
HooSIER|KiNGmy desktop is 1280x102400:00
NillerzPROBLEM: On windows I got resolutions up to 2048x1536. This appears to be impossible on linux. Is there a fix?00:01
danbhfiveHooSIER|KiNG: I think you just need to change the order of the Modes listing.  Under the "Screen" section.  The login will use the first, which is 800x600.   Just "cut" the one you want, and "paste" it into the front00:01
brisingrkiddoes any1 know how to get ubuntu studio?!00:01
Lecteryup u can on linux00:01
hyuukai_ive installed windows first on a hard drive then installed ubuntu on another hard drive when grub come sup it doesnt detect windows on the other drive?00:01
bruenigvim /etc/X11/xorg.conf00:01
KetsubanI have a couple of networking-related problems which may or may not be related. 1) When I browse to a Windows share and open it in Nautilus, it automatically gets mounted and leaves an icon on my desktop. This behaviour was not present in pre-Hardy versions of Ubuntu and is annoying, and I would like to disable it so I can browse shares without mounting. 2) I am unable to browse any shares on our Windows Home Server system -00:01
Ketsuban the error message I get from smbtree is "cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine HOMESERVER.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED".00:01
Lecterbut first u need to figure whats the resolution of the screen itself00:01
trimeta1brisingrkid: Did you try looking at Ubuntu-Studio's website?00:01
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:01
HooSIER|KiNGok let me try00:01
compengibrisingrkid, http://ubuntustudio.org/downloads00:01
nachhi !00:01
gausieanyone know how to swap the keymapping for "Page Dn" and "End"?00:02
Lecterubntu ultimate edition combined with ubuntu studio by synaptic = best00:02
smelianNillerz : the wireless was working good but today its desconnect every like 2 min-5 min00:02
knottinghamMy anus is bleeding.00:02
culturemindvirus: htop maybe00:02
nachwhat is the applicatio that launch the ssh server ?00:02
Lectercause ultimate edition got a really good login screen00:02
trimeta1gausie: I know the complicated way to do that, but not the simple, Ubuntu-like way.00:02
danbhfiveknottingham: not here00:02
stwestonI need help with my signing of the CoC.00:02
NillerzSmelian: Are you using an internal wifi card or a USB dongle?00:02
trimeta1nach: I think it's /etc/init.d/ssh00:02
compengiknottingham, do you have anything related to ubuntu?00:02
stwestonI need to sign the CoC, but need help.00:02
Gerinychsnova: am I supposed to boot mac like a linux kernel, or like windows?00:03
compengistweston, join #launchpad00:03
gausietrimeta1, i can handle complicated - what are your suggestions?00:03
Nillerz!ohmy knottingham00:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:03
stwestoncompengi: thanks00:03
Lecterhum can anyone help me about this:00:03
compengistweston, welcome :)00:03
danbhfiveKetsuban: for you first problem, you have to just set the share up in fstab, with a different mountpoint than /media00:03
m_newton!ohmy > knottingham00:03
ubottuknottingham, please see my private message00:03
GoriIIazhey people some install anope services for ircd00:03
GoriIIazhelp pls00:03
Lecterneed pirut & synaptic00:03
trimeta1gausie: I have the xmodmap program set to run when I start my X server; it executes my .xmodmaprc file, which includes a caps<-->ctrl swap.00:03
compengi!caps | Lecter00:04
ubottuLecter: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.00:04
NillerzI can't.00:04
smelianNillerz: the regular wireless inside my laptop00:04
trimeta1Lecter: Have you looked into using alien? I think that allows for using .rpms. And .debs are already handled.00:04
snovaGerinych: no idea. like i said, i've never used mac and am unfamiliar with its boot sequence.00:04
ubottuLecter: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)00:04
trimeta1Gerinych: Are you trying to set up a dual-boot Hackentosh?00:04
Gerinychsnova: OSx8600:05
gausietrimeta1, thats pretty hacky i see. ill give it a go thanks :-)00:05
ubottuLecter: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)00:05
NillerzSmelian: Google the model of the wireless card you're using, I'm not too good at anything that isn't EXACTLY the wg111v2. Sorry.00:05
Ketsubandanbhfive: that's not acceptable - I never had to mess with mounting before, I don't want to now.00:05
Gerinychsnova: not sure whether its Hackintosh or not00:05
snovaGerinych: all i can suggest is to google it.00:05
DasEiLecter:never used bot00:05
Gerinychsnova: alright00:05
trimeta1Gerinych: I had a triple-boot thing working here, and I had my OS X partition booting similarly to my Windows partition, yes.00:05
snovaGerinych: if nothing comes up, chainloading is the only option, but i don't know much about it.00:05
nachtrimeta1:  so there is not need for xinet ?00:05
trimeta1nach: I'm not sure what xinet is.00:05
NillerzCan someone help Smelian with his/her wireless?00:05
NillerzI am at a loss.00:06
danbhfiveKetsuban: well, thats how Ubuntu works now.   When things are automounted, they are usually mounted to /media, which puts them on the desktop.  Don't know what else to say00:06
Lecterubottu I know alien, problem is I wanna use pirut and synaptic00:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:06
knottinghamwho the hell ubottu?00:06
denacan someone help me? I was bridging one of my network connections and set my eth1 device back to static and now DNS isn't working...00:06
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.00:06
Gerinychtrimetal did you have your mac on the same  hard drive as windows/linux?00:06
smelianNillerz: thank you  very much for help or offer ( and thx for helping pple )00:06
Lecterubottu thing is I'll have more access to search .deb and .rpm00:06
DasEiLecter:ubott.. is a ro-bot00:06
trimeta1Gerinych: Yes.00:06
LecterI dont like .tgz balls00:06
NillerzSmelian: No problem, sorry I couldn't help much. :\00:06
Gerinychtrimetal: well, see, i have mac on a separate hard drive that has a weird partition table00:07
ChorcaHey everyone, quick question, wondering if anyone else is having any issues with their power/brightness/etc status updating slowly.00:07
compengiLecter, the best choice would be using official .deb packages for ubuntu, converting .rpm packages could mess things00:07
DasEiLecter:apt-cache search pak*00:07
smelianNillerz : thats enough u offer to help thx again00:07
jvargashow can I know which package has the file "libkhtmlpart.so" ?00:07
Lecterprefer things messed00:07
DasEiLecter:use synaptic-manager00:07
deepfriedsquirr1Would using FAT32 on a USB key pose much of a security thread?00:07
trimeta1Gerinych: Ah. Hmm. If Grub can address the partition, that'd probably be your best bet...I don't know if it can, though.00:07
Lecterwith more things acess00:07
trimeta1deepfriedsquirr1: What do you mean?00:07
Lecterwould like using synaptic AND pirut00:07
compengiLecter, then hard luck :)00:07
nachdoes xinet launch the ssh service ?00:08
Lectermain problem will be compatibility between packages00:08
trimeta1If you're just using the USB key to store data, FAT32 is probably the best choice.00:08
tyberionany bash progger here?00:08
trimeta1nach: What is xinet?00:08
trimeta1tyberion: I know a little, but not much.00:08
=== knottingham is now known as relimseugor
Gerinychtrimetal: i don't know if it's strange or not, but I can see my mac partition in ubuntu00:08
deepfriedsquirr1trimeta1: Well, I'm wondering if it would be safe to use a USB key regularly for booting since FAT32 is a Windows filesystem without file permissions00:08
geoffrianIRC sucks.  Too easy to get banned from a room00:08
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:08
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:08
nachtrimeta1: sometjing for the net service but i'm trying to discover it also !00:08
trimeta1deepfriedsquirr1: Oh, you mean for booting. I think you might need a proper Linux filesystem for that.00:09
compengiclever, the best way to use the bot for private searches is /msg ubottu <factoid>00:09
jvargashow can I know which package has the file "libkhtmlpart.so" ?00:09
compengiclever, priventing missleading and flooding in the channel00:09
trimeta1nach: I only use Ubuntu on my servers, so I can't easily check for what xinet is and whether it calls ssh.00:09
tyberiontrimetal.. well I wrote a script in order to start a certain program or just switch to the open one... so this is my test.. in my script which is called find_app.sh and $APPLICATION is the current app.. if [ 'ps aux | grep $APPLICATION | grep -v grep' ]; then <THEN THE PROG SHOULD BE RUNNING AND NOT BE STARTED"00:09
clevercompengi: yeah i tried that yesterday and couldnt remember the spelling of the bots name00:09
IntuitiveNipplejvargas: dpkg-query -S 'libkhtmlpart*'00:10
jvargasIntuitiveNipple: and if I don't have the package with that file. I need to install a package that includes that file but I don't know what it is00:10
trimeta1tyberion: I'm not sure if the return status of the final grep is going to do what you want...it might, but you could always just write the script with echo "It's running" at the end to test it.00:10
IntuitiveNipplejvargas: ahh!00:10
IntuitiveNipplejvargas: then, use http://packages.ubuntu.com00:11
Nillerzhow do I access network folders from an XP machine?00:11
denacan someone help me? I was bridging one of my network connections and set my eth1 device back to static and now DNS isn't working...00:11
compengiNillerz, places>network00:11
nostoAnyone able to help me with a keyboard issue in regards to lsinput and it not showing my keyboard as an object even though i can type?00:11
compengiNillerz, oh. scratch that00:12
=== trimeta1 is now known as trimeta
tyberiontrimeta: doing that all the time with echos... sstill cant get it to work00:12
compengiNillerz, you need to use samba, share what you need and then you can access that shared one from xp's network manager00:13
onxtyberion, what about pidof?00:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about computers00:13
tyberiononx: hmm?00:14
Daft_Punkwhy are u doing @list... do you think this is a media server?00:14
onxtyberion, pidof <process name>, could just check whether it's not empty00:15
=== relimseugor is now known as valium
krisanybody: can u help me with firefox?00:17
trimetakris: Could you be more specific?00:17
danbhfive!anybody > kris00:17
ubottukris, please see my private message00:17
Gerinychanyone else want to take a shot at my problem :)00:17
snovawhy are there so many versions of gcc in the repos? i just found out that 4.2, 4.1, and 3.3 are all installed!00:17
snovaand can i safely remove the lesser versions?00:17
danbhfiveGerinych: please dont ask that type of question.  Just repeat your original question from time to time00:18
trimetaGerinych: Have you tried going to Grub's screen and playing around with the tab completion to see if it can see your Mac disc? Actually, do you have any idea how your second HD is partitioned?00:18
snovakris: what's the problem?00:18
kristrimeta:  snova: i can put the errot message but i dont want to flood00:18
trimetasnova: Multiple versions are in the repository in case something only compiles under an older version...not sure why you have them all installed unintentionally, though.00:18
trimeta!pastebin > kris00:19
ubottukris, please see my private message00:19
Gerinychtrimeta: not sure what you mean about tabs, but I do know how my hd is partitioned00:19
Gerinychtrimeta: it has one hfs+ partition and a mac-native partition table00:19
lanoxxhi, i want to have a static wlan ip only if i am connected to a certain AP, and dhcp for everything else, how can i configure this, i have already edited the interfaces file, but now i have a static ip nomatter to what AP i connect00:19
danbhfivesnova: go for it.  If there is a package that needs it, the package manager will try to remove more than gcc.  If that happens, just stop the process00:19
snovatrimeta: probably because i installed an older version of a devel library or something like that. now that i'm upgrading and trying not to download any more than i have to, i'm discovering a lot about the packages installed on my system. thanks for the explanation.00:20
trimetaGerinych: Basically, if you write your menu.list pretty much correctly (except for the proper HD name), you can go to the Grub screen, choose "Edit entry," edit the line with the HD, and then it'll have tab completion of all the drives and partitions it sees.00:20
snovadanbhfive: unfortunately, it wants to upgrade java before i uninstall 4.1, which counts as a large download :)00:20
danbhfivesnova: mk00:21
Gerinychtrimeta: ah, that. Yeah, i tried doing that, but the error says that the partition table is corrupt, not that it can find a partition00:21
snovadanbhfive: what's that mean???00:21
Gerinychtrimeta: *can't00:21
lanoxxGerinych, then check you partition table00:21
trimetaGerinych: You said you know how the disk is partitioned...could you elaborate?00:21
lanoxxfdisk -l /dev/sdx00:22
Yekyaa[Ubuntu]is there a nickserv here?00:22
Gerinychtrimeta: alright, i'm looking in gparted00:22
trimetaYekyaa[Ubuntu]: Yes, type /msg nickserv to ask it questions.00:23
jvargasi installed kde libs , now I need to make them visible by 'ld'00:23
=== Yekyaa[Ubuntu] is now known as Yekyaa
jvargasi added a file kde3.conf to ld.so.conf.d directory00:23
jvargasand ran 'ldconfig'00:23
danbhfivesnova: well, I don't understand your situation.  I would just upgrade java, but it seems like something else is going on?  so I said, mk00:24
jvargasshould my files specified in the directory specified in kde.conf be added to ld cache right?00:24
lanoxxcould anyone atleast point me to some documents explaining how i configure /etc/network/interfaces00:24
Gerinychtrimeta: it goes /dev/sdb1, filesystem: unknown, no mountpoint, size: 31.50 KB; I suspect that's the partition table00:24
snovadanbhfive: i meant that i don't know what 'mk' means.00:24
mEck0the size chart for clothes on ubuntu store are the waist size right?00:24
Yekyaaawesome :) thank you00:25
snovadanbhfive: this connection isn't great in the evenings, or so it seems. then again, it wasn't great in the morning, until i rebooted. i might try that in a little bit.00:25
danbhfivesnova: its ok, but with an mmm.  So, mmmmmmmmk.00:25
Yekyaai'm registered now lol00:25
trimetaGerinych: That would probably be seen by Grub as (hd1,0)00:25
Yekyaai didn't realize that xchat-gnome was the KISS version of xchat00:25
Yekyaai thought it was otherway around00:25
trimetaActually...hold on.00:25
snovadanbhfive: ah.00:25
Gerinychtrimeta: then it's 128 MB of unallocated space, and /dev/sdb3, filesystem: hfs+, mountpoint: /media/Untitled 100:25
trimetaOK, so yea, sdb3 == (hd1,2)00:25
Yekyaaluckily when i switched to xchat, it auto-imported all my settings for servers and stuff, yay!00:26
Gerinychtrimeta: hold on, let me try that00:26
ubottuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de00:27
krismy problem with recently dowloaded new verion of ubuntu is here pls help if u can http://paste.ubuntu.com/50305/00:27
krissnova:  trimeta: i put the link00:28
trimetakris: This happens when you attempt to start Firefox? I'm not really sure what's happening here.00:28
ticoHi. I'm making a backup cd. I was wondering if I could extract the image to the hard drive thats going to be restored. Would it work?00:29
kristrimeta:  when i start surfing the program suddenly stops00:29
geoffrianWho is in charge of this room?00:29
snovakris: well, that looks weird. it looks like gtk couldn't handle something firefox did, and closed (or couldn't open) the window.00:29
ticoUsing ntfsclone00:29
geoffrianWho has the ability to ban?00:29
DasEigeoffrian: join #ops00:30
Gerinychtrimeta: nope, it gives me an error "partition table invalid or corrupt"00:30
Starnestommygeoffrian: #ubuntu-ops ?00:30
trimetaGerinych: Hmm. This is a disc you pulled straight out of a Mac, I'm guessing?00:31
erUSULgeoffrian: why you ask?00:31
kriscan I uninstall new verion of firefox ?00:31
nutella_Is there something similiar like streamtuner?00:31
Gerinychtrimeta: no, it's a sata hard drive I bought just for a mac install00:31
kristhe old one worked properly00:31
ticoHi. I'm making a backup cd. I was wondering if I could extract the image to the hard drive thats going to be restored. Would it work? I'm using ntfsclone00:31
trimetaGerinych: You could always try redoing everything...00:31
trimetaI don't know how far along the install you are.00:31
Gerinychtrimeta: so how should i redo it then?00:32
trimetatico: I don't think it's clear what you mean.00:32
trimetaGerinych: How much of the OSx86 install have you done?00:32
Gerinychtrimeta: I just installed it and never booted it because hrub won't let me00:32
Gerinychtrimeta: *grub00:32
bunnytoHi, i want to install YUM in ubuntu, is that possible?00:33
trimetaGerinych: Can I PM you about this? It's not exactly a Ubuntu-related topic.00:33
ticotrimeta: ok so, the image is 9bg and i cant fit it on one cd, so i split it to 2 4500mb. I was wondering if i can extract the image to the hard drive thats going to be restored.00:33
trimetatico: What do you mean, extract the image?00:33
kriswhat is gtk?00:33
nutella_bunnyto: why would you do that?00:34
ticotrimeta: the image is inside a tar .gz file00:34
bunnytonutella_: yum is better than apt00:34
ticotrimeta: i split it so it can fit on the dvd00:35
trimetatico: How did you split it, using some feature of tar?00:35
ticotrimeta: ntfsclone -s -o - /dev/sda1   | gzip | split -b 1000m - /tmp/server/master-sda1.img.gz_ for example00:35
wng-Anyone here running WoW under wine with fglrx drivers?00:36
erUSULtico: if it is in another partition ?00:36
nutella_bunnyto: What is better on youm for example? I don't think that is possible to use yum...but I'm not sure about it00:36
IntuitiveNipplebunnyto: install Fedora, then the package manager will match the distro.00:36
ticoerUSUL: Im making a boot cd to restore an image of the drive. If i have the image in a gz, so it fits on the dvd, where can I extract it to so i can use the image to restore it.00:36
trimetatico: If split is just returning the first N bytes, then you should be able to join by using cat.00:37
erUSULtico: it has to be a different hard drive/partition than the one you are restoring00:37
ticoerUSUL: ok, thanks.00:37
bobertdos!fixgrub > hyuukai_00:37
ubottuhyuukai_, please see my private message00:37
=== valium is now known as eager
DasEitico: http://www.base64.co.uk/splitting-large-files/00:38
pk1122hello everybody00:38
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:38
pk1122something is conflicting with the sound on ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop sometimes i can listen the sound and then after a while the sound stops working, then i need to restart the computer to listen the music.00:39
jamixhello everyone! has somebody passed the examination CISA?00:39
jribpk1122: probably flash or wine00:39
jribjamix: we like to keep this channel dedicated to ubuntu support only since it is so busy.  Mind moving your discussion over to #ubuntu-offtopic?00:40
bunnytopk1122: alsaconf00:40
pk1122bunnyto, ok00:40
pk1122bunnyto, that command doesnt exist00:41
bunnytoapt-get install alsa00:41
bunnytoyum install alsa00:41
bunnytoyum remove aptitude00:41
jribbunnyto: stop giving silly advice please.  You shouldn't be using yum on ubuntu00:42
pk1122bunnyto, newest version is already installed00:42
DasEipk1122:use synaptic or apt-cache search alsa*  for a specific packet00:42
trimetabunnyto: To be honest, the main reason to use a distro is because you like its package manager. If you prefer yum to apt, you should use a distro based on yum.00:42
pk1122DasEi, which packet you talking about ?00:43
wng-Anyone here running WoW under wine with fglrx drivers? I am having trouble with the textrues on the ground00:43
bunnytoi want to use Yum in Ubuntu...00:43
jribbunnyto: use apt or one of its frontends00:43
trimetabunnyto: What do you like about Ubuntu, that Fedora doesn't have?00:43
jrib!apt > bunnyto00:43
ubottubunnyto, please see my private message00:43
pk1122bunnyto, now its start working i did alsa reload00:43
DasEipk1122:I was watching u trying to install alsa00:43
bunnytopk1122: you welcome00:43
pk1122bunnyto, thanks00:44
pk1122bunnyto, :d00:44
pk1122bunnyto, :D00:44
bartbAll of a sudden my usb drive doesn't show up on my desktop when I boot like it used to, it's plugged in all the time and usually automounts at boot but stopped about a week ago. any ideas?00:44
rigelcan someone help me figure out why libdvdcss2 isnt cracking this dvd?00:44
rigelhttp://pastebin.com/m47823be0 is the relevant debug output00:44
rigelit gets to the end of the title and then just chokes00:44
rigelfor hours00:44
FloodBot1rigel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:44
=== trimeta is now known as trimeta-dinner
rigelyes. finding the css key.00:45
DasEiplug out,  modprobe -r ehci-hcd  , plug in bartb00:46
jribrigel: tried deleting the cache?00:46
rigeljr: in .dvdcss? yep.00:46
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX00:46
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX00:47
kimushi, I upgrade to Intrepid but NetworkManager does not connect. dhclient eth0 works fine00:47
jribkimus: read the last entry in the /topic00:47
kriswhat shoul I do with system "hang-ons " ?00:47
kimusjrib: right... no one answers there... but ok.... :-S00:47
DasEibartb : did it ?00:48
bartbit mounted both partitions after I did that. will that fix the boot up problem?00:48
mEck0have someone here taken the "ubuntu desktop training" course? do you get a certificate after finished and not fail?00:48
DasEibartb : prob is the sequenz, which sometimes bugs the usb controller, so you gotta reload, less probs with uuids in fstab00:49
bunnytomEck0: certification to use UBUNTU??? HAHAHAH00:49
mEck0bunnyto: öhh, no, not for using it...00:50
bunnytomEck0: its like get a certification for eating mcdonalds, using, installing... same00:50
bartbThanks, I'll reboot to see00:50
mEck0bunnyto: okay00:50
jribbunnyto: when you answer, try to actually be helpful00:52
jribmEck0: are you talking about http://www.ubuntu.com/news/online-desktop-training?00:52
damaranzigroukoun: dcpp install a success :D00:52
damaranzigroukoun: thankz00:52
aXeusDoes Ubuntu have an FTP server package?00:53
churndaXeus: try vsftp00:53
jrib!ftp | aXeus00:53
ubottuaXeus: FTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP (for !GNOME) - !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE) - See also !FTPd00:53
bunnytoaXeus: ftpzilla00:53
jrib!ftpd | aXeus00:53
ubottuaXeus: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP00:53
aXeusjrib: Thanks.00:53
ryan__What is this error mean: Unable to find a valid framebuffer device00:54
krismay be flash crashing my firefox?00:54
krisis flash forbidden?00:54
krisor restricted?00:54
churndryan__: means your graphics card isn't configured properly00:54
Vezirhey why in kde4 do i only get system sounds00:55
Vezirno other sound00:55
ryan__churnd: thank you. Can you point me in the right direction, so I can get it configured properly.00:55
damaranzigroukoun: when i plug my bluetooth dongle nothing happens00:55
jribkris: yeah, there's an issue with flash and libflashsupport causing the browser to crash00:56
churndryan__: i can try.  which version of ubuntu?  what kind of graphics card?  how did you try to configure it?00:56
=== emma_ is now known as emma
damaranzigdoes ubuntu support SE k500i ??? which package to install ?00:56
jamixhelllo everyone ! has someone passed CISA?00:56
bunnytodamaranzig: SE k500 is obsolete... use SEk70000:57
ubottujamix, please see my private message00:57
ryan__churnd: I tried to config the /etc/X11/xorg.conf, have latest version of Ubuntu Hardy Gnome, and the graphics card is a nvidia e-GeForce 7200 GS00:57
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyHat|off
jrib!away > funkyHat|off00:58
hikenbootanyone know anything about the xen python packages?00:58
ubottufunkyHat|off, please see my private message00:58
damaranzigroukoun: r u talking about a package or the actual mobile phone :)00:58
jribhikenboot: best to just ask the channel your question00:58
hikenbootok ...I am looking to find out if the xen python packages have been minimized to only the libaries used by xen00:59
damaranzigbunnyto: i need a package to make ubuntu recognise se k500i00:59
churndryan__: hard to say without looking at the xorg.conf.  how did you install the nvidia driver?01:00
schortsircuthello, i have a question01:00
damaranzigbunnyto: i also need a package to enable ubuntu recognise a bluetooth dongle01:00
zetherooI am in Ubuntu 8.04.1 and am trying to get Flash working in Firefox 301:01
jribzetheroo: visit http://badgerbadgerbadger.com and click on the yellow bar at the top01:01
ryan__churnd: well I can send you the config file. Just let me know how you would like it sent.  As for the driver, after installing the graphics card a pop-up in Ubuntu's panel appeared.  Then I just followed the install steps.01:01
schortsircutare there certain wireless cards that Ubuntu 8.04.1 is incompatible with?01:01
zetherooI need some help as it seems that the automatic install of Adobe Flash did not work01:01
IntuitiveNippledam0: do  "hcitool dev" that should report the Bluetooth devices01:02
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jribzetheroo: be more descriptive than "did not work"01:02
rmf_i have two network interfaces (eth0 and eth1) the first goes to a wrt54gl which is my internal network (gw and connects to comcast - the second (eth1) goes directly to a verizon modem/router (gw - how do set eth1 as the default route01:02
zetheroojrib: I installed it and restarted FF and still could not view flash content ... I tried to reinstall the plugin through FF and it said that it was already installed01:03
schortsircutdo marvell wireless cards not work with ubuntu?01:03
jribzetheroo: pastebin the contents of the page you get when you type "about:plugins" in your address bar01:03
schortsircuti was testing it on the live cd, and was unable to even see my network--i went through the troubleshooting stuff and all seems to be in order01:04
jrib!wifi > schortsircut01:04
ubottuschortsircut, please see my private message01:04
jribschortsircut: see if you can find some info there01:04
SherlawkDragonI have a program that I cannot kill01:05
SherlawkDragonwhat do I do?01:05
jribSherlawkDragon: what program?  How did you try to kill it?01:05
SherlawkDragonis there something I can pass to kill to end it?01:05
SherlawkDragonwithout care I mean?01:05
SherlawkDragonand NOW?01:06
SherlawkDragonit's going to fry the processor01:06
SherlawkDragonit's stuck in an infinite uncontrolled loop01:06
SherlawkDragonjrib> I tried kill01:06
amdpoxkill -14 pid01:06
SherlawkDragonit doesn't work01:06
rigeldid you tru sudo kill -9 pid01:06
amdpox-9 and -14 are forceful01:06
rigelthat usually works for me01:07
jribSherlawkDragon: if those aren't working and it's hogging your processor, just reboot01:07
SherlawkDragon-9 worked...01:07
SherlawkDragonscared me...01:07
rigelcrisis averted01:07
rigelwhy would it overheat your proc anyway01:07
schortsircutjrib: thanks, but ive already gone through that. i'll try again just in case tho. i assume the live cd has all of the functionality of a full install, including wifi?01:07
rigeldont you have like a heatsink and stuff01:07
SherlawkDragonit was tolling 100%01:07
SherlawkDragonI'm on a laptop.01:08
jribschortsircut: should be the same as a default install, yeah01:08
SherlawkDragonthe heatsink sucks.01:08
FloodBot1SherlawkDragon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:08
SherlawkDragonand besides.01:08
zetheroojrib: its working now .. I had to remove it and reinstall it  .... thanks01:08
SherlawkDragonhow often do you actually use 100% of the processor01:08
r_001can I add some packages to Ubuntu to make it a RouterOS (Like mikrotik)01:08
jribSherlawkDragon: all the time.  Your hardware shouldn't have a problem with it01:08
MaNuElSUXalguien habla espaol01:09
SherlawkDragonnot my crappy hardware...01:09
jrib!es | MaNuElSUX01:09
ubottuMaNuElSUX: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:09
schortsircutjrib: ok thnx. the only options i saw on it were "roaming mode (wired connection)" or "manual", which just brought up the network manager01:09
amdpoxr_001, it's not really the right distro for the job01:09
schortsircutjrib: i'll try again tho01:09
jribschortsircut: nothing about your particular card?01:09
r_001amdpox: what's your advice ?01:09
lanoxxhow do i set powersave options in kubuntu?01:09
amdpoxI don't have any suggestions as I haven't set up a custom router before, but I know there are much more lightweight distros out there designed for it01:10
stickboyanyone know of any good ubuntu friendly bluetooth mice?01:10
r_001amdpox: do you have any idea about creating PPPoE server on Ubuntu server edition ?01:11
DasEiISA soundcard of  Hexus,        VIA Technologies, Inc. VT82C686,     fresh install doesnt work, please help,  unttil now we : http://pastebin.com/md00dbcb01:11
amdpoxr_001, nope01:11
IntuitiveNipplesticky: Logitech V27001:11
hubarhmm, anyone can show me a tutorial how to set up the spinning cube thing under ubuntu8.04?01:11
gaintsurahey... I've noticed recently that everytime I sudo... I get this;;;; sudo: unable to resolve host systemx.dev01:12
amdpoxhubar, enable the effects in preferences -> appearance01:12
JunTa1what file keeps the bell-style options? I want to be able to keep the system bell off01:13
amdpoxthen install simple-ccsm with apt and use that to configure01:13
JunTa1amdpox:  was that aimed at me?01:14
schortsircutjrib:dont think so.....still checking...... i dont see it in the list, my ethernet card is a Marvell Yukon 88E8039 PCI-E, my wireless is Realtek RTL8187B......i dont see anything about it in the wiki, still checking though01:14
bensonkI'm trying to install ubuntu-eee on an Eee PC 1000.  I've built a bootable SD card out of the Ubuntu-Eee iso, but when I try to boot, it goes through a graphical boot-up, and then drops to a console without any sort of prompt.01:15
bensonkIs there some way to make the boot sequence more verbose so I can see what's breaking?01:15
amdpoxJunTa1, no, sorry01:15
schortsircutjrib: never mind, i found something, reading now01:16
bensonkor, alternately, is there some sort of "no graphics" option?01:16
BromHas anyone used Glest?01:16
amdpoxbensonk, does ubuntu-eee support the 1000/901 now?01:16
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amdpoxlast time I knew it was for 7/900 only01:16
bensonkamdpox: I believe so, but maybe I should check again.01:16
Hexusso... I dont suppose anyone is round here is good with soundcards?01:16
bensonk"Ubuntu Eee 8.04.1 now supports the 2G, 900, 901, 1000, and 1000H models" -- ubuntu-eee.com01:17
lanoxx<debug> [1222300572.570596] nm_hal_device_removed(): Device removed (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/computer_power_supply_battery_BAT0')01:17
MindVirusHello. I've been trying to get a new login in a new window. It's telling me my x server is malconfigured.01:17
EldaHexus what kind of troubles may you be having? :>01:18
nandemonaiAnyone know the debug option for firefox? It's not loading since the latest update and nothing is coming up in term..01:18
phoenixzHi there, is there a way to force CLOSE_WAIT connections to close? maybe by a kernel confriguration setting?01:18
bethlynnhi folks01:18
amdpoxbensonk, does it have a menu when it first boots like the ubuntu livecd?01:18
HexusElda:  my ISA card isnt being detected.   DasEi was helping me before http://paste.ubuntu.com01:18
bensonkamdpox: yes, it does.01:18
IntuitiveNipplenandemonai: have you tried -safe-mode  ?01:19
stickboy<IntuitiveNipple> what about the v470?01:19
IntuitiveNipplestickboy: I don't know... I've been using the v270 and it has been perfect01:19
schortsircutjrib:ummmmm.......it looks like coverage doesnt work for WPA yet, so i guess that could be why....still need to try a few things tho01:19
IntuitiveNipplestickboy: been used hard for over a year and still going strong01:19
bensonkamdpox: it presents the pretty graphical menu with all the options, and then when I select an option, it displays the ubuntu logo with a progress bar that has a bouncing back and forth orange box.01:19
EldaHexus no idea then as I'm not much versed with that :>01:19
Guest76492any have a ip address of a public proxy?01:19
stickboy<IntuitiveNipple> is it okay for gaming? i mainly need it because my trackball mouse is impossible to use in cod401:20
bensonkThat finishes, and then there's just a black screen with a blinking cursor.01:20
bethlynnI'm looking for maco. If someone sees her, tell her that I'm on irc server:thelinuxlink.net #techshow talking about the ohio linuxfest01:20
EldaIm still trying to figure out why my headphone slots dont work on my laptop :>01:20
IntuitiveNipplestickboy: I have no idea... what is "gaming" ?01:20
amdpoxbensonk, and then it dropped to a unix login, or a dead console?01:20
HexusElda: ah well I guess its back to the faqs for me then.  Thanks01:20
EldaSorry :(01:20
bensonkamdpox: dead console.01:20
stickboy<IntuitiveNipple> hmm. seems only way to buy is used..01:20
EldaThe most I would recommend is trying a dsdt patch since that is what fixed sound for me when I was using 7.0401:21
Morgemilhi everyone, does someone here have a sounblaster audigy-se running in ubuntu hardy heron?01:21
Hexuswhere can I get it?01:21
IntuitiveNipplestickboy: well if the v470 is based on it, and is Bluetooth, it might be just as good.01:21
JunTa1"Could not open .rpm. archive type not supported"??01:21
IntuitiveNipplestickboy: I like the v270 because of its size and lightness.01:21
gaintsurahow do I work with cron to setup a cron job?01:22
amdpoxbensonk, try "check CD for defects"01:22
stickboy<IntuitiveNipple> http://www.logitech.com/index.cfm/mice_pointers/mice/devices/3287&cl=us,en01:23
pac1how can I list the ids of all partitions on a disk?01:23
r_001how can i setup my ubuntu machine as a router ?01:23
bensonkamdpox: that won't work, on account of me modifying isolinux -> syslinux01:24
StephenFIf i plug in a USB HD and it is not automatically mounted, how I I check if the system has even detected the drive?01:24
gaintsurar_001: look into switching to ipcop or something of the sort01:24
amdpoxbensonk, right01:24
bensonkamdpox: I had to do some changes because I'm using an SD card with data on it rather than a CD.  The Eee doesn't have a CD drive.01:24
r_001do you mean ipcop package ?01:24
amdpoxbensonk, I don't know then01:24
amdpoxI used a USB cd drive with 8.04 generic to do my 1000H, worked fine01:25
bensonkWell, maybe I'll just do a gentoo install.  :-)01:25
bensonkI'm more familiar with gentoo.01:25
schortsircutjrib: thnx for the helo01:25
bensonkyou didn't use the Eee version of ubuntu?01:25
amdpoxhave fun compiling that elitism ;)01:25
gaintsurar_001: no, its a distro01:25
r_001gaintsura: do you main ipcop firewal package01:25
gaintsurabut its not a package01:25
gaintsuraits a distro/livecd01:25
r_001ipcop destriptution !!?01:25
amdpoxbensonk, I got it a couple of months ago, it wasn't supported by any specialised versions then01:26
jribschortsircut: no problem, didn't do much :)01:26
amdpoxbut there's a handy custom kernel at array.org/ubuntu with drivers01:26
r_001gaintsura: ahaaaa01:26
gaintsurar_001: ^_^01:26
gaintsuracould someone tell me how to setup a cron job?01:26
bensonkamdpox: gotcha01:26
jrib!cron > gaintsura01:26
ubottugaintsura, please see my private message01:26
r_001gaintsura: does it look like mikrotik01:27
bensonkamdpox: That's cool.  I might try a generic livecd and see if that works.01:27
gaintsurathanks jrib01:27
gaintsurar_001: dunno01:27
bensonkamdpox: thanks for your help. :-)01:27
r_001gaintsura: thanks :)01:27
Flare183Ok I'm here to help01:27
amdpoxbensonk, no problem :)01:27
hvgotcodeshey what is the graphical tool used to administer nvidia cards?01:28
EldaWhat do you mean?01:28
jribhvgotcodes: nvidia-settings?01:28
hvgotcodesjrib -- its a tool that tells you the drive version, the temp of the card, etc....01:29
hvgotcodesis that it?01:29
jribhvgotcodes: yeah01:29
Flare183!binarydriver | hvgotcodes (this might help, I don't know)01:29
ubottuhvgotcodes (this might help, I don't know): For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:29
Flare183It should help01:30
JunTa1why doesn't ubuntu package search page have adobe flash player? neeed it for viewing youtube01:32
Protistajoin irc.travian.org01:32
jribJunTa1: because youtube's page circumvents it.  Go to a regular page like http://badgerbadgerbadger.com and it will work01:32
hvgotcodesis there a sensors plugin for gnome-panel or gkrellm that will monitor the nvidia temp?01:33
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JunTa1jrib: what do you mean? i can't view youtube videos?01:34
jribJunTa1: no.  Just visit http://badgerbadgerbadger.com and click the yellow bar at the top01:34
Flare183!youtube videos | JunTa101:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about youtube videos01:34
amdpoxJunTa1, it's called flashplugin-nonfree01:35
zigzagswow ubuntu sucks01:35
zigzagsinstead of errors, things just dont happen01:36
jribzigzags: do you have a support question or just trolling today?01:36
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zigzagsi have to restart my comp, so im raging for a second01:36
zigzagsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ok bye01:36
jribzigzags: well keep it related to support here01:36
rickstarto get conky running... go through terminal... now when i close terminal window, conky closes01:37
amdpox#ubuntu-bashing is good01:37
zigzagsgksu conky01:37
DerrikePardon, but I'm wondering about the documentation provided for installing via USB. I've been in a pit using the two methods provided. (Live CD via USB is slow, and usually freezes; alternate just doesn't work the way everyone is saying it should.)01:37
jribrickstar: don't do that.01:37
amdpoxuse the alt-f2 run dialog01:37
amdpoxor detach it with "conky &"01:37
rpeckisn't VLC suppose to be able to open .avi files?01:37
amdpoxrpeck, .avi is a container01:37
amdpoxVLC will play most of the codecs it can contain01:38
rpeckWell then how do I get VLC to play .avi files?01:38
rickstaralt-f2 no conky01:38
amdpoxrpeck, what codec is it?01:38
hvgotcodesrickstar type nohup conky &01:39
rpeckThat is what it says the mime type is.01:39
jrib!pm | rickstar01:39
ubotturickstar: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:39
rickstar!pm | jrib01:40
ubottujrib: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.01:40
rickstarill just go the old way01:40
jribrickstar: people gave you about 3 different suggestions, so you should say which one you tried and what happened....01:40
rpeckamdpox is it unplayable for me or do I need to install a certain package?01:41
amdpoxIf it won't play in VLC, you can't make VLC play it01:42
amdpoxtry totem01:42
DerrikeI don't want to repeat myself but I think it got lost in a wave of join/parts.01:42
DerrikePardon, but I'm wondering about the documentation provided for installing via USB. I've been in a pit using the two methods provided. (Live CD via USB is slow, and usually freezes; alternate just doesn't work the way everyone is saying it should.)01:43
rickstarok tried all those01:43
Elda!codecs | rpeck01:43
ubotturpeck: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:43
rpeckThanks amdpox01:43
rickstarwhen i close terminal conky exits01:43
EldaThat might help you out :>01:43
Flare183!usb | Derrike01:43
ubottuDerrike: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent01:43
jribrickstar: specifics and details.01:43
* bruenig has parts and joins turned off01:43
zigzagsso every once in a while, none of my music players will play any music.  clickin 'play' just does nothin at all.  no errors or anything, just....nothing01:43
jribrickstar: tell us ONE thing you tried exactly01:44
JunTa1how do01:44
zigzagsit happens with any file, local or on my network01:44
rickstarclose terminal01:44
rickstarit closes01:44
rickstarconky also01:44
S3loDerrike: i tried Unetbootin ( http://lubi.sourceforge.net/unetbootin.html ) to create my USB installer, might help01:44
JunTa1woops....whats the command to check what version or distro you have ?01:44
jribrickstar: that wasn't a suggestion.  What else did you try? Keep it on one line please01:44
Flare183JunTa1: uname -a01:44
zigzagsanyone know why the media players will sometimes randomly not allow music to be played????/01:45
bruenigit isn't random01:45
bruenigthus your question is poor01:45
rickstarthe alt-f2 method ... conky doesnt run...01:45
DerrikeS3lo: Would it use the graphical or command-line install?01:45
jribzigzags: probably flash or wine hogging the sound card.  Kill them and do 'sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio restart'01:45
jribrickstar: nohup conky01:45
rickstarjrib: also tried nohup conky01:46
zigzagshmmm neither flash nor wine were open either times01:46
jribrickstar: and?01:46
rickstarjrib: none work01:46
zigzagsi will try that next time it stops working01:46
flithmhey everyone... my machine crashed, and now when I log into gnome I don't see any panels... anyone know how I can get them back?01:46
jribrickstar: did conky not start?01:46
zigzagsso bruenig, if its not random what causes it, cuz ya seem to know01:46
rickstarjrib: yes.. segmentation fault01:46
bruenigzigzags: depends01:46
JunTa1Flare183: that doesn't give if its hardy or what distro01:46
jribrickstar: and it runs fine with just conky?01:47
Flare183JunTa1: lsb_release -a01:47
bruenigzigzags: you haven't even described your situation01:47
trimetaJunTa1: You could also check your /etc/apt/sources.list and see which you're using.01:47
bruenigI assure you however, there is no random number generator in the program that causes it to periodically skip things01:47
zigzagsmm poor answer, sorry01:47
JunTa1Flare183: thx01:47
templaedhelI just installed the firefox update and now firefox is giving me errors when I use the adress or search bar01:47
rickstarjrib: now i get segmentation fault on regular $conky01:48
jribrickstar: you need to sort that out.  See if there are any running instances of conky (ps -ef | grep conky)01:48
Flare183JunTa1: np01:49
rickstarjrib: also did $killall conky01:49
jribrickstar: ok, but that's not my question01:49
rickstarjrib: how do i see the pid's of everything running?01:49
* rickstar is a linux noob01:49
jribrickstar: with the command I gave you in parentheses01:49
kwyjiboflash video sites hang after 2 seconds of silent playback as of updating firefox and flash today01:50
rickstarjrib: 13205 13140  0 20:51 pts/0    00:00:00 grep conky01:51
jribrickstar: k.  Did you run that gksu conky command that was given before you read our warnings not to run it?01:51
rickstarjrib: i did happen to before i saw don't01:52
kwyjibowhy did updating firefox/flash from the notification icon break them? :< i can't view any flash video sites anymore. they just hang01:53
* templaedhel is being driven crazy because he can't use firefox01:53
remiis it possible to upgrade to GNOME 2.24 in Hardy Heron or do I have to wait for Intrepid Ibex?01:53
mEck0jrib: yes, its what I meant01:53
jribmEck0: there's an email there, training@ubuntu.com and also check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Training/Contacts01:54
mEck0jrib: thx!01:55
ticoWould gzip backup.img then split -b 4500m backup.img.gz backup.part.img.gz_ be correct and finally cat backup.part.img.gz_aa >> backup.img.tar be correct?01:55
jribrickstar: ls -ld ~/.conkyrc01:55
jribrickstar: full output01:56
Commie_Caryhello, I have Q. How do I open .bundle files?01:56
rickstarhrib: -rw-r--r-- 1 rickstar rickstar 2813 2008-09-23 21:3301:56
rickstarjrib: -rw-r--r-- 1 rickstar rickstar 2813 2008-09-23 21:3301:57
adrian_2002caLet's say I used the shift down method to lower my volume to mute. Then, using the volume applet, i cannot change the volume until I use shift up. help01:57
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peter75alguien en la red01:57
peter75una chica01:57
jribrickstar: does it segfault if you 'mv ~/.conkyrc{,.backup}'?01:57
jrib!es | peter7501:57
ubottupeter75: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:57
adrian_2002cashould i report this bug? or is this an error?01:57
Powhatanbobmy audio is borked beyond anything I can understand.  How can I go about uninstalling it all and starting over clean without wiping the harddrive?01:57
Commie_Caryrickstar: How do I open .bundle files?01:58
rickstarCommie_Cary: sorry, dont know01:59
belkinhelp2quick question about back ups....is it possible using dd to back up my entire drive to another PC on the same network?01:59
snovabelkinhelp2: i don't think dd can operate over a network.01:59
belkinhelp2and of course the next question...how would i recover it once ive replaced the drive?01:59
snovabelkinhelp2: but there might be a way to do it.01:59
belkinhelp2snova....what would you suggest?02:00
jribrickstar: move your ~/.conkyrc back and comment parts to figure out what is causing it02:00
* templaedhel wonders if anyone can help with the firefox problem??02:00
snovabelkinhelp2: dunno. i just copy stuff over to an external hd, but i have no idea how to do over a network02:01
kwyjibowhy did updating firefox/flash from the notification icon break them? :< i can't view any flash video sites anymore. they just hang02:01
snovabelkinhelp2: i think rsync is designed for this purpose- for incrementally copying files over a network02:01
SpragieHey, i just tried to reinstall heron over an existing copy, used the "use entire disk" option, once i installed it, it went to the bootloader and chose the )all options( and it stated that the file did not exist (not exact wording but close enough), tried reinstallling multiple times, same thing ? what am i doing wrong ?02:01
belkinhelp2snova....i suppose i could use dd, create the image on the local drive and the move it over the network manully02:01
snovabelkinhelp2: there are packages expressly for the purpose of backups, and i'm sure plenty of them work over a network.02:02
snovabelkinhelp2: i just don't know what any of them are called.02:02
belkinhelp2snova...i want a complete image all at once. I have to set up a dual boot on this machine and dont want to get rid of linux02:02
snovabelkinhelp2: does it really have to be a disk image?02:02
belkinhelp2snova...k, ill look around.02:02
asimpliedI have two problems: First, when I play movie files (i.e. youtube) in firefox, there is no sound.  This is a problem that I had fixed previously, but has since resurfaced--I believe the resurrection was caused by firefox updating; however, the previous method I used to fix this problem--install latest flashplayer--is not working.  The second problem is that I cannot burn cd or dvd's.  I have gone through several forums and it seems that this is a 02:02
belkinhelp2snova...doesnt have to be an image....just thought that would be the easiest way to recover if i screw up the dual boot install02:03
SpragieHey, i just tried to reinstall heron over an existing copy, used the "use entire disk" option, once i installed it, it went to the bootloader and chose the )all options( and it stated that the file did not exist (not exact wording but close enough), tried reinstallling multiple times, same thing ? what am i doing wrong ? anyone have any suggestions? !02:03
snovaquestion- i just found that in the process of updating, i have two kernels. there shouldn't be any problem removing the unused one, right?02:03
snovabelkinhelp2: not necessarily.02:03
kwyjiboasimplied: i am having the exact same problem as of the latest firefox update02:03
onxbelkinhelp2, dd if=<stuff> | gzip -c | ssh user@host "cat > <stuffoutput>.gz"02:03
kwyjiboasimplied: are your flash videos hanging after 2 seconds, too?02:03
asimpliedkwyjibo. any idea how to fix?02:03
belkinhelp2snova...im new to linux...for windows ive always used ghost image or acronis02:03
kwyjiboasimplied: no. i keep asking :<02:03
xim_anyone know what would cause nautilus to crash in a particular directory full of videos on an NTFS files system when viewing in icon mode?02:03
SpragieHey, i just tried to reinstall heron over an existing copy, used the "use entire disk" option, once i installed it, it went to the bootloader and chose the )all options( and it stated that the file did not exist (not exact wording but close enough), tried reinstallling multiple times, same thing ? what am i doing wrong ? anyone have any suggestions? !02:04
snovabelkinhelp2: onx appears to be a wizard at this stuff. he even compressed it for you...02:04
asimpliedumm, I  don't know, I usually do not wait until the end of the video--frustration, etc.02:04
caioI need to access a computer with Remote Desktop, but the computer is on other network, without a physical ip address, how can I do this?02:04
snovabelkinhelp2: sorry, i have to go now.02:04
pedro-orangebelkinhelp2: You can backup essential files, but system files would presumably be locked. If you're installing Windows after a linux install, you can (Vista may be an issue) - there is a handy guide to restoring the GRUB after a Windows install on the Ubuntu wiki.02:04
kwyjiboasimplied: try playing any flash video. they will hang after 2 seconds02:04
onxsnova, actually i just needed to do the same thing recently. still learning pipe magic :p02:04
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asimpliedkwyjibo, k hold on02:05
AaqilHi what is difference between ubuntu server edition and other ubuntu ?02:05
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belkinhelp2onx....not that i will need it, but if i do, how do i get it back.  Use the live CD?02:05
templaedhelAaqil: server edition has not gui like gnome or kde02:05
pedro-orangecaio: Phsyical IP? What do you mean by this? IP is a logical address. A MAC address is a physical address.02:06
rickstarjrib: fixed02:06
belkinhelp2onx.....doh!  same command without compression?02:06
rickstarjrib: made new .conkyrc02:06
hwolffwhat is the right channel to inquire about wifi problems?02:07
onxbelkinhelp2, you mean restoring your disk from the image?02:07
pedro-orangehwolff: whats your issue?02:07
jribrickstar: great02:07
rickstarjrib: thanks for the help02:07
hwolffmy partner has a toshiba tecra notebook, running kubuntu. She get's wifi, but after a while the wifi breaks down02:07
afallenhopeis there a way of getting vncviewer to listen on a specific port? because I can't get it to listen on 590002:08
hwolffWin works fine, so I guess it's not the hardware02:08
belkinhelp2onx...i vaquely remember reading about booting over networks and copying entire OSs for thin clients...would this be similar?02:08
templaedhelfirefox is driving me nuts02:08
pedro-orangehwolff: Whats the NIC make? Do a lshw -C network in terminal & stick it in the pastebin. Link us when you're done.02:08
kwyjibotemplaedhel: ?02:08
asimpliedkwyjibo, I did not notice any hang; but, definitely no sound...which is really annoying.02:09
caiopedro-orange, sorry, I cant access because the only IP that I have is 192.168.. an internal IP, and not the machine that I want.02:09
ticoDo you think if I compress a 8.3gb image with gzip -c it will fit on a 4.7gb dvd?02:09
daklan_clsafallenhope: you don't make vncviewer to listen to a particular port. you make it connect to a particular port. or do you mean vncserver?02:09
kwyjiboasimplied: ah. mine freezes. and it's only from updating today02:09
pedro-orangecaio: Are you in the same subnet? What is the network setup?02:09
afallenhopedaklan_cls, I make it listen. it's called REVERSE vnc. vncviewser -listen02:10
asimpliedhmm...well, it is possible that mine will start doing that too.  I had this problem with the sound before, fixed it, updated ffox, and problem is back.  how long have you been in here looking for help?02:10
onxbelkinhelp2, let me think about how to do it with pipe magic, but the more comfortable solution is probably using a locally mounted network share (nfs/smb) and using a tool like partimage02:10
kwyjiboasimplied: about half an hour02:10
caioreverse vnc!02:10
afallenhopecaio, you are correct02:11
templaedhelkwyjibo: I installed the update it said I should (ubuntu that is) and now when I use the url or search bar it gives me errors02:11
asimpliedkwyjibo: and you just updated firefox today?02:11
kwyjiboasimplied: yes02:11
kwyjiboasimplied: i thought these things were tested before going into the repositories02:11
asimpliedkwyjibo: yeah, me too02:12
pedro-orangeasimplied: do u have any other applications opening using sound card output? Have u tried restarting pulseaudio?02:12
dave___anyone have any luck with linksys wireless USB adaptars?02:12
asimpliedpedro-orange: all other sound works...in fact, I have been watching Anime most of the day.  But, when I tried to watch a video my friend sent, no work.02:13
belkinhelp2onx....if i pm you my email address, could you send me a solution once you think of it?02:13
templaedhelyou know its bad when I have to use the ie for linux app to browse the web on ubuntu02:13
belkinhelp2onx....im new to linux but not to networking02:13
dave___It's a very common adapter with a huge pain in the ass involved in getting it going02:13
daklan_clsafallenhope: reverse vnc only works if you have a vncserver. vncviewer -listen waits for the server to initiate the request.02:13
asimpliedtemplaedhel: is your sound working on firefox?02:13
pedro-orangeasimplied: try restarting pulseaudio02:14
templaedhelasimplied: just a sec. but first close all your other apps and then restart firefox02:14
templaedhelnow it won't even open!02:14
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asimpliedpedro-orange: ok,02:15
kwyjibocan someone tell me why today's firefox/flash update causes flash videos to freeze after 2 seconds?02:15
afallenhopedaklan_cls, I know this. you're not listening to the question. like many people. I asked how to get it to listen on a CUSTOM PORT02:15
afallenhopedaklan_cls, not the SERVER because I don't want the server.. but the CLIENT02:16
daklan_clsafallenhope: good luck to you then02:16
templaedhelkwyjibo: I'm guessin for the same reason it won't open for me02:16
kwyjibodunno templaedhel02:17
templaedhelwhat are some alternatives for firefox till I can get it workin?02:17
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Opera? There are loads of browsers about. Are you on ibex?02:18
druckenwere would my nvidia display setting applacation be located02:18
amdpoxtemplaedhel, epiphany is nice02:18
templaedhelno I'm on hardy02:18
templaedhelI'm tryin epiphany now02:18
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: How did u install flash?02:18
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druckenwere my nvidia display setting located02:19
pedro-orangedrucken: nvidia-settings02:19
loquitus_of_borgHey people. Where can I get more voices for espeak?02:19
loquitus_of_borgI want nice girlie ones02:19
racerxanyone knows how to install or extract a packaged file with a '.bundle' extension?02:19
druckenits says command not found02:19
Derrikethat's a wee bit odd, if I might add.02:19
pedro-orangedrucken: You may need to apt-get it02:19
templaedhelpedro-orange: I 4get02:20
templaedhelI'll tell you once I get firefox working agin02:20
druckenapt-get nvidia-settings???02:20
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: ubuntu-restricted-extras? flashplugin-nonfree?02:20
pedro-orangedrucken: apt-get install nvidia-settings02:20
racerxwhat is a .bundle file and how to extract it, anyone?02:21
templaedhelokay I got epiphany02:21
KDOCCan someone tell me how to download internet explorer for ubuntu 8.0.02:22
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: have u installed libflashsupport?02:22
Derrikeoh god02:22
loquitus_of_borgKDOC: you are kidding, right?02:22
loquitus_of_borgKDOC: Why would you want to install a virus on Linux?02:22
KDOCNo I can't open certain websites.02:22
racerxanyone knows how to install or extract a file with a '.bundle' extension?02:22
carsKDOC: If you really really wanted to, I guess you may be able to load it in Wine.02:22
loquitus_of_borgKDOC: tell the idiots running those sites to get a life and create web compliant pages then.02:23
DerrikeKDOC: You may use a browser like Opera02:23
templaedhelpedro-orange: just I sec I said02:23
Derrikethat identifies itself as IE02:23
Derrikeif you would like it to02:23
templaedhelpedro-orange: I'm trying to find the guide02:23
druckenhow do i installnvclock to overclock my video card02:23
pedro-orangeKDOC: You can presumably run it in WINE, alternatively there is ie4linux02:23
Derrikemaybe there's a firefox plugin02:23
KDOCIs opera on the cd02:23
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Sorry :) Ok.02:23
onxbelkinhelp2, ssh user@host "gzip -d -c <yourimage>" | dd of=<target>02:23
EsquiloHow can I reset ALSA?02:24
bert1hi, can somebody tell me where the trash files are located please???02:24
DerrikeJust google Opera and you'll find it; (unless you're asking because you're strictly live)02:24
belkinhelp2onx....that would be from a terminal using the live CD?02:24
onxthat would work02:24
ricky2122after installing lkl,does anyone know how to start the program02:24
saelynhbert1: trash:///02:24
bert1saelynh, i get this...02:25
bert1sean@adventqt5500:~$ trash:///02:25
bert1bash: trash:///: No such file or directory02:25
jb_RICKY have you tried opening a terminal and typing "sudo lkl"?02:25
FloodBot1bert1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:25
racerxvmware worstation for linux download has extension ".bundle". anyone knows how to extract or install this?02:25
ricky2122yeah i tried that02:26
pedro-orangeracerx: Are there install instructions with it?02:26
saelynhbert1: ho, for real you mean ?02:26
saelynhI don't know02:26
kwyjibocan someone tell me why today's firefox update causes flash videos to freeze after 2 seconds? they do not freeze in Epiphany02:26
djhash!trash | bert102:26
ubottubert1: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:26
saelynhI don't have any trash for my part, I just pcmanfm02:26
jb_ricky i'll try dling it and run02:26
ricky2122ok thanx02:26
saelynhI use *02:26
bert1thank djhash and saelynh02:26
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templaedhelpedro-orange: its fine. so what's your flash problem?02:27
racerxI tried googling for it but nothing was clear02:27
jb_rick, did you use apt-get to dl the software... what is the programs full name?02:27
pedro-orangeracerx: do you have any scripts such as vmware-install.pl?02:27
RyanPriorRhythmbox won't play any songs, and if I run it from the CLI, it doesn't output any errors. Can somebody help me figure this out?02:28
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: I don't have any flash problems. I was trying to help you02:28
kwyjiboi'm the one with flash problems02:28
onxbelkinhelp2, actually that's rather inefficient though as it uncompresses before transfer - my bad02:28
racerxI used to download the file when it used to be packaaged as tar.gz but this time it came with a .bundle ext02:28
templaedhelpedro-orange: oh. thanks. I believe I have flashplugin nonfree02:28
jb_Anyone know what software Rick was referring too.. "LKL"??02:28
ricky2122linux key logger02:29
templaedhelpedro-orange: yep its nonfree02:29
onxbelkinhelp2, this makes more sense: ssh user@host "cat <yourimage>" | gzip -d -c | dd of=<target>02:29
jb_ah ok02:29
racerxthe .tar.gz was easy to extract and in it was the vmware-install.pl02:29
belkinhelp2onx...i like efficiency, but effectiveness is more important at the moment...as long as it works.  Can i use this command in terminal running from the live CD?02:29
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression02:29
EsquiloHow can I restart ALSA?02:29
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Sometimes libflashsupport package solves the majority of sound in flash problems02:29
ricky2122jb_ its called linux key logger02:29
djhashracerx: did you try in terminal "./vmware.blahblah.bundle"02:29
racerxas soon as it finish download that is what i planned on trying02:30
aXeusSomething strange just happened. I tried to apt-get install ftpd. And it seemed to work, but no "ftpd" was available on bash. So without removing it, I did apt-get install inetutils-ftpd.02:30
aXeusI also did apt-get install pureadmin.02:30
asimpliedpedro-orange: I ran the following command in terminal and sound worked. sudo apt-get install libflashsupport02:30
templaedhelpedro-orange: I'm not the one with flash problems that's kwyjibo: I'm having the problem that firefox gives me some weird error when I try to open it02:31
pedro-orangeasimplied: w00t02:31
jb_kk ricky, im attempting to compile it now source forge dl is slow02:31
kernandohow can i set up a ftp server??02:31
aXeusIt seems to be worknig, but I can't create virtual users. The pureadmin interface locks up and ftpd still is not available on bash. It was available for a minute then dissapeared after I tried to create an ftp user account.02:31
ricky2122jb_ ok thanx02:31
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Perhaps you should file a bug report.02:31
kwyjibopedro-orange: i'm not having sound problems. i updated firefox as Ubuntu's system tray thing said i should. and now flash videos all freeze after 2 seconds02:31
asimpliedpedro-orang: indeed, thank you for pointing me towards troubles with pulse.  I had no idea that was introduced with new ubntu release.02:32
djhash!ftp-server | kernando02:32
ubottukernando: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP02:32
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riegersnis it possible to launch a gui app without logging into a desktop? like xbmc or boxee?02:32
pedro-orangeasimplied: It's an ongoing issue - i've never had the problem but my housemate did02:32
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asimpliedpedro-orange: did you roomate happen to also have trouble burning cds/dvds?02:34
templaedhelpedro-orange: I might but I'm guessing that mozzilla or ubuntu forums will be buzzing with errors and solutions if it effects more people then kwyjibo: and me. thanks for helpin though02:34
ryan__I am tring to install a linux driver from nvidia.  There directions say to do this "Type "sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.12-pkg1.run" to install the driver. NVIDIA now provides a utility to assist".  But that fails.  Any help.02:34
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pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Yeh check the forums tomorrow, otherwise i'd file a bug report on launchpad02:34
pedro-orangeryan__: use the restricted drivers method, i find it works better02:35
pedro-orangeasimplied: not that im aware of.02:35
belkinhelp2ryan__ is this an nvidia sound driver?02:35
ryan__belkinhelp2: video card02:36
belkinhelp2ryan__ sorry, i just ran into a problem with a sound driver from nvidia02:36
belkinhelp2ryan__ had to run a patch to get it to work02:36
asimpliedpedro-orange: fair enough.  I have accomplished something today so I will worry about burning later.  take it easy.  ##02:36
pedro-orangeryan__: System > Admin > hardware drivers. Try doing it through there before installing something from the nvidia site02:37
ryan__hmmm. I have already tried the proprietary drivers and the screwed my whole system up.  I can now only view things in 800x60002:37
pedro-orangeryan__: You running hardy?02:37
ryan__yes Hardy.02:37
beast_ryan__:  you may want to try the Envy utility02:38
snovathe upgrade process has left me with two kernels. it's safe to remove the older one, right?02:38
pedro-orangebeast: You killed ryan__'s pc :P02:38
pedro-orangesnova: I'd keep incase u need to roll back.02:39
riegersnIs there an app that will let me browse all the hardware detected on my machine?02:39
pedro-orangeriegersn: lshw02:39
riegersnim looking for a gui app02:40
snovai'm pretty sure it's ok, but i've aqcuired a wariness of messing with the kernel.02:40
danbhfiveriegersn: doohickey02:40
formodeI seem to be unable to import a vcard into Evolution for some reason, the "Forward" button is grey'd out. Anyone know why?02:40
templaedhelpedro-orange: and everyone else. Error launching browser window:no XBL binding for browser it seems to be a problem with bindings. all the messages have a binding in them somewhere02:40
ryan__Thanks for all of the help.  I reinstalled the driver and now the resolution is fine.  thanks02:42
formodeI seem to be unable to import a vcard into Evolution for some reason, the "Forward" button is grey'd out. Anyone know why?02:42
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Ok. Weird. :/02:42
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: You could try re-installing firefox.02:43
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:   I got someone that installed the offical nivida driver, but then could not get GDM working,  he is  pissed off with Ubuntu now, because of all this Nivida driver shit02:44
r2scan I test the PNG transparency fix on IE6 running with wine??02:44
kwyjiboi seem to have fixed my flash video problem02:44
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  as for the ones from the repo,   stuff happended, and he could only have  800x600 resoloution02:45
r2scoz my IE6 on wine I think is not working for that transparency fix02:45
kernandoi dont get it i install pureadmin but where does the file go to open the program02:45
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: What card are we referring to?02:45
tritiumWatch the language, SebNaitsabes02:45
kwyjiboi installed the Ubuntu Restricted Extras, which seemed to have reinstalled Flash (dont know if its the same version)02:45
kwyjibobefore i was using just the macromedia flash plugin package02:45
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  yes what card good question,  in fact I wasn't entirely sure, but  there is logs of whatever etc some wehre hummm02:45
pedro-orangekwyjibo: thats how i install flash on a new system, never steered me wrong.02:45
templaedhelpedro-orange: been there done that. I did complete removal and it didn't work02:46
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  ,but  I think it may be some legacy one, since he has 256MB RAM02:46
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: I'd file a bug then if i were yuo.02:46
kwyjiboyou never notice how much you need flash until it's gone :O02:47
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: lshw -C display02:47
StanManCan256mb ram? buy some more for $1502:47
carsStanManCan: I'm in the same boat.  I'd buy more, but it's RDRAM, and not cheap/available.02:48
r2sI'm developing a cross-browser website... but it seems that IE6 on wine doesn02:48
penhey everyone02:48
penI have a question02:48
penMy trash can icon disappeared02:48
StanManCancars: ah ha, rdram... that sucks big time!02:48
Esquilopen, add it back then02:48
StanManCancars: what are you running it on..? must be a pretty old box02:48
penalthough I have checked that in gconf the value of trash_icon_visible is checked02:48
r2sI'm developing a cross-browser website... but it seems that IE6 on wine doesn't work on that CSS filter or those PNG transparency fix02:48
penEsquilo, I can't it's not on the desktop02:48
Esquilopen, humm02:48
linuxmongerDoes anybody know what's going on with Pigin 2.5.0? I keep getting disconnected from Yahoo! and so far I haven't been able to figure out why.02:49
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: yeah, but not helping him right now02:49
penEsquilo, it is probably off the screen but I don't know how to get it02:49
Esquilopen, Have you tried add it in the panel?02:49
penEsquilo, I don't want to add that to the panel02:49
pedro-oranger2s: Well it is a Windows application, Wine has come a long way but it's not 100% compatible.02:49
penEsquilo, desktop is fine02:49
EsquiloI won't help you so02:49
linuxmonger2.5.1 is on the pidgin.sf.net site, should I download and intall or wait for a .deb?02:49
penEsquilo, ?02:49
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templaedheleven after I romove firefox the menu item remains and I can still use it to get the same error02:49
carsStanManCan: Tell me about it.  It was very above average when it was new, especially with the nvidia ti4200. It can still do most things, but the RAM is the bottleneck.02:49
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  basically the  one from the repo screwed the resoloution up, but the one from nivida  got installed, but then he could not get gdm back02:50
penEsquilo, don't say that, say you don't know02:50
ryan__Can someone lead me in the right direction.  I would like to set up dual monitors on Ubuntu.02:50
r2spedro-orange: yeah... I just hate to switch back to windows and back to linux again02:50
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: did u sudo apt-get remove firefox?02:50
Esquilopen, I don't like this "Windows way of life"02:50
penEsquilo, but this is weird, it just disappeared02:50
Esquilopen, Ah, sorry, "I don't know"02:50
Esquilopen, humm02:50
penEsquilo, ok, thx for the help anyway02:50
penEsquilo, at least you talked02:50
RyanPriorRhythmbox won't play any songs, and if I run it from the CLI, it doesn't output any errors. Can somebody help me figure this out?02:50
Esquilopen, You can Access it?02:50
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: You should check his xorg.conf  - it's supposed to auto-detect but u can specify resolutions there02:50
Esquilodo you have how to access it? pen02:51
penEsquilo, I can use the trash in nautilus and the panel, but somehow the desktop icon disappeared02:51
EsquiloI see, I see...02:51
penEsquilo, even though I checked that in the gconf02:51
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: If u not u can dkpg-reconfigure xorg-server02:51
penEsquilo, so this is considered to be a bug isn't it?02:51
EsquiloSorry, In this case I have never seen something like that in my life02:51
pedro-oranger2s: You can virtualise Windows02:51
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  yeah tried  dpkg-reconfigure  xorg server,  as for editing  xconfig,  how would I do that?02:51
Esquilopen, I don't think so02:51
penEsquilo, no?02:52
EsquiloIt can be anything02:52
penEsquilo, it's checked but it's not there02:52
penEsquilo, it works with other icons only the trash disappeared02:52
Esquilopen, ho!!02:52
Esquilopen, look...02:52
Esquilopen, Do you could create another user?02:52
r2spedro-orange: hmm yeah that's my last resort...02:52
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: sudo nano -w /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:52
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  well yes, but I meant what changes would I make to it?02:53
r2spedro-orange: the problem is that cut&paste thing...hahaha nvm.. thanks dude02:53
Esquilopen, do it. make another user... and I bet with you that this icon will show there ;)02:53
penEsquilo, alright, let me try02:53
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  he has a resoloution which is great, before the drivers go on,  which is lost after the driver from the repo,  but I guess I would add that resoloution into the correct place in x config  and hopefully it will work theno r?02:53
penEsquilo, if so, how can I fix this?02:53
formode dwmw2_gone02:53
formode I seem to be unable to import a vcard into Evolution for some reason, the "Forward" button is grey'd out. Anyone know why?02:54
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: You can specify it under Modes in the subsection display.02:54
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  what's the  -w in that first command you gave?02:54
Esquilopen, I have no idea XD May it is a bug in ".trash"02:54
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penEsquilo, I see no .trash in my home folder02:55
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: it's like word wrap02:55
Esquilopen, actually it is in another folder...02:55
BunTaii want to install sidebar gadget in my ubuntu..anyone help me??02:55
BunTaii wanna be like this http://www.members.shaw.ca/mnicy/Desktop/31-01-08-desktop.png02:55
Esquilolike: ~/XXX/.trash02:56
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: man nano :)02:56
penEsquilo, hm02:56
EsquiloI can't remember what this XXX is02:56
stweston_bunTai: WHY?02:56
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  looking at my own  xconfg  ( I just gedited it no sudo since not editing)   there is not that much in there, and I am not sure how I would edit his file which would be similar in certain ways02:56
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: It stops CLRF and other weird characters in ur conf files02:56
BunTaistweston_: i want to install sidebar gadget like this http://www.members.shaw.ca/mnicy/Desktop/31-01-08-desktop.png02:56
BunTaican i?02:56
stweston_no clue. sorry02:57
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  yeah nano I should probably really use something like that and learn to use properly,  but  I keep on taking the noob way gedit :D02:57
stweston_just wondering why you wanted a windows theme.02:57
templaedhelokay so I fixed firefox. don't ask how its complicated. but now I need to get my old bookmarks. I have the bookmarks.html file left over form before. what should I do with it?02:57
BunTaii dont want window theme02:57
BunTaii hate microsoft02:57
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/50331/02:57
BunTaii want sidebar for my ubuntu02:57
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BunTailike this person http://www.members.shaw.ca/mnicy/Desktop/31-01-08-desktop.png02:57
Gerinychim trying to put in a "boot cd" function in GRUB, what's the entry should look like?02:58
stwestonyou sure they weren't just emulating Ubuntu?02:58
jdalejust started to watch wargames2...should i finish it?02:58
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: But the new xserver is supposed to auto-detect so i dunno what the effects will be02:58
stwestonJust kidding.02:58
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  my  xconfig does not even have  modes in it02:58
templaedhelpedro-orange: so I fixed firefox. don't ask how its complicated. but now I need to get my old bookmarks. I have the bookmarks.html file left over form before. what should I do with it?02:58
BunTainow i see that02:58
BunTaithe button start02:58
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Thats cause xserver auto detects now :)02:59
BunTaii want a sidebar gadget02:59
BunTaiits look beatiful02:59
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  ,but in his case auto detection went wrong?02:59
carsjdale: as long as you don't compare it to the original, and keep your expectations low, you're OK.02:59
BunTaiyou know shere should i get it?02:59
BunTaiyou know where should i get it?02:59
pedro-orangetemplaedhel: Sorry I've not done anything like that before - perhaps fiddle with ur FF settings and see if u can import.02:59
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: So it seems.03:00
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: if I copied and put in xconfig in the screen section what you gave me on pastebin,  but with the resoluoton that works well on his lap top, it should work?03:01
penEsquilo, ok03:01
penEsquilo, it is there03:01
penEsquilo, so it must be off screen03:01
penEsquilo, or something03:01
tritium!enter  | pen03:01
ubottupen: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!03:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sidebar03:01
penEsquilo, do you know how to retrieve any offscreen?03:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gadget03:01
pentritium, thx for reminding me, do you happen to know how to solve my problem?03:01
Esquilopen, No idea03:02
carsBunTai: It kind of looks like they're on a super-customized version of Vista with Ubuntu running seamlessly with VirtualBox.03:02
tritiumpen: I've not been following.  Let me read the scrollback.03:02
Esquilopen, If you don't want to boring with this problem you could move your files to this new user03:02
BunTaicars: yups..03:02
carsBunTai: I don't know the package they used for the sidebar, though.  It's not Vista, though.03:02
tritiumpen: looking for your old ~/.Trash?03:02
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Not necessarily. Depends on the identifiers associated with his hardware, I'd be cautious and take a backup of it before any manual changes you make03:02
penEsquilo, I don't really want to do that03:02
EsquiloI see03:02
tritium!trash | pen03:02
ubottupen: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash03:02
BunTaibut its ok...ubuntu still the best..03:02
pentritium, well, it's not there and the desktop icon disappeared03:03
pentritium, although I checked it in gconf03:03
tritiumpen: see above03:03
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:03
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  well if I even get a chance to do this,  he  is pissed off with Ubuntu,  and went to it for wrong reasons in the first place03:03
pentritium, that's not what I want03:03
pentritium, I want the desktop icon back03:04
SebNaitsabespedroa-orange: after chaning xconfig I guess  it needs restarting,  remind me the command for that03:04
BunTaibye all03:04
a2zI cannot open most of the pages using either Firefox or IE also i can not connect to most of the IRC servers ???03:05
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Bad luck for him. :( I'd just tell him it's free. You may want to google his particular video card for known issues. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart03:05
RyanPriorRhythmbox won't play any songs, and if I run it from the CLI, it doesn't output any errors. Can somebody help me figure this out?03:06
gpmhi all. my cube has only two sides, and i can't figure out how to make it have four. the hsize option is set to 403:06
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:   yeah  someone that had a virused Windows,  so   to start clean put on Ubuntu,  and then the drivers won't work, plus he has loads of Windows stuff, but , because he only has 256mb RAM can't even run a virtual machine of  Windows.  and  they have no money to buy CD's at the moment,  so  basically buggered, but I was reading about a way to install Ubuntu psyically onto a  hard disk from ISO03:07
StanManCani have03:07
StanManCancd /home/ventrilo/ventsrv03:07
StanManCan<StanManCan> ./ventrilo_srv -d03:07
StanManCanin my script03:07
FloodBot1StanManCan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
StanManCanit's saying  ./etc/rc2.d/S20ventrilo_srv.sh: 25: /ventrilo_srv: not found03:07
pedro-orangeRyanPrior: Are you trying to play mp3s? Have you installed the codecs?03:07
RyanPriorpedro-orange: These are songs which have never failed to play before, and which played fine hours earlier today.03:07
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pedro-orangeRyanPrior: On linux? Or windows?03:08
RyanPriorpedro-orange: The only change I've made to my computer was updating my Firefox package to version 3.0.203:08
RyanPriorpedro-orange: On Ubuntu, what else?03:08
SebNaitsabespedroa-orange:  I can restart  x when  logged into Gnome?  don't need to go into the other console03:08
pedro-orangeRyanPrior: Restart pulseaudio, or try closing all applications using the sound output03:09
RyanPriorpedro-orange: If Firefox has the sound output, is there a way to switch it to PulseAudio instead?03:09
loquitus_of_borgHow do I logoff an X11 user from the command prompt, if I am sshed to the machine?03:09
a2zI cannot open most of the pages using either Firefox or IE also i can not connect to most of the IRC servers ???03:09
roe_a2z, what does "the pages" mean03:10
roe_and what error do you get when you try to connect to other irc servers03:10
a2zsorry i meant Most of the WEB pages03:10
corunumhello, I need help getting my wireless to work in virtualbox03:10
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a2zand when i try to connect to IRC servers i get Connection Timed Out03:10
templaedheleverything is fixed!!!! yay :-D03:11
roe_a2z, do the web pages you can't open resolve in DNS?03:11
carscorunum: Does the virtual machine have networking enabled?03:11
davidcramerwhat is the opposite of the "python2.5-minimal" package03:11
davidcrameri need all the system libraries03:11
a2zhow do i know whether they resolve in DNS or not03:11
corunumcars, I don't know how to verify this. sorry03:12
roe_a2z, do you know how to open up a terminal window?03:12
a2zwell sorry to say im using XP and not ubuntu i thought some1 could help here03:12
carscorunum: It would be in the options of the virtual machine when it's off.03:12
roe_a2z, ha03:12
jribdavidcramer: python2.503:12
roe_do you know how to open up a command prompt?03:12
davidcramerjrib: im missing common modules, someone mentioned its probablyb ecause of the license on them03:12
penanyone here know how to get the desktop trash bin back if it is offscreen ?03:13
a2zyes i know03:13
jribdavidcramer: like?03:13
[Solars]whats a good virtual machine to run in winxp64 to run unbunto in?03:13
davidcramerprofile module03:13
StanManCana2z what made you think of coming to the ubuntu linux channel for winxp help?03:13
carsa2z, you can also try #windows, they might have more knowledgeable people there, if you can't get it fixed here.03:13
a2zwell let me try here03:13
roe_a2z, nslookup is the command you are interested in, but they are right #windows is the correct place03:14
carsStanManCan: It's probably because it's a huge channel, and there are helpful people everywhere.03:14
jribdavidcramer: did you install python-profiler?03:14
corunumlet me check cars03:14
valroshey guys, question: whats a good simple lightwieght c++ IDE, I used a little of dev-C++, is it easily available for linux03:14
pedro-orangeInternet died. Please resend any msgs03:14
StanManCana2z: try resetting your connections03:14
barlrolhey is the new gnome available in the respitories yet?03:14
davidcramerjrib: quite retarded, its a core library :P03:14
StanManCana2z: go int o command prompt and type "netsh winsock reset catalog"03:14
davidcramerbut ill install it and see if it fixes it03:14
Cheekycan anyone tell me a good text editor that i could use .to .. do php .. with syntax highlighting .. i need to work with files .. on my ubuntu server ..03:14
geniia2z: It's like bringing your rusted out Honda Civic to the GM Dealership and asking them questions about it03:14
pedro-orangevalros: gedit is good enough with syntax highlighting :) Otherwise use Eclipse03:14
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a2zroe i tried that command and got this Default Server:  dnscache1.singnet.com.sg03:15
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roe_Cheeky, I use emacs, there are extensions for almost any language for syntax highlighting03:15
geniiPerhaps a Pinto might have been a better example03:15
barlrolhey is the new gnome available in the respitories yet?03:16
roe_a2z, what was the command you typed in03:16
a2zi typed nslookup03:16
roe_barlrol, I would be surprised if it gets put into hardy's repos03:16
roe_a2z, do nslookiup /? and read03:17
barlrolroe_: why?03:17
StanManCana2z: did you try my command?03:17
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a2zyes StanManCan03:17
valrosis gedit in the repositories, also what is the aptitude command to search the repositories03:17
a2zit says i have to reboot in order to complete the reset03:17
roe_valros, aptitude search <package name>03:17
izinucsvalros, gedit is installed by default03:17
StanManCanand try.03:18
valroso rly?03:18
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valrosthanks roe03:18
MindVirusHow do I generate a key for myself?03:18
gpmwhy does my cube only have two sides!? the workspace switcher has four slots03:18
a2zok BRB03:18
alanbshepardis there a way to force fdupes to only delete dupes from one of the compared folders and not flip flop betwen them?03:18
gpmbut i can only select two of them, even in the switcher on the panel03:18
amdpoxgpm: set the virtual desktop size in ccsm to 4 horizontal, 1 vertical03:19
valrosah, but gedit is no ide, whats the best, didnt like eclipse, too heavy03:19
izinucsvalros, you want syntax highlighting.. check the view mode in gedit..03:20
gpmamdpox: thanks!03:20
doctorowEver since I upgraded to Hardy, my Flash video sound and stability have been very poor. I've read and tried a dozen different recipes for fixing it, but to no avail. I've just uninstalled (I *think*) the Flash 10 beta and reinstalled flashplugin-nonfree and libflashsupport, but now I'm not getting any Flash audio again. Help!03:20
Cheekyroe_: yeah but i need to work on in in cli over my LAN..03:20
valros.......well id prefer a compiler built in03:20
roe_I only use emacs on the cli03:21
digitalfizanyone else having issues staying connected to yahoo in pidgin?03:21
pedro-orangevalros: Anjuta?03:21
kev12345is anyone fimilar with getting the itunes store to work under wine?03:21
carsdigitalfiz: I am. What error does it give?03:21
roe_Cheeky, at least in debian there is an emacs21-nox package (it maybe emacs22 these days)03:21
Frogzoodoctorow: did you increase the cache size?03:21
digitalfizcars, it says try logging into the website to fix this03:21
digitalfizi do and it still does the same thing03:21
roe_kev12345, I'm gonna say #wine may be03:22
carsdigitalfiz: I am getting the same error.  What version are you using?03:22
kev12345thank you03:22
doctorowFrogzoo: No, I haven't tried that -- how do I do that?03:22
digitalfizevery so often it disconnects its quite anoying03:22
genii!info emacs22-nox03:22
ubottuemacs22-nox (source: emacs22): The GNU Emacs editor (without X support). In component main, is optional. Version 22.1-0ubuntu10.1 (hardy), package size 1669 kB, installed size 5036 kB03:22
a2zStanManCan I still cant open irc.mozilla.org03:22
Frogzoodoctorow: right click - options - set cache to unlimited or 10meg03:22
digitalfizcars, 2.503:22
Frogzoodoctorow: right click in the flash window that is03:22
roe_a2z, read the help file... ns2lookup /? and understand how to use the command03:22
jigphello how to open .docm in openoffice?03:23
doctorowFrogzoo -- just tried that -- no dice!03:23
Sephrfinally got a friend to burn my x64 8.04 alt installer cd03:23
a2zwell i think it is a problem with DNS03:23
digitalfizcars, aparently its because yahoo upgraded their service recently im sure pidgin will release a patch soon03:23
Sephrhope this works with my raid drives03:23
Frogzoodoctorow: how do you mean? it's definitely an option there03:23
alanbshepardanyone know of a way to perform symetric encryption without a command line.03:23
Gun_Smokedigitalfiz, now that you mention it yes.. I just noticed it was not connected anymore.03:23
carsdigitalfiz: Most likely.  I'm getting the same error with pidgin on my n800.03:24
Frogzoodoctorow: the option is called "local storage"03:24
a2zStanManCan u here?03:24
carsdigitalfiz: The only temporary workaround I can think of until they release a patch is to use a jabber server to connect to Yahoo and relay the messages.03:25
roe_a2z, are your dns requests not resolving?03:25
stoned24any body know how to get a proxy?03:25
digitalfizcars, i connect fine it just doesnt stay connected for very long. Im lazy so ill just keep hitting reconnect :P03:25
digitalfizdisconnects after a few hours usually03:26
tenseimy keypad controls the mouse instead of typing numbers, where is that setting?03:26
a2zwell i can open Many pages but cant open some03:26
roe_stoned24, what does that mean?03:26
digitalfiznum lock03:26
stoned24does ene one in here know how i can obtaina proxy?03:26
carsstoned24: What kind of proxy?  What would you use or need it for?03:27
roe_stoned24, you can proxy almost any type of network traffic.  Do you want to install a proxy or find one that is available?03:27
tenseidigitalfiz: umm that does nothing of course... i fixed this once pefore but forgot how03:27
jasuushi .. how do i assign a function output to a variable and then test that variable...as in var = $(ps aux | grep ...)   if ( var == ...03:27
jasuusin a shell03:28
iFvwmfor i in `ps aux|grep ...`03:28
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SephrI've used the normal x86 and x64 install cds before but I've never used the x64 alt install dvd, is there a guide to using the alt dvd installer anywhere?03:29
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  I am doing stuff with him now here's the results of  lshw -C display   http://www.pastebin.ca/121020803:29
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  have his resoloutions and refresh rate saved in a file on his desktop03:29
iFvwmor do while read a; xxxx; done < `ps aux|grep ...`03:29
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Sephrwhy can't there just be a normal installer, a raid-supporting installer, then a confusing alt installer?03:30
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Whats his xorg.conf look like?03:30
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: this is now with  no nivida driver installed I guess,  since his resoloutions are working03:31
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: ,but yes I was going to look at that next03:31
adrian_2002caLet's say I used the shift down method to lower my volume to mute. Then, using the volume applet, i cannot change the volume until I use shift up. do i report a bug or is it an error?03:31
IdahoEvonce i have configured partitions and devices for soft RAID, how long should the installer take before going to the next step?   My screen has been blank for 10 minutes.03:32
Gun_SmokeSephr, the alternateCD is pretty easy to follow.03:32
SephrI can't even get it to boot via the altCD03:32
Sephrso weird03:32
Gun_Smokecheck the burn?03:33
SephrIt might be03:33
Sephrthis dvd burner randomly pops open sometimes, might be something wrong w/it03:33
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: I'd suggest installing the nvidia driver and then adding something like Modes "1440x900" to his xorg.conf and rebooting.03:34
carsSephr, if you can boot to the menu on the altCD, you can verify the CD's integrity.03:35
ushimitsudokiThe new firefox update is all goofed up? Can't click on tabs to change them and doesn't remember which tabs to open on re-open? Or just me?03:35
izinucsushimitsudoki, just you of course :)..  No but seriously I  haven't had any issues with the update.03:36
ttwioHi - is this a official ubuntu page ? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy03:36
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  this is with  I guess no nivida driver installed anymore or just  not set up to work  http://www.pastebin.ca/121021503:36
danbh_intrepidttwio: no03:36
GerinychI can't boot a hfs+ partition with GRUB03:36
jribttwio: no03:37
benzssdoes anyone here use OSS 4? is it better than alsa/pulseaudio?03:37
ushimitsudokiizinucs: wow thanks - something must have gone wrong because my firefox is seriously goofy and i just updated it. alright, thanks for the non-confirmation :)03:37
danbh_intrepidttwio: try help.ubuntu.com03:37
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: I guess what happens is the driver gets installed and then xconfig screws up03:37
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Might be an idea to run dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg after the nvidia install03:37
izinucsushimitsudoki, did you restart it?  if not do that03:37
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  what does  -phigh do?03:38
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Well I'd suggest, if its fine now - just leave it :P03:38
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  well  it works without drivers03:38
geniiSebNaitsabes: It only does resolution settings as opposed to full x reconfig03:38
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: ,but he needs the driver03:38
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Why?03:38
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: so certain programs will work03:38
ushimitsudokiizinucs: there was an existing firefox process (not visible) that was it. thanks much!03:39
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  games actsaully, really he should be on Windows, but  can't just install Windows on there right now either  dual boot or whatever03:39
izinucsushimitsudoki, happened to someone else this morning as well.  np03:40
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: Well if he wants to play games, he should rly be on windows03:40
pushnellHey all.  So, I'm a new ubuntu user having a perl issue, not sure which chan is correct.  I need the UUID perl module, and noticed that Adept had a libuuid-perl package, so I assume that perl package management is not done through cpan or ppm but the ubuntu package manager ... is this correct?03:40
jigphello guys is there a way to open a docm?03:41
pushnellI installed the package via adept, but the UUID.pm went to /usr/lib/perl5/UUID.pm ... it's usually in the Data namespace, which would put it under /usr/lib/perl5/Data/UUID.pm ...03:41
jribpushnell: either03:41
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  yes, but  he can't buy a CD right now,  and has no Windows CD the usaul story.   I read about some sort of  way to make an ISO be installed onto a parttion psyically by like making a partition in the ISO format,  and  then  like booting the ISO in that partition from Grub03:41
jigphello guys is there a way to open a ".docm"?I cannot open it to openoffice2.403:41
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: which driver from the repo, legacy or normal?  any idea?03:41
pushnellSo the code I have written now can't find the .pm and I'm not sure what the 'right' way is to go about fixing this.  This code has run as-is under CentOS and ActivePerl/Win32.03:41
Cycomwhich pm?03:42
nonewmsgsjigp, i am not familiar with .docm what app made it orginaly03:42
carspedro-orange: Actually, I'm so sick of Windows Vista and Microsoft that I'm going to try and convert permanently to Ubuntu.  I had an error from a Windows Update which deauthorized my license and now I'm stuck in Limited Functionality mode hell.  I'm going to run as many games as possible in Ubuntu.03:42
pushnellCycom: UUID.pm03:42
Cycompushnell: hrm...03:42
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: I'm not sure about that. With regards to the driver probably glx03:42
Seveaspushnell, put the pm in a place in @INC or use 'use lib /path/to/dir_with_pm/'03:43
Seveaspushnell, obviously, the former approach is better :)03:43
jigpnonewmsgs its an ms office 2007 file...03:43
SebNaitsabespedro-orange:  his computer is a few years old with 256mb RAM03:43
GerinychI can't boot OSx86 with GRUB, someone help03:43
pedro-orangecars: Running games in wine sometimes works, I tried to get alot working for my housemate - and was only about 20/30% successful. but since they're written for windows - its what i expectedf.03:43
SeveasGerinych, find an osx86 channel, this is Ubuntu support03:43
pushnellSeveas: @INC already has /usr/lib/perl5, but the problem is that the package manager did not install the .pm under the Data folder, so when I 'use Data::UUID;' it can't find it.03:43
Gerinychseveas: sorry03:44
Cycompushnell: try installing libossp-uuid-perl maybe...03:44
izinucsjigp, its also a file from Office 2000... it's a doc file with macros03:44
carspedro-orange: I'm so furious with it that I'm considering using Cedega.03:44
Arneyanyone here have a Torrent leech invite? i need one... i got good reputation on moviex and demonoid. movieX03:45
ArneyOldarney ( Log Out ) UL: 104.78 GB DL: 20.09 GB Ratio:5.2103:45
Seveaspushnell, hmm, looking at the package now...03:45
SeveasArney, go somewhere else.03:45
jigpizinucs : yes but I cannot open it in office 200003:45
pedro-orangeSebNaitsabes: you may find this page and it's links helpful: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia03:45
Arneywhere exactly03:45
SeveasArney, I don't care, just not in here. We don't support illegal p2p things03:45
=== mike is now known as Guest99136
pedro-orangecars: You should check winehq appdb for games. Cegeda is worse than wine imo.03:46
valroswhos familiar with anjuta03:46
Cycompushnell: supposedly it that package above contains UUID.pm03:46
Arneyits not illigal, there are many legal things there. downloading stuff you havent bought is illigal.03:46
carspedro-orange: Worse as in compatibility?03:46
izinucsjigp, that's weird unless there was a file format change between office 97 and office 2000 like there was for the latest Office product.03:46
nonewmsgsjigp, sorry if OOo doesnt open it then idk would would03:46
Seveaspushnell, the lib-ossp-uuid-perl package (replacing libdata-uuid-perl apparently) does things correctly in intrepid03:47
nonewmsgsArney, this isn't an argument you want to have here...you're about to get your ass banned03:47
pedro-orangecars: Worse as in getting apps to run. Plus Cedega don't contribute, and they steal alot from the wine project03:47
Arneyok then i have another question. is there a 64 bit version of ubuntu??03:47
SeveasArney, yes03:47
nonewmsgsArney, yes03:47
Seveaspushnell, the lib-ossp-uuid-perl package (replacing libdata-uuid-perl apparently) does things correctly in hardy as well03:48
SebNaitsabespedro-orange: thanks03:48
Guest99136hey, I just installed ubuntu but i had to change my hard drive mode to ahci to get the installer to recognize the hard drive, problem is that windows does not recognize the hard drive in ahci mode, how do I get linux to recognize my hard drive now?03:48
carspedro-orange: I thought Cedega based on a fork from wine, so they're not stealing any more.03:48
pushnellOk, not sure if that's the same UUID package or not but checking it out.03:48
valrosyeah arney, too my extreme surprise my old intel celeron booted ubuntu 6403:48
=== Guest99136 is now known as mike1
pushnell(sorry Cycom, Saveas, was trying to find out if that was the same package via cpan)03:48
valrosanyone familiar with anjuta?03:48
Cycompushnell: no problem.  I suppose you could always go the CPAN route as well :)03:49
pedro-orangecars: I've not ever used cedega out of principle, plus im not paying for it. If the apps u want are supported go for it.03:49
Arneyi have a wolfdale 2.53ghz03:49
Seveaspushnell, ah... please don't ask for support for CPAN packages in here. We only support ubuntu packages03:49
pushnellSaveas: I'm sure cpan would be an easy fix, but I'm trying to feel out ubuntu, so trying to stick with ubuntu packages/methods for now.03:50
Cycompushnell: so did you install it then?03:50
Seveaspushnell, excellent :) apt-get install libdata-uuid-perl (which installs libossp-uuid-perl)03:50
Cycomdon't forget the sudo!03:51
Seveaspushnell, generally, if something is called Foo::Bar on CPAM, there's a libfoo-bar-perl package in Ubuntu03:51
carspedro-orange: Eh, I'll just try everything with Wine first, but if it doesn't work, I'll just use virtualbox or something to run XP and run things through there (If there is any 3D graphics support for a virtual machine?)03:51
Cycomcars: VMWare 6.5 supports it for XP guests.03:52
pedro-orangecars: I would imagine virtual machines to have poor performance for games03:52
Cycomcars: it's still in beta, but it supports up to DX903:52
Cycompedro-orange: cars: you can also buy crossover and use that if wine doesn't support it, depending on the game.03:52
pedro-orangecars: what games do u want to play? check the wine appdb03:53
carspedro-orange: I was hoping that coming from Vista, all the resources I'd save would make up for any poor performance :)03:53
pedro-orangeCycom: Isn't crossover for macs?03:53
pushnellok, yes, that worked.  Thanks Cycom & Seveas!03:53
Cycompedro-orange: macs AND linux.03:53
tyberionwhat is the basic pdf viewer command for ubuntu? which is supposed to be better than acroread?03:53
Cycompushnell: happy to help a fellow perl masochist.03:53
pedro-orangeCycom: Then you know more about it than i do.03:54
randomlogic78I have set a package to 'hold' how can I change that so I can use apt-get to uninstall and start over03:54
ushimitsudokityberion: evince is one03:54
Cycompedro-orange: yeah, I bought it a while back.  it's pretty decent, but generally not quite as good as a native linux app or a native windows app.  I was using it to run office 200703:54
pedro-orangeCycom: you can run office2007 in wine iirc03:55
mike1hello I needed to switch my hard drive from sata to AHCI in order to get the installer to recognize my hard drive, but i need to use the hard drive in sata mode to boot into windows, how do I get linux to recognize my hard drive, i can get the details of the controller card03:55
tyberionushimitsudoki: thanx that was the one I was looking for.03:55
Cycompedro-orange: crossover gives you actual support for stuff like that, and supposedly submits their stuff upstream to wine.03:56
sobrenowhow do i change my ip with operaq?03:56
pedro-orangesobrenow: IP doesn't control your IP its a browser03:56
geniisobrenow: I think you may want to do that with your network settings instead03:56
pedro-orangesobrenow: Opera doesn't control your IP its a browser*03:57
R-800_Hello, everyone.  I'm having an unusual amount of trouble using the online instructions on how to install GRUB loader.03:57
R-800_I get the GRUB prompt, and then fail to find the relevant folders and files in the Terminal.03:57
pedro-orangeAnyway; im off.03:58
R-800_My BOOT folder seems to have only five folders in it, and none of the ones the instructions tell me to access.03:58
R-800_Five files in it, rather, not folders.03:58
sobrenowhow do i do that pedro03:58
JunTa1how do you start a service? i want to start syndaemon but the only way i found to do that was through command line03:58
JunTa1lets say i start syndaemon on startup and I want to change or reenable the touchpad...how would I do that?03:59
paganiniDoes anyone have any idea why, when logged in via XDMCP, my 'M' key only registers every other press? All the other keys seem to work fine.03:59
R-800_Is there any way to download GRUB loader before installing it?  The instructions seem to assume you have access to the necessary files on your system, but I seem not to, for some reason.03:59
izinucsR-800_, I don't know which online tutorial you're looking at but I'll see if ubutu is around.04:00
R-800_Thanks.  : )04:00
izinucs!grub | R-800_04:01
ubottuR-800_: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:01
R-800_Yeah, I think that's the URL I used.04:01
mnubuntu ftw!  I'm out04:01
sobrenowhow do i tell if my proxy is werking04:02
izinucsR-800_, what are you actually trying to do?  Are you on ubuntu now?04:02
dustmopdvdbackup keeps saying "Error reading IFO for title set". anyone know why i'm getting this?04:02
valros........i did a very broad search and cant see it all, the terminal wont fully scroll up, a fix?04:03
sobrenowdustmop it may be a dirty lense04:03
digitalfizencrypted dvd?04:03
R-800_Not now, no.  I'm trying to install Grub Loader so that I can have a dual boot again.  I had one originally, but after reinstalling WinXP on one drive, Ubuntu on the other cannot be accessed.04:03
dustmopi'll have a look at that04:03
TarantulafudgeI just installed ubuntu over my vista and I had no wireless drivers :(, i'm using some crappy modified driver from the forums04:03
CycomTarantulafudge: what kind of wireless card?04:03
penanyone here know how to get the desktop trash bin back if it is offscreen ?04:03
izinucsR-800_, ah.. you can do it from a live cd .. do you have one?04:04
TarantulafudgeCycom: rtl8187b usb (internal)04:04
R-800_izinucs: Yes.04:04
TarantulafudgeCycom: ndiswrapper did not work04:04
sobrenowhow do i get tor04:04
renderohi, everytime i start ubuntu, lot of ips blocked by firestarter same port , but different port at next reboot, any reason ?04:05
izinucsR-800_, then you should be able to follow the guide here using the live cd.. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:05
sobrenowdoes anybody have a link to tor?04:05
TarantulafudgeCycom: I was in the dark for hours, I had to reinstall vista just to get back on the net to figure out how to fix it04:05
bobertdospen: Right-click and Add to Panel?04:06
JunTa1how do you start syndaemon without leaving the command line open?04:06
penbobertdos, I want the trash to be on the desktop04:06
penbobertdos, and although I checked in gconf04:06
penbobertdos, it is not there04:06
penbobertdos, on the desktop'04:06
Tarantulafudgeis there a way to shrink everything in gnome, everything is about 3x bigger than it should be04:06
sobrenowcan ene one link me to tor?04:07
izinucs!tor > sobrenow04:07
ubottusobrenow, please see my private message04:07
R-800_izinucs: I used that guide already.  I can only get as far as to get to the GRUB prompt in the Terminal.  The very next step fails, giving me an error that something failed to be found.  I then did some research that led me to believe that my BOOT folder was supposed to contain certain files or folders that the instructions were looking for.  But when I went to my BOOT folder afterward, I...04:07
R-800_...found that nothing the instructions were telling me to search for were present there.04:07
corunumneed help getting the internet to work in virtualbox04:07
R-800_So I then started wondering if there is a way to download this information before trying to install GRUB.04:07
CycomTarantulafudge: dunno much about that card :( sorry04:07
sobrenowcan u send it again04:08
CycomTarantulafudge: have you tried it in 8.10?04:08
TarantulafudgeCycom: no, its not even out yet04:08
CycomTarantulafudge: when choosing between having hardware working and having a released OS, I chose having my hardware working.04:08
izinucsR-800_, while booted to the live cd.??  copy and paste the text to a basic text file and save it on a usb key maybe?04:08
paganiniThis is driving me crazy04:08
CycomTarantulafudge: it will be soon.  you can download the, what? alpha 6? beta?04:08
paganiniWhy the *M* key?04:08
paganiniWhy not the *N* key?04:09
paganinior something?04:09
geniiJunTa1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto might give you some ideas04:09
* paganini doesn't even know how to start finding out what could be wrong04:09
R-800_izinucs: USB key?04:09
Tarantulafudgei'm doing an update, maybe a a new kernel will mean native drivers04:09
bobertdospen: It's in the config editor for me.04:10
izinucsR-800_, usb memory stick.. anthing that will store the file outside of the harddrive04:10
R-800_izinucs: Oh, okay.04:10
bobertdospen: You could try setting it through the command line.04:10
Ububeginwhen i type ls -lst... in a particular folder.. 72 -rwxr-xr-x  1 myName myName 66505 2008-09-23 11:12 libimageOpenCV.so .. how can find out what the different columns mean04:10
JunTa1genii: thanks04:10
geniiJunTa1: np04:10
chipbuddyi'm trying to get my ssh from my laptop to my desktop. when i have my laptop plugged in to a wired connection, the ssh works fine. but when i'm the wireless network it doesn't work. i think this might be because my laptop is using the wired settings for when i'm connected wirelessly. does this seem plausible, and how do i fix it?04:10
R-800_izinucs: I can do that and then display it here.  Is that what you are suggesting?04:11
penbobertdos, the problem is that in the config editor it is checked04:11
penbobertdos, but the icon is not showing on the desktop04:11
izinucsR-800_, no just so you'll have a copy of the instructions for when you boot to the live cd to fix grub04:11
R-800_izinucs: I don't have a problem with keeping the instructions handy while using the Live CD.  I have that problem solved already.  I thought you were asking me to save my error message from the Terminal to some outside media so that it could be shown to others later.04:12
Tarantulafudgethere we go04:12
izinucsR-800_, no .. I'm sorry.. misunderstanding...04:12
bobertdospen: and you're under the right key? apps->nautilus->desktop?04:13
bobertdospen: Oh, and you're running as a regular user, right?04:13
Ububeginwhen i type ls -lst... in a particular folder.. I get this {72 -rwxr-xr-x  1 myName myName 66505 2008-09-23 11:12 libimageOpenCV.so} .. how can find out what the different columns mean04:13
R-800_izinucs: Okay.  But since it is clear now that I have the instructions while using the Live CD, what is it that you would suggest at this point?04:13
penbobertdos, I'm the first user and it's a admin04:13
izinucsR-800_, are you on the live cd now?04:14
penbobertdos, it was there before04:14
penbobertdos, but somehow I forgot what I did and that icon disappeared04:14
penbobertdos, I suspect it went offscreen04:14
bobertdospen: I mean, are you running the config editor as just yourself (not root)04:14
R-800_izinucs: I'm not running Ubuntu at all right now, nor the CD, no.  I can't access my Ubuntu partition without GRUB, and I can't get online with the Live CD alone (because my network adapter drivers aren't on the CD).04:15
bobertdospen: I don't see how it could go offscreen unless you're running dual monitors or something.04:15
fignutsis there a video and audio stream recorder for linux?04:16
penbobertdos, I'm running as myself of course04:16
izinucsR-800_, ok.. you have two ways of fixing grub.. boot to the live cd and follow the instruction  from the links or google for "supergrub" disk and download  and burn.  It's handy to have around anyway..04:16
GTSo, besides a few other very mysterious problems having to do with compiling, I'd been having an intermittent problem that kept me from shutting down properly. Something rather like this message: http://pastebin.com/d5b90f83 would repeat over, and over , and over again, endlessly. So, I followed a recommendation on the forums saying I should change my SATA operation mode from non-RAID to RAID. This seemed like a stupid idea to me, and it was. now04:16
penbobertdos, I remember I take all the icons on the desktop and move them to other folders, then after that the trash bin disappeared04:16
GTCan anyone help me fix this, or if not, how do you get a new install of Ubuntu to recognize an already-existing separate /home partition?04:17
R-800_izinucs: Supergrub sounds promising, and as you say, may be good to have on hand.  But there may be a problem, unless there is some way to do this "burning" after having booted from the Live CD (which, in my mind, sounds unlikely).04:17
izinucsR-800_, burn from windows.. as long as you have something to burn an iso.04:18
R-800_izinucs: I don't.  Could you suggest something that's good, for free?04:18
izinucs!iso | R-800_04:18
ubottuR-800_: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.04:18
bobertdospen: Well, you could always try deleting all the gconf related folders in your home directory, thereby reverting everything to default and trying again.........04:19
izinucsR-800_, hang on .. I'll check in another location04:19
R-800_izinucs: I'd appreciate it.  Thanks.  I have bad luck with general links to software.  I never find just what I'm looking for.04:19
penbobertdos, but I have changed something in gconf and I think I need that04:20
Batty4I was curious about alias assignments for Ubuntu, they don't seem to save.  Do I need to place them in .bash_profile or something?04:21
bobertdospen: What is it you've changed?04:21
izinucsDoes anyone have the name of a program to burn iso's from windows.. something reliable and "free" for R-800 ?04:21
Batty4Such as alias ll=ls -la --color=auto04:21
geniiizinucs: CD Burner XP Pro04:21
Batty4Forgot apostrophes. :(04:21
chris127so, i really need an ftp client that can xfer an entire site root (obviously not 'ftp')04:21
chris127yahoo doesn't even let me use sftp (shell)04:22
geniiR-800_: http://cdburnerxp.se/04:22
bobertdosR-800_: I think the Nero Burning Rom would be enough, wouldn't it?04:22
chris127I would love to tarball my site, send it, shell in, and extract it.04:22
chris127but i can't04:22
chris127so i need to upload the entire site04:22
chris127file by file04:22
penbobertdos, like custom menu icon someother stuff for the panel and something else I forgot04:22
chris127i tried binaries for filezilla04:22
chris127but that didn't work04:23
FloodBot1chris127: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:23
R-800_genii, thanks.04:23
geniiR-800_: np04:23
izinucsR-800_, http://cdburnerxp.se/04:23
GTYeah... Does anyone know how to get a new install of Ubuntu to recognize an existing /home partition?04:23
Tarantulafudgechris127: I've always been fond of ncftp04:23
izinucsGT, change the referance in /etc/fstab04:23
GTThat's just what I'll need to do. It'll fix my other problems, too...04:23
chris127Tarantulafudge: i never thought to use netcat04:23
chris127how do i install on ubuntu?04:24
akioHow do I get my irda port to show up in /dev ?04:24
GTOh, so just install as normal from LiveCD, then change the references in that?04:24
chris127i am very use to extract, configure, reconfigure, reconfigure, make, install04:24
geniichris127: Add/Remove Programs04:24
chris127i'll look into that ;)04:24
Tarantulafudgechris127: I don't think its called netcat04:24
izinucsGT, that's one way to do it.. durning install.. makes it easy.. just don't format it.04:24
R-800_izinucs: I went to the supergrubdisk.org website.  I'm assuming the ISO is under the "Download CDROM" link?04:25
Tarantulafudgechris127: its just a more advanced ftp client04:25
sullyva86what is a good way for moving files back and forth between an ubuntu host and an xp vm?04:25
izinucsR-800_, yep.. probably.. never used it myself but have heard good things about it.04:25
Prophecyubuntu rocks !04:25
R-800_izinucs: Okay, thanks.04:25
Prophecyim fully diggin it so far04:25
izinucssullyva86, just share a directory on ubuntu and log in from xp04:26
loulinkj7Hey this is really a general question but how do I get ubuntu 8.04 to not throttle signal strength of my netgear wireless card?  Should I use another kernel patch other than that standard one that comes with the cd?04:26
Tarantulafudgeloulinkj7: does it?04:26
loulinkj7Apparently I'm not entirely sure.  It might be in some mode that it's trying to conserver power perhaps?04:27
GTizinucs: PM?04:27
sullyva86izinucs: but what if i don't want people on the network having access to it?04:27
XeKtRuMi have some problems with my sound04:28
izinucssullyva86, you have to log into the shell using your ubuntu uname and password .. if nobody knows that then your safe04:28
dorssullyva86: you could use a unix shell inside the vm04:28
Jordan_Usullyva86: Whatever VM you are using probably has a feature for making certain directories on the host available to the guest04:28
dorsthat if thr vm has no access to the drives04:28
XeKtRuMso i would like to know if theres any danger if I just reintall alsa or something like that?04:28
dorsi use tcp/ip to get things in/out of vms04:29
bobertdosXeKtRuM: Alsa is still in Hardy, for legacy support purposes. You can fully switch to it in System->Preferences->Sound and through gstreamer-properties.04:29
sullyva86Jordan_U: OH its virtualbox i just installed it04:29
dr3mromy ubuntu periodically became irresponsive and get a black screen with vertical lines ?? how to diagnose the problem ???04:30
sullyva86Jordan_U: It says something about shared folders i'll try adding one that way04:31
dorsperiodically dr3mro ?04:31
Tarantulafudgestupid mp3 thingy04:31
dr3mrodors, accedintally not after a specific action04:31
dr3mrodors, from time to time04:31
dorsare you sure its your ubuntu?04:31
dorsand not a thing like cabbles or so04:32
dorsweird bug04:32
orbisvicisanyone gotton the ms nfs client to connect to linux/ubuntu nfs ?04:32
TopBunny88Don't use evolution if you use att for eamil04:32
dorswhat video chipset you have dr3mro ?04:33
orbisviciswhats a good package/daemon that'll graphically analyze log files and generate html or images ?04:36
spiritssightwhat program would you use for making pubications like flyer, posters, banners, biz cards etc04:37
GTScribus is pretty good.04:37
n3llscan someone tell me how to install AWN svn?04:37
bobertdosn3lls: Are you sure you want to build from source? AWN should be in the universe repo.04:39
axeusTrying to configure my ftp daemon with pureadmin. And when I launched it I noticed I can create virtual users but they disappear when the dialog closes.04:39
axeusAlso I get the log message: "[WARNING] Authentication failed for user [ftpuser]"04:39
axeusAnd I think I remember why now. :)04:40
n3llsbobertdos:  yeah, i need to use some plugins as im removing all panels04:40
axeusNo hmm, the pureadmin created the FTPUser and now it can't authenticate itself? 0.o04:40
XeKtRuMbobertdos, thnx but i think i did not explain what is really happening to me04:42
XeKtRuMif I enable ESD or System sounds I cant see youtube videos or similars04:43
XeKtRuMand recently if I enable system sounds i dont hear anything04:43
XeKtRuMso i was wondering if maybe i could just reinstall alsa or something04:44
XeKtRuMother thing is that my default sound device it isnt /dev/dsp its /dev/dsp104:44
dr3mrodors intel centrino 950gm04:45
XeKtRuMmaybe thats the problem=04:45
bobertdosXeKtRuM: I still recommend trying what I initially said, and also reading the wiki. Have you read that yet?04:45
bobertdosXeKtRuM: There's a whole entry on troubleshooting audio.04:45
keithclarkHi everyone.  I have an ATI all in wonder card here and I was just wondering if there was a way to get video out of the svideo input04:46
XeKtRuMbobertdos, i will take a look at it04:46
VezirLOL RESTART :awesome:04:46
XeKtRuMthanxs anyway04:46
ballzeeare there readers like a cdrom for 8mm camcorder tapes ?04:46
bobertdos!sound > XeKtRuM04:46
ubottuXeKtRuM, please see my private message04:46
Gamma-Xanyone using an intel 4965 ?04:47
bobertdosn3lls: Well, do you know where the repo is? I can't seem to find it. If you install subversion, the easiest thing to do is to check out (co) the repo.04:47
keisangihi there, i'm having troubles with intrepid ibex alpha and network manager.. every time i reboot i have to setup my network configuration manualy, network manager doesn't work at all04:48
keisangiit's simple ethernet connection, no wireless or any exotic stuff04:48
dr3mrodors, ? intel 950 gm04:48
dorsintel chipsets used to have some problems in some distros, because other drivers than the intel go to the xorg.conf... the correct there is the intel04:48
dr3mrodors, laptop ??chipset04:49
keisangiwhat you i do ?04:49
=== troseph is now known as DanRabbi1
keisangiwhat could i do04:49
bobertdoskeisangi: Intrepid questions belong in #ubuntu+104:49
keisangi#ubuntu+1 ? ok i try to go there04:49
n3llsbobertdos:  i have no clue where the repo is. i was considering compiling from source but a repo would be amazing04:49
ryan__I am trying to setup VirtualBox; however, when the setup screen gets to the formating part, the entire process just comes to a stop and fails.  Any advice?04:49
keithclarkOk, I will do it from windows for the time being.  Thanks.04:50
=== DanRabbi1 is now known as troseph
bobertdosn3lls: Well, I was talking about a source repo, but I can't seem to find one. I also don't know enough about the project to know what is and is not necessary. I would certainly think the binaries for the extra plugins would be in Universe too, but maybe not.04:51
Gamma-XI tried installing new drivers for my wireless card and now i cant use my wireless card how can i reinstall my old drivers that auto recognized my wireless card?04:52
XeKtRuMthere's nothing showing how to change my sound device from /dev/dsp1 to /dev/dsp04:52
XeKtRuMit is possible to do that?04:52
alecim trying to install xubuntu on an old ppc mac, and i need some help.04:53
geniialec: There are a few ppl in #ubuntu-powerpc , some might be around04:54
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bobertdosXeKtRuM: Which one were you reading? Because the SoundTroubleShootingGuide has a section on changing defaults.04:54
alecgenii: thanks04:55
R_YoYo_Rhello all04:55
geniialec: If it's pre 603 you may be out of luck, the 601 etc linux for those is best Yellow Dog or NetBSD04:55
alecgenii: im not sure if it is or not04:56
pirishAnyone here gotten a HVR 1800 TV Tuner to work with analog?04:56
chillgot a problem, tried oss v4 to fix a problem with vmware audio; didnt work; tried to go back to alsa; cant get it working again; what is the easiest way to install driver/alsa config for stac9750 (onboard sound card)?04:56
alecgenii: im not sure if it is or not: its an os x ibook04:56
geniialec: You should be OK then04:56
SaintYossarianHello, updated to FF 3.02 today on Ubuntu 8.04, now Microsoft Office Live will not load.  Any ideas?04:56
R_YoYo_RSaintYossarian, errors?04:57
chillSaintYossarian: you got a way to test it in firefox 3.02 in windows or mac?04:57
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geniiSaintYossarian: Use OpenOffice ?04:57
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SaintYossariangenii: Not an option.04:57
XeKtRuMbobertdos, sorry i didnt see it, index 0 means that device will be on /dev/dsp?04:57
SaintYossarianchill:: No, unfortunately.04:57
jigphello how to open .docm ?openoffice 2.4.1 cannot open this file docm04:57
bobertdosXeKtRuM: most likely04:57
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trosephSaintYossarian: try using the agent switcher, it works for me04:58
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XeKtRuMbut : cat /proc/asound/modules only list two modules04:58
chilljigp where did you get it from ?04:58
XeKtRuMand both are the same04:58
alterscapequestion for ubuntu server 8.04 x86:  Trying to install on an older Dell Precision 350, which has two SCSI drives that the installer mounts as /sda and /sdb.  Whole installation works (partitioning /sda as /root) but the grub installer writes onto "hd0" (which doesn't exist) and I can't boot the install.  I've been googling around and can't figure out how to reinstall grub from the install cd..04:58
bobertdosjigp: docm or docx?04:58
R_YoYo_Ri have heard of docx but not docm04:58
izinucsdocm has macros embeded04:59
SaintYossariantroseph:  Microsoft message implies that the problem is the OS, not the browser, will agent switcher resolve?05:00
jigpbobertdos : .docm05:00
chillanyone got a link for a tutorial to reinstall a sound card? its all fubar, doesnt even list under lsmod and /proc/asound does not exist anymore, looking for alsa configuration05:00
bobertdosXeKtRuM: I guess I'd just say try a different order, whatever you feel like.05:00
bobertdosjigp: Which I'm assuming is docx + macros?05:00
izinucsbobertdos, is a format in office 97, 2000 etc05:01
XeKtRuMbut how do I do that05:01
XeKtRuMif both modules are the same05:01
danbh_intrepid!home > chill05:01
ubottuchill, please see my private message05:01
bobertdosizinucs: ah, I see05:02
sp0k34thats what she said05:02
danbh_intrepidchill: if you have a separate /home, its easy to reinstall, and many times, the easiest way to get things working again05:02
jigpbobertdos: its .docm ...05:02
jigpizinucs: 2007...not 2000..05:03
alecgenii: do you know how to install xubuntu without loading the disk and going through all the setup, is there a way i can boot to terminal or something?05:03
izinucsjigp, in your case but the file format is also available in 200005:03
bobertdosjigp: hold on, there was a tutorial for modding OpenOffice to do this using the Novell packages. Let me see if I can find it........although it was for docx, don't know if the same mod works for docm05:04
geniialec: I have previously set up netboot server on a PC which will install to a mac box. But I don't have access to it right now to help you much05:04
izinucsalec, if you have ubuntu installed and you want xubuntu. then... sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop.. log out .. then on the password entry screen change sessions to xdm or xfce05:04
dorsnamaste nice people... c ya all l8rzzz05:04
danbh_intrepid!fixgrub > alterscape05:04
ubottualterscape, please see my private message05:04
alecizinucs, no i have a pc that i have ubuntu installed on, this is an old mac someone gave me with os x on it.05:05
izinucsalec, ah.. I'll leave it to others with more experience with that.05:05
alecbut  for some reason the disk runs so slow i cant install it by going through the setup wizard thing05:05
alterscapedanbh_intrepid: thank you05:05
chilli0_has anyone got Grid wars to install and work propely?05:08
bobertdosjigp: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tip-how-to-openview-docx-files-in-openoffice.html -- This may help you, it may not :shrug:05:09
jeppis somebody using lecturnity player?05:09
Mr_Fixithey... i want to make an alias to open a folder and run a .conf file... anyone help with the syntax?05:10
yowshibugger sometrhing jammed my sound stuff and i forgot the command to find out whatn that something is05:11
GTI just now installed Ubuntu 8.04 again, like, right-just-now, linking to my separate /home partition and FORMATTING my boot partition, I booted up, and I got GRUB Error 22.05:11
GTSomeone please explain to me how this is possible. >.<05:12
izinucsGT, do you have more than one harddrive?05:12
bobertdosyowshi: What was it? A proccesses list or something?05:12
GTYes, but I haven't so much as touched the other one in quite a while.05:13
JunTa1can someone help me i'm trying to get my wireless working on my aspire one. I've done the tutorials and have had trouble after completing it for a couple of days05:13
yowshibobertdos: i dont know. i think it is related to a game i was running that the sound flopped on and now it is jammed. whats the grep command to figure out whats using the sound drivers05:13
GTYou think it's actually trying to boot off that?05:13
GT...That's probably it.05:13
izinucsGT, that's why.. boot back t the live cd and follow the instructions on repairing grub.. I'll have ubottu send them to you05:13
izinucs!grub > GT05:13
ubottuGT, please see my private message05:13
keithclarkI just can't find a solution to getting video in from and ati card.  Maybe not possible yet?05:13
Bogus8how can I get reiser4 mount support in ubuntu... I don't want to have my system there, just some storage in a raid 505:14
=== yowshi is now known as Yowshi
bobertdosyowshi: I'm not sure, but you could always close the program and then restart Pulseaudio.05:14
GTI don't think I need that. The other one has a GRUB on it.05:14
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:14
Yowshibobertdos: using alsa not pulse audio. and the programme is closed05:14
geniiBogus8: reiser4progs05:15
bobertdosYowshi: Well then you can restart ALSA, and actually, Pulse sits inside ALSA, so it may still make a difference.05:15
izinucsYowshi, alsa rides on top of PulseAudio in ubuntu05:15
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
Bogus8genii: I think that allows you to create the filesystem but not mount  it05:16
bdbdbdok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential' and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again05:16
geniiBogus8: reiserfsprogs as well05:16
Guest73579what's goin on?05:16
bdbdbdok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential' and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again05:16
Gamma-Xhow can i get back the original drives ubuntu installed for my wireless card?05:16
izinucsbdbdbd, that wasn't ffrom build-essential05:16
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, weird that that would be related to build-essential05:17
bdbdbdhow to fix?05:17
brolly81how do i access my hard drive paritions so i can save stuff to it05:17
Guest73579mount them05:17
keithclarkok I guess I have to wait until ati decides to support me.  No problem05:17
bdbdbdoh i also installed gettext05:17
Bogus8genii: "This package contains utilities to create, check, resize, and debug ReiserFS filesystems."05:17
Yowshibobertdos: i dont see a restart pulseaudio command in that wiki mpage05:19
Gamma-Xhow can i get back the original drives ubuntu installed for my wireless card?05:19
brolly81how do i access my hard drive paritions so i can save stuff to it05:19
Gamma-Xbrolly81, u mount them05:19
geniiBogus8: Did you also install kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4 ?05:20
izinucsGamma-X, he's probably got permission problems05:20
bdbdbdok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential', apt-get gettext, apt-get libsdl1.2-dev, and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again05:20
Yowshibobertdos: also according to my sound configuration in the preferences menu i dont even have pulseaudio installed05:20
Bogus8genii: I can't find that package anywhere05:20
Daft_Punki love wagon wheels05:21
Gamma-Xizinucs,  he could.05:21
brolly81gamma-x, how do i know which one to mount?05:21
=== Yowshi is now known as Yoshi1
bobertdosYowshi: Are you not running Hardy?05:21
Yoshi1bobertdos: yes i am running hardy05:21
Gamma-Xbrolly81,  where do u want to store things?05:21
bobertdosYowshi: How odd.........05:22
brolly81gamma-x on my hard drive that is already partitioned05:22
=== Yoshi1 is now known as Yowshi
bullgard4What is the keyboard shortcut to navigate in Firefox3 to its home webpage?05:22
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, not sure an answer is possible here05:22
bdbdbdis there a more stable version of Ubuntu available?05:22
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, what version are you running?05:22
ljsoftnetbullgard4, try googling for it, just type "firefox shortcut"05:22
Yowshigrrrr my nick doesnt change right on this side since i am using pidhgin and i forgot my password for identifying05:23
Gamma-Xbrolly81, if u know how the drive is partitioned u should know where u want to store things.05:23
brolly81gamma-x i don05:23
acee12345whenever i try to play back a .mpg file with mplayer i get the following error "mplayer error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device" any ideas?05:23
brolly81gamma-x i dont know, so where do i go to see which one to mount05:23
bullgard4ljsoftnet: Unsuitable: It returns 10400 entries.05:23
Yowshibobertdos: probably wound up uninstalled when i tried to get it to work right with secondlife and it only just buggered my entire sound system. so i had to uninstall oit05:24
ljsoftnetbullgard4, w8 i'll look for it05:24
troseph!home > troseph05:24
R_YoYo_Racee12345, open mplayer ... and click on the little wrench .. then select the video tab. .. then change video to X11 (i think)05:24
brolly81gamma-x what program or command do i use to see which one to mount05:24
bdbdbdi'm running hardy heron, 8.04 "64bit"05:24
bdbdbdintel core 2 duo05:24
bdbdbdit works as long as i dont adjust the base installation05:24
bdbdbdwhich of course is necessary05:24
bdbdbdi can only access it through recovery mode05:25
geniiBogus8: On my box the reiserfs kernel module seems to have been built into the initram and it works to mount without needing to specify -t fstype.05:25
acee12345R_YoYo_R: tried that same error05:25
ljsoftnetbullgard4, the shortcut for firefox to your "Home" page is "Alt+Home"05:25
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, look at the system logs .. any errors?05:25
bdbdbdwhat's kubuntu?05:25
Bogus8genii: rieser4? or just rieser?05:25
Gamma-Xbrolly81, prolly /dev/hd*05:25
bdbdbdR_YoYo_R give me an example05:25
bobertdosYowshi: Well, I'm not entirely sure what to suggest. Truth be told, Ibex is not that far away and Pulse has been causing us so much grief. I'm just begging people to wait patiently at this point :p05:25
bdbdbdof where to find such logs05:26
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, an example of what?05:26
geniiBogus8: I don't have any reiser4 systems yet, just reiser, so can't test right now05:26
Yowshibobertdos: ibex?05:26
bdbdbdof where to find such logs05:26
R_YoYo_Rbdbdbd, you using gnome kde xfce ??? fluxbox? e17?05:26
Gamma-Xmount /dev/hd*05:26
Bogus8genii: right, reiser3 works fine... but you can't mount reiser4, just create the file systems... real usefull *rolleyes*05:26
bobertdosYowshi: Intrepid Ibex, the next release...05:27
Gamma-Xmount /dev/hd*  /mnt/hd*05:27
bullgard4ljsoftnet: This translates on my computers to Alt+Fn+Pos1.  --  Thank you very much.05:27
acee12345R_YoYo_R: other plrograms require the vx port any way to fix that?05:27
DaveKongIs there a fix for the bug where xorg runs with a copy of itself without using cpu but doubling memory usage?05:27
DKhola alguien me puede ayudar?05:27
Yowshibobertdos: and in the meantime what was the grep command so i could manually kill the thing jamming my drivers05:27
bdbdbdWhile in the recovery menu it reported "Assuming drive cache: write through"05:27
DKalguien programa en python?05:27
tritium!es | DK05:27
bdbdbdI use Gnome05:27
ljsoftnetbullgard4, ok05:27
DKTristam,  no hay problema ¬¬05:27
Gamma-Xbrolly81, http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/mountlinux05:27
tritiumDK: please join #ubuntu-es05:28
DKya fui ahi05:28
FloodBot1DK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
Yowshibobertdos: oh yeah i had almost forgotten about the worry and woe of upgrading yet again and waiting to see how much of my system falls apart cause of it05:28
Gamma-XDK,  the element used to keep iron man alive?05:28
TopBunny88i am not upgrading again05:29
bobertdosYowshi: I truly don't know. I usually use ps -fu <username> to list processes and kill them by ID. As far as upgrading is concerned, I always do fresh installs as opposed to distro upgrades.05:29
Gamma-Xhow do i find reinstall my original wireless drivers that ubuntu installed?05:29
geniiBogus8: Have you tried something as obvious as perhaps sudo mount -t reiser4 /dev/<whatever reiser4progs formatted drive> /mountpoint          ?05:29
Yowshibob yeah but i lost my third hard drive so thats not an option present to me :(05:29
bdbdbdfrom recovery mode, ubuntu cannot access network -- how to init the network, inetd?05:30
bobertdosYowshi: I don't see the connection there......05:30
bobertdosYowshi: Are you talking about in terms of backups? Not being able to back things up, you mean?05:31
Daft_Punkcan i hack ubuntu05:31
bdbdbdR_YoYo_R http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86620505:31
Yowshibobertdos: someone once told me a command a ggrep combo  of some sort i used tohave to use it all the time before i got aclimated to linux would find what was using a specified driver or something05:31
alex2623 cm cock  add me girlss  buyukaskbu at  h o t m a  i l . c o m05:31
acee12345xv driver not functioning on 8.04 mplayer get "mplayer error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device" other programs require that the xv driver work any ideas?05:31
Daft_Punk!wtf alex2605:31
Daft_Punk!wtf | alex2605:32
Gamma-Xhahaha wtf05:32
Yowshibobertdos: well the easiest way for me to doa fresh install is to install to a third hard drive and since my home folder is on a seperate drive i can just relink everything up05:32
Daft_Punkwhere is ubottu?05:32
amdpoxubottu's connection was reset by peer05:32
amdpoxlet's go kill peer05:32
Yowshibobertdos: shuffle everything around until the current 1st ard drive is empty enough to just wipe clean05:32
Gamma-XDaft_Punk, wheres ur big pyramid made of lights05:32
Daft_Punkand alex26 for being a douche05:32
Daft_PunkGamma-X, it is back at the alive concert05:33
bobertdosYowshi: a true, I see the logic there05:33
bdbdbdfrom recovery mode, ubuntu cannot access network -- how to init the network, inetd?05:33
bdbdbdfrom recovery mode, ubuntu cannot access network -- how to init the network?05:33
Yowshibobertdos: i got 2 250 gigs almost full to the brim i cant back everything on them up onto dvd's just like that ya know05:33
Gamma-XDaft_Punk,  true!05:33
Daft_PunkGamma-X, i like digital love and around the world05:34
untermenschso why can gparted not read my xp parition?05:34
geniiHmm. Someone should restart ubottu05:34
bobertdosYowshi: Oh yeah, I get it.05:34
Gamma-XDaft_Punk,  im a fan of armin van buuren sorry...05:34
sleepsterdoes anyone know how I could get sqlite with fts3 compiled in it via apt?05:34
bobertdosubottu has had a lot of problems the past couple days05:34
Daft_PunkGamma-X, why did you start convo about it then :(05:35
Gamma-XDaft_Punk,  ur name made me laugh. lol05:35
prathibhaHow to sign a Release file05:35
Gamma-Xin a good way05:35
Daft_PunkGamma-X, yeah well ur name makes me cry05:35
Wrinkliezdaft punk rocks05:35
bdbdbdhow to boot with gnome?05:35
prathibhaHow to create signature for Release file?05:35
untermenschWhy can gparted not read my xp partition?05:35
Daft_PunkWrinkliez, damn straight they rock05:35
bobertdosuntermensch: Does the rest of the OS recognize your XP partition?05:35
geniibobertdos: Damn supybot engine05:35
bdbdbduntermensch: i'm not sure it reads mine05:35
bdbdbduntermensh: using live cd?05:36
untermenschbobertdos: what do you mean?05:36
untermenschbdbdbd: no.. i have ubuntu currently installed.05:36
untermenschbdbdbd: going for triple boot05:36
bdbdbdGet GParted Live CD to create triple boot05:36
bobertdosuntermensch:  Is your XP partition mounted properly in Ubuntu?05:36
bdbdbdGet VistaBootPro v3 as well05:36
bobertdosuntermensch: Are you in a Live Session?05:36
untermenschbobertdos: no.05:37
untermenschbobertdos: i couldn't get it to mount05:37
prathibhahi to all/How to create signature for Release file?05:37
untermenschbobertdos: should i try a live cd?05:37
EldaWow :>  Did anyone caatch the ip address of alex26?  That is if he came in here anyways as I did not notice the lewd message he left me in pm until now05:37
bobertdosuntermensch: then that's why gparted won't read it either. Did you exit XP properly the last time you were in?05:37
Yowshibobertdos: anyway your command worked. i found the offending programme but if i could remember the frigging grep combo it would make the task much easier05:37
untermenschbobertdos: come to think of it.. not really05:37
untermenschbobertdos: i'll try that.. then come back if i need more help05:38
prathibhahi to all.How to create Release.gpg file for Release file?05:38
TopBunny88How does onre open the cd drive/05:38
geniiElda: [00:28] --> alex26 has joined this channel (n=alex26@
untermenschbobertdos: thank you05:38
bobertdosYowshi: Well, if you can remember the name of the process, then you can use killall to kill it much faster.05:39
amdpoxTopBunny88, eject /dev/sr0 should do it05:39
EldaHmmm, would it be worth the effort or possible to report him to some individual?05:41
Yowshibobertdos: yeah but i thought the process had already been ended. plus some of these programmes use obscure shortforms of the programmes name. and in the case of when my cdrom drivers jam up after burning the programme isnt running anymore just some process t started that didnt quit05:41
prathibhahi to all.How to create Release.gpg file for Release file?05:41
brolly81gamma-x: i have gparted up and under the partition is says   /dev/sda4  should that read /dev/hda4?05:41
sleepsterdoes anyone know how I could get sqlite with fts3 compiled in it via apt?05:41
bdbdbdnot necessarily05:41
bdbdbdsda = fat/ntfs or something else05:41
sleepsterI have a package and I would like to compile it with different options.. is there a way to do that?05:41
hotmonkeyluvIf I have 3GB ram, do I need a swap space?05:41
Gamma-Xbrolly81, google what sda stands for.05:42
geniiElda: Since they left probably not. But in future you can report to #ubuntu-ops05:42
bdbdbdhotmonkeyluv yes05:42
amdpoxsda means it's a sata drive I believe05:42
hotmonkeyluvbdbdbd:  ok, thanks05:42
Bogus8genii: Sorry, stepped out for a second... yes I've tried that... it doesn't know that file type05:42
Eldagenii kk thanks ;)05:42
Eldaerr ;)05:42
Eldabah... I meant to use the smiley :)05:42
geniiamdpox: sda means it's either a scsi drive or using a scsi compatability layer, whatever kind of drive it is otherwise05:43
amdpoxgenii, ah ok05:43
amdpoxit seems most new distros call everything sda05:43
amdpoxI know arch called my old P-ATA drive sda05:44
Bogus8amdpox: yeah, I have a regular pata ide drive that shows up as an sd*05:44
Gamma-Xbrolly81,  as i was once told. u cant be spoon fed everything. otherwhyse u will never learn.05:44
geniiBogus8: There seems something interesting on the whole subject here http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=11926&sid=8854c4b61836037d8c87cf210fef101805:45
* genii makes a note to install tinyurl addon05:45
zigzagstheres a tinyurl addon?? 0.o05:46
CITguy08Anybody willing to help get an MP3 Player to mount?05:46
amdpoxCITguy08, sure05:47
amdpoxwhat's the filesystem?05:47
hotmonkeyluvIs there a max size for a swap partition bdbdbd?05:47
hotmonkeyluvor a min size?05:47
Bogus8genii: yeah, I was hoping to keep my ubuntu kernel.. maybe just patch it... don't really care to start with a generic kernel :(05:47
geniizigzags: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/12605:48
CITguy08Supposedly it's a FAT32, but I've tried to mount with the "-t vfat" option and it says it's the wrong filesystem or there's a bad superblock.05:48
bdbdbdok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential', apt-get gettext, apt-get libsdl1.2-dev, and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again; hardy heron 8.04, gnome, intel core 2 duo05:48
zigzagsoh, firefox stuff.  :/ I use oepra05:48
brolly81gamma-x, yeah your right.  I looked it up and came back with lots of people having that issue and they're remarks are "i dont know why it does that"05:48
geniizigzags: In that case http://widgets.opera.com/widget/4080/05:49
CITguy08I've had the MP3 player working before, but it recently decided not to mount. It's a Creative Zen Stone 2GB.05:49
amdpoxCITguy08, could be filesystem damage05:49
CITguy08See that's the thing. I've also reformatted using fdisk, and no luck.05:50
=== RulingFool is now known as Asymmetry
CITguy08The error I'm getting in syslog is "FAT: bogus number of reserved sectors"05:52
bdbdbdhotmonkeyluv: size dependent on CPU, architecture05:53
bdbdbdusually up to 2TB05:53
Bogus8I can't believe with all the people using ubuntu no one has patched the kernel for reiser4 support... insane!05:54
bdbdbdok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential', apt-get gettext, apt-get libsdl1.2-dev, and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again; hardy heron 8.04, gnome, intel core 2 duo -- the complaints on vbulletin talk about a fix, but there is no network support for me in recovery mode, what gives??05:54
Jordan_UBogus8: Why do you assume nobody has?05:55
Bogus8Jordan_U: I've searched high and low and can't find it... asked in here for several days and even less responses (today was the first day I got a response)05:55
Bogus8Jordan_U: oddly enough there is a reference to a package that WOULD support it but that package doesn't exist05:56
bdbdbdGOODNESS GRACIOUS ok i installed ubuntu, i added package 'build-essential', apt-get gettext, apt-get libsdl1.2-dev, and now when i reboot the login screen flashes and the sound plays over and over again; hardy heron 8.04, gnome, intel core 2 duo -- the complaints on vbulletin talk about a fix, but there is no network support for me in recovery mode, what gives??05:56
SebNaitsabescan anyone help me edit a xconfig?05:57
Jordan_U!anyone | SebNaitsabes05:57
SebNaitsabesblah de blah yes just ask the question I know05:57
SebNaitsabesbasically when the nivida-glx driver is installed from the repo,  this guys  screen just goes black it does make the logging into Ubuntu sound though.05:58
ljsoftnethey guys05:58
hotmonkeyluvSebNaitsabes:  what's the card?05:59
bdbdbdhow can i get rid of gnome and install KDE05:59
SebNaitsabesand by the looks of the xconfig  that he has after he did a x recovery from Grub.  it has all the screen stuff missing, which  he had in the backup of a previous xconfig.  so I am thinking  I got to put that in the current xconfig.  and then run that other command for the changes.  and then  get him to re boot and hopefully it works05:59
Jordan_UBogus8: Do you know how to compile your own kernel?05:59
Bogus8Jordan_U: I've done it in the past... but I really don't want to get away from the ubuntu kernel05:59
SebNaitsabeshotmonkeyluv: yeah i'll get you that and show you the two config files on pastebin hang on06:00
bdbdbdok, so i did an apt-get install kde06:00
bdbdbdnow how do i set that as the default gui06:00
hotmonkeyluvbdbdbd:  log out and back in, select kde06:00
bdbdbdhow do i stop ubuntu from doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86620506:01
Jordan_UBogus8: I doubt that you will find an official Ubuntu kernel with reiser 4 support, and if you don't have a separate /boot it can't be a module.06:01
geniibdbdbd: You might want to consider package kubuntu-desktop instead of just the kde package, btw06:01
bdbdbdgenii: how do i stop ubuntu from doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86620506:01
Bogus8Jordan_U: I don't plan on using it for my root... it will be a mounted storage partition (raid 5)06:01
Commie_CaryBogus8: how did you afford the raid device06:02
bdbdbdhow do i activate the network in recovery mode?06:02
Bogus8Commie_Cary: I'm doing a software raid06:02
xim_anyone know what would cause nautilus to crash in a particular directory full of videos on an NTFS files system when viewing in icon mode?06:02
Bogus8Commie_Cary: though if I were to use hardware I would afford it by using the money I make by working :p06:02
geniibdbdbd: You might try    sudo dpkg-reconfigure gmd06:02
timboyI have set up my nvidia to use twinview and it treats both of my monitors as one big monitor so when i maximize my window it puts it over both screens how do I fix this?06:03
amdpoxtimboy, that'd be windowmanager-specific, I think06:04
bdbdbdcan i have both kde and kubuntu-desktop at the same time06:04
geniibdbdbd: kde is the window manager kubuntu uses for it's desktop06:04
amdpoxkde's a desktop environment, not a wm06:04
timboyamdpox, so that's compiz specific? how do I set that?06:05
geniiamdpox: Apologies then06:05
amdpoxtimboy, yes06:05
bdbdbdgeniibdbdbd: You might want to consider package kubuntu-desktop instead of just the kde package, btw06:05
geniiamdpox: kdm would be the wm06:05
amdpoxit'll be in compizconfig settings somewhere06:05
fluxshelli have a relatively long string i need to paste into terminal but for some reason right click isn't working, isn't there another way i thought i heard someone talking about here one day?06:05
amdpoxgenii, kdm is the login screen thing06:05
fluxshelli just want to copy and paste to uninstall google earth06:05
amdpoxkwin ins the window manager06:05
amdpoxfluxshell, ctrl+shift+v i think06:05
bdbdbdhow do i activate the network in recovery mode?06:06
Bogus8Jordan_U: how would I do it in a module... given I don't need /boot or / to live on the reiser4 system?06:06
fluxshellamdpox: nope, din't work06:06
sleepsterhow can I upgrade to use intrepid?06:07
amdpoxsleepster, I believe you just have to change /etc/resolv.conf and do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade06:08
amdpoxnot resolv.conf06:08
amdpox/etc/apt/sources.list i mean, where iss my head06:08
timboyamdpox, no I switched to metacity and still the same ting06:08
sleepsterthanks amdpox .. do you know what i have to change it too/06:08
amdpoxchange every occurance of hardy to intrepid i guess06:09
sleepsterokie thanks06:09
sleepsteramdpox: may you live to be 10006:09
Blaenkhey anyone here know how to use screen? I figured out how to name an existing session, C-a A, but I want to know how to connect to it using its name06:09
BlaenkI used to use screen -ls to get the number then screen -r <number> but I want to do it using the name now06:09
lwizardlanyone here able to help me with PHP?06:09
Blaenklwizardl: try #php ?06:10
sinanI need to draw a block diagram, anyone can recommend a good application?06:10
lwizardlBlaenk, yes I did, no answer06:10
bdbdbdwhich 3d graphics card is the most compatible with ubuntu06:10
Blaenklwizardl: :(06:10
Blaenkbdbdbd: possibly any modern nvidia06:10
SebNaitsabeshotmonkeyluv:  http://www.pastebin.ca/121031406:10
Blaenkbut amd has been focusing on ati linux drivers more and more so I believe some of the new ati's are also really compatible06:10
arquebushow to I make VLC my default media player?06:11
bdbdbdlike an 8400GS?06:11
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs06:11
bdbdbdblaenk not with the bundled flgfx06:12
sleepsteramarok is awesome06:12
lwizardlarquebus, you select each video type (avi, mpg, ogm, etc) and right click the file then change the default on each06:12
Blaenkbdbdbd: as far as I know you must get the drivers yourself06:12
TopBunny88amarok kicks lams ass06:12
Blaenk!ati | bdbdbd06:12
ubottubdbdbd: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:12
bdbdbdthis does not work06:13
arquebuslwizardl: thanks much06:13
lwizardlarquebus, np06:13
bdbdbdwith HD2600XT06:13
timboyI have set up my nvidia to use twinview and it treats both of my monitors as one big monitor so when i maximize my window it puts it over both screens how do I fix this?06:13
DeanWhat's the deal with Ubuntu's slow wireless connectivity?06:13
sleepsterDean: i am sure it is not ubuntu06:13
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sleepsterDean: most problems are 99% user error06:14
DeanI've read lots that ppl are having issues06:14
TopBunny88If only a could get amarock to play som A7X06:14
DeanI've got the Dlink DIR-655 router06:14
geniiDean: If using ndiswrapper most likely06:14
Deanwhat should be used ?06:14
Gnea!language | TopBunny8806:14
ubottuTopBunny88: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:14
SebNaitsabescan anyone help with xconfig.conf?  http://www.pastebin.ca/121031406:15
bdbdbdblaenk is this a good deal: http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=nvidia+geforce&cid=6673252643557146889#ps-sellers06:15
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Deannm-applet 0.6.6 is what I use for my wireless connection06:15
Deanis there something else that I should be using?06:15
TopBunny88Dean:  Get your self a netgear WNR854T06:15
GneaDean: what speeds are you reporting?06:15
Blaenkbdbdbd: sorry I'm busy :06:15
geniiDean: Use native linux drivers where possible and ndiswrapper only when there is no other alternative06:15
Deanmy connection status states that I'm connected at 5mb06:15
GneaTopBunny88: please, be constructive or find something else to do.06:15
IamSOGSuddently I am wondering... what's good to create more than one Primary Partition ?06:16
GneaDean: what wireless card(s) are you using?06:16
TopBunny88Gnea: I am stating my honest opinoin06:16
DeanGnea:  One sec.  I'll check06:16
zigzagsis there a way to sort a folder full of music by album or artist?06:16
GneaTopBunny88: we deal with facts here.06:16
haventfoundmeAnyone have 8.04 installed on an MSI Wind U10006:17
SebNaitsabesalexbobp: seems the file needs editing06:17
TopBunny88Gnea: The fact is that Netgear make a much better product than Dlingk or Belkin06:17
zigzagsi went to preferences, and I cant add column types other than boring stuff like date accessed, owner, etc06:17
DeanGnea:  I've got a Broadcom wireless card06:17
DeanI'm on a Dell Inspiron 640006:18
hotmonkeyluvSebNaitsabes:  I had almost that exact same card, could not get it working, sorry.06:18
GneaTopBunny88: which is your opinion, and if you really feel that your opinion outweighs the facts, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic and discuss there.06:18
TopBunny88Dell is a great company (nothing against a dell user06:18
DeanIt says I'm using the Broadcom B43 wireless driver06:18
haventfoundmeHow about an Asus EEE PC 900 16GB06:18
Gnea!offtopic | TopBunny8806:18
ubottuTopBunny88: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!06:18
jigpbobertos : http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tip-how-to-openview-docx-files-in-openoffice.html is not working.i cannot get the .deb06:19
hotmonkeyluvif you have a raid 0, do all the disks have to be the exact same size, brand, and model?06:19
brolly81Im trying to mount or use my internal hard disk partiion to save files to but i get this message when i put in this code                              anthony@anthony-desktop:~$ sudo chmod -R 755 /storage06:19
brolly81sudo: must be setuid root06:19
GneaDean: which driver are you using?06:20
DeanIt says I'm using the Broadcom B43 wireless driver06:20
brolly81my partition is not /root but /usr06:20
Bogus8Jordan_U: you still around?06:20
GneaDean: where does it say that? (and please, let's keep the chatter here, someone else might be able to help)06:20
digitalfizhow do i keep icons for drives and cdroms from showing up on the desktop?06:21
Jordan_UBogus8: Yes06:21
Deangood idea06:21
brolly81how can i change it to /root06:21
Bogus8Jordan_U: did you get my question about how to make it work as a module?06:21
DeanI went to the Hardware Drivers under System, and Admin06:21
Jordan_UBogus8: I don't know.06:21
TopBunny88When i launch Rythmbox It dies06:21
Deanshould I look elsewhere?06:21
TopBunny88Dean: www.netgear.com06:22
DeanTB88:  I'm not on netgear06:22
^paradox^need some help with pidgin06:23
GneaDean: yeah:  sudo apt-get install pastebinit && lsmod | pastebinit06:23
GneaTopBunny88: stop.06:23
acee12345how do i get X server using xv on ubuntu 8.04 with ati x1400?06:23
GneaDean: just /ignore TopBunny8806:23
Deanok.  what's that installing?06:23
GneaDean: it's a commandline application to paste output directly to pastebin.com - the lsmod | pastebinit  pastebins the output of the lsmod command, which shows what modules are loaded06:24
GneaDean: this way we can see what module it's really using so we can fix the problem :)06:24
Deanok.  cool.  It's reading the database now.....06:24
Deanshould I paste the result?06:25
CITguy08Thanks for the help. I'm fairly certain the MP3 player is dead.06:25
Gneaat the end it should provide a URL. when it does, just paste it here :)06:25
^paradox^nevermind all thanks anyways06:25
DeanGnea:  It's done.06:25
jigphello guys.can you try to wget this if its working to your box?it says No such directory `pub/www.getdeb.net/od'. ...this is the site...  wget ftp://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/www.getdeb.net/od/odf-converter_1.0.0-2~getdeb1_i386.deb06:25
softnetchales alguien habla español06:26
amdpox!es | softnet06:26
ubottusoftnet: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:26
zigzagsanyone know how to sort a folder by album06:26
softnetdisculpa soy nuevo en ubuntu06:27
GneaDean: there should be something like this:  http://pastebin.ca/ddf73jf06:27
geniijigp: http://ftp-mirror.internap.com/pub/www.getdeb.net/            shows no directory underneath named od06:27
GneaDean: what is it? :)06:27
DeanGnea:  http://pastebin.com/f31c1a64806:27
jigpthanks genii06:29
jigpI downloaded a openoffice 2.4.1 and its OOo_2.4.1_LinuxIntel_install_wJRE_en-US.tar.gz ...i did extract it but I couldn't fine the .exe installer of openoffice...how to install the tar.gz?06:30
ruthhello to all you guys06:30
amdpoxjigp, that's not the way installs are normally done on ubuntu06:30
arthurQuestion i use my built in modem to connect to the internet using wvdial, sometimes the modem stops responding is there a way to get the modem responsive with out having to reboot?06:31
Eldajigp... you could probably run it as a program once you extract it, but I'd recommend installing it using the package manager :>06:31
amdpoxif you go system -> synaptic package manager and search, you can install any program you like in a couple of clicks06:31
Mr_Fixithmm.. i have a file in /var/local/ that keeps changing permissions on me.. is there something or some reason why?06:31
DeanGnea:  Any luck yet?06:32
GneaDean: hrm.... can you pastebin the output of these commands, please?  ip l   and  iwconfig06:32
GneaDean: or is the wireless currently shut off?06:32
DeanGnea:  The wireless is on06:33
arthurQuestion i use my built in modem to connect to the internet using wvdial, sometimes the modem stops responding is there a way to get the modem responsive with out having to reboot?06:33
Deanthat's what I am using now06:33
anathematicwhat does you guys recommend for ftp server on ubuntu server?06:33
jigpElda : using Open with Archive Manager?06:33
Gneaanathematic: proftpd06:33
Mr_Fixitanathematic, gproftp06:33
anathematicthanks I'll download it now06:34
GneaDean: i don't see a module loaded for it..06:34
Deanthat's strange06:34
Deanwhat command would I use to paste the iwconfig?06:34
Gneaiwconfig | pastebinit06:34
Deanthere you go06:35
mike-solidushey, does the latest kernel in ubuntu support the intel ICH10 sata controller card?06:36
Gneaah - b43.ko06:36
DeanI don't know why it defaults the MB/s to 1mb06:36
TANTE_VEENO. TELP: 08564367294306:36
TANTE_VEEEMAIL: kita_indy@yahoo.com06:36
FloodBot1TANTE_VEE: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:36
GneaDean: the driver is a default one, it's functionality is extremely limited06:38
GneaDean: it's kind of like using the nv driver instead of the nvidia driver for graphics06:38
DeanGnea:  Ok....06:38
DeanGnea:  What's the next step?06:38
|joshua|can anyone help me?06:39
arthurQuestion i use my built in modem to connect to the internet using wvdial, sometimes the modem stops responding is there a way to get the modem responsive with out having to reboot?06:40
|joshua|how do i access my laptop files06:40
|joshua|that are on vista06:40
bdbdbdwhy can't you access them06:40
bdbdbdin Ubuntu?06:40
|joshua|from my ubuntu desktop?06:40
bdbdbdset up an FTP server on your laptop06:40
|joshua|i can access my ubuntu from my vista06:40
|joshua|with samba06:40
GneaDean: need to find out the PCI ID - lspci -n | grep '14e4:43'   you can safely paste that output here :)06:40
|joshua|in vista?06:40
bdbdbdUServ32 or something06:40
bdbdbdyeah sure find one06:40
anathematichow do I change a users password?06:41
|joshua|isnt there any easier way?06:41
bdbdbdto name a few06:41
Gnea|joshua|: are you dual-booting?06:41
|joshua|i have all the folders shared on my vista06:41
bdbdbdgnea: no he wants lap->desk desk->lap06:41
DeanGnea:  Ok.  How?06:41
bdbdbduse FTP joshua06:41
GneaDean: lspci -n | grep '14e4:43'06:41
|joshua|vista laptop06:41
bdbdbdor SCP or SFTP06:41
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|joshua|on vista?06:41
Dean0b:00.0 0280: 14e4:4311 (rev 01)06:42
Gnea|joshua|: oh ok - you have to install and setup samba on ubuntu-desktop06:42
iFvwmwho can excute like "xterm -e /usr/bin/mocp"?06:42
Gnea!samba | |joshua|06:42
ubottu|joshua|: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209806:42
Jordan_UGnea: Be careful saying that people can safely paste here, all it takes is one typo and he might paste 80 lines of help message06:42
Gnea|joshua|: i highly recommend using swat, too06:42
GneaJordan_U: as you can see, nothing bad happened :)06:42
|joshua|im confused06:43
Jordan_UGnea: This time :)06:43
|joshua|i can already acess my ubuntu files from my vista06:43
iFvwmstrange change on xterm?06:43
Gnea|joshua|: then you need to ask the REAL question.06:44
GneaDean: okay, just so we're on the same page here... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step 2: Download and Extract Drivers06:44
|joshua|i have all my folders on vista set to shared06:44
DeanGnea:  Alright06:44
|joshua|how do access them from ubuntu?06:44
GneaDean: you'll see there's an entry there for  14e4:4311 (rev 01)06:44
DeanGnea:  Ok06:44
jigphello how to install .tar.gz openoffice installer?06:45
Jordan_Ujigp: What's wrong with the version in the repositories?06:45
Gnea|joshua|: you need to change the share properties of the folder(s) you want ubuntu to see in vista, then go Places->Network->Windows Network->whatever in ubundu-desktop06:45
amdpoxjigp, it's probably a source tarball, which is not what you want06:45
VioletbassAuthentifizierung fehlgeschlagen Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen06:45
amdpoxsystem->synaptic package manager - > install through there06:46
Jordan_U!de | Violetbass06:46
ubottuVioletbass: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de06:46
penanyone here know how to get the desktop trash bin back if it is offscreen ?06:46
anathematichow do I change another users password in ubuntu server?06:46
penalso, anyone know any good newsgroup reader?06:46
amdpoxanathematic, passwd username06:46
anathematicthanks amdpox06:46
jim_panathematic: if you have the rights to, sudo passwd username06:46
Violetbassthis happens when I try to unlock some in system/manage.../06:47
Violetbassany help?06:47
GneaDean: so this is what you want to do next: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step 2b: sp33008 Driver Download/Extraction06:47
jedimindtrickwhat does the xinerama setting do w/ nvidia-settings ?06:47
anathematicfinal one, how about disabling ssh access for that user?06:47
iFvwmwho can excute like this, "xterm -e /usr/bin/vim xxxxfile"? no one use xterm here?06:47
jim_pVioletbass: what does Authentifizierung fehlgeschlagen mean?06:47
Gnea|joshua|: move your mouse around. do it.06:47
DeanGnea:  2b eh.  Ok06:47
jim_piFvwm: gnome-termnam -e ....06:47
GneaDean: that's what they're recommending.06:48
jim_piFvwm: gnome-terminal -e ....06:48
DeanI used wget ftp://ftp.hp.com/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33008.exe06:48
Violetbassit says authentication error. An unexpected Error occured.06:48
iFvwmi just want use xterm . jim_p06:48
GneaDean: if one way doesn't work, we'll just try another until it works right :)06:48
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DeanI'll working right now.06:48
iFvwmall other terminal can -x or -e, but xterm now. jim_p06:48
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jim_pVioletbass: then the password you provide is wrong06:48
GneaDean: you should also blacklist the b4306:49
Violetbassjim_p, no06:49
DeanGnea:  Alright.  How do I do that?06:49
jedimindtrickwhat does the xinerama setting do w/ nvidia-settings ?06:49
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GneaDean: just like here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff#Step 1: All BCM43xx - Install NDISWrapper and Blacklist Native Driver        but instead of bcm43xx, it'll be b4306:50
jim_piFvwm: its either gnome-terminal -e or -x06:50
Violetbassjim_p, it ocurres if I dont typ anyway!06:50
iFvwmjedimindtrick: want a CLI instead of nvidia-settings?06:50
iFvwmjim_p: i know this. :D06:51
GneaDean: or http://tinyurl.com/25s9wv if it doesn't look right :)06:51
Rat409iFvwm: must be  permissions or bad path/filename mine works fine,i.e. started bx06:51
DeanGnea:  Ok.  Let's see06:51
jim_pVioletbass: what do you want to open/unlock?06:51
jedimindtrickiFvwm: what you mean ?06:51
jedimindtrickim just wondering what the xinerama thing does ?06:51
Violetbassjim_p, deamons and others06:52
iFvwmRat409: i dont think so. not path problem06:52
Gnea!xinerama | jedimindtrick06:52
ubottujedimindtrick: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead06:52
jigpJordan_YOU amdpox : im not sure where to install..i just want openoffice 2.4.1 ..but I get here tar.gz which I don't know how to install06:52
Rat409jedimindtrick: dual-displays/monitors iirc06:52
amdpoxjigp, the tar.gz is not the best way to install it06:52
spiritssightI am having trouble saving to my thrumb drive06:52
Gneajedimindtrick: it basically takes your desktop, stretches it, and displays it on 2 or more monitors at once06:52
Violetbassanyone ever heard of my error?06:52
adeleHi could somebody please help me with sound configuration on Ubuntu?06:52
DeanGnea:  Should I enter in the remaining two lines after the 1st one is entered?06:52
Rat409iFvwm: xterm -e mc works also06:53
GneaDean: yes.06:53
jedimindtrickGnea: do you have to have the same resolution on each monitor in that case ?06:53
jedimindtrickid imagine so06:53
iFvwmRat409: ooo, if you can give me your "echo $TERM" result?06:53
adeleIt seems that hardware is installed but when I play nothing can be heared06:53
DeanGnea:  working........06:53
DeanGnea:  Done06:54
Gneajedimindtrick: yes - 1024x768 and 1024x768, for instance, would give you a desktop resolution of 2048x76806:54
spiritssightI get a error when I try to save documents that I have edited thats on my flash drive, any help would be great06:54
Rat409iFvwm: xterm06:54
afallenhopesooo my flash player doesnt work after updating firefox.. how do I get it back/06:54
GneaDean: did you download the .exe?06:55
DeanGnea:  I think so.  not 100% certain06:55
iFvwmRat409: so strange now. thanks06:55
afallenhopeanyone gonna provide some support? or....06:55
iFvwmit same to me06:55
GneaDean: wget ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp33001-33500/sp33008.exe06:55
[Solars]which ubuntu would you fetch (processor wise) for a intel dualdou 3.12Ghz standard or the "64bit amd and intel"06:56
pendo anyone here know any newsgroup client other than thunderbird or other client06:56
Gnea[Solars]: 64bit06:56
jim_pVioletbass: the System > Administrator > Services?06:56
Rat409pen: pan06:56
Violetbassjim_p, yes06:56
penRat409, it's for school, and it's not connecting06:56
penRat409, I tried pan06:56
penRat409, don't know why it doesn't work06:57
spiritssightHelp needed please I can not save to my thrub drive / flash drive06:57
DeanGnea:  It's finished06:57
Rat409pen: xnews maybe?06:57
jim_pVioletbass: i am searching to find what command is that at the terminal06:57
[Solars]gnea erm then the image i got is broke.... loads up the splash screen but if i select to try without install, check memory, or check to see if disc is okay it locks up06:57
penRat409, xnews?06:57
[Solars]dunno if it just me or what06:57
GneaDean: make sure the sp33008.exe is in your ~/bcm43xx/ dir and then do the cabextract on it06:58
penRat409, is that for linux?06:58
Gnea[Solars]: press F6 and eliminate the 'quiet splash' at the end of the bootline so you can see the error message when it locks up06:58
Violetbassjim_p, there is one running "SystemToolsBack"06:58
DeanGnea:  It is there.  Do I just enter cabextract?06:58
Rat409pen: sorry no try here  http://www.newsreaders.com/unix/clients.html06:58
afallenhopeanyone know why I can't have flash?06:59
GneaDean: just like on the website06:59
[Solars]gnea kk will do06:59
DeanGnea:  Ok06:59
* [Solars] restarts his other pc now06:59
penRat409, cool07:00
DeanGnea:  All done07:00
afallenhopeanyone.....know as to why flash is not working... after .....the firefox update (v3.0.207:00
[Solars]Gnea forogtten to mention a window does pop up "kernel loading" and it stays at 3%07:01
mhz128hi all07:01
[Solars]and i did eliminate that and does the same thing07:01
mhz128How can I prevent nm-applet from loading during bootup?07:01
mhz128I would like to use a static IP to allow for port forwarding07:01
hotmonkeyluvdoes anyone know the way to untar a .tar.gz file with the command line?07:01
HyperDwould someone be able to tell me why linux doesn't do fonts right even while I have my graphics drivers installed?07:01
GneaDean: okay, go ahead and turn the wireless interface off physically.  then, verify that it's off with iwconfig07:01
hotmonkeyluvHyperD:  try installing msttfcore-fonts07:01
arquebusis adobe acrobat pdf reader in the ubuntu repos?07:02
HyperDtar -zxvf07:02
DeanGnea:  Ok.  Once that is done, I won't be in the chat.....07:02
afallenhopeanyone.....know as to why flash is not working... after .....the firefox update (v3.0.207:02
hf_linuxif UserToGroup(models.Model) has no primary key,how can i retrieve the data?07:02
GneaDean: eh... got some cat5?07:02
hf_linuxOperationalError: (1054, "Unknown column 'USER_TO_GROUP.id' in 'field list'")07:02
DeanGnea:  Yup07:03
DeanI can plug in07:03
GneaDean: let me know when you have that set07:03
Deanbe a min07:03
* [Solars] ponders how long is it suppose to take to load the kernel07:03
hotmonkeyluvthank you HyperD07:03
HyperDno prob :)07:03
Gnea[Solars]: shouldn't take very long... how much memory do you have?07:03
[Solars]gnea 4Gs07:03
Gnea[Solars]: nice.  did it scroll a whole bunch of text by and then just stop?07:04
[Solars]err 4GB07:04
[Solars]just stopped07:04
afallenhopethis room is so useless07:04
[Solars]at 3%07:04
[Solars]ohh now i get an error07:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf07:04
[Solars]"error reading boot cd"07:04
Gnea!patience | afallenhope07:05
ubottuafallenhope: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines07:05
jim_phow do i ask the bot to find me in which package is alsaconf included?07:05
Gneaafallenhope: i've upgraded to 3.0.2 on 3 different systems today, flash worked fine. maybe you need to check about:plugins07:05
[Solars]do i need to burn another image?07:05
legend2440!info alsaconf07:05
ubottuPackage alsaconf does not exist in hardy07:05
Jordan_Ujim_p: apt-file search alsaconf07:05
afallenhopeGnea, it worked.... however.. then it simply stopped.07:06
Gnea[Solars]: probably07:06
Jordan_Ujim_p: No bot needed07:06
HyperDwhy does my password not work in terminal when I try to su?07:06
* [Solars] reboots his box back in winxp64pro07:06
Jordan_Ujim_p: If you really want to use the bot then "/msg ubottu find alsaconf"07:06
afallenhopeGnea,  what about shockwave?07:06
Gneaafallenhope: have you tried searching the bug reports to see if someone else has had this problem yet?07:06
Rat409!sudo | HyperD07:07
ubottuHyperD: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)07:07
afallenhopeGnea, yeah... and they said to uninstall / reinstall07:07
Gneaafallenhope: it's called "adobe shockwave flash"07:07
jim_pJordan_U:  apt-file: command not found07:07
afallenhopeGnea, didn't work. sooooooooo what I did was uninstalled firefox07:07
Gneaafallenhope: ah, which one did you reinstall? what's the name of the package?07:07
Rat409!root | HyperD07:07
ubottuHyperD: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo07:07
afallenhopeGnea, firefox307:07
arquebusafallenhope: did you reboot after upgrading to ff3? it wont work right till you reboot07:07
Jordan_Ujim_p: sudo apt-get install apt-file07:07
Gneaafallenhope: no, of the flash plugin07:07
afallenhopearquebus, that I did not do. thanks07:07
jim_pJordan_U: File alsaconf found in Use, of, uninitialized, value, in (and 32 others) (bots answer)07:08
afallenhopeGnea, flashplayer-nonfree07:08
Gneaarquebus: wut?07:08
Jordan_Ujim_p: Then it's not in any package07:08
arquebusGnea: you know, reboot07:08
Gneaafallenhope: no need to reboot, the only reason to ever reboot is if there's a new kernel or a hardware change07:08
Gneaarquebus: this isn't windows.07:08
jim_pJordan_U: then how do i have it and run it and someone else doesnt?07:08
penRat409, hey, is xrn good?07:09
Rat409pen: xpn is what i used last,closest unix app so far to forte's free agent in 'doze07:09
Jordan_Ujim_p: What version of Ubuntu are you using?07:09
Gneaarquebus: wrong. i upgraded 3 systems today and didn't reboot any of them. even the windows xp system that i upgraded it on didn't need a reboot.07:09
tophyrhi, please forgive if this is a newb q - i have libgps-2.36-2 installed, and i need libgps-2.37~rc1-1. how can i get this?07:09
|joshua|can someone show me how to connect to windows vista folders?07:09
tophyr|joshua|: google for "samba"07:09
IentzyHi- i have 1 question, is posible to configurate wine and all user from 1 machine to have same software and soft configuration in wine?i fiind 1 solution but i don`t have shortcut in accesory menu, that is the bigest problem :(....can any1 help me pls07:09
jim_pJordan_U: 8.04 from server command line only to full desktop07:09
Rat409pen: just unpack to a /home/folder,click the xpn.py07:09
Gneatophyr: no, he wants to browse vista *from* ubuntu07:09
penRat409, so no deb?07:10
arquebusGnea: I know youre right, but once in a while you have to reboot for certain apps, and I can tell you that ff was screwing up for me, till I noticed the reboot icon on teh toolbar07:10
penRat409, or repository?07:10
[Solars]gnea heh now i gotta wait for neuro to finish burning the cd and verify it... about 5 mins or so ... does ubuntu have a problem being installed on isch9 raids ?07:10
tophyrsmbclient can do that, can't it?07:10
penRat409, just py?07:10
Gneaand as I told him:  Places->Network->Windows Network07:10
Jordan_Ujim_p: You sure you aren't thinking of asoundconf?07:10
mhz128How can I setup a Static Wireless IP in Hardy, without using Network Manager?07:10
|joshua|that doesnt work07:10
Rat409pen: .py=python  http://xpn.altervista.org/index-en.html07:10
|joshua|i go there and there nothing there07:10
Gneaarquebus: that's because you installed a new kernel at the same time ;)07:10
Jordan_Umhz128: System -> Administration -> Networking07:10
arquebusGnea: ok07:10
|joshua|i dont see networking07:10
penRat409, I know py07:10
|joshua|do i have to install that?07:11
Gnea|joshua|: it's just above 'connect to server...'07:11
Rat409pen: think its exec by default07:11
mhz128Jordan_U: Yes, I've used that app to set it up.... however, how do I force it to connect? I've killed nm-applet.07:11
jedimindtrickhow do you stop ubuntu from displaying an icon on the desktop for mounted drives? or even modifying where they show up?07:11
penRat409, I found a deb for intrepid in packages.ubuntu.com07:12
Jordan_Umhz128: sudo ifup <interface>07:12
penRat409, for xpn07:12
Rat409pen:  thanks :)07:12
penRat409, it's better to have a deb07:12
zool|wrkwhat name russian channel?07:12
josok_Gnea:  I'm back07:12
Seveas!ru | zool|wrk07:12
ubottuzool|wrk: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:12
R-800_Hi, all.  I'm having the worst luck on earth.  WARNING: Unusual Question Follows: Is there any way to install GRUB loader without using an ISO burned to disk?  Please do not ask me why I need an alternative way to install it.  By the way, I have the Live CD, but have no knowledge of how it may help me do this.07:12
Rat409!ru | zool|wrk07:12
mhz128Jordan_U: ifup ath0 is already configured... still no connection07:12
Rat409whoops late07:12
Gneajosok_: okay, did turning the wireless switch off actually remove the wlan0 interface?07:12
mhz128Jordan_U: iwconfig says no access point07:13
Jahootyi'm having trouble getting my atheros wireless card working with ubuntu.  the proprietary drivers dialog says it's using the atheros drivers but i can't actually get a wifi connection07:13
Jordan_Umhz128: sudo ifdown ath0 && sudo ifup ath007:13
josok_Oop.  Name change.  heh07:13
SeveasR-800_, the live cd you have *is* on a disk?07:13
R-800_Seveas, correct.07:13
Seveasor is that the iso?07:13
SeveasR-800_, excellent, boot from that and come back :)07:13
penRat409, well07:13
=== Mr_Fixit is now known as Freakin_Busy
josok_Gnea:  Lets see07:13
penRat409, somehow it is not starting07:13
penRat409, strange07:14
josok_Gnea:  No07:14
R-800_Seveas, I can't get online when I boot from the Live CD because my network adapter drivers are not on the CD, so I can boot from it, but I won't be able to "come back."07:14
[Solars]Gnea kk that other box is about to rebooot, going to try and remove that boot parm and see what happens07:14
Jordan_UR-800_: You can install grub4DOS or boot from a USB stick07:14
Gneajosok_: okay, then try this:   sudo rmmod b4307:14
Rat409pen: try apt-get -f install or use gdebi07:14
SeveasR-800_, ok... then please wait a minute while I grab the docs for you07:14
IentzyHi- i have 1 question, is posible to configurate wine and all user from 1 machine to have same software and soft configuration in wine?i fiind 1 solution but i don`t have shortcut in accesory menu, that is the bigest problem :(....can any1 help me pls07:14
josok_Gnea:  done07:14
Gneajosok_: iwconfig?07:15
mhz128Jordan_U: Still not associated... i dont ge tit07:15
mhz128get it07:15
penRat409, I already did07:15
josok_no wireless extensions07:15
=== R-800_ is now known as R-800
penRat409, should I log out or do something?07:15
Rat409pen: strange07:15
josok_Gnea:  coo07:15
SeveasR-800, follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows07:15
Gneajosok_: now, just perform the ndiswrapper setup instructions07:15
Rat409pen i didn't ned too hmm07:15
penRat409, it says an instance of xpn is running07:16
penRat409, but I see no window07:16
josok_Gnea:  That would be step 3 I assume07:16
Jordan_UIentzy: You have tried copying / symlinking ~/.wine ?07:16
Rat409pen it may be a tray-icon  try killall xpn then try again or in your menu07:16
Yekyaahotmail isn't letting me in07:17
R-800Seveas, no offense to you at all, as I appreciate your help, but I've been through all that, and something is missing in my system (I suspect anyway) that prevents me from following those instructions.  Something is not found after I get the GRUB prompt in the terminal.  But you've got me wondering, what might I install on a USB stick, for booting that way?07:17
SiDiHi Hi07:17
Yekyaafirefox detected it as a "Redirect Loop" and gave up attempting the request after less than 5 seconds b/c it keeps redirecting back to an invalid page or something07:17
SiDiDoes anyone know why would Firefox load my old bookmarks at each reboot and not save the new ones ?07:17
[Solars]Gnea seems that a new cd burn is what it took07:17
penRat409, still07:17
penRat409, an instance is already running07:17
Gnea[Solars]: awesome07:17
[Solars]we'll see how far it goes till the next thing breaks lol07:17
Gneajosok_: yup07:17
IentzyJordan_U i make shortcut automatical for desktop, but i don`t know to insert them in menu accesorry automatical07:18
[Solars]right now its finding out I don't have a fd007:18
josok_Gnea:  Ok..... working07:18
SeveasR-800, you could put the live cd + syslinux on a usbstick so you can boot from it. But that will give the same results.07:18
SeveasR-800, some more info on what seems missing would be helpful, the complete output of grub would help07:18
Jordan_UR-800: It's really easy to make a fedora Live USB install ( it's officially supported even ), from there you can easily install grub ( you can also do the same with Ubuntu, it's just not officially supported )07:18
josok_Gnea:  Done07:19
R-800Severas, understood.  Same results or no, I still wonder how that would work, because booting from a USB stick sounds like something I'd have to enable in the BIOS, and I don't believe my system would have such a setting (assuming that is the way it's set up).07:19
Rat409pen: i used a tarball from homepage,it may be a lib's-version issue because of intrepid .deb07:19
SiDiIentzy, it's through Nautilus. You got an option to add "signets" (french word sry :P), and if u add any they'll pop up the shortcuts the taskbar too07:19
Gneajosok_: alright, now try:  sudo modprobe ndiswrapper07:20
[Solars]hopefully "install" doesn't overwrite what i have on my first set of RAID007:20
R-800Jordan_U: What would I have to download to do that?07:20
josok_Gnea:  k07:20
SiDiDoes anyone know why Firefox loads my old bookmarks at each reboot and refuses to save new ones ?07:20
penRat409, you mean the python lib?07:20
IentzySiDi: i must to make this automatical for all new user not for 107:20
Gneajosok_: anything in iwconfig now?07:20
Rat409pen: yes or another depends,sorry i'm using version 1.0.007:21
josok_Gnea:  No wireless extensions07:21
SiDiSorry Ientzy i don't know then :/07:21
Gneajosok_: dmesg | pastebinit07:21
Jordan_UR-800: I assume you are running windows?07:21
mhz128Jordan_U: iwlist shows 2 peers in range, how do I make the card connect to a specific MAC address?07:21
josok_Gnea:  http://pastebin.com/f1dd6d91207:21
R-800Jordan_U: Yes, but not for long, at this rate, because I'm really fed up with it.  : )07:21
penRat409, I'm confused07:21
SiDiR-800 did you look at your BIOS option?07:22
SiDiMotherboards without USB boot are pretty rare nowadays07:22
Jordan_Umhz128: I don't know off hand, try "man iwconfig"07:22
R-800SiDi: Not lately, but I'm pretty sure there's no such option.07:22
Ientzyalready have 1 solition (copy all software in to /etc/skel and now all user have same aplications and same configuration, but i don`t know how to maybe a script to insert shortcut for menu(accesory)07:22
Rat409pen:  i didn't use a deb pkg and my xpn version is 1.0.007:22
jedimindtrickhow do you stop ubuntu from displaying an icon on the desktop for mounted drives?07:22
SiDiIt's at the same place than those for booting on CD / HDD007:22
Jordan_UR-800: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/04/09/usb-ubuntu-804-installation-from-windows/07:22
SiDiUsually there is also USB0 option07:22
* SiDi is going at uni now, bye byez07:23
FuriousGeorgehey all07:23
R-800Jordan_U: Thanks.  Can I assume that this will allow me to install GRUB without reinstalling Ubuntu (meaning that it will leave my current Ubuntu installation in tact)?07:23
FuriousGeorgei have a usb->ps2 adapter that works with gentoo, but not with kubuntu 8.04.107:23
penRat409, let me log out and see07:24
josok_Gnea:  Wireless does not come up with manual attempt07:24
[Solars]so erm slight problem07:24
FuriousGeorgenot sure whats going on.  the box advertises linux compatibility, and i see the usbhid module is loaded07:24
Gneajosok_: okay - how about: ndiswrapper -l | pastebinit07:24
[Solars]ubuntu wants to install on one of the sata drives instead of the raid of drives07:24
josok_Gnea:  OK07:24
[Solars]if it does that it'll wreck things up07:24
josok_Er, 'Error no arguments specified07:25
mrkrisAny idea why when running Hardy 64bit the Hardware Virtualization flag isn't available in cpuflags, yet 32bit it exists?07:25
josok_I don't have anything for -l07:25
Jordan_U!grub | R-800 Once you are booted from the flash drive use the first link:07:25
ubottuR-800 Once you are booted from the flash drive use the first link:: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:25
NCommanderMrKennie, what sorta machine are you running?07:25
R-800Jordan_U: I just ask this to be clear, but do I need to be able to boot from a USB stick to do this procedure you link to?  Because I may not be able to do that (no BIOS option to boot from USB stick).  Since all I really want is to install GRUB, it seems to me that there should be something I can download that will do that more directly.07:26
NCommander(i.e., Sony or somebody elses)07:26
Gneajosok_: okay - you went through all of the steps of Step 3?07:26
mrkrisNCommander: MrKennie or myself?07:26
NCommanderoh, mrkris :-)07:26
josok_Gnea:  As it was laid out yes07:26
NCommanderautocomplete strikes again07:26
=== blinkiz is now known as blinkiz_home
Jordan_UR-800: https://gna.org/projects/grub4dos/ But I have never used it before07:27
mrkrisNCommander: honestly, not quite sure, it's a dedicated server. A Dell w/ 2160 1.8ghz dualcore07:27
R-800Jordan_U: Thank you.07:27
josok_Gnea:  As it was laid out yes07:27
Jordan_UR-800: np07:27
NCommandermrkris, some Sony's have VTx compoletely disabled. Usually though to make it work, you need to enable VTx in the kernel, then load the module and then pray07:27
spiritssightI need help with geting my files able to be saved to my flash drive, when trying to save or copy files to the drive it gives a error07:27
mrkrisNot a Sony :)07:27
Yekyaajust for lulz07:27
ivanpdhello everyone. need help getting back my graphical desktop. Lost it when I upgraded to Hardy.07:28
Yekyaathat's what happened when i tried to access hotmail just now07:28
ivanpdthe system works ok now, but console only.07:28
josok_Gnea:  Now my wireless doesn't even show up.  Hmmm07:28
=== weltall is now known as weltall2
Gneajosok_: it looks like we need to try the next option.07:29
josok_Gnea:  Right07:29
ivanpdany ideas where should I look?07:29
* [Solars] sighs i think i am going have to find a tool or a way to finagle my raid drives07:29
[Solars]to free up a disk07:29
josok_Gnea:  What's the plan then?! :)07:30
IentzyHi- i have 1 question, is posible to configurate wine and all user from 1 machine to have same software and soft configuration in wine?i fiind 1 solution but i don`t have shortcut in accesory menu, that is the bigest problem :(....can any1 help me pls (PRV me pls)07:30
penRat409, hey07:30
penRat409, I run it in commend lines and it says something about the bug07:31
[Solars]or fully expand the raid and just play ubuntu via virtually07:31
sysdocIs there a way to add to the menu when you rt clk a dir, the option to "open a terminal window".07:31
krish_i recently installed nvu07:31
R-800Jordan_U: I don't see any instructions for GRUB4dos.  Does it run in Windows, or do I have to boot to a command line?07:31
krish_but not able to find it on the menu07:31
linxuz3rsup man07:31
linxuz3rsup krish_07:31
Rat409pen: what's the error?07:31
=== weltall2 is now known as weltall
krish_can someone tell me how should i find where it is07:31
R-800Jordan_U: If you don't know, that's fine.07:32
penRat409, http://paste2.org/p/7848507:32
Rat409krish_: problu /usr/bin07:32
Jordan_UR-800: I have never used it before, I know that there is some way to do it because wubi installs from windows, I just don't know how07:32
linxuz3rtommorrow i start 3d programming07:32
R-800Jordan_U: I'll look into it.  Thanks.07:32
sysdockrish_: Apps>programming>NVU07:32
Jordan_UR-800: np07:33
krish_sup linuxuz3r07:33
penRat409, and it's 1.0.0 used in intrepid07:34
IentzyHi- i have 1 question, is posible to configurate wine and all user from 1 machine to have same software and soft configuration in wine?i fiind 1 solution but i don`t have shortcut in accesory menu, that is the bigest problem, what i must to change to make automatical shortcut for all new user, how logon to that workstation? :(....can any1 help me pls (PRV me pls)07:34
penRat409, but I don't know why it can't run07:34
Rat409pen: sorry no idea best to try another app i guess,probly faster too than debugging your current07:34
Rat409pen: or download it from the hompage,try it07:34
josok_Gnea:  You still here?07:35
Jordan_Upen: Try disabling compiz if you use it07:35
penJordan_U, compiz?07:35
mryanbrownhow do i add hardy source repo to my list?07:35
mryanbrowni added the cdrom etc full cliky mark thing in the source checkbox07:35
Jordan_Upen: I had a similar error once that went away when using metacity, it's just a stab in the dark though07:36
clarence_How fast do a 4.4Gigs file download need two hours?07:36
krish_how to unmount a cdrom in ubuntu server edition?07:36
mryanbrownbecause its .8MB/s07:37
Jordan_Ukrish_: eject07:37
krish_simply eject?07:37
Rat409krish_: sudo umount /dev/cdrom07:37
Jordan_Ukrish_: Yup07:37
R-800Jordan_U: According to the included readme file, GRUB4dos can boot any installed OS (good) but can only do so from a genuine (not emulated) DOS environment (bad).07:37
Jordan_UR-800: Let me check what wubi uses07:38
Gneajosok_: yes, try this one out and repeat step 3: wget ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp34001-34500/sp34152.exe07:38
R-800Jordan_U: Wait, I guess it does run in Windows.  My bad.07:38
Rat409R-800: get the grub live-cd  http://www.supergrubdisk.org/07:39
Rat409R-800: well one option at least07:39
R-800Rat409, I'd love to, but I have no burning software right now in Windows.  Know any good programs for that (ones that don't require .NET framework greater than version 1.1)?07:40
Rat409R-800: sorry vista lasted all of 5mins/1 login here07:40
R-800Rat409: I don't get it.  Who's running Vista?07:41
IentzyHi- i have 1 question, is posible to configurate wine and all user from 1 machine to have same software and soft configuration in wine?i fiind 1 solution but i don`t have shortcut in accesory menu, that is the bigest problem, what i must to change to make automatical shortcut for all new user, how logon to that workstation? :(....can any1 help me pls (PRV me pls)07:41
Rat409R-800: .net=windows,no?07:41
R-800Rat409: Yes, but not every version of Windows is Vista, so I wondered what you were trying to say.07:41
Rat409ohh sorry 02:41 here07:42
penJordan_U, same thing07:42
penJordan_U, don't know why07:42
R-800Jordan_U: Don't go to any trouble.  I think GRUB4dos does run in Windows after all, but it was misleading.07:42
afallenhopeis there a way of going back to the old firefox this one crashes WAY too much07:43
josok__Gnea:  I've put back up my old drivers.  Wireless is now working07:44
Jordan_UR-800: If you do get grub4DOS installed I am not sure if it will automatically update when new kernels come out, if it doesn't you should probably install the packaged grub once you're booted into Ubuntu07:44
R-800My God, I can't make heads or tails out of this readme file!07:44
Gneajosok__: at the slow speed?07:44
Rat409pen:  i need to crash also.sorry xpn works here in hardy or i wouldn't have suggessted it07:44
hateballR-800: man tail :|07:45
penRat409, are you using compiz?07:45
R-800Jordan_U: By "packaged grub" do you mean the one on the Live CD?07:45
penRat409, but even if I switch back to metacity07:45
josok__Gnea:  Though iwconfig tells me it's at a rate of 54 mb/s07:45
penRat409, it still give me that message07:45
krish_how can i view a software tht i just installed on ubuntu?07:45
Gneajosok__: has it ever done that before?07:45
penRat409, do you think I need to update my python?07:45
josok__network transfer speeds are slow though07:46
josok__1.8 mb/s07:46
Rat409pen: i did not use a .deb from ubuntu packages search,dwnlded it from programs project page07:46
Jordan_UR-800: The one in the repositories, which is also the one on the LiveCD ( just follow the instructions for restoring grub from the liveCD, it's the same exact procedure from an installed system, though obviously not done nearly as often :)07:46
R-800Jordan_U: Having trouble getting your meaning there.  Are you pointing me somewhere for instructions?07:47
Jordan_Ukrish_: What did you install?07:47
penRat409, same thing07:47
josok__Gnea:  My connection information tells me that my network speed is 2 MB07:47
penRat409, even if I run from the source07:47
Jordan_U!grub | R-80007:47
ubottuR-800: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto07:47
* R-800 sighs.07:47
penRat409, this is unacceptable, maybe my hardy is severly messed up D:07:47
R-800Thanks anyway.07:47
Rat409pen: i wouldn't try upgrading libs for 1 app which may not work .i hate to bail but bedtime.07:48
Jordan_UR-800: I meant that as something to do *after* getting Grub4DOS working, I know it doesn't help you at the moment :)07:48
krish_jordan i installed NVU07:48
penRat409, gn07:48
Rat409pen: i keep my install up to date tho daily07:48
R-800Jordan_U: I see.  Understood.07:48
penRat409, same here07:48
Rat409sorry for the hassle i can give you a screenie as proof if need be07:49
R-800Jordan_U: Sorry if I sounded exasperated, but that link has been thrown at me a lot lately (and not just by you, you understand).  : )07:49
zcat[1]grub floppies.. hmmm.. I've got four machines here and none have a floppy drive.. even the old ones07:49
R-800zcat[1]: I know what you mean.07:50
Gneajosok__: okay, well give the other .inf a try whenever you're up to it07:50
R-800zcat[1]: I'm not against the use of floppies at all, but good luck finding a machine that uses them these days.07:50
krish_how can i view a software tht i just installed on ubuntu?07:50
josok__Gnea:  Back to cat5?07:50
=== linux__ is now known as DareDevil
Gneajosok__: might as well07:51
Darksidercan someone help me with a gphpedit colour issue?07:52
DeanGnea:  Back07:52
Chousuke!zh | ubuntu07:52
ubottuubuntu: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:52
=== Jimm is now known as Jimm_
Jimm_How can I tell if my wireless card is using the b43 or bcm43xx driver?07:53
Darksiderive just set up gphpedit for, would you believe it, editing php scripts. ive gone for a light-on-dark colour scheme. my only problem is the typing position blinker is black and thus, i cannot see it. i cant find anything on the net not in the program literature so i was wondering if theres some little hidden file i could change a value in to get it to flash red...or green...or something. anyone?07:53
zcat[1]lsmod ?07:54
Darksidernor in the program literature*07:54
Jimm_zcat[1], ok thanks it seems im using mac80211, b4307:54
Jimm_zcat[1], I noticed that 'modprobe -l' shows that the bcm43xx driver is being loaded along with the legacy driver. Is it ok to leave them there?07:56
zcat[1]Jimm_: not sure. You could add bcm43 to the blacklist if you don't want it loaded07:56
Jimm_zcat[1], It's already in the blacklist, i'm just wondering if I should put legacy there too?07:57
zcat[1]no diea sorry ;07:58
Jimm_zcat[1], actually now that I think of it, should the module still show in modprobe even if it is blacklisted?07:58
R-800Aarrrgh!  Even the instructions for REPAIRING a GRUB tells me to do the same thing, which will not work.  If I dare type "find /boot/grub/stage1" at the GRUB prompt, it won't be found.  No documentation I've ever found addresses this.07:59
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti
Jimm_R-800, all that command does is tell you where grub is located so you can proceed08:00
R-800Jimm_:  And it won't find stage1.  So I can't proceed.08:01
GneaDean: any luck yet?08:01
Jordan_UR-800: Why exactly isn't grub installed?08:01
Jimm_R-800, do you have an operating system with grub installed?08:01
R-800Jordan_U: I don't know.  That is the mystery of the century.08:01
DeanGnea:  Back to cat508:02
Jimm_R-800, how did you loose grub in the first place?08:02
GneaDean: any results with this?  sudo ndiswrapper -l08:02
R-800Jordan_U: I reinstalled Windows, and as we all know, it rewrote the MBR.  That much I know.  But as for why the files these instructions tell me to access with the GRUB prompt can't be found, that, I can't imagine.08:02
Jordan_UR-800: You can install grub with "grub-install /dev/whatever" in linux IIRC08:02
DeanGnea:  says that bcmw15 driver installed08:03
skurakaihi. how can i install new ktorrent on ubuntu 8.04?08:03
R-800Jordan_U: You mean from a Terminal?08:03
Jordan_UR-800: Yes08:03
GneaDean: okay - try replacing the b43 with the ndiswrapper again08:03
RudyValenciaI have a laptop with a BCM4306 wireless card. It works in the GUI but not on the commandline, how do I fix that?08:03
R-800Jordan_U: From a terminal in the Live CD booted environment, even?08:03
DeanGnea:  Ok.  and how would I replace it?08:03
Jordan_UR-800: Yes, a terminal in pretty much any booted linux, LiveCD or not ( Ubuntu or not )08:04
GneaDean: ndiswrapper -r bcmw15, then just load the new .inf with ndiswrapper -i whatever.inf08:04
Rat409Jordan_U: guess i missed pen,too sleepy,hosed the 1st screenie,anyways it runs fine here http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=xpnho2.png08:04
R-800Jordan_U: What would I substitute "whatever" for in your path?08:04
DeanGnea:  k08:04
Rat409night all08:04
maxtor211I know this is a dumb question, but can someone loop a song for me?08:04
Gneamaxtor211: try in #ubuntu-offtopic08:05
skurakaiplease. how compilate ktorrent on Ubuntu 8.0408:05
Jordan_UR-800: Do you want to install to the MBR of the first partition?08:06
R-800Jordan_U: Yes.08:06
Jordan_UR-800: s/partition/drive/08:06
R-800Jordan_U: So the full path would be grub-install /dev/s/partition/drive/ ?08:06
DeanGnea:  No file or dir08:07
RudyValenciaHow do I get my Broadcom BCM4306 card to work from the console?08:07
GneaDean: did you get the new driver?08:07
Deanhah, oops.  no08:07
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Jordan_UR-800: No, sorry, that's just a geeky way of saying that I meant "drive" not "partition" in my earlier comment :)08:07
R-800Jordan_U: Forgive me.  Can we try this one more time?08:08
Jimm_RudyValencia, you can use iwconfig to configure it I think, or use the gui to config it, then disable gdm and use console08:08
GneaRudyValencia: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff  it's a bit dated, but seems to get dodgy results, seeing as how the bot just went on sabatical08:08
RudyValenciaWill that likely work for hary?08:08
GneaRudyValencia: we're doing it now :)08:09
Jordan_UR-800: I *think* the command would be "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" If not then "sudo grub-install (hd0)" should work too ( the second would work from windows if there is a grub install for windows, not sure if /dev/ would work as that's linux specific )08:09
jim_pwhat happened?08:10
rycarhow do I perform a minimal install of ubuntu?  I want to only install just enough software to where I can use apt to install more software08:10
Jordan_U!minimal | rycar08:10
rycarthe command does nothing08:11
R-800Jordan_U: Thank you.  I can give that a try.  It doesn't matter if it won't work from Windows, because I can try this from the Live CD booted environment.  I'd be more inclined to try your second option.  Think that has a good chance of giving me back my dual boot?08:11
Jordan_Urycar: There is a minimal install CD available ( the channel bot seems to be dead for some reason )08:11
rycarI had a mini.iso but it still installs base and half a gig of other stuff08:11
rycarI've tried desktop, server, alternate, etc08:11
ubotturycar: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:12
Jordan_UR-800: Yes, but I think you would still need to run "update-grub" from the installed system as well ( you can do this from the liveCD, but you have to use a command called 'chroot' to make it run from the installed system )08:12
R-800Jordan_U: I see.  And that would just be good practice for the sake of software upgrading, right?  So I could do that afterward?08:13
Jordan_UR-800: No, that generates the configuration file that grub reads at boot, it is required08:14
R-800Jordan_U: Alright then.  So now I'm wondering which needs to be done first.  It's the sequence I'm fuzzy on.  : )08:14
rycaris there anything special I have to do to tell the installer that I want to pick which packages to install?  It just seems to pick everything automatically08:15
mryanbrownhow do you kill a running process in terminal08:15
rycarps aux to find the process, then kill <pid>08:15
rycarwhere <pid> is the process id08:15
mryanbrowni want to keep the terminal (emulator) open08:15
rycaror type killall processname08:15
skurakaiwhere can find "path/to/prefix/of/kde4/installation"? /usr/lib/kde4 ?08:15
Jordan_UR-800: What partition is Ubuntu installed to, I can give you a single command ( well, a single line with multiple commands ) that should do it08:16
R-800Jordan_U: Ubuntu is on it's own hard drive, and WinXP is on the Primary one.08:17
scuserhi all, does anyone know which file is the pam configuration file for ubuntu 8.04 ?08:17
rycarhow do I tell the installer which packages I want installed?08:18
Gneascuser: have you looked in /etc ?08:18
Flannelscuser: /etc/pam.d/*08:19
Flannelrycar: Which installer do you have?08:19
Gneaand /etc/pam.conf08:19
rycarFlannel: mini, server, alternate, desktop08:19
Jordan_UR-800: "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt && sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev && sudo grub-install /dev/sda && sudo chroot /mnt update-grub" *should* do it, no guarantee :)08:19
Flannelrycar: You need one of the first three, and you have to go to expert install (which I believe requires you to manually add "expert" or something like it to the options from the boot menu).  Any reason you want to specify actual packages?  What are you ultimately trying to accomplish?08:20
scuserFlannel: yes, but which file in the pam.d directory, I want to make ubuntu login through kerberos but I don't know which file should I modify, could you help me with that ?08:20
rycarI'm trying to make a minimal install to act as a server in a virtual machine08:20
Flannelrycar: Ah.  You actually probably want JeOS08:21
R-800Jordan_U: Thanks.  Don't worry if this screws something up.  I've been in the middle of reinstalling both OSes for some time now.  I was simply hoping to avoid reinstalling Ubuntu this time (but will if I have to).  So no guarantees, like you say, but no real worries, either.08:21
rycarI know there is a way to select packages because a long time ago I got into the screen when an install crashed halfway08:21
Flannelrycar: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos08:21
Flannelrycar: Yes, that's the expert mode08:21
rycarF6 at the boot menu for expert mode, JeOS looks great, thanks flannel!08:22
Flannelscuser: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Samba/Kerberos might help08:22
Yekyaaheh, that was a heck of a split, i ended up in a room with just 75 people :)08:23
Yekyaadisconnected, reconnected, now i'm on the one with 3 ops and 1100 people :)08:23
Flannelscuser: Its likely you don't need to hand-edit a file there, but install a package (libpam-krb5 looks promising)08:23
scuserFlannel: I've installed this package but nothing happens, ubuntu uses the same authentiaction without kerberos08:24
R-800Jordan_U: Okay, I'm going to go try this out.  If I come back again tonight, it probably means it didn't work.  : )08:25
Flannelscuser: check the debian readme file (/usr/share/doc/libpam-krb5/README.Debian)  it should have instructions08:26
RudyValenciaI'm gonna try the BCM4306 install too08:29
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soloso many people08:36
Kartagiswhy do I get different chipset numbers in xp and linux?08:36
Gneawhat chipset numbers?08:37
KazaLitehi all08:38
KazaLiteany good tutorial explaing how to add multi-language support in linux applications?08:39
Flannelnarcislinux: What are you trying to do?08:41
mryanbrownMeowtu ^_^08:41
Flannelnarcislinux: Please play with the bot in #ubuntu-bots or in a query, thanks.08:42
RudyValenciaI can't get it to work.08:42
djhashKartagis: it is possible that a generic driver is installed in one OS that would detect the chipset as an older model..08:44
Zergiucan I update from 7.10 to the latest version or I need to reinstall the OS08:46
Flannel!upgrade | Zergiu08:47
ubottuZergiu: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes08:47
FlannelZergiu: yep08:47
Zergiuthank you08:47
bakarat_got two problems: i have a samba share mounted (by nautilus), this should be in ~/.gvfs right? cause i can't find the mount point? also very odd is that a "sudo find" in the / directory gave me a "permission denied" for ~/.gvfs ?08:49
UbubeginIs the sudo command only specific to Ubuntu and not other distros08:51
bakarat_Ububegin, no08:51
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GneaUbubegin: sudo has been around for years08:51
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RudyValenciasudo is more user-friendly than a root session.08:52
kbits more like windows vista08:52
bakarat_anyone on my above stated problems? :p08:52
Ububeginthanks folks...08:52
zabeehkhanhi all08:53
bakarat_i find sudo to be less userfriendly in all :p08:53
zabeehkhanhow can I install mysql in Ubuntu?08:53
kbsudo apt-get install mysql08:53
zabeehkhansudo apt-get install mysql?08:53
bakarat_got two problems: i have a samba share mounted (by nautilus), this should be in ~/.gvfs right? cause i can't find the mount point? also very odd is that a "sudo find" in the / directory gave me a "permission denied" for ~/.gvfs ?08:53
djhashsudo apt-get instal mysql-server08:53
zabeehkhanserver or without server?08:54
Flannelzabeehkhan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP  has instructions (and some things you need to do after isntalling).  And yes, that page is relevant if you're only installing SQL08:54
bakarat_with server iirc08:54
Ububeginzabeehkhan: just use the Synaptic Manager.. i find the GUI makes it easier08:54
djhashzabeehkhan: if you can't be sure of the name of the package use this "apt-cache search mysql"08:54
Ububeginzabeehkhan: Eid Mubarak... :D08:55
Kartagisdo i need to disable the wlan drivers using System>Administration>Hardware Drivers if I am using ndiswrapper?08:55
zabeehkhanUbubegin: thank you .. Where are you from?08:55
Ububeginzabeehkhan: singapore08:55
TarantulafudgeI'm having some virtualbox woes right now. The newest modules are only 24-16, but my kernel is 24-19. How do I resolve the situation?08:55
zabeehkhanUbubegin: oh good.. Eid Mubarak to you too08:56
Ububeginzabeehkhan: you too from here...08:56
zabeehkhanUbubegin: I am from Afghanistan..not living there now!! :)08:57
Tarantulafudgedo I revert the kernel?08:57
bakarat_um guys, when i do an ls -l in my ~ directory as root, i get this: d?????????  ? ?    ?        ?                ? .gvfs08:57
bakarat_w..t... :>08:57
atlefTarantulafudge: try the closed source one08:57
Tarantulafudgeatlef: nevermind I found some08:59
Tarantulafudgeatlef: the virtual package was not up to date08:59
atlefTarantulafudge: ok08:59
masmotai have a simple ( i think ) question:  i keep getting a folder called "file:" in my home directory.  it gets recreated when i delete it, anyone know whats causing it? (/home/masmota/file:/home/masmota/Desktop) (empty)09:01
masmotaits hard to google for, i guess b/c of the colon09:02
tarelerulz1My clock is all ways wrong .   No matter how many times I change the time it all ways off an hour.  I have laptop if that means anything and I have vista on one partition .09:03
FlannelMemphis: Looks like something (perhaps firefox?) is trying to save something to your desktop (/home/masmota/Desktop/) and some part of it is being set up wrong.  So, even though it saves/accesses your Desktop properly, its checking/creating that incorrectly named directory.09:04
jim_ptarelerulz1: it has to do about how each os preceives time09:05
masmotatarelerulz1:  i had that problem at one point, so your not alone.  maybe try running tzselect again?09:05
masmotai dont remember the fix :(09:06
Flannelmasmota, tarelerulz1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime#Multiple%20Boot%20Systems%20Time%20Conflicts09:10
papiiiiiiiiiican u plz tell me how i can scan ip list for proxy09:10
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: you don't do that sort of thing09:10
Gneapapiiiiiiiiii: try #networking09:11
papiiiiiiiiiii need for surfing these proxy09:11
papiiiiiiiiiiwhere i can found this Gnea09:11
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: contact your ISP - they may have proxies for you09:12
Gneapapiiiiiiiiii: type /join #networking09:12
papiiiiiiiiiithanxs gakkun09:12
scuserhi all, I've modified the pam configuration files according to /usr/share/doc/libpam-krb/README.Debian but still the authentication goes through the system login not through kerberos authentication any help ?09:14
ikoniascuser: is it possible it's going through kerb - failing and dropping down back to local auth ?09:15
ikoniascuser: are you confident you have your kerberos binding setup and working ?09:15
scuserikonia: well I've used login.krb5 and it is working fine; I have a user scuser and a kerberos principal scuser both with different passwords for the system login kerberos pass doesn't work and for the login.krb5 the system user pass doesn't work, is that enough to make sure that kerberos is working ?09:17
ikoniascuser it certainly sounds like it's working.09:18
ikoniascuser: what does your nsswitch file look like09:18
scuserikonia: what is nsswitch file ?09:18
ikoniascuser: /etc/nsswitch.conf09:18
scuserikonia: I'll see09:19
ikoniascuser: it is the file that sets the order for "searches" of susb systems09:19
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: why are you trying to ping me and get version info from me ?09:20
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: please stop that now09:20
* Fallenou content ^_^09:20
scuserikonia: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50399/09:20
ikoniaFallenou: ?09:20
papiiiiiiiiiihow is off09:20
papiiiiiiiiiiits auto09:20
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: your using scripts - please disable them now09:21
Gneapapiiiiiiiiii: what is auto?09:22
ikoniascuser: thats the problem, it's looking at /etc/passwd first09:22
scuserikonia: so ?09:22
Gneapapiiiiiiiiii: are you sure?09:23
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii you need to stop it now09:23
ikoniascuser so you'd nee to edit that to change the the search order to kerberos first,09:23
papiiiiiiiiiiwats cmd to stop him09:23
Gneapapiiiiiiiiii: /quit09:23
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: you enabled the scripts09:23
scuserikonia: how can I do so ?09:23
FlannelGnea: Please be helpful09:23
satai am new to ubuntu09:24
ikoniapapiiiiiiiiii: if you can't stop them I suggest you exit the channel until you can figure out how to stop them as your constantly pinging me now and it's getting frustating09:24
papiiiiiiiiiime 209:24
satais there is live cd of ubuntu09:24
ikoniascuser: there are examples in the file, take a look09:24
Flannelsata: There is.  It's the "Desktop CD"09:24
ikoniasata: the install cd is a live cd09:24
papiiiiiiiiiiok baba09:24
satai want to install ubuntu permanently on the hard disk09:25
Flannelsata: You can use the Desktop CD for that too09:25
satawhat that menas on thgis site09:25
sataCheck here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.09:25
ikoniasata the one that says "desktop" cd09:25
plowmansata:when you fire up the Desktop cd there is an option to install09:26
sataone more think09:26
sataif i check this option and then download the cd the size of iso is 699mb (Check here if you need the alternate desktop CD. This CD does not include the Live CD, instead it uses a text-based installer.)09:27
ikoniasata you don't want the alternate cd - so don't check the box09:27
Flannelsata: If you want the Live CD, you want the Desktop CD, not the alternate CD09:27
satai want to install it permanently so i will uncheck this option09:28
sataalternate cd size is 699mb09:29
sataand normal cd size is 694mb09:29
ikoniaso ?09:29
Flannelsata: They both will give you the same installed system.09:29
sataso why the size difference09:30
plowmansata: you will also find the install option on the desktop when you boot into live mode09:30
sataso both ca work as live cd and to install cd09:30
ikoniasata: they are different install methods, forget about the alternative cd09:30
satathank u09:30
ikoniasata: no09:30
ikoniasata: both don't work as a livecd09:30
FloodBot1sata: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:30
scuserikonia: which file should contain the passwords for the kerberos ?09:30
ikoniasata: get teh desktop cd09:30
ikoniascuser: ......er none, it's a kerberos server09:31
sataso i will download this one09:32
satathat can be installed as well as live cd09:32
Flannelsata: Yep09:33
Flannelsata: and you can follow the instructions at the top of the page here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation (there are four of them, "Standard Installation")09:34
plowmansata: yep09:34
CorpseFeederI have a problem in hardy where the mouse buttons just stop responding or work intermittently and the only way to get it back to normal is to restart the computer.. logging out does not correct the problem... anyone familiar with this problem or know the cause?09:37
jim_pCorpseFeeder: does the hole mouse "shut down"? like closing its leds and stuff?09:38
jim_p*whole mouse09:38
ikoniaCorpseFeeder: is it a bluetooth mouse ?09:38
CorpseFeederjim_p: actually, it's a track pad and  buttons built into a laptop...09:38
etyoanybody know haow to install php-gtk on lampp09:39
jim_pCorpseFeeder: then i cant help you, sorry09:39
HeLLzSpaWnhey how can i get a list of all running processes so that i can kill a specific one? my avant window navigator is still there but it's not working. I want to try to close it (not visually there though so i can't right click on it)09:39
ghaleb__I removed a file by mistake .. how can I recover it ?09:39
CorpseFeederjim_p: the problem is happening right now, so I could plug a regular mouse in and see if it is locked up too...09:40
jim_pCorpseFeeder: since you are on a laptop, and you dont use an external mouse, then its not power related09:41
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: go to a terminal and type "top"09:41
scuserikonia: I don't know how can I make nsswitch be adopted to use kerberos server, could you help me with that ?09:43
FD_FHello i have errpr when i update : PG error: http://wine.budgetdedicated.com edgy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 58403026387EE263Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]09:43
FD_FSome index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead. , thanks for help09:43
CaptJageranyone get poweriso to work as in converting .daa to .iso in 8.04?09:44
CorpseFeederI plugged a regular mouse in... the problem seems to have stopped for a while.. it seems to come up intermittently.09:44
HeLLzSpaWnHexus: what do i do from there?09:44
tonyohi. anyone here in glendale who could help me install ubuntu in my compaq notebook?09:44
tyberionurhm, whats the shell command to run the synaptic UPDATE managing thingie?09:44
tonyohi. anyone here in glendale CA who could help me install ubuntu in my compaq notebook?09:44
vistehi all09:45
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: type "sudo kill [process ID]"09:45
FlannelFD_F: Edgy is unsupported, and is likely unsupported by the wine people as well.  You ought to upgrade.09:45
dergringoHi. Is it possible to change the order of the account listing (left side) in evolution?09:45
EspenBehi all!09:45
FD_FFlannel: upgrade to ? , thanks09:45
FlannelFD_F: You'll have to upgrade to Feisty.  But while you're at it, you ought to upgrade to Gutsy (because Feisty reaches the end of its support next month too)09:46
CaptJagertonyo download it burn to cd and install09:46
Flannel!upgrade | FD_F09:46
ubottuFD_F: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes09:46
EspenBeI have messed up my xorg-settings while installing nvidia-drivers from nvidia.  I have the original version of the xorg.conf, but copying it back won't help.  what should I do to get my "normal" settings back again?09:46
FD_FFlannel thanks09:46
ikoniascuser: hang on, I'm sure there is a doc ont he net09:46
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, I am using intrepid but this problem is also in hardy: my hard disk Load_Cycle_Count keeps increasing rapidly (!!!) even tough I applied all the fixes that are suggested on the wiki09:47
HeLLzSpaWnHexus: hmm didn't work09:47
FD_FFlanel , i have hardy09:47
Le-Chuck_ITAin practice it keeps increasing no matter what hdparm -B value I sed09:47
CaptJagerhow can you convert a .daa to an .iso ?09:47
EspenBe"sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" works in a way, but when I re-enable the 3D in Gnome, it falls back to 800*600 resolution09:47
FlannelFD_F: alright, then your issue is instead that you have Edgy stuff in your sources.list, you should get rid of that09:47
FD_FFlannel: ok i search on the sources list09:48
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: What was the error09:48
CaptJagerneed help converting .daa to .isop with poweriso or other09:48
TerenceI installed ubuntu 6.06 just now. This is my first time to use Linux OS. All is ok, except the graphic card driver. Mine is ATI Radeon X2300. Can anyone help me?09:49
HeLLzSpaWnERROR: Process ID "[avant-window-navigator]"09:49
ikoniascuser: what "backend" are you trying to authenticate against with kerberos ?09:49
bakarat_my wired ethernet connection only gets an IP like 50% of the time, any ideas?09:50
FD_FFlanel : solved :) thanks dont know how edgy got there09:50
HeLLzSpaWnHexus: i thought there was an easier way to see the running processes and decide which ones to kill? Like with a GUI?09:50
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scuserikonia: I'm just trying to login to the system09:50
bakarat_so i boot, and i get no ip half of the time, /etc/init.d/networking restart, dhclient eth0, ifdown && ifup etc don't work..09:50
bakarat_just ahve to reboot and hope it works again09:50
Le-Chuck_ITATerence: sorry if I misunderstand  but did you really install 6.06?09:50
CorpseFeederI don't know if plugging a regular mouse in has fixed it or not, but both the laptop trackpad and the external mouse seem to be working normally  now without the buttons locking up.... normally I have to reboot to get this level or normalcy back..09:50
Le-Chuck_ITATerence: why didn't you install a more recent release?09:51
CorpseFeederAny thoughts?09:51
ikoniascuser: kerberose is not a user system though - it's an authentication protocol - it needs to have something to authenticate with, eg: ldap, nis  etc09:51
TerenceI get it from the library book DD09:51
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: There could be, I only know of the terminal one though.09:51
Le-Chuck_ITAwe are in 2008 :)09:51
tarelerulzmy time is still off . I try  setting the bios clock to the right time and turn  utc=yes  might fix the time ,but it did not09:51
Le-Chuck_ITAtry to run hardy I think hardware support higly improved in last years09:51
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: did you enter the PID of the number or did you actually enter "process ID"?09:52
FlannelTerence: Well, 6.06 is a mighty fine version, but it is a bit old (two years now).  You'll probably have a better experience for a first time user on 8.04.  Luckily for you, you can actually upgrade straight from 6.06 to 8.04, if you'd like to try.09:52
tyberionI can paste marked stuff with middle mouseclick, but is there a way to keyboard paste that stuff too??!09:52
TerenceDoes the latest version support ATI ?09:52
HeLLzSpaWnum...i opened a different tab and typed "sudo kill [avant-window-navigator]09:52
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: use the PID number09:53
CaptJagercan someone help me convert .daa to .iso so I can burn a cd09:53
Kartagismy vim is version 7.1.x and it is mentioned that syntax highlighting is supported. however when I uncomment the directive syntax on, i get the warning that this is not supported. how come?09:53
CaptJagerI have poweriso but error out09:53
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: its looks like  "sudo kill 1322"09:53
FlannelKartagis: install "vim", the default one is vim-tiny, which doesn't offer a whole lot09:53
FlannelTerence: It does.  If you want to double check your specific card, there's a list, let me see if I can find it.09:54
HeLLzSpaWnHexus: i cant find the awn process though...it like comes and goes real quick09:54
Kartagisthanks Flannel09:55
Le-Chuck_ITA8.06 I think09:55
tyberionhmmm.. is there any way to paste marked stuff by keyboard too?09:56
afallenhopeis there an issue with the newest version of FF?09:56
CaptJagerso no one has ever had to convert a .daa with ubuntu09:56
Terencethank you Flannel, I'll try the latest version. I've just downloaded it in the form of .iso, maybe I should copy it on a CD09:57
FlannelTerence: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI  The prerequisite section explains what lines are supported by which drivers, and then in that same section theres a link to the Xorg release notes, which are even more detailed.09:57
TerenceOh, I'll check it09:57
Lambawhats the easiest way to autokill a given process if its memory usage spikes ?09:57
FlannelTerence: ah, yes.  If you have internet you can do that too.  Here's instructions on burning/etc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation  first bit of real content on the page09:57
Daft_PunkI <3 you guys...09:58
Daft_PunkFlannel, I <3 you09:58
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: you can try: "top -u [put your user name here]"09:59
CaptJageranyone have any experiance with poweriso09:59
Hexusdoes anyone know alot about setting up soundcards?09:59
HexusIve been going at this for days...10:00
Daft_PunkHexus, dont give up...10:00
belendaxwhat is the diffrence between ssh & sshd ?10:00
tyberionhmmm.. is there any way to paste marked stuff by keyboard too? :((( plz..... im a keyboard addict!10:00
Daft_Punkbelendax, one has a d,, and one doesnt10:00
HeLLzSpaWnHexus: Ah! that did the trick :D thanx10:01
HexusHeLLzSpaWn: No prob.10:01
Flannelbelendax: sshd is the daemon (server) that ssh (client) connects to10:01
IntuitiveNipplebelendax: the "d" suffix means it's a system daemon (server)10:01
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:01
ikoniaDaft_Punk comments like that are pointless - don't bother please.10:02
Daft_Punkikonia, the point was to create laugh babies, and make someone smile10:02
ikoniaDaft_Punk: this is a support channel, not a comedy club10:02
FlannelDaft_Punk: Please do that in #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks10:02
dr3mroi am having a problem with system sound i can play mp3 and everything but there is no login sound or logout10:02
IntuitiveNippleIt wasn what most people were thinking, too :D10:02
Daft_Punkikonia, i was supporting self esteem10:02
FD_FSomeone know good task remainder (haft to be very lite), thanks10:03
ActionParsnipdr3mro: change your notifiation sounds to have logon and logoff sounds10:03
ikoniaFD_F: sunbird ? calander application ?10:03
ActionParsnipFD_F: task remainder?10:03
FD_Fikonia: sonbird dosent lite i need something in systry10:04
ActionParsnipFD_F: like "meeting in 10 mins" sort of thing?10:04
FD_Factionpareship: yeah10:04
ActionParsnipFD_F: ooooh, REMINDER10:04
belendaxwhen I type ssh IP it says : Connection refuse , why ?!10:04
dr3mroActionParsnip, i change it but when i press play nothing happen10:04
dr3mroActionParsnip, i did try alot10:05
redrebel_I have a power management question.10:05
cwillubelendax, have you installed openssh-server?10:05
redrebel_is there a way to configure the dim display when idle time??10:05
ActionParsnipdr3mro: can you play the sound you select as the notifications normally10:05
tyberionhmmm.. is there any way to paste the marked stuff you usally paste by using mouse2 button... by keyboard too? :((( plz..... im a keyboard addict!10:05
mechaanyone know how to fix my resolution back to 1024x768 after i install nvida-glx-new?10:05
ActionParsnipFD_F: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/4609/10:05
FD_Factionpareship: thanks!10:05
CaptJagerso is this channel to help new people to ubuntu or just advanced ubuntu users?10:06
afallenhopeAnyone ever try Linux Mint compared to Ubuntu?10:06
dr3mroi can play it by hover on nautilus and it play well on exaile10:06
ikoniaCaptJager any ubuntu questions10:06
ikoniaCaptJager: type "/topic"10:06
ActionParsniptyberion: ctrl+c thn ctrl + v (?)10:06
dr3mroActionParsnip, i can play it by hover on nautilus and it play well on exaile10:06
CaptJagerhave asked 3 no answers10:06
afallenhopeapparently it's debian based and uses ubuntu repositories10:06
ActionParsnipCaptJager: ask away, if we can answer we will10:06
CaptJagerI have been to all the sites10:06
CaptJagerstill have problems10:06
tyberionActionParsnip: that would be for the COPIED to clipboard stuff but apparently if I press ctrl+c here.. irsii will quit vor exmaple10:06
ikoniaCaptJager: maybe no-one knows the answer10:07
ikoniaCaptJager: isn't poweriso a windows application ?10:07
neSSun0ohi guys i had a rt73 wifi driver (which is kubuntu's default one) that wasnt working well, pinging my router i had 50% packet loss and the connection was super slow, thus i removed it and installed the "compat-wireless" driver as the ubuntu wiki suggests, pinging my router at that point gave me 0% packet loss and everything was going good, till yesterday, even with this new driver now ivegot again 50% packet loss... what happened? can somebody10:07
cwilluCaptJager, the advanced ubuntu help is in #ubuntu-offtopic.  This channel is for begging for assistance from people who aren't getting paid.  Adjust your expectations appropriately :p10:07
CaptJagerI cant be the only one that can not convert .daa to .iso with poweriso in terminal without error10:07
cwilluCaptJager, what's a .daa?10:07
mechaanyone else have trouble with nvidia drivers?10:07
ikoniaCaptJager poweriso is a windows application isn't it ?10:08
CaptJagera file that some one  used instead of .iso10:08
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:08
CaptJagerno ther ia a linux version10:08
ActionParsniptyberion: if you mean in xchat, you need to hold the mouse button, the pess ctrl+c10:08
ikoniaCaptJager: I can't see it in the ubuntu repo10:08
cwilluCaptJager, .daa is a proprietary format.  If you're having troubles with their (closed source) conversion utility, you need to contact them for support :/10:08
CaptJagerit isnt10:08
ceil420cwillu, a proprietary file type similar to .iso10:08
atlefCaptJager: ./poweriso convert xxx.daa -o xxx.iso in a terminal10:08
ikoniaCaptJager so it's nothing to do with ubuntu then10:08
CaptJagerI didnt that got error10:08
ikoniaCaptJager: you may want to look at the application daa2iso10:09
CaptJagerwill try again10:09
cwilluCaptJager, wikipedia says that their linux tools don't support the latest version of DAA, so you might be out of luck10:09
dr3mroActionParsnip, i?10:09
cwilluCaptJager, where did you get the daa files from?  If they're your own files, consider just using an iso, daa doesn't provide anything terribly useful10:09
CaptJagerthat is all I am looking for new to linux but not going back to windows10:09
Hexuscwillu: you serious about offtopic being for advanced help?  Im ready to go anywhere.10:10
ikoniaCaptJager: daa2iso is an application that will do what you want10:10
CaptJagerthe .daa files were from someone else10:10
airtonixikona, CaptJager i have used poweriso as a linux binary i think10:10
atlefCaptJager: sorry : ./poweriso convert xxx.daa -o xxx.iso -ot iso10:10
cwilluHexus, just based on experience, you're more likely to run into people who like to talk about more advanced uses10:10
ActionParsnipCaptJager: you can run poweriso via wine to convert but to know how it works ask in ##windows10:10
cwilluHexus, it's not a support channel however :p10:10
airtonixikona, CaptJager or maybe i was using it through wine...can't remember10:10
* afallenhope rates ubuntu support -9 out of 1010:10
ActionParsnipdr3mro: huh?10:10
CaptJagergoing to try again10:11
* cwillu adds afallenhope to his ignore list10:11
airtonixCaptJager, .daa images are fairly sketchy in integrity imo10:11
ikoniaafallenhope: your welcome to leave if you don't rate the support10:11
CaptJagerand try daa2iso10:11
afallenhopeikonia, don't start10:11
ActionParsnipafallenhope: considering we are doing this for kicks and free you cant actually moan10:11
tyberionActionParsnip: but that wont be possible If I just run a xterm with irssi in it.. right?10:11
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: poweriso is an ELF binary for Linux10:11
ikoniaafallenhope: don't make pointless comments then. I f you don't rate the support in the channel, don't use it10:11
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: i thought it was a windows app.10:11
* cwillu mutes everyone who keeps ruining his afallenhope-free experience10:11
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: There are versions for Linux too10:12
ikoniaActionParsnip: I've just found the version on the site, looks like it's staticlly linked though and could be a pain10:12
cwilluHexus, what's your poison?10:12
airtonixActionParsnip, ikona, CaptJager yeah poweriso have both, windows and linux binaries from the little memory i have of it10:12
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: kinda pointless considering the massve array of apps already available, or is it a meta package?10:12
ikoniaairtonix: I've just found it,10:12
Hexuscwillu: soundcards10:12
etyoanybody know how to install php-gtk on xampp10:12
cwilluHexus, that's quite the poison10:12
Hexuscwillu: yep three days now.10:13
ikoniaetyo: this is ubuntu support  - not xammp please10:13
cwillubah, three days?  is that all?10:13
airtonixetyo, why are you using xamp when apache mysql and php are in the repoes?10:13
Hexuscwillu: you want more?10:13
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: it's a static-linked binary, freely available from poweriso10:13
cwilluHexus, I spent a good 2 months getting a particular broadcom chipset to connect with encryption10:13
airtonixetyo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP10:13
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: ill stick to what ive used (and definately not daa)10:13
etyoairtonix : my friend ask me that10:13
FD_Factionpareship: any more suggestions for  simple reminder10:14
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: no one is asking you to; CaptJager was asking for assistance and you were under the impression it was a Windows app10:14
CaptJagerConverting from zwfmp9r3.daa to zwfmp9r3.iso ...     0%zwfmp9r3.daa10:15
CaptJagerCan not read compressed image file.10:15
mecha anyone have the problem of low resolutions after ristricted drivers installation?10:15
mecha running ubuntu 8.04 with a nvidia 550010:15
airtonixetyo, if your concerned about how to use xampp (which i believe is a software package designed for windows primarliy) then you should try to find the xampp irc channel10:15
Hexuscwillu: hmm.  You know at some point you have to consider your time valuable enough to drop 15-30 dollars and get compatable equipment....10:15
BlinkizI want to automate installation of ubuntu machines in my network. I believe kickstart is the right choose? Does it exist more information about this? I have found this so far https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KickstartCompatibility10:15
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)10:15
IntuitiveNippleCaptJager: I recommend you get a known good .daa file from somewhere else and test poweriso with it... if that works, then the .daa you're trying to convert has some issue - could be a DAA version difference that poweriso doesn't understand10:15
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning10:15
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: agreed, i was mistaken. just seems silly is my point but i guess people are used to it in windows (even if it does ship with spyware)10:15
cwilluHexus, I'm not terribly interested in buying a new laptop for the want of a wireless card, but I also have no interest in having some little dongle sticking half an inch out of the side waiting to snap off :p10:16
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate10:16
CaptJagerok going to try daa2iso forst10:16
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: I totally agree, but then CaptJager is just fresh from Windows so he's still probably used to doing things the Windows way :)10:16
etyoairtonix : ok! THX10:16
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: he'll come round soon enough10:16
cwilluHexus, my time is valuable because I've put the hours in to learn this <expletive> in the first place :)10:16
IntuitiveNippleEvery little helps towards solving bug #110:16
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)10:17
IntuitiveNipplecwillu: I feel that! :D10:17
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: and what is bug #1?10:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/110:17
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: You're on #ubuntu and you *don't* know bug #1 ?10:17
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1/+text)10:17
ActionParsnipno idea. i guess i just ignore all the politics10:17
* cwillu smacks Cwiiis for hijacking the cwi<tab> completion10:17
cwillubug #210:18
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found10:18
Hexuscwillu: i suppose thats one way to look at it.  I find its ultimate usfullness up to debate outside of self esteem building.10:18
Cwiiiscwillu: :)10:18
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: i dont care that MS has majority share, it doesnt change how i use my system10:18
HexusSO yeah.  Anyone with soundcard experience?10:22
oddaloti had a soundcard once10:22
ActionParsnipHexus: i have one, makes noises and stuff10:23
ActionParsnipHexus: wassup?10:23
bunnytohi sexy10:24
HexusYOU GUISE!10:24
=== chilli0_ is now known as chilli0
HexusActionParsnip:  I have and old ISA sound card.  I have the driver, but I seem to be missing some modules10:24
HexusActionParsnip:  The driver wont load.  Not sure how to get the IRQ and DMA adresses in linux either10:25
HexusActionParsnip: This is what ive attemped so far: http://pastebin.com/md00dbcb10:26
ActionParsnipHexus: nice, old school10:26
ActionParsniplet me websearch10:26
austinis anyone there10:27
ActionParsnipHexus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/20558810:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 205588 in linux "VT82C686 Audio Broken: Gutsy to Hardy Beta upgrade (dup-of: 188579)" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 188579 in virtualbox-ose-modules "Installing virtualbox-ose-modules pulls in 386 kernel (on -generic)" [High,Fix released]10:27
ActionParsnipaustin: lots are here10:27
austinI am new to the linux world and I am not sure what I am doing.10:27
austinI need to fix my display but I am not sure how10:27
ActionParsnipaustin: what graphics card do you have?10:28
* Kondensuotas_pie straksi ant blakstienu.10:28
austinI have the link to get the driver but It will not install even when I run the sh  command10:28
ActionParsnipaustin: is it an nvidia graphics card?10:29
austinyes it is10:29
ActionParsnipaustin: which model?10:29
IntuitiveNippleHexus: have you installed/used the isapnptools package to configure the ISA card?10:29
austinthe computer is a pavilion a450n10:29
|Dreams|does anyone know if this cpu is 64bit tried googling but couldnt find anything --> Intel Core 2 Duo Processor T575010:30
ActionParsnipaustin: in terminal run lspci, one line will relate to your nvidia card, tell use what it is, do not paste the whole thing in here10:30
Lamba|Dreams|: yes.10:31
zimnyxHow can I install older version of package? I need postres 8.2 but only 8.3 is available.10:31
|Dreams|Lamba, thanks10:31
ikoniazllang: was 8.2 ever available as a package ?10:31
|Dreams|getting a new laptop next week wanted to nkow if i can get ubuntu on it10:31
|Dreams|ubuntu 6410:31
Lambahttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_Core "whereas the Intel Core 2 brand refers to CPUs with the 64-bit Core microarchitecture."10:31
HexusIntuitiveNipple: i think ive installed it.  Not sure how to configure it.10:32
austin00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82865G/PE/P PCI to AGP Controller (rev 02)10:32
ActionParsnip|Dreams|: some manufacturers will10:32
|Dreams|no i mean install it myself10:32
ActionParsnipaustin: thats your pci interface10:32
austinis that what you are looking for?10:32
|Dreams|heard ppl aving probs with the laptopi am getting10:32
ActionParsnip|Dreams|: sure10:32
IntuitiveNippleHexus: It's an old-time tool - not available in the Ubuntu repositories now. Just wondered if it may help.10:32
ActionParsnip!paste | austin10:32
ubottuaustin: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:32
opendeepHow to open a pdf file from terminal?(application name)10:32
|Dreams|Acer 6920G10:32
ActionParsnipaustin: paste the whole thing in there, hit paste, then give us the address you go to in your browser10:33
austinthat is what the command returned as my pci connection10:33
zllangonly install 64 bits10:33
Lambaopendeep: xpdf10:33
IntuitiveNippleHexus: there is a recent Debian package: http://www.roestock.demon.co.uk/isapnptools/10:34
austincorrection the following is my card10:34
austin nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200]10:34
ActionParsnipaustin: ahh, much better10:34
IntuitiveNippleHexus: that link refers to a good article on the subject of ISA cards, and using isapnptools: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/326910:35
austinThank you ActionParsnip what do you think the problem is10:35
ActionParsnipaustin: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:35
zllanganyone know install netbeans language package  for chinese10:35
austinis that what you want me to type in the terminal ?10:36
ActionParsnipaustin: indeed, it will install the nvidia driver for you10:36
ActionParsnipaustin: id also run sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade10:36
ActionParsnipaustin: so that you are completely up to date10:37
ja1Hi! I just installed kubuntu. I need to recompile the kernel. Im unfamiliar with debian systems. Do I just get the latest kernel, unpack, make config   like I did in Red hat?10:37
IntuitiveNippleja1: Is there a particular reason for rebuilding the kernel?10:38
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Problems with the KDE4 graphics + tuning.10:39
ActionParsnipja1: its the same10:39
mkartichey, how do i clear out my amarok collection?10:39
ikoniaja1 what sort of tuning10:39
ikoniaja1: how do you think a kernal build will change your graphics ?10:39
austinOnce I have run all the commands should I restart the machine?10:40
ActionParsnipyes as you'll probably get a new kernel10:40
ja1ikonia: Adding RS232/USB converter, for instance. And I cant keep my fingers away in general...10:40
austinagain thank you for your help.10:40
ikoniaja1: that module exists, you can modprobe it10:40
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin
mkarticcan someone tell me how i can clear my amarok collection so that i can start over?10:40
ja1ikonia: I hope to specify my onboard gfx card better than the general kernel.10:40
IntuitiveNippleja1: If you really need to edit the kernel then download the kernel-source and modify the package. apt-get source linux-source10:41
ikoniaja1: but the kernel has nothing to do with xorg10:41
IntuitiveNippleja1: or, even, sudo apt-get install linux-source10:41
ja1ikonia: If I had remembered the name of the rs232/USB module...10:41
ikoniaja1: shouldn't be too hard to find10:42
IntuitiveNippleja1: is it an mt adapter?10:42
ikoniaja1: your reasons for rebuilding the kernel don't seem to make any sense10:42
ja1ikonia: I remember there was some options in the kernel for your hardware. Maybe Im wrong.10:42
zllangmay be you should complie the driver in kernel10:42
ikoniaja1: there are plenty of options for your hardware10:42
scuserhi all, does anyone know how to configure nsswitch.conf file to search for kerberos authentication beside of passwd ?10:42
ja1IntuitiveNipple: mt sounds familiar.10:42
ikoniaja1: none that will help your graphics issues10:42
ikoniascuser: you need somethign to auth against10:43
ikoniascuser: kerberose is an authentication protocol10:43
neSSun0owhat's the most stable linux distro?10:43
IntuitiveNippleja1: maybe this?  Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0711:0230 Magic Control Technology Corp. MCT-232 Serial Port10:43
ikonianeSSun0o: subjective question, join #ubuntu-offtopic for non-support questions10:43
ja1ikonia: Thanks for the information. Still, would you prefere getting a new kernel, or would you use apt_manager or similar to get patches?10:44
IntuitiveNippleja1: the module for the MCT is mct_u23210:44
ikoniaja1: apt-get gets pre-compiled bindary packages, not patches10:44
ikoniaja1: why do you want a new kernel ?10:44
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Yes, thats a MCT-23210:44
IntuitiveNippleikonia: incorrect. linux-source contains the kernel source and Ubuntu patches10:44
scuserikonia: well I can't get your words :( could you make your words more clear ?10:44
ja1ikonia: As I said, cant keep my fingers away. But Im unfamiliar with debian.10:44
HeLLzSpaWnhey i just installed virtual box and i'm trying to setup a VM with winXP but i get this error from VirtualBox: VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic..10:45
HeLLzSpaWnVBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).10:45
ikoniaIntuitiveNipple I know that, but put it in context of what ja1 is saying10:45
witek23hello, anybudy knows any c++ compiler, which has a X-window interface?10:45
ikoniaja1 then read the docs10:45
CorpseFeederok.. my point/click interface has just gone dead again... I can't click any icons.....10:45
ikoniawitek23: do you mean an ide ?10:45
CorpseFeederwhat causes this?10:45
The-Compilerwitek23: eh? Why would a compiler need an interface?10:45
ja1ikonia: specify docs, please.10:45
ikoniaja1: https://help.ubuntu.com10:45
witek23iterface lik dev c++ has10:45
IntuitiveNippleja1: If you want to hack the Ubuntu kernel, see this for starters: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance10:45
ikoniawitek23: ok, an ide10:46
ushimitsudokiwitek23: usually, it you use an IDE which calls out to the complier10:46
ikoniawitek23: look at eclipse10:46
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Thanks.10:46
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: well, you need to install the virtual-box-modules-generic10:46
ushimitsudokiwitek23: I like eclipse and netbeans, but there are many others too10:46
afallenhopewitek23, geany is pretty sweel10:46
Lambanetbeans is niiiiice. :)10:46
CorpseFeederI have lost the ability to double click any icons this time.... what causes this? It just happens at random.10:46
witek23ok, thanks for help.10:47
ja1Also, I dont get no sound. Maybe some kernel options for my soundcard aswell.10:47
=== Navy is now known as JII
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: yeah but there are like 4-5 different choices in Synaptic...how do i know which one i choose?10:47
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: and you need to add your user to the vboxusers group10:47
IntuitiveNippleja1: No... that'll be just a matter of configuring the correct module for the hardware, using /etc/modprobe.d/options (when you've found the correct options of course!)10:48
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-2.6.24-16-generic10:48
ikoniaja1: I'll say again - you don't need to compile the kernel10:48
TMD-DubbedI just installed  ubuntu along side of windows and i get to the login screen and log in and i hear the music but then it goes back to the log in screen.10:48
ikoniaja1: you don't need to "specify" hardware, it's modular10:48
CorpseFeederIf I left-click and drag I can draw a box and select icons,  but if I single or double click on an icon, nothing happens.10:48
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Finding the options will take some research...10:49
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: sorry, you need the newest10:49
ja1ikonia: Ok.10:49
IntuitiveNippleja1: And your point is...? *grin*10:49
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic10:49
CorpseFeederright-click continues to work, but it only behaves as though I am clicking on a blank area of desktop....10:49
=== Navy is now known as Jii_1
CorpseFeederhas anyone experience with this bug?10:49
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Hehe, *I got puppy eyes*10:49
ljsoftnetTMD-Dubbed, do you have the correct username and password?10:49
ActionParsnipCorpseFeeder: are you running compiz?10:49
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: ok...installing right now...how about that add my user to the vboxusers group? what do u mean?10:50
TMD-Dubbed~ ljsoftnet ~ yes10:50
AnscombeDo you guys provide support for like my VPS.. being ubuntu? o_O10:50
ja1IntuitiveNipple: I try to sort it myself, np.10:50
AnscombeI'm mearly after help with getting sendmail or postfix working.10:50
CorpseFeederActionParsnip: no. I am running hardy on a laptop, no compiz or desktop effects.10:50
ikoniaAnscombe sure10:50
Hexusis there a terminal command to list your kernel ver?10:50
ikoniaHexus: uname -a10:50
AnscombeOkay, hold on I'll redo what i did and pastebin my outcome.10:50
=== The_Compiler is now known as The-Compiler
TMD-Dubbed~ ljsoftnet ~ it acts like it's loading and then goes back to the login10:51
ikoniaHexus: uname -r to be specific and "fussy" about it10:51
ActionParsnipCorpseFeeder: strange, ive seen mouse clicks vanish in compiz, does it happen for other users?10:51
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: under administration menu, open users und groups, unlock, and manage groups and add your user to the vboxusers10:51
CorpseFeederActionParsnip: I can click the left button and drag to draw a box around multiple icons to select them that way, so the button is obviously not broken.. but if I try to single or double-click anything it is as if there is no icon there.10:52
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: press properties and check your name10:52
IntuitiveNippleCorpseFeeder: Yes, it is caused when an applicatoin has grabbed mouse focus but you've moved away or it got confused before releasing it... sometimes random actions clears it but figure those out is... random :)10:52
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: ok and what about the /root?10:53
HeLLzSpaWnleave that as is?10:53
ja1ikonia: Should I prefere to keep stuff as modules instead of compiling them into the kernel? I always used to compile the stuff I need into the kernel, so thats pretty much an answer why I want to fiddle. In previous kernels I had less problems with stuff by compiling in kernel. Maybe that has changed. (Im not upto date)10:53
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: yes leave as is10:53
ja1mct_u232 up and running! Thanks.10:53
ikoniaja1 leave it as modular, don't recompile your kernel, let ubuntu people with more time and skill do it for you10:53
CorpseFeederIntuitiveNipple: I was thinking that too.. but it seems to happen at random and I can't identify what app is doing it. The only way I've found to fix it is to reboot the computer :(10:53
IntuitiveNippleja1: Ubuntu is modular, if you want to know the exact kernel config look in /boot/config*  files - those are the options each kernel version used when building10:54
ja1ikonia: If I dont fiddle, I get no skill. I got time.10:54
ja1as do you10:54
ActionParsnipCorpseFeeder: no idea man, websearching is proving fairly fruitless so far10:54
ikoniaja1: just be aware you'll lose support if you build your own kernel10:54
ja1ikonia: I never had support for my previous linux systems.10:54
ikoniaja1: yet your in here asking for support.10:55
IntuitiveNippleCorpseFeeder: I had it happen some time ago, can't remember now what app it was, but it turned out to be the way I was interacting with it... me being too fast, or it getting hung up on doing something when it ought to have been detecting the release the action10:55
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: synaptic wont let me install virtualbox-ose module for linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic10:55
ikonia!customkernel | ja110:55
ubottuja1: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages10:55
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: says Depends: linux-image-2.6.24-20-generic  but it is not installable10:55
ja1IntuitiveNipple: Ah, thats why I didnt find /proc/config.gz, they have changed it.10:55
ikoniaja1: no they havn't10:55
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: well, it used to work for me10:56
ja1ikonia: Then I have to recompile my kernel to get /proc/config.gz10:56
ikoniaja1: no-one has changed anything10:56
HeLLzSpaWnshould i try a different one? 19?10:56
danhello, i am having problems shutting down hardy. it just shows the word ubuntu -10:56
ikoniaja1: thats right yes10:56
Monkhey everyone! Is there anyone that can help me with my SiS graphic card drivers?10:56
ikoniaja1: although as you have the going in /boot - that seems a pointless task10:56
ja1ikonia: I hope they have changed ALOT since 2.4.x. Thats why I upgraded :D10:56
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: yes, try that10:57
AnscombeWhat's easier to set up, sendmail or postfix?10:57
CorpseFeederI think my fiance might have intuitive nipples.. they seem to know intuitively when to go erect....10:57
CorpseFeederer... did I say that in channel?10:57
* IntuitiveNipple didn't see a thing *blinks*10:57
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: hmm...it did allow me to select it and hit apply...it's downloading now :| weird lol10:57
CorpseFeederThink I'd better go....10:57
ja1ikonia: Whats up? You hang out here to help people do what they want, right? Then you tell them to go screw themself and that they DONT should do what they want? Im confused.10:57
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: well, your kernel is probably .19 and not .2010:58
HeLLzSpaWnso after that finishes downloading/installing i should be able to boot up the VM with xp?10:58
ikoniaja1 I told no-one to screw themselves, I'm just trying to make you aware of some info, your free to do what you wish of course10:58
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: yes10:58
IntuitiveNippleja1: You should know the Linux world, you have to bring along your own motivation :)10:58
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: alright. Thanks man :)10:59
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: you are welcome10:59
ja1ikonia: Sorry for being harsh. Thanks for the help.10:59
Monkno one?10:59
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: hope that solves your problem10:59
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: bring your own exasperation in Windows ;)10:59
dananyone who knows why ubuntu hardy wont shutdown properly?10:59
IntuitiveNippleja1: Ikonia has had experience of people out of their depth then asking for help, and causing headaches for the people here that are willing to try and help, to the frustration of all concerned10:59
ActionParsnipdan: what happens when you try10:59
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: I thought that's what Microsoft charged for, in part? :p11:00
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: you wish11:00
ActionParsnipIntuitiveNipple: ;)11:00
IntuitiveNippleActionParsnip: Every night, and my dreams come true :D11:00
danit just shows a black screen with the word "ubuntu"11:00
ActionParsnipdan: in a graphic or justthe word?11:01
Monkanyone knows how to figure out which graphic card i have and how to get the drivers?11:01
danActionParsnip: just the word11:01
ActionParsnipMonk: lspci11:01
IntuitiveNippledan: Try starting the PC with the boot options "quiet splash" removed, then when it shuts down you might see some clues (although there aren't many shutdown log messages compared to start-up)11:01
masmotai have a simple ( i think ) question:  i keep getting a folder called "file:" in my home directory.  it gets recreated when i delete it, anyone know whats causing it? (/home/masmota/file:/home/masmota/Desktop) (empty)11:02
ActionParsnipdan: does it drop to a dos style logon screen11:02
IntuitiveNippledan: Also, you can look at /var/log/kern.log and check the logged messages from the last time the system shutdown11:02
Strang3rhi guys11:02
Strang3rjust wanted to ask u11:02
ActionParsnipdan: id go with IntuitiveNipple's suggestion so you can see whats going on11:02
danIntuitiveNipple: ok11:02
Strang3rhow can i get to the rc file of conky11:02
Strang3rwhat was the terminal command ?11:02
ActionParsnipdan: does sudo shutdown -r now work11:02
danActionParsnip: i will try. thanks guys11:02
IntuitiveNipplemasmota: That looks like you've got a program set to save to a file and it has been given a URL-style file:// prefix11:03
MonkActionParsnip: it says VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter. are there drivers?11:03
ActionParsnipStrang3r: theres a few here11:03
ActionParsnipStrang3r: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186511:03
ja1IntuitiveNipple, ikonia: I will repay your help by learning and helping others. So I guess I go recompile my kernel, loose the support, then come back to give support. (Probably I'll be back trying to get support inbetween :) Its faster to ask and get some directions than to have to try everything on your own. Keep the motivation up!11:03
ActionParsnipMonk: then you need to find how to get that working in ububtu11:03
masmotathanks, deluge is probly the culprit haha11:03
ushimitsudokiStrang3r: It is probably  at ~/.conkyrc .... use whatever text editor you like to edit it11:03
ActionParsnipStrang3r: there is a stock one someplace you can copy but make sure its in ~/.conkyrc11:04
Strang3rbut what was the comant11:04
Strang3rgedit /home/conkyrc11:04
MonkActionParsnip: the thing is i can't get any theme working properly neither cairo dock. I could do it on windows though!11:04
Strang3rthat`s what I`m asking :)11:04
ActionParsnipMonk: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-347451.html11:04
Strang3ri`m new with the linux11:05
ushimitsudokiStrang3r: gedit ~/.conkyrc11:05
TMD-Dubbedwhen i log in to ubuntu, it starts loading and i hear the music then the screen goes black and goes back to the login screen, but in the lower hand corner it says my user name and //destop and time.11:05
Strang3rthanks x)11:05
ActionParsnipMonk: windows is seperate to ubuntu, dont think about windows in ubuntu11:05
ushimitsudokiStrang3r: don't forget the period at the start of the filename ... you'll see that a lot!11:05
ActionParsnipMonk: looks like you simply need gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:05
ActionParsnipMonk: then add the line Driver "sis: to your "Configured Display Adapter: section11:06
MonkActionParsnip: yeah, you're right. what's that? i am relatively new on ubuntu11:06
ActionParsnipMonk: xorg.conf configures a lot, if you read that post i gave, and scroll down to Identifier"Generic Video Card" you will see how you need to make yours look11:07
MonkActionParsnip: ok, i'm gonna try it!11:08
ActionParsnipMonk: if you botch it up you can always boot to recovery mode and repair the file11:08
Arneydoes this have to do with ubuntu? http://www.ihateyoujulia.com/?id=be1242c0ad6bfd963b23fc9437c2dfb911:08
MonkActionParsnip: thanks!11:08
TMD-Dubbedwhen i log in to ubuntu, it starts loading and i hear the music then the screen goes black and goes back to the login screen, but in the lower hand corner it says my user name and //destop and time.11:09
Anscombehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix "Insert the following details when asked (replacing server1.example.com with your domain name if you have one): " - would that just be like zunix.org - or do i need to make a directory "server1" o_O11:10
AdvoWorkhi there,having a few problems, ive got virtualbox setup and now have a vm, ive got something running on the vm on port 80. on the vm i can connect by doing http://ip but how can i do this so i can access that same ip from another pc?11:11
TMD-Dubbedwhen i log in to ubuntu, it starts loading and i hear the music then the screen goes black and goes back to the login screen, but in the lower hand corner it says my user name and //destop and time.11:12
MonkActionParsnip: Where can i pastemy xorg.conf file so you can see it? I can't find the configured display adapter.11:13
IamSOGI am installing Xubuntu again but this time I have multi partition, now it said "If yuo do not go back to the partitioning menu and assign a mount point from there, this partition will not be used at all.... but can I still mount it later ? anyone know ?11:13
ActionParsnip!paste | Monk11:13
ubottuMonk: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:13
ActionParsnipIamSOG: you can mount any partition yu can see in fdisk11:14
ActionParsnipIamSOG: you can mount them at boot by editing /etc/fstab11:14
MonkActionParsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50433/11:15
ActionParsnipMonk: line 41 in pastebin11:15
smm289any idea how to make XP running in VirtualBox recognize my SD card when I insert it into the reader.  Right now Hardy notices it but XP has no clue11:15
IamSOGyeah, but I don't want them to mount right now, all I can choose now is /boot /home  /tmp  /usr  /car   /srv11:15
ActionParsnipIamSOG: you could get away with / and /home if you want11:16
MartinCzHi. What is the difference between (Ubuntu to which I install KDE) and (Kubuntu) ? Thank you.11:16
ActionParsnipand you'll need /swp11:16
MonkActionParsnip: and if i type driver "sis" it will work?11:16
IamSOGI tried, it can't have more than one  /   it said it's for the root files11:16
TMD-Dubbedwhen i log in to ubuntu, it starts loading and i hear the music then the screen goes black and goes back to the login screen, but in the lower hand corner it says my user name and //destop and time.11:16
hsv4lyfhey there everyone, I have just installed Ubuntu 8.04 on my laptop and I downloaded the drivers I need for my Atheros AR5007EG Wireless Network Adapter from there website and it is in tar.gz format, how do i go about installing this driver?11:17
ActionParsnipMonk: yuo'll need to add a line to it, yes you may need to add those resolutions in the website which are in the screen section, but id try without first11:17
IamSOGActionParsnip  Do I will be able to still mount it after the installation?11:17
atlef!tar.gz | hsv4lyf:11:17
ubottuhsv4lyf:: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:17
ActionParsnipMartinCz: ubuntu has a tonne of gnome stuff, if you intend to use kde, you can uninstall the gnome stuff but it doesnt make sense to download both lots of data, id just download kubuntu11:17
ljsoftnethow do you edit gtk files?11:17
ActionParsnipIamSOG: yes yu can mount any partitions you have to wherever you please11:18
ActionParsnipIamSOG: well, not in /proc11:18
hsv4lyfok thanks for that, i will go read up on it :)11:18
HeLLzSpaWni'm having problems with virtualbox...it wont let me start a winxp virtual machine and gives me the following error: VirtualBox kernel driver not installed. The vboxdrv kernel module was either not loaded or /dev/vboxdrv was not created for some reason. Please install the virtualbox-ose-modules package for your kernel, e.g. virtualbox-ose-modules-generic.. VBox status code: -1908 (VERR_VM_DRIVER_NOT_INSTALLED).11:18
IamSOGOh, ok, thakns ActionParsnip guess I can leave it "do not mount" for now11:18
declineHi. My gwd min/max/close buttons are missing when using Compiz! When using only Metacity, it all works normal... this happened after upgrading to intrepid...11:18
ActionParsnipIamSOG: try it, you can always boot to live cd if it goes funny11:19
airtonixhsv4lyf, this page may be of some use to you : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:19
MonkActionParsnip: ok i've done it! now what? nothing happened xD11:19
ActionParsnip!compiz | decline11:19
ubottudecline: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion11:19
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: it still wont work even with that package downloaded11:19
ActionParsnipMonk: save the file, close the file then reboot11:19
smm289HellzSpawn see my PM11:19
MonkAction Parsnip: Oh, ok! thanks11:19
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: hmm, then i do not know11:20
* TMD-Dubbed thinks he should just stay with stupid windows and bill gates11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:12:58]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
TMD-DubbedTMD-Chreya No such nick/channel11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:13:01]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
TMD-DubbedTMD-Chreya No such nick/channel11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:13:05]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
FloodBot1TMD-Dubbed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: you could try the closed source version11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:12:58]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
TMD-DubbedTMD-Chreya No such nick/channel11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:13:01]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
TMD-DubbedTMD-Chreya No such nick/channel11:20
TMD-Dubbed[05:13:05]am TMD-Chreya is Offline, so please try to request the pack later.11:20
FloodBot1TMD-Dubbed: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads11:21
HeLLzSpaWnatlef: how do i install that one? dunno how to install anything in linux if its not through synaptic:P11:21
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: its a deb package, so you will get the choise to open it when you press download11:22
airtonixHeLLzSpaWn, there is no need to download the files atlef is suggesting, merely follow the advice the pormpt gave you : sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-generi11:22
airtonixHeLLzSpaWn, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-modules-generic11:22
smm289HeLLzSpaWn in synaptic I beleive you just have to grab the ose-guest-module-generic 24.0611:23
SmegzorI have a lot of packages for the game Wesnoth that are being held back and I don't know how to get rid of them/cancel them.  They got there because I ran an installer from playdeb.org.  How do I get rid of them?11:23
HeLLzSpaWnlet me do what airtonix is saying11:23
atlefairtonix: he tried that, but it did not seem to work11:23
smm289ok, also when your done doing that, you need to add yourself to the virtualbox user group11:23
airtonixHeLLzSpaWn, you may also benefit from reading the pages on help.ubuntu.com/community11:23
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: oh, you need to restart11:23
hsv4lyfokay i have worked out how to decompress the gz file11:23
atlefHeLLzSpaWn: forgot to mention that11:24
HeLLzSpaWnah...i didnt restart:P11:24
MonkActionParsnip: done! now what?11:24
HeLLzSpaWnlet me see if that fixes it before doing anything else11:24
hsv4lyfhow do I install the driver?11:24
airtonixhsv4lyf, if you search google for "ubuntu Atheros AR5007EG" you will find a guide on how to deal with your drivers...although the page is for fesity you still may gain some idea about what to do11:24
airtonixhsv4lyf, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51282811:24
hsv4lyfsorry didnt mean to say that11:25
airtonixHeLLzSpaWn, all modifications to kernel and its modules require a restart. as those files are only re-read into memory at boot time11:25
hsv4lyfty airtonix11:25
airtonixhsv4lyf, never underestimate the experiences of past users at the ubuntuforums :)11:26
HeLLzSpaWnairtonix: yeah i just thought it would work from the get go...now i know anything that deals with the kernel needs a reboot..thanx for the heads up...i'll reboot now and see if it works11:27
dandexIs there any way to change a running process limits (something like plimit in solaris=?11:27
ActionParsnipMonk: so yo rebooted round?11:28
MonkActionParsnip: yeah, i rebooted11:28
IntuitiveNippledandex: Is ulimit what you're after?11:29
ActionParsnipMonk: ok do you have a better res?11:30
airtonixi have a problem with font rendering using compiz & avant-window-navigator, screenshot to show the situation : http://i36.tinypic.com/1zl4roh.png any idea why the font is having a black sqaure bordering each letter?11:31
Aspin65100where is the gnome slab menu gone?11:31
dandexIntuitiveNipple: ulimit shows/sets only fo the current shell11:31
Arneyi wanna do a site like this -> http://www.ihateyoujulia.com/?id=be1242c0ad6bfd963b23fc9437c2dfb9 is this php or something?11:31
dandexI need to change a running process limits, without restarting11:31
Aspin65100no, thats spam11:32
=== chilli0_ is now known as chilli0
ushimitsudokiAny ops for this guy Arney?11:32
IntuitiveNippledandex: yeah, I was trying to figure out what limits you wanted to change :) Mostly it has to be done via /etc/security/limits.conf - I have read about adjusting run-time limits but it was a long while ago, and I can't remember if it was implemented or not11:33
ActionParsnipdandex: limits in what way?11:33
Arneyim sory is it in the wrong place? im serious i want to dupe this11:33
IntuitiveNippledandex: I presume you've got a run-away process?11:33
dandexI have to raise mysql max file descriptors11:33
ushimitsudokiArney: Seriously? You are way off-topic here. Go somewhere else.11:33
IntuitiveNippledandex: Ahhh11:33
Arneywhoa #php is awosome11:34
dandexI guess /proc/<pid>/limits is readonly, isn't it11:35
MonkActionParsnip: The res was already good (1024x768) my laptop can't handle any higher resolutions. But i still can't turn the visual effects on (the normal ones) and my cairo dock has a huge black outline11:35
ActionParsnipMonk: glxinfo | grep direct11:36
ActionParsnipMonk: do yuo have direct rendering?11:36
IntuitiveNippledandex: You'd also need to modify some settings in  /etc/pam.d/11:36
zimnyxapt-cache policy postgresql-8.3 says that two versions are available: 8.3.3 and 8.3.1. The newer is installed by default, how can I install older 8.3.1 ?11:37
MrD1Hello to every one and a good afternoon to you all. Ok lets see does any one know a good web site with photos and step by step guide to backing up ubuntu, ive been searching google, but the results always seem to turn up with installing ubuntu.Thanks in advance.11:38
hsv4lyfi read the topic on the Atheros AR700EG Wireless Network Adapter and i dont have internet access on my linux computer to run this command11:38
hsv4lyfsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install linux-headers-$(uname -r) build-essential11:38
atlefMrD1: clonezilla11:39
litelHi i'm searching for an music maker software to make some little electronic music, nothing serious just for fun :)11:39
MonkActionParsnip: No =/11:39
MrD1atlef, Thank you very much11:39
ActionParsnipMonk: bah, ok try adding the resolutions to your screen section11:40
Zergiuafter an OS update do I have to reinstall drivers?11:40
jribhsv4lyf: build-essential is on the cd.  Not sure about linux-headers-$(uname -r), but they may be as well11:40
ushimitsudokilitel: maybe LMMS? http://lmms.sourceforge.net/11:40
MonkActionParsnip: hmm?11:40
hsv4lyfis there a way i can download kernel headers and the build essential package onto my computer with windows computer and transfer to cd then install onto my linux computer?11:41
ActionParsnipMonk: the link i gave you, check it out. it has extra bits in the screensection which may help,11:41
ActionParsnipMonk: the nvidia driver needs resolution as well as refresh rates setting before it jumps to life11:41
ActionParsnipMonk: as an example11:41
jribhsv4lyf: did you see what I said?11:42
bastid_raZorZergiu; for video drivers? if you did not install them from apt-get or by the restricted manager then yes, after a kernel update.11:42
MonkActionParsnip: I see it. So I should paste that section into my xorg.conf11:43
Bigmack83how do i fond out where a program is installed?11:43
jribhsv4lyf: Your other option is to use synapitc, mark the packages you want for installation and then go to File -> Generate Download Script11:43
ActionParsnipMonk: yeah, well those lines about resolutions etc11:43
jribBigmack83: dpkg -L PACKAGE      but why?11:43
airtonixall: i found the reason, my issue was with font-subpixel-rendering, I needed to change it from full to medium and possibly also change the vrgb order...fonts render properly now11:44
Bigmack83jrib, iinstalled gallery2 for a site and it wants to know where the binary for dcraw is.11:44
hsv4lyfok then will try it out11:45
jribBigmack83: did you install the dcraw package?11:45
IntuitiveNippledandex: Will sysctl help you?11:45
hsv4lyfsynapitc should already be installed in linux shouldn't it11:45
jribhsv4lyf: System -> Administration -> Synaptic.  I would try my first suggestion to you about using the cd though as that would be easier11:46
hsv4lyfokay then, thankyou very much for your help jrib11:46
MonkActionParsnip: whats the command for xorg.conf again? sorry =p11:46
lesshasteis it possible to read a pdf ebook in linux somehow? All I see when I try to click on the relevant link is the offer to download a text file called ebx.etd11:46
=== lipsinV1 is now known as lipsin
ActionParsnipMonk: press your up cursor11:47
ActionParsnipMonk: ;)11:47
ushimitsudokilesshaste: there are lots of pdf viewers, but evince should be on your system by default and should open a PDf as expected11:47
ActionParsnipMonk: press it a few times11:47
ActionParsnipMonk: you'll see the command11:47
HeLLzSpaWnthe restart didn't work guys...virtualbox still asks for the same thing...and now i got an extra choice in the grub menu (which i would like to get rid of if possible)11:47
MonkActionParsnip: Cool!11:48
Le-Chuck_ITAHi all, I am running tracker and I see I can tag things. But how do I list only items with these tags?11:48
Le-Chuck_ITAI mean in a gui11:48
ActionParsnipMonk: yuo can also show them all by typing history11:48
lesshasteushimitsudoki, it seems it can't cope with the drm11:48
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: do you have the tracker gnome-applet in the notification area?11:49
lesshasteushimitsudoki, I can give you the link if you like11:49
ushimitsudokilesshaste: ah, srry don't use drm-stuff so can't help there11:49
lesshasteushimitsudoki, hmm.. seems the answer is basically no without wine http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/ebx-40-bits-encrypted-pdfs-in-linux-404089/  :(11:49
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: Does the right-click then Search help you with that?11:49
tyberionhello there11:49
jribHeLLzSpaWn: you should restate your problem for those of us who just joined11:49
tyberionHow can I make dircolors to use my ~/.dircolors file for gnome-terminal :// dircolors -b ~/.dircolors wont do :|11:50
Le-Chuck_ITAIntuitiveNipple: (sorry I pressed enter by mistake) no it doesn't: I want to list only files that have a certain tag11:50
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: Ahhh, the filter doesn't look that fab but I don't use it myself. That's the only GUI I'm aware of, but you might find mention of something more sophisticated at the trackerd web-site11:51
jribtyberion: did you edit ~/.bashrc?11:51
HeLLzSpaWnjrib: i'm trying to get virtualbox working within linux mint 5 (elyssa) but it asks me for virtualbox-ose-modules..so i tried through synaptic and it seems either i downloaded the wrong one or i dunno :S11:51
lockele-chuck heh11:51
lockeI'm Guybrush Threepwood, a mighty pirate!11:51
MonkActionParsnip: Is this ok? http://paste.ubuntu.com/50438/11:51
tyberionjrib, think so.. a bit..if [ "$TERM" != "dumb" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/dircolors ]; then eval `/usr/bin/dircolors -b ~/.dircolors` alias ls='ls --color=auto'11:52
ActionParsnipHeLLzSpaWn: is your user part of the vbox group?11:52
mgHi! How do I change the creation time of a directory?11:52
Le-Chuck_ITAlocke: I will eat you like chocolate11:52
ActionParsnipMonk: looks fine11:52
HeLLzSpaWnActionParsnip: yeah another guy here told me to do that and how to do it11:52
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, how appropriate, you fight like a cow!11:52
ActionParsnipMonk: save, close, reboot11:52
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: On that site is says there are 'other tracker clients' listed on the Documentation page: http://www.gnome.org/projects/tracker/documentation.html11:52
jribHeLLzSpaWn: #linuxmint for linux mint support11:52
izikei have upgraded to 8.10 but then fglrx doesnt work, is there any way i can come back to 8.04?11:53
Le-Chuck_ITAIntuitiveNipple: yes I am now downloading the dependencies to paperbox11:53
ikoniaizike: not really, sorry11:53
HeLLzSpaWnjrib: ah ok...thanx11:53
Le-Chuck_ITAhowever I can already list my files with the command-line tracker-tag, just this doesn't let me browse tags visually11:53
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: "Paperbox" sounds like it might be what you need11:53
jribtyberion: see if it works without the conditionals11:53
izikeikonia:what about a way to get fglrx to work some how?11:53
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, i admire your taste in games11:53
IntuitiveNippleLe-Chuck_ITA: hahah - snap11:53
tyberionjrib: well shouldnt I be able to load dircolors in gnome-terminal easily?11:53
ikoniaizike: well 8.10 support is in #ubuntu+1 but keep in mind it's in beta mode, lots break11:53
Le-Chuck_ITAlocke: well, I have not been playing for years but MI was one of my favourites11:54
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, yeah me too, I don't really have time for games these days11:54
buzukiI search e rar password cracker for linux11:54
buzukiplease help me11:54
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, i assume you also played grim fandango?11:54
lockeis there a way to get an onscreen keyboard in ubuntu 8.04?11:55
SmegzorWill the latest gnome 2.24 be released for Hardy?  I have backports enabled but not proposed.11:55
lockelike without downloading anything?11:55
lockeor i guess even with downloading and installing something11:55
ikoniabuzuki: why do you need a password cracker ?11:55
ikoniaSmegzor: I can't see it, at least for a long time11:56
IntuitiveNippleSmegzor: Unlikely I think11:56
lockei spilled beer all in my keyboard and fried it, but i really needed to be able to type, and couldn't get another keyboard for a few days until just today11:56
ikoniaSmegzor: as in I can't see it happening11:56
SmegzorWhat about Intrepid?11:56
lockei figured out how to type by copying single characters by highlighting and pasting with the middle mouse button11:56
lockebut i couldn't hit enter to send (at least in IRC)11:56
lockei could go to urls with the button in firefox11:56
Le-Chuck_ITAlocke: yes but never finished it, my girlfriend did, though11:56
jribtyberion: what does just 'dircolors -b ~/.dircolors' return?11:56
HeLLzSpaWnjrib: that channel is dead :S nobody talking and theres only 10 people lol11:57
lockebut if i would have ended up logging out or the power got cut and it rebooted i wouldnt have been able to log in11:57
ActionParsniplocke: you can use virtual keyboards11:57
lockeActionParsnip, how?11:57
ikoniaSmegzor already in intreipd11:57
IntuitiveNippleSmegzor: Intrepid is aiming for 2.24 - many gnome packages in the repos are already 2.2411:57
mick02Anyone have any problems shutting down Ubuntu? My PC will start shutting down but will hang with the progress bar nearly complete11:57
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, that was a great game too.. but yeah MI 1 and 2 were my favorites by far11:57
ikonia!offtopic | locke11:57
Le-Chuck_ITAyes ok ok11:57
ikoniaooh ubottu is dead11:57
lockeyeah i know..11:58
Felix_KrullIt appears that my fstab is messed-up. Somehow UUID for cd/dvd is lost and I cannot have automount for it and for the sd-card. Critical line is now: /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       011:58
lockebut anyways i do want to know about this 'virtual keyboard'11:58
tyberionjrib: syntax@nutshell:~$ dircolors -b ~/.dircolors11:58
Felix_KrullCan anyone help me?11:58
lockei'm worried if i break my keyboard again11:58
tyberionexport LS_COLORS11:58
Le-Chuck_ITAlocke: which virtual keyboard? music or just keys?11:58
lockei have homework i have to do that i can't say my keyboard broke to get out of :P11:58
jribHeLLzSpaWn: linuxmint.com should have other support options.  This isn't the right place11:58
lockeLe-Chuck_ITA, an onscreen keyboard i can use with the mouse11:58
tyberionbut those are different from when I simply type dircolors afterwards... :/ it just wont use them11:58
lockelike in win, the onscreen keyboard11:58
Le-Chuck_ITAthere is one in gnome11:58
lockeis there some sort of built in one?11:59
lockei couldn't figure out how to do it11:59
Le-Chuck_ITAand another one is in "cellwriter" which has a deb package (google for it)11:59
jribtyberion: and so this doesn't work?:  eval `dircolors -b ~/.dircolors`11:59
HSNewshow to extract bz2 archive?11:59
Zirodaylocke: look under the assistive technologies option in System > Preferences > Assistive11:59
lockeand had no keyboard to figure it out11:59
jribHSNews: double click on it11:59
HSNewsin terminal11:59
Le-Chuck_ITAlocke: sudo apt-get install gok11:59
jribHSNews: bunzip211:59
lockeZiroday, i found that, but couldn't find anything in there11:59
lockegok huh, i'll try it11:59
lockethere was no way i could have installed that while my keyboard was dead though12:00
lockecouldn't type my password12:00
lockei could have typed the command itself by copy-pasting individual characters, but couldn't have pressed enter :P12:00
Ziroday!enter | locke12:01
tyberionjrib: well still, the values arent the same as in my .dircolors file12:01
lockemaybe if i could have figured out how to get the alt+f2 dialog up without a keyboard12:01
lockeit really was a dilemma :P12:01
lockeno ubottu12:01
Zirodaylocke: stop using enter as punctuation please.12:01
ikoniaFelix_Krull: saying "anyone" is pointless, if someone didn't see the question "anyone" won't tell them what it is, if someone doesn't know the answer saying "anyone" won't make them know the answer12:02
jribtyberion: were the values right before?  When you saw the output?12:02
lockeZiroday, i thought you had something to say about how to press enter without a keyboard :P lol12:02
tyberionjrib: yep..12:02
IntuitiveNipplelocke: right-click panel, Add to Panel... choose "Run Application" applet12:02
jribtyberion: how are you testing the values?12:03
crimpsonHey, im on remote desktop atm, how can i return to ubuntu?12:03
crimpsonGNOME RDP12:03
Felix_Krullikonia: Thanks for clearing me this out. However, do apologize me, I am a bit frustrated...12:03
lockeIntuitiveNipple, oh yeah, nice tip!  le-chuck, how do i run gok from a menu?12:03
lockewhat does it appear in?12:03
tyberionjrib: well entering dircolors shows up the current configuration ?12:04
jribtyberion: no.  echo $LS_COLORS12:04
xompFelix_Krull, -apologize +forgive12:04
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
tyberionjrib omg it worx...      .. whats that dircolors command without any arguments doing then?12:05
IntuitiveNipplelocke: There is a way to do the password without keys :)12:06
jribtyberion: giving you the default from the database12:06
DIFH-iceroothow can i make the prompt (root@host) red, if i am root? like suse does if i am root in the shell12:06
Felix_Krullxomp: Yes, you see, I became illiterate/speechless... So frustrated...12:06
crimpsonwhat is the right key to return to linux when you are in Gnome RDP?12:06
lockegok doesn't seem to let me do anything, i see no keyboard no matter what button i press12:06
jribDIFH-iceroot: google: bash color prompt12:06
IntuitiveNipplelocke: A bit contrived but... find the characters and copy/paste them into a text doc then copy them to clipboard and paste to prompt box12:06
xomplol Felix_Krull it's understandable with ubuntu :P12:07
lockeIntuitiveNipple, i tried that, but the enter (crlf) char just shows up as a little box with numbers in it (at least in xchat)12:07
tyberionjrib alright thanx=)12:07
jribtyberion: no problem12:07
lobnerHello all. If I change my password with the users and groups thingy, why does the password for my keyring not change?12:07
tyberioneval `/usr/bin/dircolors -b ~/.dircolors` in .bashrc without any if statements12:07
Felix_Krullxomp: Well, I like it quite much, but what would you recommend? Windows?12:07
IntuitiveNipplelocke: Couldn't you click the OK button in the gksu/gksudo dialog?12:07
tyberionshould be fine then , right jrib  ?12:08
lobnerAnd can anybody help me change it?12:08
jribtyberion: yeah12:08
lobnerOr point me to where I could read about it/12:08
lockeIntuitiveNipple, i didn't have any dialog when i didn't have a keyboard, but in gok, i tried all the buttons but not a single one brought up an onscreen keyboared12:08
jribtyberion: you can put the if statements in there.  I just suggested removing them for testing12:08
lockeof course, i only just installed that and couldn't have installed it back when i didn't have a working keyboard anyways12:08
xompFelix_Krull, I recommend linux, but sometimes support can be a bit slow, especially for easy issues lol. Most people assume you've done no research and refuse to answer an easy question because they feel you should know the answer.12:09
lockexomp, i've found that in ubuntu, people are far more willing to answer beginner questions than in other distros12:09
bazhanglocke, what is the issue12:09
marvxxxi have the problem with a share i mounted (its on a samba server and i try it with a linux samba client) that i cant transfer the files of a directory in a directory. i can create files and directorys. and transfer files...but not directorys. when i try root it works even with the directorys. i mounted the samba share with uid and gid option.12:09
ghaleb__hello, how can I monitor a graph for server load and network traffic ?12:09
HewIf my sound is in use by some application, how do I find out which app it is?12:10
lockebazhang, my keyboard was broken for a few days and i was trying to figure out how i could type (reasonably) with just the mouse, but didn't have anything installed to handle the issue as i hadn't anticipated it12:10
hateballI've installed OpenLDAP, and thought I'd verify connectivity. The service is running, but neither port 389 nor 636 is open. What's wrong?12:10
xomplocke, you are correct, given that you're willing to repeat it over 9000 times and wait some few hours :P12:10
IntuitiveNipplexomp: The key thing is, anyone providing support here is doing it out of kindess and a willingness to help, not because they are required to. They have done their own research and expect others to do so, too12:10
lockeso I'm trying to figure out how I would handle it if it happens again, so I can be ready in case12:10
Felix_Krullxomp: Do you know the answer to my problem? I just lost autostart for cd/dvd and sd. However, usb-memory is fine in that respect.12:11
lockeIntuitiveNipple, exactly, but most ubuntu users are much more friendly than users of all other distros i've been into in the past12:11
pho3nixI need help installing flashplayer 912:12
IntuitiveNipplelocke: Yes, that is a key differentiator I've found12:12
bazhanghttp://packages.ubuntu.com/dapper/x11/xvkbd locke12:12
Felix_Krullxomp: I look at here and there, without any success. Then, I start dig and thought that is might be in fstab. I do not know. Loosing ideas...12:12
Ziroday!flash > pho3nix12:12
ubottupho3nix, please see my private message12:12
IntuitiveNipplelocke: As long as the shared-support ethos continues it will be good - the problem will come if large numbers of users expect others to provide help and don't give anything back in return.12:12
lockebazhang, thanks, i'm gonna check it out right now12:13
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: Is that happening after restarting the PC?12:13
hsv4lyfokay i found the build essential on the cd, when i went to install it i couldnt continue with the installation as i dont have a internet connection12:13
lockeIntuitiveNipple, absolutely, that's why I like to hang out in the channels and help with what I can, because others have done the same for me12:13
xompFelix_Krull, did the autorun for the cd/dvd work in the past for the cd/dvd? I have some cd/dvd's that have an autorun, but those are 99% windows autorun's :)12:13
IntuitiveNipplelocke: Yeah, it gets you that way :)12:14
Felix_KrullIntuitiveNipple: At the beginning, just after installing 8.40, everything was fine -- cd/dvd and sd autostarted in Nautilus. Than, just suddenly, they stop to behave nicely...12:14
lockeIntuitiveNipple, I can't help it, it would make me feel really bad to not give back at least something to the community..  even though I can be a moron sometimes, I still try to give something back12:15
bazhanglocke, IntuitiveNipple please continue chat elsewhere12:15
pho3nixScore! Ty ty!12:15
Felix_Krullxomp: As I just said...12:15
alexhqCould someone produce me a set of netflow v9 packets please (needed for testing purposes)?12:15
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: usually, automounting stops working during a session due to problems with nautilus gnome-mount... logging out will often clear the issue, but sometimes user processes don't stop as expected so logging-in again the same ones are used and the issue continues.12:15
IntuitiveNipplebazhang: how to win friends and influence people, huh?12:16
hsv4lyfthere must be a way i can install the Atheros AR700EG Wireless Network Adapter from the driver I have already downloaded without a internet connection12:16
Ziroday!wifi | hsv4lyf12:17
ubottuhsv4lyf: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:17
IntuitiveNipplehsv4lyf: is the driver installer requiring a connection?12:17
neSSun0ocan anyone suggest a good alternative to network manager?12:17
OinsI'm looking for a free, good IMAP Provider. Can anyone give me a commendation?12:17
ZirodayneSSun0o: wifi-radar or wicd12:17
Felix_KrullIntuitiveNipple: So, what should be my best try?!?12:17
ZirodayOins: this is a support room, not a general chat room. Try in #ubuntu-offtopic12:17
hsv4lyfnope, the internet connection is needed for me to install build essential from the ubuntu cd12:17
neSSun0ois it in the repository?12:18
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: First thing I'd do is set up a new user and log-in as that, and see if the problem still occurs. If not, then you know the issue is related to the user profile settings12:18
OinsZiroday:  oh yes, sorry12:18
IntuitiveNippleOins: gmail12:18
neSSun0oZiroday: will i find wicd in the repos?12:18
ZirodayneSSun0o: no, you have to get it from the developers repos.12:18
errycan u plz help me12:18
=== Greyhound is now known as Greyhound-
Zirodayerry: we need to know your issue12:19
Felix_KrullIntuitiveNipple: I did that -- made probe account but the problem remained exactly the same; even if I log as a root...12:19
erryAquarium wont work12:19
erryi mean12:19
neSSun0ohwo do i do that ziroday? im quite of a newbie12:19
erryit compiled ok12:19
errybut i enabled it and it disables itself12:19
bazhanghttp://wicd.sourceforge.net/ neSSun0o12:19
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: ok, that at least rules out many issues12:19
OinsIntuitiveNipple:  thanks, but that provider is too "commercial" for me ;)12:19
Zirodaybazhang: thanks :)12:19
errycan u he;p me now12:20
neSSun0oalright thanks12:20
IntuitiveNippleOins: Well, you get what you (don't)  pay for12:20
Zahraadoes ubuntu 8.04 have compiz ?12:20
ZirodayZahraa: yes12:20
erryAm i invisible?12:20
bazhang!ccsm | Zahraa need this12:20
ubottuZahraa need this: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion12:20
erryCan you _HELP_ me?12:20
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: Next thing I'd do is monitor the udev events whilst loading a CD12:20
erry>HELP< me plz12:20
erryHELP ME OR ELSE12:20
bazhangerry, dont use enter as punctuation12:20
IntuitiveNippleFelix_Krull: in a terminal, sudo udevmonitor --environment12:20
erryOh sorry12:20
errycan u help me12:20
erryor not?12:20
FloodBot1erry: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:20
Zirodayerry: try asking in #compiz-fusion12:20
IntuitiveNippleerry: You're beyond help I'm afraid :)12:21
jriberry: ask an actual question.  Annoying us makes it less likely we will help12:21
OinsIntuitiveNipple:  ok, that's although true12:21
Felix_KrullIntuitiveNipple: When I insert dvd nothing happens. I need to select cd/dvd in Places. However, udevmonitor is very, very quiet -- nothing is to be monitored.12:24
Hexushello.  Im getting an error while trying to mount a ntfs drive.  It says volume name not found.  Is there a way to use the device name instead?12:25
BuFFhow to make a screenshot of grub ?12:25
BuFFany ideas ?12:25
thenebHi all, trying to install ubuntu on a machine. After grub a flashing _ just appears12:25
thenebAny boottime options I can run ?12:25
ZirodayHexus: did you run exportfs -a after editing /etc/nfs/nfs.conf12:26
Zirodaytheneb: how old is this machine and how long did you wait?12:26
HexusZiroday: that wasnt in any instructions.  Dont even know what that does.12:26
hsv4lyfhow do i install build essential?12:27
thenebZiroday: it's an amd64 (first generation)12:27
ZirodayHexus: are you connecting to an nfs share you setup or someone else did?12:27
thenebZiroday: long enough12:27
jribhsv4lyf: with an internet connection?12:27
Ziroday!compile | hsv4lyf12:27
ubottuhsv4lyf: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)12:27
tarelerulzI have an nano black 8g and I mess up the phota database . I use gtkpod and The picture show up  ,but when I go to look at them I see nothing ,but black . Can anyone help me12:27
Zirodaytheneb: you can try acpi=off and noapic. However I would recommend waiting longer12:28
hsv4lyfnope i need it so i can install the driver to use my wireless internet connection12:28
HexusZiroday: its local.  I tried to mount it through the desktop but it said i had to force it.  when i tried to do that with the command it gave me in the terminal, it couldnt find the volume name of the drive.12:28
jribhsv4lyf: I gave you two methods before.  Did those not work?12:28
Zirodayhsv4lyf: you can install it with sudo apt-get install build-essential12:28
ActionParsnipyo yo yo12:29
knoppixIch habe ein Problem,12:29
ZirodayHexus: what was the command?12:29
hsv4lyfi found it on the ubuntu cd but it wont install without a internet connection12:29
jribhsv4lyf: did you put in your cd and add the cd to your repository list?12:29
coilhi how do i totally remove the config files for postfix and all the other smtp stuff12:29
jrib!who | hsv4lyf12:29
ubottuhsv4lyf: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)12:29
coiland reinstall the generic ones12:29
hsv4lyfwhats a repository list?12:29
ActionParsnip!aptoncd | hsv4lyf12:30
ubottuhsv4lyf: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers12:30
jribhsv4lyf: system -> administration -> software sources12:30
ZergiuHello , I have a sound problem and wana ask some questions.12:30
pho3nixI have a sound issue aswell12:30
jribcoil: purge the packages responsible for them12:30
coilapt-get purge?12:30
jribcoil: sure12:30
HexusZiroday:  sudo mount-t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/SHIN DATA HEAVEN -o force12:30
thenebZiroday: I'll leave it running for 10 mins12:31
bakarat_hmm i think the asadmin script for glassfish 2 is slightly bugged in ubuntu 8.04.112:31
ActionParsnipHexus: you'll need some \s in there to handle the spaces12:31
unopHexus, you need to quote the mount point properly as the directory has spaces.12:31
Zirodaytheneb: you might also want to try the alternate installer if your computer is too old12:31
bakarat_where should i post an update on this?12:31
ZirodayHexus: that is a ntfs drive *not* a nfs share12:31
ActionParsnipZergiu: wassup with your sound man?12:31
Zirodaybakarat: file a bug report in launchpad12:32
adityagi have installed 8.04 ubuntu on my PC,is it possible to get the image of the same OS on a USB ?12:32
HexusZiroday:  how?  what does "\s" mean?  Yes, i know its not a share, volume name is just whats its called in windows.12:32
ActionParsnipZiroday: thats the command you need then12:32
unopsudo mount-t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1 "/media/SHIN DATA HEAVEN" -o force12:32
ActionParsnipHexus: you cant have spaces without \. E.g. /dev/sdb1/media/SHIN\ DATA\ HEAVEN12:33
unopActionParsnip, you could quote the directory without escaping whitespace12:33
ActionParsnipunop: thats one way12:33
|MUSE|could someone tell me how this works; in the processes tab on system monitor the total processor usage added up is 7%, but in the resources tab, on the CPU history graph, I have 25% on each processor?12:33
unopActionParsnip, i think it's easier, cleaner too12:34
pho3nixMediaplayer and YouTube can't run at the same time on my system12:34
ActionParsnipunop: i use tab camplete which uses \s12:34
hsv4lyfactionparsnip, what is aptoncd12:34
adityagis it possible to copy the 8.04 ubuntu on my PC, to a PEN drive ?12:34
ZergiuActionParsnip I can't play music files , mesenger sound doesn't work , (but the introductive ubuntu song works , and youtube also)12:34
adityagand boot from the pen drive itself12:34
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, i am completly new to linux btw12:34
ActionParsnipZergiu: make sure each app is using the correct sound server12:35
pho3nixZergiu: Do you have an integrated soundcard?12:35
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: just add the cd as a repository then you can do offline installs12:35
AussieGuyis there an installation ISO I can download that has all the updates included?12:36
Ar_barHi. Who know polish chanel??12:36
Zergiupho3nix: yes I do12:36
jrib!pl | Ar_bar12:36
ubottuAr_bar: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl12:36
ActionParsnip!pl | Ar_bar12:36
HexusActionParsnip: Its just giving me the help list.12:36
pho3nixZergiu: then it's probably a Intel HDA one, right?12:36
Ar_barsee you12:36
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, ok no worries, also i already have build essential downloaded in a file on my linux desktop and extracted, i goto compile it and it comes up with error 2 at the end of it12:37
ActionParsnipAussieGuy: you could download the next release, but its just the same as downloading the updates for each app you have12:37
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: why not get the deb file for build-essential12:38
Zergiupho3nix: it's not integrated it's a genius 5.112:38
adityagi have installed 8.04 ubuntu on my PC,is it possible to get the image of the same OS on a USB(pen drive) ? and boot from the pen drive ??12:38
pho3nixKK. Check your soundsettings, make sure it's the one running. Also see if you have ALSA-mixer as primary driver12:39
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, where can I get the deb file for Ubuntu 8.04?12:39
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, and what will this do?12:39
|MUSE|in the 'processes' tab on 'system monitor' the total processor usage added up is 7%, but in the 'resources' tab, on the 'CPU history' graph, I have 25% on each processor? What is wrong there?12:39
Borman_что-то у меня какой-то бред на мониторе..12:40
Zergiupho3nix: ok , thanks for the help m812:40
pho3nixNow, does anyone know how I get YouTube and Amarok running at the same time?12:40
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: sudo apt-get upgrade-manager i thinkn it is, it will handle the upgrade for you12:40
AussieGuydoes 8.04 have all the security updates?12:40
|MUSE|pho3nix: do you mean the sound?12:40
jribhsv4lyf: you seem to just ignore what I tell you for some reason.  build-essential is on the cd12:40
HexusActionParsnip:  Im typing "sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb1/media/SHIN\ DATA\ HEAVEN -o force" and all i get is the help list,  You guys see anything wrong with my syntax?12:41
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rainmakerhi everybody12:41
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, will i need a internet connection to download upgrade manager?12:41
ActionParsnipHexus: id rename the mountpoint to not have spaces, its one less confusion12:41
rainmakercan anybody help me on wine config please?12:41
|MUSE|pho3nix: well there are two methods, you can install flash 10, or there is a package that fixes flash.12:41
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: yeah12:41
sitaramHexus: you need a space after sdb1?12:41
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: it may be on the cd12:42
bastid_raZorHexus; space between /dev/sdb1 and /media12:42
Guest17153does someone knows how i can directly edit files from my ftp i connected to ftp server with the built in connect to server but when i open a file to edit it i cant save it because its read only does someone know how to make it editable too?12:42
pho3nix|Muse|: Flash 10? I just installed flash 9. And I've tried installing the fixthing for the flashstuff12:42
ActionParsnipbastid_raZor: nice one12:42
k_rock923has anyone tried to do an ubuntu install without using the local console at all?  I have a headless machine that needs a new OS (old disk died)12:42
hsv4lyfjrib, i got build essential on my desktop of linux but i goto install it and it comes up at the end of the tasks after i goto compile it with error 212:42
ActionParsnipk_rock923: you need to fire up sshd12:43
Hexusfuse: failed to access mountpoint media/SHIN DATA HEAVEN: No such file or directory12:43
jribhsv4lyf: put in your cd.  add it to your repository list.  disable the online repositories.  go to Synaptic.  Install build-essential12:43
k_rock923right.  I've done that on gentoo before, but I had to hack up the iso to do it12:43
ActionParsnipHexus: you need to sudo mkdir the mountpoint12:43
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hsv4lyfjrib, also i cant type anything in after i use the su - command12:43
|MUSE|pho3nix: did you install libflashsupport?12:43
bastid_raZorHexus; did you make that directory? plus having no spaces would be much easier12:43
ActionParsnipHexus: sudo mkdir /media/SHIN\ DATA\ HEAVEN12:44
HexusI didnt make the directory, no.12:44
k_rock923Is there a way to do it without having to modify the image on ubuntu, or should I just do it the way I already know how to do it?12:44
hsv4lyfjrib, ok thanks heaps, i will restart my computer and run linux and give it a go12:44
pho3nix|Muse|: Yes. Atleast I think so,12:44
afallenhopeanyone ever use enigmail for  thunderbird? apparently my emails won't show nwo12:44
pho3nix|Muse|: I'll try again12:44
ActionParsnipHexus: then how are you going to mount to a folder that doesnt exist12:44
ActionParsnipHexus: make the folder, then mount to it12:44
afallenhopewell some do others dont12:44
afallenhopeothers just show the wrong emai12:44
pho3nix|Muse|: Yep, I've installed it.12:45
Hexusah.  I didnt know I had to make the dir too.  You guys are awesome12:45
|MUSE|pho3nix: type 'whereis libflashsupport' into the terminal.12:45
Hexusgreat to have one thing work12:45
ActionParsnipHexus: one step at a time, id avoid folders with spaces in the name in future12:46
ActionParsnipHexus: if you want it mounted at boot, edit your /etc/fstab12:46
pho3nix|MUSE|:/usr/lib/libsflashsupport.so /usr/lib64/libflashsupport.so12:46
|MUSE|ok, now you must turn restart your browser and see what happens.12:46
rainmakercan anybody advise me on wine configuration please?12:47
pho3nix|Muse|: No luck12:47
ActionParsniprainmaker: its independant to each app12:48
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|MUSE|google for 'linux flash astro' and download and install the latest flash12:48
|MUSE|in the 'processes' tab on 'system monitor' the total processor usage added up is 7%, but in the 'resources' tab, on the 'CPU history' graph, I have 25% on each processor? Please could someone explain this?12:49
rainmakeri need to move drive_c onto another hd12:49
rainmakercan that be done?12:49
IntuitiveNipple|MUSE|: the overall usage includes I/O wait times12:50
ActionParsniprainmaker: move it then add a symlink back so it appears in that place12:50
pho3nix|Muse|: A quick one: How -exaclty - do I get the .tar.gz file to extract and install?12:50
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ikoniapho3nix: tar zxvf $file12:50
ikoniapho3nix: then read the "README" in the directory to install it12:50
pho3nixK thx12:50
ikoniapho3nix: what package are you trying to install12:51
pho3nixFlash 1012:51
ActionParsniprainmaker: i dunno if symlinks are supported but it should do12:51
ikoniapho3nix: just sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree to get the correct supported version for ubuntu12:51
rainmakerthnx action, does it matter if my other hd is on ntfs?12:51
simNIXim setting up autmated install with a preseed file for my lamp server. During install i'm asked what password to set for mysql. Ggoogling I havent been able to find howto preseed this mysql password to make this setup unattended12:51
pho3nixikonia: Done that, didn't help12:52
ikoniasimNIX: how are you automating the install12:52
ActionParsniprainmaker: none at all as far as i can tell, sometimes apps dont like it and refuse to run, try it12:52
ActionParsniprainmaker: you can always copy back12:52
rainmakerkk thanks action for the advise12:53
pho3nixikonia: Any ideas?12:53
ikoniapho3nix: what is actually the problem ?12:53
simNIXikonia, I pxe boot start the setup and automated answers with a preseed file - see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/example-preseed.txt12:53
pho3nixYouTube and Amarok won't play at the same time12:54
ikoniasimNIX: I've never done it that way before, I'll have a read12:54
ikoniapho3nix: visually or audio12:55
ikoniapho3nix: why do you think flash 10 will solve it ?12:55
pho3nixikonia: Well, libflashsupport, flash 9, nothing works12:55
pho3nixIt's audio btw12:55
ikoniapho3nix is this a known issue ? (ubuntuforums/launchpad)12:56
pho3nixSomewhat. I've tried to follow like three diffrent guides12:56
nnullcan someone tell me how i leave fullscreen mode in vinigre vnc please?12:56
pho3nixAmarok keeps telling me the driver is buissy when I run them simountaniously12:57
gjyi donnot know12:57
nnulldw found it heh12:57
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asho79Hi there. Does anyone know about a problem with using gedit for writing programs? I get a strange A symbol before my quotation marks12:59
ikoniaasho79 what symbol12:59
SiDiasho79, this is encoding problem12:59
SiDiThe " symbol in ANSI looks like a weird A in UTF-813:00
SiDiYou probably open ANSI chars while gedit works by default in UTF-813:00
asho79ikonia: an A with a circle above it13:00
pho3nixThat's an å13:00
achadwickFor programming you typically want typewriter "s, not curly ones.13:01
murlidharcan anybody help me install cursor themes in ubuntu .13:01
achadwickIf you're pasting code from a web source, bear in mind that the server may have tried to be "smart" about the quotes.13:01
ikoniamurlidhar: the themes are availble from gnome-look.org and normally come with instructions13:02
murlidhararvind_khadri: hi . how is bangalore ?13:02
asho79achadwick:They´re scripts I´m writing myself13:03
asho79Anyone know how to get around it?13:03
ikoniamurlidhar: in #ubuntu-offtopic please13:03
asho79is it a gedit setting?13:03
ikoniaasho79: I thought edit would be fine with encoding, are you having problems with any other applications13:03
pho3nixNo ideas to the sound issue?13:04
SiDiasho79, you have options for encoding when you save your file13:04
ActionParsnipasho79: you could copy and paste from the web :D13:04
achadwickasho79: your keyboard clearly loves curly quotes. Which language settings and input systems are you using?13:04
ikoniapho3nix: normally with libflashsound your fine13:04
asho79ikonia: actually, my ubuntu installation is a bit damaged; I´m waiting for Intrepid; It does need fixing :-)13:05
achadwick(I'm noticing it when you type "I´m", for example :)13:05
pho3nixikonia: Yep. This seems kinda fucked up13:05
ikoniapho3nix: that language is uncalled for13:05
ActionParsnip!ohmy | pho3nix13:05
ubottupho3nix: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:05
pho3nixRoger, wilco13:05
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pho3nixHehe, "familiy friendly"! Sounds like Microsoft!13:05
asho79I think it could be my keyboard settings13:06
ikoniapho3nix: no it doesn't13:06
SiDiasho79, you possibly pasted some text from an ANSI document and when you hit Ctrl+S to save your doc, it saved in UTF-8?13:06
kebomixhello ppl13:07
asho79SiDi: nah, wrote them and saved them13:07
ActionParsnip!hi | kebomix13:07
ubottukebomix: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!13:07
kebomixhow i can run  c++ and c# in ubuntu  like microsoft visual c++ in windows ?13:07
asho79thanks for the help13:07
ActionParsnipkebomix: sudo apt-get install build-essential13:07
SiDikebomix, write your files and use "gcc" and "g++" to compile the files13:08
asho79trial ¨¨¨, ´´´13:08
ActionParsnipkebomix: that'll give you libs and g++ compiler13:08
ConstantineXVIis there a decent graphing calculator replacement app in the repositories?13:08
ActionParsnipConstantineXVI: speedcrunch13:08
ActionParsnipConstantineXVI: or gcalc13:08
arvind_khadrikebomix, VC++ is proprietary software :)13:09
kebomixthx 4 help13:09
steveccchi all - i want to purchase a usb hard disk to use with ubuntu - most are obviously formatted with fat 32 but I want to reformat them with ext3 preferably - I would have thought as they are all usb disks which should be detected by linux that I can format any of them with ext3 but do some have issues working with linux?13:09
ConstantineXVIActionParsnip, i really need the graphing portion ATM, which neither gcalc or speedcrunch have13:09
hsv4lyfjrib, okay i have sucessfully installed build essential, now to install my driver what do i have to do?13:09
asho79Constantine: have you tried lybniz?13:09
ActionParsnipsteveccc: no, just buy any you like13:09
ConstantineXVIasho79, no, I'll give it a shot13:10
ActionParsnipConstantineXVI: then you'll need something like open office's calc to make spreadsheets is all i can suggest13:10
jribhsv4lyf: was linux-headers-* on there too?13:10
hsv4lyfon the cd?13:11
jribhsv4lyf: yeah13:11
hsv4lyfjrip, oops my bad, sorry i forgot to check it13:11
asho79Constantine: it´s ok, you have to zoom in to see your maximums and minimums13:11
arvind_khadristeveccc, why do you want ext3 on it... are you going to install ubuntu on it?13:11
jribhsv4lyf: you said you needed them right?13:11
hsv4lyfjrib, i will just check now13:11
kebomixhttp://request-ebooks.blogspot.com  / free programming ebooks13:12
jrib!ot | kebomix13:12
ubottukebomix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:12
ConstantineXVIasho79, it works well enough13:12
ConstantineXVIit'll have to since i left my 50g at home13:12
tsai_roxhi all, I am trying to get my screen resolution smaller. Here is my xorg.conf file http://pastebin.com/f3cae2a65.  What do I need to do it to get smaller screen resolution?13:13
asho79kebomix: thanks, great link13:14
stevecccarvind_khadri: no just dont want fat3213:14
kebomixwelcome :D13:14
hsv4lyfjrib, just had a look for linux-headers-* but no luck13:14
arvind_khadristeveccc, then just buy it and format it with ext3 :)13:14
ActionParsnipsteveccc: if its for windows boxes too, use ntfs13:15
stevecccarvind_khadri: thanks - thats what I was double checking that I can format any of them and actionparsnip gave me a thumbs up and so are you so thanks13:15
arvind_khadristeveccc, welcome :)13:16
ActionParsnipnp steveccc13:16
stevecccactionparsnip: thanks - i want ext3 so it isnt really readable on windows - i sare say there are plugins which allow you to but just want to not make it easy13:16
arvind_khadristeveccc, tune2fs is one :)13:16
stevecccarvind_khadri: its mainly to stop someone in the family opening it and overwriting work - they wont go to installing plugins to access it it just wont read13:17
hsv4lyfjrib, what i have done under the madwifi directory is typed in the make command and it made the compile, whats the next step after that?13:18
jribhsv4lyf: yep, you're right.  Use packages.ubuntu.com, but make sure you get the right version.  You'll need to satisfy dependencies manually (I believe the only dependency you need is the package without the -generic part)13:18
ActionParsniphsv4lyf: why not just use deb?13:18
jribhsv4lyf: what directions are you following13:18
Rioting_pacifistwhats the best way to maintain two ubuntu installs side by side13:19
arvind_khadristeveccc, oh13:19
ConstantineXVIoh, does anyone know if evolution in intrepid will handle exchange 2007?13:19
hsv4lyfActionParsnip, im not to sure what deb is or where to get it from13:19
arvind_khadriConstantineXVI, ask #ubuntu+113:19
Rioting_pacifistConstantineXVI: im not sure but if its in gnome 2.24 id guess it will13:19
ConstantineXVIRioting_pacifist, a better question would be why you want two installs13:20
Rioting_pacifistConstantineXVI: stable & testing13:20
stevecccarvind_khadri: there isnt a simple way of encrypting the drive is there13:20
webfarmerI did a recent upgrade and now I can't even get to my login window13:20
webfarmerit flickers in this endless loop13:20
hsv4lyfJrib, so i just goto the packages.ubuntu.com website and download from there?13:21
arvind_khadristeveccc, in Windoze or in Ubuntu13:21
jribwebfarmer: what video drivers are you using ?13:21
webfarmerwith the default drum audio playing over and over again13:21
webfarmercan someone please help me13:21
jribhsv4lyf: sure, but there may be an easier way to get your drivers.  What directions are you following?13:21
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: login to the console and backup your xorg.conf, then boot to recovery and fix xorg.conf13:21
Rioting_pacifistarvind_khadri: only just joined so not sure if this is relevent but llvm handle encrypted partitions well alternatively it can be done using crypttabs, ive installed a few encrypted roots but entering my password on boot became a PITA13:21
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: that will give you failsafe graphics and you can troubleshoot from there13:21
LjLwebfarmer, ActionParsnip: well, if he hears the startup sound, i think that means it reaches GNOME, so the X settings might not be the problem perhaps13:22
arvind_khadristeveccc, i guess RAID is also used for that13:22
jribwebfarmer: how did you install those drivers?13:22
Rioting_pacifistwebfarmer: does ctrl+alt+bkspace help?13:22
webfarmerit's on my laptop VAIO13:22
hsv4lyfJrib, i havent been following any directions as i dont know where to get these directions from13:22
webfarmerActionParsnip what?13:23
webfarmerthe cd did it automatically13:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about encryption13:23
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, oh :)13:23
ActionParsnipLjLif the display is flickering it more than likely is13:23
stevecccarvind_khadri: not sure what you mean with raid comment13:23
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: when grub says press esc, press it and choose recovery for your normal kernel13:23
Rioting_pacifiststeveccc: only just joined so not sure if this is relevent but llvm handle encrypted partitions well alternatively it can be done using crypttabs, ive installed a few encrypted roots but entering my password on boot became a PITA13:23
jribwebfarmer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi claims you just need linux-restricted-modules (on the cd) and madwifi-tools (grab from packages.ubuntu.com I guess)13:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ecrypted-root13:23
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: then choose root console and backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:24
webfarmerno control alt backspace doesn't help13:24
webfarmeralthough I do see the system doing something13:24
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: then reboot and repeat but instead choose recovery, then fix xorg.conf (or whatever its called)13:24
webfarmerdon't really know linux and all this tech stuff - just a warning13:24
webfarmerI is a real noob13:24
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: im telling you step by step here13:24
stevecccrioting_pacifist: well i am going to have a usb disk with 1 ext3 filesystem on it and i ideally want to click encrypt and then disconnect it to stop a thief getting the files and then on plugging it back in unencrypt - didnt want a long process though ideally or it may get a pain to use - is this simple13:25
arvind_khadristeveccc, hang on a sec13:25
geirhaRioting_pacifist: Only problem is how to get GRUB to handle two installs nicely. I don't know that much about how ubuntu and grub work together. I usually install my stable system with grub, and test systems without grub, then I update the grub menu manually.13:25
webfarmerActionParsnip I did that13:25
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: if you have a vaguely usable desktop, switch your driver in xorg.conf to nv and reboot13:25
webfarmerpress escape13:25
webfarmerboot from recovery13:25
webfarmerstill this happens13:25
FloodBot1webfarmer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:25
Rioting_pacifistgeirha: yeah thats the problem i ran into, suppose updating it manually isnt too bad13:26
ActionParsnipwebfarmer: check the monitor connection to your graphics card13:26
stuarticusAnyone any experience of using testdisk to recover failed ntfs partitions?13:26
geirhaRioting_pacifist: Also, if the test system does not require access to your hardware, installing it in a virtualbox is much easier13:26
jribwebfarmer: you went into a root shell in recovery mode?13:26
ActionParsnipstuarticus: yeah i did it13:26
hsv4lyfJrib, i havent been following any directions as i dont know where to get these directions from13:26
Rioting_pacifistgeirha: nah im looking at the radeon drivers so hardware access is pretty much essential13:26
stuarticusAny advice, I'm not really getting anywhere...13:26
jribhsv4lyf: did you see the ones I just linked you to?13:26
geirhaRioting_pacifist: It might work if you create a /boot partition that both installs use, though I haven't tried that myself13:26
hsv4lyfJrib, no sorry13:26
arvind_khadristeveccc, true crypt is there13:27
ActionParsnipstuarticus: i'll pm you13:27
webfarmerActionParsnip - it's on my laptop?13:27
Rioting_pacifisttruecrypt and i think something like pam-automount springs to mind13:27
stevecccarvind_khadri: is it complicated or slow to use?13:28
jribhsv4lyf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Madwifi claims you just need linux-restricted-modules (on the cd) and madwifi-tools (grab from packages.ubuntu.com I guess)13:28
arvind_khadristeveccc, i just googled it :)13:28
jribwebfarmer: ignore the madwifi link I gave you earlier as that was for someone else :)13:28
hsv4lyfJrib, okay thankyou13:28
Rioting_pacifiststeveccc: truecrypt is not slow, im not sure if the GUI interface is easy to use as ive not used it in a while though13:29
hsv4lyfJrib, 3.1. Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) The drivers are in the restricted modules package; also see the madwifi-tools package. sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules madwifi-tools13:30
arvind_khadristeveccc, http://linhost.info/2008/05/installing-truecrypt-in-ubuntu-804/13:30
hsv4lyfJrib, wont this require a internet connection with ubuntu13:30
webfarmerjrib no? I reboot, I press escape I then go to recovery, U then go to root on the blue, grey, red screen and now what13:31
stevecccrioting_pacifist: i did use one but it had to encrypt every file and it left the encryped version and the non encrypted version side by side and hence you had to go through removing all the non versions - was long winded13:31
LjLhsv4lyf: most likely, it's a bit of a catch 22, but as he said, you can grab manually from packages.ubuntu.com13:31
LjL!offline > hsv4lyf    (hsv4lyf, see the private message from Ubotu) this, too13:31
ubottuhsv4lyf, please see my private message13:31
webfarmertype in backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:31
jribhsv4lyf: linux-restricted-modules is on the cd.  The other one you can get using packages.ubuntu.com or using the "generate download script" in synaptic (then downloading in windows and installing what you downloaded on ubuntu)13:31
arvind_khadristeveccc, and this too http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/03/using-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-for-encryption/13:31
jribwebfarmer: you have a shell prompt now?13:31
Rioting_pacifiststeveccc: you can set up an entire encrypted partition13:31
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arvind_khadrihsv4lyf, or use a aptoncd of a friend who uses ubuntu13:32
stevecccrioting_pacifist: that would be ideal13:32
Rioting_pacifist<arvind_khadri> steveccc, and this too http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/09/03/using-truecrypt-on-ubuntu-for-encryption/ < i think that guide is for an entire partition13:33
jrib!pm | webfarmer13:33
ubottuwebfarmer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.13:33
webfarmerjrib yea13:33
arvind_khadriRioting_pacifist, he wanted it for the entire disk i believe13:33
thenebHi all, got an amd athlon 64. Used the 64bit version of the live cd and it doesn't get past a blinking _ after loading the kernel. On 32bit it loads up13:33
thenebIs amd64 supported for all amd 64bit chips?13:33
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webfarmerthe terminal13:34
webfarmeronly bigger13:34
=== trucMuche_ is now known as McPeter__
jribtheneb: did you "check the cd for defects"13:34
thenebThat does the same thing, ie blinking13:34
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Rioting_pacifisti think it will require droping to command line everytime you want to mount/unmount but its fairly simple and wont leave seperate files lying about, you may even want to use a fat partition for a hidden partition13:34
LjLtheneb: then check it from another OS13:35
LjL!md5 > theneb    (theneb, see the private message from Ubotu)13:35
ubottutheneb, please see my private message13:35
webfarmersorry - jrib - I'm in root - what do I do now?13:36
ubottuhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot use this to build 32 bit environments on a 64 bit box13:36
hsv4lyfJrib, which package would I get from packages.ubuntu.com I found the ones for linux-restricted-modules13:36
hsv4lyfJrib, there is 4 different ones to choose from13:37
LjLhsv4lyf: madwifi-tools i believe?13:37
jribhsv4lyf: linux-restricted-modules is on the cd.  You need madwifi-tools13:37
webfarmergo backup that file?13:37
jribwebfarmer: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.backup}13:37
jribwebfarmer: omit the sudo13:38
* LjL awards jrib the Crazy Unexpected Wildcard Award of the day13:38
stuarticusAnyone know why testdisk only seems to open drives read only?13:39
hsv4lyfJrib, which do i pick from out of this list http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/madwifi-tools13:39
=== Johnny_ is now known as Guest95387
=== Guest95387 is now known as Johnny_____
LjLhsv4lyf: the i386 one if you're on the 32bit version, the amd64 one if you're on the 64bit version13:40
Johnny_____I want to install XP on my laptop, but it doesn13:41
brett007hello all13:41
Johnny_____recognise any drives. What to do?13:41
hsv4lyfLjL, how do i find out which version of Ubuntu im running?13:41
jribJohnny_____: ##windows for windows help13:41
brett007can someone perhaps point me to some place or perhaps help me with programming in visual basic to interface the serial port (RS232)13:41
DJones!version | hsv4lyf13:41
ubottuhsv4lyf: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell13:41
LjLDJones: that doesn't tell you whether it's 32 or 64 bit, though13:42
hateballbrett007: I doubt you'll find many Visual Basic programmers in here :/13:42
jribhsv4lyf: how did you get ubuntu?  Did you download it or are you using a cd from shipit?13:42
LjLhsv4lyf: uname -m should13:42
DJonesLjL: I didn't realise that, thanks for the info, I'll try & rememebr that13:43
v3ctoruname -m will13:43
brett007hateball: i use to have ubuntu on, but had to remove it. DO you think it will be easier to code it in c through windows?13:43
tyberionhm, is there a table where I can see the whole color table.. those who I can type root-tail -color <#COLOR#>? ??13:43
LjL!ot | brett00713:43
ubottubrett007: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!13:43
tyberione.g. what parse-names are exisiting, and so on13:43
nnullthe secondary drive i had ubuntu on failed and now grub errors on boot not allowing me to boot to xp to try make space on another drive to install, how do i remove grub? format the mbr? do i need a xp cd for that or?13:44
hsv4lyfLjL, can i use the terminal for that command?13:44
LjLhsv4lyf: sure, what else?13:44
thenebLjL: just run a checksum, identical13:44
LjLstuarticus: dunno, are you using sudo with it?13:44
LjLtheneb: then it doesn't like your hardware, indeed. did you try the 32bit version at all?13:45
indomitii installed ubuntu with alternative CD... i set it all up with encrypted partitions and then LVM on top of that...... is it possible to use the same partitioning tool i used when to install? or should i use another one?13:45
hsv4lyfLjL, lol thanks, im new to Ubuntu as i have been a windows user all my life, i just wanted to try something new13:45
thenebLjL: Yes I did, booted13:45
thenebShould I just install 32 bit and upgrade to 64bit?13:45
LjLtheneb: if you have no particular reason to use 64bit, why don't you just keep using 32bit?  anyway, the fact that 64bit doesn't boot for you is a bug, you should investigate further and report it13:46
brett007#join #windows13:46
LjLbrett007: /join #windows13:46
tyberionis there a way to start e.g. root-tail with -color prompt.. but not with a "black, white, cyan,... etc" flag, but an # html hexa code for colors?13:46
thenebLjL: okay , cheers13:46
Pedrohi ppl, where to find help about eee ubuntu?13:46
nnulli have xp and ubuntu dual booted, the drive i had xubuntu on failed, and now grub errors on boot, do need to use my windows xp cd and somehow format the mbr or?13:46
LjLtheneb: perhaps try removing "quiet" and adding "nosplash" to the kernel boot options (i believe you get them by hitting F6 in the CD), see if there's any errors at all...13:46
LjLtheneb: if there are none, then just report a bug describing your hardware as accurately as possible (perhaps the output of "lshw" from a working 32bit Ubuntu will help), and saying you get a blinking cursor right after starting (if that's what's happening)13:47
hsv4lyfLjL, once i download madwifi-tools what is the next step13:48
thenebLjL: Yeah, ok will do. Thanks for your help.13:48
webfarmerok I'm downloading the package you need in order to use backup and it'13:48
LjLhsv4lyf: "sudo dpkg -i package-file-name.deb" to install it, then i don't really know13:49
webfarmerit's asking for a range of stuff that I don't understand at all13:49
LjLwebfarmer: in order to use backup?13:49
webfarmeropenafs? what is that13:49
LjLi haven't the slighest idea13:49
s3phirothhi guys. i've setup the proxy on the gnome's network proxy utility and i have firefox using the environment settings, but it doesn't ignore local addresses like even though i have those defined on the gnome proxy utility. doesn't firefox care about those definitions if they aren't defined inside it ?13:50
LjLwebfarmer, what the heck did you type? i believe the last thing that jrib told you to type was "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.backup}", and it doesn't sound like you typed *that*13:50
nnulli have xp and ubuntu dual booted, the drive i had xubuntu on failed, and now grub errors on boot, do need to use my windows xp cd and somehow format the mbr or?13:51
indomitii installed ubuntu with alternative CD... i set it all up with encrypted partitions and then LVM on top of that...... is it possible to use the same partitioning tool i used when to install? or should i use another one? i would prefer to use the same partitioning utility as when i installed ubuntu, but how do i start it?13:51
s3phirothif i define the proxy and the exceptions directly on firefox it works perfectly. but i don't want to do this all the time :(13:53
s3phirothso...this seems like a firefox bug13:53
webfarmermy connection keeps messing out13:53
webfarmerwhat is openafs13:53
LjLwebfarmer: i don't know. but i asked13:54
LjLwebfarmer, what the heck did you type? i believe the last thing that jrib told you to type was "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf{,.backup}", and it doesn't sound like you typed *that*13:54
webfarmerno he said type in backup and it told me to go get openafs because I couldn't use the word backup13:55
webfarmermust I get out of this crap13:55
LjLhe didn't tell you to type "backup"13:55
LjLhe told you *to backup*13:55
LjLand that's done with the "cp" command that i just reported again13:56
cyber_brain_mfkgsomeone is good with matlab?13:56
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:56
LjLdoes matlab even run on Ubuntu?13:56
webfarmerokay well I did that now what?13:56
thenebLjL: Issue solved, it segfaulted on 32 bit. Put memory in the second slot of the mobo and it's fine13:56
cyber_brain_mfkgLjL yes13:56
LjLwebfarmer: well, now, i believe you were told to modify xorg.conf so that it would use the "nv" driver... although i don't personally believe that's the problem, honestly13:57
LjLtheneb: ah, well, i'd run a memtest (you can run it straight from the CD, i think) anyway to be sure that RAM stick is actually alright13:58
LjLwebfarmer: try typing "apt-get dist-upgrade" and tell me what it says (use the pastebin if it doesn't fit in one line)13:58
kebomixi need mac osx icons  , any body have them ?13:58
impjeDoes anyone know of an nvidia card with QXGA resolution (2048 x 1536) that works with ubuntu?13:59
s3phirothhah. apparently the bug has been filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.0/+bug/20461613:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 204616 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox doesn't use the ignore list of the system-wide proxy config" [Undecided,Confirmed]13:59
s3phirothnevermind my question then.13:59
kebomixi dont like firefox 3 much13:59
s3phirothwell i do. and this bug is annoying as hell14:00
nnullmy last install firefox3 would just close itself every 5 or so mins, was so annoying14:00
soundray!hi | acp_14:02
ubottuacp_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epic414:02
LjL!msg the bot14:02
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.14:02
ushimitsudokiimpje: the 8800 series supports that resolution and works in ubuntu14:02
webfarmerLjL okay did the dist-upgrade and it says 0 upgraded 0 newly 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded14:03
strAlancan anyone please help me mount this device http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92892414:03
kebomixIS THERE IS  any program that make remixes in ubuntu ?14:03
ubuntu_i|ve installed hardy heron on a firewire device, now grub msg me error 21, could someone help?14:03
ushimitsudokikebomix: like music remixes?14:03
kebomixyeah , i have two songs and i want to make remix between them and add music14:04
strAlanubuntu_ how did you install it on a firewire device ?14:04
ubuntu_what should i write into the grub menu.lst to boot from firewire_14:04
ushimitsudokikebomix: You could try LMMS (http://lmms.sourceforge.net/) or if you need heavy duty stuff, Ardour14:04
corky`is /root/ set to 755 on a standard install?14:05
corky`NOT GOOD14:05
strAlanubuntu_, I want to install linux on a firewire device - a personal media player14:05
kebomixi  dont know how to thank u :D14:05
LjLwebfarmer: ok, then the problem wasn't what i thought. you could 1) try typing "adduser testuser", then follow the instructions, then reboot, then login as "testuser" and see if that works. if it does, then at least we know the problem is confined to your user.  2) if the problem is in xorg.conf, you can edit it by typing "nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf", then search for Driver "nvidia", and change it into Driver "nv" (at least, that's what i think they suggested to14:05
nananuuIf I have installed some thing whith wine how to uninstall?14:05
LjLyou), then Ctrl+X to save and exit14:05
LjLkebomix: does it need to be real-time remixing, dj-style, or do you want to do it it advance?14:05
* m4tr4 say hi every one14:06
kebomixyeah , i want dj style14:06
ushimitsudokinananuu: #winehq is better for wine support, but the install should have put a menu item that calls "uninstaller"14:06
LjLnananuu: type "uninstaller" in a terminal14:06
kebomixi have another problem , too14:06
gauch0hi there14:06
ushimitsudokikebomix: ah, LMMS is not really DJ-style (nor is Ardour)14:07
strAlanushimitsudoki, or he can just ask me14:07
LjL!info mixxx > kebomix14:07
ubottukebomix, please see my private message14:07
strAlannananuu, just type "uninstall" in the command prompt14:07
strAlanand it will ask you which program to uninstall14:07
gauch0is any one using gusty already?14:07
LjL!info dbmix > kebomix14:07
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:07
webfarmerLjL What am I looking for in this file because I can't find nvidia14:07
LjLgauch0: i suspect the majority here is using hardy14:07
soundray!gutsy > gauch014:07
ubottugauch0, please see my private message14:07
webfarmerI can just see Section "Screen"... Monitor    "Configured Monitor"14:08
webfarmerstuff like that14:08
LjLwebfarmer: if you can't find nvidia, then you aren't looking for anything really, and you probably should ignore that suggestion. but make sure it really isn't there: you can search by hitting Ctrl+W, then type "nvidia" and Enter14:08
ushimitsudokistrAlan: i don't know what you mean by that?14:08
ubottuIt is spelt !guTSy :)14:08
nananuuthanks guys ushimitsudoki  strAlan  LjL  uninstaller right thanks14:08
ubottuGutsy - Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. Upgrading to Gutsy:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades - Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/7.10 - Features: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/710tour14:08
kebomixi face problem when i  open radio in web pages  , it need  windows media player to control . ,  stations works but i cant control sound or anything just sound works14:09
LjL!info pytone > kebomix14:09
ubottukebomix, please see my private message14:09
acp_is there a similar application for nokia pc suite my dad need it so he could transfer pics and videos from his n70 to his ubuntu his using hardy bytheway?14:09
anandologyI am trying to setup multihead ubuntu system. any expert around to help?14:09
ushimitsudokianandology: what video card?14:10
anandologyati and nvidia14:10
anandologyI have got both displays up14:10
anandologybut only one is active14:10
ushimitsudokioh my. on the same box? 1 ATI and 1 nvidia card?14:10
webfarmerLjL: I typed add user but I'm trying to backspace and it's giving me all these weird characters14:10
anandologyushimitsudoki: Yes. I am following steps from this: http://www.linuxtoys.org/multiseat/multiseat.html14:10
LjLwebfarmer: hit ctrl+c and start from scratch14:10
iplaythisgamei had a hard time getting a two card setup going, and they were both nvidia, good luck14:10
ushimitsudokianandology: yes i have 3 monitors on 2 nvidia cards, but i'm not going to touch ati/nvidia mixed14:11
webfarmerokay done14:11
webfarmerI created newuser14:11
webfarmernow what14:11
anandologyushimitsudoki: I don't think that is the issue. some how keyboard input is blocked14:12
webfarmerit's back at root14:12
afeijohi group!!!14:12
afeijolots of ppl :)14:12
anandologyushimitsudoki: If I kill the second one then keyboard gets control for a short while14:12
LjLwebfarmer: when you boot, do you see a login screen at all? or doesn't it even let you enter your username?14:12
malibuubuntu sux.. ok no it doesn't, I love it but I'm frustrated with it right now14:13
afeijoI need a smtp server, I installed POSTFIX, but it is not working.  I need to do something aditional?14:13
impjeushimitsudoki: How about an nvidia card with QXGA resolution (2048 x 1536) that works under linux?14:13
pihhanafeijo: you have to configure it i think14:13
afeijopihhan: do you know the command or it have a webadmin?14:13
NicEXEI have just installed XAMPP on Ubuntu. I used the "/opt/lampp/lampp security" command to change several security settings14:13
webfarmerLjL doesn't even get to the login14:13
malibuI"m trying to burn a DAR archive file to DVD... But I'm getting errors from growisofs that I can't burn a file > 4GB14:13
ushimitsudokiimpje: I already said the 8800GT series supports that resoultion and it works fine in linux. I would assume that particular resolution would work under ubuntu like any other supported resoultion14:13
NicEXEthe problem is that i can not goto localhost anymore. It prompt me for a username and password14:14
malibuEven k3b gives me this error14:14
anandologyIt is possible to setup mutlihead without installing any additional software? I am using Ubuntu 7.0414:14
webfarmerit loops the reload and all I hear is that default drum that ubuntu has14:14
NicEXEI set the password but what is the username?14:14
pihhanafeijo: you can try sudo dpkg-reconfigure postfix. i never tried postfix, i use exim4, which is debian default14:14
malibuHow do I get around this??14:14
LjLacp_: i don't believe so (there are some syncing applications, but not plain file transfer as far as i'm aware)... if the phone has a memory card, then you can connect it in Data Transfer mode, and transfer from/to the memory card14:14
webfarmeryea I don't even get to that login screen14:14
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:14
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:14
afeijopihhan: I'm just trying to configure a simple email server to internal use, small cia. I'm trying with Postfix and Courier, do you recomend something diferent?14:15
notwistanyone know why my verlihub is listening on I never got an option to config what ip to listen to and i cant google up anything14:15
afeijopihhan: under 10 users14:15
indomitiHow can i start the same partitioning tool that was used while i installed ubuntu from the alternate CD?14:15
pihhanafeijo: i recommend anything you are familiar with and able to configure properly14:15
LjLindomiti: i don't know, but that tools, as far as i know, is a slightly modified version of GPartEd...14:16
indomitii want to create a new encrypted drive and add it to the lvm group...14:16
LjL!gparted > indomiti    (indomiti, see the private message from Ubotu)14:16
ubottuindomiti, please see my private message14:16
malibuNo one knows how to write a big file to DVD?14:16
notwistwhen i do netstat -tnlp a lot of stuff are listening on local adress "" like port 80 (apache i suppose) and 411 (my dc hub). where do they get this info? how can i change it?14:16
pihhanmalibu: k3b should work, try to configure it before using it. it has somewhere admin configuration14:17
webfarmerdoes anyone know why when I did the upgrade from this distribution and restarted why it now doen't even get to the login screen. It keeps looping and looping and playing the drum audio file...14:17
LjLnotwist: i didn't get you, what do you want to change?14:17
kebomixhow  can i protect my self from any one who spoof on my msn and yahoo chats and websites that i visit ?14:17
jribwebfarmer: it plays the drum sound multiple times?14:17
kebomixspoof from my network14:17
malibupihhan: Any configuration I should be looking at in particular?  It tells me outright that it can't burn a file > 4GB..14:18
pihhanwebfarmer: you have maybe broken xserver driver and it tries forever to initialise X server but fail always14:18
notwistLjL: well my dc hub isnt responding although its running and i think apache is also running but i get nothing when trying to connect in a browser14:18
ushimitsudokimalibu: I haven't tried it, but this is specifically addressed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-352386.html14:18
notwistLjL: however ebox works fine on port 66614:18
notwistLjL: but firewall is set to allow all14:18
acp_LjL: thanks14:18
pihhanmalibu: don't know, i never had problem with it, or i dont remember it14:19
PerfectExodusMorning! Any reason why a fresh install would run slower than the previous? (Overall... I understand there can be many variables)14:19
notwistLjL: so im wondering if this listening on "" has anything to do with it. sounds weird.14:19
kebomixany body here know how to protect from any one of my network users who spoof on my yahoo and msn chat ?14:19
=== jim_p is now known as jim_p-lunch
SiDiPerfectExodus, install the SP2 (j/k)14:19
ganehow to find my subnet14:19
NicEXEis there any good ftp server to install on Ubuntu?14:19
SiDiA few updates, including kernel update or better driver support, could make it smoother, maybe.14:19
LjLnotwist: well, i'm not really sure, but i think means "any network interface", and is rendered as "*" when not using -n mode...14:20
LjL!ftpd > NicEXE    (NicEXE, see the private message from Ubotu)14:20
ubottuNicEXE, please see my private message14:20
SiDiLjL, thats imo14:20
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:20
pihhankebomix: what do you mean by "who spoof on my yahoo chat?" like they are connecting into network with your account instead of you?14:20
webfarmerjrib yea14:20
notwistLjL: oh. how stupid of me. any idea why its not responding then? when i run netstat i see that its listening, both 80 and 411 (the dc hub) but non of them respond14:20
malibuushimitsudoki: Right.. I have read this post.  I just realized the post has mkisofs and I was using growisofs.. I'll give this a try...14:20
jribwebfarmer: can you get to a tty with ctrl-alt-f1?14:20
webfarmerNiceEXE go download filezilla!14:21
kebomixno , i mean there is programs that help them to spoof me , and see my chats on msn or yahoo , mean see what i write and recieve14:21
webfarmerI press it and it gets to the login in the background14:21
webfarmersounds like it's still trying to load the os14:21
pihhankebomix: that is because msn or yahoo dont help keep your privacy well. get jabber/xmpp account with ssl encryption14:21
webfarmerI can log into root14:22
evocallaghanWhat is the LiveCD compressed with ? bzip, gunzip, LZMA ?14:22
webfarmeror my user account14:22
jribwebfarmer: log in as your user.  Try to keep what you say on a single line please14:22
evocallaghanjabber +114:22
pihhankebomix: there is nothing you can do about that, if you dont have VPN somewhere and want to tunel all your internet traffic there over encryption channel14:23
webfarmerjrib okay sorry - I have logged in; sitting on root14:23
webfarmersorry - I sitting on my user directory14:23
kebomixaha , thx :D14:23
malibuushimitsudoki: Right.. I don't like this solution because it requieres me to make an image to disk before burning... This is too clumsy.... DAR already requires a file to disk so that means 4GB * 3 = 12GB to burn a single DVD!  That's just silly14:23
pihhankebomix: but problem is, jabber wont allow you to talk directly to you friends using MSN or Yahoo14:23
jribwebfarmer: sudo apt-get install pastebinit &&  pastebinit -i /var/log/Xorg.0.log && pastebinit -i /etc/X11/xorg.conf14:23
daniel_johnI have  the extra desktop effects enabled.  what is the keyboard command for getting  a 3d cube effetc14:23
evocallaghanpihhan:Get them to get a jabber account, gtalk is jabber14:24
jrib!ccsm > daniel_john14:24
ubottudaniel_john, please see my private message14:24
notwistLjL: stupid me. ebox was firewalling internal traffic14:24
ushimitsudokimalibu: as i said, I haven't tried it, so I can't offer a better option. Seems like a nasty quirk to have lasted so long, though14:24
kebomixso , wut is do ?!14:24
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
impjeushimitsudoki: Sorry I missed your first answer, thanks! I will check out the 8800GT series.14:24
evocallaghanSo, can anyone answer my question?14:24
pihhanevocallaghan: thanks, i have jabber for years14:24
evocallaghanWhat is the LiveCD compressed with ? bzip, gunzip, LZMA ?14:24
malibuushimitsudoki: Believe me I have been searching for a couple of hours and there is no reasonable solution to this apparently14:24
daniel_johnjrib I have that but cant see how to make the cube take effect14:25
LjLnotwist, SiDi: i don't know about, but google does suggest that -- in the context of netstat at least -- means "listening on all interfaces". in any case, it's possible that, for some reason, the services you have listening will refuse to accept connections from localhost, although that would be somewhat weird...14:25
jribdaniel_john: if you have enabled the cube in ccsm and are using the "custom" setting for visual effects, then I believe you ctrl-alt-<drag mouse>14:26
webfarmerJrib k typed that in. what does that do?14:26
LjLevocallaghan: squashfs i believe, which in turn uses zlib14:26
jribwebfarmer: it should give you to pastebin url's14:26
ganehow to find my subnet14:26
evocallaghanLjL:Thank you14:26
SiDiOk LjL. Well, 255 is meant to use all ports, while 0 is meant to mean unspecified, from my network teacher :P14:26
malibu ..and i'll stand on my soapbox and say... This is an example of why Linux has touble in the mainstream14:26
SiDiall IP range i meant, *14:26
malibuSiDi: That's different on each platform.14:27
D_Grahamany1 know if Intrepid is stable enough to use for normal internet usage, my box is basically only used from watching videos, music, and the net14:27
SiDiOkey malibu14:28
ushimitsudokiD_Graham: #ubuntu+1 deals with upcoming releases, I bet people there are better to ask14:28
jribD_Graham: no, not until it is released14:28
LjLmalibu, do you think other operating systems don't have troubles dealing with files/stuff larger than 4Gb? you know, 4Gb is the maximum you can specify with a 32bit word. that's part of the reason why we're moving to 64bit architectures, you see.14:28
LjLmalibu: as an example, the FAT filesystem can't hold any file larger than 4Gb (or perhaps 2Gb), and a FAT16 partition can't *be* larger than 4Gb to begin with14:29
jribwebfarmer: so you should tell us the pastebin urls you got14:29
D_Grahamjrib: I know the final release is set for Oct 30, i got it running on my virtual machine14:29
airtonixkebomix, if your using pidgn to chat via msn and yahoo you & your contacts might consider using the 'off-the-record' plugin to encrypt your chats14:29
malibuLjL: Perhaps you're right.. I'll have to make a point of attempting this with windows14:29
daedrahey, what is the command to bring up Network Manager?14:29
daedraits not on my menu14:29
jribD_Graham: right.  You shouldn't be depending on it until it is actually released.  It's for anyone who wants to test stuff until then14:30
LjLmalibu: it's likely (though far from certain) that, if you used the 64bit version of Ubuntu, it would work14:30
pihhanD_Graham: no, it is not yet :)14:30
malibuLjL: Do I have to have a 64 bit machine for that?14:30
Drk_GuyHow can i recover an erased file off my ext3 pat.?14:30
LjLmalibu: yep14:30
LjLDrk_Guy: odds are that you can't14:31
LjL!recover > Drk_Guy    (Drk_Guy, see the private message from Ubotu)14:31
ubottuDrk_Guy, please see my private message14:31
Drk_GuyNo commercial solution pls14:31
SiDiLjL, malibu, what's not working exactly and that would work with a 64b architecture ?14:31
jribwebfarmer: you have an intel card  being used, not nvidia14:31
ushimitsudokimalibu: i'm on 64 bit, let me see if i can find a big file and try to burn it :)14:31
malibuSiDi: I'm trying to burn a 4.2 Gb file to DVD14:32
airtonix!pidgin-otr | kebomix14:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgin-otr14:32
LjLSiDi: if i understand this correctly, he can't burn >4Gb files on DVD without going through an temperary ISO image, which he doesn't want14:32
SiDiFrom Ext3 you can manage 4+ gb files, from NTFS too, afaik.14:32
webfarmerjrib woops14:32
malibuushimitsudoki: That's beside the point anyway.  Filesystems should not be bound to the native architecture of the machine.  That's why we have developers14:32
jribwebfarmer: pastebin the output of 'lspci'14:32
LjLSiDi: yeah but there's possibly some other link in the chain that's limited to 32bit...14:32
webfarmerjrib okay so what do I do14:32
webfarmerit's still looping14:32
SiDiLjL, malibu, i never had trouble managing 4+gb files from ext3... even if it of course wont work from FAT3214:33
SiDiLjL, that's a weird thing ;P all i can say14:33
jamiejacksonheretofore, i've been putting my laundry list (dozens) of network (smb/ssh) mounts in fstab. thing is, i only need a few of them at a time, and since a recent upgrade, i've been getting cifs errors, etc., on shutdown, and slow boots, etc. i'm wondering if there are apps that allow the easy picking and choosing of a list of "favorite" mounts, so i can simply mount the ones i need. please advise?14:33
airtonixevocallaghan, kebomix, easier said than done....best comprimise is to get them at least to install otr plugin for their chat prog14:33
webfarmerhow do I do that on a terminal screen14:33
malibuSiDi: Listen, I made this file with DAR and I want to write it to DVD14:33
airtonixkebomix, sudo apt-get install pidgin-otr14:33
porcodildohi is it possible to remove an usb modules also if it says "module is in use"?14:34
malibuSiDi: I'm technically competant.. It shouldn't be this difficult14:34
kebomixi already have pidgin14:34
webfarmerjrib o I do that on a terminal screen14:34
kebomixthx :D14:34
airtonix!info pidgin-otr14:34
ubottupidgin-otr (source: pidgin-otr): Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for pidgin. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.0-1 (hardy), package size 43 kB, installed size 140 kB14:34
webfarmerjrib how do I do that on a terminal screen?14:34
zimbresIs there a command i could use to change my default display manager14:34
kebomixthis error "Error Reading blist.xml" appear to me when i open pidgin14:35
SiDimalibu, i just don't know... never had such a problem :p14:35
jribwebfarmer: lspci > somefile && pastebinit -i somefile14:35
SiDimalibu, tho i agree that it shouldn't be difficult14:35
LjLmalibu, SiDi: this kernel ML thread ( http://ussg.indiana.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0603.3/2134.html ) seems to suggest that the limitation is in the ISO9660 filesystem itself that CDs and DVDs use... it also suggests workarounds but they aren't that clear to me14:35
jribwebfarmer: somefile will be overwritten14:35
jamiejacksonkebomix: there's #pidgin, you know14:35
kebomixyeah . i know it14:36
malibuLjL: I think nero can get around it somehow14:36
SiDiLjL, malibu yet i already found some 6/7 gb ISO files14:36
SiDiLjL, malibu i even made some... and it was ok14:36
LjLSiDi: but this is not about the size of the ISO file, but the size of the files it *contains*14:36
LjLmalibu: quite likely, but you're saying that mkisofs can get around it too, aren't you?14:37
r_rehashedhi all. i just updated to the latest firefox in hardy and now firefox is broken. it starts and runs but the library, add-ons, etc. windows are broken14:37
luca_workI'm using ubutu server, and I wonder what's the best way to be stay updated... In Debian I've used cron-apt, should I use it in Ubuntu too?14:37
[[thufir]]all of a sudden, netbeans silently crashes once it loads. I goto click on something, bang, it's gond.14:37
r_rehashedhow do i revert to the previous version?14:37
[[thufir]]how do I figure out why netbeans is crashing?14:37
malibuLjL: I have a post indicating that mkisofs can get around it, but you have to write an intermediate image to disk14:38
[[thufir]]woops, sorry to spam.  it's early in the am for me :)14:38
LjLmalibu: can you give me the link? i'm not sure why you'd need to write the intermediate image14:38
SiDiLJL i see what you mean. might be interesting to do some tests14:38
perlsyntaxhoe do gunzip a file when it in gz?14:39
perlsyntaxgunzip filename?14:39
webfarmerjrib: http://pastebin.com/f1f579ff114:39
malibuLjL: the steps indicate to make an iso with mkisofs and then burn with cdrecord14:39
perlsyntaxanyone know how to ungunzip a gz file?14:40
LjLmalibu: yes, but i don't see a reason why you should actually make an image instead of just piping the output14:40
LjLmalibu: see http://tldp.org/HOWTO/CD-Writing-HOWTO-3.html#ss3.1 on how to pipe the output of mkisofs directly into cdrecord (although it might be a bit outdated, anyway the basic concept is simply mkisofs | wodim...)14:41
malibuLjL: If you know how that might work could you give me an example and I'll try it?  I'm not familiar enough with mkisofs14:41
webfarmerjrib: u there?14:41
PerfectExodusIn irssi, what does "your forward and reverse DNS don't match" mean?14:42
LjLmalibu: "man wodim" also gives this example: genisoimage -R /master/tree | wodim -v fs=6m speed=2 dev=2,0 -14:42
SiDiperlsyntax, "gzip -d"14:43
LjLmalibu: it uses genisoimage, but i believe the command line options for it are compatible with mkisofs's14:43
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know anything about gunzip?14:43
mgolischPerfectExodus: thats mostlikely a message send from the irc server14:43
SiDiperlsyntax, np :)14:43
LjLmalibu: (actually, mkisofs *is* a symlink to genisoimage)14:43
jrib!xconfig | webfarmer14:43
ubottuwebfarmer: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes14:43
zimbresIs there a command i could use to change my default display manager?14:43
TheBaseI'm trying to install gitk or git-gui but there is only the git-core listed in the synaptic. I found this page (http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty-backports/devel/gitk) which looks like a repository. I tried to download and install the .deb file but it says I need to install a dependency which is installed with synaptic. Is there a way to use this feisty-backports repository with synaptic? Will that be safe?14:43
PerfectExodusmgolisch: Agreed, im having connection problems...14:43
jribwebfarmer: run that last command14:43
LjLmalibu: so just add that "-allow-limited-size" option, change things to suit your burn, and you should make it...14:44
dsl_manhey ubuntu14:44
malibuLjL: right, trying it now14:44
TheBasezimbres, usually you could just type the display manager in the console and it would change but I think the best thing is to download a tool14:44
dsl_manpstricks / beamer / latex  any known problems?14:45
afeijopihhan: the problem is, I'm not familiar to anything.  We today use windows email server with Smartermail, its our first linux server for that mission14:45
dsl_mancurrent hardy14:45
jribwebfarmer: I don't really see anything wrong in the log though.  So if that doesn't work, just restate your problem and include those pastebins.  You could try booting the older kernel too14:45
webfarmerjrib: I'm hanging here my friend - I don't know what to do14:45
zimbresTheBase, do you mean to run a script of the init.d directory?14:45
jribwebfarmer: did you run the command ubottu said?14:45
marchHi :) Does anyone know whom I can contact at canonical to get COF pics in good quality for our wiki?14:45
LjLmalibu: one word of warning... i can't say for sure, but there's *probably* a reason why that option is not used by default. so it's quite possible that even when it's enabled, other OS's (maybe Windows, maybe Mac OS, maybe DVD players, i don't know) won't be able to read the big file -- or the entire DVD -- anyway14:46
[[thufir]]how do I clear my apt-cache and then bring it up date?14:46
TheBasezimbres, no. Usually there is a binary with the manager name14:46
jribwebfarmer: I have to go now14:46
LjL[[thufir]]: why would you clear it?14:46
malibuLjL: Thanks for the warning.. Yeah I was thinking the same.  But I'll be ok because I'm sticking with Ubuntu forever.  Especially if this works!  :-)14:46
webfarmerhello? I think my internet has frozen14:47
pihhanafeijo: then get familiar with config files. if you really need mail, you wont get far with some click&point tools prepared14:47
Fuse_Hello! I don't think so?14:47
malibuLjL: Will be a couple minutes for me to set this up, I deleted my big files and have to recreate.  :-p14:47
NicEXEI have just installed XAMPP on Ubuntu. How can I creeate an accound for proftpd with username and password?14:47
LjLmalibu: right, see what "man genisoimage" has to say: « -allow-limited-size:  When processing files larger than 2GiB which cannot be easily represented in ISO9660, add them with a shrunk visible file size to ISO9660  and  with  the correct  visible  file  size to the UDF system. The result is an inconsistent filesystem and users need to make sure that they really use UDF rather than ISO9660 driver to read a such disk. Implies enabling -udf. »14:48
afeijopihhan: ok, man postfix will give me intel right?14:48
pihhanafeijo: but i have all mailservers on debian, i dont know how they are different against ubuntu14:48
[[thufir]]LjL: I want to update it, really.14:48
Drk_GuyLjL, thx, but is too complex, i'll just replay those lvls ;)14:48
LjL[[thufir]]: sudo apt-get update14:48
freedumManive setup my machine so i can restart my apache without the root password using visudo....%jason ALL=/opt/lampp/lampp restart ....etc but it keeps asking me for sudo password?14:48
[[thufir]]LjL:  thanks14:48
LjLmalibu: so basically it would seem that any OS that doesn't really speak UDF, and instead treats the disc as ISO9660, will choke on the file14:48
freedumMananyone have experience with sudoers?14:48
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:48
pihhanfreedumMan: you have prefix command with NOPASSWD: , dont remember exactly, see sudoers man page14:49
malibuLjL: Ok well I'll have a look but I'm not sure if I'll be able to digest/make use of the information in a reasonable amount of time14:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gujin14:49
freedumManpihhan, opps sorry i did do that i should've pasted but still not working %jason  ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/lampp/lampp restart14:49
vampirefroghiya. how do I get the very latest packages? for example blender is one version behind14:49
bastid_raZorfreedumMan; razor ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/aptitude14:50
vampirefrogi have 8.04 afaik14:50
bastid_raZorfreedumMan; use that format14:50
unopfreedumMan,  omit the restart argument there14:50
jmotahi all14:50
webfarmerjrib: -bash: !xconfig: event not found14:50
jmotacan anyone tell me why the icons in the top pannel(date, end session, sound...) sometimes get out of the place when i iniciate ubuntu?14:50
jribwebfarmer: read what the bot actually said14:51
[[thufir]]how do I view whichever log which would explain why netbeans crashed?14:51
webfarmerwhat command? jrib14:51
gangsterlicioushow do i make it not eject the cd after installation? the server is in colo14:51
freedumManbastid_raZor, yea still asking me ? weird14:52
webfarmerwhat - this internet is so slow it freezes14:52
[[thufir]]webfarmer: jrib?  unknown command...?14:52
freedumManunop, tried that too14:52
soundrayjmota: it happens when you switch resolutions. I managed to improve the problem a bit by making all applets unlocked and arraning them with a bit of space in between.14:52
bastid_raZorfreedumMan; you have to start a new session in terminal.. close terminal then open another.14:52
unopfreedumMan, you still have to use the NOPASSWD directive like bastid_raZor said14:53
unopfreedumMan, if it's still not working, show us the line you have now.14:53
freedumManbastid_raZor, ahhh thanks14:53
soundrayjmota: there's probably a bug report, and if so, it's likely to contain further hints -- have a look on launchpad14:53
tmapjcan anyone tell me how to monitor if someone else is using my wifi network?14:53
MrCollinstmapj check your routers log?14:53
Drk_GuyDoes anyone know if gujin works with Ubuntu?14:54
webfarmerubotto what command did you tell me to run14:54
jmotasoundray: ty i'll try to space them then...but i hadn't change the resolution...14:54
tmapjmrcollins i cant do that because my router is incompatible with linux14:54
malibuLjL: If I can write the file to DVD and they md5sum the same, I"ll be happy!14:54
dsl_mantmapj: packet sniffer like ethereal?14:54
freedumManhere ive even tried this line too jason ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL.....my last line was   jason  ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /opt/lampp/lampp14:54
unop!xconfig | webfarmer14:55
ubottuwebfarmer: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes14:55
Kartagiscan I see my mainboard chipset with lspci?14:55
webfarmerI've done that unop14:55
tmapjdsl_man ill try that14:55
unopwebfarmer, restart X, log out and log back in14:55
tmapjdsl_man what does that do14:55
webfarmerand it tells me -bash: xconfig: command not found14:55
airtonixI'm looking for a windows equivilant to jnettop. does anyone know of such a program?14:55
* airtonix cringes14:55
dsl_mantampj: show all the packets that your network adapter can "see"14:55
webfarmerand it tells me -bash: webfarmer: command not found14:55
freedumManok its working i had to KILL the terminal which had sudo still lingering14:56
unopfreedumMan,  jason ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/lampp/lampp14:56
javiergDoes anyone know why I can't hear youtube at all. I have done the steps for http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5587712&postcount=472 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776739&highlight=pulse... Any ideals?14:56
webfarmerunop what do I do14:56
dsl_mantmapj: i.e all the packets heading to your wireless router from connected clients14:56
unopwebfarmer, you don't copy that exactly and paste it in -- read what ubottu is saying to you14:56
unopwebfarmer, btw, ubottu is not human14:56
daedrahey, does anyone here know how to access a Windows Terminal Service though VPN in linux?14:56
webfarmerwhere is ubottu?14:57
dsl_mantmapj: you can look for rogue clients and even see what web pages they are visiting, it any14:57
airtonix!xconfig | webfarmer14:57
ubottuwebfarmer: To reconfigure your X server, open a console and type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg » - To configure only the driver and resolution, type « sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh » - See also !FixRes14:57
tmapjoh ok14:57
tmapjthanks a lot14:57
perlsyntaxwhere can i find l acroread for unbuntu?14:57
edpquestion to beta testers, does Intrepid ibex looks stable right now?14:57
IdleOneubottu: ping14:57
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore14:57
unop!medibuntu | perlsyntax14:57
ubottuperlsyntax: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:57
dsl_mantmapj: np, btw the gui version is called something else14:57
dsl_manhang on14:58
tmapjwhat is it called14:58
airtonixperlsyntax, have you tried looking for info about it at the ubuntu forums and the help.ubuntu.com/community site?14:58
edpquestion to beta testers, does Intrepid ibex looks stable right now?14:58
unopedp, that's a question to be asked in #ubuntu+114:58
ushimitsudokiedp: #ubuntu+1 is discussion for upcoming releases14:58
edphow can i get there? i'm a noob in irc14:58
unopedp, /j #ubuntu+114:58
javiergDoes anyone know why I can't hear youtube at all. I have done the steps for http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5587712&postcount=472 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776739&highlight=pulse... Any ideals?14:59
dsl_mantmapj: just installing it now actually14:59
tmapjoh whats the name of it14:59
edpushimitsudoki, thx dude!14:59
ReaperHi, may I ask if there a sidebar for Ubuntu? or Desktop Gadgets/Utilities.14:59
hateball!info gdesklets | Reaper14:59
ubottureaper: gdesklets (source: gdesklets): Architecture for desktop applets. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 2756 kB, installed size 5728 kB14:59
tmapjdsl man can i add u on messenger?14:59
dsl_mantmpaj: what client?15:00
tmapjyahoo or gtalk15:00
javiergDoes anyone know why I can't hear youtube at all. I have done the steps for http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5587712&postcount=472 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=776739&highlight=pulse... Any ideals?15:01
webfarmerubottu I just ran that reconfigure xserver-xorg script pressed enter and pretty much rebooted - now what15:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:01
Kartagishow can i learn my mainboard's chipset?15:01
ShortWaveHi all15:01
ShortWaveI got a weird issue15:01
dsl_manhang on a sec15:01
legend2440javierg: do you have libflash support installed?15:02
ShortWaveI cranked up ubuntu server and it read my disk setup one way (I have an SATA drive, then 2 PATA drives), so it laid them out as sda == SATA, sdb/c == PATA15:02
webfarmersuch a mission all of this15:02
webfarmermacs just work15:02
abe3khi guys, Everytime I want to restart ubuntu I have to click on the restart button twice, first click shuts down all applications and nothing happens, second click restarts ubuntu, is there any solution for this ?15:02
ShortWaveI went to switch to ubuntu workstation, and it read it the same way...the FIRST time15:02
malibuLjL: I'm getting bad option on -allow-limited-size15:02
javierglegend2440, I did a search for libflash and didn't find anything. Should have I that installed?15:03
ShortWaveThe second time I cranked it up, it read it backwards, it made my SATA drive == sdc15:03
ShortWaveFor some reason, it's flipping their installation order, even tho GRUB believes that the SATA drive is /dev/sda15:03
legend2440!info libflashsupport | javierg15:03
ubottujavierg: libflashsupport (source: libflashsupport): Support library for sound output of Flash 9 with pulseaudio. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB15:03
=== linux_ is now known as DareDevil
ShortWavebut since grub is looking for the root on /dev/sdc...15:04
ShortWaveI'm kinda flummoxed15:04
malibuWill Nero Linux work on the command line?15:04
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: The best way to solve that is to create custom udev rules keyed to the disk serial-numbers15:04
javierglegend2440, Ok, once its installed do I have to restart anything? Or it should just work?15:04
legend2440javierg: restart firefox15:04
ShortWaveIntuitiveNipple: I'm guessing this is a common problem?15:05
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: or, is it at the BIOS/GRUB stage that it is happening (thus causing boot to fail) ?15:05
PerfectExodusIs there a better texts based browser other than links?15:05
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: not particularly, no :) You're privileged15:05
tmapjdsl_man by the way msn will also work15:05
ShortWaveIntuitiveNipple: I tried installing with the workstation-chosen layout15:05
webfarmerplease can someone help me15:05
abe3kEverytime I want to restart ubuntu I have to click on the restart icon twice, first click shuts down all applications and nothing happens, second click restarts ubuntu, is there any solution for this ?15:05
ShortWaveIntuitiveNipple: (sata == sdc)15:05
soundraywebfarmer: I'll try15:06
=== soreiser is now known as soreme
malibuNero Linux only works with Ubuntu 5???15:06
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: Does this affect boot? or is this only affecting the booted kernel? If the latter, then udev is the answer15:06
ShortWaveit affects boot15:06
soundraywebfarmer: I understand your X is not starting. The login screen crashes and restarts, creating a loop.15:06
ShortWavegrub won't boot because the layout is as BIOS intended15:06
javiergStill doesn't work legend244015:06
dsl_mantmapj: msn is good15:06
ShortWaveUbuntu installed grub to believe that root is on /dev/sdc15:06
ShortWavebut it's not at startup15:07
tmapjim tmapj2@hotmail.com15:07
soundraywebfarmer: how are you logged in at the moment -- text mode?15:07
ShortWaveit's actually on /dev/sda at startup, then it flips15:07
tmapjwhat r u?15:07
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: *blinks* :)15:07
webfarmersoundray so what do I do - I don't know unix15:07
webfarmerI don't know what I am doing15:07
PerfectExodusShortWave: That makes no sence...15:07
|messenger|êó âñåì15:07
soundraywebfarmer: can you answer my question?15:07
tmapjwhat is your screenname dsl_man15:07
ShortWaveIntuitiveNipple: yeah well it ain't making sense to me either.15:07
webfarmerand it's really frustrating15:07
|messenger|hi all15:08
ShortWavePerfectExodus: err, yeah, what I said to him.15:08
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: Is it bug #8497 ?15:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 8497 in grub "grub guessed BIOS disk order incorrectly" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/849715:08
=== fReAkY[t] is now known as freaky[t]
ShortWaveCould be15:08
webfarmersoundray yea15:08
|messenger|who can help with vpn?15:08
webfarmerI press control alt and F11 and then get you the terminal as such15:08
ShortWavebut I had no such issues with Fedora, and Fedora put everything in the right place15:08
|messenger|please talk to me in private thanks15:08
ShortWaveFor that matter, so did DSL15:08
kitche|messenger|: ask the channel since no one will private message you to help you15:09
IntuitiveNippleShortWave: take a look at the reports. If it is, add a comment to the bug especially detailing the kernel version since the bug is marked Fix released15:09
webfarmerI login succeessfully and I'm sitting on my user account "folder" as such15:09
abe3kEverytime I want to restart ubuntu I have to click on the restart icon twice, first click shuts down all applications and nothing happens, second click restarts ubuntu, is there any solution for this ?15:09
KDB9000I need some help with wireshark, I installed it using Synaptic but it would crash when I went to capture, so I built the src from the website and now it won't run because of an error with libwiretap. error while loading shared libraries: libwiretap.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory is the error15:09
webfarmerjust like if I accessed terminal when I15:09
webfarmerI'm in ubuntu15:09
ShortWaveIt's seeming to me as if the kernel is misreading the drive setup15:09
legend2440javierg: open system>preferences>sound   what do you have the dropdown boxes set to?15:09
webfarmeryea shortwave?15:09
soundraywebfarmer: let's try moving your xorg.conf so it will be recreated: 'sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf-backup', then 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart'15:09
javierglegend2440, autodetect.15:10
webfarmerhow do I rectofy this15:10
|messenger|actually pon is working i mean ppp0 is up15:10
legend2440javierg: try setting them to alsa15:10
|messenger|but i'm seeing a strange picture.. TX is growing up extremly15:10
soundraywebfarmer: listen to me. ShortWave's message was not for you.15:10
malibuLjL: THank you for your help but I'm still frustrated with Ubuntu15:10
abe3kEverytime I want to restart ubuntu I have to click on the restart icon twice, first click shuts down all applications and nothing happens, second click restarts ubuntu, is there any solution for this ?15:10
|messenger|also i have in plog15:11
xompgot a friend of my mums who wants XP off her pc and ubuntu installed as she's tired of the viruses she's been getting. Thing is, she uses AOL dial-up and AT&T dial-up to connect to the interbutts. Is it possible to use those providers in a linux environment?15:11
|messenger|cannot determine proxy ARP15:11
webfarmersoundray. no it keeps flickering15:11
gangsterliciousis there any way to make the install not eject cd after completion?15:12
|messenger|ubuntu 8.0415:12
IdleOne!dialup | xomp15:12
ubottuxomp: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up15:12
=== dontchoke_____ is now known as dontchoke
|messenger|any advice?15:12
soundraywebfarmer: go back to the text terminal and run 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop'15:13
Polysicshi all15:13
Polysicstomorrow i will be holding a "first steps with linux" demonstration15:13
javierglegend2440, Still nothing. I do a "Test" and they all work except the Sound capture. It gives me an error "Failed to construct test pipline for 'gconfaudiosrc !"15:13
webfarmercool soundray I'15:13
bazhangPolysics, ubuntu support here; chat in #ubuntu-offtopic15:13
Polysicsso far i have planned: configuring network access (needed), check out firefox and openoffice15:13
IdleOne|messenger|: do you seriously think anybody could follow that? state your problem in one post please15:14
webfarmerI'll listen to you15:14
zoidfarbhow can I output a list of all of the packages installed on my system?15:14
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate15:14
|messenger|IdleOne: i am first time here don't know the rules15:14
IdleOnezoidfarb: ^^^ look at that from ubottu15:14
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning15:14
ShortWavehrm, I'm gonna poke at my BIOS some15:15
Polysicsbazhang, then let me just say someone join that channel, i'm out of ideas :-)15:15
soundraywebfarmer: sorry, I have to be away for 20 minutes unfortunately15:15
webfarmerit stopped now what15:15
webfarmerwhat now15:15
webfarmerdo I need to reinstall this component15:16
abe3kEverytime I want to restart ubuntu I have to click on the restart icon twice, first click shuts down all applications and nothing happens, second click restarts ubuntu, is there any solution for this ?15:16
webfarmeroh man I have so much work to do - I really need help :(15:16
soundraywebfarmer: try 'X' (only the capital X, on a line by itself). See if you can make sense of the messages it displays.15:16
soundraywebfarmer: I'll be back soon15:16
frostburnabe3k, you have an application open that's asking if you want to save content, like a text editor15:17
webfarmerit doesn't bring up any messages?15:17
webfarmerit just brings up this desktop with a big X as my mouse cursor15:17
churndabe3k: it sounds like the shutdown is hanging15:17
|messenger|so, the problem is: pptp is up. in ppp0 interface TX (transfer packets) is extremly growing up (the megabytes per minute) also in PLOG i see "cannot determine ethernet address for proxy arp" as effect i cannot resolve any request15:18
churndabe3k: what happens when you do "sudo reboot" in the terminal?15:18
jamiejacksonwhen i shutdown these days, i have a bunch of cifs errors from network mounts, and during mounting, i get warnings. this style of mounting in fstab used to be error free. i think i need to modify it for newer kernels/hardy. could you tell me what the modern version of the following is?15:18
xompIdleOne, that link does not state whether or not AOL can be used with linux15:18
jamiejacksonwait, i'd better make sure i've got one that's causing errrors, brb15:18
webfarmerhas anyone else been following with what me and soundreay were doing15:19
abe3k<churnd> : it reboots normally15:19
Masteredui have a problem with my headset can you help me15:19
abe3k<frostburn> : on theres no application  asking for anything15:19
Al1_Ok so im trying to run SYD Meiers pirates through wine and i looked it up and previous users have said that it works it just takes time to load on the wine site, but whenever i open the game up i just get a black screen and nothing happens Solutions?15:20
zoidfarbDoes anyone know where the GNOME menu settings are stored?15:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about menu15:20
Mastereduok my problem is i dont know how to configure the headset in skype etc.??? many headset devices in preferences dont work i have the Sennheiser Communications PC 11115:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about z15:20
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto15:21
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD15:21
Mastereducan someone help me15:21
frostburnzoidfarb, ~/.gnome ~/.gnome215:21
notwistanyone know where i can get help with dc++?15:21
bastid_raZorzoidfarb; do you mean by right clicking on applications then edit menus?15:21
IdleOnexomp: the aol software probably not but you can setup ubuntu to dial the aol numbers and connect to the internet15:21
churndabe3k: try creating a test user account, and reboot via GUI from there and see if the problem persists15:21
spiritssightNeed help with error with saving files to a flash drive15:21
zoidfarbbastid_raZor: basically, I was wondering where the files are that alacarte edits15:22
LjLal1_: try #winehq, as Wine-specific problems are usually pretty, well, specific. they might ask you to install the latest version of Wine (type /msg ubottu wine to find out how, it can be installed from a decent repository)15:22
jamiejacksonwhen i shutdown these days, i have a bunch of cifs errors from network mounts, and during mounting, i get warnings. this style of mounting in fstab used to be error free. i think i need to modify it for newer kernels/hardy. could you tell me what the modern version of the following is?15:22
abe3k<churnd> : logout is fine its only the reboot I don't know why, I will try it with a different user pls wait.15:22
xompIdleOne, when you connect to the internet using AOL, you aren't connecting to the internet. You are connecting to AOL lol. I'm pretty sure this is why it is required to have the AOL software installed on windows systems :/15:22
jamiejackson//serverA/d$ /media/myMounts/serverA/d smbfs credentials=/home/jamie/.smbcredentials.myDomainA,workgroup=myDomainA,uid=jamie 0 015:22
IdleOnexomp: the software is just a visual way of letting people see what the are connecting to. you don't actually need the software to connect to aol15:22
JohnMccaynecan't find my s-ata disk(samsung HD501LJ) while trying to install ubuntu 8.04, got jmicron on MSI P965 NEO-F, anyone got a solution?15:22
RoomsUserTesting iPhone app called Rooms here. Can anyone please pm me to test this? Thx15:22
bastid_raZorzoidfarb; look where frostburn said. in ~/.gnome and ~/.gnome215:23
ubottupptp is not good according to Bruce Schneier http://schneier.com/pptp.html  here the words insecurity are useful15:23
IdleOnexomp: you can call aol and get a list of access numbers15:23
xompIdleOne, ok15:23
jamiejacksonthe errors look like: mount error 127 = Key has expired \ Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)15:23
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:23
spiritssightAny one able to help get a flash drive to work, to allow files to be saved or edited thats on it15:23
zoidfarbMasterdeu, what?15:23
webfarmerI type x and then I get this screen with the X as my cursor right. but when I try and start up ubuntu what happens before I even get to the login screen is it keeps looping back to the starting point. I can hear the login announcing audio play. - so that audio keeps looping as the login starts looping. I have no idea what to do - I've pressed control alt and f11 and tried to backup my xconfig / or move it as such but it still doesn't work15:24
phdmybesthow could i test the speed of a tmpfs ramdisk? anybody could help?15:24
churndabe3k:  I understand... I'm ruling out whether or not is has to do with your user account specifically.15:24
JohnMccaynecan't find my s-ata disk(samsung HD501LJ) while trying to install ubuntu 8.04, got jmicron on MSI P965 NEO-F, anyone got a solution? i get Revalidation failed (errno=-5) while it's loading too15:24
webfarmercan someone please help me15:25
IdleOnexomp: but that link should help you once you have the numbers15:25
Bruceehow do i run xchat on ubuntu hardy 8.04?15:25
Bruceenever mind15:26
webfarmersudo apt-get install xchat15:26
jamixsudo apt-get install xchat15:26
xompIdleOne, ok, thanks, I'll give it the old college try :)15:26
xompBrucee, Applications > Internet > XChat15:26
bazhangwebfarmer, you on live cd now?15:26
Bruceei dont see it there thoe15:27
webfarmerbazhang no15:27
webfarmerI've had ubuntu running for 3 months already15:27
xompBrucee, then you should have asked how to install XChat on ubuntu :P15:27
bazhangwebfarmer, did you remove splash and quiet from kernel you are booting from?15:27
webfarmerBrucee sudo apt-cache search xchat15:27
xompBrucee, in terminal "sudo apt-get install xchat" should install it for you, then just locate it in Applications > Internet > Xchat after15:27
Bruceealtho i can run when i open it in alt+f2 then i type xchat , and it runs15:27
webfarmerhow do I deactivate anything to do with compiz15:28
Bruceebut i want a link where i can just click on it15:28
Jason2gs`SchoolHi guys =] I was hoping someone could help me get a webcam working. This page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCamerasLogitech Says that the Logitech QuickCam Chat works OOTB on Ubuntu 7.10. What exactly does that mean?15:28
webfarmerbazhang what? how do I do that15:28
bazhangset effects to none webfarmer in appearances15:28
Al1_#WineHQ is empty :(15:28
xompBrucee, right click on "Applications" then choose "Edit Menu"15:28
LjLis there any program specifically for scanning film, aside from VueScan? (i guess there is none in the repositories, but at this point, even tarball would be fine). possibly with remote SANE support...15:28
Jason2gs`SchoolNow, I can open up the /dev/video0 stream in VLC, and it works, but the video picture is about the size of the tip of your thumb, and of very poor quality.15:28
webfarmerBrucee - use terminal and get used to it - it's far easier to work with - however why don't you just click on the little start icon and click add remove application - then search for xchat15:28
=== mehteenager is now known as MrObvious
LjLAl1_: no, there's 175 people in there15:29
abe3k<churnd> : the new user restarts fine15:29
JohnMccaynecan't find my s-ata disk(samsung HD501LJ) while trying to install ubuntu 8.04, got jmicron on MSI P965 NEO-F, anyone got a solution? i get Revalidation failed (errno=-5) while it's loading too15:29
Archonwould it be safe to set my hardy sources to intrepid in order to download tomcat6 (only available after intrepid)?15:29
ikoniaArchon: no15:29
webfarmerbazhang - dude I don't know if you even bothered reading my message -but I CAN'T GET INTO MY DESKTOP EVEN!15:29
xompBrucee, then click on "Internet" in the left-pane and click "New Item"15:29
ikoniaArchon: that would be very bad15:29
bazhangwebfarmer, when you boot you get the grub countdown right?15:29
bazhangwebfarmer, you need to esc and get into the grub menu, then hit 'e' to edit the kernel (parameter) you are booting15:30
LjLArchon: try requesting a backport instead15:30
LjL!backports  Archon15:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:30
xompBrucee, in "Name" type "XChat" and in "Command" type "xchat" then hit "OK", close out and then look in your "Applications" > "Internet" > "Xchat" should be there15:30
LjL!backports > Archon    (Archon, see the private message from Ubotu)15:30
ubottuArchon, please see my private message15:30
webfarmergrub menu?15:30
bazhangwebfarmer, at the end of the list should be quiet and splash.15:30
spiritssightMy flash drive is in read only mode how do I change this15:30
webfarmerI press escape and boot from recovery15:30
webfarmerI then go to root15:30
LjLspiritssight: sudo mount /mount/point -o remount,rw15:31
bazhangremove them, then boot off that kernel webfarmer and read what errors there are as it boots15:31
abe3k<churnd> : the new user restarts fine15:32
churndabe3k: ok so it's specific to your profile15:32
webfarmerbazhang... I reboot - press escape... boot from recovery...15:32
webfarmerget a blue, grey, red screen right15:32
webfarmergo to boot from root?15:32
abe3k<churnd> : yes15:32
bazhangwebfarmer, if you boot the regular kernel you can read the error messages then we will know what is up (ie not in recovery mode)15:32
churndabe3k: how big of a deal would it be to reset your profile?15:33
spiritssightLjL: will this be like that now on or do I have to change it every time15:33
abe3kchurnd: Big15:33
abe3kchurnd : xD15:33
LjLspiritssight: will probably have to change it every time. i don't know why it's happening in the first place. but did it work, for a start?15:33
spiritssightLjL: yes it worked, I will know for sure in one sec15:34
Adam434Hello , i got new laptop "Gigabyte w566n" & i installed Ubuntu 8.04 hardy (64 bit) , it seems that Ubuntu not recognize my wireless card ?15:34
churndabe3k: i'm afraid i don't know where exactly to look15:34
abe3kchurnd: yeah me too :/15:34
JohnMccaynecan't find my s-ata disk(samsung HD501LJ) while trying to install ubuntu 8.04, got jmicron on MSI P965 NEO-F, anyone got a solution? i get Revalidation failed (errno=-5) while it's loading too15:34
jamiejacksonhow do i add mounts to windows shares in fstab? things seemed to have changed between gutsy and hardy, and now the same fstab entries give errors15:35
iplaythisgamewebfarmer, take alook here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68104815:35
abe3k<churnd>: thanks anyways :D15:35
eaxexexHi :) I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 from 7.04. But now I've got no wired or wireless internet :S It's an Acer TravelMate 4310.. Any help?15:35
soundraywebfarmer: back.15:35
churndabe3k: you know in your home directory, there's a bunch of hidden folders like .nautilus, .gtk*, .gnome, .gnome2, right?15:35
soundraywebfarmer: have you got anywhere yet?15:35
abe3k<churnd> : yes15:35
iplaythisgamewebfarmer, take alook here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68104815:35
churndabe3k:  i know the setting is in one of those somewhere15:35
abe3k<churnd> : settings for what ?15:35
spiritssightLjL: when I try to copy file it says its read-only15:36
=== Samir is now known as Ooble
emicaquelqu'un en francais?15:36
Ooble'Lo all.15:36
LjL!fr | emica15:36
ubottuemica: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:36
churndabe3k:  for how the restart button behaves15:36
bazhangemica, /join #ubuntu-fr15:36
abe3k<churnd> : aha15:36
LjLspiritssight: did you mount it manually, or did you let Ubuntu mount it for you?15:36
soundraywebfarmer: your problem is not compiz15:36
emicathanx mec15:36
iplaythisgamewebfarmer, sorry wrong one  try here http://forum.compiz-fusion.org/showthread.php?t=359915:36
abe3k<churnd> : I'll digg that up :)15:36
abe3k<churnd>: thanks for the hint :)15:36
webfarmersoundray you back?15:36
eaxexexHi :) I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.04 from 7.04. But now I've got no wired or wireless internet :S It's an Acer TravelMate 4310.. Any help? The cable is plugged In but I haven't got an IP nor am I able to ping anything.. I can see it's connected though..15:37
soundraywebfarmer: apparently15:37
OobleIs there any way to find out what package a file/directory came from?15:37
Archonthanks LjL15:37
lucaxwhere can i find some good wiki on what i need to start on boot and what dont have to, i want to accelerate boot times...15:37
webfarmersoundray nice15:37
churndabe3k:  basically, the entire look and feel of your desktop environment is contained throughout those folders15:37
soundrayOoble: dpkg -S filename15:37
bazhangeaxexex, how many entries when you type ifconfig in terminal15:37
OobleThat was easy - thanks soundray.15:37
eaxexexbazhang: 5?15:37
abe3k<churnd>: cool15:37
bazhangeaxexex, is eth0 one of them15:37
eaxexexbazhang: Yes15:38
abe3k<churnd>: I'll do a text search for restart and reboot in those hidden folders15:38
churndabe3k:  so my feeling is either a program specific to your session is hanging or there's a messed up setting15:38
soundraybazhang: what kernel option did you want webfarmer to try?15:38
bazhangeaxexex, directly to dsl modem or to a router15:38
spiritssightLjL: I let Ubuntu mount it15:38
eaxexexbazhang: Through a router15:38
bastid_raZorabe3k; possibly look around in gconf-editor15:38
bazhangsoundray, thought he should remove quiet and splash15:38
comicinkerlucax: how would a wiki know what someone needs or not?15:38
LjLspiritssight: can you copy files to it if you do it from root (i.e. "sudo cp ...")15:38
abe3k<churnd>: yeah forgot about that15:38
churndbastid_raZor: that's a good idea15:38
bazhangeaxexex, what does sudo dhclient eth0 return (-->paste.ubuntu.com)15:39
soundraybazhang: I think it's a gdm problem...15:39
bazhangsoundray, aha15:39
soundraywebfarmer: could you just try a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm'15:39
eaxexexbazhang: I can't paste it :S But: sp,e errors about interface flags ..15:39
abe3k<churnd>: I'm getting things like restore restrain but no restart ><15:40
lucaxcomicinker: easy, telling what every thing do15:40
churndabe3k: how are you searching?15:40
eaxexexbazhang: Just the "No such device" 5 times..15:40
abe3k<churnd>: ctrl+f15:40
bazhangeaxexex, please pastebin ifconfig out put to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url15:40
webfarmersoundray why is did this mess out?15:40
churndabe3k: try gconf-editor (run from terminal or "Run Command"15:41
eaxexexbazhang: It's gonna take about 5 minutes but okay, thanks :)15:41
abe3k<churnd>: I'm already in it15:41
abe3k<churnd>: I did the searching from there15:41
soundraywebfarmer: pardon?15:42
Hrvatski1how can i convert FLAC to Mp3?15:42
spiritssightLjL: it says read-only file system when I try to copy using sudo cp ...15:42
abe3k<churnd> I'll have to logout now sorry :(, but thanks for your interest :)15:42
soundrayHrvatski1: convert to .wav first, then encode with lame or any other encoder15:43
LjLHrvatski1: well, i'd suggest you convert to Ogg Vorbis instead... but anyway, "flac -d input.flac - | your-mp3-or-vorbis-encoder"15:43
LjLsoundray: no need to convert to .wav15:43
soundrayHrvatski1: LjL is right, sry15:43
Hrvatski1what encoder should i use?15:43
soundrayHrvatski1: lame15:43
comicinkerlucax: I've uninstalled gdm, bluetooth stuff, and other things which were shown up in some logs. however, these actions can (will) destroy your working system and configs. Maybe you should look at your logs and read about every element which is loaded during the boot progress15:44
Hrvatski1can i get it in the package manager?15:44
LjLHrvatski1: i'd use "oggenc" and save to Vorbis.15:44
Hrvatski1ok, can i get those in teh package manager?15:44
LjLHrvatski1: yes, of course.15:44
OobleOK, another question. possibly even simpler: is there any way to resolve all symlinks in a path so I get the real path?15:44
soundrayHrvatski1: again, LjL is right -- just make sure your target player understands ogg vorbis15:44
LjL!info lame > Hrvatski115:44
spiritssightLjL: did you get my response15:44
ubottuhrvatski1, please see my private message15:44
urthmoverHrvatski is a badass....I will always love the track Gotham15:45
webfarmersoundray before I hit install was I supposed to stop the gnome engine15:45
soundraywebfarmer: no15:45
Hrvatski1thanks guys15:45
LjLspiritssight: no, i had missed it, but i don't really know what the issue might be... stupid question perhaps, but if it's an SD card, perhaps it's actually physically *set* to read-only...?15:45
webfarmerI pressed X and it took me to a screen  that what black and white, and had a X as a cursor but that's all15:45
DrBytesHi, I'm on my developement machine and I want to run the latest iberia relaease, can someone point me to the web/wiki uri explaining how to get there by apt-getting?15:45
soundraywebfarmer: hit Ctrl-Alt-Backspace on that.15:46
soundraywebfarmer: then run the reinstall command I gave you above15:46
webfarmerokay I tried to do that install for gdm and I still get the same problem15:46
spiritssightLjL: its a flash drive (thumb drive), the system says when I do sudo cp.. its a read-only file system15:46
psilohello ^^15:46
=== psilo is now known as gnuplodokus
gnuplodokusoups, sorry ^^15:47
bazhangDrBytes, #ubuntu+115:47
DrBytesIs there a way to apt-get from 8.04 to the latest 8.10 relerase?15:47
webfarmerokay I press control alt and backspace and start typing, but it keeps reloading the login screen15:47
krielI just recently installed (x)ubuntu on this laptop. It's relatively new (though it's a refurb) and has c2duo 1.86GHz; 3G RAM. However, programs are randomly hanging and music files can take as long as 10-20s to load. Any suggestions for where I might start troubleshooting?15:47
webfarmerso I pressed control alt and f115:47
webfarmerand typed it in15:47
webfarmerit reboots the screen15:47
webfarmerbut it keeps looping15:47
LjL!upgrade > DrBytes    (DrBytes, see the private message from Ubotu)15:48
ubottuDrBytes, please see my private message15:48
carandraugDrBytes, you mean you want to update to Intrepid? "sudo aptitude-manager -d" I believe15:48
LjL!intrepid > DrBytes    (DrBytes, see the private message from Ubotu)15:48
soundraywebfarmer: use my nick please. Run 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop' to stop it looping15:48
soundraywebfarmer: have you done that?15:49
DrBytescheers carandraug and LjL15:49
webfarmersoundray yea - but it just stop everything15:49
webfarmer* Stopping GNOME Display Manager15:50
afeijodamn, I see lots of emails on mutt, but thru pop or imap, zero!15:50
soundraywebfarmer: what do you mean by "everything" -- can you still enter commands?15:50
eaxexexbazhang: paste.ubuntu.org/5051315:50
webfarmersoundray: now I'm back to square one15:50
webfarmersoundray yes I see the enter command15:50
soundraywebfarmer: that's where you want to be. Now do a 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm'15:50
webfarmerI did that15:50
kriel... are the FloodBot's fighting for control of the channel?15:50
soundraywebfarmer: okay15:51
LjLno, they aren't.15:51
soundraywebfarmer: do a 'df -h' and see if any of your filesystems are full15:51
webfarmerinvoke-rc.d:initscript gdm, action reload15:51
soundraywebfarmer: no, you don't want to do that15:51
webfarmerinvoke-rc.d:initscript gdm, action "reload15:51
webfarmerinvoke-rc.d:initscript gdm, action "reload" failed15:51
bazhangeaxexex, should be paste.ubuntu.com15:51
eaxexexbazhang: paste.ubuntu.com/50513 Sorry :)15:52
soundraywebfarmer: and don't paste any errors here.15:52
DebolazI really need to find a better bittorrent client than deluge.15:52
bazhangeaxexex, please paste output of sudo dhclient eth0 there15:52
webfarmersoundray /dev/sda1 Use% 80%15:52
LjLmarch: what about it?15:52
carandraugDebolaz, tried rtorrent?15:52
eaxexexbazhang: Okay, gonna take a while to though :/15:53
soundraywebfarmer: I said "see if any of your filesystems are full". Not "paste the results"15:53
marchLjL wrong window15:53
iandaletterpeople, how can i save as much as possible from my evolution - how can i backup both messages and contacts?15:53
webfarmeryea but it being 80% is that a potential problem15:53
soundraywebfarmer: no15:53
webfarmersoundray none of them are full then15:53
Juje007Where can I download a .ko file (for the kernel)15:53
LjLJuje007: downloding a kernel module from some random place seems suicidal.15:54
webfarmersoundray - thanks for helping me hey15:54
LjLJuje007: what do you want to achieve?15:54
crushyhi,  my ubuntu stopped working suddenly15:54
soundraywebfarmer: I haven't helped you yet, but still trying15:54
crushyits stops on black screen saying not found not found 4-5 times15:54
simNIXIm seting up preseed automated instalation; when I auto instal a destop there's no prob - When I preseed a lamp server and boot using console-setup/layoutcode=en_US I get after install that whatever key I press I get a litle square not the key ...15:54
Juje007I want to install a network card and he need eg1032v3.ko at /lib/modules/2.6.24-16-server/kernel/drivers/net/15:54
LjLcrushy: it doesn't say *what's* not found?15:54
crushyyes it does,15:55
comicinkeriandaletter: I have a script for evolution back up. this also respects your gpg stuff15:55
crushycolors directory not found etc15:55
simNIX... if I dont do console-setup/layoutcode=en_US but do the test for keyboeard layout it does work as expected15:55
webfarmersoundray :) no, you're definately helping... however this challenge is getting veeeery frustrating15:55
crushyand it doesnt go to gdm at all, is it possible to reinstall only desktop package, not the all, and is it possible just to repair the installation15:55
simNIXIs this a bug I need to report somewhere ?15:55
LjLJuje007: uhm, how do you know it needs that module? which card is it?15:55
webfarmersoundray so what do we do next... I'm obviously no help here.15:56
Juje007Linksys EG103215:56
comicinkeriandaletter: can you familiar to bash scripts?15:56
crushyactually i installed hardy desktop then i install ubuntustudio-desktop package, and after 3 days it stopped like this on black screen:(15:56
eaxexexbazhang: paste.ubuntu.org/5051415:56
Juje007When I use make install he say install: cannot stat `eg1032v3.ko': No such file or directory15:56
iandalettercomicinker: yes, come on!15:57
soundraywebfarmer: I'd like you to run a command that contains quote marks. Copy it from here with the quote marks please:15:57
crushyjuje are you installing linksys?15:57
Juje007A network card of it ya15:57
soundraywebfarmer: tail '/var/log/gdm/:0.log'15:57
Juje007Trying to install :P15:57
bazhangeaxexex, not wifi0 but eth015:57
soundraywebfarmer: tell me if you see anything that makes sense15:57
eaxexexbazhang: I took eth0?  I wrote: sudo dhclient eth0. That was the output..15:58
crushy@ juje type this at terminal ---> sudo apt-get install build-essential15:58
bazhangeaxexex, that was looking for wifi015:58
webfarmersoundray it says this file doesn't exits15:58
Juje007Done crushy15:59
rich_hello everyone..........looking for anyone that knows alittle somthing bout UIF files15:59
soundraywebfarmer: are there any files in /var/log/gdm?15:59
huitangIs there anybody who know well compiz function? I had a problem.15:59
eaxexexbazhang: What do you mean? I wrote the exact same thing you told me and that was the output, I don't know why it says wifi0 though..15:59
crushytry now if package wasnt installed already and its been done now15:59
rich_how they can be played or burned15:59
iandaletterWhy my pidgin 8.04 ask me to upgrade it at web-site when i try to use ICQ? I need ICQ right now, can not spend more than 10 mb - or will have to stop using internet untill tomorrow morning...15:59
webfarmersoundray sorry it's because there was no leading /15:59
Juje007Same error :P15:59
tangbaiCan anyone help with connecting to a Windows VPN (pptp) ? Can get a connection, bytes sent but non received. Connection drops after 2 minutes.15:59
crushycan u paste the comolete error ? not just the last line15:59
webfarmersoundray none of that makes sense16:00
bazhangeaxexex, well you may have mistyped; try again carefully this time16:00
eaxexexbazhang: Okay16:00
eaxexexbazhang: For some reason it says the exact same thing as last time :S16:00
Juje007crushy: http://paste.swiftphp.org/41016:00
soundraywebfarmer: please put it on a pastebin. 'sudo apt-get install pastebinit ; cat '/var/log/gdm/:0.log' | pastebinit'16:00
webfarmersoundray the first line says (EE) open /dev/fb0: no such file or directory16:00
iandaletterthaks, comicinker.16:01
bazhangeaxexex, did you boot with the ethernet cable attached?16:01
eaxexexbazhang: No.. Trying that now16:01
huitangIs there anybody who know well compiz function? I had a problem.16:01
soundraywebfarmer: if you run the above command and give me the URL that it issues, I can look at the whole log file.16:01
rich_how are UIF files played ??16:01
webfarmersoundray the rest is (II) "ddc" ["i2c", "ramdac"] already built in, and then expected keysym, got XF86Kbd....16:02
soundraywebfarmer: come on, keep up16:02
LjLJuje007: some information appears to be at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/cannot-enable-linksys-nic-eg1032v3-rtl8169s-chip-in-ubuntu-7.10-624922/16:02
webfarmersoundray.. url that it issues? it doesn't issue a url16:02
LjLJuje007: and congratulations for managing to obtain one of the very few ethernet cards that don't seem to properly work out of the box in Ubuntu ;D16:03
crushysudo apt-get install gcc @ juje16:03
webfarmersoundray sorry trying here - get it to you in a sec16:03
comicinkeriandaletter: you can try updating pidgin with the help of this repository: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/punischdude/ubuntu hardy main16:03
Juje007Done crushy16:03
crushycheck if it gives same error , try to install now16:04
CVirusHow can I give a my normal sudo user the same access as root when it comes to network configuration .. I mean I want the user to be able run dhclient and ifconfig without the need of sudo16:04
Juje007It gives the same error :(16:04
JorkI love you guys16:05
eaxexexbazhang: I booted with the cable pluged.. It still says the thing about wifi016:05
LjLCVirus: why? does typing "sudo" take up so much time?16:05
crushycan you tell me the model number of ur card?16:05
CVirusLjL, no, actually it's more complicated than that16:05
Juje007Linksys EG103216:05
bazhangeaxexex, what nic is that lspci will tell us16:05
iandalettercomicinker: this link you've given - i.ll try it at after gmt +716:05
strAlancan someone please help me mount this device http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92892416:05
eaxexexbazhang: The ethernet controller or?16:06
CVirusLjL, any idea ?16:06
bazhangeaxexex, yes16:06
crushyand ur ubuntu version?16:06
LjLCVirus: no, aside from suggestions that are way too dangerous to give. if you say it's more complicated, can you explain better? perhaps there's a different solution from the specific question you asked16:06
eaxexexbazhang: 08:02.0 Ethernet controller: RealTek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)16:07
CVirusLjL, I'm working on an application that will need to configure the network settings at some point .. without the user providing a password16:07
bazhangeaxexex, no reason to give wifi0 if you are typing sudo dhclient eth016:08
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eaxexexbazhang: What do you mean?16:09
webfarmerhey soundray. I installed pastebinit... I then wrote "cat '/var/log/gdm/:0.log' | pastebin "16:10
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eaxexexbazhang: I really can't explain why it says wifi0 :S16:10
soundraywebfarmer: it should be "cat '/var/log/gdm/:0.log' | pastebinit "16:10
bazhangeaxexex, me neither16:10
webfarmerokay wait - I wrote pastebinit instead and it gave me http://pastebin.com/f7dc4900716:10
eaxexexbazhang: Can I like.. Destroy the interface?16:11
talexbHaving problems using mpage on an HP 4345mfp .. the margins are fine on the first page (after some tinkering) but the bottom of the second page get chomped.16:11
talexbI've googled but haven't found anything.16:12
LjLCVirus: well, i think you can do it by making your application *use* sudo, but also editing /etc/sudoers so that your user isn't asked for a password when using "sudo ipconfig" or "sudo dhclient"16:12
liza0can a service (a dademon)  be run  on start up in linux that consmes files from a nfs mount  or does the app require the user to login and the nfs mount be available ?16:12
shingalatedDoes anyone know how to disable CPU frequency scaling?16:12
LjLCVirus: the "NOPASSWD" tag should do that, refer to "man sudoers216:12
StFShello... is there a way for me to see from what repository a package came?16:12
CVirusLjL, but yet I'll have to use sudo ... right ?16:13
LjLStFS: apt-cache policy packagename16:13
webfarmerusing svn yes StFS16:13
webfarmercommit a folder... then when you are in that folder you can run svn ls16:13
LjLCVirus: yes (well, the app you're writing will have to use it), but no password will be requested16:13
CVirusLjL, thanks16:13
StFSwebfarmer: svn??? are you sure you're in the right channel?16:14
soundraywebfarmer: it doesn't really explain the problem16:14
StFSwebfarmer: oh... sorry... that probably wasn't related to your answer to me16:14
webfarmeryea probably - I don't know - tiz was a stupid answer16:15
webfarmersoundray? so got any ideas? or you over this?16:16
CVirusLjL, have you got any other suggestions that would allow the user to run the command without typing sudo ?16:16
soundraywebfarmer: can you run a 'sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start ; sleep 10 ; cat /var/log/syslog | pastebinit'16:16
soundraywebfarmer: actually, that'll be way too much16:16
LjLCVirus, no. but i don't understand what the problem is: the user *will not* have to *type* sudo, if you're writing an *application* that uses the ifconfig and dhclient commands16:17
soundraywebfarmer: let's just try this instead:16:17
soundraywebfarmer: 'tail -n 200 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit'16:17
webfarmerinvoke-rc.d: syntax error: missing required parameter16:18
soundraywebfarmer: 'tail -n 200 /var/log/syslog | pastebinit'16:18
StFSLjL: hmm... "apt-cache policy libqtcore4" tells me the package version... but not the actual repository it came from (http://rafb.net/p/yHNdwa13.html)16:18
perlmonkeyive foolishly forgotten my username and password and need to do some maintenance on my server...is there a way to gain entry and reset them?16:19
perlmonkeydark_ im locked out16:20
StFSLjL: What's bugging me is that I believe I've removed all the non-standard repositories from sources.list but this package (libqtcore4) is still under "installed packages" and not "obsolete and locally inserted"16:20
LjLStFS: no, you're right, it doesn't. i don't believe anything does, apt-cache just comes close, by giving you a list of repositories the package is found in (in this case, it isn't even telling you the repository, probably because the package isn't there anymore)16:20
webfarmersoundray http://pastebin.com/f2c9fffbd16:20
h00kperlmonkey, do you have physical access?16:20
LjLStFS, all odds are that that package comes from the KDE4 PPA repository16:20
dark_Why don't you check it for yourself, manually?16:20
LjL!recovery | perlmonkey16:20
ubottuperlmonkey: To rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"16:20
LjLperlmonkey: err no, this isn't what i wanted to give you...16:21
StFSLjL: and I need to downgrade it (and all its dependencies) to the official repo so I can install libqt4-dev16:21
[TiZ]Hi. I'm trying to install a lower version of openjdk in synaptic, but it keeps trying to bump itself up to the current version. What do I do?16:21
LjLperlmonkey: reboot and boot into recovery mode, by selecting it from the GRUB menu16:21
perlmonkeyLjL phew many thanks16:21
LjLStFS: i'm afraid you'll have to do them manually16:21
StFSLjL: ok... well I had that repo... but I've commented it out, updated and it's still in "installed" as opposed to "obsolete and locally installed"16:21
LjLStFS: well, it's not obsolete16:21
dark_Who was that guy asking about the libqt thingy?16:22
LjLdark_: stfs16:22
webfarmersoundray it looks like a bunch of things are failing16:22
LjLStFS: you can install a specific version of a package with sudo apt-get install packagename=version16:22
StFSLjL: ahhhh... a package goes to obsolete only if it's not found in any other repo16:22
* iandaletter quit16:22
StFSdark_: yes?16:22
webfarmersoundray what is a G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE?16:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:23
ubottuPlease investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.16:23
Some_PersonI just got a laptop with 64-bit Windows. Should I install the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of ubuntu?16:23
[TiZ]Hello? Anyone?16:23
StFSLjL: right... I'll try that but I'm just a little worried about dependency problems when going that way16:23
soundraywebfarmer: it's the same thing over and over. Try 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install libglib2.0-0' to see if that makes a difference16:23
dfgashow do i get nspluginwrapper installed on 8.04? i keep on geting grey boxes in flash16:23
dark_So, let me get this straight...  Stfs is trying to get rid of this "libqt..." thing, but can't, is that right?16:23
LjL[TiZ]: it will keep bumping you to the current version, there's no *easy* way of keeping an old version of a package16:23
KristianDKHello there, i have a problem with my brand new AOC monitor, it will not go to its maximum resolution (1680x1050) with ubuntu. I tried it with Vista, to check if the monitor was OK, and it worked perfectly - so here is my question: I have an Intel 945GM graphic card, and a 22" widescreen, when i try to go to 1680x1050, it starts flimmering, i have tried to reset the xorg.conf, and tried to config it manually, but without any success (my 16:23
LjL!pinning > [TiZ]    ([TiZ], see the private message from Ubotu) (complicated and probably obsolete too)16:23
ubottu[TiZ], please see my private message16:24
StFSdark_: no I'm trying to downgrade it to the version that is in the official repository16:24
webfarmersoundray you still there?16:24
soundraywebfarmer: no16:24
LjLStFS: yes, you're likely to have dependency issues that will have to be solved painfully16:24
[TiZ]Alright, I'll give it a shot. Thank you, LjL16:24
Some_PersonI just got a laptop with 64-bit Windows. Should I install the 32-bit or the 64-bit version of ubuntu?16:24
soundraywebfarmer: did you see what I said ^^16:24
StFSLjL: thing is though... I created an /etc/apt/preferences file that put a high priority on the o=Ubuntu... but I guess that's not enough... :(16:25
rich_wine: could not load L"C:\\windows\\system32\\Setup_MagicISO.exe": Module not found16:25
webfarmersoundray yea got it - done - restart?16:25
greencookiekind of offtopic, but if I want to sync my ipod shuffle, what program would be best? I tried rhythmbox but it crashes when I want to load songs onto it.16:25
StFSLjL: anyways... gotta run to class now... thanks so much for your help16:25
dark_KristanDK, can't you just set it manually?  What happens when you try it in the standard system-config-display thingy?  I think it will let you set it manually, yes?16:25
LjLStFS: sorry, i really don't quite understand APT pinning and all that16:25
rich_modual not found16:25
Some_PersonAre there any advantages/disadvanges to 32/64 bit editions of ubuntu?16:26
soundraywebfarmer: yeah, try16:26
LjLStFS: you could use some ugly command like this to find out what packages come from the ppa repositories...  pt-cache search "" | xargs -n 1 apt-cache policy | grep ppa16:26
dfgashow do i get nspluginwrapper installed on 8.04? i keep on geting grey boxes in flashwhat is a good program to use for creating a dvd with movies and such on it, i want to create it from screencasts16:26
KristianDKdark_, havent tried to do that, i will just give it a try16:26
dfgaswhat is a good program to use for creating a dvd with movies and such on it, i want to create it from screencasts16:26
LjLStFS: or, you find out how to do it from aptitude in some cleaner way16:26
huitangwhy is  my 3D desktop  slower than before since I reinstall the xorg driver?16:26
indian_munndacan anyone suggest me which nero for linux i should download (deb 32 bit or deb 64 bit)?? I have LTS PC.????16:26
Some_PersonAre there any advantages/disadvanges to 32/64 bit editions of ubuntu?16:26
joaopintodfgas, try mandvd and devede16:26
soundraywebfarmer: I'm going to be away again. Please put your problem to the channel again if it's still there, explain that gdm fails and restarts itself, and supply the URL of your syslog16:27
Some_Personindian_munnda: Do you have Ubuntu 32-bit or Ubuntu 64-bit?16:27
dark_be careful though, if it dosen't have the power, it can hang or fuck up your display.16:27
LjLSome_Person: using the 64bit version will result in some (mostly proprietary) software failing to work or being difficult to install16:27
KristianDKdark_, that command wont work for me ..16:27
LjL!language | dark_16:27
ubottudark_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:27
indian_munndaSome_Person: i have ubuntu lts16:27
dark_sorry, didn't know.16:27
KristianDKdark_, but if i use the build on "screen resolution" thing, in the menu, i get the problem16:27
Some_Personindian_munnda: LTS means Long Term Support, has nothing to do with edition16:27
Some_Personindian_munnda: Did you originally download the regular CD or the 64-bit CD?16:28
dark_Let me try, I'm used to red hat based systems, and am just now trying ubuntu.16:28
webfarmerCAN anyone please help me - gdm keeps failing and restarting...16:28
indian_munndaSome_Person: actually i have installed PC version and its not 64 bit pc.16:28
dark_It works in fedora.  Let me just mess with it for a while, and get back to you.16:28
Some_Personindian_munnda: Then you need 32-bit16:28
webfarmerI can't even get my login screen booting up properly16:28
indian_munndaSome_Person: ok thank u dude16:29
indian_munndawebfarmer: use sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop16:29
Some_PersonLjL: What software specifically doesn't work in 64-bit? Is there a list?16:29
kristoferdoes anyone know what rule i'd have to add to my iptables to connect to this chat without disabling the firewall?16:29
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LjLSome_Person: i don't really know, i always just used 32bit... i "hear" that problematic things might be java, flash...16:30
Skeletonwo sind meine admins? :D16:30
FloodBot1Skeleton: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
dark_KristanDK, I found a util in my gnome, but it won't let me set it manually.  If you can set it manually with a X util, your problem is probably solved.16:30
joaopintojava works fine on 32 bits, flash works fine sometimes :P16:31
dark_I'll keep messing, and get back to you...16:31
joaopintoerm, i mean 64 bits16:31
LjL!de | Skeleton16:31
ubottuSkeleton: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de16:31
grubhey, in 8.04 the c/c++ compilers are in which package? build-essential, right?16:31
Some_Personjoaopinto: well there have always been flash issues even on 32-bit16:31
LjLgrub: yeah, that's usually the best package to install16:31
webfarmercan anyone please help me - I'm trying to load up my ubuntu and it keeps reloading in a loop the login point...16:32
TarantulafudgeIs there a way to bandwidth-test the ubuntu servers?16:32
Tarantulafudgemy updates are slow as dirt16:32
kristoferdoes anyone know much about iptables?16:32
indian_munndaSome_Person: have ever used nero in ubuntu.16:32
grubLjL, thanks16:32
dark_kristanDK, (Not criticizing you) are you a linux newbie, because if you are, then the jargon coming outta my mouth won't be as easy to understand as an online manual.16:33
Some_Personindian_munnda: A long time ago16:33
Some_Personindian_munnda: Before I started using free tools16:33
webfarmerdark_ do you know anything about gdm?16:33
Some_Personindian_munnda: Nero for Linux is a waste of money IMHO16:33
dark_gnome display manager?16:33
perlmonkeydamn im locked out of my system16:33
webfarmeryea - it keeps restarting - I can't even get to my login screen.16:34
indian_munndaSome_Person: i m downloading a trail version right now, is it available free also in any repository?16:34
dark_Pretty much the X front end for gnome's working with the system.16:34
comicinkerSome_Person: nero for linux is at least relyable16:34
Some_Personindian_munnda: Nero is commercial proprietary software.16:34
joaopintoindian_munnda, there are plenty of open source cd burning apps on the official repositories16:34
Some_Personindian_munnda: It is not available for free (except with the trial version)16:34
PerfectExodusWhat does "C compiler can not create executables" mean? (besides the obvious)16:35
Some_Personindian_munnda: GnomeBaker and that other thing that comes with Ubuntu are free and IMHO just as good16:35
LjLPerfectExodus: probably that you don't have the "build-essential" package installed16:35
indian_munndajoaopinto: i was just asking for the knowledge man.16:35
perlmonkeyive got a system which is running Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 and the MythTV packages, it's booting straight into MythTV..the problem is I have forgot my username and password and cannot login to X, when i start X (even in recovery mode) it automatically starts X using mythtv user... how to get back into the X desktop to reset my username/password?16:35
joaopintoPerfectExodus, it means the C compiler is not available :)16:35
dark_Basically, it starts the low-level ops required and then starts using GTK+, which is a library dealing directly with gnome applications.16:35
dark_Whadda ya wanna know?16:35
webfarmer_dark: it keeps restarting before I even hit the login point - it endlessly loops, playing the start login audio file - got any ideas how I can fix this?16:35
PerfectExodusLjL:  Ah... prolly should fix that....16:35
indian_munndaSome_Person: according to u which is the most user friendly one for burning files?16:36
webfarmer_dark: I get to the root from loading up ubuntu and then I type in X - that runs fine16:36
perlmonkeyI need to reinstall Ubuntu right?16:36
AlexCOn Ububtu 8.04 - how can I make my login screen be 1280 X 1024 instead of 1280 x 768 which is insists on coming up as. I have set my desktop screen resolution to 1280 x 1024 but my login screen insists on coming up at the wrong (ugly) resolution,16:36
Some_Personindian_munnda: they16:36
Some_Personindian_munnda: they're not really that much different16:36
dark_Sorry, repeat.  I just saw the message and thought it was from somebody else.16:37
webfarmerdark_: it keeps restarting before I even hit the login point - it endlessly loops, playing the start login audio file - got any ideas how I can fix this?16:37
perlmonkeyusername/password recovery question.... ive got a system which is running Ubuntu Feisty 7.04 and the MythTV packages, it's booting straight into MythTV..the problem is I have forgot my username and password and cannot login to X, when i start X (even in recovery mode) it automatically starts X using mythtv user... how to get back into the X desktop to reset my username/password?16:37
webfarmerdark_: I get to the root from loading up ubuntu and then I type in X - that runs fine16:37
kristofercan anyone point me in the direction of a good iptables tutorial?16:37
AngelwingedDevilhi there!16:38
AngelwingedDevilI have some problems with my x file16:38
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xnvperlmonkey: Do you have a root account/password set up?16:38
dark_Apparently, there's a bug in your GDM config (I think)16:38
comicinkerperlmonkey: you can log in a konsole by hitting ctrl alt f1, change back to X by ctrl alt f716:38
perlmonkeyxnv: im not sure16:38
dark_Here's what you gotta do.16:38
perlmonkeycomicinker: thanks! I will give that a try16:39
webfarmeris there a way to revert back to older versions of ubuntu16:39
dark_I will msg instructions when I get them ready.16:39
AngelwingedDevilwhenever I set the mouse to be emulate three buttons and the keyboard language to danish it doesn't load the nvidia drivers at startup16:39
mohkohnindian_munnda, I second that. k3b is an amazing piece of free soft2ware16:39
mohkohnoverall I prefer gnome but god I like k3b16:40
AngelwingedDevilI'm going to upload how it looks now with the nvidia driver and how it looks when I edited it with mouse and all16:40
eviking_5anybody with funambol knowledge here?16:40
lebieshi all, anyone know of a good (step-by-step) howto to get plpgsql debugger working ?16:40
perlmonkeycomicinker: that doesnt solve the problem tho, i dont have a username/password to login16:40
comicinkerperlmonkey: but if you have forgotten the username and password, the easiest way is to reinstall ubuntu.16:40
dark_Webfarmer, First, get a single user mode (root) shell.16:40
perlmonkeydamn ok16:40
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:41
perlmonkeythats gonna be a real pain as this system has no cdrom drive16:41
comicinkerperlmonkey: if you have chosen a unsecure password, you can try to recover it16:41
indian_munndamohkohn: but its in kde i think. right?16:41
atlefperlmonkey: install from usb stick or drive16:41
dark_Normally, you go into grub and add "single" to the line starting with linux.16:41
webfarmeryea I'm there dark_16:41
atlef!install | perlmonkey:16:41
ubottuperlmonkey:: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate16:41
dark_hold on...16:42
webfarmerI'm at the root of my machine16:42
mohkohnindian_munnda, yes it is a kde program and it will download a bunch of kde stuff to your hard drive.16:42
indian_munndaSome_Person: to which repository IMHO belongs ??16:42
dark_all right.16:42
perlmonkeysilly of me not to write down the username and password somewhere safe16:42
webfarmerdark_ tell me what to do from a fresh restart16:42
perlmonkeyi wrote it on a scrap of paper and its now lost16:42
llisyswhats a good client for web/ftp/general server bouncing?16:43
indian_munndamohkohn: but i don't want to install kde environment thatswhy i m just looking for the gnome programs.16:43
dark_Hold on, I gotta check on the steps with my shell.16:43
atlefindian_munnda: gnomebaker or brasero16:43
comicinkerperlmonkey: anotherway could be the use of a live cd and john. http://openwall.com/john/doc/16:43
mohkohnbut it works..in IMHO better than proprietary cdburning16:43
comicinkerperlmonkey: but only if you know that the password was insecure16:44
atlefindian_munnda: oh, and k3b does not install that many dependecies16:44
mohkohnIs ta16:44
indian_munndaatlef: but what is IMHO?16:44
dark_can you access internet with your present shell?16:44
mohkohnoops Is that because of disk space indian_munnda16:44
atlefindian_munnda: in my honest opinion16:45
indian_munndamohkohn: yeah man exactly.16:45
perlmonkeyi got root access!!!!!116:45
indian_munndaatlef: oops, i was thinking its package name.  :)16:45
AngelwingedDevilcan anyone help me please?16:45
atlefindian_munnda: :-)16:45
NauarchLysanderI have a problem. I've just installed Fedora on an already existing Windows Vista/Ubuntu PC. As Fedora overwrites the existing Ubuntu GRUB it's no longer possible to load Ubuntu. I suppose I have to edit something in GRUB, but what exactly?16:45
perlmonkeyscrew that16:46
office_join #spip-fr16:46
perlmonkeystop spamming16:46
AngelwingedDevilhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/50533/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/50530/16:46
webfarmer_dark yes I can16:46
rebelThorhey, can anyone tell me how do you use the "gfxboot" package ?16:46
LjLoffice_: /join #spip-fr16:46
perlmonkeythanks for your help guys, much appreciated!16:46
mohkohncdrecord -v -eject speed=4 /dev/cdrom {nameofiso}.iso indian_munnda16:46
FisHHeizerthis channel is a mess16:46
indian_munndaSome_Person: atlef: mohkohn: thanks for your kind suggestions16:47
mohkohnleast diskspace16:47
indian_munndamohkohn: i am installing brasero16:47
webfarmerWHAT IS GRUB16:47
LjLFisHHeizer: people saying random, unrelated things like "this channel is a mess" doesn't help keeping it tidy, either :)16:47
LjLwebfarmer: the bootloader that loads your operating system when your computer powers on16:47
NauarchLysanderwebfarmer: it's the GRand Unified Bootloader16:47
xnvwebfarmer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_GRUB16:47
mohkohnwebfarmer, grand unified boot manager16:47
NauarchLysanderI have a problem. I've just installed Fedora on an already existing Windows Vista/Ubuntu PC. As Fedora overwrites the existing Ubuntu GRUB it's no longer possible to load Ubuntu. I suppose I have to edit something in GRUB, but what exactly?16:47
mohkohnxnv's will be the best16:48
atlef!grub | NauarchLysander:16:48
ubottuNauarchLysander:: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:48
NauarchLysanderubottu: well, I actually didn't really lose it. It was overwritten by the Fedora installation.16:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:48
pihhanNauarchLysander: you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst in fedora, and add there boot entries for ubuntu also16:49
llisyswhats a good server bouncing client?16:50
RickZillaHi gang, on this page http://www.edubuntu.org/GettingStarted I see the line "Besides the standard software available on the Edubuntu CD, you will also find a world of software in the Edubuntu Universe, an on-line repository containing more than 10GB of community contributed software." But I don't see a link to it anywhere. Can somebody point me in the right direction?16:50
LjLllisys: a what?16:50
pihhanNauarchLysander: you might use chainloader +1 like windows use to execute original ubuntu autoupdated grub, if it is in its own partition16:50
xnvRickZilla: A link to the "Edubuntu Universe"?16:50
dark_Try "init 3" then "startx"16:51
RickZillaxnv:  Yes16:51
atlef!synaptic | RickZilla:16:51
ubottuRickZilla:: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:51
pihhanRickZilla: Universe is repository of all programs available in ubuntu16:51
thiebauderickzilla:all your software is available through synaptic16:51
NauarchLysanderpihhan: i already thought of this. I tried to edit the lines for Ubuntu in GRUB when it starts. But once I figured out which where the right entries for kernel and initrd it still didn't work.16:51
webfarmerdark_ yea16:51
xnvRickZilla: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager ... You may need to go to Settings > Repositories and enable the "universe"16:51
llisysLjL: vnc or whatever :)16:51
dark_did you get a Graphical interface?16:52
RickZillaxnv:  So all of that is already on the cd when I install ubuntu/edubuntu?16:52
RickZillaI just have to install it?16:52
xnvRickZilla: No.16:52
RickZillaOk...so synaptic goes out and gets it for me16:52
xnvRickZilla: So I can make a comparison... Have you used Windows?16:52
webfarmerdark_ I've got ubuntu 8.4 installed - with all it's default cactus on it - gnome is not working though16:52
webfarmerdark_ it was16:52
NauarchLysanderis it possible that the fedora installation (perhaps the participating of my disk?) destroyed something in the Ubuntu partition?16:52
RickZillaSorry...somewhat of an ubuntu newbie, so I should probably research a little more before I come in here asking questions like that :-)16:52
mohkohnI have drunk 10 Ankghor Beer <largebottle> while listening to Moterhead. Howcan I type?16:52
webfarmerdark_ now it's not.... I have no idea what to do - and I've spent the entire day trying to get this to run16:53
xnvRickZilla: Synaptic is like an advanced Add/Remove Programs, but you just search for the programs you want, select which ones to install, and Synaptic downloads and installs them for you.16:53
dark_That might be the problem.16:53
pihhanNauarchLysander: you have to change root for loading ubuntu kernel, because you have propably different partition. You can partially fix this by having commong /boot partition with both ubuntu and fedora kernels, but you have to edit it manually anyway16:53
RickZillaxnv:  Thanks!  That information saves me a lot of headaches16:53
thiebauderickzilla:most software you need is in synaptic16:53
webfarmerdark_ what? that I don't know what I'm doing?16:53
dark_Gnome probably dosen't exist anymore (for some reason) but gdm conf file refers to it, resulting in endless loop.16:53
danbh_intrepidRickZilla: try looking under your menus, there may be a link regarding Add/Remove Programs.   Thats a better place to start than synaptic16:54
webfarmerdark_ so what do I do - apt-get install gnome16:54
NauarchLysanderpihhan: What do you mean with "change root"? I mean, my GRUB is written in the MBR of my disk. It should be possible to load all three OS from there.16:54
pihhanRickZilla: there is no web, where you can search available packages, because they are changed frequently, and number of packages is huge. You can visit http://packages.ubuntu.com for more info16:54
thiebauderickzilla:there is also a site called getdeb that has some software in .deb form16:55
danbh_intrepidwebfarmer: how did this breakage happen16:55
pihhanNauarchLysander: menu.lst has somewhere line "root (hd0,1)" or such. this does select partition where grub does work16:55
dark_probably, but I would recommend looking in /usr/bin and looking for any remnant-appearing file of Gnome, and that might prove that it once existed.16:55
webfarmer_dark I did that and FINALLY it gave me a responce that I think may help all of us16:55
danbh_intrepidthiebaude: RickZilla If you are new to this, dont use the getdeb website16:55
dark_go on...16:56
=== rw_away is now known as rw
webfarmer_dark I typed in sudo apt-get install gnome16:56
dark_what happened?16:56
RickZillaThanks, I'll learn my way around Synaptic first16:56
eugmanI have a broken flash drive that I was hoping ubuntu would see see since windows could not. The light comes on when I plug it in but it the drive does't show up on ubutu. Is there any way to tell if ubuntu sees it at all?16:56
dark_webfarmer, did it work?16:57
pihhanNauarchLysander: it should be enough copy entries from ubuntu's menu.lst to end of fedora menu.lst. it has root clausule in it, which should work16:57
thiebaudedanbh_intrepid:i didn't know anything was wrong with that site16:57
dark_what was this "response"?16:57
NauarchLysanderpihhan: yes, that is part of the Ubuntu entry in GRUB. I expandized the entry by 'kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-16-generic' and 'initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-16-generic', but it still didn't work. I'm not sure if it would work if I would type this in the menu.lst16:58
IntuitiveNippleeugman: Try running this command and then plug the device in: sudo udevmonitor --environment16:58
pulsewaveI setup a mail server, what ports do i need to open up on my firewall to receive email from the outside world?16:59
webfarmerdark_ okay when I hit apt-get install gnome - it told me this:16:59
IntuitiveNipplepulsewave: 25 TCP16:59
dark_go on...16:59
greencookiekind of offtopic, but if I want to sync my ipod shuffle, what program would be best? I tried rhythmbox but it crashes when I want to load songs onto it.16:59
pulsewaveI have 25 open and emails aren't showing up...?17:00
pihhanNauarchLysander: you have to grab each complete entry from "title" to "initrd"17:00
danbh_intrepidthiebaude: well, he is completely new, with no idea what he is doing.  I think he should stick to the official repositories   (he didn't even know that those repos existed)   Since you cant just install any deb, you have to get one that works for your system, I figured he should stay away from that website.   Anyway...17:00
webfarmerSome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of incoming17:00
eugmanIntuitiveNipple: Ok. I did, I assume something should have show up it it was working?17:00
IntuitiveNipplepulsewave: Have you done a manual telnet connection test to it, from a system located outside your network17:00
dark_What version do you have?17:01
webfarmerSince you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that the package is simply not installable and a bug report against that package should be filed.17:01
eugmangah, sorry for typos17:01
danbh_intrepidwebfarmer: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit17:01
webfarmerThe following information may help to resolve the situation. _dark - then it gives me the gnome dependancy17:01
IntuitiveNippleeugman: You should see the events the kernel sends to userspace when the insertion occurs, yes17:01
soundraywebfarmer: I told you not to paste stuff here17:01
webfarmerdark_ what version of what17:01
IntuitiveNippleeugman: Also, with the device plugged in, see if it is listed by lsub17:01
webfarmerI can't paste soundray - I typed all that17:02
soundraydanbh_intrepid: he has pastebinit installed already17:02
dark_webfarmer: ubuntu.17:02
NauarchLysanderpihhan: I wrote that in the Ubuntu entry. In the last post I forgot to mention that after the kernel... I put 'root=/dev/sda1' (this is the Ubuntu partition) in it. But, as I said, it did not work, what could be the reason?17:02
webfarmerand I tried to use pastebinit - but it gave me sand17:02
soundraywebfarmer: well, use the pastebin instead17:02
danbh_intrepidsoundray: ok, well, I just want to see his sources.list17:02
webfarmer8.04 hardy heron17:02
soundraywebfarmer: you've used pastebinit before, so if it didn't work now, you've been using it wrong17:03
dark_wait, i think that's what I got.17:03
IntuitiveNippleeugman: and also, run this command then re-insert the device and check to see what the kernel logs: tail -f /var/log/kern.log17:03
eugmanIntuitiveNipple: it says bash: lsub: command not found.17:03
IntuitiveNippleeugman: lol... typo lsusb17:03
webfarmersoundray how do i pastebin the responce of an apt-get install responce17:03
dark_webfarmer, see if you can get the RPM itself and install.  (for gnome)17:04
dark_something may be wrong with your apt.17:04
ScuniziI just installed Ubuntu on a friends HP that has a Savage video card.. the drivers are installed but I don't think the install picked them up and are using them. How can I verify?17:04
soundraydark_: please, you're putting webfarmer on the wrong track with RPM stuff17:04
bazhangdark_, dont recommend rpm17:04
dark_soundray: does ubuntu not use rpm?17:05
bazhangdark_, no17:05
danbh_intrepidScunizi: how about a 3d video game?/17:05
dark_oh, Sorry, don't.17:05
soundraywebfarmer: don't apt-get install gnome, that makes no sense17:05
Scunizidanbh_intrepid: well. I"m stuck at 640x480 which typically means I'm in vesa17:05
danbh_intrepidScunizi: have you tried to change the resolution?17:06
dark_I'm just getting used to ubuntu, I normally use fedora.17:06
eugmanIntuitiveNipple: ok, this is weird, lsusb just stalls with the broken thumb drive...17:06
Scunizidanbh_intrepid: no other resolutions are available17:06
eugmanit works with a normal drive or with none17:06
IntuitiveNippleeugman: Sounds like the device is fubar17:06
Scunizidanbh_intrepid: also tried bumping the "effects" up to normal from none.. and it wouldn't do it.17:06
danbh_intrepidScunizi: yeah, sounds like its not working...   but this is out of my knowledge17:06
mmcjiupdatedb is not indexing everything so if I do a locate *.iso, I am not finding files on a mounted hard drive I have17:07
dark_I'm actually under the impression usually that linux distros are all the same, guess not.17:07
Scunizidanbh_intrepid: k17:07
jones-Hi. My X server is segfaulting each time I get a beep (eg. bash autocompletion, firefox search). What's going on?17:07
danbh_intrepidScunizi: yeah, that happens if it isnt working.  Did you use jockey to install the driver?17:07
jones-(Ubuntu 8.04)17:07
soundraydanbh_intrepid: you think he might have mixed repositories?17:07
Scunizidanbh_intrepid: no.. the driver is part of the install.. on the live cd..17:07
webfarmerok so no one has a clue on how to fix this issue17:07
dark_WAIT!  Webfarmer, maybe you can install yum with apt.  Then yum "should" do it for you.17:07
huitangwhy is  my 3D desktop  slower than before since I reinstall the xorg driver?17:07
ReloadRepeathey there, I need help adding a swap disk to my ubuntu installation17:07
soundraywebfarmer: don't be so impatient17:08
danbh_intrepidsoundray: I dont know, but seeing the sources.list would tell me, in addition to what version of ubuntu he is running17:08
jones-like, if I open a terminal and type "ls <TAB><TAB>" I get a X segfault 100% of the times.17:08
webfarmersoundray: bud I've go so much to get done17:08
dark_soundray: do you think installing yum with apt will do it?17:08
bazhangdark_, no17:08
soundraywebfarmer: as if annoying those who try to help will get more done17:09
eugmanIntuitiveNipple: Yeah, looks like. It seems to see the device ad then gets a big read error or something. I'm going to assume it's definitely fubar17:09
webfarmersoundray: my apologies if I get a bit impatient - but I am on a deadline that is scaring the crap out of me17:09
soundraydark_: forget it. Yum on Ubuntu is a big nono17:09
bazhangwebfarmer, lets see your sources.list17:09
danbh_intrepidsoundray: I would have webfarmer do a tasksel install of ubuntu-desktop if his sources check out17:09
dark_soundray: why?17:09
webfarmersoundtray - if I annoy please forgive me. I really don't mean to come across offensive or demanding in any way17:09
mmcjiwebfarmer: what is the issue?17:09
soundraywebfarmer: please do a 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit' and let us have the URL17:09
bazhangdark_, yum is for rpm based distros not ubuntu17:10
soundraydark_: it is designed around apt17:10
soundray!apt > dark_17:10
ubottudark_, please see my private message17:10
bazhangdark_, please dont suggest things if you have no idea17:10
soundraydanbh_intrepid: is tasksel going to do anything other than apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?17:10
jones-I'm getting something similar to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnash/+bug/140554/comments/5317:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 140554 in xorg "X crashes on RV370 with firefox + gnash visiting certain urls (no desktop effects)" [Medium,Invalid]17:11
dark_ubottu: so, if you use yum, which is mainly for redhat, it will screw up ubuntu?17:11
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:11
webfarmermmcji: my gdm is not loading correctly and for some reason it keeps restarting - I get to my login window - for a split second, it plays the user indicator sound file and then restart again... so the effect is the endless loop of the login window trying to load up...17:11
soundraydark_: not necessarily, but it requires that you know what you are doing, which is something you cannot assume of people who ask for help in this channel.17:12
mmcjiwebfarmer: ok thanks17:12
danbh_intrepidsoundray: yes.  I believe the difference is that apt-get will only to check to make sure the top level dependencies are filled.  A tasksel will install the default dependencies17:12
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: From a virtual console have you tried creating a new user, and then logging in as that user to gdm? That would tell you if the problem is specific to the profile or system-wide17:12
soundraydanbh_intrepid: he's done an otherwise successful gutsy-hardy upgrade, and apt-get -f install checks out okay...17:13
soundraywebfarmer: where is that URL I asked you for?17:13
linduxedis it a big deal to have to go 64-bit gnu/linux?17:13
dark_soundray: so, I guess I've gotten out of touch with noobs?17:13
atleflinduxed: no, but you need to reinstall17:14
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple - so would I load up ubuntu, by pass that by pressing control alt f1 and then typing in an alternative user that I created before, using adduser?17:14
mmcjiI run headless systems mostly and do not use gdm, so I will not be much help, BUT if you are under a deadline, then why not backup your data and just reload your os.  and Install + apt-get update +apt-get upgrade would prob take about 40 minutes total, This is just a suggestion.  I find that sometimes it is just faster to start fresh than to fix odd errors.17:14
soundraydark_: it's more that you're not in touch with Ubuntu17:14
dark_soundray: that too.17:15
linduxedatlef: i know that but i meant if the fact that its 64 bit is a prob....heard something about that17:15
dasdajsHi, how do I unpack .tar.bz2? I tried bunzip2 the file and then tar xjf but that doesn't work? :S17:15
snovadasdajs: use 'tar xjf'17:15
webfarmerwhich url soundray - sorry I'm on mirc, it doesn't highlight when you call me so I tend to miss some of the lines you write to me17:15
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: Yes, user Ctrl+Alt+F1 to get to VT1 (virtual terminal 1), log-in, do "sudo adduser <newuser>" and set the password. Then restart gnome "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" and try logging in as the new user17:15
soundraydasdajs: use tar xf on the .tar17:15
snovadasdajs: the 'j' part does bzip2 automatically for you17:15
webfarmerit's very FRUSTRING17:15
atleflinduxed: have been running it since hardy was released, and no big problems so far17:15
soundraydasdajs: or tar xjf on the .tar.bz217:15
dasdajssnova thanks17:15
MarquisDeSadehello all...17:15
soundraywebfarmer: please do a 'cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit' and let us have the URL17:15
MarquisDeSadeneed help pls...17:16
snovadasdajs: it also does .gz with 'z'17:16
snovaMarquisDeSade: what's the problem?17:16
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: that's not going to help if the login screen is never accessible17:16
dark_Gotta eat supper.  You guys would probably do better explaining than me anyway.  gutentag!17:16
[T]ankcan anyone guide me to find out if my laptop has bluetooth? my admin tells me it does, but i dont see anything in any of the searches I have tried... is there a no questions asked way to look it up and know for sure? rather than me running a bunch of commands I think will show me, but dont.17:16
webfarmermmcji - I can't just start over - there's all sorts of setups on this that would take 2 days to setup17:16
MarquisDeSadei don't know how to enable direct rendering...17:16
MarquisDeSadeafter installing xgl17:16
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: have you seen the webfarmer's syslog? http://pastebin.com/f2c9fffbd17:16
jim_pMarquisDeSade: what gpu are you on?17:17
linduxedatlef: oh i c17:17
MarquisDeSadeIntel 945GME17:17
MarquisDeSadeHP530 laptop17:17
snovai have three kernels installed. is it safe to remove the older two?17:17
jeroen-does anyone know how to be able to connect to a kde remote desktop (krdc) with Ubuntu?17:17
webfarmersoundray. http://pastebin.com/f200a6b0317:17
atlefsnova: if you do not have any problems with the new, then yes17:17
jeroen-it gives a password, but doesnt want to login with vinagre17:17
jeroen-krdc uses vnc right?17:18
soundraysnova: yes, once you've verified that the latest one works. I keep one older one around, though, out of habit17:18
snovathat's what somebody else suggested after upgrades left me with two.17:18
MarquisDeSadehow do i enable direct rendering with mesa drivers?17:18
jim_pMarquisDeSade: do you have "intel" set as your driver inside xorg.conf?17:18
soundraywebfarmer: go with danbh_intrepid's suggestion17:18
snovai guess it's not bothering me, but it makes it confusing when kernel modules come into play.17:19
IntuitiveNipplesoundray: Oh, is that all? width=0 - what is happening to cause that is a theme icon or image is corrupted17:19
vitanovusi love ubuntu :)17:19
danbh_intrepidwebfarmer: well, if you want to go with my suggestion, let me know, and I will give the exact command17:19
MarquisDeSadejim_p, no i just have "Configured video device"17:19
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: ah17:19
IntuitiveNipplesoundray: one thing I detest about gtk/gdk, the log messages very often don't tell us *which* file they have a problem with!17:19
* IntuitiveNipple stamps17:20
snovaMarquisDeSade: perhaps you should copy xorg.conf to the pastebin for us to take a better look17:20
CalvinDKDoes anyone have a ubuntu driver to this Winfast USB TV - http://www.gruntville.com/reviews/misc/leadtek_winfast_tv_usb/page2.php17:20
soundraywebfarmer: I take it back -- let's listen to IntuitiveNipple first17:20
* IntuitiveNipple runs and hides17:20
MarquisDeSadepastebin? what's that? sorry, first time here17:20
IntuitiveNippleI'll just poke me nose in if I see something I can contribute - you are welcome to it :)17:20
xomp!pastebin | MarquisDeSade17:20
ubottuMarquisDeSade: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:20
vitanovuspastebin is an online copy and paste17:21
webfarmerdanbh_intrepid: what command is this - what does it do - sorry I missed what you wrote17:21
MarquisDeSadeoh, ql thnx guys...i'll do that in a sec :)17:21
IntuitiveNipplesoundray: If the new user profile can log-in okay I'd suggest it is caused by a customised / faulty update to a theme17:21
[Solars]question about VM type application from windoes to use ubuntu... first of there is 'virtial install" right? but I also use it say if I have a second hdd and running windows on the first to access ubuntu on the second w17:21
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple; I don't even get to the login screen though17:21
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: the problem, though, is that absolutely no-one can log in at present17:22
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: okay... that's progress! It means there's less to check to fix it!17:22
soundraywebfarmer: can you run 'startx'?17:22
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: Did I read correctly that you've just done a dist-upgrade to hardy?17:22
danbh_intrepidwebfarmer: Ill give the command once you are done with the other guy's suggestions17:22
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: From gutsy?17:23
MarquisDeSadehere you go, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50548/17:23
soundraydanbh_intrepid: thanks for your patience :)17:23
webfarmerafter a while it loads my desktop fine17:23
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: so you can log-in but it takes forever?17:23
webfarmerno not at all17:24
snovaMarquisDeSade: it doesn't look like you have any driver specified17:24
soundraywebfarmer: is that after startx? ( IntuitiveNipple)17:24
webfarmerit loads17:24
snovaMarquisDeSade: i don't know how good x is at autodetection17:24
MarquisDeSadeglxinfo? paste that?17:24
IntuitiveNipplehaha... over to you soundray17:24
webfarmerI pressed control alt f1 and pressed control C17:24
snovaMarquisDeSade: yeah, that might be handy17:24
webfarmerI then ran startx again17:24
CalvinDKDo anyone know where to find ubuntu drivers17:24
MarquisDeSadesnova, just a sec17:24
webfarmerit tries to load the window17:24
webfarmerbut then it just freezes17:24
jim_pCalvinDK: drivers for what?17:25
soundraywebfarmer: keep  it on one line please17:25
webfarmerno preezes just does nothing17:25
soundrayCalvinDK: System-Administration-Hardware Drivers17:25
grobda24CalvinDK, Apps --> Add Remove or Synaptic17:25
CalvinDKjim_p Drivers for Leadtek Win Fast TV USB II17:25
MarquisDeSadesnova, http://paste.ubuntu.com/50549/17:26
jim_pCalvinDK: you have a pm17:26
soundrayCalvinDK: find out the USB ID with lsusb and do a web search on it.17:26
indian_munndaatlef: i have downloaded isomaster-1.3.3.tar.bz2 but don't know how to install it, can you help me??17:26
jim_pindian_munnda: delete it, open a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install isomaster"17:26
snovaMarquisDeSade: alright, you definitely aren't using any special drivers. this is just the generic mesa one17:26
atlefindian_munnda: sorry, all i know is you need to read the readme17:27
CalvinDKI have look but I can not finde an ubuntu driver17:27
snovaMarquisDeSade: did you say you have an intel chip?17:27
CalvinDK...lokked on the internet17:27
MarquisDeSadeyes Intel 945GME17:27
indian_munndaatlef: ok thanks and jim_p u too.17:27
soundraywebfarmer: I think the upgrade failed for some reason. If it was my system, I'd backup and reinstall.17:27
soundrayCalvinDK: what's the USB ID?17:27
RickZillaFor right now, anyway, it looks like there isn't a Linux version of Evernote http://www.evernote.com/17:28
jim_pCalvinDK: you have a pm from me! check your tabs17:28
CalvinDKI don konw the USB ID - how to finde that ?17:28
soundrayjim_p: please keep it in the channel if you can17:28
carsten1hi... i recently switched to intrepid and now direct rendering stopped working. i have radeon 9600 and i'm using the radeon driver. glxinfo says "extension glx missing" and segfaults. logfile says (WW) RADEON(0): Direct rendering disabled and (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found) can anybody help me? :)17:28
soundrayCalvinDK: I told you how. Use lsusb17:28
snovaMarquisDeSade: is that synonomous with 'i945'? because there's a video driver that says it supports that series17:28
webfarmersorry soundray - very bad habbit - okay rebooted and then reran startx17:28
=== brian_ is now known as MrCollins
soundray!intrepid > carsten117:29
ubottucarsten1, please see my private message17:29
soundraywebfarmer: I think the upgrade failed for some reason. If it was my system, I'd backup and reinstall.17:29
jim_psoundray: i cant, there is too much to be done. from lsudb to the right module to installing it... long way17:29
MarquisDeSadesnova, i had a diferent glxinfo before i instaled glx...17:29
CalvinDKSoundray: Sorry am newbie - how to use lsusb17:29
soundrayjim_p: then see if #ubuntu-classroom is free and do it there17:29
mmcjiwebfarmer: yes i agree with soundray, i know it is a pain, but it might be less painful in the end17:29
jim_pCalvinDK: open a terminal and type lsusb17:30
geniiCalvinDK: Open application called Terminal    and type it in there17:30
soundrayCalvinDK: open a terminal (Applications-Accessories-Terminal) and enter lsusb17:30
MarquisDeSadesnova, in that one, it exactly said the name of my gpu...i guess it is synonimous with 945i17:30
snovaMarquisDeSade: i don't know anything about intel cards, and i have to go for a few minutes- somebody else will have to help (sorry)17:30
jim_psoundray: was that a joke??!?!17:30
danbh_intrepidwebfarmer: we can try the tasksel command at this point (before you reinstall).  Its not that powerful, but its a good check.17:30
CalvinDKone moment17:30
keystr0kHave any of you used a Thinkpad T400 with Ubuntu? I may be purchasing one... thought I'd ask...17:30
geniijim_p: Heh :)17:30
webfarmerit loading up my desktop... wait for it... okay now it loads up the window of a message box... the top title had dissapeared now, the message has dissapeared and it loading up a explorer window closing it, opening it... does this three or so times and then... nothing - all I can see is my dekstop background image and my mouse cursor which moves...17:30
soundrayjim_p: no17:30
piero-la-lunehello, I have a problem. I done : sudo echo "id:6:initdefault:">/etc/inittab and now impossible to start. So y removed the file inittab but now I can't connect me. Can you help me please? (I do not speak English very well)17:30
snovaMarquisDeSade: ask how to specify the intel driver17:30
webfarmersoundray: and yes this is when I do startx17:30
MarquisDeSadeok snova, thnx anyway17:30
Henning_Is there a specific IRC channel for Macintosh/Boot Camp users?17:30
jim_phi genii17:30
IntuitiveNipplesoundray webfarmer I'm going to guess that the gdmgreeter splash image has not upgraded/configured correctly. Try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm"17:30
soundraywebfarmer: your upgrade failed17:31
atlefkeystr0k: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport17:31
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: tried that ( webfarmer)17:31
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple we've done that fifteen times17:31
jim_psoundray: i leave it to you.17:31
keystr0katlef, thanks!17:31
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: Have you checked the free space on all disks using "df"17:31
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: okay, sorry17:31
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: I wasn't following your progress earlier, so don't worry.17:31
webfarmerokay yea17:32
soundrayjim_p: why? Your help is more than welcome. It's just in everybody's interest to keep it public.17:32
atlefkeystr0k: you can also see here : http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/17:32
snovaMarquisDeSade: i'm back, but i still don't know how to tell x to use the intel driver17:32
Henning_Can anyone point me into the direction of Boot Camp support?17:32
IntuitiveNippleright, so we've narrowed it down to about 3 files that can be fault... the ones gdmgreeter loads17:32
IntuitiveNipplegive me a moment to figure out what they are from the source code17:32
Gnea!pm | jim_p17:32
ubottujim_p: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.17:32
soundrayHenning_: if you have a problem installing Ubuntu with Boot Camp, ask your question here.17:32
MarquisDeSadeok, snova, i found something on the net, you were helpfull :) http://www.intellinuxgraphics.org/download.html17:32
keystr0katlef: thanks again!17:33
jim_psoundray: i want to keep it public too. but what happens if the procesude is long? i cant distinguish his messages among others!17:33
Henning_Soundray: It's not so much a problem, I'm just wondering where to find general instructions, such as at what point I can just put the CD in and reboot17:33
soundrayjim_p: that's why I suggest going to #ubuntu-classroom17:33
Henning_I've set up boot camp and created the partition, can I just reformat that into reiserFS with the LiveCD?17:33
CalvinDKI have run lsusb and the winfast usb tv is on the bus 6 device 717:34
soundrayHenning_: you can format it with the live CD, but it's best to use ext3 rather than reiser17:34
jim_psoundray: what difference does it make to change to some other channel?17:34
snovaMarquisDeSade: you shouldn't have to download another driver. it's probably already installed, just not being activated.17:34
jim_pCalvinDK: paste here the entire line that shows where that device is17:35
Henning_soundray: I was told reiser was "the shiznit", is that true? ext3 is so... default :)17:35
soundrayjim_p: go to #ubuntu-classroom and you will understand why17:35
CalvinDKok monemt17:35
MarquisDeSadesnova, you i guess you're right...i'll just google it, somethin' will turn up17:35
jim_ptotal silence in #ubuntu-classroom17:35
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: I'm reading the source-code now17:35
soundrayHenning_: it's default for a reason.17:35
CalvinDKBus 006 Device 007: ID 0413:6023 Leadtek Research, Inc.17:35
CalvinDKBus 006 Device 006: ID 0409:0058 NEC Corp. HighSpeed Hub17:35
CalvinDKBus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:000017:35
CalvinDKBus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000017:35
CalvinDKBus 004 Device 001: ID 0000:000017:35
CalvinDKBus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:000017:35
FloodBot1CalvinDK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
soundrayjim_p: that's the point17:35
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: My source code?17:36
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: from where17:36
soundrayCalvinDK: do not paste stuff here17:36
soundray!pastebin > CalvinDK17:36
ubottuCalvinDK, please see my private message17:36
piero-la-lunehello, I have a problem. I done : sudo echo "id:6:initdefault:">/etc/inittab. So I removed the file inittab but now I can't connect me. Can you help me please ?17:36
Henning_soundray: Okay, I'll use that then. So if I format the drive to ext3 and install Ubuntu, will it be available at startup as a boot option?17:36
ZtaI'm trying to re-configure apache after I upgraded from 2.0 to 2.2.  My ServerName definition was removed from apache2.conf.  Where is it supposed to be defined?17:36
snovaMarquisDeSade: i think you just change some particular field somewhere concerning drivers.17:36
indian_munndacan anyone tell me if there is any option for command $ mv which can avoid moving a particular file. Actually i want to move all files from a folder excluding 2 files.?????17:36
bijoyhow do i mount my NTFS drive on startup...i have to goto places and mount it everytime17:36
jim_pCalvinDK: only that line that says about your adapter17:36
MarquisDeSadesnova, http://www.google.com/search?q=mesa+945GME&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&client=firefox-a , this is exactly my case17:36
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple be back in 517:36
soundrayHenning_: if you've done everything right, then yes. Is it a Macbook?17:36
bastid_raZorbijoy; add it to your /etc/fstab17:37
Henning_Soundray: No, this one is one of the recent iMacs. I suppose they're at least partially similar?17:37
snovaMarquisDeSade: we already know that, i think. x is using the generic software driver. the question that i can't answer is how to make it use a different one.17:37
snovaMarquisDeSade: i'm almost certain it isn't a major change.17:38
mmcjianyone know how to include a mounted harddrive in locatedb?17:38
MarquisDeSadesnova, i think it has some command like, xorg reconfigure or so...17:38
bastid_raZorbijoy; get the UUID of the drive with sudo blkid17:38
soundrayHenning_: probably. I installed Ubuntu on a Mac Pro and found the Gentoo wiki very helpful for the Boot Camp aspects of that project.17:38
danbh_intrepidmmcji: find might be a better tool17:38
snovaMarquisDeSade: i know that 'dexconf' is the program to reconfigure x. but it might not give great results.17:38
mmcjii like find, it just takes so much longer17:38
Nece228gta san andreas lags with wine, i disabled pixel shade but the problem didnt gone, my video card is radeon 9600 pro 256 im using fglrx. in windows everythinks fine17:39
soundrayHenning_: point is, have a look for installation reports on the web and pick-and-mix17:39
Henning_Soundray: Great! I'll try installing right now. Thanks for your help!17:39
jim_pCalvinDK: is it that Leadtek thing i see first?17:39
mmcjii used find for years before i learned about locate...hmmm nm on the locate, good idea i will just use find...thanks17:39
MarquisDeSadesnova, my results are allready ungreat my friend :)17:39
ja1Hi! Question: Whenever I sudo a command from the terminal and want it run as a separate process, say "sudo gvim textfile.txt &", the program doesnt start up properly. I get it in the processes list (ps ax), marked with a T. I suspect that the terminal is waiting for me to enter the password for sudo'ing. Now, how should I avoid that, except by removing the & ?17:40
bijoywats the command to see partitions?17:40
snovaMarquisDeSade: good point. at least fglrx comes with tools to reconfigure it automatically, but i don't know if there are similar utilities for intel chips.17:40
bastid_raZorbijoy; and at the bottom the list in your /etc/fstab add it something similiar to this :: UUID=11cb5055-6fbb-48f9-98dd-ef04dab51d1b /mountpoint     NTFS    errors=remount-ro   0   217:40
comicinkerja1: gksu command17:40
bastid_raZorbijoy; sudo fdisk -l17:40
MarquisDeSadesnova, i'll just give it a shot17:40
IntuitiveNipplesoundray webfarmer The failure occurs in gui/greeter/greeter_parser.c line 1108 where it follows "if (info->data.pixmap.files[i] != NULL)" and tries to load a pixmap... so we nave to figure out where/how greeter gets its list of image files to load... one of them will likely be the culprit17:41
indian_munndacan anyone tell me if there is any option for command $ mv which can avoid moving a particular file. Actually i want to move all files from a folder excluding 2 files.?????17:41
ja1comicinker: Ok, thanks.17:41
Henning_Be right back, I'm installing Ubuntu!17:41
soundrayCalvinDK: your device is supported by the em28xx driver, which comes standard with Ubuntu ( jim_p)17:41
jim_pperfect soundray , well done17:41
IntuitiveNipplesoundray webfarmer clue: the file that lists the images is going to be an XML file17:42
bijoy/dev/sdb1   *           1       19456   156280288+   7  HPFS/NTFS17:42
bijoyi get something like tat17:42
bijoyno UUID17:42
comicinkerhow can I display all the environment variables which are set by export ENV ?17:43
strAlancan someone please help me mount this device http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92892417:43
snovacomicinker: with the 'env' command17:43
bastid_raZorbijoy; sudo blkid will give it to you for /dev/sdb1 .. i forget what the command is to look at just one partition17:43
mryanbrownso the maintenance man for the appts is coming soon and i need to get high and clean the smell up before he does17:43
mryanbrownso i decided id powerhit a bowl, biiiig mistake never coughed so hard in my life wish it was only tb17:44
IntuitiveNipplesoundray webfarmer clue: /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/GdmGreeterTheme.desktop leads to /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome/happygnome.xml17:44
mryanbrownmounting a usb drive should be the same as mounting a hdd17:44
mryanbrownyou know /mount/hd?n /media/mountpoint17:45
mryanbrownwait i am high now17:45
mryanbrownlet me retype that17:45
FloodBot1mryanbrown: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
mryanbrownmount yourfshere /dev/hd?n /media/mountpoint17:45
mryanbrownor just w/o fs should work too17:46
Nece228gta san andreas lags with wine, i disabled pixel shade but the problem didnt gone, my video card is radeon 9600 pro 256 im using fglrx. in windows everythinks fine17:46
Rocondaey, my left mouse button isn't working propperly. I have to press lots of times before I get any action.17:47
=== SplinTer0616___ is now known as SplinTer0616__
SkyrailFor some reason when I have Firefox open (or a program using audio for that matter, e.g. Rythmbox) it locks other programs out of using the audio software (ALSA, OSS) for example when I have Firefox open and a run Sauerbraten I get no sound through the game, same with a test with Eve Online (when I use a system tests app through Eve it fails OSS and ALSA when Rythmbox/Firefox are open, however when the latter are closed they pass). I've no idea what to do :/17:47
bastid_raZorNece228; you may need to ask in #winehq17:47
=== datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: please see this pastebin entry and repeat the command on the problem system, and compare the md5sum hashs - yours sohuld be identical to these: http://pastebin.com/d716ec89317:47
impulsebsdanyone recommend a decent torrent client that works with the majority of trackers? I find i love deluge, but it appears to be banned17:47
bastid_raZor!torrent | impulsebsd17:47
ubottuimpulsebsd: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P17:47
impulsebsdthx bastid17:48
bastid_raZorimpulsebsd; i am a fan of Transmission and kTorrent17:48
atlefimpulsebsd: +1 for transmission17:48
lirui0073how to Extract .lzma17:49
impulsebsdits really hard to pull away from utorrent, i was using that thru wine, but am annoyed at not being able to double click files, etc makes it hard to manage stuff17:49
Ahmuckwhat is the sound player in ubuntu?17:49
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code17:49
Rocondaey, my left mouse button isn't working propperly. I have to press lots of times before I get any reaction.17:49
[Solars]does the live cd defualy install gnome or kde?17:49
snovalirui0073: the package is 'lzma', but i don't know what program specifically17:49
atlef[Solars]: ubuntu installs gnome17:50
bastid_raZorimpulsebsd; tranmission is vastly different than uTorrent.. kTorrent resembles it a bit. in order to use kTorrent you'll have to snag about 80Meg of kde libraries17:50
[Solars]atlef thanks17:50
snovalirui0073: after you install it, run 'dpkg -L lzma | grep bin' and look for programs with 'un' in the name. that should do it.17:50
atlef[Solars]: kubuntu kde17:50
Ahmuck!mp3 player17:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 player17:50
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obf213hey does anyone kow why flash player is causing firefox to seg fault so much?17:50
obf213its really a nuisance17:51
[Solars]does ubuntu have tools for managing overclocked machines and monitoring heat and such17:51
snovaobf213: try using a different player. i have no idea why, though.17:51
snova[Solars]: yes. i think the package might be called 'cpufrequtils' or something with 'freq' in the name.17:51
obf213snova, what do you use? I have tried unistalling firefox and flashplugin-nonfree many times17:51
obf213but it always seems to crash firefox a lot.17:52
[Solars]snova thanks17:52
snovaobf213: reinstalling won't help much on ubuntu. i only just got a working internet connection, so i have no idea.17:52
bastid_raZor[Solars]; and hwmon will monitor temps.. you could use lm-sensors in conky .. ksensors xsensors.. many ways to monitor heat/temps17:52
lirui0073snova: thx17:52
snovaobf213: you could always try a different browser, i guess.17:52
sobersabrehi is it complicated to install ARM toolchain for ubuntu 8.04 ?17:52
tpgflash player?17:52
obf213naw firefox has too many neccessary plugins17:53
obf213i think this a problem with flash and not firefox17:53
tpgi just installed it, with synaptic though, yesterday i did it on the flash player website but it crashed on youtube17:53
sobersabreare there ready to use .debs ?17:53
tpgnow it works fine, with Sound unlike yesterday17:53
jim_psobersabre: yes17:53
[Solars]bastid_raZor kewl beans... question is can you make it part of the "background/wallpaper" :) so i don't ahve to keep loading up apps to monitor17:53
Ahmuckwhat is the default mp3 player in *untu?17:53
sobersabrejim_p: yes what ?17:53
jim_psobersabre: my mistake, i didnt see your previous question17:53
[Solars]suppose i could just use applets17:53
carandraugAhmuck, I think it's rhytmbox17:54
snovasobersabre: i don't think so. at least, i can't see any. i'm not even 100% sure ubuntu runs on arm.17:54
indian_munndacan anyone tell me how to install *.bin files??17:54
snovasobersabre: if all else fails, you might have to build a cross-compiler yourself.17:54
bastid_raZor[Solars]; conky is perfect for that then. you can add it to the widget layer. i use conky with hwmon to do just that.17:54
snovaindian_munnda: it's probably a shell script.17:55
indian_munndaatlef: can you tell me how to install .bin files17:55
snovaindian_munnda: or a self-extracting archive.17:55
tyberionhow can I search for binary files? .. e.g. where fluxbox binaries are located?17:55
snovaindian_munnda: you probably just run it.17:55
[Solars]last question for awhile ... Does ubuntu adjust for the amount ram available or do you have to pass that infomation on?17:55
atlefindian_munnda: nope, sorry17:55
snovatyberion: binaries are located in /usr/bin17:55
indian_munndasnova: you mean i just need to do $ sh *.bin17:55
bastid_raZortyberion; which filename   .. more than likely in /usr/bin/ or /usr/local/bin17:55
[Solars]bastid_raZor awsome deal, might bug you a bit more once i get my system installed :P17:55
carandraugtyberion, run "whereis binaty_name" in the terminal17:55
snovaindian_munnda: don't do that, it might not be a shell script. just make sure that it's executable and run it.17:56
bastid_raZor[Solars]; sure, conky is fairly easy to work with once you figure out all that you want it to display17:56
indian_munndasnova: shall i do $ ./*.bin17:56
snovaindian_munnda: that should do it.17:56
indian_munndasnova: ok doing that now17:56
sobersabresnova: I didn't want ubuntu to run on ARM, I want to be able to build ARM execs and libs on ubuntu machine.17:57
bastid_raZor[Solars]; i'm in and out all day long. #conky is very helpful too. they are a bit slow to answer but they have never failed to give me correct answers17:57
sobersabreis there a crosscompiling related channel on freenode ?17:57
snovasobersabre: you need a cross compiler. i don't see any packages for them, so you might end up building one.17:57
[Solars]bastid_raZor erm besides temps, thinking possbility disk space infomation used/avail, uptime, various stuff as long as it doens't take too much resources17:58
jittopjosehello friends17:58
snovasobersabre: just google it- i don't think gcc is really difficult to build like that, though it takes a long time.17:58
jittopjosemy microphone is not working17:58
bastid_raZor[Solars]; all those are very simple and easy. i have all of those in my current conkyrc17:58
sobersabreI am more concerned about all the libs, stuff line libstdc++, etc.17:58
Ghost21I'm trying to install vmware but it keeps saying "/usr/bin/gcc" version "4.3" is less then your compiled version of 4.3.1 ?17:59
tpghello, anyone has any experience regarding Wine 1.0?17:59
jittopjoseam using gigabite M60 mother board17:59
jittopjoseplz help me17:59
bastid_raZor[Solars]; once you start getting into cpu graphs you tend to eat more resources17:59
snovasobersabre: some libraries are part of gcc and g++, but the c library is separate.17:59
indian_munndasnova: that is not working17:59
snovaindian_munnda: what's the error message?17:59
snovasobersabre: some libraries are part of gcc and g++, but the c library is separate.17:59
jittopjosethis microphone works perfectly in windows18:00
jittopjosebut not in hardy18:00
bazzieb|nbhas anyone here used floola as a music player and iPod manager?18:00
jittopjoseany idea?18:00
[Solars]bastid_raZor good to hear... just have to figure out how i want to dual boot my machine18:00
indian_munndasnova: it says "this does not look like a tar archive",actually i have just downloaded realplayer11gold.bin and trying to install it.18:00
babaklinuxI want kill this command FD 9: fd_dvr DEMUX DEVICE: : Device or resource busy how can I kill it?18:01
jittopjoseany idea about microphone problem18:01
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)18:01
IntuitiveNipplesoundray: do you know if webfarmer reinstalled human-theme ?18:01
bastid_raZor[Solars]; it is best to do windows install first then ubuntu.18:01
[Solars]tried installing ubuntu first .. seems i messed soemthing up (i want it on last disk but without writing to boot partition)18:01
isoif i install something from source, can i tell it to put everything in /usr/ instead of /usr/local?18:01
[Solars]bastid_raZor thats what i just figured out :P18:01
comicinkerhow can I set the language of o program? I tried to set LANG by setting export LANG=de_DE before executing, however it had no result. The language packs are available18:01
snovaindian_munnda: what are you doing? i don't know how tar is getting mixed up in this. it's just a program- you run it and it installs itself, or it should.18:01
jittopjoseany idea about mic problem in hardy18:02
jittopjosein gigabyte M6018:02
babaklinuxhow can I kill a process?18:02
bastid_raZoriso; you could just move the file once it is installed18:02
snovababaklinux: 'killall process-name'18:02
jittopjoseplz help...18:02
snovababaklinux: or 'kill process-id'18:02
IntuitiveNipplecomicinker: Try export LANG=de_DE.UTF-818:02
babaklinuxsnova: how can I find that's id?18:02
indian_munndasnova: see this is the complete error message http://paste.ubuntu.com/50562/18:03
snovababaklinux: 'pidof process-name'18:03
SkiessiStopped, #ubuntu-it18:03
snovababaklinux: but it's easier to use 'killall program-name'18:03
mozzybDoes anyone know why my emacs won't read the .pl file unless i byte-compile-load it?18:04
isobastid_raZor: it drops an /etc/ folder in /local as well. just seems like there has to be a better way18:04
snovababaklinux: if it doesn't work, add -KILL to the arguments. processes can't ignore that no matter what.18:04
indian_munndasnova: did u saw that?18:04
snovaindian_munnda: oh! i know! it's probably because of the space in the directory name. sometimes that screws things up.18:04
[Solars]bastid_raZor just installing windows has been a problem for me, have to slipstream drivers and the activiation key I had written down as back was copied incorrectly :/18:04
sobersabresnova: thanks.18:04
snovaindian_munnda: run it from somewhere else.18:04
zigzagsanyone know if proxy programs work if your behind a router? isnt the router the final gateway for the data to go thru before it hits the new??18:05
lirui0073snova: sorry i want to extract texlive18:05
bastid_raZoriso; there is, let me find the info you need.18:05
tyberionhmm, what package do I need to install for getting imlib2 stuff to get compiled?18:05
lirui0073snova: sorry i want to extract texlive.iso.lzma18:05
bastid_raZor[Solars]; best of luck with windows and WGA :\18:05
ra21viI have a ubuntu server, which has direct Internet connextion. Other systems are under ISA, so i want my this ubuntu as proxy for another Ubuntu pcs, how is it possible? is there any proxy server which I can install, config18:05
snovalirui0073: how big is it?18:05
indian_munndasnova: it is a 7 mb bin file and directory is having 860 mb of free space.18:05
[Solars]bastid_raZor WGA?18:05
snovalirui0073: ok, just checking. because iso files are usually cd images.18:06
lirui0073i already install 7zip18:06
snovalirui0073: run 'unlzma texlive.iso.lzma' to decompress it18:06
bastid_raZor[Solars]; Windows Genuine Authentication18:06
lirui0073but dont work18:06
snovalirui0073: 7zip is not lzma18:06
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:06
[Solars]bastid_raZor ahh that, yea no idea if I am going to get winxp64pro installed or not18:06
snovalirui0073: 7zip uses lzma as it's primary compression algorithm, but it's not the same.18:06
snovalirui0073: you need to install the 'lzma' package if it isn't already.18:07
indian_munndasnova: any ideas?18:07
lirui0073i try18:07
soundrayIntuitiveNipple: no I don't -- was afk for a while18:07
ra21viindian_munnda: aman?18:08
snovalirui0073: indian_munnda: sorry if i don't make sense, i'm getting confused by helping two people at once.18:08
jareth_ /exit18:08
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple ok back18:08
snovaindian_munnda: i'm 99% certain the problem is that the directory you are running it in has a space in the name. move it to somewhere that doesn't, and try again from there.18:08
webfarmeru there18:09
SkyrailI want multiple applications to be able to output audio (say Rythmbox and a game) at the same time. At the moment only one works and the other doesn't. I've no idea what is using what, whether it be ALSA, OSS or Pulseaudio (wherever that comes into the equation) so any help would be appreciated (I've checked the sound troubleshooting page...and to be honest it's rather useless)18:09
soundrayCalvinDK: how are you getting on?18:09
snovalirui0073: to decompress .lzma files, you need the 'lzma' package, which contains 'unlzma' inside of it, the decompression program.18:09
icedwaterSpeaking of which: why are all three in use, and do I need three of them?18:09
=== david is now known as Hexbomber
Rocondahi, I reinstallerd nautilus by synpatic and now isn't my left mouse button working very well18:10
indian_munndara21vi: yup dude its me18:10
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: did you try reinstalling human-theme ?18:10
indian_munndasnova: ok18:10
zigzagsanyone know how I remote connect to a computer that is behind a router? i know the internal 192.168.0.* IP of the computer, and also the external IP that the router gives it.  my guess is that its somethin like connecting to '49.211.223.(hidden)//'18:10
ra21viindian_munnda: good, whats the problem/18:11
danbh_intrepidSkyrail: try opening gstreamer-properties and switching to alsa18:11
jim_pRoconda: why reinstall nautilus? the mouse not working issue may be related to xorg?18:11
IntuitiveNippleSkrail: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957818:11
danbh_intrepidzigzags: I think the router has to allow it too...18:11
zigzagsdo you think maybe i connect to a certain port, and have the router forward that port to the internal IP18:12
pavani./join #forit lahari18:12
lirui0073snova: i check it,in SYNAPTIC already exist lzma package18:12
IntuitiveNippleSkyrail: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957818:12
indian_munndara21vi: actually i am installing real player using a 7mb bin file18:12
indian_munndara21vi: but my system is not instlling it.18:12
Rocondajim_p: I know that my mouse is related by xorg, but I reinstalled nautilus because I've got a desktop bug (nautilus isn't showing desktop files)18:12
snovalirui0073: than run 'unlzma texlive.iso.lzma' to decompress the file18:12
IntuitiveNipplezigzags: The router has to be configured by its adminstrator to port-forward , or to do NAT18:12
indian_munndara21vi: see the error mesg here http://paste.ubuntu.com/50562/18:12
formodeHello, I'm trying to move my contacts in Apple's Address Book over to evolution on my Ubuntu machine, but I can't seem to have Evolution import it, the buttons are grey'd out, can someone help me out?18:12
ra21viindian_munnda: what is the error18:13
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snovaRoconda: reinstallation doesn't help much with ubuntu.18:13
indian_munndara21vi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50562/18:13
TopBunny88Does any one know how I can get audio kknoverter to show up in the menues on gnome? i have already installed it.18:13
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: I'm back, ok so that pastebin that you gave me... do I need those files on my system?18:13
SkyrailThanks IntuitiveNipple and danbh_intrepid, I'll be sure to check it out :)18:13
Rocondasnova: but howto reconfigure my mouse ?18:13
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: ignore that pastebin, I discovered more since I suggested that18:13
snovalirui0073: chances are, this is a cd image. you need to mount it as if it were a normal cd drive to access the files in it (after decompression)18:13
snovaRoconda: i have no idea.18:14
bastid_raZoriso; i'm fairly sure you'll need to put this when you run the configure --libexecdir=/usr/bin/18:14
snovalirui0073: create a directory to mount it on, via 'mkdir texlive'18:14
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple okay. so whats my action list look like? what do I do :)18:14
lirui0073ok  it works18:14
zigzagsIntuitiveNipple: ok thanks I willbe able to do it once I get home im pretty sure i can figure out the port forwarding stuff ive had to do somethin similar to get torrent programs and /ctcp to work18:14
lirui0073thx  snova18:14
snovalirui0073: then run 'sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 texlive.iso texlive' and you should be able to see the files in 'texlive'18:14
ra21viindian_munnda: ok,  download the rpm version, sudo apt-get install alien and use alien to conver the rpm into deb, then using dpkg install the deb18:14
TopBunny88For som reason Rythmbox doesnt seem to work properly (I,E, I launch it and then it autommatically quits.18:14
* [Solars] sighs18:15
[Solars]it takes too long to format 1TB18:15
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: From the source code of greeter, what is happening is that greeter reads an XML file that defines, amongst other things, the image filenames used in the greeter. It then tries to load those images into memory. The fault you're getting is caused because one of those files is somehow corrupted, and has a zero width. I *think* it is one of the files in the package human-theme18:15
ra21viindian_munnda: else, if you try with sudo,  you will most probably get the mozilla recognized. also, try $ file ./filename.tar to know about the file. maybe it is dowbloaded corrupt18:15
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: So, have you tried sudo apt-get --reinstall human-theme18:16
ra21viTopBunny88: ok, in terminal window, gnome-terminal, exec rythembox and hunt the error18:16
indian_munndara21vi: i have also dwnloaded another format which i unable to setup it is .tar.gz format18:16
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: give it a try, no promises though18:16
formodeHello, I'm trying to move my contacts in Apple's Address Book over to evolution on my Ubuntu machine, but I can't seem to have Evolution import it, the buttons are grey'd out, can someone help me out?18:16
snovawhere will kde4 packages install to? do they still put their files in /usr/lib/kde4?18:16
ra21viindian_munnda: try alien first18:17
Wrinkliezmight anyone know why my volume + and - buttons on my laptop show the volume bar changing, but the actual volume stays the same?18:17
indian_munndara21vi: ok doing that now18:17
TopBunny88ra21vi: No go exec: rythembox:18:18
sysdocformode: did you set up the email account in evolution first? Then you can export the contacts to a file then import into evolution18:18
ra21viindian_munnda: one more thing. I hope that  is not the problem though, the dir name is "Mozilla Downloads", just get the bin file in Desktop18:18
MOzartstaedterdo i need any special version of ubuntu for an amd quad core??? a 64 bit version or something like that?18:19
ra21viI mean to say in dir without spaces in filename18:19
TopBunny88ra21vi:  bash: Exec rtyhembox  not found18:19
indian_munndara21vi: i can't do that noe, it too late.18:19
formodesysdoc, I have an email account set up, but I exported a vcard from Address Book on the mac, and Ubuntu cannot open it.18:19
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple dude if you got this - you are a bloody ledgend!18:19
indian_munndara21vi: i have deleted the file18:19
snovaindian_munnda: i'm almost certain that it's the space. not all programs handle it correctly.18:19
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple nope18:19
atlefMOzartstaedter: you do not need 64, but if you have 4gb or more of ram i would suggest it18:19
snovado kde4 packages still install into /usr/lib/kde4? does anybody know?18:19
ra21viTopBunny88: uhh, no just in shell, type rhythmbox18:20
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: ok... it was an easy test... let me check something else18:20
MOzartstaedteratlef: yes, its a new pc with 8gb ram ...18:20
formodetopbunny88, You spelled Rthythmbox wrong. :)18:20
atlefMOzartstaedter: then get 64bit18:20
snovaoh, never mind. packages.ubuntu.com can show file lists.18:20
formodetopbunny88, So did it. :-P18:20
MOzartstaedteratlef: ook =)18:20
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: okay, we're going back to my pastebin request:18:20
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: please see this pastebin entry and repeat the command on the problem system, and compare the md5sum hashs - yours should be identical to these: http://pastebin.com/d716ec89318:21
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple ok so where do I get those files from?18:21
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: run the command on line 1 of the pastebin18:21
SkyrailIntuitiveNipple: many thanks, it works now :D thank you!18:22
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple what do I just copy and paste each line into the terminal? I don't know what you mean?18:22
IntuitiveNippleSkyrail: great!18:22
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: no, just the first line. The other lines are the results you should see.18:22
ra21viindian_munnda: realplayer insataller is working fine on my Ubuntu, It installed without any problem. I think your download was corrupt18:22
webfarmerfor file in $(ls -1 /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/);?18:22
indian_munndara21vi: where i can get rpm packages18:23
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: The hash values generated by md5sum should be identical to those listed in the pastebin, so compare your results with those18:23
indian_munndara21vi: may be18:23
atlef!rpm | indian_munnda:18:23
ubottuindian_munnda:: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous)18:23
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: ALL of line 118:23
ra21viindian_munnda: check it http://paste.ubuntu.com/50565/18:23
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: sorry bud I don't know what you mean?18:23
IntuitiveNippleCopy all of line 1 in the pastebin and paste it into a terminal, and run it18:24
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: so this line for file in $(ls -1 /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/); do md5sum /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/$file; done18:24
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: yes18:24
indian_munndara21vi: yup u were right18:24
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: The results you get on your system should be *identical* to what is in the pastebin - the hash-values are unique based on the contents of each file18:25
outstandingldvx wenas18:25
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: so if those files on your system differ from the files on mine, the hash-values will be different18:25
emorrishi, how do i disable the root account?18:25
unopwebfarmer, it's not a good idea to use ls like that18:26
indian_munndara21vi: where to get a rpm package18:26
TopBunny88ra21vi:  Still no go even after removing an reinstall the package for rythm box18:26
unop for file in /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/*; do md5sum /usr/share/gdm/themes/happygnome-list/"$file"; done18:26
unopwebfarmer, ^^18:26
IntuitiveNippleunop: It works, and gets the results we need.18:27
snovaemorris: i think it's disabled by default.18:27
indian_munndara21vi: i have installed alien18:27
emorrissnova: it is, but i enabled it18:27
snovaemorris: the passwd command does it, i think.18:27
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple they are the same18:27
unopIntuitiveNipple, it's not safe - and isn't guaranteed to work 100% of the time.18:27
snovaemorris: i did the same thing you did once, but have forgotten the details.18:28
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple different file names same hash18:28
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: okay, thats good in one way, but doesn't help us figure out which image is faulty!18:28
IntuitiveNippledifferent file names?18:28
webfarmerhow do I output this result to pastebin18:28
emorrissnova: you just do sudo passwd18:28
Babblebackhow do i turn off the sound that plays after the usplash and just as the login screen appears18:28
ra21viindian_munnda: alien -dv ./realplayerpackagename.rpm18:28
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: are you using pastebinit ?18:28
unopwebfarmer, you can use pastebinit.18:28
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple I have it installed?18:29
snovaemorris: i think it's an option. check the manpage, i guess.18:29
emorrissnova: got it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#root%20account18:29
TalioGladiusanyone have a download link for intrepid ibex?  ISO links are bad here: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/intrepid/alpha118:29
GeForce88what is the abi codec for 8.04 ?18:29
snovaemorris: i just found out too: passwd --lock18:29
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: I think you were using pastebinit earlier, weren't you?18:30
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple yea18:30
TopBunny88ra21vi: No matter how  hard or what ever I try i can't seem to get rythmbox to work18:30
star-affinityon a HPG300 laptop, if i have problems with waking from sleep mode, what can be done? i get to the dialog that prompts for password and the cureor is blinking, but i can18:30
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: In that case just add to the end of that command-line this:  | pastebinit18:30
GeForce88!avi | GeForce8818:30
ubottuGeForce88, please see my private message18:30
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple I was, so would I put after done | pastebinit? or something- I've been using ubuntu for 2 months... I donno what all this is18:31
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: you got it :)18:31
star-affinitycan't move the mouse or type anything (sorry, i pressed enter prematurely)18:31
blinkiz_homeI need help configurating dynamic dns. I cant get it to work. Am following this guide and get stuck when testing with nsupdate. I get SERVFAIL every time. http://www.chrissearle.org/blog/technical/converting_existing_bind9_and_dhcpd_dynamic_dns18:31
webfarmerok http://pastebin.com/f53955db518:31
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: that 'pipes' the output of the commands via standard output (stdout) to pastebinit's standard input (stdin)18:31
tpgCould anyone help with a problem with Wine?18:31
webfarmerdude pastebin rocks18:32
jordo2323How do I find where a symbolic link points to?18:32
madmartianclick on it?18:32
madmartianor ls -l18:32
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple ok so now you understand what it looks like18:32
Alexia_DeathHello. Im running intrepid and since the latest firefox update I no longer get sound from FF18:32
atleftpg: have you tried in #wine?18:32
comicinkerjordo2323: in the file properties or in the terminal by ls -l18:32
Alexia_DeathAny suggestions?18:33
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: Those filenames are identical, and the hash values are good too18:33
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atleftpg: well, this is the ubuntu channel, but you can always ask18:33
dragon33greetings, can someone recommend a good ftp client?  something similar to cuteftp, and has a gui? thanks18:33
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: So, we need to figure out how to get gdmgreeter to give us a clue as to what image file it is that is giving it the problem18:33
comicinkerAlexia_Death: no support for intrepid here18:33
tpgok, i guess ill go to the #wine channel, thanks ;)18:33
snovadragon33: if you're using kde, konqueror can browse them as if they were local directories.18:33
Alexia_Deathcomicinker: where then?18:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intrpid18:34
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!18:34
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple okay captain so what do I do?18:34
indian_munndara21vi: i did that wat you gave me but it just created a deb file18:34
dragon33snova, i'm using plain jane vanilla ubuntu.. hehe18:34
snovadragon33: oh well. search the package manager, i guess.18:34
dragon33ok, thx18:35
indian_munndara21vi: shall i do $ dpkg -i realplayer.deb ????18:35
ra21viindian_munnda: use Sudo18:35
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple why can't we just overwrite those files with a fresh copy?18:35
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: I'm leaning towards wanting to monitor the files the process opens. There are three ways to do that. The thing is, they'll generate a *lot* of output, more than pastebinit might handle. If the output is written to a file, can you copy that file from the problem system to the one you're on now, and then attach it to a post in ubuntu forums?18:36
IntuitiveNipplewebfarmer: Those files are fine; we have still got to locate  the problem file(s)18:36
webfarmerok so tell me what to do in the terminal18:37
webfarmerdoes this kernel pickup the network?18:37
IntuitiveNippleis it on a wired or wireless connection?18:37
webfarmercan't I just output the file to a different machine all together?18:37
TopBunny88  Can i download a amd64bit kernel and custom coml;pileit?18:37
webfarmerdirect wire18:37
IntuitiveNippleokay, so you can log-in to it remotely (from another PC) ?18:38
webfarmerall the other machines are windows based - can't I just access them smb://?18:38
webfarmersomething like that18:38
indian_munndara21vi: it has setted up realplayer but not running it on typing realplayer on the terminal and even there is no icon for it anywhere18:38
snovaindian_munnda: are you installing it from a .deb package?18:39
blinkiz_homeI need help configuring Dynamic DNS updates. Here is my named.conf.local: http://blinkiz.pastebin.com/d88a995e . I have restarted bind9 and now trying to make an update with nsupdate. But it don't work: http://blinkiz.pastebin.com/d25b7a2c6 . Anyone here know how bind9 works? Maybe help me? :)18:39
Fazer2how can I properly create a news user with separete folder in /home ?18:39
Fazer2new user18:39
indian_munndasnova: i have converted a rpm package into debian package using alien and then installed18:40
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: all of the other computers are windows, is it still possible to access them through linus?18:40
webfarmerIntuitiveNipple: all of the other computers are windows, is it still possible to access them through linux?18:40
snovaindian_munnda: run 'dpkg -L realplayer | grep bin', assuming the package was called 'realplayer'. if there was a number attached to the end, modify it appropriately.18:40
simNIXone paste would help ;)18:40
snovaindian_munnda: that'll tell you where the binaries are.18:40
jordo2323If I want to remove a cron job from cron.daily do I just delete the file in the directory or is there something else that I have to do?18:41
crushyis there any way to forward port from host to guest pc18:41
snovaFazer2: either use a graphical user manager, or the 'passwd' command. i don't know exactly how either way, though.18:41
indian_munndasnova: ra21vi: see this is the message http://paste.ubuntu.com/50571/18:41
babaklinuxsnova: I want kill this error FD 9: fd_dvr DEMUX DEVICE: : Device or resource busy18:42
simNIXFazer2, is useradd what you are looking for ?18:42
snovaindian_munnda: allright. run 'dpkg -L realplayer | grep bin' to find out where it put the program.18:42
Fazer2snova: I created a user with gui, created a new folder "test" in /home, then I tried to log in and instantly I was logged off18:42
crushyhow to forward port from pc to virtual machine in ubuntu18:43
indian_munndasnova: its showing this path /opt/real/RealPlayer/realplay.bin18:43
snovaFazer2: i have no idea why, but somebody else will know more than me.18:43
Fazer2there was an error "your session was shorter than 100 seconds"18:43
Fazer2"10 seconds", not 10018:43
snovaindian_munnda: ok, then that's where the program is. run it as that, /opt/real/RealPlayer/realplay.bin18:44
Fazer2simNIX: I used useradd earlier18:44
indian_munndasnova: its running18:44
=== petrov is now known as sabhhsadsiusd
blue-frogFazer2: did you give the user a home folder?18:44
simNIXFazer2, then pls elaberate what goes wrong18:44
snovaindian_munnda: great! you might have to add shortcuts and things manually.18:44
indian_munndasnova: thanks18:44
indian_munndasnova: i'll do that18:45
dergringoHi. is ther a gnome 2.24 repo for hardy?18:45
crushyanyway to forward port from host to guest pc :-/18:45
snovadergringo: search for gnome in the package manager, and look at the version numbers.18:45
indian_munndasnova: thank thank you very much and ra21vi you too18:45
crushyanybody? or no one want to help ?18:45
Fazer2blue-frog: I created a folder "test" in /home, do I have to do something more?18:45
node357!iptables | crushy18:45
ubottucrushy: Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).18:45
blue-frogFazer2: what is the name of your user?18:45
simNIXFazer2, did you cat /etc/passwd|grep thatusersname to see if home is set correct and did you ls -l /home|grep thatuser to see if user owns the home dir18:45
snovaFazer2: i think useradd is supposed to create that folder automatically for you.18:46
dergringosnova, it's in the stable? cool.18:46
node357you need iptables crushy, but unfortunately I don't know how to use it18:46
=== dm_ is now known as DM|
blue-frogsnova: no, you need to give -m for the home to be created18:46
DM|Anyone know a solution to long boot times (complains of ATA:1 and stuff )18:47
atlefFazer2: have you tried to use the Users And Groups in the menu?18:47
Fazer2arkadiusz@arkadiusz-hardy:~ -> cat /etc/passwd|grep test18:47
simNIXFazer2, also I wonder if you set a shell for that user - should be visible in the cat /etc/passwd18:47
simNIX/etc/passwd looks ok18:47
simNIXwhat did ls -l gave on the home dir ?18:47
blue-frogFazer2: that leaves the owner of /home/test18:48
Fazer2arkadiusz@arkadiusz-hardy:~ -> ls -l /home|grep test18:48
Fazer2drwxr-xr-x  2 root      root      4096 2008-09-25 19:36 test18:48
bytor4232ive always edited /etc/passwd and changed sh to bash18:48
snovaDM|: i think there are several tips around, try googling for them.18:48
simNIXdo a chown test /home/test18:48
simNIXand retry login18:48
blue-frogbytor4232: if you use GUI or adduser, it will be bash by defalt18:48
simNIXmaybe also do a chmod 700 on the dir to close it down but it should work without18:48
bytor4232blue-frog:  that would explain it.  ive always used useradd18:49
node357gah, I had no idea that article on iptables was so confusing18:49
blue-frogbytor4232: then you need to tweak useradd to put bash by default18:49
bastid_raZoriso; i was wrong.. you need to do --prefix=/usr/bin on the configure18:50
Scitz0compiling a new kernel, what processor family should i choose for a phenom cpu?18:50
crushyany way to forward port from host to guest pc in ubuntu18:50
DM|snova i have, no one seems to know, been trying to solve it for weeks on and off18:50
node357sorry crushy :(18:50
DM|snova they all suggest the same damn thing like its new information18:50
bastid_raZoriso; i found this info by doing ./configure --help | less18:50
node357maybe google for forwarding with iptables18:50
crushyits ok node:(18:50
snovaDM|: what, ATA problems? i thought you were trying to speed up boot time.18:51
snovaDM|: in the case of hd troubles, i have no clue what to do.18:51
creeedhello, I'm a newbie, I wanna upgrade from Gutsy to Hordy without changing device settings!18:51
Hydromethodgoogle "easy iptable generator"18:51
TopBunny98i have decided to convert all of my itunes Library to mp3 using a freeware program for os X called switch.18:51
bastid_raZor!upgrade | creeed18:51
ubottucreeed: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes18:51
DM|snova boot hangs for about 30-45 seconds complaining of ATA:1 stuff, and then continues, boot takes about 2-5 mins18:52
creeedthanks bastid_raZor18:52
indian_munndara21vi: i have installed nero linux 3 trail, can i get its key some where???18:52
DM|snova ill go get one of the messages here in a sec18:52
bastid_raZorindian_munnda; if you buy it.18:52
ra21viindian_munnda: buy it18:52
DM|indian_munnda that would be stealing.18:52
ra21viindian_munnda: ok use free one18:52
Fazer2ok, now the user "test" works18:52
TopBunny98indian_munnda: Just pay for it and stop steeliong software18:52
simNIXFazer2, cool18:53
indian_munndaooops sorry everyone18:53
Fazer2but I can't activate Synaptic in the menu18:53
ra21viindian_munnda: what happened to the realplayer18:53
Babblebackhow do i turn off the sound that plays after the usplash and just as the login screen appears18:53
indian_munndara21vi: i installed it corectly as you said18:53
snovaDM|: ouch :-(. but i won't be much use to you. i don't even know what kind of hd i have.18:53
Fazer2basically I want that user to have the same rights as I do18:53
ra21viindian_munnda: is it playing18:53
Hydromethoddoes anyone know how to setup grub to have nice picture for the menu the way lilo does for slackware?18:53
DM|lol k snova18:53
mkquistindian_munnda: why do you need nero?18:53
node357Babbleback: maybe here http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2736/ubuntu_disable_startup_sound18:54
node357then again maybe not...18:54
node357lol I suck18:54
bastid_raZorBabbleback; goto administration>login window> the tab accessibility18:54
indian_munndamkquist: i was using it in windows thats why i thought to use it here too18:54
osmosisdpkg -l | grep django    shows a django package, but apt-get remove says its already removed. How come?   rc  python-django                         0.96-1ubuntu0.118:54
Hydromethod!grub picture18:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub picture18:54
indian_munndamkquist: i am really sorry, i won't do that again18:54
bastid_raZorindian_munnda; why not try k3b or brasero18:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upsplash18:55
mkquistindian_munnda: linux/ubuntu has so many other was to do the same easy...18:55
osmosiswhat does 'rc'  mean , compared to 'ii'   with dpkg -l18:55
simNIXFazer2, im not sure what couses that - maybe ls -al /home/test and see if mabe config dirs are stil owned by root ?18:55
bastid_raZor!usplash > Hydromethod18:55
blue-frogFazer2: use the users and groups GUI and give your user the same rights18:55
ubottuHydromethod, please see my private message18:55
indian_munndabastid_raZor: mkquist: yup i will try that18:55
Fazer2blue-frog: thanks18:55
mkquistHydromethod: its in /boot/grub/menu.lst18:56
CostaRicanQuakerhelp, for some reason when i open a file on abiword or openoffice and i try to alter it, nothing will type...as in no characters appear when typing, what's the problem?18:56
simNIXif I install with regular users user1; the user1 can sudo. If I want a user2 to be able to do so also do I then only add that user to sudoers or should user2 also be member of wheel group ?18:56
Babblebackbastid_raZor, thanks it was under the accessibility tab18:56
mkquistHydromethod: there is a line called splash-image18:57
blue-frogsimNIX: either the user in sudoers or memeber of "admin" group18:57
[Solars]its been 45 mins since i started to format my drive and its only 39% done!18:57
simNIXok - ty18:57
TopBunny98simNIX: Is it safe to reve gnome and converte a Ubuntu install to a KDE?18:57
arvind_khadriTopBunny88, ya18:58
bastid_raZorTopBunny88; if you're going to remove it then just do a fresh install of kubuntu18:58
v3ctorTopBunny98: the removal of gnome is always the tricky part18:58
arvind_khadribastid_raZor, there is no need for that18:58
arvind_khadri!purekde | TopBunny9818:58
ubottuTopBunny98: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »18:58
simNIXTopBunny88, you could add kubuntu-desktop - then at login you can switch between kde and gnome - if kde works as you want then you can always remove gnome although I never did so myself18:58
simNIXah ubotto ynx - )18:59
ohgodnotanother1I suppose you guys all know the ubuntu network configuration GUI18:59
arvind_khadrisimNIX, he is just a bot :P18:59
indian_munndara21vi: can you tell me the command to have a shortcut on the desktop?18:59
arvind_khadriohgodnotanother1, ask what you want to18:59
ohgodnotanother1what does this command do in the background to get a DHCP for a wlan card?19:00
ohgodnotanother1I mean IP from a DHCP19:00
simNIXI should say arvind_khadri tnx for calling on bot19:00
simNIXI wonder; if in preseed file I put install kubuntu-desktop it works; is there also such a switch to get to a studiobuntu ?19:01
simNIX(with a ubuntu install)19:01
ohgodnotanother1I would like to be able to manually initialise my wlan card without that GUI. but I don't get an IP. what to do?19:01
blue-frogindian_munnda: right click on the folder/file you want a shortcut, select make link then drag the link on your desktop19:01
arvind_khadrisimNIX, you mean compressed?19:01
blue-frogohgodnotanother1: dhclient19:02
arvind_khadri!studio | simNIX19:02
ubottusimNIX: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org19:02
ohgodnotanother1blue-frog: dhclient tells me19:03
ohgodnotanother1No DHCPOFFERS received.19:03
ohgodnotanother1No working leases in persistent database - sleeping.19:03
blue-frogohgodnotanother1: and you need to give the ssid and key in /etc/network/interface19:03
ohgodnotanother1blue-frog: it's there, I just checked that19:03
blue-frogohgodnotanother1: is dhcp activated on your router?19:03
bastid_raZorarvind_khadri; ahh i did not know it was that simple to convert to Kubuntu. i'll make note of that link19:03
Hydromethoddoes it also say theres already a PID file running?19:03
simNIXarvind_khadri, Im setting up automated ubuntu install using preseed file; if I put in it tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-desktop I get full ubuntu desktop - If I put tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, kubuntu-desktop I get kubuntu. I wonder if I can set in the preseed something like tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-studio orso19:04
HydromethodPID of dhclient i mean19:04
arvind_khadribastid_raZor, :) welcome19:04
ohgodnotanother1blue-frog: yes, it works if I use the GUI but doesn't when I try to enable it manually19:04
simNIX(I pxe boot /ubuntu/dists/hardy/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz)19:04
Hydromethoddoes anyone know if rutilt is still being developed for the ralink drivers?19:04
WhitorHi. My Ubuntu won't boot anymore... it works in recovery mode... but not regular mode. It was accidentally unplugged w/o being properly shutdown ... what can I do ?19:04
reinis__whats the command to kill all running apps?19:04
indian_munndablue-frog: its not creating the link.19:04
arvind_khadrisimNIX, no idea what you are saying19:05
fr500_reinis__: killall processname or kill -9 pid19:05
arvind_khadrifr500, that kills all the instances of that particular process19:05
fr500_reinis__: yo can kill from top too just type k and it asks for the pid19:06
simNIXarvind_khadri, on https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/preseed-using.html     its explained19:06
v3ctorsimNIX: ubuntustudio-desktop19:06
simNIXtnx :)19:06
reinis__btw, im haveing wierd stuff, ubuntu is running great with the same apps at the start, but later on the same apps its starting to lag, and freez changeing the shade of the window to gray, and asking to exist process, why?? at the start of the boot its great, but after a while its getting anoyingly slow.. .:/ so i need to restart19:08
arvind_khadrisimNIX, what is preseeding?19:08
arvind_khadrireinis__, compiz?19:09
daniel_john_may I congratulate the devlopers who brought the extra 3d effects . I salute you19:09
reinis__well, sum effects ar on, but im not useing them19:09
reinis__except twirly windows19:10
reinis__and fadeing windows on minimize/maximize19:10
reinis__but its running great at the start when i enter ubuntu19:10
reinis__thats the point, its wierd, that it gets annoyingly slow later19:10
daniel_john_im astounded at the 3d extra desktop. bravo19:10
Whitordaniel_john_, go tell that to the ppl in #compiz19:10
arvind_khadri!enter | reinis__19:10
ohgodnotanother1do I have to manually add a new lease? or does the dhclient3 tool supposed to create a new one in the .lease file?19:10
ubottureinis__: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:10
davedaveyesdavecan someone please help19:10
Whitordaniel_john_, they are the people directly responsible for that19:10
daniel_john_ok im going there19:11
RayTracerWhat is the correct, working way to have "setxkbmap -option compose:rwin" executed regardless of Desktop Environment (Gnome, KDE)? ~/.xinitrc doesn't work because X is started from a DM19:11
sjeahi all19:11
davedaveyesdaveim having trouble installing ubuntu as a dual boot19:11
sjeai have a question19:11
arvind_khadrireinis__, disable compiz and check19:11
sjeaand good morning19:11
davedaveyesdavecan anyone help19:11
arvind_khadri!ask | davedaveyesdave19:11
ubottudavedaveyesdave: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)19:11
reinis__i'll do it when the lags will start19:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hp19:11
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:12
ohgodnotanother1dhclient3 -e IF_METRIC=100 -pf /var/run/dhclient.wlan0.pid -lf /var/lib/dhcp3/dhclient.wlan0.leases wlan019:12
ohgodnotanother1what's wrong with that?19:12
reinis__It would be great if someone would explain how to make Logitec USB microphone work on linux.. haven't found anything usefull on the googe19:13
ohgodnotanother1I don't seem to get a new lease. why?19:13
davedaveyesdaveok, im trying to installing ubuntu as a dual boot. I curently have xp loaded. when i 1st tried to install ubuntu there was no option to partition. there was only to use the whole hard drive or do it manually. maually looked scary. I have since partioned 10gb but still the ubuntu installion will not pick this up. please help19:13
arvind_khadridavedaveyesdave, use the manual method and when you select that drive use it as Ext3 and set it as /19:14
davedaveyesdaveits already formated as ext319:14
xompdavedaveyesdave, what filesystem type did you format in? Ext3 should be set for "/" and you should have a swap partition as well.19:15
davedaveyesdavehow to i set up a swap partition19:15
arvind_khadridavedaveyesdave, then just select and set its mount point as /19:15
davedaveyesdavewhy does the installation not run as easy as I see on websites19:15
xompdavedaveyesdave, are you using gparted?19:15
davedaveyesdaveno, i used a partion program on xp19:16
xompdavedaveyesdave, that's probably the issue :P try gparted.19:16
rangerciao a tutti19:16
ohgodnotanother1anyone who can help me with dhclient3?19:16
v3ctordavedaveyesdave: use you windows tool to remove the partiton you created and leave it as unused19:16
v3ctorthe installer should see it19:17
davedaveyesdavecan i not edit it now with gparted19:17
v3ctordavedaveyesdave: use whatever too you like ;)19:17
simNIXarvind_khadri, preseeding is simply put; a network install, which you point to a answering file (the preseed file) in wich things like which packages/ how to partion and more is set. Setup this way is not done by clicking through all those settings but are automaticly read from that preseed file19:17
arvind_khadrisimNIX, thanks ... i read that :)19:18
simNIXthis way pc's which can boot over the network here (can pxe boot) can choose install automaticly Ubuntu desktop or kubuntu desktop or lampserver and so on19:18
macohow can i change how often hal polls my cdrom drive?  i'd like to make it be around 10 seconds instead of the default 2, to save resources, but i also don't want to disable it entirely19:19
TopBunny88How does one start the swat deamon from the commandline?19:19
davedaveyesdavehow much space should i use as a swap area19:19
bobbob1016I usually use hamachi to remotely connect to my home PC.  I forgot to run hamachi, but I do have ports forwarded to another linux machine, for torrents.  Would it even be remotely possible to ssh via the port I have forwarded without being home?  I know I'd be hacking my home machine, just wondering...19:19
TopBunny88davedaveyesdave:  minimum, swap is 1.5X physical memory (ram)19:19
rsc-will an iPod Touch be compatible with libgpod and the apps that use it? :P I'm thinking of getting one :p19:20
=== cars is now known as cars__
KidJoe1665Music and SoundFX are not working for most of my games in ubuntu studio! Please Help me?19:20
simNIXarvind_khadri, I was away from screen for a bit - say you q what is preseed in red with my name but didnt saw if I already answered19:20
macorsc-: i dont think so19:20
rsc-maco, what can I use to update it?19:20
davedaveyesdavehow do i create a new partion (swap area) with gparted19:21
macorsc-: i dont think they have Touch support yet...maybe in Intrepid?19:21
PizarroCan anyone help me with PUTTY and XMING. I get the error:19:21
PizarroNo protocol specified19:21
macorsc-: every time a new generation of apple junk comes out, they screw with things to force incompatibility. the first gen Touches might be compatible but the 2-weeks-ago stuff is doubtful19:22
arvind_khadrisimNIX, its ok :)19:22
remoteCTRLIntuitiveNipple: hi dude!19:22
arvind_khadri!putty | Pizarro19:22
ubottuPizarro: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/19:22
creeeddavedaveyesdave, new -> swap Partition19:22
macohow can i change how often hal polls my cdrom drive?  i'd like to make it be around 10 seconds instead of the default 2, to save resources, but i also don't want to disable it entirely19:23
creeedthan swapon -a19:23
remoteCTRLIntuitiveNipple: you won't believe it but my ñ works now19:23
TopBunny88How does one start the swat deamon from the commandline? ra21vi19:23
davedaveyesdaveis a swap partion a primary or extended partition19:23
Pizarroarvind_khadri,I already know what is putty, and I already read that, I have everything installed, however I can't make it to work, help!19:23
snovaam i going to have to do something special to make kdm start a kde4 session instead of a kde3 one? it's the kde4 version of kdm, so i don't think i'll have to, but before i reboot to make all the upgrades come into effect, i want to make sure i'll see kde4 when it starts up again.19:23
macodavedaveyesdave: doesnt matter19:23
arvind_khadriPizarro, i think you should ask #windows19:23
IntuitiveNippleremoteCTRL: what did you do? threaten to hit the keyboard with a hammer?19:24
remoteCTRLdavedaveyesdave: depends on if you specified it as primary or logical during setup...19:24
v3ctorsnova: mine shows as kde4 in the list19:24
creeeddavedaveyesdave, I'll take it as extended19:24
snovav3ctor: it has a list of session types? i didn't know that.19:24
arvind_khadrisnova, you dont have to do anything special19:24
macoIntuitiveNipple: it's not hard to do....just click whatever you set to your 3rd level chooser and hit n...um, with international keyboard turned on19:24
v3ctorsnova: yes it does19:24
kerncoI'm following some instructions that ask me to install the package libapache-mod-dav, but this package isn't in 8.04, only 7.10 and earlier.  What is the current equivalent package(s)?19:24
NicEXEI am trying to help a friend set up cPanel on Ubuntu but there is no luck. Can anyone help me set up cPanel?19:24
cars__I am trying to transfer a large number of files between two computers over a firewire cable.  One is running Ubuntu and the other is running Vista (shudder).  I looked at the Wiki page for Ethernet over Firewire but am confused.  Is what I am attempting to do possible?  My other method available to me is transferring via flash drive, but one computer does not have USB 2.0.19:25
remoteCTRLIntuitiveNipple: heh errr actually i don't know so exactly all of asudden today duriong the day when i hit it automatically it worked:D19:25
snovav3ctor: arvind_khadri: ok, thank you. i'm going to reboot now.19:25
davedaveyesdaveok, i created a partition of 10gb for ubuntu, i used 2gb of that as swap area. I will now try to install again19:25
NicEXEI am trying to help a friend set up cPanel on Ubuntu but there is no luck. Can anyone help me set up cPanel?19:25
cars__Sorry, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EthernetOverFirewire is the page I was referring to.19:25
rsc-cars__, i haven't tried it but linux *can* ethernet-over-firewire19:25
PizarroI am trying to establish a SSH connection lo linux,19:25
remoteCTRLdavedaveyesdave: why, what is the problem?19:25
PizarroI htink it is a Linux matter19:25
Pizarrosince the errors I get are in linux session19:25
Pizarroputty is working womnderful!19:26
Pizarrothe problem is when I want to forward X1119:26
remoteCTRLPizarro: can you paste the error message?19:26
v3ctorPizarro: forward X11 to windows desktop?19:26
sysdocWhere in compiz do you adjust the window sticky (sticky to other windows or view port?)19:26
creeeddavedaveyesdave, if you wanna install new, just let ubuntu partition your unallocated area automatically19:26
PizarroNo protocol specified19:27
Pizarroxhost:  unable to open display ""19:27
PizarroThat's the message19:27
davedaveyesdavecreeed that was my initial problem19:27
creeeddavedaveyesdave, what is the problem?19:27
remoteCTRLIntuitiveNipple: all that i know is current setting is german generic19:27
L52Pizarro: have you checked out cygwin?19:27
davedaveyesdavei had no option to partition free space, only to use all hard drive or manual19:28
remoteCTRLdavedaveyesdave: manual is where you can partition the free space manually;)19:28
davedaveyesdavei know but it looked scary19:28
davedaveyesdavetry now19:28
davedaveyesdavetrying now19:28
cars__rsc-: That's good to know.  I'm lost when it comes to recompiling the kernel in that way, though.  I know I will need additional software on the Vista end, since they removed native support for it after XP.19:28
PizarroL52, I don't have cygwin, is it necessary?19:29
[Solars]when ubuntu writes "lilo" to the first disk... and you already have Windows installed does it adjust to allow dual boot of both19:29
remoteCTRLdavedaveyesdave: what is it actually that you are trying to accomplish?19:29
davedaveyesdavei want to install ubuntu19:29
snovav3ctor: thanks again! kde4 is beautiful! now i just have to reconfigure every setting in sight, and i'll be happy.19:29
remoteCTRLdavedaveyesdave: i thought you did that already?19:29
creeeddavedaveyesdave, when you choose manual, you'll see all your partitions / unallocated areas, just select an unallocated area and press automatically partitioning19:29
v3ctorPizarro: you require an xserver to do forwarding19:29
aileanI'm looking for an easy way to back up my home directory to multiple DVDs.  Is there an application that anyone can recommend?19:29
L52Pizarro: I don't know if putty is even able to forward X11 to a windows desktop. (is it?)19:30
indian_munndara21vi: are you there?19:30
Pizarrov3ctor, I have installed X11 in the server19:30
davedaveyesdavebut originally there were no unalocated areas19:30
PizarroL52, yes in juction with xming19:30
davedaveyesdavethere was only xp and back up19:30
L52Pizarro: I did that (years ago) with cygwin (afaik)19:30
v3ctorPizarro: you need xserver on the windows desktop19:30
Pizarrowhich I have already installed19:30
macoailean: mondo mindi19:30
Pizarrov3ctor, I already have xming instaled and running19:30
creeeddavedaveyesdave, so where do you want to install your ubuntu?19:30
v3ctorPizarro: did you select the x forwrding option in putty?19:31
macoailean: i think it can be told to do just /home19:31
remoteCTRLPizarro: what v3ctor said19:31
l3dwhats does the avahi-daemon do19:31
aileanmaco, they're two different apps - is it either or, or do i use them in conjunction with each other?19:31
davedaveyesdaveon my laptop19:31
macoailean: together19:31
davedaveyesdavealong side xp19:31
remoteCTRLl3d: it gives you an ip adress when you have dhcp configured and no server ais available19:31
Pizarrov3ctor, yes, and to localhost:019:32
aileanthanks maco19:32
RolaultenEllo, I'm having issues booting into xp....my keybord and mouse keep getting locked out at the logon screen. However I run a app in windows that alows for custom logon screens...So I was wondering if there was a way to unstall apps in windows from inside ubuntu19:32
Lyk4n8rwp0SI try to install Ubuntu 8.04 and I get : squashfs error: Unable to read page etc.etc. what is the fault? The Integrity of the cd is perfect.19:32
aileanmaco, err it's asking to configure citadel-server - what's that about?19:32
creeeddavedaveyesdave, okay, okay.. what is the output of fdisk -l19:33
=== luis_lopez is now known as luis_lopez_away
davedaveyesdavewhats fdisk19:33
remoteCTRLRolaulten: try to hit f8 on booting that gives you a dialog where you can choose failsafe mode19:33
macoailean: i dont know. i backup by rsync'ing to a spare hard drive. one of my friends is a server admin and uses mondo&mindo for backing up to CD/DVD19:33
Rolaultenok, cool, then boot into safemode and go from there?19:34
aileanmaco, ok, cool.  i'll give it a try :)19:34
macoailean: i just know he recommends it for that usecase19:34
remoteCTRLRolaulten: IF you got a keybord then yes19:34
creeeddavedaveyesdave, what is the partition table of your computer?19:34
aileanmaco, many thanks19:34
l3dok I was wondering what you guys and or gals who know linux think about this app    http://linuxappfinder.com/package/linux-firewall.org19:34
cars__Rolaulten: That will work for most things.  Some things will not, like programs installed with Windows installer.19:34
Rolaultennow to see if that will work. thanks19:35
=== Lyk4n8rwp0S is now known as kalakouentin
remoteCTRLl3d:   don't know that one but can recommend firestarter19:35
facundobatistaHi all19:35
standing_stillhi all..19:36
cars__Hello facundobatista and standing_still19:36
v3ctorPizarro: try <ip of windows>:0.019:36
standing_stillsomeone could help me abt intalling.. ALSA19:36
standing_stilli got some trouble...19:36
standing_stilli've just download the new alsa..19:36
standing_stillcoz ma soundcard doesnt work with the default instalation19:37
standing_stillbut.. when im running --> make19:37
facundobatistahave the following problem, I'm stuck and can not resolve it: I plug a usb device, the system don't automount it. If I open a nautilus as root, now it sees it and mount it, but with root privileges.19:37
facundobatistait always is visible as an usb device:19:38
facundobatistafacundo@athlonico:~$  lsusb19:38
facundobatistaBus 003 Device 004: ID 090c:1000 Feiya Technology Corp. Memory Bar19:38
standing_stillthere's an error which not allowed the me to continue the installation19:38
facundobatistaI'm on Ubuntu 8.0419:38
phantomcircuit$ gedit19:38
phantomcircuitSegmentation fault19:38
kalakouentinhello I try to install Ubuntu 8.04 and I get :" squashfs error: Unable to read page etc.etc." what is the fault? The Integrity of the cd is perfect.19:38
phantomcircuitim using 8.04, and i get a seg fault when i try to open a file19:38
standing_stillis there someone available for private helper?19:39
standing_stillis there someone available for private helper?19:39
facundobatistado you know where this privileges are set up?19:39
sysdocWhere in compiz do you adjust the window sticky (sticky to other windows or view port?)19:39
cars__facundobatista: Can you login graphically?19:40
facundobatistacars__: yes, why?19:40
l3dremoteCTRL    i should have seen that firestarter does the same thing19:40
rw__I have hundreds of files on my external hdd. The file names are jibberish and properties tells me it's an applicatation/octet-stream. I tried to delete them but I can't. Even when I start nautilus as root, it says I don't have permission. Any help?19:40
danbh_intrepidphantomcircuit: try reinstalling gedit19:40
=== rw is now known as rw_away
phantomcircuitdanbh_intrepid, i think it's a problem with gnome19:41
danbh_intrepidphantomcircuit: then reinstall completely?19:41
cars__facundobatista: general properties for things are located in System -> Administration -> Users and Groups19:41
sysdocrw__: do you have ownership of the files?19:41
balzacI'm trying to prepare an ubuntu-eee iso on a usb stick using unetbootin19:41
snovais there a way to make the overall widget size smaller? i'm using oxygen (kde4) and everything seems too big.19:42
_moro_bana_how do i change read-write permissions on a drive?. i dont have permission to delete from and make file on my  external hdd under ubuntu .19:42
balzacunetbootin appears hung19:42
rw__sysdoc: not sure19:42
balzacit didn't have the option to select ubuntu-eee as a distro19:42
balzacnevermind, there it goes...19:42
sysdoc_moro_bana_: chown chmod19:42
rw__ sysdoc: the permissions tab tells me I have read-write access.19:42
LogicalDashI'd like a new window list that's better at navigating a very large number of open windows--mainly a bunch of OpenOffice windows. KDE3's panel was pretty good, is there anything like it for GNOME?19:42
soundrayfacundobatista: can you open gconf-editor and check that /desktop/gnome/volume_manager/automount_drives is checked19:43
whyzhey. I've just installed ubuntu server, but i'm having trouble booting. Grub doesn't work. It gives me "error 15" and freezes. the boot disk is an ordinary IDE, but i do have sata controllers aswell if that matters.. any ideas?19:43
_moro_bana_sysdoc: where so i type the parameters?19:43
whyzLogicalDash, tried cairo-dock? it can stack windows..19:43
LogicalDashwhyz: I'll try it, thanks19:43
soundrayLogicalDash: the default window list is much better if you put it in a side panel rather than the bottom one19:44
balzaceveryone is going to be so jealous of my asus-eee with ubuntu19:44
svenstaroHello everybody, how can I control two systems at once using the CLI? I know there is a tool but I forgot the name.19:44
soundraybalzac: not me, I've got one19:44
SmegmaI have an eee19:44
LogicalDashwhyz: what package has cairo-dock in it?19:44
rw__svenstaro: use openssh19:44
sysdoc_moro_bana_: In a terminal, use $ man chown for instructions on how to use19:44
whyzLogicalDash, i believe it's called cairo-dock :)19:44
_moro_bana_sysdoc: chown chmod /dev/sdb119:44
LogicalDashwhyz: yeah but I just searched for that and it's not in the repos19:45
svenstarorw__: orly :/ yes well I want to type in the commands once and they should be executed on many systems at once, I dont want a ssh session with each of myclients seperately19:45
whyzLogicalDash, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock19:45
sysdoc_moro_bana_: chown and chmod are 2 different commands19:45
sysdocman chmod and man chown to see the usage19:45
_moro_bana_sysdoc: ok thanks, i ll figure out the rest.19:45
cars__I am trying to transfer a large number of files between two laptops over a firewire cable.  One computer is running Ubuntu and the other is running Vista (shudder).  I looked at the Ubuntu Wiki page for Ethernet over Firewire (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EthernetOverFirewire) but am confused.  My other method available to me is transferring via flash drive, but one computer does not have USB 2.0.  I know I will need additional softwa19:46
cars__re on the Vista end, since they removed native support for it after XP.19:46
LogicalDashwhyz: thanks19:46
whyzcars__, can't you use regular ethernet?19:47
sysdocrw__: did you follow that?19:47
cars__whyz: All I have is a standard ethernet cable.  I don't have a hub/router or crossover cable.19:47
svenstaroHow can I control two remote systems at once using the CLI? I know there is a tool but I forgot the name.19:47
whyzcars__, ah, ok19:47
RenzoreKIs it true that now proprietary multimedia codecs are only for sale, making Ubuntu commercialized?19:47
standing_stillwhy I feel like im being ignored in this open society???19:48
standing_stillwhy I feel like im being ignored in this open society???19:48
unopcars__, this should be simple - as long as you successfully load the right modules, a new ethernet interface is created, you configure the interface for this setup and off you go19:48
snovaRenzoreK: this might not be the place for that19:48
soundraycars__: some adapters have a crossover function and will notice if they are connected peer-to-peer -- worth a try19:48
svenstarostanding_still: because there are too many people here who have problems19:48
unopstanding_still, probably because you put people off with that attitude?19:48
balzacinstalling ubuntu-eee19:48
standing_stillis it an open society or a close one?19:48
balzacbye bye xandros19:48
snovastanding_still: as much as i agree, i'll ask, what's the problem?19:48
Jowiwhyz, http://www.linuxselfhelp.com/gnu/grub/html_chapter/grub_13.html <- grub error codes. it seems like grub is confused of where to find what it is looking for. can't help you fix it though. someone else familiar with that error code?19:48
soundraystanding_still: stop moaning and describe your problem.19:49
whyzJowi, thanks19:49
unopstanding_still, i'll try and help you in here - let's keep the conversation here so other people can contribute too19:50
standing_stillthnx... now i believe it is a open society...19:50
standing_stillim tryin 2 install new ALSA driver..19:50
soundraystanding_still: keep it ontopic and on one line please19:50
sakohey guys, if i use the alpha does it automatically upgrade into 8.10? or is it better to wait for the final release?19:50
cars__unop, I'm new to all that, even recompiling the kernel.  Would this set it up as an Ethernet connection, or some other connection that would allow the Vista computer to see the other?  I'm looking for the most painless way of setting up this temporary connection.19:51
magnetron!intrepid > sako19:51
ubottusako, please see my private message19:51
standing_stillcoz ma laptop wont make any sound at all wiht the default installation... and i got some problem19:51
balzacIt might be "open" but it's not one hundred percent free.19:51
facundobatistasoundray: it wasn't checked. Now I checked it (automount_drives), and also checked automount_media, just in case19:51
Daft_PunkI got my ubuntu CD in the mail today, and it came with stickers :)19:52
facundobatistasoundray: I tried again, but still does not work19:52
soundraystanding_still: have you looked at the troubleshooting help?19:52
RenzoreKsnova: Why is this not the place? I am not asking for anything illegal or inquiring about it. I am inquiring about Ubuntu's legality and if its no longer fully open-source19:52
unopcars__, provided this firewire cable you have supports PC2PC communication - all you need to do is configure the ethernet interface i.e. setup an IP address, etc in a network that the vista machine is on too19:52
unop!pm | standing_still19:52
ubottustanding_still: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.19:52
snovaRenzoreK: because this is mostly a support channel, i think.19:52
soundrayfacundobatista: normally I would have thought it would work after that, but perhaps you have to log out and back in again.19:52
deangroblerHowdy I am a new ubuntu user with a major prob.  I diddn't shut down my pc prop and now when I boot it takes me to the grub recovery console. I have no idea what to do from here. Any advice would really help19:52
cars__RenzoreK: You may want to try #ubuntu-offtopic19:53
JowiFirefox issue: anyone know how to change default language when searching with google? just because of my (i guess) ip address location I get google.fr instead of my preffered google.co.uk19:53
Daft_PunkJowi, in google, there should be a link to preferences, you can change your language options in there (i prefer using Elmer Fudd) :)19:53
unopJowi, have you setup your homepage as google.com?19:54
facundobatistasoundray: I'll try it in a few minutes, let me close some work I'm doing in that machine19:54
standing_stilloke2.. sowry guys...19:54
Jowiunop, google.co.uk19:54
standing_stillso many regulation in this open society..19:54
unopJowi, you should be able to set preferences then like Daft_Punk suggested19:54
JowiDaft_Punk, i don't want to sign in. i just want to use google.co.uk to get english results19:54
a59303hello, I'm looking for help with audacity19:54
balzacI think I might name my new eee pc "HP Inkjet" so when I'm seefing on other people's wireless with air-crack, if they happen to notice my computer on their network, they might mistake it for their printer =]19:55
unopJowi, i believe preferences can be set for when you don't log in too19:55
soundraystanding_still: we have to have rules here -- this channel is on the brink of chaos, even if everyone is well-behaved.19:55
Daft_PunkJowi, you dont have to sign in to go to preferences, it is just an option for google to change your language preferences19:55
Jowiunop, Daft_Punk : I delete cookies on close so that's not an option19:55
standing_stillman... help me please.. just a simple newbie question..19:55
Daft_PunkJowi, i didn't tell you to delete cookies...19:56
balzacstanding_still: I haven't seen you ask any questions yet19:56
unopJowi, set your homepage to something like this perhaps?  http://www.google.co.uk/webhp?complete=1&hl=en19:56
soundraystanding_still: installing a new version of ALSA is not a newbie question19:56
standing_stilli got an error message which can make me continue the ALSA installation after make command19:56
balzacok, I see it now19:56
snovastanding_still: this might already have been asked, but why do you have to build it yourself?19:56
soundraystanding_still: try 'sudo apt-get install build-essential', then 'make' again19:56
Jowiunop, i am talking about the search field on the top right hand side beside the address bar19:56
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standing_stillallrite.. thnx mate..19:57
RenzoreKsnova: I believe its support since my Ubuntu is a multimedia/web machine, so support wise, this affects users19:57
standing_stillill try it..later...19:57
soundrayJowi: I think this is something only Google can fix (I find it most annoying myself)19:57
standing_stillthanx soundray19:57
LogicalDashwhyz: I've played around with cairo-dock for a bit, it appears that it doesn't show me window titles unless I mouse over the icons, which is not very helpful when I've got 17 different OpenOffice windows and am trying to find the right document title19:58
Jowisoundray, it's a firefox3 thing. i'm sure of it. it looks up the info somewhere - i just have to find out where so i can adjust it to my liking :)19:58
soundrayJowi: if you're sure... :)  have you looked in about:config?19:59
standing_stillby the way what is build essential ?19:59
soundray!info build-essential | standing_still19:59
ubottustanding_still: build-essential (source: build-essential): informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.3ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 6 kB, installed size 48 kB19:59
biouserhow to unzip without creating a new directory?19:59
unopJowi, i believe you can adjust the keyword.URL option in about:config19:59
soundray!b-e | standing_still19:59
ubottustanding_still: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)19:59
biouserbut keeping all sub directories ,.,,19:59
biousercreating the subdirectories19:59
gluonmanDoes anyone know anything about creating an .iso directly from a CDROM? I used "dd if=/dev/cdrom of=file.iso" on my other computer and it worked fine. It's not working right now, though. I'm getting an I/O error.20:00
biouserwithin the zip20:00
soundraystanding_still: it installs compilers and helpers for developing software20:00
AidanPrydehi, I have a rather strange problem: I have 3 Special Keys on my Keyboard and some time ago, I assigned the a shutdown command or something similar to the one labeled "Power". My Problem: I can't remember how I did it and want to change it, but whenever I touch the key -> shutdown20:00
snovaRenzoreK: it's not support wise if you aren't asking a support question, i think. as interesting a topic as it is, i don't think it doesn't count as support unless you're having a problem with it.20:00
unopbiouser, using the CLI or GUI?20:00
balzacwhoo yeah, whoo yeah!20:00
balzacubuntu-eee on my asus eee 90020:00
soundraygluonman: this normally indicates a fault, either with the CD itself or with the CD-ROM drive.20:00
k20a is there a way to do a minimum install of ubuntu amd64? no extras at all20:01
biouserunop CLI20:01
biouserunop but either way...20:01
jrib!minimal | k20a20:01
ubottuk20a: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD20:01
AidanPrydeanybody please?20:01
gluonmansoundray, this same CD worked perfectly fine in my other computer when I ran the dd command. The CD will mount fine and display it's contents.20:02
unopbiouser, there's the -d option to unzip that should help20:02
soundrayAidanPryde: have a look in System-Preferences-Keyboard Shortcuts20:02
k20aty jrib20:02
AidanPrydesoundray: nope. There isn't even a command for "shutdown" there20:02
jribAidanPryde: check if xbindkeys is running20:03
AidanPrydeit is not installed20:04
cars__unop: I think I could handle it after I get the initial setup done, but https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EthernetOverFirewire tells me I have to compile a kernel with some things but not as modules.  Like I said, I'm new to building the kernel and it looks tricky.20:04
sbehhi, sudo locale-gen creates a zombie-gzip-process, what can i do?>20:04
biouserunop $ unzip -d filename.zip /path/to/where/to/extract/            ?20:04
Myxbhi all! how do i turn off the bt led on a dell pc? i can turn off the bt itself but no the led. can't use hardware switch to leave wifi on...20:04
FinnishAnyone around who has been using Blueman to access internet, with a laptop and a phone?20:04
soundrayAidanPryde: perhaps it runs /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh -- chmod -x this file to check20:04
[Solars]So i know you can dual boot, but can you virtualize one OS inside the other.. .i.e. Ubuntu inside WinXP64 (useing installed hdd from both OS)?20:05
unopbiouser, almost.  unzip file.zip -d .  # . being the current directory20:05
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MjateznikMyxb: On my dell (E6500) there is a switch on the right side where you can turn of wireless and bluetooth, that also turns of the led.20:05
soundray!virtualization > [Solars]20:05
ubottu[Solars], please see my private message20:05
a59303hello, audacity won't record or play files, neither will creox input sound20:05
LogicalDasha5903, sounds to me like more of a problem with your sound card20:05
[Solars]soundray i ready that already, it talks virtualizing inside ubuntu20:06
[Solars]but want to virtulize inside xp20:06
AidanPrydesoundray: I will try now, if I go offline, it didn't work :)20:06
a59303LogicalDash I had it working at first but then I messed with settings20:06
MyxbMjateznik: my d630 has only one switch for both wifi and bt. i use wifi always but bt only occasionally.20:06
unopcars__, see the alternative way - second section20:06
biouserunop  that did the same thing20:07
MjateznikMyxb: same here :( bad of them.20:07
soundray[Solars]: it's much the same -- just your software choices are different. Try virtualbox (free as in speech) and VMware Server (free as in beer)20:07
unopcars__, that way doesn't require compiling a kernel20:07
MjateznikMyxb: but you should be abel to turn of the BT with software. Have your tried that?20:07
barlrolhey if i wanna be able to run xpsp2 in ubuntu do i need to install just the player or the server and the player for VMware20:07
Jowiunop, soundray, I found the solution - but not in about:config. it's actually in /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.1/searchplugins/google.xml I need to add a param to force the default search language instead of getting it based on my location20:08
cars__unop: OK, Thanks20:08
x2ohey scai20:08
soundrayJowi: wow20:08
x2ojetzt funzt es erstmal, mal gucken20:08
x2owas ist denn ehci für ein modul20:08
Jowisoundray, yeah :-/20:08
Sephrjust in case something goes wrong, does wubi fully support the x64 alternate installer?20:08
MyxbMjateznik: the applet does not do that. i can turn off the radio manually, but not the led. it shines on :)20:09
desheikhbarlrol: Youll need the server to install xp. The player can only play back already created virtual machines20:09
unopbiouser, i guess there is no easy way then - if you know the name of the directory in the zip archive, you can do something like the following ...20:09
gluonmanI'm having problems creating a .iso from my CD-ROM20:09
pablo89helo , when new gnome in repo ?20:09
soundraygluonman: if you have I/O errors, then there is a hardware fault.20:09
unopbiouser, unzip file.zip -d . && mv directory_name/* . && rm -r directory_name20:10
[Solars]soundray seems like those virtually installs the OS insid ethe other OS,20:10
unopbiouser, if you are adding dotfiles into the archive, you need to turn on dotglobbing too20:10
gluonmansoundray, but I did this just yesterday after I had the problem, but I forgot the solution I found.20:10
soundray[Solars]: yes. You can't run a harddisk-installed OS inside a virtual machine20:10
biouserunop I just broke down and did it with the gui20:10
pablo89fuc you20:11
unopbiouser, sorry to hear that20:11
julioaluem conhece o canal do ubuntu20:11
julioou e este20:11
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:11
barlroldesheikh: is the server also free?20:11
[Solars]soundray erm so basically I screwed up again.. .I should repartition my raid back to use all my raid20:11
biouserunop but yeah there are some hidden things that I might be missing that way20:11
julioonde conseguismos tirar algumas duvidas do sistema20:11
jrib!pt | julio20:11
ubottujulio: Por favor use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt por ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:11
[Solars]then just do a virtual install?20:11
soundray[Solars]: you can always dual-boot20:11
unopbiouser, then before you run the command, you need to have this.  shopt -s dotglob20:11
[Solars]soundray i want to be able to dual boot as well have access to ubuntu while in xp6420:12
a59303LogicalDash also I'm listening to music on the laptop now20:12
[Solars]soundray thats what I am trying to occomplish20:12
unopjulio, /j #ubuntu-pt20:12
tsudotIm using ubuntu 8.04, where can i find the httpd.conf file, as the one present under /etc/apache2 is empty20:12
facundobatista soundray: now it seems to work ok, thank you!!20:12
st3ph[Solars]   how about vmware20:12
unoptsudot, refer to apache2.conf instead20:13
soundray[Solars]: there is a very easy solution: get a second PC20:13
soundray[Solars]: sorry, you didn't want to hear that.20:13
[Solars]soundray heh thats not so easy :P lol20:13
akelloHey Solars the best thing is to dual boot in the traditional way.......restart into each OS.20:13
v3ctor[Solars]: do you want to run ubuntu while running windows or do you just want to access the ubuntu partition from windows?20:14
fred_i cant find an option for RAID 1 when installing Ubuntu20:14
soundrayfred_: are you using the alternate install CD?20:14
fonzarellihow do i tell which repository I installed a package via using Synaptic or Apt?20:14
st3ph[Solars]   if u want both same time use vmware, should be what u want20:14
[Solars]v3ctor i want dual boot cabpility, and be able to run ubuntu from the hdd while in windows20:14
fred_im using the standard install CD they mailed me20:14
fred_theres another install cd?20:14
unopfonzarelli, apt-cache policy package_name20:15
threethirtyI need to upgrade javascript in firefox 3.0.2  from 1.4 to 1.5, im on hardy any ideas20:15
v3ctor[Solars]: then you want something like virtualbox20:15
[Solars]st3ph erm i look into that dunno if thats going to accomplish what i watn (limited experince with VNware)20:15
soundrayfacundobatista: glad it works now20:15
fonzarellithanks unop20:15
cars__[Solars]: Virtualbox has a seamless mode, which is great for running and using both OSs at once.20:15
[Solars]v3ctor virtualbox install a virtual OS20:15
[Solars]am i not correct?20:15
v3ctor[Solars]: yes20:16
cars__[Solars]: I find it runs faster and uses less resources than VMWare.20:16
akelloSolars...try install ubuntu inside windows using Wubi.20:16
[Solars]akello not what i want to do :)20:16
[Solars]don't want a virtual install if i can skip it20:16
st3ph[Solars]   vmware is a virualbox u run xp or ubuntu in a second window while running ur main os20:16
fred_soundray:  im using the standard install cd that was mailed from ubuntu, is there another install disc that will allow me to select raid 1 partition type during install?20:16
soundray!alternate > fred_20:16
ubottufred_, please see my private message20:16
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soundray!raid > fred_20:16
kendrickhey all.20:17
fred_thanks guys, i wish they would have the option enabled on the standard disc though :(20:17
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
v3ctor[Solars]: virtual is the only way to achieve what you want20:17
[Solars]cars__ so you saying i can run 2 OS from two different hdd at the same time20:17
fred_i need to get a box up in the next few hours lol20:17
kendrickis anyone here familiar with 'recordmydesktop'?20:17
kendricki'm trying to use it on Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Inspiron 1525 and i cannot convince it to record sound coming out of apps20:17
CaBlGuY!firefox 3.020:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox 3.020:17
kendrick(i'm using KDE, and tried w/ and w/o 'arts' sound server running)20:17
[Solars]v3ctor starting to realize that, but want to make sure before i go through the hassels of redoing my raid and reformating20:18
CaBlGuYwe got a deb for firefox 3.0 yet?20:18
gluonmansoundray, I discovered that my problem is that I was required to be root. So putting sudo before dd worked. No hardware problems here.20:18
v3ctor[Solars]: you can just slap ntfs on the other drive and put you virtual disk on that20:18
CaBlGuYyes no?20:19
akelloAnybody here to help with installing Yahoo! Messenger in ubuntu?20:19
soundraygluonman: you shouldn't have got an I/O error then, but a Permission denied20:19
[Solars]v3ctor that is an option i suppose20:19
Melancholiahi there....need some help with Checkinstall20:19
cars__[Solars]: The thing that's cool about VirtualBox is that you don't need a separate window to run it in with the seamless mode.  You can run two OSes at the same time, but one will be the host OS, running first.  You could install Ubuntu or XP in a virtual disk on another hard drive (or the same, if you want).20:19
CaBlGuYakello:  just install pidgen and you can use all IM with it..20:19
v3ctor[Solars]: that is what i do20:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pidgen20:19
gluonmansoundray, perhaps, but I noticed the same thing happening on some forums.20:19
cars__!pidgin > akello20:20
ubottuakello, please see my private message20:20
v3ctor[Solars]: i run ubuntu and windows in virtualbox20:20
tsudotthanks unop20:20
CaBlGuYthanks cars_20:20
Melancholiaguys how can i get someone to talk to me?20:20
[Solars]v3ctor erm suppose i could that20:20
v3ctor[Solars]: also on seperate drives20:20
jim_pMelancholia: what is it?20:20
CaBlGuYMelancholia:   whatcha need?20:20
snovai just updated kmail and now it doesn't work. how do i downgrade to the older version?20:20
gnuskoolHi! I'm using a wubi install, so trying to symlink "my documents" in xp with this command, ln -s /host/Documents\ and\ Settings/username/My\ Documents ~  ...but the error is the link dosent exist, how can i fix that?20:21
Melancholiai need some help with Checkinstall20:21
[Solars]v3ctor but then i lose the ability to dual boot20:21
v3ctor[Solars]: virtualbox isn't that scary and there are people in #vbox that can help20:21
jim_pdoes anybody know how can i import .abw (abiword) documents to openoffice?20:21
gnuskoolmy bad, i think i've got it :D20:21
CaBlGuYMelancholia:  what exactly ya trying to do?20:21
tuxeduphello, I am loooking for an application that will allow me to take a directory of images and print them, however I want to be able to print 4 images per page.  Does anyone know of applicatios that cna do this?  Preferably in Kde thanks20:21
phantomcircuitUnder the Places menu I have a bunch of gibberish20:21
jim_pMelancholia: what problem do you have with checkinstall?20:21
[Solars]v3ctor not scared of it, just trying to figure out how to accomplish what i want20:22
Melancholiaok 1st it's my 1st time using x chat20:22
v3ctor[Solars]: first you must figure out exactly what it is you want20:22
cars__[Solars]: I think most of what you want (running one OS while running another) would be solved by using VirtualBox.20:22
Melancholiahow can i send private messages here?20:22
CaBlGuYMelancholia:  congrads on using X..  it's sweet huh?  ;)20:23
cheerydo somebody know how to read memtest results?20:23
snovaMelancholia: don't.20:23
CaBlGuYMelancholia:  just click the name you want and send the message..20:23
Myxbhi all! how do i turn off the bt led on a dell pc? i can manually turn off the bt itself but no the led. can't use hardware switch to leave wifi on...20:23
jim_pMelancholia: right click on a user and select open conversation window20:23
cheeryI'd like to get some sort of hint about which module from my mem is broken20:23
Errorjest tu jakis polak?????20:23
cheerytest|pass|failing address|good|bad|err-bits|bad|count|Chan20:24
[Solars]v3ctor basically what i want is the option to duelboot and be able to run ubunto from within windows using a dedicated hdd20:24
[Solars]dunno if that clears things up20:24
v3ctorcheery: does it give you a slot number?20:24
JowiMyxb, can't you disable only BT in BIOS?20:24
cheery3 | 0 | 00000000 -  0.0MB | dfdfdfdf | 00000000 | dfdfdfdf | 1 |20:24
suboneis there an application i can edit a pdf with? i need to add links, bookmarks, and possibly remove/add/edit passwords20:24
[Solars]cars__ that only solves part of the problem I am facing20:24
EarthLiondoes shutdown -h now actually poweroff a system?20:24
Melancholiathanks jim20:24
cheery3 | 0 | 00000000 -  0.0MB | 04040404 | 00000000 | 04040404 | 2 |20:24
cheeryv3ctor, nope20:24
jim_psubone: pfdedit20:24
ClaudioLagosomeone from cyprus (country)?20:24
phantomcircuitUnder the Places menu I have a bunch of gibberish20:24
whyzEarthLion, usually yes. if the hardware can handle it.20:24
MyxbJowi: i need to use it occasionally and do not wan to reboot to switch it each time.20:24
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cheeryis there a way to make it give me the slot number?20:24
CaBlGuYMelancholia:  like this...20:25
EarthLionis sudo poweroff more reliable?20:25
Errorjest tu jakis polak20:25
akelloMelancholia see my private message20:25
ClaudioLagosomeone from cyprus (country)?20:25
jim_pEarthLion: both of them are correct20:25
whyzEarthLion, eh. shutdown -h always works..... i don't know what poweroff is20:25
subonejim_p: pfdedit or pdfedit?20:25
CaBlGuYakello:  he's wants to do this.. <----20:25
jim_pClaudioLago: i am from greece :P20:25
EarthLionok cool thanks guys20:25
jim_psubone pdfedit, you are right20:25
subonejim_p: ty20:26
cars__[Solars]: I may have missed it.  Do you already have both OSes installed?20:26
DerrikeQuick question: I made a USB install method (unetbootin netinstall) and it's installed TO the USB drive, not the hdd; Is there a (series of) command(s) that can get it there without going through another song and dance20:26
CaBlGuY!checkinstall Melancholia20:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:26
[Solars]cars__ I will have both of them installed for dualboot20:26
v3ctorcheery: not familiar with memtest20:26
akelloUbottu...are you human or script?20:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:26
majnoon1 important thing on dual boot with windows ,install windows FIRST20:27
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Melancholiaakello,  Thanks20:27
[Solars]majnoon doing that now20:27
soundray!ot > ClaudioLago20:27
ubottuClaudioLago, please see my private message20:27
linux_hi ppl20:27
majnoonlinux not picky but windows IS20:27
linux_can some one help me whit a little big problem :D20:27
[Solars]might have to stop my install and start over if I cant figure out a resolution20:27
CaBlGuYhey linux_ how goes it?20:27
cars__[Solars]: So you want to do the traditional dual-boot (where you restart to boot each OS), but you also want to have the ability to boot one OS while simultaneously running the other?20:28
linux_i try to compile  yux but when i give make cmd is telling me make: *** [Makefile] Error 220:28
[Solars]cars__ yes20:28
CaBlGuYno clue about yux...   someone else help lnux_?20:28
cars__[Solars]: I imagine you want the files to be the same as well?20:28
linux_is an alternativ YM client for linux20:28
[Solars]cars yepp20:28
Melancholiajim_p, ty :)20:28
jim_pyou are welcome Melancholia20:29
JowiMyxb, have you tried: sudo rmmod bluetooth ("sudo modprobe bluetooth" to enable it again)20:29
akelloCan somebody help with Yahoo messenger installation in ubuntu?20:29
akelloCan somebody help with Yahoo messenger installation in ubuntu?20:30
linux_you can find .deb package20:30
[Solars]cars__ yepp20:30
cheeryanyone familiar with memtest86?20:30
linux_if you search on google20:30
MyxbJowi: yes the bt radion is off, but the LED is on, nevertheless.20:30
LogicalDashI am looking for  a program that will show me, in a window, a list of all the open windows. Preferably a searchable list. Sometimes I have more windows open than I'd like to admit and the taskbar just doesn't show me enough.20:30
Melancholiajim_p, so wat about the Checkinstall?20:30
phantomcircuitSegmentation Fault20:30
linux_akello or download yux and try to install mayby you can fix the problem :D20:31
akelloLinux: so it's impossible?20:31
Melancholiaguys i just need to know how to edit the depends part20:31
cars__akello and linux_, There are many different alternative IM programs to use in Ubuntu.  Pidgin is one of them, so is Kopete.  They are both available to be installed by packages in the repository.20:31
jim_pMelancholia: i dont know what your problem is with checkinstall? if i have used it? yes once i did a deb file20:31
chang-lihi all, server 8.10 A6 is booting up with looks like 40x25 display . Is that configured in menu.lst?20:31
akelloYux....I've never heard about it!20:31
linux_search on sourceforge20:32
v3ctor[Solars]: there is a way to boot an existing linux install from virtualbox, i have not tried it and have no idea what impact would have20:32
* kendrick guesses noone can help with recordmydesktop20:32
* kendrick wanders to quieter channels :)20:32
linux_for the project and you will find the source code ....20:32
comicinker!intrepid | chang-li20:32
ubottuchang-li: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!20:32
Melancholiajim_p,  i need to know how to edit the depends section20:32
popeyKennethP: i use it20:32
cars__[Solars]: There is the ability to allow the VM to write directly to the HDD, but I don't know how that would work, either, since you'd be running them basically from different "hardware".20:32
JowiMyxb, I found this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/17887220:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 178872 in linux "bluetooth led always on" [Medium,Triaged]20:33
chang-licomicinker: yes intrepid, trying it out with a new package software, citadel.20:33
cars__[Solars]: Perhaps if you had a home directory each shared and could write to it would have less of an impact than sharing the entire root filesystem.  I could be way off with this20:33
Melancholiajim_p, i tried --requires but it the version of the dependency cannot be stored20:34
jim_pMelancholia: sorry i dont know that20:34
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!20:34
azraelpcI'm having issues getting the Flash Player to work20:34
linux_car_s Yux is a clone off YM for windows20:34
Melancholiajim_p,  thanks anyway :) np20:34
azraelpcI've installed flashplayer-nonfree using Synaptic already20:34
MyxbJowi: i do not have that file on my system20:35
LogicalDashIs there a window list that i can run outside of a panel? I want it in its own window so that I can make it big and search through it.20:35
chang-liubottu: i understand might be broken packages in intrepid, but the server comman line boots into 40x25 display. odd. is that fixable via grub men.lst?20:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:35
azraelpcany ideas, jim?20:35
Melancholia***so any guys over there ever used Checkinstall ???20:35
Melancholiaubottu, thanks i know wat checkinstall is20:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:36
PostersandGuitarHello, does anyone know the way to expand the size of the ubuntu partiton without reinstalling, or to allow Wine to access a mounted drive?20:36
[Solars]v3ctor how do you make that happen?20:37
v3ctor[Solars]: llike i said, i have not done it. maybe the guys in #vbox can help20:37
cnormanpostersand : http://gparted.sourceforge.net/20:37
linux_oh i fix a problem and i get another one :((20:37
linux_someone know how to fix this :P20:37
linux_ cd  && /bin/sh ./config.status Makefile20:37
linux_/bin/sh: Can't open ./config.status20:37
linux_make: *** [Makefile] Error 220:37
FloodBot1linux_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:37
TarantulafudgeI need some help with my wifi (realtek). I upgraded to 8.10 to get support for my rtl8187b wifi but the wireless is so slow its almost unusable!20:37
azraelpccnorman, any help for me with adobe flash player?20:38
TarantulafudgeI was barely able to get irssi to function20:38
JowiMyxb, the file depends on what hardware you have. look manually in /sys/devices/platform/20:38
azraelpci've already installed flashplayer-nonfree using synaptic20:38
cnormanazrealpc : 8.10?20:38
azraelpcyes, cnorman, the latest version20:39
akellowhat are u using, madwifi or ndiswrapper?20:39
TarantulafudgeIts not out yet but its the only way I can get online20:39
Tarantulafudgeakello: you talking to me?20:39
cnormanapazraelpc: t-get install  flashplugin-nonfree20:39
azraelpc8.04, cnorman20:39
cnormanapazraelpc: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:39
Tarantulafudgeakello: I tried ndiswrapper, that didn't work, I haven't tried madwifi20:40
azraelpcalright, ill try that20:40
dykmnserver irc.krey.net20:40
azraelpccnorman, it says i've installed the latest version already20:41
Tarantulafudgeakello: my chipset is not atheros based20:41
azraelpcbut i still get the 'GET FLASH' message in the Flash Player windows20:41
cnormanazraelpc: restarted browser session?20:42
PostersandGuitarwhen I type ./configure it says command not found20:42
cnormanazraelpc : tried manual install?20:42
Jowiazraelpc, type "about:plugins" and see if application/x-shockwave-flash is enabled20:43
azraelpcnew to linux, so no20:43
dergringo_Hmm I am not able to find gnome 2.24 in official repos20:43
andrilhello all20:43
akelloTara...can I chat u privately.20:43
Tarantulafudgeugg everything is so slow >.<20:44
azraelpcShockwave Flash is first on the list20:44
Batty4azraelpc, are you running any addons?  I kept getting a similar message due to addblocker pro and no script running. :)20:44
dergringo_Version: 1:
JohnCopehi alla20:44
azraelpcah... yes im running adblocker20:44
Jowiazraelpc, is it enabled Yes or No?20:44
azraelpcill uninstall that and see if that helps20:44
azraelpcEnabled, Yes20:44
Batty4azraelpc, don't uninstall, just enable what is not working.  Should be a choice to temporarily allow.20:45
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b20:45
azraelpcoh ok20:45
LogicalDashBy default, when I have desktop effects enabled, windows that don't have focus will have transparent title bars. How do I make them not do that?20:45
Batty4It can be annoying, but I use noscript and add blocker now, so I have to temp allow most sites.20:45
Jowiazraelpc, strange. try with another profile - "firefox -ProfileManager" in a terminal. create and use a new profile and see if that works20:46
cars__Batty4: I can't browse without them.20:46
Batty4cars__  I just started to use them when I installed Ubuntu on Sunday.  Kind of used to it now.  Used to *nix from Centos at work...20:46
yigalanyone know how to create a network so two computers can use conduit to sync. evolution data?20:47
TigranGHow can I add scripts to be launched once logged in on an ubuntu live cd?20:47
pushnellHey all.  Quick noob question: if I have a 686 processor, should I be running generic or 386?20:47
yigalpushnell: my guess is generic20:48
=== TeslaTony is now known as Guest43776
snovahow do i downgrade a package?20:48
Jowipushnell, generic20:48
Batty4Just curious, as I know this is the wrong channel, but plenty of brilliant people here.  I've been seeing a lot of PHP and exe downloaders for various sites and I watch tons of streaming video while at work.  I wrote my first java program which grabbed almost a full season from a site.  Though I'm running into protection issues.  Thus I was wondering if anyone had any knowledge about doing so..20:48
ubottuBackground to the decision to replace -686, k7 and -smp kernels with -generic can be found here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-August/019983.html (the -386 kernel is still available if needed)20:49
[Solars]cars__ future reference Chapt 9.9.0 in Virtualbox explians how to do it20:49
pushnellThanks for the link20:49
[Solars]soundray future reference Chapt 9.9.0 in Virtualbox explians how to do it20:50
TigranGHow can I add scripts to be launched once logged in on an ubuntu live cd?20:50
jribTigranG: nothing will get saved that you do on a regular live cd20:51
FishsceneHi. I'm trying to remove a directory... apparently there has been some changes to the command rmdir...20:51
TigranGjrib: I know. I'm asking how would I get a script onto the cd to run at startup.20:51
Batty4Fishscene, I use rm -rf20:52
jribFishscene: not really.  You probably want to use rm -r though20:52
snovaFishscene: rmdir can only get rid of directories. it can't remove files within them.20:52
jrib!startup > TigranG20:52
ubottuTigranG, please see my private message20:52
zhaozhouHmm, i can't seem to get the g-keys on my g15 v.2 working. The g15daemon is in place and working properly, but xbindkeys can't see the buttons beeing pressed at all.20:52
Fishsceneah. just a sec20:52
akelloTigranG...you can make your own live cd using popular tools like reconstructor with all the scripts you want.20:52
jrib!remaster > TigranG20:52
yigalso no one here is using conduit to sync their devices?20:52
Batty4Fishscene, rm -rf directory name and goodbye no more files/directories there.20:52
PostersandGuitarsudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044020:52
Sephrjust in case something goes wrong, does wubi fully support the x64 alternate installer?20:52
FishscenePerfect. Thanks20:52
nicodarioushello.  does anyone know if there's a problem with Ubuntu and the suspend/hibernate activities?20:52
PostersandGuitarwhat do I do? sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0777, should be 044020:52
FishsceneBatty4, yes. That's what I wanted :)20:52
jribPostersandGuitar: have you run any chmod commands recently?20:52
Jowizhaozhou, does "xev" in a terminal register them?20:53
megaflow!startup > multiverse20:53
megaflow!startup > megaflow20:53
ubottumegaflow, please see my private message20:53
nicodariousi'm trying to play with it a bit and had it working until an update thatwas automatically recieved today... but i can't figure out what brok it.20:53
PostersandGuitarjrip: yes chmod 777 / or something like that20:53
jribPostersandGuitar: recursively right?20:53
PostersandGuitarjrib: I don't know that that means20:53
jribPostersandGuitar: you had a -r or -R after the chmod?20:53
PostersandGuitarjrib: -R20:53
zhaozhouJowi: nope, nothing.20:53
jim_pdoes anybody know how can i import .abw (abiword) documents to openoffice?20:54
Jowizhaozhou, so there is either a driver missing or something else20:54
jribPostersandGuitar: you've broken your box.  Backup your data and reinstall.  Why would you run that command?20:54
Batty4PostersandGuitar, Recursively basically means go into subdirectories also.20:54
PostersandGuitarI have to reinstall?!20:54
zhaozhouJowi: Right. I'll google around.20:54
PostersandGuitarThere's no other way?20:54
zhaozhouJowi: Thanks.20:54
W1MNKunable to enter text on Unbutu 8.10 appliance, latest VMWare player running on Vista 32 Business20:54
jribPostersandGuitar: no, not really.  Why did you run that command?20:54
Sephrasking again, does wubi fully support installing the x64 alternate installer?20:54
jribW1MNK: see the last entry in the /topic20:54
PostersandGuitarMisread an instruction20:55
jribW1MNK: you should probably check if it happens with 8.04.  If it does, then you should ask the vmware channel20:55
snovahow do i downgrade a package to an older version?20:55
jribsnova: sudo apt-get install PACKAGE=VERSION20:55
snovajrib; oh, thanks.20:55
PostersandGuitarIsn't there a way to undo an action, or restore to a previous state?20:55
jribPostersandGuitar: no.  What you have effectively done is taken a word like "peanut" and changed every letter to 'x'.  So now you have 'xxxxxx' and are asking to reverse it20:56
snovajrib: why, what did he do? mess up permissions?20:57
PostersandGuitarLinux has no restore function?20:57
urthmoverpeanuts are good20:57
jribsnova: yeah, recursive chmod to 777 on all of /20:57
Batty4PostersandGuitar, if you want undo Linux is not right for you.  Just be careful what you do with root.  Does ls -lR /etc/sudoers display more than one file?  I only have one there.20:57
urthmoverbacula can do backups in linux20:57
W1MNKjrib, TU for advice, will check now.20:57
unopPostersandGuitar, not for something like this, no20:57
jribPostersandGuitar: I can't even think of an instance where recursively changing permissions to 777 makes sense20:57
PostersandGuitarI mistyped!20:57
snovawhoa. well, resinstallation would fix everything, but why can't he just fix the perms? it'd take a while, but better than reinstalling!20:58
PostersandGuitarI thought that I should put a / at the end of it to mean inside the current directory20:58
unopBatty4, that should only list one file anyway20:58
jribsnova: how do you propose he fix them?20:58
Batty4PostersandGuitar, chmod 440 /etc/sudoers should correct.20:58
jribPostersandGuitar: / is root20:58
Batty4unop Thanks. :)20:58
JowiPostersandGuitar, root is all-powerful. the system trust you (sometimes that is risky)20:58
jribBatty4, PostersandGuitar: what Batty4 suggested will not work.  There are plenty of other files that should not be 77720:59
unopBatty4, i'm just wondering how you thought that would list more than one file?20:59
bakarathowcome network manager can't seem to play nice with /etc/network/interfaces?20:59
PostersandGuitarI'll reinstall it yet again.20:59
PostersandGuitarBy the way, is it true that updating GVFS will wreck the system?20:59
hateballbakarat: it's the way it's designed20:59
unopPostersandGuitar, what you could do if you have a live CD  is propogate the permissions on the live CD's files to the real install20:59
jribPostersandGuitar: come here before you run commands you don't understand and make sure they are safe next time20:59
bakarathateball: well i'm having a bit of trouble with my bridge which bridges over the connection that network-manager is attending to21:00
unopPostersandGuitar, though that takes some work (and loads of patience)21:00
Batty4unop I installed ubuntu on Sunday, I just know that I have one file there.21:00
jim_pdoes anybody know how can i import .abw (abiword) documents to openoffice?21:00
snovayou have a point. there are too many files with differing permissions to fix manually.21:00
PostersandGuitarI'll go reinstall21:00
snovait would take too long, and you'd miss a few in /usr/share more than likely.21:00
snovahe left.21:00
unopBatty4, ok, but your command, it's to list one file only - even if you had /etc/sudoers2, /etc/sudoers3, etc21:00
unopsnova,  there's always chmod --reference -- prop that up with find and you have a recipe21:01
krusselltest please ignore21:01
snovajrib: regarding package versions, which number in the long string i see is the right one to give to apt-get21:01
unopsnova, though, it won't rectify all permissions21:01
crd1bjim_p: save them from abiword in some compatible format (.odf or .rtf)21:01
jribsnova: whatever apt-cache policy shows21:02
snovaunop: that wouldn't really fix things, it'd just change everything to something else.21:02
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:02
jim_pcrd1b: the files (20+) were sent to me through email and i dont have abiword install (and neither i want to install it)21:02
Batty4unop I understand what the command does.  From what I read he changed permissions on that file.  So I was giving instructions per that one file.  I guess I missed the rest of the discussion.  Also I do not know the internals of ubuntu yet.  I will... :)21:02
unopsnova, what? that something else is hopefully the original permissions .. permissions of files on the live CD, shouldn't differ from them on an install (the files that matter anyway)21:03
Vezirso when is 8.10 slated to ship?21:03
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!21:03
snovaunop: oh, i see. good idea.21:03
mysteryHi everyone21:03
snovaunop: too bad he already left.21:03
snovaunop: but the live cd wouldn't have everything, a lot would slip through.21:04
sbehhi, "localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8" hangs at 100% cpu reproducable and "strace -p `pidof localedef`" gives no output, what can i do to determine whats causing this problem?21:04
mysteryDoes anyone know how to install window media player 10 using wine21:04
unopsnova, i did say that21:04
sbehmystery: use mplayer21:04
crd1bjim_p: I'm not aware of anything other than abiword that can open them21:04
jim_pmystery: why do you want all that bloat?21:05
crd1babiword is quite small though21:05
alecim trying to install xubuntu on a power pc, and i have some questions.21:05
unop!ask | alec21:05
ubottualec: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:05
jim_pcrd1b: abiword is small, but my files are many! anyway thanks for your kelp21:05
mysterySbeh: I downloaded a program that im running on wine and it gives me an error mesage saying that it needs windows media player to run properly21:05
alecunop: sorry, im wondering if there is a way to install xubuntu without going through the setup wizard21:06
snovamystery: what is it?21:06
mrtubbyis there a list of what default groups do what... aka where can i figure out what adding a user to adm allows them to do21:06
Fishscenealec, you may be able to setup an "OEM install" using the alternative cd21:06
megaflowCan I ask about not asking questions before I ask a question about a question I have?21:06
wits_Hi, my laptop's wifi isn't working or even registering, even though all documentation says it should be.  What should I do?21:06
unopalec, i'm not sure what you mean - as the only way to install ubuntu is via the setup wizard21:06
FishsceneBut that's as far as my knowledge goes21:06
jribmystery: did you check appdb.winehq.org?21:06
mysteryI downloaded a program called testout that is a tutorial for A+ certification21:06
sbehmystery: i think the program needs some libs/dll of wmp, a wine-installation based on a real installed windows could help21:06
snovai'm getting an error trying to run kmail after an upgrade: 'kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN15KFolderTreeItem13setFolderSizeEx'21:06
alecunop: ok, that answers my question.21:07
unopalec, though, you're safer off using the alternative CD and the debian-installer it uses21:07
PEAKTOPhi all :)21:07
mysterysbeh: ok im kind of new to ubuntu im a lil confused21:07
=== PEAKTOP is now known as PEAKTOP^sleep
alec unop: where can i download the alternative cd21:07
ompaul!away > PEAKTOP^sleep21:08
ubottuPEAKTOP^sleep, please see my private message21:08
crd1bjim_p: abiword appears to have a command line converter: abiword file.abw --to rtf -o file.rtf21:08
unop!alternative | alec21:08
ubottualec: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent21:08
sbehmystery: this does nothing have todo with ubuntu, just read wine-documentation und which methods to start from21:08
FinnishHow do I see in console how much is net bandwith in/out at the moment?21:08
Sephrwill using wubi to install 64-bit ubuntu using the install in windows option (on 32-bit windows) restrict you to 32-bit things?21:08
snovaFinnish: ifconfig21:08
jim_pcrd1b: will it convert to something like a .txt?21:08
unopFinnish, ntop might help21:08
sbehmystery: i've you're new to not-windows in generall, you should besser use the system some time, befor you start to frickl :P21:08
alecunop: the disk boots, but it runs impossibly slow and the screen is black on the right side and the top of the screen is running up from the bottom if that makes any sense at all.21:09
jim_pFinnish: like ifconfig?21:09
wits_Can somebody help me troubleshoot my wifi?21:09
crd1bjim_p: abiword --help lists txt as one of the choices for --to21:09
unopalec, is this with the regular CD?21:09
sbehsnova: try to update all deps of kmail (ldd /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so could help too)21:09
jim_pthanks crd1b i will give it a shot21:09
Sephrit seems the last 3 questions I asked in #ubuntu over the last 2 hours have been ignored21:09
jim_pwits_: what happened?21:09
mijahi all21:09
jim_pSephr: what di you ask?21:09
ikoniaSephr: no, people may not have the answer21:09
mijais some one advanced with bash scripting? my one liner will not work21:10
snovasbeh: good idea. i think there's still a lot of x related libraries left to update.21:10
aleci downloaded xubuntu feisty fawn, I am assuming its the regular one.21:10
Sephrwell here were 2 questions:21:10
unopmija, ask your question - if it's complex, there's #bash21:10
Sephr1: can wubi install the alternate x64 ubuntu?21:10
snovaSephr: two hours is a long time to scroll back up the window. try asking again :)21:10
wits_jim_p: I'm not exactly sure, but my wifi doesn't work even though all Ubuntu documentation says that it should be supported21:10
Sephr2: will using wubi to install 64-bit ubuntu using the install in windows option (on 32-bit windows) restrict you to 32-bit things?21:10
mijaif [ lynx -head -dump http://some.ssh.server:22/ | grep SSH=SS* ]; then echo "right"; else echo "restore";fi  ----------- i get everytime a restore then a right.... ;(21:11
alecunop: will the alternate cd possibly remedy the problem?21:11
ikoniaSephr: 1.) the alternative cd - is the same base system as the desktop, they are identical 2.) no - ubuntu will boot the kernel arch you install21:11
jim_pSephr: both of them are difficult and requre to know about WUBI, not ubuntu or linux21:11
Sephrand 3: do I need the alternate ubuntu to supported my raid drives if I install it under windows21:11
jim_p3) depends on your raid21:11
ikoniaSephr: what setup is your raid drives (hardware raid/fake raid/windows raid21:11
unopalec, well, it possibly could -- as it does not load the graphics drivers during install - though you will have to spend time setting that up when finished.21:11
ompaulSephr, have a look here it might help - it is the official help http://wubi-installer.org/support.php21:11
sbehmija: grep SSH=SS without asterisk21:11
Sephrjim_p: RAID-021:11
=== felix-da-catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
ikoniaSephr: hardware/fake/windows raid ?21:12
unopmija, you do not need to use [ there21:12
jim_pwits_: what wifi card do you have?21:12
=== felix-da-catz_zz is now known as felix-da-catz
Sephrhardware RAID21:12
ikoniaSephr: raid0 is a dangerous technology, more so for cross-platform file systems21:12
sbehhi, "localedef --no-archive --magic=20051014 -i en_US -c -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8" hangs at 100% cpu reproducable and "strace -p `pidof localedef`" gives no output, what can i do to determine whats causing this problem?21:12
alecunop: ok. thanks ill give that a try.21:12
unop if lynx -head -dump http://some.ssh.server:22/ | grep SSH=SS* ; then echo "right"; else echo "restore";fi21:12
ikoniaSephr: is the raid controller on the motherboard ?21:12
ikoniaSephr: then it's fake raid21:12
ikoniaSephr: I suggest you don't attempt to use that with linux21:12
ikoniaSephr: even less so with raid 021:12
jim_pikonia got me21:12
unopsbeh, he might want the asterisk - it is a valid regex metacharacter21:12
mijahow i can made it with asteriks21:12
mijaor something similar21:12
* Sarunas labas vakaras21:12
jim_pwits_: what wifi card do you have?21:12
mijaits for auto restore servers21:13
unopmija, well, what are you hoping to grep there?21:13
Sephrwell ikonia, there has to be a way to install ubuntu on fake raid21:13
agurchikhello people21:13
ikoniaSephr: no there doesn't21:13
mijamake a try with21:13
wits_jim_p: It's an Intel card - I think it was 2200BG21:13
unop!enter | mija21:13
ubottumija: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:13
mijalynx -head -dump http://apt.bash.ch:22/ | grep SSH21:13
agurchik[mija] labas amzule21:13
ikoniaSephr: but there is, but a.) don't do it through wubi b.) don't do it at all, it's a terrible technology c.) don't use raid 0 for your raid disks21:13
jim_pwits_: give me a sec to check my "logs"21:13
unopmija, why are you using grep there? i mean, what exactly are you filtering?21:14
wits_jim_p: Cool, thanks21:14
agurchikjim_p, o tu nepisk proto21:14
=== adam is now known as Guest22467
agurchikdon't wory by happy21:14
jim_pwits_: meanwhile, do an lspci / lsudb to find out if it really is intel 2200BG21:14
mijaunop, if i get a wrong respones (not SSH)  i will start the restore script21:14
mijathe echo's are only for testing21:14
wits_jim_p: Yeah, lspci says it's an Intel 2200 BG21:15
unopmija,  if lynx -head -dump http://some.ssh.server:22/ | grep 'SSH' ; then echo "right"; else echo "restore";fi21:15
jim_pwits_: try this " sudo modprobe ipw2200 "21:16
Guest22467I cant get my screen resolution sorted21:17
Guest22467nice computer21:17
mijaunop, why im don't need the =21:17
Guest22467shit resolution!21:17
ikoniaGuest22467: watch your langauge please21:17
snovais it really that dangerous to enable the intrepid repos?21:17
the_eraseri dont like gnome21:17
wits_jim_p: Okay, done21:17
tpghello, i have a problem regarding Firefox21:17
ikoniaGuest22467: state your problem clearly21:17
ikoniasnova: yes21:17
megaflowWhat does "What is "Individual CPU nice time" mean?21:17
ikoniaSephr: yes21:17
tpgWhen i start Firefoxi get a blank page(while the settings are turned on for: show home page), when i visit a website i dont see the link of the website in the link-bar.. nor can i bookmark any website21:17
FloodBot1ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:17
snovaikonia: why?21:17
ikoniasnova: because they are not stable21:17
tpgIm using Ubuntu 8.04.1 atm with Openbox, without openbox its normal i think21:17
jim_pwits_: does your wireless work now?21:17
unopmija, because that's not how grep works - it returns a true status if it find what you specify, or it returns false otherwise - you are just testing this status with if21:17
ikoniasnova: and they are not to be used with any OS other than 8.1021:17
unopmija, in this case, if grep finds SSH, it returns 0 (TRUE) - which tells if to run the command -  echo "right"21:18
mijaah lol.... now i understand... thanks a lot for your help unop.21:18
snovaikonia: all right. i guess since i haven't even completely updated to hardy yet, i should stay out of the beta stuff for now.21:18
jim_ptpg: link bar? like "address bar?21:18
tpgthats right21:18
ikoniasnova you should not use 8.10 repos with 8.0421:18
ikoniasnova: ever21:18
jim_ptpg: remove every tool on the toolbar and re-add it21:19
Guest22467can someone please help me sort out my screan res.21:19
Mimidoes pulseaudio work already? i mean, can i listen to sounds from diferent programs now?21:19
ikoniaGuest22467: state your issue clearly and accuratly21:19
the_eraseris intrepid alpha stable for use yet?21:19
ikoniathe_eraser: no21:19
ikoniathe_eraser: it's not been released, so it's not stable21:19
megaflowWhat does "What is "Individual CPU nice time" mean?21:19
ikoniathe_eraser: it's not due out for another month21:19
Mimi!resolution  | Guest22467,21:20
ubottuGuest22467,: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto21:20
the_eraserikonia: ok21:20
tpgok, i will try that21:20
ikoniamegaflow: nice is "prority" on a cpu so an application can have "priority" on individual cpu21:20
vasslerhello: any channels deticated to autoicity?21:20
ikoniavassler: search21:20
ikoniavassler: this is ubuntu support, not an channel list21:20
vassleri know21:20
tpgjim_p: the toolbar of firefox?21:21
fimpdo you know why Amarok global keys do not work?21:21
vasslerwhere do i get help with my problem21:21
aantnI just submitted a sponsorship form for UDS, but I received an error page21:21
megaflowWhat does "Individual CPU sys time" mean?21:21
ikoniavassler: depends on your problem21:21
Guest22467Thanks ubottu!!21:21
jim_ptpg: yes21:21
Guest22467whoever you are21:21
ikoniamegaflow: I've just told you21:21
ikoniamegaflow: scroll back up21:21
Stavrosis there a wordlist in ubuntu?21:21
MimiGuest22467,  that was me ^^  hope it worked21:21
megaflowikona:  you told me about nice21:22
ikoniaStavros: what do you mean by word list21:22
megaflowI'm asking about sys time.21:22
megaflowsee:  Individual CPU sys time21:22
ikoniamegaflow: I explained21:22
unopStavros,  /usr/share/dict/words  ??21:22
Stavrosikonia: like, the list of words to check passwords against, to prevent common words21:22
megaflowikonia:  You explained nice21:22
Stavrosunop: there's nothing there for me :/21:22
ikoniamegaflow: this is not an ubuntu question, is a generic linux quesiton21:22
ikoniamegaflow: no - re-read it21:22
ikoniaStavros: cracklib is common21:22
vasslerdoes anyone know how to increace volume on a mp3 file21:22
megaflownice is "prority" on a cpu so an application can have "priority" on individual cpu21:23
ikoniavassler: re-encode it21:23
Stavrosikonia: isn't there something installed on every linux system?21:23
unopStavros, try installing the  dictionaries-common package21:23
Stavrosikonia: something like what unop mentioned21:23
Mimivassler,    use  audacity21:23
AshyIsMeso is the compiz expo feature meant to be so crap?21:23
FishsceneHow do I get a list of running processes?21:23
Stavrosunop: ah, thanks21:23
megaflowI'm asking "What is 'Individual CPU sys time'?".21:23
ikoniaStavros: cracklib21:23
AshyIsMeit just zooms out and shows the virtual desktops21:23
vasslermimi: any idea how i do that?21:23
ikoniamegaflow: its nice on an indiviual cpu - as I said21:23
AshyIsMethat's pretty useless21:23
ikoniamegaflow: this is "linux" help, not ubuntu support you may have beeter luck in ##linux21:23
Mimivassler,  Effect -> Amplify21:23
vasslermimi: thank you!21:24
megaflowmegaflow: this is "linux" help21:24
Stavrosvassler: you can use mp3gain21:24
ikoniamegaflow: yes, this channel is for ubuntu support, not generic linux help21:24
ubottuLinux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux21:24
Stavrosvassler: to normalise it21:24
Guest22467mimi, I just get a response that say's "no such file directory21:24
Stavrosthe dict was in cracklib2, thanks21:24
ikoniaStavros: didn't I say that 2 times ?21:25
ElijahDuBarryVTWhat type must be my swap partition, primary or logical, and my boot partition - primary or logical, and what must be placement, begibing or end? Thanks!21:25
tpgjim_p: it seems like editing the toolbar doesnt really work, i have found 2 errors though in the error console21:25
unopStavros, dict is provided by many packages - cracklib is just one of them21:25
ElijahDuBarryVTWhat type must be my swap partition, primary or logical, and my boot partition - primary or logical, and what must be placement, begibing or end? Thanks!21:25
unopElijahDuBarryVT, stop repeating21:25
ikoniaElijahDuBarryVT: doesn't matter21:25
megaflowWhat is "Individual CPU sys time"?21:25
ElijahDuBarryVTare you shure?21:25
ikoniamegaflow: stop asking21:25
ikoniamegaflow: 1.) I've told you 2.) this is not an ubuntu support question21:26
tpgjim_p: 3 errors auctully now21:26
Stavrosunop: i installed dictionaries-common and it didn't provide that file21:26
Stavrosikonia: you did, i was confirming21:26
ikoniaStavros: ahhh good21:26
Stavrosikonia: but it seems that it's a french wordlist21:26
MimiGuest22467,  at which step do you get that message21:26
ikoniaStavros: you can get seperate word lists for languages and topics21:26
jim_ptpg: i dont know then. the error console i think shows errors related to pages, like some css fault21:26
unopStavros, running  dpkg -S /usr/share/dict/words  gives me wamerican, dictionaries-common: /usr/share/dict/words21:27
megaflowikonia:  Who are you?21:27
Stavrosikonia: i don't really need one, i remember that linux had an english one preinstalled and wanted to find out where it was21:27
Stavrosunop: let me run that21:27
Guest22467well I just type in what you asked starting from << to >> and then pushed enter and this time all it gave me was '>'21:27
ikoniamegaflow: no-one, and it doesn't matter, that doesn't change the fact that I've told you and it's not an ubuntu question21:27
sullyva86how come firefox session restore doesn't work? I have to manually close firefox because if it crashes or a logout/restart without closing it first then it doesn't save pages?21:27
unopStavros, as does.  apt-file search /usr/share/dict/words21:27
alex_dinamoguys... I have a question... shouldn't there be a hotplug script on /etc/init.d for Ubuntu 8.04?21:27
ikoniaalex_dinamo: hotplug is dead21:27
ikoniaalex_dinamo: udev intergrated it a good few releases ago21:27
megaflowikonia:  Just ignore my posts if you are no one.  You are rude.  back off.21:27
ikoniaalex_dinamo: about 1.5 years21:27
Stavrosunop: only dictionaries-common for me, hmm21:27
tpgjim_p: ok thanks for your assistance, do you happen to know any way reinstall Firefox or?21:27
alex_dinamoikonia, I see...21:28
ikoniamegaflow: stop taking the channel offtopic21:28
ilembitovHi, all. Can anyone give me a link to screenshots of the 8.10 artwork? I believe, today is artwork freeze21:28
Stavrosunop, ikonia: anyway thank you both21:28
unopalex_dinamo, only if you have hotplug installed21:28
ikoniailembitov: join #ubuntu+121:28
babaklinuxA music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.21:28
babaklinuxmy pidof for firefox is 6290 but when I type killall 6290 this error appear 6290: no process killed21:28
babaklinux why?21:28
megaflowikonia:  you are wierd.21:28
megaflowikonia:  cool out21:28
ikoniamegaflow: re-read my responses and you'll see the resposes21:28
unopbabaklinux, because you need kill not killall21:28
ikoniamegaflow: sorry, you'll see the answer, but your question is nothing to do with ubuntu - so offtopic here as I've said21:28
hagnahardware acceleration has been off ever since I tried to fix X in the recovery menu.  How can I get it back?21:28
theCzarhey guys, i have a question, I have a private and public key for ssh, how do I encrypt a file with one of those keys?  Or are ssh keys only useful for ssh?  would i need to use something else?21:28
biouserhow to recursively map one directory tree to an empty folder with ln -s, symbolic link?21:28
Mimiilembitov,  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork?action=show&redirect=ArtworkTeam21:28
alex_dinamoikonia: ok... by any chance, do you know how to get a Laserjet 1020 working on 8.04 now there is no htplug?21:29
unopbabaklinux, your command is looking for a process named 629021:29
jarco_my webcam seems to have very weird images. i have msi m677 someone has drivers?21:29
snovai've been told that it's not a good idea to enable intrepid repos, but is it reasonably safe to download, say, half a dozen individual packages for purposes of compiling sources that depend on them?21:29
ikoniaalex_dinamo: udev works in the same way as hotplug (basiclly)21:29
babaklinuxunop: thanks21:29
jim_ptpg: remove it >> sudo apt-get remove firefox --purge, delete a folder inside your /home named .mozilla and averything will return to 0. install after that21:29
ikoniaalex_dinamo: udev now contains the hotplug service21:29
ElijahDuBarryVTWhat is the diferent between sda and hda?21:29
unoptheCzar, the gpg manpage should tell you how to encrypt a file21:29
ikoniaalex_dinamo: /etc/udev.d for the rules,21:29
tpgok, thanks21:29
ikoniaElijahDuBarryVT: old name format for disks and new21:29
alex_dinamoikonia: ok, let me have a look21:29
snovaElijahDuBarryVT: i think it has something to do with the hd type.21:29
ElijahDuBarryVTwho is new?21:29
ikoniaalex_dinamo: works int he same way as hotplug, just doesn't pass hotplug -> udev, just does udev21:30
ikoniaElijahDuBarryVT: hda=old sda=new21:30
ElijahDuBarryVTthanks :)21:30
theCzarunop: oh so I should use gpg?  ok thanks! (sorry I'm kind of a n00b at public/private key encryption)21:30
ikoniaElijahDuBarryVT: hda=used be ida sda used to = scsi21:30
unoptheCzar, gpg is used for authenticating and encrypting email too21:30
jarco_my webcam seems to have very weird images. i have msi m677 someone knows how to find drivers or to improve the view?21:30
aliciapgdoes anybody know how to install the eclipse jdt?21:30
snovaaliciapg: just install the eclipse packages.21:30
ElijahDuBarryVTNo more questions from me, bye and have a nice night :)21:30
unoptheCzar, there are other applications of gpg - but these are perhaps the two most common21:30
tpgjim_p: thanks alot, its fixed now :)21:30
aliciapgand that includes everything?21:31
unoptheCzar, if you are looking to encrypt a file with a passphrase - openssl might be better21:31
jim_ptpg: :) you are welcome21:31
snovaaliciapg: i think so.21:31
aliciapgalright thanks21:31
vasslermimi: how do i reduce bass on an mp3? any idea?21:31
snovaaliciapg: yes, i just checked- eclipse depends on eclipse-jdt, so you'll get the java stuff21:32
theCzarunop: ok, cool, so I can do it all through the shell.  I'm logged in remotely, so i don't have a GUI21:32
Mimivassler,  im not too good with editing sound,  but i think  effect -> equalizer21:32
Faithmanhttp://news.softpedia.com/news/Optimize-Ubuntu-8-04-for-Speed-86405.shtml ..anyone every try these lovely tweaking techniques?21:33
ikoniaFaithman: I suggest you follow official ubuntu docs over random stuff like that21:34
deuscould anyone tell me what the advantage of a filesystem in userspace (FUSE) is?21:34
tpgjim_p: I also have a issue here, with Openbox that is, when i try to change something at obmenu(which i downloaded) it doesnt want to save or cant save..21:34
Faithmanikonia: oko thanks :)21:34
deusi'm reading about it, but nobody seems to mention the advantages :)21:34
MimiFaithman,  i tried a different guide with about 10 steps, it did work pretty nice21:34
FaithmanMimi: would you happen to have a link?21:34
jim_ptpg: there is some command that reloads the openbox (the wm and the menu). i dont remember it right now :(21:35
blinkiz_homedeus, I think the advantage is more flexibility, can be run without being root most of the times.21:35
jim_ptpg: after you are done with editing, you need to reload the menus21:35
DoTToR_GaLLiaNigo ac milan!!!!!!!21:35
ikoniaDoTToR_GaLLiaNi: not in here please21:35
Mimiah faithman it was so long ago ^^21:36
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:36
jarco_my webcam seems to have very weird images. i have msi m677 someone knows how to find drivers or to improve the view?21:36
FaithmanMimi:  haha understood, ill take a gander around, thanks21:36
Guest22467Mimi, Can I please ask you a quick question21:36
DoTToR_GaLLiaNiikonia no football?21:36
deusbut what's the advantages that it runs in userspace?21:36
ikoniaDoTToR_GaLLiaNi: no21:36
DoTToR_GaLLiaNii'm italian21:36
MimiGuest22467,  you can try :P21:36
DoTToR_GaLLiaNifrom arcore21:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)21:36
DoTToR_GaLLiaNinear milano21:36
ikonia!offtopic > DoTToR_GaLLiaNi21:36
ubottuDoTToR_GaLLiaNi, please see my private message21:36
Guest22467thanks, I went to that web page you showed me21:36
ikoniaDoTToR_GaLLiaNi: please read the pm from ubottu21:36
Guest22467so they gave me a fix21:36
tpgjim_p: ok, im going to look into that on the internet, thankyou :)21:36
jim_ptpg: you are welcome again21:37
Guest22467it looks like this:sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.custom21:37
Guest22467md5sum /etc/X11/xorg.conf |sudo tee /var/lib/x11/xorg.conf.md5sum21:37
Guest22467sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:37
Guest22467do I type that all in at once?21:37
DoTToR_GaLLiaNiikonia speak italian?21:37
Guest22467I feel like a retard here21:37
Guest22467but I just don't know linux!21:37
Miminochd_, you dont type it all at once21:37
blinkiz_homedeus, That its flexible. It can be moved around without problem. It can also be used for virtual filesystems that acts like a interface for the user.21:37
Guest22467or programing21:38
jim_pGuest22467: type them one by one at a terminal!!21:38
blinkiz_homedeus, FUSE is much slower than kernel filesystems. Because of this, its not used everywhere.21:38
Guest22467but when I type the first sentence in it asks for a password21:38
ikoniaGuest22467: that is your user password21:38
Guest22467and then it wont let me type it?21:38
Mimiit types, it just doesnt show to you that youre typing it ;p21:39
agooleanyone using irssi ?21:39
hagnahow do I get back my hardware accelerated desktop urgh21:39
Mimisilly, isnt it. but after you type it, press enter, and it will work21:39
ompaul!enter | Guest2246721:39
ubottuGuest22467: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:39
Guest22467ummmm, gee Im trying to learn one thing at a time here21:40
Batty4agoole, what about irssi? I use it sometimes.21:40
agooledoes anyone know how to search for a certain room with irssi ?21:40
MimiGuest22467,  take your time. sorry youre having probs :(21:40
=== parth is now known as Guest70493
agooleBatty4: looking for a way to search, and maybe a reason why it only works on one of my computers...21:40
Batty4agoole, that I don't know, I really only go to two channels.21:42
vassleri need to edit an mp3 file to amplify and decrece bass, just increase volume? any have help for me?21:43
Guest22467thanks for the sympathy mimi21:43
tpgjim_p: i found it out, i just have to be root when i save, saw in the terminal when i opened OBMENU with it that it said the permission was denied, so..21:43
a_l_eagoole: i think it depends on the server... on freeenode you can do /list21:43
gangsterliciousArray Size : 5706479168 (5442.12 GiB 5843.43 GB)21:43
=== gys is now known as gYs
gangsterliciouswrong win21:44
agoolea_l_e: thanks a ton21:44
cheerycan memtest still give errors even if one would never see those in practise?21:44
vasslerare there any channels dedicated to audoicity?21:44
agooleBatty4: thanks anyways :)21:44
a_l_eagoole: /help is you friend :-)21:44
NinesvnsicksHello everyone21:44
jim_ptpg lol21:44
a_l_evassler: have you tried #audiocity ?21:44
agoolea_l_e: I never get anything with that thing, I can never find what i need, haha21:44
jribvassler: you should check the project's website21:45
NinesvnsicksHow do I get the windows from snapping to everything?21:45
nicheNinesvnsicks, go into Compiz and disable snapping windows21:45
ElijahDuBarryVTwhat time is need to create boot partition?21:45
NinesvnsicksIt is21:45
ompaul!pl | Sad`Panda21:45
ubottuSad`Panda: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:45
nicheNinesvnsicks, that's in System > Preferences > CompizConfiguration21:46
Sad`Pandaah, ok, i mean - hi :P21:46
Ninesvnsicksniche: thats in System > preferences > advanced desktop effects settings21:46
nicheNinesvnsicks, oops, it changes after you have the latest Compiz update, you must have a new install?21:47
Ninesvnsicksniche: yes21:48
sup3rm4nHello, Bobbyd.21:48
bobbyddoes anyone have suggestions for a good recovery linux to stick on a USB stick?21:48
bobbydmaybe damn small linux?21:48
Aethelredbobbyd: try tomsrtbt   http://www.toms.net/rb/21:49
Aethelredit'll fit on a floppy21:49
Ninesvnsicksniche: snapping windows was the first thing I turned off but it didn't work21:50
marliany enviromentalists here?21:50
zhazAnyone know a good RSS downloader? For torrents?21:50
lyk3ndoes anyone know if you can triple boot  a computer21:50
ompaul!offtopic | marli21:50
ubottumarli: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:50
ElijahDuBarryVTHey please answer me, how long it takes time to create a boot partition?21:50
marlii cant find an enviro room though21:50
ompaul!offtopic | marli21:50
JdibbonsIm having troubles installing ubuntu could i get a little help from some one? If so PM me21:50
bobbydAethelred: ta, I'll have a look21:50
madmartianlyk3n: no reason why not, if you have a big enough HD21:50
ompaulmarli, that does not make it right to talk about it here - it is not a ubuntu support issue21:51
lyk3nmadmartian: would i run into a problem with swap space21:51
ompaul!install | Jdibbons21:51
ubottuJdibbons: Ubuntu can be installed in a lot of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall. Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:51
madmartianlyk3n: AFAIK each one has its own21:52
Aethelredbobbyd: it's a minimal system... if you want to boot to a GUI, you should look into something else.21:52
NinesvnsicksAnyone else have any ideas?21:52
AethelredYou can obviously fit much more onto a flash drive21:52
biouser_what is the java (jdk) directory by default?21:52
lyk3nmadmartian: i know there is a limitation on primary and logical partitions. do you know the max ?21:53
marlithis mint linix is cool21:53
NinesvnsicksI was thinking of trying that21:53
JdibbonsWhen I boot to the cd I burned I can verify that the cd was burned properly but when I tell it to install I get a progress bar then it dumps me to a command line. Any ideas?21:53
danbh_intrepidbiouser_: you can use locate to find the java directory21:54
marlianyone know a good game from the repositry to push my 3d card21:54
ompaul!bootoptions | Jdibbons please check out this url a lot of work went into it21:54
ubottuJdibbons please check out this url a lot of work went into it: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions21:54
biouser_danbh_intrepid, I have been using locate but there is a lot of crap21:54
danbh_intrepidmarli: you can try tremulous or nexuiz21:54
danbh_intrepidbiouser_: what are you trying to do?21:54
biouser_danbh_intrepid, this program is asking simply for the java(jdk) directory wanting the sun one21:55
marlino do 3d games exist for linux?21:55
=== onx_^ is now known as onx
biouser_which I have installed through the package manager some time ago21:55
ActionParsniphey all, im doing some bash scripting to find broken symlinks21:55
ActionParsnipmarli: indeed21:55
madmartianlynk3n: no idea21:55
ompaulmarli, do this >> apt-cache search 3d | less <<and see what you get back21:55
ActionParsnipmarli: i have frets on fire, warzone 2100 and Dark Zone all on my Ubuntu box21:56
biouser_sry, danbh_intrepid my wireless went out for no good reason...21:56
lyk3nmarli: top 25 list http://whdb.com/2008/top-25-linux-games-for-2008/21:56
andrilare there any tools to kick users off the network?21:56
ActionParsnipeverybody, is this right: cd /; find -name * -exec file {} | grep BROKEN\;21:56
marlijust installingg warzone 210021:57
ActionParsnipmarli: plus most games run under wine21:57
ActionParsnipmarli: its a good laugh, its an oldie but a goodie21:57
webfarmercan someone slap me in the face and call me suzy21:57
ompaul!offtopic | webfarmer21:57
ubottuwebfarmer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!21:57
onxActionParsnip, could just do "find / -name...."21:58
Guest70493how do i set shorcuts for applications21:58
ActionParsniponx: well yeah, but can you help with the rest?21:58
=== surialAWAY is now known as surial
Batty4ActionParsnip, find / -name * -exec file {} \; | grep BROKEN21:59
Batty4Try that.21:59
ActionParsniponx: when you execute file <some link> and its broken it outputs the word BROKEN21:59
surialHey guys. nm-applet isn't working for a particular network. I pick the network, enter the password, and .... nothing. Where does nm-applet log problems?21:59
Ginhi, are there gnome 2.24 packages for Ubuntu ?21:59
ActionParsnipBatty4: no dice21:59
onxActionParsnip, sorry  but no21:59
ray__i am having an issue with skype, i cant get sound to work i have alsa drivers installed, but i have an nVidea motherboard21:59
HUNTER_byteI want Monday be the first day of the week. Is there a global option for that in GNOME or elsewhere?22:00
ikoniaGin: in ubuntu 8.0 only22:00
andrilany at all - i need something to kick users off my network - please22:00
lyk3nGuest70493: right click create launcher and input the command for the application. you can also alias a command, and later call it whatever you want in the command line22:00
Ginikonia, 8.0??22:00
Batty4ActionParsnip, what are you trying to do?  What I wrote will execute file on every item found in / and search for BROKEN22:00
ActionParsnipBatty4: im trying to find all broken symlinks. If you run file on a broken link it will say its broken, we can grep this output to see if there are any broken ones around22:01
ikoniaGin: 8.1022:01
zigzagsanyone know how using a proxy program behind a router works? wouldnt the program need to do something to the data after it had gone through the router, and not before it?22:02
marliwicked I built some of the PCs that that game was written on BTW22:02
marlitotally forgot about that22:02
Ginikonia, why doens't canonical make it available for 8.4.1 also? since it is a LTS release.22:02
ray__i am having an issue with skype, i cant get sound to work i have alsa drivers installed, but i have an nVidea motherboard22:02
ikoniaGin: because it's not stable yet22:02
ikoniaGin: LTS is a long term release aimed at stability22:02
marliwhy is my screen flikering in the background?22:03
ActionParsnipzigzags: all data goes through your router, to the proxy then out to the world22:03
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ompaulandril, one user, all users apart from you, give us some context and how do they have access to the machine, ssh are they physically logged in, very little info there   but you could do sudo pkill -u UserNameGoesHere but it does not keep them out you might want to sudo nano /etc/shadow and put an asterisk in front of their usernames in the password field22:03
ActionParsnipzigzags: makes the data look like its going to the proxy and not you, the proxy hides your identity22:04
jribOoble: readlink -f   gives you what the symlink points to.  Check out the 'symlinks' package to find dangling symlinks22:04
andrilompaul: thanks22:04
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Ginikonia, but 2.24 is already released22:04
ikoniaGin: so ?22:04
ompaulandril, yw22:04
gnuskoolzigzags: watch a tech animation at warriorsofthenet.com, it explains data and routers etc---its very straight forward22:04
Batty4ActionParsnip, I got it to work I'll show you what I used.  Created a test, hold on.22:05
NutzebahnHow good is Intrepid compared to the older versions?22:05
Ginikonia, I don't want to upgrade my system but I want gnome 2.24. what can I do?22:05
ikoniaNutzebahn: it's not finished yet22:05
ikoniaGin: nothing22:05
ompaulNutzebahn, ask in #ubuntu+1 please22:05
NutzebahnI know, but, how good will it be?22:05
ikoniaNutzebahn: it's not finished so how long is a bit of sting22:06
strAlancan someone please help me mount this device http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92892422:06
NinesvnsicksHow come I can only have one audio program use alsa at once?22:06
keystr0kany idea why my rhythmbox won't play MP3's?22:06
psykidellicSo I plugged in my CD and my Ubuntu starts up Rhythmbox and nothing happens. I burn the CD to ogg and still nothing happens. I did "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" and it says that package is in the latest version. I can move the CD plus the ogg to my Mac OS X and it works. Any ideas? I have tried Totem and Mplayer without any luck.22:06
jribkeystr0k: open nautilus and double click on an mp3.  Does that work?22:06
zigzagsso a proxy program is just telling all my traffic to go to a proxy server first(after the router f course)? its not doing anything like assigning my data an IP of whatever??22:06
psykidellicActually, none of the Mp3 or ogg plays but if I start Youtube the sound is there.22:07
ActionParsnipstrAlan: thats a long way round, run sudo fdisk -l22:07
d0htemwhat are ubuntu chat channels on freenode i dont need support22:08
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c_lisphow can I list all directories and sub directories but the not the content in the folders?22:08
jribc_lisp: find -type d22:08
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ikonials -lRd22:08
ikonia(I think)22:08
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Mccaynecan anyone help me find my s-ata disks? jmicron stuff22:08
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strAlanActionParsnip, thank you - I'll give it a shot22:09
strAlanActionParsnip, what do you mean when you say it's a long way round ?22:10
ActionParsnipstrAlan: i just looked at the desired result and ignored the rest22:10
Ninesvnsicksis there a way to make it so I can play more then one audio source at a time?22:10
lwizardl__anyone ever used a ADM (Advance Digital Machine) Cash display pole?22:10
zigzagsis there a way to have output text changed by certain parameters, such as having everything that would normaly output 'networkin' to output 'ntwkg' instead?22:10
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keystr0kjrib, thanks, as it turns out, GnomeDO bombed my system out AGAIN. After CTRL-ALT-BKSPC everything worked fine.22:11
l337ingDisorderhey folks.. just installed 'glipper' through synaptic package manager but when I try to run 'glipper' it says it can't open the location22:11
sahakwhy did Ubuntu release Firefox-3.0.3?22:11
keystr0kIs anyone having problems with GnomeDO totally killing their system?22:11
Ninesvnsickswhy not22:11
l337ingDisordercan anyone tell me why synaptic would show it as being installed but it not actually seem to be installed??22:11
ikoniasahak: what do you mean release it22:11
psykidellicAny idea on my issues?22:12
sahakikonia: I mean why so soon after Firefox-3.0.2?22:12
sahakwhat are the changes?22:12
zigzagsNinesvnsicks: this is just a guess, but maybe hae each program use a different codec? that could be a lot harder than it sounds though.22:12
ikonial337ingDisorder: show me the exact command your using and the error22:12
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: i just use apt-get22:12
ikoniasahak: bugs worth updating in22:12
sahakwhat bugs?22:12
itrebalhow long do you'all predict before 8.10?22:12
ryan_____Is there a Ubuntu alternative to Windows UltraMon?22:12
Ninesvnsickszigzags: prolyl would be22:12
l337ingDisorderActionParsnip: apt-get tells me it's installed22:12
KoN8392hello world!22:12
ikoniasahak: read the change log22:12
sahaki got 3.0.2 yesterday and today I get 3.0.322:12
l337ingDisorderikonia: exact command is22:12
ikoniaitrebal: it's release in 8.10 - so what do you think22:12
l337ingDisorderikonia: exact output is..22:12
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: then use sudo apt-get --reinstall install <stuff>22:13
Mccaynecan anyone help me find my s-ata disks? jmicron stuff dual core22:13
l337ingDisorderbash: glipper: command not found22:13
crashsystemsI just installed ubuntu-eee on an eeePC 1000. Everything works but the web cam. Anyone know how to fix this?22:13
Ninesvnsickszigzags: Its just in windows i can play everything at once and with alsa that doesn't seem to be the case22:13
ikonial337ingDisorder: sudo find / -name glipper -print22:13
sahakfix LP: #270429: [MASTER] passwords lost from 3.0.1 to 3.0.222:13
duxbarakwhat packages do i need to install to be able to send mail straight from my machine using mutt?22:13
KoN8392I've used the gnome Network app to setup a wireless static IP. After, I kill nm-applet. how do I force "Network" app to connect???22:13
itrebalikonia: I'm sorry but I dno't understand what you mean22:13
ikoniaitrebal: it's released in 10 (octover) 08 (2008)22:14
l337ingDisorderActionParsnip: just did a reinstall, and running 'glipper' gives the same error22:14
itrebalikonia: I see, so those versino numbers actually mean something in relation to its date22:14
sahakvery sad22:14
ikoniaitrebal: yes22:14
jribduxbarak: you need an MTA.  esmtp is a decent one if you just want to use an smtp server like gmail's22:14
keystr0kis anyone having problems with GnomeDO bringing their system to its knees?  I found this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/do/+bug/27043722:14
itrebalikonia: thanks22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270437 in do "Gnome-Do freezes the system (eats CPU and RAM)" [High,Triaged]22:14
ActionParsnipKoN8392: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart22:14
Guest93792Does anyone run Ubuntu on their PS3?22:14
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: whats the error?22:14
liviuHy guys!22:15
ikoniasahak: we don't need to see them22:15
ray__where is the best place to find out how to get skype working?22:15
l337ingDisorderikonia: returns lots of results named 'glipper' but running 'glipper' still returns this error:22:15
liviuSomeone about lirc?22:15
ikoniasahak: you wanted to know - not us22:15
ActionParsnip!ps3 | Guest9379222:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps322:15
Batty4Random question, anyone segfaulting when trying to save using wireshark?22:15
Goofee691does anyone here know about LVM's?22:15
l337ingDisorderbash: glipper: command not found22:15
ikoniaGoofee691: yes22:15
liviuRemote control22:15
ikonial337ingDisorder: are you shure thats the right command22:15
liviuinfra red22:15
zigzagsNinesvnsicks: maybe you could copy the alsa driver to same location, call it alsa(1)orsomething, and then have your media player locate thatcodec.  it will technically be a different file, but the same codec and thus might ork22:15
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: try  the command which glipper22:15
l337ingDisorderikonia: that's the name of the package and nowhere during the installation process does it tell me to run anything else22:15
redf1shl337ingDisorder: right click panel, hit add to panel. The clipboard in there is glipper.22:15
hectorray__ from the ubuntu repos22:15
Goofee691can you try to help me with this22:15
redf1shl337ingDisorder: I dont think it has an actual command22:16
l337ingDisorderredf1sh: ahhhh so it's not an executable... ok thanks :)22:16
Ninesvnsicksso the alsa server really can only have one signal at a time?22:16
ikonial337ingDisorder does it tell you to run "glipper"22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about glipper22:16
zigzagsidk but thats what im assuming from my experiences22:16
l337ingDisorderyou'd think there'd be some part of the installation process that tells you how to actually START the program!! lol22:16
redf1shl337ingDisorder dpkg -L *a package* shows you the contents, only way i figure that out :p22:16
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: sudo apt-get --purge remove glipper22:16
redf1shl337ingDisorder: got it working then?22:16
hectorHi everyone!!! Somebody know how to use 4GB on ram on Ubuntu hardy 32 bits? is it there an instruction for the kernel?22:16
ikoniaGoofee691: can you explain your raid setup22:16
gnuskoolif i install amarok in gnome, is the performance severely affected or only slightly - im not a purist so it dosent have to be the fastest22:16
ikoniaGoofee691: was it radi 5 ?22:16
ikoniaGoofee691: raid 5 sorry22:17
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: they usually put a binary in /usr/bin22:17
lyk3ndoes anyone know how to subscribe to new groups22:17
luminerdHi, I jus installed Ubuntu on my PC... and the resolution is 640 x 480. Although if I reboot, seemingly randomly, it will sometimes be 800x600.  This is a 19" monitor though, should be more like 1600x1200...22:17
ActionParsnipgnuskool: if you like it, install it22:17
Goofee691ikonia, no this was just a lvm speard across the volumes, right before i was going to try and set up a RAID522:17
ikonialyk3n: with what application ?22:17
KoN8392actionparsnip: cool what does that do22:17
ikoniaGoofee691: then your dead22:18
zvoneflash 10 someone install it?22:18
ikoniaGoofee691: LVM in linux doesn't have reslliance22:18
ikoniaGoofee691: not like things like hpux/aix lvm22:18
l337ingDisorderActionParsnip: yeah they USUALLY do... which is all the more reason non-standard installs should include at least a little alert dialog that tells you how to envoke them.22:18
ActionParsnipluminerd: what graphics card do you have?22:18
ActionParsnipKoN8392: what does what do?22:18
lyk3nikonia: Evolution22:18
Goofee691ikonia, so theirs no way to get the data back without getting the missing drive fixed?22:18
l337ingDisorderanyway thanks for the help guys! got it all workin'22:18
liviusorry guys!22:18
ActionParsnipl337ingDisorder: sweet22:18
KoN8392network restart22:18
ActionParsnipKoN8392: pulls all networking down, then up22:18
liviusomeone can give some info about irda remote controll22:18
ikoniaGoofee691 if the disks are almost empty - yes, if they had say %20 data on them, no22:19
KoN8392ok ill give it a try22:19
ActionParsnipwassup hector22:19
liviuhow to link a program to be used with the remote?22:19
hectorhi ActionParsnip22:19
luminerdActionParsnip: It is Nvidia, Geforce 4 MC22:19
Goofee691ikonia, they had over 1TB of data22:19
isiahusing only the terminal how can I move files from my computer to another through SSH?22:19
lyk3nikonia: can you help me?22:19
ikoniaGoofee691: gone then22:19
ActionParsnipluminerd: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx22:19
strocknarhello all! I am having difficulty with network connectivity.  I am set up using DHCP and can get an IP address, but cannot ping anything.  nslookup resolves hosts, but ping does not work outside my LAN22:19
luminerdActionParsnip: There was a driver, that it kept telling me that Ubuntu can't support it22:19
ikonialyk3n: with what ?22:19
hectori got a problem with some ram ( 4gb) on Ubuntu 32 bits22:19
ikonialyk3n: lvm has no ressilence in it22:19
ikonialyk3n: with what application22:19
danbh_intrepidhector: whats the problem?22:19
lyk3nikonia: Evolution22:20
ikonialyk3n: I don't know if evolution supports news groups22:20
hectorMy SO con use all the ram only 3.1 gb22:20
ActionParsnipluminerd: you could try envyng-gtk22:20
ikoniahector: 32bit is limited to 3 gig without PAE support22:20
hectorand i do not want to use a 64 bit ubuntu22:20
lyk3nikonia: how about thunderbird22:20
Goofee691ikonia, so i guess i should send the bad drive out to get repaired by some company since it should just be the PCB that failed, the PCB on the hdd likes like a shot happened on it22:20
danbh_intrepidhector: mmm, you just reminded me, I need to test my ram, I just upgraded to 4g22:20
ikonialyk3n: yea sure22:20
luminerdActionParsnip: I already have the most recent driver, it says when I do that command22:20
ikoniaGoofee691: that would be the best option by far, then move them to a raid solution22:20
Guest93792hector: I _think_ it should "just work" - you will be limited to 4GB per process (as this is the addressable limit on a 32 bit system), however I think Linux may be able to bank the RAM to handle it22:20
lacitaHey all. I need to properly configure ALSA on my Lenovo y410 7757 laptop. I have no sound, and am running a restricted wireless driver (Intel PRO/wireless 3945). It has something to do with the intel chipset.22:21
hectoris there any instruction for the kernel?=22:21
ActionParsnipluminerd: did yuo update your xorg.conf to use nvidia driver and not nv?22:21
ryan_____In TwinView, How do you make it so You can grab the title bar of a window and move it to the other screen?22:21
hectorlike CONFIG_HIMEM4G22:21
danbh_intrepidhector: PAE is supposedly more trouble than it is worth22:21
Goofee691ikonia, ok so id assume its safe to say that no data can be recovered from that one failed drive without the others right? because im not even sure what is on it22:21
luminerdActionParsnip: I just used the GUI22:21
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ActionParsnipluminerd: envyng?22:22
ActionParsnip!xinerama | ryan_____22:22
ubotturyan_____: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead22:22
hectorYEAP cuz PAE is it for old processors?22:22
luminerdActionParsnip: Whatever comes with Ubuntu.  When I went to enable graphical effects, it asked me if I anted to install an unsupported 3rd party driver, and I said yes22:22
snovashould i expect to have to download very large updates when intrepid comes out? i just want an idea of how big it's going to be...22:22
luminerdand it downloaded something and did it all automatically22:22
ikoniaGoofee691 correct, as data is randomly spread across the disks, but with no stripe for intergrity22:22
danbh_intrepidsnova: a whole cd, like 600mb22:22
theshadowhow can I check the version of a package... like I have a lib installed but the name of it doesn't tell me what version it is22:22
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snovaok. it could be worse.22:23
ActionParsnipluminerd: check in /etc/X11/xorg.conf that you are using the nvidia driver and not nv22:23
hectorMemTotal:      3106700 kB22:23
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:23
redf1shhector: You have to compile the kernel with the options set. I think its called CONFIG_HIGHMEM in your .config, dunno what the options called in a menu.22:23
ryan_____ubottu: I do not want one large display.  My system is set up for two unique displays, which is called TwinView.  My problem is grabbing one window and moving it to the other.22:23
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:23
Flare183oops sry22:23
Goofee691ikonia, thank you for your help now im just wondering how much this repair is going to cost me, whats is worse is the drive still has 2 years left on its warranty but that does not cover data recovery22:23
Flare183!ask | lacita22:24
ubottulacita: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:24
redf1shhector: or isntall 64 bit ubuntu, which can do much more ram.22:24
hectormodel name: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T7100  @ 1.80GHz22:24
luminerdActionParsnip: The driver is "nvidia"22:24
ikoniaGoofee691: if its pcb, shouldn't need data recovery22:24
lacitaFlare183: Hey all. I need to properly configure ALSA on my Lenovo y410 7757 laptop. I have no sound, and am running a restricted wireless driver (Intel PRO/wireless 3945). It has something to do with the intel chipset.22:24
strocknarhello all! I am having difficulty with network connectivity.  I am set up using DHCP and can get an IP address, but cannot ping anything.  nslookup resolves hosts, but ping does not work outside my LAN22:24
ActionParsnipluminerd: and do you see an nvidia logo when you boot?22:24
Flare183lacita: Ok hold on22:24
zigzagswhats the default download location for wget?22:24
lucaxwouldnt be cool if ubuntu had a control panel like mandriva and opensuse do?22:24
luminerdActionParsnip: not sure, I'll reboot it and find out, sec22:24
lacitaFlare183: thanks22:24
redf1shstrocknar: you can ping your gateway?22:25
Flare183!intelhda | lacita22:25
strocknarzigzags: current pwd, i believe22:25
ubottulacita: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto22:25
hectorok... the 2 options are good in fact i tried to use a 64 bits SO, but some app didnt work22:25
strocknarredfish: i can, yes22:25
Flare183lacita: That should help22:25
strocknarzigzags: present working directory22:25
redf1shstrocknar: and other things using the same gateway can get out?22:25
^paradox^we have two computers. this one runs ubuntu 8.04 and my gf's run windows vista home. we have cable internet and vonage phone service. the two computers are on a linksys telephone router with four ethernet ports. i was hoping someone could pm me and take a little time to show me how we could share a printer and a folder22:25
Flare183zigzags: Yeah, Print Working Directory22:25
strocknarredfish: yes, they can22:25
redf1shhector: you can try the config option, #kernel on freenode should help out there.22:25
Goofee691ikonia, that is why i hope thats all it is since the pcb turned out to be slighlly discoloured like excessive heat/a short right after a thunder storm knocked out power even though the computer in question was behind a surge stip and a UPS22:26
hectorredf1sh THX22:26
ActionParsnipzigzags: or, print where (im) didllin22:26
luminerdActionParsnip: I did not see an nVidia logo22:26
redf1shstrocknar: weird, your certain there's no odd filters set up on your router (or possibly your own box)? If its reaching the gateway it should in theory be the gateways problem now.22:26
lacitaFlare183: I think it’s driver issue because I see it everywhere regarding the lenovo 3000 series.22:26
redf1shhector: np22:26
ActionParsnipluminerd: then its not loaded22:26
ActionParsnipluminerd:  heres mine http://pastebin.com/f7b6a685a22:27
strocknarredf1sh: I wouldn't think so.  I have another box with arch-linux installed that seems to work just fine.  I am using an old dapper install (trying to dist-upgrade), but I don't think that would cause anything22:27
ActionParsnipluminerd: i'd add the lines in the screen section about resolutions and refresh rates22:27
strocknarredf1sh: /etc/hosts.allow had nothing, and I changed it to ALL:ALL to make sure.  hosts.deny is blank22:28
redf1shstrocknar: hmm, thats no fun. Can you ping other machines on the network?22:28
ActionParsnipluminerd: backup the current one, then edit with gksu gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:28
strocknarredf1sh: yes22:28
redf1shstrocknar: how about (google)22:29
redf1shstrocknar: (just to make bloody sure its not dns)22:29
lacitaAnybody know how to isable acpi. in boot option?22:29
strocknarredf1sh: negative22:29
icemangrub / lilo ?22:29
zigzagsim tryin to DL this program, the website tells me to run 'sudo wget -O- "http://www.cyan-networks.com/files/sweb.key" | sudo apt-key add'  but its not downloading to the folder I have CD-ed into with terminal22:30
Luminerd_Thank you for your help actionparsnip22:30
strocknarredf1sh: cannot ping yahoo or google (or IP's)22:30
strocknarredf1sh: what I don't get is that they resolve with nslookup, but won't ping22:30
redf1shstrocknar: alright... I have no idea. <Chances are> its something on your router, but of course anything possible.22:30
ActionParsnipLuminerd_: add those lines and you'll run at 1024x76822:30
redf1shwait that is weird22:30
redf1shstrocknar: is your gateway the dns server?22:30
redf1shstrocknar: or something else?22:31
Luminerd_Can I change that to higher red?22:31
strocknarredf1sh: something else.22:31
ActionParsnipLuminerd_: sure, just modify the file, id just get 1024x768 for now, then go from there22:31
redf1shstrocknar: no maybe its just pings that are blocked? Since for some reason your dns requests are getting out.22:31
strocknarredf1sh: what would block just pings?22:32
redf1shstrocknar: you have tcpdump installed? (Its nifty and shows you what packets your machine can see).22:32
ActionParsnipstrocknar: you could use nslookup22:32
redf1shstrocknar: lots of stuff tends to... some of my systems do.22:32
strocknarredf1sh: i do have tcpdump installed22:32
ActionParsnipluminerd: any better?22:33
strocknaractionparsnip: nslookup works, but ping doesn't...it's weird...22:33
ActionParsnipstrocknar: does tracert?22:33
strocknaractionparsnip: no such file installed22:33
Batty4strocknar, try traceroute tracert is for windows.22:34
strocknarbatty4: command not found there, either22:34
strocknarbah...i'll take it home and see if it is just the network here.  Thanks guys!22:35
Batty4strocknar, sudo apt-get install traceroute22:35
ActionParsnipstrocknar: tracert www.google.com22:35
ActionParsnipwhy is tracert not standard22:35
lacitaAnybody know how to isable acpi. in boot option?22:35
Batty4ActionParsnip, Ubuntu is more minimal than most I guess.22:36
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luminerdActionParsnip: After that just reboot?22:36
luminerdSorry it's takin me a bit, because the linux machine is not by this one22:36
gnuskoolhow to replace metacity with compiz in hardy?22:36
_Carrie_hello, I have a 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100] (rev a2) video card and my display couldn't be worse than it is currently. I just installed Hardy and it's terrible. Can someone help me? Thanks22:37
jrib!ccsm | gnuskool22:37
ubottugnuskool: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion22:37
jribgnuskool: system -> preferences -> appearance22:37
ActionParsnipluminerd: yeah, save and reboot22:38
redf1shhey, does ubuntu prove a highmem kernel? is that what the server version in the repos is?22:38
Batty4_Carrie_, when setting up my video, I found easiest was: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings; gksudo nvidia-settings22:38
theshadowhow can I check the version of a package... like I have a lib installed but the name of it doesn't tell me what version it is22:38
RoflCoptrredf1sh: i think u want pae?22:38
jribtheshadow: apt-cache policy PACKAGE22:38
RoflCoptr32 or 64bit?22:38
_Carrie_here's a preview of how awful my desktop looks after installing Hardy http://img216.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshottp8.png22:39
redf1shroflCoptr: that would probabaly work, and 32 bit22:39
RoflCoptryes, you want pae22:39
theshadowjrib: thank you much22:39
=== Sad`Panda is now known as sad`panda
_Carrie_thanks Batty4 I'll give it a try22:40
Batty4_Carrie_, mine was much worse.  Mine was so bad I was unable to use X, and was configuring from a laptop.22:40
Goofee691_Carrie_, is that ubuntu hardy or ubuntu ultimate?22:40
ActionParsnip_Carrie_: you using compiz?22:40
redf1shRoflCoptr and the linux-image-server have pae enabled?22:40
_Carrie_yes, it's Hardy and I'm using basic compiz (nothing with ccsm, just default ubuntu compiz)22:40
pfowhat's the difference between ``where'' and ``let ... in ...'' ?22:40
lacitaHow do i change the snd-hda-intel module?22:41
pfowrong chan, sorry.22:41
luminerdActionParsnip: When I did that, I now get "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode22:41
RoflCoptryes redf1sh22:41
ActionParsnip_Carrie_: disable the compiz rubbish... does it look ok22:41
ActionParsnipluminerd: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings22:41
Arneyanyone here have an invito to torrent leech!  i am WORTHY 5.3 ratio 106gb UL on MovieX.22:41
apetrescuI've got Ubuntu on a Macbook Pro, and I can mount the OS X partition just fine but for some reason certain directories in /Users (such as the default Music directory, for instance), are not readable from Ubuntu (permissions problems) unless I run as root. I've added the 'users' flag to the /etc/fstab entry, but still no luck. Anyone know how I can grant full read access to those dirs to non-admin users on Ubuntu22:42
apetrescu? Thanks :)22:42
_Carrie_ActionParsnip, setting effects to "none" and the screen still looks like a freshly clubbed baby seal :(22:42
ActionParsnip!ot | arney22:42
ubottuarney: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!22:42
ActionParsnip_Carrie_: then ask in #compiz22:42
_Carrie_let me restart X real quick since I've installed the nvidia drivers22:42
ActionParsnip_Carrie_: its that thats screwing your system. Compiz is 1. Worthless and 2 Breaks a lot of stuff22:42
luminerdActionParsnip: Once I got past that dialog box though, it does appear to be in the proper resolution22:43
x1250hey guys, how can I get the font file name for "URW Gothic L" font? I need to send it to a windows machine22:43
daniel_johnfile://///usr/share/gnome/help/programming/C/programming.xml#_auto-gen-id-1   is producing an xml error22:43
ActionParsnipluminerd: ok cool22:43
ActionParsnip!fonts | x125022:43
ubottux1250: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:43
luminerdOk I ran that command... now reboot?22:44
Batty4luminerd, run gksudo nvidia-settings to configure.  Easy to setup dual monitors and such with that.22:44
itrebalI've heard things that the Gnome network manager will be capable of handling multiple internet connections at once, is that true?22:44
ActionParsnipluminerd: no, run it in your menus22:44
roukounwhen I launch an application (like emacs) from the terminal the app is launched but it gives an output like the following: /home/roukoun/.gtkrc-2.0:2: Unable to find include file: ".gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser".... can anyone help?22:44
itrebalwhere would I find that out?22:44
HexusActionParsnip:  Still here huh?22:44
=== pyrak_ is now known as pyrak
luminerdActionParsnip: Sorry run what?22:44
Daft_PunkI just got my ubuntu CD in the mail. I wanted to know if there is a mailing list I can get put on so when a new distro comes out I can just recieve it asap22:44
ActionParsnipluminerd: gksu nvidia-settings22:44
luminerdBatty4: I don't have need for dual monitors, just need to get this working and then clone it to 20 other identical machines22:44
hardcoreanyone else having a vlc problem?22:45
_Carrie_Batty4, that did the trick, thank you so much :)22:45
hardcoreits all buggy so i switched to dragon player22:45
Batty4luminerd, that was just an example.  The nvidia-settings that you installed, will be accessed via that command.  Giving you an easy interface to use.22:45
Batty4_Carrie_, You're very welcome.22:45
luminerdis there an IRC client that comes with Ubuntu? switching computers is getting tiring heh22:46
jribluminerd: pidgin22:46
Daft_Punkluminerd, xchat22:46
luminerdAlso it's telling me that I don't appear to be using nvidia-x22:46
ActionParsnip!irc | luminerd22:46
ubottuluminerd: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:46
Batty4I never tried IRC through pidgin.  Anyone use it?22:46
ActionParsnipBatty4: i do22:46
jribluminerd: pidgin is installed by default.  xchat is a decent gui one you can install through the package managers22:46
_Carrie_now, does anyone know if there is a tool in ubuntu that will allow me to test my 56k modem? :)22:46
apetrescuBatty4, it's not very pleasant, at least for me :(22:47
jrib!dialup > _Carrie_22:47
ubottu_Carrie_, please see my private message22:47
Mccaynei can't find my sata disks, tried unplugging and adding acpi=off noapic to boot, but nothing. anyone?22:47
Batty4Is it just like an AOL chatroom?  I'm obsessed with XChat, and when at work I just use irssi.22:47
roukounwhen I launch an application (like emacs) from the terminal the app is launched but it gives an output like the following: /home/roukoun/.gtkrc-2.0:2: Unable to find include file: ".gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser".... can anyone help?22:47
hardcorepidgin doesn't have xchat22:47
orgthingyI updated today, but it asked me for THE SAME EXACT updates tonight22:47
orgthingysounds weird22:48
luminerd_ubuntu doesn't have XChat22:48
Daft_PunkI just got my ubuntu CD in the mail. I wanted to know if there is a mailing list I can get put on so when a new distro comes out I can just recieve it asap22:48
luminerd_anyway pidgin works22:48
orgthingyUbuntu *has* xchat22:48
luminerd_Here's the error I'm getting: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.22:48
Batty4luminerd, apt-get install xchat22:48
apetrescuDaft_Punk, yes, that's the ubuntu-devel-announce list :)22:48
luminerd_SHould I do as it says22:48
ActionParsniphardcore: pidgin supports irc chat22:48
luminerd_no need Batty422:48
hardcoreits not in the accounts menu22:48
KDB9000Can someone help me with my bluetooth GPS? I am not sure how to get it to connect to my system so I can use gpsdrive or xgps to see the readers22:48
Daft_Punkapetrescu, how can i get on that list22:48
apetrescuDaft_Punk, you can sign up here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-devel-announce22:48
danbh_intrepidDaft_Punk: I dont think there is.  I think the preferred speedy method is through bittorrent22:48
ActionParsnipluminerd: so you got a decent screen resolution now?22:49
Daft_Punkdanbh_intrepid, not if you have dialup22:49
Daft_Punkapetrescu, thanks22:49
luminerd_it's still kind of low ActionParsnip22:49
luminerd_And I get the "low graphics mode" message22:49
ActionParsnipluminerd: use nvidia-settings to crank it up22:49
luminerd_and the visual effects aren't workin22:49
ActionParsnipluminerd: no bad thing22:49
TonnoHi,... there is a command that tell me the password in ubuntu 8.04?22:49
Batty4luminerd, Did you run gksudo nvidia-settings?22:49
ActionParsnipTonno: doesnt exist22:49
danbh_intrepidDaft_Punk: just so you know, that list is not what you are looking for.  You will still have to order through shipit, and it will still take a long time...22:50
jribTonno: no, the password is not stored.  A hash of the password is stored22:50
JFB13hey guys I have a p3 800mhz with 192 ram what would be best desktop for this so I can write programs and watch movies with ?22:50
ActionParsnipTonno: you set your own password22:50
luminerd_ActionParsnip: Batty4 yes, as I said, Nvidia settings gives me that error I pasted22:50
roukounwhen I launch an application (e.g emacs) from the terminal the app is launched but it gives an output like the following: /home/my_username/.gtkrc-2.0:2: Unable to find include file: ".gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser".... can anyone help?22:50
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JFB13xubuntu seems to be too heavy is there a lighter desktop?22:50
jribroukoun: pastebin your ~/.gtkrc-2.022:50
ActionParsniproukoun: cd ~/; ls -a22:50
ActionParsniproukoun: is the file there?22:50
ActionParsnipJFB13: fluxbox22:51
TonnoAhh Hi ActionParsnip... thanks for the help with my grafic cardin my PC22:51
BlueLagunaHow do I figure out the uuid of a hard drive?22:51
ActionParsnipJFB13: fluxbox kicks maximum ass22:51
jrib!uuid | BlueLaguna22:51
Daft_Punkdanbh_intrepid, i did order through shipit and i got the cd, but the new distro is out at end of october, i dont wanna use shipit all the time, is there an automated way22:51
ubottuBlueLaguna: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)22:51
Batty4luminerd, ok, if you did I just learned from ActionParsnip you're setting up root with gksudo, with gksu you're setting up the user you're running.  You may have the correct setings for root now though.22:51
luminerd_ActionParsnip: In your Xorg.conf you had "subsection" right? It is telling me that is a parse error22:51
hardcorei think canonical should change their media defaults, especially for new users that want to play all their media from a default install22:51
JFB13ok will it be in the repositories or do I have to DL it?22:51
BlueLagunajrib: thanks22:51
ActionParsnipluminerd: can you give a pastebin of your xorg.conf please22:51
roukounActionParsnip: no it isnt there22:51
ActionParsniptonno: np man22:51
ActionParsnip!paste | luminerd22:52
ubottuluminerd: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:52
Batty4luminerd, what graphics card are you using?  I was getting an error, then I had to go to System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and fix issue there.22:52
danbh_intrepidDaft_Punk: as I said before, no.  I think it says so on the shipit website.  Maybe a pay service somewhere else?  I dunno22:52
unophardcore, it's easy said - there are a number of factors that don't permit that22:52
_Carrie_haha wow, I have a Conexant HSF 56k Data/Fax Modem modem and according to your bot, I'm going to have to pay $20.00 a year for the driver!22:53
hardcoreoh the dvd legal stuff, right22:53
gnuskooli just installed an update on ff3, now firefox wont start22:53
jrib_Carrie_: you just pay once, they give you upgrades22:53
luminerd_Here is my xorg.conf: http://pastebin.com/m62ed81dd22:53
JFB13ActionParsnip "thanks"22:53
hardcoreat least its easily bypassed by installing other types of players22:53
unophardcore, proprietary formats and decoders, yea22:53
roukounjrib: how to pastebinit... ?22:53
jrib!pastebin > roukoun22:53
ubotturoukoun, please see my private message22:53
_Carrie_jrib, well that's the problem, I've no money, I guess it's back to windows for me lol thanks anyways.22:53
ActionParsnipJFB13: sudo apt-get install fluxbox22:53
hardcoreand thats where dragon player comes in22:53
unophardcore, right, which is why those players/codecs are not installed by default - there are legal issues22:53
ActionParsnipJFB13: logoff and change the session type, you'll have all your gnome apps, just a lighter front22:54
luminerd_I think it changed some stuff when I ran that command you told me22:54
luminerd_maybe I should reboot and see what happens22:54
JFB13ActionParsnip : ok thanks man will do have a nice day : )22:54
psykidellicAlright, my ogg and mp3 are being played by Mplayer but not with RhythmBox? Any ideas?22:55
machwhat kernel is in the current 8.04 ubuntu installer (alternate)22:55
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unopmach, you can find out at http://packages.ubuntu.com22:56
gnuskoolinstallLocation:engine has no file ...thats the message im getting from a ff3 upgrade a few minutes ago - anyone else?22:56
Ninesvnsicksfound out the snapping problem it was under wobbly windows > snap inverted22:56
gnuskoolsomeone plz ggogle that error for me would'ya?22:56
andrilanyone know a good backup program in .deb format?22:57
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itrebalis anyone familiar with the Gnome networking tool supporting multiple ethernet connections? I've heard a rumer it'll be supported in 8.10, but just want to make sure22:57
luminerd_Ok, I got the nvidia logo, and it appears to be running at a high resolution. However somtehing weird is going in. None of the apps I launch have a title bar...22:57
ActionParsnipluminerd_: ok great, you need to add Option          "AddARGBGLXVisuals"     "True"22:58
ActionParsnipluminerd_: to the screen section22:58
andrilcafuego: is it good22:58
ActionParsnipluminerd_: nvidia logo == driver is loaded22:58
cafuegoandril: Install it, try it, form an opinion.22:59
cafuegoandril: it works fine for me, I can't know if it's appropriate to your needs.22:59
luminerd_Any idea what could cause that? It's really weird, everything works but no title bar (so I cant drag it around)22:59
cafuegoandril: It's nicely scriptable though22:59
luminerd_oh whoops22:59
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andrilcafuego: just incase my system has to be reinstalled due to my errors -22:59
luminerd_ActionParsnip:  what section do I add that in23:00
d4niii need help plz     http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93004723:00
ActionParsnipluminerd_: read the text again23:00
luminerd_Never mind sorry pidgin is freaking out sec23:00
WDC_Hey, I just installed Ubuntu 804 server, and I cannot figure out what su password is. I never set it23:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 804 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update (dup-of: 803)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80423:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 803 in eric "Bugged by pyQT api update" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/80323:00
ActionParsnipluminerd_: that line fixes a weird thing for nvidia cards23:00
ActionParsnipluminerd_: i dont actually know what it is but it makes things nice23:01
WDC_What is the default su password?23:01
luminerd_just anywhere in the screen section? Not in a subsection or anythign?23:02
WDC_I JUST installed Server and I Never set the root password,23:02
ActionParsnipWDC_: there isnt one, you need to set it with sudo passwd23:02
cars__WDC_: There is no default root password.23:02
chubsWDC_, use sudo23:02
WDC_ActionParsnip: How do I do that?23:02
ActionParsnipWDC_: you'll never need it as your user can sudo and gksu stuff23:02
antiiiCan I restore a folder I recently deleted?23:02
luminerd_brb trying with your optiopn23:02
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)23:02
ActionParsnipWDC_: but its better to set it so it isnt blank23:02
Batty4WDC_, sudo passwd     You will be asked for your password 3 times at that time.23:03
WDC_ActionParsnip: Batty4 Thanks23:03
roukounjrib: my .gtkrc-2.0 has only the following content: "include .gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser"23:03
antiiiAny way thats possible?23:03
Batty4WDC_, Welcome.23:03
ActionParsnipantiii: http://www.ubuntu-unleashed.com/2008/04/howtorecover-and-undelete-text-file-in.html23:03
ActionParsnipantiii: or restore from backup23:04
jribroukoun: so that's why you are getting the output23:04
krismy system is going very slow. why?23:04
ActionParsnipkris: whats spec is your pc?23:04
danbh_intrepid!noroot > Batty423:04
ubottuBatty4, please see my private message23:04
Mccaynehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5855901#post5855901 anyone?23:05
krisActionParsnip: poor 1.0 celeron 128 mb ram23:05
roukounjrib: so where can I find the .gtkrc-2.0-gnome-color-chooser?23:05
krisActionParsnip:  but sometimes it goes right sometimes wrong23:05
luminerd_ActionParsnip: Added your option,back to no nvidia logo/low graphics mode23:05
jribroukoun: just delet your ~/.gtkrc-2.0 (or rename it)23:05
ActionParsnipkris: are you running ubuntu or something different?23:05
krisActionParsnip:  ubuntu 8.0423:05
cars__I finally got the ethernet to work with Samba using a single cable (connected at 1000M), but it is going extremely slow (starts a file with a boost of ~100kbps and rapidly decreases and stalls) and is unable to finish anything but the smallest files.  Does anyone know why this is happening?23:05
ActionParsnipkris: id install fluxbox or xfce-desktop23:05
ActionParsnipkris: you may also want to install your graphics drivers if you already havent23:06
krisActionParsnip:  on fluxbox or xfce-desktop ? aren't there any ?23:06
ActionParsnipluminerd_: well your really close, what did you do before to get a good res?23:06
ActionParsnipkris: you need a lighter desktop for 128mb, xfce or fluxbox will help that23:07
luminerd_ActionParsnip: Umm, I ran some commands that you told me. nvidia-config I believe23:07
bastid_raZorI/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/razor/.compiz/session/default0"  :how may i fix this warning?23:07
ActionParsnipluminerd_: gksu nvidia-config23:07
ActionParsnipluminerd_: you can run history to see the last commands23:08
luminerd_I should do that again?23:08
krisActionParsnip:  ok thx for tip23:08
cafuegobastid_raZor: warnings you generally don't worry about, only errors.23:08
bruenigkris: or use dwm23:08
luminerd_I ran that I also ran without the gksu23:08
luminerd_and it told me to run nvidia-xconfig23:08
luminerd_that's probably what did it23:08
bastid_raZorcafuego; well, it seems to the only warning i get that may explain why compiz does not properly load my settings23:08
ActionParsnipkris: if you run lspci you will see what you have and you can install from there23:09
ActionParsnipkris: id also get some more ram if you can, SDRAM is pretty cheap23:09
jasuntodoes anyone know why i cant use srm on ubuntu, thats secure remove, does it need install?23:09
andrilany opinions to zeroinstall?23:10
PostersandGuitarIs it still unsafe to update GVFS23:11
luminerd_ActionParsnip: Should I run that command again?23:11
bastid_raZorjasunto; srm does not exist in hardy.23:11
krisActionParsnip:  burening: what can i do right now? on my computer ubuntu sholdnt ever go but it does maybe i can fasten it by removing software?23:12
ActionParsnipluminerd_: whatever made it work, do it23:12
luminerd_ok ActionParsnip But it didn't work totally, there were no title bars :( also it got rid of that extra option you had me put in23:12
ActionParsnipluminerd_: youve added that line in xorg.conf so they will stay23:12
cars__I finally got Ethernet to work with Samba using a single CAT5 cable (connected at 1000M), but it is going extremely slow (starts a file with a boost of ~100kbps and rapidly decreases and stalls) and is unable to finish anything but the smallest files.  Does anyone have any suggestions?23:13
ActionParsnipadd it once its done its trick23:13
PostersandGuitarIs GVFS still unsafe to update?23:13
luminerd_ok i'll try a reboot then thank you so much for your help23:13
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: gvfs23:13
PostersandGuitarYeah, is safe to update it?23:14
ticoHi, where would i add a script to be launched when the user logs in, im customizing the live cd. somewhere in init.rd or where/23:14
Jowicars__, repeaters23:14
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: what is it?23:14
ActionParsnip!startup | tico23:14
ubottutico: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot23:14
PostersandGuitarIrrelevant, if you don't know what is how can you help?23:14
nachhi can someone explain me this line : "start on stopped rcS" in /etc/event.d/rc-default ?23:14
st3phhiya ActionParsnip23:14
tico!boot | tico23:15
ubottutico, please see my private message23:15
cars__Jowi: repeaters?  It's a five foot cable.  I don't think there's any signal loss, if that's what you're getting at.23:15
PostersandGuitarIs it safe to update GVFS?23:15
danbh_intrepidPostersandGuitar: when did it become unsafe to use?  (im running intrepid, and it crashes all the time.  So, I sure hope its safe...)23:15
Jowicars__, you said 1000 M haha23:15
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: well if someone said FF, it could be a whole array of apps, mostly it means firfox but it could be someting else23:15
nachhi can someone explain me this line : "start on stopped rcS" in /etc/event.d/rc-default ?23:15
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: im sure very few know what the initials mean so me asking what it is is VERY relevant23:15
jasuntocan srm be installed?23:15
compyanyone willing to help me figure out how to get my keyboard sound shortcuts to work in 8.04?  I went to the keyboard pref and they are set right... just dont work23:15
jasuntoor can something similiar be used?23:15
cars__Jowi: No, I meant connected with a Gigabit speed :)23:16
PostersandGuitarWell, I had a problem with Nautilus, and drives not mounting or appearing, and ?I was told here that it was caused by updating GVFS from the updater, I don't know what it stands for.23:16
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: im asking a civil question so i can do some websearching so i can help yuo but you have a terrible attitude23:16
Jowicars__, talking to vista, xp or other linux boxes?23:16
luminerd_Again, no title bars.23:16
ActionParsnipluminerd_: id websearch some, i think theres another line yu can add#23:17
cars__Jowi: Vista.. ><23:17
jasuntoI have a latitude d630 dell and the sound button just worked23:17
jasuntoactually everything did23:17
danbh_intrepidActionParsnip: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GVFS23:17
danbh_intrepidPostersandGuitar: are you running hardy?23:17
jasuntosrm for ubuntu?23:18
PostersandGuitaryes, I'm running hardy23:18
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Jowicars__, is it one way from ubuntu to vista, from vista to ubuntu or both that are slow?23:20
kereshey could someone help me with 9800 drivers momentarilly23:20
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gvfs-in-hardy23:20
ActionParsnipPostersandGuitar: gvfs == gnome virtual file system23:20
keresi installed the drivers manually but it still lists them as "not in use"23:20
kitchekeres: it will if you didn't use the ubuntu way23:21
kriscould you help with web browser crashing ?23:21
kereswhat u mean kitche23:21
cars__Jowi: Both ways are slow, though I did not try any file transfers Vista>Ubuntu, browsing directories took several seconds.23:21
PostersandGuitarYes, but is it safe to use23:21
SebNaitsabesert3:  ok we are last.fm buddys now23:21
kereskitche can i private msg u23:21
SebNaitsabesah wrong tab23:21
PostersandGuitarhow do I hide an update?23:21
kitchekeres: if yuo didn't install the drivers using the package restricted manager will always say not in use23:22
ActionParsnipcars__: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-server-73/extremly-slow-samba-536370/23:22
Jowicars__, do you see any authentication errors in the samba log?23:22
kereskitche: can i private message you?23:22
ActionParsnipcars__: it helps if you add the hostname and ip in /etc/hosts file23:22
ActionParsnipluminerd_: all good?23:22
luminerd_It works, thank you so much.  Just had to add 2 options I found by googling "no title bars ubuntu" hehe23:23
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ActionParsnipluminerd_: yeah i knew of 2 lines but i only need 1 for mine, wtg!23:23
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luminerd_thank you for your help!23:23
ActionParsnipluminerd_: i try23:24
=== kris is now known as crash
luminerd_Can you recoment a utility that will let me copy the entire hard drive, and clone it bootably? So that I can use that backup to "restore" to the 20 other identical machines in my office?23:24
ActionParsnipluminerd_: as you have used nvidia-glx and not envyng you will not have any issues with kernel updates23:24
=== crash is now known as krasz
WDC_I don't have a GUI and need to download a souce package froM CLI. How do I do that?23:24
ActionParsnip!clone | luminerd_23:24
ubottuluminerd_: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate23:24
cars__Jowi, I'll check.  ActionParsnip, I'll try that.23:25
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ActionParsnipWDC_: wget23:25
thunderdani have a linksys wireless router that was configured in windows, then was not used for a couple of years. i have just installed it in my apartment, with a desktop connected by ethernet cable and a laptop connected wirelessly. the network name is still the same as it was when the router was set up in windows. however, there is no WPA security or WEP or anything. how do i configure the router to use WPA security?23:25
WDC_ActionParsnip: Thanks. I had heard of it23:25
luminerd_what are packages?23:25
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PostersandGuitarluminerd: installers, more or less23:25
=== krasz is now known as kris
WDC_luminerd_: Tings that get you all the dependencies and work sort of like a .exe on win23:25
luminerd_Hmm. Wel I need to clone the full drive, not sure what installers would help me with23:25
krisall registered23:26
ActionParsnipthunderdan: access the router via web browser, put its ip address as the site to visit and login to the config23:26
jasuntoanyone knowledgeable in 8.04 wpa2 before login?23:26
=== kris is now known as kr
Bogus8anyone using links?  Is there a way to enable java support using the ubuntu package?23:26
Bogus8sorry Elinks23:26
mww113I run ubuntu with the kubuntu-desktib package installed. I wanted to switch back to GNOME. I set GNOME as my default session and I ran sudo dpkg-reconfigure KDE to get GDM working again. I was wondering, when I start the system, how to I change the kubuntu loading screen to the ubuntu loading screen, It shouldn't make much of a difference but I would like to know.23:26
=== kr is now known as sub_zero
dave__hey, Is there anyone here that has used an ubuntu box to develop java apps for sony ericsson phones (w810i type phones)? Sony only provide easy to use stuff for windows which I don't have access to23:26
danbh_intrepidBogus8: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras23:26
thunderdanactionparsnip: thank you. i'll try that.23:26
=== sub_zero is now known as guybrush_threepw
guybrush_threepwthat's all23:27
ActionParsnipthunderdan: you'll ned the manual from the routers manufacturers site23:27
thunderdanactionparsnip: ok23:27
Bogus8danbh_intrepid: without installing X23:27
CorbinFoxthe diskmounter applet on my desktop isn't letting me mount my other partitions, it gives me an empty warning box, but i can still mouth it through the other normal ways.  whats up?23:27
Bogus8danbh_intrepid: this is a headless system and I don't need/want X on it23:28
WDC_ActionParsnip: wget is not found as a commnad23:28
BramCIhi, I want to modifie an animated gif, witch software should I use ?23:28
danbh_intrepidBogus8: look at the sun-java6* packages23:28
Bogus8I've read of the library it depends on for compiling java support but will having that library work using the ubuntu package?23:28
compyanyone knokw why my mp3's play no sound, but i can hear sounds from the internet23:29
ActionParsnipWDC_: sudo apt-get install wget23:29
WDC_ActionParsnip: Okay, thanks23:29
* ActionParsnip thought wget was very standard23:29
lacitaFlare183: Hey all. I need to properly configure ALSA on my Lenovo y410 7757 laptop. I have no sound, and am running a restricted wireless driver (Intel PRO/wireless 3945). It has something to do with the intel chipset.23:29
lacitaHey all. I need to properly configure ALSA on my Lenovo y410 7757 laptop. I have no sound, and am running a restricted wireless driver (Intel PRO/wireless 3945). It has something to do with the intel chipset.23:29
compy_anyone know why i cant hear my mp3's through vlc, mplayer, or anything else, but sounds on the internet i can hear fine?23:30
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up23:30
jfxdcompy_: You may need an mp3 codec23:30
lacitacompy_: idk, but maybe it's a codec issue?23:30
CorbinFoxthe diskmounter applet on my desktop isn't letting me mount my other partitions, it gives me an empty warning box, but i can still mouth it through the other normal ways.  whats up?23:30
compyhmm any way i can just download them all?23:31
thunderdanactionparsnip: how do i determine the ip address of the router?23:31
WDC_ActionParsnip: Thanks, works23:31
compyi have done all those unrestricted extras stuff and css223:31
keressomeone please help me with installing 9800 drivers?23:31
mww113Would anyone mind if I PM them?23:31
_Carrie_https://help.ubuntu.com nearly unresponsive to anyone else?23:31
danbh_intrepidActionParsnip: its in ubuntu-standard23:31
keresi manually installed them but they still say "not in use"23:31
anders__Carrie_, not working for me23:31
keresand i was told to install it using restricted driver manage but i do not know how to do that23:32
danbh_intrepidkeres: you just check the box23:32
keresdanbh: it is checked23:32
_Carrie_great :/23:33
keresdanbh_intrepid: and if i uncheck it i have to reset xorg.conf23:33
danbh_intrepidkeres: erm, actually, I cant help you.  I just select the driver, and hit install, but I thought it was simple...23:33
keresnot with 9800 drivers i guess lol.23:33
danbh_intrepidkeres: are you sure its not working?23:33
ActionParsnipthunderdan: ifconfig...its your default gateway23:33
lfaraoneHey, what's the ubuntu equivelent of the debian package libgssapi4-heimdal ?23:34
ActionParsnipWDC_: sweet :)23:34
danbh_intrepidkeres: is this a new card?  new on the market?23:34
keresi manually installed the drivers as a root, but then it check marks it and still labels it as "not in use"23:34
Adman65im having a weird problem with avant-window-navigator23:34
keresyes, new card23:34
Adman65i can only have 7 launchers23:34
keresbut i have been told to install drivers manually to get it to work23:34
danbh_intrepidkeres: you may have to wait for intrepid, which is only a month away23:34
lacitaHey all. I need to properly configure ALSA on my Lenovo y410 7757 laptop. I have no sound, and am running a restricted wireless driver (Intel PRO/wireless 3945). It has something to do with the intel chipset.23:34
bonez46is it possible to install and run adobe flash player... on ubuntu?23:34
_Carrie_well, since the help site is down, can anyone advise how I would test my dialup modem? Is there a terminal command or something I can use to test if it picks up/dials?23:34
keresdanbh_intrepid: what is that23:34
Bogus8danbh_intrepid: I already have the java libraries installed and I just installed the required libraries for elinks to compile support "libmozjs-dev" but still says "not enabled"23:34
lacitabonez46: look into Wine http://winehq.org23:35
DEViUSi have playback problems on my computer (i cant listen to music in rythmbox and in the same time hear the sound effects in my favourite games in firefox)23:35
danbh_intrepidkeres: next version of ubuntu23:35
keresdanbh_intrepid: will i have to format again?23:35
danbh_intrepidkeres: no23:36
keresdanbh_intrepid: how do you upgrade?23:36
danbh_intrepidkeres: update-manager23:36
_Carrie_update-manager -d23:36
DEViUSi have playback problems on my computer (i cant listen to music in rythmbox and in the same time hear the sound effects in my favourite games in firefox)23:36
danbh_intrepid_Carrie_: no, when its released, you dont need the -d23:36
keresdanbh_intrepid: the nvidia drivers are the problem, i think, not ubuntu23:36
keresdanbh_intrepid: i presume this is a problem on all linux distros due to nvidia's lack of 9800 linux support23:37
DEViUSi have playback problems on my computer (i cant listen to music in rythmbox and in the same time hear the sound effects in my favourite games in firefox)23:37
danbh_intrepidkeres: its because support for new hardware only comes out on new versions of ubuntu, so if the card came out after hardy came out, then its not supported23:38
_Carrie_!patience | DEViUS23:38
ubottuDEViUS: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:38
danbh_intrepidkeres: AFAIK23:38
CorbinFoxthe diskmounter applet on my desktop isn't letting me mount my other partitions, it gives me an empty warning box, but i can still mount it through the other normal ways.  whats up?23:38
wifihelphi....  I need to get wifi up on a vaio....  can somebody link me an easy tut?23:38
DEViUS_Carrie_: dont worry im patient im just trying to catch attention23:38
keres9800 was released early this year23:39
rahdukehey can someone help me please, HD videos don't play on my machine anymore. They used to work fine but since i've installed some programs they no longer play correctly and my system basically comes to a halt23:39
rahdukeplease help23:39
keresdanbh_intrepid: 9800 was released early this year. when was hardy released?23:39
_Carrie_DEViUS, it's considered spamming, at least let the question leave your buffer before spamming it to the channel like that.23:39
DEViUS_Carrie_: ok23:39
Gr33n3ggHardy was released on 8 0423:40
thunderdanactionparsnip: i don't see anything that says default gateway23:40
SebNaitsabes[23:39] <DeathStar> 90 days till Christmas :-)) <Scottie>23:40
SebNaitsabes[23:40] <Naitsabes> fuck you23:40
SebNaitsabes[23:40] [Notice] -DeathStar- No such command [FUCK]. /msg DeathStar SHOWCOMMANDS23:40
FloodBot1SebNaitsabes: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
Stepa1My hard drive is making a lot of noise.  It sounds like a car accelerating and slowing down and so on.23:40
rahdukeif someone can tell me how to completely remove all my codecs video programs and any remnants that mess everything up in 8.04 i can start fresh23:40
PostersandGuitarI'm looking at my drive in GParted, and I see a bunch of seemingly overlapping partitions, and such. How do I tell which are safe to resize?23:40
Gr33n3ggsorry, 04, 200823:40
SebNaitsabeswrong tab23:40
keres04 of what month?23:40
DEViUSi have playback problems on my computer (i cant listen to music in rythmbox and in the same time hear the sound effects in my favourite games in firefox)23:40
Gr33n3ggNo, thats the month.23:40
PostersandGuitarwhat are linux-swap partitions for?23:41
keresno the 9800 was released like 5 months before hardy was23:41
CorbinFoxDEViUS: do you have the restricted extras installed?23:41
ActionParsnipthunderdan: can i see your ifconfig output please, use pastebin23:41
ActionParsnip!paste | thunderdan23:41
ubottuthunderdan: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:41
Gr33n3ggI thought the 9800 series was released in February :S23:41
DEViUSCorbinFox: let me check23:41
DEViUSCorbinFox: you mean those for the alsa23:42
keresreally? isn't that still before hardy was released?23:42
tpgGood evening23:42
lonejackHi, I'm trying to create a user named www-data but the system tell me that it exists yet. Problem, isn't present in user's list. Can somebody help me? Thank you23:42
keresthen why does hardy not have support for 9800s?23:42
PostersandGuitarIs there a way to unmount my /partiton23:42
CorbinFoxDEViUS: go into add remove programs, and search for restricted extras, see if you have it installed, if not then install it and try your music again.23:42
thunderdanaction parsnip: one moment ...23:42
fiberhello... so, i was trying to mess around with a SD card and acidentally zeroed the the partition table for the drive with my root partition (i know... it's been a great day.).  does anyone have advice as to how i can recover things?  the partition on the drive was ext3 (and there was also a swap on it)23:42
danbh_intrepidkeres: is that by 2 months?  It needs to be like 6 months.  Because of the testing cycle of ubuntu, driver uptake is slooowww.....23:43
pyrakwhere is the pdf printing program?23:43
PostersandGuitarneed some help...23:43
keresdanbh_intrepid: really? dang...23:43
tpgMy firefox is acting odd, and Ubuntu standard music player:rhythmbox, is malfunctioning, with firefox i cannot see the link of the website i am on at the moment in the adress bar, and i cannot use the bookmark utility, also back and forth from web-pages does not work, with the music player i cannot listen to any music, i get some sort of error23:43
DEViUSCorbinFox: done, does it need restart / restart X23:43
keresdanbh_intrepid: what is the actual release date of intrepid?23:43
tpgdoes anyone know how to fix this? i have tried Complete removal with synaptic for firefox and reinstallation a few times23:44
thunderdanactionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50649/23:44
danbh_intrepidkeres: but really, its in intrepid, which comes out in a month.23:44
CorbinFoxDEViUS: id ont think so, once it is installed then just try playing an mp323:44
keresdanbh_intrepid: release date? or exactly one month from today?23:44
ActionParsnipfiber: you need dd_rescue and testdisk23:44
danbh_intrepidkeres: 30th23:44
keresdanbh_intrepid: of october?23:45
fiberActionParsnip: i love you! awesome, thanks!23:45
luminerdWhat is emerald?  Is it akin to compiz and beryl?23:45
PostersandGuitarHi, I need some help23:45
ActionParsnipthunderdan: possibly
WDCHey Hey!23:45
ActionParsnipfiber: use dd_rescue to create an image, then use test disk on the image to recover files23:45
WDCWhen I go apt-get install irssi, it says package not found. What's the problem23:45
ActionParsnipWDC: hey hey23:45
danbh_intrepidkeres: yes of course23:45
keresdanbh_intrepid: ok thnx23:45
ActionParsnipWDC: sudo apt-get update first23:45
luminerdAnd what is the default in gnome?  What is it using, if I enabled the desktop effects...mainly I just want to know how to find themes, I got some .emerald files but it doesn't know how to open them23:45
ActionParsnip!info irssi23:46
ubottuirssi (source: irssi): terminal based IRC client. In component main, is optional. Version 0.8.12-3ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 1050 kB, installed size 2840 kB23:46
* WDC trie23:46
evilbugluminerd - it's a window customizing tool.23:46
guybrush_threepwhot install java applets on firefox ?23:46
ActionParsnipluminerd: you need to install emerald23:46
=== guybrush_threepw is now known as guybrush
luminerdI did install it23:46
ActionParsnipluminerd: for compiz help, head into #compiz23:46
luminerdbut it doesn't run without a terminal window open23:46
WDCActionParsnip: Ign cdrom://Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423.2) hardy/main Translation-en_US23:46
guybrushplease help me how to install java on forefox23:46
luminerdI don't really want to do anything funky, I just want to know where I can go for themes that will work out of the box in Gnome/Ubuntu23:46
DapsHi, i installed vsftpd, but when i tried to add users, i couldn't there seems to be no /etc/vsftp folder on my computer23:46
thunderdanactionparsnip: yes, i think so. i'm being prompted with a username/password screen. i don't remember my username or password, though.23:47
Dapshow can I add users who are restricted? when i log in myself, i see my ENTIRE computer, even the desktop... I need to limit others who log in, any help ?23:47
ActionParsnipguybrush: i got it with iced-tea23:47
tpgDoes anyone have an answer to my question?(scroll up)23:47
ActionParsnipthunderdan: read the manual for it, or you wil need to factory reset it and then you will need to reconfigure the wholething23:47
springmeyerhow does ubuntu/linux associate .png images with default viewers?23:48
springmeyerI need to know the correct way to open a png from the command line (ie on mac $ my.png and on windows: $ start my.png)23:48
=== L is now known as Guest17928
thunderdanactionparsnip: thank you. you have me on the right track now.23:48
[Solars]erm I have a error from grub and not sure how to fix it, basically its error 2123:48
ActionParsnipguybrush: sudo apt-get install icedtea-gcjwebplugin icedtea-java7-bin icedtea-java7-jre icedtea-java7-plugin23:48
CorbinFoxthe diskmounter applet on my desktop isn't letting me mount my other partitions, it gives me an empty warning box, but i can still mount it through the other normal ways.  whats up?23:48
springmeyererr on a mac you do '$ open my.png'23:48
=== Guest17928 is now known as player
ActionParsnipCorbinFox: is there a folder in ~/ called .diskmounter23:49
ActionParsnipCorbinFox: or similar? Ive not used it, I always use fstab or mount23:49
playerwhat is the path to trash on xterm ?23:49
ActionParsnip!trash | player23:49
ubottuplayer: The location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash23:49
WDCActionParsnip: Ign cdrom://Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423.2) hardy/restricted Translation-en_US23:50
ActionParsnipWDC: yeah? :/23:50
luminerdWhere can I go for gnome themes that will work out of the box on Ubuntu23:50
WDCActionParsnip: What do I do?23:50
ActionParsnip!themes | luminerd23:51
ubottuluminerd: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy23:51
_Carrie_luminerd, www.gnome-look.org23:51
CorbinFoxActionParsnip: i dont know what folder you are talking about really :/23:51
ActionParsnipCorbinFox: ~/ == /home/yourname23:51
luminerdOk, thank you, but that site has all sortes of things.  My question is really, what am I looking for23:51
ActionParsnipluminerd: what are you trying to do?23:51
guybrushActionParsnip:  there is no  icedtea-java7-bin23:51
luminerdThere's like, emerald, beryl, I don't want to mess with any of that--I want it to "just work" on my default gnome setup23:51
_Carrie_luminerd, stick with GTK2.X and  you'll be good23:51
guybrushActionParsnip:  ??23:51
springmeyerhow do you open an image file from the command line  on linux?23:51
luminerdCool thank you!23:51
WDCActionParsnip: Ign cdrom://Ubuntu-Server 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20080423.2) hardy/restricted Translation-en_US23:51
DEViUSCorbinFox: nope: still same problem23:51
ActionParsnipWDC: sudo apt-get instal irissi23:51
CorbinFoxActionparsnip: thats what i was thining, I'm looking through right now23:51
WDCActionParsnip: It still says not found23:52
ActionParsnipguybrush: try tab completing23:52
CorbinFoxDEViUS: hmm, if that doesnt fix it then my limited knowledge has failed you23:52
DEViUSCorbinFox: thanks anyway23:52
DEViUSi have playback problems on my computer (i cant listen to music in rythmbox and in the same time hear the sound effects in my favourite games in firefox)23:52
tpgMy firefox is acting odd, and Ubuntu standard music player:rhythmbox, is malfunctioning, with firefox i cannot see the link of the website i am on at the moment in the adress bar, and i cannot use the bookmark utility, also back and forth from web-pages does not work, with the music player i cannot listen to any music, i get some sort of error23:53
ActionParsnipWDC: add deb http://www.davidpashley.com/debian/irssi/ ./ to /etc/apt/sources.lst23:53
Enkazinanyone know off hand if ubuntu will work on a Toshiba Satallite L305 notebook without many problems?23:53
ActionParsnipWDC: Then run apt-get update; apt-get install irssi23:53
WDCActionParsnip: Thanks yall23:53
Gr33n3ggEnkazin: Google it for better answers.23:54
EnkazinI have googled it23:54
playerhow do I change permitions recursivelly on a directory ?23:54
Enkazinand I get ads after ads of pages wanting to sell it23:54
Gr33n3ggYou might as well try it, run it as a LiveCD.23:54
anders_player, chmod -R23:54
ActionParsnipguybrush: just like you tab complete my name, try tab completing after you type the word iced23:54
izmitLihey Turkis Speak ?23:54
Jeruvytpg: try hitting f11 to get the address bar back23:54
kitcheplayer: chmod -R but becareful since if you change the permissions to a certain directories it will mess your system up23:54
[Solars]Anyone familiar with Grub error 21?23:54
CorbinFoxActionparsnip: dont see it23:55
guybrushActionParsnip:  there is no such file to get (download)23:55
ActionParsnipCorbinFox: are you runnig the mounting application with gksu?23:55
d4niiDEViUS: install libflashsupport from Synaptic23:55
playercan I erase a read only file with sudo without changing permitions on that file, with remove?23:55
tpgJeruvy: that doesnt work, it just removes the upper part of firefox(upper than the adress bar)23:56
CorbinFoxActionParsnip: its just the disk mounter applet that you can put on a desktop panel when you Right click it, go Add To Panel, and drag it on.  i dont know what program it is attached to, its just called the "Disk Mounter" version 2.22.223:56
DEViUSd4nii: i use "alsa" not pulse audio?23:57
Jeruvytpg: f10 is presentation mode(?) and removes the address bar, but f11 should restore it23:57
ActionParsnipguybrush: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/11156516/icedtea-java7-bin_7%7Eb24-1.5-1_i386.deb23:57
ActionParsnipguybrush: you will need ia32 libs23:57
tpgjeruvy: well the adress bar is not gone, it just doesnt function well, i dont see the link of the page im on and it doesnt change when i go to another page, also Back function doesnt work, and bookmarks23:57
playerhow do I rm a directory?23:57
ActionParsnipplayer: rm -rf <folder name>23:58
ActionParsnipplayer: be aware, its VERY agressive and should be used RARELY23:58
ActionParsnipplayer: be sure you need nothing in the folder and anything below23:58
LordOllieit can do nasty things when used with root permissions23:58
daysleepri'm sure this is a basic question but i just can't find the answer anywhere...23:58
daysleepryou know how you can do alt+tab to switch between active applications23:59
daysleeprwhats the combo to switch between desktops?23:59
DerrikeI've been getting an error about three or four times in a row, and I'm taking it's not bad luck. I'm installing via liveCD and it always hangs at 15% of the install (Detecting file systems...)23:59
ActionParsnipCorbinFox: you'll need gksu as only root can mount23:59
LordOlliedaysleepr, mine is ctrl+alt+left(or right), but I may have changed it at sometime23:59

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