
CatoptromancyDoes the install without a desktop only a feature for xubuntu?00:53
CatoptromancyI downloaded the alternate iso, but didnt see an option to do a minimal style install00:53
Odd-rationaleCatoptromancy: you have to press like f4 on the boot menu... or somthing...00:54
Odd-rationalethen select command line install...00:54
Catoptromancyya I checked all options on boot menu00:54
Catoptromancydidnt see that00:54
Odd-rationaleall alternative cd have this....00:54
CatoptromancyI had ubuntu alteranate00:54
Catoptromancyand tried every menu, since I couldnt find it00:55
Odd-rationaleCatoptromancy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems00:57
Catoptromancyya i enabled that01:00
Odd-rationalebecause i could find that option on the lastest 8.04 alt cd...01:00
Catoptromancytext based installer? or actually installing only text based system?01:01
Catoptromancyxubuntu-desktop is bloated01:01
Catoptromancywas going to just use openbox or sapphire without a de01:01
Odd-rationaleCatoptromancy: heard of lxde?01:02
Odd-rationaleuses openbox as the default wm01:02
Odd-rationalemight be a lighter alternative to xfce for some...01:03
favroI thought at the install prompt you had to type   install cli01:03
Odd-rationalefavro: that is for the mini iso...01:03
Catoptromancyheh I just put debian, but ill probably end up formatting that01:03
favrook :)01:04
CatoptromancyI can choose what packages I can install01:04
Catoptromancyslack/freebsd style installer would be awesome01:04
Odd-rationaleCatoptromancy: you can do the same in ubuntu... just don't install xubuntu-desktop and install the xfce4 packages instead...01:04
Catoptromancybut it forced me to install whole thing01:05
Odd-rationalei personally use arch linux.01:05
Catoptromancyand on that box ubuntu has never isntalled01:05
Catoptromancyit locks up installer01:05
DasYogiQuick question - how do you manually set up a wired network connection in xubuntu?03:23
flybackis there some magic I have to do in X when I change a video card04:54
flybackcause it's only giving me 800x600 in settings manager now04:54
flybackwhat the canuck04:54
flybackX sees the card btw04:54
* flyback loses his mind04:55
flybackat least it's not as bad as feDORKA04:55
flybackcanucking piece of s*** just aborts out the whole X and all my apps without asking if I try to change res04:55
Odd-rationaleflyback: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file?04:57
flybackmight be a tad card04:57
Odd-rationalehere's an easy way: sudo apg-get update; sudo apt-get install pastebinit; cat /etc/X11/xorg.con | pastebinit04:58
flybackthat last part04:58
flybackis that a correct or part of that line04:59
Odd-rationalethe laste part i meant to write: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit04:59
flybacknice trick05:00
flybackdamn in all my yrs of hw and sw hacking05:00
Odd-rationaleflyback: got the link?05:00
flybackhang on the box is old and it's also a vm host05:00
flybackso I hope I don't have to reboot it again05:01
flybackoh that owns your "canuck"05:02
flybackit's not critical I will just do without the box if I have to05:05
Odd-rationaleflyback: ok. so what card do you have?05:05
flybackI tried both a rage pro  and a rage12805:05
flybackused to have a tnt05:05
Odd-rationaleflyback: can you pastebin the output of xrandr ?05:05
flybackwhere do I find that05:05
flybackwould you rather have my x.org log05:06
Odd-rationaleflyback: just type "xrandr" in a terminal05:06
flybacksaid can't open display05:06
flybackI am NOT in front of that box right now nor can I be05:06
Odd-rationaleoh ok...05:07
flybackI think I will just punt for tonight05:07
flybackI was just hoping I was missing something dumb05:07
flybacklooks like it did the same shit the last card did05:08
flybackjust wrote off all the resolutions as hsync out of range05:08
flybackthx anyways05:37
flybacki'll just live with the shit card05:37
flybacknot worth it05:37
flybackgreat now that won't work either05:41
* flyback will format tomarrow05:41
flybackyeah that's the final straw05:43
ThebanI like the look and feel of how nautilus handles ftp, is there something similar for the xfce desktop environment?09:29
TheSheepTheban: no, use an actual ftp client09:32
TheSheepTheban: or you could mount an ftp filesystem with fuse09:32
Thebanis there a gui one though09:32
Thebanaha, that sounds good09:32
TheSheepTheban: gftp has gui, for example09:32
Thebana gui like thunar?09:33
Thebani think i'll try the mounting with fuse option09:33
Thebanty so much TheSheep09:35
TheSheepno, a gui like an ftp client, not like a file manager09:35
Thebanthe mount option is perfect for me09:35
ThebanI was trying debmirror earlier and it kept stopping with less than 10% done and stating "Transfer truncated"09:36
Thebanso I decided to just ftp it and copy/paste09:36
Thebanalright, one last question before i go09:42
Thebanwhy does Thunar have large font for everything when run as normal user but looks perfectly fine when run as root?09:43
Thebanhow can i fix this?09:43
TheSheepTheban: settings->setting manager->user interface and set the font size there09:54
Thebanit says Font is Sans 909:55
Thebanand that settings applies to all windows and Thunar with the only one with the large font09:56
TheSheepis this a normal install of xubuntu?09:56
favromight be something in .config09:57
TheSheepdo you have a .gtkrc-2.0 file in your home directory?09:57
Thebanbefore and after updates right after install, it was like that09:57
TheSheepTheban: it's a hidden file...09:58
Thebani know that09:58
Thebanhidden files are shown..09:58
Theban.gstreamer-0.10 then .local09:59
Thebanit would be between them09:59
TheSheepwhat if you try a different theme?09:59
Thebanit was that way out of box, after update, then after i changed themes but i will happily check any theme09:59
Thebanwhich theme should i try?09:59
TheSheepHuman, for example, or murrina stormcloud10:00
ThebanHuman is same10:01
Thebanwas already using Murrina10:01
Thebanyep, i'm baffled10:01
TheSheepTheban: no idea then, you might want to check the forums or bugtracker10:01
Thebanthe odd thing is, 7.10 doesn't have that problem out of box10:02
Thebanbut if you do all the updates10:02
Thebanit appears10:02
Theban8.04 has it already10:02
TheSheepnot for me10:02
Thebani can't figure out how it can only be thunar with the problem and to top it off, running it as root works fine10:03
TheSheepwell, running it as root makes it use root's gtk theme10:04
TheSheepyou can have rules in your gtk theme or gtkrc that target specific windows and specific applications10:05
TheSheephow about when you create a new user?10:05
Thebanaha, someone found a fix10:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 230857 in thunar "Font too big in some thunar window" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:18
TheSheepTheban: great10:18
homebrewciderHi there, I attached a new scanner, but it's not getting picked up, is there a command to run to probe for new devices? Thanx10:21
Thebanoh, yes actually10:21
Thebannot the probe10:21
Theban1 sec, i'll get the full info10:21
TheSheephomebrewcider: does lsusb list it?10:23
homebrewcidernot sure, this and the previous are both Canon10:24
TheSheephomebrewcider: lsusb will only display connected devices10:25
homebrewciderBus 001 Device 013: ID 04a9:1725 Canon, Inc.10:25
TheSheepok, install sane-utils and try running sane-find-scanner10:26
TheSheepok, install sane-utils and try running sane-find-scanner10:26
homebrewcidersorry, acciddentally closed10:26
homebrewcidermay have missed last post10:27
homebrewciderlsusb lists it10:27
homebrewcidernow I got it10:34
homebrewcidermay have spoken too soon10:34
homebrewciderfound USB scanner (vendor=0x04a9 [Canon], product=0x1725 [MP610 series]) at libusb:002:006 but scanner program finds nothing10:36
TheSheephomebrewcider: maybe check on sane.org if it's supported10:39
Ben_Cswhat's the difference between gtkpod and gtkpod-aac?11:21
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* leche is away: Ich bin beschäftigt16:42
TheSheepleche: can you please disable that?16:44
lecheTheSheep: it is16:44
TheSheepleche: thanks16:44
lecheTheSheep: just wanted to know, what this option does ;-) i got punished in like 20 channels for it16:45
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viddanyone use wicd wireless network manager?17:36
Odd-rationalevidd: i've used is before... but not now...17:39
viddwhat did you think?17:41
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Odd-rationalevidd: it's ok... you need to try it for your self though...17:45
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=== HK_Away is now known as Hondo_Kitsune
gmstalkhelp say19:18
viddgmstalk, what up?19:23
viddgmstalk, what up?19:23
gmstalknot much, it has been about 12 years since I used irc19:23
gmstalkso I am a bit rusty19:23
viddhrm...i thought you were asking for help19:24
gmstalkI am, I am interested in creating an applauncher19:24
gmstalkin xfce19:24
viddwhat problem are you having?19:24
gmstalkin gnome this is pretty easy, since it does it form19:24
slimjimflimwhat wifi program do you guys use?  i've used kwifi before, but i don't think xubuntu comes w/ one19:25
gmstalkCurrently there is no "applications" button for example19:25
viddgmstalk, what happened to it?19:25
gmstalkfor wifi i use nm-applet19:25
viddshould be on the top panel, left side19:25
gmstalkI never had an applications button19:25
vidddo you have panels?19:26
gmstalkin xfce, only in gnome (ubunut)19:26
viddok...does your xfce have panels?19:26
gmstalkI think panels is part of the meta package19:26
gmstalkit should be installed19:26
viddit is....but the question is....are they there?19:27
gmstalkyes, they are there19:27
gmstalkI have the clock and battery and such19:27
gmstalkbut no applications button. I think I have to create on manually19:27
viddthen simply right-click where you want the Applications button to be....19:28
viddchoose "Add new Item"19:28
gmstalkogo it, add new item19:28
gmstalkdo I chose launcher?19:28
viddxfce Menu19:29
vidd^^^gives you the applications menu19:29
gmstalkpoop, no xfce menu.19:30
viddchoose launcher if you want to make your own "quicklaunch" button19:30
gmstalkI have other things to chose, just no the xfce menu.19:30
viddgmstalk, did you install xfce4 or or xubuntu-desktop?19:30
gmstalkI install xfce, perhaps I should have done the desktop instead?19:31
viddyes...then you get the total package19:31
gmstalkI will do that. I think that must be it.19:32
viddthe command is sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:32
gmstalkI really like XFCE. I am using it for vid capture with kino.19:32
gmstalkthe low overhead improved the quality. I just have a few annoyances and you have helped me. Thanks!19:33
viddyou have issues, you come here first!19:34
gmstalkcool, I installed. I will check it out now. thanks again19:37
UnbeHey, folks.  I've tried a million different ways of dealing with this problem, and I keep landing in the same place: is there a way to force Xubuntu's Xorg to use a particular screen geometry on startup, and *not* autodetect the display?20:15
UnbeWhen I start up headless, I get kicked into low graphics mode, and I want to force it to use the resolution I want so that I can VNC into my existing session.20:16
Odd-rationaleUnbe: only happens when you start headless?20:17
UnbeYeah.  With the monitor attached, it boots fine.20:17
UnbeAnd in fact, it uses the screen geometry I've set, which is not default for the monitor.20:18
Odd-rationaleUnbe: try adding a mode subsection...20:19
Odd-rationaleUnbe: see my "screen" section from my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.ca/120854920:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:20
UnbeHmm.  So the low graphics warning is Ubuntu's response to X not finding a working graphics mode, based on autodetection?20:21
Odd-rationaleUnbe: i'm not sure... it might be due to xorg trying to auto detect your settings but finding no monitor attached...20:21
gmstalkmsg vidd20:22
gmstalkI had to remove xfce entirely, then install xubuntu-desktop, deleter the .cache stuff and it works great20:23
UnbeOdd-rationale: thanks.  I'll try setting things manually.  I hate dealing with xorg.conf.  :/  It's like kicking yourself in the teeth.20:23
gmstalkI have an application menu in xfce now.20:23
gmstalkthanks vidd20:23
viddgmstalk, it is poor edicate to private message someone without asking permission first20:23
gmstalkah, sorry about that20:24
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.20:24
gmstalkoh! OK20:24
Myrttithere are exceptions, but as a rule of thumb it's good to ask first20:24
gmstalksorry everyone...join #penalty_box20:26
viddhehe...no problem....20:26
viddyou said b4 that you havent been on IRC for several years20:26
gmstalkI used to do technical support on IRC back in 1996 for an ISP20:27
gmstalkbut I forgot most of what I knew. Anyways, this was very helpful. More so than my google searches. So thanks.20:28
roofy2kcan anyone tell me if there's an up to date HCL for xubuntu?22:00
Odd-rationaleroofy2k: HCL? what does that stand for?22:08
roofy2kharware compatibility list, i'm tired of having NVIDIA issues, i was hoping to see a list of test hardware22:09
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection22:10
Myrttibut I guess those you've read already22:10
stwestonhello, everyone23:57
stwestonis anyone there?23:58
stwestonhello? is anyone there?23:59

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