
ian_brasilrhp: something like dd bs-1024 if=<image file> of=/dev/sdb00:16
ian_brasilwhere /dev/sdb is whatever your usb mounts as00:16
ian_brasilrhp: dd bs=1024 if=<image file> of=/dev/sdb00:17
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loolrhp: These were the older MIC images; the new images are live images, and shouldn't overwrite your disk10:09
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rhplool: cool12:16
rhpso now they run from the usb stick?12:17
ogra-maemolike a livecd (they are built using the same tools now)12:18
persiarhp: Indeed.12:18
rhpian_brasil:  as far as I can tell, there is no difference between dd and cat <image> > /dev/sdb, but for some reason that does not result in a bootable usb scick.12:18
ogra-maemodd does a binary copy by blocks, cat cats a stream from a to b12:19
persiarhp: It's copying bytes vs. blocks.12:19
* persia stops typing, being inevitably too late and therefore redundant12:19
rhpogra-maemo: what is the difference between those?12:19
rhpI've put images on disks before with cat, without problems..12:19
ogra-maemousing cat the bootsector wont work, it needs to have a certain blocksize12:20
persiaWell, rather, it might work, but only if you get really lucky.12:20
persiaHrm.   I appear to have melted my USB stick :(12:21
ogra-maemoi managed to wear one out recently... the one i used for install tests on the cmpc since the beginning :)12:23
ogra-maemobut it survived 1.5y of nearly daily install tests12:23
persiaI don't think I wore it out.  I just let someone else touch it.  My mini-A to full-B cable needed replacement, and I foolishly used my test stick to make sure the replacement cable worked at the shop.12:24
* ogra-maemo cant belive nobody ported any dvb tools to maemo yet12:26
ogra-maemo(thats my usecase for such an adapter)12:26
rhpaside from dd-ing it directly to /dev/sdb, would it also be possible to create two partitions on the stick, one for the img file and the other for data files?12:29
persiarhp: Yes, but there's no guarantee the result would boot.  What I do is to add the couple files I need via loopmount, and they appear on the live system under /cdrom.12:31
ogra-maemonot with the current setup... caspper (the tool used for booting the image) has a persistent mode though, you cold use a second usb key for that12:31
ogra-maemoor a partition on the local hdd... look at wiki.ubuntu.com for persistent livecd12:32
rhpok, clear enough. putting it on /dev/sdb1 was the first mistake then...12:33
ogra-maemo yeah12:33
rhpMaybe some info on the dd-incantation would be usefull for the wiki/howto...12:33
rhpIf things work nicely, I can just copy the image to the harddrive?12:34
rhpOr is there an installer for that purpose?12:34
ogra-maemowe uszally give the necessary commandline in the announcements12:35
ogra-maemoand i'm working on a gui tool,but its not ready yet https://launchpad.net/usb-imagewriter12:39
ogra-maemowelll, its functional, but the code isnt production ready12:41
rhpok, I was looking through http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded and couldn't find anything about it.12:42
rhpYou're blob is a more authorative source of information?12:42
rhpblob -> blog...12:43
ogra-maemono,its my blog :)12:43
rhpThose screenshots look great, by the way...12:43
ogra-maemowe should put something into the howto or faq section about dd i guess12:44
ogra-maemo(on the wiki)12:44
ogra-maemoi guess at some point we need a mobile team wiki for such announcements12:45
ogra-maemothe image announced there isnt yet built in the datacenter, once that happens i'll do an authoritative annou cement12:46
ogra-maemo(some time nexr week)12:47
* ogra-maemo notices how different his typos are on an onscreen kbd :)12:47
rhpTurns out that old stylus 3400 does not support booting of the usb-stick directly. There is grub on the hd, though. I guess it would be easy to boot the usb-stick from grub?12:59
persiarhp: You'll need grub > 0.97, but it ought work.13:00
persiaAlso, you need the right hints available.  Seems Fujitsu may be annoying this way: if it doesn't work, you might need to do something like
persiaAlternately, you might want a CD image.13:02
persia(but i don't know how to convert a USB image to a CD image)13:02
rhpWhy would I want a CD image? There is no CD player in the device...13:05
persiaOh.  Then you don't.13:05
persia(unless you have an attachable bootable CD drive, but you may not)13:05
rhpOn another system I also boot from the installed hd to run the root-fs on a usb-disk.13:06
rhpSo I'm pretty sure I can so something similar here.13:06
persiaYou ought be able to do the same thing.13:06
rhpThe initrd.img probably contains usb modules already?13:07
persiaIt ought, or at least USB stuff works for me.13:13
rhpok, it is booting the kernel now, but after mentioning the squashfs info, it seems to stall...13:31
rhp... or I just need to learn to have a little patience... I booted just fine!13:34
rhpAt first glance, it looks great.13:37
rhpUnfortunately, the X input driver for my device is not included, so that'll be the first thing to fix. Trying that in a few hours.13:37
persiarhp: Which driver?13:40
persiaogra: You're just matching on "IDEACO", right?  Not the model or anything?13:57
ograi'm matching the model because i apply defaults 13:58
ograideaco in a different device needs a new fdi13:58
persiaHrm.  OK.13:59
persiaI guess I'll run the calibration tool as soon as I can boot the Mobile image then.14:00
ograi'm trying to generalize but i somewhat want it usable on a basic level without any calibration already 14:01
ograits a tricky situation14:01
persiaOh, I understand.  It's probably best to identify as many models as possible, and then try to set sensible defaults for all of them, with calibration for unsupported devices.14:14
persiaAt least now I actually have an evtouch device, which means I can produce something useful for you.14:15
ograwell, i think the best thing for sensible defaults would be to ship a database and apply them in /etc/evtouch/config from the postinst14:20
persiaThat would make sense.14:20
ograbut that might be complicated 14:20
ograyu need to find out the hal device data etc14:21
persiaHrm.  Maybe the postinst isn't best then: imagine how to make it work in a live environment.14:21
rhppersia: I believe it is called the fpit driver.15:29
rhpI was included by default in the xubuntu 7.10 release (as far as I can recall), so it should not be difficult to get it included in ubuntu-mid too.15:30
persiaIs that the radio pen?15:30
rhpradio pen?15:30
persiaNo, not likely difficult at all, it's just knowing which package supplied it, and making sure it works in -mid.15:31
rhpI do not know what that means, but it is a passive pen. I can operate it with my fingers too.15:31
rhpThe package was actually called <something>-fpit, so that's a good clue :)15:31
persiaMy Stylistic 1000 had a radio-based pen, but that was ages ago, so I've no idea if newer tablets use the same tech.15:31
rhpah, ok15:31
persiaTry apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-fpit and see if that works.15:32
persia(It may not, but I'm currently having issues checking things)15:33
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rhppersia: can I apt-get install on the usb image as it is running?17:19
loologra: Did you commit po/de/LC_MESSAGES/usb-imagewriter.mo in usb-imagewriter on purpose?!?17:53
ogra-maemoanything wrong about that ?18:17
loologra: Isn't it a generated file?18:41
ogra-maemothere are scripts in the tree18:41
loolAnyway, not my business18:41
ogra-maemoi needed  a .po for rosetta18:41
loolYeah, but why commit the .mo?18:42
loolAnyway, you do as you please18:42
ogra-maemooh,the .mo... i was only testing the translatability to make sure i didnt miss strings18:44
rhpok, I'm up to the point where everything boots fine. However I have no wifi-access (it puts my wifi nic in the wired list...), and the touch screen doesnot work (but I cannot apt-get, since I have no network...)19:09
rhpAny ideas how to get wifi working?19:09
biz_den6140Hi, there! The HELP on Ubuntu MID is needed, looking for a team members or proes able to assist, thanks19:24
biz_den6140ANYONE ALIVE HERE!!!!!!!!!!??????????19:37
rhpbiz_den6140; no, but I am pretty sure that is not the best way to get help.19:41
rhpMaybe it would help to state your problem...19:41
biz_den6140Oh. I'm really sorry19:41
biz_den6140Here it goes19:42
biz_den6140Does MID have locals in other languages?19:42
rhpbiz_den6140: i'm still working on getting it running, then I'll bother running it in dutch :)19:44
biz_den6140I meant does it has the same way of localization as Main Ubuntu has: like downloading it while installing or something?19:46
rhpbiz_den6140: I think the pro's have gone to bed, it seems pretty quiet now...20:02
biz_den6140rhp: oops, ok time for me to go too, thanks anyway, I'll try to get help later on20:08
biz_den6140crevette, Hi, there!20:20
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[doctor]hello, can anybody list locales in ubuntu mid?21:59
rhpogra-maemo: I tried following your script to update an image, but it seems that my system does not recognize squashfs as a filesystemtype. I tried unsquash instead, but that complains about a too low version.22:22
rhpWhat are the minimal system-requirements for running the script? It seems 7.10 is too outdated.22:22
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ogra-maemoit was developed on 8.1022:37
rhpah, that's... recent.22:38
rhpunfortunately I broke my laptop today trying to see whether the mccaslin image would have working wifi... didn't remember it would overwrite my harddrive.22:39
rhpSo maybe I should just install 8.10 on that.22:39
rhpok, see you all tomorrow.22:43
ian_brasilanyone know if there is a driver available for the Q1 web cam?23:08
ogra-maemoian_brasil, uvcvideo would be the right one, but still cant handle it23:48
ian_brasilogra-maemo: yes, i saw that it is not uvc standard..incidentally I am not sure you saw this last week but i was playing around learning  pygtk and wrote some really simple frontend to your evtouch calibration tool http://paste.ubuntu.com/50238/ ...maybe it is a start (if you did not already write some UI that is)23:52
ogra-maemocool !23:53
ogra-maemoi threw together a glade file for the extended options today, but the calibration is still the old script with some zenity/xdialog crap for user intteraction23:55
ogra-maemolets merge that in jaunty, intrepid is sadly in beta and ui freeze, i'll only be able to get .fdi files in to avoid hw regressions23:56

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