
savmunifor layout switch try ALT+space bar00:01
stwestonI need help figuring out how to install xubuntu while also stopping initramfs.00:03
genius_savmuni: how to change that sequence?00:04
stwestonI know how to change the boot sequence.00:06
savmuninext to the time/date there is a keyboard icon try that00:06
savmunistwetson: diff question00:07
stwestoncould somebody please answer my question?00:09
stwestonwait - you don't have to... I need to go.00:09
youplazouhi bloodboy00:32
flybackhttp://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080923-bad-seed-isp-atrivo-cut-off-from-rest-of-the-internet.html <--- YOU GO TO HELL AND YOU DIE!00:37
=== youplazou is now known as personne
stweston need help getting the initramfs prompts to stop. I'm trying to install Xubuntu Hardy, and this always happens.00:38
stwestonhello? anyone?00:42
stwestonI need help installing xubuntu hardy. the initramfs prompt keeps coming up, and I don't know how to avoid it.00:47
FactTechHello, all -- anyone have time to help with with a quick samba problem debug?00:47
FactTechstweston -- Are you able to complete the boot, or are you stuck at the initramfs window?00:48
stwestonI can complete the boot, it boots into the load screen (it's a CD, BTW), but once I get to initramfs, there's no going back... as far as I know.00:48
FactTechstweston -- No prompt?00:49
stwestonIt has the busybox intro with the (initramfs) prompt.00:49
stwestonis there, like, a boot operation that can be used?00:50
FactTechstweston -- I've seen a similar issue before. The problem was that a bad module was being loaded for IDE control. I think you can try "modprobe ide_generic" or maybe "ide-generic" and see if it continues.00:50
stwestonall right.00:50
FactTechstweston -- At the busybox prompt you can load modules.00:50
stwestonI'll see about it. modules?00:50
stwestonsuch as "modprobe..."?00:51
FactTechstweston -- If that works, you just have to set up something to force use of the generic module on boot... I forget how it's done but it's not too hard.00:51
stwestonI don't have files to work with, BTW. it's just the CD so far.00:51
stwestonnot on the HDD.00:51
FactTechstweston -- What kind of hardware are you trying to boot on?00:51
stwestonhow do you use modules on the busybox prompt? and it's a custom, but old, computer.00:52
stwestoncan you provide an example?00:52
FactTechstweston -- Busybox emulates a limited number of commands. I think "lsmod" will work. Try it.00:52
stwestonall right.00:52
stwestonloading the kernel...00:52
FactTechstweston -- I load Xubuntu on old computers all the time. How old are we talking?00:53
stwestonI don't know. lotsa advanced/bad parts.00:53
stwestonI have oodles of RAM00:53
stweston4.3GB of disk space...00:53
FactTechstweston -- Has another OS been able to boot on it OK?00:53
stwestonyes. Win 9800:53
stwestonok. I'm there.00:54
stwestonwhat's the format?00:54
stwestonlsmod ...00:54
FactTechstweston -- Just like a regular prompt.00:54
stwestonI don't know linux very well. sorry00:54
FactTechstweston -- "lsmod" is all by itself. It will LiSt the MODules.00:54
stwestonall rgiht00:54
FactTechstweston -- that are loaded00:54
stwestonI see.00:54
stwestonit comes up with /bin/sh: lsmod: not found00:55
FactTechstweston -- Oh, bummer.00:55
FactTechstweston -- Maybe it's not supported.00:55
stwestonthe line starts w/ (initramfs)00:55
stwestonor is it the CD drive?00:55
FactTechstweston -- just try "modprobe ide_generic"00:55
stwestonI've had trouble w/ Server, as well.00:55
stwestonI'll do that..00:55
FactTechWell, it's clearly booting from the CD to get to that point, so something is working.00:55
stwestonit works!00:55
stwestonI think...00:55
stwestonwell, it listed something.00:55
FactTechstweston -- What did it say?00:56
stwestonide0: I/O resource ... not free00:56
stwestonide0 ports already in use...00:56
stwestonide1 I/O resource not free...00:56
stwestonide1 (same thing as 2nd ide0)00:56
FactTechstweston -- Well, the issue may not be the IDE controller. I think it's basically saying the IDE stuff is already loaded and working.00:57
stwestonso, I need a new HDD?00:57
iglo1would someone be able to assist me with a boot problem?00:57
FactTechstweston -- There is very probably some other module you will have to force load, instead.00:57
stwestonsuch as?00:57
stwestonyou mean, in the boot parameters?00:57
stwestonor boot options?00:57
FactTechstweston , iglol -- Nobody very experienced seems to be on right now. I'm heading over to #ubuntu (where they will usually help), and I suggest you do the same.00:57
FactTechstweston -- This would be after boot parameters, I think.00:58
stwestonyou mean right here?00:58
FactTechstweston -- /etc/modules, maybe? Can't remember if it changed in Hardy.00:58
stwestonnot found00:58
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
FactTechThis is the channel #xubuntu. You should join #ubuntu instead.00:58
stwestonI"m there.00:58
FactTechstweston -- I don't think busybox will see /etc/modules -- that would be after you got it installed.00:58
stwestonI see.00:59
FactTechstweston -- Good luck... it's painful to learn sometimes, but have patience.00:59
stwestonthanks, anyway!00:59
=== danopia_ is now known as danopia
cheeseboyfor some reason FF isnt rembering my bookmarks04:14
cheeseboyanyone else having that problem?04:14
Odd-rationalecheeseboy: ff3?04:16
cheeseboythink so04:16
Odd-rationalecheeseboy: hmm... what addons do you have?04:17
cheeseboyubuntu firefox modifications04:17
Odd-rationalecheeseboy: well, i;m not sure what could be the problem... try the firefox support channels/forum...04:20
_i_lovehow do a remote x11 using putty04:26
Odd-rationale_i_love: from windows?04:27
Odd-rationale_i_love: you will ned to have an xserver running on windows...04:27
_i_lovei have xaming04:27
_i_lovesorry xming04:29
Odd-rationale_i_love: you will probably have to read the docs on the xming website (http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/) as i have not done the precess myself...04:29
Odd-rationalei prefer nxserver, btw...04:30
_i_loveok thx04:30
iglo1anyone know of an alternative way to enable wireless on eeepc other than the hard power cycling?04:58
stwestonI need help finding a way to install a CD-ROM driver for xubuntu to install.05:05
stwestonor Server, either one.05:06
Mannequi2hi. how does the Update Manager work related to packages that I've "manually" installed using aptitude form CLI?05:13
oofi have just installed a new sata controller card and its giving me lots of errors when i boot06:02
oofat first it dropped me to a busybox shell and told me to boot with irqpoll so i did and now it boots all the way but gives tons of error messages and takes 5-10 minutes to boot06:09
oofhere is the output of dmesg | grep -i ata: http://pastebin.com/fec15bb006:11
cjeHi, I am using xchat, and I would like to add a server.06:23
The-Kernelcje ask in #xchat06:24
oofxchat -> network list -> add06:24
cjeoof, thx, I tried xchat > network list > add , but what gets added is "New Network" rather than the server that I am attempting to add.06:26
oofheh, you need to replace new network with whatever name u want to call it and then click edit to set up the server and stuff06:27
geniushow to map keyboard  layout switch on win key?06:34
cjeoof thx, but this is just not working.  i will head over to xchat, because The-Kernel  suggested I do so.  Thx for your help06:34
joeyramonehey guys08:18
joeyramonecan anyone help me with installing ubuntu?08:18
joeyramonei just have like 2 questions08:18
knomejust ask :)08:19
joeyramoneok i did advance install, becuase im running mac osx on my harddrive and i want to partition a section off to install ubuntu on08:19
joeyramonewhen i create a partition on free space08:19
joeyramonewith the prepared ubuntu partitioner that came with the auto install off the live cd08:20
joeyramoneim not sure what  to "use as" and what "mount point" to put into the fields08:20
knomeyou need at least /08:20
joeyramoneok when i tryed that one08:21
knomeand you can format is as ext3, for example08:21
joeyramoneyah ok well i tryed the ext3 journaled extended08:21
joeyramonewith the /08:21
joeyramonewhen i click forward08:21
joeyramoneit says no newworld boot partition was found. the yaboot boot loader requires an apple_bootstrap partition at least 819200 bytes in size, using the HFS macintosh file system08:22
knomedon't really know about macs :)08:22
knomeanyway, you could join #ubuntu08:22
knomethere's a lot more people online usually08:23
knome(i think)08:23
knomei have to go soonish anyway08:23
joeyramoneight man08:23
knomei hope somebody can help08:23
joeyramonehey thanks for listeing tho08:23
joeyramoneyah me too08:23
joeyramonetake it easy08:23
knomeor you can google08:23
joeyramoneye i tryed that08:24
joeyramonecouldnt find much08:24
knomei'm sure there is many howtos08:24
joeyramoneyeah but most dont have the peramiters im lookign at08:24
joeyramoneits chill tho man08:24
joeyramoneill prolly hit up some other ircs channels08:24
knomei don't know if that helps08:24
joeyramoneeh not really08:25
joeyramoneim not on an intel chip08:25
joeyramoneim ppc08:25
knomeaha ok08:25
knomehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ ?08:25
joeyramoneooo shoot08:26
joeyramonethat actually helps08:26
joeyramoneoh i get it08:26
joeyramoneyaboot is a line that puts int he booting order08:26
knomehelp.ubuntu.com + ubuntuforums.org08:26
joeyramoneyeh ivechecked that out08:27
knomehave fun08:27
knomei must go08:27
joeyramonehey thanks alot for that link tho man08:27
knomebyw ->08:27
joeyramoneok take it eacy08:27
mandj1hi. what's the easiest way to let a windows box have a remote session on a xubuntu box?13:58
mandj1just now i fiddled a bit with settings -> login windows but i don't have a clue if that is about giving access to xubuntu via vnc, rdp or whatever..14:00
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX14:07
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX14:07
mandj1tnx TheSheep14:08
mandjerunning nxserver now on xubuntu. added a user & passwd. but i can´t get a desktop with nx viewer in the windows box. tried several desktop types in the config. what desktop should you choose for xubuntu?15:13
Odd-rationalemandje: how did you add user and passwd?15:15
mandjesudo nxserver --adduser <name>15:15
mandjesudo nxserver --passwd <name>15:16
Odd-rationalemandje: the first user you add must be an admin...15:16
Odd-rationalemandje: someting like: nxserver --useradd test_user1 --system --administrator15:17
mandjei added myself the 1st user on xubuntu..  thatś the admin no?15:17
Odd-rationalemandje: the admin for your xubuntu box... but not for nxserver...15:18
Odd-rationalemandje: you can see if a user exists with: nxserver --usercheck USERNAME15:18
mandjeok tnx Odd-rationale. will correct that and hope it helps. i understand nxserver isnt properly configered yet.15:20
Odd-rationalemandje: try that and see if it works...15:20
Odd-rationalemandje: to delete a user from nxserver, nxserver --userdel user_test15:20
Odd-rationalewhere user_test s the name of the user...15:21
mandjeOdd-rationale: ok. i changed the user setup in nxserver like you said. i assume you can use this admin user to log in with. tried it with nxviewer but no go. the session crashes. what desktop should be used?15:42
Odd-rationalemandje: do you have a node.conf file somewhere?15:42
Odd-rationalemandje: like in /etc/? /etc/NX? or somewhere?15:43
Odd-rationalemandje: but changing the user to be an admin is an improvenemt? or is it still the same as before?15:43
mandj1same as before15:44
mandj1looking at node.conf now15:45
Odd-rationalemandj1: find the line that has: #USER_X_STARTUP_SCRIPT=.Xclients15:46
mandj1yup. got it15:47
Odd-rationalemandj1: change it to: USER_X_STARTUP_SCRIPT=.xinitrc15:47
Odd-rationalemandj1: remember to remove the comment "#"15:47
mandj1ok done that15:48
Odd-rationalemandj1: close and save the file...15:48
Odd-rationalemandj1: then in your home directory create a ~/.xinitrc file15:48
mandj1no.. i can start over again.  as sudo toe edit.. :(15:49
Odd-rationalemandj1: what do you mean?15:49
mandj1can't save the changes as i didnt start the edit with sudo..15:50
Odd-rationalemandj1: oh ok... let me know when you done that...15:50
mandj1Odd-rationale: done that.15:59
mandj1any text inside the ~/.xinitrc ?15:59
GandhiG'day. Do external hard drives work with Xubuntu?16:00
mandj1Gandhi: yeah, there's a external drive working under xubuntu behind me. using usb 2.0 though.  the eSATA stuff is harder to figurre out.16:02
mandj1and with this machine: when booting i can't have the external running cause it will halt the boot..16:04
The_Sorrowhi... uhm, could anybody help me out with my display settings? i wanna have a dual screen system, but somehow that doesn't work :-/16:10
GandhiThanks, mandj116:16
* Gandhi orders a couple of external hard drives then16:29
Odd-rationalemandj1: sorry about that... i lost internet connection... :(16:32
Odd-rationalemandj1: you still there?16:32
Odd-rationalemandj1: make the ~/.xinitrc file look like this: http://pastebin.com/m42c84ab7 Note: you do not need to edit this file as root (sudo_16:33
Odd-rationalemandj1: then make sure that the file is executable. chmod +x ~/.xinitrc16:33
mandjeOdd-rationale: i read ya16:34
Odd-rationalemandje: then in the client configuration, select custom. then go to settgins and use "Run defualt xclient scrupt on server"16:35
Odd-rationaleand New virtual Desktop16:35
mandjeOdd-rationale: the session crashes with no chance to look into ´details´. pity.  i do understand what we did though. :)16:46
Odd-rationalemandje: hmm... idk then... sorry...16:47
Odd-rationalei dont know... :P16:48
mandjewell you gave me a structure to hold on to while trying to figure out what the problem is. very valueable. tnx.16:49
The_Sorrowuhm, sould anybody lend me a hand in setting up dual screens?16:55
venomeThe_Sorrow: depends on what graphics card you use ...17:02
The_Sorrowintel onboard chipset 945GM17:02
venomeit has 2 screen outputs?17:02
venome:) all right17:02
The_Sorrowuhm, it's a laptop i am using17:03
venomeall right, so whats the problem? :) have you tried yet?17:03
The_Sorrowand i would like to use sometimes a second screen at home for dualscreening with no clones, but in school i would wanna have clones for presentations...17:03
The_Sorrowwell, i actually don't know where to start :-/17:03
venomei don't have this graphics in any of my computers, so I'm not really sure about this one17:04
venome've you got any driver running that supports two screens?17:04
The_Sorrowis there a way that it scans it by itself and configures it the right way all by itself as in windows?17:04
venomewell, you'll need an utility (probabely by Intel) that will do that for you ... not sure if one exists ...17:05
The_Sorrowuhm, that is the start point i think ^^ how can i check that without attaching another screen?17:05
venomebut there definately is one for ATI and for NVidia :)17:05
The_Sorrowit's a bit difficult to get a graphics card on the motherboard if there is no slot for one :-/17:06
venomewell, i17:07
venomem not sure how it works for intel17:07
venomebut try open the console and go to /proc/acpi/video/17:07
venome(if that directory exists)17:07
The_Sorrowi'm in :)17:08
venomego  to VGA17:09
venomeand there should be directories CRT and LCD17:09
venome(or similar)17:10
The_SorrowVID    VID1    VID217:10
The_Sorrowthose are the folders there17:10
The_Sorrowin vid are 4 folders (crt, dvi [what's that doing in there?! i don't have dvi!], lcd and tv)17:11
The_Sorrowsame in vid117:12
The_Sorrowvid2 has 5 files17:12
The_Sorrowwhich are also in the other two folders17:12
venomeok, and is there a file called info in the directories?17:12
The_Sorrowwhich one should i open?17:12
venomecheck its contents for "Switching heads"17:13
The_Sorrowin vid, vid1 or vid2?17:13
venomenot sure which one, mine is in the root (like on the same level as vid, vid1, vid2) ...17:13
The_Sorrowthose 5 files are also in vid and vid117:13
venomebut if there is not one, just check all the files called info for "Switching heads"17:13
venomethis should give you info on if the driver / acpi is capable of switching displays17:14
The_Sorrowok, they already were switched to "yes"17:14
venomeso it should be ok ...17:15
venomehave you tried connecting the second display?17:15
The_Sorrowso that should be possible to get another screen working right?17:15
The_Sorrowwell, i'll have to get one... i have to take the one from my other pc... brb17:15
venomeok, after you connect it and turn on, try running xrandr from the command line17:17
venomenever work with that utility, so you might better check google for guide. Alternatively, you can manually edit the Xorg conf17:19
stwestonhello, all17:19
stwestonanyone know where to find a good, cheap (or free) CD-ROM drive? IDE?17:20
stwestonor at least, what brand?17:20
stwestonsomething old, but relatively new enough to boot into Linux with?17:21
zoredachego to the dump and steal from computers being thrown away?17:21
stwestonLOL. Okay17:22
zoredacheI am semi-serious.  I have gotten some pretty nice gear over the years from dumpster diving17:22
stwestonOr just search around and see if someone will be throwing out an old computer?17:22
stwestonwow. but I don't live in a city, nor do I live near a dump17:22
zoredacheyes, well I bet someone you know has an old computer in a closet that they haven't thrown away yet...17:23
zoredacheanyway.  ebay, craigslist.  If you have $30 newegg will have something.17:24
mandjestweston:  if you live like that don´t complain and buy the drive.. ;)17:24
The_Sorrowi don't get any output ^^17:25
stwestonmandje: good point.17:25
venomeThe_Sorrow: all right, that could be expected :) try what i wrote before ...17:25
stwestonmandje: but I'm hoping to make this a completely free install.17:25
The_Sorrowdo ypu know what lvds stands for?17:25
zoredachestweston: you don't need a cdrom to install, if you can either boot off usb, floppy, or the network17:26
venomeThe_Sorrow: not sure, lcd typo? :)17:26
The_Sorrowit's out of the terminal...17:27
venomewell, is there something like crt as well?17:27
The_SorrowLVDS connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 304mm x 190mm17:27
venomethat looks like LCD17:27
The_Sorrownegative on that one :-/17:27
stwestonzoredache: but I don't have access to any of those. I only have this mac that I'm on, which will have my instructions and advice, and the other machine that I'm trying to install on and has a semi-functional WIN98.17:27
stwestonnot even the 'net on the current install.17:28
stwestonit DOES have ethernet, but that won't work under win98.17:28
stwestonand possibly not even linux, yet.17:29
venomeThe_Sorrow: :( is the other monitor powered up?17:30
The_Sorrowuhm jep...17:30
The_Sorrowbut somehow there is no connection :-/17:30
The_Sorrowalthough cables are attached properly...17:31
stwestonall right... I'm trying to write a topic for an essay in school about free software. Anyone have any suggestions? I have my own idea, but I want to hear input, too.17:31
The_Sorrowuhm, how long does that essay have to be? ^^17:31
stweston5 paragraphs or so.17:31
stweston3 body/supporting paragraphs17:31
zoredachestweston: I would use windows 98 as a predictor for something being supported under linux.17:31
venomewell, I'm thinking, not writing:)17:31
stwestonzoredache: okay17:32
stwestonvenome: was that to me?17:32
venomewell, to you as well :)17:32
zoredachewrite something about all the flaws, and then propose solutions to 'fix' them17:33
venomei'm not sure about what to do with it, mine shows up there ...17:33
stwestonzoredache: hm... good idea. not sure.17:33
stwestonzoredache: I think it's supposed to be a persuasive essay...17:33
venomeThe_Sorrow: do you have any special keys on the keyboard to enable the other monitor?17:33
The_Sorrowi could restart linux, _but_ then it takes over the resolution of the attached monitor, rendering my lcd useless...17:34
zoredachewrite something to try and convince the IT to drop all windows from the schools infrastructure17:34
stwestonzoredache: good idea!17:34
The_Sorrowwell, actually yes, but that keycombo seems to be dead...17:34
stwestonzoredache: and since this is an online school, the IT might actually understand!17:34
stwestonzoredache: maybe convince them to use Ubuntu Server instead of Win2003? LOL17:35
venomeThe_Sorrow: and what about lowering the resolution?17:35
The_Sorrowuhm, my lcd is 1280*800 while the other is something with 1152*768 or something....17:38
stwestonI'm'a go ask someone in another channel about that idea, okay, zoredache?17:38
venomeThe_Sorrow: well i don't have any more advices for you, i guess there must be a lot of guides if you search google. You can try to set up the xorg configuration file manually, but for that you'll probably need the xrandr showing two screens, otherwise it would be just experimenting17:38
venomeThe_Sorrow: so perhaps try 800x600, both shall be capable to display that one right17:38
The_Sorrowuhm yeah...17:38
The_Sorrowbut the other should work even though the resolution isn't right17:39
stwestonzoredache: you there?17:39
venomeThe_Sorrow: yea, but for that I think you'll need some advanced setup. see http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/dualhead.html17:40
zoredachestweston: I am only 30% here...  You don't need to ask my permission to speak to someone else17:46
stwestonall right. thanks, then!17:46
stwestonwell, I kinda knew that... just wanted you to know17:47
The_Sorrowvenome: thanks for the help... maybe i'll get it working...17:47
stwestonsee ya, guys!17:48
The_Sorrowuhm well, i found a tool...18:01
The_Sorrowvenome: now i am close to get it working...18:01
The_Sorrowthere is just no output :(18:02
venomeThe_Sorrow: and what's the tool name?18:05
The_Sorrowgnome-display-manager ^^18:07
The_Sorrowand now i remeber18:07
The_Sorrowit worked when the screen attached was booting with my laptop18:07
The_Sorrowwhoah, its working O.o'''18:08
The_Sorrowbut i had to start sound in the gnome-system-management O.o'''18:08
The_Sorrowback, _but_18:13
The_Sorrowi have a very odd screen problem -.-18:14
The_Sorroweverything is now in the external screen -.-18:14
The_Sorrowexcept my shells18:14
The_Sorrowvenome: any idea what would help?18:16
venomeThe_Sorrow: shells... you mean the virtual terminals?18:20
venomeThe_Sorrow: the under ctrk+alt+f1 and so?18:20
E_mE[Carrino]has anyone had problems with Firefox with xubuntu, mine keeps segfaulting after a minute or two19:37
cody-somervilleProbably flas19:42
cody-somervilleProbably flash19:42
acochey guys, is there any documentation of your cd-build process (ie germinate to livecd)20:08
infexiondoes anyone use xubunutueee for thier eeepc?20:12
nubuntuguys is it possible there is/are hidden processes going on in my box?  system monitor processes list shows firefox using about 20% of cpu, and system monitor fluctuatiing between 20 and 29%, and yet the machine is very unresponsive, and the cpu meter is showing activity total between 98% -100% ... do i have bots? am i an unwitting zombie?  is there a recommended shampoo for this?20:14
crimsunhtop might help, but essentially top should be able to help you diagnose.20:15
DFlamenubuntu, run top in the terminal and tell us the names of the processes hogging the resources. I've had a similar problem before20:18
nubuntudflame i'm going to paste it in a sec20:20
nubuntudflame, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50234/20:27
DFlamelooks pretty normal to me, but I'm not an expert20:29
DFlamekeep top running there, see if it changes much when the system hangs up again20:29
DFlameapart from the memory being full, obviously20:30
knomethat can be solved by restarting firefox20:31
Eeyore-Jrhi.  i need to change my video resolution.  how?21:18
Eeyore-Jrstrange, xubuntu is "locking" up on me21:29
Eeyore-Jrhard locking21:29
=== Eeyore-Jr is now known as Ahmuck
NillerzI have a partitioned hard-drive. 40 gig. 2/3ds of that is WinXP, but now that I got wifi figured out I'd like to make it all Xubuntu while keeping XP files. Is there a way to do this?23:36
Nillerzbtw, Xubuntu is already installed on the other third. I'm on it now23:38
ecawhen i reboot my computer, my network printer no longer works. i have to delete and create it again with system-config-printer. Any suggestions to fix this?23:39
zoredacheNillerz: backup your files from windows to an external drive, delete the partition...  Make a new ext3 partition where xp was and call it /home23:45
NillerzOkay, so just call the partition /home?23:45
NillerzWait, partitions are the same as folders?!23:46
zoredacheno... but the filesystem that is on a partition will need to be mounted somewhere.  Mounting it at /home, and then moving your stuff currently on /home into new partition+filesystem seems like a good idea23:47
Nillerzso xubuntu can use both partitions at the same time?23:47
zoredacheyes...  For the best *nix experience you will need switch the filesystem to ext3 or something other then ntfs...23:48
Nillerzsorry about that, did I miss anything?23:49
zoredacheyes...  For the best *nix experience you will need switch the filesystem to ext3 or something other then ntfs...23:49
NillerzHm, well, I got the drivers I need backed up to private webspace so I can find them again...23:50
NillerzWhat is the difference between ext3 and ntfs and fat32?23:51
zoredachentfs and fat are Microsofts filesystems.  ntfs can handle acls, large partitions, and large files.  ext3 is the standard filesystem used on Linux23:52
zoredachethere is a lot more technical differences, but you can find those if you search on google/wikiepdia23:52
Nillerzokay, I guess I need to do a backup...23:53
NillerzPity I only get 5 kbps file transfers...23:53
Nillerzmy web ftp server is probably limiting upload speed..23:53
NillerzAnother question though, if I use ext3 will my system be able to handle hard-refreshes?23:54
zoredachewhat do you mean 'hard-refreshes'?23:54
Nillerzwe get power outages and in the past I had to run chkdisk on windows23:54
Nillerzhard refresh, like when the power cuts out when you'r ein the middle of something23:55
zoredacheext3 will be somewhat better about recovering from a power outage because it is a journallying filesystem.  If you are able you should consider getting a UPS though23:55
Nillerzups, another filesystem or is it some sort of power-strip?23:56
Nillerzbecause I'm poor.23:57
zoredacheUninterruptible power supply23:57
Nillerzah, yeah, out of my budget23:57
NillerzIs the filesystem just like, organization?23:57
zoredacheah, but which will cost more.  To buy a new hard drive in a few months when you have a catostrophic failure, or to spend $30-50 on a ups?23:58
zoredachefilesystem stores information about the name of files, size, where the file is located physically on the drive.  A file is stored withing the directory structure so you have some organization.23:59

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