
=== ALo is now known as ALoGeNo
persiaogra: Thanks for chasing the hardware support buttons.  I'm not sure if it's related, but all the extra buttons on my Kohjinsha work with today's MID image.08:12
persia(this represents an improvement from the last time I tried them)08:13
ian_brasilpersia: wow you have a Kohjinsha ..is it a C3?08:33
=== njpatel_away is now known as njpatel
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2-Away
loologra: You're getting a BB? :)11:16
ogralool, nah, just looking at their website11:17
ograi get a n800 tomorrow for 80€ from ebay to play with arm stuff11:17
loolIt's nifty to start hacking on OMAP3, but I don't find it very rich after that11:17
ograwell, i'm ltsp upstream dev ... that board makes the perfect thn client ... i'm so waiting for being able to support arm thin clients ... with the mythv ltsp modules you can have the perfect VCR with a powerful server in the basement and the beagelboard as client in your living room11:19
loolGood point11:20
ograits the perfect peripherial ...11:21
* ogra would love if we would start working on home automation some day ... thats a real intresting field11:22
ograthe 128M are somewhat a showstopper for real usage 11:30
ograthough compcache might help a bit :)11:35
* ogra has the evtouch calibration tool not segfaulting anymore :)11:48
ograso lets see ...11:57
=== davmor2-Away is now known as davmor2
persiaian_brasil_: No: it's the SR series.14:28
loologra: BTW, saw your blog post this morning and: thanks!15:27
loolWe need more bloggers15:27
loolI should get a blog too15:27
ograi'll try to take that role from time to time15:28
ograif we want a community we need to be more wordy :)15:28
* ogra takes a break before implementing the rest of the evtouch stuff ... my brain melts 15:30
GlasswalkerHey, I have an old Hitachi Visionplate (or a pile of them to be exact). I am trying to get a newer linux distro to work on them, and ubuntu-mobile sounds perfect. The visionplate is a Crusoe based internet tablet, using pcmcia wifi, and a compactflash card (recognized as an IDE hdd by linux). It uses the MK712 touchscreen driver.15:43
GlasswalkerAny idea if I will be able to get ubuntu-mobile running on it? or any suggestions what I might need to do to get it to work?15:44
persiaGlasswalker: You ought be able to get Ubuntu Mobile to run on them if you have enough extra RAM, but they are larger screens (but similar resolution) than those for which either of the flavours is designed.15:46
GlasswalkerYeah they use 800x600 res15:46
GlasswalkerI think it has 256MB ram15:46
Glasswalkermight be 128MB15:46
GlasswalkerI am using a 4GB CF card in them15:46
GlasswalkerWill ubuntu mobile play nice with the flash storage?15:47
Glasswalker(as in it won't thrash it with constant rewrites)15:47
persiaThe default base specs look like the low end for Xubuntu: you might try that.  If you have vertical resolution issues, try Ubuntu Mobile (but I think that expects 3D).  You could try Ubuntu MID, but it's not optimised for a screen with that low a DPI, and may not be as pretty.15:47
GlasswalkerMeh looking pretty is the least of my worries15:48
Glasswalkermy main problem right now is I have tried Kubuntu, and DSL linux, Kubuntu I had problems installing, DSL Linux I got to install and boot on it beautifully, but I can't get the touchscreen to work in that one15:48
GlasswalkerNothing I install seems to support the MK712 touchscreen driver15:48
Glasswalker(even though it has been officially supported in the kernel since early 2.4 kernel apparently)15:49
GlasswalkerAnd the lack of any useful information on the visionplate slows progress a bit :) lol15:49
GlasswalkerI mean I could just run them with Midori, but that project got abandoned years ago, and all the software on the latest image for the thing is ancient...15:50
GlasswalkerDo you know if there is a way to cross-compile an optimized kernel for the crusoe? so I can take advantage of it's native performance (Rather than it's rather shoddy x86 pseudo-emulation crap) lol15:50
ograpersia, ubuntu-mobile expects as much 3D as ubuntu desktop ... i.e. it wil fall back automaticaly to metacity if no GL support for compiz is there 15:51
persiaYou don't need to cross-compile, you just need to recompile.  Supposedly that was fixed in 7.10, but I've not read any reports about 8.04.15:51
persiaGlasswalker: Specifically, the crusoe *can't* run native code.15:52
persiaogra: Ah, cool.  Thanks for the correction.15:52
Glasswalkerok fair enough15:52
Glasswalkerso a recompile on-device will do the trick?15:53
GlasswalkerThe only reason I ask is midori is lightning fast on it15:53
persiaGlasswalker: Well, you could replace the code parsing engine with something different, but given the performance of the 256-bit core, it likely emulates x86 faster than it runs native code.15:53
persiamidori feels fast because it's stripped down to the bare essentials, rather than because of the kernel (although compiling with the right options helps)15:54
persiaGlasswalker: But you probably want Xubuntu anyway.  The mobile flavours are more about form factor than performance.  As much as I'd like more users, I'm just not sure it's the best install for your hardware.15:57
Glasswalkerok fair enough15:58
GlasswalkerThe reason I gravitated to it was that it was designed for internet devices...15:58
GlasswalkerBut if you think Xubuntu is better for my purpose I will give it a shot.15:58
Glasswalker(I have to admit the nice touchy feely interface would be nice though lol)15:58
GlasswalkerAlthough my application will handle 90% of the interface anyway15:59
ograthe current ubuntu-mobile image i announced yesterday will definately have probs with less than 256M (its just a modified gnome desktop)15:59
GlasswalkerAhh, so memory is a concern.15:59
Glasswalkeryeah I think these max out at 512MB (if I can find ram for them lol)15:59
ogra256 or 512 should be ok16:00
ograbut 128 is definately not enough for that image16:00
GlasswalkerIn the end all I want to use them for is a dedicated orbiter for LinuxMCE, so it basically needs a decent browser, and the ability to compile the orbiter client.16:00
persiaGlasswalker: You may want to create a custom install: start with Ubuntu Minimal, add your favorite browser, an X server, and your client.  If you prepare a package for the client, you only need to compile it once, and can distribute that to all of the machines.16:03
vadi2where can I find a list of MID models that are known to support Ubuntu MID?17:09
* ogra dances18:08
* ogra has the evtouch calibration working from a running X server ... 18:08
venomeogra: nice, what calibration tool did you use? for me the parameter calibrate "1" seems not working18:11
ogravenome, i'm currently fixing up the evtouch driver to use hal-input with xorg 1.518:12
ograhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/50200/ see the hal-set-property cal at the bottom ;)18:12
ograi should be dont tonight ... so tomorrow these fixes should hit intrepid18:13
venomewell, it seems pretty straightforward ... but i can't find the ev_calibrate tool ... do you know where to get the source / binary ?18:19
venomeogra: see my previous question please :)18:19
ograev_calibrate is shipped in the xserver-xorg-input-evtouch package ... but it was very buggy until today, i fixed much of it this morning, wait for my next upload of that package it should basically work then ... what i stil lack on are .fdi files for all supported evtouch devices, currently i only have one for ideaco and one for egalax18:22
ograi made a call on planet.ubuntu.com and the ubuntu-devel mailing list about a month ago that people send me their lshal output for systems with known evtouch devices but the feedback was zero :/18:24
ografact is that without .fdi the device wont work in intrepid since xorg 1.5 expects all input devices to be handled by hal18:24
venomeorga: that's quite a lot of work you've done ... i'm looking forward to seeing the results. didn't know there are these changes happeing in intrepid ... Btw. i've got the eGalax too so if you need anything ... but i'm running gutsy where the ev_calibrate seems not yet present ...18:29
ograit is in /usr/lib/xf86-input-evtouch/18:34
ograeven in gutsy18:34
ograbut it was broken forever in debian and ubuntu18:34
ograif you have an egalax, yu could probably even use my .fdi from bug 26187318:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261873 in xf86-input-evtouch "make evtouch devices work with hal-input in intrepid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26187318:35
ogra(in intreid indeed)18:36
=== robr_ is now known as robr
ian_brasil_ogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50200/ is a generic standalone script for calibrating evtouch..i mean like if your touchscreen is not working you could use this script to make it work?18:44
ograian_brasil_, only if ev_calibate works (which it onyl does since my last upload) and sits in $PATH18:44
ograand indeed it requires the new hal-input layer18:45
ograpatiency :) i'll be done tonight with my work ...18:45
ograwithin the next 24h evtouch should work and have a proper calibration mechanism in intrepid 18:46
ian_brasil_ogra: i wasn't trying to rush you at all..just trying to work out in my mind what the script was18:46
ograits a ripoff of the calibrate.sh script shipped in the evtouch driver18:47
ograwith added hal support18:47
ogratogether with the fixes and fdi files from bug 261873 it will make evtouch work flawless and enable you to calibrate from a running X server18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261873 in xf86-input-evtouch "make evtouch devices work with hal-input in intrepid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26187318:48
ograall i need are additional .fdi files or lshal output for devices i dont own18:49
ian_brasil_the script will be integrated into xserver-xorg-input-evtouch package ?18:50
ogratogether with a gui tool if i make it in time 18:51
ograso you will have a "calibrate touchscreen" entry in your gnome control center (or in the moblin control thingie)18:52
* ian_brasil_ wishes he had a touchscreen device to send ogra an .fdi file18:52
ograbeta freeze is tomorrow ... so i cant promise the gui will be there 18:52
=== njpatel is now known as njpatel_away
RwLtrying to install the new gnome-based ubuntu mobile on a samsung Q1, and I'm getting grub Error 15: File Not Found after install & restart. I'd selected Guided --> Use Entire Disk for partitioning. Help?20:14
RwLThinking I ought to manually partition it, but can't find a spec to use20:20
lool"GLX and DRI passthrough support for Xephyr" woohoo20:25
loolRwL: We miss the kernel meta-packages at the moment, so the images are still known broken :-/20:25
loolRwL: Install a kernel manually after installation?20:25
RwLthanks for the info, lool, but that's probably more work than interests me right now :)20:26
loolRwL: Wait a little more then ;)20:27
RwLlool: sure. likely hours, days, weeks? no big deal, just curious to play with this platform20:29
loolRwL: The image is built daily; you can rsync it to avoid redownloading if you like20:37
loolIt's a matter of days20:37
ian_brasilogra: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50238/ its pygtk and very simple but it is a start at least20:41
* lool &20:41

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