
beunotuxxy__, are you using hte email addresses registered in Launchpad?00:00
beunobarry, are you around?00:00
tuxxy__yes im using the correct ones, I receive all information just cannot send out information00:00
tuxxy__all the other mailing lists are fine, just the one I own heh00:01
Rinchentuxxy__, what's your team name again?00:01
Rinchen~64-bit ?00:01
tuxxy__my mail list is 64-bit@lists.launchpad.net00:01
Rinchenlooking at your settings now00:02
Rinchenok tuxxy__, as far as I can see, your team settings and personal settings appear correct.00:02
RinchenI've asked someone to look at the mailing list machine just in case something is awry00:03
Rinchenour mailing list expert has left for the day so I may need you to file a question with the issue00:03
Rinchennote that you won't receive copies of the email you send, but it should show up in the log00:03
Rinchen(because you're on gmail)00:03
tuxxy__ok no problem, the mailing list originally got rejected but then activated once the bug 237210 got fixed00:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237210 in launchpad-foundations "should be a way to delete/disconnect a mailing list" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23721000:04
tuxxy__its been active for a few days now and my e-mails dont show up in log even if i send it from an e-mail account not associated with launchpad00:05
tuxxy__I must have sent 15 now heh00:05
RinchenI just sent a test email00:07
Rinchenand it arrived00:07
tuxxy__yep it worked00:07
tuxxy__yes, everyones does, except mine for some reason00:07
Rinchenit just goes into a blackhole?  no bounce msg?00:08
tuxxy__like it has been successful but then my members dont receive it and also its doesnt appear in logs00:08
RinchenThat sort of suggests to me that it is held for moderation00:09
Rinchenand mthaddon just found an issue that, on the surface, appears to be related00:09
tuxxy__no, its not moderated00:09
tuxxy__and if i do click the moderate link no msgs appear00:09
Rinchenand they won't00:10
tuxxy__who is moderating it then heh00:10
Rinchenas I understand it, we intercept inbound msgs and if we see they need to be moderated, they get put in the queue.00:10
Rinchenit appears the process which check those and puts them in the queue might not be working00:11
tuxxy__hmm well its been 2 or 3 days now, also why are mine not getting through but others mails are which are sent more recently00:11
Rinchentuxxy__, we made a change recently to the internals to something we thought was no longer being used.  The error that was found suggests we missed something.00:12
RinchenLet me queue this up for our mailing list guru to check in the morning.00:12
tuxxy__ok no problem, you want me to make a report or anything00:14
Rinchentuxxy__, could please email the list again from  your google account?00:14
Rinchenand yes, tuxxy__ can you please file a bug report on it.  Please include the team name and what you've explained above00:14
RinchenI'll make sure it get's over to our mailing list guru in the morning00:14
Rincheninlcude that you talked to me in the bug report please00:15
Rinchenand that I verified proper setup in LP00:15
Rinchenand was able to send a test post00:15
tuxxy__ok no problem, is this correct address https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug00:16
tuxxy__I sent the e-mail also00:17
Rinchentuxxy__,   https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug00:18
Rinchenthat will get you to filing against Launchpad itself00:18
tuxxy__Rinchen: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/27379000:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 273790 in launchpad "Mailing list errors, owner unable to send out information to team, can only receive inbound messages" [Undecided,New]00:37
Rinchentuxxy__, cheers for that.00:39
tuxxy__no problem00:39
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
tgm4883_laptopIs there some reason that project bugs won't expire, even though the project is setup to have them expire?  Like bug 15161201:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 151612 in mythbuntu "Remote not supported" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15161201:44
mkanatHow the eff do I add an additional affected branch to a bug?03:01
wgrantmkanat: A project series?03:03
wgrantmkanat: "Nominate for release", under the status table.03:03
mkanatOkay. And then what?03:03
mkanatI'm the owner...03:03
wgrantSelect the series, and you're done.03:04
mkanatIt just says "Nominated for Bugzilla-3.0 by Max Kanat-Alexander"03:04
wgrantAh, you apparently don't have privileges...03:04
mkanatI'm the project owner.03:04
wgrantIs there a driver assigned?03:05
mkanatThere is now.03:06
* mkanat notes to self, "Don't make my bug-tracker work this way."03:06
wgrantCan you point me to the project and bug so I can actually see how things are?03:08
wgrantAnd how should it work, in your opinion?03:08
mkanatwgrant: Well, that would be a little bit of helping the competition, wouldn't it? :-D No, I'd be happy to.03:10
mkanatJust give me a second while I'm doing what I was doing.03:10
wgrantThe only relevant bugs I can see on your list seem to already have tasks against 3.0.03:11
mkanatwgrant: I just did it.03:11
mkanatwgrant: That is, I appointed my team the Driver.03:11
mkanatwgrant: The main problem that I have with Launchpad is that things take a lot of explicit setup in order to get them to start working.03:12
mkanatwgrant: For example, the Driver should be the project owner, if not set.03:12
wgrantFor example?03:12
wgrantI would have thought that the owner should have that privilege, right. That sounds like a bug.03:12
mkanatwgrant: Okay.03:12
wgrantIt doesn't make sense how it is now.03:12
mkanatwgrant: When I was originally setting up the project, also, I felt a bit overwhelmed by all the things that I had to set up.03:12
wgrant(I am not a Launchpad developer, I just file lots of bugs and complain a bit)03:13
mkanatwgrant: I kind of just want a single page that says "what's the name of your project, list your branches, do you want to report bugs here?"03:13
mkanatwgrant: Fair 'nuf. :-)03:13
mkanatLaunchpad has a bit of a problem that some of my apps have sometimes--that it exposes the UI based on how its backend objects are structured.03:14
wgrantHmm, it is a bit strange that the project creation form doesn't ask for which bits of Launchpad will be used03:14
mkanatwgrant: Well, also that I first had to create a series and then assign a branch to it, and there's SO MUCH navigation on every page.03:14
mkanatI'm sure it's handy for somebody who's very experienced with the system, but not so much for me.03:15
mkanatIt's not like a normal form, where there's just labels and values.03:15
beunomkanat, we're working on making that easier03:15
mkanatThose I understand, there can be a lot of that on a page (even though ideally there shouldn't be).03:15
mkanatbeuno: Cool, cool. I figured you were. :-)03:15
beunoa lot will happen a few months from now03:16
mkanatIf I had the same resources to throw at Bugzilla that you guys have to throw at Launchpad, it would be beautiful and amazing. :-)03:16
wgrantbeuno: So Launchpad developers have been saying for years...03:16
mkanatOf course, Bugzilla also does a lot less. :-)03:16
mkanatwgrant: Well, that's the nature of s/w development. :-)03:16
wgrantIt is.03:16
beunowgrant, well, I'm new here. So it's a new promise  :)03:16
wgrantThis is an ugly page:03:17
wgrantThree lovely big yellow alers.03:17
beunoit is icky03:17
mkanatI'm less concerned about the aesthetics than the confusion for new users.03:17
beunomkanat, that's my focus, improving usability03:18
mkanatbeuno: Cool. :-)03:18
beunoaesthetics is secondary03:18
beunofocused on making worflows optimal03:18
mkanatGreat. :-)03:18
beunoplanning tons of user testing03:18
mkanatOne thing that's confusing to me is that Launchpad considers "Fix Committed" to be an open bug.03:18
beunoyeah, because it hasn't been released03:19
wgrantIt is, to users.03:19
mkanatYeah, but not to me. :-)03:19
mkanatAnd "List Open Bugs" is the only convenient bug browsing link that's on any page.03:19
wgrantThe search UI really needs a makeover.03:20
beunoit does03:20
beunoit's also one of the hardest things to do properly03:20
mkanatYou're telling me. :-)03:20
wgrantbeuno: I know.03:21
beunowgrant, so, we're picking our battles  :)03:21
wgrantmkanat: Hm, I was able to target to a release fine without being the driver.03:21
wgrantbeuno: But that is perhaps the oldest battle in all of Launchpad.03:21
mkanatwgrant: Yeah, so can another member of my team.03:21
mkanatwgrant: Just I couldn't.03:21
wgrantIt hasn't been touched in years.03:21
wgrantThe pages in bug #272343 come close to being as ignored, and CVE pages similarly.03:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 272343 in launchpad-foundations "All six (yes, 6) views relating to upstream linking are broken/different/inconsistent/strange/outdated/unmaintained/[etc.]" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27234303:22
wgrantBut there aren't many of that grade around Launchpad.03:22
beunowgrant, as I said, we have many battles to fight. Others seem to be more of a priority03:24
wgrantThis is a problem with proprietary software. If the maintainers don't feel that distributions or security or searching are important, they stagnate for years and torture us.03:25
wgrantAnd there's not a thing we can do about it.03:25
beunowgrant, torture seems a bit extreme03:28
beunoand, there are a lot of users to make happy03:29
beunoso it's expectable for open or closed software03:29
beunoto have unhappy users03:29
beunowe still want to do our best with limited resources03:29
wgrantYes, but if it's open then $IGNORED_MINORITY can fix their pet issues.03:29
beunonot always, no03:30
beunoyou have to understand the code03:30
beunounderstand the development procress03:30
wgrantIt's a lot easier to do that when it's possible.03:30
beunoconvonce others it's important03:30
beunoetc etc etc03:30
beunoLaunchpad will be open next year03:30
beunowe'll see how that changes things03:30
wgrantBut how open is open?03:30
NCommanderThe question is will canonical accept code from non-employees03:30
beunoyes they will03:31
wgrantThat is the big one, yes.03:31
NCommanderOr are we going to have a GCC/NetHack style catheridal development model03:31
beunono, code will be welcome03:31
wgrantIs it open as in "oh look, here's our code, so we're not evil any more. run along now", or "come along and contribute"?03:31
beunowhy would we throw away useful contributions?03:32
wgrantBecause I don't think anybody imagines that Launchpad would be opened for the sake of being open.03:32
NCommanderOr else it would already be opened03:32
tgm4883_laptopsomething tells me that Canonical != Microsoft03:33
tgm4883_laptopjust a hunch though03:33
NCommandertgm4883_laptop, Microsoft in its early days was very hacker friendly03:33
* tgm4883_laptop notes NCommander's idea of Canonical becoming more like MS. Makes note to squash him.03:33
* NCommander is a firefighter, and thus not bothered by squashing03:34
NCommanderor splatting, fire, guts, gore03:34
NCommandervomit (as long as its on my partner),03:34
tgm4883_laptopsilence infidel!03:34
mkanatOpening the code just opens up the possibility for people to contribute.03:34
NCommanderI said *early* Microsoft03:34
mkanatIt doesn't mean that they'll make good contributions, or contribute at all, but it does make it possible to do so.03:35
NCommanderi.e., back when they shipped a UNIX03:35
NCommanderI'm more interested in running my own Launchpad for its archive tools for Nexenta.03:35
mkanatI think the only place one's own Launchpad would make sense would be internally in organizations.03:36
mkanatIf it's open source stuff, might as well use the central one.03:36
NCommanderWhat about something like Debian, I don't think they'd want their development hosted by Canonical, but I could see them dumping dak for Soyuz03:37
beunodon't underestimate the value of someone else hosting it, and taking care of all the infrastructure for you03:37
beunoand, being able to cross-link to ther projects03:37
mkanatYeah, the hosting is helpful.03:37
NCommanderSome projects don't trust being hosted by a central authority. Or else every project would be on sourceforge, or FSF Savannah03:37
mkanatNCommander: No, because those suck. :-)03:38
wgrantYeah, SF is awful.03:38
* NCommander was a FSF Savannah admin03:38
NCommanderI agree at the moment Launchpad slaughters any SF based solution03:38
mkanatNCommander: Yeah, but I'm talking about the UI, not the administration. :-)03:38
* NCommander is not going there03:38
NCommanderI'm too tempted03:38
mkanatThat's fine. :-)03:38
NCommanderWell, for better or worse, at least Savannah's UI remains constant(ish)03:39
NCommanderSomething VA Linux should learn03:39
* NCommander notes the current SF interface can cause eyes to bleed03:39
mwhudsonit will be interesting to see what happens when launchpad gets open sourced, to say the least03:40
wgrantmwhudson: Very much so.03:40
NCommanderI'd be willing to work to seperate Soyuz and publisher03:40
NCommanderso its possible to keep control and the fun stuff on launchpad.net03:40
NCommanderBut projects like Nexenta or Baltix can handle the build infrastructure03:41
mwhudsonwgrant: I expect a certain amount of "aiee! my eyes!"03:41
NCommanderwgrant has immunity to eyes burning03:41
mwhudsonespecially from people with interests like NCommander :-p03:41
wgrantmwhudson: Can't be worse than some of the code I've had to work with.03:41
mwhudsonno, it's not so bad03:41
NCommanderIts an intrinsic from x86 real mode ASM programming03:41
* NCommander REALLY needs to stop playing nethack03:41
mwhudsonsoyuz is a beast anyway you look at it though :)03:42
mkanatHeh. :-)03:42
NCommandermwhudson, I've committed code to dak03:42
NCommanderIt can't be THAT bad03:42
wgrantmwhudson: Considering what it does, it has to be.03:42
mwhudsonwgrant: right03:42
mkanatI'd like to remind you all that I've been refactoring Bugzilla for years. And it can't be worse than Bugzilla 2.14. :-)03:42
mwhudsonNCommander: ah, you come pre-scarred then? :)03:42
NCommanderBugzilla is proof for me that Perl is a write-only language03:42
mkanatNCommander: You haven't seen it lately, though, I'm sure. :-)03:43
NCommandermkanat, you can refactor crap, but its still crap03:43
NCommander(although its object oriented crap)03:43
mkanatNCommander: I've actually had quite a few people say to me, "The architecture is really nice now!"03:43
NCommanderMaybe its nicer now03:43
mkanatYeah, that'd be an understatement.03:43
NCommanderHowever, perl by definition has write only tendencies03:44
NCommanderEvery language has the ability to create write only code03:44
NCommander(with the possible exception of python)03:44
NCommanderperl and C have high chances of becoming write only03:44
NCommanderbrainfrack is write only ;-)03:44
mkanatHahahaha, for sure.03:45
mkanatAnd no, you can create write-only code in Python.03:45
NCommanderWell, if you hack Python to give it COME FROM03:45
mkanatJust pick really bad names for all your variables.03:45
* NCommander notes he's touched COBOL03:45
mkanatNCommander: Heh. :-)03:45
NCommanderYou know, its not hard to know why my pain tolerances are so screwed03:45
NCommanderALthough even my hack-o-meter explodes from time to time03:46
NCommandersource tarball is 15MB03:46
NCommanderThe diff is 70MB03:46
NCommanderThat is your eyes burning03:46
wgrantI touched that once... ow.03:47
ajmitchmost of us have more sense than that03:47
NCommanderajmitch, your talking to people who write real mode code.03:48
NCommanderSense was undefined years ago03:48
NCommanderhey emgent03:55
* NCommander plays nethack03:56
emgentheya :)03:59
NCommanderwhat's up emet04:02
NCommanderer emgent04:02
NCommanderemgent, still interested in WMubuntu?04:02
emgentyep, but we have some problem in wmaker now04:07
emgentwe are waiting new infra04:07
NCommanderemgent, well, we can spin the meta-package with a PPA04:07
NCommanderThen its a matter of creating CDs04:08
emgentsure we can04:08
emgentbut i think that first we should propose ubuntu-minimal ehehe04:09
NCommanderUse server as a base04:09
NCommanderAnd disable the server packages04:09
emgentuhm yep, good idea for start04:09
emgentanyway when i have time i will take a look, this isnt a good period now04:10
NCommandercya emgent04:11
emgenti have some other priority-stuff to write for ubuntu04:11
emgenthehe :)04:11
emgent5.12 am arghhhhh i should sleep04:12
emgentsee you later NCommander and thanks ;-)04:12
NCommandercya emet04:12
* persia peers about to see if anyone feels like discussing workflows for branch merging, and automation of branch status values04:14
* NCommander shoots a hand up04:15
* mwhudson points persia at thumper 04:15
* NCommander gets a finger in an light socket and is electrocuted04:15
* NCommander dies04:15
* NCommander wants his possessions identified ;-)04:15
persiamwhudson: OK.  jml and spiv were deeply engaged about 18 hours back: were those not the right people?04:15
mwhudsonpersia: they're good too04:16
mwhudsonpersia: but thumper is actually working on this stuff right now04:16
beunopersia, we're working on that right now04:16
NCommanderpersia, what would you like to see changed about the current workflow?04:16
beunowhat mwhudson said04:16
beunopersia, we've got *very* good results up to now, and the process should be very simplified soon04:17
beunowe've been doing workflow changes04:17
beunoand UI changes04:17
persiaActually, it's not so much about what to change, and how to change the automated detection of branch status, and looking at workflows for branch merging or patch hunting to ensure the end-state is desireable.04:17
beunopersia, one of the changes we have will mark branches as merged automatically04:17
beunoif they already where04:18
persiabeuno: Right.  It was mentioned that the process to manually set branch status would be lost once that landed, and I wanted to discuss only losing some of it.04:18
* persia prepares a pastebin with a summary of desired state for those not involved in the discussion ~18 hours back)04:18
beunopersia, it won't loose any manual status changes04:19
beunojust wil set it merged automatically04:19
beunoit does the work for you04:19
beunobut doesn't make automatic mandatory04:19
persiabeuno: Right, but we *should* lose some: when a branch is merged, it should go from "Development" to "Merged", and back to "Development" and the next unmerged push.04:19
beunopersia, sure, that's for branches, not merge proposals04:20
beunoand yes, that's exactly the idea04:20
beuno(we've been working on merge proposals specifically these days)04:21
beunoother parts of code will come after that, one of them being branch listings/statuses04:21
persiaRight.  It was suggested that as a result of that, it would be possible to automate all branch statuses.  I believe that it's not possible to automate "experimental" or "abandoned" as these represent the input of human opinion04:21
beunopersia, do you think those statuses are useful?04:22
persiabeuno: Yes.04:22
beunopersia, you would be able to set something as inactive04:23
beunowhich is basically abandoned04:23
beunobut experimental would go04:23
persiaWhat does "inactive" mean?  Also, why change established nomenclature?04:23
beunoactive/inactive seem like better terms, don't they?04:24
persiaAnyway, http://paste.ubuntu.com/49919/ represents the set of statuses I'd like.04:24
wgrantInactive sounds to me like it should be determined by time since last commit.04:24
lifelessactivity is observed04:24
beunothat's a very tricky thing to get right04:25
persia"Abandoned" carries the explicit implication that the developer no longer believes that the path pursued in the branch is useful.04:25
lifelesspersia: you can observe that something is abandoned too04:25
persiawgrant: That's not very helpful.  What if I've a stable branch that hasn't gotten any updates in over a year because there are no bugs, and it is feature complete?04:25
persialifeless: How>04:25
thumperpersia: branches are marked as stable by associating with a series04:26
persiaOK.  s/Trunk/Stable/ in my paste then :)04:26
lifelesspersia: no activity[no bug links, commits, merges-from, merges-to, commits-to, whiteboard, etc], not a release branch.04:26
beunopersia, and showing merged branches is a bit pointless, so they should become inactive04:26
lifelessbeuno: I don't think they should become inactive04:27
lifelessbeuno: I think they should not be shown, but thats different04:27
persialifeless: And what if I want to abandon something after two days of work?  How can I distinguish this from someone who only codes on weekends?04:27
wgrantpersia: Right, so that state shouldn't mean "abandoned".04:27
beunolifeless, sure, I mean not shown. With the status "merged"04:27
persialifeless: Also, whiteboard doesn't show in the branch list, so is useless for branch discrimination purposes.04:27
wgrantpersia: Activity is surely objectively measured.04:27
wgrantAbandonedness cannot me.04:27
persiawgrant: Precisely.  Which is why I want a manual flag for that.04:27
lifelesspersia: You challenged an assertion, I think I've shown it. Now you want to talk about whether it makes sense to 'only observe' but I didn't claim that that was sensible.04:28
persialifeless: fair :)04:28
lifelesswith this, as with most things, I think a tasteful melange of inference and explicit information gives the best results04:28
beunopersia, your statuses make sense to me. I'll add that to the wiki so it's part of the discussion04:29
persiabeuno: Thanks.04:29
lifelessspecifically, I want to be able to correct lp when it infers it wrongly04:29
persiaNow, about "Experimental".04:29
lifelessI'd like it to infer abandoned branches04:29
persiaSometimes people work on stuff that *should not be merged* and *should not be considered for cherrypicking* because it is far too invasive.04:29
lifelessand to notice when things are merged04:29
persiaI'd like to have this be another thing people can set on branches, so those who are looking to cherrypick stuff know not to go there.04:30
persialifeless: I'm fullly behind noticing when things merge, and when they diverge again.04:30
beunopersia, in general, you should know better than go around merging into random branches. no matter what people say about them04:30
persiainference of abandonment is harder.04:30
lifelesspersia: I think lp is in a good position (see the list of things I made above) to do a decent job04:31
persiabeuno: See, I disagree fundamentally with the style of development that your claim asserts.04:31
persiaIf I know a body of code, and I'm bored, there's no good reason for me not to go peering around in other people's branches for cherrypicks.04:31
persiaLetting them flag things as "Experimental" tells me I probably don't want to look there.04:31
lifelessI like having a 'bleeding' flag04:32
lifelessI am not sure that in my head its in the same dimension as activity04:32
persiaWell, I mostly like "Experimental" because I'm conservative regarding nomenclature changes, but yes.04:32
persiaI'm not sure either of "Experimental" or "Abandoned" are about activity, but more about branch owner's opinion about the branch.04:33
persiaIn the first case, it's stuff that is *very* new and probably kills kittens, and in the second case it represents a blind alley (and I'd rather see stuff abandoned than deleted, just to help build a better map of which alleys are blind)04:33
lifelesspersia: so in terms of choosing what branches are interesting to show04:33
lifelesspersia: a lack of discernable activity is a good default filter;04:34
persialifeless: Is it?  That assumes someone who pushes a branch has some attachment to the project to which the branch is associated.04:34
lifelesspersia: No it doesn't04:35
persiaLet's say someone branches locally to make something work better for them, but they aren't feeling particularly socially responsible.  Because someone pokes them on IRC, they push their branch to LP, and then let it rot.  How does this make the branch uninteresting without inspection?04:35
lifelesspersia: after 6 months with no comments, merges-to-, merges-from- (fuck it, read the list above)04:36
beunopersia, I have a hard time believe people will use the experimental flag reasonably, or, at all. But it's going to be widely discussed before taking a decision, so I'm sure we'll go with the overall best change04:36
lifelesspersia: its not going to be easy to merge, to work with, and clearly the contents *have not been interesting to anyone so far*04:36
persiabeuno: We have an Experimental flag now.  It doesn't get used much, but I don't see how it's better to take it away.04:36
persialifeless: OK.  I can see that argument.  And given that it has rotted over time, it becomes increasingly hard to use for anything.04:37
beunopersia, the only benefit I can see is that it simplifies things a bit. Less choices makes it easier for you to choose. But I'm not strongly set on this, especially if others feel strongly about keeping it04:38
lifelessbeuno: I'd rather tags than an experimental bit04:38
persiabeuno: Well, the only things I think are sensible choices are "Experimental" and "Abandoned".  We ought be able to infer all the rest of the available statuses from the branches directly.04:38
persialifeless: The main reason I like having it as a flag is so there is a standard text to show in the default listings.04:39
lifelesspersia: that implies a standard reasoning behind its use04:40
beunolifeless, persia, wouldn't a description of the branch be enough?  "this branch is experimental. It *will* kill your baby"04:40
persialifeless: Indeed it does.04:40
lifelesspersia: and I *don't* believe for a second that we all share that in this currently-limited group, let alone thousands of devs04:40
persiabeuno: I don't see either the description or the whiteboard in a standard branch listing.04:40
beunopersia, right. And it won't be. But if you're interested in something, go to it's page, read about what youre going to do04:41
persialifeless: In the same manner as bug use of various bug statuses, if we can achieve some loose consensus and document it, we can create a common reasoning behind their use.04:41
lifelesspersia: anyhow, you could always have a stock text for the tag experimental04:41
beunoplenty of people will have experimental branches as "new", which will make the status a bit pointless and random IMHO04:41
lifelesspersia: to date, bug statuses have failed to do that04:41
persialifeless: Well, given that we *still* don't have any way to differentiate interface based on tags in Malone, I'm not tempted by that.04:42
beunowriting descriptions to what the rational behind that branch is makes more sense to me04:42
wgrantTags are useless as status indicators; you can't see them unless you dig deep into each bug, which is slow and painful.04:42
persiabeuno: But "New" will go away as it becomes time-based.04:42
lifelesswgrant: don't conflate things :)04:42
wgrantlifeless: What was I conflating?04:42
beunopersia, well, "development"04:42
persiabeuno: Also, if I'm bored, and want to look at likely branches from which to cherrypick, I want a smaller set, not to have to check the bug page for *each* page.04:43
persiabeuno: Well, I'm anticipating that it's not hard to tell people in a given project to use "Experimental" for the kills kittens stuff.04:43
persiaEspecially so if that matches the documentation presented by LP in the case where someone tries to edit the branch status.04:44
beunopersia, I fully understand your use case. The thing is, our experience is that no one really uses it properly, and tends to confuse users04:44
beunohence the inclination to kill it04:45
persiabeuno: I use it properly.  I'm not confused.  I don't want my feature to go away :)04:45
beunobut it's not a terrible thing to leave it around if there are enough use cases for it04:45
wgrantWhy are my users looking at the branch listing?04:45
beunopersia, well, if you say it like that, it's hard to take it away from you...  ;)04:45
beunoalso, for your use case, *everybody* has to use it properly04:46
beunobut, well, we'll see what comes out of it04:46
persiabeuno: Well, yes, but the documentation on LP seems to encourage proper use.  Generally everything that isn't "New" today is the result of someone trying to do it properly.04:46
beunoI see your point for keeping it04:46
beunoand I don't think removing it will solve much04:47
persiaIf the standard workflow (New -> Development -> Merge Proposed -> Merged -> Stable) is automated, that's a big win.04:47
persiaI just fear that automation of most of it will cause that which cannot be automated to be dropped.04:47
beunoso, at least from my perspective, I'm inclined to leave it04:48
persiaCool!  Only about 7 billion people left to convert :)04:49
beunosure, change is scary. We should make it as less scary as possible04:49
persiaNote that I'm not overly fussed about implementation, as long as it's visible from the standard branch lists.  If it's easier to do it as tags (but can still be shown), that's fine too.04:50
beunopersia, well, good news is, the more people you convince, the easier it should be. It's exponential!04:51
beunoI really don't want more tags on LP just yet04:51
beunonot until we use them properly on the UI04:51
persiaThat's what I thought.  Mind you, this would be a good thing to migrate along with other stuff once that it addressed.04:51
beunotags and comments are getting a lot of love soon04:52
persiaCool.  Not my personal highest priority, but something that's certainly suboptimal currently in a couple ways.04:53
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wgrantintellectronica: Do I have to steal some admin cookies, or will you mark bug #273886 as critical and get it cherrypicked voluntarily?11:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273886 in malone "names with HTML special characters are displayed incorrectly in Subscribers list" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27388611:18
* wgrant considers setting his display name to something that will automatically comment everybody's cookies onto the bug.11:19
intellectronicawgrant: i am working on that bug right now. i can't myself decide on priority but i'm pretty sure that it will be marked critical and and get cherry picked into all production servers as soon as i'm done.11:20
wgrantintellectronica: This is good news.11:21
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
popeycan an lp admin do something about At the Linux Plumbers Conference Thursday, Arjan van de Ven, Linux developer at Intel and author of PowerTOP, and Auke Kok, another Linux developer at Intel's Open Source Technology Center, demonstrated a Linux system booting in five seconds. The hardware was an Asus EEE PC, which has solid-state storage, and the two developers beat the five second mark with two software loads: one modified Fedora and one modified Mob12:50
popeysorry :)12:50
popeyhttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/~kamion <- spammer in launchpad12:51
popeyhttps://answers.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+question/2047 example12:51
Davieytop find popey12:51
lagahaha. colin watson? ;)12:51
Davieylaga: he's a known spammer12:52
lagayeah, but some answers seem legit?12:52
Davieylaga: it is his account by the looks of it.. i reckon cjwatson is a closet spam king12:53
lagaoh, viagra spam. how original.12:54
cjwatsonit's arriving by the mail interface, not by authenticated posts12:54
ubottuGutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour12:54
cjwatsonI've had a very large volume of bounces recently which indicate somebody is forging my from address on a large scale12:55
cjwatson(not unusual in the modern Internet of course)12:55
lagayou seem to have a very good explanation for everything, mister watson.12:55
cjwatsonsod off :)12:55
laganow tell me, how much are they paying you?12:55
cjwatsonI'd certainly appreciate an LP admin killing the spammish entries12:56
DavieyThe real issue is, can cjwatson get us a discount on little blue pills?12:56
cjwatsonFWIW that particular run ("Your internet access is going to get suspended") was so large that I had to filter my mail upstream to discard the bounces; I was getting so many of them that I couldn't download them over ADSL faster than they were arriving12:57
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
cjwatsonI got in excess of 10000 bounces in four hours or so12:57
popeyi had that happen to me some years ago, i also got quite a lot of hate mail as a result :(12:58
cjwatsonif I got any, I didn't see it - the only way I could catch enough of the bounces was to filter on the entire message content, so anything with that string in it I'll just never see12:59
* Daviey *assumed* the mail interface required PGP signing.. can't belive that isn't required!12:59
cjwatsonit's required for anything that changes state, like bug control (the " affects"-type syntax)13:00
cjwatsonnot for ordinary contributions13:00
Davieyon the plus side, it must have added lots of karma points :)13:00
cjwatsondoubt it made a huge dent, I have quite a bit karma from actual work ;-)13:02
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Adri2000spam: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lintian/+bug/36505/comments/1115:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 36505 in lintian "Ubuntu Lintian shouldn't do the nmu checks" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:25
kikoAdri2000, thanks.15:39
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jwendellhi, folks. From what place LP gets my picture to show inside google maps (when someone clicks on me)?16:58
mtaylorjwendell: from your profile17:07
jwendellmtaylor, am I supposed to insert another picture aside apart from the main one (192x192)?17:08
jwendellbecause it's not working to me17:09
intellectronicajwendell: i think there's a bug associated with it. you used to be able to upload a smaller version of your picture but you can't anymore17:09
intellectronicasalgado might know more about this17:09
salgadojwendell, bug 26273917:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262739 in launchpad-foundations "Not possible to change a person's logo anymore" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26273917:09
jwendellah ok, thanks17:11
intellectronicawgrant: https://bugs.staging.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wxmaxima/+bug/4315017:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 43150 in wxmaxima "[SRU] maxima frontends fail to connect" [Medium,Fix released]17:22
liwI deleted a package (system-cleaner) from my PPA an hour ago, so that I can upload a new .orig.tar.gz; I still can't, LP claims the package still exists in the archive, what's up?17:23
bigjoolsliw: you can't rely on deletion requests to be able to re-upload the same source version with different contents17:25
bigjoolshttps://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Deleting packages17:26
liwbigjools, that has worked before17:28
liwoh well, I'll not use the PPA for this, then17:28
bigjoolsliw: maybe, this is a hole that's been plugged because....17:29
bigjoolsbye then17:29
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=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
thekornintellectronica et al.: searchTasks is  just awesome!18:31
intellectronicathekorn: thanks. please feel free to bug me about it any time. it's already quite powerful, but i'm sure we can improve it even more18:32
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thekornintellectronica, one thing I just found out is: the result does not behave like other collections, for example it has no `total_size` attribute18:34
intellectronicathekorn: really?! i wouldn't have expected it to behave any differently. let me check18:35
thekornmaybe I'm using it wrong, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50210/18:37
intellectronicathekorn: that's interesting. would you mind filing a bug and subscribing me? i don't really understand why that is happening18:42
intellectronicamaybe leonardr would have an idea18:42
leonardrintellectronica, thekorn, searchtasks probably returns an object that the web service doesn't recognize as a collection, so it's just passed through18:43
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thekornah, ok18:46
thekornintellectronica, bad news: bug 270792 is not fixed for me, still get a 503 error an staging when trying to get a list of messages of bug 1 from staging :(18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270792 in malone "HTTP Error 503: Service Unavailable when retrieving big collection of messages" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27079218:46
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)18:46
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intellectronicathekorn: :(18:47
thekornOOPS-998S71 if it helps18:47
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thekornleonardr, is this "result of searchTasks behaves not like a collection" a bug in launchpadlib or in launchpad itself18:52
leonardrthekorn: almost certainly launchpad18:53
thekornok, thanks18:54
leonardrthekorn, can you paste me the launchpadlib code you wrote that got that error?19:03
thekornleonardr, I filed https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/274074 with the code19:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 274074 in malone "result of searchTasks does not behave like other collections" [Undecided,New]19:04
intellectronicaleonardr: see the bug i've just subscribed you to19:04
leonardrthekorn, it looks like a launchpadlib problem after all19:25
leonardrthekorn: you can workaround with int(bugs._wadl_resource.representation['total_size'])19:26
thekornleonardr, ah ok, thanks19:29
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paolettopnHI, goodnight at all,20:50
paolettopnThere is an LP admin can solve our problem ?20:51
lagawhat problem do you have?20:52
paolettopnlook at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/4610620:52
paolettopnis so easy...20:53
lagaah. i'm sure an launchpad admin will look at it20:54
paolettopnNow we don't have a 'Source Code' Tag in our page20:55
paolettopnWe are waiting for it...20:55
paolettopnok , thanks again...20:59
paolettopnsee you later..20:59
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
thekornintellectronica, are you around? one more searchTasks question, how can I search for all bugs against a package in a distribution? is package == component?21:54
FlimmWhy won't launchpad recognise my user when I commit?22:20
ahasenackdid some timeout change in launchpad recently? I can't list the bugs from a particular milestone anymore, I always get a timeout error22:21
FlimmFound the answer: bzr whoami "Name <email@host.com>" solved it.22:32
intellectronicathekorn: you should be able to just call searchTasks on the package. does that not work for you?22:34
thekornintellectronica, sorry, maybe I do not understand the datastructure, but how is a package presented in the API?22:37
thekornis it a project?22:37
thekornI don't see something like distibution["ubuntu"].package["vino"]22:37
marsahasenack, which page are you getting timeouts on?22:38
intellectronicathekorn: ah, that's a good question. i always think of how you refer to these things using URLs (which is just like how you'd refer to them using the web interface). i'm not sure how you can get to it using the object model. let me find out22:39
thekornsuper, thanks22:40
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ahasenackmars: https://launchpad.net/landscape/+milestone/later22:41
lordz20hello room22:41
marshi lordz2022:42
lordz20Hi mars22:42
lordz20hows your day22:42
marsahasenack, works for me?22:42
marslordz20, fine thanks22:42
ahasenackmars: you probably can't see the bugs22:42
ahasenack(Error ID: OOPS-998B3492)  is what I get22:43
marsahasenack, ah, hmm22:43
intellectronicathekorn: the answer is that you can't get it like this, because distribution-source-packages aren't exported yet. i'll find out what's the plan - it shouldn't be difficult to get this out22:43
intellectronicathekorn: until then, your only way to do that is by using the URL of the package22:43
thekornintellectronica, ok, can you give me an example of such an url?22:44
intellectronicathekorn: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox22:46
thekornintellectronica, wow, really? I always thought the urls for the api have to look like    api.edge.launchpad.net/beta/...22:49
intellectronicathekorn: yes, they do. sorry, i thought the only interesting bit is the stuff after the domain22:50
thekornintellectronica, ok, thanks, got it now ;) one other question: is it ok to tag new bugs related to the api in malone with "api" or should I leave them untaged23:00
intellectronicathekorn: feel free to tag them with "api"23:03
thekornok, thanks alot, and again: good work23:03
intellectronicathekorn: cheers. and thanks for all the help testing this stuff!23:04
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