
hggdhquestion: current evolution-rss on Intrepid is 0.0.8. ./debian/control states a conflict for evolution >= 2.23.0.; currently installed evo is 2.23.91; *still* apt-get install evolution-rss installs. So. What package should I open a bug against?00:27
nelleryhggdh, if it's in the evolution-rss control file, then I believe you file it against that00:28
hggdhnellery, I do not think so, since this is (at least to me) a failed check on depends. I would go to apt or dpkg, but I am unsure00:30
hggdhthe source I am looking at does *not* match the binary package!00:30
nelleryah, I misunderstood the question00:30
hggdhthe plot thickens, and takes a different route...00:31
hggdhnew (revisited) question: how do we ask for a specific package version to be taken out of the binary repositories?00:33
hggdhand how does a package that has not benn built for Intrepid end up in Intrepid's repositories?00:37
greg-ghggdh: probably best to ask in #ubuntu-devel00:44
niadhShould I mark this bug as incomplete? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21532600:48
Hobbseehggdh: evolution-rss does'nt have that conflict, with it's binary control file.00:51
Hobbseehggdh: which version do you want taken out?00:52
nelleryniadh, bugs should be marked incomplete if the reporter has been asked a question00:53
nellerysee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status00:53
niadhAh okies, what would you suggest I do with it?00:53
niadhWait, I DID ask him a question00:54
Hobbseehggdh: oh, and the reason the source package is later than the binary packages:  the binaries for that source package didn't build on all arches.00:54
nelleryniadh: in that case, it should be marked as incomplete00:54
Hobbseeso it's replaced the ones that did build, and the source, but not on the arches it didn't.00:55
niadhnellery: I'm new to the bug tracking stuff, but I'm trying to do my bit.00:55
sonchenniadh, is it a bug or a feature request? I can't tell, but I may be thick.00:55
sonchen(me also very new to bug-tracking)00:56
niadhLooks like a feature demand really, but I asked him for a use case or argument as to why it should be changed.00:56
sonchenthat's what i got from it tbh00:57
niadhmarked as incomplete, if he gives something reasonable I'll mark it as something else.00:58
sonchenI reckon it's best to leave it for a day or too before doing anything else00:58
sonchenthat last post was mangled00:58
sonchenyea i think yer probably right00:58
sonchen(by last post being I meant mine)00:59
murdokIs this bug to be closed?01:06
nellerymurdok: no, that was an automated report01:09
nellerybest to just leave it as is01:09
murdoknellery, why does it say that the fix was released for debian01:09
murdokwhen the debian team couldn't reproduce it01:10
murdokas they say. and nobody has reported it neither01:10
nellerymurdok: that's a bug tracker, the actual bug is at01:10
murdokOkay I'm wrong, some few people has could reproduce it01:13
murdokanyway I can't find where it says that the bug is fixed.01:13
murdokhas it been automatically updated too?01:14
niadhShould I delete this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22366201:14
LimCoreubuntu really is not very good for laptops01:14
LimCoreevery time I see laptop (or also normal PC) with ubutnu - people never know how to setup sound input01:15
Hobbseeplug it in?01:15
niadhLimCore: So what if it isn't good, it's why we have bug reports ;)01:15
LimCoreHobbsee: well, even after applying this very clever solution, it doesnt work, only output01:16
macoi have to have Front unmuted for my mic to work.  i also have to put it to 0 to keep from getting feedback.01:16
LimCoreniadh: its more of systemic problem, not a bug in one application01:16
LimCoremaco: yeah, each time you have to play with all the strange and confusind settings in mixer untill you get it right01:16
LimCoreon one box I have to set: mic=0 boost=50% digital=80% and 2 other thingies01:17
LimCorethis is NOT user friendly at al01:17
LimCoreotherwise it either records silence, or totally distorted noise01:18
Hobbseemurdok: what version could they reproduce it under?  The debian bug got closed as it was only found on old versions.01:18
murdokHobbsee, sorry, I read it quickly. One person has said that the bug was also affecting him.01:21
murdokin an old version01:21
murdokyou are right01:21
Hobbseemurdok: in debian, yeah.01:21
Hobbseemurdok: i'd guess that's safe to close - no one else has written anything on it in 3 years, saying they have the same issue.01:21
ElbrusLimCore: I have sound input on my laptop01:22
murdokbut launchpad says that the fix has been released01:22
murdokthat's what I can't understand01:22
Hobbseewell, presumably upstream did fix the issue, hence it's no longer happening01:23
LimCoreok I got sound now.  this was really fun. well, perhaps not for all users01:23
LimCore1) you have to find HIDDEN (!?!?!??!) settings in the mixer (why they are not visible by default)01:23
murdokOkay I got it now. I'll mark it as invalid.01:24
LimCore2) capture=30-50% (if over 50% then it records clicking sound instead..) record=front mic  digital=100%    I think this shound be easier, 90% of NEW users will just go "damn, this laptop ALSO doesnt work with linux+mic"01:24
Hobbseemurdok: upstream may have never known about the debian bug, nor have access, etc.01:24
LimCoreonly I am thinking that this should be done easier?01:26
murdokHobbsee, hmm so invalid or fix released?01:26
niadhWhat package might this bug be attached to? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/22788601:26
Hobbseemurdok: fix released.01:26
greg-gLimCore: possibly, I haven't dealt with it, would you be so kind as to report a bug describing the issue and all steps you took to resolve it?  At the same time trying to keep separate issues separate (the fact that a setting is hard to find is separate from sound input not working out of the box, for instance)01:27
macoLimCore: they're there, you just get to check off which ones you want to show. about 20 or so are available in gnome's mixer, you just don't have them selected. they probably show in alsamixer.01:27
Hobbseeniadh: i'd ask what type of cd drives those guys have.01:27
macoLimCore: in that case, i'd blame gnome for hiding things :P01:27
murdokHobbsee, done, thanks01:28
Hobbseeniadh: may well be a drive problem.01:28
Hobbseeer, driver problem01:28
Hobbseemurdok: you're welcome01:28
niadhI'm not quite sure what package to attach it to though.01:29
LimCoreok I will look into it.  What to set as package/project  or where report problems that are system wide? overall in ubuntu design01:29
HobbseeLimCore: against 'ubuntu', and someone will reroute it01:29
Hobbseeniadh: i don't think you'd be able to, yet.01:29
macoLimCore: you can tag it needs-reassignment01:32
* Hobbsee grumbles.01:34
Hobbseethree way merge by hand:  DO NOT WANT!01:34
macoHobbsee: huh?01:35
Hobbseemaco: i'm looking at fixing a few dput bugs.01:35
Hobbseemaco: which appears that it will involve mass cherrypicking, or doing a 3 way merge, by hand.01:36
Hobbseeboth being something I don't really wnat to do :)01:36
macooh ok01:36
RAOFHobbsee: Have you tried _meld_?  I quite like it for 3-way merges.01:37
HobbseeRAOF: not yet.  I might try that.01:37
murdokWhat should I do with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scim-chewing/+bug/5708101:40
murdokIs Dapper still maintained?01:41
crimsunLimCore: that's not an Ubuntu problem.  Blame the manufacturer of audio codecs.01:42
LimCorecrimsun: lack of user friendly guide/wizard.01:42
crimsunUbuntu could, I suppose, attempt to expose "more" mixer elements by default, but then someone will grumble, "oh god, I can't figure which of these sixty elements to change!"01:43
macobugs in packages from hardy-backports should be reported against...what?01:43
hggdhHobbsee, it would be evolution-rss 0.0.801:43
crimsunLimCore: that's because there is no easy way to create a wizard to do so.01:43
Hobbseehggdh: right.  Took a patch elsewhere, got it to build.01:43
macocrimsun: sounds like me using KDE...01:43
Hobbseehggdh: it should be fixed now.01:43
hggdhHobbsee, ok, then we just wait a bit for it to be published01:44
crimsunLimCore: if you'd like to maintain the quirk list for ALSA codecs, go ahead.  You'll discover just why it's an intractable problem.  And it's just going to worsen.01:44
LimCorecrimsun: recording application + visual "osciloscope" + mixer (all options!!!) + hand book + some script to automatically test typical solutions + dmesg01:44
hggdhHobbsee, thanks01:44
Hobbseehggdh: things only get taken out if they're replaced by other bits, or done explicitly.01:44
LimCorecrimsun: such ultimate sound wizard would be a big step ahead; Then, build list (even automatically - inet) list of devices -> neede settings01:45
HobbseeLimCore: code it, then.01:45
crimsunLimCore: you misunderstand the scope of the problem.01:45
hggdhHobbsee, I understand. I was just surprised for a more up-to-date source to be available -- after all it was FTBFS, and should not be there01:45
crimsunLimCore: it's not the feasibility of creating a wizard.  It's the maintenance nightmare.01:45
Hobbseehggdh: it didn't FTBFS on all arches - it passed on hppa and ia6401:45
LimCorecrimsun: it will AID it, not solve all possible quirks and cure cancer01:45
hggdhHobbsee, ah, ok. sorry01:46
Hobbseehggdh: no problem - rmadison and such don't show it.01:46
crimsunLimCore: you still misunderstand the scope.  It's not about aiding; it's about automating.  As you even said above, aiding doesn't cut it.01:46
LimCoreits shure better then knowing that I have to run several applicaitions and then play with mixers to get it fixed.01:46
Hobbseehggdh: you'd probably find https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+builds?build_text= helpful - you can search by package name, status, etc.01:46
LimCorecrimsun: this application will automatically solve IF possible,  and if not, it will give tools to debug the problem.  In both cases, this is better then current "no sound... no information.. just NOTHING"01:47
HobbseeLimCore: by all means, write one then.01:47
HobbseeLimCore: but it's likely to be consistently out of date.01:47
macoLimCore: complaining doesn't get very far. and hobbsee's right about getting out of date quickly01:47
LimCoreonly the automatic solver will need to be updated01:47
hggdhHobbsee, thanks again. How many IOUs do I have now with you? I will never be able to repay all ;-)01:48
Hobbseehggdh: heh :)01:48
Hobbseehggdh: it's good that you want to learn more :)01:48
LimCoreok but this is like 1 month prepartions + 2 months coding for 1-2 person01:48
LimCoreare there some students or something to help01:48
crimsunLimCore: why does there need to be a solver?  Why can't the correct information be provided to a higher layer by the hardware?  That's precisely what is happening, BTW, with our udev work and the alsa-info.sh db.01:49
LimCorecrimsun: usually all is working, only the mixer is badly configured01:49
crimsunLimCore: no, it's far worse.01:49
macoHobbsee: where do bugs in backported packages get reported?  against the package or against something-backports?01:50
Hobbseemaco: erm, i *think* it's something-backports.  check with jdong01:50
LimCorecrimsun: on most boxes I seen, evnetually, after playing wtih mixer, it was working01:50
macojdong: ping01:50
LimCoreso how this works with open source and ubuntu?01:51
macojdong: where do bugs on backported packages go?01:51
LimCoreidea for application, planning etc, and now need people to actually implement it. Any good ubutnu idea on this?01:51
macoLimCore: can't implement anything with a half-thought-out idea and no plan01:52
LimCoremaco: yeap, thats what I written is needed01:52
macoLimCore: "and now need people to actually implement it" ...no, now you need a better idea, fully fleshed-out, with a complete understanding of the depth and breadth of the issue01:53
Hobbseeand actually maintain it.01:53
macoright, that too01:53
macounmaintainable code is bad01:53
macoworks for a day at most, then a bug is reported...and then well, unmaintainable, yay01:53
crimsunLimCore: pay attention to the fact that it's being addressed in a difference manner.01:54
macocrimsun: the different manner being "fixing the drivers"?01:54
crimsunI stated that upstream is using udev hints and a large user-generated troubleshooting database.01:54
LimCorecrimsun: alsa driver automatically sets mixer volumes to reasonable levels or something?01:54
crimsunthat's part of it.01:55
macojdong: nevermind. crimsun told me.01:57
Hobbseehm, well, that was less painful than expected.02:07
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LimCoreexim4 crashed in postconfig... known problem?03:40
LimCorejust once though03:42
Hobbseeif you wanted to know if it was a known problem, why didn't you check hte bugtracker?03:47
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dholbachgood morning07:05
Das_AugeHi, i am new here and would like to help.07:18
Das_AugeI'm not a programmer.07:18
RAOFGah, lack of bot.07:19
dholbachthere's https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs if you'd like to get involved in triaging bugs07:20
RAOFDas_Auge: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu is a good start page for overall contributions.07:20
Das_Augethanks, dholbach and RAOF07:35
dholbachDas_Auge: if you have any other questions, be sure to ask in here :)07:37
Das_AugeHere is my first question: What package is afflicted, if my screen resolution is not detected correctly?07:41
RAOFDepends.  It's most likely to be in your driver package.07:43
dholbachhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingXAutoconfiguration might help too07:44
RAOFhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting will possibly help, particularly the "troubleshooting" link.07:44
dholbachRAOF: do you think that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingXorg and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting could be merged somehow?07:44
RAOFHm.  Perhaps not merged, but X/Reporting should probably link to DebuggingXorg.07:46
dholbachalso the DebuggingXAutoconfiguration link :)07:46
RAOFOh, it does.07:46
dholbachah ok07:47
RAOFInteresting factlet: DebuggingXorg is word-for-word duplicated at X/Backtracing it seems.07:47
dholbach#REDIRECT (or whatever it is called in the NewMoinWorldOrdeR) is your friend :-)07:48
dholbachDas_Auge: the fine people in #ubuntu-x might be able to help too07:48
araHello all! We remember you that today is the first Ubuntu Testing Day!08:16
ara If you want to help with Ubuntu and don't know where to start this is the perfect occasion08:16
arawe will be testing Intrepid Alpha 6 Live sessions, so you won't need to install anything on your systems08:16
araHere you will find the links to the ISO cd images to test: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/20080922#Which%20release%20we%20will%20be%20testing?08:16
aramore information about the testing day can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/UbuntuTestingDay/2008092208:17
arawe will be at #ubuntu-testing all day to answer the questions you might have08:17
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dholbachthekorn: good morning - is http://paste.ubuntu.com/49228 known already?10:14
thekorndholbach: hi, no, never saw this before, let me try to reproduce this10:26
dholbachthekorn: the same with trunk and what's in bughelper-dev ppa10:27
thekorndholbach: works for me, trunk an intrepid package, strange10:27
dholbachhum (hardy here)10:27
dholbachlet me try again10:27
dholbachthekorn: ahh, works with trunk, not with ppa10:29
dholbachthekorn: nevermind then :)10:29
thekornok, will update the package in the PPA then10:30
dholbachrock :)10:30
dholbachthekorn: how's launchpadlib looking?10:31
thekorndholbach: I think lp's API team is making good progress,10:31
thekornbut unfortunatly especially the bug bits are still missing important functionallity like searching for bugs10:32
dholbachoh, I see10:32
dholbachis anybody working on a launchpadlib connector? :)10:33
thekornbut with caching enabled launchpadlib is many times faster than py-lp-bugs10:33
dholbachor do you think there'll be a transition to launchpadlib in the long run?10:33
thekornthe launchpadlib connector I started some time ago is up-to-date regarding bug functionality10:34
dholbachwoah nice10:34
dholbachmore power to thekorn!10:34
thekorndholbach: lp:~thekorn/python-launchpad-bugs/launchpadlib.connector10:34
thekornwell I hope lplib can replace py-lp-bugs at one time,10:35
dholbachyou're really unstoppable10:37
thekornmaybe ;)10:39
thekorndholbach: btw, development around lplib is currently kind of blocked because of bug 239734 ;)10:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239734 in python-httplib2 "[Freeze Exception] python-httplib2 should be upgraded to 0.4.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23973410:41
dholbachthekorn: alright, \sh will surely do the upload soon10:43
thekornyes, that's his plan10:44
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sroeckercould someone please set bug 250425 to critcal?12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250425 in zsnes "zsnes crashes with buffer overflow on startup" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25042512:49
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Hewasac: The abrowser command seems to be broken in 3.0.2+build6+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~asac1 which I got from your ppa. I don't think I should report this under abrowser (Ubuntu) since I believe it started happening with your build. Are you aware of this problem?15:31
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* Hew pings asac, just in case he disconnected earlier15:33
asacHew: what happens?15:53
Hewexec: 118: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/abrowser: not found15:53
asacHew: ok. i think its a glitch that that link is in the firefox-3.0 package. please ensure that you have installed abrowser and abrowser-3.0-branding package15:55
asacHew: in any case: report it and let me know about the LP id15:55
Hewasac: confirmed15:55
asac(against firefox-3.0)15:55
Hewasac: Will do15:55
asacHew: so it gets cured when installing abrowser and abrowser-3.0-branding?15:56
asacHew: post your findings to the bug15:56
Hewasac: I just wasn't sure if I should report it against Ubuntu since it's not a package from the Ubuntu repos15:56
Hewasac: No, I have those packages installed and the command doesn't work15:56
Hewasac: 'firefox' starts abrowser fine though15:56
HewI think it's to do with symlinks15:57
asacHew: yeah15:57
nullackasac : Hi :) Im a bit concerned about gnome's schedule with the final 2.24 release being close and some NM 0.7 bugs not seeming to be getting upstream fixes15:57
asacnullack: which bugs?15:57
nullackasac : Ill look up one sec pls15:57
seb128network-manager is not following the GNOME schedule15:58
asacmost likely they follow fedora schedule ;)15:58
nullackBug #25874315:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258743 in network-manager "NM 0.7 Fails To Set Custom MTU" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25874315:59
nullackBug #25605415:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 256054 in network-manager "[intrepid] new 0.7 branch ignores /etc/network/interfaces" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25605415:59
nullackseb128 : Hi :) Good to know theres more time15:59
seb128and intrepid will get GNOME 2.24.1 anyway16:00
nullackseb128 : saw you posting intrepid updates on sunday :) your a machine my friend !16:00
seb128I try to not working the weekend but a new stable GNOME version is a good reason for a small exception ;-)16:00
asacnullack: 256054 is something we have to fix here - though the ifupdown plugin landed upstream, i cant convince enough people to drop ifupdown ;) ... so we need a special system-config plugin that blacklists devices in ENI16:01
asacnullack: can you code C?16:01
nullackseb128 : is libenchat  motu package? I saw the gramps people have got a workaround16:01
seb128no it's not16:01
nullackasac a little but Im not good, Im much better at consulting and testing16:01
seb128things which are in the default installation are not in universe16:01
asacnullack: the MTU fix is probably simple.16:02
asaclike dan suggests in the bug16:02
nullackasac Ill look at it, I fixed some problems in a motu package with my first debdiffdoing a patch so Ill try on nm0.716:02
nullackseb128 whos the libenchant maintaner for ubuntu?16:03
nullackwant me to report it upstream then?16:04
seb128too many packages not enough people, nobody is actively working on this one16:04
seb128that would be nice indeed16:04
nullackI will do that and bugwatch it16:04
asacnullack: first thing you could try is to upgrade to latest upstream snapshot16:06
asacnullack: with some luck its just one command16:06
asacnullack: if you tell me that the MTU is still not fixed i can probably do the patch16:06
nullackppa? Or do I grab their svn head and compile?16:06
asacnullack: no ...  for a quick test you get the ubuntu.0.7 branch from https://code.launchpad.net/network-manager-applet16:07
asacthen do a bzr merge lp:network-manager-applet16:07
nullackasac thanks16:08
asacand then bzr bd --merge --native --builder='debuild -b'16:08
asacand then bzr bd --merge --native --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b'16:08
asacnullack: of course only if the merge worked without a conflict16:08
nullackOfcourse, debian/ubuntu patches are ontop of their trunk16:09
asacshouldnt be that many patches16:09
asacapplet should merge well16:10
asacnot sure if NM changed dbus api and some features are broken ... but you will surely see16:10
nullackIts 1;10am here now, I can test by tonight and provide feedback16:11
nullackNight all16:11
asacnullack: for the log ... the above bzr bd commands are _without_ --merge16:13
nullackIll resave the transc ript thx for letting me know16:13
dholbachthekorn: another thing I just noticed in bug activity logs: sometimes some elements seem to be missing from .activity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/4932516:16
dholbach(note the 'added subscrriber Ubuntu Sponsors for universe' in the first bug report, but not the second one)16:16
Hewasac: bug 27317016:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273170 in firefox-3.0 "abrowser and firefox-3.0 commands don't work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27317016:17
dholbachthekorn: should I file a bug?16:19
thekorndholbach, for me it looks like a bug in launchpad, the subscription of -sponsors is not on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/271080/+activity16:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 271080 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_loop_run() (dup-of: 252174)" [Undecided,New]16:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Triaged]16:19
dholbachhang on16:20
dholbachthekorn: no... it's definitely a bug in dholbach - I used the wrong bug number16:21
dholbachexcusez-moi :)16:21
asacHew: thanks. triaged16:30
Hewasac: Cool, thank you :-)16:31
bdmurraymvo: did you the maintainer script failure e-mail?16:55
mvohey bdmurray!16:57
mvobdmurray: yes, but have not done anything about it yet16:57
macoanyone ever see launchpad saying ____ package not published in ubuntu?17:19
macoi'm trying to mark bug 272300 for madwifi since that's the driver in use, but it says "madwifi package not published in Ubuntu"...even though Launchpad shows it in the search17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272300 in network-manager "Networkmanager 0.7 cannot reconnect after resume " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27230017:30
bdmurraymaco: madwifi seems to be a driver in l-r-m for 2.6.24 and may have switched to something else in 2.6.2717:36
ograits still in l-r-m17:37
ograthough its suposed to be replaced by ath5k17:37
ograwhich is the free driver but doesnt work on all devices yet17:37
macobdmurray: oh ok. why is there still a madwifi source package?  i'm confused.17:43
macoer, ok i'm not sure what package it goes with in intrepid then. because there's no l-r-m-2.6.27 with the way things were rearranged.17:46
ograi'm just instaling l-r-m here17:47
ograon intrepid17:48
ograthere is definately one17:48
macois it named something else?17:48
macowait, is it *just* l-r-m with no kernel version number at the end?17:48
ogralinux-restricted-modules 2.6.27-4.517:49
ograis the latest17:49
bdmurraythe package in lp is just l-r-m now17:49
bdmurraysimilar to how there is just linux instead of linux-2.6.2717:50
ograthe binaries are linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-4-generic, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.27-4-server and linux-restricted-modules-common17:50
macoi see17:50
macothanks guys17:50
macoare bugs regarding gstreamer's video playback's interaction with compositing considered the driver's fault, compiz's fault, or gstreamer's fault?18:00
bdmurraymaco: I think it is the video driver but it'd be best to check in #ubuntu-x18:00
joumetalIs cve-2008-0123 right for bug 272221?18:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272221 in moodle "Vulnerable version of Moodle (1.8.2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27222118:03
macocan someone mark bug 273112 wishlist, please?18:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273112 in amarok "Amarok should make it easier to find and delete Various Artists albums on portable players" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27311218:15
pwnguinarg. apport feels like punishment18:20
pwnguin"a program has crashed. please spend the next five minutes in cpu crunch18:21
macoapport annoys me. "something crashed! please enter your password to find out what.  oh and look, it's not even an ubuntu-packaged app, so it can't go to launchpad anyway" -_-18:23
macoor rather, "please enter your password to make this annoying bubble go away" since generally it's fairly obvious exactly what crashed18:24
macocan there be an "i don't care" button?18:24
greg-gthe don't report crashes from this application again button18:24
macooo that exists? ok. i think i disabled apport to make it go away.18:25
greg-gor that18:26
macois that button before or after it asks if you want to see the crash report and asks for the password?18:26
greg-gand apport isn't enabled in the released verion of Ubuntu, afaik18:26
greg-gI don't ever remember entering a password for apport18:26
greg-gis this intrepid?18:26
* greg-g isn't using intrepid yet18:26
macobecause my thinking is first say what crashed, have "show report" "ignore" buttons and if they hit "show report" *then* ask for password. right now, it's password first, questions later18:27
macoi haven't tried intrepid yet. going through bug reports is scaring me off from it :P18:27
macothere's also the part where intrepid won't be adding any new hardware support for me.  2 pieces of hardware with out-of-tree drivers, but they'll have to wait for jaunty18:29
macohardy works well for me18:29
jcastropedro_: we're doing an OOo hugday this week right?19:53
bdmurrayjcastro: we've been talking about update-manager since more people are upgrading with Alpha 6 out19:55
bdmurrayMaybe having 2 a week is a good idea with the release imminent19:55
jcastrovirt-manager is sucking, 74 open bugs, zero reported upstream.19:56
jcastroso that could be a target if you guys still need them. :D19:56
bdmurrayI don't think we are out of things to work on. ;)19:56
chrisccoulsonping pedro_19:56
pedro_mm what about september 29?19:56
pedro_is there anything planned for that day?19:57
pedro_mmm september 30 sorry19:57
bdmurrayno, that would work.  tomorrow is testing day right?19:57
pedro_we can have an OOo on 30 and a Firefox one the 0219:57
pedro_chrisccoulson: hello19:57
bdmurraysounds good to me19:58
macobdmurray: today's testing day, i thought19:58
pedro_sounds like a plan then19:58
chrisccoulsonhi pedro_, i just noticed you closed bug 272510, asking the reporter to submit a crash report19:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272510 in gnome-panel "gnome panel crashes and no way to restart it without console" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27251019:58
chrisccoulsoni don't think the reporter is going to be successful though.19:58
macobdmurray: calendar too full?19:58
chrisccoulsonit doesn't appear that gnome-panel is crashing, but he says it hangs and he has to kill it manually19:58
pedro_chrisccoulson: well let's see, we need a backtrace anyways19:58
bdmurraymaco: seems so19:59
pedro_chrisccoulson: ok so if it hangs he can also get a backtrace of that19:59
pedro_chrisccoulson: not with apport but gdb can help there19:59
chrisccoulsonno problem. i'll point him to the wiki page for obtaining a backtrace19:59
pedro_chrisccoulson: rock on20:00
bdmurraypedro_: any ideas about - http://pastebin.osuosl.org/2212320:01
bdmurrayI see that in /var/log/auth.log every time I log in20:02
pedro_bdmurray: looks like bug http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55075620:04
ubottuGnome bug 550756 in general "gnome-keyring-daemon blocks session startup on exported home directories" [Blocker,Unconfirmed]20:04
* pedro_ screams at macbook center20:05
bdmurrayI think I saw that one but I've no ldap or nfs20:05
pedro_my laptop is there for about 2 weeks and they still don't have news about it "sorry we don't know what's the issue with it" dammit!"ยท20:05
bdmurraythat's no good20:07
bdmurraypedro_: I saw a Mandriva bug that looked similar - https://qa.mandriva.com/show_bug.cgi?id=4206620:09
ubottuqa.mandriva.com bug 42066 in Core Packages "inter-process communication errors" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]20:09
jcastrobdmurray: Mr. QueryMaster - is there an easy way to find bugs that are linked to debian that are fixed but not fixed in ubuntu?20:15
jcastrobdmurray: or do you think they show up in harvest?20:16
MarkusLi've got this straaange problem which i think is a bug since trying kernel 2.6.27 (w/ and w/o intrepid) on my aspire one.20:16
jcastrobdmurray: nevermind, they show up in harvest. (whew!)20:16
MarkusLi can't establish tcp connections through my nat router (which is a veeery old zyxel p310). ping, udp works, but tcp just sends a syn w/o answer until it fails.20:17
MarkusLolder kernels work fine, other places using wrt54g/openwrt als nat router work, too.20:18
MarkusLwireless/wired doesn't matter.20:19
MarkusLoh well, i just found the solution. setting tcp_sack to 0 makes things work. now i just gotta find out why...20:29
chrisccoulson hi, does anyone know the significance of this kernel message: "Aperture beyond 4GB. Ignoring."21:26
murdokCould someone change the importance of bug #271097 to its appropiate?21:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271097 in network-manager "wireless password is not being saved (intrepid)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27109721:26
hggdhmurdok, what would be the importance?21:40
murdokI'm not sure between medium and high.21:41
hggdhOK. A question -- what would the reporters have on their keyring? What keyring is in use (searhorse/Edit/Preferences)?21:43
hggdhmurdok, ^^21:43
hggdhmurdok, another point, FWIW: I have no problems...21:43
murdokhggdh: are you asking me? :?21:45
hggdhmurdok, well, yes, you are asking to set the importance on the bug, I assumed you were working on it21:45
murdokno, I just confirmed it21:45
murdokhggdh: thx!21:52
mrooneyis a bug in the applications menu against gnome-panel?22:29
mrooneyor would that belong in one of the applets packages of gnome-panel?22:30
pochumrooney: what's the bug?22:31
mrooneybug 19666622:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196666 in ubuntu "programing menu is not visible when occupied only with python(2.5) and umbrello" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19666622:32
pochumrooney: I would blame compiz but I may well be wrong22:35
mrooneypochu: I don't see how it could be compiz since he says any other combination of items works fine22:36
pochugood point22:38
pochumrooney: I'd ask him to run desktop-file-validate in the two .desktop files22:38
pochuperhaps there's something weird with one of them22:38
mrooneypochu: could be but it is still a bug in gnome-panel I think since it should handle invalid .desktop files in a better way than a white box :)22:39
mrooneypochu: though it would be good to find out I agree, how could I tell him to locate the desktop files?22:40
pochumrooney: they should be in /usr/share/applications/22:40
macois the fact that i'm seeing two months' little calendars showing in the left-side of evolution instead of the usual 1 little month calendar a bug, or is that a new feature?22:45
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
maconevermind, feature apparently.22:57

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