=== kubotu_ is now known as kubotu === kubotu is now known as kubotu_ === blueyed__ is now known as blueyed [00:35] ::members:: Kubuntu Members committed ~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks @ https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks === kubotu_ is now known as kubotu [01:26] vorian: ^ [01:26] ha [01:27] that is too funny [01:29] :D [01:36] ::members:: Kubuntu Members committed ~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks @ https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks [01:41] * apachelogger thinks there is a bug [01:41] somewhere [01:42] yeah, it keeps repeating the announcing [01:43] it announced rev1 a lot [01:44] well [01:44] ~config list rss [01:44] rss.show_updated, rss.text_max, rss.thread_sleep, rss.head_max, rss.show_links [01:45] ~config show rss.thread_sleep [01:45] incorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help config' [01:45] ~config get rss.thread_sleep [01:45] rss.thread_sleep: 60 [01:45] JontheEchidna: then it would reannounce every 60 seconds I think [01:46] though [01:46] maybe it's minutes [01:46] that would sound about right [01:48] ~config desc rss.thread_sleep [01:48] rss.thread_sleep: How many seconds to sleep before checking RSS feeds again [01:48] guess not [01:48] JontheEchidna: maybe the issue is @ lp [01:48] blame it on being closed source :P [01:50] well [01:50] I am running rbot git so it might very well be a bug as well [01:51] no such thing [02:27] anything a noob helper can do? [02:37] ::members:: Kubuntu Members committed ~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks @ https://code.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/pbuilder/pbuilder-hooks [03:03] ~rss unwatch members in #kubuntu-devel [03:03] #kubuntu-devel has been removed from the watchlist for members [03:04] JontheEchidna, vorian: there is no difference in feed which would cause that issue [03:04] * apachelogger goes to bed [03:04] nini [03:09] nighty [05:48] does kubuntu actually build all available kdeui4 related plugins for qt designer 4? there's a couple of dozen kde widgets in designer's palette but none of the widgets subclassing from KDialog (like KProgressDialog and KConfigDialog) are present and i don't see any other packages i can install (in intrepid) to get them === vlanz is now known as Torch [09:53] Riddell: just fyi, kdesudo seems to work nicelly now... still pending in the pipe since the archives are frozen [09:55] Tonio_: I think that's worth getting in for beta [09:58] Riddell: can you let it in or should I ping someone else ? [10:06] Tonio_: I'll let it in [10:08] Tonio_: what's the difference [10:08] just looks like white space and tidying changes [10:10] Riddell: the current one ftbfs :) [10:10] Riddell: compared to 3.1, fixes 4 bugs [10:11] ah [10:12] Riddell: talking about what to let in, I noticed that okular-extra-backends might be needed for some file formats (like multipages) [10:12] by default it can only open the first page of a tiff, which makes me think of a bug [10:13] Riddell: the package is super little, so maybe we should consider shiping it by default no ? [10:13] Riddell: the package is only 50kB [10:13] Riddell: and is already in main... [10:14] Riddell: well okular suggests it [10:14] Riddell: if it recommends it, then it'll fit on the cd right ? would you agree on that approach ? [10:16] how much do the dependencies bring in? [10:29] Riddell: libtiff4 and that's all afaik [10:30] Riddell: ho and also libdjvulibre21 [10:30] Riddell: both are very little [10:30] Riddell: stupid question but how can the package already be in main if it's not seeded ? [10:30] Riddell: that's strange :) [10:31] either something else in main depends on it# [10:31] or nothing depends on it and it'll be in component mismatches [10:31] Riddell: only okular suggests it and that's all [10:32] Riddell: the 3 packages are about 900 kB, which I think is acceptable no ? [10:32] all in main, so we just need kubuntu-desktop to recommend okular-extra-backends and that's done... [10:34] 900kB is another language [10:34] which is fine with me, I don't speak any other languages [10:34] add it to the seed if you want [10:34] Riddell: :) [10:35] Riddell: the problem for me is that it can open tiff files without the package, but support is incomplete, that'll be confusing :) [10:35] Riddell: so should I change the seeds on that point ? I can do that now [10:35] oups [10:35] looks like I have some lag.... [10:35] let's go [10:35] Tonio_: it's already in the dvd seed [10:36] so move to the desktop seed as you wish [10:44] Riddell: should I move it ? [10:44] Riddell: I added it in fact [10:44] is dvd including desktop ? [10:44] yes [10:45] dvd includes desktop [10:45] okay so I'll remove it then [10:52] Riddell: do you want kgrubeditor 0.8.5 for beta ? that's a bugfix release [10:52] Riddell: "It should be ultra-stable" according to upstream [10:53] Riddell: kubuntu-meta in the pipe ;) [10:53] Tonio_: throw it up, we'll see if we have time [10:57] Riddell: Kvkbd is almost ready for a 0.6, the only real problem left is that when kdm is themed, apps are not shown at login, it seems to put everything on the background [10:58] I tried to comment random lines of code related to background painting in kdm, but without success [10:58] I'll try to poke a kdm dev [11:19] smarter: there's only one kdm dev :) [11:20] * goatsocks is shocked [11:22] Riddell: okay, I'll ask him then [11:22] hopefully for 4.2/4.3 we have plasma-on-display-manager and Kvkbd will be a plasmoid so that I don't have to use all these hacks [11:30] it would be a definate candidate for chani's plasmoids on screensaver since it's needed for unlocking [11:43] is kde bugz supposed to be fully operational now? [11:45] seems like everything i've searched on lately returns from 5 to 20 hits [12:12] ooh ooh ooh [12:12] I got a working knetworkmanager [12:17] Riddell: nice!! [12:21] Riddell: knm4? [12:21] Riddell: !!!!!!!! veru cool :) [12:30] goatsocks: [12:30] goatsocks: no, baby steps [12:52] quick question regarding tar [12:53] im taring / except the /proc and /tmp does tar also include the group passwd and shadow files [12:58] eagles0513875: if you're tarring as root, everything will be included unless explicitly excluded [12:59] ok thanks [12:59] Riddell: isn't kdelibs5-doc supposed to install the api docs? [13:01] Riddell: what is the knm working for you ? 0.7/kde3 or the WIP kde4 port ? [13:02] Riddell: I'd be interested in testing :) [13:02] Tonio_: apparently just kde3 so far :( [13:03] but it's good news if it works with nm 0.7 === davmor2 is now known as davmor2_Lunch [13:16] yay for power outages [13:17] \o/ [13:20] ~rss watch members in #kubuntu-devel [13:20] fine [13:21] * Hobbsee wonders what that is? [13:22] voyeuristic perversion, no doubt ;) [13:31] Riddell, apachelogger: bug 274673 [13:31] Launchpad bug 274673 in kdebase-workspace "[Intrepid KDE] "activities" and zoom features have been removed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274673 [13:33] "It's not because that some people find it "confusing" and "rather useless" that it should be removed (please read the plasma FAQ if so)." [13:33] eh? [13:35] He's arguing that the feature does have use === davmor2_Lunch is now known as davmor2 [14:04] Riddell: removing patch 17 from kdebase-workspace resolves the problem for me (at least haven't reproduced it since). So recommend removing it for now. I'll start ripping the patch apart and see if I can correct the issue. [14:05] Riddell: I'll fwd you the debdiff for the removal [14:07] rgreening: I think jr already removed it [14:07] Riddell: K-N-M needs an update. Helmut indicates he's updated the API to match NM0.7 [14:08] apachelogger: oh.. really? ok... Then I'll just clean the patch up .. find the problem (hopefully) [14:08] :P [14:09] the problem is that it comes from an advanced branch which didn't get much QA so far :P [14:11] yep. I believe it :) [14:12] apachelogger: any suggestions on the best way to update the knetworkmanager SVN srouce so I can build a new test release? [14:12] Really need ot get this into intrepid asap [14:13] rgreening: I have NM working here [14:14] would have packages too except I got distracted by a low memory install [14:14] will have packages shortly [14:14] AWESOME [14:14] I'm so sick of having to run nm-applet (even though it has more features I'd rather help add to KNM) [14:15] brb [14:17] rgreening: btw networkmanager has new features once again by one of my friend, though you might already know this one: LightOM-08 [14:17] GAH [14:17] no, not that one [14:17] http://www.kaijanmaki.net/blog/category/kesakoodi/ [14:19] apachelogger: bug 274779, case in point ;-) [14:19] Launchpad bug 274779 in kdebase "Clicked the "Add Activity" button when zoomed out and primary activity container disappeared" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/274779 [14:21] Tm_T: yeah, got a message from Helmut he updated svn [14:22] rgreening: good (: [14:22] will talk you later, now -> [14:22] JontheEchidna: add a comment to the other [14:22] Riddell: got a link to src I can dl and play with [14:22] proof ftw [14:22] apachelogger: I did [14:22] okish [14:23] apachelogger: but how to fix batget? [14:24] * Hobbsee read batget as badger, for some reason [14:24] Riddell: I'll dl the svn for now, but it would be nice to have the tar.gz you are uploading. [14:29] * Hobbsee smashes akregator around the head, and chops it up into little bits [14:30] * apachelogger likes google reader better :P [14:30] tinytinyrss looks interesting, too. [14:30] * JontheEchidna just uses Live Bookmarks in Firefox [14:30] akregator's lost some of my feeds *again* [14:30] ewww [14:30] firefox [14:30] * apachelogger best thing is still rbot [14:30] kubotu: right? [14:31] hm, not in a talking mood [14:32] firefox is so screwed atm, whatever that last update i forgot to look at was, it was rubbish... [14:34] what's wrong wiht it? [14:35] seele: did you happen to commit an rc fix for Umbrello's default window size along with those others? it comes up in a really tiny window, even smaller than ksysguard [14:35] sites with javascript suck, some sites dont even open,... [14:35] ahh [14:35] haven't seen that [14:35] Hobbsee: what have you seen? [14:36] nothing - works as normal. [14:36] afaik, anyway [14:36] . o O { badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM!!!} [14:36] ^lol [14:37] apachelogger: what's the current state of QT Firefox? [14:37] man, now I've got the song stuck in my head [14:37] JontheEchidna: http://www.badgerbadgerbadger.com/ :) [14:37] :P [14:37] hi Hobbsee [14:37] hey eagles0513875! [14:38] rgreening: not usable, the widgets aren't completely ported and UI font rendering is hosed [14:38] goatsocks: ah. ok... [14:38] too bad [14:38] does the ia32-libs come preinstalled with 64bit hardy [14:38] jussi01: as long as the badger song works, it's all good, right? :) [14:39] i hope they keep working on it, there hasn't been any visible progress since they announced it to the world a few weeks ago [14:39] eagles0513875: no, it's in universe. [14:39] Hobbsee: :P yeah [14:39] interesting cuz its saying that its already the latest [14:39] you installed it? [14:39] dont think so i dont have anything installed on here brand new install from last night [14:39] not...flash or somethign? [14:40] only installed firefox boinc and apache sendmail spamassassin clamav bind and dhcp [14:40] let me try again and see now that i have all repos added see if i get same response [14:40] eagles0513875: this is not a support channel, anyway. try #kubuntu [14:41] iknow sry Hobbsee [14:42] goatsocks: no, i dont even remember seeing tht in kickoff [14:42] rgreening: did you see those screenshots i posted a week or so ago, i themed firefox-qt with a google chrome look? heh [14:42] goatsocks: firefox-qt actually works now? [14:42] seele: yeah, umbrello isn't installed by default, but it does get installed with kdesdk [14:42] yeah. goatsocks. nice [14:43] Hobbsee: works, yeah... but just barely ;) [14:43] goatsocks: ah, yeah. i only did default install apps [14:43] goatsocks: it's only a quick fix too.. the sizes ought to be all fixed upstream eventually [14:43] goatsocks: interesitng. that's better than when it didn't finish compiling [14:43] Hobbsee: did you not see my blogpost? [14:44] seele: if you don't mind, i think there was a couple of other apps in kdesdk that have that problem as well ;) [14:44] jussi01: unsure. both thunderbird and akregator have thrown their toys out of their cot, today [14:45] Hobbsee: it was a while back... [14:45] jussi01: oh, then maybe i did. [14:45] Hobbsee: fyi, jussi01.com [14:45] but by that point, i didn'tneed it, iirc :) [14:46] seele: nm, i was thinking of KUiViewer, but it's actually supposed to be small... so it's just umbrello afaik [14:47] * goatsocks wonders if he should click on that badger link [14:48] goatsocks: yes, you should. it's not related to my myspace. [14:49] if it turns out to be an annoying tune that gets stuck in my head, i'll have you rickrolled! ;) [14:49] better than being turned into a newt, i suppose. [14:51] "she turned you into a newt?" "I got better..." [14:51] that's the one :) [14:52] "bring out your dead, bring out your dead..." === nixternal_ is now known as nixternal [14:52] ok, enough monty python.. [14:52] "bloody weather" [14:54] Riddell: I'm trying to build the latest snv knm.. fail's on openvpn. Does the debuian rules file need to exclude openvpn? [14:55] * goatsocks gets acid flashback from the badgers [15:13] rgreening: no, openvpn was working (at least it didn't fail) [15:18] Riddel: hmm... svn864988 for me fails on vpnplugin and then openvpnc. Missing header... I disables plugins for now so I could build/test. [15:18] Riddell: ^ [15:20] Riddell: of course, I did a straight copy of the debian dir into the svn src dir. Did the make -makefile.cvs and then built the tar ball and tried pbuilder [15:22] I run make -f makefile.cvs before making the .orig [15:22] havn't tried pbuilder yet [15:23] the debian dir may need changes. In fact, rules requires a change to the -p -D -m644 knetworkmanager/src/knetworkmanager.desktop line [15:23] rgreening: http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/knetworkmanager/network-manager-kde_0.7svn864988-0ubuntu1_i386.deb [15:24] k. dl [15:24] got a link to proper tar.gz as well [15:24] same directory [15:24] kk. getting [15:24] ty [15:37] testers needed ^^ [15:38] Tonio_ ^^ [15:39] Riddell: ye have amd64? or source for me to build it with? [15:40] vorian: source is in that directory [15:40] werd [15:40] oh, hmm, it doesn't build in pbuilder [15:42] Riddell: no wireless joy for me with latest knm [15:45] Riddell: hmmm.. I manually recreated the wireless connection, and it now works. weird [15:45] phew [15:45] Riddell: gonna try some more tests. [15:45] :) [15:45] lol [15:45] nm upgrades are really fickle about stored configs [15:45] gonna reboot. make sure it picks up correct on boot. [15:46] brb [15:54] * rgreening sings "happy-happy-joy-joy" [15:54] \o/ [15:54] Riddell: knm works for me now [15:54] * Hobbsee coats rgreening in glue [15:54] lol [15:55] Ren and Stimpy owns [15:55] yep [15:55] now, if only knm showed the IP addres associated with each connection somehow... [15:56] * rgreening thinks it's time to lok atthe code more closely [15:57] wonder why left and right click open the same window rather thna have a left click (like nm-applet) show connection info [15:59] Riddell: does the package reslolveconf work correctly with NM now? [16:00] dunno, asac probably would [16:01] here goes then.. installing vpn plugins and will test the resolveconf package (it's a dep on one plugin) [16:02] brb.. reboot [16:03] i'll be happy to test if someone'll put up an amd64 package... i don't have pbuilder set up, and building with debuild wants to make a bunch of nasty changes to my installation [16:12] Riddell: knm with plugins looks ok on this end now. good stuff [16:14] rgreening: what sort of plugins? [16:14] the vpn ones [16:14] resolveconf seems to work correct [16:14] lovely [16:15] rgreening: the launchpad integration patch breaks kde4bindings [16:15] causes ftbfs [16:16] oh no... [16:16] devfil: do you still have the line showing where the kde4binding fails? [16:16] JontheEchidna: any idea why? [16:16] I haven't really looked at it that much [16:16] JontheEchidna: no [16:16] * JontheEchidna digs out the irc logs [16:17] JontheEchidna: can you paste it to me when you will find it? [16:17] yeah [16:18] [Thu Sep 25 2008] [15:34:42] Riddell: /root/kdebindings-4.1.2/obj-i486-linux-gnu/smoke/kde/x_16.cpp:4416: undefined reference to `KStandardAction::kubuntuGetHelpOnline(QObject const*, char const*, QObject*)' [16:18] [Thu Sep 25 2008] [15:34:42] collect2: ld returned 1 exit status [16:18] [Thu Sep 25 2008] [15:34:57] trying to build kdebindings [16:18] devfil, rgreening^ [16:18] uhm ok [16:18] hmm... strange [16:19] some export ref needed? [16:19] let me look. got src [16:19] 1 sec [16:20] rgreening: if you can get a patch working I'll pass it on to the people doing KDE 4.1.2 packaging [16:20] kk [16:20] will 4.1.2 get into Intrepid? [16:20] * rgreening hopes [16:21] yeah [16:21] okies. I'll get on it [16:21] cool, thanks [16:21] np [16:25] JontheEchidna/devfil: the error appears related to the 'visibility' of that action. I need to look a little deeper. [16:25] rgreening: I should have a full build log [16:26] I'm building now... as well [16:26] OK [16:33] devfil: do you have a link to the tarball for kdelibs5 4.1.2? I'd like to manually patch and ensure the patch is accurate for the new source. [16:33] rgreening: I'll pm you [16:33] kk [16:34] rgreening: thanks for your work on this [16:34] np. :) [16:40] devfil/JontheEchidna: seems to compile kdebindings for 4.1.1 fine (so far at least)... so it may be changes in 4.1.2 I need to work out. [16:40] wow, you can compile kdebindings fast [16:41] rgreening: while you're poking around in kdelibs5, could you check why the kdelibs5-doc package is missing the API docs? [16:41] JontheEchidna: not finished yet.. but it's past the point it failed devfil pointed at (at least I think so) [16:41] ah, right [16:41] :P [16:42] * rgreening pulls out todo list... [16:42] ghh, it takes me forever to build [16:42] I need to buy a new pc [16:43] me too [16:43] Sysinfo for 'jonathan-desktop': Linux 2.6.26-5-generic running KDE 4.1.1 (KDE 4.1.1), CPU: Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU 2.50GHz at 2500 MHz (5006 bogomips), HD: 103/146GB, RAM: 613/620MB, 148 proc's, 3.31h up [16:44] kde4bindings takes about 4 hours to build here [16:45] rgreening: what did you change? [16:46] JontheEchidna: 4 hours.. ouch... [16:46] Riddell: nothing yet. building old 4.1.1 first, to make sure it works there. [16:47] rgreening: this is the only documentation i get with kdelibs5-doc-4.1.1+really4.1.1-0ubuntu4: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50904/ [16:48] JontheEchidna: I have a 1.67GHz centrino duo (3325.34 bogomips on each core) [16:49] * JontheEchidna doesn't really know what bogomips are to tell you the truth [16:49] kde4bindings failure... just happened on 4.1.1... [16:49] JontheEchidna: they're imaginary... hence the "bogo" ;) [16:49] which is what I expected [16:52] apachelogger: has someone volunteered to do the amarok 2 beta? [16:52] Riddell: nope [16:52] Riddell: we would have to sort a mysql issue first anyway [16:52] apachelogger: hmm, what's the issue? [16:53] Riddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/50907/ [16:55] well, it might not be a problem, we don't know until we try [16:57] Riddell: it at least is on hardy [16:57] markey tried to compile the other day [16:57] hrm [17:07] Artemis_Fowl: 'evening [17:07] seele: hi [17:24] vorian: knetworkmanager amd64 now in deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/network-manager/ubuntu intrepid main [17:24] goatsocks: ^^ [17:45] ok, brb... maybe ;) [18:01] Riddell: smooth upgrade, didn't even have to remove my existing wireless connection profile [18:02] Riddell: however, the applet icon is a green globe, isn't it supposed to be blue bars like the gtk one? [18:04] might be because my wireless profile was set as system-wide, not per-user [18:05] incidentally the kde nm config still doesn't have an option to set the profile as system-wide, so you gotta mess with config files (or run the gnome applet heh) [18:18] goatsocks: it's only a green globe when it isn't connected [18:19] * apachelogger finds green globes very sarcastic [18:20] right, i think it doesn't get a dbus signal because nm connects before the applet starts [18:21] the applet should query nm when it's starting [18:21] i just removed the system wide profile and the applet detected it and re-established the connection, i have the blue bars now [18:23] i'll try rebooting and see what it does without the system wide profile now [18:23] brb [18:39] so i rebooted without a system wide nm profile and the applet came up grey as expected... but i had to go into the "New connection... --> wlan0" dialog to see any available APs, because none were listed in the top-level popup menu (in fact the only entry that ever shows up in the top menu is the AP i'm currently connected to...) [18:40] the icon seems stuck at 2/4 bars now heh [18:40] (i'm only 10 feet from my AP) [18:41] goatsocks: I think that's intentional, only showing the networks you've connected to [18:41] Riddell: ah ok... that's confusing coming from the gnome applet though [18:42] all new language pack rankings! [18:42] was [18:42] de fr es pt it ru pl zh ja ar nl cs [18:42] now [18:42] de fr es it ru pt zh pl ja nl cs sv [18:42] poor show from those Arab speakers, go the Swedes [18:50] anyhow, wireless seems to work great... the status polling apparently still needs work, especially at login... i can restore my system wide nm profile and try logging dbus during startup if you think that'd be useful [18:50] I don't ever know what a system wide nm profile is :) [18:52] Riddell: well in gnome nm-applet you can set a connection profile to start at system bootup [18:52] so when the applet starts the connection is almost always already established [18:52] and when you log out of gnome/kde your connection persists [18:52] this of course requires policykit integration [18:53] why? [18:53] because the system wide config is written to /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections [18:57] oh, by the client app, not the daemon [18:57] yeah === smarter_ is now known as smarter [21:55] well, compiling libmysqld with -DPIC -fpic doesn't seem to help