=== Brik-Away is now known as Brik [10:36] I'd like to upload a new system-cleaner to fix #271234 and #271390, but they change the UI (command line and GTK both); is the doc team mentioning system-cleaner anywhere and would a new upload be problematic for you? [20:02] liw: no, I don't think so. it's not installed by default. Being in universe it is unlikely to have translations either, afaik, but you shoudl notify both lists anyway as a matter of protocol [20:08] mdke, thanks [20:23] Hey there, anybody active in here? [20:24] I am active [20:25] Are you part of the documentation team? [20:25] I am not sure, I have done some editing, so I think maybe [20:26] Ah, I was looking to speak to someone who's in charge of it, or in some way part of the decision-making process. [20:26] ah ok, not me, sorry [20:26] Ah well, at least you're active. (: [20:28] The web pages are kind of a jumble of information, and it's tough to tell what's needed most - documentation that's part of the operating systems or wiki documentation. I'm open for either. [20:29] both the same, they are both equally importnat [20:30] I guess I'll just go onto the wikis and see what needs to be written up, then. [20:30] hang on [20:30] there is a list [20:31] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CategoryCleanup [20:31] there you go [20:31] Thanks! Looking... [20:35] That looks like a great starting place, thanks! [20:35] your welcome [20:35] have fun [20:36] Will do. I write HOWTO guides and I'm out of material to write right now, so I'm looking for something to do. (: [20:36] indeed, I have enjoyed it, hope you do too [20:37] I guess I'm off to change a few things - hopefully for the better. Good luck to you, too! (: [22:15] Is there a help document anywhere that a newbie could read to learn best practice type of stuff? I'm thinking of things like what to do with a feature request (use brainstorm or report a bug on launchpad), and how to avoid stepping on people's toes. I know there's lots of information like this scattered around, but perhaps there should be a wiki page providing links to all of it? [22:23] There is a wiki for developers at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Home and a wiki for users at [22:23] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ [22:24] Perhaps a search on one of them would give you answers? I think you could use either brainstorm or bug, your choice [22:49] Thanks for the response, but I'm not seeking answers for myself. I was just thinking that a page on the wiki that consolidated this kind of information for new users could be useful. I remember when I first started using Ubuntu that I didn't understand how anything worked, and I didn't really know what launchpad was for, and I didn't know if I should be editing the wiki, etc. I'm talking about a primer. Along the lin [22:49] es of the Glossary at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Glossary, but more readable. I don't expect people to sit down and read the glossary. [22:50] I was thinking of considering working on something like this, but I didn't know if it already existed, and I wasn't sure if I should just jump in and start typing. [22:55] omegamormegil: help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions? [22:56] omegamormegil: or, if you are talking about contributing to Ubuntu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributingToUbuntu [22:58] * mdke goes to bed