
Riddellsiretart: how does this patch look to you? http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/xine-lib-1.1.15-cpp-compilation.diff00:25
kirklandslangasek: any known tool chain issues at the moment?00:31
kirklandslangasek: i can't compile qemu from sources right now on an up-to-date intrepid; same problem in my ppa00:32
slangasekkirkland: nope, this is the first I've heard of a possible toolchain issue00:40
aliguorikirkland, you don't have a <linux/dirent.h>?00:41
aliguorifwiw, 0.9.1 is ancient00:43
aliguorisvn no longer depends on linux/dirent.h00:43
kirklandaliguori: it's kind of late in Intrepid to do a merge00:43
kirklandaliguori: we're almost up against Beta Freeze00:43
kirklandlooks like it's missing a build dependency on linux-headers00:44
aliguoriis linux-headers /usr/include/linux?00:44
aliguorior /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include?00:44
aliguorib/c qemu uses /usr/include/linux00:44
kirklandaliguori: ah00:44
aliguorithat should come with glibc i would think00:44
slangasekdirent.h doesn't appear to be part of linux-libc-dev, i.e., not part of the headers linux exports for userspace00:44
kirklandlibc6-dev: /usr/include/dirent.h00:45
aliguorikirkland, well svn now uses <dirent.h> and not <linux/dirent.h> so you may be able to get away with just changing it like that00:45
kirklandaliguori: in linux-user/syscall.c:#include <linux/dirent.h>00:46
aliguoriyeah, i know00:46
kirklandaliguori: okay, i'll try that00:46
kirklandaliguori: we'll merge up qemu as soon as Jaunty opens00:46
kirklandslangasek: am i correct in assuming that it's too late for a merge?00:46
slangasekum it's a bit late without a pretty good justification :)00:47
kirklandslangasek: yeah, i'm not willing to fight this one00:48
kirklandaliguori: btw, debian has 0.9.1-600:48
kirklandaliguori: what's upstream at?00:48
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hikenbootno one in #ubuntu seems to know...anyone in here know if the python libaries (any of them in ubuntu) have been minimized to include just the libraries used in xen?01:08
ograslangasek, i have a bug i'd like to nominate for beta so it gets on you radar, but obviously i cant nominate bug 67366 since it was initially filed wrongly for baltix, now the balitx RM would have to approve a nomination ... can you put it on your radar somehow nontheless ?01:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 67366 in ltsp "LDM does not warn when a user is already logged in" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6736601:10
slangasekogra: try https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ltsp/+bug/67366?01:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 67366 in ltsp "LDM does not warn when a user is already logged in" [Medium,In progress]01:14
ograsilly ...01:14
ograi just clicked the link in the mail01:14
aliguorikirkland, we have a problem with releases..  i think 0.9.1 is about a year old (but it's the latest)01:15
kirklandaliguori: okay01:16
kirklandaliguori: comparitively few people use qemu itself in ubuntu (it's in universe)01:16
kirklandaliguori: i'd say most people use the bits built into the kvm package01:17
kirklandaliguori: looks like that solved the build issue, thanks01:24
kirklandaliguori: i'm going to apply that patch (evdev one) to qemu in Ubuntu Universe01:24
* ion_ chuckles at Keybuk’s module-init-tools changelog entry.01:29
kirklandslangasek: is it too late to get that kvm patch sponsored?01:30
kirklandslangasek: mathiaz has reminded me that beta freeze has started :-/01:30
slangasekkirkland: do you have a debdiff somewhere?01:33
slangasek(I haven't technically pushed the button yet for the freeze, anyway :)01:33
kirklandslangasek:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kvm/+bug/25838901:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258389 in qemu "Keyboard acting strangely on Intrepid hosts" [Undecided,Confirmed]01:34
slangasekTheMuso: libcanberra-gnome added to desktop> was this discussed somewhere, and do you know how much space it'll cost us on the CDs?01:42
TheMusoslangasek: It wasn't discussed, however sound events are somewhat broken without it. As for size, I'm just double checking, but its about 6/8KB.01:43
TheMusoslangasek: yep 8KB.01:45
TheMusoslangasek: If need be, I can squash the ubuntu sounds down even further to get another 400/500KB space freed up.01:47
slangasekTheMuso: I think 8KB will be ok :)01:47
TheMusoslangasek: I was thinking of space for other things.01:47
slangasekTheMuso: given that we're not currently oversized, I'd rather not have us twiddling that this late in the cycle01:48
TheMusoslangasek: Ok.01:48
slangasekkirkland: why are so many of these keys mapped to 0x0, and is that a regression?01:59
kirklandslangasek: i duplicated the aliguori's code from gtk-vnc01:59
kirklandaliguori: can you answer that?02:00
kirklandslangasek: i tested all of the keys on my thinkpad02:02
slangasekbut your thinkpad probably doesn't have any of these Japanese keys :-)02:02
slangasekis there any other lib linkage needed for Xkb functions?02:03
slangasekthat's certainly not core libX1102:03
kirklandslangasek: guilty on the no Japanese keys02:04
kirklandslangasek: not sure about other libX11 linkage, that -lX11 was what i needed to get it to build02:05
slangasekI fear that the xkb symbols are being resolved incidentally only02:05
slangasekah, no - they are in libX1102:05
slangasek(surprising, to me)02:05
kirklandslangasek: why's that/02:05
slangasekok, will upload shortly02:05
kirklandslangasek: i found what i needed in /usr/lib/X11/*02:06
slangasekwhy is it surprising?  Because X11 is much, much older than Xkb :)02:06
kirklandslangasek: okay, and what did you do to verify?02:06
slangasekobjdump -T /usr/lib/libX11.so | grep .text.*Xkb02:06
slangasek(should be grep \\.text.*Xkb, but)02:07
kirklandslangasek: cool, thanks.02:07
ykphuahasac: you there?02:09
ograykphuah, that would be a lot of luck ... 3am here02:10
ykphuahogra: ah, do you know what time he is usually online?02:10
ograCEST office time and later02:10
ykphuahCEST office time will be like, 5 hours from now?02:11
ograyeah, 5-7 ... depending if he's up early :)02:11
ykphuahalright, thanks ogra02:11
Burgundaviaogra: isn't evtouch usable in kde as well?02:19
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NCommanderStevenK, yo?04:20
NCommanderslangasek, ping04:31
NCommanderpitti, ping?04:32
HobbseeNCommander: too late / too early04:33
NCommanderHobbsee, know anyone of ubuntu-sru who lives?04:33
NCommanderat this time04:33
jdongfor i in /ircfs/freenode/#ubuntu-devel/nicks/*; do sleep 1m; echo "$i: (yo|ping)"; done04:33
HobbseeNCommander: not currently04:34
* NCommander notes that its kinda pathetic he has a full set of Ubuntu port machines04:38
NCommanderor access to them at the very least04:38
bdmurrayNCommander: maybe sbeattie04:56
sbeattieNCommander: I'm around, but do not have archive privs. What do you need?04:57
NCommandersbeattie, I have a PowerPC SRU fix that's been sitting for awhile04:57
NCommanderIts got three verifications, I need someone who can push it through04:57
sbeattieNCommander: which one is that?05:00
NCommandermiro (source gnome-python-extras)05:00
NCommanderLet me find it05:00
NCommandersbeattie, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/hardy/+source/gnome-python-extras/+bug/18106805:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 181068 in gnome-python-extras "miro.real crashed with SystemError in MozillaBrowser() on PPC" [Low,Fix committed]05:00
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siretartRiddell: excellent!05:46
dholbachgood morning05:53
NCommanderhey dholbach06:15
NCommanderdoes anyone know who admins packages.ubuntu.com?06:15
dholbachhi NCommander06:15
dholbachNCommander: I'd say the IS team06:15
NCommanderIt looks like one single person06:15
NCommanderI wanted to see if its possible to get the Ubuntu ports listed06:15
nxvlNCommander: Keybuk06:17
NCommanderKeybuk, I've been looking at the packages scripts, I'd like to talk to you on getting the Ubuntu ports listed :-)06:17
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mvopitti: on my intrepid system jockey offer me to install fglrx, however that breaks the system very badly (no xserver 1.5 support, diverts libdri.so that misses symbols). should I file a bug that it does not offer this driver or is that a known issue already08:41
tseliotmvo: maybe we should make jockey conflict with fglrx-modaliases then08:53
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tseliotmvo, pitti: or maybe I can make jockey blacklist certain drivers08:56
mvotseliot: blacklist sounds like a good and flexible solution to me08:59
tseliotmvo: good. If pitti agrees, I will implement this.09:00
Chipzznot sure exactly how provides work09:03
Chipzzbut wouldn't a provide on the xserver api09:03
Chipzzand then a conflicts from the xserver on previous apis be a nicer solution?09:04
RAOFThat's already implemented; xserver-xorg(-core ?) provides something like xserver-video-abi-2.1.  And so the fglrx package could indeed conflict with that.09:06
tseliotah, so you suggest that we hardcode the abi, hmm...09:07
RAOFBut that sounds like a less-friendly solution than blacklists.09:07
RAOFBecause that'll make jockey say "hey, you've got a driver you could install!", except it'd be lying, because it's uninstallable.09:08
cjwatsonNCommander: Keybuk maintains patches.ubuntu.com, not packages.ubuntu.com - nxvl was mistaken09:08
cjwatsonNCommander: AFAIK it's still Frank Lichtenheld (djpig on IRC though he's probably not on Ubuntu channels)09:09
RAOFtseliot: The open drivers already depend on the exported abi, so making nvidia & fglrx depend on it to wouldn't be a bad thing.09:09
tjaaltonRAOF: they already do09:09
RAOFBut I'd think you'd probably want a blacklist as well, so you don't present impossible to install options.09:09
tseliotRAOF: they already do09:09
RAOFSo why can you install fglrx?09:09
tseliotwe rebuild them every time the ABI changes09:10
tseliotRAOF: because it was rebuilt09:10
slangasekNCommander: ehm, how do you have three verifications on an sru fix if ubuntu-sru has only just now been subscribed to the bug?09:10
tjaaltonRAOF: actually, fglrx doesn't, nvidia does09:10
slangasekNCommander: verifications are done on packages that have been uploaded to hardy-proposed...09:10
RAOFtjaalton: Yeah.  I was just looking at xorg-driver-fglrx and there's no mention of the abi :)09:11
cjwatsonslangasek: for 181068? according to the bug, pitti accepted it into -proposed on the 12th09:11
tseliottjaalton: ah, didn't superm1|away do the same thing for fglrx?09:11
tjaaltontseliot: doesn't seem like it09:12
cjwatsonas it happens I only see two verifications09:12
tseliotwe even talked about it09:12
cjwatsonbut anyway09:12
slangasekcjwatson: hrm, then who forgot to subscribe ubuntu-sru? :)09:12
tjaaltonthat's why it is left installed on upgrade09:12
tjaaltonwhen it should be purged instead09:12
slangasekah, 'miro' was a red herring, I do see an SRU pending for gnome-python-extras09:12
tseliottjaalton: ok, understood09:14
ChipzzRAOF: well I was actually thinking the other way around09:16
Chipzzhave fglrx provide xserver-video-abi-2.1, and have the xserver conflict with all versions below what it "provides"09:17
Chipzzthat way you don't have to upgrade the fglrx package to conflict on the xserver package when a new ABI is released09:18
RAOFChipzz: Right.  I've just reminded myself; that _is_ the way the drivers do it - nvidia appears to provide xserver-video-4, for example.09:19
tjaaltonI'll add it09:21
ChipzzOTOH you could have the fglrx package Depend on a specific abi version too09:21
Chipzzwhich I guess is probably the nicer solution, as your list of conflicts won't keep growing as more ABI versions are released09:22
tjaaltonthe server doesn't Provide the ABI, so that doesn't work09:23
tjaaltonhm, the server also doesn't conflict -2.1 or -2.909:24
Chipzztjaalton: I was not saying that's the way it's done; just pointing out a possible way of doing it09:28
pittiGood morning09:29
tjaaltonChipzz: sure, and I think it has been discussed at some point09:29
pittiapachelogger: hm, that's indeed a known problem; we could do something about "explaining the reason", but not much else, I'm afraid09:30
pittiNCommander: hi09:30
pittimvo: there are plenty of bug reports about it, so no new bug necessary09:30
mvook, thanks pitti09:30
pittitseliot, mvo: no problem, we can just not ship the fglrx handler for a while09:30
pittitseliot, mvo: a related question is what to do on upgrades09:31
seb128hello pitti mvo09:31
* pitti hugs seb12809:31
mvopitti: the current plan (discussed via mail last week) is to warn about it on upgrades and if the user still continues, transition him from fglrx to ati09:31
mvohey seb12809:31
* seb128 hugs pitti09:31
pittimvo: with update-manager and python-xkit?09:32
mvopitti: the same for nvidia-glx-71 and -96 (unless we get updates here that make those work)09:32
pittimvo: or shall we proxy that in jockey itself?09:32
mvopitti: yes, that is the current plan09:32
tkamppeterpitti, have you seen my mail, about bug 269311?09:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269311 in jockey "Session D-BUS call search_driver() should return list of files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26931109:32
mvopitti: I don't mind either way, it seems like at least the warning stuff needs to go into u-m09:32
pittitkamppeter: haven't read mail yet (sorry, slept in, still a bit ill)09:32
mvopitti: and for the removal probably as well, because fglrx needs to be purged09:32
pittimvo: right09:32
Koonpitti: did you see nijaba's email about the nagios2/3 in main mess ? Filed bug 273871 to fix it for intrepid09:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273871 in nagios3 "main inclusion for nagios3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27387109:36
pittitkamppeter: btw, in case you plan to upload an s-c-p which uses search_driver(), that needs a FF exception09:37
pittiKoon: yep, saw it09:37
pittiKoon: everything is a bit slow, I seem to be a bottleneck for a thousand things, sorry09:37
pittiKoon: I'll get to it today09:37
Koonpitti: great, thx09:38
tkamppeterpitti, I have already uploaded it, as I was assuming that the Feature of driver download was already accepted, due to your Jockey uploads.09:38
tseliotpitti: but if we did that wouldn't we have to port the new code to older releases of Ubuntu (since they don't have the new jockey)09:40
tkamppeterpitti, the patch to fix Jockey's search_driver() API change (reopened bug 269311) I have already applied to Jockey. It is a 2-byte patch, only the output signature which you have forgotten. Should I upload it (I only need to debsign and dput)?09:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269311 in jockey "Session D-BUS call search_driver() should return list of files" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26931109:41
pittitkamppeter: oh, crap, I forgot that indeed09:42
pittitkamppeter: please do, and send me the patch, so that I can incorporate it into bzr09:42
tkamppeterpitti, jockey_0.5~alpha1-0ubuntu6 uploaded09:49
tkamppeterpitti, patch sent by mail.09:51
pittitkamppeter: thanks09:59
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Tonio_hi there10:54
Tonio_can someone drop current kdesudo upload in the intrepid pipe ?10:55
Tonio_it'll ftbfs due to stupid zsh script that corrupted main.cpp...10:55
cjwatsonTonio_: the archive isn't frozen, so no, we can't11:01
cjwatsonjust upload a fix following it11:02
Tonio_cjwatson: oki but with a orig.tar.gz that changes it'll be rejected right ?11:03
Tonio_I have to make a patch, probably...11:03
cjwatsoncorrect. you'll have to patch it11:03
Tonio_hum ok11:03
cjwatson(or bump the upstream version number, but you might not want to do that for the usual reasons)11:03
Tonio_cjwatson: exactly ;)11:04
Tonio_okay thanks11:04
wgrantHow precisely does an Ubuntu developer break the orig.tar.gz?11:06
Tonio_wgrant: cause I'm also upstream :)11:06
wgrantTonio_: Ah, that would help.11:06
pittitseliot: can bug 251107 be considered as the "reference" bug for "71 and 96 don't work in intrepid"?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 251107 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-96 "[Intrepid] nvidia_drv.so: undefined symbol: AllocateScreenPrivateIndex" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25110711:19
tseliotpitti: yes, that's the one11:21
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mdzsbeattie: regression_tracker.html is very slow to render in Firefox for some reason; do you know why?12:06
mdzasac: my firefox keeps resizing so that the window title bar and status bar are behind the panels. have you ever seen that happen?12:11
asacmdz: i have never seen that on my own. i think two days ago someone complained about that though.12:12
asacmdz: maybe related to compiz?12:12
mdzasac: certainly possible.  I'm not sure how to debug it though12:12
asacmdz: are you using firefox in "maximized" window state?12:12
mdzasac: yes12:13
mdzasac: of course, I have several other windows maximized (including this one) which behave normally12:13
mdzso something is different about firefox12:14
mdzwhat's better? istanbul or gtk-recordmydesktop?12:14
asacmdz: ok. but firefox always is that way when maximized? or only sometimes?12:14
mdzasac: it starts out correct, but then (usually when switching desktops/focus) it suddenly goes behind the panels12:14
mdzasac: I'll capture a video and file a bug on compiz12:15
asacmdz: please subscribe me to that bug so i get the mails12:15
mdzasac: bug 240736 matches my symptoms12:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 240736 in compiz "Firefox can't be unmaximized/resized after un-docking" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24073612:16
mdzexcept I don't have a docking station12:16
mdzI did connect an external VGA on Tuesday, though I don't remember if that's when this started happening or not12:16
asacmdz: hmm. thats a hardy report even12:17
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kwwiiseb128: I was asked to clean out the unecessary/ugly themes from the gnome-themes package. Thought I should ask you first how best to do it12:20
asachmm. cant reproduce on hardy with compiz :/12:21
seb128kwwii: do we real need to do this? that's one of those things which breaks upgrade for people using those themes12:21
seb128kwwii: the best way is to create a new binary containing those themes, I can do that if you open a bug listing the themes to drop, but that will break upgrades12:22
mdzasac: see my comment12:24
mdzasac: I think it's related to xrandr somehow12:24
* asac looking12:24
seb128kwwii: btw since you are on IRC, could you change the folder-copy and folder-move icons in human-icon-theme to stock_folder-copy and stock_folder-move which are the name evolution is using since hardy (that makes some icons look ugly)?12:25
seb128kwwii: and did you read the gnome-session bugs? we need icons for the actions there12:26
asacmdz: is the window really in "maximized" state when you switch back or just maximized, but in normal state (where you can resize it)12:26
mdzasac: I restarted compiz and can't reproduce, I'm going to try to find a recipe to get it back into the bad state12:27
kwwiiseb128: sabdfl asked me to remove the extra gnome themes, I'll mention the upgrade issue and see what he says12:30
seb128we already had this discussion before dapper12:31
kwwiiseb128: should I move the icons to those names or just make a symlink to those names?12:31
seb128as you want, would just be nice to have the stock_ variants available12:31
mdzasac: I can't get it to happen anymore :-/12:31
seb128kwwii: renaming should be already, gnome-icon-theme use the stock_ naming12:32
mdzasac: when I switched back to it, it would be in a strange state.  if I would press F11 twice (as in the bug) it would get it back in the right place, but the window would not be focused12:32
seb128lunch time, bbl12:32
mdzasac: and clicking on the title bar would not focus it12:32
kwwiiseb128: ok, I can take care of that12:32
kwwiiand I will look into the session bug later today as well12:32
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ogramdz, in case you want to try something on your Q1 http://www.umpcportal.com/2008/09/ubuntu-mobile-edition-news-and-first-boot-video/ :)12:37
mdzogra: I don't have one anymore12:39
ograthats sad ...12:40
amitksoren: seen any bugs about kvm not giving back the mouse lately?12:41
cjwatsonogra: looks like an excellent review12:48
ograi'm drowning in feedback mail :)12:48
mdzasac: I have got it in the broken state again, can I collect some info for you?12:49
asacyes. copy localstore.rdf from your profile12:50
asacmdz: then check whether the window is really in a "maximized" state or if its just maximized, but in resizable state12:50
mdzasac: I don't know how to tell whether it's truly maximized, because there's no window border12:50
asacmdz: let me check something12:50
mdzasac: alt+f10 does nothing12:50
asacmdz: alt+f8?12:51
mdzasac: nothing12:51
asacalso try alt + space  and see if the "resize" is greyed out12:51
mdzasac: alt+f9 minimizes12:51
mdzbut restoring it puts it back in the same place12:51
mdzasac: alt+space shows 'unmaximize' option12:52
mdzbut "resize" is not grayed out12:52
asacmdz: urgh12:52
asacmdz: so the window is somewhere in the limbo between being "normal" and "maximized" ... strange12:53
asaclocalstore.rdf might have some info on what firefox thinks the window is12:53
mdzasac: emailed12:53
sorenamitk: Doesn't ring a bell, no.12:54
sorenamitk: SDL frontend?12:54
sorenamitk: And when did it start?12:54
asacmdz: in localstore.rdf the window is correctly in "maximized" state12:57
asacmdz: howver it still has the dimensions ... which most likely are the dimensions remembered for "normal" mode12:57
mdzasac: I can't figure out how to get it into this state, though I have succeeded once12:57
asacmdz: question is why its in a hybrid state for the window manager12:58
mdzasac: resize is not greyed out for me even when it is in a correctly maximised state12:58
asacmdz: yeah. my bet is that ffox sets "maximized" and then sets dimensions and compiz gets confused and puts the window in this confusing state12:59
asacmvo: ^^13:00
asacmvo: window in compize in "maximized" state still has "resize" enabled in window menu13:00
asacmvo: but also has the "unmaximize" option13:00
asacmvo: any idea what might confuse compiz here?13:01
Peakerhey, what process is required for some python libraries to go into Ubuntu?13:08
kwwiiseb128: that session icon problem is not an icon problem but a code problem (there are two open bugs about it)13:09
kwwiiseb128: the apps/gnome-session-* icons exist (although I found a bug in the spelling of the hibernate icon in the human theme)13:10
seb128kwwii: not really13:10
kwwiithe arrow which is too small is the actions/refresh* icon13:10
seb128kwwii: looks like we don't want to use the previous non standard naming square icons13:11
seb128kwwii: icons used now13:11
seb128#define GSM_ICON_LOGOUT    "system-log-out"13:11
seb128#define GSM_ICON_SWITCH    "system-users"13:11
seb128#define GSM_ICON_SHUTDOWN  "system-shutdown"13:11
seb128#define GSM_ICON_REBOOT    "view-refresh"13:11
seb128#define GSM_ICON_HIBERNATE "drive-harddisk"13:12
seb128#define GSM_ICON_SLEEP     "sleep"13:12
seb128kwwii: it would be nice to keep those standard names and do symlinks in the icon theme if required13:12
amitksoren: since Monday I think. I use it through the Virtual Machine Manager UI running an XP in KVM.13:13
kwwiiseb128: yeah, I can make links to the right names...I just did not want to start trying to redraw icons in larger sizes :-)13:13
seb128kwwii: because gnome-session-* are ubuntu specific naming and that would break other icon theme (the dialog work correctly using clearlooks now)13:13
amitksoren: and I have kvm-source installed13:13
sorenamitk: Is it possible that it started happening a couple of weeks ago?13:14
sorenamitk: There was a new gtk-vnc upload on the 11th.13:14
kwwiiseb128: cool, I will add the links in the human icon theme package, along with the other stuff you mentioned and a couple of things I just noticed13:15
cjwatsonbryce: apparently http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/Milestones/milestones_current.html hasn't been updated for ages - there's a bug listed there that was closed on 27 August13:15
seb128kwwii: not sure if the old dialog icons will look great in the new dialogs though, the squares for shutdown for example was good in the grid dialog but might not be as good in the new one, I'll let you decide about that though13:15
seb128kwwii: thanks13:15
amitksoren: it is possible, I was away in Portland last week.13:16
seb128kwwii: oh and sorry about the lack of reply on sponsoring, I've been crawling under a montains of GNOME 2.24 update this week and when I wanted to ping you were not on IRC13:16
amitksoren: so it was part of a huge set of updates13:16
kwwiiseb128: no worries, I found other victims :-)13:18
seb128TheMuso: are you around to speak about sound themes?13:23
TheMusoseb128: Certainly am.13:23
seb128TheMuso: I was wondering if somebody is working on the freedesktop-sound-theme13:23
TheMusoseb128: In what way exactly? Because it wasn't packaged, I have put it into the ubuntu-sounds package for now. We can split it out in Jaunty.13:24
seb128oh, that's why it conflicts13:24
seb128I've it packaged locally using the debian packaging13:24
seb128and ubuntu-sounds conflict on /usr/share/sounds/freedesktop/index.theme13:24
TheMusoOh there is debian packaging? I didn't find it when I originally tried looking for it.13:24
seb128TheMuso: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=48655913:25
ubottuDebian bug 486559 in wnpp "ITP: freedesktop-sound-theme -- default fallback theme for freedesktop.org sound themes" [Wishlist,Open]13:25
seb128TheMuso: http://git.debian.org/?p=collab-maint/freedesktop-sound-theme.git;a=summary13:25
TheMusoOh ok. If you want to bring that into Ubuntu, I can remove it from the ubuntu-sounds package if thats any help.13:25
seb128I didn't upload because I've been busy and the tarball doesn't ship the licenses which are used which I think will be an issue to get it through NEW13:25
* TheMuso hecks the upstrea tarball again.13:26
seb128TheMuso: well, I've to admit I've been too busy to continue on that, if somebody wants to take over the task that would be welcome13:26
seb128I think it would be nice to have in intrepid13:26
seb128and I'm not sure adding to ubuntu-sounds is really a thing to do13:26
seb128did you update the copyright to reflect all that, does it have all the required licenses, etc?13:27
TheMusoseb128: Nor do I really, but I couldn't think of something better at the time.13:27
seb128I would much prefer having the freedesktop and ubuntu sound themes as different binaries13:27
TheMusoThis is what I am about to go and chase up.13:27
TheMusoso would I.13:27
TheMusoThere is a README file in the freedesktop tarball that outlines the origins of the sounds and their licenses, but it doesn't appear there is much more than that.13:28
seb128TheMuso: do you think you could have a look at getting that upload? or are you too busy right now?13:29
seb128now not being today but before intrepid13:29
TheMusoseb128: Yes I could have a look at getting that uploaded, just got to track down copyright/licensing, which may not be easy.13:30
seb128I think the copyright are ok, as you said they are listed in the readme13:30
seb128the issue is probably having the corresponding licenses in the tarball13:31
seb128maybe we should ping lennart about that13:31
TheMusoI'll jump on the ml for it and ask.13:31
seb128another quick question, are you going to update pulseaudio in intrepid? any reason to not do it? you seem to be backporting patches rather13:32
TheMusoseb128: Too many users with playback/stream switching issues with 0.9.11/0.9.12. For one, a USB sound card I have completely crashes pulseaudio with newer versions, and another user had issues trying to switch a stream between onboard audio and US speakers. There needs a fair bit of stuff fixed in pulse, as well as alsa for these.13:33
PecisDarbshi people, Intrepid won't have Vinagre 2.24, will it? as I understand, it was released too late. Sad.14:01
cjwatsonPecisDarbs:    vinagre | 2.24.0-0ubuntu1 |      intrepid | source, amd64, i38614:04
cjwatsoni.e. it's already there14:04
PecisDarbsok, I updated this morning, maybe it rolled during day14:05
seb128no, it has been rolled on monday14:05
BurgundaviaPecisDarbs: gnome has a standing upstream freeze exception14:05
seb128try changing mirror14:05
PecisDarbsthanks for info14:05
Burgundavialikely it was just that poor seb128 was overworked getting all of .24 in on time14:05
cjwatsonBurgundavia: or read what seb128 wrote ;-)14:05
Burgundaviacjwatson: is 6am for me, am allowed to be slow14:06
jcastroevand: has anyone shown interest in backporting usb-creator to hardy? Might be a good way to expand the testing audience.14:07
seb128jcastro: at this stage intrepid already has quite an audience, usually enough to keep us busy14:08
seb128jcastro: I'm speaking for desktop at least, not sure about your specific case ;-)14:09
jcastroseb128: I was just referring to his call for testing, people in the forums were asking if they can test on hardy as well14:09
evandjcastro: there was a bug filed about a requirement for it and it's something that's been requested more than once.14:09
jcastroah, okey14:10
evandI'll try to find time for a backport of it, though I'm very much focused on bug fixing at the moment.14:10
jcastroevand: I was hoping to get contribution from someone in the group of people asking.14:10
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evocallaghanMaybe this place will not be full of n00bs14:26
evocallaghanHi lads14:26
evocallaghanWhat is the LiveCD compressed with ? bzip, gunzip, LZMA ?14:26
pittievocallaghan: gzip14:26
evocallaghanSomeone said to me squashfs14:27
cjwatsonevocallaghan: squashfs uses zlib, which is what gzip is based on14:27
evocallaghanThank you14:27
cjwatsonthere is an lzma variant of squashfs, but we don't use that at present (it has even less chance of making it upstream at the moment ...)14:27
ograpitti, is there a way to tell hal to re-read a device deliberately ?14:27
pittiogra: re-read? you mean re-probe the hardware?14:28
ograi have fixed up the touchscreen calibration tool in evtouch ... works fine but you have to restart your session to make xorg accept the change14:28
evocallaghanLZMA has a bit more overhead14:28
pittiogra: haven't tried, but maybe udevadm trigger [some mixture of --subsystem-match and --attr-match]14:28
ograso i wonder if there is a way to make that apply on the fly14:28
evocallaghanI have a working version here14:28
pittiogra: well, at worst you could restart hal14:29
cjwatsonyes, we use it in certain limited contexts (limited exactly because the memory overhead for decompression is high)14:29
ograignored by xorg14:29
pittiogra: if restarting hal doesn't help to update the xorg evdev driver, then udevadm trigger won't either14:29
cjwatsonI'd be pretty concerned about the memory overhead for the whole live CD; we only just got the requirements back down inside 256MB, and there's not a whole lot of headroom there14:29
ograpitti, evtouch :)14:30
ogranot dev14:30
cjwatsonrequirements for installation from live CD, that is14:30
evocallaghanGezz, this place is far more sane then #ubuntu O_o14:30
evocallaghanWell I am building my own Live opensolaris CD14:31
StevenKcjwatson: It's back down from the 300 odd it was for Hardy?14:31
ldpevocallaghan: does that surprise you?14:31
evocallaghanJust wondering what you guys where using14:31
evocallaghanldp:No idea, I don't hang around these parts of the _inter_web :p14:31
cjwatsonStevenK: yeah, due to compcache14:34
LazyHi, I don't know if this is the right channel but this bug report seems important to me and nobody has commented it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tor/+bug/26169314:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261693 in tor "version bump to 0.2.X" [Undecided,New]14:37
jdongLazy: well we are well past feature freeze and bordering into beta freeze; is there an extremely important reason why this version is needed over the current shipping version? (i.e. is tor going to stop working for the older client?)14:39
jdongLazy: i have to leave pretty soon, but if this is the case then state so on the bug report14:39
apacheloggerpitti: I guess explaining it would be a good improvement already.14:40
ldpbrb people Badminton practice time14:40
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LazyI'm not sure if it will break but Debian has already included it and it contains several fixes to security14:41
cjwatsonthe bug says "major feature enhancements", which is normally a reason for the package *not* to be included after feature freeze14:45
cjwatsontherefore, somebody needs to be more explicit in the bug about the exact nature and importance of the bug fixes14:45
Lazycjwatson: Thanks for the clarification. When I get home from work I will write about the bug fixes and new features to the bug report so you guys can decide wether to include the new version or not.14:50
evandpitti: doko: If you have a free moment, could you please look at MIR bug 26813715:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 268137 in usb-creator "main inclusion report for usb-creator" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26813715:00
kirkland\sh: hey, saw your blog post, if you add your question to the bottom of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory, i'll answer it inline there15:16
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ykphuahasac: you there?15:21
MacSlowkwwii, just wondering ... wasn't initially the white color in NewHuman (used for list-views, icon-views & co) meant to be a bit more greyish?15:23
kwwiiMacSlow: yes, it was15:31
kwwiibut that made default office documents in OOo the same color15:31
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liwkwwii, I've been thinking lately that it would be handy if the dark theme could make the focused window a bit more prominent (and perhaps the current tab in an unfocused gnome-terminal window less prominent)15:46
ykphuah1asac: you there15:48
asacykphuah1: whats up?15:49
ykphuah1asac: about the patch for NetworkManager15:49
asacykphuah1: which?15:49
ograRiddell, whats the KDE equivalent of xdialog/zenity ?15:51
ykphuah1asac: bug 19188915:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 191889 in pidgin "[MASTER] [WORKAROUND] "Offline Mode" feature fails to detect proper online state for networks that are managed outside of network manager." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19188915:51
Riddellogra: you'd never guess it, kdialog!15:51
ograthat doesnt have its own package it seems15:51
ograi want to make the touchscreen calibration work on KDE as well ...15:52
ograso i need to know the Recommands line15:52
Riddellit's part of kdebase-bin15:52
asacykphuah1: ah. yeah. thanks for working on that15:52
ograthat gets me 80M15:53
asacykphuah: you think you can make a patch that looks for IP being set on unmanaged devices?15:53
radixmathiaz: Hi, so I made some changes to landscape-config, but it still returns non-0 exit codes15:59
radixmathiaz: because that makes the most sense for other reasons. are you still happy to add a "|| true" to the command?15:59
mathiazradix: how is the "unable to register because d-bus isn't running" scenario handled now ?16:00
radixmathiaz: a nice message is printed and exit code 2 is returned16:01
radixinstead of a giant traceback16:01
radix(it still maintains the behavior to record the registration details and will register when the client starts)16:02
james_wis "#!/bin/sh -e" equivalent to "#!/bin/sh\nset -e" ?16:03
mathiazradix: could it be possible to add an option --ok-no-registration so that it returns 0 if the registration isn't successful ?16:03
radixmathiaz: hmm, thinking16:05
radixmathiaz: I guess a "--no-register" option is no good because you can't tell whether you're running from the installer or from a regular environment?16:05
mathiazradix: right16:06
radixmathiaz: I can definitely add an --ok-no-register16:06
mathiazradix: look at the oknodo option from start-stop-daemon16:06
radixok cool16:06
mathiazradix: that option as the same purpose for starting daemons in init script16:07
sbeattiemdz_: I'm unable to reproduce the slow rendering here (3.0.1,hardy) but it's quite likely I'm doing something bogus. I'll poke at it a bit.16:13
mdz_sbeattie: this is on current intrepid16:17
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kwwiiliw: yeah, they might get darker or lighter...or more transparent16:18
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superm1pitti, "not" shipping the handler doesn't have to be the solution right now.  jockey doesn't depend on the modaliases yet, so simply leaving it like that would prevent it from being offered via jockey16:25
pittisuperm1: right that16:26
radixmathiaz: Ok, I implemented --ok-no-register with unit tests, going to do some more manual testing16:30
mathiazradix: awesome ! Thanks for working on this :)16:30
mathiazradix: are you going to roll a new release ?16:30
* evocallaghan steps back out to his solaris box.16:30
evocallaghanThanks all.16:31
radixmathiaz: probably, but it's getting tricky16:31
radixmathiaz: I may have to call it or something16:31
radixsince our trunk has diverged to get some new features16:31
mathiazradix: if that's too complicated we can just release a new ubuntu revision of the package.16:31
radixmathiaz: well, actually, I could just give you a branch with version number changed to
radixmathiaz: the main thing is we want to be able to know what version users are using... we track version numbers in the server16:32
radixthe client uploads its version number, and it'd suck to have two different codebases sending the same version number16:33
mathiazradix: ok - then is the way to go16:33
radixmathiaz: ok, I'll have this branch ready for you as soon as we do a bit oftesting - I need to get into a dbus-less environment16:33
mathiazradix: great16:34
pitticjwatson: do you know any reason (installer-wise) why the first user should be put into group "fuse"? (I just locally fixed fuse to use our usual "current foreground console" policy for /dev/fuse)16:41
pitticjwatson: if not, I'd like to just throw that out again16:41
cjwatsonthere's nothing in the installer itself that needs it16:43
pitticjwatson: right, I mean I almost fell into some trap with removing cdrom/plugdev16:43
cjwatsonfeel free to change it in lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/user-setup/ubuntu16:43
pitticjwatson: with the fstab issue for cdroms16:43
pitticjwatson: ok, thank you16:43
cjwatsonright, that one is hard16:43
mathiazradix: another option to track versions is to integrate the ubuntu revision number in the number reported by landscape-client.16:43
cjwatsonntfs-3g is the only thing in the installer that needs fuse, and in an installer context it's run as root16:44
pitticjwatson: I'm not going to stab cdrom again for intrepid, but this "fuse" thing annoys me16:44
cjwatsonso I think it'll be OK16:44
mathiazradix: on way to do that is to provide it at build time.16:44
pitti♪ another one bites the dust ♫16:44
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pitticjwatson: we cannot really rely on the user being in that group, but we need to to resolve the mess of libgphoto camera handling in gnome16:45
StevenKcjwatson: Can you commit and push your changes of livecd-rootfs to the bzr tree?16:47
StevenKogra: You too, after cjwatson.16:48
ogradidnt i push ? oh, sorry16:48
StevenKWait, it could be me being idiotic16:48
StevenKbzr update is a no-op for non-bound branches16:48
ograi think i pushed16:49
cjwatsonI use a bound branch for livecd-rootfs, so it's always current16:49
ograi remember messing up the tags16:49
StevenKbzr: ERROR: Tags not supported by BzrBranch516:49
cjwatsonogra: so should r207 have tag 0.69 rather than r206?16:51
ograi usually dont set DEBEMAIL to force me to look at the changelog before doing dpkg-buildpackage ... so yes, 206 has the right address in the changelog16:52
ograerrr 20716:52
jdongStevenK: oh quit whining about that error. It used to be far less intuitive :D16:53
StevenKjdong: :-P16:53
StevenKThen bzr was complaining that it couldn't add tags and died.16:53
StevenKbzr upgrade followed by bzr pull was insisting the tree was up-to-date.16:53
cjwatsonogra: I've moved the tag16:53
ograi couldnt anymore after i had pushed i found16:54
StevenKcjwatson: How did you move it?16:54
ogralocally i bet :)16:54
cjwatsonbzr tag -r207 --force 0.6916:54
ogra*that easy*16:54
StevenKI don't get that change here, though16:54
ograwell, you have a tag anyway16:55
ograit just moved places16:55
StevenKAfter bzr pull was insisting wrong things, I took a leaf from cjwatson's book and bound it16:55
cjwatson$ bzr tags -d sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/livecd-rootfs/trunk16:55
cjwatson0.68                 20416:55
cjwatson0.69                 20716:55
cjwatson(or bzr+ssh://)16:55
StevenKbzr update isn't updating that metadata, though16:55
cjwatsonyou have two choices: (1) it sounds like a bug, and #bzr might be able to help (2) move your branch aside for future analysis and check it out from scratch16:56
StevenKHeh, yay. bzr update does nothing, but bzr pull says there are conflicting tags16:57
cjwatsonif you've mucked about with it locally but not pushed, well, you're now diverged; I don't know if merging helps16:58
cjwatsonbzr pull --overwrite (assuming no local changes)16:59
cjwatsonthe bzr 0.91rc1 NEWS file says:16:59
cjwatson   * Overwrite conflicting tags by ``push`` and ``pull`` if the16:59
cjwatson     ``--overwrite`` option is specified.  (Lukáš Lalinský, #93947)16:59
StevenKThere are local changes, but it's one line16:59
cjwatsonbut if you're now bound, 'bzr unbind' first16:59
cjwatsonthen bind again after pulling16:59
pittiseb128: unfuse-ification complete \o/17:03
seb128pitti: ;-)17:03
ograpitti, erm, were these changes tested in environments without polkit and friends (i.e. ltspfs) ?17:08
ograthere are no fgconsoles for ltsp users ...17:08
pittiogra: the fuse group still exists17:08
pittiogra: if you are in it, you don't need pk17:08
pittiogra: ah, so you need the installer to put users into fuse?17:08
pittis/users/the first user/17:09
ograwell, users admin17:09
ograbut that has a patch unless that was dropped17:09
pittiogra: if so, I need to revert the installer bit (I woudln't like it, but so be it)17:09
pittiogra: I didn't touch users-admin17:09
ograright, then its fine ... i can just tell the admin to check the box17:09
pittiogra: what I did is (1) create the auto-acl magic for /dev/fuse (it's still root:fuse 660) and (2) change user-setup to not put the initial user into 'fuse'17:10
ograerr, no i cant since polkit doesnt allow access to users-admin for ltsp users ... hmmm17:10
pittiogra: I don't think we can actually get rid of the system group anytime soon, just not put the first user into it/rely on users being in fuse17:10
ogradoes that work for ntfs from initramfs ? afaik there is no ACL applied yet17:10
ogra(yet as in at that point of booting)17:11
pittiogra: the ACL just applies to /dev/17:11
ograeven in intramfs ?17:11
pittithe ACL is set by hal once an user starts a session17:11
ogra(i thounght it requires hal)17:11
pittithat's way after initramfs17:11
pittiogra: unless you actually keep your runtime /dev/ on ntfs all the time?17:12
ograbut ntfs3g as cjwatson implemented it fires in initrmfs iirc17:12
pittiogra: what does ntfs3g have to do with it?17:12
ograit uses fuse17:12
pittiusers being in the "fuse" group -> not at all related to things happening in initramfs?17:12
ogranot sure why or what for, but that was the reason why fuse got pulled into initramfs17:13
pittiyeah, that's fine17:13
pittiif your / lives on ntfs, for example17:13
pittibut that all happens as root17:13
ogracjwatson might be able to comment, he made that change iirc17:13
ograah, right17:13
Keybukcjwatson: so, err, I just booted the current daily-live17:14
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ograshould that also show cu and ram usage ?  :)17:17
Keybukogra: I was thinking it should show a big ubuntu logo, and look a bit more like gdm :p17:17
ograwell ... you cant have everything ...17:18
Keybukthere's no Xorg.log, so it doesn't look like it even started17:18
ogragdm works on tuesdays build of ubuntu-mobile17:19
ogramight be X's fault then17:19
tjaaltoncan't be if there's no log17:19
jcristauit's never X's fault anyway17:20
ograright :)17:20
HewKeybuk: Why was bug 189406 changed to wishlist? It is not a cosmetic request, but a regression of a key feature.17:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 189406 in update-manager "Update Manager doesn't display package versions anymore" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18940617:20
ograKeybuk, tried startx ?17:21
mvoHew: but the version information is certainly still available in the changelog, no?17:23
Hewmvo: No, it's not. Often (especially in development), the changelog is not available. Also, the current version is not shown. It is very useful to have "version x to version y" displayed for each item. Currently I have to do with with synaptic, so I haven't used update-manager in ages.17:24
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mvoHew: would you be ok with a gconf key to enable it?17:25
Hewmvo: I would, as I mentioned in a comment a while ago, but I still think it should be enabled by default.17:26
mvoHew: ok, thanks. I will bring it up with our usability person again17:26
Hewmvo: Thank you. I feel it's important to get this fixed before Intrepid release.17:27
tedgKeybuk: See, I told you the FUSA applet got moved in more recent live CDs ;)17:28
cjwatsonKeybuk: yeah, we decided that X is for losers17:35
cjwatson(I'll have a look once I've rsynced to current)17:35
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geseris the beta freeze already in effect?17:56
mathiazgeser: yes17:57
seb128mathiaz: since when?17:57
mathiazseb128: according to the ReleaseSchedule, it's at 00:00 UTC on the day.17:58
mathiazseb128: but may be slangasek hasn't pushed the button yet.17:58
seb128mathiaz: he hasn't ;-)17:58
cjwatsonhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid -> "Status: Active Development"17:58
cjwatsonwhen that's changed, it will say "Pre-Release Freeze"17:58
pittitkamppeter: please commit the changes of your cups upload to bzr18:00
NCommander\o/ - my HPPA intrepid install works18:04
ograheh hppa18:04
NCommanderYes, yes I know18:05
NCommanderI had to ask HP for access to a developers box18:05
NCommanderBut now I have root on an Ubuntu intrepid hppa install18:05
NCommanderthat's wrong in many ways :-/18:06
tkamppeterpitti, sorry, forgot the "bzr push"18:08
pittitkamppeter: FYI, I just fixed the progress dialog and d-bus timeout if you do a d-bus call18:09
pittitkamppeter: (in jockey)18:09
pittiI guess you stumbled upon that (there was no progress dialog, etc.)18:10
slangasekcjwatson: it looks like I still don't have access to the button to start the freeze in LP; could you do that now?18:12
tkamppeterpitti, "bzr push --remember bzr+ssh://till-guest@bzr.debian.org/bzr/pkg-cups/cups/debian-trunk" does not work for me.18:13
tkamppeterI get18:13
tkamppeterFormat <RepositoryFormatKnit3> for file:///home/till/ubuntu/cups/bzr/debian-trunk/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance18:13
pittitkamppeter: that's just a warning, I get it, too18:14
tkamppeterand then it hangs infinitely.18:14
tkamppeterNow I got a18:14
tkamppeterssh: connect to host bzr.debian.org port 22: Connection timed out18:14
tkamppeterbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)18:14
pittitkamppeter: does "ssh till-guest@bzr.debian.org" work for you?18:14
pitti(apparently that's the problem)18:14
tkamppeterssh till-guest@bzr.debian.org18:15
tkamppeterand nothing happens, probably until the timeout.18:15
cjwatsonslangasek: let me see if I have it ...18:15
pittitkamppeter: try with -vv18:15
pittislangasek: I always asked in #is18:15
cjwatsonslangasek: nope, I don't seem to have it. You need an LP admin (#launchpad or #is)18:16
tkamppeterOpenSSH_5.1p1 Debian-1ubuntu2, OpenSSL 0.9.8g 19 Oct 200718:16
tkamppeterdebug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config18:16
tkamppeterdebug1: Applying options for *18:16
tkamppeterdebug2: ssh_connect: needpriv 018:16
tkamppeterdebug1: Connecting to bzr.debian.org [] port 22.18:16
tkamppeterand then nothing.18:16
pittitkamppeter: ah, please don't quote the entire output, pastebin18:16
pittitkamppeter: it works for me; problem with your ISP?18:17
tkamppeterCan it be that the SSH daemon on bzr.debian.org has crashed?18:17
cjwatsontkamppeter: no, since it works for others (including me).18:19
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: archive: beta freeze | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not application development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and generaldiscussion for dapper/feisty/gutsy/hardy, #ubuntu+1 for intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs
slangasekhere we go :)18:21
ograthat wasnt in effect yet ?18:21
* ogra thought it was since 00:00 UTC18:21
cjwatsonyou should know that advertised times != actual times :)18:22
ograas usual18:22
ograi just thought i make my generic freeze comment :P18:22
ograherdware enablement has a rolling exception, right ? i'm expecting a bunch of fdi files for touchscreen devices after the success of ubuntu-mobile that i'd like to add to the touchscreen driver18:23
tkamppeterpitti, I can ssh to OpenPrinting18:23
tkamppeterI can ping bzr.debian.org18:24
pittitkamppeter: can you ssh from openprinting to bzr.d.o?18:25
* ogra reboots after dist upgrade18:25
tkamppeterWhen I traceroute it, the traceroute ends at trent.core.telegraaf.net ( and no at But it exits with status 0.18:26
tkamppeterDoing ssh from OpenPrinting ssh gets much further, it hangs after saying "debug2: we sent a publickey packet, wait for reply", probably because I do not have my private key on OP.18:28
tedgslangasek: So... I just got told that GIMP is expecting to release 2.6.0 on Monday.18:28
ion_tedg: Was it the one with GEGL support?18:28
tedgion_: I believe so.18:28
pittitkamppeter: ssh foo2bzr.d.o asks me for a password, though18:28
tedgslangasek: Considering we don't have any of the 2.5.x snapshots in Intrepid -- what's the chance of a miracle?18:29
tkamppeterpitti, did a second try on OpenPrinting and now I got to the password prompt. After entering my password I arrived on Alioth.18:30
bdmurraytkamppeter: we now have cupsys and cups packages receiving bugs in Launchpad.  Is there a need to consolidate these?18:31
tkamppeterbdmurray, I think so. Many users did not perceive that cupsys was renamed to cups and continue reporting on cupsys.18:32
slangasektedg: I'm sure there's a good epistemological answer to that question, somewhere; but as for gimp 2.6 being accepted for intrepid, there'd probably need to be a pretty compelling reason18:32
tkamppeterIt would be a great Launchpad feature to auto-redirect such reports.18:32
pittitkamppeter: well, it's still "cupsys" in all stable releases18:33
ograyay, my login sound is back18:33
tedgslangasek: I think the compelling reason would be that every reporter reviewing the release would fixate on it if we didn't have it :-/18:33
tedgslangasek: Especially if Fedora does.18:33
geserslangasek: has the beta freeze any effect on packages in universe? like needed exceptions18:33
bdmurraypitti: I can see it being confusing to have 2 places for bugs though18:34
pittiright, it is18:34
tkamppeterpitti, bzr.debian.org returned to work I have uploaded the bzr now.18:36
pittitkamppeter: nice, thanks18:36
slangasektedg: ah, yes, because those reporters are always disappointed when they can't use the newest gimp features to write their articles, are they :)18:38
slangasekanyway, it's not like they won't find something else even more trivial to fixate on, that we've overlooke :)18:38
slangasekgeser: nope, see u-d-a18:39
tedgslangasek: No, more because they're looking for _something_ to say that Fedora is better at ;)18:39
tkamppeterpitti, you told that you "just fixed the progress dialog and d-bus timeout if you do a d-bus call". Did you upload it to somewhere?18:41
pittitkamppeter: not yet18:41
slangasek+test -f /usr/share/acpi-support/state-funcs || exit 019:09
slangasekbryce: that's an interesting addition, considering that file is shipped in the very same package :)19:10
bryceslangasek: it seems that xubuntu replaces the acpi system, but many of these scripts stay in place for some reason19:11
bryceslangasek: so debian added those checks so the scripts don't trigger if acpi-support has been replaced19:11
slangasekbryce: ... um.19:11
slangasekwell, I guess these are all conffiles, so they're still present when the package is removde19:12
slangasekso remove acpi-support + leave acpid installed --> failing scripts <shrug>19:12
bryceit comprised the most #lines in the diff between us and debian, so since it was a trivial change, I figured it was a harmless change that'd at least minimize the size of the diff between us and them19:14
bryceplus if it helps xubuntu, why not19:14
brycealthough I'd guess by now they must have gotten some other way to work around it19:14
ograslangasek, please let xf86-input-evtouch through ...19:17
didrocksnorsetto: I really think that vuntz can really be a great help on the update page :-)19:18
superm1why does xubuntu not use acpi-support in the first place though?19:20
superm1bryce, and looking at the rdepends, acpi-support is still part of xubuntu-desktop in the first place?19:22
slangasekI think the rationale given there is a bit mangled, really19:24
slangasekthe real issue is that you can remove acpi-support and it will leave behind the conffiles, which should play as nicely as possible19:24
* bryce nods19:24
pittislangasek: I fixed the spawning of the "searching driver" progress dialog in jockey, and updated translations; is that still ok for beta, or do you just accept beta-milestoned fixes now?19:24
slangasekpitti: I'll take that one, at least today19:25
brycesorry I misrembered it as "xubuntu", it was for eeepc-acpi-scripts19:26
brycesee http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=46955619:26
ubottuDebian bug 469556 in acpi-support "all scripts in /etc/acpi should do nothing when the package is removed" [Normal,Closed]19:26
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* ogra goes out for dinner19:28
superm1they couldn't just adapt the existing acpi-scripts for eee support?  yick..19:30
slangasekthat's a bit dodgy, yes :)19:30
pittislangasek: ok, uploaded; shall I ack it myself, or do you want to review it?19:51
slangasekif it's not urgent, I can review it later today19:52
pittiok, thanks19:52
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slangasekpitti: are you able to confirm the comment in bug #274085 that ekiga is part of gnome (i.e., standing exception)?19:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274085 in ekiga "Please update Ekiga to 3.00" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27408519:57
tedgslangasek: I don't believe that Ekiga is part of GNOME.20:06
slangasektedg: hmm, it's featured prominently at http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.24/#rnusers.ekiga20:06
tedgAnd it's in GNOME SVN...20:07
Treenaksbut its version is a bit off20:07
tedgIt's not on this list: http://www.gnome.org/projects/20:07
* NCommander pokes landscape with a stick20:07
tedgBut, well, Sodipodi is :)20:07
slangasektedg: right, and so is xmms... :)20:08
slangasekactually, GNOME meeting is listed there too :)20:08
pochutedg: it's in the desktop set: ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/desktop/2.24/2.24.0/sources/20:08
Treenaksthat _is_ a limited set..20:09
pochubut it's part of GNOME20:09
pochuand ekiga is part of the Desktop set20:09
pochuso ekiga is part of GNOME ;-)20:09
slangasekright, so I guess the only real question is whether the desktop team is going to take responsibility for updating it for beta :)20:10
Treenaksslangasek: all we need is a milestoned bug ;)20:10
TreenaksShould I report it as a bug that the ati driver has probed my display 1168 times in 1 session?20:17
Treenaksand continues to do so, every few minutes?20:17
norsettodidrocks: well, what I need now is somebody that can design a decent html page ;-)20:18
terminator_tseliot  When will the 96.43.07 drivers for nvidia cards be ready20:28
pittislangasek: hm, so far I didn't think it was20:28
pittislangasek: hm, http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/gnome/sources/ekiga/3.0/, interesting20:29
tseliotterminator_: I wish I knew it...20:29
pittislangasek: but ok, its presence in ftp://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/desktop/2.24/2.24.0/sources/ convinces me20:30
terminator_tseliot I can't wait to try them out with my old machine.20:30
pittislangasek: I just find it worrying that we didn't get 3.0 alpha/beta releases, as with all the other gnome components (that worries me more than being/not being part of official gnome)20:30
elmoO  [  26: Damien Sandras      ] Ekiga branched for GNOME 2.2420:30
pochupitti: and whether they will release point updates with the rest of GNOME ;)20:31
elmofrom desktop-devel-list@gnome.org, cc'ed release-team@gnome.org, for whatever that's worth20:31
terminator_tseliot thanks20:31
tkamppeterpitti, I have added a patch for python-cupshelpers to bug 269454.20:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269454 in jockey "show printer driver support contacts, status, and unsupported color mode warning" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26945420:33
alex-weeji accidentally the Guest user20:40
alex-weejis that bad?20:40
alex-weej*deleted* :P20:41
alex-weejdid it via the users-admin20:41
pittialex-weej: it will be recreated automatically20:41
alex-weeji actually thought i had created it myself20:41
alex-weejbecause my guest session wasn't working - it would load the wallpaper and that was it20:41
alex-weejbut when i deleted the user it started working20:41
alex-weejthough gnome-settings-daemon seems to fail. i get the inbuilt GTK theme20:42
alex-weejand also when i switched back to my normal user20:42
alex-weejit locked the guest session20:42
pittialex-weej: did you have a real (uid >= 1000) "guest" user before?20:42
alex-weejand wanted a password to unlock ....20:42
pittialex-weej: locked> known bug20:42
slangasekpitti: yes, it worries me as well; but are we better off holding back ekiga than updating it for beta?20:42
pittislangasek: if we want to have it in intrepid, I'd rather have it now than post-beta20:43
slangasekyes, by "holding back ekiga" I meant "holding back ekiga for release" :)20:43
pittiis there a PPA we can test?20:43
slangaseka ppa of ekiga? not AFAIK :/20:44
infinitypitti: I would argue that 2.9.xx was "3.0 beta", given the version scheme.20:44
pittislangasek: it would violate just about every freeze we have, plus require a lot of work which we better spend on other things now, so I lean towards "no" tbh20:45
alex-weejpitti: i have a /home/guest folder --- so i guess i created that user myself?20:45
pittiinfinity: yes, it would be, if only it was in intrepid---we have 2.0.1220:45
slangasekpitti: well, GNOME also routinely violates the freeze, the difference being that it violates it incrementally via the betas :)20:45
pittialex-weej: yes, the gdm guest session uses /tmp/20:45
infinitypitti: Yeah, I see that.  :/20:45
alex-weejekiga should get on gnome release cycle...20:45
slangaseks/GNOME/the rest of &/20:45
infinitypitti: I was just responding to the "I never saw any betas" comment.20:46
seb128what is the discussion about?20:46
alex-weejekiga 3 in intrepid20:46
pittiinfinity: yeah, I meant "in intrepid"20:46
slangasekseb128: bug #27408520:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274085 in ekiga "Please update Ekiga to 3.00" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27408520:46
seb128ubuntu lacks somebody interested in maintaining ekiga20:46
seb128especiall the broken libs it depends on20:46
slangasekseb128: ekiga is apparently part of GNOME 2.24, but there haven't been any updates to the pre-releases ... ah :/20:46
seb128but updating to ekiga3 would be a good idea20:46
seb128slangasek: right, I think technically it's in the GNOME desktop set, they just suck at rolling tarballs and have broken libs and nobody seems to be interest in working on updating it for debian or ubuntu20:47
slangasekhrm, what are the broken libs?20:47
seb128dholbach was doing it for a while but nobody else picked since20:47
seb128slangasek: apparently ptlib is doing weird things, ask dholbach when he's around, he complained a lot while he was doing the update20:48
slangasekoh, just ptlib then :)20:48
elmoI remember their packaging from debian as being, err junichi inspired20:49
seb128libopal could be in the same case20:49
seb128elmo: hey, any way to have python-apt it the hardy environment on ronne? I would like to have a go at restarting the hardy retracers now20:51
infinityseb128: I can do that.20:51
seb128elmo: I'll file a r-t and give it a try later otherwise, there is no real hurry20:51
seb128infinity: that would be nice thanks, the i386 and amd64 hardy chroots on ronne20:51
slangasekseb128: the libraries don't concern me, then, so much as the lack of anybody keeping an eye on it and the absence of pre-release testing in Ubuntu20:51
slangasekif we do update it to 3.0, will someone from desktop keep an eye on it?20:52
slangasek(and for that matter, who will do the update?)20:52
seb128slangasek: I know upstream is unhappy about us shipping outdated version and we already had some explanations rounds about that20:52
infinityseb128: Done.20:52
seb128slangasek: I was talking about that to lool today, upstream has snapshot for ubuntu, would be nice to have whoever is doing those working directly in ubuntu20:53
slangasekpitti: oh, it appears there is a ppa: https://launchpad.net/~sevmek/+archive20:55
seb128slangasek: really try to talk to lool about it, he has been testing the recent snapshot for mobile apparently20:55
slangaseklool: ping (but I'm out to lunch now, so take your time responding :)20:55
seb128I think he's the best placed to give you an opinion on the new version20:56
seb128infinity: thanks for the ronne install ;-)20:56
norsettohi seb12820:57
seb128hey norsetto20:57
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radixmathiaz: hi21:05
radixmathiaz: I think I have a branch ready for you21:05
radixmathiaz: with the caveat that it seems a traceback will still be printed :(21:06
mathiazradix: ok - I'll have a look at it then21:06
radixit's awkward, because a traceback is actually being printed by landscape-client itself21:06
radixwhen landscape-config tries to start it21:06
mathiazradix: the traceback is not such a big issue.21:07
mathiazradix: the main point is that the postinst script doesn't fail if the registration cannot be completed.21:07
radixright ok21:07
radixthat is definitely the case now21:07
mathiazradix: and I'd try to avoid adding || true to the script21:07
radixmathiaz: the branch is lp:~radix/landscape-client/minor-intrepid-fixes21:08
radixmathiaz: it has one minor change unrelated to landscape-config: a lowering of a timeout related to package management in landscape21:08
radixit doesn't actually change any functionality, just makes it so errors about package management are reported much more quickly (~1h instead of ~1d)21:08
sbehhi, "localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8" hangs at 100% cpu reproducable and "strace -p `pidof localedef`" gives no output, what can i do to determine whats causing this problem?21:12
james_wis http://paste.ubuntu.com/50619/ an abomination that should never see the light of day?21:21
loolslangasek: pong21:21
looljames_w: That looks clean to me, but what does it fix?  Was it run by upstream?21:24
james_wlool: no, it wasn't yet21:24
james_wthe configure script sets HAVE_DECL_GETPWNAM, and then the code checks for HAVE_GETPWNAM21:25
james_wthat patch makes it set both21:25
james_wI think perhaps just having the code check for HAVE_DECL_GETPWNAM might be cleaner21:25
james_wit's fixed in the new upstream, but the patch seems a little larger than necessary21:25
looljames_w: I guess the HAVE_DECL_GETPWNAM stuff should be dropped -- unless it has special per-arch handling, in which case you want to fix this part rather than piggy-backing on the AC_CHECK_FUNC21:26
loolor FUNCS21:26
james_wI don't think there's any special handling, comments indicate it's for migw3221:26
looljames_w: Ah it's fixed in a new upstream which renames the ifdef and all?  Then I don't think it matters either way, but it's perhaps clearer to use their fix21:26
james_wthe new upstream still sets the _DECL_ one, but also sets HAVE_GETPWNAM and only uses that21:27
looljames_w: Ok; if the DECL one isn't used in the source anymore, feel free to only grab the fix for the HAVE_GETPWNAM ifdef only for now; sounds good21:30
radixmathiaz: I bumped the version number to in that branch but haven't touched anything in debian/21:30
mathiazradix: right - I'm looking at it now.21:30
mathiazradix: I guess you'll publish it a new tarball soon.21:30
radixmathiaz: yeah I'll put one up on launchpad21:31
pittihm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWorldWide is pretty emtpy ...21:45
pittikwwii: any chance you could mail me your jockey icon svgs soon?21:47
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pittikwwii: (I think you have them ready already, and just forgot to send them)21:47
IntuitiveNippleKeybuk: ping21:47
tkamppeterpitti, I have upstreamized the s-c-p Jockey client patch now.21:48
tkamppeterpitti, and s-c-p is now ready for your driver descriptions as in bug 26945421:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 269454 in system-config-printer "show printer driver support contacts, status, and unsupported color mode warning" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26945421:50
pittitkamppeter: rock, thanks! you can upload s-c-p, btw, it'll just undergo review21:51
tkamppeterpitti, on the two screenshots of your Jockey release announcements I have seen a small UI flaw: You explain to dumb GNOME users what "proprietary" means but assume that KDE users are the absolute experts and do not explain it.21:52
pittitkamppeter: good point, you just found a bug in the KDE UI21:53
pittitkamppeter: something to fix tomorrow, though, I'll go to bed now21:54
tkamppeterpitti, s-c-p uploaded, do I have to report a bug and subscribe someone to it?21:54
pittitkamppeter: just filing a bug about the missing window subtitle myself21:55
pittitkamppeter: for s-c-p? the changelog should refer to #26945421:55
tkamppeterpitti, I mean for a beta freeze exception21:55
pittitkamppeter: no, that's fine21:55
pittitkamppeter: bug 274558, FYI21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274558 in jockey "KDE UI does not show window subtitle" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27455821:56
pittigood night everyone!21:57
slangaseklool: hi, did you see the discussion above about ekiga?22:02
loolslangasek: Not the above one, I had one with seb128 earlier on #ubuntu-desktop; scrolling back now22:03
loolslangasek: Right, so what I was saying was that the architectural, UI, and general changes in the new ekiga are really worthwhile to try to get; I mentionned UI as one point where we'd need some doc team ack first though22:04
loolMy testing showed a very broken ekiga back then, but most issues I raised were either already fixed or fixed subsequently22:05
loolIt would need some retesting now22:05
slangaseklool: well, the UI freeze as currently structured doesn't require doc team ack, just notification22:05
slangasekthe bigger issue is that we're now all the way into beta freeze, and there doesn't seem to have been any activity on getting the new version into intrepid (until now)22:05
loolI know opal/ptlib have historically been a pain to deal with, but the upstream changes should make them less painful hopefully22:05
slangasekupstream changes in opal/ptlib?22:05
slangasekor in ekiga?22:05
loolIn opal/ptlib22:06
loolThey worked on the build system somewhat22:06
slangasekdoes that mean we need to pull new upstream versions of those libs for this ekiga drop, or does it mean there are already upstream fixes in intrepid for those problems?22:06
loolHmm usually you need to update ptlib, opal, and ekiga to the latest versions as a chunk22:07
ogralool, hmm, yeah, i think the desktop-common task is what pulls in the stuff to mid22:07
loolConcerning the build changes, I don't know their substance but I do know that I had many issues with the build of these libs in the past and would welcome progress on the build scripts :)22:08
loologra: See!  :)22:08
ograso let me drop that from the seeds for you22:08
loologra: So we use some lower level seed for hardy's mid/mobile and for intrepid's seeds (until now)22:08
loologra: Perhaps you should use the same thing as structure?  I don't know what the field is used for, but we should look it up22:09
ograright, but you will likely run into the same probs i had if you add packages that have recommends22:09
ograi know the mobile seed is fine now, colin fixed it, i trues him in that regard :)22:09
loolslangasek: I need to grab all this stuff if you want a more in depth look at it; I agree with prior comments here that we need someone caring more about this GNOME substack, it didn't see enough love22:10
lool(and that's true in Debian as well BTW)22:10
ograoh, mid uses minimal in STRUCTURE :)22:10
loologra: Yeah22:10
* ogra adjusts22:10
ograsorry, that was my fault ... i just copied the task headers from mobile without checking22:11
slangaseklool: do you know if ekiga works right with alsa bluetooth yet? :)22:12
ograslangasek, btw, i think uswsusp breaks with usplash or something like that, i remember i discussed it before with matthew22:13
loolslangasek: I should have all the hardware to test now, but never tried that yet22:13
slangasekogra: right, that sounds familiar22:14
slangaseklool: hmm, perhaps I should test here; last time I tested that was with hardy22:14
loolslangasek: I think this ekiga and libs update deserves some formal ppa preparation and mini testing22:14
looldespite being GNOME stuff22:14
loolThe only open question would be whom lalala22:14
* lool looks around22:14
loolAh crap, I just walked over this bluetooth headset22:15
ograhmm, so ubuntu.mobile doesnt seem to install grub22:15
ograaccording to my users the install works flawless ... but they end up with error 15 after reboot22:16
ograwas that the same issue persia had ?22:16
loologra: THat's the meta kernel image missing I think22:16
ograwith mid ...22:16
loologra: But are you building wiht lpia?22:16
loolI thought your image was i38622:16
ograbut the error seems the same ...22:17
loologra: Blah then it's likely we have an unrelated issue from the meta22:17
ograi'm not sure but we might need the grub-.install thingie from d-i in pool on the image ...22:17
* ogra thinks he remembers something similar being on the livecd22:17
ograhmm, no22:18
ograonly oem-config there22:18
loolCould you frobble with this thingie and see if it helps?22:18
ograi will, but not tnight anymore22:19
loolOh sure22:19
ograi'll donate my workday to it tomorrow ... i want an installable ubuntu.mobile now that the seed is fixed22:19
loologra: Did you push the new mobile-meta?22:20
ograthe task fix, i'm still running update22:20
loolpedal harder22:20
ograoh, great ... the fdi i got for evtouch for fijitsu was taken with a device where the touchscreen was switched to wacom mode in the BIOS22:21
* ogra headdesks22:21
ograthe user just sent me a fixed lshal22:21
* ogra sees slangasek hasnt approved xf86-input-evtouch yet ....22:22
ograslangasek, can you reject it so i save a version number ?22:22
slangasekhum, ok22:23
slangasekyes, rejecting22:23
ograthanks :)22:23
ograi'll upload a new one before going to bed22:23
* ogra hates to add HW info for devices he doesnt have the HW for to check ...22:23
ograi wouldnt be a good hal maintainer ... i truest what people mail me :o)22:24
ogralool, didnt fix it :/22:24
ogralool, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50629/22:24
ograthough its less now22:24
ograoh, well, and it has such unimportant stuff like udev in it ...22:25
ograi guess its right22:25
ograplease check that list, if you agree i'll upload22:26
loologra: Might be the result of other seed updates in the minimal set22:26
ograit all looks reasonable22:26
loolIt really looks like it comes from that task header though22:26
ograwell, you surely want things like lsb-release or module-init-tools22:27
loologra: I don't quite see why these should be pulled by ubuntu-mobile; they are pulled by ubuntu-minimal already22:27
ograAdded ubuntu-minimal to mid22:28
ograi guess thats why22:28
* lool wonders what netcat does in minimal22:28
ograi use it in ltsp ... but i think it was there before22:28
loolSounds like standard22:29
* ogra cant remember writing a MIR at least22:29
lool"eject" blah22:29
ograwell, gnupg and initramfstoold make sense :)22:30
loologra: Anyway, I don't understand enough what the headers do at the top of the seed and these new deps sound bogus to me22:30
loologra: Other meta packages don't depend on this stuff22:30
ograits the deps of minimal22:30
loologra: I wonder whether you should rather use mid / mobile in this task header22:30
loologra: But we don't want to have the deps of minimal, we only want minimal to be installed and do its job I think22:31
loolubuntu-desktop doesn't depend on these, nor even on ubuntu-minimal22:31
ogradesktop definately pulls in minimal22:31
loolThe seed, but not the package?22:32
ograthe task :)22:32
loolExactly, so I don't see why we should add his list of deps to ubuntu-mid or mobile meta22:32
ograwell, i can drop the task header from mid22:33
ograshall i ?22:33
loolWell shouldn't it read "mid"?  I don't know what it does, so I really can't tell22:33
loologra: Shall I grab some doc and read up what it's for?22:33
ogralool, if you know where thats documented22:34
loolIt replaces the seed_map/seed thing22:34
ogralool, doesnt talk abotu tasks in seed headers22:37
loolIt's used in update-metapackage.py, seed_packages() to select mapped seeds22:38
loolPerhaps it's used in other software as well too22:39
loologra: Anyway, it looks like for desktop this allows pulling the desktop-common packages as additional direct deps of the desktop meta22:40
loologra: And we don't need that22:40
ogranot in mid22:40
loologra: So either not having the header or listing the seed name in the header is the correct thing to do here I think22:40
loologra: Unless we want some mobile-common or mid-common22:40
ogranah, i want mobile to be the same as desktop with slight modifications22:41
loolI think we don't need the header as the header in desktop only lists common22:41
ograbut mid is indeed a different thing22:41
loolGrmpf, someone decided to remove "unused" seeds22:42
ograso i'll keep it in desktop and drop it completely from mid ... but dont shout at me if you end up with recomends you didnt want22:42
ograi think that was persia22:42
ograthough StevenK merged it22:42
loolYeah, read that22:42
loologra: Why would we end up with recommends we didn't want?22:42
ograbecaue you have no task handling anymore without the headers22:43
loologra: I don't quite know what pushed you into adding the headers, perhaps you want to double check with cjwatson tomorrow what they are for, and which ones to drop?22:43
ograthe task makes sure that seed deps are fulfilled first22:43
loologra: We don't need to remove all headers, just the last one...22:43
ograah, k22:44
loologra:  mid -> MID sounds (Mobile Internet Devices, it's spelled MID on wikipedia as well)22:45
ograpushed too22:47
loologra: Check e.g. the server seed, it doesn't have this Task-Seed header22:48
ogralets see ...22:49
ograupdate is running22:49
loologra: Hmm you didn't fix the mobile seed22:53
lool(I did)22:53
ograhuh ?22:54
ograthe mobile seed is fine as colin set it up22:55
loolIt was using Task-Seeds desktop-common22:55
loolOh that's actually what you want22:55
ogradesktop-common != ubuntu-desktop22:56
loologra: As I was saying above, you might want to reconsider that choice22:56
loolYeah, I know how desktop-common is used right now22:56
loolpushed the readdition, sorry22:56
ograwell, i wonder how that affects my currently running update of meta22:56
ograAdded landscape-common to mobile-recommends22:57
ograAdded linux-headers-lpia to mobile-recommends [lpia]22:57
ograAdded powernowd to mid-recommends22:57
ogralooks better :)22:57
ograshall i upload ?22:57
loologra: What I was saying earlier is that desktop-common is higher level and pulls in lots of stuff22:57
loolSo you will end up running syslog, or having tools that you don't care about etc.22:58
ogralets see what i get22:58
ograi dont think syslog is wong ...22:58
loolAnd one of the targets was to shrink the image size to a minimum22:58
ograwell, i actually want ubuntu-desktop with different setup and themeing for mobile22:59
ograand dropping some toplevel apps22:59
loolI think it depends, but I tend to agree with people not running syslog on their phone, I'd be inclined not to install in on mids, and probably wouldn't be sure of the point in netbooks22:59
ograbut benefit from the work the distro team does on the rest of the seeds, so i dont have to care22:59
ograyou dont want ubuntu.mobile on a phone :)23:00
kwwiipitti: yes, I can send them to you once I clean them up...still not happy with the open source icon but I have the svg's...do you need png files for different sizes?23:01
loolWhat I'm trying to say is that the two end of the scales exist: phones and laptops, and there's a point where you definitely don't want things like syslog23:01
ograi know the oem team has patches to syslog to log a lot less23:01
ograand for jaunty i want to review these patches and include tehm where they are suitable23:01
ograi dont even run syslog here on my lappie ... for startup speed reasons ...23:02
ograon SSD netbooks/MIDs you definately want a special policy that makes them write less frequently23:02
ogralool, we need someone to approve the upload btw (beta freeze)23:03
ograslangasek, ^^^ one mobile-meta approval waiting for your powers ... btw is there anyone else beyond you i can bug ... feels odd to put everything on your sholders (or do you prefer to have total control ?)23:06
* lool pictures the "Total Control" keyboard in slangasek's basement23:07
ograthe two key kbd with fist sized buttons "yay" "nay"23:09
sleepsterhow can I add a package to the ubuntu repositories?23:09
ograsleepster, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages23:10
kwwiipitti: I just sent you the svgs per email23:17
=== superm1 is now known as superm1|away
slangasekogra: anyone else in ubuntu-release can also approve things :)23:20
slangasek(but this time of day, I think that's just me, for all intents and purposes)23:21
ograi think that question is as generic as my traditional freeze comment :)23:21
brycecjwatson: btw, the milestones page moved here:  http://bryceharrington.org/X/Milestones/23:22
brycecjwatson: elmo had asked that scripts not scp stuff to people.ubuntu.com anymore, so I've had to migrate all my scripts onto my own HW now23:22
bryceI've stuck a redirect in23:22
IntuitiveNipplebryce: ping23:27
slangasekpitti: do you have any idea about this console-kit crasher bug?23:29
mathiazslangasek: could you have a look at bug 274573 and let me know if that suits a BetaFreeze Exception ?23:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 274573 in landscape-client "landscape-client package fails to install when run from the installer" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27457323:30
slangasekmathiaz: rather large set of changes to test_configuration.py, no changelog explaining why they're needed?23:34
ftaI have a problem with python-gnome2-extras-dev (not installable) http://launchpadlibrarian.net/17965516/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-i386.miro_2.0~svn20080925r8059-0ubuntu1~fta1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:34
mathiazslangasek: they're test cases for the option that has been added.23:34
slangasekmathiaz: I meant the 'filename' stuff, but it looks like this has just been refactored23:35
slangasekmathiaz: yes, looks ok23:35
radixsorry yeah, I was getting really annoyed by the duplication in those tests23:36
radixI probably should have delayed the refactoring23:36
mathiazslangasek: ok - uploading.23:38
bryceIntuitiveNipple: yeah?23:40
bryceIntuitiveNipple: fwiw, it's better to just ask a question rather than pinging.  If I'm around I can answer it immediately without waiting for another roundtrip with you.  If I'm not around, then others can have a shot at answering it.23:41
IntuitiveNipplebryce: do you have 5 mins to give me an insight into libxft2, re bug #145244 - I've got a user in south-africa I'm doing remote support for. Hardy updated to 2.1.12-2ubuntu5 and since then gdmgreeter goes mad and they can't log-in. (this is on i386)23:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 145244 in xft "[gutsy] libXft library - undefined symbol FT_Library_SetLcdFilter" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14524423:42
IntuitiveNipplebryce: I suspect it is specific to your knowledge of the latest patch, from the changelog23:43
* bryce looks23:45
IntuitiveNipplebryce: I've been back-tracing the source-code after capturing the symbol-not-found issue with strace, and one thing I did notice was it looks like the liXft... patch doesn't actually do anything since it depends on #ifdef FC_LCD_FILTER which isn't set anyplace23:47
brycewhich patch is this?23:49
IntuitiveNipplebryce: I'm just pinning the package back to the previous version to test23:49
IntuitiveNipplethe patch that doesn't seem to actually get used is libXft-2.1.10-lcd-filter-3.patch23:49
IntuitiveNipplebryce: it is applied... but what's in it doesn't look to be #ifdef-ed in - i've not gone as far as capturing the preprocessor output yet though23:50
IntuitiveNipplebut that patch is instrumental in the symbol_not_found FT_Library_SetLcdFilter that causes gdmgreeter to endlessly spin and fail without drawing the log-in dialog23:51
bryceIntuitive, hmm looks like you're right.  I didn't author the patch though; I just did a merge to debian and kept it in.  Keybuk is probably the better one to ask about it23:52
IntuitiveNipplebryce: no, I realise that, but I just wondered if you might save me some brain-frying with any insight23:53
IntuitiveNippleI pinged Keybuk earlier but no reply so far23:53
IntuitiveNippleI'm pinning the user's packages back to the previous version now, see if that solves it23:53
IntuitiveNippleI'll also update that bug report23:53
brycewell, probably the easiest thing would be to just slap more #ifdef's around the use of that symbol23:53
IntuitiveNippleMy solution here was to add to CFLAGS += -DFT_LCD_FILTER so that code is added23:54
* bryce looks some more23:54
brycedoes that make the issue go away?23:55
IntuitiveNippleand strangely that builds for me on my amd64, but *not* on the user's i386 :)23:55
IntuitiveNipplewell,it would make sense, because with that defined, the code in the patch is included, which causes libXft to be dyn-linked to libfreetype6 which contains the missing symbol23:55
brycehmm, from what I can see, that define shouldn't make a difference23:55
bryceah, dynamic linking.  hmm23:56
IntuitiveNippleyeah, it's a minefield!23:56
IntuitiveNipplemy brain is fried trying to get up to speed on it23:56
slangasekpff, dynamic linking is a piece of cake, you just have to remember these 17 simple rules:23:56
* IntuitiveNipple laughs23:56
IntuitiveNippleBryce: don't stress on it - I'll sort the user for now, and update the bug and produce a fixed package debdiff23:57
bryceok cool23:57
IntuitiveNippleI was just hoping someone already knew the answer :023:57
bryceyeah I'd suggest getting Keybuk's input on it, this isn't a patch I'm terribly familiar with23:58
IntuitiveNippleIt looks like its been added in and out several times in a tug of war, too23:58
bryceit's a bit complicated; it'd be nice to see this go upstream or something23:58
IntuitiveNippleyeah :)23:59

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