
RAOFI've recieved some FTBFS mail from xserver-xorg-video-intel on {hppa,ia64,sparc,powerpc}.  But these archs aren't specified in the -intel Arch: list; why have the builds been queued at all?01:17
TheMusoRAOF: Very good question.01:19
HobbseeRAOF: because soyuz doesn't use it?01:21
HobbseeRAOF: it needs to be put in p-a-s, afaik01:21
jcristauit is in p-a-s01:21
RAOFAnother question would be why these archs _aren't_ on the arch list, because it appears to build fine.01:21
RAOFUntil the binary-arch target gets called with DH_OPTIONS-01:22
RAOFUntil the binary-arch target gets called with DH_OPTIONS=-s, and dh_* complains that $ARCH isn't on the arch list.01:22
jcristauRAOF: if you have an intel graphics chip on powerpc, i want to see it01:22
RAOFAh.  _That's_ why it's not on the arch list? :)01:23
RAOFFair crack o' the whip01:23
Hobbseedrat.  merges.ubuntu.com isn't working.01:29
Hobbseecjwatson: can you poke it into working, please?  :)01:31
cjwatsonno (as in no access to do so). Ask Keybuk when he gets back from travelling or doko when he gets back from sick leave01:32
Hobbseeokay, will do, thanks.01:33
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dholbachgood morning07:05
dholbachbryce: do you think you could comment on bug 272145 and subscribe ubuntu-archive if that's OK?07:11
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didrocksdholbach: hi \o/09:33
dholbachhi didrocks :)09:33
didrocksdholbach: do you know when the next EMEA membership meeting will be attending as the previous one has been canceled (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA)09:34
dholbachdidrocks: no, no idea - it might be worth mailing the regional board about it09:34
didrocksdholbach: I wasn't aware of a dedicated ML for that. Thanks, I will look for it :)09:36
dholbachI think there is, if there isn't mail the members of the board :)09:36
didrocksfound it, LP was my friend. Thanks Daniel :)09:37
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stefanlsddidrocks: let me know if u have any luck from that, i was also sheduled to attend..10:35
* soren wuold like to request some archive admin love for ec2-init (source NEW in Intrepid)10:42
dholbachhiya soren10:43
highvoltagehiya soren10:47
sorenhi, guys. :)10:47
* ogra wonders why he just read "Totem BBQ plugin" in cjwatson's last mail ... its not even lunchtime 10:48
jussi01ogra: nice one :P10:49
didrocksstefanlsd: ok. I will keep you in touch11:12
ogracjwatson, is there any special code thats not in the livecd-rootfs package on cdimage that prevents recommends from being processed for the squashfs ? i'm getting weird errors trying to build a local ubuntu-mobile image with the livecd-rootfs from the archive (mono-common installing binfmt-support which prevents proc from unmounting)11:40
cjwatsonogra: I think it just relies on apt for that11:40
ograbut uses recommends ?11:40
cjwatsonogra: cdimage doesn't have a separate livecd-rootfs package - it just uses what's in the archive11:40
cjwatsonit should use recommends, but it may depend on the base system you use11:41
ograwhy do we get proper livecds then ? it should expose the same issue11:41
cjwatsonbecause it relies on the base system's apt11:41
cjwatsonif you're building on a hardy system then it won't work11:41
ograaaah !!!11:41
cjwatsonour live filesystem builds use a chroot-in-chroot approach; intrepid live filesystems are built starting from an intrepid chroot11:41
cjwatsonso you'll need to do the same11:42
ograyou mean from a hardy chroot ?11:42
cjwatsonintrepid live filesystems are not built from a hardy chroot, no ...11:42
cjwatsonthough if you're building a hardy filesystem, sure, use a hardy chroot11:42
ograno, i'm building intrepid on an intrepid system11:43
ograwhich makes it indeed install recommends ...11:43
cjwatsonwell, that's as designed. However, we should make livecd-rootfs cope with binfmt-support being installed11:44
ograand in turn pulls binfmt-support in from mono-common ... which prevents unmounting proc ... if we use an intrepid chroot on cdimage that should happen there as well, no ?11:44
cjwatsonthat's easy and I'll fix it now11:44
ograyeah, indeed11:44
ograbut i wonder why we get proper livefs'es11:44
cjwatsonbinfmt-support is installed in our live filesystems11:44
ograthat recommends exists since ages ... and should apply there as well11:45
ograwhy does it block here then ?11:45
* ogra scratches head11:45
cjwatsonhowever, because the livefs buildds are running on a hardy kernel without the binfmt_misc module loaded, binfmt-support fails to mount /proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc11:45
ograaha !11:45
ograok, thats clear11:45
* ogra hacks around that for his local testbuilds for now ... 11:47
cjwatsonI've committed a fix to livecd-rootfs bzr11:47
ograhmm, doesnt that need to go into "cleanup" as well ?11:50
cjwatsonno, cleanup looks at the MOUNTS variable set out there11:51
ograah, k11:51
cjwatsonin fact it's the only thing MOUNTS is used for ...11:51
cjwatsonI'll move that up to cleanup for clarity11:51
loolcjwatson: Ah thanks for the explanation and the quick fix12:04
loolDidn't think of the kernel not allowing binfmt12:04
* ogra sighs ... if i now would get uncorrupt packages files from the archive i could actally make use of the fix ... 12:05
cjwatsonI uploaded livecd-rootfs with that, btw12:07
* ogra saw that, thanks12:08
ograbut somehow i always get corrupt Packages files atm12:08
* ogra goes to make a coffee hoping the issue resolves itself inbetween12:09
ograah, better :)12:16
* ogra grumbles ... its all seb128's fault ...12:28
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:29
ogra  ubuntu-mobile: Depends: nautilus but it is not going to be installed12:29
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ograseems i have to spend my day with twiddling thumbs ....12:29
loologra: Can't we fix this with some rebuilds?12:34
ogralool, i think i just have to wait until all nautilus builds are there12:34
ogranautilus-cd-burner, nautilus-share and nautilus have to be there together ... likely only one has built yet12:35
loolnautilus is only missing on hppa12:35
loolncb is at 2.23.90 on all arches12:36
ogranautilus-cd-burner ainst uploaded ...12:36
loologra: We can fix that too  :-P12:37
ograi'm not sure i want to fiddle in sebs area and break stuff12:38
torkellool: by cloning seb128, so he uploads stuff faster?12:38
loologra: Actually we're up-to-date in terms of ncb; latest is 2.23.9012:39
seb128what is broken on what architecture?12:39
seb128there is no update breaking nautilus12:39
ograThe following packages have unmet dependencies:12:39
ogra  ubuntu-mobile: Depends: nautilus but it is not going to be installed12:39
ogra                 Depends: nautilus-cd-burner but it is not going to be installed12:39
ogra                 Recommends: nautilus-share but it is not going to be installed12:39
seb128I mean it's not waiting on other updates12:40
loologra: What's the reason for the uninstallability?12:40
ogratrying to build a livefs here12:40
seb128sudo apt-get install nautilus12:40
ograseb128, lpia12:40
loologra: Try apt-get install nautilus nautilus-cd-burner nautilus-share12:40
seb128I guess it's an arch all any mismatch during the time between the i386 and lpia builds12:40
seb128should be autosolved in the next run12:40
ograyeah, thats what i expected12:41
ogralool, btw: nautilus: Depends: nautilus-data (>= 1:2.24) but 1:2.23.92-0ubuntu1 is to be installed12:46
ograjust a sync prob12:47
seb128it built on i386 and lpia so next published run should fix the issue12:50
seb128try updating that might already be fixed now12:50
pochucjwatson: hi. do you know if the "Generating server key" dialog in totem is from the new BBC plugin?12:51
cjwatsonpochu: it's not12:51
cjwatsonI don't see that string anywhere in the totem source12:51
ograseb128, trying every 10 mins anyway ... i have a looping script :)12:52
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loolHmm lots of DEBUG output in my .xsession-errors; don't think it's my doing to turn this on12:57
pochusame here12:57
loolx session manager stuff12:57
james_wlool: I believe the last gnome-session upload turned that off12:58
loolah just need to re-login, thanks12:58
looli was trying to find out what's happening to the totem bbc plugin12:58
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ograyippie, finally all in sync13:06
* ogra watches his livefs build going on13:06
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siretartany reason why we call halt on shutdown with -i? This causes the network interfaces to be shut down with the consequence that this breaks wol and iscsi (at least this was just reported to me)13:52
siretartcf. bug #7141813:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 71418 in sysvinit "/etc/init.d/(halt|reboot) disables WoL" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7141813:52
ograwe dot want iscsi and wol users ... they just file new bugs :P13:53
liwwhat is wol?13:53
ograwake on laugh13:53
liwah, wake-on-lan?13:54
siretartogra: I take that as a joke, yes?13:54
siretartliw: right13:54
ograsiretart, indeed13:54
siretartTBH, I see no reason to do that, and I'm inclined to just change the default in sysvinit.13:57
ograi'd agree, but probably ask Keybuk ...13:58
siretartkeyb<tab><tab>: ^^13:59
ograhe is likely jetlagged13:59
liwKeybuk is likely to just replace shutdown with a new program, called downstop14:00
pittihello everyone14:06
geserHi pitti14:06
ograwelcome back pitti14:06
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rgreeninghey all. I was going to work on packaging compiz 0.7.8. Anyone willing to take my diff and build/upload once done? :) (Assuming we can put 0.7.8 in Intrepid).15:04
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* ogra scratches head why evolution and epiphany get installed in ubuntu-mobile15:30
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rom1vwill flash player 10 in default repositories in intrepid?15:34
rom1vI know it's a RC, but it supported pulseaudio and should avoir some crashes of firefox15:35
rom1vs/supported/supports natively/15:35
ograseems totem-mozilla pulls in epiphany instead of using the "Provides: www-browser" entry from midbrowser15:48
ograat least thats my only idea ...15:48
seb128ogra: Recommends: epiphany-browser | www-browser15:50
ograseb128, yeah15:50
ograbut thats the only connection i see to epiphany at all in the seed15:50
ogramidbrowser should fulfll www-browser"15:50
seb128well, try to apt-get install using -o Debug::something15:51
seb128mvo can tell you the something to use ;-)15:51
ograi need a clean chroot first i guess15:52
mvoogra: apt-get install -o debug::pkgdepcache::autoinstall=true15:52
mvoogra: (or dist-upgrade of course)15:52
rom1vwill flash player 10 integrated in intrepid (medibuntu)?15:53
kirklandI'm hoping someone can provide me some background that I'm missing... I've heard multiple times now that there's efforts and hope inside of Ubuntu to do away with group-based permissions for devices.  pitti and mdz said as much in Bug #156085 ...  What's the reasoning and rationale for this?  Is it documented somewhere in the wiki?15:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156085 in qemu "Could not open /proc/bus/usb/devices" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15608515:58
ogramvo, hmm, no epiphany-borwser in there15:59
ograhow the heck does it get into the image ...16:00
mvoogra: if you give me instructions what to look for (or how to reproduce etc) I can investigate16:02
ogramvo, well, i just test the ubuntu-mobile liveimage (locally built using a modified livecd-rootfs)16:03
ograand somehow epi shows up in there16:03
ograthe only thing i see in the seed that could even remotely cause that is totem-mozilla that has  Recommends: epiphany-browser | www-browser ... though midbrowser is in the seed and provides www-browser16:05
* ogra waits for the publisher run to build a new image 16:06
mvoogra: is it possible that install ordering plays a role here? i.e. that before midbrowser gets "markedInstall()" totem-mozilla is processed?16:07
ograit might be16:07
ograi have moved totem-mozilla to the very bottom of the seed file, but according to cjwatson that cant happen16:07
ograwe discussed such cases before16:08
cjwatsonseeds shouldn't significantly influence the order in which apt does the marking16:08
ograi just noticed there was still a task header in the seed file pointing to ubuntu-desktop ...16:08
ograthough i dont see how that could pull in epi either16:08
cjwatsonthe only way in which they could influence it would be by way of making the Packages file look different (e.g. the list of dependencies of a metapackage)16:08
cjwatsonseed *ordering* has absolutely no effect on apt, either way16:09
ogracould the leftover task stuff have any influence ?16:09
ogra-Task-Key: ubuntu-desktop16:09
ogra-Task-Seeds: desktop-common16:09
ograi just dropped this now16:09
cjwatsonI can't imagine how16:09
cjwatsonthat affects tasksel, and the Task-Seeds has some effect on germinate's resolution algorithm, but that's all; neither of those are seen by apt16:10
cjwatsoncan I see the build log?16:10
ograno, i dont have one16:11
ograi wait for the publisher to promote the last ubuntu-mobile-default-settings, then i can do a new build and will log it16:11
ograthat should reveal something i hope16:12
cjwatsonthis is the sort of situation that has revealed bugs in apt in the past; unfortunately they tend to be very very subtle bugs in the sort of area where if you change it you break the rest of the distro16:15
ograwell, i wouldnt have a prob to apply a hack that removes epi if ubuntu-mobile is used in livecd-rootfs for the moment16:16
ograif the above would be the actul case16:17
ograbut first lets see whats going on16:17
* ogra pokes the publisher ... go ... copy to archive ... 16:17
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yao_ziyuanintrepid's pidgin 2.5.1 has a bug related to "smooth scrolling"16:31
yao_ziyuanwhen it is enabled (it is, by default), the scrolling may not catch up with text flows in an irc channel16:32
_Zeus_can't confirm16:32
yao_ziyuanuse intrepid alpha 6's pidgin to watch #wikipedia16:33
yao_ziyuanit's very hot right now16:33
seb128bugs should go on launchpad16:33
yao_ziyuanjust disable smooth scrolling and the bug is gone16:34
_Zeus_im in #ubuntu16:37
_Zeus_yeah, sorry, i can't duplicate it16:38
ograyay, finally the publisher has run17:16
* ogra starts a new build17:16
cjwatsontoday is one of those days when I wish I *really* understood termios17:55
cjwatson(bug 273189)17:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273189 in console-setup "non-ascii layout/encoding problems at "login" line" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27318917:55
cjwatsonah, this is what Stevens is for17:59
ogracjwatson, hrm, looks like me removing the Task stuff from the seed http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/mobile.intrepid/revision/1307 results in the metapackage to fall apart http://paste.ubuntu.com/49371/18:00
cjwatsonerr, yeah, you probably ought to talk to me *before* removing Task headers from seeds ;-)18:01
* ogra doesnt get why ... the mid seed doest have that section either18:01
ograwell, its bzr ... easily reverted18:01
ograbut i wonder why that didnt happen with mid18:01
cjwatsonwell, it depends what you want to happen18:01
cjwatsonthe stuff you had in the seeds said "please include everything in the desktop-common seed in this task"18:01
ograi just found it not appropriate ... sine most of mobile duplicates desktop18:02
cjwatsonby removing it, you have said that you no longer want that to happen, and germinate-update-metapackage is acting accordingly18:02
cjwatsonit's not removing the entirety of your seed by any means18:02
cjwatsonbut if you want the stuff in desktop-common (NOTE THIS IS NOT DESKTOP) then you should leave it in; if you don't, you should remove it18:02
ograno, just the stuff from desktop-common, i see18:02
ograso i leave that one line ?18:02
ograor the whole stuff from the top ?18:03
cjwatsonthe Task-Key: ubuntu-desktop was probably wrong, but you should replace it with a different key package, not remove it18:03
* ogra fixes18:03
cjwatsonthe point of Task-Key is to say that the task should only be displayed by tasksel if that package is present18:03
cjwatsonif you remove it, then your task will appear on all installation media, which you don't want ;)18:03
ograi'll change it to ubuntu-mobile instead18:04
cjwatsonyes, that's reasonable18:04
tkamppeterpitti, hi18:22
mathiazslangasek: hi - is the daily -server iso creation enabled again ? The last daily iso available on cdimage is 20080917.18:47
mathiazradix: hi - I'm looking at bug 268765 - I'm not sure that an hourly cron job is necessary. Would a daily cron job be enough ?18:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268765 in landscape-client "landscape-client must have a cron job for updating smart package data" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26876518:56
mvohourly would certainly be more friendly to the servers and mirrors18:59
mvoeh, I mean, "daily would ..."19:00
mathiazmvo: how often is update-notifier run ?19:00
mvomathiaz: daily19:03
slangasekmathiaz: mmm, re-enabled now19:12
slangasekmathiaz: sorry, I think that was overlooked because I was waiting to hear back from mythbuntu19:13
slangaseksuperm1: ping19:13
superm1slangasek, yup disks looked good19:13
slangaseksuperm1: "disks" - 20080921?  I should push these as alpha-6 alternates?19:14
superm1that's the one i used19:14
slangaseksuperm1: published, cheers19:23
superm1thank slangasek19:24
slytherinHi all. Can anyone please tell me whet is the reason daily builds are not done post alpha6?19:25
slangaseka delay in turning the cronjob back on, while waiting for one of the flavors to catch up19:29
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slytherinslangasek: which flavor? lpia?19:35
slangasekflavor, not architecture; it was mythbuntu.19:35
slytherinslangasek: so when can I expect new daily build?19:35
slangasekwithin 24h19:36
slytherincool. Thanks19:36
slytherinBy the way, any idea why OOo is failing to build again for powerpc?19:36
slangasekwell apparently, because it doesn't build on anything but x86 now19:39
slangasekERROR: error 65280 occurred while making /build/buildd/openoffice.org-2.4.1/ooo-build/build/OOH680_m17/bean/native/unix19:42
slangasekthat's the ppc failure19:42
slangasek/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ljawt19:43
slangasekand that's the root error19:43
slytherinlooks something related to java, but have no idea why it is not failing on 386 for same reason.19:57
slytherinslangasek: just a hint, probably doko has more clue. The failure might be related to the fact that default-jdk on powerpc points to cacao and not openjdk.20:02
mathiazslangasek: what do you think about asking openldap administrators if they want to convert slapd.d/ (as suggested in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/motu-council/2008-September/001528.html) ?20:23
slangasekmathiaz: what's the alternative to converting, if they say no?  I didn't think the code was still present to manage the package elsewise?20:25
mathiazslangasek: right - if they say no, slapd/no_configuration could be set to no20:26
slangasekwell, ok20:26
mathiazslangasek: and basically none of the maintainers script would run20:26
slangasekin that case, this should be made very clear in the prompt20:27
slangasekbut for my part, I don't think a question is /needed/20:27
mathiazslangasek: considering that there is slapd/no_configuration, the advanced sysadmin could set it to no before doing the upgrade20:28
slangasekI certainly disagree that the config file format is an "essential decision" to be left in admins hands20:29
mathiazslangasek: ok - so I'll make sure that slapd/no_configuration won't run any maintainer script.20:29
slangasekisn't that already the case?20:30
mathiazslangasek: I think so.20:30
slangasekjdstrand: I think we need to put our heads together on bug #270328 at some point; it looks like we have some very bad interaction between auth-client-config and pam-auth-update, and I think auth-client-config probably needs to be commenting out more than it currently does20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270328 in pam "libpam-runtime uninitialized values" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27032820:33
jdstrandslangasek: what do you think needs to be commented out? it corrently comments out non-comments in a distinctive way20:34
slangasekjdstrand: it needs to comment out the comments :-)20:35
jdstrandslangasek: well, that is quite a change I think...20:35
slangasekjdstrand: there are certain comment lines that pam-auth-update uses as sentinels, and if they're not commented out, pam-auth-update will obliviously continue to update20:35
jdstrandslangasek: wouldn't it be easier to just check for pre_auth-client-config?20:36
slangasekthe user in the bug report did: upgrade to new pam and get the pam-auth-update setup; run auth-client-config (somehow, even though he didn't know it); then upgrade something that triggered pam-auth-update again and broke the world20:36
slangasekwell, currently pam-auth-update treats any of those lines verbatim20:37
slangasekI guess we could argue about which tool's responsibility it is to parse comments ;)20:37
jdstrandslangasek: I am not totally up on the pam-auth-update mechanism, but it seems the problem was the 3rd step20:37
jdstrandslangasek: it didn't honor changes made by the user via auth-client-config20:38
jdstrand(side-stepping the fact that the user didn't know he did that)20:38
jdstrandslangasek: but, maybe I don't see the whole picture...20:38
jdstrands/user/user claims he/20:39
slangasekwell, I'm arguing that auth-client-config should be the tool that stops the third step from destructively munging stuff, rather than asking pam-auth-update to recognize auth-client-config specifically20:39
jdstrandslangasek: I can see that, but I can also see that it the user uses a tool to update his pam config, then it is conceptually the same as the user doing it without the tool20:41
jdstrandslangasek: and pam-auth-update should detect that, no?20:41
mathiazslangasek: hm - manual_configuration_wanted is only called with a new install is made - not in postinst_upgrade_configuration.20:41
slangasekcan you propose a method for detecting it reliably?20:41
jdstrandslangasek: yes-- grep for pre_auth-client-config20:42
slangasekjdstrand: er, no20:42
slangasekjdstrand: a method for detecting reliably /that a user has updated his config without the tool/ that will break things20:42
jdstrandslangasek: no-- like I said I don't know the pam-auth-update system20:43
jdstrandslangasek: but I was talking conceptually20:43
slangasekjdstrand: the assumption that pam-auth-update makes is that if the magic comments are present, everything between them is to be managed by pam-auth-update20:43
jdstrandie, the admin actively did it as opposed to packaging, etc20:43
slangasekright; and conceptually, pam-auth-update currently treats the two cases the same - if you comment out these lines, using auth-client-config or by hand, things will break ;)20:44
jdstrandslangasek: so you look for the sentinel, if it is there, you (effectively do a) sed?20:45
jdstrandslangasek: so non-matching 'sed' lines are ignored?20:46
jdstrand(left in)20:47
slangasekwell, it's not exactly line-based so the analogy breaks down somewhat; but yes20:47
slangasekthere's actually a whole block that's left untouched, with the expectation that it's provided by the template and doesn't require management20:47
jdstrandslangasek: so if a user is reckless and doesn't remove the sentinels but adjusts by hand, is there detection for that?20:48
slangasekand then there's a block which is parsed and then overwritten20:48
slangasekno; if there were detection for that, we shouldn't need sentinels...20:48
jdstrandslangasek: so you are asking if I could also comment out the sentinels?20:48
* ogra cries20:50
jdstrandslangasek: this is likely not something I can do well before beta20:51
jdstrandslangasek: it will likely require quite a bit of testing20:52
slangasekjdstrand: do you agree with it in principle, or should I find a different approach?20:52
jdstrandslangasek: I'm not sure I agree-- cause it only fixes part of the problem-- a reckless user still gets in trouble20:52
jdstrandslangasek: is it possible to compare what you expect to be there with what is there?20:53
slangasekonly by encoding the information about that block in places I didn't want to have it20:53
slangasekthe intention was to have this section managed entirely via the template20:53
* jdstrand thinks20:54
jdstrandslangasek: is there some sort of a hook you use to call the pam-auth-update mechanism?20:57
slangasekit's called from maintainer scripts of packages which provide PAM modules20:58
jdstrandslangasek: btw, a quick way to fix this for beta is to scan for that string I mentioned, until a proper solution is found20:58
slangasekand may end up in the System->Administration menu for intrepid if all goes well20:58
slangasekjdstrand: I'm not sure why having pam-auth-update scan for that string is any quicker or less error-prone than having auth-client-config modify the sentinel comments :-)20:59
jdstrandslangasek: I was just thinking maybe something could be done in preinst-- before anything is unpacked, to try to capture the current state of things20:59
slangasekthe preinst of what?20:59
jdstrandthe packages being updated. but this is more 'thinking out loud' to fix the 'reckless user' scenario21:01
slangasekthere shouldn't be any need to resort to a preinst21:01
slangaseksince the only thing touching the config is pam-auth-update itself, which could save the state; but I don't think that's the issue, we want to keep the config from getting broken, not just save a copy of the good config :-)21:02
jdstrandslangasek: right-- but if the saved state is not what you expect it to be, then you've caught your reckless user, haven't you?21:03
slangasekoh, you're asking to save the template block21:03
jdstrandI'm not suggesting anything, other than thinking of a way to detect user changes21:03
jdstrandtrying to think of a way...21:04
slangasekI think I'd almost rather have pam-auth-update know directly what pam modules are supposed to be in that block, hmm21:04
slangasekwhich isn't a good idea, for $handwavy_reason21:04
jdstrandslangasek: is it fair to say that auth-client-config cannot be used with the new pam framework?21:10
slangasekjdstrand: the config needs to be controlled by one or the other; they don't play well together21:10
jdstrandslangasek: meaning, a user prefers to use auth-client-config21:10
slangasekgiven that a-c-c comments out key bits of the pam-auth-update stack :-)21:10
jdstrandbut a user can't really choose to use auth-client-config anymore-- as pam-auth-update is in packaging21:11
slangasekbut, /if/ pam-auth-update detects "manual" editing of the file (like, the sentinel comments have gone away), the next pam-auth-update call will ask a one-time question of whether the user wants to overwrite21:11
slangasek(defaulting to 'no')21:11
jdstrandslangasek: yes, and I see that I can make auth-client-config work by doing that. I just wonder about other tools, homegrown scripts, admins, etc21:12
slangasekanything that overwrites the PAM config completely will be detected by pam-auth-update21:13
* jdstrand nods21:13
jdstrandbasically, the sentinel has to be gone21:13
slangasekand editing the options passed to the managed PAM modules will be handled transparently, with no need to choose21:13
slangasekit's just the case of leaving those sentinels in place, but commenting out other bits of the framework, yes21:14
jdstrandslangasek: are these sentinels expected to change, be added to, etc?21:15
slangasekthe sentinels themselves should never change21:15
jdstrandslangasek: I didn't realize beta freeze is on the 25th-- there is really no way I can do this before then21:18
jdstrandslangasek: I can try to get a fix going-- but auth-client-config might need to be removed if I can't21:18
slangasekwell, if we agree on the solution, I think I could get some time in on implementing it?21:19
jdstrandslangasek: I'd really prefer some way to detect user changes, as people are still going to shoot themselves in the foot regardless of what happens with a-c-c21:19
slangasekdetecting user changes reliably in all cases would have to come at the expense of some of the smoother management features, I fear21:20
jdstrandslangasek: is it unreasonable to grep for pre_auth-client-config and prompt the user saying there were user changes? or does the fact that the sentinels are there, regardless of detecting the a-c-c string, cause other issues?21:23
kirklandbryce: hiya, i was wondering if you had any thoughts on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/21810521:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 218105 in kvm "fullscreen mode a bit broken in dual-head setups" [Undecided,New]21:23
slangasekjdstrand: the only issue I have with grepping for pre_auth-client-config is that it means pam-auth-update will treat a-c-c-altered config files different from those edited directly by the user21:24
jdstrandslangasek: that might be where there is a disconnect-- I don't see a difference between user changes via a-c-c and a text editor. can you explain?21:25
slangasekjdstrand: er, a-c-c will have added a "pre_auth-client-config" line, and a user would not?21:25
slangasekso at that point, we're special-casing a-c-c :)21:26
jdstrandslangasek: well, obviously :)21:26
jdstrandslangasek: I guess my point is that you are able to capture one class of user changes fairly easily in this manner. another class is those who do remove the sentinals. (a-c-c is obviously a subclass of those who don't remove them, but at least you can catch some)21:27
* slangasek happens, in a timely fashion, across a post on pam-list@ about LDAP authentication problems on a Red Hat system, fixed by typing: "authconfig --enablemd5 --enableldap --enableldapauth --ldapserver= --ldapbasedn="dc=ldaptest,dc=local" --enableldaptls --enablecache --enablelocauthorize --enablesysnetauth"21:28
jdstrandslangasek: I also recognize that you don't want to be special casing all kinds of stuff21:28
slangasekgee, I'm glad we don't have authconfig21:29
slangasekjdstrand: right; I still think it'd be better if a-c-c commented out the sentinel lines, but if you're not convinced of this, I'll look for them in pam-auth-update21:30
jdstrandslangasek: hmm... seems that if there isn't a way to check for these things, then I have to change a-c-c21:34
slangasekthere is a way, 1) I write code to check for a-c-c comments, 2) I upload it :)21:35
jdstrandslangasek: well, yes-- but you didn't seem to like that21:35
slangasekI don't21:35
jdstrandslangasek: really I care about wasted effort21:35
slangasekjust like you don't like the alternative :-)21:35
jdstrandwhether it's yours or mine is no matter21:35
jdstrandslangasek: I was hoping to be able to detect the class of problems of users not removing the sentinels-- in which case a-c-c is covered21:36
jdstrandslangasek: if that is not possible, I acquiesce that a-c-c should be changed-- as it seems to be the only other program to modify pam configuration in Ubuntu, and the alternative is it breaks things21:37
jdstrandand by 'it' I of course mean pam-auth-update :P21:38
slangasekin the future we might be able to detect the class of problems; but I think that's subtle enough that it's not likely to be done before beta, either21:38
jdstrandslangasek: I'll give it a go21:40
ogracjwatson, still here ?21:42
brycekirkland, taking a look21:43
slangasekjdstrand: thanks for your patience :)21:43
ogracjwatson, i tried mvo's suggestion to use apt-get install -o debug::pkgdepcache::autoinstall=true ubuntu-mobile, there is a ton of stuff that doesnt belong into the seed http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/log21:43
kirklandbryce: thx!21:43
jdstrandslangasek: sure. I just updated the bug accordingly21:44
ograInstalling epiphany-browser as dep of totem-mozilla ...21:45
ograInstalling xscreensaver as dep of xscreensaver-gl21:45
ograrecommends are definately not resolved correctly21:46
slangasekogra: what's not correct with the above?21:46
ogratotme-mozzilla: Recommends: epiphany-browser | www-browser21:47
ograthe metapackage depends on midbrowser which provides www-browser21:47
slangasekand it's not correct because another www-browser is already installed?21:47
slangasekthe package is ubuntu-mobile?21:48
ograxscreensaver-gl should be fulfilled with gnome-screensaver but pulls in xscreensaver additionally21:48
ograusing livecd.sh21:48
ograso only apt is involved21:48
ograno germinate or something21:48
slangaseklooks like totem-mozilla and midbrowser are both recommends rather than depends21:48
slangasekbut the ordering should still be correct21:49
ograthere shouldnt be any depends21:49
slangaseki.e., Recommends: midbrowser should be resolved first, such that it's satisfied before reaching totemz-mozilla21:49
slangaseksounds like an apt bug, then21:49
ograit should show up on the ubuntu-desktop cds as well then21:50
ograor i have a newer apt than the build chroot21:50
brycekirkland, yeah sounds like kvm needs to learn about libXrandr ;-)21:51
kirklandbryce: okay, can you drop a note to that effect in the bug?  any pointers would be hot ;-)21:52
brycekirkland, I see similar such weird behaviors with most apps that take over full screen - games, mplayer, etc.21:52
ogramvo, can we look into that tomorrow ? ^^^21:52
kirklandbryce: cool, maybe just reference another source package i could look at for proper behavior21:52
mvoogra: sure21:56
mvoogra: if you mail the full log I'm happy to check it out21:56
ogramvo, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/log21:57
brycekirkland, ok I filled in some info on bug #21810522:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 218105 in kvm "fullscreen mode a bit broken in dual-head setups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21810522:12
kirklandbryce: big thanks22:12
brycekirkland, if you do get that fixed up, I'd be interested in seeing the patch.  I suspect there's a lot of client apps that'll need similar fixing up (games particularly)22:13
kirklandbryce: do you think this is doable for intrepid, or too invasive given FF?22:13
brycetoo invasive22:13
kirklandbryce: k, thanks.22:14
* bryce ponders22:14
kirklandbryce: i'll keep you in the loop22:14
brycethere's actually several different bugs there, maybe one could be addressed22:14
mdkeandrew_sayers: around?22:14
andrew_sayersmdke: yeah.22:15
mdkeandrew_sayers: could we move to #ubuntu-doc?22:15
brycekirkland, nope, I think you're going to need to code up something to hook into libXrandr, and that'll be a non-trivial bit of code, and will take a good bit of testing22:16
brycekirkland, depends a lot on how your fullscreen routine is implemented - if it already knows xrandr but is just incomplete, that might be workable, but I'll bet it's completely xrandr-ignorant so is going to take a couple week's work to code something up22:17
kirklandbryce: okay, no problem.  we'll try to address that upstream with kvm between intrepid/jaunty then22:17
ion_If i start a guest session, it doesn’t seem to receive any keyboard/mouse events.22:17
ion_I don’t even have to ctrl-alt-Fx away from it, alt-Fx is enough.22:18
kirklandbryce: grep -r xrandr on kvm sources = 0 hits22:18
brycewell, try grep -ir randr22:18
geserbryce: do you know if xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd is still actively developed? I ask because I see RV6xx sometimes mentioned in the changes for the -ati driver and wonder now if I still have the preferred driver for a RV670 based card installed (I use currently -radeonhd)22:21
brycegeser, afaik there's still development on it, but -ati is the one getting most of the focus now22:22
brycegeser: have you tried -ati with that card?22:23
gesernot yet, when I bought the card I installed -radeonhd as the description mentioned the used chipset22:23
geserwill try -ati the next days22:24
jcristaugeser: yes, it's still being actively developped by novell22:24
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brycegeser: fwiw, I have a rv635 that works with -ati, and I see RV670 mentioned in the source code so presumably it's supported22:32
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geserbryce: I've done a quick check with -ati and it works (I guess it's using the radeon module)22:42
geserdo you know which one it better? -radeon or -radeonhd?22:42
cjwatsonogra: I have a suspicion that installing it as a task rather than as a metapackage will help22:46
brycegeser: -radeon should pretty much have everything -radeonhd has, plus has support for older cards going back quite a ways.  I'd suggest using -radeon over -radeonhd22:46
ogracjwatson, well, but livecd-rootfs doesnt do tasks22:46
cjwatsonogra: that ought to mark all the packages in the task for install *first*, and *then* go through resolving missing dependencies/recommendations22:46
cjwatsonogra: sure it does!22:47
brycegeser: in Ubuntu we really only officially QA -radeon, not -radeonhd, so if there are bugs with the former we'll help troubleshoot, but with the latter you're more on your own22:47
geserbryce: thanks22:47
cjwatsonogra: that's what those "^" symbols are for22:47
ogracjwatson, oh ? how ?22:47
cjwatsonogra: however, ubuntu-mobile doesn't have a task yet; we'd need to get that fixed22:47
cjwatsonwhich requires a Launchpad code change ...22:47
cjwatsoncan you mail me a reminder to take that up with Team Soyuz?22:48
ogracjwatson, meh, mid neither, i just copied the mid stuff and renamed s/mid/mobile/22:48
cjwatsonogra: (this may be why we don't have this problem in the desktop, because we use tasks there)22:48
ogracjwatson, will do, thanks22:48
cjwatsonwe just need to have Soyuz pay attention to the mobile seeds when doing task generation22:49
ograseems mid is the only metapackage without using ^22:49
ograin the code ...22:49
cjwatsonthe mid seed doesn't even have any Task-* headers22:50
ograwasting my day on a missing ^ ... yay22:50
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ograthats what made me drop mine first22:50
ograit might even be fine for mid, not sure22:50
cjwatsonby luck, perhaps22:51
ograwell, most hildon pkgs are native and have hard deps22:51
ograi doubt you'll find many recommends there anyway22:51
cjwatsonthis has nothing to do with recommends AFAICS22:51
cjwatsonit's purely about the order in which broken dependencies are resolved22:52
ograbut they all come from recommends here22:52
ograat least for me22:52
cjwatson(er, sorry, perhaps that was confusing - by "broken" I mean "temporarily broken while apt has installed the top-level stuff but not resolved the dependencies yet")22:52
cjwatsonogra: understood, but I think you'd see precisely the same effect if they were dependencies22:52
cjwatsonthat's what I mean22:52
ograwhich appear to be resolved in a backwards order22:52
cjwatsonit's an ordering problem, not a dependency vs. recommendation problem22:53
cjwatsonthe problem (I think) is that apt is resolving the dependencies depth-first rather than breadth-first22:53
cjwatsonso it goes:22:54
cjwatson ubuntu-mobile22:54
cjwatson  -> totem-mozilla22:54
ograyeah, i had something similar with java22:54
cjwatson   -> epiphany-browser | www-browser (pick epiphany-browser)22:54
cjwatson  -> midbrowser (oh dear, never mind)22:54
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cjwatsongerminate actually does the same kind of thing, but (like apt with task installation) it starts by installing all the seed entries, and then iterates through resolving their dependencies one by one (depth-first)22:55
cjwatsonwhereas here you're starting with a single package and going depth-first22:55
ion_Does aptitude have equivalent behavior?22:56
cjwatsonI suspect that finding the optimal set to install is computationally hard (not wanting to throw around terms like NP-complete casually but it wouldn't surprise me) and that there is no particularly easy simplification22:57
cjwatsonI haven't checked aptitude, but it's a perfectly natural way for a dependency resolver to work22:57
cjwatsonyou don't skip around between nodes of the tree because that makes backtracking a complete pain in the arse22:57
cjwatsonso I am very reluctant to claim it as an apt bug as such22:58
cjwatsonit's certainly not optimal, but other similar simplifications of the global hard problem probably also have their drawbacks22:59
ograreminder mailed23:01
* ogra seees apt-proxy hanging the 10th time on python-gtkglext1 and decides its time to find a stable apt proxy implementation23:03
ograso someone said i should try approx ... lets see23:05
mathiazogra: I've been using apt-cacher-ng23:05
mathiazogra: and it works well for me.23:05
ograwell, apt-proxy used to work well for me the last years ...23:05
ograbut i'm getting tired of the hangs23:05
mathiazogra: right - I used apt-proxy for a while but also found that it would hang often.23:06
stgraberogra: I'm also using apt-cache-ng on some servers, work fine.23:09
stgraberat home I usually have a transparent squid proxy so I don't need it23:09
ograwell, i like the fact that i can carry my archive with me on the laptop23:10
ograso i prefer local proxies for that stuff23:10
stgraberok, so apt-cacher-ng is what you need23:10
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slangasekmathiaz: hum, are you going through the u-m-s list at the same time as me? :)23:53
mathiazslangasek: nope23:53
slangasekoh, ok23:53
slangasekjust the one bug then :)23:54
mathiazslangasek: I've already been working on the landscape-client bug23:54

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