
asacfta: 27418700:08
asacfta: i have to rework this tomorrow - before subscribing motu folks00:08
asacfta: feel free to supplement the bug description ... i am not really awake right now ;)00:09
ftaok, thanks00:11
ftai'm on the new cairo right now. it's badly broken.00:11
asacbrave ;)00:14
asacsigh ... so nss will not make the beta freeze :/00:18
asacbecause the SONAME is "empty"00:19
asacand dpkg-gensymbol just ignores everything then00:19
asac(though the binary bits appear to work fine)00:19
ftathat's what i meant ealier today00:19
asacfta: right00:19
ftabut i got distracted00:20
asacfta: well. i think we have to reintroduce half of the soname patch again00:20
asacbut just dont use the suffix00:20
asacfta: or fix dpkg-gensymbols ... or just maintain the symbol files manually ;)00:20
asac19:39 < asac> fta: if you look at rev 38 on nspr.dev do you understand why expression like: DSO_LDOPTS='-shared -Wl,-soname  -Wl,$(notdir $@)' now give an empty SONAME00:22
ftai'm a bit out of context right now.00:23
ftafighting with git and those f*g revno00:23
asacfta: either $(notdir $@) == empty OR $(notdir $@) == libnss3.so, but ld just removes it implicitly from the .so headers00:24
asacboth sounds strange00:24
asac$ gcc -olibtest.so -shared -fPIC -Wl,-soname -Wl,libtest.so t.o00:27
asacasac@hector:/tmp/c$ objdump -x libtest.so | grep SONAME SONAME               libtest.so00:27
asacso ... apparently its just empty in make00:27
asace.g. $(notdir $@) is nothing00:27
asaci have the feeling that its a problem with how we build00:27
asacmost likely upstream build has a SONAME, but libnss3.so00:28
asacfta: $ objdump -x libnss3.so | grep SON SONAME               libnss3.so00:29
asacfta: oh. only nspr is broken00:29
asacthat explains a lot00:29
asacso in principal all works :)00:30
asacyeah upstream has libnspr4.so00:30
asacas SONAME of libnspr4.so00:30
asacok i think i have it ;)00:38
asacgood ;)00:39
asacfta: nspr fixed.00:44
asacrev 4000:44
ftai'll cairo tomorrow, my brain is working backward00:45
asacfta: ok. could you push nspr and nss to your ppa?00:46
asacfta: but cool phrase: "I'll cairo tomor..."00:47
asacok nspr fix works quite nicely from the auto-dependency perspective00:52
asacsoname looks good00:52
asacffox still starts ;)00:52
asacwhich is actually the miracle of the week imo ;)00:52
XioNoXthere are still people here ?01:07
asacfta: yea01:09
asacfta: intrepid is fixed already01:10
asachardy will see the sun tomorrow again i hope01:10
asacXioNoX: yep ... tonight or tomorrow the archive will be shut down :/01:11
XioNoXasac, I just come back from a party01:11
XioNoXand I still have the ubufox thing01:11
asacXioNoX: i was drinking beer for 3hours two :)01:11
XioNoXasac, ok01:12
asacfta: ok nspr and nss pushed to mt01:12
asachopefully i will be long enough to test the outcome :/01:12
XioNoXasac, I still don't understand why i don't see the menu idem with flash alternative01:12
asacXioNoX: yeah. thats a mistery01:12
asacthe only explanation i would usually have is a) you have clutter in your profile or b) you have the wrong version ;)01:13
asacXioNoX: i mean ... if the statusbar thing might not apear fine, but if the menu entry is not there it means that the chrome isnt used01:13
asacXioNoX: only thing might be tranlsations.01:13
XioNoXyeah, but the notification bar appear when I update firefox01:13
asacXioNoX: try en_US01:13
XioNoXyes, right01:14
asacXioNoX: start LANG=en_US firefox01:14
asacwe had issues with restart notification because of missing translations01:14
asacmaybe the alternative has the same problem01:14
XioNoXasac, it works01:14
asacyeah ;)01:14
asacwell not so good01:14
XioNoXWill it be translated ?01:15
asaci should have properly reviewed everything when fixing the same bug for restart thing a few hours ago01:15
asacbut well01:15
asacXioNoX: hopefully we will get that sorted. yes01:15
XioNoXasac, It is magic, I can switch from adobe to gnash in a clic !01:16
asacXioNoX: yeah01:16
XioNoXand thanks to add my name in the about of ubufox :)01:16
asacdid i do that? welcome01:16
asacwe still need to fix the plugins to properly install their files in the ubufox plugins directory ;)01:17
asacbut that has to happen after beta01:17
asacone of the big things outstanding :/01:17
XioNoXasac, the statusbar icon appear on all pages01:17
asacXioNoX: on all ... i think it displays on the initial tab if there is any other tab with a plugin01:17
asacbut i cant confirm that its on every tab when i switch01:17
asace.g. if its on the first tab and i switch back and forth it goes away (given that the first tab doesnt have flash)01:18
XioNoXI've went on youtube01:18
XioNoXand then come back on google homepage01:18
XioNoXand I still have the icon01:18
asacXioNoX: indeed01:19
XioNoXand about flash, should I install libflashsuport in intrepid or not ?01:19
asacdidnt notice that01:19
asacmost likely we dont remove the "attribute" from the browser object01:19
asacXioNoX: no01:19
asaclibflashsupport is dead01:19
asacwhoever uses that is on its own01:20
XioNoXbecause there are a "intrepid" version of it in repos01:20
asacnon of my business01:21
XioNoXI need to go to sleep... School at 8 :(01:21
XioNoXsee you ;)01:22
XioNoXgood night01:23
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rzrasac: about tuxguitar you bugged it must depends on abrowser08:17
rzrbut swt needs mozilla libs08:17
rzrmaybe abrowser is provided only by mozilla browsers08:18
rzri'll check later08:18
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gnomefreakdo i really have to send 10 emails to find out problem with mailing list :(09:45
gnomefreakanyone use claws-mail?09:50
asacrZr: huh?10:33
gnomefreakasac: fabrice_sp|away what is icedove-dispmua?11:02
asacno idea ;)11:03
gnomefreakyou really dont?11:07
gnomefreaki would say its tbird without Moz branding11:08
gnomefreakbut not sure what the dispmua is11:08
gnomefreakits an icon?11:12
XioNoXasac, there are plans to remove the bulb systray icon witch say that we have to restart firefox?11:42
asacXioNoX: not sure11:43
asacXioNoX: if you dont run ubufox it might still be useful11:43
XioNoXor at least don't show if ubufox is installed11:44
fta2it is buggy (at least without ubufox)11:44
asacfta2: it is yes. thats why we did the ubufox solution in the first place11:44
fta2it sometimes pops up even when ff is not running11:45
XioNoXbecause when we update firefox, we have the notification bar, and the bulb. And when we restart firefox, the bulb is still here11:45
asacXioNoX: not sure what we can do about that11:45
asacXioNoX: maybe fix the update-notifier11:45
XioNoXand we have to clic it to show the dialog and close it...11:45
asacit should detect that ffox has a "new" process id11:45
fta2a graceful restart would be nice to have11:45
asacand remove the notification i think11:45
asacfta2: what do you mean?11:45
asacfta2: more than the ubufox solution?11:46
fta2xul is very bad with upgrades, most probably due to the .jar files leading to all sorts of weirdnesses11:46
asacfta2: yes. but thats the ubufox solution tries to cover: http://people.ubuntu.com/~asac/screenshots/ubufox_restart_notification_intrepid.png11:47
fta2ubufox is evil for me, it keeps changing my prefs so i dropped it11:47
asacfta2: it shouldnt do that11:48
asacfta2: it has certain default preferences that might be different, but it shouldnt reset anything11:48
asac(at least not with the fix we have)11:48
fta2it does each time you upgrade it11:48
asacfta2: no11:49
asacthats a long long time ago11:49
asacthats a bug in ffox11:49
asacif it still does that its a bug. but i cannot reproduce that anymore11:49
asac(but a bug in firefox)11:49
fta2why is that bar in ubufox and not in ff ?11:49
asacfta2: why? because its a ubuntu only solution11:50
asacfta2: and we need to reach consent on what to do among distros first11:50
fta2most of our patches are ubuntu only11:50
fta2and that bar could be posted upstream11:51
asacfta2: we dont have any features in firefox patches11:51
asac(except the know your rights thing - which is an exception)11:51
fta2well, in xul, all the plugin stuff11:51
asacfta2: upstream wont accept that because they have their own upgrade mechanism. they will only accept it when we find a way to do it in a distro independent fashion11:52
asacfta2: plugin stuff?11:52
fta2what about a pref or a configure flag?11:52
asacfta2: you mean that GRE_DIR is considered?11:52
fta2it's one of them, yes11:53
asacfta2: thats not a feature visible in the UI. howveer, thats something i would like to see upstream, but benjamin disagreed11:53
XioNoXbenjamin ?11:53
asacfta2: the general policy is: dont add features. if we really need that feature put it in ubufox ... if that proves to be useful, try to get it properly upstream11:54
asacfta2: so the user experience of a firefox install in ubuntu should be as close to upstream as possible (without breaking packaging policies et al)11:54
fta2sysprefs, lockpref, gre extension plugins, sysplugins, that's a lot of ubuntu only changes, no?11:54
asacfta2: thats all not feature. thats all just system install and xul split related11:55
asacfta2: imo our only patches are still xul split related. everything else should definitly go upstream. and even the xul split should11:55
asacfta2: ok lets review the patches now :)11:56
asacfta2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50439/11:57
asacthats ffox11:57
asac-> not upstream11:57
asac-> not upstream11:57
asac => all those need to land upstream. i think we should bug reed to help us here11:58
asac=> we should forward that11:58
asac installer_shouldnt_copy_xulrunner.patch11:58
asac installer_use_stdout_for_missing_files.patch11:58
asac=> ubuntu only i guess11:58
asac=> ubuntu only ... not sure how a proper upstream solution would look like11:59
asac=> will eventually end up upstream11:59
asac(we are working with mozilla on that)11:59
asac=> again xul split stuff i think11:59
asac=> not suitable for upstream (maybe with a configure flag we could make that go upstream)12:00
asac=> ubuntu only12:00
asacfta2: ok in xul the situation is better12:00
asacfta2: all those that have bzXXX should really go upstream ... my fault for sure12:00
asacfta2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50442/ those are the only patches not marked as "upstream-suitable"12:01
asacmaybe the jemalloc patch12:01
asaci dont see how the rest could be done in upstream fashion12:02
asacXioNoX: bsmedgberg12:02
asacbsmedberg ;)12:03
asac== Benjamin12:03
asacfta2: ok. lets talk about the restart notification bar  - as i think thats probably one of the things that could be done proper12:03
asacfor distro builds across the line12:03
asacfta2: to do it properly ffox would need to export dbus server and get notifications fromt he distro upgrade tool that an upgrade happened12:04
asacXioNoX: ok i am talking to mvo to see if we can make that bubble disappear when firefox was restarted12:10
fta2dbus is supported in xul now, there are some bugs to make use of it like for addons notifications12:39
XioNoXasac, ok12:43
asacfta2: dbus is used client wise not server side12:46
asacfta2: or has server supporte landed now too?12:46
fta2why would need the server?12:50
asacfta2: to receive update events?13:11
asacfta2: e.g. restart notifications need to get pushed to ffox13:12
asacfta2: did you manage to test nspr/nss?13:12
asacfta2: i uploaded both to mt +archive13:12
XioNoXasac, how works translations for ubufox ?14:04
asacXioNoX: the idea is to include the lp-export .mk thing14:22
asacin rules14:22
asacso it gets imported into launchpad14:22
asacand from there gets translated14:22
asacjtv: do we need to enable a package like ubufox before we can translate it in distro?14:22
asacjtv: hi ;)14:22
jtvasac: hi!14:23
jtvasac: by "enable" you mean turn on Translations?  For packages, that is done in the distro.14:23
asacjtv: what does that mean in my case?14:23
asacjtv: or does it just mean that you dont know what it means in my case ;)14:23
XioNoXasac, will it be in roseta before intrepid ?14:25
asacXioNoX: thats what i am currently trying to figure out14:26
fta2asac, what do you expect to happen from 274187 ?14:27
XioNoXbut how it was working before ?14:28
asacXioNoX: before it was saivann who sent out a call for translations14:29
asacand aggregated those to a branch i could merge in before release14:30
jtvasac: projects have an option "translate in Launchpad," which enables the Translations application.  That's what you mean by "enable" here, no?14:30
XioNoXok, not the easier way14:30
asacjtv: no. what i mean is that when i emable the translation export in the package, launchpad will automatically (i think) upload the .xpi to launchpad during build.14:30
XioNoXasac, https://translations.launchpad.net/ubufox14:30
asacjtv: i was wondering if something needs to be flipped on on launchpad side to prevent that that upload doesnt get dropped/rejected14:31
asacXioNoX: right14:31
asacXioNoX: thats the way to do translations in the project itself14:31
asacXioNoX: the other way is to translate it in the distro14:31
asacXioNoX: but maybe we shoudl really enable it here14:31
XioNoXit seam easier to translate for the project14:32
asacXioNoX: well. but most likely not as many translations we would get14:32
asacjtv: the translations of a project wont show up when people work on distro translations right?14:32
asacXioNoX: i guess when we put ubufox in the distro translation we might get up to 40 translations14:33
asacjtv: so projects like https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubufox would need their own translation community?14:33
jtvasac: enable translation export?  I'm not sure what that means.14:34
jtvasac: (getting some lag here)14:34
asacjtv: doesnt matter for your side.14:34
asacjtv: what matters is that you get the templates and translations uploaded at the end of the build14:34
jtvasac: right, the "project" and the "package" live separate lives (although translations for the one's individual messages will automatically show up as suggestions for the other)14:34
asacjtv: do you understand my question?14:35
asacjtv: my question is: "if a new package is introduced in ubuntu, do you need to do something on launchpad side before that shows up in distro translations"?14:35
asacmaybe just too stupid of a question ;)14:36
asacjtv: i just thought you might need to enable "xpi"-mode manually for certain packages ;)14:36
asacbut if thats not the case then we will see :)14:37
jtvasac: no, just be sure to upload the template in XPI format.  :-)14:37
asacjtv: ok.14:37
asacjtv: wasnt sure about the _first_ upload case14:37
jtvasac: the package should just show up with an invitation to upload a template.14:37
jtvasac: tbh I've never created a package.  Try it on staging!  :)14:37
asacjtv: nevermind. i will see what happens ;)14:38
asacjtv: i will setup the template for the project though ... will ping you when that needs to be approved14:38
asacjtv: does the import understand multiple languages in one  xpi now?14:38
jtvasac: no, still one language per XPI.14:38
asacor do i need to split them to import inital one14:38
jtvasac: we do need to approve the XPI, yes.  You may want to talk to Arne about that as well.14:39
asacjtv: why arne?14:39
jtvasac: because he's an Ubuntu guy.  I just develop the app.  :-)14:40
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asacjtv: well. but arne certainly doesnt know most details ;) ... yeah the import he might know15:00
jtvasac: he can approve an Ubuntu import, and it's good for him to be aware of what goes on.15:01
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fta2asac, you touched nspr.dev ? why not nspr.head ?17:20
asacfta2: i think i pointed that out yesterday17:34
asacnspr.head was quite outdated so i wasnt sure and wanted to first discuss what we want to do with nspr.head17:35
asacfta2: but well. we can merge to .head after this release17:35
fta2in think both were equally outdated, but a merge is good enough.17:36
asacfta2: no ... .dev was ahead ... it had at least two releases on top of .head17:42
asaci think i did the last releases on .dev because it wasnt clear to me if nspr.head would be used to track the real trunk17:42
asacbut since we appear to have settled on not doing that i think its ok to go back to the standard scheme17:43
fta2dev was diverged for me, i had to overwrite it17:44
asacfta: he?17:45
asacoverwrite what? .head?17:45
asacthats fine.17:46
ftaasac, no .dev was diverged18:44
fta(asynchronous chat is painful)18:45
asacfta: ok your local copy18:49
asacfta: yeah sorry18:49
asaci forgot that you already pulled from it18:49
asacmaybe i uncommitted the topmost thing18:49
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ftaError: [Exception... "Component is not available"  nsresult: "0x80040111 (NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)"  location: "JS frame :: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.1b1pre/components/nsSessionStore.js :: sss_saveState :: line 1987"  data: no]20:20
ftaSource File: file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.1b1pre/components/nsSessionStore.js20:20
ftaLine: 198720:20
asacfta: did you post that already at some point? reads familiar20:21
ftano sure, but it's still there20:22
asac var stateString = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].20:22
asacthat appears to not exist20:22
wikzasac: we have flags to use system telepathy,dbus and libpurple libs.Just FYI :)20:24
wikzsorry to get in between20:24
asacwikz: you dont get in between anything here ;)20:25
asacwikz: good (system libs)20:25
ftaasac, should we wait for something for 274187? maybe subscribe someone else otherwise i doubt anything will happen20:27
wikzasac: Also we have no trademarks or EULA .20:29
wikzno forky-porky business20:29
wikzfta: I changed everything to spicebird now but the shortcut at /usr/bin/spicebird still symlinks to /usr/lib/spicebird-0.7/spicebird instead of  /usr/lib/spicebird/spicebird .why ?20:35
ftathis is correct20:35
ftathis is the mozilla way20:35
wikzso I'm wrong where ?20:35
fta/usr/lib/spicebird-0.7/spicebird is correct according to mozilla build system20:36
ftawe use the same in ubuntu, but debian doesn't20:36
wikzso my files in the debian dir should be spicebird.desktop or spicebird-0.7.desktop ?20:37
ftai used the -3.0 for tb because we also have 2.020:39
wikzbut the thunderbird shortcut points to ../lib/thunderbird/thunderbird ?20:40
wikzso how do I rectify the problem20:40
ftatb2 is from debian20:40
wikzOhh k20:40
ftatb3 isn't20:40
ftamozilla bug 36650920:49
ubottuMozilla bug 366509 in Session Restore "[SessionStore] "Component is not available" in sss_saveState :: line 1688" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=36650920:49
ftaError: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE) [nsIINIParserFactory.createINIParser]"  nsresult: "0x80004005 (NS_ERROR_FAILURE)"  location: "JS frame :: file:///usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b1pre/components/nsUpdateService.js :: getLocale :: line 508"  data: no]21:02
ftaSource File: file:///usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9.1b1pre/components/nsUpdateService.js21:02
ftaLine: 50821:02
ftaasac, i'm now using the new nspr/nss21:28
ftapushed to my ppa too21:28
asacfta: great21:29
asacfta: i am not sure about the 3.1 bug. are there other points that speak for 3.1?21:29
asacif not we can subscribe motu-release now21:29
asacotherwise we should rephrase the description and extend it with better reasons21:30
ftai posted 321:30
asacwikz: the .desktop file should be unversioned21:32
asaci scrolled back ... forgot and answered an old question ;)21:32
asacfta: ok ... subscribing motu-release21:33
asacfta: let the lottery begin ;)21:34
armin76asac: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux armv4l; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008092518 Gentoo Firefox/3.0.2 <- bumb!23:27
ftaarmin76, firefox-3.0 | 3.0.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu1 | http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main Packages23:28
ftawe win23:28
armin76fta: well, i was talking about arm :P23:29
ftathere's no ubuntu arm23:29

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