=== Rafik__ is now known as Rafik === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo [13:37] ping LjL elky === fetova_ is now known as fetova [22:04] ping PriceChild nalioth [22:06] nizarus: what's up? [22:06] sorry PriceChild want to requeste an Ubuntu cloak [22:07] today i was accepted as ubuntu member [22:08] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/AsiaOceania [22:08] launchpad url please? [22:09] yess : https://edge.launchpad.net/~nizarus [22:10] PriceChild, today three of the EMEA regional board are abroved by AsiaOceania board :) [22:10] Its not a competition. Whichever board works out best for them. [22:11] i know that :) [22:13] got the mail [22:13] It is done. [22:14] any thing more to do ? [22:14] nope [22:14] thx PriceChild :)