
flybackhttp://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080923-bad-seed-isp-atrivo-cut-off-from-rest-of-the-internet.html <--- YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!00:37
FFEMTcJdoes anyone know what package i need to install to take ubuntu server back to its default state?02:00
emgentzul: around ?02:51
antdedyethey dendrobates02:56
* antdedyet heads home, bbiab02:56
emgentun there is a critial bug in hardy mysql-server02:59
sommerkirkland: ping03:51
sommerkirkland: just fyi, I filed a pkgsel bug #27382304:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 273823 in pkgsel "pkgsel can't find unattended-upgrades" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27382304:10
=== macd_ is now known as macd
stwestonDoes anyone know any commands to use for installing Ubuntu Server thru the Shell?05:28
stwestonbecause I don't have a CD-R drive that works under the Linux kernel.05:28
stwestonI mean, it boots the CD fine, but nothing works right after loading the linux kernel and it tries to detect the CD-R drive.05:28
Adoleostweston: There's a tutorial out on Google somewhere, but I tried it and it was not easy05:29
AdoleoDo you have a USB-key lying around anythwere?05:30
stwestonI have a memory card & USB adapter.05:30
stweston1GB, too.05:30
Adoleostweston: I found that to be a lot easier to deal with.  1GB is plenty05:30
Adoleostweston: Let me see if I can find the howto I used05:30
stwestonall right.05:30
stwestonAdoleo: wait - is it a liveUSB thing?05:31
Adoleostweston: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about05:31
stwestonAdoleo: because that's not going to work, necessarily.05:31
Adoleostweston: Won't work for you?05:31
stwestonAdoleo: you see, I'm on a mac, and I need the instructions up so that I don't goof.05:31
AdoleoAh - using VMware?05:31
stwestonAdoleo: if I boot into linux (or even re-boot, for that matter) on my mac, it doesn't work. no, it's actually VirtualBox.05:32
stwestonI mean, it kind of defeats the purpose, in a reverse way.05:32
Adoleostweston: Okay, I've got some experience with Virtualbox.  You can actually mount the .iso directly from the hard drive with VirtualBox.  You're talking about installing Ubuntu into a virtualized Virtualbox environment, right?05:33
Adoleostweston: Okay, I'm confused then.  :-)05:34
stwestonI'm talking about installing ubuntu server (or xubuntu) onto another machine, which doesn't have a good cd-r drive.05:34
stwestonI have the cmd line up and everything for server.05:34
stwestonbut it's just on the CD05:34
Adoleostweston: Okay, now I'm starting to understand.  Are you looking for a way to install Ubuntu over your network connection, then?05:35
stwestonI DO, however, have an ethernet cable.05:35
stwestonI suppose...05:35
stwestonthe box doesn't have wi-fi, but I've got ethernet hooked up05:36
stwestonand the mac has wi-fi05:36
Adoleostweston: Okay, then this is what I was thinking of initially.  A netinst is not pretty, but it's possible.05:36
stwestonI think I understood that when I first tried... LOL05:37
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stwestonbut I'm not even sure if I got the first step05:37
Adoleostweston: I'm looking for the tutorial I tried before.05:38
stwestonall right05:38
Adoleostweston: Is your server box operational on the network - does it have a working operating system right now?05:38
stwestonit has Windows 98, but it doesn't work w/ the ethernet for some reason.... can't find the driver.05:39
stwestonand w/o wi-fi, it doesn't work for sure.05:39
stwestonI mean, it for sure doesn't work.05:39
Adoleostweston: Okay, this is definitely not going to be easy without a working CD drive.  You can do a netinst from an SSH connection, but that's only if another version of Linux is already installed.05:39
stwestonnope. I have ubuntu on a VM on my mac, tho05:40
Adoleostweston: Have you tried re-burning the install disc in case there were errors on the media?  I've had that problem before.05:40
stwestonI have - many times - for both server and xubuntu.05:40
Adoleostweston: That's good that you have Ubuntu on the mac, but without something to connect to on the server machine there's not much to work with.05:41
stwestonwhat do you mean?05:41
stwestonthe ethernet is plugged in on the PC, and with linux, it might even have the right drivers.05:41
Adoleostweston: Okay, let me switch gears then.  On your server PC, are you able to get far enough in the installation to reach the console?05:42
stwestonI'm there already, in fact.05:43
stwestonyou mean the ~ #?05:43
Adoleostweston: Okay, do you know if it has a working net connection?  Can you ping a random site like Yahoo.com?05:43
stwestonnot sure... don't know how05:43
stwestonI'm new to linux, kinda.05:43
Adoleostweston: Got it, we all have to start somewhere.  :-)  Try this in the command line: ping yahoo.com05:44
AdoleoAfter it hits yahoo.com a few times, hit CTRL+C to stop it05:44
stweston"host name lookup failure"05:44
AdoleoOkay, no net connectino.05:44
stwestonso, there isn't a connection... yeath05:45
stwestonhow would I find the ethernet card?05:45
stwestonI just installed it today, so that might be a problem.05:45
AdoleoThat's an automatic part of the installation, but it needs to load some packages before that works.  If it can't access the CD, then it can't access those packages.05:46
stwestonwell, I'll go back to prompt F1, then...05:46
stwestonthe error there is "no common cd-rom drive was detected"05:46
stweston... you may need to load drivers form a driver floppy.05:47
stwestonso, is that a problem?05:47
Adoleostweston: Yeah, that's definitely it.  Got a few extra dollars to buy a new CDR?  :-)05:47
stwestonnot exactly... more in the negative many extra dollars.05:48
stwestonI still need to pay back my mom for some purchases (she has all my money, and I'm still a kid)05:48
stwestonwell, I'm a teenager, but that's kind of a kid.05:48
stwestonI mean - she has access to all my money.05:49
Adoleostweston: :-)  Got it.  We've all been there.05:49
Adoleostweston: Got some floppy disks lying around?05:49
stwestonyeah. why? I don't know how to load them if I just have my mac and a semi-functional win 98.05:49
Adoleostweston: I might be able to find a good tutorial05:50
stwestonwell, that's useful05:50
Adoleostweston: Here we go - with this tutorial, you first install Debian using floppies, and then use that to install Ubuntu05:51
Adoleostweston: Since you're still learning Linux, though, you'll probably have to try this one a few times before it works.  Make sure to set aside a few hours and expect it to break a few times.05:52
stwestonwait - do I need to use the floppies in win98 or what?05:52
Adoleostweston: Does your mac not have a floppy drive?05:53
stwestonno. it's a new MacBook05:53
Adoleostweston: lol - you're hitting roadblocks at every turn05:53
stwestonnot even a PS/1 port05:53
stwestonLOL. I know05:53
Adoleostweston: I hate to tell you this, but you might want to wait until you can get a hold of a replacement CD-ROM drive.05:54
stwestonall right. that's what others have said, too.05:55
stwestonthanks for the help, anyway! I just got a reply for a forum topic about drivers for this CD drive!!05:55
Adoleostweston: Nice - hopefully that will turn out to be a good lead.  Good luck05:56
stweston1 final note, tho05:56
stwestonthese people in the Ubuntu community are REALLY helpful05:56
Adoleostweston: I'm glad to hear it!  I think we're all just thrilled that we get this fantastic software for free, and we all want to pay it forward.05:57
stwestonthat's sweet05:57
Adoleostweston: That's what Open Source is built on05:57
stwestonI know!05:57
stwestonsee ya, then.05:57
* hads likes friendly people05:58
* Adoleo does too05:58
codeapehey guys, i'm having a very bizarre problem on a fresh install of Hardy 8.04.1 -- I can ssh to my box fine, but scp simply hangs. I can't even do a basic "ssh user@host uname" - it just hangs. any ideas?06:11
ASASAhellooo any one can help me???06:24
* ASASA any one live!!06:25
* Adoleo is live06:31
* Adoleo is breathing06:31
* Adoleo wants to go to bed, though. :-)06:31
=== ASASA is now known as dimaz_kecebur
codeapehopefully someone can help -- very weird SSH problem. sshing to my hardy server box works fine, I get a shell no problems; whenever I try to SCP or include a command as an argument (ie ssh user@host uname), it simply hangs and doesn't do anything06:52
ThebanI'm installing phpbb2 on my Ubuntu Server 8.04 and it's stopped on "Creating MySQL tables if they don't exist yet"07:22
Thebanit's created 30 tables and isn't doing anything anymore07:22
Ergo^hello, i needed to send mail from my server via smtp (mailboxes are handled by google), so i installed postfix, i chose "internet site" during setup do i need to configure it further, so its secure , or can i leave it as it is now after install ?07:44
kgoetzTheban: how are you installing?07:53
Thebansudo aptitude install phpbb207:53
Thebani have no gui what-so-ever07:53
kgoetzErgo^: thought about something like ssmtp? If the bugs dont worry you, its nice and small07:53
Ergo^kgoetz: well id rather stick with more "standard" solutions for now.07:54
kgoetzTheban: so im following you - apt has still not returned you to your CLI?07:54
kgoetzTheban: command line07:54
Thebanah yes07:55
Thebanit's just stopped07:55
chmacIs there a standard command that works across all distros to figure out what distro you're on?08:19
Thebangood question08:20
chmacTheban: :)08:24
scuserhi all, I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I want to install login.kbr5, does anyone know which package should I install ?08:30
scusersoren:  ok done, how can I use it ?08:42
sorenscuser: What do you mean?08:46
scusersoren: I mean that I've created some users such as admin/admin and I want to authenticate them using kerberos08:47
slangasekauthenticate them remotely, or locally?08:49
Thebanwhen i type something like a command with --help and it shows a bunch of info08:49
Thebanhow can i see it so i don't miss the top of it08:50
Thebangets cut off08:50
sorenTheban: "something --help | less"08:51
scuserslangasek: locally08:51
_rubenuse shift-pageup to scroll up? :)08:51
chmacTheban: You mean how do you see the whole screen? You can't scroll?08:51
slangasekscuser: typically one uses pam_krb5 for that08:51
Thebani have no gui08:51
slangaseki.e., the libpam-krb5 package08:51
Thebanneed to see it by page or soemthing08:51
chmacTheban: If you're running in screen you can ctrl-ESC and then page up / down to go back / forward08:51
_rubenTheban: the console has a scrollback buffer as well08:52
chmacTheban: blah --help | less as soren said, or shft-pgup/pgdn08:52
Thebanoh sorry08:52
_rubenTheban: but per page: somecommand | more08:52
ropetinDoes anyone have experience with rsyslog?08:55
Ergo^http://paste2.org/p/78076 - is it safe how i set up my hostname, origin and destination ?08:55
scuserslangasek: but I couldn't find pam_krb5 after I've installed libpam-krb5, any ideas08:56
slangasekscuser: it's not a command, it's a pam module.  You have to configure /etc/pam.d/common-* to use it; there are probably howtos somewhere that explain it08:58
slangaseksorry, I don't know the locations of any off-hand08:58
scuserslangasek: ok thanks for the hint anyway I'll try to search for it, thanks for your time :)08:59
Thebansorry for the silly question but what is the command for making a folder readonly to a user but still full access for root?09:15
ropetinTheban: Do you want it to be readonly to all users or just one in particular?09:21
sh4lindevchown root folder; chmod 644 folder09:22
Thebanread-only to the user that currently has read/write privs09:22
ropetinWhat sh4lindev just mentioned will give the owner read/write, the group and world read only09:23
ropetinDoes that do what you want?09:23
Thebanso it will change the owner to root and make everyone else read-only09:24
ropetinNo, you would need to 'chown root:root filename' to change the owner09:24
Thebanok, so i have a folder in which a user owns and has read/write permissions09:25
Thebani want that user to have read-only permissions09:25
ropetinso 'chown -R root:root /folder/location;09:26
ropetin' sorry09:26
ropetinThen do what sh4lindev mentioned09:26
Thebanchown -R root:root /folder/location && chown root /folder/location && chmod 644 /folder/location09:28
ropetindon't need the middle chown09:29
Thebanchown -R root:root /folder/location && chmod 644 /folder/location09:30
Thebanall good?09:30
uvirtbotNew bug: #273888 in php5 (main) "php5-gd failed to install due to unmet dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27388809:47
giannii have 3 pc ( SERVER - client1 - client2) can i configure my server vpn for talk with client1 and client2? my actual daemon config file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50014/10:03
ikoniagianni: if they are both on the same vpn - they will be able to see each other10:07
gianniikonia the question is: how can i configure the client2 in openvpn server conf file ?10:08
gianniclient2 is
ikoniagianni you shouldn't need to10:09
ikoniagianni: if you make a vpn connection to the same network - you should be on that network10:09
gianniikonia please see conf file..10:09
ikoniaI've just looked10:10
ikoniawhat vpn daemon are you using ?10:10
Deepsgianni: you need to read the openvpn howto for multiple clients10:10
ikoniais your network offering dhcp ?10:10
gianniit make a vpn to (server) to (client1)10:10
Deepsgianni: as you're currently configured for a single client on a static key10:10
giannideeps true.. i should conf it for two client10:10
gianniwith single key10:10
giannihow can i change my conf ? some suggest ?10:11
Deepsgianni: http://openvpn.net/howto.html#pki10:11
Deepsgianni: read the howto, it's a long process10:11
Deepsgianni: section: "Setting up your own Certificate Authority (CA) and generating certificates and keys for an OpenVPN server and multiple clients"10:11
ikoniaDeeps: good guide10:12
giannii cant use same key with no cert for all clients ?10:12
ikoniagianni: read that guide, it's excellent10:12
ikoniaI'd forgot about that guide10:12
Deepsgianni: read the howto, it explains everything in full detail10:12
giannii saw that but dont reply to my question.10:13
Deepsgianni: and you'll get better answers from that guide than you will from irc10:13
Deepsgianni: it does, read it from the start.10:13
giannimy question is: It`s possible make a VPN with 1 server and 2 client with onlyone key and no cert ecc. ?10:13
ikoniagianni: the guide gives you the config to use10:14
gianniif so, what i should change in my conf?10:14
gianniikonia false..10:14
hadsIt does.10:14
gianniguide dont reply to it..10:14
gianniguide say make cert, make keys bla bla bla..10:14
gianniother method.10:14
Thebanhowto remove a folder that is not empty?10:14
ikoniaTheban: -rf10:15
hads-r alone is probably a better start :)10:15
ikoniagianni: thats the correct method to use10:15
gianniikonia but my question is different.10:15
ikoniaTheban: -f =force10:15
ikoniagianni: no it's not10:15
ikoniagianni: you need to setup the certs10:15
gianniikonia yes it is10:16
giannino it isnt10:16
giannii can use single key too.10:16
hadsThen OpenVPN docs on their site are pretty good. I've read through them and they do cover what you're asking.10:16
ikoniagianni: I'm scan reading it now - and to get multiple clients running you'll need to set up a multiple client config that is the certificate method in that guide10:16
ikoniagianni: if you know you can use a single key - why are you asking if you can10:16
gianniikonia because i dont know how to edit my conf10:17
Thebansudo rmdir -r folder10:17
ikoniagianni: but that guide says to not do that10:17
giannitheban rm -rf folder10:17
hadsTheban: Correct. Be careful with that though.10:17
ikoniaTheban: sorry rm -r dir10:17
hadsOf course I can't read, what ikonia said.10:18
gianniikonia: i dont found it..10:18
ikoniagianni: follow the guide - or don't - it's up to you10:19
ikoniagianni: that guide is excellent though and from the official site and is giving you the "correct" way to do this10:19
gianniikonia if i use this method i have one motivation.10:20
gianniand this howto dont reply to my question.10:20
ikoniagianni: contact open vpn support methods then10:21
ikoniagianni: you've been given the correct answer for how to achieve what you want10:21
Thebani need to give a file read access by anyone10:30
Thebanwhat is the chmod for that?10:30
henkjanchmod a+r10:30
henkjanthats wrong10:31
Thebando you know it?10:31
slangasekno, it isn't10:31
henkjanokay, a+r works10:32
henkjanbut a-r removes read access for everyone10:32
slangasekyes, + is the opposite of - ?10:32
Thebani'm guessing a+w is write then? lol10:34
slangasekyes.  perhaps you would find it helpful to read the chmod manpage?10:34
Thebangood point ^_^10:34
Thebanthx much10:35
Thebandoes vncviewer work only if the computer your connecting to has a gui?10:35
ropetinTheban: Yup10:35
ropetinOtherwise, ssh is probably better10:36
Thebancan windows ssh to a linux server?10:36
giannisure google putty.exe10:37
ropetinYup yup!  PuTTY is a popular client10:37
marc-andrei search for a simple solution to monitor in the console my apache211:12
marc-andrei remember under my old Gentoo server i had something included in my apache installation11:13
hadsMonitor how?11:13
marc-andrehow many forks are running, how many clients are connected, this kind of stats11:13
hadsI did run across something like that once. Can't recall the name off the top of my head11:15
marc-andrei found apachetop, but its not what i am looking for11:16
Thebanhow can i have my ubuntu server run a mount command on startup?11:22
hadsTheban: Typically if you want to mount something at startup you'd put it in /etc/fstab11:24
Thebanjust edit fstab and add the mount line as i would type it?11:25
Thebanerr wait11:25
Thebanforget i said that haha11:25
hadsman fstab and the comments in it will show you11:25
ghaleb_hello, my freeradius server accept login from radtest using LDAP, but from NAS it doesn't .. saying:rlm_ldap: Attribute "User-Password" is required for authentication.14:09
sommerghaleb_: can you configure the NAS to use the userPassword attribute?14:13
ghaleb_sommer: I don't think so,  the NAS is  a wireless  access point14:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #273949 in nagios2 (universe) "Nagios WebGUI appearance is broken after Hardy Update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27394914:27
zzgvhDunno if anyone remebers me from yesterday, I'm trying to set up a hardy server host with several virtual hardy server guests. I managed to get one guest working with ubuntu-vm-builder and some fudging. After that I used virt-clone to create another guest. The guests have static IP numbers and I had to change eth0 to eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces to get networking to play ball. So now I can start one guest and ssh to it on t14:40
henkjanzzgvh: look in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules14:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #255368 in ebox (universe) "ebox: Depends: libapache-authcookie-perl but it is not installable " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25536814:46
zzgvhHehe...I've been there. Problem is I don't understand it ;-) Not a ubuntu guru...so I don't know what to look for. There's config info there for eth0 and eth1 with different MACs, all other attributes look the same14:48
kirklandsommer: i'm looking at it now14:53
zzgvhAlternatively, is there some other way to create clones from a master VM? I'm just looking for a way ahead here, it doesn't have to be using virt-clone14:53
sommerkirkland: cool, I think cjwatson may have fixed it... unattended-upgrades package not on the server cd, or something like that14:57
kirklandsommer: just saw that :-)14:57
kirklandsommer: thanks for the report and heads up14:57
sommerkirkland: no problem14:57
kirklandnxvl: could you perhaps help translate bug #273731?  :-)15:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 273731 in bacula "no se que contraseña me piden y por que si es un paquete de sinapsy ¿acaso no son libres?" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27373115:06
nxvlkirkland: working on it15:12
kirklandnxvl: thanks, dude15:13
nxvlkirkland: heh, you don't really want me to translate it15:14
nxvlit's not a bug15:14
nxvlit's a complaing about "why do i need to write password, isn't this a free OS"15:14
kirklandnxvl: :-)  nice, would you respond and close it?15:14
kirklandnxvl: ???15:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #273988 in openldap (main) "Fails to upgrade from hardy to intrepid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27398815:21
uvirtbotNew bug: #274012 in postfix (main) "postfix install ubuntu server edition fails because of dependencies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27401216:21
=== kevin_ is now known as specialkevin
=== koon is now known as Koon
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
RediXemySQL default port is 3306?17:25
thefishRediXe: yep17:26
RediXethefish, thx17:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #274050 in ebox (universe) "Install Ebox with Ubuntu Intrepid Alpha 6 failed (dup-of: 255368)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27405018:26
ivoksnxvl: thank you for the comment on the bacula bug :D18:48
nxvlivoks: :D i have ROFL reading that bug18:49
nxvlis just "complain, complain complain complain"18:49
nxvland in funny ways18:49
nxvland about unimportant stuff18:50
ivoksi tought its the same bug as the one with mysql18:51
ivoksthe on for mysql was in german :D18:51
nxvlthis one says: "why is this so difficult, why it ask me a password, isn't free? internet should be free for everyone"18:53
nxvland it was just gksu asking for her password18:53
ivoksnah... during install, one must provide password for pgsql user :)18:54
nxvlthen it's that18:54
nxvlshe was complaining about a password "that noone tolds me which it is"18:54
ivoksmaybe it's a but in translation18:54
ivoksmaybe it isn't clear that user should provide a password18:55
ivokss/but/bug/ :D18:55
nxvli don't have any spanish system on hands18:55
nxvland i don't want one18:55
bdmurrayWho hanles the print server?19:45
mathiazbdmurray: noone in particular - what's your issue ?19:49
bdmurraymathiaz: bug 25458119:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 254581 in ubuntu-meta "Ubuntu Server Print-server doesn't pull in all the printer modules and ppds" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25458119:49
mathiazbdmurray: right19:50
mathiazbdmurray: why do you ask ?19:51
bdmurraymathiaz: I was just reviewing that reporter's bugs19:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #274108 in postfix (main) "postfix set-permissons fails" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27410820:21
melteri have a server w/ 2 scsi cards, 2 drives on each (4 total); how do i get the installer to install a mbr?21:20
=== nxvl_ is now known as nxvl
melteris there a step-by-step, detailed document for installing ubuntu server?21:44
mathiaz!serverguide | melter21:48
ubottumelter: The Ubuntu server guide may be found at http://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/21:48
nxvlsommer: btw, i was looking for an opevpn guide yesterday and i noticed that we haven't one on the server guide, any plans for it?21:52
lamontnxvl: say like a link to openvpn's howto?21:52
nxvllamont: i'm not sure about linking external howto's into the server guid21:53
sommernxvl: I didn't have any plans for intrepid, but might not be a bad idea for jaunty21:53
nxvlsommer: :D21:54
nxvlsommer: if it's on your ToDo list i'm happy21:54
sommernxvl: the idea is now on the list21:54
* nxvl HUGS sommer 21:55
meltermathiaz: is that all? nothing step-by-step, including how to configure grub?21:57
mathiazmelter: the installer should take care of installing grub correctly (at least on the primary disk in your case)21:58
meltermathiaz: it's not, though21:58
melteri tried booting from all 4 drives, one by one, and none has a mbr21:58
melteri tried running the grub install from the menu, but it doesn't prompt me21:59
melterthis is happening on 2 of my 4 servers21:59
melterso it's not just 1 server21:59
mathiazmelter: but the installer correctly detects your four drives and is able to install the system on one of them ?22:02
nxvlmelter: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/installing-from-cd.html22:04
meltermathiaz: yes, i'm splitting the install across all 4, no problem22:05
meltereverything works great, but i just can't boot22:05
nxvlmelter: did it promts grub on install?22:06
nxvlon boot22:06
nxvlnot even that?22:07
melteri have an old lilo boot from a previous install, it finds that, but just prints "L 99 99 99....."22:07
mathiazmelter: right - so you're using a RAID setup ?22:07
melterbut that's supposed to be overwritten, because the system it's looking for no longer exists22:07
meltermathiaz: no, one drive has /, one has /home, one has /usr/local, and one has /boot, swap, and /opt22:08
melterno raid, no lvm, no encryption, nothing fancy, just plain old ext3 (ext2 for /boot)22:09
mathiazmelter: why do you want to put /boot on its own drive ?22:10
meltermathiaz: /boot, /opt, and swap are three partitions on the smaller drive22:10
mathiazmelter: try to put /boot on the same drive as / - your setup may confuse the installer.22:13
meltermathiaz: ok, i'll give that a shot22:13
bdmurraymathiaz: is that print-server bug not that important or ?22:18
FFEMTcJi was told that there is something i can install from the repos  that will take my server install back to default.. does anyone know anything about this?22:19
mathiazbdmurray: it's a suggestion that should be discussed - but it's not critical.22:19
bdmurraymathiaz: I'll set the importance to Low? to reflect that then22:20
mathiazbdmurray: wfm22:21
mathiazsommer: I'm reviewing the ldap section of the server guide.22:22
mathiazsommer: I think the usage of slapadd should be replaced with ldapadd in the section about ldap population22:22
mathiazsommer: so that you don't have to stop the server when adding new entries.22:22
infinitymathiaz: Nonsense, slapcat/sed/slapadd are the way and the light!22:24
infinitymathiaz: (And this is why no one lets me administer LDAP systems...)22:24
meltermathiaz: i got rid of /boot, and it still doesn't work22:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #274178 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcp3-client can't set IP address due to insufficient rights" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27417823:26
sommermathiaz: sounds reasonable, I'll update the commands23:29

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