
RickZillaHi gang, on this page http://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted I see the line "Besides the standard software available on the Edubuntu CD, you will also find a world of software in the Edubuntu Universe, an on-line repository containing more than 10GB of community contributed software." But I don't see a link to it anywhere.  Can somebody point me in the right direction?16:46
ograclick on add/remove software in your menu :)16:50
RickZillaBut surely that doesn't include all of the "10G of community contributed software", does it?16:50
ogralook at the top, you have a pulldown menu there .... beyond that you can use System->administration->Synaptic package manager to get the rest that not registered in add/remove16:53
RickZillaogra:  Thanks, I'll check that out...sounds like Synaptic goes out on the web and finds additional software for me17:16
ograadd/remove does as well17:17
ograthey are both similar apps but add/remove only shows everything that has a menu entry17:18
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jc2itI am looking for information on how LDM is configured22:38
ograthrough lts.conf22:40
jc2itWhere is the documentaion located?22:43
jc2itfor lts.conf22:43
ograin /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/doc/ltsp-client-core/examples22:45
jc2itwhat does SCREEN_01=ldm do in conjunction with SCREEN_02=shell?22:51
ograSCREEN_01 is always ignored, its used by upstart as console22:52
ograSCREEN_02=shell and SCREEN_07=ldm would be better22:52
ograthat means there is an open login shell on tty2 and ldm on tty7 running22:53
ogra(thats ltsp config, not ldm specific)22:53
jc2itIs SCREEN_07 set that way as default?22:53
ograSCREEN_XX isnt set by default, but ldm usually runs on tty7, yes22:54
jc2itHow do I know if LDM is running?22:54
ograthe SCREEN variables are used to override these defaults22:54
ograif ldm is running you have a graphical login screen22:54
jc2itHow do i determine the Screen that loads as default?22:54
ograthats all ldm does22:54
jc2itso that SCREEN_07=ldm is the first screen the user sees22:55
ograldm start on tty7 be default, thats how its implemented22:55
ograright, ldm on tty722:55
jc2itgreat that is what I wanted to see. Now the thin client boots to an LDM screen on tty7 and by using Ctrl+Alt+F2 I can get a LTSP login to check/troubleshoot local stuff. Alos the PS -ale command verifies LDM is working.23:01
jc2itSo why Can't I change the Screensaver in Ubuntu + LTSP 5? When I attempt it the Thin Client logs out the user and returns to a login screen23:03
ograsounds like a bug23:04
jc2itAlso I cannot change the Screen Effects23:04
ograthats a matter of the grphics card ... usual thin clients dont have the HW to support 3D effects23:05
jc2itin System --> Preferences --> Appearence --> Visual effects23:05
jc2ithmmm How do i find out23:05
jc2itDo these effects then run on the thin client HW instead of the Server HW23:07
ograthey make use of the GL engine of your graphics card23:07
jc2itHow do I know if something ( OpenOffice, LDM) is running on the Thin Client or the Server?23:07
ograso the card needs to be set up to support 3D (out of the box only intel cards do that, since intel is the only company providing free 3D capable drivers)23:08
ograall apps run on the server23:08
ograonly ldm runs on the client23:08
jc2itSo the visual effects because they run through LDM are ran on the client?23:09
ograthey run through X23:09
jc2itwhich is on the client23:09
ograright, the driver that drives the hardware sits on the client23:10
ograit gets the drawing commands via network from the server23:10
ograbut to actually draw stuff the driver is used to drive the hardware23:11
ograso that part runs locally on the client ... while the app generating the commands runs on the server23:11
jc2itOk. So in my old server- thin client setup. I was running RH EL4 on the server. It used XDMCP to communicate between Thin Client and Server. the Thin clients booted into NeoLinux (Neoware's distro) and used GDM on the server to implement XDMCP.  I am pretty sure I was able to run like Open GL Screensavers and such on the Thin clients23:13
ograwell, the crasher is surely a bug23:13
ograthe effects require a card and driver that supports the composite extension23:13
jc2itWhere does LTSP generate  logs23:13
ografor X it uses /var/log/Xorg.6.log23:14
ograand for ldm the ldm.log in the same folder23:14
ograbeyond that it forwards to the servers syslog23:14
jc2iton the server or client23:14
ograthe first two on the client, the latter on the server23:15
jc2itso to enable effects I need to find out if my card supports the composite extension and I need a driver that allows this to work. If i was able to successfully determine both then where would I change the driver that loads. I am assuming it would be in the image area for LTSP but is this located in the chroot environment somewhere? under /opt/ltsp/i386/?????23:50

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