
=== hggdh is now known as hggdh|away
aramorning all :-)07:40
davmor2slangasek: roughly what time do the iso's get respun each morning utc time?08:27
davmor2Morning Sladen08:34
slangasekdavmor2: hmm, there's a timestamp on the files on the website, no? :)08:52
slangasekdavmor2: the Ubuntu image run starts at 7:31 London time; others at various other points08:53
davmor2sladen: hey dude laptop does work if you just press either alt or ctrl it just takes a second to warm up10:25
sladendavmor2: what about shift, caps lock etc10:32
sladenthe shift/ctrl isn't just for skipping the BIOS?10:32
davmor2sladen: it's just installing the latest iso to see if things work better with ndiswrapper.  So I can try that on reboot and let you know about 10-15 minutes10:33
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* davmor2 don't know what happened then :(10:41
davmor2sladen: Yeap and backspace too10:46
davmor2normal keys do nothing though10:46
davmor2sladen: backspace actually works better than the rest :)  I only need press it a couple of times11:07
sladenanyway.  where does it stop if you don't do anyt of this11:13
davmor2sladen: I removed splash from the kernel line I get Starting up ...11:28
davmor2[    0.604928] pnp 00:03: can't evaluate _CRS: 12300<6>pnp: PnP ACPI: found 12 devices11:28
davmor2Loading, please wait ...  and then some stuff about uvesafb: failed to execute /sbin/v86d and it stops11:28
davmor2sladen: then when I press backspace I get kinit:.....11:31
persiaHas anyone had trouble with installing X on today's alternate dailies?  lpia seems to be failing because of a conflict between xserver-xorg-core and xserver-xorg-input, and I'm hoping it's not arch-specific.11:34
sladendavmor2: okay, can you file a bug with that   (" uvesafb: failed to execute /sbin/v86d, blocks until keypress")11:36
sladenat elast then we won't lose it11:36
davmor2sladen: No Probs and thanks for the help11:38
davmor2persia: don't seem to be any issues with the builds today might just be an lpia thing11:39
persiadavmor2: Thanks.  That's actually good news, but means I have to dig in other places.11:40
davmor2persia: if you give me about 20 minutes I can double check by running todays iso for you11:40
persiadavmor2: No need: there are some other things that need tweaking anyway, so even if that worked, I'd not be surprised if the install failed in-toto (the lack of a kernel is part of it)11:42
* ara -> lunch12:30
davmor2sladen: something funky and weird just happened.  I finally found a work around that works for ndiswrapper and now the laptop boots properly :-/12:47
davmor2could of been an issue with the b43 driver maybe?12:48
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davmor2bdmurray, ogasawara: ping14:09
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arasbeattie: ping14:22
cr3_schwuk: hey dude, how'd you like my file manager? :)15:06
aracr3_: I wanted to chat with you about checkbox + ldtp integration15:11
aracr3_: we didn't finish it in the end15:11
aracr3_: how's the sudo /non sudo problem going?15:12
cr3_ara: can you track my message to you dated: Tue, 19 Aug 2008 18:22:30 -040015:13
aracr3_: ok, let me see15:15
aracr3_: yes, i thought i replied, didn't I?15:18
aracr3_: anyway, I will get back to that now, and will reply again with updated info :)15:22
cr3_ara: ah, I see your reply. I'll try to reproduce myself15:23
cr3_ara: could you let me know the command I could use to reproduce the problem?15:24
aracr3_: let me check it myself and will get back to you15:27
aracr3_: I tried with adding to the manual tests the run_test.sh adding the code you sent me15:33
aracr3_: and any of the example tests15:33
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bdmurraydavmor2: pong15:56
davmor2bdmurray: I've worked on that bug I've added details from the working hardy install for comparison with the intrepid one and on attempt 12 I got a work round so added it to the bug too.  Yay  But I could do with your help on another bug if you have the time please.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/274346 is there any info I can add and where from16:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 274346 in linux "Intrepid: uvesafb: failed to execute /sbin/v86d, blocks until keypress (dup-of: 246269)" [Medium,Invalid]16:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 246269 in linux-meta "Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d" [Undecided,Invalid]16:00
davmor2bdmurray: more my report than the dup of it as I believe they are slightly different16:01
bdmurrayyeah, I was looking at those last night16:02
bdmurrayI think yours might be close to bug 27383316:02
bdmurrayHave you tried booting w/o quiet and usplash to see if that is more informative?16:02
davmor2bdmurray: I'll try that on a reboot where is still locks up16:04
bdmurrayGreat, its odd that it doesn't happen all the time16:05
davmor2bdmurray: It's only since I found the fix for the wifi :)16:05
bdmurrayright, then the v86d bit is probably unrelated16:06
davmor2bdmurray: With quiet switched off it stops after SCSI subsystem initialized16:09
ogasawaradavmor2: you may want to also take a look at bug 254668 regarding needing to keypress to cont booting16:10
sbeattieara: ack16:11
bdmurraydavmor2: could update the bug with a picture?16:11
arasbeattie: i wanted to ask you about the google automation conference in seattle. are you finally attending?16:12
davmor2yeah 2 ticks16:12
sbeattieara: sorry, I'm not. I ended up missing the registration deadline because I'm a dork.16:14
arasbeattie: hehehe16:14
arasbeattie: too bad! :(16:14
arasbeattie: it would have been great meeting you there16:14
sbeattieyeah. Any chance you'll have time to come down to Portland?16:15
arasbeattie: no idea, it depends on the schedule and flight hours. i hope so :)16:16
arasbeattie: will you invite me to your daughter's birthday? :-)16:17
davmor2bdmurray: www.davmor2.co.uk/photo-bug.jpg  not my greatest photography and the bottom line appeared just before I took the shot16:19
davmor2ogasawara: that bug sounds more like my issue.16:20
ogasawaradavmor2:  yah it sounds suspiciously similar.  There were some noted workarounds documented in that bug.  stefan (one of the kernel devs) is actively working on it16:23
davmor2ogasawara: This used to be a lot worse before I found the work around for wifi.  Now at least from a cold boot it works till I get to the desktop it's only on reboot's where it's playing up for me now :)16:28
davmor2bdmurray: so is there away to undupe it from that bug and dupe it to the other?16:30
ogasawaradavmor2: I'm going to undup your 246269 bug.  I think it's actually 2 separate bugs which have already been reported (as noted in our comments above) so you'll probably just want to subscribe to those other reports16:30
davmor2ogasawara: Thanks :)16:32
ogasawaradavmor2: just fyi, to undup a bug you have to go to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/274346/+duplicate and then delete the bug it was dup'd to16:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 274346 in linux "Intrepid: uvesafb: failed to execute /sbin/v86d, blocks until keypress (dup-of: 246269)" [Medium,Invalid]16:32
ubot5Launchpad bug 246269 in linux-meta "Switched from vesafb to uvesafb, but uvesafb can't work without v86d" [Undecided,Invalid]16:32
davmor2ogasawara: ah okay cool :)16:33
davmor2ogasawara, bdmurray: is there any thing else I can  add to https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/26862516:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 268625 in ndiswrapper "Intrepid: Regression Ndiswrapper is broken by b43 driver again" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:41
ogasawaradavmor2: looks ok here16:48
davmor2Cool :)16:48
* davmor2 starts looking through his back catalogue of bugs16:48
arawell, i am off for today17:25
arabye guys!17:25
sbeattieara: have a good evening!17:25
arasee you tomorrow!17:25
arasbeattie: thanks!17:25
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davmor2bdmurray: does that mean that my bug can be changed from incomplete to triaged now https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ndiswrapper/+bug/26862517:33
ubot5Launchpad bug 268625 in ndiswrapper "Intrepid: Regression Ndiswrapper is broken by b43 driver again" [Undecided,Incomplete]17:33
bdmurraycould you actually upload the whole /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper file?17:35
bdmurrayIt might be easier to read than that command17:35
davmor2bdmurray: yeap sure17:37
davmor2bdmurray: done17:47
bdmurraydavmor2: I think your bug looks like bug 263097 - now17:55
davmor2bdmurray: no that's actually jockey using the free OS driver b43 rather than ndiswrapper reading through it17:57
chrisccoulsonping davmor219:01
davmor2chrisccoulson: pong19:01
chrisccoulsonhi! sorry for not spotting you had two issues in your bug report earlier and then marking it as a dupe of another19:01
davmor2chrisccoulson: No Probs I wasn't entirely sure what was going on with it anyway :)19:02
chrisccoulsonthats good then ;)19:02
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