
ogasawaramrooney: I posted a note to the bug report if you can take a look.  I'll try to investigate that "noise floor calibration timeout" that you're seeing a little more.00:09
=== RAOF_ is now known as RAOF
mroone1ogasawara: thanks, I can try that PPA. I also added to the description the common dmesg errors to make it easier01:23
mrooneyOh, it appears upgrading my Intrepid install to linux 27-4 removed my Hardy menu.lst entries, I am not quite sure how to boot into it now.02:24
RAOFmrooney: (a) that sounds like a bug, unless you had your menu.lst set up in such a way that it was inevitable, and (b) you can edit the grub during boot - press esc to bring up the menu, then edit the commandline to point to your Hardy root.02:27
mrooneyRAOF: I edited it manually to remove old Hardy kernel entries and moved the Windows entry around02:29
mrooneyI don't know if that would make it un-mergeable02:29
mrooneyogasawara: still around?02:30
mrooneyI was going to install Tim's madwifi PPA but I don't see an Intrepid entry, shall I just change Hardy to Intrepid and hope it works?02:31
RAOFmrooney: As long as the hardy kernel entries were outside the "automagic kernel list" section, they should have been safe.02:33
mrooneyRAOF: thanks for the tip, I copied the relevant lines from my Hardy's menu.lst over to Intrepid's and it boots fine, phew!02:51
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jdongsigh, where's the "give negative karma" button?04:59
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RAOFjdong: ? :)05:07
jdongRAOF: the ffmpeg AMR bug05:08
jdongbug 9384905:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 93849 in ffmpeg-debian "ffmpeg does not have AMR audio support" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9384905:08
jdongboth reinhard and I tried being nice. particularly frustrating because upstream seems close to a fix and the guy keeps on attaching surveys and asking how to do silly things with launchpad buttons on the side and that ends up in my inbox.05:09
macojdong: id like one too for the reporter of bug 27189105:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271891 in ubuntu "the calculator cant even take 5% off from 1000   ...   not to talk about  even the more difficult stuff lol" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27189105:09
jdongmaco: that's a joke, right?05:10
RAOFHm.  That questionaire looks unhelpful.05:12
jdongRAOF: looks like the corporate version of "Nice drawing! Now I'm gonna hang it up RIGHT HERE on the fridge where EVERYONE can see it...."05:13
macojdong: unfortunately, no, i don't think it's a joke.  just someone who doesn't know 5th grade math trying to correct a calculator.05:14
jdongmaco: I'm pretty sure his correction breaks number theory :)05:14
macojdong: yeah, me too05:14
macoi told him to ask a math teacher05:14
jdongpoor kid.05:16
jdongI don't know of any calculator that interpolates things the way he expects.05:16
jdongnot even the fancy user-friendly CASes like the new TI's05:17
sbeattiejdong: kcalc05:19
jdongsbeattie: really?05:20
sbeattieversion 2.0.6 in hardy just did it for me, returned 950 after I entered 1000 - 5%05:21
jdongsbeattie: confirmed05:22
jdongsbeattie: but it's quirky in other ways05:23
jdonglike 20%/20% just gave me 10005:23
* jdong RTFMs05:23
jdongwow that's honestly, even more confusing05:24
jdong(1) If the final operator is + or - the second argument is interpreted as percentage of the first operand.05:24
jdong(2) If the final operator is * divide the result of the multiplication by 100.05:24
jdong(3) If the final operator is / give the left operand as a percentage of the right operand.05:24
jdong(4) In all other cases the % key gives identical results to the = key.05:24
jdongyeah this sounds too smart for its own good....05:26
jdonglike the python "a""b" => "ab" behavior05:26
lifelessjdong: C does that too05:29
pwnguin%'s or crazy c concatenation?05:29
pwnguinit might be a good idea if you have macros05:30
jdonglifeless: oh it does?05:31
lifelessjdong: I'm pretty sure :) "string1" "string2" is == "string1string2"05:32
jdongyou're right05:32
lifelessjdong: you can see it with macros to get source lines and stuff05:32
jdongdidn't know that05:32
jdongmaybe that's the use for it05:33
jdongI just found it annoying for various typos05:33
jdongparticularly involving constructing lists of lists and omitting a comma :)05:33
macojdong: file a bug "KCalc breaks number theory"05:33
pwnguinisn't there already a bug?05:33
macois it titled that?!05:33
jdongmaco: lol wait for kcalc-kde4 to reinterpret what all the other operators mean too depending on how close it was to the / button.05:34
pwnguinwell you brought up the bug maco, surely you can retitle it ;)05:34
macopwnguin: the bug i brought up was his brain breaking number theory ;)05:34
macocan we have a dummy package called "user" against which to file bugs that are user error?05:35
macoit could be fun to watch the number of bugs filed against the user05:35
pwnguinthere's plenty of serious work to be done ;)05:36
jdonggrumble wouter stomp bugs....05:36
jdongbug 26692005:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 266920 in transmission "Default should be minimal view" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26692005:37
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jdongthe minimal view of transmission is informative than the first GNOME 2.14 print dialogs with one button and 1 option.05:37
pwnguini think tomorrow, i'll do some serious work05:37
pwnguini'll fix the gnome system monitor applet to show I/O in the visible spectrum05:38
nelleryBug 500000 in debian is going to be reported tomorrow :D05:38
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 500000 could not be found05:39
pwnguinnellery: when was the BTS started?05:39
nellerypwnguin, well the copyright at the bottom of the page has a 199405:41
pwnguini think debian started in 9405:41
nelleryWell Ubuntu is past halfway there in 3 years?05:42
pwnguinare bugs in lp per project?05:43
nelleryah, got that mixed up05:44
nellery216897 every reported05:44
pwnguinwe should stop writing so many bugs!05:45
macoonly 10% of those are still open at least...05:46
macopwnguin: or so many duplicates05:47
pwnguinwell, duplicates are hard05:48
pwnguinthere's a culture of closing dupes05:48
macoi mean if less dups were reported05:50
macothe "are you sure you're not reporting one of these 10 bugs" thing is terrible at guessing05:50
pwnguini agree it's not superb05:50
pwnguinive often thought some sort of data mining challenge was in order, but I suppose there are priorities05:51
macothough i wouldn't call mozilla's "here are the 100 most frequently reported bugs that have nothing to do with your keywords" method any better05:51
pwnguindatamining and software engineering. if you can't find a few interested grad students and professors to give it a shot05:51
pwnguinthe world is doomed05:52
macohrm...i'm still a year away from a senior design project though05:53
macoand for jaunty, i'm thinking about usability issues...i hate the preferences menu. i think i'd rather stare at kmail's settings than use that menu in its default state05:54
macoi minimalize the menu then have control center enabled, but the control center is awfully cluttered as well05:55
macobut then there's ccsm....definitely more cluttered than the gnome control center05:55
maco*sigh* there's got to be something that can be done about those UIs05:56
_Zeus_i like ccsm05:56
maco_Zeus_: you must admit its UI needs a makeover06:00
Burgundaviamaco: which UI?06:01
wgrantI don't think ccsm can be fixed.06:01
wgrantIt just has too much to do.06:01
_Zeus_they have thousands of settings06:02
wgrantIt is terrible now, yes, but it'd be difficult to make it much better.06:03
macoBurgundavia: ccsm's06:04
macowgrant: there was one suggestion i had for how they handle doing bindings...lets see if i can find/upload those mockups06:04
Burgundaviaah, yes06:04
Burgundaviaa typical "power user" interface, which utterly fails for everybody, including power users06:04
macook so this was a bug i saw06:05
maconote the ordering of the elements06:05
macoscreen, keyboard, mouse....screen, mouse, keyboard....screen, mouse, keyboard06:06
macohrm, that first one doesn't match06:06
macoand this was my suggestion for tidying up that sort of interface: http://img50.imageshack.us/img50/5648/suggestioner1.png06:07
macoits still not great, but it avoids repeating the same thing til your eyes cross06:07
macoi dont think it's necessary to have 2 ways to edit the mappings, either06:07
wgrantWhat about a matrix with actions as rows and screen,mouse,keyboard as columns?06:07
macothat'd work too06:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 273833 in v86d "every boot same error message in syslog, unsure but possibly package missing in default install?" [Undecided,New]06:08
_Zeus_what should i do?06:08
_Zeus_maco: i like that better06:09
_Zeus_i was always confused by the way they did it06:09
macoif there was a way to do colored filters in X without Compiz, that'd be nice for accessibility testing as well.  then we could test for different types of colorblindness06:11
wgrantmaco: Why not just use Compiz?06:12
macowgrant: well the other reason is that the overlays themselves can be accessibility features for dyslexic people.  and compiz isn't available to everyone.06:13
maco_Zeus_: why what?06:14
macowhy isn't compiz available to everyone?06:14
macoit requires certain hardware06:14
_Zeus_i thought you could run some plugins regardless?06:14
macoum, not that i'm aware of, but the filters definitely require compositing06:15
macoeither that, or you use gtkfb06:15
macowhich would be not-X06:15
macocreating some Compiz filters for use with that plugin to emulate different forms of colorblindness is likely a worthwhile endeavor in terms of testing for that anyway06:19
macono idea how to create compiz color filters though06:19
macoplus the part where i dont use compiz...06:20
wgrantI thought they already existed.06:20
* wgrant looks.06:20
macothere are a few included06:20
macobut i dont think they're meant to emulate types of colorblindness06:20
wgrantI see two with names rather like varieties of colourblindness.06:21
macooo really?06:22
macoin hardy or intrepid?06:22
macoi just see sepia, negative, green, blue, and greyscale06:22
macobut i'm still on hardy06:22
wgrantIntrepid, of course.06:24
wgrantX doesn't like being colourblind.06:24
wgrantIt sort of freezes up and jumps off a cliff.06:24
_Zeus_whoa, new firefox=weird license agreement!06:31
wgrantIt's not particularly weird, is it?06:31
wgrantI hope I won't have to go and file another bug...06:31
macowgrant: it shows a little bar at the top saying something about firefox being free and open source software06:32
_Zeus_just one of those password-remember-type dropdowns that says read the license06:32
macoand has a little button for more info about your rights06:32
wgrantmaco: Right, I complained about that wording.06:33
macothen it lists the tenants of free software06:33
macoand says it's MPL-licensed06:33
dholbachgood morning07:49
thekornmorgen dholbach08:23
dholbachhi thekorn08:24
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Konstigthello guys. what is needed to include bug #262191 on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+bugs?10:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262191 in network-manager-vpnc "NM 0.7 Regression from 0.6.6 using VPNC plugin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26219110:22
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davmor2I have an issue at the moment with both hardy and intrepid.  If I run both firefox and pidgin together My system eventually runs out of memory.  There are some valgrind logs here http://www.davmor2.co.uk/firef.log http://www.davmor2.co.uk/firef-reach.log http://www.davmor2.co.uk/pidgin.log http://www.davmor2.co.uk/pidgin-reach.log the -reach logs are ones where I enabled --show-reachable=yes at seb128 request.13:59
jjesse_morning afflux14:33
greg-gdavmor2: have you reported a bug?14:33
greg-gdavmor2: if you have, please attach those logs.  If you haven't, please do so and attach those logs.14:34
davmor2greg-g: yes I have and I will :)14:40
greg-gdavmor2: good deal :)  I know there have been issues with pidgin before like that14:44
davmor2greg-g: bug 27358714:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273587 in ubuntu "Hardy: Memory leak appears over the day using FF3 and Pidgin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27358714:45
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salty-horsehi. can anyone launch gnome-appearance-properties successfully?15:17
arasalty-horse: intrepid?15:19
arasalty-horse: yes, i can15:20
salty-horseara, latest version?15:21
davmor2ara: have you just done an update?15:21
davmor2salty-horse: I can't now15:21
arasalty-horse, davmor2: i am doing it now15:21
salty-horsedavmor2, it crashes?15:21
salty-horseI'll file a bug15:22
arasalty-horse: I just updated to latest of gnome-control-center and i can run it properly15:22
davmor2salty-horse: already known mvo and seb128 are working on it :)15:23
salty-horseok :)15:23
salty-horsetseliot, here?15:25
tseliotsalty-horse: yes15:25
salty-horseafter upgrading to intrepid, I am unable to purge the defunct nvidia-glx packages -- what should I do?15:25
salty-horsethat's glx-new and glx-legacy15:26
salty-horsePurging configuration files for nvidia-glx-legacy ...15:26
salty-horsedpkg-divert: mismatch on package15:26
salty-horse  when removing `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-legacy'15:26
salty-horse  found `diversion of /usr/lib/libGL.so.1 to /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa by nvidia-glx-96'15:26
salty-horsedpkg: error processing nvidia-glx-legacy (--purge):15:26
salty-horse subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 215:26
salty-horse(sorry for spam)15:27
tseliotsalty-horse: did you install the driver with the NVIDIA installer too?15:27
salty-horsenope, but I have a bit of a problem with the restricted drivers manager ATM15:27
salty-horseI'm getting this error as well (pastebin)15:27
HewSomeone has questioned me setting the importance of bug 104525 to wishlist. I still think this is the correct setting. Could someone else provide their thoughts?15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 104525 in ntp "default ntp.conf should use pool.ntp.org servers" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10452515:29
tseliotsalty-horse: the fact that the build fail is normal: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/25110715:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 251107 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "[Intrepid] nvidia_drv.so: undefined symbol: AllocateScreenPrivateIndex" [Medium,Confirmed]15:30
tselioti.e. a bug which depends on NVIDIA15:31
salty-horseyeah, I know that problem15:31
salty-horse(had no idea it's related to the build)15:31
tseliotas regards that diversion, the preinst of the 96 package should have removed it15:31
salty-horseI'll try reinstalling the 96 package15:32
tseliotdpkg-divert --remove --rename --package nvidia-glx-96 --divert /usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.1.xlibmesa /usr/lib/libGL.so.115:32
tseliottry this command ^^15:32
tseliotwith sudo15:32
salty-horseIs it something that the restricted drivers manager supposed to do?15:32
tseliotno, it's something that the .preinst of nvidia-glx-96 was supposed to do15:33
tseliotbut it only added its own diversion instead of removing the old one first15:33
tseliotwhich is weird15:33
tseliotsalty-horse: the build fails because I haven't patched the driver to get it to work with kernel 2.6.2715:34
salty-horsedoes the nvidia license allow you to patch it?15:35
tseliotas it would have been a waste of time since the module is not compatible with the new Xorg ABI15:35
tseliotyes, that's not the closed part15:35
salty-horseerror of dpkg-divert: http://pastebin.com/m47e33e0915:36
tseliotsudo rm /usr/lib/libGL.so.115:36
tseliotand try the previous command again15:37
salty-horsejust a sec. reinstallation of nvidia-glx-96 printed no errors15:39
salty-horseI still can't purge the packages. getting the same errors.15:41
greg-gof COURSE KEXP is playing Nirvana at this time of day (7:40am their time)15:42
greg-germ, wrong window, sorry15:42
tseliotsalty-horse: can you put the output of this command in pastebin? dpkg-divert --list nvidia*15:47
salty-horseand this is the purging error again: http://pastebin.com/m67f7e1f415:50
tseliotsalty-horse: aah, there's something wrong in the old packages then15:54
tseliotsalty-horse: try this (which is safe now since all the diversions of the old package were removed): sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia/nvidia-glx-legacy*15:56
tseliotsudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/nvidia-glx-legacy*15:56
tseliotonly the 2nd command15:56
tseliotthen try to remove the package again15:56
salty-horseyes, noticed :)15:56
salty-horseand -new* as well, right?15:58
tseliotsalty-horse: yes, it won't hurt15:59
salty-horseok, packages removed16:00
salty-horseis this a bug?16:00
tseliotI wouldn't know. I look into it16:01
tseliotthanks for reporting16:01
salty-horseI don't think it does any damage, but it's nice to keep the system clean after an upgrade16:02
tseliotyes, of course16:02
macojames_w: hey, i have a question about those policykit bugs16:38
james_whey maco16:38
james_whow are you?16:38
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macojames_w: alright, you16:46
james_wgood thanks16:46
macojames_w: so i marked the bug i was on as a dup of the one you pointed to, but i just noticed the request for the policykit.conf, and it contains the same thing Luis said he put in to fix it16:47
macojames_w: though he did say he reinstalled before putting that in the policykit.conf, so i don't know if that makes a difference16:48
james_w<admin_auth_group="admin"> or similar?16:48
maco<define_admin_auth group="admin"/>16:57
james_wthat is supposed to be there, and should have been in the other report, and shouldn't matter for root as root isn't in the admin group16:58
macobut the part above that too16:58
james_wmaco: if you "sudo users-admin" do you get the warning about not being able to look up session information for process blah blah16:59
macojames_w: yes16:59
james_wthere should be <match user="root"><result>yes</result></match> or something above16:59
james_wmaco: that's weird as you have $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE defined, and the error is that it can't find that17:00
macoshould i do a sudo -s and then echo it?17:01
macoor sudo -i?17:01
macoi guess -i17:01
macoafter sudo -i, it's not defined17:01
macowow tiling window managers make it really obvious when devs haven't remembered to put in scrollbars for when windows are shrunken17:03
james_wmaco: I understand the problem now, thanks17:04
james_wmaco: sudo doesn't let $XDG_SESSION_COOKIE in to the environment of the child process, and so it can't use consolekit17:04
james_wthanks for the help17:05
james_wso they are all actually duplicates of bug 21089717:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210897 in policykit "sudo *something which uses poliykit?* doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21089717:06
macojames_w: wow, that's got a very descriptive title :P17:10
keessbeattie: qa-regression-testing> your php-lp52866 testcase -- does that run on non-dapper too?17:55
sbeattiekees: yes, tested on hardy as well.17:55
sbeattiekees: the reason for the for-loop in the testcase is to try to eliminate differences in whitespace when comparing the emitted xml.17:58
sbeattie(probably should have commented that)17:59
keessbeattie: I've queued it (though I have no idea what that means in LP)17:59
sbeattiekees: ideally, rather than doing a simple strcmp(), the emitted xml would have been parsed out and the resultant structure compared, but my attempts to do so were met with massive FAIL.18:02
keessbeattie: heh18:08
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Arbyhow does one unduplicate a bug?21:27
Arbybug 156044 and bug 156045 don't look like dupes to me21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156044 in kdepim "kmail settings for default account keeps removing default e-mail address" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15604421:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 156045 in tvtime "TVTime can not change video source on 7.10 (dup-of: 156044)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15604521:28
danbhfiveI think you duplicate it back to nothing21:28
_Zeus_was i right in invalidating this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ekiga/+bug/27408521:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 274085 in ekiga "Please update Ekiga to 3.00" [Undecided,Invalid]21:29
Arbydanbhfive: that would be correct thanks21:29
murdokArby: to unduplicate click mark as duplicate and then remove the bug number21:29
murdokyou are welcome, I learnt it yesterday21:30
bdmurray_Zeus_: why do you think it should be Invalid?21:35
_Zeus_bdmurray: do you think it shouldn't?  I think it should, because it's not supposed to show up until 8.04 anyway21:36
bdmurray_Zeus_: Yes, I think it shouldn't.  9.04, which I'm guessing is what you meant, will be tracked in LP too so the bug would get resolved later.  There is no need to invalidate it.21:37
_Zeus_bdmurray: u meant 8.1021:38
_Zeus_and it will show up in it, because it's part of GNOME 2.2421:38
_Zeus_at least from what i've heard21:38
_Zeus_*i meant21:38
bdmurrayRegardless, the fact that it may or may not automatically show up does not make the bug Invalid.21:39
_Zeus_i confirmed it21:40
bdmurrayAdditionally, since 8.10 is past feature freeze its unlikely that a new release of Ekiga would make it in.21:40
_Zeus_i know the new version of gnome will make it in, right?21:41
bdmurrayyes, I believe so21:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 274144 in gnome-session "Missing "Suspend" option" [High,New]21:47
_Zeus_why is this status high?21:47
_Zeus_i don't even think that's a bug21:47
StempI have a problem with bug 260918 it is a need-packaging, and it's waiting for Debian. Is there's a way to cut this dependency ?21:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 260918 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] libv4l" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26091821:48
bdmurrayDo you know who either of the people in that bug report are _Zeus_?21:49
_Zeus_no idea21:49
bdmurray_Zeus_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResponsibilities might be helpful21:49
_Zeus_well, it's never been there before21:50
danbhfiveStemp: I think its because debian is working on it21:51
_Zeus_i never thought that was a bug21:51
StempI understand that danbhfive, but in fact we don't have time to wait. If libv4l is not included, that mean : no webcam applications for gspca users21:52
danbhfiveStemp: well AFAIK, it being dependent on the debian bug doesnt mean that someone else CANT do it.  But that would be duplicating work.  So, you just have to find someone with the knowhow and time to do it.  The dependency just means that someone decided to let the debian devs take care of it...21:55
StempSo I guess It's not a bug problem. We need to report bug on every webcam apps to include libv4l handling, and libv4l is perhaps not going to be intrepid ^^22:00
danbhfiveStemp: am I correct in thinking that libv4l wraps v4l into v4l2?22:01
Stempnot only danbhfive, it also convert pixelformat for v4l222:03
keessbeattie: can you push to get the hardy-proposed kernel into -updates?  it's been in there a while now, and I'm not sure what's blocking it.22:31
StempHi all, sorry if i'm in the wrong channel. I'd like to talk about the gspcav2 driver and about the webcams apps. There is a serious problem about the packahe libv4l not in Debian (so not in Intrepid). Is it the right place to talk about it ?22:33
Stempsorry wrong place22:34
bdmurraysbeattie: do you have a hardy live cd environment handy?22:52
sbeattiebdmurray: sorry, was grabbing fud. What do you need?23:11
bdmurraysbeattie: I'm working on checking it myself - thanks though ;)23:11
hggdhbdmurray, ping23:20
bdmurrayhggdh: pong23:25
ubottuDebian bug 500000 in cdbs "cdbs: Please add dh_installdefoma in debhelper.mk" [Wishlist,Open]23:26
nellery500000 bugs in Debian!!23:27
bdmurraybug reports, not bugs ;)23:27
greg-gand Launchpad is over halfway there, 274182 as of right now23:28
nellerybut Ubuntu is at a little under 22000023:28
hggdhbdmurray, I sent you an email with a first approach on tags for bug stati (this one specifically for 'Invalid'). Please comment23:34
greg-goh all those bug stati ;)23:41
hggdhor statuses... but -- for me -- statuses is as bad as campuses ;-)23:43
greg-gI have been on many college campi?23:43
macogreg-g: how about campiz23:48
macothe buildings probably don't wobble though...23:48
macoi like puns...23:49
hggdhmaco, I propose campizes23:58

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