
asacfta: your script fails when branch is ahead of archive01:25
asacshouldnt be bad in that order01:25
ftaisn't what you wanted01:26
ftai used !=, not >=01:26
asacwe want to allow branch version >= archive01:26
asacbut if its just one package then it doesnt need to be updated01:27
ftai'm done for today, just comment that test for now01:27
ftamy karma is melting like ice01:28
fta2008/09/21 1131501:28
fta2008/09/22 1128001:28
asacfta: hmm. btw, dpkg-buildpackage -S -si includes the .bzr directory in diff.gz?01:29
ftanot with bd for sure01:30
asacimagezoom diverged too01:35
asacme replays what was uploaded01:37
ftai'm all done with mine but mediatomb and zekr never appeared anywhere01:38
ftaboth were debian syncs01:39
ftadid I miss something ?01:39
asacfta: +Maintainer: Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu.ubuntu.com>01:43
asacfta: err01:44
ftareally? damn01:44
asacfta: thats ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com01:44
asacisnt it?01:44
asacUbuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>01:44
fta@ and perl...01:45
ftamy bad01:45
ftanot sure if i should reup with the same version or bump...01:45
asacfta: he?01:46
asacfta: the bogus email made those packages fail for me01:46
asacso there shouldnt be anything gone up like that01:47
ftait didn't fail here01:47
asacfta: what didnt fail?01:47
asacfta: thats bad01:47
asacfta: you should really use debuild for sources01:48
asacbut well01:48
asachow many are that?01:48
ftahm, zekr is in multiverse01:50
ftajust 201:50
asacfta: you sure htat the bugos maintainer things got into the archive?01:51
asacif yes, we probably have to hunt down which launchpad user was created for them01:51
asacat least i think lp does that automatically01:52
ftai'm sure i dpushed something, i still have it, let me check01:52
asacgrep ubuntu-motu.ubuntu.com *.changes01:53
ftayep, mediatomb had a bad maint01:53
asacok. damage is done, so no need to hurry01:53
ftajust those 201:54
asacmediatomb an?01:54
asacmediatomb and ?01:54
ftamultiverse is like main or universe?01:55
asacnot sure about that01:55
asacits usualyl universe01:55
asaci know that motus can upload to flashplugin-nonfree :(01:55
JazzvaI think we can remove bookmarksftp from the archive01:56
Jazzvahere is its homepage01:56
Jazzvathough, current archive version has 1.0.2, last one on amo is 1.0.101:57
Jazzvathe thing AMO needs is to include a field for license info01:57
Jazzvafor example: - Version: 1.201:58
Jazzva - License: GPL (or MPL, BSD, proprietary, link to the author's license)01:58
asacfta: so apparently mediatomb was rejected silently01:59
asacthats good news01:59
asacsame for zekr01:59
asacjust use the same version with proper Maintainer and upload agina01:59
ftajust pushed zekr01:59
Jazzvashould I file a bug for archive removal regarding bookmarksftp?02:01
ftai've fixed the script02:01
ftasubject: [ubuntu/intrepid] zekr 0.5.1.dfsg-1ubuntu1 (Accepted)02:02
asacfta: good luck ;)02:02
asacJazzva: so bookmarksftp is dead? and doesnt support ffox 3?02:03
Jazzvawell, not according to the amo02:03
Jazzvaand I wasn't able to test it when I installed it02:03
fta_subject: [ubuntu/intrepid] mediatomb 0.11.0-3ubuntu1 (Accepted)02:05
fta_good, 22 uploads for my 1st time02:06
Jazzvaasac, anyway, I think its development is discontinued02:08
asacfta: i get "speedial" is a native package02:09
asacthats a bug i guess?02:09
Jazzvaasac, fta: Just a question... Have you removed firefox-2 in those uploads to bug 272772? :)02:10
fta_asac, because:02:10
fta_fta@ix:~ $ apt-cache madison speedial02:10
fta_fta@ix:~ $02:10
fta_Jazzva, nope02:11
asacfta_: speedial is broken02:11
Jazzvaok... I'll work on that then :)02:11
asacfta_: speeddial02:11
asacfta_: bzt vcs header pointed to wrong location02:12
asacJazzva: is there an upstream dump?02:12
asacbump for speeddial?02:12
asacapparently that extension hasnt been touched since initial upload ;)02:12
asac(well i am uploading it now :))02:13
Jazzvanot sure... I haven't done anything with that extension02:13
fta_asac, you got all the bad ones ;)02:13
asacdid you reshuffle ;)?02:14
JazzvaI think this should be the full list of extensions that depend only on firefox when they shouldn't (I think that's only mozilla-bookmarksftp, which isn't even compat), on firefox and firefox-2, and just on firefox-202:14
Jazzva*or just on fx-202:14
fta_asac, nope, i didn't02:15
asacdoing it-menu02:15
asacthats the last for today02:15
Jazzvaplease remove firefox-2 :)02:16
Jazzvaasac, ^02:16
asactoo late ;)02:17
asacnot that important ;)02:17
Jazzvasigh... oh, well :)02:17
asacthough we should have done it02:17
asaci will try to remember for the last few02:17
Jazzvaasac, should I report a global bug for that now then?02:17
fta_mozilla Bug 40485702:19
fta_ firefox reloads every font.cache for every page loaded02:19
Jazzvawell, here's a start... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/27295902:19
fta_the bot is dead02:20
=== fta_ is now known as fta
ftanice, in ff3.1, the new tab list :)02:26
asacJazzva: firefox-2 removal? yes.02:26
Jazzvafta, do we have 3.1 in the archives?02:27
ftai'd like to02:28
Jazzvappa? :)02:28
=== vk5foss is now known as kgoetz
ftalol, i'm in the top30, how is that possible02:30
ftakde is leading the pack02:32
asacfta: top 15 shouldnt be that hard02:43
asacfrom there on ... the steps get bigger ;)02:43
ftai really need some sleep02:45
asacyeah ... me 202:46
gnomefreakasac: is there documents on how mbox works?09:35
gnomefreakor atleast how to attach file to debians bug tracker09:35
gnomefreakasac: what do you call the firefox addons dialog? ubufox?09:51
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreakok working on linkwidgets. asac can you please get to the 3 i got done hopefully before they are out of date.10:13
gnomefreak  <r:Description>10:18
gnomefreak    <id>{a463f10c-3994-11da-9945-000d60ca027b}</id>10:18
gnomefreak    <minVersion>0.5</minVersion>10:18
gnomefreak    <maxVersion>0.7.1</maxVersion>10:18
gnomefreak  </r:Description>10:18
gnomefreakyou would think they would tell you what app it is since it has different em:id10:19
gnomefreakok linkwdgets looks straight forward but waiting till after breakfast10:58
jeroen-why is the package firefox pulling so much gnome-dependicies, like gtksu en even synaptic? I am a kubuntu user10:59
jeroen-talking about intrebit11:00
gnomefreakit will bring in gtk libs but i see no reason for the 2 you said11:00
gnomefreakjeroen-: hardy or intrepid?11:01
jeroen-metapackage firefox11:02
jeroen-even gnome-app-install11:02
gnomefreakfirefox-3.0 is bringing in the gtk deps11:02
jeroen-gnomefreak: are you using adept?11:04
gnomefreakjeroen-: ask asac when hes around and show him the dep list http://pastebin.mozilla.org/540990 that way he has all info needed you might want to try abrowser11:04
gnomefreakjeroen-: nope i just restoreed my intrepid box and havent had a chanve to install kde4 yet11:04
gnomefreakok off for breakfaast11:04
jeroen-same from command line and with abrowser11:05
jeroen-oh well I need it now11:06
jeroen-gnomefreak: abrowser, thats the same without the name?11:06
jeroen-mm to late11:07
asacurr ... team report is due already :/12:34
asac[DONE sep] fta became MOTU12:34
asac[DONE sep] mozillateam meeting12:34
asacnot sure ,)12:34
asac[DONE sep] abrowser rdepends transition12:40
asac[DONE sep] eula business ;)12:40
asac[DONE sep] release of ffox and xul and seamonkey 1.1.12 and tbird
Jazzvaso that thing is working?12:44
asacoh no12:49
asacfta: do you still have this 3d anmaytion?13:12
asacJazzva: which thing?13:12
asacJazzva: oh ... no. i just used it ;)13:12
asaca-priori ;)13:12
asacbut i think it should have been [DONE sep08]13:13
Jazzvai see :)13:13
Jazzvai'm finishing the file of that global bug for packages that depend on firefox-213:14
Jazzvas/the file/filing/13:14
asacJazzva: cool. lets look at that bug after that then13:14
asac(before getting archive admins attention)13:14
asacmaybe there is software that can still be fixed for ffox 313:14
Jazzvawell, all of the reported is compat with ff-313:15
Jazzva(at least that's what the depends line says)13:15
Jazzvaexcept bookmarksftp13:15
asacJazzva: oh. ok. lets file a separate bug for "archive" removal then13:15
asacand one for "archive depend elimination" :)13:15
Jazzvamhm... that would include firefox-ubuntu-theme and stuff :)13:16
asacJazzva: archive removal?13:16
gnomefreakim waiting on author to add license to foxmarks to replace bookmarksftp13:16
JazzvaI guess that would be in the archive removal13:16
Jazzvagnomefreak, great ;)13:16
asacgnomefreak: have you asked him to add a license file to the .xpi too?13:16
gnomefreakthe new one is nonfree license13:16
asacthat would be great13:16
gnomefreakasac: yes13:16
gnomefreaksent email yeterday13:16
asacgnomefreak: err. if its nonfree then we dont need to bother i guess13:17
Jazzvanonfree license? how will that get in the archive?13:17
gnomefreakasac: no the new bookmarksftp(new project dont remember name) foxmarks is free from what i can tell it used to be apache license13:17
asacah cool13:18
* gnomefreak working with debian on the bookmarks extension13:18
asacgo ahead then ;)13:18
asacgnomefreak: who is the debian guy?13:18
gnomefreakhard name to spell give me a minute and ill get it13:18
gnomefreaki asked yesterday if anyone knew him i got no answer13:19
gnomefreakYaroslav Halchenko13:19
gnomefreak[reed]: the info about mozilla mailing lists (my emails not going through here is mail i got:13:21
gnomefreakMessages from non-subscribers are automatically rejected. Please13:22
gnomefreaksubscribe to the list first before attempting to post, or ensure that13:22
gnomefreakyou are posting using the address you subscribed with.13:22
gnomefreakif i wasnt subscribed than why the hell does it come to my email :(13:22
asacfta: didnt we have a fennec branch somewhere?13:23
Jazzvaasac, done. bug 27295913:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272959 in webdeveloper "Packages that depend on firefox-2 or firefox should just depend on firefox" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27295913:24
Jazzvaall of them (except bookmarksftp) depend on firefox | firefox-2, or firefox-3.0 | firefox-213:25
asacjcastro: did you ever get an (n)ack from launchpad team on the "super"-project chromium-project?13:27
gnomefreakasac: do you know the guy?13:27
asacgnomefreak: no. whats his nick?13:27
gnomefreakdont know13:27
gnomefreakits been email and bug reports13:28
asacgnomefreak: whats his solution then?13:39
gnomefreakasac: nothing yet its in my hands he suggested foxmarks so i keep him informed but after i package it for us i will do debians and he said he would sponsor the upload13:41
asacgnomefreak: not sure. but most likely we want to use our branches if we need to do something anyway13:42
asacgnomefreak: have you asked him if we would be willing to work with our infrastructure?13:42
asacusing xpi.mk, med-xpi-unpack et al13:42
gnomefreakno not until i find out if he is Ubuntu dev as well13:42
asacbenefits: we would get automatic process13:42
asacgnomefreak: he doesnt need to be a ubuntu dev13:42
gnomefreaki will talk to him about it next chance i get, but he pretty much doesnt want to work on it thats why i got it. he either emailed the Ml or me directly dont remember about this13:44
gnomefreakplease dont use bookmarksftp as a depend13:44
gnomefreaki have asked that it gets removed i still need someone to ack that bug so we can continue with it13:45
VolansHi asac, you and fta have done a very hard job tonight :)13:45
Volans(hoping my list was useful)13:45
asacVolans: yeah13:45
asacVolans: though adding all the bug tasks was most likely the longer task ;)13:46
asacmy fingers ached ;)13:46
asacVolans: but was good for sure ;)13:46
gnomefreakwtf is going on damnit13:46
Volanssorry if I don't have helped but I come back at home at 5 today morning ;)13:46
asacVolans: are there still questions i forgot to answer for these extension scripts?13:46
* gnomefreak getting so sick of this bullshiot13:46
asacVolans: thats fine ;)13:47
asacgnomefreak: which bullshit are you after?13:47
gnomefreaki casnt fucking email dev-apps-calendar@lists.mozilla.org and i am subscribed to it or i would never get emails from it13:47
Volansasac: no, but I will try to test a better newer searching algorithm without entering in the tricky version string comparison13:48
gnomefreakthat tells me im subscribed13:48
gnomefreakthey keep sending it to gnomefreak but im sending it from the subscribed address13:49
asacVolans: hmm. i think in the end we need a normalizer for mozilla versioing13:51
asacor a script that does the tests for us13:52
asace.g. versioncmp version1 version213:52
asac== -1 if smaller, 0 if equal, 1 if greater13:52
VolansI was thinking that the install.rdf file must be updated with a newer version13:52
asacor something like that13:52
Volansso if we see the last modification time of that fine inside the xpi13:52
asacVolans: thats all doing assumptions that are likely to be inaccurate at some point13:52
asaci really think that writing a proper compare funciton is worth the effort13:53
asacbut if thats too hard we can of course start with some heuristic13:53
asaci just see us forgetting about this and at some point bumping into issues when everybody forgot about what exactly was done :-D13:53
Volansmake a generic one can be hard, make a function that use a pattern can be very simple, if we save the pattern in the main config file among the name and AMOID...13:54
Volanslikely the version synatax will not change for newer versions13:54
asacVolans: there should be a script for version compare available somewhere in the mozilla tree13:55
asacat least i hope ;)13:56
Volansok, I can take a look13:57
gnomefreakasac: does this name look familar giggzounet i cant tell if that is his nick or not13:59
gnomefreakno matter what address i send it from they seem to get it from gnomefreak address14:01
gnomefreakim my outgoing settings i set up all emails but gnomefreak is the default so shouldnt it send from any address i use even though its not default? this is tbird 2.0.0*14:03
asacurgh. major bustage of my adsl modem14:20
fta2asac, hi14:24
fta2asac, are you done with the uploads?14:24
fta2asac, was the script useful? i mean, was it worth it?14:24
jcastroasac: no I didn't14:25
asacfta2: i think so yes. unfortunately i was struck quite a few times by the updated bzr branch error14:25
asacfta2: but definitly good script ;)14:25
asacfta2: but i think i have 3 uploads left14:27
asacfta2: feel free to take them ;)14:27
asacfta2: or one or two ;)14:27
asaci have to finish sec update now14:27
asacfta2: sm will most likely be out tomorrow too :/14:28
fta2i can do the one in intrepid, maybe hardy if it's just a matter of updating the sources (ie, not backporting the patches, i don't have much time for that)14:31
asacfta2: no backporting needed. even if, i have the backports14:33
asacmaybe iceape in gutsy ... but well14:33
gnomefreakwe dont need to add /* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** to the copyright file right?14:36
asacgnomefreak: technically not14:41
gnomefreakok cool14:45
asacfta2: ok. the idea would be to upload seamonkey security update to PPA ... then test and ask jdstrand to reup that to security14:48
asacfta2: people complain about spam now in the bug ;)14:57
asacbug 27277214:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272772 in ubuntu-docs "packages that Depend/Recommend/Suggest firefox (meta-package) must alternatively Depend/Recommend/Suggest abrowser" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27277214:58
asac"I *really* need to unsubscribe from this list. I don't want to be on it14:58
asacanymore and no matter what I do I keep getting emails. I have tried here14:58
asachttps://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc and that's not working.14:58
asacHelp please."14:58
Volansasac: is the mozilla-team list not the ubuntu-doc14:58
asacVolans: no14:59
Volansand I think is a one time high traffic ;)14:59
asacVolans: problem is that because we added ubuntu-doc package all the mail went to that ml too ;)14:59
Volansah ok15:00
gnomefreakJazzva: asac what is the last target and what em:id do i use since they are different? http://pastebin.mozilla.org/54102315:07
gnomefreakeh application target15:08
asacgnomefreak: you use the em:id of the extension ... not the target15:10
asac(if you are talking aobut the directory name)15:10
Jazzvagnomefreak, this should be the extension id <id>linkwidget@clav.mozdev.org</id>15:11
Jazzvagnomefreak, you should look for <id> or <em:id> that is not nested inside <targetApplicatio> tag15:12
Jazzvathat is the top <id> or <em:id>15:12
gnomefreakthats what i was thinking about while smoking a minute ago15:15
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreaki hate errors that you cant find. be back i need to step away before i lose it15:35
gnomefreakha found the problem ;)15:43
gnomefreakim betting its the id that is wrong16:03
gnomefreakeither that or it cant be used in 3.0 final16:06
gnomefreakwell it says 3.0* but the install.rdf had 3.0b416:07
gnomefreakJazzva: this set up in rules builds fine fails to install, any changes made it fails to build. any ideas would be greatly apprecated rules file: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/54103416:09
gnomefreakit installs just doesnt show up in abrowser16:09
gnomefreaksince abrowser is firefox unbranded it should work in it as well16:10
asacgnomefreak: MOZ_XPI_EMID := {linkwidget@clav.mozdev.org}16:10
asacthats wrong16:11
asaccurly brackets? why?16:11
asacthe uuid based EMIDs have curly brackets in the id itself16:11
asacjust remove them16:11
gnomefreakremove the {?16:14
asacnew round of packages for "EULA" bug;)16:14
asac \o/ i made the 500th post16:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 269656 in firefox-3.0 "AN IRRELEVANT LICENSE IS PRESENTED TO YOU FREE-OF-CHARGE ON STARTUP" [High,In progress]16:15
asacgnomefreak: yes. the EMID should exactly what is in install.rdf16:15
asacthey usually dont have {} there16:15
asacunless they use the old uuid approach16:15
gnomefreakah i see16:16
gnomefreakit is <id/bleh16:16
gnomefreakso just the bleh16:16
Jazzvaasac, that looks good :)16:16
gnomefreakasac: no need to uncomment the id line right?16:17
* gnomefreak looks at png's16:17
Jazzvagnomefreak, moz_xpi_emid line? you should uncomment it16:17
Jazzvathat is, if xpi.mk fails to find em:id...16:18
gnomefreaktesting now16:20
gnomefreakfuck this extension16:23
gnomefreakit worked but its not compatible with 3.0.216:24
gnomefreakso i guess ill see what happens when changed16:24
gnomefreakevery other one uses max version 3.0 and it works in 3.0.216:28
gnomefreakthis one doesnt16:28
gnomefreakthat worked16:29
asacgnomefreak: no .the other use 3.0.*16:29
gnomefreakah the *16:29
gnomefreakill use that16:30
gnomefreak3.0.2 worked as well16:30
gnomefreakbut ill make it broad16:30
asacbug 27317016:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273170 in firefox-3.0 "abrowser and firefox-3.0 commands don't work" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27317016:32
asacgnomefreak: we want 3.0.* in extensions16:32
asacotherwise we need to update the maxversion on every update16:33
asacwhich doesnt scale16:33
gnomefreakim using it16:33
gnomefreakok fixed branches and all is working on my system but im rebuilding it for PPA16:46
gnomefreakand no lintian warnings :)16:47
gnomefreakok pushed to PPA for review. ill be testing it today until i run out of things to test (very small amount of prefference settings16:49
gnomefreakasac: thats 4 that can be reviewed and pushed ( except linkwidgets im testing today but shouldnt be too long) none of them have errors or warnings from lintian. if we can still push to Intrepid16:58
gnomefreakim done for now. be back a bit later17:16
asacgnomefreak: thanks17:22
asacgnomefreak: can you provide me with the list fo 4 things that can be reviewed?17:22
asac(sorry, but i lost track  on which extensions you touched)17:22
asacyeah. good news17:44
gnomefreakasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/+archive  chatzilla- 0.9.83-0ubuntu1~jjv1 firegpg - 0.5.1-0ubuntu1~jjv1 linkwidgets - 1.6-0ubuntu1~jjv  wizz-rss -
* gnomefreak goes to lunch 17:56
Wellarkis it a known bug that firefox window is initially sized so that the window title bar (and control buttons) is under the gnome upper panel18:29
Wellarki'm running intrepid aplha-618:29
Wellarkthere were so many bugs in the bug tracker that I couldn't tell :/18:30
asacWellark: what screen resolution are you running?18:41
gnomefreakdisable compiz it should work normal18:43
asacWellark: is it that the window size is exceeds your screen or is it just displaced?18:43
asacgnomefreak: you can reproduce that?18:44
gnomefreakits been compiz bug for a while18:44
gnomefreakasac: dont use it18:44
gnomefreaki dont18:44
gnomefreakproblem was any window you opened would hide under menu18:45
gnomefreaktry disabling it and see if it works18:45
newz2000have anyone noticed that flashblock stopped working the other day? (i.e. it doesn't block any flash movies)18:46
* newz2000 should have checked bugs first... does it now18:46
gnomefreaki still havent had time to get lunch18:46
gnomefreaknewz2000: from repos or from addond site?18:47
newz2000gnomefreak: I've tried both18:47
gnomefreakours was working AFAIK18:47
newz2000I noticed it because my version of flash has a tendancy to crash pulseaudio18:47
gnomefreaknewz2000: remoev libflashsupport18:48
gnomefreaknewz2000: try flashblock with a new firefox profile18:48
newz2000gnomefreak: I'm happy to try, how do I do that?18:48
newz2000(libflashsupport not installed btw)18:49
gnomefreaki can test it tomorrow. i am doing lunch and than finishing a spreadsheet18:49
newz2000oh, found the profile thingy18:49
gnomefreaknewz2000: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MozillaTeam/Bugs18:50
Wellarkgnomefreak: i don't want to disable compiz now that I finally have a machine capable of running it :P18:50
newz2000yep, still shows flash movies even though flashblock is enabled18:50
gnomefreakWellark: just to test it18:50
newz2000thanks gnomefreak, I'll check that out and file a bug if appropriate18:50
gnomefreaknewz2000: on all sites?18:50
newz2000I only tested one with the clean profile (youtube)18:51
gnomefreaktry a few18:51
Wellarkgnomefreak: sure, of course I can do that :)18:51
Wellarkbut not today18:51
Wellarki put my laptop away already18:51
gnomefreakWellark: if it fixes it file a bug on compiz if it doesnt fix it file bug on ff or abrowser whatever you use18:51
newz2000ok, testd with three so far and no blocking is happening18:52
gnomefreakok im going to lunch i hope. need to find a way of dumping memory without restarting if i find a way i might get rich18:52
gnomefreaknewz2000: what version do you have installed? apt-cache policy flashblock18:53
newz2000Installed: 1.3.10a~snapshot20080611-0ubuntu218:54
Wellarkgnomefreak: will do, thanks!18:54
gnomefreaknewz2000: hardy?18:54
newz2000gnomefreak: intrepid18:54
gnomefreakwhat browser?18:54
newz2000firefox 318:54
gnomefreakok file bug on flashblock and subscribe me so i can test tomorrow18:55
gnomefreakasac: ill be back a bit later while working on spreadsheet18:56
newz2000gnomefreak: ok, are you gnomefreak on launchpad?18:56
newz2000ok, will do18:56
gnomefreakgnomefreak: or john vivirito18:56
ftaasac, lol, i just read comments on the transition bug20:53
armin76fta: link for the bug? :)21:55
ftabug 27277221:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272772 in ubuntu-docs "packages that Depend/Recommend/Suggest firefox (meta-package) must alternatively Depend/Recommend/Suggest abrowser" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27277221:55
=== dholbert_ is now known as dholbert
wikzfta: why does fix_unix_installer.patch remove the line -$(error you need a "--enable-static --disable-shared" build to create an installer) in the installer makefile.in ?22:31
wikzCan't we add it in the DEB_CONFIGURE_USER_FLAGS= ?22:32
ftawe don't want static22:32
wikzOhh k22:32
ftabtw, this patch has been rejected by upstream22:34
ftabut they didn't propose anything useful to replace it, so i keep it until someone proposes something better22:35
ftawikz, ^^, if you do, let me know :)22:37
wikzRight now I'm immitating a lot of changes that you did22:37
wikzfta: FOr e.g adding the /installer/unnix/pack...22:38
ftais that patch needed for you too ?22:38
ftaif you can fix that in your tree, it's better than adding a patch in the debian packaging22:39
wikzThe thing is our trunk is changing so much that I don't feel like bothering my other devs22:39
wikzwe have a delivery ate this october mid22:39
wikzand packaging is not a priority now22:40
wikzI also diabled NSS for libpurple22:40
ftacan't you just open a bug and add your patch so someone could have a look later?22:40
wikzI will22:40
wikzI will22:40
ftawould be nice :)22:40
wikzAs I said I also have a prob with NSS for libpurple22:40
ftawhat kind of problem?22:40
wikzwhen I build the moz way it build fine.but when I build it the debain way it complains of the nss base header files missing22:41
ftado you have libnss3-dev installed ?22:42
wikzI have NSS and NSPR libs installed22:42
ftayou need the -dev packages22:42
wikzI even installed the one in your PPA22:43
wikzThere is a config file for libpurple I need to go through it22:43
wikzfta: listen I forgot to patch the /installer/makefile.in for that line .The whole thing built but failed because of that one.Can I now reume from there somehow ?the -nc flag doesn't work !22:45
ftasure, move to build-area where the debian dir is, with quilt, pop until you are on the right patch, fix it, refresh, push -a, then go back to the root of the tree (where the debian dir is - still in build-area), and run dpkg-buildpackage -nc22:49
ftait should work22:49
fta(assuming you don't mess up your patches stack)22:50
fta(and you run the commands in the right directory)22:50
ftadon't forget to copy the fixed patch to your bzr branch afterwards22:55
ftai hope you are committing your changes on a regular base :)22:56
wikzfta: At one point it complains of this dh_install: spicebird-0.7 missing files (debian/tmp/usr/lib/spicebird-0.7*/thunderbird*), aborting ,why is that ?Wher is it picking up from ?23:43
wikzI don't have thunderbird in any of my files in debian dir23:44
ftaare you sure ? dh_install uses the *.install files23:45
ftalook in your build-area23:45
wikzit is picking up from the .install files because I had the MOZ_APP name differently set in autoconf.mk and it complained23:46
wikzgot it23:48

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