
Agent_bobfor music i store as .ogg files on dvd's00:01
Agent_bobcan put about 100 hours per disk00:01
ronnie_thx agent but I only have a cdrw till next mth, & can only fit 19 songs per disk, = (   , so considering I have 800 songs, I don't have that many cd's haha00:03
Agent_bobronnie_ even on cd as .ogg you can put about 10-12 hours00:04
mefisto__ronnie_: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/159300:04
ronnie_hmmm, been having trouble with K3B, my songs are compressed to ogg but when I try to burn then, seem to come out as wave, well 19 songs per disk= 10-12 hrs?00:06
Agent_bobronnie_ you are burning audio cd   not data cd  ;/00:07
Agent_bobstart a data cd project and add as many .ogg's as will fit00:07
ronnie_k data, should fit more good thx, & great link thx lots, 4.1gig, might not have to burn00:08
ronnie_thx tons mefisto = )00:08
mefisto__ronnie_: I think they recently upped it to 5 gb00:08
ronnie_kewl so I can store it as data to take less room & reinstall my kubuntu woohoo!00:09
mefisto__ronnie_: it's been about a year since I used that extension, so I can't promise it still works00:09
ronnie_k well ill try00:10
joseph!medibuntu > joseph00:10
ubottujoseph, please see my private message00:10
josephso you have to add medibuntu repos to sources.list to use apt-get to install them?00:11
ronnie_the reason is I downloaded a animation software for my webcam (freeware), now my webcam won't work = (   so no cvhoice but a fresh install, tho wine says it was uninstalled, oh well free can be risky = )00:11
josephAgent_bob: thanks, bob.00:12
Agent_bobjoseph welcome00:12
josephso once medibuntu repos are added, is it possible to install the whole suite with one package name? or do you have to manually list every package?00:14
Agent_bobjoseph no and no.   it makes everything in that repo avalable.   and the package manager will list them as be installable      err after you update the list.00:15
josephi'm trying to find a video editing suite for ubuntu. i thought medibuntu had it. i guess not. hm.00:15
Agent_bobjoseph i think it does have something like that...    you can search the repo dirrectly too00:16
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 installs multimedia codecs automatically. For older versions of Ubuntu, or if you can't use the automatic installer, see https://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - For multimedia applications, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultimediaApplications00:16
mefisto__joseph: what are you looking for?00:16
josephsomething like final cut00:17
mefisto__joseph: kino is a well-kwown one00:19
josephthanks :)00:20
mefisto__joseph: kdenlive has a nice familiar interface, but was a bit buggy last I used it (a long time ago)00:20
josephbut kino is more stable?00:20
josephand how about audio? anything like protools?00:21
mefisto__joseph: kino has been around for a while, so I suppose it's more stable00:21
mefisto__joseph: the closest you'll come to protools is probably ardour. there's also rosegarden, which looks better and is easy to learn, but not as powerful as ardour. but neither come close to protools or cubase, etc00:23
mefisto__joseph: rosegarden is primarily for midi work, ardour is audio only00:23
josephso ardour is the one then00:24
mefisto__joseph: you might want to look into ubuntustudio, which is a bunch of media-related apps and tools www.ubuntustudio.org00:25
josephvery helpful :)00:25
skoleCan I use more than one charset? I use UTF-8. I think I need iso 8859-1. I have a problem opening files containing norwegian letters in the file name. This problem came after I upgradet to 8.0400:26
mefisto__skole: do the filenames display properly?00:30
skolemefisto: No. The norwegian letters are just boxes and squers.00:32
mefisto__skole: are the files on a cd or dvd disk? or hard disk?00:34
skoleIts on a USB drive00:35
mefisto__skole: and you have norwegian language installed ?00:36
skoleYes I have. Its the old documents that are the problem. I have made new document just to test... That opens perfectly. I have some old docs on the momory stick. but now I cant access them00:37
mefisto__can you copy them? rename them? etc00:39
skoleMy theory is that I have made those docs with a older charset than the relativly new UTF 800:39
skoleNo I cant copy or rename them00:39
Agent_bobskole have you tried from command line?00:40
skoleNo... ehh... I've just installed KDE 4.1.1. Where do I find the command line?00:41
Agent_bobskole konsole in the kmenu or alt+f2 konsole00:42
Agent_bobskole and kde4 help is in the other channel ;/00:42
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde400:42
mefisto__skole: do you have kcontrol installed? there is a "default encoding" setting there in fonts that you could try00:43
skoleDo I use adapt to get Kcontrol?00:44
mefisto__skole: sorry, that's just for konqueror00:44
Agent_bobbut at any rate.    in the konsole try cd'ing to the dir they are in. and either copy or move them or use a loop to do it like this example:   Q=0 ;for q in * ;do mv $q $Q.txt ;Q=$(($Q+1)) ;done00:45
mefisto__it's a browser setting, but it might work for file management too. I doubt it though00:45
skoleMefisto: do you know how I can ad a charset in var/lib/locales/supported.d/local?00:46
Agent_bobskole in #kubuntu-kde4 you might get answers to things like that...00:47
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto00:49
claydohhi Agent_bob00:54
Agent_bobfor the record, fellows.   i like this channel.   some times i wish the ops would lighten up a little when nothing is happening and we start an off topic convo... but all in all i like this channel better than any channel i have trolled yet...00:58
skole How can i open kate and have super user privelige. Do I write something before the file name in the command line?00:59
Agent_bobskole kdeusdo kate /path/to/filename00:59
chrisruls00use kdesudo kate from a run dialog01:00
chrisruls00someone beat me...01:00
Agent_bobchrisruls00 i'll slow down   :)01:00
Agent_bobtexas ?01:00
Agent_bobtaxes ?01:00
chrisruls00it's ok, I should be focusing on my essay anyways.01:00
Agent_bobchrisruls00 heh i just looked at it and realized i typoed it anyway    ;/01:03
ahmoshow i can disable twin view in xorg.conf01:06
Agent_bob!twinview | ahmos not sure you can01:07
ubottuahmos not sure you can: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings01:07
ahmosbecause my maximum refersh rate is 52hz Agent_bob,or what i can do?01:08
ahmosdynamic twin view01:08
Agent_bobahmos if you can't use nvidia-settings to disable it  i'm not sure.01:08
Agent_bobahmos maybe someone else has been there/done that01:09
* Agent_bob has an nvidia card but is stuck with the nv driver.01:10
Agent_bobmine wouldn't have twinview anyway.01:10
ahmosby the way i usew nvidia-settings but when i configure it then restart my computer ,it returns to default settings Agent_bob01:10
amelieneed help with dvd playback in kubuntu01:14
chrisruls00what kind of problem are you having with DVD's?01:15
ameliecan't play dvd movies01:15
ameliesomething about encryption01:16
kkathmanhow do you restart the apache2/php/ webservices without having to reboot?01:16
ameliei read i have to get libdvdcss2 file01:16
ameliei tried that01:16
ameliebut didn't work01:16
chrisruls00Try entering that into a package manager01:16
chrisruls00oh ok01:16
ameliehow can i change the repositories to get files?01:17
chrisruls00what program are you using?01:17
chrisruls00To play the DVD01:17
ameliesomeone told me to get mplayer01:18
ameliealready tried that01:18
ameliesame problem01:18
chrisruls00I wouldn't know then. I use VLC for anything video related.01:18
ameliehow do i get it?01:18
chrisruls00type "sudo apt-get install vlc" into a konsole01:19
chrisruls00without quotes01:19
josephwhat's the most popular dyndns update app?01:19
amelieyes... thanks01:19
ameliei'm downloading01:20
chrisruls00once you have it, open it up and go File >Open Disc...01:20
chrisruls00That's how I got DVD to work, I can't promise anything, I don't watch DVDs often01:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dyndns01:20
GWillakersamelie: enable the medibuntu repos as in this link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu01:21
GWillakersthen sudo apt-get install libdvdcss201:21
ameliehold... trouble downloading01:22
CoJaBo-EeeIs there a way to use hibernate/standby from the menu or keyboard?01:22
GWillakersjoseph, some routers include the update utility natively01:22
josephGWillakers: hm.01:23
GWillakersI have a linksys that updates dyndns01:23
ameliethanks chris, i have to restart01:24
ameliesome trouble01:24
ameliei tried when i get back01:24
x_linkI have a Intel X3100 GPU, do I need to install any drivers like you do with nVIDIA?01:25
chrisruls00I have a question, I have a Laptop(Toshiba) with those media buttons on the front (Like play, etc.), Could I set up Amarock to use these buttons?01:25
josephGWillakers: awesome. set it up in the router config - works!01:26
BluesKajprobably, but that depends on what you need to do graphics -wise01:26
x_linkBluesKaj: Was that for me?01:26
Agent_bobx_link x3100 ??? hmmm not sure.01:26
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto01:26
x_linkAgent_bob: This is a onboard card.01:27
x_linkI use a laptop.01:27
Agent_bobx_link you'd need to check the supported hardware page i guess.01:28
Agent_bobchrisruls00 yes.   you should be able to use khotkeys to do that i think...01:28
CoJaBo-EeeIs there a way to use hibernate/standby from the menu or keyboard?01:29
chrisruls00I tried khotkeys but it said "ERROR: Communication problem with khotkeys, it probably crashed." How would I fix that?01:31
amelieTHANKS A LOT CHRISSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! the player is working01:32
chrisruls00thats good to know.01:32
ameliethanks a lot, bye01:33
chrisruls00khotkeys isn't working, is there another way to tell what the media keys are called and then just tell Amerock to use them?01:34
Agent_bobhttp://gerry.ws/2008/08/17/how-to-install-ubuntu-linux-on-hp-compaq-c700-notebook.html  x_link page is saying that hardy detected and installed driver which supported 3d gfx01:38
Agent_bobpfft.  when i do look something up that's what happens.  the l-user is went before i can answer.01:38
Agent_bobchrisruls00 yes  showkeys01:39
Agent_boberr no s    showkey01:39
Agent_bobit's cli appp01:39
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal01:39
Agent_bob command-line interface01:40
chrisruls00oh, that. I tried it in konsole already but I got "Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console"01:40
Agent_bobas opposed to gui01:40
chrisruls00I dont know what it means01:41
Agent_bobfrom konsole you got that error ?   or from a command within the konsole ?01:41
chrisruls00A command within the konsole01:41
Agent_bobshow me01:41
chrisruls00I type showkwy into the console and hit wnter and it says that01:42
chrisruls00I type showkey into the console and hit wnter and it says that01:42
chrisruls00I type showkey into the console and hit enter and it says that01:42
chrisruls00I kept hitting w...01:42
Agent_bobi saw thwt01:42
chrisruls00chrisruls00 on chrisruls00-laptop | ~ :: showkey01:42
chrisruls00Couldnt get a file descriptor referring to the console01:42
chrisruls00thats what I'm getting01:43
Agent_bobdid you type :: or is that part of your prompt ?01:43
chrisruls00Thats my prompt, I changed that back when I was a new user and now I can't remeber how to change it back (I want to BTW)01:44
Agent_bobfor a single shot change    export PS1='my new prompt'      '\l [\u@\h.\w]\$'   maybe01:45
Agent_bobi'm trying to reproduce that error...01:46
GWillakerschrisruls00: sudo showkey fixed it for me01:46
Agent_bobGWillakers ;/   really?01:47
GWillakersit gets rid of the 'file descriptor' error01:47
Agent_bobGWillakers k i'm seeing it,     odd.01:48
chrisruls00wow, I lost my keybord for a while01:48
griffdoes anyone know how to open terminal with a shortcut?01:48
Agent_bobchrisruls00 heh only for ten seconds after the last key press01:48
Agent_bobchrisruls00 that's in the startup message01:49
chrisruls00I got the program running, but when I pushed the media keys It couldn't detect them01:49
Agent_bobgriff check the khotkeys   it should list konsole already01:49
griffthanks bob, ill give that a try01:50
chrisruls00for opening the terminal with a shortcut, open K menu settings, chose your terminal program and the option to set a shortcut is in the bottom right, I think01:50
chrisruls00or do it bobs way01:50
GWillakersI used to have a toshiba laptop.  I never did get the media keys to work.  I remember that I would have had to compile a custom kernel.01:51
Agent_bobchrisruls00 hmmm it may have to do with xorg setting then...   is your keyboard set to 101 in xorg.conf ?01:51
chrisruls00I have <Win + Home> set for terminal since my laptop is weird and the win key is in the top right next to the home key, making it easy to push01:51
chrisruls00I'll check that right now.01:51
Agent_bobGWillakers was it the ati chipset ?01:51
griffi dont see a khotkeys, can i run that from konsole?01:51
Agent_bobGWillakers i have a tosheba with the ati chips and it's terrable.01:52
chrisruls00My keyboard settings say:01:52
Agent_bobgriff yes01:52
chrisruls00Section "InputDevice"01:52
chrisruls00    Identifier     "Generic Keyboard"01:52
GWillakersI think my problem was the phoenix bios01:52
chrisruls00    Driver         "kbd"01:52
chrisruls00    Option         "CoreKeyboard"01:52
chrisruls00    Option         "XkbRules" "xorg"01:52
chrisruls00    Option         "XkbModel" "pc105"01:52
chrisruls00    Option         "XkbLayout" "us"01:52
Agent_bobhmmm   105  should be able to detect it then01:53
chrisruls00well, while I am here I have another question01:54
Agent_bobchrisruls00 one way to rule out xorg as the problem   drop to a console and test it.    ctrl+alt+f1 to a login console    return to xorg with  alt+f701:54
Agent_bobthat's left alt  ^01:55
chrisruls00I heard someone say that there is an option you can change in xorg.conf to disable the "click" on a touchpad, forcing you to use the buttons below it. I would prefer it this way, do you know what option that is?01:55
Agent_bobno but i'm interested too.     lets see if anyone knows.01:56
Agent_bobeverybody   howto disable click on touchpad ???01:57
chrisruls00Would this make any difference?01:57
chrisruls00# nvidia-xconfig: X configuration file generated by nvidia-xconfig01:57
chrisruls00# nvidia-xconfig:  version 1.0  (buildmeister@builder57)  Wed Jul  2 12:30:48 PDT 200801:57
Agent_bobgoogle sujests three lines added to the touchpad section      Option "TapButton0'' "0''02:01
Agent_bob     Option "TapButton1'' "0''02:01
Agent_bob     Option "TapButton2'' "0''02:01
Agent_bobi'm not sure about the qoting there though.02:01
dr_willisThere is that gsynapatics tool also02:02
Agent_bobyeah another link shows more accurate quoting.02:05
Agent_bob                   Option "TapButton" "0"02:05
Agent_bob                   Option "MaxTapMove" "0"02:05
Agent_bob                   Option "MaxTapTime" "0"02:05
Agent_bobthat actually looks right to me02:06
Agent_bobdr_willis ok now how to convert that to console gpm ?02:07
chrisruls00I found the old post where that guy told me about it and he said "TapButton1" "0" Disables Double-clicking using a touchpad.02:07
dr_willisNo idea on GPM. My laptop has a  touchpad on/off button I just use..02:08
Agent_bobit just dawned on me that my issue with tab/click is in console not in xorg       that's why i havent tackeled it hitherto02:08
Agent_bobchrisruls00 kewlio02:09
GWillakersdr_willis: I have a touchpad on/off button, but everytime i turn it back on kded crashes! :(02:09
Agent_bobi don't have a switch.02:09
Agent_bobi have used a card to cover the touchpad though...02:10
chrisruls00show key didn't work in tty1 either02:10
Agent_bobhmmm i could set a console hotkey to start/stop gpm   that would work.02:10
dr_willisGWillakers,  thats interesting...02:10
dr_willisGWillakers,  do other window managers crash also?02:10
Agent_bobchrisruls00 you mean didn't detect the media buttons or didn't work at all ?02:11
chrisruls00Didn't detect the media buttons02:11
GWillakersdr_willis: haven't tried any others since I got my new laptop (HP DV9000)02:11
Agent_bobchrisruls00 ok. it's gonna take a kernel module or kernel keymap to activate them  and that one step out of my reach.02:11
dr_willisI got a HP DV200002:12
GWillakersdr_willis: maybe i'll try it with a ubuntu livecd02:12
Agent_bobs=that one=that is one=02:12
dr_willisI always instll a few extra windowmanagers... just in case. :)02:12
Agent_bobdr_willis how many is a few ?    6? 8?02:13
ahmosAgent_bob: i've solved refresh rate problem but when i start some games i get a blank screen02:13
GWillakersmy last laptop I installed gnome... cluttered everything up and I hate gnome!!02:13
dr_willisI tend to install icewm, and jwm.02:13
dr_willisand gnome and kde.02:13
GWillakersnever tried those02:13
dr_willisI use icewm/jwm in vnc sessions mainly02:14
GWillakersis jwm the same wm as on damn small?02:14
chrisruls00it's ok02:14
Agent_bobi generally install blackbox fluxbox twm xfce4 gnome and kde02:14
Agent_boband end up using the console exclusively02:14
Agent_bobGWillakers but actually that's not a joke ;/02:15
GWillakersI'm comfortable with the command line but I'm not there yet!! :)02:16
chrisruls00Speaking of vnc, I have one set up, but I heard there is a way to set vnc up so that Ican connect to the log-in screen, since my current set-up requires me to log-in before I leave home and keep it open, I would like to know how to set it up so remote connections can be sent to the log-in screen.02:16
dr_willischrisruls00,  depends on exactly how/what/where you are connecting02:16
dr_willischrisruls00,  i use vnc4server, and  from a remote machine, i normally just 'ssh in' and  run 'vncserver'02:17
Agent_bobgdm can listen for vnc connections02:17
Agent_bobkdm prolly too02:17
chrisruls00ok, what is ssh? I hear that a lot.02:17
dr_willisthat way the session stays alive even if i disconnect.  - with the gdm way.. if i disconnect. the session may exit.02:17
Agent_bobchrisruls00 ssh is 'da bomb'02:17
dr_willischrisruls00,  time to spend an hr or 2 reading on ssh. :)   putty is a ssh client for windows.02:17
Agent_bob!info ssh02:17
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB02:17
dr_willisin short  it lets you get a remote shell.02:17
dr_willislong description - its one of the most versitile tools out there. :)02:18
chrisruls00I would Like to know how to do this. I have a program called putty on my flashdrive but I could not get it working.02:18
Agent_bobdr_willis that's the long and short of it ?02:18
Agent_bobchrisruls00 install ssh on the ubuntu box02:19
chrisruls00Currently I use vncviewer from a flashdrive, I enter my IP address and port number that I have forwarded to my computer's IP02:19
chrisruls00"ubuntu box"02:19
* Agent_bob hides.02:19
dr_willischrisruls00,  and you start the vnc server on the remote box.. by walking over to it.. and  logging in and  starting it up... my way.. you just ssh to the remote box. :)02:19
chrisruls00I already have the ssh package installed02:19
dr_willisyou dont need to be logged  at the  actual 'machine'   or have a desktop showing02:20
chrisruls00ok, I'm kinda confused right now. I would like something to use a programm I caould run off of a flashdrive if possible. I don't know anyone else that uses Ubuntu so I want to connect from Windows XP systems.02:21
dr_willisputty client on flash drive..  and you can ssh to the linux box's ip.02:22
dr_willisthen do all sorts of things.  :)02:22
Agent_bobchrisruls00 ok i just tested for you.  your ssh-server is running.  you can login to your computer with your username and password over ssh     ssh chrisruls@ip72-196-6-236.om.om.cox.net02:22
Agent_boband enter your password.02:22
dr_willisssh ip72-196-6-236.om.om.cox.net   works? thats scary02:23
Agent_bobchrisruls00 now. you may also want to tighten security a little    make a good healthy password and limit sshd to allowing only a few users  is a good idea.02:23
Dragnslcrdr_willis- it resolves to the IP address, and that's all that matters02:23
GWillakerschange the port that ssh uses too!!!!02:24
dr_willissecurity through obscurity! :)02:24
Agent_bobGWillakers why any nmap test will find the new port....02:24
chrisruls00I'm still very confused!!! How do I set up ssh on machine I want to connect to?02:24
dr_willisinstall the open-sshserver package.02:25
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/02:25
Agent_bobchrisruls00 what os is it running ?02:25
GWillakersAgent_bob: make it a really high number and pray!!02:25
chrisruls00what os is what running?02:25
Agent_bob<chrisruls00> I'm still very confused!!! How do I set up ssh on machine I want  to connect to? <Agent_bob> chrisruls00 what os is it running ?02:25
Agent_bobthat "it"   ^02:26
Agent_bobGWillakers heh  :)02:26
chrisruls00ok, could someone walk me through this step-by-step or something?02:26
GWillakerschrisruls00: do you connect using a router??02:26
Agent_bobi can't cause you wont answer me...02:26
chrisruls00The maching I want to connect TO is kubuntu 8.0402:27
GWillakersdid you forward the ssh port??02:27
Agent_bobchrisruls00 then install ssh on it02:27
Agent_bob"same it"02:27
chrisruls00wait, let me check02:27
Agent_bobit's port 22 by default02:27
chrisruls00package ssh is already installed02:28
Agent_bobchrisruls00 then use the command     ssh <user>@<ip>     # where <user> is a login user account on the remote box and <ip> is it's ip address02:29
Agent_bobchrisruls00 you can also use the "fish" protocal in konqueror to get a file manager over ssh access to the remote box.        konqueror's address bar: fish://user@ip:/02:30
Agent_bobit will prompt for the password02:31
chrisruls00Kubuntu is the os I want to connect TO, I would like to connect FROM a windows XP machine02:32
nouraHello guys, I am having trouble with hibernate/resume on my vaio02:32
chrisruls00aka Kubuntu is the server, XP is the client02:32
chrisruls00you mentioned a program called putty02:33
Agent_bobchrisruls00 putty is for windows02:33
nourathere is putty for linux02:33
chrisruls00So putty is what I want to use?02:33
Agent_bobnoura but it's kinda a waste of space seeing that openssh is for linux02:34
dr_willisPutty is a ssh client for windows. (and linux)02:34
nouratrue, I was just saying...02:34
Agent_bobchrisruls00 from windows yes you use putty and connect to ssh server02:34
dr_willis the ssh  client is not the same as the ssh server.. there are 2 ssh packatges..02:34
chrisruls00ok, let me go try from my dad's computer (has XP) I'll BRB02:35
dr_willis!find ssh02:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about find ssh02:35
dr_williswith ssh - spending an hr reading a few docs - pays BIG dividends/02:35
Agent_bobdr_willis ahem   one ssh package.  two openssh-.* packages  but ssh depends on both of them.02:35
nouracan anyone help me with resume/hibernate?02:35
dr_willisI thought th essh metapackage got removed.02:36
dr_willisor perhaps it got added. :) i rember at some time 'apt-get install ssh' dident work02:36
GWillakersnoura: I don't know much about it, but describe the problem.02:36
Agent_bobattention to all ssh users. i have found that colourizing the prompt when remote also pays dividends02:36
dr_williscolor prompts are fun02:37
dr_williswillis@black:~(7.858 Mb)$02:37
Dragnslcr!info ssh02:37
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB02:37
chrisruls00Ok, how do I set up the server side of ssh?02:37
dr_willisMine shows the file side in the current dir.02:37
Agent_bobi only have colour when remote with that code in .bashrc files.   http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/317502:37
nouraWell I got hibernate to work using s2both, but suspend doesn't. And besides it would work from the terminal only, from the gui it doesnt02:37
dr_willischrisruls00,  install the ssh package..  or the client and server packages.. :)02:37
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- make sure that openssh-server is installed02:37
chrisruls00They are allready installed02:38
Agent_bob!info ssh02:38
dr_willisthen they are there...02:38
ubottussh (source: openssh): secure shell client and server (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 1:4.7p1-8ubuntu1.2 (hardy), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB02:38
dr_willisssh localhost02:38
dr_willisand see if it works02:38
Agent_bobdoesn't look removed  ^02:38
chrisruls00do I have to set anything up?02:38
dr_willischrisruls00,  try 'ssh localhost' and see if it works02:38
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- installing openssh-server should start the server for you02:38
chrisruls00yes, it worked02:39
Agent_bobDragnslcr heh he already had it running on the box he's irc'ing on.02:39
dr_willisThen its working. :)02:39
chrisruls00so now I do the same thing with putty on a windows machine?02:39
dr_willisinstall putty.. enter ip #.. connect.02:39
chrisruls00ok, I'll go try.02:39
dr_willisread putty docs. :) its not hard to figure out02:39
DragnslcrYou mean run putty02:39
DragnslcrPutty is a good program. It doesn't need to be installed02:40
Agent_bobDragnslcr ?02:40
Agent_bobexecute it remotely ?02:40
Agent_bob<Dragnslcr> Putty is a good program. It doesn't need to be installed <<<02:40
dr_willisor we are confusing the term 'download and run the stand alone version' with 'download the isntaller and run the installer version'02:41
Agent_bobso you don't have to have a local copy to use it ?02:41
DragnslcrIs there an installer for Putty now?02:41
DragnslcrI always just use the executable from the .zip02:41
dr_willisHas been for ages Dragnslcr02:41
DragnslcrOh yeah02:42
DragnslcrForgot about that02:42
* Agent_bob thinks we are confusing what "install" actually means02:42
DragnslcrNo we aren't02:42
DragnslcrI just never use the installer02:42
dr_willisand i always use the installer.02:42
Agent_bobdownloading a zip file and unpacking it on the hard drive is installing software02:43
DragnslcrNot in the Windows world it isn't02:43
DragnslcrIf it doesn't put loads of junk in the registry, it's not a real installer02:43
BluesKajgotta run the .exe file on windows02:43
Agent_bobyes it is.   you don't have to rewrite a "regestry" file to install something02:43
* dr_willis waits for the !OT 02:44
DragnslcrWay ahead of ya02:44
dr_willisnow lets argue about scripting vs programming!02:44
chrisruls00ok, It worked.02:44
DragnslcrIsn't it great how Kubuntu doesn't have a registry02:44
dr_willisThat will be in KDE502:44
chrisruls00But I got some security error about host keys or something.02:44
Agent_bobDragnslcr it does in one respect. the package database02:45
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- it's not an error, it's just a warning02:45
dr_willischrisruls00,  now would be a good time to read up on the basics of ssh. :)02:45
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- you'll always get it the first time you connect to a given server02:45
chrisruls00well, now that I got that working, is there a way to get a graphical log-in through ssh?02:45
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- yes, but it's not quite as simple02:46
chrisruls00I'd like to try.02:46
dr_willischrisruls00,  I ssh in, and run the vncserver , then connect with a vnc client.02:46
DragnslcrI recommend using a VNC server that supports SSL02:46
DragnslcrI use x11vnc, which works well02:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tunnle02:46
DragnslcrHelps to spell it right02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tunnel02:47
dr_willisI never use vnc over the internet. SO i never use it.02:47
DragnslcrOr not02:47
ronnie_hey mefisto, have a question about "gmail" addon for firefox = )02:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tunneling02:47
chrisruls00I can already use a vnc, but I have to be logged-in for it to work02:47
dr_willisI know theres a factoid on it.02:47
ubottuFrom more information on vpn please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Gaming_VPN_Using_PPTPD02:47
* Agent_bob waits for the !fishing02:47
dr_willischrisruls00,  which is why i keep mentioning sshingin, and running vncserver. that way you do NOT have to be logged in for it to work02:47
dr_williswell whenyou ssh in, you actually are logging in.. :) but you are not logged into X.02:48
DragnslcrDoing it that way, though, won't get you the session that's on your monitor02:48
DragnslcrWhich may be what you want. I'm just pointing it out02:48
dr_willisDragnslcr,  yep.. but doing it that way.. WILL keep the session alive. :) if you hang up.. which is what i want.02:48
dr_willisNot sure what he wants..02:48
DragnslcrHehe, good point02:49
chrisruls00ok, so if you log-in onto ssh and run the vncserver command I can connect through vnc? How do I set up the password that way? I'm using KDE's default remote client right now.02:49
dr_willisITs all about the details.. which he may not realize even exist.02:49
ronnie_how do you upload your music?, I see my songs on the left window, & click on middle upload arrow? nothing happens, @mefisto02:49
dr_willischrisruls00,  ssh uses the users password. vncserver can have its own password02:49
chrisruls00It's called kfrb it thing02:49
chrisruls00It's called kfrb thing02:49
chrisruls00thats what I'm using now02:50
dr_willischrisruls00,  thats ONE specific vncserver/method. :)02:50
Agent_bobplus or minus a few w's eeh chrisruls00  :)))02:50
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- I believe you want to run vncpasswd to set the password02:50
dr_willisvnc is almost as varied/flexiable as ssh.02:50
chrisruls00ok so do I need to close the vncserver that kfrb is running right now 1st?02:51
* Agent_bob disallows password login over ssh and keeps his key on a usb stick02:51
dr_willisI normally set up vnc4server, and when i run vncserver, i set it to start up a very light desktop. Such as icewm. that way i dont get a lot of lag.02:51
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- you can, but you don't have to02:51
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- if you start a new vncserver when one is already running, it'll just pick a different port02:52
dr_willischrisruls00,  vncserver can have multiple sessions at the same time. :) its a cool feature. You could have 8+ different vnc sessions going on the same machiune with 8_ differnt desktops02:52
DragnslcrWhen you start vncserver, it'll tell you what port it's running on02:52
dr_willisor 8+ different users... all with their own session.02:52
chrisruls00cool, but I dont wnat to open up too many ports.02:52
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- don't worry, there's no shortage of them02:52
dr_willis # of ports wont be the limit. :) whith that many users.. theres otehr  limits that will come into play02:52
DragnslcrLike memory02:53
chrisruls00I'm using a router so I'd have to forward the ports, right?02:53
dr_willistheres also 'freenx' wich is a similer to vnc tool.. but  not vnc. :)02:53
dr_willisusing vnc over the wild internet..  may not be the most secure thing to do.02:53
ronnie_anyone useing "Gmail" firefox addon?, I'd like to know how you upload? = )02:53
chrisruls00I'm going to go experiment a bit...02:53
mn_im trying to do the directions here http://www.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfs-en#how_do_i_change_the_permissions_of_a_mounted_ntfs_volume and can't figure out how to do it.  Help please?  (im trying to reset my permissions on my Windows partition)02:53
dr_williswork time .. bye02:53
Agent_bobmn_ sudo mount -o remount,dmask=027,fmask=137 /mount/point  #maybe02:55
Agent_bobor do you mean permanantly ?02:56
mn_i want to permanently change my permissions on win ( i calcls ed myslef out of it)02:57
shadowhywindhay all is there a command to see who is logged in using sftp?02:58
GWillakersmn_ http://sourceforge.net/projects/ophcrack/02:59
Agent_bobshadowhywind pstree ?02:59
Agent_bobshadowhywind who or w might tell you i'm not sure02:59
shadowhywindnever used pstree before it looks interesting03:00
Agent_bobi think there is an xpstree too03:00
mn_GWillakers:  I didn't loose my password03:00
snudeanyone install DooM 3 in linux ?03:00
GWillakersshadowhywind: fuser03:01
mn_I changed the permission for everyone on the computer to none03:01
Agent_bobmn_ pastebin your fstab03:01
GWillakersmn_, can you log onto windows as an admin?03:01
Agent_bobyour /etc/fstab file's content03:01
mn_GWillakers: i can't even boot windows03:02
mn_ok agent bob03:02
Agent_bobmn_ wait   are the two issues related ?03:02
mn_what two issues?03:02
Agent_bobare you talking about the windows permissions ?    or the mount psyudo permissions for the file system mounted under linux ?03:03
chrisruls00how do I set what port vncserver uses when I launch it from a command line.03:03
Agent_bobchrisruls00 "man vncserver" should know03:03
mn_i want to change the permissions in windows from linux03:03
chrisruls00I tried man vncserver already03:03
Agent_boboh that's nothing i care to mess with.03:04
mn_i can't boot windows because nothing has access to the CL\03:04
Agent_bobmn_ sorry, i don't do windows.03:04
mn_well it's linux commands03:04
Agent_bobnot that i know about.03:04
mn_i just need help as far as what to replace ... with like in the second command03:05
Agent_bobi looked at that.  has nothing to do with windows permissions03:05
GWillakersmn_ can you look around your windoze partitions from linux?  if so copy the data and blow away your windoze partition.  use linux.  be happy03:05
mario_tcp-com server availlable to kubuntu:03:05
GWillakersmn_ seriously, copy the data if you can and reload windows.03:05
mn_Well, I'm in school.  I love linux, but I still need my windows partition because I know how to use all that better.  Its kind of a back-up deal03:07
chrisruls00ok I tried running vncserver after sshing in but when I use vncviewer it just connected to my already logged in session03:07
GWillakersJust out of curiousity... How did you mess up windoze?03:07
Agent_bobmn_ no sir.  the things in that link are totally unrelated to windows.   all that is on the like you posted is 100% linux    will not affect windows booting03:08
mn_sorry i didn't know that03:08
Agent_bobonlything they are changing is psyudo permissions established by the mount command.    doesn't last past a reboot03:09
GWillakersmn_ maybe you could try to use the windows repair console.  do you have the windows disk?03:09
=== david is now known as Guest26596
=== Guest26596 is now known as david__
mn_already did. the only thing that cause was that i had to go and manually copy the ntdrl and ntdetect.com files from the cd onto my hdd03:10
chrisruls00When using vncviewer, how do you tell it which of the vnc servers to connect to if you have more than one open?03:10
Agent_bobmn_ explain how you made windows unbootable ?    from withing windows i bet ?03:10
mn_in command prompt03:10
mn_cacls C: /P guest:N03:10
Agent_bobmn_  you need to take this to ##windows.  no offence but this is not the place for it.03:11
GWillakersmn_ good luck!03:11
Agent_bobyes good luck with it.03:11
chrisruls00ok, I think the vnc server auto-launched by KDE is getting in the way, how do I stop it from auto-launching?03:12
Agent_bobif it can be repaired from linux they will probably know how03:12
nouraHello, I figured out how to hibernate my system using "s2both", but how do I automate it? As in when closing the lid of the laptop, X minutes of inactivity? As opposed to manually doing it in the terminal?03:12
chrisruls00does anyone know?03:13
Agent_bobnoura you can probably call it from inittab when the lid closes but i don't have the specifics on that.03:13
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:14
nouraAgent_bob: thats what I thought, but the specifics is whats important :S03:14
Agent_bobchrisruls00 !i sorry.03:14
Agent_bobnoura true dat03:14
Dragnslcrchrisruls00- add :N to the address, where N is the server number03:14
Agent_bobwell i'm out folks,  good night and good luck to your pinguins.03:15
david__cya agent03:15
chrisruls00like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:1 , where the x's are the IP address?03:15
natetechboy128like foo:123403:16
natetechboy128connects to foo on port 123403:16
chrisruls00but then where do I put the port?03:16
chrisruls00then how do select what seesion of vnc I want to use?03:16
chrisruls00ugg, now I'm more confused.03:16
natetechboy128so, what are you trying to do? sorry03:17
david__dont make a mountain out of a molehill.....one thing at a time03:17
chrisruls00I'm trying to run vnc through ssh03:17
chrisruls00I used to run it without ssh, but I want to switch03:17
david__hi denise03:17
chrisruls00KDE auto-runs vnc when I log-in so I want that stopped.03:18
david__we met briefly the other night I was no1peacedragon03:18
Denisehow are u03:18
david__I am good and you?03:18
Denisegood too03:18
[Relic]Have there been any packages updated in 8.04 (64bit) in the last couple weeks?    (wondering if I screwed something up in adept)03:18
natetechboy128so... 2 ways to stop autorun programs.03:19
natetechboy128edit your .bashrc and add a killall vnc03:19
natetechboy128which sucks03:19
natetechboy128or 203:19
grendal_primehey guys hows it going. Im trying to send something from my treo phone to my laptop via bluetooth.  its just a picture, i send stuff between my phone and my wifes phone both ways no problem..and i send stuff from my laptop to my phone, no problem, but when i try and send it to the laptop from the phone i just gives an cannot connect error.03:20
Denisewhat brings you here dear david?03:20
chrisruls00ok, I think krdc is what is launching the unwanted vnc server, how would I stop it?03:20
david__just got bored so figured I would learn something in the meantime lol03:20
grendal_primeI have the entire bluez collecting fir the k enviroment installed from what i can tell.03:21
grendal_primeim assuming i need a push server installed..03:21
david__I assume you are here to tell someone forget me lol03:22
GWillakerschrisruls00: it is probably launched through inittab.  You probably have to do an "update-rc.d name remove"03:22
Deniseu are the forget me guy03:22
Denisewwith metallica music03:22
Deniseyou make me blush03:23
david__actually no I was the pothead who smoked so much he would be a slow headbanging sessipon lol03:23
DragnslcrHow is this idiot not permanently banned03:24
Denisecus he is genius03:24
Denisesensible to flattery?03:25
Deniseso are you sober tonight david?03:27
david__ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm kinda03:27
david__why u ask?03:28
DeniseI m proud of u03:28
Denisei want ur happiness03:28
david__I am always happy and thx03:28
Deniseyou are a phenomen03:29
Deniseyou eat a lot of fruits I bet03:29
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:30
david__I figure why get madded or sad cuz something doesn't work or happen the way they posed to ....life is too short for that so be happy always is my mantra03:30
Denisesame for me03:31
Denisewhy something should work or happen03:32
Deniselets be zen and meditate03:32
Deniseno need, no pain03:32
david__i do that alot too03:32
Denisema house, ma rules03:32
motkuehow do i set the destop cube to autostart with KDE?03:32
david__mine worked right off the bat for me so Cant help much03:33
Deniseright off the bat03:34
Denisewhat does it mean03:34
Denisesorry bad enguelish03:34
david__oh right off the bat means immediatly03:34
Deniseyou are hyper tonight03:35
david__nah just more comfortable in this type of chat system03:36
Denisealways as funny as u were03:36
david__I gotta go for now, was very nice seeing you03:37
gregodoes anyone know how to download build-essential (it's metapackage) package localy?03:37
Denisegoing to bed03:37
Denisemum is calling me03:37
david__yep me too03:37
favrogrego: what do you mean by locally?03:38
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)03:38
gregoi know that it is on Cd..03:39
gregousually it is03:39
favronever seen it on cd03:39
gregoim asking about something else...03:40
snudeis it just me or does the conductor of an orchestra always move retarded ?03:45
mn_how do you work torrents on kubuntu?  do you just download the .torrent and then click on it?03:52
dale__I usually just open it.  I set the default app to ktorrent.03:53
mn_what folders do the torrent downloads go to?03:54
dale__you have to set that up in your torrent client.03:55
grendal_primeya ktorrent is pretty self explanitory03:57
chrisruls00I'm having trouble with vnc, I log-in through ssh, and I want to start a vnc server that will go to the loggin screen, how do I do that?04:03
dale__chrisruls00: try this (at your own risk) "xinit -- :2"04:04
dale__this should launch another x session04:05
dale__oh, that probably won't work04:06
chrisruls00I want to launch a vnc server with an X server that I can connect to through vncviewer.04:08
dale__chrisruls00 http://www.linux.com/feature/4316504:09
chrisruls00I want the vnc server to be a new display, not the one on my monitor04:11
snudehow can i tell what version of xorg im running/04:14
=== julianad is now known as kdrx
lufthanzais man not installed by default in kubuntu?04:18
mario_kubuntu = Cadillac Ubuntu...everything inside04:21
lufthanzathen I need a way to reinstall man04:22
lufthanzabecause it's not installed04:22
lufthanzai want to reinstall man04:27
dale__sudo apt-get install manpages man-db04:27
lufthanzadale__: thanks04:29
lufthanzadale__: I have both manpages and mandb04:30
dale__you mean you had them before?04:30
dale__or you had them after you installed them04:31
lufthanzai had them before04:31
dale__what's the problem you're having?04:31
lufthanzaand yet for some reason i don't have man04:31
lufthanza"bash: man: command not found"04:31
devo is there a program called acidrip for linux and if so, where can i get it???04:31
dale__if you type "which man" what does it say?04:32
lufthanzadale__: nothing04:32
devo is there a program called acidrip for linux and if so, where can i get it???04:33
dale__devo: sudo apt-get install acidrip04:33
lufthanzadale__: i am not a man without man. Please help me04:34
dale__lufthanz: when you type apt-get isntall manpages mandb it tells you that they are at the latest version?04:34
lufthanzadale__: yep04:34
dale__is this a new install of kubuntu?04:34
lufthanzadale__: no04:35
lufthanzadale__: nearly a year old now04:35
dale__and man just stopped working?04:35
lufthanzadale__: maybe more than a year04:35
lufthanzadale__: not sure. I went to use man to look up stuff on badblocks, and it was missing04:35
pvdcan anybody give me screenshots of kubuntu desktop, please?04:36
lufthanzapvd: sure04:36
pvdi want to istall kubuntu04:36
pvdgive me link please04:37
lufthanzaaccept the download i sent you04:37
pvdno no04:37
pvdDCC closed04:38
dale__lufthanza: type "ls -l /usr/bin/man" and tell me what it says04:38
pvdgive me link please04:38
lufthanzadale__: man -> ../lib/man-db/man04:38
* pvd slaps lufthanza around a bit with a large trout04:39
lufthanzapvd: http://img219.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1zl2.png04:39
lufthanzapvd: keep your pants on, i was uploading it -.-04:40
dale__lufthanza, how about "ls-lL /usr/bin/man" do the permissions look right?  mine are rwxr-xr-x04:40
lufthanzadale__: ?????????? ? ?         ?          ?                ? man04:41
dale__what are the question marks?04:42
dale__is that what it comes back with?04:42
lufthanzadale__: yes04:42
dale__I think we found the problem.  your installation got clobbered it looks like.04:42
lufthanzadale__: stranger yet, is when I try to do /usr/bin/man/man , it says the file doesn't exist04:43
lufthanzarm it?04:43
dale__you're running feisty fawn?04:43
lufthanzahardy heron04:43
lufthanzadist-upgraded from feisty, but i had man back then, i think it was possibly lost data from computer not shutting down properly04:44
dale__I think i'd backup my data and reinstall.  i've never seen an ls command return a bunch of question marks like that.04:44
dale__You might be able to save yourself with a livecd, but it sounds more serious than that.04:44
lufthanzadale__: hold on04:45
lufthanzadale__: ... I axed man04:46
lufthanzadale__: then i reinstalled manpages04:46
lufthanzabut i got the ??????????????? again04:46
dale__apt-get purge manpages man-db : then reinstall it.04:47
dale__I think I'd make a backup before messing around too much though.04:48
lufthanzadale__: i've got all my home info backed up already thanks to an issue I had with my fs earlier04:48
n3ksushi, im wondering why firefox has a grey box with a play logo in it for movies?04:49
n3ksusand how can i get rid of it04:49
lufthanzamplayer plugin perhaps?04:50
dale__lufthanza, you should do a ls -hal /usr/bin/lib/* | less and see if you get other strange results04:50
dale__make that ls -hal /usr/lib/*04:50
dale__make that ls -hal /usr/lib/* | less04:51
lufthanzaman-db won't remove04:51
lufthanzais there a way to make apt more verbose?04:51
dale__use the -V option04:52
n3ksushow do i fix it? coz it freezes firefox if i play stuff04:52
lufthanzan3ksus: just a sec04:53
lufthanzan3ksus: try 'sudo apt-get remove mozilla-mplayer'04:54
n3ksusPackage mozilla-mplayer is not installed, so not removed04:55
dale__n3ksus do you have the noscript extension installed?04:56
lufthanzadale__: finally got man-db to remove04:57
dale__what was your trick?04:57
n3ksusi have media player plugin tho?04:58
lufthanzadale__: had to rm -r the /usr/bin/man04:58
dale__wow, do you have man now?04:58
lufthanzadale__: reinstalling everything that was removed as we speak04:59
dale__you did a rm -r /usr/lib/man-db ???05:00
lufthanzarm -r /usr/bin/man05:00
lufthanzafor some reason /usr/bin/man was a directory05:00
dale__oh wow, never considered that05:00
dale__actually, rm -r on a normal file will just remove the file05:02
lufthanzadale__: well, for some reason man was a directory that contained that weird man link and another directory called 'man1'05:03
lufthanzaman = "What manual page do you want?"05:03
dale__it's working!!05:04
n3ksusi have media player plugin tho?05:04
TannI just installed the ndiswrapper driver for my network card, but when I open firefox the computer completely freezes up. Anyone know whats goign on?05:04
lufthanzaTann: only firefox? what about konqueror?05:06
Tannoh. woops05:06
TannI meant when I try to access the internet.05:06
TannPinging, web browsers, instant messagers. all that stuff05:06
lufthanzawhat does dmesg say?05:08
lufthanzatry dmesg | grep ndis05:08
Tannlufthanza: http://pastebin.com/d174aacaf05:11
lufthanzaTann: ok, nothing there05:13
lufthanzaTann: try cat /var/log/messages | grep ndis05:13
lufthanzause sudo if you have to05:13
lufthanzaTann: sorry, nothing there either05:20
lufthanzaTann: was reading funny animal stories05:20
lufthanzaTann:  anyway, make sure you have the right driver installed05:20
lufthanzais it a broadcom chipset?05:20
Tannatheros actually05:21
Tannwhich surprised me because it didn't automatically work05:21
Tannlike the other atheros devices I've used05:21
lufthanzamy best suggestion is the madwifi drivers, or better, try to get one of the most recent kernel releases05:22
lufthanzaatheros just released open source drivers for their cards05:23
TannHow exactally do the madwifi drivers work?05:24
lufthanzaTann: i'll send you the source for the drivers i use for my atheros card05:25
lufthanzaTann: ok, sent it to you05:28
TannIt's still connecting to the download05:28
Tanncould you email it to flakeparadigm@gmail.com?05:29
lufthanzaTann: sure05:29
chrisruls00does anyone here know how to get vnc working over ssh?05:30
snudewhats the latest version of kubuntu called?05:33
lufthanzaTann: done05:33
lufthanzaTann: use make and sudo make install to get it set up05:33
Tannok. I guess I need to install madwifi first?05:33
lufthanzaTann: you'll need your kernel headers and build-essential first05:33
lufthanzaTann: no, that tar.gz has the source for madwifi05:34
lufthanzaTann: make and sudo make install will install it05:34
Tannok. be back in a moment05:34
lufthanzaTann: are you running Hardy heron?05:35
EagleScreenuse checkinstall in place of make install, for it, you need 'checkinstall' package05:36
lufthanzaEagleScreen: never heard of that05:36
Tannlufthanza: yes05:36
TannEagleScreen: Whats the advantage?05:36
lufthanzaTann: use 'sudo apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic05:37
EagleScreencheckinstall installs it as .deb package, later you can cleany remove it from package manager05:37
lufthanzaEagleScreen: thats very handy05:37
lufthanzayou learn something new everyday05:38
Tannlufthanza: already got that done05:38
chrisruls00does anyone here know how to get vnc working over ssh?05:40
Tannlufthanza: do you think it will work with an AR5416 chipset instead of the 5007 that is in the name?05:51
lufthanzaTann: i think so. mine is an ar242x05:52
lufthanzaTann: after you install it, restart your computer. It's hard to manually load the drivers.05:53
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Tannlufthanza: error with make06:01
lufthanzaTann: post it to pastebin06:01
lufthanzaTann: you're using an rt kernel?06:02
lufthanzaTann: make sure you have linux-headers-rt installed06:03
TannI didn't think I was using rt because the generic header was already installed06:03
lufthanzaTann: well, for some reason it's looking for the rt sources, so I would presume you have an rt kernel loaded at the moment06:04
Tannyeah (uname -r is usefull ;) )06:05
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josephwhat's a good dvd ripper?06:09
josephpreferably one with a good front-end06:09
shepherdhi i need help please06:10
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lufthanzajoseph: hmm06:10
Tannlufthanza: http://pastebin.com/d4b1d3deb06:10
TannI have no clue what happened this time06:11
shepherdi just installed vmware, and i going to install xp, but vmware wont detect my cd rom drive, who should i discribe it as a device06:11
shepherdwhat is the location of a standard ubuntu cd drive?06:11
lufthanzajoseph: maybe acidrip?06:12
lufthanzaTann: hmm06:12
josephlufthanza: thanks06:12
lufthanzaTann: try the source off the site06:13
lufthanzaTann: mine is a special build that I need for my card06:14
lufthanzaTann: http://madwifi.org/06:14
lufthanzaTann: sorry I can't help you more06:19
Tannits ok.06:19
TannI'm hoping this will work.06:20
lufthanzai'm going to bed06:26
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juanalguien habla español?06:28
lufthanza|zzzubottu: espanol06:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:29
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ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://tinyurl.com/5zfb6t - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:59
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willwork4fooI'm trying to research a cheap USB wifi adapter that will work "out-of-the-box" as much as possible on my WPA2 wifi network, on the latest version of Kubuntu.... does anyone have any recommendations?08:11
TannHi. I'm running ubuntu and I have a Linksys WPC100 laptop wireless adapter. Could anyone help me set it up? lspci says is Atheros 541608:12
Tannwillwork4foo: You probably want something that has an Atheros chipset.08:13
geekwillwork4foo: ralink ones seem to work on the latest versions of kubuntu as well08:14
willwork4foook, thanks08:15
TannI'm using a d-link PCI card in my desktop and it worked with no problem using the restricted drivers provided by kubuntu08:15
willwork4fooon WPA2?08:16
Tannwell, actually I'm not sure if its using WPA1 or 2 because my router is setup with both.08:18
Tannbut I'm pretty sure wpa2 works08:18
willwork4foowhat's your card?08:19
TannD-link WDA-132008:19
willwork4foothanks! I'll check that one out!!!08:30
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ocshi. is there a desktop video capture software (like camtasia) for linux ?08:48
favro!info xvidcap | ocs08:59
ubottuocs: xvidcap (source: xvidcap): Screen video capture for X. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1.1.6-0.1ubuntu1 (hardy), package size 1297 kB, installed size 2740 kB08:59
ocsthnks favro09:01
favronp :)09:01
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ocsfavro: unfortunately it crashes as soon as I try to record. is there any alternative ?09:05
favro!info istanbul09:06
ubottuistanbul (source: istanbul): Desktop session recorder producing Ogg Theora video. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.2-2 (hardy), package size 73 kB, installed size 616 kB09:06
favrobut I think it is a gnome app09:06
ocsfavro: i don't have it in my repo list09:12
favroocs: have you enabled the universe repo?09:13
ocsfavro: no, you're right. sorry for the stupid question09:14
favrobeen there done that...09:14
ocsfavro, unfortunately it works really bad...09:20
favroocs: is it the apps or your vid card driver?09:22
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ocsfavro, the apps09:23
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favroocs: xvidcap is supposed to work fine - if you run it from konsole are there errors reported?09:24
ocsfavro, don't have time to check, now... thnks for your support. i'll try later09:26
eddiewouldHey all :)09:29
eddiewouldCan anyone help me with an issue I'm having?09:31
lain_wirededdiewould: no asking to ask, but always just asking.09:33
* eddiewould is confused09:34
lain_wiredOh dear.09:35
lain_wirededdiewould: ask your question, but don't ask permission to ask.09:35
eddiewouldOk, sorry, Thought that was the usual IRC ettiquite09:36
lain_wiredBecause if we say we can help, but we don't know what the issue is, then we can't, it's kinda lame.09:36
lain_wiredNope, it's rather the opposite.09:36
lain_wiredBut saying hi is always lovely. =]09:36
eddiewouldOk I'm running a mungrel Kubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron - 2.6.27 kernel and KDE4.109:36
eddiewouldAnyway, recently I've somehow broken something09:36
eddiewouldI think either by updating packages or installing something09:37
squid0 hi there. my room-mate has a wpa-psk wireless router, which I've managed to connect to just fine in the past (kubuntu, using knetworkmanager on top of NetworkManager). However, lately he's set it as hidden, and I can't connect.... I have output from logs: http://pastebin.com/m69b32e4809:38
* eddiewould is back09:39
eddiewouldAn unreleated problem my KDE Keeps logging me out :(09:39
lain_wirededdiewould: oh, that's never good. You might find it better to backup all your data and reinstall.09:39
lain_wiredIssues like that are a hell to resolve.09:39
eddiewouldlain_wired:  I haven't told you what my problem is yet :P09:39
lain_wiredOh noes. XD09:40
eddiewouldSo the problem is manifesting itself in more than one way - I think.09:40
favroI thought kde logging you out would be a prob... :)09:40
favrohe went09:40
lain_wiredhe got logged out, clearly.09:42
lain_wiredWhy is he taking so fucking long to tell us what's wrong?09:43
lain_wiredAnd he really should just reinstall.09:43
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eddiewouldHi all, - I'm running Kubuntu Hardy Heron 8.04 w/ 2.6.27 kernel + KDE4.1... I've got a couple of problems - 1) When I choose "Shutdown" or "Restart" from KLaunch menu, all I can do is log-off (previously it would let me shutdown/restart)10:19
eddiewould2) kpowersave won't let me suspend to ram/hibernate any more (options are grayed out) - they used to work.10:20
eddiewouldI think these are both permissions issues.. any ideas?10:20
sergiueddiewould: try making sudo apt-get install sysvinit10:21
eddiewouldsergiu: What does that do?10:22
sergiueddiewould: once it solved me a simmilar problem10:22
joerackI'm a ubuntu user. May I ask at what stat Kde 4.x is at?10:22
ubottuKDE 4.1.1 is the latest major release of the K Desktop Environment. Packages can be found at  http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.1.1 - Support in #kubuntu-kde410:23
sergiueddiewould: try reading http://uhacc.org/LDP/LDP/lfs/5.0/html/appendixa/sysvinit.html10:23
eddiewouldsergiu: Ok, will try.10:24
sergiueddiewould: you can try in a terminal: "sudo apt-get purge sysvinit && sudo apt-get install sysvinit"10:24
joerackubottu: but on a personal opinion, is kde 4.x stable?10:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:25
eddiewouldjoerack: KDE4.1 is more stable for me than 4.0 was10:25
eddiewould(which I didn't expect)10:25
sergiujoerack: but less stable than kde 3.5*10:26
joerackthat's what I wanted to hear10:26
eddiewouldsergiu: init: timeout opening/writing control channel /dev/initctl10:26
eddiewouldAny ideas?10:26
joerackso It's still not ready for 3.5 replacement10:26
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sergiueddiewould: I'm reading that "reboot -f" helps10:28
sergiuit will reboot your computer10:28
sergiueddiewould: I've read it here http://thenthdoctor.blogspot.com/2007/03/timeout-openingwriting-control-channel.html10:28
eddiewouldHey all,10:31
sergiueddiewould: did it help you?10:36
eddiewouldsergiu: Nope :(10:36
eddiewouldBut I'm not sure if it worked properly10:36
eddiewouldThanks for your help though10:37
eddiewouldI think it may be a group issue... Can you tell me what groups i should belong to?10:38
eddiewouldeddie@eddie-laptop:~$ groups10:38
eddiewouldeddie adm uucp dialout cdrom floppy audio dip video plugdev scanner lpadmin admin netdev10:38
sergiueddiewuld: everithing is ok with groups10:39
eddiewouldhmmm ok :(10:39
eddiewoulddo I need an entry in sudoers?10:39
eddiewould(my sudoers is empty)10:40
sergiueddiewould: you still get logged out?10:40
eddiewouldhmm no the logging out thing seems to have gone away...*touches wood*10:40
sergiueddiewould: so it seems your problem got solved :)10:41
eddiewouldWhich problem? :)10:41
sergiueddiewould: with beeing kikked from kde.10:42
eddiewouldYes - that one seems to be gone.10:42
eddiewouldSorry, I thought the sysinit thing was for my other problem10:42
eddiewouldBut thanks for fixing the logging out problem!10:42
sergiunow you can shutdown your computer by typing "sudo shutdown -h now" in a terminal.10:43
eddiewouldbut but but... I could do that before10:43
eddiewouldI shouldn't have to type sudo should I?10:43
sergiugenerally, I need it also, I'm not sure about you.10:44
eddiewouldWhen I run kpowersave as myself (without sudo) I'm getting the following error (as well as other warnings and errors): ERROR: Could not set CPU Freq, this not the needed privileges.10:48
sergiueddiewould: so, run it with sudo.10:49
eddiewouldbut I didn't have to before!10:49
eddiewouldI've broken something. And I want to un-break it10:50
joerackcan I install kde on ubuntu?10:50
geekjoerack: yes10:50
joerackusing wubi?10:50
abev66_joerack yep10:50
joerackI mean:   have windows + wubi/ubuntu + wubu/kubuntu10:50
sergiujoerack:  "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"10:51
joerackno, you don't understand: I would like to have kubuntu under wubi indipendent from my wubi/ubuntu10:51
joerackin a was I need to access grub to access kde, not simply logoff/on10:52
favroa dual boot in a wubi install?10:53
joerackin a way it appears:   Windows / Ubuntu / Kubuntu10:53
favroyou'd need to read wubi's website to see if that's supported - it's not something many would want afaik10:54
joerackso I'll remove wubi/ubuntu from my 2nd pc and replace with kubuntu10:56
joerackthat should work10:56
favroyou could install kubuntu-desktop then remove ubuntu10:56
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »10:57
joerackOh I don't want that- I love my gnome10:57
geekjoerack: why not run one of them in a VM?10:58
joeracknope- must be native10:59
joerackI'm still fighting against windows necessity... but I WILL win11:00
* geek started weaning himself off windows through VMs ;p11:01
joeracklinux day in italy next month11:02
* SkEmO yawns and goes to sleep, nite!11:15
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:47
ActionParsnipquiet in here12:21
yigitHi I need to ask a question12:22
ActionParsnip!ask | yigit12:22
ubottuyigit: Please don't ask to ask a question, ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely answer. :-)12:22
yigitOn 64 bit editions of kubuntu it writes amd64, but I can use them on my intel 64 bit processor, am I right?12:23
ActionParsnipits just able to address 64bit cpus and stuff12:24
soulsurfer69Hi, I'm trying to get to get SKIM to work with korean (hangul) but even after following all the instructions I could find, it's still not working. Does anyone have experience with skim or scim?12:24
soulsurfer69why isn't there an .xinitrc in the  user's home directory?12:25
favrothere's nothing wrong with making one12:26
rareearth soulsurfer69 look for .xsession12:26
soulsurfer69in the home directory?12:27
soulsurfer69there is just .xsession-errors12:27
ghostcubelocate .xinitrc isnt showing anything ?12:27
soulsurfer69it doesn't return any results12:28
soulsurfer69by the way I tried typing export XMODIFIERS="@im=SCIM" and then kate to use scim but it gave me the error QInputContext: no input method context available12:28
ActionParsnipsoulsurfer69: sudo find / -name .xinitrc12:29
soulsurfer69I'm using 8.04 with kde 3.5.9 I believe12:29
soulsurfer69the only .xinitrc that it found was in my home directory which I just created a bit ago12:30
rareearthI've no idea about SCIM, what do you need .xinitrc for?12:30
* dr_willis wonders what the original problem was12:30
soulsurfer69to add some export commands12:31
dr_williscould put them in your .bash_profile12:31
soulsurfer69I'm trying to get scim or skim to work so I can type in korean12:31
soulsurfer69would that work for the whole Xwindows session though dr_willis?12:31
dr_willis.xinitrc only gets ran if you start X with 'startx' or use one of the special login sessions12:31
soulsurfer69oh ok12:32
dr_willisit should be get exported to all apps12:32
dr_willistry it and see I guess. :)12:32
soulsurfer69but that isn't used using kdm?12:32
soulsurfer69why wouldn't it be using startx?12:33
dr_williskdm/gdm have a special 'session' i recall that runs .xinitrc, or .xsession to  allow you to totally 'customize' your X12:33
favro.bash_profile is used every time you login12:33
dr_willisstartx also reads the .xinitrc12:33
dr_willis.bash_profile is read/parses/ran by LOGIN shells. :) One of which gets started when you login via kdm/gdm12:33
soulsurfer69thanks. I guess I'll have to keep digging about the locale stuff so I can figure out how to run the im engine12:34
dr_willisKDE also has the autostart stuff.. but i guess it depends on exactly what you are doing. :)12:35
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html12:35
ActionParsnipwow thats a popintless app12:36
soulsurfer69yeah. I don't think it's the automatically starting part that's the problem. I can't even seem to make it work temporarily12:37
dr_willisopen a term. set the variables, run the app as a test12:37
dr_willisIve never used scim or skim,  - i recall having to disalbe it befor. :)12:38
soulsurfer69it worked12:39
soulsurfer69when I just ran the export commands and then something after it. so I guess it is an issue of .xinitrc not being run12:40
dr_willismake a script that sets the variables and runs the app. :) then autostart that script.. perhaps. is one way also..12:40
dr_willis.xinitrc will NOT get ran when you login to kde/gnome/whatever from KDM.12:40
soulsurfer69you said .bash_profile would run too though right?12:41
dr_willisit will ONLY get ran if you use the 'startx' command, or that 'custome' kdm session I recall.12:41
dr_willis.bash_profile gets ran by login shells..  .bashrc gets ran by every shell12:41
dr_williswell every bash shell. :)12:41
soulsurfer69oh ok. how can I make it just run at the start?  just an Autostart script?12:41
soulsurfer69there must be a better way12:41
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soulsurfer69like .xinitrc but for kde12:42
dr_willisThats about as better as it can get...12:42
dr_willisyou can put the commands in a file and put it in your kde autostart dir.. thats simpiler then worrying about .xinitrc12:42
dr_willis'better' dosent figure into it at all. :)12:42
soulsurfer69more standard way12:43
soulsurfer69how about that?12:43
dr_willisOr you could check out the kde session management stuff12:43
dr_willisKDE has the Autostart dir as its standard.12:43
dr_willisGnome has a session manager thing..12:43
dr_willissome other desktops/window managers have their own autostart stuff.12:43
soulsurfer69huh ok12:43
soulsurfer69but I just move the script right into Autostart?12:45
soulsurfer69or a subdirectory?12:45
ubottuTo make programs autostart with your KDE session, you can make a link to it in ~/.kde/Autostart. The package 'kcontrol-autostart' makes a kcontrol item for handling items in that directory. For a complete guide, see http://jucato.org/kde/kde-autostart.html12:45
dr_willisa link, or a copy.12:45
gundam_rx78nt1ok, in gutsy, I can pop a dvd into any of the 2 drives I have in my machine and it would be detected and played by kaffeine.  After I upgraded, I can't play a dvd in either unless I go and manually change the /dev/<drive> how can I get this to be automatically like in Gutsy?12:45
dr_willisit can be a link to a executable, or a executable script. or even a Somthing.desktop file12:46
soulsurfer69ok cool12:46
soulsurfer69ok I'll try that. I'm going to restart kde to test it out :)12:47
soulsurfer69awesome it worked. thanks :)12:49
dr_willisLinux FUNdamentals!12:50
mefisto__gundam_rx78nt1: manually change the /dev/<drive> ??? where do you do that change?12:50
dr_willisclarify the whole problem perhaps?12:51
gundam_rx78nt1I have to go into settings, xine engine parameters12:51
gundam_rx78nt1it would also happen with gstreamer engine12:51
dr_willisThe /media links (and fstab entries) set the location of the cd's It could be that a normal install has some different setup then a system with 2 optical drives12:51
dr_willisi HATE cd/dvd autorunning stuff.. so i disable it :)12:52
ActionParsnipdr_willis: me too, I also disable automountin of usb stuffs12:53
dr_willisI dont mind the mounting.. but when i am getting ready to burn a dvd.. and i pop in a blank.. and i allready have k3b open ... i dont need the app asking me what to do again..12:54
mefisto__dr_willis: I actually like that, because it confirms that the disk is loaded ready to go12:55
dr_willismefisto__,  i belive the 'burn' button is ghosted.. untill its ready.. :)  so its redundant.12:56
dr_willisbut theres other issues with 'auto running stuff' also.. but Im too tired to go into it. :) and its somewhat obscure situations12:57
mefisto__redundancy is not necessarily a bad thing12:57
dr_willislike speed bumps in front of a stop sign...13:00
dr_willisof course windows wants to default to 'speed up your pc' as the default action for all these usb/media cards I use...13:01
dr_willisLets use the thing that people would use the LEAST as the first item in the list. :)13:01
ActionParsnipdr_willis: just disable those too ;)13:01
ActionParsnipmind youo windows needs all the speeding up it can get13:02
dr_willisfor fun.. have a setup/office where like 8 users all vnc to the linux box running kde.. then pop in a cd.. all 8 users get a 'what to do with cd' dialog. :)13:02
dr_willisWell its bed time here - Night all....13:04
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto13:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about googledesktop13:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google-desktop13:17
afeijocant I use Skype in my Kopete?13:18
rgreening!search google13:18
ubottuFound: soc, google, googleearth, cubuntu, picasa, gtalk, maps, earth, google earth13:18
ubottucubuntu is an unofficial command-line based Ubuntu derivative. It includes a browser, an email client, a media player and many other useful applications. For installation instructions, see http://alecjw.googlepages.com/cubuntu-commandlineubuntu13:19
ubottuPicasa from Google can be downloaded in .deb format from: http://picasa.google.com/linux/download.html13:19
afeijohow to install a .deb?13:19
favrodpkg -i file.deb13:20
favroor doubleclick it13:20
afeijodouble click here open Ark and does nothing13:20
rgreeningafeijo: install gdebi-kde13:21
afeijo57 mb? wow :)13:21
ActionParsnipafeijo: what is the deb file you have?13:21
afeijofor google desktop13:22
afeijoI have only adept kde3 here, its a fresh kde4 8.04 machine13:24
afeijowhat should I use to install those stuff like picasa and desktop after I update my apt-get?13:24
afeijodamn, I have picasa installed thru apt-get, I do a locate picasa, it find nothing!13:25
ActionParsnipafeijo: sudo dpkg -i /path/to/file.deb13:27
favrosudo updatedb && locate picasa13:27
ActionParsnipafeijo: change the path to point to the deb file to install13:27
=== Ardarandir1 is now known as Ardarandir
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: hey13:28
ActionParsniphey eagles051387513:28
eagles0513875ActionParsnip: maybe u can help me13:29
ActionParsnipeagles0513875: ask the room, someone may helpl13:29
afeijoActionParsnip: I have it installed, but I cant find how to start it lol13:30
ActionParsnipafeijo: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/09/03/how-to-install-google-desktop-on-ubuntu/13:31
ActionParsnipafeijo: im guessing itll say in there13:31
eagles0513875my windows vista pc isnt seeing my samba share but on my sisters xp box it sees it just need to tweak permissions i dont have a firewall on my vista laptop but my server is on the dmz. i have samba ports 139 and 445 which i saw were open with nmap  and forwarded them13:31
ActionParsnipafeijo: http://ma65p.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/screenshot.png13:32
afeijomy laucher is different13:33
afeijooh, I think I found it13:33
afeijoon my bottom toolbar, I click on blue K, type google, and a lot of icons that I dont know where is hidden shows up13:34
ActionParsnipafeijo: ive never used it so i cant help any further, i guess websearching is your next call13:35
afeijoActionParsnip: but I found it :)13:36
afeijohow did you enabled that top toolbar of yours?13:36
ActionParsnipafeijo: i just found that online. Id suggest reversing what you have done so far and using that guide i sent you13:37
=== adam is now known as Guest27546
afeijonow its time for skype, I downloaded .deb file for ubuntu 7, when I try to install, it says wrong archteture i30613:49
Skrysudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype.deb13:51
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afeijoThanks Skry ;)13:52
Skryafeijo, you really should read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype ;)13:54
lettfetiHi i installed kde via adept packet manager. Am now unable to login on GNOME. I'm browsing forums and can't find a similar problem. When i login to GNOME now i basically get an empty screen, anyone know how to fix? Please note that i am relatively new to unix based systems. Also i do not want to remove kde14:01
rgreeninglettfeti: Hardy or Intrepid? ANd did you change the default display manager when prompted (and what did you select)14:02
lettfetiHardy, when first i selected kde i said just for this session, then i just selected GNOME and made that default but all i got was an orange screen with no icons or anything viewable14:04
favrolettfeti: at the orange screen does alt+F2 work?  try metacity --replace14:06
lettfetii'll write that down and try. Also i have one more little nuisance i'd like to ask about.. the kde wallet thing14:07
lettfetii'm on wireless and i'd rather not want to type in the password for the wallet each time i connect to the network14:07
lettfetiLastly, how do i remove the system peep?14:09
KRFlettfeti, you have to remove some kernel module, but i dont know which one :p14:10
KRFlettfeti, for kwallet: enter an empty password14:10
KRFlettfeti, `sudo modprobe -r pcrspkr` should solve that beep problem14:11
KRFlettfeti, `sudo modprobe -r pcspkr` should solve that beep problem14:12
ActionParsnipyo yo yo14:13
_2ok i can understand "pcmcia and powernowd" not working right if /sys is not mounted http://ubuntu.pastebin.us/3245  but why is standard networking affected ?14:15
ActionParsnip_2: why are you logged in asroot?14:17
ActionParsnip_2: i guess its to do with /sys/bus/pci/devices14:19
_2ActionParsnip not related. nor relevant14:20
ActionParsnipid imagine the network card is pci or onboard?14:20
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_20000:02:0d.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL-8139/8139C/8139C+ (rev 10)14:21
hubatkahi there, for some reason I have no audio. Using intel hardware - http://paste.ubuntu.com/52091/14:21
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto14:22
ActionParsniphubatka: http://www.omgili.com/newsgroups/linux/debian/laptop/9XitQ-1wL-13gated-atbofhit.html&q=%22Intel+Corporation%22 may help too14:23
hubatka_2: it's an old computer.... so shouldn't it be auto-recognized?14:23
_2<ActionParsnip> _2: i guess its to do with /sys/bus/pci/devices <<< if it is, where is it being called ?14:24
_2hubatka old ?14:24
ActionParsniphubatka: just because its old doesnt mean its automaticaly compatible14:24
hubatka_2: it's an old compaq computer...14:25
ActionParsnip_2: im just reading the code14:25
hubatkaActionParsnip: I guess you're right14:25
ActionParsnip_2: you may want to ask in #gentoo as they will know whats what at that level14:25
_2hubatka how old ?14:25
ActionParsniphubatka: looks like you need some modules installing14:25
_-Jay-__!firewall | _-Jay-__14:29
ubottu_-Jay-__, please see my private message14:29
_2ActionParsnip i searched all of /etc   and i'm not seeing anything that should cause /sys to affect standard networking    however if /sys is not mounted at boot time eth* is not recognized    and that "bothers" me.14:30
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_2!ufw | _-Jay-__14:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw14:31
thale__anyone know if I can configure the resolver to try multiple servers for a name before it fails?14:33
_2thale__ yes14:33
thale__any ideas how14:33
thale__I don't mean just adding multiple nameserver lines in the resolv.conf14:34
thale__but, when there are multiple lines and one returns that it can't find the name, it then trys the other14:34
_2not sure how14:35
coreymon77hi guys14:53
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coreymon77dead channel!14:59
gorrehi sparkling15:08
gorrehi dario15:09
tanweikubuntu couldn't recongize my tv card15:24
tanweilsusb show :Bus 002 Device 002: ID eb1a:50a6 eMPIA Technology, Inc.15:25
tanweikernel is 2.6.27-415:26
afeijoI'm trying to use mount.ntfs, its says: "failed to access volume '//server/share'"15:26
afeijoI'm sure the path is correct15:27
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gtianpwhat's this15:34
gtianpanyone here or something15:35
gtianphi,what's this15:39
trcrysisTürkçe bilen varmı?15:51
Pici!tr | trcrysis15:52
ubottutrcrysis: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.15:52
n3ksushey, when i try and watch a vid on firefox, it has a box where the vid is and has a play button in the middle of it. and when i click it the file starts 2 play but it stops n firefox tends to kinda not work right15:54
comeditIf your soundcard seams not to be in alsa is there a way to still have sound15:59
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n3ksushey, when i try and watch a vid on firefox, it has a box where the vid is and has a play button in the middle of it. and when i click it the file starts 2 play but it stops n firefox tends to kinda not work right16:08
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no1peacedragonwow this place is busy, yet not a thing being said16:37
avihaybok, I'll say something16:38
no1peacedragonthats worked :p16:38
avihaybfor some reason, it seems like something is blocking port 80 on this computer16:38
avihaybit's runing kubuntu16:39
avihaybI havn't installed new packages in a while16:39
no1peacedragonyou already checked firewalls?16:39
n3ksushey, when i try and watch a vid on firefox, it has a box where the vid is and has a play button in the middle of it. and when i click it the file starts 2 play but it stops n firefox tends to kinda not work right16:40
avihaybI havn't set any firewall16:40
avihaybI'm using a router, and I have another computer that connects just fine16:40
no1peacedragonI hope someone else has the answer I fixed my firewalls and then everything worked for me just fine16:42
Deniseinvade me16:42
no1peacedragonhello denise16:42
no1peacedragondo you ever sleep?16:43
Deniseyes why16:43
geeksleep? what is sleep ;p16:43
no1peacedragoncuz you always on when I peek in even with a different name like last night16:44
avihaybwell, I have some connectivity on port 80, but it's like there is a delay, thats so long, that it makes my browsers thing that  the page load is too long16:44
Denisewhat name u got last night16:44
n3ksushey, when i try and watch a vid on firefox, it has a box where the vid is and has a play button in the middle of it. and when i click it the file starts 2 play but it stops n firefox tends to kinda not work right16:44
Denisehow come it doesnt surprise me16:45
Deniseyou have ur style16:45
avihaybn3ksus: normal videos or flash videos?16:45
Denisewhen u are in good mood16:46
no1peacedragonI always in a good mood remeber :always happy16:46
Denisealwasy happy16:47
Deniselucky you16:47
n3ksusi wouldnt have a clue, they just on sites for like trailers of tv shows n stuff16:47
avihaybgo to youtube, see if one of the vids there shows up right16:47
no1peacedragonoh sh*t neighbors house on fire bbl16:48
Denisewhat a coincidence16:48
Deniseright or left?16:49
n3ksusdont work16:49
avihayb"no1peacedragon has left this server", so I guess it's left16:49
DeniseI guess too16:50
avihaybn3ksus: try installing the package flashplugin-nonfree16:51
=== geek is now known as faileas
avihaybin terminal: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:52
avihaybif it tells you it's installed, try removeing it and installing. if it tells you it can't find the plugin, tell me16:52
n3ksusflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.16:54
n3ksusThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:16:54
n3ksus  libboost-thread1.34.1 libboost-date-time1.34.116:54
n3ksusUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.16:54
ahmed2255hi guys, do you know how to change the icons in the places menu?16:54
avihaybn3ksus: sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree16:55
avihaybthen apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree16:55
n3ksusdone that allready16:55
avihaybrestart firefox16:56
avihaybtry youtube again16:56
n3ksusdoing that too :p16:56
n3ksussame thing16:56
avihaybwell, you can try doing sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree16:57
avihayband then reinstalling16:57
avihaybother then that, I'm lost too. you can try opening them in konqurer, it's already installd on your kubuntu anyway16:58
ahmed2255can anyone help me please? i searched all over the net for a solution and couldn't find anything. i would like to change the icons of the folders in the places menu16:58
n3ksuslol guess i'll need to :p16:58
Jucatoahmed2255: Kubuntu doesn't have a "Places" menu. Ubuntu does. you might be asking in the wrong channel17:00
avihaybahmed2255: the places menu?17:00
Jucato(unless you are referring to some other "Places" thing)17:00
ahmed2255Jucato, thanks.. i'll check out ubuntu channel now... sorry !17:00
Jucatoahmed2255: just making sure. you mean the Places menu at the top panel, right?17:01
ahmed2255Jucato, yes17:01
Jucatoright. that's GNOME. #ubuntu then :)17:01
ahmed2255thanks Jucato17:01
CQhello... I want to use kpowersave on my laptop, but power manager is still installed... I looked at the wikis, but didn't see any clear instructions for changing over, and there are no conflicts listed in the package17:02
CQhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuPowersave is the last info I found17:02
avihaybhow do I ask the bot for some info about kpowersave?17:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kpowersave17:03
faileasnope, it dosen't know ;p17:03
n3ksuslol konquerer dont work either just a grey box :p17:04
CQno other ideas?17:06
bbitshi chaps, i am having trouble with fonts on hardy when running at 1360x768 resolution. App fonts seem to be really tiny. Any ideas ?17:06
ubunturosKubuntu 8.10 might be scheduled for release next month, but is it good to install Kubuntu 8.04 with KDE3 and update it to 8.10 which probably will come (default) with KDE4.1 ?17:06
CQI tried the kde4 packages, it doesn't convert desktop settings over for me and periodically kills my working xorg.conf ...17:07
bbitsubunturos> isnt there a link on the site for upgrade paths ?17:08
TannThats odd. I've been using kde4 for a while and had no problems.17:08
bbitsCQ> hasnt xorg become "smarter" at detecting your hardware ?17:08
CQit may try, but whatever it detects, I end up with a text login screen until I put the old xorg.conf back17:09
stdinubunturos: it's up to you, there should be no problem upgrading to 8.10 from 8.04 (or KDE 3 -> KDE 4)17:09
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ubunturosstdin: hmm17:09
bbitsanyone know anything about my fonts issue ?17:09
jjinx1272006[12:07] [DCOP] Error: You need the perl SOAP::Lite module installed.<--- how do i get this in linux any1?17:10
Picijjinx1272006: Install the libsoap-lite-perl package.17:10
jjinx1272006what would i type in a terminal to get that?17:11
Tannjjinx1272006: sudo apt-get install libsoap-lite-perl package17:11
Tanner, without the package at the end17:11
jjinx1272006thx im sorta a noob17:11
Tannsudo apt-get install libsoap-lite-perl17:11
jjinx1272006ok sweet thx17:11
Tannyeah, no problem.17:12
jjinx1272006do i have to restart my client first?17:12
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jjinx1272006im using konversation  and i get that error message when i type /exec google <whatever>17:13
Tannjjinx1272006: I'm not sure what you mean by that17:13
jjinx1272006[12:13] [DCOP] Error: You need the perl SOAP::Lite module installed.17:14
jjinx1272006./exec google linux17:14
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Tannoh. I'm not sure, but if it doesn't work instantly, they restart it.17:14
jjinx1272006ahh ok17:15
Tannthen instead of they17:15
jjinx1272006ok it looks like its done17:16
eeedo kubuntu have wirless adapter software?17:16
Tanneee: Yes17:16
jjinx1272006[12:16] [DCOP] Error: ~/.googlekey doesn't exist!17:16
jjinx1272006[12:16] [DCOP] Error: Get a key from http://api.google.com/createkey and put the key in ~/.googlekey17:16
bbitsare you trying to do some google hacking ?17:16
jjinx1272006when i do /exec google -term-17:17
jjinx1272006no its a feat with my irc client17:17
Tanneee: alot of cards have restricted drivers that come with kubuntu.17:17
eeei don not! i ues Acer17:17
Tannwell, not with kubuntu but are available for it.17:17
bbitseee> my laptop has an wireless intel chipset that just worked17:18
eeebut mine is IN in the Computer!17:18
bbitsand ?17:18
eeehow to fix it?17:18
bbitsdefine you problem more clearly17:18
TannI have a Linksys WPC100 laptop wireless adapter. Could anyone help me set it up? lspci says its atheros 5416.17:19
eeei can not get on wirless internett!17:19
eeeand i cn not active it from my hotkey17:20
bbitseee> does your system detect your card ? is it in lspci ?17:20
eeeyes it does17:20
bbitseee> is your card in the supported hardware list ?17:20
eeewher can i find it (the list)?17:21
bbitseee> have you tested on an un-ecrypted network ?17:21
eeei can't active my hardware card17:21
bbitseee> google (k)ubuntu supported hardwar17:21
jjinx1272006 Google Search Script <--- can someone help me out with this?17:25
jjinx1272006every time i use /google it says17:26
jjinx1272006[12:23] [DCOP] Error: ~/.googlekey doesn't exist!17:26
jjinx1272006[12:23] [DCOP] Error: Get a key from http://api.google.com/createkey and put the key in ~/.googlekey17:26
bbitsjjinx> are you trying to use the googl api ?17:28
jjinx1272006i guess17:28
tzdhi guys. Just reinstalled kubuntu 8.04 and wanted to delete a few former items in kdeinit. Where do i find kdeinit please?17:28
jjinx1272006it keeps telling me to make a key17:28
bbitswhat is giving you this message ?17:28
jjinx1272006./exec google17:29
bbitsjjinx> in what ?17:29
bbitsjjinx> ah i see i havent used that. but it sounds like a key is missing and you need to get it from google17:30
jjinx1272006everytime i go to the link it takes me elsewhere17:30
Picijjinx1272006: Google no longer requires API keys to use their services, that script is most likely out of date.17:30
bbitsjjinx> perhaps you can turn the feature off that needs it17:30
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bbitsjjnix> i like the irssi client17:31
jjinx1272006Qt: 3.3.8b17:31
jjinx1272006KDE: 3.5.917:31
jjinx1272006kde-config: 1.017:31
jjinx1272006that is the version im running17:32
jjinx1272006bbits: is there a link for irssi?17:32
stdinjjinx1272006: try http://code.google.com/apis/base/signup.html17:33
bbitsjjin> i got it with apt-get, if that's your question17:33
bbitsanyone know why this link keeps killing firefox ? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-October/126426.html17:34
jjinx1272006ok i got the key now where do i put it?17:35
stdinjjinx1272006: ~/.googlekey17:35
jjinx1272006im not used to linux where is that folder at?17:35
bbitsjjin> that could be a folder or a file name17:36
stdin'~/' is your home directory17:36
bbits~ is home17:36
bbits/home/me == ~/17:36
stdinjjinx1272006: just open kate, paste the key in and save as "~/.googlekey"17:36
jjinx1272006as a text document?17:37
jjinx1272006ok so it should be in the home folder then right?17:41
stdinjjinx1272006: if you put "~/.googlekey" in the save dialog it'll save to /home/<you>/.googlekey17:42
jjinx1272006ok so do i look for the folder named /.googlekey then put the key in there?17:42
stdinno, ".googlekey" is the filename17:43
younthktoday ,i used gparted to formate my mp3,some error happened,and the system,gparted ,even vista(i use ubuntu),can never read it again,the light is still shinning. i guess the mp3 is still ok ,so how can i make it all right? can anyone help ?17:44
stdinhave you tried just formatting it again?17:46
younthkno ,the system can not read it17:46
izzybwhat is the command to manage the kde kicker bar again?  I have it set to auto hide and its not popping up again :(17:46
stdinyounthk: it shouldn't matter if it can read it, does gparted show the disk?17:47
younthkno it doesn't ,but the mp3 is lighting17:47
younthk<stdin>  and i've tried some command like rmmod ehci_hcd,etc, they doesn't work17:49
stdinizzyb: try running "kcmshell panel"17:49
stdinyounthk: you'll probably want to re-load that module to get the system to see the device17:50
younthksorry ,i cann't got it,17:51
izzybstdin, thanks, that was what I was looking for :)17:51
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izzybany idea why the kicker sometimes doesn't popup correctly when it's hiding?17:51
izzybor more to the point, how to fix it?17:51
stdinizzyb: no one really knows17:52
stdinit's "fixed" in KDE 4 though, they scrapped kicker ;)17:52
younthkthanks all the same17:52
izzybwell, at least I know how to fix it when it happens.  kind of17:53
stdinyounthk: "sudo modprobe ehci_hcd" and all the modules you removed with "rmmod", then plug the device in and see if gparted shows it17:53
younthk<stdin> i tried udo modprobe ehci_hcd first,then replug the usb,run sudo gparted ,the gparted doesn't show it17:58
younthksorry sudo17:58
stdinyounthk: I'm not sure then, I'd maybe suggest restarting to make sure all the modules are properly loaded. but if it still doesn't show then I'm out of ideas18:00
younthkyou mean restart my computer?18:00
younthko ,i 'll try right now18:01
younthksee you later18:01
maesHi, i'm trying to read a mkv video, encode in h264, but with kaffein i get no sound, only the images. Do you know where is the problem ? (vlc work fine but i don't like it)18:06
younthk<stdin> thanks for your advise,thought it doesn't work,still it does not show mp318:07
BraveSpearIs there a way to disable cut/copy/paste functions in kubuntu hardy?18:09
younthki'd love to tell how it happened . i intended to make a livecd on usb of fedora ,then i used liveusb-creator of fedora,and some error happened .18:10
younthkthen i use gparted the formate mp3 (usb),it goes well. but livecd on usb still cannot been created .so i formate it again,error happened .the gparted  no longer show it ,neither partition magic ,vista do18:14
younthkthe light of mp3 is still on18:14
younthkso <stdin>  can you figure what happened18:15
younthkthank again18:15
younthkor can anyone help out of it18:16
izzybyounthk, this is an mp3 player?18:17
younthkyes it is18:17
izzybmounted via usb and now it doesn't work?18:17
younthki cannot mount it18:17
izzybor fdisk it right?18:18
izzybdoes lsusb still show the device?18:18
younthki don't even know the command18:18
bbitshow about /var/log/messages ?18:18
younthkit me try18:18
bbitstry "tail -f /var/log/messages" when you plug this stick in18:18
younthkit shows "Bus 002 Device 001: IDBus 002 Device 001: ID 0000:0000 0000:0000"18:18
younthkessage handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eessage handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.hostth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.host18:19
younthkand kernel: [  151.167972] end_request: I/kernel: [  151.167972] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0O error, dev fd0, sector 018:20
* kahn пришел18:20
bbitsyounthk> you should see the messages file get updated when you plug the stick in "tail -f" the file then you will see what the new lines are18:21
izzybyounthk, that last error looks like a floppy error18:21
bbitsoh no "floppy error" ;)18:21
younthki had a floppy but i never used it18:22
izzybyeah, you can probably ignore that one18:22
younthktail: warning: following standard input indefinitely is ineffective18:22
bbitsyoun> anything new in the log when you plug it in ?18:22
bbitsyoun> what are you typing in ?18:23
younthkit show "tail: warning: following standard input indefinittail: warning: following standard input indefinitely is ineffective"ely is ineffective18:23
younthktail: warning: following standard input indefinitely is ineffective18:23
bbitsafter you did what ?18:24
younthkafter what ?18:24
bbitstype this in at a terminal "tail -f /var/log/messages"18:25
bbitsthen plug the thingy in18:25
bbitsthen paste the new lines into this window ;)18:25
younthk"dhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.nis_domain"18:26
younthk[  151.167972] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:26
younthkand several lines like that18:27
younthkdhcdbd: message_handler: message handler not found under /com/redhat/dhcp/eth0 for sub-path eth0.dbus.get.interface_mtu18:27
bbitsgive us all of them18:27
younthkSep 30 01:03:33 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [   63.227311] NET: Registered protocol family 1018:27
younthkSep 30 01:03:33 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [   63.229215] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions18:27
younthkSep 30 01:04:53 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [  143.217788] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:27
younthkSep 30 01:04:53 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [  143.241702] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:27
younthkSep 30 01:05:01 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [  151.144023] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:27
younthkSep 30 01:05:01 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [  151.167972] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:27
younthkSep 30 01:23:22 ubuntughthty124 -- MARK --18:27
younthkSep 30 01:26:43 ubuntughthty124 syslogd 1.5.0#1ubuntu1: restart.18:27
younthksorry that's all of them18:28
bbitsyouthk> perhaps there is a problem with that usb port, can you plug a usb stick into to check that it works ?18:29
bbitsyouthk> or try another port18:29
bbitsyouthk> and keep an eye on the output from /var/log/messages18:29
younthkSep 30 01:30:06 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [ 1652.761948] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:31
younthkSep 30 01:30:06 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [ 1652.785904] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:31
younthkSep 30 01:30:08 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [ 1655.409357] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:31
younthkSep 30 01:30:08 ubuntughthty124 kernel: [ 1655.433310] end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 018:31
younthkthat's again all i got18:31
bbitsyouthk> all you got when you did what ?18:34
bbitsyouthk> do you have any usb devices that work ?18:35
younthkno ,18:35
younthkcan i send you a picture18:35
bbitssure, put it on a web page18:36
MrKennieanyone using superkaramba? Wondered if anyone experienced problems with updates to widgets? Even opening a theme locally it still uses old code.18:36
MrKennieI would love to know where that is coming from too :P18:36
younthksorrry i dont know how to realize that18:37
_2what we working on ?18:37
MrKennie_2: me or are you talking to someone else? :)18:38
_2i just got here,    so....18:39
MrKenniewell, I made a karamba theme but running sk from terminal indicats calls to code that doesn't exist anymore in mine18:39
bbitsyouthk> if you dont have any working usb devices i would guess you have a hardware problem18:39
Deniseworking device18:40
Denisewhat says alibaba about it18:40
bbitswork it18:40
_2MrKennie change in the kernel cause that maybe ?18:40
MrKennieI've cleared tmp directories, manually deleted anything in .kde/.. & .superkaramba/ but it's really strange18:41
younthk<bbits>  there is a folder in /media named disk. but system:/media   does't18:41
MrKennie_2: running -19 for a while now.18:41
younthka folder in /media named disk is about 4k18:41
bbitsthat is the size of a folder18:41
bbitsit is just a mounting point18:41
bbitsyouthk> i think you may have hardware trouble, unless i have missed something18:42
_2MrKennie no. i mean the changes in the kernel leading to 2.6.*    maybe a quick scan of the kernel changelog would find it ?18:42
younthkoh thanks18:42
MrKennie_2: filesystem issues?18:42
_2MrKennie any "karamba" issue might be kernel related   ;/18:43
MrKennie_2: well, maybe.18:43
_2-.true: root: command not found18:44
MrKennieI'll try it on a different box and see what happens.18:44
_2oops. sorry.18:44
bbitsyounthk> just out of interest have you tried rebooting after playing with parted ?18:45
_2MrKennie yeah it's worth a shot.   specally if you have an older debian system to test on18:45
richardbhheres a tricky one: if we assume that  'sudo chmod 0750 /' got typed into a terminal and executed, is there any way I can rescue the system?18:48
_2richardbh sure,  boot to rescue mode and chmod 0555 /18:49
bbitsrich> boot from a live cd and then fix ?18:49
_2richardbh sure,  boot to rescue mode and chmod 00055 / # will work too.   as will chmod 0001 /18:50
richardbh_2: if ive blanked the grub menu, how can I get it to appear as it boots?18:50
_2but the last of those is a little different than most expect a system to work.18:50
_2richardbh when grub loads.  "assuming it does" you can enter command mode.18:51
_2richardbh [esc] [c] [enter]18:51
richardbhcool, thanks18:51
richardbhwhat should the default permissions be on /?18:51
_2richardbh and if you know enough about grub you can enter the kernel and initrd lines manually18:52
_2richardbh defaults are .*5518:52
Tm_T!es | universidad18:52
ubottuuniversidad: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:52
_2the root perm is totally irrelavent   cause root cares not for permission anyway18:52
=== root is now known as Guest67860
=== universidad is now known as FACHF
_2richardbh but the group and other are 5 5    read exec18:53
_2default is usually 0755   but like i said the 0?55 ? can be anything you want to put there.18:54
_2root cares not at all for permissions18:54
richardbhthankyou so much18:55
bbitsricharddbh> whatever you do dont call chmod with -R as root18:55
richardbhbbits: ill try not to make the same mistake twice!18:55
Tm_T_2: untrue, especially when dealing with groups18:55
_2richardbh yeah streightening out an accidental chmod -R * /     it's nigh impossabel to get everything right18:56
richardbhworking again now18:56
richardbhthanks for your help18:56
_2Tm_T show me how it affects a system if permission on / is 0755  or 0055    if there is any differance i'd be very interested in knowing it...18:57
abe9hola alguien habla espanol por aqui??18:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:58
Tm_T_2: if several users/daemons are in group used in target, group rights has affect18:58
_2Tm_T you are not addressing the owner of /    so not related.18:58
Tm_Tit's always related in some cases18:59
_2Tm_T no.18:59
Tm_Tyes, and this is offtopic18:59
ubuntuhi, I'm currently trying to install kubuntu 8.04. I had a little trouble with raid, but I solved that, now the problem is with lvm.  the lvm device doesn't appear in /dev as expected (it worked under feisty). I ran lvm and then entered lvdisplay, one notable line is "LV Status              NOT available". all the pvs are fine and show up when I type pvs. ditto the vg.    does anyone have any ideas?18:59
=== ubuntu is now known as ico2
_2Tm_T if you are willing to correct something i'm saying, while helping here, then don't dodge behind the !ot banner when questioned about it.19:00
ico2to add to my previous request for information: I also installed lvm (that probably helped a little)19:02
ico2maybe I should take this to #ubuntu since i don't reckon it's specific to kubuntu?19:03
bbitsico2: it does sound like a very specialist question19:04
bbitsico2: perhaps you should ask some kernel developers19:04
bbitsico2: or find a contact by looking at the kernel docs19:05
ico2bbits: i would reckon it's at least specific to ubuntu19:05
ico2bbits: it's hardly a kernel issue19:05
_2  ls -ld /    d???r-xr-x   the three question marks can be any combonation of "r w x or -"   it will not affect the system in any way that i have ever been able to detect.      i don't mind being corrected if i'm wrong,  but don't just blurt out some untested unproven assertion as if it were fact.   that's all i have to say about that.19:05
ico2ok, i solved it with some further googlage, turned out i needed to run lvchange -a y <lv>19:07
ico2thanks anyway guys19:07
Tm_T_2: please join #kubuntu-offtopic so we can discuss this further there19:07
bbitssounds like a showdown19:07
* bbits goes and takes a seat ready for the fight :)19:08
TannI'f I were to install the madwifi package from the ubuntu repositories, how would I configure it.19:08
MrKennie_2: not sure if I hot a bug but it was partly my fault. I had to variants of the theme but with the same name. Still not sure why it was loading old code, though.19:08
MrKennietwo varaints of..*19:09
_2MrKennie hmmm interesting.   did you test on a system with older kernel ?19:09
MrKenniewell, the other box doesn't have an older kernel but it seems to run updated versions ok19:10
MrKennieof the theme that is19:10
MrKennieI might do a fsck I think, I got a sneaky feeling it's something with the fs.19:11
willwork4fooHello! Anyone here know much about sharing printers from Kubuntu to macOS clients? I'm having a tiny nightmare here19:11
willwork4fooHi! Does anyone know of any really good guides for sharing a USB-connected printer from a Kubuntu host onto a Mac OSX client?19:17
Denisepc formation19:18
willwork4fooDenise: was that for me?19:19
Denisei was wondering why I didnt know more about computers19:20
willwork4fooDenise: ok... that's about as much use as a chocolate teapot to me...19:20
Denisewhat is useful for you then19:22
halohi, someone with experience in configuring multi-seat with video adapter 945GM?19:22
_2!cups | willwork4foo19:23
ubottuwillwork4foo: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows19:23
willwork4foo_2: you clearly haven't read what I've said at all.19:23
_2really ?19:24
willwork4foo_2: really.19:24
Tm_Twillwork4foo: what's wrong with cups?19:24
_2maybe you could reword it.19:24
willwork4foo_2: the printer works perfectly in Kubuntu. I want to share it over the network so that I can print from my MacBook (running OSX Leopard). I'm trying to set up sharing using netatalk.19:25
willwork4fooit's not working.19:25
Tm_Twillwork4foo: why not using cups?19:25
willwork4fooaha wait - it now works!19:26
_2netatalk ?     i'm not a mac user.     but cups shoule make the printer avalable to the network.19:26
willwork4fooI have fixed it. the guide I was following had a typo.19:26
_2well isn't that sweet  ;/19:26
Tm_Tsugar is19:26
_2not like honey19:27
Deniseof course not19:27
Tm_Tyes, I'm sweerest19:27
Denisenothing can beat honey19:27
_2Denise true dat19:27
TannDenise: agreed19:27
_2anyone know why after installing all the "junk" to make dvd playback work correctly   now copying from data dvd is very slow, and boggs down the whole system ?19:31
_2does it filter through all the libdvdcss crap even when not needed ?19:32
_2i should say libdvdcss and related crap.19:32
* _2 hates propriatary "junk" anyway.19:33
Denisecrap deleted19:33
Tm_T_2: no it doesn't go through it when not needed19:34
_2Tm_T and it knows the differance       i hope ?19:34
Tm_Twell libdvdcss is just a library19:34
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_2yeah, and i'm like why would mc be filtering through that...    but maybe there is some other cause...19:35
* Tm_T slaps luis_lopez_away 19:35
Tm_T!away > luis_lopez_away19:36
ubottuluis_lopez_away, please see my private message19:36
* _2 doesn't understand why people leave an irc client running while away... sometimes for days at a time even ?19:37
_2it's not like it helps the channel to keep the number up.19:37
_2what helps a channel is to have good freindly helpful and timely responces.19:38
DeniseI think I cant really help19:38
Denisethe dunno the commands19:39
_2!msgthebot > Denise19:40
ubottuDenise, please see my private message19:40
DeniseI dont understand19:41
Denisewhat u want19:41
ruschiHi on kubuntu 8.10 I realized strange behavior concerning Icons: in the application menu I can see a firefox-icon. When added to favourites or to the panel the icon disappears (is substituted by a generic gears icon).19:47
ruschican anyone confirm this behavior?19:47
ubottuAlpha Software: Intrepid Ibex is the code name for K/ubuntu 8.10, due October 2008 - #ubuntu+1 for discussion. Kubuntu Intrepid will have KDE 4 as the default Desktop Environment - see  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidVersion | Warning lots of breaking software between now and October!19:48
Tm_Truschi: hmm, mind to ask in #ubuntu+1 and/or #kubuntu-kde419:48
ruschiok thanks - seems to be due to alpha status19:49
=== _2 is now known as Agent_bob
Agent_bobany new "whois" type software out for linux ?     anyone know of off hand ?19:59
rgreening!search whois20:03
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gandalf__hi allz20:12
=== ubuntu is now known as majq
Agent_bobQ is a tarball technecally a file system ?20:14
Agent_bobhmmm so i'm using disks now with no filesystem at all on them... o.O20:15
ronnie_hi guys = )   I'm trying to install (slackware) linux on an old 390x ibm thinkpad, to give to my mom to play low end games on, wondering if there are any games that come with slackware at all??20:17
Denisema t'en faire un slackware20:17
Agent_bobi had dropped partitions from my hdd's several years ago, and have sense dropped file-systems from all floppys20:17
izzybwhy would you ask in a kubuntu channel for that?20:18
ronnie_sry thought this was for any linux related question = )20:18
Agent_bobronnie_ that's ##linux20:19
Agent_bobronnie_  or ##linuxhelp20:19
ronnie_k ty20:19
Agent_bobronnie_ but there is a #slackware here too20:19
Maxai've forgot... whats with the double ##?20:19
ubottufreenode is the IRC network that you're on! See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml20:20
LjLAgent_bob, Tm_T: on what grounds do you say it's not a filesystem?20:24
Agent_bobLjL i just asked...   </shrugs>20:25
Agent_bobLjL i would have called it that,   that's why i asked; hoping someone would know20:26
LjLAgent_bob: i know, i just highlighted you since you were the original poster20:27
LjLexcuse the usenet terminology20:27
=== jonny_ is now known as Hardlyleet
* Agent_bob has always been the origenal poster child....20:28
Agent_bobonly question is which poster.20:28
puzzlei have a big earthquakeing problem!20:28
Agent_bobpuzzle sound not working20:28
puzzlei could solve with installing opensound20:29
puzzle5 minutes my net was not working20:29
puzzlei wen through the steps with iwconfig20:29
puzzleso im here20:29
puzzlethe browser still said: google.com not found20:29
puzzlebut if i do ping google.com20:30
puzzleit works20:30
Agent_boboh yeah,  that bug20:30
puzzlewhat bug? and my System Network Settings (with gui) i cant configure my wifi card20:30
puzzlewith ubuntu i could!20:30
puzzleonly kubuntu i cant20:31
erickraudaubuntu is the power20:31
administratorHi all20:31
puzzleubuntu dont havee KDE20:31
puzzlepower but ugly20:31
administratoru can load KDE on ubuntu too20:31
Agent_bobpuzzle if ubuntu didn't have kde there wouldn't be a kubuntu20:32
Tannpuzzle: yeah. In ubuntu you can "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"20:32
erickraudayou can instal kde20:32
administratorhave the option of both KDE N GNOME20:32
puzzleyeah, and the two gui has conflict i guess20:32
erickraudaor sudo apt-get install kde20:32
Tannthat too20:32
puzzlewhat should i type to get firefox?20:32
Tannsudo apt-get install firefox20:32
Tannno problem20:33
puzzle1min and i show you the result of this command20:33
Agent_bobpuzzle i have less trouble with adding   kde to ubuntu-desktop   or gnome to kubuntu-desktop    than with adding *buntu-desktop to *buntu-desktop   but in theory there shouldn't be any problem with any combonation.20:33
puzzleim installing firefoz20:34
puzzlebut my original problem is that konquere said: google.com not found!20:34
TannAgent_bob: I've never had trouble installing the *buntu-desktops20:34
Agent_bobTann i do funny things though.20:35
puzzleand it is probably because i configure my network in command line20:35
puzzlenot with the gui!20:35
erickraudafirefox is cool20:35
Tannah. that'd make sense20:35
afeijothats sound stupid but how to map a network share with my kde to my ubuntu server? I'm trying with Dlphin > Network > Add network, ssh protocol, and it dont work20:35
Tannafeijo: What type of share is it?20:35
puzzlei install linux to became a big hacker20:35
Agent_bobafeijo is sshd running on the target ?20:35
afeijotann: samba shares it on the ubuntu20:36
puzzlei am going to install apache and find bugs in that20:36
puzzleyou will hear my name within a few months20:36
afeijoAgent_bob: checking20:36
Tannafeijo: you sohuld in dolphin be able to go to the remote section and click on "Samba Shares" then.20:36
erickraudaapache with php?20:36
Agent_bobTann he specified ssh protocal ^    ?20:37
puzzlei dont care php20:37
puzzlemy bug will not be a script kiddie sql bug20:37
puzzlemy bug i will find, it will be a pure buffer overflow20:37
TannAgent_bob: I noticed. But I don't get why you would use ssh with samba20:37
erickraudayou usin mysql?20:37
Agent_bobTann true dat20:37
puzzlei use gdb, disassembly and c-source code20:37
Agent_bobbe back soon....20:38
=== StoneApple is now known as StoneNewt
afeijoAgent_bob: I'm doing right, using ssh? or webdav can do the trick?20:38
erickraudaI using xampp20:39
puzzlety for help, hasta luego20:39
afeijotann: that acuse an error after a few seconds20:39
Tannafeijo: Oh. Whats the error?20:39
afeijoit simply dont say! :( just "internal error"20:40
afeijothe 3rd line say: arguments list too long20:40
erickraudais a error of sintaxis20:40
afeijoI didnt configure samba here yet20:41
erickraudabut already configurastes samba20:42
erickraudayou need configure samba20:42
erickraudayou edit smb.conf20:44
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:48
afeijowhats the command for that?20:51
afeijo_BRdamn, my toolbar is a mess, clock in the middle, running apps on the right, trayicon left... how to move all of it!?20:51
=== afeijo_BR is now known as afeijo
lorisciao a tutti20:52
=== magical_trevsky is now known as magical
zer0ohi guys can anyone help me with wicd?21:03
Teiseizer0o: What's the problem ?21:04
TeiseiInstallation ?21:04
zer0oTeisei: nope, ive already installed after unistalling network manager, then i put the icon on the tray as the wiki was explaining and it was working, but now the icon says "not connected" instead i am, and if i want to get disconnected i cant cuz clicking on the tray icon nothing happens, why?21:06
kronomanhello, can't access google at all, any suggestions21:07
Teiseizer0o: Is it only the icon that doesn't work ?21:07
zer0oTeisei: apparently yes21:07
kronomanI think my firefox is hijacked or something, and opera core dumps, and konqueror can't show anything in google either21:07
zer0okronoman: check your dns21:07
kronomanif I enter using a IP, I can use google, but with www.google.com I get a blank page21:07
zer0okronoman: exaclty! check your DNS21:08
kronomanhow can I do that?21:08
zer0oTeisei: i am connected but there's no icon on the tray at the moment and when there is it doesnt work21:08
Teiseikronoman: more /etc/resolv.conf21:08
Teiseizer0o: Hmm, weird21:09
kronomanok, now what I do with that info?21:09
Teiseikronoman: Does it match with what you should have ?21:09
zer0oTeisei: how can i at least put back the icon there?21:09
kronomanI don't know what I should have :o21:09
Teiseikronoman: Any papers given to you by your ISP ?21:09
Teiseizer0o: I haven't used the icon, sorry :/21:10
Mac40DOHi! How can I toggle between two soundcards in kde? Both work perfectly on the console.21:10
zer0oso how do you get disconnected?21:10
Teiseizer0o: Perhaps some other people can help you with it :)21:10
zer0oalright thanks21:10
kronomanTeisei: I yahooed (yuck) my ISP + dns and the first news that I got is that they have their DNS down21:10
kronomanproblem solved I guess...21:10
Teiseikronoman: Good to know :)21:10
kronomanthanks for the help21:11
TeiseiNo problem :)21:11
=== DuGi is now known as Majq
khurramhello i am using kubuntu 8.04 can any one help me to configure it21:15
ubottuIMAP and POP are protocols for fetching email. The officially-supported server in Ubuntu is Dovecot (packages "dovecot-imapd" for IMAP, and "dovecot-pop3d" for POP) - See also !MailServer for information on the SMTP protocol21:16
khurramAn error occurred while loading http://www.google.com/search?q=123&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8:21:16
khurramCould not connect to host http://www.google.com/search?q=123&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8.21:16
avihaybwell, I finaly solved the port 80 problem, it was a microsoft style solution, can you guess what it is?21:16
khurramhello i am using kubuntu 8.04 can any one help me to configure it21:16
khurram[02:15] <khurram> An error occurred while loading http://www.google.com/search?q=123&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8:21:16
khurram[02:15] <khurram> Could not connect to host http://www.google.com/search?q=123&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8.21:16
khurramcan any one help me21:16
ubottuUbuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/7.10/server/C/email-services.html21:16
khurramcan any one help me to configure my konqurer browser21:17
avihaybkhurram: can you connect to various servers, but your web browsing dosen't work right? or works very VERY slowly?21:17
khurramyea avihayb21:17
avihaybso slow that it usualy says server timeout...21:18
avihaybI just had the same problem21:18
avihaybmy solution was a reset...21:18
khurrammy web browser showin me that i am not connected to inter net avihayb21:18
avihaybit's actualy showing that it dosn't get a response ast enough from a website21:19
khurrami jus installed frsh copy of kubuntu 8.04 and i am using konquerer as a browser21:19
=== Deviance is now known as TimS
khurramCould not connect to host http://hotmail.com/.21:19
khurramthats the eror21:19
avihaybtry the site http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/?from=getfirefox21:20
avihaybor just mozilla.com21:20
khurrammy browser is konquerer do u know how to confiqure it21:20
avihaybit should work out of the box21:20
avihaybI had a problem wher bouth firefox and konquerer would not connect to websites right21:21
avihayband would usualy say connection timeout21:22
khurramso u mean i have to install mozilla21:22
avihaybthat's just a site that did work21:23
khurramthen what should i do now21:23
avihaybeven tough google didn't21:23
avihaybdo you see mozilla.com in konq like you should? or does it display an error?21:24
khurramAn error occurred while loading http://mozilla.com:21:25
khurramits gvin me the same error]21:25
avihaybok, my solution to the problem I had was a reset. maybe it will help you too...21:26
Jowihi. I just installed kde4 package and started it for the first time. screen resolution is wrong and when i try to set the correct one in "Display - system settings" the apply button is grayed out....?21:29
favroJowi: #kubuntu-kde4 for that :)21:29
Jowithanks favro21:30
favronp :)21:30
dario_hi, i'm on hardy, in gutsy in mp3 files properties there were infos such as bitrate, track length and id3 tags, how could i have them on hardy?21:36
avihaybdario_: could it be that you used konqueror in gusty and dolphin in hardy?21:38
dario_avihayb, yes, it could be (even if i used dolphin on gutsy, too) is it an app related-thing?21:39
dario_^app-related thing21:40
avihaybcould be21:40
avihaybtry looking at your mp3s with konqueror21:40
=== matti is now known as matti__
avihaybmaybe it's a vew type thingy21:41
dario_avihayb i was just trying, it's just the same as dolphin21:41
avihaybwell, then I don't know :-<21:42
dario_thanks anyway :)21:42
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avihaybkurram_ / sarah11 : did it work?22:09
sarah11no  avihayb22:10
avihaybsory then...22:11
sarah11its ok avihayb thankx for the help22:11
=== sarah11 is now known as khurram
khurramhi openpat22:15
openpathi khurram22:15
khurramwht do you do ur asl openpat22:15
openpatjust discovering Kubuntu22:15
openpatasl ?22:15
khurramage sex location22:16
openpat M 46 France22:16
ubottuMost of us don't speak American Sign Language, please try english instead. ✌22:16
khurramso wht do you do open pat22:16
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:16
openpattrying kubuntu22:16
openpatnice distro22:16
khurrambut ther is prb with konquerer22:17
openpatlittle pb with wifi22:17
khurrami mean browser konqurer22:17
openpatwhat ?22:17
openpatwhich pb ?22:17
khurramnot openin any site22:17
openpatoh, it works here22:17
khurramwhats browser ur usin22:17
khurramis it working well22:18
openpatjust google user22:18
openpatit s fine22:18
openpattried mappy without any problem22:19
openpatI'm downloading KDE422:20
openpatdid anybody have a try ?22:20
Catdaemon`I'm having issues getting my wireless network card working - wicd says "no wireless networks found", how can I check if the card is actually on and responsive?22:31
PhilRodCatdaemon`: ifconfig22:32
Catdaemon`only eth0 and lo are listed so I assume that's the problem then22:32
PhilRodCatdaemon`: then you can look in the output of dmesg to see if the card loaded or failed22:33
=== Extrapan100 is now known as Extrapan100^BNC
Catdaemon`I have just compiled the drivers so I don't think they're set up to load on startup yet - I've run the script that came with them and the adapter shows up now22:34
Catdaemon`now I'm back where I was before - my horrible one-off integrated network card doesn't want to play nice and connect22:35
lettfetiHi. i'm having problems with GNOME after installing kde. It won't load anything up, i'm stuck with the orange background and nothing happens, KDE's fine can't log back in on GNOME. Just wondering if anyone knows this problem and or how to fix it.22:37
Catdaemon`wicd is hanging at "obtaining IP address" and then disconnects itself. I'm fairly sure this isn't the router's fault because it all works flawlessly on windows. I've disabled encryption on the router for now to ensure this isn't the problem. How can I see what is going on behind the scenes?22:38
PhilRodCatdaemon`: run the commands manually. Does "ifconfig" say that it's associated?22:46
Catdaemon`I'm not sure, here's the output http://paste.ubuntu.com/52248/22:49
SeanTaterA program polluted my .xsession-errors file with over 50GB of garbage, so I restarted X. Unfortunately, ksmserver still has the file open. Is is safe to kill ksmserver?22:51
bobbo85How can I record whatever sound i'm playing to an audio file?22:52
SeanTaterbobbo85: I was going to do that once (I wanted to play the music in all my computers), however it's moredifficult than you would think. Xine can pipe to a file instead of a speaker if you like, but you'd have to recompress it.22:53
bobbo85SeanTater, I keep seeing articles that audacity can just record whatever sound is playing... but the input meter isn't picking anything up, like i have it set to the wrong device or something22:54
SeanTaterI honestly don't know about audacity, but you might be able to find some tidbit about a different output for pulse, artsd, or alsa (I could not find anything, but I'm no expert researcher)22:55
Catdaemon`when I run dchclient I get "No DHCPOFFERS recieved."22:56
bobbo85I really don't know what much of that stuff is, I'm a newb.  What's pulse, alsa, oss, artsd?22:57
Catdaemon`sound servers, they're programs which other programs use to play sound (correct me if I'm wrong)22:58
bobbo85yeah thought so, it seems it shouldn't be so complicated to just record the sound on its way out to the speakers23:00
Catdaemon`according to my router my laptop is being given, why isn't the laptop working properly :|23:00
SeanTaterbobbo85: I would think so and it would be great if someone who develops those programs thought of that. What are you trying to do with it though? Maybe there is an alternate method?23:03
Denisesometimes they dont know what they do with it23:05
Deniseand what they will do with it either23:05
bobbo85SeanTater, there is a song that I love, but it is one of those songs that's embedded in a webpage, i can play it but not download it23:06
bobbo85It's on last.fm, but is a link, not on a radio station, also it has one of those "you can only play this 5 times" things that only changes when I reinstall the OS23:07
Catdaemon`so if there's no encryption it hangs trying to get an IP and if there is it hangs validating the authentication.. I've been trying to get this working for a whole day now with no success. The main issue is that I have no idea where the problem lies.23:09
bobbo85Catdaemon`, it's a complete guess, but maybe you can delete a config folder/file somewhere that would reset your network card stuff on your laptop23:11
Catdaemon`it has never worked23:11
Catdaemon`actually I did get it to connect to a friend's wifi for about 15 minutes before it dropped and ceased working again but I don't really consider that workin23:11
bobbo85does the card work?  have you tried another card?  (some cheap usb card or somethin)23:12
Denisefreind's wifi23:13
Catdaemon`no seriously a friend's wifi :p, the card works fine on windows and I don't have another to test23:14
Denisevilllage's idiot?23:15
jerry_hi i was woundering, can i duel boot with windows xp ultimate by johnny?23:15
jerry_does anyone even know what that is?23:16
jerry_i know its not that common23:16
Catdaemon`is this some scene release name or something23:16
Catdaemon`you can dual boot with whatever operating system, it doesn't matter if it's "by johnny"23:17
jerry_umm hes a guy who doesnt like windows so he modified windows xp like it should have been all along23:17
jerry_so is there a good detailed web site that explains all the steps to duel booting with windows xp?23:17
rickestjerry_: what have you read that you didn't understand?23:18
Catdaemon`the ubuntu installer does it all for you generally, there is no need for any guide23:18
jerry_well i havent read much about duel booting, but at the moment with school i need windows, but i love kubuntu to much to leave it23:18
jerry_so i decided to mabe reinstall windows then duel boot.23:19
rickestjerry_: for the most part it's seamless.  install windows first, then (k)ubuntu and the latter will pretty much take care of everything23:19
rickestjerry_: google 'windows vista ubuntu dual boot' for 620,000+ results if you need more info23:20
jerry_i see23:20
rickestjerry_: the only important thing I can think of is be sure not to install Windows /after/ Linux.  It will overwrite the boot record which is recoverable but a pain if you've never done it23:21
Catdaemon`is there some sort of wireless card diagnostic tool23:21
jerry_got it23:22
IcyPolecatjerry_: another option would be to virtualise Windows ... it's what I do at work :-D23:27
gaetanociao a tutti23:44
Catdaemon`I really can't figure out how to diagnose this http://xs131.xs.to/xs131/08401/snapshot2658.png23:49
Catdaemon`I get no dchp response doing it manually.. but I get one through ethernet23:50
gaetanodar sin23:51
gaetanodark sin23:52
gaetanociao a tutti23:52
francesco_non riesco piu a tornnare con una risoluzione alta dello schermo23:58

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