
lukehasnonameMy observations of Intrepid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5843805#post5843805 for anyone who doesn't mind reading a forum post.00:35
lukehasnonameWhile I'm a little abrasive, my points stand, I believe.00:36
RAOF_lukehasnoname: Generally, the answer to your points is "because".00:45
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
RAOFIn order: 0) Yeah, still open.  It's not as OMGDIE as people make out, though. 1) People who say Wicd is more powerful than NM are lying through their teeth (or, alternatively, have wireless cards with broken drivers)00:47
RAOF2) The logout thing that you see is the upstream GNOME default, which we need to patch back to our shiny one-box solution00:48
RAOF4) OOo3 has been investigated, but probably won't be included.  Partially because it won't be released before Intrepid, most likely.00:49
danbh_intrepidRAOF: Im one of those people on point 1)00:49
RAOFdanbh_intrepid: By "more powerful" what people _actually_ mean is "doesn't require working drivers" ;).00:50
RAOFAlso, given that it's not in the repositories at all, Wicd users tend to be self-selecting - if NM worked for them, they wouldn't try wicd!00:50
danbh_intrepidRAOF: well, I have both issues.  My drivers are supposedly broken (ath9k) and wicd does seem to provide more info, so in that sense, its more powerful.  BUT,  I don't really care.  I just want something that works...00:51
danbh_intrepidRAOF: and if you know, what if openoffice is released on the date they say, oct 7.  Would it be included into intrepid?00:55
borsanianhi all, is anyone having a problem with complex character input? I am using Thai language but I cannot put the tonal signs above and under characters.01:03
RAOFdanbh_intrepid: Unlikely.  That's after (a) the Beta freeze, (b) the documetation freeze, and (c) the user-interface freeze.01:06
=== echidnaman is now known as JontheEchidna
ubottuA schedule of Intrepid Ibex (8.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule01:08
ubuntumanhey is the new theme called dust?01:13
Xyc0I am having trouble getting a sata drive to mount in intrepid01:14
Xyc0lsmod says sata_via is loaded01:15
ubuntumanreally works for me what board and cpu do you have01:15
Xyc0but I can01:15
Xyc0't see the drive01:15
ubuntumani even have a viper 10000 rpm hdd01:15
ubuntumanwhat main board do you have01:16
Xyc0does that matter, im using a PCI controller and the module is loaded01:16
ubuntumanis it mounted01:17
Xyc0the SATA controller?01:17
Xyc0where can I check that01:17
Xyc003:03.0 RAID bus controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT6421 IDE RAID Controller (rev 50)01:18
Volkodavanyone has a repo for nightly builds for vlc ?01:18
Xyc0don't they have a ppa?01:18
Volkodavppa ?01:18
ubuntumanodd beyond my scope then i have yet to hear hide or hiccup coming to hardware related issues as intrepid does nothing kernel wise01:19
Xyc0Volkodav: Personal Package Archives01:19
Xyc0I kinda lied, im really on hardy01:19
ubuntumanvolkodav this is for ibex only01:19
Volkodavhmm I'd rather add it to the repo list and forget about it01:20
ubuntumanthis is a support channel for ibex01:20
Xyc0but #ubuntu is full of kodec kids01:20
Volkodavso it will renew itself every apt-get update01:20
Xyc0yah i know, im sorry01:20
ubuntumanibex uses the hardy kernel currently01:20
RAOFubuntuman: Only if you haven't updated in the last couple of months!01:21
ubuntumanthere is no plans to add anything to the kernel as it is near perfect and video mode kernel layer editing is not yet supported yet in the main kernel so ibex will be more of a relatively small release focusing on user experiences01:22
ubuntumansudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade01:22
ubuntumansee if that fixes it01:22
ubuntumanthere is a kernel update in hardy01:23
Volkodavso no fix for skype yet on 64 bit ?01:23
RAOFVolkodav: Yes.  Use the static binary.01:23
ubuntumanno sadly the 64 bit is under developed once again01:23
ubuntumanwell skype fixed it01:23
ubuntumanwe can't fix a closed source application01:24
Volkodavstatic binary from their site obviously01:24
RAOFThat way it won't try to dynamically load the missing libQT* libraries.01:25
ubuntumanI tend to stay away from KDE applications as they are almost always broken01:25
Volkodavtrue about kde01:25
ubuntumanskype is a kde application01:26
burnernot necessarily kde01:26
RAOFFor values of KDE equal to "using QT" (like, if my memory serves me correctly, part of Internet Explorer).01:26
eeejayis internet explorer written with qt?01:27
JontheEchidnalol no01:28
RAOFIf my vague memory serves me correctly, some of it, yes.01:28
eeejayi always thought it was wxwidgets01:28
JontheEchidnaare you sure you're not confusing Qt with QT?01:29
thompaproblem here vaio stuck in stamina mode and cant use nvidia now. Anyone know how to redetect this card?01:29
ubuntumanInternet explorer 4 was written with KDE code but when 6 was released they scrapped all old code01:29
ubuntumani actually broke down and purchased nero 3 so i didnt have to use k3b01:30
thompait was running nvidia until pulled the switch to stamina, now cant get bac01:30
ubuntumanwhat do you mean thompa01:31
thompaits a vaio laptop with a switch. has two graphic choices01:31
ubuntumanoh that is an issue in bios01:31
thompaintel or nvidia ie stamina or speed01:31
ubuntumanhere http://forum.notebookreview.com/archive/index.php/t-256537.html01:32
thompaubuntuman: i figured that but now when i reboot it wont go back01:32
RAOFJontheEchidna: Confusing Qt with QT?  One's a cross-platform development environment, the other is...?01:32
ubuntumanis this ibex you are having an issue with?01:32
JontheEchidnaah, but that's not exactly something one can program in01:33
Volkodavtheir static comes in tar.bz2 format01:33
Volkodavhow do I install it? static skype I mean01:34
RAOFVolkodav: Extract the tarball somewhere, then run the 'skype' binary in there.01:35
Volkodavoh ok01:35
DanaGHmm, nvidia drivers break other things.01:35
DanaGFor a friend's laptop with that GPU-switch feature, I had to make an xorg.conf file that defined stuff for BOTH devices.01:35
thompai just want to go back to nvidia01:36
DanaGOh, and this: make sure guidance-backends is not installed -- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-guidance/+bug/25780901:37
thompai had it in speed mode, switched to stamina and installed intel, one to the other worked great,01:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 257809 in kde-guidance "guidance-backends overwrites xorg.conf without confirmation or notification, if video card has changed since last boot" [Undecided,New]01:37
thompaDanaG: cant find anything in bios, on graphic card01:38
DanaGIt's not a BIOS thing.  Actually, I didn't mention anything about BIOS.01:38
thompaii think i have to reboot and have switch in the lit led position01:38
thompaDanaG: lspci lists no more nvidia01:38
DanaGI do remember that the switch only takes effect upon reboot.  It's probably on Intel right now.01:39
Volkodavthis sucker crashes as soon as it starts to log in01:39
Volkodavthis static one01:39
thompaon install i had nvidia and then decided wanted better battery life so created new xorg file01:39
DanaGYou can actually make one xorg.conf file that will work for both.01:40
thompaDanaG: when i reboot maybe i got to move switch at a certain time, either that or ubuntu is messing with bios01:40
thompaDanaG: i know about that thanks01:40
DanaGEasiest way to use the switch: slide it before reboot.01:40
thompaDanaG: it wont work if there is no nvidia detected01:40
DanaGNote that I have a screen and a device and such for each.01:41
DanaGThat way, if one fails, it tries another.01:41
thompabeen trying to reboot but it stays lit in stamina01:41
thompaDanaG: probably need to flash the bios01:41
DanaGOh yeah, one thing you can try, next time you reboot: pull out both battery and AC, and hit the power button.01:41
thompaDanaG: good idea01:42
DanaGOh, Sony may do things differently than the Asus I worked with.01:42
DanaGThat may be a factor.01:42
thompai fear new bios flash if i can find one , looks like 200701:43
thompaDanaG: i think your right its gotta be power on it01:43
thompaim going to take out battery etc01:43
thompathen if that works ill do the configuration to use both01:44
Volkodavhmm now nvidia will not load in 2.6.27-4 kernel01:49
Volkodavwhat's up with that?01:49
danbh_intrepidI had the same problem.  Im using -3 atm01:50
Volkodavstatic skype crashes at lolg in01:50
Volkodavthe heck with it01:51
* Volkodav will wait for beta and release01:52
Volkodavshould square all these out I hope01:52
jaysonsantosHello people, I'm trying to configure my monitor on intrepid, displayconfig-gtk does not exists anymore ? How can I configure my monitor ?02:10
danbh_intrepidjaysonsantos: I think the theory is that you only need to reboot?  correct me if im wrong02:11
jaysonsantosdanbh_intrepid> that does not work, I'm using Nvidia 8 series and a 22" monitor.02:11
danbh_intrepiddoes it work at all?02:12
jaysonsantosdanbh_intrepid> Only work 1024x768. If i try to use DFP-0 resolution stay in 620x48002:13
danbh_intrepidyeah, I have no idea.  nvidia doesnt work for me either...02:14
jaysonsantosdanbh_intrepid> Thank ytou02:17
jaysonsantosdanbh_intrepid> I will wait some time02:17
lukehasnoname RAOF: You left out comments on 3). I'll get back to you when I run my own tests, but I was informed by several people that nm couldn't handle my university's wireless authentication (MS-infused PEAP)02:37
RAOFlukehasnoname: There really aren't any comments to make on (3), at least, not by me.02:38
lukehasnonameand as long as the gnome-logout thing gets re-ubuntufied to the superior interface, I will be content.02:39
RAOFAlso, you might want to try Intrepid's version of NM; 0.7 has a bunch of improvements.02:39
lukehasnonameRAOF: I'm on Intrepid, and I still can't seem to hold connection. It might be that my signal in the dorm is weak, I'll get back to you on that.02:39
RAOFBut it sometimes works?  That suggests signal strenght issues.  Which may be drivers, but I can't see NM being able to do anything about it, either positive or negative :)02:40
lukehasnonameI have intel wireless-N which has open source. And Ya,  I think you might be right that if I can get through at all..  though it might have been local cache. We'll see. But ya, the firefox/flash issue, the gnome logout... and OOo 3 already had RC out, which I would think would be good enough for a non-LTS. Meh. I so rarely use OOo since I don't take writing classes anymore. But it has some really awesome features (02:45
lukehasnonameI have to go to a meeting, I'll be around later.02:45
DanaGAre there any killer-app sort of new features in 3.0?02:46
burner.docx support02:46
DanaGCan it do the citation stuff?  That'd  be cool if it can.02:46
* burner shrugs02:46
lukehasnonameplus its interface got revamped02:47
burneri'm more concerned with getting vlc 0.9.2 than oo 3.0 :)02:47
lukehasnonamecheck openoffice.org or wikipedia, they probably have a changelog of new features.02:47
lukehasnonameCome 9.04 or maybe 9.10 I can see myself moving to get Exaile to be the default music player02:47
lukehasnonameSOOOO much better than RB02:47
DanaGI use QuodLibet, myself.02:48
DanaGIt's the only GTK app with a competent file-based view.02:48
DanaGI don't remember what it was about exaile that I disliked, actually.02:48
burneri'd use songbird if it could monitor directories02:49
burnerbut rhythmbox seems to be my goto... podcast support in banshee is far superior though02:49
DanaGI organize all my stuff with a folder-based methods, and I don't use tag-based.02:49
burner~/Music/Artist - Album/song.mp3 == my "organization"02:50
DanaGI also have an "Other Unsorted" folder.02:50
burneri like rhythmbox's smart playlists... latest 3 months of tunes based on file creation is usually where I start02:51
DanaGI do nested stuff -- for example, a collection with two main albums, and a third two-disk album.02:51
burneri'd lean exaile over quodlibet02:51
burnerbut who am i to judge02:51
DanaGOne rthing I can't stand about quodlibet: you can't 'killall quodlibet'02:52
burneri would argue that it's more of a problem that you find yourself needing to "killall quodlibet"02:52
DanaGWell, it hangs if PulseAudio dies...02:56
DanaGand PulseAudio dies sometimes when I yank my external sound card.02:57
burneri just have flash sound issues where it doesn't give any... but other than that, it's all good... knock on wood02:57
burner*grumble grumble* f'n flash *grumble grumble*02:58
DanaGAah, did you do asoundconf set-pulseaudio?03:00
* DanaG now switches to Exaile.03:01
DanaGhmm, can't killall exaile.03:02
DanaGNo improvement there, but hopefully I'll have less need to do so.03:02
DanaGOoh, an improvement: you can skip back to the beginning of a song, and not just to the previous song.03:09
burnerDanaG: what's the asound thing do?03:11
DanaGIt routes all ALSA audio through PulseAudio, to use PulseAudio's mixing.03:12
burnerbad ass.. so flash + rhythmbox might actually work?03:12
DanaGThe only thing is, some apps like Skype don't play well with PulseAudio.03:12
DanaGWine is one of them, actually.03:12
DanaGIt's gotten better, I think... I don't remember when I last tried it.03:13
burneraww... i notice that I have to use audacious if I start warcraft 3 and want music after wc3 started03:13
burnerif i start rb, then launch wc3, rb will work03:13
burneroh man... thanks for that asound thing DanaG.. you made my day!03:16
DanaGWhile you still remember to do so, try experimenting with some audio stuff in Wine.03:16
miloszis Xorg 7.4 going to make it into Intrepid?03:38
crdlbxserver 1.5 already is, at least03:38
miloszjust updating again03:39
miloszah i didn't realize i'm already running 1.503:40
burner1.5.1 was just released03:45
cwilluwhy must I have 'logout' and 'switch user' as the single click options on my laptop?03:51
cwilluyay, uninstalling <random package that provides suspend+hibernate in one easily broken package, that never worked, or did anything in the first place under hardy> fixed my broken intrepid suspend!03:54
DanaGacpi-support also royally screws up laptop-mode... instead of detecting battery power, it entirely disables the daemon when on AC.03:57
cwillupeople use laptop-mode anymore?  I thought that was deprecated03:58
cwilluor are you not referring to /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode?03:59
* cwillu squeals with glee as he installs latencytop04:00
miloszbtw there are icon size issues in the logout/switch user dialog04:02
miloszbrb, relogging in04:02
Prettowhy network-admin is disabled on ibex?04:03
Prettothe unlock button is also disabled04:04
Prettoany idea?04:04
lukehasnonameI just noticed "cheese" is no longer a default app04:04
cwilluPretto, you have network-admin?04:04
Prettocwillu, yes04:05
DanaGNope, I'm referring to the real laptop-mode tool, which is actually useful.04:05
cwilluI don't :)04:05
Prettocwillu, i installed it04:05
SebNaitsabeswill  Intrepid  Ibex  have newer drivers for nivida in the repo that's for legacy  as well as  the others.  since this guy is basically buggered right now, since no money for CD's,  wants loads of Windows crap to run,  Ubuntu noob,  drivers from the repo do not work, offical drivers well  installs and can't get GDM back04:05
DanaG.. not the stripped and gutted Ubuntu version.04:05
SebNaitsabeshe has no Windows CD04:05
SebNaitsabesbasically he is starting to dislike Ubuntu,  but is stuck with it for now04:06
crdlbSebNaitsabes: intrepid currently has no legacy nvidia drivers (71 and 96)04:07
SebNaitsabescrdlb: well maybe he needs legacy or maybe he don't.  256mb  RAM  computer a few or so years old04:08
bsniderthis is funny04:09
SebNaitsabesI am really wondering if upgrading it to Ibex will be the magic soloution or if that wil just make things worse,  by  the sounds of it even Ibex will run with  256mb RAM04:09
SebNaitsabesI  also wonder if upgrading it to beta is to early?04:09
crdlbSebNaitsabes: it would definitely be too early imho04:09
bsnideri hope everybody just applied htat fireforks update and restarted04:09
SebNaitsabeswell beta is already feature complete right,   just some bug fixes?04:10
cwilluSebNaitsabes, probably, seeing as it's not beta yet :p04:10
SebNaitsabes2nd october04:10
SebNaitsabes,but with these problems is it a good idea to upgrade to beta or not?04:10
crdlbubuntu is on a 6 month cycle, so a month is a lot04:10
cwilluSebNaitsabes, re: nvidia, you could always try nvidia's official installer04:11
SebNaitsabesyeah even waiting 6 mounths for a final of  whatever the next version is at the time,  can be a bit long04:11
SebNaitsabescwillu: yes we did this, but then  his GDM won't load04:11
SebNaitsabesand  I am only remote connecting this guy so I can't do certain things obviousley04:11
cwilluSebNaitsabes, well04:11
SebNaitsabesdrivers from the repo and his  resolouton is buggered up04:11
cwilludon't upgrade him to an alpha (or even a beta) if you can only connect remotely04:12
cwillure: gdm, my suggestion is to have some quality time with the machine, it's usually pretty straightforward04:12
SebNaitsabeswell he is total nob04:12
cwilluyou're the one who's supposed to have the quality time :p04:13
SebNaitsabeshe shoudn't really be using Ubuntu in the first place,  but that's what happended04:13
SebNaitsabesoh  I have spent loads of time with him, but   I am not sure about GDM04:13
SebNaitsabesinstalls offical driver and GDM won't load.  after running the restart command also04:14
SebNaitsabesmaybe it's the wrong driver even04:14
cwilludefine 'install official driver'04:14
DanaGnvidia.com?  yeah, it won't work -- you have to use the packaged one.04:15
DanaGAnd if it's a card older than FX series... you're likely to need the 96 drivers.... which are broken in X server 1.5 or 7.4 (argh, dual numbering!).04:16
crdlbDanaG: just call it 1.5 :>04:16
SebNaitsabesI was up for trying the well not impossible, but probably difficult to get working since he has no CD's that's right.  boot a partition from Grub  that is running the tinyxp ISO and then install that to another partitoin04:16
SebNaitsabes,but then stupid Live CD.  can't just isntall x11vnc04:16
SebNaitsabesso he gave up04:16
DanaGWhy even is there that dual numbering?04:17
cwillueh?  livecd can install x11vnc, but you have to remember to enable universe04:17
cwillubecause xserver != xorg04:17
crdlbDanaG: because each component is separate04:17
haydnDoes anyone know how to review the changes made by Update Manager? Thanks04:17
SebNaitsabesyeah said to him open sources list and that.  is this and that ticked?04:17
crdlbbut in this case, it's the xserver that broke its ABI04:17
pwnguinDanaG: its more modular that way!04:21
DanaGdamnvidia.  Would it just take a recompile by nvidia, or are there API changes or such as well?04:22
aroonihas anyone downloaded all the updates recently?  is it a good/bad move?  i'm having problems with the daily (last saturday) not acceptin 128 bit wep hex keys... even though i'm entering the right ones, it not remembering what passwords i entered upon a restart, and wpa not working....04:26
arooniwireless is rtl-8185l chipset04:26
cwilluarooni, works fine here, but I don't use wep, and I have a broadcom, not a rtl :p04:28
DanaGI had the same issue with my Intel (2200) until I changed my network profile to be a "System Setting"04:29
arooniDanaG, same problems as me?  where did dyou go to change that04:29
DanaGRight-click the applet and go to Edit Connections...04:30
DanaGI also renamed the annoying "Auto <SSID>" to just SSID.04:30
DanaG... because "Auto Home" looks stupid.04:30
cwilluwhat new and wonderful thing can I break in intrepid?04:31
DanaGHmm, /me wonders what you can do with PulseAudio and a thin client.... perhaps use one to act as a PulseAudio endpoint?04:34
cwilluI was toying with using my n800 as a pa endpoint for my mythbox so that I could use headphones on my tv late at night04:35
cwillucouldn't find a working pa package though (although maemo 5 is supposed to run pulseaudio)04:35
* DanaG wishes PA had some integration with the window manager... so you'd have checkboxes for what device the audio would go to.04:36
DanaGOr option buttons, if you have the "combine" feature disabled.04:36
cwilluvolume control next to the minimize button :)04:36
DanaGs/option/radio/  or whatever the heck they're called nowadays.04:36
outbriI'm running alpha 6. my memory is being 100% hogged, by two programs: python and play. neither of them will be stopped through the system monitor, why is this?05:04
* cwillu sighs05:06
cwilluone can make a snarky reply, in which case they leave in a huff, because you gave them a snarky reply.05:06
cwilluor one can make a well-thought-out response, that'll get them pointed in the right direction, and maybe even answer their question completely, but will take more than the 3 minutes they're willing to spend in the channel05:07
DanaGyay: "debian/patches/pulse_update.patch: Latest pulseaudio plugin taken from alsa-plugins GIT. This code update massively improves the plugin's behavior, particularly with some applications that may work with alsa in an unusual way."05:08
DanaGIs Wine one of the things it fixes?05:08
cwillusaw that05:08
cwilluno idea re: wine05:08
TeslaTonyI just upgraded to 8.10, and so far so good. My only complaint is that when I try printing on my HP P1005 printer, it starts, then says "Print job has completed" after doing nothing. Anyone know a fix?05:42
cwillus/complaint/bug report/g05:42
cwilluany life from the printer?05:43
TeslaTonyThe HP toolbox has no problem recognizing the printer05:44
cwilluwill it print a testpage?05:44
TeslaTonyAny print attempts result in the same thing05:44
TeslaTony"Print job started" "Print job finished"05:45
cwilluincluding via commandline?05:45
TeslaTonyHaven't tried that05:45
cwilluusb or parallel?05:45
TeslaTonyHow would I test via commandline?05:45
* cwillu feels a sense of deja vu, but can't remember what he did, and so curses the useless synapse that fired, causing that feeling05:46
cwilluprinting something via lpr (there should be a test ps file, can't remember the exact name though)05:46
cwilludo you get any life when you unplug and replug the usb cable?05:47
cwillu(via the gnome printing dialog)05:47
cwilluTeslaTony, it worked under 8.04?05:47
TeslaTonyNope. Never got it working05:47
TeslaTonyIt says "Device Status Error" if I unplug it05:48
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
arooniDanaG, so after you hit edit connections how do you turn your network profiles to a system setting05:50
TeslaTonyNo reaction when I plug it back in, even when I turn it off and back on05:50
AdamMoredoYou Ubuntu developers did a great job with Intrepid. I like how KDE 4.1 looks on my desktop.05:50
DanaGHmm.  It may take this: sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart05:50
cwilluTeslaTony, take a look at bug #9645405:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 96454 in restricted-manager "[Feisty, Gutsy] MASTER: HP LaserJet 1000/1005/1018/1020 don't work because of missing firmware" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9645405:51
TeslaTonyWould the HP Toolbox interfere with the native Ubuntu interface?05:55
cwillupossibly.  I don't know hp toolbox's relation to the rest of the system05:57
milos_if nm-applet crashes, how to run it again?06:04
TeslaTonyalt+F2 then type nm-applet06:06
milosFTeslaTony, yes, it is working now, but after crashing it just show some errors.06:13
maccam-sagerok i highly doubt it but is xorg 7.4 going to be in intrepid?06:47
lemonadei guess not06:48
crdlbmaccam-sager: yes, but I'm curious: why do you ask?06:49
maccam-sagerbecause it was only released today, which is rather late in the development cycle06:49
maccam-sagerit has much better support for the intel 965 graphics chip i believe06:50
mazzenmaccam-sager: take a look at http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/xorg06:50
crdlbxserver 1.5 was released on Sep 306:50
crdlbmaccam-sager: Xorg is not a monolithic release (like pre-7.0 was)06:51
maccam-sagercrdlb: xserver 1.5.1 was released yesterday, followed by xorg 7.406:51
crdlball they do is declare a set of packaged as "xorg 7.4"06:52
crdlbessentially, everything was already released06:52
maccam-sagerwill mesa be upgraded to 7.2?06:53
lemonadecrdlb: aah, didn't know that06:55
cyphasehmm.. the gstreamer bad and ugly plugins are being installed in the latest update06:58
eythianwhen do the Ibex betas start?06:59
cyphasethey're dependencies of totem-gstreamer and a few other main packages07:00
eythianok. How has the alpha been going? I'm thinking of upgrading to help test a new hardware driver that doesn't work in hardy. I can handle some breakage OK, but would like the computer to generally work :)07:01
SwedeMikeeythian: I've been running it for several weeks, it generally works.07:01
maccam-sagereythian: hence the alpha :-P07:01
lemonadei guess the newest kernel solved the hanging problem with my laptop07:02
eythiancool, generally working is good enough for me :)07:02
lemonadei've been using it since alpha 107:02
mickepfor me, problems with network stability problems was solved from alpha5 to alpha6. Not it runs pretty smoothly.07:02
lemonadehas worked quite well07:02
maccam-sageri can't wait for the beta to come out07:02
maccam-sagerfinally get ubuntu on my laptop07:02
lemonadeonly few hickups07:02
TeslaTonycwillu: Bingo! I got printing! (at least a test page). http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=840507&highlight=p100507:14
DanaGOh yeah, good idea: put a warning about the Intel 82655 Ethernet issue in the topic!07:33
DanaG"may break your system -- and if you have an Intel 82655 Ethernet Adapter, Alpha 6 may render it _permanently inoperable_"07:38
maccam-sagerDanaG: any idea which chipset that is? is it new? 815? 915? 965? newer?07:39
crdlba whole bunch of them I believe07:39
DanaGIt's Centrino 2 (Montevina).07:39
DanaG82566 and 82567 are the new one.07:39
DanaG82655 is the old (not affected) one.07:39
DanaGDon't you just love Intel's numbering?07:40
DanaGThe warning on the download page doesn't specify what's exactly affected.07:40
maccam-sageri've got montevina07:41
maccam-sageri was looking forward to everything just working in the new release07:42
maccam-sagerDanaG: do you think it's something that will be fixed soon? i was hoping to put the intrepid beta on here....07:42
DanaGWait for the next alpha, and at least the module will be not present at all in the kernel image.07:42
DanaGI'd rather have no ethernet than have the thing nuke my ethernet adapter.07:43
DanaGI've always found it handy to have random spare hardware around -- for example, some cardbus wired and wireless NICs, one USB wired NIC and one USB wireless NIC, and such.07:44
maccam-sageryeah i've got all the new montevina stuff, wifi, ethernet, processor...07:45
DanaGAaah: useful doc for the table of chipsets:07:45
maccam-sagerso 8.04 was pretty much a nogo, i didn't feel like fscking with it07:45
DanaGI'm going to get my next laptop with AMT enabled... another fun thing to play with.07:46
DanaGThat PDF has a list like this (just pasting two rows of an 8-row table:)07:46
DanaG Device ICH Vendor ID Device ID Revision ID*07:46
DanaG82567LM  9    8086      10E5        0x007:46
DanaGSo, that's a much more readable format.07:48
DanaG"ICH9" is something alpha testers should be able to figure out that they're using.07:48
DanaGIn addition: "The Montevina 82567-LM Device ID (10BE) was incorrectly included with in-box drivers that are installed as part of Windows* Vista* Service Pack 1. Since support for this device was not fully developed for the in-box driver, the driver does not load correctly and presents the user with an error [Code 10 – driver could not start the device]. To prevent the user from having the Code 10 error, the Device ID was changed to 107:50
DanaGSo, both the old and the new device IDs are valid, depending on the system.07:50
* DanaG goes and randomly pokes parts of Intel's building... and watches as walls fall down.07:55
DanaGTime to go off to bed (AIM status: "S£33Þing")07:56
DanaGYay, unicode.07:56
DanaGTue Sep 23 23:56:22 PDT 200807:56
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eklofHi guys.09:21
eklofJust installed Ibex and there is no network manager it seems.09:21
eklofIs that a known problem?09:21
alex_mayorgaI have nm just fine09:21
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alex_mayorgadid you have it before?09:22
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eklofalex_mayorga: in hardy yes09:22
alex_mayorgaaccording to aptitude is not automatic install, so maybe try an aptitude install network-manager for now09:23
eklofits on the cd?09:26
eklofits installed it seems09:27
eklofwill try to run it manually09:27
clustyi wanted to figure out if this is an ubuntu bug or postgres09:39
clustypg_config --includedir-server should return the place where the postgres dev C headers are located09:40
clustybut it returns the path with a small mistake09:40
clustyshould I post this in ubuntu or postgres?09:40
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ikoniaclusty: whow did you install postgress09:53
clustyikonia, deb package09:54
ikoniaclusty: ubuntu deb package, from the ubuntu repo's ?09:54
clustyikonia, yes09:54
ikoniaclusty: I'd report it to ubuntu then, and let them push it up stream if it's not a packing error09:55
clustyikonia, oki doki. will do. thanks09:55
clustyikonia, this is awkward.....09:58
clustyikonia, pg_config exists in both libpq-dev and postgresql-server-dev-8.309:58
clustythe later bring the headers in the right place09:58
clustybut the former has the script but no headers where they ought to be09:59
ikoniaclusty I'd log it against postgresql-server-dev-8.309:59
ikoniabut thats only my opinion10:00
clustyikonia, will do10:00
chronographerHI. my screen saver soesn't work. it slowly fades to black then pops back to the desktop. Anyone know whats going on?10:24
ikoniachronographer try a different screen saver10:25
chronographeryep. tried that10:26
chronographerstill drops back to the desktop when it should start the screen saver.10:27
ikoniachronographer: have you tried setting it to "lock" on screen saver to see if it goes back to desktop or back to a lock prompt10:28
chronographerhmm. no, I could try that10:29
chronographerafter the recent update, it worked! but only once. now it just does as described above. I will give setting it to lock a go.10:30
eklofnow it works, i reinstalled network manager and restarted10:30
elmargoldoes jockey-kde work for you?10:38
milos_my usplash is not working correctly. It starts for a few seconds and then it turns off. I have a feeling this happens because of my slow hdd. Is there a way to configure this?11:23
elmargolisn't jockey the software to install new hardware drivers for intrepid?11:37
elmargolI'm wondering how I install the nvidia drivers on kde4...11:37
ikoniaelmargol: use hardware manager (the restricted drivers tool)11:38
elmargolikonia what is the name of the hardware manager?11:38
ikoniain kde - don't know11:38
chronographerrestricted-manager or something11:48
chronographeryou can also install nvidia-glx-177 or something11:49
elmargoljockey-kde seems to be still broken :(12:17
maekomfg I can't wait for Intrepid so I can use Compiz-Fusion 0.7.812:57
cwilluwhy?  wazzat?13:05
cwilluthey're waiting for you, in the test... chamber...13:11
IdleOneAll right, who broke my sound ?13:39
maekIdleOne, ur cat13:42
IdleOnemaek: I think you might be right13:43
IdleOnebut I am off to play golf, sound will wait13:43
Prettowho knows how to solve this vmware installation error13:46
Prettofrom /tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/linux/driver.c:115:13:46
Pretto/tmp/vmware-config1/vmmon-only/./include/compat_semaphore.h:5:27: error: asm/semaphore.h: No such file or directory13:46
cwilluPretto, as far as I can tell, it's a screwup on vmware's end, you'll probably have to contact them for support (googling your error message gave me a handful of posts from several distros that use 2.6.27, all linking back to a vmware community site that I don't have a login for)13:52
Prettocwillu, i went    there... no post about the error13:53
cwillufor future reference, googling the exact text (or some chunk of it) will often point you to an answer13:53
Prettoi think i know   the problem, semaphore.h is in another directory. not asm13:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 263837 in ubuntu "VMWare Server on kernel 2.6.27-2-generic: cannot compile vmmon module" [Undecided,New]13:54
Prettoi will try something here... if it works i will answer  to that bug13:54
* cwillu loves playing "type the question into google, and paste the answer into irc"13:55
cwillubest. game. ever.13:55
jaysonsantosHello, people I think maybe you need reconsider in remove displayconfig-gtk. To configure nvidia with a 22" monitor i need install guidance-backends and dispkayconfig-gtk from hardy. What do you think about that ?14:32
affluxI'm not having any sound since the last updates. padevchooser does not list any useful sinks (rtp and combined) and using alsa either fails or outputs nothing.14:34
JontheEchidnajaysonsantos: displayconifg is a landmine-filled, unmaintained piece of software that was barely hacked in to proper shape for hardy. It's dead14:41
jaysonsantosJontheEchidna> The matter is, I tried to configure xorg using a lot of options and neither works, so I used displayconfig. That is a great utility for me.14:43
jaysonsantosJontheEchidna> I'm not the only wich have problems with nvidia widescreen.14:44
Myrttiis anyone using epiphany-browser or have it installed on 64-bit?14:53
emmaIntrepid is having some issues with firefox, is this a known issue?14:54
emmaAlso the ati-drivers don't work. And there is something called nviewer that crashes continuously.14:54
PiciMyrtti: Sorry, 32bit firefox here14:54
MyrttiI *hate* firefox and I refuse to use it14:55
emmaI ought to stress I'm not complaining. Nor looking for help with fixing it. I want someone to know in order so that it does not hurt Ubuntu at release.14:55
emmaAhh. I'm using 64 bit, I should say that also.14:55
Piciemma: If you mean the proprietary ATI drivers, its a known issue. The rest you may need to search launchpad for.14:55
MyrttiI'll try the webkit one too...14:55
emmaOkay good to know the ati drivers are a known issue.14:55
emmaThere seems to be some issue with flash and/or nviewer14:55
emmayoutube videos are playing with a lot of static all around the edges and often things just crash.14:56
emmaWhen is the official release date for Intrepid?14:56
maekemma, October 30th14:57
emmaooh that's pretty soon. About a month left.14:58
emmaI hope intrepid will be smooth and work better than Hardy did.14:58
Myrttiok, it's epiphany itself which is broken14:58
affluxMyrtti: I'm using it14:58
Myrttiit doesn't work with even webkit...14:58
* Myrtti reboots and checks if that helps14:58
afflux(on amd64)14:58
emma64 bit?15:00
emmaI suppose since i am using 64 bit intrepid, some of my problems might be specific to 64 bits.15:01
void^thank $deity, flashblock works again15:02
Myrttithank Gaia, epiphany works again, I paniced for no reason ♥15:03
* Myrtti tosses n+1th antacid tablet in15:03
emmaEvery time I start firefox it 'greys out' and i have to force quit.15:04
HewSomeone has questioned me setting the importance of bug 104525 to wishlist. I still think this is the correct setting. Could someone else provide their thoughts?15:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104525 in ntp "default ntp.conf should use pool.ntp.org servers" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10452515:21
HewAnyone else celebrating that the giant bug 252174 has finally been fixed? haha15:27
Hewnbl: hi15:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 252174 in gvfs "gvfsd-trash crashed with SIGSEGV in g_main_context_dispatch()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25217415:27
nblhaving problems with ubuntu waking up from sleep/suspended state15:28
nblim looking at syslog and nothing sticks out15:29
emmawhat should you do when synaptic is broken also?15:30
emmai'll use the terminal sudo apt-get update  yes ?15:31
Hewemma: broken, as in broken packages?15:31
emmaNothing is quite working right on 64 bit Intrepid at the moment. It's like everything started falling apart :)15:32
Hewnbl: Yea, I can't get resume working either, and haven't been able to on past releases too. I'm not sure what the problem is, there's probably a bug report for it somewhere.15:32
emmawhen i went to do an update with the update icon in the gnome panel it opened synapic, checked packages but then does not install them.15:32
nbli thought i had it working on kubuntu 8.04 kde415:33
Hewemma: You pressed apply? Did it ask for confirmation of installing the packages? Did it go through the download/install process?15:33
emmaDid not do anything, just repeated the 'checking packages' dialog box.15:33
Hewnbl: You may have, but I didn't. Sorry but I can't help with your issue. Perhaps someone else can.15:33
emma'reading package information' 'building dependency tree' 'reading state information'15:34
emmathis is in the 'update manager' from the icon in the gnome panel.15:35
emmait just brings up that dialog box but then returns back to the list of packages.15:35
emmadoes not install them as usual.15:35
emmaI'm going to restart the computer to see if that helps.15:35
Hewemma: I am confused. Are you using synaptic, or update-manager (the icon in gnome-panel)?15:36
Hewemma: ok15:36
emmaupdate manager.15:36
emmai thought they were the same but I guess not.15:36
emmaI'll be right back. I'm going to restart.15:38
waseidelhi, if somebody can help me I have installed ubuntu intrepid ibex up to date and it doesn't works good my usb ports15:41
waseidelI mean, I have an pendrive and it works fine but my webcam and a mouse doesn't appears when i make a lsusb  in a terminal15:42
waseidelhi, somebody it's here????15:43
=== House_Windows is now known as House
waseidelcould you help me with a trouble with usb devices?15:44
waseidelsorry my english it's not much pretty xD15:44
waseidelI have an pendrive and it works fine but my webcam and a mouse doesn't appears when i make a lsusb  in a terminal15:45
waseideland they does'nt work15:46
nblshould i ask help in the main ubuntu channel?15:46
waseideli was send here because i have installed intrepid15:47
HouseiCan't help you15:48
HouseI stayed in Ubuntu 7.0115:49
waseidelhmmm ok15:49
=== kalpik_ is now known as kalpik
ikoniaHouse: ubuntu 7.10 support is in #ubuntu15:59
ikoniawaseidel: what's up15:59
waseidelikonia, look i have installed intrepid but it doesn't work with my usb webcam and my usb mouse but with my usb pendrive works perfectly16:01
ikoniawaseidel can you give us a little more detail please.16:01
waseidelmy laptop is a compaq presario f566la with processor amd turion 64 mk-32 2.2ghz, Ram 1024MB, graphics nVidia GeForce Go 6100, wifi Broadcom BCM431116:03
waseidelHDD SATA16:03
davismj1i'm having an issue with skype16:03
waseidelwhat else do you want?16:03
waseidelor need16:03
ikoniawaseidel first of all, what the actual problem is16:05
ikonia"doesn't work" isn't much16:05
ikoniain what way doesn't work16:06
ikoniawhat are you doing to get it to work / use it16:06
ikoniawhat model of device is it16:06
waseidelno appears in a lsusb begginig there16:06
ikoniadid it used to work ? has it ever worked ?16:06
ikoniawaseidel: ok so lsusb can't see it16:06
ikoniawaseidel: if you tail the syslog and plug it in, does anything get written to the syslog ?16:06
waseidelyes, but the pendrive i see16:06
davismj1its not working anymore on intrepid16:08
davismj1anyone know how to get skype running in intrepid16:09
waseideldavismj1, i have working fine skype16:09
waseidelenglish or spanish but i don't know what it's that16:11
davismj1i just installed the new updates to intrepid and skype won't launch16:12
davismj1it launches16:12
davismj1logs in and exits16:12
terminatorI just installed the new updates and xchat will not load16:13
terminatorI am writing this from Hardy.16:13
fservemy pidgin wont launch on intrepid16:13
Hewdavismj1: skype is not an Ubuntu package, so it's not supported by Ubuntu16:13
davismj1is there an open source skype16:14
Hewterminator: Which updates? Did it include an xchat update?16:14
davismj1err open source edition?16:14
Hewdavismj1: no16:14
terminatorNo xchat update16:14
stevkodavismj1: no16:14
terminatorjust mainly a lot of small updates and a kernel update to -416:15
Hewterminator: if you type the xchat command in a terminal, what is the output?16:15
Hewfserve: What happens if you type pidgin in a terminal? What is the output?16:16
terminatorit just hangs with no text output16:16
fserve(pidgin:18949): Pango-WARNING **: Error loading GPOS table 0x157f16:16
terminatorI have to use force quit to kill it.16:16
fservenow, pidgin is loaded.16:17
Hewterminator: It freezes immediately? Does anything graphical appear?16:17
Hewfserve: congrats16:17
fservei think that was the new updates16:17
fservegot 88 updates right now16:17
waseidelikonia, nothing apear when i pludge and unpludge the usb webcam16:18
fservei'm using newwave theme with icons lock screen, gdm and emerald, is veery, veery sweet : D16:18
fservedistro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10]16:18
ikoniawaseidel: have you tried this kit on any other PC ?16:18
terminatoryes the irc connection page16:18
terminatorwhere you select what server you want.16:19
waseidelyes, because when i was installed hardy i can see it16:19
Hewterminator: is this xchat or xchat-gnome?16:20
terminatorregular xchat and xchat-gnome16:21
davismj1Hew: i just found and ran open source skype, works great...16:22
stevkodavismj1: where?16:22
Hewdavismj1: open source skype? got a link?16:23
davismj1fourth entry on the left side indicates open source editions16:23
Hewdavismj1: that's not open source16:23
stevkodavismj1: Open Source? I do not think so.16:23
davismj1oh wait no16:23
Hewdavismj1: where's the source code? :-)16:23
davismj1just kidding! haw haw16:23
Hewdavismj1: good one, you almost got me o_O16:24
Hewdavismj1: skype is evil proprietary software, avoid, avoid!16:24
davismj1i need it16:25
stevkoAnd why are you/we talking about sjype?16:25
davismj1its the client of choice at my job16:25
stevkodavismj1: If you need it then use it.16:25
davismj1i would use a non-proprietary version if i could, if something like pidgin integrated it16:26
ikoniawaseidel if you can see it in hardy, I suggest you log a bug against 8.1016:26
stevkodavismj1: And if it does not work then skype.com is good place to complain16:26
stevkodavismj1: There is not one - main reason being: no one knows how it works inside (except Skype Inc.)16:26
stevko(or is it skype ltd.?)16:26
stevkoor whatever16:27
waseideli'll make it tnkz ikonia16:27
hudnix_Hi. latest kernel killed my sound. Is this the right place to discuss?16:27
stevkohudnix_: maybe.16:27
Hewterminator: Does it work if you just connect using commands (such as /server)?16:27
davismj1ah true16:27
davismj1i wasn't complaining16:27
davismj1just wondering if anyone had a similar experience16:28
void^use skype-static-oss for now16:29
davismj1thats what i did16:30
davismj1how would i install that? its just a directory16:30
stevkoWhere is Skype in repository?16:30
davismj1not a .deb and not source code16:30
void^what's just a directory?16:31
stevkolook inside, you may find an executable there16:32
davismj1i can run the binary (is it called a binary) from the directory16:32
void^where did you get that from? i was suggesting skype-static-oss from medibuntu.16:32
davismj1i didn't see skype-static-oss from medibuntu16:32
davismj1hmmm there it is16:33
davismj1i did a search for skype in the synaptic package manager16:33
davismj1void^, thanks a tone16:37
davismj1i got it running perfectly16:37
vallhalla82is there a web address where i can see what will be in intrepid?16:40
vallhalla82ie whats new to ubuntu16:40
vallhalla82davismj1: cool do you have the link?16:41
vallhalla82davismj1: thank you16:41
davismj1my pleasure :-)16:41
affluxwah. I'm getting "aplay: main:583: audio open error: Device or resource busy" when trying to play a file using "aplay -D hw0,0". I can't find any application actually using this output (lsof /dev/snd/* outputs nothing).16:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about digikam17:11
Ayabarawhat's the trigger to check for installed packages?17:11
AyabaraI mean to check which version of digikam currently in 8.1017:12
Piciapt-cache show ?17:13
AyabaraPici: I thought it was a trigger in this channel that could tell me17:13
AyabaraI haven't upgraded to 8.10 at home yet17:13
PiciAyabara: !info packagename17:14
PiciAyabara: or use launchpad or packages.ubuntu.com17:14
Ayabara!info digikam-kde417:14
ubottudigikam-kde4 (source: digikam-kde4): digital photo management application for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10.0~beta1-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 9744 kB, installed size 24116 kB17:14
AyabaraPici: thanks17:14
AyabaraI have a GeForce 8600M GT card. No known issues that should make an upgrade from hardy to intrepid go bad?17:16
Varka_hello, does intrepid have full support for montevino centrino 2 chipsets?17:17
aroonihas anyone downloaded all the updates recently?  is it a good/bad move?  i'm having problems with the daily (last saturday) not acceptin 128 bit wep hex keys... even though i'm entering the right ones, it not remembering what passwords i entered upon a restart, and wpa not working....17:23
aroonirtl-8185l chipset17:23
hudnix_um.. I read that I should submit bug reports through the help menu rather than the launchpad website, so all my system info would be attached. But I'm unable to find the bug reporting app. anyone know where it is?17:26
Hewhudnix_: Some apps have the "Report a problem" option, but others do not.17:27
ghindoHas anybody else had trouble downloading updates today?  Mine keep 404ing17:27
Hewhudnix_: As long as you include the version of the package in question, it should be fine to use https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug17:28
hudnix_Hew: It's not an app, it's my sound. I read there was a generic "report a bug" application accessable from the "help17:29
Hewghindo: That depends entirely on the mirror you are using.17:29
ghindoHew: Ah, I'll try a different mirror17:29
affluxhudnix_: what kind of issues do you have with your sound?17:30
Hewhudnix_: I haven't heard of such a program. For sound issues, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems17:30
Hewhudnix_: If you go to, say, nautilus, you can see the "report a bug" option in the help menu there. I believe that's the feature you are referring to.17:31
hudnix_Hew: Ah, ok, that's probably what it was talking about. I forget where I read it, but it said that was preferred to using the website because then all your sys info is available.17:33
hudnix_Thanks for the link, btw. I'll try to debug it myself. Sound was working until the latest kernel upgrade.17:34
affluxhudnix_: I'm currently experiencing sound issues too, so may I ask what kind of problem do you see?17:34
hudnix_Just the "no sound" kind of problem. The driver is loaded and the card is apparently seen.17:35
affluxhudnix_: do you usually use pulseaudio?17:35
Hewhudnix_: No worries. If you're still having problems and believe that it's a bug, report it and use that cool alsa-info.sh script which will document everything for you17:35
affluxhudnix_: try stopping the pulseaudio daemon (using "pulseaudio -k") and run "pulseaudio" from the terminal17:36
affluxIf you see one or more "Device or resource busy" messages for the alsa devices, we're having the same issue.17:36
hudnix_afflux: hmmm, pulseaudio -k returns: W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader.17:37
affluxthat's okay17:37
mnemoif I have intel integrated network card (with Realtek 8111C chip)... then am I affected by the e1000e bug?? how can I tell if im using that buggy driver or not? i really would like to help out testing ibex but im worried about breaking by network card...17:38
hudnix_ok, running pulseaudio gives that same dlopen error, two errors about setrlimit operation not permitted, and the following: ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:017:39
hudnix_nothing about "device busy"17:40
affluxhudnix_: http://privatepaste.com/391Lj0Yh4H -- the messages that seem to be my problem are marked with *17:41
Hewmnemo: The e1000e module has been blacklisted in the latest kernel update17:41
mnemohew: if I do "lsmod" should I see a module called e1000e on vulnerable systems?17:42
affluxmnemo: probably yes17:43
Hewmnemo: if you do lspci -n you will get the id17:43
Hewcompare it with the list in my comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/263555/comments/5617:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 263555 in linux "[intrepid] 2.6.27 e1000e driver places Intel ICH8 and ICH9 gigE chipsets at risk" [Critical,In progress]17:43
Hewmnemo: Note that the list is large to be on the safe side, as it's still unknown if all of these are affected. It may only be a few of them.17:44
Hewmnemo: and again, the e1000e module has been blacklisted, so if you update intrepid, then you are not at risk.17:45
Hewmnemo: e1000e will be removed from the blacklist only once the problem has been fixed.17:45
hudnix_afflux: My output is here: http://privatepaste.com/67CVh0kkt8, doesn't look like the same problem.17:47
affluxhmmm, maybe I'm just wrong with my assumption.17:47
nalyshello there, short question, does the new intrepid beta work on a sd card?17:49
Hewnalys: Beta isn't out yet. In any case, I haven't heard of Intrepid being used on a SD card, but I've heard of it being used on USB. If you can somehow boot of SD, then I guess it could work.17:50
=== marko__ is now known as marko-_-
TheInfinity7RELOAD STYLE17:51
TheInfinitysorry ;)17:51
mnemohew: thanks, it looks like im safe assuming your list of pci ids is complete... thanks man17:51
Hewmnemo: No worries. Remember, you're even safer because e1000e has been disabled until it's fixed.17:53
nalysHew: o'rly? http://ubuntu.blog.de/2008/09/07/beta-5-intrepid-ibex-4695043 anyways thanks :)17:53
affluxnalys: read again. Latest intrepid is alpha 6.17:53
Hewnalys: ya rly, and I don't read german. Mind giving me a summary of your point?17:54
nalysHew: oh sry, completely forgot, irrelevant link too, thats more what I wanted... but you prbably know better, it's just to show you what I meant with beta. the thing I'm downloading right now under the name intrepid ibex, official or not :)http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ but my question is ansewerd so I wont bother you anymore, thanks.17:58
Hewnalys: No worries. That link is to the daily image of Intrepid. Beta comes out Oct 2 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule17:59
neggeI have a problem with video playback. Using the OpenGL video module, the video is ALWAYS on top of everything. If I move a window over VLC (or any otehr player) the video appears on top of it. This also means that when I'm in fullscreen and want to right-click the video to change something the menu doesn't show (only for a split second). I also tried using the xv module but then I get weird green/purple artifacts on the video (no mat18:01
stevkoI have different, but maybe similar problem. When playing video in VLC, when other window moves over it, then the place that was covered stays black untill VLC window is moved). Cursor does not leave trail in video18:03
neggeright now when I exited fullscreen the video is playing on top of my irssi terminal screen18:05
bernrdohey guys - quick question. I just installed Intrepid on my ThnkPad T400, had to use the alternate CD to get a text install cause LIve CD was crashing due to video driver issues.18:15
bernrdonow I'm in the shell after the install ... how do I install X ?18:15
bernrdoand I've heard xorg.conf is gone in Intrepid? How do I configure my video driver?18:15
lukehasnonamebernrdo: The alt CD installs X18:18
lukehasnonameso you've booted to your hard drive after installing, and you have no X session?18:18
supertoneswhen should we expect to see a flash 10 rc package?18:19
bernrdo@luke: exactly ... no X ... if I type "startx", it says X isn't installed. Werd18:21
bernrdoi just installed xserver-xorg-video-intel .. i guess that's just the driver?18:21
lukehasnonameI don't know, but that is very odd, I've never heard of X not being installed like that.18:23
lukehasnonameapt-get install ubuntu-desktop would probably have X as a dependency18:24
lukehasnonamepure guessing18:24
danbh_intrepidbernrdo: you can also use the tasksel command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^18:26
bernrdok. I might just try to reinstall Intrepid from scratch, seems weird that X wasn't installed properly.18:26
bernrdotasksel cmd? what does it do18:26
danbh_intrepidtry it, and find out.  You can always decline the install once you see what it does18:27
lukehasnonamedanbh_intrepid: I thought tasksel was more server oriented18:28
danbh_intrepidlukehasnoname: no, its install oriented, like apt-get18:29
bernrdok will do in a sec - I think i got x server installed, but it crashes when I startx .. reding through log file18:29
danbh_intrepidO M G, I wish there was documentation that I could point people too.  I have to explain this SO many times, the whole ^ thing18:30
bernrdothis is where x crashes: "(EE) config/hal: couldn't intialize context: (null) ((null))"18:30
bernrdorunning the tasksel command didn't change anything - same as if running without the ^18:31
lukehasnonamegood luck, class is over so I'm out.18:32
DanaGWow, I just discovered: the Pro/1000 PL NIC in my Gateway is one of the ones affected by the e1000e bug.18:50
bullgard4Will Intrepid provide an improved bookmark management for Epiphany?19:16
Ayabaraany issues with wireless in intrepid? my lenovo r60 keeps hanging at boot unless I turn off the wireless.19:22
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Ayabaraanyone running 8.10 with wireless that can give me peace of mind?19:37
AyabaraI'm considering taking the leap19:37
hudnix_Go for it.19:37
Ayabarahudnix_: no fundamental wireless issues? the boot-hang I had at work was a little scary19:38
hudnix_I don't know. But go for it anyway :)19:38
ghindoAdamMoredo: Hi!19:53
DaemonikHow would I prevent users from having privileges to suspend or hibernate the system?19:55
ghindoThat seems more like a general information question - have you asked in #ubuntu?  I'd help if I knew, but I have not a clue.19:58
AdamMoredoWith the latest Intrepid update, I still can't use the device notifier on KDE. I plug in my USB device, the system recognizes it, I can mount the mass storage device, but the KDE 4.1 device notifier applet doesn't show any new devices.19:58
AdamMoredoDaemonik: One way would be to create two groups: suspend and hibernate, and change the permissions on the suspend and hibernate scripts to group ownership <your group>.19:59
DaemonikAdamMoredo, If the users simply don't have access to the scripts, they _can't_ suspend or hibernate the machine? This is an NX server which will server over three dozen users. I suppose I should look at which binaries those scripts run and prevent access to them too yeah?20:00
AdamMoredoDaemonik: Then stick users in the respective groups that you want to have access to suspend and hibernate.20:00
AdamMoredoDaemonik: I'm not too sure about your exact setup, but I'm quite sure that the general setup I prescribed should work with minor modifications to your setup.20:01
DaemonikAdamMoredo, I'm using Ubuntu server edition (huh perhaps I'm in the wrong channel), the package acpi-support is not installed, perhaps the users can't suspend the machine. I'll have to do a test when people go to lunch.20:04
dn_hey guys i am not able to get audio. i am not very adept when it comes to linux audio, not sure how to debug myself20:06
dn_it's been working, but when i upgraded some pulseaudio packages yesterday and i've not been able to get output since. when i am shutting down it always hangs on 'Stopping ALSA:'20:07
dn_i've went into preferences -> sound, and attempted tests on all the options. no output. on the ALSA ones there is an error20:09
dn_audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not get/set settings from/on resource.20:09
crimsundn_: which pulseaudio packages did you upgrade, and where did you get them?20:10
dn_a while ago i was having some issues and i did add a PPA that had fixes for issues in an old intrepid alpha20:12
dn_i'll find out the ppa now20:12
bsniderhow r u all, ladies & gentlemen?20:12
bsniderok, gentlemen & gentlemen20:12
dn_#deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/psyke83/ubuntu hardy main20:12
dn_#deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/psyke83/ubuntu hardy main20:12
_Zeus_bsnider: that was not very nice20:13
dn_as you can see, i've disabled it. i used synaptic and was going to see if i could force an old pulseaudio but it was greyed out20:13
crimsundn_: eh, you should be using luke's ppa for pulseaudio if any20:15
dn_lemme google20:16
bullgard4Will Intrepid provide an improved bookmark management for Epiphany?20:18
dn_upgrading now20:18
dn_is there a system configuration 'snapshot' system available for ubuntu?20:18
crimsundn_: not yet.20:20
dn_gonna reboot, brb20:21
AdamMoredoBy the way, what's with the imposing landscape-client error message upon (re)starting / stopping dbus?20:21
utewill nvidia-glx-96 work on intrepid with kernel 2.6.27-4 ?20:22
_Zeus_i use nvidia-17720:22
crd1bute: the problem is that nvidia-glx-96 doesn't work with xserver 1.520:22
AdamMoredoAs do I.20:22
_Zeus_!info nvidia-glx-17720:23
ubottunvidia-glx-177 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-177): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 177.76-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 8720 kB, installed size 25168 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)20:23
_Zeus_yeah, that's what i use20:23
utewill there be a fix, or is my geforce 3 now only a piece of garbage20:24
crd1bute: hopefully nvidia will get around to it20:24
crd1bnv works for 2d though20:24
_Zeus_what's wrong with 177?20:25
crd1b_Zeus_: everything, if you have a geforce 320:25
uteyes, but with nv the cpu usage of x.org is extremly high20:25
gnomefreakdoes claws-mail support gpg?20:25
utethat's the only reason to use the original nvidia driver for me20:26
crd1b_Zeus_: 173 supports gf5 and up, and 177 supports gf6 and up20:27
_Zeus_yeah, that sucks for you :(20:27
Turmsgnomefreak: yes20:28
Turmsgnomefreak: look among the plugins20:28
gnomefreakTurms: out of box or another app?20:28
dn_hey again, no that didn't help. although setting ALSA in pref > sound and doing a test no longer reports that error20:28
crimsundn_: what if you reset them to Autodetect?20:33
dn_same, no output20:33
crimsundn_: in a Terminal, does the following command give you audible sound?  aplay /usr/share/sounds/*up.wav20:40
bsnidergnome 2.4 has now been officially released20:45
TeslaTonyWhen does it reach Ubuntu users?20:46
crd1bbsnider: in 2003 :P20:47
crimsunwell, components of GNOME 2.24 were trickling into intrepid a few days ago20:47
bsnidergnome 2.24 that is20:47
crimsunnearly all, if not all, are in intrepid currently20:48
bsnideri'm sure the tarballs are being unpacked as we speak20:48
TeslaTonyI'm running 2.24 already. I was kinda wondering where 2.3 went.20:48
Pihhando you know if there is way to control backlight on laptops with intel 965GM using xrandr/xbacklight?20:49
crimsunTeslaTony: meaning 2.23?  That's the "version" for the development version leading to 2.24.20:50
crimsunthat has been GNOME practice for some years now20:50
crd1bit's the kernel versioning scheme (which the kernel ironically no longer uses)20:50
TeslaTonycrimsun: bsnider said that 2.4 was available. I'm running 2.24. Where did 2.3 go? Apparently it hasn't been made yet, thanks to bsnider's typo20:51
bernrdoguys - has ANYONE gotten an Intel x4500MHD video card to work in Intrepid ??? even with "vesa" drivers??20:51
gnomefreakTeslaTony: yes it was in repos until yesterday or so20:51
bernrdoI just made a clean install - at first x just crashed to a black screen. Managed to edit xorg.conf to use "vesa" and now it loads X but crashes to a 'striped' screen20:52
crimsunTeslaTony: 2.3 was out a long time ago, i.e., prior to 2.4 :)20:54
Pihhando you know how to handle keycodes >256?20:56
Pihhani have report20:56
Pihhan(WW) Sony Vaio Keys: unable to handle keycode 46620:56
TeslaTonyAm I the only person getting firefox updates every time there are updates to download?21:01
crimsunTeslaTony: probably not21:04
TeslaTonyCool. It just seems like I'm downloading the same packages repeatedly21:05
crimsunTeslaTony: yes, I supposed your system could have been hijacked ;-)21:06
gnomefreakTeslaTony: there was a big bug in ff update this morning21:06
gnomefreakit was fixed this afternoon21:06
gnomefreakmissing link to be exact21:07
dn_crimsun: there was no files matching *up.wav so i did aplay /usr/share/sounds/*.wav21:07
dn_nothing gave sound21:07
TeslaTonygnomefreak: That would kinda explain it. As for hijacking...it won't take much to make the hijacker regret that21:08
crimsundn_: ok, please run the alsa-info.sh script21:08
gnomefreakTeslaTony: firefox bug was real no hijack as for other issues you are having i dont know21:09
gnomefreakcrimsun: is snd_pcsp still blacklisted?21:10
crimsungnomefreak: via module-init-tools in Ubuntu, yes (but not yet in Debian)21:10
gnomefreakmaybe no sound due to that? i ran his command and got sound but i disabled the vblacklist21:10
crimsundn_: sec, waiting for xulrunner-1.9 updates to apply21:12
dn_sure thing man21:12
gnomefreakdn_: there is a kernel upgrade21:12
dn_thanks for helping21:12
crimsungnomefreak: beyond 2.6.27-4.6?21:13
gnomefreakno hes running -221:13
gnomefreakfrom this script21:13
gnomefreakKernel release:    2.6.27-2-generic21:13
crimsunah, haven't looked yet (still downloading xulrunner-1.9*)21:13
crimsundn_: any reason you're not running 2.6.27-4-generic?21:13
dn_no, that is very weird, as i swear it installed a day or two ago21:14
gnomefreak2 relelases behind, upgrade might be good start while xulrunner is upgrading21:14
gnomefreakdn_: uname -a21:14
dn_yep it's 27-221:14
gnomefreakdn_: dod you restart after kernel upgrade?21:14
dn_yep i've restarted a number of times21:15
dn_i just looked at my grub menu.lst the one i'm running is the newest21:15
bsniderroot tasks now cause seg faults21:15
gnomefreakdn_: than i suggest running an upgrade but crimsun may want you to wait on that21:15
dn_i am upgrading now, but there is no kernal files in the upgrade21:16
gnomefreakdn_: did you use upgrade or dist-upgrade?21:17
dn_i used the Update Manager21:17
dn_any time i might have manully used aptitude for updates it would have been upgrade, but the kernal updates i seen being installed recently were through the package manager21:17
gnomefreakdn_: than im not sure why you are only person not on updated kernel mayber a setting in your menu.lst21:18
gnomefreakit was yesterday that the 2nd release of 4 was in archives21:18
dn_oops, i am an idiot21:18
dn_i remember i told it not to update the menu.lst. i'm an idiot!21:18
gnomefreak-4.6 being the 2nd release21:19
dn_how can i get it to run the post install scripts for updating menu.lst?21:19
gnomefreakhow did you disable it? did you try sudo update-grub21:19
gnomefreakor was it grub update21:19
gnomefreakeh one of the 221:19
dn_a few weeks ago i manually changed my menu.lst file, i wasn't thinking when i told it not to update the file. silly, eh!21:20
dn_gonna let these current updates finish before running that21:20
dn_is there a chance that that will affect my audio output?21:21
dn_i have found it impossible to switch between kernels and keep my nvidia drivers working, they only ever work with the latest kernel i have21:21
bernrdoapt-get upgrade performs a full upgrade of every installed package, right?21:22
dn_aptitude full-upgrade definitely does that21:23
dn_there's aptitude safe-upgrade as well21:23
crimsunbernrdo: that's correct.21:24
gnomefreakcrimsun: it does now?21:25
crimsunbernrdo: full-upgrade/dist-upgrade will install/deinstall packages to smartly fulfill dependencies, but safe-upgrade/upgrade won't21:25
bernrdothx. upgrading my Intrepid Alpha 6 install ... hoping to get Intel x4500mhd to work (X to start)21:25
* gnomefreak trys to remember the email21:26
dn_update-grub found 27-4 and says it updated menu.lst but when i cat that file there is nothing about -421:26
gnomefreak2.6.27 introduced breakage to hardware just cant remember the hardware21:27
gnomefreakintel ethernet maybe21:27
crimsune1000e, among many.21:27
crimsunthat problem is already worked around via blacklist and by not building it21:27
gnomefreakoh ok i didnt see them in the file21:28
dn_mv the menu.lst and had update-grub generate a new one21:28
dn_i added in my windows xp lines to the new menu.lst21:29
dn_but yea, it's recognizing the new kernel now21:30
dn_i shall reboot, brb :)21:30
bernrdohmmm ... apt-get upgrade is downloading a bunch of shit I don't want (OpenOffice, etc). How do I just update the packages I have installed to the latest versions?21:30
crimsunbernrdo: you don't have OO.o installed?21:31
bernrdoI didn't think I did ... does it come by default with Intrepid installation?21:32
crimsunapt-get upgrade won't install or deinstall packages, so if it's upgrading them, you have them at least configured.21:32
crimsunbernrdo: yes.21:32
dn_okie doke, i'm on 27-4 now21:35
dn_still audio issues21:36
AdamMoredo27-4 -> 23 hours?21:36
bernrdohow do I remove Openoffice? I did apt-get remove openoffice.org-core and that removed a bunch of stuff, but there's still tons of openoffice packages21:37
bernrdoif I do apt-get remove openoffice* it looks like it would remove a bunch more, but it also wants to remove ubuntu-desktop... huh?21:38
gnomefreakbernrdo: remove OO.o will want to remove -desktop since it is a depends of OO.o21:39
eklofIs it possible to make an encrypted partition after installation and have it mounted in the boot-procedure?21:39
gnomefreakalthough good to have during devel cycle -desktop isnt required21:39
eklofI reinstalled now with an encrypted / but couldn't overwrite my /home so I was thinking to encrypt it afterwards21:40
gnomefreaki thought the installation did that now (atleast had an option fo encyrption21:40
gnomefreakoh ok21:40
eklofoh yes it has21:40
gnomefreakeklof: you should beable to but i never tried a whole patition21:40
* gnomefreak wonders why "can you package this package with a license.txt file" is so hard to understand? he doesnt get difference between copyright and license21:43
gnomefreakbrb while i think21:43
eklofis it possible to launch the partition editor and make the encrypted partition there?21:44
eklofLike during installation21:44
danbhfivegnomefreak: copyright is a matter of federal law, granting privileges to the creator of a work, regarding the work.  A license is a contract, where the creator (or current copyright holder) grants privileges to another, regarding the created work.21:47
gnomefreakdanbhfive: i know its upstream-package that doesnt know21:48
bernrdohow can I check that I'm using the "xf86-video-intel 2.4.0" driver for my video card? Does it come by default in Intrepid Alpha 6? Or should I download it somewhere and compile/install by hand?21:49
gnomefreakanyone with extension ideas for backing up bookmarks, replacing bookmarksftp but not firemarks. i need a free license one21:49
gnomefreakbernrdo: need driver name21:50
gnomefreakbernrdo: not sure if intel moved to default21:50
dn_crimsun: after the kernel upgrades -> http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=17bd6457fd415329d932ab2f422be5eb60b33aa521:51
gnomefreakbernrdo: apt-cache policy drivername   should give you the version you are using and the newest version21:51
bernrdoif it's not available through apt then I'd have to manually install it I guess21:51
gnomefreakbernrdo: it should be in apt21:52
gnomefreakbernrdo: AFAIK intel support is good in Ubuntu now atleast for video cards21:53
* gnomefreak sticks to the best of 3 evils "nvidia"21:53
bernrdothanks - how exactly do I find out what the driver name is? this website (http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=intel_x4500hd&num=2) calls it "xf86-video-intel 2.4.0" driver21:55
gnomefreakbernrdo: use jockey or envy to set up videocard drivers21:55
gnomefreakthey will provide the correct driver21:55
jack_distortionhi all22:09
jack_distortionDoes anyone also have problems with wacdump/tablet in alpha5 ?22:10
jack_distortionI can open wacdump -f tpc /dev/ttyS0 but won't get any output22:11
Pihhanis working xbacklight control on i965GM in intrepid alpha 6?22:12
Pihhanit does work for me in hardy, but does not work in live session of alpha 622:12
jack_distortionjust installed it it works22:14
jack_distortionhmm wait, I have 950GM22:15
jack_distortionI guess22:15
Pihhancan you check xrandr --verbose | grep BACKLIGHT22:16
Pihhanwhat do you have there?22:16
jack_distortion$ xrandr --verbose | grep BACKLIGHT22:16
jack_distortionBACKLIGHT_CONTROL: kernel22:16
jack_distortionBACKLIGHT: 7 (0x00000007) range:  (0,7)22:16
Pihhani have Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)22:16
jack_distortionI have the above22:16
Pihhandoes xbacklight -set x work to you?22:18
Pihhanoh, not to me22:18
Pihhanit did work without touching on hardy!22:19
Pihhanthat damn buggers did report that it did not work for them, now it does not work for me22:19
Pihhani have to set it manually to combination22:20
jack_distortioni cant get my tablet to be even recognized by wadump22:20
Pihhanjack_distortion: can you try, if after xrandr --output LVDS --set BACKLIGHT_CONTROL combination22:20
Pihhanwill it work?22:21
jack_distortionI hate you if N O T22:21
jack_distortionxrandr says wrong usage22:22
jack_distortionxrandr --output LVDS --set BACKLIGHT_CONTROL22:22
jack_distortiondidnt work22:22
Pihhanthere is work combination after that22:22
Pihhanbut is on new line22:23
Pihhanappend it without newline :)22:23
jack_distortionno it doesnt !!!22:23
jack_distortionnow it works again22:24
jack_distortion :P22:24
jack_distortiontry kernel instead of combination22:24
Pihhanso, your does work only in kernel?22:24
jack_distortionwhats with yours22:25
jack_distortiondoes it work in kernel ?22:25
Pihhanmine only in combination or native22:25
Pihhanno, kernel does ignore me22:25
Pihhanbut wait22:25
Pihhani have strange behaviour here22:25
jack_distortionmine doesnt work in native22:25
Pihhanit does reeealy slowly lower or raise backlight22:26
Pihhanmaybe i should specify time22:26
jack_distortionstrange, but gotta go22:26
cameronhhiya.. my intrepid system has stopped accepting ssh public keys :)22:26
Pihhanthis situation is heaven for maintainers :-(22:26
Pihhani guess they will try to fix that bug and make bug for me22:27
cameronh(From a client system with a usually accepted pubkey): debug1: Offering public key: /Users/cameron/.ssh/id_rsa; debug3: send_pubkey_test; debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply; debug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password22:27
cameronhthen it tries identity and id_dsa22:27
cameronhbefore failing back to password authentication..... the same client system works fine against any other openssh servers and used to work fine against this one22:29
Bernieyo folks, so I got Intrepid working with intel drivers, X starts fine now. But resolution is low. How can I make it recognize the proper resolution for my screen? Manually edit xorg.conf?22:32
PihhanBernie: have you tried xrandr from terminal?22:33
bsniderxorg.conf is a dinosaur22:33
Berniewill try xrandr, never have nope22:33
Berniek ran xrandr and it gave me a list of supported resolutions ... what now? :)22:34
Pihhanare there higher resolutions that you use?22:35
bsniderxrandr -s numberxnumber22:35
Pihhantry xrandr --mode 122:36
Bernieyeah, xrandr lists 1440x900 whereas right now I'm at 1280x7nn ...22:36
Pihhanwhat does return xrandr | grep Screen ?22:36
BernieScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1152 x 864, maximum 1440 x 144022:37
BernieI manually edited xorg.conf, gonna try that.22:42
Bernieok, this is weeeeeeeeeeeeird.22:47
Berniechanged the resolution manually in xorg.conf22:47
Bernietook it fine22:47
Bernieresolution changed22:47
Berniebut the bottom bar on the ubuntu desktop is shifted up & left,  like it didn't update the resolution for parts of the desktop22:48
burneryou're cloning to another monitor?22:49
Bernieweird. so I moved the bottom bar and it immediately properly docked to the bottom of the screen22:50
Berniethe top bar/panel is still shifted left though ...22:50
bsnidercan someone who's implemented the most recent updates try luanching synaptic pplease?23:22
kunim_hello, using intrepid, why do qt4 apps do not use anti-aliased fonts? (qtconfig-qt4 but also googleearth)23:28
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dn_crimsun: you still around?23:59

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