
stwestonanyone know how to install xubuntu while changing the boot operations?00:09
stwestonto prevent initramfs?00:09
stwestonsorry. I need to go...00:09
stwestonI need help getting the initramfs prompts to stop. I'm trying to install Xubuntu Hardy, and this always happens.00:38
CIA-50casper: TheMuso * r541 casper/ (3 files in 3 dirs):01:36
CIA-50casper: * scripts/casper-bottom/30accessibility &01:36
CIA-50casper:  ubiquity-hooks/30accessibility: Change the way that orca is set to01:36
CIA-50casper:  automatically start. Orca can be started via a gconf key, however this01:36
CIA-50casper:  is not reflected in the orca UI, and doesn't easily allow the user to01:36
CIA-50casper:  prevent orca from autostarting on an installed system.01:36
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
CIA-50casper: TheMuso * r542 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.14301:37
ganecjwatson, i took screnshot for the error of running ubiquity on my desktop .. how to send this file to you08:02
xivulonwas testing today's daily and there is a ubiquity error: /usr/bin/ubiquity-dm line 17909:05
xivulonone ")" too much09:05
xivulonwell the daily is 2309200809:08
cjwatsongane: *not* by DCC.09:58
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-Away
cjwatsongane: put it on some website09:58
cjwatsonxivulon: erk, thanks, will fix09:59
ganecjwatson, can you tell the website10:13
cjwatsonno. some website that *you* can upload files to10:13
ganecjwatson, pastebin.com takes only text files10:13
cjwatsonI'm afraid you'll have to look around10:18
cjwatsonyour attempts to DCC it to me were (a) unwelcome (DCC is a well-known vector for malware) and (b) malformed (they came from port 0 which isn't going to work ...)10:19
ganegive me your mail id .. i send you through yousendit.com11:08
ganecjwatson, give me your mail id .. i send you through yousendit.com11:09
cjwatsonno, I don't accept that11:09
cjwatsonI'm not prepared to provide personal support for your modified image11:09
ganecjwatson, then what i have to do11:09
cjwatsonyou modified the image; figure out what modifications caused the problem11:09
ganecjwatson, ok i just tell the err what i got11:10
cjwatsonif and only if it is reproducible on an image we ship, then file a bug report on Ubuntu's ubiquity package11:10
ganeerror " you entered an empty password , which is not allowed . Please choose a non-empty password"11:11
ganecjwatson, this error im getting after creating a partition .. just click on forward11:12
cjwatsonare you preseeding ubiquity?11:12
cjwatsonwhat modifications are you making?11:13
cjwatsonlet me be very clear: this doesn't happen with standard Ubuntu11:13
cjwatsonat least not outside potentially broken development versions, but I've not heard of this problem even there; certainly not with the 8.04 release11:14
ganei just modified gdm by 2.6.20 & some modifications but i not changed the ubiquity11:15
cjwatsongane: please try to reproduce this problem on standard Ubuntu11:16
cjwatsonI cannot help you with your modified image11:16
cjwatsonif standard Ubuntu works, then you must have broken it somehow, but I'm afraid I simply do not have the time to help you figure it out11:17
ganecjwatson, i always customise the ubuntu & i succed , this time all applications are working but ubiquity is not11:17
ganecjwatson, it is crossing 5 steps without any mistake .. previously problem with creation of partition .. now that isworking fine .. that also i solved with your help11:19
CIA-50debian-installer-utils: cjwatson * r662 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog list-devices): merge from lp:~tormodvolden/debian-installer-utils/usb-drive-install11:34
ganecjwatson, can you see the image http://www.badongo.com/en/index.php?page=upload_s_complete&s=&msg=Click+here+to+view+your+uploaded+image&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.badongo.com%2Fpic%2F4512527&url_kill=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.badongo.com%2Fdelete%2Fpic%2Fsr38jqzh%2F4512527&affiliate=&thumb=112:09
cjwatsonI can, but doesn't tell me much more than the error message you quoted12:10
cjwatsonI repeat my previous request12:10
cjwatson11:16 <cjwatson> gane: please try to reproduce this problem on standard Ubuntu12:10
cjwatson11:16 <cjwatson> I cannot help you with your modified image12:11
cjwatson11:17 <cjwatson> if standard Ubuntu works, then you must have broken it somehow, but I'm afraid I simply do not have the time to help you figure it out12:11
cjwatsonread http://www.troubleshooters.com/tuni.htm particularly http://www.troubleshooters.com/ustep6.htm12:12
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2845 ubiquity/ (bin/ubiquity-dm debian/changelog):12:18
CIA-50ubiquity: Remove stray closing parenthesis in ubiquity-dm (thanks, Agostino12:18
CIA-50ubiquity: Russo).12:18
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2846 ubiquity/ (configure configure.ac): bump to 1.9.1912:21
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2847 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):12:24
CIA-50ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: partman-base 121ubuntu6,12:24
CIA-50ubiquity: partman-ext3 52ubuntu2, partman-reiserfs 41ubuntu2, yaboot-installer12:24
CIA-50ubiquity: 1.1.12ubuntu2.12:24
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2848 ubiquity/ubiquity/frontend/kde_ui.py: duplication left over from initial work12:31
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2849 ubiquity/scripts/mythbuntu/apply-drivers: grammar12:32
TheMusocjwatson: I saw your note in a recent ubiquity upload about possible accessibility breakage. I'll have a look at that tomorrow and fix it if need be. I am not really bothered if it doesn't land for beta, but for final release would be good.12:34
* cjwatson nods12:35
cjwatsonmake sure you're using 1.9.19 that I'm about to upload; xivulon pointed out a syntax error in 1.9.18 :-/12:35
TheMusoWill do.12:35
=== davmor2-Away is now known as davmor2
CIA-50ubiquity: cjwatson * r2850 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.9.1912:37
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
=== superm1|away is now known as superm1
kirklandcjwatson: in the tasksel sources, what's the difference between the tasks/ dir, and the ubuntu-tasks/ dir?17:30
cjwatsontasks/ => Debian17:30
kirklandcjwatson: i'm guessing tasks/ is what we inherit from debian?17:30
cjwatsonI just left it alone rather than dealing with merging it all the time17:30
kirklandcjwatson: okay, dendrobates has asked me to add ubuntu-tasks/virtualization-host: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50184/17:31
kirklandcjwatson: i'll get you a bzr branch in a few minutes, but does that pastebin look okay?17:32
kirklandcjwatson: ubuntu-virt-server is a simple meta package in universe, that I'm MIR-bugging in parallel, just depends on kvm, libvirt-bin, openssh-server17:34
cjwatsondon't do it in tasksel17:34
kirklandcjwatson: okay...  where?17:35
cjwatsonadding files to ubuntu-tasks/ manually constitutes a bug17:35
cjwatsondo it in the seeds17:35
cjwatsonsee e.g. Chuck's tomcat-server change recently17:35
kirklandcjwatson: k17:35
cjwatsonand if you're doing that, why have a metapackage, why not just have virtualization-host be a task?17:35
kirklandthe metapackage exists for installation after-the-fact17:36
cjwatsonmaybe have all the dependencies of ubuntu-virt-server as entries in the virtualization-host seed, *including* ubuntu-virt-server, and then you can transition over to that later17:36
cjwatsontasks can be installed after the fact, and you can generate metapackages from seeds if you want to ...17:36
cjwatsonanyway, I suggest that the virtualization-host seed should have the following entries: kvm, libvirt-bin, openssh-server, ubuntu-virt-server17:37
cjwatsonlater on you can deal with making ubuntu-virt-server generated from that17:37
kirklandmore magic ;-)17:37
cjwatsonassuming that it has the proper Task- headers (see the other server seeds), we can then just push a button to update tasksel17:37
cjwatsonit's awkward magic at the start, but once it's going it maintains itself17:38
cjwatsonthe entire seed/task business is optimised for automatability17:38
cjwatsonrather than developer comprehension, unfortunately ;-)17:39
kirklandokay, lemme attack from that angle......17:40
stwestonI need help writing a persuasive essay. I'm thinking the topic should be about free software.17:40
stwestonanyone care to help?17:40
cjwatsonstweston: oh, you're here. I keep missing you 'cos you keep joining, asking the same question, and leaving17:41
stwestonoh. sorry17:41
cjwatsonstweston: I obviously wasn't clear enough earlier regarding your Xubuntu/initramfs problem, but I thought I had answered it17:41
stwestoncjwatson: what's the problem?17:41
stwestoncjwatson: oh?17:41
cjwatsonstweston: it is not an installer bug, and we cannot help you in this channel. It is very likely the same thing you're encountering when trying to boot from the alternate CD. You need help from kernel developers.17:42
stwestoncjwatson: what's the solution? do you know it?17:42
stwestoncjwatson: aah. I see.17:42
cjwatsonit is almost certainly just a different presentation of that same bug; the desktop boot process is very different from how the alternate install CD works, but ultimately they both have to mount /cdrom at some point17:42
cjwatsonand if the kernel can't do it, both will fail17:42
stwestoncjwatson: I get it. so it's a kernel problem? anyway... do you mind helping me work on a topic for this essay? I'm supposed to be writing a persuasive essay for school, and I'd like it to be about free software.17:43
cjwatsonsounds interesting, but I'm afraid I have too many free software bugs to fix ;-)17:44
* cjwatson is rather heavily contended17:44
stwestonsorry if I can't be of any assistance. I'm still a newbie who never used linux to its full extent... what do you mean "contended"?17:44
cjwatsonI mean that there are a lot of things that need my attention17:45
stwestonI see.17:45
stwestongot it.17:45
stwestonwell, thanks anyway!17:45
cjwatsonat least until my replacement manager gets hired and I can go back to hacking :)17:45
stwestonI'll try #ubuntu or some other channel. LOL17:45
stwestongot any suggestions for which channel to use for this topic problem?17:46
cjwatsonthere might be some general free software channels, though I don't know the names; "advocacy" might be a good keyword to use17:47
stwestonall right... how do I find it? is it, like, #advocacy?17:47
stwestonor what?17:48
cjwatsonI honestly don't know17:48
cjwatsonI'm just suggesting search terms17:48
stwestonokay... how do I search?17:48
stwestonfor channels, I mean.17:48
cjwatsonread the manual for your IRC client ...17:48
cjwatsonsyntax varies a bit17:49
kirklandcjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50193/17:50
kirklandcjwatson: i'm still a bit confused about what we double up on the things included by ubuntu-virt-server in this task17:50
cjwatsonbecause then it means that later you can generate ubuntu-virt-server from the seed, like basically every other metapackage in Ubuntu17:51
cjwatsoneven if you don't do that now17:51
cjwatsonyou should also have "Task-Metapackage: ubuntu-virt-server" in there in order to support that later, since your metapackage and seed are named differently17:52
kirklandi wonder if it would make more sense to call the new metapackage, when generated, virtualization-host17:53
kirklandand drop the ubuntu-virt-server metapackage17:53
cjwatsonperhaps but then you have migration tedium. It's not that important ...17:53
kirklandcjwatson: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50195/17:55
cjwatsonedit STRUCTURE as well in the places corresponding to other server tasks, and you're done17:56
kirklandcjwatson: virtualization vs virtualisation ... strong opinion either way?18:04
kirklandz = more natural to me, though I've seen "s" with some UK-peeps18:04
kirklandcjwatson: pushed to lp:~kirkland/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu.intrepid.virtualization-host18:07
kirklandcjwatson: fyi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-virt/+bug/274053 is is the MIR for ubuntu-virt-server18:12
kirklandthanks for your help ;-)18:12
cjwatsonkirkland: personally I spell it with an s, although both are technically legitimate in British English (although many people think -ise is the only correct British spelling)18:26
cjwatsonkirkland: I think shortening it to "virt" is a nice way to get around the problem, personally18:27
cjwatsonanyway, got to go out ...18:27
kirklandcjwatson: (fixed) heh :-)19:03
bdmurraybug 271512 feels like a duplicate to me but I can't find anything.  Am I confused?19:04
evandI don't believe so, but perhaps you saw something that I missed.19:13
bdmurrayI might be thinking about that bug itself19:28
bdmurrayAnyway is it on your radar?19:29
evandIt is indeed19:29
bdmurrayevand: can we reflect that in the bug report?19:41
evandbdmurray: done19:42
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
CIA-50usb-creator: evand * r23 usb-creator/ (8 files in 5 dirs):23:05
CIA-50usb-creator: * Add --safe option to enable syslinux's 'safe, slow, and stupid' mode23:05
CIA-50usb-creator:  (LP: #273740).23:05
CIA-50usb-creator: * Substitue the current version into bin/usb-creator during build.23:05
CIA-50usb-creator: * Fix cases where free_space gets called after we've unmounted filesystems23:05
CIA-50usb-creator:  as part of the shutdown process (LP: #273861).23:05
CIA-50usb-creator: * Lower debhelper requirement for Hardy backport (LP: #273936).23:05

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