
Volkodavnvidia fails to load in 27-4 kernel again? whassup with that nvidia ?00:07
dn_use your old kernels00:10
Volkodavsmart answer00:11
Volkodavhelps to resolve it too00:11
burnerworks here00:11
VolkodavI wonder if it overwrote the xorg.conf again after upgrade00:12
Volkodavhave to check00:12
kimushi, I upgrade to Intrepid but NetworkManager does not connet00:44
kimusdhclient eth0 works fine00:45
kimushelp me! :-D00:53
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu+1's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:54
darthanubis!help me00:54
ubottuAvoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience00:54
=== emma_ is now known as emma
kimushi, I upgrade to Ubuntu Intrepid but NetworkManager does not connect. dhclient eth0 works fine01:00
DBOdoes anyone know why my system might suspend fine in the 2.6.26 linux-rt kernel for intrepid, but fail horribly in the 2.6.27-4 (and all the way back to -2 and possibly earlier) kernels?01:24
TuTUXGafter the kernel update my Ethernet is gone01:30
DBOTuTUXG, do you have a newish laptop?01:31
TuTUXGifup eth0 says unknow interface01:32
TuTUXGnot really that new, thinkpad t61p01:32
DBOTuTUXG, there is a really decent chance that your thinkpad, like mine, is using the e1000e driver01:32
DBOwhich has a wonderful bug of shitting all over its own firmware completely bricking the chip01:32
DBOso they removed the driver for now01:33
TuTUXGDBO, so your ethernet is gone as well?01:33
TuTUXGwhich thinkpad u have?01:33
TuTUXGwow, that's new01:33
TuTUXGhow is it?01:34
DBOwell, I dont suggest it until linux gets its suspend shit together01:34
DBObut its nice01:34
DBOand dont believe anything you read about "soft" keyboard01:34
TuTUXGsuspend works here ;D01:34
DBOits just as firm as the 6101:34
TuTUXGcool, are you using the open source ati driver?01:35
DBOi have it with just the intel x450001:35
DBOi wanted all open source drivers01:35
TuTUXGthat's nice01:35
DBObut... it seems that was all a moot point (if I sound a bit bitter, I am... I mean wtf, intel basically develops xorg...)01:36
TuTUXGso how about the ethernet, we just wait?01:36
DBOunless you want to RMA your laptop01:37
DBOReturn to Manufacturing01:37
DBOor something01:37
TuTUXGi already did that, one of mine usb port is broken, i had it replaced01:38
DBOyeah, you probably dont wanna do that again over a crap driver01:38
DBOI STRONGLY suggest leaving it disabled until its ready again01:39
DBOor revert to a 2.6.26 kernel01:39
TuTUXGtoo bad i removed the 27-3 kernel01:39
DBOthe linux-rt kernel which is available doesn't have the bug01:39
DBOi think it has the driver too01:39
DBOyou can use that01:39
DBOif you were to use the 27-3 you might brick your hardware01:39
TuTUXGit was working with the first 27-4 kernel, but not after the update, it's gone01:40
DBOthe only change was to remove the driver01:40
DBOit randomly will brick the hardware01:40
DBOyou really dont want to be using it01:40
TuTUXGi was looking at the changelog and notice that they took the e1000e driver, i didnt know that was mine...01:41
TuTUXGso if i use the rt kernel, mine nvidia driver will work?01:42
DBOit should01:42
DBOyou cant just install linux-rt, you have to install the sub packages01:43
DBOthe meta package is broken01:43
DBOsorry, forgot to mention that01:43
TuTUXGso when do i actually need to manually use dkms ?01:44
TuTUXGwhat do u mean the sub packages? like?01:45
DBOsudo aptitude install linux-image-2.6.26-1-rt01:46
TuTUXGDBO, cool, i will try that01:46
TuTUXGDBO, is there any way to install the driver manually?01:47
DBOTuTUXG, again, you REALLY dont want to do that01:47
DBOit will BREAK your hardware01:47
DBOit is in 2.6.26 safely... if you use it in 2.6.27, it will break your hardware01:48
TuTUXGDBO, thanks a lot, man01:49
TuTUXGare you using 2.6.26 now?01:49
DBOi am on 2.6.27 trying to make my suspend work01:50
DBOlinux sucks01:50
DBOi dont ever use my ethernet however01:50
DBOso losing the driver has no impact on me01:50
DBOI only use wifi01:51
TuTUXGi have wireless, but my router is crappy01:51
TuTUXGdisconnect itself randomly...01:51
davismjyea what the heck happened to suspend01:52
davismjit works 50% of the time for me01:52
TuTUXGwait, let me try01:52
davismji'm in class, about to head to the next class01:52
davismji hit suspend01:52
davismjpack up and walk01:52
davismja minute later as i'm walking i hear the ubuntu drums login sound01:52
davismji'm like...wtf01:53
DanaGFor me, on my nvidia box, it works once, but usually fails the second time.01:53
davismjsuspend is a gpu function?01:53
DanaGNo, but video drivers can break it sometimes.01:53
davismjyea i've got a 7600 go01:53
DBOi am using intel drivers01:53
DBOthis shit should not be a problem01:54
DBOfor all we talk about how great linux is01:54
DBOOS X and Windows blow it out of the water for shit like suspend01:54
davismjyou know you're using an alpha right?01:54
DanaGHmm, /me checks his hard drive yanked from the Gateway laptop, to see if it's using
davismjyou know if you load up 8.04 it'll work like a dream...?01:54
DBOdavismj, no it wont01:54
DanaGPro/1000 PT (8086:109b) is one of the affected ones, I think.01:54
davismjit did for me...01:54
DBO8.04 doesn't support my half year old hardware01:54
DanaGOh yeah, laptop-mode has been broken, too -- it doesn't run.01:55
davismjlike what?01:55
TuTUXGim back01:55
davismjDanaG: whats laptop-mode?01:55
DanaGI had to install the upstream version to get laptop-mode to work.01:55
DBOCentrino 2, intel X4500HD01:55
TuTUXGsuspend works fine here01:55
DBOdavismj, laptop mode is essentially the ugly hack that tried to minimize battery usage by adjusting hard drive parameters01:55
DBOamong some other things01:55
DBOit can also turn of services when you go into battery mode and some other useful features01:56
lukehasnonameRAOF: How could you say that the hard drive APM thing isn't a big deal?01:56
DBOalright, going to try the 2.4.2 intel driver01:56
DBObe back shortly01:57
davismji don't understand the draw of a thinkpad...01:57
TuTUXGDanaG, how do i tell if the laptop-mode is enabled?01:59
davismji think its a seperate program01:59
DanaGUgly hack?  It's not an ugly hack....01:59
DanaGUbuntu hacked it apart until it turned ugly.01:59
DanaG... and all the logic has been stripped out.01:59
DanaG"I have set ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_ON_AC or ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE_WHEN_LID_CLOSED on Ubuntu, but it isn't working!"02:01
DanaGThe laptop-mode-tools package in Ubuntu is a crippled version of the Debian package, which leaves the on/off decisions largely to the acpi-support package. Of course, they failed to mention this in the laptop-mode.conf file and in the manual pages, so that nobody actually knows this. They also failed to mention that the file /etc/default/acpi-support can even turn laptop mode off completely. The Ubuntu solution has various downsides. F02:01
DanaGGotta' love the crippling. =þ02:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250938 in acpi-support "acpi-support should let laptop-mode-tools run properly" [Undecided,Fix released]02:03
aroonihas anyone downloaded all the updates recently?  is it a good/bad move?  i'm having problems with the daily (last saturday) not acceptin 128 bit wep hex keys... even though i'm entering the right ones, it not remembering what passwords i entered upon a restart, and wpa not working....02:03
aroonirtl-8185l chipset02:03
supertoneswhen should we expect to see a flash 10 rc package?02:04
davismji thought it was out02:04
supertonesoh do you know where i can get it?02:04
davismjnot sure actually02:04
davismji just -think- it is out02:04
supertonesoh ok my flash sometimes crashes on streams and i saw the rc fixes that02:05
TuTUXGadobe lab?02:05
supertonesi'm lazy and will wait for a deb or something in the repos02:06
TuTUXGthen wait02:06
TuTUXGtry mediubuntu02:06
TuTUXGbug 26355502:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 263555 in linux "[intrepid] 2.6.27 e1000e driver places Intel ICH8 and ICH9 gigE chipsets at risk" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26355502:07
TuTUXG"Once this corruption has occurred, recovery may be possible via a BIOS update, but may well require replacement of the hardware. Use of Intel's IABUTIL.EXE is strongly discouraged, as it will worsen the problem to the point where the network part will no longer appear on the PCI bus."02:07
TuTUXGthat's scary :(02:08
DBOlibdrm is hardlocking the system with latest stable intel xorg driver02:08
DBOgoing to see if thats also the reason my system hardlocks after resume when X comes up02:08
DBOwhich would explain why nvidia people have no issues as it doesn't use libdrm02:09
lukehasnonameTuTUXG: The flash 10 RC for linux is 32 bit02:09
TuTUXGlukehasnoname, oh02:09
lukehasnonameI just tried02:09
TuTUXGlukehasnoname, 64 bit?02:09
TuTUXGi dont think 64bit flash exists yet02:10
DanaGI just found a way to quite reliably kill PulseAudio: use frame-skip in mplayer.02:10
TuTUXGat least from adobe. Those MFSOBs!!02:10
davismjallegedly flash in a 64 bit architecture is not a simple port02:12
TuTUXGwhat's npviewer?02:13
lukehasnonamein what scientists are calling "pretty gay", the internet has been built on flash.02:13
TuTUXGnot really...02:14
lukehasnonameYou'd think an open source development co. or group of people would be all over an FOSS alternative02:14
TuTUXGlike every official ubuntu sites, i doubt u would find flash on any of them02:15
Hobbseethere are some FOSS alternatives.02:15
Hobbseegnash, for one.02:15
TuTUXGi use gnash to play swf games offline02:16
lukehasnonameHobbsee: That's not what I meant, but I know what you're talking about02:16
lukehasnonameI mean an entire platform02:16
lukehasnonameas in, no flash on either side02:16
DanaGodd.. console ssh pops up a gnome keyring dialog.02:17
DanaG"Your login keyring was not unlocked at login" -- or something like that.02:17
davismjlukehasnoname:  hi02:17
HobbseeDanaG: it's detected an X server, so it probably does, yes.02:17
DanaGThat's annoying.  If it's a login keyring... then unlock it at logon102:17
HobbseeDanaG: it's a cacher, etc.02:17
DanaGI have a passwordless ssh key for the host.02:17
HobbseeDanaG: login to another server?  sheesh, no thanks!02:17
lukehasnonamedavismj: hi02:18
Hobbsee(at login, without my explicit telling it so, that is002:18
davismjlukehasnoname: how are you02:18
lukehasnoname... I'm there in #exaile if you want to talk there02:18
DanaGWell, it also means I can't auto-connect to a WPA router.02:18
HobbseeDanaG: besides, i think you can set it so it unlocks everything at login02:18
davismji see that02:18
DanaGDoesn't work with auto-login.02:19
Hobbseeor various areas.02:19
DanaGI wanted to have a spare system that'd auto-login and auto-connect to WPA... but it's not possible.02:19
* Hobbsee has autologin, and autoconnect to the WPA access point02:19
DanaGOr rather, now it is, now that the "System Setting" thing is there....02:19
HobbseeOTOH, i think i have a passwordless gnome-keyring.02:19
DanaGBut it never worked for me -- either I got an "enter a password for automatic login" at GDM ... thus defeating the purpose of autologin...02:19
DanaG... or I got it not unlocking the keyring.02:19
darrendanyone know if the 8.10 kernel will be PAE enabled by default?02:20
matt^^darrend: whats PAE02:20
darrendphysical address extension.. support for 4G ram02:21
lukehasnonamephysical address extension, it fakes 64 bit addressing for 32 bit OS, I BELIEVE02:21
lukehasnonamein desktop it only goes up to 4 GiB02:21
DanaGYay: Your IP is 2002:4709:3419:1:20e:35ff:fe34:8aff02:21
matt^^if you have 4g ram and no 64 bit chip...02:21
matt^^you do a lot of drinking, ya?02:21
DBOthank you god02:21
DBOI figured out what is causing the problem02:21
matt^^the little devil in the BSD logo?02:22
DBOif I disable accel and remove modprobe -r drm02:22
DBOi can suspend all day long02:22
matt^^you = teh uber bugfixer02:22
matt^^ /cheer!02:22
DBOi going to kills you02:22
matt^^ /flee~02:22
DBOno, the uber bug fixer would have a working drm with suspend02:22
lukehasnonameHobbsee: I just tried gnash in firefox on youtube and it didn't work :(02:23
matt^^what is drm, btw?02:23
DBOmatt^^, no effing clue02:23
TuTUXGdigital right management?02:23
matt^^lukehasnoname:  have you tried the nsplugginwrapper script02:24
supertonesassociates a computer with a type of media02:24
DBOmaybe its just a compiz issue...02:24
TuTUXGThis library implements the userspace interface to the kernel DRM services. DRM stands for "Direct Rendering Manager", which is the kernelspace portion of the "Direct Rendering Infrastructure" (DRI). The DRI is currently used on Linux to provide hardware-accelerated OpenGL drivers.02:24
lukehasnonamematt^^: no02:24
TuTUXGhere you go02:25
matt^^lukehasnoname:  its a goodie, works every time02:25
TuTUXGDBO, ?02:25
=== emma_ is now known as emma
TuTUXGi see more and more people are using the dust theme02:27
TuTUXGon deviantart02:27
* DanaG still likes his ridiculously bright orange theme.02:29
TuTUXGhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/DustTheme take a look02:33
DBOso how does one force the drm module to unload from the kernel?02:34
DBOwill that break things horribly?02:34
RAOFDBO: Shouldn't.  But it'll only unload if nothing's using it, I believe.02:34
DBOthe intel driver uses it02:35
RAOFRight.  I guess that it's likely to break intel pretty hard, since it's likely to lose state across a remove/insert pair.02:35
DBOi figured removing it and adding it might do bad things to X02:36
DBOso is the drm kernel module in alpha 6 up to date?02:36
DBOor is there perhaps a compelling reason for me to get a new one?02:36
RAOFDepends on what you mean by "up to date".02:37
DBOas in most recently released version02:37
RAOFYes, for the value of "released" equal to "in the upstream kernel".02:37
DBOok then i am fresh out of ideas on how to make it play nice02:38
RAOFIf you want to play with newer drm modules, you can add my nouveau PPA and do a tiny bit of fiddling with the build script to get a git snapshot of drm master.02:38
DBORAOF, that might be worthwhile02:39
RAOFIndeed it might.02:39
DBORAOF, why do I need to fiddle at all, dont you have a more recent version all debbed up?02:39
lukehasnonameso the 64-bit deb of OOo 3 RC2 isn't working (link is broken on OO.org)02:39
lukehasnonameso I'm going to compile from source, maybe? woot02:39
RAOFDBO: Because, at one point, the intel drm module didn't build, and that make my nouveau stuff fail to install.02:39
RAOFlukehasnoname: See you in a couple of days, then :)02:40
DBORAOF, come again02:40
RAOFDBO: DRM is divided into two parts; libdrm, the userspace component, and the kernel modules.02:40
* DanaG wishes toshiba_acpi were not removed.02:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New]02:41
RAOFDBO: I build libdrm and a drm-modules-source package for use with modules-assistant (normally you only use the drm kernel modules shipped with the kernel).02:41
DBOyeah and?02:42
RAOFAt one point, the intel.ko kernel module started to fail to build, which made the whole process fail, so I switched to only building nouveau.ko02:42
DBOwhy are you even building intel.ko?02:42
DanaGstupid tlsup... why make a virtual input device... that doesn't work?02:42
DBOi only care about drm.ko02:42
RAOFDBO: Because I could, and people like you might find it useful :)02:42
DanaGVirtual keyboard... that doesn't report itself as a keyboard.  How silly.02:42
lukehasnonameRAOF: you never answered my question. Last night you downplayed the importance of a bug that shortens hard drive lifespan. Why do you believe it's not a big deal?02:42
* DanaG has tweaked his journal commit time to 900 seconds.02:43
DBORAOF, alright, I am looking through your source package now02:43
matt^^oooohhh snap02:43
DanaGThat's 5 minutes... or perhaps it was 15 minutes.02:43
DBORAOF, what must I do?  or must young padawan learn?02:44
RAOFlukehasnoname: Because (a) it only affects people with broken firmware, (b) I'm not sure how much it actually shortens hard drive lifespan.02:44
DanaGI don't remember what my Hitachi drive was set to...02:45
DanaG... but I was able to permanently set the default APM setting for the drive, using Hitachi Feature Tool.02:45
DanaG... on Ultimate Boot CD.02:45
RAOFlukehasnoname: As opposed to rough-guideline-lifespan metrics.02:45
lukehasnonameRAOF: when enough people have broken firmware, it's still relevant. My WDC hd is affected, and I have to rig my acpi not to go crazy.02:45
DanaGHeh, you should try a WD My Book drive.02:45
DanaGIt goes ssshhhclick every 5 seconds.02:45
lukehasnonameI haven't even thought about whether it affects my external drive....02:46
DanaGThey must have the unload time set to something like 3 seconds.02:46
RAOFDBO: So, you can either wait for this evening, when I'll upload a new package which builds intel.ko as well, or... let me check.02:46
DBORAOF, fantastic02:46
DBOI make you deal02:46
DBOif I dont go food shopping with the gf02:46
DBOI will be dead man02:46
DBOso erm, can you uhhh, make magic happen when I be gone, and then I will love you forever?02:46
RAOFThis sounds like a good reason to wait for option (a) :)02:47
Tinasonwhen i start this hardy live cd, networking works just fine, in ibex, networking doesnt work at all. is there something different i need to do?02:47
DBORAOF, its this evening here....02:47
RAOFYeah, certainly.  It'll be in about 7/8ish hours, my time.02:47
DanaGOh yeah, laptop-mode-tools are actually broken in Intrepid.02:47
DBORAOF, ah damnit02:47
RAOFSo you'll get it tomorrow morning.02:47
DanaG.. thus, the setting don't take effect.02:47
* RAOF lives in _his_ time :P02:47
Tinasonanyone else had trouble with networking in ibex?02:48
DanaGI've had nm-applet not remembering WPA passphrases... but that's about it.02:48
DBORAOF, can you give me a brief idea what we are talking about having to do?02:48
DanaG... and naming things like this:02:48
DanaGAuto Home02:48
DanaGAuto MustangWireless02:49
DanaGAuto eth002:49
Tinasonits like knetworkmanager wont recognize my eth wired conenction02:49
DanaGAuto..... stupid..... I don't want to prefix everything with Auto.02:49
* DanaG goes off and prefixes random stuff with Auto:02:49
DanaGAuto ubottu: bot02:49
DanaGAuto this sounds really stupid.02:49
RAOFDBO: (a) Installing libdrm and drm-modules-source from the ppa.  (b) Editing /usr/src/modules/drm-modules/rules & preinst/postrm (c) running module-assistant.02:50
Tinasonis networking handled some different way in ibex?02:50
DBORAOF, is there any compelling reason I would need a more up to date version of intel.ko?02:50
RAOFDBO: Because your card is new?02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 250938 in acpi-support "acpi-support should let laptop-mode-tools run properly" [Undecided,Fix released]02:50
DanaG.... not actually fixed in laptop-mode-tools.02:50
DBORAOF, but it works with 2.4.1 (what ubuntu has)02:51
RAOFTinason: There's a new version of network manager, which might affect things.02:51
DanaGGotta' love when developers completely GUT all the logic out of something.02:51
DBOI think I only really need a new version of the drm module02:51
DBOscrew it, I am upgrading them just to see how they work02:52
RAOFDBO: Then you could install drm-modules-source, go to /usr/src/modules/drm-modules/linux-core, and run "make".02:52
DBOdoing it now love02:52
Tinasondid anyone else experience trouble with wired connections?02:53
DanaGWhy has the topic not been updated with any sort of note about the e1000e corruption issue?02:54
matt^^but its on and off02:54
DBOwe are dumb?02:54
RAOFDBO: For those playing at home, Intrepid actually has libdrm 2.*3*.1, not 2.4.1 (which is unreleased, as is 2.4.0 ;))02:54
matt^^i'm especially dumb02:54
DBORAOF, see that makes a lot of sense now02:55
Tinasonmatt^^: did you fix it?02:55
DBOwow drm is a long compile02:55
DBORAOF, I ran make02:55
DBOarent I suppose to run m-a somewhere here?02:55
RAOFDBO: Not the way you're doing it, which is manually, but will work fine.02:56
DBOok, I ran make, now what?02:56
DBOit built drm.ko02:56
DBOcopy it in place?'02:56
RAOFCopy it to /lib/modules/$(uname -v)/updates, I think.02:56
=== SergeantPony is now known as KB1OHY
DBOthere is no updates folder02:57
DBOmake one?02:57
DBOalright, now I reboot I assume?02:58
RAOFThen plop in drm.ko (and possibly i810.ko while you're at it).02:59
DBOi think i need i91502:59
RAOFIs there a i915.ko?02:59
DBOguess not02:59
DBOi810 it is02:59
DBOok, its in place now too03:00
DBOnow I reboot?03:00
DBOI have many virtues, and out of all 3 of them, none of them are patients and 3 of them are useless!03:01
RAOFHm.  You may wan to "make i915.o", actually.03:01
RAOFYou should be able to simply stop X and then modprobe -r drm03:01
RAOFThen modprobe -vvv drm03:01
RAOF(To make sure it comes from foo/updates03:01
DBOoh there now it worked03:02
DBOmake i915.o resulted in something, but not an i915.ko03:02
DBOalright, I am going to go try it03:03
DBOI installed your libdrm also03:03
DBOgood idea?03:03
DBOI hope so03:03
RAOFGood luck.03:03
DBObe right back!03:03
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)03:05
lukehasnonamethank god03:15
DBOping RAOF03:23
DBOthere is an updated i915.ko I need03:23
RAOFDBO: Pong03:23
DBOwhere do I get it =P03:23
RAOFOh, arse.  "ifeq ($(OS_HAS_GEM), 1) CONFIG_DRM_I915 := m"03:26
RAOFOh.  That was easy.03:26
DBOerm, so i915.ko wont built without gem?03:26
RAOFDBO: make DRM_MODULES="i915" OS_HAS_GEM=103:26
RAOFDBO: Correct.  Except, apparently, i915 won't _build_ with GEM on Ubuntu, because it needs patches against the kernel.  Urgh.03:27
DBOso I am going to have to make a custom kernel now03:28
DBOis there a way to rebuilt ubuntu's current i915.ko against the new libdrm03:28
RAOFI don't think it builds againt libdrm at all, does it?03:29
DBOi915: disagrees about version of symbol drm_release03:29
DBOsorry, drm module03:29
RAOFRight.  Yes.03:29
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RAOFUm... dunno, really.  Sorry.03:29
RAOFIt might be worth kicking it into #ubuntu-x, possibly.  A bug should certainly be filed.03:30
hudnix_How, I wonder, do you manually force a driver reinstall?03:33
RAOFhudnix_: Depends what you mean by "driver".03:41
orly_owlwill ubuntu 8.10 have kde4?04:04
keisangihi there, i'm having troubles with intrepid ibex alpha and network manager.. every time i reboot i have to setup my network configuration manualy, network manager doesn't work at all04:50
keisangiit's simple ethernet connection, no wireless or any exotic stuff04:50
keisangiwhat could i do ?04:50
keisangieach time i reboot i have to edit /etc/resolv.conf to add "nameserver
keisangiand ifconfig eth0
keisangiand finaly: route add default gw
keisangishould i delete network manager ?04:51
HewIs there a list of Intrepid release goals somewhere?04:54
danbh_intrepidkeisangi: wait for beta04:57
keisangidanbh_intrepid, i modified /etc/network/interfaces and will probably delete network manager, i don't need it04:58
keisangithanks for the reply tho04:58
danbh_intrepidkeisangi: you can also try wicd in the mean time too04:58
keisangiwicd ? what is that?04:59
danbh_intrepidgoogle it04:59
danbh_intrepidyou have to anyway to install it04:59
keisangihum i c05:00
keisangimaybe nice for everyone else who can't edit interfaces file05:00
keisangitime to reboot and test05:01
danbh_intrepidkeisangi: interfaces doesnt support my nic, so I have to use wicd05:01
lukehasnonameIs there a standard place to install virtual machines?05:04
keisangihum work better now :)05:08
Jordan_UIs there a way to make VLC 9.2 not quite so ugly?05:12
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG
lukehasnonameALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:1008:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave05:14
lukehasnonameALSA lib ../../../src/pcm/pcm_dmix.c:1008: (snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave05:15
lukehasnonameThe error my firefox console prints when I try to watch flash videos using flashplugin-nonfree on intrepid 6405:15
DanaGMmm, ipw2200 is using 60% CPU.  Yay.05:22
RAOFnvidia's blob finally doesn't suck at dual head!  I now get to experience all the _other_ bugs compiz exposes in it!05:25
DanaGHmm, new driver?05:26
* DanaG wishes they'd fix the damn 96 drivers.05:26
RAOFWhatever the latest 177 drivers are finally report correct display dimensions, so windows don't maximise across both screens.05:26
DanaGOh yeah, something I just learned: don't leave a cardbus card in the slot while moving a laptop...............05:26
DanaGI just had to open this old Toshiba laptop to remove the remnants of the interior part of the slot, so they wouldn't float around and short things.05:27
RAOFWhoops.  How'd that hapen?05:27
DanaGPut the laptop in my bag with a USB 2.0 card sticking out the side.05:28
RAOFAh.  Cue torsion?05:28
DanaGIt must've gotten bashed on the side... a plastic part of the slot assembly actually broke.05:28
DanaGThat would've been an impact directly along the axis it slides along.05:28
Jordan_UIs there a way to make VLC 9.2 not quite so ugly?05:54
RAOFUse totem? :)05:55
RAOFMore seriously, are you using the QT build?05:55
RAOFIf so, presumably QT themes will be able to make the world less ugly.05:55
Jordan_URAOF: Yes, in 9.2 it's only QT05:56
saikiand um.. coders here?06:09
timboyI have set up my nvidia to use twinview and it treats both of my monitors as one big monitor so when i maximize my window it puts it over both screens how do I fix this?06:10
lhnnsudo apt-get dist-upgrade should take me from hardy to intrepid right?06:23
saikias far as I know06:26
lhnnbecause when i enter that, it tells me it's only going to update serveral packages, like putting the kernel to 2.6.24-19, which is still hardy06:28
* DanaG uses qgtkstyle for qt4 apps.06:29
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lhnnI just did an evil thing06:43
lhnnsudo perl -p -i -e 's/hardy/intrepid/g' /etc/apt/sources.lst && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:45
RAOFlhnn: I suppose you could do that.  I'd've used sed, though :)06:59
RAOFAnd, obviously, do-release-upgrade -d would've done it too, and with some smarts to work around common problems.07:00
bullgard4Will Intrepid include a better bookmark management for Epiphany?07:14
lhnnI've never heard of that command before RAOF07:23
lhnnagain, I thought apt-get dist-upgrade was supposed to do it07:23
lhnnbut it wasn't doing it without me rigging it07:24
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cypherdelicgood job, the current alpha is quite stable, ive ran all the way through from apha 1 :)09:07
lukehasnonameWhat is the name of the package (applet, w/e) that sits in the top right corner, asking if I want to logout, shutdown, etc?09:07
jack_distortionhi all09:29
ikoniahello jack_distortion09:38
cypherdelic*happy* today is beta release :)09:56
cypherdelicgnome 2.24 migration was competely succesful on my system, the system is very stable, tooo09:58
ikoniamigration ?09:58
cypherdelicupgrade ;)09:59
ikoniait just updates the package, what part is a migration ?09:59
cypherdelicmigration: mow from one to another09:59
ikoniaso basiclly you typed "apt-get upgrade"09:59
cypherdelicbasically yes09:59
ikoniaright so not realyl a "migration"09:59
ikoniasome packages got updated as they have done almost nightly10:00
cypherdelicno not my pcs still at the same place10:00
ikoniastill in the same place ?10:00
ikonianarf ?10:00
cypherdelicjust forget what i meant with migration10:00
gnomefreakif anyone knows how to sign an email in claws-mail please let me know how. I already have the plugin and its enabled. the key is defined in prefferences AFAIK and it still says cant find key10:01
ikoniagnomefreak no idea10:01
cypherdelicpeople of ##kernel told me to try a kernel.org 2.6.27 to resolve my Bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/271367, but that is not the way i can contribute to ubuntu. Any ideas, how to go on or provide more inmormations?10:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 271367 in linux "Intrepid and Kernel 2.6.27: MSI Digivox mini II (V3.0) [Afatech DVB-T 2] not detected" [Undecided,New]10:03
ikoniacypherdelic wait for them to ask for more specific information10:04
ikoniacypherdelic: isn't ubunt 8.10 using 2.6.27 any way10:04
cypherdelicit ddont seem anyone even accepted the bug since a week now10:04
gnomefreakcypherdelic: the kernel team are normally good with repling to bugs10:05
ikoniacypherdelic: there are a lot of bugs to fix10:05
RAOFcypherdelic: If, by "beta release" you mean "bete *freeze*", then yes :)10:05
cypherdelicRAOF: cool, heyaa - *drops out champagne* *FUMP*10:05
elmargolif i use kde4 + nvidia my gpu crashes and it looks like I'm on LSD :D10:06
gnomefreakand you say thats a bug?10:06
cypherdelicgnomefreak: ikonia: thats why i try to provide as much information as possible10:06
elmargolit is :D10:07
gnomefreakelmargol: screenshots?10:07
elmargolgnomefreak: no way I can make a screenshot10:07
elmargolI have to hardreboot after this10:07
gnomefreakgood point10:07
cypherdelici always know KDE is an evil drug10:07
cypherdelicmaybe some thousand overblending effects, whats your card?10:08
gnomefreakwhat does ctrl+alt+F4 do? it should send you to tty10:08
elmargolI think thats what you get if you use the most recent kernel :D10:08
gnomefreakelmargol: did you just install nvidia drivers and you got this?10:08
cypherdelicelmargol: hm no, im with nvidia-onboard and 177.76 glx, no problem with 2.6.27-4.610:09
cypherdelicluckily im with a sneaky gnome10:09
elmargolcypherdelic: do you use the nonfree driver?10:09
gnomefreakelmargol: use envy or jocley to install the drivers, i have a feeling you didnt10:09
gnomefreakelmargol: its not final yet10:09
elmargol01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce Go 7900 GS (rev a1)10:09
gnomefreakand not in our repos10:10
cypherdelicelmargol: is nvidia-glx-177 non-free?10:10
gnomefreakelmargol: you use 177 driver10:10
gnomefreakcypherdelic: no10:10
cypherdelichow to install that from intrepid base?10:10
gnomefreakcypherdelic: download the .run or .bin(not sure hwat one it is) and install it10:11
cypherdelicor is it a beta from nvidia.com somewhat?10:11
gnomefreakit hasnt been released yet10:11
gnomefreaknot sure what part of devl they are in10:11
gnomefreakbe back in a bit smoke than look up drivers for you10:11
cypherdelicgnomefreak: if it is not released, where should i download it?10:12
rconanwell... i was about to try 2.6.27-4 with nvidia on mine but i get an error to do with uvesafb10:12
rconani think i heard someone saying something about this10:12
elmargolI can not use jockey since it is broken atm10:12
gnomefreakcypherdelic: read my last post10:12
cypherdelicgnomefreak: i have no nvidia devel with i version count higher that 1.77.7610:13
cypherdelici mean 177.7610:13
gnomefreakthat is the highest in repos10:18
gnomefreakcypherdelic: http://www.petitiononline.com/nvfoss/ read that. i can find them im sure but the breakage and friends in that post doesnt sound good10:21
gnomefreakok done signing it now looking for them10:25
gnomefreakcypherdelic: there is no drivers yet, atleast publicly released at this time10:28
gnomefreakbe back need to restart10:28
bullgard4Will Intrepid include GNOME 2.24?10:56
rconanbullgard4, it already does10:58
cwilluthe ubuntu release cycle was originally made to follow gnome's releases iirc10:58
bullgard4rconan: Thank you for your information.10:59
rconani didn't know gnome used a time based release cyce11:01
gnomefreakevery 6 months11:02
rconanthe ubuntu one defnitely makes sense then11:02
ikoniarconan: not for all situaitons11:02
cwilluwho is InvisibleHeero and why is he poking me :(11:03
ikoniacwillu: he's a troll11:03
ikoniacwillu what did he do11:03
cwillu* Received a CTCP VERSION from InvisibleHeero11:03
cwillunot in any channel I'm in though11:04
ikoniano, I know11:04
ikoniaI'll sort it11:04
cwillu"""afallenhope> if you're so concerned I'm sorry I fucking versioned you I clicked the wrong button. http://seclists.org/bugtraq/2008/Mar/0376.html you might want to update your client"""11:15
ikoniaon it11:16
badp_Hello. As of yesterday's round of updates, sound on my laptop is fully broken.11:16
badp_Pulseaudio didn't ever really work, but now ALSA fails as well11:17
badp_while espeak and sonata work flawlessly.11:17
* badp_ is baffled.11:17
cwillumy work on badp_'s laptop is complete11:20
kimushi, anyone?11:34
kimusI've a problem with NetworkManager11:35
cwilluikonia, thanks.  I wouldn't have minded if he was prettier, but his facial hair just doesn't do it for me :/11:35
kimusNM is not working for me11:36
ikoniacwillu: he's been a bit of a pain all day in here, he lurks in another channel I'm in11:36
kimusNM doesn't connect to wired or wireless networks. a simple dhclient eth0 works fine in the console11:37
cwillukimus, I'm running under the assumption that if you're smart enough to run an alpha, you're smart enough to ask good questions, and so excuse my impatience, I'm sure you're typing a really good description of your problem as we speak :)11:37
cwilluah, see?  :)11:38
cwillulogged in?11:38
kimushello cwillu, i'm typing telegram msg because till today no one answer my calls :-D11:38
cwilluupgrade or fresh install?11:39
kimusso, the problem is quite simple. NM does not connect to any network but from console works fine wired (dhclient) and wireless (wpa_supplicant + dhclient)11:39
kimusit's a upgrade11:40
kimusbut I allready had NM0.711:40
cwilluany previously weird configuration via network-admin or /etc/network?11:40
kimuscwillu: I think not11:40
kimusnot connection to a wired network is stupid :-D11:41
cwillunm-applet | right click | edit connections | wired tab | auto eth0 | edit, does it say connect automatically?11:42
kimuscwillu: the problem is not the detection... it tries to connect, tries..., and still tries... and in the end it does not connect  :-)11:43
kimuscwillu: tries to connect for a long time and in the end does not !!... I removed the default Auto eth0... and now I have Auto Ethernet and Auto eth0 :-) full of bugs thos NM i think11:44
cwillukimus, how was 0.7 installed previously?  ppa?11:45
kimushum... was a rep. let me see11:45
kimuscwillu: ok was ppa: http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ubuntu11:46
kimuscwillu: so, need to reinstall ?11:48
cwilluis that ppa still active?  from synaptic, does selecting network-manager -> package | force version give you any options?11:48
kimusno, the upgrade unintalled it11:48
cwillucan you check network-manager / network-manager-gnome though?11:48
cwilluif it had a higher version number than intrepids, you may still be running the network manager from the ppa, even though the ppa is disabled  (just tripped over that on a banshee install)11:49
kimusthe versions installed is svn2008090811:49
IenorandHow is flash working out in Ibex so far (Bug #192888) ? same issues as Hardy?11:49
cwillu!info network-manager11:49
kimuscwillu: ok, could be that. though in hardy worked :-D11:50
cwilluIenorand, it's fixed for a while in intrepid (we're running flash10)11:50
cwilluIenorand, flash10 has unrelated crashy issues, but it's the only viable fix for that bug11:50
kimuscwillu: I will revert to intrepid and let you know11:50
cwillukimus, :p11:50
Ienorandcwillu: Nice, finally.11:50
cwilluIenorand, you can install the flash10 beta under hardy as well, not sure there's a package around for it right now though11:52
cwilluIenorand, installing the 32bit version of nspluginwrapper is useful to avoid taking out firefox completely (disabling and reenabling the flashplugin then allows you to just restart flash without needing to restart ff)11:52
Ienorandcwillu: I have niether atm anyhow, haven't gotten round to set up my triple boot yet :D11:53
izikeis there is ANY way to get fglrx to work in 8.10?11:54
* cwillu gently directs izike towards launchpad.net11:55
badp_Sorry, I dropped.11:56
izikecwillu: i am there, what to look for?11:56
ikoniaizike: ati drivers are famously bad, I suggest you wait for a stable 8.10 release11:59
kimuscwillu: back and working...11:59
cwilluizike, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/24737612:00
kimuscwillu: another anoying problem is that compiz never correctly starts (and no WM)... I have to go to the menu System > Preferences > Appearance to choose Normal in the effects12:00
cwillukimus, you seem to be the type that upgrades to ppa versions, any chance you've got a non-standard compiz hanging around? :)12:01
kimuscwillu: lol...12:02
cwillukimus, after a relog, does running 'compiz' in a terminal start things up properly?12:02
kimuscwillu: if I go to the appearance settings it starts compiz... it's only the first logon12:03
cwillukimus, i.e., after you've logged on once, it works properly there after?12:03
kimuscwillu: i'm sure I havent no ppa for compiz12:03
cwillukimus, before setting it via appearance, run it from the console, there may be useful information there12:04
kimuscwillu: ok, now I will not do that... when I relog again (maybe some days :-D) I will check that12:05
kimusneed to work... eh eh eh12:05
cwillukimus, so, um, why are you running alpha stuff on a machine you need to work?  :)12:06
cwilludo you not remember the libc screwup during the hardy alphas?12:06
kimuscwillu: btw, can't go to X on a machine that has a ATI mobility radeon HD347012:06
kimuscwillu: all... vesa does not work also :-p12:07
cwilluif so, scroll up, and pretend your name is izike :p12:07
kimusscroll... humm no info here... where is the logs ?12:08
cwilluizike, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/24737612:08
cwillubah, kimus :p12:08
cwillu!info network-manager12:09
izikecwillu:is there anyway to come back to 8.04?12:09
cwilluizike, technically yes, although it's not simple12:10
kimuscwillu: now I have the default xorg.conf settings done with dpkg-reconfigure12:10
izikecwillu:i do want to do it12:10
cwilluizike, applying one of the workarounds listed in that bug report is almost certainly going to be easier than downgrading12:11
ubottunetwork-manager (source: network-manager): network management framework daemon. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7~~svn20080908t183521+eni0-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 243 kB, installed size 1924 kB12:11
cwilluizike, if you have the means to do a backup, then backing up your home directory, reinstalling 8.04, and then restoring your homedirectory should get just about everything back to normal (aside from any system level changes you made;  your desktop settings themselves should all stick around)12:12
cwilluizike, if everything else is largely working for you, then getting xorg fixed, and then waiting for the beta (or even the final release) before applying any further updates will probably be the least headache12:13
izikecwillu:the only question is how long would it take waiting for the beta?12:14
cwilluizike, downgrading consists of changing all the entries in sources.list to point to hardy sources, and then using a combination of apt, aptitude, and dpkg to force everything back down to the latest hardy versions, fixing things by hand as they break12:14
cwilluizike, I believe the beta's supposed to be october 3rd, although it may still not have an easy fglrx fix (that's up to ati, although I think they said they'd have something out sometime in october)12:15
cwilluizike, final will almost certainly be sometime before the end of october (intrepid being 8.10, meaning 10th month of 2008)12:15
cwilluizike, might I ask what prompted you to try out intrepid?  (it's not a bad thing to try it, as long as you know what you're getting yourself in to)12:17
ikoniaa bigger version number no doubt12:18
cwillushush you :p12:18
badp_11:20] <cwillu> my work on badp_'s laptop is complete12:18
cwillubadp_, just quiping on how your audio mostly didn't work before, and now it completely doesn't work12:18
badp_It worked ok before with ALSA12:19
cwillualthough pa doesn't deal with the hardware directly, so if alsa is broken, then alsa is broken12:19
cwilludoes it work out of the box typically?12:19
cwillumight try a livecd12:20
badp_I haven't changed the configuration12:20
badp_except I had set all the boxes in System > Prefs > Sound to ALSA12:20
cwilluwas it a fresh install though?12:20
badp_It also worked with freshly updated Intrepid alpha612:20
badp_Nope, not a fresh install.12:21
cwillucan you running a livecd?12:21
badp_I tried burning livecd's but apparently none of my burners is able to burn anything right. <.<12:21
badp_*cd recorders12:21
cwilluthere's no real reason pulseaudio should not work, beyond the typical 'some legacy app grabbed the audio device before pa did'12:21
blue-frogbadp_: there's a bug after the latest update for the sound. no sounds will play from now on12:22
badp_...but espeak DOES work12:22
badp_TeamSpeak DOES work12:22
badp_Sonata DOES work12:22
badp_It's all the rest that doesn't12:22
cwillublue-frog, I'm fully updated, works fine for me12:22
badp_"legacy apps" are fine12:23
blue-frogcwillu: you are lucky then. after this morning's update, ogg and mp3 do not play in totem or rhytlbox12:23
* badp_ runs another aptitude update apgrade12:23
badp_no sound updates12:24
badp_OSS test sound DOES work, but setting all on OSS does not12:24
elmargolDoes jockey-kde work for you?12:24
badp_I have gnome apps only.12:24
blue-frogbadp_: yes oss test is thze only test working for me, alsa and pulse test gives error12:24
elmargolbadp_: does jockey-gtk work?12:25
badp_elmargol, I don't have it12:25
cwilluis pulseaudio running?  what errors are you getting?12:26
blue-frogcwillu: do you have the new login sound (which sounds like Windows login sound)?12:26
badp_cwillu: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92964112:26
badp_blue-frog, that sound did work for some reason12:26
cwillublue-frog, yes, although it wasn't set12:26
blue-frogbadp_: yes the login sound is the only thing I can hear as well12:27
* cwillu leaps for joy, the old ubuntu login was soooooo amateurish12:27
blue-frogcwillu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/27410512:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274105 in ubuntu "no sounds but for the login screen (splash screen)" [Undecided,New]12:27
* badp_ subscribes12:27
blue-frogcwillu: almost sure it will be marked as some kind of duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/25870312:28
cwillublue-frog, I get the feeling there's a race condition going on12:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258703 in gnome-control-center "gnome-sound-properties cannot set sound preferences" [Low,Triaged]12:28
badp_It's possible, cwillu, but...12:28
cwillublue-frog, can you pastebin a sudo lsof | grep dsp ?12:28
cwillublue-frog, and doublecheck that ps aux|grep pulseaudio shows up?12:29
kimuswhy I cant change the /dev/net/tun with a udev rule?... it worked fine on hardy12:29
blue-frogcwillu: ps gives results. lsof none12:29
blue-frogcwillu: http://pastebin.com/m7f993c5712:31
blue-frogkimus: Personally, I change the ownership of /lib/udev/devices/net/tun so that /net/dev/tun is created (copied apparently) with the correct permissions.12:33
badp_13:28:11 <blue-frog> cwillu: almost sure it will be marked as some kind of duplicate of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/25870312:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258703 in gnome-control-center "gnome-sound-properties cannot set sound preferences" [Low,Triaged]12:33
badp_Nope, that has been fixed with the latest batch of updates12:33
badp_Now the second tab is enabled12:33
blue-frogbadp_: the second tab yes but now no sound on clicking the arrows12:34
badp_Well, the audio is generally speaking borked12:34
cwillublue-frog, I get some slight breakage within the sound preferences (can't preview sounds if I've messed with the theme some amount, until I disable 'play alerts...' and enable it again)12:34
blue-frogbadp_: yesterday, I had sound upon a click on the arrow12:34
badp_but now the sound is generally borked?12:34
blue-frogcwillu: I try12:34
cwillubut audio on login is a bit weird:  I'm still guessing that you're having the audio break after the login screen audio pops up12:35
badp_I mean, if totem/rhytmbox/etc. can't play the sound why should the audio applet be able to?12:35
cwillubadp_, try setting your laptop to automatically log in (no delay), reboot, and see if it works 'properly'12:35
blue-frogcwillu: your little tweak do nothing on my config12:36
cwillublue-frog, it wasn't a fix, except for my own very very minor breakage :p12:36
kimuscwillu: the radeon HD is that bug you mentioned ... still cannot put to work12:36
blue-frogcwillu: ok. anyway looking at the rror in the devices tab, there is something wrong12:36
blue-frogcwillu: wow, a udev restart gives me no error for some of the tests in the devices tab12:38
blue-frogcwillu: and the "click on the arrow" sound on second tab works as well12:38
blue-froggoing to update the bug report with those info12:39
badp_I think I'll try12:40
kimuscwillu: cant put to work the radeon hd ...12:41
cwillukimus, have you tried the workarounds listed on that bug report (installing the appropriate hardy packages)?12:41
cwillukimus, I don't have an ati to test with12:41
cwilluor at least, one that uses fglrx12:42
* cwillu wishes launchpad wasn't so slow :(12:42
blue-frogbadp_: seen your thread, same stuff for me12:48
badpI did that, nothing changed12:58
badpI still hear the sound at startup12:58
badpand now...12:58
badpnow the arrows in Sound Preferences do work12:58
badpalthough I heard the login sound from the Default scheme13:00
badpnot Ubuntu's13:00
badpHmm, I can hear the sounds on that tab but the tests still fail o.O13:00
badpYeah, a reboot fixed.13:10
badpThank you.13:10
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there. I am testing intrepid and it is extremely cool, but deskbar-tracker integration is not working (package libdeskbar-tracker) is it normal?13:19
fir3is it possible to keep the /home folder when installing intrepid?13:25
Le-Chuck_ITAfir3: do you mount it separately or is it a subdirectory of /13:26
Le-Chuck_ITAmy guess would be not unless intrepid implented something specific13:26
Le-Chuck_ITAbut if you have a partition to use for /13:26
Le-Chuck_ITAthen you can delete everything but homes and _move_ all the subdirs of /home to /13:27
Le-Chuck_ITAand then mount the old partition as homes :)13:27
fir3i only have 15gb of free space so i would run into problems with separate partitions :/13:27
Le-Chuck_ITAwell, perhaps (but I am unsure) if you delete manually everything but /home, and don't check the "format" checkbox in the partitioner13:28
Le-Chuck_ITAit should work, but somebody please comment on this13:28
fir3is it possible to clean up a hardy installation so i can upgrade to ii without any old configs?13:28
ConstantineXVIdoes evolution in intrepid support exchange 2007?13:29
Le-Chuck_ITAthe upgrade will ask you to update configs for each file in any case so why bother? The main problem is the user configuration, which you should manually move13:29
Le-Chuck_ITAsuch as mv /home/myuser/.[^.]* MYBACKUPDIR13:30
Rioting_pacifistdpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/update-motd_1.7_all.deb (--unpack):14:02
Rioting_pacifist there is no script in the new version of the package - giving up14:02
Rioting_pacifistinvoke-rc.d: initscript update-motd, action "start" failed.14:02
Rioting_pacifistdpkg: error while cleaning up:14:02
Rioting_pacifist!pastebin | self14:02
ubottuself: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:02
Rioting_pacifistis it worth filling a bug report, i cant seam to see any for this error14:03
IdleOnecan someone help me trouble shoot sound issue, couple days ago I lost all sound, not sure why guessing some update broke something. any help?14:03
IdleOnehmmmm nm14:04
Rioting_pacifistkde or gnome? id guess its a pulseaudio or a kde problem, but if you want to debug the lower level sound stuff #alsa can be helpfull when people are about14:05
IdleOnethanks Rioting_pacifist I will make note14:05
IdleOnebut sound is working again14:05
Rioting_pacifistmy guess is that its pulseaudio then as #alsa tends to be hardware configuration which normally doesnt fix itself14:06
Rioting_pacifistneway i got to go post some stuff, if anybody has any ideas on the update-motd problem please mention my name and ill have a look when i get back14:07
HobbseeRioting_pacifist: i didn't encounter anything of the sort.14:11
D_Grahamhey is Intrepid stable enough for normal usage? just using the box for email, internet, chat, and watching videos and listening to music14:29
HobbseeD_Graham: mostly.  occasionally, it can blow up14:29
Hobbseesome packages don't upgrade correctly, and might need some prodding14:30
D_Grahamill just continue to use it on the virtual box until it is released then14:30
D_GrahamGnome 2.24  looks nice14:30
MechdaveI am using it as a desktop at the moment... it seems fine except for NVIDIA drivers :)14:31
D_Grahamlol and I got a NVidia GeForce 6800 LOL14:31
HobbseeD_Graham: if you've seen the virtual box version - it's more or less the same as that.14:31
Hobbseestability-wise.  modulo X drivers or something, perhaps, but virtualbox stuff sometimes breaks anyway14:32
D_GrahamOct 30th feels so far away14:32
Mechdavekernel 2.6.27-3-generic works fine with NVIDIA but doesn't14:33
D_Grahami was just pondering doing a sudo update-manager -d14:33
MechdaveI am running a update at the moment will tell you in a sec if the NVIDIA drivers are working again :)14:34
Rioting_pacifistD_Graham: i would recomend against using intrepid if you want to be able to just turn your box on and use it, intrepd14:36
Rioting_pacifistwait till it reaches beta14:36
D_Grahamim going to wait till Oct 30th but use my vbox14:39
eythian2.6.27-4-generic, and nvidia is working fine14:40
bugabundo_workkimus: ping14:41
bugabundo_workanybody else having pidgin crashing on irc?14:45
CarlFKifup is doing something strange - (works ok on my 8.4 box)  I am doing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QemuPxe - sudo ifup br0 says "wmaster0: unknown hardware address type 801  Failed..."  full text: http://dpaste.com/80475/14:49
bugabundo_workis qemu booting livecd isos for anyone?14:50
CarlFKbugabundo_work: did a few weeks ago14:51
CarlFKhavnt tried sense14:51
bugabundo_workthanks CarlFK.14:51
bugabundo_workCarlFK: mine either blocks on initram of at GDM14:52
bugabundo_workthey released a new version of qemu today14:52
bugabundo_workthat fixed the keyb layout..14:52
CarlFKany idea what ver of qemu is in ibex?  (I know it is .9.2, cuz all builds are .9.2 :)14:53
bugabundo_workCarlFK: 0.9.1-5ubuntu314:53
CarlFKbugabundo_work: but what revesion of qemu is that ?14:54
bugabundo_workwhat do you mean?14:55
bugabundo_workCarlFK: how can I log the output of qemu?14:58
CarlFKif a qemu bug was fixed and committed to trunk Aug 1, how would I know if that fix is included in  0.9.1-5ubuntu314:58
bugabundo_workreading the changelogs14:58
bugabundo_worksome thing like changelogs.ubuntu.com14:58
bugabundo_workor at LP CarlFK14:59
edpi've a little question, is the alpha 6, a bit stable?14:59
bugabundo_workis nay alpha stable? edp15:00
bugabundo_workintrepid is working fine for most people15:00
CarlFKedp: I use it on my main laptop15:00
edpnoooo bugabundo_work, but i wanna know if i can switch to unstable15:00
xompintrepid raped my mother, and killed my father15:00
xompso... :P15:00
bugabundo_workbut if you wish to upgrade you need to be aware of something edp15:00
edpxomp, lowl15:00
edpbugabundo_work, i already updated ubuntu version 7.10  to 8.0415:01
bugabundo_workedp what do you mean by "unstable"?15:01
bugabundo_workthis is not debian15:01
edpand i've suceeded, i'm not a noob lol15:01
CarlFKedp: don't do it on your main box15:01
CarlFKif you on;y have one box, don't do it15:01
edpbugabundo_work, exact lol, i wanna know if i'll get trouble if i upgrade my version right now15:01
CarlFKedp: maybe.15:02
bugabundo_workno more trouble then anybody else15:02
bugabundo_workbe ready for problems, breakgesg, data lost... anything at all15:02
edpyess, but are there big known bugs?15:02
CarlFKedp: yes.15:02
edpCarlFK, like?15:02
bugabundo_workif you are able to get yourself out of trouble, great... if not, and you NEED YOUR MACHINE remain on a stable version15:03
xomplike what I've stated previously edp :P15:03
edpbugabundo_work, don't understood a thing15:03
xompI should try intrepid on my laptop since I'm now dual-booting Hardy on my desktop :)15:03
bugabundo_workon the other hand, upgranding soon, will help you catch bugs, and get them fixed before RC is released... bugs reported after get can only get fixed on the next version, edp15:03
CarlFKedp: no clue.  given your questions, 'don't' is the correct advice15:04
bugabundo_workxomp: update-manager -d15:04
xompbugabundo_work, danke :)15:04
bugabundo_workohh and PLEASE don't forget to make backups xomp15:04
xompbugabundo_work, well I'm not concerned about backups since my main ubuntu system is on the desktop.15:04
CarlFKedp: if you can deal with problems, including loosing everythign, then do it.  otherwise, don't.15:04
edpis it pertinent to install the alpha on a virtualbox to see?15:05
* bugabundo_work almost sounded like a WWE Public Announcement: "please don't try this at home, or school" 15:05
Hobbseehm, backups.  I should do that.15:05
bugabundo_workedp there is a bug that doesn't allow ibex to run on VB :(15:05
edploosing everything is the worst that can happen... i upgraded many ubuntus, and i never get that pb15:05
bugabundo_workeven qemu is having trouble15:05
edpoh? really?15:05
mvofglrx users should not upgrade currently15:05
bugabundo_workI never lost a single file on an upgrade15:06
edpi'm using nvidia drivers15:06
bugabundo_workbut IT CAN HAPPEN15:06
bugabundo_workand murphys law says it WILL happen15:06
bugabundo_workme too edp15:06
edpyess, the possibility of dying in driving a car is still there, but you drive lol15:06
xompI've got a rocking ATI mobility radeon M7 in my laptop lol, Intrepid should be fun :D15:06
bugabundo_workmvo:  how is that going? are you going to get it fix until RC or only post release?15:06
bugabundo_workmvo shouldn't there be something about ATI cards on the release notes??15:07
bugabundo_workupdate-manager could also show a notification....15:07
mvobugabundo_work: we should release note it, update-manager will also notify the user about it15:07
edpthe kernel freeze is still ok?15:07
mvo(and transition the user away from it if needed)15:07
xompbut maybe I can get support for my built-in wifi card "orinoco based" added by default on the next ubuntu release :D15:08
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bugabundo_workmvo is it only 3D support or even OpenSource driver that has the problem?15:08
bugabundo_workxomp I have an intel 4965 and can't use it... either my rf kill switch won't turn it on, or NM gives me timeouts! :(15:09
bugabundo_workmy webcam lost support with kernel 2.6.27... bah15:09
xompwow that's kind of unexpected with Intel products working on linux systems hehe15:09
bugabundo_workso many show-stoppers.15:09
bugabundo_worknever had any trouble with my bg220015:10
bugabundo_workbut this 4965 is a real piece of ch@@t15:10
edpbugabundo_work, i've a 4965 tooo lol15:10
edpand that's why i wanna go on intrepid15:11
bugabundo_workthe first time it got unplug... support fixed that after several months of me complaining... now kernel 2.6.27 stop supporting my soft rf_kill switch15:11
edpi read this card will be integrated in 2.6.2715:11
bugabundo_workedp I came to ibex even before alpha1 come out just to get that working...15:11
bugabundo_workit is supported15:11
bugabundo_workjust not the rf_kill switch15:12
edpbugabundo_work, what is the rf_kill switch?15:12
bugabundo_workif you have a HARD button you should be fine... soft kill is worse15:12
bugabundo_workahh edp, it's the button that turns it on and off15:12
edpi've a laptop, dv9500 of HP,15:12
edpand there is a button ( hardware ) to stop it yess15:12
xompI have a dreaded Compaq Wireless Miniport W200 wifi card (technically usb) that's built into the lid of my Compaq Evo N610C notebook lol15:12
bugabundo_workmine is fn+F215:12
edpand is the card supported fine bugabundo_work ?15:13
bugabundo_worktest a livecd or inetboot to check it out15:13
edpoooh good idea15:13
bugabundo_workyou can use usb-creator to save you from burning a CD and just use an USB pen15:13
edpdidnt' thought about it15:14
CarlFKbugabundo_work: have you been able to pxe boot the live cd?15:14
bugabundo_workhaven't tried it15:14
bugabundo_workI just use inetboot (whenever the kernel works with it)15:15
mvobugabundo_work: its only a problem with fglrx, but without fglrx people may loose 3d acceleration. the new free radeon is really good when it comes to 3d for modern cards (support the r500) but does not cover as much hw as fglrx15:15
bugabundo_workjust a line in grub, and I boot via the internet15:15
CarlFKi tried to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveCDNetboot - I can get to a #root prompt, but startx locks up the box15:15
bugabundo_work200MiBs just to get to GDM15:15
edpDue to an unresolved bug in the Linux kernel included in these images, they should not be used on Intel ethernet hardware supported by the e1000e driver (Intel GigE). Doing so may render your network hardware permanently inoperable.15:15
edpjust read this15:15
edphow can i know if i've a intel ethernet hardware thing?15:16
bugabundo_worklspci ? edp15:16
bugabundo_workbut AFAIK it only comes on servers15:16
bugabundo_workbut I could be wrong15:16
edpsays realtek,... but my wifi is intel....15:16
bugabundo_workthanks mvo15:16
edp0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8111/8168B PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet controller (rev 01)15:17
bugabundo_workedp the e1000e is eth not wifi15:17
edpno pb so?15:17
bugabundo_workwell... murphy says you can still get hit by a meteor... but you should be fine by testing Ubuntu live CD15:18
bugabundo_workI just rsync my iso almost every day and try it on qemu or from recovery console15:18
edpbugabundo_work, you love murphy lol15:18
edprsync an iso?15:18
bugabundo_workif pidgin was working on IRC I would send it to you15:19
bugabundo_workjust a few mibs per day15:19
edpwowowo, rsync is copying directories for me....15:19
bugabundo_workeven the DVD was 539MiBs15:19
bugabundo_workyou can use it with delta15:20
edpwhat do you do with rsync and iso files?15:20
bugabundo_workand just download what has changed15:20
bugabundo_workedp: here you go15:22
edpwhat's that?15:23
bugabundo_workmy daily livecd rsync script15:23
edpso you download everyday the new live cd?15:24
bugabundo_worknot everyday15:24
bugabundo_workjust when I need to test something15:25
bugabundo_workmaybe 3 times a week15:25
bugabundo_workas I said... its just a few MiBs... maybe 100MiBs when a lot changes...15:25
edpit downloads the whole live cd isnt' it?15:25
bugabundo_workjust the Deltas (what changed)15:26
bugabundo_workof course if you nothing it will download the all iso15:27
edpinteressting, i didnt' know rsync could do such thiungs15:27
bugabundo_workguys does mount support HTTPFS ?15:27
bugabundo_workyeah... quite nice edp15:27
edpi'm impressed15:28
edpbugabundo_work, could you explain me your script?15:28
bugabundo_workits quite simple15:29
bugabundo_workthere is some extra lines for other stuff15:29
bugabundo_workbut basicly it's a 4 line script15:29
edpyeah, but i muss dl an i38615:29
bugabundo_workwhat are your doubts?15:29
bugabundo_workif you have a 386 CPU, sure15:29
bugabundo_workI have a C2D15:29
edpme too15:30
edpso i muss just run the script as it is pasted?15:30
bugabundo_workuse http://paste.ubuntu.com/5050315:32
edpokay thanks dude!!!15:33
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edpbugabundo_work, you're a roxor15:36
bugabundo_workwhat did you just call me!?!?!?!?15:38
Rioting_pacifisthmm i wiped my chroot and am trying to bootstrap a system but it cant configure dbus ?15:38
edpbugabundo_work, you rox... is it an insult?15:39
bugabundo_workI still don't know what rox or roxor is, edp15:40
bazhangrocks, ie great15:41
edpbugabundo_work, exactly15:41
darthanubisone core is running 6degrees warmer15:47
darthanubisand I have no flash in firefox15:47
darthanubisI had to uninstall pusleaudio15:47
bugabundo_workdarthanubis: hardy or intrepid?15:47
darthanubisI don't want to have to resinstall alpha6 just to fix these issues15:47
darthanubisthis is the intrepid channel right?15:48
darthanubisyeah Ibex15:48
bugabundo_workbut sometimes hardy users come by15:48
darthanubispulseaudio I believe I can straighten out15:49
darthanubisthe flash thingy, makes no sense15:49
darthanubisand the 6degrees is odd as well15:49
darthanubisbut the system is fast and stable15:50
bugabundo_workpulse audio should be fine15:50
bugabundo_worknot many new bugs for it in the past few days15:50
bugabundo_workflash is always that thing... either works or it won't ever...15:51
bugabundo_workgive gnash a try15:51
bugabundo_workdiff temps may either be faulty sensor or bad soft15:51
igormorgadohi there. In ubuntu+1 I having some problems with KVM .72 and intel vmx regards real mode, ppl in #kvm, told me about .75 fix some problems related, will ubuntu+1 be shipped with .72?16:09
Rioting_pacifisthmm i wiped my chroot and am trying to bootstrap a system but it cant configure dbus ?16:11
Prettoafter last update i cant play urbanterror16:11
Prettoi am getting the following  error16:11
Prettoany help?16:13
igormorgadoman intrepid isnt for playing games, is to fix bugs16:15
Rioting_pacifistPretto: are you on intrepid16:15
PrettoRioting_pacifist, yes16:15
Rioting_pacifisttry upgrading somebody came in earlier with audio problems that fixed themselves16:16
joaopintoigormorgado, playing a game can be considered testing16:16
Prettoi think the same joakim`16:16
igormorgadojoaopinto: not with that report.16:17
Prettoand it looks like a bug to me, since i was able to play before the last update16:17
joaopintoigormorgado, you were complaining about the gaming, not about the bug report format :)16:17
igormorgadojoaopinto: in fact one lead to another =D16:18
Rioting_pacifisthas anybody installed intrepid from bootstrap? i could really do with a good howto as i dbus not configuring is too vague to get anything usefull from google16:18
joaopintoPretto, you could try to file a bug report against pulseaudio16:18
Prettojoaopinto, looks like   the only way :D16:19
igormorgadoPretto: there is another way, fix the problem and submit a diff16:20
Prettoigormorgado, trying that right now16:20
Prettoi need to  reboot16:20
igormorgadoPretto: that is good. =D16:20
igormorgadoPretto: bye!16:20
igormorgadoanyone has tested kvm in ubuntu+1?16:20
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: i dont have installed intrepid from bootstrap yet =/16:21
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: what is you exact problem with dbus?16:22
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: what do you mean about configure dbus? create devices? create conf files?16:22
Rioting_pacifistdpkg cant configure it16:23
Prettosolved :D16:23
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: tried dpkg-reconfigure -plow?16:23
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: which exact package are you trying to configure?16:24
Prettoi just had to uncoment two lines in /etc/pulse/default.pa  load-module module-alsa-sink   and  load-module module-alsa-source device=hw:1,016:24
Rioting_pacifistim trying to install kubuntu-desktop , but during the install it chokes on dbus i get http://pastebin.com/m7d6b038a16:25
dfgashow do i get nspluginwrapper installed on 8.04? i keep on geting grey boxes in flash16:25
Rioting_pacifistinvoke-rc.d: initscript dbus, action "start" failed.  <seams to be the start of the problems i can stick the entire thing on pastebin if it will help though16:26
Rioting_pacifistdfgas: this is the channel for 8.10 but that sounds like an nspluginwrapper bug just restart firefox16:26
dfgasi have to do it constantly16:27
dfgasthats my problem  :(16:27
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: I add a -x to scripts to check where is failing16:27
igormorgadothe problem maybe is messagebus user already exists is returning FALSE and exiting installation16:27
igormorgado1. delete user or 2. edit script to avoid/skip this check16:28
igormorgadoimho, do 1 first.16:28
Rioting_pacifisterm which script do i add -x to16:28
Rioting_pacifisti tried 1 before but no luck16:29
igormorgado /var/lib/dpkg/info/dbus.postinst16:29
igormorgadoforgot /info16:29
igormorgadopost output.. I will check16:30
Rioting_pacifisttried adding -x to invoke-rc.d  but nothing usefull came back16:36
igormorgadoits failing on /etc/init.d/dbus start16:37
igormorgadook. remove that -x16:37
igormorgadoand add a -x on /etc/init.d/dbus16:37
igormorgadoand do /etc/init.d/dbus start16:38
igormorgadopaste output16:38
Rioting_pacifistaparently ive not mounted /proc, which i havent, how would i mount it "mount /proc /mnt/Intrepid/proc ?16:38
igormorgadopaste output pls16:38
tommydangerdoes wireless work for anyone with 8.10 ?16:38
Rioting_pacifisttommydanger: have you tried using it manually, last time i had it working the kde tool failed but i could manually get it up16:39
terminatorDid the Legacy Nvidia Drivers ever get fixed.  I still am using VESA and would like to use the regular video drivers since the screen flicker is killing me.16:39
igormorgadotry it.16:40
tommydangerno haven't tried yet. I'm speaking of kubuntu, ubuntu works just fine. I can see the networks but nothing happens when I try to connect to it but oh well it's alpha software, I'll just wait ;)16:41
igormorgado mount -t proc proc mountpoint16:41
Le-Chuck_ITAHi, do you know what is the channel for xorg development in ubuntu?16:43
terminatorno I don't16:44
Le-Chuck_ITAor else where is the git source for the xserver-xorg-video-driver (I mean the freedesktop one?)16:44
Rioting_pacifistthat did the tick thx igormorgado. ill add it to the tutorill i was following incase somebody else hits the same problem16:45
terminatorNo idea.  I'm new at this and I am lost trying to find other channels.16:45
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: no need.. this should be fixed16:45
Rioting_pacifistLe-Chuck_ITA: are you looking to use the latest xorg on ubuntu16:46
igormorgadoRioting_pacifist: but. will work for now16:46
Rioting_pacifistLe-Chuck_ITA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/XorgOnTheEdge may be what your looking for16:46
Le-Chuck_ITARioting_pacifist: no no I have to respond to a bug and need git master for that driver16:46
Le-Chuck_ITAbut I find "XF86-video-intel" now XF86 sounds bad to me but perhaps it's the one16:47
wstLe-Chuck_ITA: #ubuntu-x16:47
Rioting_pacifist#ubuntu-dev may also be worth looking at16:47
Nece228ibex will not have new theme :((17:04
Nece228if so then they should dramatically improve performance of system17:07
Nece228because theres nothink to do more17:07
nemosay, can the next version of ubuntu request users exit firefox *BEFORE* running a firefox update?17:09
nemogetting sick of people showing up in firefox channel looking for support 'cause their profile got screwed up17:09
nemoalso, it'd be nice if firefox -safe-mode was in Applications->Internet17:10
nemothat seems like a minor change17:10
danbh_intrepidnemo: there is a little notification icon17:10
Nece228"For the Intrepid Ibex, the development team will prepare an unbelievable desktop, with amazing performance, that will work on mostly any computer (be it a high-end workstation or an old and dusty Pentium III machine)."17:10
Nece228is this true?17:11
nemodanbh_intrepid: well. that's after installing17:12
nemodanbh_intrepid: at that point, we then get users saying they can't start their profile or things are broken17:12
nemodanbh_intrepid: 'cause localstore.rdf (stupid thing) got corrupted17:12
nemolocalstore.rdf gets way too easily corrupted17:12
nemoand then of course need to tell them how to run -safe-mode  when we can just tell windows users to look for Firefox (Safe Mode) in their program menu17:12
nemoit'd be nice if that was a Firefox-safe-mode.desktop entry17:13
danbh_intrepidnemo: well, you should put your idea on launchpad, I think.  If things are breaking, it merits discussion17:15
nemodanbh_intrepid: hm. best area? just under firefox bugs ?17:16
danbh_intrepidnemo: or, maybe its a ff bug, and firefox shouldnt kill itself when it upgrades?17:16
danbh_intrepidnemo: does firefox force a restart when it upgrades in windows?17:17
nemodanbh_intrepid: yep17:17
danbh_intrepidnemo: if so, maybe you should file under update-manager.  But,  you are talking to the wrong person here.  I really dont know17:17
nemodanbh_intrepid: and it does it *BEFORE* applying the upgrade :)17:17
danbh_intrepidnemo: yeah, then update-manager17:18
danbh_intrepidor maybe both17:18
nemodanbh_intrepid: btw, my mom is running a manual fsck as we speak17:20
nemoI hope the bug on automating that goes through17:21
nemoshe was a little freaked out by it17:21
igormorgadomommies do not run fsck17:22
nemohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-meta/+bug/58430  <- bug for making that friendlier17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 58430 in ubuntu-meta "Command-line recovery required when fsck reports an unexpectedy inconsistency" [Low,Confirmed]17:22
nemoigormorgado: my mommy is17:23
nemoigormorgado: hell. I've had her run more complicated things :)17:23
igormorgadoh4x0r mommy17:23
nemoigormorgado: of course, what I really need to figure out is why her laptop did not automatically suspend17:23
nemopower settings may be not setup right17:23
nemoor maybe ACPI was disabled due to prior issues in older kernels17:23
nemo(she left it on battery all night)17:23
igormorgadowrite in a t-shirt. My mommy is 133717:24
nemoMy mommy is a 1337 h4x0r17:24
nemonot bad17:24
nemowill consider this17:24
nemogiven she is 55, I'm proud of her. she's also an RN17:24
igormorgadoin fluffy pink letters17:24
nemoas a kid, she'd be painstakingly typing basic programs into our trs-8017:24
nemoshe didn't know what they *did* but she could type 'em in fine17:25
nemofor little racing games and stuff17:25
igormorgadooh. I remember those days.17:25
igormorgadothen my first apple 2.. and a msx.. and a XT , amiga, 386.. linux..17:25
nemoigormorgado: yeah, I went to linux right after windows 3.117:26
igormorgadome too.17:26
nemoat the time, I was a bit pissed off. wordperfect 5.1 FTW - who needs WYSIWYG?17:26
igormorgadofvwm, olwm, mwm, and thigs like that17:26
nemoplus, all that time memorising dos commands...17:27
nemohad most of base dos memorised - that was a much smaller set than my /usr/bin dir :)17:27
nemo# ls /usr/bin | wc -l17:27
igormorgadoyes. but in may first linux days I got to <TAB><TAB> and tried to learn the usage of all those commands.17:28
nemowell. there weren't as many back then :)17:28
nemo$ ls -l /usr/bin/\[17:28
nemo-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 34824 2008-04-04 02:42 /usr/bin/[17:28
nemodid ones like that weird you out? :)17:28
igormorgadoi got a lot of them. of course not learned half of them, and mastered just 10%17:28
igormorgadoin that days? i dunno.. today just a test =D17:29
igormorgado[ -x bla ]17:29
nemohm. only one reference? weird.  I'd think that would be hardlinked17:29
nemoyou'd think one app would do [, ] etc17:29
igormorgadoi never17:29
nemooh. \] no such file or directory. hm17:29
igormorgadoapps should be commands =D17:29
nemooh. right. is a parameter. duh17:29
igormorgadobasic about sintax: COMMAND [parameters]17:30
nemoaaanyway. need to file those bugs17:30
carsten1hi... i recently switched to intrepid and now direct rendering stopped working. i have radeon 9600 and i'm using the radeon driver. glxinfo says "extension glx missing" and segfaults. logfile says (WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled and (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) can anybody help me? :)17:31
igormorgadoI remember the days when you have to learn how a computer works before work with a computer. today users think in computer as they think about the wash machine, just turn on17:32
danbh_intrepidcarsten1: heh, thats funny, you have an ati card, yet, its complaining about nvidia drivers?17:32
carsten1yes ;)17:32
nemoigormorgado: I didn't have to know how my trash-80 worked :)17:33
nemoigormorgado: ooh. remember fast-forwarding the tapes to find the program you wanted half way through the tape? :)17:33
danbh_intrepidcarsten1: so x segfaults when it tries to start?17:33
igormorgadosure. I was talking about this yesterday with some friends. they do not believe17:33
carsten1danbh_intrepid: no, x runs fine, except for dri. glxinfo segfaults17:34
crd1bcarsten1: you just need to uninstall nvidia-glx-*17:34
carsten1crd1b: I'll try that, thanks!17:35
carsten1*restarting x*17:35
HewMy sound seems to break (some process using it?). Anyone know how I can reset my sound / kill processes with a lock on sound / list processes using sound?17:36
carsten1hooray! worked :)17:37
nemodanbh_intrepid: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/274468 :)17:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274468 in firefox "Have firefox ask user to exit firefox *BEFORE* updating." [Undecided,New]17:40
danbh_intrepidmmm, I think you should describe the actual bug, rather than your proposed solution.  Put the solution in the summary17:41
danbh_intrepidbut..... maybe im wrong17:41
danbh_intrepidlets see what the ff packagers have to say17:42
nemodanbh_intrepid: well. I was considering it an enhancement :)17:44
nemodanbh_intrepid: enhancements put the request in the title17:44
nemodanbh_intrepid: btw. I really really wish launchpad allowed linking to a comment in the scope of the bug report.  Is annoying that not only is there not a little anchor link next to the comment, but there are no hidden comment IDs so I can construct my own17:46
nemodanbh_intrepid: should I file a launchpad enhancement? :)17:46
danbh_intrepidnemo: you mean this?: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/274468/comments/117:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274468 in firefox "Have firefox ask user to exit firefox *BEFORE* updating." [Undecided,New]17:49
nemodanbh_intrepid: how'd you do that?17:50
nemooh. wait17:50
nemoNOT that17:50
danbh_intrepidnemo: personally, I think there are two directions.  A) have firefox restart, or B) have firefox not be hostile to its on files.  I think the real bug is that firefox breaks its own files on updates17:50
nemodanbh_intrepid: that's what annoys me so. there's no way to link with context17:50
nemodanbh_intrepid: like in bugzilla it creates a nice #comment-117:51
nemoor whatever17:51
danbh_intrepidnemo: link an html anchor link? or whatever its called?17:51
nemodanbh_intrepid: well. fact is, you are changing things out from under it17:51
nemodanbh_intrepid: that could easily cause inconsistency besides localstore.rdf17:51
nemodanbh_intrepid: I don't think making sure firefox doesn't "break its own files" is the right answer17:51
nemofirefox has a process, and ubuntu is subverting it, which is fine. it should just play along17:52
nemoin a sense, firefox is a rather large and complex virtual machine.17:52
nemoalmost an OS in its own right.17:52
danbh_intrepidnemo: yes, but isnt that what the rest of ubuntu linux does?17:52
nemodanbh_intrepid: I'm sure some applications shut themselves down before updating17:52
nemodanbh_intrepid: I wouldn't be able to tell you for certain. depends on the app no doubt17:52
nemodanbh_intrepid: but. yes. typically in linux you can get away with that since things are loaded in memory.17:53
danbh_intrepidnemo: regardless, you are correct that that little notification is a bit of a cheap fix for this issue.17:53
nemohowever, not everything is loaded in memory17:53
nemoand that is the issue with firefox. you get some legacy stuff, some non-legacy.17:53
nemoand things start crumbling17:53
nemodanbh_intrepid: I know there are apps that have notifications on install, would not be hard to have firefox be one of those.  after hitting next, it shuts down all firefox instances that weren't already closed down17:54
* nemo adds a comment to that effect17:55
* crd1b thinks it's completely unreasonable to require that17:59
danbh_intrepidcrd1b: are you aware that firefox can apparently break if not restarted?18:00
crd1bthen firefox should be fixed18:01
danbh_intrepidcrd1b: well, welcome to the debate  : )18:01
danbh_intrepidcrd1b: I mean, right now, the current fix is a little vague notification in the corner of your screen.  Personally, I don't think thats enough if FF can break as a result18:03
nemocrd1b: I don't think this is something "fixable"18:03
nemocrd1b: any program could fail if parts of it are updated and other parts are not18:03
nemocrd1b: that means any program that loads files into memory after launch18:04
crd1bwhy would it do that?18:04
nemo(configuration or libraries)18:04
nemocrd1b: gee, I don't know, but why would it need a notice otherwise18:04
nemocurrent notice is already silly18:04
nemoeven without the corruption you get users getting errors 'cause they didn't restart18:04
nemoand firefox was, presumably, loading some chrome file18:05
nemocrd1b: perhaps you would have temerity to file a bugzilla.mozilla.org bug claiming firefox shouldn't reload chrome XUL while in operation or something silly?18:05
DanaG!find glut.h18:16
ubottuFile glut.h found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others)18:16
DanaGummm... say what?18:16
void^!info freeglut3-dev18:17
ubottufreeglut3-dev (source: freeglut): OpenGL Utility Toolkit development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.0-6.1 (intrepid), package size 152 kB, installed size 588 kB18:17
* DanaG pokes ubottu with a stick.18:17
danbh_intrepidDanaG: I think it must be a 37 word error message : P18:17
DanaGgl/glut.h: No such file or directory18:20
DanaG... after installing that package, still.18:20
void^freeglut3-dev: /usr/include/GL/glut.h18:22
void^gl vs. GL maybe?18:23
DanaGIt's for a class lab, and the teacher is using it in Visual Studio.18:25
Alexia_DeathI have an issue with the latest firefox update. it caused flash to not play audio.18:35
LocutusOfBorghello everyone18:48
LocutusOfBorgcan I ask something about skysentials?18:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)18:48
igormorgadoimho is possible to do a regex about ask to ask and do a auto reply function. =D18:50
Alexia_Deathmy issue was sloved by installing libflashsupport18:57
vbabiyhttp://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.24/#rnusers.hamster is this in Ubuntu 8.1019:20
vbabiyas of all the updates19:20
tonyyarussoAll right, so I'm sure on some levels the new Xorg stuff is nice, but how on earth do I configure certain settings (eg. middle mouse button for scrolling) without the old xorg.conf setup?19:21
danbh_intrepidmmm, there is a new file somewhere19:21
ubottuA schedule of Intrepid Ibex (8.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IntrepidReleaseSchedule19:21
tonyyarussovbabiy: yeah, hamster's included, but not installed by default and it's in universe.19:22
vbabiytonyyarusso: thanks alot19:22
danbh_intrepidtonyyarusso: well, I really don't know, but the release notes claim input-hotplug is used, with keyboard settings residing in /etc/default/console-setup19:23
danbh_intrepidoh, btw, I think xorg.conf directives still work fine, so its backwards compatible..19:28
danbh_intrepidtonyyarusso: last comment, take a look at xinput19:30
sysdocWhere in compiz do you adjust the window sticky (sticky to other windows or view port?)19:30
cwillusysdoc, move plugin20:01
bsnidercan anyone listen to the stream from this site: http://www.theinternetbusinesshour.com/20:09
TeslaTonySince I am running kubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-desktop at the same time, I keep getting KNetworkmanager and NetworkManager Applet (the gnome thingy) running at the same time. Is there a way to keep the KDE stuff to KDE and the Gnome stuff to Gnome? Or should I just kill one of the programs?20:12
cwilluTeslaTony, NetworkManager is independant of both of them afaik.20:14
cwilluyou get them both running under a single session?20:14
TeslaTonyUnder 8.04, KNetworkManager and nm-applet would stay to their respective environments20:15
sysdoccwillu: thanks for the heads up!20:15
TeslaTonyThey aren causing any trouble, itś just odd20:15
cwillubsnider, doesn't work here, although I haven't tried very hard20:16
bsnidercwillu, many thanks. you shouldn't have to try hard, is the point20:17
TeslaTonyIs KNetworkManager just the frontend to Network Manager 0.7?20:18
cwillubelieve so20:20
cwillu!info knetworkmanager20:20
ubottuknetworkmanager (source: knetworkmanager): KDE systray applet for controlling NetworkManager. In component main, is optional. Version 1:0.7svn830754-0ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 6 kB, installed size 36 kB20:20
sysdoccwillu: Move window hasn't go the setting for it's sticky to edges. If I disable it can't move a window at all... Beryl was alot easier to tweak this stuff20:21
sysdocAnd at the very least find the settings, lol!20:21
TeslaTonycwillu: sudo apt-get purge nm-applet it is, then20:21
cwillusysdoc, beryl is compiz fusion20:21
sysdocYea with the compiz manager and not the Beryl20:21
sysdocAnyways, this freaking window attraction to others is set way too high, not enough screen to unstick the lil puppies20:23
cwillusysdoc, my bad, it's the one right above it called 'snapping windows' :p20:23
sysdocI thought it was the snapping also, so I disabled it and it is still sticking20:23
sysdocThen I reenabled the snappy plugin and it says that it has to disable the wobbly plugin20:24
cwillusysdoc, if disabling it didn't work, you've got a borked setup (just tried it).  There was a bugfix I noticed a day or two ago about compiz using file-based backend instead of the gconf-backend, which could be the source of your trouble20:25
sysdoccwillu: good man! thanks again for the heads up20:25
sysdocDid ya see the bug fix in the updates or off the site?20:26
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cwillubsnider, if you happen to be complaining to that site, please mention that the roll-over sound-effects are really annoying, and are mixed far too loud for anyone with their speakers adjusted for listening to properly mastered music :p20:27
cwillusysdoc, update-manager's changelog20:27
cwilluI think20:28
bsnidercwillu, i couldn't hear any sound effects20:28
cwillubsnider, there's roll-over clicks on the flash on their front page20:28
cwilluthey sound like death-by-white-noise20:28
bsnideryou mean they sound like a george bush speech?20:29
cwilluno, that's badly played trombone20:29
TeslaTonyI knew he was Charlie Browns teacher!20:31
maxbI have a non-essential machine I'd like to try Intrepid on, currently running Hardy.  Is 'sudo update-manager -c -d' the right thing to do?20:38
cwilludon't think you need the sudo, otherwise yes20:39
maxbI've already done that once, but the intrepid upgrader seemed to upgrade me from hardy to hardy :-/. I've been cleaning up my packages and apt config. Shall try again.20:39
mvomaxb: oh? if update-manager -d does not work for you, please post the outputof /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log to me20:42
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maxbmvo: http://jabberwock.vm.bytemark.co.uk/~maxb/main.log  ... it seems to have done the same again :-/20:49
maxbgui went through the normal steps - spent far too little time on the "installing packages" phase to be real, and afterwards the system seems mostly unmodified20:50
TeslaTonyI'm using the Intel Gigabit chipset that gets fried by Alpha 6, and as a result I have no wired connection under Ubuntu. However, it works fine with WinXP Pro20:50
maxbIn terms of packages, that is. sources.list has been transformed as expected20:50
mvomaxb: thanks, could you please put apt.log and apt-term.log up as well? that looks like a bug20:51
cwilluTeslaTony, you probably didn't fry it;  they disabled the driver until they have a fix20:52
bsniderTeslaTony, i thought it was supposed to be down to 10 mbps in XP after the kernel zapped it?20:52
maxbRight now I have a mixture of logfiles from two attempts. I'm going to reboot, revert my sources.list to hardy, retry, and post a coherent set of logfiles20:52
TeslaTonyDidn't hear that last part, but I haven't checked my connection yet20:52
mvomaxb: thanks, I don't mind looking at the mixed ones, it has timestamp information, so it should be ok20:55
maxbIf it matters, I precached most of the packages by doing an 'apt-get -d dist-upgrade' with an intrepid sources list before starting anything20:56
TeslaTonybsnider, I'm running at 100mbps. So it's just a blacklist.20:56
maxbbut then put the sources.list back before trying the upgrade proper20:56
maxbmvo: you prefer compressed or uncompressed?20:57
hateballAnyone able to install on a PS3? I tried with the latest build that fixes the spufs error, but it tells me there's no installable kernel found. Skipping that and moving on to packages also leads to more broken depends. But missing openoffice depends shouldnt abort the whole installation imo...20:57
mvomaxb: either way is fine20:58
mvomaxb: the strange thing is that the upgrader shows no error and I really wonder why this is the case20:58
maxbwell, I'm glad I'm not the only one confused here :-)20:59
maxbThe single line in term.log is output from mercurial run by etckeeper20:59
nanderssonWhy is malfunctional Shockwave Flash 8.0 r99 installed in Intrepid while Hardy has functional Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124?20:59
mvomaxb: that is interessting, I wonder if that might be the cause of it. I will give it a go21:01
maxbThe machine in question is not being used for anything. I'm happy to purge etckeeper if you thing it might be helpful21:02
mvomaxb: please see if that makes a difference21:02
maxbright, here we go on another run21:09
mvomaxb: my current theory is that etckeeper pre-install returns a non-zero exit code for some reason (it hooks into Dpkg::Pre-Install-Pkgs21:09
maxbit looks like it's working!21:10
maxbyes, this looks a lot more heathy21:11
W1MNKunable to enter text on Unbutu 8.10 appliance, latest VMWare player running on Vista 32 Business21:12
mvomaxb: excellent, thanks. looks like its bad at catching this error21:15
maxbwould the partial logs from the currently running, and working, upgrade be useful for comparison?21:15
maxbpartial, because it reckons it's going to take 2 hours21:16
ilembitovCan anyone show me the upcoming artwork?21:29
Mimiyou mean this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork?action=show&redirect=ArtworkTeam21:30
Rafikhello all, I'm running a fresh install of Ibex alpha fully up to date, gnome-screensaver refuses to start.. the desktop fades to black but jump again. I was not able to install -dbgsym (Depends: gnome-screensaver (=2.22.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.24.0-0ubuntu1 is to be installed)21:34
RafikSo, i'm searching for the best way to report this bug21:34
wstrafik: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/pool/main/g/gnome-screensaver/gnome-screensaver-dbgsym_2.24.0-0ubuntu1_i386.ddeb ?21:37
wstand otherwise just report as much information as you have right now21:37
Rafikwst, thanks, i'll install this. I just seen bug #273787 which is the same thing I'm talking about21:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273787 in gnome-screensaver "Screensaver does not start" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27378721:39
ilembitovMimi: Probably. I want to know what is actually chosen for 8.1021:40
sysdocI have that same bug as is listed above21:41
Kanohi, who works on network manager?21:54
igormorgadoIn ubuntu+1 I having some problems with KVM .72 and intel vmx regards real mode, ppl in #kvm, told me about .75 fix some problems related, will ubuntu+1 be shipped with .72?21:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261318 in xorg "Regression: new Toshiba Laptop Support (tlsup) driver breaks Toshiba hotkeys; input device does not support 'kbd' input handler" [Undecided,New]22:03
DanaGEasiest fix: bring back toshiba_acpi.22:04
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cwilluanybody know if any of the plugged memory leaks in intrepid's compiz relate to leaked video memory?22:15
cwilluI'm seriously tempted to upgrade this workstation, if it means I won't have to restart X once a week due to compiz issues22:16
igormorgadocwillu: you can just dont use compiz.22:16
danbh_intrepidcwillu: I don't think the latest nvidia drivers  work for me yet...22:17
Kanodid you try22:17
cwilluigormorgado, the alternative of dealing with windows that redraw on every expose is worth the pain of an X restart22:18
igormorgado cwillu i dont trust in X at all. Every critical task runs in a screen session or just in background =D22:20
cwilluigormorgado, amateur :p22:20
cwilluigormorgado, my critical tasks run on virtualized hardware on remote servers :p22:21
igormorgadocwillu: mine too22:24
igormorgadocwillu: xen ftw22:24
igormorgadocwillu: trying to go to KVM. but im having REAL problemas with kvm_intel real mode22:24
igormorgadoIn ubuntu+1 I having some problems with KVM .72 and intel vmx regards real mode, ppl in #kvm, told me about .75 fix some problems related, will ubuntu+1 be shipped with .72?22:25
danbh_intrepidbeta freeze just happened22:25
cwilluigormorgado, there may have been patches applied to .72 though, check if you can find a launchpad report on the bug22:26
Kanowell networkmanager is broken, it does not disable even when there is a manual statement in interfaces22:26
igormorgadocwillu: will do22:34
Kanowhats the way to install the flashplugin with 64 bit without flashplugin-nonfree package?22:41
void^using nspluginwrapper manually. used to be a pain, may work better now22:45
Kanowell the sid package does not find nspluginwrapper...22:46
Kanousually it is installed automatically and it works out of the box22:46
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juan_im having alot of programs unexpectedly crash, but i have little/no idea whats causing it, as its still in alpha do i bother reporting thm through the automatic tool (i dont have the time to figure them all out now) or should i wait till i have the time and sort them out 1 at a time?22:53
danbh_intrepidjuan_: IMHO, I would wait for the beta22:55
juan_what can i do to help atm then? ive mainly installed it to see if the new radeon drivers rock (which they do), but i kept a stable install to use daily22:56
juan_is it worth reporting general usability issues or is that likely to be pointless till beta too22:58
danbh_intrepidjuan_: well, Im the only one responding, so you can only have my opinion23:05
danbh_intrepidin my experience, I file bugs, and the bugs just disappear later on, and the bug report gets ignored.   I have heard that there is also an overwhelming number of bug reports, so bug reports can get ignored in general also23:12
danbh_intrepidjuan_: I think the best thing is if you can find previously filed bug reports, and add to them23:13
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DanaG /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.2/gnome-www-browser: not found23:44
DanaGthat's what I get when trying to click links from update-manager.23:44
hokmenhello all23:53
hokmenhokmen chan comes in23:53
hokmenmaybe you all know this name23:53
hokmeni add a message23:53
hokmenthe upgrade process of firefox(or other web browser) may complete as you wish to23:54
hokmeni did know the hash fuctions are upgraded. so i come here to ask when do you wish to complete the whole process of firefox upgrading23:55
Kanohokmen: do you know in what channel you are?23:58
hokmennow the firefox(ubuntu8.04) in my hand still be set as offline mode23:58
hokmenof cause23:58
Kanohokmen: you are in #kanotix not #ubuntu !23:58
Kanokanotix has got only iceweasel23:58
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk23:59

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