[00:40] Anyone else having issues getting Intrepid Alpha 6 to connect using static IP addresses? [00:41] charlie-tca: try #ubuntu+1 the official channel for 8.10 [00:41] Thanks :) [00:41] np === Fersure is now known as Shinigami === Shinigami is now known as Fersure [02:14] anybody know how i might get at the bios settings on this old compaq 2870b series laptop? only four returns on a google search, none relevant [02:16] I have to press F10 to get to the bios on an old compaq desktop [02:17] I have uses F10 and one uses F11 [02:55] hey, question: how do I set nr of workspaces? I have only 2 and I need 4 or 6 for the cube [02:56] Roland-: workspaces for xfce? or for compiz? [02:56] they are set up in different places... [02:56] for xfce, go to Applications --> settings --> workspace settings [02:57] cannot see workspace settings [02:57] aplications-configuration-administ configuration [02:57] top left [02:57] is something I have to install? [02:58] for compiz, first be sure you have compizconfig-settings-manager installed, then go to Applications --> settings --> compixconfig settings manager --> Generall Options --> Desktop size. then chage the horizontal to 4, vertial to 1, and no of desktops to 1. [02:58] perfect thank you [02:59] still how do I use the whole cube? [02:59] the down and up face is empty [02:59] Roland-: you cant... [02:59] and I saw some screenshots with a desk there too [02:59] Roland-: you can put some cube caps though... [03:00] but you can't actually use them as a desktop... [03:00] that is nice I just want to replace that orange bg [03:01] http://www.23hq.com/Vincentt/photo/2573228/standard can somebody please what module provides that mac_look_like down menu ? [03:02] i think that is awn [03:02] !awn [03:02] Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy [03:03] thank you [03:03] but you could also make xfce4-panel look similar, but not as fancy... ;) [03:03] that one looks fancyu tome [03:03] :> [03:06] where are all icon files located [03:06] ? [03:07] most of them are in /usr/share/icons [03:14] awn is sure buggy [03:52] hey. I am trying to make an xfce menu shortcut, what is the command line for it [03:55] try xfce4-menu [04:51] my abiword processor is crashing a lot. do you guys have any alternative to it to work as a word processor? something alternative to openoffice if possible [04:55] jika-bun: it might be easier to fix abiword - if you start it from terminal it will show errors [04:56] ok favro, i will do it to see if i can fix it. but do you have any in mind? just in case i need. [04:57] jika-bun: use nano for that sort of thing - command line [04:57] *I use [04:58] to write university researchs? you're a hero. :P [04:58] I don't write uni researchs obviously :) [05:01] well that explained :) [05:01] i will try fixing it then [05:01] thank you [05:14] If I manually set up my wireless connection using iwconfig and dhclient; the [network manager thingy in the top right] dosen't recognize that I'm connected, and therefore blocks all of my internet-using programs [like pidgin and firefox] because it dosen't have a connection. [05:14] So, is there a way to either make it recognize that I did it manually; or to just turn it off and let my programs through? [05:14] can you ping out when you do it manually? [05:15] pinging works. But the network manager mabob still says i'm d/c [05:19] don't blame me if it breaks something but you could try killall nm-applet [05:20] may brb, playing with my network connection [05:21] alright, so that much worked.. [05:21] now, to find where it starts nm-applet at.. === Guest2966 is now known as Fersure [06:03] Greettings ladies and gents. [06:04] A slightly dim newbie here trying to figure out how to do a text-only install [06:04] Do any of you have the URL that explains how to do it handy? [06:19] sure [06:19] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation#Installation%20using%20the%20Alternate%20CD [06:30] cody-somerville: Than you so much! I am in your debt. [06:31] no problem [06:52] i'm searching for a office different than openoffice to install, someone has a suggestion? [06:59] You could look up gnome office. it's a collection of lighter weight offices apps (not a standalone) that are not too bad. Not sure about the gnome dependencies though. [07:01] http://live.gnome.org/GnomeOffice [07:09] TrailWhisperer, i'll take a look, thank you [09:29] hi guys [09:29] I recently upgraded my fathers PC from 7.10 to 8.04 (which went really smooth btw) [09:30] but now it asks for a password when I want to shutdown the system (from the log-out dialog) [09:31] I am in a lot of groups already (including powerdev) but it didn't help [09:37] loswillios: a workaround is to logout and select shutdown from the options menu [09:38] I've seen a couple of people mention having that issue but it isn't common afaik [09:39] another workaround would be to add the user to the sudoers file for shutdown [09:39] then the shutdown button should work like normal [09:44] ok [09:44] hi, im wondering can anyone help me, im trying to change the login message when i log in with ssh [09:44] can anyone tell me where that message is located? [09:45] favro: shutdown, halt and reboot are already added with NOPASSWD [09:45] ohh [09:46] favro: I can't logout though, cause I don't have a DM started. the system is booting straight into X [09:47] phlack: /etc/motd [09:47] loswillios: is a paasword asked for with sudo shutdown -h now? [09:47] thanks loswillios [09:47] if not make a launcher for it [09:47] hm, yeah. I wonder why [09:48] let me recheck sudoers [09:48] I don't know where the issue stems from so am thinking about workarounds [09:50] weird. sudoers is exactly the same on my other systems where it works (no ubuntu though) [09:50] christian ALL=NOPASSWD: /sbin/shutdown, /sbin/halt, /sbin/reboot [09:50] what's the line in /etc/sudoers for shutdown? [09:50] k [09:51] how to make a launcher? [09:52] ah got it [09:52] right click the panel select add and from the menu launcher [09:52] misunderstood you. yeah, doesn't help because sudo fscks up somehow [09:53] but if it asks for a password a launcher won't work [09:54] weird stuff [09:54] yes [09:59] loswillios: what does ls -l /etc/sudoers return? [10:11] favro: -r--r----- 1 root root 468 2008-09-21 10:53 /etc/sudoers [10:12] loswillios: well that is how it should be [10:12] I thought it might have read access borked [13:44] For all you developer types, the title of a story in my ScienceDaily.com eletter this morning is: Easier-to-hit 'Targets' Could Help Older People Make The Most Of Computers (September 20, 2008) -- Older people could make better use of computers if icons, links and menu headings automatically grew bigger as the cursor moves towards them. ... [13:50] nubuntu, link please? [13:52] vidd, hold on i go get it [13:52] ty' [13:52] http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/09/080911111524.htm === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [14:04] hey, any ideas how can I make the jack configuration work on an sony vaio ? [14:05] jack configuration? [14:05] yes well if I plug in earphones nothing is happening [14:05] does the system sound go out? [14:06] yes [14:06] using alsa [14:06] ok....then just unmute the headphones in the volume manager [14:07] its called "phone" [14:07] unmute headphones in volume manager [14:07] I only have pcm and master volume there [14:08] right-click the volume manager icon on your panel and choose "properties" [14:09] what choices do you have listed for Devices? [14:09] if you dont have the volume manager applet, run xfce4-mixer in terminal [14:10] only master and pcm... [14:11] please RIGHT click and choose "Properties" ... or run xfce4-mixer [14:12] ok time for a screenshot [14:12] with xfce4-mixer open, what choices do you have in the drop down box "Devices"? [14:14] Roland-, did you open xfce4-mixer? [14:14] http://www.zshare.net/image/19152992ae0a4801/ [14:15] http://www.zshare.net/image/19153018bac1a8f3/ [14:15] see? [14:16] what does lspci tell you that your sound card is? [14:19] 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 03) [14:19] also the sound works fine I can listen to music play movies and so on [14:20] Roland-, yeah....you just dont have headphone capability [14:20] hello there. Is there anyway to disable screensaver in xubuntu? I've switched it off in the settings, but it is still shown. [14:21] worked fine on windows [14:21] :P [14:21] hello there. Is there anyway to disable screensaver in xubuntu? I've switched it off in the settings, but it is still shown. [14:22] in the device drop-down, select #0: 82801H [14:22] vonderer, off or gone? [14:23] vidd: sorry, I don't quite get the question ^^ [14:24] vonderer, do you want the screensaver uninstalled or disabled? [14:24] disabled [14:29] vidd: [14:30] this a laptop or desktop? [14:30] desktop [14:31] do you have power management set to never put the computer or display to sleep? [14:31] I've already killed xscreensaver, but is there a way to prevent it from being loaded? [14:32] vidd: yes, i have [14:32] i have a problem thats driving me crazy, whenever i follow links to news stories on my panama newspaper it slows my computer down to nothing.. would it be possible for someeone to understandd why by looking at a page3? herees one: http://prensa.com/t.asp?d=080921h1527734 [14:32] vonderer, to prevent it from loading? uninstall it [14:32] but anyway.... [14:33] do you have the checkboxes "Activate screensaver..." unchecked? [14:33] of course [14:33] I've done that first, but it seemed to have no effect [14:33] and where is the idle slider @? [14:34] 2 hours [14:34] how long does it take for your screensaver to pop up? [14:34] much less, than 2 hours, maybe 10~20 minutes [14:35] then you have a second screen saver app installed [14:35] maybe problem in GNOME services? I've installed xubuntu-desktop over my ubuntu [14:35] most like [14:36] ubuntu uses gnome screensave IIRC [14:36] strange. when I open gnome-screensaver-preferences, I get my xfce4 screensaver setup dialogue [14:37] where screensaver is disabled and time is set to 2 hours [14:37] and what happens when you open xsceensaver? [14:37] ahh, here it is [14:38] 2 screen saver apps? [14:38] I tried it before, but it said I'd already had it running [14:38] xscreensaver has other settings, and it is enabled [14:38] thanks ^^ [14:38] no problem [14:42] There is another problem. Not long ago, I've bought a new mouse, and set it up with evdev. The problem is that when X server starts and the mouse is still, mouse becomes turned off soon after startup. But if I move it around during loading, everything's ok. [14:44] Is there any way to fix it? [14:45] sure....load the mouse settings after X [14:46] how can I do that? [14:46] not sure what evdev is, or why you need it....but X is overwritting it [14:46] hmm. my mouse has 5 buttons [14:46] why on earth would someone need 5 mouse buttons? [14:46] I needed evdev to make 4th and 5th work :) [14:47] remove the evdev, reboot, and set evdev to load in your autostarted applications [14:48] this way, evdev settings are loaded after x settings [14:48] evdev is a driver [14:48] Section "InputDevice" [14:48] Identifier "Configured Mouse" [14:48] Driver "evdev" [14:48] Option "CorePointer" [14:48] Option "Device" "/dev/input/event9" [14:48] EndSection [14:48] that's from my xorg.conf [14:49] pastebin your entire xorg.conf for me? [14:49] !paste [14:49] pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) [14:49] ok. sure [14:53] http://paste.ubuntu.com/48907/ [14:53] so vonderer where is the link? [14:53] disregard [14:54] try uncomenting line 62 [14:55] and do you have more then one maouse installed? [14:55] no, I don't [14:56] tried line 62, It didn't work out, so I commented it again [14:56] then im out of ideas [14:57] thanks anyway :) [14:57] unless, perhaps you uncomment lines 47-55 [14:57] you mean, use usual mouse driver instead of evdev? [14:57] no...use both [14:58] interesting :) I'll try that later, thanks [14:58] this way you at least have 3-button if all else fails [14:58] =] [14:58] bye :) [14:59] i still dont understand why anyone would need 5 buttons on a mouse [15:35] how can I install compiz in xubuntu 8.04.1? [15:35] forces, just by installing it [15:36] forces, if you want to make sure you're doing OK, Google a tutorial :) [15:36] (Which I'm not saying because I know mine is the first hit ;-) [15:43] vinnl, just post 'em a link! =] [15:43] :P [15:43] http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/ [15:44] your stuff is top notch anyway.....why leave the poor sap to chance he spells something wrong and ends up with a poor, super mispelled tut that dont work =] [15:44] Thanks ^.^ [16:11] hi. my computer totally freezeed yesterday. It's not the first time, but i think a few times happened while I were watching a movie using VLC === Fersure is now known as Fersure|Away [16:12] I had to hard reboot it, because ctrl+alt+ F1 (or any other) didn't work at all [16:12] is there any log i should look to see if there is something logged about what happened? [16:15] Mannequi1, did you launch vlc from a terminal? [16:15] vidd: no [16:15] try launching from a terminal.... [16:16] if it freezes again, ctl+c in terminal will kill it [16:16] plus the app will display info in the terminal that launched it [16:17] you should be able to scroll thru the terminal output to see the error [16:17] personally....i suspect a ram issue [16:20] also....logs are found in /var/log [16:20] dont know what log you might want to review though [16:39] does abiword recgonize docx documents? [16:40] jika-bun, not the version in Xubuntu [16:40] Not sure about the newest version [16:41] hmm, ok then, for a moment i thought it was a bug here [16:41] thank you :) [16:41] np :) [16:41] Ah, yay [16:41] The new Abiword is in Xubuntu 8.10 :) [16:42] hmm, nice! i'll be expecting it then! [16:43] > AbiWord now has good compliance with Microsoft's OOXML format but it can be improved. [16:43] OOo beats abiword hands down every time [16:43] vidd, not on speed ^.^ [16:43] > Currently, AbiWord has an importer, but no exporter.Currently, AbiWord has an importer, but no exporter. [16:44] speed isnt everything [16:44] And integration [16:44] if i need speed, i open mousepad [16:44] So when you're not working with complex documents, abiword rocks [16:45] if im not working with complex documents, abiword is bloat [16:45] Everybody has his own preference ;-) [16:45] which is what make linux so great! [16:45] I love Abiword for non-complex, non-plaintext documents, which is about all I use ;-) [16:45] vidd, exactly :) [16:46] everyone's preferences are easily handled [16:46] Well, not Linuix [16:46] More open source :) [16:46] point taken [16:46] non-plaintext? [16:46] i.e. with images :) [16:47] ah....nothing i do [16:47] ^.^ [16:49] well, i'm using it to a university research :D [16:49] and its good enough for me, i guess [16:50] * vinnl can't wait to try Abiword's new collaboration features [16:51] Anyway, I'm off, bye [17:08] 'killall nm-applet' 'iwconfig wlan0 essid myssid enc mykey ap any' 'dhclient wlan0' and I can ping out, right? But when I start up (pidgin|firefox) it dosen't think it's connected. FF is in 'offline mode' and pidgin says 'waiting for connection' === inigo87 is now known as inigo [17:09] kriel, huh???? [17:15] kriel: that's quite normal because avahi can't handle commandline connection handshakes === Fersure|Away is now known as Fersure [17:36] Myrtti: (sorry for the lag) Okay, is there a way to make it, or do I just have to suck it up and use nm-applet? [17:36] pidgin and firefox should work fine if you tick them to online mode [17:37] there was some trick to make them ignore avahi [17:41] I couldn't find said tickbox for pidgin [17:50] and I can't find the howto I followed [18:02] Okay, that's fine. [18:02] Now I know what I need to look for that's making the error, though. [avahi]. Thank you. === Tobbe|autoaway is now known as Tobbe === Fersure is now known as Fersure|Away [19:17] hey, how do I set xubuntu to start in text mode by default, not x === tuna-fish is now known as tuna [20:12] in xfce there are the options window: "focus on click" and "focus on mouseover". is there any similar for taskbar? when you hover over an "window button" the window is opened? [20:12] Not that I'm aware of [20:14] is there the possibility to make a suggestion to the xfce-team? [20:14] Yeah [20:14] IronJan, http://bugzilla.xfce.org/ [20:14] vinnl: thanks a lot [20:15] np :) [20:52] newbie needs help! [20:52] yes they do.... [20:52] what can i do for them? [20:52] =] [20:52] ha, thanks [20:52] well, i am brand new to ubuntu [20:52] ubuntu or Xubuntu? [20:52] and am running a ibook g3 900 [20:53] xubuntu sorry [20:53] np...id still help =] [20:53] so, i am using the live cd right now, however, when I run the installer from the desktop, the install fails [20:54] is the 3g PPC ach or intel arch? [20:54] says the mirror failed or something [20:54] ppc [20:54] !ppc [20:54] PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ [20:54] jol you have the wrong instalation disk [20:55] the live disk runs fine [20:55] yes...and it will [20:55] jo1: that is because it loads into ram... :D [20:55] what install should I be using? [20:55] the install, however needs to be PPC arch [20:55] see the wiki link Odd-rationale posted [20:56] I searched and thought that I d/l the ppc [20:56] jo1: see the link above... [20:56] well...the bot =] [20:56] i've read all the *buntu stuff on ppc and it doesn't support newer releases, but others say that it works fine [20:57] It supports it unofficially [20:57] jo1, think of it this way.... [20:57] you have a leadded gas machine... [20:57] you are trying to use unleaded gas [20:57] i've even tried to install ubuntu 6.06 the last supported release and the screen goes black [20:58] get the ppc version of 6.6 [20:58] did that [20:58] also did kubuntu [20:58] do the alt install of it [20:58] not the live install [20:58] i don't know enough linux to use alt install no gui [20:59] i'm having big problems installing a flash player to xubuntu [20:59] like i said noob [20:59] pfft....the alt install is more intuitive IMHO [20:59] jo1: it is really not that different... if you have another machine to chat, we can help you if you have any questions... [20:59] jika-bun: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree doesn't work? [21:00] stick in disk, enter 5 times, pick username, password, enter 3 more times, reboot, enjoy [21:00] vidd: wow, you memeorized that part pretty good... :D [21:00] vidd's been through it a lot I suppose ;-) [21:00] ive done it enough times [21:01] just dont do the auto-detect keyboard....choose manually [21:01] Odd-rationale, it shows some problems, i'll do pastebin, wait up [21:01] Not with the MD5 sum I hope... [21:01] !flash [21:01] To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash [21:04] Odd-rationale: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49054/ [21:06] jika-bun, are you retrieving it from an external software source? [21:06] It says Flash Player 10 ( [21:07] well, not really, i did apt-get [21:07] jika-bun: have you done "sudo apt-get update" lately? [21:07] maybe because mine is x64? [21:07] But apparently one of your repositories offers it [21:07] jika-bun: is this 64 bit? [21:07] Ah [21:07] yes [21:08] jika-bun: i think the link above given by ubottu tells how to do flash on 64 bit... [21:08] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash [21:09] hmmm ok i'll read it ;) [21:09] thank! [21:18] howdy [21:18] !hi | DasYogi [21:18] DasYogi: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [21:18] thanks guys...hae a quick question about dual booting xubuntu and debian.... [21:18] is this the right plae? [21:18] meant place [21:18] Sure [21:19] sweet...I already have xubuntu installed and have about 20 gb free space...was thinking to install debian there...should I create a partition space before installation or have debian guid me through it...also, do I have to modify grub? [21:20] DasYogi: either way would work. and yes, you will have to modify grub... [21:20] Ah, if you're going to install Debian afterwards you might be better off in #debian, but I'm quite sure Debian will be able to choose an existing partition [21:20] (Though 20 GB isn't that much) [21:21] well that worked [21:22] thank you vinnl and Odd-rationale [21:22] :) [21:22] np [21:22] thanks vinni...heading to #debian [21:27] is it just me or fonts <= size 10 in xfce terminal doesn't have aliasing/hinting? [21:30] hello, does anyone use wallpaper clock screenlet? [21:30] !ask [21:30] Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-) [21:31] ok, if anyone uses wallpaper clock screenlet, please, tell me how to make it work ^^ [21:31] Can't you just run it? :) [21:32] if it was so easy — I wouldn't ask :)) It starts, but doesn't apply any desktop wallpaper [21:33] vonderer, I don't suppose it is made for xfdesktop [21:34] http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=66717 [21:34] Changelog: [21:34] v2.3 xfce workarround [21:34] OK, wait, I'm going to try it :) [21:34] ...if I can figure out how to install screenlets [21:35] !screenlets [21:35] Screenlets are little widgets for your !desktop. Note you must have !Compiz Fusion, !Beryl, xcompmgr, or KWin to run them. You can get them at http://www.screenlets.org/ [21:35] Hmm, that needs updating [21:35] just as any other app: with aptitude or synaptic [21:36] and they actually run without Compiz [21:36] Yeah xfwm4 has compositing [21:39] vonderer, OK, what's it supposed to do? [21:39] I do see a clock now [21:39] it is supposed to put on your desctop a wallpaper with clock [21:39] OK, I just have the clock that's hovering over my windows [21:39] There's a checkbox for "Xfce workaround" in the settings [21:40] http://www.vladstudio.com/ru/wallpaperclock/details.php?175http://www.vladstudio.com/ru/wallpaperclock/details.php?175 [21:40] like that [21:40] well, «Xfce workaround» doesn't work for me [21:41] vonderer, I just have the clock and I set it to attach to my desktop now [21:41] How do you install wallpapers? [21:41] right-click on the icon (small clock) and chose install wallpaper [21:42] after that — change wallpaper clock->My wallpapers->wallpaper name [21:43] OK, it appears to be loading... [21:44] No entry in the menu yet [21:51] vonderer, you don't have to use multiple wallpapers as Xfce wallpaper? [21:54] vonderer, I give up... It's a very cool idea though [21:55] vinnl: no, i think. thanks for trying to help :) [21:55] np :) [21:56] I'll try to restart xfce, maybe it'll help [21:56] bye :) [21:56] Bye [21:56] I'm off too, bye [22:13] tomorrow day testing :D [22:15] ok, so i installed compiz, everything works fine as far as that goes, but i want to uninstall it. i tried uninstalling it about an hour ago, and then xfce doesn't work [22:16] ideas? [22:16] i'll log in, see the xfce bars like usual, but then they disappear, and i'm stuck with one desktop and only the windows i had up previously [22:18] coldhak, reinstall it, then uninstall it with the --purge switch [22:19] you mean compiz or xfce? [22:19] compiz [22:20] ...won't that just reinstall compiz and rm compiz's settings? [22:20] yes [22:21] i've got compiz working fine. [22:21] did you remove combiz settings when you uninstalled it? [22:21] it works as it should [22:21] i want to get rid of it, but i want xfce to work [22:22] "i want to uninstall it....xfce doesn't work" [22:22] so you want to --purge [22:22] when you uninstall [22:22] ok [22:23] otherwise, you have ave left-over config files that are (probably) causing your issue [22:23] [this lag is killing me!!!!] [22:23] ok, i'll give that a shot [22:23] i'll be back via another computer if it doesn't work [22:25] i probably wont be here [22:25] that's ok. i'll be back just the same [22:27] welcome back [22:28] yeah, didn't work [22:28] _o\ \o\ lol /o/ /o_ hip hip !! [22:29] what didnt work? [22:29] the panel's there, but there's no window borders, i can't move windows. the panel's always on bottom === Pete_I is now known as Coldhak [22:29] ok.... [22:29] so you need to reset xfce as the window manager [22:30] ok, how do i do that? [22:30] the xconfig? [22:30] can you bring up the menu? [22:30] yeah [22:31] menu works. i can access a shell and all that, but if i a program comes up maximized(firefox/xchat) i can't minimize/resize it [22:31] applications->settings->login window [22:32] what is "Default Session" set to? [22:33] xfce [22:34] hrm [22:35] when i go to "window manager" in the settings manager, it says "these settings cannot work with your current window manager (unknown)" :/ [22:35] type xfdesktop in a terminal....does this fix it? [22:36] no. [22:37] :'( i really don't wanna reload this system. i just loaded it yesterday [22:37] the fix isnt all that difficult.... [22:37] well, what is it? [22:37] the setting is somewhere in GDM.... [22:38] go to the logon screen, and see what sessions are available [22:39] the norm. xfce, xclient script, gnome, secure remote, failsafe gnome, failsafe terminal [22:39] select xfce [22:40] any luck? [22:40] not sure what you're thinkin', but that's not it [22:40] :( [22:40] ok.... [22:40] back to settings manager... [22:40] sessions and startups [22:42] nothing strange here either. says it starts gnome services on login [22:43] is "display chhoser on login checked? [22:43] it wasn't, but it is now [22:43] where's xfce store it's data? [22:43] i may have a backup [22:44] so far as I know, in your /home directory [22:44] yeah, :) what's the folder called i mean [22:45] .config [22:45] time for my good friend google.... [22:47] <3 backups [22:47] thanks for the help [22:51] Coldhak, xfwm4 --replace [22:52] hopefully that fixes you up.... [22:52] i have to go home now...be back if i can in a bit [22:54] hmm. had i not already fixed it, that might have [23:08] hey, how do I make flash sites work on 64bit xubuntu ? [23:10] Roland-: install flashplugin-nonfree [23:18] oh [23:18] that was damn simple [23:18] lol [23:18] what about java? [23:18] :> [23:19] Roland-: nope [23:19] no java? [23:19] Roland-: at least not by Sun [23:19] doesn't matter I need java apps to work [23:19] gues we have to wait for google chrome linux [23:19] !java [23:20] Roland-: javascript is something completely different than java [23:20] Roland-: javascript will work without any extra efforts [23:22] oh perfect [23:22] even java games? [23:23] no [23:23] java is something completely different than javascript [23:24] the name similarity is accidental [23:25] Roland-: you can try gcjwebplugin [23:25] Roland-: but code that's badly written won't work on it [23:25] ok [23:26] i have one more q [23:26] i have a laptop sony vaio [23:26] and I have speakers and jak [23:26] in xfce4 mixer I do not have jack options [23:26] and if I plug the eraphones nothing happens [23:27] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AMD64/FirefoxAndPlugins [23:27] this can be helpful [23:27] Roland-: as for audio, my headphones out is badly detected as "surround", maybe yours has misleading name too [23:28] is about jack configuration....