
portablejimlima, I think typing "mv ~/.gconf ~/_.gconf" on the terminal will fix your problem.00:00
spantherxterm is a windowmanager? nice ... thought its a terminal lol00:00
steve1234ahtmly2k: flashplugin-nonfree already upto date00:00
sileniDasEi1: http://h10025.www1.hp.com/ewfrf/wc/product?product=3752852&lc=en&cc=us&dlc=en&submit.y=0&submit.x=0&lang=en&cc=us&y=0&x=0 that is the url for my pc00:00
spantherIlja: xfce is very slim but still has much functions :)00:01
sileniDasEi1:  what do you want me to do there.. i thought those are for windows... and also what did you want me to do at BIOS again?00:01
ahtmly2ksteve1234, well im using the same stuff and nuttin wrong here...00:01
Iljacan i run wine in it spanther?00:01
steve1234ahtmly2k: how fast is ur laptop?00:01
randomlogic78so, there I was ssh'd into my hardy server and I wanted to add a group to the sudoers file.. sudo visudoers wasn't reacting well to my keystrokes over ssh, so I chmod +w /etc/sudoers and I was going to edit it with vim.  Well the system won't let me edit the file, nor will it let me return the permissions to 64000:01
pretender_danbh_intrepid:  have tried kdenlive it crashes a lot that's why i would like to try LIVES.  Have found a deb file for LIVES but its for Hardy and am getting a dependence error when trying to install00:01
jribrandomlogic78: you need physical access now.  Reboot and choose recovery mode00:02
spantherIlja:  wine isnt specified to any desktop :) you can run it in shell/terminal00:02
ahtmly2ksteve1234, same wit u... 1.66ghz core2duo, 2gb ram, geforce 7300 go 512mb vram...00:02
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela
randomlogic78jrib: okay than00:02
Iljai need a gui dont i/00:02
spantherIlja: just install wine and then start an exe with    "wine yourapplication.exe"  :)00:02
ahtmly2ksteve1234, i dont think u need a genius of a computer to run flv's00:03
randomlogic78jrib: once I'm in recovery mode, how can I fix it00:03
danbh_intrepidpretender_: why dont you upgrade?00:03
spantherIlja: but change into the dir where the exe is located to :)00:03
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b00:03
steve1234ahtmly2k: apparently for that one clip u need more then 1.5ghz00:03
jribrandomlogic78: you'll get a root shell.  Just change the permissions back to 44000:03
randomlogic78jrib: thanks... so the only way to edit the file is with sudo visudo00:03
Iljaspanther: doesnt need it a xserver?00:04
Ps_hi when i type this command "sudo patch -p1 < 2.6.24.patch" it asks me what file to patch00:04
limaportalblejim: only with it, solve my problem?00:04
Ps_what should i do?00:04
portablejimlima,  Quando você faz login, depois das mensagens de erro, vá para Aplicações => Acessórios => Terminal (the brazilian was a translator, just to help you understand)00:04
ahtmly2ksteve1234, dude it's just an 8mb flv clip...00:04
jribrandomlogic78: that's the only safeway.  You can still just 'sudo vim /etc/sudoers' and it will work, but you shouldn't do that00:04
spantherIlja:  sure it needs :-) but only if your  .exe file needs a gui :) if it runs in dos mode you dont need X to run ^^00:04
sileniDasEi1: what is going on .. is something wrong with my computer?00:04
steve1234ahtmly2k: runs choppy on here00:04
randomlogic78jrib: okay, thanks00:04
Iljahmm ok ill give it a shot :D00:05
spantherIlja: xfce needs X too but its the most slim and fast desktop environment00:05
limaportalblejim:Thanks for writing in my language!00:05
DasEi1sileni:no, but you really seem to be a novize00:05
sdwragehow do I uninstall mysql?00:05
xompdo you have to configure firefox for dial-up connections? because I'm connected to my dial-up isp (AT&T) but when trying to pull a website up I get "Firefox is in offline mode"00:05
randomlogic78last question... I created a chroot and I want all users that ssh into the server (except me) to be in the chroot how do I set that up as default for new users and how do I change it to default for old users00:06
jribsdwrage: how did you install it?00:06
sileniDasEi1: yes what did you want me to do in BIOS?00:06
sileniDasEi1:  change the primary adapater to onboard?00:06
steve1234ahtmly2k: thanks anyways for the help00:06
SpragieI tried swapping my video card and when i boot up, the display cuts00:06
DasEi1sileni:disable onboard and use pci-graphics00:06
sdwrageAnyone know how to uninstall something?00:06
Iljaok spanther00:06
Gerinychare there any good ppf patchers for linux?00:06
sdwrageI am trying to uninstall mysql and reinstall it00:06
spantherSpragie: which card did you switch with which one new? :)00:06
DasEi1disbale, seleni00:06
jribsdwrage: can you answer my question?00:06
danbh_intrepid!apt > sdwrage00:07
ubottusdwrage, please see my private message00:07
sileniDasEi1: ok so i dont have to do anything its already set to PCI00:07
spantherIlja: hope i could help ya out ^^00:07
limaportablejim: see if I understand as I do:00:07
limaOpen the terminal: and type sudo su =00:07
limathen: "mv ~ /. gconf ~ / _.gconf"00:07
lima 00:07
FloodBot3lima: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:07
Yann1Hi, 7z has a function to to get data via stdin. I want to use this to add files to archives. If I do "echo test | 7z ..." , a file with the name "test" and content "test" is added to my archive. But how can I set  specific filename AND filecontent? (for exp. "echo(?) filename%(?)filecontent | 7z ...", to add the file "filename" with the content "filecontent")00:07
Iljaeuhm last question can wine run under  xfce00:07
sileniDasEi1: by analyzing all that you havent found anything horribly wrong with my computer correct? just that it has a shitty video card?00:07
sdwragejrib, is a mysql database only supposed to have an information schema?00:08
Spragiespanther: ati rage 128 (pci) -> geforce pcx 5750 pci-e00:08
spantherIlja: yes it runs under xfce , kde and gnome just to tell you some :-)00:08
limaFloodBot3 -I am Sorry Bud!00:08
jribsdwrage: no idea00:08
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b00:08
Ps_hi when i type this command "sudo patch -p1 < 2.6.24.patch" it asks me what file to patch00:08
Ps_what should i do?00:08
limaFloodBot3 - I am brazilian novice em Linux World00:08
spantherSpragie: yeah theres the problem you changed the graphics card vendor so you had an ATI and put in an nvidia. Now your pc still trys to load the ati driver at bootup X but you have a nvidia now :-)00:08
Ps_any one can helps me? when i type this command "sudo patch -p1 < 2.6.24.patch" it asks me what file to patch00:08
Gerinychare there any good ppf patchers for linux?00:08
LjLlima: hay el canal #ubuntu-br si quieres mas hablar en portugues00:09
jribPs_: you aren't in the right directory or not using -p correctly00:09
Iljaok thnx spanther00:09
Spragiespanther: how can i force x to find a new driver on boot?00:09
Ps_jrib the right directory is the one containing the rtl files?00:09
jribPs_: it depends on the patch00:09
DasEi1sileni: your onboard is shitty, but you got a pci, no no serious errors00:09
Spragiespanther: **or the kernel i probably should say00:10
Ps_i mean the patch is in the same directory as the trl files00:10
spantherSpragie: well you can move to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the input   behind "Driver" to    the entry "nv"  :-) so it loads the opensource nvidia drivefr00:10
jribPs_: read the patch, you'll see how the paths are in it00:10
sileniDasEi1: i truly appreciate the time you put in today for me man00:10
silenithank you very much00:10
Ps_jrib ok, but should i first install the drivers? i have no driver on my laptop00:10
spantherSpragie: wait i'll try to search you a manual00:11
Ps_jrib should i install any thing before patching?00:11
jribPs_: what are you trying to install?00:11
Ps_jrib i'm trying to install my wifi card drivers00:11
Spragiespanther: if this doesn't work how could i switch it back w/ no display ?00:11
jribPs_: are you following the instructions from the wiki?00:11
Ps_jrib ubuntu doesn't recoginze the card on my laptop00:11
portablejimlima,  not exactly. on the problem user just type into terminal "mv ~/.gconf ~/_.gconf", no need to use 'su or sudo'00:11
lima<portablejim :you will still help me?00:11
Ps_jrib i should copy the instruction and go under ubuntu, i'm chating now from vista00:12
Ps_yeah i am00:12
jribPs_: link me to the instructions you are following00:12
sileniDasEi1: one last thing, last computer i had it had some acpi problems with the ubuntu or something and it got hot all the time and i dont think that is good for my hardware.. i dont want that to happen again... is there a sofware that will constantly display temperature and all those goodies about my hardware on the side column..00:12
spantherSpragie: well your pc freezes after trying to start X because of loading the wrong driver right? so you need to boot in runlevel3 and not 5 but i dont know if ubuntu supports that or how to do it :)00:12
sileniDasEi1: i saw that on few linux screenshots but i dont know what they were using00:12
bobbob1016I have a drive mounted via nfs.  The mount shows 36gig free, but on the actual machine, it says 58gig free.  What could that be?00:12
carandraugsileni: you want conky I believe00:12
Spragiespanther: no, it doesn't seem to freeze, it just seems to not display anything00:12
DasEi1sileni: sudo apt-get install conky00:12
Ps_jrib https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b00:12
DasEi1sileni: google ubuntu conky00:13
sileniokey dokey00:13
Ash-FoxI am currently working with ACLs (yes, I know I am using a non-standard ubuntu path for certain things) and I have run into a annoying problem. I want to grant users in the group 'webmasters' full mod access to a set of folders, but the problem is, their main group is not 'webmasters' and I don't want to change their main group either - any idea how to get around this problem? I am currently using "sudo setfacl -R -m g:webmasters:rwX /00:13
silenithanks again00:13
limaportablejim :sure, but that is due this error?00:13
limaWhat happened to my user?00:13
jribPs_: you are using option #2?00:13
spantherSpragie: okay then just press ctrl + alt + F2 so you should come into a non-graphical shell :-)00:13
Ps_jrib they said "reboot and your wireless should be functional from this point"00:13
sileniDasEi1:  do you have a screenshot of your desktop laying around somewhere?00:13
carandraugsileni: you want things like this on your desktop? http://conky.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html  this is conky00:13
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xompdo you have to configure firefox for dial-up connections? because I'm connected to my dial-up isp (AT&T) but when trying to pull a website up I get "Firefox is in offline mode"00:13
=== sjr is now known as sjrch
DasEi1sileni: nope, what for ?00:14
spantherSpragie:  are you still there?00:14
jribPs_: well the instructions tell you you need to be in /wifi00:14
philsflima, what's your problem?00:14
sileniDasEi1: no special reason i wanted to see if you use eye candy like cairo..00:15
Yann17z has a function to to get data via stdin. I want to use this to add files to archives. If I do "echo test | 7z ..." , a file with the name "test" and content "test" is added to my archive. But how can I set  specific filename AND filecontent? (for exp. "echo(?) filename%(?)filecontent(??) | 7z ...", to add the file "filename" with the content "filecontent")00:15
silenicarandraug: you are exactly right.. is conky hard to setup like that?00:15
Ps_jrib u know what? i'll try again, and come back. i'll copy those instructions on a usb dongle. bbl00:15
Ps_thx for ur help00:15
lima<philsf: 00:16
limaMy problem this writing this link friend: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51056/00:16
jribPs_: get a wired connection and we can walk you through it00:16
Spragiespanther: yes00:16
philsflima, se você preferir falar em português, basta entrar no canal #ubuntu-br, tem outras pessoas lá que podem te ajudar em pt_BR00:16
spantherSpragie: are you in a black/white non graphical shell now?00:16
carandraugsileni: no. There's loads of how to spread all over the internet. Also, it's common threads where people post their conky aspect and their configuration files00:16
Spragiespanther: was making a backup of xorg.conf getting ready to try to swap it00:16
Spragiespanther: no, i can't remember if it would go into a non-graphical shell00:16
puffAnybody know how to convert a streaming audio to an mp3?00:17
portablejimphilsf, I think that the solution my be to enter this command in the terminal "mv ~/.gconf ~/_.gconf"00:17
silenicarandraug: ok i will look it up00:17
spantherSpragie: which number has your geforce again? please tell me00:17
lima<philsf>: I'm not able to enter the channel ubuntu.br, I do not know my register00:17
maladminhay all, can some help - I've borked my install. Basically I installed the samsung printer/scanner drivers which chowned my /etc/ directory to me (not root). I then mistyped and also changed owenership of sudoers to me.me (oops)00:17
philsflima, oh, right00:17
Spragiespanther: i remember the hd led flashing as if it was loading the os ...  geforce pcx575000:18
maladminnow sudo doesnt work!!!00:18
puffThat is, I want to listen to something that's available via a flash audio player, however, I want to save it as an mp3 so I can listen to it in the car.00:18
philsflima have you tried portablejim's suggestion?00:18
puffAnyone know how to do this?00:18
barrar76i want to say thanks to this chat! and specially DasEi1 for the time he gave me!.....00:18
lima<philsf: could help me?00:18
spantherSpragie: PCX5750 ? O.o whats that? i only know geforce 4,5,6,7,8,9 and gtx  :-)00:18
sdwrageHey guys I just reinstalled mysql and am getting the following error:00:18
sdwrageERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)00:18
jribmaladmin: did you recursively change ownership or just /etc/ without anything under it?00:18
barrar76i i want to say thanks to this chat! and specially DasEi1 for the time he gave me!.....00:18
sdwrageany idea?00:18
Spragiespanther: geforce pcx5450 -- Winfast px36000:19
philsflima I agree portablejim's command is a good start00:19
maladminjrib - nope - I went the whole way sudo chmod -R me.me /etc00:19
carandraugsileni: in that page I gave you, under the picture there's a link named conkyrc . Those are the configurations files to get that look00:19
jribmaladmin: I'd recommend reinstalling00:19
maladminlol shit00:19
barrar76 i want to say thanks to this chat! and specially DasEi1 for the time he gave me!.....00:19
philsfmaladmin: so, you rootkitted yourself?00:19
spantherSpragie:  oh a geforce 5 model :-)  well..... i dont know if these drivers work 100% but do you wanna try? if yes tell me :)00:20
silenicarandraug: ah i see00:20
DasEi1barrar76: so I assume it all works again, nice00:20
maladminphilsf - not really00:20
barrar76yes my friend!00:20
barrar76so in again!00:20
DasEi1I closed pm then, barrar7600:20
maladminfrom what i understand i just need to run chmod -R root.root /etc00:20
spantherSpragie: cause i dont know if your 5 model is legacy or not00:21
barrar76 i want to say thanks to this chat! and specially DasEi1 for the time he gave me!.....00:21
philsfmaladmin: do you have a root password set?00:21
jribmaladmin: you're /probably/ fine if you just chown them back to root in recovery, but you have no way of knowing if any of your files should be chowned to someone else.  In my case I have /etc/postgresql/* and /etc/mpd.conf not owned by root for example00:21
maladminphilsf - nope00:21
Spragiespanther: well, i was thinking i could try to get the system running with generic drivers that work w/ live cd before trying to install actual drivers, but gimme wutcha got00:21
maladminrecovery - from an install cd?00:21
philsfmaladmin: you could boot your ubuntu cd, chroot into your root partition and chown your /etc00:22
spantherSpragie: well if your card turned legacy (old card support drivers) i dont know if they will work fine but you can try following00:22
jribmaladmin: recovery mode from the grub menu00:22
maladminsounds perfect, Iĺl try that then see what else breaks...00:22
philsfmaladmin: jrib is right, no need for CD00:22
barrar76sorry daseil00:22
lima<portablejim> you left??00:22
maladminjust hit escape at boot?00:22
DasEi1barrar76: we got it now, help someone else sometime...00:22
barrar76i didnt read that!00:22
barrar76i will00:22
barrar76i promise00:23
spantherSpragie: change into a shell with CTRL + ALT + F2 and input username and password. then type "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-new and nvidia-new-kernel-source" and install new nvidia drivers :-)00:23
portablejimlima, I am still here.00:23
jribmaladmin: yeah, then choose recovery mode and root shell00:23
philsflima did you try the command he gave you?00:23
Spragiespanther: ok awesome, im going to try to have both cards in and see what i can do, i'll be back in about 1000:23
maladminthx - if i'm not back for a while guess it didnt work00:23
legend2440puff: http://www.listentoyoutube.com/00:23
spantherSpragie:  you wanna mix ati and nvidia card? o.o00:23
XavuraWhen I click Pidgin I get the "Starting Pidgin ... " for 10 seconds then it disappears and it hasn't started, what's going on?00:24
barrar76hi sergio00:24
Spragiespanther: would that not be good? two different graphix cards?00:24
ScuniziXavura: does it leave an icon up by the clock00:24
philsf!hi | sergio00:24
ubottusergio: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:24
XavuraScunizi: Yes, heh just noticed that00:24
XavuraIs anyone here having problems with Pidgin and MSN?00:24
lima<philsf>: not yet, I will attempt to in a moment00:24
carandraugXavura: try start pidgin through the terminal00:24
Yann17z has a function to to get data via stdin. I want to use this to add files to archives. If I do "echo test | 7z ..." , a file with the name "test" and content "test" is added to my archive. But how can I set  specific filename AND filecontent? (for exp. "echo(?) filename%(?)filecontent(??) | 7z ...", to add the file "filename" with the content "filecontent")00:24
XavuraI get "The MSN network is encountered some problems. Please wait and try again"00:25
kebomix_u there carandraug ?00:25
carandraugXavura: that way you'll be able to see the errors00:25
XavuraCan anyone else see if they get the same on Pidgin/MSN?00:25
spantherSpragie: well one ATI and one Nvidia i dont think that will work (maybe i am wrong but i never heard about before) i dont think you can mix them :-)  since i think X only can load nvidia or ati drivers but not both ^^00:25
carandraugkebomix_: yes00:25
limaphilsf:you is that country?00:25
Xavuracarandraug: I got it started but now I can't connect to MSN00:25
ScuniziXavura: you could always install aMSN or one of the other variants for msn connections00:25
carandraugXavura: the servers sometimes are down00:25
philsflima: I'm from Brazil, yes00:25
Xavuracarandraug: Hasn't happened to me in 2-3 months.00:25
Xavuraand I'm on every day00:25
Xavurasigned in all day00:25
XavuraMeh, I guess I'll have to wait it out00:26
carandraugXavura: I know. Sometimes it happens. It's not common but has happened to me twice in one year00:26
limaphilsf:you are English?00:26
philsflima: no, I'm brazilian00:26
sdwrageHey guys I just reinstalled mysql and am getting the following error:00:26
kebomix_how to mound new partition ?!00:26
sdwrageERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)00:26
limaphilsf:é brasileiro?00:26
kebomix_how to mount new partition ?00:26
limaphilsf: eu sou brasileiro tambem00:26
carandraugkebomix_: what's the new partition type?00:26
Xavuracarandraug: Can you check if it's happening now?00:26
spantherSpragie: i think you only can put together crossfire ready cards (ati) or SLI (nvidia)00:27
XavuraI want to be sure it isn't just me00:27
philsflima: I know, but in this channel we have to speak english - that's the rule00:27
DasEi1kebomix: open a terminal00:27
carandraugXavura: I'm online right now. But servers down can be a regional thing00:27
XavuraUK here.00:27
philsflima it's quick and easy to register in chanserv so you can join #ubuntu-br, if you want to speak portuguese00:27
ScuniziXavura: us is ok on the west coast00:27
DasEi1kebomix: sudo fdisk -l00:27
carandraugXavura: Portugal here. But I have no problem in connection00:28
KlrSpzanyone know how to watch quicktime vids in firefox? i have mplayer and mplayer-plugin installed but not getting it to recognize a valid plugin00:28
ubottukebomix: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)00:28
philsflima I'm also in #ubuntu-br right now, or you can pm me00:28
barrar76i know00:28
Scunizi!quicktime | KlrSpz00:28
ubottuKlrSpz: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:28
DasEi1kebomix: put the output there00:28
philsf!register | lima00:28
ubottulima: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname.00:28
barrar76ill teach you klsspz00:28
XavuraBugger, I kind of want to use MSN... oh well00:28
kebomix_ok , and how to make partition compitable with windows !00:28
limaphilsf:I already tried and not worked man, I do not know my record00:29
KlrSpzScunizi: i have the restricted extras already installed, no go00:29
philsflima pm me00:29
spantherkebomix_: windows can't read linux partitions on-the-fly and workarounds are buggy (when i tried them) :-)00:29
carandraugkebomix_: I've already told you all about that00:29
spantherkebomix_:  for sharing a partition between different systems you should format one as Fat32 :-)00:29
carandraugspanther: he's trying to install windows in another partition. Do you know if windows needs to be installed in a primary partition?00:30
KlrSpzScunizi: and all the gstreamer plugins too00:30
spanthercarandraug: yes windows needs primary00:30
kebomix_ok , i want to install windows , and i have ntfs partition , when i put windows cd it read partition put cant read any pf them00:30
portablejimphilsf, that's why I couldn't find "Brazilian" on Google translate, you speak portuguese.00:30
DasEi1kebomix: mount           , paste output, too00:30
kebomix_mean cant install all of them , not compitable00:30
kebomix_with windows00:30
carandraugkebomix_: there you have. You have to make it primary. spanther confirms it00:30
barrar76totem-plugin-viewer 2.22.1 for quicktime movies online00:30
chilli0hey whats the best app like dreamweaver for hard 8.4?00:30
ScuniziKlrSpz: how 'bout libquicktime1?00:30
kebomix_i mounted it00:31
sergioi m speak spanish00:31
chilli0hey whats the best app like dreamweaver for hard 8.4?00:31
trucMuchechilli0, Quanta+00:31
KlrSpzScunizi: lemme check00:31
spanthercarandraug: well you should first install windows as primary partition and then install linux and overwrite the windows bootloader with grub (what gets installed with ubuntu) so you can boot both :)00:31
carandraugchilli0: bluefish or KompoZer00:31
barrar76hey sergio como estas00:31
KlrSpzScunizi: yep, have that too00:31
Scunizi!dreamweaver | chilli000:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dreamweaver00:31
philsfportablejim: yes, there's no such language "brazillian", only the flavor "brazillian portuguese" (pt_BR)00:31
KlrSpzScunizi: this is while trying to watch a trailer on the apple site00:31
limaphilsf :compatriot you have MSN? mi could add? I am novice in LINUX00:31
chilli0Scunizi:  i tryed but i only have dreamweavr portable and wine doesnt like it00:31
ScuniziKlrSpz: got a link?00:31
bobbob1016I have a drive mounted via nfs.  The mount shows 36gig free, but on the actual machine, it says 58gig free.  What could that be?00:32
philsflima: philsf79@gmail.com00:32
sergiohay vamos defendiéndome con el ingles00:32
spanthercarandraug: installing ubuntu first and windows after ubuntu can be bad cause windows is agressive and kills grub so you wont be able to boot linux anymore00:32
Scunizichilli0: nothing really equivilant to dreamweaver unless you code by hand.00:32
carandraugspanther: it's not for me. It's for kebomix_ He only has extended partititions. And he has done before and he knows about fixing the bootloader00:32
trucMuchechilli0, try Quanta+00:32
sergioes la primera vez que entro en este irc y esta vastante bien00:32
KlrSpzScunizi: http://www.apple.com/trailers/disney/bedtimestories/trailer_medium.html sorry... also, really any quicktime video either shows a broken plugin asking me to download a plugin to which FF says there is none, or on the apple sites it says to get the latest00:32
spanthercarandraug: well then it will work as secondary he just needs to reinstall grub later :)00:33
ScuniziKlrSpz: "Bedtime Stories"? .. working fine for me.00:33
carandraug!es | sergio00:33
ubottusergio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.00:33
chilli0im getting blue fish then ill try qanta+00:33
ScuniziKlrSpz: so does the other link.. working.00:33
limaphilsf :MSN Hotmail has? making sure that no ta00:33
ScuniziKlrSpz: are you on 64 bit?00:33
ubottusome help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b00:33
KlrSpzScunizi: nope, 32bit00:33
philsflima: that's right, my messenger is the email I sent00:34
ScuniziKlrSpz: does the video play at least? or audio.. one or the other?00:34
KlrSpzScunizi: neither00:34
duelbootI have FreeNAS running in Virtual box, but all I get is an image stating freenas (with a server and BSD animal) after it boots...how can I set it up?00:34
DasEi1kebomix_:no further help needed ?00:35
KlrSpzScunizi: i get a white block with a plugin symbol sayign "Click to download plugin"00:35
spanthercarandraug:  no wait um windows will create a new primary partition to install windows on it sorry :(00:35
limaphilsf:I'm not able to add you to my hotmail. Attempts to you: luganots@hotmail.com, can you?00:35
ScuniziKlrSpz: and does it?00:35
philsfdid hardy-updates just get a libc6 upgrade? can anybody confirm this?00:35
kebomix_ i have partition but it is extended with other 2 partitions , if i formated it as fat 32 will it be compitable with windows ?00:35
xompubuntu connects to my dial up connection (I can hear the handshake and gnomePPP says it's connected) however, when I pull up firefox to browse to a website I get "Firefox is in offline mode" can someone please help?00:35
bobbob1016duelboot, #freenas might help more, but press a key with the keyboard in the virtual machine00:35
ScuniziKlrSpz: install that is.00:35
spantherkebomix_: yeah or if you install "ntfs-3g" you have write and read support to NTFS partitions too :-)00:36
duelbootbobbob1016, I'm there now...tried to find it and did...thx00:36
ubottukebomix_:: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:36
KlrSpzScunizi: no, firefox says there's no plugin found00:36
Alyxanderhey guys does xubuntu run a p2 with like 128mb of ram?00:36
carandraugspanther: the problem is that he has no more left space. The only primary partition is where he has Ubuntu installed. All the other partitions are inside an extended partition that takes all the space left00:36
jribxomp: file -> work offline00:36
DasEi1kebomix_:in win install ext2ifs (google) to access ext3 easily00:36
spantherAlyxander: slowly but yes lol :) but i prefer 256mb of ram i think 128mb will give some issues ^^00:37
ScuniziKlrSpz: in FF go to Tools/Add-ons/Plugins and look for the Quicktime plug for totem00:37
carandraugAlyxander: I think so. But have you considered vector linux?00:37
xompjrib, that will take me out of offlince mode?00:37
KlrSpzScunizi: k, lemme check00:37
kebomix_DasEil : i 3 partitions extenede in one partition , and i want to make one of those partitons free to install windows on it00:37
ssdti have the cd for ubuntu00:37
kebomix_got it ?00:37
Alyxandercarandraug: that was my next guess00:37
ssdtbut i can't install it full00:37
ScuniziKlrSpz: also the Totem Web Browser Plugin00:37
KlrSpzScunizi: no totem, but there is the mplayerplug-in, and it says for Quicktime00:37
KlrSpzlol, and a quicktime plugin00:37
ssdti click on demo and full install00:38
spanthercarandraug: well then he needs an additional harddrive or delete one partition :) he cant use an secondary linux partition to install windows00:38
ScuniziKlrSpz: see if you can install the two for totem00:38
ssdtand i have rebooted my system00:38
ScuniziKlrSpz: then of course restart FF00:38
ssdtbut still it doesn't work00:38
WotanskriegerHail you all. First of all sorry for my bad english. I'm here to beg some help with my current problem with my monitor. The Nvidia driver doesn't support it. By the way, Linux generic driver offers me full display resolution support. I'd tried to manually config xorg.conf based in a portuguese wiki tutorial on ubuntu site but without success. Can you help me?00:38
carandraugAlyxander: I would go with vectorlinux if I was you. Or, if you have the skills, a Debian installation00:38
Alyxanderive doen debian installs but im going to try vector first lol00:38
spanthercarandraug: well he can run windows inside a Virtual Machine but this wastes power (its slow) and hasnt native hardware support :)00:38
ScuniziKlrSpz: there's also an iTunes Application Detector plugin00:39
Nillerz!hi | Nillerz00:39
ubottuNillerz, please see my private message00:39
carandraugspanther: I know. That's what I told him. I think he got scared with it 'cos he never came back00:39
NillerzOkay I have a problem. Using FuseSMB I cannot access windows folders due to it timing out00:39
KlrSpzScunizi: ok installed, not showing up as a plugin in firefox (yes i restarted firefox) and still doesn't play :S00:39
spanthercarandraug:  lol ^^ best is to use one drive for windows and one for linux or just install windows at an 20gb partition (or 40gb for vista) and then ubuntu and use an Fat32 partition (or an NTFS with ntfs-3g) to share data :-)00:40
KlrSpzScunizi: oh wait, didn't do totem-mozilla, i did totem-plugins00:40
jribxomp: try00:40
NillerzHow do I fix the timing out problems?00:40
ScuniziKlrSpz: ok..00:40
KlrSpzScunizi: TADA!!!! thanks00:40
KlrSpzthat did the trick00:40
ScuniziKlrSpz: I was running out of ideas.. I'm glad it worked .. :))00:40
xompjrib, that did the trick thanks :) stupid firefox for doing that out of no raisin :P00:41
snovais there a way to get only a few packages from intrepid, while keeping the rest of my system at hardy?00:41
spanthercarandraug:  well his solution if he cant delete something will be buying an second HDD and install windows on it then reinstall grub into MBR and have fun :-)00:41
jribsnova: use hardy-backports00:41
jrib!backports > snova00:41
ubottusnova, please see my private message00:41
philsfportablejim: ping?00:42
snovajrib: i'm looking at hardy-backports, but it doesn't look like it has all the really recent ones yet.00:42
portablejimphilsf, what do you mean?00:42
jribsnova: what are you looking for exactly?00:43
snovajrib: kde 4.1 - not for most work until it stabilizes more, i use kde3 mostly00:43
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:44
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philsfportablejim: lima's problema: out of space00:44
snovajrib: and the latest i see in hardy-backports is 4.0.500:44
philsfportablejim: so gnome can't start00:44
jribsnova: check what ubottu said00:45
sdwrageHey guys how do I create the mysql database needed for users in mysql for ubuntu?00:45
jribWotanskrieger: you should summarize the problem when you give the pastebin00:46
carandraugspanther: that's his plan. He just wasn't counting on windows being strange about being installed inside an extended partition00:46
Wotanskriegerjrib, I did it00:46
jribWotanskrieger: tried using nvidia-settings?00:46
jribWotanskrieger: I meant in the channel00:46
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snovajrib: ok, so i enable another repo. thanks!00:47
jribsnova: no problem00:47
Wotanskriegerjrib, nvidia-settings? not yet00:47
jribWotanskrieger: try it00:47
Wotanskriegerjrib, installing now...00:47
DasEi1what was the channel for ibex ?00:48
jribDasEi1: it's in the /topic00:48
portablejimlima, post up (to pastebin of course) the output from "df -h"00:49
DasEi1jrib: thx00:49
portablejimlima, you run "df -h" in terminal.00:49
lildonkeysomeone know how to install dia00:49
snovalildonkey: it's the 'dia' package, i think.00:50
jrib!info dia | lildonkey00:50
Wotanskriegerjrib, hey dude, good job! :D00:50
ubottulildonkey: dia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-5ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 187 kB, installed size 540 kB00:50
lildonkeya got the file tar.gz00:50
jriblildonkey: that's not how you should install software on ubuntu.  No need to download anything.  Use a package manager00:50
jrib!software > lildonkey00:50
ubottulildonkey, please see my private message00:50
lildonkeyyeah the same ubottu00:50
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate00:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual00:50
snovalildonkey: that's source code, and building it is another thing entirely.00:51
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lildonkeyi am confuse00:51
Android_Guys anyone know what a SIOCDELRT:NO Such Process error is ?00:51
snovalildonkey: you downloaded source code. it's a lot easier to install it from the package manager is all.00:51
jriblildonkey: take some time to read the information ubottu has given you in a private message.  If you are still confused then feel free to poke me00:51
ssdti am installing ubuntu00:52
Freakin_Busyhmm.. can someone take a look at this partition table and suggest how to get a dual boot on, non-destructively? http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3752/screenshotdevsdagpartedst9.png00:52
ssdtbut now after rebooting00:52
ssdti get the installation menu00:52
jribssdt: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying00:52
lildonkeyi will00:52
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carandrauganyone knows how t make the hash for a new password? I want to hand edit /etc/shadow00:53
ssdtin prepare disk space, what do i put if i want 8 gb for the ubuntu00:53
snovacarandraug: that's probably a bad idea.00:54
Freakin_Busymanually resize it ssdt00:54
ssdtwill it cover up my windows?00:54
ssdtcause my computer is 80 gb00:54
Freakin_Busynot if you resize the partitions properly00:54
RiyonukWould purchasing a mac be a good option for me, to run ubuntu? It would make sense to me, as there all the same, where if you buy a dell, sony, toshiba, etc, the hardware's all different. That way, more people know about it, right? Or do I have the whole picture wrong?00:54
ssdtand it says it will take 15% for ubuntu and 85% for ubuntu 8.0.5 and then it will cover everything of my computer00:55
KhisanthRiyonuk: apple is probably also the least willing to provide information about their hardware00:56
ssdtthere is notting that says one part is for windows and the other for ubuntu00:56
lildonkeyam sad i cant install and i need it00:56
lildonkeyfor my schooljob00:56
Khisanthwhere a both dell and sony use and supports linux in one way or another00:56
carandraugsnova: the problem is an installation where I can't remember the password. My idea is to make the hash for a new password and hand edit that file00:56
jribRiyonuk: some stuff won't work ootb (wireless and isight on my macbook for example)00:56
Yamakiri_how does one start up a SSHd in ubuntu?  I have the daemon, I just think I killed it00:56
RiyonukBut I'm sure there's far more documentation covering it? Where I'm in the minioirty if I purchase a Hp 48759, or whatever00:56
carandraugsnova: in a LiveCD00:56
ssdtcan anyone please tell me what i have to do for it to have both windows and ubuntu, step by step?00:56
Khisanthyou can even buy a Dell with Ubuntu pre installed :)00:56
snovacarandraug: oh, you don't need to do that.00:56
jribYamakiri_: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start00:57
Yamakiri_thanks jrib00:57
jrib!dualboot > ssdt00:57
ubottussdt, please see my private message00:57
carandraugsnova: what can I do then? Help is appreciated00:57
Chris_fosterHi, is their any key in ubuntu that has the equivilant function of the windows key in windows?00:57
snovacarandraug: i don't remember the process, but there's a way to recover a lost password.00:57
jribcarandraug: just reboot and choose "recovery mode" from the grub menu, then "root shell".  Then execute 'passwd NAME_OF_YOUR_USER'00:58
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:58
MonsieurBonI'm looking for a wlan card that works without problems in ubuntu. Any recommendations?00:58
Freakin_Busyhmm.. can someone take a look at this partition table and suggest how to get a dual boot on, non-destructively? http://img522.imageshack.us/img522/3752/screenshotdevsdagpartedst9.png00:58
carandraugsnova: hmm, ok. I'll google it then. Lost password immediately make me think about editing that file, I didn't even thought about password recovery (aside a script to guess the password from the hash but that would take a lot of time)00:59
carandraugjrib: oh, ok. Thanks, that's useful00:59
wersi cant play flash videos on opera. i just see gray boxes. i have flash support installed. i can play those vids on firefox, epiphany, and konqueror. any idea why?00:59
Chris_fosterHi, is their any key in ubuntu that has the equivilant function of the windows key in windows?00:59
xompI have this gISOMount for mounting .ISO's, yet when I try and run it it says I need to be root. But if I "sudo gisomount" from a terminal and auth with it, it comes up fine. Is there a way I can have it authenticate me via a launch menu instead of having to drop to a terminal every time?00:59
jribChris_foster: the windows key on keyboard is usually referred to as the "super key"01:00
Chris_fosterjrib: k, is their any key like that though?01:00
portablejimFreakin_Busy, maybe resizing sda4 to take the 68GB or so then create a new partition out of that. Not sure how destructive it may be though.01:00
carandraugChris_foster: if you want to open the menu, it's by default "Alt+F1" but you can change that01:00
jribChris_foster: I don't understand your question.  If your keyboard has a windows key, then you'll see it called the super key in linux01:00
Chris_fostercarandraug, jrib: I want to have a key to downsize a fullscreen window01:01
jribChris_foster: right click on the title bar.  The shortcut is alt-f901:01
Freakin_Busyportablejim,  will try... it doesn't like that there are 3 primaries and a logical...01:01
Chris_fosterjrib: would that work for full screen games, not just windows?01:02
Chris_fosterjrib: like the game tremulous, in wich there is no visible title bar01:02
jribChris_foster: ah.  I don't know.  give it a try01:02
Chris_fosterjrib: okay, thanks01:02
jribChris_foster: sometimes alt-tab works too01:02
RiyonukIs there any manufactures that offer ubuntu, like instead of the windows key, like that good? Besides system76? There selection is...limited :P01:03
Freakin_Busyportablejim, actually i think that may work... just incase... how do i copy the sda5 (2gb) partition to backup?01:03
portablejimFreakin_Busy, you extend the extended partition and create another one in the extended part.01:03
unopChris_foster, how does the windows key help with fullscreen windows on windows?01:03
carandraugChris_foster: you can edit that. Sysem > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcut01:03
unoptoo many windows ...01:03
snovaChris_foster: the super key has always worked for me. you can try super-d to minimize all windows, but some games might ignore it.01:03
Chris_fosterunop: if you press the super key in a fullscreen game, the game downsizes to the taskbar01:03
Chris_fostercarandraug: okay, thanks. Thats what im looking for01:04
unopChris_foster, is that because the windows start menu pops up? i think the windows behaviour is only a side effect.01:04
snovaRiyonuk: i think there are alternative stickers you can get.01:04
xompwell, I think I found my own answer. I guess if a program needs root access you can set it's command to "gksudo appname" and it will just work!01:04
portablejimFreakin_Busy,  sda5 fits on a CD-r(w) since it is 640mb01:04
Chris_fosterunop: lol, now that I think of it your right. I cant believe I never noticed that01:05
penanyone know alternative to GIMP? or a interface hack for it?01:05
Chris_fosterunop: I completely ignored the menu01:05
RiyonukI'm not talking about stickers, I'm talking about the key between ctrl and alt, on the bottom left.01:05
milluminuis this where i go to troll on freenode?01:05
penI really don't like the floating toolbar01:05
milluminuis there anywhere i can troll on freenode?01:05
unopxomp, if your GUI app requires you to run it under root permanently, it's either not written well or you haven't configured it right.01:05
ssdtwill the first option delete the windows?01:05
philsfFreakin_Busy: you know the first unalocated 68GB is wasted, right?01:05
ssdtor the second01:05
ssdtwhat does these mean, each of these options? can anyone please help me?01:06
xompunop, it's gISOMount, I downloaded it via synaptic and had to manually add it to my menu but if I click it from my menu it bitches about needing to be root.01:06
DasEi1 milluminu:try #defocus01:06
xompI hate how synaptic doesn't always add the applications icon or the app itself to your freaking menu lol, such an annoyance.01:06
jribxomp: if a gui app does not have a menu item, it is a bug.  Please file it at bugs.ubuntu.com01:07
snovai'm trying to enable the ppa repos with kde 4.1 in them, as was suggested to me. do these packages use .kde instead of .kde4? i read that they'd changed that recently, but i don't know if it applies to these repos.01:07
Hestonhow does one determine which options a specific package has been compiled with?01:08
jrib!source > Heston01:08
ubottuHeston, please see my private message01:08
jribHeston: read debian/rules in the source package01:08
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xompjrib, I will, but is it a problem adding "gksudo" before the apps command to start it the way I need it to start?01:09
jribxomp: what app?01:09
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.01:09
xompjrib, gISOMount01:09
Hestonjrib, explain to me how a package's source code is going to tell what a distro decided to compile in support for a specific package01:09
Iljais there a microsoft virtual server like for ubuntu? that i can webbased connect to my virtual servers?01:09
ssdtplease help with the option of the installation01:09
jribxomp: I don't know.  If you are sure you need to use sudo, then I suppose it is fine01:09
ssdtwhat does they mean01:09
xompjrib, yeah, because I can't start it unless it gets authenticated as root user :(01:10
jribHeston: because debian/ tells you exactly how the package was built01:10
unopxomp, if gisomount has no work aroud this - i guess it's your only option.01:10
ssdtplease please please help me with this01:11
neotomhow can I tell if the pci hard drive adapter is compatible with my system?01:11
snovassdt: what do you mean?01:11
Hestonjrib, why would debian tell me how ubuntu packages its packages?01:11
jribHeston: debian/ is a directory.  That's how packages are made01:11
unopHeston, ubuntu's package format is based on debian's01:11
ssdti have a problem with the partition and how much gets in each if i choose the first option01:12
unopHeston, the debian/ directory is only a legacy - no implication that debian influences how ubuntu packages are built.01:12
IntuitiveNippleHeston: grab the package source from the repos (apt-get source <package>) then enter the unpacked source directory and load debian/rules. Look for the "build*" target(s) and find the ./configure command and then figure out what options are being passed01:12
jribneotom: do you have a support question?01:12
HestonIntuitiveNipple, thanks01:12
ssdti don't want the whole thing with ubuntu01:12
neotomyes, Ive asked it already01:12
Iljais there a microsoft virtual server like for ubuntu? that i can webbased connect to my virtual servers?01:12
ssdtso what do i do? please help01:12
jribneotom: then stop with the random unrelated phrases please01:13
unopIlja, not sure about webbased - but have a look at vmware and virtual-box01:13
IntuitiveNippleHeston: Many times you'll have to back-track in debian/rules to work out what the configure options are since they are added to a variable that is expanded on ./configure line itself, but it is usally pretty easy to do that01:13
zafyhey guys I tried installing OSS4 cuz I had static and it was unbearable and someone said I should try but it didn't work so I tried reverting to alsa but I just can't get it to work and I have no sound anymore01:13
zafycan someone help me ?01:14
neotomk thanks for the help, I was asking intuitive nipple, but I guess your not paying attention01:14
Iljatnx unop01:15
Iljai will give it a try01:15
HestonIntuitiveNipple, you've been very helpful, thank you01:15
IntuitiveNippleHeston: a GREAT tip if you want just the configure options...01:16
IntuitiveNippleHeston: I'll use the "boost" package as an example. First, go to the launchpad page for the package (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost)01:16
ubottuDasEi1, please see my private message01:16
IntuitiveNippleHeston: Choose the build version and release (hardy, intrepid, etc.) and look at the build records01:17
Filthpighi, I have an ati radeon mobility 9200 card, how do I enable compiz on this one? I know it's blacklisted out of the box, but I can't find where to remove the blacklisting.01:17
IntuitiveNippleHeston: for example, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/boost/1.34.1-11ubuntu101:17
chilli0hey whats a good video editing softwear for ubuntu free on ?01:17
IntuitiveNippleHeston: In the right side-pane look at the builds for that version and select one (in this case lets look at amd64)01:18
IntuitiveNippleHeston: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost/1.34.1-11ubuntu1/+build/64572301:18
chilli0hey whats a good video editing softwear for ubuntu free on ?01:18
IntuitiveNippleHeston: Now click the link for the build.log, and on that page use your browser to search for the string "./configure"01:19
jribchilli0: pitivi, kino, avidemux01:19
chilli0what would be the best in ur oppinion01:19
HestonIntuitiveNipple, on the page mentioned, I cant seem to locate build.log01:20
jribchilli0: try them all and use what you like.  I don't have a strong preference for any01:20
snovai just added a ppa repo to get kde 4.1.1 and now kpackage only shows packages from that repository! why is this?01:20
IntuitiveNippleHeston: If you don't find it then the package has an alternative configure method (in this case it doesn't have configure, doh!, so bad example!)01:20
IntuitiveNippleHeston: on page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/boost/1.34.1-11ubuntu1/+build/64572301:21
IntuitiveNippleHeston: Build log:   buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.boost_1.34.1-11ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz01:21
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:21
HestonIntuitiveNipple, that's ok, I can work from the information you've given me. Exactly what I was looking for, thanks again.01:21
IntuitiveNippleHeston: let's find a package that uses configure not the python build system!01:21
sdwrageHEY guys where is the mysql/data folder ?01:21
philsfsdwrage: could be the one in /var/lib?01:22
sdwrageI checked there :(01:22
geniisdwrage: Usually someplace like /var/db01:22
sdwragethere is no mysql folder in there01:22
sdwrageoh wait01:22
sdwrageyeah there is01:22
sdwragebut no data folder01:22
IntuitiveNippleHeston: for "vlc", https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vlc/0.9.2-1ubuntu2/+build/72433301:22
snovasdwrage: probably somewhere in /var. run "find -name '*mysql*' /var" to search for it.01:23
IntuitiveNippleHeston: That has a great set of configure options01:23
Hestonalright then01:23
Daft_Punkis there a key combo on xchat you can set, so you can switch between open channels without having to click on them?01:23
bunjeehow do I enable desktop effects?01:24
jribbunjee: system -> preferences -> appearance01:24
chillcan anyone give me a hand with reinstalling alsa ?01:25
chilli tried oss to fix a vmware problem and the tutorial to reinstall alsa did not work01:25
snovai added a ppa repository to sources.list, but now kpackage only shows packages from this repository. what's going on?01:25
bunjeejril - i have done that several times by putting the bullet in "custom" with no enabling as of yet01:25
jribbunjee: do the other options work?01:26
carandraugbunjee: try running compiz in the terminal. It may give some help01:26
danbh_intrepidsnova: its supposed to only show the latest01:27
jribbunjee: what happens exactly?01:27
bunjeei do not know how to run compiz in the termiinal01:27
gauch0hi there01:27
chr1s3one2bunjee: open a terminal an type compiz --replace01:27
knight121hello. can i install ubuntu in a dual-boot config with windows vista?01:27
snovadanbh_intrepid: i reloaded it and now it's fine... but before it wasn't showing anything from standard ubuntu repos.01:28
snovaknight121: yes.01:28
carandraugbunjee: open a terminal and run "compiz --replace"01:28
carandraugknight121: yes01:28
chillbunjee: did you install the compizconfig-settings-manager01:28
knight121will it mess up my machine?01:28
curtisknight21, no01:28
chilland 'advanced desktop effects settings' is not under system / prefs ?01:29
gauch0i am using hardy heron and xorg files (nvidia drivers too) are crashed, and they are restored default. How to re do automatic-first-boot-scanning-driver?01:29
chillbunjee:  and 'advanced desktop effects settings' is not under system / prefs ?01:29
erUSULgauch0: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'01:29
knight121considering i'm not the most advanced PC user, is there an easy to follow guide on how to install ubuntu in a dual boot with vista somewhere?01:29
bunjeeok, I did compiz --replace - now what?01:29
kebomixu there diesel ?01:29
carandraugbunjee: did some text appear?01:30
bunjeeyes it is01:30
curtisknight21, http://apcmag.com/how_to_dualboot_vista_with_linux_vista_installed_first.htm01:30
carandraugbunjee: pastebin it01:30
gauch0xserver-xorg postinst warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration01:30
gauch0   file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.2008092702301401:30
erUSUL!dualboot | knight12101:30
ubottuknight121: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot01:30
knight121curtis: fantastic! thank you very much01:30
curtisknight121, you are welcome01:31
kebomixDiEsel ?01:31
bunjeewhat's pastebin?01:31
carandraug!pastebin | bunjee01:31
ubottubunjee: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:31
TopBunny88Is there a audio converter called audiokonverter?01:32
bunjeeI do not have a URL.01:32
gauch0command to rename?01:33
jribgauch0: mv01:33
jrib!cli > gauch001:33
carandraugbunjee: paste and copy the output. Then choose to submit. The URL is the one from the page that you'll end up viewing01:33
ubottugauch0, please see my private message01:33
curtisTopBunny88, there is a converter called audiokonverter01:34
bunjeeyou lost me carandraug - I'm pretty new to this Linux stuff.01:34
bunjeeall I want to0 do is enable desktop effects - I've got a Radeon 4850 Visiontek card01:35
xompbunjee, your card is blacklisted in compiz01:36
xompbunjee, you will need to do a few things to get it working, but it is possible :)01:36
carandraugbunjee: go to that page that ubottu gave you. There's a box to fill in there. You copy what you have in the terminal and paste it to that box. Put in your username and select to submit. A webpage will appear. Then you give us the URL of that page so we can see it01:36
bunjeeSo I can't get desktop effects?01:36
werswhere do I get the widescreen versions of hardy's wallpapers?01:36
detrixhow do I get Ubuntu to play MP3s or get ubuntu authorized codecs???01:36
jribdetrix: double click on an mp3 in your file browser01:37
randomlogic78jrib: I have physical access to the server now, but I can't even issue shutdown commands because sudo won't work01:37
xompbunjee, open terminal and type "lspci | grep VGA" and paste the output01:37
carandraugdetrix: there's a package for that. Look for "Gstreamer extra plugin" inside "Add/Remove..."01:38
detrixjust tried that and when I went to d/l it, I was informed that I could not because the codec would not work on my machine. its needs a i386 arch. I have AMD2800 ATHALON01:38
Moderndayzerojust curious but any of you have the time to answer a few questions of mine i just installed ubuntu01:38
randomlogic78how do I cleanly shutdown with out sudo?01:38
carandraug!ask | Moderndayzero01:39
ubottuModerndayzero: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)01:39
Moderndayzerolol np will do01:39
dshufeltAnyone ever tried to upgrade a 7.04 machine to 8.04 via CD Repository?01:39
esacare there any issues with ubuntu package servers ?01:39
jribrandomlogic78: if you press the power button on your server once will it shutdown?  Most computers will just ask the OS to shutdown and you have to hold it down for a long time to force it to power off01:39
esaci keep getting 'could not resolve' from aptitude , but i can browse there via web browser01:39
carandraug!mp3 | detrix01:40
ubottudetrix: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:40
curtisTopBunny88: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/audiokonverter?content=1260801:40
Moderndayzerowell i am use to running windows and i have ubuntu 8.04 i am trying to add compiz and get it to run01:40
randomlogic78jrib: I can... I just didn't know it would ask the os to shutdown... what about ctrl-alt-del01:40
randomlogic78will that set the runlevel to 601:40
bunjeexomp - how did you get the vertical line?01:40
carandraugrandomlogic78: only reboots the X server01:40
jribrandomlogic78: you can try of course, it might :)01:41
randomlogic78ctrl-alt-del reset to runlevel 6 and the server is rebooting :-)01:41
carandraugrandomlogic78: through the terminal, I only know "sudo shutdown -h now". Or you can order the kernel to shutdown but that's not used01:42
randomlogic78carandraug: Yea, but my sudoers file is messed up so I can't use that01:42
carandraugrandomlogic78: oh, del. Ok. I've read del but thought backspace01:42
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots01:43
xompbunjee, sorry, I don't know what you're asking.01:44
xompbunjee, you mean how did I get it to output only your VGA and not all the other stuff usually listed in lspci?01:44
bunjeeI pasted it in pastebin01:44
xompbunjee, you can paste it in here if you like, it should be just one line :)01:45
Moderndayzerodumb question but im a linux noob and cant seem to add software T.T01:45
bunjeebunjee@GarageTwo:~$ lspci grep VGA01:45
bunjeeUsage: lspci [<switches>]01:45
bunjee-vBe verbose01:45
bunjee-nShow numeric ID's01:45
bunjee-nnShow both textual and numeric ID's (names & numbers)01:45
FloodBot3bunjee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:45
bunjee-bBus-centric view (PCI addresses and IRQ's instead of those seen by the CPU)01:45
randomlogic78is there anyway to get wpa_supplicant and dhclient to run at boot01:45
jrib!software | Moderndayzero01:45
ubottuModerndayzero: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents01:45
xompModerndayzero, Synaptic Package Manager01:45
Moderndayzerook ill try it ty01:45
xompbunjee, oh, ok, pastebin then if it's more than 1 line lol01:45
Moderndayzerowhere is it located please?01:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:46
xompbunjee, "lspci | grep VGA" you forgot the "|"01:46
xompDasEi1, he's aware of pastebin, no need to call the bot.01:46
bunjee"  "?01:46
gauch0when restricted nvidia drivers are installed... 1280x1024 res, vanish... (geforce 6600gt)01:46
xompbunjee, the pipe character01:46
carandraugModerndayzero: where is it located what?01:46
xompbunjee, looks like an "l" but it's SHIFT+\01:46
newuserdid anyone else notice ubuntu is moist and chewy like cake?01:46
detrixabout the mp3 codec...my system is i586 arch, and the install programs say that I need i386 and will not install the programs. please help01:46
xompModerndayzero, System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager01:47
dr_willisLinux is like an Onion. :) full of layers.01:47
Gun_SmokeHaving a small networking issue I can't resolve.. I am sharing a connection temporarily... I am able to ping the machine, but I still can't get the box connected to the net.01:47
carandraugModerndayzero: I've seen it System > Administration > Synaptic Package manager01:47
newuserGun_Smoke, are you getting name resolution ?01:47
bunjeeok hold on01:47
dr_willisdetrix,  you sure you dident install the 64bit disrto instead?01:47
curtisdetrix, system admin software sources and uncheck the ubuntu cd01:47
Gun_Smokenewuser, I'm not sure.. ?01:47
Moderndayzero, Synaptic Package Manager is what im looking for01:47
saintbobwhy does konqueror surf faster than firefox?01:47
carandraugModerndayzero: also, when asking something to someone in specific, put his nick in the begining of the message01:48
xompbunjee, I believe your irc client is escaping the pipe character, let me pastebin the code for you so you can copypasta it in the terminal :)01:48
newuserGun_Smoke, try 'nslookup google.com'01:48
Moderndayzerosry new to this01:48
xompbunjee, http://pastebin.com/d1be637da01:48
carandraugModerndayzero: it may be easier for you to use "Add/Remove..." It's under applications01:48
curtisdetrix, please see my PM01:48
bunjeebunjee@GarageTwo:~$ lspci | greb VGA01:48
bunjeebash: greb: command not found01:48
Moderndayzerothat is what i tried01:48
gauch0when restricted nvidia drivers are installed... 1280x1024 res, vanish... how to resolve?? (geforce 6600gt01:48
Moderndayzeroit wont open it01:48
dr_willisbunjee,  its 'grep' not greb01:48
xompbunjee, just copy and paste the code from http://pastebin.com/d1be637da into your terminal01:48
saintbobwhy does konqueror surf faster than firefox?01:48
carandraugModerndayzero: what happens when you try to open it?01:49
Gun_Smokenewuser, Timed out01:49
dr_willisgauch0,  after installing the nvidia drivers. I normally use the nvidia-settings tool to set my res.01:49
Moderndayzero<carandraug> it stays @ a screen01:49
carandraugModerndayzero: try run this "/usr/bin/gnome-app-install" inside a terminal. To open a terminal, Applications > Acessories > Terminal01:49
newuserGun_Smoke, pastebin the output of 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'01:49
bunjee02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Unknown device 944201:50
xompbunjee, there we go :)01:50
asho79does anyone know about a problem with gedit in version 8.04.1?01:50
bunjeexomp - yes there we go - what does it mean?01:50
Moderndayzerook i have gotten that screen01:50
Gun_Smokenewuser, seems that files doesn't exists yet01:50
jribasho79: you have to be more specific01:51
xompbunjee, it looks to me that ubuntu isn't using an appropriate driver (but I'm no expert) lol01:51
Moderndayzeromaybe im not asking the right question01:51
xompbunjee, /join #compiz01:51
carandraugModerndayzero: it opens the Add/Remove window when you run that thing in the terminal?01:51
asho79jrib: quotation marks aren't recognised when programming01:52
bunjeehow do I join #compiz?01:52
xomp/join #compiz01:53
xomptype that bunjee01:53
asho79jrib: but they work when my keyboard is in uk layout01:53
bunjeein terminal?01:53
xompbunjee, in this chat window :)01:53
asho79does anyone know where the backslash key is in uk layout settings for a US style laptop keyboard?01:54
DasEi1asho79:  -  or altgr&?01:55
d0gg1ecan i make my wireless card act as an access point ?01:55
IntuitiveNippleasho79: I seem to remember it being on `01:56
PhilDickI can't find package virtualbox-ose-modules-2.6.24-19-generic.  I could on one machine yesterday, but it's not available in the synaptic list on another machine today.01:57
asho79thanks, but no go01:57
jribPhilDick: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list01:57
xoanhello all!01:57
jrib!pastebin | PhilDick01:57
ubottuPhilDick: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:57
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)01:58
Gun_Smokenewuser, I got it.. I needed to add the nameserver...01:59
hvgotcodes_hey i have a new laptop with hardy on it and the cpu is always running at max mhz, even unplugged -- isnt it supposed to scale?01:59
PhilDickOK, think I got it pastebin'ed...01:59
PhilDicklemme know if that works02:00
MITMPhilDick works02:00
PhilDickso I can't see any virtualbox-ose-modules beyond 2.6.24-1602:01
chinoanyone know which module to use for laptop microphone ?02:01
DasEi1# deb-src http://ca.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ feisty-backports main restricted  universe multiverse  ,uncommenit, PhilDick, why don't u use hardy ?02:01
carandraug!flash | Moderndayzero02:02
ubottuModerndayzero: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash02:02
Aeron|mtfwhat's a good reader i can use in Ubuntu for reading .mht files?02:02
DasEi1 PhilDick,sorry, leave it commented, missed a line , but  why don't u use hardy ?02:02
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging02:02
jerbearwhat's the "right" way to generate an ssl cert for apache in hardy?02:02
digitalfizanyone know of a program similair to manycam or superwebcam for linux? maybe some other type of video tricaster for linux02:02
Aeron|mtfi opened one up in OO Word Processor and the file sort of resembled XML02:02
PhilDickah good question...02:03
PhilDickNo, I am running 8.04, isn't that hardy?02:03
paul__plese tjehe url in ubuntu es02:04
DasEi1 PhilDick: that is hardy, but your sources.list is of feisty ... ?!02:04
paul__plz the url of ubuntu.es02:04
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:04
jerbearwhat's the "right" way to generate an ssl cert for apache in hardy?02:04
LordvedaWhen will ubuntu 8.10 be released?02:04
digitalfizlots of talk about 8.10 i cant wait02:05
DasEi1 Lordveda:end of october, see topic, too02:05
PhilDickHmmm, let me look it over... I see hardy in it... what's wrong with it?02:05
gimpy530anyone have any idea why I am unable to mount a network share, this *exact* command worked a week ago, but now just responds "Not a directory", yes the directory does exist02:05
PhilDickthe only "feisty" i see is commented out, am I missing something/02:06
karnamehow i can turn off my labtop lcd via terminal ?02:06
DasEi1PhilDick: I was irritated by the feisty-lines, but they are commented, so alright02:06
curtishow can i make the screen saver show up? using the terminal?02:06
skylar_how to get the debate with internet + ubuntu?02:07
DasEi1curtis: right click desktop> prferences...02:07
PhilDickspeaking of the debate I want to catch that.02:07
karnamehow  can i turn off my labtop lcd via terminal ?02:07
PhilDickplease email any ideas to david_wetta at rocketmail.com02:08
curtisDasEil, ok02:08
DasEi1is ot, stop here: http://www.myspace.com/mydebates02:08
raisshi all02:08
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!02:08
raisssorry ,.. i'm a problem with nvidia 5200 128 Mb drivers ....02:09
raisssomeone can help me ?? :D02:09
=== Leslie_Stoddard is now known as TaterTot
TaterTotWhats wrong02:09
ianm_raiss: ask your question02:09
carandraug!pastebin | Moderndayzero02:09
ubottuModerndayzero: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:09
curtisDasEil, please check my PM02:10
gimpy530anyone have any idea why I am unable to mount a network share, this *exact* command worked a week ago, but now just responds "Not a directory", yes the directory does exist02:10
itcharlieHello all02:10
itcharlieI am in need of some assistance with pidgin02:11
OuTstanDinGhello to everyone!02:11
dr_willisgimpy530,  try mounting to a differnt directory?02:11
raissi've take the drivers but when i install the drivers , the defoult system don't check new drivers...only nvidia ubuntu defoult's divers ....!02:11
skylar_IE only??!?!?02:11
skylar_and they let you watch the commercial ERRR02:12
gimpy530dr_willis, that gets hte same error02:12
jeroen-so to look GTK/Gnome apps look like QT/KDE apps, I use GTK-QT-Engine, but.... what about the way around!!?02:12
DasEi1is there a terminal cmd to raise screen saver ?02:12
dr_willisgimpy530,  whats the exact command you are using?02:12
raissu' can halp me with nvidia drivers ?? :D02:13
gimpy530dr_willis, the command is: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=cow,password=moo // /mnt/temp02:14
DasEi1raiss: u dld the nvidia-sh installer and that didn't work ?02:14
ubottuchino: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:14
rgs_does anybody know of program to add subtitles to a video in Linux?02:14
dr_willisgimpy530,  same issue with like /mnt/TryANewDir and any otehr directory also eh?02:15
karnamehow  can i turn off my laptop lcd via terminal ?02:15
gimpy530dr_willis, yes, any directory02:15
chinohow do i find out what type of microphone is built into this laptop so i can google the module for it ?02:15
dr_willisgimpy530,  Funny thing. this pc is named 'cow' on my network. :)02:15
gimpy530this happens with a second ubuntu box as well, but the share works in windows and had no issues a week ago02:15
=== lurcio is now known as lurcio|away
chinowhat woudl i look for in lspci ?02:16
gimpy530that username and pass is fake, didnt want to put my real one in there!02:16
raissDasEi1 i've install drivers nvidia but the monitor resolution is max 800x600 ... why this ???02:16
dr_willisgimpy530,  weird.   I wonder if theres a way tog et more verbose error messages..   the share does exist dosent it?02:16
penanyone using gimp but different interface?02:16
DasEi1chino: microphone ?!02:16
pengimpy530, ?02:16
gimpy530works fine a my Vista box and XP box, but not on either Ubuntu boxes02:16
woojjobi am using potoshop02:16
DasEi1raiss: isn't there a nvidia-gui under apps now ?02:16
nnullim pretty sure it would be but i just wanna double check, its a bad idea to run a encrypted partition on a very low resource pc correct?02:16
raisssorry DasEi1 pvt ??02:17
penwoojjob, oh, well, I don't have a copy02:17
gimpy530nnull, sometimes, encryption will slow down access speeds02:17
chinonone of them say mic02:17
DasEi1raiss: applications>nvidia  ?02:17
dr_willisgimpy530,  i recall a bit of a bug with getting access to windows shares at times during beta.. and every so often someone seems to have the same issue..   I assume you have  updated/upgraded to all the latest updates..02:17
[Solaris]saved me now02:17
chinonone of the outputs from lspci or lshw or hwinfo show anything about a microphone02:17
nnullgimpy530ƺ yea well i installed last night, and for some reason decided to try encryption out, i notice it in performance02:17
gimpy530yes I have02:17
penwoojjob, do you have experience in gtk theming?02:18
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: have you tried using smbclient to see if it is mount or cifs causing the issue?02:18
DasEi1chino(!who): its prbly integrated in an sound module02:18
chinoDasEi1:  so what woudl i look for ?02:18
raiss DasEi1  no link in applications menu :(02:18
dr_willisgimpy530,  i  would check the forums to see if anyone else has had a similer issue. You might want to  also check out that fusesmb  tool (or was it smbfuse) to try mounting it that way.   if nothing else it would perhaps show some more verbose error messages.02:19
raiss DasEi1  no link nvidia in applications menu :(02:19
DasEi1chino: sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:19
raissi've some problem02:19
chinoDasEi1:  ok ?02:19
DasEi1chino: hwinfo>hw.txt  &&pastepinit hw.txt && rm hw.txt02:20
jeroen-so to look GTK/Gnome apps look like QT/KDE apps, I use GTK-QT-Engine, but.... what about the way around!!?02:20
DasEi1chino: url ?02:20
XavuraYou know the little gnome panel applet things?02:20
XavuraIf you go on "add to panel", those?02:20
gimpy530nipple, trying to get to the hsrae by going to "places -> network" does not work either, it shows the domain and computer, but not the share02:20
chinoDasEi1: http://pastebin.com/f69efe4e302:20
DasEi1raiss: backup your xorg.conf and pastebin it02:20
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: permissons02:20
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: check the permissions on the Windows PC02:21
gimpy530root own the directory, mount was ran as root....again, this all worked a week ago02:21
dr_willisgimpy530,   when it shows the domaine/computer ive often had to type in the share name.  some how the share name was hidden on one of my machines02:21
XavuraI'm basically wanting to create a REALLY simple little thing to add to my gnome panel02:21
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: You might want to run Wireshark and monitor the SMB traffic to see what the Windows PC is reporting02:22
XavuraI'm wondering if it's possible02:22
curtisXavura, what is it that you want to do?02:22
gimpy530nipple, the account I am telling mount to use has the correct permissions02:22
XavuraI want a little box to type in and hit enter02:22
Xavurato take me to php.net/what i typed02:22
XavuraThat would save me so much time :P02:22
raissDasEi1 dhttp://pastebin.com/f69efe4e3 .... this is for me ??02:22
Xavuraand I'm wondering if it's possible to create by default02:22
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: No!, *permissions* on the Windows NTFS directory/files, and the share02:22
balzac_I want to test kexec with some alternative kernels. Any suggestions on specialized kernels I might try?02:22
curtisso if you type in google.com it will take you to that page?02:22
Xavurano just a php manual look-up thing02:22
SaS`what would cause x from not being able to exit ? (meanwhile my mouse is non-responsive)02:22
Xavurait'll take me to php.net/[whatever I typed in the box in the gnome panel]02:23
Xavuraor maybe such a thing already exists?02:23
zafyhey guys, I installed OSS4 and reverted to Alsa but it seems there's something from OSS4 that deletes te soundcore module and I have to reinstall te linux image at each boot02:23
zafyanyone knows what this pmight be ?02:23
DasEi1raiss:  str2: "Microphone In"02:23
XavuraI look at the manual SO often that it'd actually save me time haha02:23
chinoDasEi1: ?02:23
Paddy_EIREzafy: that sounds nasty... what guide if any did you follow02:23
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: Also, if Windows is refusing it the reports will be in the Event log02:23
raissDasEi1 no i haven't02:23
aiaidevilhey guys, I've installed Ubuntu beside Windows and I can't access my Wi-Fi network from Ubuntu. Is there anything that can solve this problem?02:23
gimpy530nipple....what do you mean? the account I am telling mount to use with the -o option is a domain account, that account has the correct share and ntfs permissions02:23
raissDasEi1 dhttp://pastebin.com/f69efe4e3 .... this is for me ??02:24
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: installing your wifi card in ubuntu perhaps02:24
DasEi1raiss:sry, messed nick02:24
aiaidevilhow? where to find those drivers?02:24
chinoDasEi1: ah my search was case sensitive.... but what am I supposed to do with that data? it doesn't even tell me anything02:24
zafyPaddy_EIRE, that one : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound02:24
DasEi1chino:   str2: "Microphone In"02:24
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: read my lips! The NTFS file-system permissions ON THE WINDOWS PC may have changed - that would cause the error you report02:24
werson AWN, can I show only windows in my active virtual workspace?02:24
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: well firstly you should identify the wireless card/chipset02:24
Paddy_EIREzafy: just a sec02:25
DasEi1chino :search out from hwinfo to find your onboard sound, I'm getting tired02:25
mel|macbookhi, im looking for a hint what ftp server i should install on my ubuntu server02:25
zafyPaddy_EIRE, thanks02:25
aiaideviland then I should search for this wireless card model drivers for ubuntu on the internet?02:25
gimpy530nipple....I checked the NTFS and share permissions on the windows server before coming here, that account has the correct permissions02:25
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: are you on a laptop or desktop and if its a desktop is it a usb wireless dongle or a card02:25
DasEi1raiss:(terminal)  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf  /etc/X11/xorg.conf_safe02:26
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: ok02:26
DasEi1terminal, damn02:26
aiaidevilDell Inspiron 150102:26
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: do "lspci" in a terminal and pastebin the results02:26
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: So what does the Windows PC event log report when the Linux PC attempts to connect?02:26
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: wait02:26
pur3sup ppl02:26
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: I know that laptop inside out02:26
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: your in luck02:26
DasEi1raiss: sudo apt-get install displayconfig-gtk02:26
gimpy530nipple, I just logged into an XP box under the account in question, works fine on windows, mounts the share no problem02:26
gimpy530nipple, let me check02:26
DasEi1raiss: sudo displayconfig02:26
mel|macbookpur3: playstations wack02:26
DasEi1raiss: find your monitor there ?02:27
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: here is your new best friend http://www.ubuntu1501.com/02:27
raiss1 moment ;)02:27
DasEi1raiss: sudo apt-get install pastebinit02:27
Paddy_EIREok now to you zafy02:27
chinoDasEi1: that's the jack in the front of the laptop.... but tehre is a built in microphone on the monitor02:27
zafyPaddy_EIRE, all ears02:27
pur3any1 good with compiz02:27
DasEi1chino:search hwinfo02:27
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: Like I said before, it would be a good idea to use Wireshark to view the SMB traffic on the wire, then you can see precisely what is being said by both ends02:27
Paddy_EIREzafy: gotta read this guide first inorder to tell if the guy makes it stick.. so to speak02:27
aiaidevilOMG! Thanks Paddy_Eire!02:27
chinoDasEi1: search for wehat ?02:27
pur3any1 good with compiz ?02:27
Paddy_EIREaiaidevil: anytime02:27
DasEi1raiss: pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:28
pur3any1 good with compiz ?02:28
mel|macbookno ftp recommendation for me?02:28
pur3what do u need macbook02:28
mel|macbookftp server on ubuntu server02:28
zafypur3, what do you want to know about compiz ?02:28
curtispur3 i am decent with compiz what do you need?02:28
benjickmel|macbook: proftpd?02:28
gimpy530nipple, Windows event viewer on the server shows a success audit for every attempted mount02:28
Paddy_EIREzafy: just out of curiosity why have you turned to OSS02:29
carandraug!ask | pur302:29
ubottupur3: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)02:29
pur3I'm wondering if there are some nice effects and how to set them up02:29
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: That's good then... that means you know it is local to the Linux PC02:29
mel|macbookthx, google wasnt too kind02:29
zafyPaddy_EIRE, my soudn makes a scratching noise02:29
zafyso i tried pretty much everything02:29
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: I found a reference for mount which says:02:29
Paddy_EIREzafy: well that would be the one to fix02:29
IntuitiveNipple"mount: ... : Not a directory02:29
IntuitiveNippleThe local path is not a directory. Check the spelling in your command, and run ls to check if local path is a directory or not"02:29
carandraugpur3: install ccsm. Look for it in Add/remove... Stand for CompizConfiguration Settings manager02:29
zafyfrom removing pulseaudio to tweaking the mixer02:29
Paddy_EIREzafy: oss is not that great02:29
zafynothing worked02:29
gimpy530nipple, Linux PCs....plural, both won't mount02:29
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IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: triple-check the mount point :)02:29
zafyPaddy_EIRE, someone told me to give it a shot02:29
zafyPaddy_EIRE, but apparently this scratching is a know issue of nvidia audio chipsets02:30
alphaeturk varmi ?02:30
IntuitiveNipplegimpy530: But, the best thing is to use Wireshark02:30
Paddy_EIREnot what I would recommend but he must have had either good reason or was just shooting the breeze02:30
* zafy is considering buying a sound card and be done with it02:30
Paddy_EIREzafy: what is your sound hardware02:30
gimpy530nipple, thanks for the help, im going to go try a few more things, thanks02:30
ubotturaid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto02:30
zafyPaddy_EIRE, I couldn't get OSS to work anyway so I reverted and that's when it all went to crap02:31
zafyPaddy_EIRE, I have a M3N78 Pro motherboard from Asus02:31
Paddy_EIREzafy: is this it02:32
zafyPaddy_EIRE, yep02:32
chillhow do i reinstall my sound card (cant find anything other than how to reinstall alsa....02:33
Paddy_EIREzafy: just for the sake of asking have you seen this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91633002:33
alphaefrendfinger php script ?02:33
Paddy_EIREchill: identify what your card is firstly02:33
zafyPaddy_EIRE, yeah but that's video issue right ?02:33
Paddy_EIREzafy: no its a general trouble shooting thread for the board02:34
zafydidn't know that02:34
zafyI guess I should post my scratching sound issue there then02:34
Paddy_EIREwell it looks like they have it sussed ... let me have another read of it02:34
zafyPaddy_EIRE, what about that soundcore keeps getting deleted thing ?02:34
chillPaddy_EIRE:  intel8x0 (stac9750) it was working w/ alsa, but i had a problem w/ vmware sound; so i tried oss to fix it,and it didnt work, so i tired the tutorial to reinstall alsa, but apparently the sound driver (module) is missing...02:35
chillPaddy_EIRE: and i cant find a tutorial to fix it02:35
Paddy_EIREha zafy looks like success http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88136302:35
Paddy_EIREchill: oh I see02:35
zafyPaddy_EIRE, I saw that but I don't know how to fix it02:36
zafyand that doesn't solve that soundcore issue02:36
Paddy_EIREoh I see02:36
=== eltech- is now known as eltech
nate_Hello...is there any way to change the default applet icons in AWN?02:36
chillnate_: are you using awn or awn fusion (or whatever the variation is called?)02:37
Paddy_EIRE!gnome-look | nate02:37
nate_Just AWN02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-look02:37
zafyPaddy_EIRE, everytime I reboot I have to reinstall the linux image to get soundcore back02:37
Paddy_EIREnate look at gnome-look ... google it02:37
zafyother wise I get the module doesn't exist error02:37
Paddy_EIREzafy: yeah you see we need to just make it stick02:37
nate_i know about that, but i do not know how to change the Icons of the applets02:37
Paddy_EIREnate_: tried awn-manager02:38
zafyPaddy_EIRE, how do we do that ? (to the risk of sounding annoying)02:38
Paddy_EIREzafy: lol.. I am having a read02:38
passbemy fsck at bootup fails and any fsck from a live cd fails. i have made sure the filesystem is umounted and ext3, if i leave this fsck to fail will it affect ubuntu running ?02:38
zafyokay sorry02:38
chillnate_: awn bzr482, try that over awn default02:38
nate_yes i have02:38
nate_im pretty sure i am using that02:38
alrex021How do I put a process in the background correctly in ubuntu? I tried & ....but when I logout, for some reason the process seems to be there when I do ps.. but its actually not working corectlly unless I login again and start it up again02:39
hotmonkeyluvwhat is the difference between a router and a gateway?02:39
chillhotmonkeyluv: what are you trying to do?02:39
chillnate_:  did you try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56995002:40
Riyonukhotmonkeyluv, that's like asking what's the difference between a car and a tire, they kinda go together :D02:40
chillnate_:  did you try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=56995002:40
[Solaris]installing on a mobo with a "hardware' raid .. a.k.a. "fakeRAID" do i need to tell the bios to turn off the raid for a software raid?02:40
dr_willisa Router. normally works as a gateway02:40
chillPaddy_EIRE: any suggestions about my snd problem?02:40
hotmonkeyluvchill, Riyonuk: I want to have a net connection that does not assign an IP address, rather a modem does the adressing02:41
nate_that was for Wine02:41
* Riyonuk leaves it to chill02:41
nate_im talking about the other applets, stacks, quit, etc..02:41
chillhotmonkeyluv: whats your hardware setup. if you have a dhcp internet connection, you can run a router behind it w/out dhcp and static your client machines02:42
vasilisacan anyone tell me where to go to get help for networking? :( my inet is my personal ip address02:42
vasilisaand this stupid network manager wont let me change the gateway02:42
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chillvasilisa: use wicd02:43
guesthey i just installed superkaramba Where would it be installed to on pen drive linux02:43
=== jimmacdonald is now known as os2mac
chillvasilisa: its a better networking gui front end02:43
mneptokvasilisa: why is DHCP not setting the correct router address?02:43
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chillvasilisa: works better than network manager02:43
vasilisachill: i just need to fix this....02:43
hotmonkeyluvchill:  I have a modem, then a few computer attatched to the modem (so it's a router as well, I suppose) and I want to have wireless internet, but I have to get the IP assigned by the modem and log into a university firewall/access/whatever/the/heck02:44
vasilisamneptok: DHCP? whats that02:44
mneptokchill: it's also not packaged, and thus not a good recommendation for Ubuntu.02:44
Deiseltondo yall know how to amplify the sound?... i have harman/kardon speaker and they should be ten time louder02:44
Deiseltoni need help :)02:44
mneptokvasilisa: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol02:44
chillmneptok: you can get a deb file02:44
alphaefrend php script ?02:44
chillDeiselton: spdif or line-out?02:44
mneptokchill: it's still not a good thing to recommend, given that most people here have limited exoerience02:45
vasilisamneptok: I dunno what that is, but i hit the reset button on my modem and router both and now my default gateway is my own ip addy02:45
Deiseltoni know how to adjust the volumn...02:45
Paddy_EIREzafy: seen this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=903357&highlight=M3N7802:45
chillvasilisa: whats your network setup02:45
Deiseltonthe volumn lvl is set to the highest... but the system thinks my speakers suck or somehting and have it set to low02:45
mneptokvasilisa: your router handles DHCP, and should set the proper router address as part of an IP lease02:45
vasilisachill: Comcast? Linksys connected to a netgear02:45
chillDeiselton: you have your computer outputting to your receiver sound system; what is the physical connection between them02:45
Hotkeyhow can i tell what plugin i need for firefox? kansasspeedway.com indicates a plug in is needed02:45
zafyPaddy_EIRE, nope02:46
Deiseltonchill: how do i fix that?02:46
zafyI'll check it out02:46
zafyPaddy_EIRE, you still looking for that soundcore thing ?02:46
vasilisamneptok: it WAS like all the websites say it should be, but after hitting reset, they changed02:46
Bruceevasilisa your modem gets a public ip, and if your modem has dhcp, then you wouldn't need a router, your modem is actual modem and router02:46
mneptokvasilisa: pastebin the output to "ifconfig" and "ifconfig -a"02:46
vasilisaBrucee: yeah but the gf wanted the netgear so that we'd have wireless for the laptops02:47
Paddy_EIREzafy: yeah well it seems to be the way ubuntu detects the hardware on that particular board02:47
mneptokvasilisa: ytou have 2 routers?!02:47
chillvasilisa: are you running both a netgear & linksys ?02:47
vasilisamneptok: maybe?02:47
chillDeiselton: fix that, i am asking what your cable is, either 1/8" headphone or spdif/optical?02:47
mneptokvasilisa: uh ...02:47
vasilisachill: linksys only has one plug in the back02:47
vasilisaso i guess its just a modem02:47
zafyPaddy_EIRE, it didn't use to do that though, before I tried OSS402:47
Paddy_EIREmneptok: its actually quite common02:47
mneptokvasilisa: what is the model # of the Netgear?02:47
vasilisabtw, ipconfig isnt recognized, i think you're thinking of windows02:47
Deiseltonchill... its a laptop02:47
mneptokvasilisa: pastebin the output to "ifconfig" and "ifconfig -a"02:48
Deiseltonits usign its built in speakers02:48
fiberhello... i was wondering if anyone knew of a good gui to analyse my startup script (ie: which are loaded and in what order)... also what would be great is something to profile my startup02:48
Bruceevasilisa turn off modem dhcp, set router to assing internal ip, in computer set it to obtain automatically or assign a static ip02:48
chillvasilisa: coax - linksys cable modem - ethernet - netgear - right?02:48
mneptok(read carefully)02:48
vasilisamneptok: WPN824v202:48
vasilisavasilisa: Yes02:48
chillDeiselton: if its using its built in speakers, then what harmon karmon you talking about?02:48
vasilisaBrucee: dunno how to do any of that lol02:49
mneptokvasilisa: that Netgear device is a router, and thus makes the Linksys redundant and unnecessary02:49
Deiseltonmy speakers are harmon/kardon built in speakers.. that are really freaken loud when runing windows02:49
Deiseltonbut with linux they are very quite02:49
vasilisamneptok: perhaps.02:49
vasilisaokay okay let me pastebin02:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:49
vasilisaim going to cover up my ip though02:49
Bruceevasilisa in modems page, in settings, there is a check mark somewhere to turn dhcp off02:49
meoblasti want to do dual monitor with a laptop.. how would i go aobut doing this?02:50
chillvasilisa: if you have comcast then you are going to get a real ip to the cable modem, then use your router as dhcp cable internet02:50
Bruceevasilisa cover ip? how can you?02:50
NoctButuHave two cd devices. 1 hdb dvd wr, 2 hdc cdrw.  I can't get audacious to play an audio cd in either02:50
mneptokchill: AFAIK, Comcast uses DHCP for consumer-grade connections.02:50
chillmneptok: yea - my linksys cable modem doesnt have any options to ignore / disable the dhcp for client machines02:51
Bruceevasilisa there is a public ip that you can hide, but by using dchp, its your internal ip02:51
vasilisathere's the pastebin that was asked for02:51
chillvasilisa: then use its dhcp for your clients from the  netgear02:51
mneptokvasilisa: this machine uses a wired connection?02:51
chillDeiselton: toshiba laptop?02:51
vasilisanow hold on a second while i figure these other remarks out :D02:51
vasilisamneptok: yes02:51
Deiseltonchill: yes02:51
mneptokvasilisa: "sudo dhclient eth0"02:51
vasilisadhcp is already off02:51
mneptok(no quotes)02:51
chillDeiselton: my guess is you need to find an option in the mixer and make sure that the pre-amp is enabled02:52
Bruceevasilisa i see what you mean by hiding ip.. should hide the modems MAC also02:52
Deiseltonweere do i find the settings for the preamp?02:52
alphaei'm lookin' for a date script02:52
chillDeiselton: that and or that the mixer has the master volume, wav/mp3 volume, etc max02:52
vasilisaBrucee: :/ i dont know anything about this stuff *CRIES*02:52
alphaeI looking for a php dating-site script ?02:52
Paddy_EIREsorry zafy this seems to keep leading to the same place02:52
chillyou are going to have to go into the mixer and select all the options (so that all of the sliders are shown) and play around w/ them to find the one that will increase it02:52
vasilisamneptok: Okay i ran it, nothing happened...02:52
vasilisamneptok: i mean it ran, but no changes02:53
zafyPaddy_EIRE, which is ?02:53
mneptokvasilisa: did you get a lease?02:53
Paddy_EIREzafy: and I would hate to ask you to reinstall ubuntu as it is just not good practise02:53
mneptokvasilisa: pastebin the output02:53
jeppdoes somebody get proxies on exaile working?02:53
zafyPaddy_EIRE, what should I do then ?02:53
chillDeiselton: i did a tower last week and it had a sblive (original) and by default there was TONS of static - it was the digital signal that was on by default02:53
vasilisamneptok: It said "bound to xx.xx.xx.xx"02:53
vasilisarenewel in 1639 seconds02:53
Paddy_EIREzafy: well you could reinstall again.. sadly02:53
mneptokvasilisa: pastebin the output of that command, and then the new output of ifconfig02:53
zafyPaddy_EIRE, fuck02:53
zafywell it'll wait02:54
zafyPaddy_EIRE, thanks02:54
Paddy_EIREzafy: ok02:54
vasilisamneptok: That would take forever to parse for stuff to censor out02:54
Deiseltonchill: how do i change those settings??... how do i configure the sound card set driver options all that good stuff?02:54
vasilisaifconfig is exactly the same as it was before02:55
chillDeiselton: do you have a sound icon on the panel bar? (top of the screen)02:55
home123Anyone ever get a "init Panic" error prompt a million times on boot up? (hardy)02:55
mneptokvasilisa: you don;t need to censor it02:55
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vasilisamneptok: Im not interested in getting hacked :(02:55
mneptokvasilisa: there's nothing in there that is sensitive02:55
vasilisamneptok: My personal ip address isnt sensitive?02:55
mneptokvasilisa: vasilisa [n=vasilisa@c-69-245-38-28.hsd1.tn.comcast.net02:55
chillvasilisa: if its 192.168.x.x or 172.x.x.x or 10.x.x.x then it wont matter02:56
mneptokName:   c-69-245-38-28.hsd1.tn.comcast.net02:56
kebomixhow to activiate swap partition?02:56
vasilisaso ips arent very private02:56
carandraugkebomix: you need to edit fstab again?02:56
mneptokvasilisa: not at all02:56
curtiskebptok, do you hae gparted installed?02:56
chillvasilisa: nope - thats how the riaa sues you02:56
spantherkebomix: swapon   :-)02:56
vasilisa*knocks on wood*02:57
kebomixi did , i want to increase fan speed ?!02:57
chillvasilisa: they see your ip, then say - hrm, the odds are good - lets sue and see if we can make some money b/c we cant on the crap artists we keep making records with02:57
kebomixmy laptop shutdown always cuz of high temprature !02:57
mneptokvasilisa: not to mention that in a channel like this, anyone with the free time and inclination to try to hack you doesn;t have the skillset necessary to be successful.02:57
VulKnOhello people, greetings from peru02:57
chillhi VulKnO02:57
carandraugkebomix: then why did you asked about activating swap?02:57
kebomixgreeting from egypt :D02:57
mneptokchill: except the RIAA has never made money from a lawsuit.02:57
chillmneptok: yea, after lawyer fees... in theory02:58
RedWarHello, long time no speak,  I want to let everyone know that I got my 64 bit system running, and GOD its the most stable system .. THank YOU GUYS02:58
chillmneptok: but im sure they have made tons from 'settlements'02:58
vasilisahere's my main question. Originally, when i hit "ip addr"  "inet" was Now its my own ip. How do i change it back02:58
mneptokchill: not even then. they only ever won one case (Thomas vs. RIAA) and that was thrown out on appeal this week02:58
jeppdoes somebody get proxies on exaile working?02:58
chillmneptok: yea, saw that - too bad that the riaa are just going to re-file and do it all over again02:59
carandraug!fan | kebomix02:59
ubottukebomix: fan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html02:59
kebomixany body here know how to increase fan speed plz , i have IBM thinkpad R5202:59
vasilisaThis is all because i was trying to make a php site hosted off my computere that could be safely, remotely accessed, but there are NO good and decent step by step guides ofr doing so02:59
chillkebomix: did you google it (dont hate me for asking)02:59
tylercan someone help me restore my video drivers from a .deb package to the default which came out of the box when i installed ubuntu02:59
vasilisathey were like "type in 192.168... blah blah so you can forward a port" but the name/password were not working,so i reset to get the defaults02:59
kebomixi did but no results or u can say , i didnt understand anything ! , im new to linux02:59
vasilisaand now my settings are all miffed02:59
tylersudo dpkg -r xserver-xorg-video-intel03:00
tyler  is anything wrong with this command?03:00
carandraugkebomix: did you follow the link ubottu gave you?03:00
chillkebomix: i know the feeling03:00
=== caplink811-log is now known as caplink811_log
tylerdpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove xserver-xorg-video-intel, only the config03:00
tyler files of which are on the system.  Use --purge to remove them too.03:00
chilldid you try some of the terminal commands listed here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33829803:00
carandraugkebomix: pah. The link is useless for you.03:01
mneptoktyler: what was the exact name of the package you installed?03:01
mneptok(from .deb)03:01
vasilisaBTW, my lil php test site is accessible remotely anywhere by typing my ip into the address bar. That doesnt seem very safe to me. A03:01
vasilisaAm i wrong?03:01
VulKnOsomeone knows python with glade, which helps in private03:02
kebomixi dont understand anything from this page ! , he show results of codes03:02
pulimmy apache does not run php files, someone can help me?03:02
jeppdoes anyone know how to listen to radio via proxy?03:02
pulimI already googled it but none of the tutorials helped me03:02
chillkebomix: have you tried putting in the codes and seeing that the output is for your machine?03:02
mneptokpulim: load mod_php and adjust php.ini as necessary03:02
chillif it works, you can write a script to change them for you03:02
kebomixchill: yeah , the first code give me nothing , there is seteps before it that i dont know03:03
kebomixchill: can u tell me if u understand wut is in this page ?03:03
pulimmneptok, my httpd.conf file is blank, but there is some files that already load the php5 modules, but it does not work03:04
pulimmneptok, what should I change in the php.ini ?03:04
chillkebomix: he is showing what commands he put in, and what their output were03:04
hansinDoes anyone know off hand if Network Manager and/or WICD use wpa_supplicant for their backend support of WPA for WiFi?  Thanks.03:04
nominhow do I shrink the main toolbar in nautilus?03:05
Vooloowould you recommend rsync or SVN to backup?03:05
supercom32Does anyone here run Ubuntu on an asus eee pc 1000H03:05
carandraugkebomix: have you tried this? http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/How_to_control_fan_speed03:05
tritium!eeepc | supercom3203:05
ubottusupercom32: Information about installing Ubuntu on an Asus EeePC can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EeePC03:05
kebomixchill: how to reach to this "/proc/acpi/ibm$ cat thermal03:06
chillkebomix: open a terminal and type in "cd /proc/acpi/ibm"03:06
chillthen type in "cat thermal"03:06
supercom32So, anyone got audacity working on an eee pc 1000h?03:07
Hotkeyu;dated firefox 3 and now get this error: You have GTK+ 2.8.03:09
HotkeyThis application requires GTK+ 2.10 or newer.03:09
formodeHello, anyone know if it is possible to get Wine to support RAW, I have photoshop installed via WINE and it won't import any RAW images.03:10
Hotkeycan't start irefox now to goole soluttion!03:10
mel|macbookthx pur3 and benjick, proftpd works fine03:12
tylercan someone help me get Intel GMA X4500 HD graphics working...03:14
hana  chat.us.freenode.net03:14
Lofde_anyone know how one  could find the status of a bug for ubuntu . the bug is  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome2/+bug/27301503:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273015 in meta-gnome2 "cannot install gnome package" [Low,Confirmed]03:14
Moderndayzero<carandraug> hey03:15
IntuitiveNippleLofde_: The "assigned" field will usually indicate if someone is working on it03:15
tylercan someone help me get Intel GMA X4500 HD graphics working... i have a lenovo x20003:16
Moderndayzerocan anyone help me set up the cube effect by chance i have all my drivers ready to go03:16
carandraugModerndayzero: welcome back. I was worried about you03:16
carandraugModerndayzero: go to Applications > Add/Remove...03:17
eNons3nsegot a problem.  when i try to play an mp3 in rhythmbox it just sits at 0:00 and doesnt play.  it was working before and just stopped a few days ago03:17
roxaneNons3nse, try installing ugly plugin03:18
IntuitiveNippleeNons3nse: That is usually because some other program has got exclusive access to the sound hardware03:18
eNons3nseroxan: GStreamer extra plugins aka "ugly" is installed.03:19
eNons3nseIntuitiveNipple: I can play mp3s in totem.  just not rhythmbox03:20
roxaneNons3nse, can you try with some other players?03:20
IntuitiveNippleeNons3nse: have you installed Flash plugin recently?03:20
roxaneNons3nse, you should better use amarok or exaile or audacious03:20
eNons3nseroxan: i know there are other players.  i just prefer rhythmbox if i can help it.03:21
IntuitiveNippleeNons3nse: I used to see the same issue, but I've now got pulse-audio set-up03:21
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!03:22
eNons3nseit was working for a while.  i just got this computer a couple weeks ago.  flash was installed the first day so its been working since then'03:23
IntuitiveNippleeNons3nse: if you log-out and back in, does it fix it?03:23
roxaneNons3nse, best way to debug would be to run rhythmbox form command line and see the output03:24
eNons3nseIntuitiveNipple: i dont think so.  i'm pretty sure ive restarted my box since having the problem03:24
roxanbpS, hi03:25
bpSHI ROXAN03:25
FloodBot3bpS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:25
roxanbpS, how you doing03:25
bpSgood very good03:25
garymis there any utility for re-encoding mp3s that will change bitrates but preserve the ID tags?  I'm using soundconverter and its great (downgrading mp3s for my portable player) but after conversion, I have to re-tag everything :(03:25
bpSand you?03:25
IntuitiveNippleeNons3nse: What software have you installed over the last few days, since it last worked?03:25
ticohello I'm trying to use limewire on ubuntu but for some reason it doesn't want to connect, I tried using it under vmware with xp and works fine03:26
roxangarym use lame03:26
roxanbpS, me too doing good03:26
garymwill it preserve tags?  I thought of it, but never tested it.03:26
roxangarym there are optoins03:26
eNons3nsehmmm.  suddenly its working again.  nevermind i guess ^~^?03:26
corinthIs there a way for me to upgrade to GNOME 2.24 in Hardy?03:26
roxancorinth, maybe by using another repo03:27
eNons3nsethanks guys03:27
corinthroxan: Know of one?03:27
roxancorinth, ?03:27
Moderndayzero<carandraug> ok03:27
corinthroxan: Know of another repo that has the packages, I meant.03:28
carandraugModerndayzero: now, all you have to do is to play around that menu.03:29
Moderndayzeronp ill let ya know how goez03:30
brolly81i dont get sound from the my internet, what the fix?03:30
carandraugModerndayzero: there's a never ending possible combinations for you to play03:30
KaRnA /server irc.securitychat.org03:30
roxancorinth, isn't there a deb in the website itself?03:30
silenihey guys i installed ubuntu last night03:31
sileniand it was working fine until an hour ago03:31
Moderndayzero<carandraug> how do you control it?03:31
sileniwhen i restarted my computer after i shutdown03:31
brolly81yesterday i was listening to the radio via internet and today its not working, how do i fix it? i can listen to music that i downloaded03:31
sileniat first it said it coudlnt detect video card driver or something and it had weird graphics03:31
sileniso i force power off and restart and it was fine but then my internet wouldnt work no matter what03:31
roxansileni, you can reconfigure X03:31
brolly81yesterday i was listening to the radio via internet and today its not working, how do i fix it? i can listen to music that i downloaded03:32
sileniso i reinstalled ubuntu alltogether and its perfect right now03:32
sileniim on the clean install now what should i do to prevent what happend03:32
roxanbrolly81, do you have real player installed?03:32
silenii have no idea what happend :(03:32
brolly81roxan, no03:32
roxansileni, what happened is no different than natural disasters03:32
sileniroxan: so at random ubuntu will do that to me ?03:32
roxansileni, you can talk a lot on how to prevent it, but when it comes nothing can prevent it03:32
roxansileni, maybe ubuntu is angry with you. maybe you didn't take good care of its cd03:33
sileniroxan: ok can you please teach me how to prevent it and how i can handle it if it does happen03:33
roxanbrolly81, which website are you trying?03:33
roxansileni, you know magicsysrk keys?03:33
brolly81roxan: pandora, youtube,03:34
=== ivanoats is now known as ivanoats|away
roxansileni, to safely shutdown a broken sytem  try http://techspalace.blogspot.com/2008/07/magicsysrq-keys.html03:34
roxanbrolly81, it must work then. whats the problem you are  having?03:34
brolly81roxan, i cant get sound from either site03:35
roxanbrolly81, silly but maybe you have muted the volume03:35
brolly81roxan i checked it03:35
brolly81roxan its not on mute on the site nor on my panel03:36
wershow do I make awn's bar fit the human theme? the blue-ish glass just doesnt work well03:36
roxanbrolly81, does sound comes from other flv like dailymotion.com03:36
francishi , how do i egerp for all file names that end with a digit ?03:36
francisPlease help03:36
roxanfrancis, [0-9]$03:37
francislet me try03:37
murlidharwhat is egerp ?03:37
dr_willisfrancis,  normally the grep tools work on a text file you could pipe a directory list to a grep command I guess.... the shell can expand/print filenames,03:37
dr_willisegrep is anothe grep variant.03:37
dr_willisI forget the differances.03:37
murlidharnvm . i will google it later03:38
francis ls -all | egrep [^0-9]$03:38
brolly81roxan just went there and clicked on video, its not muted on the site nor my volume panel. So the answer is no03:38
francisyes workd now thanks roxan03:38
dr_willisfrancis,  try just a  echo *[0-9]03:38
roxanfrancis, :D03:38
roxanbrolly81, hmmm03:39
=== metajack_ is now known as metajack
roxanbrolly81, you mean its not working on other sites like dailymotion.com metacafe.com?03:39
brolly81roxan:  second that, hmmmm. it was working fine yesterday until now03:39
dr_willisof coruse theres file names that end in a diget.. then file name/extensions... :)03:39
murlidharbrolly81: are u using vlc-mozilla-plugin to view flash videos ?03:39
brolly81roxan: no it is no03:39
roxanbrolly81, what about murlidhar's question03:40
brolly81roxan how do check to see if i am using that plug-in03:40
=== macd_ is now known as macd
roxanbrolly81, on the browser do about:plugins03:41
DEdwardshello, i am having problems with flash in Firefox 303:41
FAJhi i think i have a broadcom wireless pci card... but i don't know... here is lspci -v paste,,, can someone look and see if it is a wireless pci card?   http://paste.ubuntu.com/51137/03:41
DEdwardswhen i click on a new video in youtube, for example FF sometimes crashes03:41
Ademananyone know if there's a term for using a laptop as a wireless adapter for a wired-only device?03:42
roxanDEdwards, sometimes firefrox crashes03:42
chillAdeman: windows would call it ICS03:42
roxanFAJ, why dont you run iwconfig03:43
chillAdeman: but i would call it a network bridge03:43
roxanFAJ, it will tell which adapter is wireless enabled03:43
brolly81roxan if  i right click it says adobe flash player 903:43
FAJroxan:  I am running ndiswrapper now.  but it says that broadcom is an ethernet controller,,, so what exactly does that mean?03:43
brolly81roxan but last night it was working just fine03:44
DEdwardsroxan, this is nearly every time03:44
Ademanchill: thanks, i've actually unsuccessfully googled that, do you happen to know of any resources for setting that up?  maybe i just failed at google...03:44
murlidharFAJ: afaik all the wireless or wired cards are ethernet . correct me if i am wrong.03:44
roxanFAJ, you should run iwconfig to check wireless03:45
FAJmurlidhar:  did you take a look at it?  because i am not sure if it is ethernet wired or wireless03:45
murlidharFAJ: saw but i am not sure either.03:45
roxanbrolly81, did you do anything after last night?03:45
FAJroxan: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51139/03:46
roxanFAJ its LAN03:46
brolly81roxan, nope just turned it off and turned it on just now03:46
roxanFAJ,  100Base-T means its lan03:46
FAJok even though it says bcm43...?03:46
murlidharbrolly81: then try sudo dpkg-reconfigure flashplugin-nonfree03:46
murlidharbrolly81: it might help you.03:46
roxanFAJ what do you mean by bcm4303:47
roxanFAJ if you want to check if that card is wireless capable then just run iwconfig03:47
roxanFAJ it will tell in which adapter you have wireless extensions03:48
murlidharbrolly81: remember to restart the browser though. make sure it isn't running in the background by manually checking from gnome-process-manager.03:48
FAJroxan: 02:01.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4401 100Base-T (rev 01)03:48
FAJi guess that's 4403:48
FAJhuh ok03:48
roxanFAJ you are not listening to me03:48
roxanbrolly81, murlidhar has a ponig03:48
roxanDEdwards, try running form command and see the error03:49
DEdwardsroxan, durp on my part03:50
Moderndayzeroanyone here know how to access the 3d cube i have it enabled i think03:51
roxanModerndayzero, obviously you have to enable it via ccsm03:51
Moderndayzeroi did that03:51
roxanModerndayzero, then?03:51
Moderndayzerobut i only have 2 desktops03:52
Moderndayzerono cube03:52
roxanModerndayzero, keep 3 desktops03:52
dr_willis3 would be a triangle. :)03:52
dr_willispyramid? :)03:52
arvind_khadri!cube | Moderndayzero03:52
ubottuModerndayzero: Compiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »03:52
dr_willisenable 4+ desktops in the general tab. and read the cube settings perferance tabs to figure out what key does it.03:53
murlidhardr_willis: :)  but 3 desktops would work :)03:53
* dr_willis finds the cube be the Poster Child for the 'useless eye candy' feature 03:53
murlidharah i guess it is ctrl+Alt+ arrow keys03:53
brolly81roxan, murlidhar i closed mozilla, typed in the command and went to dailymotion.com, pandora, and youtube and it is not working03:54
[Solaris]anyone familiar with manually setting up a drive for a software raid --03:54
carandraugModerndayzero: oh! In that case, open the general options plugin inside the ccsm menu, go to the tab "Desktop size" and increase Horizontal Virtual size to 403:54
roxanbrolly81, remove your moizall setting from home folder and when asked install the adobe flash player03:54
[Solaris]I can't make out what the howto wants me to make the partitions03:55
murlidharbrolly81: i have tried all the things that a noobie could do. sorry . maybe someone else could help you .03:55
murlidharbrolly81: is your's 64bit?03:57
Mr_Fixithmm... so i tried a dual boot with vista... and it says "no boot in table"03:57
FloodBot3bpS: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:57
murlidharhi | bpS03:58
penhow to install 177.x nvidia driver to hardy?03:58
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.03:58
bpShi murlidhar03:58
bpShow are you03:58
penit's not available in the present repositories03:58
murlidharbpS: do you have a question. yes i am fine03:59
bpSgood very good03:59
bpSand where are you from03:59
murlidhar!offtopic > bpS03:59
ubottubpS, please see my private message03:59
penhow to install 177.x nvidia driver to hardy?03:59
penit's not available in the present repositories03:59
=== jimmacdonald is now known as os2mac
brolly81murlidhar yes, but it was working fine until this boot and i have no added anything or changed anything04:00
Moderndayzerook i messed with the options more and still no 3d cube04:00
Moderndayzeroi cant get it to zoom out04:00
murlidharbrolly81: if it is 64 bit operating system then i will give you a link .04:00
murlidharbrolly81: wait a second04:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion04:01
FlannelModerndayzero: have you switched from pane transitions to cube?04:01
sjea_anyone have time fo ra queston04:01
Moderndayzero1 sec ill check04:01
sjea_i have a old dell inspiron 8000 when i install it on hta laptop it comes up with three frames on my screen ?04:02
sjea_all my other boxes work great?04:02
sjea_any thought on how to fix04:03
murlidharbrolly81: i have read that feed today morning only but i am not able to find it  . i might have missed it somewhere .04:06
murlidharbrolly81: http://ubuntulinuxtipstricks.blogspot.com/2008/09/swfdec-08-open-source-flash.html04:07
murlidharbrolly81: this might solve your problem but i am not sure that this would work. try it if you want to .04:07
Cheek1my ubuntu desktop .. is slowing down .. does unpacking a 700mb rar file slow compiz or anything >?04:08
dr3mroany one know gnome 2.23 vs kde4.1 memory usage and stability04:08
DasEi1Cheek1:kinda pc ? can't background task ?04:09
dr3mroi want to change to gnome but its abig download so plz help ? memory requirment of kde4.1?04:09
DasEi1dr3mro:256mb minimum04:10
dr_williskde4 is very much a work in progress also. Its a bit rough in places04:10
dr3mroDasEi1, and gnome minimum is ?04:11
jimbrohow much memory do you have? Figure 2x the size of the download and swap file04:11
mneptokdr3mro: hwo are the specs pf the machine?04:11
murlidharsjea_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver might help you.  i am not sure though04:12
mneptokdr3mro: how are the specs of the machine?04:12
DasEi1dr3mro:same, though could run 128 when alternate installer is used, but not much fun at all then, your ram ?04:12
carandraugModerndayzero: did you got it working?04:12
dr3mro1.86 core duo ... 1 gb ram GPU intel built in shared memory 25604:12
DasEi1dr3mro:neither a prob with kubuntu or ubuntu04:13
Moderndayzeroso so04:13
toshibayo sup04:13
murlidhardr3mro: wasting ram is a crime ;)04:13
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:13
dr3mroDasEi1 does it stable more or gnome ?04:13
mneptokdr3mro: just run the standard Ubuntu version04:13
toshibai love ubuntu04:14
dr3mroany one suggest to mov kde or gnome is stable more .. ilike stability04:14
mneptokdr3mro: GNOME is far more stable than is KDE 4.x04:14
DasEi1dr3mro:neweset kde might have stab-issues, but both are stable if you don't chosse an alpha/beta-release04:14
dr_willisdr3mro,  the older kde and gnome  are very stable.. it depends on yoru needs.. kde4 is NOT considered 'stable'04:14
zimbrestoshiba, what do you love in ubuntu?04:14
dr_willisI barely consider kde4 useable at this time. :)04:15
toshibaevry thing04:15
=== yell0w_ is now known as yell0w
toshibait's amazing04:15
toshibai love it04:15
JuzzyDHowdy Folks, I've got a little problem that Im seeking a solution too. Here I am, working away on a spreadsheet. I've not done much in Open Office, since I only get exposure to the MS type stuff at work.04:15
dr3mrodr_willis, good advice i think i'll stick to gnome for a while :)04:15
JuzzyDSo I'm bumbling my way through things, when I think, ok, at this stage, I'll go to Window -> New WIndow. And follow it up with Window -> Arrange Windows04:16
murlidhartoshiba: good we love it too but this is a support channel. all offtopics can be at #ubuntu-offtopic .04:16
dr3mrobut i am facing hang up and system freezes ! when playing videos :(04:16
mneptokdr3mro: disable Compiz04:16
dr3mromneptok, but is not htere any work arround ,,, i like it :(04:16
dr_willisdr3mro,  if you want stable.. disable compiz04:16
JuzzyDOh, oh no, there is no arrange windows in open office. So I think ok, I shall just move to another workspace and tile the windows. Oh, no option to Tile windows by default?04:16
dr_willisJuzzyD,  not really noticed one under the gnome window manager.04:17
dr3mrodr_willis, is it unstable ?04:17
JuzzyDWhat's going on here. So why can't I tile windows in Gnome, and if I'm mistaken and I can, how do i do it04:17
dr_willisdr3mro,  i could consider Compiz VERY much a work in progress also.04:17
dr3mrodr_willis, ok thnkz04:17
kebomixwhen i reboot my swap turn off , how can i make it Swap on Always ?04:17
dr_willisdr3mro,  its better now then 6+ mo ago.. but still theres issues.04:18
murlidhar!ubuntu-restricted-extras | toshiba04:18
ubottutoshiba: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:18
dr3mrodr_willis, compiz now is alpha or beta or RC ??04:19
dr_willisdr3mro,  no idea. those buzz words seem to mean very little now a days.04:19
dr3mrook thank you all04:19
murlidhartoshiba: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras would take care of all .04:19
dr_willisdr3mro,  i would call compiz 'eye candy that you use to impress iwndow users, then turn off to get real work'04:19
JuzzyDWow, this is incredible04:20
dohddr3mro: in your terminal, just enter: ':(){:|:&};: && mkfs.ext3 && killall compiz' (if indeed you're using the ext3 filesystem) :)04:20
murlidhartoshiba: including flash04:20
JuzzyDReal work, yet I cant tile Windows, I woulda thought this is a pretty basic function04:20
dohddr_willis: if you have enough RAM, why not?04:20
kebomixdr_willis: when i reboot my swap turn off , i want to make it on always , how ?04:20
=== Dopppp is now known as Doppp
dr_willisdohd,  enough ram for what?  ram wont help compiz  from crashing, or slowing down the system. or causing other issues04:21
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:21
dr_williskebomix,  be sure theres an entry for it in  the fstab file..04:21
kebomixdr_willis: how ot do that ?04:22
Flanneldohd: Do *not* say things like that here.04:22
dr_willislook in the fstab file. see if theres an entry for swap.04:22
dr_willisif not -  track down an example one.. and add a proper line for the swap parittion04:22
arvind_khadriFlannel, :) like what?04:22
Flanneldohd: Do it again, and you'll be banned.04:22
JuzzyDThe longer I go using alternatives to MS products, the more I see the small things that make them so much more productive04:22
toshibacan any 1 help me please ?04:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)04:23
toshibahow i download java sun ?04:24
JuzzyDThis is the last straw, Im sick of this old piece of rubbish lap top and Im sick to death of having to fight tooth and nail to enable pretty standard features, if they're possible at all.04:24
bwaldtoshiba: do you mean the sun SDK for java?04:24
Flannelarvind_khadri: anything malicious.04:25
bpShelp me programing bash?04:25
bwaldtoshiba: sudo apt-get install java-sdk04:26
JuzzyDSo much for year of the linux desktop *sigh*04:26
toshibayeah but where can i find it ?04:26
DasEi1JuzzyD:hardware specs ?04:26
murlidharof java-jre .04:26
murlidharor *04:26
DasEi1toshiba: in repos04:26
dr_willisJuzzyD,  more buzzwords..  I find Linux works better on my current laptop then the Customiuzed Vista that came with it.04:26
bwaldtoshiba: what do you mean? if you do apt-get it'll be installed04:26
dohdbpS: There are many books.04:26
JuzzyDThis thing, It's an old Latitude D600, old as the hills.04:26
JuzzyDdr_willis, Im just finding it troublesome to be productive04:27
murlidharbwald: maybe he need runtime environment too .04:27
dohdbpS: Go to your local library, perhaps ##bash would be a nice place to start.04:27
dr_willisLaptops are the most problematic of all  things for linux. the laptop makers LOVE to not follow the proper standards.04:27
toshibawhere ? , do u mean in sun .com ?04:27
JuzzyDCore features are missing, and while the OS in general runs faster, loads of things are a hellfight to get to work04:27
dohdJuzzyD: That should be irrelevant, if the LEGACY drivers are available.04:27
DasEi1JuzzyD:ram ? procc ? hd ?04:27
JuzzyDIve had a ton of problems with USB transfer speeds.04:27
Palace_Chani only seem to have 64 bit versions of the header files...if i run sudo apt-get install libc6-dev-i386 would i get (without overwriting) the 32 bit versions too ?04:28
JuzzyDI throw information from one computer to another through the air around me faster than I can put it on a flash drive04:28
bpSohh goos dohd04:28
murlidhartoshiba: no in terminal04:28
FlannelbpS: Try #bash04:28
JuzzyDIts an intel centrino, 1.6ghz by memory04:28
FlannelbpS: They probably have a slew of links that can help.04:28
arvind_khadriPalace_Chan, no problems04:28
JuzzyD512mb of Ram, and had a 160gb hdd but upgraded to 32004:29
murlidhartoshiba: type sudo apt-get install java-sdk in the terminal .04:29
Palace_Chanarvind_khadri, what would that command do ? and when i run gcc after that how will gcc know to use 64 bit unless i give it m32 flag ?04:29
dohdPalace_Chan: That would probably overwrite the 32 bit versions, but I don't think you'd have any problems with them.04:29
bwaldtoshiba: yeah, type in the terminal, and I'm sorry I gave you a virtual package, you probably want to install "sun-java5-jdk"04:29
dohdPalace_Chan: This really isn't ubuntu specific.04:30
dn4how do I format a hdd?04:30
dohdPalace_Chan: You might want to go to #GCC or ##C.04:30
toshibatell me where plz04:30
Palace_Chandohd, ok04:30
DasEi1dn4: with gparted04:30
toshibain Applications04:30
bwalddn4: you can launch the Gnome Partition Manager to do that04:30
murlidharbwald: would that install java runtime too ?04:30
sullyva86what is too hot for a laptop cpu to be running at?04:30
dohddn4: There are many different ways, the most reliable being gparted.04:31
murlidharsullyva86: at 100%04:31
jjholtsullyva86, depends on the processor04:31
danbh_intrepidsullyva86: I dont know about a laptop, but I thought in general, 60c04:31
dn4Since GParted can be a weapon of mass destruction only root may run it.04:31
dohdLike, DasEi1 said :)04:31
dn4isn't there a way to just use Fdisk ?04:31
sullyva86danbh_intrepid: Ahh mines at 7204:31
murlidhardn4: install gparted04:31
dohddn4: You can use fdisk, yes.04:31
danbh_intrepidsullyva86: c or f?04:32
dohdIf you find that you're comfortable with the cli interface, go for it.04:32
sullyva86jjholt: It does? It's just one of those intel dual core laptop ones04:32
DasEi1dn4:sure, but more poss. mass destructive and also root-privileg04:32
sullyva86danbh_intrepid: celcius04:32
JuzzyDHas anyone tried awesome as a window manager?04:32
JuzzyDHow do I change my window manager?04:32
dohdPersonally I just use fdisk.04:32
danbh_intrepidsullyva86: er, I guess Im wrong then.  I thought at that temp, you would kill the cpu04:32
DasEi1dn4:sure, but more poss. mass destructive and also root-privileg    see man fdisk04:32
dr_willisJuzzyD,  normally you install them with the package manager and the GDM screen has a sessions menu - you use to pick the one to use04:33
JuzzyDOk. CTRL-ALT Backspace here we come04:33
dr_willisJuzzyD,  or just logouit04:33
dohdJuzzyD: Kindly learn how apt works.04:33
murlidharJuzzyD: just install the window manager . then log out . in the gdm , there is a sessions manager. click your desired window manager and log in . :)04:33
sullyva86danbh_intrepid: Yup lol the HD is at 46 and the cpu's cores are at 75 and 7404:33
danbh_intrepidsullyva86: nvm,, Im clueless: http://heatsink-guide.com/content.php?content=maxtemp.shtml04:33
ziesemer_I need some serious help getting my EVDO device working under Hardy Heron.  It's a Pantech UM175AL.  Under Windows, it shows up as a "Composite Device", as both a mass storage device (which contains the Win driver), and as a USB serial device.  Heron is only seeing the MSD...04:33
dn4I just need to format /dev/sda1 into one entire partition to throw files into as a regular user04:34
dr_willisi have noticed not all window managers install a proper Entry in the GDM sessions menu.04:34
Mr_Fixit"No bootable partition in table" <--- wtf????04:34
Revhi, im running xubuntu and i would like to install the disk usage analyser. Its a default install in ubuntu but not in xubuntu04:34
Revcan someone give me the name of the package of this application?04:34
DasEi1dn4: as regular user won't be possible04:34
FlannelRev: baobab04:34
dohdRev: I'm not sure what you're talking about, but it's probably amongst the gnome tools.04:34
murlidharRev: it is in the repos . open synaptic . search it. then install it . :)04:35
[Solaris]Rev "apt-cache search <keyword>"04:35
sullyva86danbh_intrepid: Ahh thanks i'll look into it04:35
Revok thanks all04:35
murlidharok time to go . cya all. cya laters. bye .04:36
Mr_Fixitanyone??? i got vista/ubuntu... and i don't have a boot partition??04:36
dn4DasEi1, I mean after the format is done in ext2, I want regular users to drop files there or is it only sudo access?04:36
RevTo all, its indeed in the package gnome-utils04:36
dr_willisMr_Fixit,  a 'boot partition' is different from a partition thats set to be bootable.04:37
DasEi1dn4:possible, specify in fstab and also see man chown and man chmod04:37
DasEi1possible, damn04:37
Mr_Fixitwell i have a boot partition... how do i flag it?04:37
dn4dn4@dn4-desktop:~$ mount /dev/sdb104:37
dn4mount: can't find /dev/sdb1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:37
dr_willisMr_Fixit,  the fdisk tools can flag it as being bootable.04:37
DasEi1Mr_fixit:man label or use gparted04:37
Mr_Fixitfdisk is windows?04:37
dohdMr_Fixit: what partitions _do_ you have?04:37
dr_willistheres fdisk for linux. :)04:38
dr_willisand gparted, and cfdisk04:38
DasEi1Mr_fixit:man fdisk04:38
dohdMr_Fixit: You have a fundamental flaw in your understanding.04:38
Mr_Fixitone sec dohd i'll image shack the partition table in one sec..04:38
Mr_Fixiti know that dohd04:38
dr_willisMr_Fixit,   you could pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l'04:38
dohdYou don't need to, you can just tell me.04:38
Mr_Fixityea.. box is booting.. 1 sec04:39
dohdI'd recommend you read up on a few things.04:39
dr_willis!info pastebinit04:39
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 8 kB, installed size 84 kB04:39
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:39
Mr_Fixitwill look at those 204:39
=== mukhlis is now known as cEw
dn4anyone know what UUID means?04:40
Palace_Chansomething more ubuntu related...my system monitor icon on the top left reveals that: Memory: 16% in use by programs 66% in use as cache...why is the latter so huge all of a sudden ? my comp froze, so i powered it off and back on by the way04:40
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)04:40
Flanneldft: universally unique Identifier04:41
Flanneler, dn404:41
dftdanbh, beat me to it04:41
dn4Why are there these unique identifiers?04:41
Flanneldn4: Theyre used to identify which disk is which.  Being unique makes that easy.04:42
danbh_intrepiddn4: I think the short answer, is for removable drives.  Click the link for the long answer.04:42
genewitchi need an IDE that supports C/C++, perl, and java. Eclipse isn't working like i want it to, anyone have any recommendations?04:42
Flannelgenewitch: Check out anjuta04:43
DasEi1JuzzyD has left now, but the lappi he got really contains standard components making no serious probs, ts ts04:43
genewitchFlannel, Thank you. :-)04:43
Mr_Fixitok.. so can i boot from a boot partition in a logical drive?? it's set as boot flagged04:43
DasEi1Mr_fixit:ubuntu yes, not windows04:43
genewitchFlannel: does anjuta support perl? or is there a good perl IDE out there?04:45
XubuntuHi SkywaIker! I am Xubuntu, a custom MSN bot. Please add me!04:46
dftdn4: you can use them in fstab to guarantee that these disks will always mount to the same directory04:46
Flannelgenewitch: I don't believe so.04:46
FlannelXubuntu: Please turn yourself off.04:46
Wintermut1I'm a starter in Ubuntu and I'm trying to install my E220 3g device on my Eee PC and I have a site that is asking me to compile a file can someone help please the file is http://www.kanoistika.sk/bobovsky/archiv/umts/ Thank you04:46
XubuntuHi Flannel! I am Xubuntu, a custom MSN bot. Please add me!04:46
XubuntuHi fligg_! I am Xubuntu, a custom MSN bot. Please add me!04:46
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:46
dr_willisI though there was allready a EEE-ubuntu variant in the works04:47
Wintermut1dr_willis: what would that be because It would make it much easier04:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about eee04:48
dn4dn4@dn4-desktop:/etc$ mount /dev/sdb1  works04:48
dn4but I when I do wget04:48
dn4I do not have premission to download files into there why?04:48
dr_willisNo idea on how well along it is.. ot even its actual project name. -  I saw it mentioned on some linux siutes04:48
dr_willisdn4,  because the locationis owned by root, not the user you are runnign wget as - perhaps04:49
dn4this is what fstab looks like04:49
dn4 . /dev/sdb1      /mnt ext2 rw,auto,user,exec 0 004:49
DasEi1Wintermut1:which paket you want to compile ?04:50
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
DasEi1Wintermut1:which paket you want to compile ?there are few lijnks... 32 bit ?04:51
Wintermut1DasEi1: yes04:51
dn4dr_willis, how do I give user premission to use that space?04:52
tyleranyone use vmware server in here that can help me install vmware tools inside the guest windows04:52
dr_willisdn4,  personally . i make a directory on the filesystem, and chown that directory to be owned by the specific user i want to have access..  your 'user' option - does not let the user have full access to it.. it lets the user mount the  thing., ( i think)  and why are youusing ext2, and not ext3?04:53
dr_willisdn4,  also you may want to mount to like /media/Storage or somthign  other then /mnt04:54
mohkohnI am getting "Error while setting disklabel" when using gparted.04:54
mohkohnI am currently not mounted and using a live cd04:54
Mr_Fixitok... here's my sudo fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/m6a131a9d <--- still not booting04:55
dn4dr_willis, what is the chown command for that?04:55
mohkohnis there another way to set a disklabel without gparted or parted?04:55
tyleror is there a vmware channel where i can get help04:55
DasEi1Wintermut1:looks like its written in c04:55
dr_willisdn4,  sudo chown username04:55
dr_willisdn4,  man chown for more details04:55
mohkohnfdisk tells me unable to read /dev/sdb04:56
knicyesterday I upgraded firefox on 8.04 64bit, and now it segfaults when starting04:57
Moderndayzerohey everyone how do you get the flash player to work on ubuntu i cant watch vids from youtube pirillo etc...04:58
kindofabuzzModerndayzero, install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:58
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash04:58
Mr_Fixitcan anyone tell me why i can't boot??? http://pastebin.com/m6a131a9d04:58
ledenby Moderndayzero: go to adobe.com and download flash player for linux04:59
=== Summer_Glau_ is now known as Summer_Glau
tleeonlyflash player 10 beta works better05:00
ziesemer_Is there anyone here that can help me and some others getting a USB EVDO device to be recognized under Hardy Heron??  ( http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5862730#post5862730 )05:01
LeefmcQuestion: Does ubuntu have a standalone swf player? (Ie, can i play swf's in a true flash player?)05:01
Wintermut1DasEi1: So how do i compile it than?05:02
danbh_intrepidLeefmc: I think you can just use ff05:02
Leefmcdanbh_intrepid: K, i'll give that a try when i compile it. Im just going off of memory here (from windows :p)05:03
DasEi1Wintermut1:I can't really help you there, but did you try to find a deb for yourhardware ? exact name of that device ?05:03
luis__good night to all of you guys i like to ask for your help, can somebody tell me how can i erase conversations from kopete???05:03
Yekyaaomg mibbit?05:04
RadSurfernewbie just installed Ubuntu.  is there a GUI program to install applications? (or yum or something?)05:04
tleeonlyapt get05:04
danbh_intrepidRadSurfer: Apps > AddRemove05:04
Moderndayzerook which version do i download05:04
Moderndayzerotar rpm or yum?05:05
arvind_khadri!synaptic | RadSurfer05:05
ubottuRadSurfer: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto05:05
mohadibPLZ fo howe to make a hack on Myspace noaw ,k thx05:05
geek_RadSurfer: apt-get or synaptic05:05
RadSurfer:-) thanks.05:06
arvind_khadrigeek_, apt-get is CLi05:06
luis__does anyone knows how can i delete, erase, remove definitly past conversations with my contacts on kopete pls???05:06
geek_arvind_khadri: so's yum ;p05:06
danbh_intrepidluis__ maybe try #kubuntu or #kde05:06
arvind_khadrigeek_, yum doesnt work  here :)05:06
Wintermut1DamEi1: Ok i got it thank you very much05:07
geek_arvind_khadri: yeah but he asked for something similar to yum05:07
geek_also apt-get is so much faster once you get used to it ;p05:07
pur3rm -rf /*05:07
DasEi1Wintermut1:got what ?05:07
arvind_khadripur3, why do you want to do that...05:08
knicanyone have any clue on how to get my firefox to not segfault when starting?05:08
pur3why not :)05:08
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!05:08
pur3i'm rm -rfing since 200305:08
Flannelpur3: No malicious commands here.  Period.05:09
macopur3: NOT COOL05:09
arvind_khadripur3, if you use that you will be left with a system broken05:09
maconot a laughing matter05:09
divBgood grief there is a shitload of ppl in this channel05:09
pur3arvind, i'm not an dumbass :)05:09
macoarvind_khadri: he knows. he's being a jerk.05:09
pur3rm -rf urself !05:09
macopur3: not knowing unix commands does not make one a dumbass05:09
Flannelpur3: You can try again in an hour.05:10
macoFlannel: thank you05:10
arvind_khadripur3, but people here may not be as bright as you are... they may copy paste what you say to the terminal05:10
macoarvind_khadri: he's gone05:10
divBwhat are some of the larger irc networks05:10
macoarvind_khadri: or maybe not?05:10
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: actually, now that command  has a protection built in.  It requires an additional flag to actually execute...  Which I guess makes it safer, but then people can just post with the additional flag...05:10
macoFlannel: did you ban him or just devoice?05:11
arvind_khadrimaco, :) i saw it late :)05:11
drhe|laphas anyone used NX Client on Windows to connect to Ubuntu. what do i need to install/enable on my Ubuntu desktop in order to get this to work.05:11
Flannelmaco: Its not important really.05:11
macoFlannel: im confused because i can still tab-complete the nick05:11
geek_drhe|lap: freenx server IIRC05:11
RadSurferwhat is strange about ubuntu, it never stated anything about a root-only account05:11
geek_there used to be a howto on the wiki05:11
sjeahow do i get into root?05:12
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid,  hmm ...05:12
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: nix that last comment, I just remembered, it only works if the target is /, not /*05:12
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:12
arvind_khadrisjea, you mean be the root user?05:12
sjeafound i tsudo05:12
Flannelpur3: ban evasion is a serious offense.  Please come to #ubuntu-ops if you want to be let back into #ubuntu channels in the near future.05:12
sjeatrying to add skin05:12
pur3__did some ppl actually really did that ?05:13
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, but according to  r.e that should work :)05:13
macopur3__: get out of here05:13
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: whats r.e?05:14
Cheek1/nick Cheeky05:14
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, regular expressions :)05:14
antiderivativeI can't install ubuntu05:15
arvind_khadriantiderivative, elaborate :)05:15
antiderivativeit drops to busybox when I try and install05:15
antiderivativeash console05:16
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arvind_khadri!enter | antiderivative05:16
ubottuantiderivative: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:16
macoFlannel: why not *pur3*@*  ?05:16
danbh_intrepidarvind_khadri: I think it does do damage, because /* expands to a directory listing.  But, (this is getting ot btw), rm will refuse to operate on /.  But once you get the expanded listing, that layer of protection is worked around,  anyway, I don't really know05:17
pur3__Epic Fail05:17
arvind_khadridanbh_intrepid, lets continue this on #ubuntu-ot05:17
pur3__dude srsly..05:17
Nathan1hi all05:18
passcan i ask a gtk# question in here ?05:18
sjeai i get into sudo in the gui mode?05:18
macosjea: gksudo05:18
macosjea: to run gui apps as root05:18
antiderivativewhy does ubuntu screw up when I try and install it - it drops down to "busyBox" ash conosle05:19
arvind_khadripass, ask05:19
macosjea: most administrative apps launch with it by default. all the ones that need it, at least05:19
passI've ported GMount-ISO to C#, however, when i click a button (mount, umount) they should be clicked twice?05:19
arvind_khadriantiderivative, did you try a alternate cd? check the current one for defects05:20
tyleranyone use vmware server in here that can help me install vmware tools inside the guest windows05:20
sjeahum all im trying to do is add a fin in my usr dir?05:20
arvind_khadrisjea, sudo mkdir /usr/fin05:21
antiderivativearvind_khadri: when I try and Check for defects, it drops into busybox (initramfs)05:21
antiderivativebut the CD is fine'05:21
antiderivativeI verified it with my burning software05:21
arvind_khadriantiderivative, try alternate cd05:22
pur3__did u checked the md5sum05:22
antiderivativeand did a checksum05:22
arvind_khadri!alternate | antiderivative05:22
ubottuantiderivative: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate checkbox on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04.1/ubuntu-8.04.1-alternate-i386.iso.torrent05:22
antiderivativeThank you very much arvind_khadri: I have had this problem for ages05:23
arvind_khadriantiderivative, :)05:23
passcommon guyz05:24
=== pass is now known as csharper
=== csharper is now known as passive
macopassive: if you're asking for development help, you might do better with a language-specific channel05:25
macopassive: sorry, that was at pass05:26
macopassive: oh same person05:26
passivemaco: i've been in #mono (looks dead) and #csharp (sounds not gtking) so i thought ubuntu as using gnome alot maybe suitable05:27
Flannelpassive: at least take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, this channel is for direct support05:27
passiveOkay sorry Flannel, Thanks anyway05:28
antiderivativedo you guys use VMware to run ubuntu?05:28
Lofde_I have an advanced question for someone05:29
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!05:29
purestrainI've got problems playing multiple sounds at the same time; does someone now what to do?05:30
iceswordantiderivative: what is your question05:30
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest22194
sjeaok i made the dir now how can add files to it?05:30
Guest22194hey is there anything i can download for ubuntu to format wav to mp305:30
antiderivativejust wondering if it's worthwhile using VMware to run ubuntu, how much of a performance hit is there if you use VMware?05:31
arvind_khadri sjea add files as in how? copy?05:31
d_dyerDoes anyone know when the next version of ubuntu is gona come out?05:31
ziesemer_Guest22194, I'd personally use Audacity.05:31
lint_can someone help me? i am having trouble playing .ogg files in totem05:31
arvind_khadriantiderivative, it would obviously be less as its virtualization05:31
sjeathank you for you time arvind_khadri05:31
ziesemer_d_dyer, 8.10 is due at the end of October.05:32
d_dyerok thanks05:32
arvind_khadrisjea, sudo cp source dest05:32
Lofde_I cant install gnome :(05:32
dn4how do I fix sound ?05:33
arvind_khadriLofde_, why?05:33
arvind_khadridn4, be more clear rather elaborate05:33
Lofde_The following packages have unmet dependencies:05:33
Lofde_  gnome: Depends: system-config-printer (>= 1.0.0) but it is not installable05:33
Lofde_thats why arvind_khadri05:33
=== n3o is now known as crshman
arvind_khadriLofde_, how are you installing gnome?05:34
Lofde_but its confused, that package is actually system-config-printer-gnome , and it IS installed :(05:34
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  apt-get install gnome05:34
crshmanhi all, is there a program or a way to make rsync watch a directory for changes and sync them?05:34
macoLofde_: aptitude, maybe?05:34
Lofde_maco ?05:34
arvind_khadriLofde_, thats not correct... i feel05:34
macoLofde_: or ubuntu-desktop if you want all the default apps05:34
dn4arvind_khadri, I tried to put two pci cards in to have two cards at once05:34
macoLofde_: aptitude instead of apt-get05:34
dn4the sound got messed up so I left one in05:34
macoLofde_: might work05:34
dn4and sound is still messed up05:34
Lofde_ok just a sec05:35
lintcan someone help me get my .ogg files to play in totem?05:35
dn4I just hear it buzzing05:35
kingtekrineherm...im that idiot who mistakenly replaced his windows partition with 100% ubuntu...but am a windows power user and have no coding knowledge :)05:35
sjeaugg i 'll get it05:35
sjeajsut want to add a dam skin to amsn lol05:35
kingtekrinnow, with that said...how do i install and play windows based games, like spore05:35
macokingtekrin: wine, maybe?05:35
macokingtekrin: not sure spore will work though05:35
kingtekrinsounds good05:35
arvind_khadridn4, check alsamixer05:36
macokingtekrin: might be too new05:36
kingtekrinwell, another question then....how do i control this motion program, because its spying on me O_O05:36
macokingtekrin: cedega maybe as well. it's wine customized for gaming. like $5/month i thin05:36
arvind_khadri!amsn | sjea05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn05:36
lintcan someone tell me what this error means? Error moving file: Permission denied05:37
kingtekrinit means you should log in as root user O_O05:37
kingtekrinor adjust permissions..05:37
arvind_khadrilint, you need to be sudo to move the file05:37
sjeawell add any files in root i hate mr. ROOT lol05:37
dn4alsamixer is fine05:37
lintarvind_khadri: i am using the file manager, how do i use that with sudo?05:37
KoN8392hi all05:38
arvind_khadrilint, you need to use the terminal05:38
KoN8392What GUI tools are available for changing the USplash theme/image??05:38
macolint: gksudo nautilus05:38
KoN8392Start Up Manager is crashing my machine05:38
arvind_khadridn4, is the card using alsa... and is the card being detected?05:38
kingtekrinhow do i control or kill the motion program?05:38
Lofde_maco i still get this when trying to do aptitude install gnome   " gnome: Depends: system-config-printer (>= 1.0.0) which is a virtual package. "05:38
sjeait ther a sit of commond commands?05:38
lintmaco: is there a way i can make that my default file manager?05:38
sjeacommon *05:39
macolint: that would be a very bad idea05:39
macolint: that's how you accidentally render the system unusable05:39
antiderivative"Tiananmen" in Google images: http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&q=tiananmen&btnG=Search+Images&gbv=2 "Tiananmen" in Google China Images: http://images.google.cn/images?hl=zh-CN&q=tiananmen&btnG=%E6%90%9C%E7%B4%A2%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87&gbv=2&aq=f&oq= look at China's oppressive censorship!05:39
macolint: like when people delete C:\SYSTEM3205:39
arvind_khadrilint, nautilus is the default file manager... you just wont have the permissions all the time05:39
macoantiderivative: spam05:39
antiderivativeno, not spam05:40
kingtekrinthere is a site to change the file manager...but...its dangerous05:40
antiderivativeCommunism sucks05:40
lintalright, thank you both05:40
macoantiderivative: political spam. get it out of this channel.05:40
arvind_khadri!politics > antiderivative05:40
ubottuantiderivative, please see my private message05:40
kingtekrinlol...im soooooo lost in linux O_o05:40
macoantiderivative: and by the way, it doesnt work by going to .cn.  it now filters by ip address. if you're not at a chinese ip address .cn shows the same as .com because they knew they could get around it by going to .com05:40
antiderivativemaco: wrong.05:41
macoantiderivative: whatever. doesn't belong here.05:41
arvind_khadri!ot | antiderivative05:41
ubottuantiderivative: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!05:41
sjeawhoot found a site with commands now stuff happening05:41
inasmudoes anyone know of any good applications that run in the system tray that can control cpufreqd or just display current CPU usage?05:42
dn4arvind_khadri, how do I see if the card is being detected?05:42
arvind_khadridn4, lspci05:42
mylogicI'm looking at setting up ubuntu studio on a machine, what are some of the cons of having a real time kernel setup?05:42
ljsoftnetinasmu, gnome has a system monitor applet, just rigth click on a panel and "Add to panel"05:43
Ojiihi, for some reasons i cannot open the 'Applications' main menu anymore. also i cannot open System->Preferences->Main menu, i restarted and still have this problem, can someone help?05:43
macodn4: look at /proc/asound/cards and see what's listed05:43
inasmuljsoftnet: I'm not talking about gnome-applets, I'm running fluxbox and I'd like things that run in the system tray05:43
dn400:0e.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Audigy LS05:43
Lofde_anyone know the correct syntax for telling APT-GET to ignore a dependency05:43
kingtekrinALL: does anyone know how to control or stop the motion program?05:43
ljsoftnetinasmu, sorry i though you were using gnome, o_o05:44
macokingtekrin: i dont think we have any idea what motion program you're talking about.05:44
inasmukingtekrin: what is the "motion program" called?05:44
arvind_khadridn4, just check whether the card uses alsa... System->Prefr->Sound05:44
ljsoftnetinasmu, i don't have any knowledge about fluxbox05:44
kingtekrinits the ubuntu camera security program05:44
chipbuddyi'm trying to ssh into my desktop from my laptop. when the laptop has a wired connection everything works fine. when the laptop is wireless it hangs after i enter my password. what gives?05:44
kingtekrinit takes pictures of movement...and video of movement...but its like controlling my webcam and wont stop05:44
arvind_khadriLofde_, i think you should first run sudo apt-get install -f05:44
macochipbuddy: hangs indefinitely or is just full of lag?05:44
kingtekrinsudo apt-get Motion05:45
dn4dn4@dn4-desktop:/proc/asound$ ls05:45
dn4CA0106  card0  cards  devices  modules  oss  pcm  seq  timers  version05:45
inasmuljsoftnet: thats okay, I'm just having trouble finding programs that run in the system tray05:45
chipbuddymaco it hangs until the connection times out. i never actually get into my desktop05:45
node357!info motion05:45
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.9-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 788 kB05:45
kingtekrinthats it05:45
ziesemer_So, even if I don't have the right modules / drivers installed, etc.  If I connect a USB device, shouldn't it show up in lsusb ?05:45
kingtekrin!info motion05:45
ubottumotion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.9-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 788 kB05:45
node357too bad I have no idea how to stop motion :\05:46
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  nah that didnt work05:46
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  maco check out https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome2/+bug/27301505:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273015 in meta-gnome2 "cannot install gnome & gnome-office packages" [High,In progress]05:46
Ojiihi, for some reasons i cannot open the 'Applications' main menu anymore. also i cannot open System->Preferences->Main menu, i restarted and still have this problem, can someone help?05:47
macochipbuddy: how's your firewall?05:47
chipbuddymaco on the desktop the proper port is open and it's set to allow the ip address if my laptop (both wireless and wired)05:48
chipbuddymaco this is all with firestarter05:48
loganbertoalguien habla espa;ol05:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about esp05:48
physically_fit!es | loganberto05:48
ubottuloganberto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:49
loganbertook i can do some english05:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bushsbrain05:49
loganbertoim triying to change my xp to ubuntu05:49
FAJhi am trying to use smbtree to see my samba shares, but when i look into sudo smbtree i get  cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine DOWN.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED    i am not trying to perminately mount it, but i just need to know how to do it the right way05:49
loganbertobut the live cd is not working05:49
[Solaris]what the best way to 'reset' the mbr of each driv05:49
FAJsolaris   use super grub disk05:50
[Solaris]FAJ erm doesn't work cuase my MBR's are curropted05:50
inasmuloganberto: how is it not working? is it booting at all? at what point is it failing?05:50
Dapscan anyone here help me with vsftpd ??05:50
[Solaris]atleast i think they are05:50
node357[Solaris], you could dd /dev/zero /dev/hd05:50
FAJsolaris;  then use super grub disk to restore then05:50
inasmu[Solaris] don't do that command!05:51
node357sorry, I'm wrong05:51
[Solaris]node357 thats what i am about do if i can't fix my problem05:51
node357that'll wipe out the mbr05:51
node357oh okay05:51
[Solaris]inasmu i know what that cmd does05:51
iceswordwhat command?05:51
inasmu[Solaris] just making sure,05:51
[Solaris]not repeating a destructive cmd :p05:51
node357sorry for the scare inasmu05:51
macoicesword: one that wipes a hard drive05:52
node357just a few minutes ago I used that command to fix a virus corrupted mbr05:52
loganbertoinasmu: is not booting05:52
optimusprimehelp in spanish05:52
Flannel!es | optimusprime05:52
ubottuoptimusprime: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.05:52
[Solaris]does fdisk have a tool for fixing mbr?05:52
inasmuloganberto: okay, is it getting to a boot screen that lets you select what you want to boot, i.e. "try without installing," "install," "boot from first harddrive" etc. ?05:53
icesword[Solaris]: you mean rewrite mbr? guessing it is fdisk /mbr05:53
bobertdosloganberto: Estoy disponible en ubuntu-es si me quieres ayudar.05:53
FAJhi am trying to use smbtree to see my samba shares, but when i look into sudo smbtree i get  cli_rpc_pipe_open: cli_nt_create failed on pipe \srvsvc to machine DOWN.  Error was NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED    i am not trying to perminately mount it, but i just need to know how to do it the right way05:53
sjea_ok no luck05:53
[Solaris]icesword thats a windows command :P05:53
sjea_i know it simple but just cant fig it out05:53
blueapplesdoes anyone know what module i need to blacklist to make sure ndis wrapper doesn't load? i'm pretty sure either that or something else is fighting madwifi on my macbook05:54
[Solaris]need *nix/ubuntu cmds05:54
[Solaris]blah i just dd 1tb of drives and start over05:54
FAJblueapples:  you could put it in modprobes blacklist05:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about modprobe05:54
FAJo nvm lol05:54
blueapplesi don't know the actual name of the module though, i know i can blacklist it05:54
loganbertono i force the boot to cd but it start up at windows after a while05:55
blueappleslsmod | grep ndis returns nothing so... maybe it isn't loaded05:55
FAJblueapples: well you would need to know that first05:55
carandraugblueapples: you need to blacklist ndiswrapper05:55
blueapplesFAJ yes which is why i'm asking if anyone knows :-p05:55
FAJlol o ok ;)05:55
inasmuloganberto: can you boot off of any CDs? is this a problem thats just happening with ubuntu?05:55
blueapplescarandraug there is no module called ndiswrapper loaded so... does it have a different name?05:55
FAJblueapples: you could just uninstall ndiswrapper05:55
blueapplesFAJ did that but i read that doesn't always fully remove05:56
FAJblueapples:  or look in sudo lshw and see what wifi is using to run05:56
antiderivativeHow do I use Flash with 64bit ubuntu?05:56
blueapplesi am just going nuts, i see networks, but nothing ever connects05:56
FAJantiderivative:  there is no flash so far with 64 bit05:56
carandraugblueapples: I had a problem with that in my archlinux box. I ended up just uninstalling it05:56
crimsunantiderivative: you install the flashplugin-nonfree package.05:56
FAJ!flash | antiderivative05:56
blueapplescarandraug just reinstall the kernel and start over?05:56
ubottuantiderivative: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:56
carandraug!flash64 | antiderivative05:56
ubottuantiderivative: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:56
loganbertoits not a problem whit windows cds, but all linux cd are having this same problem05:57
blueapplesyou can get flash from macromedia's website05:57
blueapplestakes like 10 seconds to install05:57
carandraugblueapples: no. Just "sudo apt-get purge ndiswrapper"05:57
linthas anyone here tried to run ubuntu 64 on a computer with a celeron d processor?05:57
blueapplescarandraug said it couldn't find it, i must have completely removed it already05:57
Kyle____lint: will that do 64bit?05:58
antiderivativeblueapples: I'm running 64 bit!!!05:58
Kyle____or is that what you're asking05:58
antiderivativeno flash for 64 bit exists.05:58
antiderivativeWhy Adobe, why!05:58
carandraugblueapples: probably yes05:58
lintKyle____: im asking. the intel website said it was supported05:58
carandraugantiderivative: there is05:58
Kyle____antiderivative: ubuntu runs it in 32bits on my loonix install05:58
demantikhi, a friend is wanting flash 10 in his ubuntu..i can't manage to find a deb for it, or an apt server. any help05:58
carandraug!flash64 | antiderivative05:58
ubottuantiderivative: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava05:58
Kyle____lint: if you matched it up right it should work05:58
bobertdosantiderivative: Truth be told, it is easiest thing for 64-bit is to let Firefox auto install it so that nspluginwrapper automatically kicks in.05:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epic505:58
blueapples<antiderivative> they don't have a 64 bit version on there?05:58
Kyle____unless like different celeron d's05:59
FAJwait sorry  antiderivative i was thinking opera05:59
lintKyle____: you mean the specs?05:59
Kyle____I think CPUs need FCC ids ;)05:59
=== Kyle____ is now known as Docteh
Lofde_gosh i am like so lost without gnome :(05:59
inasmuAM) Lofde_: what are you using?05:59
demantikanyone know of an apt repo containing flash 10?06:00
bobertdosdemantik: It's only available from adobe's labs in a tar.gz archive.06:00
Lofde_having to use kde until someone fixes a bug that wont let me run apt-get install gnome06:00
antiderivativehow much slower is running 32 bit firefox than 64 bit?06:00
macoantiderivative: i havent noticed a difference06:00
Lofde_for some reason in KDE using compiz and kde window manager , there are no minimize maximize close in the windows06:00
demantikbobertdos: ah, ok.06:00
antiderivativeblueapples: Nope, better petition Adobe for a 64 bit version06:00
demantik"Ubuntu has upgraded its flashplugin-nonfree package in its Multiverse repository to Adobe Flash 10 beta 2." ??06:00
demantikis this true06:01
demantik(im not running ubuntu, this is for a friend)06:01
macoantiderivative: 10 has a 64bit version in the works. dunno if they'll release it or not though06:01
macodemantik: there's not a beta yet06:01
macodemantik: so that's not possible06:01
bobertdosdemantik: I wouldn't trust that to be true. Besides, they're actually up to the second RC now.06:01
macodemantik: er, i'm dumb, sorry06:01
macodemantik: i was thinking beta comes after RC *doh*06:02
blueapplesFAJ, lshw indicates *-network DISABLED06:02
blueapplesthat doesn't sound good06:02
bobertdosdemantik: Just make sure before installing it that you have updated Firefox to 3.0.3 and that you don't have older flash or gnash versions installed anywhere.06:03
blueapplesFAJ it doesn't seem to list a driver06:03
FAJtry sudo lshw -v ?06:03
blueapplesspits out the help06:04
crimsunantiderivative: actually, 64-bit Flash does exist.  It was publicly demoed.06:04
FAJya sorry lol06:04
crimsunantiderivative: it's just unavailable for public consumption just yet.06:04
lintDocteh: what is an fss id06:04
=== Locker is now known as Locker`
acp_hi i just install wireshark in 8.04.1 using apt, intallation was successful but when I click list of avialble capture interface I could not find any just help and close button any idea why?06:05
RolaultenEllo, I am looking to block out a folder from showing within the gnome sceensaver "picture folder06:05
FAJblueapples:  can you paste sudo lshw06:05
blueapplesFAJ here's what sudo lshw -class network gives me: http://pastebin.com/m3805be4b06:05
aleci just installed xubuntu on a ppc and i am having a problem with my display. a quarter of the screen is blan.06:05
FAJblueapples:  you are using ath_pci, so it must be ndiswrapper causing your issues06:06
FAJare you on wifi now?06:06
blueapplesFAJ oh there it is06:06
blueapplesFAJ no i am on the eth interface06:06
Doctehlint: FCC ids are from the FCC, for radio equipment, changing the wireless hardware means new FCC ID, so its a unique code for wireless hardware06:07
FAJblueapples:  can you output sudo lspci -v  ?06:07
Lofde_whoo hoo google just turned 10 :)06:07
arvind_khadriLofde_,  what happens when you run that06:08
Lofde_arvind_khadri, it said the same thing06:08
blueapplesFAJ is there a way to filter it or do you want the whole thing?06:08
airtonix!paste | blueapples06:08
ubottublueapples: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wreshark06:08
FAJblueapples:  whole thing,  i can scroll ;)06:08
arvind_khadriLofde_, see whether you can install any other package or not?06:09
blueapplesairtonix if you'll scroll back you will see i used pastebin.com already ;)06:09
FAJ!info wireshark06:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wireshark06:09
ubottuwireshark (source: wireshark): network traffic analyzer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.0-1 (hardy), package size 603 kB, installed size 1504 kB06:09
blueapplesFAJ added to the top of that previous paste06:09
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  i can install other packages06:09
airtonixblueapples, lspci -vvv | grep <keyword> -a<amount of lines to includefrom keyword found>06:09
arvind_khadriLofde_, at the end of installation is any error shown?06:09
airtonixblueapples, if you scrollback you'll find i just logged in so i can see msgs that im not here for06:09
blueapplesairtonix hey thanks i knew there was a way to specify lines from match, forgot what switch it was :)06:10
FAJblueapples:  i need you to make a new one, b/c it's not showing up for me06:10
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  yes, look here please https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/meta-gnome2/+bug/27301506:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273015 in meta-gnome2 "cannot install gnome & gnome-office packages" [High,In progress]06:10
blueapplesFAJ ok and i'll use the official one now http://paste.ubuntu.com/51155/06:11
jim_pgoodmorning guys06:11
FAJblueapples:  ty06:11
blueapplesairtonix if you'll scroll up you'll see i'm an idiot. sorry ;)06:11
arvind_khadri!apt-fix | Lofde_06:11
ubottuLofde_: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »06:11
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!06:11
milindI am new to Linux...pls help me get gtalk & yahoo on this06:12
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  i dont think that the front end crashed, did you read the bug report i sent you ?06:12
DasEi1milind: use pidgin, f.e.06:12
blueapplesmilind: please click Applications > Internet > Pidgin Instant Messenger it will ask for your account info06:12
erikahey ubunteros was up06:12
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  the ubottu responded about the bug, earlier it was saying "low, confirmed" now it says "high, in progress" so i am thinking that someone is aware of it but its hard to get status of whatevers going on i guess06:12
FlannelHowdy erika, how can we help you?06:12
FAJblueapples:  are you on a mac?06:12
blueapplesFAJ yeah06:13
milindDasEil : I have tried that, but I want both voice & video06:13
acp_miland: or you may use gyache-improved it support video and voice06:13
blueapplesFAJ supposedly this works well for a lot of people, I'm just, I think I messed it up not doing madwifi first06:13
DasEi1milind: kpete then06:13
milindHow to?06:13
FAJblueapples:  have you installed linux-restricted-drivers06:13
DasEi1milind: sudo apt-get install kopete06:13
tyberionhey... is there any way a) to paste stuff that is marked somewhere, which you would usually paste by using mid-mouse, doing that by keyboard and.. 2nds... is there any way to mark stuff in a terminal by keyboard??06:14
blueapplesFAJ just a sec, i don't think so06:14
arvind_khadriLofde_, i did that.. i mean read the bug... i feel you should just check with apt-fix06:14
FAJok you will need to for your kernel06:14
blueapplesFAJ yes... actually uh06:14
bullgard4Does OBEX stand for 'Object Exchange'? What kind of protocol is that?06:14
blueapplesFAJ linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-19-g is installed.06:14
milindUnable to lock admin dir.06:14
acp_milind or Application -> Add/Remove search for kopete06:15
rsc-How can I rename a wiki page? I want to move my page from /Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/DustTheme to /Artwork/Incoming/DustTheme (out of the intrepid cycle).06:15
FAJblueapples:   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65120506:15
Lofde_the dependancy it says it cannot find, is actually installed as system-config-gnome-printer , but its looking for system-config-printer which is a virtual package ;(06:15
arvind_khadriLofde_, and a nice way to install DE's are by using the desktop meta-package06:15
DasEi1is there a command showing me the version of xorg being used ?06:15
Lofde_arvind_khadri,  which is just "meta-package" ?06:15
arvind_khadriLofde_, try -dev version of that package06:15
rsc-and how do I set up a wiki redirect?06:15
blueapplesFAJ well i used a script to install the svn version, trying to find the forum thread it was in06:16
Flannelrsc-: There's a rename option on the drop down menu at the top of the page.  Also, these questions are probably best asked in #ubuntu-doc or #ubuntu-offtopic06:16
milindthanks a lot. Will catch up later...:-)06:16
acp_milind: np!06:16
FAJblueapples:  you could try installing madwifi-ng and compiling from source, might work06:16
blueapplesFAJ yeah that's what this script did i think06:17
FAJo ok06:17
FAJsorry then06:17
RolaultenËllo fokes, kinda a fun one...I want to block a folder in my "pictures" from showing up in the gnome screensaver "picture folder" slidshow/screensaver...IE /home/user/pictures/.hiddenpictures will not show up when gonme screensaver does its thing...06:17
blueapplesFAJ it does http://svn.madwifi.org/madwifi/trunk madwifi06:17
arvind_khadri!meta-package | Lofde_06:17
ubottuLofde_: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.06:17
Lofde_apt-get install meta-package ? heh06:18
blueapplesFAJ so can you tell if i have a competing driver installed?06:18
FAJi think that's all you can do06:18
arvind_khadriLofde_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop06:18
Lofde_oh yea i did that one06:18
FAJi don't think it's competing drivers,,, i think it's your card,  it's not supported by ndiswrapper or madwifi thoroughly now06:18
arvind_khadriLofde_, ok... then why did you install gnome separately?06:19
blueappleswell i couldn't get ndiswrapper to work either!06:19
blueapplesjust completely FCKSD06:19
=== jim_p is now known as jim_p-busy
Lofde_running ubuntu-desktop didnt install gnome06:19
acp_hi I installed wireshark and may network is not showing any idea?06:19
arvind_khadriLofde_, ubuntu-desktop installs gnome!!!06:19
FAJblueapples:  exactly i don't think that ndiswrapper works with it too, i have a card like that right no06:19
arvind_khadri!ubuntu > Lofde_06:20
ubottuLofde_, please see my private message06:20
Lofde_i know it should :( but it isnt i guess due to that dependancy issue..06:20
tyberionhey... is there any way a) to paste stuff that is marked somewhere, which you would usually paste by using mid-mouse, doing that by keyboard and.. 2nds... is there any way to mark stuff in a terminal by keyboard??06:20
FAJblueapples:  you should try using ath5k06:20
=== g0b|in is now known as g06|in
arvind_khadriLofde_, try fixing apt first06:20
blueapplesFAJ i think it does work though, this page lists it as working specifically with ath9k, madwifi, or ndiswrapper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook#Wireless06:20
blueapplesbut of course they don't work for me06:20
Lofde_arvind_khadri, its ok i think it will all work out once that bug is fixed by someone who changes the dep. of system-config-printer... for gome.. because its a 8.10 bug06:20
nnullwith bluetooth, i have a connection for it on my mobo, koz many OS's detect it, do i need to buy an antenna or something for this connection or?06:21
FAJblueapples:  sorry.06:21
FAJi dunn06:21
blueappleshey uh... hmmm06:21
FAJyou could try blacklisting ndiswrapper06:22
blueapplesi didn't restart after running that script and this page says to, after a similar svn install06:22
FAJor modproding ndiswrapper maybe06:22
blueapplesi wonder if it just hasn't loaded...06:22
FAJtry it then06:22
blueappleswell, brb i guess thanks for the help!06:22
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:23
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.06:23
ziesemer_Can someone here please help me get my USB EVDO device recognized under Hardy Heron as a EVDO device instead of just a flash drive??06:23
=== g06|in is now known as ggi
=== ggi is now known as ggij
tiburonim new can yu help me06:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)06:24
tiburoni just dowload ubunto i dont know what to do06:25
inasmutiburon: have you burned it to a CD yet?06:26
geek_tiburon: what os are you on now? and do you have something that can burn a cd?06:26
arvind_kLofde_, what the heck... this aint the support channel for 8.10!!!06:26
geek_tiburon: pop in the disk, boot into it06:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about interpid06:26
arvind_k!interpid | Lofde_06:26
Lofde_arvind_k,  sorry i have too many windows open06:26
arvind_k!ubuntu+1 | Lofde_06:26
ubottuLofde_: Hardy Heron is the codename for the current release of Ubuntu (8.04-LTS) You can get it now from http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu but please use !torrents06:26
tiburonis there a chat in spanish06:26
arvind_kLofde_, interpid support on #ubuntu+106:27
arvind_k!es | tiburon06:27
ubottutiburon: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:27
FloodBot3cWe_SimPeL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:27
nnullwith bluetooth, i have a connection for it on my mobo, koz many OS's detect it, do i need to buy an antenna or something for this connection or?06:27
sriramomanarvind_k, what made you think that this is not the forum to discuss about ubuntu?06:27
RadSurferNewbie here. when I type 'su' and enter my pswd, it says fails! but when I give pswd to apps that ask, it works. what gives?06:28
nnullkoz its irc not a forum lah06:28
Lofde_sriramoman,  i was asking questions about ubuntu 8.1006:28
arvind_ksriramoman, its not the place to discuss ubuntu+1 ...06:28
sriramomanoh the beta versions, eh?06:28
arvind_kRadSurfer, you want to be root?06:28
DasEi1see topic06:28
tritium!su | RadSurfer06:28
ubottuRadSurfer: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)06:28
FlannelLofde_: 8.10 isn't stable yet.  We don't support it here.  But there is support for it in #ubuntu+106:29
* arvind_k had been scratching head with Lofde_ 's problem06:29
gonzaloaf_laptophi, how do I tell gnome the preferred application to manipulate pdf files?06:29
Lofde_Flannel,  yes thanks ive been in that channel but they dont talk as much heh :)06:30
sriramomangonzaloaf_laptop, "open with" on the file you desire, and change ur preferred application.06:30
inasmudoes anyone know of any good CPU monitoring applications that run in the systemtray, not as gnome applet?06:30
airtonixgonzaloaf_laptop, or right click on the file, select properties, then the open with tab and select the app to be default.06:31
sriramomanpooki, hello06:31
airtonixinasmu, what every ou find you can force apps into the tray with 'alltray'06:32
pookii just installed 8.04 64. but i dont seem to be able to boot from hdd06:32
airtonix!alltray | inasmu06:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alltray06:32
FlannelLofde_: This channel is not for 8.10, please don't ask about it here.  Things are different in 8.10, and we really can't help you here.06:32
airtonix!info alltray06:32
ubottualltray (source: alltray): Dock any program into the system tray. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.69-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 58 kB, installed size 224 kB06:32
pookiinstalled on a sata drive. the livecd saw it fine. p45 chipset so i changed bios sata drives to ahci06:32
inasmuairtonix: is that a gnome program? I'm running fluxbox06:32
santocan someone help me with C++ programming? anyone knows how to program using C++?06:32
pookibut after install when i reboot it says reboot and select proper boot device06:32
airtonixinasmu, im not sure...give it a go it's tiny06:33
DasEi1pooki:where does the boot stop ? switched after install to ahci ?06:33
sriramomansanto, after programming, type gcc a.c -o a06:33
inasmuairtonix: thanks! I'll give it a try06:33
pookierm DasEi1 i dont think it starts, it cant find the hdd to boot from. i post, get past bios, then it cant find anything06:33
airtonixinasmu, there are possbily others too: apt-cache search tray06:33
santocan u recommend a good website for C++?06:34
airtonixinasmu, or for better handling of the large list you may get : apt-cache search tray | less06:34
inasmuairtonix: yeah, I already piped it to less, thanks06:34
DasEi1pooki: switched after install to ahci ?06:34
pookibios can see my hdds, the livecd can see them too. but when i try to boot no go06:34
pookibefore install DasEi106:34
airtonixinasmu, stalonetray is quite good06:34
pookithe livecd wouldnt load into gnome without ahci06:34
nnullwith bluetooth, i have a connection for it on my mobo, koz many OS's detect it, do i need to buy an antenna or something for this connection or?06:34
ubottupooki: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto06:35
airtonixinasmu, i imagine that alltray is an x11 app so it would work on all de's06:35
arvind_khadrinnull, no need for that if you have some kind of bluetooth adapter06:35
inasmuairtonix: yeah, it looks like it doesn't do quite what I want, I want something that I can glace at to monitor CPU stats, not just to dock applications tehre06:35
pookiDasEi1: weird thing was, after install, i go back to livecd to chroot into the new install. grub was not installed in /boot/grub as far as i saw06:35
DasEi1pooki: can use the first link to reinstall grub or dld the super-grub-cd (google) to restore proper grub06:36
inasmuairtonix: but there seem to be a few others from apt-cache tray that'll work06:36
airtonixinasmu, i use a number of things when my taste changes: conky & a few other gnome-applets06:36
blackvdI'm having a problem with my external LCD 22" 1680x1050 monitor. All of a sudden out of the blue nvidia-settings sees it as a crt with max res of 640x480. its been working fine for 2 months until now. was there a bad update?06:36
pookican linux boot off sata? i remember my old box i always had an ide root disk06:36
airtonixpooki, i boot off sata06:36
arvind_khadri!fixres | blackvd06:36
ubottublackvd: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:36
DasEi1pooki: if you want i can take a look at your menu.lst and your fstab , see06:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:37
airtonixpooki, i didnt do anything special at install time though...06:37
aleci just installed xubuntu and im having some problems with the dislay?06:37
arvind_khadrialec, ask #xubuntu :)06:37
DasEi1pooki: files are /etc/fstab   and /boot/grub/menu.lst06:38
arvind_khadripooki, have you installed ubuntu? and are you able to boot into it?06:38
pookiyeah DasEi1 will look, but cant see it being fstab.. last time i looked there was no /boot/grub. i reinstalled one more time to be sure. but i'll check again06:38
pookiarvind_khadri: installed, will not boot06:38
DasEi1alec:which grcard ? install displayconfig-gtk06:38
pookiits a new build06:38
arvind_khadripooki, does grub show up?06:38
pookino grub06:38
gonzaloaf_laptopairtonix, sriramoman thanks06:39
pookiboot -> bios -> reboot and select proper boot device.. dont get any grub at all06:39
alecdasEil: i dont know what grafic card.06:39
arvind_khadripooki, the drive in which you installed ubuntu should boot first... assuming you have two drives06:39
pookiyeah arvind_khadri ive looked in bios and made sure06:39
DasEi1pooki: in cli : cd /boot/grub     ,then : ls   >>menu.lst ? gotta be there when grub displays an error06:39
arvind_khadripooki, do you get error about grub?06:39
pookiarvind_khadri: no doesnt get that far. doesnt find the hdd06:40
DasEi1yup, he does06:40
airtonixgonzaloaf_laptop, i think the wuick way with the submenu on the right click menu is only to use the app with said file for this time only, the method i detailed is for long term changes06:40
nnullarvind_khadriƺ bluetooth adapter? would this be the thing that's on my motherboard or?06:40
airtonixgonzaloaf_laptop, quick*06:40
arvind_khadripooki, make sure no external drives are attached...check for CD in the tray06:40
ahtmly2kHELP i just got americas army running... and set it up to 1280x800 fullscreen... but now its not fullscreen and i have two mouse arrows (one for ubuntu and onther for americas army)... and americas army keeps trying to go to fullscreen goes suddenly back to windowed and all over again... whts going on?06:40
pookiarvind_khadri: ill try changing which hdd is booting in the bios again. but im pretty sure i got the right one06:40
DasEi1pooki: didn't you say you get a grub error ? look for menu.lst!06:40
ahtmly2ki also had this problem in nexuiz06:40
pookiDasEi1: i said there was no /boot/grub when i chrooted into the new system from the livecd06:41
alecDasEil: i am installing, what do i need to do after i install?06:41
arvind_khadripooki, :)06:41
pookierm /boot had some vmlinux images, but no grub directory.. but i dont get why it wouldnt install. cos the installation seems to finish without incident06:41
arvind_khadrinnull, a desktop ?06:41
pookiive installed ubuntu plenty of times, but ive never seen this before :P06:41
pookinew hardware -_-06:41
ziesemer_I need to get my USB EVDO device working under Linux.  I'm currently using Hardy Heron.  I'll offer a $20 "bounty" over PayPal to anyone that can help me get it working.  Details at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5862730#post5862730 .06:42
nnullarvind_khadriƺ what do you mean?06:42
[Solaris]pooki update-grub ?06:42
DasEi1alec:which grcard ? sudo displayconfig-gtk                     , there try to find your monitor06:42
pooki[Solaris]: update-grub from the livecd?06:42
[Solaris]i think that creates the grub directory06:42
arvind_khadrinn64, are you using a desktop i mean06:42
[Solaris]from the mounted device06:42
DasEi1menu.lst there ?06:42
pooki[Solaris]: but i shouldnt have to do that >_> the install is supposted to install grub for me :P06:42
[Solaris]i may of came into this confo too late ;P06:42
pookiDasEi1: no theres no grub directory let alone the menu.lst06:43
[Solaris]pooki true but my current install with alt-install cd didn't do it06:43
pooki[Solaris]: interesting06:43
DasEi1pooki: so reinstall grub then06:43
pooki[Solaris]: i'll give that a try06:43
[Solaris]pooki but i am not doing a normall install (trying to isntall on a software raid)06:43
arvind_khadrinnull,  are you using a desktop i mean06:43
arvind_khadrinn64, sorry abt that06:43
pooki[Solaris]: you on 8.04 as well? im using the 64 bit on my p45 mobo.. having a lot of issues with it atm06:44
JuzzyDim hoping someone can help me here, Im migrating from MetaCity to Openbox, but I cant figure out how to have OpenBox display the menu from Gnome Panel as I've seen in screenshots06:44
DasEi1JuzzyD: i googel'd your dell,  it has standard components with no serious probs in hardy06:44
[Solaris]pooki yea06:44
[Solaris]p35 board here06:44
pookiheard p35 was stable.. kicking myself for not getting one now :P06:44
JuzzyDDasEi1, It's given me plenty of issues none the less. As I said, one of my biggest gripes is USB transfer speed06:44
JuzzyDI get as low as 300k/s usb transfers06:45
[Solaris]heh as long as you don't have a faulty mem stick that likes destroying your 'fakeraid' drives06:45
pookiheh unlucky06:45
arvind_khadriziesemer_, tried this http://linux--help.org/joomla2/index.php?option=com_content&task=category&sectionid=1&id=1&Itemid=27?06:45
DasEi1JuzzyD: thats far to slow; usb-stick ?06:45
JuzzyDSo, anyways, anyone have that experience with OpenBox? I'd essentially like to remove the standard gnome panels al together06:46
JuzzyDusb stick, psp, ipod, you name it06:46
ziesemer_arvind, I believe.  Which link?  The May 22 2008 one?06:46
tyberionanyone here using lastfm06:46
bullgard4What is the filename of the GNOME 2 Session Manager?06:46
nnullarvind_khadriƺ yea i am06:47
arvind_khadriziesemer_, ya06:47
ziesemer_Either way, the problem isn't even with ppp, etc., yet.06:47
ziesemer_I'm not getting the device to use.06:47
ziesemer_I get no /dev/ttyUSB1, etc.06:47
DasEi1JuzzyD: usb-utils installed ? does lsusb recognize the devices ? check out /var/log/syslog for errors06:47
Jordan_Ubullgard4: gnome-session? Or are you talking about something else?06:47
arvind_khadrinnull, if your m/o b/o doesnt have a inbuilt one then you will have to buy a new one...comes in the size of pen drive..06:47
=== ziesemer_ is now known as ziesemer
nnullarvind_khadriƺ it does have some kind of built in one, ON the motherboard, but it doesnt have an antenna or anything06:48
nnullwindows/linux both pick it up as hardware arvind_khadri06:48
arvind_khadrinnull, no need for that ... just use it :)06:48
JuzzyDI'll have a look shortly06:49
blueapplesFAJ so, no luck really. i did find this http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/802.11i and it said you need to use nwa_supplicant to generate a config file then connect using that. i get this trying to start wpa_supplicant06:49
nnullarvind_khadriƺ the bluetooth can get through my towercase?06:49
blueapplesFAJ http://paste.ubuntu.com/51162/06:49
blueapplesany idea what that means?06:50
=== ziesemer is now known as ziesemer_
bullgard4Jordan_U: I am speaking about The GNOME 2 Session Manager in https://launchpad.net/gnome-session06:50
=== ziesemer_ is now known as ziesemer
Jordan_Ubullgard4: /usr/bin/gnome-session06:50
JuzzyDAnyone know how to remove the Gnome panels without not using Gnome anymore?06:50
Jordan_UJuzzyD: RIght click -> Remove pannel06:51
SesshomaruHow do i install windows on  ubuntu?06:52
spookso i heard that ubuntu is slower than windows06:52
JuzzyDIt makes me keep at least one though Jordan_U, I want all of them goners06:52
bullgard4Jordan_U: Your answer is wrong. man gnome-session says clearly that gnome-session starts up the GNOME desktop environment. (No '2' contained.)06:52
spookhow do i run this setup.exe06:52
Daft_PunkSesshomaru, use a virtual machine such as virtualbox06:52
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Sorry06:52
SesshomaruUbuntu makes Vista seem fast doesn't it?06:52
Daft_PunkSesshomaru, no06:53
JuzzyDThe desktop environment is a collection of applications smart arses, the gnome panels are a very small part of the overall environment06:53
JuzzyDNo need to be elitist wankers about it06:53
spookhow do i make ubuntu not suck?06:53
Daft_Punkomg trolls, everywhar06:53
vitaliy_get smarter06:53
Zirodayspook: do you have an issue?06:53
ljsoftnetspook, your out of place here06:53
Daft_Punklol ya no kidding huh06:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/06:53
pookiok weird.. yeah the install does not install grub for me.06:53
bullgard4spook: Stop it.06:53
ledenbySesshomaru: ubuntu is like a turtle06:53
SesshomaruSo how can i remove all this ubuntu crap and use debian?06:54
spookledenby: its very slow? and loses the race?06:54
pookigrub-install doesnt work from the livecd does it [Solaris]06:54
FlannelSesshomaru: Please ask in #debian06:54
Daft_PunkSesshomaru, spook GTFO :) thank you06:54
[Solaris]pooki dont think so.. you can try supergrub to fix your problem06:54
pookisupergrub you say.. *googles*06:55
Jordan_Ubullgard4: That launchpad page refers to the package gnome-session, if you "dpkg -L gnome-session" you will see gnome-session and gnome-session-save, I assume you want the latter.06:55
blueapplesanyone else know about wireless? i guess FAJ is away06:55
WhoNeedszzzIs it me or is the flash plugin crashing like crazy in FF 3.0.3?06:55
Zirodayblueapples: what is your exact issue?06:55
Ziroday!flash > WhoNeedszzz06:56
ubottuWhoNeedszzz, please see my private message06:56
Jordan_UWhoNeedszzz: Flash has always been buggy in Linux06:56
spooki heard that the ubuntu kernel has backdoors, hidden in all the patches that get applied06:56
WhoNeedszzzNot like this06:56
Flannelspook: Please stop.06:56
WhoNeedszzzI upgraded to 3.0.3 and it's crashing non-stop06:56
WhoNeedszzzdidn't before06:56
blueapplesZiroday okay so what I've got going on is an almost functional madwifi install that refuses to connect to networks. i see them listed, but am unable to connect to them. even wicd just sits there bounding back and forth trying to get the IP address06:56
ljsoftnetWhoNeedszzz, try to uninstall some addons that you don't need06:57
Zirodayblueapples: what wireless card? And what guide(s) have you followed?06:57
blueapplesZiroday I'm on a macbook with Atheros chipset06:57
ahtmly2k HELP i just got americas army running... and set it up to 1280x800 fullscreen... but now its not fullscreen and i have two mouse arrows (one for ubuntu and onther for americas army)... and americas army keeps trying to go to fullscreen goes suddenly back to windowed and all over again... whts going on?06:57
blueapplesstarted with these suggestions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook#Wireless06:57
ZaidenHi. I think I'm ready to try to replace windows as my main desktop with linux, though I'm havin trouble deciding between 32bit or 64bit ubuntu. I heard that 64bit has some benefits over 32bit ubuntu, but I'm not sure what they are. Could I get an opinion or advice on which I should choose?06:57
Zirodayblueapples: exact macbook model?06:57
Jordan_Ublueapples: Can you pastebin the output from "iwevent" while you try to connect to a network?06:57
SesshomaruHow do i run a .exe ?06:57
WhoNeedszzzljsoftnet: i don't think that is related at all06:58
ZirodaySesshomaru: by using wine06:58
Daft_PunkSesshomaru, use wine06:58
blueapplesJordan_U yeah uh, during wpa_supplicant?06:58
WhoNeedszzzAs i said, it only started once i upgraded06:58
blueapplesor just try with wicd?06:58
tarrantZaiden: 32bit06:58
WhoNeedszzzwicd is awesome06:58
blueapplesif it worked i'd agree :-p06:58
ljsoftnetahtmly2k, are you using the latest America's Army version?06:58
Sesshomaruso wine is a nifty emulator ?06:58
Ziroday!wine > Sesshomaru06:58
ubottuSesshomaru, please see my private message06:58
geek_wine is not an emulator ;p06:59
alec_Im new to linux, tryng to get wireless working in xubuntu.06:59
spooki keep trying to run this .exe in wine, but it keeps complaining about ubuntu being too slow to run the computer06:59
WhoNeedszzzIs there a flash plugin that works?06:59
inasmu!flash | WhoNeedszzz06:59
ubottuWhoNeedszzz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash06:59
ZirodayWhoNeedszzz: you can try the latest flash 10 however it is unstable06:59
SesshomaruWhoNeedszzz, probably from adobe's site06:59
WhoNeedszzzThose don't work06:59
ledenbyspook: turn off your unnecessary services in ubuntu06:59
FlannelWhoNeedszzz: have you tried gnash?06:59
Sesshomaruyou must be on 64 bit06:59
WhoNeedszzzI think07:00
WhoNeedszzzlet me try again07:00
blueapplesJordan_U, no useful output while connecting with wicd07:00
blueapplesJordan_U, it just said "Waiting for Wireless Events from interfaces..." and then nothing07:00
blueapplesZiroday I believeit is a 3.107:01
blueapplesZiroday I can't really tell while in Ubuntu though07:01
Zirodayblueapples: according to the wiki have you tried the ath9k dirver? I also recommend you try with network-manager instead of wicd07:01
Sesshomarusome guy named Patrick Volkerding created ubuntu?07:01
ZirodaySesshomaru: no.07:01
blueapplesi tried ath9k first, never worked07:01
WhoNeedszzzgnash blows07:02
blueapplesis network-manager the default at system > administration > network ?07:02
FlannelWhoNeedszzz: Then no.  There's apparently no flash that works.07:02
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank you for explaining.07:02
Jordan_Ubullgard4: np07:02
Zirodayblueapples: no its the little applet, at the top right that looks like two computer monitors together07:02
Zirodayblueapples: however do use wicd you should have uninstalled it07:02
blueapplesokay what is the package name?07:03
blueapplesoh, lol, network-manager -_- doh07:03
Zirodayblueapples: you need to remove wicd first07:03
Jordan_Ublueapples: network-manager-gnome07:03
blueapplesaptget removes it07:03
blueappleswell i did apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome07:04
blueapplesright clicking and doing "Connect..." on that does nothing...07:04
blueappleswait that's wicd how did that get there07:04
blueapplesZiroday do i need to restart?07:06
paranoid_androidi connected my server running hardy to my router and added a static route.. neither by router nor my server can see each other.. any ideas ? :/07:06
Zirodayblueapples: no, open a terminal and type sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager start07:06
Zirodayblueapples: and then nm-applet07:07
paranoid_androidi tried to ping router and it doesnt work.. and in my router console icant see anyhing connecte07:07
macoparanoid_android: are they on the same subnet? do you have your netmask set properly?07:07
blueapplesZiroday okay the first cmd to start it didn't work07:07
gonzaloaf_laptopan utility to take pictures with the webcam?07:07
blueapplesand running the applet doesn't list any networks07:08
macoparanoid_android: an easier way to get a static ip might be to keep it using dhcp but set up a dhcp reservation for its mac in your router07:08
Flannelgonzaloaf_laptop: theres a number of them.  Cheese is pretty popular I hear.07:08
Zirodayblueapples: you are using the ath9k drivers correct?07:08
paranoid_androidmaco: thank you.. yes they are.. i got the subnet mask from another comp.. i was trying dhcp earlier but it was not working and trying static now07:08
blueapplesZiroday i was trying to use madwifi, should i switch to ath9k you think?07:08
inasmublueapples: running the applet just causes the icon to appear in your systemtray07:09
Zirodayblueapples: your choice07:09
Zirodayblueapples: however can you pastebin lsmod please07:09
blueapplesls /etc/init.d doesn't list network-manager07:09
Jimm-Is there a guide to TVOut for ati cards?07:10
blueapplesZiroday http://paste.ubuntu.com/51164/07:10
Ziroday!ati > Jimm-07:10
ubottuJimm-, please see my private message07:10
stickboyhow do i disable the black line minimize effect? really annoying...07:10
blueapplesZiroday, i did blacklist ath9k after it didn't seem to work, hopefully i did't miss any other ones. i think only madwifi is installed right now07:10
micr0c0smanyone got virtualbox working with a 64 bit guest ?07:11
Zirodayblueapples: you can try removing the madwifi drivers and using ath9k instead07:11
Zirodayblueapples: and then restart07:11
blueapplesZIroday okay, so, blacklist ath_pci then let ath9k back in and restart?07:12
Zirodayblueapples: yes07:12
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »07:13
blueapplesi always forget the filename07:13
inasmublueapples: instead of rebooting, you can just drop down to single user mode and then back up, its quicker than rebooting07:13
blueapplesis that uh, oh man i used to know that one07:13
blueappleshad to do that ALL THE TIME with redhat a few years ago07:13
inasmuinasmu: "telinit" is the command to change runlevels, so "sudo telinit 1" will drop you to single user mode07:13
Zirodayblueapples: just reboot, its similar07:13
Zirodaysorry I mean easier07:14
gonzaloaf_laptopFlannel, thanks07:14
blueapplesZiroday do you think i need to blacklist ath_hal and ath_rate_sample too?07:14
blueapplesi kind of htink i do since the hal one is what actually talks to the ahrdware07:15
* blueapples types shutdown now07:15
blueapplesokay, ath9k looks like it's running07:19
blueapplesthere's a new option in the network config icon that says "Enabled wireless" which wasn't there before07:19
blackvdOk I'm at a complete loss as to why all of sudden out of the blue my external LCD(1680x1050) monitor shows up as CRT-0 640x480?! Was working fine and I haven't changed any settings, only ran updates. Any easy fix for this? Cause why I would have to reconfigure my x for something that worked fine for 2 months as plug n play seems strange to me.07:20
blueapplesZiroday so i updated the lsmod output http://paste.ubuntu.com/51168/07:20
Zirodayblueapples: sorry back07:21
blueapplesZiroday it's okay i just got back in ;)07:21
Jordan_Ublackvd: What GFX card?07:21
blueapplesZiroday I'm not seeing how to use this wireless config, i can't type a security key or anything...07:21
Zirodayblueapples: okay07:21
Zirodayblueapples: can you please start nm-applet07:22
blueapplesis running07:22
blueapplesi think07:22
blueapplesthat's the networking icon in the tray right07:22
Zirodayblueapples: so you see a little icon appear in the top right that looks like two computers?07:22
Zirodayblueapples: yes, clicking on it should bring a drop down of all the available wireless network07:23
blueapplesZiroday oh sweet07:23
Zirodayblueapples: does that happen?07:23
blueapplesZiroday i was right clicking before, trying to use the dialog in there07:24
Zirodayblueapples: and when you select a network do you connect?07:24
Theebso Ubuntu's desktop is gnome desktop?07:25
ZirodayTheeb: yes ubuntu uses gnome07:25
Zirodayblueapples: in other words is everything working?07:25
Ojiihi, for some reasons i cannot open the 'Applications' main menu anymore. also i cannot open System->Preferences->Main menu, i restarted and still have this problem, can someone help?07:25
Theebin the login screen, i can choose from xserver to gnome session, whats that?07:25
Jordan_UTheeb: There are also KDE and XFCE versions, but Gnome is the most used and most polished07:26
ZirodayJordan_U: careful :)07:26
TheebJordan_U,  so whats the xserver is it also gnome?07:27
pen_whois pen07:27
blackvdJordan_U: nvidia geforce 7300 Dell Inspiron 6400 found this post and they're having the same problem http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-809498.html so I'm reinstalling my nvidia drivers now to see if that fixes it.07:27
=== pen_ is now known as pen
Jordan_Ublackvd: How did you install the nvidia drivers in the first place? Unless you use the package manager / System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers you will have to re-install the drivers for any xorg or kernel upgrades07:28
ongre08A little help needed here if possible. I mistakenly deleted a file that starts the Ubuntu OS, it starts and then stops after running a bunch of code how do I get it to reinstall without having to lose what I already have in the program.  It is a dual boot XP Desktop.07:29
=== lurcio|away is now known as lurcio
Jordan_UTheeb: The Desktop environment ( gnome KDE or XFCE ) runs on top of the xserver ( Xorg )07:30
TheebJordan_U,  thanks :007:31
Jordan_UTheeb: np07:31
didaWhen i use FixFox,i do not why it can be reboot sometimes ,i am very confuse~~07:32
blackvdbah no fix by reinstalling driver >_>07:32
Zirodaydida: please try to rephrase your question. Also what is your first language?07:33
blueapples_Ziroday, well, no die07:33
Zirodayblueapples: so you can see networks in network manager, but you can connect to them?07:33
blueapples_Ziroday yep07:33
Ziroday!ubuntu-ch | dida please join here07:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-ch07:34
Ziroday!zh | dida07:34
ubottudida: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:34
psylancehow can i delete my partitions on a disk and format it into ext307:34
blueapples_Ziroday, output of iwevent when I try to connect to my network named "Orchard": http://paste.ubuntu.com/51170/07:34
hateball!info gparted | psylance07:35
psylancedoing it a CLI way07:35
ubottupsylance: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.5-1ubuntu3 (hardy), package size 339 kB, installed size 2100 kB07:35
Zirodaypsylance: using the program gparted or partition editor07:35
Zirodaypsylance: using fdisk07:35
blueapples_Ziroday which is a AirPort Extreme running WPA1/207:35
psylancethe disk is in a headless server07:35
Zirodayblueapples: can you connect to non encrypted networks?07:35
blueapples_it looks like it worked07:36
blueapples_Ziroday I connected to a random unsecured network, seems to have worked... but then it looked like it did ebfore too07:36
kingtekrinhow do i find the process number for something so i can kill it?07:36
kingtekrinps -Al | grep MOTION doesnt work O_O07:36
pookisupergrub sounds like something that recovers grub on the mbr, but i dont even have grub installed. how can i install grub onto my ubuntu installation which wont boot, using just the livecd :P07:37
Ziroday!grub > pooki07:37
ubottupooki, please see my private message07:37
Jordan_Upooki: Why is grub not installed?07:37
Ojiican someone help with this http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/392121/ after I try to launch alacarte from console (cant launch it from menu)07:37
pookiJordan_U: i have no clue. done a ton of ubuntu installs. this is a new build. installed it twice from livecd, both time there is no grub in /boot07:37
inasmuhow would I change my screen brightness via the command line?  cpufreqd has "#exec_post=echo 5 > /proc/acpi/sony/brightness" in its config file, but when I do an equivalent thing nothing changes07:37
Zirodayblueapples: it may be that the ath9k drivers don't support wpa1/2. Please try connecting to an unsecured wireless07:37
kingtekrin!motion  > kingtekrin07:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about motion07:37
pookigrub was not lost07:38
pookiwindows has not been installed07:38
Jordan_Upooki: Is there a menu.lst ?07:38
pookithere is just no grub @_@07:38
pookino Jordan_U07:38
pookithere is no grub directory to hold the menu.lst07:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about motion07:38
kingtekringive me a break...07:38
Ziroday!info motion | kingtekrin please see this07:38
ubottukingtekrin please see this: motion (source: motion): V4L capture program supporting motion detection. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.9-1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 262 kB, installed size 788 kB07:38
Jordan_Upooki: Ok, what partition is Ubuntu installed on, and do you want Grub installed to the MBR of that disk?07:38
pookithe root partition is sda3, two empty partitions up front for windows later. i would like grub on the mbr07:39
pookithis is a brand new hdd07:39
kingtekrinbut how do i find the process number of something07:39
kingtekrinso i can sudo kill <#>07:39
Zirodaykingtekrin: ps -ax | grep processname07:39
kingtekrinax!!! omg..the last guy gave me Al07:40
blueapples_Ziroday, doesn't seem to be working07:40
hateballkingtekrin: or just pgrep processname07:40
blueapples_Ziroday, it just keeps repeating this in iwevents: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51172/07:40
Jordan_Upooki: "sudo mount /dev/sda3 /mnt && sudo grub-install /dev/sda && sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev && sudo chroot /mtn update-grub"07:40
blueapples_Ziroday and nm shows it at 0%07:40
pookiok Jordan_U will try that07:41
alecim new to linux and ned help setting up wireless on xubuntu07:41
Zirodayblueapples: I am out of ideas sorry. The only thing I can think of is testing the wireless card under OS X to make sure its working or using ndiswrapper07:41
pookiJordan_U: the livecd says Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device07:41
pookigrub-install from the livecd has not worked for me :/07:42
=== blueapples_ is now known as blueapples
ziesemer$20 bounty: Pantech UM175AL USB EVDO recognition under Hardy Heron : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=586315307:42
alecwhat is the beginner help irc07:43
inasmudoes anyone know how to change the screen brightness from the command line?07:43
kingtekrinroot@kingtekrin-laptop:~# ps -Ax | grep Motion07:43
kingtekrinERROR: Must set personality to get -x option.07:43
TheebJordan_U, in the login windiw preferences, under the default session i have xclient script, and there is gnome. whats the difference?07:43
sriramomankingtekrin, i also need the same question's answer. I need only the process pID and no other junk as output07:43
inasmusriramoman: you can use the program "pgrep" for that07:44
hateballkingtekrin: it's ps aux, no capital letters07:44
kingtekrinsriramoman, tell me about it07:44
pookican i just transfer /boot/grub/ from my laptop and put it onto my new build and just change all the partitions..07:45
VulKnOhi people07:45
kingtekrinwell which one is the process number?07:45
kingtekrinroot@kingtekrin-laptop:~# ps -Ax | grep Motion07:46
kingtekrinERROR: Must set personality to get -x option.07:46
sriramomankingtekrin, got it. ps -u user | pgrep processname07:46
^paradox^ok i think getting somewhere with setting up this printer to be shared over our network because the printer on my wifes vista home box acts like it wants to print but stops after i try to print a test page under printer configuration07:46
Allan_Rhaehelllo all07:46
sriramomankingtekrin, for killing them, kill -9 `ps -u user | pgrep beagle`07:46
sriramomaninasmu, thank you very much07:47
^paradox^anyways, i ran printing troubleshooter and it gave this output http://rafb.net/p/0b0And17.html07:47
santy_1983how to start my sql on ubuntu07:47
Jordan_Upooki: You might ask in #grub, but they want people to "Before you ask, see if you can reproduce your problem with GRUB 2" Grub2 is available in the repos if you want to try it but it's still in development07:48
kingtekrinroot@kingtekrin-laptop:~# ps aux | grep Motion07:49
kingtekrinroot      3002  0.0  0.0   5164   832 pts/0    R+   23:48   0:00 grep Motion07:49
^paradox^these test pages to print are reaching the printer07:49
kingtekrinwhich one is the process number?07:49
Flannelkingtekrin: It's likely to be "motion" and not "Motion"07:49
pookiok thanks Jordan_U07:49
Flannelkingtekrin: the second one, but that's your grep, not motion itself.07:49
^paradox^they say spooling then that disappears and they just dont print07:49
^paradox^but the printer physically tries to print07:50
^paradox^it prints anything from the vista pc fine07:50
Jordan_Ukingtekrin: You can use "pgrep Motion"07:50
kingtekrinroot@kingtekrin-laptop:~# ps aux | grep Motion07:50
kingtekrinroot      3002  0.0  0.0   5164   832 pts/0    R+   23:48   0:00 grep Motion07:50
FloodBot3kingtekrin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:51
^paradox^maybe some could have a look at that pastebin i sent a few lines ago and se if they can make sense of it?07:51
kingtekrinmotion    5653  0.1  0.2 110276  7084 ?        Sl   13:54   1:09 /usr/bin/moti07:52
kingtekrinbut sudo kill <processnumber> doesnt work on the number07:52
kingtekrinso how do i kill process 110276?07:54
^paradox^im trying. ive looked into this, but im still very new to ubuntu and linux in general so im going to need a hand with this07:54
Rat409process is 565307:54
kingtekrinhow do i kill 565307:55
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pcanyIs there any people?07:55
santy_1983how to sort this error to start the mysql (Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/my.cnf' is ignored07:55
santy_1983mysqladmin: CREATE DATABASE failed; error: 'Access denied for user ''@'localhost' to database 'santosh''07:55
ompaulHi all - I am about to remove a few bans - this will cause some scrolling07:56
kingtekrinsudo kill <5653> isnt working...its returning a syntax O_O07:57
ompaul!cn | pcany07:57
ubottupcany: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:57
FloodBot3pcany: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
FloodBot3dada: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:57
ompaul!cn | pcany07:57
bobertdoskingtekrin: Don't use sudo or any < > characters.07:58
ompaulkingtekrin, kill -9 1234507:58
kingtekrinso the last guy was wrong07:58
kingtekrin-su: kill: (5653) - No such process07:59
blueapplesZiroday hey man it works!07:59
arbirhow can I install amarok-kde4 in my Ubuntu desktop ?07:59
ompaul!language | kingtekrin07:59
ubottukingtekrin: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:59
pcanyin xinglide07:59
ompaul!cn | pcany07:59
ubottupcany: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk07:59
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org07:59
pcanyfor ubuntu help in chinese08:00
arbirE: Couldn't find package amarok-kde408:00
iceswordpcany: #ubuntu-cn08:00
kingtekrin-su: kill: (5653) - No such process08:00
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:00
arbiri can find this package here at this link --> http://ubuntu2.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amarok-kde4/08:01
kingtekrinbut there iissss a process08:01
arbirbut i cannot install this package due to dependecy errors08:01
dadawe shoule go to chinese chanel08:01
^paradox^sorry ubottu ;-) im just bored waiting08:01
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots08:01
arbirubottu , can you help me please ?08:01
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:01
bobertdosarbir: Is there a reason you can't or don't want to use the version of Amarok already in the repos?08:02
ompaul!botabuse | kingtekrin08:02
ubottukingtekrin: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.08:02
=== lurcio is now known as lurcio|away
ompaul!away > lurcio|away08:02
ubottulurcio|away, please see my private message08:02
arbirbobertdos: i liked the amarok in kde4, so i thought i can have it on my ubuntu 8.04 instal08:02
ompaularbir, sudo apt-get install amarok08:02
bobertdosarbir: You mean in Gnome?08:02
kingtekrinfirst of all, ompaul, I did know ubottu's command, and i wanted the link08:02
pcanythe kde4 is 400M08:03
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »08:03
arbirompaul: that will get me the older version of amarok. not the one that ships with kde408:03
arbirbobertdos: yes in Gnome08:03
ompaul!compile | arbir ( you will need sources which you will have to get yourself)08:03
ubottuarbir ( you will need sources which you will have to get yourself): Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)08:03
pcanyin fact ,all of us is use a x-server in gnone08:03
arbirpre-built packages are giving me dependency error08:04
pcanyin fact ,all of us is using a x-server in gnome08:04
Jimm-Can anyone help me get TV-Out working in xorg.conf? I've read the binary-howto guide but it didn't help at all.08:04
arbiris looking into compiling it08:04
ompaularbir, be warned that the mixing of packages from future distros means that you will most likely break other stuff - after all it is a time based release08:04
bobertdosarbir: Yes, what ompaul says, and also be aware that Hardy's dependencies may or may not be up to date with what the new Amarok requires.08:04
Flannelarbir: there is no package amarok-kde408:04
vrivettdoes anyone know how good beagle is on ubuntu08:04
arbirompaul: i read your point. well compiling might kill me with all the kde4 libs that i might need to download08:05
arbirFlannel: http://ubuntu2.cica.es/ubuntu/ubuntu/pool/universe/a/amarok-kde4/08:05
ompaularbir, it might kill anything else sitting there also08:05
arbirhahahhahahah @ ompaul. thanks a lot. let me look into it08:05
pookihrm i just noticed there are no initrd.img files in my /boot directory either08:06
pookiis this install completely botched?08:06
kingtekrinso, killing the process isnt working because once i kill the process number given, it says no process exists08:06
arbirpooki: if you dont have those files, then you dont have the kernel08:06
ompaulpooki, sounds like it08:06
* bobertdos really hopes Intrepid ships with some new versions of packages, since everyone seems to be wanting them08:06
pooki@_@ ok08:06
tyberionhrm, is anyone here familiar with screen?08:06
kingtekrinso when i ps aux | grep motion08:06
arbirthanks ompaul and bobertdos. its also bed time for me.. yaaaaaawwwwn :-).08:07
ompaulbobertdos, have a chat in #ubuntu+1 to find out what is what and then redirect anyone else there who suggests that version08:07
kingtekrini get the process number...but it doesnt work on kill -9 process number08:07
Jimm-Does anybody use the ati driver, and have Tv-out working who is willing to help me out?08:07
ompaulkingtekrin, what program are you trying to terminate?08:07
ShoopufAnyone seen DKKnight? (I think that's his nick) ... I was wondering if they ever fixed that problem with "erratic volume slider behavior"08:07
kingtekrinbecause i have no idea how to control it08:07
ompaulkingtekrin, how did you start it?08:07
kingtekrin...it was a download through add/remove08:07
icesword.seen dkkningt08:07
kingtekrinand then it kinda took over my webcam permanently08:08
bobertdosompaul: You're right, unfortunately, I don't have the energy to play advocate tongiht, *yawn* :)08:08
ompaulbobertdos, it happens everyone :)08:08
* bobertdos bids all good night08:09
kingtekringnight bobertdos08:09
ompaulkingtekrin, run this command >>ps auwx | grep motion | grep -v grep  << and give me the number on the left most side and text to it's left08:09
GgeHello ,  could not find by googling how to create a shortcut to run a java app -->>  " java -cp xx.jar  to avoid each time to run the command from termainal window . Any suggestion ?08:10
tyberionhum, anyone knows whether there is a way to bind keys in screen from ctrl-a [ to ctrl-a ü and ctrl-a ] to ctrl-a +08:10
Talibwith ubuntu, i just installed it, i restarted, do i need a boot manager to allow me to select whether i boot into windows or ubuntu?08:10
ompaulGge, right click on desktop "create launcher"08:10
kingtekrinit gave me nothing08:11
ompaulkingtekrin, program dead08:11
kingtekrinis the grep -v grep thing what killed it?08:12
kingtekrinbecause the light on my cam went off at that moment08:12
ompaulkingtekrin, no -08:12
kingtekrinI think I just heard the twilight zone music ...08:12
Talibcan anyone help me?08:13
ompaul!offtopic | kingtekrin08:13
ubottukingtekrin: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!08:13
kingtekrini meant because of the program disappearing08:13
inasmuTalib: yes, you need a boot manager08:13
ompaulkingtekrin, please don't hit the enter key after each one word line - complete lines only, and ones that matter would be even better :)08:13
Talibinasmu can you recommend one?08:13
Talibi have no idea what to get08:13
inasmuTalib: Ubuntu automatically installs grub as a boot manager08:14
Talibwhen i rebooted my PC at the end of the installation, it doesn't ask which OS i wish to boot into08:14
inasmuTalib: does it say something like "grub is loading, press Esc to see options?" the grub menu might be hidden08:15
Talibit doesn't display anything when i boot my PC, just gets to the hardware check bit then starts booting up windows08:15
inasmuTalib: did you install Ubuntu on the same harddrive as Windows?08:16
Talibi think so, should i try changing the boot drive in BIOS and see if thats the case?08:16
Talibthe boot sequence i mean08:17
santy_1983hi all of08:17
Jimm-Does anybody know how to get tv-out working with ati and xorg.conf?08:17
inasmuTalib: the boot sequence shouldn't change anything unless you installed on a different harddrive08:18
Talibim sure its on the same partition as windows...08:18
Talibsame drive*08:18
* Gemini cries because CS3 isnt supported08:18
inasmuTalib: okay, then you can probably boot a LiveCD and run the "rescue" part to reinstall grub08:19
Talibi'll give it a shot, thanks, brb08:19
=== eeepc is now known as charles|eeepc
Geminihow do i get the UUID of one of my partitions?08:21
Geminiwhat does it stand for by the way?08:21
FlannelGemini: sudo blkid, and Universally Unique ID08:22
GeminiFlannel: Thanks :)08:22
NinesvnsicksHello everyone08:23
Rat409 /cl08:23
NinesvnsicksDoes anyone know what the class name of the screensavers is I need it so compiz doesn't make it transparent08:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!08:24
pookihmm while the installation is finishing, somewhere in the last 10% of the install X seems to crash out. it doesnt prompt me to reboot08:25
Geminihow do i share files with another ubuntu system on my network?08:25
penanyone interested in building the most consistant icon theme for linux?08:26
pookicrash out then reloads into the livecd08:26
OneZeroHello, I'm downloading a streaming video file at the moment with Mplayer (command:~$ mplayer -dumpstream). It is workign fine, but unfortunately I can download only one file at a time. Does anybody know, how to download several streaming video files simultaneously?08:27
GeminiOneZero: Use multiple Mplayers?08:28
OneZeroGemini: yuo mean, I should open several terminal windows and excute commands simultaneously?08:29
GeminiOneZero: you could try, but then again, im no expert08:29
gonzaloaf_laptophello is it possible to install the gnome theme spherecrystal from debian in ubuntu?08:30
NicEXEI can't get Joomla to work. I put the joomla folder in htdocs folder named as joo. When I try to go to localhost/joo/ it says that I hav no permision to access /joo/ on this server.08:30
NicEXEwhat should I do?08:30
afallenhopeanyone know how to use UFW? I was trying to set it up to block SYN Floods.08:31
afallenhopehttp://pastebin.com/m3b309fee <-- that's my config but doesn't seem to be working...08:31
NinesvnsicksAnyone know the class name for screensavers?08:31
^paradox^still in need of a hand with printer sharing08:32
loserbar_hi im using windowmaker and im looking for a good way to safely hibernate my laptop any suggestions?08:32
OneZeroI already tried that, but it doesn't work, because mplayer saves the file in /home directory and names it "stream.dump". It doesn't recognize that there is already another downloading in progress.08:32
^paradox^as a refresher this is the ubuntu pc. my wifes vista home pc is the one with the printer. im trying to share that printer to this puter08:33
Rat409OneZero: wget -c url ?08:33
^paradox^this is an output from printing troubleshooter http://rafb.net/p/0b0And17.html08:33
OneZeroRat409: what does this command do?08:34
Geminihow do i get dual head monitor support running on Ubuntu? i am using an ati card and the ati binary drivers08:34
^paradox^seriously need a hand with this08:34
Mr_Fixitumm... how do i find out what my video card is and enable it on my laptop?08:34
=== lurcio|away is now known as lurcio
Gary13579Haha, I see this is a bad place to come for support,08:35
Rat409OneZero:  its a cli download tool -c means resume or continue try wget --help or man wget08:35
ahtmly2kHOW can i look for driver updates for my soundcard?08:35
ahtmly2klike automatically08:35
Gemini<ahtmly2k> Ubuntu update will notify you automatically08:35
ahtmly2kyeah but my sound keeps clashing... i have no idea whts going on.... YELP...08:36
OneZeroRat409: thanks, I'll take a closer look. Reading will take some time...08:36
Geminiahtmly2k: are you running flash in the background? cos flash will grab the sound ive noticed08:37
Geminiahtmly2k: and normal sound apps will grab from flash08:38
Rat409Mr_Fixit: try lspc |grep VGA then google if necessary08:38
Rat409whoops lspc/lspci08:38
ahtmly2kdidnt realize dat...08:39
ahtmly2k...does flv count?08:40
Geminiahtmly2k: if its played in firefox yeah08:40
ahtmly2koooooh...... bummer08:40
rconanAnyone here using a marvell 88se6121 with ubuntu (or any linux really)?08:40
ahtmly2kbut i dont think thats the case08:40
ahtmly2kim trying to play americas army08:41
ahtmly2kand theres no sound.... buhuhuhuuhuhuhuhuuhu08:41
Gemini<ahtmly2k> dont have anything running in the background that would need sound, even paused media players08:41
jim_pahtmly2k: is americas army a quake engine based game?08:41
muyyaQwhat is the best mp3 codecs for ubuntu ?08:41
tonsofpcshow can i change screen res on-the-fly with a hotkey? [using a notebook to drive an external display, internal display died, external doesn't support widescreen, I do not want to change my xconfig as I will be fixing the panel display tomorrow]08:42
jim_pahtmly2k: the quake engine has some problems with alsa, but it can be corrected08:42
jim_pahtmly2k: you will have to redo the procedure eaxh time you run americas army08:42
inasmuhow would I change screen brightness from the command line?08:44
jim_pahtmly2k: are yoy there?08:44
ahtmly2kyeah im here08:45
ahtmly2kbut i dont get it08:45
ahtmly2kwht about nexuiz? is quake based?08:45
ahtmly2kcuz its all fine08:45
ahtmly2kso i dont know08:45
inasmuI'm trying to configure cpufreqd to automatically dim my screen in certain modes, but I can't figure out how to change the brightness from the command line08:45
ahtmly2kand there arent a lotta preferences to play with in americas army... (sound-wise)08:46
ahtmly2kso i wouldnt know wht to tweak...08:46
Gary13579Okay, so CD drive on my notebook no longer wants to work. It was mounting, but wouldn't copy files over08:46
Gary13579I restarted, and now I can't even get it to mount08:47
Gary13579it just tells me there's no media in the drive08:47
Gary13579but I can boot live ubuntu fine from the drive, so it's not the bios/hardware08:47
gidnaHow can I burn .cue image in ubuntu?08:48
erpogidna: Are you trying to circumvent copy protection?08:48
jim_pahtmly2k: try this at a terminal " echo "quake3.x86 0 0 direct" > /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/oss ", replacing quake3 with america's army command08:49
jim_pahtmly2k: you will need a sudo in front08:49
erpogidna: I don't care either way, but there's the easy way and there's the way that circumvents copy protection.08:49
=== hana is now known as zlatko
gidnaburn a cd image doesn't imply piratery...08:50
zlatkocan i post a small problem with ubuntu, but it is concerning madwifi???08:50
rconan!ask | zlatko08:51
ubottuzlatko: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)08:51
erpogidna: No, but if you want to pirate software you need to go about it differently than if you just want to copy the information in the bin/cue files to a disc.08:51
esacdid anybody get updates today and then have their networking stop working ?08:51
Mr_Fixit00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) <--- my graphics card... but it doesn't allow high visual effects. is there some way to enable this?08:51
gidnaI'm using gnomebaker, but it doesn't support the cue as I can see..08:51
=== lurcio is now known as lurcio|away
esaci get an ip, but nothing resolves. windows on the same system works. it was working until i got some updates ,and then within 15 minutes, i couldnt resolve hosts anymore08:52
Gemini<erpo> err what if he just wants to burn a cue image, does it really mean that he wants to pirate something?08:52
rconanesac, what's in your /etc/resolv.conf ?08:52
jim_pahtmly2k: did it work?08:52
zlatkook...i want to run aircrack so installed wubi....installed kernel, and am trying to install madwifi using the instructions on http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo08:52
erpoGemini: No, it doesn't mean he wants to pirate anything, but if he _does_ want to pirate something (and that's what people want 90% of the time when the question is about bin/cue files or rar files), then he needs different directions.08:52
^paradox^that was weird. oh well08:52
esacrconan, im booted in windows right now to get online, but it was the same as what i have in windows now08:53
Gemini<erpo> kk true08:53
rconanzlatko, and what is going wrong?08:53
zlatkobut when i get to the line ifconfig ath0 up (or down) i get the problem http://madwifi.org/wiki/UserDocs/FirstTimeHowTo08:53
rconanesac, does pinging a domain name work?08:53
Geminidoes anyone know where to download aircrack? the official one www.aircrack-ng.org i cant reach for some reason08:53
zlatkosryath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device08:54
rconanGemini, apt-get install aircrack-ng is what i usually use08:54
zlatkoSRY this is the error ath0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device08:54
erpoWhen I insert an SD card into my laptop's built-in reader, it shows up as an icon on the desktop. When I insert an xD card, that does not happen. How can I fix this?08:54
zlatkoive been searching for a solution for 4 days08:54
OneZeroRat409: I read the manual about "wget" and now I know some more useful ways about downloading. thanks!08:54
mistformerpo, you can use .bin and .cue to store backups of all your media. This is very well within compliance. Besides, there are better IRC servers for that stuff anyways08:54
esacrconan, no08:54
esacrconan, nslookup returned an ip08:55
jim_pzlatko: do you have a wireless adaptor thing?08:55
erpomistform: If you're not interested in defeating copy prevention, why not use an iso file?08:55
^paradox^coming up on three08:55
zlatkoyou mean wireless card08:55
Gemini<rconan> cool thanks08:55
rconanzlatko, what does lsmod output?08:55
rconanor rather lsmod | grep madwifi08:55
jim_pnow that we are not talking about piracy :P , how can i turn a live cd to an .iso?08:56
* rconan can't remember the name of the madwifi modules, they are on his other computer08:56
Gemini<jim_p> use brasero08:56
zlatkohow am i suposed to copy this08:56
erpojim_p: dd if=/dev/cd_drive of=./livecd.iso08:56
mistformerpo, because you have to mount ISO's. Instead of .ISO's, why not just another CD??? 1 physical backup, 1 digital backup (.bin/.cue) works just as well as .iso08:56
strkhow can I tell if the touchpad works w/out using X ? As X doesn't recognize it, but tpconfig can find it...08:57
rconanzlatko, sorry, do "lsmod | grep ath_pci"08:57
erpojim_p: You have a physical live cd and you want to make a disc image of it on your computer, right?08:57
jim_psorry erpo and Gemini but i dont get you08:57
jim_perpo: yes08:57
erpomistform: You don't have to mount isos. You can burn them if you want to.08:57
zlatkorconan, ath_pci               257216  008:57
zlatkowlan                  261536  1 ath_pci08:57
zlatkoath_hal               340368  1 ath_pci08:57
mistformerpo, but I have a right to display the content on my home computer (which has better speakers)08:57
Gemini<jim_p> ok, are you in Ubuntu now or windows08:57
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erpomistform: No argument here.08:58
jim_perpo: dd makes an exact copy of it? will it retain its bootability?08:58
rconanzlatko, and what does iwconfig output? use pastebin for it, it will be large08:58
gidnaCan I burn a cd image on a dvd?08:58
jim_pGemini: linux of cource!!!08:58
erpojim_p: Yes.08:58
Gemini<jim_p> ok just making surre, now just open up a terminal08:58
^paradox^still in need of help setting up printer sharing over our network08:59
mistformerpo, i'm just running you in circles. Really, don't assume that "90% of the time when the question is about bin/cue files or rar files" means they are pirating something.08:59
jim_pGemini: done08:59
erpogidna: Sure.08:59
Gemini<jim_p> use dd if=/dev/scd0 of=/whatever.iso08:59
mistformerpo, first time I learned about the whole shebang, I was trying to download and install Ubuntu, which I've used for over 2 years now08:59
jim_pGemini , erpo thanks08:59
^paradox^running into a couple of problems. really need some help08:59
gidnawhy brasero doesn't allow me to burn a cd image on a dvd?09:00
erpomistform: You're telling me you got ubuntu as a cue file?09:00
koala_manhow do I install ubuntu on another disk from ubuntu? I tried debootstrap, but it didn't include a kernel or anything09:00
mistformerpo, no, it was an iso, but the program I used could also handle .bin and cue09:00
zlatkopaste.ubuntu.com? i clicked paste but nothing seamed to happen09:00
Flannelzlatko: you get a new page with your stuff in it, you paste the URL of that page back here.09:01
erpomistform: Unless you're dealing with a mixed mode cd, bin/cue has no advantage over iso for data and flac/cue for audio (if you're an audio nut). Mixed mode discs went out with platform shoes.09:01
rconanzlatko, you paste it in there then copy the link to here09:01
erpomistform: Look. It's not a big deal. Do whatever you want.09:02
zlatkoheh, didn't see the poster field09:02
pookithis is what has happened to my install. no kernel initrd.img or grub installation -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=85607909:02
rconanzlatko, i would guess from that that you don't have an atheros chipset wireless card09:03
pookiwhat is the /casper directory. is it possible to copy the needed files to your install to just get that first boot09:03
zlatkoyes, i do09:03
rconanzlatko, is it a usb, or pci or what?09:03
rconanmini pci or pcmcia?09:03
zlatkoacer aspire 510009:03
zlatkodo you want me to find the chipset09:03
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zlatkoi find it but forget it09:04
her2r23hello, where might i be able to access wireless statistics (like iwlist ath0 foo) in a file?09:04
DaveTarmachi folks - I'm having a spot of bother getting LAMP to work on my 8.04 Desktop. I'm following http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_for_newbies but when I get to step 3 (MySQL) I get the error message ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO) - anyone know what I'm doing wrong?09:04
rconanzlatko, pastebin lspci09:04
afallenhope /dns
afallenhopesorrry lol.09:04
afallenhopegetting port scanned.. got worries. it's just proxyscan.freenode.net09:04
shepherdanyone there09:05
shepherdi need to vent09:05
rconanzlatko, 02:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4311 802.11b/g WLAN (rev 01)09:05
rconanzlatko, broadcom no atheros!09:05
shepherdlisten i went to hell and back to get my wifi working09:06
shepherddont even attempt it09:06
zlatkoim sorry for taking your time09:06
shepherdits sooooooo hard09:06
LinuxGhostHI.Does someone knows how to set a specific Kernel(e.g. mine: ubuntu 8.04.1 kernel 2.6.22-14-generic) to be booted at Computer start up???Thats because i've compiled my Kernel as recommended to fix that but wich makes boot process hanging while on AC Cord Poewr plugged-in.09:06
rconanzlatko, no problem09:06
zlatkoi was certain 100000000% that it was atheros, so does this mean thati can't run aircrack09:06
shepherdi bought a house today09:06
erpoLinuxGhost: Edit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:06
her2r23!ops | shepherd09:06
shepherdactually a duplex09:06
ubottushepherd: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, ompaul, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, or Flannel!09:06
rconanzlatko, you can't do injection with it so you could only crack a network which is being heavily used by other users09:07
tomoyuki28jpHow can I install a package from hardy-experimental repository?09:07
pookiwin 209:07
mambodzambohi ALL09:07
naliothher2r23: the correct factoid is !offtopic09:07
rconanzlatko, as I guess you aren't cracking your own network, it makes it much more difficult09:07
zlatkooh, ok, thx a lot,09:07
naliothshepherd: please take the off topic stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic09:07
zlatkowell, i have a network, but i want to bridge it with another one09:08
LinuxGhosterpo:OK.THANKS.ill check it now09:08
mambodzamboi have problem with making wifi work who will help me ?09:08
zlatkoand i was interested in the knowladge09:08
rconanzlatko, of course... aren't we all :p09:08
afallenhopeheh. that was fun.09:09
zlatkoone more question how can you tell if a card can inject, do you have to learn it, or does it say in lpsci09:10
* ^paradox^ wonders if he'll ever get his printer shared over the network09:11
andypls1"chmod  o+r file" doesn't sets the permission of others to Read09:11
andypls1why is that?09:11
talibhi, i must have somehow installed ubuntu to my second harddrive, when i reboot grub does not load09:12
rconanzlatko, the drivers page on aircrack-ng.org has a list of supported chipsets09:12
zlatkoim going to sleep, you have been of A LOT of help, and much more help than those guys in #madwifi09:12
zlatkoTHX A LOT09:12
rconanzlatko, in fact... i just read that broadcom does work!09:12
zlatkooh it does09:12
andypls1"chmod  o+r file" doesn't sets the permission of others to Read09:12
talibi dont know how to get grub installed09:12
rconanzlatko, http://www.aircrack-ng.org/doku.php?id=broadcom09:13
talibi booted from the livecd and i wasn't sure how to setup grub, plus it would not let me connect to IRC09:13
^paradox^help me ive been at this for two days. its becoming monotonous09:13
rconanzlatko, it might be easier to use something with prepatched kernel like backtrack09:13
rconanzlatko, it's a livecd with injection patches for all wireless chipsets and aircrack-ng all preinstalled09:14
yorconan: are you talking about backtrack?09:14
rconanyo, yes09:14
talibhelp :(!09:14
rconanzlatko, but if you wanna use ubuntu there is this thread: http://tinyshell.be/aircrackng/forum/index.php?topic=2845.009:14
yorconan:  for some reason it asks me to configure either ath0 or wifi0.  any ideas?09:15
rconanyo, you want to use ath0 the madwifi driver makes two interfaces for some reason09:15
zlatkothank you a lot09:15
zlatkobacktrack, is that like ubuntu09:15
zlatkoa OS09:15
yoI do that, but for some reason... no dice09:16
rconanzlatko, yes, it's a linux distribution, but it will run from a CD without installation09:16
^paradox^listen the printer im trying to share receives request to print test pages that i send to it from this ubuntu box09:16
^paradox^the printer acts like it will print them but then stops moving does nothing09:16
yorconan: thanks for the tip.  I'll try it again.09:16
zlatkorconan, oh, ok, and do i have to order it, or how does that go09:17
rconanyo, sorry can't really help, i don't use madwifi on my computers (my mate has an atheros), my wireless is an rt250009:17
rconanzlatko, you can download it09:17
rconanzlatko, http://www.remote-exploit.org/backtrack.html09:17
^paradox^they show up in the printers job list and say spooling, but that goes away and they dont print09:17
kingtekrin!info cedega09:18
ubottuPackage cedega does not exist in hardy09:18
zlatkorconan, i will do that09:18
esacok so i am in linux now. the default gateway matches that of windows. resolv.conf is the same. i can use 'nslookup' and get ip addresses. however using firefox or xchat or ping for names DOES NOT work. if i use the IP it does work. any ideas ?09:18
zlatkohmmm...and i wont have to go throught the pain of setting up a kernel...09:18
talibwhere is the default install location of the boot manager?09:19
^paradox^my wifes pc runs vista home and yes ive already setup file and printer sharing on it09:19
zlatkoTHX a lot09:19
zlatkoyou have been of a HUGE HELP09:19
balroganybody know anything about setting up labview 7.1 in ubuntu 8.04?09:19
kingtekrinso let us say that I turned my windows game into a compressed torrent, and now i want to use cedega to install it again...how do i do that since i broke the disc?09:19
^paradox^heres the output of printing troubleshooter http://rafb.net/p/0b0And17.html09:20
^paradox^ran it a few minutes ago09:20
talibplease ubuntu people help09:20
^paradox^maybe one of u will know what that pastebin means09:21
DaveTarmachas anyone set MySQL up on Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop? I'm having issues with it09:21
afallenhopethat sucked.09:21
^paradox^im still new to linux got a good bit to learn09:22
kingtekrindoes anyone know why my rar file wont extract...it says type not supported09:22
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OdnsRvnswhat is the file type09:22
DaveTarmac^paradox^: pastebin is a website where you can paste your code or text output of a program for others to see. http://www.pastebin.com I believe is a common one09:23
OdnsRvnsIs it a .rar file09:23
^paradox^um ok09:23
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alecim havng a display problem with xubuntu, i ran displayconfiggtk and it made it worse, any suggestions?09:23
OdnsRvnsand what are you usint to open it09:23
talibI have windows on the primary HDD, ubuntu as a partition on my secondary HDD, grub doesn't load on boot, how do i set it to load grub?09:23
^paradox^but i already found a pastebin to use09:23
kingtekrinarchive manager09:23
rconanif you use ping, does it show the resolved ip?09:24
DaveTarmac^paradox^: fair enough09:24
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Yossarianhello everyone!09:24
Yossariani'm a n00b at ubuntu09:25
Yossarianand i'm considering making a full migration from xp09:25
^paradox^lol same here and linux in general09:25
kingtekrinOdns, yes09:25
OdnsRvnsTry with Gebi package installer09:25
Yossarianyeah, me too09:25
Yossarianalthough i tried opensuse09:25
Guest71365talib i'Ve had the same problem which ended up in installing the / on the 1st hdd09:25
Yossarianit was way too complicated for me :)09:25
Yossariani have a few questons09:26
^paradox^my box uses only ubuntu and im quite pleased09:26
OdnsRvnsUbuntu is a nice mix of code and gui09:26
FlannelYossarian: That's what we're here for.09:26
^paradox^id rather learn than use vista09:26
Yossarianfirst of all, is there any good audio editor for ubuntu such as audition or protools?09:26
OdnsRvnsif i can get all my games to run i will kick XP off09:26
OdnsRvnsThere are Google it09:27
DaveTarmachas anyone set MySQL up on Ubuntu 8.04 Desktop? I'm having issues with it09:27
IntangibleLiquidhow to I resize a partition?09:27
FlannelYossarian: Audacity would be one, there's certainly others too09:27
DaveTarmacI can't seem to log in to mysql09:27
^paradox^i use audacity for copying audiobooks09:27
OdnsRvnswhat is the erro it gives you09:27
^paradox^nice program09:27
kingtekrinwhere do i find gebi?09:28
DaveTarmacOdnsRvns: ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: NO)09:28
HexusI installed a couple of programs (less than 500mb worth) but my instalation tripled in size.  Could this be due to updates?09:28
Flannelkingtekrin: Its already installed if you have Ubuntu desktop09:28
^paradox^i love open office09:28
kingtekrinwell...i cant find it09:29
kingtekrinand i do have ubuntu09:29
Flannelkingtekrin: its gdebi09:29
^paradox^oh man its just packed full of features09:29
kingtekrinright...i used it, but it didnt do anything09:29
Flannelkingtekrin: But, if you just double click the .deb file, it'll install via gdebi09:29
kingtekrinflannel, its a rar file, not a deb09:29
^paradox^it is the best office software out there in my opinion09:29
Flannelkingtekrin: ah, that wouldn't be gdebi then, that'd be one of the rar things09:29
Flannel!rar | kingtekrin09:29
ubottukingtekrin: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free09:29
kingtekrinbah...i dont want to pay to unload a rar09:30
Yossarianhow much space does ubuntu need?09:30
Yossariani'd install on my laptop but it's got a 40 gig drive09:30
^paradox^get wine then install filzip09:30
^paradox^it can unpack rars and make em09:31
^paradox^its free too09:31
kingtekrinive heard wine is hard to use...keep in mind im brand new to linux09:31
kingtekrinbrand new...and no idea how to code09:31
^paradox^as in no charge the best kind of free09:31
^paradox^oh well then peazip is a native program with about the same amount of features as filzip09:32
^paradox^easy to use, but i dont remember where i got it from09:33
shortcutis it possible to get a USB device that doesn't show up automatically under "filters" to connect to a virtualbox vm?09:34
^paradox^if u go to network dalnet channel #ubuntu speak with XiXaQ09:34
^paradox^he linked me to it09:34
shortcutspecifically i'm trying to get an audio device working with skype inside a windows vm09:35
^paradox^going for something to drink back in a minute09:35
kingtekrinok i downloaded wine09:36
kingtekrinnow what09:36
^paradox^if u want to get filzip then google it09:36
cryingtuxi have a weird display issue with hardy09:36
Flannel!wine | kingtekrin09:36
ubottukingtekrin: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine for more information, and see !AppDB for application compatibility.09:36
kingtekrini meant downloading it09:36
cryingtuxeverything is distorted after nvidia driver installation09:37
^paradox^then just save its windows installer to ur desktop and run it as u would in windows09:37
^paradox^i just got wine yesterday. havent really had to mess with its settings09:38
^paradox^yet ;-)09:38
local_denkaI have a question - after initial installation of Ubuntu 8.04 I added KDE desktop solution by means of packet manager. However when I see initial screen of system loading - I see KUBUNTU instead of Ubuntu. What can be done with this?09:38
cryingtuxall ubuntu 8.04 series give me this display issue09:39
^paradox^see if u get the windows setup file for filzip, then double click it wine should take over09:39
cryingtuxhere is the screewnshot09:39
cryingtuxcan somebody help me how to fix this thing?09:40
^paradox^then under applications > wine > programs u should find it09:40
kingtekrinyay thanks man ur a genius09:40
ikoniacryingtux: kubuntu is just a logo for kde on ubuntu09:40
ikoniacryingtux: ubuntu+kubuntu are exactly the same in terms of a distro, just different distros09:40
ikoniadifferent desktops sorry09:40
user881when i view my cpu history, im never able to get any of my cores above 25%. im running a quad core. is a core running at max shown as running at 25%?09:41
kingtekrinubuntu's meaning is very nice...09:41
local_denkaI understand about desktops - bit I just prefer the default logo screen of ubuntu - I don'l like cold color of Kubuntu. Can I change it?09:41
^paradox^im off to get something to drink and some eats. i really need em running low on fuel09:41
cryingtuxikonia: i know that, i have display error with all ubuntu 8.04 series as shown in screenshot, every thing is dented09:41
Yossarianhot damn  i love ubuntu so far09:42
ikoniacryingtux: I've not seen the screenshot09:42
tyberionhmm where can I get a overview which xtffonts I got installed, like xselfont goes for normal ones09:43
cryingtuxhere is it09:43
JuzzyDHowdy Folks, Another question I'm doing well today. Because my gfx card isn't supported, I have to manually start compiz with "compiz --replace &". I've saved the command in sessions under start up, but I still have to manually activate it before it works.09:43
ikoniacryingtux: I can't see what you mean by dents09:43
ikoniacryingtux: thats xfce09:44
^paradox^me too. id love it more if somebody of 1242 ppl would offer some one on one help getting my printer shared. hello i just gave advice in the last three minutes09:44
ikonianot kde09:44
tyberionhmm where can I get a overview which xtffonts I got installed? anyone..?09:44
cryingtuxikonia, after i installed nvidia driver the resolution is bad and my desktop has bumps, corner uneven as if somebody hammered it and this happens with ALL ubuntu 8.04 series09:45
ikoniacryingtux: how are you installing the nvidia drivers ?09:45
kingtekrinhow do i use the default browser for ubuntu?09:46
bryan_anyone know about epson printers in ubuntu?09:46
user881anyone else using a quad with 8.04?09:46
ikoniakingtekrin: what do you mean "use it" the webbrowser or the file browser09:46
ikoniauser881: yes09:46
shlunkhey all!09:46
kingtekrinuser881, yes, and 25% does not mean 100%, it literally means your quad is under no pressure09:46
cryingtuxthrough synaptic and also tried trhough the ubuntu hadrware driver wizard and alos through the envy, all give same results09:46
shlunkcan anyone help me with a networking problem in jeos and vmware?09:47
kingtekrinfile browser ikonia09:47
loserbar_hi all im using windowmaker and i want a good way to hibernate my laptop so would in terminal sudo pm-hibernate work just fine or is there something better?09:47
user881cool, thanks all09:47
bryan_working with vmware at the moment09:47
ikoniakingtekrin: just open it, it's pretty similar to windows if thats what your used to09:47
kingtekrinright, but i cant find it...its not in my system area or my applications09:47
rgp2130hello all09:47
DaveTarmacOK - I've managed to get in to MySQL and it all setup now - how can I get access to phpMyAdmin?09:48
rgp2130i have a question for the room09:48
ChaosRhello, I have a problem. I'm using ubuntu server 8.04 and use this server as a router. I correctly set the default routing interface and gateway. However postfix keeps trowing up [no route to host] errors for all emails sent by the www-data user (all other users seem to work just fine). Does anyone know why this happens and how to fix it?09:48
shlunki've installed jeos in a virtual machine, and selected automatic bridging09:48
ikoniaDaveTarmac: have you installed it yet ?09:48
Felix_KrullIs there anyone who is well familiar with the fstab and the mismatch that lshw produces, causing cd/dvd not to automount?09:48
DaveTarmacikonia: yeah, done that09:48
ikoniaFelix_Krull: explain the problem09:48
shlunkthe ip is correct (static), and the gateway etc is all fine, but i can't ping anything09:48
ikoniaDaveTarmac: how did you install it09:48
DaveTarmacbut I think I know why... bear with me09:48
ikoniacryingtux: how did you install the nvidia drivers ?09:49
cryingtuxthrough synaptic and also tried trhough the ubuntu hadrware driver wizard and alos through the envy, all give same results09:49
ikoniacryingtux: which package did you install ?09:49
DaveTarmacikonia: sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql php5-mysql phpmyadmin09:49
ikoniacryingtux: which card are you using ?09:49
shlunkanyone here using jeos in vmware?09:49
cryingtuxi have nvidia geforce fx 560009:49
ikoniacryingtux: try nott to use envy09:49
rgp2130my question is that i have a HP laptop and on it i have running Windows Vista Home Premium and would like to install Ubuntu as well, but am afraid i will damage something and void the warranty, can someone please advise whether its safe to do so or not, thank you.09:49
ikoniacryingtux: interesting which nvidia package did you install ?09:50
Felix_KrullThnaks, first, I already had a session with one guy here, but he managed only to tell me that I need someone more experienced. In brief, my cd/dvd and sd-card stopped automounting, while usb-flash still has it.09:50
ikoniargp2130: you should be fine09:50
ChaosRmy mail queue is currently keeping all these messages stored09:50
ikoniargp2130: ubuntu does not damage hardware, the worst you should have is a damaged Windows Operating system IF you mess up the insall09:50
^paradox^i recently had a geforce 6200 put in09:50
DaveTarmacikonia: yeah, sorted it09:50
Felix_Krullikonia: Thanks, first, I already had a session with one guy here, but he managed only to tell me that I need someone more experienced. In brief, my cd/dvd and sd-card stopped automounting, while usb-flash still has it.09:50
OdnsRvnshello all the new update to firefox killed my flash player how do i get it back09:51
bryan_!ipod in ubuntu09:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipod in ubuntu09:51
JuzzyDAnyone know a solution to my problem of having to manually enable Compiz every session?09:51
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod09:51
cryingtuxand i have installed glx-new driver09:51
rgp2130ikonia: how much HDD space do i need for Ubuntu?09:51
ubottuJeOS (pronounced "Juice") is Just enough Operating System.  It is an efficient variant of the Ubuntu Server operating system, configured specifically for virtual appliances. See http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos for more information.09:51
DaveTarmacikonia: needed to create a link to it in the /var/www folder09:51
ikoniacryingtux: have you tried removing the nvidia-glx-new package, and then using nvidia-glx09:51
tyberionhmm where can I get a overview which xtffonts I got installed???09:51
Felix_Krullikonia: In gconftool-2 is everything related to Nautilus, automount set to TRUE, properly...09:52
cryingtuxikonia, yes and same results and this happens only with 8.0409:52
ikoniaFlannel: sorry I don't follow09:52
ikoniacryingtux: I'd log a but to nvidia then - as it's a closed source driver09:52
OdnsRvnsAnyone know how to install flash player for firefox09:52
shlunkguys, any vmware experts here?09:52
ikoniaOdnsRvns: install the flashplugin-nonfree09:52
cryingtuxikonia, and interestingly, mint and kurumin are two ubuntu 8.04 series which dont give me this error but pure ubuntu series do give me09:52
blue-frogrgp2130: the warranty does not cover what kind of oeprating system you have in your hardware (even if the vendors says the opposite). Changing operating system, then having a problem with hardware and not having the vendors honor the warranty because of that would lead to them losing in a law suit.09:53
ikoniashlunk: your asking ever 60 seconds - try to space it out more09:53
OdnsRvnsThrough Symatic09:53
Felix_Krullikonia: Hence, I am really out of ideas what could be wrong. This is annoying, and sudden.09:53
ikoniaOdnsRvns: yes09:53
muyyaQwhat is the best mp3 codecs for ubuntu ?09:53
ikoniaFlannel: so you put a DVD in and it doen't automount09:54
rgp21300dnsRvns: open the Firefox Browser and go to your addons feature and find it through that, alternatively go to http://www.adobe.com09:54
ikoniamuyyaQ: everyone likes different codecs09:54
ikoniarpedro: thats not the approved method09:54
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Felix_Krullikonia: I do not know who is Flannel, but he/she has the same problem :-)09:54
ikoniaFelix_Krull: Flannel is very sharp, I'll try to get a better explination of the problem off him09:55
lolo2can someone tell me how you would grep  each line of a file and have it spit back to you only the lines that started with ---> -[single digit]-^![single digit]s <-------09:55
muyyaQand why when i install windows xp on my hdd cpu usage will be 100% n but when im using ubuntu cpu usage is stable ?09:55
rgp2130bluefrog: thank you, i also have a alienware laptop that works but doesnt have a working keyboard and has win xp installed which i will remove and change to only run ubuntu, that laptop is out of warranty and even if i stuff things up i will just wipe and try again09:55
ikoniamuyyaQ: depends what your doing09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about minimum09:56
cryingtuxikonia: so i guess this is weird bug which 8.04 brought for me and will never be fixed as i see09:56
=== lurcio|away is now known as lurcio
balrogdoes anybody mind confirming a testable bug for me?09:56
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD09:56
Felix_Krullikonia: But, can you help me?09:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about s-video09:56
DaveTarmachow can I change the default path that apache works on?09:57
ubi-laptopI have a nasty problem with Ubuntu 8.04 and Nvidia setting, can anybody HELP me?09:57
balrogubi-laptop: whats up?09:57
rgp2130blue frog, Ikonia: thank you both for your assistance. Have a great day.09:57
talibhi guys, with grub in windows it allows you to install something to allow booting from the cd09:57
cryingtuxubi-laptop: same here, me too09:57
SlartDaveTarmac: the path to the html source?09:57
talibhow do i remove this option?09:57
adi1hi all09:57
DaveTarmacSlart: yeah please09:57
adi1I need to make horizontal scrollbar in touchpad on a laptop work like a back/forward button on firefox 309:57
cryingtuxnvidia and 8.04 dont like each other09:57
ikoniaFelix_Krull: I'm not sure I understand the problem09:57
ubi-laptopthanks, when I press CTRL ALT F1-F6 I get i black console09:57
adi1can anyone remember me the line to change in about:config ?09:57
balrogubi-laptop, cryingtux: what are the symptoms and what have you tried so far?09:58
SlartDaveTarmac: have you read the docs for apache? I think there is a special way you're supposed to use.. not sure if it's symbolic links or creating a second set of config-files..09:58
Felix_Krullikonia: In brief, cd/dvd stopped automounting, just out of the blue! And sd-card too!09:58
adi1this is the best trick ever to navigate in firefox09:58
balrogubi-laptop: what do you mean by black console?09:58
SlartDaveTarmac: the setting itself is in the config files afaik.. /etc/apache or something like that09:58
bullgard4Why is it advisable to use the program badblocks carefully?09:58
DaveTarmacSlart: ok, cheers09:59
ikoniabullgard4: badblocks, or the vendor tools09:59
cryingtuxbalrog: i have a bumpy and poor resolution after i install nvidia driver09:59
bullgard4ikonia: badblocks09:59
ubi-laptopeverything black no reaction sistem seem running if i press ctrl alt f7 i get back to X09:59
cryingtuxmy desktop looks like as if somebody hammered it at various places09:59
ikoniabullgard4: yes09:59
ikoniacryingtux: you've said, I'd log a bug09:59
OdnsRvnswhats the sudo for install10:00
bullgard4ikonia: My question was: "Why?"10:00
cryingtuxikonia: another guy asked me so i was just repeating it10:00
ikoniabullgard4: incase you damage your disk10:00
* shadghost has a question abut vnc server is any one can help10:00
Jimm-What port is LFP in xorg.conf?10:01
balrogubi-laptop: i need to get to bed, but look around ubuntuforums.org for the kernel framebuffer and your video card model10:01
bullgard4ikonia: There is a danger to damage my hard disk if I am using badblocks? Please elaborate.10:01
balrogikonia: cryingtux is correct, i did ask him to repeat it, sorry, i just got on irc10:01
ubi-laptopthanks balrog just done for a week i can submit details10:01
shadghosti have no gpu hooked upto my server, but i need to do a few things with a gui, so i wans wndering how to configure a vnc server (i have ssh to it) so i can just vnc into the box with a gui, not just get the terminal when i vnc in10:01
SlartOdnsRvns: sudo for install? you mean a program you've compiled yourself?10:02
balrogcryingtux: what do you mean by "bumpy"?10:02
cryingtuxbalrog: i will post a sc10:02
ikoniabullgard4: read about what it does and how it can try to fix things10:02
ikoniabullgard4: it's not a problem10:03
penhow do I install 177.x nvidia driver in hardy the safe way?10:03
ubi-laptopbalrog - If i can solve access to console without tha black screen i could install latest nvidia drivers10:03
cryingtuxi get this issue with ALL 8.04 series10:03
Jimm-Does anybody know what port LFP is in xorg.conf?10:04
bullgard4ikonia: I have read man badblocks. I cannot see why an analysis tool is a dangerous thing.10:04
cryingtuxexcept 2 8.04 based that is kurumin NG and mintlinux10:04
ikoniabullgard4: read the important note10:04
balrogubi-laptop: oh, so you cant install them while x is running, is that correct?10:04
ubi-laptopbalrog yes10:04
penhow do I install 177.x nvidia driver in hardy the safe way?10:05
Slartshadghost: do you have a computer without any graphics card at all?10:05
shadghostSlart: the server10:05
Slartpen: restricted drivers would be the safest way if you ask me10:05
ubi-laptoppen i have the same problem i don't know10:05
* shadghost figured it out10:05
Jimm-Can anyone help me get svideo working?10:05
cryingtuxbalrog: there is another symptom, desktop flicker10:06
Slartshadghost: isn't there some kind of dummy graphics driver you can use?10:06
balrogubi-laptop: ive had the same problem in the past, you should be able to install them from your existing session after you have killed x, but i dont remember the command to do that... one sec10:06
penSlart, restricted driver only takes me to 167 or 173 something10:06
Slartpen: oh.. tried envyng?10:06
shadghostSlart: x-session-manager worked10:06
szymonhehe funny10:06
ubi-laptopbalrog i found the comand to kill x but then i get a blank screen10:06
Slartshadghost: ah.. so problem solved?10:07
ubi-laptopbalrog - if a start from boot in console i have init level 1 witch too low10:07
penSlart, course, only to 16910:07
stokedmy raid5 array won't start anymore10:07
penSlart, they stop renewing the drivers I think10:07
shadghostSlart: yeppers10:07
ikoniastoked: software raid ?10:07
balrogcryingtux: the sc looks fine to, except the take-screenshot utility is fading out as the screenshot was taken.  i suspect a hardware issue, so i would have to concur: file a bug on launchpad.net10:07
cryingtuxso i guess i will stay away from ubuntu for a while and wait for the next release, may be then things will be normal for me on ubuntu10:08
penubi-laptop, so you want to upgrade too?10:08
ubi-laptopbalrog if i choose initlevel 2 or 3 it start x and i'm again there10:08
JuzzyDDamn, I seem to have done something when I was toying with OpenBox earlier, now I can't right click the desktop10:08
Yossarianmy monitor is running at 50 hz10:08
Yossarianand i have a samsung lcd10:08
ubi-laptopbalrog and pen i have to go for 20 minutes i will be back and read thank you10:08
Yossarianhow can i change the refreshrate in ubuntu?10:08
ikoniastoked: I'm fine with raid yes10:09
Slartpen: I can install 173.14.12 with envyng.. is 177 a beta driver?10:09
penSlart, I don't think so, it has been out for quite a time10:10
cryingtuxikonia and balrog: thanks for your time and help10:10
penSlart, and it's available in intrepid repository10:10
penSlart, but I'm in hardy10:10
Slartpen: 173 is the latest driver according to the nvidia site10:10
penSlart, it's 177.x10:10
balrogubi-laptop: "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" to stop your x server, and "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" to start it when your finished.  does that work?10:10
ikoniastoked: I'm fine with mdadm10:11
penSlart, then probably they didn't update the site yet, because if you update your intrepid you will see 17710:11
Slartpen: 177 is indeed a beta driver.. but it's available from the nvidia site10:11
stokedikonia: I have this in my /var/adm/messages http://pastebin.com/m31e4605a10:11
penSlart, well, if it still a beta, then why there is no such packages for hardy but intrepid?10:11
penSlart, it's not going to be out of beta after a few weeks?10:12
Slartpen: because intrepid is also a beta, perhaps?10:12
penSlart, it's still in alpha!10:12
balrogubi-laptop: i am going to bed.  good luck.  ill probably be on tomorrow a little earlier in the day.10:12
stokedikonia: my results from mdadm --examine /dev/sdx1 http://pastebin.com/m7af898210:13
JuzzyDWell this is less than ideal, messing around with an OpenBox session I've somehow broken the Gnome desktop :/10:13
penSlart, no, I don't think they would use beta on alpha, it's because 177.x has been tested for quite a time I think it works fine10:13
shoot^hi all. I installed the ubuntu media theme last night, and removed it this morning. However, it now seems I have lost all my default ubuntu system sounds. Any idea what package I need to restore to get it back?10:13
penSlart, and the current driver I'm using will cause firefox can't render very long site10:13
ikoniastoked: looks like your disks are marked as dirty10:13
Jimm-Can anyone help me get s-video out working? I've read the ati BinaryHowTo, searched the forums, googled. Tried Xinerama and MergedFB but nothing is working for me.10:13
ikoniaSonderblade: has anything happened to them10:14
penSlart, I suspect that's from the driver10:14
stokedikonia: is there anything I can do?10:14
shoot^ah, got it. nevermind!10:14
ikoniastoked: first thing I'd do is fsck the raw devices10:14
ikoniastoked: then do an mdadm --examine on the md0 device10:15
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:15
ikoniastoked: maybe do a forced start and run fsck on the md0 device10:15
ikoniadepending on the results10:15
stokedhmmm running xfs10:15
stokedikonia: how do you force a start?10:15
lyleswho know hao kan i  see  movies  online10:16
Slartpen: why not try the one from nvidias site then? it's not that hard to install10:17
ikoniastoked: I think --manage --run --force10:17
penSlart, but it's not really supported10:17
penSlart, from ubuntu10:17
penSlart, it's easier to messed up I think and I don't know how to revert back using the official.10:18
Slartpen: then I think you'll have to stick with the driver in the repos.. I don't think intrepid is supported either10:18
vallhalla81can anyone suggest the best place to look for info on making a bootable usb mem stick10:18
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:18
frandavid100what was the command to install a local .deb?10:19
ikoniastoked: try --run --query, and --run --force, and --run --test, and --run --examine10:19
vallhalla81Slart: thank you10:19
Slartfrandavid100: dpkg -i is one way10:19
Slartfrandavid100: gdebi is another.. perhaps better way10:19
stokedikonia: can't get it to start10:20
Jimm-Can anyone help me get s-video out working? I've read the ati BinaryHowTo, searched the forums, googled. Tried Xinerama and MergedFB but nothing is working for me.10:20
ikoniastoked: what does it complain about10:20
ikoniastoked: what happened to cause all this ?10:20
stokedikonia: well I added a another HD, I successfully grew the array to total 4 disks, vgextend, and lvextend10:22
stokedikonia: but xfs_growfs would fail, then I unmounted the lv and remounted and it gave error about superblock10:22
stokedikonia: rebooted, and no more array :(10:23
MilosHow can you make the bash shell colour ful like Gentoo's version? :P10:23
frandavid100thanks Slart, I'll go the command line way10:23
Miloscolourful *10:23
ikoniastoked: whoaaaa10:23
ikoniastoked: you can't do that with raid 510:23
frandavid100trying to install OOo 3 RC, so it's a lot of deb files10:24
Slartfrandavid100: there is a gui version of gdebi called gdebi-gtk if you want that10:24
ikoniastoked: which dynamic resize method did you use10:24
stokedikonia: can't do xfs_growfs?10:24
JuzzyDDoes anyone know how I might somehow repair my gnome to use the default desktop and restore it's default settings10:24
ikoniastoked: a raid array is not a file system10:24
ikoniastoked: you've changed an disk - not a file system10:24
JuzzyDIve fixed the problems Ive caused with OpenBox mostly, but even after getting rid of iDesk I'm still having issues10:25
stokedikonia: well I did a mdadm --grow --raid-devices=4 /dev/md110:25
stokedikonia: then did my vgextend and lvextend10:25
ikoniastoked: ahh you did do a "grow10:25
=== co_bgtz is now known as erni
ikoniastoked: I assume your reading this http://scotgate.org/?p=10710:25
Felix_KrullIs there anyone who is willing to help me with cd/dvd and sd-card stop automounting???10:26
stokedikonia: yeah but I was running lvm2 as well10:26
ikoniastoked: did the grow sync up all ok10:26
ikoniastoked: lvm 2 is not an issue10:26
stokedikonia: grow synced fine10:26
ikoniastoked: this is an issue at the raid level, file system/lvm is not important10:26
stokedikonia: said 4 drives full space, and active and clean10:27
JuzzyDHow do I copy text from gedit to google address bar?10:27
stokedikonia: did you see my mdadm examine from each specific disk?10:27
JuzzyDCan someone tell me how to add a launcher to the panel please?10:28
^paradox^im trying to set up a printer to be shared over our network10:28
ikoniastoked: yes10:29
sedarkraiderJuzzyD:  Just rightclick and add10:29
^paradox^there are two computers on it10:29
JuzzyDCheers sedarkraider much appreciated. Don't suppose you can help me get my desktop back too?10:30
Felix_Krullikonia: Sorry, but can you help me with this automount issue?!?10:30
^paradox^this one the ubuntu pc and my wifes windows vista home pc to which the printer is connected10:30
ikoniaFelix_Krull: when you put a dvd in, tail the syslog and see what it says10:30
^paradox^ive installed samba, samba-common, and smbfs10:30
^paradox^ive configured the printer and when i try to print test pages the printer receives them and they say spooling in the job list on the vista pc10:32
Ronaldikonia, hej man!10:32
^paradox^physically the printer moves and tries to print em10:32
steveireHi. When I boot ubuntu X doesn't start anymore. Instead I get the text login screen. Here's the xorg.log: http://dpaste.com/80883/. Any idea what's going wrong?10:32
ikoniaRonald: hey10:32
stokedikonia: I tried mdadm --assemble --force /dev/md0, but I get no devices10:32
^paradox^but they dont print10:32
ikoniastoked: just doing a little research.....10:32
Felix_Krullikonia: Sorry, how exactly to do that?10:32
ikoniastoked: keep in mind that what you did is still classed as experimental10:33
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  before you login to your computer, on the lower left hand side go to options and log in with 'default' or previous of whatever worked best10:33
ikoniadvoid: tail -f /var/log/syslog10:33
stokedikonia: any other suggestions?10:34
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  if theres a problem with xorg then :S  check if you have a xorg.conf~ or backup file that you can replace the current file with10:34
^paradox^so i seriously need. i can go no further on my own10:34
ikoniastoked: just doing a little research10:34
RonaldSo guys, my primary use of ubuntu these days is running a terminal and bluefish from VMWare (As gvfs for editing on remote server  is very convenient and hands down beats anything i can find windows related). So really the 'desktop' install of ubuntu is fairly bloated for me. Are there any drawbacks in starting out from 'server' and ask apt to install bluefish/gnome-terminal and explicitely anything else i'd need over the pretty complete10:35
Ronalddesktop install?10:35
Felix_Krullikonia: Sep 27 11:34:29 pmilin-laptop kernel: [ 3103.769615] UDF-fs: No VRS found10:35
Felix_KrullSep 27 11:34:29 pmilin-laptop kernel: [ 3104.008763] ISO 9660 Extensions: RRIP_1991A10:35
Xtreme_Great /server irc.freenode.net10:35
ikoniaFelix_Krull: is there anything on the DVD your putting in ?10:35
Felix_Krullikonia: But, I got that only when I mounted cd/dvd going to Places and then clicking... Yes, it is a proper dvd!10:36
JuzzyDsedarkraider, I wish it was that easy! It's something I've done somehow in using OpenBox, I remember vaguely doing something that allowed OpenBox to take over the right click, but I've got no desktop icons or anything10:36
JuzzyDI had idesk installed at one stage too, it's all messed up and weird10:36
ikoniaFelix_Krull: does anything appear in the syslog when you just put the dvd in10:37
Felix_Krullikonia: No, nothing... I will check again...10:37
stokedikonia: phew, think I got it back!10:38
Xtreme_GreatUbuntu studio looks havoc...10:38
stokedikonia: my mdadm.conf had 3 devices instead of 410:38
iggyboyhola guys and grls :)10:38
ikoniastoked: ahhhhhh thats interesting10:38
ikoniastoked: add the extra device in10:38
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83153110:39
stokedikonia: oh oh I tried to mount it10:39
ikoniastoked: that will help the boot time creation10:39
JuzzyDThanks!! I reaaaallly appreciate it! I'm baffled and will give anything a shot at this stage!10:39
stokedikonia: but my lv isn't there :(10:39
kingtekrinso...does wine...basically.....download any windows program?10:39
Felix_Krullikonia: NO, not a line...10:39
ikoniaFelix_Krull: most odd,10:40
ikoniastoked: lv isn't in where ?10:40
erUSULkingtekrin: no downloads it can run *some* windows programs10:40
erUSUL!appdb | kingtekrin10:40
ubottukingtekrin: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org10:40
stokedikonia: maybe I need to let it resync10:40
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  No problem!  I know the feeling :)10:40
ViruserUSUL: are you the same erusul?? you are in ubuntu-es10:40
ikoniastoked: lv isn't in where ?10:40
Felix_Krullikonia: Should I kill myself? Or just go back to Windows?!? ;-)10:41
stokedikonia: when I try to mount it says my lv device doesn't exist10:41
JuzzyDAhh thats where it was!10:41
Virusare you spanish?10:41
VirusI yes10:41
ikoniastoked: ahhh, stop trying to mount it10:41
Oddiehas anyone got a large knowledge of installing ubuntu using wubi?10:41
ikoniastoked: lvm is unavailable because your core device (md0) is unavailable10:41
stokedikonia: but vgdisplay and lvdisplay show my groups10:41
Xtreme_Greatwhat's wubi?10:41
stokedikonia: ok, I need to let it resync then?10:41
ikoniastoked: yes, because thats read from a file10:41
Ronaldikonia, are you on ubuntu help duty today ;)?10:42
^paradox^come on. jesus ive been at this for two days now. someone must be able to help eith something as simple as sharing a printer over a network10:42
Oddiewubi, install ubuntu without touching the hard drives...install within windows kinda10:42
Felix_Krullikonia: What to do???10:42
ikoniaRonald: it would appear so, about to leave though10:42
Xtreme_Greatoh virtual machine eh?10:42
stokedikonia: http://pastebin.com/m5b6c7e52 mdadm --detail10:42
JuzzyDI had disabled Show Desktop in gconf-editor under the nautilus preferences10:42
Jimm-Can anyone help me get s-video out working? I've read the ati BinaryHowTo, searched the forums, googled. Tried Xinerama and MergedFB but nothing is working for me.10:42
JuzzyDThat'll stop the desktop displaying alright!10:42
ikoniaFelix_Krull: for some reason your dvd drive is not being picked up, by hal/udev when it's inserted, please check is hal/dbus/udev is running on your system10:42
steveireAny help with my xorg proble<10:43
OddieXtreme_Great: more like in a folder on the windows drive and it uses the windows boot manager10:43
Felix_Krullikonia: How to do that?10:43
ikoniaSonderblade: interesting that is says 1 disk removed10:43
ikoniaSonderblade: sorry, not you10:43
ikoniastoked: interesting that is says one disk removed10:43
ikoniastoked: is that disk marked as linux/raid on the partition table10:44
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start10:44
talibdoes ubuntu have a dictionary tool built into it?10:44
JuzzyDThanks sedarkraider :D All fixed!10:44
kingtekrindoes gaming performance increase using linux?10:44
JuzzyDOnly one problem left now and Im sorted!10:44
stokedikonia: sdb1? yes10:44
Jimm-steveire, what's the probme?10:45
JuzzyDkingtekrin, How much do you like Tuxracer?10:45
steveireHi. When I boot ubuntu X doesn't start anymore. Instead I get the text login screen. Here's the xorg.log: http://dpaste.com/80883/. Any idea what's going wrong?10:45
steveireJimm-: ^10:45
kingtekrinNEVER HEARD OF IT o_o10:45
ikoniastoked: is it currently re-syncing ?10:45
stokedikonia: odd I tried to add /dev/sdb1 to md0 and it says it can't find sdb110:45
stokedikonia yes10:45
Felix_Krullikonia: How to do that? How to check is hal/dbus/udev on my system?10:45
kingtekrinsrry cap mistake10:45
doanxuantamchung toi cung co the noi vi anh rang cung toi khon nhu cac anh ma thoi10:45
JuzzyDnow if I can just work out how to make compiz turned on by default instead of having to turn it on every boot, I'll be a happy man10:46
doanxuantamcan i made friend with you?10:46
ikoniaFelix_Krull: this is going to be quite hard if your really not comfortable with ubuntu10:46
sedarkraiderDoes your hardware support it?10:46
^paradox^im tired and upset. ill return later today for help setting up printer sharing and finding the printers problem10:46
ikoniastoked: interesting10:46
ikoniadoanxuantam: this is a support channel, friendly chatter can be found in #ubuntu+110:47
stokedikonia: I'll let it recreate10:47
ikoniaubuntu-offtopic is what I meant10:47
kingtekringnight paradox10:47
erUSULsteveire: the errors i found on the log talk about version missmatch between the xserver and drivers... do you have the system up to date? any third party or version mixed repos?10:47
^paradox^im not giving up though. im getting behind and itll soon cost me money10:47
kingtekrinid help but im clueless10:47
ikoniastoked: lets check it's status once it's re-created10:47
Jimm-steveire, it says there are no screens found?10:47
Felix_Krullikonia: Well, I am not totally unexperienced, but I did not messed with those things. Please, if it is not too much trouble, help me!10:47
stokedikonia: I should be able to blow away sdb1 right and readd it?10:47
^paradox^lol its cool10:47
ikoniaFelix_Krull: that is quite experienced10:48
steveireerUSUL: Medibuntu. I've just run an update and there was an update for xserver-xorg-core10:48
ikoniastoked: yes, IF it re-syncs without it10:48
j00baccasorry if this is a dumb question, im kinda new here10:48
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org10:48
j00baccabut what's a penis?10:48
sedarkraiderJuzzyD>  when I tried to use compiz my desktop crashed, and I had to start gdm just as I suggested to you.  However, if you still wish to enable Desktop effects System -> Preferences -> Advanced Desktop Effects Settings)10:49
stokedikonia thanks10:49
erUSULsteveire: o.0!! i have medibuntu too and there is no xserver packages there iirc...10:49
^paradox^i dont have $250 to fork out for phone support right now so irc is the way to go. its just that simple10:49
erUSULsteveire: i check10:49
j00baccai get the point...10:49
stokedikonia: going to sleep :D aprreciate your help10:49
ikoniastoked: no problem, most unusal10:49
ikoniastoked: just keep in mind that hot adding disks is still experimental10:49
stokedscared me10:49
steveireI think the update was from -updates.10:49
steveireerUSUL: Jimm-: The update fixed it. Cheers anyway.10:50
erUSULsteveire: ok10:50
tyberionwell, I will try to explain my prob to you, hope anyone can help, Im using screen and since Im on a german keyboard, that C^] for copy mode is pretty much unreachable for me, so I wanted to change it to C^ü (german umlaut) However I just cant assign it, can I take changes to Xmodmap or sth? is there any way=/10:50
ikoniaj00bacca: this is a support channel, if you want to participate, great, if you want to mess around, and make pointless childish comments as you have just done, - don't bother10:50
JuzzyDMy machine seems to work OKish with Compiz10:52
JuzzyDbut cause it's a really old crappy gfx card (Radeon mobility 9000) I have to activate it manually every time I start a new session10:52
fiyawerxJuzzyD, if it works ok why do you need to manually activate it?10:53
Stavrosi need to serve something from apache and i made a group "htusers", put myself and apache in it, and did chmod g+rwx to all the files necessary, but apache complains it can't find the file. what am i doing wrong?10:53
milindHOw do I install Jasper?10:53
JuzzyDCause the old card isn't supported, so for some reason I have to turn it on with compiz --replace &10:53
JuzzyDthen it works perfect10:53
milindSOS Jasper10:53
sedarkraiderJuzzyD, I had the same problem. When you start it manually it works, but when you restart the computer the inital sys checks don\t find your hardware good enough10:54
Trader_Tcould someone possibly help with running vbox?    I receive message: "Make sure that user has write permissions for /dev/vboxdrv by adding them to the vboxusers groups"10:54
milindWill any1 help me installing jasper?10:54
JuzzyDyep yep10:55
fiyawerxnifty, so far so good with upgrading to whichever version of intrepid is most recent10:55
StavrosTrader_T: sudo usermod -aG vboxusers <your user>10:56
JuzzyDGonna buy myself a new pc for christmas this year I think, any recommendations for a dual boot laptop? I'm thinking maybe Alienware so I can do a spot of gaming10:57
FlannelStavros, Trader_T: or sudo adduser user group10:57
StavrosFlannel: will that add them to the group, or set that group to theirs?10:57
FlannelStavros: add them to the group10:58
weird_scientisthi, need some geeral help.  audio has ceased to work on one game - tecnoballsz - and works throughout the rest of the system.  I've tried different drivers but to no avail.  when i run the game in verbose mode it says "handler_audio::initialize() audio disable!"  any idea's how to get this running again? --- there are settings (ctrl+s/d/f) to disable sfx/music and they do nothing to reinstate sound for the game...10:58
Stavrosah, great10:58
Trader_TStavros: What do I put as <your user>? Sorry, know nothing about linux, just switched from xp10:58
StavrosFlannel: do you have any idea why the group i made doesn't work10:58
StavrosTrader_T: your username10:58
FlannelTrader_T: type 'whoami' in a regular terminal10:58
tyberionhm, how could I mod a key to another one with Xmodmap?10:59
tyberionlike the german umlaut to ]11:00
FlannelStavros: What isn't happening like you think it ought to?11:00
Felix_Krullikonia: So, would you help me? How to check my hal/dbus/udev?11:01
Trader_TStavros: it says "you will need to logout for the change to take effect"11:02
Trader_Tlogout of ubuntu?11:02
ikoniaFelix_Krull: ps -ef | grep $process11:02
Oli``How do you rebuild a degraded mdadm array?11:02
ikoniaOli``: just leave the disk out of the command line11:03
J0n5555I am reading a page about running WoW on ubuntu, it suggests adding a deb source to budgetdedicated.com... what (if any) risks am I taking in terms of application (appt) conflicts on Hardy?11:03
Oli``ikonia: sorry?11:03
ikoniaFelix_Krull: or "sudo /etc/init.d/udev start"11:03
Xtreme_Greatkill `ps -e | grep firefox`11:03
NicEXEwhich part of httpd.conf is responsible for which document should open if someone browses to www .mysite.com? (example. atomaticaly opens www .mysite.com/test/index.php)11:03
ikoniaOli``: when you specifc --num-devices=3 put "missing" for the third devices, eg: /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 missing11:04
Xtreme_Greatsudo kill `ps -e | grep gdm`11:04
Felix_Krullikonia: ps -ef | grep $process is complaining about grep usage...11:04
StavrosFlannel: i have added group access to www-data but it appears that apache can't access the db11:04
ikoniaFelix_Krull: just do sudo /etc/init.d/udev start11:04
StavrosTrader_T: yes, log out and back in11:04
FlannelJ0n5555: That's the winehq repository, it's a decent repo, but it is third party.11:04
J0n5555i already have wine installed with the default sources, but WoW doesn't run, it just throws up alot of errors (i just coppied the "World of Warcraft" directory from my windows computer11:04
Felix_Krullikonia: Fail11:04
tyberionhm, how could I mod a key to another one with Xmodmap? like if I want to have a instead of s for example??11:04
FlannelNicEXE: Ubuntu doesn't use httpd.conf, using a number of other files instead.  What were you looking to change?11:04
Xtreme_Greathi LMJ11:05
Xtreme_Greatsudo kill `ps -e | grep gdm`11:05
FlannelJ0n5555: follow this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft11:05
ikoniaFlannel: sudo /etc/init.d/udev stop && sudo /etc/init.d/udev start11:05
Flannelikonia: not me.11:05
ikoniaFlannel: sorry11:05
Flannelikonia: no worries11:05
ikoniaFelix_Krull: sudo /etc/init.d/udev stop && sudo /etc/init.d/udev start11:05
J0n5555FloodBot3: ok, do you think it will run ok? as far as updating other related debs? (i'm at the community page you liked right now)11:05
tpghello, does anyone know a good movie and music player for gnome ubuntu?11:06
Felix_Krullikonia: OK, I got it right!11:06
Stavrostpg: vlc, amarok11:06
tpgok, thank you11:06
FlannelJ0n5555: Yeah, the winehq packages are good11:06
LMJI would to use convert (image magick) to convert a bunch of image but they don't have all the same size, some are wide for example but I still make them lower then 100px of witdh and/or height, any ideas ?11:06
ikoniaFelix_Krull: sudo /etc/init.d/hal stop && sudo /etc/init.d/hal start11:06
StavrosLMJ: i have a python script i can send you11:06
Oli``How can I watch a continually changing file as it updates? There's a command but i forget it11:07
arvind_khadrihi i have the Win drivers for my scanner how do i install them...11:07
StavrosOli``: tail11:07
GeminiWin drivers wont work in linux11:07
Xtreme_Greatarvind: You can't install windows drivers on linux...11:07
Xtreme_Greatarvind: Tell me you're from India11:08
Oli``Stavros: that doesn't auto-update the output though11:08
Xtreme_Greatarvind: Or an NRI11:08
Felix_Krullikonia: OK,  sudo /etc/init.d/hal stop && sudo /etc/init.d/hal start! FINE!11:08
StavrosOli``: tail -f11:08
ikoniaFelix_Krull: one more, "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus stop && /etc/init.d/dbus start11:08
Ggedual head!11:08
ikoniaFelix_Krull: one more, "sudo /etc/init.d/dbus stop && sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start11:08
arvind_khadriGemini, using nsplugin?11:08
NicEXEwhich part of httpd.conf is responsible for which document should open if someone browses to www .mysite.com? (I am using Apache) (example. atomaticaly opens www .mysite.com/test/index.php)11:08
ahtmly2ki lost my screensavers! WHERE and HOW could i get them B A C K ?!11:08
J0n5555Flannel: greath, thx for the input... it's not horrible if things go awry, but I hate fixing things post-facto.... speaking of... does anyone have a good suggestion for rolling back changes? (kind of like windows F8/Last known configuration)... Since I've switch to running linux native, and windows virtual, I'm not sure the best way to preserve my current state for recovery if I blow it up.11:09
ikoniaNicEXE: document root and index11:09
aleci need help with an xubuntu install11:09
Xtreme_Greatahtmly2k: type xscreensaver on command line11:09
LMJcool Stavros, send me it please11:09
Geminiarvind_khadri, still wont11:10
J0n5555alec: that's nice... but most here need you to state your problem/question and not a general "I need help" question.11:10
Xtreme_Greatarvind_khadri: Why don't you search for linux drivers for your model?11:10
FlannelNicEXE: httpd.conf isn't responsible for any of it.  Ubuntu uses a number of other files (in /etc/apache2) to do the configuration.  For virtual host specific things, they'd be in /etc/apache2/sites-available11:10
wersis s-video clearer than vga?11:10
arvind_khadriXtreme_Great, doing11:11
Xtreme_Greatarvind_khadri: How did you change the color of your message man?11:12
alecjon555: im having an xubuntu install problem, where the display is skrewed up. the lerft of the screen is blank and the top comes up the bottom11:12
airtonixwers, no...s-video is limited to 640-480 and even then  its not the same as vga 640-48011:12
J0n5555like, for instance, is there an apt app that can backup my current "system state" [a la windowz] to either a disc or remote share? i'd rather not have to dd the whole disk off, because it's 100GB and connected via wireless11:12
Flannel!backup | J0n555511:12
ubottuJ0n5555: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning11:12
J0n5555alec: you tried the text mode installer?11:12
arvind_khadriXtreme_Great, when i type your name it will be highlighted for you...btw am using a HP all in one11:12
J0n5555Flannel: thx!11:13
airtonix!who !tab11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about who !tab11:13
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:13
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.11:13
alecjon555: i installed from the alternate installcd if thats what you mean11:13
tyberionhm, how could I mod a key to another one with Xmodmap? like if I want to have a instead of s for example?? .. just cant get it to work :(11:13
tpghmm, this is kinda odd, i have tried running some music(which worked yesterday) but with every music/movie player it seems it doesnt even work or there is no sound :/11:13
Felix_Krullikonia: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus stop && sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start OK11:13
wersso vga is clearer than svideo, airtonix ?11:13
J0n5555alec: what kind of video card do you have?11:14
aleci dont know11:14
J0n5555alec: laptop or desktop?11:14
airtonixwers, well even so it depends on your display ... i once helped a guy run a clone to his widescreen tv whihc had a vga input....but the controller on the tv for the vga port was only analouge...so the picture was quite bad11:14
alecjohn5555: laptop mac g 311:14
J0n5555alec: you running inside a VM or directly?11:15
=== BlackDragon is now known as BlackZ
alecjon5555: im new to linux i dont know what that means. sorry11:15
Xtreme_Greatarvind_khadri, okay I get it... may be like in this one...11:16
Xtreme_Greatarvind_khadri, is this highlighted?11:16
Xtreme_GreatHey guys, I needed to know if I can accelerate the cpu or may be make programs use some specific amount of my cpu when I play suppose games,11:16
Xtreme_Greathow do I do it without getting a graphics card?11:16
FloodBot3Xtreme_Great: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:16
Xtreme_GreatIs anyone there?11:16
Felix_Krullikonia: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus stop && sudo /etc/init.d/dbus start OK11:16
J0n5555alec: no worries, VM is a program like parallels that lets you run windows or linux on top of OSX instead of directly off the hard drive11:16
airtonixalec, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_machine11:16
Felix_Krullikonia: Everything seems fine!11:16
Xtreme_GreatXtreme_Great: Hello11:17
Xtreme_GreatXtreme_Great, Hello11:17
alecjon555: no i have done a complete install of xubuntu11:17
Felix_Krullikonia: Sorry, are you here?11:18
J0n5555alec: have you looked at this yet http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=405934  ?11:18
e2kquickie: doing sudo checkinstall errors at chmod: changing permissions of `/usr/local/share/lxappearance/install-icon-theme.sh': No such file or directory.. what's wrong here?11:18
JackWinteri tried to upgrade all packages this morning.  it broke on libc6-i686. after running sudo apt-get autoremove i get this: http://pastebin.ca/121220911:18
Xtreme_GreatHey guys, I needed to know if I can accelerate the cpu or may be make programs use some specific amount of my cpu when I play suppose games, without getting a graphics card?11:18
wikzoI have installed Mac4Lin but now I want to have my default system font. How do I reset the fonts? I can't find any options for changing the system font in Ubuntu 8.0411:18
alecJOn5555: no not yet but i have done alot of looking to get this working11:19
J0n5555Xtreme_Great: can you re-word your question, it doesn't make sense for me11:19
J0n5555alec: it has some information about setting up X, which is relevant if you want to get the GUI to show properly...11:20
arvind_khadrihi, i have been following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne but the first step only fails..11:20
alecJOn5555: ill check it out thanks11:20
Xtreme_GreatI mean, okay for example, if I run Google earth (Just for instance), it's taking up 100% of my processor usage, and is slow, as it is using OpenGl and I don't want to have to (or want to) buy a graphics card... Is there a way to reduce the cpu usage?11:20
=== napsy___ is now known as napsy_
airtonixXtreme_Great, not really...not to any noticable degree11:22
alecJOn5555: i used the alternate install cd, all went well except the display is skrewed11:22
J0n5555alec: np, if you have a specific error you run into, come back and ask about it, it's easier to work with errors.... read around a bit to find out where/how to read error output files... (For instance, you should be able to hit ALT+CTRL+F1 to get to a raw console, and thus able to look at errors when starting X)11:22
airtonixXtreme_Great, amybe it will run better if google actually pulled their thumb out and made it truly native11:22
airtonixXtreme_Great, as it is now....it's just a program wrapped in a custom wine setup11:23
J0n5555alec: I understand, it is likely an issue with your X config file, I don't have a G3 myself, so I can't be much more help, but I imagin alot of people have done what you are doing, and have posted their solutions in the forums or elsewhere11:23
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: No I'm using the native linux version11:23
airtonixXtreme_Great, like i said...ther isnt a real native linux version11:24
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: Is there some external nvidia card available for laptops? I searched a lot and didn't get anything other than vga cards11:24
airtonixXtreme_Great, any video card that doesnt plug directly into the bus is less than desirable11:24
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: Try going to google earth's download page. It is there...11:24
airtonixXtreme_Great, :) i know ... its actually the windows code wrapped in a Qt'ified wine setup11:25
XimalIs there a command I can use to clear my Random Access Memory ? because I am constantly using 90 to 99% of my memory... even with nothing running up front.. and nothing like ktorrent etc running..11:25
Rohohi does anyone know where I can get more information for porting Ubuntu onto an Xscale or Arm Processor?11:25
J0n5555are there any solid whole disk encryption products that work on alll three main o/s? (windowsz, linux, osx)? one of my clients wants to have a cross platform disk encryption technology... (they would also like to centrally manage it, though I can't figure out what that is effective for their size company ~ about 80 laptop users)11:26
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: Whoa I didn't know that... Is that open source?11:26
J0n5555i've looked/plauyed with truecrypt a bit11:26
Xtreme_GreatJ0n5555: gpg11:26
airtonixXtreme_Great, is what opensource?11:27
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: Google earth...11:27
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: btw, I'm having the same problem with running TORCS and Nexuiz11:27
airtonixXtreme_Great, i doubt google earth is opensource or we would have a native linux version rather than this psuedo setups11:28
J0n5555Xtreme_Great: thx!11:28
Xtreme_GreatJ00n5555: You're welcome... :11:28
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: I'm having the same problem with running TORCS and Nexuiz11:29
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde411:30
airtonixXtreme_Great, its most likley related to your video cards lack of power.11:30
airtonixXtreme_Great, this the downside to laptops11:30
airtonixXtreme_Great, not much i can do to help you there sorry11:31
Seazorproblem at the end of installation, someone can help me ?11:31
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:31
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: I know man... I just wanted to know if there's any external usb GPU supported by linux, because I don't have a GPU11:32
Seazoron a console, he sais " ata1.00: status: DRDY ERR"11:32
Seazoror ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)11:33
airtonixXtreme_Great, i wouldnt imagine that an external video card via pcmia would have  the bandwidth available to it through the pcmia bus to have any improvement...11:33
Nt_nTif I type " sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", will this install the latest KDE desktop enviroment??11:33
Seazoranyone can help me ?11:34
airtonixXtreme_Great, if you are aware of how agp & pci-express are linked directly to the cpu then you will find the the pcmia buss on laptops doesnt have this advantage11:34
Nt_nT#join #kubuntu-kde411:34
Xtreme_GreatNt_nT: yes11:34
Nt_nTXtreme_Great: thnx :)11:35
Nt_nThehe, got it :P11:35
Seazorhello... anyone can help me please?11:35
airtonixXtreme_Great, you can take the analogy of a v8 super car that still has a 2inch exhaust pipe...and non mandrel bent extractors...its not going to gain the benefit from having a v8 superchager11:35
=== david is now known as Guest75574
Guest75574i have compiz enabled and was just looking at gnome-look.org. What should i choose as a theme between gtk 1.x, gtk 2.x, metacity?11:36
airtonixXtreme_Great, almost getting off topic here with this though11:36
Xtreme_GreatNt_nT: You're welcome... :)11:36
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: Yeah, and I didn't get a thing about that exhaust pipe and extractors and supercharger... :)11:37
airtonixXtreme_Great, its all about throughput and bottlenecks11:37
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde411:37
airtonixXtreme_Great, how far can you run full pelt if your restricted to breathing through a straw?11:37
vondereris there any way to make Liferea show titles of the feeds in the new posts list?11:38
Axzwhats best tool to mount bin image file?11:38
Guest75574i have compiz enabled and was just looking at gnome-look.org. What should i choose as a theme between gtk 1.x, gtk 2.x, metacity?11:38
=== HD is now known as HDready
stasikoshi. where i can get ubuntu serial number? )11:38
Xtreme_Greatairtronix: I got what you mean... :)11:38
airtonixstasikos, what for?11:38
stasikosairtonix: joke )11:39
Xtreme_Greatstasikos: That was a cool joke... ROTFL11:39
erUSULGuest75574: gtk2 and metacity11:39
Seazorhello... anyone can help me please? errors at the end of install11:39
vondereris there any way to make Liferea show titles of the feeds in the new posts list?11:39
Xtreme_GreatMy ubuntu login screen shows that my installation is pirated. :(11:40
sentinelvan vki?11:41
Seazorwhat means the message  "ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)" and 3-4 in loop ?11:41
sentinelmagyar vok11:42
Xtreme_Greatsentinel: Romanian?11:42
GgeHello , pl what is the name of the open source driver of ATI video card  in Hardy ?11:42
Xtreme_Greatsentinel: Hungarian?11:43
pihhanXtreme_Great: what? ubuntu cannot be pirated, as it is free to use11:43
favroGge: it is called ati11:43
sentineli' m not skeak english11:43
Xtreme_Greatpihhan: That was a joke :)11:43
vondereris there any way to make Liferea show titles of the feeds in the new posts list?11:43
arvind_khadrihi, i have been following this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HpAllInOne but the first step only fails..11:44
pihhanXtreme_Great: ok, i started to think someone hacked into your ubuntu and changed your login text  or background :)11:44
Ggefavro , thx11:44
sentinelvan itt magyar?11:44
Xtreme_Greatpihhan: :) Hell no... No one can hack me... My root password is 21 characters long11:44
Xtreme_Greatsentinel: I'd learnt some hungarian, but I forgot... What does vodyak mean?11:45
pihhanXtreme_Great: would not help if that was your first and last name as password :)11:46
Xtreme_Greatpihhan: Hey c'mon man... I'm a l33t... I'm no p3rv3rt... :)11:46
bryan_still didnt get enough help with ipods... anyone have an ipod shuffle?11:47
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde411:47
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde411:47
Xtreme_Greatpihhan: It contains special characters upper case, lower case and numbers. No one can crack it even with some rainbow table stuff....11:47
ubottuInformation about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama11:47
Oli``Xtreme_Great: you're not unhackable =) All it takes is one bit of malicious code in an installer and it could set your root password, add users, etc11:49
sentinelvan itt valaki aki beszél magyarul11:49
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:49
Xtreme_GreatOh boy!!!11:49
Ximalanyone ?11:50
Xtreme_GreatOli``: Give me some code that does that... Btw, it won't happen if I don't install anything other than the programs from the repositories...11:50
Xtreme_Greatsentinel, byebye11:51
Seazorwhat means the message  "ata1: softreset failed (device not ready)" and 3-4 in loop ?11:51
Oli``Xtreme_Great: A maintainer *could* miss a malicious patch.11:51
Xtreme_GreatOli``: Do you have some code (preferable in C) that does some such thing?11:51
Xtreme_GreatOli``: I've been dying to find some code that changes uid of a program to 0, even if it executed by a normal user... Never got any...11:52
Seazorhe says " ata1.00: status: DRDY ERR" at the end on the installation11:52
mnemochi, there is any tool to render a new xorg.conf considering what one is running on a given moment?11:53
atlef!intrepid | mnemoc:11:53
ubottumnemoc:: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!11:53
Oli``Xtreme_Great: No and even if I did, I wouldn't run around handing it out. It's not a special exploit by any means, I'm just saying that the people who check code are human. They could miss a patch to the installer part (which is just scripting) and because that runs as root, it could do anything it liked11:53
mnemocatlef: I know it's alpha11:54
atlefmnemoc:  #ubuntu+1 for intrepid questions11:55
mnemocatlef: ah, that part.. thanks!11:55
atlefmnemoc: no problem11:55
tyberionHEy, how do I find out which xft fonts I got installed?11:57
=== Xtreme_Great_ is now known as Xtreme_Great
NicEXEwhen I browse to localhost I am redirected to localhost/xampp (index.php)12:01
NicEXEhow can I automatically go to localhost/index.php when I browse to localhost?12:01
NicEXEDJDHG, bin ich blöd oder sendest du seit tagen immer die gleiche Mail an die ML?12:01
NicEXEI copied a wrong line12:02
axyjoNicEXE: documentIndex12:02
jskaanyone installed ubuntu on xbox 360?12:03
ssdtafter the demo i am installing ubuntu12:04
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:04
ssdtthis is the screen i am having trouble with- http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/748/picqd9.png i don't know how much to give if i want to have both windows and ubuntu, can anyone please help me with that?12:05
sertsesuggest a CLI/console based battery monitor12:05
benjickssdt: What do you want to do?12:05
benjickssdt: Oh12:06
ssdtpartition it so that i have both ubuntu and windows12:06
pihhanis here any sony vaio owner present?12:06
benjickssdt: Well, what do you use windows for? What do you use ubuntu for?12:06
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
atlefssdt: do a manual edit to do partitioning12:07
=== ango is now known as Guest89401
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash12:07
franklinRpirate_hunter: this might seem obvious, but x is installed right? ;)12:07
ssdtpartition it so that i have both ubuntu and windows 8 gb12:07
=== Guest89401 is now known as skinnymg1
atlefssdt: create an extended partition an in that create a /, a swap and a /home12:08
atlefin ext312:08
* Debolaz finally found a good GUI bittorrent client for *nix12:08
Pirate_HunterfranklinR: yup12:08
ssdtok  thanks12:08
Pirate_HunterfranklinR: screen goes black and i cant do anything, can't restart, can't kill x anything12:08
franklinRpirate_hunter: sounds like fun :) by restart, you mean raising skinny elephants?12:09
shadowmancerhey all12:10
Pirate_HunterfranklinR, are you trying to help me or just messing about12:10
RohoAnyone know where I can get more info about porting ubuntu to ARM or Xscale processors?12:10
shadowmancerdoes anyone have experience with unlocking bios?12:10
franklinRpirate_hunter: yeah, I'm trying to help. Sorry if it seems otherwise12:10
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:11
Pirate_HunterfranklinR, can you suggest something that might get x working?12:11
benjickshadowmancer: Well, at work we just pull out all discs etc and boot from and usb stick (which will be the only choice if no discs are in) and then flash it12:11
angohey guys i need help12:11
=== ango is now known as Guest93536
shadowmancerbenjick: the thing is though, i can't boot from flash cause the BIOS is locked with a password, i need to reset it12:12
Guest93536i added fusion-icon to my sessions and now it wont start nautilus12:12
franklinRpirate_hunter: what output are you getting from dmesg | tail? Sorry if I'm grasping at straws, I've never had this problem before - I'm just guessing as it is :)12:12
benjickshadowmancer: Then reset cmos12:12
shadowmancerbenjick: how do i do that?12:12
benjickshadowmancer: It should be a switch on the mainboard, or you can remove the battery12:12
benjickpull the switch or remove the battery12:12
benjickStart the computer12:12
atlefshadowmancer: check your manual for mainboard12:13
benjickremove the power and then put the switch back (or the battery)12:13
pfloyddeshadomancer: You can unlock the bios-PW with a DOS-Bootdisc and a little assembler-Code. If you want it, i can search about that and send you the code.12:13
Pirate_HunterfranklinR: give me a sec trying something12:13
shadowmancerpfloydde: will it work on a laptop?12:14
atlefpfloydde: might be a problem if bios is locked to boot harddrive12:14
shadowmancerpfloydde: cause i bought a second hand laptop cheap and the thing is locked all the way through, from bios to os12:14
Guest93536please anyone im in here in a terminal session right now i need help12:14
Pirate_HunterfranklinR: tried that dont really know what i am looking at, what exactly should i look for12:14
pfloyddeIf you can boot into DOS... maybe it will work on laptop. I never test it on it. Only on Desktop machines12:14
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franklinRAnything to do with X errors - not entirely sure where x logs errors - I'll just check12:15
shadowmancerpfloydee: i can't boot into anything but the windows login which is locked12:15
benjickshadowmancer: Well, if you remove the HDD the bios will continue in the bootorder and it will boot from usb12:16
pfloyddeshadowmancer: Ok. thats a Problem.12:16
atlefshadowmancer: then you need to remove battery on mainboard and/or reset cmos12:16
benjickshadowmancer: What kind of laptop do you have?12:16
pfloyddebenjick: My question too ;-)12:16
shadowmancerbenjick: a hp compaq nc4010, i've googled for ways to reset it and keep finding nothing useful12:17
benjickI actually work with hp laptops12:17
benjickRemove the doors on the bottom, if you flip the laptop12:17
benjickYou should be able to see the battery12:17
benjickremove the battery before you do anything else so you have no power in it12:18
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:18
shadowmancerbeen there done that12:19
benjickshadowmancer: No luck?12:19
shadowmancerbenjick: no, wait do you mean the main battery or motherboard battery12:19
benjickshadowmancer: first the main battery, then the main/motherboard battery12:20
benjickCheck section 1.3 in this http://bizsupport.austin.hp.com/bc/docs/support/SupportManual/c00723167/c00723167.pdf12:20
pfloyddebenjick|shadowmancer: Any shortcuts at boottime on hp laptops to choose bootsource? On toshiba you can press an hold F10... and than you can choose a bootsource12:21
benjickpfloydde: escape at old models, f9 at new models12:21
franklinRpirate_hunter: Doesn't look like I'm much help. Sorry :(12:21
benjickpfloydde: But that's restricted as well12:22
pfloyddeAh, ok12:22
shadowmancerbenjick: yeah, it still asks for the admin password12:22
benjickshadowmancer: Ok, did you do like this? remove the ac-power. remove the main battery. remove the mainboard battery. insert the ac-power. start the computer?12:23
Pirate_HunterfranklinR, np will just hang around till someone helps12:23
shadowmancerno i haven't tried that12:23
shadowmanceri need to open the laptop now >.<12:23
benjickshadowmancer: Try that12:23
sergiuheloo all, how can i go  through DVD menus in Totem?12:23
benjickit looks something like this http://www.infopackets.com/graphics/cmos+battery.gif12:23
franklinRpirate_hunter: Alrighty then, best of luck, hope you get your issue fixed :)12:24
mrbichelHi I am suing efi refit to run Leopard and Ubuntu on my Mac book pro and I am wondering if I can make all my files available to both partitions so I can work on the same data from both?12:24
shadowmancerbenjick | pfloydde: i love the ubuntu forum you find so many smart people here12:24
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:25
Ggehello , what is the status of displayconfig-gtk  , sounds buggy to setup dual monitors in  Hardy ?12:25
benjickshadowmancer: It worked? :>12:25
shadowmancerbenjick: still unscrewing it :P12:26
benjickshadowmancer: :D12:26
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: did you install X12:26
bigusekjoin #asterisk-pl12:27
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: never mind brb.. gotta sort something12:27
franklinRpaddy_EIRE: yes, he's installed X :)12:27
shadowmancerbenjick: too many damned screws12:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:29
Paddy_EIREfranklinR: ah I see12:29
burgesswho know the dreamweaver in the ubuntu???12:30
spunkHello! How do I install a .deb file? I've tried using the gdebi-gtk. But it complains about some dependency. I still wishes to try my luck and install it anyways. How do I do that?12:31
pfloyddespunk: dpkg -i <filename>.deb12:31
spunkpfloydde: thanks!12:32
benjickshadowmancer: Should only be like two screws12:32
Pirate_HunterPaddy_EIRE, any ideas12:33
[Solaris]does ubuntu have over clocking tools?12:33
LyX-Studentubotu marry me12:33
LyX-Studentjust a test12:33
shadowmancerbenjick: its a laptop, it has like 50 screws :P12:33
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:34
benjickshadowmancer: Yeah, but the door for the cmos only have two, you shouldn't have to take the whole thing apart ;o12:34
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots12:34
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: seems awfully strange.. if you could possibly post the installation guide you worked from or a pastebin of what you have done exactly then it would be much handier12:34
spunkpfloydde: It turns out that my .deb package depends on a number of libs that I don't have. Or rather, I have them, but older versions of them. That leaves me two questions: 1) is it possible to force an install anyways. 2) is it fruitful to force it, or will the application be broken due to old libs?12:35
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: I will be gone for a minute or two gotta make tea for the "Princess".12:35
shadowmancerbenjick: where is the cmos >.<12:35
Pirate_HunterPaddy_EIRE: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems, ok i will be here waitng12:35
weird_scientisthi, need some geeral help.  audio has ceased to work on one game - tecnoballsz - and works throughout the rest of the system.  I've tried different drivers but to no avail.  when i run the game in verbose mode it says "handler_audio::initialize() audio disable!"  any idea's how to get this running again? --- there are settings (ctrl+s/d/f) to disable sfx/music and they do nothing to reinstate sound for the game...12:36
pfloyddespunk: Your .deb-Package depend on special Libs. If you don't install this libs, your Progs dont go. It's possible but not good to do so12:36
benjickshadowmancer: Flip the laptop, you will see 2 or 3 "doors"12:36
benjickshadowmancer: It should be behind the one with ram in it12:37
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs12:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mediubuntu12:37
airtonixbenjick, shadowmancer gawdin bennet....i hate laptops....yet i love them12:37
atlefweird_scientist: do you have any programs open that uses audio, like mediaplayer, skype or other programs? try shutting all other programs off12:37
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?12:37
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:38
pfloyddespunk:What Package you want install?12:38
airtonixshadowmancer, what kind of laptop do you have12:38
benjickairtonix: Hehe, well, i'm sick of them. Fixing like 10 each day at work12:38
weird_scientistatlef: no, i  know flash (without libsupport) can take over your audio, but this is not the case here12:38
spunkpfloydde: It is planner 0.14.3. It is available for intrepid. Im on 8.04..12:38
shadowmancerbenjick: hp compaq nc401012:38
spunkpfloydde: I have 0.14.2 installed right now...12:39
benjickshadowmancer: Did you remove the doors? ;o12:39
atlefweird_scientist: ok. this has happend to me if i have other programs open that uses audio12:39
airtonixbenjick, if i didnt stupidily spill coffee on my last dell....i'd still have a fucntioning wifi & compiz enabled laptop...le'sigh12:39
airtonixanyway....topic is off12:39
pfloyddespunk: I understand. Now you want install the new version12:40
sergiusergiu@sergiu-desktop:~$ fsck12:40
sergiufsck 1.40.8 (13-Mar-2008)12:40
sergiufsck.ext3: Unable to resolve 'UUID=1895b05e-7871-46dd-97ac-2b31fb182cda'12:40
weird_scientistatlef: yeah, this is game specific, it used to work but now boots with audio disabled and it cannot be re-enabled12:40
shadowmancerbenjick: i removed the hole bottom plate12:40
sergiuanyone know what's the trouble12:40
benjickCan you see a battery that looks like the ones in your clock?12:40
weird_scientistatlef: I think its sdl related12:40
airtonixatlef, weird_scientist in these situations first thing i recommend is switching your default sound server to alsa and then prefixing any troubling programs with the 'aoss' command12:40
weird_scientistshadowmancer: not all laptops have the cmos battery there, some need completly dismantling ;) have fun12:41
weird_scientistairtonix: ... thats a start ;) i changed to oss from alsa to see if that worked but to no avail12:41
benjickshadowmancer: If it's not there, remove the keyboard12:41
shadowmancerweird_scientist: thanks well i'm still trying to find the hidden screws keeping the plate on12:41
shadowmancerbenjick: trying to do so now12:42
airtonixweird_scientist, yeah this particular avenue worked for me when trying to get world of warcraft and ventrilo running12:42
weird_scientistshadowmancer: probably under a sticker ;)12:42
airtonixweird_scientist, it also happens to work for other apps too12:42
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: sorry but that link you posted leads no a page that does not exist?12:42
nananuuis there a converter fom flv to avi for ubuntu?12:43
Paddy_EIREnananuu: yes12:43
airtonixnananuu, have a look at using floola12:43
Paddy_EIRE1 sec12:43
pfloyddespunk: Than you have to install all the new libs by hand. But it is a bad bad game. A better solution is you compile all by hand from source than. I would wait ;-)12:43
airtonixnananuu, i know it does12:43
nananuufloola is the name for the converter??12:43
Paddy_EIREnananuu: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/pytube-best-youtubegoogle-manager-downloader-and-video-converter-for-ubuntu-linux.html12:43
weird_scientistairtonix:  aoss doesn't work?12:44
spunkpfloydde: I'm considering that too. Problem is that the current version contains a show-stopper bug. :-)12:44
airtonixnananuu, floola is a program that operates like itunes, it just happens to convert most if not all movies types to ipod format...just a suggestion12:44
airtonixweird_scientist, aoss for me does.12:44
nananuui downloaded video from youtube whith download helper and need it to avi12:44
weird_scientistairtonix: how do you use it? $aoss tecnoballz -- ?12:44
airtonixweird_scientist, yeah pretty much : aoss command-to-run12:45
Paddy_EIRE!info clive | nananuu12:45
ubottunananuu: clive (source: clive): Video extraction utility for YouTube, Google Video and other video sites. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.3-1ubuntu1.1 (hardy), package size 37 kB, installed size 192 kB12:45
weird_scientistairtonix: The program 'aoss' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:12:45
Paddy_EIREnananuu: that downloads and converts12:45
benjickweird_scientist: You have pulseaudio?12:45
airtonixweird_scientist, you should have a look at the world-of-warcraft page on help.ubuntu.com/community12:45
Paddy_EIREnananuu: but pytube is much better12:45
Pirate_HunterPaddy_EIRE: doing the minimum install again https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems but yeah this is the link hopefully this time xorg works12:46
weird_scientistairtonix: ok is it in a weird repo?12:46
Paddy_EIREnananuu: there is also this if you prefer to work with the cli http://www.ubuntugeek.com/convert-flv-google-videos-to-mpg-using-ffmpeg.html12:46
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: well great if you are doing it again.. fresh slate12:46
airtonixweird_scientist, maybe...i always enable 'main restricted universe multiverse' repos before i do anything else...force of habit12:46
pfloyddespunk: The current installed Version? Or the new version?12:47
weird_scientistairtonix: i have those and no dice12:47
airtonixweird_scientist, you can find out which repo a package is in with this : apt-cache show package-name12:47
airtonixweird_scientist, search for aoss at help.ubuntu.com/community12:47
weird_scientistairtonix: i knew that but cheers anyways :)12:48
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde412:48
Pirate_HunterPaddy_EIRE, yah but if it fails again... :'(12:48
spunkpfloydde: the current installed version.12:48
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: that guide seems awfully complete I do not think the error is with the guide anyway12:48
airtonixweird_scientist, ~$ apt-cache search aoss : alsa-oss - ALSA wrapper for OSS applications12:48
Paddy_EIREPirate_Hunter: well if it fails again we will look a little deeper12:48
weird_scientistairtonix: word12:48
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde412:48
spunkpfloydde: according the planner's change list, the bug has been adressed in the intrepid-version (0.14.3)12:48
airtonixweird_scientist, but again to see its usage context i suggest the world-of-warcraft page at help.ubuntu.com/community12:49
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php12:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:49
Paddy_EIREnananuu: having any troubles?12:49
airtonixweird_scientist, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft12:49
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  reading the pytube info12:50
pfloyddespunk: I read the Changelogs.... reading... reading...12:50
Paddy_EIREnananuu: you will need the medibuntu repository enabled... otherwise stick to that guide, its well worth it.12:50
weird_scientistairtonix: yeah just looking... i think this is more to allow multiple apps to use sound simultaneously is it not?12:51
airtonixweird_scientist, ja.12:51
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  what is medibuntu?12:51
spunkpfloydde: it is bug #48699012:51
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 486990 could not be found12:52
MrCraighi all12:52
Paddy_EIRE!medibuntu | nananuu12:52
ubottunananuu: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org12:52
Paddy_EIREnananuu: on that website read the "repository how to".12:52
Paddy_EIREnananuu: any trouble give me a shout.12:52
|Dreams|i am getting a new laptop next week and because it just comes with restore cds and not a windows cd is there a way to back up the partition that the windows restore resides on12:52
MrCraigI have a small config problem - just an annoyance really... applications seem to hog the sound card so some apps fail to start and others are muted. Any ideas what I can start playing with to fix it please?12:53
pfloyddespunk: I see.12:53
ndanlinux is wild12:53
Paddy_EIRE!image | |Dreams|12:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about image12:53
weird_scientisthere is the verbose output of my tecnoballs session...  sound fails to launch... please can someone emlighten me why this would suddenly fail to work?! http://paste.ubuntu.com/51234/12:54
ndanso does vmware converter actually make a portable image of your windows os?12:54
Paddy_EIRE|Dreams|: http://partimage.org/Main_Page12:54
ArelisHello. I have a wacom tablet. How do i quickly switch between mouse mode and pen mode?12:54
|Dreams|thanks will take a look12:55
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  ok12:55
Paddy_EIRE|Dreams|: it will become invaluable to you12:55
Paddy_EIREnananuu: no probs12:55
LinuxGhostHI.Does someone knows how to put a specific Kernel(e.g. mine: ubuntu 8.04.1 kernel 2.6.22-14-generic) to be booted at Ubuntu start up???Thats because i've compiled my Kernel as recommended to fix that BUG wich makes boot process hanging while on AC Cord Poewr plugged-in.12:55
weird_scientist|Dreams|: I would use the clonezilla live disc myself, it uses partimage amongst other things12:56
WalexMrCraig: you need to use the ALSA lib shared virtual devices in the apps you use, not the "hw:" ones.12:56
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile12:56
weird_scientistPaddy_EIRE: take a look at clonezilla too ;)12:57
MrCraigThanks Walex12:57
=== marko-_-- is now known as marko-_-
Paddy_EIREweird_scientist: ok.. thanks for the tip :)12:57
* weird_scientist says no problem 12:57
pfloyddespunk: Only way i see without destroy the package-DB, is to install it from sources.12:57
Geminidoes anyone know how to set up dual head display on Ubuntu? im running a ati card with the ati drivers12:58
Paddy_EIREweird_scientist: seems well developed.. cool12:58
Gemininon free ati drivers12:58
weird_scientistGemini: xrandr12:58
=== sergiu is now known as gopnik
|Dreams|so if i backed up the partition that the windows install resides on i cud delete the partition then if i wanted it back i could just make a new partition and put the one i backed up onto it and install windows from the recovery cds?12:58
weird_scientistPaddy_EIRE: it certainly is... it's made my life a dream12:58
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  I have can all ready play mp3 and avi and all formats that means when the medibunti is enabled?12:58
Paddy_EIREnananuu: no not really12:58
pfloyddespunk: you ever do something like this?12:59
=== gopnik is now known as S2
Paddy_EIREnananuu: do "gksu gedit /etc/apt/sources.list" in a terminal and pastebin the contents..12:59
Paddy_EIRE!paste | nananuu12:59
ubottunananuu: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)12:59
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: IVE followed all step of that guide, some steps failed, but now i boot it up with generic kernel without trouble, i would like to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst but i dnt knw how12:59
sriramomancould someone tell me how to use custom soundfonts in timidity/edit timidity.cfg? I have complete access to my computer.12:59
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: ah I see13:00
weird_scientist|Dreams|: your MBR would probably get confused depending on what you want to achieve (i think)13:00
koala_man|Dreams|: the recovery cds will probably delete all the partitions. you could copy the partition back and boot it from grub though, at least if it's the same position/size as the old one13:00
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  ok I under stood folow the guige from the link13:00
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: "gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst"13:00
williamis there a way to upgrade to 64bit version?13:00
erUSULwilliam: reinstalling13:00
Paddy_EIREwilliam: no you can not go over the top of a 32 bit install13:00
Paddy_EIREwilliam: reinstall13:01
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: im already there at menu list, i dont understand where to modify13:01
williamthhank you13:01
Geminiweird_scientist, where do i get it? its not in the repos :(13:01
knoppix-n00bIs the rapidshare site working?!13:01
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: hmm.. well you would put your kernel entry in there13:01
ndanwhat does vmware converter do...13:01
weird_scientistGemini | !ati13:01
|Dreams|well what i want to do is when i get my laptop, try and get ubuntu working on it, but i want to be able to backup the partition that they bundle with the laptop to reinstall vista using recovery cds, so then i can delete that partition and restore at a later date if i choose to13:01
knoppix-n00bI have a big problem13:02
knoppix-n00bsome help me?13:02
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: where, can i copy all it contents and paste to your private chat?13:02
weird_scientist|Dreams|: that should work fine then13:02
=== axion is now known as borealis
Paddy_EIRE!paste | LinuxGhost13:02
ubottuLinuxGhost: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:02
nananuuPaddy_EIRE,  add there http://www.bashterritory.com/pytube/releases/ / with both slashes?13:02
aiaidevilhi. I've installed Ubuntu 8.04 besides Windows Vista in my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I can't connect to my Wi-Fi network. So, I tried the NDISWrapper guide on www.ubuntu1501.com. But the problem is, I can't even go to the internet using my wired connection! I plugged my ethernet cable in my PC and it says it's connected. Then, in Firefox, I tried to go on a site and it doesn't work! What can I do?13:02
weird_scientistGemini: 2 secs13:02
Paddy_EIREnananuu: that does not look correct13:03
weird_scientistGemini: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver  -- look for "Getting Dual-head to work"13:03
|Dreams|so i could in theory back up the install partition using one of those two programs, then dleet all partiions and install ubuntu whilst being able to in the future just make a new partition and put the install back up i made back onto it in order to reisnatll windows13:03
Paddy_EIREnananuu: just a moment I will have a look at that guide13:04
Geminiweird_scientist, Thank you!  :)13:04
TuTUXG|Dreams|, clonezilla?13:04
|Dreams|yeah thats one that was suggested13:04
Paddy_EIREuse that then13:04
weird_scientistGemini: np13:04
aiaidevilhi. I've installed Ubuntu 8.04 besides Windows Vista in my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I can't connect to my Wi-Fi network. So, I tried the NDISWrapper guide on www.ubuntu1501.com. But the problem is, I can't even go to the internet using my wired connection! I plugged my ethernet cable in my PC and it says it's connected. Then, in Firefox, I tried to go on a site and it doesn't work! What can I do?13:04
|Dreams|:) cheers peeps13:04
weird_scientistTuTUXG: i love clonezilla13:05
TuTUXGweird_scientist, ya? hehe, it's a nice app13:05
FD_Fhello why when i application -> internet -> terminal server client i don't have VNC enabled ?, thanks13:06
weird_scientisthere is the output of my tecnoballz session...  sound fails to launch... please can someone enlighten me why this would suddenly fail to work?! http://paste.ubuntu.com/51234/13:06
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: How to put my favorite kernel to be booted at first time there at /boot/grub/menu.lst????13:07
LinuxGhostsomeone knows How to put my favorite kernel to be booted at first time there at /boot/grub/menu.lst????13:07
atlefLinuxGhost: can you pastebin your menu.lst13:08
atlefLinuxGhost: ok13:08
nnullcould i say partition a thumb drive, install a bunch of distros on it, and install grub on the usb stick, when i insert it id be able to select which distro yea?13:09
aiaidevilhi. I've installed Ubuntu 8.04 besides Windows Vista in my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I can't connect to my Wi-Fi network. So, I tried the NDISWrapper guide on www.ubuntu1501.com. But the problem is, I can't even go to the internet using my wired connection! I plugged my ethernet cable in my PC and it says it's connected. Then, in Firefox, I tried to go on a site and it doesn't work! What can I do?13:09
pfloyddeLinuxGhost: See the option "default <num>" in menu.lst13:09
TuTUXGaiaidevil, you tried the guide, then you lost your ethernet?13:10
=== [ifroog|zzz] is now known as [ku|bun|tu]
aiaidevilno. I just can't connect to the internet. I couldn't do this even before I tried the guide.13:11
TuTUXGwhat is ifconfig give to u?13:11
williamburning Ubuntu 64 as we speak13:11
LinuxGhostpfloydde: i saw it but what to do?13:11
atlefwilliam: good for you13:11
TuTUXGaiaidevil, do u have eth0?13:11
LinuxGhostPeople, How to pastebin something?/13:12
aiaidevilwhat's this? what's etho0?13:12
=== william is now known as turtle_man
Leslieany idea why Ubuntu keeps freezing after a little while? I added more ram, but I'm pretty sure the ram is fine since I ran memtest86 on it, and it works ok with winxp13:12
[Solaris]!pastebin > LinuxGhost13:12
ubottuLinuxGhost, please see my private message13:12
atlefLinuxGhost: sorry, the :-) was for william13:12
FD_Fhello why when i application -> internet -> terminal server client,  i don't have VNC enabled ?, thanks13:12
LinuxGhostwhen i want to paste here i put that " !pastebin??13:13
MippeIt's recommended to do so13:14
LinuxGhostatlef you didnt  see my menu.lst. why?13:14
atlefLinuxGhost: no link for pastebin13:15
=== david is now known as Guest20125
LinuxGhosthow to show someone my copy of menu.lst????here13:16
erUSUL!pastebin | LinuxGhost13:16
ubottuLinuxGhost: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:16
pfloyddeLinuxGhost: All Kernel Entries in menu.lst are internaly numberd beginning by "1". Enter the Number of "default"-Kernel behind the Option "default".13:16
x2owas heißt der schrägstrich mit einer zahl nach einer ip ?13:17
airtonix!de | x2o13:17
ubottux2o: Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu, Kubuntu und Edubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #xubuntu-de und #edubuntu-de13:17
pfloyddeLinuxGhost: Than the Cursor at Bootmenu defaults to that Entry... and will be booted after countdown13:17
LinuxGhostpfloydde:there is no NUmber before kernel name13:18
shadowmancerweird_scientist: man i've taken this thing apart and still can't find it13:18
atlefLinuxGhost: please pastebin13:18
LinuxGhostive already pasted13:20
MippeLinuxGhost: link..?13:20
LinuxGhostPLease see my paste13:20
Mippegive us the link to the paste...13:21
LinuxGhostMy paste is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51241/13:21
LinuxGhostSee my paste at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51241/ to help me13:22
atlefLinuxGhost: which kernel do you want to start at bootup13:22
roro_du monde ici?13:23
LinuxGhostatlef: Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic13:23
fiyawerxerm.. menu.lst starts its numbering at 1 and not 0?13:23
roro_have problem with ar5007eg....13:23
fiyawerxpfloydde, pretty sure the first is 0 not 113:24
LinuxGhostatlef: i want the kernel Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.22-14-generic to be booted at start up13:24
lars_bauerJust upgraded to 8.04 . Niw i can't mount my memory sticks due to a "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" message ?13:24
atlefLinuxGhost: then change line 14 to say 613:24
weird_scientistshadowmancer: it looks like a watch battery13:24
atlefas in default      013:25
atlefas in default      613:25
LinuxGhostatlef: where is 0 put 6????13:25
Adriaanverkeerde machine :oi13:25
pfloyddefiyawerx: Hmm, ok. It's possible.13:25
atlefLinuxGhost: look at your link and see line 1413:25
atlefchange 0 to 613:26
strangeanyone know a good guide to get ati 9200 pro working in ubuntu i've been trying multiple guides for 2 days now still just vesa13:26
roro_installing ar5007eg of asus m3a32mvp with madwifi drivers but many problems with speed of connection and disconnect always....13:26
shadowmancerweird_scientist: found it, the buggers hid it under the key board in a pouch and had it connected via a cable, and when i saw it i thought it was the speaker13:26
roro_stranghe 64 or 32bit?13:27
marculeshi there13:29
myeggohi, has ubuntu viruses as well?13:29
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myeggoim scared13:29
atlefmyeggo: not a thing you should worry about13:29
ganeshi want to back up my system using sbackup..which are the files to be included? i need my system to be as before after restore  i have these directories in / bin   cdrom  etc   initrd      lib         media  opt   root  srv  tmp  var13:29
ganeshboot  dev    home  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt    proc  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz13:29
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2113:30
myeggoah, phew13:30
pfloyddefiyawerx|LinuxGhost: fiyawerx  is right. Numbering begins with "0". My mistake. Sorry.13:30
zethero1I have an Atheros AR5212 wifi card in my laptop and it seems I am getting the slowest network and internet speeds around here ... everyone else is have a great time while I have issues several times a day with the internet almost coming to a complete halt or moving extremely slow ... is there anything I can do to make this device work better?13:30
myeggowhat about trojans, malware, or something related?13:30
roro_same thing with ar5007eg of asus m3a32mvp13:30
strangeroro_: 32bit13:30
Denisenothing bad here13:31
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:31
roro_ok so just install drivers of amd.com....13:31
Deniseall frinds in linux world13:31
Deniseyou have to know the answer13:31
Deniseto know which one is talling to you13:32
=== seanw_ is now known as seanw
roro_strange just install drivers of amd.com13:32
airtonix!tab | Denise13:32
ubottuDenise: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:32
strangeroro_: drivers from the website keep giving me the rror 'X Server: unable to detect'13:32
ubottuPlease elaborate, your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:32
herf2wa3_How do I find out what networks ath0 is connected to, (command line) ?13:33
roro_strange no error when compiling?13:33
FactTechQuestion: Looking for help in diagnosing a samba problem -- any experts available at the moment?13:33
strangeroro_: just that one13:33
ubottutango is a style guideline and icon set. It can be found and read about at http://tango-project.org13:33
airtonixherf2wa3_, there is a good cli app called jnettop for that13:33
strangebut it makes it stop13:33
airtonix!jnettop | herf2wa3_13:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about jnettop13:33
airtonix!info jnettop13:33
ubottujnettop (source: jnettop): View hosts/ports taking up the most network traffic. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-4 (hardy), package size 35 kB, installed size 140 kB13:34
lars_bauerJust upgraded to 8.04 . Now i can't mount my memory sticks due to a "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied" message ?13:34
roro_strange test uninstalling and installing with ENVY13:34
ljsoftnetwhen is yahoo messenger 9 to be ported in ubuntu?13:34
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209813:34
airtonixlars_bauer, just one of the many reason why dist-upgrade is less than desireable13:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeworld13:34
strangeroro_: tried installing envy from aptitude and still wouldnt show up13:34
Hotkeyive got firefox 3 installed in xandros but get error gtk+8 installted need gtk+10 - how do i do that?13:34
jribHotkey: ask the xandros channel13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeluv13:35
Hotkeyjrib i dont find a channel for that... any idea?13:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spiribs13:36
jribHotkey: http://support.xandros.com/13:36
airtonixljsoftnet, use pidgin13:36
Hotkeyjrib i ccant open browser!13:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about open13:36
ljsoftnetairtonix, i need voice and webcam support13:36
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete13:37
Hotkeyjrib ive got firefox 3 installed but get error gtk+8 installted need gtk+1013:37
airtonixljsoftnet, considered using amsn?13:37
ganeshi want to back up my system using sbackup..which are the files to be included? i need my system to be as before after restore  i have these directories in / bin   cdrom  etc   initrd      lib         media  opt   root  srv  tmp  varboot  dev    home  initrd.img  lost+found  mnt    proc  sbin  sys  usr  vmlinuz13:37
jribHotkey: this isn't the channel for xandros support.  Try #xandros or ##linux.  Or install a different browser13:37
airtonixljsoftnet, also trying to get webcams working in linux can be hit and miss. depends if the webcam is supported or not...blame the hardware manufacturers for single mindly focusing on windows alone13:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pedro13:38
nnullcould i say partition a thumb drive, install a bunch of distros on it, and install grub on the usb stick, when i insert it id be able to select which distro yea?13:39
ljsoftnetairtonix, i already tried amsn, currently using skype, i just wanted yahoo messenger, because it works in my windows xp boot13:39
ljsoftnetairtonix, amsn doesn't work13:39
airtonixljsoftnet, :) then use windows.13:39
Hotkeyjirib i'll try ##linux - nobody theerr in #xandros13:39
lars_bauerairtonix: ?13:40
airtonixlars_bauer, ? right back at you13:40
co0lingFir3hello, why cant i select gmail as app for mailto-links in firefox 3.0 in ubuntu?13:40
airtonixljsoftnet, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8189513:40
airtonixco0lingFir3, because gmail isnt an application installed on your system13:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freshair13:41
airtonixco0lingFir3, you need to investigate using a firefox addon to capture those links and redirect you to the gmail website13:41
co0lingFir3airtonix: but with firefox 3.0.3 gmail should be selectable as app in the settings without extensions13:41
=== digitalvectorz is now known as edo32mb
aiaidevilhello. as I already said yesterday night and today, I can't connect myself to the Wi-Fi network. I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 on a Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I tried this guide : http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2008/04/ndiswrapper-in-hardy-heron.html but it doesn't work. I can't switch my wi-fi card on or off. but I did everything it asked me to do. And there wasn't any error messages in the terminal. What should I do?13:41
jribganesh: you really only need the directories that you have modified.  Which is most likely just /home and /etc.  Maybe /var too if you are running some services.  Then use !clone to get the same packages13:41
jrib!clone | ganesh13:41
ubottuganesh: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « dpkg --get-selections > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo dpkg --set-selections < my-packages && sudo apt-get dselect-upgrade » - See also !automate13:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about captureme13:42
airtonixco0lingFir3you can only use that method for applications installed as a binary on your system13:42
w00whello new user please help !13:42
sibeckeraiaidevil: I have a Dell Inspiron laptop, and the WiFi light doesn't come on under Ubuntu, but the WiFi itself does work13:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about homebinary13:42
jribw00w: best to just ask the channel your question13:42
airtonixco0lingFir3, binary or scripts ... i mean13:42
_LiNuX_i install adesklets but i cant used because i don't know how...i Download weatherforecast 0.2.1 but i don't know what i do... i have Gnome ubuntu 8.0413:42
aiaidevilokay I should try this.13:42
jribDenise: what are you looking for?13:42
DeniseI m asking questions to the bot while I work13:43
Deniseit is very useful13:43
jrib!msgthebot | Denise13:43
ubottuDenise: Please investigate with me only in /msg or in #ubuntu-bots (type also /msg ubottu Bot). Don't use commands in the public channels if you don't know if they really exist. Also avoid adding joke/useless factoids.13:43
co0lingFir3airtonix: what do you mean? i installed firefox from the repos.13:43
airtonixDenise, then to unclutter the channel here use this format : !query > Denise13:43
=== edo32mb is now known as digitalvectorz
w00wI m trying to install one network by cable and rune in the same time than the wifi internet connexion. I want to make pass my files by the hub and connect internet by the wifi13:44
Deniseso pinchy here13:44
airtonixco0lingFir3, i mean ...that gmail is not an application....its a webservice...therefore you can not list it as an app that you would use to open links with13:44
DeFialways Denise13:44
zethero1I have an Atheros AR5212 wifi card in my laptop and it seems I am getting the slowest network and internet speeds around here ... everyone else is have a great time while I have issues several times a day with the internet almost coming to a complete halt or moving extremely slow ... is there anything I can do to make this device work better?13:44
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:45
co0lingFir3airtonix: as i said exactly that should work in firefox 3.0.3. it works with yahoo mail too...13:45
w00wdownloading sources13:46
ganeshjrib:if something goes wrong with compiz or gnome crash, for these /etc and /home ll be sufficient?13:47
ljsoftnetwhen will steam have a native port for ubuntu?13:47
aiaidevilhello. i'm back from like 1 minutes. I will reexplain my problem. I can't connect to my Wi-Fi network using Ubuntu 8.04 on my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I tried this guide : http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2008/04/ndiswrapper-in-hardy-heron.html. But it doesn't work. I did every step and there wasn't any error message in my terminal. But, I still can't connect to my Wi-Fi network. I tried tu push a lot on time on Fn+F2. Nothing happens.13:47
airtonixljsoftnet, ask valve.13:47
Deniseread urs howto guys13:48
jribganesh: sufficient for what?13:48
Denisemake a little efforts13:48
airtonixco0lingFir3, ok so explain are you saying that these types of links : gmail://someone@gmail.com is the type of link you are trying to get firefox to handle?13:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gollum13:48
ganesh jrib:for restorig13:48
aiaidevilhello. i'm back from like 1 minutes. I will reexplain my problem. I can't connect to my Wi-Fi network using Ubuntu 8.04 on my Dell Inspiron 1501 laptop. I tried this guide : http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2008/04/ndiswrapper-in-hardy-heron.html. But it doesn't work. I did every step and there wasn't any error message in my terminal. But, I still can't connect to my Wi-Fi network. I tried tu push a lot on time on Fn+F2. Nothing happe13:49
co0lingFir3airtonix: no, i want that if i click on a mailto:some@email.com that firefox opens gmail to compose a new message13:49
jribganesh: Like I said, those two directories and any other directory where you have created data is sufficient if you also use !clone.  I'm not sure why it matters if gnome or compiz crash though.  You just reboot if they crash13:50
airtonixco0lingFir3, and i am saying that for that to be possible you need to either : 1) have a binary or script app that you can file -> browse -> select to handle that ...or 2) get a firefox addon that will open the gmail website when you click those links...13:50
Deniseimpossible communication with the wifi13:50
DeniseI tryed everything13:50
Deniseit blocks13:51
DeniseI will leave ubuntu13:51
ubottuFor playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs13:51
airtonixco0lingFir3, third possibility is that you could look at the config in firefox location bar ->  about:config13:51
jribco0lingFir3: you can write (or google) a gmail-link script that will intrepret those URLs and open the proper gmail url and set that as your default mail program in system -> preferences -> preferred applicatiens13:51
jribDenise: don't use enter to break up your thoughts as it makes it harder to follow what you are saying13:51
co0lingFir3airtonix, jrib: no, it should be a new feature in firefox 3.0.313:52
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde413:52
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde413:52
sibecker!fsck > sibecker13:52
ubottusibecker, please see my private message13:52
exotherhi, how can I set higher resolution than now (1024x768). Ubuntu shows me only smaller resolutions, but I wanna set higher ;(13:53
airtonixco0lingFir3, in that case...try asking in #firefox or some relevant channel13:53
ganesh jrib:few days ago my gnome got crashed and it was coming back to login screen on login....13:53
exotherand sorry for my bad english ;P13:53
jribco0lingFir3: yeah, I have that optien in edit -> preferences -> applicatiens -> mailto13:54
apophis!resolution | exother13:54
ubottuexother: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto13:54
kebomixwhen Next version of ubuntu will release ?13:56
exotherthank, i'll try it13:56
=== [ku|bun|tu] is now known as [nokia|tube]
axyjokebomix: in a month13:56
co0lingFir3jrib: you have that option? are you using firefox 3.0.3 in ubuntu hardy?13:56
strangeE: The package envy needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.13:56
kebomixok , thx :d13:56
strangei keep getting that error dpkg --configure -a doesnt fix it eitehr13:56
jribco0lingFir3: yeah13:57
kebomixaxyjo: my wireless turned off and i cant turn it on since i turned o ubuntu , because there is no keys to open it , i was opening it  by software when i was using windows13:57
co0lingFir3jrib: so why on earth dont i have that option... maybe an addon?13:58
jribstrange: pastebin the exact command you are using and the full output13:58
Geminii keep getting nfs internal errors while trying to mount nfs systems13:58
axyjokebomix: not sure what you're asking.13:58
jribco0lingFir3: does Help -> About say you have 3.03?13:58
axyjokebomix: also, i haven't used wireless on ubuntu yet.13:58
kebomixaha , ok thx :d13:59
guntbertco0lingFir3: I have the option too (FF 3.0.3)13:59
co0lingFir3jrib: yes it does13:59
maniheerhi everyone, i have made a ubuntu based distro and want to test it out13:59
maniheerbut I made it in a virtual box13:59
co0lingFir3guntbert: thats strange... why dont i have it?!13:59
strangejrib: http://pastebin.com/mf2231f214:00
maniheerhow can I test it from inside a vbox?14:00
jribco0lingFir3: what does 'apt-cache policy firefox && which firefox' return in a terminal?  use pastebin14:00
=== [fFf] is now known as [fFf]_
jribmaniheer: test it?  just run it14:00
maniheerjrib, how?14:01
=== [fFf]_ is now known as [fFf]
guntbertco0lingFir3: sorry, I really don't know, but you *might* be luck in the firefox-channel :/14:01
=== [fFf] is now known as [fFf]__[fFf]
maniheerthe iso is in vbox14:01
jribmaniheer: you can open vbox itself right?  The gui?14:01
=== [fFf]__[fFf] is now known as [fFf]
bahaa2008_i wanna to install my sis VGA Card14:02
maniheerjrib, i'm on my mums laptop, with windows14:02
jribstrange: sudo apt-get update, then try again.  If it still does not work, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:02
bahaa2008_any one wanna to help14:02
jribmaniheer: and where is vbox?14:02
maniheeron thw windows machine14:02
maniheerthe iso was built inside a virtual machine14:02
maniheera ubuntu one14:02
bahaa2008_bahaa@bahaa-desktop:~$ lspci | grep VGA14:02
bahaa2008_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter14:02
kebomixwhen  i download movie compressed in 3 files , and 3 compressed parts , when u decompress them together it must give u the movie in one folder , but in ubuntu it give me each compress in its own folder !!!!14:03
jribmaniheer: so have your virtual machine boot from the iso you made (settings for the virtualmachine)14:03
maniheerthe iso is in the .vdi file14:03
jribmaniheer: click on "settings" look for cdrom14:03
bahaa2008_i neeed helppppppppppppp14:04
kebomixjrib:  when  i download movie compressed in 3 files , and 3 compressed parts , when u decompress them together it must give u the movie in one folder , but in ubuntu it give me each compress in its own folder !!!!14:04
jribmaniheer: copy the .iso somewhere to your hard drive.  This is a question for #vbox if that is what you want to do14:04
maniheerjrib, i went there14:04
heyuxiangexcuse me, where do i put kde3 theme to apply it ?14:04
erUSULbahaa2008_: "gksudo displayconfig-gtk" choose the sis driver14:04
maniheerdead like hell14:04
jribmaniheer: be patient.  I know that the virtualbox manual also tells you how to do it.  I don't how to do it on windows offhand.  Here is the manual: http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/2.0.2/UserManual.pdf14:05
jribkebomix: what kind of compressed archive?14:05
bahaa2008_erUSUL, installed it but it don't appear in System -> Administration -> Screens & Graphics14:06
kebomixjrib: rar14:06
jim_pdoes anyone know hoe do i install openoffice 3?14:06
lars_bauerHowto set up usb stick on 8.04 so a user can mount it ?14:06
erUSULbahaa2008_: what does not appear?14:06
jribkebomix: has always worked for me.  How are you sure the rar wasn't packaged that way?14:06
erUSULlars_bauer: should work by default14:06
jim_plars_bauer: is it formated?14:06
erUSUL!pm | bahaa2008_14:06
ubottubahaa2008_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can also benefit AND help you. Please don't PM a user in the channel without asking first, some find it rude.14:06
shadowmancerdidn't work14:06
jribshadowmancer: no one has any clue about what didn't work.  You need to be more specific14:07
erUSULbahaa2008_: run it from terminal or from Alt+f2 dialog as i told you14:07
erUSULbahaa2008_: "gksudo displayconfig-gtk"14:07
bahaa2008_erUSUL, ok14:07
bahaa2008_erUSUL, gksudo displayconfig-gtk14:07
kebomixjrib: rar extract files , but when 3 parts and every one connect to other one , so when u extract all of them togther it will give u one file and it is movie , but here in ubuntu it give me 3 files14:08
shadowmancerjrib: sorry, disconnected the bios battery to try and reset the admin password to a second hand laptop and it didn't reset the bios password14:08
lars_bauerjust upgraded from 7.10 and now i got "Error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied."14:08
bahaa2008_erUSUL, it should add new item to administration menu14:08
jribkebomix: has always worked for me.  How are you sure the rar wasn't packaged that way?14:08
erUSULkebomix: i have unrared may multipart files in ubuntu and allways wroked as expected14:08
kebomixi dont know , that is what happend to me14:09
erUSULkebomix: you have to unrar the *.rar file or the *.r0014:09
erUSULbahaa2008_: yes?14:09
jim_pjrib: i never expirienced such thing even with 15-20 part files! do not click on each .rar file and extract. Click on the FIRTS one and extract from there. fileroller is mart enough to realise that the file is cut in pieces14:09
bahaa2008_erUSUL, it should add new item to administration menu14:09
jribshadowmancer: contact the manufacturer, he'll tell you how to reset it14:09
maniheerjrib, never mind, using qemu14:10
maniheerand it didn't work14:10
shadowmancerjrib: yeah, that or ask for me to send it for them to reset it at a cost to me14:10
bahaa2008_erUSUL, it is called Desplay & Graphics14:10
jim_pmaniheer: can you repeat your problem please? just in case i know something14:10
erUSULbahaa2008_: no it should not. you should just run the up as i told you. in hardy displayconfig-gtk does not appear on menu and as it is deprecated and will desappear in intrepid ibex 8.1014:10
jim_pmaniheer: that vbox one14:10
maniheerjim_p, its alright14:11
maniheerthats not the prob now14:11
erUSULbahaa2008_: again just run the app from command line14:11
maniheerits something else14:11
bullgard4http://www.gnome.org/projects/epiphany/extensions.html states that there is available an extension Dashboard. I downloaded the program package epiphany-extensions 2.22.2-0ubuntu0.8.04.1 but this dows not offer n extension 'Dashboard'. Why?14:11
vondererHow can I set default run dialog in GNOME?14:12
jribshadowmancer: there's usually just a cmos jumper you can use14:12
shadowmancerjrib: jumper? and would it be on a laptop?14:12
maniheershadowmancer: or remove a wrist watch type battery14:12
jribshadowmancer: afaik.  ##hardware is probably a better place for this question14:12
murlidharmy network manager is not opening from nm-applet. how should i open it manually ?14:12
zethero1how do i know if my system is using the madwifi drivers I just installed?14:13
jribshadowmancer: did you leave the battery out for about a minute?14:13
jim_pmurlidhar: sudo network-admin14:13
jribshadowmancer: you probably need to remove the actual notebook battery too14:13
erUSULzethero1: lsmod ?14:13
maniheerhes gone jrib14:13
zethero1erUSUL: what should I look for?14:13
maniheerand hes back14:13
jribshadowmancer: you probably need to remove the actual notebook battery too14:13
vondererHow can I set default run dialog in GNOME?14:13
jim_pmurlidhar: i may be wrong about the app though!14:13
erUSULzethero1: the madwifi modules (i do not use it)14:14
murlidharjim_p: yes u are .14:14
mww113how do I cahnge the splash screen from the kubuntu default to the ubuntu default14:14
jribvonderer: what does that mean exactly?  If you have some other run dialog just set a shortcut for it14:14
jim_pvonderer: set the command you want Alt+F2 to execute in System > preferences >keyboard14:14
ubottuInterested in remastering the !Ubuntu !LiveCD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use Tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility14:14
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:14
bahaa2008_erUSUL, thanks14:15
erUSULbahaa2008_: no problem14:15
murlidharmy network manager is not opening from nm-applet. how should i open it manually ?14:15
bahaa2008_erUSUL, should i restart my pc ?14:15
shadowmancerjrib: done that, the cmos battery thing, as well14:15
erUSULbahaa2008_: no; only the X system14:15
zethero1does anyone know how to get the madwifi drivers working properly in Ubuntu Hardy?14:15
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs14:15
jribshadowmancer: try ##hardware then, google for your laptop model, and contact the manufacturer14:16
bahaa2008_erUSUL, how ?14:16
liz_HI, my home size is small, only 150m, how to resize it? thank you.14:16
murlidharwhen i click on my nm-applet and select " manual configuration" nothing happens . i am using openbox session .14:16
vondererjim_p: is there a keybind config in keyboard preferences?14:16
bahaa2008_erUSUL, how to restart x server?14:16
erUSULbahaa2008_: crtl + alt + backspace14:16
mww113how do I change the splash screen from the kubuntu default to the ubuntu default?14:16
jim_pvonderer: sorry my mistake. its on system >preferences > keyboard shortcuts14:17
zethero1erUSUL: I went to the Ubuntu Madwifi Docs but it was not too helpful14:17
jim_pvonderer: or am i wrong again?14:17
mww113how do I change the splash screen from the kubuntu default to the ubuntu default?14:18
vondererjim_p: thanks, but I can't see any way for adding new commands14:18
murlidharwhen i click on my nm-applet and select " manual configuration" nothing happens . how to open the network-manager-gui. i have installed it .14:18
zethero1erUSUL: say the install linux-restricted-modules and madwifi-tools ... but how do you know that its using what has just been installed?14:18
mww113can somone help me?14:18
ljsoftnetmww113, what's the problem?14:19
erUSULzethero1: as i told  you. you can check the list of modules loaded by the kernel and see if the madwifi modules are loaded14:19
bahaa2008_erUSUL, thanks done14:20
erUSUL!yay | bahaa2008_14:20
ubottubahaa2008_: Glad you made it! :-)14:20
zethero1erUSUL: if I see a module with a 0 after it ... is it loaded?14:20
jim_pvonderer: give me sec to find how its done through gconf editor. you are using metacuty right (i mean no compz)?14:20
maniheermy distro works14:20
bahaa2008_erUSUL, sorry can i ask another question ?14:20
erUSULzethero1: yes. the 0 means that there is not other module depending on it14:20
erUSULbahaa2008_: yes14:21
bahaa2008_erUSUL, i'm a newbie :)14:21
maniheerwhoops, too soon14:21
jim_pdoes anyone know how do i install openoffice 3?14:21
bahaa2008_erUSUL, what i need to run compiz ?14:21
erUSULbahaa2008_: we all've been newbies at some point of time ;)14:21
jribvonderer: /apps/metacity in gconf-editor14:21
murlidharwhen i click on my nm-applet and select " manual configuration" nothing happens . how to open the network-manager. i have installed it .14:21
bahaa2008_erUSUL, is it supported in any driver?14:21
vondererjim_p: I use both, so I need to know about metacity too. I know how to configure a hotkey for Compiz.14:22
erUSULbahaa2008_: another graphic card i'm afraid. you can not run compiz on sis becouse there are no 3d drivers for it on linux14:22
ahtmly2kQUESTION, i have recently installed 2 games, americas army and openarena... but after they finished installing the application menu doesn't show their icons... any idea why?14:22
bahaa2008_erUSUL, aha :(14:22
maniheerwat is /scripts/casper?14:22
jribvonderer, jim_p: last time I checked, compiz-fusion and metacity use the same gconf keys for keyboard shortcuts.  So you should be able to just use the compiz-fusion dialog14:22
vondererjrib: thanks14:22
mww113ljsoftnet: How can I change the splash screen14:23
bahaa2008_erUSUL, what is can do if i want to disable window border for specific application ?14:23
erUSULbahaa2008_: not sure if metacity supports this... dunno really14:23
jrib!devilspie | bahaa2008_14:24
ubottubahaa2008_: devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning.  Usage information can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie14:24
jim_pvonderer: in gconf editor go to /apps/metacity/global_keybindings/run_command1 to issue a key combination14:24
ahtmly2kQUESTION, i have recently installed 2 games, americas army and openarena... but after they finished installing the application menu doesn't show their icons... any idea why?14:24
tyberion_Hm, Where can I change my keyboard layout?? From en to de and so on...14:24
murlidharwhen i click on my nm-applet and select " manual configuration" nothing happens . how to open the network-manager. i have installed it .14:24
maniheerany1 know wat /scripts/casper is?14:24
vondererjim_p: jrib: it's weird though, I switched window manager to xfwm4 for a sec, and it replaced GNOME default Run App dialog with the one from Xfce4. It would be wonderful to know how to set GNOME one to be default once again.14:25
jim_pvonderer: and in /apps/metacity/keybinding_commands to issue the comamnd you want to execute14:25
bahaa2008_erUSUL, how long you use linux :)14:25
dfgastrying to find some video editing help in here on linux, anyone around?14:25
murlidharwhen i click on my nm-applet and select " manual configuration" nothing happens . how to open the network-manager. i have installed it .14:25
magnetrondfgas, there are lots of people around just ask your question so that someone might answer14:26
murlidhark thanks :p14:26
bahaa2008_erUSUL, in other words how many years your experience with linux :)14:26
bahaa2008_erUSUL, sorry for my bad English14:26
erUSULbahaa2008_: about 10 years... but full time use is 4-5 years14:26
erUSULbahaa2008_: i'm not native english speaker either14:27
Agent_bobwhy would (ssh root@ tar -cf - pool | tar -xf -) be yelding error  (stdin: is not a tty)  ?14:27
jribvonderer: my guess is xfwm is still handling your keyboard shortcuts14:27
vonderermm… maybe, but that's strange14:27
Agent_bobwhy would (ssh root@ tar -cf - pool | tar -xf -) be yelding error  (stdin: is not a tty)  ?     is my syntax incorrect ?14:28
magnetronAgent_bob, please don't repeat yourself14:28
jim_pvonderer: kill xfwm then14:28
Agent_bobmagnetron i didn't i ammended it.14:28
curtisdoes anyone have an extra cedega account that they are not using?14:28
jrib!ot | curtis14:29
ubottucurtis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, #ubuntu+1 supports the development version of Ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!14:29
maniheerhi curtis14:29
atlefcurtis: get wine14:30
curtisatlef, i have wine and i am trying to install need for speed carbon14:31
magnetron!appdb | curtis14:31
ubottucurtis: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org14:31
Odd-rationaledoes anyone know whether in the new gnome 2.24, nautilus can restore files from trash?14:31
nostohow do i make it so i dont have to log in to start ubuntu or log in every time i run synaptic?14:31
atlefcurtis: i see, it crashes with wine14:32
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?14:32
unopnosto, what do you mean?14:32
jim_pOdd-rationale: like... undelete them even if you empied the trash?14:32
jim_pPirate_Hunter: this is a bug with the default vesa driver14:33
Agent_bobno takers huh  ;/    ok i'll ask somewhere else.14:33
jim_pPirate_Hunter: did you install some desktop enviroment yet??14:34
Odd-rationalejim_p: no, like, if you moved a bunch of files to the trash, can you do a restore and all the files go back to thier original locaiton?14:34
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, i installed xorg, icewm and xdm14:34
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, the problem is once i startx i cant do anything14:34
unopAgent_bob, your construct could be ambiguous - is it ssh root@ 'tar -cf - pool' | tar -xf -   or   ssh root@ 'tar -cf - pool | tar -xf -'14:34
zllanghello everyone!!!!!!14:34
Odd-rationalebecuase, nautilus 2.22 can't do it... but thunar can... :|14:34
jim_pOdd-rationale: i dont know that , sorry :(14:34
Odd-rationalejim_p: k, thanks...14:35
nostounop i want to make it so when i start my machine it goes right into ubuntu - i only have one user on this machine and i want it to auto login14:35
jim_pPirate_Hunter: does xdm start?14:35
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, nope14:35
nostoand every time i click the synaptic tool i want it to just open - i didn't click it for fun i awnt to open it not log in :-P14:35
apophisOdd-rationale, as long you dont purge the trash you shuld be able to restore them, trash normally has a maximum size, if you delete more than that the oldest gehts purged first.14:35
vondererthat was xfwm4. :D14:35
unopnosto, use the gdmsetup tool to adjust autologon properties14:36
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, is there a fix14:36
jim_pPirate_Hunter: how did you install xorg (what command)14:36
unopnosto, i'm still confused about synaptic - i just don't see how it fits in here14:36
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, sudo apt-get install xorg icewm xdm14:36
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, same as always but why doesnt X show anything14:36
jim_pPirate_Hunter: there is a "fix" that says do not use "startx" with "vesa" as the default driver :P14:36
unopjim_p, heh?14:37
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, so how do i go about starting x in a different way?14:37
Odd-rationaleapophis: i know that the files are still in the trash... i was just wondering whether you can automatically restore an item back to it's origianl location... (kind of like windows, if you remember... :P)14:37
jim_pPirate_Hunter: can you remove xdm and install slim instead?14:37
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, i had slim on my first install this is my second install and this time i chose xdm same result :(14:38
Odd-rationaleaha, according to the changelog for 2.23.5: '* Add "restore from trash" functionality (only per item)' i guess that's a start...14:38
apophisOdd-rationale,  I see. I misunderstood the question :) Probably not14:38
zllangsomeone know use chatzilla with firefox ,modify color style????14:38
jim_pPirate_Hunter: no X ever with another display manager? what gpu are you on?14:38
dfgaswhat kind of video editing software do i need to overlay recorded sound over a video? i am making a tutorial dvd of linux and some other various stuff.14:39
jim_pdfgas: lives perhaps?14:39
dfgasjim_p, hmmm, cool i will try that out14:40
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, gpu, huh? ive used the hardy heron minimum install iso on this old toshiba satellite14:40
atlefdfgas: avidemux may be what you need, easy14:40
apophisOdd-rationale, the problem is that the Trash is just a normal folder in your home, therefore there is no way to know where it was before a "mv" ;)14:40
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, maybe i shouldve gone for gutsy or dapper14:40
whileimhereI have about 2,000 files that are all in uppercase. I need to rename all of them to lowercase. Does anyone here know how to do this automated?14:40
jribwhileimhere: 'man rename'  I believe it does that exact example14:40
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:40
ahtmly2kQUESTION, i have recently installed 2 games, americas army and openarena... but after they finished installing the application menu doesn't show their icons... any idea why?14:41
jim_pPirate_Hunter: no, you are fine with the version14:41
ahtmly2kQUESTION, i have recently installed 2 games, americas army and openarena... but after they finished installing the application menu doesn't show their icons... any idea why?14:41
apophisOdd-rationale, but you can use mv ~/.Trash/* to massrestore :)14:41
ahtmly2kQUESTION, i have recently installed 2 games, americas army and openarena... but after they finished installing the application menu doesn't show their icons... any idea why?14:41
jribahtmly2k: don't be annoying please.14:41
Odd-rationaleapophis: see what i posted above ^ . seems like they implemented somthing like a resotre fieature in 2.23.5. also, thunar had this feature for some time...14:41
jim_pPirate_Hunter: can you run an lspci? even from recovery mode14:41
dfgasatlef, cool, will check that out as well14:42
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, ok14:42
apophisOdd-rationale, must be hack :)14:42
jribahtmly2k: the reason is because the installers didn't create menu items.  Those aren't ubuntu packages so you are going to have to file bugs with whovever created the installers14:42
ahtmly2kdude i'm just trying to find sum answers... chill14:42
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, what am i supposed to look for?14:42
whileimhereThanks jrib it looks like that is what I am after.14:42
ahtmly2kthey are ubuntu packages14:42
ahtmly2kat least the openarena is14:42
Odd-rationaleapophis: i'm sure it will make a lot of people happy... can't wait to try the new gnome.... :D14:42
jim_pPirate_Hunter: lspci | grep VGA14:42
whileimherenew GNOME?14:43
ahtmly2kcuz its successfully installed14:43
ahtmly2kbut no icons14:43
jribahtmly2k: file a bug against openarena then.  I don't see america's army in the repository14:43
jim_pPirate_Hunter: i must go in ~15 minutes ok?14:43
Odd-rationalewhileimhere: yeah, gnome 2.24.0 planned for intrepid...14:43
nostosorry unop i had to afk thanks for directing me to the area to change auto login14:43
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsysems Cyberblade/i1 (rev 5d)14:43
nostowhat i was referring to with synaptic is every time i even double click it it prompts for a pw14:44
whileimhereOdd-rationale: I see. What improvements are we talking about?14:44
nostoi wonder if this will be affected by the change ?14:44
maniheer wat are /scripts/casper14:44
Odd-rationalewhileimhere: http://library.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/2.24/14:44
jim_pPirate_Hunter: wow thats old! like when i first started with pcs14:44
ahtmly2ki got no prob running americas army... cuz i can still find its executable... but icant find openarena's14:44
Odd-rationalewhileimhere: although, you can ingore the section about empathy.... as the ubuntu team decided to stick with pidgin still...14:45
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, yah i know that is why im doing bare install14:45
jim_pPirate_Hunter: but it has its driver >> xserver-xorg-video-trident - X.Org X server -- Trident display driver14:45
jribahtmly2k: dpkg -L openarena | grep bin     But you should be filing bugs so that menu items get created in the future14:45
apophisOdd-rationale, whats bad about pidgin?14:45
whileimhereI see. I guess there isnt much for the basic end user to get excited over though14:45
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, how do i activate its drivers?14:45
jim_pPirate_Hunter: can you use "trident" in xorg.conf?14:45
Odd-rationaleapophis: nothing...14:45
jim_pcan i post a link to a site here pls?14:46
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, huh? how do i make xorg use the trident drivers?14:46
Pirate_Hunterjim_p, instead of vesa14:46
jim_pPirate_Hunter: let me pm you my corg.conf link14:46
williami cant get my graphics card working14:46
williamany one know why?14:46
williamnvidia geforce 950014:47
ahtmly2ki'm gonna try reinstalling it from the synaptics14:48
jribahtmly2k: did you do what I said?14:48
ahtmly2kits just that because the file's too big and i'd hate to wait again14:48
=== lolmac is now known as asdxz
jribahtmly2k: what file is too big?14:49
SlimeyPeteanyone else having trouble with FF wince the latest updates? I seem to be unable to use multiple tabs (I can open a new tab but it won't do anything - can't load any pages in anything except the first tab)14:49
nostois 50hz the fastest refresh rate ubuntu can put out?14:49
atlefnosto: no14:50
nostoits the highest its giving me as an option14:50
nostowhere should i start to get that corrected?14:50
jribahtmly2k: I just installed openarena and I have an "openarena" menu item in Games14:50
dothow do I extract .BIN files?14:50
jribdot: why?  What is it a .bin of?14:50
atlefnosto: what card and what screen?14:50
dotI got a game like that and I don't know how to get it to a .exe file14:50
nostoLG 19in LCD14:51
dotjrib: rollercoaster tycoon 2.bin14:51
unopdot, you probably just have to run the .bin file14:51
dotand I need it to .exe14:51
nosto8800GT (nvidia)14:51
dotunop: how?14:51
unopdot, .exe files are only for windows.14:51
koala_mandot: try sudo mount -o loop lul.bin somedir14:51
unopdot,  try double clicking the .bin file14:51
unopdot, or  at a command line.  chmod +x file.bin; ./file.bin14:51
beast_dot : type ./filename14:51
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy14:52
dotI cannot execute binary files14:52
dotbut I got it also as a ISO file14:53
dothow do I use it14:53
nostoatlef: i am using an 8800GTS video card and an LG19" monitor (don't know the model)14:53
jribahtmly2k: why do you ask questions if you ignore advice?14:53
=== PPPP is now known as MangoMonkey
atlefnosto: you should get atleast 60hz14:54
beast_dot : mount -o loop disk1.iso /mnt/disk14:54
nostoyea its only showing 50 in my option14:54
nostoatleft: i did use the restricted driver method as opposed to going to the nvidia site and using that driver - would that be the better method?14:55
nostoatlef - can you walk me through the method i mentioned above?14:58
nostoor anyone for that matter? I am attempting to remove the restricted driver for nvidia and i want to download and install the driver directly from nvidia's site14:59
ganeshif i install a packeg or game from binary and if i want to uninstall how do i remove it completely?14:59
atlefnosto: you could try envy-ng in the system tools menu14:59
nostoatlef: i dont see that - maybe i dont have it installed?15:00
jribganesh: completely dependent on the game binary15:00
atlefnosto: then try to install it through synaptic15:00
atlefnosto: it will get the latest driver15:01
nostowhich package?15:02
atlefnosto: yes15:02
TuTUXGanyone uses nvclock to overclock nv card?15:02
atlefit will tell you to get some dependencies15:02
nostoand the exact menu path is what atlef?  i'm not seeing anything after i install15:03
_Jack_Sparrow_Hello! I'm trying to get my TV out working with my nVidia card (nvidia drivers here). But in nvidia-settings only "X Screen 0" shows up. What is the problem here??15:03
atlefnosto: then alt-f2 and gksu envyng, i think15:03
nostoheh nothing happens15:04
LinuxGhostatlef: i had internet connection failure. why did u advised me to put 6 instead of 0 at line 14 here:http://paste.ubuntu.com/51241/  ???15:05
sinanis there a way to  know how much data was transfered over the network since startup?15:05
legend2440nosto: if envyng is installed check for launcher in Applications>System Tools15:05
=== DeMoNiiiiiaK is now known as Lui`
nostoyea i dont have a "system tools" menu in applications15:06
atlefnosto: try logging out and in again15:06
legend2440nosto: right click  Applications choose edit menus and enable it15:06
janerikHelp needed. I've messed around with mad wifi pach. And now my wireless is not working anymore. Help reinstall it. please help15:07
atlefLinuxGhost: because you wanted to boot the 2.6.22-14 kernel15:07
nostohah every time i click the box to enable it it unpopulates15:08
LinuxGhostatlef: i want kernel 2.6.22-14 generic. How did u locate that number? i want to learn too.15:09
francescoHello, guys. I have a problem here. I can't open .rar files. What could the problem with?15:09
jrib!rar > francesco15:09
ubottufrancesco, please see my private message15:09
=== francesco is now known as Guest27603
legend2440nosto: if you hightlight System Tools is Envy in there?15:09
manishroyhi everybody15:10
nostohere it goes! thank you legend2440 and atlef!15:10
atlefLinuxGhost: oh, well number one is actually 0, so if you count your kernels in the lis of them, you will see that it is # 6 that is the one you wanted15:10
nostoi'm sure i'll run into something soon15:10
atlefnosto: well, there are always someone here15:11
nostohehe atlef i already ran into something15:11
nostotelling me the following packages cannot be installed15:11
gsdHeya, does anyone know if there is a text editor you can use over SSH? What I want to do is work through a GUI editor on my laptop with the files from my server  .. sure  screen+vim is nice but wondeirng if there was an editor that supported that.15:11
nostodo i need to not use the restricted driver?15:12
atlefnosto: is this envyng?15:12
nostoyes envyng when i'm in it and say install the nvidida driver15:12
atlefnosto: try uninstalling it15:12
nosto*nvidia - it says that it cannot be installed15:12
TerabyteHi, I'm trying to play a dvd on VLC and it won't play, I can see a disk with "Room With A View" on it, but double clicking it opens the contents of the disc and doesn't play the movie15:12
nostohow do i uninstall just the nvidia restricted driver?15:13
gsdTerabyte: try just opening up vlc going to File -> Open Disk -> and select DVD with menus or whatever and just hitting "Ok"15:13
atlefnosto: do it in envy15:13
manishroywen i tried to install xchat using sudo command on other system it said the package is not available...what my be the problem..??15:13
SlimeyPeteTerabyte: you have to tell it to open a disc rather than a file15:13
Terabytegsd, that fails too.15:13
LinuxGhostatlef: ok, now i do understand. After putting 6 and save it i must restart riht now to take effect?15:13
atlefLinuxGhost: yes15:14
manishroyany body help me...15:14
LinuxGhostatlef: but this change wount affect something in my system?15:14
Terabytewhen i click ok, it goes back to the  main vlc window, with no video area, and doesn't play anything.15:14
Terabyteit plays other dvd's fine, just not this one15:14
atlefLinuxGhost: well, if that is the kernel you need to have your system up and running perfectly, then no15:15
chr1s3one2manishroy: how did you try to install? sudo apt-get install xchat?15:15
dr3mro_please help i cant recieve files via bluetooth hardy heron help!!!!!15:15
jribGuest27603: did you read the information ubottu gave you?15:16
gsdTerabyte: hmm odd, you can try doing "vlc dvd://" in a terminal and see what error it gives you15:16
LinuxGhostatlef: ok, is really that wich boot normally without hanging. Anytime i need to change the favorite kernel i can change, is not that?15:16
Guest27603jrib: Yes. I've installed unrar-free. Now, what I have to do to open the .rar files?15:16
jribGuest27603: no, install unrar, not unrar-free15:16
manishroyya that was the command..15:16
tyberion1is there any way/tool whatever, to look if an application is minimized to tray, and if it is, bring it up?15:17
manishroybut it gave a error15:17
Terabyteerror is "Encrypted DVD support unavailable."15:17
dr3mro_please help i cant recieve files via bluetooth hardy heron help!!!!!15:17
Terabytesorry that wasn't the error15:17
Terabyte"dvdread demuxer error: DVDRead cannot open source: /dev/hdc15:17
chr1s3one2manishroy: you are able to install other packages?15:17
Guest27603jrib: Then, do I open them with Archive Manager?15:17
Terabyte"main input error: no suitable access module for `dvd://'"15:17
atlefLinuxGhost: you just change it in the menu.lst. as long as you remember 0 is nr. 115:17
jribGuest27603: yeah, just double click on them or right click -> extract here15:17
LinuxGhostatlef: i was worried because that kernel isnot root but generic thinking that some function could not be acessed.15:18
Guest27603jrib: Why not unrar-free?15:18
hsarkarhow to configure modem in ubuntu?15:18
jribGuest27603: because it doesn't support the latest rar format so is pretty useless15:18
jrib!dialup > hsarkar15:18
ubottuhsarkar, please see my private message15:18
gsdTerabyte: do you have libdvdcss installed?15:18
Guest27603Thank you!15:18
Terabytehow can i check?15:18
atlefLinuxGhost: root has nothing to do with what kernel you boot15:19
Terabyteor assuming I don't, how can I install it15:19
Terabyteoh wait, popped it in the other drive i get something else....15:19
gsdTerabyte: I think its included in the ubuntu-restricted-extras package, you can either sudo apt-get install ubunut-restricted-extras in a terminal or use the synaptics package manager15:19
janerikcan someone help me reinstall my wificard please15:19
Terabyte"Unable to find map file '/home/fina/.dvdnav/Room With A View.map'"15:19
nostook so i ran into an issue - now when i'm restartig on my pc it is giving me a black screen after telling me it is running in low graphics mode15:20
nostoboot in recover mode? cause i can't get in aslef15:20
uraniumtout à ait!!15:20
LinuxGhostatlef: ok. im praying after restart ubuntu boots normally because i have had that BUG wich hangs boot process when on AC Cord Power15:20
jrib!fr | uranium15:20
ubottuuranium: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr15:20
atlefLinuxGhost: ill cross my fingers as well15:21
LinuxGhostatlef: thanks. AMEN15:21
vamsican someone please help me with floppy disk drive on ubuntu?15:22
shyam_kanyone tried having autorun scripts working in cds?(i want some html file to load,as i insert the cd)15:22
nostoatlef i appear to have screwed myself rofl15:22
vamsii am unable to mount it15:22
LinuxGhostShutting Ubuntu Down.......15:22
atlefnosto: sorry15:22
dfgasomg, encoding to dvd format take quite a while15:22
nostoso i can't log in now because of graphics issues and i went into recovery mode and did a root shell so15:22
Pirate_Huntercan someone help me with xorg on an old toshiba satellite with trident card15:22
shyam_ki tried creating an iso with script named autorun in it and placing it on the root of cd and also in AutoRun directory.. neither thing worked..15:22
voxdr3mro_: sudo apt-get install gnome-vfs-obexftp15:22
nostowhen i try to run envyng it can't fetch from any of the places to get the driver and thus it is unable to be installed15:22
mEck0hi! is there a way to install deb-packages via the shell by telling the system to automatically fix/install dependencies?15:23
atlefnosto: and hardware drivers?15:23
eightyeightmEck0: apt-get or aptitude15:23
nostoi'm sorry atlef I dont understand what you mean?15:23
LjL!apt > mEck0    (mEck0, see the private message from Ubotu)15:23
ubottumEck0, please see my private message15:23
eightyeightmEck0: oh, you mean after you've downloaded it? that takes two steps15:23
dr3mro_vox, i did but no value :(15:23
voxdr3mro_: how do you mean no value?15:24
eightyeightmEck0: first, dpkg -i, then apt-get install -f15:24
mEck0eightyeight: ok, that way I know, but I was thinking of via the: sudo dpkg command15:24
dr3mro_vox, did not help15:24
Pirate_Hunterjust did a minimum install on a toshiba satellite but once i try to startx the xcreen goes black and nothing gets shown, even ctrl+delete+backspace dons't work. Can someone help me with this problem?15:24
nostois there a way to terminal line get the nvidia package?15:24
atlefnosto: can you not log in?15:24
shadowmanceris Weird_scientist still here?15:24
nostoi can't i get a black screen15:24
voxdr3mro_: did you run Bluetooth File Sharing?15:24
eightyeightmEck0: see my last message15:24
nostoafter it says its running in low graphics mode15:24
mEck0ubottu: ok15:24
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)15:24
fslhow do i mount an usb drive? digital cam15:24
dr3mro_vox i can send files but i cant recieve15:24
danbh_intrepidPirate_Hunter: why a minimal install?  do you want a regular install?15:24
mEck0eightyeight: aha, okay, will check the manpage for what the -f argument is. thx guys!15:25
eightyeightmEck0: --fix15:25
voxdr3mro_: click on Applications -> Accessories -> Bluetooth File Sharing15:25
nostoit appears my lan card is not activated in this root shell - how do i enable my ethernet ?15:25
chittoorSO when is Ibex releasing ?15:25
Pirate_Hunterdanbh_intrepid, cant run regular install it is a toshiba sattelite but would appreciate if you could help me find the problem15:25
dr3mro_vox wait plz15:25
amigamiais seveas still involved iwth ubuntu?15:25
chipbuddywhat open source version control options do i have? basically an open source version of perforce15:25
eightyeightmEck0: it'll fix broken packages, which include dependency issues15:25
Seveasamigamia, hi sambagirl :)15:25
atlefnosto: try to boot in recovery mode and say yes to configure x when you get the question15:25
amigamiawow seveas long time.15:26
dr3mro_vox ok there icon on my notficaton area15:26
Pirate_Hunterplease someone expert with xorg, help me in support channel15:26
amigamiai remember you and bob15:26
mEck0eightyeight: because I first though that I must check the name of each "brockes" dependencies and sudo apt-get install on them. and though that it might be a better way. and now I get it :)15:26
Seveasamigamia, life's been keeping me busy15:26
voxdr3mro_: now try sending files from your fone15:26
jribchipbuddy: bzr, git, darcs, mercurial, and svn come to mind15:26
dorganhello all15:26
dfgasis there a way to have recordmydesktop record to mpeg?15:26
dr3mro_vox plz wait15:26
LinuxGhostatlef: i cant modify /boot/grub/menu.lst . Doing chmod g+w /boot/grub/menu.lst will be able???15:26
amigamiaquick question is there anyway i can use the hoardy live cd to do a hdd install? i dont have the install disks with me just the live cd15:26
janerikcan someone help with my wifi. It's gone worked yesterday. Please!!15:26
atlefLinuxGhost: are you logged in?15:26
dorganquick question with mp4 videos I am able to hear them but not see them what do i have to install to be able to see the video15:26
Seveasamigamia, hoary or hardy?15:26
LinuxGhostatlef: im here right15:27
chipbuddyjrib thanks15:27
dr3mro_vox same issue :(15:27
amigamiahoary i had them sent to me in the mail a bunch of them.15:27
amigamialet me reboot15:27
dr3mro_can send but not recive:(15:27
LinuxGhostiatlef: i couldnt modify it15:27
nostook i asked it to try and fix x server atlef- now i'm back at the main screen15:27
nostoresume normal boot?15:27
Pirate_Hunteris there another OS similar to xubuntu but lower in spec and without all the extra package i could try out, this is for a toshiba satellite, 10GB hd, 128 or less ram, trident card15:27
gonzzorIs there any package in Ubuntu that I can use to cross compile c files for the arm platform?15:27
atlefLinuxGhost: then alt-f2 gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:27
voxdr3mro_: what happened when you tried to send15:27
Seveasamigamia, with ancient hoary cd's that's not possible. As of dapper that was implemented. Hoary shouldn't be used anymore :)15:27
curtisin firefox i can not close or minimize the windows can anyone help?15:27
amigamiaahh it offers load installer components from cd isnt that it seveas?15:28
popeydfgas: no but xvidcap can15:28
atlefnosto: did it log in with the right resolution?15:28
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: you could install fluxbox. that's pretty lightweight15:28
Seveasamigamia, no. Please throw that ancient stuff out and download a hoary cd :)15:28
amigamiai know seveas i downloaded server and have a vmware appliance for my macbook but i dont have any blank cds15:28
dr3mro_i get a message from phone "sending fail"15:28
Seveashardy cd I mean..15:28
LinuxGhostatlef: alt-f2 ??? where? at terminal?15:28
nostoyea its in now - and now envy is working15:28
Seveasamigamia, usb stick?15:28
_Jack_Sparrow_Hello! I'm trying to get my TV out working with my nVidia card (nvidia drivers here). But in nvidia-settings only "X Screen 0" shows up. Does anyone knows what is the problem here?15:28
nostoatlef - you da man!15:28
dr3mro_nokia 6600 and nokia n 7015:28
dorganso what do i install to be able to watch mp4 files?15:28
atlefLinuxGhost: press alt+f215:28
dr3mro_both same issue15:28
amigamiai forgot about that15:29
kebomixi need help in my problem , i want to increase my fan speed ,it is too low , im going to turn back to windows cuz of that , my kaptop shutdown always because of high heat !15:29
atlefand write the command there15:29
geek_Pirate_Hunter: start with a cli install and just install what you need15:29
amigamiai dunno if this hp will boot from a usb let me see15:29
atlefLinuxGhost: and write the command there15:29
eightyeightkebomix: sounds like a hardware issue rather than a software one15:29
nostorestarting now atlef lets see what happens :-D15:29
eightyeightkebomix: but, you could disable cpu frequency scaling15:29
chittoorxorg is irritating me... No matter what I do every time I reboot it takes a weird resolution ... have to xrandr after that to set to correct resolution15:30
kebomixeightyeight: no , it was working good on windows15:30
curtisdorgan, what do you need?15:30
LinuxGhostatlef: alt15:30
kebomixeightyeight: its speed became low when i turned to ubuntu15:30
atlefLinuxGhost: ?15:30
chittoorIs there a sure shot way to ask xorg to just shut up and take the resolution that I want ?15:30
strangei keep getting the error with apt-get: E: the package envy needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it.15:30
strangewith whatever i try to install15:30
atlefLinuxGhost: the alt key15:30
eightyeightkebomix: i had the exact same issue several years ago. come to find out, i had a hardware failure at the same time i switched distros15:30
kebomixeightyeight: is there is any solution to that ?!15:30
eightyeightkebomix: installing windows also verified it15:30
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, geek_,: yah done that already X wont work unless you care to help me find out the problem15:31
jribstrange: did you ever pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list after running 'sudo apt-get update' like I asked?15:31
LinuxGhostatlef: sorry, i was pressing ctrl instead of alt;-)15:31
atlefLinuxGhost: ok15:31
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: X won't work on fluxbox, or any gui install?15:31
janerikDoes no one know how to get the old driwer to work with my wifi. Get it back together as it was?15:31
nostoatlef but we're back to square one i can't change the refresh rate15:32
atlefLinuxGhost: then gksu gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst15:32
geek_Pirate_Hunter: hmm fraid not at the moment15:32
atlefnosto: yes, but then you need to move on, ask again as that worked for me15:32
frederick85I tried removing nvidia-glx-new just lazily following some howto to fix resolution but can't be bothered and am just using the default drivers now, but My apt process is buggered and I can't install things correctly keep getting a message that it's trying to remove the nvidia-glx-new thing still so how can I stop it trying to do this?15:32
Jaffarkelshaci have a few partitions that show up in computer in gnome, is it possible to stop a particular one from showing up15:32
dr3mro_vox any suggestions?15:33
eightyeightfrederick85: sudo apt-get install -f15:33
strangejrib: http://pastebin.com/m239e832c15:33
fslHow do I use an USB mouse? I plug it in and nothing happens15:33
Jimm-ahh so xrandr replaced MergedFB, no wonder s-video wasn't working no matter what I tried15:33
Nostahlhi all im having trouble building this module http://madwifi.org/ticket/1192 i15:33
Nostahlits failing the make with 2 errors15:33
nostoSo ask again - is that what you're saying?15:33
Nostahlcan anyone help walk me through figuring what the errors are15:33
jribstrange: how did you install envy?  You have 2 options: 1) you can install it again the same way you did the first time and then remove it as it's dangerous or 2) I can give you a command to force dpkg to remove it but it may leave some files around15:34
legend2440nosto: in terminal type   sudo displayconfig-gtk   do you get options for refresh?15:34
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, X wont show anything i have icewm and nada just black screen which i cnat make sense of15:34
strangejrib: option b, because i installed iwth apt-get :)15:34
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1215:34
nostoyes legend - i only get 50hz15:35
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: sudo displayconfig-gtk15:35
jribstrange: but envy isn't in the repositories, how did you install it with apt-get?15:35
LinuxGhostatlef: yes, it accepted:-D15:35
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: should walk you through selecting the right driver (maybe try vesa) and other diskplay option stuff15:35
LinuxGhostatlef: yes, it accepted:-D15:35
Pirate_Huntereightyeight: i cant run X so i cant use gui15:35
strangejrib: honestly i dont remember i tried EVERYTHING getting my ati to work15:35
dorganso how do i play an mp4 file in ubuntu??15:35
dorganright now I am just getting sound15:35
atlefLinuxGhost: so you are on the right track?15:35
frederick85eightyeight: yeah I tried that flag but dpkg returns an error code, what next?15:35
jribstrange: dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq packagename15:35
eightyeightfrederick85: what's the error?15:36
kebomixeightyeight: plz help me the fan was working good on windows ! it is software issue15:36
LinuxGhostatlef: now i will restart ubuntu to test new kernel15:36
eightyeightfrederick85: did you run with sudo?15:36
atlefLinuxGhost: x my fingers15:36
legend2440nosto: open System>administration>Hardware Drivers   is nvidia enabled?15:36
strangejrib: ok its doing something with ALOT of warnings :)15:36
frederick85eightyeight: yeah sure did it with sudo15:36
frederick85eightyeight: I can do a pastebin for you if you want15:37
chaqu1how do i use wine to install spore?15:37
eightyeightkebomix: i told you what to try. disable cpu frequency scaling.15:37
atlefchaqu1: i think you need cedega15:37
amigamiadoesnt support usb booting on this hold hp i was using seveas just checked bios grrr.15:37
kebomixeightyeight: sry how to do that , im beginner15:37
eightyeightkebomix: that'll make your cpu run 100% all the time, which should kick in the fan. other than that, i'm not optimistic about your hardware15:37
Bajoraptoranyone know how to change the user of a folder from root to say "squid"15:38
strangejrib: i dont think its still doing anything, last it said was "dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package 'envy' missing, assuming package has no files currently installed."15:38
jrib!permissions > Bajoraptor15:38
ubottuBajoraptor, please see my private message15:38
eightyeightfrederick85: yeah. that would be great15:38
strangeand nothing after that15:38
chaqu1theres people talking about using wine, and it seems to work, will ive heard that cedega was used to port it over to MAC, willl that make everything work smother?15:38
strangenow it seems like my system is crashing ;x15:38
jribstrange: well what will happen is dpkg will forget about the package, but you'll have envy file lying around somewhere15:38
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: ahh. then edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf, and set the video card driver to 'vesa'. see if that helps15:39
frederick85eightyeight: http://rafb.net/p/BU1Mtk10.html15:39
atlefchaqu1: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=818515:39
atlefchaqu1: read there15:39
atlefchaqu1: it might help15:40
kebomixeightyeight: its speed 3117RPM15:40
chaqu1ive poked around in there, the problem is it isnt basic enough, ive neevr really touched wine before.15:40
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, that which youre suggesting i have already been through it15:40
Terabytehey sombody mentioned restricted drivers package some 'libxxx???' to help me play the dvd, what was it again?15:40
eightyeightfrederick85: dpkg-query -l libgl-115:41
janerikplease help me. need my wireless to come back as it was yesterday15:41
jrib!dvd | Terabyte15:41
ubottuTerabyte: For playing DVD, see http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/video.html - "libdvdcss2" can be found at !Medibuntu or (for Feisty and earlier) http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages - Try k9copy (available in !Universe) for backing up DVDs15:41
strangeguess i'll reinstall ubuntu15:41
jribstrange: why...15:41
strangeit crashes on the command you gave15:41
eightyeightkebomix: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-change-cpu-frequency-scaling-in-ubuntu.html15:41
jribstrange: why exactly do you mean by "crash"15:42
strangeand its very unstable anyways, installed it 2 days ago but messing with videocard screwed it all up15:42
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: what does 'X -probeonly' output?15:42
frederick85eightyeight: No packages found matching libgl-1.15:42
kebomixeightyeight: is that danger on my hardware ?15:42
padeei got a problem with an external sound card (m-audio delta1010). does anyone have any experience with that?15:42
strangecrash= picture hangs15:42
strangeno reaction on mouse movement etc15:42
eightyeightfrederick85: that's the package you're after. it's missing15:42
fslim having problems with my usb-mouse. first of all it doesnt detect it before i reboot, and it is slow and "jumps" around the screen. any solutions? ubuntu wont detect my usb camera either15:42
eightyeightfrederick85: install that (it's a virtual package), then try again15:42
eightyeightkebomix: no15:42
strangei really jsut need to find a good guide to install ati 9200 pro on ubuntu desktop edition15:43
jribstrange: so you are on a different computer?15:43
jrib!who | strange15:43
ubottustrange: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:43
chaqu1where do i get cedega15:43
chaqu1or look into cedega?15:43
jribchaqu1: transgaming.com15:43
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, that just started X and now black screen again :/ have to pull the plug now15:43
strangejrib: yes im on my laptop15:43
jrib!ati > strange15:43
ubottustrange, please see my private message15:43
jribstrange: that's usually the best place to look15:43
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: it should give you a log showing what it would do to start X, and where it's failing15:43
strangejrib: been there its 9500 and up15:44
tyberion1well, hmm Im having a bit of trouble, is there any specific command to let gedit open in a NEW window, and to open in an existing window?15:44
Nostahlhey guys i took out the restricted drivers for atheros and restarted nad it still says they are in use??15:44
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:44
Nostahlthe checkboxes are unchecked as well15:44
jribstrange: it says "If you are using an ATI Radeon card that is older than above, you need the open source drivers: RadeonDriver"15:45
danbh_intrepidtyberion1: try gedit --help15:45
strangejrib: ah thank you! i will check it out after install15:45
bryan_!epson printers15:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epson printers15:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about epson15:45
tyberion1danbh_intrepid: tried:/well if its minimized it never opens in the open application15:45
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows15:45
roukountyberion1: gedit --new-window filename15:45
Jimm-strange, what chipset is that card? I'm running an RS300 fine15:46
frederick85eightyeight: libgl1-mesa-dri is the package?15:46
Pirate_Huntereightyeight,  yah it says fatal server error: could not lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock15:46
bryan_anyone know about configuring a printer/copier/scanner?15:46
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: is /tmp full?15:46
eightyeightfrederick85: yeah. sounds right15:46
frederick85eightyeight: I can't install it because of the initial problem15:47
frederick85eightyeight: do I have to do it manually15:47
eightyeightfrederick85: i guess you could try that15:47
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, dont know im in cli but just tried ls /tmp/ but it seems not to find it15:47
tyberion1roukoun: what if the file is already beeing opened there?15:48
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: /tmp doesn't even exist? well, there's your problem15:48
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: when X starts, it creates temp files in /tmp. if the permissions are wrong, it's full, or doesn't exist, then X won't start15:48
NicEXEhow can i found out my default runlevel? (I am on Ubuntu)15:48
eightyeightNicEXE: who -r15:48
eightyeightNicEXE: or 'runlevel'15:48
bryan_need help with an Epson Stylus DX 7450, please.  installed latest deb pkg but still doesnt come up as an option when selecting printer drivers :(15:48
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, had to manually go into tmp for some strange reason tab doesnt identify folder tmp :/15:49
micr0c0smanyone using virtualbox on a 64 bit machine?15:49
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: is /tmp a separate partition?15:49
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, im inside tmp what am i looking for?15:49
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: i thought you said /tmp doesn't exist. does it, or doesn't it?15:49
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, it has 10GB hd i wouldnt partition that15:49
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, it does exist but wasnt being identified through auto tab15:50
roukountyberion1: you start a new file with the command 'gedit filename1'... if you want to start a new one in new window give the command 'gedit --new-window filename2'... i didnt really understand what you mean15:50
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: df -h and df -i. make sure there are no 100% in the 'Use%' column15:50
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, no not even close to 100%15:51
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, any ideas on how to get x working?15:51
eightyeightsase: is there some logic to your chat?15:51
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: 'ls -ld /tmp'15:52
chaqu1i can't access cedega's website15:52
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: should be 'drwxrwxrwt root root'15:52
tyberion1roukoun: well my problem is, im running hotkeys to do so.. and Im trying to find a way, IF there is an gedit session already, open it up there (not starting new gedit) AND if the file is already open, just switch to this file ...15:52
tyberion1but it tends to open new gedit sessions <_>15:52
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Pirate_Huntereightyeight, yah it is15:53
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Nostahlhey all i disabled restricted drivers and restarted. it just comes right back up enabled   when i restart   any ideas?15:53
Nostahli need to get a madwifi module up and running15:53
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: last one i can think of 'lsattr /tmp' should be straight dashes15:53
padeedoes anyone have experience with external soundcards (m-audio delta 1010)?15:54
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, one sec15:54
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: er, lsattr -d /tmp15:54
maniheerdoesn't anyone know wat /scripts/casper is?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!15:54
eightyeightmaniheer: no15:54
eightyeightmaniheer: /scripts is not from a default install of ubuntu15:54
LjLeightyeight: it is there in the live CD most likely15:54
maniheerits wat it says when i'm booting15:54
maniheerkernel panic15:55
eightyeightLjL: ahh. fair enough15:55
maniheeris it?15:55
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, yah it is all correct but xorg wont work15:55
Ashfire908maniheer, casper is the thing the live cd uses for the filesystem.15:55
frederick85eightyeight: that can't be the package I'm not sure how to find the package for this libgl-1 libgl1-mesa-dri is already installed15:55
eightyeightPirate_Hunter: dunno then. seems to be a permissions issue with /tmp, but hell if i know. sorry duder15:55
Ashfire908maniheer, I think.15:56
strangejrib: rv280 chipset15:56
Pirate_Huntereightyeight, ok15:56
LjL!info casper | maniheer15:56
ubottumaniheer: casper (source: casper): Run a "live" preinstalled system from read-only media. In component main, is extra. Version 1.132ubuntu0.2 (hardy), package size 58 kB, installed size 344 kB15:56
maniheerAshfire908, i know, i'm making my own livecd, but it says it can't open /script/casper15:56
jribstrange: someone else asked you about that15:56
roukounjah: actually the available arguments for gedit are: '--new-window' which creates a new toplevel window in an existing instance of gedit....and  '--new-document' which creates a new document in an existing instance of gedit.15:57
Ashfire908maniheer, I would assume it either doesn't exist or it's corrupted.15:57
LjLmaniheer: what does the kernel panic or other errors say *exactly*?15:57
zllanghello every one15:58
LjLmaniheer: and what guide are you following to make your own CD?15:58
matreya6I'm trying to get midi to work on my VIA8233 Northbridge. /dev/sndstat says Synth devices: NOT ENABLED IN CONFIG . I'd like to know how to config the so it does work (ALSA 1.0.16@ubuntu 8.04 (hardy))15:58
LjLmatreya6: i have no idea. however, i'd like to point out that there are a couple of software synths available in Ubuntu (they take up CPU time, but they can have better quality than the soundcard's synth) - they might be another option. two are "timidity" and "fluidsynth".15:59
LjL!midi > matreya6    (matreya6, see the private message from Ubotu)15:59
ubottumatreya6, please see my private message15:59
eightyeightfrederick85: dunno then. seems your missing the library that dpkg is looking for, and libgl1 provides it16:00
strangejrib: my bad16:00
matreya6LjL, thanks for the helpful suggestion, but I need harfdware Midi, not Timidity that suck up all my CPU time16:00
strangeJimm-: rv280 chipset16:00
nks_Hello all ! I'm new to ubuntu - I would like to know if anyone would happen to know of a good ipod player that also includes video playback ?16:00
maniheerit says /init: .: 159: Can't open /scripts/casper16:01
LjLmatreya6: well, perhaps you might find some hints here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Midi/HardwareSynthesisSetup -- also, you might try asking in #ubuntustudio , where they're possibly familiar with MIDI16:01
maniheer[      34.851480] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!16:01
matreya6LjL, ubottu: Thank you for the private message, but it all points to software synth and I don't want that. Everything plays fine *through hardware* on WinXP, but I'd rather use Ubuntu16:02
LjLmatreya6: also, type this in google: midi "not enabled in config" site:ubuntu.com -- there are a few sites that show up and look related16:02
Ashfire908matreya6, ubottu is a bot.16:02
LjLmatreya6: i know, i've sent that private message before you said you didn't want software synth. but look at the address i gave you *now*, that's about hardware synth16:03
matreya6Ashfire908, I know, it was just a message to LjL16:03
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maniheerwhom should I ask for answers?16:03
LjLmatreya6: and if you do find how how to get hardware MIDI to work, it would be helpful, if you have the time, to add the information to that page.16:04
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.16:04
matreya6LjL: If I get it to work, I will surely add it to this page.16:04
LjLmaniheer: well, is the file /scripts/casper there or not?16:05
HollywoodJumperdoes any one know a good way to install vista to my pc on a separate partition if all i have right now is ubuntu on my pc16:05
matreya6matreya6, I guess I have to buy a PCI sound card which is supported by ALSA, but it still bugs me because it will cost the environment through higer power intake.16:06
kkk-manjoin irc esylum.net #bishes-chat type !kkk for access to our Whites only Pre-Channel - Movies - Pr0n - White Power Music16:06
kkk-manjoin irc esylum.net #bishes-chat type !kkk for access to our Whites only Pre-Channel - Movies - Pr0n - White Power Music16:06
kkk-manjoin irc esylum.net #bishes-chat type !kkk for access to our Whites only Pre-Channel - Movies - Pr0n - White Power Music16:06
FloodBot3kkk-man: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:06
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal16:07
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed in 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash16:07
xianhi, xfontsel doesn't list terminus for me although xlsfonts clearly shows that i have it installed.16:07
LjLmatreya6: well, the fact that i don't know how it's done doesn't mean it can't be done, though - to say it plainly, hardware midi on linux is generally a nuisance.16:08
SpragieLjL: are they looking for people to hack ?16:08
xiani set my font path accordingly.16:08
Tromboneit was the official ubuntu channel...16:08
Trombonei suppose16:08
LjLSpragie: i haven't a clue, i know they're spamming this channel at the very least16:08
Tromboneand don't ubuntu-fr16:08
speeneris it possible to move firefox toolbars to the bottom ?16:08
Moderndayzerohey im trying to get my flash player to work on 8.04 anyone have some advice?16:09
Moderndayzeroi cant watch pirillo revved youtube etc16:09
matreya6LjL: Thanks for all the hints, but it becomes more and more clear to me that linux is not yet ready for full desktop usage (which will include hardware midi by my standards)16:09
speenerModerndayzero: try deleting the cache16:09
Moderndayzerono it just wont play them16:09
xadzaxwhat version mozilla do you have modernday16:10
Moderndayzeroall i get is a black or white screen where the vid should be16:10
speenerModerndayzero: try deleting the cache16:10
Moderndayzero1 sec16:10
speenerworked for me...16:10
LjLmatreya6, MIDI is a particularly weak point, i admit, but i think you shouldn't give up so fast. i've search for "midi not-enabled-in-config" on launchpad, and it shows up *very* many results, most of which aren't related to MIDI itself... that makes it a bit hard to find an actually relevant bug report, but chances are it's there16:10
roukoun!who | Moderndayzero16:10
ubottuModerndayzero: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:10
vikkui just loaded a cd into cdrom but iam not able to view its content16:12
vikkuany takers pls?16:12
HollywoodJumperif i were to install vista on part of my partition how much space should i allott16:12
vikkuneed to copy its content to harddisk16:12
geek_HollywoodJumper: more a question for ##windows16:12
Ashfire908HollywoodJumper, part of a partition?16:12
Moderndayzero<speener> ok i did that16:12
Nostahldoes ubuntu use /etc/rc.conf16:13
roukounvikku: go under /media and search for cdrom16:13
Ubuntoidhello anyone here familiar with installing vmware 6.05 on hardy heron?16:13
IntuitiveNippleHollywoodJumper: 20 - 30GB depending on how much software and data you'll install in it16:13
Moderndayzerostilll no vids16:13
Ashfire908Nostahl, I do not think so.16:13
speenerModerndayzero: try reloading the page16:13
Moderndayzeroi cleared cashe16:13
Nostahlhow do i set what modules i want to bootup with16:13
Ashfire908Nospiests, /etc/modules16:13
frederick85eightyeight: I found out libgl1-mesa-dri and libgl1-mesa-glx are conflicting packages could that be the problem considering both are installed16:14
thiebaudemoderndayzero:did you download flash?16:14
vikkuroukoun: i did that it shows o files thee16:14
ZirodayUbuntoid: ask in #vmware16:14
Ubuntoidthanks much16:14
vikkuroukoun: i did that it shows no files there16:14
vikkuroukoun: its a mp3 cd16:14
eightyeightfrederick85: yeah. could be16:15
frederick85eightyeight: which should I remove16:15
roukounvikku: look at your /etc/fstab ... i16:15
roukounvikku: look at your /etc/fstab...16:15
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eightyeightfrederick85: -dri16:17
eightyeightfrederick85: i mean, at this point, i think it's hit and miss16:17
HollywoodJumperIntuitiveNipple i want to continue using ubuntu cause its cool but am not sure how to proceed16:17
vikkuroukoun: i just loaded a cd into cdrom but iam not able to view its content16:17
vikkuroukoun: no no wait16:17
vikkuroukoun: /dev/hdb        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       016:17
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:18
roukounvikku: can you pastebin your fstab?16:18
vikkuroukoun: ok16:18
IntuitiveNippleHollywoodJumper: Sounds like you need to look at one of the dual-boot set-up guides16:18
newbiehey can i get some hElp ?16:19
newbiespot the obvious name16:19
HollywoodJumperIntuitiveNipple is that on the forum page somewhere?16:19
frederick85eightyeight: it's a new system I might just reinstall it all no data will be loss except for a saved password16:19
vikkuroukoun: http://pastebin.com/m25fd12c216:19
benjick!ask | newbie16:20
ubottunewbie: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)16:20
newbieubuntu on a dell inspiron 9300... wireless question16:20
HollywoodJumpernewbie just hang out in this channel lots of knowledge here lots of people will help you be patient16:20
newbiecool cheers matey16:20
jrib!wifi > newbie16:20
ubottunewbie, please see my private message16:20
jribnewbie: start there16:20
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:install windows then install ubuntu and set your partions, if you want to.16:20
legend2440Moderndayzero: in  firefox  address box  type  about:plugins  and see if  Shockwave Flash   is enabled. if not  in terminal   type  sudo apt-get-install flashplugin-nonfree16:21
vikkuroukoun: http://pastebin.com/m25fd12c216:21
newbiewhen i try to configure manually, you dont get the option of tkip in manual connection.16:21
HollywoodJumperthiebaude so i should wipe out ubuntu with vista and then reinstall ubuntu in a separate partition?16:21
newbiebut when you use roaming, you dont have the option of setting a static ip?16:21
roukounvikku: wait a minute to look at it16:21
silenihey guys i just installed ubutnu and something i install in the updates given by ubuntu makes my internet not work16:22
vikkuroukoun: just wanted mk sure you had seen it16:22
IntuitiveNippleHollywoodJumper: Google "ubuntu dual-boot tutorial"16:22
silenilike there is 132 mb update right after clean install and after i do i all i restart and my eth0 connection will not work16:22
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:you already have vista, i would then install ubuntu and dual boot if you want to for now.16:22
HollywoodJumperIntuitiveNipple ok16:22
silenihow would i go about diagnosing and solving this problem16:22
sileniive had to reinstall ubuntu 3 times due to this mistake :(16:23
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:its really easy16:23
HollywoodJumperthiebaude all i have is ubuntu right now but i have a good copy of vista and want to try dual boot16:23
BreetaiHi all, when I run a  vmware now, the down cursor key inserts stuff instead of moving the cursor down. Anyone else seen this. I am not even sure how to phrase a google search to look for this.16:23
newbiehes a bot.16:23
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:you dont have vista on your computer?16:23
roukounvikku: mount /dev/hdb16:23
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HollywoodJumperthie baude no i do not right now  all i am running is ubuntu16:24
vikkuroukoun: what should be the file system for this ?16:25
IntuitiveNippleHollywoodJumper: the first hit on the Google search "Illustrated Dual Boot Site" looks good16:25
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roukounvikku: i mean give the command 'mount /dev/hdb16:25
_fanghello, i just installed kubuntu 8.04.1 (kde3) in an old athlon xp here. my vt6105 via rhine nic is identified as 'non-vga unclassified device' by lspci. what the hell is that? Oo16:26
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RiyonukHow do I tell if the laptop I'm thinking of buying can run Compiz well? I like showing off :P16:26
vikkuroukoun: but thats not going to mount it that way , as u need to give mount point and -t option for specifying the file system type16:26
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:This is what i would do,i dont dual boot anymore,but here's what i did:I first install windows xp, and then i put the ubuntu cd in and booted from the cd and installed ubuntu, setting my partitions to about 50%,then i rebooted and grub gave me a choice of OS's to boot from.That's all it is16:26
roukounvikku: these options contained in the fstab16:27
fslHow do i set a resolution in X? Because at the loginscreen I have a way too high resolution. Its a 15.4" wide 1280x80016:28
newbieman no one talks16:28
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:i hope i was able to help you.16:28
newbiecan anyone help me16:28
vikkuroukoun: http://pastebin.com/m757d8d6016:29
newbieits a wifi question16:29
vikkuroukoun: i'll be back in some time16:29
newbiesofistio... hmmm :S16:29
roukounfsl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto16:29
newbieoh geeky ones.. please help me?16:29
thiebaudenewbie:i heard wifi is hit and miss16:29
HollywoodJumperso dual boot will run both op systems at same time16:29
_fangalso, lshw -C network tells me the nic is unclaimed16:29
FloodBot3dj-scott: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:30
newbieso is there a way u can use wpa(t-kip) with a static ip?16:30
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:not at the same time16:30
HollywoodJumperso dual boot gives you a choice at startup?16:31
chaqu1how do i update wine to the newest version?16:31
jrib!wine > chaqu116:31
ubottuchaqu1, please see my private message16:31
jribchaqu1: use the winehq.org repositories16:31
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:i use to dual boot, but i dont because i only have ubuntu on my computer16:31
HollywoodJumperok and if all i have is ubuntu right now and i try to install vista as well will it wipe out ubuntu?16:32
jrib!grub > HollywoodJumper16:32
ubottuHollywoodJumper, please see my private message16:32
jribHollywoodJumper: you'll need to reinstall grub16:32
thiebaudehollywoodjumpter:i understand that windows has to be installed first16:32
thiebaudethen ubuntu16:32
HollywoodJumperis private message on my forum account?16:32
jribHollywoodJumper: no, it's in your irc client16:33
HollywoodJumperthiebaude ok that makes sense16:33
AlinuxOSdoes external 120GB drive, support FAT32 filesystem ?16:33
Tjibbehow comes that my flash player has no sound when playing an mp3 in totem16:33
Anjo_da_FoliaPlease, someone can help me?16:34
mysteryHello everyone16:34
jribAnjo_da_Folia: best to just ask the channel your question16:34
geek_AlinuxOS: yes16:34
atlefAlinuxOS: yes16:34
thiebaudehollywoodjumer:if you only have ubuntu and want to install windows, in my opinion i dont think that would work16:34
* geek_ throws Anjo_da_Foliaa life verserver ;p16:34
=== emma_ is now known as emma
AlinuxOSI'm trying to format iPod Classic 120GB to FAT32.16:34
geek_a life preserver even16:34
Anjo_da_FoliaI need to configure my USB Webcam, how i do it??16:34
newbiesimple question. tkip and static ip. can it be done?16:34
jribTjibbe: you can install libflashsupport to make flash use pulseaudio, but it may make it crash sometimes16:34
mysteryDoes anyone know how to install software from a downloaded iso image file16:34
HollywoodJumperthiebaude even if i boot from cd16:34
geek_AlinuxOS: oh THAT you need to use itunes for16:34
AlinuxOSis ti possibile from Linux ?16:34
guysoft42hey all, does anyone here know how i can force my laptop's screen to 800x600? i am with an XO here..16:34
jrib!webcam > Anjo_da_Folia16:34
ubottuAnjo_da_Folia, please see my private message16:34
atlefAlinuxOS: gparted16:35
jribmystery: umm, what are you trying to install?16:35
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:you can try it and see if it works16:35
AlinuxOSgeek_, but I would like to use it only with amarok or bashee, because iTunes + Amarok isn't that good.16:35
AlinuxOSthey don't work together.16:35
geek_AlinuxOS: for formatting i mean.16:36
mysteryJrib: im tryin to install a software called "cbt nuggets A+ training"16:36
HollywoodJumperi have banshee and it will not detect my itouch16:36
AlinuxOSgeek_, as I have Mac, I need a windows machine you mine right ?16:36
jribmystery: you need to read their documentation then.  You might need to mount the iso, no idea16:36
AlinuxOSI should try a windows machine witch iTunes right ?16:36
jrib!iso > mystery16:36
ubottumystery, please see my private message16:36
vikkuroukoun: http://pastebin.com/m757d8d6016:37
philippe_Hi. Where is located the icons for software link (eg. firefox - thunderbird - xchat) in ubuntu? thank you16:37
legend2440guysoft42: open system>preferences>screen resolution   is 800x600 an option?16:37
jribphilippe_: They are usually in /usr/share/icons/, but why do you want to know this?16:37
philippe_jrib: to customize cairo-dock (mac os style) in gnome. He come with some custom icons16:38
LeefmcQuestion: Anyone know where the java-6-jdk installs to? I need to point Tomcat to it, but i have no idea where the damn thing installs to..16:38
jribphilippe_: I doubt you need to touch the files in /usr/share/icons/ directly for that16:39
jribLeefmc: dpkg -L PACKAGE16:39
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roukounvikku: try the command: 'mount /dev/hdb' as i told you before...16:39
philippe_jrib : it's because I want to get rid of the custom icons that come with cairo-dock. I want to put original one in the dock16:39
jribphilippe_: ah, I understand now16:39
geek_AlinuxOS: i suppose so. or a VM with USB passthrough16:40
Leefmcjrib: That lists 500 things, none of which are the straight jdk (that i see)16:40
newbieu geeks are useless16:40
AlinuxOSgeek_, VM ?16:40
geek_AlinuxOS:  virtual machine16:40
jribnewbie: do you have an actual qusetion?16:40
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Leefmcjrib: The problem is, jdk seems to install ontop of the jre, and i need to tell OpenLaszlo/Tomcat directly where to look for jdk16:40
AlinuxOSgeek_, or maybe a windows machine with iTunes ?16:41
guysoft42legend2440, i am on a striped version of ubuntu from the mini.iso . can you give me the name of the program?16:41
vikkuroukoun: still the same err16:41
jribLeefmc: I'm pretty sure there's a wiki page on tomcat, have you checked it out?16:41
guysoft42legend2440, i am also expeting the answer to be "no", because i dont see it in xrandr16:41
HollywoodJumperAlinuxOS what type of ipod do you have?16:41
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, latest 120GB Classic16:42
=== BlackZ is now known as BlackZ[away]
Leefmcjrib: Yea, i've been searching for hours and hours. Many sources seem to mention jdk installed under /var/jdk1.5 (or something to that effect), but the package does not install there.16:42
Leefmcjrib: Not to mention, tomcat by itself runs out of the box, no JAVA_HOME setting required.16:42
roukounvikku: 'sudo gedit /etc/fstab' and add the following line: '/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom auto ro,noauto,user,exec 0 0'.....16:42
Leefmcjrib: This is for a downloaded OpenLaszlo installation, not the default Tomcat package16:42
legend2440guysoft42: in terminal type   gksudo displayconfig-gtk       yes if not listed in xrandr its probably not an option16:42
jribLeefmc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheTomcat5 says /usr/lib/jvm/16:42
=== BlackZ[away] is now known as BlackZ
HollywoodJumperAlinuxOS and are you having trouble getting it to work with ubuntu?16:43
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, yes sir.16:43
Leefmcjrib: No go16:43
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guysoft42legend2440, give me a sec to apt-get it16:43
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, the ipods filesystem is HSF16:44
Siliciumhi there16:44
AlinuxOSso I think that's the main reason.16:44
Siliciumis there a bug on 8.04 with cpu freqscaling16:44
Leefmcjrib: I've tried dozens of locations from docs/forums/etc, nothing works so far with OpenLaszlo. Ugh.16:44
Siliciummy kernel is Linux Earth 2.6.24-16-generic #1 SMP Thu Apr 10 13:23:42 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux16:44
Siliciumuam use a AMD64 X216:44
roukounvikku: then 'mount /dev/cdrom'16:44
Leefmcjrib: Thats one thing i dont like about this debian install junk, the installs always put stuff outside of where many programs tend to look. Frustrating :o16:45
HollywoodJumperAlinuxOS what type of media player are you running on ubuntu?16:45
sacabonoswhich download manager is preferable to use under ubuntu for mass downloads jobs?16:45
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, rhytmbox, amarok, banshee16:45
s0u][ighthello where can i find the driver for my acer hotkeys?16:45
LjLsacabonos: if by "mass download" you mean mirroring websites... wget16:45
s0u][ighti have an acer aspire 592016:45
sacabonosLjL, no I mean batch downloading16:46
HollywoodJumperAlinuxOS does ubuntu recognize your ipod?16:46
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, yes.16:46
LjLsacabonos: well, it'll do batch downloads fine, too, although it doesn't have any fancy features such as multi-mirror downloads16:46
AlinuxOSand automount it.16:46
HollywoodJumperAlinuxOS and does banshee sync your ipod?16:46
Leefmcjrib: The installer gives an error aswell, on that path you gave me, about it needing the JDK, not the JRE.16:46
_LiNuX_hi..... i use Desklet.....can i use SideCandy PopMail  with yahoo or only with thunderbird ?16:47
AlinuxOSHollywoodJumper, no.16:47
sacabonosLjL, so which program does have the fancy features?16:47
LjLsacabonos: aria2 supports that, but it's still a CLI only program16:47
Leefmcjrib: I've gotten that error with most of the paths i've given.16:47
LjLsacabonos: i'm not sure about full-featured and *graphical* download managers16:47
jribLeefmc: you installed sun-java6-jdk right?16:47
Leefmcjrib: Yes16:47
Leefmcjre, jdk, etc.16:47
geek_AlinuxOS: better yet, least for that16:47
roukounvikku: ?16:47
sacabonosLjL, I am using aria2 now but I was wondering if its the common choice for ubuntu users16:48
jribLeefmc: and you tried using /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- ?16:48
Leefmcjrib: Yup16:48
LjLsacabonos: well... i'm on KDE, and i tend to be a CLI user, so i'm not sure what the common choice would be for a GNOME user16:48
sacabonosLjL, all other download managers sucked really bad16:48
jribLeefmc: I didn't even know openlaszlo existed until now, but how are you setting it?16:48
sacabonosLjL, GUI download managers I mean16:48
tinhhello everyone, I have add some local mirror of apt to the /etc/apt/sources.list, how can I choose my mirror as the default (or best server) to update software?16:49
Leefmcjrib: And /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-, /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- heh16:49
Leefmcjrib: Currently using export16:49
LjLsacabonos: what about d4x? probably not full-featured either though16:49
Leefmcjrib: But thats only for testing, when i find something that works, i was going to use /etc/environment16:49
Cletusc' e' un italiano in giro ?16:50
jrib!it | Cletus16:50
ubottuCletus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:50
sacabonosLjL, didn't work for me I tried to use it with Flashgot (firefox extension) but it didn't quite finish most of the downloads for some reason, thats why I turned to aria2c16:50
Cletusmi spieghi come faccio16:50
Leefmcjrib: The install directions mention /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.0, but ofcourse there is no /usr/java directory.16:51
Leefmcjrib: http://www.openlaszlo.org/lps4.1/docs/installation/install-instructions.html16:51
sacabonosI was wondering if there is a way to grab links from a web page and then save them to a text file (to make a download list)16:51
jribsacabonos: use wget16:51
LjLCletus: scrivi /join #ubuntu-it16:51
jribLeefmc: and when you echo $JAVA_HOME   it was set correctly?16:52
Leefmcjrib: Yup16:52
sacabonosjrib, is it going to grab the links from the web page? I don't think I saw that in the man page of wget!!16:52
Leefmcjrib: Well, it was set to what i set it heh.. which has yet to be "correct".16:52
WeeJayCan someone tell me if its possible to run an older kernel (ubuntu 8.04) on a newer release (alpha)?16:52
jribsacabonos: wget and grep16:52
case^where is the changelog for ibex?16:53
_LiNuX_hi..... i use Desklet.....can i use SideCandy PopMail  with yahoo or only with thunderbird ?16:53
sacabonosjrib, ya I tried that but didn't know how to use it exactly16:53
atlef!intrepid > WeeJay:16:53
WeeJayatlef: really!! that sucks.16:53
grimboyI don't suppose anyone can tell me how to make cmus play the whole queue rather than just play a single track everytime a press x? (I've read the man page which were the only docs I could find and I couldn't find a cmus channel.)16:53
roukounsacabonos: 'wget -c link'16:53
atlefWeeJay: what16:53
sacabonosjrib, I tried wget http://webpage | grep -o http://*16:54
WeeJayatlef: my Sprint card works nice on hardy, but not on intrepid16:54
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!16:54
jribsacabonos: wget -O - foo.com16:54
atlefWeeJay: well, the ubuntu+1 should be better for your question16:54
WeeJayatlef: thanks.16:54
LjLsacabonos: links that are internal to the website likely won't have the http:// prefix16:54
sacabonosjrib, I think I need to read a little of both grep and wget man pages then I'll come back16:54
LjLsacabonos: also, "http://*" is not the regex you're looking for - drop the *16:55
sacabonosLjL, thanks, need to read about regex also16:55
atlefWeeJay: i am not trying to be an a**hole, but that is the answer you will get16:55
LjLsacabonos: well, actually if you're using "-o", don't drop the *... but make it perhaps http://[^"']* instead16:55
jribLeefmc: how are you running the server after setting the variable?16:56
WeeJayatlef: oh dude I know your not..i didn't take it like that at all. I am already in ubuntu+1 :-)16:56
atlefWeeJay: ok, good16:56
LjL!info urlview | sacabonos, jrib16:56
ubottusacabonos, jrib: urlview (source: urlview): Extracts URLs from text. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-17 (hardy), package size 24 kB, installed size 152 kB16:56
Leefmcjrib: Im not, you need to use setup.sh first (or so the install directions say), and that is where im stuck, because of JAVA_HOME and the JDK.16:56
jribLeefmc: right, what command are you running?16:57
Leefmcjrib: setup.sh (iirc)16:57
jribLeefmc: no sudo?16:57
Leefmcjrib: Yes sudo16:57
Leefmcjrib: sudo ./setup.sh iirc16:57
wallabillahHello....I have just installed ubuntu...how do i make my wireless net work?16:57
jribLeefmc: so that's probably the issue.  sudo will reset your environment.  Try doing 'sudo -i', then setting JAVA_HOME and then running 'startup.sh'16:58
Leefmcjrib: But i dont think sudo even matters, because with or without sudo, i get the same issue16:58
Leefmcsudo resets the environment? ugh loi16:58
Leefmcjrib: Now the question is, out of the dozen paths i've tried, were any right.. heh16:58
jribLeefmc: have fun testing again!  I'd start with /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-
Xtreme_GreatI am trying to compile vdrift from the sources..... It can't fiind -lbulletcollision. Where do I find that? I mean  in which library?16:59
CrixallisHi all17:00
Xtreme_GreatI asked in #vdrift but there are no responses...17:00
szx0Does anyone know how I make modprobe "rescan or reload" my modules without restarting?17:00
ubi-laptopanybody could help: I have a problem with ctrl+alt+f1-f6 console: I get a black screen instead of prompt17:00
CrixallisI am stuck at a PXE installation of ubuntu17:00
Leefmcjrib: Argh, i think it worked.17:00
Leefmcjrib: I hate sudo now. :o17:00
jribLeefmc: it's for your protection :)17:01
Leefmcjrib: Hehe17:01
Leefmcjrib: So now, to set it perma, /etc/environment is the right place correct?17:01
jribLeefmc: that should work17:02
Leefmcjrib: How do you log out of sudo?17:02
Carteris there someone that can help me with a ubuntu desktop 8.04 share issue?17:02
jribLeefmc: ctrl-d or exit17:03
regeyawell, Carter, there's always a chance; go ahead and throw your question out there for all to see.17:03
Xtreme_GreatOkay they responded and I got the solution...17:03
Leefmck thanks17:03
Phantomaswhen a person tries to connect to my ftp server it says 500 oops child died17:04
Phantomasi have vsftpd17:04
Phantomasdefault settings at /etc/vsftpd.conf17:05
Phantomasanon_root and local connect17:05
tyberionhm, anyone in here using vim?17:05
atleftyberion: if needed, yes17:06
rohanhello to all mixers here!!17:06
Spragiehow do i send a msg to someone on a diff server in irssi using the -servertag if there is nothing in the parenthases after the server when using /server17:06
Cartercool thanks, I just installed ubuntu 8.04 desktop last night and created a folder called share to file share with my Vista machine. If I add files to the ubuntu machine directly from a usb drive or CD, I'm unable to access them from the vista machine. I get a permissions error but if I right click the folder in ubuntu I have all three checkboxes checked to allow users access17:06
tyberionatlef: you got syntax highlighting to work?17:06
rohanspragie: yo man ask in irssi or #ubuntu-offtopic17:07
wallabillahhow do i see my ip adress?17:07
padeehello everyone. i am having some troubles with an external delta1010 soundcard. i would be glad about any help...17:07
rohanspragie: my bad #irssi17:07
Leefmcjrib: I gatta jet, thanks for the help!!17:07
jribLeefmc: no problem17:07
KRFwallabillah, visit myip.com or something17:07
rohanwallabillah: in linux using ifconfig in a terminal in freenode whois17:08
CrixallisPXE installation assistance required17:08
rohanwallabillah: head to http://www.whatismyip.com man yo yo yo17:08
wallabillahrohan:internet is not working17:08
KRFwallabillah, that is why you are here ;)17:09
wallabillahKRF: thats on another computer wiseguy17:09
jribwallabillah: ifconfig17:10
KRFwallabillah, then use ifconfig for internal ips17:10
rohanwallabillah: kk as earlier ifconfig17:10
atleftyberion: sorry, trying to be funny. have used vim, but there my knowledge stops17:10
jribtyberion: install the "vim" package.  only vim-tiny is installed by default17:11
frederick85i'v got a problem with my sound17:11
frederick85wait i'm gonna try alsa first17:11
padeehello everyone. i am having some troubles with an external delta1010 soundcard. i would be glad about any help...17:11
wallabillahhmm ok...how do i connect to a wireless network?17:11
koala_manhow can I force a fsck to run with bad block scan on next boot?17:11
jribCarter: do you get any errors on ubuntu when trying to apply the permmissions?17:11
rohanpadee: yo yo hi man using alsa??17:11
rohanyo yo yo17:12
jrib!wifi > wallabillah17:12
ubottuwallabillah, please see my private message17:12
padeerohan, yes17:12
Carterjrib: no, after checking the three boxes and and clicking the modify permissions button i get no error. If it helps, when adding files from the vista machine and viewing them on the ubuntu box they have a little lock icon on them and I can't move them while on the ubuntu box17:13
jorge23hi how i can install phpmyadmin17:13
frederick85hehe that fixed it17:13
rohanhm.. shuttering kernel panic anything17:13
padeerohan, the problem is, that in preferences->sound when i click on ice1712 multi, the test beep is there. but otherwise there is no sound at all from any source17:13
mnemowhat package do I have to install to be able to use the "bzr vis" command?17:14
rohan!phpmyadmin > jorge2317:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about phpmyadmin17:14
jribCarter: ls -ld /path/to/file/with/lock returns?17:14
rohanjorge23: use xampp17:14
shawn123my boot time with xubuntu is seconds! how can I speed this up?17:14
shawn123my boot time with xubuntu is 45 seconds! how can I speed this up?17:14
rohanjorge23: phpmyadmin is a web based admin17:14
jribmnemo: apt-cache search bzr vis17:15
jorge23i now17:15
rohanshawn123: read my arcticle own xubuntu extreme in linux4you17:15
padeehello everyone. i am having some troubles with an external delta1010 soundcard. i would be glad about any help...17:15
rohanpadee: yo yo man stop reapeatin17:15
rohanjorge23: get xampp it has phpmyadmin by defalut17:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xampp17:16
geek_xampp isn't too useful in linux17:16
Servariumuse lampp17:16
=== mike is now known as Guest5444
geek_you can always install phpmyadmin yourself17:16
atlefpaul newman is dead17:16
rohangeek_:good for nobes17:16
droopsta915im trying to hear online radio. i get this message A text/html decoder plugin is required to play this stream, but not installed?17:16
Servariumlampp ftw17:16
lovrehi all17:16
geek_rohan: phpmyadmin is in the repos ;p17:16
shawn123rohan, linux4you.com searched "xubuntu extreme" found no results17:17
geek_newbies need to learn to do things the smart way ;p17:17
shawn123rohan, can you provide a link?17:17
rohanhm.... shawn123: send me the hardware config17:17
rohangeek_:i find xampp better17:17
geek_rohan: how?17:17
shawn123rohan, how would i go about doing that?17:17
rohan!hello > arbadjie17:18
ubottuarbadjie, please see my private message17:18
nero88I seem to have trouble with my flash/java plugin with mozilla, videos don't load.17:18
geek_you can't use the package manager to keep things updated, and xampp kinda gives you the false impression of things being simpler17:18
notwistwhats the swedish ubuntu channel?17:18
geek_on windows, its awesome, on linux i just don't see it17:18
notwistnevermind :)17:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sw17:18
lovrewhen i remove programs with "apt-get remove" or with synaptics, it removes the program, but it leaves the hidden folder behind, in home directory. For example i removed tilda, but i still have folder .tilda. I guess that are config files, but how can i remove them also? I tried Complete removal from synaptic but it didnt remove it. Any help?17:18
brodymcdhi all - can anyone answer some paritioning questions for me?17:18
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du pa #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se17:19
=== Rondom_ is now known as Rondom
rohangeek_: xampp has nice directory structure and i just like you cant ask why a person like tina turner or madona ??17:19
tyl3rlouvre, use the apt-get --purge option to remove config files17:19
rohansorr its i just like it,17:19
nero88I seem to have trouble with my flash/java plugin with mozilla, videos don't load. Any ideas what to do?17:19
rohanbrodymcd: shott man17:19
rohanbrodymcd: shoot man17:19
tyl3rhowever, still sometimes leaves something behind....17:19
tyl3rfrom my experience17:20
Spragiewhat should i use to for a file system on a storage drive?17:20
lovretyl3r, can i remove this folder manually?17:20
Carterjrib: sorry for the delay, that returns "drwxr-xr-x 2 nobody nogroup 4096 2008-09-27 home/carter/share/music17:20
JRoweI want to install ubuntu on an old piece of crap computer, and it only has a CD drive. All I have is a DVD burner. Can I install from a flash drive?17:20
brodymcdrohan: sorry - I read somewhere about setting up a windows/linux dual boot so they have 4 paritions, one being a shared data space that both address. I set my laptop up already, but now I like that idea... is it a good idea, and if so, how can I do it?17:20
atlefSpragie: do you ask from a sharing perspective or?17:21
jribCarter: I'm going to guess that the issue is that your windows is connecting as "guest".  Try using your user to copy the files over instead.  I have to go now though17:21
sibeckerJRowe: yes.  www.pendrivelinux.com may help you17:21
rohanSpragie: performance go for xfs rleabilty ext3 both ext317:21
mysteryDoes anyone know why i get an error message that says " Error while burning: unhandled error, aborting" when trying to burn an iso image to dvd with Brasero? I have the log file.17:21
Spragieatlef: sharing the drive with myself basically17:21
tyl3ryes, sure. You can also use the sudo find / -name option to search for names using wildcards with * and so on....thats what I do to be sure everything is gone17:21
JRowethank you, sibecker17:21
rohanbrodymcd: pm me your fdisk17:21
Spragierohan: both are ext3?17:21
esaci have a floppy image in the form of a file. how can i mount that to a directory so i can modify the contents ?17:21
geek_brodymcd: i tended to go EXT3 (linux) NTFS (windows) fat32 or ntfs for data with at least 10 gigs a OS dir...17:21
JRowecan i install to the hard drive from the flash drive, though?17:21
geek_brodymcd: unless its vista17:22
atlefSpragie: ifyou are only using it with Linux, use ext317:22
JRoweahh, yes, I see it, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/2008/05/15/usb-ubuntu-804-persistent-install-from-linux/17:22
rohanSpragie: for performance+relaiblity go for ext3 or hardcore performance xfs rocks!! good to have multiple filesystems use ext2 for /boot17:22
tyl3rso for example sudo find / -name *application*17:22
oliebolhi. Tried to compile some stuff, and gcc complains it can't find crti.o. Also /usr/include has no files (but it has subdirs, mostly from the kernel). What pkg should I install?17:23
oliebolProbably miss some base development package17:23
atlefoliebol: build-essential?17:23
rohanbrodymcd: ok your hdd size??17:23
oliebolatleft : installing17:24
shawn123rohan, AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3700+, Ram 1010 MiB,17:24
Spragierohan: is there a graphical app i could use to do this, gparted won't allow to format xfs17:25
Frak_@JRowe, nearly all DVD burners can burn CDs17:25
lovrei want to bing F12 key to run terminal. How can i do this?17:25
JRoweright, but I only have blank DVDs... does that make a difference?17:25
rohanSpragie: yeah i know use fdisk the new version17:25
Frak_yes it does17:26
JRoweI figured it did17:26
geek_lovre: i'd suggest installing tilde or yakuake. the latter is better but meant more for KDE17:26
Spragierohan: k thanx ;]17:26
JRowethanks, though, Frak_17:26
rohanSpragie: keep rockin iam a mixer man no thanyou for us just yo !!17:26
lovregeek_, i installed tilde, its bad. will yakuake work on gnome?17:26
JRoweoh yeah, one more question17:27
jorge23how i can  install phpmyadmin by myself17:27
geek_lovre: yes, but it'll install some KDE libraries17:27
rohanjorge23: get apache and mysql or opnsql17:27
JRoweif I have winXP 32, but an AMD 64 chip, can I install the ubuntu x64 on virtual box OSE?17:28
Frak_get postgreSQL, it's great17:28
BajoraptorI have an ext3 filesystem mounted under ubuntu, /host/ubuntu/disks/extra.disk on /vdisk type ext3 (rw,loop=/dev/loop1)17:28
ChousukeJRowe: probably not.17:28
Bajoraptorbut when i try to do anything on that disk, it says that it is read only17:28
Frak_JRowe, I believe you would need a hypervisor for it17:28
rohanshawn123: cpu clock??17:28
BajoraptorI want to make /vdisk read/write for all users17:28
jorge23i get and my mysql and apache17:29
lovregeek_, when i remove yakuake, will those kde libs be remove also?17:29
geek_lovre: and agreed, tilde is AWEFUL compared to yakuake17:29
geek_lovre: yup17:29
Frak_well, bbl my fine friends17:29
rohanshawn123: using bios overclock your cpu and i think my article was in thsi issue its removed i think17:29
shawn123rohan, how can i get that? (thanks for helping me)17:29
tyl3rjorge23, sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin will do it...17:29
geek_lovre: might need to run apt-get autoremove at worst17:29
JRoweI'll go with the 32 bit :)17:29
lovregeek_, ok, thank you very much17:30
jorge23i'm in linux 1 manth i still try to lern it17:30
Bajoraptoranyone know the command to make a folder and the files within it read/write for all users?17:30
Hrvatski1how do i install that cool launchbar that is like the one in Mac?17:30
koala_manBajoraptor: chmod -R a+rwX dir17:31
atlefHrvatski1: awn17:31
linkmaster03Hrvatski1: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator17:31
tyl3rBajoraptor, chmod should do it.....change groups with chown....use recursive option for subfolders and files -R17:31
jorge23it says var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open17:31
linkmaster03jorge23: synaptic or apt is already running17:32
sibecker!fsck > sibecker17:32
ubottusibecker, please see my private message17:32
Hrvatski1thanks linkmaster0317:32
Bajoraptorkoala_man: dosen't work, cmod complains that /vdisk/ dosen't exist even thught it infact exists17:33
rohanshawn123:check out overclocking on google (can damage if not done properly) use at your own risk17:33
linkmaster03Hrvatski1: no problem17:33
Sup312m4nwhat up peeps17:33
Bajoraptoralso chmod: changing permissions of (xfile): Operation not permitted17:33
lovregeek_, yakuake works perfect, thanx17:33
Bajoraptorwhere xfile is teh dir/file17:33
geek_lovre: its one of the things i can't live without ;p17:34
Sup312m4nanyone know of any good ubuntu/linux tutorial sites?17:34
koala_manBajoraptor: run it with sudo if you don't have access to the files17:34
jribSup312m4n: help.ubuntu.com17:34
linkmaster03Sup312m4n: google.com17:34
jorge23how i can show  that phpmyadmin works17:34
Bajoraptorright ran it with sudo and it still complains that everything is read only17:34
Sup312m4nany others besides the obvious17:34
linkmaster03Bajoraptor: what file are you trying to chmod17:34
Bajoraptorentire directory of /vdisk17:35
linkmaster03Bajoraptor: and where is the file located17:35
jribSup312m4n: that's the only one I would recommend to users17:35
linkmaster03Bajoraptor: it is located on the root of the filesystem, /vdisk?17:35
Sup312m4nI found tons... but just wondered if anyone might have something they really like.17:35
FloodBot3Sup312m4n: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
lovregeek_, another one, is there a way to make a bind key for Nautilus so it would open terminal in current location when i press F4 or something17:35
Bajoraptor"/vdisk/" is a folder17:36
JACK64< Un SaLuTo a TuTto #ubuntu >17:36
Sup312m4nEveryone have an awesome17:36
Bajoraptorits a file that has been mounted on a loop17:36
toko123how do I find what version of ubuntu I'm running17:36
linkmaster03Bajoraptor: try going into a root shell with sudo -i17:36
geek_lovre: fraid i don't use gnome at all17:37
jrib!version | toko12317:37
ubottutoko123: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell17:37
geek_so nope17:37
jorge23i go to firefox i write http:/localhost/phpmyadmin/ and nothing17:37
theblueHi all.17:37
linkmaster03Bajoraptor: and trying that again. I'm thinking the directory is owned by root itself17:37
lovregeek_, ok, thanks17:37
rohanSup312m4n: heh google best17:37
lovrewould d3lphin run in gnome?17:37
Bajoraptorunder permissions the folder is owned my my normal user17:37
toko123looks like hardy 8.0417:37
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Bajoraptoroh well screw that anyways17:38
toko123will support update remain available after oct 2917:38
theblueAnyone tried running PNC Virtual Wallet on Ubuntu?17:38
theblueIm having some trouble.17:38
JRowehttp://localhost/phpmyadmin/admin.php or w/e the page should be. Make sure webserver is started, php is installed, etc. You might also have to set index.php as a default page read(w/e its called)17:38
Mr_Fixitso i "think" my intel video card is using a generic driver.. how do i find out, and how do i get my high visual effects to work?17:38
toko123I installed 7.04 I run update periodiaclly did it magically update to 8.04?17:40
linkmaster03I need help getting amarok to recognize my Creative Zen MicroPhoto (MTP device). mtp-detect finds it no problem. I am using amarok If I try to autodetect the device, it finds nothing. I ran mtp-detect as the same user I run amarok as.17:40
jorge23and how i now tha i install apache17:40
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:40
lucas_toko123, i dont know if thats possible17:40
jribtoko123: update-manager tells you of new releases and you can accept to upgrade to them17:41
rohantoko123: heh no you have to update17:41
Xtreme_Greattoko123: It updates kernel versions as well as programs, so it had to update to that version...17:41
evilbughow much faster is xfce compared to gnome?17:41
ubi-laptopanybody could help with my problem installing envy for nvidia driver??17:41
evilbugin hardy...17:41
rohantoko123: if a version is nearing its upadates end it will automatically ask you to switch tp the new release17:41
linkmaster03evilbug: a lot17:41
toko123lsb_release -a says no LSB modules found and yet it reports hardy 8.04?17:42
Odd-rationaleevilbug: significant enough imo17:42
Mr_Fixitevilbug, like racing a corvette and a peterbuilt17:42
lovrewhen i go to youtube, i get the message i dont have flash player installed. what do i do ?17:42
evilbugi see, thanks.17:42
HollywoodJumperJrib i ran vista from boot from cd and went through the setup process it wont let me install vista on partition because is not ntfs format wont let me reformat what should i do17:42
evilbuglovre- did you install restricted extras?17:42
Mr_Fixitlovre, get flash non-free from the repos17:42
lovreevilbug, solved it, thank you17:43
sibeckerI think I've broken my /etc/networks/interfaces file.  Is there a way to make ubuntu rebuild it?17:43
oklinuxI have ubuntu installed . will the os redetect all the driver if I move it to another box with different motherboard ?17:43
jriboklinux: X might break if you have a different video card17:44
dabbuhow to add a user to samba group using command17:44
HollywoodJumperjrib what should i do ?17:44
Odd-rationalesibecker: can you pastebin the file?17:44
dabbunot using GUI17:44
vittall'accenzione del pc ho varie scritte per la scelta dove aprire ubuntu o windows, a me servono solo due scelte, come faccio a togliere altre scritte che a me non servono e sopratutto per non confondermi di aprire quella sbagliata17:44
rohanevilbug: a lot.....17:45
jribHollywoodJumper: do you have a problem with wiping your current ubuntu install?17:45
Odd-rationale!pastebin | sibecker17:45
ubottusibecker: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)17:45
HollywoodJumperjrib how do i do that?17:45
ZeldaaI wanna help! In graphism, there is a color which make some "style" in blue someone can say how doing it?17:45
evilbugthe reason i'm asking is because i'm having a harder time configuring my xubuntu (on my mac) using the ubuntu guide.17:45
rohanevilbug: ubuntu on mac what configs?17:46
jribHollywoodJumper: I've never installed vista.  ##windows might be able to tell you if the installer can wipe the drive and create a partition for windows while leaving unpartitioned space for ubuntu.  Your other option is to use gparted on a live cd17:46
dabbuanyone here17:47
HollywoodJumperJrib vista will not install because it says partition is in ntfs format17:47
atlefdabbu: there should be17:47
lucas_dabbu, like 1370...17:47
ed0n0nhi I was upgrading gutsy to hardy and when dist-upgrading I just got the following error and don't know what to do. Error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1). Could you help?17:47
sibeckerOdd-rationale: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51315/17:47
evilbugrohan- the guide > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MacBookPro17:47
HollywoodJumperjrib i tried to reformat but wouldnt work17:48
ed0n0nthe package in question is: /var/cache/apt/archives/zangband-data_1%3a2.7.5pre1-3_all.deb17:48
rohanevilbug: isee the config about xfce?17:48
sibeckerI'm using wireless connection wlan0.  Should that be mentioned?17:48
Odd-rationalesibecker: you didn't mess it up that bad... just delete the last three lines so that it looks like http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51316/17:48
jribHollywoodJumper: ##windows will be more knowledgeable about the vista installer17:48
rohanHollywoodJumper: mind if i help you17:48
notwistcan someone take a look at my iptables -L output and tell me why eth3 ( does not allow access to internet? http://paste.ubuntu.com/51303/17:48
evilbugrohan- yes, i'm just having trouble getting my audio work and some other stuff...17:49
HollywoodJumperrohan i would appreciate help thank you17:49
sibeckerOdd-rationale: thnaks for your help17:49
rohanevilbug: audio probs?? regarding xfce?17:49
schaeublerollerI have a kubuntu installation and I am trying to wipe the free space by writing zeros to a file. df says that 0 blocks are free but I still can write onto the disk - whats wrong there? the file is in /tmp but mount does not consider tmp something special17:49
barishacan i get a little help about gcc??17:49
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com17:50
dabbuhow to add a user to samba group ?17:50
evilbugrohan- yes, i can't get audio to work.17:50
ubi-laptopanybody has the same problem with son vaio nvidia driver and ububtu 8.04?17:50
dabbuwithout using GUI17:50
atlef!kubuntu | schaeubleroller:17:50
ubottuschaeubleroller:: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE17:50
barishacan anyone help with gcc??17:50
Zeldaasomeone know what happened to graphism chan'?17:50
evilbugrohan- i remember everything was fine with gnome installed, but it's a whole different story with xfce.17:50
ed0n0nwhen upgrading the distro, if a package fails, what should be done? Is it possible to remove the package to finish the upgrade?17:51
linkmaster03evilbug: you could always install ubuntu then remove gnome and add xfcd17:51
schaeublerolleratlef: I do not know what I installed first, maybe it was ubuntu turned into kubuntu. this is about the underlying operating system not the GUI.17:51
linkmaster03evilbug: or even another lightweight desktop/window manager17:51
evilbuglinkmaster03- but isn't that the same thing as just having xfce?17:51
linkmaster03evilbug: you are having trouble installing the OS right?17:51
evilbuglinkmaster03- no no no, i have it installed, just having trouble with getting audio to work.17:52
=== Freakin_Busy is now known as Mr_Fixit
atlefschaeubleroller: sorry about that, but you asked a kubuntu question, and if i siad nothing then someone else would17:52
linkmaster03evilbug: oh sorry i misunderstoo17:52
evilbuglinkmaster03- it happens, these chat things move too fast :D17:52
atlefschaeubleroller: *said17:52
schaeublerolleratlef: do you have any idea what can cause that error? the disk is encrypted btw17:53
rohandabbu: samba hm.. try google17:53
barishacan someone help about gcc??17:53
rohanbarisha: will you stop reapeating that head to #gcc17:53
=== lucas_ is now known as pijudoooo
barishasorry but i would like some help:)17:54
ed0n0nI need help, I was upgrading 7.10 to 8.04 and the upgrade stopped. What can I do now?17:54
atlefschaeubleroller: sorry, no. it is all greek to me. but try again and repeat the question17:54
rohanbarisha: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> #gcc17:54
barishaa thx17:54
rohanbarisha: iam a mixer not thankyou just a yo!!17:55
dr3mrohey i want the repositories of intrepid ibex any help ?????17:55
pijudooooed0n0n, ok!!! take a paper to write...17:55
atlef!ibex > dr3mro:17:55
ed0n0npijudoooo: done! :D17:55
rohanubottu: would you mind having some cofee17:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:55
schaeublerollerI am filling files in /tmp with zeros (via dd) to wipe free space, but even after df shows 0 free blocks i can still make more files. any idea what can cause that?17:55
pijudooooed0n0n, sudo dpkg --configure -a17:56
xadzaxhey anyone ever run into an issue where you have flash 9 installed and when going on you tube it still says that it is outdated?17:56
fslis there an easy program to blur licence plates on pictures?17:56
dr3mroatlef, yes i want a package in intrepid to fix bluetooth issue in hardy17:56
pijudooooed0n0n, sudo apt-get -f install17:56
noodlesgcfsl try the gimp17:56
pijudooooed0n0n, thennnn sudo apt-get update17:56
pijudoooosudo apt-get upgrade.17:56
dr3mroatlef, please help i need the repositories17:56
pijudooooed0n0n, thennnnnnnnnnn!!!! sudo apt-get autoremove17:56
rohanubottu: ok some code chips and some nice supybot drink please17:56
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:56
atlefdr3mro: then this is not hte channel to ask, as far as have understood. but i may be wrong17:57
pijudooooed0n0n, yo can try sudo apt-get autoremove --purge first too!!! so you do a clean clean update17:57
rohanheh i love you ubottu ill disturb you in private now there guys are gettinh horney ehh ;)17:57
robwilkersonanyone have any experience running hardy 64bit on a latitude d820? any feedback on the idea?17:57
jasuusyesterday i was prompted to update firefox to 3.03, which i did.   Today, everytime i open www.nytimes.com my entire system crashes17:57
HollywoodJumperjrib i am not getting anywhere in the windows channel17:57
_Jack_Sparrow_I am trying to get my TV-out working. I have edited my xorg.conf to include the options mentioned in the nvidia readme but I still don't have it working :-( Any suggestions for this?17:57
jasuusits totally repeatable17:57
ed0n0npijudoooo: so I do autoremove or autoremove --purge?17:57
noodlesgcdr3mro people in here are running Hardy, if you want help with Intrepid, join #ubuntu+117:58
rohan_Jack_Sparrow_: have you switch output form ubuntu17:58
jasuusisnt that crazy?17:58
_Jack_Sparrow_rohan: sorry, I didn't understood. Care to explain better please17:58
ed0n0npijudoooo: do I got to run apt-get dist-upgrade?17:59
pijudooooed0n0n, its the same with --purge you will remove all downloaded packages... so it depends when u do the autoremove... if you do it from the bigenin dont do it if u do it when u finish you do a --purge17:59
Mr_Fixithow do i find out what driver is used with my intel card??17:59
pijudooooed0n0n, yes yes!17:59
Mr_Fixit*intel video card17:59
rohan_Jack_Sparrow_: kk you have switch output using the display utilty17:59
rohanMr_Fixit: dmesg | grep -i AGP17:59
ed0n0npijudoooo: I don't want to donwload all the packages 1.3 Gb again, can I simply run autoremove before doing dist-upgrade first?18:00
noodlesgcMr_Fixit its probably the intel driver, its in the xserver-xorg-video-intel package18:00
pijudooooed0n0n, dont purge then...18:00
Mr_Fixiti just don't think it's the latest driver... i can't do any visual effects18:00
pijudooooed0n0n, hehe18:00
Abrahmhello all :)18:01
rohanbye to all and ubottu thanks commin on dinner you bring supybot too18:01
rohanAbrahm: hi!!!! oh my god hi!!!!!! hi hi hi18:01
_Jack_Sparrow_rohan: I see, using the nvidia-settings tool18:01
veritosI'm using ndiswrapper. I "blacklist b43 \n blacklist b43legacy \n blacklist ssb" and put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules, but ssb is still loaded.18:01
_Jack_Sparrow_I know see a TV-out option18:01
hardcoredoes anyone here know why cube caps and water effect don't work?18:02
rohan_Jack_Sparrow_: anytime bro i watch movies like that all the time18:02
Mr_Fixitnoodlesgc, i have that package installed.. but i can't get my visual effects to work..18:02
hardcorein compiz i mean18:02
ed0n0npijudoooo: Maybe removing the package that failed from apt/cache/ would be enough? It was a '-data' package so I should remove the main package together with dependencies? How can I remove the Zangband package before doing your instructions?18:02
noodlesgcMr_Fixit are you running the latest ubuntu? (8.04)18:03
HollywoodJumperrohan so windows channel is telling me to update my bios so i can reformat to ntfs18:03
rohanhardcore: vedio card18:03
Mr_Fixityes noob-saibot18:03
Mr_Fixit* noodlesgc18:03
hardcorerohan, most of the other plugins work just fine, are ya sure its the video card?18:03
Jimminy_Cricketdoes anyone know the # to add to a permission to give other users read access?18:03
rohanHollywoodJumper: give me your exact problem18:03
rohanJimminy_Cricket: chmod u+r18:04
pijudooooed0n0n, just type in terminal the sudo commands i wrote... ull be fine... i promise18:04
rohanJimminy_Cricket: chmod u+r filename sorry ;)18:04
HollywoodJumperrohan i tried to boot vista from cd it will not install on my partition because it is not ntfs format it will not let me reformat eithor18:04
Jimminy_Cricketi want to do it recursively for a folder18:04
ed0n0npijudoooo: thank you, and cross finger for me ;)18:04
Jimminy_Cricketa folder which contains 4 levels of folders18:04
Jimminy_Cricketand files on every level18:04
pijudooooed0n0n, hehehehehe ill do so!! best of luck!18:04
noodlesgcMr_Fixit ok, what is the model of your card? eg 965? 945?18:04
ed0n0nJimminy_Cricket: sudo chmod -R +r directory/ << Looking for this?18:05
hardcorerohan, most of the other plugins work just fine, are ya sure its the video card?18:05
Mronowhat's the command to refresh the mounts after changing /etc/fstab18:05
rohanHollywoodJumper: use fdisk to do the formatin or just clear out (delete)18:05
Jimminy_Cricketpossibly... ill give it a try18:05
_Jack_Sparrow_rohan: in <nvidia-settings>, on the <X Server Display Configuration>, I have selected <TV-0> on the <Model> list box. I have set <Configuration> to <TwinView> and the resolution to <1024x768>... still not working... any ideas?18:05
badahi! is there any way to emulate absent umask option for ext3?18:05
rohanhardcore: you cant wait huh ;)18:06
noodlesgcMr_Fixit ok in a terminal type compiz --replace and put the result in pastebin and give the url18:06
HollywoodJumperrohan basically i am trying to dual boot in the future and all i have right now is ubuntu on my pc18:06
Mr_Fixitsure one sec please18:06
Mr_Fixit2 diff boxes..18:06
HollywoodJumperrohan what is fdisk18:06
rohan_Jack_Sparrow_: tv is plasma 1024x786 wont work in wide screen TV's18:06
rohan!fdisk > HollywoodJumper18:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fdisk18:07
HollywoodJumperrohan how would i delete a partition?18:07
slaytonHollywoodJumper, use the Partition Editor under System Administration, if i isn't installed open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get install gparted18:07
HollywoodJumperrohan like in the windows setup process just delete a partition?18:07
debianchinaapt-get install gparted18:07
Jimminy_Cricketed0n0n it sisnt work :(18:07
HollywoodJumperwhat will gparted do?18:07
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome), or !kdesu (KDE)18:08
slaytonHollywoodJumper, gparted is a program that you can use to resize, reformat and edit partitions18:08
rohanHollywoodJumper: heh nice question18:08
slaytonHollywoodJumper, its an opensource equivalent of Parition Magic18:08
ed0n0nJimminy_Cricket: then try: sudo chmod -R 777 directory/.18:08
HollywoodJumperok cool18:08
ed0n0nor read: man chmod18:08
HollywoodJumperwill it let me reformat to ntfs?18:08
slaytonHollywoodJumper, I'm not quite sure, I think it does18:09
atlefHollywoodJumper: yes18:09
rohanHollywoodJumper: if you have clean boot yes18:09
HollywoodJumperwhat is clean boot?18:09
Jimminy_Cricket777 is everyone r/w18:09
LinuxGhostatlef: ive got it18:09
Jimminy_Cricketi want others just to have read18:09
Mr_Fixitnoodlesgc, http://pastebin.com/m7f77953c18:09
slayton777 is everyone R-W-X18:09
HollywoodJumperwhat is r-w-x?18:09
slayton666 is R-W18:09
Jimminy_Cricketdont want that :p18:09
Jimminy_Cricketi just want read18:09
slaytonR-W-X Read-Write-Execute18:09
Jimminy_Cricketon others18:09
ed0n0nJimminy_Cricket: I thing you need 655 then18:10
slayton444 = Read all18:10
mohbana hi, i'd like to get hibernate/suspend working, any ideas?18:10
atlefLinuxGhost: as in all is ok? because i get lost answering all these questions18:10
slaytonJimminy_Cricket, use "sudo chmod +r <file>"18:10
hardcorei'm looking forward to getting 8.10 beta on the 2nd18:10
rohanJimminy_Cricket: chmod u+r-WX filename18:10
_Jack_Sparrow_rohan: yes, my tv is plasma (with hd, hdmi, etc)... so what do you suggest to get tv-out working?18:10
Jimminy_Cricketi want owner and users to be able to r/w/x and 'others' to be able to read18:10
slaytonJimminy_Cricket, or use chmod 444 <file>18:10
slaytonJimminy_Cricket, then 77418:10
badais there any way to emulate absent umask option for ext3?18:10
rohan_Jack_Sparrow_: diffrenet resolotuion the resolution fo your tv18:11
ed0n0nslayton: shouldn't him add -R parameter to do it recursively?18:11
HollywoodJumperrohan so i should run gparted to wipe clean a partition so i can reformat in windows setup?18:11
Jimminy_Cricket774 is list, not access?18:11
LinuxGhostatlef:my trouble was changing the kernel to be booted at first time as u taught me ive done18:11
RiyonukHow do I tell if the laptop I'm thinking of buying can run Compiz well? I like showing off :P18:11
Jimminy_Cricketaccess = X ?18:11
rohanHollywoodJumper: sure installing vista (i hate vista)18:11
atlefLinuxGhost: oh, good to hear18:11
slaytoned0n0n, if he is chmoding a folder then yes you should use a recursive flag18:11
hardcoredoes anyone know of a desktop thats better than Gnome?18:11
linkmaster03Riyonuk: tell us the specs18:12
HollywoodJumperi am trying to dual boot and i have no way of getting xp18:12
rohanRamanuja: hi from delhi?18:12
mohbana hi, i'd like to get hibernate/suspend working, any ideas?18:12
Jimminy_CricketRiyonuk you want a fairly decent graphics card, ask someone about the specs of what you want to buy18:12
HollywoodJumperrohan why do you hate vista?18:12
slaytonhardcore, "better" is a subjective term, There are people who think that KDE is "better" other think XFCE is "better" so you need to define what you mean by better18:12
rohanmohbana: use suspend when you shut down duh...18:12
LinuxGhostatlef: may i ask u one more question?18:12
HollywoodJumperi hate microsoft but there are some things i need it for18:12
atlefLinuxGhost: so with a little patience and some effort, you can solve these problem on your own18:12
noodlesgcMr_Fixit ok, you could try this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, then restart18:12
mohbanarohan: i don't think i allocated any swap space18:12
hardcorei'm looking for opinions, besides kde and xfce18:13
rohanHollywoodJumper: because microsoft is , ahem...18:13
Mr_Fixitrestart the box noodlesgc??18:13
atlefLinuxGhost: by all means. if i can answer, i will18:13
noodlesgcMr_Fixit yes18:13
hardcoreHollywoodJumper, whacha need Microsoft for?18:13
Ramanujai have just followed a guide for how to boot a linux install from usb stick, trying to instal syslinux i tar the .gz, but then there is no syslinux program to run18:13
LinuxGhostatlef: yes patience is the father of sucess!18:13
Ramanujarohan: sweden18:13
eugmanAny suggestions on a html editor? I want something that lets me edit the actual source, can show me what it looks like, and hopefully has some ftp uplaoding builtin.18:13
RiyonukIt's a Dell M133018:13
rohanhardcore: fluxbox , e17 many18:13
RiyonukTrying to find the specs18:13
HollywoodJumperrohan well i need to clean remove removeable hardware so i can ntfs config in windows18:13
noodlesgceugman you may try bluefish not sure if it is what you're looking for18:13
LinuxGhostatlef: how to share wine application with others users on my cumputer?18:14
arvind_khadri!ntfs | HollywoodJumper18:14
ubottuHollywoodJumper: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE18:14
pijudooooed0n0n, hows that workin?18:14
rohanHollywoodJumper: se my pm18:14
slaytonhardcore: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desktop_environment#Examples_of_desktop_environments18:14
digitalfizhow can i make it so mounted media doesnt show up on the desktop?18:14
arvind_khadri!ntfs-3g > HollywoodJumper18:14
ubottuHollywoodJumper, please see my private message18:14
ed0n0npijudoooo: Rebuilding the database. This may take some time. << It's not kidding ;)18:14
rohanok guys by bye kepp rockin ububntu18:14
Ramanujafor using syslinux, how can i run it after doing: tar -xzvf syslinux-3.63.tar.gz18:15
atlefLinuxGhost: i am not sure what you mean, if any other users log in, they should be able to run your wine installed programs?18:15
LinuxGhostatlef: other user hasnt Wine apps as i have.i have Office in my Wine but other user has just wine without Office in it18:15
HollywoodJumperok so i should not dual boot?18:16
RiyonukOkay, got it18:16
Riyonukthe specs are --> 128MB NVIDIA® GeForce 8400M GS18:16
Mr_Fixitnoodlesgc, "desktop effects could not be enabled"18:16
atlefLinuxGhost: sorry, this is not a situation i have experienced18:16
LinuxGhostatlef: ok18:17
arvind_khadriHollywoodJumper, you can...18:17
LinuxGhostatlef: even so thanks18:17
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: that is because it is installed in your home dir18:17
atlefLinuxGhost: do you have several users logging in obn you machine18:17
HollywoodJumperwhy do people dual boot?18:17
noodlesgcMr_Fixit, ok I am not sure what the problem is, but I know that your card is compatible. Try using compiz-check, don't know the url but google will find it18:17
Paddy_EIREHollywoodJumper: why not18:17
Ramanujaafter doing tar -xzvf syslinux-3.63.tar.gz there is no syslinux binary, why18:17
Mr_Fixitok thanks noodlesgc18:17
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:and how to share it with others users?18:17
RiyonukGuess I'll rephrase my question since I have the specs. Will this video card be good with compiz fusion? I want it snappy, just the cube effect :) --> 128MB NVIDIA® GeForce™ 8400M GS18:18
Jimminy_CricketMr_Fixit: have you enabled the proprietary drivers?18:18
Paddy_EIREHollywoodJumper: many many reasons... and because VMs just dont cut it most of the time18:18
digitalfizdoes anyone know how can i make it so mounted media doesn't show up on the desktop? I like a clean desktop and my usb external being on the desktop is quite anoying18:18
HollywoodJumperwell i am trying to figure it out but is difficult18:18
Jimminy_CricketRiyonuk that card will be fine18:18
LinuxGhostatlef: i have my own user and one more user18:18
Jimminy_Cricketbut make sure to use the proprietary drivers18:18
ed0n0nRiyonuk: should be more than enough18:18
noodlesgcJimminy_Cricket he has the intel 965 which does not need them for compiz18:18
HollywoodJumperok well i am going to try gparted and hopefully ill be back18:18
Jimminy_Cricketoh ok18:18
LinuxGhostEven to share my music directory with other user is not easy18:19
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: for the sake of trying, go to your applications menu right click and select edit menu ... then check to see if your office apps are ticked18:19
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: it need to be in a more accessible location18:20
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: and it is very easy18:20
ricardo1server/ irc.islifecorp.com.br18:21
tyberionhey, where can I set the xset rrate... which tool? and which saves it :D18:21
joanki123after you've created a vector , is there a way to resize it?18:22
joanki123without pushing back element by element18:22
joanki123wrong room18:22
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: all wine apps has a O.K sign(i dont know if its name is ticked,hehehe)18:23
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:there is a check box, Office is checked18:24
indian_munndahey can anyone suggest me any solution for alien-arena, its facing problem with its speed???18:25
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:are u there?18:26
=== highway is now known as lugipfupf
kabotagehi can i have a project cloack? ubuntu/member/kabotage18:26
HollywoodJumperhow do i post on the forums?18:26
Kingsy102hey, I am having problems copying a file in ubuntu, I typed ... cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/ ... and it said .. . cp: cannot create regular file `/root/.irssi/scripts/': Is a directory18:26
Kingsy102any ideas?18:26
HollywoodJumperhow do i post on the forums18:27
LinuxGhostregister first18:27
carpedie1Kingsy102: why are you running as root?  that's a bad thing18:27
Kingsy102oh ok...18:27
Kingsy102is that the probem?18:27
roukounKingsy102: actually yes....18:27
ed0n0npijudoooo: dpkg --configure -a has found some problems processing this packages and stopped. libgtk1.2, putty, libdv-bin and zangband. Is that OK? What do I do next?18:28
=== Linuturk_2 is now known as Linuturk
HollywoodJumperi am registered on forums18:28
pijudooooed0n0n, install -f?18:28
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper:how long time r u registered there?18:28
Kingsy102hmmm it didnt seem to help I closed and opened the terminal and used sudo instead and it said the same thing18:29
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost a couple days18:29
ed0n0npijudoooo: so it is OK then? Why? what happened? Do I run -f install and keep going?18:29
carpedie1Kingsy102: don't use sudo18:29
pijudooooed0n0n, yes18:29
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper: u must wait fews days, that is the RULE18:29
carpedie1Kingsy102: ~/ as sudo is still root18:29
Kingsy102well if you just said cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/18:29
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost ok thats cool18:30
Kingsy102it has the same error18:30
FlannelKingsy102: what does your prompt  (stuff at the beginning of the line, before you type stuff) look like?18:30
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper:and try again to test it after few days;-)18:30
carpedie1Kingsy102: at best, it has a similar error, but it should now complain about /home/username/.irssi/scripts, not /root/.irssi18:30
ed0n0npijudoooo: Cool! It has fixed the packages :D :D18:30
pijudooooed0n0n, aint that awesome?18:31
Kingsy102ah right I see18:31
carpedie1Kingsy102: your syntax looks okay to me, but try this:   cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/nicklist.pl18:31
AliTarihianyone has made global menu to work?18:31
FlannelKingsy102: What does your prompt look like?18:32
ed0n0npijudoooo: It is really cool indeed, but have to know a bit more than average I guess18:32
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: is it checked in the other user account ?18:32
ed0n0npijudoooo: then I do a update and autoremove, and go for dist-upgrade again? (Now Ubuntu tells me to reboot)18:32
nowimprovedi try to install ipager and get this error Checking for C header file sys/time.h... (cached) no18:32
nowimprovedChecking for C header file sys/stat.h... (cached) no18:32
nowimprovedmissing 'sys/stat.h', install it.18:32
Kingsy102the prompt is....18:32
pijudooooed0n0n, reboot and do so18:33
FlannelKingsy102: and what does this give: echo ~18:33
Kingsy102Mexico is the comp name.. don't ask.. :P18:33
carpedie1Kingsy102: try  cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/nicklist.pl18:33
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:now im using my own user as administrator it could be necessary to quit this user and move to anotrher to see that if other user is cheched?18:33
roukounKingsy102: and the nicklist.pl is in ~/Desktop huh?18:34
Kingsy102it says /home/chris18:34
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: no... login to the other user account and just edit the menu and make sure office is ticked18:34
roukoun!who | Kingsy10218:34
ubottuKingsy102: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:34
ed0n0npijudoooo: So I reboot now? But Grub is changed and I might not be able to run those things back. Is Ubuntu updgraded now?18:34
FlannelKingsy102: And the previous cp commands, exactly as they were given here (without sudo) gave you that error about /root/.irssi/?18:34
=== BlackZ is now known as BlackZ[away]
carpedie1Kingsy102: for the third time try  cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/nicklist.pl18:35
Kingsy102it says...18:35
Kingsy102cp: cannot create regular file `/home/chris/.irssi/scripts/nicklist.pl': No such file or directory18:35
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:but to log in as another user i must quit this chat am i right?18:35
pijudooooed0n0n, i guess... just reboot and do sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and your done18:35
axyhi all18:35
Kingsy102thats when I type cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/nicklist.pl18:35
carpedie1Kingsy102: mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/18:35
ed0n0npijudoooo: I will follow the steps and wonder what i have done later18:36
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: of course18:36
Kingsy102it says18:36
Kingsy102mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/chris/.irssi/scripts/': No such file or directory18:36
ed0n0npijudoooo: going for reboot, I'll be back soon18:36
carpedie1Kingsy102: mkdir ~/.irssi/18:36
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:see u soon18:36
ed0n0npijudoooo: thank you again :D18:36
carpedie1Kingsy102: then mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts18:36
pijudooooed0n0n, and if u dont... we all know what happend hehe18:37
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: I will be here18:37
roukounKingsy102: cp nicklist.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/ . it will work if ~/.irssi/scripts is already there18:37
pijudooooed0n0n, no problem man18:37
Kingsy102it says.... cp: cannot create regular file `/home/chris/.irssi/scripts/': Is a directory18:37
carpedie1Kingsy102: did you do mkdir ~/.irssi and then mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/18:38
=== pijudoooo is now known as koops
Kingsy102i did mkdir ~/.irssi/scripts/ and it worked, then I tried the copy and got that error18:38
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LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:there is no any program associated with Wine but in my user there is Office and Avast.Why it happens?18:39
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost hey i figured it out and posted a question on the forum i am HollywoodJumper on the forum18:39
Kingsy102oh shit... no wait.. sorry I have it18:39
roukounKingsy102: where the nicklist.pl is?18:39
=== koopss is now known as lucax
Kingsy102yea u were right I didnt make the scripts directory...18:39
mysteryHi everyone18:39
deepfriedsquirreI torrented kubuntu-8.04 and I now seem to be running out of space. So, I deleted the file from my home directory, but not much difference seems to have been made to the amount of free space I have.18:40
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91742218:40
{Matteo}how can I force the removal with modprobe?18:40
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper:my congratulations!18:40
mysteryDoes anyone know here i can help with K3b to burn and iso file to a dvd?18:40
IndyGunFreakmystery: you do it the same way as you would a CD, you just burn to a DVD18:40
{Matteo}I'm trying to remove snd_hda_intel and put it back to fix my left channel corrpution but I get FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. when I do modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel18:41
{Matteo}any way to force this? I tried using the -f flag as well to no avail18:41
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Midtronicdeepfriedsquirre: check trash folders, you might have just moved the file somewhere else instead of deleting it18:41
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mysteryIndyGunFreak: after about 10 seconds of burning K3b quits burning and gives an error message18:41
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: iam reading that18:41
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Tim__i guess u need an empty cd to burn an image disk18:42
deepfriedsquirreMidtronic: I can see why you say that, but there's very, very little data in /home18:42
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: Estimated time18:42
LinuxGhost15-20 minutes18:42
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: why in the hell would you have avast installed under wine in linux :/18:42
{Matteo}deepfriedsquirre, du -sh ~18:42
Midtronicdeepfriedsquirre:  well, if you deleted it but it didn't free up any space, it's probably around there somewhere18:43
Paddy_EIRE!virus | LinuxGhost18:43
ubottuLinuxGhost: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2118:43
ed0n0nhey! Where is pijudooo?18:43
Midtronicdo you have enough room in ~?  run 'df -h' and see18:43
amigamiacan ubuntu server 6.06.2 recognize the nvidia fx5500 graphics card?18:43
HollywoodJumperhas any one ever had any security problems with ubuntu ever?18:44
Paddy_EIRE!security | HollywoodJumper18:44
ubottuHollywoodJumper: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server18:44
Paddy_EIREumm thats not it18:44
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: Bescause after a careful reading about VIRUS in Linux i understand that its not completely free when some one runs Windows programs that is why they advise to scan files18:45
mysteryDoes anyone know here i can help with K3b to burn and iso file to a dvd?18:45
carpedie1amigamia: sure, best results would be with the non-open binary drivers, but even the open source drivers will work.  There's isn't anything specific to the server version, just a different starting point really.18:45
{Matteo}how can I force the removal with modprobe?18:45
{Matteo}I'm trying to remove snd_hda_intel and put it back to fix my left channel corrpution but I get FATAL: Module snd_hda_intel is in use. when I do modprobe -r snd-hda-intel && modprobe snd-hda-intel18:45
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ed0n0nGoing for dist-upgrade I hope I have 8.04 next time I come thi channel18:45
{Matteo}any way to force this? I tried using the -f flag as well to no avail18:45
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: then use a native linux antivirus18:46
LinuxGhostmystery: is so easy18:46
Paddy_EIRE!info clam-av18:46
ubottuPackage clam-av does not exist in hardy18:46
Paddy_EIRE!info clam18:46
ubottuPackage clam does not exist in hardy18:46
Paddy_EIRE!info clamav18:46
ubottuclamav (source: clamav): anti-virus utility for Unix - command-line interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.1~dfsg2-1.1ubuntu0.2 (hardy), package size 873 kB, installed size 1336 kB18:46
Tim__does xbunto have built in support for dsl from bell18:46
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE: using some linux anti-virus i just find virus but i cant delete it18:46
{Matteo}Any one at all care to help?18:46
chuckfI'm having a problem with apt. I have a 'stuck' package and cannot get the error to go away. Install/Remove works find but this package keeps throwing errors. Detailed info is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/51335/18:46
amigamia1 more question. i just built a fast 2000 server and actually seveas i found a blank cd and am burning the server now. i left 50gig partition for ubuntu server, will grub automatically make it so i can choose which os i want to boot up?18:46
{Matteo}meh i'll go to #debian18:47
amigamiameant windows 2000 not 2ooo server18:47
emetanyone know a good screen reader for Gnome?18:47
thiebaudeamigamia:grub should list the OS's18:47
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:i have AVSCAN it finds Virus but there is no option to delete VIRUS18:47
Midtronicamigamia: theoretically, most definitely.18:47
mysteryLinuxGhost: once K3b begins burning it stops and gives me an error message18:48
amigamiadarnit the cd burned bad...drat. now i dont have any move cd's..drat18:48
IntuitiveNipple{Matteo}: Use lsmod | grep snd to figure out which other modules are holding references to it - they will need unloading too18:48
Tim__i dont have any more empty cds either18:48
amigamiacant i just mount the iso in 2000 and install it into the free partition?18:48
LinuxGhostmystery: REDUCE the burning speed, k3b doesnt like high speed18:48
{Matteo}all those with snd_hda_intel, right?18:48
mysteryLinux Ghost: thanx i will try that18:49
Condoulook, I installed Ubuntu through wubi. but I'm assuming it installed the x86_64 version because I can't install flash.18:49
leshahi from russia _18:49
IntuitiveNipple{Matteo}: If you see "snd_hda_intel         440536  4 " that ast 4 means 4 other modules have references to it... that has to reduce to 0 before the module can be unloaded18:49
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost i opened a terminal and typed in sudo aptitude get install gparted but it didnt work am i retarded?18:49
IntuitiveNipple{Matteo}: s/ast/last/18:49
{Matteo}kk thank you18:50
hardcorelinuxCondoulo, that is probably because you downloaded the 64-bit iso?18:50
Condoulohardcorelinux, I didn't download it myself. Wubi chose the download.18:50
schnauzerHollywoodJumper: "sudo aptitude install gparted" is what you want.18:50
Tim__64-bit is for server platform18:50
bobertdosCondoulo: How have you tried? My experience is that if you let Firefox auto-install, it'll automatically load nspluginwrapper.18:50
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper:u wrongly typed18:50
HollywoodJumperwhat are super cow privileges? is that like super user root stuff?18:51
Condoulobobertdos, downloaded it through adobe and tried installing it in the command line.18:51
roukounHollywoodJumper: sudo aptitude install gparted or sudo apt-get install gparted18:51
IntuitiveNippleTim__: no, 64-bit is for amd64 / intel 64-bit CPUs18:51
thiebaudecondoulo:download flashplugin-non-free from synaptic18:51
Tim__intuitive who is using 64bits18:51
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost so when i use aptitude i dont use get?18:51
hardcorelinuxTim__, ay!18:51
Tim__even quad core is 32 bits18:51
FlannelHollywoodJumper: no. try apt-get moo18:51
unopHollywoodJumper, if you are referring to the 'easter egg' in aptitude and apt-get - it's just that, an easter egg :)18:51
IntuitiveNippleCondoulo: At a terminal, what does uname -a show? (something like: Linux hephaestion 2.6.24-21-generic #1 SMP Mon Aug 25 16:57:51 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux_18:52
thiebaudehollywoodjumper:were you able to dual-boot?18:52
CondouloLinux tyler-desktop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Jun 18 14:15:37 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:52
bobertdosCondoulo: Yeah, unfortunately, native 64-bit support isn't quite up to snuff yet. Have you read the factoid yet?18:52
IntuitiveNippleCondoulo: The last bit, x86_64 or i386 will tell you18:52
=== BlackZ[away] is now known as BlackZ
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper: if u want to install type sudo apt-get gparted install18:52
bobertdos!flash64 | Condoulo18:52
ubottuCondoulo: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava18:52
IntuitiveNippleCondoulo: I've used Flash v9, and now Flash v10, with no problems on Hardy x86_6418:53
HollywoodJumperi havent tried yet i am still going to try to use gparted to reformat a partition in ntfs format so maybe i dont have to reinstall ubuntu18:53
Condoulosecond time this has happened to me. I guess Wubi detects that my processor supports 64-bit, but doesn't bother checking if the OS I'm installing it through is 32-bit.18:53
mysteryLinuxghost: how do you adjust burning speeds?18:53
* Esquilo says Hello everyone!18:53
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com18:53
BuckyHi all and happy to be here!18:53
thiebaudekewl, hollywoodjumper18:53
LinuxGhostHollywoodJumper: to install gparted type: sudo apt-get gparted install18:53
hardcorelinuxubottu, what is the current nvidia driver version?18:54
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:54
=== schmick_ is now known as schmick
IntuitiveNippleLinuxGhost: That should be sudo apt-get install gparted18:54
unopLinuxGhost, that wouldn't work18:54
strangeanyone here have expierence with enabling a tv screen on a radeon 9200 using s-video (i need clone mode)18:54
bobertdosCondoulo: I forget what it is exactly, but you can force wubi to install 32-bit if you start it with a particular argument.18:54
mcquaidi thought there was something like this but can't seem to find it.  is there an alternative to cpulimt? Something that could be called within a script18:54
LinuxGhostok, mistake18:54
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:54
bobertdosCondoulo: I believe it is --32bit or something similar.18:54
cumulus007I want the source of this bot18:54
cumulus007Where could I download it?18:55
Buckycould anyone be bothered helping me with a rather major problem on an old toshiba satellite I am trying to set up for a friend18:55
Condoulobobertdos, well I'm installing it now through nsplugin wrapper. no need to reinstall it and go through the pain of ATI drivers again.18:55
LinuxGhostok, u all who corrected me18:55
unopmcquaid, ulimit18:55
HollywoodJumperafter i typed in the correct command it didnt ask me for my sudo password18:55
bobertdosCondoulo: okie-dokey, let us know how that goes18:55
Condouloplus, 64-bit does run faster than 32-bit.18:55
chuckfBucky, depends on if we know what the problem is18:55
{Matteo}Condoulo, only under certain circumstances18:56
BuckyYes, thanks chuckf ... any ideas welcome ...18:56
carpediemcumulus007: on the link the bot gave you, there is a link to the source18:56
{Matteo}such as video/3d-modelling/games18:56
mcquaidunop, ulimit? is that part of cpulimit pkg?18:56
Buckyfresh install of ubuntu18:56
cumulus007carpediem: thx18:56
unopmcquaid, no, it's a shell builtin18:56
Buckyhave the vid drivers right I think and have been working on this thing for about 3 days now!18:56
Buckyripping hair out18:56
Buckybut anyway18:56
HollywoodJumperwhoa 3 days ago my interent connection speed was like less than 56k and now it is like 79kbs18:57
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Buckyquickly to grub , select kernel then the speed slows.18:57
hardcorelinuxHollywoodJumper, yes installing Ubuntu increases you bandwidth also :D18:57
unopmcquaid,  ''help ulimit'' should give you information18:58
BuckyMachine running fine, just so slow unusable. Like something getting in the way or conflict happening18:58
DavidCanariasBeing a newbie to this wonderful word of Linux can anyone please advise me how to download Media Coder as a debian package for Ubuntu Hardy please? Can I do this best thru the terminal??18:58
thiebaudebucky:how much memory do you got?18:58
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BuckyHas 512mb ram and looks like it is is gonna happen18:58
Buckyhaha, was just typing that! 512 so no probs there.18:59
thiebaudebucky:i also have 512, but i use fluxbox18:59
HollywoodJumperhardcorelinux i am sort of connected to a linksys router somewhere around my area so i am not really paying for internet right now thats why i am surprised at the increased speed18:59
_orko_hello all :D18:59
HollywoodJumperorko hello18:59
thiebaudebucky:fluxbox is a window manager that is low on resources18:59
Buckythiebaude, was thinking about it, but there is no reason this shouldn18:59
Buckyt work18:59
_orko_HollywoodJumper, thanks :D19:00
{Matteo}bleh is there an easy way to remove all these modules?19:00
chuckfBucky, what is the processor?19:00
Buckychuckf, now you got me, I'll just have a look19:00
_orko_i was wondering... does any one know how can i find what my sound card is from ubuntu? i mean is there any utility for that? :(19:00
thiebaudebucky:my regular ubuntu uses alot of memory19:00
IntuitiveNipple{Matteo}: If some audio application is running (e.g pulseaudio) that has to be stopped first, because it has the sound drivers open19:01
{Matteo}meh I'll log out and switch to a tty19:01
barishaare there drivers for graphic card ATI RADEON HD2600 AGP19:01
Buckychuckf, let's just say old ...19:02
DavidCanariasCan anyone please advise me the best place to download debian packages for Ubuntu Hardy?19:02
Buckythink is pentium 4 though.19:02
thiebaudebucky:do have a Dell?19:02
oxhaI have ubuntu on /dev/sda1, and I have formatted /dev/sdb1 and /dev/sdc1 with ext3.  I can mount them manually, but how can i let ubuntu now about these and see them on the "Places" tab?19:02
BuckyFigure there shouldn't be a problem here, but there seems to be. Like looking for a needle in a haystack but I just have a feeling something is blocking things up19:03
vnxi have a problem with nvidia driver19:03
BuckyMem and processor should be fine19:03
Buckyvnx, doesn't everyone! lol19:03
vnxit works with 2.6.26 but it doesn't with 2.6.20-1719:03
IntuitiveNippleBucky: In the GRUB menu item, have you edited the "kernel" commandline and removed "quiet splash" so you can see all the kernel log messages? That will show you what is going on and help identify anything unusual19:04
vnxsorry.... it works with 2.6.2419:05
BuckyIncidentally, I have tried running on nvidia-glx and nv drivers. Both work but no different to the speed of the machine.19:05
hardcorei'm trying to install yahoo messenger with wine. is this usually successful?19:05
Buckythanks intuitivenipple and hi ... :)19:06
OdditieCan anyone help me here? Is there anyway to connect to the net through a Windows computer? I just moved my Ubuntu machine away from the router and it doesn't have a wireless card, but my Windows machine does and is on the net and its only about 5 ft away from the Ubuntu machine now.19:06
IntuitiveNipplehardcore: Is that instead of using Pidgin?19:06
chuckfhardcore, have you looked at pidgin or other native multi protocol clients?19:06
IntuitiveNippleBucky: Hi.19:06
Buckywill look at that now ... have been checking the logs but nothing is turning up ... maybe that is why.19:06
hardcoreyes, just trying to see19:06
cuilhi everyone ,i can't open firefox19:06
unopOdditie, share your windows's wireless connection - if you want to know how, ask in ##windows.19:07
IntuitiveNippleBucky: If you have a /var/log/dmesg file and attach it to a post in the Ubuntu forums (Hardware & Laptops) I'll take a look19:07
hardcorei use pidgin now, i'm just trying my luck19:07
Buckycool, done ... or will tell you when it is. Thanks, ripping hair out at this stage.19:08
drhe|lapOdditie, you want to enable ICS on your windows wifi adapter. internet connection sharing.19:08
bobertdosculi: What version?19:08
LinuxGhostPEOPle , what is that command-line to remove all obsolete programs on my Ubuntu?19:08
unop!info deborphan | LinuxGhost19:09
ubottulinuxghost: deborphan (source: deborphan): Find orphaned libraries. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7.23 (hardy), package size 69 kB, installed size 420 kB19:09
LinuxGhosti know i have a lot of program useless19:09
OdditieAlright, trying to see if I can find it right now. Is there any other way other than sharing the connection...neighbors love free internet19:09
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: sudo apt-get autoremove19:09
BuckyIntuitive Nipple, trouble is the machine is so slow hard to post from it, but see what I can come up with ... :)19:09
ad1hello, I have problem with script, I would like to break those "while" loop, when it have scaned 2 hosts. How can I fix it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51340/19:09
drhe|lapOdditie, also, your going to want to use one of those yellow ethernet cable. cross cables i think. pc to pc ethernet cable.19:09
IntuitiveNippleBucky: copy the file to another PC first?19:09
joshuajtlhey folks, when I plug in my mouse (usb wireless) it's not working (it used to no problem, I havent' used it in some time) help?19:09
chatuuhey.. anyone knows how to show my pc on my tv ?19:10
IntuitiveNippleBucky: If you have other PCs, use ssh and scp to remotely access the PC/its files19:10
LinuxGhostdeborphan what is this?19:10
chatuui have an dc10 plus19:10
unopad1, it's easier to use a for loop there.  for i in {0..2}; do something_with "$i"; done19:10
dr3mro_when i run software  sources and update the repositories imy cpu fan go crazy and top report software proper 100 % cpu usage and my porcessor heat up any one confirm19:10
cuilhi bobertdos;i am not able to open Pigdin19:10
IntuitiveNippleIsn't a DC10 an aeroplane?19:10
LinuxGhostPaddy_EIRE:sudo apt-get autoremove this will remove obsolete programs?19:11
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, well... it is a videocard from pinnacle also19:11
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Ahhh!!19:11
chatuuHey, I have a dc10plus, i conet the cable on tv, tv tv show that colored lines.. but i don't know how to put anyimages there19:11
bobertdosculi: You're not able to open Pidgin OR Firefox?19:11
Paddy_EIRELinuxGhost: well mostly19:11
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, any ideias ?19:11
chuckfLinuxGhost, what do you mean by obsolete programs?19:11
dr3mro_when i run software  sources and update the repositories imy cpu fan go crazy and top report software proper 100 % cpu usage and my porcessor heat up any one confirm19:11
ad1unop, thanks, I check it19:11
BuckyIn Nipple: I have taken off quiet and splash before, just did it again then and not throwing any errors ... at least none I can see in the brief glimpse i get19:12
thiebaudechuckf:parts of programs left over19:12
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Does this web-page help? http://linuxcompatible.org/Pinnacle_DC10Plus_c9844.html19:12
dr3mro_when i run software  sources and update the repositories imy cpu fan go crazy and top report software proper 100 % cpu usage and my porcessor heat up any one confirm19:12
laughzillaanyone familiar with "kdenlive" .. the video editor suite?19:12
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, let me read19:12
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost someone replied to my forum post and sent me to a how to on apcmag.com19:12
Paddy_EIRE!anyone | laughzilla19:13
ubottulaughzilla: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:13
LinuxGhostchuckf: with obsolete i mean some program that ive installed but during maybe 6 months i never run it,hehehe19:13
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: See also, http://www.linuxtv.org/v4lwiki/index.php/Zoran_devices_(zr36057,_zr36067)19:13
Paddy_EIREHollywoodJumper: yeah the dual booting guide on apcmag is great19:13
dr3mro_when i run software  sources and update the repositories imy cpu fan go crazy and top report software proper 100 % cpu usage and my porcessor heat up any one confirm19:13
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost the how to is telling me to back up my grub before i make space for windows with the ubuntu cd19:13
laughzillaspecifically, i'm trying to get a slideshow to render in kdelive, and it only does when i render it by itself, not when it's inside the timeline of a larger movie.  how can i solve this?19:13
laughzillain kdenlive, rather.19:14
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, i am reading those, but like... i already got it to work, but i don't know how to put video out19:14
BuckyIntuitive Nipple: Nope, all looks fine after boot without quiet and splash. Will post dmesg and let you know.19:14
chuckfLinuxGhost, sudo apt-get remove packagename19:14
CasperinI'm trying to install Ubuntu on a pen drive and I'm following this manual, but I got stuck on the fdisk part. I typed in +750M for the size (as the manual dictated), but then it asks for the second cylinder..19:15
HollywoodJumperthis is the command that the site is telling me to use for GRUB backup --sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst.19:15
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: OK, well I'd guess if the don't detail it, it might not be possible with the Linux drivers19:15
=== enu is now known as Enu
GeordieHi many apologies for newbie Qs if I could have found the answer elsewhere - I have already checked exhaustively. Does anybody know how to connect a bluetooth Personal area network instead of wifi? I am using Heron, a WM6 smartphone on BT2.119:15
Farghhow do I get rid of being asked for sudo password  ?  I editted visudo and added this line19:15
Fargh name   ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /bin/chmod19:15
Farghwhat else is needed +19:15
dr3mro_when i run software  sources and update the repositories imy cpu fan go crazy and top report software proper 100 % cpu usage and my porcessor heat up any one confirm19:15
smm289I was just as Havoline (oil change place) I noticed all of there cash registers are running Ubuntu19:15
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, but like... i conected the cables now, and the tv shows that lines like,,, white,yellon and stuff ( sorry i don't speak english that well)19:16
BuckyBut give me half an hour, intuitive! Still not sure if this is gonna happen!19:16
strangexrandr tells me nothing is connected to s-video but during boot up the boot screen does show up on my tv (bios bootscreen nothing in ubuntu) anyone have any idea on how to clone my monitor to my tv?19:17
geodomeanyone heard about the linux kernal bug that wipes out intel networking chiips?19:17
D3RGPS31When I login, I get a prompt saying "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session..." Ubuntu 8.04.1, Gnome19:17
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: That's okay, don't worry... not many people here speak C, C++ or Python either :)19:17
=== troubled_ is now known as troubled
LinuxGhostPady_EIRE: NOthing removed,ok19:17
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Could it be a case of using some controller program to configure the output?19:17
bobertdosdr3mro_: I don't find anything too strange about that, actually.19:17
bobertdoschatuu: This is not a programming channel, but what do you need?19:18
=== Officium is now known as KernelPanik
IntuitiveNipplegeodome: It's not a bug in the kernel as such, it's a problem with the Intel e1000 that maps its NVRAM into kernel memory buffers19:18
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  and bobertdos  i don't know how to figured how to "video out" the image19:19
dr3mro_bobertdos, do you confirm high cpu ?? with software sources?19:19
dr3mro_bobertdos, or i am alone?19:19
`BlueIs there a way to use my JVC camcorder as a webcam on Ubuntu 7.10?19:19
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  and bobertdos i plig the cables and the tv shows stuff, i need to figure how can i chage that stuff =]19:19
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: What kind of video output connector does the  DC10+ have (composite, RGB, SCART, etc.) ?19:19
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,   the small cabel... like DVD players19:20
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: That doesn't really help me I'm afraid :)19:20
bobertdosdr3mro_: Well, maybe not that high, I'm just saying, I wouldn't worry.19:21
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, sorry hahaha, the ones ( yellow for video, red and white for sound )  it has the yeallon onw19:21
`BlueIs there a way to use my JVC camcorder as a webcam on Ubuntu 7.10?19:21
=== anthony_ is now known as namelessnotion
HollywoodJumperLinuxGhost the how to is telling me to make 6 to 10gig of freespace using the partition editor in system do you think that is enough space for victa?19:21
thiebaudewow, finally got pidgin working19:21
geodomewhat is victa?19:21
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Is this the card? http://www.benchmark.co.yu/tests/multimedia/pinnacle/dc10plus/dc10_front_small.jpg19:21
HollywoodJumpervista sorry19:21
Agent_bobdoes anyone here use rsync enough to give an example of it's use with dot.dec ip's  ?      rsync looks like a powerful munch of programs, i just don't have a clue how to use it...     ?19:22
Gary13579Any ideas?19:22
IntuitiveNipple`Blue: You can connect it using the iLink IEEE1394 connector19:22
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  yeah19:22
kokandthiebaude: Is it so hard?19:22
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  i am just using composite19:22
strangexrandr tells me nothing is connected to s-video but during boot up the boot screen does show up on my tv (bios bootscreen nothing in ubuntu) anyone have any idea on how to clone my monitor to my tv?19:22
chatuudon't want sound, just video19:22
`BlueIntuitiveNipple:  what if i dont have firewire on my pc?  USB not work?19:23
D3RGPS31When I login, I get a prompt saying "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session..." Ubuntu 8.04.1, Gnome =/19:23
CostaRicanQuakerhow do i kill a process from the terminal? i can't close pidgin from the system monitor and it's consuming memory19:23
pbnHello, I need to do automatically modprobe via686a force_addr=0x6000 .... How do I configure that in /etc/modules ?19:24
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker killall name19:24
`BlueCostaRicanQuaker: ps aux | grep pidgen19:24
hardcorei want to change my default dvd player to dragon player. in the sudo gedit /etc/gnome/defaults.list do i type dragon player or dragon-player in the dvd part?19:24
`Blueget the id and then sudo kill id19:24
bobertdosCostaRicanQuaker: killall19:24
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  i can't find anything about video out =/19:25
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker killall is cleaner than kill  but both work    so does fuse  but i'll keep it simple for you.    killall name_of_app19:25
`Bluedo a man <command> first...just so no one in here tries to pull a fast one on you19:25
hardcorei want to change my default dvd player to dragon player. in the sudo gedit /etc/gnome/defaults.list do i type dragon player or dragon-player in the dvd part?19:26
CostaRicanQuakerAgent_bob, didn't work19:26
CostaRicanQuakerkill asked me for some id or process19:26
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker sudo it19:26
`BlueCostaRicanQuaker: get the id from the "ps aux | grep pidgen"19:26
LinuxGhostpEOple, how to install an application from ubuntu to mobile phone19:26
BuckyIntuitive Nipple, that dmesg should be there right about now ...19:26
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker yes  you have to supply a process id for kill to work  and a name for killall  they are different apps19:27
LinuxGhostI have gammu but it cant19:27
tyberionhmm, may not be the perfect place to ask, but anyone happens to know where I can get the *best* rss feeds.. :S19:27
BuckyIn hardware and laptops19:27
bobertdoshardcore: I suppose whatever the executable name is. You could also do it graphically if you wanted: File Browser->Edit->Preferences->Removable Media19:27
CostaRicanQuakerBlue, how do i know which of the output is the id?19:27
hardcoregraphically don't work in hardy19:27
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker heh   pidof pidgen19:27
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bobertdoshardcore: from the file browser?19:28
BuckyI haven't used irc in years! this is fun!19:28
`BlueCostaRicanQuaker: it is the first number you see starting from the left going to the right19:28
hansengelHi, I use a WiFi network that has two access points - one is close and with a strong signal; the other is far and has a weak signal. For some reason my adapter keeps selecting the weaker access point.. is there some way to restrict it to only one access point, maybe by ID?19:28
CostaRicanQuakerAgent_bob, nothinghappened...it just says "killing"19:28
LinuxGhostMaybe ive installed Wammu but it is command line not Gui and doesnt appear in my applications list19:28
hardcorewhere's the file browser?19:28
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Do the drivers create additional video devices ( ls /dev/video* )19:28
JannoTTwhat was the command to see all connected hardware?19:28
matsBucky: i know. First time for me now also. Years and years since last19:28
voxJannoTT: lspci19:28
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.1, anyone >.<19:28
Buckyhaha mats. :)19:28
IntuitiveNippleBucky: Ok, will look19:29
LinuxGhostany one knows how to explore mobile phone with UBUNTU?19:29
Buckyjust like old times.19:29
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  yes it does gave vide0 and video119:29
bobertdoshardcore: Just open your home directory or filesystem from the Places menu. That is the file browser (nautilus)19:29
thiebaudemats:bucky:this is fun i use xchat, but finally got pidgin working19:29
matsLinuxGhost: what kind of phone?19:29
BuckyThanks Intuitive. Hope you can see something i haven't been able to.19:29
matsthiebaude: :)19:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mib19:29
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Are both those devices on the DC10+, or is one of them a webcam or something else?19:29
LinuxGhostmats:NOKIA 6230i19:29
chatuunot sure19:29
HollywoodJumperwhat is MiB?19:29
JannoTTDang. No-sign of my wifi card in lspci :19:29
digitalfizhow do i control ubuntus firewall?19:29
chatuui gues one is webcam19:29
zulu34sxHow can I have a look to my hardware???19:30
smm289Men in Black19:30
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  i gues is webcam19:30
IntuitiveNippleJannoTT: lsusb19:30
hansengelHollywoodJumper: Mebibyte19:30
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker are you telling me that   "sudo killall pidgen"    doesn't kill pidgen ?      and check the name i don't use it myself.19:30
JannoTTits pci19:30
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: There is a web-cam on that system too? OK19:30
HollywoodJumperhow big is mebibyte?19:30
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, yes19:30
matsLinuxGhost: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3964619:30
hansengelHollywoodJumper: In most uses MiB == MB19:30
Buckymebibyte huge19:30
BuckyI have one for a pet19:30
hardcorebobertdos, all i see is folders19:30
bobertdosdigitalfiz: From the command line, you use iptables. The easiest graphical front-end is probably firestarter.19:30
bobertdoshardcore: There should be an Edit menu at the top.19:31
HollywoodJumperso a thousand mebibytes is a gig19:31
Bucky1024 kibobytes19:31
Agent_bob!info ufw19:31
ubottuufw (source: ufw): program for managing a netfilter firewall. In component main, is standard. Version (hardy), package size 22 kB, installed size 204 kB19:31
BuckyI mean19:31
hansengelHollywoodJumper: no, it's a Gibibyte19:31
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, /dev/video0 is dc10plus , but it is video IN i wanto to video out19:31
HollywoodJumperok i think i get it19:32
CostaRicanQuakerAgent_bob, yeah, the program's not responding...it says killing as it has been for ten min now19:32
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: What program are you using to output the video to the DC10+ ?19:32
chatuui am not using anything19:32
Buckyoh, mebibytes, of course ... a gibibyte19:32
hardcorebobertdos, the only one i see is open movie player19:32
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker add -9  to the command19:32
Android_ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready what does this mean ?19:32
Xcercaanybody have an opinion on playing games with cedega vs wine ?19:32
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  i am not using anything, that is what im loking for19:32
CostaRicanQuakerAgent_bob, how? more like where19:32
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: Well, I think you will need something. I don't see any indications that the device has a loop-back19:32
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker sudo killall -9 pidgen19:33
Le-Chuck_ITAhi there19:33
Till10185cant seem to get either one of them to work wine works ok but so far cedaga cant get a thing to work19:33
matsLe-Chuck_ITA: hi19:33
Xcercamy counter-strike is slow in wine some i'm trying cedega instead , should it be bettter19:33
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, to watch video in i used xawtv and it works fine19:33
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker we call that "using a bigger hammer"19:33
Le-Chuck_ITAis there a way to get mail notifications from evolution when it is "closed"? I mean: mail-notification wants evolution running19:33
matsXcerca: it should be19:33
Le-Chuck_ITAand I can't find any other suitable application19:33
CostaRicanQuakeri accidentally used a 0 first Agent_bob then i did the nine19:33
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker as in don't force it, just use a bigger hammer19:33
XcercaTill do you have to re-install the game in cedega from cd ?19:34
Till10185i downloaded cedaga and it was a 1.5 meg file is that just a demo or is the actual version free19:34
HollywoodJumperwhat is the sudo command to check what kind of hardware i have?19:34
IntuitiveNippleBucky: OK, I know what is wrong19:34
bobertdoshardcore: You don't see File, Edit, and so on?19:34
Le-Chuck_ITAHollywoodJumper: sudo lshal?19:34
Till10185dont got a clue i never could get it to work19:34
zulu34sxWhat do I have to type to get a list of my hardware?19:34
hardcorei do19:34
BuckyGreat , what? Intuitive Nipple19:34
CostaRicanQuakerAgent_bob, still there on the list of apps from the system monitor and the window titlebar stillr eads killing19:34
Xcercai thought you just have to subscribe to transgaming then you get the whole version free ?19:34
Le-Chuck_ITAzulu34sx: sudo lshal?19:34
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: But xawtv will configure things to output the video back to the DC10+ from the input, won't it?19:34
hardcorei clicked edit and in the media part it said movie player and open folder19:34
Till10185i thought so to19:34
hardcorenothing at all about other options19:35
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker -1519:35
LinuxGhostmats: http://ubuntuhelping me, help me plsforums.org/showthread.php?t=39646 it is not19:35
Xcercai'm trying it now19:35
BuckyDid you want to post in the thread or tell me in irc about it?19:35
mcquaidis there something like cpulimit that i can call from a script19:35
zulu34sxno i need a list of the names of my hardware19:35
LinuxGhostmats:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3964619:35
IntuitiveNippleBucky: Hah! that i have to dig into I can't remember the fix19:35
BuckyIn Nip19:35
Till10185but so far this version i got all it does is pop up a text file with a disclaimer19:35
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, xat tv doest have anything about vido out, when i open xaw tv, my tv comes black ( with cabel in video out )19:35
BuckyEek! But there is one???19:35
XcercaTill10185 when did you get it ? is it 6.0 ?19:36
zulu34sx no i need a list of the names of my hardwareespecially my soudcard...19:36
Till10185yeah its 06 i believe19:36
Le-Chuck_ITAzulu34sx: lspci -v19:36
Le-Chuck_ITAman lspci :)19:36
BuckyIf you give me a clue Intuitive, I could start digging too. :)19:36
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: But as I understand it, xawtv configures the card for output19:36
LinuxGhostmats: that link i cnat see the help to use NOKIA 6230i as Nokia pC Suite like in windows19:36
Talon_66how do i reconfugure plugins for fire fox i have no sound and have lots of plugins  how do i fix plz19:36
D3RGPS31Could someone help me with my GUI problems =/19:36
gd515is this a ubuntu help chat ?19:36
Xcercai can't goto the website , is it down www.cedega.com19:36
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  so what can i do ?!?19:36
Till10185let me check to make sure havent used it because whenever i click on it a disclaimer pops up and thats it19:36
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: no we usually talk about the environment, ozone, forests and so on :)19:37
LinuxGhostAnyone know what program in Linux is almost the same like NOKIA PC SUITE?19:37
wolihi, i want to label my main drive that its named as "Filesystem"19:37
Xcercawhat is Nokia PC Suite ?19:37
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: what is your prolbem in ubuntu anyway?19:37
IntuitiveNipplechatuu: I'm confused again... why can't you use xawtv to configure it? That's what I do with the brooktree video card in one of my PCs19:37
wolii saw in a forum that I can use pysdm, but i'm scared of deleting anything that would lead me to reinstall ubuntu19:38
LinuxGhostI need to manage my NOKIA 6230i files, i dont know how to do on Ubuntu19:38
woliis using pysdm risky?19:38
Till10185yeah its vers 6 i downloaded it is the actual version 1.5 megs because all mine does is pop up the disclaimer19:38
gd515lol well i just installed ubuntu and i was wondering how i can password protect my windows drive when i first installed ubunut it was passworded but now its not and all my files are on there19:38
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  how do you configure ? i didn't find anything, let me look for again in xawtv19:38
XcercaLinuxGhost   ,  pictures ?19:38
DavidCanariasHow do I install a program with a bin file please? anyone to help??19:38
Talon_66!firefox help19:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about firefox help19:38
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins19:39
LinuxGhostI need to manage my NOKIA 6230i files, i dont know how to do on Ubuntu. Not pictures but application, games19:39
Agent_bobCostaRicanQuaker you can also use    pstree     and see if it has something started that it can't kill and kill that something. (same way)    although that shouldn't be needed, and seldom is.19:39
Till10185a bin file is like a iso format you got to have a extraction program or a iso program that can read bin files and or make a disk from the bin19:39
Agent_bobDavidCanarias bash file.bin19:39
XcercaLinuxGhost  , what is a NOKIA 6230i ?19:39
Agent_bobDavidCanarias but you probably shouldn't.19:39
DecepticonLinuxGhost hows your nokia 6230i treating you, i have one too19:39
DecepticonLinuxGhost why do you still have that old phone, theres nothing special about it? unless you have some amazing apps?19:40
LinuxGhost Xcerca: NOKIA6230i is a  mobile phone,hehehehe,funny19:40
* prolix fingers itch19:40
Till10185the older phones are the best phones they got amazing uses that most people dont know about19:40
DavidCanariasAgent_bob: I want to download Media Converter and it tells me its a bin file so I dont know how to do this?19:40
LinuxGhostDecepticon:heheheh, funny, but that phone is to make some experience19:41
Agent_bobDavidCanarias if at all possable you should find a ubuntu/debian package and use it.19:41
Till10185you might have to go through windows to make a cd or convert or extract the bin file so far i dont think ubunbu has a program to do that19:41
XcercaTill10185  uses like what ?19:41
BluewolfY2 questions19:42
DavidCanariasAgent-bob: Thanks. How can I find a ubuntu deb pacakge?19:42
BluewolfYhow do i know what i am using gnome or kde ?19:42
Agent_bob!medibuntu > DavidCanarias19:42
ubottuDavidCanarias, please see my private message19:42
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: did you ever insert a password to "unlock" your windows drive?19:42
whileimhereHi. I have a laptop that has wireless on it. The wireless works fine for a period of time then it drops the connection and then rather than reconnect it shows me the connection window where it wants me to input my wireless password again. Any idea why this is?19:42
Till10185go through synaptic manager or go to add programs19:42
LinuxGhostHow to make free call from Ubuntu???:)19:42
DavidCanariasUbottu: Many thanks.19:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about many thanks.19:42
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.119:42
DavidCanariasAgent_bob: thanks to you too! I will try19:43
gd515on windows i have it password protected but you can access that drive thru ubuntu19:43
chatuuIntuitiveNipple, there is no configurantion for output on xawtv19:43
Raleskhi all; I was messing around in the compiz settings manager thing and then I guess it crashed and reverted to settings I had never had (seeing as I never used the desktop wall or two desktops, ever...)19:43
Till10185any one know what would cause fire fox to freeze it does that often i can play a swf game click it off and it will freeze firefox so far dont got a clue19:43
LinuxGhostubottu: many thanks means thanks a lot, hehehe i know u r a BOT19:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:43
BluewolfYthere is a way on ubuntu to make every desktop his own background ?19:43
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: then the drive is not password protected19:43
Le-Chuck_ITAor your protection is very flaky19:44
gd515yes when i first went to the drive in ubuntu i entered the password and it let me in and since then its never been passworded19:44
Le-Chuck_ITAah ok19:44
Till10185bots try going to yahoo if you hate bots then i wouldn't recommend even having a yahoo id19:44
Xcerca can someone try to goto www.cedega.com ?  i think the site might be down19:44
Agent_bobDavidCanarias check medibuntu first, well no actually, the standard repositories first then medibuntu, then if not there, search for the source code and build it.  only as a last resort install non-uspported non-debianized non-free binary packages (.bin)19:44
gd515how would i get it protected again ... im a noob to linux19:44
LinuxGhostubottu: are you intelligent?19:44
BuckyIntuitive Nipple, wondering if the last two lines are a clue or I am way off the money?19:44
sidusquale italiano?19:44
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: create a new user, reboot and enter directly with that user. If it's password protected again, then everything is fine19:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:44
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: just your keyring is opened automatically at login and you see the drive contents but when you logout it is unmounted19:45
LinuxGhostubottu: what is your nickname?19:45
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:45
simNIX__Xcerca, is non responsive here19:45
BluewolfYcan some one help me plz ?19:45
Xcercaalright .. so it's not just me ?19:46
gd515ok i will try that ..... thanks19:46
BluewolfYthere is a way on ubuntu to make every desktop his own background ?19:46
Till10185at least for a bot your typing cleaner all the bots ive seen type stupid totally unintelligent stuff19:46
Buckydon't think so bluewolfy19:46
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: if so, there are tools to delete that password from gnome-keyring even tough I don't remember precisely.19:46
Dante123hi all,  kids are filling up second computer with music/videos.  I have an 1000 mhz Pentium 3 kicking around.  Is it worth setting up as a ubuntu server that can hold their music etc.?  Or will setting up a ubuntu server be overkill in this case?  (We do have a couple other computers running windows and ubuntu)19:46
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.119:47
Dante123Thinking of having them all access an ubuntu server for extra storage etc.19:47
gd515i dont have nothing mounted its on my linux bar in the Places tab19:47
Le-Chuck_ITADante123: I think it's worth19:47
BluewolfYbucky, are you sure ?19:47
Till10185where can i get vm ware is it free i was wondering can you put windows xp as a vmware19:47
Buckydon't think server overkill if you are looking to access files from that one on all the others in your network dante19:47
Le-Chuck_ITAgd515: when you access the drive it gets mounted19:47
apollo13hi, I am trying to pin libsvn1 to version 1.4 (source: hardy) and prevent upgrade to 1.5 (source: hardy-backports), how can I do this? My current pinning file looks like this: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/86369/ no effect though :(19:48
Le-Chuck_ITAok that is the time when gnome-keyring is accessed I suppose19:48
strangexrandr tells me nothing is connected to s-video but during boot up the boot screen does show up on my tv (bios bootscreen nothing in ubuntu) anyone have any idea on how to clone my monitor to my tv?19:48
LinuxGhostWHo knows a nice tutorial to Design web with GIMP?19:48
woliis there danger in configuring my filesystem with pysdm? (Storage Device Manager) ?19:48
BuckyNo! But I am figuring it is one big screen or one screen is a clone of the other. Change one you change em all19:48
aleatorioi have problem to install nvidia drivers http://paste.ubuntu.com/51349/19:48
prolixubottu: samba19:49
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209819:49
Till10185audio out cables place them from your pc to tv to recorder or whatever19:49
chewhi, i'm trying the 8.04 livecd but it keeps on asking me for a login/passwd.19:49
Le-Chuck_ITAstrange: what video card?19:49
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.119:49
LinuxGhostUbuntu is like Phisician, You must everytime be learning unless you get behind;-)19:50
BuckyHaving much luck, Intuitive Nip?19:50
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions19:50
chatuuIntuitiveNipple,  do you know any conf in xawtv thatmakes output video ?19:51
Dante123Le-Chuck_ITA any suggestions on how to go about doing this?19:51
strangeLe-Chuck_ITA: radeon 920019:51
Till10185dont download mandriva it sucks ubuntu is the best linux or pup had mandriva hated it because i duel booted it and it wouldnt let me back on ubuntu i had to rig it up where i can get back on ubuntu19:51
Le-Chuck_ITAstrange: just checking that it was not mine :)19:51
chewuhm, very strange, like i said, tried booting the livecd but it asks me for a login/password.. why is that? no ubuntu previously installed on the box19:52
Till10185the password should be the same as the original password you had on windows or what os you first had when you installed ubuntu19:52
=== _Vinnonet is now known as Vinnonet
chewTill10185: yeah? even when you try the livecd19:53
Le-Chuck_ITADante123: I don't remember the names of packages, sorry, but there is a distribution called ubuntu-media-center that maybe also shares files and streams these19:53
bobertdoschew: Did you try logging in as root?19:53
Till10185thats how i installed mine live cd it auto detected my old windows password19:53
cwill747Videos flicker when i play them, anybody know the fix? I don't remember how to fix it... i've done it once before19:53
chewbobertdos: root/root?19:53
Dante123Le-Chuck_ITA okay will look for it19:53
aleatorioi have problem to install nvidia drivers http://paste.ubuntu.com/51349/19:53
bobertdoschew: Well probably root/no password19:54
hardcoreis it possible to set a kde application as default in gnome?19:54
Le-Chuck_ITADante123: in any case there are many streaming packages for ubuntu, I think I have used ario as a client so the server should have been MPD19:54
Le-Chuck_ITAand it rocked alot19:54
Le-Chuck_ITAbut maybe MPD plays directly on server - I don't remember19:54
Le-Chuck_ITAbye all19:54
HollywoodJumpercan i back up my GRUB to disk?19:55
HollywoodJumperlike cd?19:55
Till10185yeah you can even use flash drives as bootable os's19:55
cwill747!grub | HollywoodJumper19:55
ubottuHollywoodJumper: grub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto19:55
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.119:55
samnsparkyHello, I need some help getting a live image running.19:55
samnsparkyIf anyone has a moment.19:56
HollywoodJumperi am going to dual boot but i have to make sure i backup my grub before installing windows19:56
khyrosssparky : what is the problem19:56
samnsparkyAlright. I have done this before, so I am not sure what is going on now. But, a friend's computer is having a problem.19:56
samnsparkyFor some reason vista won't start.19:56
khyrosgrub se vistaM19:57
samnsparkySo, I just decided to burn a live image for him for ubuntu.19:57
chewdamnit, tried with ubuntu/ubuntu ubuntu/ root/root root/ but can't login, my friend is not using a login/password in windows at all19:57
Till10185yeah try that flash drive out put all your linux files on it and make sure you add the boot file and all the rest associated with it19:57
Till10185it should boot up like a cd and run from that or just back up all your files on a dvr19:57
samnsparkyBut, when I try to run the disk (even to check for defaults). The process starts but when the Ubuntu logo and loading bar appear the computer freezes.19:57
samnsparkyAny suggestions? I checked the MD5SUM and all that.19:58
khyroswhat kind of pc?19:58
prolixsamnsparky: do you have a livecd for the approptiate architecture?19:58
hardcorelinuxsamnsparky, trying boot option 'acpi=off'19:58
samnsparkyCompaq Preario. 1GB of Ram.19:58
Till10185i know what it did allot of software doesnt add the boot files what happened was you burned the disk but it didnt burn it as a bootable cd image19:58
chewbobertdos: what else can i do? i don't want to do a fresh install on that box without knowing if all the hw works properly19:58
samnsparkyNah, its just normal Ubuntu. Till could you please elaborate?19:59
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.119:59
Till10185its showing the live cd burned but what it did was it burned the disk but it didnt burn it as a bootable cd image19:59
bobertdoschew: Are you sure you've got the LiveCD Desktop edition and not server?19:59
samnsparkyUmm. I burnt it from Ubuntu.19:59
chewbobertdos: yes19:59
samnsparkySo, it should have recognized it... I think.20:00
prolixsamnsparky: you need to know the architecture of the machine you want the livecd to run on.  i.e. amd or intel(686)20:00
Till10185all mine worked perfectly that ive burned on here both pup and mandriva20:00
samnsparkyAs I said, the disk loads. It just freezes when it gets to the loading bar. I believe this is a i386.20:00
HollywoodJumperhow can i backup GRUB to DVR20:01
bobertdoschew: and it is a login prompt as opposed to a command prompt?20:01
Till10185go to a cd duplication program and just completely duplicate the cd let me look for the program i used its on the add programs20:01
prolixman.  quit playin20:01
samnsparkyAlright thanks.20:01
khyrossamnsparky when its freeze or stop de ubuntu try press F2 or F3  keys  mayb tell the ubuntu install more info20:02
chewbobertdos: it's gdm/xdm or whatever ubuntu uses, it says 'User ubuntu will be logged in in 10 seconds" but goes back to GDM again20:02
Till10185it maybe just a bad cdr or dvr ive had a few that it was just the cdrs that was at fault20:02
samnsparkyHey. I just tried pressing F2 and F3. It did not do anything. I will reboot and try again though.20:02
samnsparkyAlright. I think I will try re-burning. Do you believe that I will need to re-download as well.20:03
samnsparkyBut, before I go, I will try the F2/F3 trick again.20:03
Samsmsg ubottu etiquette20:03
Till10185maybe try tuxdistro.com all linux software is on there it could be a bad download with messing sectors20:03
ceil420new 'buntus in October, right?20:03
ceil420like, early october?20:04
bobertdoschew: If you can get to a regular command prompt, what happens when you try to start x? (startx)20:04
carandraugceil420: 30th October20:04
prolixwhenever i've run a livecd on inappropriate hardware, i get the logo then a freeze20:04
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.120:04
ceil420carandraug, that sucks -_-20:04
chewbobertdos: w820:04
michael__vm-xt an asus m that has an atheros ar928x wifi card.  I have been unsuccessful at trying to get it to work properly in ubuntu.  after "echo 0 > /sys/devices/platforms/asus-laptop/wlan" it connected to my router,20:04
Till10185open suse is good there is a new version of ubuntu coming up i think it the next couple of months20:04
samnsparkyYea. No luck with F2/F3. I will redownload. Thanks for your help.20:04
khyrosoh i mean Alt+F2 or alt+F320:05
Till10185no prob20:05
bobertdoschew: You're stuck at the login prompt, right? or is it a ttyl prompt?20:05
IntuitiveNippleBucky: I've replied to your forum's post20:05
carandraugceil420: 8.04 was also in the end of the month20:05
samnsparkyOh. Alright. khros. I will try that real fast.20:05
ceil420carandraug, i didn't care then, but with debian annoying the hell out of me, i wanna install xubuntu20:05
DavidCanariasI am using DeVeDe 3.6 but it seems there is a later version. Shouldn't this have updated automatically? How can I update to the latest version please20:05
carandraugTill10185: Ubuntu 8.10 expected to be released on 30th October20:05
ceil420carandraug, but i don't wanna bother with a possibly broken updater in a month :x20:05
LeventersoYhow can i exit the gnome and joining the bash?20:05
michael__this laptop has EXPRESS GATE installed on it (tiny version of linux stored in squashfiles in  c:\asus.sys)20:05
chewbobertdos: no it's GDM.20:06
LeventersoYi want a only working at bash20:06
michael__i want to know how to unsquash the drivers for the wifi that they use in express gate20:06
chewbobertdos: i know what i'm doing :) it's just weird that it's asking me for a login/passwd on the livecd20:06
michael__and use them for ubuntu20:06
prolixLeventersoY: are you sure you want to kill your xserver?20:06
chewbobertdos: some ppl on the ubuntuforums etc are experiencing the same problem20:06
samnsparkyNah. Still no luck. Well, I just started the download again. See you all later!20:06
LeventersoYbut that ok , if you know a another way please say to me20:06
hardcorei was able to set vlc as default dvd player in gnome, but it don't work with dragon player. is this because dragon player is kde?20:07
D3RGPS31When I login I'm prompted "I could not start your session and so I have started the failsafe xterm session"... Ubuntu 8.04.120:07
prolixubottu: runlevel20:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about runlevel20:07
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!20:07
LeventersoYctrl alt f1?20:07
chewbobertdos: if you google for 'ubuntu 8.04 default username'20:07
michael__and how do i disable the joins/leaves?20:07
michael__in xchat20:07
hardcorei'm installing intrepid when beta comes out20:07
carandraugceil420: I updated from 7.10 to 8.04 in two different computers and had no problem. But there's some big diferences in 8.10 (my update to alpha version didn't went that well, but that may be because it's alpha) so it may not go that smooth this time20:07
prolixoh man20:08
bobertdoschew: I know this is common, actually. We just have never been able to narrow it down to one solution. So you are getting into GDM briefly, which means X IS in fact starting.20:08
michael__and how do i disable the joins/leaves in xchat20:08
ceil420carandraug, i had problems with Feisty>Gutsy (i don't know the numbers) twice ;x20:08
carandraugceil420: that would be from 7.04 to 7.1020:08
chewbobertdos: yes, it seems to be working like it should except that i can't access X.. don't know what to do then, i can't install ubuntu on my friend box without trying it out first ;)20:09
BuckyOh, cool Intuitive Nipple. Will check it, I was absorbed in trying to figure out what was going wrong. Thanks20:10
michael__ok im back20:11
hardcorei was able to set vlc as default dvd player in gnome, but it don't work with dragon player. is this because dragon player is kde?20:11
Lofde_ok i just made a tar , and if i want to   compress it more and make it a tar.bz whats that command again ?20:11
michael__so to recap, i got ubuntu to see the wifi (atheros ar928x) but its horribly slow, i have EXPRESS GATE and am wondring what to unsquash to find the drivers they use20:12
hardcorei was able to set vlc as default dvd player in gnome, but it don't work with dragon player. is this because dragon player is kde?20:12
prolixLofde_: man bzip20:12
hardcorei used the gedit list20:12
michael__anyone have any experience with EXPRESS GATE?20:12
michael__aka splashtop20:12
hardcoremichael__, i have no idea what that is20:12
bobertdoschew: Well, maybe it would be worth seeing if you can get the server edition working and worry about the X issues later.20:12
bobertdosjust a thought20:13
JunTaoi'm having trouble turning off my laptops touchpad using syndaemon...can anyone help me i'm stuck. I tried the online docs and in my xorg.conf i added the line : Option "SHMconfig" "On"20:13
michael__hardcore asus's version of linux that comes preinstalled on the asus m70 series laptops20:13
chrisrgood evening20:13
michael__hardcore http://www.phoronix.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11610&highlight=splashtop20:13
hardcorei was able to set vlc as default dvd player in gnome, but it don't work with dragon player. is this because dragon player is kde?20:14
geodomei think ibex might be late20:14
chrisr i recompiled the kernel using the ubuntu howto and the ubuntu sources. however, i cannot get the firmware for my intel iwl4965 to load with the new kernel, though the firmware is in /lib/firmware/kernel20:14
chrisrdoes anybody know why the standard kernel loads firmware just fine?20:14
BuckyIntuitive N: No change I am afraid, tried both options you suggest20:15
michael__heres my output of dir in that folder... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51358/20:16
michael__anyone have any experience with squashfs?20:16
hardcorei was able to set vlc as default dvd player in gnome, but it don't work with dragon player. is this because dragon player is kde? i tried it via the gedit list20:16
chewbobertdos: yep, tomorrow. ;) but it's a little bit weird though.. thank you.20:16
LooevilleI'm having trouble with my mouse. It has a shadowy white box that has to be placed over whatever I'm trying to click on. Is this normal? Will I have to download and install mouse drivers? I'm a complete newbie to linux. Thanks20:17
matreya6Looeville, what kind of mouse are u using?20:17
michael__hardcore heres my output of dir in that folder... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51358/20:18
LooevilleIt is a 3 button GE serial mouse.20:18
matreya6Serial General Electric or Genius?20:18
kingtekrinCan someone help me figure out why Anarchy Online installed correctly, but it wont patch?20:18
LooevilleGeneral Electric20:18
bobertdoshardcore: It's possible, but since no one's responding, I don't think any of us know for certain.20:18
hardcoremichael__, what about dvd?20:19
hardcoreoh ok20:19
StylesWhat program do you use to hotsync your treo?20:19
StylesTreo 750*20:19
sdwrageHey all20:19
michael__hardcore im trying to find which one would have my wlan drivers20:19
sdwrageWhat is the command to restart the server?20:19
prolixsdwrage: which server?20:20
Azzmodansdwrage, define "the server"20:20
sdwragethe os :)20:20
hardcoremichael__, the gedit list worked just fine for vlc, i'm assumint it won't work for dragon player because it is kde20:20
sdwrageI have VPS hosting with ubuntu20:20
sdwrageis it?20:20
prolixsudo reboot20:20
Azzmodanman reboot :)20:20
hardcorewho reboot?20:20
sdwrageya wow20:21
Joesephis there a linux project to easily download and read open source/copyright ran out books?20:21
sdwrageshoulda guessed that20:21
HollywoodJumperok so question if i dual boot should use vista or GRUB bootloader?20:21
AzzmodanAlways do a man <command> before using a new command20:21
sdwragek :)20:21
sdwragethx azz20:21
Azzmodanshutdown is the other command dealing with issues like shutting down and rebooting20:21
michael__anyone know anything about splashtop / asus Express Gate20:21
NabsterHello everyone20:22
michael__or how i can find out where drivers / settings for wifi cards are stored in a squash fs20:22
BuckyIntuitive, any other ideas or should I prepare to re-install windoze and give it back. I've bought as much time as possible! lol20:22
dataviruscan someone help me to get a python-script start with xdm? i'm using ubuntu server20:22
kingtekrinAnarchy Patcher "An unsupported operation was attempted"20:22
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: I'd stick with Grub. I've actually never tried adding Ubuntu to Windows' bootloader, but somehow I don't thin Windows would take too kindly to it :D20:22
david_i need some help with avant window manager20:23
martynaHi :D20:23
david_i cant manage to add a launcher for firefox20:23
BuckyHi martyna20:23
david_i see it in hte launchers menu, but it doesnt show up...20:23
=== martyna is now known as Martynka
dataviruscan someone help me add a python-script to start with xdm or x window system?20:23
HollywoodJumperbobertdos yeah there are some warnings on the HOWTO on apcmag.com with using bootloader from vista20:23
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: yep, so stick with grub20:24
BuckyI like that better Martynka20:24
kingtekrindoes anyone know why when I try to patch Anarchy Online, it gives me  "An unsupported operation was attempted"20:24
MartynkaHello Bucky20:24
HollywoodJumperbobertdos do you dualboot?20:24
Martynkai know :D20:24
JoesephCan anyone reccomend me a good e-book reader for ubuntu?20:24
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: I do, XP though.20:24
crashsystems@joeseph are you talking about a reader for DRM-locked ebooks?20:25
prolixdatavirus: your name prevents me from assisting.  call it childish of me20:25
prolixi know though20:25
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i am going to try to dual boot with vista but i am a noob and want to get all the info before i go messing things up20:25
=== _Vinnonet is now known as Vinnonet
michael__i need a squashfs genius here20:26
datavirusprolix: i know, but my uncle is calling me computervirus because i always ruin computers =D20:26
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: So, are you starting from scratch or is Vista already on the system?20:26
prolixright on20:26
prolixcan i see the python script?20:26
Combatsup guys!20:26
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i am starting from scratch all i have right now is ubuntu20:26
Joesephcrashsystems: I'm talking about open books or 'copyright ran out' books, such as "War of the Worlds"20:26
crashsystems@Joeseph what format are they in? PDF?20:27
BuckyWell, as I was saying , I have a fresh install on a toshiba satellite 2410 that is running about as quickly as a no legged dog. 512mb ram and can't figure out why. Any ideas welcome!20:27
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: then a little advice -- install Vista first or you will want to shoot yourself later. Also, are you installing both to the same hard drive?20:27
OsACgood cmd line torrent program, what u gyz using? :p20:27
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i am installing them on the same hard drive20:27
Joesephcrashsystems: That's just it... I'd like a program where I can easily get them from several sources and convert them to an easy to read font or type on my computer.... I want to know if such a project exists... and if not.... I may start perliminary works on one.20:27
michael__what is kwrapper20:28
Joesephcrashsystems: But the source I am currently using is wikisource.20:28
datavirusprolix: it's a file called startx-wrapper, it goes like this: http://pastebin.com/m5ada42a920:28
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: Okay, that's probably better in your case, less prone to Grub errors. But yes, Windows first, trust me on that.20:28
datavirusprolix: the startx-wrapper-file is executing the python-file20:28
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i havent installed vista yet i am goin to use ubuntu live cd to change the partition size and format20:29
crashsystems@joeseph well, if you are wanting to convert regular text into pdf, OpenOffice can do that, plus I think there are a number of cli conversion utilities.20:29
michael__or nspluginwrapper20:29
hardcorei give up, i'll just take a few extra seconds to open dragon player. vlc use to be good, but now i just get error messages20:29
OsACgood cmd line torrent program, what u gyz using? :p20:29
He1lBoundcan I upgrade hardy ubuntu to hardy ubuntu server?20:29
HollywoodJumperbobertdos when you say vista first what do you mean?20:29
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: yup, sounds good20:29
michael__is nspluginwrapper a part of ndiswrapper20:29
prolixdatavirus: ?20:29
prolixgo -> that way20:29
Joesephcrashsystems: For now I'll see if I can get GutenPy20:29
HollywoodJumperdo you think i should reinstall ubuntu?20:30
datavirusprolix: what?20:30
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: I just mean that when you actually get around to installing your operating systems, install Vista before Ubuntu.20:30
crashsystems@joeseph do you have a url for that?20:30
hardcoreHollywoodJumper, it takes about 20 minutes to install ubuntu, sounds like a quick fix20:30
michael__hollywoodjumper and you may want to get ahold of the "vista recovery cd"  if you dont have an actual vista cd20:30
prolixdatavirus: pardon man, i was lying to make myself look more knowledgeable than i really am.  i don't know how to start that script20:30
Joesephcrashsystems: http://gutenpy.sourceforge.net/     I haven't installed   a .deb in a while.... do they normally give a bit of trouble?20:31
matreya6hardcore, that's not entirely true...20:31
michael__hollywoodjumper just in case you decide to remove ubuntu later20:31
datavirusprolix: okay...20:31
=== He1lBound is now known as HellMind
crashsystems.deb files? I've never had problems with them20:31
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: Oh wait, you already have Hardy installed.....Well, in that case, that's okay, just be ready for a little extra footwork after you install Vista.20:31
hardcoreyou can download vista isos' and other stuff like that for free20:31
HellMindcan I upgrade hardy ubuntu to hardy ubuntu server?20:31
LooevilleDoes anyone have any answers to my mouse problem in Ubuntu?20:31
micr0c0smwhere can i get a 64-bit version of VirtualBox for ubuntu?20:31
Joesephcrashsystems: Alright... going through install process now...20:31
HollywoodJumperbobertdos so should i remove ubuntu or just reinstall on top of existing partition for ubuntu?20:31
hardcoreLooeville, did ya try a different mouse?20:32
datavirussomeone knows how to start a python-script in xdm in ubuntu server?20:32
crashsystems@joeseph What in particular are you using the Gutenberg stuff for?20:32
matreya6datavirus, just type python <the file you're trying to run>20:32
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots20:33
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: It's up to you. The issue is that usually when Windows gets installed after Ubuntu, the Windows bootloader decides to take over and then you have to reinstall Grub to get Ubuntu back.20:33
casaoHey, is there anyone in here familar with Intrepid, with alsa specifically, i'd like to see if i can figure out why intrepid works on the AAO but hardy with the same version of alsa won't20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about treo20:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hotsync20:33
Joesephcrashsystems: I haven't really seen their project, but I'd like to be able to read a few old works (some Shakespeare, H.G Wells, maybe a few others) and I don't feel like buying them.20:33
Maberhello, i am new to shell scripting. is it possible to save the last terminal string of a performed command to a var?20:33
michael__heres my output of dir in that folder... http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51358/   anyone know where wifi drivers would be kept20:33
datavirusmatreya6: the problem is that it is a graphic interface i want to run too. the script is to connect to a microsoft rdp-server. the file i want to run is bash20:33
fiyawerxhttp://www.gutenberg.org/ ?20:33
Amelia__ver biling.zicom.pl20:33
crashsystemsProject Gutenberg rocks20:33
HollywoodJumperbobertdos so worse case scenarios i have to reinstall ubuntu or GRUB20:34
reycastillO AL PENTAGONO20:34
crashsystems@joeseph Archive.org has a lot of good stuff too.20:34
guntbertMaber: ask in #bash20:34
Maberkk thanks guntbert20:34
tritiumreycastill: that's inappropriate to ask here20:34
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: Well, just grub. We've got a tutorial for it and it really doesn't take long, it's just sort of annoying.20:34
tritium(or anywhere, for that matter)20:34
prolixMaber: are you familiar with the > command in bash?20:34
Joesephfiyawerx: Yeah, I haven't really searched through it before, But I figure It'll have at least something good.20:35
prolixyou would have to append your command with -tail then > it to /var/foo20:35
datavirushow can i run the x window system in ubuntu server?20:35
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i guess the only issue i have is i dont have a way to backup GRUB20:35
tritium!es | reycastill20:35
ubottureycastill: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:35
matreya6datavirus, if it is a non-standard X-app, with a Gnome- or KDE interface you'll need the appropriate library20:35
Mabernope, i am an absolute beginner in shell scripting but I am going to learn it20:35
reycastillDONDE ES ESO20:35
michael__!squashfs > michael__20:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about squashfs20:35
datavirusmatreya6: it is an x-app, the launcher is called startx-wrapper20:36
prolixMaber: it's good stuff. bash, one shell to rule them all20:36
Maber :D20:36
usserdatavirus, if u arbsolutely positively have to then install something lightweight like windowmaker20:36
matreya6datavirus, does it yield any errors?20:36
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: Well actually, the only really important part is a single file, which you could easily back up.20:36
matreya6usser, datavirus , if you're massochist but want to try featherlight, try fwm20:37
datavirusmatreya6: it's supposed to load the startx-wrapper when i start X, but when i type startx it just shows a black screen20:37
ussermatreya6, what... i like it :)20:37
JoesephUpdate Catalog Cache? This does take a few minutes. If you say yes, you might want to go make some toast.  :)20:38
matreya6datavirus, so the X-config is not working correctly, well you'll need to fix that first before you can run any X-apps20:38
bobertdosreycastill: Escriba: /join #ubuntu-es20:38
datavirusmatreya6: how can i fix it, then?20:38
HollywoodJumperbobertdos i think the file you are talking abput is the menu.lst but i am not sure20:39
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: correct20:39
matreya6datavirus, when you try to start X and it fails, you should see a lot of error messages20:39
reycastillNO INGLES20:39
reycastillVA EPAÑOL20:39
FloodBot1reycastill: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:39
matreya6Those lines start with EE20:39
HollywoodJumperbobertdos ok i will give it a go!20:40
reycastillQUE ME DICE FLOODBITL20:40
epifaniohi,  on a ubuntu server the amnistartor has installed a sw  that maybe is used to monitoring the traffic and performs securyty action .. running Top on the server i've : http://rafb.net/p/eW7o0r36.html20:40
matreya6datavirus, could you pastebin the output of your startx?20:40
JunTaoI"m getting "Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?" I put OPtion "SHMConfig" "ON" but it doesn' work20:40
JunTaoi'm trying to enamble syndaemn20:40
datavirusmatreya6: i'm not getting any error messages20:40
=== hawk_ is now known as Guest17083
jimmygoonI have a laptop that will crash in the night ... with the caps lock key blinking... it has been blue screening in windows a lot lately... how can I track down what hardware problem is causing these system crashes?20:40
datavirusmatreya6: i'm running ubuntu server20:41
epifaniothe programm is watchdog, have any idea about it? it can monitoring the ssh action ?20:41
michael__allright guys im getting the splashtop source code right now, ...  anyone have any ideas on how to go about using parts of it to develop my wifi driver??20:41
Guest17083Hi all, I have a problem, I have about 10 instances of gnome-appearnace properties running, it is using 100% cpu, what could the problem be?20:41
HellMindanyone installed ubunto over a xen host?20:41
ompauljimmygoon, you can't if you are running windows - if you use a ubuntu cd you can run "memtest" from the special options part of the boot menu20:41
matreya6datavirus, do the logs like /var/log/messages show any relavnt info?20:42
michael__138 mb eta 14 min20:42
matreya6datavirus, relavnt => relevant20:42
ompauljimmygoon, however you don't know if it is the o/s or if it is the hardware20:42
jimmygoonompaul, so you think it is a memory problem? (I'm in ubuntu most of the time, it just that I've noticed crashing in _both_)20:42
amt2my firefox just crashed and after i killed it i got a window of 'npviewer', then after some minutes i got a black screen and i couldnt do anything and i had to reboot. i had this problem before, and then changed something, but it just came back and i think it is because a firefox update. any help?20:42
=== Guest17083 is now known as spearone
mieszkoshi all20:43
bobertdosamt2: Are you on 3.0.2 or 3.0.3?20:43
broonsparrowbrasero - do you know if you can burn multiple audio CDs on braseo automatically ie without having to click burn each time just put another blank CDr in? I can't seem to work out how to do it.20:43
ompauljimmygoon, I don't think anything it is the first place to look - but if it is starting to fail on all platforms then you may have worse issues - get yourself a backup of any data before you stress the hardware20:43
amt2bobertdos, 3.0320:43
lucazadeis there a way to map the third mouse button with intrepid (inside xorg.conf)?20:43
ompaul!intrepid | lucazade20:43
ubottulucazade: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!20:43
jorge__alguna experiencia en open suse v iiç20:44
ompaul!es | jorge__20:44
ubottujorge__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:44
jimmygoonompaul, grrr, good thoughts good thoughts... I'll probably call the manufacturer this morning... I've got some gripes about the hardware as it was20:44
datavirusmatreya6: i checked /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/xdm.log, and it contained nothing interesting20:44
ubottugrub is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost grub after installing windows: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows - Making GRUB floppies & other GRUB howtos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:45
matreya6datavirus, do you see a blinking cursor on that black screen, or is it totally black?20:45
Palace_Chanmy npviewer.bin process sometimes snatches 60%+ of my processor, and even if i change its priority to lowest in the system monitor it wont leave me alone, what can i do?20:46
langznHi guys who here would mind giving me a hand with compiz im private20:46
bobertdosamt2: and there aren't any other updates to xlrunner or gnome-support if you go sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade in the terminal? I do agree that the latest FF updates seem to be flawed. You could always try using Mozilla's official build.20:46
datavirusmatreya6: it is totally black20:46
mediahello all20:46
drH0usethe games at 1024x768 don't go to fullscreen. any ideas to selve it?20:46
datavirusmatreya6: so it maybe have started some kind of renderer20:46
matreya6datavirus, does anything out of the ordinary happen when you kill X with Ctrl + Alt + [Backspace]?20:46
mediaI was here a while back with a problem with my sound output20:46
mediawell I fixed it by reinstalling ubuntu and not updating anything20:47
datavirusmatreya6: i've never tried that, wait...20:47
mediaI think one of my roomates did an update and now my sound is busted again20:47
mediaI do not know what to do to fix it20:47
prolixubottu: alsa20:47
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP320:47
matreya6media, please pastebin /dev/sndstat20:48
langznok ill try elsewhere20:48
mediaprolix, I just got done going through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems20:48
amt2bobertdos, i got no updates for 'sudo apt-get upgrade'. for the 'update' i got some lines but id ont see anything for GNOME20:48
prolixmedia: alsa didn't work?20:48
datavirusmatreya6: nothing happens when i press Ctrl + Alt + Backspace20:48
drhe|laphow come firefox 3 looks different/better on windows xp than on ubuntu?20:48
drhe|lapcan i get that same look on ubuntu?20:48
carpediemso even though ubuntu has switched to pulseaudio, we give out a recommendation of ALSA?  shouldn't we work on fixing pulseaudio if it is the default?20:49
mediaprolix, the issue is that no sound is coming out of my digital coax20:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:49
kelderdrhe|lap: you probably have to look at your font settings20:49
tritiumcarpediem: pulse audio is the sound server that replaced esd20:49
drhe|lapkelder, i meant the interface of firefox 3. it looks more like firefox 2 on ubuntu.20:49
prolixmedia: have you run alsaconf as root?20:49
bobertdosamt2: Okay, well, if you continue to have problems, I would recommend trying Mozilla's build as opposed to Ubuntu. I use it on Hardy on my desktop, and it seems more stable.20:49
matreya6datavirus, that's strange, probably X didn't get started at all, because it should respond to that keycombo20:49
carpediemtritium: I understand that.  But recommending people select ALSA in the sound preferences switches off pulseaudio as the conduit for sound20:50
drhe|lapi should install mozilla?20:50
mediaprolix, no I have not20:50
datavirusmatreya6: the thing is, i see some kind of error message before the screen gets black20:50
Palace_Chanis it normal for evince pdf viewer to use 150+MB of ram ? for some reason all i do is open a pdf and it goes up there20:50
prolixmedia: right on20:50
mediamatreya6, http://paste.ubuntu.com/51371/20:50
datavirusmatreya6: but it is there for, like, a half second20:50
bobertdosdrhe|lap: You may be able to find an XP theme, but mostly it's just because the default theme depends on OS-dependent calls to GUI elements.20:51
drhe|lapbobertdos, okay.20:51
mediaprolix, I do not have an alsaconf20:51
roukouni have ubuntu 7.10 installed and i want to update it to 8.04 but i dont know where my themes and stuff like that will go... can anyone help me?20:51
matreya6datavirus, maybe you can stop it using [Break] on your keyboard, so you can view the message. It should also appear on /var/log/messages20:51
prolixmedia: apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils20:52
lucazadeis there a way to map the third mouse button with intrepid (inside xorg.conf)?20:52
mediaalsa-base is already the newest version.20:52
mediaalsa-utils is already the newest version.20:52
amt2bobertdos, do you have any other suggestions for getting the black screen?20:53
reportingsjrWhat is the easiest way to burn a dvd from an avi file? I tried encoding it with tovid, then using gnomebaker, but that failed horribly.20:53
carpediemroukoun: all your themes get installed in your /home/username folder....upgrading shouldn't affect it.  Even if you do a clean install, backing up your home folder and restoring afterwards should get you back to where you are now.  Only exception is if you installed any gtk-theme-engines20:53
matreya6media, thx for pasting, I'm looking at it.20:53
amt2im not sure if firefox is causing that20:53
IndyGunFreakroukoun: don't hold me to this, but i believe any files you've downloaded/installed, just stay where they are(granted, I always do clean installs, enver done an upgrade)20:53
prolixmedia: how are you invoking alsaconf?20:53
amt2all i know is i was fine before i did something someone told me here, and after the firefox udpate it jsut happened agian20:53
mediaprolix, from the root prompt20:53
ompaul!intrepid | lucazade (please do the other channel thanks)20:53
ubottulucazade (please do the other channel thanks): Intrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!20:53
mediaroot@media-desktop:/home/media# alsaconf20:53
mediabash: alsaconf: command not found20:53
bobertdosamt2: Well, what video card do you have and which drivers are you using?20:53
Valthoriousi want to dual boot xp and my ubuntu and i have xp but its saved as a daa file.  i converted it to iso and burned it to a disk but it just burned the daa file and it is still unreadable20:53
roukouncarpediem IndyGunFreak : tnx20:53
lucazadei know intrepid is alpha20:54
matreya6media, try find / -iname alsaconf20:54
node357!info alsa-utils20:54
prolixmedia: huh.  then i don't know20:54
ubottualsa-utils (source: alsa-utils): ALSA utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 1.0.15-3ubuntu2 (hardy), package size 1027 kB, installed size 1828 kB (Only available for i386 ia64 alpha amd64 arm armeb armel hppa lpia m32r m68k mips mipsel powerpc ppc64 s390 s390x sh3 sh3eb sh4 sh4eb sparc)20:54
ompaullucazade, and this is not its support channel20:54
datavirusmatreya6: i will restart my computer and start x again to see if it works20:54
lucazadewhichone is the correct one?20:54
amt2bobertdos, the driver is 'ATI accelerated graphics driver'20:54
tritiummatreya6: alsaconf is not provided in any of the alsa packages20:54
carandrauglucazade: #ubuntu+120:54
Valthoriousanyone know where i can download an xp that can be read20:55
mediamatreya6, find did not find it20:55
sdwragedo any of you know why the root password in mysql gets cleared sometimes?20:55
reportingsjrWhat is the easiest way to burn a dvd from an avi file? I tried encoding it with tovid, then using gnomebaker, but that failed horribly.20:55
matreya6tritium, so I've noticed when trying to get hw midi to work...20:55
bobertdosamt2: open-source drivers, restricted, or proprietary (from ATI's website)?20:55
carpediemValthorious: you are asking #ubuntu where you can illegally download another OS?  hrmph20:55
Palace_Chanwhenever i run "evince some.pdf" the terminal that launched it gets full of "cairo context error: NULL pointer20:55
Palace_Chan" and evince snatches a lot of ram, why could that be ?20:55
carandraug!repeat | reportingsjr20:55
ubottureportingsjr: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience20:55
matreya6media, if find can't find it and you are root then it is not installed on your system yet20:56
tritiummatreya6: it seemed you thought it was provided, as you were instructing someone to install packages to use it20:56
Valthoriousi had someone give me a copy of xp20:56
node357reportingsjr, you could try devede20:56
jim_pValthorious: converting from daa to iso made it ubootable. try to burn the .dee file on a disk20:56
Valthoriousi can read it20:56
mediamatreya6, know what package has it?20:56
ompaul!piracy | Valthorious20:56
ubottuValthorious: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o20:56
bobertdosValthorious: We really shouldn't talk about that here.20:56
amt2bobertdos,  ubuntu says it's proprietary, although i didn't download it from ATI's website20:56
reportingsjrnode357: ah, right, I dare say I recall reading a tad about that. Thanks much!20:56
maverick340i am getting this weird problem on ubuntu, when i try to play a song on youtube and then on banshee at the same time. it doesnt play. Same with  the last.fm client and banshee. or any two audio players , rather programs that use ALSA.20:56
Valthoriousits not priacy!20:56
matreya6tritium, sorry for the confusion20:56
ericsomeHi everyone20:56
ompaulyes it is20:56
jim_phi ericsome20:57
aleksandarhello everyone! i would like to know, if i install ubuntu 6 is there an option to update to the 8?20:57
ActionParsnipyo yo yo20:57
datavirusmatreya6: pressing [Break] didn't work20:57
ericsomeHi Jim whats cooking ?20:57
LyX-Studentaleksandar: why do you want to do that??20:57
usseraleksandar, you'd have to go through hell to upgrade from 6 to 820:57
carandraugaleksandar: yes. You can update from one LTS to another20:57
LyX-Studentaleksandar: it doesn't make any sense20:57
Buckyaleksandar: why not just install hardy 8.0420:57
bobertdosamt2: You're probably using the restricted drivers. In a terminal, when you type fglrxinfo, what does it say?20:57
aleksandarcoz i cant burn it right now on cd, and i already have 620:58
matreya6datavirus, another thing, if you add 2> ~/xerrors than you'll get the error mesage in the file ~/xerrors20:58
maverick340anyone know why i cant play two audio at the same time :-/20:58
amt2bobertdos, it says: display: :0.0  screen: 020:58
amt2OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.20:58
amt2OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3400 Series20:58
amt2OpenGL version string: 2.1.7412 Release20:58
FloodBot1amt2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:58
mediamatreya6, know what package has alsaconf20:58
LyX-Studentaleksandar: then put it on your usb-stick ;) there are tutorials20:58
tritiummedia: none20:58
carandraugaleksandar: it has to be from 6.06 to 8.04. If you try 6.10 to 8.04 it won't work20:58
mediawell why would people ask me to run it then20:59
datavirusmatreya6: where can i find ~/xerrors then?20:59
matreya6media, sorry I don't know which package contains that, I'll try ubottu20:59
brandan_can someone help me please, I can't boot into a KDE session because my logon screen isn't at the correct resolution. Any ideas how I can fix it?20:59
amt2bobertdos, it says: http://paste.ubuntu.com/51374/20:59
prolixalsa is a generic sound driver20:59
aleksandari have 6.0620:59
ericsomeHas any body got Zattoo player working on kubuntu if so please tell me how !20:59
ActionParsnipbrandan_: edit xorg.conf so the leftmost screen resolution is the one you want20:59
Buckyyou have an internet connection aleksandar, so just download latest version 8.0421:00
matreya6datavirus, ~/xerrors will be the file that the error messages are written to (~ stands for the homedir of the user you are logged in as)21:00
brandan_how do I get into there?21:00
bobertdosamt2: oops, should have told you to pastebin that, sorry. Okay, well, the black screen is usually an X problem, which is why I'm asking all the video questions, but maybe (if you don't care about the visual effects that much) you can try disabling them and seeing if that helps stabilize.21:00
ad1brandan_, have yoy got low resolution?21:00
ompaul!kubuntu | ericsome21:00
ubottuericsome: Kubuntu is Ubuntu with KDE, the K Desktop Environment, instead of Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support: #kubuntu - See also !KDE21:00
Buckyyou'll be glad you did21:00
datavirusmatreya6: ah, okay, i see21:00
LyX-Studentaleksandar: you can order a free and original ubuntu cd from canonical, free of any charge21:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about alsaconf21:00
prolixi told you to use it as a diagnostic tool to find out why your sound wasn't working, but if you say you have it and it's not running, then there's something fishy about that in and of itself21:00
maverick340'The ALSA sound system is either busy or not present'21:00
carandraugaleksandar: ok. Then you should be able to upgrade to 8.04 (there's always the chance of some problems between upgrades so I recommend backup)21:00
brandan_I have 17 inch screen does  1280 x 1024 native21:00
maverick340any idea why i get this error ?21:00
JunTaowhere can I save the changes made with xset so that it stays after reboot?21:00
Buckyupgrade takes forever on internet connection21:00
ericsomeok Thanks will try it21:00
Buckyand can cause set up problems, clean install more reliable21:01
amt2bobertdos, yes i do think it's an X problem, someone who helped me with that made me change some thigns but i dont remember at all. i do care about visual effects so i wouldn't like to just have evyerthing plain21:01
ad1brandan_, Ok, but if you log in KDE resolution is too lowest?21:01
brandan_how do I edit   xorg.conf  ?21:01
ericsomeis it possible to get knome on kubuntu ?21:01
datavirusso what should i type to put 2 into xerrors?21:01
aleksandarok tnx carandraug21:01
matreya6datavirus, 2> redirects std_error to another file.21:01
bobertdos!x > amt221:01
ubottuamt2, please see my private message21:01
roukouni gave the command: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to upgrade ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 but when i looked to the '/etc/lsb-release' the version was still 7.10... so how should i upgrade my distro?21:01
brandan_when I log into KDE its fine, but right now I can't see the button to press to select KDE at my logon screen21:01
tritiumericsome: if you mean gnome (not knome), yes: install ubuntu-desktop21:01
datavirusmatreya6: so what should i do then?21:01
brandan_how do i edit  xorg.conf   ?21:02
amt2bobertdos, so should i restrart X with that command? Is that equivalent to doing ctr+alt+backspace?21:02
ericsomeHow from apt get ?21:02
matreya6datavirus, did you get any output in the file? You can also run it like this 1&2>~/xerrors, which will send both std_out and std_error to that file. That should always work21:03
BullenQuick question, is it possible to limit a process or program so that it only consumes a certain amount of system resources (e.g. ram and CPU)?21:03
Jaffarkelshaci have several partitions, how do i stop one of them from showing up in computer21:03
carandraugaleksandar: here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades  Take a look on how to do from 6.06 to 8.04 and good luck21:03
datavirusmatreya6: i don't get it, what should i do?21:03
ActionParsnipJaffarkelshac: edit its line out in /etc/fstab21:03
ActionParsnipJaffarkelshac: it wont be mounted at boot21:04
bobertdosamt2: yeah, stopping gdm, Ctrl+Alt+Backspace, and Ctrl+Alt+F1 all essentially have the same effect.21:04
BullenWithout using virtualization or anything like that21:04
matreya6datavirus, Do you want to discuss this in a private room?21:04
datavirusmatreya6: sure21:04
Jaffarkelshacthat stops it from mounting but it still shows up in computer. for (click to mount) ActionParsnip21:04
amt2bobertdos, well but i even restarted after the blackcreen... im not sure if that will just fix it permanently21:04
amt2im not having problems now but i may get the blackscreen at any point21:04
=== Servarium is now known as kernelpanic
Palace_Chanmy evince prints out "cairo context error: NULL pointer" to the terminal i run it from a lot of times, and in my system monitor it claims over 140 MB of memory just for pdf viewing, what could be happening ?21:05
=== kernelpanic is now known as Servarium
bobertdosamt2: You'll probably need to read that wiki entry further to find a permanent solution. Until then, cross your fingers and hope for the best, I guess.21:06
roukouni gave the command: 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' to upgrade ubuntu 7.10 to 8.04 but when i looked to the '/etc/lsb-release' the version was still 7.10... so how should i upgrade my distro?21:06
tritium!upgrade > roukoun21:06
ubotturoukoun, please see my private message21:06
bobertdosamt2: Also, going back to Firefox, are you using flash 9 with libflashsupport?21:07
ActionParsniproukoun: ive done it by renaming the distro name in sources.lst but apparently thats no advisable but it worked for me21:07
roukounActionParsnip: i'll try it21:08
amt2bobertdos, i don't know, how can i check?21:08
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know what a good gtk to use with C?21:08
perlsyntaxi try to make a app for gnome.21:09
strangehey guys i want on boot to start 2 xrandr commands and then start a program21:09
strangehow would i go about doing this21:09
EvilDaemonI know Kubuntu has Akregator for RSS feeds, but what Graphical one does Ubuntu have?21:09
pushnellHey all.  I'm not a troll, but asking some advice.  I've run bsd servers for years, and finally decided to try linux as my main desktop.  I love ubuntu so far, but occasionally want to run fairly newer software, and am willing to handle the fallout.  Should I be running Debian sid instead of ubuntu?  Other suggestions welcome.21:10
bobertdosamt2: Well, go into firefox and type about:plugins. If you find flash 9r_124, (and you know you get sound when you play flash videos), then you have libflashsupport.21:10
Mr_Fixiti've been working on this since last night.... and i'm stuck at how to install a "rendering method" such as AIGLX, Xgl or Nvidia.... (regarding intel video card not allowing visual effects)21:10
Mr_Fixitcompiz-check returns that "rendering method" is "None"21:10
amt2bobertdos, ok... yes i have it: 'Shockwave Flash 9.0 r124' and i do hear sound if i plyay a video on youtube21:11
danbh_intrepidMr_Fixit: I think you need a 3d card21:11
Mr_Fixitit's an intell 96521:11
bobertdosamt2: I know that for some people, libflashsupport has a tendency to destabilize firefox, so that might explain that part of it.21:11
amt2bobertdos, i took a loook at the wiki, but is my issue really a 'refresh rate ' issue?21:12
amt2would a refresh rate issue imply i dont see video correclty or something?21:12
bobertdosamt2: Well, a refresh rate issue could imply many things, but there's really no good way to know, especially since the problem doesn't happen consistently.21:14
majortoolanyone know how to get encrypted dvd support in 64-bit?21:14
hardcorewhats the difference beweeen 32 and 64 bit in ubuntu?21:15
slavikkubuntu-desktop, does it install KDE4 or KDE3?21:15
rom1vwhat will be the default theme in intrepid?21:15
hardcorei don't even know if my system is 64 bit, probably not21:15
ubottuIntrepid Ibex is the code name for Ubuntu 8.10, due October 30th, 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion | Warning lots of broken software between now and October!21:15
amt2bobertdos, oh! i just run the 'auto detec script' in the wiki, and that's actually what i did before21:15
roukounActionParsnip: in my /etc/apt/sources.list there are only three uncommented lines with the two of them containing only the 'gutsy' which have to be changed to 'hardy' and the first line which have to be be changed from: 'deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 7.10 _Gutsy Gibbon_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ gutsy main restricted' to 'deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 8.04 _Hardy Heron_ - Release i386 (20071016)]/ hardy main restricted'  right?21:15
amt2i think that fixed the issue for a whiel21:15
slavikhardcore: run the following command: 'cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep lm'21:15
slavikhardcore: if you get output from the above command, your CPU is 64bit, if not, then it is not21:16
AstralSinso whats the deal with nvidia drivers not working after an update on a fresh system?  i don't understand why its not working21:16
danbh_intrepidroukoun: are you trying to upgrade with a cd?  thats not how to do it, if so21:16
hardcorewith or without the commas?21:16
slavikAstralSin: proprietary?21:16
slavikhardcore: without the quotes :)21:16
=== mike is now known as Guest19612
slavikAstralSin: because you have to recompile the kernel interface (reinstall the driver in recovery mode)21:16
bobertdosamt2: Hopefully it will do so again, huh?21:17
AstralSinmehhh, it looks like restricted drivers are borked, my sound isn't working either21:17
slavikAstralSin: I installed nvidia drivers in hardy from nvidia.21:18
majortoolhardcore: do you know what kind of processor you have?21:18
AstralSini prefer letting my package management know about my drivers, especially since ubuntu likes to update the kernel every other day21:18
Palace_Chani cant seem to run evince without it snatching over 100 megabytes of memory, anybody know why this could be /21:18
majortoolanyone know how to get encrypted dvd support in 64-bit?21:19
slavikAstralSin: I installed the CUDA version of the drivers :)21:19
roukoundanbh_intrepid: i'm trying to upgrade via the terminal .... to upgrade it by changing some lines under sources.list was just an idea....21:19
amt2bobertdos, can you send me that wiki again? ironically, i just got the black screen again.. now im worried21:19
hardcoreslavik, i don't see that vertical like bar on my keyboard, can ya put it some way that i can copy and paste?21:19
slavikhardcore: it's on the backslash key :)21:19
danbh_intrepidroukoun: well, you are changing the source of a cd repo, not an online one.  Do you want to upgrade over the net?21:19
IntuitiveNipplemajortool: Use mean llibdvdcss2 ?21:20
bobertdos!x > amt221:20
ubottuamt2, please see my private message21:20
hardcorei'm looking for it21:20
osubuckubuntu rules :P21:20
dean703 /msg ubottu etiquette21:20
roukoundanbh_intrepid: y21:20
hardcoreoh i see it thanks21:20
IntuitiveNipplemajortool: http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/libdvdcss2.html21:20
danbh_intrepidroukoun: are you sure you want to use the command line?21:20
bobertdos!medibuntu > majortool (there are packages in there for 64-bit, just as much as 32)21:20
ubottumajortool, please see my private message21:20
roukoundanbh_intrepid: sure21:20
danbh_intrepidroukoun: if you do have x installed, its better to just use the graphical tool21:21
hardcoreno such file or directory21:21
=== DRP is now known as Guest22820
majortoolIntuitiveNipple, bobertdos, ty21:21
amt2bobertdos, ok... i just ran the script successfully21:21
hardcoreis ubottu a bot or just a troll?21:21
hardcoreoh, i have a pentium 4 processor21:21
amt2i got a 'warning: overwriting possibly-customised configuration file; backup in /etc/X11/xorg.conf.20080927162113'21:21
Oxygenfa1Hey guys. Ubuntu has been locking up a lot. I was wondering if it is because I am using 32 bit version. I have dual 64 bit processors (AMD)21:22
roukoundanbh_intrepid: actually my first try was with 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' but the 'lsb_release -a' showed up the failure!21:22
danbh_intrepidubottu, tell hardcore about yourself21:22
ubottuhardcore, please see my private message21:22
roukoundanbh_intrepid: graphical tool?21:22
rsc-_ubottu, tell me about yourself21:22
ubottursc-_, please see my private message21:22
Oxygenfa1Like I cant surf the net with out the browser screwing up. My music play skips. Just locked up now for about a few minute trying to log onto ubuntu IRC room21:22
danbh_intrepidroukoun: yeah, that method is unsupported, and has some bugs, thats why its better to use update-manager21:22
elanhey i just got ubuntu 8.04 tls desktop installed everything seems to be working fine except the headphone jack (input on the right side of my sony vaio).  I've tried two of the methods i found in the forums for fixing this and neither of them worked, any ideas ?21:22
Oxygenfa1I have 3gigs of ram and 2 1.9 processors21:23
penI need help setting up color scheme in gnome-terminal21:23
roukoundanbh_intrepid: can you help me with the graphical tool?21:23
hardcorewould a pentium 4 processor be 64 bit?21:23
penor if there is a better alternatives I would like to know21:23
carandraugelan: yes. Open up the volume manager. Do you see a headphone entry there?21:23
saschahlhardcore: not necessarily21:23
Oxygenfa1I dont know, but this is an AMD turon21:23
=== GO is now known as Guest57707
slavikhardcore: did I give you a command to run?21:23
slavikturion is 64bit AFAIK21:23
hardcoreit said no such file or directory21:24
elancarandraug: no and also when i installed kmix to use it there is only an output tab21:24
elanno input21:24
slavikcopy/paste the command into a terminal21:24
danbh_intrepidhardcore: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && uname -a | pastebinit                               that will tell us21:24
carandraugelan: kmix? Are you using KDE?21:24
danbh_intrepidroukoun: just run update-manager21:24
penI need help setting up color scheme in gnome-terminal21:24
elancarandraug: no the forum listed that21:24
pensomething is wrong21:25
elanas a possible fix21:25
carandraugelan: what's your sound card?21:25
peneven vim can't use the color scheme21:25
danbh_intrepidroukoun: see if that tool can get you going.  If it runs into trouble, pastebin the error message21:25
elannot sure let me search through sony's site to find the laptop21:25
samnsparkyHello. Is anyone free? I have created/used a live image disk for Ubuntu before. But, my friend has a computer that freezes when vista starts and needs to get his data off. So, I burnt him a live image. When the disk is inserted, the menu pops up and I ask it to try Ubuntu without making changes. Well, the ubuntu logo comes up and the progress bar starts but quickly thereafter freezes. I have downloaded and burnt the disk twice.21:25
elangive me a minute21:25
AstralSinthis is rediculous, i've never had an issue getting nvidia drivers to work21:25
amt2bobertdos, funniliy enough, my roommate has the same problem as i do21:26
samnsparkydoes anyone have any suggestions?21:26
amt2his firefox crashes21:26
amt2and he gets many 'npviewer' windows21:26
NextwaveI just installed nvidia drivers on my friends computer...21:26
AstralSinthey were JUST working, but a kernel update broke it and it will not fix, i've reinstalled the drivers, reinstalled restricted modules, i don't know what else to do21:27
danbh_intrepidAstralSin: are you using -proposed?21:27
bobertdossamnsparky: Well, if Ubuntu AND Vista are freezing during boot, I question whether or not it's actually an issue with the image.21:27
AstralSinthe nvidia driver is even loaded, lists in lsmod21:27
AstralSindanbh_intrepid, no21:27
guntbertsamnsparky: from what you say, it sounds like hardware problems, you could try memtest21:27
minixanyone here know minix? the #minix channel isnt too helpful... I have downloaded and installed the vmware version but now i need to supply login and password. well i never defined one but i stilll need to know one, any idea on how to fix this?21:27
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roukoundanbh_intrepid: is says that 66 packages are going to be removed' .... why is that?21:27
hardcoreit says laptop generic on the link i went to21:27
samnsparkyAlright. I will try that hold on.21:28
IntuitiveNippleAstralSin: but which version? I saw that issue recently, and it is a conflict between the nvidia-glx-new  and Nvidia packaged kernel module. You'll find a message with the version problem in /var/log/kern.log21:28
Moderndayzeroany of you know how to make a startup script to run @ bootup21:28
hardcoreLinux robert-laptop 2.6.24-19-generic #1 SMP Wed Aug 20 22:56:21 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux is what it said21:28
bobertdossamnsparky: I agree with guntbert. The Live session loads everything into RAM. I kind of suspect you may have a bad stick.21:28
danbh_intrepidroukoun: maybe they are outdated.  If its the graphical tool, thats good, thats one of the steps21:28
hardcoredoes that mean 32 or 64?21:28
danbh_intrepidhardcore: 32bit21:29
saschahlhardcore: i686 is 32bit21:29
hardcoreoh ok, thanks21:29
TomTheTurtlewhats the alternative GUI network program21:29
samnsparkyAlright. Well, I shall run the mem test and report back when it has completed.21:29
TomTheTurtlethe one that you can run from terminal i think21:29
saschahlhardcore: but that's the system. it doesn't mean your p4 isn't 64capable21:29
hardcorewhats the difference between i386 and i686?21:29
guntbertsamnsparky:  bobertdos probably doesn't mean usb-stick though :)21:29
carandraugelan: you can run "lshw" and look for an entry that starts with multimedia21:30
hardcoresaschahl, how do i know if it is 64 bit acceptable?21:30
hardcorei mean capable?21:30
danbh_intrepidhardcore: thats offtopic, technically, but if you are asking about the kernels, nothing21:30
saschahlhardcore: i386 will run on an 386 processor, i686 probably won't, it's more optimized21:30
bobertdossamnsparky: No, guntbert is right, I do not, I mean stick of RAM :)21:30
Moderndayzeroyea u can with terminal but im not sure how though21:30
IntuitiveNipplehardcore: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:30
guntbertbobertdos: ;-)21:30
The_Jokerhello everyone21:30
eleinI'm looking for a visual diff program under ubuntu.  Any suggestions?21:32
hardcoreclf flush size is 6421:32
hardcorewhat am i looking for exactly?21:32
hardcorei did the cat /proc/cpuinfo what am i looking for?21:33
saschahlhardcore: what's model, cpu family, model name and stepping?21:33
saschahlhardcore: what's flags? that's important.21:33
Moderndayzeroanyone know hot to write a startup script to run at bootup bychance21:33
barrar76I have a common problem but no solution yet (evolution) not learning junk!21:33
hardcorecpu family is 15 model is 4 steppingis 121:33
bobertdoshardcore: You need to know your processor in order to know whether it's 32 or 64-bit. Most of the P4's are 32-bit, I believe.21:33
saschahlbarrar76: do you use spamassassin or bogofilter?21:34
iratedSup guys21:34
carandraugelan: you're still there? Can you pastebin the output of "lshw | grep -C 10 multimedia"21:34
bobertdoshardcore: In fact, I can't think of a P4 that is 64-bit.21:34
hardcorefpu vme de pse tsc msr pae mce cx8 apic sep mtrr pge mca cmov pat pse36 clflush dts acpi mmx fxsr sse sse2 ss ht tm pbe constant_tsc pebs bts sync_rdtsc pni monitor ds_cpl est tm2 cid xtpr21:34
barrar76and spammassassin does not work it all21:34
Moderndayzerosup carandraug21:34
hardcorethats what flags says21:34
eleincarandraug: I'll try it...21:35
carandraugModerndayzero: hi. Back with problems?21:35
Moderndayzeroas always21:35
eleincarandraug: why did you want to know all of that.  I simply want a visual diff utility.21:35
carandraugelein: the previous message was for someone with the nickname "elan" not for you21:35
danbh_intrepidhardcore: dont bother with 64bit, its not worth it at this time, anyway21:36
gigatropolisso.....In a moment of Brilliance ........ I deleted the main panel on the desktop so there is nothing but an empty desktop. How to create a new panel?21:36
hardcoreoh ok21:36
tyberionhmm, strange, I call my mplayer.. and see the vid.. but its not playing :((( what can I do?21:36
saschahlbarrar76: spamassassion will only work after you fed it 100 (or was it 200?) pieces of ham and spam21:36
obf213any one knows what causes tracker search to just stop working?21:36
obf213its index 10k files it worked fine before now it always returns nothign when i search21:36
danbh_intrepidgigatropolis: try gnome-panel21:37
barrar76i tried everything but the terminal21:37
bobertdoshardcore: danbh_intrepid is right. The only time 64-bit is necessary (right now) is if you have 4 gigs of RAM or greater.21:37
barrar76could somebody walk me thrue21:37
gigatropolishow to open a terminal? is there a shortcut key?21:37
hardcoreoh, i only have 121:37
danbh_intrepidgigatropolis: apps > acc > term21:38
eleinRetry:  I'm looking for a visual diff utility to run on ubuntu.  Suggestions?21:38
barrar76aplications- accesories - teminal21:38
hardcoresounds like vista, needing 4 gigs of ram to make it useful haha21:38
gigatropolisI have no panel on the desktop.21:38
gigatropolisneed another way21:38
danbh_intrepidelein: whats a visual diff tool?21:38
KlrSpzanyone use sdlmame? i have some roms but can't figure out how to play them21:38
barrar76suggestion to fix evolution learning junk?.......21:39
eleindanbh_intrepid: like diff only shows the diffs visually in a side by side fashion (or up and down).  Uses X.21:39
roukoungigatropolis: right click on the Desktop and Create Launcher21:39
barrar76suggestion to fix evolution learning junk?.......21:40
hardcorei uninstalled evolution once and my system crashed when restarted and i had to reinstall ubuntu all over again. needless to say i never uninstalled it again21:40
bobertdosbarrar76: Have you ever considered switching to Thunderbird? I like it a lot better.21:40
roukoungigatropolis: name it Terminal and in the command input write: 'gnome terminal'21:40
tritiumbarrar76: bogofilter is installed by default.  Configure evolution to use that.21:40
danbh_intrepid!info findimagedupes | elein    not quite, but close21:40
ubottuelein    not quite, but close: findimagedupes (source: findimagedupes): Finds visually similar or duplicate images. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (hardy), package size 26 kB, installed size 120 kB21:40
barrar76ok  ill try it21:40
carandraughardcore: yes. Happened to me too. When you uninstall, lots of packages from gnome are also uninstalled21:40
hardcorecarandraug, is there any way to avoid that?21:41
eleindanbh_intrepid: cool, but this is data diffs.21:41
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danbh_intrepidhardcore: evolution-common is required in other ways besides evolution...21:41
hardcoreoh ok21:41
eleinI used to have xvdiff or wvdiff or something named like that.21:42
guntbertelein: i have diff-ext, meld, then there is xdiff21:42
olivierbonjouR ?21:42
danbh_intrepid!info xxdiff21:42
ubottuxxdiff (source: xxdiff): a graphical file and directories comparison and merge tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.2-5 (hardy), package size 405 kB, installed size 1192 kB21:42
bobertdoshardcore: Evolution is kind of like Ubuntu's equivalent of OE, because it's so tightly integrated to the OS.21:42
roukoungigatropolis; gnome-terminal .... sorry it was a typo21:42
danbh_intrepidelein: btw, Im just using synaptic21:42
tritiumolivier: avahi21:42
eleinaha xdiff.  oops not found21:42
carandraughardcore: I don't think so. Evolution is part of gnome. Maybe there is, but I didn't look for it. Try ##Gnome maybe21:42
hardcorebobertdos, whats OE?21:42
doodican you tell me how to run apache? i have installed it already21:42
eleindanbh_intrepid: synaptic is what?21:43
danbh_intrepidelein: OH, I thought you wanted the diffs of images21:43
bobertdoshardcore: Outlook Express :p21:43
hardcoreoh i see21:43
danbh_intrepid!synaptic > elein21:43
ubottuelein, please see my private message21:43
roukoundoodi: http://localhost/21:43
hardcorebobertdos, but doesn't that kind of lessen the value of linux when it comes to choice?21:44
tyberionwhats a good software for playing shoutcasts_21:44
HuffalumpI need guidance on installing Ubuntu because I am receiving a "can't install on overlapping partitions" error, which I do not understand how to resolve.21:44
bobertdoshardcore: Not really, there are always alternative to choose ;)21:44
danbh_intrepidelein: I suggest you use the search terms: graphical diff21:45
adamgreetings everyone21:45
roukoundoodi: if the service is down then give the command: 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start'21:45
KlrSpzhelp with mame guys??? just installed sdlmame, and trying to figure out how to play a game21:45
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bobertdosHuffalump: Apparently you are trying to install on an extended partition that runs into another.21:46
Huffalumpbobertdos: I deleted all partitions and used the "guided use whole disk" routine.21:46
samnsparkybobertdos, are you still here?21:46
eleindanbh_intrepid: thanks I think I have enough things to look around at.  I'm new at ubuntu and spaced on synaptic.  I do know it.21:46
gigatropolisroukoun: thanks. got it21:46
=== [1]AstralSin is now known as AstralSin
bobertdossamnsparky: No, I am not here, I do not exist. I am only a figment of your imagination :D21:47
roukoungigatropolis: have fun!21:47
kypticAdoes anyone know a way to record your telephone conversations in ubuntu... i call on VoIP phone21:47
hardcoreis there a way to save youtube videos?21:47
kypticAhardcore yeah21:48
samnsparkyLOL. sorry.21:48
Nextwavei just have installed 8.04 32bit.. and I'm having issues with sound... it is choppy and staticy.. anyone have this problem? I'm using the M3N78-VM motherboard.21:48
hardcorekypticA, what program does that?21:48
roukounhardcore: install mozilla plugins21:48
samnsparkyI just finished the mem test and there were problems21:48
samnsparkythere were no problems...21:48
kypticAhardcore you need firefox.  go to tools>addons type in download and there is a program called videodownloader21:48
Nextwavehardcore: get firefox, and add the addon "youplayer"21:48
Nextwaveworks great.21:48
bobertdosHuffalump: maybe manual control would be better21:48
roukounhardcore: you can use the Fast Video Download 4.11 too21:49
bobertdossamnsparky: You ran the memtest on HIS system, right?21:49
tritiumhardcore: run "apt-cache search youtube" and read the description of some of the available packages21:49
kypticAhardcore when you go onto youtube...you click the 3 balls colored red blue and yellow near the browser bar and click the one with .flv extension and it will download21:49
tritiumhardcore: e.g., youtube-dl, clive21:49
MarcCI have a new user on my machine...how do I figure out how it got there?21:49
samnsparkySo, I am looking at the menu right now with Try Ubuntu without any change to your computer selected.21:50
bobertdossamnsparky: Does he have a desktop or laptop?21:50
Huffalumpbobertdos: It seems like the first error message is actually "no partition map entry" but I had been under the impression that shoudl be correct if I have no partitions... I am obviously no expert here.  Happy to read the right resource, if there's a pointer.21:50
hardcorehow do i use the video downloader plugin?21:50
Guest74446hi guys I just installed aim but when I try to run it in terminal i get this message any help would be appreciated /usr/local/bin/aim: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:50
Guest74446adam@76-14-69-77:~$ /usr/local/bin/aim: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:50
Guest74446bash: /usr/local/bin/aim:: No such file or /usr/local/bin/aim: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:50
Guest74446adam@76-14-69-77:~$ /usr/local/bin/aim: error while loading shared libraries: libgtk-1.2.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory21:50
FloodBot1Guest74446: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
Guest74446bash: /usr/local/bin/aim:: No such file or directory21:50
kypticAhardcore i mentioned how to ontop21:50
Guest74446sorry for spam21:50
bobertdosHuffalump: Uh, let me pick ubottu's brain, then I'll help you myself if I can't find anything.21:51
guntbertsamnsparky: memory was just *one* possibility, when a machine freezes in different OSes, then mostly hardware is at fault, could me anything from MoBo to power-supply21:51
kypticAhardcore once installed there will be 3 balls click it and choose file and it will download21:51
hardcorei have the plugin, i just don't know how to access it21:51
klemenwhere can i get lxde21:51
samnsparkySo. What would you suggest?21:51
Huffalumpbobertdos: thank you21:51
kypticAhardcore but h ave to be on the youtube siteof the video u want to dl21:51
roukounGuest74446: can you pastebin the output?21:51
bobertdossamnsparky: I would very much suggest, in that case, that you start some basic hardware troubleshooting.21:51
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:52
bobertdossamnsparky: In this case, I would say concentrate on the RAM and the hard drive, as I believe one of those two components are the most likely culprits.21:52
samnsparkyAlright. I will try to focus on those. Thank you for your help.21:53
hardcorei don't see 3 red balls21:53
bobertdos!partition > Huffalump21:54
ubottuHuffalump, please see my private message21:54
Huffalumpbobertdos: the only advice I find is to go back to the live cd, run gparted and... ok21:54
kypticAhardcore sorry the extension is called download helper21:54
hardcorei'm on the site and video21:54
hardcorei don't see anything different on the page, i even right clicked21:55
bobertdosHuffalump: If that confuses you, just ask. You can PM me for help too if you want. It's a bit noisy/crowded in here.21:55
qbmaniachey guys21:55
tritiumkypticA, hardcore: please try to wrap-up the offtopic soon21:55
qbmaniacHow is everyone?21:55
mediaok so21:55
qbmaniacAnyway to burn .uif format to CD in ubuntu?21:55
qbmaniacits like .iso21:55
mediaI figured out my spdif audio issue21:55
r_bendernot bad, for the networked challengedd21:55
smm289anyone know how to make an SD card show up in a XP VM21:55
Huffalumpbobertdos: looks like there could be an issue with an Apple Partition Map dodgedly hanging about and tripping things up.  I'll see if that's the case by using gparted from live cd to wipe it all again.   thanks for your reponses.21:55
PRGUY85anyone know how to get true 5.1 sound on ubuntu? I have tried numerous guidesand nothing21:56
qbmaniacAnyway to burn .uif format to CD in ubuntu?21:56
mediaif anyone has an ALC888 and can not hear pcm through it please run iecset audio on in the terminal21:56
mediait fixed my sound21:56
tritiumPRGUY85: it's typically automatic.  What audio hardware do you have?21:56
smm289How do you make a SD card show up in a XP VM21:56
ackstormsmm289, you should be able to mount it like a normal drive21:57
hardcoreI'm on the site and i have the plug-in, how do i use it?21:57
GodfatherofEireAnyone know how/why after intalling a program, Ubuntu's not recognizing my wireless card?21:57
tritium!repeat | smm28921:57
ubottusmm289: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience21:57
PRGUY85tritium, I have onboard sound on a Gigabyte P35 mobo, using snd_hda_intel21:57
Palace_Chani have an external hard drive which i didnt unmount safely unlogging from windows, should i force mount it or would that cause problems ?21:57
r_benderTrying to share files with a Mac, anybody know how?21:57
smm289I can mount the SD card in ubuntu and that works fine, however it never shows up in My Computer in the XP VM21:57
ackstormsmm289, did you mount it in the vm?21:57
bobertdosPalace_Chan: Force mount at your own risk. I would just go back into Windows, clean things up, and then return to Ubuntu.21:58
PRGUY85tritium, I get sound out of all channels however I get same sound on all speakers.  So if I'm watching a movie, I get the voice (center speaker) through rear speakers too21:58
smm289no, I do not see an option anywere to mount the SD card.  I see options for mounting a CD, ISO, or Floppy but not the SD card21:58
Palace_Chanbobertdos, kk guess ill do that, thanks21:58
=== cars is now known as cars__
roukounr_bender: FTP, Samba, Zeroconf/Rendezvous, NFS21:58
marupaHi, quick question.  I have a bunch of MP3s laying around in one folder (and by a bunch I mean several thousand), and I wanted to categorize them into albums, is there any program under ubuntu that does that?21:59
ackstormsmm289, just mount it as a harddrive21:59
ackstormsecondary harddrive21:59
qbmaniacAnyway to burn .uif format to CD in ubuntu?21:59
smm289ackstorm:  Ohh, that makes sense, let me give it a try21:59
cars__My sound suddenly stopped working after a reboot.  I tried multiple sound mixers, but none of them played any sound.  It is unmuted, from what I can tell.21:59
jacekows1idoes anybody have problem with memleak in NetworkManager?21:59
=== jacekows1i is now known as jacekowski
GodfatherofEireAnyone had trouble with drivers/ peripherals after installing programs?22:00
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:00
salavinwhat kind of problems do u have with your peripherals?22:01
TomTheTurtlewhat is the lightest and faster pdf viewer22:01
GodfatherofEireBasically, I installed a few programs, and after that, Ubuntu stopped recognizing my wireless card.22:01
salavinwhat type ?22:02
GodfatherofEireOne second22:02
PRGUY85true 5.1 sound on snd_hda_intel, anyone?22:02
unopTomTheTurtle, do we get to choose? or do we just have to blurt out the first one we can think about?22:02
TomTheTurtlechoose ;D22:02
unopTomTheTurtle, ok, where are the choices then? :)22:02
TomTheTurtleno no22:02
jacekowskiso, i've got problem with memleak in NetworkManager ( intel 3945 card ( both on iwl and ipw drivers ) ) ( over 220M RES in 7h )22:03
TomTheTurtleblurt out ;D22:03
unopTomTheTurtle, xpdf22:03
QuadrescenceHey #ubuntu22:03
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:03
tritiumPRGUY85: I have snd_hda_intel as well, and it "just works" with the spdif out.22:03
TomTheTurtleis  xpdf faster than gv22:03
m4ttexpdf ftw!22:03
Winston_SmithVTHow can I tell what drives are which in /dev? I know sda is the main, then sda1 sda2 and so on are the partitions. But I have a windows drive whould that be sdc0?22:03
unopTomTheTurtle, i dunno - i just blurted out .. :)22:03
GodfatherofEireOk, here's the Wireless card type/model: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8185 IEEE 802.11a/b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 20)22:04
salavinand your laptop?22:04
GodfatherofEireGateway MX6426, I believe22:04
bobertdosWinston_SmithVT: Probably, Identify by filesystem (NTFS)22:04
QuadrescenceErm, so in Ubuntu 7.0x, my sound works, but in 8.04, it has/does not work. I actually don't have ubuntu installed at the moment, but I plan to shortly. What should be my plan of action? :D22:05
IntuitiveNippleWinston_SmithVT: ls -l /dev/disk/by-id/22:05
Winston_SmithVTIntuitiveNipple: ok22:05
salavinwhat kind of error do you get?22:05
bobertdosQuadrescence: To set your sound prefs and gstreamer-properties to use ALSA instead of Pulse :)22:05
salavinor there is no message?22:05
GodfatherofEireNo message.22:06
GodfatherofEireUnder the connections, the wireless doesnt show up22:06
Quadrescencebobertdos: Is Pulse used by default in 8.04? I heard, also, that Pulse was a little bit sloppily included with 8.0422:06
smm289trying to mount a SD card so that XP VM can see it.  I tried adding it as a hard-drive but when I go to at a new drive it wants to add a disk image22:07
salavindo you have a driver for your wireless vcard?22:07
bobertdosQuadrescence: Yes, and uh, yes :D22:07
GodfatherofEireWas pre-installed so I dont have the proprietary driver22:07
IntuitiveNippleQuadrescence: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957822:07
tritiumGodfatherofEire: which wireless card/chipset?22:07
QuadrescenceHehehe, okay. I wonder if I have an 8.04 cd somewhere22:07
cars__My sound suddenly stopped working after a reboot.  I tried multiple sound mixers, but none of them played any sound.  It is unmuted, from what I can tell. What should I try first?22:08
GodfatherofEireI /was/ running windows, and it was installed on there, I set up ubuntu and it was still there, albeit with a bad connection, but it worked.22:08
salavinyou can search22:08
clayganything like drivel, but better?22:08
salavinthe ncessary driver22:08
salavinfor your card22:08
salavinand install it22:08
salavinthrough ndiswrapper22:09
tritium!enter | salavin22:09
ubottusalavin: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:09
GodfatherofEireI'll give it a shot22:09
* RocknLnX I installed some Gnome extras through synaptic and now my login.logout and some other sounds have been changed. I tried to use the sound preferences to change them back but I can't find the default Ubuntu sound files. they are not in usr/share/sounds/ Can they be some place else? Or can I get them somewhere and download them22:09
GodfatherofEireAlso, how would i modify the xorg.conf file? I need to modify the mouse settings.22:10
unopGodfatherofEire, it's an editable file22:11
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixVideoResolutionHowto22:11
HollywoodJumperi have a big problem22:11
hellrabbitGod father - sudo gedit /*/* (directory xconf is in)22:11
roukoun!xorg.conf > GodfatherofEire22:11
ubottuGodfatherofEire, please see my private message22:11
unopGodfatherofEire, though you have to edit as the superuser22:11
unophellrabbit, GodfatherofEire  gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:12
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)22:12
HollywoodJumperi used live user to edit my partition to make space for vista to dual boot and now when i use DISKPART it doesnt recognize the new partition that i freed up22:13
unophellrabbit, i don't take PMs22:13
unophellrabbit, please keep the conversation in here22:13
bahaa2008_hi guys22:13
bahaa2008_see this22:14
salavinwhat do you want to change?maybe it's easier through system-preferences-mouse22:14
hellrabbitunop - Why gksudo instead of jusy sduo?22:14
hellrabbitsorry *sudo22:14
qbmaniacgk pwns22:14
HollywoodJumpercan anyone tell me what i should do ?22:14
salavinwhat do you want to change?22:14
unophellrabbit, see what ubottu just said about gksudo22:15
marupaAny idea on how to organize a music collection?22:15
roukoun!gksudo > hellrabbit22:15
ubottuhellrabbit, please see my private message22:15
qbmaniacsudo = text22:15
qbmaniacgksudo = king22:15
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: You cleared space and didn't format it, right?22:15
unopqbmaniac, heh, that's not why you use gksudo tho22:15
HollywoodJumperbobertdos yes22:15
The_Jokeri clicked that and laffed hard22:16
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: and it's Vista's partitioner that won't recognize it?22:16
LykkefeenI've installed LAMP using tasksel - what is the "correct" way to make apache2 use ~/public_html instead of /var/www af www-directory? I have no virtual hosts (yet =D)22:16
hellrabbitUbottu & unop; when you say "never use sudo", is that specific to graphical file edits or did you mean that as general practice?22:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:17
HollywoodJumperbobertdos it is the DISKPART program that isnt recognizing the freed space the vista recognizes it but it isnt formatted so vista cant install on it22:17
bobertdoshellrabbit: graphical file edits22:17
iGamaLykkefeen, there is a config in apache for that, search for "apache2 public_html users home "22:17
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: and diskpart is part of what?22:17
* RocknLnX I installed some Gnome extras through synaptic and now my login.logout and some other sounds have been changed. I tried to use the sound preferences to change them back but I can't find the default Ubuntu sound files. they are not in usr/share/sounds/ Can they be some place else? Or can I get them somewhere and download them22:17
hellrabbitty all22:17
cars__hellrabbit: If you're working in the virtual terminal (Ctrl+alt F2, etc), you want to use sudo.22:17
iGamaLykkefeen, with that config, apache will use the public_home with localhost/~user/22:18
GodfatherofEir3Sorry if I'm repeating myself, but, when I tried to modify the  xorg.conf file, I was given the error message that I didn't have the permissions to modify the file.22:18
unophellrabbit, sudo (by default) atleast just elevates your privileges - keeping the environment you were in the same - that can cause problems with processes that write configuration files i.e. they write them to your home directory but with the permissions of root22:18
QuadrescenceGodfatherofEir3: Are you editing it via sudo?22:18
bobertdosGodfatherofEir3: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf or gksudo gedit22:18
HollywoodJumperbobertdos when i get to the windows setup boot from cd and i enter my product key and select the custom install then it asks me where i want it to install22:18
QuadrescenceAre the ubuntu software repos constantly updated?22:19
HollywoodJumperbobertdos then i press shift and f10 to get to command line and type in DISKPART22:19
hellrabbitAh i see now, lucky for me I haven't KNOWINGLY hit that snag as of yet. thanks guys and gals.22:20
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: wouldn't the installer bring up the partitioner itself?22:20
mirak I am trying to debianise vdr plugin, however I don't understand where the CFLAGS are set . it doesn't take the one in the Makefile and I don't see where to add that in the generated debian/ folder22:20
HollywoodJumperbobertdos yes the vista installer brings up the partitions but wont install on the free space until i activate it in DISKPART22:21
IntuitiveNippleQuadrescence: No, once a version is released changes are in the -updates and -security repositories, and newer upstream releases in -backports22:21
hardcorei'm still trying to figure out how to use youtube22:21
hardcorei mean22:21
ompaul!timebasedreleases | Quadrescence22:21
ubottuQuadrescence: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases22:21
bobertdosQuadrescence: constantly? no. They'll be updated every time you referesh the list using sudo apt-get update or the reload function in Synaptic. As for new software, it's rare for Ubuntu to release new versions of stuff midway through the life cycle.22:21
hardcorei'm trying to figure out how to use youplayer22:21
=== jose is now known as affrigit
HollywoodJumperbobert i freed up like 40gigs and now i cant get it formatted in ntfs for vista22:22
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: aha -- Well here's another possible approach, you can let Vista install alone, and then use gparted or the Ubuntu installer to resize the partition after the fact.22:22
bobertdosHollywoodJumper: I have to go, unfortunately22:22
ompaulHollywoodJumper, did you know windows help is in ##windows22:23
cars__My sound suddenly stopped working after a reboot.  I tried multiple sound mixers, but none of them played any sound.  It is unmuted, from what I can tell. What should I try first?22:23
The_Jokerwell everyone... have a nice day.... gonna run22:23
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:23
HollywoodJumperall the people in the windows channel dont really help much22:23
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)22:23
hardcorei got the youplayer extension, does anyone know how to actually use it?22:23
Quadrescencebobertdos: Ah, okay. I knew about their release cycle, wasn't sure if their software repositories were updated during the cycles too.22:24
HollywoodJumperbobertdos later22:24
Quadrescence(like, during/mid release, that is)22:24
tritiumQuadrescence: only for major bug or security fixes.22:24
Quadrescencetritium: mmm, okay.22:24
fiyawerxQuadrescence, some things, like xchat for example, iirc 2.8.6 is only updated in the intrepid repos22:24
hardcoream i invisible???22:24
HollywoodJumperi am not trying to get help for windows really i am trying to figure out how to dual boot with windows22:24
fiyawerxfor now anyway22:25
ompaul!dualboot | HollywoodJumper22:25
ubottuHollywoodJumper: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot22:25
guntberthardcore: I don't think so :-)22:25
r_benderHey Ubuntu Guys, quick question--what does uncomment the security line  mean in the following cotext:    ####### Authentication #######22:25
HollywoodJumperi have all the instructions to dual boot i just ran across a problem22:25
r_bender    # "security = user" is always a good idea. This will require a Unix account22:26
r_bender    # in this server for every user accessing the server. See22:26
r_bender    # /usr/share/doc/samba-doc/htmldocs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection/ServerType.html22:26
r_bender    # in the samba-doc package for details.22:26
r_bender    ;  security = user22:26
FloodBot1r_bender: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
lechehey, how can i load the gnome environment variables without starting gnome? i want to use fluxbox, but i need the settings usually made by gnome-session, but gnome-session also starts gnome-panel and so on22:26
r_benderoops my bad22:26
ompaulHollywoodJumper, and the problem is?22:26
tritium!paste > r_bender22:26
ubottur_bender, please see my private message22:26
HollywoodJumperi freed up space on my disk and now i am trying to use DISKPART to activate the partion but it doesnt recognize it22:26
ompaulHollywoodJumper, that is not a ubuntu problem22:27
HollywoodJumperompaul i followed the directions from apcmag.com and now i am not sure what to do22:27
unopleche, what kind of variables?22:27
IntuitiveNippler_bender: It means, remove the semi-colon (comment mark) in front of ";security = user" so it is used22:27
uououhow can I pass different configuration to a .deb ?22:27
=== DigitalFiz is now known as Fiz
uououaudacity cut out soundtouch in the official deb for some ununderstandable reason :P22:28
lecheunop, things like keyboard layout, gtk theme..22:28
IntuitiveNippleuouou: Your question doesn't make sense, can you explain more?22:28
roukouni just upgrade my distro from 7.10 to 8.04 and almost everything went well but the fonts are changed and so ugly.. so how can i change the system fonts22:28
ompauluouou, you need to rebuild the deb the best place to get help with that is #ubuntu-motu22:28
tritiumuouou: rebuild the package from source, configuring it as you want22:28
ompaul!fonts | roukoun22:28
ubotturoukoun: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer22:28
unopleche, you might be able to get away with most of this by simply launching gnome-settings-daemon (in your ~/.fluxbox/startup)22:28
TunisUnitdoes Ubuntu work with the Planar LA1500RTC22:28
lechehmm, maybe gnome-settings-daemon22:28
lecheyou were faster thx unop22:29
uououtritium: apt-get source package, right? I'm running amd64 and get some /lib/cpp sanity check failing22:29
tritiumuouou: yes, and you'll also want the build-depends, as well.22:29
HollywoodJumperi used the partition editor in the live cd or live user mode to free up space on my disk for another op system so i can dual boot how is that not an ubuntu question?22:29
chuckfI'm having a problem with apt. I have a 'stuck' package and cannot get the error to go away. Install/Remove works find but this package keeps throwing errors. Detailed info is at http://paste.ubuntu.com/51335/22:29
roukounompaul: how will i install the default fonts?22:30
uououtritium: I have everything audacity needs, if that's what you mean22:30
chilli0 hello how do i install a .sh file ?22:30
ompaulHollywoodJumper, you partition with anything you like, your formatting of it ... well that is a job for your other o/s22:30
fiyawerxhmm, is there any way to find out what produced a core file? I dont remmeber anything crashing but I have one now22:30
chilli0i tryed but it said that it didnt know what to to open it22:30
ShadowBelmolveHow do I stop a process that "can not be stopped"? //sorry for english22:30
uououdid a ./configure --with-blah --with-blah, ... and got "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check22:31
AstralSinok, whats up with this error... the system JUST booted, but when i try to open firefox i get the error about firefox already running and it can't open another process... what the hell is that all about?22:31
tritiumuouou: you need every development/library package the the source package depends on to build properly is what I mean.  "man apt-get", and read the build-dep section.22:31
TunisUnitcan someone answer my question22:31
matreya6fiyawerx, try your dmesg22:31
uououtritium: ahhh. thanks22:31
unopchilli0, you don't install it, you run it .. at a terminal.   /path/to/file.sh22:31
tritiumuouou: install build-essential, and seek advice in #ubuntu-motu22:31
HollywoodJumperompaul so in order to format a partition in ntfs i would need to ask the ##windows channel?22:31
ericsomehi can anybody help me view my other computer on a wifi network please22:31
ompaulHollywoodJumper, yes22:31
IntuitiveNippleuouou: Have you done apt-get install build-essential dpkg-dev22:31
matreya6ShadowBelmolve, try sudo kill -9 [the processID you are trying to kill]22:31
Spragietritium: whats up ;]22:31
TunisUnityou motherfuckers22:32
HollywoodJumperompaul ok22:32
ericsomeis it easy ?22:32
roukoundoes anyone knows how to restore the default ubuntu 7.10 fonts after distro upgrade???22:32
ShadowBelmolvematreya6, nto work, the process still22:32
tritiumHello, Spragie.22:32
matreya6ShadowBelmolve, is it a server process, a so-called daemon?22:33
ShadowBelmolvematreya6, its totem :)22:33
ompaulroukoun, you have rebooted since the upgrade?22:33
vbman11is there anything like the linux mint menu for ubuntu?22:33
roukounompaul: yes22:33
matreya6ShadowBelmolve, have you tried "killall totem" ?22:33
gd515Does anyone know how i can password protect the Places folder on the Menu of ubuntu22:34
ShadowBelmolvematreya6, yes22:34
ompaulroukoun, did you install the stuff I suggested you can go though Synaptic Package manager and see if it helps you22:34
ericsomewhich is best vpn or ssh22:34
Greyhound|NBhi... I'm using ubuntu hardy and whenever I open vlc it just closes... here's the output I get in the command line when running vlc: http://pastebin.com/m1a05c0e922:34
uououIntuitiveNipple: I am now22:34
ShadowBelmolvematreya6, it status is not "sleeping", "zombie" or other, is anything like "impossible to stop", my ubuntu is in portuguese and i not know the correctly word to translate22:34
tritiumericsome: depends on your needs22:35
uououweird that building tools aren't part of the base system :/22:35
ompaulericsome, different roles so it depends on what you want to do22:35
roukounompaul: you mean the pkgs from the ubotu's links?22:35
matreya6ShadowBelmolve, just send me a PM of the Portuguese message, it might give me some hints and it won't trigger the bots ;-)22:36
IntuitiveNippleuouou: not at all; most users don't use them or need the bloat22:36
ompaulroukoun, menu: System -> Administration -> Synaptic Package Manager22:36
ericsometwo things view my other computer from my laptop and remote control and save items to my desktop when im away22:36
roukounompaul: can i pm you?22:36
hardcorefinally figured out how to use youplayer22:36
HollywoodJumpernobody in the windows channel is even responding to me22:37
ompaulHollywoodJumper, not our problem22:37
Moderndayzero<carandraug> didnt u say there was another chat room for the questions i asked ya earlier?22:38
Greyhound|NBproblem solved22:38
gd515Is there a way i can put a password on my drives in the place folder on the menu in ubuntu ??22:38
IntuitiveNippleHollywoodJumper: If you are intending installing Windows into the other partition, the Windows installer will format it at the time.22:38
ompaulHollywoodJumper, you tell your windows software in a terminal to fdisk and format and so forth but I don;t use it so can't advise further22:38
Moderndayzero<carandraug> something like #compiz-fusion22:38
unixSnob_anyone know what package contains the gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh file?22:38
carandraugModerndayzero: maybe. What's the question about?22:39
ompaulroukoun, which particular part of that did not make sense?22:39
IntuitiveNippleunixSnob_: try dpkg-query -S 'gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh'22:39
tritiumunixSnob_: and if it's not on your system, apt-file can help you find it.22:39
unixSnob_IntuitiveNipple: thanks, but it comes up empty for me.. my problem is that the file is not found22:39
gd515Can  anyone help me ??22:40
cars__My sound suddenly stopped working after a reboot.  I tried multiple sound mixers, but none of them played any sound.  It is unmuted, from what I can tell. What should I try first?22:40
ompaulroukoun, try this, sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-update (just in case your system did not grab something it should have)22:40
roukounompaul: sorry but i didnt unserstand what packages you suggested me to install22:40
carandraugModerndayzero: yes, you can go to #compiz-fusion to ask questions specific about it. Don't go there asking stuff about ubuntu22:40
tritiumunixSnob_: install apt-file, sudo apt-file update, then apt-file search <foo>22:40
=== Eric is now known as Guest62246
unixSnob_tritium: i actually just installed apt-file for this purpose, but running apt-file update is expensive, on my measured rate g3 connection22:40
carandraug!anyone | gd51522:40
ubottugd515: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:40
Orchid`i am having issues with flash and java, i sued the add/isntall application ( synaptic) to install all packages, one at a time, as they sdeemed to die of within a week. now though no flash is working can someone please assist me or point me to a interactive live help so i may get this issue resolved. this is important because it hinders my schoolwork, which is due by midnight tonight22:40
IntuitiveNippleunixSnob_: Then do http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=gcc-x86_64-has-stack-protector.sh&mode=exactfilename&suite=hardy&arch=any22:40
hardcorei feel proud now...22:40
Orchid`sued = used*22:41
uououI'm assuming I could, as well as ./configure, make, make install... turn the source package back into a .deb ?22:41
gd515Is there a way i can put a password on my windows drive in the place folder on the menu22:41
ompaul!flash | Orchid`22:41
ubottuOrchid`: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash22:41
ompaul!java | Orchid` (and reboot after the flash one iirc)22:41
ubottuOrchid` (and reboot after the flash one iirc): To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository22:41
IntuitiveNippleuouou: don't use ./configure make22:41
hardcoreOrchid`, just type flash in synaptic package manager22:41
IntuitiveNippleuouou: Edit the configure flags in debian/rules22:41
uououIntuitiveNipple: debian/rules?22:42
IntuitiveNippleuouou: then do fakeroot debian/rules binary (from the source base directory)22:42
=== Fiz is now known as DigitalFiz
IntuitiveNippleuouou: If you're building a debian package with alternate configuration22:42
ksbalajiA full DVD cannot be mounted? - 4.5GB loaded mp3 files DVD cannot be mounted by ubuntu - written using k3b -verified in my DVD player!22:42
Orchid`hardcore,  i did. and isntalled as needed. now none left, i am running out of time :S currently readint the doc on enabling the multiverse22:43
elancarandraug: still around ?22:43
IntuitiveNippleuouou: debian/rules is a Makefile. Find the build: target and follow through; there will be a line that executes the package's ./configure script with appropriate options22:43
N1ckRIve been suffering machine freezes - at first I suspected the xorg intel drivers, but now I am wondering if it could be gl/compiz. So I disabled compiz and machine freezes, but I wondered if the gl drivers are still loaded ?22:43
unixSnob_thanks IntuitiveNipple22:43
uououIntuitiveNipple: ohhh. yeesh.22:43
carandraugelan: yes. You never answered again22:43
elansorry i got distracted but22:43
* RocknLnX would someone please email me the login logout .wav files for Ubuntu Hardy please pm meand I will give you my email22:44
carandraugelan: you're still there? Can you pastebin the output of "lshw | grep -C 10 multimedia"22:44
reportingsjrDoes anyone here have experience with burning dvd's from iso files? (I mean a movie, that can play on a dvd player)22:44
IntuitiveNippleuouou: you may need to install the fakeroot package, too22:44
bastid_raZorreportingsjr; how big is the file size?22:45
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: ~2gb22:45
Kassahis there a solution for using sound in broken apps that try to use alsa device 0,0?22:45
floydwildeanyone know how to fix libc6, dpkg --configure -a: Setting up libc6 (2.7-10ubuntu4) ... dpkg: error processing libc6 (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 13922:45
bastid_raZorreportingsjr; not going to work, you need the 4.3GB file in ISO format, if it isn't it won't work. brasero can do the burning once you get the correct file.22:45
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: wha?22:46
uououIntuitiveNipple: ok. thanks for your help btw. I've added --with-soundtouch to the debian/rules file.. now I use fakeroot how again?22:46
elancarandraug: http://pastebin.com/m7b69a99d22:46
blueapplesanyone know how to install a ".bundle"... vmware is in this format and it doesn't appear to be like a .bin and i can't find a tool to extract it22:46
uououIntuitiveNipple: reading man fakeroot ... could maybe also just use sudo?22:46
bastid_raZorreportingsjr; you have your explanation, plus you are pirating movies.. which is illegal to discuss here.22:46
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: I encoded an avi file with devede to the iso, I've tried many things and it still hasn't worked22:47
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: copying from another dvd?22:47
carandraugelan: you said you tried some stuff before. What was it?22:47
ksbalaji4.5GB loaded mp3 files DVD now cannot be mounted by ubuntu. This DVD is written using k3b, also verified in my DVD player!22:47
BluSweHi, I installed Ubuntu fromm a USB-drive with the help of Unetbootin, and now the computer will not load Ubuntu unless the USB-drive is inserted. Is this becaus GRUB somehow is missing from the internal HD?22:47
elanit was from the ubuntu.com forum22:47
bastid_raZorreportingsjr; oh, i see the avi that won't work either. you need to make an ISO of the movie. straight from the movie disc, not converted into an avi then tried to make an ISO22:47
elanone was to install kmix even though you dont have kde22:47
elanand then click on the "input" tab.. but i didn't have an input tab22:48
elanand the other was to use alsamixer from console22:48
elanand put mic2 to mic122:48
elanbut i didn't have those options either22:48
elanjust MASTER and PCI controls22:48
tritium!enter | elan22:48
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: really? Isn't the whole point of devede and friends to encode to make it playable? :(22:48
ubottuelan: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:48
bastid_raZorreportingsjr; i don't know what devede is, i can't really say.22:48
carandraugelan: remove kmix then22:49
reportingsjrbastid_raZor: mkay22:49
=== SplinTer is now known as SplinTer0616_
Orchid`alright i just combed through the page-listing for that stuff,  did the non-free stuff for my browser, also did hte ' install missing plugins' before i cam eon IRC. still no change, any other possibilities here? and i know there is  atext file i can edit, as i did it in feisty fawn before i ordered the LTS CD. any help getting there?22:49
elanjust MASTER and PCI controls22:49
theCompanioni'm looking for a good way to have "version control" for my website, in ubuntu22:49
theCompanionany takers?22:49
carandraugelan: and then "gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base". Add the line "options snd-hda-intel model=z71v position_fix=1" at the end of the file22:49
magnetrontheCompanion, try Bazaar (bzr)22:50
tritiumtheCompanion: or subversion22:50
IntuitiveNippletheCompanion: you mean 'live' on the site, or just a version-control system?22:50
theCompanionwow, thanks guys22:50
theCompanionjust a version control system22:50
IntuitiveNippletheCompanion: Or git - the kernel's choice :)22:50
tritiumtheCompanion: Canonical has put a lot of effort into bzr22:51
IntuitiveNippletheCompanion: Having used them all, I find git does things the best way for my style, not least the way it makes test branches and cherry-picking so easy22:52
floydwildeanyone know why libc6 would spit the dummy after an apt-get upgrade on hardy?22:52
dm_Anyone use an MX 1000 with BTNX here?22:52
IntuitiveNipplefloydwilde: didn't like the taste?22:52
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:52
* tritium wonders what "spit the dummy" means22:52
elancarandraug: ok that line is added22:53
dm_guntbert spamming the channel with pointless statements is not helping anyone22:53
roukounompaul: i dont know why but the fonts i used seem not to be supported from 8.04 but know there is something more i discovered... i'm trying to launch a movie under totem or vlc but there is a blue cover over the images!!!22:53
floydwildebut it was a fresh nipple22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about intel22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x310022:53
roukounompaul: can u help?22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gm96522:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gl96022:53
IntuitiveNipplefloydwilde: hehehe... now be more specific and we can get on-topic again :)22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ed22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3d22:53
FloodBot1rob__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
FloodBot1ubottu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:53
floydwildeno scary repo's in sources.list22:53
magnetron!msgthebot > rob__22:53
ubotturob__, please see my private message22:53
guntbertdm_: please ask your real question22:53
carandraugelan: now, reboot (there's probably a much more elegant way to do it, but reboot leaves no doubts) and next time on the volume manager change the headphone sound22:54
theCompanioni just installed subversion22:54
dm_guntbert no. there is no reason to go into a long explanation if no one has a clue what im talking about.22:54
Orchid`dm_,  they want to know what kind of issue you are facing to assist you22:54
theCompanionbut now that I read about canonical, I might change22:54
dm_Orchid`:  If no one has an MX 1000 and uses BTNX they cant help me. simply put22:54
floydwildeaptitude -f install says some stuff about removing ruby packages, that are not needed, but the install doesn't go through22:54
dm_Orchid`: not all questions can be answered by just asking, they are situational.22:55
blueapplesi like subversion, use it to manage pretty much all my files. just put everything in one folder and sync it between devices. git sounds cool though since you don't need a central server22:55
Orchid`dm_,  why not try the field and find out if they can find out regardless, and help you?22:55
roukouni upgraded my distro to 8.04 but something weird happens..... i'm trying to launch a movie under totem or vlc but there is a blue cover over the images!!!22:55
obelix_udinewitch version can i use with intel core 2 duo?22:55
Orchid`dm_,  everything is situational. you msut come to realize that22:55
roukouncan anyone help me?22:55
ompaulroukoun, I know nothing of this thing you refer to22:55
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blueapplesobelix_udine: I am using 8.04 without any significant issues on my MacBook, which uses core 2 duo22:55
Orchid`im not saying you are wrong, im jsut saying try the field. if nothing else within aweek we can at least point you in the right direction, if not the hour22:56
blueapplesthat said i had a hard time getting wireless to work22:56
dm_roukon check your codecs22:56
ksbalaji_ lowVoltagePowercut(India) - sorry! I was temporarily off. 4.5GB loaded mp3 files DVD now cannot be mounted by ubuntu :( -This DVD is written using k3b, also verified OK in my DVD player! Any explanation please?22:56
dm_roukoun: check your codecs *22:56
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IntuitiveNippleblueapples: The neat thing about git is the way commits are discrete, and releases can be tagged, and you can play in multiple branches so easily22:56
obelix_udinebut 64 bit or 32bit22:56
ompaul!codecs | roukoun22:56
ubotturoukoun: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:56
Oxygenfa1MY ubuntu is running really slow, crashes, etc etc. I was wondering if this is because its ubuntu 32bit. I have a 64 bit processor. ALSO would I be able to install ubuntu 64 over top my 32bit os, and save all my files etc ?22:57
* RocknLnX does anyone know where I can get the Original Ubuntu Hardy .wav files for login/logout etc...22:57
blueapplesIntuitiveNipple i just noticed that in with the wine project. it does look cool, i don't know if it would work for me though since i have literally every single project in one repo. can you just tag a sub folder?22:57
obelix_udinewho use intel core 2 duo ?22:57
blueapplesobelix_udine i am22:58
IntuitiveNippleblueapples: no, one project per folder BUT unlike SVN there is only one .git directory, in the base of the project.22:58
Kassahobelix_udine: I have three machines with them in it22:58
blueapplesobelix_udine i'm on a macbook more specifically22:58
obelix_udineno mac22:58
blueapplesIntuitiveNipple dang that would be very nice22:58
IntuitiveNippleblueapples: that alone makes it much nicer to work with a git tree when doing package testing for example22:58
blueapplesobelix_udine they are exactly the same chip22:58
Kassahobelix_udine: mine are non-mac... I run 32bit on one and 64bit on the other two22:58
tritiumIntuitiveNipple, blueapples: there is #ubuntu-offtopic for such discussion22:58
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IntuitiveNippleblueapples: There is an git-svn importer... maybe one day it'll tempt you :)22:58
blueapplesobelix_udine so as far as the cpu goes it will work, you have trouble with other hardware but it has nothing to do with the core 2 duo22:58
blueapplesIntuitiveNipple really? hmmmmm. maybe i should look into it again22:59
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guntbertOxygenfa1: "everybody" here will tell you, it won't make a difference, except when you got +4GB RAM22:59
blueapplestritium sorry :-/22:59
IntuitiveNippletritium: discussing the VCS that Ubuntu kernel uses is hardly off-topic!22:59
tritiumIntuitiveNipple: this is a *support* channel.23:00
floydwildewell, I think i may know how to fix my libc6 problem.  Reinstall, heh.23:00
tritiumblueapples: no worries, buddy :)23:00
uououI'm still stuck at reconfiguring the audacity package23:00
uououspeaking of support :)23:00
bastid_raZorfloydwilde; wouldn't a sudo dpkg -i or sudo apt-get -f ?23:00
IntuitiveNippletritium: Yes, and theCompanion asked about a VCS... knowing what other big projects use it will help him make a decision23:01
blueapplesobelix_udine do you have an issue with other hardware in you systems or what?r23:01
methodsanyone use skype ? I'm wondering how to use it in a more alsa friendly way ... right now i have music playing and skype since it's trying to use the card directly can't get access i think23:01
obelix_udineno i have only a trouble23:01
tritiumIntuitiveNipple: he made his choice long ago, and you were demonstrating your knowledge of git.23:01
ksbalaji__A 4.5GB  mp3 files DVD now cannot be mounted by ubuntu :( -This DVD is written using k3b, also verified OK in my DVD player! Any explanation please?23:01
IntuitiveNipplemethods: I use skype via pulse-audio/alsa and it works fine with everything else23:01
ibkanatcant seem to get my network to work p6n sli platinum23:01
obelix_udinethanks and bye bye23:01
methodsIntuitiveNipple:  where / how do i use it that way ?23:02
ibkanatjust installed ubuntu23:02
IntuitiveNippletritium: 'demonstrating my knowledge' is rather the point of a support channel23:02
DelvienSlow boot problems, Hardy hangs when loading , complains of ATA:1, errno=-5 etc. Fails to boot without all_generic_ide flag. Anyone have a fix (sata HDD and Cd Rom) (tried having all USBs removed when booting, didnt help)23:02
IntuitiveNipplemethods: Let me dig out the forums thread on it23:02
blueapplesmethods it looks like you can choose the subsystem you ant to use in the options dialog23:02
floydwildein my apt-cache is see libc6_2.7-10ubuntu3 and libc6_2.7-10ubuntu4 which do you think i should try to dpkg -i23:02
methodsblueapples:  i do not see this23:02
ibkanatconfigured with either dhcp and static23:02
tritiumIntuitiveNipple: not for showing off, no.23:02
blueapplesmethods amend that i'm not sure if you can23:02
mkelly32hi, i'm trying to build a local version of gvfs-bin w/ a patch from launchpad. however, when i apt-get sources it, i get don't get the latest patches that're in the repo. (i end up w/ the sources / diff for gvfs_0.2.5-0ubuntu2, but the latest available is ubuntu4)23:03
mkelly32am i doing something wrong?23:03
IntuitiveNipplemethods: there's a bit to wade through, but this thread is excellent: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78957823:03
ibkanatwhere should I go for netowrk help23:03
IntuitiveNippletritium: you need to learn to distinguish enthusiasm23:03
tritiumIntuitiveNipple: please drop it23:03
* RocknLnX I can't believe that no one here can or wants to help me with something as simple as some .wav files. I'm pretty sure that there are people here that use Ubuntu Hardy23:04
floydwildeanyone running hardy, can tell me what libc6 package they have installed?23:04
blueapplesRocknLnX what is your question?23:04
tritiumfloydwilde: 2.7-10ubuntu423:04
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bastid_raZorfloydwilde; try sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename23:05
carandraugRocknLnX: give me your email, I'll mail you the files23:05
uououIntuitiveNipple: I got as far as trying a couple things with fakeroot but I can't seem to get it to create a deb23:05
RocknLnXblueapples I lost my default ubuntu login/logout .wav files so if someone can email them to me or tell me where I can download them I would be gratefull23:06
DelvienSlow boot problems, Hardy hangs when loading , complains of ATA:1, errno=-5 etc. Fails to boot without all_generic_ide flag. Anyone have a fix (sata HDD and Cd Rom) (tried having all USBs removed when booting, didnt help)23:06
raulhive heard compiz intturupts fps full screen'd games23:06
floydwildesays: /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: libc6 is broken or not fully installed23:06
raulhhow do i turn it off23:06
TannI was wondering if anyone could help me set up a dual monitor configuration between an onboard vga port and a nvidia card23:06
mkelly32floydwilde: if libc is broken... you might be better off reinstalling23:06
raulhhow do i shutdown compiz?23:07
IntuitiveNippleuouou: what issues are you having?23:07
ksbalaji__I have Hardy .wav files ? I don't see your name or email address? How to send?23:07
Delvienraulh Alt+f2 >  metacity --replace23:07
uououIntuitiveNipple: I followed what I think were your isntructions, "fakeroot debian/rules binary" ? and get install: cannot change permissions of `debian/audacity': No such file or directory23:08
IntuitiveNippleuouou: hang on23:08
Spragiewhat is the cmd to untar something ?23:08
matreya6Spragie, try tar xvzf [file]23:09
floydwildeheh, i installed the older libc6 package, and my system is happy again23:09
matreya6Spragie, that works if it is a tar.gz file23:09
DeadNedI logged into the terminal, and it said i have new mail. how do i check it?23:09
ksbalaji__RocknLnX, you pm your mail ID, to receive .wav files23:10
cartercan someone help me with a share problem between ubuntu and vista please?23:10
patddbhi pls  i need help how do i put automatix23:10
floydwildenow lets see if we can fix it so future upgrades don't break23:10
blueapplesDeadNed sudo apt-get install alpine23:10
IntuitiveNippleuouou: join #ubuntu-packaging23:11
Spragiematreya6: it is just a .tar file23:11
ksbalaji__A 4.5GB  mp3 files DVD now cannot be mounted by ubuntu :( -This DVD is written using k3b, also verified OK in my DVD player! Any explanation please?23:11
patddbpls can anyone help me how do i put aytomatix?23:11
DeadNedblueapples, would any terminal based mail client work?23:12
SpragieI formatted an entire disk earlier with ext3, how can I add user priviledge to copy things to it without having so sudo cp ?23:12
blueapplesDeadNed it should but I must admit I do not have much experience with terminal mail. most of them by default let you access the local mailbox, and if the terminal notified you on your system that you have mail, i would imagine it meant in the local mailbox23:12
cartercan someone help me troubleshoot a shared folder permissions issue?23:12
blueapples!ask carter23:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask carter23:13
blueapples!ask | carter23:13
ubottucarter: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)23:13
DelvienWhat is the benefit of a kernel -rt (realtime)?23:13
patddbhow do i put automatix pls?23:13
DeadNedblueapples, thanks23:13
tritium!automatix | patddb23:13
ubottupatddb: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »23:13
PriceChild!rt | Delvien23:14
ubottuDelvien: The RT kernel is the Ubuntu kernel with a realtime preemption patch applied. It is included in Ubuntu Studio by default. For more information please see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RealTime/23:14
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matreya6Spragie, Try tar xvf instead23:14
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blueapplesman i need to turn off part / join messages in LostIRC heh...23:14
DelvienPriceChild i know.. but whats the benefit23:14
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Spragiematreya6: do you know i could set priviledges for a hd i just formatted earlier to ext3?23:14
patddbwhat do i put just to  something that put the most imprtant things automatically?23:15
DavidCanariasSounds silly, but I can't find out how to delete a rewritable DVD. Can anyone help me?23:15
matreya6!fstab | Spragie23:15
ubottuSpragie: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:15
carterI installed Ubuntu 8.04 last night and created a folder /home/carter/share and I added some movies and songs to the share, I get access denied from my vista box. I right clicked the share folder and checked all three check boxes for sharing23:15
PriceChildDelvien: from that link, in a click or two i found myself at http://rt.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Frequently_Asked_Questions#What_is_real-time.3F23:15
Spragiematreya6: thnx will check it out23:15
ksbalaji__A 4.5GB  mp3 files DVD now cannot be mounted by ubuntu :( -This DVD is written using k3b, also verified OK in my DVD player! Any explanation please?23:15
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QTParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap23:15
matreya6DavidCanarias, try Brasero, or K3b23:15
carterand when I add files to the share from the vista box they have a little lock icon on them when viewed on the ubuntu bos23:16
sacabonoscannot unmount volume because the mount point is mounted multiple times?23:16
DavidCanariasmatreya6: Thanks I am using K3b, but can't find the option23:16
uououI just recently realized fstab = File System table ... not f-stab.23:16
blueapplesuouou hahahaha23:16
blueapples!offtopic | blueapples23:16
ubottublueapples, please see my private message23:16
hardcorelinuxksbalaji__, whats in 'dmesg' output?23:17
matreya6DavidCanarias, try Tools => Format DVDRW23:17
DavidCanariasmatreya6: If you check under tools in K3b there is an option for deleting CD's, but not DVD.23:17
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, let me see23:17
DavidCanariasmatryea6: You are right there is the option to format DVDRW but is that what I really need??23:17
DelvienPricechild i read that part, i guess my question is. I am trying to make an "wine" box for a game, would RT benefit me more?23:17
bastid_raZorfloydwilde; what type of dvd are you using +r or -r?23:18
matreya6DavidCanarias, in the top left corner, what do you see as description for your optical burner?23:18
PriceChildDelvien: an "wine" box for a game?23:18
Nurocan someone help me set up wireless on my dell vostro 1000?23:18
Nuroi already tried fooling around with it and now my settings are in chaos so i want to figure out how i clean any last attempts i made at setting up my wireless23:18
DelvienPriceChild a WINE box . for a game.23:19
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, oops! runs a million pages!23:19
Nuroplease contact me in a pm if u think u can help me out someone23:19
blueapplesNuro if you have tried to install multiple drivers be sure to blacklist the ones you do not want to use23:19
matreya6DavidCanarias, yes, that will  erase (=format) your DVDRW23:19
blueapples!blacklist | Nuro23:19
ubottuNuro: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »23:19
Jordan_UNuro: What chipset and what have you done so far?23:19
Nurocan u guys send me this info via pms?23:19
Nurohard to talk to 3 people at once23:19
blueapples!blacklist > Nuro23:19
ubottuNuro, please see my private message23:19
ubi-laptopa WINE box . for a game. something like playonlinux?23:20
hardcorelinuxksbalaji__, looking for stuff at the end of 'dmesg'23:20
sacabonoscannot unmount volume because the mount point is mounted multiple times?23:20
PriceChildDelvien: I don't understand what that means. But I believe applications will take some work to get them taking full advantage of it.23:20
nonewmsgshow do you set up/use xsensors to get the cpu temp23:20
blueapplesNuro I also recommend installing network manager: sudo apt-get install network-manager network-manager-gnome23:20
hardcorelinuxsacabonos, try sudo umount <mount-point>23:21
blueapplesNuro it is much easier to use than the built in network tool, provides a left-click menu of wireless networks detected23:21
DelvienPriceChild WINE = Windows emulator ( gives access to the API and DLLs, to run windows applications, and currently has poor performance with some windows games. I was curious if RT would help with this.23:21
Jordan_Ublueapples: network-manager *is* the default network tool23:21
hardcorelinuxDelvien, WINE is Wine is not an emulator :)23:21
TleilaxuWow, the open source r500 3D support is awesome23:21
blueapplesJordan_U I'm afraid I'll have to disagree with you since neither of those packages were installed by default on my 8.0423:22
Delvienhardcorelinux i know.23:22
Nurook i need to know how to start my wireless clean23:22
DavidCanariasmatreya6: I sent you a private message.... Thanks for your help, I will give it a try.23:22
blueapplesJordan_U unless I messed it up somehow i guess i don't know. the tool wasn't running when i first started23:22
tritiumblueapples: it's supposed to be.23:22
PriceChildblueapples: did you not do a standard gnome?23:22
carterinstalled ubuntu 8.04, created a folder /home/carter/share and I get access denied  from my vista box23:22
blueapplesPrinceChild I installed 8.04 vanilla Ubuntu23:22
PriceChildblueapples: well then it will be installed.23:22
Nurocan someone tell me how i can get my original wireless settings on ubuntu? i would just reformat but i dont have the cd23:22
blueapplesPrinceChild only network tool i ever saw was the one under Administration23:22
blueapplesPrinceChild weird... well nuro i guess i'm wrong and i can't help you lol23:23
Agent_bobwhy is there a readlink in /bin and also in /lib/init   and the one in /lib/init is much smaller but seems to do the same thing  ???23:23
Nurowhat do u mean Bl23:23
Agent_boband is this worth posting http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/279223:23
PriceChildNuro: system > administration > network23:23
Nurothen what23:23
PriceChildNuro: click the wireless interface, properties, then change it to roaming23:23
PriceChildNuro: unlock if need be23:23
blueapplesPrinceChild ugh that is the worse interface. use the networking icon in the tray23:23
zimbresi really do not know how to procede anymore, i am trying to install a software written in c++ and the compiler is complaining about one line of one of the files of the packge. Since the software is not expected to have code mistakes, the problem is in my environment, g++ gives me the error message''wavelet.h:17: error: expected initializer before ‘<’ token''23:24
Nuroprince it already was23:24
Nuroon roaming23:24
PriceChildNuro: well then that is defaults.23:25
blueapplesNuro please use full nicknames to ensure highlighting works ;) people might miss your messages otherwise, and keep replies on one line if possible23:25
PriceChild!tab | Nuro23:25
ubottuNuro: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:25
carterinstalled ubuntu 8.04, created a folder /home/carter/share and I get access denied  from my vista box23:25
mahais ubuntu the windows of linuxes???23:26
Nuroi fooled around with ndiswrapper and i just found a guide that should help me get my wireless working but since i fooled around with the settings before i think my system is in chaos because when i followed the guide it still didnt get my wireless working23:26
turtle_kind of23:27
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, I think it could be at http://pastebin.com/d68454aa023:27
hardcorelinuxcarter, check the 'guest access' on that folder and see if you can get in23:27
blueapplesmaha in only the good ways.23:27
Nuromy wireless on windows works just fine23:27
Agent_bobmaha no.23:27
turtle_ubuntu is probably the most supported linux as well :)23:27
linxehmaha: no, ot really - that was linspire23:27
linxehturtle_: depends on your definition of support23:27
carterhardcorelinux, how can I check that? forgive me I'm new to the linux world23:27
blueapplesNuro you may have better luck on the wireless forum at http://ubuntuforums.org/ if no one here ends up helping you23:27
blueapplesNuro not that they won't try ;)23:28
matreya6maha, it *is* a nice distro which aims to be as user-friendly as can be23:28
blueapplesmatreya6 yes so only in the good ways ;)23:28
turtle_i am exstatic, I installed Ubuntu 64 and Vista 64 on my 320GB HD today23:28
turtle_took about 3 tries23:28
hardcorelinuxksbalaji__, well your DVD drive is not able to read the disc, was it burned on the same drive?23:28
turtle_got my GPU working23:28
Agent_bobblueapples but there is no "good ways"23:28
frobara friend keeps getting timeout errors similar to "hda: timeout waiting for DMA" when trying to install ubuntu from the CD. after a few repititions, the process seems to hang. any ideas?23:29
matreya6blueapples, Well, some hardware doesn't work as it should in Linux, so that would include Ubuntu...23:29
hacked_kernelmaha, Ubuntu is the easiest linux distribution to use, it has a great support like this chat, forums, and of course software packages23:29
blueapplesAgent_bob I guess. except the "user friendly" (arguably) and (nearly) vast and wide ranging support23:29
frobarhe uses a sata disk23:29
blueapplesmatreya6 it's so much better than any other distro i've seen out of the box, though you're right, there are a lot of missing drivers in some cases23:29
blueapples!offtopic | blueapples23:29
ubottublueapples, please see my private message23:29
linuxhelp_defrobar= disable dma at livecd-boot23:30
Agent_bobblueapples or ##windows23:30
frobarlinuxhelp_de: is it likely that the problem will persist after the installation, so that he won't get dma for that disk ever?23:30
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, or maybe here = http://pastebin.com/m5d725b7523:30
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mahahacked_kernel, matreya6, linxeh, i got it23:30
blueapplesAgent_bob i'm not microsoft fan don't get me wrong, i'm a rabid ubuntu user ;)23:30
blueapplesanyway I gotta run, see you later gents & ladies23:30
hacked_kernelmaha, whats your experience with Linux?23:30
hardcorelinuxcarter, on the ubuntu side, right on the folder->Sharing options->Guest access23:31
HollywoodJumperhow can i get gparted to format a partition in ntfs?23:31
linuxhelp_dehm, you can enter the bios and make a autoconfig with bios, perhaps something wrong there23:31
mahai have been waiting for something like ubuntu to appear23:31
mahafor a great many years23:31
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, exactly! burnt on the same drive and checked in my DVD player - even now OK!23:31
matreya6maha, Nice to see you are enjoying it.23:31
mkelly32hi, i'm trying to build a local version of gvfs-bin w/ a patch from launchpad. however, when i apt-get sources it, i get don't get the latest patches that're in the repo. (i end up w/ the sources / diff for gvfs_0.2.5-0ubuntu2, but the latest available is ubuntu4)23:31
linuxhelp_dei have seen bad sata cables which makes problems23:31
raulhi try and run nexuiz but as soon as it starts its a black screen and i hear noises anyone know why?23:32
carterhardcorelinux, guest access is checked, along with allow other people to write in this folder and share this folder. All check boxes checked23:32
mahamy experience is knowing suse 7.x hacked_kernel23:32
matreya6raulh, nexuiz requires hardware OpenGL, does your GPU suppport that?23:32
raulhyes, it does.23:32
Agent_bobdoes anyone know why there is a "readlink" in  /bin  and also in  /lib/init  and, the one in  /lib/init  is much smaller but seems to do the same thing?   and, is this worth posting http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/2792 ?23:32
frobarlinuxhelp_de: how do i enter the live-cd boot options, and precisely what parameters should i pass? there seems to be some contradictory advice when i search around using google :/23:33
linuxhelp_deor it could be the read errors from ide cause ide is virtual configured by sata driver inside kernel23:33
matreya6try running nexuiz from a terminal, like nexuiz & and see the error messages23:33
hardcorelinuxcarter, what happens when you directly access the share ie.. \\server\share?23:33
raulhits black screen i can'23:33
linuxhelp_depress F6 and enter ther nodma or dma=off23:33
raulht exit out of it23:33
frobarlinuxhelp_de: okay, thanks23:33
linuxhelp_delike other keys noapic noacpi for difficult setups23:34
matreya6raulh: But you still have a working X windows?23:34
hardcorelinuxcarter, also on the Ubuntu box does smb://localhost list your share?23:34
LookingForAnswerhi everybody, good nig...whatever23:34
raulhno matrey it's full scerened23:34
carterhardcorelinux, from the vista box I can get into the folders within the share but when I try to play a song or view a picture I get access denied23:34
raulhi got out of it by spamming fkeys23:34
matreya6raulh, try killall nexuiz23:34
hardcorelinuxcarter, chmod -R 755 on the the share folder on the ubuntu box23:35
linuxhelp_deIf all fails you can take a older live-cd of gutsy or 6.10 and make small setup, after this a online dist-upgrade23:35
raulhmatry i got it let me pastebin the output in the terminal23:35
ActionParsniphey all23:35
linuxhelp_deoften on old hardware the hardy new kernels does not run clean23:35
matreya6Hey ActionParsnip, welcome back!23:35
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, my doubt is that - ubuntu cannot read a fully written DVD - there was some error message after burning. It works well in DVD player. - K3b thinks DVD can hold upto 4.4GB only23:35
Frak_I got in here late23:36
ActionParsnipcan someone do me a favour and give me the output of file /usr/lib/libvorbisfile.so.323:36
hardcorelinuxksbalaji__, could be23:36
Frak_@ksbalaji_ dual layer?23:36
r_benderhey folks, still can't connect to share files with my mac23:36
Agent_boblinuxhelp_de 6.10 ?   one step distupgrade is supported for 6.6 but not for 6.1023:36
raulhit's said to knwo most fps games dont work above 800*60023:37
matreya6raulh, "Trying to load library... "libOffscreenGecko.so" "/usr/lib/games/nexuiz/libOffscreenGecko.so" - failed."23:37
linuxhelp_deso you can make a stable setup with 7.10 perhaps ans then a dist-upgrade, the advantage is you can use older drivers and kernel which are not at harde23:37
raulhbut how do i change the rez?23:37
HollywoodJumpercan someone tell me how i can format a partition in NTFS by using Gparted?23:37
ActionParsnip!samba | r_bender23:37
ubottur_bender: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.  Also see https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/21209823:37
Frak_right click -> format23:37
raulhhollywood dosn't fdisk work swell too?23:37
Frak_choose NTFS23:37
ksbalaji__Frak_, nope23:37
linuxhelp_deok, i try to show ways at difficult hardwares23:37
Frak_use the gparted livecd23:37
Frak_it has the ability to format in NTFS23:37
raulhmatrey so what that  error mean23:38
HollywoodJumperNTFS is not an option in Gparted do i need to update it or something?23:38
Spragiewould /dev/sdb1 /media/disk-3 ext3 defaults 1 2 be proper for a fstab entry for a hd I formatted earlier for storage ?23:38
HollywoodJumperand how do i use fdisk?23:38
Frak_I think it's a library that has to be installed23:38
ActionParsnipHollywoodJumper: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-97698.html23:38
linuxhelp_dedist-upgrade can be made with console (debian-way) with 6.XX23:38
AaqilHi is google chrome available for ubuntu?23:38
linuxhelp_dego debianforum.de for wiki23:38
ActionParsnipAaqil: not yet23:38
Frak_type that in firefox23:38
matreya6raulh, I don't know if nexuiz has a windowed option. That error means that it cannot load a library that it needs. Normally a program should respond to that by exiting with an appropriate message23:38
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, So, do I have a bug to report to k3b, kde?23:39
linuxhelp_deChrome is a very unsecure tools23:39
sakurambooi recently installed a second sound card, after not getting it to work in the allotted time frame i had to work with, i removed the card and kept with the built in sound chip, now, some programs dont have any sound, what should i be looking at to better troubleshoot this problem?23:39
AaqilActionParsnip: huhuhu :(23:39
linuxhelp_deevery key you type is logged to google23:39
frobarlinuxhelp_de: adding nodma to the boot options didn't help :/23:39
carterhardcorelinux, sorry I closed the terminal by accident23:39
ActionParsnipAaqil: have you used it in windows? its nothing spectacular imho23:39
bahaa2008_is there a way to make 2 programs to use the sound card23:40
matreya6raulh, this line "Initializing Video Mode: fullscreen 1024x768x32x60hz" suggests that there should be windowed mode as well.23:40
frobarhe has one sata disk plugged into the sata1 connector, and another one plugged into sata223:40
carterhardcorelinux, you were saying chmod something,23:40
Agent_boblinuxhelp_de yes.  but if you try it from 6.10 unless i'm terrably mistaken they expect three three steps, and not one as from 6.6    not that it really matters unless bandwidth matters23:40
hardcorelinuxksbalaji__, sure but before that can you find another ubuntu box preferably an older ubuntu version(Gutsy) and try to read that DVD23:40
AaqilActionParsnip: i like google, ubuntu, yehba things :(23:40
linuxhelp_deok frobar try no my way take cd of 7.1023:40
raulhmatrey how do i activate it23:40
Frak_google chrome in ubuntu -> http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/09/05/how-to-install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu-with-wine/23:40
raulhif i can't even do anything as soon as the game starts23:40
ActionParsnipAaqil: have you used it?23:40
hardcorelinuxcarter, chmod -R 755 <your-share-path>23:40
linuxhelp_deand after easy setup make an online upgrade23:40
AaqilActionParsnip: yup23:40
frobarlinuxhelp_de: hmm, must've missed when you mentioned your other way earlier23:40
ActionParsnipAaqil: its not nearly as usable or configurable as firefox23:40
Jordan_Ulinuxhelp_de: Chrome is open source, if there were a key logger we would know ( anything you type into the URL bar *is* sent to google for recommendations though )23:41
Nuroi made a thread going into detail explaining my situation23:41
Nurocan someone take a look at it and help me out23:41
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, actually my Hardy is an upgrade from Gutsy - Will it be different earlier?23:41
Nuroplease pm me if u can23:41
linuxhelp_dei am carful with google tools23:41
Delvienglxgears -printfps doesnt work anymore? whats the new command23:41
AaqilActionParsnip: but fast and clean browser :( hmm i believe ur advices too23:41
linuxhelp_dei think some departments are very interested at these data23:42
RocknLnXksbalaji__: Thank you someone sent me the entire sound folder23:42
RadSurferHow complicated is it to compile a kernel-driver ? I need the directory for the kernel-devel/headers please.23:42
Agent_bobDelvien two dashes ?23:42
ActionParsnipAaqil: fast and clean, swiftfox is pretty sweet23:42
sakurambooNuro, what kind of wireless card do you have?23:42
DelvienAgent_bob: nope23:42
Nuronot sure off of the top of my head23:42
Nurogive me a sec ill go find out23:42
AaqilActionParsnip: ok23:42
IntuitiveNippleRadSurfer: pretty easy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMaintenance23:43
ksbalaji__hardcorelinux, you have given an idea! I have XP (dual boot) to check my writer! thanks now to restart computer - bye!23:43
linuxhelp_deRadsurfer = Headers are installed at /usr/src23:43
raulhanyone know if theres a terminal command to force a program into windowed mode?23:43
RadSurferso nothing special about that then? good.23:43
Aaqilhow to share internet connection DSL from ubuntu to other windows users on the network?23:43
Agent_bobDelvien ok,   but for apps to be posix compliant they need to use two dashes for long options  --long_options23:43
NuroDell Wireless 1395 802.11g Wi-Fi Internal Card23:43
Nurois my wireless card23:44
Nurobtw please pm me sakura23:44
linuxhelp_defrobar= let me know if you can't setup23:44
ksbalaji__RocknLnX, no problem! enjoy!23:44
DelvienAgent_bob: glxgears only needs 1 dash, all of its other commands needs 123:44
carandraugAaqil: you need to allow ipv4 packet forward in /etc/sysctl.conf23:44
frobarlinuxhelp_de: i only saw the nodma suggestion, which didn't work :/23:44
IntuitiveNippleRadSurfer: If the module has an out-of-kernel build Makefile, you should just need to do "make"23:44
frobarstill the same "hda: timeout waiting for DMA" error23:45
Aaqilcarandraug: how to do those23:45
Jordan_UActionParsnip: http://www.linux.com/articles/6133423:45
carterhardcorelinux, ok we're making some progress that allowed me access to the files from the vista box. I'm unable to copy, cut or move those files though. feels like we're close23:45
linuxhelp_deyes can be a result of old hardware and new unclean hardy kernel23:45
Agent_bobDelvien like i said,  ok.    but it's still not posix compliant,   as many gui apps aren't now days.23:45
linuxhelp_dei use 7.10 a productive engines not hardy23:45
DelvienAgent_bob: Ahhh, its default now, but i wasnt allowing enough time.23:45
inasmuhow would I change my screen brightness from the command line?23:46
RadSurferwhere the heck are you hiding Nautilus browser in the menus????23:46
linuxhelp_dei have seen a lot of bugs at hardy23:46
g3n1u5Hello all.23:46
Agent_bobinasmu xrandr  ?23:46
DavidCanariasI'm having no luck trying to convert a Video made on a home Camrecorder to mpg format using Acidripper. You can't see the image properly. Any ideas why anyone?23:46
frobarlinuxhelp_de: is the same kernel version used on the live-cd as the one that gets installed?23:46
IntuitiveNippleRadSurfer: Places :)23:46
hardcorelinuxcarter, do you have to provide login credential to view the share?23:46
carterhardcorelinux, no i don't23:46
carandraugAaqil: open the file and uncomment the line that allows it. The file is well documented. You'll need to configure the window boxes to use your Ubuntu box as gateway23:46
Agent_bobfrobar initially yes23:47
linuxhelp_deno often its a older23:47
inasmuAgent_bob: I thought that was just for screen rotation?23:47
linuxhelp_deor better said unstable23:47
Aaqilcarandraug: where is that file i am new to the ubuntu :-s any terminal command?23:47
carandraugAaqil: "gkuso gedit /etc/sysctl.conf"23:47
Agent_bobfrobar but your first update will also have a kernel update,23:48
Nuroif someone can please help me get my wireless working it would be much appreciated23:48
linuxhelp_defrobar= if you want to setup your friends pcs run them all with a live cd to test the hardware (48hours) after this seems ok you can setup23:48
Nuroyou can find my problem here23:48
Aaqilbash: gkuso: command not found carandraug23:48
Nuroplease contact me via pm!23:48
carandraugAaqil: I never did it with a windows machine.I only used Linux (I've tried it successul with many other distros)23:48
carandraugAaqil: sorry, it's gksudo23:48
hardcorelinuxcarter, changing the 755 to 777 would accomplish it, but it is too dangerous to do so, disable the "guest" access and open the share after you provide some credentials23:49
Jordan_UNuro: Can you please pastebin or attatch to that thread the output from "lspci" ?23:49
andrilanyone work with Backerupper?23:50
carterhardcorelinux, how do set it up so it asks for credentials?23:50
turtle__these desktop effects are reason enough to at least dual boot23:50
Agent_bobinasmu maybe it is...   what am i thinking of then if not xrandr  ???23:50
* Agent_bob goes looking23:50
g3n1u5carter the permissions on that file or directory are 755 for a reason. Changing permissions to 777 isnt reccomended.23:50
hardcorelinuxcarter, disabling the guest account should do it23:51
inasmuAgent_bob: I think it might have been XrandR, but my man page for it didn't mention it, someone in #fluxbox suggested xbacklight to me, which seems to use xrandr for something23:51
Aaqilcarandraug: it opened a text file there i should change value to 1?23:51
bigdogmdo you know anyone who has adobe indesign23:51
carterhardcorelinux, ok, stupid question, it will prompt for my ubuntu creds correct?23:51
hardcorelinuxcarter, yes23:51
g3n1u5Yeah bigdogm23:51
g3n1u5http://www.adobe.com has it for sale.23:52
carandraugAaqil: no. Just uncomment the line (remove the #)23:52
erat123anyone familiar with reverse ssh connections?23:52
carterhardcorelinux, ok, i'll run upstairs and try it from my vista box now.23:52
bigdogmI need it for a class at school23:52
DavidCanariasI've burnt a DVD using AcidRipper in mpg format, but you can't see it properly. Doesanyone know why?23:52
turtle__is this the same server/channel as the Ubuntu Server?23:52
g3n1u5erat123 there was an article on digg about it the other day.23:52
g3n1u5Check http://www.digg.com out.23:52
Aaqilcarandraug: which line pls :D there many ip4 consisting lines23:52
erat123g3n1u5: yeah, awesome article.. i'm trying to take it a step farther...23:53
carandraugAaqil: look for something like this "#net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" and just remove the #23:53
g3n1u5cool erat12323:53
bigdogmIsn't there a place where you can trade software on here23:53
erat123g3n1u5: i would like to set up a connection that is always active on the server23:53
Jordan_UNuro: Can you please pastebin or attatch to that thread the output from "lspci" ?23:53
g3n1u5Im about to be up at work... trying to get a LDAP server to auth over a VPN tunnel.23:53
g3n1u5I'd love to hear about it when I get there... if you're goin gto be on for a while.23:53
erat123g3n1u5: i created a ssh key on both computers, but i have to run the ssh -R 1234:loalhost:22 command every time23:53
erat123g3n1u5: i want that to run when ubuntu starts23:54
ubottuVMWare Player is in Ubuntu's !Multiverse repository (package "vmware-player", only for Feisty and Edgy), and http://www.easyvmx.com/easyvmx.shtml can create VMs for it. Instructions can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware - See also !virtualizers23:54
Agent_bobinasmu i'm not sure.   i remember playing with  xrandr  and also  xvidtune   but it may not have been either of them....   sorry.23:54
Aaqilcarandraug: did it and saved file23:54
BUDOhave question23:54
g3n1u5erat123 create a little bash script and put it in your RC config.23:54
hardcorelinuxerat123, you could put that in /etc/rc.local23:54
g3n1u5BUDO congratuations!23:54
g3n1u5Im GLAD you have a question.23:55
BUDOdoes ubuntu support netgear WG111T out of the box23:55
g3n1u5Thanks for announcing it.23:55
erat123hardcorelinux: ok, cool, thanks guys.  i'll give that a shot.  wasnt sure where to put it23:55
carandraugAaqil: you need to reload those configurations. You can see how to do it in "man sysctl". Or you can just reboot23:55
g3n1u5BUDO before wasting peoples time in here, why dont you search google.23:55
ksbalajihardcorelinux, I seldom use XP - now I am very sad to report this = my XP is very good at reading full DVDs. It was a flick - there were the files. I shall report the bug to k3b anyway :( :( :(23:55
g3n1u5Alright, i'll be back in about an hour.23:55
g3n1u5later :)23:55
Aaqilcarandraug: brb :( thanks :)23:56
carandraugAaqil: then, you'll also need to configure iptables. What's the interface where the other computer will be connected?23:56
BUDOdoes ubuntu support netgear WG111T out of the box23:56
carterhardcorelinux, ok that worked, kinda. I'm able to play songs and movies off this share but I can't delete or rename folders from the vista box.23:56
Agent_bob!hardware > BUDO23:56
ubottuBUDO, please see my private message23:56
HollywoodJumperin one of the forums it has the command " sudo cfdisk " what is that used for?23:57
HellMindhow can I create the kernel and initrd file in an easy way?23:57
carterhardcorelinux, when I view the share in ubuntu some folders have lock icons on them23:57
Agent_bobHellMind heh install the .deb23:57
HellMindI need a kernel and initrd for rxen23:57
hardcorelinuxcarter, this has to do with permissions/ownership of the account you login as, you should have these folders/file under the same owner as you login23:57
HollywoodJumper!sudo cfdisk23:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudo cfdisk23:57
x__Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong with VirtualBox? I am getting an error that won't let me use usb?23:58
x__failed to access the USB Subsystem23:58
x__Could not load the Host USB Proxy Service (VERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND). The service might not be installed on the host computer.23:58
carterhardcorelinux, I only have one account as far as I know. The account was created during the install process23:58
RadSurferthis is not working; complaining it can not find the basic gcc header files!!! HELP!23:58
carterhardcorelinux, I think those folders were created from the vista box while browsing the share23:58
RadSurferIs there someone who can maybe PM me to help with compiling a kernel-driver please23:59
ksbalajihardcorelinux, inference = linux not able to read fully packed DVDs.?23:59
x__I am pretty sure I installed the one with usb support as it is not the OSE23:59
hardcorelinuxcarter, that is fine, but the files that are there in the share may not belong to that user, just chown -R user:group on that share23:59
hardcorelinuxksbalaji, could be23:59
Jordan_UNuro: Try running "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter" and when asked allow it to download the firmware you need, then please remove or blacklist ndiswrapper and reboot23:59

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