
Seeker`I wonder if "who can crash the other persons computer first" is a good game00:06
elky_workSeeker`: it very much used to be00:14
Seeker`elky_work: not any more?00:30
elky_workSeeker`: i'm talking decades ago, dear.01:47
Seeker`that would be a little before my time :P01:48
elky_workyou know, pre-internet when viruses were actually people having consentual battles of exactly what you described.01:48
Seeker`I've heard stories of races to chnage the other persons password01:53
Picihrm. Thats mature.02:13
Seeker`what is?02:15
PiciSeeker`: Just a 'user' greeting my entry to a channel by a stupid annoying quip.02:18
ubottuDragnslcr called the ops in #kubuntu (sporkf)02:43
_Zeus_I got this message when i joined one of the chats02:44
_Zeus_(06:38:13 PM) wee493: (notice) Welcome to the channel _Zeus_ . Please take a seat and make yourself at home. Remember to look at the rules (type !rules) before chatting.02:44
_Zeus_is this allowed?02:44
_Zeus_is this guy an op?02:44
Pici_Zeus_: no, and thanks for the heads up.02:44
_Zeus_he's offline now02:45
Pici_Zeus_: was this in #ubuntu?02:45
_Zeus_not sure02:45
Picior some other channel?02:45
_Zeus_it was either #ubuntu, #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-bugs, #ubuntu-bugsannouce, #ubuntu-devel, #ubuntu+1, or #ubuntu-testing02:45
_Zeus_i must have lost internet while i was gone and when it reconnected all those chats, i got that02:45
_Zeus_i saw it when i got home02:45
_Zeus_but it wasn an official channel02:46
Pici_Zeus_: Unfortunately that user is long offline (whowas caches for a period of time) and since we don't know what channel there isnt much we can do about it now.02:46
_Zeus_got it, i could setup a buddy pounce02:47
_Zeus_or someone else02:47
* jrib greps his logs02:47
jrib#ubuntu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49907/02:48
_Zeus_should i leave now?02:49
jribthanks for the heads up _Zeus_02:49
_Zeus_cya around02:49
Picionly ~20 minutes of being in the channel02:50
jribprobably just some mistake or random testing02:51
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, _Zeus_ said: !omnomnomnom is I has a carrot...04:50
* Myrtti takes a huge gulp of Maalox06:30
* elky_work huggles Myrtti06:34
MyrttiI just love it when the first things you think when you wake up is a) what the hell am I awake after three hours of sleep and an hour before the alarm goes off b) GOAH, heartburn, AGAIN.07:23
* Myrtti takes another gulp of Maalox07:23
Myrttioh, and the third thought was right after I put the radio on "what, he dried to *burn* the corpses? SHITE, why did I put the radio on?"07:25
* jussi01 hands Myrtti anti-grumble cookies07:28
Myrttisorry, no cookies today. only porridge.07:29
* jussi01 slips anti-grumble powdeer into Myrtti's porridge07:30
Myrtticookies sound like something that might make me get ulcers.07:30
Myrttiulcers? /me checks wikipedia07:30
Myrttiyeah, ulcers.07:30
Myrtti"Ulcers can also be caused or worsened by drugs such as aspirin and other NSAIDs."07:31
jussi01you know its funny, Ive seen and know most of the factoids, but just saw this one for the first time...07:38
jussi01ubottu: sorry07:39
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you.07:39
* Myrtti hugs ubottu 07:39
Myrttithere used to be a hook in it that made it hug back07:39
MyrttiI think07:39
elky_workwith random hugs07:40
elky_worksome of which were quite disturbing07:40
elky_workthen mneptok came and they seemed far less disturbing.07:40
elky_workwhy cant i log into the bot even though whoami knows who i am07:41
elky_workoh, i see... 07:42
elky_work[2008-09-24 16:41:47] <ubottu> I'll remember that, elky_work07:42
elky_work[2008-09-24 16:41:49] <ubottu> But stupidbot already means something else!07:42
elky_workwhy is it doubling it's responses?07:42
elky_worki mean... seriously wtf07:42
Myrttiit just does it.07:43
Myrttinobody knows the troubles I've seen...07:43
Myrttinobody buuuuuuuut *glances around*07:43
Myrttioh, sorry07:43
* Myrtti shuts up07:43
elky_workubottu: sorry07:43
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...07:43
elky_workdisclaimer: one of the clients here looks like an ewok.07:46
elky_workone whose face has been run over by a truck, but still very ewok-esque07:47
jussi01elky: !! why did you change it...07:48
elky_workjussi01: why not?07:48
elky_workit's funnier now07:48
jussi01nah... its funnier for a small subgroup of people...07:48
elky_workfind something to replace ewoks then07:49
elkyright, chilli0 is wearing thin for others too?10:35
ikonialooks like he was a pain earlier10:37
elkythe other day he was gloating about breaking into the server at his college or something10:42
ikoniaooh him10:42
ikoniaI remember yes, I had a word with him about it10:42
ikoniabragging that he could hack school10:42
gnomefreakgloating/bragging == couldnt hack his way out of wet paper bag10:43
ikoniathat was obvious, he's a school kid10:43
elkythe password was probably password or abc123 or something10:43
ikonia(nothting against school kids) but he was the stereo typical "brag about being l33t"10:43
elkynothing against schools, but most havent a clue about security10:44
gnomefreakschool servers are not hard to break into but its too easy to get caught, most of times the server logs it and is looked at end of day10:44
gnomefreakl33t has no meaning to me. if you run your mouth about wha tyou can do and brag you are a moron not l3310:45
elkygnomefreak, remember: 1+3+3+7 = 14, therefore anyone who is 1337 is 14.10:47
elkyand should be treated as such.10:47
ikoniaelky: best line of the day10:51
elkybash.org/qdb.us hold some great jewels of wisdom10:52
elkymust be bash, qdb.us lacks it10:55
Myrtticrossposting from -women:12:07
Myrttislightly offtopic lolcat: http://icanhascheezburger.com/2008/09/24/funny-pictures-bothers-you-anymore-maam/12:07
ubottuIn ubottu, unop said: kill-9 is Forcefully killing a process (sending SIGKILL) via kill -9, killall -9, etc must be used with caution and only when absolutely necessary. You potentially risk corruption of data by killing a process. Read these to understand more on why - http://partmaps.org/era/unix/award.html#uuk9letter and http://speculation.org/garrick/kill-9.html13:09
ikoniapleasing my kvm bug fix got put into the update.15:09
* Pici takes deep breaths15:14
* Myrtti huggles15:15
ikoniaPici: another bad day? 15:19
Piciikonia: Just trying to help a user that isn't listening.15:25
Myrtti!prayer | Pici 15:25
ubottuPici: Dear $DEITY, Give me strength to understand and work with users who question my logic, the rules, netiquette and common sense. Give me resilience to teach them the basics of Linux, Ubuntu, Community Guidelines and IRC. Allow me not to stray to nitpicking, argument, foul language or leisure op abuse. Deliver me my daily xkcd, User Friendly, LWN, /. and Planet Ubuntu, and guard over my encrypted drives. Let it be so.15:25
PiciMyrtti: thanks15:26
Myrttiwant some of my antacids?15:26
Myrttithey're minty and chalky...15:26
Myrttibwurp - ow.15:27
Picimmm... chalk15:29
MyrttiI love the cherry tasting Maalox.15:30
Myrttitoo bad we don't have that here15:30
ubottuSilentBob called the ops in #ubuntu ()15:43
SilentBobyo dog why was i kicked out of ubuntu?15:43
ikoniaare you serious ?15:43
SilentBobyes G15:44
ikoniayou came in slated ubuntu for having no support - then called the emergeny ops command15:44
SilentBobI was rappin dog15:44
ikoniawhat benifit do you think either of those task brought15:44
SilentBoblike my man 50 cent15:44
ikoniaok - there is no point discussing this with you as your obviously just a time waster15:44
Myrttiyay. We have a humorist in our midst.15:44
PiciI didnt even kick you.15:44
SilentBobMy rap isnt a waste of time homie15:44
SilentBobyou silented me yo15:45
MyrttiI can see why...15:45
Myrttigets a tad tiresome after few lines15:45
SilentBobGo to ubuntu to see my rap15:46
jpdselky: Did you need me?15:46
SilentBobshit man i got kicked again15:46
Myrttimind the language, please.15:47
ikoniaSilentBob: just leave - it's clear you have no interest in participating in an ubuntu support channel15:47
Myrttiif you can't express yourself without cursing, please have another thought on what you are trying to say15:47
ikoniastop wasting peoples time15:47
SilentBobYo in rap you have to swear15:47
Myrttisure I do15:48
Myrttiare you done soon? or should I just kick you?15:48
jpdselky: Scrolled up, up ubot5 is still up and running.15:50
Myrttioops. the bot can't hear you.15:50
Myrttitoo bad.15:50
jussi01jpds: elky is likely asleep.15:50
jpdsYeah, just leaving a message.15:51
jpdsNot having a computer suckes.15:51
MyrttiI failzor.15:52
ikoniaPici: is amanu the guy you wher trying to help earlier15:56
Piciikonia: Yes.15:56
ikoniaahhh now I see why he's still asking15:57
ikoniahe's been given the answer about 10 times15:57
Piciikonia: Why is he still asking?16:00
ikoniadon't know ????16:00
ikoniaI've seen people suggest rdp, putty, vnc etc etc16:00
ikoniasorry - yes he is still asking16:00
ikoniaI thought you where wasking "why" is he still asking ?16:01
ikonianot why, is he still asking ?16:01
PiciI was asking because you said: '<ikonia> ahhh now I see why he's still asking'16:01
ikoniayes, he is still asking16:01
ikonia"how do I connect to windows XP"16:01
PiciI'm only slightly less confused now.16:01
ikonia15:55 < amanu> actally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system16:02
ikoniahe's asked that about 10 times 16:02
ikoniaand loads of people gave him the answer, thats why I wondered if he was teh guy who made you sigh16:02
PiciA hundred times yes.16:03
Seeker`anyone know what the last octect of Eeyore's IP address was yesterday?17:22
PiciSeeker`: 16:08:02 [freenode] -!- Eeyore-Jr [n=supybot@]17:22
Seeker`aha, he has returned17:22
Seeker`well, someone with the same IP has17:23
PiciThat same nick was discussed yesterday too17:23
Seeker`-19:20:14- ~s~ mib_bkmoc7 ( > (i=18e1165f@gateway/web/ajax/mibbit.com/x-d28522d089093188) has joined #ubuntu-uk17:23
Picioh. I was referring to Ahmuck    H   0  n=supybot@ [supybot]17:24
Seeker`Pici: I'm assuming its the same person, as the realname is set to the same IP17:24
MyrttiI've never seen such a short response to whois17:24
Seeker`Myrtti: ?17:25
PiciMyrtti: hm?17:25
MyrttiRural Telephone RURALTEL (NET-24-225-0-0-1) 17:26
Myrtti                         -
MyrttiRural Telephone Service Company Inc. RURALNET-QUINTERHS (NET-24-225-22-0-1) 17:26
Myrtti                         -
Myrtti# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2008-09-23 19:1017:26
PiciMyrtti: Oh, that was the output from /who
Myrtti# Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN's WHOIS database.17:26
Piciyou mean something else.17:26
MyrttiI always check whois on unreversed ip-addresses17:26
Seeker`Pici: If I type /who IP, I dont get anything17:26
Myrttiif they cause trouble or are suspicious17:26
MyrttiI get two entries on that17:27
Myrttione on mibbit17:27
Myrttione on ahcmu woteva17:27
Myrttithat whois doesn't even say who is the abuse contact...17:27
Myrttinot that its necessary but...17:28
PiciIt barely says anything17:28
Seeker`I just get "end of /WHO list"17:29
Seeker`!info spicctrl18:02
ubottuspicctrl (source: spicctrl): Sony Vaio controller program to set LCD backlight brightness. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-2 (hardy), package size 7 kB, installed size 68 kB (Only available for i386)18:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu, AlexC said: ubottu - That document is overwhelming18:12
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:32
ompaul!no raid is  Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:33
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, ompaul said: !no raid is  Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:33
Piciits @login18:35
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:35
ompaullacking in Ls today18:35
ompaul!no raid is  Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:35
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore18:36
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:36
ompaul!no raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:36
ubottuI'll remember that ompaul18:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about faid18:36
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:36
* Pici gets ompaul a new keyboard and new fingers18:36
ompaulPici, qucik qiukc pleh18:37
ompaulpleh! looks a lot like feh!18:37
Myrtti[ no comments ]18:38
ompaulMyrtti, on a mailing list today18:39
ompaulMicrosoft based server admins are used to a certain > > familiarity with a GUI and are often turned off/afraid of command line.Awwwwwwww pur ms adminies.18:40
Myrttiompaul: I was going to comment your typos with a proverb my mother has about no good and useless fingers that have no finer spatial skills, but it would be un-CoC and most definitely not familyfriendly X-D18:42
* PriceChild waves18:57
Myrttihullo Pricey18:59
PriceChildHow are things going here then.19:01
ompaulmy reply got "Paul made some very good points"19:07
ompaulmy comment starts at Awwwwwwwwwwww19:07
ompauljdong 1+1=? what is ?19:09
* ompaul notes that jdong avoids the complex question19:16
Seeker`ompaul: ? is something you use to mark a question.21:26
Seeker`hence the term "question mark"21:26
Myrttiyou folks...21:27
ompaulSeeker`, that ? could as well be an X if this were maths and not IRC21:28
ompaulMyrtti, us folks?21:39
Myrttiyou folks.21:39
* ompaul was on the phone for the last 45 minutes - thanks for speaker phones21:39
ompaulMyrtti, the dots were trying to say something ;-)21:40
Seeker`ok, X is the 24th letter of the alphabet21:47
ompaulSeeker`, you are now being sillier than me, well done ;-)21:49
Seeker`what do I win?21:49
Seeker`is it something good?21:49
Seeker`I hope it is something good21:49
Myrtti"package of yeast and a kilo of sugar"21:50
Seeker`sugar makes my logbook cry :(21:51
Myrttithat's why yeast21:52
ompaullogbook is that a stick from apple?21:53
Seeker`no, my diary of blood sugars21:54
Myrttioh noes, ubottu went down21:55
Myrttielky, PriceChild, nalioth ?22:01
PriceChildMyrtti: one mo while i find my big red button22:28
* Myrtti giggles22:28
* Myrtti tickles PriceChild22:28
PriceChildIts coming back, please don't poke it.22:30
Myrttino tickling of ubottu, ya hear?!22:30
Myrttican I tickle her now?22:36
X3Nwe should totally all op up at the same time22:50
X3Nlike baywatch style on IRC22:51
PriceChildX3N: hmm?22:51
X3Nre: #ubuntu-uk 22:51
X3Nsorry, in-joke22:53
* Myrtti is puzzled22:53
Seeker`Myrtti: someone pointed out that there aren't any moderators in -uk22:54
X3Nand was getting all troll-y on us22:54
popeyhe is an odd one22:54
Seeker`X3N: he had been trolly for the past hour or so22:54
X3Noff his trolly22:54
* Myrtti mutters something about -irc and crazy britons and goes back to fiddle with LaTeX22:55
X3NAnyways, job done as it were22:55
MyrttiI assume I'm better off if I don't know and don't ask.23:00
Seeker`Myrtti: http://strugglers.net/wiki/GeorgeWBush23:01
Myrttias I said...23:05
Seeker`magnetron: how can we help you?23:22
magnetronSeeker`, in no way, actually. the problem seems to have been solved now. thanks.23:23
Myrttimmmmmmmmm BEEEED.23:34
ubottuIn ubottu, hyuukai_ said: ah cool is it hard to use? can i just copy over the whole system basically?23:41
WastePotatoIs ompaul here?23:54
WastePotatoEvidently not...23:54

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