
lifelessjml: hi00:01
* jml waves hello00:07
jmllifeless: are you waiting on anything from me for the testresources merge?00:08
lifelessjust time00:09
lifelessjam: ping00:14
pooliere.search(r'^(?!Bazaar)', 'Bazaar')00:23
lifelesspoolie: ?00:24
poolieis for jam. not for you.00:24
poolieIn [11]: re.search(r'^(?!.*\[merge\])', 'Subject: [merge]taheout')00:24
poolieIn [12]: re.search(r'^(?!.*\[merge\])', 'Subject: [mer]taheout')00:24
poolieOut[12]: <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0x8a2dfa8>00:24
jamlifeless: hi00:24
jamI should be heading out soon00:24
lifelessoh, on the call? didn't see a invite..00:24
lifelessjam: I want to talk per file log00:24
jamwe can chat briefly00:25
poolieIn [14]: re.search(r'^Subject: (?!.*\[merge\])', 'Subject: re: re: [merge]taheout')00:25
lifelessirc or voice? either is fine for me00:25
jamATM, I'm thinking we could add a flag to switch between "only the things in the per-file graph" and "also include merges"00:25
lifelessIIUC what we have at the moment is roughly 'when log -v would mention the file' union (per-file graph nodes) with containing commits listed to give an organisation sense00:28
jamlifeless: I'm not sure how you are defining "containing commits", as I'm pretty sure it is just when "bzr log -v" would mention the file00:30
jam(is what we have now)00:30
lifelesssay we have a triangle00:30
lifeless B00:30
lifelessA<->C doesn't alter FOO00:31
lifelessB<->C does00:31
lifelessand A<->B does00:31
jamlifeless: so you modify B and then revert it to C00:31
lifeless(e.g. b makes a change, but its rejected when merged to A00:31
lifelessmeh, not complex enough to show00:31
jamright, we'll show C00:31
jamI think, because it is different from a merge parent, but I'm not 100% sure00:32
jamhowever, that should also show up in the per-file log00:32
jamsorry, per-file graph00:32
lifelessthats what I mean by not complex enough to show the point00:32
jamI should really get going. Perhaps we can phone-chat later?00:33
lifelessso one benefit of showing the file where log -v would show it, is that its unsurprising to users00:33
lifelessplease, ping me00:33
lifelesspoolie: have you done the daily chat?00:33
pooliei pinged you on irc just beforehand00:34
poolieif we call from inside the call everyone has to talk over the ring tone00:34
lifelesspoolie: yes, I saw, but didn't see a skype prompt pop up00:34
lifelesspoolie: I'm not stressed, was just confirming00:34
lifelesschore to run, brb01:18
abentleypoolie: Do you want to talk about reivews now?01:25
jamlifeless: ping for great justice01:35
poolieabentley, sure, if you want to01:43
abentleypoolie: I think this is the day we planned to.  So let's.01:43
lifelessjam: I've replied in mail01:44
jamlifeless: yeah. It sure looks like you wanted to vote in there :)01:44
jamlifeless: I replied to you. And basically I think we are in agreement.01:45
lifelessjam: ok, cool then01:47
lifelessI'd approved previously, consider it reinstated01:47
=== dereine is now known as dereine[afk]
lifelessigc: you should upgrade http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eian-clatworthy/bzr-usertest/trunk/.03:11
lifelessabentley: around ? I'd like to run an idea past you03:36
abentleylifeless: okay03:37
lifelessthis is about rich roots.03:37
lifelessI'm thinking to remove the watershed event by writing a rich-root->non-rich-root-with-root-in-rev-property->rich-root-by-reading-rev-property set of code03:38
lifelessabentley: What I want to ask you is two-fold; do you think this is a reasonable thing to do, and do you think I can avoid a new rich-root-format to enable this (I don't think I can)03:39
lifelessabentley: uhm, various little details that might matter are - I'm not suggesting to add rich-root capabilities to non-rich-root formats, just allow pulling from rich to non-rich03:40
abentleylifeless: So, roundtripping?03:40
lifelessabentley: yes03:41
lifelessabentley: I think its 1-2 days work tops, and if it gets rid of the watershed it may allow more motion on this03:41
abentleylifeless: The lack of round-tripping is not the biggest issue for me.  The biggest issue for me is the whole "let's add a new serializer as a condom" thing.03:42
lifelessabentley: uhm, wasn't that your idea though?03:43
abentleykinda originally.  But then when I realized that we had to mutate the sha1s for existing rich-root formats, I didn't see much point in it.03:45
abentleyBut then you wanted it as a "condom" to ensure that sha1s were correct.03:45
lifelessabentley: I think we must have talked past each other then; I want the sha1 chain to be intact regardless of repo format and serializer.03:46
lifelessabentley: thats my primary issue, so that 'check' can actually do its job03:46
abentleySo would you have any hesitation about making 1.6-rich-root our next default format?03:47
lifelessabentley: my set of concerns is ([has-the-sha1-thing-been-fixed, how-will-users-find-the-change])03:48
lifelessabentley: I admit to some trepidation that the one-way nature of the change will burn some users that want to interoperate, as 'init' 'init-repo' etc will all suddenly make them unable to interoperate with bzr's more than 2 months old03:49
lifelessabentley: the sha1 is a MUST for me; I'll happily follow consensus on the other03:49
abentleySo has the sha1 thing been fixed?03:49
lifelessabentley: there is an outstanding patch of yours; I'll poke around at the sha1 code in the near future and see03:50
abentleyRight, so I believe that's the last piece.03:51
abentleyAnd the problem with that patch is that it's overbroad.03:51
abentleyI think the interoperability situation is quite good.  bzr 1.0 supported "rich-root", so anything in 1.6-rich-root can be converted into a 1.0 compatible format.03:53
lifelessabentley: oh true03:53
lifelessa possibly useful test would be a script to mass-convert everything on lp to rich root, to see if it all works03:54
lifeless(s/convert/branch and do a convert locally|branch-into-a-rich-root-branch/)03:54
abentleylifeless: Why do you think it would be useful for mthaddon to kill me? :-)03:54
lifelesstom would love it03:54
lifelesswe have that shiny new machien03:55
abentleySo possibly a torture-test would be useful.  Bazaar itself was pretty tortuous.03:58
abentleyMy patch handles weaves repos and their predecessor format.  You said you thought it should only cover knits and packs, IIRC.03:59
abentleyWe land that, and reconcile will fix sha1s.03:59
abentleyThis doesn't prevent revisions with bad sha1s from being fetched, of course.04:01
abentleyDoes that remove your concerns about correctness?04:03
abentleylifeless: ^^^04:03
lifelessabentley: I thought it should only cover the cases where we know that fetch creates broken sha1s04:11
lifelessabentley: not-fetching-bad-sha1s will come in after this because I can actually land my patch to do that without breaking every rich root user :)04:11
abentleylifeless: I think that TreeTransform should be able to set the SHA1 of a file.  Do you agree?04:33
lifelessabentley: with a caveat - the stat cache cutoff time04:33
lifelessabentley: which basically means that any file we write we usually can't put in the stat cache04:34
abentleylifeless: do renames update the stat values used?04:35
abentleyActually, even if they did, only a few files are actually renamed.04:36
lifelessabentley: I don't know for windows; for unix no - the directories inode changes, not the files04:36
lifelessIIRC doing a hard link invalidates the stat cache04:36
abentleylifeless: Pity that.04:37
abentleyBut I think many tree constructions would take long enough that we could use the stat values.04:37
abentleySo for those files, at least, we'd be able to avoid the initial SHA.04:38
lifelessabentley: we can use the stat value if we write the dirstate outside the cutoff time AND noone-else could have touched the file inside that period either04:38
abentleylifeless: So if the file is inside .bzr/workingtree/limbo, is that safe enough?04:39
lifelessabentley: so pragmatically, I think that if the cutoff time is passed while its in limbo, then its safe04:39
lifelessabentley: yes, if someone fucks with limbo they can keep both pieces04:39
abentleySo for TT to update this data, should we update apply_inventory_delta, or introduce a new function?04:41
lifelessabentley: I have a branch up for review that adds a function to tree- _observed_sha104:41
abentleylifeless: Yeah, I saw it.04:41
lifelessabentley: its the commit-updates-sha patch; is that function suitable for you ?04:41
abentleylifeless: I thought it might be better to do the operation on a list.  But I could also use _observed_sha1.04:42
lifelessabentley: I think a new function, that takes a list form of the parameters for _observed_sha1 would be fine04:42
lifelessabentley: possibly just make _observed_sha1 take a list of tuples04:43
ReachingFarrI'm new to Bazaar so please bear with me.  I have started a project on my local machine and now I want to move it to a centralized location (hopefully with full history).  Am I correct in thinking that `put` is the command I'm looking for?05:15
fullermdReachingFarr: push.05:15
fullermdI don't think 'put' _is_ a command...05:15
ReachingFarrHehe ya, sorry.  Push.05:15
Peng_ReachingFarr: That's exactly what the "push" command is for.05:16
Peng_ReachingFarr: Have you been reading a tutorial?05:16
ReachingFarrOK, second problem then is why does my Bazaar install not deal with authentication over http.  From what I have seen while Googleing it is supported but when I try pushing it just errors out on 401.05:17
fullermdAt one time, it would only even try auth if you put the username in the URL.  Not sure when/if that changed.05:18
ReachingFarrPeng_: I did a while ago then started using Bazaar locally.  I thought `push` was the correct command and have been trying to use it as such.  But the authentication issue is why I'm really here and thought I would make sure I was using the correct command first.05:18
ReachingFarrPart of the problem here is that Fedora only has 1.5 in the repo.  I guess I better update to something recent before I start asking for help.05:20
fullermd1.5 isn't that old.  I'm not sure much has changed in auth since then.05:24
fullermd(updating is a good idea in general, of course.  But I don't think it'll fix this)05:25
Peng_ReachingFarr: Do you have FTP or SFTP access to your server? That might be easier to use than HTTP auth.05:27
ReachingFarrPeng_: I don't think so.  We are using my friends Dreamhost account and I'm not entirely sure how things are set up on it.05:28
fullermdDreamhost?  You can set up the smart server on Dreamhost?05:29
Peng_fullermd: I wouldn't recommend it due to procwatch.05:29
Peng_ReachingFarr: Well, DH offers SFTP access, but your user may not be configured to allow it. Try it, or ask your friend.05:30
fullermdWell, that was somewhat my point...05:31
ReachingFarrWhenever I put the username in the address (http://user@example.org) bzr crashes on me.  And this is after I installed 1.7.05:32
fullermdCrash how?  Pastebin it.05:38
seb_kuzminskyi have to work with an svn repo...  I'd like to use bzr & loom to do it.  Am I crazy?05:38
seb_kuzminskywhat i mean is, is it possible?05:40
Peng_seb_kuzminsky: Check out the bzr-svn plugin. But yes, you're probably crazy. :P05:45
seb_kuzminskyi got that installed, (0.4.11, from intrepid), and i branched my svn repo to a local shared repo, that was slow but it worked :-)05:46
Peng_Sounds about right.05:47
seb_kuzminskyi branched locally, checked out, and loomified and we'll see what happens next ...05:47
ReachingFarrfullermd: http://pastebin.com/d5317e47105:50
fullermdWell, that's pretty wacky.05:51
fullermdvila: ^^^05:51
fullermdvila's the http guy; he'll know better what to look at.05:52
fullermdYou have the fgci/mod_python smart server all setup and working on it?05:52
fullermdEr, fcgi that is.05:52
seb_kuzminskywhat does 'bzr record' do?  i dont understand the --help message05:56
seb_kuzminskya thread has a "tip", but what does that mean?05:59
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: the tip of a thread is just like the tip of a branch; its a pointer into the revision graph06:01
seb_kuzminskythat makes sense...06:01
seb_kuzminskyif i 'bzr push' from a thread, will it also push all the threads below it?06:03
lifelesstwo cases; pushing from a loom to an existing normal branch; this pushes the current thread into that branch06:04
lifelessthe threads below it are included if you have merged them into that thread (which is what happens when you 'up-thread')06:04
lifelesssecond case; pushing from a loom to a new branch (or to an existing loom)06:05
lifelessthis will push the last recorded loom (much like 'push' from a normal branch pushes the last commit from that branch)06:05
seb_kuzminskylifeless: thanks!06:06
seb_kuzminskyis there something like 'bzr log' for 'record'?06:06
seb_kuzminskyor is that the wrong way of thinking of it?06:08
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: there should be; I haven't written it yet :(06:08
seb_kuzminskywow, you wrote loom?!  I love it!  (though i'm having a bit of a hard time learning to use it)06:09
seb_kuzminskythanks for some sweet software :-)06:09
lifelessthanks, I'm glad you like it06:09
seb_kuzminskyhm, i think it just ate my changes (or i'm misunderstanding how to use it)06:10
lifelessit shouldn't have any bugs of that nature; what were the last few things you did?06:11
Peng_How do you think I should set up logging for the HTTP smart server?06:11
Peng_Just a couple lines with the logging module? Something in bzrlib?06:12
lifelessspiv: ^ your public awaits06:12
* Peng_ reads trace.py06:12
lifelessPeng_: it probably already logs to ~/.bzr.log06:13
seb_kuzminskylifeless: i just tried it again and it did the same thing06:13
seb_kuzminskybzr loomify; bzr create-thread test06:13
seb_kuzminsky# hack, hack06:13
seb_kuzminskybzr commit06:13
seb_kuzminskybzr combine-thread06:14
lifelessah, yes, you misunderstand :P06:14
seb_kuzminskynow my loom has just the original thread, and it doesnt have the change from the test thread06:14
seb_kuzminskyoh good :-)06:14
lifelesscombine-thread is used to remove a thread from the list :P06:14
lifeless  Use combine-thread to remove a thread which has been merged into upstream.06:14
seb_kuzminskyhm, just like the --help says...06:14
lifeless(the help describes exactly what it does)06:14
seb_kuzminskyso i should bzr push before i combine-thread?06:15
seb_kuzminskythen up in the bottom thread?06:15
Peng_lifeless: Why do you think it would use ~/.bzr.log? I mean, it isn't normally used when you "import bzrlib", is it?06:15
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: so, the general use case would be06:15
lifelessPeng_: oh, hmm, gues snot06:15
seb_kuzminsky(my branch is bound to an svn repo)06:15
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: a trunk, at URL $TRUNK (your svn repo in this case)06:15
seb_kuzminskysorry, unbound but parent is an svn repo06:15
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: a developer with a loom, containing a bottom thread 'trunk' (or similar)06:16
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: then you create threads and hack. when a particular thread is accepted by upstream, doing a pull in the 'trunk' thread will bring in changes you already have higher up in your stack.06:16
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: when you (up-thread & commit) those changes, the difference the thread contains will go away, and you would then combine thread06:17
Peng_Hmm, I could change the location by setting os.environ['BZR_LOG'[, right?06:17
Peng_Err, minus the syntax error. :P06:17
seb_kuzminskylifeless: i see06:17
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: so yes, you should push the thread you've finished into svn before removing it :P06:17
seb_kuzminskyheh, that might help :-)06:18
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: or have the person that will accept and commit the patch do so,a nd then you get it back via your trunk thread06:18
seb_kuzminskyi think the "combine" in combine-thread threw me off06:18
seb_kuzminskyif i'd read your docs i would have understood06:18
seb_kuzminskythanks for teaching me :-)06:19
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: theres been some talk of renaming it06:19
lifelessthis is evidence towards doing that06:19
seb_kuzminskydrop-thread or delete-thread maybe?06:19
seb_kuzminskyor evidence i should read tfm06:19
fullermddrop-thread is a fast version of down-thread   :p06:19
lifelessknowing the tool is good; reducing the learning curve is also good06:19
Peng_If I do "from bzrlib import trace; trace.push_log_file(...)", will anything have been logged yet?06:20
seb_kuzminskylifeless: when should i record?06:22
spivPeng_: there was a patch about this to the list recently06:22
spivPeng_: http://bundlebuggy.aaronbentley.com/project/bzr/request/%3C418c22640809141502o187ee0det95166e025836aba%40mail.gmail.com%3E06:24
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: whenever you like; the main reason for record is to allow collaboration on a loom-scale between loom-users06:24
spiv(Which oddly was approved by John, but not merged...)06:24
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: if you're just managing your own patches via loom, and are not publishing your loom anywhere, you don't need to push at all.06:25
seb_kuzminskydont need to record at all?06:25
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: otherwise, if you are sharing them, or are publishing your loom, record before you push06:25
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: yes, I made a typo :)06:25
seb_kuzminskyok i get it :-)06:25
seb_kuzminskyi got a backtrace just now06:26
seb_kuzminskyi'll pastebin it06:26
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: (before you push the /loom/ as opposed to pushing a thread into svn or something similar)06:26
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: thanks06:26
spivPeng_: I suspect that patch probably isn't as flexible enough yet; I'm guessing you'd like to be able do something like "make_app(..., logfile='/foo/bar')" ?06:28
seb_kuzminskyi tried to change the nick of a loomified branch06:28
seb_kuzminskyafterwards (now), show-loom shows no active thread, and it keeps leaving the lock around06:28
markhdoes bzr attempt to perform 'globbing' on its cmdline args on windows?  I'm surprised to find 'bzr revert foo*.py' not work...06:28
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: oh, put the nick back to the name of the thread you were on06:28
spivPeng_: if you do get logging set up to your satisfaction, please mail the list with details of how you did it :)06:28
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: the nickname is managed by loom automatically when you switch threads (bzr up-thread, bzr down-thread, bzr switch)06:29
lifelessmarkh: yes, see cmd_add for example, for instance06:29
seb_kuzminskyindeed!  thanks!06:29
igclifeless: usertest is upgraded now as requested06:30
lifelessigc: thanks :P06:30
seb_kuzminskyi'm gettin me all kinds of learning tonight :-)06:30
seb_kuzminskythanks lifeless, see you later06:33
markhlifeless: revert, status and diff seem not to - is that a bug?06:35
* beuno stabs beuno_ 06:36
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
lifelessmarkh: I'd say its a bug, yes06:38
Peng_spiv: I've got it set up, but not to my satisfaction. I just used bzrlib.trace.push_log_file(), so it doesn't show the date, time, PID or any sort of contextual information. (At least for the messages I've been able to get it to generate so far: warnings about a knit repo.)06:41
spivPeng_: ah, crummy.06:42
Peng_Hmm. Using enable_default_logging would make it output that information, but it would also set up a stderr logger, which I don't want.06:42
spivYeah, the stderr handler doesn't sound like a good idea :)06:44
markhso, there is an existing bug that 'commit' doesn't glob on windows.  Should I just 'adopt' that bug and broaden it for all commands known to need that support added?06:44
Peng_I might just copy parts of enable_default_logging().06:45
lifelessmarkh: I don't like broadening bugs06:45
markhso add 4 new bugs all identical except for the specific command?06:45
lifelessmarkh: because it marks it harder to ever actually close it; unless you think there is a simple fix-for-all-commands06:45
markhwell yeah, the same fix would be used for all, but possibly need to be applied for each commaand06:46
spivmarkh: it's easier to combine separate bugs (by marking as dupes) than it is to separate an existing bug into multiple bugs.06:46
lifelessmarkh: what would be ideal is a simple way to test globbing-on-windows-on-commands, so we can tell if things regress etc06:46
spivmarkh: so when in doubt it's probably best to default to filing multiple bugs.06:46
markheven easier to avoid it if possible, hence my question ;)06:46
spivWell, true :)06:46
spivUnless you count asking questions as hard work ;)06:46
lifelessmarkh: put it this way, if you're writing code to fix it for all commands you know of, why bother touching the bug :P06:47
markh:) less work than re-touching 4 bugs that are effectively dupes if that isn't what was wanted.  But as it is, I'll do it.06:47
lifelessmarkh: just wrte the code, tell the bug you have a branch, and bingo its done :)06:47
markhI'm not proposing to fix it ;)06:47
markhthen we spend 5 weeks debating the style, remember ;)06:47
lifelessmmmm, I don't think we do. But YMMV06:48
markhthe bug actually notes a fix was previously submitted but resubmission was requested multiple times, according to the bug anyway06:49
Peng_No, someone sends one "bb:tweak" suggesting the style be changed, and then everybody forgets about the branch for a few months until someone reminds them to check the BB queue.06:49
* Peng_ ducks06:49
markhditto for my "update -r" bug I must get back to06:49
Peng_markh: I think someone sent a patch for that. Was it you?06:50
markh"update -r" - yeah06:50
markhI picked up old work that I thought was quite close, so I merged it and updated it for 2 years worth of changes, but it turns out a number of other things still need doing, and I really can't justify spending any more personal time on it :(  I asked for help landing it in the bug...06:51
vilahi all !07:06
vilafullermd, ReachingFarr (actually he seems to be gone :-/): on that particular one (65 data rewind), I think spiv knows more than me07:07
vilaI've never reproduced it so I don't know where to lookt at07:09
Peng_spiv: OK, I've got it set up to my satisfcation (as far as I can tell)07:11
pysquaredHi all.  Does anyone know if possible to do a partial checkout?  I have a big tree of related sub-projects, and usually only want to work on one or two, and do not want a complete working tree.07:43
beunopysquared, you can't currently, no07:44
pysquaredAny plugins to do this that you know of?07:45
pysquaredIs there a feature request for this (that I have not found yet), or shall I add one?07:45
beunono, I don't think you can do that currently07:45
beunofeel free to add it07:46
Peng_I'm thinking about making a certain branch public, so I was just reading through the log to see if it's appropriate. One message includes a declaration of love for one of bzr's developers. Whoops.07:48
beunothat's very appropriate07:49
pysquaredAh, just found a note about it on jam's blog - http://jam-bazaar.blogspot.com/2007/10/bazaar-vs-subversion.html07:49
pysquaredShould I file a feature request anyway?07:49
beunopysquared, yeap, go for it07:49
LarstiQif there isn't already one07:52
pysquaredAhah, I spent ages searching for something before.  Found this: http://bazaar-vcs.org/FilteredViews07:54
pysquaredIt was linked from http://www.infoq.com/articles/dvcs-guide07:54
lifelessnight all07:54
beunog'night lifeless07:55
beunoAFAIK filtered views still bring in the full repo07:55
beunoI may be wrong07:55
beunoigc is working on it07:55
lifelessthey always will in the current designs07:55
lifelessanyhow, /gone07:56
tvainikajelmer: did you notice that debian experimental now has bzr-svn 0.4.13 which depends on bzr (<< 1.7~) so it cannot be installed with bzr 1.7 from debian experimental after your yesterday uploads?08:08
beunomwhudson, I'm cleaning up bugs in LH: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/loggerhead/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New&field.status=Incomplete&field.status=Confirmed&field.status=Triaged&field.status=In+Progress&field.status=Fix+Committed08:41
beunothe last two NEW have your name on it  :)08:41
=== dereine[afk] is now known as dereine
Peng_spiv: There's a typo in your -Eallow_debug patch. It should be "sanitisation", not "santisation".09:10
=== dereine is now known as dereine[afk]
fullermdThat hardly sounds sanitized   :p09:11
Peng_Oh, my email client unfroze now.09:11
spivPeng_: d'oh, thanks.09:11
=== dereine[afk] is now known as dereine
spivvila: how's your patch to remove SmartClientMedium from RemoteTransport's set of base classes doing?09:14
vilawaiting review :)09:15
spivvila: My -Dhpss patch on the list reminded me just how many SmartClientMedium instances we're currently creating, and it's a bit nuts...09:15
spivHmm, I don't see it in my bundle buggy queue.09:15
vilamy fault wrong subject it appears09:16
vilait's part of the python-2.6 compatibility RFC09:16
vilathe patch includes caching the medium created so that should address your concern09:17
vilaThe controversial bit is that I use weakref to avoid a circular dependency09:17
spivHuh, interesting.09:18
spivWhat's wrong with a circular reference?09:18
spivBecause the medium has a __del__ it causes uncollectable cycles?09:19
vilano more gc ?09:19
vila__del__ will never be called if the ref never reach zero, the medium references the transport09:19
vilaand is an attribute of the transport09:20
vilaso I made the transport attribute a weak ref in the medium09:21
vilaall of the above applies to SmartClientHTTPMedium only of course09:21
spivI suspect it's possible to find a more elegant solution.09:21
spivBut I don't think it's worth wasting the effort to find it :)09:21
spivThanks for the update.09:22
* spiv goes swimming09:22
spiv(idea: maybe the HTTP transport and HTTP medium could share a reference to an HTTP channel, rather than to each other?)09:22
vilaspiv: the root problem is that both the transport and the medium have a 'base' attribute with isn't related to the http channel09:23
vilaso while the http 'channel' can be shared between transport/medium pairs, the base must be shared by each pair09:24
vilaand this sounds is a bit complicated for what we want to achieve09:25
vilaI don't have problems with weakref per se but I'm not sure this is view shared by everyone09:25
vilaspib: Anyway, I'd like to rework my python-2.6 branch into a loom so I can more easily extract that smart medium part if you think it's worth merging sooner09:27
vilaspiv (grr): Anyway, I'd like to rework my python-2.6 branch into a loom so I can more easily extract that smart medium part if you think it's worth merging sooner09:27
poolievila, hi09:40
pooliehow are you going?09:40
strkso, I have these two branches on two machines being both parented to the online one10:46
strkhow can I avoid a double network activity to bring them both in sync with the online one ?10:47
strkie: can I have hostA pull from hostB on a case-by-case basis ?10:47
strkcase-by-case means: sometime I want hostB to pull from hostA10:48
Peng_strk: I guess you could keep a copy of the parent on one of the machines, then have the other pull from it.10:54
jonnydeehi, i need help: "bzr revert" returns 'bzr: ERROR: Could not acquire lock "D:/duscher/docs/ProjektM/dev/.bzr/checkout/dirstate"'11:17
jonnydeeI am using bzr.dev on windows11:17
jonnydeebreak-lock does not help11:17
jonnydeere-checkingout the branch produces the same error in the new branch11:21
jonnydeedoes anyone have a clue how to recover from this state? I have a presentation in 2 hours and I would like to be able to revert...11:31
Peng_jonnydee: Sorry, but I don't know. My only two ideas are 1.) Are you using the most recent version of bzr?, and 2.) did something get marked read-only?11:39
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poolienight all11:53
pooliejonnydee: probably there is still a bzr process running somewhere11:53
pooliekill it off and you should be ok11:53
poolieif all else fails :-( reboot11:53
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pysquare1Hello.  Is there a way to reconfigure a shared repository to have the --no-trees option?14:04
spivpysquare1: touch .bzr/repository/no-working-trees14:06
spivI don't think there's a nice way to do it with the 'bzr' command line, although there ought to be.14:06
pysquare1Thanks spiv, I just did; bzr init-repo t1; bzr init-repo --no-trees t2; diff -r t1 t2; and got "Only in t2/.bzr/repository: no-working-trees" -- cool.14:08
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_dereinehi, are there any private bazaar hosting services?14:32
LeoNerdAnything with a webserver I should think14:32
LeoNerdYou don't need a special server.. anything you can (s)ftp to and http from is sufficient14:32
Lo-lan-doHi all15:29
Lo-lan-doI apologise in advance for being rude, but is there work done on performance these days?15:29
Lo-lan-doSpecifically, start-up time?15:29
james_whey Lo-lan-do15:30
james_wthere was a discussion on the list just recently about that very topic, discussing where and how to reduce start-up time15:30
Lo-lan-doGoody :-)15:30
Lo-lan-doHas it been suggested that maybe not all of bzr needs to be loaded and initialized for each invocation?15:31
Lo-lan-doI understand lots of code has to be loaded for complex operations, but maybe "bzr info" could do without it (and come below 2 seconds)...15:32
Lo-lan-doI have a large root+lots of feature branches+integration branch setup, with a script to merge all feature branches back into the integration branch, and it seems like a shame to spend so much time waiting for bzr nick to answer.15:34
siretartLo-lan-do: if that script is in python, you could use bzrlib directly15:34
Lo-lan-doIt's shell so far.15:35
Lo-lan-doMaybe "bzr shell" could help?15:35
siretartmaybe, but I'm not familiar with 'bzr shell'15:38
siretartI meant when your script needs to iterate over a lot of branches, it might make sense to do that in python with bzrlib directly to avoid loading bzrlib for every branch but just once at startup of that script15:39
Lo-lan-doYes, and I think bzr shell does approximately that.15:39
Lo-lan-doExcept it behaves as a shell, with extra (or overridden) commands such as status, merge, cat, info, nick and so on.15:40
siretartis your script for package maintenance?15:40
Lo-lan-doMore or less.  I use it to prepare packages of patched apps for clients.15:40
siretarthm. in that case, you could perhaps add some more magic into the bzr-builddeb plugin15:41
Lo-lan-doI'd rather keep it generic.15:41
Lo-lan-doI mean, the patches I do are not Debian-related, they just happen to be on source trees that will eventually be turned into debs.15:42
thropeis there any documentation for bzr-svn? I have having trouble finding anything except the faw15:43
thropealso is there any way to get a graphical log like hg glog? (I am just trying out dvcs and found that quite helpful)15:47
Lo-lan-doBesides, I would honestly prefer keeping my shell script and have it run faster :-)15:47
Lo-lan-dothrope: bzr viz, in the gtk plugin15:47
Lo-lan-doAs for bzr-svn, it's supposed to be "transparent"15:48
thropeLo-lan-do: ah - how to i 'activate' the plugin (I installed it but get error with bzr viz)15:48
thropeLo-lan-do: for bzr-svn it is owkring ok but I expect bzr push to update the svn repository but it said no location known15:48
bob2bzr push svn//url15:49
thropeoh - it won't store it anywhere?15:49
bob2push doesn't default the url the branch was branched from15:49
bob2it will once you specify it once15:49
bob2(this is a debated feature)15:49
Lo-lan-doI use a checkout (bound branch) for that.15:49
Lo-lan-doBut that's nothing to do with svn :-)15:50
thropeany idea what this means? http://pastebin.com/m646013ae15:50
thropeand how can I activate bzr viz?15:51
bob2you don't activate plugins15:52
bob2just install them15:52
bob2(ie put or symlink the dir into ~/.bazaar/plugins)15:53
thropeah - i thought it was in bzrtools package but its in bzr-gtk... I'm on a mac so it's kind of a pain to install all of gtk - is there no console tool?15:54
thropere: the error - when I try and rebase it says "no revisions to rebase"15:55
bob2did you find the bz-svn page on the wiki?15:56
thropebob2: yes but it doesn't have much info - just about installation15:56
awilkinsbzr-curses might be welcomed by some, I suppose15:58
awilkinsHow about qbzr, thrope?15:59
awilkinsIs Qt4 hard to get on Mac?15:59
awilkinsqlog is arguably much nicer than viz15:59
thropeits easy enough to get stuff through macports - it just takes ages to compile15:59
awilkinsIsn't there a mpkg for qt though ?16:00
* awilkins has no mac16:00
Verterokthrope: there is no need to compile Qt416:00
thropeanyway it doesn't really matter if I can't use it with svn - I'm just playing to try it out but can't seem to commit anyc hanges made in bazaar to a svn repo16:01
thropeno one has any idea what that error means?16:02
awilkinsjelmer is the expert16:02
thropei just made a toy repo for testing - checked out in bazaar, made some changes, meanwhile made some changes in svn and commited - and now I'm stuck16:03
awilkinsI think it's probably the "toy" nature of the repo - is all the content in the root?16:04
awilkinsI think it works best with a project/trunk;tags;branches layout16:04
thropeall content in root16:04
Verterokthrope: did you tried with dpush?16:06
thropeno - what is dpush16:06
throperats i just deleted the dir to try with trunk/tags/branch etc16:06
* Verterok is not an bzr-svn expert :)16:07
Verterokthrope: a command provided by vzr-svn16:07
quicksilverWould be nice if you could re-merge into an uncommited merge16:09
quicksilver(to merge another revision)16:09
thropeseemed to work now - don't know what went wrong the first time16:11
thropemaybe it was being the root of the repo16:11
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seb_kuzminskywhat did i just do to my svn repo...18:06
seb_kuzminskyi'm using bzr, bzr-svn, and loom, all on intrepid18:06
seb_kuzminskyi've branched a big svn repo into a local bzr repo18:06
seb_kuzminskyi loomified my local branch and hacked for a while18:07
seb_kuzminskymeanwhile others were committing to the svn repo18:07
seb_kuzminskyfinally i went down to my bottom thread and ran bzr pull to get their commits18:07
seb_kuzminskythen i went up on thread, and it showed all their commits as M - modified files (ie, it looks like a merge, not a pull)18:08
seb_kuzminskyi committed in the next-to-bottom thread and pushed....18:08
rockstarseb_kuzminsky, yea, so you'll have to merge those into your thread.18:08
seb_kuzminskynow when i look at the svn repo (with the svn program, not bzr), it looks like all the other peoples' commits are gone, and instead is the merge i did in my thread...18:09
seb_kuzminskyall their commits replaced by one commit of mine, with the log message "merge"...18:10
seb_kuzminskysvn thinks /trunk got replaced (svn log shows "R /trunk") at the place where my first thread-commit went in18:15
seb_kuzminskyguess i'll open a bug report18:18
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lifelessjelmer: there is a thread on list you should read :P - 'lost commits in our repo' (its bzr-svn w/ bzr-loom)22:26
seb_kuzminskyi'm the OP on that thread, i'm here and i can answer questions about the problem for the next few minutes before i have to leave22:30
seb_kuzminskylifeless: you didnt think you were rid of me did you :-P22:31
lifelessseb_kuzminsky: I hoped not :>22:36
lifelessjam: btw the pyrex iter_changes merge blocks the other too22:36
lifelessjam: do you want to review the __next__, or would you rather I nag someone to review that part?22:36
jamlifeless: yeah, I know that. I just got to the easy ones. My son has an ear infection so I got little sleep and I'm maybe 50% time working today22:38
jamdepends when he sleeps22:38
jamI do have it on my TODO22:38
lifelessjam: thanks; I'm not meaning to pressure, just didn't want to be nagged about the approved ones either :P22:38
jamspiv: if you are interested, my personal vote on "thing to do next" is "bzr up" over bzr+ssh. Even when it is a no-op it takes like 10s here to Launchpad.22:40
jamwhich is a bit of a pain for the packaging. It could just be LP handshaking being slow22:40
jamuh-oh.... something we did recently broke "bzr revert" on win3222:47
jamI now *always* get "Could not acquire lock"22:47
jamAnd I can't reallly revert to find out when that happened :)22:48
AfCjam: not to worry. There's always reformatting the drive... :)22:49
jamAfC: I have about 10 copies of bzr on this machine, I can just switch :)22:49
jamnot to mention "bzr branch" still works22:50
jamjust odd22:50
jamok, weird. Doing plain "bzr revert" fails, but "bzr revert -r -1" works, at least that gives me somewhere to point to22:51
lifelessjam: bet you its taking out a lock earlier22:54
jamluks: It seems to be your fault :)22:54
jamlifeless: yeah, rev 3733: fix bzr st -rbranch:path-to-branch (Lukas Lalinsky)22:54
spmis there a way to do a 'bzr cp'? Like 'bzr mv', but end up with two files that at some point in history were one?22:55
lifelessspm: 'bzr branch'22:56
jamlifeless: the problem is that "bzr revert" no args, is not using "tree.basis_tree()" and probably that is a DirStateRevisionTree, which is then getting ".lock_read()"22:56
lifelessspm: (no, its a desired feature, see under TIME)22:56
jambefore the actual working tree is getting .lock_write()22:56
spmlifeless: ta (again :-) ). isn't a major issue, but would have been a nice touch of sugar.22:57
AfCspm: I ran into wanting that not too long ago myself.23:08
jamlifeless: best help ever: http://docs.python.org/dist/module-distutils.extension.html23:25
jamSo much information there, I don't know what to do :)23:25
lifelessjam: :>23:31
lifelessjam: what are you working on?23:31
abadger1999jam: If you're not being sarcastic, that would make that the only distutils page that's helpful :-)23:37
* abadger1999 is migrating all his code to paver23:38
jamabadger1999: considering it is a single line of documentation, I'm probably being sarcastic :)23:41
jamlifeless: I'm trying to review your patch, and I figured getting it *compiling* on win32 might be a good first step23:41
AfCCompile-driven development. It's the latest vogue in testing.23:42
abadger1999heh.  That figures23:42
lifelessjam: sweet23:43
jamAfC: there are some that feel if your code is statically typed enough, compiling *is* correctness :)23:44
lifelessthey are wrong :P23:44
jamtypedef one int; typedef two int; ...23:45
pooliehello all23:47
jamIsn't  Verterok == Guillermo Gonzales?23:48
jamI'm trying to answer https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/4632623:48
lifelessjam: yes23:48
jamAnd ISTR that it was supposed to be fixed in xmloutput23:48
jampoolie: morning23:48

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