
PiciBad eyes?00:06
LjLmaybe, maybe00:08
Myrttithis just happened... http://ihasahotdog.com/2008/09/26/cute-puppy-pictures-m-ma-a-a-s-a-g-g-g-e/00:09
Myrttiand this http://ihasahotdog.com/2008/09/26/cute-dog-pictures-yes-mom-im-a-wake/ has happened more than once. s/mom/[(jussi01)|(sister)|(workmate)|(anyone foolish enough to call me)]/00:20
mneptokanyone know who runs uvirtbot?04:19
Mezhttp://rafb.net/p/lqGxgj55.html <-- @mneptok04:26
mneptokMez: yeah, asking about it internally now04:26
Mezinternally ?04:27
Mezwhy - whats it done?04:27
mneptokjust wondering why the channel isn;t using the official Ubuntu IRC bots.04:27
Flannelmmm, got my first nagger.04:59
FlannelIt'd be *!name@* for banning by name?05:14
Flannelor is that +d?05:15
Flannel+d is for gecos stuff, not ident, yes?05:16
FlannelI've got the syntax wrong obviously.05:17
Flannelmaco: I'm working on it.05:19
macoFlannel: i just wanted to come watch the fun go down05:19
Flannelmaco: No spectating here, thanks though.05:19
Flannelalright, time for recent people.  mneptok?05:20
macoFlannel: wait, would it perhaps avoid the appending __ workaround if the * went before the @?05:21
FlannelI was hoping to match his ident instead of nick05:21
macoi saw that05:21
macodid it change?05:22
macoit said dynamic05:22
Flannelno.  Im just doing it wrong.05:22
macoheh ok05:22
elkywhups, sorry :(06:13
Flannelelky: I got an interm solution that seems to be working.  But it is blocking much more than it ough tot.06:13
Flannelought to, that is.06:13
elkyi dont even know what you're talking about yet06:14
Flannelelky: That's fine.06:14
Flannelubottu: tell Daft_Punk about noob06:55
naliothFlannel: what banning were you trying to accomplish?07:17
Flannelnalioth: Trying to ban the ident of pur307:18
Flannelbecause he had a dynamic IP, and was just appending underscores07:18
nalioth  /mode #channel +b *!pur3@* would do it, Flannel 07:21
elkynalioth, um, are you wathcing the freenode channel?07:21
Flannelnalioth: I tried that... let me double check07:21
Flannelmode/#ubuntu [+b *!pur3@*] by Flannel07:21
Flannelthat, right?07:21
naliothlooks right.07:21
Flannelyeah, didn't work07:22
naliothbut smart trolls review the ban list and adapt07:22
Flannelnalioth: He wasnt doing it, he still joined as the same ident07:22
naliothah, my bad07:22
nalioth  /mode #channel +b *!?=pur3@* would do it, Flannel 07:22
* nalioth is suffering from insomnia07:22
Flannelnalioth: Thanks... I've gotta write that down somewhere.07:22
maconalioth: would that block pur3_ and pur3__ too?07:24
naliothmaco: it'll block anyone with an ident of pur307:24
maconalioth: does that not change when one does /nick?07:25
macoive never had to ban anyone in #ubuntuforums, but if i did, i wouldn't really know how07:27
Flannelmaco: When they join, you see *=ident@[host]07:30
Flannelmaco: ident usually defaults to their username, being settable by clients, but it doesn't generally change with nick changes07:30
FlannelI believe you'd have to reconnect to the network to change the ident07:31
macoFlannel: oh ok. thanks07:31
naliothtrolls are good at scrambling all of it07:46
naliothfilthy animals, trolls07:46
Flannelnalioth: you'd think you'd be clean living under bridges, with all that water07:48
Myrttiör röörö08:48
FlannelHowdy Myrtti 08:56
Myrttianything interesting going on?08:58
naliothsame trolls, different day08:58
FlannelInteresting stuff is always going on, you just have to know where to look08:59
Myrttias usual08:59
ubottuher2r23 called the ops in #ubuntu (shepherd)09:06
elkypleia2, Myrtti i'm getting more complaints about 'slamfist' merely existing in -women. the nick is rather violent, i think it's making domestic violence victims unsettled.09:16
naliothdoes this person interact there?09:19
elkyi'm being told 'he' has pm'd Myrtti09:21
elkyMyrtti, is this true?09:25
naliothif they're not interacting in there, use "ye olde do not idle" rule 09:27
elkynalioth, most of that channel is idlers09:27
naliothmost of the channel isn't sending nastygrams09:28
elkyit would defeat the purpose of the channel09:28
elkywho says he's sending nastygrams?09:28
naliothi'm lost.09:29
elkythe nickname is 'slamFIST' in a channel where women are supposed to feel safe.09:31
elkya proportion of the women in there have been victims of domestic violence09:32
elkyyou do not think the presence of a nick implying the slamming of a fist is going to be concerning to them, with or without anything else?09:32
FlannelHave you asked him to change his nick? and explained why?09:33
elkyFlannel, i've pm'd but there's a porportion of the world asleep at th emoment09:33
nalioththis is the same thing as any other abusive nick09:44
elkyand we give any other abusive nick a chance to change before we remove them09:44
naliothsome, yes.09:45
elkyi'd rather do this in a way that will not result in backlash, which will be more traumatic than a silent nick in a channel09:45
* jussi01 walks in10:03
Myrttielky: yes10:13
elkyMyrtti, what did he say?10:13
Myrttilaacque asked me about him few days ago, that's when I pinged about him you an pleia2 10:14
Myrttiso I threw a trollbait for him few days back since he said something on the channel and said "hi" to him.10:14
MyrttiI've, of course, got logs of them pm, as I have logged every pm for three years now10:15
elkyis it good or bad or what?10:15
Myrttijust for these occasions and for recording phone numbers etc.10:15
MyrttiI can pastebin it for you10:15
Myrttiit wasn't bad as such...10:15
elkypastebin and pm to me, please10:16
MyrttiI just couldn't think of a way to respond to it so I forgot the whole thing >___<10:16
elkylet me deal then10:16
MyrttiI'll read the friendly man pastebinit first10:18
elkyoh geez10:26
Myrttiyou want me to be the bitch?10:27
MyrttiI don't mind at all10:27
naliothyou can blame it on me, if you like  :D10:27
elkyalready done10:28
Myrttibanforward him here for fun and giggles?10:28
elkynow all i have to do is put up with laacque when she realises she got her way, for a completely different reason.10:28
Myrttimay I banforward him here? pllliiizz10:28
elkysure, but make sure you're here when he gets here, or someone will end up unbanning him and he'll go right back to it10:29
Myrttiubottu: hugs10:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hugs10:29
MyrttiI *AM* a cunning and a sly person.10:30
Myrttiand evil10:30
kahrytanHobbsee stop being rude10:31
kahrytanand impolite10:31
kahrytanIf you fail to do this, I will report you10:31
Myrttihello good folks10:31
Hobbseehey Myrtti, how's it going?10:31
kahrytanLast warning, Hobbsee. I do not take insults from OPs lightly. 10:32
Myrttijust fiddled with the bantracker to get a recent perpetrator from -women on it so I can banforward him here10:32
kahrytanAnd if you think you are in the right, then you are sadly wrong.  i got the channel logged. Saving to flash drive.10:33
Hobbseegood thing it's publically logged too, then.10:33
naliothi dont' even want to know10:33
elkynalioth, see +110:33
Hobbseewell, it started with "<kahrytan> Oli``»  In what craphole did you hear that?", and goes downhill from there....10:34
elkyHobbsee, no, it started at <kahrytan> So, will Intrepid have a crap colored theme ?10:34
Hobbseeelky: noted, sorry.  I got the wrong line.10:34
elkythat tone just spells out the result10:34
Hobbseeelky: my thoughts exactly.10:34
elkyit's like he's learning from limcore10:34
Hobbseeyou know *I* was thinking that too.  They're very similar.10:35
elkyjust lets hope that limcore doesnt learn the finer points of bullying and intimidation from him10:35
* nalioth muses about changing 'ban' to 'k-line' in his scripts . . . . <EG>10:36
Myrttielky: see bantracker10:36
Hobbseehopefully not.  But i expect that what happens to one who behaves like that, can happen to the other.10:36
* Hobbsee hands elky a @10:37
elkyhand me a decent keyboard10:37
elkyand the @ will come naturally10:37
Hobbseeyou're on the eeepc still?10:37
elkyno, but i'm yet to find a really properly decent laptop keyboard10:38
elkyi want one halfway between this keyboard and the eee keyboard, i'll be happy10:39
Flannelelky: thinkpad keyboards are awesome10:39
elkyFlannel, feel free to donate one to me10:39
* nalioth gets in line10:40
Myrttiporridge time!10:41
Myrttiholy hell is it that late already?10:41
naliothit's a quarter to 5 (in the morning) where I sit ( isn't insomnia great? )10:41
kahrytannalioth, last warning. Abusing ops powers to kick someone is not to be tolerated. Your abuse of powers has also been logged. Future abuse will be sent to the Ubuntu Council since your position on Council create biased council. As a future warning to other ops, any further disrespect (and violation of CoC) of myself will result in a log sent to IRC Council. If you are member of irc council, it will be sent to Ubuntu Council. 10:42
Hobbseewait, what?10:43
Hobbseeif kahrytan breaks the CoC, a log will get sent to the irc council.  OK then.10:44
* nalioth blinks10:44
Hobbseeor the Ubuntu Council (which incidently, doesn't exist)10:44
* Hobbsee wonders why the repeated threats from people make them allowed in ubuntuland at all.10:45
Hobbseeand apart from that, it was a remove, not a kick.  When will he learn?10:46
Tm_Tno idea10:46
elkyHobbsee, if he was ever going to learn, he would have done it by now10:46
Tm_Tlogs what have happened is found from u+1 right?10:47
Hobbseeelky: then why the heck is he still here?10:47
HobbseeTm_T: eparse?10:47
MyrttiTm_T: flushed by the full hour, I presume10:47
Tm_THobbsee: the kahrytan incident took place in +1, am I right?10:47
elkyHobbsee, because the CC was unclear, and kind of took his side because of something i said 18mths ago10:47
HobbseeTm_T: ah, yes, correct.10:47
elkyTm_T, yes10:47
Tm_TMyrtti: yep, thanks sis (:)10:48
Hobbseeelky: darn.  You would have thought that was over by now, and the CC could deal with it from new.10:48
Tm_Thrrr, today some wedding planning <310:48
Myrttioh darn, that too...10:49
elkyHobbsee, the cc of course did not take his side, and he refuses to accept the the apology because i dont lie in it to make him feel validated for threatening me in PM prior to the comment i made.10:49
MyrttiI'm afraid I'll hate the next week10:49
Hobbseeelky: pity.  Oh well.10:49
* Hobbsee wonders since when a CC decision is actually needed, to take out repeated threatening users.10:49
* Hobbsee --> dinner10:50
Tm_TMyrtti: awww, well if it's getting too difficult it isn't problem if you can't make it10:50
Tm_Tit's small event anyways10:50
MyrttiTm_T: the problem is that I *want* to be there10:50
Tm_Tawww <3<310:50
MyrttiI just *hate* the travel10:50
Tm_TRHCP - Walkabout10:51
Myrttiwould someone please invent that teleporter already10:52
FlannelMyrtti: working on it10:52
FlannelMyrtti: I think by Jaunty we ought to have an alpha version in the repos.  Allowing any PC to be turned into a teleportation device.  sudo apt-get install teleportation, just make sure you also buy a cloth bag to stick over your monitor, you don't want random people showing up in your house because of bugs10:53
MyrttiFlannel: when was the last time I announced my undying and conditionless love to you?10:55
* Tm_T hides10:55
Myrtti♥ Flannel10:56
FlannelWhy thankee Myrtti11:21
Tm_Tbit offtopic but... http://digg.com/world_news/World_Wide_Web_Consortium_censored_in_Finland11:50
christelHobbsee, other irc council/ops people: in the event that kahrytan returns and harasses anyone or makes threats again, they will be evading a network ban and i'd appreciate it if you could alert staff if you sight them and we dont, thank you :)11:51
Tm_Tchristel: ah, will keep eyes open11:52
christelthanks Tm_T :)11:52
jussi01christel: no probs, will keep an eye out.11:53
elkythanks christel. he's been quite a burden.11:54
christelyeah, he sounds it :/11:55
Tm_Tmmmm, nothing?11:55
Tm_Toh boy, ma internets 'r b0rked11:56
Hobbseechristel: oh, great, thanks.  :)12:23
=== seanw_ is now known as seanw
Guest22607Just last night I got permanently banned for spamming15:24
Guest22607Though I do not know howto spam if i even tried15:25
Tm_Thmm, where?15:25
Guest22607Anyway, Ubuntuforums sent me this email:15:25
LjLGuest22607: moment15:25
Guest22607Your recent spam attack on $vboptions[bbtitle] has been thwarted with two clicks. Nice try, you're banned.15:25
LjLah, from the forums?15:25
Guest22607yes, Ubuntuforums.org15:26
LjLwe don't deal with the forums, you should probably ask in #ubuntuforums15:26
LjLbut perhaps you're simply on a dynamic IP address15:26
Guest22607oh, Im sry15:26
LjLwhich just happened to be used by a spammer15:26
LjLdon't know, just a thought15:26
Guest22607I did a check on netstat when it happened15:26
Guest22607there weren't any strange connections15:27
Guest22607course that's just on my end15:27
Guest22607well thank you kindly15:27
LjLGuest22607: yes, that's on your end. what i'm thinking of it that someone else *previously* had that IP, and spammed15:27
Guest22607i will go by #ubuntuforums then15:27
LjLyeah, someone should know in there15:27
Guest22607The post that I made was six pages long15:28
Guest22607is that considered spam?15:28
LjLif it was *content*, i'm sure not15:28
LjLunless it somehow triggered some automatic spamtrap...15:29
LjLbut really, i can't but guess15:29
Guest22607well then i better go by that channel, thx for your help15:29
jussi01Hey all!15:34
jussi01Guest22607: anything else we can do for you?15:34
jussi01!idle | Guest2260715:35
ubottuGuest22607: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only, and we ask you to part when you have no further business here, in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.15:35
WastePotatoThis guy keeps spamming in -uk16:25
stdinWastePotato: only the people listed by the ops call can do anything about it (and staff)16:26
WastePotatoOh Gawd.16:26
WastePotatoOh well...16:26
jribLjL: italiano giro, that's you right?16:50
LjLjrib: ... excuse me?16:50
jribheh, #ubuntu16:50
jribwhat does giro mean?16:50
LjL"giro" means "circle" literally16:51
LjLbut "in giro", while it would mean "in (the) circle" literally, means "around"16:51
LjLthe question was "is there an italian around here"16:51
ubottuT3hWiz0rd called the ops in #ubuntuforums ()20:41
ubottuldp1 called the ops in #ubuntuforums ()20:43
Myrtti♬♪ America - Ventura Highway21:45
Myrtti♥ ♥ 21:46
ubottuIn ubottu, r_bender said: A tutorial is telling me to uncomment a security line in terminal.  What does uncomment mean?22:27
* PriceChild does22:27
ompaultritium, that was fast 22:32
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.23:13
MyrttiI thought he was going to be like two hours ago...23:17
Myrttijust wondering how he could've Excess Flooded himself off the network23:18

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