet inspection so you can't tunnel anything over them either :(03:33
wgrantgreg-g: Please steal my words, I can't start Firefox right now... building this security update is making my HDD angry.03:33
greg-gwgrant: will do.03:33
wgrantmaco: One can't deep-packet-inspect HTTPS.03:33
macogreg-g: i dont usually do over 80 in a day.  if i decide to stop and try to write a patch for one of the ones i see that's bitesize, i'll only do about 3003:33
macowgrant: hrm maybe we can try that then....03:34
* wgrant used to be a super-person like maco and crimsun, but then uni and security stuff took over.03:34
wgrantmaco: I regularly tunnel SSH through restrictive HTTPS proxies.03:34
macoi have this awful habit of going "hmm....homework...or bugwork...bugwork."03:34
wgrantmaco: Unfortunately that doesn't always make for excellent marks.03:35
macoi was supposed to be studying for midterms when i decided to work on gsynaptics and get my first patch. i was supposed to be working on finals and final projects when i spent a weekend poking at seahorse.03:35
macoyeah, that's a problem03:35
* wgrant will hopefully murder gsynaptics for Jaunty.03:36
greg-gthat is when I had my highest 5-a-day stats, during finals last year :)03:36
macowgrant: why?03:36
wgrantmaco: It can be replaced by gnome-mouse-properties in the default install, since we have XInput properties.03:36
macowgrant: i have a patch in the works for it to do 2-finger-scroll (like on a mac)03:36
wgrantmaco: That option can be added to the default installation with about 4 lines of code, if you want.03:37
macoer...oh wait, no...i wasnt careful checking out a "trunk" and overwrote it03:37
macooh i wasnt the one that wanted it. one of my friends, when i mentioned having added speed/accel to it, asked for 2-finger-scroll03:37
macoi know synclient can do it03:38
greg-gwell, time for a movie, later all, have a pleasent night/day03:38
maconight night03:38
wgrantsynclient can hopefully go away soon, too. We can change lots of settings without needing the awfulness of SHMConfig. <3 XInput properties.03:38
macono more shared memory craziness?03:38
macoi was hoping there was a way to get rid of that03:39
macohey guys, mozilla decided against the EULA thing, right?03:39
wgrantmaco: Yes, sort of.03:40
wgrantMy bug is now the 4th most commented on LP, so it's not surprising.03:40
macosort of?03:40
wgrantWe still have to have something, but it's not quite as bad.03:40
macowhat do we have to have?03:40
wgrantExamples were attached to the bug overnight.03:40
macobug 27264703:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272647 in ubufox "EULAs are not legally valid in Finland - Ubuntu shouldn't display them if locale is set to Finnish" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27264703:40
wgrantNot that one.03:40
wgrantI see.03:40
macothat's why i'm wondering03:41
wgrantBug #26965603:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26965603:41
wgrantWatch out, it's huge.03:41
macolol @ summary03:41
wgrantI got quite some hatemail for that :(03:43
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mcasi have a problem with a bug10:04
mcasbug 27258610:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272586 in gcalctool "basic calculations are wrong" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27258610:04
mcasthe bug is confirmed under hardy but it seems to be solved under intrepid10:05
mcashow should i handle this?10:05
Hobbseemcas: mark it as fix released, with a comment along those lines?10:05
mcasok that was my first idea, too10:06
madsrhHi. Where do I file a bug about the GDM log-in?10:14
umangmeBug #272683 should be "Wishlist"10:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272683 in pidgin "Allow to drag your own avatar" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27268310:38
Arbymorning all, I got an e-mail saying my membership of bug-control has expired11:17
Arbywho do I need to speak to for it to be renewed?11:18
thekornArby, you need to get in contact with one of the administrators11:25
Arbythekorn: thanks11:26
murdokhello! how can I debug eog?13:24
murdokI have tried with export DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS but I don't have any aditional information13:24
pochumurdok: what's the problem? a crash?13:29
pochuthen install the eog-dbg package and get a backtrace with gdb13:30
ubottuTo get a backtrace of a failing application please read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Backtrace13:30
murdokgood idea :รพ13:30
murdokCould someone please mark bug #270335 as wishlist?14:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270335 in apport "Feature: Support saving bug reports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27033514:04
thekornmurdok, it has an upstream task and no one in ubuntu, so only pitti can change the importance14:07
murdokoh, okay thanks14:08
lfaraoneHey, are bugs with ACPI (in this case, fans) kernel bugs?16:25
_Zeus_umm, i guess?16:25
lfaraone_Zeus_: I'm trying to FindRightPackage for a user who is unable to use their fan (ACPI spouts an error016:26
_Zeus_have they tried acpitool?16:28
lfaraone_Zeus_: not afaict.16:30
lfaraone_Zeus_: bug 27253716:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272537 in ubuntu "cooling fan wont turn on " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27253716:30
_Zeus_check it out16:32
_Zeus_what i said might fix it16:32
pochuhmm, nautilus is consuming 524MB here (after a week running)16:34
_Zeus_just kill it and restart?16:36
_Zeus_it must have a memory leak16:36
pochuyeah, I'm looking at bugzilla to see if there's any reported16:36
nhandlerIf a bug gets fixed upstream, what should the status of the bug be set to? Fix Committed?16:37
pochuthe desktop team does that, but others don't, so I guess it depends...16:38
pochunhandler: what's the package?16:38
nhandlerpochu: The bug you patched upstream in emesene16:38
_Zeus_nhandler: if the fix isn't out yet, then yes16:39
_Zeus_if it's out, then fix released16:39
pochuwell, it's an Ubuntu task16:39
greg-gpochu: yeah, which is why I was "corrected" by someone once when I set it to fix committed even though I KNEW I was following someone paid by Canonical's lead ;)16:39
nhandler_Zeus_: It is only out in the upstream SVN, not in Ubuntu16:39
_Zeus_not sure16:39
pochugreg-g: yeah, it's happened to me too :)16:39
pochunhandler: either fix committed or triaged16:40
nhandlerpochu: I thought triaged meant that a bug had enough information for a dev to start fixing it. Fix Committed seems more logical to me16:41
_Zeus_normal users can't set triaged, i thin16:41
greg-gpochu: do you know if there is a desire to reconcile the difference?16:41
nhandler_Zeus_: I'm Bug Control, so I can16:41
_Zeus_so you can16:41
pochunhandler: true that16:45
pochunhandler: so fix committed. also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status says fix committed is appropriate16:45
pochugreg-g: I don't really know16:46
pochunope, fix committed doesn't look appropriate16:46
pochubah, just use it and be done :)16:47
pochualso I'm the maintainer, and I promise not to revert your change ;-)16:47
nhandlerpochu: I changed it to Fix Committed.16:49
nhandlerpochu: This is why I feel that they should add more Statuses on Launchpad. That would make things a lot clearer. maybe a Fixed Upstream status ;)16:50
pochunhandler: they want to remove statuses, not add them, though :P16:51
pochuthey want to remove 'confirmed' in favour of a 'me too!' button16:51
pochuor something like that16:52
nhandlerpochu: I know. persia and I have had long discussions about this ;)16:52
persiaPlease *don't* set the status of bugs against Ubuntu to "Fix Committed" when they are fixed upstream.  This hides them from display, and doesn't set the Fixed Upstream flag.16:53
pochuerr, fix committed bugs aren't shown by default??16:54
persiaBetter is to set an upstream task.  Use "Fix Committed" for the upstream task when it goes into upstream's VCS, and "Fix Released" for the upstream task when it goes into an upstream release tarball.16:54
persiapochu: Nope.16:54
pochuI thought that was just for invalid, wontfix and fix released16:54
greg-gI tohught they were16:54
persiaAnd Fix Committed.16:54
pochuhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emesene/+bugs shows one fix committed bug16:54
persiaUnless something changed and I didn't notice.16:54
nhandlerpersia: But you can only add a bug watch if there is an upstream bug16:54
* persia looks at the specific bug to try to understand16:55
greg-git shows fix committed by default16:55
persiaThat's different (and good).16:55
persianhandler: Which bug?16:55
* nhandler goes to find it16:56
nhandlerpersia: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/emesene/+bug/24681716:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 246817 in emesene "Typo emesene Notification plugin" [Low,Fix committed]16:56
greg-ga bug could be marked as "Fix Released" for the upstream task and still only Triaged for the Ubuntu task, and that would be logical16:57
nhandlergreg-g: But you can not create an upstream task without an upstream bug16:57
persianhandler: How is this not an upstream bug that was fixed?16:58
greg-gaye, then make a comment with the pertinant info (revision number with the fix, changelog).  As it isn't in Ubuntu yet, it probably should be "fix committed"16:58
persia"Fixed upstream in the stable and trunk branches" is a fairly clear indicator.16:58
greg-gan upstream bug without an upstream bug report16:59
persiaYou can create an upstream bug without an upstream bug report.16:59
* persia does so now16:59
greg-goh righ!16:59
nhandlerpersia: I forgot that you can manually change the status of an upstream bug watch if you do not specify a bug number16:59
greg-gI never do that, so I forget that you dont need a link17:00
greg-gwell done persia  ;)17:00
persiaIt's important to have the status correct for each project.17:00
* greg-g nods17:00
persiaThe current status shows it fixed upstream, and still needing a fix in Ubuntu.17:00
persiaIf we push the fix for intrepid, nifty.  If not, we'll get it for free when we pull a new upstream.17:00
persiaThis also puts it in the "Fixed Upstream" reports, which people look at for several different reasons, and so it's likely to keep getting triaged properly.17:01
nhandlerpersia: Shouldn't it be Fix Committed for upstream. It has only been fixed in the svn.17:01
persianhandler: Indeed :)  Please fix.  That's entirely a mistake in understanding on my part.17:02
persiaMight set the Importance whilst you're at it.17:02
nhandlerpersia: Fixed ;)17:02
persiaThank you.  Sorry to have gotten it wrong.17:02
nhandlerI can't set the importance for the upstream bug. I think pochu might be able to though17:03
nhandlerBug Control can only change the importance for bugs in Ubuntu packages17:03
persiapochu: Is it worth applying the debdiff for intrepid, and dropping when jaunty opens?17:03
nhandlerpersia: My debdiff won't work (as stated in the LP bug)17:03
pochupersia: it would have to patch all the translations, then rebuild all the .mo files, so I don't think so17:04
persiapochu: Makes sense.17:04
nhandlerpochu: Can you change the importance for the upstream bug watch?17:04
pochualready done :)17:04
persianhandler: True, but if pochu had said "Sounds like a good idea: please proceed" then you could prepare a new debdiff.17:04
greg-gnow that bug looks better17:05
nhandlerpersia: I know. I just wanted to make sure you were aware (so you didn't go and upload it as-is).17:05
persiaYep.  We just have to let it age for two or three months, and it should be ready to close :)17:05
persianhandler: It's too late here for me to be sponsoring, and I don't typically do that based on traffic in this channel anyway.  I was more seeking information towards progressing the bug :)17:06
nhandlerpersia: That is good to hear. But, like the saying goes, "Better safe than sorry".17:06
nhandlerAlright, now that we have this triaging task figured out, I am going to go and get some work done.17:07
persiaAnyway, for those lurking: it's only good practice to create an untracked upstream bug (as we've just done) when it's already known fixed upstream, but not filed.  This helps Ubuntu tracking, and doesn't tend to annoy upstream too much (as opposed to opening bugs already fixed upstream just for tracking purposes).17:07
persiaYep.  Always good to be safe :)17:08
pochuI wonder why you can create upstream tasks without bug watches if the upstream project is configured not to use launchpad bug tracker17:08
persiapochu: For just the case I outlined in the previous overview statement.17:08
pochuIt sounds like a bug/bad design in Launchpad17:08
persiaYou think it'd be better to force upstream to track the issue in their bug tracker directly?17:09
pochuI think it would be better to have a good status which showed what's happening17:09
persiaIf the dream of having all bugtrackers everywhere interface and feed bugs to each other ever happens, it would make sense to not support this, but as long as this hasn't happened, it helps this use case.17:09
pochubut if I set the upstream project not to use malone, it shouldn't use it17:10
persiaYeah, well, status is hard.  Status is *especially* hard when trying to use the same bugtracker for both distros and projects.17:10
pochuso why is there a check box to use malone or not if it doesn't really disable it?17:10
pochupersia: ack, but it sounds like bad design. I disabled malone, yet people can report bugs...17:11
persiapochu: That's just useless UI, as far as I can tell.17:11
persiaMind you, it might provide a useful hint to users, that filing bugs in Malone against that project won't necessarily get upstream attention.17:12
persiaPersonally, I'd rather drop the UI than enforce it, as otherwise we can't accurately represent the state of bugs like this one.17:12
persiaWe could add extra status values like "Committed Upstream" and "Fixed Upstream", but those are only meaningful for distros, and there's only three or four distros that use LP for bug tracking (as opposed to a much larger number of projects)17:13
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crimsunugh, bug 86683 is nasty.  Tagging it for myself.21:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86683 in tcsh "tcsh segmentation fault" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8668321:59
crimsunnote: it has been reproducible since edgy.22:00

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