=== nealmcb1 is now known as nealmcb === fetova_ is now known as fetova === trucMuche is now known as Guest47834 === Guest47834 is now known as trucMuche_ === trucMuche_ is now known as McPeter__ === McPeter__ is now known as trucMuche === Zic_ is now known as Zic [20:44] not banned here though [21:40] PriceChild, ping [22:09] fetova: pong [22:10] hi PriceChild [22:10] i want to ask for the IRC cloack [22:10] i'm ubuntu member :D [22:10] You have one. [22:10] i know [22:11] i have it before my apply [22:11] what i should do [22:11] ? [22:14] fetova: you want an ubuntu/member cloak? [22:14] yes [22:19] fetova: what is your launchpad url? [22:20] http://launchpad.net/~fetova [22:20] PriceChild [22:23] fetova: done [22:23] thanks PriceChild! [22:23] just one more ask... [22:24] can you make something about i forgot the password of "fetova_" [22:24] ? [22:26] fetova: check your email [22:26] thanks! :)