
=== ScottK-vacation is now known as ScottK
vorian!info kdebase01:38
ubottukdebase (source: kdebase): base components from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu7.2 (hardy), package size 10 kB, installed size 104 kB01:38
vorian!info kdebase intrepid01:38
ubottukdebase (source: kdebase): base applications from the official KDE release. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.0-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 67 kB, installed size 180 kB01:39
voriani thought it had the link to the source page01:39
vorianJontheEchidna: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kdebase/4:4.1.2-0ubuntu101:41
voriandep wait01:41
JontheEchidnayeah, saw01:41
JontheEchidnaoh, and screw my link too01:41
JontheEchidnaso is dep wait anything to 'OMG, OHNOZ!" over or will it correct itself?01:41
vorianby tomorrow / me thinks01:42
voriani am waiting on kde4libs to finish frist01:42
vorianthen extragear will be off01:42
vorian!info kfax01:52
ubottukfax (source: kdegraphics): G3/G4 fax viewer for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.9-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 139 kB, installed size 428 kB01:52
vorian!info kfax-kde401:53
ubottukfax-kde4 (source: kfax-kde4): G3, G32, and G4 fax viewer for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.3.6-0ubuntu5 (hardy), package size 210 kB, installed size 1324 kB01:53
HobbseeRiddell: the kde4 stuff was supposed to get onto the betas wasn't it?02:05
vorian!info kiconedit-kde402:09
ubottukiconedit-kde4 (source: kiconedit-kde4): icon editor for KDE 4. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.3-0ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 327 kB, installed size 1944 kB02:09
vorianhi Hobbsee :)02:10
Hobbseehey vorian!02:10
vorianhow's things02:10
Hobbseepretty good02:12
Hobbseebeen doing some universe-y bits recently, which is fun02:12
voriani'm happy i never have to worry about uni stuff again02:13
Hobbseeyeah, i've done 2 of those assignments so far.  got the big one to go.02:13
voriani hope it goes well for you then :)02:14
* Hobbsee notes that the people on kubuntu-users haven't got smarter02:14
Hobbseeor at least, the new users.02:14
Hobbseeright.  listadmin done.02:14
HobbseeScottK: when are you going to fix 271779?02:17
Hobbseeor should someoen else do it?02:17
* Hobbsee looks at it02:20
* Hobbsee tries to remember how to do this02:20
* Hobbsee beats kde4 around the head.02:46
Hobbseeright.  i win.02:50
Hobbseenote to self:  don't try building kde4 on a hardy system.02:50
Hobbseeright.  fixed.02:54
Hobbseehmmm.  did soyuz eat my upload?03:01
JontheEchidnaOM NOM NOM NOM03:01
Hobbseeah, there we are.  it's come thru03:02
Hobbseeoh, *drat*03:02
HobbseeI knew i didn't want to upload this.  What I actually wanted to do was to pass the diff off to someone else, make *them* sign it, and upload it.03:03
HobbseeOTOH, i could just accept my own upload, and be done with it.03:04
vorianis it in main?03:04
Hobbseeoh, screw it.  there are no other main people around that i've seen for a while.03:05
Hobbseeand no other release team people.03:05
vorianpoor Hobbsee03:05
* vorian gives Hobbsee a power drink03:06
* Hobbsee pushes the big red button03:06
* Hobbsee bounces off the walls03:06
vorianHobbsee: can you look at the 9 extragear packages i just uploaded :)03:07
vorian(with sugar on top)03:07
Hobbseeright.  one more milestoned bug knocked off the list.03:08
Hobbseevorian: do they need the other KDE bits to build?03:09
vorianjust libs03:09
vorianhold a sec03:09
vorianstill two arc's building03:09
Hobbseeoh, we've already accepted parts of the new KDE.  that must be good enough, then.03:09
Hobbseemeh.  do we care?03:10
* vorian runs03:10
* Hobbsee accepts utils and toys03:10
Hobbseeer, not toys.  pimlibs.03:10
Hobbseevorian: mass-accepted.03:13
vorianthank ye Hobbsee03:14
Hobbseevorian: now, i need to go kdebase-runtime, kdepimlibs, then everything else, don't i?03:14
Hobbseefor everything to build properly?03:14
Hobbseewhich means...3 publisher cycles, i guess.  darn.03:14
=== bddebian2 is now known as bddebian
Arbymorning all08:28
ScottKHobbsee: Thanks for taking care of it.  That one was on my list for after I got back from vacation which was just ~12 hours ago.11:22
HobbseeScottK: no problem :)11:22
HobbseeScottK: as a bonus, that got uploaded before most of the new kde4 got accepted :P11:22
jjesseanyone know if there is a kde4 port of keep ?13:20
JontheEchidnaI don't think anything has been relesed, but I think there is one in the works13:21
jjesseok just saw over the weekend a stack of keep bugs13:21
jjesseand didn't know if there was any work going on w/ keep or not13:21
Riddelljjesse: no there's not13:24
Riddellnot that I know of13:24
jjessehrm ok so what should we do about bugs being reported against keep?13:24
rgreeningRiddell: any chance on bumping desktop-effects-kde (fix bug #219729). Needs dep on kdesudo. You should have debdiff from me (If not I can resend). ty.14:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 219729 in desktop-effects-kde "Misleading error message on missing packages" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21972914:22
jjessegood monring everyone14:24
Riddellrgreening: onto it14:24
rgreeningRiddell: cool. I'm just going through all the packages I have touched trying to close off some bugs. Much appreciated.14:25
rgreeningmorning jjesse14:25
Riddellhow does this read? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IntrepidUpgrades/Kubuntu#preview14:26
jjessereading right now14:27
RiddellI still have no idea how to attach images to the wiki14:27
jjesseyou reference upgrading from 7.10 to 8.04 is that correct?14:28
Riddellrgreening: done14:33
Riddelljjesse: no14:33
rgreeningRiddell: cool14:36
Riddellrgreening: since you did such a great job last time, qt 4.4.3 is out :)14:38
rgreeningRiddell: on the wiki, should you make a big note about KDE3.5 vs KDE4 as some people may not realize you cannot have KDE4.5 in Intrepid14:39
Riddellrgreening: yes, we should do that in the release notes too14:39
rgreeningRiddell: I saw the announce. np in packaging (nothing changed - only update to leagalese as they changed to Nokia from Trolltech).14:40
Riddellrgreening: the debian/copyright file needs updated, it should be taken from Debian (hi fabo)14:40
Riddellqt 3.3.9 too14:41
rgreeningRiddell: how do I go about updating older Hardy package from within Intrepid? pbuilder?14:42
Riddellrgreening: like what?14:42
rgreeningwas qt 3.3.9 your referred to in Hardy or Intrepid?14:43
rgreeningoh.. nm then14:43
rgreeningI'll look at both shortly.14:43
* rgreening waiting for Oct 2 to arrive...14:43
* rgreening sings "I wish they all could be California..."14:44
jjessergreening what is october 2 again?14:48
rgreeningannounce UDS people selected for Decembers summit14:50
jjesseah well hopefully you can go then :)14:50
* rgreening crosses fingers14:51
Hobbseethey eat people14:52
Hobbseeand try to throw them in pools.14:52
jjesseat UDS?14:52
rgreeningHmm.. I think I'll be the eator and not an eatee (6'7" and 289 lbs)14:53
rgreeningmmm.. <munch...munch>14:53
ScottKI'm not planning on going this time.  The new sponsorship model doesn't appeal to me.15:00
rgreeningScottK: how so?15:01
rgreeningjust curious15:01
ScottKIt used to be that you got sponsored (as I understood it) based on your contribution and a perception that your attending would be a good thing.15:02
ScottKNow you have to go to Brainstorm and find some idea to champion.15:02
ScottKIf I'm going to take a week off of work to do 'work' for no pay, it'll be about what I'm interested in, not someone else.15:02
rgreeningScottK: I believe you can generate new brainstorms as well (I did for one)15:03
* Hobbsee did, but didn't think it was appropriate for brainstorm.15:04
rgreeningand there were lot's of ideas, which did happen to cross paths with my interest15:04
Hobbseei presume you can delete ideas later, or something.15:04
ScottKI've been to part or all of the last two and really had no idea what'd be useful for me to spend time on until after I was there.15:04
ScottKIt's been a while since I looked, but I did give it a detailed look once and really didn't find any ideas that made me jump up and want to work on them.15:05
HobbseeScottK: you can find ideas nominated for brainstorm?15:05
Hobbseeer, brainstorm ideas nominated for UDS?15:05
rgreeningI know for me, I want to start filling out the holes left by removing KDE3.5 (like re-integrate wine, I need my favorites applet back, etc)15:05
ScottKMy wants tend to be pretty diverse.  In Prague I split my time pretty evenly between Kubuntu, Server, and Platform issues.15:07
ScottKPlus some Community/QA stuff too.15:07
jjessein boston i spent most of my time in the server team15:07
HobbseeScottK: you were lucky.  I got stuck with IRC rubbish.15:07
jjessehopefully in mountain veiw there will be more kubuntu related stuff15:07
ScottKHobbsee: That's where not being involved in IRC team stuff at all pays off.15:08
HobbseeScottK: that's true.15:08
HobbseeScottK: now, if only it were possible to keep ops, and not be involved in the IRC team entirely....15:09
rgreeningyeah, I think Kubuntu is still behind in terms of features/integration. When something gets resolved in Gnome from Brainstorm, it doesn't seem to filter back for us to keep up. We need some sort of notification that feature x is in Gnome, and should be earmarked for KDE so we can work on it (when appropriate)15:09
rgreeninglike Guest Account integration into gdm.. should have had an opportunity to look at this for kdm as well as it's listed as an Intrepid feature15:10
rgreeningno parity there15:11
rgreeningThat's what I'd like to help with for Jaunty. Try and keep some feature parity between the two where it makes sense.15:11
ScottKThat was one of the targets for Hardy and some good stuff got done.  Just need to do it again.15:13
Hobbseeand gutsy, iirc.15:14
jjessehow close have we gotten in intrepid?15:14
rgreeningRiddell: looks like debian qt4-4.4.2-2 re-sync'd qt-copy patches. I'll update in the 4.4.3 bump so users have a real reason to dl 4.4.3 :)15:17
rgreeningRiddell: looks like some other patch changes. Will re-sync with debian on those as well for the qt4 bump.15:22
rgreeningRiddell: copyright file from 4.4.2 debian and ubuntu are exactly same. am I looking at the right thing?15:27
Riddellrgreening: we want 4.4.315:28
rgreeningdebian doesn't have a 4.4.3 (that I can see)15:28
rgreeningcolor me uninformed :)15:31
* rgreening busily bookmarks that site...15:32
rgreeningRiddell: in updating the qt from debian, noticed that "Standards-Version: 3.8.0" but ours is 3.7.3. Should that get bumped? When is it appropriate to bump?16:09
Riddellpost feature freeze I make as few changes as necessary16:10
ScottKrgreening: The Ubuntu Policy specifically calls out bumping standards version from Debian as something not to bother to do.16:21
rgreeningok. cool16:21
rgreeningRiddell: do you not want me to re-sync the missing qt-copy fixes?16:22
rgreeningRiddell: or was the comment about the standards ver?16:25
Riddellrgreening: it was about the standards version, I wouldn't do qt-copy updates for the same reason but others would (less to sync later)16:35
Riddellso I leave it to your discretion :)16:35
rgreeningRiddell: I'll build/test them. verify safe and working. I'll also review them to see if I see any potential for bombs. If not, I'll sync up the patches. I'll have a [very] detailed changelog.16:36
davmor2Riddell: why is the first thing you're greeted with on Kubuntu Incomplete Language Support ?16:37
Riddelldavmor2: we aim to be friendly16:46
davmor2Guys is there meant to be no maximise button on Konqueror?17:05
JontheEchidnathat's not normal17:06
Riddelldavmor2: no, that's a bug17:07
gribelui have them..17:08
gribeluthe buttons that is17:08
gribelumaybe there's something configured in the window settings thing?17:09
davmor2Riddell: ^17:11
=== davmor2 is now known as davmor2_away
rgreeningRiddell/apachelogger: can you look here? http://paste.ubuntu.com/52136/ ... some warnings building qt4.4.3. just wondering if I should be worried and what to correct/ignore. ty.17:40
smarterrgreening: first one means that you should bump the Standards-Version in debian/control from 3.7.3 to 3.8.017:48
smarterand adds something like "debian/control: - Bumped Standards-Version to 3.8.0, no further changes needed" to the changelog17:48
=== davmor2_away is now known as davmor2
davmor2Riddell: kde3 apps have no docs under help now is this known?17:51
davmor2like K3B help->K3B handbook come up with Could not launch help centre17:53
smarterdavmor2: the line about libcupsys2-dev means you should change the dep to libcups2-dev, since the other one is just a transitional package17:54
stdin^ looks like khelpcenter isn't installed then17:54
smarterdavmor2: does it work for kde4 apps?17:55
smarterdavmor2: I'm not too sure about stronger-dependency-implies-weaker, since I don't see where libqt4-dev suggests them17:56
davmor2smarter: libcups2-dev what, what?17:56
smarterdavmor2: huh sorry, wrong person :P17:57
stdinsmarter: try running "lintain -i qt4-x11_4.4.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes", it should print more info iirc17:58
stdinerm rgreening :p17:58
* stdin gets coffee and cold medicine17:59
Riddelldavmor2: mm, docs are somewhere on my todo list18:08
davmor2beta dude ;)18:08
apacheloggerRiddell: I think we should just drop the html dir defintion from kde4.mk18:21
apacheloggercurrentl it uses /usr/share/docs/kde4/HTML IIRC18:22
=== universidad is now known as Fachf
rgreeningsmarter: thanks. I'll fix the control file.19:24
davmor2the simple calculator plasmoid should it be able to handle the following correctly 147*244-35868 the answer should be 0 but it gives me -5,000,000 or number to that effect19:40
rgreeningRiddell: I messed up the desktop-effects-kde debdiff. re-sending new one. FTBS cause I forgot a ',' before kdesudo in the depends. Doh!19:41
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you please look at the upstream task for bug #273018.  I don't think having a kdpf bug is really useful for something we want fixed in Okular.20:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273018 in okular "okular should support inverse search for DVI documents" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27301820:05
JontheEchidnaScottK: I left a comment on the upstream bug asking it to be reassigned to Okular20:17
ScottKJontheEchidna: OK.  Thanks.20:17
tsdgeosis jonathan thomas around?20:24
tsdgeosJontheEchidna: that would be you?20:24
tsdgeosi was wondering why did you change status of bug #113191 from unconfirmed to new20:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 113191 in kdebase "kcontrol settings are gone " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11319120:25
tsdgeosnot launchpad bug you ugly bot20:25
JontheEchidnakde bug 11319120:25
ubottuKDE bug 113191 in general "inverse and forward search in pdf documents" [Wishlist,New]20:25
JontheEchidnawell, the feature isn't there, is it?20:26
tsdgeosare you going to manage my bugs now?20:26
tsdgeosare you going to implement it?20:26
tsdgeosplease NEVER touch the status of a bug20:26
tsdgeosunless you have the OK from the developer20:26
tsdgeosthis is a friendly warning :-)20:26
tsdgeosbtw thanks for caring about kpdf bugs20:27
JontheEchidnaHeh. :-) Won't happen again.20:27
tsdgeosand forwarding ubuntu bugs to poppler too20:27
* rgreening ducks from the mud slingin'20:27
JontheEchidnaYou're welcome20:27
tsdgeosJontheEchidna: that said you can confirm bugs but not change the component?20:28
JontheEchidnayeah... kinda weird. I asked in kde-bugs for somebody to reopen a different bug and they gave me canconfirm powers20:29
JontheEchidnawhich doesn't help with reopening bugs at all btw ;-)20:29
tsdgeosi could give you more powers20:29
tsdgeosbut not sure i should ;-)20:29
tsdgeosnext time you need them20:29
tsdgeoscome for me and i'll give you, ok?20:29
* tsdgeos hugs JontheEchidna 20:31
tsdgeosman don't get a bad feeling20:31
tsdgeoswe devels are just too touchy with our bugs :D20:32
tsdgeosit's miiiiiiine20:32
tsdgeosdinner time, bye!20:32
* rgreening stands up "is it clear"20:37
JontheEchidnaah well, it's all good in the end20:38
rgreening4 sure20:39
JontheEchidnawell now that I've had my cardio workout for the day20:41
jjessethat was quite the interestesting coverstation20:41
JontheEchidnaooh, new plasma screencast20:41
* rgreening pulls up a chair and grabs some pop-corn20:45
jcastrois kde-guidance ubuntu specific or upstream KDE?20:58
JontheEchidnajcastro: ubuntu specific and newly-dead20:58
jcastroJontheEchidna: ok so we don't care about forwarding those bugs to ourselves right? :p20:58
ScottKjcastro: No.  Upstream to the extent there is one does look at LP in any case.20:59
a|weng'evening all21:17
ScottKGood afternoon.21:26
Riddellhi ScottK, did motu ever take a position on blobwars21:30
* ScottK looks21:31
ScottKRiddell: I don't think so, but it21:37
ScottKRiddell: ... looks pretty clear that they shouldn't be in the archive.21:37
RiddellScottK: blobwars seems to have a dfsg versioned package now21:38
Riddellthe others don't21:38
ScottKRiddell: Then I guess I'd assume it's OK and the others have to go, but I really don't know.21:39
a|wenScottK: are you able to help with uploading a fix to hardy-backports to bug 261694 ?21:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261694 in kicker-taskbar-compiz "kicker crashes after upgrading to KDE 3.5.10" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26169421:49
ScottKa|wen: Yes.  I meant to ask you if you thought it was ready.21:50
a|wenScottK: perfect ... there it is :)21:51
a|wenScottK: i think kicker-taskbar-compiz should be added to bug 261840 if it is going to be done at some point21:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 261840 in ubuntu "Please pocket copy KDE 3.5.10 from hardy-backports to hardy-updates" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26184021:53
ScottK-laptopa|wen: Yes, it should be added.21:55
ScottK-laptopa|wen: How goes kdepim?21:55
a|wenScottK-laptop: i've tried looking for further commits in the kde-svn; was just going to check again now ...21:57
rgreeningRiddell: I just e-mailed you the diff/dsc for Qt 4.4.3 sync'd with debian.21:58
Riddellis knetworkmanager working for people?21:58
Riddellthanks rgreening, that'll have to wait until after beta21:58
rgreeningI'm gonna install/test tonight. I expect no issues though.21:58
rgreeningcleaned it up a lot21:59
Riddellrgreening: planning to do qt 3.3.9 as well?21:59
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi01
rgreeningstill more will need to be done.21:59
rgreeningRiddell: yep, next on the todo21:59
a|wenScottK-laptop: i can't find out how serious it is ... i consider trying to do a test if (but as it includes a gutsy-hardy upgrade, it'll probably take a little time)21:59
ScottK-laptopa|wen: I think it's OK to take some time with this.22:00
ScottK-laptopa|wen: Test building now.  I'll be back in a bit.22:02
a|wenScottK-laptop: ok ... i'll be around for another hour or so22:03
a|wenScottK: nothing in the upstream svn ... i'll try to see if it is reproducable when i get the chance22:09
* a|wen just hit the midnight barrier ... see you tomorrow23:09

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