
lacy you guys are awsome  :)00:00
Aero232any idea how I can fix the problem?00:00
unoppanserbjorn, hmm, run the command again - let's see what you get then too00:00
panserbjornunop: ok00:00
seancronHow can I enable the webcam built into my Dell SP2008WP monitor?00:00
panserbjornunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49869/00:01
=== david is now known as Guest3763
unoppanserbjorn, ok, can you paste the contents of the /var/lib/dpkg/info/havp.prerm file00:01
panserbjornunop: kk00:02
unoppanserbjorn, i'll be back in a couple of minutes - i have something to do quick.00:02
Ginhi, what tool to use to edit .mp4 (x264,aac) file?00:02
tlghey, what kind of program can i use for msn with camera?00:02
Spragiepestilence : Follow up from earlier, i swapped cd-rom, but i believe the one i swapt it with is dirty or something ;\00:03
bulenthelo guys : E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.00:03
=== Guest3763 is now known as Hexbomber
bulentwhat i must do now00:03
gaintsurabulent: do what it said..00:03
* gaintsura hangs his head00:03
Hexbomberso this is a really strange question... At school I have wifi, and I am trying to enable my wifi. I have installed ndiswrapper, and installed my windows drivers with it. And when i go to school I can see and connect to the school wireless network.. but it won't let me access any pages, even though It says I am connected. I can't even ping anything.00:03
linuxguymarshallHow can I unarchive a .tar.bz2 via a terminal?00:04
gaintsuralinuxguymarshall: tar -zxf <file>00:04
bulentsynaptic  problem00:04
gaintsurabulent: open a terminal and dpkg --configure -a00:04
JunTaolol my more or less commands don't work]00:04
unoppanserbjorn, i'm back00:05
JunTaoI try man sed | more and it doesn't do it page by page00:05
Aero232hi can anyone help me with my problem?00:05
panserbjornunop: ok, just a sec00:05
unopJunTao, man sed | less00:05
panserbjornunop: here is the contents of that file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49873/00:05
JunTaounop yea no clue00:05
JunTaodont work00:05
dr_willischeck to see that more, or less are not set to some odd alias perhaps.00:06
bulentyes i maked it00:06
bulentbut it wright to me:00:06
bulentThis package is an installer package, it does not actually contain the00:06
bulentJDK documentation.  You will need to go download one of the00:06
bulent    jdk-6-doc.zip jdk-6-doc-ja.zip00:06
bulent(choose the non-update version if this is the first installation).00:06
bulentPlease visit00:06
FloodBot1bulent: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:06
unoppanserbjorn, ok, edit the file with  gksudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/havp.prerm # and put this on line #2   exit 000:06
panserbjornunop: kk, just a sec00:07
unoppanserbjorn, then save the file and run this.  sudo dpkg -P --force-all havp00:07
JunTaounop i tried with sudo and still it doesn't00:07
unopJunTao, sudo? to read a manpage - that's classified as "useless use of sudo"00:08
panserbjornunop: i'm not sure where to edit it00:08
unopJunTao, what happens when you try?  man sed | less00:08
JunTaoit goes to the bottom of the man page00:08
Funaustunop are you good with wireless dongle issues?00:08
panserbjornunop: after the $?  ?00:08
unoppanserbjorn, you could just move everything down and create a new line at line #200:09
bulentok i past it00:09
unopFunaust, not so much, have you read !wireless00:09
ubuntu_toddI wanner learn one editor, so which is suitable for me a nere beginner, vi or emacs?00:09
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:09
Funaustyes there is no documentation on net111v200:09
bulentbut so what am i do now00:09
panserbjornunop: plz dont shoot the newb, lol, but which one is line 2? how do you determine it?00:10
Funausti ndiswrappered that and it says installed - but its still not connecting to my router00:10
unoppanserbjorn, ohh lord .. move right to the beginning of the file, the very first character of the first line, press the down arrow key once, then press RETURN - now you magically have an empty line #200:10
ubuntu_toddCould any geek answer me?00:11
unoppanserbjorn, type  exit 0  in the empty space on line #2 -- easy :)00:11
panserbjornunop; kk00:11
aguitel_ubuntu_todd, gedit00:11
lbarkerok this is weird00:12
unopubuntu_todd, i would say vim was easier - but that's only because *I* find emacs hard00:12
mnWhy won't gedit open the binary of executables?00:12
unopubuntu_todd, someone else would tell you differently, i suggest you try both and make up your own mind.00:12
lbarkerim using Bersirc irc client and /leave #ubuntu does nothing. help?00:12
karab44I can not compile source... error is http://rafb.net/p/qUslRP95.html00:13
ubuntu_toddI found emacs difficult for me, But I can't remember the key in vi00:13
Xklarki'm installing a driver for ubuntu server addition, and it says "make: *** /lib/modules/2.6.15-26-server/source: No such file or directory." - How do I get the source of the kernel and get it in that directory00:13
unopmn, gedit thinks you are using a "screwdriver where you should be using a hammer instead" :) it's just limited that way.00:13
JunTaounop oh i think i know why....it's exiting right away..like going back to prompt. Maybe that's why? but why so?00:14
zoidfarbcould somebody please pastebin the contents of their /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.list file?00:14
mnunop: well how can I open the binary of executables then?00:14
Aero232unop, can you please save the hair on my head?00:14
unopubuntu_todd, you have to use vim quite regularly to have the keys ingrained00:15
unopJunTao, not sure - try opening a new terminal and try again perhaps?00:15
unopmn, use less, vi, nano, something else, anything else but gedit00:15
ubuntu_toddunop;vi, vim are same?00:15
unopAero232, I'm not really a beauty-technician :)00:15
unopubuntu_todd, on ubuntu they are - on most linux distros they are - but not on unix00:16
zoidfarbAnyone willing to help me out with a copy of their /var/lib/dpkg/info/acpid.list file? It would be most appreciated.00:16
unopAero232, ask a question to the channel, if you have one i.e.00:16
ubuntu_toddunop, I got it. I will try vim. Thanks.00:17
Aero232hello, I plugged in my ps2 keyboard into a laptop USB port using a ps2 to USB adapter.  It sometimes works, but I have to take it out and plug it back in a million times and/or restart the computer until it works (running latest hardy)  anyone know of a way to diagnose the problem? maybe restart usb services to detect the usb keyboard?00:17
lolmachi, Aero23200:17
unopAero232, does the keyboard work ok before the OS has booted? in the POST screen, BIOS etc?00:18
Aero232no it doesn't00:18
Aero232unop, it has power, but it doesn't do anything00:18
unopAero232, is USB keyboard support enabled in the BIOS ?  also, perhaps disable support for legacy devices00:18
Aero232unop, how do i do that?00:18
lolmachi, TIRC_459500:19
unopAero232, do you know how to get into the BIOS on your machine?00:19
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:19
Aero232unop, btw, it usually has power, but SOMETIMES, it detects after I log in00:19
Aero232ok disabling legacy devices is in bios too right?00:19
Joesep1lately, ubuntu has been freezing up on me randomly.   It won't be easy to narrow down a single program because I doesn't happen consistently.  I'll come up to the computer and it will have the screen saver stuck in one place and it won't respond with any key-presses, so I have to hold the button in.  Any ideas?00:19
unopAero232, if your machine supports that option, yea00:19
Aero232i'll go see what's there, thanks unop00:19
bastid_raZorJoesep1; do you have cairo-dock?00:20
Joesep1bastid_raZor: Not to my current knowldege, no00:20
=== jimmyg00n is now known as jimmygoon
bastid_raZorJoesep1; okay, i was having some issues too and it was found to be cairo-dock causing it. unless you explicitly installed it then no you don't have it.00:21
panserbjornunop: it made the system crash00:21
Lukas___Hello, someone know how can use a real external HD with VirtualBox or Qemu ?00:21
lolmachi, Lukas___00:21
gaintsuraJoesep1: I have a similar problem, bastid_raZor I have not found cairo-dock to be the cause of it00:21
bastid_raZorgaintsura; after i fixed cairo-dock my issues have gone away.00:22
lolmachi, lyk3n00:22
gaintsurawhat was there to fix?00:22
panserbjornunop: i keep getting a message about a logicblock on my sdga1 device?00:22
Joesep1Are there other people here who have the problem of ubuntu freezing seemingly randomly?00:22
bastid_raZorgaintsura; new svn version.00:22
lyk3nhi, lolmac00:22
SuperQAnyone good with opensync?00:22
unoppanserbjorn, hmm, not good - can you paste the output of this.  dmesg | tail -n 3000:22
SuperQI'm trying to get my address book off my nokia00:22
bastid_raZorgaintsura; although cairo-dock is in the repo's so svn is not needed.00:22
lyk3ni have had a computer log off by itself on hardy00:23
panserbjornunop: ok, just a sec00:23
natha1when ever i try to add new layouts for statypmanager it just closes itself00:23
blackhatv11hey does anyone know how to check ports and firewall settings on hardy?00:24
bastid_raZornatha1; run that application from terminal and you'll see what errors it gives.00:24
panserbjornunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49877/00:24
natha1how do i do that?00:24
blackhatv11i got an email from our school network saying I have a Possible Virus/Bot Infection00:24
blackhatv11running ubuntu??00:24
bastid_raZornatha1; open a terminal then type the command to run that application00:25
tripiblackhatv11: i guess it's a fake alert00:25
jshewey Trying to install grub2, but I am getting an error reguarding missing kernel.mod. Now, as memory serves me, this file is generated somewhere in the process of compiling a kernel. Is there a good place/package to generate this on ubuntu?00:25
lyk3nblackhatv11, they make avast antivirus for ubuntu00:25
blackhatv11they don't think it is fake00:25
bastid_raZorblackhatv11; you can pass on virii through email but your box itself probably doesn't have one.00:25
tripiblackhatv11: for port try netstat (man netstat to understand it)00:26
lyk3nget the clam antivirus for smtp00:26
qwmsomeone wanna chat????? PM ME00:26
J_Phi all00:26
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
alex-stagi am wondering something00:26
J_PAnyone has sucess to use ubuntu 8.04 + epson datashow ?00:26
tripiblackhatv11: firewall .. u put a firewall on?00:26
alex-stagwhen i am starting a prog using terminal command00:27
xompthere's firewalls for ubuntu? O_o00:27
alex-stagwhen i close the term00:27
blackhatv11can i check if i have a firewall up with ubunut?00:27
tripixomp: yes.. lokkit is a simple one00:27
alex-stagthe prog exits too00:27
xomptripi, cool, never knew lol00:27
lyk3nstore closing no more wifi00:27
=== andres__ is now known as aherrera
tripixomp: or u go by editing iptables00:27
Picixomp: the standard is iptables in Ubuntu00:27
alex-stagis there any command to exit terminal withou exiting the program?????00:27
Funaustanyone help me figure out how to make my net111v2 wireless dongle successfully connect me to the internet? i have already done all of the /etc/interface crap.... and i am at zero success00:28
unopalex-stag, what program?00:28
tripialex-stag: what d u mean?00:28
unopalex-stag, type  exit00:28
alex-stagsi start a programm00:28
Picialex-stag: No. You can either run your program in a 'screen' session or execute it by doing: nohup yourprogram &00:28
alex-stagfrom terminal00:28
Pici!screen > alex-stag00:28
ubottualex-stag, please see my private message00:28
xomptripi, is it even neccesary to run a firewall in ubuntu?00:28
tripialex-stag: to start a porg form terminal and than exiting the tem without quitting the prog use "progname &"00:29
unoppanserbjorn, hmm, well, does   sudo aptitude install  #still complain?00:29
tripixomp: well who can say no ;-)00:29
panserbjornunop: i dont believe that we tried that one. lemme try, brb00:29
tripixomp: in my ubuntu box in univ. i use lokkit00:29
xomptripi, heh, well it's nice to know one exists :)00:30
Pici!firewall | xomp00:30
ubottuxomp: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:30
tripixomp: the best is iptables editing but it looked complicated to me00:30
panserbjornunop:  [19:29] <unop> panserbjorn, hmm, well, does   sudo aptitude install  #still complain?<------ i dont understand00:30
tripi!firewall | tripi00:30
ubottutripi, please see my private message00:30
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).00:31
Chris_FosterHi, I have a REALLY dark moniter. I have the broghtness settings on my moniter maxed out, and I generally keep the kubuntu settings about mid range because that works well for me. I'm tring to play a game through wine (Dues Ex) and it is to dark and my flashlight runs out. I have the settings on the game maxed out and I maxed out the kubuntu settings. Anyone have A idea how I could increase it further?00:31
afallenhopefirestarter sucks! lol.00:31
unoppanserbjorn, run that command, see if you get any error messages?00:31
tripiafallenhope: yep i hate it too00:31
Chris_Fosterwow, sorry for bad spelling00:31
afallenhopetripi, lol. gufw isn't that bad00:31
afallenhopeChris_Foster, have you tried checking the setting in Ubuntu to max the monitor out00:32
cosmo-kramerChris_Foster: you can try increasing gamma in the game if possible00:32
panserbjornunop: oh, just sudo aptitude install? i have never seen that without something on the end, lol00:32
tripiChris_Foster: can u modify the gamma of your gfx card?00:32
Chris_Fosterafallenhope: I've tried increasing it in the game, and in my kubuntu settings, they are both at max brightness00:32
afallenhopeChris_Foster, what about the monitor itself/00:32
Chris_Fostertripi: im not sure if I have a gfx card, how could I find out?00:33
Chris_Fosterafallenhope: yes, its maxed out00:33
unoppanserbjorn, if no package is mentioned - aptitude tries to verify that there are no broken packages, if there are any, it tries to repair the condition.00:33
tripiChris_Foster: u have to have one :)00:33
afallenhopeI'm stumped00:33
DenethorAnyone know where the passwords is stored in ubuntu?00:33
panserbjornunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49878/00:33
tripiChris_Foster: i mean a graphic card , sorry00:33
bastid_raZortripi; gfx is a fairly sad way to say graphics00:33
emjadoes anyone know if the Realtek 8102 NIC is fully supported by hardy?00:33
Chris_Fostertripi: lol, okay i see. How could I up the brightness>00:34
Denethorthought it was in /etc/passwd but that is something totally diffrent00:34
tripibastid_raZor: i realized, sorry, i'm italian afterall ... :P00:34
Chris_Fosterafallenhope: thanks anyways00:34
PiciDenethor: /etc/shadow00:34
Denethorthx Pici00:34
unoppanserbjorn, ok,  run this command.  echo 'exit 0' | sudo tee /var/lib/dpkg/info/havp.postrm;  sudo aptitude install00:35
JunTaoI have to enable the history file somehow to log commands?00:35
panserbjornunop: kk, brb00:35
unopJunTao, that is already enabled by default.00:36
unopJunTao, with bash i.e. - assuming you are talking about bash00:36
JunTaoyes but I can't see it when i cat ~/.history00:36
unopJunTao, the file is ~/.bash_history00:37
nonewmsgshow do youi enable the restricted ati driver?00:37
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:37
JunTaounop oh silly me thanks00:37
IntertricityIs there a way to run a windows install under ubuntu to access certain drivers so I don't have to dual boot?00:37
panserbjornunop: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49881/00:37
unopIntertricity, virtualbox allows you to run windows in a VM - side by side with linux  .. on the flip side, andlinux allows you to run ubuntu inside windows, side-by-side00:38
Intertricityunop: would this allow me to access an unsupported scanner?00:38
unoppanserbjorn, finally, i believe you are sorted now00:38
unopIntertricity, assuming you allow the VM direct access to the USB interface, this should be possible, yes00:39
panserbjornunop: ok, i have a nasty apache2 server error as well, care to take a crack at that one? :)00:39
Intertricityphew, thanks a bunch unop, I'll look into this :) I have a 4600 scanner that has no SANE support00:39
Killer--Tuxhello to all00:39
blackhatv11thanks guys00:40
unoppanserbjorn, i can try - though i am not an expert at apache00:40
Killer--Tuxi was wondering on how to create a proxy server on ubuntu  ?!? is that possible00:40
panserbjornIntertricity: thats funny, my wife doenst have SANE support either, lol00:40
unopha ha00:40
IntertricityOah, same scanner? :P00:40
SladeWhat is a good DVD player for Ubuntu?00:41
panserbjornunop: i will paste this error in just a sec00:41
lacy I  have a  question for some reason im able to listen to shoutcast streaming radio stations and they come threw my  usb speakers  but i went to  youtube  and i can't hear no sound on videos ?00:41
tripiSlade: VLC is fine for me00:41
Xyc0I have a VIA VT6421A Serial RAID Controller that Ubuntu recognizes but doesn't see any drives attached, can someone halp me?00:41
bulentgaintsura : are you here00:41
Sladetripi: usually for me too. But it won't play this DVD. Windows will play it, but it asks about some kind of Location thing00:42
gaintsuraperhaps =)00:42
Killer--Tuxcan someone give me some info on how to create a proxy server in ubuntu00:42
Xyc0Slade: what DVD?00:42
matrix_hi i deleted some files ,even from the trash is there any way to recover them00:42
Slade1408 with John Cusac00:42
tripiSlade: tried with avidemux? Well we cnat call it a player indeed00:42
davidroderickwhat is difference between dkpg and rpm?00:43
ti8shbikiller--tux ... maybe apache could help you with your proxy prob :)00:43
blackhatv11does p2p go through tcp connections00:43
nate_how do i lunch startup manager in terminal00:43
danbh_intrepidKiller--Tux: do you want something like squid?00:43
unopnate_, hmm, gnome-session-properties #perhaps00:44
matrix_hi i deleted some files ,even from the trash is there any way to recover them00:44
tripinate_:  are u talking of gnome-session-properties ?00:44
panserbjornunop: here is the error i get, sorry it toook awhil;e to find it. http://paste.ubuntu.com/49886/00:45
Sladetripi: dont have avidemux00:45
danbh_intrepidmatrix_: I think there is a program called ext2undel or something, but in general, the answer is no00:45
nate_i dont know what that means00:45
heygabeIs there any way to open a ¨Pages¨ file in Ubuntu?00:45
nate_i just want to fix startup manager00:45
lacyI  have a  question for some reason im able to listen to shoutcast streaming radio stations and they come threw my  usb speakers  but i went to  youtube  and i can't hear no sound on videos ?00:45
tripiSlade it is and editro much than a player ...00:45
nate_when ever i try to add a new upsplash or anthing it closes00:45
Chris_Fosteris it possible not to have a graphics card? Cant it be a "chipset" or something, because I dont think i have one when I looked, where would it be located?00:45
danbh_intrepidlacy: try opening gstreamer-properties, and switching to alsa00:45
Killer--Tuxi dont know much about proxys00:45
Xyc0Slade: sorry, I tried looking but the title 1408 is too vague for me to figure out what is going on with it00:45
danbh_intrepidKiller--Tux: then why do you want to set one up?00:46
Killer--Tuxbut i was wondering if it possible to make one with ubuntu00:46
Xyc0Slade:  It sounds like there is copy protection on it00:46
tripinate_: gdmsetup?00:46
danbh_intrepidXyc0: 1408 is a movie00:46
Xyc0Anyone know anything about SATA Raid controllers in Ubuntu?00:46
davidroderickmatrix_: was you question about a deleted ext2 partition? I just got here00:46
Xyc0danbh_intrepid: I know this, try googling for it and copy protection00:46
unoppanserbjorn, ok, run this command, a URL will be given when it completes, paste that here    sudo aptitude install pastebinit; { ls -l /etc/apache2 ; cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf } | pastebinit00:46
Killer--Tuxis it that hard to set one up ?!?00:46
matrix_nope i deleted some files from my home folder matrix and then i delted them from trash how can i recover them00:46
Xyc0danbh_intrepid: It gets a little confused00:47
xomp_RAGE!! I'm trying to follow this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/CompaqW200 but am getting the error "E: Couldn't find package linux-headers-" please halp!00:47
lacydanbh_intrepid  where do i find gstreamer-properties at ?00:47
panserbjornunop: kk00:47
unoppanserbjorn, errm, sorry.  sudo aptitude install pastebinit; { ls -l /etc/apache2 ; cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf;} | pastebinit00:47
Xyc0bah, ill brb afk00:47
danbh_intrepidxomp_: check your sources00:47
nate_when i did gdmsetup it gave me sesgmentation fault tripi00:47
panserbjornunop: kk00:47
danbh_intrepidlacy: a terminal00:47
matrix_i deleted some files from my home folder matrix and then i delted them from trash how can i recover them00:47
HappyHatermatrix_, once you deleted them, there's no going back00:47
mobylinux sux :|00:47
alex-staggo for windows then00:48
mobyrealy now00:48
xomp_danbh_intrepid, sorry, but what does it mean to check my sources? what am I supposed to be checking in my sources?00:48
tripinate: lunched with sudo?00:48
HollywoodJumperwhat is the terminal command for to get banshee00:48
mobyi dont love windows00:48
Xyc0moby: Mac is good if you can afford it00:48
mobybut come on00:48
alex-stagwho does?00:48
HollywoodJumperi very much dislike windows00:48
zimbresDoes anyone here has already installed the software LastWave?00:48
Xyc0moby: Linux is better if you know how00:48
mobywin xp beats the crapp out of ani linux distro00:48
panserbjorn  sudo aptitude install pastebinit; { ls -l /etc/apache2 ; cat /etc/apache2/apache2.conf;} | pastebinit00:48
panserbjorn[19:47] <Xyc0> bah, ill brb afk00:48
alex-stagi agree00:48
danbh_intrepidxomp_: check to make sure you have the default sources, also, can you paste the results of: uname -a      ?00:49
tripinate_: ouch, no idea at the moment sorry00:49
matrix_are you there davidroderick00:49
Xyc0panserbjorn: lol00:49
bazzis there a package that has a 32 bit version of libgtk-x11-2.0 in it?  i need to compile something using winegcc which wants a 32 bit version of the lib so i can't use the one in the dev package00:49
Xyc0i know I lied00:49
Xyc0im really afk now00:49
davidroderickuse sudo apt-get install testdisk  ; it has a companion for this. called photorec. http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk00:49
=== Xyc0 is now known as Xyc0-AFK
heygabeIs there any way to open a .pages file in Linux?00:49
mobyim using linux for 2 years now i i can onestly say my head got double in size00:49
nate_can u point me to somewhere where i can get help00:49
xomp_danbh_intrepid, I have the standard sources since this is a new install so I'm not sure what to be on the look out for in my software sources. "uname -r" gives 2.6.24-19-generic00:49
mobyand not that mutch to pay for it00:50
HollywoodJumpercan i use sudo apt to get banshee?00:50
mobywasted time00:50
Chris_Fosteris it possible not to have a graphics card? Cant it be a "chipset" or something, because I dont think i have one when I looked, where would it be located?00:50
tripiheygabe: what kind of file is a -page file?00:50
zimbresI was told i should use sh instead of bash to install one software, does this make any sense?00:50
alex-stagi call it hobby00:50
unopHollywoodJumper, i think you mean apt-get -- sure.   sudo apt-get install banshee00:50
JunTaodoes anyone know how often .bash_history gets updated?00:50
unopJunTao, once everytime you log out :)00:50
unopzimbres, not really00:50
JunTaohes probably right00:51
JunTaolet me see00:51
tripiChris_Foster: yes probably u hav a chipset for graphics00:51
HollywoodJumperyes apt-get thank you very much you rock!00:51
davidrodericktestdisk is incredible but it really works00:51
Chris_Fostertripi: thanks00:51
midnightRmblerwhat is testdisk?00:51
sacrebleuhow do i manipulate display driver settings?00:51
gkellygrr...I have /lib/readline.so.5 and /lib in /etc/ld.so.conf; I've run `sudo ldconfig`; gcc -lreadline still can't find libreadline!!00:52
tripimidnightRmbler: an app to recover partiion tables, mbr and so forth00:52
nate_does anyone no how to get startup manager fixed when i try to add new upsplashs or grub backgrounds it closes00:52
midnightRmblertripi: thnks00:52
vengerwhere is can see the mostly recently installed packages?  I allowed gdeb to install something and i'm not sure what all dependencies it pulled in00:52
tripinate_: i can search for the config file somewhere00:53
tripinate: i meant you (not me)00:53
nate_do u think if i reinstalled startup manager that would fix it?00:53
jimmygoonMy wifi on campus has many AP with the same ESSID00:53
jimmygoonIs there anyway to be able to choose the one to connect to00:53
vengergdebi to be more precise00:53
tripinate_: dont nknow if it will overwrite his config00:54
darkscryptcan you use aptoncd on a redhat based system to create packages for an ubuntu system?00:54
panserbjornunop: a lil prob: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49888/00:54
tripinate_: but u cna try00:54
JunTaoisn't it 'bash' to open a new terminal?00:54
tripiJunTao: no00:54
JunTaoi thought thats what it was in fedora00:54
JunTaobut i'm on ubuntu now00:54
nate_well how can i completely get rid of it so i can reinstall (im still a noob so i need the codes) tripi00:55
tripiJunTao: bash just swith to bash shell00:55
darkscryptJunTao, i'm in fedora but gnome-terminal is a gnome thing00:55
SladeXyc0-AFK: shouldnt be. Im not copying it. It's a DVD i bought at the store00:55
darkscryptnot so much a fed thing00:55
lacydanbh_intrepid does Mozilla need some kinda plug in  its just on the web  i can play files  like music and movie files i just can't play them on the web00:55
blackhatv11I'm a little concerned about ubuntu security. is it probable that someone could "hack" my laptop from the network and screw with something?00:55
JunTaotripi so then?00:55
tripinate_: i dont know where startup manager puts his config...00:55
tripiJunTao: what do you need?00:55
JunTaotripi open new terminal from terminal :D00:55
tripiJunTao: start a new terminal from a termina00:56
danbh_intrepidlacy: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:56
maxeris there a default firewall on ubuntu?00:56
tripiJunTao: gnome-terminal00:56
tripiJunTao: xterm00:56
grizlo42hi i am looking into buying a new desktop, in the $600 price range00:56
blackhatv11maxer: iptables00:56
danbh_intrepid!firewall > maxer00:56
ubottumaxer, please see my private message00:56
maxeri cant access some ports00:56
grizlo42and i want it to run ubuntu00:56
tripiJunTao: but gnome terminal supports tabs00:56
tripiJunTao: and from the menu also new terminal windows00:56
unoppanserbjorn, errm ok - leave it be - basically your apache.conf is complaining about the fact that you are missing a clutch.conf file (i dunno what clutch is, maybe you do) - so you have two options now, edit your apache2.conf to remove mention of clutch.conf or configure clutch properly?  what do you want to do?00:56
grizlo42i don't want it to come with vista cause thats a waste of money00:56
JunTaotripi thanks :) yep00:56
grizlo42any ideas what company to look in to?00:56
mylogicgrizlo42: Dell sells preloaded ubuntu desktops00:56
tripinate_:  pls hold on00:57
Sladeanyone else?00:57
Sladecould there be a codec i don't have?00:57
panserbjornunop: i have NO idea what it means, but it causes random crashes when i am browsing the web :(00:57
grizlo42when i clicked on their ubuntu section they were all desktops00:57
danbh_intrepid!medibuntu > Slade00:57
ubottuSlade, please see my private message00:57
unoppanserbjorn, paste /etc/apache2/conf.d/clutch.conf00:57
mylogicgrizlo42: looking for a laptop? I bought a preloaded laptop from them, one second and I'll link you00:58
maxerhow do i see my iptables conf?00:58
panserbjornunop: kk, brb00:58
grizlo42i don't want a laptop00:58
tripinate_: i'm looking for info u'd need00:58
grizlo42i want a desktop00:58
mylogicgrizlo42: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&cs=19&l=en&s=dhs00:58
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
danbh_intrepidmaxer: please see the message that ubottu sent you00:58
borsanianhi all, is anyone on 8.10 Alpha and having a problem with complex characters input?00:58
xomp_danbh_intrepid, I have the standard sources since this is a new install so I'm not sure what to be on the look out for in my software sources. "uname -r" gives 2.6.24-19-generic00:58
danbh_intrepid!intrepid > borsanian00:58
ubottuborsanian, please see my private message00:58
lacythanks danbh_intrepid :)00:59
danbh_intrepidxomp_: and you cant find the headers for that?00:59
iglo1anyone able to help me with a boot problem?00:59
maxeri have no iptables rules but i cant seem to access some ports00:59
xomp_danbh_intrepid, nope, it's not finding them for some reason00:59
grizlo42also what is a better 64 bit processor, Intel Pentium Dual Core or Intel 2 Core Dup?00:59
stwestonI need some help. FactTech can describe it. I think.00:59
mylogicgrizlo42: I would go witht he intel 2 duo00:59
FactTechAnybody with experience debugging samba issues have time for a quick consultation?00:59
borsanianoops, time to change room.01:00
xomp_danbh_intrepid, in my source list I have "source code" checked01:00
FactTechstweston -- Who are you talking to?01:00
FactTechAll -- stweston is looking for help getting past a busybox prompt on boot from a CD.01:00
bwaldwhat is the standard script for suspending? it works when I use the GUI in Gnome, but I want to start using fluxbox and I don't know where the suspend/hibernate scripts are01:00
stwestonFactTech: I'm gonna reboot.01:00
danbh_intrepidxomp_: well, I would ask that you pastebin the error that you are having.  Maybe that can shed some light01:00
tripinate_: pls look at my PM01:00
hikenbootanyone in here able to point me to a doc on how to minimize python installation trying to sqeeze it in 3-4 meg if possible01:00
iglo1i have a pastebin of my error if someone could help01:00
=== Xyc0-AFK is now known as Xyc0
stwestonctrl+alt+del pressed.01:01
Xyc0I am having issues getting hardy to see my SATA drive01:01
xomp_danbh_intrepid, http://pastebin.com/d653ceb2301:01
danbh_intrepid!ask > iglo101:01
ubottuiglo1, please see my private message01:01
stwestonI'm at the boot screen thing.01:01
maxeri cant access my rails mongrel cluster with my browser- theres no firewall, im lost01:01
stwestonFactTech: I'm at the opening Xubuntu screen.01:02
=== joshua is now known as Ratchet--
xomp_danbh_intrepid, what items should I have checked in Software Sources on the "Ubuntu Software" tab? Because everything is checked :/01:02
tripinate_: that startup manager is not  really safe01:02
danbh_intrepidxomp_: well, you dont need sources01:02
FactTechQuestion: Anybody on now with Samba experience that can help with a quick debug? I'm having trouble connecting to a Windows server on the local network.01:02
panserbjornunop: will you be around later?01:02
EldaSorry to bother, but for the life of me I cannot recall the name of the codecs one would download from the repository for Amarok.  Anyone have an idea?01:02
tripinate_: in red is written "WARNING!01:03
tripiIf you are unlucky, this tool could make your system unable to start. USE IT ON YOUR OWN RISK!"01:03
danbh_intrepidxomp_: what release are you using?01:03
xomp_danbh_intrepid, ok, what about the "Third Party" tab? Anything in there need to be checked for this to work?01:03
unoppanserbjorn, i'm off to bed in a bit - it's 01:03 am here01:03
xomp_danbh_intrepid, Hardy01:03
EldaI recall them being under the restricted drivers by chane? :>01:03
iglo1after a fresh install of eeexubuntu 7.10 i ran synaptic to install updates. they installed successfully and i rebooted the computer after making a custom change to fstab and when it rebooted i got that error01:03
Sladedanbh_intrepid: does the disc need to be unmounted when trying to play it?01:03
anarsWhy does the standard Ubuntu installation have two sysloggers and two cronjob daemons?01:03
EldaShouldn't a disk be mounted when you want to play it?01:03
danbh_intrepidxomp_: in theory, all should be unchecked01:03
panserbjornunop: kk, i gotta jet myself, thanks for all your help, i will see you around01:03
panserbjorntake care everybody01:03
danbh_intrepidSlade I think it hsould be mounted01:03
xomp_danbh_intrepid, ok, I checked them all and will retry01:03
Ramblurris there a mysql embedded package for hardy?01:04
tripianars: i asked myself the same :)01:04
danbh_intrepidxomp_: 32bit?01:04
xomp_danbh_intrepid, yes01:04
Xyc0I very much need help with a SATA controller01:04
bwalddoes anyone know where the suspend/hibernate scripts live?  I've tried running some of the things in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but they don't seem to work, what does KDE use when you select "Suspend" with the GUI?01:04
stwestonI need help fixing a busybox+initramfs problem.01:05
anarstripi: what did you do about it? did you disable one of each?01:05
tripianars: i just leave them as they are01:05
SladeWell, Totem keeps saying it cannot read from resource01:05
xomp_danbh_intrepid, I don't think it's going to work lol, I have everything checked and all but it still can't find those kernel headers :S01:06
tripianars: they really dont disturb me in any manner01:06
anarstripi: I'll do the same, then. I can't seem to find anyting on the Internet about this though01:06
xomp_danbh_intrepid, but thanks for helping anyway. Das vidanya \o01:06
anarstripi: me neither - I was just curious, and I'm sure there's a good reason.01:06
stwestondoes anyone know of a way to fix busybox+initramfs screens on install?01:06
nate_tripi im back01:06
danbh_intrepidxomp: are you the same person?01:06
tripianars: i gave myself tha same answer and left them there at their job (little in my case)01:06
xompdanbh_intrepid, yup01:07
xompdanbh_intrepid, I was in my bedroom on my laptop trying that heh01:07
Xyc0where is the pcitable01:07
danbh_intrepidxomp: you could try this command EXACTLY: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ && sudo apt-get install linux-generic01:07
bwaldZyc0: locate pcitable01:08
bwaldZyc0: what is your problem?01:08
stwestonall - I need help making a xubuntu install work. I don't know how to work with (initramfs) prompts!01:08
stwestonin BusyBox01:09
anarshttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5844017 can somebody take a look at this, please? It's about the two sysloggers and cronjob daemons in Ubuntu01:09
unopdanbh_intrepid, i wonder what the significance of  ^ is there01:09
HollywoodJumperubuntu was unable to mount my external hardrive what should i do ?01:09
aXeusHow is the default ubuntu user privlaged?01:09
stwestonadmin, I think01:09
stwestonaXeus: admin, is my guess01:10
unopaXeus, only by being a member of the admin group - that's all01:10
bwaldHollywoodJumper: how is the harddrive formatted?01:10
HollywoodJumperin ntfs01:10
zimbreshow do i run 'make' in sh instead of bash?01:10
unopaXeus, that does not give the user any extra privileges except the ability to use sudo01:10
aXeusunop: thanks. That's what I was wondering01:10
unopzimbres, sh -c 'your command here'01:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about daemon01:11
stwestoneverybody: I need help with a xubuntu installation. BusyBox+initramfs prompts.01:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about idea01:11
HollywoodJumperbwald ubuntu said i could try to force it at my own risk01:12
stwestonwhat's with the !s before the phrases... pardon my nubishness.01:12
ubuntumanoh man they changed it i forget where to submit an idea01:12
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:12
xompdanbh_intrepid, thanks, but I think I'm gonna pass on trying it lol. I can't begin to tell you how many times Hardy has had to been reinstalled on that laptop all because of issues on following Ubuntu Documentation to get something working lol.01:12
danbh_intrepidunop: its a tasksel command01:13
=== jonathan__ is now known as beilabs
bwaldHollywoodJumper: sorry, I'm trying to find you the right HowTo right now01:13
stwestonPlease HELP... I need to fix this busybox+initramfs prompt!01:13
unopdanbh_intrepid, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^   is a tasksel command?01:13
HollywoodJumperbwald sweet thanks01:13
danbh_intrepidunop: I believe it goes like something like this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ == sudo tasksel install ubuntu-desktop01:13
unopdanbh_intrepid, hmm, where can i find more info on this?01:15
bwaldstweston: what error are you getting?01:15
stwestonI'm not getting any error.01:15
stwestonI'm just getting a busybox prompt...01:15
Elda!ubotu codecs01:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubotu codecs01:15
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:15
stwestonthen the line starts with (initramfs)01:15
katiehi can anyone help me i downloaded a messenger called IMVU and it was working for a while and now it wont work at all01:15
unopdanbh_intrepid, because the apt-get manpage says ^ is a regular expression metacharacter - if that's the case, your command should fail by any means01:15
Jacobbsstweston, is the disc burned properly?01:15
nicklas1#ubuntu-se doesn't work01:15
bwaldstweston: are you using wubi?01:16
fignutswhat's this roaming mode?01:16
stwestonI believe so. I've tried two disks, neither worked. no wubi01:16
stwestonI don't have a big enough HDD for wuib01:16
JacobbsWhen you stick the disk in01:16
tripikatie: u made some change on it?01:16
katieno i havent done anything to it01:16
katieit hasnt worked for about two weeks01:16
bwaldstweston: you're having trouble installing ubuntu?01:16
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: You there?01:16
tripikatie: is it starting?01:16
stwestonno. xubuntu... yes, I guess.01:17
katietripi: nope it attempts to start up and then nothing happens01:17
=== omgirc is now known as Geforce88
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: yeah, but I'm involved in a tricky system recovery right now01:17
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: Ahh, alright I'll look elsewhere then.01:17
tripikatie: tried removin it and reinstalling?01:18
bwaldHollywoodJumper: try this, http://tinyurl.com/3qog3y01:18
EldaOh poo... I just set the wrong set of codecs to download :(  Is there a *HUGE* difference between ubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras?01:18
|unjustice|anyone know of a good CD/DVD r/RW that is easily configured to Ubuntu, KDE, and generally free OS's?01:18
katieno because i have no clue how to reinstall it my friend did it the first time i dont even know how to uninstall it01:18
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: no luck with the slow DNS look-ups then?01:19
stwestonI need help with installing xubuntu. I keep getting busybox prompts with lines starting w/ (initramfs)01:19
Eldakatie, imVU is the 3d chat program correct?01:19
katieyes it is01:19
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyHat|off
EldaOkay well have you tried uninstalling it through wine?01:19
danbh_intrepidunop: well, I just got the command from some an upgrade document.  I'll peak at the man page, just out of curiosity.  But you should try it.  It is like a tasksel, but it does it through apt-get, SO, you can just say no before it installs anything.01:19
bwaldstweston: when does the busybox prompt appear?01:20
tripikatie: it is a window client u use it thorugh wine?01:20
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: I just got back a little bit ago, but you're correct.  No luck, i've reset cable receiver and router and even reset all of the defaults and went back through the settings and made sure it was all good.01:20
katieyes im uninstalling it now01:20
mltdwnhey all01:20
katiewill someone be able to help me reinstall it01:20
EldaIf it's a windows client I assume she would use either wine or yucky cedega :|01:20
stwestonbwald: it shows, it runs, but the (initramfs) prompt is something I don't know how to work with.01:20
tripiu need the installer then...01:20
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: So, it gotta be something to do with this laptop or Ubuntu01:20
EldaIt's not that hard to install, hehe01:21
mltdwnkatie, what are you installing01:21
tripiIMVU mltdwn01:21
EldaJust download the file like you would in windows and do sudo wine "nameofimVUinstallerhere.exe"01:21
nate_tripi back didnt work01:21
lolmachi, mib_5c5ivo01:21
almstoday i tried to install ubuntu on a standalone computer -- terrible experience -- lots of dependencies to install everything -- windows works great -- one disk per driver -- is there a solution to this for ubuntu/linux01:21
bwaldstweston: I'm pretty sure the (initramfs) thing means your kernel is corrupted somehow, I've only seen the error you're getting when people try to hibernate windows and then boot a wubi'd ubuntu01:21
katiekk ill try it01:21
mltdwntripi, never had to deal with or play that01:21
EldaOh poo... I just set the wrong set of codecs to download :(  Is there a *HUGE* difference between ubuntu-restricted-extras and kubuntu-restricted-extras?01:21
mib_5c5ivoi'm need to perform a low level format in my hdd01:22
stwestonbwald: I don't have the capability of wubi'ing it.01:22
mib_5c5ivobut i'm dont know the command line01:22
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:22
EldaYou might find that useful alms01:22
tripimltdwn: me neither01:22
tripimltdwn: katie has that problem...01:22
tonyyarussoElda: Possibly.  Ubuntu will have things specific to Totem and Gstreamer, and I'm not sure what Kubuntu uses.  Many likely will be the same, but there is definitely the possibility of differences.01:22
=== player4 is now known as bakawhite
rock__onhi noobs01:23
stwestonthat was mean, Rock__on01:23
FAJhi i am trying to get a laptop and a desktop to communicate, so I am using samba (both ubuntu) unfortunately, the desktop is not seeing the laptop; even in smbtree (i am still gettin an error message on both for smbtree too...) but can connect if i type in the ip... my desktop connects to another desktop fine, and my laptop to both desktops, so how can i get the desktop to see this laptop?01:23
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: Or your upstream DNS server that your router is using.01:23
stwestonI think...01:23
tripinate_: maybe there is a config file u'd delete but i really have no knowloedge of startup-manager01:23
EldaWould I be okay in just installing the kubuntu restricted drivers then after this installs? Or should I yank out the ubuntu restricted codecs frist?01:23
rock__onstweston: not mean, just unacceptably provocative.01:23
=== bakawhite is now known as honoh
Eldadrivers = codecs01:23
tonyyarussoElda: just do both.01:23
FloodBot1rock__on: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:23
almsEllda, what -- the problem is crazy dependencies -- not dual booting01:24
nate_i will talk it over with my linux teacher01:24
nate_thanks for the help01:24
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: How do I change that?01:24
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: Or even check that...?01:24
FAJalms:  like what?  it shouldn't be that big of an issue01:24
bwaldstweston: have you tried running a a disk check on your xubuntu install CD?01:24
Eldaalms what do you mean?01:24
rock__onstweston: easy fix01:24
stwestonbwald: it never goes to the check... the busybox prompt always comes up01:24
almsFAJ, i can't install video drivers because Nvidia requires libc or something like that -- installing livetex was nearly impossible01:25
rock__onmib_5c5ivo: what was your question?01:25
danbh_intrepidunop: I see the mention of ^ in the man page.  That is referring to regex expression matching (which you know) where ^ is at the beginning of the term, and denoted that the term is the beginning of the desired result (which you may have already knew).  I guess since the ^ is at the end, apt is able to do something different01:25
EldaIn just do both do you mean that I should remove it?  Or just install them both01:25
almsthink i am going to move to open solaris01:25
bwalddoes anyone know where the suspend/hibernate scripts live?  I've tried running some of the things in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but they don't seem to work, what does KDE use when you select "Suspend" with the GUI?01:25
FAJalms:  did you click on it in hardware drivers?01:25
rock__onalms: aptitude install build-essential01:25
mib_5c5ivoi'm need to perform a hdd low level format01:25
tripimib_5c5ivo: i missed you question01:25
rock__onmib_5c5ivo: you want a new filesystem or zero the drive?01:25
drone_I've got a linux mint 5 install that boots up and has a totally blank black desktop and the only thing I can do is turn the cube and nothing else. I can't bring up the run dialog or anything else really. Any thoughts on what to do?01:26
almsrock__on, sorry, what does that do -- can i use that when disconnected from the network?01:26
mib_5c5ivomy hdd do not have file siystem01:26
rock__onalms: you need to have the package.. build-essential01:26
unopdanbh_intrepid, perhaps, but that's really odd though - and there are no mentions of tasks or tasksel in the manpage either.01:26
rock__onalms: it will install libc, gcc, et al01:26
rock__ontime to ROCK.01:26
almsoh --01:26
mib_5c5ivoi'm using the ubuntu live cd01:26
stwestonbwald: I don't know how to do this...01:26
almsi guess i need to learn how to install stand-alone packages01:26
tripimib_5c5ivo: use gparted to build partiton and format them01:26
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest6041
stwestonbwald: can you provide some examples?01:26
bwalddrone_: can you go to a virtual terminal and run commands?01:26
mib_5c5ivobut ubuntu do not recognize the hdd01:27
rock__on       _                 _           _01:27
rock__on _   _| |__  _   _ _ __ | |_ _   _  (_)___01:27
rock__on| | | | '_ \| | | | '_ \| __| | | | | / __|01:27
rock__on| |_| | |_) | |_| | | | | |_| |_| | | \__ \01:27
rock__on \__,_|_.__/ \__,_|_| |_|\__|\__,_| |_|___/01:27
FloodBot1rock__on: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:27
mib_5c5ivois full of errors01:27
tripimib_5c5ivo: u wanto to install ubuntu on that drive?01:27
FAJalms; you shouldn't have to install standalone packages for nvidia;01:27
mib_5c5ivo3 diferent disk01:27
Eldatonyyarusso: In just do both do you mean that I should remove it?  Or just install them both01:27
marcinHello World...:)01:27
lolmachi, marcin01:27
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: In your router, there will be information on the DNS server it is using01:27
bwaldstweston: when you first boot the disk, it should give you a menu of what you want, one of those options should be "check disk for errors," are you not even seeing that?01:27
tonyyarussoElda: install both.  The only harm it will do is use an extra 20 MB or disk space or whatever, so I'm guessing that's not a big deal.01:27
almsFAJ, nvidia required libc01:28
Guest6041why when i try to play a track on audacity it says check sample rate and output device whats that mean01:28
drone_bwald_: I can only boot into a failsafe terminal and I tried running a dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:28
marcincan anybody be kind to tell me how can I tell a module version - kvm and kvm_intel to be exact01:28
FAJalms:  did you install it via hardware drivers?01:28
drone_and that didn't do anything01:28
EldaYep, thought so but not in the mood to muck around if I break something hehe... thanks for the info :D01:28
stwestonbwald: yes. it does. I tried check disk, but it does the same thing.01:28
bwaldstweston: it should say "install," I haven't used xubuntu recently, but probably "run without installing" or something like that01:28
Guest6041why when i try to play a track on audacity it says check sample rate and output device whats that mean01:28
stwestonbwald: no. it's just "try..." or "install xubuntu"01:28
Guest6041why when i try to play a track on audacity it says check sample rate and output device whats that mean01:28
tripiGuest6041: pls dont repeat01:28
almsFAJ -- i downloaded it from the web on another computer and then in ubuntu sh NVIDIA-installer01:29
stwestonbwald: with other commands...01:29
bwaldstweston: and I assume neither of them work, is there something funky on the harddrive?01:29
FAJalms:  do you have internet?01:29
Eldatonyyarusso:  Actually hehe it actually only took up 1290k more ;)01:29
stwestonbwald: no. Only win 98.01:29
katieit didnt work now its says wine isnt owned by me?01:29
bwalddrone_: can you kill your X server and try to run commands?01:29
Guest6041why when i try to play a track on audacity it says check sample rate and output device whats that mean01:29
stwestonbwald: there are other options, though.01:29
almsFAJ, not where this computer is01:29
OxygenfadHey guys01:30
OxygenfadI just installed xfce01:30
drone_yeah, I can ctrl alt F1 and get there that way01:30
bwaldstweston: what are the other options? I'm sorry I'm not familiar with the xubuntu install CD, but its probably similar to the normal one01:30
marcinkind people.... does anybody know how to tell a module version?01:30
stwestonoxygenfad! I need your help!01:30
tripiOxygenfad: :)01:30
stwestonbwald: I need oxygenfad's help, I think...01:30
stwestonbwald: you can still help, though.01:30
bwalddrone_: which Window Manager/Desktop Environment are you trying to use?01:30
stwestonbwald: there's "check cd for errors", "test memory", and the standard "boot from harddisk".01:31
stwestonbwald: to add to it.01:31
bwaldstweston: thats fine, as long as you get your stuff fixed, thats all that matters01:31
tripidrone_:  gnome + metacty or compiz?01:31
katieElda: i tried uninstalling it and it seems like it didnt work its still in my wine program01:31
stwestonbwald: thanks nayway!01:31
stwestonbwald: *anyway01:31
bwaldstweston:  check CD for errors, first01:31
stwestonbwald: that doesn't work.01:31
bwaldstweston: just in case01:31
=== joshua is now known as Ratchet--
OxygenfadThing is, I deleted all panels cause I thought the right click menu was better. I realized now, programs like amarok need the task bar. I want it back. But I can seem to select the panel option now.01:32
stwestonbwald: I can't check it for errors because it only does the same thing.01:32
garycIs Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:32
bwaldstweston: that sounds like a CD burning problem then, that should launch its own kernel that doesn't touch anytihng else01:32
marcinbwald, dear Sir would you know how to check which module is loaded ?01:32
tripidrone_: try in a terminal: killall compiz(hit tab here); metacity;01:32
stwestonbwald: what do you mean?01:32
bartekHi there .. I am having major trouble getting my ATI card working on Hardy. I've followed a lot of guides and I think I am close. My main #1 issue is that when I try to use fglrx driver my screen doesnt just go black, it puts my Monitor into a Power Saving Mode .. anyone have any tips on where I can go from here?01:32
bartekI've followed the guides at http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide01:32
Rev_Willie_CrowI just ordered a Geforce 9800 GTX. I'm I going to have a hard time getting it to work in ubuntu?01:32
Oxygenfadbartek :  change your power settings01:33
drone_alright, I'll give it a shot, thanks tripi01:33
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:33
tripidrone_: sorry: killall compiz(hit tab); metacity &01:33
fignutswhich iso burner is recommended for ubuntu?01:33
bartekOxygenfad: er ..?01:33
marcinbartek, Polak?01:33
bartekmarcin: yes :)01:33
fignutscd burner i mean01:33
ubuntumanrev_willie_crow nvidia in linux = evil use ati01:33
tripidrone_: last char is & not ;01:33
drone_oh ok01:33
katieElda are u there?01:33
stwestonbwald: I need your help again...01:33
biouserhow to install perl to run a script?01:33
ubuntumanx3950xtx here and all open source drivers work flawlessly01:34
bwaldstweston: the "check errors" part of the install CD is supposed to run a self check on the CD, I'm pretty sure its not very complicated, and if thats not working it strongly suggests you burned the install CD badly01:34
tripibiouser: what do u mean??01:34
biousertripi, I need to have 5.8 or later01:34
ubuntumani always had issuues with nvidia and linux01:34
marcinbartek, na tyle co sie znam to chyba tryb graficzny w ktory popada twoja karta jest no good wzgledem monitora01:34
tripibiouser: i'm a biologist too (if u are)01:34
bartekOxygenfad: Can you explain a bit more what I need to do? I don't see what in Power Management I could change that would cause my monitor to die like that01:34
stwestonbwald: well, then does that mean I need another CD???01:34
bwaldmarcin: you can try using dmesg, I think01:34
Rev_Willie_CrowI've never had much luck with ATI cards. They don't seem to hold up very well.01:34
biousertripi, you could say that though I am more with the math these days01:35
ubuntumanati is now open source01:35
bwaldmarcin: read the man page for it, I'm not sure01:35
bartekmarcin: unfortunately I can't type in polish .. just speak it, lol sorry :P01:35
ubuntumanati used to be evil before amd bought them01:35
tripibiouser: :) try in a terminal perl -v01:35
ubuntumanamd opened the source code for the catalyst drivers for linux01:35
marcinbartek, no problem01:35
bwaldstweston: when you burned it, did you verify the data? what did you use to burn the CD?01:35
biouserhttp://www.fourmilab.ch/webtools/textogif/textogif.html#prereq  <- I am trying to make sure that I have these prerreqs.01:35
bartekOxygenfad: Can you explain a bit more what I need to do? I don't see what in Power Management I could change that would cause my monitor to die like that01:35
ubuntumanso now they work01:35
grim76bartek: Is there another vga/dvi connector on your card?01:35
marcinbwald, great thanks01:35
biousertripi, ^ thanks01:35
OxygenfadAnd I just got booted when I disabled compiz01:35
stwestonbwald: I used a new MacBook.01:35
marcinbwald, just what I needed01:35
tripibiouser: thatt is u have 5.8.801:35
stwestonbwald: I didn't verify it, but I have now, and it should have wokred.01:36
marcinbartek, what does X log say?>01:36
biouserright, got it, how about netpbm and ghostscript...01:36
EldaSpeaking of mac-books.  Hurray for the new PC commercials \o/01:36
bartekgrim76: Yes .. my card has two connectors, and they are both connected (one is my TV, but I do not care about getting this working just yet)01:36
Rev_Willie_Crownvidea may not be open, but they do support linux.01:36
Oxygenfadbartek: can you just change the settings so that your monitor never dims É I had something like this on my laptop. I changed it so it will never power save01:36
stwestonelda: I hate the PCs!!!01:36
bartekmarcin: one sec01:36
grim76bartek: You might try the monitor on the other connector.01:36
EldaWell you smell funny >.>01:36
tripibiouser: if u nedd detaild help on it ask i spent lot of time on perl+ bioperl01:36
* Oxygenfad `s computer NOM NOM NOM01:36
ubuntumanATI support is much better than nvidia now01:36
stwestonelda: you're... kinda... weird...01:36
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: So, I checked out my router, found it and performed a dhcp release/renew so even with the new dns servers it's still slow01:37
bwaldstweston: I'm sorry, I'm really not sure whats wrong with it if the data on the CD is not corrupt, it should at least boot the "check CD for defects" kernel, if nothing else01:37
* Elda loves her lappy and her pc :>01:37
ubuntumanRev_Willie_Crow: ATI now fully supports linux whilst nvidia only halfway supports Linux01:37
stwestonbwald: are you sure it's not just because it's the linux kernel?01:37
EldaAnd even my other laptop which is my backup laptop when this one is in for repairs lol01:37
katieElda: it keeps telling me that wine isnt owned by me01:37
tripibiouser: netpbm i dont know what is?01:37
ubuntumanRev_Willie_Crow Nvidia funnels the speed in linux01:37
biousertripi, cool, I am here often, I am trying to typeset math to web01:37
stwestonbwald: should I get another HDD?01:37
ubuntumanAMD/ATI does not01:37
bartekgrim76: I tried this and no change01:37
Eldakatie, you have to use sudo wine01:37
Eldaon nm!01:38
EldaJust use wine01:38
bwaldstweston: if you're booting off a liveCD, then nothing touches your HDD, especially if you boot with the "try, not install" or "check CD for defects" options01:38
EldaI forgot... wine doesnt like it when you use sudo on it lol01:38
katieill try01:38
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: do you have other PCs on the LAN that suffer the same slowness?01:38
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: Oh, actually it worked the second time I did it, sweet thanks for the help!01:38
Eldajust wine installfile.exe01:38
bwaldstweston: you could pull out the HD and it should still boot01:38
tripibiouser: hummm give a look at LaTex ...01:38
grim76bartek: ok sounds like it might be out of the resolution your monitor is able to display.  I am unsure how to change it, but that is what it sounds like.01:38
marcinbartek, I do not think that is't the card itself01:38
garycubuntuman: Is Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:38
stwestonbwald: oh...01:38
marcinbartek, grim76 is right01:38
stwestonbwald: then what is the problem? are you sure it's not just the Linux kernel itself?01:38
Eldastweston: And yes I'm odd ;)01:38
stwestonelda: LOL01:39
Rev_Willie_CrowAs hardware goes though ATI cards seem a bit buggy. But I don't think I has to do with the drivers, but the hardware01:39
ubuntumangaryc why dont you use hardy?01:39
bartekmarcin: The card is supported according to the ATI Driver wiki01:39
biousertripi, yeah that's what this script is for, generating .gif from latex01:39
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: It's fixed? not slow?01:39
tripibiouser: a perl script?01:39
bwaldstweston: it might be the kernel on your CD, but thats part of the data on the LiveCD; which is the thing I I think is probably corrupted01:39
marcinbartek, what card is it?01:39
ubuntumanall ATI cards fully work in Linux as they are now all Open Source01:39
grim76bartek: That doesn't necessarily mean that the monitor supports that resolution.01:39
biouserIi think that might bee the most lightweight way to go, not sure tripi yeah01:39
bartekmarcin/grim: I tried changing HorizSync and VertRefresh to match my monitor based on the manufactrer details but still nothing01:39
katieElda: it says it couldnt load it and the module wasnt found01:39
nkei0IntuitiveNipple: Appears so.01:39
bartekmarcin: ATI Radeon X850XT01:39
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:39
stwestonbwald: so, then you're implying that I need ANOTHER CD?01:39
tripibiouser: cool.. good luck:-)01:39
marcinbartek, I lower the resoultion first01:40
EldaKatie, that is because you need to navigate to the folder with the installer on it01:40
biousertripi, where to put a perl script so that it will be on the path?01:40
marcinbartek, which Ubuntu?01:40
bartekubuntu hardy01:40
IntuitiveNipplenkei0: Yay :D01:40
tripiin your home dir01:40
garycubuntuman:  I have been running 6.06 a long time.  don't want to switch yet.  support through 201101:40
katieElda: how do i do that?01:40
bwaldstweston: I don't know what else it could be, it might be some esoteric error I know nothing about, but thats how it seems.  You say you've already burned two CDs, and neither one has had any errors?01:40
EldaIE open up your console and do cd until you get to your desktop directory01:40
tripibiouser: in you home01:40
* IntuitiveNipple does the "another one down" dance :D01:40
bartekmarcin: Ok, I'm sure I tried it but I will lower the resolution down01:40
biousertripi, I want it to be in the path from anywhere though01:40
bartekDo you think Mesa drivers could be causing an issue?01:40
bwaldstweston: can you make and md5 sum of the install CD and compare it to an ISO?01:40
stwestonbwald: yes.01:40
tripibiouser: or in /usr/local/bin01:40
qwmbartek: you will lower the resolution DOWN? sure you don't want to lower it UP?01:41
Eldakatie, do you know how to open your console?01:41
EldaIf so just type cd Desktop01:41
stwestonbwald: I probably should...01:41
stwestonbwald: I'll do that.01:41
Eldaand type dir, and tell me if you see it01:41
katiei have no clue01:41
bwaldstweston: that'll at least tell if you the CDs are corrupt01:41
bartekqwm: In this case to see if my monitor isnt the issue  need to make it smaller01:41
garyc;ubuntuman Is Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:41
Eldathe console is baseically like the dos prompt01:41
bwaldstweston: and then you might need to revise your burning method, if it keeps producing coasters01:41
tripibiouser: i read it now, in /usr/local/bin i guess it will be fine01:41
stwestonbwald: I only have one of the 2.01:41
EldaIt should be under accessories I think (I am not in gnome atm so Im not 100% sure on that :>)01:41
CircsI'm trying to edit a config file but it will not let me, says It belongs to root, how can I edit it?01:41
stwestonbwald: I also did it at the lowest speed.01:41
biousertripi, ah, nice, ty01:41
stwestonbwald: 10x01:41
tripibiouser: but it is a cgi script?01:42
biousertripi, not sure01:42
biouserI think not01:42
Rev_Willie_CrowI am using a ATI Card now, a Radeon x1050, all I have had is trouble both in linux and windows.01:42
EldaKatie did you get it?01:42
bwaldstweston: hrm, it would be pretty unlikely to have errors, but it doesn't hurt to check, at least until someone with more knowledge comes in who might be able to help you more01:42
katieby console do u mean terminal?01:42
EldaYes terminal01:42
tripibiouser: so arent u running it on a webserver...01:42
qwmbartek: you were using REDUNDANT LANGUAGEE01:42
Eldajust open that and type cd Desktop01:42
bartekqwm: sorry :)01:42
elzurkdoes ubuntu use uswsusp or tuxonice by default?01:42
stwestonbwald: okay! thanks!01:42
Eldacd = change directory01:42
Eldaso it will change you to the directory of your desktop01:42
bwalddoes anyone know where the suspend/hibernate scripts live?  I've tried running some of the things in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but they don't seem to work, what does KDE use when you select "Suspend" with the GUI?01:43
biousertripi, I might try to get it to run when admins put in new info, but no I am just going to make the views use the gifs01:43
EldaAt this point type, dir and tell me what you see01:43
EldaAs dir = directory and it will list all the contents of it01:43
tripibiouser: fine... easier too01:43
biousertripi, admins put in TeX, users see gifs...01:43
stwestonbwald: which file do I use to represent the ISO?01:43
katieimvu.desktop   installimvu_402.0_st.exe    imvu.lnk01:44
tripibiouser: I see, for ghostscritp it should be already installed in ubuntu01:44
Eldakatie: Awesome!  All you have to do now is type wine installimvu_402.0_st.exe01:44
EldaOr just start to type it and hit tab01:44
bwaldstweston: the ISO is the one file you downloaded from xubuntu.com, that you then burned onto a CD.  It should be something like xubuntu-version#-foo-.ISO01:44
EldaIt will then autocomplete it01:44
=== chafka59 is now known as chafka
stwestonbwald: okay01:44
tripibiouser: if not sudo apt-get install ghostscript01:44
stwestonbwald: I mean... on the CD01:45
katiei think its working01:45
EldaGreat :D01:45
EldaThis is the first time I've really been able to help anyone with a linux problem xD01:45
beni downloaded poweriso but it downloaded as an .exe file.  all the forums say to just run that but for some reason my wine doesnt run it01:45
katienow its says error writing crash log01:46
bartekwow this channel moves fast01:46
garycubuntuman:  I have been running 6.06 a long time.  don't want to switch yet.  support through 201101:46
Eldabartek, there are 1.3k people in this channel.  It would be worried if it didnt ;)01:46
garycubuntuman: Is Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:46
bwaldstweston: the whole CD should be the ISO, the ISO translates into all the files/folders on the CD01:46
biouserty, tripi, looks good so far...01:46
beni downloaded poweriso but it downloaded as an .exe file.  all the forums say to just run that but for some reason my wine doesnt run it01:46
bartekmarcin: What is the correct way to set my monitors resolution in Xorg.conf .. Is it using Subsection "Display" and then "Modes" ? I want to do this right01:47
tripibiouser: ur welcome01:47
stwestonbwald: okay, then... I'll try to find a way to get the CD to copy to Terminal.01:47
lolmachi, samson80001:47
stwestonbwald: since that's what I'm using.01:47
grim76ben: What is it that you are trying to do?01:47
katieElda: it says there was a error writing crash log now what do i do?01:47
lolmachi, samson80001:47
beninstall poweriso so that i can then install xp01:47
Eldakatie... so did it not completely install?01:47
samson800i am having truble01:47
bwaldstweston: your CD should be mounted in /media/cdrom01:47
EldaSometimes it may make an error but perhaps did install it :>01:47
grim76ben: are you using ubuntu?01:48
stwestonbwald: okay.01:48
katieit still isnt working:(01:48
marcinbartek, paste your xorg into ubuntu.pastebin.com01:48
mnMan, I'm ready for Intrepid!01:48
beni have ubuntu but i want xp for gaming01:48
bartekmarcin: one sec .. i am not quite there yet, re-installing the drivers manually using this method: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Hardy_Installation_Guide#Removing_Mesa_drivers01:48
samson800having truble with wireless driver for Compaq f500 laptop01:48
bartek(my best friend in my old city was named marcin ;) ... )01:48
=== danopia_ is now known as danopia
grim76ben: then you will need to dual boot your system.  There are a ton of sites out there that cover that.  Plus don't PM someone....keep it in the channel so that others can learn.01:49
katieElda: still nothing any ideas on what to try now?01:49
marcinbartek: well, well my pleasuer01:49
marcinbartek, :)01:49
mngrim76: What about virtual machines?01:49
beni can figure out how to dual boot but i cant get the xp file to run because its a .daa01:49
beni need to make it a iso and use poweriso to do it01:49
garycanybody: Is Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:49
HollywoodJumperalright so when i try to mount my external harddrive it says that logfile shows unclean shutdown01:49
EldaI mean you seem to have the link on your desktop01:49
grim76mn: Typically those won't give you the 3d necessary.01:49
katiei do01:49
EldaSo try clicking it and see what happens01:50
stwestonbwald: I have the results!01:50
HollywoodJumperam i ever going to be able to get the data off of the external?01:50
mngrim76: Oh, I didn't know that.01:50
tripiHollywoodJumper: is there windows on it?01:50
eDRoaCHdaa is a mac image format (but i think theres windows progs that can read it) however i think ill take a wild guess and believe your windows daa is warez01:50
EldaIve learned that linux complains a lot but it will still work at times... sort of like men ;)01:50
* Elda hides01:50
bwaldHollywoodJumper: I'm sorry, I send you a link a while ago, I thought it worked for you01:50
stwestonbwald: apparrently, the ISO file checks out, but the CD doesn't.01:50
HollywoodJumperyes it is in ntfs format01:50
Schuenemannhey, how is Linux support for these integrated graphic cards, like the Intel GMA X3100?01:50
katielol so true01:50
stwestonbwald: I guess I'll have to burn it AGAIN01:50
tripiHollywoodJumper: so restart in win and exit properly01:50
bwaldstweston: you mean the md5 sums don't match up?01:50
stwestonbwald: exactly01:51
eDRoaCHSchuenemann: i have an x3100 in my laptop, runs ubu fine01:51
HollywoodJumperbwald your link was awesome but it didnt work because of unclean shutdown previously01:51
katieok now im really confused it installed and it still isnt working01:51
tripiHollywoodJumper:then u should see it01:51
eDRoaCHbefore 8.04 though youll need to do some tricks to get compiz working01:51
EldaHmmm what is it saying now?01:51
bwaldstweston: yeah, it sounds like it was burned badly, you're using Disk Utility to burn it?01:51
eDRoaCHwith 8.04 native01:51
SchuenemanneDRoaCH, compiz, blender, games?01:51
stwestonbwald: yes01:51
katieElda: nothing its just not starting01:51
HollywoodJumperif i force into my external will i lose all data?01:51
eDRoaCHwell its not a powerful card so dont expect great performance in quake 1301:51
bwaldstweston: make sure you select "verify written data" when you burn it, it'll make the process longer but its definitly worth it01:51
EldaLet me see what I can find on that then01:52
stwestonbwald: all right.01:52
eDRoaCHbut i was playing nexuz (er that fps however you spell it) and having a blast01:52
stwestonbwald: how do I select that?...01:52
tripiHollywoodJumper: try to resart in xp with it and exit properly01:52
lolmachi, samson80001:52
bwaldstweston: also, I'd verify that the ISO's md5sum is the same the website provides01:52
SchuenemanneDRoaCH, what is a blast?01:52
tripiHollywoodJumper: u should then be able to mount it in linux01:52
mnWhat is compiz?01:52
mnsamson800: hello01:52
stwestonbwald: I have; it is.01:52
bwaldstweston: you might have had corruption when you downloaded it, and then it'll alway have corruption when burned01:52
lolmachi, mn01:52
HollywoodJumpertripi ok i will have to try that01:52
danbh_intrepid!compiz > mn01:52
ubottumn, please see my private message01:52
tripimn a winndow manager01:52
samson800hi mn01:52
mnhello, lolmac01:52
lolmachi, mn01:52
danbh_intrepidubottu to the rescue!01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about to the rescue!01:52
sullyva86I can't get any sound in miro any ideas?01:52
eDRoaCHer that open source FPS game called nexuz or something like that. its in ubu repos01:52
stwestonbwald: well, the ISO and the CD don't match. that's the thing.01:53
samson800anyone know about wireless drivers not work01:53
comicinkerI'm running Openbox from a ~/.xsession script, however there are no further actions executed than starting openbox. how can I execute more tasks? see my .xsession file here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49895/01:53
HollywoodJumpertripi if the external wont mount in ubuntu then how do i safely remove in ubuntu?01:53
javiergAnyone know why when I uninstall a program in WINE it uninstalls but I can still see it in the menu? Is there another step that I have to do after I uninstall a program?01:53
bwaldstweston: thats good, I dont' remember exactly how Disk Utility works (I'm in linux right now) but I think it should just be a check box.  I feel like its towards the bottom of the window, but I really dont' remember01:53
mnsamson800:  I do.  What are you using01:53
grim76ben: http://poweriso.com/download.htm there is a linux version on that page.01:53
coreyo"Grub: read error" on boot.  Is there any way to get to the grub command prompt?  Is the grub command prompt not stage 1?01:53
SchuenemanneDRoaCH, can you run compiz? or blender?01:53
samson800compaq f50001:53
bwalddoes anyone know where the suspend/hibernate scripts live?  I've tried running some of the things in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but they don't seem to work, what does KDE use when you select "Suspend" with the GUI?01:53
stwestonbwald: I'll have to look into that. thanks!01:53
eDRoaCHcompiz is fine in 8.04, before that you ahve to disable the checking (read forums)01:53
stwestonbwald: I'll be afk for a bit...01:54
eDRoaCHblender i dont use01:54
bwaldstweston: yeah, good luck01:54
garycanybody: Is Dlink DGE-530T pci gigabit lan card plug and play on 6.06 Dapper Drake01:54
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
tripicoreyo: type grub to get its pormpt01:54
eDRoaCHgaryc: boot off the live cd and see?01:54
coreyotripi, no not booting at all, this directly after the bios post01:54
smacnayHi, I am trying to backup a dir from a Deb "testing" box to and Ubuntu 8.04 box using rdiff-backup.  seems that my Deb version of rdiff-backup is newer than that in Ubuntu and the backup will not work.  Where can I find a newer version for Ubuntu?01:54
SchuenemanneDRoaCH, how about the drivers? Does Intel provide them?01:54
tripicoreyo: ouch01:54
javiergAnyone know why when I uninstall a program in WINE it uninstalls but I can still see it in the menu? Is there another step that I have to do after I uninstall a program?01:55
Eldakatie, Well Im not sure what to do them but I found two topics about it:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=650425&highlight=imVU  and http://www.imvu.com/catalog/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpbb2&file=viewtopic.php&t=160996 which may help?01:55
samson800i tryed the ndiswrapper driver but it not working out well ether01:55
eDRoaCHi didnt have to do anything with drivers, ubu handled it01:55
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: packages.ubuntu.com01:55
eDRoaCHgaryc: http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/01:55
SchuenemanneDRoaCH, really? And glx is enabled?01:55
Cheekyhey iam trying to check if php is working with my mysql ; i was supposed to make this php...   http://paste.ubuntu.com/49896/     file and view it through firefox but i get an error of "01:55
CheekyParse error:  syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/mysql_up.php on line 10" ... i changed put in the mysql password and userame i use to log into mysql server .. but i still go this error could some one help me?01:55
mnsamson800:  let's private chat.  it's easier01:55
stwestonbwald: do CD-RW's work?01:55
eDRoaCHintel cards are incredibly common and not very fancy01:56
mnI opened a windows01:56
bwaldstweston: yeah, that shouldn't be any different from an R in terms of actually running01:56
garyceDRoaCH: why would I do that when 6.06 is running on my HD01:56
HollywoodJumpertripi how can i safely remove hardware if it is not mounted in ubuntu?01:56
stwestonbwald: okay. thanks.01:56
eDRoaCHthen check the list http://www.ubuntuhcl.org/01:56
eDRoaCHhmm maybe this isnt the official list01:56
eDRoaCHdamn you google, first android and now this01:57
bwaldHollywoodJumper: if it is not mounted, you can just pull it out.  The whole "safely remove" thing is just to unmount it, so if its already unmounted its safe01:57
HollywoodJumperbwald ok thanks01:57
tripiHollywoodJumper: u restarted with xp?01:57
garyceDToaCH: it says the card runs on 7.04 - no word on 6.0601:57
bartekmarcin: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m4108ead .. Rightn ow I just put one DisplayMode in .. is that correct? I am going to reboot if you say so and hope my monitor doesn't turn off by itself :-)01:57
HollywoodJumpertripi no i do not have xp01:57
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, I see that my sources.list is all "hardy" - Can I change that to something else to keep the system more up to date?01:57
eDRoaCHgaryc: you could just go to the manufacturers site and see01:58
ScreaminIkehowdo i force apache over ssh01:58
tripiHollywoodJumper: i misunderstoo sorry01:58
garyceDToaCH: I want to go out and buy one, but thought I would make sure01:58
FFEMTcJdoes anyone know what package to install on ubuntu server to take it back to its default state?01:58
stwestonbwald: it's burning.01:58
bwaldstweston: you're verifying the data?01:58
stwestonbwald: it verifies at the end, I think.01:58
eDRoaCHthen id def go to the manufacturers site and see01:58
HollywoodJumperi guess when i first installed ubuntu i was supposed keep part of my partition as windows01:58
bwaldstweston: yeah, it should01:58
eDRoaCHdoesnt look like ubu maintains an official HCL, which kinda sucks actually01:59
stwestonbwald: I did verify it beforehand, too. with a button.01:59
comicinker!upgrade > smacnay:01:59
garyceDRoaCH: I went there but the Linux support is generic or Redhat in nature01:59
stwestonbwald: this time it's at 4x, I think.01:59
HollywoodJumperbut my windows os was so messed i didnt even want to f*&k with it at all01:59
eDRoaCHgeneric is good01:59
eDRoaCHrpm only is bad01:59
bwaldstweston: thats good.  and let me just say, on a personal note, I strongly approve of xfce, I'm a fluxbox user myself01:59
coreyoin grub, does the commandline interface reside at stage 1.5 or stage 2?01:59
stwestonbwald: for some reason, it's changed...01:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes01:59
stwestonbwald: okay! thanks.01:59
smacnaycomicinker, nothing happened01:59
bwaldstweston: changed? did you set the burning speed to dynamic?01:59
=== rita is now known as _gregorovius
bwaldstweston: I think Disk Utility has that option02:00
stwestonbwald: no. the speed didn't change. just the options.02:00
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: erm, in what release is the version that you are looking for?02:00
HollywoodJumperi think i will just hook it up to my buddys pc that has windows and safely remove and try again02:00
garyceDRoaCH: just querying to see if anyone used the card on 6.0602:00
bartekmarcin: the entire file i simply from running aticonfig minus the one display change i made02:00
bwaldstweston: the options changed . . . while it was burning?02:00
stwestonbwald: no.02:00
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, let me actually fins it and I will let you know - one sec02:00
_gregoroviusHi. I want to run pidgin as a user while I'm logged in as another user. I tried sudo and gksudo but I can't get it to work, since it can't find the display. Any hints?02:00
missioncontroli configure squid's acl from but im still able to access from opther02:00
stwestonbwald: before. apparrently with a restart.02:00
missioncontrolfrom other ips02:01
HollywoodJumperso... i am a total noob . should i get winedoors before i get wine?02:01
stwestonbwald: but it's at 4x default, now.02:01
bwaldHollywoodJumper: no, I'm not actually sure what winedoors is, all you probably need is wine02:01
danbh_intrepid_gregorovius: cant you do that internal to pidgin?  Just setup another account?02:01
missioncontrolno one available in the squid channel02:01
bwaldstweston: thats good, highly unlikely to get a coaster that way02:01
stwestonbwald: LOL02:01
HollywoodJumperbwald is wine hard to use at all?02:01
missioncontrolanyone here to help?02:01
tripiHollywoodJumper: no it is not :)02:02
stwestonbwald: I'm also thinking of making this system a server in the future. got any tips?02:02
_gregoroviusdanbh_intrepid, trying to keep things separate, and besides I want to do that with some other programs02:02
bwaldHollywoodJumper: nope, as long as you have some console skills, its dead easy02:02
Eldawinedoors is a nifty program from what I remember02:02
stwestonbwald: because I'd like a GUI, but not too much processes.02:02
_gregoroviusI thought gksudo -u user should do it...02:02
HollywoodJumperso? sudo apt-get install wine?02:02
EldaIt sort of acts like a package manager for various windows applets02:02
danbh_intrepid!squid > missioncontrol02:02
ubottumissioncontrol, please see my private message02:02
stwestonbwald: erm... system resources needed.02:02
bwaldHollywoodJumper: I recommend using aptitude, it makes it easier to remove stuff later02:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about winedoors02:02
Geoffrey2where would I find a symlink that points at the latest version of firefox?02:02
ScreaminIke... how do i force apache to authenticate via ssh?02:03
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, seems that it is in "intrepid"02:03
HollywoodJumperbwald so apt and aptitude are not the same thing?02:03
mnWhat is the command to find the wireless card you have?02:03
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: can you wait a month?  intrepid will be release then...02:03
c0rrupt0rhello Im getting the following error while running update manager E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.02:03
c0rrupt0rE: _cache->open() failed, please report.02:03
lolmachi, c0rrupt0r02:03
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, sure - will it be hard to install intrepid over hardy?  Or just a matter of  changing the sources in the sources.list file?02:04
jribc0rrupt0r: run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'02:04
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: if not, and you want to be dangerous, you can try installing straight from the intrepid repos, or upgrade to intrepid02:04
bwaldHollywoodJumper: both apt-get and aptitude are programs which use the APT package management system, aptitude is nice because when you install most things it takes into account which libraries they use, so if you want to delete them later it can delete the unused libraries too02:04
eDRoaCHbtw- anyone ever sucessfully authenticate a mediawiki install on AD? its my current torture02:04
bwaldstweston: if you want to reduce system resources, don't start processes you don't want02:04
stwestonbwald: I've heard that before.02:04
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, what I get for installing two different linux distros... !02:05
ScreaminIkeauthenticate mediawiki on what?02:05
stwestonbwald: but I need a GUI, I feel...02:05
HollywoodJumperbwald ok so? sudo aptitude install wine?02:05
eDRoaCHaka ubu server running mediawiki with the ldap extension verifying logins off a win2k3 domain02:05
bwaldHollywoodJumper: yes02:05
stwestonbwald: at least, until I learn the cmd line enough.02:05
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: which do you want to do?  I can help with any...02:05
c0rrupt0rlolmac: ok thank you and surely will do that02:05
bwaldstweston: yeah, having a GUI is nice for something things, although frankly if you want a good server install with GUI management, I'd recommend you use OpenSUSE02:05
HollywoodJumpercool this gets easier and easier with all the support resources!02:05
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, I can wait a month and upgrade to intrepid if that will be easier and more stable.02:06
bwaldstweston: YaST beats the pants off any other server control system02:06
stwestonbwald: okay... then I'll dump the server idea - for now.02:06
onxbwald, wouldn't that rather be SLES?02:06
stwestonbwald: YaST?02:06
bwaldonx: if you want to pay for stuff02:06
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: yeah, thats the only stable solution of the three02:06
onxwell it's suse's "LTS" option02:06
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, and when I do that, is it a matter of just changing my sources.list file to indicate "intrepid" instead of "hardy"?02:07
stwestononx: okay.02:07
eDRoaCHrunning suse11 @ school, i far prefer ubuntu. YaST is very nice, but the interface is nuts. only the vista-style-search-in-'start'-menu makes it useable02:07
bwaldstweston: yast is suse's package management/configuation tool02:07
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: no, just run update-manager -d02:07
onxspeaking of which, someone in here suggested eBox as a replacement for webmin on ubuntu02:07
jribdanbh_intrepid: -d isn't necessary once it's released02:07
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, wow - that easy?  cool02:07
stwestonbwald: but SUSE is paid, isn't it?02:07
Geoffrey2does Firefox create a symlink anywhere that always points to the folder where the current version is installed?02:07
bwaldstweston: openSUSE is free, which is why I mentioned it02:07
eDRoaCHebox rocks but its not what webmin does. i run ebox at my house02:07
danbh_intrepidjrib: ah, ok02:07
jribsmacnay: update-manager should automatically tell you about the new release02:08
stwestonbwald: okay... but I think I'm sticking to Ubuntu.02:08
bwaldeDRoaCH: YaST is not the menu, you're thinking of the new KDE4 menu system02:08
onxeDRoaCH, that's the impression i got from looking at the ebox website02:08
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, I am a long-time debian user and have started installing ubuntu for friends and my server.02:08
eDRoaCHno, i was meaning suse in general02:08
bwaldeDRoaCH: which I agree, is pretty hard to use02:08
eDRoaCHgnome has been styled almost exactally the same02:08
onxeDRoaCH, do you know another alternative to webmin for ubuntu?02:08
bwaldeDRoaCH: well, using YaST in ncurses from a remote server is pretty nice02:08
HollywoodJumperI got ubuntu a couple days ago and i think its pretty cool02:08
eDRoaCHwell i dont really use webmin tbh02:08
mnWhat is the command to find the wireless card you have in *buntu?02:09
eDRoaCHtho cacti seems to rock, not sure if its what you need tho02:09
onxmn, try iwconfig02:09
mnno, that's not it02:09
onxor do you mean the actual device? then try lspci02:09
mnyes, well lspci is giving me the name of broadcom and i have an intel chip and I'm looking for the command that gives the intel name02:10
bwalddoes anyone know where the suspend/hibernate scripts live?  I've tried running some of the things in /usr/lib/hal/scripts/linux but they don't seem to work, what does KDE use when you select "Suspend" with the GUI?02:10
ryanIs there a preferable "first key" to make a keyboard shortcut to.02:10
bwaldryan: thats all personal preference02:11
tripiryan it depends an your taste and apps u use02:11
onxmn, the other option is that you just look at the hardware02:11
ryanbwald/tripi: Well let me rephrase that.  What keys are rarely used by Ubuntu?02:11
tripiryan super (the win logo)02:12
Eldaryan the superkey02:12
Gun_Smokemn, lspci | grep Network02:12
ryantripi/Elda: thank you.02:12
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, neato - I ran update-manager -d and see that version 8.10 is a possible upgrade.  I won't do it now, though... unless it is working for most people.02:12
tripibtw I'd cover it with a TUX icon :P02:12
onxryan, unless you use compiz02:12
tripionx drop compiz in favour of xmonad :P02:13
gmm46i need help02:13
danbh_intrepidsmacnay: yeah, I made a mistake in giving you that command.  That allows you to upgrade to the alpha of intrepid, which is still quite buggy02:13
bwaldtripi: good call on the xmonad!02:13
gmm46my ubuntu pc is slow as hell02:13
smacnaydanbh_intrepid, thanks - I will hold off.02:13
=== Guest12090 is now known as Fenrir
tripibwald: the best WM i ever tried02:13
onxtripi, what's better about it?02:13
=== obunn_ is now known as obunn
gmm46is there any commands that will make it speed up02:13
darphhi, i need to find a way to kill gdmgreeeter without having to restart or logoff.. all i hear is an infinite drum loop02:14
stwestonbwald: it's almost done burning02:14
funa2anyone help me figure out how to make my net111v2 wireless dongle successfully connect me to the internet? i have already done all of the /etc/interface crap.... and i am at zero success02:14
tripionx i save alot of time in window managing02:14
darphkilled it several times.. but still keeps coming back02:14
tripionx and alot of resources too!02:14
kylekruchok_Can anyone help me get a DVD player workin'?02:14
tripionx: and also not a single crash02:14
danbh_intrepid!medibuntu > kylekruchok_02:14
ubottukylekruchok_, please see my private message02:14
stwestonbwald: it's done!02:14
gmm46hello? anyone want to help me02:15
lolmachi, gmm4602:15
Gun_Smokegmm46, You can try a different window manager, or buy some more ram02:15
gmm46my computer needs to speed up02:15
bwaldtripi: what do you do about programs that use a systembar? that would the the only thing holding me back02:15
stwestonbwald: wait - still verifying.02:15
gmm46any commands? to speed it up?02:15
tripiI took one whole night to put it on and integrate in gnome but now it's quite perfect!02:15
bwaldstweston: great, thats what it should do02:15
stwestonbwald; good.02:15
HollywoodJumperbwald so what kind of cool stuff can i do with wine?02:15
kylekruchok_danbh_intrepid: Can you?02:15
onxtripi, not having any crashes here. admittedly i don't use many of the graphical gimmicks other than the cube02:15
tripibwald: u can integrate it in gnome!!02:15
danbh_intrepidkylekruchok_: what?02:15
kylekruchok_Help me with my DVD problem?02:15
kylekruchok_Or, did you just sick your bot on me?02:16
bwaldHollywoodJumper, you can run a great number of windows programs natively02:16
gmm46forget it ill search online for help instead02:16
tripionx: i've been a compiz fan for many time and a cube-slave too02:16
danbh_intrepidkylekruchok_: did you install the libdvdcss2 whatever from medibuntu?02:16
bwaldtripi: doesn't that mean it has to use gnome processes and slow down a lot?02:16
HollywoodJumperbwald what do you mean natively?02:16
Ampersonen la comunidad de "ubuntu- es " nadie me contesta así que no hay alguien que me pueda ayudar02:16
tripionx: but i realized i need to work not to move iwndowes aroiund02:16
kylekruchok_danbh_intrepid: Sure did.02:16
bwaldHollywoodJumper: wine stands for "Wine Is Not an Emulator," because it doesn't emulate a new processor on top of your existing one, it just accepts windows API calls natively02:17
kylekruchok_All the media players want to read it, they open up the file, read it, and say... ehh... fuck you.02:17
c0rrupt0rlolmac: thank you that worked great02:17
onxtripi, i mostly use the desktop switching hotkeys or the overview thing (ctrl-alt-down)02:17
tripibwald: gnome+xmonad much lighter than gnome+compiz02:17
bwaldHollywoodJumper: the upshot of this is you can run windows programs without having to install windows in a Virtual Machine (with VMWare, Virtualbox, or something like that)02:17
stwestonbwald: how do I connect to a wi-fi access on *buntu? does it just connect automatically to unprotected networks?02:17
danbh_intrepidkylekruchok_: then nope.  Thats all I got.  if you got the codec, you should be able to play dvds02:17
bwaldstweston: I use the frontend knetworkmanager to set up wireless connections02:17
Eldabwald:  I never got that.... how exactly does it do so natively.  If linux is not written in any fashion like windows?  (to my *LIMITED* knowledge of it at least)02:17
stwestonbwald: well, do you know the xubuntu equivalent?02:18
kylekruchok_VLC, MPlayer, DragonVideo, and a host of other media players give me the same issue.02:18
EldaI've always just considered it an emulator tbh :>02:18
tripionx just a word: give it a try, u can get the 0.8 form debian etch backports02:18
mnanyone know where i can get the list that ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net used to have of wireless drivers for ndiswrapper?02:18
Eldakylekruchok_, Have you installed the codecs for it?02:18
stwestonbwald: yay! it's done!02:18
bwaldstweston: I'm not sure, I use knetworkmanager in fluxbox, and it works fine02:18
HollywoodJumperbwald so lets say i wanted to run diablo2 on wine would that be possible?02:18
kylekruchok_Elda: Yes, I have.02:18
danbh_intrepidElda: its because the windows API is just function calls.  Wine implements those calls in linux.  It does not try to recreate windows02:19
tripiand with a 3 line config it integrate in gnome perfectly02:19
onxtripi, will do once i get the touchpad on this eee to do its multitouch thing :)02:19
Eldakylekruchok the restricted package ones?02:19
kylekruchok_Elda: LibDVDCSS2 is it, right?02:19
bwaldElda: linux isn't written like windows, but wine can interpret the API calls like windows, basically it accepts standard windows calls and runs them on the processor02:19
tripionx :)02:19
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:19
bwaldElda: I'm not sure of the details, but the wine project webpage has more info02:19
Eldathose :P02:19
HollywoodJumperwhat are api calls?02:20
bwaldHollywoodJumper: probably, check the wine page's app list: http://appdb.winehq.org/02:20
kylekruchok_Says nothin's found...02:20
EldaI just installed the restricted codecs02:20
Elda!codecs kylekruchok_02:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:20
kylekruchok_"Event not found"02:20
Elda!kylekruchok_ codecs02:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:20
EldaI dont know how others did that >.<02:20
stwestonI don't understand when it says "disk boot: failure..." in BIOS02:20
bwaldHollywoodJumper: APIs are just protocols that programs have to allow other programs to access them, Operating Systems use them to let programs do things02:20
Eldabut just type !codec02:21
kylekruchok_I did.02:21
Omlette!codecs | kylekruchok02:21
ubottukylekruchok: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats02:21
kylekruchok_Event not found.02:21
stwestonbwald: do you know what it means when the disk fails to boot?02:21
EldaThere we go, Omlette did it02:21
danbh_intrepid!usage > Elda02:21
ubottuElda, please see my private message02:21
EldaThank you danbh_intrepid  :)02:21
danbh_intrepidElda: np02:21
bwaldsome good info on wine: http://www.winehq.org/site/myths02:21
HollywoodJumperbwald thank you that is helpful02:22
bwaldstweston: um, the disk fails to boot, I'm not sure02:22
kylekruchok_Elda: Check your PM.02:22
stwestonbwald: because, the disk always fails now, and only boots into win 9802:22
danbh_intrepidIt used to be that you could type in messages on the same line when sending out ubottu factoids, like !factoid > user     hey, check out the link here, it will help.    But, not anymore02:22
tripiwell nice pepole, it's 3.22 am here.. time to go to bed !  read u soon...02:22
ryansudo apt-get install xbindkeys02:23
bwaldstweston: hrm, do you have any other bootable CDs you can test this computer on?02:23
stwestonwell, I have ubuntu server, I think...02:24
stwestonbwald: does that make a difference?02:24
stwestonbwald: if I have ubuntu server, I mean.02:24
JephirHi, does anyone know how to get an Asus Xonar DX sound card working in Ubuntu (64-bit)?02:24
bwaldstweston: well, you just said nothing is booting, so I wonder if its something to do with the computer hardware.  There is a difference between desktop and server, but in terms of booting, they should both start up at least02:25
stwestonbwald: this is xubuntu.02:25
bwaldstweston: also, how do you have Win 98 on a Macbook?02:25
stwestonbwald: it's not on the mac. it's on an old desktop.02:25
tummyacidsup guys, i need to update avr-libc to the 1.6 version.  i downloaded the tar.bz and did all the config stuff but nothing uses the new lib... how do i update the library the 'ubuntu' way??02:25
stwestonbwald: it's custom-built.02:26
XiXaQI just deleted a couple of partitions, sda1 and sda2. My Ubuntu root partition is on sda3. When I reboot, will that be renamed to sda1 so I have to manipulate grub too?02:26
EldaWas about to say... why would you want a mac book, especially for win 98? Just get a laptop/pc :P02:26
stwestonelda: LOL02:26
bwaldstweston: xubuntu/ubuntu/kubuntu are all essentially the same, they just have a different window manager on top.  the programs underneath are all runnable on any platform (with proper dependencies) so its really more of an aesthetic/performance choice than one that limits your computer02:26
stwestonbwald: it's saying invalid system disk. I've changed some CMOS settings.02:27
k20awhat app can i use for editing flash content? .fla .swf ?02:27
bwaldstweston: yeah, if its saying invalid system disk, then chances are its not looking for disks in the right place or the boot order is such that its trying the HD before a CD02:27
Eldaxubunut is the small version of Ubuntu that uses XDE (I thinks?).  Ubuntu is Ubuntu, and Kubuntu is Ubuntu with gnome02:27
bwaldElda: xubuntu uses xfce02:27
bwaldelda: and kubuntu is ubuntu with KDE02:28
EldaEh there we go... xfce.  Of which I know nothing about xD02:28
stwestonbwald: well, I changed it so that the disks are "normal" instead of "auto"02:28
EldaErrr yeah I meant that... got that bit messed up xD02:28
lacyso Gbuntu  hehe02:28
danbh_intrepidtummyacid: can you wait a month?  The next release will contain that02:28
stwestonbwald: which makes it boot in unix-like systems.02:28
bwaldElda: there are a ton of different window managers, most distros don't make such a big deal out of different ones02:28
* Elda uses Kubuntu and has KDE rather than gnome >.>02:28
bwaldstweston: that sounds like a bios/motherboard specific thing02:28
stwestonbwald: but I updated the BIOS just a couple days ago!02:29
XiXaQbwald, window manager? You're not talking about window managers. You're talking about desktop environmens.02:29
XiXaQbwald, the difference between kde and gnome is significant.02:29
EldaI know, lol my guy friend basically used one of those build your own distros and uses open box as his windows manager :>02:29
stwestonbwald: pardon me if I seem angry. I'm not. just frustrated.02:29
bwaldstweston: I'm not saying its corrupted, but possibly misconfigured02:29
tummyaciddanbh_intrepid: eh, i really wanna make my amtel processor do its stuff now... its not that critical i guess but im willing to put in some work if only i knew where to start02:29
Eldawell open box and has compiz as his desktop manager02:29
stwestonbwald: okay.02:29
bwaldXiXaQ: I know, I'm sorry I wasn't being very clear02:29
k20ais there a multimedia app something like dreamweaver so i could edit a .swf website template?02:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:30
EldaHe is one of those people who does all the little things to get it to load as fast as possible.  So on an older laptop it loads in 20 seconds xD02:30
bwaldXiXaQ, there are major differences between window managers and desktop environments, but I didn't want to make it more confusing02:30
bartekHey all .. so I'm making progress on fixing my video drivers. It seems now when I try to load up I get the error "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode" and I can configure or continue.02:30
danbh_intrepidtummyacid: well, you can always test out the alpha of intrepid.  I suggest installing on a separate partition, because there are still lots of bugs02:30
lacyscared to ask  is it wise to update gnome ? to the lastest or stick with the old saying if it aint broke do fix it lol02:30
Eldawell from power button to finishing loading up02:30
Eldawell nm, he was bragging as he took two seconds off so that would be 1802:30
bartekWhat kind of BusTypes are available for video config?02:31
EldaYeah... I'll never get that bit :>02:31
danbh_intrepidtummyacid: or, I suppose you can just compile it yourself, or use the intrepid package, neither of which I know much about.  If you compile it yourself, I suggest you use checkinstall02:31
onxElda, i just use s2ram and never worry about boot time02:31
EldaI don't use any of that and I don't worry about my boot time either ;)02:31
tummyaciddanbh_intrepid: ya i use this computer for school development id rather not have to reboot.  I have experiance compiling stuff myself, so i should use checkinstall?02:31
bwaldonx: how does that work? I've been trying to get my suspend working from the command line02:31
stwestonbwald: still an invalid system disk.02:32
EldaIt boots, that's all I need haha02:32
k20ahow could i edit a flash based website template in ubuntu? what app can open .swf for editing?02:32
bwaldonx: it works from the GUIs of KDE and Gnome, but I can't find the path for suspend02:32
bartekIf I am editing xorf.cong from command line and want to try out the new config, all I need to do is startx (or reboot x in another view) .. correct?02:32
st3phi got again the problem i installed ubuntu new and my terminal tills and my synaptic manager dont works proper i cant install updates too02:32
onxbwald, it worked out of the box for me here - let me have a look at what the acpi script calls02:32
st3phhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/49904/  << this is what it says02:32
tummyacidive actually already compiled it but it seems the OS doenst notice cos it's still using the old lib02:32
danbh_intrepidtummyacid: yeah, checkinstall will turn the standard install process (configure, make, make install) into a .deb that installs through the package manager.  That way, you can remove it/ upgrade it, through the standard mechanisms02:33
danbh_intrepid!checkinstall > tummyacid02:33
ubottutummyacid, please see my private message02:33
bwaldstweston: hrm, try booting the ubuntu server CD, just to rule out the BIOS/hardware error02:33
stwestonbwald: okay02:33
bwaldstweston: possibility02:33
bwaldstweston: (forgot that last word)02:33
tummyacidthanks a million bro02:33
danbh_intrepidst3ph: run: dpkg --configure -a02:33
stwestonbwald: the server install works..02:34
bwaldonx: the weird thing for me is that s2disk works, but it can't find s2ram or s2both at all02:34
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  it let tilt my terminal02:34
stwestonbwald: I'm'a try installing server.02:34
neSSun0ohi does anyone use kopete?02:34
danbh_intrepidst3ph: ?02:35
bwaldstweston: thats fine, you can always install xubuntu-desktop later and it'll act exactly the same as if you used the xubuntu disk02:35
onxbwald, there's some workarounds for s2ram, i faintly remember the long and winding path of trying them on other machines02:35
stwestonbwald: okay02:35
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  says something missing i cant even copy and paste cuz its running always same msg02:35
bwaldonx: I just dont' understand how I can have s2disk and not s2ram, it doesn't make sense02:35
EldaWooh, I finally figured out/got around to setting my shared drive as an install media for wine.  That way I dont have to just install all my games in Vista02:35
danbh_intrepidst3ph: is this a new install?  if so, I would just reinstall, and check to make sure the disk is good02:36
onxbwald, i'd have to google as well now for the suspend testing tools02:36
neSSun0oin kopete how do i send offline messages?02:36
ezerasurfrhello, I'm new to IRC and Ubuntu, having a problem, can someone help?02:36
lolmachi, ezerasurfr02:36
EldaAs the only game that I really play in Vista is Eve since the premium graphics poop out if Linux02:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:36
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  i did twice02:36
stwestonbwald: I'm getting the same error as when I tried installing server before...02:36
danbh_intrepidst3ph: did you check the cd?02:36
lacy should i do this  to get the latest  gnome  ?sudo apt-get GNOME 2.22 ?02:37
stwestonbwald: the CD-ROM drive failed to mount after it loaded the kernel.02:37
Elda!ask | ezerasurfr02:37
ubottuezerasurfr: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:37
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  the cd worjked b4 when i was running ubuntu in dual boot02:37
jeroen-I have partioned and formated a new hard drive in Ubuntu (intrepid). I know want it to mount system wide (e.g. in /etc/fstab) - is this possible without touching the command line?02:37
bwaldstweston: do you have some exotic CDRom drive or something?02:37
k20awhat do i use to edit a .swf? something comparable to dreamweavor on wind0s02:37
stwestonbwald: I think it's acorn, or CSA, whichever.02:37
bwaldonx: yeah, I just can't find where KDE calls its suspend function, if I knew that it would solve my problem02:38
stwestonbwald: but we don't have any other good ones.02:38
stwestonbwald: I think.02:38
dr_willisjeroen-,  it pays to learn how to edit the fstab. Its not that hard to figure out.  and yes - there are some gui tools.. but no i dont use them.. i can normally edit the fstab in the time it takes me to find the gui tool in the menus. :)02:38
Eldaezerasurfr, So now what was your question?  There are many many errors that can occur :>02:38
onxbwald, the acpi script here does some other stuff as well, but try  echo 3 > /sys/power/state02:38
ezerasurfrok, I have a drive from a nas. It's an IDE drive with Linux ext3 file system. I built a ubuntu desktop in order to view the drive. now it won't mount. gives "can't read superblock" error02:38
k20ayou know i am guessing you still can't edit flash files in ubuntu, anyone think i am wrong02:38
joseHola.. el canal de ubutu en español??02:38
danbh_intrepidst3ph: well, without the error message, I don't think anyone can help.  I still suggest checking the cd.  There is an option at bootup02:38
stwestonbwald: the exact phrasing is "no common CD-R drive was detected.02:38
danbh_intrepid!es > jose02:39
ubottujose, please see my private message02:39
jeroen-dr_willis: I understand, but I want to know how to it with a gui02:39
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  what is if theres an error, i wont be able to boot anymore?02:39
iFvwmbwald: not use KDE. but perhaps you can look /etc/acpi/. some scripts here.02:39
bwaldstweston: yeah, that sounds like its having trouble finding a driver for your drive02:39
elvedinWhy is that when I add a user to /etc/shadow as user::14144:0:99999:7::: and /etc/passwd as user::0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash it still asks me for a password when I su user02:39
stwestonbwald: okay02:39
jeroen-I though gparted would do the whole thing, but it doesn't02:39
dr_willisjeroen-,  check the !mount and other bot factoids i guess. I know theres a tool or 2 out to do it. but not sure of their nakmes.02:39
sp0k34!es > sp0k3402:39
ubottusp0k34, please see my private message02:39
EldaWow ezerasurfr , that one is over my head by just a bit :>02:39
danbh_intrepidst3ph: im sorry, Im not sure exactly whats happening02:39
bwaldiFvwm: yeah, I've tried running those scripts, and the ones in /var/lib/hal/scripts/linux and nothing works02:39
st3phi try bbbl02:40
bartekI need some help .. I simply can't figure out what I'm doing with my video drivers. Trying to use fglrx with my ATI card and it won't boot up past a low-graphics mode which I don't want :/02:40
lacyhould i do this  to get the latest  gnome  ?sudo apt-get GNOME 2.2202:40
bwaldiFvwm: suspend does work from either the gnome or KDE GUIs, but I cna't figure out what they are doing02:40
dr_willisjeroen-,  gparted dosent mess with system file configs liek that. its just a disk 'tool' mainly02:40
ezerasurfrseems like it should be something simply02:40
Eldaezerasurfr, my only guess is that you did not give yourself access to view your other partitions?02:40
ezerasurfrhow can I do that?02:40
EldaBut I don't use gnome so Im not quite sure how to do that02:40
ezerasurfrremember, i am completely new to linux, I just installed my first view of it today02:41
stwestonbwald: where can I find a driver for this drive?02:41
iFvwmbwald: those scripts just lauched by system with certain conditions. not lauched manually.02:41
lolmachi, samy02:41
edzhow can i set up where i can see a user that logs into my system and i can see what hes typing like the old school ttysnoop that there use to be?02:41
edzon ubuntu02:41
dr_willisbwald,  ive noticed that if  You use GDM and login to gnome, you have more 'options' then if you login into KDE.. also if you KDM - gnome logout options are fewer then the KDE logout options.02:41
bwaldstweston: I'm really not sure02:41
edzor screen settings02:42
EldaAnyone know how to give yourself reading/writing rights to a another partition? :>02:42
danbh_intrepidhello botcheckers02:42
lolmachi, danbh_intrepid02:42
danbh_intrepidhi botcheckers02:42
stwestonbwald: it's an acorn CDR-1300A02:42
neSSun0oim trying to send offline messages with kopete and it doesnt let me02:42
neSSun0oanyone can help?02:42
dr_willisElda,  depemnds on the filesystem. Ive heard for ext2/3 you can just chmod/chown the mountpoint after its mounted.02:42
stwestonbwald: does that help?02:42
danbh_intrepidlolmac: is that a bot?02:42
bartekdoes ubuntu come with any text browsers i can launch from shell?02:42
bwalddr_willis: that depends on if you use KDM or GDM, when I've used KDM, KDE had more options, and when I used GDM, Gnome had more options, in any event suspend works, I just want to know the command line for it02:42
Eldaezerasurfr there you go?02:42
dr_willisElda,  for ext3/2 i tend to make a directory ON the filesystem. and chown that to be owned by the user.02:42
lolmacdanbh_intrepid: no02:42
Eldadr_willis, ezerasurfr might need help with that :>02:43
danbh_intrepidlolmac: :) ok02:43
ezerasurfri wouldn't know how to do that, especially if I cannot mount the drive02:43
declanHello everyone02:43
lolmachi, declan02:43
dr_willisbwald,  not noticed any command lines for that sorry.02:43
fbcPutting auto eth1:1 in my /etc/network/interfaces does not automatically bring up m interface when I reboot. I have to manually do "ifup eth1:1" all the time. Anyone know a way of fixing this problem?02:43
onxbartek, apt-get install lynx02:43
tummyaciddamn, got this error: "avr-ranlib: could not create temporary file whilst writing archive: No more archived files"  with checkinstall i guess ill have to build a seperate dev box for my nerdkit02:43
dr_willisElda,  its bed time for me. :)  so my time is short.02:43
airdogtrying to do internet connection sharing somone who is familiar with iptables and routing please help - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=906126&page=7&highlight=p1ruj302:43
Eldadr_willis, ah well... meh I couldnt do much more than you mentioned as I am fairly new to linux02:44
tummyacidairdog: you just need to enable NAT?02:44
iFvwmsuspend? bwald02:44
EldaAll I can do is mount my ntfs shared space I made for Vista/Kubuntu xD02:44
stwestonbwald: is there even the possibility of a driver for this drive?02:44
ezerasurfrthanks for the advice... I'm sure I'll get it eventually02:44
airdogno it works but somereason sends lan ips over wan02:44
sporkfi was watching a movie with steven segal (out for justice), segal was fighting a chinese dude with sticks in a bar while his buddies were holler'n/cheer'n  "FUCK HIS FUCK"N EYE OUT"!!   my question is, how do you fuck someones eye out?02:45
ezerasurfrmaybe in, but not out02:45
fbcsporkf,  is this really ubuntu related?02:45
dr_willisElda,   sudo chown username.username THINGTOCHOWNTOTHEUSER   basicially02:45
bwaldstweston: probably? I don't know if thats even the problem for sure, if you are willing to sacrifice another CD, I'd recommend trying to burn Knoppix, or something else and seeing if any modern linux distro boots02:45
lolmachi, WDC02:45
stwestonbwald: well, I don't know...02:45
bwaldiFvwm: yeah, I don't know the command for suspend02:46
stwestonbwald: I'd rather try Ubuntu-based stuff, so...02:46
Eldaezerasurfr,  what dr_willis  said xD02:46
WDCI am trying to connect to a Ubuntu box from Ubuntu through VNC and I get connected, but right after that it says "COnnection reset by peer" How can I fix it?02:46
iFvwmbwald: just try sudo suspend?02:46
midnightRmblerubunto rocks. anyone here from north carolina?02:46
lolmachi, allan02:46
bwaldstweston: I wish I could help you more, but I don't know much about this, you could try posting on the forums02:46
stwestonbwald: okay.02:46
=== allan is now known as Guest3615
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  are u here?02:46
ezerasurfrin terminal, konsole?02:46
bwaldiFvwm: "suspend" isn't a command02:46
stwestonbwald: thanks for all the help!02:46
danbh_intrepidst3ph: yep02:46
shubbarhow can i make gedit show line numbers?02:47
bwaldstweston: you're welcome!02:47
WDCshubbar: Preferences02:47
midnightRmblermy grandmother is now using ubuntu and is enjoying it.  she is a windows/aol convert, age 82.  if that isn't proof that ubuntu is ready to take the desktop market, i don't knwo what is02:47
WDCANYWAY help me with a connection reset by peer error in VNC?02:47
WDCmidnightRmbler: Awesome02:47
da_smelli have a quick question. just installed hardy and im in gnome. I downloaded a gtk2 theme and installed. I selected it, and everything looks like it should except for whatever program window you have selected. It still has that orange color at the top where it says the name of the app thats open02:47
iFvwmbwald: i had this command. :D02:47
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  where would the report come if there was an error?02:47
fbcCan someone help? Putting auto eth1:1 in my /etc/network/interfaces does not automatically bring up m interface when I reboot. I have to manually do "ifup eth1:1" all the time.02:47
declanCan someone help me find and install the drivers for a webcam?02:47
* Elda hides at all the large words :>02:47
iFvwmsuspend: usage: suspend [-f]02:47
bwaldiFvwm: haha, I wish I did, do you know if yours is just a bash script or something?02:47
shubbarWDC, thanks02:47
danbh_intrepidst3ph: is there an error when you run dpkg --configure -a ?02:48
sp0k34What is the SSH Tunnel pack used in Gnome?02:48
nn64Hi can some one look threw my sight http://linuxmain.net/ and tell me if there is anything else I can add or needs to be added to the sight ?02:48
lolmachi, Guest361502:48
WDCANYONE help me with a Cnnection Reset by peer error in VNC?02:48
Guest3615is mn here02:48
jeroen-dr_willis: pyGDM02:48
Attaboy81I am trying to repair Grub in Hardy after installing XP. Can anyone help?02:48
iFvwmbwald: is a intern shell command02:48
mnguest3615: yes?02:48
bwaldWDC: Connection Reset by Peer generally means the other person disconnected02:48
Guest3615samson800 here02:48
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:48
st3phdanbh_intrepid: seems so cuz the cd didnt say any errors, but if i run it if let my terminal goes crazy02:48
danbh_intrepid!fixgrub > Attaboy8102:49
ubottuAttaboy81, please see my private message02:49
gaintsuracould anyone recommend a good, easy to configure vnc that would be accessible from a windows box?02:49
=== WDC_ is now known as WDC
iFvwmbwald: this command perhaps is only for bash02:49
mnAttaboy81:  Ill paste you the code.  Open a private chat with me02:49
da_smelli have a quick question. just installed hardy and im in gnome. I downloaded a gtk2 theme and installed. I selected it, and everything looks like it should except for whatever program window you have selected. It still has that orange color at the top where it says the name of the app thats open02:49
dr_willisgaintsura,  most of them can be. I tend to use vnc4server, or tightvnc02:49
bwaldiFvwm: can you tell me the contents of your script? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/02:49
WDCHello? Connection Reset by peer in VNC. What's wrong?02:49
lolmachi, WDC02:49
SchuenemannAnyone here has a notebook with integrated graphics card ? Can you tell me if it runs well?02:49
dr_willisgaintsura,  those 2 do NOT share the 'current desktop' htye spawn their own hidden desktop you connect to.02:49
gaintsuradr_willis: cool, thanks02:49
bwaldiFvwm: I usually use fish, but I can run bash scripts02:49
danbh_intrepidst3ph: try switching to one of the ttys, using ctrl+alt+f1.     and use ctrl+alt+f7 to switch back.   Run the dpkg --configure -a there02:49
gaintsuradr_willis: I'm looking for one that will open to an existing desktop02:49
dr_willisgaintsura,  i use vnc4server, edit the users .vnc/xstartup to run what you want.. ssh in, run vnc4server, connect..02:50
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  what u mean?02:50
dr_willisgaintsura,  you have just limited your  options a great deal then.02:50
gaintsuraI know02:50
declanCan anyone help me with a logitech quickcam?02:50
iFvwmbwald: i am not sure about this command. you can just man bash. and find "suspend"02:50
danbh_intrepidst3ph: just what I said?02:50
gaintsuraI need it for help with troubleshooting a webapp issue02:50
dr_willisgaintsura,  kde has one, gnome has one.. and i think theres 1 other.. I never use those.02:50
gaintsuradeclan: what camera?02:50
_Zeus_!ask | gaintsura02:50
ubottugaintsura: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:50
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  i dunno what ttys are02:50
declanLogitech quickcam express02:50
_Zeus_!caps | WDC02:50
ubottuWDC: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.02:50
declan, gaintsura02:50
gaintsura_Zeus_: ??02:50
bartekDespite removing the mesa drivers using apt-get .. I still do not see my fglrx drivers when I do fglrxinfo .. what am I missing?02:51
_Zeus_(09:50:26 PM) gaintsura: I need it for help with troubleshooting a webapp issue02:51
dr_willisgaintsura,  you could have who you are helping  install the vncserver, and make a minimal desktop running in it. that you both can see/connect to in a window.02:51
bwaldiFvwm: er, bash doesn't have any acpi power management functions, its just a shell that has scripting abilities02:51
WDCSorry. "Connection reset by peer" in VNC02:51
danbh_intrepidst3ph: well, why dont you try the key combos I suggested, and find out?02:51
_Zeus_ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily)02:51
iFvwmbwald: right02:51
_Zeus_WDC: hmm... can you reconnect after that?02:51
_Zeus_can you connect at all?02:51
AaronMTHi, how do I install Firefox 3.0.2?02:51
WDC_Zeus_: Through SSH i can02:51
dr_willisgaintsura,  vnc over the internet is not considered secure  -  Not sure how well the gnome remote desktop security rates.02:51
gaintsura_Zeus_: I wasn't asking a question for it, it's the reason I need a vnc02:51
bwaldiFvwm: so that means the "suspend" script you have is human readable, so you can post whats in it on http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ and I can take a look02:51
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: are you running hardy?02:51
WDC_Zeus_: port 5901 will connect but RIGHT after it "connection reset by peer"02:52
gaintsuradr_willis: I know its not secure, but its about the only easy way for my team member and I to collaborate02:52
iFvwmbwald: /etc/acpi/suspend.d02:52
onxbwald, btw it's: echo -n mem > /sys/power/state02:52
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: just update02:52
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:52
_Zeus_WDC: huh02:52
iFvwma serial scripts here02:52
WDC_Zeus_: Don't think so!02:52
bwaldonx/iFvwm: okay, I'll try that, thanks02:52
WDCI can nmap02:52
AaronMTYou cant update. It's greyed out.02:52
_Zeus_WDC: i see.  has it ever worked?02:52
onxbwald, without the other stuff my acpi script does it wouldn't let my eee wake up again though ;o02:52
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: what program are you using?02:53
WDC_Zeus_: Yes about a month ago and nothing has changed02:53
WDC5901/tcp open  vnc-102:53
WDC5902/tcp open  vnc-202:53
WDC6002/tcp open  X11:202:53
FloodBot1WDC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:53
AaronMTFirefox->Help->Check for Updates02:53
bwaldonx: oh, hrm, thats not very useful then02:53
_Zeus_WDC: i see...02:53
AaronMT&& sudo apt-get update, do not resolve in an update02:53
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: no, just update ubuntu02:53
bwaldonx: what does your acpi script do then?02:53
AaronMTno updates found02:53
_Zeus_WDC: that's odd02:53
NemesisDanyone in here program for GTK2?02:53
dr_willisWDC,   if you are not carefull with some vncservers, you can spawn severl and not notice it. :)02:54
=== omgirc is now known as Geforce88
WDCdr_willis: How do I kill the spawns? :)02:54
_Zeus_WDC: check what's running?02:54
declanCan someone help me locate and install the drivers for a logitech quickcam express webcam?02:54
WDC_Zeus_: Well see02:54
_Zeus_is this a linux box connecting from, WDC?02:54
iFvwmbwald: you can also read /etc/init.d/acpid , some parameter can excute with it.02:54
dr_willisWDC,  how did you start them.. if using vncserver,, its 'vncserver --kill :#'02:54
WDC_Zeus_: Ubuntu to Ubuntu02:54
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: can you give me the url that this command will give you?  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && apt-cache policy firefox | pastebinit02:54
iFvwmbwald: like sudo /etc/init.d/acpid suspend?02:54
_Zeus_WDC: great.  try running ps -ef | grep vnc02:55
danbh_intrepid!webcam > declan02:55
ubottudeclan, please see my private message02:55
WDCStill resets02:55
dr_willisdeclan,  you may want to check to see if that cam even has any support at all..  with my webcams it seems they wither work out of the box.. or are totally unsupported.02:55
_Zeus_WDC: i mean, see what that output02:55
WDC_Zeus_: dlemcoe   5978  5761  0 21:55 pts/4    00:00:00 grep vnc02:55
iFvwmbwald: not any more idea02:55
_Zeus_WDC: that's what i thougth02:55
dr_willisdeclan,  and one of the one i had with no support was a Logitech QUickcam. but theres dozen variants of that thing02:55
_Zeus_WDC: so it used to work, nothing changed, and now it doesn't?02:55
WDC_Zeus_: Yah02:56
WDCIt says it connects!02:56
bwaldiFvwm: my /etc/init.d/acpid only has the usual options, start/stop/reload/etc.02:56
digitalfizi added all the fonts from the windows Fonts directory to the base font directory for x11 i guess it is and this is what happens in firefox now: http://s161.photobucket.com/albums/t238/digitalfiz/wtf/?action=view&current=Screenshot-2.png02:56
WDCIt just immediatly resets by peer02:56
_Zeus_WDC: hmm... can you run vnc from the command line?  or are you alreadty02:56
iFvwmbwald: yes. hehe. i make mistaken02:56
WDC_Zeus_: I have ONLY SSH access to this box02:56
=== rob is now known as robrohan
WDCvnc4server makes me set a password, and works02:56
JazzCat316hi all02:57
_Zeus_WDC: whoa whoa02:57
declanubottu, dr_willis, thanks02:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:57
bwaldonx: when I do echo num > /sys/power/state it complains I don't have permission, even when I'm root02:57
dr_willisWDC,  i tend to use vnc4server also. :)  edit the users .vnc/xstartup and  away i go.02:57
_Zeus_WDC: i meant running vnc from command line on the connecting PC02:57
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  its says database area is locked by another process02:57
WDC_Zeus_: Let's try02:57
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: try this: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:57
AaronMTdanbh_intrepid: http://pastebin.mozilla.org/54178602:57
onxbwald, cat /sys/power/state output?02:57
AaronMTI'm not upgrading to unstable intrepid02:58
bwaldonx: all it says is "mem disk"02:58
WDC_Zeus_: I'm sorry. The command you said run was incorrect. I forgot I had multiple terminals open wiht one on the SSH02:58
_Zeus_AaronMT: that won't upgrade you to intrepid02:58
danbh_intrepidst3ph: did you try any other update programs, like update-manager or synaptic?02:58
onxbwald, the acpi sleep script here calls a lot of other scripts similiar to init that check for device states and set options on them02:58
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  its in every the same02:58
AaronMT0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:58
iFvwmbwald: action=/etc/acpi/sleep.sh02:58
onxbwald, echo -n mem > /sys/power/state02:58
WDC_Zeus_: http://pastebin.ca/1209974 is the command you said run02:58
mattthebakerso i recently ran a dist upgrade to hardy, and now windows start popping up in the middle of my two monitors (nvidia twinview), i think it may be xinerama related, anyone have any ideas?02:59
iFvwmbwald: /etc/acpi/events  cat sleepbtn02:59
iFvwmbwald: perhaps this one is you need02:59
_Zeus_WDC: you might want to kill the XVNC process?02:59
danbh_intrepidst3ph: you need to close those programs.02:59
iFvwmbwald: /etc/acpi/events/sleepbtn02:59
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  i did03:00
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  even with sudo kill #03:00
danbh_intrepidst3ph: still same message?03:00
JazzCat316how hard is it to compile source stuff<newb03:00
EllieOy vey03:00
danbh_intrepidst3ph: sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a03:00
dr_willisJazzCat316,  depends on the stuff... if you got all the packages installed you need. it can be rather trivial03:01
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  i try ty03:01
AaronMTno updates found danbh03:01
WDCCan't kill it03:01
_Zeus_WDC: use sudo?03:01
WDC_Zeus_: What's the command? I can't find the PID03:01
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit03:01
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  it happens again03:01
_Zeus_WDC: it would be kill 1925703:01
WDC_Zeus_: nm sudo FTW03:01
danbh_intrepidst3ph: what happens?03:02
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  that the terminal goes crazy03:02
WDC_Zeus_: Still sez reset by peer03:02
JazzCat316One of these days someone needs to come out with a smart auto compiler installer ergo, a double click installer... is this pheasable?03:02
danbh_intrepidst3ph: can you try on the other terminals (also called ttys)?03:02
_Zeus_WDC: i think you might be better off on the forums... more expertise there03:02
WDC_Zeus_: Thanks for help. I just don't understand03:02
WDC_Zeus_: THANKS~!03:02
_Zeus_yw ;)03:03
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: maybe try a different server...03:04
midnightRmbleri need a friend. is this the right room?03:04
dr_willismidnightRmbler,  not really03:04
midnightRmblerdr_willis: any recommendations?03:04
dr_willismidnightRmbler,  not really03:04
dr_willis!ot | midnightRmbler03:04
ubottumidnightRmbler: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!03:04
midnightRmblerdr_willis: you're not much of a doctor then03:05
bwald1well, /etc/acpi/sleep.sh put it to sleep, but woudln't wake up03:05
dr_willismidnightRmbler,   see !OT03:05
onxmidnightRmbler, try #freenode03:05
midnightRmblerjoin freelode03:05
iFvwmbwald1: i read this script, some enviroment seems need setup the same time.03:06
dr_willismight be worth while to check out some irc basics tutorials also.03:06
john_f#channel emc203:06
bwald1iFvwm: thanks03:06
iFvwmperhaps not a good way to suspend thr CLI03:07
onxbwald, i recall there being some ways to check for issues with waking up, let me see if i can re-google it03:07
bwald1also, it seems my old problem recurred while I was rebooting: xdm doesn't automatically launch after booting03:07
JazzCat316is there  such a thing as too low of question in this chat ....? I get the feeling you have to master the terminal for some things i wish this wasnt true.. but i get the feeling there are some...question which "godly knowers of the code" would divert you to the "tutorial" page .. but the thing is i dont want to have to read 20 pages of stuff lol03:07
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  now happens same in crtl+alt+f103:07
declanHow do I find out what edition of Ubuntu I have from the terminal?03:07
ponzerelliI want to run both windows and ubuntu on my computer, but i'm going to put ubuntu on a brand new hard drive. is that the same as dual booting on the same drive, and if it is, do i need to worry about paritioning?03:07
bwald1JazzCat316: whats your question?03:07
danbh_intrepidst3ph: well, I don't think I can help any further, I suggest asking on launchpad.net03:08
thiebaudei dont mind the terminal since i use amiwm,lol03:08
midnightRmbleri just got kicked from 'offtopic' for being on topic03:08
bwald1declan: cat /etc/lsb-release03:08
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  thank03:08
declanwbald1, thanks!03:09
JazzCat316My flash video is pixelated... particularly Full Screen and it is slower.......the flash on some sites is also slow.03:09
AaronMTdanbh_intrepid: tried 3 servers ,no updates03:10
JazzCat316it is slower than windows i mean03:10
bwald1ponzerelli: its similar, but you just need to pay more attention during the set up phase, I think the default set up is to resize your main drive03:10
declanhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech Under the row for "Logitech Quickcam messenger", they say it works out of the box with amsn. What's amsn?03:10
pkayliamsdadserious newbie needs help03:10
=== Joesep1 is now known as Joeseph
danbh_intrepidAaronMT: oh, my bad, you just need to wait for intrepid.  It'll be out in a month03:11
bwald1JazzCat316: what are you using for flash?03:11
onxbwald, here's a nice writeup: http://en.opensuse.org/S2ram03:11
JazzCat316er youtube, hulu primarily03:11
asomebady cant tell if i can change de size a give to hard drive in wubi instalation once instaled ubuntu?03:11
bwald1JazzCat316: no, I mean when you first went to watch a video, firefox complained "you need a plugin to watch this" and it gave you three choices, which did you pick?03:12
ponzerellibwald1: would both OS's load or would only the hard drive that boots first load?03:12
JazzCat316ahhh i forget lol03:12
bwald1ponzerelli: you would install a boot loader on the main HD (probably windows, since its easier) which would let you pick which OS to boot03:12
bwald1JazzCat316: thats fine, just open a new tab and go to "about:plugins" and see what you have installed03:13
lolmachi, charlile03:13
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:13
asomebady cant tell if i can change de size a gave to hard drive in wubi instalation once instaled ubuntu?03:13
ponzerellibwald1: ok, thanks for your help03:13
bwald1ponzerelli: you should probably install Windows first, because its arrogant and assumes its the only OS on the system, so its harder to install a boot loader, linux makes no assumptions and usually autocreates the boot loader with options to boot into Windows too03:14
acom.au) has joined #ubuntu03:14
a* crdlb (n=crdlb@unaffiliated/crdlb) has joined #ubuntu03:14
declanI'm trying to install amsn but there are lots of options. Which should I choose?03:14
ryan__What is a good Firewall/antivirus suite for Ubuntu.  Or do you even need one?03:14
acom.au) has joined #ubuntu03:15
a* crdlb (n=crdlb@unaffiliated/crdlb) has joined #ubuntu03:15
_Zeus_!virus | ryan__03:15
ubotturyan__: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2103:15
_Zeus_a: stop it03:15
_Zeus_what is that?03:15
thiebauderyan_:antivirus isn't needed03:15
_Zeus_!cn | charlie03:15
ubottucharlie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk03:15
ryan__thiebaude/ubottu: thanks03:15
corunumhey guys, I need help reinstalling windows on a separate partition03:16
bwald1corunum: when you install windows, choose only the one HD to install it to, and then you can easily configure grub to boot to it later03:16
section3_anyone here have any good ideas for places for me to start reading up on building my own ubuntu distro?03:16
JazzCat316divx web player, Wmp, quicktime,Helix Dna,quicktime plugin,Vlc plugin, totem web browser plugin,shockwave flash plug in, and demo print plugin03:17
st3phdanbh_intrepid:  what is missing operand?03:17
charlilewhere're you?03:17
thiebaudehow does one open up update manager in a terminal window?03:17
bwald1thiebaude: update-manager03:18
djhashthiebaude: update-manage03:18
mEck0_hi! by typing e.g. NAME="steve", and then: echo $NAME, I'll get "steve". but how can one remove these user defined variables? I know for alias there exist a unalias, but how does it works for these variables?03:18
airdogtummyacid: did you look at the forums? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=906126&page=7&highlight=p1ruj303:18
l3dhow would I make gnome commander my defualt file manager03:18
_Zeus_mEck0_: why would you want to remove variables?  just type steve=""03:18
=== airdog is now known as airdogg
mEck0__Zeus_: thx, because I were testing and wanted to clean up03:20
_Zeus_mEck0_: just restart the terminal, it should go away03:20
javiergAnyone knows a "To-Do" list that I can integrate to my desktop?03:20
mEck0__Zeus_: aha, do these variables only live temporarily?03:20
_Zeus_mEck0_: yeah, they all go away when you restart the terminal03:20
_Zeus_mEck0_: yes03:21
dekosanjoI ae03:21
mEck0__Zeus_: aha, thanks!03:21
Schuenemannjavierg, knotes?03:21
dekosanjoauguem br aqui?03:21
section3_anybody here know of where i might be able to read anything on building an ubuntu distro?03:21
Schuenemann!br | dekosanjo03:21
ubottudekosanjo: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.03:21
javiergSchuenemann, Are there any other options?03:22
JazzCat316bwald1  theese are the plugins into mozilla i have divx web player, Wmp, quicktime,Helix Dna,quicktime plugin,Vlc plugin, totem web browser plugin,shockwave flash plug03:22
Schuenemannjavierg, I don't know, I use KDE only. But there should be a similar, it's a so simple application03:23
javiergSchuenemann, Ok, thanks.03:24
robdigsection3: i saw this, but don't know anything else about it http://maketecheasier.com/reconstructor-creating-your-own-ubuntu-distribution/2008/07/0503:24
bwald1JazzCat316: okay, I've had the most luck with the nonfree Adobe plugin. Do "aptitude show flashplugin-nonfree" and tell me if it says its installed03:24
corunumhello, I need help with virtual box. Can anyone help me or redirect me to the correct channel?03:25
lolmachi, corunum03:25
WhoNeedszzzHey all. Does anyone know how to convert a .chm to a .epub?03:25
JazzCat316it gave me an install prompt... install?03:25
section3_robdig | thanks a bunch, i've googled this countless times and just found threads asking the same thing with no real concrete answers... i'd like to eventually learn how to do this myself, but this'll work for a starting point03:26
deejay427does anyone know how to fix a buggy ubuntu distro03:26
bwald1JazzCat316: when you did "aptitude show" ? thats only supposed to tell you information about a package03:26
JazzCat316oh lol03:27
airdoggi need iptables and route help i think its just a minor tweak and my problem should dissapear03:27
JazzCat316oh it says state:installed03:27
airdoggproblems detailed at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=906126&page=7&highlight=p1ruj3 last post should give enough info...03:27
WhoNeedszzzairdogg: ask your question03:27
shamelesshas anyone had any luck getting the intel 3945a/b/g drivers to work?03:28
ShazamaliciousHello all03:28
lolmachi, Shazamalicious03:28
airdoggWhoNeedszzz why is my tcpdump of my ppp0 network showing a lan ip > F 0:0(0) ack 103:28
declanWhen I use amsn, do I log in with my msn address?03:28
onxbwald1, didn't realize there's a package for the adobe flash plugin. does that also care for updates? usually just using the installer from adobe here03:28
bwald1onx: yeah, I don't know if its bleeding edge or how the ubuntu developers release it, but it is updated03:29
remuhey guys, I had to reinstall ubuntu hardy, but after this reinstall, my media buttons will not work (i have an hp dv4t)03:29
Schuenemanndeclan, typing it?03:29
=== daklan_z1z is now known as daklan
JazzCat316on another note all other media run flawlessly including dvd03:30
ShazamaliciousIs there someone who can help a clueless person with a video issue?03:30
remuthe media buttons such as the volume control, as well as the play, pause, next and previous03:30
WhoNeedszzzairdogg: I have no idea, ask the rest of the people. I just meant don't state that you have a problem, just ask a question03:30
ShazamaliciousI dont know if there is a line to get in or not03:31
daklanshameless: is it for a laptop?03:31
mrkrisQuestion. My server has 4GB, running Hardy x64 -- It's only registering 2GB of ram -- Using 2.6.24-19-xen03:31
declanschuenemann, nice attempt at seeming clever, however I did not ask HOW do I log in, I asked if I use my MSN address as opposed to something else03:31
shamelessdaklan: yeah, asus r1f03:31
thiebaudeshazamalicious:what kind of video problem?03:31
daklanshameless: my sony has a centrino chipset, and ubuntu recognized and loaded the proper drivers for it03:32
airdoggiptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth0 -s -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT - does that look right for internet connection sharing , ppp0 is my wireless internet card, eth0 is going to my hub03:32
Schuenemanndeclan, I honestly don't understand the question. The only possible way to log in is using your MSN address... or not?03:32
ShazamaliciousWell, i guess first i shouldask. I'm trying to install this via VirtualPC before I actually install. Is there any known issues with doing that?03:32
daklanshameless: i cant remember the driver name, exactly. but it definitely worked03:32
EatShroomshow can I access all my files on a user account from a different user?03:32
bwald1JazzCat316: you can try install gnash instead of the adobe nonfree plugin, it might work better for you03:32
declanschuenemann, I'm trying that right now and it's not connecting. I thought maybe you would have to do some other step?03:32
shamelessdaklan: the weird thing is, it worked perfectly fine at first, but once i did a hardwire, it stopped picking up the wireless03:32
Schuenemanndeclan, which error message?03:33
daklanshameless: is the driver properly loaded?03:33
thiebaudeshazamalicious:im not sure, i dont use a virtualpc03:33
mgonzalezGood night, someone will know how to create a gdm from an image? Thank you03:33
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:33
shamelessdaklan: i'm not sure, i was going to try to reload it but i couldn't find where to do that03:33
Schuenemanndeclan, which version is it, btw?03:33
ShazamaliciousWell, when i go to install when it gets to menu options like choosing language and "Where are you?" I get distorted video03:34
EatShroomshow can I access all my files on a user account from a different user? It works like chmod 777 or something in terminal?03:34
bwald1mgonzalez: gdm is a desktop manager, what do you mean you want to create it from an image?03:34
declanschuenemann, error connecting to server, the little bar keeps going back and forth03:34
corunumcan anyone help me with virtualbox or redirect me to the correct channel?03:34
daklanshameless: sudo modprobe <drivername> . you might wanna look on google for the driver name03:34
shamelesscorunum: hold on a second.....03:34
bwald1EatShrooms: do you want to read the files or write them?03:34
Schuenemanndeclan, I think you need 0.97.203:34
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:34
EatShroomsbwald1: read, write and execute preferably03:35
ShazamaliciousWhen installing I'm getting distorted video when i get to choose language and "Where are you" options but not before then. Anyone have an idea why?03:35
EatShroomscorunum: what problems are you having?03:35
ryan__Is there a general keyboard shortcut to go to the top of the page.03:36
corunumI get "VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.." so I can't install the os03:36
mgonzalezI do not speak English well the apology, I want to create the window of entry ...03:36
declanschuenemann, I just installed the one that was in add/remove progrms03:36
shamelesscorunum: i'm trying to find the link i stumbled on03:36
bwald1EatShrooms: then you have several options, 1. if you're doing this all by command line you can just cd to the other user's directory and switch to their user account, 2. you can the permissions on the files so they are world writable (not as good), or 3. you can temporarily become root and edit them (probably a bad idea)03:36
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:36
corunumgmonzalez, necesitas traduccion?03:36
bwald1pkayliamsdad: what part isn't full screened?03:37
corunumthanks shameless03:37
mgonzalezcorunum si amigo..03:37
Schuenemanndeclan, check in help > about. But I think that version doesn't work anymore. MSN protocol changed recently I think03:37
pkayliamsdadthe entire virtual machine03:37
corunummgonzalez, orale pues. que necesitas?03:37
Schuenemanndeclan, you'll haveto download the latest from their website03:37
mgonzalezLo que quiero decir es que quiero cambiar la ventana de entrada de mi ubuntu.. Quiero personalizar una pero no se como.. haber si pueden ayudarme Gracias de Antemano03:37
pkayliamsdadI can't get it to populate my entire display in fullscreen mode03:37
Schuenemann!es | mgonzalez03:38
ubottumgonzalez: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:38
pkayliamsdadjust a window about 1/4 of the display size, centered in the middle of the screen03:38
shamelesscorunum: http://lifehacker.com/367714/run-windows-apps-seamlessly-inside-linux03:38
bwald1pkayliamsdad: do you have other virtual machines? can they do full screen?03:38
EatShroomsbwald1: alright thanks03:38
pkayliamsdadyes, windows xp runs fullscreen03:38
shamelessworked just fine for me, didn't need to use all of it, some of it's tweaking03:39
bwald1EatShrooms: are you trying to run programs that edit files in the other person's directory, or just edit them manually?03:39
corunumthanks shameless, I'll take a look03:39
ShazamaliciousWhen installing I'm getting distorted video when i get to choose language and "Where are you" options but not before then. Anyone have an idea why?03:39
tj83pkayliamsdad, i would suspect the resolution settings in ubuntu03:39
declanschuenemann, ok, but I'm terrible at installing even the simplest of packages03:40
pkayliamsdadtried changing the resolution settings to no avail03:40
=== bwald1 is now known as bwald
mad_manhi :-(03:40
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:40
WhoNeedszzzHey all. Does anyone know how to convert a .chm to a .epub?03:40
EatShroomsbwald: I'm just trying to copy and paste a single file from another login03:40
sdwrageHey all03:40
Schuenemanndeclan, this one isn't complicated. It's a script.03:40
EatShroomshi sdwrage03:40
stwestonI need a driver for my CD-R drive.03:40
sdwrageis anyone here good with virtualhost ?03:40
bwaldEatShrooms: oh, well then you can just chown it or chmod it or something03:41
sdwrageim having trouble with adding 2 virtualhost files03:41
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:41
Genius314The volume keys on my keyboard appear to change the volume (the little window pops up and the bar changes), but the volume level stays the same. Does anyone know how I could fix this?03:41
declanand schuenemann...when I did help/about, it gave me an error...03:41
sdwragecould anyone PM me to help me troubleshoot what is probably a minor problem?03:41
WhoNeedszzzsdwrage, ask a question03:41
Schuenemanndeclan, doesn't really matter. The repositories do not have the latest version03:41
declanDamn...ok, can you help me for a quick sec?03:42
stwestonI need a driver for my CD-R drive to install ANY kind of *buntu03:42
Schuenemanndeclan, what is it?03:42
airdoggany experts on route and iptables?03:42
bwaldstweston: possibly, I wouldn't rule out other possibilities just because I don't know how to troubleshoot them03:43
shamelessdaklan: that would be the problem, apparently it got lost somewhere03:43
declanschuenemann, I go to the amsn site, then click on downloads, then linux. There are two generic installers03:43
stwestonbwald: you're still here?03:43
bwaldstweston: yep03:43
daklanshameless: by "got lost", what exactly do you mean?03:43
stwestonbwald: okay, then!03:43
SeaPhorairdogg, not an expert by any means, but what you trying to do?03:44
shamelessiwl3945 is what i got for the name03:44
declanThe first one says Distribution independent installer for those who already have Tcl/Tk 8.403:44
declanI don't know what tcl is...03:44
stwestonbwald: I need to figure out what's wrong, still...03:44
declanOr if I have it03:44
bwaldstweston: I wish I could help you more, but I don't know if what we tried was the limit of what could be tried03:44
shamelesswell, it worked perfectly at one point, then i went hardwired for some downloading i had to do, and now it doesn't work03:44
Schuenemanndeclan, I got 8.503:44
daklanshameless: ipw3945 is what i saw on google03:44
declanschuenemann, how can I check which I have, if any?03:44
stwestonbwald: well, what about boot parameters in the install home screen thing?03:44
airdoggSeaPhor: internet connection sharing, i think it might be a small config problem, everthing works great but it randomly will route one of my lan ips over the wan ppp0 connect and my ppp isp disconnects me then03:44
shamelessi'll try that03:44
stwestonbwald: like, having a command in the boot options.03:45
sdwrageOk then. I created both of my files for my virtualhost and linked them in sites-enabled03:45
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:45
bwaldstweston: I guess you could try booting with low graphics and stuff like that03:45
Schuenemanndeclan, try apt-cache policy tcl8.5 (or tcl8.4)03:45
bwaldstweston: I don't remember the commands offhand03:45
shamelessdaklan: same thing, fatal error, module ipw3945 not found03:45
stwestonbwald: okay. I was just gonna ask that... LOL03:45
sdwrageWhoNeedszzz, I created two conf files for my virtual host blocks... and im getting an error03:46
lolmachi, pluto03:46
SeaPhorairdogg, you need a cacheing server between, look at squid.conf03:46
WhoNeedszzzsdwrage: apache?03:46
sdwragethis is how they are laid out: http://pastebin.com/d4811590203:46
KraussHey, uhh. Everytime I maximize a window the the title bar goes white. Any help?03:46
declanSchuenemann, it appears I have 8.4 but not 8.503:46
shamelessdaklan: input was ::sudo modprobe ipw394503:46
bwaldstweston: I think you should be able to type "help" somewhere and it'll give you a list of boot parameters03:46
pkayliamsdadRunning Ubuntu on a mac through parallels and cant get the fullscreen mode to be truly fullscreen. Anyone have any suggestions?03:46
airdogg? ive set up squid proxy before03:46
stwestonbwald: in Ubuntu?03:46
daklanshameless: it is "iwl3945", actually. (just checked my kernel modules). "locate iwl3945"03:46
airdoggwhy would that make a difference?03:46
stwestonbwald: or this IRC chat?03:46
stwestonbwald: oh... duh.03:47
SeaPhorairdogg, brb, but if you need me i'll be in #SeaPhor03:47
bwaldstweston: I feel like I vaguely remember an "advanced" option or something in the main boot menu03:47
svetloyarhey there :)03:47
WhoNeedszzzsdwrage: err...the file is supposed to be called "default"03:47
Schuenemanndeclan, well, IF I were you, I would uninstall that one and install 8.503:47
airdogglan ips should never be routed over wan's03:47
stwestonbwald: I'll check, then.03:47
airdoggthey are reserved03:47
airdoggam i right?03:47
stwestonbwald: worth a shot03:47
=== juning is now known as Juning
Schuenemanndeclan, don't know if that will really matter, but the latest is always the latest03:47
bwaldstweston: I haven't installed from a standard distro CD in a while, so I might be completely wrong03:47
plutoi'm the coolest 1 here03:47
sdwrageWhoNeedszzz, yes but you can create seperate conf files03:47
svetloyarthere mexicans????03:47
shamelessdaklan: that's what i thought it was, yeah, i found where it's at03:47
stwestonbwald: okay.03:47
bwaldpluto: you're not even a planet!03:47
svetloyarim mexican!03:47
sdwrageanyways im still getting the same error even if those two blocks are in the default file03:47
KraussHey, uhh. Everytime I maximize a window the the title bar goes white. Any help?03:47
sdwragethis is the error03:47
svetloyarthere someone there!!!03:47
dr3mrohi when i sign in to pidgin via msn account as online its ok but when i change my status to invisible i get disconnected and Connection error from Notification server:03:48
dr3mroReading error03:48
bwaldKrauss: what are you using?03:48
Schuenemannsvetloyar, there is #ubuntu-es if that's what you're asking03:48
shamelesswrong button03:48
=== Adam is now known as Stargazer
Kraussbwald: Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron, but EVERY window does that.03:48
Omlette!es | svetloyar03:48
ubottusvetloyar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:48
stwestonbwald: so, what commands would you suggest?03:49
StargazerIs there any way to recover deleted items ? (like deleted from the trash)03:49
declanschuenemann, what would I apt-get to get tcl8.5?03:49
daklanSchuenemann: tcl8.503:49
bwaldKrauss: I would try changing some of the window settings,03:49
EatShroomsbwald: yeah I suppose I could have looked around file properties, thanks03:49
mirtesfoolish question: When I select a file to beagle, and click "move to trash", beagle doesnt. The thing is, I'd really like this to work, for it would make things easier for mmy mom ...03:49
Schuenemanndeclan, uninstall amsn. sudo apt-get remove amsn03:50
shamelessdaklan: advice on how to try to reinstall it?03:50
mirtesanyone got any ideas ?03:50
Schuenemannclose the program if it's open03:50
declanI already uninstalled amsn, schuenemann03:50
stwestonbwald: what should I do first?03:50
declannow I want to get tcl 8.503:50
daklanshameless: is the module present in your system?03:50
Kraussbwald: Mind explaining how to do that? :)03:50
stwestonbwald: I mean, try first.03:50
plutohi guys fatman is u guys lol03:50
Schuenemanndeclan, have you removed tcl8.4 and tk8.4 ?03:50
cchapmanis there a way to tell x-chat to logon as your users everytime you logon?03:50
bwaldstweston: try low graphics first, I forget the command, but google probably knows03:50
shamelessdaklan: yeah, i found it, and the files03:50
stwestonbwald: okay.03:50
declanschuenemann, no, I don't know how...sorry I'm new to this03:51
stwestonbwald: wait - I'm in server right now.03:51
FloodBot1pluto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:51
bwaldKrauss: go to settings -> preferences -> then I think its "window" or "menus" or something like that (I'm in fluxbox so I can't look it up)03:51
onxstweston, what exactly doesn't work for you again?03:51
daklanshameless: check if it's listed in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist. remove as necessary03:51
bwaldstweston: the boot commands will be almost identical, if not the same03:51
stwestononx: the CD-R drive, apparently.03:51
Schuenemanndeclan, do sudo apt-get autoremove and see if they were taken out03:51
stwestonbwald: okay...03:51
daklanshameless: also, check if there's something like blacklist-iwl3945 or somesuch in /etc/modprobe.d03:51
bwaldstweston: it might use a special "server" kernel, but it doesn't have that many differences03:51
stwestonbwald: but there isn't a boot option - it's just low graphics mode...03:51
StargazerIs there any way to recover deleted items ? (like deleted from the trash)03:52
daklanshameless: what exactly is the output of "modprobe iwl3945" ?03:52
declanSorry what's autoremove? So just enter "sudo apt-get autoremove" and that should tell, schuenemann?03:52
Kraussbwald: Thanks alot03:52
svetloyarthere's mexicans here???03:52
shamelessdaklan:  sudo modprobe iwl3945 ::: FATAL: Module iwl3945 not found.03:52
Schuenemanndeclan, that will remove (after confirmation) what was downloaded and isn't being used anymore03:52
Schuenemanndeclan, probably tcl was installed just for amsn as nobody uses that crap :p03:53
daklanshameless: "locate iwl3945.ko" and pastebin the output03:53
declanschuenemann, haha. I did that and the numbers are all 003:53
onxstweston, what's the error message then?03:53
daklanshameless: also, "uname -r" and tell me what the output is03:53
Schuenemanndeclan, try sudo apt-get remove tcl8.4 then03:53
bwaldonx: he's been having trouble booting a LiveCD, it complained that it couldn't mount the CD03:53
stwestononx: I'll check.03:53
stwestonbwald: I actually have problems with that on 2 separate disks03:54
shamelessdaklan: /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/ubuntu/wireless/iwlwifi/iwlwifi/compatible/iwl3945.ko  and 2.6.24-19-38603:54
declanschuenemann, I just did the remove thing. It's removing tcl8.4 xchat03:54
samson800i am back now03:54
declanWell I'm on a different comp, luckily03:54
onxstweston, bwald, first thing i try with hardware issues is usually booting with acpi=off noapic nolapic03:54
stwestonbwald: okay03:55
Schuenemanndeclan, if you remove that, you'll lose xchat thenj03:55
stwestononx: okay03:55
poorman_i'm having some trouble with ubuntu on lvm(2)03:55
declanschuenemann, not a big deal I guess. I don't use xchat on that machine much anyway.03:55
corunumsvetloyar, yeah there are03:55
Chaotic_Descentso I locked my screen when I left the house. I came back and logged in. it said "checking" and never stopped. is there a keyboard shortcut I can use to try and ... do... something? like in Windows, ctrl-alt-del would pull up the system monitor to show what apps were running or frozen.03:55
declanschuenemann, I removed it. Now how do I get tcl8.5?03:55
stwestononx: well, for some reason, the xubuntu package doesn't even want to load, now.03:55
Schuenemanndeclan, sudo apt-get install tcl8.503:55
Schuenemannyou'll have to remove tk8.4 too03:56
marshallsince upgrading to intrepid, my torrents have been retardedly slow. any ideas what I can do to improve transfer speeds for torrents/03:56
stwestononx: but I'll try03:56
declanschuenemann, hmmmm03:56
svetloyarque bien03:56
svetloyaralguien habla español?????03:56
declansays it couldn't find package tcl8.5...03:56
bwaldChaotic_Descent: you can do ctrl+alt+backspace to kill the xserver, but that will kill all running programs, so only use if its really screwed.  You can also switch to another VT and kill the malfunctioning process03:56
daklanshameless: really weird.03:56
onxstweston, an alternative maybe: hook up a usb cdrom and install from that03:57
Schuenemanndeclan, are you using hardy?03:57
declanNope, gutsy03:57
poorman_does anyone have experience with linux on an lvm partition?03:57
chillhello, how do i figure out what /dev/*device* my sound card is? i did a lspci and it shows it, but thats the hardware address not the /dev/... location03:57
lolmachi, chill03:57
declanschuenemann, gutsy03:57
bwaldChaotic_Descent: to switch to another Virtual Terminal hit ctrl+alt+F[1-6] and log in03:57
stwestononx: I don't think we have usb cdroms03:57
stwestononx: at least, here.03:57
poorman_does anyone have experience with linux on an lvm partition?03:58
shamelessdaklan: i've tried manually installing the driver list from here, to no avail http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Download03:58
bwaldpoorman_: yes, quite a lot, although not on Ubuntu.  Whats going on?03:58
svetloyarthere mexicans???03:58
svetloyari want talk to someone mexicabn!!!!!03:58
bwalddoes anyone have any suggestions for why xdm isn't running automatically when I boot?03:58
Schuenemanndeclan, I think you'll have to add gutsy-backports to your repositories then03:59
bwaldsvetloyar: you might try #ubuntu-es03:59
poorman_i created the logical volumes, and the ub installation went fine, but it won't boot03:59
declanschuenemann, this is awfulllll03:59
daklanshameless: did you upgrade your kernel recently?03:59
declanschuenemann, I don't even know what that means...03:59
shamelessdaklan: and i've done the hardy backports too, which is supposed to work, but didn't03:59
poorman_grub loads03:59
bwaldpoorman_: did you make a boot directory? is the boot directory also on a logical volume?03:59
onxstweston, there's also the option of installing from a usb stick :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick03:59
ryan__What is the best way to sync files in two different folders?03:59
poorman_no, the boot is ext303:59
stwestononx: I know that one03:59
shamelessdaklan: since i've installed hardy, only the updates that it has03:59
Schuenemanndeclan, the servers where it looks for packages04:00
Schuenemanndeclan, try sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:00
bwaldpoorman_: how far along is it getting in the boot? are you seeing grub?04:00
Schuenemannto edit the file04:00
poorman_yes, grub loads04:00
stwestononx: but the install from a USB stick... is that similar to Wubi?04:00
svetloyarem i have ubunto!!!04:00
svetloyaris the best!04:00
onxstweston, no. it's a regular install, just from usb04:00
poorman_it goes all the way to the screen with the progress bar04:00
stwestononx: okay04:00
stwestononx: I'll look into it more.04:01
svetloyarghey there!04:01
svetloyarsee ya?04:01
stwestononx: wait - it boots from USB, then?04:01
bwaldpoorman_: try to boot up without the splash screen so you can see whats going on04:01
poorman_but the progress bar just bumps back and forth until eventually it goes to a 'iniramfs' prompt04:01
daklanshameless: which directory is the latest iwl3945.ko located?04:01
onxstweston, the live system/installer boots from usb. might be easier to get your cdrom going after the system is installed04:01
stwestononx: okay04:02
Chaotic_Descentwell, that was pretty funny. I "switched to another VC" and couldn't get back to whatever it is that this is. so I had to hit the reset button. again.04:02
bwaldstweston: I should have thought of that!04:02
stwestononx: what's the link again?04:02
Schuenemanndeclan, did it open?04:02
poorman_it's the "BusyBox" prompt04:02
poorman_well, the prompt is initramfs, but the shell is busybox04:02
Chaotic_Descenthow does "switching to another VC" help me get out of my system freezing?04:02
bwaldChaotic_Descent: your X-Server is always started on VT7, so if you hit ctrl+alt+F7 you'll get back to it.  I'm sorry I didn't say that before04:02
phirestalkerok I restarted my computer and now firefox is starting up like I'm a new user without any of my bookmarks or history even though bookmarks.html is there and has all my bookmarks, what could it be?04:02
shamelessdaklan: 19, i just rememberd something tho, i set up virtualbox just before it stopped working....and a lot of extra packages that i didn't need04:03
declanschuenemann, yes04:03
bwaldChaotic_descent: because then you can kill the bad program04:03
shamelessdaklan: 2.6.24-19-generic04:03
daklanshameless: sudo modprobe --set-version 2.6.24-19-generic iwl394504:03
poorman_bwald: did ya catch that last bit?04:03
Schuenemanndeclan, there is probably a line like  this: Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports' repository04:03
bwaldChaotic_Descent: when you log in in another VT, you can run "top" or something to see whats taking up all your CPU, and then kill it04:03
bwaldpoorman_: I think so, try to boot up without any splash to see where its having its first errors04:03
declanschuenemann, then save?04:04
OdnsRvnsim looking for streaming audio and good apps04:04
bwaldOdnsRvns: learn vim04:04
stwestonbwald: USB stick = failure.04:04
Pulpiehello all i need beta testers :P04:04
lolmachi, Pulpie04:04
Schuenemanndeclan, you uncomment the 2 lines that have 1 sharp sign only. Something like # deb http://br.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main restricted universe multiverse04:04
Chaotic_DescentI'm not even sure what could have possible have frozen my computer... I'm pretty sure I only had FireFox running.04:04
declanschuenemann, I did it04:04
daklanshameless: modprobe uses "uname" to check for the location of the module to load. modprobe --set-version hopefully should allow modprobe to look at the correct directory (you said uname -r returns 2.6.24-19-386, correct?)04:04
Schuenemanndeclan, deb and deb-src04:04
OdnsRvnsis thats the program name04:05
stwestonbwald: it won't work because the only one with more than 1GB is a 4GB, but my dad won't let me use that.04:05
Schuenemannok, save and close then04:05
Pulpiei need beta testers for http://fishy.ath.cx/Linux or if your running Freebsd http://fishy.ath.cx/Freebsd - its a program to help teach people how to use unix like systems. (source included in each link)04:05
declanschuenemann, now what?04:05
NitricacidHow do i sync a local folder to a remote web directy04:05
onxChaotic_Descent, firefox can be quite the resource hog04:05
shamelessdaklan: yeah04:05
bwaldpoorman_: when you launch grub, edit the boot parameters, and delete "splash quiet"04:05
Schuenemanndeclan, now make it look on those repositories too. sudo apt-get update04:05
stwestonbwald: what about a memory card w/ a USB adapter?04:05
corunumI'm still having problems with virtualbox, can someone help me?04:05
OdnsRvnswhats the problem04:05
Schuenemannit will probably tell you you have a lot of stuff to upgrade04:05
phirestalkerI've even checked profiles.ini and mine is set as default04:05
stwestononx: what about a memory card w/ a USB adapter?04:06
bwaldNitricacid: how do you access this web directory? ftp/ssh what?04:06
declanschuenemann, a lot of stuff happened but I don't see any errors04:06
onxwhooops - Chaotic_Descent, suggest you get the noscript addon for it, it blocks jscript and plugins unless you whitelist a site04:06
ShazamaliciousWhen installing I'm getting distorted video when i get to choose language and "Where are you" options but not before then. Anyone have an idea why?04:06
Chaotic_Descentwell I don't know how FireFox could bring the system to a crash while I'm away.04:06
Schuenemanndeclan, see if it finds it now. sudo apt-get install tcl8.504:06
Nitricacidbwald "places -> bookmarks"04:06
onxstweston, that might or might not work :)04:06
Nitricacidso ftp?04:06
stwestononx: okay.04:06
poorman_i got that04:06
stwestononx: I'll still try it.04:06
declanschuenemann, doing it :)04:06
poorman_the splash part04:06
poorman_i'm trying to interpret the read out04:06
OdnsRvnsif i cant fins an add in add and remove how to i unistall it04:07
bwaldNitriacaid: erm, you mean you go to the website? does it have an upload form or something?04:07
Schuenemanndeclan, then you get tk8.5 too. And then you can download that script from amsn and run04:07
declanschuenemann, now I'm gonna try downloading the tcl8.5 amsn version from they're site04:07
poorman_i think it starts to load the root file system, but cannot04:07
Chaotic_Descentbut I left my browser on sites that I would normally trust. :S I rarely go to sites that I don't trust.04:07
Nitricacidbwald no its an ftp folder..04:08
bwaldpoorman_: okay, in your grub where are you telling it to look for root?04:08
declanI have become an idiot...04:08
declanIt may be the stress or the 3 hours of sleep I got last night04:08
fignutshow do i make mythtv go to my windows machine for the music?04:08
declanBut I am an idiot04:08
poorman_i believe it's /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-lvroot204:08
crom_Question, I recently switche dfrom Hardy to Mint which is based closely on Hardy, I had /home on its own partition but Mint made another home on the system partition, can I change which directory my system looks to for home?04:08
declanschuenemann, I downloaded the .package file. What do I do with it?04:08
fignutsoh wait i'm in the wron channel04:08
poorman_i read elsewhere that ubuntu cannot boot lvm by default, so i followed the steps here http://polishlinux.org/linux/ubuntu/install-ubuntu-804-on-lvm2/04:09
poorman_but that didn't seem to help04:09
bwaldNitriacaid: you can use lftp04:09
Schuenemanndeclan, I think double-click install it04:09
Nitricacidsudo apt-get lftp04:10
poorman_the problem was the same BEFORE i followed those procedures04:10
declanschuenemann, haha, it tries to open it with gedit04:10
bwaldNitriacid: it might already be installed, do "which lftp" first and if it is "man lftp" to learn how to use it04:10
Schuenemanndeclan, let me see04:11
onxcrom_, move the files from your homedir to your home partition and add an fstab entry for mounting it to /home at boot04:11
poorman_after idling for a minute during the device load stage (i assume), it has now displayed this message:04:11
Nitricacidbwald i cant understand man files :-/ but i have it installed, maybe theres a google guide somewhere, thanks for the info04:11
poorman_alert! /dev/mapper/VolGroup01-lvroot2 does not exist. dropping to a shell.04:11
Schuenemanndeclan, try from the terminal sudo package install file.package04:12
stwestononx/bwald: I don't know how to get started with the making of this live USB thing.04:13
poorman_above that last bit it printed: check root= bootarg cat /proc/cmdline or missing modules, devices: cat /proc/modules ls /dev04:13
bwaldNitricacid: basically just do lftp -e mput /path/to/files/ -u user,[pass]04:13
declanschuenemann, would I have to go to the directory it's in?04:13
declanor do dir/file.package?04:13
Schuenemanndeclan, yes04:13
Schuenemannto the file's dir04:13
bwaldNitricacid: sorry, forgot the "site" at the end of that command.   "lftp -e mput /path/to/files/ -u user,[pass] site"04:13
declanOkey dokey lemme try04:13
stwestononx/bwald: you there?04:14
poorman_stweston: do you have an iso or a tar?04:14
stwestonpoorman_: I have an iso.04:14
bwaldstweston: yes, one sec04:14
poorman_stweston: try netbootin04:15
stwestonpoorman_: what's netbootin, exactly?04:15
=== daklan is now known as daklan_dnr
declanschuenemann, I tried that. It says "package: command not found"04:15
bwaldstweston: this site will help you install on a USB drive: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/04:15
poorman_stweston: i haven't used it much, but its purpose is to make usb (and other drives) bootable04:15
declanI assume you didn't mean to have that in there04:15
stwestonpoorman_: okay04:15
bwaldstweston: netbooting is booting off the network, from a server04:15
haydnDoes anyone know how to review the updates made by Update Manager? Thanks04:15
stwestonbwald: oh.04:15
declanschuenemann, I tried just sudo install file.package. It said "missing destination file operand after file.package04:16
stwestonbwald: well, I don't have the network up yet...04:16
poorman_yes, but 'netbootin' is an application04:16
Schuenemanndeclan, right-click the file and select properties. See in permissions if it's executable04:16
Schuenemannthe .package gile04:16
bwaldpoorman_: oh, I never heard of "netbootin," I'm sorry, I thought you were using a contracted form of the word04:16
Schuenemannfor user04:16
onxbwald, stweston, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/04:17
declanschuenemann, should I click the box that says "allow executing file as program" ?04:17
poorman_stweston: search source forge for netbootin. it may be what you're looking for04:17
dmsupermanWhat's a good software to rip DVDs? I'd love something like AutoGK, if possible04:17
onxit's in the link i pasted for you as well, stweston04:17
Schuenemanndeclan, yes. The try double click again04:17
poorman_thanks onx04:17
poorman_ahh yes04:17
bwaldonx: ha, I was just about to post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=427540 which links to the page you wrote04:17
phirestalkerok I restarted my computer and now firefox is starting up like I'm a new user without any of my bookmarks or history even though bookmarks.html is there and has all my bookmarks, what could it be?04:17
poorman_i'm sorry, it's Unetbootin04:17
phirestalkeroh but it does show my saved passwords?04:18
phirestalkerthis is weird04:18
poorman_bwald: any suggestions for me?04:18
chillubuntu - vmware server - audio help - any takers ?04:18
stwestonI don't have any internet connection for that machine04:18
bwaldpoorman_: I'm sorry, no, without seeing the errors I'm really not sure whats going on.  I've only used lvm with CentOS and Fedora, so I don't know Ubuntu's quirks04:18
Jordan_Udmsuperman: Never tried it myself but dvd::rip is popular IIRC, look through synaptic04:19
dmsupermanJordan_U: that's what I've heard, but I wasn't sure04:19
phirestalkerI've deleted profiles.ini and it created a new default directory, but mine is still there04:19
codenameWhat's up guys?04:19
codenameWhat's up people?04:19
declanschuenemann, I did that. It's doing something in the terminal!04:19
phirestalkergas prices are up04:20
Nallephow do I get my printer to print? it's a HP Laserjet 1018, Ubuntu 8.04, I have the hplip and hplip-data packages installed, I see the printer in System->Administration->Printing, I can send print jobs (up to printjob 10 right now), but it's not printing.  Thank you for any help.04:20
codenameGas Prices are done04:20
OdnsRvnshow do i start an apt through terminal04:20
codenamesudo apt-get install04:20
Jordan_Uwhois Efrem04:20
wng-has anyone used the Blizzard Downloader to install WoW in hardy? It seems to be downloading a lot more data than its actually "completing"04:20
codenamesudo apt-get install package name04:20
OdnsRvnsi just need to start not install04:20
onxstweston, you're on the net right now though. so download it and put in on the usb stick if you need to run it on another machine? :p04:20
codenameso just run the app name04:20
codenameso if its wine04:20
bwaldstweston: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811397 has some good stuff on making a Live USB stick04:20
codenamejust run wine04:20
stwestononx: okay.04:21
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows04:21
OdnsRvnsthats the app just run cedega_start04:21
codenameI have a question on recordmydesktop, how do I get my Mic to pick up my voice?04:21
codenameI've been trying to but no luck04:21
codenameI'm pretty sure there is a GUI verison of RecordMyDesktop, am I righT?04:21
crom_Does anyone know how I can change the location of /home?  I need to change it to an existing directory on a different partition04:21
Schuenemanndeclan, installing I guess04:21
Nitricacidbwald im getting an error that says "lftp: Not connected \n File name missed"04:22
codenameso it would be recordmydesktop device (device name)04:22
declanschuenemann, yep!!!! :) thanks for everything04:22
codenameIs that right?04:22
OdnsRvnsi am trying to install cedega and it says its already installed04:22
declanHope it all comes together and workds04:22
bwaldcrom_: open up "user accounts" and change it04:22
bwaldNitricacid: whats the full command you're typing in (you can change directory names)04:23
Schuenemanndeclan, alright. bye04:23
stwestononx/bwald: I suppose I need to restart...04:23
declanschuenemann, THANKS SO MUCH!!04:23
stwestononx/bwald: I'll be back.04:24
codenameany ideas on the recordmydesktop issue?04:24
crom_awesome thanks bwald04:24
bwaldcodename: is your microphone working in other applications?04:24
DapsWhat is the safest way to point my router to my website on /var/www  ??04:24
codenameYeah, it works in Skype.04:24
OdnsRvnshow do i make myself the root user so i can delete files and such04:24
wng-Daps: you need to run a webserver, such as apache04:24
codenameJust not sure how recordmydesktop would recognize it, it's a command line vesrion, to my knowledge there is a GUI one.04:24
=== caismirt is now known as clash
Dapswng-: i am running Apahce204:25
AllNewToMeHow do I install "VirtualBox Guest Additions" in Ubuntu "Hardy" please?04:25
wng-Daps: have you configured it to have a webroot on /var/www?04:25
wng-oh, you're meaning you want to route a port to it04:25
Chaotic_Descentbwald: thank you for informing me on the VTs.04:25
Dapsi do believe so, because i can access the site from other computers on my network through http://localhost04:25
=== clash is now known as caismirt
StargazerI deleted something and i wanna get it back, can i ?04:26
wng-Daps: do you have a static or dynamic IP?04:26
Dapswng-: i am not sure, but i want to guess it is dynamic04:26
economyxi'd like to get ubuntu to recognize my built-in microphone, any ideas on how to help?04:27
Dapswng-: how can i be certain? and can't that be determined in the router?04:27
wng-Daps: then you need to setup DynamicDNS, its a little long winded, but instructions are here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS04:27
wng-Daps: do you have a normal, home internet connection04:27
Dapswng-: yes, conventional cable internet04:28
wng-Daps: Most home users are dynamic, so it'd be safe to assume that. You'd probably know if you have a static one, it'd cost more04:28
Dapswng-: ok that makes sense.04:28
danbh_intrepidwng-: it doesnt really matter, it looks like Daps doesnt own a domain, and he can get one at dyndns04:28
wng-Daps: after setting up DynamicDNS via that link I gave you, you just need to forward a port to your server, the normal one is 8004:28
OdnsRvnshow to i grant pwrmission to edit files04:29
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Dapswng-: thats the question i have, how do i forward a port to the server, and how safe is that ?04:29
onxDaps, depends on your router, check its manual04:30
OdnsRvnsGeesh no answers tonight04:30
kris__im using the nvidia driver with my monitor and hd tv hooked up to it. under nvidia-settings, the hd tv isnt showing. im using ubuntu linux. in vista, it works. any thoughts on getting it working under linux?04:30
onxit's as safe as the service you're running on the forwarded port, so be sure to keep apache up to date04:30
Dapsdanbh_intrepid: By own a domain do you mean a name? because i do own one, just don't have an IP to point it to yet04:30
slaterockwhat shoul dI install?04:30
danbh_intrepidDaps: what name do you own?04:31
jimmygoonOK! gsynaptics keeps telling me to add SHMConfig true to my xorg.conf. It is there. but it does not work. Any thoughtS?04:31
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slaterockhas anyone found a workaround for compiz, ati and flickering video and games?04:32
danbh_intrepidDaps: well, you dont have to tell me if you don't want to, but you went to a website, and paid like $15 a year for a name, right?04:32
lacyhow do you get the latest wine ?04:32
Dapsactually, i didn't do it myself i had a company buy the name for me04:32
danbh_intrepidlacy: at the wine website04:33
AllNewToMesudo apt-get install wine04:33
danbh_intrepidDaps: er, what company?04:33
hoenshas anyone here successfully gotten an hdtv to work as the monitor via a dvi to hdmi converter?04:33
DapsI did that at the beginning of this year, so i need to go back to them to find out the name i bought.. honestly.. i forgot what it is... lol04:33
ASrockim using Ubuntu 8.04 is there a way i can install ubuntu to my flash drive without booting off the disk?04:33
Dapsyou won't know it, its a company in the Caribbean...04:33
danbh_intrepidDaps: how much did you pay them?04:33
DapsSmall island stuff04:33
economyxhardware issue... built in microphone doesn't work, built-in webcam does though... trying to get skype up and running04:33
OdnsRvnsand run as a live cd you mean04:34
Dapspaid about $2004:34
danbh_intrepidDaps: ok, nvm, if you won't answer any questions...  I can't help ya04:34
stwestonhow can I boot into my mac's CD drive?04:34
Dapsi am answering your questions04:34
ASrockOdnsRvs: no like as if it was natively installed04:34
OdnsRvnsAsRock| are you going to install it or use it as a live cd04:34
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danbh_intrepidDaps: whats the company?04:35
DapsModOne is the name of the company04:35
Dapsdo you know them?04:35
ASrockOdnsRvns: install04:35
Dapsdidn't think so...04:35
Dapsthey are based in Grenada... Eastern Caribbean04:35
OdnsRvnsAsrock| Wow your talking abou running of the flash right04:35
stwestonI need to boot from this live CD using a virtual machine.04:35
ASrockOdnsRvns: yep, i have a 32gb flash drive for it so space is no sissue04:35
Dapshow does knowing that enable you to help me anyway?04:36
C0_biasa_ajahFavorite distro?04:36
OdnsRvnsAsrock| im not sure it it will detect your flash as a hardisk other wise that would be sweet04:36
Dapswng-: thanks for the website04:36
ASrockOdnsRvns: ya i have done it b4 with booting from the cd but i kinda need this computer running right now so ya04:37
ASrockbut its ok i will just go use the one in the other room04:37
danbh_intrepidDaps: it doesnt matter, I just need to see the website.  Look, if you bought a domain, you should use a website like zoneedit.com      If you did not register a domain, use dydns.   But, from the looks of the website, im guessing that you got a .gd domain?  If so, go with zoneedit04:37
lolmachi, stweston04:37
OdnsRvnsy dont you just dual partionms it04:37
stwestonI need to boot into my mac's CD drive using a virtual machine04:37
stwestonI think...04:37
onxstweston, wait a second there. you put the cd in another machine and want to boot from its cdrom remotely?04:37
Dapsdanbh_intrepid: thanks04:37
onxthink i've lost you :p04:37
danbh_intrepidDaps: np04:38
stwestonlolmac: not really. I want to use a virtual machine to put an ISO onto my USB drive.04:38
stwestononx: not really. I want to boot into it so I can put the ISO on my USB drive, without having to restart.04:39
stwestononx: on my mac.04:39
stwestononx: the mac has all of my instructions up right now.04:39
wng-has anyone used the Blizzard Downloader to install WoW in hardy? It seems to be downloading a lot more data than its actually "completing"04:41
onxstweston, why trying complicated? if you have another windows or linux machine  there you could save yourself the trouble :S04:41
stwestonI don't, though04:41
stwestononx: I only have my machine that I want to install, but putting the CD on a USB drive there would defeat the purpose because I could then boot into the computer... my mac has all my isntructions... I'm stuck04:42
taseuswhat command do i use to see what my graphics card is ?04:42
economyxhi, can anyone walk me through a simple hardware issue with my microphone?04:42
bwaldtaseus: lscpi will probably do it04:43
taseusthank you04:43
gamerkoughtHey, does anyone know why when I download and install 32 bit ubuntu it installs the 64 bit version?04:43
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danbh_intrepidgamerkought: heh, it sounds like you got the wrong cd?04:44
onxstweston, your virtualization software needs to support usb passthrough so you can use the host's (your mac's) hardware usb04:44
bwaldgamerkought: what makes you think its the 64 bit version?04:44
onxstweston, but no idea about virtualization on macs04:44
stwestononx: I'm using virtualbox.04:44
gamerkoughtI am absolutely sure I downloaded 32 bit ubuntu, I downloaded it multiple times from different servers.04:45
OxygenfadI not sure if this is an ubuntu bug or an opera bug, but it will freeze up while loading a page. I can let it stand for a few minutes then I can browse again, but this is really stupid. Is this Hardy or Opera É Any suggestions beside moving to the just as slow and laggy ff3É04:45
OxygenfadÉ=? (keyboard layout is screwed too)04:45
gamerkoughtAnd I know it is 64 bit because when I try to install certain deb packages it says "Wrong Architechture: i386"04:45
bwaldgamerkought: do "uname-a"04:46
gamerkoughtOh and it is Ubuntu 8.0404:46
stwestonis onx there?04:46
gamerkoughtLinux tony-desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:15:37 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux04:46
gamerkoughtThat proves I have 64 bit apparently.04:47
bwaldgamerkought: huh, yeah, that is 64 bit04:47
ROBuntui'm looking for some partition help installing 8.04 on a new machine.  Am I in the right place?04:47
gamerkoughtBut the download I got was 32 bit, even the download name I believe had i386 in the name.04:47
OxygenfadROBUNTU have you tried gparted ?04:47
ROBuntuYeah, oxyg....but it doesn't see the drive..04:48
stwestonbwald: how do I install Xubuntu on the the USB drive while using virtulization software?04:48
onxstweston, apparently the OSE edition of vbox doesn't have usb passthrough04:48
stweston*curses to self*04:49
Oxygenfadoh crap heh, what happend RoOBuntu ?04:49
onxget the free "closed" version from their webside04:49
bwaldstweston: yeah, you can also try qemu, which is another free emulator (and it has USB support)04:49
ROBuntuoxyg, gparted doesn't see any drives...04:49
onxclosed source04:49
stwestonbwald: for the mac?04:49
bwaldstweston: oh, um, I'm not sure if its packaged for mac, but it should run on darwin04:50
ROBuntu"no devices detected"04:50
extorHow can I mount a dd created disk image as a partition using loopback? I created it by dd if=/dev/hda of=image.dsk and it has one partition but how do I figure out exactly  which offset hda1 starts and then mount it?04:50
stwestonbwald: hm... I don't know. Darwin is the Mac's kernel, so...04:50
bwaldstweston: darwin is Mac's name for their underlying BSD architecture04:50
stwestonbwald: I know04:50
ROBuntuOxygenFad is there a less crowded version of this?04:50
stwestonbwald: at least, that was close.04:51
bwaldstweston: you might even be able to install qemu through DarwinPorts or Fink04:51
Nitricacid~rep bwald ++04:51
stwestonbwald: I don't know how to use either.04:51
stwestonbwald: terminal, right?04:51
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bwaldstweston: you should really look into fink especially, basically its a system to let you install debian packages in darwin, so just in Mac04:52
bwaldstweston: when I used a Mac more regularly, I used it to install fluxbox and never looked back04:52
TopBunny88How can i play my .m4a music file from itunes?04:52
stwestonbwald: ok. so, how do I sue "fink"?04:52
onxstweston, give vbox another shot if you like, but i'd suggest you take a break until you can get a usb cdrom or another machine if it doesn't work. unless you're real curious :)04:52
lolmachi, declan04:52
bwaldstweston: http://www.finkproject.org/04:53
declanIs there a way to not videochat, but at least capture and save videos from a webcam?04:53
stwestononx: I think I am kinda curious, but I think I may get frustrated.04:53
TyphHow do I run python scripts directly? When I run ./foo.py, I get "no such file or directory". When I run python foo.py, it runs fine. Yes, it is executable.04:54
StanManCanSetting up a home server. Would Ubuntu Server the best bet?04:54
physically_fitdeclan, try Cheese04:54
onxstweston, we all know that - issue a can get worked around by plan b which creates issues c and d, which each have a plan b :o04:54
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declanCheese eh?04:54
stwestononx: I see.04:54
stwestononx: thtat's a good point.04:54
onxyou can do that all night long or just get back to the first problem04:54
stwestononx: which is?04:55
waanI'm having trouble getting a bash script to execute are root, can anybody give me a hand?04:55
onxgetting a working cdrom in your case04:55
TopBunny88How can i play my .m4a music file from itunes?04:55
stwestonI see.04:55
jigphello how to locate the azureuous torrent icon?when I tried to download the iso the default download is Miro Tv..i tried clicking the "open other" looks like a lot of folders there and I don't see the azureous icon...04:55
lolmachi, jigp04:55
bwaldTopBunny88: I think you can install some restricted codecs from medibuntu to play those04:56
mneptokstweston: actually, Darwin isn;t the kernel, it's the Mach lernel and BSD subsystem combined.04:56
stwestonmneptok: I see.04:56
stwestonmneptok: thanks04:56
tuxxy__anyone use a  RT73 network card successfully in hardy?04:56
chilli0can some on help me with this error?04:57
chilli0gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file04:57
chilli0tar: Unexpected EOF in archive04:57
chilli0tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now04:57
FloodBot1chilli0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:57
wng-has anyone used the Blizzard Downloader to install WoW? It seems to be downloading a lot more data than its actually "completing", I've downloaded over 6gb of data and it says only 1.6gb complete.04:57
bwaldchilli0: what flags did you give to gzip?04:57
stwestonwng-: I think that's a problem with Blizzard's software, but I could be wrong.04:58
chilli0.i just dowloaded a file04:58
chilli0and tryed to run it04:58
stwestonwng-: is everything else working okay? (I'm just a newbie, so give me some slack)04:58
carpediemchilli0: is it a public file we can get?04:58
chilli0do the last ddl04:59
chilli0its the whole file04:59
chilli0not the 3ones04:59
wng-stweston: yep04:59
carpediemjigp: are you sure you've install azureus?  It's not installed by default04:59
jigphello lolmac04:59
lolmachi, jigp04:59
stwestonwng-: then that means it's not Linux, but Blizzard. I'm just assuming, but that's a pretty good guess.04:59
TylerPuetzHello, I'm sure this has already been asked before, but does anyone have the solution to fix sound issues on a Lenovo Y410 PC, for use with Ubuntu 8.04?04:59
lolmachi, TylerPuetz04:59
TylerPuetzHello, lolmac.05:00
stwestonwng-: is WoW even supported on Linux?05:00
lolmachi, TylerPuetz05:00
cwraighi all i am looking for an application that can grab album covers for my ogg audio library does anyone have anyidesas?05:00
declanHi, I'm using cheese and I took a picture. Where is that picture stored?05:00
stwestonwng-: because I wouldn't know. I play RuneScape.05:00
chilli0carpediem:  have you looked at it?05:00
wng-stweston: via wine, yes it is05:00
carpediemchilli0: well, it's 14 megs, give me a bit05:00
stwestonwng-: I see. then it's a problem with (possibly) wine.05:00
jigpcarpediem : its already installed. I downloaded some 7.10 version ubuntu and the server.but now the default azureous was gone.tho the file it self is in the menu.how to set default the azureous?no need to set up05:01
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haventfoundmeAnyone know how to activate the LED/Flash on a ASUS F9S laptop?05:01
chilli0ok sorry carpediem05:01
stwestonwng-: If this is wrong, please forgive me.05:01
carpediemjigp: right click on the file, Properties, go to the Open With tab, and choose Azureus if its in the list05:01
stwestonwng-: have other people gotten WoW to work on their Linux boxes?05:02
jigpcarpediem : what file?05:02
carpediemchilli0: opened fine for me, you might want to download it again, maybe you got a bad transfer05:02
chilli0ah okie05:02
carpediemjigp: whatever file you want to open with Azureus05:02
LostLinuxAnyone know how I can modify my grub boot file? I tried to just modify through GUI, but it won't give me permissions to save the modified file. I have administrator privileges per the default boot setup, but how do I access the file as root (since that seems to be what is required for me to change it and save the changed file.)05:02
chilli0thats bad 64kbs so it will take me a while05:02
cwraigLostLinux: sudo gedit /boot/menu.lst05:03
hoenscan someone help me makea modeline entry for my xorg.conf?05:03
LostLinuxWhen I do that, it brings up a blank file in gedit, with the appropriate file name, but no content.05:03
stwestononx/bwald: is my problem the CD drive for sure, or what?05:04
cwraigLostLinux: hang on ill have a look05:04
LostLinuxI think I was using a "1" instead of an "l" in .lst05:04
ROBuntuis there a less trafficked location/channel where I (a newbe to ubuntu) could get partition/installation help05:05
cwraigLostLinux: yea thatll do it :P05:05
LostLinuxIt's been almost two years since I last played with Linux and I am VERY rusty.05:05
LostLinuxThanks for the help.05:05
carpediemouch....don't do that while you are editing menu.lst, or you'll be in a world of hurt05:05
LostLinuxNo kidding.05:05
lolmachi, Terminator05:05
TerminatorI have a hopefully easy question05:06
declanHow can I turn down graphic effects and anything else to speed up my system?05:06
TerminatorI want to install ubuntu on my laptop05:06
cwraigLostLinux: good luck05:06
Terminatorzo created free space05:06
LostLinuxDeclan: do you have a slow system?05:06
declanTerminator, get the liveCD05:06
onxstweston, if it boots from the drive but can't mount it then i'd guess so. installing from another drive/medium is the logical thing to try in my opinion05:06
carpediemdeclan: Appearance > Effects05:06
Terminatorbut now I cant create more than 2 disks05:06
Terminatorso for example / and /home05:06
stwestononx: but I don't HAVE another medium, if you don't want me to take the long way 'round.05:07
Terminatorthe space I still have empty and want to use for swap05:07
declanLostLinux, I guess it's decent most of the time, but cheese is screwing up when I want to take videos05:07
Terminatorgets noted as unusable..05:07
ROBuntuany help on partitioning?  GParted doesn't see my hard drive.05:07
Terminatorany thoughts?05:07
stwestononx: and no, I'm not angry. just frustrated, as said before.05:07
carpediemdeclan: if that doesn't do enough, might I suggest xubuntu05:07
haventfoundmeActivating the LED/Flash on an on laptop camera? Anyone05:07
LostLinuxCarpediem: took the words right off my keyboard.05:07
carpediemROBuntu: in the upper right, the drop down doesn't let you select your drive?05:08
onxstweston, that's why i suggested taking a break. trying harder and failing will just make you more frustrated.05:08
onxand i'm talking from experience :)05:08
stwestononx: aah. I don't remember that, but thanks for the advice.05:08
ROBuntucarpediem, thanks for reply.  No, gparted doesn05:08
carpediemROBuntu: does it show in /dev/ ?05:09
ROBuntugparted doesn't show any partitions / drives05:09
Terminatorany1 that can help me?05:09
carpediemROBuntu: did you run with sudo?05:09
stwestononx: well, maybe I can get some help with finding a CD drive from a guy I'm going to meet soon... who knows?05:09
stwestonterminator: what help do you need?05:10
TerminatorI posed my question up here05:10
Terminatorfew lines..05:10
ROBuntuah, i wish I understud you...   /dev/   ... a file explorer?05:10
carpediemROBuntu: yes, in /dev you should see sda as your first hard drive.  sda1 is the first partition on your first hard drive.  sda2 is the second partition on your first hard drive....05:11
stwestonthis IS perplexing, Terminator.05:11
Terminatorhaha, idd05:11
TerminatorI dont get it at all05:11
stwestonneither do I....05:11
Terminatornever had that installing ubuntu before..05:11
carpediemROBuntu: are we talking about your first hard drive, or a secondary, or a USB drive, or what?05:11
ROBuntuI've been trying 2 drives...05:11
Terminatornever installed on a laptop either though..05:12
stwestonbut I've never even successfully installed ubuntu.05:12
ROBuntuI have a brand new sata 500gb drive...05:12
ROBuntuand an old 36gb sata with windowsxp..05:12
Terminatorany1 else with ubuntu-experience that can help me?05:12
stwestonI've gotten ubuntu to work on my MacBook thru virtuilzation.05:12
ROBuntuneither showed up through gparted05:12
bwaldTerminator: whats your problem? I'm sorry, I've been in a PM and not watching the main channel05:12
haventfoundmeUbuntu works just fine on a laptop05:12
bluelight3how to check if phpmyadmin is installed? via which command05:12
carpediemROBuntu: you are running gparted in Linux right?05:12
TerminatorI want to install ubuntu on my laptop05:13
Terminatorso created free space05:13
Terminatorbut now I cant create more than 2 disks05:13
Terminatorso for example / and /home05:13
Terminatorthe space I still have empty and want to use for swap05:13
FloodBot1Terminator: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:13
Terminatorgets noted as unusable.05:13
ROBuntuI do see the windows files thru the install cd though05:13
sullyva86anybody know how to delete the ipods mounted on my desktop?. I must of pulled my ipod out without dismounting. I mean without rebooting. Deleting the folders doesn't work.05:13
haventfoundmeI haven't figured out how to use the LED/Flash on my onboard camera or the fingerprint reader.05:13
Terminatornow that didnt work..05:13
ROBuntucarpediem: i'm using the install cd05:13
carpediemROBuntu: ahh, okay, that's an important bit05:13
bwaldI think I see it, you want to have several partitions, for windows, /, /home, and swap right?05:13
cwraigTerminator: can you list the partitions on that disk you are installing onto05:13
LostLinuxI have another one for you folks... I'm running XP on my first HDD, and I have Ubuntu running on my second HDD. At the moment I boot straight into Ubuntu. I want to modify the grub menu file, but I don't remember how the HDD are identified in grub. Anyone want to shoot me a quick refresher? Is my first disk, first partition " (hd 0,0)"?05:14
TerminatorI want to install ubuntu on my laptop, so created free space, but now I cant create more than 2 disks. So for example / and /home. The space I still have empty and want to use for swap gets noted as unusable.05:14
carpediemROBuntu: so if you browse to /dev, do you see any files that start with "sd"?05:14
cwraigLostLinux: yes05:14
LostLinuxSweet! It's coming back to me.....I think... :-/05:14
cwraigLostLinux: and to boot windows you want to use a chainloader +105:14
Terminatorthats the restore partition05:14
LostLinuxWhat's the point of the chainloader?05:15
bwaldLostLinux: yeah, I think its (hd0,0) where the first 0 is harddrive, and the second 0 is partition05:15
ROBuntui'd of course like to do a clean install to the new hard drive....05:15
Terminatorsda 2: ntfs, my windows drive (with vista premium)05:15
LostLinuxI remember I need it, but I don't remember why.05:15
carpediemROBuntu: that's fine, we just have to figure out why the drive isn't showing up for you.05:15
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Terminatorand then I can only create sda3 and sda 4..05:16
bwaldTerminator: thats because you can only create 4 primary partitions on a HD05:16
cwraigTerminator: it may be to do with primary and extended partitions, there is a limit to the number of primary partitions you can have on a disk and so you may need to mak05:16
cwraigTerminator: talk to bwald :P i cannot remember exactly what the rules are05:17
bwaldTerminator: you can create more with extended partitions, like cwraig said05:17
ROBuntucarpediem:  thanks for the help!  ... I don't see any files starting with sd05:17
Terminatorhow to do that?05:17
Terminatorcause now I just need a swappartition..05:17
carpediemROBuntu: oh, that's not good....hmm, let me think what to do next....05:17
bwaldTerminator: hang on, let me start gparted and see05:17
ROBuntucarpediem: there is a snd folder05:17
cwraigLostLinux: do you want me to PM you my menu.lst (ive got vista and ubutntu)05:17
Terminatorim in install mode of the live-cd05:17
carpediemROBuntu: snd=sound05:17
Terminatorso no firefox or anything05:17
Terminatorshould I just install it with / and /home?05:18
bwaldTerminator: thats okay, the installer uses gparted.  No, you'll want a space space, we'll make with an extended partition05:18
haventfoundmecome on guys lets talk about on board laptop cameras. Can I turn the flash on?05:18
carpediemROBuntu: that's rather odd.  these are Sata drives....which should show up...I have nothing but SATA and SATA II myself, and I don't remember having trouble.05:18
Terminatora space space?05:19
Terminatoryou mean keep a unused space?05:19
bwaldTerminator: I meant swap space05:19
bwaldTerminator: sorry, sometimes my fingers run away with my brain05:19
Terminatorif you can tell me how.. ;)05:19
mrkrisWhat would cause my server to recognize only 1712mb of ram when it has 4gb install? This is running Ubuntu Server x64 -- So I don't see what's going on.05:19
bwaldTerminator: anyway, delete the two partitions you have (/ and /home) and when you go to "create new" select extended instead of primary05:20
annie_gHi - Running a Nvidia Geforce 7300gs PCI Express - video was great yesterday - now is set to 800x600 - not sure what happened - any idea's on a fix?05:20
carpediemROBuntu: have you run the Install part?  I am guessing you did, and had the problem of it not showing up there either.05:20
OdnsRvnshow do i open a new irc channel with pidgen05:20
bwaldTerminator: you should probably create / and /home in the extended partition and swap as the primary05:20
jim_pgoodmorning guys05:20
hoensIn my current setup, the picture that is being displayed, wihle in the correct resolution, is too large for the screen, so about an inch gets cut off on all sides. Can someone help me fix this?05:20
bwaldOdnsRvns: Buddies -> join chat05:20
jim_pwhat are the other twp ubuntu related channels?05:21
OdnsRvnso wow i guess i should display that then lol05:21
annie_gTried changing display but will not go any higher then 800x600....05:21
Terminatorim using dutch installer05:21
Terminatorbut could extended be logical?05:21
haventfoundmeAnyone know if you can setup a fingerprint reader in ubuntu05:22
DubAndyHi everybody awake! I've just setup a brand new miniATX-pc ruining ubuntu on a 80gb harddrive. thing is i just bought meself another 1tb 7200rpm drive to save some legally downloaded files on. My question is since my family uses several different operation systems (windows/linux/mac) what filesystem should i format my new drive in? ext2/ext305:22
brandonmpaceannie_g: have you installed the driver for your video card?05:22
bwaldTerminator: I don't think so, you should have the option of making an extended partition05:22
jim_phaventfoundme: which fingerprint reader?05:22
cwraigDubAndy: i use ext3 on my portable drives and then just go to http://fs-driver.org/ to get the driver for windows05:23
haventfoundmean onboard one for an ASUS F9S laptop05:23
haventfoundmeyou need more specs05:23
stwestonanyone know terminal commands to install Ubuntu Server?05:23
jim_pDubAndy: do you have a ups?05:23
DubAndycwraig: Do you happen to know anything about ext3 compability with macintosh BSD system or should it be working from scratch?05:23
cwraigDubAndy: or if you are going to just share the data accross the network then it is not important what file system you use just use samba to share the files accross the network to your windows machines05:24
=== euud_ is now known as euud
stwestondoes anyone know how to install Ubuntu Server w/o using the a CDROM driver?05:24
jim_pDubAndy: if you are going to use samba, go for ext305:24
cwraigDubAndy: what you going to do with the disk?  put it in the ubuntu machine and share over the network or put in a usb disk case and plug it into whatever machine wants it at the time05:24
DubAndyjim_p: I guess so, if it is Unix product support you are talking about05:24
annie_gbrandon pace: yes - set to use the nvidia driver but crashed - came up with a x-window and did not know what to do at that point - rebooted and choose safe boot and was able to get back to desktop - the nvidia was unchecked - and display was back to 800x60005:25
fuffworkif i download a live cd can i just copy the contents of the iso to a usb stick and boot off of it?  or do i need to format the usb stick first05:25
powertool08is it a bad idea to combine a webserver & fileserver into a router/firewall box? Should the file/webservers have their own box?05:25
stwestonyou need to format the stick.05:25
DubAndycwraig: Share it over a network of course. And ext3 is probably the fastest linux filesystem there is. I just want read/write abilities to go as fast as possible05:25
fuffworkstweston - in windows it isn't letting me format it with system files..do i need a seperate utility?05:26
jim_pDubAndy: you have a pm05:26
zeelothey guys, one more problem, so ive moved from 32bit to 64bit ubuntu 8.04 and now have apache2 running and it works using localhost but not with my ip or dyndns url, anyone know why?05:26
brandonmpaceannie_g: have you tried envy-ng?05:26
jim_pfuffwork: gparted05:26
stwestonfuffwork: not sure, but I think so.05:26
cwraigDubAndy: ok then go for ext3 and look at installing samba file sharing that way your files will appear like any other windows file share on the network and that works fine for windows and mac (OS X) machines05:26
the_rickaDubAndy: Are you going to be writing and/or deleting very large files? (several GB in size)?05:27
annie_gbrandonmpace: no - run in a terminal command?05:27
cwraigDubAndy: you may wish to look at riserfs if you have massive files (1gb+) as i think there used ot be an efficiency gain there but i dont know if it still exists, i just use ext3 with no problems05:27
the_rickaI prefer XFS for it's delete speed, but ext3 is always trustworthy.05:28
brandonmpace!envy | annie_g05:28
ubottuannie_g: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk05:28
annie_gbrandompace: Video has been working great - I mean really nice for over 5mos. at least - maybe an update I did broke the driver?05:28
annie_gbrandonmpace: sorry - what do you mean by " !envy " - ?05:29
onxfuffwork, http://unetbooting.sf.net05:30
underdog5004I need to download the repos and burn them to dvd. Are there any images available?05:30
annie_gbrandonmpace: use that as a search term in synapics?05:31
carandraugannie_g, it was a command to make the bot give information about envy05:31
DubAndycwraig: thanks for the help, but let's say you wanna save a dvd-image or a blueray-image on your ext3 harddrive. has that ever been a problem. I mean most image files are between 4-8gigabytes. and an uncompressed blueray disc is about 40-50 something?05:31
brandonmpaceannie_g: could be, I would try reading what ubottu says. ! is the way to invoke the bot.              on the terminal> sudo apt-get install envyng-gtk05:31
annie_gcaranddraug: thx - have seen this before - but wasn't sure what it means - thanks for clarifying.05:32
StanManCanhow difficult is it to get ubuntu running samba srever?05:32
StanManCanis there an automated gui install ?05:32
DubAndyapt-get install?05:33
the_rickaDubAndy: Saving is not the problem, but deleting in ext3 is much slower than something like XFS or JFS.05:33
the_rickaDubAndy: for very large files that is05:33
StanManCanis it a gui install though or is it like fedora where you have to do it all manually in the conf files05:33
carandraugannie_g, try private messaging the bot to see all the messages in private. You can use "| nickname" to make the boot tell it to someone in specific or "> username" to make the boot pm it05:33
cwraigDubAndy: yea ive never had a prob with moving dvd images around ~5gb ive never had stuff that big in one file tho but it should be fine05:34
DatzHello, ubuntu keeps freezeing on me, and the only way to to stop is it to reset the pc.  What can I do?05:34
lolmachi, Datz05:34
smm281hello again all05:34
lolmachi, smm28105:34
m_newtoncarandraug, or you can use the > opperator05:34
annie_gcaranddraug: to be able to accomplish this you need to have your user name or (handle) registered - correct?05:34
smm281I use Remote Desktop Viewer to keep track of my file server05:34
cwraigStanManCan: its fairly easy to do simple sharing05:34
DubAndycwraig: great, thanks mate05:34
onxStanManCan, there's always SWAT if you want a gui for samba05:34
brandonmpaceDatz: is the computer you have it on a slow one?05:35
Daft_PunkI LOVE UBUNTU!05:35
smm281How can I create a desktop shortcut so I can automatically launch the viewer to that machine.  I dont want to go in viewer and select recent machines05:35
Daft_Punksmm281, are you talking about virtualbox05:36
annie_gbrandonmpace: I did the terminal install of the command you gave - hopefully after reboot I will have decent video - correct?05:36
brandonmpacesmm281: does the command require sudo?05:36
smm281dont think so05:36
cwraigStanManCan: if you open a terminal windows and run "sudo nautilus"  you should be able to then right click on folders and hit sharing options05:36
brandonmpaceannie_g: you have to find envyng in the menus05:36
Datzbrandonmpace, not really.  P4 2.6GHz 1GB DDR ram, 7200RPM HDD ...05:36
smm281i just open up viewer, goto reccent connections and select the machine, and up it pops05:36
brandonmpaceannie_g: and open it05:36
smm281I just want to click and icon on my desktop to do the same thing05:37
cwraigStanManCan: that will go and get any packages you need, if you have any probs give me a yell05:37
=== macd_ is now known as macd
brandonmpacesmm281: if you find the command line equivalent then you can make a launcher for it05:37
cchapmanman vinagre05:37
annie_gbrandonmpace: ah yes - it's under Apps/System tools05:37
cchapmanyou have to create a .vnc file for it05:38
Datzbrandonmpace, all I can think of is the possibility of it being the nvidia graphics driver that ubuntu warns against.05:38
StanManCanIs the desktop install really only 1 CD big???05:38
OdnsRvnsis the any good streaming music players for ubuntu05:38
sullyva86StanManCan: Yeah can you believe it05:38
B3z3rk3rhey all :)05:38
brandonmpaceStanManCan: yes05:38
smm281any idea how I would find the command line equiv for a remote desktop viewer to a particular machine05:38
StanManCansullyva86: No I'm having troubles to be honest! lol05:38
bwaldOdnsRvns: vlc player will play almost anything, including streaming stuff05:38
brandonmpaceStanManCan: but expands to more than that05:38
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, hows things man?05:38
StanManCanHave been downloading different distro's all day long. Most are 4GB+05:38
brandonmpaceOdnsRvns: yes, vlc05:39
DatzSo ramdom freezes, decent hardware specs, whats the problem???05:39
OdnsRvnsno i just want to listen to music while im messing around05:39
annie_gbrandonmpace: Best to go with the "Automatic Hardware Selection" ?05:39
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, i hate you05:39
OdnsRvnslike streaming radio stations05:39
brandonmpaceStanManCan: ah yes dvds are05:39
brandonmpaceannie_g: I would, unless you know better05:39
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, ok....   ......   ?05:39
cwraigStanManCan: some other distros just dump more stuff on the cd where the ubuntu disk has nearly everything and then anything else you install from the internet as you need it05:39
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, becuase you are NEVER on msn :'(05:39
carandraug_m_newton, I also mentioned that operator05:39
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, ah... lol. yeah i like to sneak attack05:40
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, go on msn, always, plz :( i miss u05:40
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, i dont really use my msn that much, thats why i come here05:40
carandraug_annie_g, no. I think you can use the bot even without being registered and to send pm to non-registered users05:40
m_newtonok then05:40
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, well this isnt "free" chat, it is support, we can't really "talk" u kno05:40
cwraigcarandraug_: is there a list of what the bot ill tell you somewhere?05:40
DatzIs this the help room, or is there somewhere else too?05:40
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, thats what PM's are for !   :D05:40
the_rickaAll, if I have 2 different wireless cards connecting to two different networks that both use DHCP (mine and my neighbors), but I want to make sure my server accesses the Internet through my Internet connection, do I need to configure static routes?05:41
Daft_PunkB3z3rk3r, that's what msn is for05:41
cwraigDatz: your int he right spot ask away05:41
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, lol05:41
annie_gbrandomnpace: I think at this point in my level of expertise - would be best to go with auto detect. Thanks for your help by the way......05:41
carandraug_cwraig, yes. There's a list of factoids somewhere. The boot itself tells you that but I can't remember the factoid for that05:41
B3z3rk3rDaft_Punk, supposed to be doing HW anyway...05:41
cwraigcarandraug_: lol05:42
Datzcwraig, I get random freezes that require a restart.05:42
ss23If I download some packages on one computer, but I want to transfer to this one, where can I find the files I need to transfer to install the package?05:42
brandonmpaceannie_g: you´re welcome, I hope that fixes it :)05:42
carandraug_!factoid | cwraig05:42
ubottucwraig: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:42
annie_gcaranddraug_: brandonmpace: Willing to try anything once - until it is horribly broke - heh05:42
ProseI've yet to find a good app that plays shoutcast radio, anyone have any recommendations (Rhtymbox can't and Amarok is giving me overall problems right now)05:43
the_rickaI think when my second interface comes up my Internet access is going out my neighbors gateway05:43
cwraigDatz: sorry to ask but you have done all the latest updates05:43
brandonmpaceProse: have you tried vlc?05:43
Datzcwraig, yes05:43
Datzcwraig, I have a feeling that that is what might be causing it.05:43
Prosebrandonmpace: yeah but I would like something with more finesse05:44
Datzcwraig, this is a new problem05:44
brandonmpacedatabridge_: do you have desktop effects enabled?05:44
brandonmpaceoops wrong person05:44
Prosebrandonmpace: something alongs the lines of rhytmbox that can remember past channels and such05:44
cwraigDatz: and you have been using ubuntu for a while with out a problem then?05:44
ss23If I download some packages on one computer, but I want to transfer to this one, where can I find the files I need to transfer to install the package?05:44
brandonmpaceDatz: do you have desktop effects enabled?05:44
Datzcwraig, yes05:44
Datzcwraig, no just default05:44
cwraigDatz what kind of graphics card do you have?05:44
carandraug_annie_g, you did any update recently? What ubuntu version you're using?05:45
l3dhow would I make gnome commander my defualt file manager05:45
Datzcwraig, nvida 6600 ... forgot exact specs05:45
cwraigDatz: do you know what driver its using?05:45
nnulldont like nawtylus huh l3d?05:45
l3dnot really05:45
Datzcwraig, Iam using a driver that ubuntu warned about. from nvidia I believe05:45
l3dwouldnt be so bad if dual pane05:46
brandonmpacel3d: dual pane is nice05:46
lolmachi, hale3rd05:47
hale3rdhi there05:47
cwraigDatz: ok that may be a problem because that a binary from nvidia that has not been Specialy compiled for your kernel, if you do not use 3d applications you should turn that off and see if that is the problem, before you do do you have any extra hardware (eg wireless cards, exotic sound cards, overclocked hardware etc)05:47
Datzcwraig, I guess what it comes down to is, do I have to reinstall the system to troubleshoot to see if it is the graphics driver that is the problem, because right now, I can't get past the login screen to disable the driver.05:47
hale3rdanybody using a dell xps?  my stupid "touch-sensitive media buttons" turn on and off automatically.  it's making me nuts!05:47
sjeahi all05:47
hale3rdit's an xps m1330 with hardy05:48
Datzcwraig, no wireless, ethernet cable, no overclock05:48
Datzno exotic sound card either  :)05:48
Prosebrandonmpace: never mind, I found tunapie :)05:48
brandonmpaceDatz: I usually reinstall in these scenarios, sometimes things just go wacky05:48
cwraigDatz: lol on if you hit system --->administration-->hardware drivers and untick the nvidia one and see if that helps05:49
hale3rdanybody using a dell xps?  my stupid "touch-sensitive media buttons" turn on and off automatically.  it's making me nuts!05:49
Datzcwraig, I've tried, can't get past the login screen the last few restarts.05:50
ss23If I download some packages using synaptic package manager on one computer, but I want to transfer to this one, where can I find the files I need to transfer to install the package?05:50
cwraigDatz: next time you run updates and see a kernel update you may want to try the nvidia driver again if you think it makes a difference to see if its fixed05:50
cwraigDatz: ok that makes it sound more like a graphics card thing, how comfortable are you with a terminal window?05:51
Shaggsrunning a configure script and it says "checking for gcc...gcc \n  checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables"05:51
Shaggsany helP?05:51
Datzcwraig, ah, I should have told you, I can't log in via ssh when it freezes either.05:51
Datzfrom a separate machine*05:52
Datzbrandonmpace, cwraig, thanks I think I will have to reinstall.  Too bad it is for the 3rd time today.05:53
brandonmpace Shaggs have you installed gcc+, kernel headers, and make05:53
cwraigDatz: thats ok, boot the machine up and when it gets to the login window hit ctrl - F1 that will drop you back to a terminal window, once your there login  to the terminal (you will see where) and run "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"05:53
luckishey everyone, does anyone know where the "Places Menu" configuration files are? I experience some weird behavior...05:53
Shaggsbrandonmpace, no, but actually im installing gcc-multilib package right now... let's see if that works05:54
Shaggsi should have asked google first05:54
brandonmpaceShaggs: you need to install all 3 of those packages05:54
cwraigDatz go down to where it talks about your video card and change the driver from "nvidia" to just "nv" then press ctrl-o to save your changes then ctrl-x to exit, then "sudo init 6" back at the terminal to restart05:55
Datzcwraig, thanks that will save me alot of time. I hope this works.  :)05:55
cwraigDatz: ok good luck05:55
Shaggsbrandonmpace, i have the gcc package installed, i know that05:55
Shaggsnot gcc+ though05:55
js5578does anyone here know how to open kde 3.5 in xubuntu?05:55
smm281whats the command line for the remote desktop viewer that comes with hardy05:55
bwaldjs5578: log out and change the session, then log back in05:55
js5578a ok, ill try it, tnx buddy05:56
smm281command line for Remote Desktop Viewer ??05:57
codeapehey guys, i'm having a very bizarre problem on a fresh install of Hardy 8.04.1 -- I can ssh to my box fine, but scp simply hangs. I can't even do a basic "ssh user@host uname" - it just hangs. any ideas?05:57
chilli0can anyone help me install a theme?05:57
chilli0can anyone help me install a theme?05:58
DuKeSchilli0: u should be able to just download the .tar file and right click on your desktop and go to desktop settings05:58
chilli0its a gpz file05:58
chilli0Die Hard 4.0(2).tar.gz05:59
DuKeSshould work the same afaik05:59
brandonmpacecodeape: how are you using scp?05:59
smm281is there a command line for remote desktop viewer ??05:59
codeapebrandonmpace: just from the command-line... scp test.txt dan@hostname:~/test.txt05:59
chilli0DuKeS:  heres the link to see it http://www.mediafire.com/?l2blntujtkz05:59
DuKeSchilli0: right click on desktop and select the theme's tab...then drag and drop the file into it05:59
chilli0dowload it and try05:59
brandonmpace!vnc | smm28106:00
ubottusmm281: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX06:00
chilli0this is my error06:00
chilli0"Die Hard 4.0" does not appear to be a valid theme.06:00
chilli0dowload the file and look at it06:00
DuKeSchilli0: i'm a newbie too :P but i havent had any problems installing themes from gnome-look.org by just dropping them into the theme manager06:01
chilli0did u try the file link i sent u?06:02
DuKeSgimme a sec06:02
avisanyone use banshee 1.2.1 and find that playing recommended artists in last.fm doesn't work, wont respawn new songs, if it had to have been interupted at one point ?06:03
dr3mrohowto .>>> warp long file names in nautilus ??? any help??06:04
dr3mrohowto .>>> warp long file names in nautilus ??? any help??06:04
carpediemchilli0: that die hard thing is not a theme, you have to extract it.  Then there is a folder inside called Emerald Window Border, and it has the emerald theme inside.06:05
chilli0its ok i got it working now06:05
thehobbitsammy internet won't play sound like audio for youtube videos06:05
thehobbitsamanyone out there06:06
carpediemthehobbitsam: install libflashsupport06:06
DuKeSchilli0: ah...i was just downloading :P06:06
codeapeanyone got any ideas?06:06
chilli0carpediem:  go here if u want it http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Die+Hard+4.0+GTK+theme?content=8435506:06
chilli0its easyer to install and every thing06:07
chilli0how do i install the icons form the other thing thoe?06:07
DuKeSwell that's the gtk theme...i believe the other one u were trying was the emerald theme06:07
chilli0the emerald theme didnt work so i got this one and it works fine06:07
DuKeSyeah i thought that might've been the problem...now im interested in using it too lol06:08
carpediemchilli0: to each his own, that's one of the ugliest themes I've ever seen.06:08
smm281nub question, how do i get out of my home folder in the CLI06:08
carpediemsmm281: cd /06:08
bwaldsmm281: the command "cd" will let you change directories06:08
smm281cd.. doesnt work06:08
smm281ahh / not \06:08
carpediemsmm281: in Linux, you have to put a space after cd06:09
carpediemsmm281: so cd .. will work, cd.. won't06:09
bwaldsmm281: if you do just "cd" it'll go to your home directory, "cd .." will go up a level and "cd foo" will go to folder foo06:09
chilli0yeh carpediem it not that good but meh how do i install the icons form the first file that i got?06:09
smm281if i want to issue the command vnc or find out how to use it, what directory do i need to be in06:10
putrihaai chatx yux...06:10
carpediemchilli0: just drag the gTangish2.0a2.tar.bz2 to the Appearance window, and drop it06:10
lolmachi, slaterock06:10
slaterocki need some help06:10
annie_gbrandonmpace: Hi - after running the EnvyNG took (2) steps backwords - after restart - display went to 640x480 x 50hz - had to restart in safemode just to get back to 800x600 - 60hz - I also have slide-in hard drive trays (1) with Ubuntu and another (1) with Windows - Started the windows hard drive and all the hardware checks out ok - display is very high and hasn't changed - also viewsonic VA930 flat panel is just fine - any other idea's ? ?06:10
slaterocki'm trying  to run WoW in opengl mode06:10
slaterockwhen i start it, the login screen shows everything but the background is black06:10
slaterockthen when i get into the game, no models show up06:10
chilli0carpediem:  how to i get back the orignal icons?06:11
chilli0k nm i got it06:11
annie_gopps backwards06:11
bryananyone know about mwavem06:11
smm281is vnc a CL command06:12
brandonmpaceannie_g: if it worked before I would try a reinstall06:12
smm281i want to remote desktop to my file server and I want to do it from the command line06:12
carpediemsmm281: I don't think any are installed by default.  Go to synaptic and search for vnc.06:13
smm281hmmm NAT is not working, I typed ping <servername> and it does not work, ping IP does though06:13
brandonmpacesmm281:  yes,     do vncviewer --help06:13
carpediemsmm281:  if you type  "vncviewer" it will list the options to install06:14
smm281k thanks :)06:14
brolly81how can i fix my control panel volume to adjust volume?06:14
luckishey everyone does anybody know where are the menu "Places" configuration files? I can't open my home folder from there i must use console to open it...:(06:14
smm281any way to do a basic troubleshoot on NetBIOS, i think thats the name,  I want to ping by server name, not IP06:15
brolly81how can i fix my control panel volume to adjust volume?06:15
vooxwhich editor has php highlighting?06:15
bwaldvoox: I think kate does06:15
annie_gbrandonmpace: That's a little drastic - I have a bunch of files to backup - at least 300gb's - but was thinking about it the other day anyway ? This just forces me to backup and start afresh !06:16
vooxbwald, thanks ill check it out06:16
cwraigvoox: i use gedit06:16
luckisbrolly81: just double click on the icon that shows the speaker06:16
bwaldvoox: if you want a really awesome editor, you should really try to learn vim.  it has a steep learning curve, but its really worth it06:16
Prathibhawhat is the package to be installed for getting aptsources folder in /usr/lib/python2.5/ ?06:16
vooxbwald, i hear good things about it06:16
cwraigwhich is called text editor from your applications -->accessories-->text editor menu06:16
brandonmpaceannie_g: wow that´s a lot! that will work though06:17
brolly81luckis ive been trying to fix this for 2wks now, ive tried that and changing option around06:17
luckisbrolly81: what is the problem exactly?06:17
ashtonHowdee. :)06:18
Prathibhawhen building update-manager-0.81 i am getting the following error "error: can't copy 'DistUpgrade/distinfo.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file". How to solve this?06:18
annie_gbrandonmpace: yea been putting "Deluge" through the paces - If ya know what I mean......06:18
vooxi tried kate, anjuta, quanta, gedit and none actually color the text for php :/06:19
bwaldvoox: well, I know for a fact vim does color php, so you can try that06:19
annie_gbrandonmpace: Have so much unneeded junk installed on here anyway - so in long run will be good thing to ..... Thanks for input - appreciate it.06:19
bwaldvoox: run "vimtutor" a few times to get teh basics down before you try using it, though06:19
Prathibhawhen building update-manager-0.81 i am getting the following error "error: can't copy 'DistUpgrade/distinfo.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file". How to solve this?06:19
brolly81luckis i get volume but i cant adjust my volume with the control panel06:20
brandonmpacevoox: Gedit DOES highlight PHP, just click view>highlight modes>Scripts>PHP06:20
vooxbrandonmpace, I did, black and white ---06:20
nabcoreGetting this dmesg error with an USB phone on 8.04: "/build/buildd/linux-2.6.24/drivers/input/misc/yealink.c: unexpected response fd"; any others experiencing ?06:21
Mushroomshi everyone, i've run into some big troubles06:21
murlidhark guys i put nm-applet in the autostart.sh file for the openbox session but i am not able to configure my NIC using nm-applet .06:21
murlidharMushrooms: go on06:21
brandonmpace!ask | Mushrooms06:21
ubottuMushrooms: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:21
Mushroomsmy alt+sysreq reisub... it doesn't work06:22
Prathibhawhen building update-manager-0.81 i am getting the following error "error: can't copy 'DistUpgrade/distinfo.py': doesn't exist or not a regular file". How to solve this?06:22
Mushroomsinstead... it brings up the print screen and crashes and totally hangs06:22
smm281i typed man vinagre but now im stuck at the end and i cant get out06:22
bullgard4What is an 'IRC transport'? Synaptic says that a feature of 'ejabberd' is 'IRC transport'.06:22
legend2440i have a linksys router wired network connection which is how i'm online here. i just got a motorola wr850G and i installed the pci card  Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02). How do I wire the wireless router so i still have wired connection while trying to get wireless working? Can i  run a wire from connection 1 2 3 or 4 in back of wired linksys router to wan on motorola wireless router?  sor06:22
legend2440ry for the long post06:22
murlidharPrathibha: isn't it already in the repos06:22
Prathibhamurlidhar, no06:23
luckisbrolly81: i 'm not quite sure but you could try the alsaconf command while root and then try the alsamixer to adjust your volume06:23
smm281how do i get rid of the green bar at the bottom of the CLI after typing man vinagre06:24
smm281its says end but im stuck there06:24
Mushroomsis there another way to safely restart the computer? if alt sysreq doesn't work?06:24
luckissmm281: you just type q06:24
murlidharsmm281: press ctrl+z06:24
m_newtonAnother reason why ppl should use linux >> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpk_ImYVMi006:24
Mushroomsi could still ctrl + alt + F1, but the terminal client doesn't look like a terminal client... more lke a distorted screen06:24
brolly81luckis i typed that command in but nothing happens, it says bad command06:25
nabcorebrolly81; you probably have caps lock on06:25
nabcore..but I'm not sure that would make a difference....06:26
l3dhow would I make gnome commander my defualt file manager? I have been looking but cant find anything on it yet06:26
brolly81nabcore i dont, see my txt are small06:26
Mushroomsanyone able to help me with my alt+sysreq+REISUB problem?06:26
luckisbrolly81: if it doesn't work could mean that you don't have it installed, just install alsa-tools etc06:26
murlidharl3d: what i would do is purge the nautilus to make gnome commander the default one06:27
brolly81whats the command to get it, im not to familiar with the command line06:27
murlidharbrolly81: what command are u trying06:27
vooxnvm gedit does it, i just forgot the opening <?php tag LOL06:27
l3dmurlidhar  ok how?06:28
brolly81sudo get my missing files or something06:28
brandonmpacevoox: that´s what I thought is that something was missing lol06:28
murlidharl3d: sudo apt-get remove nautilus --purge06:28
brolly81im guessing the alsa mixer or alsa conf file or something06:28
murlidharl3d: this is what i did to get my pcmanfm the default one06:28
brolly81i need something to make my stuff work i just dont know what06:29
vooxbrandonmpace, lol after a few minutes i thought it was strange, then it popped in my head i forgot the tag haha06:29
murlidharl3d: i am not sure if that would work for u too06:29
legend2440 i just got a wireless router and i'm trying to get it to work. is there a way to have both my wireless router and the wired router hooked up to the same computer until i get the wireless router working and if so how?06:29
murlidharbrolly81: what exactly do you want to work properly06:29
vooxis there a way to edit how much the increment the volume buttons use? in gnome06:29
murlidharlegend2440: i thing wicd does that  . google it06:30
legend2440murlidhar: ok thanks06:30
lolmachi, wanzhao7606:30
brolly81murlidhar my volume on the panel doest not adjust sound, i get sound but i cant adjust it.06:30
murlidharlegend2440: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/wicd-wired-and-wireless-network-manager-for-ubuntu.html06:30
murlidharbrolly81: i have the same problem too :(06:31
murlidhar i put nm-applet in the autostart.sh file for the openbox session but i am not able to configure my NIC using nm-applet .06:32
waanDoes anybody have a linksys wpc45g that they managed to get into monitor mode? It's using the B43 driver but I get "SET failed on device eth2,  Device or resource busy"06:32
brolly81murlidhar it's like watching tv and having to get up to change the channel. not good my volume adjustless friend.06:33
murlidharbrolly81: there  is a work around for that06:33
sushanthwhen i insert my pen drive i get an error unable to mount..... pls help06:33
murlidharbrolly81: change the volume from the media player06:33
rmmmhow to use apparmored?06:34
brolly81murlidhar, yes that does not work for me.06:34
bullgard4What is an 'IRC transport'? Synaptic says that a feature of 'ejabberd' is 'IRC transport'.06:35
murlidharbrolly81: right click the sound panel and click properties06:35
murlidharbrolly81: or whatever. change the master volume or Aux06:36
StanManCanHow do you install the drivers for on board video?06:36
brolly81murlidhar when listening to awesome music on my non adjusting volume thing-a-ma-jig, i have to adjust it on my speakers manually06:36
murlidharbrolly81: right click the sound panel and click properties06:36
StanManCanI'm trying to install updates off a fresh install and it says W: Failed to fetch URL    Could not resolve 'security.ubuntu.com'06:37
murlidharStanManCan: are u able to use internet06:37
brolly81murlidhar, its not whatever. 've tried everyting. ive right clicked and changed properties numersous times.  i have been coming to this channel almost everyday trying to fix this garbage.06:38
StanManCanmurlidhar: that would be a negative... didn't even really think about checking that so used to it picking up right away06:38
murlidharbrolly81: hmm06:39
heyuxiangfestival-synthesis-driver  couse my cpu usage to 100% , is this a bug ?06:39
luckisbrolly81: open a terminal, type in alsamixer, then with up and down keys adjust the volume06:39
sushanthwhen i insert my pen drive i get an error unable to mount06:39
luckisbrolly81: while of course playing something06:39
nnulli couldnt get festival to work the 2 quick times i tried it.. espeak much easier to use but the voices sound like they are from 198306:39
brolly81luckis http://paste.ubuntu.com/49943/06:40
l3dok didnt work06:40
murlidharsushanth: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79187706:40
l3d I have got rid of nautilus  and installed gnome commander but how would I make the default file manager06:41
nnull13d if nawtylus is gone gnome-comm should be the only option to open with ?06:41
luckisbrolly81: any luck06:42
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vooxwhich php editor has built in ftp access?06:42
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murlidharl3d: hmm . applications>preferences>default (whatever) . see that .06:42
brolly81luckis http://paste.ubuntu.com/49943/ that what i get when i type alsamixer06:42
l3dI see that but nothing in there about file manager06:42
brolly81luckis, so no luck06:42
DasEibrolly81: your sndcard driver isn't installed06:43
murlidharl3d: nautilus takes care of the desktop06:43
brolly81dasei, but i get sound06:43
StanManCanOkay. Fresh install. How the heck do I get my network going?06:43
murlidharl3d: err install nautilus again06:43
StanManCanI can't connect to internet at all.06:43
DasEibrolly81: paste lspci06:44
murlidharStanManCan: ifconfig shows ur card ?06:44
luckisbrolly81: how can you have sound with problematic alsa lib install????06:44
lolmachi, Pupeno106:44
StanManCanmurlidhar: Yes I belive it does06:44
Pupeno1Is there any easy way for my wife to see if there's any application consuming a lot of processor/memory?06:44
StanManCanmurlidhar: shows eth0 and lo06:44
DasEiluckis: hw often works from itself, but alsa needs correct driver06:45
luckisbrolly81: Try double clicking the speaker icon, then tell me what you see...ok?06:45
brolly81dasei http://paste.ubuntu.com/49946/06:45
ushimitsudokiPupeno1: top or htop?06:45
luckisDasEi: i think it would crash if it werre problematic06:46
hmlanyone here runnign ubuntu on an max book pro? i'm so tired of mac osx ... that i just want to install  ubuntu on it06:46
DasEi00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 0106:46
luckisDasEi: maybe the alsamixer is faulty or it uses oss06:46
Pupeno1ushimitsudoki: that's not easy or wife-proof. In KDE pressing ctrl-esc or alt-crlt-esc, can't remember, brings a nice graphical task manager.06:46
murlidharStanManCan: does your internet work with dhcp or you have to manually setup ip address and all those things06:46
murlidharl3d: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-replace-nautilus-with-pcman-file-manager-in-ubuntu.html06:46
StanManCanmurlidhar: Works with DHCP. Have tried setting it to a static IP though and still not working06:47
ushimitsudokiPupeno1: You can add a system monitor applet to the panel?06:47
luckisbrolly81: Try double clicking the speaker icon, then tell me what you see...ok?06:47
DasEibrolly81: modprobe hda-intel06:47
airtonixPupeno1: you can also associate a hotkey to launch you favourite app06:47
brolly81luckis, this is what i get http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=x3hjqx&s=406:47
murlidharStanManCan: sudo dhclient06:47
DasEibrolly81: try again : alsamixergui06:47
airtonixPupeno1: ie tie a hotkey to launch your system-monitor06:48
Pupeno1airtonix: the key is not the issue, I don't have a favourite app; well,  I have, it is htop, but my wife can't deal with it.06:48
StanManCanmurlidhar: need any of that data in specific?06:48
murlidharStanManCan: yes06:48
l3dnautilus is installed again06:48
StanManCanmurlidhar: which?06:48
murlidharall the lines06:48
brolly81dasie no such file or directory06:48
murlidharStanManCan: all the lines06:48
Pupeno1airtonix: where's this "system-monitor"?06:48
murlidharStanManCan: pastebin it06:48
brolly81dasie, that what i get06:49
ushimitsudokiPupeno1: the gnome-system-monitor is a GUI. You can add it to the panel or hotkey it.06:49
airtonixPupeno1: you can laucnh terminal and tell it to run htop immediatly06:49
StanManCanmurlidhar: k06:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:49
luckisbrolly81: this is weird, there is no preferences button?06:49
airtonixPupeno1: i understand that your in kde? i dont know much about that sorry06:49
brolly81luckis how can i do a fresh install of that part of the program06:50
waanDoes anybody have a linksys wpc45g that they managed to get into monitor mode? It's using the B43 driver but I get "SET failed on device eth2,  Device or resource busy"06:50
DasEibrolly81:dou you use onboard or the sb ?06:50
luckisbrolly81: which program?06:50
murlidharbrolly81: what options do u see in the edit button ?06:50
airtonixPupeno1: for example with gnome-terminal there is a '-c' and a '-e' switch...so : 'gnome-terminal -e htop' as a launcher would work06:51
roothey can i opverclock my nvidia card in linux06:51
codeapei'm having problems with ssh not executing commands I pass in as an argument - it just hangs06:51
=== root is now known as Guest55510
The[Y13]Plaguehow's file sharing over this?06:51
airtonixPupeno1: you just have to look at the kde terminal and see what swithces it has for launching commands straight away06:51
Guest55510how can i overclock my video card06:51
StanManCanmurlidhar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/49948/06:51
ushimitsudokiroot: yes, when using the nvidia proprietary drivers, you can set CoolBits to 1. There is also nvclock06:51
Guest55510i tryed nclock it dosent work but theres a coolbits for linux06:52
murlidharStanManCan: u using gnome ?06:52
airtonixPupeno1: gnome-terminal -e htop06:52
brolly81murlidhar what edit button, luckis the volume program06:52
StanManCanmurlidhar: I guess. Whatever's default in the installation..06:52
murlidharbrolly81: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=x3hjqx&s=406:52
Ububeginlets say i have the process id of a program running in the background.. how do i brg it to the foreground06:52
drunkenpirateHey guys, i have a slightly complex question. It has to do with Windows XP (Yuck) not booting up. I'm currently on ubuntu live trying to fix it. Should I just post my question or does someone want to PM me because there is kind of a lot to explain?06:52
StanManCanmurlidhar: it's randomly working now. no clue how. did that command you got me to run refresh anything?06:53
rubircit doesn't help being drunk06:53
drunkenpiratelol :)06:53
murlidharStanManCan: dhclient does that06:53
brolly81murlidhar:  preferences06:53
rubircdid you install ubuntu already?06:53
murlidharbrolly81: click it and tell paste the picture .06:54
airtonixrubirc: who are you talking to?06:54
Ububegin lets say i have the process id of a program running in the background.. how do i bring it to the foreground06:54
airtonixrubirc: then prefix your msg with their name06:54
murlidharairtonix: he is a bad bot probably06:54
rubircairtonix: sry :) i'm new to irc06:54
airtonixrubirc: tab completion makes that little step easier06:55
drunkenpiraterubirc: No, the situation is that I have a Windows XP install taking up my entire drive. The drive got screwed up so it won't boot into Windows, nor will ubuntu recognize it as a drive that I can mount. All my files ARE on there though.06:55
rubircairtonix: thanks!06:55
drunkenpiraterubirc: thats why I don't want to install, i'm afraid if I do ANYTHING with the HD it will overwrite the files.06:55
DasEibrolly81: modprobe snd_emu10k1                ,then again alsamixer06:55
Ububeginnobody knows the answer to my question.... i kinda forgot the command..06:55
rubircdrunkenpirate: do you have another disk that you can use for your installation?06:56
ushimitsudokiUbubegin: bg?06:56
bullgard4What is an 'IRC transport'? Synaptic says that a feature of 'ejabberd' is 'IRC transport'.06:56
drunkenpirateNope, a laptop with 1 hd06:56
drunkenpiraterubirc: 1 HD on a laptop06:56
murlidhardrunkenpirate: ubuntu cannot read the windows drives if they are ntfs and the windows is not shut down properly06:56
Ububeginushimitsudoki:  lets say i have the process id of a program running in the background.. how do i bring it to the foreground06:56
airtonixbullgard4: a transport is a plugin for jabber to provide a way to communicate with non-jabber protocols06:56
luckisbrolly81: can you upload a pic of your preferences?06:56
brolly81murlidhar http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2uoto90&s=406:57
airtonixbullgard4: and when i say 'plugin for jabber' i mean a plugin for the jabber server06:57
bullgard4airtonix: Thank you very much for explaining.06:57
ushimitsudokiUbubegin: bg and fg are for that right?06:57
drunkenpiratemurlidhar: yea, I guess. I guess i'm just wondering if I can fix the boot for win xp via linux. I've tried super grub boot06:57
airtonixdrunkenpirate: there is a artcile on ubuntuforums detail exactly trhis process06:57
rubircdrunkenpirate: that's kinda tricky then. I would use a couple programs to check the disk, make backups06:57
brolly81dasei, i got the same message, it did not work06:58
codeapehopefully someone can help -- very weird SSH problem. sshing to my hardy server box works fine, I get a shell no problems; whenever I try to SCP or include a command as an argument (ie ssh user@host uname), it simply hangs and doesn't do anything06:58
murlidhardrunkenpirate: that's why i never put important data on a windows partition . so that i can reinstall windows if gets too bad06:58
drunkenpirateairtonix: really? I've searched my fingers bare06:58
Ububeginushimitsudoki: how to use it.. i typed the --------processid fg----------- nothing works06:58
airtonixdrunkenpirate: it may not be on the forums...seeking for you now06:58
ushimitsudokiUbubegin: man fg06:58
drunkenpirateaitronix: thanks, ill search too06:58
airtonixdrunkenpirate: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/06:59
airtonixdrunkenpirate: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Howto_Fix_Grub06:59
xmunkHi Im running hardy and suddenly my sound just died. was watching youtube then stopped to eat came back no sound in firefox, vlc, mplayer, audacious, or anything else. i've switched my sound settings to alsa to pulse, to oss, and still nothing.  don't want to reinstall to fix this really progress on forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92744406:59
DasEibrolly81: output from lsmod ?06:59
murlidharbrolly81: activate all of them  (put tick mark on all of them ) and then u will see that many options will be available06:59
drunkenpirateaitonix: yea, ms-sys is not available anymore :(06:59
xmunkany help would be loved ;)06:59
brolly81luckis, what do you upload a pic of my preference?  I thought i was uploading my screenshot as a pic of my preference. please clarify07:00
Ububeginushimitsudoki: i got this msg..  no such job ... i tried -----fg processid-------07:00
rubircdrunkenpirate: do you have an XP cd somewhere around?07:00
murlidhardrunkenpirate: join #murlidhar07:00
drunkenpiraterubirc: yes, but for some reason the only recovery option is Automated recovery, no recovery console...07:00
drunkenpirateroger mur07:00
rootwhat do i need to overclock a nvia video card in linux07:01
=== root is now known as Guest11131
luckisbrolly81: ok now try selecting all IEC958 and if there is a PCM select it too, then from the previous window there will be more switches, while playing music adjust the volume to each one of them until you find the one controlling the volume07:01
brolly81dasei http://paste.ubuntu.com/49950/07:01
rubircdrunkenpirate: stupid windoze :( i remember searching for it for a long time as well, but it is there in the options somewhere07:01
airtonixdrunkenpirate: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Howto_Fix_Grub07:01
airtonixdrunkenpirate: woops07:01
airtonixdrunkenpirate: http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/#Download07:02
drunkenpirateaitonix: thx07:02
airtonixdrunkenpirate: if you have your windows install cd you can take that path07:02
Guest11131how do i overclock my video card07:02
rubircairtonix: thanks for the ms-sys link :) i'll keep that one for future reference07:02
Ububeginhow do i bring a process running in the background to the foreground... i got the process id by ps -ef | grep java... then I typed fg processid... but I get no such job.... what the hell is happening.. Anyone knows07:02
luckisbrolly81: tell me if you have any luck07:03
Terminatorany1 know what I need to get my fingerprintreader to work on my notebook?07:03
ushimitsudokiGuest11131: nvclock or set CoolBits (see: ftp://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/177.70/README/appendix-b.html). This is assuming a nvidia card running the nvidia drivers07:03
Guest11131how do i overclock my cpu in linux07:03
xmunkany help would be loved ;)07:03
xmunkHi Im running hardy and suddenly my sound just died. was watching youtube then stopped to eat came back no sound in firefox, vlc, mplayer, audacious, or anything else. i've switched my sound settings to alsa to pulse, to oss, and still nothing.  don't want to reinstall to fix this really progress on forums at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92744407:03
DasEibrolly81: looks good for the onboard one, already,  alsa-base       and          alsa-firmware-loaders   installed ?07:03
rubircGuest11131: have you checked your bios settings?07:04
airtonixdrunkenpirate: the comment by "theNrg" at http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/ tels you how to use the windows install cd to restore the mbr07:04
Guest11131ya when i overclock there and boot up it has a kernel panik07:04
DasEixmunk:paste output of lspci07:04
DasEipaste, damn07:04
vooxanyone have a deb for the latest vlc?07:05
DasEivoox: repo ?07:05
arrrghhhso i installed ubuntu on my buddy's HP desktop.  i'm getting these weird errors "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s!"07:05
vooxDasEi, what do you mean? The one in the ubuntu repo is old07:06
xmunkDasEi,  im supposin you don't want me to flood here not really good at irc i got it on my post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92744407:06
luckisbrolly81: any luck?07:06
ubuntu_hi all, everything was working fine until i enabled my video card. now the when i start ubuntu the screen goes black07:06
brolly81luckis yes it's analog front07:06
Guest11131would wine run half life 2 with a 1.6ghz cpu half a gig of ram and a crap 64 mb video card07:07
Guest1113164 or 128 i dont remember07:07
ubuntu_hi all, everything was working fine until i enabled my video card. now when i start ubuntu the screen goes black07:07
Jambongreetings! I have this things with X. You see, it's broken, and it won't fix itself. I've taken it to all sorts of psychics and it refuses to help itself. So I thought I'd ask here.  It tells me my xorg.conf file is read only, along with a bunch of other files I need to reconfigure things (don't know what they are, just remember seeing lots about that sort of thing). Any ideas?07:07
vooxDasEi, if you do exactly that you will notice the one listed is an older version :P07:08
ubottuxmunk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)07:08
arrrghhhvoox, vlc actually has a repo for their nightly builds if you're so inclined.07:08
luckisbrolly81: ok now disable all the ones that are useless, then... right click on the speaker icon, preferences and select the device that works...ok??07:08
vooxarrrghhh, i just want the latest release, I dont need nightlies07:08
akm1hi, how to check the filesystem of a usb device ?07:09
ushimitsudokivoox: http://yabblog.com/2008/09/16/updating-vlc-to-092-for-ubuntu-users/07:09
airtonixvoox: sounds like you havent used google yet07:09
arrrghhhvoox, then download the deb from videolan.org.  they have builds for a TON of OSes07:09
vooxushimitsudoki, thanks07:09
StanManCanI just installed the Nvidia driver and rebooted to a blank screen!!!07:09
xmunkDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/49953/07:09
Guest11131i still dont get how to overclock my video cards07:09
chilli0can some one help me install Gridwars?07:09
airtonixGuest11131: and you did in windows?07:09
ubuntu_Stan same with me!07:09
vooxairtonix, my intent was to find if someone had a deb IN CASE they didn't I then would google for a diff solution07:10
chilli0ive dowloaded it and installed it but then when i click on it it doesnt do anythin07:10
Guest11131but now i see the light and switch to linux07:10
ubuntu_I just installed the Nvidia driver and rebooted to a blank. HELP?07:10
StanManCanI'm using onboard video if it matters.07:10
arrrghhhso i installed ubuntu on my buddy's HP desktop.  i'm getting these weird errors "BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 11s!"  then it looks like a "tainted" process...07:10
chilli0can some one help me install Gridwars?07:10
luckisbrolly81: not the device sorry, i mean the track "analog front"07:10
airtonixGuest11131: so on windows you overclocked you card with deatiled text configuration files? because a gui does not provide understanding merely training in steps07:10
StanManCanI see the Ubuntu loading screen with the bar that goes back and forward but after that it just flahes black on and off then nothing07:11
xmunkchilli0,  i was only able to get that game to work from http://www.playdeb.net/available_games.html07:11
Guest11131no i overclocked it with coolbits or bitz or how ever its spelled07:11
brolly81luckis yup, you got it bro. your the man. brilliant, just brilliant.07:11
chilli0going there now xmunk thanks07:11
arrrghhhStanManCan, what type of card is your onboard video card?07:11
chilli0wait wtf?07:11
airtonixGuest11131: to over clock your card...your efforts will be spent in xorg.conf most likley07:11
chilli0its a load of weird charaters07:11
StanManCanNvidia Geforce 820007:11
Ububeginhow do i bring a process running in the background to the foreground... i got the process id by ps -ef | grep java... then I typed fg processid... but I get no such job.... what the hell is happening.. Anyone knows07:11
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: what kernel version is it using?07:11
luckisubuntu_:  does it display any messages?07:12
Guest11131i have that open now07:12
StanManCanarrrghhh: Nvidia Geforce 820007:12
luckisbrolly81: no problem07:12
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, i think 2.26.19... it's kinda freakin out07:12
chilli0xmunk:  what does the site look like to you?07:12
ubuntu_just stays blank07:12
Guest11131but whet do i do in it07:12
airtonixGuest11131: my point was in windows you never glean true understanding of how to do anything detailed with hardware...the gui does it all for you07:12
arrrghhhStanManCan, and you installed with the restricted drivers manager or whatever?07:12
luckisubuntu_:  nothing at all? not even a command prmpt07:12
DasEimunk: can you start alsamixer ?07:12
airtonixGuest11131: and it presents a abstracted view of the real hardware so you dont fry your brain07:12
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, der sorry.  2.6.24-1907:12
xmunkDasEi,  sure can07:13
StanManCanarrrghhh: It just said I needed to install it or I couldn't change any graphic settings so I updated it. It was inside Ubuntu that it was done, didn't download it from an external source or anything07:13
luckisubuntu_:  try pressing ctrl alt F107:13
DasEimunk: card is realized at the top of it's gui ?07:13
Guest11131ok les bashing winblows more helping please?07:13
airtonixGuest11131: it also helps to track who your talking with by prefixing your msgs with the nick of the person your talking to07:13
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: there are one or two BUG issues in rare cases, do a search on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ - you might find one that matches07:13
xmunkDasEi, card reads as pulseaudio07:13
arrrghhhStanManCan, you can just try to rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf and reboot.07:13
ubuntu_i will need to reboot cause im running live cd07:13
ubuntu_any other suggestions?07:14
chipbuddyi have a desktop and a laptop. i want to be able to log into the desktop from my laptop. how do i do this? i'm really not experienced with networks.07:14
ubuntu_before i boot07:14
StanManCanarrrghhh: how do I go about that? I can't see anything right now, not even terminal07:14
Guest11131ok can some one help me overclock my video card07:14
IntuitiveNipplechipbuddy: what do you want to do when you're logged in?07:14
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, hrm... this system really doesn't seem to like ubuntu.  livecd didn't boot, alternate install failed and the minimal install worked but these soft locks are strange07:14
chilli0can some one help me install Gridwars?07:14
luckisubuntu_: you have to see a command prompt at least...after that you have to turn your xorg.conf to its default07:14
chilli0can some one help me install Gridwars?07:14
chilli0can some one help me install Gridwars?07:14
arrrghhhStanManCan, ctrl-alt-f1 should bring you to tty107:14
ushimitsudokichipbuddy: i like nomachine nx for this: http://www.nomachine.com/ There are lots of other options tho07:14
FloodBot1chilli0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:14
airtonixchilli0: goto getdeb.net07:15
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: what is the precise model?07:15
chipbuddyintuitivenipple i mainly want to transfer files between the computers07:15
StanManCanarrrghhh: No, can't even see that. I get nothing at all even if i ctrl-alt-f107:15
DasEimunk: try a: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base07:15
StanManCanarrrghhh: just a blank screen07:15
luckisubuntu_:  else you can do that from the live cd07:15
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, pavilion a1210n07:15
IntuitiveNipplechipbuddy: ahhh ok, focus on 'samba' then07:15
brolly81murlidhar did you get yours to work? i just fixed my junk volume panel thing to adjust volume and now i can do it on my wireless keyboard too.07:15
arrrghhhStanManCan, ctrl-alt-f2, f3 or f4, any of the terminals?07:15
Guest11131can some one help me overclock my nvidia card07:16
StanManCanarrrghhh: nothing at all07:16
arrrghhhStanManCan, hrm... that's very strange.  i've always been able to at least get to a prompt.07:16
chipbuddyintuitivenipple thanks... umm... but i'd also really like to be able to have a command line (so i can edit files on my desktop, from my laptop...) will samba let me do this?07:16
murlidharbrolly81: great news07:16
xmunkDasEi, tried that still nothing07:16
murlidharbrolly81: me got some important things to do .07:17
IntuitiveNipplechipbuddy: okay, how about sshfs ?07:17
DasEimunk:  sudo apt-get install asoundconf-gtk07:17
StanManCanarrrghhh: is it possible to do that if i boot into the live cd?07:17
luckisubuntu_:  just mount your hard drive, cd in the /etc/X11/ and then cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf (hopefully you have it)07:17
brolly81murlidhar, did you get it?07:17
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airtonixGuest11131: it seems you havent used google for your question yet? have you tried looking in apt-get for a program? hint: apt-cache search overclock07:17
chipbuddyintuitivenipple, sshfs... i've been trying to get ssh to work. what does the fs stand for?07:17
arrrghhhStanManCan, yea, i don't see why not.  just have to mount your hdd when it finishes booting.07:18
Guest11131ya i have used google07:18
StanManCanarrrghhh: well it's loading up right now I'll have to get your help mounting it07:18
IntuitiveNipplechipbuddy: filesystem07:18
airtonixGuest11131: who are you talking to?07:18
chipbuddyintuitivenipple... ah i see. ok thanks. i'll check these out07:18
xmunkDasEi,  E: Couldn't find package asoundconf-gtk07:18
IntuitiveNipplechip it uses an ssh connection to mount a remote system into the local file system07:18
OmgItsAshar1can anybody help with cedega07:18
Guest11131you i geus airtonix07:18
ushimitsudokiGuest11131: I have told you 3 times to either try nvclock or setting the CoolBits flag. Is there some reason neither of those 2 approaches will work for you?07:19
luckisdoes anyone know where the configuration files are for the menu "Places" are?07:19
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, sorry pavilion a1220n.  i can't read.07:19
murlidharbrolly81: i know it is not a big problem will do it later07:19
DasEimunk: using hardy ? paste your /etc/apt/sources.list07:19
airtonixluckis: in a hidden folder under your home folder07:19
luckisairtonix: yes, do you know where exactly?07:19
xmunkDasEi, yes using hardy07:20
OmgItsAshar1can anybody help me with cedega07:20
zeeeeeis there a linux keylogger that works with usb keyboards?07:20
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: From what I can see, both those models are trouble, I'm afraid07:20
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, do you know why?07:20
airtonixluckis: wait, making a pastebin of a script that might help you figure it out07:20
DasEimunk: sources..07:20
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: From what I am reading it's got a broken IRQ configuration amongst other things07:21
airtonixluckis: http://www.paste2.org/p/7806607:21
StanManCanarrrghhh: okay so how do i go about mounting the drive?07:21
sullyva86how do i reformat a flash drive?07:21
arrrghhhStanManCan, find it under the places menu, it should mount it for you07:21
DasEizeeeee:sullyva86 : with gparted07:21
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, so there's nothing i can do?  i was really touting ubuntu to this guy, and he's really sick of winblows... it'd be a real shame if this doesn't work out at all.07:21
airtonixluckis: actually sorry thats not what you want...that just an emulation of the menu07:21
StanManCanarrrghhh: thanks, and I'm looking for what folder where?07:21
xmunkDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/49959/07:22
zeeeeeDasEi, i'm guessing that wasn't to me :)07:22
Guest11131nvclock=crap coolbits= suckage can i just overclock in the x11 config07:22
arrrghhhStanManCan, in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  just change it to xorg.conf.bak or whatever.07:22
sullyva86DasEi: thanks i dunno why i didn't think of that07:22
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: Also, it seems the same model number covers two sets of hardware, one Intel 32-bit, one AMD64 !07:22
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, hrm.  this is a p4.07:22
luckisairtonix: yes, do you have any idea where the actual con files are?07:23
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: so 32-bit then07:23
ThebanI'm installing phpbb2 on my Ubuntu Server 8.04 and it's stopped on "Creating MySQL tables if they don't exist yet"07:23
airtonixluckis: not off the top of my head no..but there are some openbox pipe menu scripts that i have that use those bookmars07:23
chilli0erm what does wrong architecture i386 mean?07:23
Thebanit's created 30 tables and isn't doing anything anymore07:23
StanManCanarrrghhh: It's not letting me rename it...07:24
arrrghhhchilli0, which package did you download?  what processor / version of ubuntu are you running?07:24
arrrghhhStanManCan, what do you mean?  are you on your hdd or in the livecd/07:24
chilli0im using 8.407:24
StanManCanarrrghhh: I booted into the live CD and have mounted the hdd07:24
arrrghhhchilli0, 64-bit?07:24
chilli0and amd 6407:24
arrrghhhchilli0, then you have to download 64-bit packages, which can be difficult.07:25
DasEimunk: I wonder if its in partners repo, but out from : less /proc/asound/modules07:25
chilli0im trying to install gridwars07:25
chilli0but its stupid07:25
chilli0i did get a 64bit07:25
StanManCanarrrghhh: Can I just delete it?07:25
arrrghhhStanManCan, you have to be looking in the mounted hdd, not on the live cd07:25
murlidhar bye all07:25
chilli0but when i press run from games07:25
chilli0it doesnt do anything07:25
arrrghhhStanManCan, yea, if you'd like.  it'd be better to rename it.  either one should work so if you can't rename you probably can't delete.07:25
FAJALOUhi when you make a link to something, what does it do?07:25
arrrghhhStanManCan, i'm betting your looking at /etc/X11/xorg.conf not (for example) /media/disk/etc/X11/xorg.conf07:26
StanManCanarrrghhh: your right. permission denied07:26
luckisairtonix: hmmm...thanks but i need the conf files for the whole "Places" menu to fix it, its not working...07:26
xmunkDasEi, should i add a repo you think?07:26
StanManCanarrrghhh: I'm looking in 198.1GB Meda/ETC/X1107:26
zeeeeeis there a linux keylogger that works with usb keyboards?07:26
Daft_Punkhow can u page someone in xchat07:27
arrrghhhStanManCan, well unless it's mounted with read-only permissions that *should* be correct07:27
FAJALOUso if i delete a link to logs, will the logs be deleted?  please anyone07:27
airtonixchilli0: i had to edit my grdiwars conf file to see my 2048x768 screen before it would load07:27
FAJALOUDaft_Punk:  /msg <nick>07:27
Daft_Punkchubs, why did you PING me07:27
airtonixluckis: i think its a bunch of xml files07:27
chubsDaft_Punk, showing you how to page07:27
DasEimunk:not sure about this, but alsa not pulse and the right card should work you;    less /proc/asound/modules                >output ?07:27
chilli0airtonix:  how do i eddit it?07:27
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, so... is there nothing i can do?  i don't understand what is so horridly wrong with this system i can't run ubuntu...07:27
Daft_Punkchubs, that doesn't show me HOW, it just shows me you did07:27
chubsDaft_Punk, /ping nick07:28
ushimitsudokiFAJALOU: If you delete the "link" the "linked to" file remains unchanged07:28
DasEimunk:also  pref>system>default snd ?07:28
Daft_Punkchubs, ok07:28
StanManCanI've had _nothing_ but issues with linux & this motherboard07:28
StanManCanThink it may be time to call it quits and just install Windows :(07:28
IntuitiveNipplearrrghhh: I don't know, try Googling for clues07:28
airtonixluckis: have a look at the scripts on this page see if they help you out : http://www.paste2.org/p/7806607:28
FAJALOUushimitsudoki:  but then why when you copy a link, you get all the files in that too?07:28
xmunkDasEi,  0 snd_intel8x007:28
airtonixluckis: woops wrong paste : http://icculus.org/openbox/index.php/Openbox:Pipemenus07:28
arrrghhhIntuitiveNipple, i have... i didn't find anything about IRQ's or anything like that so i figured you were onto something haha07:28
drunkenpiratehey i'm trying to install ms-sys from source and i get this error for about 30 lines: inc/br.h:8: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token07:29
drunkenpirateinc/br.h:12: error: expected ‘)’ before ‘*’ token07:29
xmunkDasEi, and default sound is set to auto07:29
philsfcan someone please shed some light in question #44557, or maybe help me input more information about it?07:29
airtonixchilli0: with a text file open ~/.gridwars/Config.txt07:29
ushimitsudokiFAJALOU: I'm sorry I don't understand what you mean. A "link" just "points" to the real location. You might want to read: http://linuxgazette.net/105/pitcher.html if you would like some more details?07:29
StanManCanarrrghhh: permissions of "disk" could not be determined07:29
xmunkDasEi, have tried pulse, oss, alsa as well still didn't work07:29
chilli0sudo: /home/chilli/.gridwars/Config.txt: command not found07:29
chilli0whats this mean?07:29
FAJALOUushimitsudoki:  when you right click on a folder and click 'make link'07:29
airtonixchilli0: dont use sudo no need when touching files in your home folder07:30
airtonixchilli0: and sudo is not a text editor07:30
chilli0it wont let me open it then07:30
kylekruchokI don't s'pose Elda is here... is he?07:30
drunkenpirateanyone? cannot make ms-sys07:30
arrrghhhStanManCan, i'd say it wasn't mounted correctly.  you shouldn't need to do this from a livecd07:30
chilli0bsh: /home/chilli/.gridwars/Config.txt: Permission denied07:30
airtonixchilli0: gedit ~/.gridwars/Config.txt07:30
kylekruchokCan I get some help with a DVD player problem?07:31
chipbuddyin tutorials for getting ssh set up i see the command "ifconfig" being used to get an ip address. my ip address is 10.0.0.xxx, which doesn't seem right. what am i doing wrong?07:31
ushimitsudokiFAJALOU: I'm sorry, I don't use nautilus so I don't have that option. Maybe someone else can give you specific details about that.07:31
chilli0k were is the part u gotta edit07:31
FAJALOUushimitsudoki:  ok thanks07:31
chilli0k i found07:31
kylekruchokchipbuddy: How are you getting a 10.0.0.x?07:31
chilli0but thats the right size07:31
kylekruchokIf you've got a normal setup, you should have a 192.168.x.x07:32
luckisairtonix: unfortunately i need to edit the xml files...07:32
DasEixmunk: set it to alsa,  then sudo apt-get   install alsa-base alsa-firmware-loaders alsa-tools     alsa-utils  linux-ubuntu-modules-$(uname -r)07:32
chilli0it just wont open when i press on it07:32
Cheekyhey iam working with php .. on my ubuntu server .. and since .. iam working on the server using SSH .. is there a editor i could use that allows syntax high lighting ?07:32
kylekruchokchipbuddy: What network adapter has the 10.0.x.x  IP address?07:33
airtonixluckis: guess you going to have to start by using your filebrowser to hunt for them...start with ctrl + h07:33
DasEimunk:do a reboot afterwards, should work07:33
chipbuddykylekruchok i'm not sure why it's that number. is there a way to re-setup everything so it goes back to default? i know i'm geting a dynamic ip from my isp07:33
pcmI am working in a PC store which does virus scans on Windows machines, I was hoping to find some good anti-viruses which work with Ubuntu to scan attached hard drives. Can anyone suggest some good ones?07:33
chipbuddykylekruchok eth007:33
DasEi*do, munk07:33
airtonixCheeky: gedit does07:33
VagaWorkevolutin question: is it posible to have the email in evolution synced with the imap account. as it is now, when I delete an email in evolution, it is not deleted on the server, which urns my imap acount into a pop account with leve copy on server taged :(07:33
kylekruchokAre you on a server right now? Or are you going through a router?07:33
Cheekyairtonix: yeah ..iam getting it installed right now07:33
chipbuddykylekruchok router07:33
airtonixCheeky: have a look in the plugins section07:33
kylekruchokIf you're on your server and that's directly connected to the line, then the 10.0.0.x could very well be correct.07:34
kylekruchokHowever, since you're through a router...07:34
kylekruchokIn a terminal > ping
Cheekyairtonix: iam on my server ..its cli .. i justy apt-get the package07:34
kylekruchok(Or If that times out07:34
xmunkDasEi, alsa-base is already the newest version.07:34
xmunkPackage alsa-firmware-loaders is not available, but is referred to by another package.07:34
xmunkThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or07:34
xmunkis only available from another source07:34
xmunkE: Package alsa-firmware-loaders has no installation candidate07:34
FloodBot1xmunk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:34
crdlbCheeky: for CLI, vim is the only real choice :)07:34
airtonixCheeky: suggestion : mount your webserver via ssh onto your desktop via nautilus and use the files that way07:35
DasEixmunk: the other packets , too ?07:35
Cheekycrdlb: ttue ..but seei have close the editot and then open .. another one .. and i can open in tab form you know07:35
chipbuddykylekruchok it looks like is going to time out07:35
Jambonhello. might someone be able to help me get my Xorg configuration fixed. I can't get into ubuntu because X server won't start. Something about the xorg.conf file being read only07:35
lolmachi, Jambon07:35
Jambonlolmac: hello07:35
lolmachi, Jambon07:35
DasEimunk: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade07:35
chilli0does anyone know how to install grid wars on a 64bit07:35
chipbuddykylekruchok is pinging fine07:35
Cheekyairtonix: yeah .. true. .i already did .. that connected to it but doing it this way will give me more pract with cli you knwo07:36
Jambonlolmac: any ideas?07:36
kylekruchokOk, good.07:36
kylekruchokTry this....07:36
crdlbCheeky: you've lost me07:36
kylekruchoksudo /etc/init.d/networking force-reload07:36
Cheekyairtonix: wow .. its taking ages to install .. gedit .. on my server !07:36
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airtonixCheeky: ... i meant install gedit on your desktop07:36
crdlbCheeky: you don't want to install gedit on a server; it's a GUI app07:36
=== SplinTer0616__ is now known as SplinTer0616_
xmunkDasEi,  running now thanx for helping btw ;)07:37
Cheekycrdlb: wat i meant was that when you working with vim .. you can only work with on php .. file . and you have to close it and then open another one .. but where as in .. gedit .. you could use tabs !07:37
airtonixCheeky: evenso if you ssh -X your-server-ip , then run gedit from the server you can still use the gui app07:37
xmunkDasEi, not fixed yet though07:37
DasEixmunk: do th eupdate n reboot07:37
philsfcan someone please shed some light in question #44557, or maybe help me input more information about it? https://answers.launchpad.net/seahorse/+question/4455707:37
Jamboncan anyone help me with X? I cannot do a thing and am stuck using windows.07:37
kylekruchokchipbuddy: Still there?07:38
Cheekycrdlb:  crap.. i just installed it on my server .07:38
DasEiask, Jambon07:38
crdlbCheeky: if you want to learn vim, you should probably read some guide on it; there's a lot to learn07:38
airtonixCheeky: dont worry...foloow my steps07:39
kylekruchokAnyone know where I can get codecs to play DVD's? Gxine says it's scrambled...07:39
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications07:39
Rat409Cheeky: type vimtutor iirc07:39
airtonixCheeky: from your desktop : ssh -x yourUserNamOnTheServer@your-server-ip07:39
kylekruchokjim_p: I've installed all those.07:40
Cheekyairtonix:  ..ok07:40
xmunkDasEi, still nothing07:40
chilli0does anyone know how to install grid wars on a 64bit07:40
airtonixCheeky: gah first you would of had to setup xdcmp forwading from the server, which is only possible if you have physcial access to the server with a gui07:41
DasEi kylekruchok: use vlc07:41
airtonixCheeky: just install gedit on your desktop07:41
chilli0does anyone know how to install grid wars on a 64bit07:41
Cheekyairtonix: yeah .. i just did ..07:41
xmunkDasEi, whats odd is i here a lil pop when i hit mute =x07:41
Cheekyairtonix: its cool07:41
DasEixmunk: what shows alsamixer if you raise it07:41
kylekruchokDasEi: Nope. No worky.07:42
airtonixCheeky: so you can run gui apps from your server on your desktop through the network? if so when at the server prompt just load gedit07:42
ubottuchilliO: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience07:42
=== SplinTer0616__ is now known as SplinTer0616_
chilli0help meh please ive installed a program and when i press on it it doesnt do anything07:42
kylekruchokchilli0: Which one?07:42
OmfgItsASharkI NEED HELP i have ubuntu dual booted with windows xp.. and i need to get into safe mode on xp how do i go about doing this07:42
chilli0Grid Wars 207:42
Cheekyany one have any good tutorials for using mysql and php together ?07:42
DasEi kylekruchok: vlc brings all common codecs for dvd, so you prbly have another prob07:43
xmunkDasEi, every thing is the same but i just notice it says "Item:  Master [off]07:43
unopairtonix, XDMCP is configurable without a GUI07:43
kylekruchokDasEi: Any suggestions?07:43
OmfgItsASharkhow do i get into windows safe mode07:43
airtonixunop: can you help cheeky to set that up then?07:43
kylekruchokI've already installed the codecs recommended by !codecs and !multimedia07:43
kylekruchokOr whatever those are.07:43
Rat409!grub | OmfgItsAShark07:43
ubottuOmfgItsAShark: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:43
DasEixmunk: what shows alsamixer if you raise it?  can you see your s-card in its headline?07:43
Cheekyairtonix: its cool man07:43
OmfgItsASharknot what im looking for ubotu07:44
chilli0kylekruchok:  here it is http://www.getdeb.net/app/GridWars+207:44
DasEixmunk: where shows master off up ?07:44
airtonixCheeky: for things like running gedit over the network ssh -x is much more preferable than vnc07:44
kylekruchokchilli0: You can get that on a Synaptic, I think.07:44
xmunkDasEi,  card still says pulseaudio chip pulse audio07:44
kylekruchokIt's much easier that way. I can almost guarantee it'll work. Aside from that, I'd suggest you have all your video drivers update / etc.07:45
xmunkDasEi,  item says master off07:45
airtonixCheeky: here is how you do the exact same thing with a windows client connecting to a ubuntu server : http://blog.thembid.com/2007/06/23/how-to-access-your-ubuntu-remotely/07:45
DasEixmunk: if you set to alsa via preference>....07:45
DasEixmunk: which item ????07:45
chilli0kylekruchok:  i did that but it still doesnt work07:45
kylekruchokchilli0: Uninstall, then reinstall it.07:45
chilli0doing that now07:46
chilli0i did a complete uninstall but now i cant find it in symatic07:46
xmunkDasEi,  when i open alsamixer in terminal thats the 4th line down.  preferences are all set to alsa07:46
kylekruchokIf that doesn't work, try to start the program, and check to see if the process is running in your System Monitor.07:46
airtonixCheeky: there is this also to consider as some improvement over standard ssh- x : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX07:46
DasEi kylekruchok: you caan open/browse the DVD?07:46
unopCheeky, you want an editor that does syntax highlighting? and the ability to use it remotely (via ssh i presume), is that right?07:46
kelvinqhello. is there an Ubuntu equivalent of Debian Testing? i like the "continuity" that Debian testing gives me. Upgrades between Ubuntu versions tend to break.07:46
lolmachi, kelvinq07:46
kylekruchokIn an "Explorer" window. (I'm trying to switch from Windoze)07:47
kelvinqhi lolmac.07:47
Cheekyunop: yes07:47
kylekruchokI've used Gxine, VLC, DragonPlayer, Kaffiene, Kmplayer, Mplayer, Movie Player07:47
DasEixmunk: prefs to alsa, mixergui saying pulse ?07:47
kylekruchokI've tried all the mainstream one.07:47
xmunkDasEi,  yes07:48
unopCheeky, well, there's vim, emacs, joe, etc07:48
unopCheeky, but you could also, edit remote files using a local editor if you prefer that07:48
Cheekyunop:  yeah .. but see the problem ..is like if i need to two files to work with do i have to .. have two terminal... somthing that has tab function .. and also .. i have to save it .. but in nano .. the files closes .. so i have to reopen it .07:49
lolmachi, mathieu_07:50
airtonixCheeky: easiest way is to use gedit locally and mount your server via ssh on your desktop07:50
Cheekyairtonix: when i try to save the file .. doesnt let me .. i have no permision .. and i need to sudo it07:50
unopCheeky, vim supports tabs - i'm pretty sure emacs does too -- but you can get around this and use a terminal multiplexor, like screen - that way you can run multiple instances of nano (or any other terminal app for that matter) and switch between them.07:50
unop!screen | Cheeky07:51
ubottuCheeky: screen is a terminal multiplexer. See http://www.kuro5hin.org/story/2004/3/9/16838/14935 and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_Screen07:51
NeutralI just bought a brand new pc07:52
=== Neutral is now known as neutral1234
neutral1234now, when i try to boot from ubuntu CD, it only shows the ubuntu loading screen but the xwin session just gives me totally black monitor07:53
jayde_drag0ncan anyone tell me a video editor that works?? ALL i want to do is shorten a clip.. and kino won't import avi.. and avidemux won't freaking save it as anyting but a stupid text file07:54
xintronIs it possible to use an S-Video cable to connect to a VGA-port somehow and that way get "TV-out"?07:55
neutral1234i think my ubuntu cd is not the latest lts one07:55
neutral1234could that be the issue ?07:55
Rat409jayde_drag0n: maybe Cinnelera not sure on spelling07:56
jayde_drag0nRat409: it will save it as an avi file?07:56
Rat409not sure just know its video-editor07:56
Rat409ffmpeg can convert a lot tho07:56
jayde_drag0nRat409: anything really i just need to put said clip into a power point presentation that is due in the morning at school07:57
prodigelHi all. I'm trying to use vmware-server-console and I get this errors. Can someone help me solve this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/49967/07:57
rigelim having a problem with libcss or libdvdread and i dont know how to debug it07:57
kelvinqhello. is there an Ubuntu equivalent of Debian Testing? i like the "continuity" that Debian testing gives me. Upgrades between Ubuntu versions tend to break.07:57
lolmachi, kelvinq07:57
jayde_drag0nRat409: nothing that is text based... WAY to complicated07:57
rigeli try and get vlc, or dvdbackup, to play the dvd, and it hangs forever while pulling the css key, and then says error cracking css key07:57
neutral1234is my Q clear?07:57
rigeland then the drive light goes off07:57
daklan_dnrkelvinq: ubuntu is based on lenny07:58
rigelwhere do i start with trying to figure out what the problem is07:58
=== daklan_dnr is now known as daklan
rigelit will crack other dvds but not these two. it takes forever to find the keys tho07:59
daklanrigel: a good way to debug your problem is to call vlc/dvdbackup from a terminal, and look closely at the output on your terminal. most programs would output their messages/errors on stdout08:01
Ayabarahow do I enable ssh'ing into my pc?08:01
ghaleb_hello, I have compiled freeradius, after the make install finished, this message appeared : Installing dictionary files in /usr/local/share/freeradius08:01
lolmachi, ghaleb_08:01
ghaleb_/home/exoti/freeradius-server-2.1.0/libtool --finish /usr/local/lib08:01
ghaleb_PATH="$PATH:/sbin" ldconfig -n /usr/local/lib08:01
rigeldaklan: i did. thats how i know the output from libdvdread08:01
rigelid like to get more verbosity though08:01
ghaleb_hi lolmac08:01
daklanrigel: -v?08:01
rigeland i still dont know whether it's the dvdread or the css library thats the problem08:01
lolmachi, blackfox8608:02
rigel-v will give me vlc verbosity08:02
rigelbut it passes stuff off to libdvdread and libcss08:02
rigeli get the same output from those no matter what switches i use08:02
Rat409jayde_drag0n: http://cinelerra.org/08:02
Agent_bobrigel strace program.name08:02
=== euud_ is now known as euud
rigelwow thats a lot of buffer08:03
hmlhow do i install ubuntu on a mac book pro? i tried installing it as normal; but when it boots up, it shows a flashing folder, with a question mark in it08:04
hmlseems like it's not booting up properly08:04
blackfox86what kind burning software good for ubuntu 8.04?08:04
juanjohasbuncould someone please help me??? I installed ubuntu on my new laptop and the sound doesnt work...08:04
Agent_bobrigel not like ltrace though08:04
daklanrigel: dpkg -L libdvdcss2 | cat `grep README`08:04
daklanrigel: there's an environment variable that you can set to increase the verbosity of libdvdcss output08:05
rigelhow do i set the environment variable08:05
rigelyo no se08:05
juanjohasbuncould someone please help me??? I installed ubuntu on my new laptop and the sound doesnt work...08:05
unopdaklan, what the hell ? cat `grep README`08:06
daklanrigel: export <var>=<value>08:06
unoprigel, temporarily.   VARIABLE=value08:06
Agent_bob!sound > juanjohasbun08:06
rigeland how do i see what, if anything, that variable is set to08:08
rigelecho $VARIABLE_NAME ?08:08
unoprigel, sure08:08
daklanunop: ?08:08
roadfishI want to use xmodmap to bind a key on multimedia keyboard to page-back in firefox ... that is, Alt-Left. Ok, I can rebind with "xmodmap -e 'keycode 234=Left'" ... but how do I tell it to use Alt-Left???08:09
unopdaklan, yea?08:09
daklan< unop> daklan, what the hell ? cat `grep README`08:09
unopdaklan, that's silly.  | grep README | xargs cat  #to be safe08:10
juanjohasbunI NEED HELP!!!08:10
daklanunop: im grepping the output of dpkg -L libdvdcss208:10
unopdaklan, yea, i noticed08:10
unop!CAPS | juanjohasbun,08:11
ubottujuanjohasbun,: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:11
roadfishjuanjohasbun: maybe you're losing your hearing. people start to shout more when that happens.08:11
juanjohasbunsorry... but i'm a little desperated by now :P08:11
Daft_Punkhow can you make a certain panel on desktop permanent (not auto hide) but always on bottom of other windows?08:12
lolmachi, zach__08:12
zach__hows everyone08:12
DasEi juanjohasbun: pm me08:13
juanjohasbunwhat does pm me mean??08:13
zach__private message08:13
unoproadfish, you can find the keycode for the left ALT key with xev08:13
roadfishjuanjohasbun: do "/msg DasEi ..."08:13
DasEigot it..08:14
zach__does anyone really talk in these things?08:15
roadfishunop: but the right side of xmodmap -e 'keycode 234=...' doesn't take a keycode ... it takes the name of the key.08:16
roadfishunop: what am I missing here?08:16
DasEi!cli > juanjohasbun08:16
extorDoes anyone run ubuntu server yet? How does it differ from the regular debian server I am curious08:17
hoskSo I just got a kernel panic, and I can't find it anywhere in my logs, is there anything I can do that might help me catch it next time?08:17
unoproadfish, i believe xev tells you the keysym too08:17
roadfishunop: xev says the keycode is 64 but if I say xmodmap -e 'keycode 234=64' ... then I just get the "@" key08:17
unoproadfish, in this case, it should probably be Alt_L08:17
roadfishunop: ok, so there is some way to tell xmodmap to use the keysym instead?08:17
=== lpf is now known as becjone
unoproadfish, according to the manpage .  keycode NUMBER = KEYSYMNAME08:18
greenthumbdoes anyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool that works in Linux?08:19
UbuntuN00b1eI'm having a weird wireless issue.  Is there someone here that can give me some help?08:19
=== samba is now known as Guest11270
DasEi!paste  > juanjohasbun08:20
roadfishunop: yes, the key that I was to use is Alt _with_ Left ... but that doesn't have a "KEYSYMNAME" because (if I understand things) KEYSYMNAME only describes a _single_ key at a time ... not a key with a modifer ... or am I mistaken?08:20
Adman65can somone post the contents of /etc/init.d/lirc for me?08:21
girrrI've compiled a custom kernel and create a initrd image by running update-initramfs -k x.x.xx -c08:21
unoproadfish, i think you are reading into this too much - quite simply, all you should be bothered about is the keycode you want to map, and the keysym of the left alt key - then put A and B together.08:21
girrrAnyways while booting I get several warnings about modules.dep not found08:21
girrrAnyone that knows how to fix this?08:21
Agent_bobAdman65 use mc and fetch it out of the .deb08:22
Guest11270any help about nvidia 7300gt in hardy, can't get a higher resolution08:22
Agent_bob!info mc08:22
ubottumc (source: mc): midnight commander - a powerful file manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.6.1-8ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2059 kB, installed size 5944 kB08:22
philsfGuest11270: what's the problem?08:22
Guest11270nvidia driver if loaded crash in hardy08:23
philsfwhich nvidia driver?08:23
sufferingi need a source 4 apt-get. a god one08:24
Guest11270173.14.12..all possible installation tried but failed08:24
greenthumbdoes anyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool that works in Linux?08:24
UbuntuN00b1ecan anybody help me with a wireless issue?08:24
Agent_bob!repos > suffering08:24
ubottusuffering, please see my private message08:24
mistformis it possible to undo a cleanlinks?08:25
sjeahi all08:25
mistformI think i might have lost some stuff i needed08:25
UbuntuN00b1eWhenever I start downloading above a certain threshold of bandwidth, my wireless connection drops, and I can't figure out why08:25
sjeawould anyone be able to tell me the easy way to find out it i have a port open for torrents?08:26
ubottuHardy can be torrented from http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04/ubuntu-8.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).08:26
mistformUbuntuN00b1e, threshold set too low?08:26
mistform!help port forward08:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:26
Guest11270anybody know a step by step guide in installing nvidia driver in ubuntu hardy?08:26
greenthumbUNooble- how what is the signal strength?08:26
Agent_bobsjea nmapfe scan your ip08:26
UbuntuN00b1emistform, I don't know, how do I do that?08:27
roadfishunop: a clarification. I do _not_ want to use the _left_ Alt key. I want to use the left arrow/cursor key (which has the KEYSYMNAME of "Left"). But I want to use the left-cursor key with the additional modifier of the Alt key.08:27
UbuntuN00b1egreenthumb, the signal is around 50%, the same as in XP.  I never had any problems there08:27
sjeacan i find that in sys tab ? " supper new"08:27
Agent_bobsjea install it08:27
greenthumbyou completely lose connection? or the download stops?08:27
theCzarhey guys, i'm trying to set up my pc as an ftp server, i followed a guide on UbuntuGeek, but when I try to open a connection (even from the machine itself with localhost) it tells me the server is down08:27
UbuntuN00b1ethe thing is, it will be fine as long as im not downloading something with a lot of bandwidth, a torrent say, or running a big update08:27
UbuntuN00b1ei lose connection completely, and i cant get it back unless i restart08:28
mistformGuest11270, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-nvidia-drivers-in-ubuntu-feisty-or-later-versions.html08:28
greenthumbthat's wierd08:28
roadfishunop: I want to bind keycode 234 to Alt-modifier left-cursor-key ... whichis two keys at once ... but KEYSYMNAMEs don't allow me to specify modified keys.08:28
sjeathx Agent_bob08:28
greenthumbdoes anyone know of a touchscreen calibration tool that works in Linux?08:28
UbuntuN00b1eya, very strange08:28
Agent_bob!synapric > sjea08:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about synapric08:29
mistformroadfish, are you just trying to set up a shortcut, or link keys, or what?08:29
Agent_bob!synaptic > sjea08:29
ubottusjea, please see my private message08:29
Agent_bob!info nmapfe > sjea08:29
mistformAgent_bob, is there a page of commands for ubottu ?08:30
roadfishmistform: I want two of the multimedia-keys on my multimedia-keyboard to do browser backward/forward08:31
Agent_bob!msgthebot > mistform08:31
ubottumistform, please see my private message08:31
UbuntuN00b1eanybody know why the keys on my numpad would just stop working out of the blue?  Or more importantly, how to get them back?  numlock is on, obviously.08:31
roadfishmistform: I could bind the keys to a command but there doesn't seem to be a backward/forward-history command in firefox.08:32
scuserhi all, I'm using ubuntu 8.04 and I want to install login.kbr5, does anyone know which package should I install ?08:32
roadfishmistform: so I have been advised to use "xmodmap" to associate the multimedia-keys to Alt-Left and Alt-Right which does the trick for firefox08:32
roadfishmistform: but xmodmap doesn't let me specify a modified-keysymname ... just a direct keysymname08:33
ghaleb_hello, what does this command do apt-get build-dep ?08:33
lolmachi, ghaleb_08:33
roadfishmistform: to answer your question, I suppose that I'm trying to link keys ... but link to Alt-Left (the Left-arrow key with an Alt-modifier)08:34
mistformghaleb_, http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html08:34
Agent_bobghaleb_ man apt-get | grep -A5 'build-dep'08:34
=== _weltall is now known as weltall
brandonmpaceroadfish: there is a solution for going back....  you can go to about:config   type back in the search bar08:34
sjeahum this stuff is hard to learn08:35
brandonmpaceroadfish: and change browser.backspace_action to 008:35
sjeabut ill get it08:35
brandonmpaceroadfish: so that way backspace does back08:35
roadfishbrandonmpace: ok, thanks ... I'll look into this08:35
mistformroadfish, sorry, i don't know how to do the back-forward options. I was going to suggest ubuntu-tweak (unsupported, but very useful) because it's very easy to assign shortcuts08:35
ghaleb_thank you guys08:36
EldaNight all08:36
mistformroadfish, possibly if you knew a bash command to go back/forward in FF, then apply it to the shortcut08:36
mistformroadfish, or if you knew a script command to put in place, then shortcut the key to the script08:36
roadfishmistform: ok, thanks for the support/tips ... this ubuntu-tweak sounds useful and I'll take a look at it ... even if it isn't useful for the immediate application.08:37
brandonmpaceroadfish:  found a way!!!08:38
brandonmpace :)08:38
brandonmpacei think08:38
brandonmpaceroadfish: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/153708:38
roadfishmistform: I'd love to get a forward/back script command ... that is what I was trying to do originally08:39
mistformroadfish, http://www.tonyspencer.com/2008/01/28/firefox-keyboard-commands-for-backforward-and-page-updown/ might help08:39
mistformbrandonmpace, damn. if only one for v308:39
roadfishmistform: damn that was fast ... I had been googling for something but I guess I was searching up the wrong tree08:39
Agent_boberrr i forgot how to specify    arg # +   in bash     like $3    but i want $4 $5... include      clues?08:40
sjeaso does ubuntu not us ports?08:40
sjeaor i should say ip adresses?08:40
Agent_bobsjea is an ip not a port08:40
roadfishbrandonmpace: ok, I'll take a look at this too ... btw, the about:config tip is good for redefining backspace but I would still need something for forward-in-history also08:40
HeManHi! Is suspend-to-ram removed from intrepid?08:40
Agent_bobsjea linux can use any ip.   ifconfig    will show what ip's are configured08:41
brandonmpaceroadfish: yea but it is nice to have that backspace do it too as it is very quickly accessible :)08:41
mistformroadfish, it's all about syntax. i searched for 6 hours where the "output file" or "write file" directory was in a motion camera program. i just needed to find the right syntax. i think it ended up being pic-send or something08:41
Xtreme_GreatCan anyone help about where to find tgetent and setupterm? I am trying to compile bitchx and the problem is with the configure script. It is not available even in the repositories08:41
lolmachi, Xtreme_Great08:42
mistformXtreme_Great, google "tgetent ubuntu" and "setupterm ubuntu"08:42
Xtreme_Greathi lolmac...08:42
Xtreme_GreatTried didn't help much...08:42
Xtreme_GreatSaw in ubuntu forums they said sudo apt-get install bitchx08:42
Xtreme_GreatBut now it's not available in repositories08:43
=== Qster_ is now known as Qster
sjeaok this 192 one is the i am using08:43
Agent_bob!info bitchx08:43
ubottuPackage bitchx does not exist in hardy08:43
brandonmpace!find tgetent | Xtreme_Great08:43
ubottuxtreme_great: '|' is not a valid distribution08:43
Xtreme_GreatThen how do I even compile that without those two things?08:43
brandonmpace!find tgetent08:43
ubottuFile tgetent found in libncurses5-dev08:43
ashtonSo I'm rather new to Ubuntu.  I've worked for a few years with Red Hat (and more recently Fedora) and so installing Compiz and Emerald is an entirely different story for them.  I can't get Emerald (or at least the tarball I found on softpedia) to compile.08:43
mistformXtreme_Great, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=73534108:43
rainabbaOf the boot options presented in a netboot, which (if any) would be appropriate for me to get access to a temporary, memory-based installed? I need to run a couple binary files from Dell and don't want to install to any media.08:44
ashtonEven running as superuser I get an error saying "C compiler can't create _______"08:44
roy__anyone help me08:44
brandonmpaceXtreme_Great:  did you see that?  I put it up there, or rather ubottu did08:44
amkeshhi there08:44
kimmey2k3roy__: ask a question? dont ask to ask08:44
Agent_bobso bitchx is dropped ?   how rude!08:44
brandonmpace!find setupterm08:44
ubottuFile setupterm found in libncurses5-dev08:44
amkeshI need some help with the Ubuntu 8.04 installation process08:44
brandonmpaceXtreme_Great: ^08:45
NHL_Stars_FanCan somebody tell me how to get rid of all of the user has entered/user has left the room messages that keep popping up in xchat?08:45
roy__how to install compiz themes on my ubuntu machine...??08:45
cwraigamkesh: fire away08:45
brandonmpaceXtreme_Great: libncurses5-dev08:45
Xtreme_Greatbut why was bitchx dropped08:45
mistformXtreme_Great, sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev08:45
Xtreme_Greatyeah I'm apt-getting it now...08:45
mistformXtreme_Great, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-motu/2007-November/002726.html08:45
Agent_bob!info epic408:46
ubottuepic4 (source: epic4): epic irc client, version 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.6-1 (hardy), package size 425 kB, installed size 1408 kB08:46
amkeshcwraig: I already tested Ubuntu on my machine and it works perfectly - but when switchtig over completely from Windows to Ubuntu (when 8.10 comes out) I want to customize the installation a bit08:46
jim_proy__: go there gnomelook.org and look for emerald themes08:46
amkeshcwraig: means that I don't want to install all the default packages08:46
Agent_bobXtreme_Great    see ubottu  ^08:46
sjeaok so it show my ports are open and forward got that08:46
sjeathank you08:46
rainabbaOf the boot options presented in a netboot, which (if any) would be appropriate for me to get access to a temporary, memory-based installed? I need to run a couple binary files from Dell and don't want to install to any media.08:46
roy__y compiz themes wont work..???08:46
amkeshcwraig: is there a way to select the packages I want to install?08:47
Xtreme_Greatokay configure seems to have worked now...08:47
jim_phow do i ask apt-show to tell me at whick package is an app? like "whois" that is on "network-tools"08:47
Xtreme_Greatnow it does not compile... Problem with make08:47
Xtreme_Greathell lot of warnings and then error 208:47
brandonmpacelol computers...08:47
cwraigamkesh: you will prob want the ubuntu alternate desktop CD08:47
cwraigamkesh: that will give you heaps more control during the install process i think08:48
NHL_Stars_FanCan somebody tell me how to get rid of all of the user has entered/user has left the room messages that keep popping up in xchat?08:48
Agent_bob!b-e > Xtreme_Great08:48
ubottuXtreme_Great, please see my private message08:48
Vladimir[LV]Hello..! Please help! Who are using postfix+courier? I was changed permissions to my logs (mail.log, mail.err..) and logging now doesnt working ;//08:48
lolmachi, Vladimir[LV]08:48
amkeshcwraig: ah, this is also available for download on ubuntu or is it unofficial?08:48
sjeanext question some one suggested  ktorrent any input?08:49
jim_proy__: i think that csm provides an option to install themes08:49
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: go to settings>advanced>text events and clear the   JOIN and QUIT completely08:49
roy__wats csm??08:50
cwraigamkesh: how to here http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2132611,00.asp i think this is what your after and its an official disk from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download when you hit donwload there is a checkbox that says i want the alternate cd isntead08:50
jim_proy__: compiz settings manager08:50
havocstormdoes anyone have crashing problens with the new firefox update08:50
havocstormit keeps crashing on loading flash files08:50
roy__where will i find it??08:51
cwraigamkesh: that how to is not that great but if you have a play around with that disk you should be able to do what you want however i have never done that08:51
jim_proy__: i dont know the exact command08:51
brandonmpacehavocstorm: this is a well known problem with firefox in general. Flash will crash gecko, which firefox uses, so in turn, firefox08:51
Agent_bobsjea ktorrent is kde/qt based ?08:51
amkeshcwraig: ah, that sounds exactly for what I was looking for! Thank you a lot! :)08:51
jim_proy__: but i think it is somewhere on the menu08:51
brandonmpacehavocstorm: I do not know when this will be fixed08:51
sjeayes it is08:51
jim_proy__: look in preferences08:52
sjeaand yes i'm on gnome08:52
havocstormbrandonmpace, damn that sucks, my old ff crashed on flash for a while, then it stopped, now it's started again08:52
roy__i tried to install it using synaptic manager but yet failed08:52
rigelthats the initial output from the verbose setting of libdvdread08:52
sjeaso sorta why im asking for imput08:52
NHL_Stars_Fanbrandonmpace: I found the text events, but I'm having trouble seeing how to clear those two08:52
rigelit says "region mismatch?" several times but still keeps going08:52
rigelim not sure whether thats the problem or what08:52
cwraigamkesh: no problem08:53
rigelit just goes on andd on like that "at block xxxxxxxx, still cracking..." forever08:53
jim_proy__: i dont know then08:53
Agent_bobsjea there is nothing wrong with using qt apps in gnome or gtk apps in kde  it justs adds overhead.08:53
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: you click on the join one, for example, and you edit it below the bottom scroll bar in that window08:53
sjeawell do you torrent if you do do you have a fav?08:53
NHL_Stars_Fanokay, and then hit OK?08:54
jim_proy__: you have pm08:54
Agent_bobsjea i have about 9 desktop environments installed, and many others have more than one.  linux users have done this from the beginning.      and no i don't torrent08:54
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: did that work?08:54
NHL_Stars_Fani tried that and it didn't save it or something08:54
zenois it possible to make calls to regular phones using ekiga08:54
NHL_Stars_Fanafter i cleared the line and hit okay, when i went back to text events, it was there again08:54
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: there has to be another way then... I´ll look08:54
NHL_Stars_Fanawesome, thank you!08:55
samborambohi everyone08:56
samboramboare there any RAID experts here?08:56
questionI need to create an encrypted zip archive with a password. The encrypted file should be easily decrypted by someone on a mac. What software do I use?08:56
brandonmpacesamborambo: are you having trouble setting it up08:57
samboramboquestion: rar or zip support passwords on archives......apt-get install rar08:57
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: I can´t find anything else :(08:58
samborambobrandon: I've got a raid 5 array that won't assemble after a reboot08:58
NHL_Stars_Fanhmmm...i used IRC years ago, but its been a while.  you would think that this would be pretty easy to find08:58
Agent_bobsamborambo yes08:58
=== Jimm is now known as Guest14547
brandonmpacesamborambo: for ubuntu only?08:58
questionsamborambo: I am looking for a gui tool to let me create simple encrypted zip archives. When the end user clicks on the encrypted file on a mac, a single entry of the passphrase should deflate the zip archive without any additional software.08:58
questionsamborambo: What tool do I use?08:58
brandonmpaceNHL_Stars_Fan: that´s what I thought08:58
NHL_Stars_FanI'll see if google knows08:59
samborambokernel thinks there's partitions on one of the drives08:59
midnightRmblerquestion: i don't think that'll work.  sfx is for windows AFAIK08:59
samboramboquestion: apt-get install rar && man rar08:59
brandonmpacesamborambo: have you tried using the alternate install disc and doing software raid?08:59
samborambobrandon, it is software raid08:59
questionsamborambo: Do I need to install rar to create encrypted zips?08:59
brandonmpacesamborambo: ...hmm09:00
bullgard4Nach 'x11vnc -display :0 -forever -q -bg' funktionierte bei mir Copy&Paste über die Zwischenablage nicht mehr ordentlich: Ich konnte nicht mehr Textpassagen über gewisse Trennzeichen hinweg kontinuierlich markieren. Wer kennt diesen Effekt?09:00
Agent_bobquestion no09:00
brandonmpacesamborambo: I have no idea why it would do that, I´ve never seen it09:00
samboramboquestion: encrypted rars09:00
midnightRmblerquestion: rar no makey zips on linux09:00
Agent_bobquestion sip is fully capable of encripting/decripting it's archives09:00
questionmidnightRmbler: Agent_bob: I am trying to find a simple gui tool to create encrypted archives in ubuntu that can be extracted with single click on a mac.09:00
brandonmpace!de | bullgard409:01
ubottubullgard4: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de09:01
Agent_bobquestion s/sip/zip/09:01
Agent_bobquestion why gui ?09:01
Agent_bobquestion why do you want to do it the hard way ?09:01
questionAgent_bob: GUIs are required. They make me feel safe.09:01
samboramboAgent_bob: getting the following kernel messages from one of the drives in the array [  141.327593] sde: rw=0, want=2429631402, limit=97677316809:02
samborambo[  141.327599] attempt to access beyond end of device09:02
questionAgent_bob: what do you mean by s/sip/zip09:02
chipbuddyi want to log into my desktop from my laptop. when i use the command ssh when my laptop has a wired connection, i'm able to log into my desktop. When the laptop is only on the wireless network ssh hangs after i enter my password. what gives?09:02
Agent_bobsamborambo sorry idk raid09:02
xintronquestion: he means "substitute sip with zip"09:02
midnightRmblerquestion: stuffit will make self extracting archives for mac, but not using a linux machine09:03
brandonmpacechipbuddy: I have seen stuff like this between my playstation and my computer, and never solved it :(09:03
xintronin other words, replace the sip word with zip09:03
xintronwhat's the difference from 184Pin to 200pin when it comes to RAM memory?09:03
questionxintron: substitute where?09:03
midnightRmblerxintron: 16 pins09:03
xintronquestion: you probably wrote sip instead of zip somewhere09:03
xintronmidnightRmbler: haha :D09:03
chipbuddybrandonmpace that sucks09:04
xintronis it the size of the memory (the length etc) or what?09:04
questionWhat should I do to create a self extracting encrypted zip archive for a mac machine with my ubuntu box then?09:04
questionmidnightRmbler: ^09:04
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories09:04
brandonmpacesamborambo: is it the exact same as the other disks?09:04
midnightRmblerquestion: can a mac open an .sfx windows file?09:05
midnightRmblerquestion: i really don't think you can do what you are asking, practically.09:05
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questionmidnightRmbler: I don't need a SFX I need something that the native Mac archive app can manage.09:06
bullgard4'x11vnc -display :0 -forever -q -bg' made my Copy&Paste via clipboard malfunctioning: I could not select text beyond certain format separators continuously. How to troubleshoot?09:07
rainabbaCan anyone direct me to a "slim", PXE bootable, live Ubuntu distro?09:08
Shaggsim trying to mount a dd image using mount -o loop, but im getting an error "FAT: invalid media value"09:08
Shaggsany hints anyone?09:08
unopShaggs, how was the dd image created?09:08
questioncan truecrypt encrypted archives be opened on a fresh installed mac?09:08
Vladimir[LV]Help me please! Im trying to install postfix+courier.. mail.warn >> postfix/smtpd[18242]: fatal: need service transport:endpoint instead of "inet"09:08
brandonmpaceShaggs: what is the full command you are typing09:08
questionmidnightRmbler: ^09:09
ne2k__I know this isn't really a Ubuntu question, it's more a gnome question, but why does the "active applications" panel implement drag and drop in such a strange way? it makes it look at though you are going to drop the window *on to* another window, rather than between two windows. It's confusing. Firefox does it much better with its tab drag and drop.09:09
Shaggssudo mount -o loop ../../out.bin /mnt/old_disk/09:09
Shaggsthat usually complains that it needs the filesystem type09:09
Shaggsso I append -t msdos09:09
unopShaggs, how was the dd image created?09:09
midnightRmblerquestion: doubting that all your requirements can be met.09:10
Shaggsunop, i created this one with safecopy, but I get the same error with ones created with dd09:10
=== morissette is now known as GB-Morissette
questionmidnightRmbler: I have virtually no requirements. A simple encrypted zip archive that can be opened by the native mac file manager!09:10
unopShaggs, which device was the input file to dd?09:11
Shaggsunop /dev/sdb09:11
unopShaggs, that explains why - think about it - can you mount /dev/sdb ?09:11
xintronCan I somehow "reload" the xorg.conf settings without restarting X?09:11
Vladimir[LV]Help me please! Im trying to install postfix+courier.. mail.warn >> postfix/smtpd[18242]: fatal: need service transport:endpoint instead of "inet"09:11
Shaggsunop, i don't follow, unless you mean that sdb has a bad filesystem and I couldn't mount it either09:12
unopShaggs, you meant to use /dev/sdb1 instead - not /dev/sdb - /dev/sdb does not hold a valid filesystem09:12
Agent_bobunop are you sure ?09:13
unopAgent_bob, why wouldn't i be?09:13
Agent_bobShaggs are there partitions on sdb ?09:13
ShaggsAgent_bob, apparently09:13
Shaggsi just recovered them09:13
Shaggsi have the partitions recovered but I now want to mount it09:13
midnightRmblerquestion: find out all of the archive formats that your macs native prog can open09:14
Shaggsbut the filesystem seems boinked09:14
lloyddoes anyone know why numpad keys would just stop working all of a sudden?09:14
Agent_bobunop k it's partitioned.   i missed that.  carry on.09:14
Matthaihi, can anyone tell me how to downgrade firefox09:14
MatthaiI made upgrade and got an error ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!09:14
questionCan a mac open a GPG encrypted file?09:14
questionmidnightRmbler: ^09:14
unopAgent_bob, that's not nice09:14
Agent_bobShaggs the filesystem isn't on sdb it's on a partition on dsb09:14
Shaggsunop, so the situation is that I recovered the partions in the "image", is there a way to mount a partition in the image09:14
lloydmy numpad keys work at the login screen, but when i sign in, they just stop working09:15
Agent_bobShaggs the filesystem isn't on sdb it's on a partition on sdb09:15
msshamswith which commands i can see detected hardwares by my machine?09:15
ShaggsI follow09:15
unopShaggs, i'm sure there is - but i don't remember the names of the commands09:15
Shaggsbut I don't understand how to approach the problem now09:15
midnightRmblerquestion: looks like the 'zip' package for ubuntu can encrypt at command line with a -e switch09:16
midnightRmblerdid you try that?09:16
Agent_bobShaggs run fdisk on the image   it might show where the partitions start/end     fdisk -l file.iso09:16
unopShaggs, this here might help you too - http://darkdust.net/writings/diskimagesminihowto09:16
questionmidnightRmbler: Even I found that out now.09:16
ne2k__Shaggs: Agent_bob: I'd recommend sfdisk -- more control09:16
questionmidnightRmbler: What about files encrypted with true crypt. Do you know whether they can be opened on a mac?09:17
lloyddoes anyone know why numpad keys would just stop working all of a sudden?  or how to get them back?09:17
ne2k__lloyd: stupid question -- is number lock on?09:17
Agent_bobne2k__ don't need control for outputing information09:17
lloydhaha ya it's on09:17
lloydit works when i am on the logon screen, but after that, they dont respond09:17
DasEiquestion: I found that container from xp opens on linux, but not the other way, dunno mac09:17
ne2k__Agent_bob: control, not only over changes you make, but over the types and format of output you can get. fdisk is meant to be interactive09:18
lloydand they DO work in windows, so im pretty sure it's not the kb09:18
midnightRmblerquestion: i know next to nothing about macs09:18
questionDasEi: Who knew open source could cost so much in terms of invaluable poeples time.09:18
questionmidnightRmbler: ^ :(09:18
ne2k__question: umm, everyone?09:19
questionne2k__: It still hurts equally bad when it hits on the head when you need to get something stupidly simple done.09:19
Guest14547DVD::Rip stops at 12% with "Error", how can I find out what the problem is?09:20
ShaggsAgent_bob, interesting, the number of sectors and heads matches the drive, but the number of cylinders is 0 when it should be 82509:20
ikoniane2k__: saying "anyone" is poitnless, if someone didn't see the question saying "anyone" won't tell them what the question is, if they don't know the answer saying "anyone" won't make them know the answer09:20
midnightRmblerikonia: wow, that was deep.09:21
Agent_bobhehhe  "Linux  needs  at  least one partition," -man fdisk  <<< totally wrong.    i guess man pages aren't perfect either.09:21
=== Guest14547 is now known as Jimm
brandonmpaceAgent_bob: ???09:21
=== Jimm is now known as Jimm_
Agent_bobbrandonmpace i was just revisiting FDISK(8)    that's a quote from it.  but it's "wrong"  linux doesn't need a partition.09:22
brandonmpacelol livecd?09:23
ikoniaAgent_bob: if your going to install to a disk - it needs a partition, it's pretty right09:23
ikoniaAgent_bob: where do you install tot hen09:23
Agent_bobi don't use partitions09:23
brandonmpacethen what do you mean?09:23
Agent_bobikonia on hda09:23
Agent_bobbrandonmpace on hda09:23
ikoniaAgent_bob: you don't have a partition table ?09:23
Agent_bobno partition needed   only a file system needed for linux.09:24
Agent_bobikonia nope09:24
ikoniaAgent_bob: I'll need to research that, I thought a partition table was required09:24
midnightRmblerdon't file systems get created on partitions? am i missing something?09:24
ikoniaAgent_bob: especially for dumb things like grub09:24
Agent_bobit definitely is NOT!   just an fyi09:24
Agent_bobikonia yes grub needs a partition09:24
Agent_boblilo does  not however09:25
ne2k__ikonia: sorry, when did I say "anyone"?09:25
Shaggsinteresting, so when I look at the original file before my partion fixer monkeyed with it... test.bin, it displays the partition as test.bin109:25
Shaggscan I mount that?09:26
Agent_bobShaggs should be able to09:26
mtcageHi there, can someone tell me what it means when your PC will make loud continous beeps as soon as you boot it up? beeps dont stop either, and nothing is displayed to the monitor09:26
ne2k__Shaggs: find the start and end point, use dd to extract it, and mount that09:26
ne2k__mtcage: consult your motherboard manual09:26
midnightRmblermtcage: try reseating your vid card or try another one09:26
mtcagedont have one09:26
ne2k__mtcage: you don't have a motherboard? I think we've found your problem!09:27
theCzarmtcage: it sounds like something is not set up right with your motherboard09:27
mtcageah kk, dont have one of those either unfortunatly, is there some kind of "beep" standard for beep sounds? lol09:27
mtcageah kk09:27
Ab0luteBeginner1I need HELP! i need to RESET/OVERWRITE a configuration file to its defaults that comes with a package. To be more specific: i need to reset the /etc/gdm/gdm.conf file to its defauls and OVERWRITE the broken existing one.. HOW can i do this ??? HELP PLS!!!09:27
mtcageill google some more09:27
MartinCzHi. When I change the size of window with Skype video, the video itself does not resize. What's wrong?09:27
ne2k__mtcage: there is no standard, hence the advice to consult the manual for your motherboard. find it online if you don't have the paper one that came with it09:27
roadfishunop/brandonmpace/mistform: well, my multimedia-keys now work. The key step is to install http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=72994 firefox extention and then to use "Tools > Keyconfig" in firefox ... I don't need the https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1537 extension.09:27
theCzarmtcage: find out the model of the motherboard, and search for docs on the builders website09:27
Shaggsooohh nice, mount has an offset arguement09:28
Shaggsperfect for this09:28
Agent_bobikonia i have been using partitionless hdd's for many years now. and it just struck me as odd that the writer of FDISK(8) didn't know that a partition wasn't needed.     i'll go back to what i was doing now.09:28
unopAgent_bob, if your /dev/hda contains a valid filesystem - it should be the one and only partition.09:28
unoproadfish, cool09:28
Agent_bobunop there is no partition  one and only partition would be hda1 not hda09:28
midnightRmblerAgent_bob: i'm frightened by your talk of hda. it disturbs me09:29
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: you could purge it and then reinstall the package09:29
Agent_bobmidnightRmbler why ?09:30
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: by the way, absolute has an s in it09:30
unopAgent_bob, ok, i'll defer from using the term partition then - you have one disk-slice that occupies 100% of the disk09:30
midnightRmblerAgent_bob: because i've never heard putting filesystem on anything but a partition (on a PC)09:30
Ab0luteBeginner1ne2k__: i already tried do move the file away, then apt-get install --reinstall gdm      but it did not installed a new gdm.conf file there ! even there has been no double around. dodnt worked though09:31
Agent_bobmidnightRmbler never heard of a floppy disk ?09:31
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: purge the package first. then install it. apt-get purge gdm; apg-get install gdm09:31
midnightRmbleris a whole pie a big slice then?  if so, I can't wait until thanksgiving09:31
Agent_bobmidnightRmbler i recall the first time i heard of making partitions on a floppy disk, it shocked me...09:31
midnightRmblerhm.. so a floppy disk has no partition, and is a disk slice.  never realized that09:32
ne2k__Agent_bob: if you put a filesystem on hda, and don't have an MBR and partition table, does your bios not bork and get totally confused about what to do with the disk at bootup?09:32
brandonmpaceSo he´s using his hard drive like a giant super floppy09:32
Ab0luteBeginner1ne2k__:  it will remove/purge ubuntu desktop (all other apps) too - i need to purge and reinstall gdm only.. how ??09:33
midnightRmblercan you access the data using a system rescue disk?09:33
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: sorry. dpkg --purge gdm; apt-get install gdm09:33
zachawhen I sudo hibernate, it creates the image and suspends but it boots as if I shut it down. Why isn't it resuming?09:34
Agent_bobmidnightRmbler another good example is a flashdrive   cat /dev/zero > /dev/sdb  (assuming sdb is a flash/pindrive) ;mke2fs /dev/sdb ;mount /dev/sdb /mnt  #you will have a flash drive mounted on /mnt with no partition table on the drive      same works with hdd's09:34
brandonmpacezacha: are you on a laptop?09:34
Ab0luteBeginner1ne2k__: dpkg: dependency problems prevent removal of gdm:09:35
Agent_bobbrandonmpace giant super floppy is a good analagy09:35
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: dpkg --purge --force-depends gdm09:35
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: btw, it might be an idea to do this from text mode ;-)09:35
brandonmpaceAgent_bob: thanks, I got it from puppy linux, installing in superfloppy mode, never understood it09:36
brandonmpacezacha: are you using a laptop???09:36
brandonmpacetry this http://www.tuxonice.net/09:36
ubottuusn is Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about Ubuntu security updates.09:37
Ab0luteBeginner1ne2k__:  sure, im on ssh console. it worked.. config file is reset now.. thanks a lot for instant help!09:37
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: no worries09:37
unopAgent_bob, out of curiosity - what does  fdisk -l /dev/hda  #give you?09:37
Agent_bobunop ^09:37
ne2k__Ab0luteBeginner1: there's probably a cleaner way to do it without purging and reinstalling the package, but I couldn't work it out quickly09:37
zachawhen I hibernate another way and it asks to try swapon -a, where do I add this?09:38
Agent_bobheh actually that's what  fdisk -l /dev/hda | pastebin     gives me.09:38
Lunar_LampThe latest security update for firefox (USN-645-1) is not listed at www.ubuntu.com/usn - what's going on here?09:39
ShaggsAgent_bob, *sigh* so i tried both using an offset in the mount, and dd'ing out the partition, but it still has file system troubles09:39
brandonmpacezacha:  the ONLY sure-fire way to get ubuntu to successfully hibernate is tux on ice   http://www.tuxonice.net/09:39
Shaggssame problem both ways09:39
Agent_bobShaggs error message is ?09:40
zachabrandonmpace: yep thanks I'm having a look at that09:40
Shaggswrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0 ...09:40
Agent_bobShaggs and mount command was ?09:40
ShaggsFAT: invalid media value (0x01)09:40
jhaigI have just upgraded Firefox and now it opens with just a blank grey window.  Anyone else seen this?  Using Hardy.09:40
Shaggsmount was09:40
Shaggsmount -0 loop test2.bin /mnt/old_disk -t msdos09:40
Shaggsit complains without the -t msdos09:41
Agent_bobchange msdos to vfat09:41
Shaggsmount -o09:41
Shaggssame problem09:41
Agent_bobfile -s test2.bin09:41
Shaggsx86 boot sector09:42
=== avc_gone is now known as acuster
Agent_bobrest of the output please09:43
Agent_bobpastebin if needed09:43
ShaggsAgent_bob, ooo, i think i just got it09:43
unopAgent_bob, perhaps fdisk isn't capable of dealing with your setup - i'm still not convinced this classifies as a 'setup with no partitions' - perhaps there's a better way to dump the table at byte offsets 446-510 and have it displayed in some readable form.09:44
Shaggsi have too many images floating around from attempting this load of garbage: http://fatooh.org/misc/ez-drive.html09:44
Shaggsi tried a different image that is "pre-modding" and it was able to mount using the mount's offset09:45
PeziHate ubuntu09:45
unopPezi, no one's forcing you to use it09:45
Shaggscrap, this junk again09:45
Shaggscorrupt filesystem09:45
Agent_bobunop like dd if=/dev/hda bs=1 skip=445 count=65 | hd    ???09:46
Bigmack83when setting permissions on a file/folder what is the difference when examples show giving a chmod of say 2770 instead of the normal 3 digits? what is the purpose of using the 4th digit?09:46
zachabrandonmpace: I've installed the script09:46
Peziwhy firefox crash every time i google something09:46
PeziJava/flash problem?09:46
Pezihow i reinstall them?09:46
Shaggswhat "standard" program might I use to try and fix the FAT09:47
legend2440need advice regarding motorola  wr850g wireless router09:47
Bigmack83Pezi, that happens sometimes because of a recently installed addon. ive had that problem before. could be a java thing too yes09:47
Shaggsi have a FAT with broken files now09:47
ikoniaShaggs windows for fat09:47
Agent_bobShaggs testdisk  ?09:47
ikoniaShaggs: be hard to better the native tools09:47
Shaggshow can i do this....09:48
Tux2K8for using ssh , should I allow connections for TCP or UDP in gufw???09:48
unopAgent_bob, well, starting at byte offset 446 - bs, 64  .. though, what you get is a dump of a struct that needs to be unpacked - but i can't be asked to figure that out.09:48
ikonialegend2440: what sort of advice09:48
ikoniaShaggs: boot into windows09:48
bakarat_what is the easiest way to share files between linux machines (not samba)?09:48
Tux2K8for using ssh , should I allow connections for TCP or UDP in gufw in port 22 in gufw???09:48
ikoniaTux2K8: tcp09:48
Shaggsikonia, all i have is an image09:48
Tux2K8tcp and 22?09:48
PeziCan i remove all add-ons, firefox, java etc. and do "clean" install?09:48
ikoniaShaggs: what do you mean an image09:48
ikoniaTux2K8: yes09:48
Shaggsbinary dump09:48
Tux2K8ikonia : 10x09:48
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:49
ikoniaShaggs: I'm not sure I follow, what have you done09:49
Agent_bobunop heh.  well when you figure it out, if you want more info on a partitionless hdd just ask.09:49
Shaggsikonia: dd09:49
Bigmack83Pezi, yes you can. go to add/remove programs and remove firefix. then re add it09:49
ikoniaShaggs: you've dd'd a fat file system ?09:49
legend2440ikonia: i can't even get a wired connection to work. but i can get into the motorola setup pages. any help would be appreciated.09:49
Bigmack83Pezi, but first try disabling all your addons and see if you still have the problem09:49
PeziBigmacn83: It wont remove it.. just says to remove something in synaptic, but dont know what09:49
Shaggsikonia, i first dd'd /dev/sdb, then i stripped a partion out with dd09:49
ikonialegend2440: sounds like your network connection is working if you can get tot he config page - contact your vender for router setup support09:50
unopAgent_bob, I can't agree that you can have a "partitionless disk" - your disk-slice is still one big partition - just not as fdisk know it09:50
ne2k__ARGH! I just pressed windows-R and now I'm all zoomed in and I don't know how to get out of it!09:50
ikoniaShaggs: what do you mean "you dd'd" /dev/sdb - you took data off, or put data on09:50
ikoniaShaggs: please try to be clear about what your doing/done09:50
Bigmack83Pezi, it doesnt say what to remove? well try disabling all the addons. sometimes they have bugs in them when they update09:51
brandonmpacezacha: did you read the how to?09:51
legend2440ikonia: by vendor do you mean motorola or the person i bought it from?09:51
ikonialegend2440: either09:51
Agent_bobunop just a note, both linux and ms fdisk say the disk is not partitioned.     also i did  cat /dev/zero > /dev/hda ;mke2fs -cj /dev/hda  # and installed linux there.   so "i'm convinced there is no partition/partition table on the hd" even if you aren't   :)09:51
Shaggsikonia: i took data off, the drive is pretty bad, so I am working with images now09:52
legend2440ikonia: really? i didn't know motorola would help with linux installations09:52
PeziBigmack83: how i see what add-ons have been installed?09:52
ikonialegend2440: your trying to install linux onto your router ?09:52
unopAgent_bob, you rely on a few tools to make an assumption - but those tools aren't written to deal with your setup - so obviously they come up blank.09:52
Shaggsoh crap, where is the trash bin....09:52
ikoniaShaggs: you need to restore the data to a device09:52
Agent_bobunop and your assumption is based on ?09:53
Bigmack83Pezi, in the menu: Tools --> Addons . then click on an addon and select 'Disable' . do that to all your addons and restart firefox09:53
Shaggsseriously, where is the trash bin09:53
legend2440ikonia  no sorry i mean ididn't know motorola would be of any help getting their router working on linux09:53
unopAgent_bob, never mind - this is all one stumble into pointlessness09:53
Xerphis there a command like a2enmod that instead disables a mod in apache2   ?09:53
ne2k__there is no reference to windows-r in the keyboard shortcuts. what is it? how can I get out of it?09:54
ikonialegend2440: your router is working with linux - if you can get to the config page over the network - you have a network connection to the router - it's working09:54
PeziBigmack83: thanks ill try.09:54
DIFH-icerootXerph: rm /etc/apache2/mods-available/your-module09:54
XerphDIFH-iceroot: thx09:54
DIFH-icerootsorry!! mods-enabled09:54
afallenhopene2k__, the WINKEY R in linus is ALT + F209:54
DIFH-icerootXerph: there are links to the mods-available directory09:55
legend2440ikonia  yes thats true just can't connect to the internet09:55
DIFH-icerootXerph: just delete the links and restart apache09:55
afallenhopene2k__, also by going to the desktop and presssing Superkey + R it'll fix the destkop09:55
ikonialegend2440: so - it's nothing to do with linux then, your router cnofig is not right09:55
XerphDIFH-iceroot: gottcha09:55
ikonialegend2440: in which case contact the support model for that router09:55
legend2440ikonia: oh  ok thanks09:56
ne2k__afallenhope: thank goodness for that ;-)09:56
afallenhopene2k__, no prob09:56
ShaggsAgent_bob, so in theory, i could format another drive, and copy this partion image into the other drive's partion image?09:58
ShaggsAgent_bob, by observing the partion offsets09:58
Agent_bobShaggs yes09:58
ShaggsAgent_bob, ok, that's pretty handy, thanks09:59
ikoniaShaggs dd is not a partition image - it's just a data dump just to be clear, make sure you copy it back with the same settings your took it is possible09:59
Shaggsikonia, i understand that its not a partion image, its a complete drive image, right?  I'm using the partition boundries to further strip off the partitioning information10:00
Shaggsikonia, to be left with a bare file system, more or less10:00
ikoniaShaggs: it's not an "image"10:00
Shaggsikonia, then what is it?10:00
jhaigAnyone else had problems with Firefox after today's update?10:00
ikoniaShaggs: just a raw data dump10:00
Agent_bobShaggs note what ikonia is warning you about,   dd is both an eye sergury lazor and an atomic bomb     so unless you are prepared to lose all data don't play with it.10:00
brandonmpacejhaig: flash crashes it?10:00
jhaigbrandonmpace: I get a blank grey window.  I cannot tell what crashes it.10:01
Shaggsikonia, agent_bob, whats the difference between a raw data dump and an image?10:01
brandonmpacejhaig: oh, not here10:01
lolmachi, gianni10:01
ikoniaShaggs: give me a minute to think of a way to phrase this clearly10:01
giannii need little help with VPN configuration10:01
DasEi jhaig: Anyone else ha...           nope10:01
Shaggsikonia, i realise it has the master boot record, etc10:02
Shaggsikonia, and the partition table10:02
Agent_bobShaggs an imaging tool will only read write within boundries.   dd will read/write anything you point it at10:02
ShaggsAgent_bob, i've noticed ;)   I'm starting with a drive that is both a) messed up by EZ-Drive and b) has corrupt data10:03
ikoniaShaggs: an image is a snapshot of a drive / file system "data", a dump is a raw block dump of everythin on that drive, warts and all, corruptions, etc etc. That data is not / should not be considered an "image"10:03
Bigmack83i have a folder with many files with different permissions. if i want new files to automatically be owned by the owner of the parent folder but dont want to change any of the existing permissions, can i run "chmod 2xxx foldername/* " ?10:03
giannii have 3 pc ( SERVER - client1 - client2) can i configure my server vpn for talk with client1 and client2? my actual daemon config file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50014/10:03
KimbieHow can I change the display order with x-server and nvidia-settings?10:03
ikoniaShaggs: Agent_bob is more "to the point"10:03
ikoniain his summary10:03
Shaggsikonia, but so long as I stay within the partition boundaries, i should be "ok"10:03
Shaggsi should note that this drive is garbage and I'm just trying to get whatever data off of it I can10:04
=== MR is now known as Guest53743
lolmachi, khama10:04
giannii have 3 pc ( SERVER - client1 - client2) can i configure my server vpn for talk with client1 and client2? my actual daemon config file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50014/10:04
Shaggsits a 430 mb lunker from when I was in 8th grade10:04
ikoniaShaggs: I wouldn't edit anything in a dd dump manually personally without a solid understanding of that disk and the layout, I'd restore it somewher and use the file system10:04
Shaggsikonia, what do you mean restore it somewhere and use the file system?10:04
Agent_bobShaggs heh yes.    as long as you do note that one oops and all is lost,   go for it man.     i would.    but in the end there is still no substitute for well kept backups.10:05
ikoniaShaggs: I'd restore that data to a dummy partition - then fix the file system10:05
giannii have 3 pc ( SERVER - client1 - client2) can i configure my server vpn for talk with client1 and client2? my actual daemon config file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50014/10:05
khamaCan someone assist me to change a webpage to a PDF document10:05
Shaggsikonia, right now I have the image on another hard disk, sitting on the desktop, and I was able to mount it using the offset of the first partion in the drive10:05
giannii have 3 pc ( SERVER - client1 - client2) can i configure my server vpn for talk with client1 and client2? my actual daemon config file is http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50014/10:05
ikoniagaurav__: stop10:05
ikoniagianni: stop10:05
ikoniagianni: your repeating a question far too often10:05
Shaggsikonia, well thats pretty much what I was on track to do when you got into the conversasion :P10:05
ikoniaShaggs: sorry, I thought you where editing the raw dd image10:06
Agent_bobkhama open the page.   file print to pdf10:06
khamaCoz in xp it can be done10:06
khamaAM GOOD LOLMAC10:06
Shaggsikonia, i did some of that earlier, as per http://fatooh.org/misc/ez-drive.html, but the work that started in this conversasion has been more fruitful10:06
Cyranix0rI see ubuntu's xchat binary doesn't exactly have everything included :/10:07
Shaggsand I appriciate all your (guys/gals) help10:07
Agent_bobCyranix0r ummm i think that's a special build of xchat   xchat-gnome   or some such10:07
ShaggsI love talking to people who know infinitely more about a subject than I do, and are willing to help :)10:08
Cyranix0rAgent_bob: yeah10:08
Cyranix0rI suppose I'll just dl and compile it myself some other time10:08
Cyranix0rnot a big deal for tonite10:08
Agent_bobCyranix0r if you want the full version it's in the repos10:08
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:08
acp_hi is there a repo for bitchx in hardy?10:08
Agent_bobacp_ no.   epic4 is there though10:09
Cyranix0rAgent_bob: naa, not a big deal. I'm just on a public computer and didn't want to spend a bunch of time d/ling and compiling things that are gonna get erased from ramdisk at reboot anyhow10:09
Cyranix0rI can deal with it for an hour or two :P10:09
acp_Agent_bob, ok thanks10:09
boumawhen use i add/remove to install kile, and try and use the help i get, could not launch the kde help center: could not find service khelpcenter.10:10
boumahow can i get the kdehelp working10:10
Agent_bobCyranix0r ok. but there is no compile involved with that.   just wanted your visit to be as painless as possable.10:10
ShaggsXP and ubuntu form bad conflicts in habit:  xp simply has you enter in your logon password, ubuntu has you enter the username and password, so I always end up typing my password in cleartext in the username10:11
ikoniaShaggs: xp can be configured for username password auth too10:11
ikoniaShaggs: thats user error to not set that up10:11
Shaggsikonia: hasn't been a problem until now :P10:11
ikoniaShaggs: in the same way ubuntu can be setup to not prompt for a username OR password and just log you in10:11
Agent_bobShaggs heh and the bad habbit there is not reading what the input is asking for...  :)10:12
Agent_bobwhen prompted for input.  always read the text.   even if you have read it a houndred times. it may have changed on you....10:13
gluonmanDoes anyone know anything about Ubuntu operated cell phones? Or replacing Windows Mobile systems like T-Mobile Dash with an Ubuntu Mobile system? I had heard some things from a few people, but don't know much.10:14
Vladimir[LV]How i can FULLY delete some program?10:14
Agent_bobVladimir[LV] sudo apt-get --purge remove blah10:15
Shaggsagent_bob: its called efficiency10:15
Vladimir[LV]tahnk you :-)10:15
Agent_bobno, thanQ10:16
Vladimir[LV]but how i can view list of installed programms?10:16
Shaggsikonia: do you think i could get away with a USB->IDE cable on this hard disk when I run it on this windows machine for error fixing, or is that asking for as much trouble as I think it is10:16
Agent_bobVladimir[LV]  dpkg -l10:16
Rajechi I am unablke to get to my ubuntu. Except GUI I get black screen wich says: BusyBox 1.1.3 9(Debian ....) and iniramfs where next to place where I can write commands10:16
ikoniaShaggs: don't see why not10:17
Agent_bobVladimir[LV] all of this can be done in synaptic if you like using a gui10:17
Vladimir[LV]no, server edition..10:17
Agent_bobVladimir[LV] well you'll want to pipe that through less then.10:18
Agent_bobVladimir[LV]  dpkg -l | less10:18
Shaggswhy is parted taking sooooooooo lllllllooooooooonnnnnnngggggggg to display anything10:18
erUSUL!boot | Rajec you can try some of the boot options listed here10:18
ubottuRajec you can try some of the boot options listed here: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:18
ikoniaShaggs: we don't need a running commentory - as you can see the channel is quite busy10:18
Vladimir[LV]Agent_bob: zomg! thank you xD many s*it ;p10:18
gluonmanI heard something about being able to replace a Windows Mobile system, like on a T-Mobile Dash, with an Ubuntu Mobile system. If this is true, I'm in dire need of purging my T-Mobile Dash of Windows.10:19
* Vladimir[LV] deleting all10:19
erUSULRajec: also try all-generic-ide (may work in some cases)10:19
ikoniagluonman: thats not possible - ubuntu mobile is not a generic setup10:19
Shaggsikonia, seriously, why would parted be hanging? is that normal?10:19
nachi_hello all! anyone knows where the crontab log located? ... thanks!10:19
lolmachi, nachi_10:19
Rajecwhy that even happened everything works. I was working under it yesterday10:20
ikoniaShaggs: I don't know10:20
gluonmanikonia, I see. I wasn't sure. Just heard rumours from a few sources.10:20
gluonmanikonia, and I became hopeful.10:20
Cheekyanyone could spare sometime to teach me lil on php ?10:20
nachi_hey lolmac..10:20
ikoniaCheeky: no10:20
Rajechi I am unablke to get to my ubuntu. Except GUI I get black screen wich says: BusyBox 1.1.3 9(Debian ....) and iniramfs where next to place where I can write commands. why that even happened everything works. I was working under it yesterday10:20
ikoniaCheeky: the #php channel is for php - however they don't normally do "lessons" and will guide you to specific books10:20
ceil420can i just restore xorg.conf to original and apt-get remove *fglrx* to get rid of said buggy driver?10:20
gluonmanikonia, although there is the recent Ubuntu MID , but nothing like that is being implemented for cell phones?10:21
Cheekyikonia: yeah not a lesson .. more like an explanation .. hel10:21
ceil420Rajec, if you still get a login window, you can change Session to Gnome or Xfce or something10:21
Vladimir[LV]Hmm... How i can empty some file?10:21
ikoniaCheeky: well try the correct channel then10:21
Vladimir[LV]some log10:21
Agent_bobVladimir[LV] some people still ignorantly suggest "more" but, less is so much more than more ever was, as pagers are concerned.  and it also includes search and save features     man less    for all the details.10:21
ceil420Vladimir[LV], you mean delete it?10:21
Agent_bobVladimir[LV]   :> /path/filename10:22
Agent_bobwill "empty" them.10:22
Rajecceil420: I don't get login window  loading screen is interupted in middle10:22
ceil420Rajec, then i dunno :x10:22
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide10:24
Rajecceil420: I remember a little that there should be some command to turn on the guy or something like that10:24
Kira[work]Is aptitude installed by default? (I'm too lazy to try a fresh Ubuntu install just to find out.)10:25
Agent_bobKira[work] aptitude may be better for installing, but apt is better for removing   imo.      and yes it's installed10:25
Rajecceil420: I found it  https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/39882 I am going to try it10:26
ceil420Rajec, good luck10:26
nachi_hello all! so.. any way to get the path of my crontab log file? ... thanks!10:26
lolmachi, nachi_10:26
boumawhat would i apt-get to get kdehelp working in kile ?10:27
boumahow can i find the package with a particular file ?10:27
Agent_bobnachi_ /var/log/  most likely but i think it's adjustable in /etc/<something>10:27
nachi_iam on ubuntu, and its not there10:28
Agent_bobbouma apt-file ?10:28
Agent_bobbouma or the already installed package ?10:28
jhaignachi_: I think cron logs to to /var/log/syslog10:28
Agent_bobbouma if you have a file that you want to know what provided it a simple command can show that.10:29
nachi_root@server:/var/log# root@server:/var/log# cd /var/log/syslog10:29
nachi_bash: root@server:/var/log#: No such file or directory10:29
Agent_bobnachi_ not cd,   ls10:29
jhaignachi_: /var/log/syslog is the file10:30
DIFH-icerooti want the result from apt-get upgrade -s with e-mail and cron, is there a program that can to that? or is there only the way with mailx and cron?10:30
fooHm, this: rsync -Cav --delete --exclude=/public/audio /public/ /mnt/backups/public/ ...  the /mnt/backups/public file contains a lot of directories that don't exist in /public. I use --delete so it deletes what isn't contained in /public, but it doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas?10:30
nachi_how can i export from it the cron stuff?10:30
Agent_bobnachi_ man grep10:30
jhaigDIFH-iceroot: Cron can send output as emails.10:31
Agent_bobnachi_ man less10:31
boumaAgent_bob: will apt-file find the name of a package containing a file thats not installed yet ?10:31
DIFH-icerootjhaig: i know10:31
Agent_bobnachi_ you'll be using both of them a lot.10:31
boumaAgent_bob: im trying to find the package for dvi2png10:31
Agent_bobbouma yes10:31
boumaAgent_bob: and im trying to get kdehelp working for kile10:31
Agent_bobbouma there is a kde specific channel too.   #kubuntu   and  #kubuntu-kde4  for version 4 of kde.10:32
boumaAgent_bob: thanks10:32
DIFH-icerootbouma: apt-cache search dvi2png10:32
Agent_bobDIFH-iceroot that will probably do what he is wanting, but not what he was asking ;/10:33
boumaDIFH-iceroot: so i dont need apt-file, and apt-cache already works ?10:33
boumaDIFH-iceroot: but i need to build the index for apt-cache ?10:33
boumaDIFH-iceroot: i mean it seems apt-cache is already installed ?10:33
DIFH-icerootAgent_bob: i dont know what he want exactly10:33
boumaDIFH-iceroot: does apt-cache work for files in packages that arnt installed yet10:34
lolmachi, bright10:34
lolmachi, kibibyte10:34
Agent_bobbouma you need apt-file if and only if, "you want to search the files contained within packages not already installed"   apt-cache can search package names and info for all packages.10:34
DIFH-icerootbouma: yes10:34
boumaAgent_bob: so apt-cache only knows about the files in packages that are already installed ?10:34
Agent_bobbouma no.  it doesn't even know that.    dpkg -L does10:35
Vladimir[LV]Agent_bob: ok thanks10:35
DIFH-icerootbouma: apt-cache is searching ALL files in the repos10:35
IamSOGanyone around?10:36
DIFH-icerootIamSOG: no10:36
lolmachi, ja110:36
DIFH-icerootIamSOG: just ask your question10:36
ja1Hi! Think I got everything set but I thought I just check with you guys before installing kubuntu: I have different partitions and several OS's on my desktop computer and I only want kubuntu to go to one partition, and then mount my /home partition. Will that cause any troubles to me? Will the bootloader stay the same (lilo) or will kubuntu install another one?10:37
DIFH-icerootja1: by default ubuntu is installing grub10:37
IamSOGI just helped a friend installed Xubuntu, but it seems a bit slow, it's a Sony laptop with 733 CPU, and 38x RAM, but my friend wanted to install Ubuntu, I wonder if it's fast enough10:38
Agent_bobbouma example;   say you want to know about an executable called "mcmfmt" and what package it is in.    apt-cache search mcmfmt   will fail, even if you have mc installed already.   apt-file can find the file and tell you it's in mc<version>   but if you have mc installed   grep -HiRe "mcmfmt" /var/lib/dpkg/info # will tell you what package installed it and where it is.10:38
jhaigIamSOG: How much memory?10:38
ikoniaIamSOG: 38 meg of ram ?10:38
vallhalla81IamSOG: if xbuntu seemed slow i gues ubuntu would be slower still so may be not a good idear10:39
IamSOGI think  384 MB of RAM10:39
MontyMooseEverytime I try to send a message with sendmail, it returns a host not found error in the log, but DNS seems to be working as I can ping the host....? Any suggestions, please help, this is driving me mad!!10:39
bakarat_how do you setgid on a directory in ubuntu?10:39
Agent_bobbouma i hope that helps you see the usefullness of apt-file as well as the ability to search for already installed things without it.10:40
IamSOGmy friend want to give it a try, so I don't know, and he got a PCMCIA CD-ROM, so take time to install... I used Xubuntu Alternative CD to install, but take like an hour10:40
IamSOGI wonder if it's fast enough, if it can run, I will see what I can do, lol10:40
DIFH-icerootIamSOG: i am using ubuntu (gnome) with 630mhz, 512mb without problems10:41
ja1Hmm, both ubuntu 8.04 and kubuntu kde4 8.04 hangs after a while, when run from LiveCD. Why's that?10:41
stdinja1: because CDs are a slow medium10:42
strka good tool to change partion table of a disk w/out loosing data ?10:42
Agent_bobja1 that's an offly broad question looking for an offly small answer.10:42
IamSOGhis laptop is a strange Sony laptop with Crusoe CPU, think it's slower, but thanks DIFH-iceroot think I will give it a try then10:42
ja1Agent_bob: Yes, I know. Sorry. I hope the install will run better...10:42
R-800Hello, everyone.10:42
MontyMoose...no sendmail geeks in here then huh?10:42
DIFH-icerootIamSOG: my is a notebook too, with a celeron 630mhz10:42
lolmachi, R-80010:42
Agent_bobstrk gparted     but nothing dealing with partition tables is "safe"10:43
jhaigIamSOG: From Xubuntu you should be able to just install the ubuntu-desktop package, rather than re-installing from scratch.10:43
strkAgent_bob: thanks, I'll try it (don't need high grade safety)10:43
unikgreets.. i want Greek spell checking for various programs (messager, open office etc), there is a package i must get? (8.04 )10:43
IamSOGreally? jhaig ? I have no idea, haven't try that before :D10:43
R-800Does anyone know how I can get grub loader reinstalled without reinstalling Ubuntu?  I have two hard drives and Windows was reinstalled recently, which removed Grub from the MBR.  I want it back, but don't know what to do.10:44
DJones!grub | R-80010:44
ubottuR-800: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:44
Agent_bob!grub > R-80010:44
ubottuR-800, please see my private message10:44
R-800Thank you.10:45
Agent_bobok lag meter just went to 30 seconds,   i'm out for a while.10:45
juanjohasbuncould someone please help me, i would like to install skype (i'm new in ubuntu)10:45
gynterklatest hardy. Is there a way to open 2 firefoxes with different profiles at the same time?10:46
DJones!skype | juanjohasbun The simplest way is to install via the medibuntu repositories10:46
ubottujuanjohasbun The simplest way is to install via the medibuntu repositories: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:46
gynterkafaik this is Ubuntu specific problem10:46
franki^when i try and open pavucontrol it (sometimes) goves me this error message: E: shm.c: shm_open() failed: Read-only file system (pavucontrol:1531): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_main_quit: assertion `main_loops != NULL' failed10:46
AlexWwhat ports are needed for mail?10:46
franki^can anyone help?10:46
AlexW*running a mail server10:46
strkAgent_bob: parted's resize/move menu doesn't give me the 'shrink' option10:46
* unik greets.. i want Greek spell checking for various programs (messager, open office etc), there is a package i must get? (8.04 )10:46
MontyMooseAlexW: 25 11010:46
AlexWMontyMoose: Thanks man10:47
AlexWDOes that inlcude imap?10:47
MontyMooseerr no - hang on - have it written down somewhere....10:47
AlexWMontyMoose: Actually, does that include other servers connecting to transmit email :S?10:47
gynterkanyone? this profile bug has been there for like ages and it's getting on my nerves already10:49
tripitakitstrk: aspell or ispell ?10:49
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:49
strktripitakit: Resize/Move doesn't seem to work to reduce size10:50
MontyMooseAlexW Can't find the document now, buried somewhere in a folder, if you google for 'mail ports' you'll get them. 25 is incoming and 110 is outgoing (I think) and then if you need secure SMTP you need port 465 open as well - can't really remember, shouldn't be hard to find out though.10:50
strkdoesn't seem to *allow* reduction of a partition's size10:50
Shaggsagent_bob, well I mounted the drive in windows, used disktest (which fixed the partitions), and got to see about as much as I ever saw... a bunch of broken files10:50
tripitakitstrk: sorru was for unik10:50
tripitakitunik: u'd use aspell ...10:50
* strk tought tripitakit was making fun of him about spelling of 'shrink' :)10:51
AlexWMontyMoose: ooh, so theres no other ports needed? So when a server sends mail to my sevrer it just connects to 25, and creates the email?10:51
tripitakitstrk: ;-) lol10:51
Wombat_gynterk: http://bdn.backbase.com/blog/dave/firefox-run-a-regular-and-development-profile-at-the-same-time10:52
MontyMooseI think so - but I'm only learning about this stuff my self. I'm trying to get sendmail to work, ask me again in a couple of months - and I'll know everything there is to know about email! (I hope)10:52
R-800Agent_bob, I just wanted to thank you for the link.  It was VERY informative.  I don't know how I failed to find it, but I wasn't getting anywhere when I tried to research GRUB.  Thanks again.10:53
unikaspell? search it with synaptic?10:53
DIFH-icerootAlexW: i think postfix is much easier then sendmail and!!! if you dont know how to handle a mailserver which is reachable from the internet..dont use a mailserver10:53
Agent_bobstrk i'm lagging really badly right now so this will be out of sync with the channel.  but if you are trying to resize/shrink a windows parition/filesystem  you probably want to boot windows first and do a defrag on the fs with the "pagefile/vertual memory" turned off.   windows seems to write it's pagefile tothe end of the fs and thus tie up all the space.10:53
ActionParsnipunik: use tab completion in terminal using sudo apt-get install10:54
Agent_bobR-800 welcome.10:54
legendsohaihow to chage my nickname in pidgin?10:55
R-800I'm sure I'll be back with another question, soon.  Bye, all.10:55
strkAgent_bob: ic.. well I opted to backup those few files and redo the partition table from scratch. It's a brand new disk after all.. Thanks for the tip though.10:56
ActionParsniplegendsohai: change it in the account settings10:56
ActionParsniplegendsohai: for that irc account10:56
* lxsameer That Was Just Your Life - Death Magnetic - Metallica (x«amarok)10:56
gnomefreakdoesnt /nick newnick  work?10:56
juanjohasbuncould someone help me i would like to install skype on ubuntu10:56
Agent_bobstrk welcome.10:56
ActionParsnipgnomefreak: yes but its not permanent afaik10:56
AlexW23juanjohasbun: whats wrong?10:56
gnomefreakActionParsnip: true10:57
ActionParsnip!skype | juanjohasbun10:57
ubottujuanjohasbun: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto10:57
ja1Question: Is sharing the same swap partition for different OS's bad? I only run one OS at a time. [Slackware, Gentoo, kubuntu]10:57
legendsohaiActionParsnip: i just can change the local alias, but i mean like the windows messenger that i can add some messages on the hind10:57
maroneHello, is anyone familiar with the network manager here? I want to configure it in a way that it searches periodically for the last used wifi network and connects to it, if there is no wifi connection.10:57
lolmachi, marone10:57
neggeja1: no, it should be safe10:57
ActionParsnipja1: thats fine, you will only have 1 OS booted and it makes managemnt easier10:57
gnomefreakja1: shouldnt hurt anything10:57
ActionParsnipja1: id save it was a great idea10:58
ja1negge: Thanks. Also thanks to gnomefreak10:58
ja1Thnx Actionparsnip10:58
hiptobecubici can't get evince to embed in swiftweasel using mozplugger. Everything looks alright, but when i click a pdf it just tries to download it10:58
strkwhy would 'fat16' and 'fat32' options be grayed out by gparted ? missing some library for them or what ?10:58
Wombat_marone: in my experience you are better to load WICD, get rid of network manager10:59
neggestrk: what kind of a partition are you trying to format?10:59
maroneWombat_: can you confirm that it provides a way to do automatic reconnect?10:59
ActionParsniphiptobecubic: http://swiftweasel.wiki.sourceforge.net/Plugins11:00
bullgard4'x11vnc -display :0 -forever -q -bg' made my Copy&Paste via clipboard malfunctioning: I could not select text beyond certain format separators continuously. How to troubleshoot?11:00
lxsameeri have big trouble with compiling glibc info : http://phpfi.com/35649611:00
Wombat_marone: it just does it. If you've set up the WEP/WPA/WPA2 key, essid, etc.11:00
dr3mrothats cool11:01
maroneWombat_: ok, sounds good. Can i just apt-get it and it replaces the network manager?11:01
Agent_bobstrk  mountpoint ?     if it's set to mount in a "linux" system it's expected to be a "real file system"     and possably mtools in answer to your Q11:01
AlexW23which is more secure/supported: Postfix / Exim - Just breifley not up for a flame war11:01
hiptobecubicthe rest of my plugins work fine ActionParsnip11:02
erUSULAlexW23: postfix is default in ubuntu systems11:02
ActionParsniphiptobecubic: i figure you'd just symlink to the .so for pdf11:02
DIFH-icerootAlexW23: postfix11:02
AlexW23erUSUL: All i needed to know, thanks :P11:03
Wombat_marone: http://wicd.sourceforge.net/download.php instructions. It doesn't get rid of NM, you need to take that out of sessions, or thru synaptic11:03
AlexW23Whos up for testing my dns server :P11:03
hiptobecubicActionParsnip, but mozplugger shows up in my about:plugins so it must be reading it no?11:03
Agent_boblxsameer compiling glibc ???   o.O     libc6   is installed.11:03
ActionParsniphiptobecubic: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=123526811:04
lxsameerAgent_bob:  i need that for a lfs system11:04
ActionParsniphiptobecubic: i guess11:04
ikonialxsameer: then get LFS support11:04
ikonialxsameer: your building a host system - thats nothing to do with ubuntu, and the ubuntu host system issues are well documented11:04
AlexW23is SASL, SSL for mail?11:05
juanjohasbunneed help to install skype on ubuntu11:05
iceswordActionParsnip: greetings11:05
DIFH-icerootjuanjohasbun: we send you 2 times a link11:06
ActionParsniphey icesword11:06
CaptJagerok who wants to answer a stupid question for linux newbie11:06
juanjohasbunsorry could you send it again please?11:06
ActionParsnip!ask | CaptJager11:06
ubottuCaptJager: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:06
ja1Question: Filesystem. Should I go for ext2 or ext3 for a desktop computer if I want to minimize disk read/write?11:06
DIFH-iceroot!skype | juanjohasbun11:06
ubottujuanjohasbun: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto11:06
ActionParsnipja1: ext311:06
Agent_bobCaptJager you mean another one ?11:06
ActionParsnipja1: ext2 for flash drives or ntfs f its going to go into windows machines11:07
CaptJagerTrying to install a module (drivers for wireless usb) how do I do it11:07
neSSun0ohi guys while listening to amarok my collection desappears, any idea? i already went on #amarok and they said they have no idea11:07
CaptJageryes bob meant 211:07
ja1ActionParsnip: Ok, thanks for explaining the reason.11:07
uniktripitakit - ActionParsnip: thanx guys11:08
ActionParsnipja1: ext3 has a journal which you dont need on flash storage as it takes up 10% space11:08
ja1ActionParsnip: Maybe I should go for ext2 on my HD aswell, as Im short of storage space (too much data?) :)11:09
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: is there a way to delete the journal? i am ussing ext3 on SSD11:09
lolmachi, Baber11:11
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: i believe so, you can dejournalise11:11
AlexW23whats the point in having two nameservers?11:11
ActionParsnipja1: what size is it?11:11
AlexW23most servers only run one nameserver?11:11
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: but i think ext3 is safer then ext2 (power off and so on)11:11
AlexW23but just have two ns1/ns2 entries11:11
Baberlolmac: i change my win and i need to recovery grub what command can recover my grub?11:11
ikoniaAlexW23: one server ber server, but one domain must have 2 name servers11:11
Agent_bobja1 one thing that can be done to free up a little space on most linux systems   is reducing the reserved percentage    tune2fs -l /dev/root | grep -i reserved  # root may need inturpreted11:11
ja1ActionParsnip: This partition for kubunto will be 9.7 Gb. All other partitions (about the same size) are ext211:12
AlexW23ikonia: So i should setup two NS entires on my server?11:12
Agent_bobja1 man tune2fs     for details.11:12
AlexW23ikonia: Bit confused, I currently own pulsehosting.com.au, but i want to point this domain to my own bind9 server11:12
ikoniaAlexW23: do you have 2 domain servers, on different IP's11:12
ActionParsnipDIFH-iceroot: Type tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/<partition name>11:13
ikoniaAlexW23: is your bind server in a data center or on a home broad band connection11:13
AlexW23home connection11:13
Baberhow can i recover my grub for ubuntu?11:13
ikoniaAlexW23: don't do it then11:13
CaptJagerTrying to install drivers for wireless usb how do I do it I d/l them to desktop now what11:13
Agent_bobja1 welcome.11:13
ActionParsnipja1: 9.7Gb is plenty for a kubuntu install11:13
AlexW23ikonia: Its an old domain I don't use anymore, just wanna stuf around with postfix/http/bind/dns11:13
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip: thanks but i am not trying this on my system, maybe in a virtual machine first11:14
ActionParsnipja1: if you want to switch to ext2 to gain 900Mb you can use sudo tune2fs -O ^has_journal /dev/<partition name>11:14
ikoniaAlexW23: hoem interent connetions are not the way to do that, and bind needs two name servers11:14
AlexW23ikonia: :(11:14
ja1ActionParsnip: I hope to sqeeze in a few programs and some data too... I test ext3 and tune2fs. Thanks alot.11:14
Agent_bobActionParsnip the base install+DE takes what 1.9g now ?11:14
AlexW23ikonia: Can they be the same ip?11:14
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: yeah ish11:14
Baberhow can i recover my grub for ubuntu?11:14
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: i always strip half the rubbish out afterwards, like graphics drivers im not gonna use11:15
tripitakitBaber: u find a good wiki fo it11:15
ActionParsnip!grub | Baber11:15
ubottuBaber: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto11:15
ActionParsnipi bet the lilo guys are annoyed ubuntu isnt using lilo11:16
iceswordActionParsnip: why11:16
ikoniaAlexW23: no11:16
Agent_bobActionParsnip i haven't installed ubuntu sense may 2005   so i'm prolly out of date....11:16
chilli0does anyone know how to make an server with an old computer ?11:17
javialguna española¿¿¿11:17
ActionParsnipicesword: well they all ship with grub and not lilo, meaning their product isnt reaching these masses of new linux users11:17
Agent_bobheh, i have to use lilo,  grub doesn't work without a partition.  ;/11:17
iceswordchilli0: http11:17
ActionParsnipchilli0: install server applications11:17
chilli0so get my old computer11:17
ActionParsnipchilli0: a computer is a server if it provides services to other systems11:17
chilli0its running windows11:17
iceswordchilli0: lol11:18
ActionParsnipchilli0: well what sort of services do you want it to offer?11:18
chilli0and i just want it so i hack into and play around with it11:18
AlexW23ikonia: So if i run a server in datacenter, can I redirect all the domains for email etc from there then to my home ip?11:18
iceswordchilli0: why are you asking in a linux channel? #windows-server is better11:18
ikoniaAlexW23 sure, but again running that on a home connection is not wise, most ISP's will black list you11:18
ActionParsnipchilli0: you dont just have a "server" you have file servers, mail servers, domain controlling servers11:18
erUSUL!es | javi11:19
ubottujavi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:19
CaptJagerguess newbie questions are not allowed in this expert only channel11:19
AlexW23ikonia: In us or au :P?11:19
ActionParsnipchilli0: i think you need to study what a server actually is then move from there11:19
kwakhello, need an urgent help. I install ubuntu 8.04 server and is in DMZ. why is it that I can't ping to any sites.11:19
lolmachi, kwak11:19
chilli0well whats better for hacking?11:19
ikoniaAlexW23: world ide11:19
ikoniaAlexW23: contact your ISP and ask11:19
ikoniachilli0: don't ask that sort of question11:19
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:19
ikoniachilli0: you where warned about this sort of discussion yesterday11:19
AlexW23ikonia: That's nuts, I didn't even realise it would be an issue :P11:19
ikoniachilli0: when you informed us you could "hack your school"11:19
fooHm, this: rsync -Cav --delete --exclude=/public/audio /public/ /mnt/backups/public/ ...  the /mnt/backups/public file contains a lot of directories that don't exist in /public. I use --delete so it deletes what isn't contained in /public, but it doesn't appear to be working. Any ideas?11:19
ikoniaAlexW23: I suggest you ask them first11:19
chilli0erm im trying to make my onwn server so i can hack it11:20
kwaki can ping the firewall but not outside of the firewall.11:20
iceswordchilli0: hackthissite.org11:20
bAgent_bos/to other systems//11:20
=== bAgent_bo is now known as _2
ActionParsnipchilli0: then install nubuntu as it has lots of security tools11:20
AlexW23ikonia: Will do, I just can't see why its an issue :P11:20
ikoniaAlexW23: a few reasons, but speak tot hem11:20
ikoniato them11:20
dr3mro_hi  i have a q? about hardy vs iterbid ibex .. after release of interbid will there updates for hardy or ubuntu stop updates and i have to upgrade???11:21
ikoniadr3mro_: hardy is LTS11:21
dr3mro_ikonia, what does that mean ?11:21
erUSULdr3mro_: there will be updates for 3 years for desktop and five years for server as hardy is a Long Term Support release11:21
icesworddr3mro_: long term support 3 years11:21
ActionParsnipdr3mro_: it will last a long while after11:22
dr3mro_but will be there new features updates or not ??? howi can get the new features without upgrade as i think hardy will be more stable than interbid11:22
ActionParsnipdr3mro_: you will continue to get updates11:23
erUSULdr3mro_: no new features only bug fixes and security related patches11:23
ne2k__i am interested in doing some network monitoring on my router, to see what network flows are in operation. I can ssh user@host "tcpdump -i eth0 -s 0 -w - " | wireshark -k -i -, but this doesn't really show me a real-time view of which hosts are connecting to what. I have found two programs, jnettop and potion, which seem to do what I want, but they can only run on local interfaces. How can I...11:23
ne2k__...get the traffic on the router to feed into those programs? do I need an ethertap?11:23
DJonesdr3mro_: Support for Hardy will be until April 2011 for the desktop version, and April 2013 for the server version, normally its only security and bug fixes, not new versions of software just because its available11:23
erUSULdr3mro_: except in backports of course11:23
dr3mro_erUSUL, what backport?11:23
iceswordisn't it for debian or what11:24
erUSULdr3mro_: backports is a repositorie of backported software11:24
dr3mro_erUSUL, is that a meathod to deliver new features?11:24
whyameyetrying to get port forwarding working. I have ubuntu host and winxp vm. I have edited /etc/vmware/vmnet8/nat/nat.conf. I add one line in [incomingtcp]: 8000 = When I reboot the winxp vm its internet is broken. If I remove the line all is well again w/out port forwarding. What am I doing wrong?11:24
dr3mro_erUSUL, ??? how i enable new features updates in hardy ?11:25
dr3mro_erUSUL, so my ubuntu will get more feaures without upgrades???11:25
erUSULdr3mro_: they are not new features just only a few hanpicked apps that get backported from newer ubuntu versions11:26
Ob1Kn00bHi. I need a little help setting up PYTHON_PATH, and placing python libraries. Is here good, or should I go to  #python?11:26
dr3mro_erUSUL, if i want to get the guest feature in hardy how i do i t?11:26
erUSULdr3mro_: and you can enble backports in System>Admin>Software sources in updates tab11:27
erUSULdr3mro_: make sure you do *not* enable proposed (it can brake your system)11:27
ikoniaOb1Kn00b PYHTON_PATH is just a variable, set it to what you want11:27
dr3mro_erUSUL, thanks ..11:28
dr3mro_erUSUL, so you advise me to stay with hardy ?11:28
sakhihi, I have a problem with my system booting up, the message it gives is: udevd-event[2876]: run_program: '/sbin/modprobe' abnormal exit11:29
Ob1Kn00bI know, but I don't know whether it searches the directories recursively and also I don't know whether there is a standard place to put it.11:29
sakhican someone assist me please11:29
AlexW23ikonia: My ISP said its all ok, but i need to make sure my mail is not open relayed :S11:29
ActionParsnip!ask | sakhi11:29
ubottusakhi: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)11:29
erUSULdr3mro_: that's up to you to decede and ponder... if you need the extra stability and support yes. if you (as it seems) want upgraded software and features upgrade to the latest ubuntu11:30
ActionParsnipsakhi: is that booting the livecd?11:30
nightclawis there an easy to install OOffice 3 RC2 package for ubuntu?11:30
sakhino, it's not booting live a live cd.11:30
ActionParsnipnightclaw: is it in synaptic?11:30
dr3mro_erUSUL, thnak you11:30
ActionParsnipsakhi: so you are trying to boot the live cd to start the install process and you are getting that error11:31
nightclawno it isnt ActionParsnip11:31
sakhiActionParsnip: I'm booting the system without a live cd.11:31
nightclawat least i didnt find it11:31
ActionParsnipsakhi: so its booting from your internal drive?11:32
ActionParsnipnightclaw: then find a deb or compile source11:32
sakhiActionParsnip: it's booting from the hdd which is running ubuntu11:32
ActionParsnipnightclaw: or another repo with it on11:32
ActionParsnipsakhi: can you boot to recover mode11:32
ActionParsnipsakhi: what did you change before the error?11:33
Ob1Kn00bDo I need to point PYTHON_PATH at each folder than contains source, or can I simply point it at a location up the directory tree?11:33
sakhiActionParsnip: there was power problems.11:33
sakhithe power kept on triping11:33
ActionParsnipsakhi: then id boot the live cd and fsck the partition11:33
erUSULOb1Kn00b: the later is more common for path variables11:33
dr3mro_erUSUL, i am facing a bug in hardy .. bluetooth send but not recieve i read it was fixed in interpid how i can get the interpid packages in hardy11:34
ikoniadr3mro_: you don't11:34
sakhiActionParsnip: thank you.11:34
ikoniadr3mro_: you wait for it to be back ported to hardy, or you wait until you want to upgradd to intrepid11:34
dr3mro_oh ok !11:35
stuarticusI have a problem, I had created a lot of SU files from the command line, then deleted them with a nautilus instance running as super user, now the free space hasn't cleared up!! Anyone know what's happened?11:35
iceswordActionParsnip: whatss up11:36
erUSULdr3mro_: you can't11:36
ikoniastuarticus: empty the trash bin11:36
ikonia!trash > stuarticus11:36
ubottustuarticus, please see my private message11:36
ActionParsnipstupid pidgi fell over11:36
tarelerulzHow do you all keep it straight a version of program you install via synaptic and version of the same program that you compile from a night build or cvs ? I unstand with compile you need all the part ,but how to you find where the executable is put ?11:36
erUSULstuarticus: they are on root's trash folder ?11:36
ikoniatarelerulz: thats in your configure options11:36
ikoniatarelerulz: and not something you should be doing11:37
dr3mro_erUSUL, but i did read someone who did add repositories of gusty to hardy to downgrade the version of some softwares .. but i dont know the repositories of interpid11:37
ikoniadr3mro_: don't do it11:37
ActionParsniptarelerulz: which <program name you installed>11:37
erUSULtarelerulz: if you conpiled from source you should uninstall the packaged version. also compiled packages end up usually under /usr/local/ first on the path11:37
ActionParsniptarelerulz: is common11:38
ActionParsniptarelerulz: eg. which pidgin11:38
AlexW23why does exim4 wanna install when i try to install mysql-server11:38
ikoniaAlexW23: check the dependencies11:38
ActionParsnip!info exim411:38
ubottuexim4 (source: exim4): meta-package to ease Exim MTA (v4) installation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.69-2 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 68 kB11:38
ActionParsnipits 68kb, who cares11:39
AlexW23but im gonna run postfix?11:39
ikoniaAlexW23: speak to your ISP11:39
AlexW23ikonia: I did ^^^11:39
ikoniaand they said it's fine to run a personal mail server ?11:39
ikoniaAlexW23: I assume you have a genuine static IP address11:40
AlexW23ikonia: Yes as long as its secured11:40
ikonianot a dhcp one that never changes11:40
AlexW23ikonia: Genuine static ip, had the same ip for almost 5 years now11:40
ikoniaAlexW23 really, is this the same box your irc'ing from ?11:40
tarelerulzI mean any program . I mean we all might want to get the newest version of a program for more feature or bug fixs.   I though compile a program installed it .  How to you find out where it put the compile program executable so you can run the new program and not the old one installed via something like synaptic11:41
AlexW23ikonia: As long as its locked down and not open relayed they said11:41
bakarat_how do i set the group id (setgid) on ubuntu?11:41
ActionParsniptarelerulz: whats the program called?11:41
ActionParsniptarelerulz: you may want to uninstall the one from repos first before installing11:41
ActionParsniptarelerulz: the new one11:42
erUSULtarelerulz: as isaid compiled programs go to /usr/local/ by default and /usr/local/bin is first in PATh by default as well so when you run the program the compiled version is run11:42
ikoniaAlexW23 seems reasonable11:42
koshari tarelerulz and use checkinstall11:42
erUSULtarelerulz: and again you should uninstall programs you have compiled11:42
AlexW23ikonia: But postfix would be locked down eh11:42
ikoniaAlexW23: postfix or exim can be locked down11:42
erUSULbakarat_: chgrp ?11:43
bakarat_erUSUL, i mean the sticky bit so newly created files in that directory have the same group as the directory it is set on11:43
tarelerulzThe reason I ask is been working a lot with amarok and I find the version that I get via synaptic don't support the ipod as well as I hoped. So I wanted to install a newer version and I wanted to know how I would find out what I need to know so I could add it to the menu so I can use it again easy11:44
ActionParsniptarelerulz: you can change the menu item to point to the newer one11:46
maroneHello you guys. Do you know a way how i can disable sleep mode when closing a notebook with ubuntu 8.04 (it's an eeePC)?11:46
lolmachi, marone11:46
tarelerulzThe hardest part is keeping up with all of the changes you have made to you system like adding new program.  I was wondering what you all do to keep up with the program you compile and add to your system.11:47
ikoniatarelerulz: normally let ubuntu packagers manage it11:47
ikoniatarelerulz: they put a lot more effort in for compatability checking than one man ever could11:48
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ActionParsnipmarone: http://www.true-binary.com/?p=511:48
ActionParsnipmarone: that may help, you can also run other configs from that list11:49
AlexW23Which transmission package is designed for cli11:49
tarelerulzDon't use guys run into problem of program not have all features you need or it don't work quite right and think maybe a newer version might be better11:49
rebel_kid|zZzZi dunno how i did it but im in some sort of magnifier and i cant get out of it :(11:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:49
AlexW23!info transmission-cli11:49
ubottutransmission-cli (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client (command line interface). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.06-0ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 352 kB, installed size 788 kB11:49
AlexW23does that one include cluthc?11:49
AlexW23!info transmission11:49
ubottutransmission (source: transmission): free, lightweight BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.06-0ubuntu6 (hardy), package size 0 kB, installed size 20 kB11:49
ActionParsniptarelerulz: they work fine for me11:50
ActionParsniptarelerulz: if they didnt id get an alernative11:50
mick02Morning folks11:51
maroneActionParsnip: thanks man11:51
ActionParsnipmarone: np bro11:51
rebel_kid|zZzZanyone know how to turn off this dang magnifier, i got into it by some random keyboard shortcut11:51
ActionParsnipmarone: some sweet stuff there dude11:51
mick02Just wondering if anyone has ever attempted (or succeeded) in getting a Tevion Bluetooth dongle working with Hardy?11:51
ActionParsnipmick02: does lsusb show it up?11:52
iceswordthat k[5\5] guy, so strange11:52
tarelerulzI have been find more an more that that  what ubuntu has in the repository  is not up to speed for what I need. I mean stuff like the ipod is what need the most.  I have yet to find one program that use all the features of the ipod .11:52
MartinCzHi. I have a problem with skype. When I enlarge the window with video, the video size does not change, only the window size changes. Do you know what could be wrong? Thank you!11:52
mick02ActionParsnip - here's my lsusb BEFORE connecting http://pastebin.com/f526d49a011:53
StanManCanhow do i start a chat with somebody if i know their usrename11:53
lolmachi, kibibyte11:53
kibibytecan you please test if this page is working http://www.zemsta-za-zdrade.pl/?id=be8400e211:53
crlhow do i save the xorg.conf-file? I can open, edit but not save11:54
mick02ActionParsnip and it's the same once I connect it11:54
ikoniakibibyte: thats not approrpaite content11:54
DasE1what's telling :  device descriptor read/64, error -110  ?11:54
DJonescrl: Did you use the sudo command before editing the xorg.conf file?11:54
crlthe problem is the VGA-output on my VAIO CR31 laptop11:54
julian_ive a lan in which is a web/ftp/samba server i want it to be reachable in the lan through its hostname so i thought i set up a dns server and put the ip of it into the router which is the dhcp as second nameserver. so which dns server should i install what do you recommend?11:54
crlDJones: no11:55
ikoniajulian_: depends what your router will support11:55
ActionParsnipmick02: try a different usb port, if no luck try booting with it plugged in11:55
AdvoWorkhas anyone used virtualbox on ubuntu?11:55
julian_ikonia, router will support any dns server11:55
mick02AdvoWork I'm using it11:55
julian_AdvoWork, yes i currently use two winxp and a gentoo11:55
truderhi i'm trying to get my xubuntu to recognize my zyxel g-120 pcmcia card without success. On a forum i read that the zd1211 driver might work, and that this is included in the latest kernel. If this is the case, should it recognize it automatically ? or do i need to do something else?11:56
DJonescrl: You need to put "sudo " before the command you're using to edit the xorg file because its not normally editable by a user, then you'll need to enter your user password to give you superuser access to the file which will let you change and save the file11:56
ikoniajulian_ your router can have any dns server installed on it ?11:56
AdvoWorkbasically im installing ubuntu now, i need to be able to run a copy of xp. is it pretty straight forward, i dont get if i need to install xp onto ubuntu via that program, or dual boot or?11:56
ActionParsniptruder: i think you need to download some stuff11:56
ikoniajulian_: what OS is your router running11:56
ActionParsniptruder: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/zydas_zd121111:56
truderActionParsnip, thanks i'll read that11:57
ja1Qestion about root: DJones might know. Should I change the root pw after a install of unbuntu?11:57
crlok. I realy new to this. I found this (http://brian.pontarelli.com/2006/06/06/external-monitor-vga-output-on-my-dell-700m-with-ubuntu/). Its the same problem on a dell. Can and clip/paste this into my xorg.conf?11:57
julian_ikonia, no i think we missed each other in this conversation. i can set manually dns server ips and i want to set the one to my little lan one11:57
ActionParsnipja1: i always set it for security but you will hardly really use it11:57
ActionParsnipja1: as you can sudo when you need power11:57
ikoniajulian_ oh, just use bind then11:57
ActionParsnipja1: sudo passwd11:58
mick02ActionParsnip I've tried booting with the Bluetooth USB dongle plugged in but it's still the same here's the output of dmesg | tail http://pastebin.com/f753c464811:58
julian_ikonia, "bind" is a dns server?11:58
ja1ActionParsnip: I find myself in need of power all the time and have to sudo a lot, which is tedious...11:58
=== icesword is now known as iceworld
ikoniajulian_ it is11:58
julian_ikonia thanks a lot ill try it11:58
ActionParsnipja1: its more secure to sudo11:59
ja1Anyway, kubuntu successfully installed, but, System setting doesnt run, Add/Remove Program/KDE3 doesnt run... Now what?11:59
josshiw can i get 2.6.24-5.8  linux source?11:59
ikoniajoss why do you want it ?12:00
ikoniajoss: what do you need to do12:00
ActionParsnipja1: use sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade12:00
julian_ikonia can you help again? iev found bind9 and already installed is bind9-host which one to use?12:00
ja1Calculator doesnt run. Nothing runs. Konsole runs. Thats good.12:00
jossikonia: patch it and use it12:00
ActionParsnipja1: get updated and see how you go from there12:00
jossikonia: Inst linux-source-2.6.24 (2.6.24-5.8 Ubuntu:8.04/hardy) that one i need12:00
ikoniajoss: use apt-get source then to get it12:00
ActionParsnipja1: you may also want to run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:00
ikoniajulian_: you need bind912:00
jossikonia: i think i do not have such command, checking12:00
ja1ActionParsnip; Ahh, I need to disconnect *this* computer, and get my updated on the ubuntu computer. C you in a while.12:01
ikoniajoss: you don't have apt-get on ubuntu ?12:01
jossnop, ikonia can you check for me, if such package exists?12:01
ikoniajoss: it does12:01
jossikonia: i do not use ubuntu, but i like this kernel realease, well probrably12:01
ikoniajoss: sorry - this channel is for ubuntu support only12:01
jossikonia: have been thinking to switch to it though, several times12:01
ikoniajoss: get the kernel source from kernel.org12:01
ActionParsnipikonia: you can uninstall apt-get ;)12:02
ikoniaActionParsnip: he's not using ubuntu12:02
boshheadSo I updated firefox by doing: 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get install firefox' because ubuntu-security sent an email of a security vulnerability in firefox. But now the update-manager is telling me about an update to firefox still... did I do something wrong? 'dpkg-query -s firefox' says I have: Version: 3.0.2+build6+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.8.04.112:02
DasE1***solved his usb - question12:02
Agent_bobjoss what os are you using ?12:02
ActionParsnipboshhead: try sudo apt-get update12:02
jossAgent_bob: i am using gentoo several years now, but , it is good, little time consuming12:03
ikoniajoss: get the kernel source from kernel.org12:03
* beanz0rs hopes everyone has a good mourning.12:03
ActionParsnipbeanz0rs: who died?12:03
jossikonia: you think that one ubuntu offers is also plain vanilla one?12:03
ikoniajoss: it has some ubuntu patches in but they are ment for ubuntu12:04
Agent_bobjoss too network heavy for me.   i'm on dialup and ubuntu is to network heavy for me... ;/12:04
beanz0rsParsnip: John Mcain12:04
jossikonia: i just thought, that those patches i need only would apply only for ubuntu source12:04
ikoniajoss no12:04
crashanddie_joss, kernel patches can be applied to any kernel12:05
josscrashanddie_: yeah basically, correct, but i do not know the whole patchtset that this ubuntu one has12:05
jossi only need the aufs part i think12:05
josscalled ubuntu-2.6.24-5.8.patch12:06
bullgard4'~$ sudo /usr/lib/vino/vino-server; ... ; 24/09/2008 12:54:49 Advertising security type: 'No Authentication' (1).' Why does this message appear?12:06
ikoniabullgard4 no authentication method advailable for advertising12:07
The_Codehi, does anyone know why the user libuuid is enabled12:07
The_Codeor what is this user doing12:08
beanz0rsDoes Ubuntu install with KDE or Gnome default?12:08
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
julian_ikonia, isnt dnsmasq easier to configure for my purpose?12:08
DasE1The_Code: uuid is clear ?12:08
jossikonia: have you used aufs on ubuntu?12:08
bullgard4ikonia: Why do I need advertising?12:08
The_Codethe users name is libuuid12:09
jossjulian_: what you want to do?12:09
julian_set up a little dns server in my local lan to get nameresolution for ubuntu web/ftp/samba server12:10
ikoniabullgard4 if things want to connect to it12:10
ikoniajulian_ it's up to you12:10
jossjulian_: you need bind12:10
ikoniajulian_: you asked for opinions, I said bind12:10
julian_ikonia your right, but i found just dnsmasq havent seen it before and thought it might be easier to configure and to maintain12:10
The_CodeDasE1: it's clear, the problem is the user with name: libuuid12:10
crlI wrote "sudo xorg.conf" in the terminal, but how do edit this file?12:11
ikoniajulian_: in my opinion, no12:11
Digital0sudo echo -n "100" > /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness12:11
Digital0bash: /proc/acpi/video/VGA/LCD/brightness: Permission denied12:11
Digital0Does anyone know another way to set LCD brightness?12:11
julian_ill just try bind then12:11
ikoniacrl: you need an editor, sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:11
jossjulian_: i once did that, there was an howto, about zones, and confugurations12:11
robbanHi! Has anybody been able to get the internal microphone working on a dell d63012:11
julian_its just a real small network 10 people12:12
crlgreat! Im thanks12:12
ahtmly2kdoes the command apt-get update also includes drivers?12:12
jossjulian_: i think there is an easier way also, somehing like eth aliasing was there, something like that12:12
ActionParsnipjulian_: you could use #include in the systems HOSTS file12:12
ActionParsnipjulian_: then maintain a shared HOSTS file12:12
jossActionParsnip: yeah, another possibility12:12
wershow can i sync evolution and kontact? :D12:13
AlexW23What user does apache run as on ubuntu12:13
ahtmly2khow do i check that all my drivers are up to date..?12:13
Agent_bobAlexW23 httpd12:13
crlikonia: but its no "monitor" section? only Section "InputDevice"12:13
=== fl0w_ is now known as fl0w
AlexW23Agent_bob: it says www-data in ps aux?12:14
AlexW23Agent_bob: or is that the group12:14
ikoniacrl: it's dynamic now12:14
ikoniaAlexW23: thats the owner12:14
andrilhello all12:14
lolmachi, andril12:14
StanManCanhow do you start a chat with somebody?12:15
boshheadStanManCan: /query username12:15
beanz0rs.. /msg namehere12:15
ikoniaStanManCan: you ask in the channel12:15
andrilhaving problem been away from Ubuntu for a bit forgot how to activate root account in new install12:15
AlexW23ikonia: What permission do i give files in /var/www12:15
boshheadandril: Don't activate the root account. Use sudo.12:16
MjateznikHi all, I recently bought a Dell Latitude E6500, got a few problems12:16
beanz0rsMjatez: I have a E150512:16
andrili'll be back12:17
ActionParsnipMjateznik: what problems?12:17
nnullits like root account is disabled by default but u can perform route actions with sudo, whats the point of having the root account disabled?12:17
ActionParsnipnnull: its more secure12:17
MjateznikThe Broadcom Corporation Wireless card dosent work, need to find the drivers somewhere.12:17
MjateznikThe scrolls on my touchpad won't work (haven't looked into it)12:17
MjateznikAnd finaly all movies result in system crash (flatmate has same problem, hp laptop)12:17
ikoniaAlexW23: in what regard ?12:17
DasE1The_Code:linux has multiple ""users"" to handle objected tasks, such one is libuuid12:17
jossikonia: that patch does not apply, since fs/aufs dir in vanilla, is completely missing12:18
ActionParsnipMjateznik: have you installed graphics drivers successfully?12:18
jossikonia: what i mostly want to know, is, if that is possible to merge fuse branches with initrd aufs union?12:18
AlexW23ikonia: I'm running clutch, part of transmission, and i need to have php access a socket filke12:18
shomonhi, I'm on hardy and can no longer connect to wireless. I'm getting " Failed to connect to wpa_supplicant - wpa_ctrl_open: No such file or directory"12:18
nnullActionParsnipƺ how so?... arent u basically logging in as root and performing a task using sudo?12:18
AlexW23ikonia: but the file is owned as root12:18
ActionParsnipMjateznik: id suggest ndiswrapper + XP driver for your wireless card12:18
MjateznikParsnip: hmm might not have :P12:18
nnullim not arguing, just trying to understand12:18
ikoniaAlexW23: so either change teh www-data to the owner/group owner or make it world readable12:18
boshheadnnull: What's the point in having it enabled? The point of having it disabled is that there isn't a reason for you to have root priveledges for long stretches of time... run the command you need to with 'sudo' and be done with it. No need to be playing superman for hours on end (and it's dangerous to do so).12:18
Mjateznikgot ndiswrapper but broadcom don12:19
ActionParsnipMjateznik: you'll need to get the hardware sorted before you can do stuff well12:19
Mjateznik't seem to have the correct driver online12:19
nnullboshheadƺ ahh k12:19
AlexW23ikonia: Everytime i close the app it deletes the socket file :P12:19
Agent_bob!root > nnull12:19
ubottunnull, please see my private message12:19
ahtmly2khi all, i'd like to ask a question, how do keep my drivers up-to-date on ubuntu? the device manager only seems only to be used for identifying them, not updating...12:19
AlexW23ikonia: Hmmm i guess i could just run it in init.d to change the permissions12:19
MjateznikI'm not new with ubuntu, but I prefer things out of the box ;)12:19
AlexW23ikonia: What user do files in init.d run as?12:19
Mjateznik(thats why I like ubuntu! :D12:19
Agent_bobnnull no need rehashing it again in here, they are so tired of hearing about it that it's a sore spot now.12:20
ikoniaAlexW23 why ???12:20
jossAgent_bob: >> /dev/null:)12:20
ikoniaAlexW23: why do you need to run it at init.d ? ??? why not just set the permissions correclty ?12:20
jossfount the original source..yes12:20
Agent_bobjoss /dev/null is not logged into #ubuntu12:20
DasE1 ahtmly2k: the repos with update/grade,  foreign software without repo you gotta look up manually, from time to time12:20
MjateznikActionParsnip: how do I get the grafic drivers?12:20
MjateznikI must first identify card, right?12:20
ActionParsnipMjateznik: what graphics card do you have?12:21
AlexW23ikonia: when i run transmission-daemon --socket /tmp/transmission-socket, apache cANT ACCESS IT, because the daemon doesnt run as apaches user12:21
boshheadnnull: Unlike some distributions where you need to play the system administrator for hours on end (and thus it's more conveinent to have the root account enabled), ubuntu mostly just works :)12:21
andril_hello again12:21
ActionParsnipMjateznik: lspci will show you12:21
lolmachi, andril_12:21
andril_i can't login as root12:21
zhaozhouI have installed a windowmanager now, but i can't get gdm to run it. It does not listen to .xinitrc at all. Where are the gdm sessions defined?12:21
AlexW23ikonia: when i close the daemon it removes the files, so changing the permissions dont acheve anything12:21
boshheadandril_: You don't need to login as root.12:21
DasE1andril_:from desktop ?12:21
beanz0rsawww, I need to reboot!12:21
erUSULzhaozhou: .xsession ??12:21
andril_from gdm12:21
ikoniaAlexW23 check the startup / command line options12:22
nnullboshheadƺ ahh k12:22
ActionParsnipandril_: as long as you are a member of admin you can sudo and be as powerful as root, running an x server and web apps is a massive security risk12:22
jossuuh, missing linux-source-2.6.24_2.6.24-5.8_all.deb12:22
DasE1andril_:(!who)  you mean at the login screen ? login normal user first, then become root12:22
ActionParsnipandril_: its one reason linux (by default) is more secure than windows12:22
DasE1damn smileys  :)12:22
AlexW23ikonia: Nothing to change permissions, all i could do is run the daemon as www-data12:23
andril_ok - i can't write to my other drive - formatted ext312:23
AlexW23ikonia: or at start up, start the daemon, then change permissions12:23
zhaozhouerUSUL, So that's the name of the file.12:23
ActionParsnipandril_: then you need to mount it with user writability12:23
zhaozhouerUSUL, I'll try that out, thanks.12:23
ikoniaAlexW23 run it as the www-data user then12:23
erUSUL!addingfs > andril_12:23
ubottuandril_, please see my private message12:23
ikoniaAlexW23: or put the www-data user in the correct group12:24
ActionParsniproflpofl: polo12:24
DasE1andril_:paste out from sudo fdisk -l        and  mount12:24
erUSULzhaozhou: xinitrc is for startx xsession is for gdm initiated sessions afaics12:24
AlexW23ikonia: so put www-data in my group?12:24
shomonhow do I get wireless working? nm-applet doesn't show any networks12:24
MjateznikActionParsnip: I got a Mobile Intel Graphics MEdia Accelerator X4500HD12:24
shomonbut they are there!12:24
crlikonia: So, now i screwed up the xorg.conf-file. how do i save it ?12:24
josswow,how many people on this channel12:24
AlexW23ikonia: or visa versa12:24
ikoniaAlexW23 if the group has write access12:24
ikoniacrl: what do you mean save it ?12:24
Agent_bobjoss 1355 atm12:24
The_CodeDasE1: clear, my question was just why is this "user" enabled12:25
crlI wrote in a section. Is it only to close the terminal?12:25
AlexW23ikonia: so usermod -G www-data username12:25
ikoniacrl: no - you need to save it12:25
prathibhaI am trying to build update-manager package using dpkg-buildpackage command. I am getting this error "mkdir: cannot create directory `0.81': File exists" How to solve?12:25
jossAgent_bob: how do you count them?12:25
ikoniaAlexW23: well, that will put your user in the www-data group, that doesn't sound like what you want12:26
crlikonia: so how?12:26
The_CodeDasE1: i know there are a lot of users with a special use, but they are diabled, why libuuid user not12:26
andril_wow now I am really confused ithought the drive would be ready after setup12:26
ikoniaAlexW23: you need the www-data user to be in the gruop that has permisions to read the socket file12:26
stuarticusanyone have any experience using scalpel?12:26
ikoniacrl: what text editor are you using12:26
whileimhereHi. I recntly have removed a bunch of software that I never use off my system. How can I clean up synaptic with all the files it saves and such?12:26
josscrl:what you want to do? configure xorg.conf?12:26
crlX11 i guess12:26
AlexW23ikonia: which is root :P12:26
ikoniaAlexW23: why are you running it as root ?12:26
AlexW23ikonia: Well i could run it as my username i guess12:26
ActionParsnipMjateznik: it appears very supported in intrepid which i wouldnt touch right now12:27
AlexW23ikonia: It will run at boot time so..12:27
crlikonia,joss: I trying to clone the laptop display through the VGA output12:27
DasE1The_Code: you mussn't think of it as a user, but as a way to handle certain requests, look at its permisions12:27
ikoniaAlexW23 doesn't have to run as root12:27
ActionParsnipMjateznik: looks like you need sudo apt-get install xorg-intel driver12:27
crlI found something to clip and paste on the web12:27
DasE1andril_: in terminal now ?12:27
Agent_bobAlexW23 if you need to start something from init as a different user   "su"  is the way to go.12:27
ActionParsnipMjateznik: then edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to use the "intel" driver12:28
Mjateznikactionparsnip: "couldn't find package"12:28
josscrl: xrandr!12:28
AlexW23Agent_bob: so su -l username transmission-daemon12:28
crljoss: x-what!?12:28
andril_i am12:28
josscrl: what graphic board do you have?12:28
jattin tar how do I exclude a directory that starts with .? E.g.:12:28
jatttar --exclude='stuff/.git/.*' -cvf stuff.tgz stuff12:28
jattdoes't exclude the .git directory...12:28
ahtmly2kthank u... ill giv it a shot12:29
crlATI X230012:29
josscrl: dri geeks do that with xrandr12:29
josscrl: fglrx?12:29
Agent_bobAlexW23 yes     su - username -- app and any args here that apply12:29
ActionParsnipMjateznik: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-intel12:29
josscrl: then this does not suite, it shoould be automatic, if you have radeon12:29
ubottuandril_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:29
DasE1andril_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:30
Agent_bobAlexW23 the empty dash ' - ' will put the users full environment to work.  i.e. path and home dir included12:30
josscrl: and you want cloned mode i think, radeon-dri drivers this is configured with xrandr12:30
MjateznikActionParsnip: did. "Is already newest version"12:30
stuarticusanyone have any experience using scalpel? I'm looking to add mp3 to scalpel.conf and not too sure about the hex...12:30
The_CodeDasE1: yeah, i am scanning my system for active users and some of there password settings, age etc. i do it by looking at etc/shadow and filtering disabled users, all of the systemusers (or whatever you would like to call them) are diabled except for libuuid, so my question is why12:30
Muhammad_SaadHello, I want my PC to be able to automatically assign IP addresses to itself as well as the other PC on my home network. What should I do? Which packages should I install? I am using Ubuntu 8.04.12:30
lolmachi, Muhammad_Saad12:30
lolmachi, cher12:30
The_CodeDasE1: or more clearly, does it matter if i disable him12:30
DIFH-icerootMuhammad_Saad: just use dhcp in the network-settings12:30
AlexW23Hmmm /usr/bin/transmission-daemon: /usr/bin/transmission-daemon: cannot execute binary file12:31
crljoss: ok, first i installed the driver ubuntu sugested, with CCC and all that, but the VGA output don`t seem to work, either the Fn-key12:31
ActionParsnipMjateznik: sweet, then edit your xorg.conf to use Driver "intel"12:31
Agent_bobAlexW23 ls -l /usr/bin/transmission-daemon12:31
andril_DasE1 E: Couldn't find package pastebini12:31
DasE1see pm12:32
Muhammad_SaadDIFH-iceroot: The problem is that it does not give an IP address to itself or the other PC. (I connect to the internet through dial-up).12:32
DasE1andril_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit12:32
MjateznikActionParsnip: Instead of "Configured Video Device"? "Device"12:32
crljoss: now i only use VESA, or something12:32
Muhammad_Saadhi lolmac. Can you help me?12:32
ActionParsnipMjateznik: no, below that line12:32
josscrl: uuh, your a newby i think yes, check what driver is loaded..lsmod Xorg0.log12:32
andril_DasE1 done12:32
josscrl: vesa sucks12:32
MjateznikSection screen?12:32
ActionParsnipMjateznik: you'll need gksu gedit to open it or your changes wont stick12:32
Mjateznikpico won't do?12:33
DasE1The_Code: I'm used to linux using this kind of policy so can't tell you what happens when disabled12:33
josscrl: glxinfo12:33
MjateznikAction: "sudo pico" I mean12:33
ActionParsnipMjateznik: no, the on that says Identifyer "Configured Video Device"12:33
DasE1andril_: sudo fdisk -l > fdisk.txt  && pastebin fdisk.txt12:33
DasE1andril_: give url in here12:33
ActionParsnipMjateznik: you can pastebin that file if you want and i can detail line numbers12:33
ActionParsnip!paste | Mjateznik12:33
ubottuMjateznik: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:33
Agent_bobcan you not pipe into pastebinit ?12:33
DasE1andril_: mount > mount.txt  && pastebin mount.txt12:34
DasE1andril_: give url in here12:34
samihi, does anyone know how to update Bios firmware that is using WinFlash without using Windows?12:34
Agent_bobif not i'll repost my shell script pastebin.sh for anyone that wants it.12:34
ActionParsnipAgent_bob: you can just do $ pastebinit <file>12:34
DasE1sami:use dikette or cd12:34
MjateznikActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50071/12:34
PiciOr command | pastebinit12:34
crli wrote Ismod XorgO.log and got usage: Ismod12:34
Agent_bobActionParsnip my script will read a file or stdin12:35
Mjatezniksmart thing.12:35
andril_DasE1 bash: pastebin: command not found12:35
DasE1pastebinit, sry andril_12:35
DasE1andril_: sudo fdisk -l > fdisk.txt  && pastebinit fdisk.txt12:35
ActionParsnipMjateznik: ok under Identifier      "Configured Video Device"  add a new line12:35
crljoss: what does it tell me?12:35
Agent_bobActionParsnip http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/184512:35
ActionParsnipMjateznik: Driver "intel"12:35
DasE1andril_: mount > mount.txt  && pastebinit mount.txt12:35
MjateznikActionParsnip: done12:36
PiciDasE1: You know that 'mount | pastebinit' will do the same thing, right?12:36
ActionParsnipDasE1: mount | pastebinit12:36
Mjatezniktry it?12:36
ActionParsnipMjateznik: save, close, reboot12:36
Muhammad_SaadDIFH-iceroot, I guess what I am trying to do is called configuring a DHCP server. :-/12:36
josscrl: modes, direct rendering capabilites, see yourself12:36
MjateznikOkey, brb12:36
Agent_bobPici i'm glad to hear that "pastebinit" can do that too.12:36
samiDaseE1: I don't understand, I am complete noob, the problem is my HP laptop is keeps getting hot, the solution found is to update the bios, but the bios update only works with windows12:36
ActionParsnipsami: use a dos boot disk and use the util there12:37
DasE1Pici: some cmd do , but with longer outputting-cmds the pipe failed for me , so going this way12:37
josscrl: basically what you need to do is, i think ubuntu does not offer fglrx, ah it sure does, nevermind, take a not, which driver that is12:37
ActionParsnipsami: you'll need the bios image and the flash app as well as some media to gice you dos12:37
BangersI can browse shares from Ubuntu,  but when I ask VLC to play them VLC says 'Unable to open 'smb://12:37
Bangersany ideas?12:37
ActionParsnipBangers: use smbmount to mount the network share12:38
ActionParsnipBangers: then it will be seen as a local file12:38
ganei am using ubuntu 7.04 .. the screen is not proper why12:38
Agent_bobDasE1 you might benifit from "http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/1845" then if pastebinit fails you.  i don't really know.  all i know is i see no need to make a temp file for pastbinning output12:38
samiActionParsnip: I am sorry, I really didn't understand what you just said, can you explain it to me step by step12:38
ganei am using ubuntu 7.04 .. the screen is not proper why actual screen resolution is 1280x80012:39
ganehow to set this12:39
ActionParsnipsami: do you have a floppy drive?12:39
samiActionParsnip: no, i am currently on a vista laptop12:39
ShazamaliciousHello fellow people who know much more than I. I am having issues accessing the internet after installing Ubuntu and curious if someone could assist me.12:40
lolmachi, Shazamalicious12:40
DasE1 Agent_bob:will try later, thx12:40
Shazamalicioushi lolmac12:40
ActionParsnipsami: then get some bootable media to give you microsoft dos12:40
ActionParsnipsami: you can then use this to run a dos based bios flasher12:40
ShazamaliciousI've ran through about all the stuff i could find on the forums to no avail12:40
ActionParsnipsami:  you will need to download the correct flash tool and the correct bios image12:40
ActionParsnipsami: then flash from dos12:40
crljoss: what is fglrx?12:41
dr3mro_ubuntu help channel on IRC :)12:41
Agent_bobusb stick   ^12:41
kFjhi. is there an alternative to "hotspot shield" in linux?12:41
ActionParsnipsami: if you get the wrong parts you could damage your bios and it may never boot without replacing the bios chip12:41
ActionParsnipkFj: whats it do?12:41
Agent_bobkFj what does it do12:41
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: still got a crash12:42
kFjits some sort off proxy list program.. e.g. in windows i can access sites that are f ex only ment for US residents to see. etc.12:42
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: is the display better?12:42
kFja sort off anonymity program12:42
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: in what way? same resulotion as befor12:42
ShazamaliciousHello fellow people who know much more than I. I am having issues accessing the internet after installing Ubuntu and curious if someone could assist me.12:43
lolmachi, Shazamalicious12:43
ShazamaliciousI've ran through about all the stuff i could find on the forums to no avail12:43
kFjhttp://www.anchorfree.com/downloads/hotspot-shield/ << read more here12:43
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: by the way have run Cairo-Dock without any graphical problem. Only movies both ogg and avi12:43
antiderivativeisn't using a binary blob in a kernel module breaking the GPL?12:43
crljoss: fglrx is installed12:43
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: are you fully updated?12:43
antiderivativelike the NVIDIA drivers12:43
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: yes.12:43
antiderivative i.e you actually are breaching the GPL12:43
josscrl: then something is wron, you have another display connected?12:44
antiderivativeonly the LGPL allows that, right?12:44
jribantiderivative: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?12:44
josscrl: it does not have to be as a monitor in xorg.conf, if you use S-video12:44
josscrl: do not know about dvi and other connectors, i have used s-video12:44
crljoss: im not using S-video12:44
crli know dvi12:45
josscrl: i do not tend to think, that this one need another display also in xorg.conf, should be detected by xorg fglrx_drv,so12:46
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:46
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: what resolution?12:46
jim_phi there12:47
ActionParsnipok cool12:47
Mjatezni1was befor reboot aswell12:47
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: what laptop make / model is it?12:47
Mjatezni1E6500, dell Latitude12:47
Bangershow do I have 4 desktops, not 2?12:48
st3phhi all, my terminal still dont want work, told me to type readlink --help  >> this is what is says http://paste.ubuntu.com/50075/  but i dunno what it means12:48
kFjActionParsnip, suggestions? i know i can use OpenVPN. but thats way to complicated and if i understand it right, i must have a server in the US that i can connect to first.12:48
Agent_bobBangers ummm right click the desktop chooser ?12:48
Mjatezni1Bengers: right click the workspace icon in bottom right and preferences12:48
josscool, i spilled ketchup all over my keyboard here, fantastic12:48
jribst3ph: what are you trying to do?12:48
st3phjrib:  using my terminal12:49
jribst3ph: what does that have to do with readlink's help output?12:49
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: do you have network access?12:49
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: I'm here aint I?12:49
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip :D12:49
crljoss: I have installed x11-utils, xorg-driver-fglrx, xorg-driver-fglrx-dev12:50
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: Thou my wireless don't work, need to find the drivers for my card12:50
ShazamaliciousHello, i'm having issues accessing the internet after installing. I've run through many "solutions" to no avail. If anyone could please help me would be appreciated. Thank you.12:50
lolmachi, Shazamalicious12:50
st3phjrib:  i cant use synaptic it tells me to do dkgp --configure -a if i do this i get a error over and over to type readlink --help (operand missing)12:50
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: you could be on another system smartass12:50
shomonhow do I connect to a wireless network? I'm using madwifi and ubuntu hardy12:50
Bangershow do i activate the cube and flip it around?  I enabaled it in cccm12:50
jribst3ph: paste the actual output you get from 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'12:50
Agent_bobst3ph you have a script calling readlink on a file that is either a dangling symlink or missing altogather.12:50
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get dist-uprade12:50
shomonmissing a "g" there ActionParsnip12:51
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: yea I now, but that would not be a fun answear.12:51
josscrl: i no nothing about those packages, really12:51
ActionParsnipBangers: ctrl + alt + drag with left mouse12:51
crljoss:not, xorg-driver-fglrx-envy and not xorg-driver-fglrx-dev-envy12:51
crljoss: ok12:51
st3phAgent_bob:  how i get it i cant install anything12:51
ActionParsnipshomon: huh??12:51
crlanyone: Someone using ATI X2300?12:51
shomonyou said "sudo apt-get dist-uprade"12:51
BangersDoesnt work12:51
Bangersmaybe i havent activated it properly12:52
st3phjrib:  i cant copy and paste it cuz it runs and runs in terminal over and over same msg im not able to stop tht msg12:52
ActionParsnipshomon: thats the command12:52
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: its installing updates.12:52
Agent_bobst3ph what exactly is generating the error about readlink ?12:52
ActionParsnipshomon: bah12:52
ActionParsnipbah: you are right12:52
jribst3ph: hit ctrl-c after a couple of seconds.  Then copy and paste all of the output including your command12:52
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: good,12:52
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: id also run sudo apt-get upgrade too12:52
st3phok jrib12:52
lolmachi, aleksandar_te12:52
shomonhow do I debug wireless?12:52
jribst3ph: I assume you've already stopped it once anyway right?12:52
Agent_bobst3ph it sound like the "ucl" bug to me...    is it comming from a dpkg command ?12:52
ActionParsnipshomon: tab complete makes me lazy12:53
lolmachi, kitcat12:53
Mjatezni10 upgraded12:53
aleksandar_teI have problem with ubuntu and sony vaio fw notebook12:53
crlIm looking for a driver to my ATI Mobile radeon X230012:53
ActionParsnip!ati | crl12:53
AdvoWorkive just installed a program from yet ive got no link to where it is, how can i run it, any ideas please12:53
ubottucrl: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto12:53
st3phahhh jrib ty12:53
st3phok i post it now12:53
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: try typing part of its name and pressing tab12:53
shomonI'm trying to find out how to connect to my wireless network, have an atheros card, and ubuntu hardy.12:53
ActionParsnipshomon: lshw -C network12:54
qwmActionParsnip: hightech12:54
=== kaning is now known as constrictor
aleksandar_teAfter booting, white screen appears12:54
shomonok running, ActionParsnip12:54
aleksandar_teI have Intel 4500 MHD gpu12:54
antiderivativeshomon: It is illegal to use Atheros in linux12:55
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: so now what..?12:55
cc0newbie question: what is the default file extension for shell script files?12:55
antiderivativeMadWifi is illegal acutally12:55
maekcc0, .sh12:55
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: are you fully updated?12:55
cc0thanks :]12:55
jribcc0: .sh is common, but it isn't necessary12:55
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: did you get a new kernel at all?12:55
unopcc0, there is no default extension12:55
st3phhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/50078/  <<<<<<<<< jrib12:55
jribantiderivative: stop with the legal advice in this channel please12:55
ActionParsnipantiderivative: why is it?12:56
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: the first command resulted in new things to upgrade, the second in that most evrything seemed to be upgraded and the last in nothing.12:56
antiderivativebecause it uses a proprietary method to access the card12:56
Agent_bobst3ph yep that's a "ucl" bug.12:56
shomonI only installed it to debug... at least it gets wireless networks to display in the nm-applet12:56
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: ok then reboot as you are now fully upgraded12:56
st3phagent_ how i fix that?12:56
Massiv0rhello guys12:57
lolmachi, Massiv0r12:57
aleksandar_teanybody can help me?12:57
st3phAgent_bob:  how i fix that12:57
ActionParsnipantiderivative: doesnt make it illegal12:57
DasE1!ask no, nevr12:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask no, nevr12:57
pppoooeeehi! installed firefstarter let no wvdial to create the connection. This time I've installed firestarter after running wvdial and it see pppo or something like it. What can be a reason of it? Why does not an installed firestarter sense an internet access thru wvdial?12:57
ActionParsnipantiderivative: just makes it proprietary12:57
antiderivativeif you don't have a license12:57
ActionParsnipantiderivative: just like the adobe flash plugin12:57
AdvoWorkActionParsnip that didnt work, its virtualbox ive installed, the tab thing didnt pick it up :s12:57
shomonhow do I debug nm-applet to find out why it doesn't want to connect or show networks?12:57
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen and after prompts me to Login eve thought i have enabled auto-login12:57
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: i think its vbox to run it, try in your menus12:58
DasE1pppoooeee:did you set restrictive outgoing traffic ?12:58
antiderivativemaybe I'm wrong12:58
Bangershow do I stop the AWN icon from showing up in AWN itself12:58
AdvoWorkActionParsnip theres no graphical link, ive checked in all12:58
antiderivativeit's just a blob, can't be redistributed12:58
Bangersits listing itself as a running app12:58
antiderivativesorry my bad12:58
* antiderivative hides12:58
FloodBot1antiderivative: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:58
* antiderivative is a linux noob12:59
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: try starting with v and press tab, then narrow it down12:59
maekBangers, go to #awn12:59
Agent_bobst3ph err i mean ucf   but at any rate   the script /usr/bin/ucf  is set -e    and that's crashing dpkg for you.   you can work around this by moving /usr/bin/ucf to /root and making a symlink   ln -s /bin/true /usr/bin/ucf    run dpkg --configure -a    and then remove the symlink and put the script back where it belongs.12:59
MjateznikActionParsnip: Back.12:59
jossjulian__: help  me, why am i missing fs/aufs there?12:59
antiderivativeshomon: Use madwifi12:59
AdvoWorkive only got vboxwebsrv12:59
ActionParsnipMjateznik: better?12:59
MjateznikActionParsnip: haven't tried video, should I?13:00
shomonI am, antiderivative , but no idea how to debug nm-applet and find out if it's looking for the wrong config gile or something13:00
Agent_bobst3ph it took me a while to track that one down myself.       and if what i've just said sounds like a forgien language to you.    just ignore me.   ;/13:00
st3phAgent_bob:  im lost just typing what u said in terminal?13:00
ActionParsnipshomon: try renaming you /etc/network/interface file and rebooting13:00
st3phAgent_bob:  i dont want ignore i want to get it fixed13:00
antiderivativeshomon: I believe there are instructions?13:00
shomonok will try, thanks!13:00
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen and after prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login13:02
pppoooeeeDasE1: probably..., just some plain features as firestarter's configuration. Then tried to 'start' good old "wvdial --config=/home/.../internet1.conf" - and it had been simply disconnected or something like this. This time I have run wvdial at first, then i have installed firestarter from .deb13:02
MjateznikactionParsnip: nope still got a crash/hangup13:03
jossjulian__: you from those launchpads phorums, well i fetched ubuntus source, but my patch does not apply since, it has no aufs dir at all, that is the first hunk13:03
ActionParsnipMjateznik: ok which app is having issues?13:03
Agent_bobst3ph sorry i don't have the time right now to give three lessons on linux cli 101   maybe someone else can.     i'll post this as a "use at your own risk" command,  as root #  mv /usr/bin/ucf /root && ln -s /bin/true /usr/bin/ucf && dpkg --configure -a && rm /usr/bin/ucf && mv /root/ucf /usr/bin || echo "something went south!" # if it returns "something went south!" you are on your own to determine what.13:03
julian__joss i really dont get what your talking bout13:03
jossjulian__: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/i386/linux-source-2.6.24/2.6.24-5.813:04
st3phty agent_13:04
DasE1pppoooeee: from itself a just installed fstrter only blocks incoming traffic without request, but to block outgoing traffic you gotta define rules13:04
st3phty Agent_bob13:04
sjaутро блин!13:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rus13:05
xomp!ru | sja13:05
ubottusja: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke13:05
pppoooeeeit probably finds no "carrier", which incomes, it's GPRS:13:05
xompdas vidanya13:05
pppoooeee--> Modem initialized.13:05
pppoooeee--> Sending: ATDT*99***1#13:05
pppoooeee--> Waiting for carrier.13:05
FloodBot1pppoooeee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:05
DasE1xomp: has left13:05
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes13:05
jossjulian__: ok downloaded the source from there ok, last link https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aufs/+bug/18248113:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 182481 in aufs "Failed to compile aufs modules in 2.6.24-4-generic" [Undecided,Fix released]13:05
Agent_bobst3ph welcome.  and good luck.13:05
ActionParsnippppoooeee: use pastebin13:05
MjateznikActionParsnip: well the "movie player" and when I tired to see a .ogg film in Firefox13:05
Guest12791hi all... can anyone help? ...13:06
ActionParsnipok so its your movie player, what player do you use?13:06
jossjulian__: but it do not have aufs dir at all, it might as well seem a vanilla13:06
AdvoWorkwhats the default root password in ubuntu?13:06
pppoooeeeok, sorry, it've created one-liners automatically13:06
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: there isnt one, set it with sudo passwd13:06
Guest12791i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile :/13:06
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:06
jossjulian__: you are not Julian Andres Klode  ?13:06
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: you dont need it though as you can sudo but setting it is good security13:06
julian__nope :)13:06
=== q-t is now known as NT
=== chattan is now known as chatta
antiderivativeIdleOne: That is hilarious!13:07
MjateznikActionParsnip the one that comes with ubuntu named "movie player"13:07
DasE1pppoooeee: so you want firestarter to prevent it ?13:07
jossjulian__: ah never mind, thought i could get a quick help13:07
=== NT is now known as Nt_nT
ActionParsnipMjateznik: load the app but dont play anything then go to help -> about13:07
julian__joss np :)13:07
Guest12791can anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:07
julian__my country and my age are alot of julians :)13:07
pppoooeeePastebin... well, ok... Have not thought about it due to rel. big price for limited traffic at current connection13:08
MjateznikActionParsnip: Totem13:08
MjateznikActionParsnip: Totem Movie Player 2.22.1 to be exact13:08
Nt_nTI had to fix the boot menu on my computer when i had to install windows again. When I got the boot menu to work again, the sound is gone from my linux. . .anyone know why??13:08
AlexW23whats the most secure ftpd13:08
ActionParsnipMjateznik: ok in terminal: cd ~/; ls -a13:08
Mjateznikusing GStreamer 0.10.18 and GNOME13:08
ActionParsnipMjateznik: do you see a folder called .totem or similar13:08
lolmachi, user113:09
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:09
Guest12791can anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:10
ActionParsnipMjateznik: nothing abot totem?13:10
=== testing is now known as Guest51810
Guest51810lastfm: how do i manage to make autoplay work in firefox13:10
pppoooeeeDasE1: no, last time i had to uninstall firestarter to be able to use wvdial... This time will see what'll 've happened... Wanted to know if my question is really a bit strange. Thought something like "wvdial is relatively powerful but small console program and it do not "tell" to other apps what it try to do"13:10
ActionParsnipMjateznik: id try a different player, see if its with all movies or just totem13:11
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login13:11
ActionParsnipMjateznik: sudo apt-get insall gmplayer13:11
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:11
Kelenhuh.. is it possible play World Of Warcraft (include private server) with ubuntu?13:11
MjateznikActionParsnip getting VLC then13:11
dam0how do i play games on ubuntu?13:11
Guest12791can anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:11
ActionParsnipMjateznik: if that works its totem at fault13:12
AlexW23ikonia: Whats the most secure ftpd13:12
dam0how do ii play windows game on ubuntu?13:12
Kelenany idea for that?13:12
jim_pdam0: only quake3 from the native ones13:12
padeehi everyone.13:12
jim_p!wine | dam013:12
ubottudam0: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.13:12
unop!info vsftpd | AlexW2313:13
ubottualexw23: vsftpd (source: vsftpd): The Very Secure FTP Daemon. In component main, is extra. Version 2.0.6-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 94 kB, installed size 392 kB13:13
ikoniaAlexW23 ftp as a tool is not secure, I rate vsftp as the best option13:13
Guest12791can anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:13
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login13:13
padeeis here a person, who knows anything about radio studio transmitting software?13:13
jim_pGuest12791: and now hat happened?13:13
DasE1pppoooeee: it depends on how iptables is configured, not on the ""POwer of an app13:14
pppoooeeeWhat is a way to install not proprietary drivers for ati radeon x1100? What packets could it be? What size to download? Probably, same 50 mb? And will it share RAM to give whole 256 mb of RAM to video chip?13:14
=== Guest12791 is now known as likewise
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:14
AlexW23ikonia: So whats more secure? sftp?13:14
dam0ubottu>jim_p>: what games can i play with wine?13:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jim_p13:14
Williamanyone have a bcm card that is working?13:14
jim_ppppoooeee: fglrx13:14
ikoniaAlexW23: scp13:14
dam0jim_p: what games can i play with wine?13:15
DasE1pppoooeee:ob-grafics ? can't specify share in bios ??!13:15
Williami wouldnt cou t on wine13:15
MjateznikHi again. I got a hangup but I think I need to specify13:15
Williamits still in alpha stages13:15
bullgard4"~$ man vino-server; No manual entry for vino-server." Where can I find a manual for vino-server?13:15
jim_pdam0: lets take it the other way round. what game do you wish to play on wine?13:15
pppoooeeeDasE1: yeah, this time i will see what happens when i will use wvdial at second time, with already installed firestarter as i've described above.13:15
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:15
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:15
jabbahow can i convert a pdf to a graphic-file like bmp?13:15
dam0jim_p>: action games, not sure exacly13:15
AlexW23ikonia: What server do u use for that13:16
MjateznikI noticed that when I played a movie all my windows crash/lockup but I can still mvoe the mouse and I can hear the sound from the film...13:16
DasE1dam0: ubott... is  a ro - bot,   return to castle wolfenstein  f.e.  (oo)13:16
ikoniaAlexW23: ssh13:16
josshttp://code.goto10.org/projects/puredyne/browser/live/kernel/2.6.24/patches/aufs-20080129?rev=103 this should be it, anyone, know how to fetch a patch from there?13:16
crlok, the computer finds the TV trough the VGA output, but i dont think the VGA-output sends any signals13:16
dam0i have return to castle wolf windows cd here do i install it on linux????13:16
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:16
MjateznikActionParsnip, did ya se what i wrote?13:16
jim_pdam0: like? call of duty?13:16
dam0yeah got it13:16
AlexW23ikonia: From what i see scp is slower then ftp for files13:17
dam0how do i install13:17
chadeldridgeis there a quick way to blacklist packages from updating?  for example I do not want to get Firefox updates on this machine ...13:17
ikoniaAlexW23: not really13:17
pppoooeeeok, and I think in e.g. Windows XP, only the driver itself share RAM with video... Don't really look through nios too much...13:17
ikoniaAlexW23: there is just an ecyption hand shake13:17
TishIm currently installing an app that doesnt exist in synaptic, am wondering in what directory I should install the app? / Help a n00b13:17
AlexW23ikonia: I get 20mb/s on ftp and about 10 or so on scp :/13:17
IdleOneTish: /opt13:17
ActionParsnipTish: you dont put that, it sorts it for you13:17
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:18
ikoniaAlexW23: try it with bigger files13:18
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:18
jribTish: what app?13:18
Tishjrib: its Mathlab, am installing it from CD13:18
jribTish: you mean matlab?13:18
ikoniaAlexW23: look - it's up to you if you want to have a box on the internet thats open or not - totally your call, but the fact that your lacking the basics suggests running your mail server and things like that are going to get your kicked off your ISP as it's going to be open to exploit13:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about matlab13:18
ActionParsnip!info matlab13:18
ubottuPackage matlab does not exist in hardy13:18
pppoooeeeok, i'll 've my comp. restarted, and then i will go into #ubuntu-offtopic13:19
ActionParsnip!info mathlab13:19
ubottuPackage mathlab does not exist in hardy13:19
lukus78AlexCONRAD, if you have ssh access, sshfs has worked quite well for me13:19
jribTish: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MATLAB13:19
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i acidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:19
AlexW23ikonia: Well where else do i learn the basics lol?13:19
chadeldridgeis there a quick way to blacklist packages from updating?  for example I do not want to get Firefox updates on this machine .13:19
Mjateznik!poke actionparsnip13:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:19
ikoniaAlexW23: on a box not connected to the internet13:19
ActionParsnipMjateznik: sup13:19
jribTish: /usr/local/ or /opt are customary13:19
Mjateznik"I noticed that when I played a movie all my windows crash/lockup but I can still mvoe the mouse and I can hear the sound from the film..."13:20
AdvoWorkive got a prog called virtualbox installed, its not in the add/remove option so how can i remove it?13:20
bullgard4chadeldridge: Yes. Synaptic. Select you package. Package > Inhibit Version.13:20
jribAdvoWork: try Synaptic13:20
likewisecan anyone of you guys help me please?... i accidentally overwrote /etc/profile13:20
bullgard4chadeldridge: Yes. Synaptic. Select your package. Package > Inhibit Version.13:20
ActionParsnipMjateznik: get some codecs installed13:20
MjateznikSo it stills crash, thou not entirely - think that might have been true all time, just didn't think of it before the sound..13:20
IdleOnelikewise: and you want to restore it to original version?13:21
likewiseIdleOne: yes13:21
asho79is it normal to have to press the apostrophe key twice to get an apostrophe, or do I have the wrong keyboard setting?13:21
MjateznikActionParsnip: which?13:21
IdleOnelikewise: did you back the file up before you did whatever you did?13:21
AdvoWorkjrib never used it so what do i have todo?13:21
likewiseIdleOne: noe :(13:21
jribAdvoWork: system -> administration -> synaptic13:21
MjateznikAsho: it sis13:21
AlexW23ikonia: Its still safe to run httpd on the web, correct, as long as i dont have exploited scripts13:21
jriblikewise: http://pastebin.com/f517b0522 mine on hardy13:21
ActionParsnipMjateznik: w32 codecs, check in synaptic13:21
IdleOnelikewise: well then....what do you expect13:21
MjateznikAsho: *it is13:22
ikoniaAlexW23: no13:22
IdleOnelikewise: lucky jrib is a smart guy :)13:22
likewiseIdleOne: allready tried it with a /etc/profile i found on the net, didn't work out13:22
ikoniaAlexW23: httpd can be exploited if not setup correctly13:22
AlexW23ikonia: Murphys law i guess13:22
ikoniaAlexW23: but do what you want13:22
asho79Mjateznik: cheers13:22
Mjateznikasho: usualy u use ´+a to get á for example13:22
likewisejrib: thats the one i already tried13:23
IdleOnelikewise: try again with jrib's copy http://pastebin.com/f517b052213:23
jriblikewise: so what didn't work exactly13:23
erUSULbakarat_: chmod g+s dir/13:23
MjateznikActionParsnip: I might be missing som repository?13:23
ActionParsnipMjateznik: get the medibuntu repos in13:23
ActionParsnip!medibuntu | Mjateznik13:23
ubottuMjateznik: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:23
elzurkanyone know what ubuntu uses for it's hibernate functionality? uswsusp or tuxonice?13:23
likewisejrib: gime a sec13:24
AdvoWorkin synaptic ive said mark for removal, yet Apply is greyed out?13:24
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: just use sudo apt-get remove <app name>13:24
elzurkand why?13:24
gamblerhi im using ubuntu on a VM, I would like to enable root for everything so I never have to type in a password again...how?13:25
jribAdvoWork: you need to close other package managers like add/remove if they are open13:25
AdvoWorkahh done it now with sudo synaptic13:25
erUSUL!root | gambler13:25
ubottugambler: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:25
AdvoWorkim just trying to install virtualbox but it wont install properly, because I cant run it. Any suggestions please?13:25
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:25
ActionParsnipAdvoWork: you use sudo for cli only, gksu is for gui apps13:25
jribAdvoWork: erm, so did you just finish removing virtualbox then?13:26
AdvoWorkjrib yeah its now completely removed so back to the beginning13:26
likewisejrib: if i want to login i get a few errors....13:26
IdleOneerUSUL: I know this would be unsafe also but would it not be a little safer to extend the default time apt remembers sudo ( 5 minutes IIRC ) to 30 let's say? for people who insist on running as root that is13:26
jriblikewise: share them on a pastebin13:26
crashanddieIs it possible to resize an ext3 partition when the free space is before the partition? If so, is it possible to do it on a mounted partition? man resize2fs says it should be...13:26
bullgard4What is the function of the file /usr/lib/vino/vino-server?13:27
jribAdvoWork: installing virtualbox-ose will get you the open source version from the repositories13:27
eitreachbullgard4: remote desktop server.13:27
wersis ubuntu more secure than os x? my cousin wants to know if its possible for someone to hack an ubuntu box13:27
wershe's an os x user13:27
AdvoWorki tried that one and it didnt work, so tried another one and that wouldnt either13:27
jim_pwers: yea it is safe like all linux systems13:27
jribAdvoWork: try that one.  Then come back and tell us exactly what doesn't work13:27
gamblererUSUL, why dont you just finish the job and write a script -> o = grepForKeywords(IRC_STRING) ? canned_response(o) : silence()13:28
wersjim_p, how about compared to os x?13:28
bullgard4eitreach: Where is this described in detail?13:28
gamblerthat was totally unhelpful13:28
ActionParsnipwers: any OS that has a network connection can possibly be compromised13:28
jim_pwers: what does osx have that is security special?13:28
IdleOnewers: it is possible to hack os x, ubuntu, windows any system that is not properly secured but little more difficult in the case of Unix like systems13:28
AdvoWorkjrib ive just got no way to run it, theres no icon, doing v<tab> only showed the vboxwebserver or similar..13:28
jribgambler: it informed you to look into using sudo instead of logging in as root13:28
jribAdvoWork: type 'virtualbox' in a terminal13:29
ActionParsnipwers: an operating system is only as secure as its configuration13:29
antiderivativeIdleOne: You cannot prove the non-existence of bugs. Every system is theoretically hackable.13:29
erUSULIdleOne: dunno... it is up to them but they will have to mess up with sudoers to change it13:29
gamblerjrib, i know all about sudo. I am working almost exclusively with programs that require root privs13:29
IdleOneantiderivative: that is excatly what I just said13:29
Picibullgard4: apt-cache show vino13:29
jribgambler: that makes no sense.  I suggest you read more about sudo13:29
erUSULgambler: ?13:29
antiderivativeThere is no reason to believe that linux is harder to hack13:30
eitreachbullgard4: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/tag/vino-server-ubuntu13:30
Picigambler: use sudo -i  if you need an interactive sudo session13:30
bazhanggambler, what is the issue13:30
AlexW23ikonia: So if im right, the general idea is to setup say a .lan domain in my network and stuff around with that for a few years, :P13:30
TishOkay, trying to install Matlab in the /opt directory but GUI says its not writable, what to do?13:30
AdvoWorkjrib it began installed it, then said no suitable module for running kernel found, then i tried typing virtualbox and it says could not find virutualbox installation,please reinstall13:30
gamblerhow can I open a term and login to root without typing sudo -i13:30
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: installed the w32codecs and "non-free codecs" but still got the problem...13:30
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: (after a reboot, ofcourse..13:30
IdleOneantiderivative: it is because of the lack of holes left open in the OS unlike windows that leaves the backdoors and advertises them13:30
jribAdvoWork: you need to pastebin actual commands and output.  Don't paraphrase please13:31
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: hang on got a message of updates avaible13:31
gamblersome of the commands i invoke are also from the gui and Id like to invoke them without them popping up a dialog13:31
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: if you run the ap from terminal you will get an output when it dies, you can then use that info to websearch a solution13:31
IdleOnegambler: nobody here is going to show you how. it is unsafe!13:31
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: always get all updates you can13:31
jribTish: did you run the installer as that link I gave you said?13:31
gamblerIdleOne, dogma13:31
bazhangAdvoWork, which version of vbox13:32
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: but i can't realy run it from a terminal, the screen crashes so I won't be abel to read?13:32
ActionParsnipthen run dmesg in terminal13:32
Mjatezni1whats that?13:32
Tishjrib: sry didnt see that, gonna try13:32
gamblerif anyone is wondering I have a big bandage on my finger and im trying to cut my keystrokes down to nothing13:33
bullgard4Pici: ~$ apt-cache show vino | grep vino-server does not produce any output.13:33
AdvoWorkjrib http://pastebin.com/d3e5598bc13:33
erUSULgambler: if you do not like the desing decissions of ubuntu (no root account use sudo for everything) just choose any other distribution that has root (most of them) and stop wasting our time. just my opinion of course13:33
jribAdvoWork: output of 'uname -a'?13:33
* IdleOne seconds the opinion of erUSUL 13:33
gamblererUSUL, ok I just thought it wouldnt be hard to flip back on...whatever13:33
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: what is dmesg, how do I use it?13:34
gamblererUSUL, seriously though, why not just scan what people type here and pattern match keywords and /msg then your canned responses13:34
bazhanggambler, this is not constructive13:34
AdvoWorkjrib Linux Ubuntu2 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 2 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux13:34
erUSULgambler: it is not hard but it is *unsupported* here so we (or me) are not going to help you with your issues. simple as that13:34
gamblerbazhang, how i that not a constructive way of helping people? feasible too13:35
Picibullgard4: Why would it? The file you asked about is part of the vino package.  Not every package description shows something about every file included within.13:35
jribAdvoWork: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list13:35
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: type it in console, it gives you error messages that ca help sort stuff out13:35
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P3X-018Is there any software you can use to scan dokuments in ubuntu?13:36
bazhanggambler, as others have said, Ubuntu uses sudo; sudo -i if you must. There are tons of others distros-->see www.distrowatch.com13:36
Pici!scanning | P3X-01813:36
ubottuP3X-018: Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR13:36
padeehi there. is someone available who has experience with radio studio transmitting software?13:36
bazhangpadee, not sure what you mean13:36
bullgard4Pici: I would like to read a description about vino-server. (If I call this program I obtain an error message.) It is legitimate to ask for a description of a program.13:37
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: what should I grep?13:37
padeebazhang: something like campcaster software13:37
ActionParsnipMjatezni1: dmesg | tail13:37
lukus78padee, you want to broadcast audio live across the net?13:37
AdvoWorkjrib http://pastebin.com/d31c848d913:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:38
padeelukus78: we are planning to start a radio station13:38
lukus78padee, but are you using radio waves or the internet?13:38
Vladimir[LV]I have the same problem: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=922631 ! please help me!13:38
Mjatezni1ActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50094/13:38
Tishjrib: after the sudo sh command all it does is opening the GUI, i want to install manually w/o using the internet and then Im prompted to write the root directory loaction13:39
padeeand we need a software like http://campware.org/en/camp/campcaster_news/13:39
padeelukus78: internet13:39
jribAdvoWork: hrm.  'sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic'13:39
Picibullgard4: I'm pretty sure that vino-server is what the Gnome 'remote access' tool uses.  This might be of some help: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698113:39
jribTish: yeah, use /usr/local/13:40
Tishi dont have the rights and dont ḱnow how to change them..13:40
jribTish: you do if you used sudo to run the installer13:40
ivicaQuestion: I have a problem with my wireless card. I have it instaled but i can't see it in network settings. Can you help me with that? P.S. Sorry About my english13:40
AdvoWorkjrib updated that13:40
Mjatezni1Tish: use the comand "sudo"13:40
Mjatezni1Tish: thats admin13:40
jribAdvoWork: it told you a package was available?13:40
bullgard4Pici: Thank you for your help.13:41
Mjatezni1ivica: which card is it?13:41
erUSULivica: those the wireless interface show up on "iwconfig" output?13:41
lukus78padee, why don't you use campcaster?13:41
AdvoWorkjrib it read the package list and then said Installed(none)13:41
Tishjrib: thx lol13:41
jribAdvoWork: it gave you a candidate?13:41
AdvoWorkjrib yeah, 24.0.413:41
padeelukus78, because its not working. the people there stopped answering mails and forum entries one month ago...13:41
ivicaMjatezni1: Atheros 802.11 wireless Lan13:42
ivicaerUSUL: In network settings13:42
jribAdvoWork: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic virtualbox-ose-modules13:42
padeelukus78, furthermore, the whole thing  seems not to run on 8.0813:42
erUSULivica: so you have an wlan0 interface?13:42
wersguys, does darter ultra _perfectly_ work with ubuntu?13:43
ivicauh sorry erUSUL but I'm Newbie13:43
ivicaI have it in hardver drivers, and it is enabled and in use13:44
AdvoWorkjrib did that, it said you should explicity select one to install. E: package virtualbox-ose-modules has no installation candidates13:44
erUSULivica: open a terminal. Aplications>ccesories>Terminal. type: iwconfig <enter>13:44
erUSULivica: does an interface named wlan0 show up?13:44
ivicaerUSUL: no wireless extension13:45
AdvoWorkjrib ones listed as virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic 24.0.413:45
jribAdvoWork: my mistake.  It's: virtualbox-ose-modules-generic13:45
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/icecast2 padee check this13:45
ikoniaAlexW23: that would be the most sensible approach, or a box with multiple vm's13:45
erUSULivica: type "lspci" and copy paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com13:45
erUSUL!pastebin | ivica13:45
ubottuivica: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:45
AdvoWorkjrib now says: unmet dependancies, depends: virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-20-generic but it is not going to be installed13:46
AlexW23ikonia: Then maybe in 3 years when i have my Bach Comp Sci i can open it up to the internet :P13:46
maekAdvoWork, just use the proprietary Virtualbox13:47
ikoniaAlexW23: if you want to be sarcastic about it, you can do what you want13:47
AdvoWorkmaek such as? ive just read good things about this one13:47
tallerolidatahi there ppl, my screen has gone loko and it only allows me to use resolutions under 800x600 after a wrong shutdown... can any of you give me a hand?13:47
ivicaerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50100/13:47
maekAdvoWork, the proprietary Virtualbox is much better13:47
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AdvoWorkwhat do you mean by proprietary, someone elses version of it or?13:48
maekAdvoWork, http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads13:48
AdvoWorkahh i get you13:48
jribAdvoWork: is virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic now installed?13:48
AdvoWorkjrib it didnt install that afaik13:48
Guest82186histo, does anyone uses lastfm, does the round play button work in fire fox?13:48
jribAdvoWork: check with apt-cache policy virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic13:49
maekI don't get end user's obsession with open sourcing everything .. just use what ever works better13:49
erUSULivica: go to System>Admin>hardware drivers13:49
nyhltallero look for xorg.conf13:49
ivicaerUSUL: I'm there13:49
erUSULivica: is the driver for atheros listed? enabled?13:50
ivicaerUSUL: Yes, it is enabled13:50
tallerolidatayup i've got the same with ubuntu once... something not finished on the drivers...dull13:50
ivicaerUSUL: Any hope for me?13:52
erUSULivica: i'm checking the web... seems people has problems with this cards ...13:52
Mjatezni1Hi. Could anyone help me get my touchpads scroll working? in /etc/X11/corg.conf i find this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50102/13:53
ivicaerUSUL: I was thinkig about using windows drivers, but I'm not sure if that is a good idea13:54
asathooranyone with a clue on how to get sd-cards working in U8.0413:54
dam0asathoor>: should be working13:54
Mjatezni1Asathoor: got the same question.13:54
erUSULivica: people have either used windows drivers via ndiswrapper or compiled madwifi driver from source...13:54
asathoorI have two installations with problems, so ...13:54
Mjatezni1Dam0: O have a internal SD card reader, how do I mount?13:54
dam0right click it and click mount13:55
Mjatezni1It don't show up autmaticaly13:55
asathoorMjatezni1: I have a reader, I cannot see the sd card in places ...13:55
eyyYoIs there a way to copy all the content of a directory with dd? I only get "dd: opening `/media/truecrypt3': Is a directory". Or is there another way to copy all the files from a truecrypt device?13:56
ivicaerUSUL: I didn't understand that, as I said I'm n00b13:56
erUSULivica: see this threath for example (apostledeets post) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87814813:56
erUSULivica: the post describes how to use the windows drivers13:56
ivica10x, I will13:56
erUSULivica: here you can see how to compile from source new drivers http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Distro/Ubuntu13:57
xompwhat's the deal with airline food?13:57
erUSULivica: choose your poison ;)13:57
erUSULivica: here is the bug report where you can vent your frustation with the situation ... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/21889213:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 218892 in ubuntu "AR242x Atheros wifi broken in kernel 2.6.24-16-generic on 1st gen macbook (dup-of: 201180)" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 201180 in linux "[hardy] kernel 2.6.24-12 breaks wireless (Atheros AR242x)" [Medium,Triaged]13:58
ivicaerUSUL: 10, wish me luck13:58
AngryElfI can't seem to get an IP address while in roaming mode, much less ping anything, isn't it supposed to be DHCP, what's going on?13:58
erUSULivica: wished XD13:58
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ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP314:00
bonespurhi..i want a kde style panel in hardy along with some desktop productivity enhancements...any place i can get info on them??14:00
jim_pbonespur: like what?14:01
AdvoWorkmaek you know what you were saying about using the proprietry version, ive tried on a differnet pc, installed it, said its installed ok, ive got no icon to click to run it, and typing v<tab> lists vbetool and vboxwebsrv :S14:01
urliIs openoffice included in an ubuntu cd?14:02
maekAdvoWork, it should be in Applications > System Tools14:02
Piciurli: Yes.14:02
urliPici: many thanks14:02
bonespurjim_p: well...a mac like dock with an automatic drop down terminal window...and easily accessible partitions14:03
AdvoWorkmaek ive not even got an application folder, only accessories,games,gfx,internet,office,sound14:03
jim_pbonespur: are you on gnome? you can use tilda for the terminal you want and an applet named "gnome-mount-applet"14:04
khelllam trying to install virtualbox but getting this dpkg: error processing /home/khelll/Desktop/virtualbox-2.0_2.0.2-36488_Ubuntu_hardy_i386.deb (--install):14:04
khelll trying to overwrite `/lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/misc/vboxdrv.ko', which is also in package virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic14:04
khellldpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)14:04
maekAdvoWork, no "System Tools"14:04
AdvoWorkmaek i mean, ive got no system tools folder14:04
bonespurjim_p: yes im on gnome14:04
bonespurjim_p: where can i get more cusomizations14:05
DazedI installed ubuntu with wubi, now I want to format my system drive, can I just move the ubuntu folder to another partition and then restore it later somehow?14:05
jim_pbonespur: in synaptic14:05
bonespurjim_p: i want a kde like single menu bar14:05
maekAdvoWork, then right click the Applications Places System menu then select "edit menus"14:05
v3ctorbonespur: why not install kde?14:05
maekAdvoWork, then check the System Tools folder14:05
erUSULkhelll: uninstall virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic if you are using a third party deb for vbox14:06
jim_pi think he likes his menu being at the top of the screen :P14:06
khelllerUSUL how can i uninstall it14:06
jim_pbonespur: you have a pm14:06
erUSULkhelll: sudo apt-get remove --purge virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic14:06
GhostChei installed python-imaging using apt, but when i try doing an import it says module not found.  I'm running 8.04, any help?14:06
erUSUL!software | khelll14:06
ubottukhelll: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:06
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jribGhostChe: what are you importing?14:07
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GhostCheimport image14:07
AdvoWorkmaek hmm, its ticked as if it should show, but still not showing? :S14:07
bonespurjim_p: ?14:07
maekAdvoWork, did you install from the .deb package from the Virtualbox website ??14:08
jim_pbonespur: aa private message14:08
CR34Mwhats the best swap size?14:08
jim_pbonespur: check your tabs14:08
AdvoWorkmaek now its showing, but virtualbox isnt in there, and yeah i installed from the deb package14:08
Mjatezni1Have anyone got time to help me get my video codecs working?14:08
jrib!restricted > Mjatezni114:09
ubottuMjatezni1, please see my private message14:09
jim_pCR34M: if you have more that 2GB of ram, i think 1GB is enough14:09
PiciGhostChe: I think the module name is PIL14:09
erUSULCR34M: depends of you ram... if you want to hbernate swap==ram14:09
AdvoWorkmaek the funny thing is, in the edit menu bit, sun xVM VirtualBox is listed under system tools and ticked,yet doesnt show in the system tools menu14:09
v3ctorAdvoWork: `VirtualBox` it is case sensative14:09
GhostChejrib: same thing, no module named pil14:09
CR34Mmy laptop has 1.2gb ram14:09
jribGhostChe: with caps14:09
maekAdvoWork, okay type ALT - F2 then in the text box type "Virtualbox"14:10
GhostChejrib: lol, thanks for the help, worked fine ;o)14:10
Dazedcan wubi install ubuntu from an existing disk image from a previous wubi isntall14:10
erUSULCR34M: then swap >= 1.2 GB14:10
jribGhostChe: http://www.pythonware.com/library/pil/handbook/index.htm :)14:10
maekAdvoWork, is Sun xVM VirtualBox in italics ??14:10
AdvoWorkgot it working now, unticked/reticked :/14:10
CR34Mi heard twice your ram is best14:10
jribCR34M: that's an old suggestion14:11
maekAdvoWork, thats good : )14:11
rdeshi...i checked my install cd for errors and it was fine.  However i get this: partman failed with exit code 10....the forums has this problem listed but with no solutions.14:12
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erUSULCR34M: that meme is from the old times when you have 16-32-...-256 MB ram14:12
CR34M1) for a desktop system, use a swap space of double system memory, as it will allow you to run a large number of applications (many of which may will be idle and easily swapped), making more RAM available for the active applications;14:14
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CR34Mare u saying linux.com is outdated?14:14
scampbelldouble your memory in swap is a very old concept that doesn't hold true.  If you are swapping 2 g of data on your desktop there's something terribly wrong.14:15
AdvoWorkive got virtualbox running, created a new xp setting, and go to start it, and it just says No bootable medium found! System halted. Any ideas?14:16
jribAdvoWork: did you install xp on it?14:16
uriolsabeis alguna manera de sincronizar un movil nokia con el ordenador ? en ubuntu ?14:16
jrib!es | uriol14:17
ubottuuriol: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:17
erUSULCR34M: that's my opinion... you can make your swap 2.4 GB i bet you will not use more than a hundred kilobytes on normal cincurstances14:17
jlillyhey guys. I'm trying to get khtml2png working, but I need a valid xserver on my ubuntu-server box. I've installed the requisite packages to get khtml2png working.. how do I start the x server?14:17
AdvoWorkjrib thats what i dont get, do i need to install xp within the vm, or on the box aswell or?14:17
uriolid like to know14:17
urioli am not fluent on english14:17
erUSULCR34M: i only said 1.2 GB so you can hibernate (suspend to disk) as linux copies ram to swap. if it were a desktop not a laptop i would have recommend even less swap14:17
jribAdvoWork: you usually need to tell it to use your cdrom in the settings for that vbox and then put your xp installation cd in your cdrom drive14:17
uriolhow can i sincronize my nokia mobile phone with computer14:17
uriolin ubuntu operating system14:18
uriollike nokia pc suite14:18
CR34Mwell i recently tested an older suse installation which automatically made 365mb swap space because i didnt have much space free but it froze alot14:18
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rdesanyone knows why i'm getting the "partman failed with exit code 10" error?  I'm using a dell inspiron 8600 laptop.14:19
AlexW23Who has experience with shorewall14:19
AdvoWorkjrib ahh ok, so i install xp on that pc? and basically can use xp like normal(install stuff on it?)14:20
scampbellCR34M: are you saying that that older suse installation ran out of swap and that made it freeze alot?14:20
jribAdvoWork: you install xb on that virtualbox image14:20
CR34Mthats what im guessing14:20
AdvoWorkjrib but what about installing programs onto windows after, is that posible>14:20
jribAdvoWork: yeah, it's just like windows in a window14:20
CR34Mwhats the command to see how much swap is in use?14:21
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:21
CR34Mwhats the command to see how much swap is in use?14:21
snovai haven't been able to upgrade my system since i bought the disks, which was last year. as far as i know, i should be able to run "apt-get upgrade" to upgrade everything. is there anything else i have to do? perhaps edit /etc/apt/sources.list to include newer repositories? because i think it only contains the repos for gutsy.14:21
scampbellCR34M: top is the easiest14:21
DJonesrdes: I can't help much, but it'd help if you can say what you were doing when the error came up? Are you installing ubuntu, do you raid set up and are you using wubi? There's a few mentions of that error making reference to wubi14:22
CR34Mtop -h i guess?14:22
jribCR34M: free -m    or   swapon -s  works too14:22
stdinCR34M: free14:22
jokoonhello, I installed libpam-unix2 on ubuntu to decrypt password from a suse network, but it still doesn't work...14:22
lolmachi, jokoon14:22
CR34Mwill it show in mb?14:22
stdinCR34M: free -m shows in MBs14:22
CR34Mok thx14:23
CR34Mgonna check it in suse14:23
amanui wanna install netbeans ..........14:23
amanu how can i/14:23
jrib!info netbeans | amanu14:23
ubottuamanu: netbeans (source: netbeans): Integrated Development Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.0.1-0ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 813 kB, installed size 1924 kB14:23
erUSUL!software | amanu14:24
ubottuamanu: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:24
Flynsarmyerror while loading shared libraries: libgladeui-1.so.7: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.  I have the file. do i need to copy it somehwere to make this program work?14:24
Cristihi, for some reason i can't mount the windows partitions automatically. It says Invalid mount option when attempting to mount the volume 'Cristi'.14:25
erUSULFlynsarmy: where do you have the file?14:25
jribCristi: what mount options are you using?14:25
Cristijrib: no idea.. how do i find out14:25
jribCristi: pastebin your fstab14:25
erUSULFlynsarmy: probably you need to install libgladeui-1-714:26
Cristijrib: where is it located ?14:26
TJ-42anyone know a guide for creating a guest account?  I can't find anything14:26
jribCristi: /etc/fstab14:26
dam0TJ-42: u need a firewall14:26
erUSULCristi: install and use ntfs-config. "gksudo ntfs-config"14:27
FlynsarmyerUSUL, aha, thanks14:27
TJ-42dam0: for a guest account?14:27
amanucant i have any software hereeeee in ubuntu to download  anything with " pause" facility14:27
erUSULamanu: i use the dwonload them all firefox extension...14:27
amanui mean like idm,utorrent inxp14:27
erUSUL!info d4x | amanu14:27
ubottuamanu: d4x (source: d4x): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (hardy), package size 711 kB, installed size 2056 kB14:27
dam0TJ-42: yes14:27
erUSUL!torrent > amanu14:27
ubottuamanu, please see my private message14:27
TJ-42do you know any guides for doing this?14:28
Cristijrib: here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/50114/14:28
dam0no man14:28
dam0i am looking too14:28
TJ-42heh ok, thanks :-)14:28
amanuerUSUL:pls suggest me one to pause and downlaod big files in gb even after restart14:28
jribCristi: I misunderstood what you meant by automatic then, try what erUSUL recommended to you14:28
dam0how do i create a guest account on my pc?14:28
AngryElfwhat on earth is "roaming mode" when it comes to the network manager?14:28
maekAngryElf, #ubuntu+114:29
kitcheAngryElf: it will connect to anything that it sees14:29
PiciTJ-42: What exactly would a guest account do?14:29
amanupls suggest me one to pause and downlaod big files in gb even after restart14:29
erUSULamanu: d4x is for files dl from web sites if you need a torrent client try one from the list ubottu gave you14:29
AngryElfdont ubuntu+1 me, roaming mod's been around for at least two releases now14:29
amanuerUSUL:for example i need to download netbeans14:30
amanuwhich is about 140 mb14:30
AngryElfkitche: how come it can't see my router then? :(14:30
jribamanu: apt-get resumes downloads you cancel14:30
AngryElfwhich has dhcp enabled, and works if I set up a static address14:30
CristierUSUL: can u help me with the mounting problem?14:30
TJ-42pici: it would be an account that I could let guests to my home use -- and not mess the system up, and preferably not even change any local user settings (so I don't have to reset everything for the next person to visit me)14:30
erUSULAngryElf: roaming mode means that the interface is managed by network manager. if you disable it and configure through System>Admin>Net you wont use network-manager but the good old /etc/network/interfaces file14:31
julian__can anybody help me with the bind server? when i restart bind i get an error that db.1.168.192 loading failed because of "no owner" i dont know what to do?!14:31
amanubut it takes much time for me to dwnload ata atime14:31
TJ-42if I have a friend or family member stay with me for a few days, it would be nice to let them use my computer without worrying about what they are doing -- this would be a guest account14:31
erUSULCristi: have you tried "gksudo ntfs-config" ?14:31
andril_hello all14:31
lolmachi, andril_14:31
zimbreswhere is the inittab file in Ubuntu? Why It is not in /etc/inittab?14:31
CristierUSUL: no, i'll try now14:31
erUSUL!upstart | zimbres14:31
andril_how cani make a shortcutto a mnt folder14:31
ubottuzimbres: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:31
jrib!upstart > zimbres14:31
ubottuzimbres, please see my private message14:31
airtonixandril_: if your familar with making shortcuts with windows then you already know how14:32
amanujrib:  what to type in in terminal ""14:32
AngryElferUSUL: I need roaming mode to work and get an address from my router -- if I manually set a static address/submask/gateway then everything is fine, so why can't roaming mode find my router?14:32
julian__got a problem with bind9 dns server. when i restart bind i get an error that db.1.168.192 loading failed because of "no owner" i dont know what to do?!14:32
norbert_hi all, where are the tk libs in the stable Ubuntu?14:32
norbert_I'm trying to use someone who uses Ubuntu14:32
rezer21I would like to send stdout to tar to make a .tar.gz file, anyone know the tar options I need to use to do this?14:33
norbert_but he has no /usr/lib/tk8.5/ and no /usr/lib/tk8.4/ how is that possible?14:33
erUSULAngryElf: dunno really... network manager works for me but it is knd of misterious..14:33
CristierUSUL: nothing happens14:33
DJonesAngryElf: Is the router set to broadcast its availablilty, some router have broadcast turned off14:33
airtonixnorbert_: have you tried using locate command?14:33
jribamanu: ctrl-c will cancel it (make sure it's still in the download phase, not installing), then you just install it again with apt-get and it should resume14:33
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:33
julian__or whereis? ;) or find -name *tk* :)14:33
erUSULrezer21: tar can create tar.gz directly from tar "tar cvxf file.tar.gz dir/"14:34
frostburnrezer21, tar -14:34
frostburnerUSUL, that's not stdout14:34
norbert_airtonix: can you check your system?14:34
erUSULrezer21: the z option creates gz files with j you create bz2 files14:34
amanujrib:how to see whether it it still in download phase?14:34
norbert_airtonix: tkfbox.tcl is the file I'm looking for (and I'm on Debian, so I can't check it out)14:34
airtonixnorbert_: ok one sec14:35
DavidCanariasHelp Please. I am trying to order something on a web page and when I fill in the details and confirm the order up pops this message .... Apache/1.3.41 Server at secure.myhealth-help.com Port 443 - Anybody know what the problem is and how to resolve??14:35
AngryElfDJones: i dont see anything about "broadcast" anywhere near the DHCP settings14:35
jribamanu: it says downloading and gives you progress of the download14:35
airtonixnorbert_: two results : /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.4/tkfbox.tcl & /usr/share/tcltk/tk8.5/tkfbox.tcl14:35
jribDavidCanarias: contact the merchant14:35
andril_aitonix all i have to do is root and make link right?14:35
airtonixandril_: no14:35
norbert_airtonix: thanks14:35
DavidCanariasjrib - thanks that what I did and they just answer like robots saying retry, retry!!!14:36
erUSULfrostburn: the original intention of rezer21 is to create a tar.gz file he do not need pipes as tar supports compressing.14:36
andril_airtonix: what must i do then14:36
airtonixandril_: 1) using nautilus navigate to : /media 2) ctrl+shift drag the icon of the mount folder you want to the place you want..ie desktop14:36
DJonesAngryElf: right, that was my only thought, perhaps its nothing to do with that, i suppose it could be anywhere in the router settings, maybe in security or wifi settings, other than that I can't suggest anything I'm afraid14:36
DavidCanariasjrib could something my end be blocking the port? Can I open the port?14:36
amanujrib:i m new to ubuntu i just started a 140 mb file after 50% as it was too late i just shut downed my system14:36
rezer21erUSUL, frostburn: Thx, but what if I do something like: cat file1 | tar , then what tar options do I use to create the tar.gz file? Do I use the "tar -" somehow?14:36
AnThOnYhOcan somebody tell me what is the backgroud song'name from "http://www1.8812345.com/flash/15382.htm"14:36
airtonixandril_: or using terminal : ln -s /media/mount-folder-you-want ~/Desktop14:37
frostburnrezer21, yes tar -  allows for redirect from stdout/in14:37
jribDavidCanarias: it's a problem on their end afaict.  What website (pm)14:37
amanujrib:so now i want  a software which can resume my download even after a restart14:37
amanuis im clear?14:37
jribamanu: yes.  Do you understand what I just told you about apt-get and how it will resume your downlead?14:37
airtonix!who | amanu14:37
ubottuamanu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:37
amanujrib:is im clear?14:37
jribdownload even14:37
franki^amanu, am i clear* :)14:37
ivicaerUSUL: Problem Solved... 10x!14:38
andril_airtonix: thanks worked like a charm - is there any reason why i can see the actual drives anymore?14:38
erUSULivica: no problem... i just pointed you in the right direction you walked the road XD14:38
rezer21frostburn: OK, thanks, but can you give me the syntax, because if I do:14:38
rezer21cat file1 | tar cvz - > file1.tar.gz14:38
airtonixandril_: how do you mean, please provide more context information14:38
rezer21It doesn't work.14:38
amanujrib:what exactly to type in terminal "apt-get here"14:38
ivicaBye bye now14:38
DavidCanariasjrib: this is the website - www.herbalfinest.com14:39
PiciTJ-42: You may be able to use sabayon and/or pessulus to create a locked down user profile so that settings cannot be changed.  Both are in the repositories, see http://library.gnome.org/admin/deployment-guide/ as well.14:39
jrib!apt > amanu14:39
ubottuamanu, please see my private message14:39
snovaquick question (have to leave *soon*!)- do i have to edit sources.list to get repos newer than hardy? because i haven't been able to update until now, and it's still hardy.14:39
snovawait, i meant gutsy14:39
Pici!upgrade | snova14:39
ubottusnova: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes14:39
airtonixTJ-42: sayabon is a watered-down version of what you can do with windowsNT policy editor14:39
andril_airtronix: i received help earlier on mounting the drives via fstab - but now the drives don't appear in Places14:40
CristierUSUL: i tried gksudo ntfs-config14:40
airtonixandril_: can you please paste the contents of the file /etc/fstab to pastebin14:40
CristierUSUL: it doesn do anything14:40
jribDavidCanarias: I can't test it without putting in information.  But it definitely sounds like an issue on their end.  If they don't care enough to give you a proper response, just take your business elsewhere14:41
erUSULCristi: not wroked?14:41
erUSULCristi: should offer you to configure removable and fixed ntfs partitions to mount...14:41
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:41
andril_forgot command14:41
SliMMCristi: what do you know about X forwarding via SSH?14:41
erUSULCristi: anyway. you are trying to mount a windows partition from a fixed hard disk?14:42
airtonixandril_: you can use any text editor : gedit /etc/fstab14:42
CristiSliMM: try this xD http://www.ssh.com/support/documentation/online/ssh/adminguide/32/X11_Forwarding.html14:42
CristierUSUL: yes14:42
andril_airtronix: /dev/sdb1       /mnt/400A       ext3    rw,user,auto      0       014:42
erUSULCristi: automatically on boot?14:42
CristierUSUL: it was working before i tried to make them auto-mount when ubuntu starts14:42
SliMMCristi: cool, thanks14:42
airtonixandril_: not here ... at pastebin14:43
CristiSliMM: np lol14:43
airtonixandril_: unless thats the drive in question14:43
AdvoWorkanyone got an idea what my virtualbox hasnt got the menu for "devices"?14:43
rezer21frostburn: any ideas maybe?14:43
airtonixandril_: are you using ubuntu ? if so it doesnt look like its pointing to the correct mount point14:43
CristierUSUL: i think i modified fstab14:43
frostburnrezer21, sec14:43
CristierUSUL: and that's why it doesn't work anymore14:44
ahtmly2khi... can anyone help me... i'm trying to download "armyops250linux.run" but i cant find an active server...14:44
CristierUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50114/14:44
airtonixandril_: should read : /dev/sdb1       /media/400A       ext3    rw,user,auto      0       014:44
andril_airtronix: yes i am using ubuntu - http://pastebin.com/f5617bc314:44
amanuhow can i access  a remote computer any one pls helpp14:44
Piciamanu: Access how?14:44
erUSULCristi: you do not have any ntfs partition listed there...??14:45
snovasorry, trying to upgrade under pressure, but the instructions on the wiki aren't working- Adept isn't giving me any button called "Version Upgrade"14:45
airtonixandril_: use /media instead of /mnt this may be why your drives are not appearing on the desktop or in places14:45
CristierUSUL: i gave u a pastebin but i don't see idk14:45
SliMMI have some free space at the end of my hard disk, because I want to install Windows (please don't throw anything at me), but Windows needs to bee installed at the beginning of the hard disk14:45
amanui wanna see a remote computer which is affected by firuses(xp ) install any antivirus may be prefer to have some other alternatives14:45
amanucan i?14:45
erUSULCristi: i saw the fstab there is no ntfs partition there14:45
amanuPici:i wanna see a remote computer which is affected by firuses(xp ) install any antivirus may be prefer to have some other alternatives14:46
amanucan i?14:46
andril_airtronix: worked they are back in places but cannot mount them14:46
CristierUSUL: it wasn't there before modification  i think14:46
Piciamanu: I dont understand, can you rephrase?14:46
eyyYoIs there a program like tar which can compress a directory (and its content) to multiple files? (instead of one 12gb file, it makes 24 500mb files)14:46
SliMMIf I use the live CD to edit the partitions accordingly, will I have to reconfigure fstab and grub?14:46
erUSULCristi: so what's your current fstab? can you paste it?14:46
CristierUSUL: it's the one pasted14:46
CristierUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50114/14:46
airtonixandril_: did you execute : sudo umount /dev/sdb1 && sudo umount /dev/sdb214:46
amanuPici:i want to access as if im before a system14:47
amanucan i?14:47
Piciamanu: You can use vnc or the terminal server client.14:47
andril_just did14:47
erUSULCristi: again i do not see any ntfs partition on that fstab...14:47
amanuPici:im using ubuntu but remote system is using xp14:47
amanuis it possible14:47
amanuto do same14:48
andril_airtronix: sorry to be noob14:48
airtonixandril_: my way of solving this is not correct but it works : you need to make those two new mount points owned by yourself14:48
CristierUSUL: that's the curent fstab... what should i do?14:48
Piciamanu: Both of the options I listed are valid for connecting to a Windows computer/14:48
ahtmly2khi... can anyone help me... i'm trying to download "armyops250linux.run" but i cant find an active server...14:48
frostburnrezer21, usually that works, maybe the makers of tar don't want to play nicely with standard symbols14:48
andril_airtronix: is that "sudo mkdir /media/400A" ?14:49
erUSULCristi: check this wiki https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions/ThirdPartyNTFS3G14:49
amanuPici:how to get these  vnc or the terminal server client14:49
airtonixandril_: have you already made the two folders : /media/400a & /media/400b ?14:49
amanuany commands14:49
erUSULCristi: see the manual way if ntfs-config fails14:49
bezibaerchenahtmly2k: http://us1.strategyinformer.com/download/14e5a476/americasarmyspecialforces/armyops250linux.run14:49
airtonixandril_: the next step is : sudo chown andril /media/400a && sudo chown andril /media/400b14:49
andril_airtronix: no is that the correct command?14:49
rezer21frostburn: Hmmm.... OK, so no idea of how to actually do it? Thx anyway for the help. :)14:50
airtonixandril_: yes to make the folders : sudo mkdir /media/400a && sudo mkdir /media/400b14:50
frostburnrezer21, oh i'm looking it up, it's annoying me now14:50
airtonixandril_: the next step is : sudo chown andril /media/400a && sudo chown andril /media/400b14:50
Piciamanu: I think they both may be installed by default, check the Network or Internet menu in Applications.  I don't have a graphic session in front of me to check with14:50
doumoserver1 Tpa1.serveirc.com 666714:50
frostburnrezer21, for example if you do a "echo "mooooo" | vi - "  it will take stdin as input14:51
airtonixandril_: for good measure you could also chmod the two folders to 77714:51
airtonixandril_: but again, this isnt the desired method...i think the correct way to set permissions on mount points in detailed in the help.ubuntu.com/community14:52
amanuterminal server client is available here14:52
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:52
amanupici:terminal server client is available here14:52
bakarat_is there an easy way to check which dirs are owned by a certain individual?14:52
andril_airtronix: got that command?14:52
jribbakarat_: find -user14:52
Picibakarat_: ls -l14:52
rezer21frostburn: Yes, I thought it would be simple, but I couldn't get it to work either yet.14:52
CristierUSUL: thanks, i'll try that wiki and come back for thanks or other sugestions :D14:53
bakarat_jrib, ty14:53
Piciamanu: If the remote computer has remote desktop sharing enabled then you should be able to login with that14:53
airtonixandril_: which command?14:53
airtonixandril_: here is the page i was thinking of : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive14:53
andril_chmod the two folders to 77714:53
amanuhere are many options i cant understand how to enable it?14:54
airtonixandril_: sudo chown 777 /media/400a && sudo chown 777 /media/400b14:54
airtonixandril_: i think its right....i get mixed up between chmod and chown14:54
ahtmly2kthank you14:54
airtonixandril_: look at the section : Automatic Mount at Boot on the page https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive14:55
draginxxDoes anyone get a "Error launching browser window:no XBL bindind" after updating FF?14:56
hoensIn my current setup, the picture that is being displayed, wihle in the correct resolution, is too large for the screen, so about an inch gets cut off on all sides. Can someone help me fix this?14:57
frostburnrezer21, can't work on this heh, don't have the time good luck =]14:57
andril_airtronix: still can't write to them14:58
airtonixandril_: but you can mount them ?14:58
andril_airtronix: yes14:58
lolmachi, Ryushi14:58
amanui would like to remotly login onto a system who is using xp pls some one help mee14:58
rezer21frostburn: No problem, thanks for trying to help. It really is annoying that something like that shouldn't be easy and obvious, isn't it?14:58
jim_phoens: the resolution is correct but the picture is 1 inch off? i suggest you look at your screens controls to zoom out a bit14:58
amanuthere is some one waiting for meee14:58
frostburnrezer21, indeed14:58
indian_munndacan anyone tell me, what problem i have with my evolution mail?? It says "error in fetching mails.".14:59
[T]ankanyone here using verizon wireless cards with ubuntu?14:59
hoensjim_p: it's an hdtv :E14:59
airtonixandril_: ok i assume you have data on it from a previous experience with linux? you may have to check the permissions on all the files in the drives14:59
inzaghi89hi, could somebody help me? I want to install latest version of kvirc (3.4) so i've downloaded *.deb package from this site: http://www.kvirc.net/?id=releases&platform=unix&version=3.4.0&group=debian&lang=pl14:59
hoensit doesn't have any such controls afaik14:59
[T]anki have mine working.... kind of... need to activated it and verizon says i have to use windows to do that14:59
amanui would like to remotly login onto a system who is using xp pls some one help mee14:59
[T]ankanyone know another way to do it?14:59
amanuthere is some one waiting for meee14:59
jim_pamanu: do you have some vnc server/client app installed on both pcs?14:59
inzaghi89but i've problem... when i'm typing apt-get dist-upgrade ubuntu want to update to version 3.214:59
[T]anki dont want to have to install windows just to activate the freaking card.14:59
amanuyes i have14:59
jim_phoens: doesnt it have an "auto adjust button" use it or reduce the resolution15:00
indian_munndacan anyone tell me, what problem i have with my evolution mail?? It says "error in fetching mails.".?????15:00
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX15:00
amanujim_p:noo i have termibnal/server clint on my ubuntu where as other remote system is having xp15:00
amanucan i/15:00
andril_airtronix: permissions could not be determined on both drives15:00
hoensjim_p when I reduce the resolution the same problem occurs15:01
jim_pamanu: i dont think there is something you can do then15:01
airtonixandril_: i think you need to examine the permission using sudo .... at this point i dont think i can help you further15:01
pogayI have a strange printing problem after having exchanged a Ink cartrige.  The printer went to colour before.  After the exchange of the cartage printing black is still not possible. (the hw-printer print-test are o.k).15:01
amanujim_p: i have termibnal/server clint on my ubuntu where as other remote system is having xp15:01
iteramanu: I connect to windows systems all the time with tsclient and Remote Desktop15:02
pogaya friend told me, he had a similar phenomen, with another printer under linux.15:02
jim_pamanu: i get you. you just need an app taht uses the same protocol on both pcs15:02
andril_airtronix: can i just rootilus and change them that way15:02
amanuiter:do u connect from ubuntu?15:02
iteryes, using tsclient15:02
airtonix[T]ank: if its a usb device you can try using virtualbox then install windows in that to get around having to dualboot15:02
amanui need any way to just connect to a remote system  using xp15:03
jim_phoens: is the hdtv used as a primary display or as an extended one15:03
airtonixandril_: chown & chmod both have recursive options, but yes you can use nautilus as root to do this15:03
pogayis ubuntu storing the printer state somewhere?15:03
hoensjim_p primary15:03
erUSULamanu: connect to an xp box? or from xp to ubuntu?15:03
iteramanu: well I just told you how to do it-- use tsclient on ubuntu to connect to remote desktop on the windows PC15:03
andril_airtronix: thanks much15:03
iteramanu: or use logmein.com15:03
tinhhello everyone, how can I upgrade wine to 1.1.14?15:04
lolmachi, tinh15:04
amanuiter:tsclient how to get this15:04
Unknownedhi boys15:04
tinhhi, lolmac15:04
Unknownediam a hacker another in the drugs15:04
iteramanu: sudo apt-get install tsclient15:04
tinhI'm using hardy heron LTS15:04
UnknownedHEIL HITLER15:04
UnknownedHEIL HITLER15:04
UnknownedHEIL HITLER15:04
UnknownedHEIL HITLER15:04
UnknownedHEIL HITLER15:04
FloodBot3Unknowned: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:04
jim_phoens: you have a pm15:04
amanuiter:output is  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.15:05
amanuwhat does it mean/15:05
=== airtonix_ is now known as airtonix
CR34Mwhen is the next ubuntu release?15:05
lolmachi, uriol15:05
Pici!ibex | CR34M15:05
ubottuCR34M: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!15:05
CR34Mi see15:06
uriolhow can i find bluetooth port of a mobile phone ?15:06
tinhI cant upgrade wine on my machine15:06
airtonix!anyone | tinh15:06
ubottutinh: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?15:06
uriolhi lolmac15:06
amanuiter:output is  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 6 not upgraded.15:06
amanuwhat does it mean/15:06
airtonixamanu, it means you have 6 packages that can be upgraded15:06
tinhhow can I upgrade wine on my machine, I'm using hardy heron LTS15:07
airtonixtinh, how did you get it there in the first place?15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hdtv15:07
tinhairtonix, it get installed the first time with hardy15:07
airtonixjim_p, have a look at help.ubuntu.com/community and search for hdtv there15:07
amanuairtonix:does it mean the package is already in my system installed?15:08
tinhairtonix, the problem is I can't upgrade it15:08
airtonixtinh, wine is not installed with hardy by default15:08
erUSULtinh: go to winhq.org and folow instructions to add the repositorie for uip to date wine wine15:08
airtonixamanu, if you used sudo apt-get install some-package-name to get that msg then yes it means the package you tried to install is already installed15:09
=== linux_ is now known as DareDevil
amanui want to use terminal/server client in ubuntu to remotly login in a system using xp how can i?15:09
CristierUSUL: thanks a lot it worked.15:09
erUSULCristi: no problem XD15:09
amanuairtonix:how to open that application(alredy installed)15:10
CristierUSUL: one more question though, sudo mount -a mounts all the partitions?15:10
Piciamanu: Your question has been answered a few times already.15:10
tinherUSUL, I did not know about a wine repo for Ubuntu :)15:10
erUSULCristi: all the ones listed in fstab15:10
airtonixamanu, what did you try to install ?15:10
CristierUSUL: thanks and cheers!15:10
amanuPici:yes but i cant fill many check boxes there15:10
amanuim confused15:10
amanucan u help me to connect?15:10
Piciamanu: What do checkboxes have to do with the Terminal Server Client?15:11
=== andres__ is now known as aherrera
airtonixPici, amanu probably means configuration gui15:11
indian_munndacan anyone tell me, what problem i have with my evolution mail?? It says "error in fetching mails.".?????15:11
amanufirst field is computer what can i fill there?15:11
Piciamanu: The name or IP address of the computer you want to connect to.15:12
uriolhow can i find the bluetooth address of my mobile phone ?15:12
uriolon wammu ?15:12
uriolpici ?15:12
amanuis rdp protocal preffered?15:12
amanupici?is rdp protocal preffered?15:13
Piciamanu: If you want to connect to Windows Remote Desktop, yes.15:13
Piciuriol: I dont know anything about bluetooth, sorry.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup might have some info though.15:13
amanuusername and passwd is it for my system in which im logged in?15:13
Jeruvyuriol: make sure the device is in 'discovery' mode and not assigned currently to another device.15:14
Piciamanu: No... for the system you want to connect to.15:14
urioli have connected on the pc15:14
urioli can navigate the media foldres15:15
uriolbut i need to upload the agenda and contacts15:15
erUSULtinh: http://www.winehq.org/site/download-deb15:15
amanuPici:the remote system wont use any username/passwd he just logins by default15:15
amanu Pici:what to fillthere now?15:15
Jeruvyamanu: that depends on settings...15:16
tinherUSUL, just got that installed15:16
tinherUSUL, thanks alot15:16
erUSULtinh: ok15:16
amanuJeruvy:remote system is using xp any suggesstiopns15:16
P3X-018Is it possible to print (convert) several distinct image files to one pdf file?15:16
amanusorry suggesstions15:16
djbelloP3X-018: What I usually do is insert each image into OpenOffice Word and the print to PDF15:17
Jeruvyamanu: using rdp will give you the best performance from the session (compared to vnc)  but with linux its the opposite, vnc is far superior.15:17
P3X-018djbello: But the size get's smaller then...15:18
djbelloP3X-018: You can try changing margins or even set the page to landscape15:18
amanuJeruvy:actally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system using xp15:19
hoensI have a line in my fstab for /dev/md0, but for some reason it doesn't get moutned at boot time, any idea why not?15:19
amanuany suggesstions15:19
andril_airtronix: any reason why my usb hard drive won't show up?15:19
amanuJeruvy:i wana login as early as possible b ecause my friend is eagerly waiting for meeee15:19
erUSULhoens: do you have mdadm instaled? ...15:19
Jeruvyamanu: why not try them both and see what you like?   A small install of vnc viewer/server on xp and you can try them both out15:20
Jeruvyamanu: rdp should be good to go15:20
zimbresAfter running the script "./etc/init.d/gdm stop" i get a black screen without any prompt, how do i get agian the X session?15:20
amanuJeruvy: how to get rdp?15:21
djbelloP3X-018: I just tried a different method: If you have ImageMagick package installed try this:15:21
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots15:21
djbelloP3X-018: convert -adjoin img1.jpg img2.jpg combined.pdf15:21
Jeruvyamanu: should be app -> internet -> remote desktop  sorry don't have an ubuntu handy atm.15:21
hoenserUSUL: yes, and if i go into failsafe mode and type: sudo mount /dev/md0 /home it works15:21
AlexWis it possible to clean up files from packages that are no longer installed?15:21
amanuJeruvy:there in app->internet15:22
amanuwhere to go15:22
amanui mean which to select15:22
P3X-018djbello: Cool I'll try that, though your 1st solution was a smart one.15:22
erUSULAlexW: packages deinstalled should not leave anything behind except conf files (you can use -purge to remove them too) and maybe some log files15:23
djbelloP3X-018: I think you have a bit more control over the layout using the first approach15:23
erUSULAlexW: linux is not windows... you do not need regcleaner XXDD15:23
sacrebleuok, i have hardy heron and it has the following issue: when the system boots it goes to the login screen -- the login screen flashes repetitively and i cannot even click on the username/password bar to log in15:23
erUSULAlexW: you can use deborphan from time to time to check for unneeded packages (libs mainly)15:23
AlexWerUSUL: panic mode but :P15:23
djiezesanybody know how to add darkstat or vnstat in ubuntu at boot? adding them to sessions does not work.15:24
amanuJeruvy: im waiting for your reply15:24
chinthanadoes anybody know to get a video phone15:25
Jeruvyamanu: was checking, yes thats the spot.  Apps -> internet -> remote desktop viewer15:25
amanuJeruvy:actally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system using xp15:25
amanuactally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system using xp15:25
AlexWamanu: ssh15:25
amanussh means?15:26
urioli find the bluetooth port of the mobile phone15:26
chinthanaDoes anybody know any video chating software like skype15:26
uriolbut when i put address on wammu15:26
uriolit says the device didn't exist15:26
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AlexWamanu | !info ssh15:26
erUSULchinthana: ekiga?15:26
jim_pchinthana: skype!15:26
AlexW!tell amanu about ssh15:27
ubottuamanu, please see my private message15:27
AlexW!tell AlexW about ssh15:27
ubottuAlexW, please see my private message15:27
erUSUL!pm | chinthana15:28
ubottuchinthana: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.15:28
bonespurwhich dock is recommended for hardy?15:28
=== guser is now known as hardcorelinux
[T]ankcan anyone tell me how to remove items from my places menu in gnome? for example, i have a handful of servers i have connected to and they are cluttering up my menu dropdown.15:29
erUSULchinthana: yes it does. you can install skype on linux also check openwengo15:29
erUSUL!skype | chinthana15:30
ubottuchinthana: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto15:30
airtonixbonespur, I'm using avant-window-navigator15:30
erUSULchinthana: no problem :)15:30
bonespur[T]ank: that would be System>preferences>main menu15:30
bonespurairtonix: any idea how it compeares to cairo dock? are you on gnome?15:31
airtonix[T]ank, or you can right click the actual menu 'apps | places | system' and choose 'edit'15:31
airtonixbonespur, i havent used cairo dock sorry...yes i am on gnome15:32
[T]ankbonespur: the only menus i can edit there are applications and system. places does not show up for me15:32
airtonix[T]ank, places is controlled by a few things : bookmarks, recent documents and some hard coded entrys that auto detect from fstab15:32
[T]ankfstab... had not considered that.15:32
[T]ankhm.. not there.15:33
erUSUL[T]ank: as airtonix sugest may be that the servers where added as bookmarks?15:33
mskHi.. i have my Ubuntu Live CD..how can i make another Live Cd from the one i got ?15:33
airtonix[T]ank, remote servers are bookmarks15:33
erUSUL[T]ank: nautilus window>bookmarks edit bookmarks15:34
amanuto remotly connect a system does we need to disable firewall settings?15:34
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu ?15:34
amanuactally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system using xp15:34
erUSUL!dialup | star15:34
ubottustar: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:34
afeijoI installed courier, but my IMAP isnt working, how can I check and configure it?15:34
amanuJeruvy:i wana login as early as possible b ecause my friend is eagerly waiting for meeee15:34
afeijoor should I use another imap server?15:34
mskHi.. i have my Ubuntu Live CD..how can i make another Live Cd from the one i got ?15:34
alecim trying to install xubuntu, is there a way to boot into terminal and install it. without going through the setup wizard stuff?15:34
airtonixamanu, not on your end no...but the other end (the one you want to connect to) will need to create a rule to allow incoming traffic on whatever port remote desktop uses15:35
NeaaiHi all. Has anyone any information on activating and setting up the wireless in a Compaq Presario F700 ?15:35
staracually i want to connect via bluetooth from my mobile ...15:35
airtonixamanu, perhaps you ought to look for a guide on the forums?15:35
erUSUL!madwifi | Neaai15:35
ubottuNeaai: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:35
mskHi.. i have my Ubuntu Live CD..how can i make another Live Cd from the one i got ?15:35
[T]ankerUSUL: that was what I needed, thank you.15:35
amanuairtonix:on the remote end my friend is using xp15:35
Neaaiubottu: thanks I'll have a read there then15:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:36
amanuhow can we15:36
amanucurrently he given me ip adress15:36
mskubottu.. i have my Ubuntu Live CD..how can i make another Live Cd from the one i got ?15:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:36
amanuhow can we15:36
airtonixamanu, your friend will need to deal with what ever firewall they are using and they will also need to create a rule on their router to port forward the nessecary ports to their machine15:36
erUSULmsk: copy it with your bruning software15:36
theDtTvB2How I can use different theme for specific application?15:37
indian_munndaamanu: can you help me, i am facing problem with my evolution mail??15:37
mskerUSUL......just copy ??15:37
airtonixamanu, it doesnt seem like you are familiar with the basics of remote connections, i suggest you find some guides on the forums for you and your friend to learn from.15:37
erUSULmsk: yep15:37
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile ubottu ?15:38
amanucan u suggest me how to get those forms15:38
erUSULmsk: no problem15:38
airtonixamanu, you will find that the small amount of knowledge you glean from that endeavour will get you where you need to be faster than waiting for someone here to walk you through it15:38
mbeierlmsk: are you trying to copy the live cd while running the live cd?15:38
indian_munndacan anyone help me plz, i am facing problem with my evolution mail??15:39
mbeierlbecause unless you have 2 cd drives, you won't be able to eject the live cd to burn the new one15:39
mskmbeierl : no ...15:39
airtonixamanu, site suggestions : ubuntuforums.org , help.ubuntu.com/community , howtoforge.com15:39
mbeierlmunnda: what problem are you having with evo mail?15:39
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile ubottu ?15:39
mbeierlmsk: ok - just wanted to check :)15:39
amanuthank u15:39
airtonixamanu, make liberal use of the search functions on those sites15:39
airtonixamanu, your keywords to look for will be : remote desktop rdesktop ubuntu windows15:40
airtonixamanu, i suggest you also research port forwarding and basic firewall usage15:40
SilentBobDis how i rap =D15:42
qwmget the fuck out of here15:42
SilentBobubuntu got no support yo it wil fail to windows with Microsoft winning the patent rap yo15:43
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!15:43
airtonix\_/ <- cup of care is empty15:44
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile ubottu ?15:45
kFjhi. is it possible to make windows transparent in gnome without using compiz?15:45
SilentBobyo dogs15:45
thiebaudeyo silentbob15:45
indian_munndaairtonix: can u help me plz???15:45
SilentBob!ops   come here to see my rap yo15:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:46
airtonixindian_munnda, i'm not sure i can sorry15:46
indian_munndaairtonix: any suggestions from your side15:47
slayergaysHey,does Internet Explorer 8 supports skins?15:47
airtonixindian_munnda, but describe you problem anyway maybe someone can ...be as detailed as you can15:47
airtonixslayergays, who knows?15:47
andrilairtronix: can you help me with my usb drive? it just stopped mounting when plugged up15:47
rogerwilcohi thefish :)15:47
airtonixslayergays, furthermore....im fairly sure noone here really cares15:47
Picislayergays: This is the Ubuntu support channel, try ##windows15:47
slayergaysooh thanks15:47
airtonixandril, sorry, not sure i can15:47
airtonixandril, but dont let that stop you describing the situation :)15:48
andrilairtronix: since i got my internal drives working the external does not show up when plugged up15:49
airtonixwast that cryllic?15:50
NeaaiI can't understand something. When I ckeck with "Hardware Drivers" I can see shown "Athereos 802.11 wireless lan card" but I can't seem to find my wifi anywhere in my Presario laptop. Any ideas ?15:50
Piciairtonix: That was Hebrew15:51
kitcheI jsut see UTF-8 garabage here :)15:51
airtonixPici, the two sometimes looks similar i couldnt tell :)15:51
indian_munndaI am facing problems with my newly configured evolution mail?? when i click send/receive tab it starts the process fetching mails with a status bar. And after 5 min it says "error in fetching mails" and even the status bar does not grow it just remains blank.?????15:52
lululala4i have an DOM disk ,i want to connect it to  my laptop in order to install a linux on it,but is there any connector for me??15:52
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airtonixandril, does the problem still occur after rebooting ?15:52
ham__how to install MSN in ubuntu?15:52
airtonixham_, you can make use of pidgin to connect to msn15:52
eth01not possible. use pidgin etc15:53
airtonixham_, or you can install amsn15:53
ross`excuse me. i have a laptop that i just installed MINT on. anyway the wireless driveers arnt working so i have an ethernet cable plugged into the laptop to my other laptop which has external wireless access. how do i make it so that the wireless acts as a gateway on the eth0 lan part15:53
Pici!mintsupport | ross`15:53
ubottuross`: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org15:53
MadHagcan I upgrade my debian server to ubuntu hardy remotely?15:53
ross`this is basic15:53
ross`any distro15:53
ross`its not mint specific15:53
ross`im just wondering hwo to route that15:53
Piciross`: Then take it to ##linux, we don't support non-Ubuntu distros here.15:53
airtonixross`, have you considered the 'internet connection sharing' feature of firestarter?15:54
ham__airtonix, use apt-get to install amsn?15:54
airtonixham_, yesir15:54
ross`airtonix: how does that work15:54
ham__try it,thanks airtonix15:54
andrilairtronix: yes15:54
airtonixross`, you tick it on, and select an nic for internal network and one for external15:54
amanuPici:i have been waiting fo u15:55
amanucurrently he given me ip adress15:55
amanui wana login as early as possible b ecause my friend is eagerly waiting for meeee15:55
airtonixross`, but you should take that question to mint specific just in case there are differences as to how it works here in ubuntu15:55
amanuactally im using ubuntu 8 i want to login in a remote system using xp15:55
danbh_intrepidMadHag: I don't think you could do an upgrade, but I think you can do an install   AFAIK15:55
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:55
ikoniaamanu: you've asked that question about 10 times15:55
AlexWamanu: get putty15:56
NeaaiHello all. When I do a lsmod I can see a module "wlan" in use by "ath_pci". Does that mean my laptop's Athereos is detected? If yes, how come I don't have a wireless interface yet when I do iwconfig ?15:56
airtonixAlexW, amanu wants to use rdesktop to connect to a windows machine via the internet15:56
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile ubottu ?15:56
Hrvatski1how can i mount a windows formatted hard drive on ubuntu and use it?15:56
NeaaiHrvatski1: on the same comp ?15:57
Hrvatski1no its portable15:57
andrilairtronix: soprry closed wrong window15:57
amanuHrvatski1:yes u can just by clicking on it15:57
Hrvatski1it always says i cant mount it for some reason15:57
amanuHrvatski1:and typing ur password15:57
gilhi all. how can i make ubuntu mount automatically a drive on boot?15:57
amanuHrvatski1:whats the reason15:57
Hrvatski1it says i can force it, but says im unable yo mount15:57
NeaaiHello all. When I do a lsmod I can see a module "wlan" in use by "ath_pci". Does that mean my laptop's Athereos is detected? If yes, how come I don't have a wireless interface yet when I do iwconfig ?15:58
erUSUL!fstab | gil15:58
ubottugil: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:58
erUSULNeaai: system>Admin>Hardware drivers15:58
amanuHrvatski1:it may be due to reson u hvnt shutted down xp properly will u hibernate xp?15:58
NeaaierUSUL: That says the driver is in use.15:59
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile ubottu ?15:59
bonespurhi..im unable to upload contents of my fat32 partition in linux dc++ p2p client..any ideas??15:59
Hrvatski1amanu: im not sure, i used the same computer last time i used it, but then i had xp, and i switched to ubuntu because of virus problems15:59
Hrvatski1amanu:is forcing it safe?16:00
hoensI have an ubuntu box that isn't connected to the internet that I want to install vlc on, but the vlc instructions only give info for using apt-get, any suggetssions?16:00
Hrvatski1any ideas?16:00
andrilairtronix: can u help with this?16:00
danbh_intrepid!ask > Hrvatski116:01
ubottuHrvatski1, please see my private message16:01
amanuHrvatski1:r u currently using both xp+ubuntu(dual boot)?16:01
Hrvatski1amanu: no i switched completely, xp was fried by some horrible virus16:01
Hrvatski1but i have another computer that has vista on it16:02
amanuHrvatski1:but stlii why do u have ntfs filesystem16:02
mgolischi still run windows in vmware16:02
NeaaiWhen I check the "hardware drivers" I can see an entry for Athereos HAL and another one for Athereos 892.11 wireless lan card. Does that mean it has detected the wireless properly ?16:02
amanuHrvatski1:as linux prefers many ext3,xfs16:02
dissentienceHi there, I installed Ubuntu last night and everything is running great, except that even though I have the correct drivers installed my monitor refresh rate won't go past 52Hz. In Vista it goes all the way up to 75. Anyone know how to remedy this?16:03
Hrvatski1amanu: its what came on it and i use it to watch tv, i dont want to format it and lose all my shows16:03
erUSULNeaai: yep.. are tey both enabled?16:03
amanuHrvatski1:may r u talking about any portable pendrive16:03
NeaaierUSUL: yes they are checked and status "in use"16:03
amanuk i got it16:03
mgolischNeaai: not realy, it just means that the drivers have been enabled it doesnt realy mean the driver detected your card16:03
NeaaierUSUL: but I can't see a wireless interface16:03
mgolischNeaai: dmesg|grep wifi16:04
amanuHrvatski1:i too have faced the same problem but still im using both (dual boot)16:04
ham_does some know some about the erlang?16:04
starcan u help me friends ?16:04
Piciham_: #erlang does16:04
mgolischNeaai: is there an error message from the atheros hal?16:04
amanuHrvatski1:i think force quit may loose any data in it but not more than that16:04
Neaaimgolisch:  wifi%d: unable to attach hardware: 'Hardware revision not supported' (HAL status 13)16:04
Hrvatski1amanu: ok, is the only way to get it to work to format it again?16:04
ham_Pici,yes erlang16:04
ham_Pici,yes erlang/opt16:04
amanuHrvatski1:lets ask together in channel16:05
bakermdI don't know what I hit - but now whenever I move from one workspace to another, or whenever a new window appears, the mouse pointer re-centers itself on the center of the app16:05
Neaaimgolisch: seems like there's an error all right16:05
Hrvatski1amanu: so it should be safe?16:05
erUSULNeaai: check this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/218892 http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/Distro/Ubuntu and (apostledeets post) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87814816:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 218892 in ubuntu "AR242x Atheros wifi broken in kernel 2.6.24-16-generic on 1st gen macbook (dup-of: 201180)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 201180 in linux "[hardy] kernel 2.6.24-12 breaks wireless (Atheros AR242x)" [Medium,Triaged]16:05
Piciham_: The channel #erlang would be able to help you. /join #erlang16:05
mgolischNeaai: yeah the hal doesnt support your card, what you can try is compiling the latest madwifi snapshot yourself, they have some snapshots that have a newer hal16:05
amanuHrvatski1:are u capable of forcing it to open/16:05
ham_Pici, how to join erlang16:05
dissentienceHi there, I installed Ubuntu last night and everything is running great, except that even though I have the correct video card drivers installed (the proprietary ones) my monitor refresh rate won't go past 52Hz. In Vista it goes all the way up to 75Hz. Anyone know how to remedy this?16:05
Piciham_: type:/join #erlang16:06
Hrvatski1amanu:im not sure, i dont want to risk it16:06
Hrvatski1there are some important things on there16:06
Hrvatski1maybe i should back them up first16:06
Neaaimgolisch: I see. How equal are the ubuntu precompiled binaries against the source tree ?16:06
ham_:/join #erlang16:06
Piciham_: without the :16:06
amanuHrvatski1:ok so lets ask the same in channel because i too dont want to loose any data16:06
Neaaimgolisch: I mean, if I got the source and just complied, would it give me the precomplied that ubuntu suplies ?16:06
amanufor u16:07
Hrvatski1ok :)16:07
Hrvatski1does anyone know if forcing a hard drive is safe?16:07
amanuhiii every one can any one suggest me how to force quit my portable pendrive to open in ubuntu16:07
bakermdUnMount it16:08
erUSULHrvatski1: define "forcing" ?16:08
=== StooJ is now known as StooJ_
starhi...can any body say me about setting dialup account in ubuntu through bluetooth modem in mobile  ?16:08
amanubakermd: i used it in xp but haveent unmounted properly16:08
bakermdstar - you will want to google for a tutorial on that one - can be many steps16:08
Hrvatski1erusul: i get a problem, it says unable to mount, and then says in details that i can try to force it?16:08
amanubakermd:can if i force it to open will i loose any data/16:09
erUSULHrvatski1: is for ntfs partition? you should boot into windows and check the partition and d a proper shutdown16:09
bakermdamanu, I don't know what you mean - you haven't unmounted it properly in XP or Ubuntu? Does it work at all?16:09
amanubakermd: i hav nt unmounted it in xp16:09
bakermdamanu, UnMounting is safe... not sure what you are doing to force it16:09
erUSULHrvatski1: althought i heard that using force is safe enough16:10
amanubut now im trying to opening in ubunut16:10
zathras_laptopanyone have any idea how i can get back auto-mount of usb drives? gnome-mount works fine, but they don't automount16:10
bakermdamanu, Are you saying that you have it plugged into a Windows XP machine, and want to unmount it from the XP machine but have not done so yet?16:10
Hrvatski1erusul: i have a vista computer too, but the hard drive is ntfs, can i put files on it anyway16:10
amanubakermd:noo i want to un mount it in ubuntu16:10
bakermdOkay, so it is now mounted on the Ubuntu machine, and you want to UnMount it16:11
bakermdWhen you right-click on it on the desktop do you not see UnMount there?16:11
=== lzy--_ is now known as lzy--
mgolischNeaai: you would have to reinstall the selfbuild madwifi driver on each kernel update16:11
bakermdamanu, Does that not work?16:12
jpcooperdoes anyone know how to get Xorg to write it config file so that I can edit it myself?16:12
amanui can see but its showing me a message16:12
dissentienceHi there, I installed Ubuntu last night and everything is running great, except that even though I have the correct video card drivers installed (the proprietary ones) my monitor refresh rate won't go past 52Hz. In Vista it goes all the way up to 75Hz. Anyone know how to remedy this?16:12
bakermdamanu, And that message is?16:12
Hrvatski1erusul: i want to be able to use it, its a dvico tvix thing16:12
amanuu have 3 options16:12
amanu1.if u hv xp unmount it properly16:12
nnulldissentienceƺ i fixed this for myself the otherday16:12
danbh_intrepiddissentience: nvidia?16:12
dissentienceYes danbh_intrepid16:12
amanu2.force it to unmount here16:13
danbh_intrepid!nvidia > dissentience16:13
nnulldissentienceƺ get nvidia-settings16:13
ubottudissentience, please see my private message16:13
erUSULHrvatski1: as i said forcing is relatively safe... i think that is better to check it on a windows machine is your call to make16:13
amanuwhat to do?16:13
dissentienceI have the nVIDIA control panel too, it's set to 75Hz but it doesn't seem to be correct16:13
bakermdamanu, For the love of god, stop trying to use shorthand - I cannot understand a damn thing when you do that.  Type as though you are speaking or find someone else to help you16:13
The_Sorrow hi... uhm, could anybody help me out with my display settings? i wanna have a dual screen system, but somehow that doesn't work :-/16:13
danbh_intrepiddissentience: if you scroll to the bottom I think, there is a listing for that bug16:13
bakermdUse full words, not i wnt 4 u 2 hlp me kthx16:13
Hrvatski1erusul: thanks, i will just back up what idont want to lose16:14
dissentiencethanks danbh_intrepid16:14
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama16:14
amanubakermd:ok i will type as im speaking16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about opt16:14
vattamHi all16:14
mick02ALright folks ... quick question. Any time I try to do either a restart or shut down of my Ubuntu PC the progress bar gets near the end and then hangs. Anyone know of a way to get it to shut down properly?16:14
bakermdthan you - now what are those options?16:14
amanusorry for short hand16:14
ManyDict [online dictionary] supports lots of languages. But it do not contains mine. Shall i install my location to get proper online dictionaries for Dict?16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ekiga16:14
ham__whats the best mp3 player program in ubuntu?16:14
Neaaimgolisch: That sucks a bit, having to recompile the kernel. But after all I'm thinking I don't need to follow every kernel update16:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dict16:14
ham__can some give me some advice?16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dictionary16:15
amanu1.if you have xp unmount it properly16:15
bakermdham__, Use Rythmbox16:15
vattamI get possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_INTLTOOL error , which package should I install for this?16:15
amanu2.force it to unmount here16:15
erUSULNeaai: you do not need to recompile the kernel only the madwifi driver16:15
indian_munndaham__: use rhythmbox.16:15
Neaaimgolisch: once and if I have that running I guess I'll settle for that kernel revision16:15
amanuis im clear?16:15
erUSUL!best | ham__16:15
ubottuham__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:15
Neaaimgolisch: And moreover, recompliling the kernel on my own might mess up the nVidia drivers16:15
ham__indian_munnda, thanks16:15
mgolischNeaai: its basicaly just change to the directory you downlaoded the source to, make clean;make sudo make install then reboot and it should work again16:16
indian_munndaham__: there is another choice banshee, quite a nice player.16:16
=== herry is now known as Sherry
bakermdI'm confused that Ubuntu is mentioning XP with respect to unmounting a drive - it really says that?16:16
Many!best | dictionaries16:16
ubottudictionaries: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.16:16
hudnix_where is the forum for Intrepid probs?16:16
vattamI get "possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_INTLTOOL" error , which package should I install for this?16:16
=== guzman is now known as JLGSHK
piegeAnybody got some knowhow of proftpd? I got an ftp server but I need to give access to a folder for a user... I didn't find anything usefull on tutorials... help plz16:16
amanubakermd:is im clear/16:16
Clodomirohell! dónde estoy16:16
erUSULguzman: /join #ubuntu-es16:16
bakermdamanu, I'm confused that Ubuntu is mentioning XP with respect to unmounting a drive - it really says that?16:16
erUSUL!es | Clodomiro16:16
ubottuClodomiro: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:16
mick02Has anyone come across this shut down issue before? Anyone got any ideas?16:16
Clodomirowas an expresion16:16
Neaaimgolisch: I fear I won't be able to use the nVidia drivers, which I currently use from the stock kernel binaries16:16
amanubakermd:it says like this:"there is a flag set saying xp is still using it"16:17
mgolischNeaai: sure you can, its just compiling your own kernelmodules for madwifi, you dont need to build a custom kernel for that16:17
bakermdamanu, Aah - okay16:17
amanubakermd:so now you have to set that point to 016:17
Next1Is the recent update for sudo legit?16:17
amanubakermd: in \etc\...some where16:17
=== JLGSHK is now known as jlgshk
bakermdamanu, brb - phone16:18
amanu brb - phone means?16:18
mgolischamanu: be right back - phone ?16:18
nblhaving some problems with ubuntu not waking up from a suspended state16:19
vattamI get "possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_INTLTOOL" error , which package should I install for this?16:19
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nblthe syslog looks fine to me16:20
Next1Is the unauthenticated  update for sudo ok to install?16:20
ham__ergent question, I can't input chinese characters16:20
danbh_intrepidNext1: not really16:20
erUSUL!scim | ham__16:20
ubottuham__: Chinese, Japanese, Korean Language input. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SCIM16:20
ham__thank you ubottu.16:20
danbh_intrepidNext1: why is it unathenticated?16:20
piegeAnybody got some knowhow of proftpd? I got an ftp server but I need to give access to a folder for a user... I didn't find anything usefull on tutorials... help plz16:20
Next1danbh_intrepid: When I was about to click Apply in updates, it's listed as unauthenticated16:21
danbh_intrepidNext1: do you have any repos other than the defaults?16:21
vattam!possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_INTLTOOL"16:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:22
andrilcan anyone help me with usb drive not showing up and mounting?16:22
Many!dictionary sservers16:22
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:22
Next1danbh_intrepid: yes16:22
erUSUL!botabuse | vattam16:22
ubottuvattam: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:22
crlIs it any way to reset ubuntu without loosing programs. I think it something wrong i wireless-network  driver16:22
mick02andril is it showing up when you type lsusb?16:23
vattamI get "possibly undefined macro: AC_PROG_INTLTOOL" error , which package should I install for this? Can someone help me please?16:23
shearheh...so the latest update just borked firefox on my machine.suppose i'll reboot, see if that does anything16:23
The_Sorrowuhm... well, i looked at the article, but it doesn't suit me as i see no option to start dual screening with my system (i use hardy with xfce)16:24
crl8.04 Hardy, and the hardware is Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection (rev 02)16:24
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shearthe install - reboot cycle with this v. of ubuntu is as bad as windows, i swear16:24
andrilmick02: yeah it is16:24
gonzaloaf_laptophi, I have a gpg key saved on a file, I want to know if it is my private key or the public key, how can I check that?16:24
danbh_intrepidNext1: can you pastebin your sources.list?   sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit16:24
TJ-42I want something like sitecopy, but simply for one folder to another (e.g. from my development directory to my test web server directory on the same machine) -- is there a good tool for this?16:24
mick02andril what's the output of dmesg when you connect it?16:24
andrilmick02: not sure - too much of a noob16:25
IntuitiveNippleTJ-42: rsync16:25
tunaipv6 question: what should I ping to find out if ipv6 is working?16:25
idimmuanyone about who knows anything about packages and triggers?16:26
mick02in your terminal type - sudo apt-get install pastebinit16:26
TJ-42thanks IntuitiveNipple16:26
andrilmick02: it worked this am before i mounted my internal had drive and now it does not come up16:26
Next1danbh_intrepid: http://pastebin.com/f5d5b975216:26
idimmuim packaging a dozen or so java apps and i have to make tomcat stop than start for each but would rather not have that issued 12 times if i upgrade all the packages at once16:26
idimmuapparently triggers might help?16:26
gonzaloaf_laptopshould I use gnupg1 or gnupg2?16:26
mick02andril That will install the paste bin utility then when it is installed type -  dmesg | tail | pastebinit16:26
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: configre Tomcat for hot-delployment16:26
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: configre Tomcat for hot-deployment, even!16:26
KraussHey, I have things open that would normally use sound, but are not playing back. I didn't change any settings. What could this be?16:27
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: In that mode it scans the webaps directory and deploys any new WARs16:27
idimmuthat would make manageing our server farm with puppet a bit of an arse16:27
The_SorrowDualHead Question: how can i use dualhead with xfce, as i don;t see an option to check a box to start dual screening :-/16:27
Neaaimgolisch: I see that my installation has included the package "linux-headers-2.6.24-19 which is what I currently use. Would these sufice for compling the madwifi module and HAL ?16:27
ham__can some tell me some network radio software16:27
andrilmick02: http://pastebin.com/fdf8878216:27
mick02andril that will give you a link then paste the link in here and I'll be able to see the info of your dmesg output16:27
ikoniaThe_Sorrow: you can use dual head with any desktop16:27
ham__I like to listen radio16:27
danbh_intrepidNext1: well, you have several PPAs.  Im not sure, you could try disabling them.  I tried looking up authentication for the ubuntu servers, but Im coming up dry, sorry16:27
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IntuitiveNippleidimmu: Through Tomcat manager you should be able to enable/disable a manager applet to do it, too, I seem to recall16:28
The_Sorrowikonia: can you tell me how i can do that? i go to the settings manager, click display, but then there is just the display resolution for one monitor given :-/16:28
andrilmick02: http://pastebin.com/fdf8878216:28
Next1Did anyone else have a sudo update today?16:28
KraussHey, I have things open that would normally use sound, but are not playing back. I didn't change any settings. What could this be?16:28
mick02andril have you disconnected and reconnected your external drive then run the dmesg command?16:28
KraussCan someone help?16:28
erUSULNext1: no. only firefox related16:28
Next1danbh_intrepid: Thats cool. Thanks16:28
niadhI've just hosed my regular user account through a stupid mistake as root rm'd inside the wrong directory, so I need to recover my user directory, and since no file is gone until it's data is overwritten by other data, what's the best way to recover my user?16:28
mgolischNeaai: yeah just install build-essential package and make sure the linux-header package matching your running kernel is installed, and of course download one of the snapshots that contain the newer hal16:28
ikoniaThe_Sorrow: you'd need to either use your video cards drivers functions such as "twinview" for nvidia, or xinerma in xorg16:29
mick02andril in the terminal go to cd /media/ and tell me what's listed in there16:29
The_Sorrowso, "sudo apt-get install xinerma" right? i have an onboard intel chipset....16:29
Next1I knew I shouldn't have installed that sudo update!16:29
Neaaimgolisch: ok I'll do that. So I'm away now compiling-in-attempt :D16:29
ikoniaThe_Sorrow no16:29
erUSULniadh: maybe http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel ??16:29
ikonia!xinerama > The_Sorrow16:29
ubottuThe_Sorrow, please see my private message16:29
AlexMaxI do not appear to have a terminfo for 'eterm-color' or 'eterm'.  I have terminfos for Eterm and Eterm-color, but those are for the Enlightenment terminal, and the 'eterm' I'm looking to support is the Emacs M-x terminal 'eterm', thus the lowercase e.  Anyone know where to get it from?16:30
idimmuthanks for the alternate point of view IntuitiveNipple but what im looking for is deb-triggers and it seems they're only in hardy/intrepid16:30
andrilcdrom  cdrom0  floppy  floppy016:30
Next1now I'm getting this error W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com hardy-updates Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>16:30
andrilmick02: cdrom  cdrom0  floppy  floppy0 - but i olny have 1 dvd-rw no floppy16:30
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: ahh, you meant installing debian packages? The mention of Tomcat made me think you meant you were deploying WARs16:30
The_Sorrowthanks ikonia, i'll try it with that guide :)16:31
niadherUSUL: am on a live cd, and I can't install that cos of missing deps, apparently16:31
mick02andril is this an internal or external HDD?16:31
erUSULniadh: you can install packages on a livecd16:31
idimmuIntuitiveNipple: rather than use war we use deb packages for our tomcat app deployments16:31
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: what OS version is the system? not Hardy I guess?16:31
niadherUSUL: Not a package where the deps can't be satisfied :P16:32
andrilmick02: external16:32
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: If you're in control of the debian package you could deploy them as pseduo-source then use a 'manager' deb package to do the install.16:33
MrBougoHello, I don't really know where to ask my question... I have a problem with flash. Deezer's flash applet just stops playing when any other swf wants to play sound16:33
erUSULniadh: it is installing fine here on my hardy x86_6416:33
MrBougoCould anyone redirect me to some other channel or directly help me?16:33
mick02andril unplug the hard drive and do dmesg | pastebinit then after that plug it in and do dmesg | pastebinit again16:33
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niadherUSUL: Really? Cos apparently I need sleuthkit, maybe i need to enable universe and multiverse then16:34
Adam434Hello , I need help please , does it possible to use regular expression in "grep" command ? can someone give me example ?16:34
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: for example, in another context, DKMS packages are actually source. They simply unpack files without an 'install', and then the system DKMS is triggered to do the 'install' - you could use that technique so the installer is only executed manually via ssh or similar.16:34
danbh_intrepidNext1: maybe this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5037026&postcount=616:34
erUSULniadh: probably yes it needs sleuthkit and it dled just fine16:34
=== guzman is now known as jlgshk
andrilunplugged http://pastebin.com/f86e953c16:35
idimmui see what you're saying16:35
idimmuthats quite cool16:35
niadherUSUL: Ah yeah, it's insalling now.16:35
ham__but I can not input chinese, i install the scim16:35
danbh_intrepidNext1: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/2423416:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 24234 in apt "apt-get update failing with bad signature." [High,Confirmed]16:36
The_Sorrowikonia: is there also a way to make it faster with the dual screening as i am not always connected to one certain second screen :-/16:36
erUSUL!cn | ham__ maybe there you get more help16:36
ubottuham__ maybe there you get more help: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:36
ikoniaThe_Sorrow what do you mean by faster ?16:36
IntuitiveNippleidimmu: yeah, have your 'debs' install to a staging area, then execute or trigger the install either manually or by the reinstallation of an 'installer' package - its .postinst script would do the actually install to tomcat of all Java apps in the staging area16:37
The_Sorrowwell, that it does the whole work by itself as in windows with a second attached screen...16:37
Adam434Hello , I need help please , does it possible to use regular expression in "grep" command ? can someone give me example ?16:37
Neaaimgolisch: Compiling went flawless. In the madwifi.tar.gz there was an INSTALL file that showed a way to insert the modules created. But I gather I'd have to unload the current modules first. Is it enough to uncheck the Athereos HAL and the Athereos 802.11 entries in Administration->Hardware Drivers ?16:37
fserveafter that last update16:38
fservemy ubuntu is very good :D16:38
niadherUSUL: It appears to be working, dude, life saver!16:38
mgolischNeaai: uncheck those, but the make install target should unlaod them automaticaly usualy16:38
IntuitiveNippleAdam434: grep/egrep use Regular Expressions, see "man grep"16:38
The_Sorrowikonia: it would also grab the attention of the others if i would always have to configure my screens before presenting something in front of my class :-/16:38
=== guzman is now known as jlgshk
Neaaimgolisch: Ah I see. Well anyhow I'll have to go eat first before my food break is over and then I'll continue. Thanks for the help so far mgolisch. :)16:39
Ohgodhuhis metacity a theme? and can i use it with ubuntu + compiz?16:39
=== Neaai is now known as Neaai-afk
bdbdbdplease help! ! !  -- SDL reports : SDL_INIT_VIDEO: No device available -- WTFF!!!!!16:40
AdvoWorkanyone had a problem with virtualbox, making a new windows xp vm? ie ive got legit copies of windows xp cd with serial number, yet it wont work saying its invalid, which it 100% isnt16:41
jribAdvoWork: call windows, they'll give you a key to use.  It's because the hardware is different16:41
infexionis it during activation?16:42
AdvoWorkjust after configuring time,keyboard etc etc16:42
AdvoWorkso ive got all that way, and i have to start from scratch16:42
jribAdvoWork: no, you just use the key they give you16:42
HewOhgodhuh: Metacity is a window manager. It's what you use when you're not using Compiz. So no, it's not a theme, it's much more.16:43
AdvoWorkjrib but how come that makes a difference?16:43
jribAdvoWork: what makes a difference?  what is "that" in your question?16:43
IntuitiveNippleAdvoWork: Is the product key you're using a retail or OEM key? It could make a difference16:43
infexionit should still let you enter the key if it is valid16:43
HewAdvoWork: This channel doesn't provide support for Microsoft products and all the problems associated with them.16:43
bdbdbdplease help! ! !  -- SDL reports : SDL_INIT_VIDEO: No device available -- WTFF!!!!!16:43
infexion #virtualbox16:44
AdvoWorkhow come it makes a difference if its on the pc itself or through a vm on the pc16:44
IntuitiveNippleHew: Yes it does, it shows users how to replace Windows! :)16:44
jribAdvoWork: virtualbox reports its own hardware16:44
IntuitiveNippleAdvoWork: jrib is referring to the Activation Key, rather than the Product Key16:44
HewIntuitiveNipple: By instructing them on how to install it? How strange :P16:44
IntuitiveNippleHew: that's the world that is :p16:45
The_Sorrowis there a way to make it faster with the dual screening as i am not always connected to one certain second screen :-/16:45
IntuitiveNippleHew: if they get annoyed enough, they'll decide to see the light :D16:45
bdbdbdplease help! ! !  -- SDL reports : SDL_INIT_VIDEO: No device available -- WTFF!!!!!16:45
bdbdbdfresh install of ubuntu16:45
bdbdbdinstalled SDL successfully?16:45
Hewbdbdbd: You need to provide some sort of useful information. What program are you even using?16:45
bdbdbdremoved sdl-debian16:45
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: SDL says WTFF ? wow :)16:45
The_Sorrowin the way that it does the whole work by itself as in windows with a second attached screen...16:45
bdbdbdWhat do you mean by program?16:46
Hewbdbdbd: ???16:46
Hewbdbdbd: Where is this error16:46
* IntuitiveNipple buries head in hands16:46
bdbdbdAny program that uses SDL16:46
bdbdbdin this case its while building a demo16:46
bdbdbdof SDL16:46
bdbdbdalso the ATI drivers don't work, so i'm using the original graphics drivers, without opengl16:46
bdbdbdSDL_INIT_VIDEO: No available video device16:47
urthmoverso are most people running Ibex?16:47
bdbdbdfrom terminal ./testsdl16:47
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: Have you checked the forums?16:47
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89605016:47
bdbdbdyeah nothing useful really16:47
ezadkiel_ori_laphow do you install color profiles in ubuntu16:48
The_Sorrowis there a way to make it faster with the dual screening as i am not always connected to one certain second screen :-/16:48
[T]ankhow do i get a device listed in lsusb freed up so that vmware can grab it? i have tried  echo 1 > /sys/bus/usb/devices/6-2/bConfigurationValue but the directory does not exist. Here is the output of lsusb for this device: Bus 006 Device 002: ID 1199:0220 Sierra Wireless, Inc.16:48
The_Sorrowin the way that it does the whole work by itself as in windows with a second attached screen...16:48
bdbdbdI solved it. The problem wasn't OpenGL, it was SDL. I had recently installed SDL from source without the development files which screwed up the configuration. So I uninstalled SDL through synaptic and installed the libsdl1.2-dev package. I then installed SDl from the source I got at their website (http://www.libsdl.org/).16:48
bdbdbd(from the forum post)16:48
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: indeed16:48
bdbdbdI followed that and that's where I'm stuck16:48
bdbdbddidn't make any difference removing it and installing it from source16:48
bdbdbdthe devels come in rpms, how to add rpm support?16:48
The_Sorrowis there a way to make it faster with the dual screening as i am not always connected to one certain second screen :-/16:49
The_Sorrowin the way that it does the whole work by itself as in windows with a second attached screen...16:49
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: have you checked the ./configure options and config.status report to see if it isn't used some library that is required for what you need?16:49
bdbdbdused by?16:50
bdbdbdi think it has everything it neds16:50
IntuitiveNippleThe_Sorrow: what is "it"? that needs to go faster?16:50
The_Sorrowuhm, the process of setting up dual screens16:50
bdbdbdalso yum installs but will not operate on hardy heron16:50
The_Sorrowi cannot do that before i present something infront of my class ~.~16:50
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: when you run ./configure there are usually many options you can pass, and the Ubuntu packages will do that from their debian/rules script. Maybe you're not including all the options needed to create the package in a configuration that is suitable16:51
moon_yo peeps, anyone up to help me with an insane wireless issue?16:52
[T]ankanyone? how do i get a device zeroed out in lsusb that does not have a device directory?16:52
IntuitiveNippleThe_Sorrow: With dual screens there is a technique whereby in the Screen section of xorg.conf you configure a SubSection with the  Virtual option set to something like "2048 x 2049". That then allows you to attach/detach external displays without restarting/reconfiguring the xserver16:52
IntuitiveNippleThe_Sorrow: You'll need to search the forums for specifics of that method.16:52
bdbdbdi dont think changing most of the options in SDL's configure makes a difference16:52
bdbdbdwhy doesn't yum work?16:52
The_Sorrowuhm, but that is not for cloning displays right?16:53
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: Why would it?16:53
bdbdbdwhy wouldn't it?16:53
bdbdbdit fails because of a python class being missing16:53
thefishyum works with .deb as well?16:53
IntuitiveNipplethefish: precisely my thoughts16:54
bdbdbdnow when i start synaptic, it fails16:54
IntuitiveNipplesomehow I'm not surprised16:54
thefishi spose its possible, but not sure why you would want it16:54
thefishbdbdbd: apt and friends are not good enough?16:55
bdbdbdthe aforementioned SDL forum post also talks about a yum install option16:55
thefishon a redhat or fedora box maybe?16:55
Flannelbdbdbd: Ubuntu doesn't use yum.  What are you trying to compile anyway?16:57
vooxhow do I disable compiz with kde4?16:57
pvh_saheya... i'm trying to record sound on ubuntu 8.04... using qarecord - but there's absolutely nothing coming in via the mike - any ideas what to look at?16:57
pvh_sa(and yes, there is a mike plugged in at the right place!!)16:57
moon_Hey anybody think they can help me with a wireless issue? Hardy Heron + Compaq Presario16:57
bdbdbdCouldn't initialize SDL: No available video device16:58
st3phi installed alsa mixer and everything works just not the sound i have no soundcard just an usb headset but it worked be4 already b4 i installed ubuntu complete16:58
bdbdbdst3ph how did you get SDL working16:58
=== esmo is now known as oralux
st3phbdbdbd:  sdl?16:58
Daisuke_Idobdbdbd: answer the question regarding what you're trying to compile - might have better luck getting an answer if people know what you're talking about16:58
hoensI'm trying to setup my sound card to output via optical cable s/opdf, but it's not working. Any suggestions?16:59
bdbdbdSimple DirectMedia Layer cannot detect a video device16:59
* Daisuke_Ido headdesks16:59
bdbdbdubuntu hardy heron, fresh install, updated16:59
bdbdbdwith build essential16:59
Flannelbdbdbd: Not what errors youre getting, what you're trying to compile.  And don't use the enter key as punctuation.16:59
atlefhoens: blame pulseaudio16:59
jammyhello! I have a wireless problem. my laptop turned of as its battery power went down, and since then I have no wireless. still the device is recognised by lspci. Could someone help me with this, please!16:59
bdbdbdwhat errors am i getting?  it installs correctly16:59
bdbdbdit is misconfigured16:59
Daisuke_Idowhat is "it"?16:59
bdbdbddaisuke_ido: libsdl.org17:00
Flannelbdbdbd: What are you using SDL with.17:00
Daisuke_Idowhy not just install from the repos?17:00
bdbdbdflannel: its own demos17:00
hoensatlef, i'm not looking to blame anyone, I just want this to work :(17:00
Flannelbdbdbd: And what was wrong with the repo versions?17:00
bdbdbdflannel: went undetected by Agar17:00
atlefhoens: good luck, never got mine to work so had to go back to analog sound17:01
BertoHi - My hard drive is going bad, right now I'm doing fsck -f -c -y .... once I'm done, and get a new drive, should i just use the  dd command from a CDRom boot to back it up?17:01
bdbdbdflannel: also, according to the forums, you have to remove them17:01
Flannelbdbdbd: Which forums?17:01
bdbdbdflannel: ubuntu forums17:01
bdbdbd11:47IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89605017:01
dmseghello guys i would like to know how much power can ubuntu handle can we deploy at 12.98Ghz and 16gb DDR3 ram? also are there any enterprise releases of ubuntu which i can use people tell me that the currently kernel cant handle this power is this true for ubuntu server as well?17:02
jammyhello! I have a wireless problem. my laptop turned of as its battery power went down, and since then I have no wireless. still the device is recognised by lspci. Could someone help me with this, please!17:04
vooxhow do I disable compiz with kde4?17:04
hoenswhat's a good audio playback program?17:04
Pici!players | hoens17:05
ubottuhoens: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sdl17:05
Beginerhi ppl17:05
IntuitiveNippledmseg: Your question made very little sense. Can you restate it?17:05
Begineri have a little problem whi Yux can someone help me ;))17:05
PiciBeginer: What is Yux?17:06
neil`-i have a 240gbyte pendrive. originally it had a fat32 partition but when i copied files on it, some of them was unaccessible and had strange names ("????...???"). does anyone know about what partitioning options should i use or if its usuable with ubuntu?17:06
Beginera yahoo messenger17:06
Beginerclient for linux17:06
Xcercayea , whats yux17:06
BeginerYahog messenger client for unix OS17:06
PiciBeginer: Whats the problem?17:06
Xcercao , you could just try another one17:06
teicah!yahoo > teicah17:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about yahoo17:07
IntuitiveNipplehah! That's what Microsoft said, too :)17:07
Beginerpici wait i will shou ya17:07
BeginerMakefile:312: *** missing separator.  Stop.17:07
Begineris telling me this Makefile:312: *** missing separator.  Stop.17:07
bdbdbdSimple DirectMedia Layer cannot detect a video device17:07
XcercaBeginer , have you tried another yahoo client..  i know pidgin works17:07
IntuitiveNippleBeginer: That means you've used spaces rather than a tab to indent the line17:08
Beginerand how i fix ?17:08
IntuitiveNippleBeginer: Usually, replace spaces with a tab on the line that reports the error17:08
Beginerok thx i will try now ;))17:08
dmsegIntuitiveNipple: i mean can ubuntu be deplyed in a server rack?17:08
Picidmseg: Are you talking about cluster computing?17:09
IntuitiveNippledmseg: Well, a rack is just a chassis with the option of several discrete servers... Any OS can be deployed to the individual servers, so yes, Ubuntu can.17:09
dmsegpici: yes17:09
IntuitiveNippledmseg: Ahhh, you should have said. Are you using heartbeat?17:10
dmsegyou got me17:11
arthur_how do i build a .deb package from source code?17:11
Pici!newpackage | arthur_17:11
ubottuarthur_: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports17:11
IntuitiveNippledmseg: the short answer is, yes, there is no reason Ubuntu or most other distro's can't operate in a cluster.17:11
dmsegIntuitiveNipple: so the kernel will handle 16gb of ram right? should i go for it?17:12
bdbdbd11:47IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89605017:14
IntuitiveNippledmseg: This might give you some insights: http://www.clustermonkey.net//content/view/211/1/17:14
bdbdbdthat did not help17:14
bdbdbdthat is for GL error in the GL subsystem17:14
dmsegthanx for your help long live ubuntu!!17:15
^Phantom^Is there a web browser that can browse the mobile web in ubuntu?17:15
[T]ankanyone know if there is a way to use my exchange contacts in thunderbird?17:15
dubskiha dmseg.  thats what i always type when i try to do a dmesg17:15
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: Where are you getting the source from? Let me try recreating the issue17:15
[T]ankor if there is a way to copy my exchange contacts to some local file on windows and transfer that over?17:16
bdbdbdsource version not devel version17:16
gaintsura^Phantom^: you may be able to trick firefox into thinking its a mobile browser17:16
bdbdbdi have an HD2600XT ATI, but the flgfx dont work so I am using the "safe" graphics driver it came with17:17
gaintsura^Phantom^:  otherwise, you can probably vm a set of phone software and do it that way17:17
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: SDL-1.2.13.tar.gz ?17:17
bdbdbdi removed libsdl-1.2-debian in synaptic17:18
hoensone of my partitions has 73% utilization, so I want to take part of that partition away and make another partition. Is this possible without blowing away the old partition?17:18
gaintsurahoens: checkout gparted livecd or gparted in general17:18
^Phantom^phones can be vm'd?17:18
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: ok... what is the ./configure command you're issuing ?17:18
dubskihoens: yes17:18
gaintsura^Phantom^: afaik yes, I've seen it before, but I don't know how17:18
^Phantom^i've emulated a palm pilot before17:19
^Phantom^but a PHONE????17:19
gaintsurapretty much the same idea17:19
oklinuxany one try ultimateedition ?17:19
dubskihoens: easiest way is to use gnome partition editor or gparted live cd.17:19
Picioklinux: We do not support the ultimate edition here.17:19
oklinuxwhere should I go pici17:19
Picioklinux: Try their forums maybe.17:20
gaintsuradubski: isnt gnome partition editor the same a gparted but without the livecd?17:20
hoensdubski, I have to use the livecd, I can't just use gparted directly?17:20
bdbdbdyou can do some gparted stuff if you want hoens17:20
dubskigaintsure: yes it is.  but the live cd is simpler.  don't have to unmount etc.17:20
Picihoens: You cannot modify a parition while it is mounted.  So if you cannot access gnome with it mounted, then you need to use the live cd17:20
gaintsuradubski: agreed with that ^_^17:20
hoensmakes sense Pici , thanks17:20
oliverpIs it stupid to set up a wmware with ubuntu, on a ubuntu system?17:21
cih997hi, how can i get my dvdrom name in /dev/* ?17:21
hoensdo i have to make a gparted livecd, or can i use a normal livecd and d/l gparted after booting into that?17:21
bdbdbdcih997 try fdisk/fstab17:22
atlefoliverp: if you need to, why not17:22
atlefhoens: get partedmagic LiveCD17:22
prebenhI I installed a second SATA harddisk in my new computer. But ubuntu doesn't make a device for it. It is detected [   26.572451] ata3.00: ATA-7: SAMSUNG HD753LJ, 1AA01113, max UDMA717:22
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sharperguyRight ok is anyone else getting "no XBL bounding for window" after the latest firefox updatE?17:22
dubskihoens: just unmount that volume first, then u can use the gnome partitioner from within Ubuntu.17:22
hoensdubski, can't unmout / :D17:22
atlefhoens: http://partedmagic.com/wiki/PartedMagic.php17:22
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: If you examine the build logs (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/1.2.13-1ubuntu1/+build/483974) for the Ubuntu package you'll see it uses "./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-rpath --enable-dlopen --enable-dependency-tracking --enable-arts-shared=no --enable-alsa-shared=no --enable-esd-shared=no --enable-pulseaudio-shared=no --build x86_64-linux-gnu --disable-debug $SWITCHES)"17:23
dubskihoens: if its your main partition you will have to use the live cd.17:23
sharperguy^ oh forget it I hadn't closed the downloads box17:23
bdbdbdok i'll try that17:23
prebenbut no /dev/sdc. I have a SATA DVD as the ata2 and I have enabled AHCI. Mobo is Asus P5Q Pro17:23
bdbdbdi have to go to a meeting bbl, ty17:23
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: no!!!17:23
oliverpatlef, well I want a virtual machine with network etc. I just thought vmware would be more than i needed, because i'd run ubuntu on both systems17:24
gaintsura^Phantom^: what kind of phone are you trying to emuate?17:24
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: That is based on a set of patches being applied so likely won't work... I'm just pointing out key differences you need to investigate17:24
bdbdbdyeah but umm17:24
bdbdbdhmm, i dunno17:24
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: install the ubuntu source package and inspect it to see the patches it applies: apt-get source libsdl1.2debian17:25
cih997bdbdbd: thx17:25
prebenarg. forget my question. It is sdb of course too used to the debian system. sorry17:26
Awsoonnhow can I get a current list of users in my channel? (irssi)17:26
bdbdbdi have to go but i'll get back to this later17:26
bdbdbdmaybe we can make a doc for this IntuitiveNipple17:27
xomp/lusers #ubuntu17:27
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ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about graphics17:27
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:27
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login17:27
Xcercais there a way to run a keyboard shortcut from console ? i'm trying to control amarok with my remote but it doesn't have a lirc plugin - i found some irexec dcop amarok commands but that is for kde and i'm in gnome , so if i could have irexec run the keyboard shortcut that would work ...  if not does anybody know of a music player that does have a lirc plugin ?17:27
fusedWhat's the best network monitoring program to use in the terminal as text only?17:28
fusedI have htop for CPU/Mem/Swp, but I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions for a network monitor.17:28
IntuitiveNipplefused: iftop17:28
hoenswill brasero make bootable cds?17:29
tpgGood evening, i have a problem with stopping the X server in order to install my Nvidia drivers(8600GTS), i have tried gmd stop and gdu stop, but none of those worked, is there anyone that could help me with this matter?17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mosix17:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xmonad17:30
oklinuxJackWinter, pm ?17:30
sjeamorning all17:30
^Phantom^evolvotron is fun to mess around with <317:30
oklinux jack_sparrow you here17:31
tpgadministrator1, did you do anything?17:31
skeeelhello i need help on bash scripting , is it ok to ask , or ... too much off topic :D ?17:31
Piciskeeel: #bash is a good place to start17:31
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login17:31
skeeelPici thanks didn't knew it17:32
st3phi can not get alsa mixer running, it seems to work, but i get now sound :(17:32
gaintsuratpg: ctrl+alt+f1 login, ps aux | grep gdm ; install drivers, reboot17:33
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login17:34
Farghanyone here familiar with lftp ?17:34
gaintsura!patience | Massiv0r17:34
ubottuMassiv0r: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines17:34
gaintsura!repeat | Massiv0r17:34
ubottuMassiv0r: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience17:34
aho_how does the newer ubuntu decide X stuff.  in X org.conf it looks to be all automatic17:34
[T]ankhow do i enable dual screens with ubuntu and nvidia? 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Quadro NVS 140M (rev a1)17:35
CapaHQuestion, I am having a strange issue. All of a sudden when I use vncviewer to connect to a remote desktop --- it is displaying it in such a way I have to move my mouse in order to see the whole screen. It dynamically scrolls the whole screen rather than filling my viewport -- any ideas?17:35
Swistakcan anybody help me with installin Xonar DX/XD on my ubuntu?17:35
psylancehi all, can i know more about essential applications used in enterprise environment for security and management?17:35
amorphous_hello :) -- hardy issues, am ssh'd into a machine with resolution problems. they have a different monitor but hardy wont detect it (tried resolution app), also dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doesn't ask any video questions. is there a command line way to autodetect? have read through bug#31830 + a few and there appears to be no help there. Can someone point me the right way?17:36
gaintsurapsylance: I'd recommend checking out security related sites such as astalavista.com and packetstormsecurity.nl for a start, they have a lot of links to various things17:36
jvargashow do I know which runlevel am I running currently?17:37
dubskihoens: i normally just right-click the iso and choose burn to disk17:38
jribjvargas: runlevel17:38
dubskihoens: brasero had the "burn image" option.  should do the same thing.17:39
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jvargasjrib: thanks17:39
hubarhi all. I kept getting No XBL binding errors after updating firefox today.17:40
hubarAnyone knows how to fix it?17:41
jzsmithHow can I list all the processes in the terminal?17:41
danbh_intrepidjzsmith: ps -e17:41
arvind_khadrijzsmith, ps -e17:41
jzsmithdanbh_intrepid, thanks. :)17:41
amorphous_does dpgk-reconfigure xserver-xorg not configure graphics any more? or os that because I am using proprietatry nvidia drivers17:41
jzsmithdanbh_intrepid, lol.17:41
jzsmithdanbh_intrepid, +1 internets for you.17:41
arvind_khadriamorphous_, it does reconfigure17:42
danbh_intrepidamorphous_: its either that, or it autodetects.  Im not sure anymore17:42
Massiv0ri'm having an issue with "Login window",whenever i leave the pc for hours shutted down and then i try to open it again it shows the CTRL + ALT + F8 Black Screen 2 secs later runs gdm and then prompts me to Login even thought i have enabled auto-login17:42
nalyshello there, little question....is it possible to install the new intrepid beta on a sd ? :P17:42
arvind_khadriamorphous_, if you want it to ask it questions then it should be sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg17:42
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: I thought that directive was to get LESS questions17:43
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, pcritical for less ones :)17:43
Massiv0rthanks for your major help17:43
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: I dont get it17:44
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amorphous_arvind_khadri, that asks no q's at all :?17:44
hubarI kept getting No XBL binding errors after updating firefox today, anyone knows how to fix it w/o removing .mozilla?17:44
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, instead of -phigh if you use -pcritical no questions would be asked...17:44
danbh_intrepidamorphous_: you could also try -plow, but I dont think that will help either...17:44
arvind_khadriamorphous_,  -phigh asks questions17:45
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: ah, I get it, but still, -phigh asks less questions than the default I thought.  -plow asks the most questions17:45
amorphous_arvind_khadri, not here :(17:45
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texter2468Can anyone help me with my microphone problem? I don't know why it's not working17:46
nalyshi, is it possible to install the new intrepid beta on a sd card17:46
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, the last time i used it i was bugged up with the number of questions17:46
arvind_khadrinalys, ask #ubuntu+117:46
arvind_khadriamorphous_, then try -plow17:46
nalysarvind_khadri: kthx17:46
danbh_intrepidnalys: sd cards are very unreliable...17:47
amorphous_arvind_khadri, danbh_intrepid --- there are no graphic/monitor/vga relevant questions at all with any of those switches (or without!).... is there another way 'round? (tried -plow)17:47
hagnawhen try to open a terminal window the prompt doesn't appear and after a brief moment the window turns grey like it all crashed17:47
aho_is there a way to query to current refresh rate of X ?17:47
texter2468anyone know how to make my microphone work?17:47
arvind_khadriamorphous_, hand edit17:47
aho_from the command line17:47
tyso1hey i was hopin someone could help me out im trying to sync my mobile but i dont know what aplication to get to do this. any suggestions would be great.17:47
hagnaalso clicking on system -> sessions just hangs with System highightled in the status bar17:47
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BikerbobSo who loves to look at log files and figure out problems??? ;)17:47
nalysdanbh_intrepid: that implies it's possible ^^ thx!17:47
amorphous_arvind_khadri, do I have to enter a vert refresh rate?17:48
hagnaBikerbob: I do17:48
hagnaBikerbob: I mean I going to17:48
danbh_intrepidnalys: just don't use it for temporary or swap stuff, or anything where you need to read and write much17:48
anacaonahello all. i'm using hardy and i'm having problems using french language dictionaires with openoffice. i've checked openoffice forums and chat rooms to no avail. is there anyone where who can lend me a hand? i used the install new dictionaries wizard but when i try to used French dictionaries the blue checkmark is missing.17:48
arvind_khadriamorphous_, not sure about it17:48
hagnaI'm on hardy17:49
Bikerbobwell I am having some issues with my Xorg, and I would love some suggestions? how are you at setting up Xorg.conf files?17:49
tyso1hey i was hopin someone could help me out im trying to sync my mobile but i dont know what aplication to get to do this. any suggestions would be great.17:49
arvind_khadri!ask | Bikerbob17:49
ubottuBikerbob: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gaamu17:50
psylanceany interesting tools resembling phpmyadmin?17:50
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BikerbobI am asking arvind_khadri asking if hagna has the knowledge to help17:50
psylanceor other things to administer a server?17:50
psylancepreparing for a competition where opensource tools are used but not known untill the actual day17:51
unstableIs there a log somewhere, that I can check the results of the last file system check?17:51
amorphous_arvind_khadri, if i remove xorg.conf & restart, will hardy autodetect & write a new one?17:52
tyso1where do i find gaamu?17:52
genii!ebox | psylance17:52
ubottupsylance: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:52
piegeAnybody got some knowhow of proftpd? I got an ftp server but I need to give access to a folder for a user... I didn't find anything usefull on tutorials... help plz17:52
arvind_khadriamorphous_, make a backup of it and save it somewhere...it will write a new one17:52
danbh_intrepidunstable: maybe /var/log/fsck17:52
amorphous_arvind_khadri, ta.... will let you know... ;)17:53
nickwebcan i add a custom shortcut to the places menu in gnome?17:53
hateballgenii: Is ebox preferable to webmin?17:53
geniipsylance: webmin used to be used but not any longer for gui web administration17:53
psylancebefore i forget, they be in debian repos, cos it's focusing on debian rather than ubuntu17:53
Bikerbobhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5847700 if you want to look17:53
geniipsylance: ebox is preferred now, yes.17:53
le_mischanickweb: yes, you can17:54
nickweble_mischa, is there any tutorials online?17:54
le_mischanickweb: you don't need any tutorial.17:54
tyso1anyone know what program syncs a mobile phone to ubuntu?17:55
le_mischaopen nautilus, go to the folder you want to add and press ctrl + d17:55
psylanceerm, packages i'm looking for should be in debian etch repos17:55
nickweble_mischa, i cant right click and select add - i get the option to edit menus, but its the main gnome menu, not the places menu.. :(17:55
arvind_khadri!ebox | psylance17:55
ubottupsylance: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox17:55
psylancewe are not allowed internet access, only access to a official repos17:55
psylanceit's in ubuntu, not debian17:55
tyso1arvind where do i find gaamu?17:55
arvind_khadripsylance, dont use the repo for debian...you may break your system17:55
MrD1Hi every body, Question like always, does any one know a good program in ubuntu to make security copy's of the system17:56
psylanceMrD1: tripwire?17:56
arvind_khadrityso1, i dont have any idea...i remember someone mentioning it here sometime back...17:56
tyso1ok thanks17:56
iahello, everyone. could you tell me please name of program, which let change videocard model, driver and monitor in gnome?17:56
MrD1psylance, quick response thank you ill take a look17:56
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psylanceit doesn't make a copy, it just take a snapshot17:57
Kajohi all17:57
Kajoi need help17:57
hateball!ask | Kajo17:57
ubottuKajo: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)17:57
psylanceu can run a check on current system against a database to see what  files are modified17:58
nickweble_mischa, FYI: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26340 covers it. .gtk-bookmarks17:58
AlexCHELP - I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Power Edge SC1430 with a SCSI RAID Level 1 controller and it is booting into busybox.17:58
Kajohateball: ther is no userlist nicklist in x chat?17:58
arvind_khadri!raid | alex-weej17:58
ubottualex-weej: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:58
arvind_khadri!raid | AlexC17:58
ubottuAlexC: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:58
hateballKajo: Not sure I understand the question17:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recompile17:58
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:58
arvind_khadrialex-weej, sorry for that17:59
Kajopsylance: how i am new in utumbu17:59
alex-weejarvind_khadri: that's ok17:59
carandraugKajo, are you using xchat gnome or just plain xchat? You mean you can't see a list of people on a channel?18:00
Bikerbobwhat psylance dont know what utumbu is?18:00
Kajocaranraug i must do ctrl+u to look in userlis..18:00
psylanceBikerbob: what18:01
psylanceBikerbob: what's utumbu?18:01
AlexCubottu - are you saying that the reason the ubuntu disk is booting me into busybox, even when I select to just run ubuntu without changing my computer, is that I need to read the tips and tricks for raid document?18:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:01
carandraugKajo, don't get what's your problem. Can you please explain it as if I'm really stupid so I try to help you?18:02
hagnawhat's the ubuntu way to adduser?18:02
hateballStandard XChat should have a userlist to the right of the channel window18:02
hateballhagna: adduser18:02
AlexCI am trying to run or install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Power Edge SC1430 and it is booting into busybox.18:02
AlexCWhat can I do?18:03
=== guzman is now known as jlgshk
hagnahateball: we'll see18:03
carandraugAlexC, have you tried alternate CD? You checked the cd for defects?18:03
Kajocarandraug there is no userlist to the right of channel windoq18:03
arvind_khadri!raid | AlexC  read this18:03
ubottuAlexC  read this: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:03
AlexCI have used this CD to install on another system.18:04
xxi have huge problem.. about screen resolution... i had ubuntu befor and then my computer crashed and then u upgrade to 8.04v and im stuck in 640x480 i cant fix it18:04
carandraugKajo, ok. So what xchat are you using? The complete versionor the gnome version?18:04
arvind_khadrixx, do you have a graphics card?18:04
arvind_khadri!fixres | xx18:04
ubottuxx: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto18:04
xxyes ofcorse nivida but in not sure what type18:04
Kajocarandraug xchat-gnome 0.1818:05
arvind_khadrixx, then get the drivers for it :) use envyng18:05
Bikerbobwish it were that easy arvind_khadri18:05
arvind_khadri!envy | xx18:05
ubottuxx: envyng is an updated version of the *UNSUPPORTED* envy package. It is now part of the ubuntu universe repository (envyng-gtk OR envyng-qt) we suggest you use envyng if every other (official/supported) method fails! it can have various results from works, to fails!!!  if you want the very latest drivers from the manufacturer you use them at your own risk18:05
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:05
arvind_khadriBikerbob, getting drivers ??18:05
AlexCcarandraug = Do you have reason to believe Ubuntu 8.04 should work on ths machine?18:05
Bikerbobno.. making them work! lol18:05
xxarvind_khadri, but then whe have bigger problom.. i cant use terminal becouse tis to big for typing insite it i only see white nothing else dosent metter how mutch i move the window i never see18:06
rickshankcan some one help me get my wifi working18:06
carandraugKajo, I never used the gnome version. And it's usually frowned upon. But I'm guessing it should still have the userlist18:06
rickshankthe wireless adapter i have is using the broadcom chipset18:06
fslmy usb mouse doesnt work properly, it just jumps around the screen. the touchpad works fine, how do i fix it?18:06
Kajook 10x for trying to help me18:06
Bikerbobxx sounds like your virtual desktop is still large.. but your at low res.18:06
carandraugAlexC, I don't have any reason to believe it shouldn't work.18:07
Kajoi`ll try onother client18:07
Bikerbobit boots this way xx how do you log in?18:07
MOzartstaedterhi guys, i need a programm like camtasia studios to capture the screen, anyone knows an OS tool??18:07
arvind_khadrixx, use the maintenance terminal press Alt+Ctrl+F1 and you will go there... to get back Alt+ctrl+F718:07
hagnaI click Syste > Manage Users and Groups and then freeze18:07
Pici!screencast | MOzartstaedter18:07
ubottuMOzartstaedter: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Gvidcap, Xvidcap, vnc2swf, demorecorder.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.18:07
ubottuqemu is an emulator you can use to run another operating system - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPUnderQemuHowTo18:07
rickshankcan some one please help me get the wifi iv never been able to get on the internet on my ubuntu box18:07
milostrifehey can anyone give me any help with this problem please im running ubuntu hardy with a geforce 5900fx, the problem is that movie play back is to drak to watch from what ever source i try?18:07
xxBikerbob, i can see the login screen...18:08
=== Kajo is now known as Armenia
carandraugAlexC, think I've found it http://doubleclix.wordpress.com/2007/10/26/ubuntu-710-2-x-quadcore-dell-poweredge-sc1430/18:08
AlexCcarandraug - I tried booting from a new 7.04 CD and got thrown into busybox as well.18:08
arvind_khadri!sp | jlgshk18:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sp18:09
arvind_khadri!es | jlgshk18:09
ubottujlgshk: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:09
Bikerbobxx so somehow your desktop settings got messed up. seems like you might have to drop to a command line and manually fix it.18:09
carandraugArmenia, try the common Xchat18:09
MOzartstaedterwow thanks for the help, great job =)18:09
PiciMOzartstaedter: anytime18:09
Bikerbobxx that should be in the help file that was put up18:09
Armeniabye all have a nice chat :)18:09
sorsishow do i check what server does my ntp service use?18:10
sorsisand is it working18:10
bijoyhow do i configure nvidia-glx-legacy?18:10
arvind_khadriAlexC, you must be missing something in setting up the raid18:10
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM18:10
rickshankso i guess no ones gonna help  me =[18:10
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)18:10
AlexCThis is a hardware RAID. Normally I would install Red Hat Enterprose Linux on it with no problem.18:11
AlexCIs there something additional that Ubuntu should need?18:11
fslmy usb mouse doesnt work properly, it just jumps around the screen. the touchpad works fine, how do i fix it?18:11
Bikerbobrickshank: are you the wifi guy?18:11
^Phantom^Driftnet doesn't work :(18:12
rickshankBikerbob: >18:12
orgthingyhello world!18:12
carandraug!raid | AlexC18:12
ubottuAlexC: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:12
orgthingywhat the hell is "dash" ?18:12
orgthingywhats wrong with bash??18:12
Bikerbobwhat are you having problems with rickshank ?18:12
jribAlexC: have you tried the alternate cd?18:12
Pici!dash | orgthingy18:12
ubottuorgthingy: /bin/sh links to the DASH shell in all releases since Ubuntu Edgy (6.10). Since DASH is not 100% compatible with the BASH shell, some scripts might break. You can make scripts execute using BASH by changing the first line of the script to « #! /bin/bash18:12
AlexCubottu - That document is overwhelming18:12
PiciAlexC: ubottu is a bot, it cannot respond to you18:12
rickshankBikerbob: i cant get my wifi working and also not really sure where to begin18:12
PiciAlexC: and please ignore the message it sent back to you, it thought you were making a factoid suggestion18:13
SpragieI have a question about my usb optical (wired) mouse failing soon after boot up, If anyone could send me a link to a forum or something with the fix for this, i remember having the same issue with 7.10 but cannot recall the fix (tried using it as ps/2 with converter but it doesnt work at all)18:13
orgthingyPici : still, why did they make it?18:13
orgthingyi read the article in ubuntu.com18:13
orgthingydidnt get it18:13
carandraugAlexC, the page I sent you seemed to have some problems with 7.10 but it says how he solved it. I never uses raid so I can't help you there18:13
Piciorgthingy: Its apparently more efficient on resources, or so I've heard.18:13
rickshankBikerbob: i get this error when i try to open up kwifi manager       there was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE. the message returned by the system was:18:14
orgthingyPici : that made me mad18:14
orgthingyinstead of improving Bash18:14
Piciorgthingy: Bash is still there.18:14
orgthingythey did another one18:14
orgthingyhow lame18:14
AlexCcarendraug - can you please resend the page link.18:14
rickshankcould not read network connection list. /home/rickshank/.DCOPserver_mick-jagger__018:14
rickshankplease check that the "dcopserver" program is running18:14
Bikerbobrickshank: you need to look up wifi in the wiki pages.. there is a TONN of stuff.. talking you through it here is just reapeating the process.. Do you know where to find the wiki pages?18:14
SpragieI have a question about my usb optical (wired) mouse failing soon after boot up, If anyone could send me a link to a forum or something with the fix for this, i remember having the same issue with 7.10 but cannot recall the fix (tried using it as ps/2 with converter but it doesnt work at all) or could remind me the command to refresh the device18:15
rickshankBikerbob: no can you point me in the right direction18:15
Picirickshank: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:15
rickshankthank you Pici18:15
SpragieI have a question about my usb optical (wired) mouse failing soon after boot up, If anyone could send me a link to a forum or something with the fix for this, i remember having the same issue with 7.10 but cannot recall the fix (tried using it as ps/2 with converter but it doesnt work at all) or could remind me the command to refresh the device18:16
Bikerbobthanks Pici18:18
milostrifecan anyone tell me how to install compiz fusion so i can add effects and also how to open my nvidia settings?18:19
chilli0what is the offtopic channel?18:19
kris__does playlist.com work for any of you guys? i cant get it to work18:19
TheBaseI need help. I accidentally did a grub-install on /dev/sda1 instead of sda. Now when I select windows in the grub menu it loops back to the menu and worse, I can't see any files in the windows partition when mounting it on Linux18:20
Guest22946hi all. First time using IRC... EVER.  any timps?18:20
Guest22946tips that is.18:20
cenubiswhere are you chatting from?18:20
TheBaseGuest1402, do a /nick a proper nickname18:20
cenubisIRC has long distance18:20
TheBaseGuest22946,  do a /nick a proper nickname18:20
cenubisyour ISP will charge you for chatting here based on distance18:20
TheBaseand check the irc commands on google18:20
=== Guest22946 is now known as alphaechocharlie
kris__hey i need help18:21
Spragielol @ cenubis18:21
aileanguys, i would like to back up my ~/home folder.  Is there any program that would help me do this in a semi-automated way onto DVDs?18:21
xTheGoat121xGreetings all... I've got a problem with Flash in Ubuntu being INCREDIBLY slow....18:21
Andehdoes anyone know something for detecting duplicate mp3s?18:21
AndehI know some that run on windows18:21
aileanAndeh, eyes?18:21
kris__i cant get playlist.com to work does it work for any of you guys18:22
Andehailean: Well i have about four thousand duplicates, so i thought a program might be handy18:22
aileanAndeh, joke :) i don't know of one, sorry18:22
Spragiecan anyone tell me the command that will refresh my usb mouse after it stops responding in x ?18:22
neuling001hello, i installed a Tomcat on my Ubuntu-Server. Everything works, but if i call the URL, it shows me only an empty side, can you help me?18:23
kris__does playlist.com work for any of you guys? i cant get it to work18:23
kris__hey i need help18:23
kris__does playlist.com work for any of you guys? i cant get it to work18:23
rickshankyeah so i guess i need internet in order to get the drivers for my wireless adapter, aye?18:23
kris__does playlist.com work for any of you guys? i cant get it to work18:23
Andehkris__: Stfu.18:23
Andehkris__: I'm trying it out now, lol18:23
Picikris__: Repeating will not make anyone answer you faster, in addition, this is not on-topic for the Ubuntu Support channel.18:23
rickshankplaylist.com uses flash doesent it?18:23
kris__ok damn18:23
rickshankkris what web browser are you using?18:23
Spragierickshank have a usb drive and another pc w/ internet?18:24
rickshankSpragie: yes i do18:24
neuling001Can someone help meß18:24
Andehkris__: Yup, works for me.18:24
rickshankkris__: in the address bar type about:plugins18:24
Andehkris__: Tried anything else with flash?18:24
joshuajtlis there no qsynaptics for hardy?18:24
rickshankkris__: try the website stickam.com or youtube.com18:24
Spragiedownload them on the computer w/ net, put them on flash drive, then download them to the pc that needs driver ?18:24
Otacon22Hi guys: anyone maybe could help me about a little program that i want to do...      I want to create a program that monitor all tcp/udp connections over the network, and that alert me when a program connect to a specific port... but to do this i need to have something from where grab logs of connections... I was thinking to aquire output from netstat. the problem is that if someone connects and disconnects when the program is not read18:24
Otacon22ing the netstat i can't see him18:24
histokris__: works for me18:25
histo!flash > kris__18:25
ubottukris__, please see my private message18:25
neuling001Did someone install a Tomcat-Server on Ubuntu?18:25
rickshankkris__: what does about:plugins tell you?18:25
alphaechocharlieis there a "proper" way to exit this chat (I am using XChat)18:25
=== guzman is now known as jlgshk
Picialphaechocharlie: Closing xchat will send the proper commands when it quits.18:26
SpragieCan anyone tell me the command to refresh a usb mouse in x after it fails randomly and will not work if i unplug and replug it back in (even trying different ports) although my usb jump drive remains available18:26
linxehuse /quit, close the window, etc18:26
kris__im checking18:26
alphaechocharlieThanks Pici18:26
rickshankSpragie: where do i get the ndiswrapper (64 bit)18:26
neuling001Can someone help me to install a Tomcat on an Ubuntu-Server?18:26
* Spragie shrugs18:26
rickshankkris__: paste bin what about:plugins tells you18:27
kris__nevermind i got it18:27
neuling001bad chat18:27
rickshankkris__: you got it working?18:27
rickshankkris__: just out of curiosity what version of flash are you using?18:28
airtonixOtacon22, have you considered making use of lsof18:28
PiciOtacon22: You may be able to use tshark in place of netstat.18:28
kris__it was a plugin18:28
airtonixPici, is tshark in ubuntu repos?18:29
airtonixpici, silly question...nvm18:29
Pici!info tshark | airtonix indeed18:29
ubottuairtonix indeed: tshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer (console). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 108 kB, installed size 256 kB18:29
kris__thanks guys18:29
david2323hello, I have problem with my local ethernet network, I can't see another host, in my network. Anybudy know how to fix it?18:30
TopBunny98How does one repopulate the gstreamer plugins cache?]18:33
TheBaseI really need help. I accidentally did a grub-install on /dev/sda1 instead of sda. Now when I select windows in the grub menu it loops back to the menu and worse, I can't mount the windows partition.18:34
airtonixinteresting that uboto doesnt show the culmulative size of a program (including it's dependancies) tshark requries extras that total 10mb18:34
dannyAnyone know if there is an apache channel?18:35
nananuuis there a simular program to Avant Window Navigator18:36
nananuubecause Avant Window Navigator crashes my ubuntu18:36
gaintsuradanny: #apache18:36
dannythanks gaintsura18:36
MrNaz``i'm about to go and install ubuntu on a pc in an area where internet access is pretty bad18:36
Bikerbobanyone help me with something I tried to apt-get and seems to be screwed up?18:36
Dark_Sagenananuu» Cairo Dock18:37
BikerbobI am getting an -pi when I check it now.18:37
MrNaz``is there a way i can download the updates and burn them to a dvd before i go so that i dont have to get them over the bad internet over there?18:37
gaintsuraI found a vulnerability in my libpng version 1.2.15 beta5, would like to upgrade to the newest libpng, however synaptic only shows this version, how would I get it?18:37
Bikerboband if I try and modprobe it.. says its not installed18:37
nananuuDark_Sage,  is there a posibility when it crashes my ubuntu?18:37
TopBunny98I have installed the fluendo plugins megapack but now Rhthymbox won't impot my music files, How do i fix this issue?18:37
airtonixMrNaz``, investigate the use of apt-mirror18:38
edthefuriexhi everybody : i have the lates version of ubuntu but only google works no other website nether package manager18:38
Dark_Sagenananuu» I don't know...18:38
eaxI feel.. Wrong.. Very wrong.. I just found out my dad's going to a conference with.. Steve Ballmer :(18:38
TopBunny98i)] [4:freenode/#ubuntu(+JLcfnt)] [Lag: 1.26 [Act: 1,2,3]18:38
nananuuok thanks18:38
Build-A-Bearedthefuriex: sounds like dns issue maybe18:39
airtonixMrNaz``, http://popey.com/Creating_an_Ubuntu_repository_mirror_with_apt-mirror18:39
milostrifeanyone know where i can find my current kernel version in gedit?18:39
airtonixeax, give your father some neo-prene earplugs18:39
airtonixeax, can talk about it further in #ubuntu-offtopic18:40
eaxairtonix: Thinking about it.. But.. Hmm.. Poison him lightly so he can't make it? OO18:40
Picimilostrife: I'm not sure what you think gedit has to do with it, but uname -a in a terminal will give you your kernel version18:40
david2323hello, I have problem with my local ethernet network, I can't see another host, in my network. Anybudy know how to fix it?18:41
milostrifePici, im trying to change my boot to 1024 so i found a guide to show me how and i've done the sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst but i dont know where to find me kernel version so i can add a new line in ?18:42
grim76__david2323: define can't see another host?  (Can't ping via Name,IP?)18:42
=== guzman_ is now known as jlgshk
nananuuDark_Sage,  I can not find it sudo apt-get install cairo-dock  : Reading package lists... Done18:42
nananuuBuilding dependency tree18:42
nananuuReading state information... Done18:42
nananuuE: Couldn't find package cairo-dock18:42
FloodBot1nananuu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
Picimilostrife: Look at the other lines that are there18:42
ed0n0nHello, I am using ubuntu 7.10 and want to know how to upgrade programs. Are the new versions available for v7.10?18:43
milostrifepici what me on the menu list ?18:43
Picimilostrife: Yes, within the file.18:43
david2323if I send ping it respose, but I can't see it If I want to download them resorses18:43
Devyllhello...i've installed eeeubuntu, and it doesn't recognize any of my internet interfaces (eth or wifi)18:43
Devylli can't even install build_essentials on this distro, so i can't install NDIS wrapper18:43
Devyllpls help18:43
milostrifePici, what am i looking for specificly?18:43
grim76__david2323: Ok download what resources?  More information please.18:44
Picimilostrife: The kernel and initrd lines18:44
zombyпривет всем18:44
grim76__david2323: And how are you trying to download resources?18:44
david2323I can't see shared resorses18:44
Picimilostrife: What do you mean by 'changing your boot to 1024' anyways?18:44
=== Neaai-afk is now known as Neaai
grim76__david2323: Ok so you can't see shared drives?  Is the other machine a windows/linux/unix/NAS?18:44
milostrifePici,  it's to change the login screen18:44
Picimilostrife: By adding vga=something?18:45
milostrifePici,  it's the only way to apparently change it the the one that i want18:45
david2323yes, this is windows18:45
milostrifePici,  that and this line kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-10-generic root=/dev/hda5 ro quiet splash locale=en_EN18:45
=== StooJ_ is now known as StooJ
NeaaiHmmm.. The madwifi for the Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01) doesn't work on 64 bit it seems. Can anyone confirm this ?18:46
AlexCWhen ubuntu startup CD boots into busybox, is there a way to find out why? I am at an impasse trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Power Edge Server SC1430 that keeps booting me to busybox.18:46
Picimilostrife: All you usually need to do is add the boot parameter at the end of that line18:46
grim76__david2323: ok...are you sure that the windows machine has a file share on it?18:46
Pici!upgrade | ed0n0n18:46
ubottued0n0n: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:46
Dark_Sagenananuu» http://download.berlios.de/cairo-dock/cairo-dock_v1.3.8.1_i686-32bits.deb   ...   http://download.berlios.de/cairo-dock/cairo-dock-plug-ins_v1.3.8.1_i686-32bits.deb18:46
gaintsuraNeaai: did you get the 64bit madwifi and not 32bit?18:46
milostrifePici,  i think i mite just leave it as im not to sure what everything means sorry to bother you :)18:46
Neaaigaintsura: at the madwifi site there's a separate .tar.gz for 64 bits? :o18:47
david2323yes I do, I used to see it before but I reinstar terminal and something is broken18:47
gaintsuraNeaai: yes, take another look18:47
* Neaai feels stupid18:47
grim76__david2323: reinstar?18:47
ed0n0nI use this Computer for working, losing data or miscofiguration problems would give me a heart attack18:47
Spragiequit eatin mcdonalds18:48
Spragielol j/p18:48
AlexCIs this the right site for Ubuntu installation problems?18:48
grim76__david2323: So you re-installed ubuntu and now you can't see the shares?  What version of Ubuntu are you running?18:48
david2323yes, I have 8.0418:49
ed0n0nI will update soon, as soon as I make a good backup18:49
lesceilI have a ubuntu system and it drives me nuts. The kernel that I am using currently is 2.6.20-16-386. I have all the more recent ones installed as well, but when I boot them, I get dropped into the busybox. At 2.6.20 I have hda2 mounted as root, in 2.6.24-19 it shows up as sda2 and when I try to mount from it it claims that it is busy and can't.18:49
nananuuDark_Sage,  I have 64 bit Atlon18:49
Neaaigaintsura: can you help me locate the madwifi 64bit .tar.gz source tarball? I can't find it ...18:50
grim76__david2323: I seem to remember reading some where that this was a problem.  Let me see if I can find that information again.18:51
dannyanyone here good with apache? The apache channel isn't helping.18:51
cabrouxhey guys, do you know where I could find some help with texmaker (LaTeX), please?18:51
gaintsuraNeaai: give me a minute, will look for it18:52
Picicabroux: #latex perhaps?18:52
Neaaigaintsura: of course, thanks. I'm looking as well18:52
airtonixdanny, what was the problem?18:52
cabrouxPici, you're my God! Thanks! :)18:52
Dark_Sagenananuu» http://developer.berlios.de/project/showfiles.php?group_id=872418:52
ed0n0nhow can I see the running kernel version in the terminal?18:53
kitcheed0n0n: uname -r or uname -a18:53
AlexCCan someone please help me. I can't get Ubuntu 8.04 CD to get past busybox on a Dell Power Edge SC1430.18:53
ed0n0nkitche: thank you ;)18:53
gaintsuraNeaai: start here, there are a few links regarding atheros and its lack of 64bit support, but from the looks of it, this will work http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81678018:53
AlexCI have no problem booting from a Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD but not Ubuntu18:53
CalumHi folks; I have a problem, which seems to be APIC related.  I usually boot with noapic, as it has always caused problems with my mouse and wireless card.  However, I turned the thing on one morning recently, and got a kernel panic on boot.  After some scratching of the head, I've established that noapic always causes a kernel panic with some sort of ext2 corruption.  If I reboot without noapic, it gets me into a desktop after fixing the corruption, but wit18:54
Calumh a dodgy mouse and no network.  I've tried different kernels, with no appreciable difference.  Can anyone suggest where to start looking?18:54
Neaaigaintsura: All I can find is a file madwifi0.9.4.tar.gz18:54
Neaaigaintsura: I'll check the link18:54
indian_munndacan anyone tell me why my bios password is not working?? Actually i have put passwd in bios for booting operating system but my system is not demandin any passwd. And operating is booting without demanding any password.????18:54
Juje007Can someone help me with apt-get (aptitude)18:54
grim76__david2323: Looks like this is the bug that is causing your issue.18:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 207072 in gvfs "nautilus does not display samba shares for machines inside an ADS network." [High,In progress]18:55
Calumindian_munnda, do you have to enable it seperately from actually setting the password?18:55
Nallepindian_munnda, maybe your battery on your motherboard is dead and clearing your bios each time you poweroff18:55
Juje007Can someone help me with apt-get (aptitude)? I got a 404 error :(18:55
david2323grim76__, thanks I will see it18:56
Neaaigaintsura: It seems it uses a HAL version 0.10 and not the 0.9. I'll give it a try18:57
indian_munndaCalum: when i enter bios there are 2 passwd options one is supervisor passwd and another is user passwd. But my system is not demandin any passwd for booting.18:57
bullgard4Is there a list of all DEB program packages which are installed on my Ubuntu 8.04.1 computer?18:57
Neaaibullgard4: dpkg -l18:58
indian_munndaNallep: i don't clear bios usually i even don't know how to do that.18:58
Raylzhi, any reason why empathy owns pidgin?18:58
wstsynaptic can also give you that list18:58
indian_munndaNallep: is it automatic that clears bios each time?18:59
* gaintsura uninstalls ClamAV (security risk) =(18:59
Calumindian_munnda, I'm no BIOS expert, it was just a thought.  Have a look and see if you need to enable it as well as enter passwords.  Also Nallep's suggestion seems wise - try chenging something harmless and see if next time you reboot it is still there or if ti has changed back18:59
Nallepindian_munnda, I'm just saying maybe the battery that powers your bios is dieing, and that will clear your bios, set a password for it, and check the time it has, then power off your computer and see if it gets reset18:59
pengeeHi, I can't get my sound card to work properly. I have installed ubuntu. All seems to be correct - no channels muted. When I tried #alsamixer and #aplay it started to play some of .wav sounds, but I heard nothing? It's the same in console, in X too. Any ideas? Pls, Help.19:01
indian_munndaNallep: but when is try to enter my bios(using delete key),it is demanding passwd.19:01
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_away
djbellopengee:double-click on the speaker icon and see if there's a switches tab19:03
djbellothen check for "External amplifier:"19:03
djbelloflip it19:03
Nallepindian_munnda, ok, then check the settings for the bios and see if you have to enable a secure mode as Calum suggested, if that doesn't work, then try doing a ful reset of your bios and clearing it all out and reconfiguing the bios19:03
indian_munndaNallep: ok doing it now19:04
Nallepindian_munnda, you'll have to check your motherboards docs to see how to clear your bios19:04
arrrghhhok so this is insane.  the pci BFG nvidia 256 video card works fine under windows.  under linux, i get segfaults and it won't boot.  the onboard video works fine on both oses, but there's a very annoying "flicker" so-to-speak.  i've made sure the cable is tightly attached to the onboard video port, and i'm using the same cable/montior for both video cards.19:04
Nallepmostly it's just removing a jumper for 30 secs then putting the jumper back in19:04
indian_munndaNallep: i'll put off the battery to do so. And then put it again on the moptherboard.19:05
indian_munndaNallep: ok meet u in 5 minutes19:05
Nallepindian_munnda, I wont be here for a while, goodluck with it though, make sure to ground yourself before touching your motherboard19:05
indian_munndaNallep: ground19:06
bullgard4Neaai: Thank you for your help.19:06
Nalleptuch the case of your computer, to get rid of any static charge19:06
insurini am using firefox, got 1 tab playing a video from youtube, while browsing the web within another tab, every time I click a link it is chopping up the sound from the youtube video while the link renders. ANy suggestions?19:06
pengeedjbello: yes, there is "Switches" tab.19:06
indian_munndaNallep: don't u think i'll a electric shock19:06
djbellopengee: see if there's an "External Amplifiers" switch19:07
WhitorHi. If root deletes something that I don't have permission to... and then  - I - empty the trash ... is the file that root deleted emptied too ? or do each users deletions go into their own respective trashbins ?  anyone have any idea ?19:07
Hrvatski1  19:07
noodlesgcWhitor no. there is a root trash can in /root/.Trash19:07
Nallepindian_munnda, I'm just saying to touch the computer case to get rid of any static charge, so your don't kill your motherboard with a static shock19:08
somerandomI'm attempting to edit the /etc/environment file. I'm trying to add the following "PATH=$PATH:$EC2_HOME/whatever" but I'm weary because the PATH variable already exists. how should i do this?19:08
pengeedjbello: can't find "External Amplifiers" there.19:08
Hrvatski1i love ubuntu!19:08
djbellopengee: In the menu of the Volume Control, click on Edit -> Preferences19:08
indian_munndaNallep: ok if there no danger then i am going to do so. :)19:08
indian_munndaok going now19:08
djbellopengee: scroll through the list19:08
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KongKthe latest update of firefox borked it totally. anyone else experiencing the same?19:08
Nallepindian_munnda, you should always make sure you unplug your computer before touching anyhting inside, so you wont get an electrical shock19:08
MrPink-hey I have a problem streaming videos on Ninjavideo, the Ninjavideo Helper is working, as I can download videos (which only works if you have the helper started) so it must be a problem with streaming divx videos in Firefox... can someone help me get the codecs I need to stream divx ?19:09
djbellopengee: if it's in THAT list and unchecked, check it19:09
arrrghhhso why would the onboard video card flicker, and the pci card give segfaults?  it's like i can't win with this machine.19:09
MetaMorfoziSHi all19:09
pengeedjbello: all in the list is checked19:09
pengeedjbello: but no  "External Amplifiers" in list19:10
MetaMorfoziSIs there anybody who can help me in mounting my dd backup? My dirve's second partition is encrypted with luks (cryptsetup). cryptsetup have --offset option, but it can't read from file.  How can i get this work? Or how can  i create a blockdevice from a ddimage?19:10
djbellopengee: hm. What's your setup? Sound card vs. onboard sound?19:10
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znikmy terminal, places is not opening.{Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)} add/remove and synaptic package manager not present !!!19:12
huitangmy graphic card is ATI X550. I installed ATI graphic driver, but how to configure it using "screen and Graphic preference?"19:12
djbellopengee: still with me? Try the following:19:13
MrPink-hey I have a problem streaming videos on Ninjavideo, the Ninjavideo Helper is working, as I can download videos (which only works if you have the helper started) so it must be a problem with streaming divx videos in Firefox... can someone help me get the codecs I need to stream divx ?19:13
pengeedjbello: ASUSTeK 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller19:13
AlexCCan anyone tell me how to determine why Ubuntu 8.04 will not run in either CD demo mode or install mode on a brand new Dell Power Edge Server SC1430. It keeps taking me to the busybox shell. I need to figure out what the error is.19:13
grendal_primeanyone know of a good screen capture prog...that will render in flash..(much like wink for windows)  Wink works but...i was just wondering if there was anything else out there?19:13
grendal_primeit lacks the ability to use sound ..wich sucks really.19:13
djbellopengee: Maine Menu-> System -> Preferences -> Sound19:14
djbellopengee: So it's onboard sound. Got it.19:14
kiekohola ubunteros!19:15
djbellopengee: Stupid question: what and how is it hooked up?Are you using a digital conn. (S/PDIF or coax)? or analog?19:15
kiekois there something like 'My Computer' in Linux?19:15
pfohey guys - does gtk-qt-engine work you?19:15
bullgard4Will Intrepid provide an improves bookmark management for Epiphany?19:15
pfoit studdenly disappeard from the kde control panel19:15
bullgard4Will Intrepid provide an improved bookmark management for Epiphany?19:16
kiekobullgard4, what is Epiphany?19:16
carandraugAlexC, if you think it's a hardware issue, try disconnect as much as you can before booting from LiveCD. You mentioned your HDD before. Try booting LiveCD without HDD. At least that way you'll find where the problem is19:16
bullgard4kieko: A GNOME program. A web browser.19:16
gnomefreakbullgard4: see #ubuntu+119:16
djbellopengee: And here's another probably stupid question: did you enable the onboard sound in the BIOS?19:16
kiekobullgard4, what's wrong with Firefox and Opera?19:17
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pengeedjbello: I am in "Main Menu-> System -> Preferences -> Sound". NB with integrated speakers - no sound.19:17
kiekois there something like 'My Computer' in Linux?19:17
gnomefreakkieko: its a choice thing please dont get invloved with that type of wuestion in here19:17
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AlexCcarandraug - I wanted to see of Red Hat Enterprise Linux would boot and install. It did and it is installing. I would think that If I can run Red Hat then Ubuntu would be no problem.19:17
chubskieko, /19:18
kiekognomefreak, i didn't know anyone chose Epiphany anymore19:18
gnomefreakkieko: still used19:18
AlexCWhen I boot from the Ubuntu CD and select to run Ubuntu without changing my system, it starts to boot, then goes to character mode and the busybox shell.19:18
djbellopengee: So under Sound PLayback, can you drop it down? Do you see something like "Intel ICH7" in the list?19:18
theinfamousmieliheyy all! first time ever in here - i'm preparing to switch over to ubuntu, very excited but i'm worried if i can connect to the net with my cellphone ... it's a CDMA modem ... is it gonna be a problem??19:19
pengeedjbello: nothing touched in Bios. I have dualbot. Sound in XP is working well.19:19
huitanghi,all.my graphic card is ATI X550. I installed ATI graphic driver, but how to configure it using "screen and Graphic preference?"19:19
bullgard4kieko: Firefox 3 takes many ressources and does not control font sizes properly. --  I have never used Opera.19:19
znikerror when i click on terminal. it says Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory) . wat should i do?19:19
woliif my processor is AMD Athlon 64 FX-51, does that mean that I can download amd64 packages instead of i386 ?19:19
neacsuis there some romanian people here19:19
kiekobullgard4, Google Chrome is awesome: can't wait till that becomes available in LInux19:19
wolikieko: me too19:20
kiekowoli, :D19:20
ryan_kieko: google chrome makes my computer blue screen =(19:20
djbellopengee: You may also try this command-line: aplay -l and paste the output here19:20
kiekoryan_, !?19:20
AlexCcarendraug - I assume that booting to busybox shell means something is wrong. Is there a log file I can examine?19:20
bullgard4kieko: You are making me curious.19:20
wolialso, cant wait until the new banshee comes out...19:20
DatzHello, how do I find unmounted disks so I can mount them.  "sudo fdsik -l" seems to only list mounted disk, partitions.19:20
pengeedjbello: in sound playback: there is Si3054 modem, ALC861VD Analog, ALSA, OSS, PulseAudio Sound Server.  Autodetect is default.19:20
wolidoes anybody know the answer to my amd64 doubt?19:20
ed0n0ngot to restart, bye19:21
ryan_kieko: i know, others have had the same problem.  good thing i don't use vista that much anyways...i just wanted to check out chrome.  other than the blue screen its awesome =)19:21
kiekoryan_, is that under windows or are you trying to run it in Linux under wine?19:21
Neaaigaintsura: still there ?19:21
theinfamousmieliwoli ... if you've got amd then you're not using the i386 architecture ;)19:21
Neaaigaintsura: iwconfig gives:  ath0      IEEE 802.11g  ESSID:""  Nickname:""19:21
gaintsuracongrats Neaai19:21
ryan_kieko: vista, under wine it seems to be a little buggy so i'll wait for the linux release19:21
theinfamousmieliwoli, sure thing - just hang around to get confirmation of that19:21
Neaaigaintsura: thanks to you19:22
carandraugAlexC, those assumptions are wrong. I, for example, can install pclos in one computer I have at home and not Ubuntu due to HDD issues. I can boot into liveCD only if I remove the HDD19:22
djbellopengee: Try this: select the "ALC861VD Analog" device, the click on "Test" button19:22
wolitheinfamousmieli: hey! I thought you were serious about it19:22
RolaultenHello fokes, I am having issues mounting and ISO image with nautilus...I am entering mount -o loop -t iso9660 /path/to/the/image.iso /path/to/mountpoint however the command is not working...19:22
Neaaigaintsura: that documentation just had another confirmation that it works on 64bit platforms19:22
djbello(then) sorry19:22
kiekoryan_, Chrome works impeccably for me under XP... haven't tried vista yet19:22
theinfamousmieliwoli: i am very serious ... i'm 99.9% certain19:22
AlexCSo do you recommend that I try to remove the HD?19:22
gaintsuraNeaai: I had tons of problems with 64bit on my system.. but I'm gladd I could help19:22
wolitheinfamousmieli: ...... "Wrong architecture" error while installing...19:22
pengeedjbello: the output is> card0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC861VD Analog [ALC861VD Analog]19:22
wolitheinfamousmieli: i guess that the 0.01% is always there...19:23
theinfamousmielihmmm ... seems like it19:23
carandraugAlexC, I meant the first assumption you made, not the second. It means something wrong but I don't know if there's a file to check it19:23
znik my terminal {Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)} and synaptic package manager {Failed to execute child process "gksu" (No such file or directory)} is not opening.{Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)} add/remove not present !!!19:23
Neaaigaintsura: I'll dive into configs but I'll ask permition to bug you again if I'll need to. xD19:23
youknowmeA drive in my raid1 array crashed and now I can't figure out how to get my data off it.. The filesystem was lfs with ext3 on top. I thought the array should automatically recover when a drive crashes but it didn't. I loaded up a live cd but I can't see or mount either drive. Help!?19:23
kiekois there an equivalent to 'My Computer' in windows under Linux so i can check computer specs... ram, hd etc??19:23
djbelloThat should be the corect device19:23
theinfamousmieliwoli: you get the same error with the i386 architecture then?19:23
phantomcircuitMy file system got corrupted and I think it screwed up the gnome panel configuration stuff, because under "Places" there is a directory which is gibberish19:23
wolitheinfamousmieli: nope... that one installs ok19:23
phantomcircuithow can i reset the gnome panel configuration19:23
gaintsuraNeaai: I'm not always here, but there are a lot of people who'd be able to help, if I'm here you may ask me though =)19:24
theinfamousmielihmmm ... well then i humbly apologize19:24
pengeedjbello: ALC861VD Analog picked up from the list, tried to play "Test". Nothing to hear.19:24
theinfamousmielii'll just shut up until i know more ... lol19:24
carandraugAlexC, I recommend to disconnect as much as you can and then connect them back, one at a time until you find the origin of the problem.19:24
kiekobullgard4, Kazehakase is VERY fast19:24
djbellopengee: still sounds to me like something is muted OR you hooked up the cable to the wrong port (should be color-coded green)19:25
KongKKiko: run system monitor, and in the tb to the left you'll find some of your specs19:25
Massiv0rhello guys i need a quick answer19:25
znik my terminal {Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)} and synaptic package manager {Failed to execute child process "gksu" (No such file or directory)} is not opening.{Failed to execute child process "gnome-terminal" (No such file or directory)} add/remove not present !!! please help19:25
djbellopengee: When you clicked "Test", did it give you an error message?19:25
carandraugAlexC, that's how I found the problem was on the HDD with my other computer. And then, I tried to switch the cables and use a different port to make sure wheter the problem was on the disk or somewhere in the connection19:25
Neaaiquick question: does the following: echo ath_pci | sudo tee -a /etc/modules     add the word "ath_pci" to the end of the file "/etc/modules"  ?19:26
Massiv0ri did a hibernate and some problems (with shut down) started,can anyone help me? when i open /etc/default/acpi-support i see "HIBERNATE_MODE=shutdown" that means it shuts down with Hibernation ?19:26
theinfamousmieliany ideas on my question on getting ubuntu to detect my cellphone as a Samsung CDMA modem so that an internet connection is possible?19:26
bullgard4kieko: 3 possible web browsers are enough for me. Let me look forward to Google Chrome.19:27
hagnagnome is sad today it won19:27
hagna't launch a dang thing19:27
Massiv0ranswer me please,how can i reverse shut down to its normal faction ?19:27
JuJuBeeAnybody know how to tell OpenOffice to never link pictures when pasting or inserting ?19:27
pengeedjbello: somewhere, somehow after the fresh install must be muted I think.19:27
Ayabarais this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaManual the guide to follow if I need to install the latest nvidia beta?19:28
djbellopengee: I know. That's why I had you search for "External Amplifier". I had this issue long time ago with a laptop.19:28
MrPink-hey I have a problem streaming videos on Ninjavideo, the Ninjavideo Helper is working, as I can download videos (which only works if you have the helper started) so it must be a problem with streaming divx videos in Firefox... can someone help me get the codecs I need to stream divx ?19:28
djbellopengee: It may have a different name though. Sometimes those names are just different.19:29
madma1Hi, anybody here who could hell with a suspend/password problem ?19:29
carandraugAlexC, but before you start dismantling your PC, have you tried the alternate CD install yet? That would be my first recommendation19:29
djbellopengee: My computer here at work has an ICH5 chipset with an Analog Devices AD1981B19:29
NoRunning 8.04 on a docked laptop (laptop running with lid closed) -- monitor plugged in the dock. Whenever a prompt for root credentials is shown (or any compiz eye candy happens) -- it only happens in the 1024x768 frame of my bigger monitor (as though it was my laptop monitor). Any way to tell Ubunutu that my larger monitor is the active one?19:30
djbellopengee: And I have "External Amplifier" checked. Has something to do with headphones I guess19:30
gaintsuradoes anyone know what ndmp (Miniserv 0.01) is designated as a packge?19:30
pengeedjbello: i tried headset -- TEST sound, and it is silent roaring19:30
Massiv0rhow can i remove Hibernate faction?19:30
nananuuwhy can`t I run cairo dock?19:30
davidroderickwhat do I do if ls produces output ls: reading directory .: Input/output error19:30
pengeedjbello: only little noise, buzz and scratch sound19:32
djbellopengee: hm. I just tested my setup here. I may have mislead you with that switch. However, my volume is apparently controlled by the "Headphone" slider19:32
djbellopengee: then again, I don't have the same chipsets19:32
djbellopengee: In the mixer, is PCM muted maybe?19:33
hotmonkeyluvis there a good GUI program that will allow me to edit remote files, save them?19:34
pengeedjbello: now I got this error> "audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback. Device is being used by another application.19:34
Massiv0ri did a hibernate and some problems (with shut down) started,can anyone help me? when i open /etc/default/acpi-support i see "HIBERNATE_MODE=shutdown" that means it shuts down with Hibernation ?19:34
amithralhotmonkey emacs19:34
djbellopengee: that19:34
pengeedjbello: PCM is unmuted19:34
djbellopengee that's a concurrency issue! ALSA can't play muptiple audio streams19:35
djbellopengee: which means that some other application is using the sound card...19:35
=== paulj1 is now known as pauljw
Massiv0ris this the normal shutdown option? "/sbin/shutdown -h now "Shut Down via gdm.""19:35
hotmonkeyluvamithral: thanks19:36
subpacketer irc.flatlinesystems.net19:36
Massiv0ror its hibernate19:36
djbellopengee: close any multimedia apps, such as Rhythmbox, Movie PLayer or mplayer or any other app that uses sound19:36
Neaaigaintsura: I have activated the ath_pci module now. And the nm-applet lists the 4 wireless signals available. Is it normal that the led of the wifi of the laptop remains orange, no matter whether the switch is on or off ?19:36
pen_nick pen19:36
ryan__How do you change the Screen size?  My monitor is 17".  How do you set that.19:36
djbellopengee: Also: Firefox in case you YouTube'd!19:36
NoRunning 8.04 on a docked laptop (laptop running with lid closed) -- monitor plugged in the dock. Whenever a prompt for root credentials is shown (or any compiz eye candy happens) -- it only happens in the 1024x768 frame of my bigger monitor (as though it was my laptop monitor). Any way to tell Ubunutu that my larger monitor is the active one?19:36
pengeedjbello: all appz closed19:36
wolihas somebody achieved to get hotmail under evolution?19:36
gaintsuraNeaai: that I'm not sure of, my light will shut off when I flip the switch19:36
=== pen_ is now known as pen
djbellopengee: Do you still get the error message on the "TEst button" ?19:37
Neaaigaintsura: under Vista the led was either blue or orange.19:37
AlexCHi carendraug - I disconnected the power cables from my 2 hard drives and rebooted from the ubuntu CD and still got busybox.19:37
penI have a question for the trash bin on desktop19:37
pengeedjbello: No error. What should I do next?19:37
penI already checked visible for trashbin19:37
penbut it's nowhere on the desktop19:37
penhow can I find it back?19:37
pfodoes gtk-switch-theme2 really switch themes? i have problems switching themes. the gtkrc file looks fine, but theme is unchanged.19:37
AlexCBy the way, the red hat installation completed and the system can boot red hat from the HD. I dont want to use red hat, I want to use ubuntu.19:38
Neaaigaintsura: in this laptop, orange means switched off.19:38
gaintsuraNeaai: I don't know, sorry19:38
djbellopengee: So no error means that it IS playing the Test audio, you just don't hear it.Right?19:38
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Neaaigaintsura: no problem. You helped a lot. Thanks for all that19:38
pengeedjbello: no sound anyway :(19:38
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gaintsuraNeaai: absolutely =)19:39
samtc__I there something with the keepalive under ubuntu? my ssh drop when i'm idle for more than > 10 minutes19:39
djbellopengee: Well! I am somewhat running out of ideas here. I know I had similar issues with sound in the past19:39
djbellopengee: Is the PulseAudio server running maybe?19:39
indian_munndaanyone please help me, i am in a big trouble here. My ubuntu is not showing my task bar and also top bar(Application icon bar)19:40
ph8Hi guys, i need to circumvent my university firewall - is there a sort of pptp thing that will just automatically ssh tunnel any denied ports?19:40
samtc__I'm running 8.04 LTS Server19:40
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ScuniziMy Hardy install works great. I'm installing for a friend and got the live cd to boot once but had to shutdown. On the second, third, & forth boot it goes to busybox. What's the typical solution to get it to boot to the gui?19:40
djbellopengee: Did you ever have sound under Ubuntu?19:40
Neaaiindian_munnda: do they show when you login as another user ?19:41
indian_munndaNeaai: i only have one user in ubuntu19:41
Neaaiindian_munnda: you add another one and see to login as that one19:41
pengeedjbello: never, after fresh install, it's like muted19:41
CapaHQuestion, When I run mplayer there is no sound... anyone know why?19:41
indian_munndaNeaai: alt+f2 is also not working19:41
Neaaiindian_munnda: you're currently in graphics mode ?19:42
indian_munndaNeaai: yes19:42
Ayabaraany advice on how I can get rid of envyng-gtk and all it has done for me?19:42
ph8run it and tell it to remove everything?19:42
djbellopengee: This is a tough one. I bet you once this is resolved, we'll slap our foreheads on how obvious this was19:42
ph8pretty sure that's an option19:42
indian_munndaNeaai: i can the applications whose icons are on the desktop19:42
Neaaiindian_munnda: from graphics to go to text, try ctrl-alt-F419:42
penI have a question for the trash bin on desktop19:43
djbellopengee: I'd like to find out exactly how the mixer looks like. I have to consult my terminal for a moment. I19:43
penI already checked visible for trashbin19:43
djbellolll be back19:43
penbut it's nowhere on the desktop19:43
penhow can I find it back?19:43
FloodBot1pen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:43
Ayabaraph8: it has an "Uninstall the nvidia driver", but I guess that's all19:43
kraZZy4uinstall apache/php/mysql19:43
ph8yeh do that and then get rid of the packages i guess19:43
snovaall the lines in sources.list contain 'gutsy'. does this mean that i have to enable newer repositories to completely update everything? because i can't see the really new packages in the package manager yet, but i ran 'apt-get update' this morning.19:43
hotmonkeyluvََلهًن وَسَلهن19:43
ph8kraZZy4u:  use the php, apache and mysql packages19:44
indian_munndaNeaai: i am sory i was disconnected when i tried ctrl-alt-f419:44
ScuniziI think I found the answer.. I tried rebooting the live cd again without the external usb drive plugged in and it worked.. maybe a coincidence but I'll take it.19:44
indian_munndaNeaai: but ctrl-alt-f1 is working19:44
Neaaiindian_munnda: you probably only switched terminal. The graphics terminal is mostly at alt-F6 and that's how you return to it19:45
nocturnHi all19:45
LogicalDashI'm on a Toshiba Satellite M70-168. I'm having overheating problems. It seems like they could be fixed just by turning up the fan speed, and it looks like the command-line utility toshset would let me do just that. However, when I try to get info on the cooling method options via "sudo toshset -c", it gives me the error "required kernel toshiba support not enabled." What's the required kernel module, and how do I install it?19:45
snovaNeaai: i thought it was F7?19:45
Neaaiindian_munnda: while in text mode, login and add another use19:45
penHow do I get my trashbin back? I already checked that in the configuration editor, but it's nowhere on the dekstop19:45
snovaquestion: if all the lines in sources.list contain 'gutsy', does this mean i have to add 'hardy' repos to get the newest packages?19:46
kelderpen: you could add it to a panel19:46
LogicalDashsnova, yes19:46
indian_munndaNeaai: to return in graphics mode i use ctrl-alt-f719:46
andril_is there anything that willbackup like system save?19:47
snovaLogicalDash: thank you. i wish i'd known that this morning. what, specifically, do i add? where can i find a list?19:47
Neaaisnova: probably yes. But mixing repositories most probably will make your system a bit... not consistent19:47
djbellopengee: Well, I'm at my wits end, but I found this thread. See if that helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-842700.html19:47
indian_munndaNeaai: can u tellme the command please19:47
Neaaisnova: unless you are familiar with pinning19:47
snovai'm just trying to get everything updated. i haven't been able to do so since i got it a year ago.19:47
LogicalDashsnova, you just replace all the "gutsy" with "hardy"19:47
snovano, i have no idea what 'pinning' is19:47
Neaaiindian_munnda: first do a "sudo bash" and then give your password when prompted19:47
snovaLogicalDash: a simple replace? that sounds appropriate. i'll try that, and they run 'update' again.19:48
LogicalDashsnova, yeah, should work fine19:48
penkelder, I want to put it on desktop19:48
NeaaiLogicalDash: won't that require a dist-upgrade ?19:49
trickydickhello, I have some .gif files that are animated, yet when I open them in ubuntu it just shows the 1st frame of the animation and does not animate at all. Is there a way to have animated .gif's show there animation?19:49
pengeedjbello: Thank you very much for your help, I will try to find solution for this issue. I'd like to send you one beer :)19:49
indian_munndaNeaai: done that wats next19:49
snovaone more thing: what are these deb-src lines for? i see that they are source repos, but why do i need them?19:49
Neaaiindian_munnda: then you issue:  adduser usernamehere19:49
gnomefreaksnova: you dont unless you want the sources for packaging/ect..19:50
LogicalDashNeaai: well, yes, but when I did it, the little update notifier prompted me for a dist-upgrade19:50
donomoi have kernel-headers installed but that puts files in /usr/src/kernel-headers and not in /usr/include/* - how to fix?19:50
snovagnomefreak: ok, so i can delete those?19:50
gnomefreaksnova: if you wish19:50
Ghost21Having a issue installed ubuntu on a new system and when it rebooted it stops at " GRUB" and says nothing else... ?19:50
snovagnomefreak: i'm not interested in source code. i will, then.19:50
gnomefreaksnova: jusdt add a # to the beginning19:50
NeaaiLogicalDash: oh ok. I live mostly in a debian world so I think mostly like that too  :)19:50
gnomefreaksnova: incase you need them at some point19:50
djbellopengee: Beer gladly accepted :P19:51
snovaall right, here goes an 'update'. thanks everybody!19:51
kelderpen:  gconftool-2 --set /apps/nautilus/desktop/trash_icon_visible --type bool 119:51
mizaiUbuntu just upgraded several firefox related packages, rendering firefox unusable. Is there a way to revert the most recent package changes?19:51
penkelder, I did19:52
gnomefreakmizai: its being fixed19:52
AlexCWhen I try to boot Ubuntu 8.04 from the CD I get thrown into the busybox shell.  When I cat /casper.log I a buch of lines saying init: cannot open /dev/fd0 followed by a line that says unable to find a medium containing a live file system.  Is this due to having an SATA CDROM drive?19:52
penkelder, but it's nowhere on the desktop19:52
kelderpen: no idea then sorry :/19:52
* cellofellow just upgraded Firefox and everything seems to be working fine.19:52
gnomefreakmizai: fun firefox from terminal see if it loads19:52
mizaignomefreak: it loads fine. it just doesn't do anything19:52
penkelder, I think it disappeared because I accidentally move the trash bin to other folder then it disappear19:52
snovaAlexC: i think /dev/fd* files are floppy drives, SATA probably isn't the problem19:52
cellofellowmizai: might try Safe Mode19:52
djbellopengee: Keep me posted. I'm interested to know if you were able to figure it out. I IM'd you directly. I'll be online for another hour. Go ahead and IM me back.19:52
mizaignomefreak: there are errors when doing things like loading the search bar or saving images19:53
AlexCWhy would the ubuntu CD be looking for floppy drives?19:53
penkelder, I looked into the folder I moved to and desktop from nautilus nowhere to find that trashbin19:53
bobertdosmizai: and if all else fails, you can always use Mozilla's build.19:53
penkelder, is there a commend to reset them?19:53
gnomefreakmizai: oh good different bug :( you would have to file a bug on it since Mozilla dropped term output19:53
snovaAlexC: in case you have some, i guess. i don't know what to do, i just know what /dev/fd* files are.19:53
isaac_I need to ask a really stupid question.  Please understand and be patient, as I am an ignorant newbie.19:53
isaac_What do you do with a .run file?19:53
AlexCI have seen linux bootable CDs treat the CD as uf it was a floppy before.19:53
ryan__I just installed a new video card and an Error on the panel keeps popping up.  New restricted drivers in use.  What exactly does that mean?19:53
gnomefreakisaac_: run it19:54
snovaisaac_: you run it. it's a self-extracting archive (probably makeself)19:54
mizaignomefreak: so is there no way to simply revert the change?19:54
bobertdosisaac_: normally executed from the terminal19:54
isaac_Well in this case it's padman19:54
java-anuhello,can anyone tell me how to uninstall java19:54
gnomefreakmizai: if you hyave older version in apt-cache yes. if not we need to find you a working deb. this should be fixed in next upload when we fix it for intrepid. should have been done while i was sleeping today19:55
AlexCIs there a better channel for ubuntu install issues?19:55
gnomefreakjava-anu: not unless you tell us how you installed it19:55
gnomefreakAlexC: nope19:55
gordonjcpsince switching to hardy, I can no longer type accented characters - is there some setting that's changed that I need to put back?19:55
isaac_java-anu Depends on what java you have.19:55
indian_munndaNeaai: i have created a new user now please tell me, how to log out becoz i don't have a logout icon since it was on the bar and my ubuntu is not showing the bars.19:55
isaac_indian_munnda Hit the power button and you should get an option to log out.19:56
Neaaiindian_munnda: you're back as the original first user in graphics mode ?19:56
java-anugnomefreak: i used sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk19:56
gnomefreakjava-anu: sudo apt-get remove sun-java6-jdk19:56
isaac_java-anu Then use sudo apt-get uninstall sun-java6-jdk19:56
Ghost21Having a issue installed ubuntu on a new system and when it rebooted it stops at " GRUB" and says nothing else... ? any ideas people ???19:56
isaac_Or remove19:56
AlexCI need some help here. When I boot from the Ubuntu 8.04 CD my casper.log shows 'unable to find a medium containing a live file system' and goes to the busybox shell. What does this mean and how do I fix it?19:57
indian_munndaNeaai: i have created another user but i can't log out from the first user in graphics mode19:57
matrixhi i updtated my ubuntu now my firefox is not working here is a screen dump of the error when i start firefox http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skrmbildzu9.png19:57
AlexCP l e a s e19:58
Neaaiindian_munnda: well, to be sure you can kill and restart the entire graphic session with "ctrl-alt-backspace"19:58
java-anuisaac_: it is showing invalid operation Uninstall19:58
SpragieMy mouse quits working after using the pc for a while (10 mins or so, usually when im loading up an application), I have disabled legacy usb support in bios with no luck, xorg.conf shows "configured mouse" does anyone have any suggestions I could try to fix this? also switching to a console then back to gui doesnt help19:58
isaac_java-anu replace uninstall with remove.  My bad.19:59
gordonjcpAlexC: means your CD isn't working19:59
gordonjcpAlexC: perhaps it's a bad burn19:59
matrixhi i updtated my ubuntu now my firefox is not working here is a screen dump of the error when i start firefox http://img229.imageshack.us/my.php?image=skrmbildzu9.png  anyone who can help me19:59
AlexCOK I will download and create a new one.19:59
isaac_AlexC when you burn the image cd set the burn speed low19:59
gordonjcpAlexC: verify the download you have first19:59
isaac_reduces the chance of burn errors19:59
java-anui did that isaac_.but after that if i say whereis java19:59
gordonjcpAlexC: you'll see there's an md5sum for it20:00
mizaimatrix: I have the same error, recently updated firefox as well20:00
matrixso what did you do20:00
java-anuit is still showing the files20:00
SpragieMy mouse quits working after using the pc for a while (10 mins or so, usually when im loading up an application), I have disabled legacy usb support in bios with no luck, xorg.conf shows "configured mouse" does anyone have any suggestions I could try to fix this? also switching to a console then back to gui doesnt help20:00
gordonjcpnow, does anyone know how to type accented characters in Hardy?20:00
mizaimatrix: I haven't figured out a way to fix it yet20:00
mizaimatrix: I'm using epiphany right now20:00
isaac_java-anu just open synaptic (System, Admin, Synaptic) and run a search for "java"20:00
isaac_Look for any that are already installed.20:00
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matrixwhat is that20:00
snovaanother question: if i install kde4, will this clash with my kde3 installation?20:01
mizaimatrix: It is another web browser, part of the GNOME project20:01
gordonjcppreviously I was able to hit <right-alt><symbol>-<letter> to type an accented character, in Gutsy for example, but now in Hardy this doesn't work, not even with right-alt set to be compose20:01
matrixhow can i isntall that sudo apt-get install epiphany20:01
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SariaI don't know to much about Linux - I'm working on project that helps gives computers to students with low income families..20:01
mizaimatrix: epiphany-browser20:01
SariaWe are experimenting with Ubuntu as the OS. We are working with a "live cd" of 7.10 *I think that's what it's called... but we have to configure each computer as we go.. is there a easier way to do this? We have to do this about about 10 - 20 times a day - it's worth it ;] But is there a faster way?20:01
SariaWe go through the setup process and create the end user accounts....  so in the end when the kids that get them they have the default account of "student" - what we put on.. is there a way that when they get the computer, they can configure their account right out of the box20:01
_Zeus_gordonjcp: go to preferences > keyboard20:01
Sarialike when you buy a new PC at a store20:01
Ghost21Anyone see where ubuntu tries to load and STOPS right at GRUB ?20:02
gordonjcp_Zeus_: I have that open20:02
gordonjcp_Zeus_: now what?20:02
snovawill a kde4 installation clash with a previous kde3?20:02
_Zeus_gordonjcp: there should be some setting there to do what you want20:02
SpragieSaria give one to me my fam is low income i'd gladly do the whole install myself ;]20:02
bobertdosgordonjcp: You do have to set up the Compose key manually in Hardy. You could also use hexadecimal ascii ocdes to type the symbols.20:02
gordonjcp_Zeus_: there isn't20:02
gordonjcpbobertdos: ok, so I've *set the compose key already* but it still doesn't work20:02
SpragieMy mouse quits working after using the pc for a while (10 mins or so, usually when im loading up an application), I have disabled legacy usb support in bios with no luck, xorg.conf shows "configured mouse" does anyone have any suggestions I could try to fix this? also switching to a console then back to gui doesnt help20:03
_Zeus_gordonjcp: restart x,maybe?20:03
gordonjcp_Zeus_: makes no difference20:03
Bikerbobsomeone told me there are no runlevels in ubuntu.. HOW do I force it to boot to the commandline?20:03
_Zeus_gordonjcp: sorry, no idea20:03
java-anugnomefreak: isaac_:how to remove from cache .because i tried with both remove and uninstall then after that if i type whereis java it is showing the path20:03
_Zeus_Bikerbob: of course there are runlevels in ubuntu20:03
carandraugAlexC, I was away. Have you tried disconnecting the floppy disk drive too?20:03
gordonjcp_Zeus_: it's a total pain, it's the one thing keeping me dual-booting20:03
gnomefreakjava-anu: it may be another java package that is showing up20:04
gordonjcp_Zeus_: any time I want to write text that uses accented characters I need to boot Gutsy20:04
indian_munndaNeaai: in new user account also hardy is not showing its bars.20:04
SemidiosSaria, are all the computers the same?20:04
_Zeus_gordonjcp: is this openoffice?20:04
Bikerbobok _Zeus_  if I put 3 as a kernel arguement it ignores it.. why?20:04
gnomefreakjava-anu: try using synaptic to show and remove them20:04
gordonjcp_Zeus_: this is all apps20:04
_Zeus_Bikerbob: i don't think you put it as a kernal arg20:04
darkweaselcan i have sudo *NOT* remember my password for some time? i know i have to change something in /etc/sudoers, but what?20:04
java-anugnomefreak: but i removed all of them from there20:04
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Neaaiindian_munnda: hmmm. then it must be a gnome thing and it's not user related20:04
_Zeus_Bikerbob: when you get to the GUI, just type sudo shutdown and it will go to single-user mode20:04
SpragieMy mouse quits working after using the pc for a while (10 mins or so, usually when im loading up an application), I have disabled legacy usb support in bios with no luck, xorg.conf shows "configured mouse" does anyone have any suggestions I could try to fix this? also switching to a console then back to gui doesnt help20:04
snovadarkweasel: you can make it disable authentication20:04
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gnomefreakjava-anu: than where are you seeing them now?20:05
SariaNo Sememmon - but all are mostly x86 architecture20:05
gordonjcp!repeat | snova20:05
ubottusnova: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:05
gordonjcp!repeat | Spragie20:05
ubottuSpragie: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:05
flakratIs "Fading Windows" the option to disable if I don't want unresponsive windows to grey out?20:05
indian_munndaNeaai: so what to do next?20:05
gordonjcpsnova: sorry, disregard20:05
Bikerbob_Zeus_: then please help me boot to a command line.. no.. GUI locks up.. thats why I need to FORCE it.20:05
_Zeus_Bikerbob: just boot to recovery mode!20:05
gordonjcpBikerbob: boot to recovery mode20:05
gordonjcp_Zeus_: heh20:05
_Zeus_flakrat: i don't think you can disable that.  why would you want to20:05
snovagordonjcp: actually, maybe not... i think i already know the answer anyway20:05
Neaaiindian_munnda: but I don't know much about gnome and it's components. You might like to repeat your question so someone more knowledgeable can help you.20:05
_Zeus_!recovery | Bikerbob20:05
ubottuBikerbob: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"20:05
gordonjcpsnova: sorry, it was a mis-tab20:06
_Zeus_Bikerbob: it's a GRUB entry20:06
kk_ubuntujava-anu: it seams that java5 is used by openoffice if I am not mistaken.20:06
SemidiosSaria, you could create an image of the drive of one computer and use that for the rest.  after you get it setup how you want it20:06
indian_munndaNeaai: ok anyways thanks for ur replies20:06
flakrat_Zeus_, not used to it :-) from other distros20:06
BikerbobI am not using GRUB20:06
snovagordonjcp: ah, but i probably deserved it anyway.20:06
java-anugnomefreak: the answer is :java: /usr/bin/java /etc/java /usr/lib/java /usr/lib64/java /usr/share/java20:06
SariaSemidios, So like "ghosting" or whatever you call it?20:06
Neaaiindian_munnda: np. Now you know it's not user related and most probably is something of gnome. Maybe the startup procedure20:06
rommelooks like gnome 2.24 will be released today. is there a chance of getting packages for it early?20:07
Bikerbobis there no way to tell the kernel at boot that I dont want to startx?20:07
gnomefreakromme: not for hardy20:07
bobertdosgordonjcp: I believe the Compose Key is set under System->Preferences Keyboard (as opposed to keyboard shortcuts).20:07
java-anugnomefreak: how to remove from cache20:07
gordonjcpbobertdos: I've already set the compose key20:07
snovaBikerbob: it's not a kernel thing. do you want it permanent?20:07
AlexCcarandraug - No I did not try that. I am downloading the ubuntu iso now. I am going to attempt to create the CD with speed set to 8 and see if that works better.20:07
gordonjcpbobertdos: I think I mentioned that three or four times already20:07
Scunizi!x | Bikerbob20:07
ubottuBikerbob: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:07
gnomefreakjava-anu: is there anything in them? to remove cache sudo apt-get autoclean20:07
kk_ubuntujava-anu:  it is not the problem of cas20:07
gordonjcpbobertdos: the setting seems to be being ignored20:07
rommegnomefreak: i don't want to wait another couple of months :( maybe someone builds unofficial packages?20:07
indian_munndaAnyone please help me out, i am facing problem with gnome graphics. My hardy is not showing its desktop bars(Appliction bar and task bar)20:07
Bikerbobno.. I just need to get in so I can edit my xorg.conf20:07
gnomefreakromme: nope not yet20:08
Bikerboband read my dmesg20:08
snovaBikerbob: you can edit xorg.conf while it's running. just restart it afterwards.20:08
Bikerbobthe main thing is I want to see WHY? its crashing20:08
gnomefreakromme: the reason its not put into stable releases is too many changes to make to stable code20:08
ScuniziBikerbob: you can do both with terminal20:08
carandraugAlexC, if you're downloading another iso now, download the alternateCD iso instead20:08
_Zeus_Bikerbob: i'm talling you, boot to recovery mode20:08
BikerbobI CANT GET INTO X20:08
kk_ubuntujava-anu:  remove the /etc/java as well20:08
_Zeus_Bikerbob: ARE YOU FREAKING LISTENING TO ME?!?!?20:08
bobertdosOkay, sorry, um, like I said, hexadecimal unicode would be another option.20:08
matrixwhen i updated ubuntu how can i downgrade it20:09
_Zeus_Bikerbob: in GRUB, there is an entry that says "recovery mode"20:09
_Zeus_boot to that20:09
gordonjcpbobertdos: typing hex unicode is not in any way an option20:09
_Zeus_matrix: not possible20:09
gordonjcpbobertdos: very nearly every second word in Gaelic has an accented character20:09
IntuitiveNipplegordonjcp: Is is possible compiz or whatever window manager has taken over the Compose shortcut? It has worked fine with Hardy for me with a UK layout and writing Spanish accents20:09
BikerbobYou are not listening to me _Zeus_ I said I am not using Grub20:09
kk_ubuntusudo rm -rf /etc/java20:09
indian_munndaAnyone please help me out, i am facing problem with gnome graphics. My hardy is not showing its desktop bars(Appliction bar and task bar) even alt-f2 is not working.???20:09
carandraugAlexC, also, didn't you said you used that CD to install Ubuntu into another computer? You can check for defects when it boots from CD.20:09
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple: I'm not running compiz20:09
airtonixtime for sleep people, tada20:09
bobertdosI think the shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+U. When the underlined u appears, type the code, enter, and the character will appear.20:09
_Zeus_Bikerbob: what do you mean, not using grub?20:09
IntuitiveNipplegordonjcp: metacity then?20:10
kk_ubuntujava-anu:  and I think u need to delete the java in usr/lib as well20:10
matrixok so i updated my ubuntu my firefox is not runnin i get errors what to do uninistall firefox and install again will i looke the bookmars20:10
gordonjcpbobertdos: yeah, that's great, it'll also slow my typing down to about two words a minute20:10
LogicalDash_Zeus_, well, he could be using LILO20:10
BikerbobI boot this system with Bootx so I am looking for a kernel argument to ala RUNLEVEL20:10
matrix*will i loose the bookmars20:10
bobertdosgordonjcp: ahh20:10
_Zeus_Bikerbob: try this20:10
_Zeus_kernel          /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-4-generic root=UUID=22c31a9b-4cad-4054-93b8-1e493a55ac96 ro  single20:10
IntuitiveNipplegordonjcp: As an experiment will it work in a fresh user profile? That would help determine if it is a user settings issue20:10
_Zeus_the arg you want is "single"20:10
gordonjcpmatrix: look in .mozilla/firefox/<some weird string>/ for a file called bookmarks.html20:10
java-anugnomefreak: one more problem when i install java6,it is showing java1.5 instead of 1.620:11
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple: excellent point, brb20:11
Bikerbobwill try single20:11
_Zeus_that will do it20:11
_Zeus_!google | flakrat20:12
ubottuflakrat: google is the helpers' friend; many newer users dont have the google-fu yet; For GNU/Linux:  http://google.com/linux20:12
_Zeus_sorry :-[20:13
matrixif i want ti uninistall firefox is it just sudo apt-get uninstall firefox20:13
bobertdosgordonjcp: Are you using automatic login, by chance?20:13
flakratmatrix, easiest is to use Add / Remove on the Application menu20:13
_Zeus_matrix: if you want to keep the .mozilla folder, yes20:13
gordonjcpbobertdos: nope20:13
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple: no different20:13
NeaaiAs for wireless networks, is there a way to connect automatically to an open access point ?20:14
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Bikerbobsingle worked _Zeus_ thankyou20:14
flakrat /easiest/easiest if you don't know the package name/20:14
matrixyes i want to keep my mozilla folder and the bookmarks20:14
_Zeus_Bikerbob: np20:14
pihhananyone here does use intrepid alpha on sony laptop?20:14
ScuniziIf I use the live cd to copy files off the internal HD to an external usb HD will it change the permissions of the files? the files are coming from a windows install that is "going away" permanently.20:15
nubuntuguys is it possible there is/are hidden processes going on in my box?  system monitor processes list shows firefox using about 20% of cpu, and system monitor fluctuatiing between 20 and 29%, and yet the machine is very unresponsive, and the cpu meter is showing activity total between 98% -100% ... do i have bots? am i an unwitting zombie?  is there a recommended shampoo for this?20:15
gordonjcpIntuitiveNipple / bobertdos : thanks anyway, it looks like I'm keeping my dual-boot partition around for a while yet20:15
Scunizinubuntu: nope you don't have bots.. virus's etc.. but I don't know what the answer is.20:15
Bikerbobhow do you blacklist a module?20:16
daklannubuntu: run "top" in a terminal. see which process is using most of the cpu's processing time20:16
Scunizi!blacklist | Bikerbob20:16
ubottuBikerbob: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »20:16
bobertdosgordonjcp: Launchpad seems to confirm that this IS in fact a Hardy bug, so I hope they'll fix it in Ibex or another upcoming release.20:16
NeaaiScunizi: If the source partition of your files is ntfs you don't care about permitions anyhow20:16
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nubuntudaklan, just type 'top' into term?20:17
gordonjcpbobertdos: urgh.  Oh well.  Hardy has been a bit of a friday teatime job, hasn't it?20:17
daklannubuntu: yes20:17
Bikerbobdo I have to update anything when I add to the blacklist?20:17
ScuniziNeaai: true.. but I'm planning on copying these back to the internal HD after I install Ubuntu..20:17
nubuntudaklan, ok, i go try20:17
NeaaiScunizi: But will they be restored again in a ntfs partition ?20:18
gordonjcpthanks folks20:18
snovawhy does apt-get want to upgrade/install packages when i specify removal of other packages?20:18
indian_munnda_anyone please help i am really in trouble, my hardy is not showing its bars(Task bar and Appliction bars)20:18
zimbresi have changed my display manager from gdm to xdm, and it seems i am having some problems with my keyboard layout. How do i turn back to gdm20:18
ScuniziNeaai: nope.. ext320:18
NeaaiScunizi: and they come from a ntfs partition, right ?20:18
david_Is it possible to run a command in a shell script and run a while script that checks if it is running20:18
david_i mean while loop20:19
ScuniziNeaai: from ntfs through the live cd to external usb Hd (fat32) then back to ext3 using the freshly installed ubuntu20:19
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:19
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NeaaiScunizi: then don't worry. Go on with the copy. Permitions are sensible in their own filesystem.20:19
indian_munnda_anyone please help i am really in trouble,I think my hardy is suffering from some gnome graphics problm, my hardy is not showing its bars(Task bar and Appliction bars)20:20
Scunizizimbres: on the login screen choose sessions and change back to gdm or gnome.20:20
SpragieDoes anyone know how to refresh a usb mouse ?20:20
ScuniziNeaai: thanks20:20
znikat the time of boot after ubuntu is loading. it says not boot image.what should i do?20:20
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ScuniziSpragie: cheese?20:20
Neaai-afkScunizi: np20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bootimage20:20
SpragieScunizi : not catch, restart ;]20:20
odracircan somebody help me with my msiwind notebook keyboard problem20:20
gaintsurandmp is showing as an open port on my system, how can I close that?20:20
ScuniziSpragie: cattle prod :))20:21
znikat the time of boot after ubuntu is loading. it says not boot image.what should i do?20:21
SpragieScunizi : im about to try a bfh :D20:21
Spragie!mouse failure20:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mouse failure20:21
zimbresScunizi, thanks20:21
Blacklemon67How can I run a loop in the shell that checks if a python app has exited or not?20:21
andresmujicahi i've just upgraded 2 systems and firefox was broken by the update20:21
Scunizizimbres: np20:21
andresmujicaanyone have heard something about it?20:21
bobertdosznik: Are you referring to the boot splash image?20:22
Blacklemon67Um, do you have pmof?20:22
Blacklemon67pmog sorry20:22
Scuniziandresmujica: nope.. just did mine and restarted FF with no issues.20:22
asathoorBlacklemon67: try to use pstree somehow perhaps20:22
cwhanningany experts on alsa output around?20:22
znikbobertdos yes20:22
on5slhey jongens..ff stoute vraag tussendoor..wat is het beste programma om in java te programmeren in linux?20:23
Bikerbobif there is a file in modprobe.d with blacklist-(something) will all those files be loaded? I have a number of blacklist files.20:23
mizaiandresmujica: I have the same problem20:23
Neaai-afkBlacklemon67: you can check periodically for the name or pid of your app by checking what "ps ux" gives you20:23
on5slik heb al gehoord van netbean en eclipse?20:23
cwhanninglooking for some advice about getting a USB headset to work20:24
mizaiandresmujica, is it something along the lines of "no installationEngine"?20:24
andresmujicaok after a second view it seems i let a firefox widow open.... i'm gonna check with a third box...20:24
_Zeus_Blacklemon67: you could use pgrep processname, and if there's no result, then it's gone20:24
unopBlacklemon67,  do you launch the python app yourself?20:24
andresmujicayeap that same error20:25
Blacklemon67from the script20:25
andresmujicabut it was my fault20:25
andresmujicai didn't close all the firefox windows20:25
andresmujicai'm chechking right now with another box20:25
bpSknow on programation bash20:25
andresmujicahang on a sec and i'll let you now.20:25
bobertdos!x > znik20:25
ubottuznik, please see my private message20:25
PicibpS: #bash would be a better place to ask20:25
unopBlacklemon67,  while pgrep 'appname'; do echo app still running; sleep 2; done20:26
nubuntudaklan, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50234/20:26
mizaiandresmujica, I found a rogue firefox window on another workspace, the problem seems to be fixed now20:27
mizaiandresmujica, so much for that :P20:27
unopBlacklemon67, if you launch the app yourself, you can capture it's PID into a variable and check that pid instead.20:27
unopBlacklemon67,  app &; app_pid=$!;  while kill -0 $app_pid; do echo app is still running; sleep 2; done20:28
daklannubuntu: well, it looks like you are using swap a lot, and RAM utilization is heavy20:28
daklannubuntu: that's probably what's causing your system to act sluggish20:29
l3dagain I was wondering if any one knew of a way to make gnome commander the defualt file manager20:30
vladi need some help20:30
Scuniziask vlad.. ask.. what's the question20:30
Pihhanis it possible still modify upcoming interpid?20:31
halirutanhi there20:31
vladis there a way to download adobe shockwave plugin onto linux because it wont let me play flash games online20:31
nubuntudaklan, but why is it using so much, any clue?20:31
gaintsuravlad: flash-nonfree in repos20:31
gaintsuraI think20:31
vladsorry im bad with computers20:32
unopvlad, do you know how to install packages using synaptic?20:33
snovawhy does apt-get want to install stuff when i tell it to remove packages?20:33
_Zeus_Pihhan: what do you mean?20:33
_Zeus_snova: because there are updates20:33
vladnope im a complete newbie the only thing i did was install it via terminal but i got the codes online20:33
nuccohelp, I'm unable to install python-dev. tells me 'python2.5-dev but it is not going to be installed'20:33
unopsnova, because removing a package might leave a bigger set of packages hanging - and apt-get tries its best to resolve the situation, that happens to be the installation of other packages20:34
halirutancan anyone tell me why an application started in gnome isn't seeing my libs I use in the ld.so.conf??20:34
daklannubuntu: well, firefox is using a big chunk of it20:34
Pihhan_Zeus_: i would like get fixed some sony vaio laptop controls, and they are still not fixed after months20:34
unopvlad, well, run this command then.   sudo aptitude update && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:34
_Zeus_Pihhan: do you have a patch for it?20:34
snovaunop: ok. is there a way to tell what packages are causing this? because i probably don't need them :-)20:34
nuccohow do I force a specific version of a package?20:35
unopsnova, it might be better to use aptitude for this task20:35
unopnucco, sudo aptitude install package=version20:35
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: Do you have a Launchpad bug report reference # ?20:35
Sergi1when i create an plain text document and save it it appera like QuickTime image20:35
nuccounop: can't do that via synaptic?20:35
Pihhan_Zeus_: i have working solution. but not patch for any package made20:35
vladthank you so is there anything else i should do after it downloads?20:35
unopnucco, there might be, but i don't know - as i don't use the gnome desktop20:35
pvh_sahi there... i can't seem to get audio recording working on ubuntu - simply getting nothing from the mike - any ideas?20:35
Sephrhey I'm looking for a place where I can buy 1 (not 20, ect) ubuntu desktop 64-bit alternate installer cd20:36
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: Create a bug report and attach the patch along with an explanation20:36
snovaunop: how will aptitude help? some special abilities?20:36
daklannubuntu: "ps aux|grep firefox" and see if you've got a firefox instance that's hogging the memory. you can pretty much figure out what that process is doing by looking at the "COMMAND" column20:36
PihhanIntuitiveNipple: yes, there are about 6 bug reports about sony vaio controls, most of them the same20:36
SephrI can't burn cds/dvd's with this computer because it doesn't work anymore20:36
unopsnova, it has a different conflict resolution algorithm - so it might come up with a different solution (hopefully better)20:36
nuccounop: synaptic does have a way, but it doesn't work. aptitude seems to be doing something20:36
ericzdid the firefox/xulrunner update break anything in firefox for anyone else?20:37
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: choose the most appropriate bug report and attach the patch along with an explanation, and then subscribe kernel-acpi-team20:37
Pihhanso, if i make a patch, are there changes they will get it into intrepid before release?20:37
woliWhy can i not rename my hard drive?20:37
Sephr8.04 or 8.10 are both fine20:37
woliits called Filesystem and that sucks...20:37
Sephrso anyone know where I could buy one?20:37
_Zeus_Pihhan: the intrepid freeze is very soon20:37
Blacklemon67How can I run a program in a shell script and tell the program not to wait untill it's finished running20:38
nuccoPihhan: if it doesn't make it in now, and its important, it might soon after release20:38
arrrghhhcan someone help me configure xorg?  dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg doesn't configure anything.  i'll pastebin my xorg.conf20:38
unopwoli, what filesystem on this volume?20:38
_Zeus_Pihhan: the intrepid freeze is tomorrow20:38
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: It depends on the patch, and what efforts you've made to get it accepted upstream.20:38
nuccoarrrghhh: you can just delete the xorg.conf file, and then rerun the reconfigure thingy20:38
Pihhanoh, are you saying i have about 5 hours to make it? :)20:38
woliit says "operation not supported by backend". unop, its just a harddrive. A physical hard drive formatted in ext3..20:38
arrrghhhnucco, i tried that, it still doesn't set anything up.  my xorg.conf is so stripped.20:38
woliunop: its my root20:39
nuccoarrrghhh: what exactly is the problem?20:39
unoparrrghhh, reconfiguring xserver-xorg does nothing much nowadays - as the new xorg tries to do without a conf file20:39
PihhanIntuitiveNipple: i am not ubuntu developer and i dont know what i need to do to get it accepted upstream20:39
GeForce88-awayi just changed audio cards ubuntu 8.04 and i need to know how to re configure alsa to use the new hardware. it's reporting there are no devices found. well duh, i removed it and added a new one.20:39
ryan__I just installed a new video card and Now there are only two options for the resolution.  640x480 being the largest.20:39
ryan__Please help.20:39
=== daklan is now known as daklan_cls
_Zeus_!ask | ryan__20:39
ubotturyan__: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)20:39
snovaunop: i found out what was happening, pylint depends on it, but newer versions don't.20:39
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: contact the driver maintainer, possibly via linux-acpi mailing list.20:39
ryan__ubottu: got it.20:40
arrrghhhnucco, well there's some strange lines and wavyness on the screen, and i can't get the resolution to where i want it (1280x1024).  plus, i'd like to use a little 3d acceleration if i can.  the driver should be the i810 driver, but i'm betting it's just defaulting back to vesa20:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about got it.20:40
arrrghhhunop, so what do you suggest?20:40
unopwoli, have a look at e2label to change a filesystem's label.20:40
unopwoli, or an extX's filesystem label rather.20:40
gnubieGeForce88-away, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems  have you checked here?20:40
GeForce88-awaygnubie , i will now20:41
Pihhanis there working solution for xrandr extension for control backlight on intels 965GM?20:41
unoparrrghhh, manually editing the xorg.conf for the specific options you want to override - it will try and be automagic on the rest.20:41
woliunop: ok20:41
l3dagain I was wondering if any one knew of a way to make gnome commander the defualt file manager20:41
arrrghhhunop, hrm.  i'm not that good at editing it on my own, especially when the "default" one it loads it so stripped.  can you look at my pastebinned xorg.conf and maybe point me in the right direction as to what i need to adjust?  i mainly want it to use the i810 intel driver instead of vesa, and do 1280x1024, and maybe set some vertrefresh settings or HorizSync settings to see if i can get rid of this waviness.20:42
asathoor!default file manager20:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:42
GeForce88-awaygnubie i need to do more checking, it's not detected20:42
woliunop: is the harddisk sda0 or sda1 ?20:42
errris it possible to get 32bit firefox installed on 64bit ubuntu?20:42
vladanyone know any online rpgs that will work on linux ubuntu??/20:42
arrrghhhasathoor, it's nautilus in gnome/ubuntu.20:42
afeijowho can help me with bash??20:43
Sephrcan someone answer my question that I asked please?20:43
unopl3d, hmm, i guess it's a tough job unless you don't use nautilus at all ..20:43
compengierrr, sure. this kind of install is used if a user wants to user Java20:43
asathoorarrrghhh > yea ;-)20:43
urthmovervlad: go try Ikariam20:43
arrrghhherrr, yes, that is how people use flash w/64-bit systems.20:43
PihhanIntuitiveNipple: is it possible to code in live dvd session?20:43
snovaerrr: probably. but why not use the 64 bit version?20:43
afeijoikariam sux20:43
errrcompengi: how do I get it20:43
snovaerrr: oh, never mind, i see why20:43
afeijoMy game is much better20:43
SephrI asked where can I get an ubuntu desktop (8.04 or 8.10) 64-bit alternate installer cd...20:43
guntbertafeijo: ask in #bash20:43
errrsnova: need 32bit for firepass support20:43
vladurthmover is it any good?20:43
arrrghhhSephr, ubuntu.com20:43
Sephrand I can't burn with this drive20:43
urthmoverafeijo: which is?20:43
Sephrarrrghhh: they don't sell/offer the alternate installer cd20:44
IntuitiveNipplePihhan: 'code' ? you can do anything that the resources support. As it is live there is no disk use unless you manually mount one of course.20:44
kuccelloSephr: go to a magazine store and look for a linux mag20:44
urthmoverI like ikariam since I don't have to babysit it20:44
arrrghhhSephr, yes they do.20:44
Sephronly the iso to burn for youself20:44
Sephrarrrghhh: where?20:44
arrrghhhSephr, of course, it's free of charge20:44
afeijourthmover: www.outer-core.com, I'm working on it, few bugs left and few resources to be coded.  Its space based, with ships, planets, tech, etc.20:44
urthmoverbut then again  there is alot still to be developed20:44
unoparrrghhh, do you have the xserver-xorg-video-i810 package installed?20:44
Sephrarrrghhh: is it the ALTERNATE installer?20:44
urthmoverAjedrez: I'll check it out20:44
urthmoverAjedrez: is it similar to ogame?20:44
nuccoarrrghhh: sorry I got disconnected. then use the provided xorg.conf file and add a 'Driver "i810"' line in the "Device" section.20:45
erudite_Does anyone know how to schedule ftp downloads?20:45
arrrghhhSephr, you can download like 5 different versions of ubuntu from their site.  server, alternate, minimal, etc.  64-bit and 32-bit versions of both20:45
arrrghhhnucco, k thanks.20:45
Sephrarrrghhh: you don't listen, I SAID CD20:45
SephrI also said I can't burn with this drive20:45
snovawhat are the linux-headers-* packages good for? are they only useful for building kernel modules?20:45
arrrghhhunop, yessir20:45
erUSULsnova: exactly20:45
=== erudite_ is now known as erudite
afeijourthmover: ogame sux big time!! its similar to astroempires20:45
arrrghhhSephr, that's nice, they will send you a free cd.20:45
compengierrr, check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=117443520:45
unoparrrghhh, try as nucco suggested then20:45
snovaerUSUL: good20:46
urthmoverAjedrez: I'll check it out thanks for the heads up20:46
Sephrthe shipit.ubuntu.com site doesn't offer the alternate installer20:46
unop!fixres | arrrghhh - this might help you too20:46
ubottuarrrghhh - this might help you too: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto20:46
arrrghhhunop, and yes i have that package installed.20:46
Pihhanwhat i need to build package in live session? apt suggest dpkg-dev package, but no such is in intrepid repo20:46
errrcompengi: thank you20:46
Sephrarrrghh: can you please actually give me a link to the page where I can get the 64-bit alternate installer?20:46
unop!intrepid | Pihhan20:46
ubottuPihhan: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!20:46
woliunop: i did sudo e2label /dev/sda1 "Hard Disk" but it didn't work; yet, it did not return any error20:46
vladis there any game like guild wars that can be played on linux nevest ubuntu version?20:46
erUSULPihhan: you need the build-essential and the dependencies of the package20:46
IntuitiveNippleSephr: http://releases.ubuntu.com/hardy/20:46
RainCTI just got a Samsung SGH-ZV60 with an USB cable and lsusb lists it but it isn't automounteed. Can someone tell me how to mount it?20:46
milosevichi, i'm an ubuntu user and i need objdump for sparc binaries... where i can i find it?20:47
Sephromg noone listens20:47
compengi!games > vlad20:47
ubottuvlad, please see my private message20:47
unopwoli, so, what does   e2label /dev/sda1  give you now?20:47
erUSULvlad: i'm a happy "wine + GW" linux player20:47
nubuntudadlan, hitokiri, heres the two commands: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50243/20:47
znikbobertdos i m here20:47
SephrI'll say it all in one thing: I can't burn cd/dvds with my drive, so where can I get the ubuntu 8.04 or 8.10 64-bit alternate installer CD or DVD??20:47
Pihhanunop: thanks20:47
erUSULvlad: GW works beautifully in wine. check appdb for tips on wine conf20:47
cwhanninganyone got any advice on configuring alsa output to a usb headset?20:47
erUSUL!appdb | vlad20:47
ubottuvlad: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org20:47
vladubottu? how do i see private message20:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:48
arrrghhhSephr, you're not listening to me.  if you'd look on their site, they will send you a free disc of WHATEVER version you want.20:48
ubottushipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu, Kubuntu and Edubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org and http://shipit.edubuntu.org - Shipit will send Hardy (8.04) CDs20:48
nuccoSephr: use another computer to burn. if you download the alternate, you still have to burn it20:48
SlimeyPeteSephr: ^^20:48
ScuniziIs there a way to import a .wab (outlook express) file into Evolution?20:48
woliunop: the command output: "e2label: Permission denied while trying to open /dev/sda   Couldn't find valid filesystem superblock." The drive name: Filesystem (same as before)20:48
SephrI never said I was going to download it20:48
compengivlad, it pm'd you20:48
unopwoli, /dev/sda120:48
erUSULScunizi: probavly there are apps out there to turn wab to mbox and then import that to evo20:48
Sephrnucco: I had no intentions of downloading it because neither of my computers can burn dvds20:48
bobertdosAlright people, what znik appears to have is a royally botched xorg.conf after trying to build some sort of package. He did a series of copies and other piping of commands that I'm pretty sure corrupted the file. I have no idea how to reverse this one :p20:48
nuccoSephr: then what do you want? a free cd? go to ubuntu.com and look around, or go to amazon.com and buy one :)20:48
unopwoli, and you might need to use sudo there .. if you get permission errors20:48
compengierUSUL, i think vlad asked about a game on linux20:48
SlimeyPeteshipit's the way to go, Sephr20:49
Sephrnucco: I already said what I want20:49
ScunizierUSUL: thanks.. just preping for a friends total conversion to Ubuntu..20:49
woliunop: e2label /dev/sda1 returns the same as sda20:49
unopbobertdos, revert to a backup?20:49
nuccoSephr: I just joined this channel20:49
IntuitiveNippleSephr: You ask someone nicely to burn it for you20:49
compengierUSUL, 21:46:37 < vlad> is there any game like guild wars that can be played on linux nevest ubuntu version?20:49
Sephreveryone: shipit only gives me the NORMAL x86 and 64 bit dvd options20:49
Sephrno alt cd20:49
unopwoli,  what does this command give you?   mount | grep sda120:49
bobertdosunop: I can't even be sure he has one...it's that screwy :p20:49
erUSULcompengi: well he asked specifically about guild wars... if he can run his copy of GW on linux why not?20:49
woliunop: with sudo it gives me the name i assigned, but the icon when i browse computer has Filesystem as name20:50
unopbobertdos, did you walk him through the commands to be issued?20:50
nuccoSephr: that's all they offer, anything else, and you need another means. you gotta find somewhere to burn it, I think.20:50
compengierUSUL, i see.. :)20:50
comicinkerwoli: you probably need /dev/sda1 or /dev/sda220:50
unopwoli, i guess you will have to restart nautilus - best thing to log off and log back on20:50
IntuitiveNippleSephr: The alternate download is a 700MB CD, not a DVD. Can your systems burn CDs?20:50
vladwell i tried to install guild wars through the wine before it took me around 2 days to do but it wouldnt work :(20:50
hzhey how to fit the movie with screen in mplayer ?20:50
woliunop: oh ok20:50
erUSULhz: press "f"20:51
wolicomicinker: no, its sda ( i checked with gparted _20:51
compengivlad, did you check WineHQ forums for help?20:51
wolicoming backin a few secs20:51
bobertdosunop: not yet, I don't trust myself to do that successfully with all noobs.20:51
qubexyJ #ubuntu-dk20:51
woliunop: can i do killall nautilus ?20:51
comicinkerwoli: do nautilus -q20:51
vladwell i found a website which had the terminal codes to download all the components needed to run guild wars on wine but it just wouldnt work20:51
erUSULvlad: i'd had 0 errors. put the cd disk double click on the setup.exe. Follow directions. Done20:51
emorriswhat command is run when you click the shutdown button as a normal user?20:51
wolicomicinker: ah same result... going to try relog20:52
vladand i also checke te wine HQ forum20:52
indian_munndacan anyone help me,My hardy is suffering from some kind of gnome graphics problem. my hardy is not showing its panels(Application Bar and task bar).20:52
unopwoli, you can - that might work - but you want to restart the gnome-volume-manager (or gvfs) thing too - which nautilus spawns - best to log off and log back on20:52
hzerUSUL: it become full screen but the same size of the movie not larger20:52
emorrisindian_munnda: press alt-f2, type gnome-panel, and hit enter20:52
woliunop: comicinker: no different results after relog20:53
Sephrbtw, why doesn't the normal install disk support RAID drives?20:53
comicinkerwoli: but I thought you can't give hdds a label- only their partitions. and partitions have alway a number (like sda1 or sda2)20:53
hzabt mplayer how to fit full size the movie not the screen?20:53
er_valerianaanyone have tried LINUX MCE??20:53
Sephrseems so stupid to make that alternate-install disc only20:53
hzanybody know?20:53
indian_munndaemorris: even alt-f2 is not working.20:53
IntuitiveNippleSephr: not enough space on the CD20:53
wolicomicinker: so my hdd is doomed to be named Filesystem forever?20:53
unopwoli, hmm, are you positive you checked /dev/sda1 here?20:53
emorrisindian_munnda: press ctrl-alt-backspace20:54
Spragiedoes heron take use of intel speedstep technology ?20:54
Sephrhow huge would the drivers for raid drives be?20:54
emorrisindian_munnda: this logs out though!20:54
Sephrthey can't be over 10MB20:54
woliunop: mount | grep /dev/sda120:54
woli/dev/sda1 on / type ext3 (rw,errors=remount-ro)20:54
Spragiebe right back20:54
unopWolf23, sudo e2label /dev/sda1  # still gives you Filesystem ?20:55
IntuitiveNippleSephr: It's not the drivers, it's the installer infrastructure and support libraries required to handle it. The CD team bust a gut trying to fit everything in, and for Desktop usage they have to contend with a bootable system-on-disk as well as the installation requirements.20:55
indian_munndaemorris: when i typed gnome-panel at terminal, it said that this program is not installed.20:55
compengivlad, did you check this http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=919420:55
unopindian_munnda, you'll need to reinstall the gnome-panel package then20:55
indian_munndaemorris: then i did sudo apt-get install gnome-panel. OK?20:56
emorrisindian_munnda: what are you looking at now?20:56
GeForce88-awaygnubie : the card is being detected cas card1 , how can i change that? as selecting the card in audio properties didn't do the trick20:56
woliunop: how is your hdd named?20:56
emorrisindian_munnda: ^^20:57
unopwoli, i don't have a label for sda1 - i left it blank20:57
vladyeppp i did but when i installed it it just gave me a message that i was missing divx i think20:57
indian_munndaemorris: but its still not showing the panel.20:57
woliunop: when you open computer from places menu, whats the name under the hdd ?20:57
indian_munndaemorris: i think i need a restart, let me restart20:57
unopwoli, i don't use gnome at the present20:57
emorrisi said "indian_munnda: what are you looking at now?"20:57
woliunop: ah...20:57
ActionParsniphey all20:58
Sergiuhi all20:58
Sergiuanyone know, why text file is transformed in quicktime image20:58
compengivlad, well.. according to erUSUL the install and game went okay for him. if you have something missing, check again winehq and you probably would find an answer to your questions20:58
bernrdoguys - has ANYONE gotten an Intel x4500MHD video card to work in Ubuntu 8.04 or Intrepid ??? even with "vesa" drivers??20:59
bernrdoI just made a clean install - at first x just crashed to a black screen. Managed to edit xorg.conf to use "vesa" and now it loads X but crashes to a 'striped' screen20:59
vladill try20:59
compengivlad, welcome and hard luck :)20:59
comicinkerSergiu: did you look at the file preferences? you can set the default program to open the file in the file preferences20:59
ActionParsnipeveryone should play dark horizons lore, its awesome!! (oftopic)20:59
OxygenfadHey guys, Im setting up mail watcher for xfce panel. When it will run a custom command when a new mail arrives. What I need to know is what the bash code would be for a browser to open and go to a url.20:59
indian_munndaemorris: thank you, u solved my problem. you got my point right. :)21:00
emorrisindian_munnda: what did you do?21:00
ActionParsnipbernrdo: are you fully updated?21:00
indian_munndaemorris: i was looking for it for 2 hours here, and noone was getting me right. may be laguage problm. :021:00
RainCT(nevermind, I had to choose "Music Player" insted of "PC Studio", as the last one seems to be for some stupid Samsung software)21:00
bernrdohmmm ... good point. No I'm not, I just made a fresh install of Intrepid, there might haveen changes since i got th eCD (Alpha 6)21:00
indian_munndaemorris: i reinstalled gnome-panel and restarted my system.21:01
emorrisindian_munnda: i meant how did you fix it? what did you do to fix it?21:01
bernrdobut I can't get to a shell right now - I try to kill x with Ctrl-Alt-Backspace, I see a shell for a second and then X tries starting again21:01
Sergiucomicinker, yes,but for unkown reason, the text file after saving it, it is transformed in an quicktime image..21:01
ActionParsnipbernrdo: 1. intrepid support is in ubuntu+1 and is considered broken. 2. sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade21:01
pbnHello, on a Ubuntu 8.04 machine, I have changed the monitor, and I get "signal out of range". I did dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, and now X displays at a correct frequency and I can see the picture... But, when Ubuntu displays its splashscreen, I still get "signal out of range"... how can I fix this ?21:01
emorrisindian_munnda: oh, ok. It might also be a good idea to run sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop incase anything else is missing21:01
ActionParsnippbn: set refresh rate and resolution in xorg.conf21:02
asathoorpbn: perhaps you could try the bootoption -nosplash21:02
indian_munndaemorris: doing that also21:02
bernrdoAction: thanks. Got a shell, going to update the system now.21:02
andresmujicaok, it seems that the firefox error was caused for not closing all the instances.. i've replicated with a spare box and tested again with another one.. fiuu21:03
ActionParsnip!intrepid | bernrdo21:03
ubottubernrdo: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!21:03
pbnActionParsnip: that is when X is running. That works. :)  My question is for when Ubuntu is booting ... instead of the splashscreen I get "signal out of range"21:03
emorrispbn: set /etc/usplash.conf to something sensible21:03
Sergiucomicinker. what pad do you use? gedit, mousepad? try to write this information and then save the file , you will see probaly that text file is transformed in quicktime image (the info: "Candidatii interesati sunt rugati sa telefoneze la 210094 sau sa trimita CV-ul prin e-mail la silvia.rusnac@cca.globnet.md (cu mentiunea OPERATOR INTRODUCEREA DATELOR).")21:03
indian_munndaunop: thanks to u too21:03
ActionParsnippbn: set the vga mode for the splash screen, or just remove the splash and have the boot text21:04
odinsbaneIs anybody using the next windows X server?21:04
RainCTuhm.. now f-spot detects it but I can't find the mount point21:04
Pihhanis there some easy way to get X driver name from command line?21:04
ActionParsnipPihhan: lshw21:05
bernrdothanks Action. I know Intrepid is in ALpha stage. I'm trying it out because ive' been told that's the only distro that might support the Intel video card I have. I'll use the other channel for further discussion21:05
Scuniziodinsbane: "the next windows X server"?  you mean X.org?21:05
ActionParsnipbernrdo: sweet21:05
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.21:06
RainCTHow can I know where a drive is mounted if f-spot detects it?21:07
odinsbaneScunizi X.Org 7.4 I found an article that its new, but I don't know when the article is from.21:07
=== Sergiu is now known as d1
TidusBladeSorry guys for the noob question, but how can I figure out what file is being accessed by other computers over LAN? Someone on my LAN has been downloading from me at 11MB/s for the past 20 minutes, no idea what's happening...21:07
nuccoTidusBlade: just use a firewall21:08
R_YoYo_RTidusBlade, probably not the best answer but... wireshark?21:08
odinsbaneTidusBlade fuser lets you do something like that.21:08
nuccoTidusBlade: sudo apt-get install firestarter21:08
PihhanTidusBlade: depends on what protocol are they using. for ftp, you have log, for samba, you have smbstatus21:09
TidusBladeThanks guys =]21:09
TidusBladeYeah, I'll try fuser, if not then firestarter21:09
TidusBladeIf you can do it with firestarter, isint it possible with iptables?21:09
nuccoTidusBlade: possibly they're accessing your shared folders... R_YoYo_R: wireshark for a newbie?!!!21:09
TidusBladePihhan: SFTP, so ssh/sshd or whatever you wanna call it21:09
ScuniziPihhan: cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | less    will show you what's in the xorg file and you'll be able to scroll around and look for the driver referance.. if it's listed.. sometimes it isn't21:10
Pihhanoh, that might be difficult then21:10
TidusBladelol not that bad with Linux myself, just new to net stuff21:10
IntuitiveNippleTidusBlade: Use sudo lsof ... and look at the processes owning the files, one should be some network daemon that handles the file transfer.21:10
R_YoYo_Rnucco, wireshark is great.... even for noobs21:10
PihhanScunizi: i want very fast way to detect it every key press for special keys, this is not usable :)21:10
TidusBladeIntuitiveNipple: Yeah thanks, lsof was the command I was looking for :D21:10
asathoorTidusBlade: if you want to know who's online, try who or w from a prompt21:10
ActionParsnipTidusBlade: you could grep the output of lsof21:10
IntuitiveNippleTidus: combine that with using sudo netstat -ptla21:11
true\falseHello, I've tried googling.. But not finding any luck21:11
TidusBladeActionParsnip: Yup know that :P21:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark21:11
TidusBladeIntuitiveNipple: Ah ok thanks, well found the info I needed =]21:11
true\falseTrying to set my display to 1440x900? But I can't..21:11
ActionParsnip!info wireshark21:11
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB21:11
Pihhantrue\false: try xrandr, if it does list that resolution as supported21:11
Pihhantrue\false: if not, there is little you can do21:12
Scunizi!resolution | true\false21:12
ubottutrue\false: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:12
true\falsePihhan, will check, thanks.. Real problem here is, I'm new to linux21:12
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nuccoR_YoYo_R: I'd recommend firestarter. it has nice readable links of active connections, and does not require you to know what TCP headers are.21:12
Blaze_BoyI have a Problem : i have a CD-RW Samsung as secondary slave & ASUS CD-ROM as primary slave & western digital HDD as primary master  on a ubuntu-hardy box ,they where woking properly but now the  in my computer the CD-RW is CD-ROM and doesn't mount any CD ? Can any body help?21:12
true\falseScunizi, ta, will also look at th at21:13
Scunizitrue\false: it's fixable.. if you just did your install then do all the updates and then look under System/Admin/Hardware Drivers and see if your video card is listed but not activated for the restricted drivers..21:13
true\falseScunizi.. Update, right, right.. Should do that right now then.21:14
azhar27Hi guys, i have some problems with detection of Flash drive in Ubuntu, it says 'you don't have permission to mount the device'21:14
vallhalla82can anyone tell me how to make a file in to an iso?21:14
ActionParsnipazhar27: mount needs sudo21:14
ActionParsnipvallhalla82: mkisofs21:14
nuccovallhalla82: use cd burning software, then write to "file/image"21:14
true\falseScunizi, probaly entirely irrelevant, but it is only a virtual machine21:14
azhar27ActionParsnip : how all of a sudden, i used to use flash drive before.21:14
Scunizitrue\false: you're running a VM?21:15
Scunizitrue\false: inside of windows? or what?21:15
true\falseScunizi, yes.. Inside of XP21:15
Scunizitrue\false: using VMware?21:15
ActionParsnipazhar27: no idea, i always manually mount stuff myself21:15
true\falseScunizi: Virtual box21:15
Blaze_BoyI have a Problem : i have a CD-RW Samsung as secondary slave & ASUS CD-ROM as primary slave & western digital HDD as primary master  on a ubuntu-hardy box ,they where woking properly but now the  in my computer the CD-RW is CD-ROM and doesn't mount any CD ? Can any body help?21:16
nuccoazhar27: perhaps the flash drive is ntfs, and it's unclean?21:16
jnjbhello all21:16
Scunizitrue\false: not sure on that one.. you definately won't have restricted drivers that will work inside the VM.. check on the #vbox channel and ask there how to fix video resolution .. that's a vbox issue..21:16
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krisanybody     how to avoid restriced drivers ?21:16
azhar27nucco : yup, will mount it using sudo.21:16
R_YoYo_Rkris, use open source ones21:17
vallhalla82ActionParsnip: is there a link where i can look up how to use mkisofs/21:17
nuccoazhar27: you might need to mount it with windows to fix filesystem errors.21:17
true\falseScunizi: Is it? I assumed it was ubuntu..21:17
viktorkAZhi i wonder if there is an mac 'finder' kind of gui application for linux that actually workds21:17
Scunizikris: use nv or vesa or.. I forget the other opensource driver for ATI..21:17
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Blaze_Boyi'm burning here can anyone help?21:17
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, whats up?21:17
jnjbsomeone have make an autologin whitout dm21:17
Blaze_BoyI have a Problem : i have a CD-RW Samsung as secondary slave & ASUS CD-ROM as primary slave & western digital HDD as primary master  on a ubuntu-hardy box ,they where woking properly but now the  in my computer the CD-RW is CD-ROM and doesn't mount any CD ? Can any body help?21:17
krisR_YoYo_R:  how to deletete any restriced from the system >21:17
Scunizitrue\false: no.. Vbox and VMWare both supply the os their own video driver and setup..21:17
krisR_YoYo_R:  ???21:17
viktorkAZi mean to find any file or archive.. cause there ia appfinder but thats only to find applications not files21:17
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: so ?21:18
Scunizitrue\false: it's pretty generic. If vbox is setup right you should be able to go full screen and have no issues.21:18
IntuitiveNippleviktorkAZ: dpkg-query -S '*search-terms*'21:18
true\falseScunizi: Pratting around with some settings in ubuntu, I have a better resolution now, just not perfect21:18
carandraugkris, System > Administration > Hardware drivers (or whatever it is they call it these days) and uncheck the boxes21:18
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, did you reboot (as dumb as that is)21:18
vallhalla82can anyone point me to a link where i can look up how to use mkisofs??21:19
Scunizi!mkisofs | vallhalla8221:19
krisanybody is there option to delete all restricetd drivers ?21:19
vallhalla82Scunizi: i tryed that and got nothing21:19
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: yes many time and tried to take the data cable off and put it again but no use?21:19
carandraugvallhalla82, have you tried "man mkisofs"?21:19
kriscarandraug:  i will try it21:19
viktorkAZIntuitiveNipple: whats that? its a command to find files?21:19
Scunizivallhalla82: :)  I just found that out :)21:19
viktorkAZIntuitiveNipple: im actually looking for a gui application21:20
vallhalla82No manual entry for mkisofs21:20
vallhalla82See 'man 7 undocumented' for help when manual pages are not available.21:20
arrrghhhunop, i don't understand, is the new unbreakable-X causing all these problems?  i've been wrestling with it for a while now, and i'm still @ 640x480.  everything else breaks X.21:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkisofs21:20
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, is it listed in fstab?21:20
IntuitiveNipplekris: This should do it:  sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-restricted-modules-generic21:20
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: wait a sec21:20
unoparrrghhh, did you specify the Driver as i810 ?21:20
carandraugvallhalla82, here is it http://linux.die.net/man/8/mkisofs21:20
IntuitiveNippleviktorkAZ: It's the way to locate which package contains specific files21:21
vallhalla82or can any one tell me how to make a file in to a iso?21:21
vallhalla82carandraug: ty21:21
arrrghhhunop, i tried i810 and intel.  it keeps breaking X.21:21
Scunizivallhalla82: k3b will do that with no problem.. also there may be a way to right mouse click21:21
jeffdWhat would be the easiest/best way to completely remove all iptables and netfilter kernel modules from being loaded on startup?21:21
RUMMYI have installed ubuntu 8.04. gnome 2.22.3 but on gnome official site saw that is gnome 2.24 release :-)) why my system didn't update?! I can think that have other packet too not lastest versions21:21
unoparrrghhh, what does 'breaking X' mean exactly?21:21
kriscarandraug:  does it uninstall restricted in system ?21:21
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto21:21
arrrghhhunop, i get kicked to a terminal, gdm doesn't load.21:21
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R:is there any thing wrong in that?21:22
Blaze_Boy/dev/scd1                                  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noa$21:22
Blaze_Boy/dev/scd0                                  /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660  user,noa$21:22
vallhalla82Scunizi: thank you21:22
carandraugvallhalla82, no problem. You can easily find the man page online if it's not in your system. Just google "man application_name" and it's probably the first link21:22
ScuniziRUMMY: just because gnome released a new version doesn't mean that you'll get the update.  Ubuntu will try to incorporate it into one of the future releases..21:22
Scunizivallhalla82: np21:22
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, have you tried different media?21:22
vallhalla82carandraug: thats good to know ty21:22
unoparrrghhh, log on at the terminal using your username and password etc - then type  startx  .. X will fail to load, but an error message will be spit out, you can decide what to do next after reading it21:23
carandraugkris, yes. It just doesn't uninstall ndiswrapper I think21:23
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: the cd-rom is fune but CD-RW can't load any media21:23
krisIntuitiveNipple:  thx i will try it21:23
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: and the lines are21:23
arrrghhhunop, ok.21:23
Blaze_Boy/dev/scd1                                  /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8       0  021:23
Blaze_Boy/dev/scd0                                  /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660  user,noauto,exec,utf8       0  021:23
ActionParsniphey all21:24
krisanybody do i have to use restriected ones ? (drivers)21:25
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: so?21:25
ActionParsniphow can i load firestarter without having the main gui in my task bar21:25
Scuniziunop: does start x still work?  I've always sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start to get x going.21:25
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, well what is the error/21:25
ActionParsnipI want it to just sit in my systray21:25
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: no it's the lines in the fstab21:25
IntuitiveNipplekris: no, of course not21:25
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, i realize that is what you pasted ... i am asking for the error21:25
Scunizikris: no you don't21:25
iacould you tell me please, does exist some way to tune compiz that any new window of any application will appear in maximization state?21:25
unopScunizi, sure startx will always work as long as ubuntu uses the xorg packages from X.org21:26
krisIntuitiveNipple:  ok thx21:26
harvey1looking around, how can I allow a user to bind to <1024, without elevating other permissions?21:26
krisScunizi: ok thx21:26
unopScunizi, using the gdm initscript is not really the same as issuing startx21:26
alphaaaguys, have u come across good female developers in your work ?21:26
afeijohow to check cpu usage and what programs are causing high use?21:26
carandraugia, there's a field for that in the ccsm. Not in Ubuntu right now but there is that option there21:26
Scuniziunop: ok.. nice to know.21:26
Scunizikris np21:26
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, top21:26
unopafeijo, use the gnome-system-monitor21:26
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: if i put a cd in CD-RW nothing change ... like i didn't but anything at all and if  i double click any of the cd-rom icons it just give me can't load media21:27
iacarandraug: well, i have ccsm. could you tell me please, which exactly option do that?21:27
afeijounop: I'm using it, nice graphics... it shows above 90% usage, but on the Process tab, no app above 1%21:28
sceoRunning Hardy, compiz (custom with some CCSM settings).  Is there a way to "roll up" a window (windowshade?)21:28
arrrghhhunop, well now X isn't breaking, but it seems to load the vesa driver @ 640x48021:28
unopafeijo, do you have 90 processes all operating at 1% cputime?21:28
afeijounop: no, all 0%, 1 at 1%21:29
carandraugia, can't guide you there. I'm not on Ubuntu right now nor using compiz. I've been using Archlinux with fluxbox. But I've seen that before in there21:29
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: i'm really going crazy21:29
unoparrrghhh, are you positive that you declared the driver right in the config file?21:29
iacarandraug: anyway, thanks. :-)21:29
angusthefuzzafeijo: go to view -> All processes in gnome-system-monitor21:29
arrrghhhunop, no, all i put was Driver   "i810"21:30
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, did you at least try different media?21:30
arrrghhhi'll pastebin my current xorg.conf21:30
unoparrrghhh, where tho?21:30
hagnaok what is it about gnome that keeps gnome-terminal from showing a prompt?21:30
Blaze_BoyR_YoYo_R: yes i swear i tried 3 or 4 media but nothing , they can be read on the cd-rom but not the CD-RW and why it appear as a CD-ROM?21:31
arrrghhhunop, under "device" section.  keeps goin back to vesa.21:31
unophagna, did you make any recent modifications to the ~/.bash* files?21:31
arrrghhhdriver keeps goin back to vesa21:31
hagnaunop: nah it's not just gnome-terminal it's firefox too21:31
unoparrrghhh, heh?  are you saving the file properly?21:31
hagnaunop: no recent changes at all21:31
unoparrrghhh, are you editing the file as the superuser?21:31
unophagna, what's firefox misbehaving at?21:32
hagnaunop: who me?21:32
krisanybody  i need full command for removing restriced drivers no -- pure is working21:32
arrrghhhunop, yes, as root.21:32
hagnaunop: it won't launch21:32
R_YoYo_RBlaze_Boy, sorry man .... can i log in to check it out? you have any remote access set up?21:33
tigersuit /msg ubottu etiquette21:33
afeijohow heavy is NX ?21:33
hagnaunop: I can ssh into my machine and run DISPLAY=:0 firefox21:33
llisyswhat ftp client would you recommend?21:33
unophagna, ALT+F2 .. and type in.   killall firefox-bin21:33
hagnaunop: and no firefox appears on screen21:33
arrrghhhafeijo, it's one of the lightest remote desktop protocols.  x11vnc is pretty good too.21:33
regishello,I've a problem...i've lost some documents with openoffice writer...where should I look? is there an autosave feature?21:33
afeijoarrrghhh: vnc? hate that :)21:33
carandraugllisys, I've only used filezilla and it works fine. You can also nautilus for that purpose if you want21:33
arrrghhhafeijo, i said x11vnc.  not vnc.21:33
unophagna, you probably have a hung firefox process in the background - try the killall command21:33
R_YoYo_Rwhats wrong with vnc?21:33
=== lmr_ is now known as lmr
afeijoR_YoYo_R: very slow, and dont capture keys21:34
gumpishRunning 7.10, Pidgin refuses to play sounds. Plays them when I click the Test button in the Sounds tab. Yes I have "Sounds when conversation has focus" checked, Enable sounds: Always, and the Play boxes checked under Sound Events. I have the volume turned up and have tried all the Method options available, even console beep. I have exited and relaunched. I have no other problems with sound on this machine.21:34
asathoortry this in a prompt: locate fileName21:34
hagnaunop: also if I go to system > about me21:34
arrrghhhand vnc is good, just not the best for efficiency.21:34
hagnaunop it hangs21:34
IntuitiveNipplehagna: Has the machines' network loop lo interface gone, or has /etc/hosts been edited or is it missing the machine's local name against ?21:34
hagnano window pops up21:34
carandraugregis, when you open open office again, he should offer to recover the files that were open before21:34
unophagna, have you logged out and logged back in?21:34
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: I'll check21:34
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afeijooh, its possible to change my swap partition size?21:34
danbhfivegumpish: why arent you running 8.04?21:34
hagnaunop: yes and I even created another user and that other user has the same gnome proble21:34
unopafeijo, sure21:34
IntuitiveNipplehagna: what you're describing sounds like what happens when the machine can't resolve it's own name21:35
unophagna, hmm21:35
afeijounop: how hard?21:35
llisyswhen using aircrack, it detects my wireless as an ndiswrapper driver, so i have no way of continuing forward, how can i work around this?21:35
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: I'll check that21:35
arrrghhhunop, there's a piece under "device" that says "boardname    vesa"  is that screwing it up?21:35
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, im always open to a speedier solution ... i remote in from work alot using a vista machine what woul syou recommend?21:35
carandraugafeijo, yes. But you need space on the HDD to expand it21:35
regiscarandraug, mabe i didn't save the file...21:35
afeijoR_YoYo_R: NX21:35
gumpishdanbhfive: because I'm using disk level encryption and haven't made the time to back up my files elsewhere for the upgrade21:35
unopafeijo, not very - all you need to do is use gparted to resize the swap partition21:35
afeijocarandraug: 200gb21:35
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: hey hagna-desktop21:35
hagnawhat's with 1.121:35
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, what client would i use on the windows side to connect?21:35
unopafeijo, alternatively, you can create an additional swap file (note i said file)21:36
carandraugafeijo, you can expand an existing partitions with cfdisk21:36
afeijounop: gparted dont allow me, its disable, maybe because the part is in use?21:36
regiscarandraug, but i wored a lot of time on it...so if there is an autosave feature...where should i look for21:36
arrrghhhR_YoYo_R, freenx is a really good solution, but i thought it was more difficult to setup.21:36
IntuitiveNipplehagna: it's the local machine's name ( is localhost)21:36
afeijoR_YoYo_R: nx client for windows :)21:36
unoparrrghhh, perhaps21:36
afeijoR_YoYo_R: I'm using right now21:36
IntuitiveNipplehagna: How about ifconfig lo - is it present?21:36
chetnickhow to adjust GPU fan speed in ubuntu. (GeForce 8800 GTS). something like ntune or riva tuner for linux?21:36
carandraugafeijo, but I think it's usually good to have one partition in continuos blocks21:36
hagnayeah it's, but in my hosts file it said hagna-desktop
R_YoYo_Rnx in the repos?21:37
DatzHello, when ubuntu start the GUI does not, and my monitor doesn't detect a signal.  I can log in via ssh however and everything seems to be working fine. So my question is, how can I get the GUI back??21:37
IntuitiveNipplehagna: That's fine, don't get confused :)21:37
afeijoR_YoYo_R: no, you need to download from nx site21:37
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: I can ping localhost to21:37
danbhfivegumpish: well, I don't know anything about disk encryption, and how it prevents you from upgrading, BUT, if you are finding a bug in pidgin, it will not be fixed.  7.10 is no longer supported in that manner.21:37
llisyshow can i impliment advanced encrytion with ubuntu?21:37
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: ok I'll change it back21:37
afeijocarandraug: my coworker did shi* here, 5gb swap and only one part to hole system, I wanna reduce swap and add /home part21:37
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, and performance is much better than vnc?21:37
afeijoR_YoYo_R: a lot IMHO21:37
gumpishdanbhfive: Sure it is. All releases get at least 18 months of support.21:38
unophagna, did you make any major configuration changes recently?21:38
hagnaunop: no just the latest updates21:38
IntuitiveNipplehagna: Have you checked resources using top ? is there a swap file? is it full? or, is the file-system containing /var full? (use df)21:38
arrrghhhok i'm gonna try to reboot... hopefully this'll fix it.21:38
unophagna, i assume, you've tried a reboot too?21:38
carandraugregis, oh! You exited without saving? I thought it somehow crashed and you eanted to recover the files.Well, in that case I don't know if it autosaves somewhere. Try #openoffice.org21:38
hagnaunop, IntuitiveNipple also sudo DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-terminal21:38
danbhfivegumpish: that support entails only security fixes, and bug fixes involving data loss.  Sound not working isnt covered I don't think21:38
Blaze_BoyI have a Problem : i have a CD-RW Samsung as secondary slave & ASUS CD-ROM as primary slave & western digital HDD as primary master  on a ubuntu-hardy box ,they where woking properly but now the  in my computer the CD-RW is CD-ROM and doesn't mount any CD ? Can any body help?21:38
hagnaunop that works21:38
hagnasudo DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/X11R6/bin/gnome-terminal and I get a shell with a prompt21:38
gumpish=/ well maybe a newer version is available in a backport repository21:39
IntuitiveNipplehagna: I've had a similar experience when the file-systems ran out of free space21:39
krisanybody : what is full command for delting restricted ones from system? i have unchecked box with restricted is it all ?21:39
hagnaunop: yep I sure did21:39
unophagna, what happens when you try and launch another gnome-terminal from this one? any errors21:39
carandraugafeijo, then, it's the same tool. cfdisk. Use it to reduce swap size and then increase /home21:39
hagnaunop: when I launch another gnome-terminal as root from the one I launched as root over ssh?21:39
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, you know a good place for documentation on this?21:39
ActionParsnipafeijo: or delete old stuff you dont need21:39
DatzHi, can anyone help me get my ubuntu GUI back?21:40
hagnaunop nope no errors21:40
IntuitiveNipplehagna that 'sudo ... gnome-terminal' is for root isn't it? This sounds like a user-profile issue. Try creating a fresh profile and doing the test there21:40
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: disk space looks fine 4% used21:40
afeijocarandraug: I do not have the /home partition :(21:40
carandraugkris, I think so. Do you use ndiswrapper?21:40
afeijoneed to create it21:40
afeijoand repoint linux to access there! hard isnt?21:40
unophagna, errm, no, launch a gnome-terminal from ssh (as a normal user)  -- then in the gnome-terminal that opens - try launching another instance, or firefox perhaps21:40
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: by fresh profile do you mean new user>21:40
DatzHi, can anyone help me get my ubuntu GUI back?21:40
IntuitiveNipplehagna: Yes21:40
hagnaunop it won't launch as the normal user but it will launch as root21:41
DistroJockeyafeijo: you can turn the swap off (sudo swapoff -a), resize the partition, then turn swap back on (sudo swapon -a)21:41
kriscarandraug:  i even don't know what is ndiswrapper21:41
afeijoDistroJockey: cool!21:41
ActionParsnipDatz: what happens when you try to load it?21:41
carandraugafeijo, Then just reduce swap space and use the new free space to create or to add to partitions21:41
hagnalets see is killall X a good way to logout when the desktop is frozen?21:41
unophagna, does this return anything - from your ssh session.  find ~ ! -user $USER21:41
llisyskris: ndiswrapper converts windows wireless drivers for ubuntu usage21:41
Dream_Beamhagna: no21:41
Dream_BeamDream_Team: your part21:42
DatzActionParsnip, the monitor stops detecting a signal, after I see a non graphical logon screen.21:42
hagnawhat's a good way?21:42
ActionParsnipDatz: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:42
carandraugkris, "sudo aptitude search ndiswrapper" do you get a list of packages? The column on the left has "i" or "p"?21:42
ActionParsnipDatz: change your driver to vesa21:42
Dream_Beamhagna: ctrl alt backspace21:42
IntuitiveNipplehagna: If you're on the virtual console with the GUI the magic sys-request sequence Ctrl+Alt+SysRq+K will kill all processes on that VT and cause a GDM restart21:42
unopcarandraug, useless use of sudo there21:42
hagnaDream_Beam:  ahhh!21:42
afeijocarandraug: ok, I can change swap from 5gb to 1gb, than set that extra 4gb to home? later how to reduce from main system partition to the new home?21:42
DatzActionParsnip, ok thanks I will try it, will you stay for a min while I try?21:43
carandraugunop, I was not sure and that way I'll avoid someone asking what to do because it gave permission denied21:43
dr_willisIs it worth the effort to make a 4gb homd partition?21:43
ElsharHey, does anyone know how to get firefox to properly handle ssh:// urls? I can't seem to get it to launch putty with ssh:// urls. :/21:43
kriscarandraug:  there is no command like it in my system21:44
ActionParsnipdr_willis: depends if you need that much space21:44
jeroen-how to get complety rid of evolution?21:44
dr_willisActionParsnip,  i got 8+gb of just wallpaper. :)21:44
unopcarandraug, heh.  the primary principle of unix is to run as much without the need to get the super user to assist .. your command goes against the principle21:44
ActionParsnipjeroen-: sudo apt-get --purge evolution21:44
afeijodr_willis: wallpaper yeah21:44
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: yes that fresh profile idea was a good one21:44
DatzActionParsnip, can I pm you?21:44
Elshardr_willis, Isn't /home just symlinked to /usr/home?21:44
ActionParsnipjeroen-: then check in ~/ for .evolution folders21:44
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: freshprofile user doesn't have the same problems21:44
ActionParsnipDatz: sure21:45
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dr_willisElshar,  err... ive NEVER seen that.. on any disrto21:45
IntuitiveNipplehagna: So probably an issue with the config files in the other one, either for the bash shell or the GUI21:45
unopcarandraug, you don't need to use sudo with any apt front end - unless you are making changes to the APT database21:45
ElsharIt's like that in FreeBSD. Only linux I use is Gentoo and Ubuntu, and fairly rarely honestly :P21:45
ActionParsnipdr_willis: i have 1 wallpaper21:45
carandraugafeijo, yes, you can do that. To take away from your "/" (main partition) you can do exactly the same thing. However, doing this kindof stuff will make your partitions a mess, with blocks spread all over the disk. I recommend to backup all the partitions (use rsync), create the partitions as you wish and then restore the system21:45
arrrghhhunop, so it's still starting in low-graphics mode i @ 640x480 using the vesa driver i assume.  http://pastebin.com/d699f3a89 - that's my xorg.conf, would you mind looking at it?21:45
dr_willisElshar,  ya can do all sorts of tricks with  links and mounting things.  You could have a seperate partition for /usr/ and keep home there also if you wanted21:46
hagnaunop yes that find commands returns lots of --all my file in home  find ~ ! -user $USER21:46
jeroen-ActionParsnip: no, everything to do with the evolution data server is still there and can't be removed without removing al of other apps -- also the /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.24 is still running21:46
carandraugunop, ok. Sorry. I'll keep that in mind21:46
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llisysif i have a server offered to me to bounce through, how would i go about using it?21:46
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: the GUI configs are which ones?21:46
bobertdosunop: I'm guilty of the same thing carandraug is. I used sudo with apt-cache up until a couple days ago! haha21:46
angusthefuzzllisys: what would you like to bounce? terminal session, IRC chat, entire internet connection, files?21:47
unophagna,  ok.. that's not normal.   try this.   sudo find ~ ! -user $USER -exec chown $USER.$USER {} +21:47
Scunizijeroen-: what will you use instead? online stuff like gmail or kmail. ?21:47
ActionParsnipjeroen-: thats all i can reccomend really21:47
Elshardr_willis, Why not just do that? Seems kind of wasteful to have a seperate partition for /home imo ;)21:47
SuzanqCan somebody help me?21:47
jeroen-Scunizi: thunderbird21:47
carandraugkris, can you run "ndiswrapper -v"? If it says something it means it's installed.21:47
DasEiis there a recommendation for a shoutcast player like winap in win ? something like shoutcast in webbrowser (genresearch)21:47
afeijocarandraug: that make me crepy, sound risky :)21:47
jeroen-and sunbird21:47
dr_willisElshar,  putting /home in / isent on a sepreate partition either. I normally keep my /home on its own 500gb hd. :) since i use so much space21:47
arrrghhhElshar, why is that "wasteful"?  some have a different partition for /etc, /usr, everything.21:48
unoparrrghhh, try and remove as many of the modes you aren't likely to use i.e. "800x600@60" and "640x480@60"  (same with Modelines)21:48
dr_willisIm not sure how you use  seperate partition for /etc/21:48
arrrghhhand wiping a system with separate /home's makes it much easier21:48
bobertdosSuzanq: with what?21:48
arrrghhhunop, ok thanks21:48
ScuniziElshar: there are good reasons to have a separate /home partition.. espicially if you have to reinstall because you've been messing with the system experimenting etc.. that way you won't loose your data. dr_willis21:48
dr_williskeeping /home seperate is very handy21:48
IntuitiveNipplehagna: There's a few but I'd think the ~/.gconf/21:48
ElsharWhy would you lose your data otherwise? You'd just mount whatever partition has /home and get the data off the same way, right?21:49
kesihi all: how do I install a new screensaver in ubuntu and can I use one with a .scr extension?21:49
hagnaunop, yeah could be perms issue21:49
SpudDoggDoes anyone know why samba might keep "forgetting" the password?  almost every day i have to ssh to my fileserver machine and 'sudo smbpasswd <user>'21:49
unophagna, i am willing to bet it is a permissions issue.21:50
DistroJockeyafeijo: to change the / partition, you will need to have it not mounted. To do that you will need to use a livecd (with gparted) to resize it, and then maybe move the swap part and then add the /home part (backup first)21:50
ElsharAh well, he left :)21:50
carandraugafeijo, resizing the partitions that much, will not only make the HDD a mess, is also risky. Probably much more risky than doing a backup and later restoring21:50
afeijocool, my /home isnt big, just 543mb21:50
hagnaunop: hm I don't own my bash_history21:50
afeijocarandraug: look, I have first pat 227gb, second part 5.76gb21:50
afeijoI will format second from swap to ext321:51
afeijocp home to that new part21:51
Elshardr_willis, I guess it's a personal preference thing, really. Nothing really wrong with either approach.21:51
afeijotell linux to use that as /home21:51
afeijogood enough?21:51
unophagna, heh - I think this boils down to the fact you are using sudo with GUI apps (which you shouldn't be doing)21:51
afeijothan if I reduce main part 20gb, and add that to /home, no mess to my HD!21:51
unophagna, anyway, how's the latter command progressing?21:51
Spragie`I have a problem with my mouse quiting after using x for a little while, only thing that i have found to fix it is a reboot, has anyone experienced this problem and if so what where some of the remedies (wired optical usb mouse)21:51
hagnaunop: don't know if I want to change the non config stuff21:52
SuzanqI want to suck a big21:52
Suzanq                                21:52
Suzanq                                21:52
Suzanq                                21:52
Suzanq                                21:52
Suzanq                                21:52
FloodBot1Suzanq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:52
unophagna,  why not? they're all your files aren't they?21:52
hagnaunop: yeah true I don't want to break git or something21:52
unophagna, it's not normal to have files that you don't own in your homedir21:52
hagnaunop yeah I agree it's probably from sudo python setup.py21:53
arrrghhhunop, so now ubuntu doesn't even seem to care what's in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.  I don't have any modes listed for 640x480, but it's still in the low-graphics mode using vesa... i don't get it.21:53
ElsharSo has anyone successfully setup firefox to handle ssh urls?21:53
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, ok i have nx installed ... no how do i start/configure?21:53
carandraugafeijo, afeijo I don't know how resizing can work. If your /home it's at the end of the disk, you take 20Gb from / to free space. That space may be in the begining of the disk. WHen you then add it to /home, physically, your /home is a mess21:53
afeijoR_YoYo_R: do you have it on both linux and windows?21:53
unophagna, ok, well, sort out the permissions thing.  and the next time you need to run a GUI app as superuser, use gksudo instead, it sets the environment up properly21:54
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, installed server on linux and client on dows21:54
afeijoR_YoYo_R: try connect to it thru machine name or ip21:54
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, i assume i need to forward a port on my router21:54
arrrghhhElshar, yea, goto about:config and filter on ssl.  enable all the ssl2 stuff.21:54
unoparrrghhh, verify which configuration file is being used -- have a look through the /var/log/Xorg.0.log21:54
afeijoR_YoYo_R: oh yeah21:54
ActionParsniphow can i reminimise firestarter to the system tray without closing it?21:55
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R_YoYo_Rafeijo, what port does it use?21:55
afeijocarandraug: I will try rsync, thanks21:55
* unop &21:55
arrrghhhunop, ah, it's using "/etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe"21:56
monoimoiIntuitiveNipple, :)21:56
Elshararrrghhh, I did that. Now firefox doesn't do anything when I click on ssh urls. It doesn't even apparently launch the script I wrote to parse what firefox sends it.21:56
DasEi ActionParsnip:leftclick mouse > choose whatever21:56
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ElsharAlthough if I run the script from xterm or something it works fine :P21:56
DasEi ActionParsnip:rightclick, sry21:56
afeijoR_YoYo_R: I think is 2221:56
IntuitiveNipplemonoimoi: !! #disk-recovery21:56
arrrghhhElshar, uhm that's strange.  do the about:config, filter ssl and screenshot it.21:56
carandraugafeijo, it's a command line application. It's will be most useful if you have an external drive to where you can backup. Also, I recommend to use it (instead of just copying) when moving /home from one partition to another. And also to do that using a live CD21:57
krisi love u all my ubuntu friends21:57
arrrghhhthere's probably a config file you can pastebin, but i don't know what it is.21:57
hagnaok unop I'm running the chown command21:57
hagnasudo find ~ ! -user $USER -exec chown $USER.$USER {} +21:57
Spragie`linux is the pimp shiznittle21:58
unoparrrghhh, that's probably an indication that there's something wrong with the original xorg.conf file - either way, move the .failsafe out of the way and try reloading X21:58
hagnaunop find: /home/hagna/.gvfs: Permission denied21:58
arrrghhhunop, ok.21:58
carandraugafeijo, use this command "rsync -acvSHx --exclude lost+found /what_you_want_to_backup /where_you _want_to_backup"21:58
unophagna, it will fail on all gvfs directories - that's normal21:58
AlexCCan someone please help me. I am trying to install Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Poweredge SC1430. The first part of the boot where the colored progress slider moves back and forth proceeds, then instead of going to the progress bar that moves from left to right, it goes to an (initramfs) prompt. The file casper.log ends with 'Unable to find a medium containing a live filesystem'. I have re-downloaded and re-recorded (at speed=8) the ubuntu21:59
hagnaunop ok I did it21:59
AlexCI What can I try next?21:59
SlimeyPeteAlexC: first thing to do is try the Alternate CD21:59
IntuitiveNippleAlexC: If it's a server, have you tried using the server installation image?21:59
SlimeyPeteoyu may have a livecd-related problem21:59
AlexCi JUST DID THAT.21:59
SlimeyPetehehe, capslock is an evil key21:59
AlexCCap lock was an accident22:00
unophagna, ok, close all user processes - log out and log back in - cross your fingers and try opening something.22:00
bdbdbdanyone know how to configure SDL for Ubuntu?22:00
hagnaunop: maybe this is a good time to switch to xfce22:00
AlexCServer installation image?22:00
IntuitiveNippleAlexC: I've been dealing with some similar bugs recently, but not seen one for a few months. Have you found a Launchpad bug report that matches it?22:00
AlexCSounds like a plan22:00
SlimeyPeteyeah, there's an ubuntu-server CD too22:00
hagnaunop I did that and I get a grey box in the upper right hand corner22:00
AlexCDo you have reason to believe that will be different22:00
SlimeyPetebasically the same as alternate though, except it installs less stuff by default22:00
hagnaunop well 'll try reboot22:00
SlimeyPetemight be worth a try, at least22:00
VilasBoasHy i need to connect to a pda with windows mobile but my ubuntu doesn't find my pda can anyone help me?22:00
unophagna, ok, well, i have to leave now - i hope it all works out22:01
andril_is there a system back up program?22:01
unopunop &22:01
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, ok i forwarded the port ... and tried to connect and it does attempt to connect but then fails22:01
geodome/j #ubuntu-offtopics22:01
AlexCServer CD OK22:01
bdbdbdIntuitiveNipple: any idea what to do?  even the version you gave me reports SDL_INIT_VIDEO problems22:01
AlexCOK I will try ity22:01
bdbdbdsomeone recommend using it under 'startx' but I have hardy heron -- it think gnome -- running22:01
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, it even authenticates\22:01
melteris help.ubuntu.com ever going to get a search engine?22:01
afeijoR_YoYo_R: what is your NX client config? on Desktop, I have: Unix Gnome22:02
krisanybody : how much of memory should i have on hdd to have ubuntu working properly?22:02
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, thats what I am using ... it comes so close \22:02
crazyboy1108hi bros22:02
argentowhat package do i have to install to have support on kde with gnome apps?22:02
crazyboy1108me have a question too22:02
bobertdoskris: It depends on how much you anticipate needing. I run on 20 gigs of space.22:03
Scuniziargento: if you install any gnome program apt will pull in all the dependancies needed to run it.22:03
compengicrazyboy1108, was that a question? :D22:03
SlimeyPeteargento: there are lots of packages. Apt/synaptic should install them for you if they are necessary (unless you're compiling from source in which case it's best to ask the devlopers/mailing list)22:03
crazyboy1108i want ti install ubuntu on my laptop which already has vista installed22:03
carandraug!gps > carandraug22:03
IntuitiveNipplebdbdbd: It sounds like you've not got the prerequisites that SDL expects. I don't use it so I can't help there22:03
krisbobertdos:  is it enough for you ? i have les and it is not22:03
compengicarandraug, so what stops you from doing that?22:03
afeijoR_YoYo_R: well, I didnt had to do much, my employee installed on ubuntu, I installed on my machine, set those fields, and it connects. I type my password on small window on my Vista, then it open full screen the Ubuntu screen22:03
Spragie`how is vista? i've never used it22:04
bobertdoskris: Well, I store most of my large stuff on my NTFS partitions, so it's enough for me. If you need something larger, I'd say maybe 30-50.22:04
carandraugcompengi, :s eeehhhrr... What do you mean?22:04
crazyboy1108it sucks22:04
afeijoSpragie: similar to XP, with more fluffy stuff. I cant wait to install ubuntu22:04
crazyboy1108anyway i was just wondering22:04
Spragie`yeah figures22:05
Spragie`more eye candy22:05
crazyboy1108i guess my drive is an NTFS format22:05
Spragie`idk what i did but my mouse hasnt failed since my last reboot :D22:05
bobertdosandril_: What kind of backup are you wanting to do?22:05
* Spragie` crosses fingers22:05
Charitwowhy doesn't CTRL # work for switching tabs in firefox like it does in windows22:05
carandraugwhat happened to ubottu? Anyone knows?22:06
compengicarandraug, sorry, i meant crazyboy110822:06
hagnaunop: no dice same problems22:06
wolii still cannot rename my hard drive properly..22:06
hagnaunop: that is gnome doesn't like to launch things22:06
carandraugcompengi, oh, ok. No problem22:06
bobertdoscarandraug: He's not here. ubottu has been a sick bot the past few days :D22:06
andril_bobertos: i need a system save type or quick restore22:06
krisbobertdos:   i will think about 20 like you22:06
VilasBoasHy i have a GPs with Windows mobile but i can't connect to it with my ubuntu 8.0422:06
crazyboy1108hey compengi22:06
compengicrazyboy1108, in any ways ubuntu needs an ext formated hardrive22:06
crazyboy1108yeah i guessed22:06
woliunop: even at boot, ubuntu was checking the hard drives and when it was cheking the main one, it had Hard_Drive as name...22:06
carandraugbobertdos, damn. I need the bot. Is he available somewhere else? I want to take a look at his mind22:07
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jack_distortionhi all22:07
rebel_kidhow can i turn off the screen magnifier without rebooting22:07
crazyboy1108anyone has any idea if there fedora or redhat would install on an NTFS?22:07
bobertdoscarandraug: Hopefully they'll put ubot3 up for a while.22:07
ARCKEDAjack_distortion that is.22:08
DasEicarandraug: see   !brain22:08
jack_distortionhas anyone also problems with tablet/wacdump in intrepid alpha 5 ?22:08
compengicarandraug, if you want to ask the bot something, try /msg ubottu <factoid> but the bot seems not to be here22:08
carandraugDasEi, I would've done that. The problem is that the bot is not around22:08
ARCKEDAjack_distortion: Your in the wrong room.22:08
rebel_kidanyone know how to turn the magnifier off without rebooting22:08
ARCKEDA#ubuntu+1 is where you want to be.22:08
jack_distortionsorry why22:08
jack_distortionwhat is that22:08
KanothHi i need some help installing my Intel graphic driver22:08
compengicrazyboy1108, maybe ask in #fedora?22:09
DasEicarandraug: think i have it somewhere, want a paste ? bot-subbing..22:09
ompauljack_distortion, intrepid is in #ubuntu+1 cos it is the next version channel this is for stable ;-)22:09
jack_distortionah k22:09
ARCKEDAKanoth: Can you not just install it with restricited driver manager?22:09
Daisuke_IdoARCKEDA: the intel drivers shouldn't be restricted anyway22:09
ARCKEDADaisuke_Ido: They aren't?  I just thought so because nivida was.22:09
ScuniziKanoth: how do you know it isn't loaded as default?22:10
bobertdosandril_: You could use partimage to create a drive image. That's one of the best ways to restore the total state of your system.22:10
arrrghhhunop, so it recreates the xorg.conf.failsafe evidently.  this is really getting frustrating, usually the onboard cards are easy easy to setup haha22:10
crazyboy1108thanks compengi22:10
geodomehow do i set ubuntu to auto-mount22:10
Daisuke_Idointel's drivers are open and free22:10
ARCKEDAI see.22:10
stevan_Hello - I'm a newbie to IRC.  I have some Ubuntu questions22:10
kane77ARCKEDA, no, intel needs no restricted drivers22:10
DasEigeodome: by fstab22:10
carandraugDasEi, no need. I've foud his brain on google. http://jussi01.com/web/factoids.cgi22:10
bobertdosstevan_: ask away :D22:10
andril_bobertos: thanks22:10
Kanothya that know that22:10
Spragie`whats a good irc client for linux ?22:11
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: isn't there some X error log /var/log/messages says nothing about this irregular behavior22:11
hagnaSpragie: irssi22:11
stevan_Thank you - I did a clean install of the most recent Ubuntu onto a virgin hard drive.  Everything worked fine except, and it's a big "except" my Ubuntu PC cannot see my Windows PCs and vice versa22:11
Spragie`s'what im using22:12
stevan_Samba is in and running22:12
hagnaSpragie: hehe22:12
DiabloHornhello :)22:12
stevan_And I edited the config  file to set workgroup = to the name of my home network22:12
hagnaSpragie: I keep coming back to it22:12
wereHamsterhow can I list which files git-core has installed?22:12
bobertdosstevan_: What's your workgroup name on the Windows side?22:12
hagnaSpragie: I didn't like pidgin22:12
Spragie`hagna: its good cept for like if you want to list channels on a server or sottin ;]22:12
arrrghhhDaisuke_Ido, well i can't get the intel drivers to load.  keeps going back to vesa.22:12
stevan_HOME - all in caps22:12
DasEiSpragie: pidgin or xchat for starting up22:12
Spragie`i havn't tried pidgin i think i tried xchat and it was just all funked up22:12
stevan_I have multiple windows machines, they can all see each other fine22:13
Spragie`DasEi: starting up w/ linux or ubuntu ?22:13
Spragie`irc or linux * ;x22:13
bobertdosstevan_: By default, Samba is set to MSHOME. So change one of the two sides and restart Samba.22:13
DasEiSpragie: with irc22:13
ScuniziSpragie: there are 2 xchats.. xchat and xchat-gnome.. the first is better than the second.22:13
Spragie`oh irc is simple :D22:13
afeijowhere can I edit to auto mount a part?22:13
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bruenigirssi is better than xchat22:13
DasEitheme for #freenode, huh ?22:14
DiabloHornhello I have saves my iptables script but after adding it in /etc/network/interfaces like https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo tells me, they don't auto-start when I boot my machine22:14
stevan_bobertdos: I did edit smb.conf and it now says workgroup = HOME22:14
DiabloHorndoes anyone know what I am doing wrong22:14
arrrghhhcan someone tell me what is wrong with this xorg.conf?22:15
carandraugafeijo, /etc/fstab22:15
radamMIRCdoes anyone know if there is a more active powerpc ubuntu channel, or does most of that talk just happen here?22:15
bobertdosstevan_: Okay, now in a terminal: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart22:15
Scuniziarrrghhh: where is it?22:15
stevan_bobertdos: and I restarted the Ubuntu machine22:15
compengiradamMIRC, support goes here, offtopic goes in #ubuntu-offtopic22:15
arrrghhhScunizi, http://pastebin.com/d11a3f20322:15
bobertdosstevan_: oh, okay, and still no luck?22:15
radamMIRCcompengi, thx22:15
stevan_bobertdos: correct.22:16
jerndoe_can anyone point to a guide for connecting to another ubuntu folder (lige window share?)22:16
compengiradamMIRC, my pleasure22:16
stevan_bobertdos: the Ubuntu machine CAN see some of the windows machines if I use Firefox and enter the windows machine's IP address22:16
tyberionis there anyone here familiar with script language in bash?!22:17
compengityberion, try to be more specific22:17
llisyswhich vnc client would be more beneficial?22:17
Scuniziarrrghhh: looks ok.. but you might want to change "Configured Video Device" to Intel or something else.. not sure if it will make a difference but if the sys reads that line first it might ignore the remaining bits22:17
Spragietwo xchats ?22:17
smokewonHey does anyone here know how to convert an avi file into a flv file on ubuntu?22:17
bobertdosstevan_: You may want to run the network setup wizard on the windows side to make sure your workgroup is configured correctly. You may also want to be sure that WINS is enabled in smb.conf.22:18
comicinkersmokewon: try avidemux for a nice gui22:18
Kanothwere do i find the xorg.conf file22:18
DasEi jerndoe_: you got two pcs want to connect ?22:18
tyberioncompengi: whats the comparison whether I entered 2 paramters or not, $1 would be first.. $2 would be 2nd.. and now I am trying to get a if [ $2 != null/NIL/0...what is  it???22:18
stevan_bobertdos: forgive my ignorance here but is WINS in my windows machines?  In years of working with Windows/Mac networks I don't remember ever having to tweak that22:19
jerndoe_DasEi: yes22:19
kesiHow do I install new screensavers in HH?22:19
tyberionKanoth: /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:19
jerndoe_DasEi: running xubuntu on my ps3 and want to access files on a laptop ubuntu (eg. hear music one of them thats stored on the other22:20
arrrghhhk brb22:20
SlimeyPetejerndoe_: how well does it run on ps3?22:20
comicinkerhow do I leave out all the status messages in a console irc client?22:20
DasEi jerndoe_: I see, conneted by patch or (better)  switch ?22:20
compengillisys, Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose,  depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the  channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:20
chubs!nfs | jerndoe_22:21
compengichubs, bot is down22:21
DiabloHornnm fix it :) thx22:21
jerndoe_SlimeyPete: well... it runs,  but cant get wireless to work :-(22:21
SlimeyPetejerndoe_: ah22:21
stevan_bobertdos: OOps, I just remembered that smb.conf is samba config in Ubuntu.22:21
SlimeyPetejust wondered. Might buy myself a "new" console once they come down to around the 100-150 mark.22:21
compengicomicinker, that's senseless question. depending on each client22:21
bobertdosstevan_: hahaha22:21
tyberioncompengi: whats comparison "if $2 !=" on parameters?!22:21
jerndoe_SlimeyPete: but its the only way to get my videos on my tv (my laptop has only hdmi)22:22
SlimeyPeteI guess that might be a while yet though22:22
DasEi jerndoe_: I see, conneted by patch or (better)  switch ?22:22
stevan_bobertdos: I opened smb.con and it reads "wins support = no"22:22
SlimeyPetejerndoe_: no hdmi on the TV?22:22
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: could I just copy .gconf from one user to another?22:22
jerndoe_DasEi: switch22:22
jerndoe_DasEi: ordinary LAN22:22
compengityberion, i'm not a bash scripter. i meant to post a more specific question of what's your problem to the channel so someone could help22:22
bobertdosstevan_: enable that, and also, check your workgroup again :)22:22
jerndoe_SlimeyPete: not yet....22:23
SlimeyPeteah :)22:23
DasEi jerndoe_: you now the ip's of the pc's ?22:23
IntuitiveNipplehagna: you could try if you're copying the primary user to the new fresh one as a test, but I wouldn't recommend copying over the primary user's gconf !!22:23
jerndoe_DasEi: yes22:23
llisyscould i have some help using evolution please :)22:23
stevan_bobertdos: what about wins server and wins proxy?22:23
hse-hoensI have an md array set up to be my /home partition, but whenever I boot to ubuntu the partition is not mounted, even though it has a line in the mtab file, does anyone know why this would happen?22:23
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: hmm lets see I could diff everything22:23
bobertdosstevan_: yeah, just for good measure, I suppose22:23
compengillisys, the best way to do this is to ask in #gnome channel. because it's a gnome project22:24
chubshse-hoens, mtab only lists mounted files22:24
CharitwoOK, something is amiss. Ubuntu asked me to upgrade FireFox to 3.0.2 today and when the upgrade was finished, it fails to load pages and gives me this error: http://prishels.net/firefoxerror.png22:25
hse-hoensmean fstab, sry22:25
chubshse-hoens, did you include the automount switch?22:25
jerndoe_DasEi: saw somebody mention nfs.. I'm new to ubuntu, so I need some elaboration22:25
hse-hoenslet me check, it's in the other room atm22:25
KanothI downloaded xf86-video-intel-2.4.2.tar.gz from http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/22:25
Kanothhow do i go about installing it22:26
ocu42qualcuno riesce a far funzionare report builder in opnoffice  2.3 ... grazie22:26
Tarantulafudgeis there a way to install kubuntu-desktop without destroying the bootloader and gdm?22:26
compengiKanoth, isn't there a guide on that page?22:26
MusicIsEverythinHey guys...  Ive been running hardy for a week, but need some help with my video card.22:26
DasEi jerndoe_: places > network> add networkfolder22:26
MusicIsEverythinI have video out on the card, but the resolution on the TV sucks...  What can I do to fix it?22:27
vallhalla82can any one suggest a good p2p file sharing program22:27
Charitwoany ideas?22:27
Tarantulafudgevallhalla82: azureus ?22:27
stevan_bobertdos: I made the edit, confirmed it by reopening the smb.cfg file, and then entered "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" to restart Samba.  That produced messages in Terminal saying "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" then "start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 5089: No such process" and then "* Starting Samba daemons "  All as they should be?22:27
compengivallhalla82, a text mode or gui?22:27
arrrghhhstill no workie.  funny is, the failsafe xorg file is set to 800x600 under modes, but it always goes to 640x480.22:28
EatShroomsvallhalla82: torrents are better I think22:28
vallhalla82Tarantulafudge: i will look it up thank you22:28
EatShroomsvallhalla82: get on a private tracker22:28
jerndoe_DasEI: I cant see "add network folder"22:28
compengivallhalla82, a good one could be rtorrent22:28
vallhalla82EatShrooms: where can i find out about thoes?22:28
bruenigrtorrent is the best for sure22:28
arrrghhhso can someone look at this xorg.conf?  ubuntu refuses to use it.  http://pastebin.com/d1e40add922:28
=== VilasBoas is now known as ttt
EatShroomsvallhalla82: google maybe. I was on a private tracker called what.cd, it's pretty much for only music though. Very quality tracker if you get in22:29
MusicIsEverythinanyone have experience with TV out and Ubuntu?22:29
krisanybody: do i need any anty vir program on ubuntu ?22:29
DasEi jerndoe_: ok, so on the station that should serv, install: nfs-common nfs-kernel-server portmap22:30
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, you still her22:30
arrrghhh!antiviurs | kris22:30
arrrghhh!antivirus | kris22:30
DasEibot is down22:30
R_YoYo_Rafeijo, i got it to work .... so much better than vnc dude!!!22:30
arrrghhhor not.  kris, no you don't need antivirus.22:30
EatShroomskris: ubuntu is pretty secure as it is22:31
arrrghhhR_YoYo_R, yea, lots faster.  way more efficient on bandwidth too.22:31
krisarrrghhh:  ok thx22:31
EatShroomskris: it's not like windows ;)22:31
afallenhopekris, you can use clamav22:31
krisEatShrooms:  i know  :)22:31
TarantulafudgeEatShrooms: is what.cd invite based?22:31
krisafallenhope:  should I ?22:31
R_YoYo_Rarrrghhh, im suprised this is the first i have heard of it .... its like im not even remoted in22:31
krisafallenhope:  what is it?22:31
ocu42qualcuno riesce a far funzionare report builder in opnoffice  2.3 ... grazie22:31
afallenhopekris, sudo apt-get install clamav clamtk22:31
krisafallenhope:  ok22:31
Kanothany one with experiance with intel and linux PM me22:31
arrrghhhkris, but only really if you're sharing files/mailserver (if the machine is interacting with windows machines)22:31
DasEikris: on hardy no prob to install antivir ,but DO NOT install dazuko (hardy has kernel modul for that and others)22:32
krisarrrghhh:  internet also?22:32
jerndoe_DasEi: I should install this on the one with the files i want to reach? (the laptop is where the files is, the ps3 is the "client" where I want to acces the files)22:32
afallenhopekris, it's simply an antivirus. I use it.. however, I have a file server and mail server. Soo.. that's one main reason as to why I use it. Linux only has to worry about rootkits that's pretty much it.22:32
EatShroomsTarantulafudge: yes unforunately. They make you wait in their irc channels for a while until you get invited22:32
geodomehi. what is the options used for mounting a fat32 in /etc/fstab such that any user can read/write it?22:32
afallenhopekris, and you don't even have to worry about that if you don't download a lot of stuff.22:32
krisafallenhope:  i think i dont need it then22:32
compengiKanoth, the best support you could get is in this channel. no one would pm because all here could learn from others issues22:32
krisafallenhope:  ok22:33
afallenhopekris, then you're fine. just know what you're installing/compilling.22:33
krisafallenhope:  not allways know u know22:33
jerndoe_DasEi: hey.. I see what you mean.... install on the server...done22:33
arrrghhhkris, by default there's no open ports in ubuntu.  unless you're running a server, you don't need a firewall.  i recommend firestarter if you want to configure incoming ports.22:33
DasEi jerndoe_: on the lap them, if you want to access it from the playst.22:33
opt1khow do i close my vnc ports?22:33
compengiKanoth, and as i said lately you should check the website from where you downloaded your driver from to how to install it22:33
llisysis an equivelent of PuTTY built into ubuntu?22:33
hse-hoenschubs: it has the same mount options as my / option22:34
DasEi jerndoe_: 3 packets installed ?22:34
opt1kactually, how do i close ports in general?22:34
bruenigilb_25: ssh22:34
bruenigllisys: ssh22:34
compengillisys, you don't need putty over linux22:34
krisarrrghhh:  or anybody: is gadu port secure? polish verion of program is insecure but i use pidgin to that protocol.22:34
compengillisys, it's build in, you just type commands like "ssh ip" or "telnet ip" etc,,22:34
stevan_bobertdos: I made the edit, confirmed it by reopening the smb.cfg file, and then entered "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" to restart Samba.  That produced messages in Terminal saying "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart" then "start-stop-daemon: warning: failed to kill 5089: No such process" and then "* Starting Samba daemons "  All as they should be?22:34
jerndoe_DasEi: yes, says already newest installed22:34
bruenigit isn't built in, you have to install ssh or telnet22:34
arrrghhhopt1k, use firestarter for a gui firewall config.  by default no incoming ports are open.22:34
chubshse-hoens, not sure then22:35
opt1karrrghhh ty22:35
hse-hoensi'll add auto, it can't hurt i gues22:35
ActionParsniphey all22:35
=== _Lucretia__ is now known as _Lucretia_
DasEi jerndoe_: on the client (playst), install : nfs-common portmap22:35
serg_Hello all people !!22:35
compengibruenig, how come i got them22:35
krisok ok ok22:35
ActionParsniphow can i add a srvice to the default runlevel22:35
arrrghhhunop, so i don't know what to do at this point.  http://pastebin.com/d1e40add9 is my current xorg.conf, but it's still loading a xorg.conf.failsafe.22:35
serg_Ubuntu is only OS !22:35
bruenigcompengi: because you installed them22:35
ActionParsnipive seen rc-update22:35
chubsserg_, there are a few others22:35
krisserg_: i agree with u :)22:35
compengibruenig, surely not ;)22:35
ActionParsnipbut i cant seem to get the right syntax22:35
bruenigI assure you they are not built into the kernel22:35
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:35
serg_chubs, dunno which are ...22:36
llisysthank you22:36
compengibruenig, ubuntu starts to ship them22:36
serg_krim_, Russian Federation use only Ubuntu and Mandriva22:36
xim_can someone remind me the scandisk equivalent for linux?22:36
bruenigubuntu installed them by default, however, it is not built in to linux by any means22:36
arrrghhhxim_, fsck22:36
xim_arrrghhh: right thx22:36
hagnaIntuitiveNipple so I started to kill processes and after killing gnome-settings-daemon and esd -nobeeps gnome started responding22:37
IntuitiveNipplehagna: that seems to confirm the settings issue... is the main profile working now?22:37
krisanybody: firefox is closing its window. why is it so? i have new verion of it22:37
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: yeah it is working, even after I reboot22:37
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: urgh I wanted to dup the bug22:38
compengikris, define "closing it's window"22:38
* serg_ have troubles with GDM: fonts in the password/user prompt is too huge and some other fonts are not sanely big =(22:38
kriscompengi:  it ends22:39
xim_is there a command to see what device is connected to a given mount point?22:39
DasEi jerndoe_: installed the two ? give me ip's of play and lappy22:39
hagnaxim_: mount22:39
kriscompengi: it stops suddenly22:39
KrimZonkris: what exactly is happening? what happens before it closes?22:39
compengikris, under what circumstances22:39
HexusIve been trying for a couple of days to get a old ISA sound card working on ubuntu.22:39
=== Efrem is now known as eef
DasEiHexus: which one ?22:40
krisKrimZon:  compengi: no circumtances particular i just go on a web and it ends......22:40
IntuitiveNipplehagna: temporary glitch then, fortunately :)22:40
compengikris, any specific website22:40
jerndoe_DasEi: yes, lap= ps3=
kriscompengi:  should I put link here ?22:40
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: nope same problem22:40
kriscompengi:  ???????22:41
compengikris, depending on what kind of link :D22:41
Hexusdasei: I tried lspci and it said it was VT82c6822:41
kriscompengi:  try it www.nasza-klasa.pl22:41
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: I mean I clicked System > aboutme and it behaves the same22:41
compengikris, loads nicely22:41
hagnaI thought it was gone because I was able to laucnh terminal22:41
compengikris, do you have flash plugin loaded?22:42
kriscompengi:  so? what is problem about? firefox? the earlier verion worked fine22:42
kriscompengi: i dont remember now22:42
DasEiHexus: alright, little busy right now, but that should work...brb22:42
hagnaIntuitiveNipple: hey! It's esd22:42
compengikris, try to start it from terminal and see what it would end up with22:42
[Solars]how much room should I 'save' for ubunto on a new install22:42
hagnaesd is hanging gnome22:42
Hexusso ive been trying to use the snd-vi82xx driver with ALSA modules22:42
kriscompengi: ok22:42
[Solars]I have a ~1G sata22:42
kriscompengi:  what is the command?22:42
compengi[Solars], you mean hard space?22:42
[Solars]compengi yes22:43
compengikris, in terminal>firefox22:43
compengi[Solars], minimal 2G22:43
[Solars]compengi how much does an avg user use?22:43
[Solars]or the avg install22:43
xim_ive got this one folder on an ntfs partition and when i try to open it in the browser it crashes, what could cause that, how can i fix it?  it's just full of videos22:43
compengi[Solars], depending on the user's needs :D22:43
[Solars]basically I am setting up my raid partitions of 4 - sata drives .. I have the option to devide the raid over the 4 drives into 2 raids over the 4 drives22:44
xim_and it only happens in the 'view as icon mode'22:44
DasEi jerndoe_: sudo gedit /etc/exports         (on the laptop)22:44
kriscompengi:  it works fine i had the same problem with xmms22:44
kriscompengi:  what is the difference?22:44
jerndoe_DasEi: just for the record, the ps3 runs Xubuntu and there no "places" menu so I can't find the network folder22:45
kriscompengi:  why should i start from termina?22:45
compengikris, there is no difference between the both. both start the same binary file22:45
[Solars]and i know with raids .. its a pita to change setups22:45
DasEi jerndoe_:is this file new (empty) or saying anything ?22:45
arrrghhhkris, so you can see the output22:45
arrrghhhdiagnose any problems22:45
compengikris, as arrrghhh said22:45
krisso there is diference22:45
krisok thx22:45
lucaxhow do i remove not needed packages or packages that are just wasting hd space?22:46
arrrghhhkris, it's essentially the same, but if you just run it there's no terminal to see the output from the run :P22:46
bruenigapt-get remove gnome22:46
jerndoe_DasEi: done22:46
compengikris, no difference in starting the application. only that if it crashes you can get an output22:46
DasEi jerndoe_:is this file new (empty) or saying anything ?22:47
jerndoe_DasEi: its there, theres some sample info in it22:47
arrrghhhsooooo i need some xorg help.  it won't load the intel driver, it keeps going to the failsafe xorg.conf, which lists the only mode as 800x600 but it's actually loading 640x480 using vesa22:47
roukounkris: terminal is more powerfull and flexible than any GUI !!!22:47
krisroukoun:  i can imagine that22:48
krisroukoun:  only imagine22:48
compengiroukoun, powerful? what's that22:48
ortsvorsteher try displayconfig-gtk arrrghhh22:48
kriscompengi: arrrghhh: but there is no error it just runs wheni start from terminal22:48
vakhi all22:48
DasEi jerndoe_:so all lines (#) commneted, good...  you now must specify a folder one the laptop to be shared, f.e. :22:49
roukounkris: try reading a tutorial to start learn about the basic commands and you'll see that everything is going to be easier22:49
DasEi jerndoe_:/home/<urUsername>/Desktop/share22:49
krisroukoun:  what kind of tutorial exactly ?22:49
* vak hits CTRL-C in console but it doesn't work!! any hints?..22:49
compengikris, then it should work nicely in the other way22:49
damaranzighi, how do i get the latest gtk+ by doing apt-get install?]22:49
roukountry linuxcommand.org22:49
SlimeyPetevak: ps and kill -9?22:49
DasEi jerndoe_:is there already a folder u want to use ?22:49
jerndoe_DasEi: yes22:50
kriscompengi:  i dont know but it does not start properly from gui22:50
vakCTRL-C doesn't work in single user mode?...22:50
DasEi jerndoe_:where ?22:50
SlimeyPetebe aware that kill -9 will exit processes in a "dirty" fashion though22:50
krisroukoun:  ok22:50
serg_vak, the program you send HUP signal doesn't react on it.22:50
compengikris, if you start only firefox without any specific website, would it work?22:50
krisroukoun:  but gui is nice dont you think so? and i can not imagine gimp in text mode ;-)22:50
jerndoe_DasEI: i can figure that part but what about the tings afterwards (gss/krb5i(rw,sync from the samples)22:50
roukouncompengi: powerful means powerful...  what do you want to say?22:51
vakSlimeyPete: ps? :) i just tried ping to see if the system has network and ping doesn't stop! it works and works!!22:51
kriscompengi: yes it works then22:51
ben_I downloaded poweriso so that i can convert my xp installation file from daa to iso but poweriso is right now an exe and my wine wont run it22:51
^Phantom^is it safe to mess with brainwaves?22:51
kris^Phantom^:  :)22:51
compengikris, try cleaning up your cache, offline pages etc..22:51
vakserg_, and what would be your advice?22:51
kriscompengi: where to do that?22:51
xim_anyone know what would cause nautilus to crash in a particular directory on an NTFS files system when viewing in icon mode?22:51
compengikris, in preferences22:51
damaranzigdoes this: libgtk2.0-dev contain "all" the files?22:51
vakSlimeyPete: i can't input anything22:52
kriscompengi:  ok22:52
NullNameWith ubuntu running vsftpd, is it true that users outside the LAN will get faster dw/up speeds than with running ssh as a server??22:52
SlimeyPetevak: I'm unsure of your experience so apologies if this is teaching you to suck eggs: ps -aux will list all processes with PIDs, then you do "kill -9 <pid>" (e.g. "kill -9 4588") to force a process to exit22:52
jerndoe_DasEi: arhh well I couldn't hmm, the folder i want to share is: /home/zaphod/Music22:52
ben_does anyone know how to get poweriso working?  i have it as an exe but it wont run in wine22:52
[Solars]basicalyl i have 1498.4GB is my max raid size, and i am trying to determine if I just want to use one 350GB drive for ubunto and just use the other 3 drives as winblows or not22:52
vakSlimeyPete: and my box doesn't seems to accept SSH connections in the phase where it susspended because of bloody disk check...22:52
SlimeyPetethat'll cause problems ;)22:53
DasEioo, alright : /path/to/share      iplap(rw,async)   ipps(rw,async)22:53
^Phantom^just use vbox for winblows expeed22:53
snovanow that i've finally got myself upgraded (almost) to hardy, am i going to have to do all this again for intrepid?22:53
roukounkris: of course not...! but linux is in the CLI... you will explore it as the time passes and you start to ask more from your system....22:53
vakSlimeyPete: no problem I indeed know these basics, the problem is that there is NO way to input anything...22:53
compengiben_, try reading some more info in WineHQ22:53
SlimeyPetewhy *does* ubuntu still enforce the fsck check by default?? As far as I'm aware it's not necessary with ext3, at leastto nowhere near the extent that it was with ext2.22:53
ben_i will but i dont think that will help with the running of the exe22:54
snovaSlimeyPete: there are certain things that need to be done periodically on ext2 based partitions that fsck does.22:54
damaranzigis there such a thing as apt-get update ??? pls. help22:54
compengiSlimeyPete, after the disk was mounted for many times it should be checked22:54
SlimeyPetesnova: ubuntu uses ext3 by default, though22:54
DasEi jerndoe_:  /home/zaphod/Music ps3(rw,async),async)22:54
jerndoe_DasEi: shouldn't I enter something for srv? like ip or hostname (/srv/nfs4/homes from the sample)22:54
snovaSlimeyPete: ext3 is just ext2 with journaling on top22:54
Schuenemannhey, how is the support for the ATI M72 graphic card?22:54
roukoundamaranzig: can you explain it better?22:55
Hexusman theres alot of people in here22:55
mitchell_stylehi all need some help here22:55
DasEi jerndoe_:  the last line I gave you gives you full acces  (rw) on both machines22:55
SlimeyPetesnova: yeah I know, but I'm under the impression that the journalling should prevent most filesystem corruption; surely it'd be best to just do fsck on request rather than automatically.22:55
roukoundamaranzig: i didnt really understand!22:55
compengidamaranzig, there is but it updates all the source list and check from whole system updates if there are any22:55
SlimeyPeteI could easily be wrong though - I don't know all that much about filesystems22:55
DasEi jerndoe_:  add this to the export22:56
snovaSlimeyPete: journaling doesn't prevent anything, it just helps make consistency checks go faster, because you have a log of the most recent operations22:56
mitchell_stylehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/50274/    <---- getting an error not sure what to do22:56
jerndoe_DasEi: added exactly as you wrote...22:56
SlimeyPetesnova: fair enough22:56
danbhfivemitchell_style: try sudo apt-get clean and try again, see if that works22:56
snovamitchell_style: the error probably occured earlier. look farther up the output22:57
DasEi jerndoe_:  save n close the file22:57
jerndoe_DasEI: done22:57
mitchell_stylethanks danbhfive and snova you guys rock22:57
krisroukoun:  what is CLI ? i am interested.22:58
DasEi jerndoe_:  on the ps, :sudo gedit /etc/hosts22:58
damaranzigcompengi / roukoun : thanks i got it already...i did a "apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev not knowing there is libgtk2.8-dev so after i install libgtk2.0-dev all i have to do is do "apt-get update libgtk2.0-dev...right???22:58
snovaquick question about repositories- after i get my system completely upgraded to hardy, will there be a lot more to download when i enable the intreped repos?22:58
roukoundamaranzig: sudo apt-get update ...22:59
danbhfivesnova: dont enable the intrepid repos22:59
roukounkris: Command Line Interface22:59
snovadanbhfive: why? too unstable?22:59
=== funkyHat|off is now known as funkyHat
danbhfivesnova: correct.  update-manager will tell you when it is ready22:59
snovadanbhfive: i don't intend to yet, but i want to know if there's going to be a lot to download22:59
compengidamaranzig, there is no such thing. if you have already that package installed and if ubuntu have released any updates which to check them you can do only through sudo apt-get update, and if that package was updated then it would list to update22:59
DasEi jerndoe_: in the host-file, gotta add : <ip>  <computername> <computername.domain.tld>    of laptop,so...22:59
snovadanbhfive: i still have hundreds of megabytes left to be fully upgraded to hardy, and don't want to do it again.23:00
jerndoe_DasEi: done adding to hosts file23:00
danbhfivesnova: yeah, there will be allot to download.   Most just download the cd23:00
FuriousGeorgehey all23:00
krisroukoun:  is it terminal or something more ?23:00
roukoundamaranzig: if you want to upgrade too you have to give: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:00
DasEi jerndoe_: eeerm, that was an example... fill with the correct values...23:00
FuriousGeorgei got a ps2->usb adapter that doesnt work with kubuntu, but does work with other linux...  how can i tell what kernel module its using?23:01
jerndoe_DasEi: I did :-)23:01
FuriousGeorgei guess i should ask in the channel of the distro where its working23:01
damaranzigroukoun / compengi: thanks23:01
snovadanbhfive: i was hoping the repos weren't very different from each other, except for the range of versions they include23:01
compengidamaranzig, no problem23:01
roukounkris: it is the Interface for the Command line... it's a synonym for the console23:01
DasEi jerndoe_:saf n close ps'es hosts23:01
snovadanbhfive: like hardy would have 1-5, and intrepid would have 5-1023:01
krisroukoun:  ok23:01
jerndoe_DasEi: don't know much ubuntu/linux but I know my way around window/networking23:01
Xcercawhat is the absolute location of commands for programs like instead of rhythmbox /~/~/rhthmbox   ,  what is that ?23:01
roukounkris: CLI(Command Line Interface) = Terminal = Console23:02
danbhfivesnova: well, thats true, but the way you get those new versions is to just re download the software23:02
jerndoe_DasEi: done23:02
krisroukoun:  installing system in just only text mode is not sensible now i think?23:02
DasEi jerndoe_:on the laptop : sudo exportfs -ra23:02
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, i used that gtk config utility you suggested, and it always goes back to vesa and 640x480.  i just switched the card driver and it switched back to vesa when i restarted X23:03
snovadanbhfive: i was hoping that if i was completely upgraded to hardy, then intrepid would just be like the next step, and i could switch to those repos after it's stablized without much difference.23:03
xim_anyone know what would cause nautilus to crash in a particular directory on an NTFS files system when viewing in icon mode?23:03
roukounkris: i didnt understand... can you explain what you mean?23:03
ortsvorsteherarrrghhh: is it a foreign driver which you use for grafic card?23:03
DasEi jerndoe_:on the ps : cd media23:04
jerndoe_DasEi: done so23:04
krisroukound: you can just install system in text mode right?23:04
roukounkris: of course23:04
krisroukoun:  only text23:04
* vak hits CTRL-C or CTRL-Z in serial console but it doesn't work!! any hints?..23:04
DasEi jerndoe_:on the ps : mkdir /sharelap23:04
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, not sure what you mean, it's an intel onboard card.23:04
krisroukoun:  does have it any sense (nowadays) ?23:04
damaranzigroukoun: now i need libglade...what's the latest version ???23:04
roukounkris: of course yes23:05
jerndoe_DasEi: done mkdir23:05
DasEi*sudo ?23:05
ortsvorsteherarrrghhh: which driver is shown in /etc/X11/xorg.conf?23:05
arrrghhh Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)23:05
kwyjiboanyone have experience running openvpn, to get it to run on bootup?23:05
roukoundamaranzig: try apt-cache search libglade23:05
jerndoe_DasEi: used sudo to create folder23:05
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, i810, but it uses xorg.conf.failsafe23:05
DavidCanariasHelp please?? When I try to connect to my hotmail a/c I am told I need to download updated Mozilla Firefox. Can't I do this thru the terminal instead of downloading a tar file which I don't know what to do with? Thanks23:05
damaranzigroukoun: will do...thanks23:06
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  what version of firefox are you using? what release of ubuntu are you using?23:06
ortsvorsteherarrrghhh: i am not sure how to explain how you can look your driver is activated cause i have only ubuntu in german language23:06
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, well xorg.conf is configured to use the i810 driver.  however, if ubuntu doesn't like the default xorg.conf it loads xorg.conf.failsafe.23:07
roukounkris: you can install a linux from scratch compiling everything including Kernel and so on, all done from a terminal.... to bring up a system of your own...23:07
compengiXcerca, you mean where the binary file is located?23:07
roukounkris: actually to accomplish that CLI it's the only way23:07
DasEijerndoe_: (ps)   sudo mount  /media/sharelap23:08
ortsvorsteherarrrghhh: true. did you reboot after installing the driver?23:08
Xcercacompengi yea23:08
krisroukoun:  sounds interesting23:08
compengiXcerca, /usr/bin23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grafic23:08
DavidCanariasdr_willis: I'm using Ubuntu Hardy and Firefox web browser (how can I confirm which version?) I thought this updated on its own23:08
roukounkris: linuxfromscratch.com can give you all the informations needed to do it!23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about card23:08
krisroukoun:  but i think to difficult for me right now23:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about driver23:08
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  Ive not had any issues with firefox3 in hotmail.. let me check right now23:08
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, yes when i reboot that's when it uses the failsafe file.23:09
DasEijerndoe_: any error from last cmd ?23:09
DavidCanariasdr_willis: I appreciate your help, thanks23:09
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: I'm suspicious of that message tbh. Ubuntu includes FF3.0 with security patches.23:09
krisroukoun:  not now23:09
krisroukoun:  i am beginner23:09
SlimeyPeteIt may be MS cocking things up23:09
ortsvorstehermay you try do reinstall the driver for new arrrghhh but i have no idea what exactly can be at your system23:10
jerndoe_DasEi: yes, just checking if i wrote something wrong23:10
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  i cant even rember my hotmail password... doh!23:10
arrrghhhortsvorsteher, k thanks23:10
roukounkris: with linux you will never stop reading23:10
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: in fact I'm sure. The ubuntu Hardy FF, assuming you have applied automatic updates from apt, is the latest23:10
krisroukoun:  i love reading23:10
krisroukoun:  :)23:10
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: if you go to Help -> About in FF it tells you the version at the bottom23:10
DavidCanariasdr_willis: oh dear???? Can I not go into terminal and put in something about update firefox???23:10
arrrghhhunop, not sure what is left to try at this point.  any way to just start back from square one in respect to all video driver stuff?23:10
argentohow do i install extra themes for gnome?23:10
roukounkris: just start with the basics (terminal) and then find something you are interesting in and go on.......23:11
DasEijerndoe_: last cmd was on the ps >see brackets in front,not part of cmd!23:11
damaranzigroukoun: i have an error that says: "bz2 library (bz2 compression) not found" how do i get this? pls. help :)23:11
DasEijerndoe_:   sudo mount  /media/sharelap23:11
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: That is exactly what I thought and its why I don't understand whats happening23:11
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  firefox 3.0.1 is working here fine with hotmail.. let me check other machine23:11
krisroukoun:  there is no interesting things in GUI?23:11
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: I think hotmail is reading the useragent incorrectly or something23:11
krisroukoun:  i like text mode but... gui also needed23:11
jerndoe_DasEi: permission denied23:11
DavidCanariasdr_willis: thks23:12
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: or else perhaps it hasn't been taught that 3.0.2 is the latest version23:12
D4ntinolist it23:12
KDB9000need some help, trying to boot a live CD onto an HP Pavilion tx 2000 (Tablet). it starts to boot then ejects the CD and acts like you restart the live CD. Any thoughts?23:12
compengiargento, you download a specific theme for gnome, unpack it then you just add the folder and gnome would read it's theme contents then you switch to iy23:12
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: I just don't know. I'd like to find a solution with a bit of help23:12
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  firefox 3.0.1 is working here fine with hotmail under linux and windows.23:12
roukoundamaranzig: what's the output of the "which bzip2" command?23:12
KaseasHi, I cannot connect to my wireless network, no matter what I try.23:12
KaseasI have used b43fwcutter23:12
DavidCanariasdr_willis: so what's happened with mine??? Can you suggest anything I can do?23:13
KaseasAnd it appears as if I cannot connect to anything23:13
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: well as it's definitely up-to-date in ubuntu I would suggest that you have to ask MS/an MS forum for help; Ubuntu/FF is not at fault as far as I can see23:13
Kaseaseven if I broadcast my SSID23:13
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  not really - i avoide hotmail. I see my account has 400+ spam messages it missed... i rember why i never check it..23:13
DavidCanariasShal I try deleting and reinstalling??23:13
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  try a useragent tool to set the agent, or opera browser23:13
roukounkris: you will get "addicted" to the console when you can use its power23:13
SlimeyPeteI guess MS have no particular interest in rushing to make hotmail work withthe latest FF. It's not in their nature.23:13
snovado the kde4 applications clash with the kde3 ones? like if i install kwrite-kde4, is this going to want to replace the kde3 version? or is it named differently?23:13
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  thats 'windows' thinking.. remoive/reinstalling stuff RARELY fixes things under linux23:13
DavidCanariasdr_willis: I tried with Konqueror and had the same problem23:14
KaseasCan anyone help?23:14
krisroukoun:  i hope so23:14
DasEijerndoe_:   (lap)  sudo gedit /etc/exports23:14
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  - sounding like a deeper/more convuluted issue. not a browser specific issue.23:14
damaranzigroukoun: when i do a "scons" on my dcpp tar ball i get the "bz2 library (bz2 compression) not found" s i figger i need the package...i dn't know the package name :(23:14
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: dr_willis: Can I try updating on terminal??23:14
kwyjiboanyone have experience getting openvpn to run on bootup?23:14
roukounkris: you cant accomplish everything with gui23:14
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: nothing's wrong with your FF. I'm sure mine is working fine and I still see the message.23:14
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  i would try the Operabrowser23:14
SlimeyPetebut I run FF 3.0.2, as do you I suspect, unlike dr_willis23:14
KaseasCan someone help me, please?23:14
jerndoe_DasEi: mistyped path, now no erros occured23:14
krisroukoun:  i know it23:14
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and thats as up to date as it gets23:14
SlimeyPeteso I suspect it is a useragent issue. The useragent changed in the latest update.23:14
krisroukoun:  my strategy is so... i run gui23:15
jerndoe_DasEI: I see my music :-)23:15
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: updating won't make any difference. you already have the latest version.23:15
DasEijerndoe_:   (ps) c..23:15
krisroukoun:  when i have problem i run terminal23:15
krisroukoun:  but without understanding sometimes23:15
DasEijerndoe_:   aahh, can you hear it, also ?23:15
DavidCanariasThen I am completely at a loss as to whats going on23:15
Kaseashelp? please?23:15
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: though for the record, "sudo apt-get update firefox" will do the update if a newer version is available23:15
roukoundamaranzig: give the command: "which bzip2" and tell what's the output....23:16
KaseasI cannot connect to any wireless networks, despite having followed all the guides I could off google...23:16
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: basically the hotmail devs haven't reacted fast enough to the latest FF update23:16
jerndoe_DasEi: well now I get a codec error...23:16
burlaphola... anyone have experience with Sun xVM VirtualBox on Hardy?23:16
damaranzigroukoun: will do23:16
jerndoe_DasEi: its mp323:16
SlimeyPetethe site is checking the versions and is presumably expecting <= 3.0.123:16
snovaburlap: i use it.23:16
mEck0hi! is there any serious webshop where you can buy games (legal!) and whom delivers to european countries?23:16
SlimeyPetewe have 3.0.2, so it thinks we have an unsupported version23:16
roukounkris: so you have to read about everything you dont understand.. that's the only solution23:16
denacan someone help me configure my xorg.conf. nvidia-xconfig hoses it every time I try to use it. Gives me some stupid type 1 error23:16
mEck0oops, wrong channel23:16
DasEijerndoe_:   (ps) :  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras amarok23:17
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: Thats fine, but I cant access my hotmail account23:17
DasEijerndoe_:   (ps) :  sudo apt-get install vlc23:17
burlapi'm trying to install XP SP3 into it... i have an Aopen mobo with 64 bit Athlon23:17
dr_willisDavidCanarias,  go get a firefox useragent extension. and make it identify as a different browser23:17
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: hrm. Odd. I can access mine albeit with the old interface. However, mine is a very old account.23:17
DasEijerndoe_:   (ps) :  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade23:17
burlapi mount the iso, the img for the floppy and get to formatting the install and it hangs23:17
krisroukon: i have looked at the system there is so much of knowledge there is no possibility to get know it all23:17
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: did you click "continue to Windows Live hotmail"?23:17
DasEijerndoe_:   (ps) :  sudo gedit fstab23:17
SlimeyPeteit works for me.23:17
damaranzigroukoun: /bin/bzip223:18
jerndoe_DasEI: installing....23:18
damaranzigroukoun: here's the prob..."Checking for C library bz2... no"      "bz2 library (bz2 compression) not found"23:18
slideAre there any 'server monitoring' suites/programs in the ubuntu repo? Apache started using 100% CPU and my host had to get involved in my VPN i'd like to know be notified or things like that23:18
stickboyhow do i find out my hardware?23:18
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: No i clicked on the Linux option not windows23:19
geniistickboy: sudo lshw | more23:19
nxnnHi, I am newish to Ubuntu and was wondering if anyone was willing to answer a couple of questions about mysql and file sharing between mac osx and ubuntu. I am running Ubuntu on my macbook with parallels desktop23:19
javiergAnyone know why I am getting a "Can't guess meta-package" "Your system does not contain a ubuntu desktop"23:19
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: hrm, hang on23:20
DavidCanariasdr_willis: how do I get a firefox useragent extension?????23:20
roukoundamaranzig: "sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev" and then try again23:20
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: it says "download new browsers blah blah..." and then at the bottom there's a link to "continue to Windows Live hotmail"23:20
compengiSlimeyPete, there are some of monitory applications that are used in ubuntu servers check this link out http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs23:20
SlimeyPeteI clicked that and it worked, albeit with the old interface23:20
damaranzigroukoun: will do...thx! :)23:21
SchuenemannDavidCanarias, in firefox's web site, of course23:21
SlimeyPetecompengi: erm, did you mean to address that to me?23:21
DavidCanariasSlimeyPete: Eureka you have hit the nail on the head. A million thanks to you!!!!23:21
compengiSlimeyPete, no not you. sorry :D23:21
javiergAnyone know why I am getting a "Can't guess meta-package" "Your system does not contain a ubuntu desktop"23:21
SlimeyPeteDavidCanarias: np :)23:21
SlimeyPetecompengi: :)23:21
DavidCanariasdr_willis: many thanks to you too!!!!23:21
compengiSlide, there are some of monitory applications that are used in ubuntu servers check this link out http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/techspecs23:21
DasEijerndoe_: done and fstab open?23:22
jerndoe_DasEi: nope, ps3 not that fast with linux.....23:22
davidroderickwhat do you do if you have an input output problem on a directory?23:22
nxnnanyone wanna help me?23:22
jerndoe_DasEi: atleast not out the box23:23
compenginxnn, i don't see a question :D23:23
nxnnsorry, ok ill repost it23:23
damaranzigroukoun: the prob's not over yet : Checking for C library crypto... no"        crypto library not found"      "Note: This library may be a part of libssl on your system"23:23
DasEijerndoe_: ok, roger when ready then ,its just one more step for automount23:23
DasEiHexus:  ?23:23
nxnn(05:19:24 PM) nxnn: Hi, I am newish to Ubuntu and was wondering if anyone was willing to answer a couple of questions about mysql and file sharing between mac osx and ubuntu. I am running Ubuntu on my macbook with parallels desktop23:23
javiergAnyone know why I am getting a "Can't guess meta-package" "Your system does not contain a ubuntu desktop"23:24
nxnni cant file sharing to work between the two23:24
DasEiHexus:  solved your sound ?23:24
snovajavierg: what were you doing?23:24
roukoundamaranzig: sudo apt-get install libssl23:24
compenginxnn, have you installed samba?23:24
HexusDasEi no, tried everything i know.23:24
DasEipm me23:24
nxnni tried it that way but i have a problem with that23:24
damaranzigroukoun: will do...thx!23:24
compenginxnn, why?23:25
nxnni am on a local network with literally hundreds of other people23:25
roukounnxnn: what about samba?23:25
javiergsnova, The update manager said there were some updates 4 for firefox, and 2 for xulrunner. It tried to install them and then says that it can't because it doesn't know the meta package.23:25
compenginxnn, and?23:25
nxnnso my files are shown to everyone, at least the way i had it set up23:25
slidethanks compengi ill check it out23:25
nxnnyou know what i mean23:25
javiergsnova, I was reading my email :)23:25
compenginxnn, don't share you files then23:25
compenginxnn, or create a user and a pass23:25
compengifor that share23:26
roukounnxnn: you have to make a shared folder and change its permissions.....23:26
nxnnhow does that work?23:26
nxnnlike on my mac?23:26
compengi!samba > nxnn23:26
ubottunxnn, please see my private message23:26
javiergsnova, Im reading this thread. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=765663  is this safe to do without messing anything up?23:26
snovajavierg: i'll check...23:26
compenginxnn, we provide ubuntu support here :)23:26
nxnnok then what about netatalk23:27
s1011000whew... finally got irc working23:27
raboof/etc/acpi/sleep.sh writes 'mem' to /sys/power/state. this, however, sometimes seems to give 'Resource temporarily unavailable'.23:27
raboofhow do I debug this?23:27
nxnnis that an option23:27
jerndoe_DasEi: roger over standing in fstab23:27
snovajavierg: you mean the installations?23:27
DavidCanariasMy brother made a video of our wedding and sent me the DVD which was converted in a photographic shop and put onto disc. I would like to convert this to mpg and have tried doing it with DeVeDe and AcidRip, but not getting anywhere? Any ideas anyone?23:27
javiergsnova, yes23:28
compenginxnn, check what ubottu pm'd you and see what you can do with configuring your samba23:28
snovajavierg: those are fine.23:28
damaranzigroukoun: i need the C library crypto, i guess...here's why: "Package libssl is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package libssl has no installation candidate"23:28
nxnnok, do u know anything about netatalk?23:28
javiergsnova, Ok, I will try that.23:28
snovajavierg: those are "meta packages", they don't contain anything but depend on a bunch of other stuff. they're useful for coordinating upgrades.23:28
DasEijerndoe_:  /media/sharelap  nfs rw 0 0                        <<<<<<add to fstab,leave a blank line under (hit enter)23:28
s1011000can someone please help me with my home network?... Samba doesn't like me23:28
Schuenemanndoes anyone know how is the support for the ATI M72 graphic card?23:28
compenginxnn, nope. not really23:28
roukoundamaranzig: do you have enabled all the repos?23:28
nxnnok thank you for the help23:28
compengino problem23:28
damaranzigroukoun: clueless here23:29
bobertdoss1011000: Why does Samba not like you?23:29
DasEijerndoe_: close n save fstab, should be done, maybe test by rebooting ps while lap running23:29
s1011000donno... i did everything i could find online and it wont let me share my drives23:29
compengi!tell s1011000 about samba23:30
ubottus1011000, please see my private message23:30
bobertdoss1011000: Share DRIVES or share directories?? Sharing the roots of drives is generally not a good idea.23:30
snovaduring the course of my upgrades, it wants to uninstall several X related client programs, like appres, xwd, xset, and more. have these been replaced by other packages (perhaps combined into one?)23:30
roukoundamaranzig: you tried to install the libssl as i told you and the output was what you posted, m?23:30
compengis1011000, it's easy anyways. you just right-clink on a folder or drive and select share and it should work23:30
jerndoe_DasEi: thanks.... I'll try n reboot23:30
s1011000they are my internal drives... i have ubuntu running off an external drive23:31
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s1011000folders in the fat32 drives or are they ntfs23:31
roukoundamaranzig: if so... then you have to enable the repositories from the Synaptic Package Manager23:31
snovaok, never mind. i see that they were combined.23:31
javiergsnova, Looks like that worked. Thanks a bunch.23:31
compengis1011000, that doesn't say anything. you better read what ubottu had pm'd you23:32
roukounhyuukai: hi23:32
s1011000 I downloaded samba, added usershare owner only = False to my smb.conf file, and changed security = share.23:32
andypls1i have a question regarding webdevelopment, where should i go?23:32
damaranzigroukoun: right...Package libssl is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package libssl has no installation candidate23:32
hyuukai_I have a ubuntu 8.10 installation on my laptop and have spent ages and ages setting it up i was wondering if i could somehow transfer all the installed files onto a fresh install of ubuntu on my desktop?23:32
compengiandypls1, depending on the question23:32
s1011000'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share *television. Error was Operation not permitted23:32
snovawhat kinds of upgrades do i have to reboot for? are there any for which i have to restart X for?23:32
andypls1trying # php23:33
compengiandypls1, what are you trying to do anyways23:33
bobertdoss1011000: So wait, wait, is this just a basic home network, trying to share directories on a Windows machine with an Ubuntu machine?23:33
onxsnova, ideally you only have to reboot for a kernel update23:33
s1011000i can share the folders if i'm logged in as root23:33
roukoundamaranzig: go to System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and give your password23:33
hyuukai_anyone know of any way i can do this?23:33
snovaonx: what about graphics driver updates?23:34
linuxguymarshallHELP! I can't close any of my windows! the bar with close, minimise, etc. is not there. I cant close or drag any windows. HELP!23:34
andypls1i have a site23:34
s1011000i thought it was basic enough yeah23:34
andypls1when you ente the name, it shows index.html23:34
snovalinuxguymarshall: did you kill the window manager?23:34
andypls1how is it possible to make it so that when i enter the name, it takes me to /folder/file.html?23:34
bobertdoss1011000: What is your workgroup name on your Windows end?23:34
hyuukai_ I have a ubuntu 8.10 installation on my laptop and have spent ages and ages setting it up i was wondering if i could somehow transfer all the installed files onto a fresh install of ubuntu on my desktop?23:34
FuriousGeorgehey all23:34
linuxguymarshallsnova:I just booted and it was like this23:34
onxsnova, restarting X should be enough for that23:34
compengiandypls1, are you using apache?23:35
snovaonx: that's what i thought.23:35
andypls1i think so23:35
s1011000i changed that line in samba to match23:35
snovalinuxguymarshall: what programs are running?23:35
roukoundamaranzig: then go to Settings and under the first tab (Ubuntu Software) check the five available boxes23:35
jerndoe_DasEi: it works :-) _thanks_23:35
compengiandypls1, you don't have to think. just make sure :D23:35
snovalinuxguymarshall: sorry, i have to go right now. i wouldn't be able to help much anyway.23:35
s1011000but it doesn't show my other comps shares either23:35
andypls1i will check23:35
bobertdoss1011000:: abd you're sure you edited the right file? /etc/samba/smb.conf?23:35
linuxguymarshallsnova: here, im going to upload a screenshot23:35
nostoOk - I'm lookin for a super pro for a keyboard issue (and yes I know i'm typing but ubuntu doesn't show it as a keyboard)23:36
roukoundamaranzig: close the window and hit the reload button on the top left of the screen23:36
hyuukai_anybody any sugguestions?23:36
andypls1it doesn't say23:36
onxlinuxguymarshall, tried restarting X?23:36
compengiandypls1, check your synaptic if it's installed there23:36
DasEijerndoe_: maybe try to play your files with vlc, good for streaming n codecs23:37
roukoundamaranzig: then close the Synaptic Package Manager window, open a terminal and give the command "sudo apt-get install libssl"23:37
FuriousGeorgei have two computers, one with gentoo and one with *buntu.  gentoo has CONFIG_USB_HID=y and *buntu has CONFIG_USB_HID=m.23:37
FuriousGeorgeboth work with a typical usb keyboard, but only the mouse half works when i use a ps2->usb adapter23:37
s1011000i'd like to think i'm a windows poweruser... i can do a whole lot on windows... this is my first linux and i really want to like it... just a few things im having more trouble with than i think i should23:37
bobertdoss1011000: Did you enable WINS support and so on and so forth? You really shouldn't need to modify anything except the workgroup name and some of the WINS parameters for basic networks. Left like that, Ubuntu should be able to see your Windows shares. Windows seeing Ubuntu shares is a bit different.23:37
hyuukai_ I have a ubuntu 8.10 installation on my laptop and have spent ages and ages setting it up i was wondering if i could somehow transfer all the installed files onto a fresh install of ubuntu on my desktop?23:37
andypls1the thing is that they don't say in their site23:37
andypls1compengi: did you go to the link?23:38
damaranzigroukoun: they were all enabled >> main universe restricted multiverse source23:38
jerndoe_DasEi: i will do, I have two brand new episodes of heroes to escort me to bed....:-)23:38
compengiandypls1, what link23:38
s1011000let me look at my conf file again23:38
bobertdoshyuukai_: We aren't supposed to support Intrepid here.23:38
andypls1this is what i use23:38
andypls1but it doesn't say23:38
linuxguymarshallHelp. Im having a problem. My bar at the top of my windows are gone.23:38
hyuukai_ah well im being stupid because its not intrepid sorry my mistake its 8.04 hardy heron23:38
roukoundamaranzig: try "sudo apt-get install libssl-dev"23:39
benjicklinuxguymarshall: Right click on the lower one and pick new panel23:39
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FuriousGeorgei figure there must be some kernel module missing, or something.  the mosue half of the adapter works, but they keyboard works in non-*buntu distros only23:39
damaranzigroukoun: will do...thx23:39
nostoAnyone able to help me with a keyboard issue in regards to lsinput and it not showing my keyboard as an object even though i can type?23:39
compengiandypls1, you can't check what server you are running by clicking on the link this is 1 and 2 the link works fine without .html extension23:39
linuxguymarshallbenjick:Not that. The bar on my windows with close, minimise, and lets me drag windows. Its gone23:40
andypls1so how do i check23:40
hyuukai_ I have a ubuntu 8.04(hardy heron) installation on my laptop and have spent ages and ages setting it up i was wondering if i could somehow transfer all the installed files onto a fresh install of ubuntu on my desktop?23:40
ecawhen i reboot my computer, my network printer no longer works. i have to delete and create it again with system-config-printer. Any suggestions to fix this?23:40
benjicklinuxguymarshall: Oh, sorry. Did you change theme?23:40
bobertdoshyuukai_: Well, a raw system to system transfer wouldn't work so well for programs, but it would be fine for personal files in your home directory. For programs:23:40
bobertdos!aptoncd > hyuukai_23:40
ubottuhyuukai_, please see my private message23:40
NillerzHello, is there a way to take my partitioned hard-drive entirely *buntu without losing any XP files? NTFS filesystem, 40 gig hd, 2/3s xp 1/3 *buntu... is it at all possible?23:40
KetsubanI have a couple of networking-related problems which may or may not be related. 1) When I browse to a Windows share and open it in Nautilus, it automatically gets mounted and leaves an icon on my desktop. This behaviour was not present in pre-Hardy versions of Ubuntu and is annoying, and I would like to disable it so I can browse shares without mounting. 2) I am unable to browse any shares on our Windows Home Server system -23:41
Ketsuban the error message I get from smbtree is "cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine HOMESERVER.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".23:41
SebNaitsabesNillerz: what do you want to do exactly?23:41
compengiandypls1, are you on the server's pc right now?23:41
linuxguymarshallbenjick:No. I wrote a few shell scripts, logged out, logged back in and BAM! No more bar. Avant but it hasn't caused problems before23:41
NillerzSebNaitsabes: I have a third of my hard-drive dedicated to ubuntu but the other 2 dedicated to XP. I want to make everything Ubuntu without losing any files23:42
hyuukai_bobertdos: can i basically transfer my entire system, is it a hard process using that tool?23:42
danbhfiveNillerz: you can remove the windows reference in your menu.lst, and delete (or not) the WINDOWS folder on the windows partition.  Done.23:42
NillerzThen how do I access the files on the other partition?23:42
compengiandypls1, so go to system tab near applications and home and search for synaptic package manager there23:42
SebNaitsabesNillerz:  you can drag the files over from Windows to Ubuntu partition,  then delete Windows partitons23:42
danbhfiveNillerz: you cant access from ubuntu already?23:42
SebNaitsabesNillerz: then on Live CD,  that free space give it to Ubuntu23:42
s1011000bobertdos... i did miss the WINS line, but im still getting 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: failed to add share *television. Error was Operation not permitted23:43
Nillerz...No, wasn't aware you could. I saw something on the forums that said only for Fat3223:43
benjicklinuxguymarshall: I don't know :( Sorry23:43
NillerzDo you do that all using hte LiveCD? Or is it done after install somehow?23:43
bobertdoshyuukai_: That tool is designed to create your own personal repository of packages based on your current apt cache. If you really wanted to, you could use partimage to make an image of your whole drive and load it onto another system. The catch with that would be that the desktop would have to have a partition the exact same size as the laptop.23:44
linkmaster03How do I change the default keyboard layout in System > Preferences > Keyboard? The radio button is locked, and there is no Unlock button.23:44
NillerzThat isn't the case, it's half the size because I never expected to get wireless working right23:45
bobertdoss1011000: Why did you add those extra lines to the config file in the first place?23:45
hyuukai_bobertdos can i pm you?23:45
bobertdoshyuukai_: Go ahead23:45
s1011000i added "usershare owner only = False" because I cant take ownership of those folders23:46
andypls1compengi: i see nothing like that23:46
damaranzigroukoun: downloading every libssl in the synaptic manager :D that should fix the c lib crypto glitch...or I hope !23:46
compengiandypls1, did you check in systems>administration?23:46
bobertdoss1011000: which ones?23:46
monoimoiIntuitiveNipple, still here mate?23:46
snovahow do i restart the x server?23:47
compengisnova, ctrl+alt+backspace23:47
snovacompengi: oh! i'd forgotten that.23:47
andypls1no because i don't have that option23:47
andrilhello hello23:47
s1011000the folders are on my windows drives and only root can own those drives23:47
Gerinychhow do I boot Mac in GRUB?23:47
roukounsnova: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart23:48
compengiandypls1, hmm.. how come. are you sure you are running ubuntu?23:48
damaranzigroukoun: including "libssl-dev" btw :)23:48
snovaGerinych: i think you need a port of grub called grub-efi, but i'm not sure.23:48
andypls1i am not ON the server23:48
KetsubanI have a couple of networking-related problems which may or may not be related. 1) When I browse to a Windows share and open it in Nautilus, it automatically gets mounted and leaves an icon on my desktop. This behaviour was not present in pre-Hardy versions of Ubuntu and is annoying, and I would like to disable it so I can browse shares without mounting. 2) I am unable to browse any shares on our Windows Home Server system -23:48
Ketsuban the error message I get from smbtree is "cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine HOMESERVER.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".23:48
andypls1i am on the control panel of the server provider23:48
Gerinychsnova: just so you know, I'm trying to run it on a PC23:48
andypls1i can't ssh on the server23:48
Gerinychsnova: just so you know, I'm trying to run it on a PC23:48
snovacompengi: wow, that key combo worked great!23:49
compengiandypls1, there is no way to change it then. if you aren't the one that own that server and have the access to it then you can't do anything23:49
compengisnova, enjoy :D23:49
snovaGerinych: never mind then. i've never used mac, but if grub can't load the kernel directly, find its bootloader and chainload it.23:49
trimeta1Is there a good way to verify the integrity of a Ubuntu CD I burned, without rebooting into it and running the self-check?23:49
snovacompengi: i already am! hopefully i'm past x updates, though.23:49
compengiandypls1, only playing with some limited site configurations that is provided by your server admins23:50
trimeta1I still have the .iso file, if that helps.23:50
snovatrimeta1: yes, but i forget how.23:50
andypls1yeah but we still need to know if they have apache set up for us23:50
compengitrimeta1, check the checksum23:50
Gerinychsnova: ok hold on; here's what I have in my menu.lst: root (hd1,0) chainloader +123:50
andypls1it's a shared server23:50
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Gerinychsnova: basically what I'm asking is how to boot a hfs+ partition23:51
compengitrimeta1, if it matches the original ones of ubuntu then it should work fine23:51
trimeta1compengi: How do I get a checksum from a disc? Pop it in and do "md5sum /dev/sdb1"?23:51
andypls1compengi: ??23:51
compengitrimeta1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM23:51
DRLD_oops wrong chan23:52
snovaGerinych: that looks correct, but i don't mess with grub much. once i get it working, i tend to ignore it. besides, i've never need the chainloader feature. i don't even know if it supports hfs+, though it supports quite a few fs's.23:52
compengitrimeta1, ubuntu hashes are listed there too so you can check the resul23:52
trimeta1I always figured that the .iso file format was at least slightly different from the actual bytes written to the disc, such that just md5summing the disc itself wouldn't give the same answer as md5summing the equivalent .iso file.23:52
compengiandypls1, it doesn't say anything23:52
snovaGerinych: all i know is that chainloading the partition should theoretically do it.23:52
KetsubanI have a couple of networking-related problems which may or may not be related. 1) When I browse to a Windows share and open it in Nautilus, it automatically gets mounted and leaves an icon on my desktop. This behaviour was not present in pre-Hardy versions of Ubuntu and is annoying, and I would like to disable it so I can browse shares without mounting. 2) I am unable to browse any shares on our Windows Home Server system -23:52
Ketsuban the error message I get from smbtree is "cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine HOMESERVER.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".23:52
HooSIER|KiNGanyone using 8.04 have a problem with the login screen resolution being to big?23:53
WastePotatoHello Children.23:53
Gerinychsnova: thanks, ill try to do something23:53
andypls1compengi: what doesn't say anything?23:53
andypls1you mean it doesnt matter?23:53
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: I've heard of that...23:53
snovaGerinych: i'm restarting x again, goodbye for now23:53
Gerinychsnova: bye23:54
HooSIER|KiNGknow of a way to fix it?23:54
compengitrimeta1, i think there is no way to check the burned cd. only to make sure you burn it on low speeds23:54
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: can you pastebin your xorg.conf?23:54
brisingrkidCan anyone help me... im tryin 2 get ubuntu-studio on and cnt get it to work23:54
HooSIER|KiNGyea hold on23:54
snovaGerinych: i'm back!23:54
compengiandypls1, you already told me that you don't have an access to the server, so how could you change something set there?23:54
trimeta1compengi: Oh, OK, that was what I was asking about the burned CD.23:54
compengitrimeta1, you could try reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto could give some info23:55
andypls1so it doesn't matter if it has of if it doesn't23:55
andypls1good ...23:55
andypls1thanks :)23:55
HooSIER|KiNGhow do i pastebin?23:56
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:56
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit23:56
smelianhello i have problem with my wireless i connect to the internet by wireless but its disconnect after some mins23:57
lacyis  there a "flood channel for posting  stuff for ubuntu?23:57
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい23:57
Gerinychsnova: wait, i don't get it, am I supposed to boot mac like a linux kernel, or like windows?23:57
HooSIER|KiNGnow what just give you the link?23:57
danbhfive!paste > lacy23:57
ubottulacy, please see my private message23:57
dr_willis #flood  - but pastebin is better23:57
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: yes, please23:57
Bousteur?? fr23:58
Nillerzhow do I #fortune23:58
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr23:58
Lecteryou guys would help me with a question?23:58
davismjwhats your question23:58
smelianhello i have problem with my wireless i connect to the internet by wireless but its disconnect after some mins23:58
LecterI would like to have yum and pirut to be able to complete synaptic with rpm managing23:58
trimeta1Nillerz: You mean, join #fortune? Type "/join #fortune"23:58
gausiehow can i swap the keymapping for "Page Dn" and "End"?23:58
Lecterright now only beta smart can do it... and its still beta23:59
lacy thanks23:59
davismjLecter: what?23:59
NillerzSmelian: Is it a wg111v2 wireless dongle?23:59
Lecterwould like to use pirut as well as synaptic on ubuntu23:59
Nillerztrimeta1: It's a joke, please ignore it23:59
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: what resolution do you run?  and what resolution is your login at?  and what do you want it at?23:59
smelianNillerz : what is Wg111v2 ? im using normal wireless Router23:59
MindVirusCan someone suggest a top alternative with SWAP%?23:59
HooSIER|KiNGi tried changing the virtual section of xorg.conf but then it limits my resolution on the desktop and makes it to big but fixes the login screen23:59
NillerzI dunno then. I had the same problem using one of those, just solved it. Sorry.23:59

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