
RickZillaGetting ready to install edubuntu on a machine...Just so I understand correctly, I install ubuntu first, then install edubuntu from an imaged disk?00:41
RickZillaSuccessfully created an edubuntu machine!02:17
xbxb Why is it that the du command shows a greater total of bytes used by files than the windows explorer for the same files? Do folders have their own size (even when there are no files in them) in Linux?08:16
=== xbxb is now known as xbxbxb
juliuxogra: eveing, do you know anything more about ubucon? do you want to make talk or something else?20:56
=== nubae1 is now known as Nubae
=== Don_Miguel is now known as BlinkyToon
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel

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