
SeligArkinOk i dont know if it is related but after uninstalling bluez-gnome i finaly got the damn thing to connect.00:00
LimCoreintell laptop00:00
anarsLimCore: the latest Ubuntu distribution (8.04.1) has native support for Intel Wireless Pro 4965AGN.00:01
anarsand I think it had since 8.04.00:01
MillerTime_018hey can anyone help me make a lexmark 3350 work in ubuntu00:02
EvilDaemon!patience | MillerTime_01800:02
Jack_SparrowMillerTime_018 Please have some patience.00:03
EvilDaemon...? ubottu?00:03
PinchiukasI'm getting "Permission denied (publickey,keyboard-interactive)." when trying to ssh into my box, what could be causing it?00:03
ActionParsnipMillerTime_018: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12434600:03
Jack_SparrowEvilDaemon He is having lunch00:03
MillerTime_018thanx... i'll see if it works00:03
anarsMillerTime_018: have you also checked out http://www.linuxfoundation.org/en/OpenPrinting ?00:03
EvilDaemonJack_Sparrow, Ah. okay.00:03
maestrojedI appearently need to change the permissions on /etc/sudoers which I guess I need to do by restarting in recovery mode.  If I do that will I still be able to access the box via vnc?  It is the only way I access the box.00:04
anarsWhy does the default Ubuntu installation have two cron daemons and two sysloggers?00:04
LimCoreI booted livecd 8.04 on laptop with wifi. How to start the wifi? Im using WPA-personal, I have the channel number, password and all00:04
anarsLimCore: you should be able to see available wireless networks by clicking the network icon in the top-right corner.00:05
anarswireless networks broadcasting SSID's, naturally.00:05
ActionParsnipMillerTime_018: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersLexmark00:06
LimCoreanars: ok Im trying00:06
paolohi. before buying this wi-fi ethernet card: hamlet HNWU254G i need to know if it's well compatible with (k)ubuntu. how can i check that?00:06
ActionParsnipanars: mine doesnt. i disabled it for security00:06
LimCoreanars: btw, what is the nice-low-level-for-pro-users-like-me-:P way to debug wireless. To see if kernel sees he device etc etc00:06
ActionParsnip!hcl | paolo00:06
case^LimCore: ifconfig?00:07
ActionParsnippaolo: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/00:07
anarsActionParsnip: your choice entirely :-=00:07
LimCorecase^: lower. to debug PCI/irq numbers. /dev/ etc00:07
anarsLimCore: dmesg and lspci00:07
EvilDaemonActionParsnip: uh, ubottu's on break now. Sorry.00:07
ActionParsnipanars: its not naturally though, default maybe00:07
kwyjibocan someone help me with why gnome appearance prefs will not immediately change cursor themes?00:07
ActionParsnipEvilDaemon: yeah its making my life hell00:08
anarsActionParsnip: wasn't meant that way. the overview will only display networks broadcasting SSID's.00:08
case^kwyjibo: compiz installed>00:08
kwyjibocase^, yes00:08
tim167how do i convert psd images to jpg ?00:08
LimCorewireless mode G-Only, Channel 8,  SSID brodcat - no,   WPA-Personal,  TKIP encryption,  passphrase xxxxxxx   how to... I dont see all of the options.00:08
paoloActionParsnip: i can't find it00:08
EvilDaemonActionParsnip: that one made me laugh... hehe...00:09
anarsLimCore: do you see the name of your network in the list?00:09
paoloi mean: i can't find even Hamlet in the db00:09
sullyva86I took network manager off roaming mode and now I have no signal strength meter or anything saying i'm connected? Is there anyway I can get the signal meter back (or something to check it). I had problems with it dropping the connection after a few mins in roaming mode.00:09
xbxbIs it possible to use Linux/ubuntu and encrypt the WHOLE disc, including /etc? So that I have to enter a password before linux starts...00:09
ActionParsnippaolo: what are you trying to find?00:09
paoloi'm trying to find the hamlet wifi card00:10
tim167can anyone help me batch convert between *.psd > *.jpg ? thanks00:10
ActionParsnipxbxb: you can use encryptfs, never used it myself00:10
case^kwyjibo: sorry nm I thought there was a setting in compiz that affected it00:10
Scunizitim167: what's .psd?  paint shop delux?00:10
xbxbActionParsnip:  thanks, I'll look into it00:10
kwyjiboScunizi, PhotoShop Disaster00:10
LimCoreanars: how to force ubuntu to re-scan for APs (I enabled sending SSID on the AP).  and, how to by hand tell it to ignore SSID and just use channel 8?00:10
tim167Scunizi: photoshop i think, but Gimp can open it too00:11
kleerxbxb: use cryptsetup luks00:11
anarsLimCore: otherwise you need to configure it manually. System -> Administration -> Networking.00:11
ActionParsnippaolo: id find out what wireless chip is in it, the manufacturer doesnt have much bearing really00:11
kwyjibocase^, :(00:11
talalismi have a broplem on my ubuntu disktop00:11
Scunizitim167: maybe imagemagick can do it with the convert command. never tried.. hang on I'll look00:11
paoloActionParsnip: i see, let's check, thnks00:11
tim167Scunizi: thanks!00:11
anarsLimCore: It should re-scan when clicking the network icon again, but I'm not sure. I'd go with the manual configuration.00:12
odinsbaneLimcore sudo iwlist eth?? scan00:12
LimCoreESSID is what?  is it the same as SSID for example  "homefoo" (if "homefoo" is set by AP)00:12
odinsbanewhere the ??'s should be a number depending on your wireless card.00:12
anarsLimCore: yes.00:12
ActionParsniptim167: convert file.psd converted.png00:12
=== Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda
ActionParsniptim167: you'll need to sudo apt-get install imagemagick00:12
tim167ActionParsnip: thanks! seems to work...00:13
ActionParsnipimagemagick is awesome00:13
kwyjibocan someone help me with why gnome appearance prefs will not immediately change cursor themes?00:13
LimCoreiflist wlan0 channel   shows it is set to channel 1 instead of 8. how to change that00:14
ActionParsnipLimCore: you can set it in /etc/network/interfaces00:15
LimCoredo I need to enable  Broadcom B43 wireless driver?00:15
Scunizitim167: looks like it will.. here's a link for how to use convert and another that is a thread on exactly what you're trying to do. http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/convert-psd-to-jpeg-485296/  and http://www.imagemagick.org/script/convert.php00:16
maestrojedI need to boot up as root at a shell prompt. From what I see I need to hold ESC during a reboot but I have tried that.  Is that correct?  When do I hold ESC?00:16
pan_how do i uninstal something i can't find in synaptic?00:16
xomppan_, I like "sudo apt-get remove <packagename>"00:17
anarsLimCore: depends on what wlan network adapter your laptop has. since you described as being an Intel laptop, you probably won't be needing it.00:17
ActionParsnippan_: sudo apt-get remove <appname>00:17
anarsExecute lspci and check it out.00:17
Scunizitim167: sudo apt-get install imagemagick.. then cd to the directory location of the image(s) and try it on one to see what happens.. convert <filename.psd> <newfilename.jpg>  .. if they are multi layered images it will break them apart but there is a way to keep them together.00:18
Treemaestrojed: most installs prompt for grub where you press esc - then you can get a root shell from there00:18
LimCoreanars: if my wireless shows in ifconfig -a as wlan0 then it means that kernel knows how to use it right?  or not always?00:18
tim167Scunizi: oh i see, actually i wanted the layers on top of eachother just like they appear when opened in Gimp00:18
CartoonCatActionParsnip: you hapepn to knwo what info ubottu woudl have given? Ive followed the links on the ubuntu site and de nada, something is wrong, I get the SGI for glx, but opengl is still mesa3d indirect00:19
anarsLimCore: then you're most likely good to go :-)00:19
ActionParsnipCartoonCat: i think it uses the "ati" driver00:19
anarsLimCore: don't worry about driver issues then. concentrate on configuration of wlan000:19
maestrojedTree: what do you mean by grub?00:19
CartoonCatActionParsnip, yea i have that configured....00:19
TulimaqLimCore, which card ?00:19
tim167Scunizi: (i started convert *.psd *.jpg, its still running now, will see what comes out...)00:20
Scunizitim167: read the link that has the threaded conversation.. they mention how to do it with convert towards the bottom.. it's an additional command to give convert prior to the file names.. It will "squish" the layers together as they are.00:20
wolii want to install python into my apache server, so i downloaded mod_python, but i cannot install it00:20
neshaughmm, I'm using terminal server client to a windows 2003 server, but it is rendering much slower than the xp / vista version...00:20
ActionParsnipCartoonCat: you could try envyng-gtk00:20
neshauganyone if there is anything to do with that?00:20
paoloanother question: is there a chance to install a driver for this: 2001:3a02 D-Link Corp. without using ndiswrapper ?00:20
=== benzs_s is now known as benzss
odinsbanewoli you should be able to install mod_python through the repositories.00:20
ActionParsnippaolo: what chip does it use?00:20
CartoonCatActionParsnip, isnt that a 3d desktop widget?00:20
Scunizitim167: if you have layers on the psd files you're going to get TONS of jpgs.. each one will be a different layer.00:20
tim167Scunizi: very cool indeed :) will check00:20
odinsbanewoli but if you want python for cgi scripting and such, you don't actually need mod_python.00:21
ActionParsnipCartoonCat: no, its a way to install graphics drivers for ati and nvidia00:21
paoloActionParsnip: how can i check what chip it uses ?00:21
CartoonCatah well ill google it then00:21
LimCoreTulimaq: Im not sure... =)  some intell laptop00:21
woliodinsbane: with sudo apt-get install mod_python ?00:21
ActionParsnippaolo: lspci00:21
Treemaestrojed: grub is the bootloader http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=grub&btnG=Search00:21
paoloActionParsnip: it's usb00:21
ActionParsnippaolo: run both lspci and lsusb00:21
paololsusb: 2001:3a02 D-Link Corp.00:22
odinsbanewoli, libapache2-mod-python00:22
ActionParsnippaolo: anything in lspci?00:22
paoloActionParsnip: no, it's an usb card00:22
paolowhy should it appear in lspci ??00:22
wolithanks odinsbane00:22
LimCorehmm ok I did applied the changes in network config.... how to test does it actually work00:22
odinsbanewoli provided you are using apache2.  You don't need mod_python to use python though.00:23
wolii do not?00:23
ActionParsnippaolo: looks like ndiswrapper dude. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146018&page=200:23
LimCorethe top-right icon shows only   ( )wired network... the other options  now dissapeaered wtf00:23
woliodinsbane: does it come built-in?00:23
paoloActionParsnip: i know that00:23
odinsbanewoli mod_python is for writing apache extentions in python python comes with ubuntu00:23
mariahey guys, im using polish as a second language, and my third level choosers keep turning off00:23
paoloActionParsnip: i'm searching for an alternative to ndiswrapper00:24
ActionParsnippaolo: it doesnt hurt to try, it takes seconds to type and seconds to read so its worth it as it may give some info00:24
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TulimaqLimCore, what is your "iwlist wlan0 scan" output00:24
woliodinsbane: i want my server to be able to parse CSS files on the fly, and do other stuff with files..00:24
wolibasically web applications i guess00:24
mariai keep having to go into the third level choosers option, and checking and unchecking the box00:24
ActionParsnippaolo: you could try madwifi00:24
paoloActionParsnip: what is it?00:24
ActionParsnippaolo: its a bunch of wireless drivers00:24
LimCoreTulimaq: it says interface doenst support scanning network is down00:24
paoloActionParsnip: i see, let's try00:25
ActionParsnippaolo: it may help, yuo can always remove if its no good00:25
CartoonCatmadwifi does not support usb devices00:25
odinsbanewoli, well I installed mod python because it doesnt take up much space, but I haven't used it once.  Plus if you want to use a shared host or something else later odds are you won't have access to it.00:25
paoloActionParsnip: but how can i check if my device is supported by this driver?00:25
woliodinsbane: what i'm working on right now is a lan server, or webpage00:26
ActionParsnippaolo: you could check the website00:26
ActionParsnippaolo: or you could just try it00:26
paoloActionParsnip: well, i've found the #madwifi channel :)00:26
ActionParsnippaolo: CartoonCat says it doesnt support usb devices00:26
eikuhello, I have a little problem with the compose key: it doesn't work the same when I am in a terminal and when I am in another app (firefox for example)00:26
TulimaqLimCore, then u need to install firmware for the card i think, but first add repository and then use restricted driver manager to install it00:27
CartoonCatpaolo, google the putput of lsusb, fastest way to find the driver00:27
eikuIs there a way to find out which file corresponds to the "firefox" layout of the compose key ?00:27
ActionParsnippaolo: i always buy compatible stuff so ive never had to do this sort of thing so im googling and asking away00:27
odinsbaneWoli it doesn't hurt to install it.00:27
ActionParsnippaolo: and all im finding is ndiswrapper00:27
woliodinsbane: i already did...00:27
paoloActionParsnip: i see.00:27
paolobut i don't find these devices in shops00:27
DarXcan anyone help me out with a small problem I have?00:28
CartoonCatoh lovely  : ATI's Legacy Driver Does Not Support Your Operating System"00:28
JackOSDarx don't ask to ask just ask00:28
ActionParsnippaolo: ndiswrapper is a good way to get wifi sorted00:28
woliodinsbane: anyway, thank you, i gotta leave00:28
paoloActionParsnip: i don't want to use ndiswrapper00:29
ActionParsnippaolo: why not?00:29
paoloi had too many problems with it00:29
DarXalright thanks. my menu bar is all weird. when i goto places > anything it says that there is no default action associated with the location00:29
DarXand I dont see any icons on my desktop00:29
paolonow, for example, it works on kubuntu 7.10, but i can't make it work on kubuntu 8.0400:29
paoloi've spent too much time with it00:29
EvilDaemonIs there a Microsoft Paint clone for Ubuntu?00:29
maestrojedTree: Well I am holding ESC during the whole boot process and never getting to a grub / anyway to get to a shell prompt. Am I doing something wrong.  Is there anything else I can do to get to a shell as root without sudoing to it00:29
paoloi'm searching for smthing more compatible00:29
ActionParsnippaolo: find some guides and you should be ok00:29
paoloActionParsnip: already tried a lot of things00:30
JackOSEvilDaemon, Are you looking forsomething like GIMP or something simple like Paint?00:30
CartoonCatpaolo, What RF device do you have00:30
paoloCartoonCat: 2001:3a02 D-Link Corp.00:30
usserEvilDaemon, gpaint00:30
mariahey guys, im using polish as a second language, and my third level choosers keep turning off, i keep having to go into the third level choosers option, and checking and unchecking the box00:30
EvilDaemonJackOS: Simple, not a photoshop.00:30
EvilDaemonusser: sudo apt-get install gpaint?00:31
JackOSEvilDaemon, Gpaint is your answer00:31
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ActionParsnipkolourpaint in kde00:31
CartoonCatthats a dwl-g132 usb adapter?00:31
paoloCartoonCat: i dunno. i only know that it's an usb adapter00:31
bheerodo somebody know why i have this error : "GLib-GObject-CRITICAL" when i use Firefox(started with the terminal).. ?!?00:32
CartoonCatwell look on it, see if there is a sticker, but from what i see, its a screwy brand chipset with no linux support00:32
paoloCartoonCat: unuseful research00:33
ActionParsnippaolo: check on the stick, itll say00:33
bheeronobody know why ?00:33
paolono, really. i'm searching something more compatible00:33
paoloI already wasted too much time with this chip00:33
CartoonCatpaolo, well I would get a atheros minipci card if your laptop can take one00:33
demontagerCan I use KDE 4 in Ubuntu or I need Kubuntu?00:34
HalphaZis there somethins similiar to http://www.photo-freeware.net/dupdetector.php for linux?00:34
ActionParsnippaolo: linksys is usually good but see what you can find on the web00:34
HalphaZdemonspork, you can00:34
DarXAnybody know why the "Places" on my computer dont work? I get a message saying "There is no default action associated with this location" and I cant see any icons on my desktop.00:34
JackOSDemontager, Use Kubuntu, it'll keep your sanity00:34
ActionParsnipdemontager: you can intall kde on ubuntu00:34
le_mischaJackOS: ;)00:34
HalphaZyou can install kde4 from synaptic00:34
paoloCartoonCat: no, that's a bad solution for a laptop00:34
ActionParsnippaolo: http://www.linuxemporium.co.uk/products/wireless/00:35
CartoonCatpaolo, Atheros cards are the best out there00:35
HalphaZI tried run dupdetector with wine... but it failed00:35
HalphaZso... I' asking...00:35
alphamale1shouldent sudo rm * delete everything inside the folder?00:35
demontagercan i choose KDE desktop when installing Ubuntu? Same like in mandriva 2 choices Gnome or KDE?00:35
paoloActionParsnip: these devices are not sold in common shops00:36
paoloso i should order them00:36
ActionParsnippaolo: you have a computer plugged into the world market, you can buy from anywhere00:36
paoloActionParsnip: ordering things would require time.00:36
CartoonCatwww.wlanparts.com  www.streakwave.com both great sites, i use them every month00:36
paoloi need an adapter in the next days00:36
ActionParsnipdemontager: ubuntu is gnome based, kubuntu is kde based. you can install either dektop on either system once booted00:37
CartoonCatThey do next day shipping =)00:37
ActionParsnipHalphaZ: fdupes looks good00:37
paolook:) thnks for your suggestions!00:37
paolobye all00:37
bheerodo somebody know why i have this error : "GLib-GObject-CRITICAL" when i use Firefox(started with the terminal).. ?!?00:37
ActionParsnipbheero: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13215300:38
maestrojedI need to make a change that requires me to be root but I cannot sudo to root. So I am trying to restart as root with a shell.  I hold ESC during the entire reboot but get no options to start in shell.  Is there something I am doing wrong? Any other ways? Any suggestions?00:38
HalphaZActionParsnip, but I don't need a md5sum check00:39
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: you dont sudo to root, you sudo <command you need sudo for>00:39
chack-1hello all00:39
ActionParsnipHalphaZ: it compares md5sums of files and flags the ones with the same md5 as dupliates00:39
alphamale1how do i force the removal of a directory00:40
chack-1i have a probleme to uplod files with backup-manager (scp methode)00:40
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: or you can gksu for gui apps (not advised)00:40
CartoonCatrm dirname -rf00:40
CartoonCatdo NOT feed it /   ever00:40
ActionParsnipalphamale1: rm -rf <dirname>00:40
maestrojedActionParsnip: forgive my symantics, that is correct.  I can't do that because I get teh error /etc/sudoers is set to 0770 and should be 0440. I can't change the permissions because I am not root. That is why I am trying to restart as root at a shell. But I can't get it to do that either00:40
ActionParsnipalphamale1: make sure yu dont need any data in the folder or subdirs00:40
CartoonCatmaestrojed, i had that problem, ssh in as root00:41
wastedfluid-lapIs there any program like PSYBNC for msn, aol connections??00:41
ActionParsnipmaestrojed: you could do it in live cd and chroot00:41
bheeroActionParsnip, thanks, but i have not the same error00:41
tripitakithello all00:41
chack-11) backup-manager work in localhost ( creat the tar.gz in the backup-directory00:41
Mr_Fixitso.. i don't haver permission to remove files from my trash.. anyway around it? i can't seem to find a /home/.trash either00:41
alphamale1ActionParsnip: yep not that dumb00:41
chack-12) scp commande work in remote host00:42
ActionParsnipwastedfluid-lap: it runs on linux or do you just want something different?00:42
ActionParsnipalphamale1: just warning, its a harsh command00:42
chack-1if i use this commande : scp aaaa.tar.gz root@qsfdqsfqf00:42
chack-1that work00:42
mon^rchcannot delete from trash, where is the new location of .trash please?00:42
wastedfluid-lapActionParsnip, Well, I run linux on both the laptop and te desktop.  I turn the desktop off during the day.. the laptop runs my psybnc, and my  torrents.. was wanting to have some kind of program like psybnc for my MSN, and AIM.. any way to "tunnel" in so to speak, to stay online 24/7?00:42
chack-1but if use this backup-manager -v00:43
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maestrojedCartoonCat ActionParsnip Thank you I will try those suggestions00:43
chack-1that dosn't work00:43
Mr_Fixitbotty's busy?00:43
alphamale1yep but required00:43
zeelothey guys, installed 64bit ubuntu today (8.04) and now I can't seem to checkout a repository with kdesvn or rapidsvn anymore, I get PROPFIND of '/': 403 Forbidden, anyone know why? I dont even get a login prompt00:43
ActionParsnipmon^rch: ~/.local/share/Trash00:43
chack-1some one can help me please?00:43
mon^rchty ActionParsnip00:44
Mr_Fixitit's not the same files in there ActionParsnip00:44
ActionParsnipMr_Fixit: its asleep00:44
Mr_Fixitsame q as mon^rch00:44
Mr_Fixitthe files are not the same as in the GUI trash00:44
tripitakitthe Trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash00:44
tripitakitouch Action has been faster ;)00:44
Mr_Fixitwell that's not the same files in there as in the GUI bin..00:44
weatherkidI have a error with Ubuntu-http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/130712-detection-error.html00:46
smm289almost done settings up an XP VM under ubuntu, i'm using VirtualBox OSE and when I start my VM and get ready to install the OS I get an stating that my VirtualBox kernel driver is not installed.  Now what ?00:46
smm289should i have logged out and logged back in after installing the VirtualBox OSE software00:47
pianoboy3333make install installs, what removes?00:47
smm289om im impatient, going to re-loggin, be back if it doesn;t work00:48
weatherkidJack_Sparrow can i PM you?00:48
NickReadsudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup00:48
Tulimaqsmm289: kernel module is a separate package for OSE version u need to install it i think00:49
weatherkidCan someone help me-http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/ubuntu-help/130712-detection-error.html00:49
ActionParsnippianoboy3333: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/softinstall.html00:49
ActionParsnipweatherkid: whats up. I read the post00:49
weatherkidActionParsnip can I PM you?00:50
CartoonCatweatherkid, wine will mount it as ~/.wine/dos_devices/E:00:51
CartoonCater ~/.wine/dosdevices/E:00:52
Goran_does ubuntu package manager mess up if not regularly updated?00:52
ceil420pfft; ubuntu only gets new packages once every six months00:52
haydnCould someone help me understand how I could source out a crash.00:53
CartoonCathaydn, dmesg is a start, /var/log/ another00:53
smm289Ok, everything is setup for my XP VM under Ubuntu Hardy, I used VirtualBox OSE to set it up. However when I click on the start button I get an error saying my Kernal Driver is not installed, I just did a reboot and it did not work,  any ideas ?00:54
Arneyi like turtles00:54
ActionParsnipGoran_: no, you'll just have old versions in your database00:54
NickReadsmm289: Does /etc/init.d/vboxdrv exist?00:54
smm289i have no idea00:55
smm289let me look00:55
haydnCartoonCat: Is there a place that logs my startup dialogue, I've noticed a number of errors as the system loads00:55
ActionParsnipGoran_: just run sudo apt-get update once every now and again and you're ok00:55
smm289yep vboxdrv is there00:56
NickReadsmm289: sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup00:56
tripitakitI like Xmonad much more than metacity or compiz!00:56
NickReadsmm289: This rebuilds the kernel module for Virtual Box and installs it in your kernel00:56
smm289it gave me a line of text and then dropped me back to a CLI00:57
smm289thats it ?00:57
NickReadWhat was the text?00:57
smm289 Usage: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv {start|stop|restart|status}00:57
smokewoni conqured samba last night, took 6 hours, but i got it00:57
tripitakitwell done smokewon00:58
weatherkidCartoonCat I opened my .wine directory and it didnt give me an e: option00:58
smm289Nick: used the Status extention and I get " Kernel module is not loaded"00:58
tripitakiti did it with xmonad integrated in gnome .. took all the night00:59
smm289tried restart and it says " No suitable module for running kernel found"00:59
tripitakitand now i have an amazinw tiling window manager inside my gnome box00:59
smm289should I uninstall VirtualBox OSE and then re-install it again01:00
vengeris there a apt key for launchpad.net?01:00
NickReadIt should say when running "setup": Removing old VirtualBox kernel module, then Recompiling VirtualBox kernel module,01:01
weatherkidCartoonCat can I PM you?01:01
abboti'm having a problem with an 8.04 install on a new dell machine.  i've tried 3 different burns and i get errors like this when i try to start the install.  http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3019/2876626155_4cc076c6a7.jpg01:02
NickReadsmm289: Did you install it fro the Ubuntu repo?  If so, it should have setup the kernel driver for you automatically.  In this case, maybe a quick reinstall would be your best option.01:02
smm289yes I used the Add/remove to install VirtualBox OSE01:03
smm289yes Hardy01:03
smm289well i will give that a try later,  thanks01:04
abbotcan someone help?  i'd really like to get ubuntu on this new machine.  this old one is super slow and windows blows.01:04
alphamale1in proftpd how do i change the logout time? it seems like if im not transfering something or doing something within 20 seconds it logs out01:04
NickReadWhat was the output of using "setup" rather than 'status' or 'restart'01:04
smm289setup did not do anything01:04
smm289it just gave me a usage line01:04
tripitakitwhat kind of help abbot?01:04
abboti'm having a problem with an 8.04 install on a new dell machine.  i've tried 3 different burns and i get errors like this when i try to start the install.  http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3019/2876626155_4cc076c6a7.jpg01:04
NickReadHrmm... maybe it's a difference between the Ubuntu OSE version, and the Sun 2.0 version I'm running now01:05
smm289i will try to re-install, see how that works01:05
smm289thanks for your time01:05
tripitakitabbot : never encountered that kind of error..01:06
tripitakitwhich model of Dell... ?01:07
abboti get the same thing if i choose install or check disc for errors01:07
koshariabbot have you tried 8.04.1?01:07
Scunizitim167: so.. what happened.. did you get it to work?01:07
kosharii had that error the other day on a acer one using a 8.04 disc but an 8.04.1 worked01:07
abbotwhere's that01:08
koshariabbot its the latest downlaodable iso, you may have it if you had downlaoded recently, the 8.04 was the first release of LTs01:09
evenhi, ufw doesnt work! i add a lot of rules and nothing are blocked! why?01:09
abbotkoshari: in that case, i've already tried it.01:09
alphamale1wow, why do i never get responce on ubuntu? why do i usualy getit at linux01:09
LimCorefor intel 64 bit CPU - which distro I get, i386, or amd64, or.. ?01:09
falloreis there a specific command/method to use the terminal to create a backup of a file?01:09
falstaffIs there a way to remove the kubuntu partition I just installed?01:10
QSLimCore: amd6401:10
xbxbLimCore:  amd64, if you want.01:10
LimCoreso.. amd64 is for INTEL 64... ok cool =)01:10
alphamale1andaconda 3 SUCKS!01:10
QSLimCore: would it be better if they'd call it amd64-em64t? :)01:11
falstaffI installed kubuntu and I hate it ... How do I get it off my system?01:11
omegachicken64why amd64 for an intel 64 CPU?01:11
Scunizismm289: you'd be better off installing the version from vbox's site.. then for the kernel error look in System/Admin/Synaptic Package Manager .. search for virtualbox and you'll see the kernel file01:11
xbxbomegachicken64:  because AMD invented em64t01:11
tripitakit__sudo apt-get remove kde-desktop i guess01:11
omegachicken64xbxb: oh ok, thanks01:12
labuserShould call it x64 just to avoid this question :)01:12
lolmachi, maxagaz01:12
xbxbomegachicken64:  well, em64t is the intel name for it01:12
LimCorefalstaff: by installing something else, like a Mojave (lol) over it01:12
xbxbomegachicken64:  amd invented x86-64, and intel copied it and named it em64t01:12
unopfalstaff,  http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome01:12
maxagazwhere can I download the iso of ubuntu remix to install it on a usb key ?01:12
omegachicken64xbxb: so it's the same distro? just a different name?01:12
LimCoresound recording doesnt work on my laptop.  can you help?01:13
xbxbomegachicken64:  same distro as what? I was talking about CPUs here, not distros01:13
unopLimCore, please take this seriously - he might just follow your instructions and be distraught later01:13
tripitakit__i suggest  gnome+xmonad :)01:13
omegachicken64xbxb: oh, so x86-64 and em64t are the amd/intel names for the processors?01:14
abbotthis is a brand new box.  it should work.  could it be incompatable hardware?  its a dell machine that came with FreeDOS01:14
xbxbomegachicken64:  for the instruction sets of their 64 bit processors, yes.01:14
lolmachi, thomaskkkk01:14
xbxbomegachicken64:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-6401:14
omegachicken64xbxb: ahh gotcha, my fault.01:14
NickReadtripitakit: Have you tried Awesome too?  How does it compare to Xmonad?01:14
alphamale1join #joomla01:15
tripitakit__abbot have u tried a debian install ?01:15
tripitakit__i have awesome too but i dont spent much time on it01:15
abboti've got XP on it now01:15
geniusHi. i've got desktop with Nvidia 8400GS. Nvidia opensource driver worked OK but when i installed Envy it does not work and fallback to safe mode. What's wrong?01:15
tripitakit__i found xmonad perfectly fitting in gnome and the couple is really amazing01:16
NickReadHrmm... may have to investigate01:16
Goran_nvidia oss driver is glitchy01:16
NickReadI've always liked the idea of tiling managers, but never got around to using any of them01:16
tripitakit__well i had to get the backports form debian etch ...01:17
tripitakit__cause hardy has xmonad 0.6 and i coudnt make it work with gnome01:17
koshariGoran_ they have an OSS driver?01:17
tripitakit__the debian etch backports are 0.8-101:17
xomphow to put Computer, Home, Pictures etc icons on Gnomes desktop?01:18
NickReadIt looks like Hardy is up to .0.7,1 now01:18
tripitakit__NickRead: it has been a bit hard at the beginning but now it's all perfectly working01:18
Yhapsteris ubotu down?01:19
unopYhapster, yes01:19
Yhapsteranyone have instructions on how to install Acrobat on Hardy?01:19
orifice_are there any ways to speed up nautilus when it's loading a directory with lots of files ?01:19
Yhapsteri have a PDF that i need to open in it01:19
orifice_when I open my mp3 folder it takes like 5-10 secs for it load01:20
labuserThe default nvidia driver seems to work better for me... Flash videos lag when I use the closed source one01:20
unopYhapster, enable the medibuntu  repos - then install acroread01:20
wallcan I install ubuntu alternate by Wubi? or must use ubuntu-desktop01:20
unopYhapster, or alternatively, there is xpdf which will read PDF files01:20
Yhapsterunop: ok, that's what I thought, thanks01:20
Yhapsterunop: i have a passport application that needs to be filled in, that's why01:20
unopYhapster, acroread it is then01:21
labuserUbuntu even automatically detects my printer now <301:21
Yhapsterunop: thanks :D01:21
Ward1983at the very end of all the questions before the installer starts copying, you can clikc advanced and specify where to install grub, but how do i know for sure what i need to enter there?01:21
Ward1983i mean i know on what disk i want it01:22
Ward1983but i don know how to tell that to the installer01:22
orifice_how come I get a segfault when I run xsane as a normal user01:24
orifice_and if I run as root everything is fine01:24
NickReadorifice: Google is your friend: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=209201:27
D1sa5t3rgoogle is not my friend01:27
NickReadI never said it was yours :p01:28
NickReadSubstitute "Google" with your favourite search engine01:28
vecxI don't like him either. He is a young little brat!01:28
=== Yo is now known as yo
D1sa5t3raltavista is better :D01:28
Penzer_test me01:29
tripitakitin which way ?01:29
FloodBot3yo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:30
xompis there a way to keep Evolution mail up, but put it in the taskbar or w/e it's called on linux when minimized and maybe have a pop-up when new mail is received?01:30
datachomperDoes anybody know how to increase the main system volume in ubuntu /from the command line/ ??01:30
bobertdosxomp: Evolution should do that by default.01:31
kleerxcomp, there is a tool called alltray (if i remember right) to put tools in the taskbar which provide no native taskbar support01:31
yohey my name is "yo"?01:31
xompbobertdos, well when I minimize it, it stays down in the window list section, I'd rather have it minimize to the taskbar as an icon.01:31
=== yo is now known as sdaolasdlasdhjd
datachomperAnybody know how to increase volume from the command line?01:32
=== sdaolasdlasdhjd is now known as jdkbghkjsagfuilf
NickReadI think you can use amixer01:32
riegersnWhen it comes to analyzing audio, is there anything good out there for linux?01:32
kleerups xomp i mean :)01:32
xomplol kleer it's a common mistake :P01:32
bobertdosxomp: Ahh, well there might be something for that in the plugins section too, otherwise maybe kleer's suggestion is the way to go.01:33
=== jdkbghkjsagfuilf is now known as stupid
datachomperNickRead: Thanks01:33
xompmaybe I should make a feature request with the folks @ Evolution Mail lol01:33
stupidmy name is stupid?01:33
kleerwhy not01:33
_alejo_hello could anyone help me with matlab please?01:33
NickRead/msg datacomper See the examples in "man amixer"01:33
lolmachi, _alejo_01:34
bobertdosdatachomper: by amixer, NickRead meant alsamixer01:34
=== stupid is now known as Silverblaze
_alejo_hi lolmac, you know matlab?01:34
NickReadWoo! Flashy version!01:34
NickReadAscii art FTW01:35
NickReadThanks bboertdos, never knew about that01:35
=== Silverblaze is now known as I
bobertdosdatachomper: on the other hand, NickRead is right too,. but Alsamixer is, as he said, "woo flashy!" :D01:35
tripitakitactually he meant man amixer i guess01:35
II'm I01:35
datachomperbobertdos: NickRead: Thanks guys Alsamixer is exactly what I needed01:36
=== I is now known as Frikipedia
jeeves__what does "usb 1-1: can't set config #1, error -71"01:36
=== Frikipedia is now known as __me__
jeeves__what does "usb 1-1: can't set config #1, error -71" mean?  my system wont boot01:36
_alejo_hello could anyone help me with matlab please?01:37
lolmachi, _alejo_01:37
tripitakitsorry alejo i cannot01:37
=== __me__ is now known as N
jeeves__Flannel, hey man, can you help me figure out this pooched server install?01:37
kleer_alejo_ whats the problem?01:37
=== N is now known as Guest91478
* Guest91478 says this colour is stupid01:38
Guest91478hey wtf I'm not guest01:38
Kolmaare there any cases with ubuntu gutsy and the HPT366 hardware?01:39
_alejo_kleer: i never used it before and my boss gave me some code to run, but there seems to be some errors in the original code01:39
Kolmacuz my system is constantly freezing01:39
Kolmalike multiple times a day01:39
Infinito-Guest91478, just your nick then.01:39
KolmaGuest91478,  u prob took a name that was already registered01:39
Kolmatype /nick <nick here> to change it01:39
=== Guest91478 is now known as Silverblaze
Kolmacan any1 help my freezing problem?01:40
tripitakitkolma why not tried upgrading to hardy?01:40
Infinito-_alejo_, people at matlab channel don't know  it ?01:40
Kolmaand cant :/01:40
Detrix42hello all. I am configure Evolution email client. I am trying to pop my mail from googles gmail.01:40
lolmachi, Detrix4201:40
Kolmait freezes while upgrading01:41
Kolmaand so wen i restart it wont start01:41
smm289after adding VirtualBox OSE from the Add/Remove you still must go into synaptic and download and install the proper module01:41
pan_how to i get rid of an app installed when i tar xzvf "somefile.gz" and make install it01:41
xompDetrix42, i just finished setting mine up and it works fine.01:41
SlokunshialgoKolma: Try a format & reinstall01:41
case^Detrix42: use imap for gmail01:41
bobertdosKolma: Can you try a fresh install?01:41
Kolmatried all that01:41
Kolmai've reinstalled gutsy about 5 8 times this passed week01:41
_alejo_Infinito-: they dont answer me01:41
SlokunshialgoTry installing hardy01:41
Detrix42case^: thanx01:41
Kolmai ordered a hardy cd01:42
xompcase^, what's wrong with POP3 and gmail?01:42
Infinito-Kolma, do you other OSs installed on the same machine? if so, the run normally ?01:42
Kolmai noticed i have HPT36601:42
case^xomp: nothing but imap is better01:42
kirahi all01:42
Kolmawhich wont allows windows 2k or xp to install01:42
xompcase^, ah ok, I thought I muffed up with going the POP3 route lol01:42
_alejo_Infinito-: i think its pretty simple, just run a kalman filter on a quarter data01:42
Kolmaunless u have a special driver during instalation01:42
tripitakitcant u get hardy online?01:42
Kolmano cd's :/01:42
=== kira is now known as Guest26626
liveguy81I'm running a live cd of Hardy, via a usb flash drive. Is there a way for me to install updates to Hardy on the drive while I'm running the live cd from it?01:43
geniusI've got last kernel compiled with gcc 4.2.3 but gcc is upgraded on 4.2.4 at the same time! :( how to fix?01:43
Mr_Fixitif i partitioned a new drive.... how do i mount it?01:43
Kolmawait i can install hardy off a usb flash drive?01:43
Detrix42also I want to switch to the KDE window manager. I believe I have installed it through the synaptic package manager, off of a Unbuntu live DVD. now how do I switch it from Gnome to KDE???01:43
SlokunshialgoKolma: How old is that machine?01:43
Guest26626i want to instal on my ubuntu machine XP also ... so ei if got gpartet livecd and have a free partion but after XP install how can reinit the grub and MBR to got ubuntu and XP in grub?01:43
liveguy81Yes you can.01:43
Kolmai have no idea D:01:43
liveguy81It works really well.01:43
Kolmai just bought it recently for 20 bucks xD'01:43
kris-amrothAnyone good with MythTV here?01:43
case^Mr_Fixit: gparted can mount your new partition01:43
tripitakitisnt there an Instal icon liveguy?01:44
kris-amrothI need advice on a capture card01:44
SlokunshialgoCause I just looked it up, and I'm seeing references to Linux 2.2.somehting01:44
kitche!grub | Guest2662601:44
Kolmathe motherboard is BE-601:44
liveguy81Yes, there is.01:44
kitchehmm bot must have died ......01:44
Kolmaby abit01:44
kitcheor lagging01:44
liveguy81Here's the story....01:44
Kolmawhere can i download hardy so i can install off a flash drive?01:44
SlokunshialgoI've been using 2.4+ for about 4 years now, only ever seen one box using a 2.2 kernel01:44
djbenderdid ubuntuforums.org just crash?01:44
djbendernvm, back up01:44
kitchegenius: recompile the kernel of course01:45
liveguy81I messed up an XP install. I have two HDD. The main drive is the one I screwed up. It's not damaged, but I have to reformat. I had to use Ubuntu running from a flash drive to do that. (I just did, don't ask why.) I have a second hard drive that has a backup of all of my data.01:46
EvilDaemondjbender: It's from server overload, happened earlier.01:46
liveguy81More's coming...01:46
SlokunshialgoMr_Fixit: You can use the mount command as a temporary thing, or edit your /etc/fstab file to give it a "permanent" mount point01:46
djbenderevildaemon, okie01:46
tripitakitKolma: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/01:46
case^Slokunshialgo: using mount command creates a static mount anyway01:47
Mr_Fixitwell gparted doesn't have the mount option.. and unmount is greyed out..01:47
Detrix42I want to switch to the KDE window manager. I believe I have installed it through the synaptic package manager, off of a Unbuntu live DVD. now how do I switch it from Gnome to KDE???01:47
Slokunshialgocase^: Doesn't it only mount it until the system reboots?01:47
Mr_Fixit/etc/fstab what do i throw in there?01:47
Kolmaso ill just save my /home to other drive and put those on flash drive and i can install now?01:47
case^nope - creates a mount point which it re-uses01:47
kitcheDetrix42: pick the kde session on gdm/kdm01:47
Silverblaze 01:47
Silverblaze 01:47
Silverblaze 01:47
FloodBot3Silverblaze: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:47
liveguy81I resized my partition on the second HDD so I could slap Hardy on the end of the drive. I remembered how much I liked Linux and decided I wanted to keep an actual install on my HDD.01:47
SlokunshialgoNever seen it do that01:47
case^doing it right now on my system01:48
geniuskitche: can you point some article with the easiest way :)01:48
Dapsi have installed apache2 and loaded a website onto /var/www  How can i make this visible to someone outside of my home network ?01:48
Detrix42I check there, but the KDE Option is not there (yet)01:48
kitchegenius: not really but I do believe the wiki on ubuntu.com actually has what your looking for01:48
case^Daps: dyndns is your friend01:48
SlokunshialgoDaps: Tell your router to redirect port 80 to your computer01:48
liveguy81The resize is going to be about 4 more hours and I can't reboot without possibly screwing up my only copy of some very precious data.01:48
kitchegenius: see the bot is down it seems so I can't use that to point you to it01:48
Dapshow do i tell it to do that?01:48
zer0neI'm having a problem with Compiz when it generates child-windows for file browsing..  Say for example I click the browse button when choosing which wallpaper to use as my background - the window is created way too high on the screen (negative y co-ordinate) and I have to click my taskbar to see it, then drag it down01:48
SlokunshialgoDepends on the router01:49
case^Daps: static IP routing normally01:49
SlokunshialgoDLink is usually under the "Advanced" tab in the router management page01:49
geniuskitche: the wiki says that i should not do it without real need01:49
liveguy81I was trying to just surf the net and such, but I can't seem to install any plugins or updates. So (for example) I could watch flash video.01:49
Xtasiadoalguien ke sepa usar telnet?01:49
Dapscase^: i don't know how to go about doing that, can you give me some instruction?01:49
case^Slokunshialgo: actually I'm not as sure about mount being permanent01:49
Xtasiadoy alguien que me ayude para instalar hardy01:49
liveguy81So, that is why I wanted to figure out how to install new additions to a running "live cd" - since it is actually a flash drive and not a cd. I figured that I would be able to update it just like a full install.01:50
kitchegenius: well you shouldn't really most of the advance people just give up anymore unless they need support for something01:50
platiuskris-amroth, http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/index.php/Category:Video_capture_cards01:50
swanskI have a problem?   A windows box created a folder in my "public" and I can't manipulate it?   HELP!!  I know this isn't a hard problem.01:50
lolmachi, imura01:50
_alejo_hello could anyone help me with matlab please?01:51
lolmachi, imura01:51
lolmachi, _alejo_01:51
liveguy81Hmmm....any masters of the terminal want to help me with this one?01:51
fyrestrtrswansk: what do you mean you can't manipulate it?01:51
swansklike rename it or delete it.01:51
case^Daps: it's not something I can walk you through01:51
fyrestrtrswansk: check the permissions.01:51
zer0neswansk: use chown to change your file permissions01:51
zer0nels -l01:51
bobertdosXtasiado: Venga a #ubuntu-es, por favor. Yo no se mucho sobre telnet, pero puedo ayudarlo instalar.01:51
tripitakit_alejo_ why not trying in a matlab channel?01:51
zer0neerr nm01:52
Slokunshialgoliveguy81: Does it have a full filesystem on the flash drive, or does it expand files into memory?01:52
Dapsis there a website with instructions?01:52
swanskI know chown, but the folder name is not English, it's Korean.01:52
zer0necut and paste?01:52
liveguy81Actually, I'm not sure. It appears to have a fully file system.01:52
unopswansk, tab-complete01:52
imuradoes matlab have help01:52
_alejo_tripitakit: got no response there01:52
swanskI don't know the first char01:52
zer0neyou can't copy paste the first char in terminal?01:52
tripitakithere is harder then01:52
case^Daps: start here http://lifehacker.com/software/feature/how-to-set-up-a-personal-home-web-server-124212.php01:52
* Slokunshialgo has seen files with no name... They're hard to get rid of01:53
swanskok, sudo chown username folder ???01:53
tripitakitis it a code problem?01:53
swanskI'll try copy and paste01:53
* imura is away: gone to sleep01:53
liveguy81I am trying to remember the name of the program I used with the live cd iso to convert my flash drive into a live boot Ubuntu.01:53
SeaPhorswansk, can you chown/chmod the parent directory?01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                               /~~~\01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                             -/     \--\.01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                           ./           `.01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                         .-/             |\01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                        / /                \01:54
FloodBot3Mu5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:54
Mu5<Mu5>                     .-/                    \01:54
liveguy81I was googling for it, but to no avail so far.01:54
Infinito-Daps, get you router brand and model, and google for a configuration manual01:54
PostersandGuitarHello, my hard drives have disappeared and when I attempt to open "computer" it says nautilus can't handle computer:locations01:54
lolmachi, PostersandGuitar01:54
bobertdos!usb > liveguy8101:54
swanskI already control "Public"??01:55
kitchebobertdos: the bot is gone right now it seems01:55
liveguy81USB has completely kicked in my face with its greatness.01:55
fyrestrtrKung-Fu USB FTW01:55
liveguy81Unfortunately it seems to be the case.01:55
PostersandGuitarCan someone help me?01:56
tripitakitPostersandGuitar: checked with ls /media01:56
swanskSeaPhor : Let me work on that01:56
PostersandGuitarhang on, let me see01:56
bobertdoskitchie: apparently. You can easily find it in the wiki yourself, liveguy8101:56
liveguy81It wouldn't be a big deal if I didn't have to wait for four more hours before I'm able to interact with ye old net again.01:56
PostersandGuitarnot listed on ls /media01:56
DapsWhat are the security risks of opening up port 80 to the internet while running Ubuntu 8.0 ??01:56
PostersandGuitarit could always find it until now01:56
liveguy81Oh really?01:57
tripitakitbut u booted dont u?01:57
NickReadDepends what you're going to bind to port 8001:57
fyrestrtrDaps: none, if you don't install anything that listens on it.01:57
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Are you having trouble with an NTFS autmount?01:57
falloretomboy notes won't open or do anything at all when i try to open it from the apps menu01:57
PostersandGuitarYes, I can't find the NTFS to mount to. Or the linux to mount to01:57
demontagerIf  i choose KDE desktop while installing Ubuntu 8.04, that means it will like Kubuntu?01:57
usserDaps, theoretically, unless you run a webserver or any other application that listens on this port none01:57
Dapsfyrestrtr: anything that listens ???01:57
fyrestrtrDaps: yes, like a server process.01:58
tripitakittryed with sudo umount -a ?01:58
Dapsi installed apache201:58
tripitakitsudo mount -a01:58
tjayHas anyone ever used "Gyach Py! Voice Chat" before?  I need help, it's not able to recognize an installed Lib . . .01:58
kitcheDaps: well theorically it's already open :)01:58
NickReadDaps: Apache is pretty secure by default, unless you have changed the configurations01:58
PostersandGuitarno change01:58
Dapshaven't changed a thing, this is my 3rd day using linux.. i'm pretty green01:59
tripitakitcan u cd .. form your ~01:59
case^Daps: tbh I would get to learn the basics first before trying this01:59
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Did you exit Windows cleanly the last time?01:59
PostersandGuitarTriptakit: Can you be more clear?01:59
PostersandGuitarBobertdos: Yes01:59
Dapsso i want to take the precautions as i learn... i have an index file in /var/www and can see it from my browser on my localhost address.. but i want to see it from outside01:59
fallorebah everything is just breaking02:00
bobertdosPostersandGuitar:  and it's not listed in fdisk?02:00
PostersandGuitarHowever, I didn't the previous time, it got an error when mounting. So I restarted itno windows, cleanly exited, and now it's gone02:00
tjayI'm trying to use a program, but it won't start saying I don't have the "XML Parser for C" installed, BUT I DO . . . help?02:00
tripitakiti mean if u  cd .. form your home dir u can go up to the root (/) dont you?02:00
lolmachi, MaleXachi02:00
Dapscase^: i'm not doing so bad so far, i have connected to all my other windows based machines on my network and even started running mediatomb ;)02:00
PostersandGuitarIt appears to be listed in fdisk02:00
tripitakit(form is my way to spell from, sorry)02:00
Dapswith help from folks like you of course ;)02:01
MaleXachiHoi lolmac02:01
tripitakitso it is your ntfs partition u cant see ... ?02:01
PostersandGuitarim in root02:01
SeaPhorswansk, try sudo chown -R user:group /path/to/parent/dir/  then   sudo chmod -R 770 /path/to/parent/dir02:01
kitchetripitakit: no it goes to /home but you keep doing cd .. and you will02:01
demontager If  i choose KDE desktop while installing Ubuntu 8.04, that means it will like Kubuntu?02:01
PostersandGuitarI can't see any partitions, except in fdisk02:01
NickReadDaps: That's probably fine then.  Static pages should be fine.  If you step into running PHP or other CGI programs, be careful!02:01
PostersandGuitarI'm at home, in root02:01
tjayI'm trying to use a program, but it won't start saying I don't have the "XML Parser for C" installed, BUT I DO . . . help?02:02
case^Daps: don't get me wrong - this install is only 3 days old as well. NickReads comment is what I was getting at02:02
MaleXachiI have a question .......... What Linux can be best to start? Suse 10 or unbuntu 8.04?02:02
cornbreadHey guys, for some reason xmonad doesn't start on ubuntu hardy, anyone know about something like this?02:02
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Maybe fstab got corrupted. gksudo gedit /etc/fstab02:02
PostersandGuitari'm at /02:02
DapsNickRead: problem is i won't know if i step into a danger zone, but thanks for the heads up02:02
Odd-rationaleMaleXachi: of course ubuntu.... but we're biased here... :P02:02
SlokunshialgoMaleXachi: Ubuntu02:02
PostersandGuitarbobertdos: did it02:02
SlokunshialgoMaleXachi: Used both, found Ubuntu a lot easier to use02:02
PostersandGuitarno change02:03
MaleXachiHmzz okay02:03
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Please pastebin the content of the file.02:03
falloreeverything is frozen up and the shutdown/reboot button in the top right corner isn't doing anything. should i just press the restart button on my PC or what?02:03
Dapscase^: not only the install is 3 days old, my exposure to linux is 3 days old... :D but i02:03
PostersandGuitar# /etc/fstab: static file system information.02:03
PostersandGuitar# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>02:03
PostersandGuitarproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       002:03
PostersandGuitar# /dev/sda602:03
FloodBot3PostersandGuitar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:03
PostersandGuitarUUID=01f3606d-592a-4e04-8fe9-c2794612d33b /               ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       102:03
MaleXachiThanks all ....... ubuntu then I try and see how it goes02:03
Dapsm learning02:03
Slokunshialgofallore: try ctrl+alt+backspace02:03
le_mischafallore: strg + alt + backslash02:03
abaddon3ki was wondering if anyone could help me. i just cleanly installed ubuntu and the username/password i gave at startup wont work. tells me that it is incorrect. i have tried reinstalling many times but i get the same error02:03
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Pastebin. paste.ubuntu.com02:03
tripitakitfallore: in  a terminal: sudo shutdown -r now02:04
NickReadDaps: There is always a risk when you make a service available on your server.  I'd restrict it to your own network until you are sure what's going on.02:04
PostersandGuitarhang on02:04
kitchePostersandGuitar: also if you want to paste something without opening up a browser you can look at pastebinit to auto paste a file to a pastebin02:04
Slokunshialgole_mischa: strg ?02:04
Dapsok so if i wanted to tell a friend im another city to open my site, where would i send him? http:// what address and how do i get that address, whats teh process ?02:04
NickReadYou'd need to determine your own IP address02:05
tripitakitDaps u need a static IP02:05
fyrestrtrDaps: go register a domain name, point it to the IP address that you get from your ISP.02:05
DapsNickRead: ok, so i am assuming it is restricted now as it is only on my localhost..02:05
PostersandGuitarbrb, bathroom02:05
le_mischa3 beer a day keep the english away..02:05
case^Daps: www.dyndns.org02:06
NickReadDaps: Another alternative is DynDNS (or similar providor)02:06
Dapsi purchased a domain name i never got to use about 5 months ago.02:06
Dapsthanks case^02:06
PostersandGuitarso, any suggestions, solutions, placebos?02:06
SlokunshialgoPostersandGuitar: Take 30 aspirin, call the emergency room02:06
PostersandGuitarEr, that makes no sense02:07
kitcheDaps: well if you bought the domain then you still have it unless its though some rip-off domain registration place like my one domain was though02:07
SlokunshialgoYou won't remember the problem, thus problem solved02:07
Dapscan i do "ifconfig" and then point the domain to the ip in there?02:07
PostersandGuitarPeople who were helping me?02:07
SlokunshialgoIt didn't come out as I meant it02:07
kris-amrothDaps, you mean ipconfig?02:07
fyrestrtrDaps: no, you need to point the domain from the control panel of your domain provider.02:07
case^Daps: if you try to do nothing will happen02:08
PostersandGuitarTriaptinik, bobertdos, you there?02:08
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: As I thought, there is no entry in your fstab for your ntfs partition.02:08
nikonhey I am trying to enable packet forwarding for my mac laptop, running port, which gives me access to terminal linux applications... so I am running dsniff, wiht the whole ARPspoof setup and I have to figure out how to run this command I used to use on my linux box, I want to forward all the traffec into that file... for ARP spoof purposes... echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward02:08
PostersandGuitarCan I fix that?02:08
Strang3rhi to all02:08
Strang3rcan somebody tell me how to get to the file /etc/resolv.conf02:09
Dapshmm, this seems to be more complex, thanks for the help.. i will tackle it later02:09
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: Do you still have it open?02:09
jvrany idea how to get system beep to come from soundcard ?02:09
Strang3rI mean which is the terminal comand ?02:09
case^Daps: if you get your external IP and correctly add the port to your routers iptables then yes your friend can see it02:09
tripitakitPoster:  sudo fdisk -l show them?02:09
nikonhow can I do the linux command echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward on my mac02:09
PostersandGuitarI'll reopen t hang on, can we move to a spearate channel?02:09
bobertdosPostersandGuitar: You may PM me if you wish.02:09
NickReadDaps: You're right - it is complex.  There's a lot of new things you'll need to learn - take your time and be careful :)02:09
abaddon3ki was wondering if anyone could help me. i just cleanly installed ubuntu and the username/password i gave at startup wont work. tells me that it is incorrect. i have tried reinstalling many times but i get the same error02:09
Dapscase^ i have no idea how to do what you just said, but what you said makes sense... i just don't know how to do it02:09
case^Daps: have fun :)02:10
DapsNickRead: i always thought Linux was safe from viruses and not so hacker prone as Windows... Is that a wrong assumption?02:10
=== Guest16802 is now known as euud
Dapscase^: thanks02:10
SeaPhorStrang3r, you can   sudo cat /etc/resolv.conf  to view,, you can gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf to edit ,,,,02:10
kitcheDaps umm safe from viruses to a point and is hacker prone just like Windows but the main system isn't the thing that usually gets touched02:11
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: Do you remake the partitions, or at least format them, every time?02:11
nikonhow can I do the linux command echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward on my mac02:11
akwar4uwould any one be willing to help me out geting a game to run? plz02:11
jvranyone have idea how to get system beep to come from soundcard ?02:12
abaddon3kslokunshialgo: yes. i made sure to redo the partitions everytime02:12
Slokunshialgojvr: beep, I think02:12
fyrestrtrnikon: the same way you would do it in Linux. On the Mac, just open Terminal, go to root (sudo su -) and do it.02:12
jvrSlokunshialgo: ?02:12
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: How old is the drive?02:12
Slokunshialgojvr: Mistook what you meant, beep makes it come from the PC speaker02:12
nikonit tells me the file cannto be found, I dont have that folder on my computer... how can I get that setup02:12
acidxnikon, there is no equivalent to that command on os x. see man natd.02:13
abaddon3kslokunshialgo: uhh....not more than a couple years. i honestly don't know seeing as i got it out of a scrap'd comp02:13
nikonI beleive I just put it there for dsniff to use, but does it do it on the "darwin ports" program on my mac02:13
jvrSlokunshialgo: ive disabled the pcspkr module its bloody annoying, but what I want is a beep to come from the soundcard, i.e: if im in bitchx via terminal i want to know i've got a privmsg etc.02:13
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: If you can peek into the drive (live disk, or soemthing like that) see if the /etc/passwd file exists, and if so, what it contains02:14
abaddon3kslokunshialgo: ok, i02:14
abaddon3kwill do that. bbs02:14
Slokunshialgojvr: I'm lucky in that my computer doesn't even have one...  But alas, no, I don't know how to change that02:14
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: good luck02:14
jvrfair enough.02:15
jvrso the package beep is not what i need02:15
HydrantI have some packages (binaries, e.g. VTune and CUDA) which require Ubuntu 7.04.... I'm not sure how forward-compatible these types of packages are... anyone have experience with them ?02:15
fyrestrtrHydrant: check backports02:15
liveguy81Does anyone know if there is a reliable way to write to NTFS from Ubuntu yet?02:15
petarHi how can I install new hardware in Ubuntu ? I have a capture card which is recognized during installation but can't be recognized if it is added after02:15
fyrestrtrliveguy81: yes.02:15
c4st0rhello what version of ubuntu recommended me?02:16
lolmachi, c4st0r02:16
kitcheliveguy81: umm ntfs-3g is the only "reliable" way02:16
c4st0rok thnks02:16
liveguy81Fyrestrtr: how do I do that?02:16
fyrestrtrc4st0r: 8.04.102:16
liveguy81Is that a default package in Hardy?02:16
kitcheliveguy81: I believe so02:16
MaleXachiI have another question ........ how do you get your name in irc like for example-MaleXachi-in brown letters shows such as a bone?02:16
case^liveguy81: yes02:16
c4st0rits for Intel E850002:17
IntangibleLiquidOpenOffice crashed my laptop everytime I open a presentation from Google Docs, what's wrong?02:17
liveguy81How do I use it then? When I attempt to make a new partition I don't have NTFS as a filessytem option.02:17
fyrestrtrIntangibleLiquid: save it to your disk first.02:17
Hydrantfyrestrtr: so install 7.04 and backport my fav other apps ?02:17
Slokunshialgoliveguy81: It cannot make them, but can mount & read/write to them02:17
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fyrestrtrHydrant: instal 8.04 and then see what are the updated packages available for your apps02:17
fyrestrtr!info vtune02:17
IntangibleLiquidfyrestrtr: I did that. But the same problem still exists.02:18
TyphIs there any way to make the area you can click on to resize windows larger? Trying to grab the corner of a window in Ubuntu is infuriating.02:18
Strang3rSeaPhor: thanks02:18
case^liveguy81: fire up gparted - it can show what can and can't be done02:18
HaSHhello all. im trying to set up a firewall. im using ufw. i did "ufw default deny" then "ufw allow 22/tcp" ...i then did "ufw enable"...it says its loaded..but its still accepting ping requests..which i read that it is supposed to drop by default.02:18
lolmachi, HaSH02:18
SeaPhorswansk, hope that helped02:18
liveguy81case^: Yep, that's what I did when I was trying to make an NTFS partition.02:19
fyrestrtrIntangibleLiquid: what problem? Sorry I don't know what you are referring to? Port forwarding?02:19
unopHaSH, check to see that ICMP doesn't require extra configuration with ufw02:19
liveguy81Does anyone know if I burn a data cd or dvd in Ubuntu, can it be read in Windows?02:19
Slokunshialgoliveguy81: Yeah, it can02:19
fyrestrtrTyph: change your theme, that should help.02:20
Infinito-sure it can02:20
SlokunshialgoUnless you choose some obscure formatting option, which usually aren't rpesented02:20
case^why is ff3 so crash happy even though it's though it's bang up to date?02:20
case^Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008072820 Firefox/3.0.102:20
fyrestrtrcase^: One word: Flash.02:20
IntangibleLiquidfyrestrtr: ehh, i saved a presentation file to PPT, tried to open it in OO and then OO crashed my laptop everytime02:20
liveguy81So it will just be standard ISO or UDF format by default?02:20
HaSHunop, according to the wiki.....it doesnt02:20
Slokunshialgocase^: No idea.  my compiled version of 3.1 is more stable than 3.0.1 ever could be02:20
fyrestrtrliveguy81: depends on what you decide to burn (data, audio, etc.)02:20
HaSHunop, Note: Security by obscurity may be of very little actual benefit with modern cracker scripts. By default, UFW blocks ping requests. You may find you wish to enable ping to diagnose networking problems.02:20
PostersandGuitarBobertdos, how do02:21
PostersandGuitarI reinstall02:21
liveguy81Right. I guess I mean to say that it won't be a Linux only format like the main filesystem.02:21
Infinito-I burt dvds and cds for years no ubuntu and then have them read on windows and dvd/sound systems02:21
case^Slokunshialgo: thank you02:21
fyrestrtrliveguy81: no, CDROMs don't support those.02:21
Infinito-never had a problem02:21
unopHaSH, then i guess you can change the acronym of UFW from "uncomplicated firewall" to "useless firewall"  :)02:21
fyrestrtrliveguy81: a CDROM only supports a few file systems, and those are universal.02:22
unopHaSH, sorry, i'm kidding - but i just had to say that :)02:22
HaSHunop, lawl ;-o02:22
liveguy81That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure.02:22
liveguy81Thanks so much everyone.02:22
unopHaSH, or perhaps more aptly "undecided firewall"02:22
fyrestrtr"uninformed firewall"02:22
HaSHunop, lol02:22
HaSHi thought it could be something in hosts.allow..but its not.02:23
arbiris back02:23
arbirafter a long long time :-)02:23
unopHaSH, i prefer the complicated firewall (iptables) - it just works02:23
arbirhi unop02:23
HaSHunop, i really wish there was bsd's pf for linux.02:23
HaSHpf rocks02:23
arbirHaSH:  why dont you look into running a BSD kernel ?02:24
fyrestrtrHaSH: have you tried shorewall? Works great.02:24
QuadrescenceWhat is the correct way to install KDE4 on Ubuntu (with gnome)?02:24
abaddon3k2slokunshialgo: ok, so i booted the liveCD and am in /etc/passwd02:24
fyrestrtrQuadrescence: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:24
HaSHarbir, ive run fbsd for a while...but just switched over02:24
SaintYossarianGood evening.  I had Ubuntu 8.04 partitioned with Vista, and everthing was running fine untill the first time I tried to rebott after starting up in Vista.  Vista wiped the contents of the boot partition...  Anyone seen this issue?02:24
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: post to www.pastebin.ca02:24
Quadrescencefyrestrtr: Thought that'd be it.02:24
Quadrescencefyrestrtr: And that is KDE4, yes?02:25
HaSHfyrestrtr, yea. i just figured that id try the new ufw...seemed like a easy set up..wouldnt have to relearn a bunch of crap.02:25
ushimitsudokiQuadrescence: use aptitiude, not apt-get for desktop pakages I think.02:25
arbirHaSH: did you take a look at this ? http://www.debian.org/ports/kfreebsd-gnu/02:25
fyrestrtrQuadrescence: but you might soon follow that with sudo apt-get remove --purge --never-install-again-this-crap kubuntu-desktop02:25
fyrestrtrQuadrescence: just a FYI02:25
unopushimitsudoki, it doesn't matter - both will do the same thing02:25
Quadrescencefyrestrtr: Haha, why is that?02:25
ushimitsudokiunop: no they won't02:25
unopushimitsudoki, they don't? ok, you had better explain.02:25
arbirin fact HaSH i think its called "crosshurd"02:25
FlannelQuadrescence: KDE4 is kubuntu-kde4-desktop02:26
abaddon3k2slokunshialgo: http://www.pastebin.ca/120792602:26
ushimitsudokiunop: not when it comes time to remove the package02:26
HaSHarbir, nah. if imma run a bsd kernel..its gonna be freebsd or openbsd02:26
fyrestrtrQuadrescence: just my experience.02:26
arbirHaSH: you can also look into Gentoo's implementation of the BSD kernel...02:26
xbxbdoes ext3 have problems with writing to and reading from large (500 GB) files?02:26
fyrestrtrQuadrescence: you may love it :)02:26
Quadrescencefyrestrtr: I have used KDE(3)02:26
unopushimitsudoki, i was referring to using them in an install scenario02:26
QuadrescenceI did not like it very much. But I hear hope for 4.02:26
* fyrestrtr cries a tear for Quadrescence 02:26
unopushimitsudoki, in which case they are almost identical02:26
arbirxbxb: its a good question. i still use NTFS as my FS for my external HDDs02:27
liveguy81Okay, one last question...02:27
ushimitsudokiunop: the point is if you install the -desktop with apt-get and then want to later remove it, the dependencies are borked. this is not the case with aptitude02:27
LS1hello, I am trying to get a USB wifi adatper to work and under the ndiswrapper GUI it keeps saying hardware not present. I have done everything on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/WG111T with no luck...any ideas anyone02:27
lolmachi, LS102:27
arbirHaSH: i need some help....... can you help me :) ?02:27
Flannelushimitsudoki: That's entirely wrong.02:27
liveguy81Does anyone know of a good program to make an optical media backup?02:27
LS1hey lolmac02:27
fyrestrtrarbir: we won't know unless you ask a question.02:27
ushimitsudokiFlannel: no it is not. i have don't it myself and it is also referenced: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/kde and many other places02:27
unopushimitsudoki, the point is - apt-get install something and aptitude install something #do the same thing - we're talking about installing packages here02:28
HaSHarbir, all depends on what u need help with02:28
arbirI am trying to run my old game called Imperialism.. using WINE.. somehow the audio wont work02:28
Flannelushimitsudoki: apt-get has autoremove now, which does a better job of aptitude, and doesn't require you to use aptitude for everything.02:28
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: You're booted into a live disk?02:28
abaddon3k2slokunshialgo: yep, runs fine with the live disk02:28
liveguy81I have about 41 GB I want to backup on DVD, but Brasero doesn't seem to have a multiple disc option.02:28
fyrestrtraptitude and apt-get are just front ends to dpkg anyway, so in theory -- whatever you can do with both, you can do with dpkg if you so wish.02:28
Slokunshialgoabaddon3k: I'm gonna PM you some steps to try02:28
Flannelarbir: Try #winehq, they're better at diagnosing/fixing wine things02:28
ushimitsudokiFlannel: Listen. Do it. Install a -desktop packaged with apt-get and then apt-remove it. Look at all the packages it will remove.02:28
arbiri play my arcade dos games using dos box, and audio is perfect.. but this is a win95 game02:28
SaintYossarianHi all, trying once more.  I installed Ubuntu 8.04 into a partition next to Vista.  Everything worked fine, rebooting under Ubuntu was okay.  Started PC in Vista, all worked fine.  Then, when I tried to reboot, it kept resetting.  Turns out, Vista wiped the contents of the boot partition.  ANyone seen this issue?02:29
fyrestrtrliveguy81: create span archives.02:29
arbirFlannel: you hit the nail on the head.. let me try that channel :-)02:29
liveguy81Wow. New term.02:29
liveguy81Should I ask or just google it?02:29
Flannelushimitsudoki: You're not listening.  You need to use autoremove to remove them, and it *does* work.  Better than aptitude, and again, aptitude's ability to do that breaks if you use something else (like synaptic, etc) to install things like that.02:29
g0ldb3rghi. i'm having some trouble with postfix. i followed two seperate guides and i cannot seem to send any mail out. when i telnet it says its queued and when i flush it nothing goes02:29
HaSHarbir, hmm im not really sure.02:30
g0ldb3rgdo i have to open smtp port to send mail out from postfix?02:30
arbirHaSH: dont worry. i will try in that #winehq channel02:30
unopg0ldb3rg, no, only to receive mail02:30
g0ldb3rgi'm trying to figure out what i am doing wrong. i am trying to set up squirrel mail02:31
TulimaqSaintYossarian: where u installed grub ?02:31
HaSHarbir, ok good luck!02:31
arbirthanks @ HaSH02:31
g0ldb3rgis there an irc channel somewhere for squirrelmail?02:31
Flannelg0ldb3rg: #squirrelmail02:32
SaintYossarianTulimaq>> I'm sorry, I'm uber new at this ubuntu magick.  I had three partitions, boot, swap & root.  the contents of boot were gone.02:32
Jack_Sparrowunop Got a sec for a PM?02:33
unopJack_Sparrow, sure02:33
TulimaqSaintYossarian: how many partitions u have on hard drive ?02:33
liveguy81Fyre: can you direct me to somewhere that explains "Span archives"? I've been searching, but so far I haven't found squat.02:34
SaintYossarianTulimaq: All together, 4.  Vista, and three for Ubuntu02:34
UHLErso can anyone help me get a phillips webcam working02:34
ushimitsudokiFlannel: The point I am trying to make is if you apt-get install a -desktop package, then apt-get remove is borked. Is this correct or incorrect?02:34
fyrestrtrliveguy81: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-215608.html02:34
Legion[_]I just finished installing 8.04 64bit on my new thinkpad t400. Got most of the devices working, but right now, when I try to boot up it tells me Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode. When I try to use the configuration utility it can't still can't detect my graphics card (Mobility Radeon HD 3400). Any suggestions?02:34
liveguy81Thank you.02:35
Flannelushimitsudoki: that's incorrect.02:35
g0ldb3rgdoes hardy heron server come with a firewall by default?02:35
Flannel!firewall | g0ldb3rg02:35
fyrestrtrg0ldb3rg: all linux distributions come with a firewall by default.02:35
FlannelMmm, still no bot.02:35
fyrestrtrbots gone to sleep I think.02:35
arvind_khadri!firewall | g0ldb3rg02:35
ushimitsudokiFlannel: so apt-get remove kde-desktop will work just fine? That is not my experience with kde-desktop or ubuntustudio-desktop. When or what changed?02:35
TulimaqSaintYossarian: maybe u never mounted boot partition with installer ? or how did u find out that /boot is empy ?02:36
Flannelushimitsudoki: I've mentioned it a few times.  You use autoremove.02:36
g0ldb3rgdo i need to set rules for outgoing ports if i want smtp to work?02:36
thiemsterushimitsudoki: maybe you need to not be logged into the desktop environment that you are trying to remove02:36
SaintYossarianLegion: I had a similar problem last night, are you using the newest ATI driver?02:36
ushimitsudokiFlannel: So, "apt-get remove" doesn't work? That is what I am saying02:36
Flannelushimitsudoki: It accomplishes a different task.02:36
Flannelushimitsudoki: It's not *supposed* to remove all the depends.02:36
Legion[_]SaintYossarian: Yes. I've spent the better part of today trying to install drivers to see if I can get it working.02:37
Flannelushimitsudoki: it works just fine.  It just doesn't do what *you* think it ought to do.02:37
arvind_khadri!hi | thiemster02:37
thiemster!hi | thiemster02:37
thiemsterwhat does !hi do?02:38
NickReadGoldberg: no - you do not need any special rules02:38
SaintYossarianTulimaq: I used repair utility to reload grub, and I know for sure that I mounted boot partition with installer, as the first time it wiped, I reinstalled ubuntu completely and the same error happened, and it boots great numerous times until I try to boot after having booted under Vista once02:38
tjayPLEASE HELP - EMERGENCY...i used "envyng-gtk" to configure my Nvidia card in my laptop, things were working GREAT for days and days, then I just rebooted after getting some "critical updates" and now my monitor is in 640x480 mode AND WON'T GO BACK TO 1440X900. please help me fix this, i'm only 3-days into Linux and I don't know what to do!!!!02:39
Flanneltjay: If you use envy, you have to use envy every time you get a new kernel.02:39
ushimitsudokiFlannel: I think most people expect "apt-get remove" to remove what "apt-get install" installed. And if they try that with the -desktop packages the result will be unexpected. I do not think most people will try "apt-get autoremove" in this case. That is my point, and I think it stands02:39
dr_willistjay,  rerun the envyng tool02:39
Flanneltjay: It's likely the critical updates included a new kernel, so you'll have to use envy again02:39
SaintYossarianLegion:  The advice given me to was to use Envy to get the latest, it worked like a charm, but as my card is too new, I switched to a 34bit vers of Ubuntu BUT envy DID work.02:39
etfbI've found a page on help.ubuntu.com that desperately needs editing, and I'm happy to do the work, but there doesn't seem to be a discussion forum and I don't want to dive in and chop the article to pieces unannounced.  Any ideas on where I go to talk about it first?02:40
bobertdosI'm having trouble understanding this whole gvfs bug to be honest. Why is it happening so unpredictably to some and not others?02:40
belkinhelp2has anyone here had success with Nvidia soundstorm with Ubuntu?02:40
tjayFlannel: I did re-run it, I WAS at 800x600, but after the re-run, i'm at 640x480 . . . i'm affraid if i do it again, it'll only get worse!02:40
Flannelushimitsudoki: remove won't remove everything that's installed anyway, because it'll leave configuation files, etc.  There is no benefit to using aptitude anymore, and what benefit it historically had wasn't valid if you wanted to use other (synaptic) tools anyway.02:41
pirofwilIm building a new system and I am wondering what version of ubuntu linux to install on a intel core 2 quad processor machine?02:41
pirofwil64 bit or 32 bit02:41
TulimaqSaintYossarian: ok, but when u boot the pc do u get grub boot menu .. or its just vista ?02:41
Thwappmorning folks02:41
Quadrescencepirofwil: I doubt it really matters, just preference.02:41
Legion[_]SaintYossarian: Switching to the 32bit version solved your problems?02:41
ushimitsudokiFlannel: I appreciate that, but it has no bearing on the point I am trying to make. Thank you for your input, I am done with this topic.02:41
Jack_Sparrowpirofwil 3202:41
QuadrescenceOh, which architecture to use...02:41
Slokunshialgopirofwil: I'm using 64-bit02:41
pirofwilnow some things dont work for 64 bit version correct?02:42
SlokunshialgoHas a few package incompatibilities, but (other than my Java in Firefox dying) nothing worth noting02:42
NickReadtjay: you won't make it worse than 640x48002:42
DaemonLeeQuestion: Why does the command "sudo apt-get update" result in the security mirrors in the APT list being ignored?02:42
pirofwillike less packages available02:42
Flannelushimitsudoki: Again, your point was invalid and misleading to people who just want their stuff to work.02:42
SaintYossarianLegion: It solved a secondary problem.  installing envy allowed me to get the newest driver02:42
tjayFlannel / NickRead: Can you help me get back to my 1440x900 setup?02:42
NickReadtjay: Why are you using envy instead of the restricted-drivers-manager?02:42
FlannelDaemonLee: It shouldn't.  Do you get an error with the message about them being ignored?02:42
blur2040I have a fiddly little issue with with synaptic under Intrepid Ibex.  No matter which repository I set, Synaptic isn't showing all pacakges.  Two examples are Nethack and Compizconfig-settings manager.  I can see them in aptitude and the add/remove applications program, but not under synaptic.  It's driving me nuts.  Any ideas?02:42
Flannelblur2040: #ubuntu+1 for Intrepid support, thanks02:43
Jack_Sparrowpirofwil We like to direct newer users to 32 to minimize the learning curve02:43
DaemonLeeFlannel, no. It's just something I notice when I do it in Yakuake/Terminal and type "sudo apt-get update"02:43
g0ldb3rgcant someone help with postfix? i cant send mail out02:43
FlannelDaemonLee: can you pastebin the output you get from that command?02:43
SaintYossarianTulimaq: No, I get a message that says 'grub 1.5 starting' and then my computer reboots.  repeat infinitely.02:43
ushimitsudokipirofwil: Do you have 4G or more of RAM? That is probably the main consideration for needing 64-bit I would say02:43
DaemonLeeFlannel, give me two minutes.02:43
tjayI don't even know what that is . . . I read about EnvyNG-GTK in a magazine, thought that i'd be cool to try, so I put Linux in...was happy with it, did the envy thing and was happy too.  what is the restricted thing? Does that mean linux doesn't let you use envy???02:43
pirofwilno i do not02:44
smmagicushimitsudoki, 32bit linux can use 4gb of ram aswell02:44
dr_willistjay,  envyng should be the 'last  method' you try to get your drivers going.  Ubuntu has a 'hardware-manager' tool that is supposed to handle the task.02:44
etfbIf I want to make major edits to a page on help.ubuntu.com, can I just do it?  Or is it more polite to talk it over with someone.  And if the latter: who?02:44
kitchesmmagic: yeah if you want to use PAE which is not great02:44
ushimitsudokismmagic: only thorugh PAE with is ugly02:45
dr_willistjay,  envy however does use some newer drivers.. which are needed for some video cards.02:45
kitcheetfb: talk with the doc team02:45
etfbkitche: Where are they?02:45
ushimitsudokismmagic: i did say it was a main consideration. Jesus, what is with this channel today?02:45
TulimaqSaintYossarian: hm interesting.. and no grub errors ?02:45
DaemonLeeFlannel, cannot use pastebin. Too many URLs with Terminal reading out the URLs.02:45
pirofwilIf i use 32 bit version of ubuntu will the OS be able to use all processors when using applications?02:45
NickReadtjay: Envy is an alternative method for installing the NVidia and ATI drivers.  If you're using Gutsy or higher, then you can use the Nvidia drivers that come with the distro.  Are you NVidia or ATI?02:45
mEck0hi! I've updated a file in a directory, which I want to update in a tar-archive. After the modification of the file, I used: tar -df testarchive.tar, and it listed modified files. Then I used: tar -uvf testarchive.tar testdir/, and: tar -df testarchive.tar, the last command here shows the modified file again :( so I don't think it has been updated in the archive02:45
belkinhelp2anyone here familiar with OSS ESD ALSA?02:45
case^whats the tiny program that echos the inputs the x sees02:45
belkinhelp2i have a specific problem with sound02:46
FlannelDaemonLee: sudo apt-get update > ~/Desktop/output.txt02:46
tjaydr_willis: will that fix the problem?  where is the "hardware-manager"?  Use it / don't use it . . . i'm confused . . . My WinXP diehard buddy warned me of this . . . how do I get back to 1440x900 . . . PLEASE!02:46
fyrestrtrpirofwil: yes.02:46
ushimitsudokipirofwil: In that case (not having more that 4G of RAM) I would say just use 32-bit (I have some 32-bit and 1 64-bit install of Ubuntu, BTW02:46
belkinhelp2and i have  a wonderful link that i followed....and BAM...nothing!02:46
SaintYossarianTulimaq: Does not mention any errors at all.  Simply restarts everything afer the aforementioned point02:46
belkinhelp2i could simply have overlooked something and need a little coaching02:46
kitcheetfb: well I believe their channel is #ubuntu-docs or something along those lines02:46
etfbkitche: Ah!  Thanks.02:47
DaemonLeeFlannel, want me to email this to you?02:47
FlannelDaemonLee: no, pastebin it02:47
dr_willistjay,    this is when it would of paid to read a little and check beforhand as to the 'reccomended' way to do things.. you  basically need to reinstall the nvidia drivers.. and   most likely rerunning that envy tool will do so.. if not. look in the menus for that hardware-manager tool and try it.02:47
SaintYossariantjay: What is your graphics card?02:47
FlannelDaemonLee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/02:47
pirofwilI saw a topic on here about 1440 X 900 resolution is that an issue to obtain in ubuntu?02:47
arvind_khadrii cant see my tracker applet02:47
NickReadpirofwil: no - that res is fine02:47
Slokunshialgopirofwil: Shouldn't be, I'm running 2 monitors, one at 1680x105002:47
ThwappQuestion:  Just installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 desktop on my Dell Inspiron 1100.. (only PC I have that I can get it to install and boot from) and the only way I can get it to boot up is to hit the Esc key during GRUB booting and boot from the recovery mode...02:47
tjaySaintYossarian: Nvidia02:47
Thwappany idea why it boots to a black screen if left to it's own devices?02:47
dr_willispirofwil,  not really. With my laptops/wide screen machines. I have to have the nvidia drivers installed befor i get the proper res however.02:47
ushimitsudokipirofwil: actually, that is my laptops resolution no problems there that i have seen02:47
kitche!info pastebinit02:48
SaintYossariantjay: What kind?02:48
DaemonLeeFlannel, http://paste.ubuntu.com/49136/02:48
dr_willispirofwil,  and if using DVI connection it makes it even easier.02:48
kitcheFlannel: so I take it that the bot is still dead ......02:48
pirofwilok thanks02:48
tjaySaintYossarian: Nvidia, I don't much beyond that . . . how do I find out?02:48
etfbkitche: Found it!  #ubuntu-doc.  Thanks.  I'm outta here!02:48
tjaySaintYossarian: Nvidia GeForce 8600M GT02:49
FlannelDaemonLee: The Igns are worrying you?02:49
case^whats the tiny program that echos the inputs the x sees?02:49
DaemonLeeFlannel, they are a little. I notice some of them goto Sources/Translation and others...02:49
DaemonLeeShould I not be worried?02:49
SaintYossariantjay: 32 bit or 64?  Or do you know?02:49
amenadocase^ xev  ?02:50
SaintYossariantjay: At this point, I think your best bet is to use Envy.02:50
SaintYossariantjay: Do you know how to get it?02:50
tjaySaintYossarian: My computer?  I don't know, but it's a Sony Vaio Laptop that came with vista home.02:50
NickReadSaintYossarian: he has Envy installed already02:50
case^amenado: you little beauty :)02:50
FlannelDaemonLee: no, you shouldn't be worried.  You'll get big error messages (that will be obvious errors) if somethigns wrong02:51
SaintYossariantjay: Okay, I think I missed something, did you use Envy or did you click the icon that told you there were restricted drivers available?02:51
DaemonLeeOk. I was just worried, because I haven't gotten  updates in like the last six-to-eight days.02:51
g0ldb3rgSaint: use envy. download the deb02:52
g0ldb3rgit automatically installs latest drivers02:52
g0ldb3rgfor ati and nvidia02:52
tjaySaintYossarian: I used Envy, and after you recomended it, I did find the Hardware Manager....it was blank and nothing was listed for "restricted drivers"02:52
Jac1dAnyone here familiar with running userspace entirely in ram from initramfs?02:52
tjaySaintYossarian: I am using Envy again to uninstall the Nvidia driver . . .02:52
g0ldb3rgi had many problems with compiz and nvidia-glx drivers until i installed envy. fixed everything02:52
DaemonLeeFlannel, can you help me with another problem?02:53
SaintYossariantjay: If you had one preinstalled before (a driver) you defo need to uninstall it before using envy02:53
FlannelDaemonLee: Feel free to ask (the channel), we have no idea if I can answer it.02:53
g0ldb3rgDoes anyone know if I need to use MySQL for postfix to work?02:54
case^amenado: just so you know - :-D02:54
case^thank you02:54
DaemonLeeQuestion: I have a massive problem, that if I attempt to use a WiFi point, I kernel panic. Or if I walk away from a WAP and am using it and lose signal on that particular wap, I Kernel Panic. Help?02:54
case^side buttons on a mx518 are 8 and 902:54
tjaySaintYossarian: Y'know, I never even looked, I thought it was like Windows, where I HAD to install the special Nvidia drivers, and what I read said just that . . . that it installs the Linux Nvidia driver . . . so I just did that.02:54
case^I luv xev02:54
SaintYossarianMy helper booked on me.   I installed Ubuntu 8.04 alongside Vista, everything was working fine for multiple reboots from Ubuntu.  After booting Vista (Vista boot worked fine also) I tried to reboot.  Hit the 'grub 1.5 starting' message (lasts for .5 seconds) then computer reboots and repeats infinitely.  Vista wiped my /boot partition.  Anyone seen the issue before?02:55
tjaySaintYossarian: Everything worked GREAT for the last few days, I just rebooted after getting updates and this happens.02:55
tjaySainYossarian: I even had FLOPPY windows, the COOLEST thing EVER!02:55
SaintYossariantjay: I made the -exact- same mistake last night.  >.>  Installed ubuntu last night for the first time.  Floppy windows = happy Yossi02:56
ThwappQuestion:  Just installed Ubuntu 8.04.1 desktop on my Dell Inspiron 1100.. (only PC I have that I can get it to install and boot from) and the only way I can get it to boot up is to hit the Esc key during GRUB booting and boot from the recovery mode...02:56
Thwappany idea why it boots to a black screen if left to it's own devices?02:56
tripitakittjay i still have the (12?) win 3.1 floppies ..02:56
tripitakitverbatim of course :P02:57
ushimitsudokiThwapp: You can edit the kernel boot parameters from grub and remove "quiet" and "splash" to watch the boot process. This is a non-permanent change and would be the first thing I would try to see if I could identify the stopping point02:57
ThePubwith enough memory is a person better off disabling swap or putting their swap into memory?02:57
physically_fitisn't disabling swap the same as putting it into memory?02:58
Thwappushimitsudoki:  being totally new to Ubuntu and not having used linux since slackware wayyyy back when..  how do I do that again?  Sorry...02:58
SeaPhorwhen i first joined this channel i was practically run out of the channel for even mentioning that i was using Envy, and now its recommended, even tho i have had no reason to use it since, and getting rid of it was like fighting malware on a windoze box,,, why is it so different now,,, i have had no problem getting ati and nvidia cards to work very well without it, and will never use Envy again02:58
=== charlie is now known as Guest97729
unopThePub, keeping swap doesn't hurt - the kernel will only use it extensively under heavy load02:59
ScuniziThwapp: it didn't configure x correctly on install..02:59
unopThePub, plus, you need it if you use suspend/hibernate, etc02:59
kitcheSeaPhor: it's mostly used by people that have newer cards that ubuntu doesn't have a prebuilt thing for really02:59
tjaytripitakit: AWESOME, are you keeping them for historical value?02:59
Scunizi!resolution | Thwapp02:59
ushimitsudokiThwapp: You can press "ESC" to get the different boot selections. From there it is "e" (i think -from memory) to edit the options for the particular selection you want. Just remove "quiet" and "splash" there. (They will not be removed permanently, only on that one boot)02:59
CartoonCatAnyone VERY familure with the opensource ati driver?? I have a older radeon 9100 ixp. It has support via the ati driver as listed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver02:59
physically_fitubottu is on vacation, Scunizi03:00
FlannelSeaPhor: Envy still is bad. EnvyNG is a rewrite, and it does stuff better (and its in universe).  But its still not the recommended way.03:00
DaemonLeeFlannel, how can I get my pc to list all of my hardware (like lspci)?03:00
FlannelDaemonLee: lspci and lsusb03:00
CartoonCathaving followed that page <to the letter>, I still have no direct rendering. So how do I figure out jsut why??03:00
Scuniziphysically_fit: I hope "it" enjoys it.. I miss it already :)03:00
DaemonLeeFlannel, thanks. I'm probably just going to put my problem on the Forums.03:00
tjaySainYossarian: Okay, Envy is done. I have to reboot . . . should I THEORETICALLY go back to 1440x900 after Linux takes over???03:00
physically_fiti miss him too :( Scunizi03:00
ScuniziDaemonLee: also lshw03:00
IntuitiveNippleDaemonLee: lshw03:01
Yelpsterhello, my dog says hello too03:01
Thwappushimitsudoki:  thanks..  I'll try that...03:01
kitcheCartoonCat: radeon cards are hard to figure out the direct rendering really you just have to go though that guide along with your xorg.conf with a tooth and a comb really to figure out03:01
ScuniziYelpster: woof03:01
SaintYossariantjay:  Yes.  In theory, that will make your compy have floppy windows of win again03:01
CartoonCatkitche, I have many times =\03:01
tjaySaintYossarian: Okay, we'll see . . . be back in a pinch . . . *hope, hope*03:01
CartoonCatso frustrating. nVidia is simple in comparison, how ever newer ATi seams easy enough, its just this damn old fileserver that i want to use in my living room that is being a pita03:02
* Slokunshialgo wishes his house was large enough to warrant a fileserver03:03
SaintYossarianInstalled Ubuntu 8.04 last night in partition alongside Vista.  Upon booting in Vista, reboots don't work anymore.  Vista deletes the contents of the /boot partition.  ANyone see this before?03:03
QuadrescenceCartoonCat: Can't be as bad as me still not having sound.03:03
YelpsterI am trying to build a custom livecd and I am at the stage of installing apps in it, I would like to upgrade OOffice 2.4 to OOffice 3.0RC203:03
kitcheCartoonCat: well considering that the new radeon cards use radeonhd probably will be easier once the guy finishes the driver fully since he broke his hand I guess and now it's all better03:03
Genius314For some reason, recently, when I press the volume control buttons on my keyboard, the volume window pops up, but the sound doesn't change at all, no matter what volume I set it to. Going to the sound properties and changing the volume levels there still works, but this is too inconvenient. Any help?03:03
Yelpstershould I run the upgrade.sh script or just dpkg -i *.deb  for open office 3.0 RC2 into my livecd03:03
CartoonCatQuadrescence, well i havent got around to making sure i even have sound still. I should have stayed at the old old ass 2.4 install, it at least worked03:03
QuadrescenceCartoonCat: My sound worked, IIRC, with the last version of ubuntu. :}03:04
Quadrescence:{  **03:04
AllNewToMeHow do I install a .tar file in Ubuntu Hardy please??03:04
QuadrescenceAllNewToMe: You don't install tar files.03:05
CartoonCatKitcha  oh ouch, no biggie as all my new hardware is nVidia. Its the old old stuff i need working (and the pages says it does03:05
YelpsterAllNewToMe: it kind of depends on whats in the tar file03:05
QuadrescenceAllNewToMe: Think of them like zip files.03:05
AllNewToMeSorry, its a .tgz file03:05
asdf25"tar zxf filename" to extract it03:06
Yelpstera rose by any other name smells just as sweet03:06
`MatirWhat happens if you remove the lost+found directory from the root of a filesystem?03:06
usser_`Matir, nothing03:07
pznI upgraded the computer processor from athlon to amd64. how to upgrade a 32bit hardy to a 64bit hardy?03:07
Yelpster`Matir: I guess it depends on what lost+found is for?03:07
arvind_khadripzn, fresh install03:07
CartoonCatpzn, backup data, reinstall03:07
SaintYossariantjay: did it work?03:07
SaintYossariantjay:  Are your windows floppy again?03:07
Yelpstermy windows are limp03:08
pznarvind_khadri, CartoonCat: so, there is no way to do a simple upgrade?03:08
arvind_khadripzn, no03:08
RB2evening all. I got a strange error and kernel panic right after grub when I tried to reboot last night. Tried it a second time and had no issues: The error was "/init: .: 24: Can't open /conf/arch.conf" and the kernel panic said "not syncing: Attempted to kill init"03:08
vassleranyone: where is the default sys dir fonts? please help me.  thank you .03:08
amenadoRB2 one time? i would not worry about it if it rebooted okay the next time03:09
SaintYossarianvassier: /usr/share/fonts03:09
austindoes anyone know how to install vmware on ubuntu? the thing is i dont know what version of ubuntu i have so i there a command i can use to find out?03:09
ushimitsudokivassler: /usr/share/fonts? You can use "locate" to search, BTW03:09
YelpsterI am working on a compiz plugin called "acid" it melts the windows when you minimize03:09
snowmanvassler: try /usr/share/fonts03:09
Genius314 The volume keys on my keyboard bring up the volume window, but the actual sound doesn't get any lower or higher. It was working the other day. Can anyone help me fix this?03:10
IntuitiveNippleaustin: lsb_release -a03:10
pyrohotdogWhy are all youtube videos coming up as gray squares?03:10
AllNewToMeHow do I install a .tgz file in Ubuntu Hardy please??03:11
RB2amenado, I've been having other sporatic issues, like the machine running fine and when I go to open any new app or toolbar menu (or even the terminal), the window opens up blank and freezes. I'm assuming it's all related, but I suppose I'll just have to dig around.03:11
SaintYossarianpyrohotdog:  ...did you install flash?03:11
arvind_khadripyrohotdog, you need to have flash03:11
YelpsterAllNewToMe: it depends on what is in the .tgz file03:11
arvind_khadri!flash  | pyrohotdog03:11
YelpsterAllNewToMe: as NO. 5 would say "need more input"03:11
amenadoRB2 thats very hard to resolv, sporadic issues..you never know when its going to happen again03:12
tjaySaintYossarian: NO!  Envy is gone, but I'm still stuck at 640x480. Nothing is listed in the Hardware Manager.03:12
AllNewToMeI downloaded a copy of Norman Antivirus but its a .tgz file.03:12
YelpsterAllNewToMe: is it source code or a binary03:12
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arvind_khadrithe bot is still down03:13
bobertdosUbottu has been unconscious all night :[03:13
YelpsterNo 5. is saying "need more input!" again03:13
SaintYossariantjay:  Oh!  You used envy to remove the drivers, right?  Remove drivers, reinstall w/ envy. window flopping ensues03:13
AllNewToMeI dont know, how do i find out?03:13
RB2amenado, I think it's related to my codecs and video driver. The only sure way I can reproduce it is if I leave Amarok open over night while the machine is idling.03:13
physically_fitAllNewToMe, http://blogs.simplythebest.net/entry.php?w=RadianT&e_id=803:13
YelpsterAllNewToMe: look at where you downloaded it, it will tell you03:13
tjaySaintYossarian: Window floppiness will ensue?  Okay, here goes nothing . . .03:13
amenadoRB2 good luck, also look into memory usage maybe there is a memory leak03:14
SaintYossariantjay: wait  did you uninstall the drivers?03:14
r0bsnowman: hello03:14
RB2amenado, Thanks. There's nothing in any of the logs either, so I think I'm in for a rough ride.03:14
Yelpsteron the issue of creating my own livecd, has anyone successfully installed Open Office 3.0 RC2 from a chroot?03:14
kennycan someone tell me do you need special little bit bigger cdr's for the daily hardy release ?03:15
amenadoRB2 you'll do okay03:15
kennyit keeps saying my cds are too small03:15
AllNewToMeIt doesnt say all it says is tar.gz version.03:15
tjaySaintYossarian: Yes, they were UNINSTALLED via the Envy interface.03:15
Veziranyone else getting crashes on firefox 3?03:15
Vezirme and my moher both are03:15
Xcercaanybody know what the amixer commands are for turning the volume up and down ?03:15
SaintYossariantjay: okay, and you now have envyng, or you got rid of it?03:15
Yelpsterkenny: those emails are just trying to get you to by enlargement products, don't believe them!03:15
pyrohotdogI I have flash installed.03:16
LimCoremy wifi workz \o/03:16
IntuitiveNipplepyrohotdog: Are you using 64-bit Ubuntu?03:16
amenadocongrats LiMaO03:16
Thwappushimitsudoki: Heyup..  tried your suggestion..  you were bang on in your memory of the options..  everything scrolled by as OK, etc..  then the screen went black and the login chime sounded, however there was no video.. *sigh*..  I could log on, and I heard the startup chime, but that's it...  had to boot back into recovery mode to come back...03:16
tjaySaintYossarian: I guess because everything was cached locally, it was able to RE-INSTALL very quickly.  It says I need to reboot again.  As a side note, I uninstalled the DRIVERS via envyng-gtk, I did not get rid of the program . . . this is right, yes?03:16
taseusjust to let everyone know, broadcom cards suck :)03:16
IntuitiveNipplepyrohotdog: It sounds as if the flash plugin has crashed. Does restarting Firefox fix it?03:16
kennyyelpster, no Nero is saying that the blank cd isnt big enough for the 704mb hardy daily iso03:17
snowmandoes any one no how to install a webcam on ubuntu03:17
IntuitiveNipplesnowman: plug it in :)03:17
SaintYossariantjay: you got it.  you're using 32 bit, correct?03:17
Yelpsterkenny: try a different cd burner03:17
r0bXcerca: try "amixer sset Master,0 5%+" and "amixer sset Master,0 5%-"03:17
Xcercasnowman wha kind ?03:17
Yelpsterkenny: IMGBurn03:17
tjaySaintYossarian: I don't know for sure, but I *think* so.03:17
Yelpsterkenny: IMGBurn is free and can overburn03:17
Xcercar0b thanks , i'03:17
kennyi tried brasero03:17
Xcercall try it out03:17
r0bXcerca: np03:18
Easonhave somebody use ATI Express 200m laptop?03:18
kennyyelpster, thanks i go download it now03:18
pyrohotdogI have sound but no video, just gray.03:18
tjaysnowman: If it's a laptop integrated webcam, good luck, I've been trying for the last 3-days to get mine working with NO LUCK.  If you get help, PM me and let me know the trick!03:18
ushimitsudokiThwapp: In that case, then I would try the recovery mode and then "startx" I would look for errors in output and also in /var/log/xorg.0.log. Because I would just be guessing that there is some problem with the video here - that's what it sounds like to me anyways03:18
IntuitiveNippletjay: What's the device ID?03:18
SaintYossariantjay: okay, now use envy to get the driver03:18
Xcercar0b sweet   , thanks amixer sset Master,0 5%+03:18
snowmanno its a desktop03:19
IntuitiveNipplesnowman: with the camera connected, pastebin the results of "lsusb", or just tell me the USB device ID of the camera03:19
Genius314Pressing the volume up/down keys on my keyboard brings up the little window showing that the volume's changing, but the actual volume stays at the same level. It was working a few days ago. Does anyone know what might have happened?03:19
Xcercasnowman micro ?  what are you talkin bout03:19
tjaySaintYossarian: Got it all reinstalled, I'm going to reboot and see if i'm back to floppy-nirvana . . .03:19
Thwappushimitsudoki:  I would concur, I'll muck about and see if I can figure out how to do that..  Last time I played with Linux was slackware 3...   Looks like I'm up for a long night..  *sigh*03:19
Yelpsterwebcams aren't very well supported in nix unfortunately, I wish they would make a windows driver install wrapper for it (like ndiswrapper)03:19
Alaskan_DragonHello, I'm trying to figure out how to get encyrtion to work with emails, both people have the keys created with the proper password and created the key and xported keys to eachthoer installed them and verifyed them, and still canot decrypt inside Evolution Email, Anyone help me out with this?03:20
cowbudYelpster: linux has a ton of webcam drivers03:20
cowbudthere is some crazy developer that has added something like 100 drivers himself..03:20
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: I maintain a bunch of Ubuntu webcam driver packages. Coverage is pretty good, the problem is the manufacturers not releasing specifications03:20
detrixI need help installing the KDE desktop.  I have the install DVD. I am on dialup and want to install from the DVD, not the internet.03:20
Yelpstercowbud: but most of the new laptops come out with a different version of hardware webcam every week03:20
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, Boot from CD and follow instructions :)03:21
physically_fitcowbud, this guy: http://www.google.com/url?sa=U&start=1&q=http://www.theinquirer.net/en/inquirer/news/2007/04/30/one-man-writes-linux-drivers-for-235-usb-webcams&usg=AFQjCNGmDbovEHg7wY0v9TO-FUAfeBrvJQ03:21
Easonno one have use of HP COMPAQ B1900 Laptop?03:21
dashnuCan you have firestarter listen on multiple interfaces??? So I dont need to change it each time i go from wireless to wired???03:21
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: That's not a Linux problem though, that's a manufacturer issue. If the details were available support for new cameras would be added to drivers very quickly.03:21
YelpsterAlaskan_Dragon: huh? boot from what cd?03:22
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, dont you have the CD ISO burned to a cd ready to install ?03:22
YelpsterIntuitiveNipple: yes I agree, I didn't say it was *nix problem, I just said its unfortunate03:22
IntuitiveNippleMichel XHaard works on the gpsca/spca drivers03:22
snowmandoes any body no how to get a swf video to work on ubuntu03:22
YelpsterAlaskan_Dragon: I think your confusing me with someone elses question03:22
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, you said you wanted to install, your os from cd and not internet right cuz your on dial up?03:23
Easoni have no sound ,03:23
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: I dunno if I'd call it unfortunate... maybe at some point the user nagging at the manufacturers might give us more support from them :)03:23
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, your running the os from the CD, but its not installed correct?03:23
darkbishopi need help.can anyone tell me y eveytime i issue the command "apt-get install vlc" its came our "E:cannot install vlc" something like tat03:23
YelpsterIntuitiveNipple: we both know that won't happen as long as the vole is subsidizing developer efforts on their OS03:23
joe_detrix is trying to install not yelpster03:23
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: Things are moving that way as Ubuntu gets more popular... there's more vocal users as a result :)03:24
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, yeah i might have lol nm. thought it was you asking that.03:24
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YelpsterAlaskan_Dragon: I was asking about installing Open Office 3.0 RC2 into a chroot livecd (making my own custom cd)03:25
snowmandoes anybody know what a swf file is03:25
IntuitiveNippleI'm maintaining six DKMS web-cam driver packages, which cover about 500 device IDs I'd guess.03:25
mnsnowman: a flash video file03:25
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, oooh, can you find the files on the cd? i know i had openoffic stuff on my cd but it installed when i did the OS03:25
ubuntu_I do :-)03:25
darkbishopsnowman:i think is a flash03:25
physically_fitdarkbishop, sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc03:25
case^adobe shockwave file03:25
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darkbishopphysically_fit:in full???03:26
Alaskan_DragonYelpster, ooo I dont know anything about remastering03:26
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aftersomehelpI wonder if anyone might be able to help with a problem I'm having installing ubuntu as a dual boot thing?03:26
Alaskan_Dragonphysically_fit, is that for VLC plugin for mozilla?03:26
darkbishophow bout "sudo apt-get envyng-gtk"... same problem accure there.03:26
=== ebichu is now known as ichigo
jscinozCan someone help me with something in sed.03:26
gbear14275hey guys03:27
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization03:27
gbear14275got a question about panels03:27
physically_fitAlaskan_Dragon, the whole vlc package03:27
gbear14275is there a way to get a terminal prompt in a panel?03:27
Xcercasweet , i finally got my remote working03:27
jscinozbasically i have a folder with ~100 python scripts, i need to go through each one and check if the first line is #! /usr/bin/python, if it is not then add that line03:27
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jscinozi was thinking i could use sed to do this? but i dont know how03:27
Xcercagbear14275 yea03:27
aftersomehelpI ran the Live CD, and used the partitioner to create an Ubuntu partition, but it can't seem to boot up with it?03:27
gbear14275basically a terminal prompt in a panel... no output lines03:27
YelpsterIntuitiveNipple: thanks but I am already done, my issue is specificly about openoffice 3.0 rc2 and how to install it over the 2.4 version that comes on the ubuntu daily-live03:28
gbear14275xcerca, can you point me in the right direction03:28
LiMaO[23:16:45] <amenado> congrats LiMaO --> what was that for?03:28
NickReadjscinoz: if you know python, then it's probably easier to write a quick python script that does this :)03:28
IntuitiveNippleYelpster: "over" ? wouldn't you replace it?03:28
snowmancan vlc play swf files?03:28
gbear14275would be greatly appreciated03:28
Xcercaright click on panel , add to panel , chose terminal input03:28
Chrisiesnowman: try gnash, it's available via Synaptic PAckage Manager03:28
ceo4evaOk, i really need help.03:29
aftersomehelpI think I may need to make sure the GRUB loader is working ok?03:29
YelpsterIntuitiveNipple: Thats just it, I don't know, there are 2 ways to install it, through the upgrad.sh script, and then dpkg -i *.deb03:29
aftersomehelpbut I"m not sure how :-)03:29
jscinozNicke, hmm i will try one sec03:29
gbear14275xcerca.... thats not an option thats listed...03:29
YelpsterIntuitiveNipple:  and I am not sure. One will probably destroy my cd image03:29
ceo4evaCan some one help me out?03:29
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: something like sed -e '1, 's/^\([^#].*\)$/# \1/'03:29
kbrosnan!ask | ceo4eva03:29
ubot3ceo4eva: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:29
r0bceo4eva: ask your question03:29
jscinozthanks IntuitiveNipple03:30
aftersomehelpis there an easy way to see if the GRUB loader is working? (I've installed Ubuntu on a new partition, but only XP starts up..)03:30
ceo4evaI just got ubuntu today, and i want to know how to install my RTL8185 Wireless adapter on it03:30
Xcercagbear14275 hold on03:30
tjaySaintYossarian: I'm back with NO CHANGE. In fact, THIS TIME, while rebooting it said "Your Screen and Graphics card could not be detected" so linux is running in "Low Graphics Mode".03:30
gbear14275Xcerca... thanks!03:30
ryan_How you add Firefox to the Panel?03:30
Yelpstermy girl friend always asks me "can I ask you something?" to which I reply "you have already violated the asking principal by asking if you could ask, so therefore I can't answer your first question since it's answer was used up with this response"03:30
dashnuaftersomehelp: grubs not working03:30
Xcercagbear14275 you're using gnome right ?03:31
gbear14275although i am interested in trying out kde03:31
joe_if grub is installed right you should not get to windows without selecting it03:31
bobertdosceo4eva: I have that exact same device. ndisgtk will work using the latest XP drivers.03:31
gbear14275so if the answer involves switching... might provide me some incentive03:31
tjayryan_: right click the panel and choose "add to this panel", then choose "application launcher", scroll down to Internet and choose "firefox".  It'll show up.03:31
aftersomehelpdashnu - well when I restarted having installed Ubuntu, it simply loads XP - but shows the smaller partition size..03:31
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: I suspect it would be better with sed -e '1,1 ...' to limit the range to the first line :)03:31
SaintYossariantjay: Sorry, was re-booting03:32
ceo4evaboberdos, i have no idea what ndisgtk is.03:32
tjayryan_: right click the panel and choose "add to this panel", then choose "application launcher", scroll down to Internet and choose "firefox".  It'll show up.03:32
tjaySaintYossarian: I'm back with NO CHANGE. In fact, THIS TIME, while rebooting it said "Your Screen and Graphics card could not be detected" so linux is running in "Low Graphics Mode".03:32
jscinozah i see, thanks IntuitiveNipple03:32
dashnuaftersomehelp: how many disks you have? what disk did you install it on?03:32
SaintYossariantjay: Okay, go back to envy and choose manual detetection03:32
Yelpsterndisgtk is a tiny app that uses GTK window manager to allow you to install wireless drivers via the gui03:32
aftersomehelpI've got three hard drives in.....03:32
SaintYossariantjay:  I'm sorry, I wish I was brilliantly helpful.  ;.;03:32
joe_I always use the alt install disc, not the live disc... but I think if you boot from the live disc it will offer a way to fix grub03:33
Xcercagbear14275  well , in add to panel choose Run Application...03:33
tjaySaidYossarian: I'm sorry too . . . LOL, j/k03:33
ceo4evaSo Yelpster, how do i get to ndisgtk?03:33
aftersomehelpjoe - thus far it simply offers to re-install Ubuntu....03:33
CartoonCattjay, what video card do you have03:33
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: Actually... hold on, let me test a real example, I'm confusing myself as much as you, that example was totally wrong!03:33
r0bceo4eva: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk03:33
Yelpsterceo4eva: if you are using ubuntu just use synaptic and type in ndisgtk03:33
tjayCartoonCat: Nvidia Geforce 6800M GT03:33
dashnuaftersomehelp: joe is right i think boot back into ubuntu install grub on your mbr first disk03:33
tj1515nged my resolution and i can't change it back it is scrambled bad i'm in recovery mode now03:33
tjayCartoonCat: Sony Vaio Laptop03:33
CartoonCataftersomehelp, sounds like you did not install grub to the main hd boot sector03:33
ryan_tjay: awesome! Now how would you make it so firefox launches to lets say yahoo.com when clicked.03:34
aftersomehelpcartooncat - sounds right!03:34
joe_then the os didn't install, either not complete or corrupt03:34
r0bryan_: in firefox edit preferences and change your homepage03:34
gbear14275Xcerca.... only puts a quicklink, or icon in there...03:34
tjayryan_: Set your homepage to "Yahoo.com" and when clicked the first thing it'll go to is it's "Home" page.03:34
XiXaQis it possible to get new packages into an LTS release between dotreleases?03:34
SaintYossariantjay: ready to write this down?03:34
aftersomehelpp'raps I need some partition advice then - 'cos I can simply re-do it then....03:34
tjaySaintYossarian: Yes, one sec.03:34
Yelpsterschroedingers cat03:34
dashnuaftersomehelp: boot the live disk up03:34
aftersomehelpI'm in ubuntu now :-)03:35
aftersomehelp(so yup - have done so.....)03:35
dashnumount drive chroot into the install03:35
dashnuinstall grub03:35
Genius314ryan_: Custom Application Launcher, put Firefox as the name, and "firefox yahoo.com" (without the quotes) as the command.03:35
joe_you could try super grub loader (google it) and boot from it to see what is installed?03:35
CartoonCataftersomehelp, first sit down and figure out where you did install it, then see about just using the windows bootlaoder to launch it03:35
dashnuaftersomehelp: or you have to reinstall..03:35
bobertdosceo4eva: Once you've installed ndisgtk via synaptic, go get the latest Windows XP drivers from the realtek website.03:35
aftersomehelpI'll try super grub thing in  amo....03:35
ubot3Factoid keyring not found03:35
tj1515can someone help me fix my resolution i changed to a bad one and i  don't know how to change it back i'm in recovery mode now03:36
Xcercagbear14275  yea , i've seen it there though , you might have to add a new package , then when you choose add to panel it migth be listed03:36
aftersomehelpdash - is it straight forward to follow your advice (the mount drive thing?)03:36
Yelpstercan you install grub onto the partition you are chrooted into?03:36
Jonas1is someone got a glitch trying to install Ubuntu over a 2nd drive that it's not the main drive?03:36
dashnutj1515: edit xorg.conf03:36
ubot3Factoid ubuntu-keyring not found03:36
Yelpstermight be easier to install grub from a livecd03:36
ceo4evabobertdos, what if i have the cd with me?03:36
CartoonCatJonas1  aftersomehelp, sound like it just chose not to isntall grub03:36
aftersomehelpso now I've got a bit of a partition mess :-)03:36
zeelothey guys, installed 64bit ubuntu today (8.04) and now I can't seem to checkout a repository with kdesvn or rapidsvn anymore, I get PROPFIND of '/': 403 Forbidden, anyone know why? I dont even get a login prompt03:36
gbear14275I figured that might be the case... any idea which package I might need?03:36
tj1515dashnu: i tried that but i see nothing about the resolution03:37
jscinoz \n is a newline when used as part of a string in bash?03:37
bobertdosceo4eva: Do you have internet access? Synaptic uses online repos to download and install packages like ndisgtk03:37
dashnutj1515: /etc/X11/xorg.conf ?03:37
joe_maybe not a partition mess, just a grub thing03:37
Jonas1CartoonCat - and it's because of this that i have only a shell and not the x-windows environement?03:37
ceo4evaYes, i connected with my wired connection03:37
corky_gaiaalguem me ajuda03:37
tj1515dashnu: yep03:37
tj1515no resolutions03:37
aftersomehelpwell I'll go try and fix GRUB... and pop back in a bit :-)03:38
ryan_Thanks so much for the Tip!  That worked awesome!03:38
aftersomehelpthanks for all your help.03:38
Yelpsterwould it be considered cruel and unusual to shave a hamster bald?03:38
CartoonCatYelpster, Use Nair03:38
dashnutj1515: yea i guess your right... I have no idea where they stick it off the top of my head in this distro03:38
tj1515nair burns03:38
gbear14275on another note.... noticed my system manager was only recognizing 3 gig's of my 4 gig's installed... is this a quick fix or do I have to reinstall 64 bit ubuntu or something similar?  could PAE extensions fix this?03:39
dashnutj1515: ill try to find it03:39
Yelpsteryes tj uses nair on the legs03:39
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:39
CartoonCattj1515, not if you use a slight solution03:39
tj1515dashnu: thanks i am using ibex03:39
Yelpster<--- waiting for support03:39
elektronischhey all, does anyone know why my wireless settings do not save when i reboot my fresh 8.04 install?  Everytime I reboot, I have to retype in my wep key in order for it to connect to my network03:39
tj1515yelpster: wife did said it burns ;)03:39
CartoonCatYelpster, whats the prob?03:39
CreamDoes Ubuntu supports Blu-ray dual layer burners?03:40
TuxOtakuanyone here have trouble installing the beta for Adobe AIR?03:40
YelpsterCartoonCat: I need to know how to install openoffice 3.0 rc2 into a livecd I am customizing03:40
TuxOtaku'cos the installer keeps crapping out for me03:40
elektronischTuxOtaku: nope03:40
TuxOtakusaying I need administrator access03:40
TuxOtakuwhen I'm running the .bin as root03:40
elektronischworks here, try running it under root03:40
elektronischrun it under a regular user, thats what i did and it prompted me for root pass03:40
CartoonCatYelpster, ahh, i dunno, is it any diffrent then installing any other package??03:41
TuxOtakutried that.03:41
TuxOtakuI've removed .adobe/ from my homedir03:41
TuxOtakuand have removed the old installation of AIR03:41
elektronisch;/ no idea i just installed it on my new 8.04 install a few minutes ago03:41
bobertdoselektronisch: Right-click the networking icon in the top-right of the main menu bar and open Edit Wireless Networks. Is it there?03:41
ceo4evaOnce i'm in Synaptic and i have marked stuff for installation. How do i actually install them now>03:41
CreamDoes Ubuntu supports Blu-ray dual layer burners?03:41
YelpsterCartoonCat: well it's different in that its not a complete environment, its the live-cd environment, I am afraid of destroying openoffice 2.4 by running the upgrade script from ooffice 3.0 on it03:41
goat|lappyceo4eva: click apply03:42
r0bceo4eva: click apply at the top03:42
joe_the apply button in synaptic03:42
Jonas1Cream - The only way to support Blu-Ray will need to have some DHCP drivers.03:42
CartoonCatYelpster   http://blogs.adobe.com/penguin.swf/2006/09/customizing_ubuntu_live_cd_606_1.html03:42
=== Red-Sox_ is now known as Red-Sox
YelpsterI am just trying to see if anyone has done any customizing of the squash-fs image?03:42
TuxOtakuanyone else been having this problem with AIR?03:42
sp00nHello, when I am trying to stream mov in Firefox I get a black window that says "no video".  Please help I need to watch videos for an online course I have a test in tomorrow03:43
CartoonCatoh, that could be possible and i dunno except to test it03:43
Jonas1Cream - Have you take a look at PowerCinema?03:43
* Cream takes a look03:43
Level15Hi: WHere can I suggest something to be added to Ubuntu server?03:43
elektronischhey all, does anyone know why my wireless settings do not save when i reboot my fresh 8.04 install?  Everytime I reboot, I have to retype in my wep key in order for it to connect to my network03:43
CartoonCatYelpster, ive done it per that link03:44
elektronischsorry wrong button03:44
=== Cream is now known as lulz
elektronischbobertdos: yes its there but wont let me type in the bssid03:44
zeelotplease can someone help me with my issue? am I missing an app or something? the svn server works fine on all other systems but not my new 64bit install of ubuntu 8.0403:44
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: Look at this example (it processes all .txt files in a directory) http://paste.ubuntu.com/49145/03:44
jscinozthanks IntuitiveNipple  i think i got it to work03:45
ceo4evaOk, now that I have installed ndisgtk (or atleast i think i have) how does that help me install my RTL 8185 wireless network adapter?03:45
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: ok... for that example, if you use it, add "-i" to sed's options so it replaces the existing file rather than writing to stdout (that's a safety feature until the script is tested)03:46
vasslerdoes anyone know where to find the BEST linix apps and html/java code hlp to use for best web design?? pls hlp any1?03:46
jscinozah ok thanks IntuitiveNipple03:46
masmotaplz help, desperate.  short:  getting grub msg "error 18"   long:  this is a fileserver with lots of stuff on it.  i've alrdy booted live cd and ran fsck - everything is ok.  re-installed grub, doesnt help.  system has been running for a long time, and earlier i was copying an iso to the server via samba, and the machine hard-locked and would not boot back up.03:46
hikenbootgreetings all can someone tell me if the python-xen-3.1 is a minimal python for just running xen or does it have to have python also installed03:47
ceo4evaOk, now that I have installed ndisgtk (or atleast i think i have) how does that help me install my RTL 8185 wireless network adapter?03:47
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Error 18: This error is returned when a read is attempted at a linear block address beyond the end of the BIOS translated area03:48
hikenbootnote: I currently do not have a ubuntu machine to see dependencies03:48
lycostewhat's the mp3 player to use?03:48
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Have you checked in the BIOS for any disk-mapping or translation options for that disk?03:48
bobertdosceo4eva: Now, you need to download the latest Windows XP drivers from the website. Once you have them extracted, point ndisgtk to the appropriate inf file and the program will do the rest of the work.03:49
CartoonCatdoesnt the rtl8185 have linux drivers??03:49
masmotaIntuitiveNipple:  i havent fiddled with the bios since i set the machine up last year03:49
gbear14275is there a terminal command to show how much memory my kernel can see?   does free work?03:50
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: So check it... there's nothing to say the nvram/CMOS settings weren't affected when the system failed03:50
masmotaIntuitiveNipple:  k, im looking at the bios now, everything seems to be on "auto"03:50
ceo4evabobertdos, i have marked ndisgtk. I clicked apply. But everytime i click "Not Installed" i still see it in the list03:50
CartoonCatgbear14275m  top ??03:51
vasslerdoes anyone know where to find the BEST linix apps and html/java code hlp to use for best web design?? pls hlp any1?03:51
ceo4evaAnd yes it does cartooncat03:51
masmotaIntuitiveNipple:  i can try setting to lba ?03:51
r0bvassler: scite03:51
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Error 18 indicates that GrUB is being asked to seek to a cylinder number larger than the BIOS can address, so if the MBR and stage 1.5 files are okay, the BIOS is the only other issue03:51
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Yes, try that!03:51
gbear14275cartoon cat... free works... am trying to figure out why ubuntu wont recognize my last gig of RAM03:51
goat|lappygbear14275: how much memory?03:51
vassleri need to know how to make profestional web design03:52
CartoonCatgbear14275, how much do you have03:52
IntuitiveNipplegbear14275: 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu?03:52
masmotaIntuitiveNipple:  k ... will the disk still work even though i installed the OS in normal mode?03:52
CartoonCatvassler, thats not here, try #html03:52
r0bvassler: check out w3schools.com03:52
bobertdosceo4eva: Let's just make absolutely certain it installs. In a terminal, type: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk.03:52
gbear142754 gig's installed03:52
masmotawell scratch that, still error 1803:52
r0bvassler: or the irc channels #java #html etc03:52
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Shouldn't make any difference - Linux does its own disk handling, only GrUB needs the BIOS since there's no kernel at that point03:52
masmotai see03:53
bobertdosgbear14275: It will not recognize a full 4 gigs if you are on 32-bit.03:53
masmotaanything else i can try?03:53
gbear14275was reading about pae extensions and such... but wondering what the best "fix" is and right now am trying to determine where the system losses sight of that last gig03:53
case^does persistant segfaults suggest I should run memtest - even if the segfaults are with just one app (mostly)03:53
joe_you need 64 bits for more than 3 gig of memory, right?03:53
FiremanEd2-you need 64 bits for more than 3 gig of memory, right?03:53
gbear14275bobertdos... I've heard and thought that with PAE extensions and such thats not the case anymore03:53
cynthiajion #ubuntu-cn03:53
crimsunjoe_: you don't if your CPU and OS have certain support03:54
cynthiajion #<ubuntu-cn >03:54
gbear14275how well does ubuntu 64 work compared with 32?03:54
ubot3gbear14275: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: not well-formed (invalid token): line 335, column 8403:54
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: Well, something has changed, obviously. If the BIOS settings are okay then it is back to reinstalling GRUB since something in the MBR, stage 1.5 or stage 3 files has been clobbered... data corruption because of unclean shutdown most likely.03:54
ceo4evaI even have the CD for the rtl8185 but it's confusing as hell how to install stuff. Anytime i click something another folder comes up. on on on and on again03:54
case^cynthia - /join #ubuntu-cn03:54
crimsungbear14275: 32-bit is the "fewer headaches" method03:54
gbear14275I tried to dual boot with xp 64 and there is ZERO support for my computer03:55
crimsungbear14275: that said, I run 64-bit on this AMD64, and it's very nice03:55
CartoonCatgbear14275, ive got x64 on this lappy, every works great except some games via wine. boot 32boot and works fine03:55
ubot3Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots03:55
iFvwm!cedega > CartoonCat03:56
CartoonCatiFvwm, isnt cedega comercial?03:56
gbear14275 not sure how linux works that well but are all the 32 bit packages and such available and work in the 64 bit version?03:56
CartoonCatgbear14275, no not all apps have been ported03:56
iFvwmCartoonCat: perhaps. but old version you also can try.03:57
NickReadgbear14275: have you tried the server image?03:57
gbear14275any of you happen to be running x64 on a T61?03:57
IntuitiveNipplegbear14275: The packages that aren't available for 64-bit are proprietary, with the exception of some specific libraries that access hardware in real-mode03:57
bobertdosceo4eva: PM me, I'll help you more closely.03:57
iFvwmCartoonCat: or go to idsoft.com to find some excellent games.03:57
iFvwmCartoonCat: or getdeb.com03:57
gbear14275nickread... was just reading about that.... I've never recompiled my kernel yet... sounds daunting to be honest03:57
NickReadIt's in the repos03:58
CartoonCatmmm, i guess ill look at that, would be nice to have counterstrike on the lappy, then i wont "need" it on the fileserver (living room media box, old ati, no workie 3d)03:58
NinesvnsicksHello everyone03:58
goat|lappyhello dr Ninesvnsicks03:58
crishi i just connected my canon digicam via usb and i would like to find the sd card drive. how do i do that?03:58
NinesvnsicksI just updated to the new kernel but it didn't add it to the grub menu.lst so i'm not sure hwo to add it just change 16 ot 19?03:58
elektronischfixed it, i had to put it in roaming mode for my wireless to work03:58
FlannelNinesvnsicks: sudo update-grub03:59
Ninesvnsicksit didn't change menu.lst03:59
jscinozfor some reason04:00
jscinozecho $string1 \n $string2 doesnt print the newline04:00
jscinozrather just an n04:00
crisi just connected my canon digicam via usb and i would like ubuntu to recognize and to find the sd card drive. how do i do that?04:00
jscinozeven when i add -e right after echo04:00
jscinozany ideas?04:00
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: echo -e "$string1 \n $string2"04:00
gbear14275can I run memtest without the live cd?04:00
NinesvnsicksFlannel: it didn't change menu.lst04:01
criscan somebody help me please? i have no clue how to do that04:01
FlannelNinesvnsicks: Alright, pastebin your menu.lst, and the output of: ls -l /boot04:01
tsuna27inubuntu how do i safetly remove my usb stick04:02
jscinozIntuitiveNipple, tried that still didnt make a newline04:02
gbear14275oooh... another problem I was hoping to find out more about..04:02
iFvwmcris: try "dmesg|tail -n 20" to see errors04:02
tsuna27in ubuntu how do i safely remove my usb stick04:02
chubs_tsuna27, right click > unmount04:03
gbear14275flannel... have you ever run into lba and chs mismatches when partitioning?  and if so how did you resolve them without killing the boot record04:03
chubs_then firmly grasp said stick04:03
gbear14275I've killed my install 3 times now.... :(04:03
tsuna27chubs: thats not working04:03
case^cris: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=577907004:03
IntuitiveNipplejscinoz: It does here; what are you doing?04:03
chubs_and pull with your force centered away from the usb port04:03
Ninesvnsickshttp://pastebin.com/d2c8f1e4b http://pastebin.com/d1130302104:03
jscinozIntuitiveNipple, wait nevermind fixed it04:03
Flannelgbear14275: not I, no.04:03
chubs_tsuna27, what does that's not working mean? is there an error message?04:03
tsuna27chubs: i press unmount but nothing happens04:04
FlannelNinesvnsicks: is that you whole menu.lst?04:04
gbear14275crap!  anyone? chs an lba mismatches04:04
chubs_are you transferring anything?04:04
chubs_using it in any way?04:04
IntuitiveNipplegbear14275: LBA ignores CHS04:04
Ninesvnsicksno but the only thing that isn't commented out04:04
FlannelNinesvnsicks: Please paste the whole thing04:04
chubs_tsuna27, sudo umount /media/disk (or whatever it may be)04:04
chubs_see what that says04:04
tsuna27chubs: its my sony phone that im transfering files, the phones screen says its still connected04:05
IntuitiveNippletsuna27: Do you have a program or window open in a directory on the USB stick?04:05
Dapswhat do i need to get this radio station http://citysoundfm.com/liveradio.htm to play its streaming audio ?04:05
starscalling /quit04:05
tsuna27intuitivenipple: i think04:05
chubs_tsuna27, sometimes devices say that when they're not. as long as they're unmounted it'll be fine. but if there is any program open that you were using to transfer files it may be wise to close that04:05
tsuna27tryin it04:06
gbear14275intuitiveNipple:  I'm running into the issue when using testdisk after partitioning using gparted... would love to get it to not have those mismatches but are you saying the issue is obsolete or...?04:06
FlannelNinesvnsicks: hmm, alright.  That all looks good.  Does sudo update-grub give any output at all?04:06
talexb_Hi, just posted something to paste.bin .. can't mount an NFS volume. :(04:06
chubs_talexb_, you need to give the link ;)04:07
Ninesvnsicksflannel: http://pastebin.com/d330ce5004:07
talexb_chubs_ Oops .. thought that would come through automatically .. my bad.04:07
gbear14275last time I tried to resolve it I altered my partition heads (not sure on the terminology) from 240 to 255 and lost my whole partition table and such... that was a hard loss04:07
chubs_talexb_, no worries04:07
IntuitiveNipplegbear14275: I'm not sure what precisely the issue is, but the addressing is either CHS or LBA. Some tools report pseudo-CHS (such as [c]fdisk) but the underlying system uses LBA04:07
gbear14275on the recommendation of testdisk >:o04:07
FlannelNinesvnsicks: interesting.  The next line *should* be Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done  What are the permissions on menu.lst?04:08
chubs_talexb_, usually an ip address is necessary. for example
tsuna27chubs: thx its fine04:08
=== diego is now known as Guest32942
ubot3#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!04:09
talexb_chubs_ But I have this host name in /etc/hosts ..04:09
chubs_tsuna27, no problem, enjoy yourself04:09
talexb_But I'll try with an IP address ..04:09
gbear14275so... don't worry about it then?  Might call me a perfectionist, but don't like errors coming up :-/.... as an alternative... there a partitioner that will avoid this?04:09
Dabbui have ubuntu installed and now i want to install gentoo on another partition..will gentoo grub will detect ubuntu04:09
Ninesvnsicksflannel: idk how do i find out?04:09
FlannelNinesvnsicks: pastebin this: ls -l /boot/grub/04:10
talexb_chubs_ Nope, IP address didn't solve the problem.04:10
chubs_talexb_, the error is related to the mount itself, so it's probably not actually the ip address. but try anyways i'd say.04:10
chubs_figured as much04:10
xbxbxbWhen I'm at the login screen, then press CTRL+ALT+F1 and login with my username at the CLI. Does this login procedure require the home folder of this user to be present?04:10
Ninesvnsicksflannel: http://pastebin.com/d1a67b78004:10
LimCoreif I have /etc/myfirewall.sh  then how to auto star it04:11
IntuitiveNipplegbear14275: Without seeing the errors/warnings you're referring to it is impossible to give an opinion04:11
darkbishopcan anyoen help me... i cant install vlc.... and eveytime i try to install my grafic card they want me to kill my x first.. how do i kill my X??04:12
chubs_talexb_, the only thing I can think of is a bad exports file on the other system, but usually that'd be a permissions error04:12
FlannelNinesvnsicks: Very odd indeed.  Alright, well, I'm stumped, but yes, to edit it manually just copy the two -16 entries, paste right above them, and then change the -16 to -1904:12
NinesvnsicksFlannel: ok04:13
FlannelNinesvnsicks: maybe once youre running the newer kernel, you'll be able to successfulyl update your grub04:13
chubs_but it's erroring on the first block it seems04:13
izinucsdarkbishop, first ctrl+alt+ F2.. log in .. then .. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop.. install drivers... then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start.. ctrl+alt+F7 to get to the gui if it doesn't take you there automatically04:13
Ninesvnsicksok gonan reboot brb04:14
xbxbxbhow can I login with root account? Do I have to activate it?04:14
darkbishop /msg ubottu etiquette04:14
Flannelxbxbxb: Use sudo instead.04:14
talexb_chubs_ http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/ubuntu-linux-nfs-client-configuration-to-mount-nfs-share.html04:15
xbxbxbFlannel:  In that specific situation I can't, since I need root before I log in with my user name04:15
izinucsdarkbishop, however.. it looks like you're trying to install the drivers from the MF site?  Have you tried the restricted drivers manager under System/admin/Hardware driver?04:15
chubs_talexb_, is that the guide you followed?04:15
talexb_The command 'sudo apt-get install portmap nfs-common' adds the missing pieces, and now it works.04:15
Flannelxbxbxb: Why do you need that?04:15
darkbishopizinucs:there nothing there in my hardware driver.its empty04:16
abaddon3ki was wondering if anyone could help me please? i just freshly installed ubuntu but i cant log in with the login information i provided at setup04:16
izinucsdarkbishop, what kind of card?04:16
talexb_chubs_ The first link was http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304402 and it pointed me to the link I just posted.04:16
talexb_Once again, Google rocks.04:16
xbxbxbFlannel:  too complicated to explain.04:17
Dabbuabaddon3k:u musthave forgotten ur user name or password04:17
chubs_talexb_, this is a more complete guide. http://www.ubuntugeek.com/nfs-server-and-client-configuration-in-ubuntu.html04:17
JaseX_did you add any caps to your username? abaddon3k04:17
chubs_including the editing of the exports file04:17
darkbishopizinucs:its nvidia gforce 6000.... i try using the command "sudo apt-get installenvy-gtk" but its not working04:17
abaddon3kdabbu: nope, didnt forget it. no caps. i've reinstalled multiple times with the same issue04:17
Flannelxbxbxb: Something an init script wouldn't be able to do?04:17
JaseX_abaddon3k: caps matter on linux, both in user name and password, if that doesn't work... go into recovery mode and use the 'adduser' command04:17
JaseX_and manually add anew user04:17
xbxbxbFlannel: is running something from an init script equivalent to running it as root?04:18
JaseX_it's pretty straight forward abaddon3k04:18
Xcercadoes amarok have a lirc pluging ,  does anyone know of a music player that does ?04:18
chubs_xbxbxb, yes.04:18
Flannelxbxbxb: Yeah04:18
abaddon3kjaseX_: hrm, i haven't tried that yet, i'll give it a shot04:18
chubs_Xcerca, thought it did04:18
JaseX_it should work abaddon3k if not, there's something erred with your CD installer probably.04:18
Xcercachubs_   do you control yours with a remote ?04:18
xbxbxbFlannel:  I'll check that out then04:18
abaddon3kthat doesn't work, i'll just have to reload the live CD and try asking again04:18
JaseX_or try making a new livecd04:19
chubs_Xcerca, I don't, but I remember seeing a script for it04:19
abaddon3kwell, i did check the integrity of the CD with the option, and it said it was fine04:19
Xcercaalright , thx04:19
izinucsdarkbishop, the 6000 should have triggered the restricted drivers manager.. is this a fresh install? have you done any updates?  if not .. sudo apt-get update.. sudo apt-get upgrade.. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade.. and then it might pop up04:19
JaseX_Hmm, that's quite strange...04:19
chubs_Xcerca, http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/RemoteControl04:19
JaseX_I don't even think i've used the check cd option myself, but that's due to my faith in my burner... :)04:19
abaddon3kwell, after installing ubuntu well over 30 times in the last two days, i figured it couldn't hurt to try04:20
talexb_Thanks chubc_, much appreciated.04:20
chubs_talexb_, no problem. did it work?04:20
talexb_Oops, chubs_ ..04:20
cpierce_where is the option to make a program start on login in ubuntu?04:20
talexb_Yeah -- installed those two packages, the mount worked.04:20
Flannel!session | cpierce_04:21
chubs_glad to hear it04:21
talexb_I can see my drive again.04:21
ubot3cpierce_: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot04:21
talexb_I will. Cheers.04:21
Xcercachubs_  there are irexec commands to control amarok   ,  linux is awesome04:21
esacdoes anybody know of good architectural software for linux04:22
chubs_Xcerca, cool. and yes it is :)04:22
JaseX_Like a CAD program esac?04:22
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:22
esacJaseX_: CAD seems way too advanced. i used to use Punch! for Windows and I liked that. I don't know where the line between CAD and just floor plan software is04:22
chubs_esac, there are several cad programs. there's blender for modelling but it isn't suited for engineering04:23
esacchubs_: ya, that sounds too advanced for what i need04:23
JaseX_CAD is just computer aided drawing pretty much...04:23
darkbishopizinucs:this is not a fresh installation.i use 7.10 before then i dicided to upgread it to 8.04 last nite....before this it was there.but now its not04:23
chubs_esac, hm. CAD programs are usually pretty intuitive, you just want an interior design program basically?04:23
JaseX_I have a little bit of experience with it esacs... but not any with punch!04:23
JaseX_Sorry mate, cannot help here...04:23
JaseX_But qcad or varicad seems promising04:24
esacchubs_: ya, i just need to draw walls and doors and toilets and crab :)04:24
JaseX_Maybe ubottu has some info?04:24
ubot3Factoid cad not found04:24
FloodBot3JaseX_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:24
JaseX_Sorry, I didn't mean to spam :(04:24
sp00nCan someone please help me get embedded movs working in ubuntu?  I have classwork I have to do04:24
izinucsdarkbishop, ok.. then maybe your xorg.conf is still being used.. check it out (with no editing privilidges) using gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:24
chubs_esac, http://www.linux.com/feature/14107304:24
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:25
esacchubs_: oh that looks nice, thanks!04:25
chubs_esac, no problem04:25
sp00nplease please? i have been doing this for like 3 hours and I should have been studying!04:25
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem? please help me!04:26
abaddon3kjaseX_: you are my hero04:26
JaseX_esac: this page may also interest you... http://appdb.winehq.org/appbrowse.php?catId=5904:26
izinucsdarkbishop, once there see what driver is listed if any.04:26
JaseX_abaddon3k: You're welcome.04:26
JaseX_it said Punch had a silver rating in wine...04:26
JaseX_Many moons ago.04:26
abaddon3kjaseX_: i seriously can't believe it was that easy. i've been trying a whole range of things04:26
JaseX_So it may be even better support now.04:27
JaseX_abaddon3k: some things can be incredibly simple, when people have had similar problems :D04:27
chubs_JaseX_, or worse04:27
abaddon3kjaseX_: now what about my root password. i have no idea what that is04:27
JaseX_True chubs_04:27
=== JaseX_ is now known as Jasex
=== Jasex is now known as JaseX
JaseXhmm good.04:28
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:28
sp00nI am trying to get streaming movs to play. anyone please?04:28
JaseXI forgot how to identify and register a nick on freenode so brb so I can refresh my knowledge.04:28
JaseXabaddon3k: hm it would've been the passowrd for the original user04:28
joe_sp00n: wihich browser04:28
error404notfoundhi! anyone has any experience on setting mod-survey on ubuntu?04:28
JaseXif not the command from recovery 'gpasswd -a <user> sudo' should work abaddon3k04:29
JaseXI'm not sure on the context or validity, or if that's the right group.04:29
JaseXBut that'll make your current password work04:29
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:29
sp00njoe: any.  i have tried in firefox and konqueror.  it would be more convenient to get it working in a browser that isn't opera, even though that's my preferred browser because my school's class site doesn't load properly in opera04:29
JaseXabaddon3k: as I think about it... your password you just made should work in sudo.04:29
abaddon3kand i have to do it from the recovery, or can i do it from the terminal04:30
JaseXBut still may have to be added to the sudo group first anyway abaddon3k04:30
JaseXWell you cannot use gpasswd without root access so recovery terminal would be best bet.04:30
digitalfizcan someone help me with my issue with a usb capture device and ubuntu 8.04 here is the link for more info: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92450404:30
JaseXBut hang on.04:30
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem? i'm using madwifi04:30
joe_sp00n: I was thinking maybe the Mozilla MPlayer plugin04:30
darkbishopizinucs:just driver for my input device and mouse.non for video device.04:30
JaseXCan anyone confirm gpasswd -a user group is the right syntax for me?04:30
digitalfizvlc has a plugin for firefox also04:31
sp00njoe_, neither of those work04:31
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?04:32
izinucsdarkbishop, not sure exactly how to proceed from  here.. others will have an idea on how to verify what's currently loaded..  Is your resolution ok?04:32
Joker_-__23:29 [Undernet] Warning: Port sent with DCC request is a lowport (0, unknown) - this isn't normal. It is possible the address/port is faked (or maybe someone is just trying to bypass firewall)04:32
Joker_-__23:29 [Undernet] DCC SEND from aller-chier [ port 0]:04:32
FlannelJoker_-__: please stop04:32
RogerBaconcan someone tell me why KILLALL dosn't need root passwd before killing a process ?04:32
sp00njoe_, mplayer attempts to load the streaming file in the external player, and pops up an error message "no stream found", which is incorrect because it works on the XP machine. VLC plugin displays a black "no video" window instead of playing.04:32
joe_Sp00n: not a perfect fix but can you copy the link for the video and paste it into vlc or mplayer04:33
JaseXabaddon3k: if that's not right the terminal will give you info with...04:33
darkbishopizinucs:if you think 600X800 is ok.. then yeah its working fine.04:33
JaseXgpasswd --help04:33
digitalfizRogerBacon, killall should only need root if its killing a process root owns04:33
chubs_600x800, that's one goofy monitor04:33
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:33
Xcercaare dcop commands only for kde ?04:34
izinucsdarkbishop, nope.. try .. sudo -s xrandr <resolution>  ... like .. sudo -s xrandr 1280x1024.. or whatever you need04:34
abaddon3kJaseX: hrm, can i also use that to change the password on the orginal account i made? i;m looking at my users screen and that account still exsists, but i don't know what the pass is set at04:34
JaseXthat'd be just plain passwd04:34
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:34
sp00njoe_, I can't, because it's a javascripted sendback...I don't have access to the URL. And mplayer tries to open it in the player manually and says "no stream found", which I know is wrong.04:34
JaseXgpasswd is for groups I believe04:34
ubot3Factoid gpasswd not found04:34
Coldtem algum brasileiro aki04:34
JaseXHmm ubot needs some new factoids04:34
zuhrimy network manager can not detect AP, but if i using kismet i can. where is the problem?04:34
digitalfizzuhri, dont repeat that just pisses people off04:34
JaseXCold... I think you want #ubuntu-br04:35
darkbishopizinucs: i try to install a driver that i download form the nvidia website.its said you appear to be running X.please exit before installing... so how do i exit my X???04:35
zuhribut nobody help me04:35
abaddon3ki need to do some reading up, its been to long since i've run linux04:35
RogerBacondigitalfiz : thanks for the answer, do you have an idea if deamon are launched as root during the boot proces ?04:35
JaseXdarkbishop: goto alt+ctrl+f2 and type sudo /etc/inti.d/gdm stop04:35
MooseHow do I restart ALSA?04:35
digitalfizzuhri, repeatings not going to make them any more apt to helping you just might get you kicked04:35
JaseXand then try04:36
MooseI'm having a problem where I have no sound and applications are failing because of it.04:36
JaseXdarkbishop: also make sure you have linux-headers installed04:36
zuhrican u help me04:36
MooseSkype decided to fuck everything up :P04:36
usserdarkbishop, is there any reason u aren't using restricted manager?04:36
JaseXdarkbishop: as it will have to install kernel modules.04:36
izinucsdarkbishop, can you scroll up to one of my previous posts.. I mention it there.   I'll also  have the bot send you a link to a page that might help.. that is if the bot is working.04:36
izinucs!resolution | darkbishop04:36
ubot3darkbishop: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto04:36
JaseXusser: for some people it may not work... it doesn't work for me most times.04:36
zuhridigitalfiz:can u help me04:36
digitalfizzuhri, you might want to rephrase the question at least so maybe someone will understand the problem better04:36
JaseXthat and the restricted manager doesn't seem to properly set up xorg.04:37
JaseXI always having to run nvidia-xconfig anyways.04:37
ubot3Factoid linux-headers not found04:37
sp00njoe_, I also have the option to set mozilla to "quicktime plugin 6.0", and it tries to play the video, shows an mplayer plugin logo but stops as soon as it starts to play04:37
JaseXdarkbishop: sudo apt-get install `uname -a`-headers04:38
JaseXi think.04:38
JaseXor just use synaptic of course :D04:38
joe_sp00n: I'm still looking around for a mov file embedded to see if I can play it04:38
MooseWhen everything fails, how do I fix it without rebooting? It seems something to do with my sound is causing terminal to stop responding, pidgin won't respond, Skype won't start... yet xchat seems to be fine04:38
sp00njoe_, k, thanx.  i am worried because i need to watch these for school and i've been trying to get this to work for like 3 hours04:39
JaseXmy bad...04:39
izinucsMoose, ctrl+alt+f2 for a different TTY you can kill things with04:39
JaseX sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` for anyone interested.04:39
Mooseizinucs: Yes, and how do I get back in to x when that happens?04:39
craigbass1976I should remember this; there;s an issue every time I upgrade ubuntu...  Anyonw know of a good wakthrough for getting a broadcom 4306 wireless car working?04:39
lgfish29anyone here really comfy with mencoder?04:40
Gemmie78I have a 2.5" HDD in an enclosure which is failing to mount or is not being recognised correctly04:40
ASrocki installed dropbox and couldnt get it to work right so now it is just an annoyance how do i uninstall it?04:40
zuhrimy network manager can't detect hotspot, but if i use airodump-ng or kismet i can detect any hotspot. my wifi adapter use atheros chipset and i'm using madwifi driver.04:40
Gemmie78Has anyone had any experience with this?04:40
ASrocki didnt use synaptic or anything to install it ether04:41
IntuitiveNippleMoose: If things are locking up you can use the magic sys-request sequence Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+K to kill all processes on the current console - if running the GUI that will kill and restart X04:41
darkbishopahh dang.. i forget to install the header04:41
UnbeGemmie78: Has it mounted before?04:41
izinucsdarkbishop, sudo apt-get install build-essential for all that you'll need04:41
ubot3Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs04:41
mohahi all04:41
Gemmie78I don't believe it has mounted before04:42
Gemmie78But it's possible04:42
ubot3Factoid xms not found04:42
ubot3xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.04:42
Gemmie78I do get a strange error message04:42
JaseX sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r` for installing kernel-headers04:42
Gemmie78Basically saying it's failing to mount04:42
UnbeGemmie78: What's that?04:42
JaseXdarkbishop: that cfommand will set you in the right direction04:42
Gemmie78Let me grab the drive and plug it in via usb and give you the exact error message04:43
ubot3Factoid audacious not found04:43
izinucsJaseX, audacious is a fork of xmms.. in the repos04:43
chao1Hey everyone, how do I get compiz themes working?04:43
zuhrinetwork manager can't detect hotspot, but if i use airodump-ng or kismet i can detect any hotspot. my wifi adapter use atheros chipset and i'm using madwifi driver04:44
chao1>:ocant get compiz themes to work04:44
vejan738can't delete a file?04:44
izinucszuhri, that's twice with the same statement.. but there isn't a question there.. how can anyone answer a statement?04:44
MooseIntuitiveNipple: What key is SysRq ?04:44
Gemmie78"cannot mount volume" "Unable to mount volume SGBCKP"04:45
FlannelMoose: next to scroll lock, also has print screen on it04:45
IntuitiveNippleMoose: Usually the Prt Scrn key doubles with it04:45
* IntuitiveNipple thinks he pressed it!04:45
leandrooAnyone know how to make ENE Card Reader work in ubuntu 8.04?04:46
vejan738can't delete a file- always there!!!!04:46
joe_sp00n: found something about a quicktime plugin in wine04:46
izinucsvejan738, what file where?04:46
chao1=-O How do i use a compiz or emerald theme?04:46
vejan738got a file in my root dir where i downloaded to04:47
vejan738need to get rid of it04:47
sp00njoe_, hm04:47
izinucsvejan738, sudo rm <filename>04:47
vejan738i am root already04:47
abaddon3kjaseX you still around?04:47
darkbishopizinucs:thx... i got the driver install already.... tvm..04:47
XiXaQvejan738, you mean your home directory? Right click, select properties and look at the owner.04:48
izinucsdarkbishop, did any of what I suggested help?04:48
XiXaQvejan738, and you don't get any error messages at all?04:48
izinucsdarkbishop, sounds  like it's working.. ?04:48
darkbishopizinucs:yeah alot.like installing the header and stoping the X thing.. thxx04:48
izinucsdarkbishop, np.. glad it's fixed for you04:48
vejan738say rm cannot remove- no such file or directory04:49
Gemmie78Hmm it's so strange I'm having this issue with the external hdd04:49
vejan738i do a ls in that directory and the file is still listed04:49
Gemmie78I mean, flash memory works fine04:49
Gemmie78a USB sstick is fine04:49
izinucsdarkbishop, don't forget that for tweeking you can install nvidia-settings.. sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings.. after that you'll get an option on the System/Admin menu04:49
XiXaQvejan738, what's the files name?04:50
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vejan738its a Selma Hayek.jpg04:50
darkbishopizinucs: its return E: Couldn't find package nvidia-settings and eveytime i install VLC its said packages broken....04:51
Flannelvejan738: so what line are you using to remove it?04:51
izinucsvejan738, if the file name has a space then when trying to remove it put quoted around the file name.04:51
vejan738sudo rm -rf Selma Hayek.jpg04:51
joe_what are the rules about links, I wanna post a link to sp00n?04:51
IntuitiveNipplevejan738: If it has spaces in it you need to surround the file-name with "    " quote marks if using the command-line04:51
zuhriwhy my network manager not detected AP? but if i use kismet ican.04:51
XiXaQizinucs, to recommend someone to install a package, please use apturls instead, like "Open apt://nvidia-settings in Firefox". Newbies often get the impression that it's necessary to use the terminal to accomplish even the simplest things.04:52
|thunderWhats the best text to speech app ? say, for reading web pages ?04:52
vejan738WAHOOO its gone04:52
Flannelvejan738: Alright, you *dont* need r or f.  You *do* need to either quote or escape04:52
XiXaQvejan738, use "sudo rm "Selma Hayek.jpg" instead.04:52
joe_sp00n: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=71891904:52
sp00njoe_, thanks,i'll check that out04:52
Flannelvejan738: rm Sel[tab] would've taken care of it too, since it would have expanded, and automatically escaped the space (salma\ hayek.jpg)04:53
XiXaQGemmie78, hello?04:53
vejan738i used the quotes around the file04:53
izinucsdarkbishop, you can use System/Admin/Synaptic Pack. Mgr to search for nvidia-settings.. its there.. I just checked..04:53
vejan738and its gone04:53
Gemmie78unbe are you there mate :)04:53
vejan738holy crap04:53
vejan738was sweating that a bit04:53
Gemmie78xixaq do you have any ideas on why the drive is failing to mount, works on the mac and PC04:53
zuhriwhy my network manager not detected AP? driver installed correctly.04:54
XiXaQGemmie78, pc? Perhaps you mean Windows?04:54
Gemmie78Yeah works on windows and on mac os leopard04:54
vejan738thanks XiXaQ, Flannel04:54
izinucsdarkbishop, np..04:54
Gemmie78Basicall when I plug via usb, it says it fails to mount04:55
XiXaQGemmie78, no, I don't know. You should try to write your questions in a single message, btw. It's very difficult to track split messages in an active channel as this.04:55
abaddon3kis there any way of changing the administrator password if you don't know it?04:55
vejan738gemmie78- how is the flash drive formatted as?04:56
XiXaQabaddon3k, yes, you can boot into ubuntu in single user mode, or Resque Mode. That gives your root privileges, and can change a users password.04:56
Gemmie78That's cool, basically I've got an external hdd, it's a notebook hdd in an enclosure. It works via usb for my macbook and on my windows PC but it fails to mount in ubuntu04:56
Gemmie78I'm not entirely sure of the formatting, but I was told to format it in such a way that both mac and windows should be able to read it04:56
zuhriwhat wrong with my question? why don't anybody help me.04:56
abaddon3kXiXaQ what command do i use to change another users password?04:57
XiXaQabaddon3k, passwd.04:57
abaddon3kis there some kind of option to target another user? cause i tried that and it asked for the old password 1st04:58
vejan738mac and windows uses 2 different formats04:58
Gemmie78Is there a way I can find out without switching over04:58
izinucsunless formatted with fat3204:58
Gemmie78I believe the format is ntfs04:58
Gemmie78or something04:58
joe_sp00n: I can't play quicktime either04:58
XiXaQabaddon3k, if you run it as your own user, then you may only change your own password. It's reasonable to require that user to know his own password. However, if you're already logged in as root, you won't be asked about old passwords.04:58
abaddon3kXiXaQ thank you very much. i'll restart and give it a try04:59
XiXaQabaddon3k, you'd do passwd username.04:59
abaddon3kXiXaQ ok04:59
sp00njoe_, oh bummer. I've been doing a lot of research and apparently it's a fairly common issue.  I have tried the vlc plugin, mplayer, and gxine04:59
digitalfizGemmie78, check out ext2ifs for windows then i think there is a utility for osx to read ext2 also04:59
vejan738think u have to format as fat3204:59
XiXaQabaddon3k, if you only run passwd, then you'll be setting a password for the root account. Don't do that unless you know why you're doing it.04:59
digitalfizfat32 has a 4gb file size limit04:59
XiXaQabaddon3k, if you have sudo access, then you can just do sudo passwd username.05:00
raul1hi everyone.., i just installed Nexuiz on ubuntu, and it starts but a blank screen and all i hear is music any help?05:00
Ninesvnsickshey I'm having a problem flash player isn't installing for firefox.05:00
abaddon3kXiXaQ i dont have sudo access from this account, which is why i need to change the password on the admin account05:00
joe_sp00n: it took me forever to find mov embedded to see05:00
XiXaQabaddon3k, right. Then you'll need to boot into resque mode.05:00
abaddon3kXiXaQ for whatever reason when i install ubuntu and started it up for the 1st time it wouldn't accept the login info i supplied at start up05:01
abaddon3kXiXaQ so on the advice of another user i created this account and was able to atleast login, but i still have no access to anything05:01
esacthis may be off topic, but if anybody knows a good shop that sells computers with ubuntu pre-installed id appreciate it. dell seems ovepriced for my needs05:01
XiXaQabaddon3k, capslock issue maybe? Or maybe misaligned hands when you typed and confirmed the password? :)05:01
Flannelesac: #ubuntu-offtopic is the best place to ask that05:02
raul1esac, why don't you ask them not to install windows and install ubuntu your self?05:02
abaddon3kXiXaQ i thought the same thing, so i reinstalled. over 30 times later it still gave me the same issues05:02
raul1i just installed Nexuiz on ubuntu, and it starts but a blank screen and all i hear is music any help?05:02
esacFlannel: thanks ill ask there05:02
XiXaQabaddon3k, that sounds very strange.05:02
abaddon3kXiXaQ everyone i've asked about it hasn't figured it out05:02
esacraul1: because i want them to run a burn in test on the hardware before shipping it my way05:02
CorbinFoxi am using funpidgin in 8.04, but it doesnt have spell checker, is this normal?05:02
XiXaQabaddon3k, I've never heard of anything similar before.05:02
abaddon3kXiXaQ so i'm just trying to work around it.05:02
raul1ok well ubuntu has never failed any of the computers ive installed it on05:02
sp00njoe_, it appears I would have to try it under Wine...I'll check that out, and I also run VirtualBox so I could just load it up in IE on XP because I know it works OK in windows...assuming I can get Quicktime working on VBox05:03
raul1but enver hruts to be precaustious05:03
abaddon3kXiXaQ i found one post on a forum through google that had the same issue, but no one responed to it05:03
Ninesvnsickscan anyone help me install flash player?05:03
esacraul1: ive had a couple pieces of hardware that dont play well with ubuntu. rare, but i wont to make sure before i take possession05:03
XiXaQabaddon3k, right. Resque mode should... resque you.05:03
abaddon3kXiXaQ yes, i hope it works. either way i'll be back and let you know05:04
zuhriwhy not detect AP my network manager??05:04
raul1so nobody ever heard any problems with nexuiz?05:04
raul1the fps game?05:04
raul1it opens but a blank screen all i hear is the music :(05:04
vejan738wrong video driver?05:04
Ninesvnsicksit's saying enter a valid path but /usr/lib/mozilla isn't working05:04
XiXaQNinesvnsicks, make sure you have Restricted enabled in System > Administration > Software Sources. Then open apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras in Firefox.05:05
raul1vejan738: me?, no i definatley have the correct one semi-nice one at that.05:05
vejan738hardware match the min hardware requirements?05:05
DARKGuyYay. Ubuntu fails at recognizing my CRT's 1280x1024@60Hz maximum resolution :P05:05
XiXaQDARKGuy, is that a question or a bug report?05:06
DARKGuyXiXaQ, could be both. I need to add the res manually now :(05:06
Ninesvnsicksrestriceted is on05:06
joe_sp00n: I would say for tonight Vbox is you best bet... I just checked my win2k install in Vbox and it plays there05:06
XiXaQNinesvnsicks, then open the url I gave you?05:06
Gemmie78I'll check it out05:07
DARKGuyXiXaQ, where can I fill a bug report?05:07
Ninesvnsicksbash: apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras: No such file or directory05:07
raul1anyone with moer knowlage of ubuntulinux then me under stand this?How can I place a shortcut to Nexuiz on my Linux desktop?  Use the script nexuiz-linux-sdl.sh or nexuiz-linux-glx.sh instead of the binaries. The scripts will use the correct working directory,choose the right version (32 or 64 bit) and also allow you to start a extra X server.   05:07
XiXaQDARKGuy, on www.launchpad.net05:07
XiXaQNinesvnsicks, in Firefox. It's a url.05:07
DARKGuyXiXaQ, thanks :)05:07
Ninesvnsicksoh ok got it05:08
XiXaQNinesvnsicks, maybe you can even click it, if your irc client supports it.05:08
uriel_can some1 tell me how to install adobe flash plz help i dont know how to donload from the abobe website05:08
dfgashow do i get my kernel to panic on purpose? i want to try something.05:08
vejan738read the download instructions05:08
XiXaQuriel_,  make sure you have Restricted enabled in System > Administration > Software Sources. Then open apt://ubuntu-restricted-extras in Firefox.05:08
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?05:09
sp00njoe_, i am tryin it in vbox right now...i dont have quicktime installed tho05:09
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Ubuntu computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?05:09
zeelothey guys, installed 64bit ubuntu today (8.04) and now I can't seem to checkout a repository with kdesvn or rapidsvn anymore, I get PROPFIND of '/': 403 Forbidden, anyone know why? I dont even get a login prompt05:09
abaddon3kXiXaQ thank you so much, your advice worked05:10
Ninesvnsicksnice thanks05:10
XiXaQabaddon3k, great. :)05:10
sullyva86Anybody know why in firefox my flash plays but with no sound? Is this common?05:10
abaddon3kXiXaQ after three days of trying, i can finally sit down and run linux :)05:10
XiXaQabaddon3k, I'm happy for you. :)05:11
physically_fitsullyva86, sudo apt-get install libflashsupport05:11
XiXaQsullyva86, there is a problem when something else is using the sound interface. Try closing any media players, etc and restart firefox to see if that helps.05:11
fyrestrtrzeelot: that has nothing to do with Ubuntu, check the repo admin05:11
abaddon3kwell, if i have any more questions i know where to come to when google fails me.05:11
afterhelphi folks... I was in here earlier with a problem installing ubuntu..05:12
afterhelpand I've got a couple more questions :-)05:12
zeelotfyrestrtr: it works fine from other computers, problem only started when I installed 64bit ubuntu05:12
XiXaQabaddon3k, also remember the Questions pages on www.launchpad.net05:12
afterhelpI've attempted install of a dual boot thing - on a new hard disc which has XP already installed....05:12
joe_yah close all media players, mine works that way as well05:12
sullyva86XiXaQ: Oh ok yeah i do have vlc open too thanks05:12
afterhelpafter completing the install from the live CD - grub fails to startup, and I just get windows :-(05:12
fyrestrtrzeelot: specify the credentials on the commandline, its picking up a set of credentials that don't match.05:12
fyrestrtrzeelot: use svn co and see if that works.05:13
airtonixsullyva86, have you considered changing the sound server from pulse to alsa? i have done so and can use multiple sound apps05:13
afterhelpand if it's material - windows can no longer 'see' the partition with Ubuntu... my 250gig drive shows as 25 gig (which is what I'd like to leave windows....)05:13
sullyva86airtonix: Why isn't it set to alsa by default then? Is there some disadvantage to changing it?05:13
airtonixsullyva86, you can find out05:13
bullgard4afterhelp: http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html05:13
zeelotfyrestrtr: svn co does the same thing05:13
fyrestrtrzeelot: how are you using it?05:14
airtonixsullyva86, i also made use of a prog called aoss to help multiple wine apps share the soundserver too05:14
darkbishopto all:im trying to install VLC.... but it came out "E: Broken packages"... any idea y its happen?05:14
afterhelp(thanks bullgard :-) )05:14
FloodBot3tuananhcoltech20: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:15
ubot3pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:15
airtonixsullyva86, one thing to test though is : set your machine to hibernate...then resume it...now try to play audio...furthermore...try to restart...05:15
sullyva86airtonix: I can find out? lol nahh i'll just do one at a time then its not a big deal. Unless its simple to switch back n forth i don't want to risk messing up my install. Xixaq's advice worked.05:15
XiXaQafterhelp, Windows isn't able to view Ubuntu partitions. You can install support for it though. Have a look at www.fs-driver.org05:15
bullgard4tuananhcoltech20: Stop it.05:16
airtonixsullyva86, its not difficult...you change an option in a dropdown menu05:16
afterhelpis there anything I can do from the live CD to try and kickstart Grub into opening?05:16
atuljoin #debian05:16
ryan_What is a good sceen color grabber for Ubuntu.  One that, on click, puts the screen color under the cursor onto the clipboard.05:16
_Zeus_atul: huh?05:16
sullyva86airtonix: in sound preferences?05:16
airtonixsullyva86, system -> preferences -> mutlimedia system selector05:16
atul_Zeus_,  by mistake...05:16
airtonixsullyva86,if 'mutlimedia system selector' isnt there, you have to enable the menu entry by editing the menus...right click it and edit menu..05:17
afterhelpto be a bit more clear... my install shows as successful, everything completes etc. - but on reboot I simply head into windows...05:17
dr3mrohi i installed alsa 1.18rc how to downgrade to alsa 1.1705:17
sullyva86airtonix: OK where do i find it in the add menu's?05:18
airtonixsullyva86,you also change the soundserver vlc uses in its preferences from pulse to alsa05:18
sullyva86airtonix: Oh ok that might be easier05:18
airtonixsullyva86,down the bottom...system -> preferences -> multimedia sysmte selector... it will be unticked maybe05:18
airtonixsullyva86, this is required too05:18
sullyva86airtonix: oh ok i found it05:19
sullyva86airtonix: apparently i'm already using alsa lol05:19
sullyva86airtonix: Oh wait thats for input05:19
airtonixsullyva86, now you need to get aoss too and make sure all your apps use alsa rather than pulse05:19
sullyva86airtonix: Wait so what do i change in that menu then?05:20
airtonixsullyva86, isnt it obvious? output to alsa05:21
roe_what kernel is shipped with 7.10?05:22
sullyva86airtonix: Well it was on autodetect i wasn't sure05:22
Flannelroe_: how specific do you need?05:23
Flannel!info linux-image-generic feisty05:23
ubot3Package linux-image-generic does not exist in feisty05:23
Flannel!info linux-image gutsy05:23
ubot3Package linux-image does not exist in gutsy05:23
airtonixsullyva86, although this is a page for world of warcraft...it deatils the use of aoss on apps ...section to look at is voice chat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft05:24
sullyva86airtonix: So you really did this you manually went in and set all your apps to alsa?05:24
Flannelroe_: 2.6.2205:24
Flannelroe_: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=gutsy&searchon=names&keywords=linux-image05:24
airtonixsullyva86, think so, i can have multiple apps playing sound05:24
airtonixsullyva86, that gui you went into to change the sound server is bascially the gstreamer soundserver chooser...so totem is affected by that but vlc will need to be changed manually05:25
darkbishop!sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc libdvdcss205:26
ubot3darkbishop: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:26
DARKGuyUh, okay, could anybody please explain me why if I added my resolution manually in xorg.conf, it isn't being used or even detected in the "Screen resolutions" app? this is my xorg: http://rafb.net/p/c04aDC46.html05:26
DARKGuyAnd yes I've tried ctrl+backspace05:26
r3c0nhey ppl05:26
sullyva86airtonix: Oh duh thats right. Another reason why people don't switch from windows why wouldn't it just work from a default install. I don't remember having this issue back in the older versions of ubuntu though.05:26
r3c0njust got ubuntu workin and its great05:27
r3c0na newbie05:27
airtonixsullyva86, i've had worse sound problems on windows05:27
airtonixsullyva86, windows != ordained from god05:27
sullyva86airtonix: lol god... ok...05:28
dannyAnyone know how to get Microsoft (shudder) Flight Simulator to run in Ubuntu?05:28
dannyI've been bashing at wine all night05:28
r3c0nfailed an exam of security+ out of 10 points i missed it05:28
r3c0ndidnt forget it for 5 days now05:28
airtonixsullyva86, if you want to use windows as a benchmark for human technological excellence then you would have to put it next to the aids virus in terms of widepsread usage...both have comparable affects on the society it permeates05:28
abaddon3kcan i use apt-get to install envy?05:28
airtonixi digress05:28
error404notfoundhow can I setup a samba server which doesn't need anyone to provide username password to access shares?05:29
DARKGuyUh, okay, could anybody please explain me why if I added my resolution manually in xorg.conf, it isn't being used or even detected in the "Screen resolutions" app? this is my xorg: http://rafb.net/p/c04aDC46.html. I've tried ctrl+backspace and I'm left with 1024x768 even though it isn't even there :/05:29
dannyAnyone know how to get Microsoft (shudder) Flight Simulator to run in Ubuntu?05:29
atrus42I'd love to be stuck with 1024X76805:29
DARKGuyEw no, 1024x768 under GTK is so 640x480 in Windows05:30
atrus42I am stuck with 800X60005:30
racleHello, there is file in my trash and i cannot delete that. any suggestion how i delete that?05:30
DARKGuynothing even fits05:30
DARKGuythat sucks05:30
FloodBot3DARKGuy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
DARKGuywho says I'm flooding? :/05:31
sullyva86airtonix: yeah windows=aid's good logic there05:31
DARKGuyI need to get this sorted for like, tonight :/05:31
r3c0nhey i gotta make triple boot but it only allows to make 4 sda sections BT3 requires least 3 partitions by it self05:31
airtonixsullyva86, i could of put heroin and drug dealers in there too but...bit harsh05:31
r3c0nwhat to do ?05:31
r3c0nlooked at search engines sayz make new install05:31
airtonixsullyva86, page might help you later when you got more time : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77673905:31
r3c0ni dont wanna format05:31
dannyAnyone know how to get Microsoft (shudder) Flight Simulator to run in Ubuntu? I've been trying through WINE for days05:32
r3c0ntry wine05:32
r3c0nor another os05:33
r3c0nfrom vmware05:33
dannyIt installs... hangs on the loading screen though. Same with XPlane. And just about every program that uses a load screen.05:33
r3c0ni think there is a vmware for linux right ?05:33
XiXaQr3c0n, it's not recommendable to run such applications under vmware.05:33
airtonixdanny, have youlooked on the wine database for others experiences?05:33
XiXaQr3c0n, there is a vmware for linux, yes. There are other virtualization solutions too.05:33
sullyva86airtonix: thanks i'll try it05:33
r3c0nmight be mine is the last hope05:34
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Ubuntu computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?05:34
Flanneldanny: #winehq may be able to help more with the wine side of things.05:35
r3c0nsome themes dont work in ubuntu05:35
r3c0ntried the matrix theme not succesfull05:35
PrivateRolfCannot mount my iPod anymore.05:36
r3c0nhow do we install themes other than drag and drop on themems manager05:36
Cheekyi am settng up my ubntu server to gain a static ip and i once i change the files in the intercace file and restart the  network interfaces; it erros out on me iam curring ssh into the box .. but cant seem to make it have a static ip could anyone help me with this?05:36
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r3c0nwhy use static when we have dhcp ?05:36
fyrestrtrCheeky:  /etc/network/interfaces <-- pastebin this file05:37
r3c0nwrite a script to set the static ip05:37
XiXaQr3c0n, bad idea.05:37
Flannelr3c0n: Because static IPs are useful.05:37
Cheekyfyrestrtr: ok hold on05:38
r3c0ndont agree05:38
DARKGuyyay it works at last05:38
DARKGuyatrus42, whats your issue?05:38
Cheekyfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49168/05:38
atrus42my computer hates me..won't let me change my resolution, won't accept my video card drivers05:38
EmmettOkay, quick question.05:38
EmmettWe changed the server IP of an ubuntu server install.05:39
Emmettrestarted networking.05:39
DARKGuyatrus42, ouch. ATI ?05:39
Emmettsshed into the machine, no problem.05:39
Emmettbut now it's locking out ssh attempts.05:39
Emmettit worked fine five minutes ago.05:39
atrus42and normally I'd just say...well it must just be ATI support sucks05:39
Cheekyfyrestrtr: i get this error message after i restarted my  network interface : http://paste.ubuntu.com/49169/05:39
atrus42but these drivers worked before05:39
XiXaQEmmett, try to contain your question within a single message. We're 1256 users in here.05:40
tomkelleherHi. I just installed the server edition, and for some reason Gnome wont load. I'm thinking its a video driver issue, the machine as ATI Crossfires. Is my guess correct and if so is there a way to download a correct driver in command line.05:40
atrus42so logic would dictate that they should be able to work again.05:40
XiXaQtomkelleher, there is no gui in the server install, unless you've installed it manually afterwards?05:40
fyrestrtrCheeky: dmesg | grep -i eth <-- pastebin output of that05:40
EmmettWe changed the server IP of an ubuntu server install. ssh'ed into the machine, no problem. But now it's locking out ssh attempts when it worked fine minutes ago.05:40
DARKGuyatrus42, hmm well I don't have much experience with ATI, but if you can get the drivers working there, I can help you with X.org configuring. I'm mostly an NVIDIA guy :P05:40
r3c0nwhat is the easiest way to add a partition to grub ??05:41
atrus42I'd love a decent nvidia graphics card05:41
XiXaQEmmett, you're connecting to the new ip?05:41
Cheekyfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49171/05:41
tomkelleherXiXaQ, I chose to install "Ubuntu Desktop" during install which should be gnome correct05:41
fyrestrtrr3c0n: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst05:41
dn4would ubuntu be capable of being installed on a pentium pro 200?05:41
XiXaQtomkelleher, right. Do you get any error messages?05:41
EmmettXiXaQ: Yes.05:41
EmmettXiXaQ: I connected to the new IP successfully once.05:41
wolihow do i make thunderbird my default email application?05:42
EmmettXiXaQ: Now, no long.05:42
XiXaQdn4, it should, yes. Depends on the amount of ram though. It requires at least 256MB RAM.05:42
fyrestrtrCheeky: in your /etc/network/interfaces, change eth0 to eth105:42
fyrestrtrCheeky: then it will stick with the static IP05:42
tomkelleherXiXaQ, no thats the odd thing, I can hear everything load up. The "bong" for the login screen, and I can login and I hear the login music. But no image.05:42
smm281if I copy everything in my home folder to say a USB drive. Install any distro of linux to another computer and then replace the new home folder with the home folder on my USB drive, will the new installation of linux have all the settings and installed applications of the origonal linux that I coppied the home folder from05:42
Cheekyfyrestrtr: ok let me try05:42
atrus42actually what had happened is, I had an ATI card installed, and it was working ok, but I couldn't get ruby or compiz or whatever it's called now working right. The net said it's because it is only support by nvidia cards, so I had an old card that the fan had died on (which is when I got the ATI card in the first place) which I thought I had fixed, so I tried it, but it didn't work.05:42
dn4XiXaQ, ok05:42
XiXaQtomkelleher, try pressing alt+ctrl+f7?05:43
atrus42so I uninstalled the nvidia driver and tried to reinstall ati, but it isn't taking05:43
tomkelleherXiXaQ, right that should give me a command line right?05:43
error404notfoundI have installed mod-survey on ubuntu on apache 2.0.x and mod_perl 2.0.x, now when I restart apache I get: http://pastebin.com/m36cddf82 and upon accessing the site I get 404...05:43
XiXaQtomkelleher, no, that should give you the gdm.05:43
r3c0nwhat is the easiest way to add a partition to the grub again ?? i missed it just now05:43
r3c0nwhat is the easiest way to add a partition to the grub again ?? i missed it just now05:43
r3c0nlogged offline accidentaly05:44
Cheekyfyrestrtr:  i got this wheni restarted my networkinter face : configuring network interfaces...                                          Ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0.05:44
atrus42so I'd like to get a decent nvidia card, but AGP cards in general are hard to come by05:44
Cheekyfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49172/05:44
XiXaQr3c0n, you can use startup manager, or edit /boot/grub/menu.lst05:44
fyrestrtrCheeky: that's fine, did you change all eth0 to eth1 ?05:44
PrivateRolf!fglrx | atrus4205:44
ubot3atrus42: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:44
r3c0nthe most difficult challenge i think is wireless on linux05:44
PrivateRolfMy bad.05:44
XiXaQr3c0n, wireless is nice. Drivers are difficult when the manufacturers won't make drivers for their hardware.05:45
atrus42I've been through all of that...followed everything step by step, but when I do the fglrxinfo command, and it is supposed to bring up "ati" as the vendor it doesn't05:45
fyrestrtrCheeky: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces again05:45
r3c0nthats what i mean not every linux supports every driver card05:45
=== calc__ is now known as calc
r3c0nits a murder to get it to work05:45
smm281if I copy my home folder to a USB drive, install a new version of linux on a fresh PC and then copy the home folder from the USB drive to the new system will the new install of linux be just like the origonal that I copied the home folder from05:46
wolinvm... System > Preferences > Prefered Applications05:46
Cheekyfyrestrtr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49173/05:46
rockstrongoFor wireless I have had very good results with the rt73 for major distributions05:46
r3c0ni tried it for a long time on some pentest linux for months but on ubuntu it did it in one day05:46
XiXaQr3c0n, it's not legal. It can't be done.05:46
EmmettXiXaQ: Apparently someone else just connected for a brief moment and got reset off of the machine after running an ls05:46
fyrestrtrCheeky: change auto eth0 to auto eth105:47
XiXaQEmmett, sounds strange. I don't know what the problem might be.05:47
r3c0nits because it downloaded the driver from the net it self how smart is that ?????05:47
XiXaQEmmett, try #ubuntu-server.05:47
XiXaQr3c0n, I don't understand that question.05:47
r3c0ngood hardware support05:47
Cheekyfyrestrtr: ill paste bacjk the file when doen05:47
r3c0ndont worry05:48
r3c0nwhat is the easiest way to add a partition to the grub again ??05:48
fyrestrtrr3c0n: sudo vi /boot/grub/menu.lst05:48
XiXaQr3c0n, did you read my last message?05:48
r3c0nno missed it05:48
r3c0ni closed irc by mistake05:48
XiXaQr3c0n, look for it then.05:48
XiXaQr3c0n, I repeated it for you when you got back.05:49
r3c0nim blind05:49
Cheekyfyrestrtr: i think it worked..when i s\restarted  it  i just got this line back does this mean it works ? " Reconfiguring network interfaces...                     " OK05:49
fyrestrtrCheeky: yes, this means everything is normal.05:49
deadsoulsdoes anyone know of any simple text editors that can categorize files by tags?05:49
fyrestrtrCheeky: check your config with ifconfig05:49
r3c0nok im in grub05:50
r3c0nhow do we add the partition sda4 for backtrack ?05:50
tomkelleherXiXaQ, I just tried Ctrl+Alt+F7, nothing has come up on the monitor.05:50
IntuitiveNippleEmmet: did the /etc/ssh/sshd_config have ListenAddress set?05:50
r3c0nit only allows 4sda s05:50
fyrestrtrwhat's on sda4 ?05:50
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Ubuntu computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?05:50
r3c0nBT3 is on sda05:51
r3c0nmaking a triple boot05:51
r3c0ntrying hard to05:51
Cheekyfyrestrtr: ok thank you and if i wanted to shutdown the server remotely would it be sudo shutdown ?05:51
XiXaQtomkelleher, Try all the other alt+ctrl+f1-12 :) If that doesn't work, try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:51
fyrestrtrCheeky: sudo shutdown -h now05:51
fyrestrtrCheeky: that will do immediately05:51
XiXaQCheeky, shut down or restart?05:52
FlannelCheeky: sudo shutdown now05:52
r3c0nsda 1 -xp , sda2 - ubuntu , sda3 - swap and sda4 - backtrack05:52
r3c0nconfigure grub for me05:52
hackZorcan someone help me with my sound??05:52
FlannelCheeky: you need a time (now doesn't have to be now, you can say "in 20 minutes" or whatever)05:52
fyrestrtrwhat tha heck is backtrack05:52
r3c0nneed the grub05:52
r3c0ngoogle it05:52
bunnytohow to cancel pendient apt operations?05:52
hackZorcan someone help me?05:52
fyrestrtrbunnyto: ctrl+c05:52
bunnytofyrestrtr: no when its running, pendient operations05:53
CheekyFlannel: nice man05:53
bazzdoes there exist an app that will make my computer act like a bluetooth headset for my phone?05:53
bunnytohackZor: ?05:53
fyrestrtrbunnyto: what? pendient operations? Did it quit without finishing?05:53
bunnytofyrestrtr:  Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 12 not upgraded.05:54
hackZorbunny i need help with my sound05:54
r3c0nsda 1 -xp , sda2 - ubuntu , sda3 - swap and sda4 - backtrack configure grub for me ???05:54
hackZorit never works05:54
fyrestrtrbazz: you need to add audio gateway profile to your device, not sure how you would do that tbh.05:54
r3c0nno meaning whats the grub doesnt let me use lilo ..?????05:54
bunnytohackZor: aint you a hacker?? ohhh you are poser05:54
bazzfyrestrtr: i'll see what i can dig up with those as keywords, thanks05:54
Zhaneis it possible to use lan to connect to a network while at the same time use wlan for internet?05:54
fyrestrtrbunnyto: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:54
hackZorfuck you pussy05:54
XiXaQr3c0n, lilo and grub are competing boot managers?05:55
ppticalanyone know how i can specify a range of IPs to be blocked in hosts.allow? for example, i want to to be blocked..05:55
amenadoZhane yes its possible05:55
r3c0nyep thats right05:55
Zhaneamenado: how?05:55
bradly9no dmi bios year acpi= force is required to enable acpi what does this mean?05:55
Zhanei tried.. but when I do it.. everything goes haywire05:55
r3c0nbut lilo doesnt work and ubuntu put grub there for me05:55
r3c0nbut i dont use grub05:55
=== eminem is now known as Guest79899
r3c0nsda 1 -xp , sda2 - ubuntu , sda3 - swap and sda4 - backtrack configure grub for me05:55
amenadoZhane what have you done so far?05:55
fyrestrtrpptical: you need to give it a mask.05:55
tomkelleherXiXaQ, yea that didn't work could you pls tell me how to get a command line on start up instead of Gnome05:55
r3c0npress c on grub05:56
r3c0nfor command prompt05:56
tomkelleherty r3c0n05:56
r3c0nor was it esc some button05:56
XiXaQtomkelleher, you can press alt+ctrl+f1.05:56
IntuitiveNipplepptical: Put them in hosts.deny05:56
ppticalIntuitiveNipple but how do i specify a range?05:56
bradly9i would like to try ubuntu on an old laptop but the error no dmi will not let me continue the install.05:57
bunnytofyrestrtr:  I get this message everytime i use APT : The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   libmono-addins-gui0.2-cil sg3-utils libopenal1 bluez nome sane-utils   libedit205:57
jimisrvroxhaving issues trying to get ndiswrapper on ubuntu 7.10 just have been too lazy to get the new version but am trying to get this linsys wireless card to work on my wifes pc..supposedly theres ndis on the cd but i havent found it with apt-cache search so I figured I had to go get it off the net and put it on a disk but im not aware of how to mount the drive so I can copy the files over...anwyays..help would be appreciated..have looked at05:57
jimisrvrox some threads and whatnot..05:57
fyrestrtrbunnyto: sudo apt-get autoremove05:57
IntuitiveNipplepptical: man hosts_access05:57
bunnytofyrestrtr: no way!!! its to remove all Gnome05:57
Zhaneamenado: just on the 2 of them together?05:57
IntuitiveNipplepptical: See the "Patterns" section05:57
fyrestrtrbunnyto: no it won't.05:57
bunnytofyrestrtr: no way!!! its to remove all Gnome  they are around 1000 packages05:57
r3c0nsudo apt-get does it download the softwares from the internet or from /root ??05:58
r3c0nwhen installing05:58
fyrestrtrr3c0n: where do you think the software is located?05:58
Daft_Punkr3c0n, sudo (super user execute) apt-get will get it from synaptic package manager05:58
r3c0nfrom harddisk u mean05:58
bunnytofyrestrtr: The following packages will be REMOVED:   abiword gnome abiword-common abiword-help abiword-plugin-goffice kde-base05:58
r3c0nfrom the ubuntu library05:59
jimisrvroxr3c0n..if the software was on the disk you wouldnt have to download it05:59
fyrestrtrbunnyto: its okay, don't worry05:59
Daft_Punkr3c0n, no, it gets it on the internet, from synaptic package manager from whatever repos you have added05:59
bunnytofyrestrtr: are you kidding me? i want to cancel that, not to remove gnome05:59
fyrestrtrbunnyto: 'gnome' is a meta package.05:59
kwyjiboare there any antivirus apps that will run in the gnome system tray, doing realtime protection?05:59
fyrestrtr!info gnome05:59
ubot3Package gnome does not exist in hardy05:59
ljsoftnetis there a way to increase the autohide speed of gnome panel?05:59
fyrestrtrkwyjibo: clamav I believe has something like that.05:59
r3c0nok and why do we have to type sudo infront of every command and cant log in as root user how come ??05:59
fyrestrtrkwyjibo: and there are commercial products too.05:59
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Ubuntu computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose?06:00
jimisrvroxI need some assistance with ndiswrapper...supposedly its on the cd havent been able to find it cant find it in syn..figured id have to get it off the net..06:00
Daft_Punkr3c0n, logging in as root is a major security threat. sudo means (super user execute) so that the specific command you just typed has all privileges to execute and install06:00
r3c0nndiswrapper is full in forums06:00
semtexDoes anyone know where I can get help with xming06:00
Daft_Punkr3c0n, you do not have to type sudo infront of every command, only infront of commands that require it such as installing items06:00
jimisrvroxr3c0n..it is the worst thing you can do is to log in as root..so you do sudo to get root access while being on another username..its why linux is better because you dont have to operate as root and so its a security thing06:01
r3c0nok cool06:01
ppticalIntuitiveNipple it says to provide the net/mask pair for a range.. but what if the range is to
ppticalIntuitiveNipple would i have to provide net/mask for each?06:01
r3c0nok i get it how can i get all the softwares if it refuses to install it under sudo ??06:02
jimisrvroxr3c0n..thats the biggest windows pitfall is that it allows total access to everything as a single user so that is why linux is better because its not as easy to delete important files so its a big security advantage06:02
phantomcircuiti cant play dvd's06:03
phantomcircuitit's saying06:03
phantomcircuit"error cannot read from resource"06:03
r3c0ncan i break the root and log in just to install a bunch of softwares ?06:03
phantomcircuitwell it plays the first like ten minutes and then it says that06:03
r3c0nthere is no way to get to root ?06:03
phantomcircuitr3c0n, if it refuses to install under sudo it wont install as root either06:03
r3c0nok got it06:03
jimisrvroxas I stated r3c0n...sudo allows for temporary root access so you dont even have to login as root06:04
fyrestrtrphantomcircuit: bad DVD disc06:04
ljsoftnetis there a way to increase the autohide speed of gnome panel?06:05
r3c0nhow do i get the shortcuts to the desktop of the softwares that i install ?06:05
phantomcircuitfyrestrtr, that's what i thought, but it fails at random access after the point it failed at at first06:05
phantomcircuitso i doubt it06:05
fyrestrtrbad disc06:05
JaseXphantomcircuit: do you have another drive you could test said disc on?06:05
zer0ner3c0n: if you install using synaptic it should add icons for you in your applications menu..  Otherwise you have to create shortcuts for the commands06:05
r3c0ntried to make shortcuts but didnt find the files i installed06:05
phantomcircuitno i do not have another drive i could test it on06:06
IntuitiveNipplepptical: Build it up from several masks, starting with, which takes you to
phantomcircuitis there some way to just test the disc and not the playback?06:06
JaseXWell if you have a checksum of the disc... then yes...06:06
Serwaydoes anyone know how to remove the icon next to the applications places systems menu?????????? just remove it, not replace it...........disabling it would be nice :) thanks06:06
JaseXWhat disc is it?06:06
fyrestrtrphantomcircuit: test for what exactly?06:06
phantomcircuitit's a movie06:06
JaseXand is it legit or illegit, don't be afraid to answer.06:07
phantomcircuitit's legit06:07
JaseXWhich movie?06:07
phantomcircuitwell i cheated like hell at a contest to get it but it is "legit"06:07
IntuitiveNipplepptical: next is (takes you to
tomkelleherXiXaQ, so I was only able to enter recovery mode, my monitor just goes to sleep on a normal boot. Any suggestions at this point?06:07
phantomcircuitlucky #slevin ?06:07
JaseXHEH :p phantomcircuit06:07
phantomcircuitand i have libdvdcss installed06:07
ianqhey, can someone tell me how to reinstall xine? no movie player would play my movies, including VCL06:07
r3c0nhow do we create shortcuts out of commands ?? by typing launch or smth in the command section ??06:07
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mlerndoes anyone have aircap running?06:08
ppticalIntuitiveNipple that's the question, there is no easy way to do it.. i have to provide one line for each range, right?06:08
JaseXAnd media type?06:08
JaseXJust dvd 4 or dvd 9 or hddvd?06:08
phantomcircuitit's a DVD video dvd06:08
JaseXHmm does it fail in a normal DVD player at all?06:08
IntuitiveNipplepptical: finall is (takes you to
phantomcircuiti dont have one :P06:08
ubot3Factoid dvdcss2 not found06:08
ubot3For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs06:09
airtonixr3c0n, get your run dialouge up ( alt + f2)06:09
zcat[1]yeah, that.. ;)06:09
ianqhey, can someone tell me how to reinstall xine? no movie player would play my movies, including VCL06:09
r3c0ncool seen it06:09
ianq** VLC06:09
phantomcircuitJaseX, i have that installed06:09
IntuitiveNipplepptical: That is easy... for the system... if it had to figure it out every time a connection attempt occurred it would slow down the networking side06:09
phantomcircuitit wouldn't play at all if i didnt :P06:09
grendal_primegod this pisses me off..a dvd that will not play on a computer06:09
r3c0nis there a way to save on desktop as shortcut06:09
JaseXianq: have you installed the ubuntu-restricted-extras06:09
airtonixr3c0n, type in the command you want...(remember that if the command sequence requirs a sudo...you need to use gksudo isntead)06:10
JaseXphantomcircuit: I know, just helping zcat with his syntax :D06:10
zcat[1]funny thing if you don't have libdvdcss2 installed, everything 'appears' to be OK except your disk comes up as if it's corrupted, lots of read errors and crap.06:10
airtonixr3c0n, then drag the gears icon to the desktop06:10
JaseXphantomcircuit: I'm not sure then... sounds like your drive.06:10
danbh_intrepidgrendal_prime: have you installed medibuntu stuff?06:10
r3c0nand does kismet work on ubuntu ?06:10
zcat[1].. not just a simple 'you don't have dvdccss2' error06:10
ianqJaseX: how do i find that out?06:10
grendal_primeya, its one of those werid dvds06:10
phantomcircuit[00000300] dvdread demuxer error: read failed for 0/4 blocks at 0x96d3006:10
zcat[1]It might depend on the drive though06:10
r3c0ni installed it but there was a problem starting it ...06:10
JaseXianq: open up gnome-terminal and type in 'sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras'06:10
grendal_primei can play other dvd's no problems this one is like..ummm hold on ill get the name of the app on it06:10
fyrestrtrphantomcircuit: Its. A. Bad. Disc.06:11
ianqJaseX: installing right now. by the way, i'm running kde06:11
zcat[1]there's also regionset if you feel bad about breaking the law06:11
ubot3Factoid regionset not found06:11
JaseXand then goto medibuntu, and follow it's setup and install w32codecs06:11
zcat[1]!info regionset06:11
ubot3Package regionset does not exist in hardy06:11
phantomcircuitfyrestrtr, there are crc32 checksums on dvds right? is there someway i can run that manually?06:11
JaseXianq than use kubuntu-restricted-extras instead06:11
zcat[1]wtf, it does too...06:11
grendal_primeInterActual Player Read Me06:11
JaseX!info region-set06:11
ubot3Package region-set does not exist in hardy06:11
* JaseX shrugs then.06:12
grendal_primeya its a pain in the ass thing.06:12
zcat[1]regionset - view and modify the region code of DVD drives06:12
JaseXianq: do you know how to add an additional sofwtware source?06:12
ianqJaseX: is that in sources.list?06:12
grendal_primei can read the filesystem though.  is there another way to extract the vob i need just to view the thing...fk this sucks ass06:13
ianqJaseX: then yes06:13
JaseXbut www.medibuntu.org has easier instructions06:13
zcat[1]It's in gNewSense .. it ought to be in ubuntu somewhere.. perhaps it's in medibuntu but I don't know why.. it sets the region in the drive's firmware so plays dvd's the 'legal' way afaik06:13
JaseXcause you'll also want w32codecs :D06:13
JaseXespecially if it's a wmv file06:13
ezzieyguywufcan someone explain to me what the /etc/acpi/sleepbtn.sh script does? its a simple two liner but I don't know what the commands do, or why there is a dot (.) at the beginning of the first line. thanks06:13
JaseXI think i've become too dependent on ubuntu... I was just sitting noticing I had no lighter and randomly thought... "Gee I should perfom sudo apt-get install lighter"06:14
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, it's the script that runs when you press the sleep button.. and ". script' does the same or similar to 'sh script' -- runs a script in a subshell06:15
ianqJaseX: how do i use medibuntu  to install the codecs?06:15
danbh_intrepid!medibuntu | ianq06:16
ubot3ianq: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org06:16
zcat[1]'sudo apt-get me a sandwich06:16
ezzieyguywufzcat: yea I know that its what runs when I press the sleep button. so the first line basically just runs /usr/shar/acpi-support/key-constants ? and what does that last line do?06:16
ianqyeah i'm on that website06:16
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, dunno, haven't bothered actually looking at the script ;)06:16
phantomcircuitfyrestrtr, yeah your right the dvd is fucked06:17
Zhanehow to use lan for networking, wlan for internet together huh?06:17
ezzieyguywufzcat: could you take a looke please :-[06:17
phantomcircuitfuck you amazon, fuck you06:17
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, first line runs key-constants as a script, which probably sers a bunch of constants?06:17
Flannelphantomcircuit: please watch your language06:17
DanielB12773does anyone know if the issuses with x86-64 ubuntu and nVidia 6600GT graphics cards are sorted out. I think X is giving me grief (ie i get weird colours after the initial splash screen - and its putting out the wrong resoloution)06:17
onealHi all !  How reg me ?06:17
zcat[1]well, assuming it's the same script in gNewSense ;)06:17
danbh_intrepidianq: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu06:17
ezzieyguywufzcat: yea, that looks about right. what does "acpi_fakekey $KEY_SLEEP " do?06:18
fyrestrtroneal: type /msg nickserv help register06:18
Thebandebmirror gave me "Transfer truncated: only 868700 out of 936823 bytes received" twice (the first time may or may not have had the same bytes received)06:18
ezzieyguywuffyrestrtr: what if I forgot my password for that, is there any way to recover it?06:18
phantomcircuitwell after that i see no reason to ever buy a DVD again06:18
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Linux computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose? Is xhost suitable?06:18
JaseXianq: that should solve any movie player problems, as from what you're describing seems to be lack of codecs.06:18
fyrestrtrezzieyguywuf: I blieve you can from the freenode website.06:19
zcat[1]runs acpi_fakekey with whatever $KEY_SLEEP got sent to (some keycode?) so fakes the acpi action for pressing the sleep key?06:19
ianqJaseX: yes, hopefully. i'm installing the codes now06:19
ezzieyguywuffyrestrtr: ok i'll check it out06:19
JaseXthanks zcat, was posting a highly arbitrary post in the Community Cafe.06:19
ezzieyguywufzcat: I dunno, thats what I wanna know. what is acpi_fakekey?06:20
zcat[1]so look at the /usr/share/acpi-support/key-constants script to see what the variable gets set to, and man acpi_fakekey to see what's being done to it06:20
OoRalWhy does this happen every time?! Shortly after I install, usually a few days, any music decides not to work and to freeze ANY PLAYER I try to play it in. What the heck is wrong with it?06:20
Timberwolf5578Can someone please tell me how to change boot order?06:20
ThebanTimberwolf5578: are you using grub?06:21
ezzieyguywufzcat: ok, so KEY_SLEEP=142 . what exactly does that mean?06:21
JaseXzcat[1]: you have a message waiting, but it's not important, check it when you have some freetime.06:21
zcat[1]/usr/bin/acpi_fakekey (there's no man page or -h help though.. might have to read the source code to figure out what it does ;)06:21
onealwhen enters in sale for PC GTA 4 ?06:21
ThebanTimberwolf7778: alright, 1 moment06:21
raul1how do i uncompress .rar files on ubuntu?06:21
Timberwolf5578where is the boot order changer in control center?06:21
ezzieyguywufzcat: and acpi_fakekey has no man page :-/06:21
Thebanit's not in control center06:21
airtonixTimberwolf5578, there isnt one06:22
Thebanyou need to edit a file in grub06:22
Timberwolf5578interesting, kde makes it so easy06:22
leftyfbcould I get some assistance with snmp please?06:22
raul1does anyone know how to get winrar or a .rar decompresser on ubuntu???06:22
zcat[1]I hate commands that have no man page :(06:22
ezzieyguywufzcat: yea  me too06:22
airtonixezzieyguywuf, why would it ...acpi_fakekey isnt a package or a seperate piece of softare...look at its parent software or developer website06:22
IntuitiveNippleTimberwolf5578: Do you mean the order in which disk devices are searched when the system starts?06:22
Timberwolf5578seems like it's more complex in gnome06:22
OoRalWhy does this happen every time?! Shortly after I install, usually a few days, any music decides not to work and to freeze ANY PLAYER I try to play it in. What the heck is wrong with it?06:22
danbh_intrepid!rar | raul106:22
ubot3raul1: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free06:22
leftyfb snmpwalk -v1 -c public
leftyfbTimeout: No Response from
ezzieyguywufairtonix: alright, will do06:23
Timberwolf5578no I mean I want my system to boot to WinXP by default06:23
ezzieyguywufbrb guys :-)06:23
legend2440Timberwolf5578: you can change boot order with package called startupmanager06:23
leftyfbwhat do I need to put to make it listen on the actual interface as opposed to "localhost" ?06:23
raul1too bad the bot is wwrong06:23
Timberwolf5578ok thanks06:23
airtonixTimberwolf5578, investigate editing the grub menu06:23
IntuitiveNippleTimberwolf5578: okay; didn't want us to get confused.06:23
raul1you can use it for ever even w/o buying it06:23
orificeTimberwolf5578: don't forget to backup menu.lst06:23
airtonixlegend2440, that is for applications insde gnome i believe06:23
JaseXraul1: you can, but then technically you're evaluating it raul1, so the bot is not wrong.06:24
zcat[1]Timberwolf5578, alt-F2, gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst and move the 'Windows" boot entry up above the autogenerated stuff instead of below it..06:24
raul1it's wrong eaither way06:24
JaseXIt'd be technically dishonest to continue using it with out donating, but i'm not chastising you.06:24
raul1+ simplr answer would have been unrar-free06:24
raul1thanks for the help though.06:24
onealhere what city ?06:24
JaseXIt's not  wrong. The program costs, you just choose not to pay for it.06:24
ThebanTimberwolf5578: editing the menu.lst file in /boot/grub will also change the default06:25
JaseXthe infobot is correct.06:25
OoRalWhy does this happen every time?! Shortly after I install, usually a few days, any music decides not to work and to freeze ANY PLAYER I try to play it in. What the heck is wrong with it?06:25
OoRalDoes anyone have ANY clue?06:25
JaseXOoRal: have you installed all necessary codecs...06:25
raul1anyone know how to use unrar :(?06:25
JaseXvia medibuntu such as w32codecs, and ubuntu-restricted-extras?06:25
OoRalI said it was working for a few days, JaseX.06:25
Timberwolf5578ok, now where will startup manager be listed? I installed it06:25
airtonixraul1, mana rar , man unrar06:25
onealhow much presently time ?06:25
JaseXraul1: I know how to use unrar.06:25
zcat[1]When the bot speaks about non-free it means 'not Freedom giving. -- You don't get the source necessary to excercise freedoms #1 and #306:26
legend2440Timberwolf5578: system>administration06:26
raul1can u show me how >_>?06:26
JaseXunrar -x file destination06:26
OoRalJaseX: I installed all the codecs because I was listening to music just two days ago06:26
JaseXi.e. unrar -x lol.rar ~/Desktop06:26
JaseXOoRal: did you install them all manually?06:26
Timberwolf5578ok thanks06:26
airtonixraul1, go here, find all the answers to your simple questions : http://ubuntuguide.org06:27
JaseXor did you use the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta-package?06:27
ianqJaseX: uhm, i installed the w32 codes, but i still see only blue when playing a movie06:27
JaseXWhat kind of movie is it...06:27
JaseXextension I mean?06:27
JaseXAnd do you know what codec was used while encoding it?06:27
OoRalJaseX: This also happened last time I had Ubuntu installed. I tried everything from reinstalling drivers to restarting samba to reinstalling media players. None of it worked. AND I SAID I HAVE THE CODECS ALREADY.06:27
OoRalI also said it was MUSIC.06:27
airtonixraul1, keep this place bookmarked  : http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy06:27
airtonixOoRal, /ignore OoRal06:28
murlidhari did a base installation of hardy  and now i am not able to play sound at all. earlier sound worked by default with default settings/configuration. is there any package that i am missing?06:28
ubot3If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:28
JaseXOoRal: I know that, I asked you a specific question though, no need to get snippy, if you choose not to answer, then don't.06:28
OoRalI wouldn't be getting angry if people listened to me06:28
JaseXI -DID- Listen, you chose not to respond to my question simply.\06:28
danbh_intrepidOoRal: people are listening, but they may not have an answer06:28
Timberwolf5578ok startup manager worked great06:29
JaseXI asked if you installed them manually, or if you used the ubuntu-restricted-extras meta-package.06:29
OoRalNo, they're asking questions I answered already, danbh_intrepid06:29
OoRalI used the restricted extras one.06:29
Timberwolf5578weird that it's not included by default06:29
JaseXYou didn't answer my question actually OoRal, don't assinine.06:29
legend2440ianq: are you using mplayer?06:29
JaseXbe assinine*06:29
OoRalWhatever the hell that's meant to mean06:29
JaseXThank you.06:29
JaseXIt means don't be pointless..06:30
ianqlegend2440: i've used vlc, kaffeine, codeine, dragonplayer06:30
Timberwolf5578What do you all think of Ubuntu with Enlightenment 17?  Otherwise known as OpenGeu.06:30
raul1unrar -x /home/raulh/Desktop/ installer.rar06:30
raul1whats wrong with this syntax :(?06:30
FlannelOoRal, JaseX: We ask everyone to be helpful in this channel, please honor that, thanks.06:30
JaseXHave you tried sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras06:30
danbh_intrepidJaseX: dont use enter as punctuation please06:30
ianqJaseX: it's .avi; they worked fine until a couple of days ago and play well on my XP machine as well06:30
JaseXand then sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras?06:30
OoRalk, doing it now06:30
Timberwolf5578No one here has tried Enlightenment?06:31
JaseXsorry danbh_intrepid I will try to refrain from typing such short posts.06:31
ricreeis anyone familliar with opengl settings?  I am trying to use google earth, and it says that I am using software rendering.  I have the restricted ATI graphics drivers installed and in use.  Is there something else I need to set to allow applications to use hardware acceleration?06:31
ianqJaseX: please use my name when referring to our conversation06:31
raul1can anyone tell me what's wrong with this syntax unrar -x /home/raulh/Desktop/ installer.rar06:31
JaseXianq: so this is a recent problem?06:31
OoRalJaseX: Try it now or do I need something else?06:31
jim_praul1: i think the rar file gors before the path06:31
JaseXOoRal: that may help, I am not sure. does local music play.06:31
ianqJaseX: yes sir06:31
legend2440ianq: i had the same blue screen when playing movies using mplayer until i changed the video driver to   gl06:31
raul1thanks jim06:31
hateballraul1: what jim_p said06:31
OoRalJaseX: That's all I'm trying to play.06:32
jim_pgoodmorning everyone06:32
dr3mrohow to disable hibernate and save space06:32
=== Bajoran is now known as Bajoraptor
hateballraul1: or you could cd to the dir you want and do unrar e -r /path/to/files/*.rar06:32
OoRalJaseX: Nup, doesn't work, frozen again06:32
airtonixraul1, ubuntuguide.org06:32
JaseXwell you said something about samba, which is used for accessing files over another computer, so I wasn't sure OoRal.06:32
JaseXThis happens frequently after each install?06:32
ianqlegend2440: how did you do that?06:32
raul1airtonix this channel wouldnt be here if it wasnt for questions06:32
JaseXOoRal: what media player are you using?06:32
OoRalJaseX: I swear I said alsa... it's happened twice06:32
airtonixraul1, yes it would06:32
jim_pricree: are you sure that you re using the fglrx drivers?06:32
OoRalJaseX: It occurs on all media players I try. Amarok, Rhythmbox and VLC06:33
murlidharerr how to restart sound server ?06:33
Bajoraptorhey, i'm using WUBI, and the original partition image that was made was 10gb, I created a new disk called extra.disk in the proper directory and sudo mkfs.ext3 -F extra.disk06:33
JaseXSo no sound is playing OoRal? It's hard to keep up with the scroll in the room I apologize.06:33
Bajoraptorhow do I mount it06:33
JaseXOr just media files inside media players?06:33
OoRalJaseX: Well, sound plays through my browser just fine.06:33
ianqlegend2440: how did you do that?06:33
ricreejim_p: not entirely.  How would I check?06:33
legend2440ianq: in mplayler right click  choose pereferences>video then choose driver to use06:34
raul1hey thank you hate_ball.06:34
JaseXHmm... that's a problem I haven't encountered in awhile. I actually had that problem back in 6.10... I don't think I ever solved it... just re-installed.06:34
JaseXthe sound problem i mean OoRal.06:34
OoRalI don't want to have to reinstall. :\ I just got things how I wanted, JaseX06:34
JaseXOoRal: do you have any other users on the computer?06:34
murlidharok sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart06:34
ianqlegend2440: let me try to get mplayer06:34
murlidharis the answer .06:35
Bajoraptorsudo mount -o loop /host/ubuntu/disks/extra.disk /vdisk06:35
OoRalJaseX: Also, I have to roll back my wireless drivers each time if I wanna use wireless security. And no one else uses my computer, but I have another account.06:35
ianqlegend2440: uhm, it appears gray in adept installer. i can't select it?06:35
JaseXOoRal: I know how that feels, getting your stuff laid out the right way, and then having to re-install.06:35
JaseXOoRal: does sound from media play on that account?06:35
JaseXor does it yield the same results?06:36
legend2440!mplayer | ianq06:36
ubot3ianq: mplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs06:36
OoRalJaseX: I don't know, haven't tried yet.06:36
banihas anyone installed Ubuntu on a macbook with bootcamp?06:37
JaseXOoRal: please try that for a moment and let me know the results?06:37
ianqlegend2440: yes, i'm seeing it here but i can't select it06:38
OoRalJaseX: Okie dokies, I'll just finish up what I'm doing06:38
ezzieyguywufok, i'm at this website (http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_get_special_keys_to_work#acpi_fakekey ) reading about acpi_fakekey. I follow most of what he's saying, but I get lost when he uses xev to check something. I don't see what he's doing here and why. anyone want to take a look and try to help me out?06:38
JaseXOoRal: thanks... might be some sort of permissions with something... not sure.06:38
JaseXezzieyguywuf: xev is adevice to report the key input for a key.06:39
JaseXerr not device.06:39
JaseXezzieyguywuf: program06:39
OoRalJaseX: Hang on a second... my instant messenger just crashed too06:39
JaseXOoRal: alright.06:39
=== PanzerMKZ_ is now known as PanzerMKZ
OoRalJaseX: I have a feeling that it might be because the two relate to each other06:40
Bajoranis there a way to move my wine install to another partition?06:40
ezzieyguywufI get that what xev does, but I don't understand why he needs to do that on the website that I refered to06:40
FloidHmm, how do you set the default CPU freq-scaling governor in this day and age?06:40
JaseXezzieyguywuf:  to map a specific key to the use of acpi_fakekey06:40
onealwhere is found channel acquaintance ?06:40
OoRalJaseX: Aha! Solved... it was Kopete's fault.06:41
ianqlegend2440: ah, now i can install it. one moment06:41
ushimitsudokiezzieyguywuf: because he is going to map the xev result (keycode 239) to and XF86 key (XF86LaunchA) using /etc/X11/Xmodmap06:41
FloidBajoran:  You could move .wine/drive_c or all of .wine and make a symlink?06:41
NickReadBanjoran: Yes - you can move your ~/.wine folder to wherever and symlink to it06:41
JaseXlike my power key is broken, so I use my hp quickplay key to shutdown.06:41
Bajoranhows that06:41
OoRalJaseX: For some reason, Amarok didn't like being referred to before it had loaded.06:41
NickReadBanjoran: This assumes you are the only user using the wine install06:41
JaseXOoRal: what do you mean by that?06:42
OoRalJaseX: Well, I had the "Now Listening" plugin enabled which specified Amarok06:42
ezzieyguywufso in the second script he lists in that section, when acpi_fakekey uses $KEY_MACRO, whats that $KEY_MACRO all about? why does he just put the button he gets from xev right in there? I think i'm having a hard time understanding exaclty what acpi is doing here...06:43
Bajoranso sudo cp -r '/home/<user>/.wine'  /vdisk/ ?06:43
JaseXOoRal: and the messenger requested something for it... and crashed due to amarok not being open?06:43
BajoranNickRead: am I doing that correctly?06:43
OoRalJaseX: Well, I'd say so... it could also have requested alsa and been occupying it so that amarok couldn't get access and thus froze when I tried to play music06:44
Bajoransudo cp -s -r '/home/<user>/.wine' '/vdisk/'06:44
JaseXOoRal: are you running 8.04?06:44
OoRalJaseX: Yes'm06:44
JaseXHmm... strange OoRal.06:45
ianqlegend2440: sweet, it works now. thanks a lot!!06:45
Bajoransudo cp -r '/home/<user>/.wine' '/vdisk/' then sudo cp -s '/vdisk/.wine' '/home/<user>/' ?06:45
legend2440ianq: your welcome06:45
JaseXBajoran: ln -s :)06:45
JaseXI think06:46
JaseXBajoran: To symlink it right?06:46
JaseXln < link -s < symbolic06:46
BajoranI'm copying .wine to the partition, assume its in /vdisk/06:46
JaseXThen all looks good to me in that command Bajoran06:47
Bajoranthe one I pasted06:47
JaseXThe commands you want to use look right. Bajoran06:47
xtor_I am trying to decide between lenny and ubuntu as a desktop OS06:48
nutricyclecould someone help me with graphics drivers in winxp on virtualbox under ubuntu?06:48
JaseXxtor_: well that's all opinion...06:48
xtor_I'm looking for some favourable opinions on using ubuntu here06:49
NickReadnutricycle: what's the issue?06:49
JaseXxtor_: I'd say ubuntu for most stability.06:49
BajoranJaseX: I want to be sure to rm -r /home/<user>/.wine after the copy heh06:49
JaseXLenny gives me lots of issues on my iMac testing box, and my thinkpad a22m xtor_06:49
dr3mrohi is there a performance gain from moving ubuntu from wubi image ito rell partition06:49
JaseXYes Bajoran or else it won't let you symlink06:50
Bajoranother way around06:50
nutricyclehi NickRead I really want to ditch windose but still want to play some 3d games under it,  how can I get the full power of my graphics card running under a virtual machine06:50
JaseXRemove the directory after copying.06:50
NickReadnutricycle: You're not going to have much luck unfortunately.  I'd recommend dual booting if you want to continue playing your 3D games.06:50
dr3mrohi is there a performance gain from moving ubuntu from wubi image into real partition06:51
Flanneldr3mro: Yes, but only in disk access times06:51
JaseXmy logic tells me this. Bajoran sudo cp -r ~/.wine target && rm -r ~/.wine && sudo ln -s target ~/.wine06:51
JaseXwhere target is /vdis/06:51
Daft_Punkis ubuntu better than windows vista?06:52
JaseXDaft_Punk: that's matter of opinion friend.06:52
nutricycleNickRead, thanks.  is it possible to move the wubi image to another HD?06:52
dr3mroFlannel, that mean applications will load faster and system boot faster06:52
JaseXAnd involves politics.06:52
Flanneldr3mro: Yes06:52
raul1draft vista is a ram eater06:52
amanuFlannel: only in disk access times means wont it vary in other factors06:52
Flanneldr3mro: Especially on the boot aspect06:52
NickReadJaseX: How about changing the "rm -r ~/.wine" to "mv ~/.wine ~/.wine_backup"06:52
raul1but it's true its all matter of opinion06:52
dr3mrodo you know % ??06:52
raul1IMO ubuntu destroys vista...06:53
Flanneldr3mro: nope, sorry.06:53
dr3mroFlannel, thanks06:53
Samuelhi, anyone can help me to enable boot log06:53
JaseXThat would work NickRead  :D thanks. As I said my proposal was based on my logic, but yours is a better move06:53
JaseXBajoran: what NickRead said.06:53
Samuelgoogled but no resolution found06:53
NickReadJaseX: Bajoran: Just to be safe :)06:53
JaseXNever can be too safe with rm -r anyways06:54
JaseXespecially when implying sudo.06:54
JaseXI accidentally removed /bin instad of ~/bin a month ago because of sudo misuse :(06:54
* NickRead cringes06:54
Samuelhi raul106:54
raul1check that link :p06:54
NickReadThat would hurt06:54
Samuelthx, checking..06:55
nutricycledoes anyone know if kamefu will work under gnome?06:55
Daft_Punkwhat is a good alternative to trayer or using the panel06:55
amanui had recently back up my softwares installed in ubuntu using aptoncd now while im trying to install it in other system which wont have internet connection its showing a roor message failed to download some packages what does it mean?06:55
JaseXHeh not to mention the time using mv and accidentally moved / to //06:55
raul1anyone familiar with mac's icon TRay?06:56
Samuelraull, btw, do u know how to enable hdaps on thinkpad laptop?06:56
amanucant i get alll those in my friends sytem who wont have internet connection any suggesstions06:56
raul1is there somehting similiar to that on ubuntu06:56
raul1samuel i have no clue what hdaps are06:56
raul1sorry :(06:56
XiXaQraul1, you mean the thingy on the bottom at the screen?06:56
raul1yes xixaQ "thingy"06:56
XiXaQraul1, awn is very similar.06:57
amanuany one familiar with my question06:57
Daft_Punkawn = avant window navigator (avant means "best" in french)06:57
ubot3Malone bug 272210 in ubuntu "Megatunix needs to be packaged and added to the repository." [Undecided,New]06:57
amiehi need help loging into yahoo shat06:57
JaseXraul1: what XiXaQ said, but you may also want to check out cairo-dock06:57
raul1thanks jaseX06:57
FlannelNutzebahn: #ubuntu-motu06:57
amanuamie:do u want to use ur yahoo in ubuntu?06:57
Daft_Punkraul1, get awn (avant window navigator) looks the same as the one in mac06:57
gst_sGreeting everybody, while installing any package on ubuntu-gusty i got this error, aclocal is failed, aclocal:configure.ac:54: warning: macro `AM_PROG_LIBTOOL' not found , at the time of ./autogen.sh, while through apt-get install i installed the aclocal-0.10 package. What is wrong in this, can anybody tell me06:57
amanuu can use pidgin06:58
amanuamie:do u have pidgin?06:58
amieno were do i get it06:58
JaseXraul1: don't decide on anything definitively, try both, and see which you like more.06:58
Serwaycookie to whomever solves this06:58
NickReadamie: Empathy is also fantastic (using it now)06:58
JaseXNickRead: what is empathy?06:58
amanuget it from add/remove programs in ubuntu applications06:58
nutricycleafter installing software it doesnt appear in the applications list, i have relogged in,  how can i get it to show?06:59
NickReadLike Pidgin, but not06:59
JaseXAre you familar with gconf-editor?06:59
amanuamie:r u using ubuntu?06:59
JaseXI must try empathy...06:59
balzis there an app out there that will allow you to roll your own custom ubuntu installation?  I want to be able to add/remove packages, wallpapers, themes, default configurations, etc...07:00
balzand then create a bootable .iso from that07:00
JaseXSerway: ???07:00
XiXaQbalz, yes, but I don't remember their names.07:00
JaseXSerway: are you familiar with gconf-editor.07:00
balzXiXaQ:  cool.  do you know where i might find more information?  i've checked ubuntu forums and google already07:01
SerwayJaseX Yes!07:01
amanuamie:go to applications in ur panel07:01
raul1thanks guys i find Avant window navigator nicer then cario-dock07:01
Cheekyi bought this book this morning http://www.forta.com/books/0672325675/ and it intstructs me to download the MySQL scripts and run them so i can practice the book; but i dunno how to run these scripts and i installed mysql on a ubuntu server which i have given ssh capabilty to it; i downloaded the files but how do i run it on the server  ?07:01
amieok got to go sorry07:01
JaseXIt is there.07:01
legend2440!uck | balz07:01
ubot3balz: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/07:01
jimmygoonAnyone got a few quick tips for fixing flash audio in linux?07:01
JaseXOne moment and I will grab the info on where specifically07:01
balzlegend2440:  thanks much!07:01
SerwayJaseX, yea but where, i have looked and i cannot find the option, some guidance would be greatley appreciated07:01
ezzieyguywufcan someone help me understand the following "acpi_fakekey gets the key numbers for specific events generated as output by scripts in /etc/acpi/ and writes them to the correct input FIFO in /dev/input/eventx. " I understand that it gets a key number, but what does it then do with the key number? what happens after it get written in eventx and what is FIFO?07:02
amanuJaseX:as u said yesterday i copied all my packages into my pendrive07:02
balzlegend2440:  I don't know if you've used UCK before or not, but how much technical know-how does one require to use it?07:02
JaseXSerway:  /apps/panel/objects07:02
Samuelraul1, the link about boot log gives no solution for ubuntu 8.04, seems it's an unsolved bug07:02
amanubut im unable to install in in my friends system who wont have internet connection07:03
legend2440balz: sorry never tried it myself07:03
bullgard4Is xmessage alone suitable to display a message on a remote Linux computer in the same LAN, or is a supplementary program needed for this purpose? Is xhost suitable?07:03
balzno worries, thanks again07:03
JaseXtry settign the custom icon value, and leaving the value blank Serway07:03
raul1sorry i couldn't help then samuel07:03
Samuelthx anyway07:03
JaseXamanu: hm... I am not sure amanu.07:03
JaseXare you trying to make an exact copy of your amanu ?07:03
raul1how do i run awn if i installed it using  sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator07:03
JaseXamanu: if that is the case try remastersys07:03
amanunot sure about what07:04
amanu remastersys means?07:04
JaseXamanu: about why it won't install, if you're trying to install an exact copy of -YOUR- ubuntu onto a friends computer...07:04
raul1how do i run awn if i installed it using  sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator, anyone know if i gatta restart or what lol07:04
JaseXRemastersys will turn your running ubuntu into an installable iso if I'm not mistaken.07:05
raul1amanu how exacly did you copy "you" ubuntu?07:05
ezzieyguywufraul1: you have to have a composite window manager running, i.e. compiz. then, it should be in applications->accessories07:05
ezzieyguywufcan someone help me understand the following "acpi_fakekey gets the key numbers for specific events generated as output by scripts in /etc/acpi/ and writes them to the correct input FIFO in /dev/input/eventx. " I understand that it gets a key number, but what does it then do with the key number? what happens after it get written in eventx and what is FIFO?07:05
raul1thanks ezziey!07:06
amanu i had recently back up my softwares installed in ubuntu using aptoncd now while im trying to install it in other system which wont have internet connection its showing a roor message failed to download some packages what does it mean?07:06
ezzieyguywufno problem raul107:06
raul1no internet connection07:06
SerwayJaseX, i wish it were that easy, i have tried a few things in the custom icon "value" box, like "0" and "none"07:06
raul1can't find the server to download updates lol07:06
JaseXMake a 0 width 1 height png :D and put it in ~/.icons and set that :)07:06
zcat[1]Serway, try a path to a pbm?07:07
zcat[1]Err sorry, png07:07
raul1how do u hide ubuntu's panels?07:07
JaseXor just a 1x1 blank png...07:07
raul1ah, nvm07:07
JaseXit's how I do it...07:07
JaseXNot sure how they did it on theirs Serway07:07
Serwaythat makes sense07:07
JaseXand by blank I mean a plain transparent one.07:08
Serwaylet me gimp one up07:08
JaseXSerway: would you like me to... nevermind :p07:08
zcat[1]Mine has a cute little tree.. reminds me a lot of the SCO logo, amusingly enough..07:08
Rolaultenhello...I was playing around with my wireless settings and lost the mac address for my wireless settings...now I have wifi0, eth1-5 and such...is there a way to restore the entire network settings to the defult (all my wireless settings, the madwifi driver, IE make the network aspect of the OS just like it was a fresh install)07:08
JaseXzcat[1]: nice07:08
ezzieyguywufRolaulten: what files were you messing with?07:08
RolaultenI was playing around with aircrack07:09
zcat[1]gNewSense ... pretty similar to ubuntu, except less things work ;)07:09
Rolaultenand now I am unable to logon to any wireless network07:09
ezzieyguywufRolaulten: I dunno what aircrack is, but if you know what config files you were editing, there is usually a backup made automagically, which would be in the same folder and have the same name followed by a tilde (~)07:09
ezzieyguywufanyone here running linux mint? I am, and can't really tell much of a difference from just stanard 'ol ubuntu 'cept for codec support07:10
SerwayJaseX, i made the png, and for the custom_icon value, i placed the location of my icon /home/serway/Pictures/icon.png, and then clicked the "use custom icon" box, but it still shows up as the older one07:10
JaseXAre you using the menu bar?07:11
Rolaultenno...I'm not seeing any backups... :(07:11
zcat[1]Serway, log out and back in?07:11
Rolaultenis there a way to restore everything to how it was off the live cd?07:11
ezzieyguywufRolaulten: which config files are we talkin about here?07:11
JaseXSerway: if not just goto ~/.icons/ and replace the distributor logo with your logo.07:11
JaseXin your current icon theme07:11
ezzieyguywufRolaulten: do a clean install :-D07:11
Rolaultenyou think thats the most painless?07:12
Serwayill try logging-in and out, ill brb07:12
zcat[1]Rolaulten, make a new admin user, then log into that, copy what you want to keep, and delete the old user?07:12
ezzieyguywufRolaulten: not really. if you have a lot of stuff configed and don't want to re-config, it'd probably be easier to track down what config files aircrack edited, then search for an original copy of  those config files07:13
raul1anyone know why i cannot set launcher on my awn?07:13
zcat[1]Rolaulten, probably you can just delete .gnome2 and that will reset most config07:13
ezzieyguywufrolaulten: yea! zcats idea sounds great :-D07:13
ezzieyguywufboth of them do07:13
ezzieyguywufi'm gonna ask one last time, then I need to get to bed can someone help me understand the following "acpi_fakekey gets the key numbers for specific events generated as output by scripts in /etc/acpi/ and writes them to the correct input FIFO in /dev/input/eventx. " I understand that it gets a key number, but what does it then do with the key number? what happens after it get written in eventx and what is FIFO?07:13
Serwayunfortuatley the log-in log-out didnt work, ill try changin the icon in the directory07:13
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, "It's black magic. Nobody understands it" ;)07:14
ezzieyguywufzcat: haha07:14
raul1ezziey, i added a launcher07:14
raul1but it dosn't show up on the bar07:14
raul1only active windows show :(07:14
ezzieyguywufraul1: how did you add the launcher?07:14
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, this channel only handles newb questions.. You might be waiting a while for an answer to yours.07:14
ezzieyguywufzcat: where would I go for those sorts of questions?07:15
raul1launchers tab in Awn manager07:15
Rolaultenok, I think I'll go play with a live cd...its my laptop...not much is configured with it as is07:15
nutricycledoes wine work well these days?07:15
ezzieyguywufraul1: try dragging it from the applications menu and dropping it into awn07:15
zcat[1]ezzieyguywuf, the forums I think tend to handle more in-depth stuff.07:15
Rolaultenthanks fokes07:15
raul1nothing happends07:15
raul1i see the + but it dosn't stick.07:15
ezzieyguywufzcat: yea, i'll try that out. I was looking for a more lightning-speed response, lol07:15
ezzieyguywufraul1: try restarting awn. Right click-close, then re-open it07:16
raul1nutricycle: wine is getting better every day.07:16
raul1will do ezziey07:16
threefcatahow to change the language of vim at the text area? langmenu only changes the menu bar..07:16
raul1oh i see it now07:17
raul1thank you07:17
amanuraul1: i had recently back up my softwares installed in ubuntu using aptoncd now while im trying to install it in other system which wont have internet connection its showing a roor message failed to download some packages what does it mean?07:17
amanuany suggesstions?07:17
ezzieyguywufraul1: lol no prob07:17
raul1amanu: you dont got internet connection07:17
raul1so it cant download from the server07:18
raul1in terms saying ":dude wth its not there:"07:18
amanuyes i have but my friend wont have07:18
raul1im triyng to explain..07:18
SerwayJaseX, i did it, i just replaced it with the 1x1, too bad i had to go through all that hassle...07:18
raul1the error = no internet = no downloads07:18
raul1get it ?07:18
Elive_user39dont know who asked me about this before, but here is the link to download music from myspace without any tools: http://www.Download.Myspace.Music.43.gs07:18
=== Bajoran is now known as Bajoraptor
raul1lol elive?07:19
Elive_user39yo elive07:19
JaseXI know :( sorry Serway, easiest way I knew though.07:19
BajoraptorI copied wine over to the partiton then symlinked it to the home directory, but whenever I try to execute a file it complains that I don't have permissions07:19
JaseXPerhaps you'll get a better fix.07:19
Bajoraptoreven though i've sudo chmod -R 777 the directories07:19
raul1wow awn's runs like 00000.1 cpu +recommended o.o07:20
Bajoraptorjasex, i've copied the wine directory over to the /vdisk/ then symlinked it back and it is symlinked into home, but wine complains that I don't have permissions to access any of the stuff whenever I try to run it07:21
ezzieyguywufi stopped using compiz cuz it slightly slowed down my comps response time and cuz it killed sleep on my laptop. I'm working on a workaround though :-D07:21
amanuraul1:i hv internet  but i wnat to run all programs installed in my system over there can i?07:21
JaseXBajoraptor: that's because you moved with sudo07:21
raul1you would need to save the .deb files07:21
raul1or bring his pc to your house07:21
EXT4how can i resize with fdisk07:21
raul1hook the ethernet cable and do it there07:21
JaseXBajoraptor: try this chmod -R user:user /vdisk/.wine or whatever directory07:21
JaseXsudo chmod* @ Bajoraptor07:22
amanuraul1:yes i hv saved my packages into my system using apton cd07:22
roxygirlhow do i recursively look for wma files in nautilus, so that i can convert them in my music folders?07:22
SerwayJaseX, thanks07:22
JaseXSerway:  welcome07:23
raul1ok then you should be able to install them07:23
BajoraptorJaseX: chmod: invalid mode: `mattop:mattop'07:23
deepak_hi......to all07:23
zcat[1]problem with copying debs, some of the packages in restricted-extras don't actually contain anything but a script to download and install stuff that can't be redistributed.07:23
JaseXhold on Bajoraptor for proper syntax07:23
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zcat[1]so if you copy a package like flashplugin-nonfree you still need an internet connection when you install it07:24
raul1ok well good night folks.07:24
nutricyclecool, fruit machines work in wine, i wonder if visual pinball will too07:24
deepak_any one plz guide me how to make partion on ubuntu at the time of instalation07:24
shashi1I have added a new server package server in /etc/apt/sources.list file. I want to find out , what are DEB packages available from that new added server. Please anyone give me, what is the command to find-out ?07:24
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raul1"contain anything but a script to download and install stuff that can't be redistributed.", what he said lol.07:24
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deepak_i am new user07:25
raul1.deb packages usually are just like a download link07:25
ezzieyguywufhow can i easily compare all the directories in one location to those in another? I recently re-ripped my music collection (organized as artist>album>tracks) and know I've missed a bunch that I either borrowed or lost etc... so I want to compare my ~/home/Music folder to my new /media/disk/FLAC folder. any suggestions?07:25
raul1especially for the file07:25
raul1oldselect all07:25
albech_anyone here use ubuntu as a crosdev host?07:25
raul1move to new 107:25
shitaldeepak_: r u installing it right now?07:25
raul1ask for overwrite07:25
raul1say yes o.o?07:25
deepak_no not right now07:26
ezzieyguywufraul1: wait, what exactly is it your suggesting?07:26
JaseXBajoraptor: try this sudo chown -R user:user /vdisk/.wine or whatever directory07:27
JaseXam half asleep...07:27
JaseXwith headache.07:27
FloodBot3JaseX: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:27
zcat[1]anyhoooo, dropping off a computer soon so GTG07:27
raul1if you copy ur old/new folder's files into anathor07:27
deepak_shital me not installing right now07:27
raul1it will sorta "sync" or tell you witch are new07:27
raul1and witch aren't07:27
BajoraptorJaseX: runs but dosen't do anything07:27
Bajoraptorcan't even run winecfg07:28
JaseXwhere in /vdisk is it copied to?07:28
raul1thats what i used to do with my ipod/sansa clip files07:28
Bajoraptorbase dir of vdisk07:28
shitaldeepak_: atleast u gone through ubuntu installation steps?07:28
nutricyclehow can i access my windows installation from ubuntu?07:28
Bajoraptorshould I make a home directory in vdisk?07:28
ezzieyguywufraul1: hm, that just may work07:28
raul1simple but gets job done.07:28
Bajoraptornvm got it JaseX07:29
JaseXBajoraptor: sudo chmod -R bajo:bajo /vdisk/.wine should work07:29
JaseXbajo being example.07:29
deepak_ya but but i dont no what file system use07:29
falstaffIn picassa the curser doesn't act right ... it won't go all the way across the screen how do I fix this?07:29
Bajoraptor sudo chown -R mattop:mattop /home/mattop/.wine/07:29
JaseXand .wine if that's how it exists.07:29
Rat409Bajoraptor: its sudo chown -R username:groupname (i.e. primary user group)07:29
Bajoraptorwhere it was symlinked to07:29
JaseXno Bajoraptor07:29
JaseXBajoraptor: you want to chown the symlink yes... but you must chown the files you copied too.07:29
raul1night folks 11:29 am school tomorrow *sigh* goodbyeubuntu community!07:29
BajoraptorI chowned both07:29
shitaldeepak_:  u just give root partition of about 10GB with ext3 type07:30
Bajoraptorand now stuff runs07:30
shashi1 I have added a new package server in /etc/apt/sources.list file. I want to find out , what are DEB packages available from that new added server. Please anyone give me, what is the command to find-out ?07:30
shitaland this depends what and how many apps u install07:30
Quartermaster1will Ubuntu work on a 10 gig hd ok?07:30
TidusQuartermaster1: last time i did a small install it was kubuntu on a 6gb so I think it should work ok07:30
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JaseXBajoran: does it work now?07:31
Bajoraptorjasex works now07:31
Bajoraptor25gigs free for wine07:31
JaseXBajoraptor:  :D I'm glad07:31
falstaffQurtermaster yes it will ... Ubunto uses around 6 gig ...07:31
JaseXAlright bad headache... bedtime for me.07:31
deepak_here instalation is completed but partion is not showing on07:31
Quartermaster1ok just wanted to check07:31
SerwayHey guys, in your opinions, what is the best fixed-width font?07:31
deepak_only filesystem is apear07:31
TidusSerway: terminus07:32
jim_pSerway: monotype07:32
shitaldeepak_: where r u from?07:33
deepak_me form gurgaon a b.tech student n u07:34
shitalfrom Bangalore07:34
deepak_what are you doning student or working07:34
billhey do i need to install DX in wine to play games07:35
deepak_in software field07:35
falstaffMy copy of picassa isn't working right the cursor doesn't only goes half-way across the screen??07:35
Pulpiecan someone give me their output from the 'apt-get update' command, i need it for public use for educational purposes (a program im creating)07:35
amanu i had recently back up my softwares installed in ubuntu using aptoncd now while im trying to install it in other system which wont have internet connection its showing a error message failed to download some packages what does it mean?07:35
ezzieyguywufis there an alternative command for dircmp b/c it is not an available command07:36
amanuany suggesstions....07:36
monike1it chaos in here.is there a list of other" sub" channels for  Ubuntu?07:37
NeverSleephello to all i must be say mine english is not so good but if someone can help me whith a problem and can say sure something, i will kiss him ;p07:37
PulpieNeverSleep: just tell us your problem07:37
billdo i need DX in wine to play games07:37
Pulpiebill: dx for wine is not complete07:37
billdo i need to install drivers for my video card in wine then07:38
Pulpiebill: no07:38
Pulpiebill: DX for wine is not complete the game you are trying to install is not compatible or it is and your trying to install it the wrong way07:38
billwell every time i play hjalo trial it messes up and acts weird07:38
atuldeepak_, It will ask you for partition I assume you 40 GB for Linux and give 1'st Partition with "/" Give size for root 12GB and on mount flag it will shown u there.07:38
atuldeepak_, Note down this steps07:39
falstaffI have a gnome screen calibration program that will change the screen but the window show up as blank white spaces.07:39
amanu i had recently back up my softwares installed in ubuntu using aptoncd now while im trying to install it in other system which wont have internet connection its showing a error message failed to download some packages what does it mean?07:39
amanuany suggesstions....07:39
deepak_i am using 80 gb07:39
atuldeepak_, 2's partion is for "Home", almost 15 GB give it. 3'rd "Swap partition", 4 GB and You done.07:40
atuldeepak_, if You have 80GB and double the values that I mention it to You.07:40
atulshear, correct me If wrong in guiding file system partition.07:40
Pulpieamanu: i have heard "aptoncp sucks and it doesn't work" others have said "aptoncd has never worked for me"07:41
atulshital, , correct me If wrong in guiding file system partition.07:41
NeverSleepPulpie hello i am from Greece and i have a laptop asus f5vlseries it has ethernet card 802.11 g/b atheros and it can't be in monitor mode is only manage :/ is any driver for this problem?07:41
atuldeepak_, no prob. always welcome.07:41
deepak_thanks sir07:41
amanudeepak_:u belon to which branch(btech)07:41
deepak_one thing more07:41
Cheekyi ran this script on my server to create the tables for db "factory" and i got this error "mysql  -u root -p factory <create.txt" and it gave me this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/49190/ could anyone give me a hand ?07:42
amanuPulpie:any alternatives07:42
deepak_i am using monodeveloper for c# programing at ubuntu07:42
Pulpieamanu: not that i know of, if google doesn't know either then i will have to assume "no"07:42
deepak_and i am able to give values at the run time07:42
Pulpiedeepak_: im a perl programmer for pulpie... the learning community shell server07:43
deepak_means not able to insert values at run time07:43
deepak_plz tell me about this07:43
NeverSleepi read for the b43 driver but i am afraid for damage to system07:43
atuldeepak_, Yes any problem07:44
Shirakawasunahiya.  I'm going to install ubuntu on a friend's laptop, but what do you think is a better idea right now: installing 8.04 or the 'intrepid' option on this page? http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/07:44
deepak_problem in using07:44
amanuPulpie:is there any similar chat room in ubuntu to practice c,c++,java,html,xml?07:44
Pulpiedeepak_: #pulpie pulpie.ath.cx fushi.sourceforge.net are all creations of myself.07:44
ShirakawasunaWhile I have some decent linux admin skills, my friend does not.  Would the intrepid discs be waaay too unstable right now?07:44
Pulpieamanu: #pulpie #linux and sometimes #shellium07:44
Pulpiedeepak_: I serve people to help them learn and what not07:45
amanuwhere can i found them?07:45
Pulpieamanu: here in this network07:45
Pulpieamanu: on other networks #linux on dalnet was never good for me...07:45
amanuwhere to go into that07:45
Pulpieamanu: im sorry im not sure what you mean by that.07:46
amanui mean i just know xchat i want to find if any similar rooms to chat for technical stuff regarding programming languages is im clear?07:47
Shirakawasunaamanu: well, there's usually channels devoted to each language07:47
B3z3rk3revening all :)07:47
amanuShirakawasuna: how to login into those channels07:48
Shirakawasunaamanu: there's ##c, #d, #c++...07:48
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Shirakawasunaamanu: using standard IRC commands :).  /join #channel07:48
amanuhow can i join there07:48
B3z3rk3ranyone in here have a GTX280 ????07:48
amanushall i need to type them in terminal07:48
NickReadJust in your IRC chat window here07:49
Pulpieamanu: type /list -yes07:49
NickRead/join #java07:49
FloodBot3NickRead: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:49
PulpieNickRead: ^_^07:49
Shirakawasunaamanu: /list will show you a list of channels07:49
Pulpieamanu: careful a lot of times getting the list will eat up a bunch of bandwidth sometimes07:50
amanuShirakawasuna:wher to type list?07:50
Pulpieamanu: in xch07:50
Shirakawasunaamanu: there's lots of standard commands: go to google and search for 'irc commands' or 'mirc commands' and you'll find a bunch of helpful guides07:50
Pulpieamanu: xchat*07:50
Shirakawasunaamanu: the same place you're typing things right now, silly07:50
Shirakawasunaamanu: type /join #c++07:50
Cheekycan anyone help me with running sql scripts to creat tables and populate the tables please?07:50
htanginteresting, i want to know how to talk to one person only?07:51
Nata-Ohhey guys07:51
brandonmpacehi all07:51
Nata-OhI have a problem in evolution about tnef07:51
Shirakawasunahtang: /notice or /msg.  /msg opens a private chat, /notice will simply be in the main room, but only they can see it07:51
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Cheekybrandonmpace: sup07:52
edlvcan anyone tellme how to play real media files07:53
htangwhen you replay to me, you message is marked red, and I reply to you , is the message marked different color?07:53
pedrodownload real media player for linux07:53
peepsaloti'm trying ardour for the first time and i hear clipping when I play a wav file(which sounds fine in other apps).07:53
Pulpiedeepak_: did you need anymore information on pulpie?07:53
pedrohow do i configure wine? what do i gotta do to make it work?07:53
edlvpedro:from where?can u tell me please..im new to linux07:53
brandonmpaceedlv: vlc media player07:53
ghaleb__hello, I'm trying to get freeradius source, I get this problem E: Could not open file /var/lib/apt/lists/security.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_hardy-security_main_source_Sources - open (2 No such file or directory)07:54
ghaleb__E: Failed to download freeradius07:54
Pulpiepedro: how do you want to make it work07:54
edlvbrandonmpace:vlc mediaplayer doesnt play rm files07:54
Pulpiepedro: also this question might be best asked in #winehq07:54
pedropulpie: i want to run utorrent07:54
deepak_no thax07:54
Pulpiedeepak_: well im glad i could be helpful07:55
brandonmpacepedro: winecfg on a terminal07:55
Pulpiedeepak_: yes?07:55
Shirakawasunaif I install the intrepid alpha, will it get updated over time to the stable release?07:55
peepsalotpedro, look on here for your app, if there are special configs needed, it should say: http://appdb.winehq.org/07:55
deepak_thax pulpie07:55
Pulpiedeepak_: no problem.07:55
peepsalotanyone here successfully running ardour?07:55
Pulpiepeepsalot: its best to ask more of a general question rather then a narrow one.07:56
Pulpiepeepsalot: what seems to be your problem?07:56
BrainyiscoolI know this isn't for proftpd help, but there doesn't seem to be anyone in #proftpd, so can anyone here help me with a configuration issue?07:56
amanucan u tell me how to join07:56
Pulpieamanu: join what?07:56
BrainyiscoolI cna login fine, but whenever I try and transfer, it uses uid and gid 6553307:57
peepsalotPulpie, when i play a file in ardour, it sounds distorted / clipping sounds07:57
BrainyiscoolAny idea how to make it used the values form the database07:57
amanujoin into a channel07:57
Pulpiepeepsalot: then that doesn't sound like a ardour problem its a sound server problem what sound server are you using?07:57
Pulpieamanu: type /join #channelname07:57
Pulpieamanu: like this /join #pulpie07:58
amanuPulpie: ohhh where to type07:58
Pulpieamanu: you type that like you type in the channel07:58
amanuim new to ubuntu07:58
MonsieurBonwhat is better supported with Ubuntu nowadays for video cards, ATI or nVidia?07:58
Cheekycould any one help me with Msql please ?07:58
amanui knows nothing here07:58
peepsalotPulpie, ardour uses jack07:58
amanuexcept terminal07:58
coltGood afternoon, my ubuntu defined /var/log/switch/switch.log to receive switch log, every thing goes well, but i find the same log record in /var/log/syslog, this means i have 2 copy of switch log,WHY.......07:58
Pulpieamanu: type /join #pulpie in xchat07:58
amanu /join #c++07:59
pedrogot it running07:59
Pulpieamanu: O_O type it without a space07:59
Pulpiec0_co0lllLLL: whats up?07:59
amanu /join#c++07:59
* peepsalot laughs07:59
MonsieurBonamanu, no space before / ^^07:59
yao_ziyuanwhat's the unix name of NetworkManager Applet?07:59
Pulpieamanu: no type /join #c++ with out a space before /07:59
yao_ziyuani want to stop it from starting07:59
amanuyes i joined08:00
amanuthank u08:00
Pulpieamanu: no problem08:00
c0_co0lllLLLcan any people help me for konfigur webmin for squid08:00
Pulpieamanu: there are many commands like that08:00
amanuhow to know all rooms available08:00
Pulpieamanu: type /list08:01
MonsieurBonamanu, /nick YourNewNickName is an important one :)08:01
Pulpieamanu: it should give you a list of whats called "channels"08:01
c0_co0lllLLLthx pulpie08:01
Pulpieamanu: yes /nick will change your nick to what ever is after that08:01
Pulpiec0_co0lllLLL: what did i do?08:01
Pulpiec0_co0lllLLL: :/08:02
Cheekyhey could some one please help me ? iam trying to populate these tww sciprts one creates 5 tables and the other script populates them .. i have mysql and i ran this script to create the tables for the db name 'factory ' : "mysql factory -u root -p  <create.txt " but it errored on me and gave me this output : http://paste.ubuntu.com/49190/ could some one help me please ?08:02
pedroi got a launcher with an icon, where do i know where the icon image is located so i could get another launcher to have the same icon?08:03
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MonsieurBonCheeky, well, there's a mysql error on that line!08:03
=== amanu is now known as XiphiasXang
MonsieurBonCheeky, you might get better help in #mysql though...08:04
aaron_pedro, did you try to right click on the icon and see if you can find the path to the icon being used?08:04
CheekyMonsieurBon: yeah man no one is there lol08:04
Nata-OhI want to open tnef file in evolutions. How to do it?08:05
coltWhy /var/log/syslog & /var/log/switch.log ( defined to receive switch log ) have the same switch log? i only need 1 copy.08:05
pedroaaronwhen i right click it opens the menu with open, cut, copy, etc.. i click properties and theres the icon, wich i can click, but when i do, it just takes me to a window to select a new custom icon, not giving me a clue where the old one is08:05
pedrosorry, little mistake here08:06
Nata-Ohbecause right now the evolutions just see only an attachment "winmail.dat"08:06
legendsohaiIs there anybody know how to list all of the command which is available?08:07
Timberwolf5578Can someone please tell me what is the best dock to use in Gnome?08:07
pedroaaron_ ?08:07
* Pulpie goes back to programming his educational program08:07
iFvwmpedro: goto  ~/.gnome2/panel2.d/default/launchers08:07
iFvwmor /usr/share/applications08:07
coltOH, only question no reply. who can help me08:07
Pulpiecolt: whats the problem?08:07
Shirakawasunacolt: if you mean they're the same, have you made sure one isn't a link? (ls -la)08:08
aaron_pedro, it should give you the path of the icon being used at the top of that window to select a icon08:08
hotmonkeyluvmy feet stink08:08
brandonmpaceTimberwolf5578: I´m not sure but cairo-dock looks pretty neat08:08
coltNo, i sure08:08
Pulpiecolt: syslog logs everything switch.log only logs switch the system logs things in switch but also log the whole system the reason they are the same is that switch is the only thing that is logging in the system08:09
legend2440pedro: there are some here   /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/gnome-panel-launcher.svg08:09
pedroaaron_ : no it doesnt and iFvwm : couldnt find it, maybe because i installed it under wine08:09
c0_co0lllLLLsource webmin squid08:09
untermenschif i ssh into a machine with no x server, and i use the -X command with ssh and try to bring up a GUI program, will it?08:09
NickReaduntermensch: most likely08:09
untermenschNickRead: awesome :D08:10
iFvwmpedro: under wine?08:10
Pulpieuntermensch: no08:10
NickReadPulpie: huh?  Yeah you can.08:10
untermenschPulpie: no? :( :(08:10
PulpieNickRead: you need forwarding08:11
karajhow can i control cpu fans speed?08:11
aaron_pedro, what icon are you looking for?08:11
NickReadPulpie: That's what -X does - X11 forwarding08:11
Pulpieoh wait >.>08:11
PulpieNickRead: oops sorry08:11
pedrothe utorrent one08:11
Pulpieuntermensch: yes it will, 100% sure08:11
untermenschNickRead: but it wouldn't have an x08:11
untermenschPulpie: what if the machine i'm sshing into has no x?08:11
Pulpieuntermensch: still fine08:12
NickReadssh -X user@server08:12
iFvwmpedro: if it appearred on panel. i think you also can found the path, some desktop will hold those infor.08:12
untermenschPulpie: ok sweet :D08:12
Pulpieuntermensch: the sshd needs to have port forwarding enabled as well through08:12
untermenschNickRead: i didn't know if not having an x installed would be a problem08:12
untermenschPulpie: what do you mean?08:12
MitkOKHey, guys. Can you recommend me tiwtter client. I've tried gTwitter and Twitux, also a plugin for Pidgin but never liked any of them.08:12
legendsohaiIs there anybody know how to list all commands which is available in terminal?08:12
Pulpieuntermensch: the host match should have /etc/ssh/sshd_config08:12
pedrobut where iFvwm?08:12
NickReaduntermensch: that's fine - as Pulpie also said though, ensure you have forwarding enabled on the server.  Also, you may get some problems with XAuth (possible, but not likely).08:13
pedroooo found a way08:13
scuserhi all, I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and installed kerberos according to this tutorial http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/kerberos.html, but when I type kinit I receive no tickets, can anyone help me with that ?08:13
untermenschNickRead: why?08:13
untermenschPulpie: i've never had to edit that.. i'll go take a look now08:13
falstaffhow do I uninstall picasa from my ubuntu system?08:13
NickReaduntermensch: you should be fine if it's another Ubuntu (or other modern Linux system) as the server08:13
NickReaduntermensch: I've had problems with older distros, solairs machines, etc...08:14
untermenschNickRead: it will most likely be ubuntu server edition08:14
pedroyeah, got it working08:14
iFvwmpedro: i give you 2 directory, one for panel, one for menu. a lot of *.desktop you can find, and use "cat *.desktop|grep utorrent" to find it.08:14
untermenschNickRead: sensable08:14
brandonmpacepedro: your wine c drive is in your home folder, just go there, press Ctrl+H, and go to the folder  labeled .wine  then .drive_c08:14
Cheekyany one good with MySQL ?08:14
pedroalready made it work, thanks anyway08:15
falstaffCan I just rm the .picasa folder?08:15
brandonmpaceCheeky:  just join #mysql        there´s 400 ppl there08:15
Cheekybrandonmpace: the place is dead08:16
maozhanghas anyone gotten pyaimt to work?08:16
brandonmpaceCheeky:  did you try asking someone out of the user list directly, in the channel? you know like you just did to me?08:16
Cheekybrandonmpace: no id dint there are soo many they would probbaly ignore it or think its rude .. you know ..08:17
peepsalotis realtime kernel a requirement for running jack?08:17
Cheekybrandonmpace: iam soo dam close to start learning ... but i cant bloody run these two scriptys pathetic08:18
peepsalot...i mean for running it without it sounding terrible08:18
falstaffHow do uninstall picasa?08:18
brandonmpacepeepsalot: I don´t think so, do have a good sound card?08:19
legend2440falstaff: open /opt  delete picasa folder08:20
peepsalotbrandonmpace, dunno, it's onboard sound.  i can't even remember what kind right now08:20
Pulpiefalstaff: apt-get remove --purge picasa08:20
brandonmpacepeepsalot: if it´s onboard I´ve never had luck with jack using onboard08:20
legend2440falstaff: yes what Pulpie said. i forgot it was in synaptic08:21
deepak_how to mout flash drive me usning ubuntu 8.0408:22
deepak_plz anyone help me08:22
Pulpiedeepak_: plug it in08:22
edlvim not able to make my 5.1channel speakers work.only the front speakers work.anyone help ,please08:22
Pulpiedeepak_: it should pop up with new drives on the desktop right click them and hit mount08:22
brandonmpaceedlv: this is a common problem08:23
c0_co0lllLLLpulpie can sent source webmin for squid08:23
falstaffThank you pulpie and legend244008:23
brandonmpaceedlv: I have not  heard of a solution08:24
Pulpiec0_co0lllLLL: i am not sure how to help you with that i have never used webmin or squid08:24
user_I am having a bit of a difficult time getting my raid controller to work properly with ubuntu.. the controller is picked up fine, the module is installed.. but unfortunately each of the drives are detected separately.. this is a hardware raid.. so I thought is houdl be picked up as one individual drive08:25
brandonmpaceuser_: you may just want to get the alternate install disk and do software raid to accomplish the same thing08:25
user_brandonmpace: hmm.. I was hoping to stay away from a software raid08:26
user_brandonmpace: I figure I have this beautiful controller :) everything should work fine08:26
brandonmpaceuser_: yea I wish but that´s computers for ya08:26
peepsalotbrandonmpace, I gotta buy more stuff i guess :-/08:27
tv7497guys i just installed gtkpod but my pod isnt detected its present in /media/ipod but gtkpod doesnt detect it what might have gone wrong08:28
brandonmpacepeepsalot: http://www.newegg.com/Store/Category.aspx?Category=36&name=Sound-Cards-MIDI-Devices just find a decent one and look up if it is supported on ubuntu using google08:28
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brandonmpacepeepsalot: also if you can use a program that uses alsa or pulseaudio, you will get better results08:29
B3z3rk3ranyone got a  Nvidia GTX280?08:29
peepsalotbrandonmpace, i want to use ardour.  other apps do not seem to have as much functionality08:29
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: do you need to know which driver to use?08:29
_LiNuX_hi i use Firestaster (Firewall program) is this a good program for protecting a Linux computer08:30
B3z3rk3rnot exactly brandonmpace, i know i need to use the beta ones08:30
peepsaloti'm gonna try rt kernel anyways, see if that helps08:30
Pulpiehow is dist-upgrade and upgrade different, dist-upgrade upgrades stuff like kernel and other serious system stuff right?08:30
fakeerPS2 to USB connector not working for my Microsoft standard 500 keyboard and mouse that I use in my Dell Vostro 150008:30
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, however, i cant seem to get it keep my resolution after i reboot ???08:30
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, any ideas?08:30
kr00lI need help getting XBMC to install on Ubuntu 8.04. Can i get some help? here is the web page http://xbmc.org/forum/showthread.php?p=18573808:31
brandonmpacebrandonmpace: you have to use beta for that? hmm guess I can´t help sorry, I will research this though08:31
ThebanI have tried debmirror 3 times and it gives me "Transfer truncated" on each attempt. Does anyone know what I _should_ do?08:31
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, yeah, 177.31 i think...08:31
brandonmpace_LiNuX_: that or ufw (uncomplicated firewall)08:32
scuserhi all, does this message mean that I have a ticket or not http://paste.ubuntu.com/49208/ ?08:32
TeslaTonyDoes anyone know of a way to speed up SimpleBackup?08:33
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: have you tried the driver? I would08:34
raul1anyone have working armyops? i cant seem to run it at all08:34
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, yeah i have it working properly after a little manual editing of the .conf file08:34
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: that´s always fun ;)08:35
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, but when rebooting it forgets what i set it too.. wtf?08:35
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, have tried running it with sudo privs... nothing. Have tried removing all other possible resolutions from the .conf file.. still manages to reset iteslf08:36
B3z3rk3ri think my ubuntu is possesed :P08:36
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: hopefully new nvidia linux drivers come out when 8.10 does on october 3008:36
raul1anyone know why my america's army game wont load with the shell script?08:36
radovich.....good morning...08:37
B3z3rk3rbrandonmpace, they'd better or im gonna throw my toys out the cot. I just spent $500 on this card and it wont fvck1n work! :P08:37
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: lol you spent 500 on an nvidia..... wow.08:38
radovichmy laptop is worth that much today :)08:38
Das_Augemine even less08:38
radovichthe next lol08:39
B3z3rk3rwelll.. $450, + tax is just under.. came OC as stand so saved me a lot of time.. i think its worth it.. plus iv got room for two more on my mobo!!!! hellz yeah ! :D08:39
* exp_ <3's Ubuntu08:39
raul1anyone know how to configure america's army for ubuntu?08:39
radovichhell yeah!08:39
maozhanganyone have any experience with setting up jabber servers and aim transports?08:39
exp_mmmm sms08:40
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: do you even know what ati has to offer for 500?   http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=2010380048%20106792627%201067940679&name=Radeon%20HD%204870%20X208:40
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: lol ownz08:40
Das_AugeI just did a jabber network with avahi.08:40
radovichpure filth!08:40
radovichthe drivers for that card under ubuntu???08:41
TamaraHi all how can help me plz! Have a Ubuntu 8.04 desktop. With gparted i changed the Size of partions  then i installed XP on second partion. now i boot with ubuntu live cd how do i install now new grub with a new mbr record???08:41
rajechow to enable modul a2enmod userdir under ubuntu?08:41
exp_that msi is sexy   mmmm08:41
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B3z3rk3rnice specs.. but ATi have always had poor support for their products... ESP with Ubuntu!08:41
radovichTamara: like this:08:41
radovichTamara: | !grub08:41
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:41
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: lol so people say but I have never, ever had a problem08:42
radovichTamara: you will need to boot a live cd. then goto console, and do what it sis on the site. simply:08:42
* B3z3rk3r is a bit of a Nvidia fanboy :P never owned an Ati.. prob never will :P08:42
brandonmpace!mbr | Tamara this is the way to do it08:42
ubottuTamara this is the way to do it: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto08:42
radovichboot live cd> open console> type sudo grub> and then install grub again. after that, you will need to edit menu.lst08:43
blueminddoes anyone have experience in configuring alsa with intel hda-audio to work?08:43
radovichTamara: so Windows XP will load too.08:43
radovichbluemind: in ubuntu it works out of the box.08:43
Tamarathank you very much08:44
radovichno problem08:44
gukinaHey guys, how does ubuntu 8.04 run in pentium 4 systems with single core, 1gb ram.08:45
brandonmpacegukina: it goes fast but 7.10 goes faster08:45
radovichgukina: great.08:45
B3z3rk3rgukina, yeah, it should run just fine.. welcome to how computing is meant to be :P08:45
radovichgukina: try kubuntu with no compiz08:45
B3z3rk3rVi$ta = FAIL ;)08:46
bhindihow i can search proxy for my ubuntu08:46
bluemindradovich: i installed hardy and it didn't work, now i have read the troubleshooting guide, compiled alsa drivers myself, used the alsa 18rc[something] sh script and no luck so far08:46
bhindiany proxy search soft08:46
Daft_Punkgukina, i have 1gb ram, with pentium M 2.0ghz (single core) and i have compiz fusion and my laptop is very very fast08:46
B3z3rk3rHey Daft_Punk ! Hows things dude?08:46
bhindihow i can search proxy for my ubuntu08:46
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, hey08:46
gukinaExecellent, i was telling my friend about it but i wasn't sure how well it would run on his system.08:47
_LiNuX_What Firewall i have to install to my PC toy fell for secure?08:47
radovichbluemind:  you need hda_intel enabled i think. in kernel08:47
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, ur not on msn x.x08:47
_LiNuX_Pc=LInux ubuntu08:47
bhindihow i can search proxy for my ubuntu08:47
ThebanDoes anyone see a problem with this command? It stops less than 10% of the way through every time. "sudo debmirror --verbose --progress --method=http --host=ie.archive.ubuntu.com --arch=i386 --source --dist=hardy,hardy-security,hardy-updates,hardy-backports --section=main,main/debian-installer,universe --ignore-release-gpg --root=ubuntu /var/www"08:47
Daft_Punk_LiNuX_, u dont need a firewall on linux, if you have to have one you can use avast (for linux) its free.08:47
radovichbhindi: what does that mean?08:47
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, nah man, forget to sign it in sometimes, and i dont like it booting upon startup..08:47
bluemindradovich: how do i go on doing that?08:47
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, me neither but i always start it :o08:47
anakin_Hello all, I've got my new system setup - with only one problem. My onboard sound is surround 7.1 but I have just a pair of 2 stereo speakers. So most of the spoken dialog is lost.08:48
bhindimaking proxy list rad08:48
brandonmpace!firewall | bluemind08:48
ubottubluemind: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:48
_LiNuX_Daft_Punk:  gurdian dog?08:48
_LiNuX_is'nt good?>08:48
anakin_Can someone please tell me how to configure the sound card so that it'll down mix the channels by default?08:48
bluemindbrandonmpace: ?08:48
anakin_Right now I am getting by using mplayer's ao / channel options.08:48
Daft_Punk_LiNuX_, guarddog and firestarter are for managing the iptables in linux. avast is a free virus scanner08:48
brandonmpaceanakin_: this is a common problem and I have not found a single solution08:48
bhindiradovich pla08:48
radovichbluemind: oh, man, it was a loong time ago when i edited kernel... you should recompile, unless there is a good gui tool for enabling module nowadays. like one in sidux08:49
anakin_guess i'll have to go back to my old pci card then.08:49
FinnishHow do I know what chipset I have in my mobo?08:49
B3z3rk3r_LiNuX_, i think most ppl use firestarter as its more gui friendly08:49
rajecguys I am getting error Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name when running apache08:49
brandonmpacebluemind: lol sorry wrong person08:49
_LiNuX_Daft_Punk:  i have to do anything else exept instal avast firewall?08:49
Joshooaanakin_: I know there's a way somehow08:49
julle_is there someway to boost the amount of bass on the soundcard in linux. I've tested the alsamixer but it sounds terrible, another way maybe?08:49
bluemindbrandonmpace: ok, np :P08:50
brandonmpace!firewall | _LiNuX_08:50
ubottu_LiNuX_: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).08:50
_LiNuX_i use Firestaster...08:50
Joshooaanakin_: Are you running your sound through ALSA or PA?08:50
Joshooaanakin_: Er, PulseAudio08:50
Daft_Punk_LiNuX_, u dont have to do anything in linux, linux only has like 15 wild viruses compared to the millions windows has, you will not get a virus on linux... ever08:50
B3z3rk3rjulle_, i think audacious comes with a EQ mixer, have u tried that?08:50
bluemindradovich: i think i installed the kernel modules with the rest of alsa drivers08:51
anakin_Joshooa, alsa08:51
_LiNuX_....ok i 'm a new in the Linux:(08:51
Joshooaanakin_: Well I know you will probably have to edit your ~/.asouncrc file then.08:51
Daft_Punk_LiNuX_, linux is secure out of the box, you dont need firewalls or virus scanners08:51
B3z3rk3r_LiNuX_, in that case welcome, and dont worry about Anti-Vir for Linux :)08:51
fortinethi, how can i enter command line mode by default. not start gdm08:51
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yunhualhi, how can i enter command line mode by default. not start gdm08:52
onescomplementit is silly to state that linux is secure out of the box.  it entirely depends on the choices your distro makes.08:52
anakin_Joshooa, just to make sure, how do i found out which sound system gnome is using? (System->sound)?08:52
rajecguys I am getting error Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name when running apache08:52
B3z3rk3ryunhual, u can just disable the gdm in the services panel08:52
Daft_Punk_LiNuX_, the only reason you might want a gui to manage iptables (like firestarter) is to manage open ports for certain applications08:52
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bluemindi also downloaded realtek drivers for the specific model of my sound card (integrated), but no luck with those either08:52
Father_Fibulais there a bash command or something with which i could determine whether or not the problems i'm having in kde and xfce are hardware issues or software issues?08:52
radovichbluemind: sorry, really don't know then. it really should work out of the box. i never had a problem with ubuntu. (now i installed freebsd7 on another slice of disk> noo sound there)08:53
Daft_PunkI want more linux, how to obtain? :@ ROAR08:53
CheekyFlannel: you think a p2 233 hmz with 128 ran running ubuntu server on a6.4 gig HDD could run mediatopmb and i culd lsten to the fles on my ps3 ?08:53
brandonmpaceonescomplement: yes but when a vulnerability is found it is patched within a week usually08:53
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, lol08:53
Joshooaanakin_: Click on your speaker and go to preferences and see what you have selected, ALSA or PA08:54
Daft_Punkubuntu smash!08:54
bluemindradovich: ok, maybe i just have to wait for some updates or something, i tried intrepid live-cd and the sound didn't work there either08:54
Joshooaanakin_: 8.04 comes with PA by default though.08:54
_LiNuX_Daft_Punk: i see in the Firestaster that outcomming is 300mb is someone stiling from me a data?08:54
radovichbluemind: what is the configuration of that computer? motherboard, chipset, soundcard..08:55
Thebanis there a better place to go for info on the debmirror command?08:55
exp_does anyone know of a mp3 alarm clock for linux???     rawr <--08:55
Daft_Punkexp_, no rawrs :(08:55
B3z3rk3rthere is one for KDE exp_08:55
B3z3rk3rcalled something like KDE Alarm i think?08:55
anakin_Joshooa, well, on mine, its HDA intel (ALSA). and checked it with System/sound, and i've set it manually to alsa. Next thing to do as you've suggested is tinker with the asound file. Thanks.08:56
B3z3rk3roriginal right? :P08:56
Daft_Punkwhen ubuntu gets to 11.01 it should be named "Linux Lion" or "Ludacris Leopard"08:56
Daft_PunkZany Zebra08:56
exp_WHAT IT BE08:56
Daft_Punk!caps | exp_08:57
bluemindradovich: motherboard is asrock wolfdale1333-glan/m2, soundcard is Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01), uses realtek alc662 codek i think08:57
ubottuexp_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:57
B3z3rk3r"ROFLcopter Rendition"  :)08:57
Thebanit wont get to 11.01 it would be 11.04 or 11.1008:57
Daft_Punkrendition isnt an animal! fail08:57
radovichi love that ludacris leopard08:57
Naitroncan someone help me out, i'm trying to install ubuntu but after I select to install on harddrive it goes to a command line08:57
B3z3rk3rlol.. i know :(08:57
brandonmpaceB3z3rk3r: I want a ROFLcopter! lol08:57
bluemindradovich: and sudo /etc/init.d/alsasound status shows that snd-hda-intel is loaded, alsamixer fails to load though08:57
Daft_PunkROFLcopter Reindeer08:57
B3z3rk3rand a steamLOLer.. :)08:57
* exp_ craves linux mp3 alarm clock can anyone feed this massive appetite08:57
Tulimaqexp_: http://www.alarm-clock.54.pl/08:58
radovichbluemind: i have ich6 family sound card. perhaps, that hardware is too new for linux :)08:58
B3z3rk3rexp_ KDEAlerm08:58
bluemindradovich: aplay -l says that it can't find any soundcards08:58
Thebanexp_: i'm sure there is a way to execute program on a timer08:58
* exp_ loves Tulimaq08:58
radovichbluemind: i really have no clue what should you do...08:59
Daft_PunkIntrepid Inglis > Juicy Jackalope > Krusty Kangaroo > Ludacris Leopard08:59
* B3z3rk3r is expecting to recieve lovin from exp_ anytime now for his invaluable input08:59
bluemindradovich: maybe, seems like i have to wait for intrepid and hope that it has better support for my soundcard08:59
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk,  Krusty Kanagroo is just nasty08:59
brandonmpacebluemind: When 8.10 comes out hopefully it works :)08:59
Daft_PunkI don't know verbs that start with K09:00
ThebanI think one of them needs the word Burly in it09:00
Thebangreat word =P09:00
radovichkilling Daft_Punk09:00
B3z3rk3rKumbucket ?  :P09:00
Daft_Punkkilling is so negative09:00
brandonmpacekiller kangaroo lol not09:00
Daft_Punkkilling kangaroos09:01
Daft_PunkFoaming Ferret09:01
bluemindi have a spare mackie spike usb audio interface, maybe i should test if that works for now, does ubuntu recognize usb audio if i just plug it in?09:01
radovichjolly jumpermouse09:01
Daft_PunkJolly Jackass (donkey)09:01
brandonmpacebluemind: yes it does09:01
Thebanverb not required, it's an adjective09:01
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, good recovery there09:01
brandonmpacebluemind: you just have to set it up in the sound preferences09:01
radovichmighty monkey09:02
franki^kaleidoscopic koala?09:02
bluemindbrandonmpace: ok, thanks :)09:02
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, wouldn't it have been a recovery if i quickly put that on the next line? :P09:02
Daft_PunkMerry Mongoose09:02
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, yeah eayh.. ok clever clogs ;)09:02
Daft_PunkLulzy Lion09:02
brandonmpacenaughty nightowl09:02
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* Daft_Punk looks around at the other idiots in the room besides himself09:03
Thebanperfect brandonmpace09:03
radovichjolly jaguar09:03
brandonmpaceTheban: thx XD09:03
B3z3rk3rSexual Serpent09:03
Daft_PunkHorny Hornet09:03
Daft_PunkHard-on Heron09:03
Thebannvm, i think i found a better way than debmirror on my own09:03
B3z3rk3rwow.. what a productive night we are having, cant wait to send me logs to ubuntu dev team :P09:04
Thebanftp it and copy and past what i need might work, no?09:04
Thebanpaste* shh09:04
Daft_Punkya, hopefully one of our ideas catches on09:04
vikkuhi all09:04
vikkuwhen i try to install gcc iam getting following errror http://pastebin.com/m19b3de1209:04
Daft_Punk!hi vikku09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi vikku09:04
brandonmpaceTheban: I looked it up and couldn´t find anything, but I think i forgot to say so...09:04
B3z3rk3rlol Daft_Punk09:04
Daft_Punk!hi | vikku09:04
ubottuvikku: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!09:04
vikkuDaft_Punk: : ) ok09:05
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #ubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)09:05
Thebanno worries, i'll just try this09:05
Daft_PunkI was hoping it would say "I don't know anything about sex'09:05
xtor_which version of ubuntu has the latest and greatest of apps? For instance I noticed that debian lenny had a newer version of gnome-OSD than regular ubuntu so it got me wondering, does ubuntu also have a "testing" distro?09:05
brandonmpaceDaft_Punk: lol09:05
B3z3rk3r!questionably legal activities09:05
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:05
Daft_Punkxtor_, wait till end of oct for intrepid?09:05
Daft_Punktoo many big words09:05
Naitronanyone available to answer a question about ubuntu?09:05
dn4where can I get memory for a pentium pro 200?09:06
Daft_Punk!hi hippies09:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi hippies09:06
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, he said it first!09:06
brandonmpacextor_: when 8.10 comes out on october 30th it will be caught up09:06
Daft_Punkhe did09:06
anashayes ask Naitron09:06
Daft_Punki think we will get banhammored for offtopics09:06
radovichshoot Naitron09:06
xtor_there is no preview version of 8.10?09:06
Naitronwhy does ubuntu go to a dos type screen when i try to install it?09:06
brandonmpacextor_: yes there hold on and i´ll get a link09:06
exp_that is exactly what i needed   much thanks09:06
Naitrononly commands that work at reboot and yes which makes it go crazy09:06
Tulimaqxtor_: u mean live CD ?09:07
radovichNaitron: it probably cannot recognise a graphic card. what graphic card is it?09:07
Naitronati 3100, just got a new toshiba laptop09:07
Daft_Punkisnt hardy supposed to support ati naitvely now???09:07
Daft_PunkHello - o?09:07
brandonmpacextor_: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/alpha-6/intrepid-desktop-i386.iso    REMEMBER this is not complete, and isn´t even beta yet!09:08
hejuxanybody using xchat ?09:08
aj_i am not able to hear any sound when i play a music or video file..i even tried the vlc player... and the volume is maximum09:08
brandonmpacehejux: I am09:08
aj_can anyone help09:08
radovichhejux: i used it on bsd...09:08
hejuxwell ,09:08
Daft_Punkaj_, make sure you have proper demuxer codecs installed09:08
Daft_Punk!ask | aj_09:08
ubottuaj_: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)09:08
Naitronmaybe i'll download the new 8.04 lts version hopefully it fixs it09:08
bluemindyeah, usb audio works \o/09:08
brandonmpaceaj_: go to system>preferences>sound and make sure it is using your device09:09
julle_B3z3rk3r: Yes i've tried with the eq in audacious. its not that good either09:09
Daft_Punkaj_, sorry i see you asked already, just wait for someone to help u out09:09
Brickhow can I find out if I'm running ubuntu 32bit or 64bit ? I found info about cat /etc/lsb-release, but it's not mentioned there09:09
brandonmpacebluemind: yep :)09:09
hejuxi don't like it to display extra messege ex : somebody in and out or exit ...09:09
radovich!yay | bluemind09:09
ubottubluemind: Glad you made it! :-)09:09
hejuxhow to filter them ?09:09
bluemindthank you :D09:09
Daft_Punkhejux, that is standard on any irc program by default09:09
hejuxhow can i ignore them ?09:09
radovichanyone know a good irc program for console with little or no dependencies?09:10
karajhow can i run 32 bit apps on 64 bit linux?09:10
Daft_Punkradovich, you mean for the leet?09:10
radovichl33t h4x0rz only09:10
brandonmpaceBrick: on a terminal type      uname -r09:10
Daft_Punkkaraj, by installing them09:10
xtor_brandonmpace, nice. I presume there is a non iso location where you can check the package versions too09:10
Naitronthanks radovich09:10
radovichDaft_Punk: actually i need one for my bsd box09:11
radovichNaitron: np09:11
brandonmpacextor_: just copy all of that link except for the end file name and look through the ftp09:11
Brickbrandonmpace: "$ uname -r09:11
Naitroni'm a little tired of vista ;(09:11
Daft_PunkTo EVERYONE: I am a noob, i don't know what im talking about, i am just being a nerd with smart alleck responses, ignore me :) thank you for your time.09:11
Brickbrandonmpace: is that 32 or 64 bit ?09:11
bluemindradovich: irssi?09:11
brandonmpaceBrick: uname -a         try that09:11
aaron_Brick, "uname -m"09:12
aj_Daft_Punk : how do i check if the proper demuxer codecs are installed or not?09:12
Brickaaron_: k thx - seems it's 64bit09:12
radovichbluemind: that was the one! i could not remmember the name. thanx, man09:12
Daft_Punkaj_, go to applications then add/remove programs and search for codecs or demuxer and make sure they are all installed09:12
ziorcashey, i am hoping to upgrade my kernal to 2.26 or higher, is there an easy way of doing this?09:12
bluemindradovich: np :)09:12
franki^Daft_Punk, don't even know how to spell alec :P09:12
Daft_Punkfranki^, no, no i dont09:12
brandonmpaceaaron_: lol learned somethin new on the terminal, it´s been a while :)09:12
ziorcasupgrade kernal 2.6.26 that is09:13
physically_fithejux, read here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31526209:13
jim_pziorcas: you either wait for 8.10 or compile it on your own09:13
xtor_brandonmpace, I am a bit surprised that lenny has a newer version of gnome-OSD than 8.10 does09:13
aaron_always learning brandonmpace09:13
brandonmpacextor_: well it will be updated by the time the final release comes out most likely.  you have to realize that those are NOT the final packages09:13
franki^kinky kingfisher!09:14
franki^. . . :P09:14
xtor_I dont see gnome-OSD in that cd list...can I look in the alpha repositories for the deb?09:14
Daft_Punkfranki^, are we still doing that? no, i dont want admins ban me :(09:14
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, what? sorry, playing WoW09:14
franki^yeah, i'm a bit slow... :\09:15
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, nothing :)09:15
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, say my name b1tch :P09:15
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, ohhhh ya09:15
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, lol.. :)09:15
hejuxi know09:15
hejuxwhat i am talking about09:15
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, yeah baby i spank you now09:16
* Daft_Punk spanks B3z3rk3r 09:16
franki^hejux, possibly the only person here that does, by the look of it...09:16
hejuxthe page is impossible to open09:16
=== kira is now known as Guest60207
bluemindhmm, i can get the test signal for usb audio, but firefox (@youtube) doesn't output any sound, any ideas?09:16
* B3z3rk3r writhes in pleasure/pain but remembers that he has forgotten the saftey word ??? :O09:17
hejuxi want only useful messege ... i don't like to see the system messege ...09:17
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, its pineapples09:17
hejuxpinkapple ?09:17
murlidharwhat is the shortcut command to launch terminal based application . ( gnome-terminal -n weechat-curses ) ?09:17
Daft_Punkno, our safe word09:17
hejuxapple ? jobs ? yeah , i got no jobs09:18
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, thx.. whew.. that was a close call09:18
Guest60207hi! I have succsessful installed XP on the same disk on another partion /dev/sda1 and have rewrite my grub ... but i can't boot XP  in the menu.lst  the linux and the Xp is hd(0,0) cause the same hd ist this right?09:18
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, im gonna ice cream your snapple with rootbeer09:18
franki^hejux, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=315262 won't open for you?09:18
ThebanJazzy Jaquar!09:18
hejuxfranki^--> yeah i can't open it09:18
hejuxtoooooo slow ....09:18
* Theban chimes in late woot09:18
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, im not even sure what that means :P09:18
hejuxmaybe i should us a links ...09:18
brandonmpacebluemind: you changed all of the devices to USB Audio    ??09:18
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, me neither09:18
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, im just hoping that is roleplay09:19
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, me too09:19
franki^hejux, it basically says "/set irc_conf_mode 1 this will hide join/part messages for all channels. For individual channels, right-click on the channel tab and uncheck show join/part messages."09:19
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, im going to go taste glass, ttyl09:19
franki^if that's any use...09:19
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, laterz dude09:19
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, it taste like hurty09:19
brandonmpaceGuest60207: did you try hd(0,1)     ??09:20
hejuxanybody would like to share my new desktop ?09:20
Daft_Punksleepy times, sorry everyone for the extreme offtopicness... bai09:20
Daft_Punkhejux, what do u mean share?09:20
hejuxfranki^--> i got it thanks  hidden join/part messege09:20
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, kinda thought it mihgt. :P09:20
hejuxshare means you take a look at my desktop and09:20
franki^hejux, glad to help :)09:20
hejuxif you like09:20
hejuxget my config files09:21
Daft_Punkhejux, ok shot09:21
hejuxwait a minute09:21
bluemindbrandonmpace: yep09:21
Daft_Punkwas a dragon dog09:21
Thebanwho agrees that 9.04 should use `jazzy`?09:22
Daft_Punkthats my dogs name so NO09:22
radovichi vote for jazzy09:22
brandonmpaceTheban: it´s already jaunty jackalope09:22
Daft_Punki veto your vote09:22
Daft_Punkno wai!09:22
brandonmpaceTheban: yes work has started on it09:22
Thebanseems early for that09:22
radovichjazzy jackrabit09:23
brandonmpacebrandonmpace: Mark shuttleworth himself said so09:23
FlannelDaft_Punk: please stop09:23
Daft_PunkFlannel, seriously, im trying09:23
FlannelTheban: work hasn't started, but the name as been picked.09:23
Thebanjazzy jackalope would be fine even09:23
brandonmpaceTheban: the goal for jaunty jackalope is fastest boot time possible09:23
Thebansweet awesome09:23
franki^but 9.10 definitely shouldn't be kangaroo :P09:23
Thebani'm for that09:23
Thebanmakes sense for the jaunty then09:24
FlannelGuys, the codename discussion belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic, mind moving there?09:24
Thebanfine fine09:24
Daft_Punksee, i told u we would get the hates for offtopics09:24
Thebanok, on topic then09:24
brandonmpaceTheban: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue108#Introducing%20Jaunty%20Jackalope09:24
brandonmpaceflannel, ok09:25
Flanneldon't need to stop talking about it, just stop talking about it here.  Please do take it to -offtopic!09:25
radovichhow do i install windows xp under ubuntu?09:25
Daft_PunkFlannel, no, we like it here, it feels like home09:25
ThebanI use xfce desktop now instead of gnome, I do miss the way nautilus used ftp. is there anything in xfce that is similar?09:25
Thebanin terms of ftp access that is09:25
Daft_Punkradovich, use a virtual machine such as virtualbox09:25
radovichDaft_Punk: thanks09:26
Daft_Punkradovich, your welcome09:26
FlannelDaft_Punk: you can be in more than once channel at a time09:26
Daft_PunkFlannel, physically yes, but not mentally09:26
ActionParsnipyo yo yo09:26
hejuxhi all here is my desktop on my blog ... please take a look :)09:26
Thebanhi hi hi?09:26
radovichActionParsnip: wasssup09:26
Flannelhejux: please don't post that here09:26
hejuxit's not an adv. ..09:27
ActionParsniphejux: this is ubuntu support, not a place to broadcast your system09:27
hejuxi see09:27
hejuxjust share ...09:27
Flannelhejux: Right, I know.  But general chatting belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic09:27
FloodBot3hejux: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:27
hejuxgot it09:27
hejuxnever do it again09:27
bluemindbrandonmpace: it works now, was missing flash audio support package... :D09:28
Kate5492Hello, I need help please, does it possible to create symlink to the apache folder from folder that is not in the apache path ? does this symlink will be access for web users on the apache server ?09:28
ActionParsniphejux: in offtopic, go for your life :D.09:28
brandonmpacebluemind: i didn´t think of that. Lol that´s one of the first things i get too09:28
ganes1can i put different wallpapers to all four desktops?09:29
Daft_Punkganes1, good question09:29
ActionParsnipganes1: yes but you wont be allowed icons on the desktop09:29
brandonmpaceganes1: there is a way to do this, I saw it on youtube09:29
radovichganes1: i never made it. i tried, but no luck09:29
TulimaqKate5492: yes ofc just add it to sites-enabled09:30
ActionParsnipKate5492: make sure it has read only permissions too09:30
bluemindganes1: is involves to disable nautilus drawing the background / making it transparent, probably from gconf-editor, i think there are how-to's if you google for them09:30
Daft_Punkthat was my cat, sorry09:31
radovichDaft_Punk: what was that? xD09:31
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: i think your keyboard is sending random characters to the system, id get it checked out09:31
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, if by keyboard you mean evil cat that shoulnt be in my room then yes09:32
bastiKate5492, just write "Options FollowSymLinks" in your sites-enabeld conf09:32
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: haha sweet09:32
Timberwolf5578Anyone know how to get the weather gdesklets to work?  I put "USA" for country, and "Seattle" for city, and it keep saying retrieval failed.09:33
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: cat /dev/backhand > /dev/feline09:33
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, mom would yell at me09:33
ActionParsnipTimberwolf5578: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21678409:34
ActionParsnipDaft_Punk: it needs to learn that it shouldnt jump on the keyboard09:34
Daft_Punklol it09:34
bluemindis anyone using a razer mouse with ubuntu?09:34
radovichanyone got a cool theme for kde3?09:34
ActionParsnipradovich: www.kde-look.org09:35
brandonmpacebluemind: is it not working?09:35
radovichActionParsnip: i know, i need some recomendations...09:35
ActionParsnipradovich: i use fluxbox so not much help man, sorry09:35
radovichActionParsnip: thanx anywayz09:36
bluemindbrandonmpace: yes it is, but i installed the razer nextgen config tool and that doesn't work... :D otherwise this deathadder is the best mouse i've ever had09:36
ActionParsnipbluemind: looks like any other mouse ive seen09:36
bluemindis there a way to check what dpi and polling rate my mouse is using through terminal?09:37
htangis there a weather applets in repository?09:39
brandonmpacehtang: there is one on the gnome panel, just right click on the panel and click add to09:39
brandonmpacehtang: there´s one there09:39
noogaIs there a way to disable the booting screen with the orange progressbar and ubuntu logo?09:40
Daft_PunkActionParsnip, B3z3rk3r brandonmpace im really leaving this time so tty guys later09:40
ActionParsnipbluemind: lshw might help09:40
brandonmpaceDaft_Punk: see ya dude09:40
Daft_Punknooga, disable? i dont know, you can change it tho, check gnome-look.org09:40
ActionParsnipnooga: if you do you will see the boot text instead09:40
ActionParsnipnooga: is that what you want?09:40
htangthanks , I found it.09:41
brandonmpacenooga: lol you could hit alt f1 i think it is  everytime to see verbose mode09:41
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk,  bye bye09:41
brandonmpacehtang: you´re welcome09:41
nnullim gunna do a reinstall of ubuntu, what should i do concerning GRUB? like reinstall it or no or?09:41
kjsIs there any scripts for adding multipul ldap users to a system?09:41
brandonmpacennull: yes reinstall09:42
noogaActionParsnip: i just want to make it black09:42
ActionParsnipnnull: you will need to once the install is complete (if it doesnt install for you, i'd backup your xorg.conf and smb.conf if you have one)09:42
bluemindActionParsnip: it does show my hardware info but nothing about connected usb devices09:42
noogaActionParsnip: or eventually to see the boot text09:42
ActionParsnipnooga: then id make a bootsplashof a black image09:43
noogawhere can i read about doing it?09:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootsplash09:43
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.09:43
nnullok thanks guys09:43
brandonmpaceActionParsnip: that´s the gnome splash09:44
noogaokay, thx09:44
bluviojust updated to latest ubuntu, but can't seem to find mod_ssl package for my apache2. ...Hopefully I won't need to recompile it from source. "apt-cache search mod-ssl" and "apt-cache search apache | grep ssl" gave nothing. Could someone give me the name of that package, perhaps the repository also ...09:44
brandonmpaceActionParsnip: not the boot splash09:44
MonsieurBonif a Sparcle GeForce 8600 GT 512MB does not work with Ubuntu, does that mean, that an Asus EN8600GT or any other 8600GT card won't work either?09:44
brandonmpaceMonsieurBon: what exactly do you mean by not work?09:44
ActionParsnipMonsieurBon: those cards will work in ubuntu, nvidia works great09:44
nnulli tried to use the ubuntu livecd on a p3 600 128 ram.. just froze up once it loaded :x09:45
nnullmaybe i try xubuntu?09:45
ActionParsnipnnull: could you restart the x server?09:45
brandonmpacennull: on a comp that slow you need the alternate install dvd, unless you add more ram.09:45
hejuxit's clear now ...09:45
nnullActionParsnip, nope, even mouse movements where lagged considerably09:45
MonsieurBonbrandonmpace, the Sparcle is on the Hardware Blacklist of ubuntuusers.de. It sais, that the system freezes after driver installation.09:45
ActionParsnipnnull: i would for 128mb ram, you could buy an extra 256mb and it'll be fine09:45
hejuxno more extra messege09:45
bluemindMonsieurBon: I have Club 3d 8500 GT and it works fine09:45
brandonmpaceActionParsnip: it is due to lack of 192 mb of ram09:45
chipbuddyi'm trying to install 8.04 but when the installer is on the "select and install software" stage, it stops at 90%. how do i get it to continue?09:46
brandonmpaceMonsieurBon: well how old is that article09:46
brandonmpacechipbuddy: is it plugged into an active internet connection?09:46
nnullActionParsnip, brandonmpace ah ok, but if couldnt get more RAM for it do you think installing it and adding some swap could run it? or just not doable without the extra ram?09:46
chipbuddybrandonmpace yeah. is it downloading updates, but just not telling me?09:47
Malformationhere to report a bug!09:47
brandonmpacennull: alternate install disc, swap of like a gig09:47
MonsieurBonbrandonmpace, last change was 4 days ago. Don't know when that line was added... Generally no problems with nvidia cards?09:47
MalformationI found a ubuntu bug!09:47
MalformationUsing Windows Key + tab to scroll through different windows09:47
nnullbrandonmpace, alternate install disc is a DVD iso tho yea? this pc only has CDrom :s09:47
Malformationif you scroll inwards, the screen goes black and stays taht way09:47
brandonmpaceMonsieurBon: yes generally no problems09:47
ActionParsnipchipbuddy: if you disconnect your network connection it'll be fine09:47
bluemindMalformation: compiz?09:48
MonsieurBonbrandonmpace, ok, thx09:48
brandonmpacechipbuddy: also note that this is part of the install that takes a bit09:48
nnullwould it be worth running like x11 or a minimal KDE interface on this old PC?09:48
panerai_gomsg nickserv identify 123409:48
Kate5492Hello , i need help , i installed apache on my server , when i type http://localhost i cant see all the files & folders why ?09:49
MartinCzHi. I am searching for a console with bash which would be open by   `  key in a pull-out way, like a awning in an window.09:49
ikoniaMartinCz: wgat cab tiy see ?09:49
ikoniaMartinCz: what can you see09:49
brandonmpaceMalformation: no problem here, just tried it. on a laptop too... slow video card in your comp maybe?09:49
bluemindMalformation: do you use ring or shift switcher?09:49
ikoniaMartinCz: console/shell are two seperate things09:49
ikoniaMartinCz: sorry - not you09:50
ikoniaKate5492 what can you see when you hit local host09:50
MartinCzI would like it to look like a console in Unreal or this like...09:50
ikoniaMartinCz the console and the shell are two seperate things, you mean you want a terminal ?09:50
MartinCzI saw it somewhere and would like it to have.09:50
ikoniaMartinCz: ir's possibly just a "skin" or theme for an existing terminal emmulation program09:50
MartinCzAnd what is the difference?09:51
Malformationscroll in really far09:51
Malformationi got a nvidia 8400m gs09:51
Malformationwhich isnt too bad09:51
MartinCzI have hardy heron and gnome... So what would you advice me? Thanks.09:52
ikoniaMartinCz: look at gnome themes and look at other terminals like "eterm" or "aterm" and look a skins for them09:52
Kate5492ikonia: i can see the files i uploaded to the servers , but not all the files & folders09:52
ikoniaKate5492: then it's probably permissions on the file you can't see being a problem09:53
brandonmpaceMalformation: I just got it to go black... if you hit escape it stops.        for some reason after using the shift switcher and doing that what it is doing is zooming in too far09:53
Malformationi know it stops09:53
Malformationalso if u start zoming out again09:53
BuGo_laptopare they planing next issue on 8.10? or should i not wait and upgrade to 8.04?09:53
Malformationit goes back to normal09:53
Malformationi just thought i'd mention it09:53
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: then next release is 8.10 - but 8.04 is LTS09:53
Jaffarkelshacis it possible to change the font colour of the gnome-panel from black to white09:53
Malformationmine actually goes black and the screen flickers a lot09:53
hejuxhi buddy09:54
BuGo_laptopis Kubuntu 8.04 by default with KDE 3 or KDE 4?09:54
brandonmpaceBuGo_laptop: I would wait if you are patient, october 30th...  but 8.04 is good.  if you are using 7.10 and upgrade to 8.04 you will notice a big slow down09:54
ikoniaBuGo_laptop "long term support"09:54
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: kde 309:54
bunnytohow to add a partition to mount automatically ?09:54
hejuxhow can i scroll to any direction under firefox with clicking the middle mouse button09:55
bluemindMalformation: i got the same behavior with my gf 8500 gt09:55
djlotisBuGo_laptop: I believe you have the opportunity to install either09:55
ikoniabunnyto: place the info in your /etc/fstab file09:55
Kate5492ikonia: how i can change the files & folder premissions so they will be readble on the apache server ?09:55
djlotisBuGo_laptop: If I remember reading that correctly.. I dont use kde 8.04 .. but i thought i read it somewhere09:55
BuGo_laptopI think i will wait :/ cause i like 7.10 and i heard lots of complains about 8.04. i how 8.10 will do better09:55
bluemindbut i can't but wonder who would want to zoom in on the shift switcher that much :)09:55
ikoniaKate5492: then need to be "readable" or "execuatable" by the user thats running the webserver which on ubuntu is "www-data"09:55
bluvioKate5492: you need to change your folder permission. Try 755 - i.e. the 'other' must be executable09:55
brandonmpace8.04 is sloooow compared to 7.1009:56
bunnytoikonia: is this ok?  /dev/sda2       /home/ini               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       109:56
nnullbrandonmpace, why do you think that is mate?09:56
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: each release will have errors, LTS releases are more likley to get fixes/updates for longer09:56
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: if they are the options you want09:56
ikoniabrandonmpace: I suspect thats down to your settings09:56
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.09:56
nnullahh 8.04 is LTS yea? and 8.10 isnt?09:57
ikoniannull: correct09:57
brandonmpacennull: well you know what happened to vista?        I think it got bloated or something and ikonia I have tested this on 5 computers. all fast. laptops and desktops09:57
bunnytoikonia: is this ok?  /dev/sda2       /home/ini               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       109:57
bluemindMalformation: if you try zooming in regularly with only super enabled and you have a black background in some of the windows it does exactly the same, i think it is not a bug, you just zoomed to a black part of your desktop09:57
ikoniabrandonmpace: that can be your settigns still, things like compiz are enabled by default09:57
ikoniabrandonmpace: if those are the settings you want - tghen yes, it's fine09:57
brandonmpaceMalformation: yes super + scroll is zoom09:58
BuGo_laptopWell i want to test Kubuntu with KDE4 in my home laptop and my work Laptop need reinstall so i am searching for best version to use :)09:58
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: 8.0409:58
brandonmpaceikonia: I did both!!! with AND without compiz09:58
bunnytoikonia: is this ok?  /dev/sda2       /home/ini               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       109:58
ikoniabrandonmpace: I'm just giving you an example09:58
nnullim about to reinstall, then ill be back to try get 1024 res at 75 hertz! catchaz09:58
ikoniabunnyto: I'll say it a 3rd time for you - if those are the options you want to use, then it's fine09:58
ikoniabrandonmpace: there have been issues with soem of the ati/nvidia packaged drivers too that have caused visual slow down rather than actual performance slow down09:59
bunnytoikonia: i just want to mount and read and write, i just copied from the main partition09:59
BuGo_laptopikonia, but it wont be a burden to install KDE 4 on 8.04 kubuntu?09:59
ikoniabunnyto then thats fine09:59
ikoniabunnyto: no09:59
laughzillaanyone here familiar with editing video in ubuntu ?09:59
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: no09:59
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:59
bunnytoikonia: noo?09:59
ikoniabunnyto: no, your line was fine10:00
brandonmpaceikonia: I know but these computers were 2 were ati and 3 were nvidia. so it´s not that10:00
bunnytoikonia: ok.. are you girl?10:00
ikoniabrandonmpace: well, yes, it can be as I've just said nvidia/ati drivers that where packaged where have had problems10:00
ikoniabunnyto: what does that matter ?10:00
bunnytomaybe we can date... so i can honor my debt to you10:00
Cheekyhey ..if i make this current ubuntu desktop to have a static ip  would my torrent download go faster ? as of now .. its real slow,... and suddenly goes idle ?10:01
ikoniabunnyto: I think we'll let that slide10:01
DIFH-iceroothow can i check with apt if a package is installed?10:01
MartinCzI think I will need more help with the pull-down terminal :(10:01
Cheekyam talking about the transmissions program10:01
brandonmpaceCheeky: that does not affect torrents10:01
ActionParsnipMartinCz: install yakuake10:01
laughzillawhy does KINO have to make every .avi video into a massively heavy .DV file before it can be edited?  i am a big fan of ubuntu, but on multimedia, i hate to admit, ubuntu still sucks even compared to the MSFT options.  is there any hope of this situation improving in the near future?10:01
BuGo_laptopor tilda10:01
djlotisCheeky: Do you have a router your connecting to?10:01
ActionParsnipMartinCz: or tilda10:01
MartinCzi'll have a  look, thanks10:02
djlotisCheeky: It could be that your traffic is just trickling though.. maybe you need to port forward your traffic10:02
BuGo_laptopikonia, thans for the support :)10:02
ActionParsnipMartinCz: tilda is gnome based10:02
DIFH-icerooti want to check is "xinetd" is installed with apt10:02
ikoniaBuGo_laptop: welcome10:02
bluemindis there a deb for inkscape 0.47?10:03
brandonmpacelaughzilla: use kdenlive.  it will work with more formats....10:03
mistformHey, i'm trying to get a USB controller to work. it's actually a "universal USB converter" it converts a PS2, Gamecube, and Xbox controller, including an extra USB port10:03
aj_i am not able to hear sound when i play music or video files..can anyone help?10:03
BuGo_laptopMartinCz, thought i have never made tilda to work. i always end up using yakuake!10:03
ActionParsnipaj_: does it work from anything?10:03
mistformi'm running Hardy, the controller is USB, but it's plugged into USB210:04
laughzillabrandonmpace i'll look at it, thanks.10:04
aj_i even tried vlc10:04
djlotisaj_: It could be you have also muted or you have the wrong device selected.. did you look in your sound settings10:04
ActionParsnipaj_: ok, run lspci and give us the ONLY line relating to your audio device10:04
mistformaj_, did you run basic troubleshooting? you're sure it's plugged in right, speakers have volume turned up, etc?10:04
edwin_yay for xchat-gnome's stupid default settings10:04
Cheekydjlotis: ok .. maybe so i assigned a port under preferences and the port was open but still slow; how would i port forward in ubuntu .. have never port fortwared anything before and i just got a router installed10:04
ActionParsnipmistform: is it compatible with linux?10:04
aj_the volume is maximum10:04
djlotisQuestion: I noticed Mint comes with pulseaudio is 8.10 going to come with the pulse server ??10:05
mistformActionParsnip, yeah, but that was another install. i need to figure out how to mount it and use it for a playstation emulator10:05
brandonmpaceCheeky: port forwarding is done on the router10:05
Malformationu port forwrd on ur router, not on ur linux box10:05
brandonmpacedjlotis: yes10:05
djlotisCheeky: oops i just saw your post.. Yes you would do it from the router..10:05
Malformationi got a guide on it Cheeky10:05
ActionParsnip!intrepid | djlotis10:05
ubottudjlotis: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!10:05
brandonmpacedjlotis: 8.04 has it10:06
ActionParsnipmistform: what is the make and model?10:06
Malformationcheeky ill get the guide for u10:06
djlotisbrandonmpace: I had to install it seperatly to get my sound to work.. hmm10:06
MilosWhat do I need to install to run "named-xfer" ?10:06
djlotisCheeky: Do you know how to log in to your router?10:06
ikoniaMilos: bind10:06
aj_ActionParsnip: ATI TECHNOLOGIES INC SBx00 Azalia10:06
CheekyMalformation: is it that port forwarding site .. for all connections .10:06
Malformationthat's my personal blog as well10:06
ActionParsnipMilos: try sudo apt-get install named-xfer10:07
Cheekydjlotis: yes i do10:07
deepak_milos what is named-xfer10:07
brandonmpacedjlotis: that´s weird, mine worked without me doing anything and it automatically used pulseaudio10:07
mistformActionParsnip, make and model of what? I bought it at wal-mart for $4 on clearance (unopened). it's worked before10:07
djlotisCheeky: Great, do that and look around for something that says port forwarding or virtual servers10:07
Malformationcheeky, look at my guide and tell me if it helped you or not10:07
MilosActionParsnip, I already tried.10:07
Milosdeepak_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55896010:07
JoshooaIf I install ubuntu off the mini cd what's the absolute minimum I would have to install in order to get World of Warcraft playing in WoW?10:07
Milosikonia: I already did!10:07
djlotisbrandonmpace: yah .. well my sound worked but not with flash.. I had to install pulseaudio and use some work around that passes the flash sound to the pulse server or something10:08
brandonmpacejosh__: wine10:08
ikoniaMilos: great10:08
Malformationwhy do u wanna play WoW on ubuntu?10:08
mistformActionParsnip, it's a Gameon "Universal USB Convertor" model: FT8D91. copyright 2006, Futime10:08
brandonmpacejosh__: and your gfx driver10:08
JoshooaMalformation: Well, I us Ubuntu, and I play WoW, that's why10:08
Joshooabrandonmpace: Does the mini ubuntu come with X at all though?10:09
brandonmpaceJoshooa: ooh i didn´t think of that, makes sense to me that it would though..10:09
bunnytonow how to10:09
Joshooabrandonmpace: I don't know, it's only a 10MB image10:09
bunnytoconvert udf to ISO ?10:10
brandonmpacedjlotis: lol there´s a package for that10:10
ActionParsnipmistform: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=66713010:10
Malformationhey Joshooa10:10
Tulimaq_wow runs just fine under linux .. been playing it on various distros 1.5+ years now10:10
Malformationjust run Windows Xp/Vista in a VMWARE10:10
bunnytohow to convert UIF to ISO ?10:10
mistformActionParsnip, it seems to be working in ZSNES, but where is it mounted so I can tell PCSX10:10
JoshooaMalformation: Yes?10:10
djlotisCheeky: Make sure you forward the port that your torrent client is using, and make sure you know your ip address your forwarding it to. It goes something like this: The router will open port say .. 1500 and pass it on to your computer ip address ( and of course your machine must allow traffic on that port. It sure helps to have a static IP so that you always forward to the right place10:10
brandonmpacedjlotis: it´s in synaptic just search flash and look for flash sound support or something like that10:11
djlotisbrandonmpace: Oh really? Well mine works now so its not a big deal10:11
djlotisbrandonmpace: You think they might have it packaged with Ibex?10:11
ActionParsnipmistform: probably /dev/joy010:11
brandonmpacedjlotis: yes most likely10:12
djlotisbrandonmpace: I mean you think that flash is a fairly important package to have .. and with that sound to be functioning out of the gate too.10:12
edo32mbspeaking of WoW and Linux - is anyone aware if there have been any driver updates for intels i810 video chip ?10:12
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bunnytohow to convert UIF to ISO ?10:12
vgambitbrandonmpace, I'm about to go to sleep but I just wanted you to know10:12
brandonmpaceedo32mb: nope10:12
Joshooaedo32mb: There was one a little bit ago10:12
vgambitI eventually made a fat32 partition in that empty space, and it works fine10:12
ActionParsnipbunnyto: http://aluigi.altervista.org/mytoolz.htm10:13
ActionParsnipbunnyto: download uif2iso10:13
brandonmpacevgambit: hey what´s up?!   good night :)10:13
mistformActionParsnip, I went through lsmod and found a "joydev" do you think that's it?10:13
edo32mbJoshooa>> define a 'little bit ago' please?10:13
MartinCzTILDA work great... THANKS10:13
Joshooaedo32mb: I'd say within the last few weeks, up to around a monthish10:13
brandonmpacevgambit: awesome10:13
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edo32mbJoshooa>> know where/how i can get it?10:14
mistformActionParsnip, it still says "Unable to find /dev/joy0" when I try to configure the controller in PCSX10:14
Joshooaedo32mb: could probably google your way to an exact date though10:14
mistformActionParsnip, so we have communication with the device. i just need to find if it's mounted and where. how do I list that?10:14
ActionParsnipmstrobert_: try lshw, it may say whats what10:14
Joshooaedo32mb: I just remember seeing it on my brothers' Wubi install when it was updating10:14
ikoniahejux: what do you want ?10:16
ActionParsnip!ask | hejux10:16
ubottuhejux: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:16
ActionParsniphey hey10:17
andreas__guys anyone knows how to make my windows to be minimized like leopard?10:17
hejuxactually i want to have something to eat10:17
hejuxi am so hungry10:17
bluemindwhat editor you are using for programming?10:18
ikoniahejux: this channel is for ubuntu support requests only please.10:18
ikoniaandreas__: there is some compiz plugins that do multiple minimise visuals10:18
ActionParsnipandreas__: ive not used leapord, how do you mean?10:18
MartinCzwell.... what was the KDE variant of tilda? :D10:18
andreas__i have advance desktop effects10:18
ActionParsnip!compiz | ikonia10:18
ubottuikonia: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion10:18
ikoniaandreas__: I'm well aware of what compiz is thanks10:19
ActionParsnipMartinCz: yakuake10:19
hejuxikonia--> i see10:19
MartinCzit started to open blank term :D10:19
ikoniaActionParsnip: I'm aware of compiz thanks10:19
ActionParsnipikonia: no, compiz support is in that room, not here. dont get sirty and read what ubottu says10:19
KaiHey, is there any way to modify the size of WINE?10:19
ikoniaActionParsnip: he's not getting compiz support,10:19
=== Tulimaq_ is now known as Tulimaq
deepak_c# programing help on linux ubuntu10:20
ikoniadeepak_: check the mono channels10:20
andreas__do you know for what i have to search for? what is the name of the beheviour of leopard windows cause i want them in ubuntu also pls10:20
ActionParsnipandreas__: what is it that leapard does exactly?10:21
ikoniaandreas__: if you install the ccsm manager software and view the minimise plugins you may find what you want10:21
bluviowhere do I find  "libapache-mod-ssl" ? Synaptic is not very cooperative this morning ...10:21
andreas__ok thanx guys10:21
le_mischaandreas__: you are looking for mac4lin10:22
Jordan_Udeepak_: Do you have a specific question? Use mono for C# on linux, monodevelop if you want an IDE10:22
subdoluswhats the easist way to delete every .html file in a dir, recursively?10:22
andreas__i have it10:22
=== ReBeL is now known as ISukhanov
andreas__i insetall it10:22
ikoniasubdolus: rm -rf *.html10:22
andreas__install but i just need th windows to be minimized like that10:22
KaiIf you don't have it10:22
Kaiterminal sudo apt-get install gcc10:23
Kai....sorry wrong window :P10:23
ActionParsnipbluvio: sudo apt-get install libapache-mod-ssl10:23
sauvinsudo apt-get install hot_babes10:23
Kai:( can't find it, sauvin xD10:23
ActionParsnipbluvio: try tab completing the name10:24
sauvinStory of my life.10:24
subdolusikonia: not working10:24
ikoniasubdolus: please don't say things like that10:24
ikoniasubdolus: in what way ?10:24
bluviosubdolus: try "man rm". Something like "rm -R *.html" perhaps? Be careful with "rm" though ... get your "undelete" kit handy, just in case...10:24
Jordan_Uikonia: Please don't suggest using rm -f unless you know it's necessary10:24
ikoniaJordan_U: it is10:24
Jordan_Uikonia: Sorry then :)10:24
bunnytoikonia: is my girl10:24
brandonmpacerm -r *.html  subdolus10:25
ikoniabunnyto: what ?10:25
sauvinSuggestion: make a copy of the entire tree you're going to be working with, experiment with rm on that tree.10:25
subdolusikonia: well there are still .html files in some of the lover files10:25
sauvinOn the copies, that is.10:25
ikoniasubdolus: ahhh sorry, you want to go into directories10:25
deepak_if my dpkg is incrupted what can id10:25
subdolusyer.. ie recursively10:25
deepak_i do10:25
=== m0r0n is now known as lastman
ikoniasubdolus: something along the lines of find will do it find . -name '*.html' -exec {rm -r}10:25
KaiAnyone good with Ubuntu "WINE" app?10:25
ikoniaKai: wine is nothing to do with ubuntu10:26
sauvinIf you JUST want .html files removed, maybe you could do something like find ./ -type f | grep "\.html" | xargs rm10:26
subdoluscan anyone help me with the correct answer?10:26
ActionParsnipKai: whats your issue?10:26
brandonmpacesubdolus: rm --recursive10:26
Jordan_U!ask | Kai10:26
ubottuKai: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)10:26
mous16hi to all. what is ubiquity?10:26
ikoniaKai: you'll find wine support in #wine-hq10:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubiquity10:26
ActionParsnip!info ubiquity10:26
ubottuubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 1.8.12 (hardy), package size 2355 kB, installed size 8392 kB10:26
KaiIkonia, I know, but it can be used in Ubuntu, which i what I am using, Thought it might be a bit different for every distro10:26
ikoniaKai: no, it's the same application10:27
ikoniaKai: generic wine help/lessons/support can be found in #wine-hq10:27
subdolusbrandonmpace: thats not doing the job either10:27
mous16ActionParsnip: so, it's the graphical installer of ubuntu?10:27
Kaiikonia: There is no one in #wine-hq10:27
subdolussays it cant find any index.html's10:27
ActionParsnipKai: any open source program can run on any other as long as you can satisfy the dependancies10:27
bluvioActionParsnip: thx. I get ... Package libapache-mod-ssl is not available, but is referred to by another package.10:27
bluvioThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source10:27
bluvioE: Package libapache-mod-ssl has no installation candidate     [... sorry for mini-flood here]10:27
ikoniaKai: #winehq sorry10:27
deepak_if my dpkg is incrupted then what can i do10:27
ActionParsnipmous16: thats what it say, i guess so10:27
brandonmpacemous16: yes it is.10:28
mous16brandonmpace: thank you!10:28
Kaiikonia, thank you10:28
brandonmpacemous16: you´re welcome10:28
ActionParsnipbluvio: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68295710:29
ghaleb_hello, I'm trying to get freeradius source, but a building errors appeared: E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes10:29
ghaleb_how can I see details ?10:29
ikoniaghaleb_: build it outside of a deb first to debug it10:30
ActionParsnipghaleb_: what are you compiling with (the command)10:30
* Kondensuotas_pie rytukas ;)10:31
Malformationhey can one of you guys help Cheeky?10:31
DuKeShey guys, in rhythmbox, how do i stop monitoring a folder? Before i decided that i wanted to make ubuntu my main OS i chose "import folder" within rhythmbox's file menu and imported my MY MUSIC folder from windows partition which is where all my music is at. Now, i've copied the contents from that music folder over to my home/music folder and everytime i mount my windows HDD partition rhythmbox loads each song twice...i need to get it to stop reading that MY M10:31
MalformationI can't hlep him with port forwarding10:31
ikoniaMalformation: help with what ?10:31
Malformationhe doesnt really understand me10:31
Malformationand his router is a bit harder to use than most.10:31
ikoniaMalformation: ther is no-onei n the channel called cheeky10:31
Malformationyeh there is10:32
MalformationI'm talking to him now10:32
Malformationand i can see him10:32
Malformationin the channel10:32
ikoniaMalformation: I can see him now10:32
FloodBot3Malformation: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:32
Cheekyikonia: i am trying to port forwrd transmission to a specific port but its closed how do i check wat ports are open on my machine i.e available to assign transmissons ..10:32
brandonmpacegotta go get some sleep, as it is 4:30 here.  see you later all!10:32
Malformationwow i type so fast i get a warning10:32
bluvioActionParsnip: thx. for the link. sounds like my problem exactly ...10:32
brandonmpacesee you all later*10:32
ikoniaCheeky: your machine has nothing to do with port forwarding - your router will define what's open/shut10:32
mistformActionParsnip, i found it. /dev/input/js010:32
sauvinMalformation, anybody can dance on the ENTER key and get that warning, it doesn't mean you're such a fast typer. You just need to aggregate your thoughts better.10:33
DuKeSCheeky: transmission set up an open port for itself for my machine...didn't it do that for you?10:33
ActionParsnipmistform: did lshw help?10:33
ActionParsnipmistform: oh well, you got to the goal which is sweet10:33
CheekyDuKeS: yeah it did.. but the problem is its daam slow !10:33
mistformi installed a joystick calibration program, and it found and listed the place :)10:33
DuKeSCheeky: might be the torrent? did you try a different torrent with more seeds?10:34
lastmanHi, I would like to mount a directory with the ci-filesystem (cifs), but I get an error message: CIFS VFS: No username specified CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -22. I ve created an credential file with my username. The statement in fstab is //ip-address/daten /home/tbarth/netdrive cifs rw,noauto,credentials=/etc/cred_domain,domain=domain.biz,uid=tbarth 0 0 Any idea to fix it?10:34
Malformationit's got nothing to do with the torrents10:34
Malformationit's just his router and port forwarding10:34
brandonmpacemistform do lshal10:34
ikoniaMalformation: so he needs to get router support then10:34
CheekyDuKeS: yeah i did ..and then..it suddenly goes idler and then conencts back again .. maybe it was a bad tracker .. but i have no idea wat to do so i thought if i  could try the port forwarding thing10:34
DuKeSCheeky: try http://portforward.com/10:34
brandonmpaceikonia: yes10:34
ghaleb_ActionParsnip:  apt-src install freeradius10:35
Malformationi think he has tried that DuKes10:35
MalformationHe can't understand it or something(not being rude or anything)10:35
ikoniaCheeky: if you contact your router vendor or support forums you'll get better router support10:35
stormaníå ñà áóòàèòå å èìà çà ñè÷êè :)10:35
DuKeSweird...i used to have problems until i opened the ports through that website's tutorials10:35
Malformationcheeky did u visit my blog? I had a good tutorial on port forwarding10:35
JoshooaCheeky: What kind of router?10:35
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:35
ikoniagents could we please take the router support elsewhere10:36
Malformationhow do you know Cheeky isn't a lady?10:36
Malformationstereotyping are we? :P10:36
DuKeSJoshooa: that's what's so great about portforward.com it usually lists most known brands and gives you step by step directions with pictures:)10:36
CheekyJoshooa: net ghear wpn824v310:37
ghaleb_ActionParsnip: I'm trying to build FreeRadius+EAP/PEAP10:37
Cheekyyes iam one fine sexy lady !10:37
pabl0lastman, How does you're cred file looks like ?10:37
DuKeShey can anyone help me with my rhythmbox problem that i mentioned? I want it to stop reading my windows partition (MY Music) folder10:37
twbIs there a way to list existing ufw rules in "ufw format", as opposed to the raw iptables-save format?10:37
mistformActionParsnip, i have more problems now lol. the controller won't recognize my D-pad inputs10:37
mistformall of the buttons work but the d-pad10:38
mistformit's a PS2 controller10:38
lastmanpabl0: username=t.barth and in the next line password=xxx10:38
ActionParsnipmistform: id have a look round, maybe you need some kernel modules10:38
pabl0lastman, are you able to mount it without the cred file ?10:38
B3z3rk3rgnite all 3am here.. need sleep!!!!10:38
ActionParsnipDuKeS: remove it from your library10:39
lastmanpabl0: hm, I ve to check it10:39
DuKeSActionParsnip: how? i don't see an option to remove folders10:39
LanlostI am going to have a panic attack!10:40
LanlostI have no idea why this happens.. Every once and a while when I go to double click on my USB Drive or NTFS drive from the file browser it says I don't have permissions to mount them10:40
ActionParsnipDuKeS: ive not used it but im guessing you can add folders to the library10:40
LanlostI don't understand.. I mean.. I can mount them from terminal10:40
Lanlostbut I don't understand why this happens sometimes. and why sometimes It just works10:41
Lanlosteverytime I boot I have to do it from the terminal.10:41
ActionParsnipLanlost: you could add the device to your fstab10:41
LanlostRight.. I could10:41
Lanlostbut I want to know what is making it do this10:41
lastman pabl0: Yes, I m able to mount it without the cred file, username and password in fstab10:41
ActionParsnipLanlost: then sudo mount -a will mount it10:41
LanlostI shouldn't have to hack a work around10:41
Lanlost.. I can mount it from the terminal already10:41
LanlostThe option is there to just right click -> mount volume.. or just simply double click10:42
pabl0lastman, well then there is something wring with the file10:42
pabl0did you check the perms ?10:42
LanlostI don't understand what permissions are beig changed that won't allow it to work10:42
Lanlostregardless.. that's not the main problem10:42
DuKeSActionParsnip: it's tricky, imported a folder into it before i had any media in my ubuntu partition...so i mounted my winxp partition and imported the my music folder and now everytime i got rhythmbox open and i mount the windows partition it automatically duplicates every song (1 from the ubuntu partition and 1 from windows)10:42
Lanlostthe thing that is giving me the panic attack is that I have a USB external hard drive that... for some odd reason won't mount anything except read only10:43
ActionParsnipLanlost: ive always done it that way so i cant personally advise, editing fstab is not a hack, it just ensures its automounted10:43
LanlostI'm doing sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/My\ Book/ -t vfat -o rw10:43
Lanlostis there something wrong iwht that?10:43
Lanlostyou are misunderstanding me man..10:43
Lanlostwhen I say fstab is a hack.. I mean in the sense that it is not the way that this should be working10:43
Lanlostso even though the fstab method is probably a better way to go anyway.. in this case things aren't working as they should10:44
LanlostBefore ubuntu.. I always used fstab and/or mounted manually from terminal.10:44
lastmanpabl0: The permission is 644 and owner is root.root. I tried to mount it as root10:44
LanlostIt works sometimes.. the question is. why not always? I can't figure out what 'permissions' are not correct10:44
Lanlostregardless.. what I need is to write to my USB hard drive..10:44
Lanlostwas there something wrong with that command I pasted or should that do the trick? I never had to specify rw10:45
Lanlost sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/My\ Book/ -t vfat -o rw10:45
pabl0lastman, include the x bit, also what's the location of the file , i'm using /root/.smbcredentials10:45
Lanlostand yes.. it is fat3210:45
ActionParsnipLanlost: then ive no diea, ive alwas fstabbed stuff. automount has never worked for me and im glad as if I dont want it mounted it isnt, control is good10:45
ikoniaLanlost: then you need to mount it as the user - not root, as fat32 doesn't support permissions10:45
NinjakoHi all. I need little help...10:45
LanlostIt doesn't auto mount..10:45
LanlostIt never has..10:45
ActionParsnipLanlost: if you dont specify rw then it will be owned by root and only root can write10:45
Lanlostit only mounts when you click on the drive10:45
Lanlostit's not auto mounted on boot10:46
Lanlostthis works by mounting only when you select the drive and either double click on it or right click -> mount volume10:46
lastmanpabl0:  Location is /etc/cred_domain -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 38 2008-09-22 11:42 /etc/cred_domain10:46
_LiNuX_how can do force quit manually?10:46
LanlostAll it does is the equivilent of mounting the drive from the terminal.. just automatically.. but only when you do it10:46
LanlostThus.. I have as much control as you do10:46
Lanlostwhen it works that is..10:46
pabl0lastman, try chmod 700 /etc/cred_domain10:46
NinjakoHow can i install Ubuntu on external HDD?10:46
Lanlostwhich was .. always... until a reboot10:46
Lanlostok.. so how do I do -o rw type command that allows anyone..not just root to read/write?10:47
ActionParsnipLanlost: automount means its mounted automatically, thats less control to me10:47
ActionParsnipLanlost: you'll need to add some UIDs10:47
LanlostNever once have I said I am using any sort of auto mount10:47
LanlostWhen you say auto mount.. you mean that it mounts automatically on boot right?10:48
Lanlostthats the only type of 'auto mounting' I've ever heard of anyone wanting/using10:48
ikoniaLanlost: auto mount can mean when you browse the device it mounts auto for you10:48
ActionParsnipLanlost: no, as soon as the device is connected its there and accessible10:48
ikoniaLanlost: automounting is not only boot10:48
LanlostOk.. well how does that give you less control10:48
mistformmaybe a boot mount he wants?10:48
ActionParsnipLanlost: i want to mount it when im good and ready10:48
mistformSystem > Preferences > Sessions10:48
LanlostActionParsnip.. That's not how it works10:48
Lanlostfrom the build of Ubuntu I have at least10:48
Lanlostwhen I connect the drive.. it is NOT accessable10:48
ikoniaLanlost: ok - so thats auto mounting10:49
Lanlostuntil I click on the drive and right click -> mount volume10:49
ActionParsnipLanlost: anyways you'll need to add some access IDs to allows users to write to it10:49
LanlostAlright.. thanks10:49
Lanlostgod only knows how shit like this breaks for no reason all of a suddon10:49
ActionParsnipLanlost: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19861410:50
LanlostId like to say user error10:50
scuseri all, can anyone tell me how to use .k5login to login without password ?10:50
Lanlostbut I honeslty can't think of anything I could have possibly done..10:50
ActionParsnipLanlost: you are using OSS, if it breaks you get both pieces, there are no garuntees10:50
Lanlostbeen using this install for a year+ and never had this problem10:50
subdoluscan anyone help me with the correct answer?10:50
subdoluswhats the easist way to delete every .html file in a dir, recursively?10:50
mIRC632ahi is there any italian can help me? i'm at first time with ubuntu10:51
LanlostOpen Sound System?..10:51
bullgard4One of my Ubuntu 8.04.1 computers has the inetd process running, another not. Why do I need the process inetd? Reading man inetd did not enlighten me.10:51
ActionParsnipsubdolus: find -name *.html -exec rm {} \;10:51
NinjakoCan anyone tell how to fix the Grub Error 21?10:51
ActionParsnipLanlost: open source software10:51
Joshooasub rm -r *.html  ?10:51
LanlostWell yeah10:51
MartinCzAnd now I am looking for some better panel for placing application icons which I use often... Any idea, experience? Thank you :)10:51
NinjakoCan anyone tell me how to fix the Grub Error 21?10:52
Lanlostsorry.. anytime I see OSS Its the common usage of it. I rarely see open source abbreviated as OSS. My bad10:52
Lanlostin the same way that .. when you said auto mounting.. I took it as.. the only way I've ever seen anyone use it10:52
MSI-Windssilly question, how do I know if le latest jave is installed in ubuntu ?10:52
ActionParsnipNinjako: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=6271710:52
LanlostLook sorry.. I've been using linux in various forms for years.. this is the ONLY thing that has consistently been a problem for me.10:53
LanlostEverything works great for months.. don't do anything differently.. all of a sudden something stops working10:53
LanlostNever had this problem with Windows.. although that may be one of the only positive experiences I've had with Windows in a long time10:54
Lanlostregardless.. I should have just used man.. thanks for the link though10:54
bunnytoLanlost: what wrong with Windows?10:54
LanlostNothing really10:54
LanlostI use XP on a daily basis.. I even use Vista on a semi daily basis10:54
ActionParsnipMSI-Wind: http://www.java.com/en/download/installed.jsp10:54
Zinnochi , i need C++ software for Linux ?10:55
MSI-WindActionParsnip thanks10:55
LanlostXP with sp2 is a pretty damn solid OS. Vista isn't nearly as bad as it is claimed to be.. As far as the usage of it. With about as much time as you spend setting up a new linux install.. you can have Vista working as good.10:55
edo32mbZinnoc>> gcc ?10:55
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents10:55
LanlostThe problem I've had with Vista has been after using it for a while.. after a period of time.. flaws that once seemed minor start to stick out and ruin the experience10:55
ActionParsnipLanlost: getting a bit offtopic now10:55
Lanlost... He asked me. I replied10:55
lovebug356What is the clean way to edit /etc/gnome/defaults.list to register a mime/.desktop relation? or is it save to just edit the script in a postinst script from a deb-package10:56
LanlostIt wasn't as if I was going to blab on about it for an hour. Not necessary to tell me something I already know10:56
waanI use a browser to read my e-mail, but would like my mail led to flash when I've got new mail, can anybody suggest a way for me to do this, if possible without using evolution/thunderbird.10:56
JoshooaI can instlal Ubuntu and be up and running with everything I need before Windows XP will even be booted up for the first time10:57
bunnytoLanlost: try win95 i heard is the Holy Grail10:57
mIRC632ai have installed ubuntu 8... my pc have ati 7500 radeon how i can centre the image displayed on monitor?10:57
Lanlost... That's not really funny. Even as a joke =P10:57
bunnytomIRC632a: envyng10:57
bullgard4Ninjako: Try to find the answer in http://www.lrz-muenchen.de/~bernhard/grub.pdf10:57
Lanlost'twas never a good OS. It blew my mind the first time I used it though10:57
LanlostAh.. the days of upgrading to 8mb of ram10:57
Ninjakobullgard4: thanks10:58
mIRC632abunnyto i have at first expiernce with ubuntu so i don't understand what u say10:58
jussi01!ot | landorindustries10:58
ubottulandorindustries: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:58
jussi01!ot | Lanlost10:58
ubottuLanlost: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!10:58
ActionParsnipmIRC632a: you may need to change your refresh rate10:58
crogue5Lanlost: I have a Linux box I use daily and it has been running and rarely updated for about 9-10 months and nothing has messed up on it, the only common dinominator in your problem with Linux is you.....10:59
lastmanpabl0: It doesnt work with credential file, I set the username and password in fstab, I dont have too much time to fix that , thanks for your help10:59
athleoneHow do I add ROMs to kxmame?10:59
MindSparkhi, is there a way to make install and create a deb package along, so I can uninstall using apt-get ?10:59
firestormHi. When reading /etc/fstab everything is in UUID format...How can I know what this maps to in terms of /dev/sdX ?10:59
mistformmaybe the dual shock analog controller is under another module?11:00
ActionParsnipathleone: i think you add them to /usr/share/games/kxmame (or symlinks)11:00
waanfirestorm, use vol_id to find out what the UUID of each disk is11:00
mistformwell, it sees my D-pad as an axis, not a regular button11:00
ActionParsnipmistform: i couldnt tell you, ive never used it11:00
_LiNuX_how can do force quit manually?11:00
MindSpark_LiNuX_, kill11:01
RoflCoptrkill -9 111:01
crogue5Or kill -911:01
athleoneActionParsnip: Hi! Also, I will try that :)11:01
_LiNuX_how i do taht?11:01
varunnguys whats a good graphics card (performance) and works perfectly with ubuntu?11:01
giacomobuon giorno11:01
bunnytovarunn: triden 4mb ISA11:02
crogue5New nvidia11:02
athleoneActionParsnip: can't find it.11:02
ActionParsnipvarunn: any mid range nvidia card11:02
firestormwaan: excellent ... ls /dev/disk/by-uuid works for me as well11:02
philippevarunn, older ATI or recent intel11:02
bunnytonvidia 9980 GHX11:02
waanfirestorm, that too11:02
philippeStay away from Nvidia as they are the only ones not giving out specs now.11:02
SD_QUESTION: when trying to ad a gmail account to gaim what protocol do i use?11:03
ActionParsnipathleone: cd /; find -name kxma11:03
varunnwell, like i just want on that works out of the box, mate got a 8800 but had soo many problems getting it to work11:03
Vezirin rhythmbox what is the command for next song, previous, and play/pause11:03
ActionParsnipSD_: xmpp11:03
waanI use a browser to read my e-mail, but would like my asus mail led to flash when I've got new mail, can anybody suggest a way for me to do this, if possible without using evolution/thunderbird?11:03
philippevarunn, do you plan to play games (eventually in windows) on the same box?11:04
Jordan_Uwaan: What webmail provider?11:04
ActionParsnipwaan: i dont think you are gonna get it without local storage11:04
waanJordan_U, gmail11:04
ActionParsnip!hcl > varunn11:04
ubottuvarunn, please see my private message11:04
waanActionParsnip, i was going to use fetchmail and imap but I don't think it works with gmail too well11:04
Jordan_Uwaan: There is a gmail-notifier, never tried it myself though11:05
ActionParsnipwaan: thunderbird does gmail great and gmail notifier as Jordan_U works ok, it will alert you and you cna open your webmail as usual11:05
matiuIs there a package that provides "sftp-server"11:05
=== |Mischa| is now known as le_mischa
athleoneActionParsnip: taking a long ass time :(11:06
waanJordan_U, yep I use that, but it doesn't allow for me to add command line output to it11:06
coolbhaviHow to get my wifi working properly? and i have a static ip on my dsl modem and can I use that address to connect to internet? I have a broadcom card11:06
ActionParsnipathleone: its searching all your files11:06
Jordan_Uwaan: IMAP works with gmail, just make sure it's enabled11:06
waanActionParsnip, thunderbird is the only one that supports the email led via a plugin11:06
bullgard4One of my Ubuntu 8.04.1 computers has the inetd process running, another not. Why do I need the process inetd? Reading man inetd did not enlighten me.11:06
erUSUL!broadcom | coolbhavi11:06
ubottucoolbhavi: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/Driver/Broadcom43xx11:06
athleoneActionParsnip I found something in /usr/games myself... it was called xmame, but it wasnt a dir.11:06
ikoniabullgard4: you don't "need" the inetd process, thats up to you if you want to use it, some applications such as telnet/mail/swat etc etc, can be wrapped with inetd to be "launch on demand"11:07
ActionParsnipathleone: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=57784111:08
bullgard4ikonia: Thank you for explaining.11:08
ActionParsnipcoolbhavi: so you connect to your modem via ethernet and that goes out to the www?11:09
athleoneActionParsnip I couldnt find the original xmame even when I searched add/remove programs.11:09
coolbhaviActionParsnip, any way round11:09
ActionParsnipathleone: sudo apt-get install xmame11:09
ActionParsnip!pppoe | coolbhavi11:10
ubottucoolbhavi: Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE11:10
ActionParsnipcoolbhavi: or buy a router11:10
coolbhaviActionParsnip, that I know11:10
coolbhavibut its not working in roaming mode11:11
bullgard4ikonia: Does your enumeration include wall?11:12
ikoniabullgard4: wall is not a damon11:12
athleone"E: Package xmame has no installation candidate11:12
athleone" ActionParsnip what does that mean?11:12
bullgard4ikonia: Does your enumeration include rwalld?11:13
=== snuxoll_ is now known as snuxoll
ikoniathats rpc, so no11:13
deepak_coolbhavi whats your problem11:13
bullgard4ikonia: Ok.11:13
ikoniabullgard4: that doesn't mean it's not possible11:13
ActionParsnipathleone: it means try command line11:13
athleoneActionParsnip: I got that message from the command line.11:14
ActionParsnipathleone: whats it say?11:14
athleone"E: Package xmame has no installation candidate" actionParsnip11:15
Jordan_Uathleone: try "xmame-x"11:15
athleone"warning: no mixer plugins available11:15
athleoneerror: unknown option -x11:15
ActionParsnipathleone: try sudo apt-get install xmame-sdl11:16
ActionParsnipathleone: always try tab completing package names11:16
athleoneActionParsnip: done11:16
ActionParsnipathleone: xmame-sdl /path/to/omanme.zip --fullscreen11:17
athleoneActionParsnip is there any way to connect xmame-sdl to kxmame?11:17
Vezirk so i set rhythmbox-client --next to f12, whu isn;t it working?11:17
waanActionParsnip, I suppose the easiest way is to have thunderbird running in background checking for new mail using imap, and just use the browser to read the mail11:18
ActionParsnipathleone: i tried but found running it from cli easier11:18
athleoneActionParsnip: "bash: xname-sdl: command not found11:18
qweqwehello. Does anyone know why it takes around 1 minute to show the (log off etc ...) dialog when I click Exit?11:18
waanActionParsnip, I just thought it might be possible without having a large e-mail client running11:18
ActionParsnipwaan: you need the gmail notifier11:18
purldhello, can anyone help? GParted is showing /dev/sda2 as an extended partition, and /dev/sda5 is a NTFS partition inside /dev/sda2.11:19
ActionParsnipwaan: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gmail-notifier-for-your-ubuntu-desktop.html11:19
waanActionParsnip, I already have that, it doesn't support any mail led's afaik11:19
MartinCzhi... in which directory are login themes xml files? (gnome)11:19
ActionParsnipwaan: use the screen instead of the led is all i can suggest11:19
ikoniaMartinCz: they are not11:20
purldI can still mount the NTFS partition. How do I set it back to primary? i.e. delete the extended partition?11:20
ikoniaMartinCz: do you mean gdm themes (I assume so)11:20
mib_2hal0yb1can anyone help me geting a usb2 pci card working?11:20
MartinCzi mean the theme which is used for the login screen...11:20
MartinCz(i am not sure, sorry)11:20
ikoniaMartinCz: are you using gdm or kdm ?11:20
ActionParsnipmib_2hal0yb1: does it show up in lspci?11:21
waanActionParsnip, ahhhh, nevermind it has a custom command support, I can write a simple blinkled script. THanks11:21
athleoneActionParsnip: What do I do now?11:21
ActionParsnipwaan: np man11:21
ActionParsnipathleone: id try man kxmame11:21
ikoniaMartinCz: if you look on gnome-look.org you'll find pre-packaged themes that you can drag and drop into gdm theme manager11:21
mib_2hal0yb1it show up but it dose not know how many ports11:21
waanActionParsnip, just got to figure out how to stop it blinking lol11:21
MartinCzikonia: yeah, but i don't want to install any, i'd just like to edit one...11:22
kibibyteis here any tool that i can submit html form from command line?11:22
deepak_is there any antivirus for ubuntu11:22
MartinCzikonia: and that's why i need to find the dir11:22
kibibyteMartinCz, ahojky11:22
ikoniaMartinCz: then it depends what part you want to edit as the themes are seperated out into many files11:22
MartinCzkibibyte: ahoj, zname se? :)11:22
Taiga-SKdeepak_, clam11:22
Ben_Cswhat's the difference between gtkpod and gtkpod-aac?11:22
waanActionParsnip, even more cool it has a nomail command also. Solved!11:22
ActionParsnip!antivirus | deepak_11:22
ubottudeepak_: antivirus is something you don't really need on Linux, unless you serve windows clients. ClamAV and aegis are decent linux virusscanners. Also see !linuxvirus11:22
MartinCzikonia: i'd like to make the font size smaller11:23
athleoneActionParsnip read it. And now totally confused.11:23
ikoniaMartinCz: launch gdm_manager and edit it11:23
Taiga-SKyou need antivirus. what about macro viruses and similar ones?11:23
ActionParsnipathleone: in what way?11:23
deepak_i dont have windows client11:23
Taiga-SKalos wine programs are vulnerable to wiruses11:24
MartinCzikonia: system -> administration -> login window?11:24
athleoneActionParsnip I checked the KDE-Help option, and its all techno speak :S11:24
ikoniaMartinCz: not sure I don't have an ubuntu box to hand to check, but I assume so11:24
MartinCzthere's just no font size selection in this11:24
ikoniaMartinCz: that may not be the right tool, I think it's gdm_manager11:24
ActionParsnipathleone: this may help https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kxmame/+question/636811:25
MartinCzikonia: i can see only gdmsetup11:26
deepak_i me wana add any application there is an there is an error appeared "dpkg is crupted" help me11:26
ActionParsnipdeepak_: what are you trying to install?11:27
scuserhi all, I've installed kerberos following the steps mentioned at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/kerberos.html, but I need to know how to login without password using .k5login file; any help ?11:27
athleoneActionParsnip: GAH. There. Is. No. Xmame. Folder. In. The. Games. Directory. THE HORROR! :-(11:28
ActionParsnipathleone: then make it11:28
athleoneActionParsnip: We do that/11:29
athleoneI didnt know, sorry.11:29
deepak_orca screen reader and magnifier11:29
deepak_i am having with all11:29
ActionParsnipdeepak_: does sudo apt-get -f install sort it11:30
deepak_here also same problem11:30
deepak_deepak@deepak-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get -f install sort it11:31
deepak_[sudo] password for deepak:11:31
deepak_E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:31
FloodBot3deepak_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:31
frank_just curious, prett new to ubuntu:   is there a easy to remove all unnecessary hardware support for my laptop in ubuntu?11:31
ActionParsnipdeepak_: then run sudo dpkg --configure -a11:31
frank_f.ex: i don't need all the support for all network drivers there is etc..11:31
ActionParsnipdeepak_: and use pastebin for large amounts of text11:31
ActionParsnip!paste | deepak_11:31
ubottudeepak_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:31
frank_like it was compiled for my laptop :)11:31
athleoneActionParsnip: I have added my pacman,zip into /usr/lib/games/xmame/roms. Now what?11:32
deepak_Reading state information... Done11:32
deepak_E: Couldn't find package sort11:32
deepak_now this appear11:32
ActionParsnipathleone: try running kxmame i guess, i dont know dude11:33
ActionParsnipdeepak_: again, USE PASTEBIN11:33
=== brucewilles is now known as inside-x
ActionParsnipdeepak_: sudo dpkg --configure -a11:34
athleoneActionParsnip: I checked the options of kxmame and I couldn't find an option to launch a game file..11:34
Commie_Caryhow come the ATI drivers mess up my X system asnd force my pc into low graphics mode11:35
cc0how come I can't execute BitchX from terminal by doing a ./BitchX ?  http://pastebin.com/d3454251a11:35
Jordan_Udeepak_: The command is "sudo apt-get -f install" not "sudo apt-get -f install sort it"11:35
cc0it says no file found11:35
ActionParsnipathleone: id go to the kxmame site to see how you use the software11:36
deepak_ok thanks i am done it11:37
athleoneActionParsnip: YEY I figured out the command to get xmame "“sudo apt-get install xmame-x xmame-sdl"11:37
ActionParsnipdeepak_: if yoiu'd read the first paste you did it told you how to remedy it11:37
athleoneActionParsnip that should be correct right?11:37
ActionParsnipathleone: yeah11:38
cc0hmm, 64bit amd ubuntu can't run old 32bit stuff like bitchx?11:38
athleoneActionParsnip: wheeeeee :D11:38
ActionParsnipcc0: it can if you install 32bit libs11:38
ActionParsnipcc0: is there no 64bit bitchx?11:38
cc0do you know how I might go about that?11:39
Commie_Carycc0: why use BitchX, just use Xchat or Konversation11:39
athleoneActionParsnip ****!!! The graphical frontend doesnt support my architechture.11:39
cc0I'm on xchat now, but I prefer the old terminal look11:39
cc0there is no 64bit bitchx that I can see11:39
cc0but I shall google it again11:39
ActionParsnipcc0: sudo apt-get install bitchx11:40
ActionParsnipathleone: then you need the one for yur architecture11:41
cc0no such pack11:41
ActionParsnipathleone: kxmame is in repos11:42
=== Lockdown is now known as Xax
ActionParsnip!info kxmame11:42
ubottukxmame (source: kxmame): A KDE frontend for xmame emulator. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.0~beta-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 378 kB, installed size 1536 kB11:42
=== Xax is now known as ZachD
pajamian!info bitchx | cc0 ActionParsnip11:43
ubottucc0 actionparsnip: Package bitchx does not exist in hardy11:43
MilosI'm a little confused. I get this when I reload bind9: dumping master file: /var/bind/tmp-XXBZzgMs7l: open: permission denied - and - failed while receiving responses: permission denied11:44
ZachDwhere can I get some help with a java prog?11:44
ActionParsnipZachD: /j #java11:44
ZachDtried it11:44
lastmanI ve set the locals to ISO-8859-15 by locale-gen de_DE@euro, but the LANG-Variable still echos de_DE.UTF-8 Do I have to restart my system or do I have missed something?11:44
ZachDwon't let me in11:44
ActionParsnipZachD: its ##java11:45
ZachDit says I need to be identified11:45
ZachDand I am11:45
ZachDbut I just joined about 30 seconds ago11:45
=== L is now known as Guest158
jareth_when running hp-check i get the following error: p-check[11996]: warning: Invalid drv_dir va11:45
jareth_lue: /usr/share/cups/drv/hp/11:45
ActionParsnipZachD: then register your nich11:45
ZachDI did11:45
ActionParsnip!identify | ZachD11:45
ubottuZachD: You can identify automatically by using your NickServ password as the server password in your IRC client. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, or a typo may give away your password. If that happened, type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.11:45
ZachDI'm not new to IRC11:45
ZachDjust this server11:45
ZachDI did, I'm logged in and identified11:45
ActionParsnipZachD: if you were identified itd let you in11:46
jareth_any idea? hplip is installed, printing and scanning with my Photosmart C6280 works but howcome this error?11:46
ZachDActionParsnip, -NickServ- You are already logged in as ZachD.11:46
ZachD* ##java :You need to be identified to join that channel11:46
ZachDns has me identified11:46
pajamianit appears that bitchx was actually removed for hardy11:46
ZachD##java is like "hell no"11:46
Dave2ZachD: you need to confirm your e-mail address.11:47
ZachDI did that11:47
ZachDoh there we go11:48
ZachDwent through11:48
ZachDthanks Dave211:48
ActionParsnipZachD: well theres somethig you havent done or you'd be in11:48
athleoneUbuntu crashed on me!!11:48
athleoneAnd when I restarted, everything was lost!!!11:48
dkjahjkajfhshi all, i have installed Ubuntu on external HDD but now i can't run it, my BIOS don't have option to boot from USB :[ what can i do?11:49
athleoneMust.... Strangle... Tux!!11:49
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: try a bios update, you wont be able to boot from usb if your bios doesnt support it11:49
DIFH-icerootif "ufw" is not loaded, is there another program which can disable port "514" by an default installation? or is this a firewall in the network?11:50
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: you could boot from floppy disk to bootstrap the usb to boot11:50
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: i don't want to use floppy disk :C i'll try to update my BIOS11:50
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: thanks11:51
pajamiancc0: bitchx was removed from the repos for hardy because it is no longer being developed.  irssi is recommended as a replacement: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-November/002726.html11:51
DyllanHi all.11:51
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: if you cant boot from bios, ten you'll have to11:51
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: its just to load the bootloader, aftr that its usb drive all the way11:51
pajamian!info irssi | cc011:51
ubottucc0: irssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB11:51
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: ya, but will i have to do this every time?11:52
DyllanCan somebody explain how i would go about setting up my SHELL to be color coded, meaning that if i vi a file for example its broken down into different colors depending on the script, or is i ls -l directories and coloured differently to files, im ssh into my ubuntu server, right no it looks very bland - thanks!11:52
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: yes everytime you boot11:52
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: :(11:52
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: its your hardware limiting you11:52
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: not all boards support usb booting11:53
ikoniaDyllan: thats normally setup by default with things like /etc/dircolors11:53
kibibytecurl -vF 'j_username=admin&j_password=adminadmin'  http://localhost:5858/j_security_check?loginButton=Login11:53
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: ya, my laptop is old one :}11:53
kibibytewgy it doesnt loginto my page11:53
ikoniaDyllan: you need to make sure you login with a loging shell so your bashrc and the like are sourced11:53
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: thats why11:53
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: i know11:53
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: they may have kicked out a bios that does, if not its floppy for you11:53
cowsongDyllan, if you vi a file, the colouring is a function of vi, not the shell. Try ":syntax on" inside vi11:54
dkjahjkajfhsActionParsnip: okay, but first i'll try to upgrade my bios and if that did't work i'll use the fdd11:54
Dyllanikonia; ok, i think i follow, i use putty at the moment to ssh in, my gentoo server is all color but ubuntu not, so you saying i have to edit bashrc and dircolors to get what i want?11:54
ActionParsnipdkjahjkajfhs: make sure its the right bios or your system will never boot11:54
Tidusdkjahjkajfhs: i once had an old compaq laptop that wouldn't even boot from the CD11:54
Tidusdkjahjkajfhs: i had to use a boot floppy to force it to load the cd11:55
dkjahjkajfhsTidus: :X11:55
xbxbxbI'm using gnome. Is there a chance that thumbnails or histories of used files are stored outside of my home folder (since only my home folder is encrypted and I don't want to be every history of file names or thumbnails to be either encrypted or deleted)?11:55
ikoniaDyllan: I'm saying you need to make sure your profile is sourcing yoru bash rc as a login shell11:55
Dyllancowsong: thank you :syntax on worked for vi11:55
* ActionParsnip has a dell lat d420 with detachable cd tray, im screwed if i lose it11:55
dkjahjkajfhsok BRB to check mi bios version :D11:55
xbxbxbI want every history*11:55
Dyllanikonia: ok thank you let me investigate further - many thnx11:55
athleoneActionParsnip, This is so hard to use, I know understand why some people dont like linux.11:55
ikoniaDyllan: no problem11:55
cowsongDylan, yw11:56
Tidusxbxbxb: i believe that everything like that is stored inside your home folder11:56
xbxbxbTidus: OK11:56
Tidusseeing as a regular user doesn't have write access anywhere else... other than /tmp11:56
LanlostHey guys, you know how you said -o rw only lets root read/write/11:56
LanlostCouldn't I just technically do that and then open up the file browser with sudo..11:56
ActionParsnipathleone: thats just one app, you could make a script to run the game and take an argument of the path to the rom11:57
LanlostI mean just as a temporary fix. Sorry. I fell asleep11:57
xbxbxbTidus:  you can easily circumvent that by simply taking out the HDD and use proper hardware. Setting permissions won't protect.11:57
Lanlostbtw.. where did ActionParsnip come from?11:57
ActionParsnipathleone: i wouldnt dislike a whole operating system because a single app was giving me grief11:57
ActionParsnipLanlost: uk ;)11:57
=== Lanlost is now known as InactiveRhubarb
ActionParsnipInactiveRhubarb: you could but you need to use gksu11:58
Tidusxbxbxb: i know.  I've used a knoppix cd to recover data from crashed linux systems and windows systems alike11:58
InactiveRhubarbI know what the UK is.. I'm just trying to see the connection11:58
inertialhow do i get the C stdlib man pages in ubuntu?11:58
ActionParsnipInactiveRhubarb: uk == united kingdom11:58
Dyllanikonia: You were correct, i uncommented a line in my ~/.bashrc which if capable would display colours, thanks again, always good to learn something new.11:58
InactiveRhubarbAlright.. that will work11:58
InactiveRhubarbI know what the UK is man..11:58
InactiveRhubarbI was just missing the connection11:58
=== InactiveRhubarb is now known as Lanlost
ActionParsnipInactiveRhubarb: then why say uk?11:58
xbxbxbTidus:  OK, what I meant is *real* security in the sense that noone can recover that data without a password11:58
ikoniaDyllan: glad your working11:58
ActionParsnipLanlost: gotca11:58
Lanlostbecause I asked you where the name came from.. and you said UK.. and I trying to see... oh ok11:58
Tidusxbxbxb: that's what the encryption is for. even if they put the disk in another machine itd be useless without the key11:58
LanlostWow.. are Americans perceived as being that dumb by the rest of the world?.. Really?11:59
ActionParsnipLanlost: id mount with user writability so you reduce your activities with sudo / gksu11:59
xbxbxbTidus:  yes11:59
ActionParsnipLanlost: some are11:59
DyllanI have another question regarding the Squid Access file /var/log/squid/access.log I see it is owned by proxy:proxy and i am unable to 'cd' into that directory, i do use 'sudo' but still no luck, i want to be able to tail -f this file, is it not allowing me access because it it owned by proxy:proxy? thanks11:59
LanlostRight.. I will do that.. I just literally need to copy one file and I'm done11:59
Lanlostthats why this is such a frustrating problem for me right now11:59
LanlostWhen I don't need it.. it just works12:00
Lanlostwhen I've got a real important document .. nope12:00
ActionParsnipLanlost: murphy's law eh12:00
Lanlostand I'm dipping donuts in half and half because I ran out of milk =(12:00
linch4-- can someone help me with setting up my w-lan on a thinkpad? --12:00
LanlostI tried diluting it with a bit of water and added suger12:00
MilosCommand to empty a file?12:03
ActionParsnipMilos: rm /path/to/file touch /path/to/file12:04
papyromancerI've gone through the goog and the book, but I'm having trouble getting outside network access to this samba share (local subnet access is great) there's no firewall installed (it think) on this (ubuntu) system, router is setup to DMZ to this server. I can ssh from client to server and vice versa. I try the 'echo "hello" telnet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 139' to the server from the client and get "telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out"12:04
ActionParsnipMilos: put a ; btween file and touch12:04
imuracan some one please tell me how to install flash playewr in xubuntu12:06
ActionParsnipimura: 32bit or 64bit linux?12:06
ActionParsnipimura: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree12:07
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imurai will try it12:07
CorruptI am looking for a command (or something) that will show in the terminal what all the commands that programs are doing. For example when you open up firefox it puts something like ./firefox start and then when it terminates the program, it shows the command line version of that.12:07
ghaleb_guys please help, I GIVE UP, I'm trying to rebuild freeradius from source to include rlm-eap-tls for EAP . but still the same problem !12:08
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ActionParsnipCorrupt: "command line version of that" what do you mean?12:09
pajamianCorrupt: ps uax12:09
Zirodayghaleb_: which is?12:09
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CorruptPajamian: what?12:10
pajamianCorrupt: you wanted a command to show everything that is running?12:10
ghaleb_Ziroday: rlm_eap: Failed to link EAP-Type/tls: rlm_eap_tls.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory12:11
CorruptPajamian: Kind of.....you thinking more along the line of running processes, i am looking for a command that will show me what commands are being executed by all applications. Kind of what commands are running though the kernel12:11
ActionParsnipCorrupt: ps -ef will show that12:12
pajamianCorrupt: you mean you want the program to spit out a line whenever a process is started and spit out another line when one ends?  I don't know of such a program off the top of my head.12:12
pajamianghaleb_: did you install the build dependancies for freeradius?12:13
Zirodayghaleb_: from what I can tell you are missing a package, not sure what though. Go ask in the programs respective channel12:13
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ghaleb_pajamian: yes12:13
pajamianghaleb_: then you're probably missing some other package that is not in the normal build dependancies.12:14
ghaleb_Ziroday: openssl, I installed it12:14
DyllanWould anyone have an idea why i cannot access /va/log/squid/access.log using sudo? It wont even let me 'cd' into the directory, the DIR is owned by proxy:proxy - thanks12:15
ghaleb_pajamian: Ziroday : please follow this link  http://www.backports.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47880412:15
ActionParsnipDyllan: add your username to the proxy group12:15
Corruptpajamian: Yeah, so if i have a terminal open and i open up firefox by clicking on the icon, the terminal will display a line with the command line equivalent to open firefox12:15
CorruptPajamian: and when anything happens basically, so if firefox opens a port, and command line equivilate is shown, or prehaps mirc / torrent application / openoffice etc12:17
DyllanActionParsnip, great, thanks very much.12:17
ActionParsnipCorrupt: you could make a script for each app to first echo to the terminal, then execute the app12:17
CorruptActionParsnip: arh no i cant. I only know the basics of command line.12:18
pajamianCorrupt: the only thing I can think of would be a script that polls the ps command and displays a diff from the last one.12:18
PiciCorrupt: htop may have a column for what you are looking for...12:19
remuhey guys, im trying to get my wireless working on hardy, the intel wifi link 5100, I have followed this guide before: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=879134&page=2 post 62, and gotten it to work, however, i am at school and cant plugin to ethernet right now to do "sudo apt-get install build-essential"12:19
remuis there a way for me to get the required files onto my flash drive, and do it that way? since i have internet access on my vista machine, are there debs or something?12:20
dinesh_i am having problem with wireless12:20
remudinesh, whats the problem?12:21
HttpErrorremu: a frien of mine has the Exact same problem.12:22
dinesh_remu: my nic is broadcom94311mcg and i am not having  the driver12:22
pajamianremu: how does your vixta machine connect?12:22
remuHttpError: what, no internet access and need to get build-essential, or just cant get that wireless card working?12:22
ActionParsnipdinesh_: you could use ndiswrapper12:22
remuit connects using vista12:22
remui meant, it connects using the wireless12:23
pajamianremu: does it have an ethernet port on it?12:23
remuim on the vista install right now12:23
CorruptPici: yeah kind of, but i have no idea how to use it. How do i echo these applications that was mentioned before12:23
ActionParsnipremu: id use ndiswrapper + xp driver if you are using broadcom12:23
remuyes it does have an ethernet port on it, but i dont have access to ethernet till i get home (like another 10 hours)12:23
HttpErrorremu: both i think12:23
dinesh_actionparsnip: i got the link for ndiswrapper on rapidshare but is not working suggest some other link12:24
pajamianremu: is the vista box different from the box with ubuntu, or is it the same computer?12:24
alex_jHi. I got a Intel D101GGC mainboard with IXP SB400 Serial ATA Controller. When accessing the DVD drive the whole machine stutters. I cannot see anything DMA related in hdparm. Any ideas?12:24
PiciCorrupt: I don't know, sorry.12:24
remuActionParsnip, I'm using intel wifilink 5100, i have gotten it working before but in order to get it working i need to do "sudo apt-get install build-essential"12:24
remupajamian, same machine12:24
ActionParsnipdinesh_: why rapidshare, ndiswrapper is on the install media and guides are in great abundance online12:24
ActionParsnipremu: you get your install cd?12:24
remuno i dont12:25
pajamianremu: ahhhh, never mind then.  If it's just 10 hours till you get home and can do it from there I would just wait until you get home.12:25
madrazralex_j: even I have the same problem in Hardy, I have been reporting it since the Hardy release, but in vain, I am fedup with Ubuntu these days12:25
ActionParsnipremu: or you could download to your windows partition then copy over to linux12:25
dinesh_ActionPArsnip: plz give me the link12:25
remuyea, thats what i was thinking12:25
remui gotta download the whole iso eh?12:25
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | dinesh_12:25
ubottudinesh_: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:25
ActionParsnipremu: no just the build-essential deb file12:25
remuthats what i was after12:25
remudidnt know where to look for it12:25
hejuxi rebuild my xchat ,and it seems run more fater ...12:25
pajamianremu: you can download individual packages and use dpkg to install them, but you have to know all the right dependancies, etc.12:26
remudid a google search, but that wasnt too helpful....or maybe its too early in the morning12:26
ActionParsnipremu: www.google.com or www.ask.com are my recommendations12:26
remuwell, i went to http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/build-essential12:26
remuthat lists the dependencies, but i take it that each of those things will probablly link to more12:26
pajamianremu: possibly12:26
dinesh_ActionParsnip: i ownloaded the broadcom driver but the size of the file is just 195kb so, i am not sure is it full file or not12:27
ActionParsnipremu: you on 64bit or 32bit?12:27
remuI went to http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/build-essential12:27
pajamianremu: if you download it and try to install them dpkg will tell you what is missing.  You can do it that way, it may take a few tries, though.12:27
ActionParsnipdinesh_: as long as its the xp driver its fine12:27
remuat the bottom, I clicked "amd64" and clicked on a server, and downloaded the deb12:27
remuI take it I will need to download the debs for the dependencies as well/12:28
dinesh_ActionParsnip: i am using windows vista12:28
pajamianremu: those you don't already have installed, yes.12:28
remuhmmm, alright12:28
mistformActionParsnip, does his nic count as a bcm43xx?12:28
remuand what command should I use?12:28
pajamianremu: to install?12:28
pajamianremu: sudo dpkg -i filename12:29
ActionParsnipmistform: no idea12:29
remuit might be easier for me to download the iso of ubuntu, mount it, and then use that as a repo....build essential is on the install disc, correct?12:29
remupajamian, thanks12:29
linch4My W-Lan seams to be configured correctly, but I still cannot connect to the internet? How can I test my w-lan card?12:29
alex_jHi. I got a Intel D101GGC mainboard with IXP SB400 Serial ATA Controller. When accessing the DVD drive the whole machine stutters. I cannot see anything DMA related in hdparm. Any ideas?12:29
ActionParsnipremu: sudo dpkg -i debfile.deb12:29
pajamianremu: I don't know if build essential is on the install disk, I never really paid much attention to that to be honest.12:29
dinesh_ActionParsnip: on the link u send me on ubuntu there are number of driver whichone is suitable for me broadcom bcm94311mcg12:30
pajamiandinesh_: have you tried using the restricted driver manager?12:30
ActionParsnipdinesh_: get the one from the manufacturers website12:30
remuoh, its on the cd12:30
remufor future reference, I found this, should googled it right off the bat, lol12:31
pajamianremu: then I'd use the CD as a repo.12:31
mistformMy keyboard doesn't repeat anymore!!12:31
dinesh_ActionParsnip:no i had not tried restricted driver manager12:31
imuracan someone tell me how to install a nvidia agp-7100 in ubuntu12:31
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ActionParsnipdinesh_: try it, if you get no joy id use ndiswrapper12:31
pajamiandinesh_: before you run around trying to find the driver yourself I would try the restricted driver manager.12:32
ActionParsnipimura: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx12:32
=== dskcjdc is now known as HttpError
dinesh_Actionparsnip: ok i am trying12:32
remupajamian, ActionParsnip, do you guys know if it is possible to add a mounted iso of the install disk as a repo?12:32
pajamiandinesh_: System / Administration / Hardware Drivers12:32
remuI don't have CDs with me, just my flash drive12:32
pajamianremu: I would think so, but I don't know for sure.12:33
ActionParsnipremu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7659212:33
k0deHi. I have a dvd VIDEO_TS folder here. If i want to burn it off to a DVD to play in normal DVD players, is it as easy as turning it into an ISO?12:33
ActionParsnipk0de: i believe you can just bun the video_ts to the disk and it will work12:34
pajamianremu: I would try copying the deb line in the sources.list file and changing the cdrom: to file:///path/to/mountpoint12:35
remusounds good folks, i'm gonna try this, in theory it should all work12:35
remuhmmm, alright12:35
dinesh_Actionparsnip: i am getting too much choice on the link u send so confused which one to download12:35
ActionParsnipremu: in theory, everything works12:35
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok is this a laptop or desktop12:35
airtonixk0de, best place to learn about dvd's and video is at doom9.org12:35
remuand that sources.list will be /etc/apt/sources.list12:35
remuActionParsnip, to true!12:35
pajamianremu: yes12:35
ActionParsnipremu: yes, edit it with gksu gedit12:35
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok what make and model laptop?12:36
heyuxiangPlease register with services and use the IDENTIFY command (/msg nickserv help) to speak in this channel12:36
airtonixk0de, which just happens to be dead.12:36
heyuxiangi have already registered and identified12:36
pajamiank0de: you can ususally just burn it directly to a data disk without needed to turn to iso first.12:36
heyuxiangbut i still can talk in that room12:36
ActionParsnipdinesh_: model please. HP make about a thousand different laptops12:36
dinesh_Actionparsnip: its a pavalion model dv 200012:37
dinesh_pajamian: can u tell me what is the size of ndiswrapper12:38
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok, go to www.hp.com and get the driver for that laptop12:38
Lanlostone more question12:40
dinesh_Actionparsnip:ok i am looking on www.hp.cm12:40
Lanlostif I am writing a bash script.. What do I do to deal with commands that need to be ran with sudo?12:40
_panebi have a UUID in my fstab for one of my external disks. when i mount the partition, i cannot execute any scripts that are on it, even though i have a bunch of mount options: rw,noauto,user,suid,exec12:40
ActionParsnipdinesh_: if you are on 64bit get the 64bit drivers12:40
LanlostFor instance.. if I want to run iwconfig or something.. but I want the command tobe accessable to regular users12:40
airtonixk0de, hasnt died...i just didnt use proper url : http://www.doom9.org/ ... good place for learning about creating and ripping videos of all formats12:40
ActionParsnipLanlost: put sudo in the scrpt12:41
dinesh_Actionparsnip: i am on 32 bit12:41
_paneb'mount' does not even show the mount options12:41
Lanlost(I am writing a script to set eth0 for internet connection sharing to start once a wireless connection is enabled)12:41
LanlostRight Action.. but won't it ask for the password?12:41
LanlostI guess it would be a security risk any othe rway12:41
ActionParsnipor you could sudo run the script to grant access to the whole thing12:41
LanlostI was just hoping to have this be automatically ran12:41
Lanlostactually.. the program it will be ran from requires root access to run in the first place12:42
Lanlostif the program that calls the script is ran from root.. will it automatically have root access?12:42
Lanloster.. sudo access12:42
anarswhy does the default Ubuntu installation utilize two cronjob daemons and two sysloggers?12:42
ActionParsnipLanlost: yes12:42
Lanlostah.. 'neat'12:42
opt1ki have a dilemma, when i check the ubuntu repos for glut i get results for freeglut & glut3, with the description almost identical. so should i go with freeglut, or the original version, glut?12:42
ActionParsnipopt1k: if they are identical it doesnt matter12:43
ActionParsnip_paneb: mount only shows what is mounted12:43
ActionParsnip_paneb: id check how to edit fstab to allow user execution / ownership12:44
_panebActionParsnip, indeed, but when i mount the partition, i don't see the options from the fstab (which it shows for other partitions). and if i check in the volume properties from Gnome, they're not there either12:44
opt1kActionParsnip: well, the description that i get via apt-search are 99% identical... but i've never tried out glut so i don't really know what are pros&cons for freeglut&glut12:44
rdzhello everyone. i completely screwed my x window system. how can i start from scratch or use the default settings?12:44
HttpErrorhow do i tell what kernel i have>12:44
ActionParsnipopt1k: only thing i can suggest is to try one for a while then try the other12:44
PiciHttpError: uname -a12:44
anarsopt1k: chances are one of them is a meta package. go with 'glut'12:44
HttpErrorah -a12:44
mtcageHey does anyone know what happend to RutilT (RT73 wireless interface application)? i cant seem to find it anywhere on the net and ive just upgraded my rt73 wireless driver would like to use that software again12:45
ActionParsnip_paneb: are you editing them as user or sudo?12:45
gigowhere can I download Ubuntu 8.04 DVD. http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download has only links for CDs.12:45
mistformHttpError, you should install ubuntu tweak. it is an easy to use ubuntu manager and will display info like that12:45
opt1kanars: kk, will try..12:45
dinesh_Actionparsnip:the website is asking which operating system u r using it has nothing related to ubuntu12:46
ActionParsnipgigo: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/hardy/release/12:46
ActionParsnipdinesh_: you are getting the driver for xp12:46
HttpErrormistform: not me: a friend12:46
mistformHttpError, tell him, then. sudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak.12:46
gigoActionParsnip: where did you get this link?12:47
gigois this link present anywhere in the Ubuntu website?12:47
ActionParsnipgigo: www.ask.com12:47
dinesh_ActionParsnip: i am using windows vista so after where i will install the driver12:47
hateballIs there an easy (preferably) way to throttle my ethernet speeds? I'd like to set different speeds for testing12:47
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ndiswrapper uses the xp driver more freidnlyer12:47
dinesh_Actionparsnip: no i am asking what to do after downloading12:48
HttpErrori dont see ubuntu tweak in the repos.12:48
IdleOneand you wont12:49
HttpErrorwhy not?12:49
IdleOneubuntu tweak is not supported.12:49
dinesh_Actionparsnip: i also got the option of downloading broadcom for vista so which to download xp or vista12:49
mistformHttpError, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/2008/01/22/ubuntu-tweak-has-repository-now.html12:49
ActionParsnipdinesh_: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper12:50
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper > ActionParsnip12:50
ubottuActionParsnip, please see my private message12:50
dinesh_Actionparsnip: whether i need to move it to home directory12:50
=== fazekasa is now known as nely
Verney_Wasethis fragment laptop has a 80gb hd but my couzin didn't defrag i don't think ever. 78% of it is fragmented. 4gb left...12:51
ActionParsnipdinesh_: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk12:51
HttpErrori had a comp: 1.2TB, didnt defrag, i just had to reformat it it was sooo bad.12:51
ActionParsnipdinesh_: xp 64bit12:51
opt1kis there a tool for svn like there's cervisia for cvs?12:52
ActionParsnipdinesh_: get the xp 64bit driver if you can12:52
Verney_Wasei thought it was his music dL but its only about 30gb of music and my doc stuffs.... the other 50 gb i think is fragments12:52
dinesh_Actionparsnip;i had downloaded with 32 bit12:52
_panebActionParsnip, sudo12:52
airtonixHttpError: hooray for linear & non-circular file storage systems12:52
PiciVerney_Wase: Is there an Ubuntu question in there?12:52
JackWinteram planning to buy a new keyboard/mouse.  how do all the extra logitech features work in hardy?  can you configure extra keys, mm keys, extra mouse buttons and wheels etc ?12:52
HttpErrorairtonix: indeed12:52
ActionParsnipdinesh_: ok if it doesnt work ou'll need to hunt for 64bit12:52
Verney_WasePici an installation of ubuntu will wipe up all the fragments correct?12:53
dinesh_Actionparsnip: i am asking whether i need to move the ndiswrapper o home directory or not12:53
ActionParsnipJackWinter: you can configure them12:53
PiciVerney_Wase: Are you planning on installing over Windows or next to Windows?12:54
ActionParsnipdinesh_: yea sure, and get it unzipped12:54
dinesh_Actionparsnip: also u sen me 2 commands which one to follow12:54
Verney_WasePici:  a clean istall delete the windows partition12:54
ActionParsnipdinesh_: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk12:55
PiciVerney_Wase: You'll be formatting the drive with a different filesystem, the fragmentation will be gone.12:55
mistformHttpError, sorry, you should change the "gutsy" to whatever version you're using.12:55
Verney_WasePici: oic! i was thinking i would have to go out and get another hdd. thanks!12:55
HttpErrormistform: wha?12:55
Verney_WasePici: now i understand....12:56
airtonixbtw i like how metacity can do compositing now...enabling me to use avant-window-navigator without compiz...=)12:56
mistformHttpError, that link i sent you was for gutsy, i meant to tell you to change the repo to hardy....12:57
mistformdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/tualatrix/ubuntu hardy main12:57
mistformrather than gutsy main...12:57
xmagixxi have mounted a ntfs drive and wrote it in my fstab, works fine with permissions, but as i wanted to change the label it writes that i should boot into windows twice as it is scheduled check, i dont have windows anymore, also should i be useing ntfs-3g to mount or just ntfs ?? my fstab is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/49268/12:58
mobodowhat should I read to learn how to configure how to map foo.mydomain.com to a specific port?12:58
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ActionParsnipmobodo: route would be good i guess12:59
xmagixxthis is the "error" i'm getting when i try to label my ntfs drive http://paste.ubuntu.com/49269/13:00
Guest85786I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 to a USB HDD using LiveUSB, however when I run LiveUSB, it is unable to find any USB drives.  I can "see" the drive in GParted and edit partitions accordingly.  When I create a mountable partition, the Live CD even automounts it (so there doesn't seem to be a problem with the drive).  Any ideas?13:00
ActionParsnipdinesh_: you got the app now?13:00
mobodoActionParsnip: thanks, as in routed?13:00
ActionParsnip!usb | Guest8578613:00
ubottuGuest85786: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:00
ActionParsnipmobodo: yeah, theres  a route command so you can add static routes13:01
Guest85786ActionParsnip - I've tried those methods13:01
Guest85786They do not work13:01
mobodoActionParsnip: thanks13:01
RediXeIs it possible to force an i386 deb package to install on 64 bit?13:02
ActionParsnipGuest85786: http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-usb-bar13:02
ikoniaRediXe: yes, but it probably won't work (depending on how it's setup)13:02
RootChaos' /etc/hosts file contains an entry. when i ping the name specified in /etc/hosts, it resolved correct. when i use the host <name>, it resolved the ip from my dns entries... is there any way i can make the host command not use dns lookups first, but rather files first ?13:02
Guest85786ActionParsnip: I've tried running the installer and selecting the external drive (at which point it boots as far as GRUB, then refuses to go any further, stating the file system couldn't be mounted)13:02
ActionParsnipRediXe: you need ia32 libs13:02
RediXeActionParsnip, have it installed already13:02
ikoniaRediXe: /etc/nsswitch.conf13:02
ikoniaRootChaos: /etc/nsswitch.conf13:02
Guest85786ActionParsnip: I'll read the second article you posted, thanks :)13:02
RootChaosi have this in nsswitch.conf : hosts: files dns13:03
ikoniaRootChaos: then it should do files then dns13:03
kingmilohi all.13:03
RootChaosnot working for some or other reason13:03
ikoniaRootChaos: is your hostname in the /etc/host file different from your dns name ?13:04
opt1ki have a problem with vim, when i hit CTRL+J on a tag it doesn't 'jump' to the selected tag but instead just drops a line below13:04
RootChaosikonia : names are the same, ip addresses differ13:04
DIFH-icerootif iptables --list show nothing and ufw is disabled,why can port 514 be blocked? hardware-firewall only? or can be another local setting?13:04
opt1kbtw how do i load up vim gui?13:04
kingmiloI have done an install on Ubuntu Server, now i am attempting to install gnome/desktop etc, my aim is to have a minimal installation without all the added extras that come with ubuntu-desktop, i dont need sound etc, is this logical?13:04
ActionParsnipkingmilo: indeed13:05
zxcvbnmis the 64bit edition just for a 64bit cpu or do you need it if you have a 64bit pci bus?13:05
hyperair_why does ubuntu server install lilo instead of grub when i use RAID-1?13:05
ActionParsnipzxcvbnm: you need a 64bit cpu13:05
FrogzooDIFH-iceroot: what's listening on port 514?13:06
DIFH-icerootFrogzoo: rsh (shell)13:06
kingmiloActionParsnip: Great. One strange error i am getting is when trying to install gnome # sudo apt-get install gnome - it moans about dependencies, i thought i would just pull them in? What am i missing?13:06
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: you can use netstat -a | grep 51413:06
FrogzooDIFH-iceroot: rshd is running?13:06
ActionParsnipkingmilo: ive not the foggiest, sorry13:07
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: nmap says this 514/tcp closed shell13:07
kingmiloActionParsnip: error is "the following packages have unmet dependencies"13:07
kingmiloahh ok np13:07
ActionParsnipkingmilo: you could see what it needs and pull those down13:07
FrogzooDIFH-iceroot: probly it's blocking on /etc/hosts.allow /etc/hosts.deny13:07
kingmiloActionParsnip: yes true, working on it - thnx13:07
DIFH-icerootFrogzoo: ok i will have a look13:08
nick_rivierahello. i ve a question :) if i have motherboard with pcie 1.0 slot and graphic card for pcie 2.0. it will work in "slower" 1.0 mode, right?13:08
Picinick_riviera: Not sure, ask in ##hardware13:08
nick_rivieraPici, aha thx;)13:08
ActionParsnipkingmilo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88637913:08
ActionParsnipdinesh_: gksu ndisgtk13:09
asygood night13:09
ionstorm66Anyone know how to install the ati drivers on ubuntu13:10
ActionParsnipionstorm66: a little13:10
D1sa5t3rnvidia ftw13:10
DasEi1 ionstorm66:from ati hp ?13:10
ActionParsnip+1 for nvidia13:10
asytry Systemv/hardware Driver13:10
ionstorm66Ive got an ati card, custom system13:10
ActionParsnipionstorm66: which ati?13:11
RediXeWhat is a good media player for xubuntu?13:11
ActionParsnipRediXe: mplayer13:11
DasEi1 ionstorm66:which card ? want to install prop. driver from ati-homepage ?13:11
RediXeActionParsnip, thx13:11
ionstorm66ive gott he dirvers form ati13:11
ionstorm66but they didnt install reight13:11
ActionParsnipRediXe: nice command line movie and mp3 player13:11
ionstorm66ubuntu isnt useing the ati driver13:11
ActionParsnipionstorm66: which card do you have?13:12
ionstorm66let me look13:12
DIFH-icerootFrogzoo: /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow are ok, also iptables and ufw13:12
ActionParsnipionstorm66: i thought you said it was custom, i figured you'd know13:12
RediXeActionParsnip, I just need need something to play some cd's ... XMMS didn't want to work, xfmedia locked up on me so mplayer it is13:12
kingmilomans thanks ActionParsnip13:12
ionstorm66a radeon13:12
DasEi1RediXe: try amarok13:13
ionstorm66it dosnt have it marked on the box which one13:13
ActionParsnip!xmms | RediXe13:13
ubottuRediXe: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.13:13
ionstorm66"radeon ve" is all it has13:13
legend2440ionstorm66: in terminal type    lspci | grep VGA13:13
jim_phello there!!!13:13
ActionParsnipionstorm66: run lspci, give us the single line about our ati card13:14
DasEi1 ionstorm66:which card ? >lshw, lspci,hwinfo13:14
ubottujim_p: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:14
rdzhi all. i don't get any image from video card, when x is running, only console is displayed correctly. what i can i do the fix X or use the 'factory' settings?13:15
jim_prdz: what gpu are you on?13:15
rdzsomehow it sees, that xorg.conf isn't read anymore.. or some parts of it are ignored13:15
Guest85786ActionParsnip: The instructions at the second link are exactly the same as those on the first13:15
rdzjim_p, geforce fx 520013:15
DasEi1rdz: backup xorg, then : sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg13:15
rdzDasEi1, thanks.13:16
RootChaosikonia : any ideas ?13:16
Guest85786ActionParsnip: I've tried all methods on the first page (excluding making a bootable USB drive from Windows) and none of them work13:16
FrogzooDIFH-iceroot: put ALL : ALL in /etc/hosts.allow, restart rshd & try again13:16
Guest85786ActionParsnip: The closest I have come is a GRUB screen with a reference to the install, however it then fails to mount the file system.13:16
philippeionstorm66, Radeon 7000 then. Should work fine with the xserver-xorg-video-ati driver13:16
legend2440ionstorm66: open  system>admimistration>hardware drivers  is there a box to enable ati drivers?13:17
jim_prdz: did you install nvidia's proprietary drivers? if yes, how?13:17
ionstorm66legend2440: nope13:17
philippeionstorm66, the non-ati drivers probably work better, so no need to install the proprietary ATI drivers13:17
ionstorm66philippe: i cant get multi screen to work with non ati drivers13:18
ActionParsnipionstorm66: you could try sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk; gksu envyng-gtk13:18
rdzjim_p, yes.. but i don't know how.. it was someone else who did it... i am just trxying to fix the mess13:18
ActionParsnipGuest85786: ive never set up a usb bootable device so all i have are websearches13:18
jim_pregarding ati> Nothing works better than the fglrx. all other drivers like radeon or hadeonhd are simply powerless when it comes to 3d13:19
Guest85786ActionParsnip: Ok, thanks anyway13:19
ionstorm66got an error13:19
ionstorm66it didnt know my card13:19
Guest85786ActionParsnip: The LiveUSB channel is empty and the GRUB channel are silent13:19
DasEi1 ionstorm66:which card ? >lshw, lspci,hwinfo13:20
jim_prdz: you have pm13:20
ionstorm6601:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]13:20
rdzjim_p, pm?13:20
DasEi1!who|  ionstorm6613:20
asyis anyone can introduce me a good Python editor?13:20
philippeionstorm66, installing the ATI proprietary drivers is useless, They don't support the 700013:20
ubottuionstorm66: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:20
DasEi1 ionstorm66: mom, looking up13:21
rdzjim_p, DasEi1 thanks a lot... i now have an image on screen with the login window13:21
jim_pok then13:21
ActionParsnipionstorm66: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-114089.html13:21
chazcoHi... i'm trying to play DVDs on Ubuntu... but one of them refuses to play properly. It shows the menu, but when trying to play the actual movie it complains that the audio device is busy. Skipping to another chapter causes it to play okay. Ideas?13:21
jim_pyou are welcome rdz13:21
ActionParsnip!dvd | chazco13:21
ubottuchazco: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:21
chazcoActionParsnip - Its just the one DVD thats playing up... others work fine...13:22
DasEi1 ionstorm66: 32 or 64 bit ?13:22
ActionParsnipchazco: what type of dvd is it?13:22
ionstorm66DasEi1: 3213:22
chazcoJust a normal DVD... 7GB (double layer) i think13:22
ActionParsnipchazco: data or video13:23
chazcoAh, video disc...13:23
KDB9000hello everyone. Need some help with my ATi drivers. The rendering is being done by Mesa. How do I remove the Mesa and let ATi do the rendering? I have looked at CCHTML wiki and it said to remove xserver-xgl, well it isn't installed. any thoughts?13:23
philippeionstorm66, check this out. http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Xorg_RandR_1.2 There is even some extra info for radeon 7000's with only a small amount of memory13:23
smm289odd behavior, downloading a torrent with transmission, only connected to 6 peers, only 6 peers available, and 94.4%.  Installed Azerus 300+ in swarm, with 10 seeds, 100% available.  Is Transmission really that bad of a Torrent client?13:23
ActionParsnipchazco: is it encrypted?13:23
chazcoActionParsnip - I imagine so, but never had any issues with playing other DVDs, or even other chapters/features on this disc...13:24
ionstorm66brb reboot13:25
ActionParsnipchazco: is the one thats playing up encypted13:25
ActionParsnipchazco: does it work in other players13:26
chazcoActionParsnip - I think so, but other parts of it play fine... it seems to be an issue with audio, because when i tried to rip it it doesnt work... Tried gxine, same issue.13:26
rdzjim_p, do you know, how i can change the resolution of the login window? somehow it uses one which is different from the resolution of the desktop13:26
rdzthe login window won't show on the other monitor13:27
jim_prdz: do you have a crt or a tft?13:27
chazcoActionParsnip - Hmm... oddly enough it works if i change the audio track to the commentary / another language...13:27
ActionParsniprdz: make the leftmost resolution in xorg.conf be the one you want to use13:27
DasEi1 ionstorm66: card isn't specified on ati-hp but runs with the catalyst-driver13:27
jim_pwhat other monitor?13:27
ActionParsnipchazco: maybe a bad disk13:27
ProgXHello! Where can I find the libX11.so API?13:28
mistformwhy do i have so damn many modules running at once?13:28
rdzjim_p, tft13:28
chazcoActionParsnip - Maybe, but it plays on a standalone dvd player13:28
rdzActionParsnip, there are no resolutions at all in xorg.conf13:29
philippeDasEi1, That would be highly unlikely as the catalyst driver for Linux does not support the Radeon 7000 that ionstorm66 has13:29
jim_prdz: you must set only one resolution in xorg.conf so as to force its usege. and that resolution must be your tst's native resolution like 1280*102413:29
rdzActionParsnip, actually i don't know even how those things are handled nowadays..13:29
rdzjim_p, there is no res at all in xorg.conf13:29
rdzjim_p, the Section "Monitor" has only an identifier13:30
ActionParsniprdz: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=642192&page=213:30
jim_prdz: then you need to configure it properly13:30
rdzhowever, at least it works so far, that i have a picture at all13:30
DasEi1 philippe: just found a thread saying the opposite (tested) (german:)http://3dfusion.de/forum/showthread.php?t=1056213:30
rdzwhen logged in only, of course13:30
KDB9000anyone know how to remove mesa so ATi can do direct rendering?13:30
FrogzooKDB9000: x will default to mesa if your real drive fails to load, for whatever reason13:31
rdzjim_p, that's easy said, when i don't have a clue at all, how everythings works together.. on my personal box, i don't know what the resolution settings are affecing. they don't seem to correlate with what i actually can set13:31
DasEi1 ionstorm66: want a link for catalyst 5.4 ?13:31
philippeDasEil: That's for XP... Das hier ist der richtige Treiber (ATI Catalyst 5.4 für WindowsXP).13:31
philippeDasEi1, it's useless for ubuntu13:32
KDB9000Frogzoo, any thoughts on how to fix this? I have already reinstalled my ATi drivers. Since then I get a boot up warning about dkms.conf or something like that13:32
DasEi1 philippe: catalyst is there for  linux, too13:32
the-ddoni need a bit of help13:32
legend2440KDB9000: in xorg.conf  does Driver   say "fglrx"    ?13:32
the-ddoni am working on a project13:33
philippeDasEi1, indeed but support is not the same. Check http://ati.amd.com/support/driver.html for linux and radeon 700013:33
the-ddonsmartcard project13:33
jim_prdz: i have pmed you, opened a conversation window, please look there13:33
DasEi1 ionstorm66:?13:33
the-ddondose any one here no about smartcard?13:33
KDB9000legend2440, yes13:33
=== space is now known as space12345
legend2440KDB9000: did you enable the ati drivers in   system>admin>hardware drivers   or install from ati web site?13:35
the-ddonno help?13:35
KDB9000legend2440, from the ati web site.13:35
ikoniathe-ddon: plenty of help13:35
fr500has anyone got problems to connect to MSN from empathy?13:35
arkygeekhi all.  i have a 24" apple imac (with a GeForce 7300) and I can't get it to play nice with google earth13:36
DasEi1 philippe: ionstorm has left, so for nonsense, anyway13:36
arkygeekglxgears gives me 4100+ fps13:36
legend2440KDB9000: open system>admin>hardware drivers   are they enabled?13:36
arkygeekif i start the ridiculously slow GE and run glxgears it drops to 4.0fps13:36
MSI-WindIn synaptics is the java-common the normal java intsall ?13:36
KDB9000legend2440, odd, it isn't showing up. It was in there.13:37
ikoniaMSI-Wind: define normal13:37
legend2440KDB9000: which ati card?13:37
MSI-WindI don't think Java is insalled on this machin, but am unsure and am unable to install when downloading from java.com13:37
ikoniaMSI-Wind: use the synaptic packaged version13:38
xompHow come I'm unable to remote desktop my windows PC from ubuntu using Remote Desktop Viewer? Anyone know?13:38
KDB9000legend2440, it is a Radeon Xpress 200M (laptop card). It was in there, wondering if something happened to it during the last reinstall.13:38
MSI-Windikonia thats what I tought I would do, but there are several13:38
ikoniaMSI-Wind: so pick the one you want/need13:38
MSI-Windthats why I wondered if the java-common is the one to install13:38
geirhaMSI-Wind: You probably want sun-java6-jre, and sun-java6-plugin if you want java-plugin for firefox13:38
geirhaMSI-Wind: java-common only contains common files for java. Typically just documentation.13:39
JackWinterhmm, been googling a while and it seems that some logitech cordless kb/mouse combos eat a lot of battery thanks to the drivers not turning them off...  any reccomendations for a desktop set to user under ubuntu.  have been looking at the cordless desktop wave, since it seems to have mac support too.  (run an osx86 at times)13:40
itchy777@xomp in Windows you have to go to systemprefferences: Super+Pause13:40
ikoniaJackWinter: your call what works for you13:40
the-ddondose any one know anything about smart cards?13:41
ikoniathe-ddon: ask the question13:41
the-ddondose any one know anything about smartcards encryption?13:41
JackWinterikonia: i suppose most of them will work for basic features, and that some additional functionality can be enabled.  was asking here trying to find out what you guys are happy with, since i'd hate to get a set and have to change batteries every 2 weeks :)13:41
geirhaxomp: Are you able to connect from other machines/OSes?13:42
ikoniaJackWinter: look for the features you want, then research which keyboard supports them13:42
ikoniathe-ddon: ask the question you want to know the answer to13:42
LaibschHi there.  I have small, cheap NAS box.  When I copy files to it over Samba, they become corrupted, the md5sum changes.  Copying from a Windows computer works fine.  Anybody have an idea about this?  I already found out that I have to disable Unix extensions to get it working: http://blog.leggewie.org/?p=4213:42
MSI-Windgeirha thanks am installing now13:42
tj1515is there a easy way to fix my screen resolution . It is really low. I have the nvidia drivers installed . Screen Resolution shows no higher resolutions13:42
JackWinterikonia: and how do i find out about battery life under ubuntu ?13:42
ikoniaJackWinter: battery life is nothing to do with ubuntu13:43
mtcageHey there, is there a fix to get the java applets to load in firefox 3 with Ubutnu 8.04? im using 32bit version of Ubuntu, but java applets refuse to load, i have the sun-java6-plugin installed and the other java debs as well(jre etc etc) but java applets just dont load13:43
legend2440!fixres | tj151513:43
ubottutj1515: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:43
KDB9000legend2440, should I try reinstalling the drivers again?13:43
tj1515legend244c:  tried it13:43
=== overthetop is now known as landrover
JackWinterikonia: seems to be since i've seen threads claiming that a certain logitech product has a 6 months battery life under windows and 2 weeks under linux.  not sure i believe it either.  but sometimes the driver software switch things on and off in peripheral devices..13:44
geirhaMSI-Wind, mtcage: After installing java, run "sudo update-java-alternatives --set java-6-sun" to make sure that version is the one that gets used13:44
legend2440KDB9000: i would try Method 1    http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide13:44
mtcageah ok, thanks geriha13:44
ikoniaJackWinter then look for teh driver details under linux for the keyboards you want13:44
ikoniabullgard4: what was that for ?13:45
KDB9000legend2440, alright13:45
nnullanyone help me.. when i run ubuntu without using a propriety video driver i get 1024 @ 75 hertz which is fine, but when i enable my video card driver and reboot, it displays at 50 hertz and Screen Resolution doesnt let me change it from anything but 50.... help?13:45
legend2440KDB9000: do you still have the deb files you created from the ati run file?13:45
bullgard4bullgard4: I made a mistake when I organized my bookmarks. My apologies.13:45
KDB9000legend2440, no13:45
JackWinterikonia: are you kidding ?  do you know many hardware manufacturers that support linux ?13:45
ikoniaJackWinter: yes13:46
bullgard4ikonia: I made a mistake when I organized my bookmarks. My apologies.13:46
ikoniabullgard4: ah, no problem13:46
legend2440KDB9000: then i would try method 113:46
JackWinterikonia: thanks for your useful answers :)13:46
mickoTTHey all, just wondering if anyone can recommend a good open source Time and Attendance system. Is Time Trex the best that Open Source has to offer in this department?13:46
KDB9000legend2440, E: Package restricted-manager has no installation candidate13:46
ikoniaJackWinter: it's the truth, your asking questions that they are the answer to13:46
chinocan i stop my mouse pad from responding when i'm typing ?13:47
ikoniaJackWinter: look at the kit you want to use, then research pros/cons against the current linux kernel/tools that you are using - not what the latest is13:47
arttiHey! Need help with keyboard, what layout i should choose. I would like to get char ~ with clicking one key, currently it is Shift and that key in the left corner.13:47
JackWinterikonia: well i'm still wondering what cordless desktops people here are happy with ?13:47
ikoniaJackWinter: it doesn't matter - it matters what you wants13:47
KDB9000legend2440, nevermind13:47
JackWinterikonia: that is what i'm trying to do :)13:47
ikoniaJackWinter: I'm happy with my wirless that only lasts 2 days13:47
ikoniaJackWinter: so look at what YOU want, not what other people want13:48
DasEi1 artti:backup xorg, run : sudo dpkg-reconfigure  -a13:48
JackWinterikonia: yeah, you get a 2 day battery life from your desktop ?  don't think that would suit me13:48
ikoniannull: saying anyone is pointless, if someone didn't see your questions saying "anyone" won't let them see it, if someone doesn't know the answer to your question saying "anyone" won't make thenm remember13:48
arttiDasEil, but what layout?13:48
xompgeirha, yes, I can connect to it from XP no problem.13:48
ikoniaJackWinter: exactly,13:48
ikoniaJackWinter: look at the models you want to use tna research their supportability13:49
KDB9000legend2440, how do I remove the ati drivers that i installed from the site?13:49
nnullikonia: so i should keep spamming the message or?13:49
ikoniannull: you should ask the question, wait 15-ish minutes, ask again if no-one responds13:49
JackWinterikonia: me i want a basic cordless keyboard and mouse.  if extra features like mm keys works that is a plus.  if battery life is 2 days that would be a frag for me...13:49
geirhaxomp: Ok, what happens when you try to connect with the remote desktop viewer then?13:49
DasEi1 artti:location ? your keyboard ? its mostly pc 105 nodeadkeys13:49
ikoniaJackWinter: my logitech's have lasted me well over 6 months, my microsoft ones are just shy of 9 months at the moment13:50
legend2440KDB9000: you installed them from deb file you made right?13:50
arttiDasEil, i have that, but i get ~ after i hit two keys, but i'd like to get it with one key.13:50
JackWinterikonia: so which logitech are you using ?13:50
KDB9000legend2440, yes13:50
ikoniadi-novo's and the generic bottom of the line13:50
ikoniaJackWinter: but both use the same driver - so I fail so see how your "2 weeks under linux" comments are true13:51
Abedwhere to get ZoneMinder?13:51
JackWinterikonia: that is what i'm wondering too.  but it came up searching the ubuntu forums...13:51
hrikaHi! Can i change Totem or gstreamer's default video sink somewhere?13:51
ikoniaJackWinter: doesn't make it fact13:51
legend2440KDB9000: open synaptic then open file>history then todays date  you should see everything you installed. you can then uninstall them13:51
ikoniaAbed: zoneminder.com13:51
JackWinterikonia: i know, thus my question here :)13:52
ikoniaJackWinter: well, my answer has just contradicted the forums, so it's up to you how you proceed13:52
JackWinterikonia: thanks, that's a more useful answer to me :)13:52
mistformI got this when I ran lsusb -v :  ** UNRECOGNIZED:  07 21 07 88 13 ff 0313:53
KDB9000legend2440, ok, what about my error i get at started up about dkms?13:53
=== tom_ is now known as Tots
legend2440KDB9000: is this the error?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dkms/+bug/25075713:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 250757 in dkms "Old dkms modules are not removed when upgrading fglrx" [Undecided,Fix released]13:55
xompgeirha, it says (after a very long time) that the connection was closed. It basically just sits there for awhile before showing the error.13:55
xompgeirha, I think I was using the wrong thing "Terminal Server Client" seems to be the appropriate thing to use lol13:56
_atreidesDoes anyone have any experience of evince not printing on 64bit hardy?13:56
KDB9000legend2440, something like that. dkms status doesn't give me anything but it talks about autoinstall, i think it was related to my ATi drivers when I reinstalled them.13:56
legend2440KDB9000: do you have dkms installed?13:57
KDB9000legend2440, yes13:57
PiciKDB9000: What version of Ubuntu are you running? Intrepid?13:57
KDB9000Pici, hardy13:57
mistformcan anyone help me get my bluetooth working?13:57
nnullWhen i run ubuntu without using a propriety video driver i get 1024 @ 75 hertz which is fine, but when i enable my video card driver and reboot, it displays at 50 hertz and Screen Resolution doesn't let me change it from anything but 50 hertz.... help?13:58
mistformit appears to be connected and recognized, but I need a bluetooth manager13:58
legend2440KDB9000: if you use method 1 i don't think dkms will be an issue13:58
KDB9000legend2440, used method 2. 1 didn't do anything for me.13:59
dineshKDB9000: problem with wireless i had earlier talked to u also14:00
erUSULnnull: gksudo displayconfig-gtk14:00
dineshproblem ith wireless14:01
=== SoulSlayer is now known as anewbie
nnullerUSULƺ should i run this with my drivers enabled or without?14:01
dineshproblem with wireless14:01
erUSULnnull: enabled14:01
nnullbrb then dude14:01
binascoGood morning, as unpack iso image in linux?14:02
dineshprblem with wireless14:03
bobertdos!iso > binasco14:03
ubottubinasco, please see my private message14:03
bobertdosdinesh: What's the problem?14:03
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:03
dineshbobertdos: i installed ndiswrapper but it give error the file not resolved14:04
bobertdosdinesh: Using ndisgtk might make it easier. It's a graphical frontend. Make sure your drivers are valid Windows XP drivers for the correct device. Also make sure you're pointing to an INF.14:05
dineshbobertdos: plz tell me the necessary steps as i am new to ubuntu14:06
Pici!ru | SNORK14:06
ubottuSNORK: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:06
SNORK Всем привет14:06
nnullerUSULƺ wow ok, but it still wont let me change it.. 50-51-512 hertz :s14:07
bobertdosdinesh: Go into a terminal (Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type: sudo apt-get install ndisgtk.14:07
dineshbobertdos: i had done it earlier but it give error not resolved14:08
Kartagisi was trying to install mysql server when i got the errors at http://paste.ubuntu.com/49279/. can you help me with it?14:08
bobertdosdinesh: does it say something like "unable to resolve hostname to ....."14:09
ikoniaKartagis: what version of ubuntu are you running ?14:09
dineshbobertdos: no14:09
Kartagisikonia, 8.0514:09
dineshbobertdos: it has problem with installing ndiswrapper14:10
ikoniaKartagis: what happens if you install mysql-server-5.014:10
Kartagisikonia, it says 'already the latest version'. let me re-install14:10
bobertdosdinesh: Type the command I wrote earlier and tell me the exact error it gives you.14:10
nnullWhen i run ubuntu without using a propriety video driver i get 1024 @ 75 hertz which is fine, but when i enable my video card driver and reboot, it displays at 50 hertz and Screen Resolution doesn't let me change it from anything but 50 hertz.... help?14:11
ikoniaKartagis: then you already have mysql-server installed14:11
bobertdosKartagis: It looks like you were trying to install from separate deb files, were you?14:12
idealhello there14:12
jfincherso, there's a network program ubuntu offers which lets me choose between the wireless networks that are available -- what's the name of that program so I can run it from window managers that don't have the nice "System -> Administration" menu?14:12
legend2440!fixres | nnull14:13
ubottunnull: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto14:13
Kartagisbobertdos, no i did apt-get install14:13
nnulllegend2440ƺ thx, ill look at that14:13
xompTotem no plays .mkv files? :(14:13
nnulllegend2440ƺ i can feel that compiz has been activated.14:13
nnulllike when i enable my driver, compiz auto turns on ;x14:14
bobertdosKartagis: Hmm, that's odd. apt-get SHOULD take care of dependencies.........14:14
idealI have just installed ubuntu os on an old laptop. there is no sound only but a red circle around the sound icon.but heres the thing,i dont know how to configure the sound.any idea?14:14
legend2440nnull: you could disable it until you fix rez problems14:14
Kartagisbobertdos, i did a reinstall, it seems okay now14:15
bobertdosKartagis: oh, okay14:15
Kartagisthanks bobertdos and ikonia14:15
nnulllegend2440ƺ when i dont have the driver enabled, i get a fine 1024@75 hertz, its once the prop driver is in use that i reboot into locked 50 hertz14:15
Assurbanipalhey guys, i was browsing the net and found many posts regarding ubuntu wearing down hard drives,as a bug of the OS. is this true, and if yes,has it been fixed?14:16
legend2440nnull: what video card?14:16
ikoniaAssurbanipal: it won't wear down drives14:16
nnullgeforce 4 440014:16
nnulllegend2440ƺ ^14:16
legend2440nnull: ok. sorry i have ati. not really familiar with geforce14:17
bobertdosAssurbanipal: That's not REALLY true. It's only true to the extent that journaled filesystems require a lot more writing.14:17
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nnulllegend2440ƺ maybe i could disable the driver check xorg.conf then re-enable it and see what its changing?14:18
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Assurbanipalbobertdos, so, what's the situation?? does this limit the lifetime of hard drives?14:18
bobertdosAssurbanipal: No, the only time it really becomes a problem is with solid-state media like flash drives.14:19
* Kartagis bangs head on the wall14:19
legend2440nnull: yes but i would back up xorg.conf  first.. have you tried    gksudo displayconfig-gtk   ??14:19
Kartagisi overwrote my database14:19
dineshbobertdos: i am trying the same command on my friend laptop but this time it saying that couldnot find the package ndisgtk14:19
Assurbanipalbobertdos, you mean with usb sticks in ext2/3 format??14:19
bobertdosAssurbanipal: yes14:19
platiusideal, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems  you might look here14:20
nnulllegend2440ƺ yea ive tried that... the hertz are locked at 50 still :s14:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:20
bobertdosdinesh: You're using Hardy, right? If so, you might not have all the repositories enabled.14:20
nnullim sure theres some nvidia tool that helps but i can remember14:20
idealplatius will have a look ty14:21
dineshbobertdos: yes i am using 8.04 tell me what to do next14:21
KDB9000legend2440, well it sees it as ATi now, but I get "fglrx: Already installed on this kernel". How do I fix this? I also used dpkg to install the drivers so the synaptic history doesn't help.14:21
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Assurbanipalbobertdos, so it 's not an ubuntu thing,it has to do with the filesystem itself, it's the same in all linux distros,right? and should we all users be worried about it/?14:21
bobertdosdinesh: Actually, back on your system, you might want to try: sudo apt-get update and then try installing ndisgtk again.14:22
arvind_khadrinnull, System->Admin->Nvidia X server settings14:22
mib_1dsspgpqis this a bulgarian Ubuntu chanel ?14:22
mib_1dsspgpqor it`s international ?14:23
ikoniamib_1dsspgpq: international14:23
nnullarvind_khadriƺ that option isnt there for me even hidden.. pretty sure i can access this via nvidia-settings or something tho14:23
bobertdosAssurbanipal: Yes, it's the ext3 (and other journaled)  filesystems in general. Not ALL users need to be worried about it. Mostly, the only time you worry about it is if you want to run an OS off a usb stick.14:23
arvind_khadrinnull, yeah might be... for this you need to have the card working14:23
Picimib_1dsspgpq: You can try #ubuntu-bg if you're looking for the Bulgarian channel.  I don't know how active it is though.14:23
nnullarvind_khadriƺ what do you mean by working?14:24
dineshbobertdos: i m unable to get the update as ndiswrapper is not working and i am unable to connect to wireless14:24
legend2440KDB9000: when do you get that message?14:24
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Rowellenhi. i can ping www.google.com with root but not with my account. Any help please.14:24
arvind_khadrinnull, working in the sense you need to have its drivers14:24
waanIs there a simple command line tool for listing ip's on the network?14:24
ikoniaRowellen: check the permissions on the command ping14:24
KDB9000legend2440, just now after a did a reinstall using method 2.14:25
ikoniaRowellen: what error do you get ?14:25
ikoniaRowellen: how are you picking as root ?14:25
nnullarvind_khadriƺ oh you mean in use? yea i do ... but not there :<14:25
mib_1dsspgpqdon`t worry :)14:25
mib_1dsspgpqi`m fine with the international14:25
bobertdosdinesh: You're running off of ethernet right now, right? sudo apt-get update is a command that refreshes the repositories.14:25
dineshbobertdos: i think the error is like that ndis utils 1.9 unable to resolve14:25
dineshbobertdos: i have access to wireless only14:26
dany_21a_hello room - is there a way to turn off the backlight from a notebook LCD per commandline? some /sys/... file to echo to?14:26
bobertdosdinesh: So you're on your friend's laptop right now?14:26
dineshbobertdos: no i am on my laptop but i am using vista14:27
dany_21a_i have found /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness - but that cant turn it off completely14:27
adigacan i kno about the ubuntu14:28
legend2440KDB9000: yes i know. but when does message appear? at bootup?14:28
KDB9000legend2440, yes14:28
legend2440KDB9000: actually i think i get the same message14:30
bobertdosDoes anybody know if aptoncd is included in the DVD?14:30
KDB9000legend2440, hmm, never got it before until i reinstalled the ATi drivers14:30
Rowellendefine sorry?14:31
nnullgay nvidia-settings isnt even there wth....14:31
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dineshbobertdos: what happen14:31
lanoxxhow do i install skype?14:32
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:32
Rowellenikonia picking?14:32
legend2440KDB9000: if you google that message maybe there is a way to fix it. not sure14:32
ikoniaRowellen: picking what ?14:32
the-ddonhow to break encription on smartcard14:32
ikoniaRowellen: ooh, pinging sorry14:32
lanoxxthx bot :p14:32
KDB9000legend2440, when you switch to a terminal windows (ctrl-alt-F1) do you get colorful lines as well? I did and didn't find much. will keep checking thought14:33
dineshikonia: problem with ndiswrapper14:33
Rowellenyou asked: Rowellen: how are you picking as root ? not sure what you mean...14:33
ikoniadinesh: what about it14:33
Rowellenooo ok14:33
ikoniaRowellen: pinging14:33
Rowellenping www.google.com14:33
bobertdosdinesh: You're going to either have to get to a place where you can use ethernet, or maybe burn yourself a DVD and see if you can get aptoncd from there.14:33
ikoniaRowellen: that would ping as a user not toor14:33
Rowellenas root14:33
Rowellensu root14:33
ikoniaRowellen: how are you becoming root14:33
ikoniaubuntu has no password14:34
legend2440KDB9000: no colorful lines14:34
the-ddonhow to break encription on smartcard14:34
ikoniathe-ddon: you don't14:34
Picithe-ddon: Nor is it on-topic for this channel.14:34
lanoxxif im on amd64, does that mean there is no way how i can install it through the repository14:34
dineshikonia: i run the command sudo apt-get install ndisgtk but it give error unable to resolve14:34
the-ddonhow to read the card?#]14:34
Rowellensu root14:34
bobertdosikonia: If I understand dinesh correctly, he has no access to ethernet, and therefore cannot download any packages without his wireless.14:34
ikoniadinesh: yes because your not on the network14:34
KDB9000legend2440, hmm, because I always get those when I try to go to the F1 terminal or any of the others. Maybe it is just because of my graphics card14:34
ikoniaRowellen: that woouldn't work as ubuntu has no password14:34
scunizi!root | Rowellen14:35
ubottuRowellen: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo14:35
ikoniabobertdos: that seems a reasonable assumption, same one I'm making14:35
legend2440KDB9000: if you type in terminal    glxinfo | grep direct  is direct renderend say   yes14:35
KDB9000legend2440, yes14:35
legend2440KDB9000: ok thats good14:35
KDB9000legend2440, it is14:36
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:36
Sk8rdudecan anyone help with a samba install error?? 'invoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.'14:36
dinesh_bobertdos: how to know whether the ndiswrapper is zipped or not as file description is not given14:36
lanoxxCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "skype"14:36
nnullarvind_khadri & legend2440 & ActionParsnip i got nvidia-settings working (had to install it) where in here can i edit my hertz?14:36
ActionParsnip!skype | lanoxx14:37
ubottulanoxx: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto14:37
ActionParsnipnnull: xorg.conf14:37
Geforce88Where is the Xorg help channel ?14:37
ikoniadinesh_: what ?14:37
ActionParsnipGeforce88: here14:37
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209814:37
nnullActionParsnipƺ how mate?14:37
lanoxxActionParsnip, yes, i added the repository14:37
arvind_khadrinnull, on the second tab x server display configuration14:37
ActionParsniplanoxx: then sudo apt-get update14:38
legend2440KDB9000: read very bottom of this page. that might refer to problem about fglrx already in kernel     http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide#Error.21_This_module.2Fversion_combo_is_already_installed14:38
Warlord^^^how do i change folder privileges??14:38
Spoomhi folks, i'm trying to hibernate my new hardy install on my asus g1 laptop and it's sometimes working, sometimes timing out after 20 seconds and returning to the desktop, any ideas?  i've googled around but haven't found anything immediately obvious14:38
lanoxxActionParsnip, i ran that, still nothing14:38
Rowellenif I do <su root> it asks me for a password I insert it and I am root. What I have done now seeming that it doesnt work sudo ping www.google.com14:38
bobertdosikonia: The only solution I can think of for him is either a DVD install or aptoncd from another system, but I can't seem to explain that to him :p14:38
ActionParsnipWarlord^^^: chmod or chown14:38
ActionParsniplanoxx: try tab completing the package name14:38
ikoniaRowellen: your not using ubuntu then14:38
dinesh_plz sort out my problem about ndiswrapper as it give error not resolved14:38
ikoniaRowellen: as ubuntu does not have a root password14:38
Geforce88I have an evga geforce 8800 gts running with 8.04 on a 3.25 ghz dual core w/ 4 gigs ddr2 ram: when i install 8.04 and use the restricted drivers for this card, upon reboot once the initial splash screen goes away, the screen goes blank, and my monitor goes into sleep mode. is there a problem with the drivers for the latest cards?14:38
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ActionParsnipRowellen: if you are root you dont have to sudo anything14:39
ikoniadinesh_: you can't resolve a host because your not connected to the intenrnet14:39
KDB9000legend2440, thx14:39
ActionParsnipRowellen: and you certainly dont have to sudo ping, users can ping14:39
nnullarvind_khadriƺ god bless you my friend :)14:39
lanoxxActionParsnip, still not14:39
mistformmy system freezes entirely when I get a pair with my bluetooth phone14:40
scuniziRowellen, you're use to another distro.. if you need to be root to do something then use "sudo" at the beginning  of the command.. there is NO root account.14:40
Rowellencat /proc/version gives me: Linux version 2.6.20-17-generic (root@terranova) (gcc version 4.1.2 (Ubuntu 4.1.2-0ubuntu4)) #2 SMP Wed Aug 20 16:47:34 UTC 200814:40
ActionParsnipRowellen: can you ping
arvind_khadrinnull, :) thanks14:41
ikoniaRowellen: something is wrong with your system then, as if you have not set a root password and you can do "su - " - something is wrong14:41
dinesh_ikonia: are saying that if a am connected to internet my problem will be solved14:41
gues1Iis there any way I can detect the model of my laptop in Ubuntu?14:41
ikoniadinesh_: yes14:41
ActionParsniplanoxx: http://blog.mypapit.net/2007/06/how-to-install-skype-on-ubuntu.html14:41
nnullarvind_khadriƺ no thankyou :)14:42
ikoniadinesh_: but you can't connect tot he internet as your wirless card isn't working14:42
Rowellenlsb_release -a14:42
Rowellengives me14:42
RowellenDescription:    Ubuntu 7.04 and a whole lot of other stuff14:42
Rowelleni can ping ip's but not names14:43
Sk8rdudecan anyone help with a samba install problem14:43
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: backup your smb.conf14:43
Sk8rdudethere is no smb.conf14:43
Sk8rdudethats part of the problem14:43
dinesh_ikonia; i can go to wired network later and if i rn the same command my work will be done or not14:43
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: then sudo apt-get --purge remove samba14:43
mistformRowellen, did you try to ping www.name.com?14:44
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: then sudo apt-get install samba14:44
Sk8rdudei did purge samba14:44
Sk8rdudeand it won't install properly14:44
theli0nrowellen: can you open websites?14:44
ikoniadinesh_: your network won't be "done" but you will be able to connect to the online repositories you are currently trying to do14:44
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: whats it say when you try?14:44
Rowellenunknown host14:44
ikoniaRowellen: have you ever set a root password ?14:44
ActionParsnipRowellen: what if you use ip instead of name?14:45
Sk8rdudeit fails when it tries to start the daemons14:45
Sk8rdudeinvoke-rc.d: initscript samba, action "start" failed.14:45
theli0nthen your dns server is mot properly configured14:45
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: even after an uninstall then reinstall?14:45
Sk8rdudei just purged it and tried again this second14:45
nnullwhats that thing to open advanced compiz settings? ccsm or something?14:45
Rowellendns same as all the other machines14:45
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26925014:46
dinesh_ikonia: are u approachable at some other day also i will tell u after going on wired network plz tell me the time u will be available14:46
ikoniaI'm normally around14:46
lanoxxActionParsnip, if Im on 64bit, would that mean I can not install skype throgh the repo?14:46
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: http://linux.derkeiler.com/Mailing-Lists/Ubuntu/2007-07/msg00588.html14:46
ActionParsniplanoxx: you can if you install ia32 libs14:47
theli0nrowellen: are you behind a router?14:47
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coolbhaviI am asked for my wifi passphrase every 2 minutes14:47
mistformRowellen, did the computer work before? sometimes a restart can help some things14:47
Geforce88How often can i post my problem ?14:47
Sk8rdudeill try those and come back if i still have probs14:47
Sk8rdudethanks ActionParsnip14:48
ikoniaGeforce88: once ever 10-15 mins is the norm14:48
Spoomany ideas with respect to my hibernate not working?  for further info, i'm using hardy, 64-bit, on my asus g1, with nvidia proprietary drivers, and as i said, hibernate sometimes works, sometimes doesn't... it seems to be a problem with being unable to freeze applications, or so the error that pops up a quarter of a second before it pops back to X says14:48
Geforce88ok, thanks14:48
mistformGeforce88, try to re-word it every 5+ min, maybe someone else will see14:48
Rowellenlet me restart it14:48
coolbhaviwifi frequent disconnection please help14:48
ActionParsnipSpoom: hibernate is a real pain to get nice14:49
mistformcoolbhavi, poor signal?14:49
Spoomyeah, i was on gentoo before, i'm fully familiar :^P14:49
lanoxx cat /etc/apt/sources.list |grep skype14:49
lanoxxdeb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free14:49
lanoxxbut it cant be found even though i ran update14:50
coolbhavisignal is 100%14:50
ActionParsniplanoxx: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229514:50
coolbhavimistform, I am asked for my wifi passphrase every 2 minutes14:50
coolbhavivery annoying14:50
bobertdoslanoxx: really don't recommend using Debian repos with Ubuntu.14:50
mistformcoolbhavi, try a different connection manager. I use wifi-radar14:51
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ActionParsniplanoxx: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libasound2-plugins; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb;14:51
mistformcoolbhavi, should be in the repos14:51
ActionParsnipcoolbhavi: or you can put it in /etc/network/interfaces14:52
Rowellengood news... restart didnt work14:52
lanoxxworks, thx everybody14:52
Rowellenwhats next14:53
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok are you getting dhcp?14:53
Rowellenno static14:53
Rowelleni can ssh into the machine14:53
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok have you put your routers ip in /etc/resolv.conf14:53
lanoxxso to summarize: i can only install skype via the repo if i use the medibuntu repo, not the skype repo14:53
ActionParsniplanoxx: cool14:53
lanoxxthis should be mentioned here:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype14:54
Rowellenthe ip just like that?14:54
coolbhavimistform, is wifi mode managed or automatic?14:54
Sk8rdudeActionParsnip it's coming up with the same error14:54
mistformcoolbhavi, use automatic14:54
ActionParsnipRowellen: miic what is in the file. i believe its: nameserver x.y.z.a14:54
Sk8rdudei just tried to install all the dependants and they were all up to date14:54
Rowellenyes correct14:55
coolbhavimistform, okay then channel is 1 right?14:55
ActionParsnipRowellen: wll use sudo nano or gksu gedit to edit the file and add your routers ip to the top14:55
cucohi all, my 8.10 64bit machine dies as soon as the gui loads. from what i read i need to change the driver to vesa. i tried using "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" but it does not ask me to choose a driver and then xorg loads the defective card.14:55
ActionParsnip!intrepid | cuco14:55
ubottucuco: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!14:55
mistformcoolbhavi, mine ended up going to Master. your channel depends on what you set it up as (usually autodetected)14:55
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ActionParsnipSk8rdude: id have a search for that error, it appeas to give lots of hits showing its fairly common14:56
AdvoWorkhi there, if im doing: sudo smbmount //terastation/FILES/WORK/completed_work /home/completed_workTEST and its saying: 9047: tree connect failed: ERRDOS - ERRnosuchshare (You specified an invalid share name)  is that the share im making, or the one im trying to access?14:56
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: check case, linux is very case sensitive14:57
unoplanoxx, if you have both repos installed - skype will be installed from the repo that contains the highest version i.e. the skype repo14:57
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok cool14:57
Geforce88I have an evga geforce 8800 gts running with 8.04 on a 3.25 ghz dual core w/ 4 gigs ddr2 ram: when i install 8.04 and use the restricted drivers for this card, upon reboot once the initial splash screen goes away, the screen goes blank, and my monitor goes into sleep mode. is there a problem with the drivers for the latest cards?14:57
lanoxxunop, NO, if I am on AMD64 (64bit) i can definitely not install it through the repo14:57
voxGeforce88: plug it in to the other head14:58
Rowellennow what?14:58
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok sudo /etc/init.d/network restart14:58
unoplanoxx, which repo are you referring to here?14:58
lanoxxI have to use this command: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libasound2-plugins; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb;14:58
ActionParsnipRowellen: you can tab complete if necessary14:58
Rowellen</etc/init.d/networking restart>14:58
Geforce88vox : haha you think it's that simple ?14:58
lanoxx<lanoxx>  cat /etc/apt/sources.list |grep skype14:58
lanoxx<lanoxx> deb http://download.skype.com/linux/repos/debian/ stable non-free14:58
lanoxxunop, this one14:58
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok try pinging your routers ip first14:58
voxGeforce88: it's happened to me before with nvidia cards.14:59
lanoxxi therefore suggest to fix this in the help page14:59
tinhhello everyone, is there anyway to set up mirror for apt-get?14:59
unoplanoxx, did you update APT before you tried installing skype?14:59
geniitinh: apt-mirror14:59
ActionParsnipRowellen: then ping a local computers name, then ping something on the web14:59
lanoxxunop, yes ofcourse14:59
unoplanoxx, what does  apt-cache policy skype  give you then?14:59
lanoxxunap, i have gentoo as my main system, i should know how to use linux, but the help file is clearly misleading here14:59
coolbhavimistform, whats the domain?15:00
ActionParsnipRowellen: what you got?15:00
tinhgenii, I dont' have that command on my hardy system15:00
unoplanoxx, fixes are only suggested if the page is known to have errors - but we haven't established that yet.15:00
Rowellenin the order15:00
Rowellenping router OK15:00
tinhgenii, do I have to install something to have that?15:00
genii!info apt-mirror | tinh15:00
ubottutinh: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-1 (hardy), package size 11 kB, installed size 120 kB15:00
lanoxx$ apt-cache policy skype15:00
lanoxxW: Unable to locate package skype15:00
naughtykid001hi, how to I sendmail using command prompt in ubuntu?15:00
Rowellen< ping localcomp name OK15:00
Rowellen< ping www.google.com : NOT OK15:01
geniitinh: If you plan to mirror all repositories you'll need about 32 Gigabytes hd space15:01
Geforce88vox : changes applied, rebooting now15:01
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001: its terminal in linux15:01
lanoxxunop,  1. repo is added, 2. im on 64bit, 3. skype is not there: conclusion: the page is wrong :P15:01
ActionParsnipRowellen: ok, does the name resolve to an ip15:01
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54092815:01
naughtykid001ActionParsnip: sorry, how do I do that in terminal?15:01
mistformcoolbhavi, leave it set to DHCP15:01
Rowellenno it gives me: ping: unknown host www.google.com immediatly15:01
ActionParsnipnaughtykid001: read the link15:01
naughtykid001ActionParsnip: thanks, reading away~15:02
tinhgenii, thanks15:02
ActionParsnipRowellen: try nslookup www.bmezine.com15:02
dan_can someone help me? my wallpaper disappeared and right click on desktop does not do anything15:02
Sk8rdudei think samba is having a problem reinstalling because it wants a config file but there isnt one15:02
mistformdan_, system > preferences > appearance15:02
ActionParsnipdan_: you using compiz?15:03
Sk8rdudeand the reinstall specifically didnt replace the deleted one15:03
Geforce88vox : ok, this time it reboots into the safe graphics mode gui. it's detected the card wrong.15:03
unoplanoxx, it's likely that the skype repo doesn't have a 64bit build - but then again, the skype howto tells you what to do if you need a 64bit version.15:03
voxGeforce88: well there's a start15:03
ActionParsnipRowellen: have you set your gateway in your ip settings?15:03
Rowellenconnection timed out; no servers could be reached15:03
tinhgenii, no I mean15:03
dan_ActionParsnip: that does not do anything at all. I click the wallpaper and the desktop just stays light brown. i am using hardy btw and gnome15:03
ushimitsudokilanoxx: I have Skype up on 64-bit. I used the static build and followed this thread, IIRC: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43229515:04
tinhgenii, how to add mirror to the Software Source15:04
Geforce88vox : not really, once i select the nvidia driver, then select hte series 8 and click ok, then test, i get a black and white checker board screen with the X for a cursor15:04
mistformRowellen, can you ping both router and modems?15:04
ushimitsudokilanoxx: I didn't take notes, but I *think* that was the thread15:04
geniitinh: Add the repository lines into the file /etc/apt/sources.list15:04
PiciRowellen: I'm curious, what does ls -l /etc/resolv.conf   report?15:04
TonnoHi people, the resolution of my PC look really bad, can someone help me to change it?15:05
ActionParsnipdan_: this is the opposite but may hel phttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51568915:05
gues1I've just installed Ubuntu 8.04 onto a LiveUSB (HDD) and it boots fine, however sound has stopped working (it was working on the LiveCD).  I've tried all the options in the sounds preferences menu (changing the output device and clicking "test") to no avail - can someone help?15:05
ActionParsnip!fixres | Tonno15:05
ubottuTonno: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:05
Sk8rdudeTonno: system --> preferences --> screen resolution15:05
dan_ActionParsnip: ok will try15:05
ActionParsnipgues1: have you been to sound prefs and switched to ALSA15:05
lanoxxushimitsudoki, yes i just successfully installed skype, im just suggesting to that these lines to the help page with a not that in the official skype repo there is no 64bit build15:06
lanoxxI have to use this command: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs lib32asound2 libasound2-plugins; wget -O skype-install.deb http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-ubuntu; sudo dpkg -i --force-all skype-install.deb;15:06
Rowellenwhat shall I chmod it to?15:06
noogai need to start pptp tunnel automatically when session starts, but pon requires to be called via sudo, how to run pon with root privledges when user session starts?15:06
ushimitsudokilanoxx: ah, I see ... nvm then :)15:06
PiciRowellen: I'm curious to see what it is now15:06
cry0nichi. is there a way that i can find the oss mixer device name that is in used?15:06
gues1ActionParsnip: As stated above, I've tried all options (including ALSA) - there is no sound15:06
mistformnooga, system > preferences > sessions15:06
Rowellen<-rw------- 1 root douglas 63 2008-09-22 15:55 /etc/resolv.conf15:06
PiciRowellen: Aha!15:07
ikoniaRowellen: whooo your install is messed up15:07
noogamistform: but it will ask about passowrd15:07
ActionParsnipgues1: run lspci to see what sound card you have then websearch from there15:07
Rowellenwell it has been going for ages now15:07
gues1ActionParsnip: Thanks :)15:07
PiciRowellen: It should be: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 53 2008-09-19 22:27 /etc/resolv.conf15:07
mistformnooga, so you don't know the admin pass?15:07
TonnoSk8rdude, thanks.. I tried there but I can change it to 1024*1024 the only there is 920*920 I gonna to what Ubottu say... thanks ;)15:07
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x[trick]xis ubuntu compatible to hitachi laptop?15:08
ActionParsnipRowellen: have you set you default gateway in /etc/network/interface15:08
coolbhavimistform, could not find ip address15:08
coolbhavimistform, now? please help15:08
ActionParsnipx[trick]x: depends on the hardware15:08
unopnooga, you can configure sudo to run that specific command without a password - then all you do is call pon under sudo from your session manager15:08
noogathat would be okay15:09
x[trick]xits an intel celeron 500 mhz w/ 128 mb15:09
noogaunop: any hint where to seek sudo settings?15:09
ActionParsnipx[trick]x: what about soundcard and graphics card?15:09
Abracadabrais there a way of checking what processes are the most processor hungry (similar to Task Manager in Win) ?15:09
RowellenPici you beauty15:09
ActionParsnipx[trick]x: and any other hardware15:09
PiciRowellen: did it fix it?15:09
unopnooga,  man sudoers  and  man sudo15:09
Rowellenfor everyone thank you very much15:09
ActionParsnipAbracadabra: top15:09
Rowellenall fixed15:10
PiciRowellen: Yay!15:10
x[trick]xwell im not so sure but its former OS is windows 9815:10
ActionParsnipPici: a permissions errro?15:10
AbracadabraActionParsnip, tried it, but how can I see the processes that are the most porcessor hungry ?15:10
RowellenActionParsnip thanks for your help as well15:10
Rowellenand everyone else15:10
scuniziAbracadabra, you can also right mouse click one of your panels and choose "Add" then "System Monitor"15:10
weboideHi !  I just want to know why "df -h" gives me a weird result : /dev/sda1             460G  7,5G  429G   2%   (429+7.5 is not equal to 460)15:10
PiciActionParsnip: yes, permissions were 600, not 644.15:10
ActionParsnipRowellen: was it a permissions thing?15:10
Rowellenyes it was15:10
ActionParsnipcrap, thats a new one on me15:10
cry0nichi. anyone can tell me how to find the oss mixer device name?15:10
AbracadabraScunizi, sorry, I meant on the CLI15:11
Rowellenwhy is it always permissions15:11
maszlox[trick]x: you might want more ram for that thing.. but it will work15:11
scuniziAbracadabra, top is it then.. there are others too  that will give more info or control.. I think mtop..15:11
maszlox[trick]x: I have a old dell notebook that is a 800mhz.. its pull though when loaded but is rough on starts15:11
x[trick]xthats good.. if i burn the iso file is that bootable?15:12
x[trick]xthanks for the info maszlo :)15:12
porcodildohi men15:12
porcodildoI have to redirect an output of a command to a file15:12
maszlox[trick]x: the iso needs to be burnt to disk.. not as a data cd..15:12
ikoniaporcodildo: >15:12
Abracadabrascunizi, will try that then15:12
porcodildormmod ffff &> works but it deletes the file too15:12
maszlox[trick]x: have you installed ubuntu before?  I have this fork of ubuntu that that installs from the minimal iso15:13
maszlox[trick]x: works very nice.. if you want I can find the link15:13
x[trick]xcan i have the link?15:13
unopporcodildo, maybe you want to append output to a file. in which case you need >>15:14
maszlox[trick]x: yes.. will take one sec.. I emailed it to meself last week lol15:14
scuniziAbracadabra, actually mtop is for mysql.. I was trying to google but am tired.. sorry15:14
porcodildounop, but rmmod fff &>> file    or    rmmod ffff >> file   don't work15:14
AbracadabraScunizi, ok, so top is the only one then ? :/15:15
* BlueGene is away: Hinterlasst mir ne Nachricht nach dem *BEEEEEEP*15:15
unopporcodildo, doesn't work means what exactly?  &>> is not valid - you need   command >> file 2>&115:15
Sk8rdudeActionParsnip, i finally found the problem... it didnt like not having any smb.conf file but once i put one in the installer asked if i wanted to replace it with the proper one15:15
opt1khi, do any of you have a idea why is pidgin spamming me with these windows every time i start it: "<contact> on the local list is inside the group "Individuals" but not on the server list. Do you want this buddy to be added?"15:15
porcodildoporcodildo, nothing is written to the file15:15
Sk8rdudethanks for your help, it put me on to the right answer15:15
* BlueGene is back (gone 00:00:17)15:15
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: sweet move dude15:15
porcodildounop, nothing is written to the file15:15
idealwill doing updates fix a sound problem on an old laptop?15:16
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: you reached the goal so its awesome15:16
scuniziAbracadabra, no.. It's the only one installed by default.. there's others.. I just can't remember their names.15:16
unopporcodildo, is anything written to the terminal ?15:16
porcodildounop, yes the output of the command15:16
tonnoCan Someone Help me to change my Screen Resolution? I can Change it :(15:16
idimmui presume you mean "cant change it" ?15:16
ActionParsniptonno: have you installed graphics drivers?15:16
unopporcodildo, then you aren't redirecting properly -  command >> file 2>&115:16
erUSULtonno: gksudo displayconfig-gtk15:16
ikoniaporcodildo: the output of rmmod would be nothing15:16
maszlox[trick]x: http://ubuntulite.tuxfamily.org/?q=node/215:16
weboideCan someone tell me why "df -h" gives me a weird result : /dev/sda1             460G  7,5G  429G   2%   (429+7.5 is not equal to 460)15:17
Chousukeweboide: there's some reserved space, probably.15:17
porcodildounop, thanks it works :D15:17
tonnoIt soppost  to have the drivers... is linux no?15:17
ActionParsnipweboide: if its ext3 then the journal takes up some space15:17
tinhhello everyone, the firebird2.0-super keep failing all the times, although I did not install it15:17
tinhis there anyway to get rid of it?15:17
ActionParsniptonno: not for display, what grahics card do you have?15:17
bobertdosopt1k: That's not spam. It usually means that you've deleted a buddy from your local list and the one on MSN's servers is now out of sync.15:17
porcodildounop, do you have some links of tutorials about these redirections?15:17
weboideChousuke: ActionParsnip: oh okay, it's taking a lot =?15:18
jim_p-busyweboide: i think it hides the 5% thet ext3 reserves for its mantnance15:18
maszlox[trick]x: there is also a small distrib I found at fluxbuntu.org  I have better luck with the ubuntulite... just a little more work on install15:18
Sk8rdudetinh: sudo aptitude purge <package>15:18
erUSULweboide: 429 + 7.5 + 0.05*460 = 46015:18
ActionParsnipweboide: i believe 5-10% is normal15:18
weboideUnderstood, thank you very much : )))15:18
unopporcodildo, ask the guys in #bash - they have a good set15:18
Chousukethat's the space reserved for root though, not the journal15:18
erUSULweboide: 5% per cent on all file systems is reserved for superuser15:18
Chousukeyou can tune it15:18
unopweboide, what filesystem is the volume formatted as?15:18
Chousukemake it 0.5% or something :)15:18
ActionParsnipmaszlo: its better to install ubuntu, then install fluxbox as fluxbuntu isnt official15:19
weboideunop: ext315:19
x[trick]xhope this one will not give me a hard time installing15:19
jim_p-busyChousuke: do you know the command? i have looked everywhere for it15:19
x[trick]xwish me luck dude15:19
opt1kbobertdos: it is spam, i haven't deleted a buddy in a year15:19
Chousukejim_p-busy: wait a moment15:19
unopweboide, yea, 5% of the space is reserved for superuser blocks15:19
tinhSk8rdude, thanks alot15:19
ActionParsniptonno: what graphics card do you have?15:19
weboideunop: good thing to know, i wasn't aware of that =P15:19
opt1kbobertdos: it started when i logged in from actual msn on my college computer, and got home and now i have all this windows pop up every time i start pidgin15:19
unopweboide, 5% of 460 is about 23  -  which makes sense15:19
Chousuketune2fs -m PERCENTAGE /dev/disk15:19
thiebaudemaszlo:im using fluxbox and its really great15:19
ActionParsnipthiebaude: me too, its sweet and slick15:20
Chousukeit's not good to make it 0 though15:20
weboideunop: you're right15:20
jim_p-busyChousuke: thanks. can percentage be below 1%?15:20
o0Chris0odoes ubuntu offer xfce desktop enviornment?15:20
Chousukejim_p-busy: not sure15:20
Chousukejim_p-busy: probably you can sacrifice 1% of space :)15:20
weboideo0Chris0o: xubuntu ?15:20
thiebaudeactionparsnip:yea i remmember p:15:20
ActionParsnipo0Chris0o: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop15:20
opt1kbtw, what would be the reason for poor transfer speeds on msn protocol when using every other im except msn live?15:20
o0Chris0othought that was it15:20
jim_p-busyChousuke: i can give it 1% but surely not 5%15:20
ActionParsnipo0Chris0o: id suggest fluxbox over xfce but thats my 2p worth15:21
maszlothiebaude: what was the window manager that was in fluxbox?15:21
o0Chris0ofluxbox is too clean ;D15:21
bobertdosopt1k: Well, that probably did throw your two lists out of sync. I would perhaps clear out Pidgin's list and let it rebuild itself from the server side.15:21
jim_p-busyChousuke: and i know that it can be set through the altetnative installer, but when i found it, it was late15:21
ActionParsnipo0Chris0o: xfce isnt much more15:21
Chousukejim_p-busy: you can try and see if it accepts 0.5 or something15:21
unopmaszlo, fluxbox is the window manager15:21
jim_p-busyChousuke: ok, thanks15:21
opt1kbobertdos: so you're suggesting that i purge my pidgin list?15:21
maszloahh that's why I was confused.. I ended up using openbox15:22
ActionParsnipkubuntu + fluxbox == winner15:22
thiebaudeactionparsnip:8.04 uses alot of memory, but fluxbox doesn't use much15:22
simNIXWhen i try to ftp netinstall Ubuntu 8.04 I keep getting "Downloading a file failed". Ive tried 4 mirrors and also ftp.ubuntu.com fails. If i switch with alt+f4 I see "DEBUG: resolver (libnewt0.52): package doesn't exist" also same line for efi-modules15:22
bobertdosopt1k: Well, the MSN portion at least. MSN seems to be the only protocol where this is a problem.15:22
unopthiebaude, 8.04 isn't a window manager :)15:22
simNIXis this a error on the ftp servers I need to report somewhere ?15:22
ActionParsnipsimNIX: can you ping websites from the system?15:22
Chousukehmm, interesting15:23
edo32mb|awayhow do i find out what 'cards' i'm using to use for the --with-cards option for ./configure for alsa?15:23
thiebaudeunop:yup i know15:23
Chousukeit's possible to put the ext3 journal on a separate disk :)15:23
opt1kbobertdos: kk, i'll try, i just remove that the contacts will stay on the server :D15:23
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:23
Chousukemight be nice to put it on flash or something15:23
unopthiebaude, so your comparison doesn't make much sense :)15:23
thiebaudeunop:when i use ubuntu 8.04 as opposed to fluxbox15:23
thiebaudeunpo;it sure does15:23
simNIXActionParsnip, yes -> also other packages before these are grabed ok15:24
unopthiebaude, i think you mean to say  gnome there instead of "ubuntu 8.04"15:24
ActionParsnipsimNIX: maybe it just burped, try again. Its ok from here15:24
* ActionParsnip agrees with unop15:24
unopthiebaude, 8.04 is the version of ubuntu - irrespective of the window manager . in other words, you can run fluxbox on ubuntu 8.0415:24
thiebaudeunop:well yea gnome15:24
simNIXI pxe boot the setup - maybe mine is old ?15:24
maszloI was looking for a window manager that I could have the lightest to run xbmc touchscreen.. for my music library.. wanted it organized better than the touchscreens at bars15:24
bobertdosChousuke: although it is usually recommended that you use ext2 with flash drives :)15:25
=== Cc2iscooL_ is now known as Cc2iscooL
Chousukebobertdos: it's only the *journal* that goes on the flash drive, not the whole FS15:25
thiebaudeunop:i've been using ubuntu for 3 yrs and have no windows on my system15:25
bobertdosChousuke: Ah, I see15:26
* ActionParsnip only uses windows on his work lappy15:26
c_lsipI prefer being on linux, then windows suits more of my programming needs.15:26
mistformok, it's time for a change15:26
bobertdosChousuke: I'm used to people wanting to install the whole OS to a flash drive :p15:26
mistformless linux, more porn. 'nuff said15:26
thiebaudeactioparsnip:i understand that :)15:26
unopmistform, please keep the channel family friendly15:27
maszloc_lsip: windows programming hurts my brain..15:27
maszloc_lsip: I do it.. we deal a lot with asp.net  but oh man it fights me15:27
tonno_Can someone help me to change my screen resolution? My Pc just shut down I don' t know why, so sorry for ask to much :(15:27
Sk8rdudedoes anyone know the terminal command to add a samba share15:27
ActionParsniptonno_: what grapics card do you have??15:27
thiebaudehi maxara15:28
ikoniaSk8rdude: it's in a comfig file15:28
ActionParsnipSk8rdude: edit your smb.conf15:28
unopSk8rdude, you'll need to edit the smb.conf file and reload the samba service15:28
ActionParsniptonno_: if you dont know I can tell you how you can tell me15:28
Sk8rdudehmm... im sure i did it with terminal before... oh well15:28
icedwaterHi, anyone know of a good tool I could use to import projects from Visual C++ 6.0 into some *nix IDE?15:28
Sk8rdudehow do you reload the service then15:28
klax3does anyone know how to keep an rtorrent session going if you start it on SSH but want to disconnect?15:28
tonno_mi grafic card is SIS...15:28
ikoniaSk8rdude: restart the smbd daemon15:28
ActionParsniptonno_: what model sis?15:29
klax3Sk8rdude: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart15:29
v3ctorklax3: screen15:29
unopSk8rdude, sudo invoke-rc.d samba reload15:29
ActionParsniptonno_: in terminal run lspci and give me the SINGLE LINE relating to your SIS card15:29
maszloicedwater: might be able to do it with eclipse15:29
klax3v3ctor: so, rtorrent screen?15:29
weboideklax3: use screen, type screen to start it, then  ctrl+A+D to quit, then screen -r  to return into the screen15:29
maszloicedwater: it seems like the most built ide.. not 100% sure though15:29
klax3ahhh alright thanks weboide15:30
v3ctorklax3: start a screen session like `screen -S rtorrent` then crtl-d to detatch15:30
tonno_ahmm I don' t know... but I can' t even see Videos in 8.04 :( maybe because Kerner don' t know what grafic card I have15:30
mftomnot sure what's wrong but i'm running the latest version of ubuntu on dell inspiron 6400. after working on laptop for a while, firefox and any other program seems to close. when i try to open them back on they are unresponsive until i manually restart, anyone know what i can look for to fix this?15:30
klax3got it, thanks a lot15:30
icedwaterHeh, I already have Eclipse... might try that. I heard about some plugin called Eclipse-CDT or some such15:30
icedwatermaszlo, thanks.15:30
ActionParsniptonno_: if you can see the ubuntu screen you have enough for now15:30
=== jim_p-busy is now known as jim_p
ActionParsniptonno_: run the erminal then type lspici in it and hit enter15:30
maszloicedwater: might want to search on sf.net15:30
tonno_But Anyway.. I wnt to change the resolution that' s all :S15:31
* bobertdos feels unneeded :p15:31
ActionParsniptonno_: i know we are getting there, you dont have any graphics drivers so until we get them installed you wont have a decent resolution15:31
=== eight_ is now known as eight
MSI-WindI did this chmod +x isql-viewer-3_0_0-UNIX.sh" then "./chmod +x isql-viewer-3_0_0-UNIX.sh" after CDing onto the folder but getting ./chmod no such file or directory, what did i do wrong ?15:32
mftomcan anyone help me please?  :(15:32
ActionParsnip!ask | mftom15:32
ubottumftom: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)15:32
oklinuxhow do I change the background on lxde ?15:32
mftomnot sure what's wrong but i'm running the latest version of ubuntu on dell inspiron 6400. after working on laptop for a while, firefox and any other program seems to close. when i try to open them back on they are unresponsive until i manually restart, anyone know what i can look for to fix this?15:32
c_lsipMSI-Wing you don't do ./chmod15:32
tonno_ActionParsnip, tonno@kattollikisd-desktop:~$ lspici15:32
tonno_bash: lspici: command not found15:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde15:32
=== c_lsip is now known as c_lisp
klax3not lspici15:33
ActionParsniptonno_: lspci15:33
ActionParsniptonno_: el ess pee see eye15:33
geniiMSI-Wind: The first command when you're in the directory the file is in. When you do ./somename   it want to run a file which is in the directory you are curently in15:33
tonno_okk? :S :P15:33
c_lispmftom sh blah.sh runs a sh file15:33
tonno_<ActionParsnip> Wouw.... ther is a big list15:34
mftomc_lisp: what does that have to do with anything?15:34
ActionParsniptonno_: ok you have a tonne of text output, read each line and one will be your graphics card15:34
ActionParsniptonno_: do NOT paste it all in here15:34
c_lispif you do ./chmod thats invalid15:34
oobedoes anyone know of a way to check if my dvd burner is using sata or ide from inside ubuntu15:34
c_lispmust be just chmod +x filename15:34
ActionParsnipoobe: you can check in bios15:35
gukinadoes ubuntu read 1TB HD fine?15:35
mftomthe problem im having is that programs keep closing in ubuntu15:35
tonno_ok here go15:35
tonno_tonno@kattollikisd-desktop:~$ lspci15:35
tonno_00:00.0 Host bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 741/741GX/M741 Host (rev 03)15:35
tonno_00:01.0 PCI bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS AGP Port (virtual PCI-to-PCI bridge)15:35
tonno_00:02.0 ISA bridge: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] SiS964 [MuTIOL Media IO] (rev 36)15:35
tonno_00:02.5 IDE interface: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 5513 [IDE] (rev 01)15:35
FloodBot3tonno_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:35
erUSULoobe: check dmesg15:35
geniigukina: Yes15:35
mftomwhen i open them back up they dont open and i cant even restart...i have to do alt + backspace and then restart from there15:35
ActionParsnipgukina: should be fine15:35
ActionParsniptonno_: what did i say?15:35
ActionParsniptonno_: do NOT paste it all in here15:35
tonno_I did something wrong? :(15:36
mftomnot sure what is causing windows in ubuntu to close...whether it be firefox or pidgin or w/e15:36
tonno_ohh :( Sowwy....15:36
Pici!paste | tonno_15:36
ubottutonno_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:36
ActionParsnipyes you flooded the place15:36
geniiActionParsnip: Since he had more than a single line from lspci containing SIS references it was understandable15:36
ActionParsniptonno_: i only want the SINGLE line which identifies your video card15:36
ActionParsniptonno_: no worries man15:36
ActionParsniptonno_: read the display line by line15:36
ActionParsnipgenii: true15:36
oobeerUSUL, thanks i should of thought of that15:36
oobeActionParsnip, i was asking for an easy way15:37
mftomanyone know whats wrong?15:37
ActionParsniptonno_: one line will say VGA or DISPLAY adapter or something15:37
oklinuxany one here run lxde ?15:37
maszlomftom: its may be flash.. that thing just bothers me.15:37
ActionParsnipoklinux: im checking how you change it15:37
erUSULActionParsnip: tonno_ "lspci | grep -i vga" works most of the time ;)15:37
mftommaszlo: i doubt it, it sometimes happens when im working with bluefish15:37
xompis it typical for cpu usage to be 50% (on a 3Ghz dual core cpu) when a screen saver is active? lol15:38
maszlomftom: I installed flash 10 to see if that helped.. it kills firefox.. had to roll back15:38
mftommy one friend thought it could be my graphics driver so i disabled it and it still does it15:38
ActionParsnipoklinux: is there a right click menu -> desktop settings?15:38
maszlomftom: have you looked at any logs?15:39
Jack_Sparrowxomp not unusual, some of those screensavers are quite cpu intensive15:39
mftommaszlo: what would happen to you if you used flash 10? would your browser close and not open again until you restart15:39
ActionParsnipmftom: check you logs15:39
ActionParsnipmftom: dmesg can help too15:39
mftommaszlo: i'm very new to linux and even when i look at the logs im not sure what im looking at15:39
maszlomftom: it would just close hard15:39
maszlomftom: I would kill the process so I didn't need to force it to die15:39
mftomwhats dmesg15:39
xompJack_Sparrow, ah ok15:40
tonno_Thanks and Sorry guys... :(, Can I Paste here a Single Line that talk about my grafic card? :(15:40
mftomand if i look at my logs im not sure what im looking at.  can i paste it to one of you to see whats wrong maybe?15:40
ActionParsnipmftom: a terminal program to help fight bad computers15:40
hololightHere's one: I use the nvidia proprietary driver, whenever I go to a tty or i close the lid on my laptop and open it again, the screen is all 'messed' up.... ideas?15:40
ActionParsniptonno_: you can always paste single lines15:40
tonno_ok :S15:40
tonno_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter15:40
maszlomftom: you don't need to restart.. if you can't open it you can see the process number with 'ps -A |grep firefox'  then just kill it by the number15:40
oklinuxActionParsnip, I changed my background picture now I cant change it to a different one it wont right click on the desktop15:40
mftommaszlo: the problem is when something closes, NOTHING opens. not even terminal. the shutdown button doesnt work, nothing works.15:41
maszlomftom: when that happens seems like its something with your window manager.. maybe15:41
mftommaszlo: if i paste you my log can you take a look?15:42
maszlomftom: you can restart X if you do crtl + alt + backspace15:42
=== ___mikem is now known as __mikem
mftomi just do alt + backspace then from that login screen im able to restart. if i log back in w/o restarting it still doesnt work15:42
maszlomftom: yeah you just can't paste in here15:42
maszlomftom: I will try .. think pastebin is what people use15:42
mftomok you want me to look in the messages part of the system log15:43
mftomor syslog or what?15:43
maszlomftom: you know when this happened.. would need to be that section.. dmesg might be the best start15:43
mftommaszlo: it happened late last night, i could look at the times when it happened but what do i look under?15:44
mftomi see auth, daemon, debug, kern, messagse, syslog, user, xord15:44
maszlomftom: but like I said.. if you get the system to the point that you can not start and control any thing ctrl +alt+ back space will take you back to the login screen.. you do not need to reboot to get control again15:44
maszlomftom: a lot of stuff gets logged on boot15:45
mftommaszlo: on my computer you NEED to restart to get back to normal. lol15:46
mftomyes so what do i need to paste to you?  like what will hold the error that happened last night? the messages part? syslog?15:46
maszlomftom: you tried to restart X?15:46
baudthiefhelp... I screwed up my video config somehow, screen updates are EXTREMELY slow. card is a mobility radeon 9700, I tried installing fglrx, and also uninstalling to no avail. dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg crashes out before asking me about video settings15:46
mftomyes i can restart until the cows come home lol...doesnt fix it. it'll be fine for a few hours then it'll just happen again.15:47
legend2440baudthief: have you tried to enable the ati drivers in  system>admin>hardware drivers?15:47
maszlomftom: what were the things that were active that might have cuased it?   from console.. if you run dmesg that would hold it if it wasn't rebooted.. not srue if that is send to files somewhere15:47
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
AdvoWorkwhats the best way to make a share from my one server, to my terastation? i need the share on my server like: /home/completed and my terasation is //terastation1/files/work/completed and im trying to make it permenent15:48
w00t`ubuntu fuck15:48
Aaqilw00t`: wao15:48
baudthieflegend2440: yeah, its doing the same thing. The menu takes about 3 to 4 seconds to show! I believe it happenned when I experimented with installing XGL15:48
mftommaszlo: it already rebooted cause it happened last night. but i was running a few firefox windows and pidgin15:49
ActionParsniphey all15:49
mftombut it has happened when i was running bluefish too, etc.15:49
jim_pAdvoWork: fstab seems fine for this15:49
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IMaverickmy apache gives this error when i try to reload, could any one explain me what this mean..."apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName"15:49
ActionParsnipif tommo comes back can someone give him this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1656915:49
maszlomftom: and the system completely locks up? or you can not restart firefox?15:49
PiciIMaverick: Its only a warning, nothing to be worried about.15:49
ActionParsniphe needs to change the driver in his xorg.conf to sis and he will be ok15:50
legend2440baudthief: well as a last resort you could try to remove them then reinstall them using  envyng-gtk. its in synaptic15:50
ActionParsnippeace out kids15:50
philippeIMaverick, probably means your hostname is decently set in /etc/hosts15:50
oklinuxActionParsnip, any other idea ?15:50
erUSULActionParsnip: ciao15:50
mftommaszlo: im looking at the log but i odnt know what im looking for15:50
ActionParsnipoklinux: fbsetbg -i /path/to/wallpaper.png may work as it looks like fluxox a bit15:50
philippeIMaverick, I mean NOT correctly set15:50
ThedjatclubrockHow would I make Ubuntu not add the Evolution icon in the top bar for new users.15:50
baudthieflegend2440: thanks, will give that a shot right away15:51
legend2440baudthief: if you type fglrxinfo in terminal does it say   mesa or  ati?15:51
maszlomftom: when the thing would crap out on you.. would you loose control of windows or something just not start?15:51
baudthieflegend2440: 1 sec, just rebooting it now15:51
IMaverickphilippe, i wana create a new site in apache .. can u help...15:51
bazhanghttps://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/16569 Tonno15:51
maszlomftom: like if you lost the mouse then its X11 that died15:51
mftomi'd lose control over everything...nothing would be clickable15:51
mftomno its not the mouse, its just the operating system in general i think15:52
mftomthe mouse would work...i'd click firefox and you can see it try to load in the task bar but then just disapear15:52
maszloits sound like X windows15:52
Tonno<bazhang> what' s that?15:52
Jack_Sparrowmftom what changes have you made to your sources list and have you posted it to the pastebin15:52
philippeIMaverick, depens what you want to do exactly. Apache is not directly something I know a lot about15:52
bazhangTonno, from actionparsnip; he had to leave15:52
indroraI've searched everywhere now I wanna know: Why is it under Ubuntu i get fuzz thrown all over my OpenGL renderings?15:52
maszlomftom: ahh yea you try to open anything else?15:52
mftommaszlo: yes anything else wont open15:53
* indrora has a radeon 9550SE with the restricted driver installed15:53
Jack_SparrowIMaverick try /j #Apache15:53
mftomuntil i restart15:53
Tonnoohhhh A lot of that man... my Pc just shutdown don' t know why15:53
baudthieflegend2440: nevermind heh, I just removed xserver-xgl, now everythings great!15:53
mftomjack_sparrow: not sure where to find source list? sorry im a newb15:53
* Aaqil is in love with Ubuntu :)15:53
maszlomftom: does the same thing where if shows it loading the disapears15:53
legend2440baudthief: ok good15:53
Jack_Sparrowmftom /etc/apt/sources.list15:53
ThedjatclubrockHow would I make Ubuntu not add the Evolution icon in the top bar for new users.15:53
mftomyes it tries to load in the task bar (it looks like its minimized) but then it goes away15:53
dakirahi. if i share a folder via right-click -> sharing-options.. where are these settings saved? they don't appear in /etc/samba/smb.conf (sharing works btw)?15:53
mftommaszlo: then nothing opens, and i cant even click the shutdown button cause that wont work15:54
dakirathis behaviour somehow changed this hardy.. in gutsy the shared folders just appeared in smb.conf15:54
attickid925help. I cant see my ntfs partitions on linux anymore. I followed the chkdisk steps cause I shut down windows uncleanly but it doesnt work, I cant still mount them15:54
maszlomftom: hmm.. I have only had this happen with a program.. such as firefox.. but it was a locked up process15:54
indroraThedjatclubrock: Its somewhere in the defaults... I'm doing an OEM style installation so i can make my GNOME session look like old 1.3 gnome15:55
nerdinhooi ppl15:55
maszlomftom:  you happen to know if your computer was out of reasources?15:55
nerdinhotudo bem com vocês ou nem por isso?15:55
genii!pt | nerdinho15:55
ubottunerdinho: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:55
mftommaszlo: i have no idea15:55
nerdinhodo caralho15:55
baudthieflegend2440: I just installed the proprietary driver through the control panel, but fglrx is still telling me its using mesa GLX?15:55
mftomi have the systemlog w/ the messagse tab open...you want me to paste you it?15:55
Thedjatclubrockindrora: Where would I find the defaults/15:55
maszlomftom: might have to jump off here for a minute.. boss just rolled in15:56
indrorai have no clue15:56
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto15:56
Jack_Sparrowmftom          From terminal   gedit /etc/apt/sources.list                 Please copy and paste it to the pastebin for me.15:56
nerdinhooh nããão15:56
nerdinhonão me deixam falar português15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr15:56
indroraubottu i've followed the binary driver help15:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:56
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nerdinhoxau ppl15:56
FloodBot3nerdinho: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:56
regeyashucks...two letter code for porgugues15:56
Jack_Sparrowregeya pt15:56
ubottuPor favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:56
mftomjack_sparrow: ok hold on15:57
regeyaI cannot type today!15:57
attickid925help. I cant see my ntfs partitions on linux anymore. I followed the chkdisk steps cause I shut down windows uncleanly but it doesnt work, I cant still mount them15:57
regeyalet me loose on the e17 code, I'm typin' like rasterman15:57
mftommaszlo here is my error log: http://pastebin.com/m7aa2ba8e15:57
Jack_Sparrowattickid925 Can you see them with gparted15:57
legend2440baudthief: in xorg.conf   does  Driver    say    "fglrx"  ?15:57
attickid925Jack_Sparrow:hold on15:57
baudthieflegend2440: yes15:58
mftomJack_Sparrow: here is the sources list http://pastbin.com/m1ab39a2515:58
baudthieflegend2440: cpanel also says proprietary drivers are "in use"15:58
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forger22Hello all. Quick question- can I start a raid with a HD already full of data? (i.e. add HDs to that)? Cheers15:59
mftomsorry jack here it is: http://pastebin.com/m1ab39a2515:59
mftomi had a typo15:59
legend2440baudthief: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide#Removing_Mesa_drivers15:59
Batty4Hey everyone. =]15:59
maszlomftom: is your sound okay?16:00
Jack_Sparrowmftom thanks,, I see nothing in there..16:00
mftommaszlo: yes sound works16:00
mftomjack can you take a look at my system log > messages ?16:00
attickid925Jack_Sparrow:I can see them with gparted16:01
Jack_Sparrowattickid925 what error when you try to mount16:01
nnullwhy in services is there 2 versions of scheduled actions (anacron and atd) and for logging there is also 2.. sysklogd and klogd.. why is there 2 of these? (this is in ubuntu by default)16:01
=== patrik_ is now known as patrik
mftomjack: towards the bottom is where it messes up on the log i just pasted you16:01
mftomi think16:01
mftommaszlo: did you check it out?16:02
attickid925Jack_Sparrow:fuse mount failed device or resource busy FUSE mount point creation failed Unmounting /dev/hda1 ()16:02
legend2440baudthief: did you reboot after removing xserver-xgl?16:03
maszlomftom: do not see anything really.. wlan0 seems a little fishy, there is one tme it seems that audio got funny16:03
erUSULnnull: at schedules jobs just once cron is for peridical jobs.16:03
AdvoWorkjim_p got an example?16:03
jareth_nnull: klogd is a kernel thingy, with atd you can schedule a job for one time only and with *cron you schedule on a daily/weekly/whatever basis16:03
mftommaszlo: is there a way to update my audio to eliminate that?16:03
jim_pAdvoWork: for what16:03
mftomand is there a way to fix wlan0 to maybe eliminate that as a problem as wel?16:03
cadshow do I access arguments given to a shell script inside the script itself? I need something like and Argv16:03
unopnnull, syslogd runs as two processes - syslogd itself and klogd16:03
maszlomftom: well update would be more like roll back.. I don't know about this pulseaudio16:04
unopcads, use $@ to access them all or $1, $2, $3 etc to access them individually16:04
jim_pAdvoWork: let me make one16:04
nnullahh i see thanks guys16:04
cadsthankyou unop16:04
maszlomftom: I have had a firend that had to roll back.. would loose sound, if you don't have that.. I would leave it16:04
nnulli reinstalled ubuntu, all good so far :D16:04
patrikHi, I want to remoteley via ssh enable remote (graphical) login on my server. I left home without turning remote login on, so now I can't login when I'm on the road. How do I solve this?16:05
mftommaszlo: yes i don thave a problem with sound...16:05
waanCan anyone help me install the ieee80211 subsystem? I get an error on make16:05
unoppatrik, can you ssh into the system?16:05
mftommaszlo: let me paste you the syslog...i didnt paste yout hat before, i pasted the messagse tab16:06
^Someone^I'm using Ubuntu Hardy. When I try to log in, it freezes at the wallpaper. I can use the power button to bring up power options and log out or restart16:06
maszlomftom: I do not see anything in that log.. you upto date on upgrades?16:06
baudthieflegend2440: no luck, fglrxinfo still claims mesa is in use16:06
legend2440baudthief: did you reboot after removing xserver-xgl?16:06
unop^Someone^, does  alt+f2 bring up the run dialog at that point?16:07
mftommaszlo: yes i'm up to date.  here is the syslog, please check this one out: http://pastebin.com/m7c87fcb716:07
patrikunop: Yes16:07
baudthieflegend2440: yes, but I didn't reboot when adding Option "Composite" to xorg.conf (just restarted X)16:07
Jack_Sparrowmftom HAs it always had issues or is this something recent16:07
legend2440baudthief: that should be all you need to do16:07
^Someone^No, unop16:08
baudthiefweird o_O16:08
mftomit always has. but im new to linux so i only had this on here a few months16:08
attickid925Jack_Sparrow: fuse mount failed device or resource busy FUSE mount point creation failed Unmounting /dev/hda1 ()16:08
^Someone^I can log in using the terminal session though16:08
^Someone^But nothing else16:08
mftommaszlo and jack sparrow: please check the syslog out: http://pastebin.com/m7c87fcb716:08
mftomsorry its so long, not sure what to paste but it happened last night16:08
erUSUL^Someone^: create a new user and check if it happens with that user too16:08
unoppatrik, I guess you could install vnc or something like it in the ssh session - then connect via VNC ?16:08
Jack_Sparrowmftom I did..   Try running with acpi=off16:08
xompwhy doesn't the ubuntu build of mplayer play mkv files?16:09
maszlomftom: what time last night.. you have any clue?16:09
^Someone^I did, it does, erUSUL16:09
erUSULxomp: patent problems?16:09
xomperUSUL, I don't understand?16:09
Duffeyhello from the ubuntu certified professional class in atlanta!16:09
^Someone^I also tried the recovery-mode boot and tried fixing broken packages16:09
legend2440baudthief: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=853377&page=516:09
mftommaszlo: around 11:30-1216:09
^Someone^And also tried apt-get -f install16:09
velkoerUSUL: hahah with matroska?16:09
unoppatrik, or if you are using ssh from a linux/unix client to access your machine - you could do something like  ssh -X user@otherhost 'sudo gdmsetup'16:09
Jack_Sparrowmftom # To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--" on a live cd and see if the problem remains16:10
patrikunop: Ok, and enable xdmcp?16:10
erUSULxomp: mkv may be using patented technology so ubuntu does not distribute it16:10
error404notfoundI am trying to install vhcs2 and I get: http://pastebin.com/m23c2e994, I have tried the fix of the community docs to set keysize to 32, it still gives the same error... even tried with 56...16:10
xomperUSUL, is there a way to check if my mkv is using such patented technology?16:10
unoppatrik, right - that would be the idea with gdmsetup - but it's probably much more efficient to use VNC rather than XDMCP over the internet16:11
maszlomftom: it looks like gdm got screwy.. that is what manages the x session you in16:11
cachedif i wish to write 64-bit programs on my laptop, i'd need a 64-bit install, right?16:11
cached(of an operating system, that is)16:11
indroraWhy am i getting this? http://sonof.bandit.name/files/fgl_fail.png16:11
patrikunop: yes, there's no compression on xdmcp right? But can I connect the vnc server to an already running session?16:12
maszlomftom: ctrl +alt+bkspc should fix this.. can't really tell what caused it though..16:12
unopcached, not necessary - you only need a 64bit OS to _run_ those programs16:12
nnulllol cached, prolly be a good idea dude :P16:12
mftomjack_sparrow: i dont know if i understand that but i'll try...what does it do?16:12
issyaHi, I am messing around with lighttpd. I install it via aptitude. Messed up some confi stuff so I uninstall it via aptitude. It did not seem to remove all of the files. So I removed them myself. Now when I install lighttpd it does not create the default config file or init.d script.16:12
issyaAny suggestion?16:12
cachedunop, nnull: thanks16:12
indroraissya try apt-get purge lighthttpd16:12
indroraor whatever the package is16:13
unoppatrik, errm - i'm not sure about an already running session - but you can set it up for future sessions (i.e. resume)16:13
[T]ankso i have a new laptop from work. it is the lenovo t61. I installed the ubuntu 64 bit version and am setting up my intel pro wireless 4965 using ndiswrapper. i have the driver installed, but iwconfig does not show my device. what do I need to do now?16:13
indroraPURGE removes it and its configuration16:13
Jack_Sparrowmftom JUst a way of testing your system.  Since you said it does it all the time.  Running livecd with those options to see if the problem goes away16:13
cachedi'm assuming there's no way to turn a 32-bit install into a 64 bit install? ;)16:13
ThedjatclubrockWhere would I disable auto-adding evolution to top gnome menu bar.16:13
unopcached, you assumed right16:13
Jack_Sparrowcached no16:13
issyaThanks indora, I will try that. I knew there would be something out there like that.16:13
error404notfoundokay, now I am getting: http://pastebin.com/m4194d75916:13
indrorano problem issya16:14
Batty4What's everyone up to?16:14
xomperUSUL, nevermind heh, I re-muxed the files with mkvtools :)16:14
mftomjack_sparrow: i pressed f6 on startup n nothing happened16:14
issyaThat did the trick, thanks again indrora16:14
LinuxGhostIve got a trouble with my pc.do u knw hw to repair a problem on booting.After ive installed ubuntu studio my pc sometimesfreezes/ hang when booting16:14
Jack_Sparrowmftom At the first prompt on a livecd session?16:14
[T]ankany ideas on the ndiswrapper for the wireless card?16:14
unopcached, not officially anyway. you could install a 64bit ubuntu and port your package states, configuration files, etc over - but you have to be prepared for surprises16:15
Tonnobazhang I can' t do what ActionParsnip sent me to :(16:15
mftomwhat is livecd?  all i did was restart and press f616:15
patrikunop: It should be possible since you can just go into the system menu and enable desktop sharing. But how to do it from the console is a bit of a mystery. But I'll check around. Perhaps I can edit som config files and make it work. Thanks for your help!16:15
Jack_Sparrowmftom that is not at all what I asked you to do16:15
nownotif i have a folder i want to create a shortcut for in another directory how should it look? ln -s folder1 directory ?16:15
cachedunop: it'd probably be easier that way... i just don't really want to partition my hard disk for another installation16:16
Tonnobazhang, I can' t do what ActionParsnip sent me to :(16:16
mftomjack_sparrow: i tried to restart and press f6. i was then going to remove quiet and splash but nothing happened when i did that16:16
cachedunop: (by that way, i mean install from scratch)16:16
unoppatrik, not that i have ever used it, bit i suspect you are referring to the vino server - and there are ways to modify it's config from the command line16:16
LinuxGhostIve got a trouble with my pc.do u knw hw to repair a problem on booting.After ive installed ubuntu studio my pc sometimesfreezes/ hang when booting16:16
v3ctornownot: ln -s <source> <destination>16:16
Nece228does ubuntu 8.10 will have brand new artwork?16:16
weboidenownot: ln -s sourcefolder  linkname16:16
Jack_Sparrowmftom Do you know what I mean when I say boot the livecd>?16:16
indroraaaaaaug how the hell do i fix this ( http://sonof.bandit.name/files/fgl_fail.png ) its bugging me16:16
unoppatrik, http://tinyurl.com/3gwjxb16:16
mftomu want me to put the cd in there and boot from it?16:16
unopcached, to install a 64bit system - i guess you would need a free partition16:17
Jack_Sparrowindrora PLease dont post a link without a description of the problem and please dont swear.16:17
indroraJack_Sparrow sorry.16:17
Jack_Sparrowmftom yes16:17
patrikunop: Aaah, cool. Just what I was looking for!16:17
mftomthen will that fix it or will it jus tell me whats wrong?16:17
unop!pm | warnet, please keep the conversations in here16:18
mftomis this something to diagnose the problem or is it something to fix it?16:18
ubottuwarnet, please keep the conversations in here: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.16:18
Tonnocan some one help me to change my screen resolution?16:18
cachedunop: do you know how good gparted is with Windows XP partitions?16:18
Jack_Sparrowmftom Read what I already wrote16:18
indroraI've got a fresh install of hardy, and when i try using Copiz or any other OpenGL app i get this result: http://sonof.bandit.name/files/fgl_fail.png -- Fuzz all over the rendering surfaces16:18
cachedunop: I need to still be able to boot it after resizing the partition16:18
legend2440!fixres | Tonno16:18
ubottuTonno: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:18
unopcached, quite good - i use it regularly to resize clients' partitions16:18
Jack_Sparrowmftom actually, I dont have time to ask multiple times when trying to help someone.. I need to go,   Good luck with your problem16:18
unopcached, though you should still always backup your data before using gparted - things can always go wrong (murphy's law)16:19
mftomjack_sparrow: well obviously i don't understand what you wrote, that is why i asked you...or i would have read over what you wrote again.16:19
dyllanhi all.16:19
cachedunop: alright i'll try saturday probably. i want time to make backups and to have the weekend to fix whatever it breaks ;)16:19
Tonnoubottu, I can' t do it man :(16:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:19
dyllanDoes anybody know what file has to be dited to change the resolution for an XDMCP session? Right now it is on 1024x768 and i need it bigger - thanks.16:20
warnetcan anyone help me please16:20
unopdyllan, that would be the xorg.conf16:20
warneti cant compile my source16:20
unop!fixres | dyllan16:20
ubottudyllan: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:20
attickid925Jack_Sparrow: thanks I solved it. I used the "dmsetup remove_all" command16:20
Piciwarnet: Why not? Are you getting an error?16:20
Jack_Sparrowattickid925 Glad you got it16:21
nownotv3ctor: weboide: i have /home/user/Videos and i want a folder in /home/user/Desktop/foo to be a shortcut to /home/user/Videos ln -s /home/userVideos /home/user/Desktop/foo isnt working .... what am i dong wrong16:21
dyllanunop: thanks. But my local desktop is capable of 1280x1024 that's what it is running at the moment, doesnt make too much sense to me, surely local picks up its settings from xorg.conf as well?16:21
v3ctornownot: error?16:21
Piciwarnet: What error?16:22
warnetpici : this is its url : http://rafb.net/p/IlA0UI14.html16:22
weboidenownot: cd /home/usr/Desktop && ln -s /home/usr/Videos foo16:22
nownotv3ctor: nah only thing it says is total 016:22
v3ctornownot: try to use it16:22
EsquiloUdontKnow, how can I set my country in FreeNode?16:22
nownotweboide: ok that worked thanks :)16:23
unopdyllan, not necessarily - the xrandr extension allows you to set resolutions without actually modifying the xorg.conf (that is if you adjust desktop resolutions from the gnome/kde control centers)16:23
legend2440Tonno: in terminal type   gksudo displayconfig-gtk   and see if you can change resolution from there16:23
v3ctornownot: a link is just a pointer, it will always say 016:23
weboidenownot: np, the pb might be /home/usr/Desktop/foo didn't exist16:23
Jack_SparrowEsquilo NOt sure what you are asking,  do you want a ubuntu channel for your language?16:23
huitang do you know how to install Qt with eclipse environment on ubuntu?16:24
Piciwarnet: What program are you trying to compile?16:24
unopdyllan, you could try using gdmsetup to see if you can set resolutions for the GDM there - though i doubt you'll find anything. to access it. gksudo gdmsetup16:24
nownotit did the problem was i was doing ***** usr/Videos/ foo/ i was adding extra /'s16:24
ChrizChi, I just got my CD for 8.04 LTS desktop in the post today, I opened it, slapped it into my drive, rebooted the computer to go into auto-install, and about 5-10mins into the install, a lot of text comes up, saying "zlib_inflate" or something like that failed. I checked the cd for defects and it said 2 files had errors. Any help so I can install it asap?16:25
warnetpici : driver for my NIC16:25
weboidenownot: got it, that must be why. ; )16:25
_Zeus_!md5 | ChrizC16:25
ubottuChrizC: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows16:25
jribChrizC: use another disc16:25
warnetpici : via-rhine16:25
ChrizCjrib; impossible.16:25
huitanghi,all. how to install eclipse with Qt4 on ubuntu?16:25
jribChrizC: it's impossible to use this one if it has defects.16:25
Piciwarnet: What version of Ubuntu are you running?16:25
_Zeus_ChrizC: either way, you need another disc.  Either you have a bad download, or a bad burned disc.16:26
ChrizCjrib; it's also impossible to install Ubuntu from a non-exsistant disc.16:26
warnetpici : hardy16:26
ChrizC_Zeus_; so you're saying that the company Ubuntu has teamed up with, provides bad discs?16:26
_Zeus_ChrizC: where di you get this disc?16:26
ChrizC_Zeus_: From Ubuntu's "Request a free CD" page.16:27
jribChrizC: I've gotten a couple of bad discs, yeah.  Why can't you install ubuntu another way?16:27
warnetpici : this is other information http://rafb.net/p/IGXVjQ63.html16:27
arvind_khadri!torrents | ChrizC16:27
ubottuChrizC: Hardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).16:27
ChrizCjrib; my cd drive doesn't like to burn ISO's properly, for some reason.16:27
largehadronanyone try nvidia twinview mode on hardy?16:27
_Zeus_ChrizC: it's possible, yes.  I mean, they make 1000s of discs, they're bound to be some bad ones16:27
_Zeus_ChrizC: that doesn't make sense16:27
largehadronits just that when i go into twinview mode, the 2 monitors become one big screen.16:27
jribChrizC: there are other ways, check ubottu's link.  You can also find a LoCo or LUG in your area that will burn a disc for you16:28
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings16:28
jrib!install > ChrizC16:28
ubottuChrizC, please see my private message16:28
EsquiloJack_Sparrow, XD I was asking it do udk because I know him, and he is one IRCOP :D16:28
Tonno<legend2440> thans ya16:28
ChrizCfor god sakes, stop the highlights ¬¬16:28
_Zeus_what highlights?16:28
EsquiloI don't know anybody better to tell me it16:28
Esquiloit is ^16:28
Piciwarnet: Did you install the headers for your kernel?16:28
ChrizC_Zeus_, my drive won't burn ISO's properly.16:28
jribChrizC: this channel has over 1000 users. You need to highlight people you are having a conversation with16:28
Jack_SparrowEsquilo /j #Freenode16:28
surgywhen i enter the command fdisk -l i receave this (http://pastebin.com/m3e30aebe) and this is my grub/menu.lst (http://pastebin.com/m21503a61)) can someone help me make it so that i can boot into my windows partition?16:29
warnetpici : i'm newbie16:29
Jack_SparrowChrizC No friends with computers either?16:29
EsquiloJack_Sparrow, OK, I get it16:29
_Zeus_ChrizC: that's irc etiquette, there are many users here.  we should highlight before each message16:29
warnetpici : where i know it16:29
ChrizCjrib; I can't download it, I can't torrent it, no one in my local area likes Linux, so won't burn it, and the CD's take too long to get here for me to order another one.16:29
largehadronyeah. i've got nvidia-settings installed.  how do you get it to be two separate screens rather than one big one?16:29
Piciwarnet: apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`16:29
_Zeus_ChrizC: where do you live, out of curiosity?16:30
Jack_SparrowAnywhere in the message should work _Zeus_16:30
jribChrizC: you can purchase one from amazon as well16:30
Piciwarnet: sorry: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`16:30
ChrizC_Zeus_; Southwest.16:30
ubottutwinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings16:30
_Zeus_Jack_Sparrow: yeah, but it's easier to read if it's at the beginning16:30
ChrizCjrib; I'm not paying for something I can get for free, lols.16:30
jribChrizC: what state?16:30
_Zeus_ChrizC: I don't get it, don't you have internet?16:30
ChrizCjrib; the good ol' united kingdom.16:30
ChrizCObviously not, _Zeus_, seeing as I'm on this IRC channel ¬¬16:30
lycosteWhat's a good journaling program?16:30
_Zeus_(11:29:45 AM) ChrizC: jrib; I can't download it, I can't torrent it, no one in my local area likes Linux, so won't burn it, and the CD's take too long to get here for me to order another one.16:30
_Zeus_then explain that16:31
jribChrizC: there's a big ubuntu community in the UK.  Try #ubuntu-uk16:31
ChrizCI can't download it because it takes too long and when it gets near the end, my windows always fails.16:31
ChousukeChrizC: why can't you torrent it?16:31
_Zeus_ChrizC: well, you say you live in the UK?16:31
ChrizC_Zeus_; yes.16:31
bazhangChrizC, do you have an ubuntu support question?16:31
grim76__ChrizC: Then use an ftp client or something similar to download the file.16:32
largehadronwhere abouts are you ChrizC. i have a cd of hardy.16:32
ChrizCChousuke; no torrent software, and as I said, can't download anything without my Windows install failing.16:32
ChrizCbazhang; already asked it a while ago.16:32
ChrizCgrim76__: No ftp clients.16:32
Chousukeweird :/16:32
ChrizClargehadron; South West of UK.16:32
largehadronhmm.. i'm in Reading.16:32
_Zeus_ChrizC: if you use torrents, you can recover the torrent where you left off16:32
ChrizCbit too far16:32
largehadronyou tried downloading azureus.  graphical torrent client.16:33
_Zeus_a crash doesn't matter16:33
grim76__ChrizC: you have a commandline ftp client that is built into windows.16:33
ChrizC_Zeus_, can't you read? I've got no torrent software!16:33
_Zeus_ChrizC: then get some!16:33
Chousukesounds like he can't download *anything* :/16:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vuze16:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!16:33
Jack_SparrowChrizC Please tone down the attitude16:33
Chousukewhich would indeed be a problem16:33
ubottuazureus is a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AzureusHowTo16:33
_Zeus_ChrizC: if you can't download anything, then we can't really help you here.16:33
Jack_Sparrow!minimal > ChrizC16:33
ubottuChrizC, please see my private message16:33
_Zeus_find someone who can16:33
PiciChrizC: If you have a Windows problem, please join ##windows, we cannot helpyou with that, sorry.16:33
bazhangthe minimal is only 9mb.16:34
Chousukethat doesn't make any sense though; how the hell can you not download anything16:34
Chousukewindows can't be *that* broken16:34
Chousukeseeing as you can IRC just fine.16:34
_Zeus_(11:32:15 AM) ChrizC: Chousuke; no torrent software, and as I said, can't download anything without my Windows install failing.16:34
_Zeus_obviously, it is about windows16:34
warnetpici : thanks alot pici16:34
PiciChrizC: Lets start over, Whats the problem you are having?16:34
cadsis there a way to optimize my system so that the file explorer loads faster and is more snappy (an so that in general things are more responsive)?16:34
arvind_khadriChrizC, use the minimal install16:34
Piciwarnet: did that fix the issue?16:34
Chousukecads: buy more RAM16:35
ChrizCmy problem is, the CD sent to me by Ubuntu is failed16:35
Jack_Sparrowcads add ram, how much are you running16:35
warnetpici : i'll try it when going home16:35
ChrizCand I need it installed asap16:35
IMaverickis it possible to create 2-3 different sites like x.com, y.com in my laptop ... i wnna do it just to learn php.. what should i do... i already install apache16:35
cadsyeah, i suppose that really isn't enough16:35
_Zeus_ChrizC: so why can't you download a small file?16:35
jeppdoes anyone know how to change language package of abiword?16:35
ChousukeIMaverick: you don't need a domain to run a website locally16:35
ChrizC_Zeus_, is that small file an iso?16:35
arvind_khadricads, its enough...just check how much swap you have16:35
Jack_SparrowChrizC yes16:36
ChrizCthen I can't burn it propely16:36
PiciChrizC: The smallest install iso is 8 mb.16:36
ChousukeIMaverick: just install apache, php and connect to http://localhost/whatever.php16:36
warnetpici : now, i'll collect alot information about this problem16:36
ChrizCwe're going around in circles here, honestly.16:36
_Zeus_ChrizC: you know what, we really can't do anything for you here16:36
maszloany one here have ubuntu on one of the mini dells they released, eeepc or anything like that.. debating on a sub-notebook or a nice N series nokia16:36
arvind_khadri!minimal | ChrizC16:36
ubottuChrizC: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:36
IMaverickchouske,  want ot create it... how could i do it16:36
_Zeus_i understand you got a bad cd, but we can't fix that16:36
Jack_SparrowChrizC then we cnat help you..  Fix your hardware, or fix windows or find a friend and dl it ..16:36
ChousukeIMaverick: you'll have to read some manuals to set it up correctly, but you'll have to find out how, yourself.16:36
Jack_SparrowChrizC Please tone down the attitude16:37
ChrizCJack_Sparrow please stop going around in circles.16:37
maszloChrizC: what are you expecting here?16:37
warnetpici : what i should do other pici?16:37
Jack_SparrowChrizC Your inability to burn a cd is NOT a support issue16:37
* v3ctor smells troll snacks16:37
ChrizCnot my inability16:37
citizen42alphaWhy can't you burn a CD ?16:37
ChrizCmy drives inability16:37
ChrizCI can burn a CD, it's just my drive will not burn iso's16:37
Chousukethen you need a new drive16:37
arvind_khadriChrizC, contact a nearby LUG16:37
ChrizCChousuke; I'm not made of money.16:37
ChrizCfor fuck sake arvind16:38
citizen42alphamhm, arvind is right.16:38
ChousukeChrizC: CD burners are practically free16:38
ChrizCI told you, no one around here will download/burn the cd for me16:38
citizen42alphadrives are cheap as chips nowadays.16:38
arvind_khadri!lug | ChrizC16:38
ubottuChrizC: Lug's are Linux User Groups. You can find your local group here: http://www.linux.org/groups/16:38
maszloChrizC: if you know how.. then use a usb stick.. boot from that16:38
ChousukeChrizC: either you live with your broken drive or buy a new one16:38
PiciChrizC: No need for the profanity.16:38
ChrizCI wouldn't use profanity if you would stop going around in circles.16:38
ChrizCLet me see if I can find a LUG around here16:39
ChrizCwhat's the link?16:39
jeppdoes anyone know how to change language package of abiwords dictionary?16:39
bastiyou can burn cds but not isos ChrizC?16:39
ChrizCbasti, correct.16:39
bazhang#ubuntu-uk ask there ChrizC16:39
ubottuLug's are Linux User Groups. You can find your local group here: http://www.linux.org/groups/16:39
shingouzinteresting. df -h spits out only /ver/ryn, /var/lock /dev and /dev/shm on this hardy install. how do i find out how much disk is available?16:39
jeppfound some packages but don't know where to extract them16:39
ChousukeChrizC: Your problem is not directly with ubuntu so we can't really help you other than by providing general advice :/16:39
bastiChrizC, then extract the iso and burn it16:39
Picijepp: What are you trying to install?16:39
warnetpici : after i install headers for kernel, what i have to do?16:40
Piciwarnet: Try to recompile16:40
ChrizCbasti; that wouldn't work. You need to make a cd image, not just put it on the cd.16:40
_Zeus_shingouz: are you on a live cd?16:40
grim76__Probably what is happening is the .iso file is burned to the disk vs. the actual image.16:40
shingouz_Zeus_: nope, this is a hd install16:40
_Zeus_bastii don't think you can extract the iso like that16:40
sleepyCan someone help me get the audio to work when I play MKV files? I am new to Ubuntu, so I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong.16:40
Picijepp: sudo apt-get install packagename16:40
_Zeus_grim76__: agreed16:40
jeppPici, I want the spelling checker to check in another language. so i downloaded a package from here http://www.abisource.com/download/abispell.phtml16:40
bazhangsleepy, using vlc?16:40
ChrizCwhat a surprise, no LUG's near here.16:40
_Zeus_ChrizC: if you download the iso, you could try burning it from the broken live cd16:40
warnetpici : thanks alot pici16:40
mftomi removed Quiet and Splash and now this is what happens when i try to shutdown: "halt: unable to iterate IDE devices: no such file or directory"16:41
ChrizC_Zeus_; the burning problem isn't with Windows. It's with the actual drive.16:41
mftomand its stuck, it wont shut down, anyone know why?16:41
jeppPici, but i don't know what to do with this packages16:41
sleepy bazhang> No, I'm using Mplayer16:41
_Zeus_ChrizC: i don't think you're right16:41
ChrizC_Zeus_ how so16:41
ChousukeChrizC: and there's no way for you to do an USB install? :/16:41
bazhangsleepy, vlc works great with those16:41
ChrizCChousuke I have an mp3 player,16:42
maszlomftom:  you removed that from your /boot/grub/menu.lst?16:42
sleepyOk, Well I'll try, give me one sec to install16:42
cadsarvind_khadri: my swap partition is listed in fstab? how do I check it's size? what's a good size?16:42
Chousukesleepy: you may need to install the w32codecs package16:42
_Zeus_cads: type free in a termina;16:42
_Zeus_how much ram do you have?16:42
Picijepp: For what language?16:42
sleepyHow do I do that?16:42
LinuxGhostHelp, Does someone know how to repair boot hanging?16:42
arvind_khadricads, double the size of the ram16:42
jeppPici, german16:42
LinuxGhostHelp, Does someone know how to repair boot hanging?16:42
ChousukeChrizC: hm, it might work, if you can somehow get ubuntu on it16:42
bazhangsudo apt-get install vlc sleepy16:42
ChousukeChrizC: and then boot from it16:42
sleepyNo, I mean the win32codecs16:42
ChrizCChousuke; how? It's 1gb (but I suppose the iso is small)16:43
_Zeus_arvind_khadri: bad advice16:43
shingouz_Zeus_: mount also seems to give strange results, /sys /proc /var/run /var/lock /dev /dev/shm /dev/pts and /sys/kernel/security on it. personally i generate a big question mark. how the hell does this thing actually mount stuff?16:43
bazhanggo to www.medibuntu.org and get the package sleepy16:43
tj1515how can i get a ntfs drive to be mounted at start up right now i have to click on it to mount16:43
mftommaszlo: yes i was told i can do that instead of removin it from livecd16:43
ChousukeChrizC: I'm not sure how to do an USB install, but I know it's possible... now If I just could remember the factoid16:43
ChrizCalso, Chousuke, my USB devices don't get turned on until windows bootup.16:43
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:43
_Zeus_shingouz: can you pastebin /etc/fsatb?16:43
arvind_khadri_Zeus_, depends upon the ram size i know but its safe to use it...16:43
_Zeus_ChrizC: of course they don't16:43
ChousukeChrizC: then you probably need to tweak some bios setting to make it boot from USB16:44
erUSULarvind_khadri: imho that was a good rule when people had 16-512 MB of ram today with ranges on the 1GB-4GB is too much. equal to ram just in case they want to hibernate is more than enough16:44
_Zeus_arvind_khadri: exactly.  For ex, if you have 2gb ram, a 2gb swap is plenty16:44
ChousukeChrizC: most modern (and not so modern) computers can boot from USB16:44
_Zeus_if you have 512mb, then you would want double16:44
sleepyHow do I install the win32codecs?16:44
ChrizCMine's about 8 years old.16:44
ChrizCIt was meant for ME x.x16:44
cadsI almost wish the system was more swappy: I only have 19 megabytes of main mem free yet a gig of swap is free - y swap is roughly 3 times y memory16:44
sleepyVLC player plays the MKV, but no audio16:44
bazhangsleepy, the instructions are on the page16:44
maszlomftom: not really sure how that would help other than if your boot if goofed up.. that just removes the ubuntu logo and displays all the output of boot16:44
arvind_khadrierUSUL, _Zeus_  roger that sir :)16:44
sleepyWhat page?16:44
maszlomftom: its just sitting there now?16:44
Chousukecads: *no* you don't16:45
sleepyI missed your post16:45
_Zeus_cads: why would it use swap if it has 19mb ram free?16:45
mftomyeah lol16:45
Picia   jepp: I think there is a package in the repositories you can use, try State: not a real package16:45
bazhangwww.medibuntu.org sleepy16:45
warnetpici : see u later16:45
Chousukecads: swap is *slow*, RAM is fast16:45
shingouz_Zeus_: the box is not currently on the network but even fstab looks strange, it does not have entries for / anywhere. or anything else for that matter except the cdrom and floppy. root and home are mounted in anycase because i can get on the filesystems16:45
Picijepp: Er sorry. sudo apt-get install aspell-de16:45
Chousukecads: the OS will avoid using swap at all costs.16:45
Chousukecads: because it's horribly slow16:45
corq-ubuI have weird "hanging" behavior in Hardy when I have audio input through the line-in jack; it resolves promptly when I unplug the line-in, but I don't see any errors in dmesg - where else might I look? PulseAudio is otherwise well-behaving. I need to record from this jack. Ideas?16:45
mftomyeah a friend of mine said the same thing on how that wouldnt help anything unless my computer froze on bootup but jack sparrow seems to think that would have helped so i tried it out.16:45
arvind_khadricads, swap is used when all of the main mem is used up16:45
_Zeus_shingouz: and the system runs fine?16:45
warnetpici : nice to meet you16:45
shingouz_Zeus_: yup16:45
_Zeus_shingouz: do you have a /etc/fstab~ file?16:45
jeppPici, this isn't a package which is used by abIspell i think16:45
shingouz_Zeus_: yes i do16:45
_Zeus_shingouz: take a look at that file16:46
cadsI feel like the main mem is being used to store unimportant pages, and it bottlenecks when critical things are trying to run16:46
shingouz_Zeus_: nope, only /etc/fstab16:46
_Zeus_shingouz: crap16:46
Chousukecads: that's not true16:46
_Zeus_anyone know how to force recreation of fstab?16:46
Chousukecads: as long as swap is not in use, you're good.16:46
Picijepp: The package dependencies of abiword would leave me to believe that it is16:47
Chousukecads: if it starts swapping, *then* you can worry about having unneeded things in RAM16:47
maszlomftom: you happen to make a backup that before hand?  it is probably a syntax error.. space or typo or something... that should not keep it from booting.. tahts how all my installs boot16:47
shingouz_Zeus_: i *do* have /etc/fstab but not /etc/fstab~16:47
erUSULcads: not true. memory used for disk caching is directly reclimable by the system...16:47
erUSUL!ram > cads16:47
ubottucads, please see my private message16:47
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:47
jepppici, ok i try16:47
mftomim just gonna uncomment off the original stuff that was there and put it back to normal16:47
_Zeus_how can shingouz force auto recreation of fstab??16:47
_Zeus_shingouz: can you check out /etc/mtab?16:47
cadsi'll check out the guides16:48
Chousukecads: to make it short: Linux knows better than you how to use swap and RAM. :)16:48
shingouz_Zeus_: sec16:48
jeppPici, doesn't work16:48
jfincherso I've got my samsung blackjack II connected via USB to my Hardy desktop, and it shows up in lsusb, but I don't have a /dev/ttyACM0 that I can use as a USB modem -- anyone know what's gone wrong?16:48
legend2440shingouz: in order to see the  fstab~ file you have to hit  ctrl+h to un hide it16:48
shingouz_Zeus_: the same systems are mentioned in mtab as i have listed before16:48
_Zeus_shingouz: i assume you are working in a terminal16:48
cadsChousuke: there are alternate swapping methods as well16:48
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.16:48
_Zeus_how in the world did you know that?16:49
LinuxGhostHelp, Does someone know how to repair boot hanging?16:49
bazhanghis .cz join16:49
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:49
erUSULlegend2440: *~ are not hidden they are files created by some text editors as backups. but not all editors create them16:49
shingouz_Zeus_: you assume correctly. legend2440 ls -a /etc/fstab* only gives me fstab16:49
Picijepp: Sorry, ask again in here then. I thought that would fix it.16:49
_Zeus_shingouz: thanks.  also thanks legend2440 for being through16:49
_Zeus_Pici: do you know how to recreate fstab?16:49
jeppdoes anyone know how to change language package of abiwords dictionary?16:50
shingouz_Zeus_: my personal favorite for fstab recreation is vi ;)16:50
sixhatcads: You can try to increase the swappiness: echo 100 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness16:50
_Zeus_shingouz: i see...16:50
sleepyThe medibuntu install instructions failed with " Failed to fetch " on all of the files16:50
LinuxGhostHelp, Does someone know how to repair boot hanging?16:50
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_ copy one from livecd session?16:50
_Zeus_!ask | LinuxGhost16:50
ubottuLinuxGhost: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:50
_Zeus_Jack_Sparrow: umm...16:50
bazhangsleepy, you dont need the repos for that16:51
erUSULLinuxGhost: you will have to be more specific and informative if you want help16:51
_Zeus_shingouz: i don't understand why your system works16:51
bazhangsleepy, only the one package16:51
erUSUL!doesntwork | LinuxGhost16:51
ubottuLinuxGhost: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:51
ratnakarhi folks16:51
_Zeus_shingouz: i guess you could try your hand at doing it yourself, but i don't get how / can be unmounted16:51
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!16:51
shingouzhehe.. this is insane. mount tells me the dirve is not mounted but thunar can see it nicely. i can also work on the apparently *un*mounted filesystem from a terminal without any problems16:51
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_ It would still need some work, but it would give you a basic starting point16:51
tzolkinSomeone Help me, I mount my ntfs disk in XUbuntu, but I can't write it. How can I fix it??16:51
shingouz_Zeus_: ditto :D16:51
ratnakarhow do i change a password for vsftp virtual user?16:52
_Zeus_shingouz: i assume you have rebooted?16:52
sleepyOh I see, ok I'm downloading the .dep file for the win32codecs, I'll install in one second when it's done16:52
shingouz_Zeus_: a few times, this is not a new install16:52
legend2440erUSUL: thats strange. i can only see the fstab~ file in my /etc  if i select  view >show hidden files16:52
_Zeus_tzolkin: use the driver ntfs-3g?16:52
ratnakarhi linuxghost16:53
erUSULlegend2440: maybe nautilus has a different menaing for hidden file as a shell user my definitio is tradicional unix e.g files that begin with a dot16:53
erUSULlegend2440: XD16:53
sleepyAfter install, do I need a reboot?16:53
Nece228why fglrx is slower than radeon in compiz?16:53
ratnakarcan u please tell how do i change password for my vsftp virtual user?16:53
cadserUSUL: that memory guide is illuminating16:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:54
erUSULcads: linux/unix is iluminating XD16:54
_Zeus_!help | cak05416:54
ubottucak054: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots16:54
lubyouif I remove network-manager, will i lose the internet access? i have a box where ubuntu desktop is installed, but since that box is running headless, i want to remove x11 and the depending packages16:55
_Zeus_lubyou: i don't think you'll lose internet, no16:55
erUSULlubyou: you will have to configure network via /etc/network/interfaces16:55
sleepyDo I need to reboot the machine after installing the win32codecs to get them to work? Because after running the install I still don't get audio16:55
_Zeus_sleepy: i doubt it16:56
sleepyThen what else can I try to get MKV audio to work, it's the only kind of file I'm having trouble with16:56
shingouzsleepy: do you get the audio anywhere on the system right now?16:56
cadsis there a tool like for firefox which can analyze exactly what the heck it's doing with 24% of my memory? firetop, perhaps :D16:56
sleepyYes, everywhere else16:56
nnullwhat do i need to play youtube etc in firefox pls?16:57
_Zeus_!flash | nnull16:57
ubottunnull: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash16:57
lubyouerUSUL http://dpaste.com/79764/. thats my network/interfaces. The box is currently connected over ppp0. Does that config seem ok to you?16:57
shingouzsleepy: i would check the settings on the application you have problems with first, maybe it is trying to shoot the sound off to oss when you are running alsa or vice versa16:57
sleepyI'm running Alsa, and I've tried setting it to Alsa as it was initially set on "default"16:58
nnullwhat do you guys use for flash in firefox? only reason i ask is i remember last time, i tried 3-6 different flash packages and only 1 worked..16:58
erUSULlubyou: yep seems ok. althought never used interfaces with ppp connections...16:58
erUSULnnull: flashplugin-nonfree16:58
_Zeus_nnull: i use flashplugin-nonfree16:58
lubyoumkay, better double check that :)16:58
nnullahh k16:58
_Zeus_erUSUL: dang you16:58
Jack_Sparrowsleepy Have you tried playing with Totem?16:58
LinuxGhostAfter ive installed ubuntu studio  on my pc and restarted it, it hanged/froze too long and needed to reboot many times.Now when i boot my PC usually it hangs, ive tried to repair it clicking "ESC" key at booting start as Root and Generic Recovery even though unsuccessfully:-(16:58
nnullnon-free sounds like it costs u somehow lol16:58
meuserjOk... I'm trying to create a pbuilder environment, but I have a bit of an unreliable internet connection... unfortunately, when the creation process fails to download a file, it deletes everything it has downloaded so far and I have to start again from the beginning.  Unless I'm missing something, I can't find a way to turn that "feature" off.  I'm starting my third attempt....16:58
shingouzsleepy: and that application you are having problems with does not have the sound muted?16:59
sleepyNot muted, and don't know about Totem16:59
erUSUL_Zeus_: ;P16:59
shingouzsleepy: hammer? :p16:59
_Zeus_meuserj: yeah, i don't think that's a feature, i think it's sort of a neseccity16:59
_Zeus_you could use a torrent16:59
Jack_Sparrowsleepy Here is where I found the reference http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=74899216:59
erUSULnnull: <rms hat on>your freedom as in free speech</rms hat off>17:00
Jack_Sparrow!info totem17:00
ubottutotem (source: totem): A simple media player for the Gnome desktop (dummy package). In component main, is optional. Version 2.22.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 39 kB, installed size 84 kB17:00
sleepyNo, hammer doesn't seem to help :p17:00
Jack_Sparrowsleepy sudo apt-get install totem17:00
sleepyok one sec for me to do that17:00
meuserj_Zeus_: a torrent?  How would I use a torrent to create a pbuilder chroot?17:01
LinuxGhostAfter ive installed ubuntu studio  on my pc and restarted it, it hanged/froze too long and needed to reboot many times.Now when i boot my PC usually it hangs, ive tried to repair it clicking "ESC" key at booting start as Root and Generic Recovery even though unsuccessfully:-(17:01
sleepytotem is now installed, now what?17:01
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: can you use a live cd to back up your files?17:01
sleepyBy the way, the link you gave me doesn't seem to work for me17:01
Jack_Sparrowsleepy No idea, maybe try and play your files17:01
sleepyStill no audio v.v17:01
Jack_Sparrow_Zeus_ See if that link works for you that I gave sleepy17:02
shingouz*buntu is ... well.. interesting. well working familiar things are a lot different and just to get to the features takes some reading. like the missing inittab and now fstab and mtab17:02
sleepyOh shoot I got it17:02
_Zeus_Jack_Sparrow: works fine17:02
shingouzsleepy: what was it?17:02
LinuxGhost_Zeus_: in What will it help me? How to work with live cd to back up files?17:02
sleepyOne of the settings in the advanced settings asked if I had headphones or desktop speakers17:02
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: backup, then reinstall?17:02
sleepySince I have logitech headphones with the soundcard in them, I switched to headphones and it suddenly kicked on the audio17:03
climatehey, can someone tell me how to zip a folder?17:03
sleepyThanks for your help everyone17:03
_Zeus_climate: use file-roller17:03
profxavieri want to run openfire on a box, before my user logs in, how do I do this?17:03
_Zeus_(archive manager)17:03
climatezeus, whats file roller?17:03
_Zeus_climate: the default ubuntu archive amnager?17:03
LinuxGhost_zeus: ???17:03
shingouzclimate: zip sourcefiles archive is the basic format17:03
_Zeus_application > accessories > archive manager17:04
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: what???17:04
delta16hey guys , can i talk to someone in private , i have lots of technical question a bout a development idea of mine !!?17:04
climateok thank you17:04
_Zeus_delta16: why in private?17:04
profxavierdelta16, thats a bit vague, but ill bite17:04
LinuxGhostAfter ive installed ubuntu studio  on my pc and restarted it, it hanged/froze too long and needed to reboot many times.Now when i boot my PC usually it hangs, ive tried to repair it clicking "ESC" key at booting start as Root and Generic Recovery even though unsuccessfully:-(17:05
_Zeus_outblasted: what do you want?17:05
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: I told you what to do!17:05
askandI was experimenting  with installing a mailserver on my computer and now I get a lot of spam in my evolutionnbox: This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:     askar@localhost17:05
delta16its about a DaaS  idea on linux17:05
trigpinneed help can't connect to wpa17:05
anothernewbanyone here familiar with hylafax?17:05
delta16actually on Ubuntu  :P17:05
outblastedZeus, sorry, i've typed that by mistake17:05
_Zeus_outblasted: i see17:05
anothernewbI dont know how to configure it to send the fax's to my email17:06
nnullyay this is all working good this time :D17:06
LinuxGhost_zeus_: i havent live cd of ubuntu studio only install via synaptic17:07
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org17:07
trigpinneed help can't connect t wpa17:07
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: it can be any live CD17:08
SliMMHow can I solve the problem with obex?17:08
SliMM„Operation not supported by backend“17:09
LinuxGhost_zeus_: live cd of ubuntu studio?17:09
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: ANY LIVE CD17:10
CheeseTrapHello all  :)17:10
LinuxGhost_zeus_:plz, explain me17:10
nnullwhat do you guys use for bittorrent client?.. ive looked at KTorrent and Tranmission, they seem like very very basic programs... anyr reason i cant run asuruas* ?17:11
CheeseTrapIs there a nerd in the house?  I'm having issues trying to manually set alternate DNS servers for my new Ubuntu install, but every time I reconnect the settings are being overridden by my provider17:11
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: use either an ubuntu live cd, or a kubuntu live cd, or an xubuntu live cd, or any other distro's live cd17:11
xompanyway to have gnome auto arrange icons on the desktop? looks a bit unprofessional with icons scattered here and there lol17:11
CheeseTrapI have triwed even chmodding /etc/resolv.conf to r/r/r/r but it still manages to edit the file  :P17:12
LinuxGhost_zeus_: is that to reinstall all the systm?17:12
_Zeus_LinuxGhost: yes17:12
wesHey, I'm new to Ubuntu and, probably unsurprisingly, wireless isn't working. Would anyone care to help?17:12
legend2440xomp: right click desktop choose clean up by name17:12
CheeseTrapHi wes, I'm new myself but what kind of wireless is it?  A device that works on the mobile network, or a wireless router?17:13
xompthanks legend2440 but is there a way to have it do this each time something is added/removed from the desktop?17:13
cybanNot sure why I get this all the time in Terminal (sudo: unable to resolve host cyban-laptop) ?17:13
shingouzCheeseTrap: either make the file immutable or do a nice small script that copies your preferred DNS settings every time your network gets its dhcp ack17:13
klikklakHi, has anyone built gamefu 0.2 beta?  I get the following error: http://pastebin.com/d3bf1fcb17:14
kaffeefiltercyban: maybe you should include your hostname in your /etc/hosts?17:14
klikklaksomething about fpic, should I add something in the makefile?17:14
wesCheeseTrap: I have a wireless enabled laptop attempting to connect to a wireless router17:14
legend2440xomp: if there is i don't know it17:14
xomplegend2440, hmm ok thanks. Would you know how I would go about adding my home directory and "Computer" directory as shortcuts to my desktop in Gnome? :)17:14
CheeseTrapThanks for the answer shingouz, what is the best way to make the file permanent?  I thought "sudo chmod 0444 /etc/resolv.conf" would have done that17:15
wesI'm hardwired in to it now, running ubuntu and I have vista (boo) also bootable17:15
legend2440xomp: in terminal type   gconf-editor  browse to   /apps/nautilus/desktop/volumes_visible17:16
hmmmmmguys, i want to run something before I even login as a user, how do I start a service that way?17:16
shingouzCheeseTrap: make it immutable but be aware that sometimes you do not get a working connection if the dhcp client cannot modify the resolv.conf17:16
IdentifyTargetHey all! how do I find out what version of ubuntu I'm using?17:16
cybankaffeefilter, ah forgot that got removed - its right?17:16
_Zeus_IdentifyTarget: lsb_release -rd17:16
arvind_khadriIdentifyTarget,  lsb_release -a17:17
CheeseTrapShingouz, what do you mean by immutable?  Isn't chmod 0444 completely read-only?17:17
hbalanzarHi everyone, has anybody had problems with vertical lines on LCD after, persistant after reboot on POST. After installing UBUNTU 8.04?? (intel 915 Chipset)17:17
arvind_khadriIdentifyTarget, ya17:17
shingouzCheeseTrap: nope. there are extended attributes on ext3. man attrib17:17
kaffeefiltercyban: yeah, and ::117:17
IdentifyTargetcool, one more question. I have WINE installed, how do I update it?17:18
anothernewbno hylafax users i take it17:18
xompthanks legend2440 lol, would be much simpler for Gnome to make it an obvious option, especially for those coming from Windows to Linux.17:18
CheeseTrapthanks again Shing17:18
jfm001oldanybody using realplayer 1117:18
arvind_khadriIdentifyTarget, it would get update when you run dist-upgrade if there is a new version in the repo17:18
IdentifyTargetwhat the hell, #WINE is invite only.... :\17:18
CheeseTrapXomp, you can also just drag and drop  :)17:18
arvind_khadriIdentifyTarget, their support channel is #winehq17:19
CheeseTrapXomp>>  or right click and make link then drag that17:19
arvind_khadriIdentifyTarget, welcome :)17:19
xompCheeseTrap, drag and drop doesn't work to place the Computer and Home icons to the desktop, I've tried from damn near every possible location that Computer & Home show up lol17:19
hmmmmmguys, i want to run something before I even login as a user, how do I start a service that way?17:20
mizipzoris there anything on the livecd that lets my resize existing partitions?17:20
CheeseTrapxomp> okay sorry, I just tried with a regular folder  ;)17:20
xompmizipzor, gparted17:20
emilien_have weird wpa problem17:20
mizipzorxomp: thanks17:21
Guma_I am trying to install 8.04 on my new system with two HD RAID 0 (Stripe) and installer sees them as two seperate SCSI4 and 5 hard drives. Any one can help. In Bios it is setup as striped.17:21
IdentifyTargethey can ubuntu natively mount isos?17:21
shingouzhmmmmm: put it in your .bashrc ?17:21
xompCheeseTrap, yeah, some things you can drag from the menu list to your desktop, but Home & such just simply open if you try and drag them lol. So backwards feeling from an old Windows user standpoint.17:21
xompIdentifyTarget, sudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso/yourfile.iso /home/username/a_folder_of_your_choice17:22
jamil123456789I have geany on ubuntu and windows. Geany runs fine ubunu but on windows when I compile the java code a console appears for a second and I dont see compilation errors in geany17:22
emilien_I can connect to wpa router, and ping google17:22
emilien_but i have no internet17:22
xompIdentifyTarget, I made an "ISO" folder in my /home directory, it's easier to remember when you're mounting :) You'll notice an CD icon on your desktop too that you can open.17:23
OsseIs there a quick way to make 2 files into one (just containing text) and sorting the lines? =)17:23
CheeseTrapshingouz, attrib --h and man attrib tell me i haven't got that, and sudo apt-get install attrib says it's not available...  if you meant another use of chmod, the word 'immutable' doesn't appear anywhere in the chmod manpage according to the search tool for string 'immu' - any suggestions?17:23
cybankaffeefilter, thanks, does it have default as or needs to be
jamil123456789any help ?17:23
emilien_anyone help me with my wpa problem17:23
_Zeus_jamil123456789: what is geany?17:24
IdentifyTargetone more question. Am I doing something wrong, trying to connect  to SMB share? Places -> Connect to Server -> Windows Share -> share name -> connect...Instantly pops up "Can't display location, no application is registered to handle this"17:24
xompjamil123456789, try asking in #windows17:24
shingouzCheeseTrap: sec, let me check17:24
jamil123456789geany is light weight IDE17:24
hmmmmmemilien_: just a suggestion, but if you put everything into one single post, I am sure you might make it easier for someone else to assist you17:24
jamil123456789Integrated development Environment17:24
phoenixzQuick verification.. a RAID5 3 disk setup, basically will have me loose 30% of the total capacity, right? thats to say, 3x300GB RAID5 would give me a 600GB device, no?17:24
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!17:24
=== sporty_home is now known as sporty_insomnia
xomp_Zeus_, an IDE similar to Eclipse and such :)17:25
cybanphoenixz, -1 drive yes17:25
emilien_ok, i can connect to my wpa router i can ping google but when i open firefox or opera no internet17:25
CheeseTrapOsse:  maybe some use of cp --link?    type cp --help into a terminal window for details17:25
shingouzCheeseTrap: apt-get install attr17:25
CheeseTrapOsse>  that might be for making shortcuts not linking two files together though, i'm only new myself  :)17:26
phoenixzcyban: thanks!17:26
OsseCheeseTrap - cp is copy.17:26
Dustanwhat is it called when I want to use the terminal to manipulate the text in a file?17:26
xompDustan, sed ?17:27
jim_pnano textfile17:27
CheeseTrapOsse>  yes but on windoze copy source1+source2 dest = concatenate multiple files  :P17:27
shingouzOsse: cat file1 >> file2 adds file1 after file217:27
cybanDustan, nano/vi/sed/pick a text editor17:27
xompgksudo gedit /path/file.txt?17:27
CheeseTrapso I was trying to see if cp had such an option17:27
xomptake a pick lol17:27
IdentifyTargetIs this normal for SMB shares in ubuntu "Can't display location, no application is registered to handle this"17:27
DustanI want to remove X characters from the end of each line17:27
Pers3UXHi, when i enter 'sudo somecommand' in terminal it says: sudo: unable to resolve host ENIAC (eniac is my systems name)17:27
^Devious^whats the current topic? And hello ubuntu world :)17:27
Osseshingouz - Yeah, I just found that out =) But sorting? cat | sort maybe?17:27
shingouzPers3UX: add eniac to your /etc/hosts17:27
^Devious^I get that error "unable to resolve"17:27
cybanPers3UX, add to hosts in Network17:28
^Devious^its usually after a sudo apt-get install17:28
shingouzOsse: sed might help. depends on what you mean by "sorting"17:28
Pers3UXShingouz, ok thx17:28
^Devious^but I've noticed its a warranted issue - when installing other programs, or not cleaning up after sudo install17:28
^Devious^I could be wrong?17:28
^Devious^Im only new to the CLI17:28
emilien_need help with wpa runnign ubuntu hardy can't connect to wpa17:28
Osseshingouz - Thanks anyways, found out . cat file1 >> file2 && cat file2 | sort > filesort.txt17:28
legend2440!hostname | ^Devious^17:29
ubottu^Devious^: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at system>administration>networking on the "General" tab17:29
cybanemilien_, does the network adapter see the wireless network?17:29
^Devious^Doesnt Knetwork manager allow it?17:29
emilien_cyban, yes17:29
IdentifyTargetubuntu uses gnome right?17:30
^Devious^ubuntu is gnome17:30
^Devious^kubuntu is kde17:30
domantiHey, is there someone that can help me get my wireless card working. I'm a total noobcake, and can't seem to get it going. Its a BCM4306. I've tried nsdwrapper (sp?), but its a no go.17:30
cybanemilien_, try deleting any manual config you set up from the nm-applet (System tray) and from Network in Sys/Admin/Network17:30
hmmmmmguys, i want to run something before I even login as a user, how do I start a service that way?17:30
^Devious^you can have gnome on Kubuntu by doing sudo aptget ubuntu-desktop - and vice versa for ubuntu17:30
RolaultenGood morning. It would seem that gnome lost my theme was set up...I booted up my computer, got an error saying one of the Damon's that gnome was looking for could not be found...and now my theme is back to the default settings17:31
shingouzhmmmmm: right after boot you mean before any user logs on? check out upstart17:31
^Devious^I find Gnome better on my older machines - for my faster ones - KDE is better.....thats just my preference17:31
cybanhmmmmm, system/preference/session17:31
IdentifyTargetwhere do I config ubuntu auto login?17:32
IMaverickhow could i creat multiple domain name locally ...17:32
erUSULhmmmmm: launch it from /etc/rc.local17:32
natalisushkaHi, I am not able to run audio files with extension .ram online or .rm .. is there a special codecs? I installed Gstreamer plugins that was suggested by the movie player, but it didn't work. Also, is there a good program to convert .rm to mp3?17:32
emilien_cyban, ok done still no luck17:32
mizipzorcan gparted resize ntfs partitions17:32
npli am new in ubuntu and just a dummy learner17:33
cry0nicmaybe someone can help me out with this. i get a delay between the load of the default.session and the user sessions when starting gnome. so in other words it loads the default sessions, and wait about 2 mins before starting my user custom sessions.... anyone understand this?17:33
cybanemilien_, left click the Network icon in the system tray, does it show the network?17:33
IMaverickto test different sites created in php locally17:33
hmmmmmerUSUL: so adding it in system/preference/session, isnt going to do it ?17:33
mizipzorif i started gparted with "sudo gparted", what is the reasons all buttons are disabled? resize and such17:33
emilien_cyban, yes17:33
quaalhow do i make nautilus windows not pop up all over the place whenever i plug in my usb hub and it automounts all the usb drives17:33
CheeseTrapHi NPL, there are no dummy learners, only dummy non-learners  :)17:34
erUSULhmmmmm: that launch the program when you log into your session17:34
cybanemilien_, if you click on it from there does it return an error?17:34
IdentifyTargetwhere do I config ubuntu auto login?17:34
legend2440IdentifyTarget: open   system>administration>login window  security tab  enable auto login17:34
IMaverickhow could i create multiple domain name locally ...to test different sites created in php locally17:34
IdentifyTargetty sir17:34
emilien_cyban, no it just keeps tying to connect and gives up17:34
=== kaffeefilter_ is now known as kaffeefilter[afk
cybanemilien_, er..... are you on xchat with it atm and it cant open web sites or not on that system atm?17:35
unopIMaverick, with apache?17:35
unopIMaverick, you use virtual hosts17:35
Vladimir[LV]Hello! I have some trouble with loading, please help me! (I have RAID-1) ;/ : mount: mounting /dev/md0 on /root failed device or resource busy17:35
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
scampbellDoes anyone know how to get rsyslog to output rfc 3339 format under hardy?17:35
emilien_cyban, no im on my laptop17:35
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:36
hmmmmmerUSUL: so adding the /etc/init.d/service start in /etc/rc.local, should start the 'service', without user interaction (aka: logging in) ?17:36
cybanemilien_, ah ok, create a new wireless network using the one in the system tray, then right click and edit wireless17:36
Vladimir[LV]Hello! I have some trouble with loading, please help me! (I have RAID-1) ;/ : mount: mounting /dev/md0 on /root failed device or resource busy17:36
nnullwhat OS would you guys recommend for a p3 600 128mb RAM? :x17:36
mizipzorin gparteds "show features", nothing except read is green for ntfs, what additional software do i need to install?17:37
unophmmmmm, what does your script do exactly?17:37
^Devious^im back17:37
erUSULhmmmmm: no if you have a /etc/init.d/service script just use "sudo update-rc.d service defaults" to add it to boot sequence17:37
scahey guys... anyone know how i can configure the audio jacks of my sound card?17:37
cybannnull, any Linux distro should be fine if you dont install a bunch of junk on it17:37
^Devious^on a p3 600?17:37
^Devious^Im sitting on a p3 933 right now17:37
H0T_R0Di want to install the latest pidgin, when i do ./configure its aking me for GTK+ 2.0 development headers, can i get them from the universe ubuntu?17:37
^Devious^started off with 64mb ram now I have 32017:37
cybanVladimir[LV], Fake Raid?17:37
nnull^Devious^ƺ wow, what OS you running mate? ubuntu?17:38
Vladimir[LV]cyban: software raid-1 mirroring17:38
^Devious^Puppy 4.0 was quite good with 64mb ram only and worked with wireless much better than DSL 2.4 for me17:38
shingouz^Devious^: p2-300 so do not complain :)17:38
unopH0T_R0D, run this.  sudo apt-get build-dep pidgin17:38
gpledis there a way to align open windows on your desktop, automatically?17:38
nnullcyban, my testing with LiveCD's on the machine didnt go to well.. im hoping this is for the fact the machine has very low RAM...17:38
cybanVladimir[LV], is there a fakeraid controller? if so make sure its disabled or it will mess up the softraid17:38
^Devious^Yes now I am running KUBUNTU - I also installed gnome (Sudo apt-get install ubuntu-deskop)17:38
unopH0T_R0D, and you probably want to make a debian package out of your source - for easy uninstallation later17:38
^Devious^and lots of other goodies from reps17:39
cybannnull, probably just create a larger swap file17:39
gpledthink they call it window tilling17:39
^Devious^nnull - give puppy a go...im not saying its the be all and end all17:39
nnull^Devious^ƺ what X does puppy have mate?17:39
^Devious^I had to go through about 8 distros to get my dell machine working from the start17:39
Vladimir[LV]cyban: i dont know, i was configure it by this manual https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID17:39
Vladimir[LV]cyban sorry ;/17:39
cyban^Devious^, Dell Laptop? if so same here heh17:40
^Devious^nnull that is a very good question..... I dont remember!!!! It was more like KDE but very minimal17:40
^Devious^no its a dell desktop17:40
^Devious^GX150 i think17:40
nnull^Devious^ƺ ahh ok no worries, cheers for the info :)17:40
^Devious^I did however install Kubuntu on my toshiba laptop today17:40
cybanVladimir[LV], check your BIOS settings for RAID settings, if there are any disable them17:40
H0T_R0Dhow do i make the .deb instlation17:40
^Devious^I could not believe the difference in speed17:40
nnull^Devious^ƺ oh?17:40
hmmmmmerUSUL: thanks for your help, I got my sys admin to show me a different way17:40
^Devious^no probs nnull17:40
Vladimir[LV]cban: hmm. ok thanks17:41
Vladimir[LV]cyban: ill try :-)17:41
unop!packaging > H0T_R0D17:41
ubottuH0T_R0D, please see my private message17:41
nnull^Devious^ƺ so you running ubuntu on that p3 9** now its got more RAM?17:41
imuracan someone tell me how to install flash palyer17:41
mizipzorcan i get a list of whats mounted, and where?17:41
cyban^Devious^, ah, this is a crappy laptop with 256mb ram, 1ghz p3 and im running a prety heavy handed install, even installe dthe Mac OSX themes, and desktop on cube etc17:41
emilien_cyban, ok i went on manuel connection and i can ping google now17:42
legend2440!flash | imura17:42
ubottuimura: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash17:42
^Devious^Once you buy some more ram if that is in the question (I got mine off ebay....but it didnt work - my dell doesnt like double sided) it makes a huge diff.....in fact I want to buy lots more ram..... I actually modified the dell power supply to fit a sata controller and 200gb seagate.....I waste way too much HDD17:42
hogmizipzor, 'mount'17:42
cybanemilien_, ok then you just need to add DNS numbers probably17:42
mizipzorhog, thanks17:42
emilien_cyban,  dns whats that ?17:42
cybanemilien_, System/Admin/Network/DNS17:42
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^Devious^Yeah I got rid of windows 2000 (I Nlited a copy of win2k and it used around 40mb ram idle + drivers)  and removed puppy - The KUBUNTU install took a while though but to be expected17:42
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:43
Vladimir[LV]cyban: stop, there is no raid controller internal ;/17:43
nnulloh ok17:43
^Devious^the one thing I didnt hugely appreciate with the kubuntu install is - you dont choose your packages........they take the "It just works" approach17:43
carnelainhello all17:43
cybanemilien_, DNS=domain name server (IP Address of a server that translates IP addresses into Domain Names) you can get a list of available ones from your ISP's website17:43
mizipzorwhat must i install in order for gparted to be able to resize ntfs partitions?17:43
^Devious^hi carnelain17:43
carnelainI having some trouble upgrading to 8.0417:43
scadoes anyone knows how can i configure two jacks to be sound outputs?17:44
cybanVladimir[LV], When you boot up theres no Raid anything that is displayed like press Control C for Raid Config?17:44
^Devious^For resizing partitions I ALWAYS use something called HIRENS BOOT CD - or if you need something thats more legit ULTIMATE BOOT CD17:44
cybanmizipzor, Partition magic works well17:44
carnelainOne way or the other the upgrade got stuck17:44
mizipzorcyban: isnt that windows only?17:44
geniimizipzor: ntfsprogs17:44
nnull^Devious^ƺ yea im pretty sure thats with all of the install iso's apart from the alternative CD17:44
carnelaincould somebody help me out?17:44
mizipzorgenii: installing that now17:45
^Devious^two sound outputs?17:45
^Devious^do you have a mixer?17:45
^Devious^is it two sound cards or just one17:45
geniimizipzor: Also your ntfs partition should have been chkdsk'd from inside Windows and made clean17:45
Vladimir[LV]cyban no ;/17:45
scajust one17:45
purldI did an installation of ubuntu and now my WinXP partition appears inside an extended partition. XP won't boot. Can anyone help?17:45
emilien_cyban,  can you help me find it im in france my provider is freebox17:46
mizipzorgenii: i dont use windows no more :p the only reason its still ntfs is that i dont have enough temporary storage to reformat it all17:46
scai want to connect mi microphone and speakers at the same time....17:46
cybanVladimir[LV], hrm, other than just starting over again and trying to set up the softraid im not sure, 99% of the time its just the install options you chose17:46
emilien_cyban,  is this it ? http://www.robtex.com/dns/freebox.fr.html17:46
^Devious^well mizipzor - Hirens boot cd - does exactly that - its a CLI dos based boot disk providing your machine can boot from CD17:46
scanot microphone sorry, my earphones...17:47
mizipzor^Devious^, my box dont have a cd device17:47
carnelaincan somebody help me with a stuck upgrade?17:47
geniimizipzor: Unfortunately linux has no satisfactory replacement tool for CHKDSK (or older SCANDISK). But you can mark the filesystem clean by force, not recommended.17:47
cybanemilien_, and add those to DNS in Network17:48
purldhttp://pastebin.com/d46b83579 GParted is showing my WinXP partition (/dev/sda5) inside an extended partition /dev/sda2. How do I fix it?17:48
mizipzorgenii: then ill take the not recomended route ;) once i backup anything that i remotely care about17:48
emilien_cyban,  ok added no luck il reboot17:50
Vladimir[LV]cyban what install options?17:51
^Devious^nnull - yeah.... Although the amount of software available just blows me away to be honest with linux...... I've been trying linux since Red hat 7.2 - And now I'm in love with Kubuntu.....Feels like there is something missing but I'll get there17:52
geniimizipzor: man ntfsfix17:52
AndehHi. How do I decrease vertical line spacing very much in OpenOffice?17:52
citizen42alphaKDE seems clunky compared to Gnome.17:52
AndehI've gotten it down to zero but it's not nearly enough with the font size17:52
mizipzorgenii: much needed, thank you17:52
ghost1khi 2 all17:53
=== kaffeefilter[afk is now known as Zidatron
Zidatronhey guys17:53
^Devious^purlD - Hirens boot cd would help with this problem - it has some MBR fixing tools - Im not sure if MBR is corrupt or not - you might even want to try installing GAG 4.0 - which is a boot loader that can hide partitions and do lots of magical boot things - its free17:53
^Devious^no cd.... ok17:53
carnelainsorry for asking again, but could somebody help me on an upgrade thats stuck?17:53
^Devious^so - who had the 2 outputs? Who needs help with that one17:53
^Devious^oh my goodness.......I have like a 20+ second lag  with this thing17:53
^Devious^whoever wanted to get 2 outputs going if its 2 sound cards basically you can do a line in line out config - its even better if you hook it up to a mixerr......if you wanted to get both cards outputting simeltaenously this would have to be done at driver level or with a Virtual DJ style mixing program...........17:54
^Devious^I have done 3 sound cards in one machine --- going way back when I was a DJ17:54
^Devious^1 isa sound card 2 PCI17:54
^Devious^KDE I personally find is actually much better recently - I definitely preerred GNOME back in the red hat 7 days......but KDE is heaps better now for me........ GNOME is way faster though - just lacking what KDA has hey17:54
geniimizipzor: There is another one for explicitly forcing the fs to be marked clean, but it eludes me offhand (I do not use ntfs anymore). When you try to mount it it may say something about how to do it from there17:54
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case^force 0 017:54
liza0is there a way  to install xfce on ubunut server without getting the additional apps like media players office apps ,etc ?17:55
kitcheliza0: install xfce417:55
mizipzorgenii: roger, that quote goes in basKet for reminding me17:55
Zidatroni have the following problem: i use ubuntu-64 and want to compile a program for i386, and gcc gives me: "undefined reference to `__umoddi3'" - i think that means gcc cant find the 32bit-libgcc, but apt says lib32gcc1 is installed17:55
Zidatronhow can i solve that?17:55
Zidatronor, wheres the problem?17:56
^Devious^im not sure about that one liza I installed blackbox and a few others as WM's only17:56
^Devious^I wish I knew how to write programs for linux full stop Zida - I wonder who can help u17:56
HKhanis it possible to get a list of packages that haven't been installed from "stable", (so any debs from other repos etc)?17:57
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^Devious^brb all17:57
BinaryFuI'd love to learn how to write programs, specifically for the gui.17:57
carnelainmy upgrade stopped running whilst trying to update Grub. I now have a blinking cursor in me distribution upgrade screen17:57
Zidatron^Devious^: well, its not a program for linux, but im pretty sure _someone_ knows how to solve this17:57
carnelainwhat can I do to resume the upgrade17:57
BinaryFuI've got an idea for one, but I have no clue how to go about it. :D17:57
AndehIs there a trick to make vertical line spacing lower than 0 in OO Writer? Cause at 0 it's still too big for my design17:57
Andehand the value doesnt want to go lower than 017:58
ZidatronBinaryFu: why dont you just read some tutorials for gtk or qt?17:58
Zidatrongoogle is your friend.17:58
hogcarnelain, so you in a console not on X?17:58
^Devious^yeah.....sorry zida - let us know17:58
BinaryFuZidatron: Hmmm...good point. gtk is what I'd be looking for then, for gnome I presume...17:58
carnelainhog, exactly17:58
BinaryFuZidatron: What was it you were trying to figure out, btw?17:59
ZidatronBinaryFu: yes, for example. if you want to code for gnome specifically, who might also want to look into glib17:59
ZidatronBinaryFu: i wanted to compile a program for i386 on my 64bit machine17:59
^Devious^I was amazed with Konsole Aliases yesterday...... So simple compared to DOS17:59
hogcarnelain, can you switch consoles(Alt+Fn{x}) and ps to see if the update is running if not, see what is in /boot/grub/menu.lst17:59
Zidatronbut gcc doesnt seem to find the right libs/headers17:59
ndeehello there, what's the best flash player for using in ubuntu? Sometimes, I don't get sound for a flash movie when I listen to music in rhythmbox.18:00
BinaryFuZidatron: I think the only way to do that is to include all the i386 tools it needs.18:00
carnelainhog, sorry what is that shortcut?18:00
jimcooncatWhat's a simple way to make a personal repository?18:00
BinaryFuZidatron: So, in short, a pain in the ass.18:00
^Devious^What are some good BEGINNER program tools for creating applications ZIDA?18:00
ZidatronBinaryFu: you wouldnt know how to do that?18:00
hogcarnelain, Ctrl+Alt+Fn(x), x=1,2,3,4...618:00
Zidatron^Devious^: no idea. a text editor?18:00
Zidatron(gedit, gcc, ld?)18:00
Guma_Can you turn on multi monitor support in LiveCD18:01
BinaryFuZidatron: I haven't messed with ia64 since...hmmm...Breezy? But if I recall, you have to add the i386 repositories to your apt, and then it's the usual, but you don't want to slap too much in there, so be selective on your downloads.18:01
IntuitiveNippleZidatron: to build 32-bit on 64-bit install the package lib32gcc1 and and use the -m32 flag to gcc18:01
Zidatron^Devious^: maybe the qt package would be nicer to you, with QtDesigner you can actually design the form (window) with your mouse..18:01
rrittenhouseHow do you make a .deb from source? The source (barry) already has a debian folder I just can't remember the command to try and build it.18:01
^Devious^thanks zida18:02
ZidatronIntuitiveNipple: as i wrote earlier, lib32gcc1 seems to be installed.18:02
IntuitiveNipplerrittenhouse: fakeroot debian/rules binary18:02
^Devious^I think I'll start off by getting better at the CLI18:02
rrittenhouseIntuitiveNipple, thanks18:02
carnelainhog, one program returned a failure not sure which one18:02
IntuitiveNippleZidatron: Is the Makefile using -m32 ?18:02
ZidatronIntuitiveNipple: and i am using -m32, but gcc says he cant find __umoddi3 and __udivdi3 ..18:02
^Devious^before I write apps18:02
IntuitiveNippleZidatron: ahh.... you need the other libs, let me try and remember which!18:03
BinaryFu^Devious^: Learn the programming you want, learn the CLI as you need it.18:03
ZidatronIll be nice here and let you try.18:03
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IntuitiveNippleZidatron: do you have  gcc-multilib  installed?18:03
jaysonsantosHello people, I'm receiving 'CRL has expired' when i try to revoke a certifiy in openvepn, how can I remake this crl file ?18:04
itsatrickDoes Evolution crash for anyone else?  It usually happens when I type in my password.18:04
ZidatronIntuitiveNipple: No, i havent installed gcc-multilib.18:04
ZidatronIntuitiveNipple: thanks very much.18:04
BinaryFuitsatrick: Evolution *never* crashes for me. That being said, I use Thunderbird...18:04
^Devious^been using evolution fine18:04
Zidatronim used to build the gcc with USE=multilib, oddly enough i find it easier with gentoo^^18:05
true\falseRight, I want to use VM software to run Ubuntu over Windows.. But my disks are NTFS formatted, is this a problem?18:05
^Devious^although now you mention it18:05
^Devious^it DID crash the first time18:05
^Devious^I prefer evolution - its faster on my slow system18:05
IntuitiveNippleZidatron: That is a meta-package so ensure the version matching the gcc version you're using is installed by it - otherwise install the specific version package manually18:05
imura! flash player18:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flash player18:05
BinaryFutrue\false: No, it's not a problem, you can just use WUBI and you won't need a VM.18:05
^Devious^False its not a problem18:05
imura!flash player18:05
ahotrue\false .. its not a problem18:05
^Devious^In the VM you should set up a VIRTUAL DISK18:05
ahothe format of the image is independent of the disk format stored in the image18:06
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ahoif that makes any sense18:06
true\falseOk... I understand18:06
Roland-hello, I have a problem, wireless won't exceed 1 mb/s , any ideas what do I have to tweak ? I mean it's 64 mbits and the router is in the house. with windows I had 3 mb/s18:06
jeppdoes anyone know how to hide columns in openoffice writer?18:06
^Devious^and then format it to the  OS's Desire whether it be Linux, Dos, win, Be,mac or  anything else18:06
^Devious^and then it will install on the VM18:06
imurai don't know how to install flash player18:06
true\falseThanks, will download it tonight. :) And I guess it might be easier to shove my old 80GB HDD into this computer and run ubuntu off that?18:06
imuracan someone give a hand18:06
Zidatronwoohoo, it works..18:06
arfanzubiwhat's work?18:07
^Devious^Roland - I used to sell wireless gear for a living18:07
^Devious^you do know the 8/1 rule?18:07
true\falseEurgh this channel is too active/cluttered, but thanks. :) I'll just try ubuntu in VM first.18:07
^Devious^well your router might be a gazillion Mbps but your internet wont be18:07
^Devious^true false18:07
^Devious^I can help you18:08
^Devious^no probs18:08
cybanimura, go to Applications/Add Remove Select All Available Applications at the top, then search for Flash18:08
^Devious^What VM software are you using18:08
BinaryFutrue\false: Well, you can do something else, which is kind of nice for the 'doze users out there, there's WUBI on the live CD for Ubuntu now. WUBI allows you to install Ubuntu into Windows, as if it were a Windows program. You'll have the dual boot option and everything once it's installed, and it'll give you a very good idea of what it's like, without having to figure out all those pesky partitioning issues...(Until you're ready to re18:08
true\false^Devious^: Virtualbox is what I installed18:08
erUSULRoland-: sudo iwconfig wlan0 54M18:08
Roland-my internet is 100 mbps full18:08
^Devious^Microsoft VPC doesnt really like linux distros that much - I found VMWARE was quite good18:08
Roland-if I plug in the cable I have 11 mb/s18:08
^Devious^I've never tried virtual box18:08
carandrauganyone knows how to find the actual refresh rate? Taking a look at xorg.conf "VertRefresh" only gives me a range of values.18:09
^Devious^WHOAAAA 100Mbps Internet???? What kind of internet is that?18:09
^Devious^ADSL2+ is like 20 - 24Mbits18:09
true\falseBinaryFu, any real downsides to that?18:09
ZidatronBinaryFu: btw, i wanted to ask you earlier, but you _do_ know that ia-64 is a completely architecture than amd64/x86_64?18:09
Roland-is out isp band18:09
^Devious^Cable is like 30mbits18:09
Vladimir[LV]cyban: "The problem is as far as I can understand is that the HDD isn't yet detected in the kernel when RAID is assembled. I quickly fixed it only if I manually edit /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init and put sleep 10 after line log_begin_msg "Mounting root file system...". After this I updated initramfs with sudo update-initramfs -k all -u"18:09
Roland-is the largest in here18:09
Roland-and we have metropolitan network18:09
Vladimir[LV]cyban: =)18:09
Roland-we kind of all have 100 mbps in our country18:09
BinaryFutrue\false: Zero downsides 100% upsides.18:09
true\false^Devious^, got it reccomeded from another ubuntu user. :)18:09
sidewalkwhen i login on gnome in Ubuntu, I get really big windows saying "Error loading" something, can't get the complete error message, do you guys know how to get rid of it?18:09
* ^hellfire^ siema18:09
true\falseBinaryFu, and I guess no file system issues, as I'm already NTFS?18:10
sidewalkalot of popups18:10
^Devious^if youre using an actual WIFI hotspot then it could be the BURST rate of 3mb's - in Aus with Telstra bigpond wireless burst speeds are up to 3mbs18:10
sidewalki tried removing .gnome, .gnome2 and .gnome2_private, restarting gdm but it didnt help18:10
BinaryFuZidatron: Yeah, I just use ia-64 as short for all of it. I don't bother with 64 bit, and won't until they have everything worked out 100%.18:10
^Devious^cool true/false nice sounding app then hey..... If youre using windows I've got an idea for you18:10
cybanVladimir[LV], good to know, I dont do kernel arguments, odd that you had to18:10
imuracyban thanks18:10
BinaryFutrue\false: Nope, zero issues. It installs inside the Windows partition.18:10
ZidatronBinaryFu: just wanted to let you know.18:10
JeyPeyySomeone knows where to find the ubuntu source code?18:11
true\false^Devious^: Windows XP MCE, possibly moving to Vista (Depending on what I can scrounge from uni)18:11
jmp-eaxsorry, wrong typed18:11
BinaryFuZidatron: np bud, I fully understand, and it's appreciated.18:11
mib_hgr24khow do give everyone all permission on a text file?18:11
BinaryFuZidatron: I should have been more clear in my explanation.18:11
sidewalkmib_hgr24k: chmod18:11
^Devious^If youre moving to vista (I've used it) I'd just go to Kubuntu with Compiz18:11
ZidatronBinaryFu: i forgive you :D18:11
^Devious^try it out in Vbox18:12
mib_hgr24ksidewalk: chmod xxx *18:12
sidewalkmig_hgr24k: chmod ugo+rwx file18:12
sidewalkmig_hgr24k: that gives all users full access to the file18:12
^Devious^But on a less opinionated topic - you will def want to defrag using something like JKDEGRAG sevral times - google it up18:12
Nono\join #ubuntu--fr18:12
^Devious^Windows default defrag is useless18:12
mib_hgr24kfor some reason when i copy from old winduhs partition, I get bunked up connections..18:12
^Devious^well.....not entirely18:12
mib_hgr24kpermissions I mean18:12
true\false^Devious^, will look at kubuntu with compiz in a second then ta18:13
Roland-that's it18:13
BinaryFuYa know, I've never been a fan of KDE...looks close enough to Windows to fool ya, and operates enough like linux to frustrate ya. :D18:13
Roland-im switching back to windows18:13
Roland-better multitasking18:13
^Devious^lol @ binary fu18:13
true\falseGah I can't wait to get a second desktop.. Laziness+]18:13
^Devious^Better multitasking? I disagree for sure there18:13
BinaryFuYeah I was gonna call foul on that "better multi-tasking" part.18:14
mib_hgr24ksidewalk, tyvm18:14
BinaryFuI mean, c'mon...18:14
^Devious^On my p3 933 with no ram on it - Im running 5 pagers (Spaces) and running HEAPS18:14
true\falseWell, if you're used to something, it's just awkward to hange18:14
sidewalkwhen i login on gnome in Ubuntu, I get really big windows saying "Error loading" something, can't get the complete error message, do you guys know how to get rid of it?18:14
^Devious^when i was running win2k it just wouldnt play ball18:14
^Devious^youd load firefox, word and a few other things and it would just die18:14
JeyPeyywhere can I find all of Ubuntu's source code?18:15
^Devious^I totally agree true/false18:15
^Devious^It is VERY awkward to change18:15
nubuntuanybody give me some tips on good newbie resources to learn about gaining, granting, and restricting remote access?18:15
BinaryFutrue\false: I found the only way I could really learn Linux, was to do away with Windows...I kept running back to it every time something got hard.18:15
^Devious^thats why I've tried linux ever since red hat 7.2 and gone back and forwards18:15
BinaryFuOnce I killed off Windows completely, I started to get really comfortable with Linux. And learned tons.18:15
true\falseBinaryFu: I can't get rid of windows completely, so I don't plan to do that, I just want some linux experience18:15
^Devious^but now I have Kubuntu 8.04 (They have alpha 8.10 now so I've heard) I must say Linux has improved VASTLY since then18:16
^Devious^no more modifying the boot process to load my promise ATA PCI card, no more config mouse drivers18:16
Zidatron^Devious^: how do you know?18:16
JeyPeyyplease someone answer: Can I find all of the source code ubuntu uses somewhere?18:16
true\falseRed Hat \o/18:16
^Devious^how do I know what?18:16
Zidatron^Devious^: so you're talking about ubuntu, then?18:16
ZidatronJeyPeyy: sure.18:16
^Devious^yeah Im on kubuntu right now18:17
Zidatronbut i have know idea where.18:17
JeyPeyyZidatron: Where?18:17
BinaryFutrue\false: Just give yourself like...weekends or something like that, where you don't allow yourself access to windows at all.18:17
ZidatronJeyPeyy: as i said, no idea where. do you have bzr?18:17
true\falseBinaryFu: Heh, easier said than done when I'm a CS student, and prefer .NET as a platform18:17
BinaryFutrue\false: Anytime you run into an issue, google it, read up on it, learn. If you go, "Dammit, I really need a program to play my mp3s!!!" look it up, find out what's available and try them out. That is the single most best advice I can give.18:18
BobC2I just upgraded after 2.5 yrs from 6.06 to 8.04    Yahhhhhoooooo and had to tell someone   WOW and AMAZING18:18
^Devious^well the reason that is no longer a reason because im lazy now - that i switched over to kubuntu is from what I read programming applications is much better in linux as well as cracking wireless networks and general HTML18:18
Odd-rationale!source | JeyPeyy18:18
ubottuJeyPeyy: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html18:18
^Devious^+ the tst netrc and other network security tools18:18
BinaryFuBobC2: Welcome back from the stone ages. ;)18:18
BobC2Thanks BinaryFu18:18
^Devious^My first ubuntu was 5.0418:18
^Devious^I actually have hte red cd's still18:18
Guma_will next version of Ubuntu support FakeRAID?18:18
^Devious^theres a 2cd sleeve18:18
BobC2ahhh 5.0418:19
BinaryFuMy first was breezy bastard.18:19
cybanGuma_, No OS ever likes fakeraid heh18:19
BinaryFuI mean, badger.18:19
LinuxGhostHi, everyone.Is there one command to re-upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.04 just to correct some errors at booting system.When i boot my pc it usually hangs and i dont want to reinstall the system because its too hard to install LAMP and OFFICE, ive crashed my head to do that.Please, help me!!!18:19
^Devious^breezy bastard?? What the? lol18:19
true\falseBinaryFu: Aye, I'll try to get a decent understanding, I'm just too lazy to get it set up right now to be honest18:19
BobC2I did all on line it wa awesome!18:19
zibri5.04.. memories18:19
cybanI am a Fedora user, tryung Ubunto for a while since F9 sux18:19
BinaryFuFreudian slip.18:19
true\falseI figure that I HAVE to reinstall windows within a fortnight18:19
JeyPeyyubottu: Yes I know, but I want to build all of ubuntu from scratch18:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:19
Guma_cyban: So I have to get real RAID card? Since the one on my MB will not be supports?18:19
^Devious^well couldnt you just do this at CLI ??? Sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?? wouldnt that install packages needed that are missing?18:20
JeyPeyyusing rock linux or something18:20
BinaryFutrue\false: But...with WUBI, there's not much "set up" to do. It's like installing a windows program...literally.18:20
Odd-rationaleJeyPeyy: maybe try gentoo ?18:20
^Devious^Cant you do a software LVM raid or something?18:20
cybanGuma_, there is no real advantage to fakeraid - use softraid as a replacement18:20
Odd-rationaleJeyPeyy: or LFS?18:20
LinuxGhostHi, everyone.Is there one command to re-upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.04 just to correct some errors at booting system.When i boot my pc it usually hangs and i dont want to reinstall the system because its too hard to install LAMP and OFFICE, ive crashed my head to do that.Please, help me!!!18:20
BobC2Easier than Windows..really!18:20
IntuitiveNippleJeyPeyy: All the source code is available manually from http://packages.ubuntu.com, or automatically per-package using "apt get source <package-name>"18:20
cybanfakeraid for Windows, softraid for Linux/UNIX/BSD18:20
^Devious^linuxghost did you read my response18:20
true\falseBinaryFu: Hmm, I don't see how that will work entirely :s but it's on the standard image I'll be downloading?18:21
^Devious^whats the alternate to apt-get that is easier to remove if something goes wrong18:21
^Devious^i dont remember it18:21
alice_is this a chat room18:21
^Devious^let me load up a console and check18:21
Odd-rationale^Devious^: aptitude?18:21
^Devious^BINGO thanks odd ration18:21
^Devious^thats te one18:21
Guma_cyban: How can I do that? I am trying to install 8.04 on my 680i SLI MB and in Bios it reports Stripe RAID but Ubuntu sees it as two separate drives. Any help is appriciates.18:21
BinaryFu^Devious^: That would work, but if he's got corrupted configs, he might need to do the fancy options I can't remember.18:21
BobC2yep alice this is a chat room18:21
BinaryFutrue\false: Yes. And it works using elfin magic.18:22
LinuxGhostDevious? in command line type sudo apt-get only?18:22
^Devious^omg I actually made a half valid suggestion.....it means im actually learning something18:22
^Devious^me pats myself on back18:22
^Devious^Linux ghost18:22
cybanGuma_, disable Fakeraid in BIOS, use Ubuntu install to configure a Software RAID array18:22
IntuitiveNippleGuma_: That sounds like SoftRAID - and you'll need the matching driver. It might be dmraid you need18:22
^Devious^you know what I really love that I did in linux18:22
unopalice_, it's not a chat room - it's a support channel - off topic chat goes in #ubuntu-offtopic18:22
^Devious^if you google how to edit your bash.rc file18:22
Guma_ok Thanx guys18:22
BinaryFu^Devious^: Browse porn without getting a trojan?18:22
alice_wot do u all talk abut comp18:22
^Devious^you can add an ALIAS18:22
^Devious^LOL BINARY18:22
BobC2Oppps sorry alice18:22
^Devious^Nah thats why people buy MAC systems!!!! lmao18:23
Pici!ot | alice_18:23
ubottualice_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!18:23
^Devious^better for graphics18:23
cybanIf Ubuntu has Softraid options, I assume it does since most every other Linux distro does....18:23
alice_sorry 4 wot18:23
LinuxGhostDEvious, put name/nick when u wrte advise18:23
true\falseBinaryFu, ^Devious^ : Thanks, will just try a few different things out between now and formatting. :)18:23
unopalice_, we support ubuntu here18:23
BinaryFu^Devious^: Lies. Ubuntu is peachy for graphics, and macs are PCs now.18:23
^Devious^ok now im lost between all talks18:23
alice_oh kk18:23
LinuxGhostHi, everyone.Is there one command to re-upgrade ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu 8.04 just to correct some errors at booting system.When i boot my pc it usually hangs and i dont want to reinstall the system because its too hard to install LAMP and OFFICE, ive crashed my head to do that.Please, help me!!!18:23
^Devious^So macs are pc's and peaches are for pears and pc's ?18:23
BobC2It is a chat room used to help with Ubuntu ...What's in a name?  lol18:24
^Devious^ok sorry LINUXGHOST18:24
alice_can u go one2one wid someone18:24
Pici^Devious^: This is still a support channel, if you want to chat, please join #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere18:24
unop!pm | alice_18:24
ubottualice_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.18:24
cybanLinuxGhost, apt-get --help, clean it up a little might fix it18:24
BobC2best to ask a question here many will see it and help18:24
Odd-rationalealice_: yes. but you need to registered...18:24
^Devious^Edit bash rc and  add something like ALIAS GET="sudo apt-get install"18:24
Odd-rationale!register | alice_18:25
ubottualice_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.18:25
cybanclean, upgrade, check etc18:25
^Devious^and then every time you type GET in the CLI it will perform that command18:25
unop^Devious^, that will not work for a few reasons18:25
alice_have u all got webbook or heard of em18:25
PiciOdd-rationale: You do not need to be registered to send private messages on freenode.18:25
kevin_hardy heron, dell inspiron 6000, hp p1170 external monitor, i want to soley use external monitor when it's connected to laptop and i want the laptop screen to be off18:25
unopPici, hmm18:25
Odd-rationalePici: oh sorry. has that change? or always been that way?18:25
^Devious^so then LINUXGHOST you can then actually easily install several packages including Ubuntu - but as it was mentioned I dont know if that will work18:25
JeyPeyyThanx everyone who helped me out18:25
PiciOdd-rationale: It changed a few months ago18:25
BobC2<---does not know of webbook18:25
rsc--alice, whats webbook? ^^18:25
Odd-rationalePici: thx for the update...18:26
BinaryFukevin_: That's more of a bios issue than Linux.18:26
LinuxGhostcyban, wount it clean all hard disk?18:26
unop^Devious^,  linux (or in this case, bash) commands are case-sensitive .. ALIAS is not a valid command18:26
^Devious^so it must be lower case unop? Thanks for the knowhow18:26
kevin_BinaryFu: what?windows can do this no problem18:26
unop^Devious^, and "bash rc" wouldn't be a valid rc file for a default bash setup atleast18:27
cybanLinuxGhost, your in Ubuntu right, not mid install?18:27
BinaryFukevin_: Then you have a setting in bios to do so, I presume...what video card are you using?18:27
cybankevin_, Close the laptop lid18:27
BobC2can view YouTube now in 8.04 and it saw my digital camera  too! WhoooHoooo!18:27
LinuxGhostcyban,ham? i dint understand,sorry18:27
xintronok, I'm on this server trying to get syntax hilighting to work in vim but it doesn't. "ls -C" returns with colors but I couldn't set up to get colors in vim, where should I start?18:27
^Devious^lovely bobc218:27
kevin_BinaryFu: intel915 i think18:27
cybanLinuxGhost, you're all set, on Ubuntu just errors etc, or you're having problems installing?18:28
unopxintron, :syntax on18:28
^Devious^I was delighted to find that when I plug in just about any USB printer it picks it up automagically18:28
kevin_cyban: doesn't do anything, closed lid is closey but screen is till on, as clone18:28
^Devious^no driver install disks18:28
LinuxGhostcyban,apt-get --help then clean option?18:28
BobC2Really is Devious  ... I'm SOOOO impressed18:28
xintronunop: ofc :)18:28
BobC2nice pic editing tools too18:28
^Devious^youtube is REALLY slow with a 1mb gfx card though lol bob18:28
xintronunop: it's not that easy cuz it won't work with my .bashrc file either (with some colors to it)18:28
Guma_cyban: How much difference in speed is between real RAID card and dmraid? It is worth getting hardware RAID? I am interested in RAID 018:28
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cybanLinuxGhost, no just apt-get --help read the different options like sudo apt-get autoclean18:28
^Devious^and also I was impressed that I plugged in a sata / ide usb converter and it picks up straight off bat18:28
LinuxGhostcyban, ive installed ubuntu for long time just now having booting troubleshooting18:29
unopxintron, i fail to see how vim commands are somehow tied with .bashrc ?18:29
BinaryFukevin_: Then go into System - Preferences - Screen Resolution and turn of Clone Screens.18:29
BobC2well its  my 256 mb memory that's slow now18:29
VanarPHelp installing me fluxbuntu with iso please !18:29
cybankevin_, try vid card upgrade, also check your power management options - im on a laptop, lid closed, screen on laptop is off18:29
LinuxGhostcyban, ok i will try now be there ill be back18:29
unopxintron, or maybe you want to turn syntax highlighting for when you edit a .bashrc? is what what you mean?18:29
xintronunop: I meant to get the "what it's called, where the username@host: is"18:29
unopxintron, that's the bash prompt18:30
xintronunop: that line colored (copied from my own machine to the server but it still doesn't get that color)18:30
xintronunop: yeah18:30
cybanGuma - for RAID 0 IMO its not worth it but thats just opinion, unless you need RAID 3, 5, 7 no point going and spending the cash for the RAID controllers18:30
^Devious^I wonder how it is possible to install a distro from an ISO at a command prompt booting from BIOS18:30
^Devious^without a CD18:30
Odd-rationale!install | ^Devious^18:30
ubottu^Devious^: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:30
carandrauganyone knows how to find the actual refresh rate through the terminal? Taking a look at xorg.conf "VertRefresh" only gives me a range of values and xdpyinfo gives me no information on the actual refresh rate (so it seems me)18:30
BobC2Anyone know if web cams work with 8.04?18:31
BinaryFuBobC2: Most do.18:31
unopxintron, well, there are a couple of things that could stop colours from being displayed in a terminal .. one, the terminal itself does not support colours, two, the PS1 variable isn't using colours, three, the TERM evironmental variable is setup wrong for your terminal.18:31
^Devious^YES BOB18:31
=== Hauke is now known as hauke11
citizen42alphaCheese Bob.18:31
^Devious^are you on gnome or kde bob?18:31
hogBobC2, haven't had any video chat luck yet18:31
BobC2Ty BinaryFu and Devious18:31
kevin_BinaryFu: closing laptop lids causes both screens toflick off then back on18:32
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kevin_powermanagement settings are set to blank screen18:32
=== hauke is now known as hauke11
BobC2hog I have not tried yet18:32
BinaryFuBobC2: Best bet, if you want to find out about a specific type, just type "(name of webcam/model number) on ubuntu" and you'll get a lot of nice hits in Google to help you find out if it works fine or not.18:32
physically_fit!webcam | BobC218:32
ubottuBobC2: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras18:32
cybancarandraug, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-76387.html18:32
^Devious^Id prob just plug it in18:32
=== hauke11 is now known as hauke
xintronunop: probably the TERM enviromental thing. "tput colors" returns: "tput: unknown terminal "rxvt-unicode"". How do I solve this then?18:32
^Devious^plug in in plug it in (sings) (yes its from a cheesy commercial)18:33
BobC2ahhhh good old Google thanks18:33
BobC2me too18:33
imuradoes anyone knows the commands to install flash player18:33
* BinaryFu is a googleholic.18:33
unopxintron, try setting TERM to rxvt18:33
BobC2Did that with my Digital cam and POW... it worked18:33
cybanimura, Add/Remove Software not workin?18:33
^Devious^POW hey.... like KAPOW bob? :)18:33
imurai have one flash on the add-on18:34
xintronunop: thanks, that did it :D18:34
BobC2lol kinda like that ..uh huh l18:34
geniushello why do i've got "no thermal monitor support" on my intel quadro desktop?18:34
imurabut it does play in youtube18:34
cyban... well you can download the Flash for Linux and just go to Terminal and sh programname.bin or whatever18:34
^Devious^thermal monitor? Yeah....dunno if linux is a fan of coffee.....penguin might have a heart attack18:34
LinuxGhostcyban,hey i saw the option apt-get ..... check but i dnt knw what to put in "..." to identify my system18:34
cybanoh, theres more than one Flash18:34
^Devious^Interesting problem though.....18:34
geniuslol :))18:34
imuracyban, iam a rookie18:34
imura2 days in the linux side of live18:35
BobC2One more question I only have 2 desk top poptions now not 4 as I did in 6.06  is that a memory issue?18:35
carandraugcyban, thanks. I'll take a look on it18:35
^Devious^sorry bob? can you rephgrase rephrase....18:35
VanarPI have tried Hey isnt there a way to bypass detect & mount CDROM during installtion of ubuntu18:35
cybanLinuxGhost, I would try sudo apt-get check clean upgrade purge18:35
BobC2no longer see 4 desks in lower right only see 2 in 8.0418:36
bluvioMy windowList applet (to navigate workspaces) is currently blind. How do I make it to show icons of which app is open in each workspace? My older ubuntu had this feature, but now I don't, and it's very annoying. I think this is gnome-related, but I'm not sure where you configure these...18:36
^Devious^you can change that18:36
cybanimura, go back to the Add/Remove theres 2 Flash programs to install18:36
^Devious^I did I have 5 now18:36
BinaryFugenius: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/34846 check there.18:36
LinuxGhostcyban: apt-get[options] check, what is the option????????????18:36
^Devious^on kde I just added it in desktop configurator BOB18:36
cybanBobC2, right click and increase the number18:36
cybanLinuxGhost, sudo apt-get check18:36
^Devious^while youre there you can change wallpapers for all of them and set up cool things18:36
imurai can't believe it18:36
VanarPCan I bypass the detect and mount CDROM during  ubuntu installtion ?18:36
geniusBinaryFu: thnx18:36
imurai'll return18:36
r3dd0i followed this guide to setup 5.1 sound: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4451132 now everytime i try to start pulseaudio, i get a segmentation fault18:36
^Devious^while youre there find desktop effects and try compiz if your machine has the ^^lls18:37
lubyouis there some easy way to remove all gui related packages from an ubuntu desktop installation other than me manually going through the list of installed packages?18:37
BinaryFugenius: np bud.18:37
cybanthen clean, then update, then upgrade18:37
BobC2Devious^ nice I'll look Miss the VDERY cool browns of 6.06 will look there THANKS18:37
Bikerbobanyone know when the last ubuntu that used Xf86 ?18:37
Vladimir[LV]How I can view flash memory card in ubuntu server?18:37
cyban^Devious^, ya Compiz and Emerald :D18:37
^Devious^Yeah the brown/reddish was kinda cool18:37
progoze_J'ai un petit problèm18:38
bluviolubyou: I think the 'server' version comes without the X Gui stuff...18:38
BobC2Indeed  they were Devious^18:38
lubyouyes i know18:38
^Devious^I love the see through stuff on linux18:38
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: Plug it in.18:38
^Devious^The next OS id like to try is AMIGAOS18:38
progoze_French ?18:38
ezzieyguywufis there an easy way to compare all the folders in one directory to those in another? I recently re-ripped my entire music collection but know I've missed/lost a few cds, so I want to compare my new folders with my old ones, b/c I organize them as follows : artist>album>etc...18:38
^Devious^only needs something like 1 - 3 mb to boot up18:38
lubyoubluvio im trying to slim down an already install desktop installation, reinstalling the server release is not an option18:38
cyban^Devious^, tried the Mac OSX theme package Mac4Lin I think its called?18:38
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: where cd?18:39
^Devious^Mac4lin? Cool18:39
BinaryFuprogoze_: english please.18:39
physically_fit!fr | progoze_18:39
ubottuprogoze_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr18:39
masterlokihi there, I have a problem, suddenly my laptop froze and now it looks like I lost /home !!!18:39
BobC2Gentlemen, Thank you!.....Gonna go play somemore.... cya!18:39
^Devious^have fun bob18:39
^Devious^hey bob18:39
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: You have a flash card reader, right?18:39
LinuxGhostcyban, nothing anormal happened18:39
ezzieyguywufso basically, how can I compare the ls of, say ~/Music/* to /media/disk/FLAC/*18:39
^Devious^wanna pm me?18:39
LinuxGhostcyban, nothing anormal hapened18:40
BobC2If I remember lol18:40
^Devious^Im not sure if pm-ing me wil work18:40
cybanLinuxGhost, reboot see if it helped at all18:40
masterlokibeen reading /var/log/messages but don't known what to search for18:40
VanarPIs there a way to bypass the detect and mount CDROM during fluxbuntu installation18:40
LinuxGhostcyban, i will be back,thanks18:40
Guma_Any recommendations about RAID cards (SIIG, Highpoint, Promise) within < $15018:40
^Devious^I've ALWAAYS used promise cards under $20018:40
^Devious^just a personal thing18:41
quaalhow do i make nautilus windows not pop up all over the place whenever i plug in my usb hub and it automounts all the usb drives18:41
cybanezzieyguywuf, diff --help (Sorry not sure exactly how)18:41
ezzieyguywufyea, i thought about using diff but that compare files, i just want to compare the names of the directories18:42
cybanezzieyguywuf, could just merge them18:42
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience18:42
Mikeyhi....linux noobie user.....please don't hurt me18:42
bluvioquaal: by killing it? nothing beats a nice app-murder spree...18:42
ezzieyguywufmerge? lemme go man page it18:42
Guma_^Devious^:  Do you have something in ming. I am looking @ Fry's Promise 2 two channel for $6918:42
kelderquaal: in nautilus, edit > preferences > media (at the bottom)18:43
masterlokihi there, suddenly my laptop froze and now it looks like I lost /home!!! anyone can help me?18:43
=== baxeiro is now known as Giverny
VanarPI have already searched for 2 days18:43
MyrttiEz try fslint or  trimtrees.pl18:43
BinaryFuMikey: We only do noobie sacrifices on Friday night. It's Monday, you're WAY safe.18:43
Mikeyah good to hear that :P18:43
=== hauke is now known as hauke3
ezzieyguywufcyban: oh i see what your saying, the only problem is that i re-riped them in flac (lossless) and originally had them stored in ogg (lossy), so I don't want to merge them, I just want to know which ones i haven't reripped so i can go buy them, and get them in losssless :-D18:43
Mikeylisten, I gave up on the internet looking for an answer...which I know is around, but just can't seem to find it18:44
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: no, just a flash memory card18:44
cybanhrm... cant think of an easy way other than diff18:44
=== hauke3 is now known as Hauke3
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: data travaler aka18:44
cybanmaybe search for a premade script18:44
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: If you have a flash memory card, and nothing to connect it to the computer...in ANY OS, it's gonna be a HUGE challenge to read that puppy.18:44
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MikeyI'm trying to find a way for ubuntu to search the internet or where ever (like windows update and the such) for drivers of hardware it didn't find18:44
MikeyMainly, the graphics card, cause I'm trying to overcome the challenge of a Dual Display (Cloned)18:45
vasslercan anyone tell me if there any other elite graphix design apps in linux/ubuntu other than gimp??  please hlp me ?18:45
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: But if you have a way to connect it to the computer via USB (typical way to connect them with a reader of some sort) then just plug it in and away you go.18:45
=== hauke is now known as hauke2
djdanoHey all, I have a belkin wireless USB hub, and Im running ubuntu hardy heron.  My other non wirelss USB hub plugs in and works, but I can't get this one to work.  Can anyone help me?18:45
vasslercan anyone tell me if there any other elite graphix design apps in linux/ubuntu other than gimp??  please hlp me ?18:45
BinaryFuMikey: What vid card?18:45
tacticsdoes anyone here use gcj?18:45
bazzieb|nbhey guys, how do i disable SELinux in ubuntu?18:45
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: where i need to CD?18:45
MikeyIt's an on-board ATI Card, made probably only for HP Compaq NX9010 Notebooks18:46
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: some cd /dev/..18:46
vasslercan anyone tell me if there any other elite graphix design apps in linux/ubuntu other than gimp??  please hlp me ?18:46
MikeyYeah very difficult to find driver...which is somewhere...just can't find it18:46
tacticsVanarP, never heard of fluxbuntu - but most linux distros use an iso to install yes18:46
bazzieb|nbhaving a problem with vmware and i read that i need to disable SELinux18:46
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: You should not need to CD, it should just pop up a window with the contents...but...if it doesn't, you could go to Places and see if it's mounted. Other than that, if you MUST use the CLI, then I would go /media/ and ls to see what's new in there.18:46
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tacticsvassler, `elite'?18:46
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BinaryFuMikey: But it *is* a fairly new ati card?18:47
MikeyIt's at least 5 years old18:47
unopVanarP, yes, with some trouble - but if you already have ubuntu installed, you can install the fluxbox package and switch desktops to the same effect.18:47
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: IM HAVE UBUNTU SERVER EDITION.....!18:47
MikeyIt's an on-board card18:47
bazzieb|nbhow do i disable SELinux?18:47
BinaryFuMikey: Ewww....you may have a tough time finding it then. I'd do a google for ati drivers (model number) ubuntu18:48
benzs_snoob question: how do you rename files via terminal18:48
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: I gotcha, yeah, just do a CD to /media18:48
unopbenzs_s, use mv or rename18:48
VanarPbut i dont have any distro already ,unop ?18:48
benzs_sunop: mv, cool18:48
unopbenzs_s,  mv  old_filename new_filename18:48
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: And do an ls to see what's in there, it's probably just mounted as "disk" or something like that.18:48
Mikeyheh BinaryFu: I've spent hours doing that mate :P18:48
BinaryFuMikey: What's the model of it again?18:49
unopVanarP, then burn your ISO to CD and start the install :)18:49
akitrahallo allerseits jemand der auch deutshc kann?18:49
unop!de | akitra18:49
ubottuakitra: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de18:49
Vladimir[LV]BinaryFu: thank you..!18:49
VanarPunop, if I could do that why would have I asked for installation through .iso18:49
akitraok thx18:49
shuffle21how can i get later packages than what are supplied with hardy?18:49
shuffle21like i need scons >= .9818:50
BinaryFuVladimir[LV]: No problem, sorry I didn't understand your difficulty with no gui there. :)18:50
VanarPactually the installation starts using unet18:50
shuffle21and hardy only has .97\18:50
MikeyBinaryFu gonna try installing the ATI binary X.Org driver at the moment18:50
VanarPfrom the iso18:50
le_mischashuffle21: www.getdeb.net, hardy backports, hardy experimental18:50
MikeyThe Notebook model is HP Compaq nx901018:50
MikeyIt's very difficult but I'm assuming a driver exists18:50
unopVanarP, I guess, without grub or without a CD to burn the ISO to - you can't do it18:50
LinuxGhostcybann, <<<<<<<<<<<<<<unsuccessfull18:50
cybanMikey, tried the Linva drivers?18:51
LinuxGhostcyban,the problem contiunes18:51
Mikeylet me check that out18:51
cyban:/ whats it doin again LinuxGhost18:51
cybanboot issues, but what specifically18:51
MikeyI came across other driver names tbh18:51
shuffle21Package search results for "scons"No results found for your search. lol18:51
vasslercan anyone tell me if there any other elite graphix design apps in linux/ubuntu other than gimp??  please hlp me ?18:51
gamma-xanyone have an intell iwl4965 working?18:51
VanarPBut during the installation it tries to mount CDROM and cant continue without it, is there a way to skip that18:51
unopshuffle21, sudo aptitude install scons18:51
cybanVanarP, your installing from Network?18:52
MikeyOk, here's a good question...how can I find the current driver version of my graphics card?18:52
IdentifyTargetyou guys have GOT to be kidding me. I expect this from windows but from ubuntu......start ubuntu without a computer plugged in "Keyboard fauiler, press F1 to continue or F2 to enter setup"18:52
BinaryFuMikey: Can you give me a pastebin of your xorg.conf?18:52
MikeyJust curious to see if the drivers I just installed are working....18:52
IdentifyTarget*without a keyboard plugged in18:52
unopVanarP, how are you starting the install exactly?18:52
rsc--IdentifyTarget, that's not Ubuntu's fault. that's your BIOS doing that18:52
Mikeylet me see if I can figure out how to do that18:52
cybanMikey, cant - you can find generic or multi - go to amd's ati site18:52
gamma-xim having a lot of trouble trouble trying to get my intel wireless 4965 working. can anyone help?18:53
BinaryFuMikey: Just use glxgears in the terminal to see if your 3d is working.18:53
IdentifyTargetoh well that figures. it is a dell18:53
grim76__IdentifyTarget: That is bios related not os related.18:53
IdentifyTargetstupid POS18:53
VanarPBy using UNetbootin18:53
grim76__IdentifyTarget: there should be an option to ignore errors on boot.18:53
LinuxGhostcyban, When i boot pc it hangs when booting, i usually press"ESC" key then "Root Recovery Mode" then "Resume" to get booted successful.WHat a pity of me:-( HELP ME18:53
VanarPIt has extracted the iso and created a bootloader18:53
IdentifyTargetthanks. I'll look into it18:53
Mikey3D is working18:54
cybanLinuxGhost, is there something screwey in the session startup?18:54
MikeyNice thanks BinaryFu, I guess that means some kind of Driver is installed18:54
unopMikey, grep -i -C 5 driver_name /var/log/Xorg.0.log  #might help18:54
MikeyThats a good thing18:54
Mikeythanks unop18:54
JampiterIs there a way to make GNOME's sound effects thingy play OGGs?18:54
BinaryFuMikey: What kind of numbers are you seeing in the output?18:54
unopVanarP, not sure then - sorry18:55
LinuxGhostCYBAN, screwy? I just see that image wich swings during bootin stoping in the midle18:55
Mikeynothing, it's not giving me any values18:55
MikeyBinaryFu: doesn't seem to be working18:55
BinaryFuMikey: In the terminal, you should see something like...18:55
unopMikey, if you are speaking to someone in particular - make mention of their name so they know18:56
masterlokihi there I need an advice, I'm trying to check my /home which is formated XFS18:56
MikeyI found the Xorg.0.log file18:56
LinuxGhost CYBAN, screwy? I just see that image wich swings during bootin stoping in the midle18:56
BinaryFu10000 frames in 5.0 seconds = x FPS18:56
cybanLinuxGhost, could just go to System/Pref/Session and disable thigns 1 at a time, reboot and see which app is hanging18:56
masterlokibut since can mount it, look like I'll need to use the -L option18:56
MikeyNo nothing shows...let me check if I can find within the xorg.0.log file18:56
delta___Hey there! I need stop stop a raid device, which is currently busy (endless loop in kernel space). Is there any way to stop it anyway?18:56
aibhow to get CPANPLUS on Ubuntu?18:56
unopMikey, if i do that command, this is what i get told about the nvidia driver i have-  compiled for 4.0.2, module version = 1.0.018:56
masterlokiis there a another way to do this?18:57
MikeyBinaryFu Nothing18:57
Mikeyunop sorry about that18:57
edlvi downloaded real player from www.real.com/linux . now,how do i install it?please help18:57
BinaryFuMikey: No, when you fire up glxgears in your terminal, and you see the little box running, leave the box running...in the terminal, you'll start to see output after about 5 seconds.18:57
Mikeyunop hmm possibly the driver isn't good18:57
unopMikey, what driver are you attempting to us?18:57
MikeyBinaryFu where is the output displayed?18:57
Mikeyunop I'm using the ATI binary X.Org driver18:58
unopMikey, in the terminal itself18:58
BinaryFuMikey: Just under the input of glxgears in the terminal.18:58
Mikeyunop It installed itself without problems18:58
=== akio_ is now known as akio
unopMikey, ok, so what command did you give exactly?18:58
IdentifyTargetubuntu can install .deb files right?18:58
ill_phaze How do I get Ubuntu to boot up using a 1600x1200 resolution every time? Every time I boot it goes back to 1024x768. I've tried saving to xorg and it still does this. Any suggestions?18:58
MikeyBinaryFu I see it18:59
JampiterIdentifyTarget: Yes18:59
IdentifyTargetwhat's the command?18:59
unopIdentifyTarget, sure - ubuntu's packages are .deb files18:59
BinaryFuMikey: w00t, now, what's your FPS showing?18:59
JampiterJust double click the file i think18:59
Jampiterand it'll go IdentifyTarget18:59
MikeyBinaryFu yeah my bad...it has a small delay, didn't realise that18:59
unopIdentifyTarget, if you want to install something, first look for the package within synaptic18:59
r3dd0i followed this guide to setup 5.1 sound: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4451132 now everytime i try to start pulseaudio, i get a segmentation fault. How do I find the error? Are there any logfiles?18:59
MikeyBinaryFu what does that mean I have drivers installed?18:59
IdentifyTargetunop I did18:59
unopIdentifyTarget, only resort to manually installing a file if there are no alternatives18:59
unopIdentifyTarget,   sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb19:00
adityaghow to find out the md5sum of an iso image ?19:00
BinaryFuMikey: What are the numbers you're seeing? The one to the right of the = ?19:00
unop!md5 > adityag19:00
ubottuadityag, please see my private message19:00
geniusanyone know if vmware can read images created by dd ? i want to move my old pc contents to virtual machine19:00
MikeyBinaryFu: Values between 300 FPS and 1800 FPS19:00
=== [infi] is now known as InfiL00p
BinaryFuMikey: Eh, for a 5 year old card, that's not horribad.19:01
BinaryFuMikey: I'd say that things are set up properly.19:01
vasslerbest mp3 file editing app linux/ubuntu?19:01
nixboxis there a tool which can trace function calls when a kernel module is loaded? a kernel space "strace" maybe?19:01
MikeyBinaryFu: I just gave the damn notebook a good cleaning....incredible what I found....about 50 screws taken out of the notebook19:01
djdanovassler: I like audacity19:02
vasslerANYONE knoW?19:02
ill_phazeHow do I get Ubuntu to boot up using a 1600x1200 resolution every time? Every time I boot it goes back to 1024x768. I've tried saving to xorg and it still does this. Any suggestions?19:02
IdleOne!best > vassler19:02
ubottuvassler, please see my private message19:02
Myrtti!caps | vassler19:02
ubottuvassler: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:02
BinaryFuvassler: I prefer audacity myself.19:02
MikeyBinaryFu: When I put it back together, I mysteriously, still had left 3 screws left out, which I am clueless where I was meant to put them19:02
spacemonkeyanyone know how to install a program from a CD?19:02
carnelainhog: it worked19:02
BinaryFuMikey: That's okay, they lower the overall weight of the laptop, thus improving portability... >.>19:03
MikeyBinaryFu: heh good point19:03
MikeyBinaryFu: If my FPS is displayed that still19:03
ZaidenPulseaudio seems to make almost all the sound very choppy, is there a fix for it?19:03
Mikeymeans drivers installed?19:03
MikeyBinaryFu: If my FPS is displayed that still means drivers installed?19:03
BinaryFuMikey: The fact that you can see the screen means drivers are installed...and honestly, for a five year old card, I'm betting Ubuntu has the best driver picked out already. You're never going to see OMG graphics on a five year old lappy, but they shouldn't suck horribad either.19:04
adityagi want to learn about the shortcuts in ubuntu 8.04----like ctrl+w for closing a window.........i want to learn more about them19:04
spacemonkeyI bought a game that is supposed to be linux compatible and want to install it.19:05
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts19:05
MikeyBinaryFu: I'm not looking for amazing graphics...I just need to ensure proper drivers are installed so I can attempt to enable Dual Display (Cloned) setting19:05
Jampiter!shortcuts | adityag19:05
ubottuadityag: please see above19:05
r3dd0spacemonkey, mount the cd and search for an linux installer19:05
BinaryFuMikey: Give 'er a shot.19:05
spacemonkeywill that be a .exe file?19:06
MikeyBinaryFu: have you managed? I know it's complicated19:06
MikeyBinaryFu: i mean complicated if done manually...which is what I probably will need to do19:06
outblastedWhat does bang in '!shortcuts' or '!Keyboard' mean? Where should I type this?19:06
citizen42alphaany clue as to why my screen dims slightly when hitting the backspace key ?19:07
BinaryFuMikey: It's really tricky in ubuntu...usually, you have to...go into System...then Preferences...they Screen Resolution and click the box that says "Clone screens" to clone it. :)19:07
BinaryFuMikey: There's also another location you can do it, but I honestly can't remember, I'm a desktop guy myself.19:07
Jampiteroutblasted: Typing in a topic with a ! in front of it here will make Ubottu give you info :)19:07
spacemonkeyr3dd0: there is a setup.exe file, is that it?19:08
r3dd0spacemonkey, no19:08
Mikeyare you serious!?!?!19:08
=== oobe_ is now known as oobe
outblastedJampiter: In this topic? Right here?19:08
BinaryFuMikey: Seriously...I'm a desktop guy.19:08
BinaryFuskinnymg1: hell-o19:08
MikeyBinaryFu All the internet said was difficult, complicated, impossible, unavailable lol19:09
Jampiteroutblasted: or in #ubuntu-bots if you don't want to disturb people19:09
=== Hondo_Kitsune is now known as HK_Away
BinaryFuMikey: Give 'er a shot.19:09
vasslerWhat elite image design app does anyone perfer other than gimp?19:09
BinaryFuMikey: See what happens.19:09
vasslercan anyone tell me if there any other elite graphix design apps in linux/ubuntu other than gimp??  please hlp me ?19:09
r3dd0spacemonkey, look for a .sh or .bin19:09
Jampiteroutblasted: You can look in Ubottu's brain in the link he'll say now19:09
Jampiter!ubottu | outblasted19:09
ubottuoutblasted: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots19:09
BinaryFuvassler: Inkscape is personally very sexy in my book...especially for creating icons, etc.19:09
traceroothi all19:09
r3dd0spacemonkey, no19:10
outblastedJampiter: Thanks, I'll try it.19:10
=== HK_Away is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
r3dd0spacemonkey, nopaste a ls -lh please19:10
fignutsi've just installed ubuntu... i have a htpc connected to my tv via vga and hdmi, right now i can only get video over vga at a low resolution, and nothing on hdmi... how can i get video over my hdmi?19:10
MikeyBinaryFu: I'm not sure if it's detecting the other screen19:10
MikeyBinaryFu: Only one screen being displayed....thats worrying19:11
BinaryFuMikey: You got everything set up in your bios properly?19:11
Tulimaqspacemonkey: which game ?19:11
fignutsi did install the driver from system<administration<hardware drivers19:11
spacemonkeyCarmen Sandiego19:11
spacemonkeyWhere in the world19:11
spacemonkeyamazon says it's compatible but the CD case doesn't mention linux19:12
nrookis there some sort of command that lets you see the most recently created files?19:12
conb123Hi im trying to enable monitor mode in ubuntu with my belkin 802.11g Wireless G usb Network Adapter how would i do it.19:12
nrookaudacity has recently done something mysterious and terrible, and now my hard drive is all filled up19:12
rampageoberonHi, just wondering how can i configure an internet connection on a computer which uses PPPoE?19:12
nrookand I have no idea where whatever's filling it up is19:12
MikeyBinaryFu: I'm looking for the display devices in one of my Device Managers19:12
CartoonCatHellos. Got a interesting problem here. I have a ATi SATA controller (on board) with no HD's. I just plugged in my 1394 HD. It did not auto mount. When I manauly tried to mount sda1 it said "unknown filesystem type "promis fasttrack raid" which is the sata controller.19:12
Mikeyseeing if they detect the hardware19:13
_Novanet_q all, ppl who installed the OpenVPN?19:13
_Novanet_i have a problem19:13
JampiterIs there a way to get Sudo to stop asking for my password whan I'm logged in?19:13
spacemonkeyr3dd0: any ideas?19:13
CartoonCatJampiter, um thats kinda the point, not to jsut give root access...19:13
r3dd0spacemonkey, nopaste a ls -lh please19:13
madrazrHi all, I don't know for what reason, every now and then my DNS is falling back to Can some one help me please?19:13
BinaryFuMikey: If not, there's a website I can link you to that shows something to put in your xorg.conf that would help.19:13
cybanJampiter, could just enable su19:14
hogJampiter, edit /etc/sudoers and uncomment # %sudo ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL19:14
MikeyBinaryFu please19:14
BinaryFuMikey: Now you're wanting dual display, right?19:14
JampiterThanks :D19:14
Tulimaqspacemonkey: its for win and mac only imo .. try to run it with wine19:14
MikeyBinaryFu: It's been my main objective the whole time....drivers was the first problem....now this19:14
cybandonmt do that hog lol, just add your user to sudoers19:14
hogJampiter, add your user to sudo group19:15
BinaryFuhttp://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-352750.html  Read Sparken's posting. He has the *Exact* make/model19:15
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: Are you sure that the message doesn't infer that the file-system on the 1394HD is a dmraid stripe?19:15
hogcyban, ack'ed19:15
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.19:15
conb123Hi how do i enable monitor mode i ubuntu for an 802.11 device19:15
JampiterThanks cyban, hog :)19:15
MikeyBinaryFu I've been looking for a solution for hours...how did you find it :P19:16
BinaryFuMikey: I'm a google god.19:16
r3dd0spacemonkey, http://www.mobygames.com/game-group/carmen-sandiego-series sorry19:16
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: Well it might but that would be crazy. The FS is FAT32, formatted under Vista.19:17
LinuxGhostcyban,what happen if i uncheck all apps to not be booted on system start?Because i think its related to reading system file and drivers not those associated19:17
fignutsanybody know why my hdmi wouldn't be working, and vga works only at a low resolution?>19:17
madrazrHi all, I don't know for what reason, every now and then my DNS is falling back to Can some one help me please? How to fix this?19:17
LinuxGhostcyban, i refer there, system>session>19:17
LinuxGhoststartup programs19:18
BinaryFumadrazr: Where are you changing it?19:18
CartoonCatmadrazr, that just your router, dont worrry, your other dns servers were unreachable for what ever reason, likely they are overlaoded19:18
cybanLinuxGhost, I would do 1 then reboot, then re-enable it and do the next otherwise you wont know which is causing the issue19:18
Tulimaqfignuts: do u have a proper driver installed ?19:18
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: It just sounds strange, if the message reports about the file-system :)19:18
Nece228why restore effect lags for my radeon 9600 with fglrx?19:18
conb123Does anybody know how to enable monitor mode for an 802.11 device in ubuntu.19:18
LinuxGhostcyban it s so painful doing that19:18
spacemonkeyr3dd0: thanks19:18
BinaryFuNece228: You mean compiz effects?19:19
cybanya heh19:19
madrazrBinaryFu: I am trying in System->Admin->Network->DNS and also in /etc/resolv.conf19:19
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: what does ls -l /dev/disk/by-id | grep sda show?19:19
lucas_I'm trying to change my keyboard layout to Dvorak, but it won't change!19:19
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: Yes it is strange, ill pop t on the vista laptop and see what happens (yay multiport enclosure)19:19
MTecknologyso... my rsync died and I tried to resume with --partial but it runs through the file like everything was aok... any ideas how to make it pick up the transfer?19:19
madrazrCartoonCat: but this happening to me from very long time, at least from the day I installed Hardy, but did not have any problems with it as such till now19:19
Nece228BinaruFu: yes19:19
CartoonCatgimmie a few ill find outs19:19
Nece228BinaryFu: yes19:20
madrazrCartoonCat: but today I noticed that djangoproject.com doesn't open with
JampiterHow do I save in Vim?19:20
xbxbxbdoes hotplugging an USB device work even before I login? that is, does udev create block devices for it in /dev before I login with my user name?19:20
nrook:w, right?19:20
BinaryFumadrazr: Yeah, Sys-ad-net-dns would be the way to go, personally I toss a few in there myself...shouldn't be removing them though...19:20
nrook(to Jampiter)19:20
CartoonCat../../sda and ../../sda119:20
BinaryFuNece228: #1 reason for really crappy slowdown on effects is improperly (or not at all) installed video drivers.19:20
JampiterHow do I get the commands box to type than in nrook?19:21
lucas_I'm trying to change my keyboard layout to Dvorak, but it won't change! The layout I want shows up in the... layout picture when I select it, but it just won't change. I'm trying to do this through keyboard preferences19:21
MagicDuckhi, why don't administrative apps like synaptic and "Login Window" pick up new gtk themes19:21
nrookJampiter: try hitting escape first19:21
Nece228BinaryFu: im using fglrx drivers19:21
JampiterThanks :)19:21
CartoonCatieee1934[idstring] before them both19:21
nrookhow can I find really big, recent files?19:21
madrazrBinaryFu: how to access that?19:21
madrazrwhats the command?19:21
conb123How do i enable monitor mode in ubuntu for my 802.11 network card?19:21
madrazrBinaryFu: ouch... sorry... I understood what you said now19:22
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: what device id's does it show though? That should tell you where the sda device is located - if it shows the IEEE1394 interface then that message must be from the disk  markers, not from the Mobo's controller19:22
madrazrBinaryFu: but that is causing this problem19:22
CartoonCatconb123: you need to install patched drivers in most cases19:22
BinaryFumadrazr: Very odd.19:22
starhi.. can anybody solve my problem of connecting net via bluetooth from mobile on ubuntu ?plz.....19:22
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: any ideas?19:22
nrookit's funny that even when my hard drive is stuffed, all of the command line programs still work19:23
nrookI'm here in irssi, googling my problem in links...19:23
gamma-xcan anyone help? im trying to install a new kernel and need some direction.19:23
JampiterJust install the package gamma-x19:23
case^nrook: reminds me of bloody gentto19:23
JampiterYou know how to use apt-get?19:23
Tulimaqstar:  what is the problem ?19:23
BinaryFuNece228: I don't use ATi myself, so I don't know what the "proper" drivers would be, but you generally have 2 options - download the drivers from the repositories or going to ATi and getting the drivers from them.19:23
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: Inspect the file-system itself without mounting it, with a tool like testdisk, or manually using "dd if=/dev/sda1 bs=512 count=1 | hexdump -C"19:24
gamma-xJampiter,  yes, i can install a new kernel by using apt-get? wow19:24
conb123CartoonCat: So are there sperate drivers for different model cards19:24
BinaryFuNece228: But I'd make sure the drivers are properly installed, because my bet is that's what's causing your slowdown.19:24
nrookcase^: :)19:24
CartoonCatoh joy19:24
tomy222Hi, how i can watch virtual earth from microsoft under linux? there exist an alternative?19:24
Jampitergamma-x: So what's the problem?19:24
Nece228BinaryFu: whats the difference?19:24
Nece228BinaryFu: everythink else works fine19:24
JampiterOpen street map maybe tomy22219:24
gamma-xJampiter,  how do i find out the most currect kernel?19:24
Jampiterno images though I don't think19:24
hogNece228, have you tried 'Envy' to install ATI drivers?19:24
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: try "fsck.vfat /dev/sda1"19:24
CartoonCatis testdisk nondestrutive? ive got a lot of data on there19:25
Jampitergamma-x: the repos will have the most recent version AFAIK19:25
MikeyBinaryFu Thanks dude, this is gonna help big time, but it's not exactly what I want19:25
case^is there a # for conky?19:25
CartoonCatok, is that one non destrutive?19:25
JampiterJust search for the kernel version gamma-x #19:25
xtremoxmicrosoft vizio alternatives?19:25
MikeyBinaryFu It will help just the same but it doesn't do Cloned Dual Displays19:25
MagicDuckThis is weird. When I run "syaptic" from the command line it uses my gtk theme, but when I go "gksu synaptic" it uses the default ugly grey boxes. Can somebody explain?19:25
NemesisUKlo all19:25
alecwhHello, is there any way to get IRC links in Firefox to open up in Pidgin? Right now, it does nothing.19:25
case^alecwh: set your default app for irc:// links19:26
nrookokay, I've got a huge-ass recent file in /lib/udev/devices called "core"19:26
MikeyBinaryFu: If this doesn't work out after a month I'll just buy an External VGA Card compatible with linux lol19:26
nrookI assume nothing bad will happen if I nuke it?19:26
GoddamnDevilMagicDuck: your themes aint in /usr/share/themes folder19:26
NemesisUKdoes anyone know how i can have sound in teamspeak and medal fo honor? only one of the two gets sound when run together19:26
BinaryFuNece228: Well...the ones from ATi are the "latest" the ones in the repository are "stable". You could also try going into terminal and typing glxgears and waiting for the output to see what your FPS are. If you're using a very new card, you should be seeing 10,000 FPS+ if not, you don't have open gl working properly, which means you don't have the drivers installed properly.19:26
MagicDuckoh thank19:26
BinaryFuMikey: LoL. :)19:26
alecwhcase^: how do I do this?19:26
JampiterOk, I've broken Sudo. How can I revert the sudoers file back to the original?19:26
geniiNemesisUK: Maybe ask in #winehq19:26
citizen42alphaI am getting a little over a 1000 FPS on the gears.19:27
case^citizen42alpha: 29088 frames in 5.0 seconds = 5817.580 FPS19:27
hogJampiter, ?19:27
NemesisUKi thought it has to do with sharing the device19:27
case^on a x800xl19:27
jwayi installed audacious, resized the playlist according to the screen resolution 1600x1200, now I'm back on 1280x1024 and the playlist handle for resizing is not accessible, what do I do?19:27
BinaryFuNemesisUK: You could try the ALSA drivers in wine.19:27
macrohardneone tell me wher to get xorg.conf file i mistackaly delted it19:27
NemesisUKbut i'll give that a go19:27
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: oddness, said there were no vfats. im going ot get the vista box19:27
citizen42alpha=] I am on a 7300go laptop.19:27
NemesisUKok cheers19:27
BinaryFuNemesisUK: Because OSS generally == 1 sound capable program at a time.19:27
alecwhcase^: right now, my firefox is set to use 'purple-url-handler'19:27
NemesisUKah ok19:28
alecwhwhat's wrong?19:28
Jampiterhog: Synaptic's now saying I can't apply changes. I might have modified the wrong thing in sudoers19:28
BinaryFuNemesisUK: If that doesn't work, you could try the PulseAudio.19:28
nrookis a file called "core" in /lib/udev/devices a core dump?19:28
NemesisUKthanks Binaryfu19:28
BinaryFuNemesisUK: If that doesn't work, you could cry softly into your mic.19:28
hogJampiter, you were to only uncomment one line right?19:28
JampiterIt said I should use visudo19:28
case^alecwh: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Options+window?style_mode=inproduct#applications_options19:29
JampiterI did and I don't know how to use Vim, and I think I added some more enters or something19:29
MikeyI still have a problem that I can't find how to get Ubuntu to sense my TV19:29
alecwhcase^: Yeah, I'm at the options box, it's just that it doesn't work. =P19:29
alecwhit's currently set to 'purple-url-handler'19:29
BinaryFuMikey: Your...TV?19:29
MikeyIt's connected through the RGB/VGA port.....but it's not sensing it19:29
case^alecwh: hmm, not a FF user so thats about the end of my knowledge...19:30
MikeyBinaryFu: Yeah....usually works no problems...but with the Ubuntu drivers...I'm not sure19:30
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: Could the multi-port IEEE1394 device be causing the problem?19:30
BinaryFuMikey: Didja try what the guy had listed for changing the xorg.conf file?19:30
alecwhcase^: thanks anyway19:30
r3dd0http://paste2.org/p/77328 <-- sux :(19:30
lucaxhey guys, ive installed kde on ubuntu... now kde is the default desktop for new users, i want it to be gnome... how do i restore that?19:30
MikeyBinaryFu: It's not that simple, he already has a Monitor being detected I think19:30
MikeyBinaryFu: let me check19:30
BinaryFuMikey: You could always tell it that it's a generic monitor.19:30
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: Does the device have multiple disks and a controller or is it a single disk? Did the disk get formatted by a system running dmraid and/or a Promise Fastrak controller?19:31
tomy222mh, ad a website i must install a addon for virtual earth for watching the 3D! But i can' t install under linux!  what i can do?19:31
cybanJampiter, cd to etc/ then sudo nano sudoers19:31
hoglucax, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop19:31
BinaryFuMikey: You can pretty much dictate everything in xorg.conf, including resolutions permitted, etc.19:31
xbxbxbis there a reason why USB devices are also named /dev/sdXY just as my SATA devices? what does sd stand for?19:31
lucaxhog: i have that one installed already19:31
alecwhHow do I get irc:// links to open up in Pidgin from Firefox? Right now, in Firefox preferences, irc links are handled by "purple-url-handler". Why doesn't it work?19:31
JampiterIt says in the file that I have to use visudo to edit it.. do I have to cyban?19:31
IntuitiveNipplexbxbxb: Yes, because the SCSI sub-system is managing them19:31
MikeyBinaryFu: let me check it out and search for my second screen19:32
xbxbxbIntuitiveNipple:  Oh okay.. and what does 'sd' mean?19:32
=== nrook is now known as nrook_nothere
cybanno, su in terminal once your in the etc directory copy paste this: sudo nano sudoers19:32
hal_v2When I go to add/remove hardware I get an error message which says: This is a major failure of your software management system. Please check for broken packages with synaptic, check the file permissions and correctness of the file '/etc/apt/sources.list' and reload the software information with: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install -f'.19:32
IntuitiveNipplexbxbxb: It means Scsi Disk19:32
hal_v2Add remove software*19:32
saurabhi want to make a list of all packages installed through apt-get after i installed ubuntu, how do i do that?19:32
xbxbxbIntuitiveNipple:  thanks19:32
BinaryFuhal_v2: And have you gone into the terminal and done a sudo apt-get update ?19:33
CzarAlexHow can I grep the contents of every file on my entire system for the string "moobackup.sh" ?19:33
BinaryFuhal_v2: And it didn't fix anything?19:33
hal_v2Not at all. :(19:33
BinaryFuhal_v2: Hmmm....don't think it would matter, but you could try apt-get autoclean as well...see if you have broken deps floating around.19:33
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: grep -rn  'moobackup.sh' /*19:34
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: or more accurately: grep -rn  'moobackup\.sh' /*19:34
BinaryFuhal_v2: You could also try a sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop and see if perhaps there were some missing packages it needed to have installed.19:34
MikeyIf I plug a Screen using S-Video out into Ubuntu while it's running will it auto-detect it?19:36
zathras_laptopa while back i found the command to create a thumbnail for a movie...anyone care to refresh my memory?19:36
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: Ok problem A) Its NTFS, i was sure i formatted FAT32 so I could use it between both OSs19:36
BinaryFuMkey: Me == <clue19:36
stefaniahi all. how to install a 3dDesktop on Ubuntu?19:36
BinaryFustefania: Define "3D desktop"?19:36
MikeyBinaryFu: Reason I asked is cause Ubuntu is not finding my second screen19:37
stefaniaBinaryFu, like beryl19:37
MikeyBinaryFu: Not sure how to add it19:37
CzarAlexThank you, IntuitiveNipple19:37
MikeyBinaryFu: Gonna have to check this out19:37
stefaniado you know if Bery is stable?19:37
BinaryFustefania: Compiz is installed already. You just need open gl drivers.19:37
phantomcircuitif i have a program that is fullscreen that goes crazy and wont give let me kill it is there something i can do other than ctrl+clt+backspace?19:37
stefaniahow to obtain that drivers?19:37
BinaryFuMikey: Yeah, that's gone past my general knowledge and into "This is a problem for laptop users to resolve"19:37
BinaryFustefania: What video card would you be using?19:38
IntuitiveNipplephantomcircuit: Use the magix sys-request to kill all processes on that terminal: Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+K19:38
stefaniaI dont know... hw to see?19:38
MikeyBinaryFu: heh....well your help is greatly appreciated just the same mate :P19:38
phantomcircuitSysRq ?19:38
IntuitiveNipplephantomcircuit: Yes19:38
phantomcircuitoh i see it now19:38
phantomcircuitlets see if this works19:38
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, hmm didn't find what I was looking for. I started a cron job over a year ago and i'm not sure where to find it. I'm migrating to a new system and would like to carry that task over. the script that is run is moobackup.sh . I can't find it listed in crontab or cron.weekly (as it runs every friday). Anywhere else I can search?19:39
BinaryFuMikey: Very welcome. :)19:39
stefaniaI've an NVidia card19:39
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: check in /etc/anacrontab19:39
BinaryFustefania: I would go to System - Administration - Hardware Drivers19:39
stefania512 mb ram19:39
ianliu_88What is the best way to develop an application which plots animated graphics on Ubuntu? Any directions? Cairo seems to be REALLY slow on Ubuntu...19:39
stefaniaI've installed driver for invidia19:40
BinaryFustefania: And see if your NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver is enabled.19:40
phantomcircuitIntuitiveNipple, yeah that is what i was trying to avoid19:40
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: also, check in /etc/cron.weekly19:40
stefaniayes is enabled19:40
phantomcircuiti just wanted to kill one program not kill all of them19:40
IntuitiveNipplephantomcircuit: Well, I did say that kills all processes on the console!19:40
phantomcircuita program that paused all the other ones that let you kill them would be very useful19:40
BinaryFustefania: Okay...so...you have gutsy gibbon for your OS right now?19:40
kelderstefania: do you have system > preferences > advanced desktop effects settings19:40
phantomcircuitIntuitiveNipple, :P19:40
stefaniaI've latest Ubuntu vrsion.19:41
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, not in either. Would it matter if I was running ubuntu 5.10?19:41
BinaryFustefania: System - Preferences - appearance19:41
CartoonCatIntuitiveNipple: any ideas about this magic HD that somehow things its part ofa raid setup?19:41
BinaryFustefania: Click on the "Visual Effects" tab.19:41
jryan78I have a folder setup for people to FTP to and when a file is put into that folder I want a email notification sent to me that a file is there.  Is there a program that will do that for me?19:41
stefaniaI've'extra selected19:41
stefaniabut how to 'rotate' desktop like a 3d effects?19:42
BinaryFustefania: Click on "normal" for the typical effects...or Extra for the fancy stuff.......or you can download the advanced settings manager that allows you to customize all your effects.19:42
kelderstefania: do you have system > preferences > advanced desktop effects settings .. there should be a cube effect you can turn on19:42
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: it might mean some things are in a different location... how about trying this:19:42
kelderstefania: if you do not have that option in preferences...    sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager19:42
BinaryFustefania: Well, when you close a window, does it do a little fancy thing, or does it just disappear? If it does a little fancy thing, you have 3d effects on.19:42
fignutswhich package installs the nvidia utility?19:42
MikeyBE back later..gonna have to re-format Ubuntu lol19:42
stefaniathank you19:43
=== sad`panda is now known as Sad`Panda
jryan78I have a folder setup for people to FTP to and when a file is put into that folder I want a email notification sent to me that a file is there.  Is there a program that will do that for me?19:43
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: sudo find / -type f -iname 'moo*'19:43
BinaryFustefania: And if that's not what you want, then you just need to tinker with the options to get the effect you're looking for.19:43
hogfignuts, nvidia-settings?19:43
fignutsgot it, nvidia-xconfig19:43
stefaniaBinaryFu, than you very much19:44
IntuitiveNippleCartoonCat: If it is supposed to be NTFS, check it with ntfsinfo /dev/sda119:44
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, just some other references to MOO stuff i have on the box. but nothing cron/task related.19:44
stefaniakelder, also than you.19:44
jryan78I have a folder setup for people to FTP to and when a file is put into that folder I want a email notification sent to me that a file is there.  Is there a program that will do that for me?19:44
hoontekeis ubuntu a publicly traded company?19:44
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, back when I set this up, i do recall having to fiddle with the 0 * * 1 stuff though. So I know its cron related.19:44
hoontekecan I buy stock in it?19:44
BinaryFustefania: np at all, happy to help.19:44
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: well, if the fine had that name you suggested, that find command should locate the script19:44
hoontekeand by ubuntu, I mean canonical of course19:45
phantomcircuithoonteke, canonical, im not sure if they are publically traded or not19:45
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: Is it a system task or a user one?19:45
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, user perhaps.19:45
phantomcircuithoonteke, no you cannot19:45
JampiterBoth Adept and Synaptic are saying I don't have privelages to apply changes19:45
Charles_FHi does anyone know what to fix sudoers when I can't get a root terminal?19:45
hogCzarAlex, if the script in in the local filesystem run find ./ -name <filename> /19:45
phantomcircuitbut if you had a ridiculous amount of money im sure you could approach them to invest in them19:45
JampiterAny way to remedy this?19:45
hoontekephantomcircuit: k, thankx.  bummer19:46
CzarAlexhog, I'm trying to find what cron job/task called that script weekly.19:46
IntuitiveNipplehog: he did, didn't find it apparently. I think the filename is probably not quite what he is remembering :)19:46
bobertdosJampiter: Are you a sudoer? (member of the admin group)?19:46
colin_hi alll19:46
stefaniaI've installed the 3d cub effect.... how to show the cube?19:46
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: go into /etc/cron.* directories and check all contents for something that looks familiar19:46
julkaaa_xDhello xD19:46
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: read the contents of the files to locate the job19:46
lucas_stefania, ctrl+alt+mouse1, and drag19:46
colin_9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 = 1019:47
CzarAlexIntuitiveNipple, if it was a system task or a user task, would that change things?19:47
Charles_FHelp with root terminal anyone?19:47
Jampiterbobertdos: I think so. sudo in the terminal works fine19:47
IntuitiveNippleCzarAlex: not markedly no19:47
colin_rip dvds help19:47
FloodBot2colin_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:47
hogJampiter, what if you run gksudo synaptic, from a new terminal19:48
julkaaa_xDmówi kto¶ po polskuuuu?19:48
Charles_FAnyone help with root terminal?19:48
bobertdosCharles_F: What are you needing to do?19:49
Charles_FI can't get sudo to work19:49
bobertdoscolin_: We need a specific question.19:49
gamma-xwhy does it take so long to build a kernel? i dont get it.19:49
JampiterYes! It works hog :D19:49
* Jampiter will brb19:50
tobor_Hi all - just noticed when I try to cd to a dir thats not there, my bash shell seems to try to find the closest match and changes to that dir?  Can anyone tell me where this gets initialized/eneabled/setup?19:50
dashnugamma-x: it doesnt if you only compile in what you actually _need_19:50
bobertdosCharles_F: Could you be alittle more specific please?19:50
ompaul!pl | julkaaa_xD19:50
ubottujulkaaa_xD: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl19:50
tobor_Charles_F: do you get the box that asdks you for your password?19:50
Charles_Fbobertdos I can't update and when I try to use sudo it tells me the sudoers file is screwed19:50
=== fignuts is now known as ultra
=== ultra is now known as fignuts
bobertdosCharles_F: Ah!19:51
HidemeI rebooted my machine and now it's stilling at a "Grub" prompt with minimal commands available.  Any suggestions on the steps to correct this?19:51
Charles_Fnow when I try to shutdown the shutdown button frezes and I have to ctrl alt backspace to kill the x session19:51
colin_help with dvd rip19:51
Timberwolf5578Does anyone know of a weather desklet that actually works?19:51
Charles_FI can't get a root terminal when i start in recovery mode cos it asks for the root password and... No i don't remember it19:52
Rinaldi_hi, anyone got any ideas about the best laptop brand for linux, or a model? I'm looking to spend about £50019:52
bobertdosCharles_F: Would you mind posting the content of /etc/sudoers on paste.ubuntu.com, please?19:52
Charles_Fthe first line is wrong it says passprompt19:52
Charles_Fbut I can't get to it to edit it19:52
tobor_Charles_F: or you could boot to single user mode (requires no password) and reset the root password to whatever you want19:52
Timberwolf5578Does anyone know how to make AWN automatically start up when you log into Gnome?19:52
bobertdosCharles_F: There actually is no root password in Ubuntu by default.19:53
Charles_FI know so why is is asking for one?19:53
Charles_Ftobor how?19:53
tobor_Charles_F: the sudo dialog is asking fot your user password19:53
gamma-xcharles_f you have to change it, by default ur root is ur password19:53
Charles_Ftobor I know but it doesn't like the password19:53
tobor_Charles_F: whne you powercyle the system, press the ltter e when you see the grub menu.19:54
hyphenatedCharles_F: if it asks for a password in that mode, it's because somebody set one for root19:54
hyphenatedCharles_F: you'll need to boot with a special kernel line ending in "init=/bin/bash"19:54
tobor_Charles_F: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/grub-boot-into-single-user-mode/19:54
tobor_colin its easier to just type "single" at the end of the line19:55
gamma-xanyone have experience with the app kernelcheck?19:55
Charles_Fwhen I see the grub menu it allows me to select recovery mode but then I get this blue screen19:55
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.19:55
Charles_Fand that doesn't let me drop to root terminel19:55
bobertdosTimberwolf5578: two ways: either add it to the startup section of Sessions or capture your current session with awn running.19:55
tobor_Charles_F: see the URL: I just posted19:55
Charles_Fdoesn't like any passwords I have19:55
LinuxGhostCYBAN, U THERE?19:55
Charles_FI tried them all19:55
Charles_Fok tobor19:56
tobor_Hi all - just noticed when I try to cd to a dir thats not there, my bash shell seems to try to find the closest match and changes to that dir?  Can anyone tell me where this gets initialized/enabled/setup?19:56
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lanoxxhow do i find out what key i have to map so my trackpoint can scroll19:56
fignutscan someone help a new user figure out some graphics driver issue?19:56
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Bikerbobanyone help me get my video going ?19:56
lucas_fignuts, please be more specific19:57
trigpinneed help speeding up connection19:57
Bikerbobusing the fbdev19:57
=== Sete is now known as elgransete
Bikerbobbut the settings are messed up19:57
Charles_Ftobor (9) When prompted give root password and you be allowed to login into single user mode.19:57
Bikerbobneed help fixing them19:57
Bikerbobtrying to use xvidtune.. but the numbers it is giving me are outthere.. hor syn 147 and vert 28219:57
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas ?19:57
Bikerbobpixel clock at 100 dont think thats right either19:57
fignutslucas: i have a htpc connected to my tv via vga and hdmi.. without the nvidia driver installed (under system/administration/hardware drivers) i get 800x600 and hdmi works, WITH the driver installed, i get 640x480 and it only works over vga19:58
fignutsi see no nvidia configuration utility19:58
=== bluetouff is now known as touff
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what is wrong with my laptop ?19:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpart19:59
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:59
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what might be wrong?20:00
nananuucan some body say how to make a partition with gpart?20:00
Gilrimthe package acerhk-sources are dependant on module-assistant, but I don't seem to find any way of making m-a install/find acerhk, even though I've installed ht e package and updated and whatnot...20:00
Gilrimwhat am I missing?20:00
benzs_show would you go about adding keyboard shortcuts to start specific applications?20:01
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rfxcaseyhello all I am brand new20:01
ubottuDNS is an acronym for Domain Name System, and is an internet system used to translate names into IP Address.20:01
fignutsme too rfxcasey20:01
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:01
^SupaBeast^Anyone know if it's possible and how i can move a wubi installation of Ubuntu between two harddrives?20:02
Bikerbobnoone help with X?20:02
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:02
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:02
bobertdos!info gparted > nananuu20:03
ubottunananuu, please see my private message20:03
smuggyhey, quick question...im trying to compile the ubuntu drivers for my advent 4211 wireless card. now i start with the command sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-`uname -r` but it comes back saying it couldnt find the package build-essential! can anyone help??20:03
rfxcaseyis anyone getting answers I just see a lot of questions?20:03
LinuxGhostmaybe someone is answering me20:04
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:04
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:04
belkinhelp2what is the command for testing sound?20:04
nananuubobertdos,  ok thanks20:04
rfxcaseydo you know how I can set my font size for this irc chat20:04
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:04
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:05
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:05
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey Depends on your irc client..  /j #xchat  for example20:05
rfxcaseywhat irc client is the best20:05
rummyanyone knows subnet calculatos for ubuntu?20:05
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey there is no best and we frown on pols in this channel20:05
MoheroHi all20:06
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what is wrong with my laptop ?20:06
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:06
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:06
Moherois there a problem with the ubuntu mirror servers at the moment?20:06
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what might be wrong?20:06
Pici!repeat | trigpin20:06
ubottutrigpin: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:06
Timberwolf5578Does anyone know where AWN and Gdesklets would be located?  I am trying to add them to my startup services.20:06
milostrifeevening all anyone know why i can only get sound in rhythmbox and totem movie player but nothing else? :S20:06
bobertdosrummy: Search the repos using apt-cache search <expression> or Synaptic. Otherwise, it might just be easiest to use an online one.20:06
rfxcaseywell I am totally new and have only used mirc before20:06
Jack_SparrowLinuxGhost Please hold down the repeats, every few minutes is plenty20:06
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:07
v3ctorrummy: sipcalc20:07
rfxcaseyI am using xchat now20:07
belkinhelp2does anyone know to test for sound using command line?20:07
rfxcaseyis virc better?20:07
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey xchat is well liked by many..  sudo apt-get install xchat20:07
bobertdosTimberwolf5578: If they were installed via the repos, all you should need are the executable names.20:07
rfxcaseyI am on it now I just have really small text20:07
Jack_Sparrow!best > rfxcasey20:07
ubotturfxcasey, please see my private message20:07
milostrifeAnyone know why i can only get sound in rhythmbox and totem movie player but nothing else? :S20:07
yareckonhey kids... which irc channel should I go to talk to the admins for brainstorm.ubuntu.com?20:07
Moheromy apt is running at 300b/s at the moment :S20:08
trigpinhey kids...20:08
rfxcaseyhow do I see a private message?20:08
Piciyareckon: #ubuntu-quality20:08
Timberwolf5578So I just put the executable name under "name" or under "command" ?20:08
yareckonthanks Pic20:08
Moherorfxcasey: on freenode you have to register to send Private messages...20:08
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey You should have another channel like window you can open20:08
bobertdosTimberwolf5578: command -- Name can be whatever you want20:08
Moherorfxcasey: type "/msg nickserv help" for more info20:08
rfxcaseyok you all seem smart I have a major question20:09
Moheroblimey! flood of people getting disconnected there!20:09
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey You cant have looked very far on how to change the fonts..  it is the first option under settings.preferences20:09
milostrifeanyone know how to fix a sound issue im having with ubuntu20:10
Jack_Sparrowmilostrife  I got good help ...   /j #alsa20:10
rfxcaseyI am using ubuntu 8.04 64 bit I have a tv2000 capture card but is doesn't seem to be set up right as in /dev/0 whatever20:10
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:10
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:10
milostrifeJack_Sparrow,  ty vm :)20:10
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey 64 bit is probably not the best choice for a new user ..  Do you have over 4 gigs of ram20:11
rfxcaseywhen I try to use tvtime or any other program is says there is no device20:11
Jack_Sparrowmilostrife np20:11
rfxcaseynegative on the 4 gigs20:11
JampiterHow do I get my webcam (EyeToy) to work with Cheese?20:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cheese20:11
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:11
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:11
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:11
MoheroLinuxGhost: do you have more than 1 Kernel in the boot menu (when you press ESC) if so, try booting an older one, see if you get booted20:11
Jack_Sparrowrfxcasey 32bit is a better choice with littel speed difference20:12
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:12
rfxcaseythat sucks because it is all set up already and I don't want to redo everthing20:12
Mohero!repeat | LinuxGhost20:12
ubottuLinuxGhost: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:12
Jack_Sparrow!chroot > rfxcasey20:12
ubotturfxcasey, please see my private message20:12
rfxcaseywell all except tv card20:12
zimbresDoes anyone know whether there is a "wavelet" version of the package FFTW20:12
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out20:13
Jack_Sparrow!info ubuntustudio20:13
ubottuPackage ubuntustudio does not exist in hardy20:13
LinuxGhostMohero: YES i have lot kernel , the first one is root, 2nd is root recovery mode, 3rd is generic recovery mode, 4th generic only, etc...20:14
Jack_Sparrow!find studio20:14
ubottuFound: rawstudio, synfigstudio, synfigstudio-dbg, ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-audio-plugins (and 16 others)20:14
fignutsregular keyboard i should type pc104?20:14
fignutsin the united states, windows keyboard20:14
LinuxGhostMohero:ive tried with root is the same20:14
Jack_Sparrow!find ubuntustudio20:14
ubottuFound: ubuntustudio-audio, ubuntustudio-audio-plugins, ubuntustudio-controls, ubuntustudio-default-settings, ubuntustudio-desktop (and 11 others)20:14
maarikahi. manually installing latest nvidia driver (177.76) hangs on "searching for conflicting X files". getting desperte, please help!20:14
MoheroLinuxGhost: try the second Generic one (without the recovery)20:14
davertronhi everyone, i just installed a fresh copy of xubuntu 8.04.1 on some old hardware i had lying around, and after running it for a few days it looks like the video card just didn't want to live.  I have an agp slot and no integrated video, so I'm looking to pick up something cheap like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1681414506720:14
davertronany other suggestions?20:15
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what might be wrong?20:15
LinuxGhostmohero: it ask to be a root to acess booting files20:15
Jack_Sparrowdavertron frys has some very cheap nvidia,  I just picked up one  7200gs  free after rebate20:15
LinuxGhostmohero: ive repaired but uncessful20:15
Jack_Sparrow!sudo > LinuxGhost20:16
ubottuLinuxGhost, please see my private message20:16
LinuxGhostmohero: everytime i boot it hangs20:16
^SupaBeast^Anyone able to help me with Wubi?20:16
LinuxGhostubottu, ive seen ok20:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ive seen ok20:16
Jack_Sparrow!wubi > ^SupaBeast^20:17
ubottu^SupaBeast^, please see my private message20:17
Timberwolf5578How difficult is it to make Ubuntu's start menu look nice and big like Mint's?20:17
UnbeHey, folks. I've tried a million different ways of dealing with this problem, and I keep landing in the same place: is there a way to force Xubuntu's Xorg to use a particular screen geometry on startup, and *not* autodetect the display?20:17
unr3a1hey all20:17
MoheroLinuxGhost: hmm... when you boot in recovery mode, do you get as far as the prompt?20:17
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:17
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:17
Jack_SparrowUnbe if you manually edit xorg to include the proper res it does solve many many issues20:17
YeudielI did try to install xubuntu-desktop  but now the synaptic is crashing20:18
LinuxGhostMohero: i find the prompt with: Resume normal booot, Repair, Root terminal , Repair XSERVER20:18
LinuxGhostSomeone help me. I want to repair my machine booting big trouble, what to do. I cant log in in normal mode because it hangs while booting, when booting my machine i need to use"ESC" key >"ROOT RECOVERY MODE">"RESUME NORMAL BOOT" to get logged in.It began after ive installed ubuntustudio via synaptic and restarted it uncessfully with this problem. I dont want to Re-Install Ubuntu 8.04.HELP ME.20:18
LinuxGhostMy machine booting stops when here: *Setting Kernel variables.....  *Activacting Swap......  *Checking root file system.....  fsck 1.40.8(13-Mar-2008) /dev/sda1: clean 255014/4702208 files.......20:18
UnbeJack_Sparrow: so if I manually edit my xorg.conf the auto-detect won't happen?20:18
Syco54645_workhow can i check my alsa version?20:19
Yeudielanyone can help me with the synaptic?20:19
trigpinYeudiel,  what wring ?20:19
davertronJack_Sparrow: nice, i'll have to check it out20:19
davertronJack_Sparrow: I have another linux media pc i'm running that only has a pci slot, so i'd like to put something cheap in that too20:20
Jack_Sparrowdavertron they have a half price deal on the 8800.. under $5020:20
trigpinYeudiel,  what wrong ? opps typo20:20
davertronJack_Sparrow: one of my friends gave me a quadro but i ahve to use a pci-riser to get it to fit in the fanless case i have and that doesn't seem to work :'(20:20
Jack_Sparrowdavertron Ouch, no idea on where to go with that one20:20
davertronJack_Sparrow: ooooh nice20:20
YeudielSynaptic error that says to dpkg --configure -a but then it says it is a read only memory20:21
davertronJack_Sparrow: yeah i work for a mini-itx company, so we use them for a lot of our mini-itx machines but we've seen issues with these dual-pci risers, i don't think you're supposed to be able to have two pci devices going through one onboard pci slot :)20:21
Jack_Sparrowdavertron that is correct.. without a special driver (windows only)20:22
Yeudielthen the terminal, synaptic stop working20:22
bobertdosYeudiel: That command is to be issued in the terminal using sudo.20:22
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:22
davertronyeah, well when i do that i get through post and the ubuntu loading screen but then in the OS the video goes back over to the onboard20:23
Yeudielbut does nothing20:23
Jack_SparrowYeudiel try the command I just gave20:23
davertronJack_Sparrow: I'm using a via board so i have the crappy openchrome drivers and they just don't work that well20:23
r3dd0http://paste2.org/p/77367 <- when i try to play something20:24
milostrifeanyone know how to make movie playback brighter as it isn't working on totem movie polayer?20:24
r3dd0pulseaudio output20:24
trigpinYeudiel,  did you check for broken packages ?20:25
davertronJack_Sparrow: are those cards with the deals agp or pci-express?20:25
sullyva86firefox crashed then won't start any ideas?20:25
davertronJack_Sparrow: having a little trouble finding the ones on the site20:25
Jack_Sparrowthis one is pci-e20:25
davertronJack_Sparrow: Maybe i'm too late20:25
davertronJack_Sparrow: ahhhh, i only have agp20:26
davertronJack_Sparrow: old hardware :)20:26
Jack_Sparrowdavertron the 8800 are on sale today.. I was in the store this am20:26
Yeudielcheking now20:26
bobertdossullyva86: In a terminal, type pkill firefox-bin20:26
davertronJack_Sparrow: I'd have to get it off the site, no frys here in Vermont :'(20:26
Jack_Sparrowdavertron If they are rebating in one store they are probably doing it in more places20:27
JampiterHmm... it would appear GNOME won't play my startup sound because It's too long.. is there a way to remove thsi limit?20:27
carahas anyone used mkdiskimage?20:27
=== pHoT is now known as enterlly
davertronJack_Sparrow: this is all i see on their site http://shop2.frys.com/search?search_type=regular&sqxts=1&query_string=8800&cat=0&submit.x=0&submit.y=020:28
davertronJack_Sparrow: All pci-e20:28
davertronJack_Sparrow: oh well20:28
bobertdosJampiter: Do you have to play the whole sound? It would be much simpler to shorten the clip.20:28
caraIm trying to figure out what's the point of calculating cylinders when they're not being used in the example provided in the usbdisk.txt file20:28
davertronJack_Sparrow: maybe i can check out tigerdirect or something20:28
Jack_Sparrowdavertron good luck, we are a bit offtopic...  there is a #hardware channel that may have hints on agp cards20:29
bikerbob_if a pkg in aptitude has a pi in front what does that mean?20:29
Jampiterbobertdos: I'll try a shorter clip20:29
YeudielE: /var/cache/apt/archives/xfce4-systemload-plugin_1%3a0.4.2-1ubuntu3_i386.deb: failed to sync updated files list file for package xfce4-systemload-plugin20:29
YeudielE: /var/cache/apt/archives/xfce4-terminal_0.2.8-4ubuntu1_i386.deb: failed to delete `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci'20:29
YeudielE: /var/cache/apt/archives/xfce4-utils_4.4.2-4ubuntu1.1_i386.deb: failed to delete `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci'20:29
YeudielE: /var/cache/apt/archives/xfce4-verve-plugin_0.3.5-1ubuntu1.1_i386.deb: failed to delete `/var/lib/dpkg/tmp.ci'20:29
FloodBot2Yeudiel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:29
JampiterIt's the KDE4 startup sound20:29
JampiterI like the long version though20:30
davertronJack_Sparrow: whoops, ok thanks :)20:30
Marcincan anybody help: ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist.20:30
bobertdosJampiter: Also have you tried switching over to just ALSA?20:30
sullyva86bobertdos: a terminal window won't open it just freezes for whatever reason i killed it in system monitor but it doesn't fix the problem.20:30
Jack_SparrowMarcin Colors not allowed in here thanks20:30
Marcinok... sorry20:31
=== enterlly is now known as encolo
Jampiterbobertdos: I'll give that a go20:31
indroraOn a fresh Hardy Heron install, Compiz and OpenGL apps are rendering fuzz all over the place -- Whats causing this? I'm using a Radeon 9550SE(MSI) with the restricted drivers20:31
bikerbob_help please with xorg.conf?20:31
indrorabikerbob_ What kind of help?20:32
ozzloyi am looking for wsdl2ruby what package provides this?20:32
fignutswhen editing xorg.conf, and adding HorizSync, do i enter the entire range the tv supports?20:32
ozzloysoap4r doesn't20:32
Marcincan anybody help: ALERT! /dev/mapper/ubuntu-root does not exist.20:32
bobertdossullyva86: The terminal freezes? So the instances of firefox refuse to die?20:32
abaddon3kanyone help me with grainy and choppy playback of streaming video (mostly hulu)?20:32
bikerbob_indrora: I am running on fbdev right now.. and 640 x 480 and I need to know how to change it? std stuff is not working20:32
ozzloyor is it not necessary20:32
fignutsfrom 480i to 1080p20:32
indrorabikerbob_ What variant of ubuntu? stock ubuntu you can do sudo displayconfig-gtk and it'll work. As for KDE and XFCE, i dont know20:33
sullyva86bobertdos: No the terminal never fully opens. You know it just dims like its frozen and never opens all the way its just a dimmed box. I closed firefox in system monitor but trying to restart it doesn't bring it up on the screen just in the list of processes.20:33
bikerbob_stock ubuntu.. but the standard reconfigs dont work.20:33
bikerbob_I have tried and tried.. I need to manually edit.20:33
indrorabikerbob_ What graphics card/screen?20:34
billiejoexI'm sorry, I'd like to kill the GUI interface. I've tried to press CTRL+ALT+DELETE but this way Gnome is restarted. Is there a way to definitively kill it?20:34
Yeudielnow my terminal is totally blank20:34
Jack_Sparrowfignuts Here is an xorg for reference..  http://paste.ubuntu.com/49423/20:34
bikerbob_power-pc ati card and screen is a 20" apple monitor... I  think I need to use fbdev or vesa.. ATI driver I KNOW does not work.20:34
indrorabilliejoex Ctl-Alt-Backspace20:34
indrorakills X, sends you to GDM Login20:34
bobertdossullyva86: You might just want to reboot the system at this point.20:35
indrorafrom there go CTL-ALT-F220:35
indroralogin and sudo killall gdm20:35
indroraas for me, i'm doing what i did on my old install -- going back to 7.10!20:35
ivy_Hi, I'm very new to Ubuntu (about 20 minutes)20:35
ivy_And my screen resolution is all messed up.  Can anybody help me?20:36
fignutsi got you beat by an hour :)20:36
fignutsivy_: that's what i'm working on right now20:36
TJ-42I'm trying to compile the cairo library with glitz support enabled, and I have to compile and install the latest versions of pixman and glitz first.  When I try to make pixman (0.9.6) I get the following error: /usr/lib/libcairo.so: undefined reference to `pixman_format_supported_destination'   What could be the problem?20:36
ivy_Ah, how's it working for you, fignuts?20:36
fignutsivy_: check system<administration<hardware drivers and see if the driver is installed20:36
Yeudieldoes somebody can help me?20:36
fignutsmine got worse after installing that driver, but i still think i'm on the right path20:36
tacticsI Accidentally removed a thumbdrive before unmounting- how do i unmount it now?20:37
ivy_fignuts:  two drivers are showing, but it doesn't let me enable them20:37
fignutsi can't help you, i'm sorry20:37
fignutsi'm stuck with 640x480 and no hdmi right now :)20:37
Marcincan anybody help me please...?20:37
ivy_fignuts: It's ok, I'm not sure they're the right drivers anyway.  I went to nvidia.com and am downloading a driver that I *hope* will work.20:38
ivy_Any ubuntu smarties in here that can help us?20:38
fignutsivy: supposedly you shouldn't do that20:38
indroraIvy: the only thing i can think of is sudo displayconfig-gtk from a terminal20:38
bobertdosYeudiel: Where do you stand? What's the latest?20:38
tacticsagh someone help please!20:38
fignutsyou should only install it thru the hardware drivers window20:38
Marcincan anybody help me with my box refusing to boot... please?20:38
abaddon3kcan anyone help me with getting flash video to not be so choppy in hardy?20:39
Yeudielan error ocured when installing xubuntu-desktop that disbled the terminal and synaptic too20:39
Sad`Pandait is possible to get video tuner running on 7.10?20:39
ivy_fignuts:  oh.  it couldn't open the file anyway.20:39
Sad`Pandadvb-t or analog20:39
ivy_indrora:  thx, I'll try that now.20:39
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
avisanyone use banshee 1.2.1 and find that playing recommended artists in last.fm doesn't work, wont respawn new songs, if it had to have been interupted at one point ?20:40
ivy_indrora:  I had already tried that, so far only got it to 1024X768  (I should be on 1200X780020:41
KrimZondoes anyone know a bandwidth limiter or qos utility for ubuntu?20:41
linux_\j #ubuntu-es20:41
=== linux_ is now known as DareDevil
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
bobertdosabaddon3k: flash 9?20:42
indroraivy_ then you'll want to learn how to manually configure the /etc/X11/xorg.conf configuration, or see if your monitor is labeled anywhere (manufacturor, check widescreen etc20:42
fignutsivy_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:43
fignutstho i'm told it's old, i don't know20:43
ompaulKrimZon, you could use iptables to do it however I don't know what the system setup is or if I would be able to cope with your question perhaps ask the full question on one line and see if anyone here knows20:43
ivy_Indrora:  I'm on an HP laptop, I'm looking for the specs online.20:43
fignutsheyyy i got 1080p now!20:43
fignutsremoved the vga cable20:43
indroraivy_ then I'd google "linux on (model here)"20:44
indrorasee if theres a posted xorg.conf for it20:44
avisivy, i have a hp laptop. its widescreen.  it seems to use 1280x768 on the one i have.  prior to hardy you would adjust resolution using a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg i think it was20:44
Jack_Sparrowavis correct for gutsy users20:45
ivy_indrora: Thanks, trying that now.20:45
=== jesse___ is now known as jesse
reportingsjranyone know how I can empty trash from the terminal?20:46
KrimZonthe entire question is that ubuntu has been swamping out bandwidth doing updates and now even http downloads, for ages. but then the updates finished and i googled for a bandwidth limiter, which said to look for a shaper20:46
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: I'm getting puzzled by Yeudiel's accumulating Synaptic issues. It sounds like things are getting increasingly worse the more we try to help :p20:47
netdevilhi there need some help with webcam in hardy20:47
hateballKrimZon: You can use iprelay or wondershaper, depending on what you want to do20:47
Jack_Sparrowbobertdos Did he ever do the aptfix  and did he run live and paste his sources list20:48
netdevilhave dell xps 1210 with inbuilt logitech quickcam20:48
avisreporting you'd delete a file within ~/.local/  and then they are saved within a files directory somewhere in there  rm filename20:48
netdevilcan see the camera output in luvcview only20:48
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras20:48
netdevilcheese camorama and xawtv not working20:48
eeeandrewhi all. I've just installed ubuntu 8.04. I'm having trouble getting the monitor configured so that I can use the hardware keys. Does anyone know where I can find display drivers for a Toshiba Equium L40-10X laptop. Its a 15.4" widescreen. resolution of 1280x800 and 60Hz refresh rate(at least it was on 7.04)20:48
ubottuInformation about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC20:49
netdevilproblem with v4l1 configuration20:49
=== rudy is now known as Guest27217
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: I never found out, and he's gone. Yeesh, this is frustrating work some days :p20:49
netdevilanybody having any idea20:49
Jack_Sparrownetdevil Yes, start with the webcam link above20:49
geniusif i will copy remote / with rsync will it stop at smth like /dev/zero ?20:50
avisanyone use banshee 1.2.1 and find that playing recommended artists in last.fm doesn't work, wont respawn new songs, if it had to have been interupted at one point ?20:50
ivy_indrora:  can't find xorg.conf when I googled linux and my model.20:50
ivy_Is there any way to tell it what resolution I want?20:51
netdevilJack_Sparrow can u b more specific20:51
Wrinkliezcan someone help me?  I want to get the water effects going, but everytime I try to use it it makes all open windows go blank and icons go away and stuff.20:51
netdevilhav tried various sites and reply20:51
Jack_Sparrow!webcam > netdevil20:51
ubottunetdevil, please see my private message20:51
bobertdosivy_ xorg.conf is located in /etc/X11/Xorg.conf20:51
pijuos[Linux 2.6.24-21-generic i686] distro[Debian lenny/sid] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T5450  @ 1.66GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1000MHz] mem[Physical: 2.5GB, 83.0% free] disk[Total: 110.0GB, 91.8% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]20:52
ivy_oh, you mean in terminal? (Sorry, I'm an EXTREME newb)20:52
Cyr4xI need some help with internet sharing via bluetooth to my S60v3 phone20:52
DasEiproblem: how to get rd of broken dazuko  --its blocking my apt!!!20:52
avisivy its likely that there is only one supported resolution for your display.  you'd want to find out what it is, then do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg that way.  your xorg.conf is located at /etc/X11/xorg.conf so back that up before doing anything something like sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf xorg.conf.bak20:52
Cyr4xI've set everything properly20:52
levonHello all, can someone please help me with reconfiguring my .asoundrc file to actually downmix from my onboard 7.1 to stereo. I haven't got the speaker system to support it.20:53
bobertdosWrinkliez: It sounds like you don't have compiz configured yet. What video card do you have and are you using restricted drivers?20:53
levonSo most of the dialog is lost20:53
eeeandrewhi all. I've just installed ubuntu 8.04. I'm having trouble getting the monitor configured so that I can use the hardware keys. Does anyone know where I can find display drivers for a Toshiba Equium L40-10X laptop. Its a 15.4" widescreen. resolution of 1280x800 and 60Hz refresh rate(at least it was on 7.04)20:53
Cyr4xand phone browser says that gate doesn't response20:53
RyanPriorAre there any Street Fighter-style fighting games for Ubuntu?20:54
ryan__What is the keyboard shortcut for the FileBrowser?20:54
bobertdosDasEi: Is it broken as in unconfigured? Have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a?20:54
Jack_Sparroweeeandrew Are you running eeeubuntu?20:54
Cyr4xI've seen such game on getdeb20:54
ivy_avis:  I'm sorry, in what order do I input those into terminal?20:54
milt15cyr4x i did that but on windows used mrouter on my machine and gnu toolbox on my phone20:55
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:55
reportingsjrWhere is the trash can located? I don't have ~/.Trash20:55
bobertdosryan__: O dpm20:55
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash20:55
reportingsjrah, thank you :)20:55
Jack_Sparrownp  thanks for an easy question20:56
eeeandrewJacksparrow: its just regular ubuntu 8.0420:56
bobertdost ryan__: I don't remember off the top of my head, but you can check for and set it in System-?Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts, I believe.20:56
d_in3v1tablehey, can ne1 help me out fix grub so that i can load vista again? Since I installed sp1 for vista, vista will not boot when loaded through grub. Vista is installed on a separete hd....20:56
reportingsjrwell, every answer on the forum said ~/.Trash, so, thanks!20:56
Wrinkliezdoes anyone know why the water effect for compiz wont work? i mean it used to but when i reinstalled ubuntu it wont work20:56
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts20:56
milt15do you know how to share my internet connection via wifi20:56
avisivy, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf thats your backup. then do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, defaults should be ok for most things, tab to navigate, there should be a check list where you can input your correct resolution.  i'm guessing only one might be supported, so make sure that is right20:56
Charles_Ftobor you there?20:57
DasEibobertos:whenever i try to run apt (install or update)its saying: paket dazuko is broken and has to be reinstalled. tried to delete it manually with apt,dpkg,m-a (modul-assist), and I also can't find a working source for it (which is requested for removal -inconsistent package can't be removed) trying dp...  -a now...20:57
eeeandrewJack Sparrow: the keys are configured. the monitor doesn't seem to recognise them. According to the screens and graphics under the others tab in the apps menu the display is a generic one. When I selected that it was a Toshiba one it said the drivers weren't installed.20:57
avisivy, sorry sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak20:57
Jack_SparrowWrinkliez /j #compiz    has good info20:57
Wrinkliezthanks man20:58
bobertdosCharles_F: It looks like he added an underscore to his nick :D20:58
netdevilJack_Sparrow when i run cheese it saysin  a file not found in .gnome220:58
Jack_Sparrowavis I like this backup command for that too..   cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.$(date +%m-%d-%Y-%T)20:59
Charles_Fcheers bobertdos20:59
d_in3v1tablehey, can ne1 help to reinstall grub?20:59
ScuniziI've got the updated source for a QT package that has an earlier version in the repos. Do I have to compile QT source to create a deb or is it like java and just put it in a director and "call" it somehow?20:59
Charles_FI tried the link he sent but it is still aksing for a password20:59
netdeviltotem-video-thumbnailer couldn't open file 'file:///home/netdevil/.gnome2/cheese/media/0002.ogg'20:59
Charles_Fmine doesn't work and i don't have th eroot one?20:59
Scunizi!grub | d_in3v1table21:00
ubottud_in3v1table: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:00
DasEibobertos : same21:00
RyanPriorAre there any Street Fighter-style fighting games for Ubuntu?21:00
Jack_Sparrow!games > RyanPrior21:00
ubottuRyanPrior, please see my private message21:00
d_in3v1tableScunizi: its not that windows has removed it from the mbr... it just broke alltogether.21:00
netdevilJack_Sparrow can u gimme a solution21:00
DasEi!games >DasEi21:00
ubottuDasEi, please see my private message21:00
bobertdosDasEi: Did you see this already?21:00
ryan__for the keyboard shortcuts, how do you make them work?  typing 0xf5 does nothing?21:00
bobertdos!fixapt > DasEi21:00
RyanPriorJack_Sparrow: I'll take a look at those.21:00
Scunizid_in3v1table: same link.. should guide you pretty easy..21:00
Jack_Sparrownetdevil not really...  Im only taking the easy ones today..  didnt sleep much21:01
oklinuxwhere would I find the lxde folder in ubuntu ?21:01
Jack_Sparrowoklinux find or locate lxde   perhaps21:01
cybancool, 1472.596 FPS on a 64MB ATI Laptop Vid Card heh21:01
d_in3v1tableScunizi: ok ill try it, thx21:02
DasEibobertos : same21:02
xukunhi all I,m trying to mount a nfs remote disk but then I get this strange message: exportfs: Warning: /media/FREECOM/ does not support NFS export21:03
ivy_avis: ok thanks, will try.21:03
netdevilJack_Sparrow tried the link u provided easycam2 didn't do the trick21:03
Jack_Sparrownetdevil did you look at the easycam2 list of supported hardware?21:04
unopxukun, how exactly are you mounting the nfs export?21:04
monster64hey, does anyone know why mod_evasive doesnt want to work even though the module and configs are loaded? (apache version 2.2.8)21:04
ScuniziHow do I install a program that I have the quicktime source code for?21:04
d_in3v1tableScunizi: does it have to be from a live cd or can I just do it from the normal installed os?21:04
Jack_Sparrow!compile > Scunizi21:04
ubottuScunizi, please see my private message21:04
netdevilit just gave me one option my webcam no list there21:05
DasEi Scunizi: tarball ? see !compile21:05
Scunizid_in3v1table: if your grub is borked then I assume you can't boot into Ubuntu.. I've found it's better to use the live cd.21:05
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras21:05
ScuniziThanks Jack_Sparrow DasEi21:05
ivy_avis:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak did nothing, and when I did the rest of the config, it never asked me for resolution.21:05
demo-hello, if i transfer a hdd with ubuntu from one computer to another, do i need to update the drivers to the current computer?21:06
xukununop, sorry I get that message after I do  sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart  on the nfs server21:06
netdevilmy webcam works fine with luvcview but not with any thing else21:06
DasEi Scunizi: if you want to I'll send you an easy howto21:06
ScuniziDasEi: does it apply to quicktime source's?  great!21:07
netdevilit's been almost 20 hrs i'm trying to fix it21:07
Jack_Sparrownetdevil  easycam page used to have a list of supported cams.. I dont see it either21:07
netdevilyes not there21:08
xukununop, any idea?21:08
DasEibobertos:whenever i try to run apt (install or update)its saying: paket dazuko is broken and has to be reinstalled. tried to delete it manually with apt,dpkg,m-a (modul-assist), and I also can't find a working source for it (which is requested for removal -inconsistent package can't be removed) trying dp...  -a now...21:08
Jack_Sparrownetdevil I paid $9 for my cam and it worked out of the box... MOst of the cheapies seem to work21:08
DasEibobertos: sry, hit enter21:08
ScuniziDasEi: xchat downloads typically timeout for some reason on my end.21:08
d_in3v1tableScunizi: it still starts ubuntu fine, but windows wont boot with it.21:08
netdevilcan't help i hav a inbuilt one works with xp21:08
DasEi Scunizi: sending again...21:08
Scunizid_in3v1table: do you get the BSOD? or it just errors out?21:09
netdevildon't won't to go back to xp for such a small thing21:09
Jack_Sparrownetdevil there is a laptop testing page that has good info.. I however dont have the link21:09
unopxukun, i'm guessing that you shared a device (mounted at /media/FREECOM) with NFS at some point - but it's perhaps no longer available?21:09
netdevilhav seen that already21:09
milt15xukun look for ntfs configuration tool in synaptic21:09
ivy_Avis, indrora, nothing has worked. :(21:10
BuFFwho knows how to change alt+ctrl+F1 font color ?21:10
BuFFany ideas ?21:10
unopxukun, does /media/FREECOM exist?21:10
d_in3v1tableScunizi: not really BSOD, but its similar i guess. Just a random error message. only happens when using grub. If u disconnect hd with grub and boot windwos hd directly it boots fine21:10
Dustananyone work with open office calc?21:10
netdevilwhy does ubuntu hav such a poor support for video devices21:10
DustanI'm having issues with the quotient function21:10
xukununop, yes. /dev/sdc1 on /media/FREECOM type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)21:10
guntbertDustan: ask in #openoffice.org21:11
Jack_Sparrownetdevil It isnt us that has the problem.. They dont provide the drivers or even enough info to have someone write any21:11
neetonetdevil: What's your specific problem? If you were to ask me, ubuntu has terrific support for video devices21:11
ScuniziDasEi: nevermind.. I'll check the link Jack_Sparrow gave me and see if it will work on quicktime.. I've compiled in the past (been a while) but wondered if QT source was compiled differently.21:11
unopxukun, is there an entry for /media/FREECOM in /etc/exports ?21:11
Dustan=QUOTIENT(O1;O2) where O1 is 3 and O2 is 4, calc gives me a value of 0????21:11
Jack_SparrowDustan Not in here thanks21:11
netdevili have a dell xps 1210 webcam not functioning21:11
neetoIs there some MacGuyver DIY way to get into your car's computer without having to steal a diagnostics terminal from your local oil can henry's?21:12
xukunmilt15, the configuration part is ok. I can mount other directory on server without any problem21:12
Scunizid_in3v1table: weird.. I may have the same issue on my laptop.. I just haven't put time into figuring it out.. I thought windows just blew up for some reason..21:12
guntbertDustan: ask in #openoffice.org21:12
netdevilworks with luvcview but not with cheese, camorama or xawtv, vlc21:12
unopxukun, i think milt15 confused NFS with NTFS21:12
netdevilneeto any ideas21:12
Jack_Sparrow!ot > neeto21:12
ubottuneeto, please see my private message21:12
netdevildon't want to disturb Jack_Sparrow21:13
neetoit may be off topic but it's a very pressing question in my life right now21:13
xukununop, yes /media/FREECOM/,no_root_squash,async)21:13
milt15then maybe there is some corrupted data there like the ones with unclean shut down21:13
Jack_Sparrowneeto This is ubuntu support... try somewhere else21:13
netdevilJack_Sparrow can u figure out something21:14
d_in3v1tableScunizi: did it happen after installing sp1 for vista?21:14
Scunizid_in3v1table: no I have xp/home.. maybe with the sp3 update..21:14
unopxukun, perhaps NFS does not like FUSE mounted volumes? a guess again.  do other exports work properly, if you have any?21:15
xukununop, I just did sudo export -a and then I this message now: exportfs: Warning: /media/FREECOM does not support NFS export.21:15
kwyjibois there a way to make nautilus auto-align newly created icons to the right, instead of left?21:15
xukununop, yes I have one other directory on server, it mount without any problem21:16
bobertdos!aptoncd > Charles_F21:16
ubottuCharles_F, please see my private message21:16
Jack_Sparrowbobertdos Didnt we point him to that long ago21:16
unopxukun, try this.  sudo mkdir /media/freecom; sudo mount --bind /media/FREECOM /media/freecom;  # then change the /etc/exports entry to /media/freecom - then  export -a21:16
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: Probably, but he asked again in a PM :p21:17
d_in3v1tableScunizi: hmm, that would eliminate my suspicion of bitlocker21:17
OdnsRvnshow do you cube your desktop21:17
AndehDoes anyone use iPod with ubuntu here?21:18
milt15i do21:18
d_in3v1tableScunizi: back to the my original question, u think its safe to reinstall grub from the installed ubuntu rather than the live cd?21:18
milt15there is a good prog21:18
Jack_SparrowOdnsRvns Install ccsm  sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager Next go to system...pref..advanced desktop effects....  On the first page  put check next to rotate cube and desktop cube.. dbl click general options... up closer to the top...  click on desktop size  and set them to 4, 1 and 1  top to bottom... ctrl+alt+(Left Mouse Button) then move mouse21:18
=== Kira is now known as Guest48292
sullyva86Andeh:I use gtkpod21:18
AndehI use Amarok and Rythmbox21:18
zod21whats up fellas21:18
Guest48292Hi, what does it mean is mount respondes with "cant read superblock"21:18
Scunizid_in3v1table: you can try.. if it doesn't work go to the live cd.21:18
AndehEverything used to work21:18
Andehthen i plugged it back into windows VM21:18
Andehand itunes deleted half my stuff21:18
Andeh(lol silly apple)21:19
maxbIs there an easy way to turn compiz on and off, *without* losing settings made in compizconfig-settings-manager?21:19
tritium!enter | Andeh21:19
ubottuAndeh: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:19
bobertdosJack_Sparrow: Ugh, we should have an official law against multiple distro upgrades, :p21:19
maxbI find that totem fullscreen doesn't work properly with compiz enabled21:19
Andehand i plugged it back into ubuntu, and put the stuff back. a few days later, amarok couldnt edit the ipod database anymore21:19
levonHello again, is there anyone here who can assist me with downmixing 6->2 channels?21:19
Andehit could copy over the music but not tell the iPod it was there. Then i tried Rythmbox, it worked perfectly21:19
AndehBut i was a bit angry, if i wanted to put music, i'd have to get what i wanted saved as a playlist from amarok, import in rythmbox and copy it over21:20
unopGuest48292,  you are mounting with the wrong filesystem option, the filesystem is corrupt, the partition table is corrupt - depends21:20
Andehso i googled it and apparently it will work again if i reformat the ipod for windows21:20
Andehwhich would mean losing all music?21:20
unopGuest48292, so, how exactly are you mounting this volume?21:20
Guest48292Im using mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda121:20
OdnsRvnsis there a way to get desktops on the top and bottom21:21
Guest48292is theiir something wrong with that command?21:21
AndehCause i thought it would just rebuild the database through iTunes or something, but when it said it was Syncing i got scared and unplugged it21:21
Andehthe music seems to be there, but does having itunes "format it for windows" really format the drive?21:21
kwyjiboformat = format21:22
unopGuest48292, does /dev/hda1 even exist?21:22
Guest48292unop: I believe so, I'll check21:22
unopGuest48292, if so, what does this command return?   sudo file -s /dev/hda121:22
OdnsRvnsHello all how do i change the background image behind the cube21:23
xukununop, then it says: sudo mkdir /media/freecom; sudo mount --bind /media/FREECOM /media/freecom21:24
xukunmkdir: cannot create directory `/media/freecom': File exists21:24
Guest48292unop: Yes it exists, It returns with cannot read due to input output error, is it corrupt?21:25
unopxukun, ok, use another name (one that doesn't exist already in /media/) -  sudo mkdir /media/something; sudo mount --bind /media/FREECOM /media/something21:25
Guest48292unop: sorry, its the command that returns the error21:25
unopGuest48292, i should imagine so yea21:25
nrook_notheremy disk space usage just ballooned after audacity froze; how can I find and delete non-file stuff that's taking up space?21:25
unopGuest48292, probably a hardware issue21:25
Guest48292unop: so that means I cant just format and use it again?21:26
unopnrook_nothere, you could list the biggest files on the system - and probably find the culprit that way21:26
d_in3v1tabledoes any1 know why i could be getting Error 15: File not found when typing find /boot/grub/stage1 into grub?21:26
DasEi Scunizi: will give you link, is there a readme in the unzpped folder ?  read it...http://pastebin.com/m64d6c03421:26
jb_hello,, i followed every guide i can find on how to get my wireless working on my eeepc 900 and ubuntu 8.10 ,, The strange thing is when i install the drivers it dosent give me any errors and after the reboot you think it should work but when i do iwconfig it says cant find any wireless extentions21:26
unopGuest48292, i dunno, i/o errors usually indicate hardware problems21:27
unopGuest48292, you could try formatting it again21:27
Guest48292unop: k thanks\21:27
=== nrook_nothere is now known as nrook
jb_here is one of the guides that should work21:27
MooseDoes ubuntu have support for TV cards? I mean like... I don't want to install Windows media center :P21:28
nrookunop: is there a command-line command to do that? I'm trying using it with the GNOME search, but I'm not sure if I'm doing it right21:28
allaunif the package supports it yes21:28
AndehSo. I have all my music nicely organised on my iPod after 3 days of nicely organizing it and now iTunes wants to format it.21:28
AndehIf I don't format it, it won't work with Amarok, and if I do, i lose all the music from it. Any ideas?21:28
d_in3v1tableMoose: did u try mythtv?21:28
unopnrook,  du -ab ~/ | sort -rn | head -n 2521:29
xukununop sorry but I think this command is not ok becouse even after I rm -r /media/freecom it recreates the freecom directory after I run that command and it also gives me the error21:29
nrookunop: actually, something weird happened when I tried that earlier - I found a huge (~1GB) "core" file, rm'd it... but df didn't suggest I got any space back21:29
AndehMy idea is to make a new amarok library on my ubuntu partition and copy all the music there, format the ipod and restore it. Would that work?21:29
DasEiproblem:   how to get rd of broken dazuko  --its blocking my apt!!!   tried: -apt remove(purge), dpkg-r,m-a clean, dpkg -r,sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a21:29
unopnrook, hmm - well, try the command again perhaps21:30
d_in3v1tabledoes any1 know why i could be getting Error 15: File not found when typing find /boot/grub/stage1 into grub?21:30
unop!error | xukun21:30
ubottuxukun: Please elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:30
DasEiMoose: sudo apt-get install kdetv tvtime21:30
AndehSo, most people here use gtkpod?21:30
AndehAny reason I should use it instead of amarok? (not counting that amarok corrupted the db lol)21:31
=== ascott is now known as ascott_afk
unopAndeh, depends - some use rhythmbox21:31
Andehrythmbox couldnt even change ID3 tags on my iPod, lol.21:31
nrookunop: du -ab ~/ | sort -rn | head -n 25 worked, but it only showed me big files I already knew existed; I tried / instead, and I got a weird "sort: write failed: /tmp/sort0pxe0g: No space left on device" error21:32
xukununop, thanks for your help. but I will just leave things for a while21:33
unopxukun, no worries21:33
unopnrook, you're running out of space on /tmp21:33
ZeetreXHi. how can i make nautilus and gnome wrap long file names?21:35
nrookunop: does /tmp get its own partition that would let it run out of space separately?21:35
ryan__How do you make KeyBoard ShortCuts like Oxa1 work?21:35
nrookunop: df does list an "overflow" filesystem mounted on /tmp21:35
Flare183!hi | bobbyd21:35
ubottubobbyd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:35
unopnrook, depends if you have dedicated a separate partition to /tmp21:35
bobbyddoes anyone know if it's possible to move the middle-drag behaviour in Nautilus to the right button?21:36
vakhi over there21:36
xbxbxbI'm using linux and mainly gnome and I have an encrypted HDD that I regularly browse through. Is it possible that certain programs (such as nautilus) are storing cached folder/file names or thumbnails of my encrypted disc that may give an attacker useful information about the contents of the disc?21:36
ZeetreXHow can i make nautilus and gnome wrap long file names?21:36
creative2badanyone in here familiar with ncftp ? how can i get it to use SSL AUTH?21:36
Flare183ZeetreX: Hold On I"m looking21:37
ZeetreXFlare183, ty21:37
unopnrook, hmm - i guess that's because you have run out of space on the device that generally houses /tmp - and as a result the kernel has created a virtual filesystem - probably housed in RAM - i'm not very sure21:37
* vak is crazy enough to Debootstrap from OpenSuSE to Ubuntu8.04 LTS Server Edition (64bit)21:37
=== cdeszaq is now known as gogzmer
* vak seeks gurus to guide this process21:37
nrookunop: now that's weird.  is there some way I can clean out /tmp?21:38
Daft_Punkvak, you are better off asking the question, on one line and someone will help you21:38
unopnrook, hmm,  rm /tmp/* #probably21:38
nrookunop: would that do terrible things to whatever I have open at the moment, or would it fail on that stuff?21:39
gogzmerWhenever a perl script or subversion runs, I am getting warnings about language things. Specifically, perl complains about LANGUAGE and LC_ALL being unset, and says that it is falling back to the standard locale("C")21:39
unopnrook, it is potentially destructive - but you have to do it if you want to complete your objectives of cleaning out the disk21:40
vakany1 would like to guide a debootstrap of Ubuntu  from OpenSuSE 10 ? Here are details: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5836547#post583654721:40
unopnrook, so, it's best if you close down as many programs now21:40
DasEiproblem on > as its saying for removal I have to reinstall DAZUKO i get the following error: error: capabilities are built-in to the kernel:   you will need to recompile a kernel with capabilities        as a kernel module,  bobertos21:40
GeckoHey there. I'm running x86_64, is there any way I can install a .deb file for i386?21:40
Flare183ZeetreX: ok this might help, but it won't completly answer your problem/question21:40
Flare183ZeetreX: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/2782121:40
nrookunop: well, it shouldn't create any problems that would have a life beyond a reboot, should it?21:40
DasEiGecko: shall be no prob21:41
unopnrook, not really - but again, close down as many programs for safety's sake21:41
GeckoDasEi: How? Do I need to --force something?21:41
ZeetreXFlare183, saw it before, couldn't help21:41
DasEiGecko: I never had to, just check if theres no 64-variant21:41
unopGecko, it shouldn't work - and you should not try and force anything21:42
unop!chroot | Gecko21:42
ubottuGecko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box21:42
ZeetreXunop, do u know how can i make gnome to wrap long file names?21:42
vakDaft_Punk, the question is e.g., how could I extract, say,  5Gb for ubuntu in live OpenSuSE?21:42
unopZeetreX, hmm, no - i don't use gnome/nautilus21:42
Geckounop: yes, I know what you're saying. This is, however, a proprietary app (amazon.com mp3 downloader), and seeing as x86_64 should run i386 as long as I have the apropriate i386 libraries, I should be able to do it, right?21:43
trigpinmy connection is at 1 mb/s while laptop is at 54 mb/ s any ideas what might be wrong?21:43
Daft_Punkvak, i dont know, i was just telling you to ask the question on 1 line, that way you have a better chance of someone helping you :p21:43
unopGecko, errm, probably but then again, most probably not - it would be safer to build a basic 32bit chroot and install your .deb within it21:43
Jack_Sparrowtrigpin Perhaps something like this might be worth a try..  Networking: rt2500pci .. Speed issue: "force" the speed with sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M to get decent speed (by default i get 1MB/s)21:44
Flare183ZeetreX: Well, its not possible them21:44
trigpinJack_Sparrow,  ok will try thanks21:45
trigpinJack_Sparrow,  but it works fine on other ntworks21:46
Jack_Sparrowtrigpin Please let me know if it works for you and what card/chipset you are using.. also if It doesnt work.. ty21:46
nrookunop: /tmp is pretty much all directories; there's nothing terrible about deleting those (beyond "be careful with recursive rm"), right?21:46
wiehanI need help desperately, I've been using ubuntu for ages and never before had it given me such headaches as today- after an ordinary reboot (I haven't installed anything) my screen resolution was suddenly 640x480 (very low)!, I tried to set it in the "screen resolution" thing, but there was no higher options, I then unchecked the latest nvidia drivers in "hardware manager" and checked it again (and it downloaded the latest drivers,21:46
wiehanagain!), still to no avail, I then downloaded nvidia-xserver-settings, but also to no avail, I am using an onboard nvidia graphics card (7050 something), and my resolution is pathetic at the moment - it was perfect before!!!!!21:46
unopnrook, it should be safe to remove them all - again, subject to processes not having open files on /tmp21:47
DasEihow can i remove a broken package ?21:47
yassinehi everyoen21:48
yassinemy xen "boxes" was all running just fine after a sudden switching off of the hosting machine i have one virtual box which does not want to start anymore and drops the following message: http://rafb.net/p/KouH7Y25.html any idea related to this?21:48
unopDasEi, first fix the broken package states  sudo aptitude install   - then once done, remove the package you want to remove21:48
nrookunop: well, I'm on gnome, so, of course, there are millions of mysterious processes open - is there an easy way to get default ubuntu to boot to a command line?21:49
unopnrook, sure, it's the recovery mode - choose that option from the grub screen21:49
DasEiunop:sending my last 3mes again...21:49
hiptobecubicdoes anyone here use the script xswitch from the forums?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=552805&highlight=nautilus+display+%2Fmnt   it looks like what i need but i can't get it working21:49
Hrvatski1can anyone help me install beryl??21:49
billiejoexI'm sorry. I'd have to kill the X server but every time I do CTRL+ALT+DELETE Gnome is restarted. Is there a way to definitively kill Gnome and switch to a shell environment only?21:49
unopDasEi, sorry?21:50
Hrvatski1can anyone help me install beryl??21:50
DasEiunop: whenever i try to run apt (install or update)its saying: paket dazuko is broken and has to be reinstalled. tried to delete it manually with apt,dpkg,m-a (modul-assist), and I also can't find a working source for it (which is requested for removal -inconsistent package can't be removed) trying dp...  -a now...21:50
wiehanI need help desperately, I've been using ubuntu for ages and never before had it given me such headaches as today- after an ordinary reboot (I haven't installed anything) my screen resolution was suddenly 640x480 (very low)!, I tried to set it in the "screen resolution" thing, but there was no higher options, I then unchecked the latest nvidia drivers in "hardware manager" and checked it again (and it downloaded the latest drivers,21:50
wiehanagain!), still to no avail, I then downloaded nvidia-xserver-settings, but also to no avail, I am using an onboard nvidia graphics card (7050 something), and my resolution is pathetic at the moment - it was perfect before!!!!!21:50
=== Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda
Jack_SparrowHrvatski1 What os are you running21:50
Hrvatski1can anyone help me install beryl??21:50
DasEiproblem on > as its saying for removal I have to reinstall DAZUKO i get the following error: error: capabilities are built-in to the kernel:   you will need to recompile a kernel with capabilities        as a kernel module,  unop21:50
Jack_SparrowHrvatski1 Please hold down the repeating21:50
Hrvatski1i have the latest ubuntu, what does os mean anyway?21:50
Hrvatski1im a complete linux noob21:50
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion21:50
nrookunop: I'll tell you how it goes :)21:51
ubottuBeryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz21:51
unopDasEi,  ok.   let's deal with this time at a time.  what does this command give you, use the pastebin.   sudo aptitude install -f21:51
billiejoexI'm sorry. I'd have to kill the X server but every time I do CTRL+ALT+DELETE Gnome is restarted. Is there a way to definitively kill Gnome and switch to a shell environment only?21:51
DasEiwiehan: backup xorg.conf, also look for a suitable existing backup,  have a look in /var/log/xorg.o.log, install displayconfig-gtk n run it21:52
kwyjiboubottu didn't explain what beryl -used- to be21:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:52
unopbilliejoex,  sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop21:52
wiehanDasEi thanks, I'll try that21:52
unopkwyjibo, it isn't important21:52
Hrvatski1i used to have ubuntu a year ago and had no problem using beryl but i cant insall it now21:53
kevin_why can't I add I add more than one "SUPER + Button" keyboard shortcut -- when I try I keep getting error message saying "The shortcut "Super L" is already used for:21:53
kevin_ "Toggle window on all workspaces"21:53
steph_does someone know how to create a wireless LAN ?21:53
Alfarindumb question... well, maybe...  how do I recursively set all files under a certain driectory w/ one permission (IE: 666) and all folders under the same directory w/ another permission (IE: 777)?21:53
kelderHrvatski1: beryl is now included as compizfusion21:53
unopHrvatski1, didn't you read what ubottu said - beryl is dead.21:53
billiejoexunop: it says "[OK]" but Gnome keeps being alive21:53
steph_Alfarin, try -r option ?21:53
Hrvatski1i didnt understand it21:53
Alfarinsteph_, I tried -r, but it changes both folder and files21:53
billiejoexdamn... this Gnome is immortal... there's no way to kill it :)21:54
unopbilliejoex,  hmm.  maybe,   sudo /etc/init.d/?dm stop21:54
bobertdos!install > Charles_F21:54
ubottuCharles_F, please see my private message21:54
Hrvatski1kelder: how can i use that thing?21:54
billiejoexunop: same thing21:54
unopbilliejoex, sudo telinit 121:54
DasEi sudo aptitude install -f ,unop, sry for german, but I thank for a new trace21:54
Jack_SparrowHrvatski1 If you have ubuntu latest or even gutsy, you have effects.. There is no more beryl in Ubuntu, has not been for quite some time21:55
Hrvatski1kelder: i want to use the nice looking emerald themes and the spinning cube, can i do that with compiz-fusion?21:55
billiejoexunop: nothing21:55
vakHow to turn RAID1 Swap partition into RAID1 usable partition? (swapoff -a and then??)21:55
kelderHrvatski1: install a graphics driver that supports hardware acceleration - go to appearances - maybe install sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager   for more settings21:55
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/f2a9debe4 ,unop21:55
billiejoexas I said Gnome is immortal -.-21:55
unopbilliejoex, your system is misbehaving21:55
Jack_SparrowHrvatski1 Yes21:55
erUSULvak: format the partition to an usable filesystem like ext321:56
vakerUSUL, I have TWO partitions :)21:56
vakit is a RAID21:57
DavidCanariasHi everyone. Being a relative newbie to Linux Hardy my computer seems to be running a little slow. Do I need to do a disc cleanup. Any help on which program I can use. Thanks21:57
erUSULvak: so they are not raid1 yet.21:57
DasEiunop: I will get me a coffe and then accept the suggestion...unless someones shouting  no!!!21:57
FatBoy_Has this been a continuing problem with this type of network card?  I've been having horable network performance with Ubuntu 8.04 with my Realtek 8139 network card.. trying to google for a solution isn't comming up with any clear answers.21:57
erUSUL!raid | vak21:57
ubottuvak: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto21:57
vakerUSUL, RAID1 Software21:58
Jack_SparrowFatBoy_  Perhaps something like this might be worth a try..  It did for the rt2500pci .. Speed issue: "force" the speed with sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M to get decent speed (by default i get 1MB/s)21:58
nrookunop: well, when I rebooted and went into recovery mode, /tmp/ was empty :)21:58
unopDasEi, it doesn't mention anything about DAZUKO there21:58
unopnrook, yes /tmp is cleared every boot21:58
erUSULvak: bios raid? i do not get what is your current situation... you have two separate swap partitions and want to make a raid1 array with them ?21:58
nrookunop: in any case, it seems that everything is now fine (df is not being weird, and neither is anyone else) - thank you for your help!21:59
unopnrook, yw :)21:59
nrookunop: ...ah.21:59
DasEiunop:hm, but i can't reinstall it as its requested for a removal...apt in whole (updates/other installations) isn't working, too21:59
vakerUSUL, I have to identical HDD, both are seen in fdisk: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=583654721:59
unopDasEi,  dpkg -l | grep -i DAZUKO22:00
DasEi  you will need to recompile a kernel with capabilities <last arball, trying suggested...,unop22:00
vakerUSUL, and I going to use swap partition to turn my OpenSuSE installation into Ubuntu22:00
unopDasEi, I am not sure what you mean by that22:01
FatBoy_I don't use wireless.. it's a wired lan.. and most of the time.. the speed I get is like.. double the speed of a 56k modem.. and I have a 10meg download on my internet.. oddly enough I do get busts of speed.. And.. when in WIn XP.. everything is fine..22:02
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sebastian__hi guys i have some big problems here, my cpu is constantly at 97 % and i dont know whats causing it22:03
sebastian__even when i log out its loading22:03
erUSULvak: so you want to turn the two swap partitions into a raid1 array?22:04
Whitorsebastian__,  what does system-monitor say is taking the cpu cycles ?22:04
milostrifeanyone know how to sort brightness problems in ubuntu have my screen brightness turned to full but when i watch films it's still really dark?22:04
vakerUSUL, yes.22:04
vakerUSUL, would you mean it is a bad idea?22:04
=== eric is now known as talntid
sebastian__Whitor: i looked at it but nothing as taking that mutch22:04
belkinhelp2hey, how do i do a speaker test?22:04
DavidCanariasCan anyone advise me if it's necessary to do a disc clean up at any stage????22:05
Whitormilostrife, I've seen this before. There is a fix22:05
erUSULvak: mdadm -C /dev/md1 --level=raid1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/hda1 /dev/hdc1  <<< that would be the command i guess ...22:05
sebastian__Whitor: the one that is taking the most cpu usage is my system monitor and it just uses 1322:05
Whitorsebastian__, where are you seeing that 97% is in use ?22:05
milostrifeWhitor, where bouts can i find and get the fix? :)22:05
vakerUSUL, thanks gonna try it soon22:05
sebastian__in the system monitor resources22:05
DasEiunop, still same, dazuko must be reinstalled, but can't find archive .. doing another paste22:06
Whitormilostrife, I'm trying to think back to when I had this issue22:06
sebastian__Whitor: in the system monitor resources22:06
milostrifeWhitor, okies22:06
erUSULvak: dunno if it is a good idea or not that's for you to ponder22:06
Alfarinsebastian__, ssh in, type top and hit enter, see what's running w/ high cpu22:06
vaki see22:06
Alfariner... forget ssh in, just start terminal, lol :X22:06
Alfarintoo used to working w/ server remotely :X22:06
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/m6a68e0e ,unop22:07
sebastian__Alfarin: the Root is22:07
Alfarinwhat process?22:07
sebastian__Alfarin: sorry the xorg22:07
DasEi DavidCanarias: corrupt FS ?>e2fsck (watch up !!)   deleting old files ?  see : man rm22:08
Whitormilostrife, If you open the Totem Movie Player and open Edit/Preferences, in the Display tab you can reset the color balance to defaults. Some process must have set mine quite dark, and resetting them restored everything to normal. Does that help?22:08
sparr_wAre there any services like GoToMyPC or LogMeIn that work from a windows client to a linux target?  I need remote desktop access of the client-server-client variety.  I cannot initiate a connection to either end, so [anything over] [reverse] ssh is not an option.  I cannot create network adapters on the windows end, so LogMeIn Hamachi won't work.22:08
Alfarinxorg...  only thing that rings a bell from my experience when when I messed up and installed xwin server or something when I was trying to get compiz fusion working w/ an outdated tutorial a while back.... only resolution to that for me was to uninstall the xserver thing it recommended.22:08
sebastian__Alfarin: can i kill the process or is it critical?22:09
LordChey guys22:09
LordCI have the dumbest problem, here22:09
bobertdossparr_w: putty, and for more information........22:09
milostrifeWhitor, no sorry i've tried it has no effect what so ever :(22:09
bobertdos!ssh > sparr_w22:09
ubottusparr_w, please see my private message22:09
DasEi!ask > LordC22:09
Whitormilostrife, thats ok ... it was an off the cuff thought22:09
ubottuLordC, please see my private message22:09
kevin_why can't I add I add more than one "SUPER + Button" keyboard shortcut -- when I try I keep getting error message saying "The shortcut "Super L" is already used for:22:09
kevin_ "Toggle window on all workspaces"22:09
LordCsorry typing it up22:09
milostrifeWhitor,  okies lol22:10
sparr_wthanks for only reading half my question bobertdos, got any other useless advice?22:10
no_more_Win_to_Wanybody knows how to make the Ipod nano work in ubuntu or mint?22:10
LordCI was about to enter a directory in nautilus by double clicking it, but my mouse jerked. I assumed the dir was dragged into another dir, but I've done locate in term, and tried nautilus search, but nothing shows up. Its also not in the Wastebasket22:10
Alfarinsebastian__, do not kill xorg, or else you'll lose your xwindows22:10
DasEiunop: I'll try to solve the apt-f now...22:10
sebastian__Alfarin: but whats wrong with it?22:10
kevin_no_more_Win_to_W, mine works fine with Rhythmbox Muisc Player22:10
LordCJust wondering wth could have happened lol. I thought maybe it was Cut, but there's nothing in the Paste clipboard22:10
sebastian__Alfarin: it worked fine before untill now22:10
Alfarinsomething you've installed must've been mis-configured or mis-configured xorg some how... were you trying to install anything just before this happened?22:11
bobertdossparr_w: Ah, my apologies, I'm slightly sleep deprived.22:11
mib_q47xpfLordC locate uses a database which does not update instantly22:11
mib_q47xpftry find22:11
LordCah ok22:11
kevin_bobertdos, get some sleep22:11
DasEiunop: 3 pakets removed, no change.....22:12
sebastian__Alfarin: is it a way to see the tree of the process to see what is causing it?22:12
Whitormilostrife, what X window manager are you using ?22:12
no_more_Win_to_Wohh i'm sorry, i typed nano instead of touch... the ipod touch22:12
WhitorMetacity or Compiz ?22:12
no_more_Win_to_W<kevin> ohh i'm sorry, i typed nano instead of touch... the ipod touch22:12
milostrifeWhitor, do you mean wine? i've got the latest one on here but i barly use it as i dont really know how to configure it22:13
Alfarinsebastian__,  do you have htop installed?  though, I don't know if xorg have any child processes... :X22:13
ompaulno_more_Win_to_W, ask wherever the mint people have their channel we don't do mint support thanks ;-) they have their own stuff22:13
Whitornope... I meant the window manager... not Windows(tm)22:13
bobertdoskevin_: See, this is why I love helping in this channel, everyone looks out for each other :D22:13
DasEiis there an archive for dazuko ?22:14
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sebastian__Alfarin: no im installing it now, i see on the internet that many has the same problem22:14
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Whitormilostrife, does this occur in multiple players ?22:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dazuko22:14
Whitormilostrife, what video card do you have ?22:14
DavidCanariasIs it necessary with Ubuntu Hardy to do a disc clean up /defragmentation anytime??22:15
kevin_no_more_Win_to_W, have you tried google?22:15
quaalhow do i make nautilus windows not pop up all over the place whenever i plug in my usb hub and it automounts all the usb drives22:15
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.22:15
unopDasEi, sudo dpkg -P dazuko dazuko-source22:16
no_more_Win_to_W<kevin> yeah but nothing yet22:16
kelderquaal: nautilus > edit > preferences > media > never prompt or start programs on media insertion22:16
kevin_no_more_Win_to_W, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone22:16
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ceo4evalmao ubuntu makes me want to shoot myself22:17
DasEiunop: this problem really is a goodie, isnt it ? same : http://pastebin.com/m468aaf0022:18
LordCmib_q47xpf, find turns nothing up. This is so weird. A directory can't just disappear lol?22:18
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unopceo4eva, i'm surprised you find that amusing considering the circumstances.22:18
milostrifeWhitor, i have no sound in any other vedio players and i've got a gefore 5900 fx need and upgrade i know lol22:18
ceo4evaWhat cirumstances22:18
DasEi ceo4eva: could I help at your suicide ?22:18
mib_q47xpfdoesnt nautilis provide a "undo"?22:18
no_more_Win_to_W<kevin> thanks i'll take a look22:19
LordCNo undo, and I tried CTRL+Z22:19
unopDasEi, sudo dpkg --force-all -P dazuko dazuko-source22:19
Whitormilostrife, I have an fx 5700 in mine !22:19
=== Vagilinux is now known as Guest4616
PushnellHey all, noob Q (haven't run *nix on my desktop for a few years.)  Default xorg.conf Device only says Configured Video Device.  Is my actual config stored elsewhere / how can I find out what driver I'm running?22:20
milostrifeWhitor, hmmm22:20
Whitormilostrife, but, disregarding audio, how does video look in your other players ?22:20
mEck0hi! I'm trying to format a usb memory with fdformat, but getting the following error: Could not determine current format type: Invalid argument22:20
DCPomwhat are you sending as the argument?22:20
milostrifeWhitor, same as in totem dark and barly watchable unless im sitting bout a foot from my monitor22:20
LordCmEck0, you could format it with gParted22:21
erUSULmEck0: use gparted fdformat is only for disquettes22:21
mib_q47xpfPushnell look at the Xorg log file (/var/log/Xorg.session or something like that)22:21
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mEck0erUSUL: ok so is it dont even possible to format a usb memory from the terminal?22:21
mEck0LordC: okay22:21
unopceo4eva, only frustration makes you want to shoot yourself, so you are probably frustrated yet laughing your behind off - that's not normal - unless you find ubuntu really amusing and that makes you want to shoot yourself, either way - the commentary belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic22:21
DasEiunop: this problem really is a supergoodie, isnt it ? same : http://pastebin.com/m45866e0d,  all from an not installing tarball, oo22:21
ceo4evaOk, i am receiving help though in a PM22:22
erUSULmEck0: yes you can use "sudo mkfs -t fat /dev/sdxx"22:22
Hrvatski1how can i get emerald to work?22:22
dsousa89ehy! does anyone use boxee?22:22
idealcan someone help me fix sound on an old laptop. all i get is no gstreamer or devices found22:22
erUSULmEck0: where /dev/sdxx should appear on dmesg when you plug the flash in22:22
teleyinexHi someone with the latest banshee has problems?22:22
Pushnellmib_q47xpf: thanks!22:22
Whitormilostrife, I'd ask in #compiz .... those ppl in there are very good with graphics / video issues22:22
teleyinexbanshee is not detecting the ipod22:22
DasEimib_q47xpf: Pushnell :/etc/log/xorg.0.log22:22
teleyinexsince the last update22:22
erUSULmEck0: or you can check once is mounted with the mount command22:22
mEck0erUSUL: ok, thx, will try this22:23
unopDasEi,  dpkg -l | grep -i DAZUKO22:23
ceo4eva !join #ubuntu-offtopic22:23
milostrifeWhitor, okies ty for ya help anyways :)22:23
ceo4evaThat didnt work22:23
unopceo4eva, /join22:23
idealanyone ? please22:23
ceo4evaso like this: /join  "#ubuntu-offtopic"?22:24
erUSULceo4eva: without ""22:24
unopceo4eva, minus the quotes yes22:24
Michailam I allowed to say something about my blog? please do not consider it as an advertisement...may I?22:24
LordCteleyinex, have you check the extension is enabled? (Edit > Preferences > Extensions > iPod Support)22:25
unopMichail, it's best mentioned about in #ubuntu-offtopic - unless it expressly helps supporting ubuntu22:25
erUSULMichail: no your probably not allowed ... #ubuntu-offtopic22:25
DavidCanariasCan anyone advise me why my computer could be running slow.?22:25
LordCAnyone else got any ideas as to where a directory could be, if it's not in the Trash, and locate/find can't find it?22:26
Michailit is all about free lessons I offer about open source technologies..through my blog22:26
DasEi***floods pastebin : http://pastebin.com/m43b9cae0, unop22:26
LordCDavidCanarias, has it always been slow or has it slowed down recently?22:26
LordCMichail, take it to offtopic22:26
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DasEiis there a way to make apt believe a paket isnt installed ?22:26
unopDasEi, ok, one package is gone - one remaining22:27
SlartLordC: tried doing an "sudo updatedb" before trying locate?22:27
Michailthank you guys...I apologize if I disturb you...22:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:27
unopDasEi, do you have a file at /var/lib/dpkg/info/dazuko.postrm  ??22:27
LordCThanks Slart, you solved it! *hands you the cookies*22:27
SlartLordC: there is a file searched for the gnome panel that doesn't use the updatedb database.. it does the search itself, so to say22:27
Slartyay, cookies22:28
NativeAngelshow do you remove a delete a folder and its contents from a shell22:28
NativeAngelswhats the command22:28
SlartNativeAngels: rm -r or some such22:28
unopNativeAngels, rm -r directory22:28
erUSULNativeAngels: "rm -r dir/"22:28
teleyinexLordC, I have checked that, the problem is with podsleuth22:28
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sullyva86any way to schedule tasks with the gui in ubuntu?22:28
LordCThe file was in /home/user/.Trash which is different to the actual Wastebasket. lol. Thanks mib_q47xpf and Slart  for the help. That's saved me hours...22:28
sexcopterhi, is there a command-line program i can use to search a directory? just a filename search is fine...22:29
magnetronsexcopter, "locate"22:29
unop!info gcrontab | sullyva8622:29
ubottusullyva86: gcrontab (source: gcrontab): GTK bases crontab editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-3.1build1 (hardy), package size 82 kB, installed size 408 kB22:29
ceo4evaAnyone know why i hear random noises every now and then?22:29
punk3rhow to i force stop a process ?22:30
sexcoptermagnetron: i've used slocate before, i'm not sure how to use it to search just within a directory, do you know how?22:30
fignutsis there a way to make ubuntu never ask for a password?22:30
unopsexcopter, find directory/ -iname '*word*'22:30
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords22:30
Slartsexcopter: find is nice once you get to know it =)22:30
LordCceo4eva, does it sound like interfearance?22:30
erUSULpunk3r: kill -9 pid_of_process22:30
mib_q47xpf!tinnitus | ceo4eva22:30
Slartsexcopter: and very very very useful22:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tinnitus22:30
ceo4evait sounds like " da na na"22:30
sexcopterSlart: unop: thanks, I'll have a look22:30
unopfignuts, what password? the login password?22:30
magnetronfignuts, first thing you should do is to enable "automatic login"22:30
punk3rthank you erUSUL22:31
fignutsthat's it magnetron22:31
DasEiunop:  dazuko.list   hcdbd.postrm  dazuko.md5sums  dhcdbd.preinst  dazuko.postinst dhcdbd.prerm  dazuko.postrm dazuko.prerm22:31
LordClol @ tinnitus. That's harsh22:31
Slartceo4eva: does it occur when you do certain stuff.. run the processor hard, use the graphics card or something like that22:31
unopDasEi, let's have a look at dazuko.postrm22:31
unopDasEi, and the .prerm too22:31
Slartceo4eva: my graphics card creates some kind of buzz when doing fancy graphics.. and my on board soundcard does some weird low volume hums depending on cpu activitity22:32
ceo4evaIt just sound even when i do nothing. It's sorta like the "new message sound" but quite longer.22:32
LordCceo4eva, you don't have any email notification applets running do you?22:33
Blaenkhow do I solve the 'Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)' problem again?22:33
LordCBlaenk, close synaptic before trying to use apt22:33
ceo4evaI have the pidgin open, but no one has sent me any messages22:33
LordCceo4eva, is pidgin setup to check for mail?22:34
BlaenkLordC: I'm doing everything through ssh, synaptic isn't running22:34
ceo4evaMy first time using it. So i have no idea.22:34
LordCgo to manage accounts, check your accounts for mail checking22:35
SlartBlaenk: have you google for the error message?22:35
BlaenkSlart: of course, they all say what LordC said22:35
LordCBlaenk, you checked 'ps aux' to see if apt is already being used?22:35
BlaenkI remember there used to be an aptitude command22:35
BlaenkI already did LordC22:35
unop!aptfix | Blaenk22:36
ubottuBlaenk: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »22:36
Blaenkthere we go22:36
Blaenkthough I don't think a front-end crashed considering that I'm doing everything through ssh22:36
Blaenkbut I'll try it anyways22:36
DasEihttp://pastebin.com/f6e442fb9, reading it, too22:36
Blaenkby the way I got that error after doing sudo apt-get update22:36
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unopBlaenk,  command line utils can crash too - or be cancelled with ctrl+c etc22:36
Blaenkthere we go everything is fine now22:36
bobertdosThe package managers all apparently convened today and said, "Let's make everyone's day miserable!"22:37
DasEidazu.prerm  : http://pastebin.com/f27fd91be  ,unop22:37
unopDasEi, where did you get this dazuko thing from?  it's a horribly written program22:39
DasEiunop: looks like a suse > yast22:40
unopDasEi, edit the .postrm file and place this command on line #2.  exit 022:40
unopDasEi, save the file and then try.  sudo dpkg -P --force-all dazuko22:40
quaalkelder, that seemed to work. thanks22:41
unopDasEi, you could also do the same with the .prerm #though it should not be needed if i understood the german error message right :)22:41
gnu_dHi when I login for the first time in gdm after a boot then I see something like a failsafe mode i.e the background and xterm nothing else and it's frozen, to resolve it I login in tty1 and I do sudo /etc/init.d/network stop then I can start Gnome, what to do ?22:41
kelderquaal: np glad it did22:41
milostrifeanoyone know how to solve the issue of no sound in vlc player?22:41
gnu_dAnd why when Debconf needs graphical config wiith a wizard always the window frozes ?22:42
dany_21amilostrife: look at the "messages"22:42
milostrifedany_21a, ???22:43
dany_21amilostrife: somewhere in the menu of VLC is a entry called "messages" (depening on skin/frontend)22:44
DasEi#%if 1020 > 820  to exit 0, right ?,  unop22:44
unopDasEi, that works - but i meant to put 'exit 0' before that line - so move this line down, etc22:44
DasEi#%if 1020 > 820  to exit #0, right ?,  unop (sry)22:44
DasEik, unop22:45
gnu_dHey, please someone to help about the failing logins, cause I need to return the harddisk to my friend (fixed :)).22:45
dsousa89does anyone here use boxee?22:46
dany_21agnu_d: login at a TTY or graphical? (gdm/kdm/...)22:46
CentintiI need help22:46
gnu_ddany_21a: in GDM22:46
chilli0with what Cent22:46
Centintican we use windows applications on ubuntu?22:46
chilli0under wine some yeh22:47
gnu_ddany_21a: then Gnome is starting, but I see xterm22:47
dany_21awhat happens, gnu_d22:47
CentintiLike what22:47
chilli0what do u wanna run under it?22:47
gnu_ddany_21a: then I do the network stop and it works smooth22:47
CentintiWell I dont know22:47
chilli0some games work but a few dont22:47
CentintiI just ordered Ubuntu Server22:47
Centintifor my server22:47
chilli0Wow works i hear22:47
DasEiunop: want a cookie ? coffee ? warm water ? prob 80% solved, rest i should figure out now  a big THANK YOU !22:47
dany_21agnu_d: check the "sessions" - menu (in gdm, befor loging in)22:47
CentintiI'm thinking about installing ubuntu on my laptop also22:47
gnu_ddany_21a: I'm on it22:48
sexcopterhi, i have another question. i'm installing something from source, and it looks as if it'll land up in /usr/local/ unless i change the PREFIX. It also looks like everything else in ubuntu is in /usr/, so I'm wondering if there's any harm in just letting it go to /usr/local/, or if I should point it to /usr/?22:48
dany_21agnu_d: you stop the network in that xterm? and than gnome starts?!22:48
chilli0Centinti:  go to wine webie and look there for what it can and cant run22:48
CentintiIf some programs dont work, I can make my own programs but still22:48
unopDasEi, you can thank me by not installing something like that again :)22:48
chilli0Centinti:  Are u a programewr?22:48
gnu_ddany_21a: no, I kill the  X server.22:48
Centintiyes i am a programmer22:48
Centintialso a web designer and coder22:48
Centintiand graphic designer22:48
chilli0i do small programs with python22:49
chilli0but thats all22:49
gnu_ddany_21a: killing X server, going in a tty1, network stop, going back to gdm, login  in, succses.22:49
Centintiyeah thats good.22:49
CentintiI dont think i've done a lot with python22:49
CokeNCodehey guys22:49
chilli0what laguage u use?22:49
chilli0hello CokeNCode22:49
tritium!offtopic | CokeNCode, chilli022:49
ubottuCokeNCode, chilli0: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:49
CentintiC++, C#, VB6, VB.NEt22:49
gnu_ddany_21a: so, do I must disable network manager in Sessions ?22:49
dany_21agnu_d: have you checked the gdm logfile? /var/log/gdm/:0.log22:49
CokeNCodewhenever I copy a file to my mp3 player, it goes on but with only read permissions, so it's got a lock on it. I think have to manually change the permissions. I want the files to go on open by default. How do I do this?22:50
chilli0k sorry tritium22:50
gnu_ddany_21a: just a second22:50
Centintibut I'm doing a little bit of research on ubuntu before I decide to install it on my lapto22:50
tritiumchilli0: no problem, buddy :)22:50
dany_21agnu_d: wanted just to be sure, that you havent selected "rescue mode" (ie. this starts just a xterm)22:50
gnu_ddany_21a: I know that22:50
macohow many little month-preview calendars should show up on the left in evolution?22:51
tritiummaco: you can adjust it22:51
gnu_ddany_21a: I can't see any problems in the log22:51
gnu_ddany_21a: just brightness warning or something.22:51
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dany_21agnu_d try to remove all network-related panel-applications from the gnome-panel22:52
macotritium: how? it's suddenly showing 2 when it only ever showed 1 before22:52
gnu_ddany_21a: There is only the default one.22:52
tritiummaco: drag the separator bar22:53
dany_21agnu_d: which one?22:53
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gnu_ddany_21a: nm-applet22:53
macotritium: OH.  well that's interesting...would've expected it to just get taller.  thanks22:53
CokeNCodeso, can anyone answer my question... sorry i took so long to actually write it ... i was trying to figure it out myself22:54
dany_21atried to remove it? gnu_d22:54
gnu_ddany_21a: well I need it to set connections22:54
tritiummaco: :)22:54
CokeNCodeoh hang on22:54
bobertdosCokeNCode: In the terminal, does your player appear when you do: sudo mount?22:54
dany_21agnu_d: but try to remove it, so you can triage your problem :)22:54
CokeNCodei see the problem, i'm copying straight from a cd ... which is of course write only22:54
gnu_ddany_21a: else I need to open terminal each time, not that is hard, but I need to set it right for a use for a mortal.22:54
CokeNCodeso, it's copying the same permissions22:55
macotritium: thank you22:55
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
CokeNCodehmmm, can i fix this ?22:55
tritiummaco: any time22:55
jimcooncatI'm having a timeout problem with dhcpd3 when netboot installing. The initial installer loads fine, but times out the second time it goes to get a dhcp answer. It's sporadic, sometimes restarting dhcpd3 helps but not always. Anyone else know about this?22:55
SilverStreakI'm having trouble getting kismet to work with my Atheros-based wireless card. I've told kismet to use source madwifi_ag, but it returns an error stating that ath0 cannot accept madwifi-ng controls, and furthermore get_mode does not return errors, and the program dies shortly afterwords22:57
bobertdosCokeNCode: Well, if your songs are all coming from read-only media, there's not going to be a wonderful way to change that. Of course, the fastest thing to do is to use the terminal and chmod to recursively change permissions on all the files at once.22:57
Sk8rdudedoes anyone know a way to samba share inside hidden folders (eg: inside the .wine folder)22:57
aarHi, I'm trying to come up with a good way of generating a disk image and backing it up (so I can restore the entire OS from scratch in case of disaster). How hould I go about doing this? Should I generate the image using a Live CD? rsync from the OS while22:58
bobertdos!info partimage > aar22:58
ubottuaar, please see my private message22:58
lucaxaar: remastersys22:58
aarbobertdos, lucax thanks!22:59
jimcooncatSk8rdude: maybe you could make a non-hidden symbolic link to it -- but Samba would need to follow it. not sure what the default is22:59
Sk8rdudeim having problems getting samba to follow a sym link23:00
Sk8rdudetried it already :p23:00
CokeNCodethanks bobertdos ... makes sense ... was hoping there was a way to force it to copy with full permissions by default23:00
zenwrylyA basic hole in my *nix knowledge, when is it safe to do 'someprogram <foo.txt >foo.txt', that is where the standard output is redirected to the same file as standard input is taken from?  Never?  always?  Sometimes?  If sometimes, what are the conditions?23:00
bbt1hello. i'd like to connect 2 pc's x gateway (huawei) any help?23:00
max__If someone could help me with my boot configurations I'd really appreciate it...I have three OS's installed and I cannot for the life of me get them to boot correctly23:00
jimcooncatSk8rdude: then perhaps some fuse filesystem would work23:01
NecrosanIs there any ubuntu ps3 iso with working wifi?23:01
iterzenwryly: I would not recommend that practice in general23:01
Sk8rdudemount the folder somewhere else?23:01
zenwrylyiter: do you know anything of the particulars?23:01
jimcooncatSk8rdude: sure. you could use sshfs, but I would think there would be something simpler23:02
iterzenwryly: if you know exactly what you are doing it's ok but if there are questions as to what's going to happen use another file23:02
jaakkomeIs there a significant performance benefit in using the ext2 filesystem over ext3? (I'm installing on a 128mb / 400MHz system)23:02
Hrvatski1what is the best torrent program for ubuntu?23:03
Sk8rdudeHrvatski1: what do you want out of your torrent client?23:03
bobertdosCokeNCode: I have one idea, but I'm not sure it would work out the way I'm thinking.23:03
magnetron!best | Hrvatski123:03
ubottuHrvatski1: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:03
Hrvatski1just the usual23:03
Hrvatski1i mean something reliable and small23:03
Ademananyone know if anyone out there is hosting a repository of nightly firefox 3.1 builds? (or if backports contains anything significantly newer than 3.0)23:03
Sk8rdudewell deluge is pretty good23:03
EvilDaemonI like Transmission, but I haven't tried others.23:03
zenwrylyiter: well I'm wondering what the specifics are or where I can learn about them23:03
iterzenwryly: it's entirely dependent on your someprogram23:04
aarbobertdos, should I run partimage from a live cd on an umounted drive, or is it safe to generate the image from an active (i.e. mounted) partition for backup purposes?23:04
iterhowever I can think of a lot of bad conditions when reading from and simultaneously writing to the same file23:04
bobertdosaar: Definitely from a live session, definitely not safe to do it on a mounted partition...23:05
aarbobertdos, ok thanks23:05
UnbeHmm.  Is there a way to get my monitor's refresh rates for xorg.conf from my currently running install?23:05
zenwrylyiter: how so, what is it about someprogram that might cause problems?  What internal affect this?  What might the problems be?  Where might I find documentation?23:06
jimcooncatzenwryly: I would think it would depend on the filesystem. Don't try with FAT32!23:07
zenwrylyjimcooncat: hmm, ok, thats a good lead23:08
iterzenwryly: your question is very broad, but as I interpret it you are asking "why can't I read from and simultaneously write to the same file" -- there are plenty of potential pitfalls in doing this but again it just depends on how the app in particular handles (or doesn't) this case23:08
jimcooncatzenwryly: best bet is to output to a temp file, then replace your original with the tempfile23:08
sparr_wmagnetron: !best only applies if there is more than one application to perform the task in question.  or even one, sadly :(23:08
dizzey1Im trying to start an application on my secondary screen with "DISPLAY=:1 xterm" but no sucsess have enabeld tcp connections in gdm and run xhos+ but still no luck any ideas23:09
zenwrylyjimcooncat: yeah, I know, I have just always wondered what the factors are behind it.23:09
magnetronsparr_w, keep your ubuntu rants in #debian , please23:09
DasE1unop: did you get my thank ?23:09
unopDasE1, errm, i guess so yea - you're welcome anyway (just as long as you stay away from dirty software)23:10
jimcooncatzenwryly: I would think that would be somewhere in the filesystem, and the kernel's support for it. Type of journaling used, for instance may cause or relieve the contention.23:11
carandraug!wifi > carandraug23:11
ubottucarandraug, please see my private message23:11
iterzenwryly: try this: 'touch t; echo 1 >> t; echo 2 >> t; cat t'23:11
the__donhi i want help make a board23:11
the__donlike a with micro chips23:11
iterzenwryly: then, try 'cat <t >t' and see what it does to t23:11
zenwrylyiter: cool, thanks23:11
the__donany one knows any think about ok make a board for taping?23:12
zenwrylyiter: empty :)23:12
mlacihi guys! it seems like the 2.6.24-19-generic in hardy only sees 2G RAM out of 4G. why is that? what kernel should i use?23:12
casaBLANKahi. i just installed ubuntu (am running on live cd right now) on my USB external HD but whenever i try to load from rEFIt it just gets stuck on the black screen with a blinking white line. any suggestions?23:13
nix0rGuys any1 know why my screen freeze, when i login in ubuntu ?23:13
zenwrylyiter: so on the most basic commands, its destructive, very informative, thansk23:13
fwaokdaif I'm running a program in terminal for testing purposes how can i END it without having to close out the terminal?23:13
iterzenwryly: no prob23:13
ceil420fwaokda, ctrl+c usually does it23:13
DasE1 fwaokda: press ctrl-c23:13
stuporglueWhen I use genisoimage to make a DVD, OSX can't see any files on the disk (though the disk mounts fine). I'm using the same command I used in Edgy, Feisty and Gutsy. Any ideas?23:13
milostrifeanyone know how to increase the brightness of movie playback ?23:14
ceil420milostrife, i usually just raise my gamma, because i'm lazy :x23:14
sobersabrehi guys.23:14
ceil420milostrife, that's "xgamma -gamma 1.8" in a terminal, if you wanna try it23:14
ceil420(1.0 is normal)23:14
mlacimilostrife: you can do it easily with mplayer by modifying its config file, but i don't know in other players23:15
sobersabreI want to somehow authenticate my users against active directory's LDAP service.23:15
fwaokdaceil420, DasE1 , thanks23:15
ceil420mlaci, how? :x23:15
milostrifeceil420, i've tried that with vlc it just crashes or plays really slow and in totem no matter what i do it's still dark :S23:15
sobersabreI have heard that at some point I may have a problem with having .login, .profiles files loaded properly, because the home dir may have be problematic while logging in.23:15
milostrifemlaci, lol im not that confident with things like that atm moment23:15
sobersabreIs it yet another urban legend, and I simply need to make sure that pam is setting up things in the right order, or is there indeed a real problem ?23:16
zack1403hey guys, all of a sudden my sound is cutting out.  when this happens i cant even open windows like volume controls or a console. any ideas what that would be?23:16
ceil420milostrife, cp ~/.mplayer/mplayer.conf ~/.mplayer/mplayer.conf_BACKUP23:16
ceil420milostrife, if you break something, just restore it23:16
milostrifei've tried changing it in multimedia systems slector and nothing has changed23:17
milostrifeceil420, ok could you talk me through it step by step please?23:17
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Arfyness/msg ubottu etiquette23:17
Arfyness/msg ubottu etiquette23:17
casaBLANKai'm having troubles booting up on my freshly installed ubuntu. msg me if you want to help. it'll be much appreciated23:17
ceil420milostrife, that command will just back up your mplayer.conf file so that you can change the original without fear of messing up mplayer23:17
mlaciceil420, milostrife, put brigthness=5 in a new line of ~/.mplayer/config23:18
ceil420milostrife, i don't know the syntax of the conf file23:18
nix0rGuys any1 know why my screen freeze, when i login in ubuntu ?23:18
ceil420mlaci, oh, it uses config by default? in debian, i have both :x wasn't sure which it used23:18
memeemeeeam I voiced?23:18
memeemeeei guess so23:18
mEck0does 1440 in the end of this command: mkfs -t ext2     dizzey1    -m 0 /dev/fd0H1440 1440 mean nr of blocks to be used   dreamedge  for the file system? or am I wrong?23:18
Unbememeemeee: Yes.  :P23:19
ceil420memeemeee, you don't need to be voiced to talk in here. only when channelmode m is set23:19
milostrifeceil420,  mlaci  im confused now lol i have no idea where to find files you've specified? :S im that much of a noob lol23:19
memeemeeeanyone feel like helping me decide which hardware to buy?23:19
ceil420milostrife, ~/.mplayer/config23:19
memeemeeeI am a new (very amped) ubuntu user23:19
unopmemeemeee, that's offtopic23:19
fignutslay off the coffee23:19
NickReadunop: not necessarily23:19
ceil420or /home/milostrife/.mplayer/config23:19
ceil420or ${HOME}/.mplayer/config23:19
unopNickRead, you're welcome to chat about this in #ubuntu-offtopic23:20
NickReadunop: If they want to know what hardware does(n't) work with Ubuntu, then that's fine23:20
scribawfAny Linux Distro suggestions to install on a old IBM Thinkpad @ 700mhz w/(128m ram) 20gb HD ?23:20
UnbeDoes anybody know if there's a way to get the horizontal/vertical refresh rates from a running Xubuntu systerm?23:20
Unbe(Systerm being fancy-talk for system.)23:20
memeemeeethat's what i want NickRead23:20
unopmEck0, i'm surprised if that command even works23:20
fignutsoh wait i don't want to help, i thought it was in the mythtv channel and we'd talk home theater23:20
milostrifeceil420, cant find it in milostrife folder?:S23:20
ceil420Unbe, is there an xvidtune program in xubuntu repos?23:21
NickReadmemeemeee: Have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/23:21
ceil420i just discovered that program on my system today23:21
memeemeeeI have had a bit of trouble with the ATI driver on my Presario M200023:21
ceil420milostrife, your home folder23:21
milostrifeyeah cant seem to find it23:21
ceil420milostrife, echo $HOME23:21
memeemeeeI want to be sure if the ubuntu community recommends a different video card23:21
NickReadmemeemeee: Ubuntu doesn't make recommendations like that.23:22
Unbeceil420: Sweet.  It gives me a modeline--I'd thought those were no longer common practice?23:22
memeemeeeI'm happy to move to another channel if need be unop23:22
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ceil420Unbe, *shrug* i just glanced at the program earlier23:22
ceil420Unbe, had you asked yesterday, i wouldn't've had an answer for you :p23:22
unopmemeemeee, it would be better - this channel is quite busy23:22
memeemeeewhere then?23:23
Unbeceil420: Hehe.  Thanks anyway--movement in the right direction.  :)23:23
ceil420np :)23:23
unopmemeemeee, #ubuntu-offtopic - you can invite NickRead in too23:23
milostrifeceil420, sorry not getting what you mean at all ?:S:(23:23
zeelothey guys, came to you yesterday with an svn issue, figured out the problem, my GUI svn clients (yes all of them) dont show me a login prompt....anyone know why or how I can reset it to display a login prompt?23:23
mib_w5377zHey boys my ubuntu don't want to detect my nvidia 9600gt ;(23:23
louchewidlindoes anyone where to order more than one cd to give to others ????23:24
ceil420memeemeee, people in ##hardware might be able to help you, but they may be more about Windows and gaming. i don't pay much attention in there to be honest23:24
DuKeScan anyone tell me how to get to the GDM settings? when i boot into ubuntu the login window (where i input my password) is waaay off screen. i cant even see what i'm typing for username and password...i need to be able to specify the resolution i want for the login window is that's in any way possible23:24
unoplouchewidlin, i believe you can enter that persons address details on the shipit webpage23:24
unoplouchewidlin, the amount of CDs you get as one person are limited - quite obviously23:25
ceil420milostrife, do you have a terminal window open?23:25
mib_w5377zDuKeS tri to get in text mode (ctrl+alt+F1) then tipe, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop , after this sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start23:25
Rindaea good mediaplayer?23:25
louchewidlinunop: there are to give to the libery lol23:25
ceil420Rindae, mplayer23:26
unoplouchewidlin, but it's ever so easy to clone a CD or write an ISO - the cost of CDs nowadays is minimal and ubuntu prefers you do that unless you really can't.23:26
casaBLANKahaving trouble booting Linux from rEFIt on an intel mac. msg me if your interested on making me happy. :)23:26
unoplouchewidlin, but it costs money to have CDs made - and you have to respect that23:26
louchewidlinin now laterrrrrrr23:26
DuKeSmib_w5377z: will typing that first command make my screen go all black? lol cuz if it does i might need to write down those commands on a piece of paper:P23:27
mib_w5377zyes you have to write  them :D23:27
bbt1hello, i'd like to connect 2 pcs x gateway . any help?23:27
ubernissenQuestion, any Howto on auto cpu freq when on battery for Ubuntu 8.04.1 AMD64 on Lenovo T61?23:28
Rindaeceil420, for music23:28
bobertdosbbt1: Is that shorthand for 2 PC's through a router?23:28
BladedshaDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 0 023:29
bbt1its trough a gateway (huawei)23:29
bbt1trough a gateway (huawei)23:30
bobertdosbbt1: oh yeah, that, everyone seems kinda tied up right now; I'm not sure we'll be very helpful.23:30
Athenon_Anybody know about this DCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 0    thing?23:30
brandan_Hey does anyone know of a Application for Ubuntu that will display a icon that can blink on my desktop to show when my hard drive is reading/writing? I can't seem to hook up my hard drive light on my tower23:32
DuKeSnope that didnt help with the gdm login screen23:32
EagleScreeni ma setting up a FTP server using vsftd, now anonymous  remote users  can connect, but they cannot find any file in the root folder23:33
brandan_my computer slows down at times, i'm trying to figure out if its my hard drive(s) lagging behind or not...23:33
Arfynessbrandan_: check out the krell suite: search your package manager (synaptic, or something like it) for "krell"23:33
DuKeSis there any way to specify the resolution i want for the login screen window? it's waaaay off center i cant see nothing but the background23:33
Arfynessbrandan_: also you can add a system monitor utility to your gnome panel (if you use gnome)23:34
=== stooj_ is now known as StooJ
brandan_how do I do that, I can't find krell anywhere in Synaptic23:35
brandan_It's just not there...23:35
dr_willisgkrellm perhaps brandan_23:36
dr_willis!find gkrellm23:36
ubottuFound: gkrellm, gkrellm-alltraxclock, gkrellm-bfm, gkrellm-hdplop, gkrellm-i8k (and 16 others)23:36
sp0k34austin eh23:37
bobertdosbrandan_: Yeah, I was just about to do what dr_willis did. Keep in mind that very frequently generic Linux packages are under specific names, varying from distro to distro.23:37
dr_willisgkrellm - has been its name under every disrto  ive seen. :) theres also that conky program that can show lots of things23:38
unitlarHi, Im am an total newbie with ubuntu, but I have a major issue, can someone help me23:38
bobertdosunitlar: Go ahead and ask.23:38
DuKeShelp with login window anyone? i want it to be displayed at a certain resolution, as it is right now i can't see anything i type for username + password23:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about empathy23:39
unitlarokay, I installed it, and it ran perfectly, then I updatet everything at rebootet, now I see the loading bar, and it shuts down, leaving me with a promt23:39
zeelotplease someone help me...no svn clients on ubuntu 64bit 8.04 ever ask for login info I just get a 403 permission denied right away I need this to be fixed or I cant work!! anyone have any idea???23:39
dashnuDoes anyone have Empathy working with MSN ?23:40
Myrttizeelot: you are 100% sure you've got the password and everything correctly23:40
zeelotit doesnt ask for one23:40
euxneksunitlar there is something wrong with your Xorg configuration, check the Xorg logs23:40
bobertdosunitlar: a ttyl login prompt?23:40
dashnuI have 2.23.92 and it wont connect me23:40
zeelotMyrtti: someone my svn client decides to skip login and try to commit without23:41
unitlarhow do I do this?23:41
euxneksunitlar, are you familiar with the command line?23:41
unitlarlike the dos promt?23:41
euxneksunitlar, yes, similar23:41
euxneksunitlar, did you install anything recently?23:42
Myrttizeelot: I suggest you try the commandline svn client23:42
unitlarcan´t say, that I have a lot of experience with command line. I just updatet everything, that I could23:42
unitlarI tried to run it in safe mode, but it jumped out also23:43
sanguisdexzeelot: what svn clent do you use?23:43
zeelotsanguisdex: all of them do the same, including IDEs...it has to be something with my subversion settings23:43
euxneksunitlar: grep "EE" /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:44
sakurambooi have an issue with pulseaudio and my audigy platinum card, the pulseaudio volume meter shows that there is audio, but, i dont hear anything, yes the speakers are plugged into the right port23:44
euxneksunitlar, oh, you also need to login on that black screen that looks like dos23:45
unitlarI just type it in command line??23:45
euxneksnormal user name and password23:45
euxneksyeah in the command line23:45
euxnekshopefully I've got you looking at the right file ...23:45
euxneksgrep is a utility that looks for phrases and words within files23:45
unitlarwhat is the code for logging in?23:45
memeemeeehow do I find out detailed information about current installed hardware (like system profiler in OSX)?23:46
euxneksyou type your username, press enter23:46
euxnekstype your password23:46
euxnekspress enter23:46
TyphAre there any programs for Ubuntu similar to autohotkey for Windows? In this case, I want to map a shortcut to outputting arbitrary text23:46
TyphLike ^l outputting a string of lorem ipsum23:46
gaintsuraTyph: its called Super23:46
unitlarwhat do I do, when I find the file?23:46
euxneksall you need to do is type           grep "EE" /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:47
Typhgaintsura: There's a piece of software called Super? Have a link? That's not a great name for SEO :)23:47
gaintsuraoh, nvm, Typh there is a keyboard shortcut mapper on ubuntu, and if that doesn't work, compiz has keyboard shortcuts as well23:47
gaintsuratyph lol23:47
unitlarokay, will do, or I will come back and ask again23:47
euxneksalso, unitlar read this: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/319/command-line-tutorial-for-beginners/23:47
euxnekswill help out a bit with CLI and how it works :)23:48
euxneksunitlar, good luck23:48
sakurambooin the sound preferences, if i select alsa, i hear the test beep, but when i select pulseaudio, the meter says theres sound, but i hear nothing23:48
DasE1sakuramboo: why do you need pulse ?23:49
Typhgaintsura: sadly neither of those seems to let you define custom actions23:49
bobertdossakuramboo: Do you have anything else open while you're testing?23:49
sakuramboobobertdos, no23:49
gaintsuraTyph: compiz's shortcuts do23:50
sakurambooDasE1, i dont need pulse, but i hate screwing around with this stuff because something always breaks and im forced to reinstall23:50
gaintsuraits in general options->keyboard shortcuts typh23:50
Typhgaintsura: I must be looking in the wrong place.23:50
e-rodhow can I update my kernel?? :)23:50
DasE1sakuramboo: alsa works fine for all my needs, have a certain sound-issue ?23:51
e-rodis a easy way to do it? :)23:51
gaintsuraTyph, open the configure compiz dialog23:51
bobertdossakuramboo: In this case, we recommend sticking with Alsa. Pulse is new and still fairly buggy.23:51
sakurambooi was using onboard sound and didnt have any problems, but i need the front panel to my audigy23:51
gaintsuratyph: select general options23:51
Typhgaintsura: Yeah, I'm in general options.23:51
gaintsuratyph: its under the tab commands23:52
sakurambooDasE1, alsa doesnt work well with the onboard sound card23:52
gaintsurafirst section is configuring the commands, second is the key23:52
ivy_Hi everyone.23:53
DasE1sakuramboo: (cli) sudo apt-get install pastebinit23:53
gaintsuratyph: hope that helps, I've gotta run23:53
Typhgaintsura: I'll play around, thanks23:53
DasE1sakuramboo: lspci > lspci.txt && pastebinit lspci23:54
DasE1sakuramboo:give url from terminal in here23:54
DasE1sakuramboo: lspci > lspci.txt && pastebinit lspci.txt     ŝry23:54
sakurambooline 2323:55
clusbyanyone know if I can disable / remap the 'ctrl-alt-Fx' keys?23:55
clusbyi.e. i have a virtual machine, and running excel is kinda hard because I would like 'ctrl-alt-F9'23:55
drhe|laphey guys. i want to fresh install ubuntu on this 80gb sata drive. but only use up maybe 40gb for ubuntu. then i want to install xp on the rest. whats the best method for this.23:56
milostrifehey can anyone give me the terminal line to get x2chat on ubuntu23:56
bobertdosdrhe|lap: Install XP first, otherwise you will want to shoot yourself later :p23:57
drhe|lapi want to isntall ubuntu first. as i am having issues win xp picking up the onboard sata drivers for the 80gb.23:57
cybandrhe|lap, you familiar with partitioning etc?23:58
drhe|lapi am with windows23:58
drhe|lapbut with linux. it seem rather odd.23:58
iterdrhe|lap: you will still have that problem later, the solution is to slipstream a newer version of the disk drivers into windows or use a driver disk (F6 at startup)23:58
=== The_JoKeR is now known as SplinTer0616_
cybansimilar concept, different names - install Ubuntu, let it do auto formatting, then modify the partition tables to leave yourself 40GB23:58
iterdrhe|lap: older XP discs won't detect SATA drives23:59
iterdrhe|lap: you might google sata driver pack and/or nlite for more info23:59
uaiuihello guys23:59
UnbeCan anybody help me figure out how to circumvent/disable Xubuntu's "low graphics" failsafe mode for X?23:59
TiTsAnDaSShow do you install GTK+23:59
ivy_Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with a screen resolution problem?23:59

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