=== Ng_ is now known as Ng === fta_ is now known as fta [13:14] did somebody see that kernel 2.6.26 and newer only detect 32 gb from the hds which was fully seen with 2.6.24? [13:14] http://kanotix.com/files/fix/alewe/ [13:14] there i have put some logs [13:26] looks like it detects HPA with 2.6.27 [13:27] which is unlocked by default with 2.6.24 [13:27] because hpa unlock for 2.6.24 and hpa detected for 2.6.27 [13:33] bagaimana cara intalasi gyachi [13:34] ada yang bisa bantu [17:18] static int ata_ignore_hpa = 1 [17:19] was in 2.6.24 -> drivers/ata/libata-core.c [17:23] http://www.kroah.com/log/linux/lpc_2008_keynote.html [17:23] did you read this *g* [17:26] * libata: Default to hpa being overridden [17:58] hello there [17:58] i'm using intrepid, latest updates and i get this error once a while in syslog [17:59] error that slows down the system [17:59] http://pastebin.com/m5a0a401b [18:01] i saw those too here, just only the EH compete ones [18:01] is it nforce2? [18:03] nope, it's via [18:03] quite an old motherboard though [18:03] i've found something on the internet, but not recent stuff due to kernel upgrades [18:04] i re-must try previous kernel btw, even if i think it worked flawlessy if the kernel is the problem [18:20] seems 2.6.27-2-generic isn't having this problem [18:22] i'll try -3 again hoping that was just a temp error [18:28] ok, this is definitely a regression (?) [18:28] should i file a bug on launchpad? [18:28] sure [18:28] what do you think i should include apart from syslog? :p [18:29] a good description of your problem [18:29] the good and the bad kernel versions [18:29] etc [18:29] kk [18:29] thx [18:43] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/272835 [18:43] just in case someone wants to play with it [18:43] switch back to -2 kernel [18:43] brb