
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
kwwiiwhere is Conn when you need him :-)14:33
thorwilkwwii: may i remind you of blogging about kyudo? :)16:12
kwwiithorwil: yeah, I will do that later tonight16:15
kwwiiI have two calls and then band practice16:15
thorwilhi aantn16:23
aantnhey thorwil!16:25
* aantn still hasn't finished the blog post he's working16:26
aantnthere's some cool stuff going on in real life that's keeping me busy16:26
thorwilwell, that's good. for you :)16:27
aantnthorwil: yeah :)16:27
aantnthorwil: it's slightly frustrating not to have finished the post yet, though16:28
aantnI'm also thinking of applying for UDS sponsorship and the deadline is tomorrow16:28
thorwilcan't afford that and would feel like a suppliant - and idea i don't like at all16:30
aantnthorwil: ?16:30
aantnthe point off sponsorship is that they pay for people who aren't sent by their work16:31
thorwilaantn: having to ask and offering a talk plus crew work to be there16:31
* aantn shrugs16:32
aantnI'm a student, so I guess it's a bit different16:32
thorwilyes :) i would need to take holidays and you can bet that i will rather use them as such ;)16:32
aantnthorwil: right, I didn't think of that16:33
Nece228do you think that human murrine is faster than human clearlooks or original human?17:10
thorwiltry it. if you can't make out a difference, it doesn't matter. if it matters at all17:12
Nece228i think its a bit faster17:12
Nece228but i dont see any significant difference17:12
Nece228answer please :'(17:35
thorwilNece228: what exactly are you up to?17:37
Nece228thorwil: never mind17:43
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
rsc-hey guise. :)21:37
Cimikwwii, please update the svn22:36
kwwiiCimi: yeah, I know...I have to do that tomorrow23:31
Cimilater I'll need to do a lot of bugfixes23:31
kwwiiI got the old versions into intrepid today and gave up after I figured out that I was doing old stuff23:31
kwwiithe themes need to be udpated as well23:31
kwwiiand I already did a theme update23:32
kwwiiso I will do both tomorrow23:32
kwwiiand then I will take a nap :p23:32
Zirodaykwwii: any news?23:35
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kwwiiZiroday: no, we had a very long meeting with some new team members and I honestly didn't get around to asking23:44
kwwiiI will send an email23:44
Zirodaykwwii: no problem :)23:45
Zirodayand thanks23:45
kwwiiI was on the phone for 2+ hours as it was23:45
kwwiiI was happy that it ended23:45
* Ziroday knows how horrible com calls can be23:45
kwwiiI will find out23:45
kwwiiand get back to you on it23:45
Zirodaykwwii: no rush23:45
Zirodayand i need to know catch the bus23:45
Zirodayhave an awesome day :)23:45
kwwiisee you, have fun23:45
Ziroday1whois Ziroday123:46
=== Ziroday1 is now known as Ziroday
Zirodaythere we go, bye kwwii23:48

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