
apetrescuI'm trying to build the latest Anjuta that was released recently, but I'm running into a problem caused by the fact that ubuntu's copy of gnome-build is severely, severely outdated00:12
apetrescuThe latest version is 2.24, Ubuntu stocks
apetrescuDoes anyone know if any deb packages exist for a more recent gnome-build, or should I file a launchpad ticket about this?00:13
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acochey guys, I am interested in getting a checkout of the ubuntu-seeds, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-seeds says it does not use launchpad for development, where are the seeds located?01:34
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TheMusoacoc: The seeds for ubuntu intrepid for example can be checked ot with this URL: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.intrepid01:43
acocTheMuso: thank you, why does that website say it is not developed through launchpad?01:44
TheMusoacoc: Because the ubuntu-seeds project is only used for bzr branch hosting. There are no tarballs/websites/docs etc associated with it,.01:45
TheMusoacoc: As far as I understand anyway.01:45
TheMusoacoc: You can view all bzr branches associated with that project by going to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-seeds/+branches01:46
acocTheMuso, ok thanks, very helpful01:46
TheMusoacoc: You're welcome.01:46
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* maswan looks around, hunting a USN-645-1. :)07:30
asacmaswan: will be published quite soon i guess07:33
asacmaswan: its basically what was announced here: http://www.mozilla.org/security/announce/07:34
pittiGood morning07:35
pittikirkland: yes, I told you; you need to add the addon to the computer device, like in ./policy/10osvendor/10-cpufreq.fdi07:36
pittikirkland: the computer device is always initialized, so you can use it as a kind of "startup hook" to trigger the calling of addons (scripts in /usr/lib/hal/)07:37
maswanasac: Ah, ok. I was just a bit confused when the changelog I got mailed to me just said "oh, see usn-645-1 for whatever critical stuff we're updating now" :)07:40
asacmaswan: yes. we dont include the detailed advisory titles/CVEs in changelog anymore; otherwise we wont be able to deliver in-sync security updates with mozilla07:42
torkelasac: It is intentional that I have to select which certificate to use multiple times (again) in intrepid? The "remember" checkbox is missing.07:45
asactorkel: what kind of certificates are those? client or server side?07:47
torkelasac: client07:47
asactorkel: ok. but thats not a regression right?07:48
asac(regression in the last upload)07:48
dholbachgood morning07:49
asacgood morning dholbach07:50
torkelasac: well, before the last upload I was only asked once (for each site), now I am asked multiple times07:50
dholbachhiya asac07:50
torkelasac: I think it changed with the upload of xulrunner, not ff07:50
asactorkel: what update was that. build3 -> build6? or was it ->
torkeli.e the upload that was done yesterday07:52
asacinteresting. anyway. the next nss upload should fix it for you07:53
torkelasac: great. thanks!07:53
asaci am currently trying to find out if we already have a test build somewhere07:53
asactorkel: but client certs still work at least right?07:53
asactorkel: ohj ... you said "again" above. does it mean that you had the same problem in
torkelasac: somewhere in the hardy timeframe I switched FF to automatically choose a cert, and I just turned it off again a week ago. So I really don't know when it was fixed.07:56
tjaaltonasac: hey, is it a known bug that after a firefox update the current running instance can't be shutdown from File-Quit (or with ctrl-q)?07:57
asactjaalton: well. there are plenty of bugs surrounding upgrades while still running07:57
asactjaalton: do you have ubufox installed?07:58
tjaaltonasac: yes, it's a normal ubuntu system07:58
asaci think the latest version should offer you a restart button ... which might help a bit07:58
tjaaltonthe notification bubble?07:59
asactjaalton: are you currently in such a state?07:59
tjaaltonerm, popup07:59
tjaaltonthis is hardy07:59
asactjaalton: within firefox ... there should be a yellow notification bar07:59
asactjaalton: ah07:59
tjaaltonI'll try it on intrepid07:59
asactjaalton: on intrepid there should be a restart button in a notification area (like remember password) after upgrading firefox ... which might still have issues :)08:00
tjaaltonasac: heh, ok. will see how it works08:02
asactjaalton: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/screenshots/ubufox_restart_notification_intrepid.png08:03
tjaaltonasac: oh, looks nice08:04
alex_mayorgahi, is there a chance of bluez-gnome-1.4 making it into intrepid?08:05
tjaaltonasac: hum, nothing happened :) I got the light bulb on the notification area, but no restart button on the browser08:07
alex_mayorgatjaalton, you mean in FF .2 update?08:08
tjaaltonalex_mayorga: right, the latest one08:08
alex_mayorgaI got a reset button on FF, similar to the save password one, after the latest safe-upgrade on Intrepid08:09
alex_mayorgaI also got a button to "my rights" or something similar after the restart, that contained bits of the Mozilla license08:10
alex_mayorgaoddly, the light bulb notification didn't go away even after the FF restart08:11
asacalex_mayorga: light bulb notification == the thing in the system tray?08:11
alex_mayorgaasac, exactly08:11
asactjaalton: strange.08:12
asactjaalton: sudo touch /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/firefox-3.0-restart-required08:12
asacalex_mayorga: you also got the restart button in-browser?08:12
asaclike /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/firefox-3.0-restart-required ?08:12
alex_mayorgaI clicked Close button and it went away now08:12
alex_mayorgaasac, yes I did, but looks like the notification didn't detected I've restarted already, not that it should IMHO08:13
tjaaltonasac: the file was already there? touching it didn't help08:13
alex_mayorgaasac, yes exactly like that screencap08:13
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asactjaalton: is there any error in tools -> error console?08:14
asactjaalton: also, double check that you have no (old) ubufox instlaled in your profile (if tools -> addons offers you to "uninstall" then go for it)08:15
asacalex_mayorga: yeah notification area isnt the smartes thing in the world. the in-browser restart button is supposed to replace that at some point completely08:16
alex_mayorgaanyone that might have decision power on the bluez-gnome thingie?08:17
tjaaltonasac: lots. are the new ones in the bottom?08:17
asactjaalton: you can filter for "errors" at the top of the error console08:17
davmor2asac: why won't FF run under valgrind?08:18
asactjaalton: if there are still plenty of errors on the console its probably the reason ... would be cool if you could paste a few of those errors08:18
asacdavmor2: it should work08:18
asacdavmor2: i start like: valgrind /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/firefox08:19
davmor2asac: okay ta08:19
tjaaltonasac: yeah, I keep getting more and more of the same error.. one sec08:19
tjaaltonasac: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/4997608:20
asactjaalton: oh.08:20
asactjaalton: you are not having latest ubufox version?08:20
asactjaalton: that was an intermediate issue. thought i didnt upload that version :/08:21
tjaaltonasac: well I just upgraded, so was the latest one the first with this feature?-)08:21
asactjaalton: no. there were more before08:21
asacat least the one before had that08:22
tjaaltonasac: ok, I'll restart and test the behaviour by hand08:22
davmor2asac: ta that worked :)08:22
asactjaalton: ok 0.6~b1-0ubuntu1 had that issue08:22
asactjaalton: i then uploaded 0.6~b1-0ubuntu2 with just that fix08:23
asacand ubuntu3 is the upgrade you should have received now08:23
asactjaalton: thanks08:23
asacmaybe you still had ubuntu108:23
asacdavmor2: welcome08:24
tjaaltonasac: 0ubuntu1 installed on 16th, 0ubuntu2 on 18th and 0ubuntu3 today :)08:24
asactjaalton: maybe you didnt restart firefox ;)08:24
asac(unlikely i know)08:24
tjaaltonasac: I did, started it right before the latest upgrade :)08:24
tjaaltonanyway, will try with the latest stuf08:25
asactjaalton: ok. lets see.08:25
tjaaltonasac: duh, still the same errors08:26
asactjaalton: what do you have as LANG?08:27
tjaaltonI wonder if I'm missing something08:27
asacrunning plain en_US install?08:27
asactjaalton: try to start firefox as LANG=en_US firefox please08:27
asactjaalton: btw, is firefox translated at all for you ?08:28
tjaaltonno.. langpack got removed at some point08:28
tjaaltonI'll try reinstalling that08:28
asactjaalton: no better not ;)08:28
asactjaalton: try LANG=en_US anyway08:29
asacand then touch the file ;)08:29
alex_mayorgaBug #273865 anyone?08:30
tjaaltonasac: yeah, that works08:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273865 in bluez-gnome "[needs-packaging] bluez-gnome-1.4" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27386508:30
asactjaalton: ok. thanks. i know what to do then :/08:30
asactjaalton: btw, the langpacks are now usually shipped in language-pack-XX08:31
asacso no need to install the mozilla-firefox-locale-XX packages anymore08:31
asacits just that they are most likely disabled atm08:31
asac(in langpack-o-matic)08:31
tjaaltonasac: ok, I reinstalled -fi and the same problem. seems that FF isn't that well translated anyway08:32
asactjaalton: yeah. i think the ffox translations have been disabled :)08:33
asacArneGoetje: btw, i never received any complain about that from you ^^ ;)08:33
tjaaltonasac: heh, ok. I see some xulrunner-files there08:33
StevenKbryce: The point of my mail was xterm might then start to show up. :-)08:47
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tjaaltonpitti: do you think that shipping a simple fdi file to disable evdev from grabbing the thinkpad_acpi input device would be enough to fix bug 267682 for intrepid?08:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267682 in linux "Hotkeys no longer working in Intrepid on Thinkpads" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26768208:53
slangasekhuh, how does stopping evdev from grabbing the input device fix it?08:54
slangasek(in theory, or otherwise)08:54
tjaaltonworks just fine here08:55
tjaaltonafter that even battery and hibernate work08:55
slangasekmy question is "how" :)08:55
tjaaltonaha, well, to answer that I'd need to know a bit more about the underlying mess ;)08:55
tjaaltonbut I guess one reason why evdev can't handle the battery hotkey is because it's not specified in symbols/inet08:56
tjaaltoncommented out.. I don't think there is XF86Battery or equivalent..08:56
slangasekpitti, ArneGoetje: language-support-extra-de grew a dep on hunspell-de-med, which is in universe and has no MIR?08:59
alex_mayorgawhat package would the shutdown window belong to?08:59
dholbachalex_mayorga: gnome-session AFAIK09:01
alex_mayorgais it just me or the restart icon is smaller and the text miss aligned?09:02
alex_mayorgadholbach: thanks, wonder if that should be filed or has already spotted, launchpad won't tell me or I'm queryu09:05
alex_mayorgaing incorrectly09:05
dholbachalex_mayorga: try asking in #ubuntu-desktop - somebody might know09:05
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alex_mayorgadholbach, thanks, turns out there a number of reports on that09:24
dholbachalex_mayorga: ah, great09:24
alex_mayorgayou saved me of yet another dupe :)09:25
tjaaltonwhat component opens the popup about battery statistics when you hit the hotkey?09:42
sbeattiepitti: did something happen to the kernel update in dapper-proposed? I can't seem to find it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50006/09:44
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-Away
geserkirkland: thanks for pointing me to your debdiff, it helped a lot to write a similar file for my smart card reader09:59
geserbut now I'm stuck at assigning the device_file. http://paste.ubuntu.com/50012/ contans lshal output for my smart card reader, my current fdi file and the policy file09:59
geserit works when I use the hard-coded device file name10:00
torkeltjaalton: gnome-power-manager10:01
tseliotseb128: as regards my patches for gnome-desktop and gnome-control-panel, shall I add an "ubuntu_" prefix only to the functions which I put in the header file gnome_rr_config.h or shall I add it to any function I added in gnome_rr_config.c and xrandr-capplet.c (even though such functions cannot be accessed externally)? The former makes more sense to me but I'll do as you wish10:02
seb128tseliot: only for what is public api10:02
tseliotseb128: ok, agreed10:02
slangasekraphink: ping10:07
raphinkslangasek: pong10:08
slangasekraphink: hi, ichthux seeds seem to need updates to not depend on khelpcenter and kghostview, which are both NBS packages; is that something you can take care of?10:09
raphinkslangasek: I could try to find some time10:13
tjaaltontorkel: ok, do you know about it's inner workings?-)10:13
raphinklately, it's been txwinkinger doing that10:13
arahello, i have a question, which package provides system-config-printer-applet? system-config-printer-gnome? or another?10:13
seb128ara: dpkg -S system-config-printer-applet if it's installed on your box10:14
araseb128: ta!10:14
seb128ara: otherwise you can use packages.ubuntu.com10:14
seb128you're welcome ;-)10:15
slangasekraphink: should I contact txwinkinger about it instead?  (if so, how?  no such nick on IRC)10:17
slangasekraphink: since kghostview and khelpcenter are NBS packages, they should be removed before the intrepid release, which would make ichthux uninstallable if the seeds aren't fixed10:17
dholbachslangasek: https://launchpad.net/~txwikinger10:17
raphinkslangasek: he's just not online right now, but he often is10:18
slangasekdholbach: ah, those letter sare different :-)10:18
cjwatsonpitti: http://people.ubuntu.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt is healthy again10:21
cjwatsonin the "oh my god, it's full of packages" sense10:22
pitticjwatson: thanks11:39
pittitjaalton: it's certainly a valid workaround11:40
pittisbeattie: uh, that looks strange, it still appears on the SRU page11:50
liwcjwatson, you suggest promoting the schrodinger implementation of dirac, not the dirac-research one? I've heard the latter is of higher quality, do you have other information?11:54
cjwatsonliw: is the latter in Ubuntu?11:54
cjwatsonliw: oh, also, I believe that the schroedinger implementation is the only one that is implemented as a gstreamer plugin11:54
cjwatsonso I was under the impression we only really had one choice11:54
liwcjwatson, you may be right about gstreamer, at least11:55
liwcjwatson, "dirac" and related packages should be dirac-research, as far as I can see11:56
cjwatsonah, I see that the other implementation is in Ubuntu11:56
cjwatsonthe BBC didn't object to schroedinger when I spoke to them, though11:56
liwactually, now that I think about it, the quality difference was probably in encoding11:56
liwyeah: http://www.schleef.org/blog/2008/09/20/dirac-in-the-news/ -- speaks specifically about encoding11:57
pittisbeattie: oh, it's still in NEW, fixing11:58
cjwatsonah, right11:59
pittislangasek: ugh, landscape updates package info *hourly* now? isn't that a bit exaggerated?12:07
pittislangasek: I made a followup comment to bug 268765, FYI12:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268765 in landscape-client "landscape-client must have a cron job for updating smart package data" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26876512:10
tkamppeterpitti, can you fix bug 269311 today? Then I can upload an s-c-p with updated API today and the driver download can be tested in the beta12:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269311 in jockey "Session D-BUS call search_driver() should return list of files" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26931112:13
pittitkamppeter: that's my intent, I just keep getting distracted12:13
gAri-hello there, where should I report that the kernel traced out while using apparmor?12:18
gAri-I have the log actually I would like to give to someone who knows what to do with :)12:18
tkamppeterpitti, can you tell me as soon as possible when you have uploaded the new version, so that I can download it and adapt s-c-p? Thanks.12:22
ograso what the heck makes my laptop hardlock on boot at the wine sysctl stuff :/12:24
gAri-cjwatson: I submitted the bug, will I get information to my email address about the status of the bug?12:31
gAri-okay I hope some intelligent guys will found out what is happening :)12:32
=== davmor2-Away is now known as davmor2
munckfishcjwatson: I'm looking at some of the issues that stop the PS3 installer cd working.12:58
munckfishcjwatson: re lp #251593. I'm working to find out why the spufs module isn't getting loaded auto12:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251593 in ubuntu-ps3-port "unknown filesytem type: spufs" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25159312:59
munckfishbut I'm just starting out with this.12:59
munckfishcjwatson: is it worth trying to patch sysvinit to add an extra clause which checks whether spufs module is loaded first?12:59
tjaaltonwhat time does the beta freeze start?13:00
munckfishcjwatson: Or at least not fail configuration if mounting /spu fails13:00
cjwatsonsheesh, have people not learned not to ask "what time" questions about freezes yet? :)13:00
TheMusomunckfish: You might also want to look at the initramfs-tools package.13:00
cjwatsonmunckfish: yes, I think so13:01
TheMusomunckfish: If I get a minute, I will have a look for you.13:01
munckfishTheMuso: I'm not too familiar with initramfs yet. I'll take a look13:02
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munckfishcjwatson: also re LP #261490. Last cmt you mention probs with nvidia stuff - do you happen to know if those issues were addressed?13:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261490 in ubuntu-ps3-port "Intrepid installation fails (debootstrap warning)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26149013:03
cjwatsonmunckfish: yes, I believe that got fixed13:04
cjwatson(though I forget the details)13:04
cjwatsonmunckfish: ah yes, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-common version 0.2.213:05
munckfishcjwatson: thx13:06
TheMusomunckfish: Well I can tell you for a fact that the spufs module is not loaded by the initramfs.13:07
munckfishTheMuso: ok I see13:08
munckfishWould it have to be loaded explicitly?13:08
munckfishApparently is should auto load I believe13:09
munckfishjust like any other filesystem type13:09
TheMusomunckfish: I think so, since there is no modalias line that could cause it to be loaded by particular hardware being present.13:09
TheMusoLet me check the module source to be sure though.13:09
munckfishok cool13:09
pittitkamppeter: will do13:10
TheMusomunckfish: Yeah I don't think there is any aliases as I said earlier.13:13
munckfishTheMuso: thx I'll look into it further13:13
pittijames_w: hm, I patched hal and policykit, and they still not work with CK 0.3; this is becoming a real time sink13:17
munckfishWould  ...13:19
munckfishif grep -q '^spufs' /proc/modules 2>/dev/null; then echo "Mount /spu!"; fi13:19
munckfish... be a decent way to check for this module?13:19
cjwatsonshould use lsmod rather than /proc/modules I feel13:20
cjwatsoninterfaces and all that13:20
TheMusomunckfish: Where does spufs get mounted? I personally think you should actually check for a file in the spufs filesystem.13:20
cjwatsonI don't think it contains any files by default13:21
TheMusocjwatson: Oh ok.13:21
cjwatsonwhy not just mount the filesystem and ignore failures?13:21
cjwatsonif it doesn't work, big deal13:21
cjwatsoni.e. domount spufs "" /spu -ogid=spu || true13:22
brooniemunckfish: There's also /proc/filesystems you could check.13:22
pittikirkland: works great now, congrats! uploaded, I simplified the patch a bit and attached it to the bug FYI13:26
geserpitti: based on kirkland debdiff I've started to write a fdi and a policy file to handle access to smart card readers to finally close bug 5775513:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 57755 in gnupg "Udev Rules for SmartCard Support" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/5775513:33
geserpitti: I got it nearly working already but have problems with getting the acls set for the device, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/50012/ to see how far I got already13:35
geserhave you time to help me finalise it?13:35
pittinot right now, sorry13:35
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pittiI *finally* need to take some time of my own to fix some beta bugs, I kept getting distracted :(13:36
pittigeser: I'll help you Friday/Monday, is that ok?13:37
geserthe bug is already over two years old so some more days don't matter13:38
munckfishcjwatson: yeah I prefer  just ignoring the mount if it fails, but still log it.13:40
mvocjwatson: could you please check (and merge) https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/debian-cd/mvo - a small fix that makes apt-cdrom add happy again13:51
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james_wpitti: sorry, was at lunch. That sucks, is there an error, or do they just not work?14:01
pittijames_w: haven't debugged it yet, I need to find some time to work on my beta bugs14:01
pittijames_w: I updated the bug, if you are interested14:01
james_wpitti: sure14:01
cjwatsonmvo: surely that needs some kind of quoting :)14:02
cjwatsonmvo: also I didn't think + worked in sed without special options to support extended regexes14:02
cjwatson-r I think14:02
cjwatsonmvo: I'll fix it up and merge, thanks14:03
cjwatsonmvo: err, actually, doesn't that break debootstrap? see the comment above14:03
mvocjwatson: quoting> right, thanks for fixing that14:04
mvocjwatson: debootstrap> not sure, if its needed there, then may we need to remove it later? is there a way for me to test this without building a full cd :) ?14:05
asactjaalton: i opened bug 273948 for you :)14:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273948 in ubufox "restart notification broken for locales that lack restart notification string translation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27394814:06
mvocjwatson: I thought the comment means that its ok to remove them at this point, but I may be wrong of course14:07
kirklandpitti: cool, thanks :-)14:13
kirklandpitti: I forgot to add the "Suggests: hal"14:14
kirklandpitti: did you add that, per chance?14:14
pittikirkland: no, forgot about it as well; but *shrug*, no big deal IMHO14:14
kirklandpitti: it's okay, i'm fixing a bunch of kvm bugs14:14
kirklandpitti: i'll put it in the next one14:15
kirklandpitti: thanks for your help, btw ;-)14:15
pittikirkland: you're welcome; thanks for teaching me about <spawn> :)14:15
pittiI already thougt yesterday "gee, why the heck can't FDI files create devices?" :)14:15
* Hobbsee clones pitti, and spawns new copies of him.14:15
pittiHobbsee: aww, I'll never finish argueing with those guys14:16
Hobbseepitti: oh dear.  that might be a problem.14:16
Hobbseepitti: but you could fix bugs quicker!14:16
pittiand keep up with my mail!14:17
Hobbseethat too!14:17
* tseliot solves the problem with a simple "sudo /etc/init.d/pitti start"14:19
* pitti clones tseliot as well, and suddenly sees all jockey bugs fixed and all drivers out there packaged for ubuntu14:19
TheMusoAh... What I'd wish for a clone of myself. It would help me address accessibility related bugs/features quicker...14:20
Hobbseemaybe the next UDS needs to focus on people cloning.14:20
* tseliot nods14:21
tjaaltonasac: ooh, thanks14:23
munckfishcjwatson: I've attached a patch to that bug. I believe it's the postinst that's the problem as it runs with set -e. The normal mountkernfs init script does actually seem to fail.14:28
munckfishit just shows a message on boot14:29
kirklandpitti: that was superm1's idea! (spawn)14:35
james_wI'm looking at bug 263888. SIGUSR1 used to re-open the log files, now it's not trapped. The logrotate file isn't installed by the current package though, as there are no longer any logs to rotate14:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263888 in acpid "acpid killed by default logrotate script" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26388814:50
loolHmm I'm looking at a set -e init script and the "status" action; it's implemented as status_of_proc "$ACPID" acpid && exit 0 || exit $?14:50
loolI wonder why not simply status_of_proc "$ACPID" acpid; exit $?14:50
james_wis the correct way to fix this to assemble a list of the logrotate md5sums from the old packages and remove the file on upgrade if it matches a known one?14:50
looljames_w: haha you're touching acpid as well :)14:50
james_wlool: heh :-)14:50
cjwatsonmunckfish: looks fine, thanks; uploaded14:51
looljames_w: If these were conffiles, I think you should try to remove them chekcing their md5 during upgrades, yes14:51
cjwatsonlool: under set -e, the script will fall over before the exit $?14:52
cjwatsonlool: so 'exit 0' would be clearer14:52
ogragrmbl, why does evtouch use quilt14:52
cjwatsonlool: but yes, the code you quote is somewhat redundant. That sort of thing makes more sense when you need to do something non-trivial before exiting non-zero, like log_end_msg14:52
ograapplying the patch to the package takes longer than developing it :P14:53
cjwatsonlool: my usual idiom is: CODE=0; action || CODE=$?; log_end_msg $?; exit 014:53
jcristauogra: because quilt is <314:53
TheMusoogra: We need quilt-edit-patch. :p14:53
cjwatsonerr log_end_msg $CODE14:53
loolcjwatson: Yeah, I wrote exit $? because I thought that it would work for set +e scripts as well14:53
ion_Why not just action; CODE=$?14:53
ograTheMuso, well, the packager could just use simple-patchsy.mk ...14:53
cjwatsonion_: set -e14:53
TheMusoogra: oh yeah if it uses cdbs, I agree.14:53
cjwatsonion_: under set -e, if action returns non-zero, you don't get an opportunity to go further unless you guard it with a conditional14:54
ograjcristau, quilt is in descriptor 3, yes :P14:54
ion_cjwatson: Yes, i was thinking slow. :-P14:54
MacSlow_tedg, the fusa uses dbus to communicate with gdm I assume.14:54
loolThanks all for discussion14:55
loolIn my particular I don't need anything in fact14:55
loolI can just status_of_proc "$ACPID" acpid  :)14:55
* ogra has evtouch calibration work properly again ... and has it write to /etc/default/evtouch ... so now only fdi inclusion is needed ...14:55
ograsillyness of the day, the binary had the fixed font hardcoded without encoding ... which makes the font default to japanese14:57
tedgMacSlow_: Not in the current incarnation -- the old GDM didn't support DBus.14:57
* ogra shakes head14:57
tedgMacSlow_: Uses DBus for a bunch of other stuff, but sockets for GDM.14:57
=== MacSlow_ is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowtedg, ah ok... I assumed you intrepid fusa was using dbus with the newer gdm ... but since we don't ship the new gdm yet ... well my bad :)14:59
tedgMacSlow: I'm hoping it'll use DBus in the Jackalope :)15:07
kirklandpitti: thanks for the patch clean, i just reviewed it15:09
kirklandpitti: i'm sorry about that, i'm glad you showed me that15:09
pittikirkland: no need to be sorry, I'm just a "clean rules file" fetishist15:10
kirklandpitti: well, that's something I've been confused about, actually15:10
kirklandpitti: now it's clear15:10
james_wdoes this look ok for a prerm to remove the unneeded conffile? http://paste.ubuntu.com/50129/15:10
kirklandgeser: how did yours come along?15:11
kirklandgeser: this is the debdiff pitti eventually blessed with holy penguin pee: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17919758/kvm.273764.simplified.debdiff15:11
cjwatsonmvo: I'm pretty sure that debootstrap looks for the md5sum of Packages in the Release file in order to verify that it decompressed properly15:11
cjwatsonmvo: and that therefore removing it will break15:11
cjwatsonmvo: don't see how we could remove it later - the CD is read-only!15:12
cjwatsonmvo: apt-cdrom never used to mind this15:12
geserkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50012/ is how far I got, it works when I hardcode the path to the device but I don't manage to get it from hal15:12
kirklandgeser: oh, right, you might have a variable path, huh?15:13
mvocjwatson: ok, I will investigate this further15:13
geserkirkland: yes, it's a usb device, so the device name depends on the used usb port15:13
kirklandgeser: hrm, that does add a layer of complexity that I was immune to15:14
geserkirkland: lshal lists it, but I didn't figure out how to access this info in the fdi file15:14
tseliotseb128: ok, I have those patches. Shall I simply attach the patches in a FFE report or shall put the links to the new source code (i.e. the patched tarball, .changes, etc.)?15:14
seb128tseliot: can you attach debdiff to some bugs?15:15
mvocjwatson: I added #273979 and milestoned it15:15
tseliotseb128: sure, I can do that15:15
geserkirkland: but your debdiff was really helpful to help me get to this point at all15:16
* tseliot reboots15:16
kirklandgeser: cool, thanks15:17
kirklandgeser: as soon as I get a smart card, i'll look forward to trying it out ;-)15:17
MacSlowgee ... Xorg just blanked and doesn't come back15:43
ion_Meh, video playback is still broken with the radeon driver. /me downgrades to 1:6.9.0+git20080802.1f3eee36-1ubuntu1 again.15:48
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slangasekpitti: "mirrors only update daily" - says who?16:06
pittislangasek: ok, that might be a bit too general; at least that was true for the mirrors I used so far (de, us, es, uk, IIRC)16:07
pittiare there actually mirrors which update more often?16:07
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slangasekI know the mirror that I pull from is updated more often than that16:08
slangasekI don't know how often, but - several times a day for sure16:08
pittiah, that's news to me; sorry for being imprecise then16:09
cjwatsonthe push mirrors update hourly16:10
TheMusoMy ISP's mirror often has new updates at best 3 hours after they get uploaded.16:10
tseliotseb128: can I use this bugreport for the FFE?16:17
tkamppeterpitti, it seems that the new pdftoraster filter in CUPS has a bug and causes blank pages to be produced in some cases, see bug 267903 and bug 26969116:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 267903 in splix "rastertoqpdl segfaults or produces black printouts" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26790316:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269691 in splix "[intrepid] Samsung ML-2010 Printer prints entirely black pages" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26969116:18
tseliotseb128: this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/22056316:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 220563 in gnome-control-center "Useful dual-head configuration requires manual editing of xorg.conf to set Virtual" [Low,Fix released]16:19
seb128tseliot: ok16:19
tkamppeterpitti, I asked the reporters for testing with a replacement filter for pdftoraster, a scriptonly containing '/usr/lib/cups/filter/cpdftocps "$@" | /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstoraster "$@"' and this one works. Should we replace pstoraster in CUPS for the beta?16:21
pittitkamppeter: I'm afraid I don't know these filters well enough for a qualified answer; but I thought the idea was to not convert pdf to postscript?16:24
tkamppeterpitti, yes, we do not want to do too many conversions and Ghostscript can take PDF as input.16:26
tkamppeterpitti, this filter is an interim workaround for the time being until we get a fixed pdftoraster.16:27
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tkamppeterpitti, Ghostscript needs very many parameters to generate CUPS raster. These parameters are set by PostScript commands in the PPD file. The new pdftoraster and also imagetoraster parse the parameters out of the PPD and create the raster data then. The pstoraster of CUPS takes these parameters embedded in the PostScript stream (by pstops).16:30
pittitkamppeter: it's not possible to reproduce the crash?16:31
tkamppeterpitti, rewriting the parsing process would be awkward and very complicated if one wants to take into account all option types, including custom options.16:32
pittitkamppeter: well, your call I think, but it would basically revert 90% of the pdf workflow, wouldn't it?16:32
tkamppeterpitti, the important core part of page management on PDF (pdftopdf) stays conserved.16:34
tseliotbryce, seb128: I have attached the 3 debdiffs and the diffstat for the FFE here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/22056316:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 220563 in gnome-control-center "Useful dual-head configuration requires manual editing of xorg.conf to set Virtual" [Low,Fix released]16:34
pittitkamppeter: but it'd seem better to me to just fix the segfault instead?16:35
tkamppeterThe best would perhaps be a C program derived from the current pdftoraster (or imagetoraster) which does the ugly parsing but instead of producing raster by itself it calls Ghostscript16:35
tkamppeterpitti, this is less for the segfault, but because of the black pages.16:36
pittihm, I thought it said "crash"16:36
tkamppeterpitti, Both bugs also complain about black pages.16:37
tkamppeterpitti, the little script which I have written solved the black page problem.16:37
tkamppeterpitti, and the reporter of the bug with the crash has even the crash solved. Seems that the crash was caused by broken CUPS raster data fed into the driver (but then the driver should also not crash).16:39
TheMusoslangasek: I'm about to file a bug that I would like to be milestoned for beta, as I'm probably not going to get it fixed before beta freezre. I feel its important due to the fact that its currently not possible to install ubuntu onto a dmraid array, and successfully detect and make use of other operating systems, i.e no dual boot.16:39
TheMusoslangasek: Does this sound ok for a milestone?16:39
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slangasekTheMuso: milestoning should be separate from requesting a freeze exception; in cases where the milestone state is relevant to the release team, it's used for tracking bugs that should be blockers for the milestone16:40
slangasekTheMuso: that doesn't sound to me like a bug that should be a blocker since we're already ahead of where we were before on dmraid support - but I would certainly consider an update for it depending on how intrusive the fix is16:41
TheMusoslangasek: RIght, I'll just file for a freeze exception once I have it sorted out, probably tomorrow or Friday at the latest.16:42
calci am trying to do a bzr merge and it tells me there is nothing to do :(16:45
calcis it possible to get it to be more verbose about why? -v doesn't seem to help16:46
slangasekRiddell: what's the reason for adding openbabel in main, that it should be a blocker for beta? (bug #236051)16:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236051 in openbabel "main inclusion review for openbabel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23605116:47
jdongcalc: bzr missing other_branch16:47
jdongcalc: shows what you have that they don't, and vice versa. (i.e. commits)16:47
Riddellslangasek: it was supposed to have a security review, but that never seemed to happen16:49
slangasekRiddell: well, but I'm wondering if there's a strong reason that this should be a blocker16:49
Riddellslangasek: I don't know, you'd need to ask security people16:50
slangasekI mean, if there's a strong reason that having openbabel in main should be a blocker for beta16:50
slangasekit should certainly be subject to security review before we let it in...16:50
RiddellI don't know16:51
RiddellI'm not a security person16:51
slangasekif it really needs to be included, then I would lean on the security team more to get the review done; but it doesn't look to me like this is critical to have for intrepid16:51
jdstrandif I recall, kees did the intial review, said 'fix this', it got fixed16:52
slangasekbut the question I asked you wasn't about security, it was "why do you want openbabel in main?" :)16:52
Riddellslangasek: because it adds nice features which our user and edubuntu want16:52
Riddellit's in main16:52
slangasekoh, it's already promoted and only the security review is missing?16:53
Riddellonly the security re-review16:53
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slangasekkees: can you confirm that openbabel is ok for main now (bug #236051), given that it already is?16:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236051 in openbabel "main inclusion review for openbabel" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23605116:54
cjwatsoncalc: which are the two branches involved?16:54
jdstrandslangasek, Riddell: to pre-emptively answer a perceived to be forthcoming question-- I plan to finish the libzip review today16:55
slangasekjdstrand: thanks :-)16:56
slangasekjdstrand: I wasn't going to pester you yet, I know you've had your hands full :)16:56
* jdstrand nods16:56
jdstrandslangasek: btw, that issue should now be fixed16:56
calccjwatson: bzr+ssh://ccheney@bzr.debian.org/srv/bzr.debian.org/bzr/pkg-openoffice/packages/openofficeorg/3.0/experimental/ and bzr+ssh://ccheney@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eopenoffice-pkgs/openoffice/3.0-intrepid/16:56
slangasekjdstrand: the issue of having your hands full? :)16:57
jdstrandslangasek: no-- the one we discussed that made my hands more full (a-c-c) ;)16:57
slangasekoh, if you mean the pam interaction one, I saw the bug closure :)16:57
slangasekthanks :)16:57
keesslangasek: yeah, I'm happy with babel.16:57
* calc brb son threw up everywhere16:57
slangasekkees: please close the bug?16:57
keesslangasek: one sec16:58
keesslangasek: done16:58
slangasekkees: thanks :)17:00
calcso yea it won't let me merge the debian into the ubuntu branch it says nothing to be done17:01
calcand bzr missing incorrectly claims only 1255 to current is missing from the debian tree which is why it won't let me merge an older set (1244) to it17:02
calcoh nevermind i am nutty17:03
calcor i think i screwed up something myself without realizing it17:03
calcthe changelog entries threw me off17:03
calccjwatson: never mind17:03
calche deleted a changelog entry in his set so i was trying to merge something old that i didn't realize i had already merged17:04
* calc notes deleting changelog entries is bad17:05
cjwatson1255-current certainly looks right based on logs17:05
calccjwatson: yes it is, after more thorough examination i found he deleted changelog entries which caused my basing off of looking at annotate to come up with a number i had already merged without realizing it :\17:06
calcso i merged head and it works fine :)17:06
cjwatsonoh, yeah, a much better way to check is bzr log of both sides17:10
cjwatsonbzr log --show-ids if you really want to be certain17:10
cjwatsonnote that bzr simply doesn't record non-contiguous merges - i.e. if you'd merged up to 1244 and then just revision 1255, it would only remember that you'd merged up to 124417:11
calcyea, i try to always merge to a released debian version to base off of17:12
calcso don't pull individual changesets17:12
calcunfortunately OOo 3.0 is now pushed back to Oct 7, that seems to be the final date, but is very unlikely to be stable enough in the short window available17:13
calcthey are still finding bugs now but are marking them for 3.0.117:14
dokocalc: please upload to the ppa. still better than the beta ;)17:16
calcdoko: yes i will be17:17
calcjust making note that it definitely doesn't look like a good idea to replace 2.4.1 anymore17:17
calcsince its pushed back so far17:17
calcmy neighbor just called, we have POWER :)17:19
calcso now i will have access to my desktop in a few hours17:20
liwcalc, congratulations17:20
calconly took them 2 weeks to restore my power, lol17:20
calcthere wasn't even any real damage in the area, apparently the underground power in our neighborhood was feed by an above ground pole at some point17:21
calcok i am going offline for a bit, packing up and then heading back to my house :)17:22
cjwatsongood luck17:23
Awsoonnping mvo17:27
james_wlool: updated patch in bug 263888, thanks17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263888 in acpid "acpid killed by default logrotate script" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26388817:33
tkamppeterpitti, I will do the following with CUPS: I will put in my script as an interim solution only for the beta, after the beta I will provide something written in C (to use CUPS libraries) which calls Ghostscript feeding in PDF directly.17:43
tkamppeterpitti, WDYT about that?17:45
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cjwatsonyeah, there's a bug about the ... err ... interesting colour choice17:49
cjwatsonbug 27327117:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273271 in ubiquity "Don't use gray as a partition color in the new partitioner" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27327117:49
Keybukevan's gay genes were clearly trying to co-ordinate colours ;)17:50
* evand hides17:50
davmor2Keybuk: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/27151217:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 271512 in ubiquity "Intrepid: Partition reports incorrect sizing" [Undecided,New]17:50
evandKeybuk: You'd figure my inability to coordinate color would be evidence to the contrary.17:50
cjwatsondavmor2: that's a different bug17:50
davmor2Ah yeah sorry :)17:51
Riddellslangasek: if you're looking for release critical bugs, here's one https://bugs.launchpad.net/rosetta/+bug/27348918:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 273489 in rosetta "Remaining Intrepid template approvals" [Critical,In progress]18:04
pittitkamppeter: you are the expert :) but ok for me to rescue printing in the beta; you'll get less feedback, though18:07
tkamppeterpitti, feedback about known bugs which could mask other bugs is bad.18:13
mathiazahasenack: meh - landscape-client doesn't register when the package is installed from the installer.18:21
mathiazahasenack: that's because landscape-client is not started and dbus is not running18:22
ahasenackmathiaz: any idea why?18:22
ahasenackmathiaz: it may register later when the machine is booted, it tries in the background IIRC18:23
ahasenackmathiaz: but I suppose there is an ugly error message during the installation18:24
mathiazahasenack: well - in the syslog yes.18:24
jkakarIs DBUS ever expected to run in the installer?  Is this just an ordering issue?18:24
mathiazahasenack: this is the backtrace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50203/18:27
ahasenackmathiaz: "fake start-stop-daemon"?18:27
mathiazahasenack: right - daemons are not started during the install by default18:28
cjwatsonjkakar: dbus is intentionally not started in the installer18:28
mathiazahasenack: well - the registration is retried in the background18:28
cjwatsonlandscape-client should cope somehow, perhaps by registering at boot18:28
cjwatsonshould as in "needs to"18:28
mathiazcjwatson: correct - that's the case18:28
cjwatsonstarting daemons in the installer is a real can of worms18:28
niemeyerIt can actually already do that, we just need the right flags in place18:29
niemeyerWe just won't be able to tell immediately if there's something wrong (e.g. the registration password, or account name)18:30
mathiazwell - AFAICT the computer was registered after the first boot - it just doesn't show up right away18:30
ahasenackmathiaz: what account did you use?18:30
niemeyerOr it could, anyway..18:30
* niemeyer checks18:30
mathiazahasenack: my own account -18:30
mathiazahasenack: I think it works18:31
mathiazahasenack: it's just that you have to wait for the first reboot and little bit afterwards until the registration process is retried by landscape-client18:31
niemeyerOops.. no, apparently the ladnscape-config option was removed at some point18:31
ahasenackmathiaz: did you reject the registration request on the server?18:32
mathiazahasenack: I think I accepted it18:32
mathiazahasenack: but I've already deleted the computer from my account18:32
niemeyermathiaz: Yes, you're right.  Even with that failure, I think that should be the case indeed.18:33
niemeyermathiaz: The computer should continue to try connecting.. nowadays the dbus connection in landscape-config is just to make the process faster and to provide live feedback to the user.18:34
mathiazahasenack: I'll redo a test install.18:34
ahasenackmathiaz: where can we get this iso?18:34
mathiazahasenack: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/18:35
niemeyermathiaz: I wonder what would be the best way to handle this18:36
niemeyermathiaz: We could support a --no-registration option somewhat easily18:36
niemeyermathiaz: But the registration behavior is actually nice, when it does work18:36
ahasenackhmm, that will take some time to download18:36
ahasenacklike, tomorrow18:36
niemeyerMaybe we should just prettify the error message18:37
niemeyer"Connection to the landscape broker failed." or something18:37
cjwatsonit shouldn't cause a visible error in the installer at all18:38
cjwatsonand it needs to not cause the package to fail to configure18:38
cjwatsonthat's very important - the installer by design doesn't recover easily from that18:38
mathiazcjwatson: ok - as of now that's what happen (the pkg fails to configure)18:38
cjwatsonI know18:38
cjwatsonI read the log18:38
niemeyercjwatson: Hopefully neither of these ideas conflict with the suggestion above18:38
cjwatsonthey don't, but simply changing the error message isn't enough :)18:39
cjwatsonthat's all I'm emphasising18:39
niemeyercjwatson: Yeah, I was mostly thinking about landscape-config..18:39
ahasenackwell, seems we can't register during installation18:40
mathiazniemeyer: IIUC we could get rid of landscape-config in the postinst if we don't want register at all18:40
ahasenackbut that wizard also prepares the client.conf file18:40
niemeyermathiaz: Why does configure fail exactly?18:40
ahasenackso maybe have an option for it to not attempt the registration, just prepare the conf file18:40
mathiazniemeyer: because of the registration with dbus18:40
niemeyermathiaz: We want to set it up, and that's the way in which we setup the landscape-client18:40
niemeyermathiaz: That's why landscape-client fails.. what exactly is causing the configuration of the package to fail?18:41
niemeyerSorry.. s/landscape-client/landscape-config/18:41
mathiazniemeyer: landscape-config returns a non 0 value18:41
mathiazniemeyer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50203/18:42
mathiazniemeyer: how does landscape-client checks if it should register ?18:43
mathiazniemeyer: if there is a retry in the background, landscape-client has a way to figure out that it has all the information to do the registration on its own18:44
niemeyermathiaz: How is the script run?18:45
niemeyermathiaz: I mean, normally a command in the middle of a script which return s non-zero value won't cause the whole script to return non-zero18:45
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niemeyermathiaz: I guess it's using some flag to enforce that?18:45
mathiazniemeyer: maintainer scripts are run with set -e18:45
niemeyermathiaz: Cool, thanks18:46
niemeyermathiaz: As I explained above, this is already the case18:46
niemeyermathiaz: The whole procedure will work fine, besides this error18:46
niemeyermathiaz: The point is that the immediate registration is a good thing, when possible18:46
niemeyermathiaz: It informs the user about errors in the information entered, and turns the process into something immediate, rather than on the next restart18:46
niemeyermathiaz: So we should just ensure that landscape-config doesn't blow up, so that we don't screw the rest of the installation procedure18:47
mathiazniemeyer: right - so I could a || true to the landscape-config command line18:47
niemeyermathiaz: But trying to keep the current behavior18:47
niemeyermathiaz: Yes, that would be a good immediate solution18:47
niemeyermathiaz: We should prevent the traceback too ASAP18:48
mathiazniemeyer: could landscape-config be modified to prevent to traceback ?18:48
niemeyermathiaz: Definitely18:48
mathiazniemeyer: I'd rather have that than adding || true to the maintainer script18:48
mathiazniemeyer: there is a legitimate use case to not have the registration working.18:49
niemeyermathiaz: Cool, let's do that then18:49
mathiazniemeyer: adding a || true would just catch all the other potential errors18:49
niemeyermathiaz: True18:50
mathiazniemeyer: how fast could this be implemted ?18:51
niemeyermathiaz: Quite quickly I believe18:51
tkamppeterpitti, CUPS package with interim pdftoraster is uploaded18:52
niemeyermathiaz: It's just an option and a conditional.. the unittests are a bit boring on that area, though18:52
niemeyerWell, not an optional18:52
pittitkamppeter: ah, ok; did you create an ubuntu bzr branch for cups?18:52
niemeyerErm.. not an option.. we'll just catch the exception18:52
mathiazniemeyer: could you get something ready today ?18:53
tkamppeterpitti, no. It is only an interim, the final solution I will put into the Debian BZR.18:53
tkamppeterpitti, it is only to get more chances to fix printer driver bugs with the beta.18:54
pittitkamppeter: ok, noted; we just must be careful to not overwrite it accidentally18:54
niemeyermathiaz: It depends on what else is going on.. I'm personally trying to address other important issues ATM.. I'll check if radix or someone else might have some time for it18:54
radixI can help18:56
tkamppeterpitti, in principle we should have Ubuntu and Debian CUPS synced. Deviations we do only if needed, for example if we have deadlines ahead or if you are on vacation.18:56
mathiazradix: great - could you branch from lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/landscape-client/ubuntu ?18:57
tkamppeterpitti, I got another note from a bug reporter now, that the interim script did not only fix the black pages but also the crash. The original filter from OP Japan seems to produce really broken CUPS raster.18:57
mathiazradix: this is the bzr branch that has the code that is uploaded to the archive.18:58
radixmathiaz: sure thing18:58
radixmathiaz: will you upload this as an ubuntu* bump, or should we release a new version number?18:59
mathiazradix: what's easier for you19:01
mathiazradix: if rolling a new tarball is too complicated we can bump the revision.19:02
mathiazradix: The main factor here is time.19:02
pittitkamppeter: just posted a followup question to bug 26945419:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269454 in jockey "Poor user interface when printer setup tool asks Jockey for a driver" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26945419:02
pittitkamppeter: I fixed the search_driver() bug, and would like to get this one settled as well, then I'll do a 0.5beta1 release and upload to intrpeid (it's the last bug on https://edge.launchpad.net/jockey/+milestone/0.5)19:02
radixmathiaz: ok, well, I'll start on the change now :)19:03
mathiazradix: thanks19:03
radixhopefully in the next release we'll be able to have much nicer installer integration19:03
niemeyermathiaz: What's the deadline for getting important fixes in?19:07
niemeyermathiaz: In general.. I know the sooner the better19:08
mathiazniemeyer: well - we're entering BetaFreeze tomorrow19:08
mathiazniemeyer: so starting from tomorrow until Beta is released (ie in one week) all the uploads have to be approved by the release team19:09
dokohelp, how do I revert the effect of the magnifying glass?19:09
niemeyermathiaz: Cool, thanks19:09
mathiazniemeyer: we should be able to get Freeze Exception has this issue has a direct impact on the installer.19:10
mathiazniemeyer: we should be able to get a Freeze Exception *as* this issue has a direct impact on the installer.19:10
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
niemeyermathiaz: That's cool.  Hopefully we'll be able to get the fix in before the freeze19:11
Riddelljames_w: how come bzr-buildpackage doesn't run debsign?19:23
Keybukwhich smart-arse moved mountkernfs.sh to S02 from S01?19:25
geserdoko: is it save to disable building libgcj-doc in gcj-4.2? libgcj-doc gets also build from gcj-4.3 and this prevents the upload of the i386 build of gcj-4.2 to get accepted19:27
pittitseliot, superm1: wrt. bug 262819, do you think the fglrx driver is working well enough to lift it to restricted and add the fglrx-modaliases recommends to jockey-common?19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 262819 in jockey "Jockey doesn't offer fglrx" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26281919:31
superm1pitti, i wouldn't do that until we have one that works with the x server in intrepid19:31
Keybukpitti: it looks like it was you, so I retract the rudeness ;)19:31
superm1pitti, it works if you pin the x server to hardy only at this point19:31
pittiKeybuk: oh, fallout from the debian merge? I don't think I deliberately changed that?19:32
Keybukbut err, next time you merge sysvinit, please don't rearrange the boot ordering :p19:32
tseliotpitti: no, we shouldn't do it yet19:32
pittisuperm1, tseliot: ack19:32
Keybukpitti: possibly not, a 1 changing to a 2 is hard to spot in a postinst19:32
pittiKeybuk: there were only three differences in Ubuntu, which I kept (and asked you about)19:32
Keybukthe fact you didn't include any migration code for upgrades suggests it was simply an accident19:32
superm1pitti, there is still the problem regarding gcc-3.3 and fglrx too that would be needed to be sorted out before repromoting to restricted19:32
pittiKeybuk: ok, sorry if that screwed up something19:32
Keybukpitti: was breaking readahead19:33
pittiKeybuk: 02hostname needs it?19:33
Keybukno /var/run, /proc, etc. :)19:33
pittiah, readahead19:33
dokogeser: I'd say its safe to remove gcj-4.2 in intrepid19:33
superm1(bug 271794)19:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271794 in fglrx-installer "Re-promote gcc-3.3 to main" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27179419:33
dokopitti: wa this reaaly necessary? please could somebody talk with these guys?19:39
brycedoko: are you referring to bug 271794?  I talked with those guys about it19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 271794 in fglrx-installer "Re-promote gcc-3.3 to main" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27179419:45
brycedoko: or, I mentioned it to them; no response from them so far19:45
dokobryce: exactly19:46
brycedoko: don't bank on seeing a fix to that for intrepid though; they're scrambling just to get caught up to xserver 1.5, and I'm doubtful many other issues are going to get attention19:46
brycedoko: I have a phone call with them next week, and am planning on re-raising it then and try to get a response19:47
dokobryce: nice19:51
geserdoko: pdftk still needs libgcj8-1 (from gcj-4.2) and it FTBFS with gcj-4.319:52
dokogeser: pdftk should better be fixrd19:55
geserdoko: I tried, the problem is that gcj-4.3 doesn't like mixing c++ and java exceptions in one translation unit anymore20:02
geserit looks like all the code using c++ iostream and fstream needs to be moved into an own file20:03
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pittidoko: erm, I didn't promote gcc-3.3 ... over my dead body... or did I?20:08
pittidoko: oh, I didn't *phew*20:08
* calc is back in his own his with power finally after two weeks :)20:10
calcer house20:10
calcno television though for a while, directv is swamped with realigning the dishes20:10
calcthey couldn't even make an appointment for me since it is too far out in the future for their systems20:11
tedgcalc: You can probably realign it yourself, it isn't hard.20:13
calctedg: it looked substantially harder for the hd dish than the old regular one20:13
calcplus i don't have a > 24' that can reach my roof :-\20:13
tedgcalc: It is, but it's still not that difficult.20:13
calcgrr dropping words, ladder20:13
tedgOkay, it would be hard if you were trying to throw baseballs at it to align it. ;)20:14
calctedg: how do you do it? it completely bent it over, i can't see it up close but its knocked over in at least a 45 degree angle20:14
_Zeus_calc: is this all from ike?20:14
calc_Zeus_: yea20:14
tedgcalc: Well, if it's broken, that's another story.20:14
calctedg: i'm not sure if its broken or not, but its at least been bent over quite a bit20:15
calcit might have worked the bolts loose, not really sure though20:15
tedgcalc: But, your STB has meters to show your signal.  Basically you can use those.  But, also, if you go through the full setup (reset everything) it'll tell you the angle to put it at.20:15
calcwell i might see if my dad can help me with it this weekend if he isn't still working on ike stuff (works for a telco)20:15
calche access to a better ladder as well20:16
tedgThe latter is key.20:16
tedgladder that is.20:16
calc_Zeus_: ike is why we don't have OOo 3.0 yet ;-)20:16
calcbut now i have internet and access to my desktop pc so i can get it working20:17
tedgNote, you probably don't want to do "Reset All" to your HD DVR if you have one.  It'll remove all your recordings.  Do it to a non-DVR if you can.20:17
calctedg: yea20:19
radixmathiaz: just to keep you updated, I have a potential fix that's unit tested, and I'm about to do some manual tests on my intrepid box20:20
radixmathiaz: (for the landscape-config thing)20:20
mathiazradix: awesome ! thanks for your help !20:20
acochey guys, could you direct me to your documentation on the cd-build process (ie germinate to livecd)20:24
ahasenackwhen a package that was in universe is moved to main after a certain version, what happens to the previous versions? Are they also moved into main? Are they deleted? Do they stay in universe?20:34
slangasekRiddell: who is he waiting for approval from to run this SQL script?20:36
slangasekahasenack: a change in the package's component is done on a per-distro basis; by default only the current development release is affected20:37
jdstrandslangasek, Riddell: I am comfortable with libzip in main. I hope it's ok I marked the bug 'Fix Released' (since you seemed to only be waiting on me)20:37
slangasekjdstrand: ok, thanks20:37
ahasenackslangasek: this package only existed in the development distro (update-motd is the package)20:38
ahasenackslangasek: I can't seem to find other versions other than the current one in the archive (1.7)20:38
mathiazahasenack: right - update-motd has been added to intrepid.20:38
Riddellslangasek: I've no idea20:39
ahasenackmathiaz: so the older versions are gone?20:39
Riddelljdstrand: great, thanks20:39
ahasenackI checked main and universe20:39
ahasenackinside pool20:39
jdstrandRiddell: sorry for the delay, but it's finally done :)20:39
slangasekahasenack: older versions always go away from the archive; that's not related to whether it moves components20:40
ahasenackslangasek: ah, ok, so the older versions I see in the package directories are from other distros, that's why they are still there20:40
mathiazahasenack: you can find the publishing history in lp - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-motd20:41
slangasekahasenack: yes, from previous Ubuntu releases20:41
ahasenackslangasek: right, thanks20:41
Riddellsiretart: don't suppose you know what's up with this compile?  xine issue https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kdebase-runtime/4:4.1.1-0ubuntu520:43
jcastrocan someone with a minute please moderate my mail to ubuntu-devel please?20:45
evanddear lord, 1543 new messages to ubuntu-devel.21:01
evandjcastro: approved21:01
nxvljcastro: around?21:02
jcastroevand: thanks!21:03
jcastronxvl: yep!21:03
calcfridge take a long time to cool down when they haven't been used for a while21:12
=== _Traxer is now known as Traxer
siretartRiddell: it seems that this part of kdebase is redifining the keyword 'inline' to something funky.21:15
siretartRiddell: it doesn't look like an issue in xine to me, TBH21:16
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tkamppeterpitti, can you upload a Jockey package ASAP with the fixed API (search_driver() to return result+list of installed packages) so that I can make an s-c-p package? Thanks.21:19
pittitkamppeter: still waiting for your input in bug 269454, but I could do an upload without that if needed21:19
tkamppeterpitti, I have answered your questions now. bug mail notification is always delayed some time.21:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269454 in jockey "Poor user interface when printer setup tool asks Jockey for a driver" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26945421:20
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pittitkamppeter: ah, thanks21:21
pittitkamppeter: anyway, I'm about to go to bed, so I'll do a quick upload now and a better one tomorrow21:21
pittitkamppeter: I documented the search_driver() result structure in README.txt, FYI21:22
tkamppeterpitti, which hour tomorrow will the beta freeze be.21:24
pittitkamppeter: depends on slangasek, I don't know21:24
tkamppeterpitti, thanks in advance for the quick upload.21:26
pittitkamppeter: uploaded21:41
NCommandergood $TIME all21:44
cjwatsonevand: it hasn't even been that long since I processed the queue. I suspect it's getting joe-jobbed21:51
evandcjwatson: indeed, that's exactly what it was21:54
slangasekyes, u-d-a is also getting joe-jobbed22:02
andrew_sayersmdke: are you available to talk about IE6?22:09
mdkeandrew_sayers: sure thing22:13
andrew_sayersmdke: ubuntu-doc better?22:14
apacheloggerpitti: apport retracing marks a bug as duplicate of a private bug, but doesn't mention/explain the private state, which apparently confuses users (at least the one who just mentioned that) :/22:30
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
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kirklandbryce: ping23:05
kirklandbryce: i'm nearly done fixing the kvm/keycode mapping bug23:06
kirklandbryce: i have an X11 question, though23:06
kirklandbryce: in the configure, I need a check to conditionally add the -lX1123:06
kirklandbryce: for now, i just stubbed -lX11 onto the beginning of the SDL_LIBS23:07
kirklandbryce: which "works", but it seems like that might be brittle23:07
kirklandbryce: i'm hoping you might point me at some source with a more appropriate check that I can clone23:07
slangasekeew, you're doing something that requires linking against libX11 directly? :)23:09
kirklandslangasek: as opposed to... ?23:11
slangasekI don't know - what are you doing that requires linking to libX11?23:11
kirklandslangasek: detecting evdev or not in kvm's internal qemu23:12
kirklandslangasek: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50278/23:13
kirklandslangasek: keycodes = XGetAtomName(info.info.x11.display, desc->names->keycodes);23:13
slangasekah, yum23:13
cjwatsonkvm/keycode> hooray!23:13
kirklandcjwatson: i'm 99% of the way there ;-)23:14
cjwatsonyou make me so happy23:14
kirklandcjwatson: it works, just trying to clean up one (possibly messy) aspect of the build23:14
slangasekkirkland: you're, uh... not really editing configure directly, are you? :)23:14
kirklandslangasek: this is debian/patches/evdev_keycode_map.patch23:15
kirklandslangasek: what do you suggest?23:15
slangasekkirkland: editing configure.{in,ac} and/or acinclude.m4, then regenerating configure23:16
slangasekediting configure directly tends to lead to confusing errors down the line23:16
kirklandslangasek: none of those exist23:16
cjwatsonjust be careful to look at the resulting diff to make sure there isn't a vast amount of junk due to configure last having been generated with a prehistoric autoconf23:16
cjwatson... oh23:17
kirklandslangasek: apt-get source kvm23:17
cjwatsonyou do sometimes get configure with no configure.ac, due to an INSANE UPSTREAM23:17
slangaseklooking :)23:17
kirklandcjwatson: slangasek: aliguori is upstream for qemu, been helping me with this in #ubuntu-virt23:18
cjwatsonupstream isn't Fabrice any more?23:18
kirklandcjwatson: him too :-)23:19
* slangasek scratches his head. Tony is upstream for qemu?23:19
slangasekright, so qemu/configure is a hand-written script23:20
slangasekonly 1572 lines long, though, so I guess that's ok ;P23:20
kirklandslangasek: my reasoning was that if you have SDL, then you have X1123:20
kirklandslangasek: so I just chunked it on the front of there23:20
slangasekkirkland: I don't object to the reasoning; it might not fly with upstream, but it works fine for us :)23:20
kirklandcjwatson: any objections from you?23:21
kirklandthat was my only reservation ....23:21
cjwatsonnot at all, just that it's unconventional for "configure" not to be autoconf-generated, that's all23:21
kirklandi'm going to post a debdiff and look for a sponsor23:21
cjwatsonbut I can't see a libX11 dependency being a problem here23:21
kirklandcjwatson: right libsdl depends on libx1123:21
kirkland(fuzz up those names correctly ^)23:22
cjwatsonlibsdl1.2debian doesn't seem to unconditionally depend on libx11-623:22
kirklandcjwatson: need an explicit build dep, then?23:22
cjwatsonthe primary alternative seems to depend on libdirectfb23:23
cjwatsonkirkland: you should always use an explicit build-dependency when using something directly, rather than relying on transitive build-deps23:23
brycekirkland: no that's probably the right approach.  All the examples I could point to have the X11 libs as prereqs23:23
kirklandbryce: thx23:23
cjwatsonkirkland: dpkg-shlibdeps should find the runtime dependency for itself, though23:23
cjwatsonthe test for "do I need to build-depend on this even though one of my other build-deps depends on it" is "would I still need to build-depend on it if space aliens replaced that other build-dep with libhello?"23:24
kirklandcjwatson: shall I add libx11-dev to kvm's control file as a build-depends?23:24
brycecjwatson: btw all the bugs mentioned at this morning's meeting have been reviewed and resolved23:26
* NCommander flicks on the StevenK 23:26
brycecjwatson: also closed a couple others, all of which should be fine in current Intrepid.  there's just one intrepid targeted X bug - that we don't have -fglrx yet.23:27
cjwatsonthanks; I've been noticing lots of bugs from the meeting in the dist-upgrade I'm doing at the moment23:27
cjwatsonasac cleared out a bunch too23:27
cjwatsonbryce: do you think the acpi-support upload closed the hotkey bug? (I haven't had a chance to look yet, sorry, browser closed in preparation for reboot)23:28
bryceI don't think so.  We didn't get mdz's test but several others tested it and did not find it fixed their issue23:29
brycebut all the changes included in it fixed specific bugs in debian so I think they're good.  At least, no signs of regressions23:29
kirklandcjwatson: patch attached to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/25838923:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258389 in kvm "Keyboard acting strangely on Intrepid hosts" [Undecided,Confirmed]23:30
kirklandcjwatson: zul offered to sponsor later tonight23:30
kirklandcjwatson: but it's there if you want it ;-)23:30
cjwatsonoh, I'm not in *that* much of a rush, have to go out in a few minutes to pick up a friend from the station anyway23:31
kirklandcjwatson: np ;-)  should be waiting for you in an update tomorrow23:31
cjwatsonkirkland: beer[kirkland] += 1 if it works23:32
james_wRiddell: because I didn't and still don't have real upload rights anywhere, so I very rarely sign packages23:32
kirklandcjwatson: i just noticed your comments about virt*[s|z]*23:33
james_wRiddell: I don't think it should stay that way, but I haven't found a good way to suit both users that way23:33
cjwatsonRiddell: oh yes, I meant to answer that; FWIW I have debuild configured not to sign anything either so I don't notice the difference :-) I prefer the model commit, build, test, sign23:33
cjwatsonbut it's easy to configure debuild either way, of course23:33
aliguorislangasek, fabrice doesn't really work on qemu anymore.  he still has commit access but he's doesn't want to be maintainer anymore23:36
slangasekah, well then :)23:37
* pochu waves good night23:53

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