
NillerzIf my hard-drive crashes and burns then I'll just hit the salvage heaps but no one throws out a ups00:00
thinkmassiveactually a UPS is probably easy to find, just get a new battery00:11
thinkmassivedo you keep backups?00:12
NillerzI'm judging this off the fact that I've seen one UPS in my life but have seen well over a thousand hard-drives00:12
NillerzNot in a major way, actually, is there a way to access windows networked folders?00:12
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb00:12
NillerzOkay, here's the plan: I get FuseSmb and my wireless drivers backed up on my 2 gb MP3 player.00:13
NillerzThen I switch to my XP partition and finish watching a movie I don't feel like backing up00:14
NillerzThen I re-install EVERYTHING, and use the backedup files on my other computer that is only on when my dad is using it00:14
NillerzI need to sort through things, so I don't get the Adobe master collection on my linux box, that takes a while, like all iso files... plus it's useless00:15
Nillerzokay, now... crapshoot00:16
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:16
Nillerz!mp3 player00:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mp3 player00:16
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap00:16
NillerzIs there a way to mount an MP3 player?00:17
thinkmassivea lot of them automount similar to a flash drive00:17
Nillerzwhich directory would it be in?00:17
Nillerzthat's NIFTY.00:17
thinkmassiveyou should think of finding a usb hdd enclosure00:19
NillerzYeah, I have my eyes on a 250 gig on sale at Radioshack for 100 bucks00:19
thinkmassiveif you don't have a problem finding a hdd, salvage one and stick it in the enclosure, then you've got an easy way to move data around00:19
thinkmassiveyou should be able to get 500GB for $10000:20
NillerzHard drives aren't necessarily easy to find so much as easy to buy for a couple bucks or yardwork00:20
Nillerzwait, really? Where?00:20
thinkmassiveI usually use newegg.com00:20
thinkmassiveother places might be cheaper, but they're reliable and have good customer service in case something is broken00:21
NillerzGah, I need to pay things off first but then, I will keep that in mind00:21
NillerzI never use Newegg but until now I couldn't buy things off the internet, no bank account.00:21
thinkmassivebut I just got 2 external 500GB w/usb 2 + esata for like 95 each00:21
NillerzUsed cash00:21
stwestonTHANK YOU SO MUCH!00:21
thinkmassiveyou can buy one of those visa cards00:21
thinkmassivelike a visa gift card00:21
stwestonI just got an idea for installing xubuntu!00:21
thinkmassiveor use a debit card if you have one00:21
Nillerzon an external HD?00:22
stwestonwait -00:22
Nillerzthen going around and playing with it on other people's computers?00:22
stwestonI thought of installing it by using my old iPod!00:22
NillerzCan';t you install some linux distros on an iPod?00:22
stwestonthank you so much! it's a 2GB iPod Nano - 2nd Gen.00:22
stwestonyeah, but that isn't what I"m thinking of...00:23
stwestongood idea, tho00:23
stwestonI can use the live USB thing00:23
stwestonif I format the iPod as a drive?00:23
thinkmassiveyou could, or you could sell the ipod and probably buy about ten 2gb usb drives with the profit00:24
stwestonnah. this is more clever.00:24
stwestonthe iPod is old.00:24
thinkmassivejust saying...00:24
thinkmassiveyeah, but people pay a premium for apple stuff00:24
stwestongood point.00:24
stwestonwait - what exaclty is a premium?00:24
NillerzWait, I have a 2 gig mp3 player, could I use it to store an OS?00:25
stwestonwell I'll remove the liveUSB thing first.00:25
NillerzIt's just flash media though00:25
thinkmassivethat, and you can get 2gb flash for about $800:25
stwestonmy iPod is flash.00:25
krielOkay, here's a strange question. I tried ripping a CD that was scratched up to all hell. I know, it had to spin down and spin back up a few times, and probably wasn't the best on my CD ROM.00:28
krielHowever, ever since I've done that, my system has _dragged._ Like, taking 10-20 seconds to open a music file off the hard drive.00:29
kriel(In other news, does anybody know the hotkey for fullscreen on PuTTY? I clicked the wrong button, and now irssi is my whole screen..)00:30
kriel(Nvm about the PuTTY)00:31
NillerzThat's a weird problem00:32
NillerzPity I can't help. Ta ta!00:33
krielIt may not be cause and effect; That's just the immediate thing I... noticed...00:33
krielwhat the fuck?00:40
krielIt's even persistent after a reboot.00:40
krielEhr... my mistake; forgot this isn't a private channel.00:40
=== emma_ is now known as emma
ogrefirst day on xfce. wondering if there is any dock or widget that works for networkmanager. I am trying to remove all panels00:59
ogreand battery life as well01:00
* flyback goes to cook a steak01:00
amdpoxDoes anyone know how to get Rhythmbox to recognise iPods under XFCE?01:05
amdpoxI've got the gnome services checked in the sessions preferences but it still doesn't work01:05
stwestondoes anyone know if syslinux comes in an OS X version?01:11
stwestonand no, I don't.01:11
stwestonwiat - it does!01:11
stwestonuh... correction - under GNOME01:12
stwestonbut do you know if "syslinux" comes in an OS X version? I'm trying to boot from my old iPod01:13
stwestondoes anyone know how to make a LiveUSB drive from a Mac?01:28
mixelhi everyone01:42
mixelalguien habla español aqui?01:42
stwestonno comprende01:43
stwestonsorry. was that Italian? I don't know spanish...01:43
mixelwhere i can find a spanish channel for xubuntu01:43
stwestonthere isn't one, I don't think01:44
mixelmy english its very elementally01:44
stwestonwhat's your problem?01:44
stwestonI can explain in an elementary way.01:44
* flyback gets overwealmed01:44
mixeli have a idea01:45
mixelgoogle translator lol01:45
stwestonoh! LOL01:46
mixelplease waitme one sec..01:46
Odd-rationale!es | mixel01:49
ubottumixel: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:49
mixelI have a motherboard pcchips 748lmrt is the first with VGA, sound and integrated whole, but as an option has a plaque with usb ps2 and infrorrojo, well the problem is that this option does not recognize the plate in Xubuntu live cd or installing or using The dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:51
mixel 01:51
mixel 01:51
mixelubottu? dime pero alli tambien encuentro ayuda sobre xubuntu01:52
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:52
stwestonit says he's only a machine.01:52
mixeljajajajaja lol01:53
stwestondon't think he's smart.01:53
mixeli now01:53
mixelshame that01:53
mixelstweston my friend you understend my little big problem?01:53
stwestonmixel: somewhat.01:54
mixeli have the same problem when i try to install ubuntu01:54
mixelthe same problem01:54
mixelthe opcional plaque its the problem01:54
stwestonit could be hardware that isn't supported?01:54
stwestonthe drive?01:55
stwestoner... the port?01:55
mixelyes 01:55
mixelif it may be that the problem but it could do01:55
stwestonI don't really understand your question. you could try #ubuntu-es01:55
stwestonI think that's right.01:55
mixelmmmm ok no problem01:57
mixelthanks for try to help me01:57
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
stwestonno problem01:57
stwestonyou're welcome01:57
mixeli wanna try to study more the english lol01:57
stwestongood luck01:57
mixelbest regards my friend bye bye...01:58
ogrefirst day on xfce. wondering if there is any dock or widget that works for networkmanagerand battery. I am trying to remove all panels02:04
Odd-rationaleogre: you can have a free floating panel that autohides? is that good enough?02:04
ogreOdd-rationale:  i can make transparent correct?02:05
Odd-rationaleogre: if you have a compositor... xfce has one built in... you just need to enable it...02:06
ogreOdd-rationale:  sorry for so many questions but how do i do that?02:07
Odd-rationaleogre: applications --> settings --> window manager tweaks --> Compositor...02:08
Odd-rationalegnome 2.24 looks tempting...02:13
amdpoxindeed it does02:15
Odd-rationalesomeone need to stop me from wiping xfce out for it!!02:16
amdpoxthink of the bloat and the lag02:17
thinkmassivedon't talk about her that way02:18
thinkmassivegnomes need lovin too02:18
amdpoxgnome devs need head smashings against walls02:21
amdpoxfeatures are not bad02:21
amdpox*why does kde have to be so ugly and weird02:21
=== emma_ is now known as emma
ogreOdd-rationale:  any way to make panel transparent and icons opaque?02:28
amdpoxogre, nope, xfce panel sets an overall opacity02:28
amdpoxif you want a mac-like dock with system tray, try avant-window-navigator02:29
ogreamdpox:  yeah but i need networkmanager02:31
amdpoxnetworkmanager is a tray applet02:31
amdpoxawn (or at least the svn version) has a tray plugin02:32
DCPomhow do you do a screen capture for xub?02:36
* flyback bbl02:51
=== stweston_ is now known as stweston
Nillerzwhat was that program for getting files from a network?03:28
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
thinkmassiveNillerz, what kind of network?03:29
Nillerzwireless and trying to access a windows shared folder03:29
Nillerzthanks mate03:34
NillerzHow... mmm... how does it work?03:43
saikihey guys03:43
Nillerzhow does fusesmb work?03:43
saikiI have 2 issues, if someone can tell me how to fex these I'd appriciate it: 1. Mic captures volume WAY too low. 2. I can't mount other parions of the same hard drive (NTFS formatted) anc anyone help me?03:44
amdpoxsaiki, open a terminal and run alsamixer, ensure all channels are maxed and unmuted03:45
saikithat's playback, what about capture?03:47
saikiit's a ms VX-500003:47
saikilol, soundrecorede let me up the mic03:50
saikinow to go test it03:50
Nillerzhow does fusesmb work?03:53
NillerzThe page I googled is lacking...03:53
stwestonanyone here willing to tell me some cmd line prompts to get Ubuntu Server running?03:54
stwestonI need internet connectivity from an ethernet cable, BTW03:54
stwestonwait - this is the wrong place to ask that... sorry03:55
Nillerzgosh darn you connection time-outs!04:09
saikiI have 2 issues, if someone can tell me how to fex these I'd appriciate it: 2. I can't mount other parions of the same hard drive (NTFS formatted) anc anyone help me?04:11
NillerzI can't access the networked folder due to it timing out04:12
Odd-rationale!ntfs | saiki04:20
ubottusaiki: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE04:20
saikialready git04:24
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb04:27
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:29
NillerzzIs it possible that the shared directory with AMD64 is too gigantic for me to access?04:41
stwestonno clue... sorry04:42
Nillerzzokay, I know that the directory is several several several gigabytes04:42
NillerzzI wonder if my FTP client can do it...04:42
stwestonhello, all04:48
Nillerzzecho "hello world";04:49
=== Nillerzz is now known as Stop
* Stop doing that.04:49
stwestonI need a command to get the xubuntu GUI thru Ubuntu Server04:50
* Stop complaining.04:50
* Stop right there, criminal scum04:50
=== Stop is now known as nillerzz
nillerzzI'm sorry04:50
nillerzzJust messing with tou04:50
stwestonthat was clever, though.04:50
nillerzzI did it for hours on #xkcd-signal as "Actually"04:51
stwestonnow, I need a command to get the xubuntu GUI on my Ubuntu Server install.04:51
paul928stweston: "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop" will install the entire xubuntu package04:56
=== amdpox is now known as A
* A hollow voice says, "Plugh".04:57
=== A is now known as amdpox
=== nillerzz is now known as Oh
* Oh by the way, you're adopted04:58
=== amdpox is now known as This
* This is getting out of hand04:58
=== This is now known as amdpox
* Oh fuck you ALL!04:58
* Oh my04:58
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:58
stwestonthis: you're right.04:58
=== Oh is now known as so
* so i heard you like some things...04:59
amdpox!ohmy | Oh04:59
ubottuOh: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.04:59
* so my!04:59
=== so is now known as A
* A is standing right here05:00
* amdpox hits a wet trout with A05:00
=== A is now known as Anyway
* Anyway this is enough of this05:01
=== Anyway is now known as Nillerz
=== stweston is now known as STWeston
amdpoxnow, to something more useful05:01
amdpoxwrite me 350 words of bullshit essay05:01
STWeston!ohmy | amdpox05:01
ubottuamdpox: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:01
Nillerz!ohmy | ubottu05:02
ubottuubottu: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roulette05:02
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:02
STWeston!russian roulette05:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:02
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:02
amdpox!the bomb >_>05:02
ubottuSome things are inappropriate for #xubuntu. Controversial topics, which always turn into flame wars: war, race, religion, politics, gender, sexuality, drugs, questionably legal activities, suicide are not for here. Microsoft software in ##windows (Please note Freenode Policy)05:02
ubottuThe only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.05:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ugh05:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about meh05:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snort05:03
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)05:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kick05:03
NillerzI can't find a .deb for xmms05:03
kokotossoyo people, do you know what i need to do to watch rmvb files?05:04
amdpoxapt-get install xmms2?05:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rmvb05:04
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about realmedia05:04
kokotossoanyone knows a package or something like that so i can watch rmvb videos?05:05
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft Windows, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents05:05
amdpoxno dice05:05
Nillerzxmms 2 suckz0rz05:05
STWeston!the Man05:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about the man05:05
NillerzI am the man05:05
Nillerzsee: www.nillerz.net/theman05:05
amdpoxwe needs a gumbybrain in here05:05
Nillerzan anarcho-commune deemed me to be the devil05:06
NillerzYes, anarcho-commies.05:06
NillerzApparently they do exist.05:06
amdpoxNillerz, you are the man?05:06
NillerzI am, so it is said, the man05:06
STWestonno. he got 7 days "in jail"05:07
amdpoxdude, there's like, hentai without tits in that forum05:07
NillerzAnd yes, I do, as it's said "keep them down"05:07
amdpox!ohmy | amdpox05:07
cody-somervillePlease take the offtopic chatter to the offtopic channel please.05:07
ubottuamdpox, please see my private message05:07
NillerzI backed up the one pag where I was called the man and I privately hosted it05:07
STWestonso, how do you view web pages on Ubuntu Server?05:08
STWestonjust wondering05:08
NillerzI know, Nilerz just reminds me of every one I hate.05:08
NillerzNillerz is the man. I have to stop his korrupt system!05:08
Nillerzit's a server, why would you?05:08
NillerzI <3 capitalism05:09
Nillerzfree market forevar05:09
STWestonthat was.... odd.05:09
STWestonwhat did it say?05:10
amdpox"requested by", love it05:10
STWestonrequested by?05:10
STWestondid you two do this?05:10
Nillerzcody-somerville! I might have known!05:10
STWeston*curses in their general direction*05:10
Nillerzactually I didn't05:10
* STWeston curses at amdpox05:10
amdpoxquick, change the topic to debian-based distros using xfce frontends!05:11
STWestongood one05:11
paul928STWeston: to view webpages on the server you might want to install a text-based browser like lynx05:12
STWestonwell, I'm waiting for xubuntu to DL for this install, so it won't matter soon.05:12
STWestonbut what's the command for Lynx?05:13
Nillerzsudo apt-get install lynx ?05:13
paul928sudo apt-get install lynx05:13
amdpoxI prefer links myself05:13
paul928that works too05:13
NillerzI prefer Opera05:13
Nillerzit's totally not a furry05:14
Nillerzunlike that fox thing...05:14
paul928opera doesn't work well without a xserver05:14
STWestonapparently, because I'm DL'ing the xubuntu GUI, it's not gonna work.05:14
STWestonsorry, guys05:14
paul928what won't work?05:15
STWestonDL'ing lynx05:15
amdpoxctrl+c  the current apt, then install lynx, then xubuntu again05:15
amdpoxit keeps what you've downloaded so far05:15
paul928not until you're done with one download05:15
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna
amdpoxoh, does it restart incomplete files?05:15
amdpoxI thought it did wget -c05:16
STWestondang it! I just did that.05:16
amdpoxsorry :/05:17
amdpoxhow much did you lose?05:17
STWestonoh, good. it didn't lose anything!05:17
STWestonit restarted05:17
STWestonI think05:17
STWestonwell, I mean, it continued05:18
STWestonnow, how do I start Lynx?05:18
STWestonjust type lynx?05:18
STWestonor what?05:19
Nillerztype lynx, see what happense05:19
STWestonunable to read document05:19
STWestoner... access05:20
cody-somervilleSTWeston, look, you've been around since 2007. Why are you asking questions you obviously know the answer to?05:20
STWeston2007? how would you know?05:20
Nillerzbecause of his own insecurities05:20
Nillerzhe's deeply troubled and afraid of rejection05:21
STWestonI just installed my first linux distro this week!05:21
Nillerzi dunno05:21
Nillerzthe plot twists05:21
cody-somervilleSTWeston, because someone was complaining about you asking questions in #ubuntu-installer and so I join the channel and I don't even have to wait to see who he is talking about because the last time I was in the channel back in December 2007 you were annoying people then too and it was right there in the backlog.05:21
STWestonI don't remember that.05:22
Nillerzmaybe he had ubuntu installation problems05:22
Nillerzand now that he's solved them he's new again05:22
STWestonthe guy was being helpful05:22
cody-somervilleI'm going to bed. behave yourselves :P05:23
STWestonbut my question still stands.05:23
STWestonhow do I start Lynx?05:23
STWestontried. failed05:23
Nillerztype it, see what ahppans05:23
Nillerzsudo lynx05:23
amdpoxwhat's a lineks? I typed in the letters you said but nothing happens05:23
STWestonstill failed.05:24
Nillerzsudo su05:24
STWestonno. it's lynx05:24
Nillerzthen get pissy and be like "LYNX!!!"05:24
amdpoxsu -c sudo nohup lynx &05:24
amdpoxDO IT]05:24
STWestondone... now what?05:25
Nillerzi dunno05:25
STWestonshould I just try a website?05:26
STWestonokay. how do I do that, then?05:26
STWeston(please pardon my noobishness)05:26
knomeask #lynx05:26
NillerzSo then I say "You call this a potato?"05:26
paul928lynx http://google.com05:26
NillerzThen, get this: The hooker gave the money back.05:26
knomethe big question is: will it blend?05:27
NillerzA kitten? Easy.05:27
saikiNTFS = sda5 says it's mounted, ntfs-3g is installed, but it won't show up, why?05:27
amdpoxI blended a blend-tec blender yesterday05:27
amdpoxit was blendy05:27
NillerzI didn't. It wasn't.05:27
amdpoxsaiki, more details?05:28
Nillerzhow do u get flash in lynx i wan 2 watch utube05:28
saikii don't have any more details05:28
saikiunless you got something specific you're looking for05:29
NillerzSo I was like "You call this a potato?" Then the hooker gave the money back!05:29
amdpoxNillerz, install libflash2ascii-lynx05:29
amdpoxsaiki, mount | grep sda505:29
Nillerzo k thx it wokrd05:29
STWeston!ohmy | nillerz05:29
NCommanderoh yay, the bot is dead05:29
Nillerz!ohmy | Nillerz05:29
STWestonoh, duh.05:29
knomeSTWeston, behave.05:30
NCommandercody-somerville, YOU JUST BANNED ME!05:30
knomehaha :]05:30
STWestonknome: how can I behave if I'm not doing anything bad?05:30
amdpoxoverzealous bans are fun05:30
NCommanderThat idiot was from Rochester?05:31
saikiwhat didn't work btw05:31
NCommanderI should reverse lookup his ass and find him05:31
NCommanderThere can't be that many Ubuntu users from here05:31
STWestonknome: besides. I'm a teenager. give me some slack.05:31
* cody-somerville pokes NCommander back into the developer cage.05:31
* NCommander bites cody-somerville's head off05:31
saikiamdpox: that didn't work05:33
amdpoxsaiki, I wanted the output of that command05:33
amdpoxuhh, it is sda5, yes?05:34
saikisaiki@saiki-desktop:~$ mount | grep sda505:34
saikisaiki@saiki-desktop:~$ sudo mount | grep sda505:34
saikisaiki@saiki-desktop:~$ mount | grep sda505:34
amdpoxno no no, you said the partition you mounted was sda505:34
amdpoxbut it's not05:34
saikihas to be05:34
saikiit shows up as sda505:35
amdpoxshows up as sda5 where?05:35
saikiI have, oddly.. 5/6/7/8 sdf105:35
amdpoxlogical partitions I'm guessing05:35
amdpoxmount -t ntfs /dev/sda5 /some/directory05:36
saikisaiki@saiki-desktop:~$ sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda5 /media/sda505:37
saikiNTFS signature is missing.05:37
saikiFailed to mount '/dev/sda5': Invalid argument05:37
saikiThe device '/dev/sda5' doesn't have a valid NTFS.05:37
saikiMaybe you selected the wrong device? Or the whole disk instead of a05:37
saikipartition (e.g. /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)? Or the other way around?05:37
amdpoxSo, it's not an NTFS partition05:38
amdpoxwhat is it then?05:39
STWestoncody-somerville: the backlog goes back THAT far???05:39
saikium.. it IS an ntfs system05:39
saikibut it's missing 4 partions so it looks05:40
saiki1 is obvious, it's not any recognisable filesystem05:40
saikihow do you take a snapshot in xubutu?05:41
NCommandersaiki, snapshot tool05:42
saikipackage name?05:42
NCommanderRight click a panel, click add item, then snapshot05:42
NCommanderit should be installed in base05:42
saikithx NCommander05:44
saikiamdpox: http://www.snapdrive.net/files/496157/Screenshot.png05:45
amdpoxsaiki, can you put the contents of /etc/fstab on a pastebin for me?05:47
amdpoxI believe that information comes from fstab, not from the drive itself05:47
saikisure can05:47
saikiI have 2 ntfs partions, 2 drives05:49
amdpoxoh, ok, interesting05:50
saikisdf1 and should be another on sda05:50
saikisdf = usb hd05:51
amdpoxok, so what's the issue agia?05:51
saikiinternal Vista partion won't mount05:51
NCommanderOh, a rescue parition?05:53
saikiwell... triboot lol05:57
saikioh wait..05:57
saikiwill xubuntu 32bit NOT mount 64bit parions?05:57
STWestonI'd think05:58
STWestonI'd think that would be the case05:59
saikimight be why it's not, but I don't see what difference 64 vs 32 bit makes on an external os06:00
saikiie Vista on linux06:00
STWestonthe architecture may be 64bit, therefore linux won't work unless on 64bit as well06:01
STWestonjust speculation.06:01
saikioh that blows06:02
saikilucky for me, my usb was formatted on 32bit lol06:02
amdpox64-bit architecture doesn't change the filesystem, does it !?06:03
STWestonI think so... maybe.06:03
saikiidk, but that's my only idea as to why it won't06:03
STWestonit's always a possibility.06:03
saikiwhere's the buntu devs when we need'em?06:04
fluxshelli have a relatively long string i need to paste into terminal but for some reason right click isn't working, isn't there another way i thought i heard someone talking about here one day?06:04
fluxshelli just want to copy and paste to uninstall google earth06:04
STWestonthis-a-way? (>")> that-a-way? <("<)06:05
STWestonit's an emoticon. <(")>06:08
* amdpox slaps STWeston with a wet <(>_<)>06:09
* STWeston does something back to amdpox06:09
* amdpox gasps06:10
* saiki grabs a 2x4 and wacks'em both06:10
STWestonwell, that was nice, saiki.06:10
amdpoxvery nice.06:10
saikisolves the issue, does it not?06:10
STWestongd pt.06:11
amdpoxwatch out, or i'll tell rms you use proprietary software06:11
STWestonI just got the proprietary software part.06:11
saikiNvidia, yea lol06:12
STWestonwell, I AM on a Mac, right now...06:12
STWestonI'll admit that.06:12
STWestonhey! xubuntu is done!06:12
STWestondownloading... I think06:12
STWestondid'ja know that my computer's facing the wrong way right now?06:14
STWestonthe CD-ROM drive and front end and stuff are facing the back of my desk.06:14
STWestonI know. it's weird.06:15
STWestonwhelp, I'm'a shut down.06:18
STWestonthanks, guys!06:18
STWestonfor... whatever.06:18
saikium.. just thought of this: Ubuntu (GNOME) would mount it, but xfe4 won't06:22
j00bacca(:-< sad jew13:00
=== aanderse is now known as aanderse-laptop
nnullthe secondary drive i had xubuntu on failed and now grub errors on boot not allowing me to boot to xp to try make space on another drive to install, how do i remove grub?13:43
nnullformat my mbr?13:43
jarnosnnull: Try e.g. Super grub disk or  fdisk /mbr in ms-dos to get xp.13:52
nnulli have got supergrub around somewhere but its on dvd i think lol :x13:52
nnulljarnosƺ can i get to ms-dos from the xp cd>13:53
jarnosnnull: maybe13:54
jarnosnnull: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/6901314:00
jarnosnnull: Maybe you could install grub to a windows partition by an ubuntu live cd?14:14
jarnosnnull: stage 1 to mbr an other stuff to a windows partition.14:15
nnulli installed xubuntu on a faulty harddrive last night took like 5 hours heh14:20
JinKazamahi. how to set screensaver to ask for password before close?14:20
nnullbut the pc is a p3 600 128ram14:20
nnullwasnt too bad was running 80 mem, 120 swap, but the cpu was spiking a bit14:21
jarnosnnull: Installing puppy-linux would have been faster but it is not the same thing and I am not sure how you get security updates to that.14:34
jarnosnnull: (X)ubuntu installation is not the fastest one.14:36
marchHi :) Does anyone know whom I can contact at canonical to get COF pics in good quality for our wiki?14:44
nnulljarnosƺ ive got the puppy live cd but mfg its annoying14:56
nnullscans ure whole filesystem for puppy files..14:56
nnullyes lets wait for that!14:56
favronnull: there is #puppylinux...14:58
nnullfavroƺ been there for 5+ hours14:58
nnullalot of chans on this network are there but arent there at the same time14:58
favronnull: when you close puppy it will ask about making that file14:59
nnullfavro, yea but i dont want to make/read any files i just wanna go in mount send and begone with it heh14:59
nnullit takes it like 4mins to search my hdds for this file, which i dont need rather annoying15:00
nnulland i cant even find a way for it to stop it scanning15:00
nnullgives u 5 seconds to try read and input the commands and auto boots15:00
nnullripped my cdrom drive out of it socket last night trying to get it to work15:01
nnullbut i fixed it heh15:01
nnullRAGE X_X15:01
marchTheSheep: Circle Of friends15:07
marchhttp://crunchbang.org/uploads/050108100304-ubuntu-people-300-369.jpg e.g.15:11
krielI just recently installed xubuntu on this laptop. It's relatively new (though it's a refurb) and has c2duo 1.86GHz; 3G RAM. However, programs are randomly hanging and music files can take as long as 10-20s to load. Any suggestions for where I might start troubleshooting?15:50
TheSheepkriel: see if dmesg shows any suspicious log messages15:51
krielNothing looks too suspicious to me; then again, my eyes aren't trained that well.15:53
marchencrypted system kriel?15:56
krielnope; just told the install disk to partition it on its own.15:57
kriel__Aaaand my GDM just hosed on itself. Did I miss anything?16:00
=== kriel__ is now known as kriel
jarnosIs it normal that writing in Firefox is pretty unresponsive occasionally?16:09
TheSheepno, unless you have some weird addons installed16:10
knomeyes it is :P16:13
IamInnocentI need help with a shortcut17:10
IamInnocentsomething is intercepting Alt-right click17:10
IamInnocentand I don't know what.17:10
IamInnocentI looked everywhere in  the keyboart shortcuts17:10
IamInnocentand also I tried the shortcuts here and there17:11
IamInnocenthoping that something would pop-up17:11
IamInnocentto no avail17:11
IamInnocentThis shortcut is the all important select loops in Blender17:11
IamInnocentI'd like to get it back17:12
IamInnocentOtherwise Xubuntu proves itself to be the fast OS I hoped for17:12
Eeyore-Jrhi.  i have a widescreen monitor and i need to change the reslotion in xubuntu to 10xx by 8xx17:38
=== Eeyore-Jr is now known as Ahmuck
IamInnocentAll right I found it myself17:55
Ahmuckhow do i change my resoltuion from 10xx by 7xx ?18:01
bytor4232Ahmuck: Open a terminal and run:  sudo displayconfig-gtk18:44
flybackhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wg_JB1P-HBk&feature=related# <--since people always wonder wtf my nick means19:53
=== tuna-fish is now known as tuna

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