
slangasektgm4883_laptop: only if the mythbuntu team tell me that they're abandoning hope of using 20080918 as alpha-606:36
tgm4883_laptopslangasek, superm1 told me that he pushed the fix after that build06:39
slangasek"the fix"?06:39
slangasekoh, we didn't get a rebuild that picked up the metapackage update, right :/06:40
slangasekgrumble, meant to do that Thursday after it published06:40
slangasekok, rebuilding06:40
tgm4883_laptopok, thanks06:40
tgm4883_laptopsorry, I thought superm1 had told you about all that06:41
slangasekhe had told me that a respin was needed; I didn't rememebr until our conversation just now that it hadn't happened as planned07:15
slangasekanyway, available now07:15
tgm4883_laptopawesome, thanks slangasek07:16
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charlie-tcaHello, all. I need to know if the Testing Day is still on for September 22?14:41
charlie-tcaI'm trying to get as many Xubuntu testers involved as possible14:42
charlie-tcaAnybody there?15:07
ubuntu_hi, i have a thinkpad z61t and my volume buttons do not work with intrepid, what should i do?19:57
Br0Wondering if any of you fine gents could show me where to find the A6 iso20:00
charlie-tcaubuntu_: I think you could try the specific os channel; #ubuntu, #xubuntu, #kubuntu20:00
stgraberBr0: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/8.10/alpha-6/ ?20:01
Br0Much obliged sir20:01
Br0how It escaped me, I do not know20:01
Br0It would be very terrible if the internet were to just somehow stop functioning entirely20:04
=== fdd is now known as ionutjula

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