
ftajcastro, could you please close http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/3092/ ?00:02
ftaor tell me how i could do that...00:03
ftaasac, http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/7498/00:05
ftaubufox ?00:05
ftahttp://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/9770/ :)00:15
asacfta: not sure ;)00:25
asacabout brainstorm00:25
asac(didnt manage to file the 3.1 bug)00:25
asac3.0.2 and ubufox uploaded00:33
asac269656 fixed ;)00:33
Volansasac: I have sent you and email about med-auto-scripts and pushed all my scripts on LP among with an example of a "master" script00:45
asacVolans: yep answered00:49
Volansthanks :)00:50
asacsunbird 0.9 is out ;)00:52
ftaasac, Sep 22 22:00:10 <fta>     SUNBIRD_0_9_RELEASE01:12
Volansbye, good night!01:29
ftaasac, ff3.1a2 pushed to mt ppa01:53
jcastrofta: closed02:34
=== fabrice_sp_ is now known as fabrice_sp
* asac yawns07:27
asacmorning ;)07:27
asacfta: did you already push nss/nspr to your PPA?07:48
knomeasac, ping pong08:11
knomeasac, there's been conversation on the start pages for different distros on the k/xubuntu-devel and ubuntu-website mailing lists08:12
knomeasac, i heard you have been working with ubufox and thus am asking you whether this could be extended for the other distros as well08:14
knomeasac, please ping or pm me when you have time (i will most probably be offline then though, but i'll get back to you)08:14
ftaasac, not yet, but i will08:54
gnomefreakwhos here?09:16
gnomefreakthere is no way to have a rss feed reader(liferea) for the Mozilla team? this way we can all see the updates to extensions and such09:23
gnomefreakTherefore we have decided to radically change the future of Epiphany in the upcoming 2.24 development cycle.09:25
gnomefreakdropping gecko09:26
gnomefreakasac: from what im reading Mozilla hasnt decided what to do with EULA yet. is our fix and thier fix(when released) going to conflict? assuming we know what they plan on doing09:33
asacgnomefreak: depends on how you conflict09:40
asacerr define conflict09:40
asaci am working with them. what they will finally do is open, yes, but our approach should at least be an option09:41
gnomefreaki like what you did with it and i would hate that Mozillas fix will change that09:41
asacgnomefreak: the general approach "showing notification area" is agreed upon. i think even if they go for the "stupid" firstrun page solution we will still be allowed to use our variant09:42
gnomefreakok cool09:42
gnomefreakim looking for feeds to the extensions i was/will be working on to keep up to date09:43
asacgnomefreak: we are working on something09:55
asacvolans writes scripts that move us towards auto upgrading upstream branches and auto merging09:56
asacin that way you should get notification that something new is there09:56
gnomefreakasac: for the feeds?09:59
gnomefreakah ok09:59
gnomefreakthat works09:59
asacgnomefreak: instead of feeds getting merge request mails or failure notices i guess10:01
gnomefreakepiphany-gecko???? i guess they havent fix it yet10:01
asacgnomefreak: unlikely10:01
gnomefreakasac: yeah i spoke before reading, i thought you were talking to volans10:02
asacok :-P10:02
gnomefreakthan they are dropping gecko for next release10:02
gnomefreakwebkit will be used AFAIK10:02
rzrhi friends10:23
rzri am back as promised10:24
rzrany ubufox experts around ?10:25
* rzr just updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/flashblock/+bug/26995810:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 269958 in flashblock "flashblock plugin doesn't work in firefox" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:26
gnomefreakhe may be breaking it atm ;)10:26
* gnomefreak looks before restart10:27
gnomefreakrzr: disable ubufox adn it works?10:28
rzrnow it works w/ it10:28
gnomefreakso it works now10:28
rzrwas it bugged lately ?10:28
gnomefreakwhat did you do to make it work?10:28
rzri took some vacations :)10:29
rzrjust upgrade and test it ?10:30
gnomefreaki just commented to see if everyones is fixed. hardy isnt likely to get the fix but now a days anything is possible10:30
gnomefreaksomeone one here yesterday about this issue10:31
gnomefreakill check bug mail in a bit10:31
gnomefreakasac: im checking something but abrowser may have a bug10:38
gnomefreakassuming ff3 has same bug10:39
gnomefreakok well the above was a bug but now the browser wont start10:39
gnomefreakok wtf10:40
gnomefreakabrowser update now wont run10:40
gnomefreaki tried 3 times and it starts to load than just stops (no crash report nothing)10:41
gnomefreakasac: what was changed in the latest abrowser update?10:42
asacgnomefreak: yeah.10:46
asacgnomefreak: not sure why that was introduced in this upgrade10:46
asacgnomefreak: i think the abrowser link is missing10:46
asacin firefox-3.010:46
gnomefreakso it doesnt work for you either?10:46
gnomefreaki thought it was just branding crap that was introduced in this upgrade but i havent looked at changelog10:47
gnomefreakexec: 118: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/abrowser: not found10:47
gnomefreakasac: id say you are right10:47
asacgnomefreak: yeah. regression10:47
asacgnomefreak: can you open a bug?10:48
asace.g. title "abrowser does not start: $pkglibdir/abrowser link missing"10:48
gnomefreakyeah without a browser kind of hard, let me look for another browser first10:48
asacgnomefreak: you can start it manually10:48
asace.g. /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/firefox10:49
asacshould still work10:49
gnomefreakasac: no i cant10:49
gnomefreakthats how i got that error10:49
asacgnomefreak: try /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/firefox10:49
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~$ abrowser10:49
gnomefreakexec: 118: /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/abrowser: not found10:49
asacread what i write plz :-P10:49
gnomefreaki did i have a browser open atm10:50
asacgnomefreak: in any case you can start abrowser like i posted above10:50
gnomefreakjust using firefox works10:52
gnomefreakopens abrowser10:52
asacthat too10:54
gnomefreakasac: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/27390710:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 273907 in firefox-3.0 "abrowser does not start: :$pkglibdir/abrowser link missing" [Undecided,New]10:54
gnomefreaki put it under abrowser10:55
gnomefreakoh well i guess they are linked10:55
gnomefreakdoes mozilla provide another email client outside of sm and tbird?10:59
gnomefreakok ill be back, going to rest for a couple of minutes, than time to find another email client to use/test a problem i have with11:00
asacgnomefreak: no i think thats all for "plain" email11:09
asacgnomefreak: snowl is a ffox extension under development11:09
asacthat will at some point speak email11:09
asacmozilla bug 45499315:38
ubottuMozilla bug 454993 in Security "saved passwords lost/gone on migration/update from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45499315:38
asacmozilla bug 45618215:38
ubottuMozilla bug 456182 in Security "password manager doesn't run after upgrade to Firefox 3.0.2" [Major,Resolved: duplicate] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45618215:38
asacmozilla bug 45666115:38
ubottuMozilla bug 456661 in Password Manager "Firefox 3.0.1 not remembering passwords" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45666115:38
armin76bug 115:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115:41
fta2asac, ? again?16:02
asacfta2: *sigh*16:03
asac3.0.3 is coming :(16:03
asacfta2: i also landed a few milestone fixes in ffox package that will go up after meeting16:11
asacnot sure if i closed .head ... but feel fre to merge that up16:12
asacmozilla bug 45470816:30
ubottuMozilla bug 454708 in Password Manager "storage-Legacy can throw when calling ConvertToUnicode" [Major,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=45470816:30
Volanssi certo16:33
fta2asac, i don't have your nss tarball. what tag was it?16:41
Volansops... wrong tab sorry :)16:42
asacbug 24441316:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 244413 in xserver-xorg-video-openchrome "unichrome pro igp 1019:aa51 supported but not detected" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24441316:53
asacfta2: right16:53
asacthat will most likely be the final release according to nss dev i talked to16:53
asacfta2: are you using nss?17:06
asaci mean the _new_ nss ;)17:07
armin76asac: 3.0.3 is coming for that stuff?17:16
asacarmin76: yeah. at best prepatch17:35
ubottuMozilla bug 454708 in Password Manager "storage-Legacy can throw when calling ConvertToUnicode" [Major,Resolved: fixed]17:35
asacthats the patch that is almost certain to land17:35
asaci will roll that tomorrow morning to intrepid and prepare updates and if feedback is good push that out to hardy too17:36
fta2asac, i'm investigating the problem with dpkg-gensymbols17:43
fta2it complains inside objdump that the so files are missing17:43
asacfta: when does it do that?17:47
asacwhich package? nss?17:47
asacdoes nspr work?17:47
asacfta: if its just nss, use what i did in nspr17:51
asacactually i always wondered why it didnt fail here without that change while nspr needed it17:51
asacfta: i think this "no such file" warning can be ignored18:20
asacdh_makeshlibs -plibnspr4-0d -V 'libnspr4-0d (>= 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu5~)' -- -c4 -elibnspr4.so -elibplds4.so -elibplc4.so18:20
asacobjdump: 'libnspr4.so': No such file18:20
asacobjdump: 'libplds4.so': No such file18:20
asacappears to be harmless18:20
asacobjdump: 'libplc4.so': No such file18:20
asaccurrently testing if it now just do no symbol comparison by intentionally removing one symbol18:20
asacok i think its a particular bad idea to have no SONAME at all :)18:26
sebnerasac: firefox looses all the passwords, wth? Good that I use 3.1 trunk ^18:27
asachopefully fix will go up tomorro18:30
sebnerasac: upstream problem, right?18:31
asaci am uploading to intrepid in a minute18:34
sebnerasac: bad, mozilla. what do windows guys do?18:34
asacwait for mozilla release ;)18:37
asacbut i think they hurry as much as they can18:37
sebnerasac: kk :) but very bad reputation though18:39
asacfta: if you look at rev 38 on nspr.dev do you understand why expression like: DSO_LDOPTS='-shared -Wl,-soname -Wl,$(notdir $@)' now give an empty SONAME18:39
sebnerasac: what do you think about http://derstandard.at/?id=1220458961632  ?19:00
asacsebner: not sure. i doubt that they can really cope with long term maintenance of a fork19:02
asacbut who knows ;)19:02
asacmaybe those changes were unintrusive then it might work19:02
asacok off19:02
asaccu later19:02
sebnerasac: hf19:02
XioNoXasac, I still don't get the flash alternative stuff from ubufox...19:10
XioNoXbut I have the notificationbox who ask to restart firefox...19:10
gnomefreakAmpelbein: no pushed fix for abrowser?19:18
gnomefreakach that should be for asac19:25
gnomefreakhmmmm lots of freezes in Mozillaland20:21
armin76Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv4l; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008061200 Iceweasel/ (Debian-
armin76asac: ^ *g*21:09
armin76wonder why my build segfaults :(21:09
gnomefreakasac: i cc'ed the mailing list on the email concering foxmarks he hasnt been able to give me a straight answer21:38
=== fabrice_sp is now known as fabrice_sp|away
gnomefreak[reed]: are you around?21:56
gnomefreaki no longer get the errors when trying to send to dev-apps-firefox@lists.mozilla.org but my email still doesnt show up in inbox21:59
gnomefreaki guess ill play with it more tomorrow, night everyone.21:59
jeroen-properly asked before, but will sunbird 0.9 be part of intrepid?22:15
asacXioNoX: hey22:40
=== fta_ is now known as fta
jeroen-asac: do you know if sunbird 0.9 will be in intrepid?22:42
asacXioNoX: so you tried to uninstall ubufox through tools -> addons and that doesnt work?22:42
asacjeroen-: not decided22:43
asacjeroen-: one presequisites to see if we want it is to get a working package based on our sunbird packaging branch up somewhere22:44
jeroen-asac: ok hopefully it will22:44
jeroen-asac: it has fully support for google calendar, thats why ;-)22:46
jeroen-ok thanks for your answers, I'm out22:49
ftaasac, seb told me the freeze for b1 is tomorrow, what does that mean for ff3.1 ? i still want to push it asap. did you open the bug ?22:53
ftaasac, i don't think the empty "open tree" commit is really useful as it always follow a RELEASE commit, i usually do bump the version with the 1st commit following a RELEASE23:07
ftamaybe we should add bzr tags to better identify our releases23:07
ftait could even be made afterwards23:08
asaci dont mind23:08
asac(open tree or not)23:09
asaci just like diffs with "just" the changelog entry better23:09
ftaas it's just two lines above the 1st entry, it doesn't matter much, a cherry pick of jsut the 1st change will diverge anyway23:10
ftai mean, conflict23:11
asaci didnt get many conflicts on cherry picking in the recent past23:11
ftasay you want to cherry pick only the 1st change after your open tree commit, you will get the pkg version in the diff, so it will conflict, and then, there's no added value for that open tree commit23:12
ftasee what i mean?23:13
asacfta: right. might be ;)23:15
asaci actually think you are right23:15
asaci am just saying that i didnt get many conflicts when cherry-picking in recent history23:15
asaci sometimes thought that bzr did something smart about changelogs23:15
asacbut maybe thats just pure luck i had ;)=23:15
asacbut well .. go ahead to not "open tree" ;)23:16
ftayep, probably, i don't really think changelog is special in any way23:16
wikzfta: asac Hi folks :)23:16
asacnot sure what i will (remember to) do23:16
ftadamn, bzr: ERROR: --result option does not take a value23:16
asacbut as long as we use the same way to mark releases it should be fine i guess23:17
ftanew bzr is evil23:17
asacfta: --result-dir ;)23:17
ftaor new bd is evil23:17
asacfta: bd could deserve an --old-mode :)23:17
asacoh wait ... maybe we are just "old" and inflexible ;)23:17
ftawikz, hi23:17
wikzfta: How is this name for a release spicebird-0.7_0.7~pre-0ubuntu1~hardy_i386.deb23:17
wikzdo we need that ubuntu thing in there ?23:18
ftai don't think you need to name your package spicebird-0.7, spicebird is enough23:18
ftapre could be more specific23:19
asacwikz: ubuntu is more or less needed, yes23:19
wikzlike the SVn revision23:19
asacwikz: if you dont add that in the packaging revision and some chap packages spicebird in debian you might just loose your package, because if there is no ubuntu in revision the package will just be synched from debian23:19
fta0.7~pre assumes that 0.7 is not out yet, is that the case?23:20
wikzyes fta23:20
wikz0.7 would be the unstable revision and 0.8 would be the stable one23:20
asacwikz: like 0.7~svnREVNO23:20
wikzasac: sure23:20
ftayep, so someone could co your svn to recreate your tarball using that revno23:21
wikzfta: the libpurple had problems with --system-nss and nspr so disabled them23:21
asacwikz: the package revision ~hardy implies that its a backport of a "intrepid" build ;)23:21
ftawikz, what kind of problem?23:21
asacwikz: so if you just package for current development head you dont append taht23:21
wikzfta: It was not able to find the nssb64.h and other header files23:22
wikzasac: copy that roger :)23:22
asacwikz: you should always package for current development revision. and if you are happy with the packaging do a "hardy" backport of that.23:22
asacat least if you do the packaging close to the distro23:22
ftawikz, nssb64.h is there, you probably have a wrong configure, it's not using nss-config (or pkg-config) for nss23:23
ftait's worth fixing rather than going to in-source nss23:24
wikzfta: libpurple uses a config.h to mention if to use the system nss.h files23:24
wikzfta: I have to talk to devs about that.23:24
wikzasac: Is the window to inclusion in intrepid still open or the feature freeze has set in23:24
asacwikz: hard to get new things in23:24
asacit will surely cause discussion and raise concerns23:26
wikzasac: surely I could use your influence to sneak them in :P23:27
wikzfta: in the .install file ,why did you list out all the files in the components dir and for the rest used the /* ?23:28
ftabecause i split the gnome files out ?23:29
wikzthought so23:29
ftain other packages i played with globs/regexps to shorten those files, in tb3, i just listed all the files23:31
asacwikz: i wouldnt be so sure about that. i need good reasons to justify a new copy of mozilla code. on top i need even better reasons to do the same that late in the cycle23:32
asaci could probably sneak it in, but then I only have a certain amount of jokers left and everytime I would do something like this, our (mozillateam) perception in the MOTU community will suffer.23:33
wikzasac: If it gets through ,suppose; would it be main or universal ?23:34
ftawikz, even tb3 is not in, nor are my seamonkey 2, songbird, flock 2, etc..23:34
wikzfta: lol :)23:34
ftawikz, asac is a tyrant ;)23:35
asactryant? how did that happen?23:35
asacfta: flock will become _difficult_ yes :/23:38

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